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Gaudium et Spes PREFACE 1. The Church is United with the Whole Human Family.

The joys and the hopes of modern man are the joys and hopes of Christians. The sorrows and fears of the people of today, especially people who are poor, and people who are suffering, are also the sorrows and fears of the People of God. Indeed, everything that is truly human touches the followers of Christ. Christians feel deeply everything that happens in human life. It echoes deep in their hearts. This is true, because Christians are also members of the human family. The followers of Christ are united in Christ. They are guided by the Holy Spirit. And they are on their way to the Kingdom of their Father. They carry with them the good news of salvation. This good news is for all people. And Christians must hand on this saving message to everyone. Therefore, Christians realise that they are truly and closely united with the whole human race and form part of human history.

2. This Council Document is for Everyone. Vatican II has carefully studied the mystery of the Church. Now the Council wants to explain to everyone about the Church. It wants to speak about the Church's presence in the world. And it wants to tell about the work and mission of the Church in today's world. Therefore, the message of this Council document is for everyone. - It is for the members of the Church. - It is for other Christians, too. - It is also for non-Christians. Indeed, it is a message for all peoples, everywhere in the world. When the Council speaks of the WORLD, it means all mankind. It sees - the earthly home of- the whole human family; - a world filled with people, and everything that touches the lives of people; - the whole environment in which people live; - and all the events of human history. The Council sees a world marked by - human activity; - human evil and human goodness; - all of mankind's struggles, failures and successes.

With Christian eyes, the Council sees - a world, created by God in love; - a world, continually held in existence by its Maker's loving hands; a world, set free by Christ, from the slavery of sin; - a world in which Christ was crucified, and rose again, in order to break the power of the Evil One over it; a world, renewed in Christ, according to God's Plan; - a world coming to its fulfilment in and with Christ.

3. The Church Offers to Serve Mankind. People today are amazed at the wonderful discoveries and the great power of man-kind. But also, people are deeply worried about this power. They are worried about the way the world is developing. They ask themselves serious questions: - What is the use of all this development? - Where is it leading? - What will come from all this power? - What is the responsibility and role of people in the world? - What is the meaning of the individual and collective struggles of people? - What is the purpose of all mankind's strivings and activity and hard work? - What is the destiny of the world and of human beings? - Where indeed, are we going! These questions are the questions of the whole human family. The People of God, gathered together by Christ, belong also to the human family. And they, too, ask these questions. Vatican II is the witness for, and the guide to the faith Gf all the People of God. In the name of the People of God, this Council wants to unite with all mankind to discuss these questions. The Church is truly part of the whole human family. The Church truly loves and respects all peoples. Therefore, as a sign of that deep love and unity, the Council wants to enter into dialogue with all mankind about these different human problems. The Council brings to this dialogue the light of the Gospel. The light of the Gospel will help everyone to see and examine these problems more clearly.

The Council also brings to this dialogue the spiritual riches of the Church. The Council offers to share with mankind all this saving power which the Spirit- gifted Church has received from Christ, its Founder. It is the human person who must be saved. It is each person of the whole human family who must be renewed. Therefore, the centre of this dialogue will be the human person. That means the whole person, - with body and soul, - heart and conscience, - mind and will. Vatican II proclaims that: - Every person has been made to the image and likeness of God. - Every person is called to share in God's divine nature. - Every person, and all persons together, are called to great things. Indeed, they are called to divine things.

In order to help all people answer this high calling, Vatican II now offers the sincere co-operation of the Church. The Council offers the honest help of the Church to work for universal fellowship and true brotherhood. The Church does not do this for any earthly glory. The Church has no selfish ambition. Indeed, the Church is interested in one thing only: - to continue the work of Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Church desires to be like Christ, Who came into this world for one purpose: - to speak about the truth, - to save and not to judge, - to serve, not to be served.(See John 3.17; John 18.37; Matthew 20.28; Mark 10.45) INTRODUCTION THE PROBLEMS OF PEOPLE IN THE MODERN WORLD 4. Hope and Fear Yes, the Church has the responsibility to continue the work of Christ in the world. Therefore, the Church must know and understand what is happening in the world today. The Church "must read the signs of the times." The Church must interpret these signs of the times in the light of the Gospel.

