Sei sulla pagina 1di 17

Nadi Jyothisha - Jeeva and Sareera

O ut of m any im portant factors which have to be tak e n into conside ration and spe cial atte ntion has to be paid for asse ssing the re sults of a House or Bhava are Je e va and Sare e ra. The soul is nam e d as Je e va and the body goe s by the appe llation of Sare e ra. The Je e va and the Sare e ra have to be work e d out for e ve ry Bhava or House for prope r pre dictions as the y are the m ain plane ts on whom the re sults de pe nd to som e e x te nt. It m ay be note d the t the je e va and Sare e ra plane ts should be be ne fics to the particular native and we ll posite d in the chart apart from be ne fic aspe cts e tc for good re sults to flow. O ne has to conside r whe the r the je e va and Sare e ra plane ts are inim ical to e ach othe r. Various authors and scholars have dive rge nt vie ws about the Je e va and the Sare e ra. The y have the ir own m e thods to find the m out. According to som e Nadi Granthas, the Lagna is the soul and the C handra Lagna is the Sare e ra. From the se it follows or could be infe rre d that the Lord of Lagna is the Je e va Plane t and the Sare e ra Plane t is the one which owns the C handra R asi. The ir Stre ngths or W e ak ne ss is re fle cte d in the re sults. For pre dictions Lagna along with C handra lagna and place m e nt of Plane ts with re fe re nce the se Lagnas are e x am ine d. Anothe r vie w is that the owne r of the house whe re a particular Bhavathipathi is posite d is the Je e va of that Bhava and the Lord of the House in which the Je e va Plane t is situate d in the Sare e ra Plane t. For e x am ple in a Me sha Lagna Horoscope in which Guru is in Sim ha and R avi is in Vrishchik a as pe r the chart 1 give n be low. The Je e va plane t of 9th house is R avi and Kuja is the Sare e ra Plane t of the 9th House .

The Lord of the 9th House Guru is in Sim ha so the Lord of Sim ha is the Je e va plane t of 9th House . R avi, the Je e va plane t is in Vrishchik a so the Lord of Vrishchik a-Kuja is the Sare e ra plane t. Som e scholars arrive at the Je e va and Sare e ra Plane ts by tak ing into conside ration the Karak athwas. The Lord of the house in which the Karak athwa is situate d be com e the je e va. The re le vant House Lord counte d from the place m e nt of k arak athwa plane t be com e the Sare e ra Plane t. The principle can be e lucidate d from the following e x am ple . In C hart 2 whe re the Lagna is Me sha, the Moon, C handra is in Kanya. O ne of the Karak athwa of C handra is Mothe r. As C handra is in k anya, its Lord budha be com e s the je e va plane t for m othe r. 4th house re pre se nts m othe r so 4 house s counte d from the place m e nt of chandra is Dhanus, the lord of dhanus Guru be com e s the Sare e ra plane t for m othe r.

In the ste llar syste m of astrology, the conste llations and the ir lords are the basis to find out the je e va and sare e ra plane ts of the re spe ctive bhavas or house s in a chart. The je e va plane t is the lord of the conste llation in which the particular Bhava Lord is posite d and the Sare e ra plane t is the Lord of the star in which the Je e va plane t is situate d. For e x am ple in a Me sha lagna horoscope , whe n C handra ( lord of the 4th house ) is in the conste llation Uthiradam ( R avis star ) R avi is te rm e d as the Je e va Plane t for the 4th house . R avi ( The Je e va Plane t in this case ) is in the conste llation Poorattadhi, so the lord of Poorattadhi i.e ., guru be com e s the Sare e ra plane t for the 4th House .

R avis je e va plane t for 4th house in Guru is the sare e ra plane t for the 4th house . R avi is in Poorattadhi and C handra is in Uthiradham . W he n the je e va plane t joins anothe r strong or powe rful plane t, the powe rful or stronge r plane t be com e s the je e va plane t. In othe r words the stronge r or powe rful plane t snatche s away the right of the othe r plane t. This m ay happe n in the case of Sare e ra also.The following e x am ple will m ak e it cle ar. Se e chart 4 whe re Suk ra is e x alte d in Me e na.

R avi is in Poorattadhi and Suk ra in re vathi. C handra is in Uthiradham . Suk ra is the je e va plane t and Budha is the Sare e ra plane t of the 4th house . In the C hart no 4, R avi and Suk ra are in Me e na, on account of the e x altation of Suk ra, R avi doe s not be com e the Je e va Plane t though C handra is in the conste llation of R avi. In case s whe re the Bhava lord is in his own conste llation, the Bhava Lord him se lf be com e s the je e va Plane t. The Lord of the house in which the Je e va lord is te nante d is the Sare e ra plane t. For clarity se e C hart 5 and e x planation the re on.

C handra in R ohini. In the C hart 5 C handra the lord of 4th house is in R ohini ( C handras C onste llation ) So C handra be com e s the Je e va Plane t and as C handra is in Vrishabaha ( owne d by Suk ra ) Suk ra be com e s the Sare e ra Plane t for the 4th Bhava or house . At tim e s the Bhava lord is not only situate d in his own conste llation but also place d in his own house and in the se case s the Je e va plane t itse lf be com e s the Sare e ra plane t. For e x planation se e chart 6.

