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MINERS ASSOCIATION VS. FACTORAN The provisions dealing on license, concession or lease of mineral resources under PD No !63, as amended, and o"her exis"ing mining la#s are deemed repealed $% vir"ue of &r"icle '(( )ec"ion * of "he 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion and i"s implemen"ing la#, /0 No *-+ (n all o"her areas of adminis"ra"ion and managemen" of mineral lands, "he provisions of PD No !63, as amended, and o"her exis"ing mining la#s s"ill govern (no" re"roac"ive) 1pon "he effec"ivi"% of "he 1+,.ons"i"u"ion, "he s"a"e assumed a more d%namic role in "he explora"ion, developmen" and u"ili2a"ion of "he na"ural resources of "he coun"r%3 a) direc" ac" $) produc"ion, 4oin" ven"ure, produc"ion5sharing agreemen"s c) xxx for "echnical or financial assis"ance Pursuan" "o "he reserva"ion clause of /0 No *11, mining leases or agreemen"s gran"ed af"er "he effec"ivi"% of "he 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion can $e amended, modified or al"ered $% a s"a"u"e passed $% .ongress "o achieve "he purpose of &r"icle '(( )ec"ion * of "he 1+,.ons"i"u"ion /0 No *-+ issued on 6ul% *7, 1+,- $% Pres &8uino in "he exercise of her legisla"ive po#er has "he force and effec" of a s"a"u"e or la# passed $% .ongress (" au"hori2ed "he D/N9 )ecre"ar% "o nego"ia"e and conclude 4oin" ven"ure, co5produc"ion5sharing agreemen"s, prescri$e guidelines for such agreemen"s 9egardless of "he reserva"ion clause in /0 *11, mining leases or agreemen"s gran"ed $% "he )"a"e are su$4ec" "o al"era"ion "hrough a reasona$le exercise of "he police po#er of "he s"a"e The s"a"e, in "he exercise of i"s police po#er, ma% no" $e precluded $% "he cons"i"u"ional res"ric"ion on non5impairmen" of con"rac" from al"ering, modif%ing and amending "he mining leases or agreemen"s gran"ed under PD No !63, as amended, pursuan" "o /0 *11 The explora"ion, developmen" and u"ili2a"ion of "he coun"r%:s na"ural resources are ma""ers vi"al "o "he pu$lic in"eres" and "he general #elfare of "he people Police po#er, $eing co5ex"ensive #i"h "he necessi"ies of "he case and "he demands of pu$lic in"eres", ex"ends "o all "he vi"al pu$lic needs ALBANO VS. REYES ;anila (n"erna"ional .on"ainer Por" (;(.P) Philippine Por"s &u"hori"% (PP&) The a#ard of "he ;(.P .on"rac" approved $% "he .hief /xecu"ive of "he Philippines is cons"i"u"ional <egal presump"ion of validi"% and regulari"% of official func"ion exis" =hile "he expendi"ure of pu$lic funds ma% no" $e involved under "he con"rac", pu$lic in"eres" is defini"el% involved considering "he impor"an" role of "he ;.(P in "he economic developmen" of "he coun"r% and "he magni"ude of "he financial considera"ion involved & "axpa%er sui" can "herefore $e enforced #here a pu$lic righ" is sough" REPUBLIC VS. GONONG )ec"ion 11 &r"icle '(> of "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion no priva"e corpora"ion or associa"ion ma% hold aliena$le lands of "he pu$lic domain excep" $% lease no" "o exceed one "housand (1???) hec"ares in area Facts3 The (glesia ni @ris"o, a corpora"ion sole, ac8uired land #hose o#ner has $een in possession of i" for more "han 3? %ears (n an applica"ion for regis"ra"ion of said land, i" #as opposed on "he grounds "ha" "he (glesia ni @ris"o, as a priva"e corpora"ion, is dis8ualified "o hold aliena$le pu$lic lands