The Church must see the world with the eyes of Christ. The Church must explain world development with the mind of Christ. Also, the Church must speak the Word of Christ to the world. And the Church must speak in a way that each generation of people can understand. In this way, the Church can answer the questions which people of every generation ask: - What is the meaning of life here on earth? - What comes after this life? - How is this present life related to the next life? It is important that we know and understand the world in which we live. We must know what people hope for. We must know what they are working so hard for. We must recognise the great developments going on in the world today. And we must see what effect this has on mankind. So now, let us look at the modern world. Let us examine its chief points. Today, the human family is living in a new AGE of history. There are great and fast changes going on all over the world. A change begins in one place, and soon it spreads to all parts of the earth. People themselves start these changes. People, with their bright ideas and great energy, are always thinking, making, and doing and discovering new things. And every new thing means a new change. These changes are the fruit of people's intelligence and creative activity. They change the world. But they also touch the lives of people, and change them, too. They touch the lives of all mankind collectively. And they touch the life of each individual person. Soon people themselves change. They change the way they think and act. They change the way they judge other people and things. Toos there are important changes in the culture of people. Their social life has changed very much. Indeed, we can say that there is a true social and cultural transformation taking place all over the world. This social and cultural change is even affecting the religious life of people. Mankind is certainly growing and developing. And we know, that with all growth, there is change. And with this growth and change, there are problems. And so, this growth and change in today's world brings serious problems to mankind. For example: - People have more power today than ever before. But they do not know how to control this power. And so, it does not always benefit mankind. - People are trying to understand them-selves better. They study how their minds work.

But as they do this, they often become more unsure of themselves. - People are discovering the laws of social living. But at the same time, they are uncertain how best to plan the direction society should take. - More than ever before, people enjoy great wealth. Many people have lots of money and material goods. Many nations have a high standard of living and much economic power. But at the same time, large numbers of People in the world are still hungry and poor and needy. Thousands do not even know how to read and write. - More than ever before, people are very aware of freedom. They want to be free. But at the same time, we have new kinds of slavery in living and thinking. - On the one hand, people today have a strong feeling of unity. They desire to be one with each other. They realise how one person depends on another. They understand how1 each person needs other people. But on the other hand, people are deeply divided. There are bitter political, social and economic divisions among peoples. Culture, creed, class and colour also divide people. And there is the terrible, but very real danger that war may completely destroy the world. - True, there is more communication and more sharing. People exchange ideas. But they disagree about the meaning of important words. Different groups of people, with different aims and ideas (idealogies), give different meanings to keywords. - People work energetically for a better material life. But they do not work very hard to improve their spiritual life. These are indeed difficult problems. It is not a surprise that many people today are very worried and fearful. They cannot recognise true and lasting values. They do not know how to match out the new discoveries with the old way of doing things. Therefore, people today are torn between hope and fear. They must respond. They cannot, escape. And so they ask questions. They look for answers. 5. Very Deep and Important Changes Indeed, there is much spiritual fear, unrest and worry in the world today. And there are certainly great

changes in the way people live. All of this is part of a deeper and more important revolutionary change going on in the world. We can see clear signs of this change - in the way people think, - and in what they think about. People have more education than ever before. Modern-day education is based chiefly on scientific study: - mathematical sciences, - natural sciences, - sciences dealing with human beings themselves. All this scientific study does indeed change the way people think. It also changes the way people act. What people learn, they put into practice. They use their knowledge of science to make all kinds of scientific inventions, and discoveries, one after the other. And so, we have a fast advancing technology. This strong scientific spirit is changing the cultures and customs of people. Progress in technology has changed the "face of the earth." And now it is reaching up to touch and master outer space! More and more in these modern days, TIME itself serves mankind. Indeed, in a certain way, the human mind has greater power and control over time. People study past history. They learn from it. They profit from it. People now have a deeper understanding and a clearer insight into history. They can use this knowledge of past experiences and discoveries to help them in the present day. People can now see more clearly into the future. They can foresee what will happen tomorrow. They can make preparations and plans for future happenings. Too, there has been great progress in mankind's knowledge of other sciences: - biology (the study of plants and animals); - psychology (the study of the mind); - and the social sciences (such as history, sociology, etc.). This progress helps human beings to know themselves better. People also take all this knowledge, and use it with scientific methods, in order to form, direct and develop the lives of whole groups of people. At the same time, mankind is paying very careful attention to population growth and how to control it. History itself speeds along so quickly, that an individual person can hardly keep up with it. Important things are happening all the time in this modern-day world. And these happenings touch everyone.

In the past, people of different parts of the world had a kind of private history of their own. But history no longer consists of local events and local developments, which touch only the local people. What happens in one corner of today's world is soon felt everywhere. The events of certain people in certain countries touch everyone. They touch people's lives. They change people's lives. We share a common modern-day history. Today's events unite to tell the one story of modern man. The destiny of the human race is a united one. And so the whole human race is one people - in one united world, - evolving, changing and developing. This evolutionary development brings with it many new problems. We must try to find new ways to understand and answer these problems. 6. Changes in Social Life Every day there are great changes in the age-old customs of peoples. There are great changes in father-centred families, in clans, tribes, villages and in other different social groups. Big business is increasing. There are many factories and many city industries and machine-shops. This INDUSTRIALIZATION has made some nations very rich. It has given some people a very high standard of living. And it has greatly transformed the old customs, ideas and way of life of people. Big industry and business bring people together to live and work in cities. This city-living (URBANIZATION) has grown very quickly. There are now hundreds of large cities, filled with people. And even people who stay in the country areas and in farming districts are living a city-like lifestyle. Today there are new and better ways of social communication. This increased communication between peoples helps to spread knowledge everywhere. MASS MEDIA quickly sends the news of other places and the ideas of other Peoples all over the world. And this communication has a deep and world-wide influence on the way people think and feel.