R avi is in Uththiram . The Lord of 5th Bhava ( Putra Bhava ) R avi is in the conste llation Uththiram which is owne d by R avi him se lf so he is the Je e va plane t. As R avi is in his own house sim ha, he is the sare e ra plane t for the 5th house . In this conne ction it m ay be note d that R avi and guru have one of the ir conste llations in the ir re spe ctive house s. For good and favourable re sults to flow, the following point have to be conside re d along with othe r factors. The Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts should not be inim ical to e ach othe r. The Gunas acquire d by the Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts should be in consonance with the ir own gunas. The y ( je e va and Sare e ra plane ts ) should be in be ne fic house s. The re spe ctive plane ts ( Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts ) should not be associate d or aspe cte d by the ir e ne m ie s or situate d in the ir e ne m ys house s. The situation of Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts in the ir frie ndly house s, e x altation house s, own house s and aspe cts of be ne fic plane ts should also be note d. The Je e va and Sare e ra The ory as state d above are only e x te nsions of principle s in re spe ct of house s applie d to the conste llations and the ir lords.

Top Prediction -Stellar Effects(Stellar Astrology)-Meena 2 System

The Subje ct Pre dictive Astrology is one of the m ost com ple x parts in Astrology, m ost astrologe rs will be able to conside r the m se lve s in the subje ct. Pre dictive part and Tim ing of e ve nts pose s the gre ate st challe nge to an astrologe rs re putation. Now a days it is ve ry difficult to ge t a Astro Guru who can fairly proficie nt to part his k nowle dge to the socie ty and he lp in inte rpre t the se cre ts of astrology. Vaik untavaasi Sri N V R aghava C hary (Me e na 2) had give n num be r of principle s and inte rpre tation te chnique s to arrive at tim ing of e ve nts in his work Practical Ste llar Astrology (base d on Nadi Principle s). In his Me e na 2 syste m he had give n e asy principle s which he lps an astrologe r to fore se e re sults. This article is base d on Me e na 2 syste m (Ste llar Astrology)-I have tak e n one principle from his work and want to state he re that how im portant the Ste llar Astrology in Pre diction. PRINCIPLE In case s whe re frie ndly and be ne fic plane ts aspe ct e ach othe r m utually, whe n a plant is situate d in one of the conste llations of the m utually aspe cting plane ts, one can fore se e be ne ficial and auspicious re sults at appropriate pe riod or pe riods.

Chart 1






In the above e x am ple , the Lagna is Me sha for which Guru is a Yoga Karak a Plane t. Guru is in Uthiradam , the conste llation be longing to R avi who is also a Yoga k arak a for Me sha Lagna. C handra is the Lord of 4th House . The re is the m utual aspe ct be twe e n R avi and C handra who are frie nds and furthe r the Lords of 5 and 4 are m utually aspe cting which is good as a Yoga is form e d. As Guru who is in Uthiradam ge ts the e ffe ct of R avi and C handra who are also the frie nds of Guru. Unde r the se circum stance s be ne ficial re sults will be the outcom e . PRINCIPLE In case s whe re frie ndly and be ne fic plane ts aspe ct e ach othe r m utually, whe n a plane t is situate d in one of the conste llations of the m utually aspe cting plane ts, one can fore se e be ne ficial and auspicious re sults at appropriate pe riod or pe riods

. Chart 2a

Rasi Ravi Sani Lagna Guru

Guru is in Uthiram
He re the Lagna is Vrichik a and Guru is a Yogak arak a for the said Lagna. Guru is in Uthiram . The conste llation be longs to R avi. R avi is the owne r of Sim ha and he is in the 10 th House . Sani is with R avi in Sim ha whe re R avi is m ore powe rful than Sani as R avi owns the house and he is also in the 10th House . The re is also e nm ity be twe e n R avi and Sani. So the se e x am ple s are choose n to vividly de m onstrate the e ffe cts and influe nce s. As Guru is situate d in the conste llation of R avi, Guru ge ts the e ffe cts of both R avi and Sani (as the y are toge the r). The be ne ficial re sults will have an e dge ove r bad re sults.

Chart 2b

Ravi Sani Rasi



Guru is in Uthiram
It will be notice d in this C hart 2B the re is the sam e com bination of R avi and Sani but it is Kum bha whe re Sani is stronge r than R avi. So Guru ge ts m ore of Tham asic Guna and le ss of R ajasic Guna. In the pre vious illustration Guru was m ore R ajasic than Tham asic. In C hart 2B, the native is lik e ly to fe e l m ore of bad re sults than of Good re sults or Effe cts.

Chart 2c

Sani Rasi Ravi



Guru is in Uthiram
In this e x am ple (2C ) also Guru is posite d in Uthiram . The conste llation be longing to R avi. Note the m utual aspe ct of R avi-Sani from the ir own house s. The re sults or e ffe cts are lik e ly to be m ix e d in nature . The re ason is that aspe cting plane ts try to im pose the ir influe nce s on the othe r.

Chart 2d


Rasi Sani



Ravi in Uthirattathi Guru in Uthiram

In this C hart (2D),R avi is in Uthirattathi (Sanis Star) and he is also aspe cte d by Sani from his own house . Thus Guru be com e s practically a Tham sa, he nce the re is a lik e lihood of bad e ffe cts and a ve ry m inute de gre e of be ne ficial re sults as Guru aspe cts Sani. Above illustrate d e x am ple s will de finite ly give som e indication to e ve ry one that ste llar e ffe cts are ve ry im portant in pre diction. The pre dictive side of Astrology is ve ry tough as we ll as thorny, whate ve r syste m that is applie d or followe d for fore casting the e ve nts. Note : Uthiram - Uthiraphalguni Uthirattathi - Uthirabhadra padha