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0n "he o"her hand, (glesia ni @ris"o argues "ha" i" is no" dis8ualified $ecause a corpora"ion sole is no" "he o#ner $u" a mere adminis"ra"or of "he proper"% "i"led in i"s name for "he $enefi" of i"s mem$ers and "ha" "he cons"i"u"ional $an is inapplica$le "o i" $ecause "he proper"% sough" "o $e regis"ered is no" aliena$le pu$lic land $u" priva"e proper"% Held3 &pplica"ion for regis"ra"ion #as dismissed (glesia ni @ris"o, as a corpora"ion sole or a 4uridical person, is D()A1&<(B(/D "o ac8uire or hold aliena$le lands of "he pu$lic domain (" canno" also o$"ain confirma"ion of "he "i"le $ecause i" is nei"her a Bilipino ci"i2en nor a na"ural person The land in 8ues"ion is considered pu$lic land $ecause i" #as no" ac8uired from "he Covernmen" ei"her $% purchase or $% gran" REPUBLIC VS. IAC Facts3 The 9oman .a"holic Dishop of <ucena filed for confirma"ion of "i"le on parcels of land, "hree of #hich cons"i"u"e "he 9oman .a"holic .hurch ceme"er% #hile "he four"h has a chapel erec"ed on i" Ti"le is claimed "hrough purchase or dona"ion covering a period more "han 7* %ears #i"h respec" "o lo"s 1 and *, 6* %ears for lo" 3, and more "han 3+ %ears for lo" ! The applica"ion #as opposed on "he ground "ha" "he 9oman .a"holic Dishop of <ucena, as a corpora"ion sole is dis8ualified from confirma"ion of "i"le $ecause of "he cons"i"u"ional $an on priva"e corpora"ion "o ac8uire aliena$le lands for pu$lic domain Held3 The 9oman .a"holic Dishop of <ucena has $een in open, con"inuous and exclusive possession of "he lo"s in 8ues"ion for "he period (3? %ears) prescri$ed $% la# and as such, said lands cease "o $e pu$lic land and $ecome priva"e proper"% The cons"i"u"ional prohi$i"ion canno" "herefore appl% an%more UNITED CHURCH BOARD FOR WORLD MINISTRIES VS. SEBASTIAN Facts3 &n &merican ci"i2en #ho has $een a residen" of "he Philippines for more "han 3? %ears, lef" a #ill $e8uea"hing 6?E of his shares of s"ocFs in a plan"a"ion compan% "o a hospi"al )aid legac%, ho#ever, #as disallo#ed on "he ground "ha" i" #as in effec" an aliena"ion of priva"e agricul"ural land in favor of a "ransferee no" 8ualified under "he 1+37 .ons"i"u"ion The said hospi"al #as o#ned $% pe"i"ioner, #hich #as a non5s"ocF corpora"ion organi2ed in "he 1ni"ed )"a"es Deing o#ned $% foreigners, i" canno" ac8uire agricul"ural lands in "he Philippines excep" onl% $% heredi"ar% succession Pe"i"ioner con"ended "ha" said cons"i"u"ional provision #as no" applica$le $ecause "he o$4ec" of "he legac% #as no" land $u" shares of s"ocFs Bur"hermore, pe"i"ioner #as 8ualified "o ac8uire i" under "he Pari"% &mendmen" and "he <aurel5<angle% agreemen" Go#ever, ne# evidence sho#ed "ha" "he hospi"al #as ac"uall% o#ned $% "he 1..P and no" $% pe"i"ioner a" "he "ime of "he execu"ion of "he #ill and "he "es"a"or:s dea"h 1..P is a non5s"ocF corpora"ion, organi2ed under Philippine la# #i"h a 1??E Bilipino mem$ership Held3 The legac% #as declared valid /ven on "he assump"ion "ha" 1.D=;, pe"i"ioner, #as reall% "he o#ner of "he hospi"al a" "he "ime of "he effec"ivi"% of "he #ill, "he defec" should $e deemed ra"ified $% "he su$se8uen" "ransfer of "he proper"% (f "he land is invalidl% "ransferred "o an alien #ho su$se8uen"l% $ecomes a ci"i2en or "ransfers i" "o a ci"i2en, "he fla# in "he original "ransac"ion is considered cured and "he "i"le of "he "ransferee is rendered valid

DANTINO VS. COLIONG CHONG & lease "o an alien for a reasona$le period is valid )o is an op"ion giving "he alien "he

