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The 3Dimensional Radar Display Its task is to gain such a technical advantage over other fighter/planes/ that give

you more chances to survive than other planes, therefore the air-raid protection/precautions could be more and more increased. The main part of the unit is a 3D display placed ithin the fighter that reproduces the ob!ects on their original deepth and sharpness in total of 3"#$ . The display unit is a cylinder or round small form right in the middle of ithin is our plane placed/ positioned. %t the bottom of the display e can see the terrestrial conditions in the appropriate heights. The application is going to become comprehensible hen e simulate a supposed attack. &nder these circumstances e take the orst, namely hen our fighter is attacked from several directions at the same time. 'n our display these offensive fighters appear in an appropriate distance, hile our plane remains every time in the middle of it., so there is enough to have only one look at it to see all the fighters, ith the related to our plane same real reduced distance and speed differences. (o, ith this display there is to gain the highest navigation ithout any chance being shot do n by the offensive fighters , because e)re detecting at the same time the positioning and direction of the offensive shots too. The screen is even indicating ith a sound and visual flashing light hen from any of the offensive fighters a shot out happens. The unit receives its evaluation and appearance mainly from the already e*isting +,( satellite position determinating instrument as ell as from the distance and direction determinating radars placed at the plane as ell as from terrestrial stations in form of digital signal sets. Real 3Dimensional Displaying (ystem -%3DD(. In the computer industry there aren t any ne technological instruments for the last three years that could serve and provide the future generation ith the ne est technologies. /o ever there are 0uite a lot of applications re0uiring ne technological e0uipements .The displaying is apparently the least developed part of the computer industry . 1e)d like to introduce you a ne picture displaying system based on a ne digital technology that sho s the taken pictures about 3D ob!ects in their real si2e in space. The displaying happens in a closed space in 3#-3# cm cylinder form. 1e can go around the displayed ob!ect and e)re going to see every time the appropriate po!ected profile -lateral side/ vie . . The %3DD( (ystem could be applicated for the displaying system of the ne generation computers. Recently used technological applications made it possible to start the ne generation computer revolution . Thanks to it the computer applications are going to open ne perspectives ithin all the life areas. 1ith application of the ne technology the computer situation no adays is going to change . The computer production is going to increase by leaps and bounds, because the ne applications aren)t anymore used in the recent systems. The applications of the 34st century made the real 3D displaying indispensable . %mong the ne application areas the 5RI an 6T

applications for e*ample make possible the real time displaying of medical systems . It could mean an unprecedented advantage by 6%D (ystems . It could be the most important future orientation of the multimedia . The system navigation makes possible for e*ample the 3D observation of planes . The displaying +,( coordinates of the navigation systems aren)t going to cause any troubles in the near future at all. I hope having raised your curiosity about the %3DD-(ystem . If you are interested I am staying ith further informations any time to your disposal at my follo ing phone nr.7

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