Top Importance of Astrology

The Astrology has its e ffe ct from the ancie nt days to m ode rn days. The re are ple nty of astrological vie ws in Ve das m e ant for k nowle dge . The subje cts de pe nd on the pe rson who unde rstands and re produce s the fact. The study of various m e thods of astrology is e sse ntial for accurate pre diction. In India , the way in which Nak satravidya, the scie nce of stars, has be e n thought of e ve n in the Ve dic lite rature shows that it was re garde d as one of the inte lle ctual attainm e nts. The word Nak satra m e ans star in ge ne ral as we ll as an aste rism in the zodiacal be lt. The star groups or nak satras we re re fe rre d as De vagraghas. Parts of the body (Kalapurusa) in te rm s of nak satras has be e n de scribe d, the sam e has be e n e x plaine d ve ry we ll in future le ssons to com e . This will he lp the stude nts in m e dical astrology to ide ntify affe cte d parts and to sugge st prope r re m e dial m e asure s. Horasastra or pre dictive astrology re lating to horoscope s of individuals e m phasize s that Karm a and Punarjanm a are powe rful de te rm inants of the live s of individuals. The individual has to pe rform good de e ds and le ad a pure life so that he can re ap the be ne fits of good de e ds and le ad a pure life so that he can re ap the be ne fits of good plane tary influe nce s in his future birth. Astrology is, the re fore , a valuable guide to look up to, in orde r to have an insight into one 's own life , he re as we ll as he re afte r. Astrology is not only a good guide but warns the wary about the we ak and brok e n bridge s on the way.. The Prayacittas or e x piratory rite s pre scribe d in the Dharm a Sastras sugge sts that m an is no autom ation in the hands of an ine x orable Fate . It is the conviction of gre at sage s and saints that by the se lf e ffort couple d with since re de votion to God and faith in one se lf m an can rise above the influe nce of his e nvironm e nts. The twe lve signs of the Zodiac re pre se nt soul patte rns. The Sun ,atm ak arak a and the Moon Manok arak a, the se e ne rgie s or powe rs will provide the re quire d inne r stre ngth to the native . The acts of cre ation (srishti), prote ction (sthithi) and de struction (laya) are e m be dde d in the wom b of the all powe rful tim e and this carinations are brought about as a conse que nce of this subtle powe r. The Sun by his daily m ove m e nt s and the change of se asons brings to pe rfe ction the e m bryo in plants and anim als and brings about

various change s on the e arth. The Moon bring ne are st to the e arth e x e rcise s m uch influe nce s on it and as she wane s and wax e s rive rs to swe ll, the tide s of the se a rule s and plants and anim als affe cte d. The gre ate st m e n lik e Ke ple r, Pythagoras of the world be lie ve d in and practice d som e of the basic proble m s in one 's life which can be e ffe ctive ly answe re d by astrology. The que stions lik e the purpose for which one is born, the profe ssion of the pe rson , his financial status, m arital happine ss and othe r proble m s re lating to m arriage , wife and childre n, various te nsions and accide nt prone ne ss, and the que stion of de ath and so on can also be answe re d in astrology. Although k nowle dge of astrology will he lp to unde rstand or analysis the m e ntal and physical qualitie s of any m an and the fortune s and m isfortune s that wait him and his progre ss in the world whose actual m om e nt of birth is accurate ly k nown or othe rwise can be analyze d through the horary or sak una sastra. The re is a prove rb to quote Fools obe y plane ts while wise m e n control the m . An inte llige nt unde rstanding of the ste llar scie nce could e nable the m to transm ute the ir sorrow into e quinity, the ir ple asure into unde rstanding and am bition into be ne fic influe nce . Such a goal would howe ve r re quire m uch de e pe r k nowle dge of astrological occultism . That which is ine vitable cannot be alte re d but m any of the unhappy conditions of our life are susce ptible to change . As stude nts in the study of astrology the y re alize that we are he re for ce rtain purpose s, e ach in his or he r own place according to an orde rly to cosm ic plan, with opportunitie s to produce ce rtain re sults by re fining our re actions to plane tary influe nce s. The re is not only ple asure but satisfaction and profit as we ll in the k nowle dge which astrology provide s. Astrology ask s only im partial, fair inve stigation on its m e rits and whe n accorde d always e m e rge s with the sam e re spe ct othe r scie nce s e njoys. Any one with ordinary ability can le arn m uch of Astrology. It is no longe r a difficult study. W ith prope r instruction and a re asonable am ount of e ffort one can le arn to cast a horoscope and re ad it so that it be com e s a guide re garding im portant affairs of life . Som e say that astrology is n art, som e othe rs re je cts it as an ide al dre am or an illusion. I would lik e to state he re that astrology is a scie nce and that it can re nde r ve ry use ful se rvice to one and all and cre ate faith e ve n in the se ptic, if one studie s since re ly this course and Me e na2 syste m .