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righ" "o $u% real proper"% on condi"ion "ha" he is gran"ed Philippine ci"i2enship )ince residence is "emporar%, "he% ma% $e gran"ed "emporar% righ"s /xcep"ion3 (f an alien is given no" onl% a lease, $u" also an op"ion "o $u%, a piece of land, $% vir"ue of #hich "he Bilipino o#ner canno" sell or o"her#ise dispose of his proper"% (" is clear "herefore "ha" "he arrangemen" is a mu"ual "ransfer of o#nership TEJIDO VS. AMACOM !"#$%& &c8uisi"ion of priva"e lands as earl% as 1+*6 &c" No *,-! prohi$i"ed "he sale "o aliens of pu$lic agricul"ural lands onl%, no" priva"e lands )ec"ion 7 &r"icle '(( of "he 1+37 .ons"i"u"ion prohi$i"ing sales of lands "o aliens canno" $e given re"roac"ive effec" <and sold "o an alien #hich #as la"er "ransferred "o a Bilipino ci"i2en or #herein "he alien la"er $ecome a Bilipino ci"i2en can no longer $e recovered $% "he vendor CHEESMAN VS. IAC )ec"ion 1! &r"icle '(> of "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion ordains "ha", save in cases of heredi"ar% succession, no priva"e land shall $e "ransferred or conve%ed excep" "o individuals, corpora"ion, or associa"ion 8ualified "o ac8uire or hold lands of "he pu$lic domain /ven if i" #ere a fac" "ha" pe"i"ioner:s Bilipina #ife used con4ugal funds "o purchase "he lo" in 8ues"ion, pe"i"ioner, #ho is an alien, canno" recover or hold "he lo" so ac8uired, in vie# of "he .ons"i"u"ional prohi$i"ion agains" sale "o aliens of residen"ial land CONSTITIONAL LAW !ARTICLE 'II ( NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY& DIRECTOR VS. IAC The 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion canno" impair ves"ed righ"s Thus, #here land #as ac8uired in 1+6* #hen corpora"ions #ere allo#ed "o ac8uire lands no" $e%ond 1?*! hec"ares, "he same m% $e regis"ered in 1+,* al"hough under 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion, corpora"ion canno" ac8uire lands of "he pu$lic domain This applies also "o priva"e land ac8uired $% a corpora"ion in 1+6* The ruling in ;/9&<.0 >) .&)T905 D&9T0<0;/ "ha" pu$lic land ceases "o $e so onl% upon issuance of a cer"ifica"e of "i"le, is here$% reconsidered and &D&ND0N/D The correc" rule is "ha" aliena$le land held $% a possessor, personall% or "hrough his predecessor5in5in"eres", openl%, con"inuousl% and exclusivel% for "he prescri$ed s"a"u"or% period (3? %ears) is conver"ed "o priva"e proper"% $% "he mere lapse or comple"ion of said period REPUBLIC VS. CA 0ccupa"ion and cul"iva"ion for more "han 3? %ears $% an applican" and his predecessor in in"eres", ves" "i"le on such applican" so as "o segrega"e "he land from "he mass of pu$lic land The Torrens s%s"em #as no" es"a$lished as a means for "he ac8uisi"ion of "i"le "o priva"e land, as i" merel% confirms, $u" does no" confer o#nership The .ons"i"u"ion allo#s na"ural5$orn ci"i2en #ho have los" "heir Philippine ci"i2enship "o ac8uire priva"e lands DP 1,7 governs "he disposi"ion of priva"e lands in favor of na"ural $orn Bilipino ci"i2ens #ho have los" "heir Philippine ci"i2enship & foreign na"ional ma% appl% for regis"ra"ion of "i"le over a parcel of land #hich he ac8uired $% purchase #hile s"ill a ci"i2en of "he Philippines from a vendor #ho has

