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SALES BIuESTS (2u1S - 2u14) ATTY.


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lalnLlffs: Spouses SLCunuC uALlCn Anu LllAnlA SA8LSA!L-uALlCn

uefendanL: 1PL PCnC8A8LL CCu81 Cl ALALS Anu 8uL81C
SA8LSA!L, !8.

onenLe: Medlaldea, !"

CASL: Sabesa[e sued Lo recover ownershlp of land LhaL was sold Lo hlm
by uallon. uallon denles Lhe sale, and clalms LhaL Sabesa[e ls only
preempLlng uallon's LhreaL Lo sue for unpald commlsslon on sales of
copra and abaca LhaL peLlLloner spouses earned when Lhey were
admlnlsLerlng 3 parcels of land for Leonardo Sabesa[e.

1he Supreme CourL ruled LhaL Lhe auLhenLlclLy of Lhe sale has been
proved accordlngly slnce wlLnesses poslLlvely LesLlfled Lo Lhe
auLhenLlclLy of Lhe sale, and Lhe slgnaLure Lhereon was proved Lo be
auLhenLlc. 1he CourL also ruled LhaL execuLlon of Lhe sale ln a publlc
documenL ls noL a faLal defecL as a conLracL of sale ls consensual.

uCC18lnL: 1haL a deed of sale ls execuLed on a publlc lnsLrumenL ls only
for convenlence and noL for valldlLy or enforceablllLy, because a
conLracL of sale ls consensual and perfecLed by mere consenL.

May 28, 1973 ! Sabesa[e sued Lo recover ownershlp of a parcel
of land, based on a prlvaLe documenL of absoluLe sale, daLed
!uly 1, 1963 (LxhlblL "A"), allegedly execuLed by uallon.
o uallon denled Lhe sale, conLendlng LhaL Lhe documenL
sued upon ls flcLlLlous, hls slgnaLure Lhereon, a forgery,
and LhaL Lhe land ls con[ugal properLy as evldenced by
"LscrlLura de venLa AbsoluLa" (LxhlblL "8").
uallon and hls wlfe also denled LhaL Lhey pleaded wlLh Sabesa[e
Lo allow Lhem Lo admlnlsLer Lhe land because uallon dld noL
have any means of llvellhood.
o PCWLvL8, Lhe spouses admlLLed Lo admlnlsLerlng 3
parcels of landsof Sabesa[e's grandfaLher, Leonardo
slnce 1938. 1hey never recelved Lhelr agreed 10 and
13 commlsslon on Lhe sales of copra and abaca.
o eLlLloners clalm LhaL Sabesa[e's sulL was lnLended Lo
harass, preempL and foresLall uallon's LhreaL Lo sue for
Lhese unpald commlsslons.

9AA?BA C: =B #BA:8DB6@
1. WheLher or noL Lhere was a valld conLracL of sale of Lhe land.
2. WheLher or noL a publlc documenL was necessary for Lhe
Lransfer of ownershlp LhereLo.

#BA:8?C9:%A 7%6 7#!?EB%CA
9AA?B 5 ! WheLher or noL Lhere was a valld conLracL of sale of Lhe land
! ?LS.

Ma[or olnL 1: 1he auLhenLlclLy of Lhe deed of sale has been proved ln
accordance wlLh A-F" 35 G 3+4 #0H- 5+3 &I JK- #-;LM-N #0H-M &I <&0/J

SEC. 21. Piivate wiiting, its execution anu authenticity, how pioveu.-Befoie any
piivate wiiting may be ieceiveu in eviuence, its uue execution anu authenticity must
be pioveu eithei:
(a) By anyone who saw the wiiting executeu;;
(b) By eviuence of the genuineness of the hanuwiiting of the makei;; oi
(c) By a subsciibing witness

xxx xxx xxx

SEC. 2S. Banuwiiting, how pioveu. The hanuwiiting of a peison may be pioveu
by any witness who believes it to be the hanuwiiting of such peison, anu has seen
the peison wiite, oi has seen wiiting puipoiting to be his upon which the witness
has acteu oi been chaigeu, anu has thus acquiieu knowleuge of the hanuwiiting of
such peison. Eviuence iespecting the hanuwiiting may also be given by a
compaiison, maue by the witness oi the couit, with wiitings aumitteu oi tieateu as

Cerardo M. Cgsoc poslLlvely LesLlfled Lo Lhe auLhenLlclLy of Lhe
sale, and sald LhaL he had prepared sald deed of sale and had
copled parLs Lhereof from Lhe "LscrlLura ue venLa AbsoluLa"
(LxhlblL 8) such as Lhe boundarles Lhereof and Lhe name of
appellanL Segundo uallon's wlfe.
lurLher comparlson of Lhe quesLloned slgnaLures and Lhe
speclmens wlLh Lhe slgnaLures of uallon readlly reveal LhaL Lhe
quesLloned slgnaLures are Lhe slgnaLures of uallon.

9AA?B 3 ! WheLher or noL a publlc documenL was necessary for Lhe
Lransfer of ownershlp LhereLo. ! nC. 1he provlslon of 7/J" 5+O( on Lhe
necesslLy of a publlc documenL ls only for convenlence, noL for valldlLy
or enforceablllLy.

Ma[or olnL 1: lL ls noL a requlremenL for Lhe valldlLy of a conLracL of
sale of a parcel of land LhaL Lhls be embodled ln a publlc lnsLrumenL.
A conLracL of sale ls a consensual conLracL, whlch means LhaL
Lhe sale ls perfecLed by mere consenL. no parLlcular form ls
requlred for lLs valldlLy. upon perfecLlon of Lhe conLracL, Lhe
parLles may reclprocally demand performance (7/J" 5P'O4 %<<),
l.e., Lhe vendee may compel Lransfer of ownershlp of Lhe ob[ecL
of Lhe sale, and Lhe vendor may requlre Lhe vendee Lo pay Lhe
Lhlng sold (7/J" 5PO(4 %<<).

,9%78 DB#69<C@ 1he Lrlal courL Lhus rlghLly and legally ordered uallon Lo
dellver Lo Sabesa[e Lhe parcel of land and Lo execuLe correspondlng
formal deed of conveyance ln a publlc documenL.

%: ABQ7#7CB :Q9%9:%A

genuine by the paity against whom the eviuence is offeieu, oi pioveu to be genuine
to the satisfaction of the juuge. (Rule 1S2, Reviseu Rules of Couit)

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