Top Prediction Techniques-KP

The art of pre diction of tim ing of e ve nts prognosticate d by various indications or com binations found in the Birth C hart or Horary C hart. It goe s without saying that succe ss in re ading charts de pe nds to a conside rable e x te nt on the sk ill of the astrologe r and m e thods applie d by him to pre dict corre ctly the probable pe riods of the various e ve nts of life indicate d by the birth chart or horary chart. The re are num be r of m e thods available to give pre diction, if an astrologe r follow a e asy and te ste d m e thod without m uch of m athe m atical calculation the n he will be com e ve ry succe ssful and his nam e and fam e will sk yrock e t. The prim ary com m itm e nt of an astrologe r is to pre dict the e ve nts to the custom e r. Eve nts are of various type s. Ne ve rthe le ss the typical custom e r, be ing im m e nse ly curious, pe ste rs the astrologe r to k now whe n he can e x pe ct good e ve nts in his life . Howe ve r e x pe rie nce of re nowne d astrologe rs whom I have association prove s that KP form ulas are work ing ve ry we ll in pin pointing the e ve nts in life . In Ste llar astrology, the star is ve ry im portant and it ne e ds due conside ration in pre diction. Each star is divide d into nine une qual divisions calle d sub divisions nam e d as SUB and e ach plane t is allotte d one sub division in the sam e proportion and in the sam e orde r as pe r Vim shottari Dasa Syste m . The Lord of the sub division is calle d sub lord. In KP Syste m the cusp re fe rs to the be ginning of the house . The lord of the sign in which the cusp falls is re fe rre d to as Bhava lord or House lord, the lord of the star (conste llation) in which the cusp falls as Star lord and the lord of the sub division in which the cusp falls as sub lord. Sim ilarly we will have to analyze for the Plane t Sign, Star and Sub lord. The Sub Lord of the Sub-division in which the cusp falls signifie s the re sult of that House or Bhava m ore pre dom inantly am ong the Sign lord, star lord and the sub lord is use ful for de taile d re ading of that Bhava. In Ste llar astrology the plane t de posite d in the particular star give s the re sults of the lord of the star and acts as an age nt. The plane t transiting in a sign is the source of the e ve nt, the lord of the star in which the plane t is transiting signifie s the nature of the e ve nt according to its nature , occupation and lordship, while at the sam e tim e the sub lord de cide s whe the r the e ve nt is favourable or not according to its nature , occupation and lordship.

Significators: The following are the significators of Bhava in the orde r of stre ngth.: Plane t de posite d in the conste llation of the occupant of the Bhava (this is the stronge st) The occupant of the Bhava. The plane t de posite d in the conste llation of the lord of the Bhava. The lord of the Bhava The plane ts conjoine d with or aspe cting the above significators and also the Bhava in que stion. How to select fruitful significators? The se le ction of corre ct significators give s accurate pre diction. As such, which of the significators are fruitful and which of the m are just te m ptors have to be found out. If m any plane ts be com e significators, the n the se le ction will have to be m ade from am ongst the m e ithe r on se le ctive basis or in the orde r of stre ngth or by e lim ination basis by e lim inating the just te m ptors or we ak significators. Me thods to pre dict the tim ing of e ve nts: An e ve nt will m ate rialize during the conjoine d pe riod of the Dasa, Bhuk thi and Anthara lords who happe n to be the com m on plane ts de rive d from the significators and the ruling plane ts. Me thod 1: W hile tim ing the e ve nts, whe n the e ve nt is to happe n within a fe w hours, the transit of Lagna is to be conside re d. If the e ve nt is to tak e place in a fe w days, Moon's transit will have to conside re d. If the e ve nt is to tak e place within fe w m onths, the Sun's transit will have to be tak e n into account. If the e ve nt is to tak e place in som e ye ars, the Jupite r's transit will have to be conside re d. Me thod 2: The tim ing of e ve nt can be work e d out by tak ing into conside ration the cross transit of the Dasa lord, Bhuk ti lord and Anthara lord who will be within the com m on plane ts. Me thod 3: To find the tim ing of e ve nt, the transit of Dasa lord, Bhuk thi lord and Anthara lord is to be tak e n into account. The e ve nt m ate rialize s whe ne ve r the Dasa lord or Bhuk thi lord or Anthara lord transits in any of the thre e se nsitive positions viz the star of the Dasa lord to be tak e n as the star and that of the Bhuk thi lord as the sub or vice ve rsa or inte r- Dasa, Bhuk thi and Anthara lords during that Dasa, Bhuk thi and Anthara pe riod. The above said significators, se le ction of significators and the m e thods for finding the tim ing of e ve nts are be ing discusse d in our re gular astrological course s /classe s be ing conducte d with the guidance of Sri P. V. K. Punne swara R ao at Hyde rabad . W e had give n thousands of accurate pre dictions by following the above said pre diction te chnique s. Krishnam urthy Syste m of pre diction is too sim ple for pre cise pre diction if you unde rstand the syste m prope rly.

Top Ruling Planets and their Role

Prof K.S.K state s that during his re se arch had found that se ve ral thousand e ve nts tak e place in a day but without the involve m e nt of R uling Plane t not a single e ve nt can tak e place The state m e nt of Prof KSK is ve ry powe rful be cause R uling plane ts de cide s the tim ing of e ve nts. To-day we are studying Astrology to k now whe n the e ve nts are going to tak e place . R uling plane ts the ory is an application the ory. W e can work out R uling plane ts for the natal chart and also for horary charts.

Ruling Planet definition :

Those plane ts that are ruling at the tim e of que ry or at the tim e birth and can contribute for the fructification of the e ve nts are calle d R uling Plane ts. R uling Plane ts C onsists of the following: 1. Lagna Sign Lord. 2. Lagna Star Lord 3. Lagna Sub-lLord. 4. Moon Sign Lord 5. Moon Star Lord 6. Moon Sub Lord. 7. Day Lord

Additionally we can take following ;

If any of the plane ts which strongly aspe ct or conjuct the ruling plane ts m e ntine d above plane ts m ay be adde d as a ruling plane t. If R ahu or Ke tu happe ns to be a ruling plane t the n tak e the R ahu /k e tu re pre se ntations plane ts also has R uling plane t. R ahu/ Ke tu re pre se ntation, the y re pre se nt or firstly give s the re sults of the plane t with which it is conjoine d, the n that of the aspe cting plane t, the n the re sults of the plane ts in whose star it is de posite d and lastly the re sults of the Lord of the Sign it is posite d.