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complied #i"h "he re8uiremen"s regis"ra"ion under "he la# for exercise au"onom% in #hich "he cen"ral governmen" commi"s an ac" of self5 immola"ion VILLACORTA VS. BERNARDO DACANAY VS. ASISTIO) JR. & pu$lic s"ree" is a proper"% for pu$lic use hence ou"side "he commerce of man &s such, i" ma% no" $e "he su$4ec" of lease or o"her con"rac" The righ" of "he pu$lic "o use "he ci"% s"ree"s ma% no" $e $argained a#a% "hrough con"rac" The in"eres"s of a fe# should no" prevail over "he good of "he grea"er num$er in "he communi"% LIMBONA VS. MANGELIN &u"onom% is ei"her decen"rali2a"ion of adminis"ra"ion or decen"rali2a"ion of po#er There is decen"rali2a"ion of adminis"ra"ion #hen "he cen"ral governmen" delega"es adminis"ra"ive po#ers "o poli"ical su$division in order "o $roaden "he $ase of governmen" po#er (" relieves "he cen"ral governmen" of "he $urden of managing local affairs and ena$les i" "o concen"ra"e on na"ional concerns The Presiden" exercise general supervision over "hem $u" onl% "o ensure "ha" local affairs are adminis"ered according "o la# Ge has no con"rol over "heir ac"s in "he sense "ha" he can su$s"i"u"e "heir 4udgmen"s #i"h his o#n Decen"rali2a"ion of po#er involves an a$dica"ion of poli"ical po#er in favor of <C1:s declared "o $e au"onomous The au"onomous governmen" is free "o char" i"s o#n des"in% and shape i"s fu"ure #i"h minimum in"erven"ion from cen"ral au"hori"ies (" amoun"s "o self immola"ion since "he au"onomous governmen" $ecomes accoun"a$le no" "o "he cen"ral au"hori"ies $u" "o i"s cons"i"uenc% The au"onomous governmen" of ;indanao is su$4ec" "o "he 4urisdic"ion of our na"ional cour"s PD No 161, #as never mean" "o <ocal governmen"s exercise police po#er onl% $% vir"ue of a valid delega"ion from "he na"ional legisla"ure under "he general #elfare clause (n "he case a" $ar, 0rdinance No ** suffers from addi"ional defec" of viola"ing "his au"hori"% for legisla"ing in con"raven"ion of "he na"ional la# Proper care should a""end "he exercise of police po#er les" i" de"eriora"e in"o an unreasona$le in"rusion in"o "he purel% priva"e affairs of "he individual The so5 called general #elfare is "oo amorphous and convenien" an excuse for official ar$i"rariness (n a "rul% democra"ic s"a"e, pro"ec"ing "he righ" of "he individual is as impor"an" as, if no" more so "han, pro"ec"ing "he righ" of "he pu$lic (.ru2, 6 ) &n ordinance #hich amends and viola"es na"ional la#s in "he guise of implemen"ing "hem $% imposing addi"ional re8uiremen"s #ould $e ul"ra vires 0rdinance No ** of "he Dagupan .i"% ;unicipal Doard is null and void for imposing addi"ional condi"ions upon su$division o#ners $efore approval and verifica"ion of proposed su$division plans $% "he Dureau of <ands andHor "he <and 9egis"ra"ion .ommission


PROVINCE OF CEBU VS. IAC The doc"rine of implied ;unicipal lia$ili"% has $een said "o appl% "o all cases #here mone% or o"her proper"% of a par"% is received under such circums"ances "ha" "he general la#, independen" of express con"rac" implies an o$liga"ion upon "he municipali"% "o do 4us"ice #i"h respec" "o "he same

