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9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy





\'.\\Eve~t~ 1~.~ ___
\..T~e of event: Interview
\....\... ..~ate.:.. August 1, 2003
\\,\\ SP.~Ci~ ...Access Issues: None
\tre~ared...~y: Peter Rundlet
\\ \earr\.Nwh.~er: 6
~~cati~,~: F~,~, Washington Field Office
~:~~icip~ts - N\n-Commission: Bob Sinton, Assistant General Counsel
P\kiP\\- Co~:uission: Peter Rundlet and Barbara Grewe

\\ '\BaCk~,~OUDd~'1 !received a B.A. in English from the University of Maryland,

Easte\ ,hore Campus in May, 2001. After graduation, he filed many federal government

• apPlic~\id\s.

During fuis\feriod,

Aftil,\about 9-12 months, he got a call from the FBI to come in for an interview,

he worked first as a substitute teacher in Montgomery

fO\Montgomery County.
County, and then as an

He was initiall y hired by the FBI in September

2002, and ~.~g~ as an IIl~,~Iligence Assistant (IA) in the Document Exploitation Unit ("DocExn)

at FBI HQ. " Iwork~ there from September through December 2002, before moving to
", ...

the Electronic Communications Analysis Unit (ECAU), where he served as an IA until April

2003. At that time~1 ~e to the WFO to work as an

~ ""--"'-9/11 Classified Information

Work as an IA. In DoCEx~'I.... _ ......tatalogued documents into a database. For instance,

if there was a raid in Afghanistan on a Sunday, he would be working with the documents by

Tuesday. As part of this process, he was supposed to look for particular things upon a quick

• re~~OfiliedOC~mh~I ~_9_/1_1_~_w_E_n_fo_r_C_~_e_nt_Se_n_s_it_i_ve

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

\\'~''':' •••••.'. COMMISSION SENSITIVE

\::::::,,::::'::::::::--'\,t,o ~;ii).1. ·-····::::::~~~Q.~ent to Quantico for a short period with DocEx to do "photographic

.':;'\:·:::·'::1l1aJni?Ulation." At th~'~2iul""" ~onducted e-mail surveillance, surveying accounts of

iIl·d,~\.idu~l~~f interest. This work came out oi'i7j'ISA.~~ants, and he would monitor the

"\,:"'''~cco·~~t.s daily:-)fe would send out teletypes daily. Initiall;:-the'e~m~il accounts were all foreign

and theililld to us~the translators and the information would go into ~~~~~base.~ !could

not recall what the database was called. This work was all classified at the Secret level, although

he h\S,\:op sec·r#~.~CIclearances .. Although he worked in a SClF, he is pretty sure that the

WhOI~s\,~tem wa~"~h~e Secret le~et. About 20 people worked in the scrr.

"~ile in DO~~l'~ ~ond~~t~~ no analysis. He was given certain criteria to look for

9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive I He kept a daily log. The guidance he

received a~~ ~he criteria were general, not case s~~cific. During this time, his interaction with

Agents was :J111itedto the revi'~~ they would conduct~this Teletypes. After an agent reviewed

• his teletype, th~y would take themup to the "disseminators~;)1 ~as not sure what the
...~ ..... .. ' \

name of the office of\the He said that there were many TDY Agents who

rotated through and, h~''did not work Wi~'J~st one or a few for the reviews of the teletypes.
\ \ \

9/11 Classified Information

90 percent of his work ~ counterterrorism surveillance'[ ad never gone out with

the Special Operations Group (~PG)."'I t'believes" that it is the SAC who decides who

they should target, when determining priorities among the possible targets. In terms of
scheduling the targets of the teamsl ~xPlained that he received a monthly schedule of
who his team would target and he stated that they usually stuck with the schedule.

\~,~l Law ...En f o r c erne n t; . Privacy


When asked what becomes of his surveiilanc'e"10-gs;.. I lreplied that he did not know.
Ite,.~,'wasn't sure" if there is a database that the logs are entered into. With respect to the log, he
'. said -th~the generally reviews it and tries to observe a pattern. He said that he can give his
..~~put on the Log Cover Sheet - to try to surmise what is going on with his target.
·"·,.Whenhe go~S out on a surveillance, he receives some background information that generally
in.c!.udei·· 9/11 Law Enfo,cement Sensitive I He stated, when

ask.~~, that he did '~n~t usually" meet with the case Agents, but that he did "this week."
\\.'-', taid that-.he usually goes out with a team of 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

With '~~spect to their equi~ent, they usually use 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive nd that the
technot~gy they have "works-okay." When asked what he is to do ifhe observes a crime in
progress) Isaidhe was "not sure." He stated that ifhis target mails something, then he
will call the Agent to let them kno~:1 Imentioned that ....-----------.
9/11 Classified Information

• [Classification]


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