Principle Involved in selection of the ruling planets

The ruling plane ts at the tim e of que ry would be the ruling plane ts at the tim e of fructification of the e x pe cte d re sults/e ve nts. The ruling plane ts at the tim e of birth would be ruling plane ts at the tim e of que ry or vice ve rsa. He re we can tak e the tim e of judge m e nt as the tim e of que ry.

Common Planets:
As the ruling plane ts have de finite be aring ove r the e ve nts it is found that the com m on plane ts be twe e n the ruling plane ts and the se le cte d significators will contribute for the fructification of the e ve nts.

How to link Ruling planets for Timing of Events?

1)W e have to se le ct the house s which are re le vant to the que ry say for m arriage 2,7,11 house s, for e ducation 4,9,11 house s, e tc., 2)Ide ntify the stronge st significator am ong the significators. 3)Ide ntify the com m on plane ts am ong the ruling plane ts. 4)W ork out the re pre se ntations of R ahu and Ke tu. 5)If R ahu and Ke tu happe ne d to be the stronge st significator give m ax im um im portance to the m . An Eve nt will m ate rialise during the conjoine d pe riod of the Dasa, Bhuk thi and Anthara lords who happe n to be the com m on plane ts de rive d from the significators and the ruling plane ts. An e ve nt can tak e place during the cross-transit if Dasa lord, Bhuk thi Lord and Antara Lord if the y re pre se nt com m on plane ts. An e ve nt can m ate rialize whe ne ve r the Dasa Lord transits any of the thre e se nsitive positions. Say, the star of the Dasa Lord to be tak e n as the star and that of the Bhuk thi lord as the Sub, or vice -ve rsa or inte r Dasa,Bhuk thi and Antara lords during that Dasa Bhuk thi and Anthara pe riods- if the y re pre se nt com m on plane ts. If the e ve nt to happe n within a fe w hours, the transit of Lagna is to be conside re d. If the e ve nts are to tak e place in fe w days the n the Transit of Moon has to be conside re d. If the e ve nt is to tak e place within fe w m onths, the Sun's transit have to be conside re d. If the e ve nt is to tak e place in som e ye ars, the n the Jupite r's transit will have to be

tak e n into account. W hile m ak ing the R uling plane ts, the KP astrologe r should have the strong urge for the purpose it is m ade and unle ss the urge for the m atte r is de e p and since re he should not re sort to ruling plane ts and state d by Prof. KSK. I strongly sugge st that e ve ry one should care fully se le ct the ruling plane ts and use the R P the ory for succe ssful pre diction since I had use d and obse rve d that R uling Plane ts ne ve r faile d in giving accurate tim ing of e ve nts.

Top Stellar Effects in Astrology-A Study on Digbala (Based on Nadi Principles)

W ith re spe cts and pranam s to Late Sri NV R aghavachary (Me e na2), I am e laborating the principle s writte n by him on Digbala in Practical Ste llar Astrology base d on Nadi Princple s. Eve ryone k ne w that the lords of the lagna,9th and 10th house are ve ry strong in all aspe cts and occupy favourable positions, the native be com e s ve ry prom ine nt in life and succe ss com e to him from all aspe cts of life . O ve r and above if the y posse ss Digbala without any flaw, the n the native m ay rule a country or m ay he ad a gove rnm e nt. All classical te x ts state s that Guru and Budha ge ts dig bala in Lagna Ke ndra, C handra and Suk ra ge ts dig bala in fourth house , R ahu and Sani ge ts dig bala in 7th house , R avi ,Kuja and k e tu ge ts dig bala in 10th house . W he re as Sri NVR (Me e na2) furthe r clarifie s and state s that a plane t ne e d not alone be posite d in a house as pe r classical te x ts to ge t dig bala(dire ctional stre ngth), e ve n if the y have posite d in a diffe re nt house but having ste llar conne ction or associate d with the plane ts who owns the house that give s dig bala to the plane t, is e nough for a plane t to ge t dig bala. I would lik e to clarify furthe r with e x am ple charts to the be ne fit of the re ade rs.

Example chart No:1

Guru and Budha ge ts dig bala in Lgna Ke ndra. As pe r nadi principle s e ve n if Guru is posite d in a nak satra whose lord is posite d in lagna the n also Guru ge ts Dig bala.

Lagna Ravi

Rasi Guru

Guru is in Uthira naksatra whose lord is Ravi, Ravi is posited in lagna so Guru gets Dig bala.

Example chart No:2 Lagna

Guru Rasi

Here Guru is in Ashlesha naksatra whose lord in Budha and Budha is lord of the Lagna so Guru has got connection to Lagnakendra and gets Digbala. Example chart No:3 Lagna Guru Budha Rasi

Here Guru is in conjunction with Budha and Budha is lord of the Lagna and hence Guru gets Dig bala due to his association with Lagna lord Budha.
He re we will have to unde rstand the basic principle s of Ste llar astrology that the 1)plane ts de live rs the ir good or bad e ffe cts base d on the nak satra the y occupy not be cause the y are in uchha or ne e cha positons in the horoscope 2) Eve n if the plane ts posite d in ne e cha rasi de live rs good re sult whe n posse ss dig bala. Lot of astrologe rs m ay be wonde ring that the Suk ra posite d in Uchha rasi(m e e na) for a native not in a position to e njoy dasa of Suk ra, as pe r nadi principle s if Suk ra posite d in Uthirabhadrabada nak satra whose lord is Sani the n the native m ay not ge t good re sults during Suk ra dasa.. He re we will have to unde rstand that Uchha status of a plane t m ay not give good re sults if the y are posite d in a bad nak satra. W hile analyzing the horoscope care fully note the conste llation in which the plane t is posite d and also conste llations lord position in the horoscope and obse rve dig balas of the plane ts by using the ste llar the ory to arrive corre ct and accurate pre diction.