Many people, for one reason or another,must leave their homes and move to new regions or to new countries. When people change their homeland, they must also change the way they live. They must begin to live a whole new way of life. These people, and others on the move, meet other individuals or other groups of people. These meetings with different peoples help to united human beings. Working for the common good also unites people. It develops the social life of people. And it helps people to understand and to share with one another - (SOCIALIZATION). But this socialization does not always help to develop the individual person. And it does not help very much to develop true personal relationships - (PERSONALIZATION). We can clearly see these many changes in the social life of people. We see them most of all in the highly- developed countries. In these developed countries, people already enjoy the benefits of great material wealth and an advanced technology. But these changes are also coming to the less developed countries, too. There, in the developing countries, people want the benefits of an industrialized and city society. At the same time, these people, especially where customs are still strong, feel the need for a more mature and personal practice of their freedom. 7. Psychological, Moral and Religious Changes People are changing their life-style. And they are changing the way they think about and judge things. And they are also changing their ideas about what is good and what is bad. Today, many people question accepted customs and values. This is especially true of young people. These young people are aware of their own importance in the life of society. They want more responsibility and more freedom. And they want it right away. They are impatient for freedom. They often rebel against authority. Because of this, the work of parents and teachers is becoming daily more difficult The old customs are not always suitable for the modern-day situation. Modern-day people are greatly changing their inherited customs, their old laws, and their ways of thinking and feeling. Therefore, we see deep changes in the way people act and behave. Even the rules of conduct themselves are changed. These new developments touch religion. There is a completely new thinking about, the practice of religion. On the one hand, many people are learning to see more clearly the action of God in their lives and in the world. They can tell the difference between true religion and a magical view of nature and the world. They reject superstitious practices. And they want a more personal and active commitment of faith. But on the other hand, many people are falling away from the practice of religion. In the past, only a few individuals would completely reject God. But nowadays, many people reject all religion. They say that religion prevents scientific progress. Such decisions come from a way of thinking that touches only human interests. These atheistic ideas do not come merely from the teaching of philosophers. We find them in literature and in the arts. We find them in the interpretation of history and civil law.

Because of this, many people are confused. And their faith is shaken. All men grapple with the questions... Why poverty in a land oj plenty? Why loneliness in a world that would join hands? Why war when the impulse of the heart is to love? Jhe aching chasm between the real and the ideal, everywhere provokes the Question ... WHY? In a world looking for answers maybe God is the place to start. God is hope. God is now. 8. Imbalances in the Modern World There are fast and great changes going on all over the world. But these changes come in a very disorderly way. And not all parts of the world are developing at an equal rate. Therefore, there are many imbalances and conflicts in the modern world. And men recognise inequalities more easily today. This fact makes the situation worse. a) There are imbalances in Personal Life: - Many people have a practical, modern way of thinking. But their knowledge is disordered, and they cannot organize it. They cannot get an over-all view of things. And so, they get things all mixed-up and off-balance. - People find it hard to balance their desire to follow their right conscience, with their desire to be practical and efficient in all they do. - People live close together and work together. Yet, they need the opportunity to think things out for themselves and to meditate. This often brings conflict. - Many people specialize (all their study, all their work, training and knowledge is in one field only). It is impossible to be an expert in all fields of study and knowledge. There-fore, they cannot have an all-round view of things. And so there is an imbalance in their knowledge, and in their view of life. b) There are also great imbalances in Family Life: There are serious conflicts that come from - population "explosion" and growth; - money problems; - social pressures; - the generation gap (the differences between generations of people, between the old and the young); - and the new social relationships between men and women. c) We see imbalances in Social Life,too. There are big differences between - races of people; - various social classes; - rich and poor nations, the highly- developed and the under-developed; - international institutions working for peace; and individuals, groups or nations who are selfish and who try to force their own ideas on others. Because of these imbalances, we have - lack of trust, - bitterness, - conflicts,

- and hardship. Human beings cause this misery. And they are the victims of it. 9. The Deeper Hopes of Mankind People are sure that they can and should increase their control over nature. They feel the need to develop a better world. At the same time, they want to develop the dignity of individual persons and groups . They believe it is their duty to help the poor and needy peoples of the world. Therefore, they feel the need to establish a better political, social and economic life in the world. Great numbers of needy people realise that they are not receiving the benefits of this world's goods. They cry out against this injustice. They demand their fair share of these good things. The new independent nations and other developing countries want to share in the political and economic benefits of modern civilization. They want to play their part freely in the world. But because of their poverty, they always fall behind. The poor nations look to the rich nations to help them. And as the highly-developed rich nations keep progressing, the under-developed nations are left farther and farther behind on the road to full development. - The hungry nations in the world call to those who have plenty. - Women all over the world are asking for equal rights with men. - Farmers and workers want more than the necessary things of life. They want the opportunity to develop their personal talents. They want to have more responsibility in organizing economic social, political and cultural life. Now, for the first time in human history, all people believe that everyone should have a share in the benefits of culture. These desires and demands of people, are only a sign of a deeper desire of mankind. Under these cries for help, we can hear a deeper and more world-wide cry of people everywhere. Individual persons and groups of people, thirst for a full life. They desire a life worthy of human beings. They want to use for their welfare all the good things that the modern world can give them. Every day, nations try harder to create a kind of universal community. And so, our world is both powerful and weak. We have a world of people who can do what is good and noble, or who can do what is evil and hateful. Today's people can choose to follow the path to freedom or to slavery. They can choose to progress or to go backwards. They can choose love or hatred. People now realise that they have the responsibility to guide the changes that are taking place in the world today. These changes have the power for good or evil in them. We human beings must control this power. Or we shall become its slave. If we do not control it, it can destroy us, and the whole world.