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The Provincial Biscal and "he ;unicipal &""orne% can represen" a province or municipali"% in i"s la#sui"s & priva"e counsel ma% $e hired $% "he Covernor in a la#sui" filed $% him in his official capaci"% agains" "he Provincial Doard #here "he Provincial fiscal had $een direc"ed $% "he Doard alread% "o appear for i" in a case involving "he same 8ues"ioned dona"ion of provincial proper"% ORDILLO VS. COMELEC The sole province of (fugao canno" validl% cons"i"u"e "he .ordillera &u"onomous 9egion The Fe%#ords of &r"icle ', )ec"ion 17 I provinces, ci"ies, municipali"ies and geographical areas conno"es "ha" region is "o $e made up of more "han one cons"i"uen" uni" 9& No 6-66 is infused #i"h provisions #hich rule agains" "he sole province of (fugao cons"i"u"ing "he 9egion JAVELLANA VS. DILG ;emorandum .ircular No -!57, prohi$i"s a governmen" official form engaging in "he priva"e prac"ice of his profession if such prac"ice #ould represen" in"eres" adverse "o "he governmen" ARTICLE 'I ( ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS ALDIVAR VS. SANDIGANBAYAN 1nder "he 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion, "he 0m$udsman is charged #i"h "he du"% "o3 inves"iga"e on i"s o#n, or on complain" $% an% person, an% ac" or omission of an% pu$lic official, emplo%ee, office or agenc%, #hen such ac" or omission appear "o $e illegal, un4us", improper or inefficien" (ncum$en" Tanod$a%an (called special prosecu"or) los" his righ" "o conduc" preliminar% inves"iga"ion and "o direc" "he filing of criminal cases #i"h "he )andigan$a%an, excep" upon orders of "he 0m$udsman, effec"ive Be$ruar% *, 1+,The )pecial Prosecu"or has no righ" "o hold over "he posi"ion of 0m$udsman The 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman is a ne# crea"ion under &r"icle '( of "he .ons"i"u"ion differen" from "he 0ffice of "he Tanod$a%an The )pecial Prosecu"or is a mere su$ordina"e of Tanod$a%an (0m$udsman) DELOSO VS. DOMINGO The 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman has "he po#er, func"ion and du"% "o ac" promp"l% on complain"s filed in an% form or manner agains" pu$lic officials The la# does no" re8uire "ha" "he ac" or omission $e rela"ed "o or $e connec"ed #i"h or arise from "he performance of official du"% The 4urisdic"ion of "he 0m$udsman, "hen, encompasses all Finds of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance "ha" have $een commi""ed $% an% officer or emplo%ee during his "enure of office The )andigan$a%an has 4urisdic"ion over offenses commi""ed $% pu$lic officials #hen "he penal"% prescri$ed $% la# for "he offense is higher "han prision correccional

TAN VS. COMELEC (" is impera"ive "ha" "here $e firs" o$"ained "he approval of a ma4ori"% of vo"es in "he ple$isci"e in "he uni" or uni"s affec"ed #henever a province is crea"ed, divided or merged and "here is su$s"an"ial al"era"ion of "he $oundaries & ple$isci"e for crea"ing a ne# province should include "he par"icipa"ion of "he residen"s of "he mo"her province for "he ple$isci"e "o conform "o "he cons"i"u"ional re8uiremen"s

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ROMULO VS. YNIGUE !"#$*& ALBA VS. NITORREDA De%ond sa%ing "ha" "he Da"asan ma% ini"ia"e impeachmen" $% a vo"e of a" leas" 1H7 of all i"s mem$ers and "ha" no official shall $e convic"ed #i"hou" "he concurrence of a" leas" *H3 of all "he mem$ers "hereof, "he .ons"i"u"ion sa%s no more Gence, "he Da"asan ma% adop" rules of proceedings "o govern impeachmen" cases, #hich ma% $e modified $% i" Delega"ion $% "he Da"asan "o a .ommi""ee of "he au"hori"% "o dismiss a complain" for impeachmen" #hen i" find "he same no" in proper form and su$s"ance is no" uncons"i"u"ional )uch ac" refers onl% "o "he disposi"ion of a complain" for impeachmen" ini"ia"ed $% a" leas" 