A Study on Timing of Events Astrology and Science

Astrology is as m uch a scie nce as the orie s of ge ne tics we re in the ir e arly days, whe n critical obse rvation was the k e y to progre ss. O ur ancie nt rishis we re inte lle ctual giants who had re ache d conclusions on the basis of the ir obse rvations. Today the conclusions m ay be re garde d only as hypothe se s; but be lie ve rs would say the re is e nough m ate rial e vide nce in the ir favour, just as proofs for se ve ral biological postulate s are only now com ing in. The thre e supre m e postulate s of Hindu philosophy (unive rsal Atm an, re birth, and k arm a) have paralle ls in m ode rn biological postulate s (unive rsal ge ne tic m ate rial, he re dity, and ge ne s), which shows the astounding obse rvational ability of the rishis. No scie nce or art is m ore inte re sting, instructive and use ful to m ank ind in contributing to his m oral and m ate rial advance m e nt than the sublim e scie nce of astrology. Astrology is the scie nce that com prise s the fore te lling of the re gular m ove m e nts of the plane ts, the fortune s and m isfortune s of m e n, fate s of nations, inundations, e arthquak e s, plague s, volcanic e ruptions, pe stile nce s, and othe r incide nts re lating to te rre strial phe nom e na. In Sansk rit it is calle d Hora Sastra m e aning the scie nce that tre ats of Tim e . It is also calle d Jyotisha or Knowle dge of Light from Jyothi or light that is the root cause for all k nown cre ation.

Purpose of Human Existence

The purpose or goal of hum an e x iste nce is calle d as PurushArtha. According to the Ve das, the re are four goals nam e ly Artha (we alth), k Am a (ple asure ), Dharm a (righte ousne ss) and Mok sha (pe rm ane nt fre e dom from worldly bondage ). According to this philosophy, the first thre e goals are not an e nd by the m se lve s but ne e d to be pursue d with the ide al of attaining Mok sha. Mok sha is a state whe re the Je e va achie ve s one -ne ss with Brahm an in te rm s of all k nowe r ship and posse ssing qualitie s fre e from all worldly e vils and de fe cts. The Je e va howe ve r doe s not posse ss the powe r to cre ate and de stroy. Ne ithe r doe s it have the powe r to grant Mok sha.

Ethics of Jeeva
Souls and Matte r are only the body of God. C re ation is a re al act of God. It is the e x pansion of inte llige nce . Matte r is fundam e ntally re al and unde rgoe s re al re ve lation. The Soul is a highe r m ode than Matte r, be cause it is conscious. It is also e te rnally re al and e te rnally distinct. Final re le ase , that com e s, by the Lord's Grace , afte r the de ath of the body is a C om m union with God. This philosophy be lie ve s in libe ration through one 's Karm as (actions) in accordance with the Ve das, the Varna (caste or class) syste m and the four Ashram as (stage s of life ), along with inte nse de votion to Vishnu. Individual Souls re tain the ir se parate ide ntitie s e ve n afte r m ok sha. The y live in Fe llowship with God e ithe r se rving Him or m e ditating on Him . The philosophy of this school is SriVaishnavism , a branch of Vaishnavism .

Vishishtadvaita and Sri Vaishnavism-Jeeva & Sareera-Stellar Astrology Concept

The Absolute Supre m e R e ality re fe rre d to as Brahm an, is a Transce nde nt Pe rsonality with infinite supe rlative qualitie s. He is Narayana, also k nown as Lord Vishnu. Narayana is the Absolute God. The Soul and the Unive rse are only parts of this Absolute and he nce , Vishishtadvaita is pane nthe istic. The re lationship of God to the Soul and the Unive rse is lik e the re lationship of the Soul of Man to the body of Man. Individual souls is only parts of Brahm an. God, Soul and Unive rse toge the r form an inse parable unity which is one and has no se cond. This is the non-duality part. Matte r and Souls inhe re in that Ultim ate R e ality as attribute s to a substance . This is the qualification part of the non-duality. Vishishtadvaita philosophy provide d the philosophical basis for the e stablishm e nt of Sri Vaishnavism and gave Ve dantic back ing to the brim m ing de votion of the Alwar saints and the ir com position of wonde rful poe try and de votional songs in praise of Lord Vishnu. A basic unde rstanding of the Sare e ra bhava ( body aspe ct) of the Je e vatm a in re lation to the Sare e ra bhava (soul aspe ct) of the Param atm a is the springboard for our tak e off on the way to attain Mok sha. The Se shatva(Subordination) of the souls is only anothe r way of saying that the y have Dasatva (Se rvice ) or right and duty to se rve Isvara, who is the ir m aste r. The im pe dim e nts arise from sins com m itte d by the individual souls by transgre ssing the code s of conduct