We must learn to control it wisely. Therefore, the question is: HOW? This is today's problem. And it is a problem that needs an answer. And it is up to modern-day people to find the answer. 10. The Deeper Questions of Mankind The imbalances in the modern world are a sign of the deeper imbalance that is in all human beings themselves. The power for good and evil is rooted in the human heart. There is a deep dichotomy in every person. On the one hand, all people feel a war within themselves. They know they are mere creatures. They feel the weakness and limitations of their human creaturehood. But on the other hand, they realise that they have the call to a higher life. And this fills them with great hopes and high aspirations. People are attracted by many things. They desire these things. But they cannot have them all. They must reject some. They find it hard to choose among them. Indeed, as weak and sinful creatures, people often do not do the good they want to do. But instead, they do the evil that they do not want to do. (See Romans 7.15ff.) And so, they feel themselves divided. And because of this inner division, There is also much outward division in social life. Many people do not see this dichotomy in mankind or in the world. Some people are too material-minded. Other people are so poor and worried about making a living, that they have no time to think about it. Some people think they have found peace in a world-view of life that is quite popular nowadays. They look forward to a man-made paradise. They are sure that mankind's future rule over the world will satisfy every desire of their heart. And then there are some people who have lost faith in life. They think that life has no meaning at all.

Others are satisfied with mere man-made explanations of the meaning of life. However more and more people can see the development taking place in the modern world. They think deeply about this. And they ask these basic questions: - What is Man? - What is the meaning of suffering? - What is evil? - With all the progress in the world, why is there still pain, evil, death? - What is the purpose of all this work and progress? - Why do we want to progress if it costs so much struggle and suffering to win the victory? - What can man offer to society? - What can he expect from it? - What happens after this earthly life is ended? The Church believes that Christ is the answer to all these questions. Christ died and was raised to life for the sake of all peoples. (2 Cor.5.15) Christ can show people the way. He can make them strong through the Spirit. Through His power, He can make them worthy of their high calling. "Indeed, in all the world, there is no one else whom God has given who can save us." (Acts 4.12) Christ, our Lord and Master, is the key, the centre and the purpose of all human history. The Church also believes that under every thing that changes, there are many things that do not change. These unchangeable things are rooted in Christ. - "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13.8) - "He is the visible likeness of the invisible God." - "He is the first born Son, superior to all created things." (Col. 1.15) Therefore, with Christ as guide, the Council wants to speak to all people, in order to bring light to the mystery of mankind. Trusting in the light and inspiration of Christ, the Council wants to cooperate with all peoples to find answers to the chief problems of the world today. PART 1 THE CHURCH AND MAN'S VOCATION

11. We Must Respond to the Call of the Holy Spirit. The People of God believe that the Church is led by the Spirit of the Lord Who fills the whole world. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the People of God try to understand today's events, and the needs and desires which they share with other people. They try to see in these things, the signs of the presence of God. In the "signs of the times" they seek God's will for the world. Faith puts a new light on all things. And so, through the eyes of Faith, Christians can see more clearly the full plan of God for mankind. The light of Faith guides our minds towards solutions that are fully human. In that light of Faith, the Council wants, first of all, to study the values which people most highly prize today. Then it will see how these values are related to God. These human values come from the natural talents given to people by God. Therefore, they are very good. But often, they are spoiled by the evil in the human heart. They often become disordered. And so, they have to be put right. They have to be purified. Here are some questions that call for answers: - What does the Church think of man? - What does the Church think that man should do to build up society today? - What is the final meaning of human activity in the world? The Council will now try to give answers to these questions. From these answers, it will be clear that the People of God and the human family indeed are united and serve each other. In these answers, everyone will see that the mission of the Church is very human because it is religious. Give us strength for our struggle, strength in our sorrow, strength in our ideals. Give us the light of your word to guide our steps on our journey. March with us, Lord, for only in your presence can we achieve