1H7 of all "he mem$ers of Da"asan &n ac"ion of a legisla"ive commi""ee on 6us"ice, Guman 9igh"s and Cood Covernmen" I approved $% "he legisla"ure amoun"s "o ac" of "he legisla"ure #hich "he .ommi""ee can no longer recall The )upreme .our" canno" compel "he Da"asan "o conduc" an impeachmen" "rial (" #ould no" serve an% useful purpose "o order "he Da"asan .ommi""ee on 6us"ice "o recall from "he archives "he complain" for impeachmen" of Pres ;arcos since "he Da"asan approved "he .ommi""ee:s ac"ion $% den%ing "he mo"ion of ;i"ra for "he recall of "he same complain" LASTIMOSA VS. VAS+UE The 0m$udsman is au"hori2ed "o call on prosecu"ors for assis"ance "hose designa"ed or depu"i2ed "o assis" him shall $e under his supervision and con"rol #hich means he can direc", revie#, approve, reverse or modif% "he prosecu"or:s decision The 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman is given "he po#er "o punish for con"emp", in accordance #i"h "he 9ules of .our" xxx & par"% #as given all "he oppor"uni"% "o $e heard, al$ei" "hrough pleadings, #here "he 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman no" onl% gave due course and considera"ion "o his coun"er5 affidavi" $u" also en"er"ained and resolved his mo"ion for reconsidera"ion, #hich is no" ordinaril% allo#ed in "he ad4udica"ion of adminis"ra"ive cases #here "he penal"% imposed is suspension of no" more "han one mon"h .er"iorari is availa$le "o an aggrieved pu$lic official in case "he 0m$udsman or "he Depu"% has"il%, ar$i"raril%, if no" oppressivel% andHor inhumanl% ac"s "o find a pu$lic official adminis"ra"ivel% lia$le for an imagined viola"ion & 4oin"5affidavi" of desis"ance is no" $inding on "he 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman and canno" prevail over "he provision of la# #hich ca"egoricall% allo#s "he 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman "o inves"iga"e and prosecu"e on i"s o#n an% ac" or omission of a pu$lic officer or emplo%ee, office or agenc% #hich appears "o $e illegal, un4us", improper or inefficien" (" is $e%ond "he am$i" of "he )upreme .our" "o revie# "he exercise of discre"ion of "he 0m$udsman in prosecu"ing or dismissing a complain" filed $efore i" )uch ini"ia"ive and independence are inheren" in "he 0m$udsman #ho $eholden "o no one, ac"s as "he champion of "he people and "he preserver of "he in"egri"% of "he pu$lic service ACOP VS. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN !,URATONG BALELENG CASE& =hile "he in"en"ion of "he .ons"i"u"ional .ommission "o #i"hhold prosecu"orial po#ers from "he 0m$udsman #as indeed presen", "he .ommission did no" hesi"a"e "o recommend "ha" "he <egisla"ure could,

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"hrough s"a"u"e, prescri$e such o"her po#er, func"ion, and "he du"ies "o "he 0m$udsman )ec"ion 13, &r"icle '( (,) Promulga"e i"s rules and procedure and exercise such o"her func"ions or du"ies as ma% $e provided $% la# .ongress has "he po#er "o place "he 0ffice of "he )pecial Prosecu"or under "he 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman, and i" ma% remove some of "he po#er gran"ed "o "he Tanod$a%an and "ransfer "hem "o "he 0m$udsman Through 9& 6--?, "he 0ffice of "he )pecial Prosecu"or #as made an organic componen" of "he 0ffice of "he 0m$udsman 0fficers of "he Philippine Na"ional Police are civilian personnel of "he governmen" Therefore, "he Depu"% 0m$udsman