pre scribe d in the Sastras thus incurring the disple asure of the Lord. This in turn im pe de s the progre ss of the Je e va towards Mok sha. The sins are born out of Avidya (Ignorance ), and Karm avasana (the late nt im pre ssions of the past and the pre se nt de e ds)-the e ffe cts of which can be got rid of only by atoning and surre nde ring to the Lord. As for the im pe dim e nts, the y m anife st in diffe re nt ways:- i) C om m itting sins de libe rate ly to se cure te m porary and trivial m undane be ne fits .ii) C ontinuing to com m it sins m ore and m ore - one sin le ading to anothe r in an e ndle ss chain Through the Sastra, the individual soul disce rns the diffe re ntiation as be twe e n its se lf and the body on the one hand and as be twe e n its individual soul (Je e vatm a ) and the Unive rsal soul (Param atm a) on the othe r. He also com e s to k now that his de e ds (Karm a) are re sponsible for his re pe ate d re incarnations (Punarjanm as). He the re fore re frains from bad de e ds (Papa) and re sorts to spiritually m e ritorious de e ds (Punya) as pre scribe d in the Sastras. He also be com e s aware of the Supre m e Lord Sri Narayana and that surre nde r (Prapatti) to him as the be st m e an to re ach Narayana and e njoy e ve rlasting bliss. To the Je e va who has attaine d Mok sha e ve rything will be ple asant, agre e able and blissful. Eve n those that appe are d painful or e ve n le ss ple asurable while on e arth be cause of the constraining e ffe cts of the m ate rial world would now appe ar e njoyable due to the abse nce of the m ate rial binding and the pre se nce of Bhagavan. W hile com paring Je e va and Sare e ra of Sri Vaishnavism , with that of Ste llar Astrology, in Sri Vaishnavism , the ultim ate ly Je e va to m e rge with unive rsal soul and body (Param atm a) to ge t Mok sha or re lie f from the cycle s of birth and de ath, in Ste llar astrology the Je e va and Sare e ra of bhava/k arak a should go inline with e ach othe r to give be st re sult to that bhava/k arak a, so that the bhava/k arak a ge ts satisfie d and also the native be stowe d with ve ry good re sults. Just lik e the Je e va(by pe rform ing good k arm as) ge ts Mok sha the ultim ate in the life , in astrology the bhava/k arak a Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts if the y are be ne fic, frie nds and associate d with be ne fic house s be stows ve ry good re sults to the native lik e blissful Mok sha. W ork ing on this line I had work e d out ce rtain principle s for good re sult to flow to the native with the tim ing of e ve nts, as whe n the e ve nt shall fructify by link ing dasa, buk thi and anthara of the birth chart with that of bhava/k arak a Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts.

Historical Background and Importance of Nakshatra

In India, the way in which Nak shatra Vidya, the scie nce of stars, has be e n thought of e ve n in the Ve dic lite rature shows that it was re garde d as one of the inte lle ctual attainm e nts. The word Nak shatra m e ans star in ge ne ral as we ll as an aste rism in the zodiacal be lt. The star groups or Nak shatra we re re fe rre d to as De vagrahas. Parts of the body of the Prim ordial Be ing, Prajapati, have be e n e x tolle d in te rm s of Nak shatra. The late r e x pone nts of Indian astrology also have im agine d the Kala Purusha in m uch the sam e way. It se e m s fairly ce rtain that the Nak satra Vidya was he ld in high e ste e m in India. In the Ve dic as we ll as the post-Ve dic lite rature including the puranas the re are innum e rable re fe re nce s to the auspicious days ion re lation to the Nak shatras, for m arriage s, ploughing and the lik e . Som e of the m we re e ve n thought of in te rm s of punya and papa. Nak shatras and prognostications we re usually m ade on that basis. In the Mahabharata as we ll as the R am ayana the re are passage s that spe ak of inauspicious or unluck y m ove m e nts with re fe re nce to Nak shatras we ll as plane ts. It se e m s fairly ce rtain that the Nak shatra Vidya was he ld in high e ste e m in India. Knowle dge of the Nak shatras was ne ce ssary for a re ligious rite calle d Nak shatre sti as we ll as the Srauta rite conce rning the conse cration of sacre d fire s.

Significance and Importance of Stellar Astrology

Am ong the gre ate st wonde rs of world is the wonde r of the Nadi Granthas in India that re ve al with stunning accuracy e ve n the m inute de tails of pe rsons life . Am ong Nadi Granthas, Dhruva Nadi by Sage Satyacharya occupie s a unique place . Base d on this Dhruva Nadi, Me e na Syste m was de ve lope d by Late Sri. R Gopala Krishna R ow (Me e na 1) and Late Sri. N V R aghava C hary ( Me e na 2) in late thirtie s. Invaluable astrological principle s not to be found in the classical astrological work s are to be m e t within it upon which one can re liable proce e d in the de line ation of a horoscope . Ge ne rally in traditional astrology alm ost all the astrologe rs give im portant on plane t and the ir positions in the zodiac. As pe r nak shatra Siddhantha or ste llar astrology, it is not the plane ts posite d going to de live r good or bad re sults but its stat lord that i.e the plane ts posite d in particular star that star lord is going to de live r the re sult to the native .