That other city which does not end Without pains or sadness, the eternal city. CHAPTER 1 THE DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON 12. The Human Person is Made to God's Image and Likeness. The human person is the centre and most important of all things on earth. Almost all believers and nonbelievers will agree with this. But what is the human person? Here, people do not agree. And so we have many answers to this question. Some people proudly say that there is absolutely nothing greater than the human person. Other people answer in despair, that the human person is a hopeless, useless creature with no meaning at all. And so, people are filled with doubt and anguish about themselves. The Church understands these problems. She has received the light of God's revelation. And so she can answer these problems. The Church knows the dignity and the vocation of the human person. She also knows the source of human weakness. She can explain it. Sacred Scripture teaches that human beings were created "to the image of God." Like God, they can know and love. Therefore, they are able to know and love their Creator. God made human beings to rule over all the other creatures on earth and to use them to give glory to God (See Gen. 1.26). As the psalmist sings: "What is man that You think of him, mere man, that You care for him. Yet You made him inferior only to Yourself. You appointed him ruler over everything You made; You placed him over all creation." (Psalm 8.4-6) But God did not create human beings to be solitary. "He created them male and female." (Genesis 1.27) The partnership of man and woman is the first form of union between persons. By human nature, people are social beings. They must relate to others. If they do not, they cannot live a full human life. People need each other in order to develop their gifts fully. As Scripture also tells us: "God looked at everything He had made, and He was very pleased. He saw all the things that He had made, and they were very good." (Genesis 1.31) 13. Sin Man was created good and innocent. But in the very beginning of history, he listened to the temptation of the Evil One.

Misusing his freedom, he turned away from God. 1) People know all this from God's Revelation. And they know how very true this Revelation is from their own human experience. When they look into their own heart, they can clearly see that they are attracted to what is wrong. They are sunk in many evils which cannot come from the good Creator. Human beings often refuse to recognise that God is their Beginning. Because of this, they do not know the true purpose and goal of their life. They have broken the right order that should be within the human person. There is disorder in themselves. And there is disorder between them and other people. And there is disorder between them and all created things. Therefore, the human person is a divided creature. Because of this division, the whole life of human beings - both individual life and social life is a hard struggle. It is a struggle between good and evil. It is a struggle between light and darkness. By themselves, people cannot win over the power of Evil. Every person feels like someone tied in chains. But the Lord Himself came to free man. He came to strengthen man. He came to renew man inwardly. He came to overthrow the ruler of this world, who held man in the slavery of sin. (See John 8.34) Sin brought man to a lower state, forcing him away from the. completeness that God meant him to find. The light of God's Revelation shows both - the high calling and - the deep misery which human beings experience.

14. The Nature of Man The human person is made of body and soul. He is not two things. He is one. Man's body is made from the elements of the material world. Through man, the elements of material creation reach their highest perfection. Through him, they can raise their voices in free praise given to the creator. (See Daniel 3.57-90) Therefore, human beings must not despise their bodily life. They are obliged to regard the body as good. It must be respected. God has created it. He will raise it up on the Last Day. However, human beings have been wounded by sin. Man knows from experience that his body is in revolt. But the dignity of the human person requires that he should glorify God in his body. (See 1 Corinthians 6.20.) Man must not let his body serve the evil desires that spring up inside him. Human beings are not wrong when they think themselves superior to bodily things. They know that they are more than a very small part of nature. They are not a mere nameless unit on the earth. Man is able to know himself very deeply. This power makes him greater than the whole universe of mere material things. When man thinks deeply about his realself, he meets God in his heart. And in God's presence within him, he can decide his own destiny. Man has a spiritual and immortal soul. This is not merely something that we have learned from other people. It is a very deep truth. 15. The Dignity of the Human Mind, of Truth and of Wisdom. God has given human beings a share in the light of His divine mind. He has given them an intellect to think and to know. Therefore, human beings rightly realise that, by their intellect, they are more important than material things. By using their talents over the years,people have indeed progressed in the practical sciences, in technology, and in the liberal arts.In these modern days, people are making wonderful discoveries about the things of nature. And they have succeeded very well to control the material universe. At the same time, people have always looked for greater truths and found them. The human intellect reaches out beyond what can be known through the senses. With real certainty it can understand things which only the mind can know. This is true, even though the mind has been weakened and clouded by sin. Wisdom leads the human mind to look for, and to love, which is true and good. Wisdom leads the mind from what is visible to which is invisible.

Wisdom leads the human mind to perfection. All that man discovers is to be uplifted through human effort. And so, more than any time before, the modern world needs wisdom. Indeed, the world needs people of greater wisdom. Or the future of the world will be in danger. And it is important to remember this: - many nations, poor in material goods, are often richer in wisdom than other nations. These wise nations can indeed help others. It is by the gift of the Holy Spirit, that people, by faith, can contemplate and appreciate the mystery of God's Plan.

