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Sedimentary rocks

Weathering is the general process by which rocks and soils are broken down at Earth's surface (through contact with the Earth's atmosphere, biota and waters) to produce sediment particles. -in takes place in-situ (in place no mo ement) !here are two types of weathering
mechanical or physical weathering chemical weathering

Physical weathering takes place when solid rock is fragmented by mechanical processes (through direct contact with atmospheric conditions, such as heat, water, ice and pressure) that do not change its chemical composition.

Chemical weathering occurs when the minerals in a rock are chemically altered or dissol ed (water is the main factor).

Physical weathering thermal stress

- e"pansion and contraction of rock, caused by temperature changes

Physical weathering frost weathering

Physical weathering pressure release

Physical weathering pressure release

Physical weathering bio-mechanical

#io-mechanical weathering

$hemical weathering
$hemical weathering changes the composition of rocks. water interacts with minerals to create arious chemical reactions. -is a gradual and ongoing process as the mineralogy of the rock adjusts to the near surface en ironment. %ew or secondary minerals de elop from the original minerals of the rock. &n this the processes of oxidation and hydrolysis are most important.

'umidity !emperature !opography !ime Surface area

$rack density (s. )eathering surface area

Erosion is the process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth s surface by e"ogenetic processes such as wind or water flow, and then transported and deposited in other locations.

!ransport agents - *ra ity

!ransport agents - )ind

!ransport agents - )ind

!ransport agents &ce

!ransport agents )ater- +lu ial transport

!ransport agents )ater- $ostal transport

,aterial transport in a ri er


Sand stone

-uart. grains


Sediments (s. Sedimentary rocks

$ementation of soils

/ores ( oids)

$ement precipitation

$lasts (soil particles)

Sedimentary rocks classification

$onglomerate Sand stone

Silt stone

$lay stone

/article Shape

/article shape - Spherisity

$onglomerate #recia

/article sorting 0 uniformity of particles

$lay minerals

$lay minerals
!etraedric layer "ctaedric layer trioctaedric


#$# %!-"&

$lay minerals

$lay minerals
'$# %!-"-!&

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