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Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL

guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below. Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist
I $ Provide !ultiple !eans of Representation" Provide options for perception $ $ !""er ways o" customi#ing the display o" in"ormation $ % !""er alternati$es "or auditory in"ormation $ & !""er alternati$es "or $isual in"ormation % Provide options for lan'ua'e( )athe)atical e*pressions( and s+),ols % $ *lari"y $ocabulary and symbols % % *lari"y syntax and structure % & +upport decoding o" text, and mathematical notation, and symbols % - Promote understanding across language % . ,llustrate through multiple media & Provide options for co)prehension & $ .cti$ate or supply bac ground nowledge & % Highlight patterns, critical "eatures, big ideas, and relationships & & -uide in"ormation processing, $isuali#ation, and manipulation & - /aximi#e trans"er and generali#ation II Provide !ultiple !eans for /ction and E*pression" 4. Provide options for ph+sical action - $ 0ary the methods "or response and na$igation - % !ptimi#e access to tools and assisti$e technologies 5. Provide options for e*pression and co))unication . $ Use multiple media "or communication . % Use multiple tools "or construction and composition . & 1uild "luencies with graduated labels o" support "or practice and per"ormance 6. Provide options for e*ecutive functions 0 $ -uide appropriate goal setting 0 % +upport planning and strategy de$elopment 0 & 4acilitate managing in"ormation and resources 0 - Enhance capacity "or monitoring progress III Provide !ultiple !eans for En'a'e)ent" 7. Provide options for recruitin' interest 1 $ !ptimi#e indi$idual choice and autonomy 1 & /inimi#e threats and distractions
#our notes -i$ing choices on how to do the problems, showing how it is use"ul in real li"e, eeping an eye on students and that they are doing they3re wor Doing the pre2assessment, pro$iding the goal, hit at the bottom '"iguring out direction), how you grade and ma e sure they3re on the right path. Presenting the idea, di""erent ways to get to the answer, getting the ids "amiliar with the wor sheets, #our notes -i$ing access to the tools used in class 's etchpad), -i$ing homewor or what you did in class, problems, physical representation to show si#e, s etchpad, bring to real world 'new carpet), Describing math terms%e&uations, laying and re$iewing "oundations, explain the goal di""erently and students process, $isually show terms 'length height(), s etchpad
#our notes

Poster, mar ers, geometers s etchpad, presenting the idea,

1 %2011 !ptimi#e rele$ance, $alue, authenticity CAST UDL Guidelines and Educator Checklist

Version 2

CAST 2011

UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

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