16. The Dignity of the Moral Conscience Man finds a law deep within his conscience. He did not make this law himself. But he must obey it. Conscience is an inner voice calling people - to love what is good; - to do what is good; - to reject what is evil. Conscience speaks from within people. At the right moment, it tells them to do this, or to keep away from that. The law of conscience is written in the heart of each person. It was written there by God. Human beings are truly great when they obey this law. And they will be judged by their obedience to this law. (See Romans 2.15-16) Conscience is the most secret centre of the human person. It is the hidden sanctuary of the human being. It is a person's holy meeting place with God. There, in that sanctuary, the human

person is alone with God. The conscience is the echo of God's voice deep in the human being. In a wonderful way, conscience makes known the law which is fulfilled by love of God and of neighbour. (See Matthew 22.37-40 and Galatians 5.14) When Christians obey their conscience, they are united to all other people who

seek for truth, and who look for the correct answers to modern moral problems. People meet moral problems in their individual lives. They meet them in their social relationships with other people. People must search for true answers to these moral problems. By obeying conscience, Christians join in this search for truth and goodness. It is important that people have a right and correct conscience. Then individuals and groups will not choose wrongly or blindly. There are also exterior, objective rules of moral conduct. People must know these and follow them. Sometimes people do not know any better. Some things they do wrong. But they think they are doing right. They have a false conscience. When this happens, conscience does not lose its dignity. But conscience does indeed lose its dignity - when a person will not try to find out what is true and good; or - when it is little by little blinded because of the habit of sin. 17. Freedom People must be free. 1 Because it is only in freedom that people can choose what is good. Today, people think highly of freedom. They prize it dearly. They want it, and they try to win it. In this, they are right. But often they do not understand what true freedom is. They think that freedom gives them permission to do anything they like, even when it is evil. " True freedom is a wonderful sign of God's image in human beings. God willed that human beings should be left free to make their own decisions. (See Ecclesiasticus 15.14) God wants people to seek Him freely. In this way, they can freely choose their Creator. They can freely reach their full and blessed perfection in Him. It is the great dignity of human beings to clearly know what is good and to choose it freely. Indeed, human beings should always be free to act according to their right judgment and conscience. They should never choose blindly or act from mere inner feelings, emotions or passions. They should never be forced by an outside power to act against their free-will.

In order to win this high human dignity, man must be free. He must free himself from the slavery of his passions. He must knowingly and lovingly choose the good. He must energetically and perseveringly press on to his goal of union with God and perfect Goodness. Human freedom has been weakened by sin. Man's will is often very weak because of It is only by the help of God's grace that we can act according to God's will, and choose Him fully. And we know that: "All of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by Him. Each one will receive what he deserves, according to everything he has done, good or bad, in his bodily life." (2 Corinthians 5.10)

18. The Mystery of Death What happens to human beings when they die? This is a big question for all people. People suffer from pain and sickness. They suffer as their bodies gradually grow old and weak and break down. But they suffer more from the fear of death. They worry and wonder: - Will we be completely destroyed forever? - Will we stop existing? - Will we become nothing? A deep instinct leads people to answer 'NO' to these fears. People rightly reject the thought of total loss of their personality. They rightly refuse to accept the idea of perpetual extinction. Something deep inside them tells them that they will not disappear into nothingness. Human beings have the seed of eternity in them. They know that they are not merely material creatures. And so they fight against death. Technology and medical science are useful. But they cannot take away the pain and the fear of death. The discoveries of medicine help people to live longer. A long life here on earth is not enough. It does not satisfy man's heartfelt desire for a higher life to come.

The desire for eternal life is deeply rooted in man. The human mind cannot imagine what death is like. However, the Church, taught by divine Revelation, has something to say about it. The Church knows that God made man to be happy with Him for ever in heaven. There will be no earthly misery in heaven. There will be no death in heaven. The Christian faith tells man that this bodily death will be overcome. This will happen when Christ, the almighty and merciful Saviour, gives back to man his human wholeness which he lost through his own fault. God has called man.

And He continues to call him. He calls him to share in His divine life for all eternity. Christ won this victory over death when He rose to life. By His death, He set man free from death. (See 1 Corinthians 15.56-57) People should meditate carefully on what the Church teaches about the mystery of death. Faith will give them an answer to their questions about the future life. Faith also gives people the power to be united, in Christ, with their loved ones who have already died. And Faith gives them hope that their beloved dead have found true life with God. 19. The Different Kinds of Atheism, and what Causes Atheism Human beings are called to union with God. Their human dignity comes from this Call. It is indeed a Call to high greatness. At the very beginning of man's creation, he is called to speak with God Person- to-person. God created man through love. He continues to exist through His love. He cannot live fully and in truth unless he freely responds to God in love. In faith, trust and love, he must surrender himself to his Creator. But many people today do not hear this call to union with God, or they freely reject it. Not to believe in God or to reject Him, is called Atheism. This atheism is indeed one of the most serious problems of our time. Therefore, let us examine it carefully. The word ATHEISM stands for many different things. - Some people do not believe that there is a God. They deny that He exists. - Others say that human beings can know nothing at all about God. They say it is impossible for anyone to know if God exists or not. - Others think that it is simply meaning-less to ask questions about God. - Many think that natural science and human reasoning can explain everything; and therefore, God is not necessary. T Others say that there is no such thing as absolute truth. - Other people think human beings are so great that God is not important. They do not deny God. They simply choose human beings. - Some people have a very false idea of God. When they reject God, they do not reject the God of the Gospels. They are only rejecting this false god of their imaginations. - Some people never ask questions about God. They are not interested in Him.

