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Sample Task 2 IELTS Writing Questions

On this page you will find examples of IELTS writing questions given in the IELTS exam for Task 2. The essay questions have een divided into !ommon IELTS writing topi!s. This way you !an easily see and understand the kind of areas of knowledge you will need to know a out in order to help you do well in the test. Some of the IELTS writing questions !ould of !ourse e in more than one topi! area.

Animals "lood sports have e!ome a hot topi! for de ate in re!ent years. #s so!iety develops it is in!reasingly seen as an un!ivili$ed a!tivity and !ruel to the helpless animals that are killed. #ll lood sports should e anned. %is!uss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion. Culture #s only a small per!entage of people have an interest in the #rts& government funding for this is a waste of money. Spending this money on health and edu!ation would e far more enefi!ial to so!iety. To what extent do you agree' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( It is inevita le that as te!hnology advan!es& traditional !ultures will e lost. It seems that we !annot have these two things together. To what extent do you agree or disagree' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( There are many types of musi! in the world today. )hy do we need musi!' Is the traditional musi! of a !ountry more important and should it e preserved or is international musi! that is heard everywhere nowadays more useful to a so!iety' Education Edu!ation is not a luxury& ut a asi! human right and as su!h should e free for everyone irrespe!tive of personal wealth. %o you agree or disagree'

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Some people think that !hildren*s free time must in!lude edu!ational a!tivities otherwise they will waste their time. )hat is your opinion' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( +ormal examinations are the only effe!tive way to assess a student*s performan!e. ,ontinual assessment su!h as !ourse work and pro-e!ts is not a satisfa!tory way to do this. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement' Environment %eveloped !ountries have !reated many environmental pro lems in the )orld& parti!ularly in their !ontri ution to glo al warming. )hat !an e done to redu!e the dangers of glo al warming' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( In order to solve traffi! pro lems& governments should tax private !ar owners heavily and use the money to improve pu li! transportation. )hat are the advantages and disadvantages of su!h a solution' .iew a model answer for this question (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( /lo al warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is fa!ing today. )hat are the !auses of glo al warming and what measures !an governments and individuals take to ta!kle the issue' .iew a model answer for this question (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Logging of the rain forests is a serious pro lem and it may lead to the extin!tion of animal life and human life. %is!uss. Health The per!entage of overweight !hildren in western so!iety has in!reased y almost 201 in the last ten years. %is!uss the !auses and effe!ts of this distur ing trend.

.iew a model answer for this question (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Eating a alan!ed diet is the most important fa!tor for a healthy life. To what extent do you agree' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 2any of the medi!al pro lems that people are experien!ing in today*s world are due to the fa!t that we have a very sedentary lifestyle. To what extent to you agree' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Stress is now a ma-or pro lem in many !ountries around the world. )hat are some of the fa!tors in modern so!iety that !ause this stress& and how !an we redu!e it' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Smoking not only harms the smoker& ut also those who are near y. Therefore& smoking should e anned in pu li! pla!es. To what extent do you agree or disagree' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Media #re famous people treated unfairly y the media' Should they e given more priva!y& or is the pri!e of their fame an invasion into their private lives' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( These days& we are seeing an in!reasing amount of violen!e on television& and this is having a negative impa!t on !hildren*s ehaviour. %o you agree or disagree' Societ 3owadays& families are not as !lose as in the past and a lot of people have e!ome used to this. Explain the reasons for this and dis!uss any possi le effe!ts it may have on so!iety. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Smokers have rights too& so they should e allowed to smoke in pu li! pla!es. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement'

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Levels of youth !rime are in!reasing rapidly in most !ities around the world. )hat are the reasons for this& and suggest some solutions. .iew a model answer for this question (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( There is an in!reasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family. )hat are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family' Technolog 4eople use !omputers when they work or go anking& ut some argue that it will make people isolated and de!rease their so!ial skills. To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Some people think that !omputers are more of a hindran!e than a help in today*s so!iety. Others elieve that they are su!h indispensa le tools that they would not e a le to live or work without them. %is!uss oth opinions and give your opinion. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3owadays many people have a!!ess to !omputers on a wide asis and a large num er of !hildren play !omputer games. )hat are the negative and positive impa!ts of playing !omputer games and what !an e done to minimi$e the ad effe!ts' .iew a model answer for this question (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( %o you think that modern te!hnology& su!h as the internet and !omputers will ever repla!e the ook or the written word as the main sour!e of information' Science /eneti! engineering is an important issue in modern so!iety. Some people think that it will improve people*s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may e a threat to life on earth. %is!uss oth opinions and give your opinion' 5eturn from IELTS )riting 6uestions to IELTS Writing

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