Stellar Effect in Jeeva and Sareera Theory

The tim ings of e ve nts fulfill an im portant ne e d of Ve dic Astrology. Pre dictive astrology aim s at ide ntifying the spe cific pe riod for the occurre nce of a spe cific e ve nt. Se ve ral principle s on this subje ct have be e n indicate d in classical te x ts. Many of the m are not available to a large num be r of m ode rn stude nts. Pre dictive astrology aim s at ide ntifying the spe cific pe riod for the occurre nce of a spe cific e ve nt. Se ve ral principle s on this subje ct have be e n indicate d in classical te x ts. Many of the m are not available to a large num be r of m ode rn stude nts. In m y re se arch study, I had note d that tim ing of e ve nts can be e asy ide ntifie d by using ste llar e ffe cts. O ut of m any im portant factors, which have to be tak e n into conside ration and spe cial atte ntion, has to be paid for asse ssing the re sults of a House or Bhava are Je e va and Sare e ra. The soul is nam e d as Je e va and the body goe s by the appe llation of Sare e ra. The Je e va and Sare e ra have to be work e d out for e ve ry Bhava or House for prope r pre dictions as the y are the m ain plane ts on whom the re sults de pe nd to som e e x te nt. It m ay be note d that the Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts should be be ne fics to the particular native and we ll posite d in the charts apart from be ne fic aspe cts e tc. for good re sults to flow. O ne has to conside r whe the r the Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts are inim ical to e ach othe r. Various authors and scholars have dive rge nt vie ws about the Je e va and Sare e ra. The y have the ir own m e thod to find the m out. As pe r Nadi syste m , the following rule s to be apple d to find out Je e va and Sare e ra.

The Je e va plane t is the Lord of the conste llation in which the particular Bhava lord is posite d and the Sare e ra plane t is the lord of the star in which the Je e va plane t is situate d.

W he n the Je e va plane t joins anothe r stronge r or powe rful plane t, the powe rful or stronge r plane t be com e s the Je e va plane t in othe r words the stronge r or powe rful plane t snatche s away the right of the othe r plane t. This m ay happe n in case of Sare e ra also.

In case s whe re the Bhava Lord is in his own conste llation the Bhava Lord him se lf be com e s the Je e va Plane t. The Lord of the house in which the Je e va Lord is te nante d is the Sare e ra Plane t.

At tim e s the Bhava Lord is not only situate d in his own conste llation but also place d in his own house and in the se case s the Je e va plane t itse lf be com e s the Sare e ra plane t.

By applying the following rules you can easy identify the eventful periods
W ork out Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts for e ach bhava or the bhave in que stion and Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts for the Karak a in que stion. Eve nts will tak e place or fructify whe n Dasa/buk thi/anthara lord have any conne ction to the Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts of the bhave in que stion. For good re sults to flow, the Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts should not be e ne m ie s, the y should not be place d 6 and 8th positions am ong the m se lve s, the y should not be posite d e ithe r 6th or 8th house in the rasi chart. How to link Dasa,Buk thi and Anthara to Je e va and Sare e ra Plane ts to arrive the tim ing of e ve nts?(Me thods) 1. If Dasa or Buk thi or Anthara lords have conne ction with Je e va or Sare e ra plane ts of Bhava or Karak a in que stion the n fructification of re sults shall happe n at that tim e .. 2. In transit(Gochara) Je e va and Sare e ra plane ts of a bhava or k arak a in que stion touche s the natal(birth) charts position of Je e va or Sare e ra and DBA should have conne ction to Je e va and Sare e ra the n re sults to that bhava fructifie s. 3. In Transit(gochara),Je e va or Sare e ra plane t aspe cts e ach othe r and DBA should have coone ction to Je e va and Sare e ra the n the conne cte d bhava or k arak a in que stion fructifie s. Ex am ple C hart:

Timing of Marriage
Nam e : Male DO B: 22-5-1978 TO B:20:55 Hrs PO B:Thanjavur(TN) Anuradha 2nd pada Balance of dasa:Sani dasa 11yrs 1m onth 21 days Marriage tak e n place on:4-4-2007




Sukra Guru Kuja

Ravi Kuja Guru

Sani Rahu Lagna Navamsa

Rasi Sani


Lagna Chandra



Kethu Chandra

Marriage : Kalathra Bhava is Se ve nth house from lagna. Kalathra k arak a is Suk ra. Le t us work out Je e va and sare e a for both. For Se ve nth house , the lord is Budha, Budha is in Me sha rasi and in Bharani nak shatra whose lord is Suk ra the n Suk ra will be com e the Je e va for that bhava, the n Je e va Lord is Suk ra and is in the nak shatra Aridra whose lord is R ahu, so R ahu will be com e Sare e ra for that bhave (R ule No:1) He nce Je e va and Sare e ra for 7th house is Suk ra and R ahu. For Kalathra Karak a Suk ra, Suk ra is in the nak shatra of Aridra whose lord is R ahu, so R ahu will be com e Je e va and Je e va plane t R ahu is in the nak shatra of Hastha whose lord is C handra and he nce C handra be com e s Sare e ra .(R ule No:1) He nce Je e va and Sare e ra for k alathra k arak a Suk ra is R ahu and C handra. Analysis: Date of Marriage : 4-4-2007

Ravi Budha Rahu Kuja


Sani Rasi Kethu



Ke tu in Pubba Nak shatra.R unning Dasa at the tim e m arriage is Ke tu dasa/Suk ra buk thi/C handra anthara from 2-407 to 27-4-07 Buk thi lord Suk ra happe ns to be Je e va plane t for 7th house . Dasa lord Ke tu is transiting in Pubba nak shatra (Suk ra), Je e va plane t Suk ras nak shatra in Sim ha rasi at the tim e of m arriage . Kalathra k arak a is Suk ras Je e va and Sare e ra is R ahu and C handra, Anthra lord at the tim e m arriage is C handra having dire ct conne ction with Sare e ra of k alathra k arak a. O ve r and above Anthara lord C handra transiting in Je e va lord Suk ras house thula rasi. He nce the m arriage had tak e n place in Ke tu dasa Suk ra buk thi and C handra anthara.(Me thod 1).

Reference: Practical Stellar Astrology( Based on Nadi Principles) by Sri N V Raghava Chary ( Meena2)

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