They never think about religion. They do not see why they should care or trouble themselves about it. - Often, some people refuse to believe in God because they cannot understand why He permits evil in the world. - Others choose some human value in the place of God. They make a god of these human ideals. - Modern civilization often makes it hard to find God. People are simply too busy about earthly things. And so they have no time for the divine. - Some people willingly shut the door of their hearts from God. They refuse to ask religious questions. They refuse to follow their conscience.

And so, they are not free from blame. They are responsible for their error. But often, people who believe in God are also responsible for the spread of atheism. Usually, atheism is not caused by one thing only. Atheism, taken as a whole, is not present in the midst of mankind in the beginning. It develops from many causes. One of these causes is a reaction against religion. And in some places it is especially a reaction against the Christian religion. Some Christians are careless about their instruction in the faith. They teach false doctrine. They fail in their religious, moral or social life. They give scandal and very bad example. These Christians give the wrong idea of God and of religion. And so, in this way, they are to blame for much of the atheism in today's world.

20. Systematic Atheism Modern atheism is often systematic, following a pattern. This form of atheism teaches that - human beings are independent; - they are completely self-sufficient; - they have no need for God. These atheists say that freedom consists in this: - Human beings are an end unto themselves.

- They shape their own history and their own destiny. - They have no room or need for God in their lives. These people refuse to believe in a God Who is Lord, Who is Creator, Who is the Beginning and the End of all things. They cannot accept the idea of a God Who shapes mankind's history. They point to modern technical progress, and to the power of human beings. They think this is proof against the need for any God. One kind of modern atheism wants human beings to have complete social and economic freedom. This kind of atheism says that religion prevents this freedom. It says that religion encourages people to hope in a future life, and that, this deceives people, and it discourages them to work for a better life here on earth.

When these atheists win control of governments, they attack religion. They use their political power to spread their atheism. They do this especially in the education of young people. They do all they can to force their ideas on people. Atheism The Church is dedicated to the service of both God and man. And so she has already rejected atheism. And she will continue to reject it sorrowfully, but very firmly. The harmful atheistic teachings and ways of acting are against right reason and against common human experience. Atheism takes away the high dignity of the human person. The Church tries to find out the hidden motives which lead atheists to deny God. She well knows how important are the problems raised by atheism. Because of her love for all men, she thinks these motives need to be examined carefully.

The Church teaches that human dignity is rooted in God. Human greatness comes from God. It is made perfect in God. God created human beings in His image and likeness. Human beings were made intelligent and free members of society. Even more important, God has made human

beings to be His beloved children. They are called to union with Him, their loving Father. They are invited to share in His happiness. Therefore, it is the great dignity of human beings to believe in God. The Church also teaches that it certainly does not diminish a person to believe in God. It is a person's high honour and dignity to know, love and serve God. The Church also teaches that to hope in a life after death does not diminish the importance of duties in this life on earth. People who hope in eternal life do not despise life on earth. They do not despise their earthly duties and responsibilities. Instead, they are more energetic to fulfil these responsibilities. When people do not believe in God and have no hope of the life to come, their human dignity is deeply diminished. We see this often today. These people without hope have no answer to the problems of life and death, guilt, and suffering. And so, they are often filled with deep despair. All people, sometime or other, ask questions about themselves and about life. It is especially at the times of chief events of life that people ask these questions. No one can escape this self-questioning. God calls everyone to deeper thought and more humble pondering about life. And only God can fully and certainly give the answer to these human questions. Christianity can cure atheism. The cure for atheism can come from - the Church's true teaching; - the whole life of the Church; - and the life of the People of God. The Church is guided, renewed and purified by God the Holy Spirit. The Spirit-guided Church works to make God the Father and His Incarnate Son present and more clearly seen by all mankind. The Church does this by giving witness to a living and mature faith. Faithful - faith-filled - Christians can see difficulties clearly. And they can overcome them. The Church's many martyrs have given, and still give, great witness to this faith. This faith touches the whole life of a Christian. It touches even the worldly activities of the believer. The person of faith is loving and just, especially to people who are poor, and people who are needy. The brotherly love of God's faithful People is the best sign of God's Presence in the world.

This love clearly shows God's presence to the world. The People of God should always be one - one in mind and one in spirit. They should work together for the faith of the Gospel. (See Philippians 1.27) They should be a faithful sign of unity.

The Church rejects atheism, root and branches. But while rejecting atheism, the Church sincerely teaches that all peoples, - believers and non-believers - should help to build a better world. Everyone should work for right order in this world, where all live together. This can only be done with sincere and prudent dialogue. The Church speaks strongly against any discrimination between believers and non-believers. Some government authorities do indeed discriminate unjustly. They are not fair to everyone. The Church and Christians are often very unjustly discriminated against. This is against the basic human rights of persons. The Church calls for true freedom for the faithful People of God. They must be permitted to build up God's Temple in this world also. The Church respectfully invites atheists to examine the Gospel of Christ with an open mind. The Church is certain that the Christian message is in harmony with the deepest desires of the human heart. Therefore, the Church insists that every one remember the dignity of mankind's calling. Everyone should respect that call. This gives hope once more to people who already despair of their higher destiny. The Church's message does not diminish a person. It helps the human person toward self- development. It gives light, life and freedom to self development. Only the Christian message can satisfy the human heart. As St. Augustine says so well: "You have made us for Yourself, 0 Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You." When people do not believe in God and have no hope in a life to come, their human dignity is deeply diminished and they are filled with a great Helplessness

22. Christ, the New Man Man is indeed a mystery. Who are we? What are we? Why are we? We can find the answers to these questions in Christ, the perfect man. Indeed, it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh, that the mystery of man becomes clear. The first man, Adam, "was a figure of the One Who was to come." (Romans 5.14) Adam foreshadowed Christ. Christ the Lord is the New Adam. Christ revealed the mystery of the Father. He revealed the mystery of God's love for us. And by this revelation, Christ also reveals man to man himself. By understanding God better, we can understand ourselves better. Christ also reveals mankind's most high Calling to union with God. Everything we have said already about the dignity of man, is found in Christ, the perfect man. The more we know about God, the more we know about ourselves. "Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible God." (Colossians 1.15)

"He is the exact likeness of God." (2 Corinthians 4.4) He is also the Perfect Man. He has restored to the children of Adam that likeness of God which had been spoiled by the first sin and all the sins of mankind. Christ took a human nature. He assumed it totally. He was always God. And He always remained God. But while remaining God, He also became man. Therefore, human nature has been raised to a high dignity in us also. We can now share in the divine nature. By His Incarnation, the Son of God has united Himself in a certain way, with each human being. The Son of God worked with human hands. He thought with a human mind. He acted with a human will. He loved with a human heart. Christ, the Son of God, became a full human being. He was born of the Virgin Mary. He has truly been made one of us. He really was a man, like us in all things except sin. (See Hebrews 4.15) Innocent, like a victim lamb, Christ won life for us by freely shedding His own blood for us. In Christ, God makes all mankind His friends, and friends among ourselves. (See 2 Cor.5.18-19; Colossians 1.20-22.) Christ set us free from slavery to the devil and to sin. Therefore, every human being can say with the Apostle St. Paul: "The Son of God loved me and gave His life for me." (Galatians 2.20)

By suffering for us, Christ gave us an example, so that we would follow in His footsteps. (See 1 Peter 2.21; Matthew 16.24; Luke 14.27) Christ has also opened up a Way for us And if we follow His lead, then life and death become holy. Indeed, life and death will have a new and wonderful meaning for us. Christians have put on the new self. They have become like the Son, Who is the first-born among many brothers. (See Romans 8.29; Colossians 3.10-14.) They have received the Spirit as the first of God's gifts. (See Romans 8.23) As Christians grow more like Christ, the gifts of the Spirit renew them and help them to fulfil the new law of love. (See Romans 8.1-11) The Spirit is the guarantee that we shall receive what God has promised His People (See Ephesians 1.11.) This Holy Spirit inwardly renews our whole person. Even our bodies are set free. As St. Paul tells us: "If the Spirit of God, Who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then He Who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies by the presence of His Spirit in you." (Romans 8.11) It is true that Christians have to meet many hardships. They must suffer much pain and trouble. They must also suffer death. And it is their duty to struggle against all evil. But they know that they are partners with Christ in His Paschal Mystery. They are especially united with Christ in his suffering.

And they know that they will also be united with Him in His resurrection. Christians share the suffering of Christ. They become like Him in His death. But strong in hope, they go forward to the resurrection. With St. Paul they say: "If we share Christ's suffering, we will also share His glory." (See Romans 8.17; Philippians 3.10-11) What we have said of Christians, is also true for all people of good-will. God's grace works invisibly in the heart of all men who try to do what is right, and who follow their conscience. Christ died for all men. (See Rom. 8.32) All men are truly called to one and the same divine destiny. Therefore, we must believe that the Holy Spirit, in a way known only to God,offers to each person a share in the Paschal Mystery. In the light of Christian Revelation, we see how very great and wonderful human beings are. It is, therefore, through Christ and in Christ, that the problems of sorrow and death become meaningful. Without Christ's gospel, these problems are too much for us to understand. Christ has risen. He has destroyed death by His death. He has given us full life. We have been made "sons in the Son." "The Spirit makes us God's children. And by the Spirit's power we cry out to God: 'Abba, Father, my Father!'" (See Romans 8.15 and Galatians 4.6.)

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