for ;ili"ar% &ffairs does no" have 4urisdic"ion over "hem, if $% "he descrip"ion of his office, his au"hori"% mus" $e confined "o "he mili"ar% Go#ever, "he Depu"% 0m$udsman for ;ili"ar% affairs is no" prohi$i"ed from performing o"her func"ions or du"ies affec"ing non5mili"ar% personnel, "he 0m$udsman ma% refer cases involving non5 mili"ar% personnel for inves"iga"ion $% "he Depu"% 0m$udsman for ;ili"ar% &ffairs (" is "he 0m$udsman #ho has "he po#er "o conduc" preliminar% inves"iga"ion ALMONTE VS. VAS+UE &" common la# a governmen"al privilege agains" disclosure is recogni2ed #i"h respec" "o s"a"e secre" hearings on mili"ar%, diploma"ic and similar ma""ers This privilege is $ased upon pu$lic in"eres" of such paramoun" impor"ance as in and of i"self "ranscending "he individual in"eres"s of a priva"e ci"i2en, even "hough, as a conse8uence "hereof, "he plain"iff canno" enforce his legal righ"s (n "he case a" $ar, "here is no claim "ha" mili"ar% or diploma"ic secre"s #ill $e disclosed $% "he produc"ion of records per"aining "o "he personnel of "he /conomic (n"elligence and (nves"iga"ion Dureau (/((D) Nei"her is "here an% la# or regula"ion #hich considers personnel records of "he /((D as classified informa"ion /ven if "he complain" is unsigned and unverified, "he .ons"i"u"ion en4oins "he 0m$udsman "o ac" on an% complain" filed in an% form or manner covering official ac"s or omissions Tes"imon% given a" a fac"5finding inves"iga"ion and charges made in a pleading in a case in cour" cons"i"u"ed a sufficien" $asis for "he 0m$udsman "o commence inves"iga"ion, $ecause a formal complain" is no" necessar% REPUBLIC VS. SANDIGANBAYAN The recover% of ill5go""en #eal"h repor"edl% amassed $% "he ;arcoses, "heir rela"ives, friends and $usiness associa"es, is a s"a"e polic% (" #as ini"ia"ed no" onl% ou" of considera"ion of simple 4us"ice $u" also ou" of sheer necessi"% Provisional remedies3 a) se8ues"ra"ion $) free2e orders, as regards unear"hed ins"ances of ill5go""en #eal"h c) provisional "aFe5over, as regards $usiness en"erprises and proper"ies "aFen over $% "he governmen" of "he ;arcos adminis"ra"ion or $% en"i"ies or persons close "o "he former Presiden" ;arcos )e8ues"ra"ion, free2ing and provisional "aFeover are remedies #hich are "emporar%, in"erim and provisional, "hus "he .ons"i"u"ional re8uiremen" "ha" "he corresponding 4udicial ac"ion or proceeding $e filed #i"hin a defini"e period .ons"i"u"ional limi"a"ion on po#er of se8ues"ra"ion3 a) "he au"hori"% "o issue orders #as made opera"ive for no" more "han 1, mon"hs af"er ra"ifica"ion of "he .ons"i"u"ion, i e , no" $e%ond 1,

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mon"hs from Be$ruar% *, 1+,-, unless ex"ended $% .ongress in "he na"ional in"eres", as cer"ified $% "he Presiden" $) 0rders should $e issued upon sho#ing of a prima facie case c) 0rder and lis" of se8ues"ered or fro2en proper"ies had "o $e regis"ered #i"h "he proper cour"3 "he )andigan$a%an d) Bor orders issued $efore ra"ifica"ion of "he 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion, "he corresponding 4udicial ac"ion or proceeding should $e filed #i"hin 6 mon"hs from Be$ruar% *, 1+,-, and for "hose issued "hereaf"er, #i"hin 6 mon"h from issuance of order of se8ues"ra"ion The eviden" purpose of "he .ons"i"u"ional re8uiremen" "ha" "he corresponding 4udicial ac"ion or proceeding $e filed #i"hin 6 mon"hs #as "o preclude "he possi$ili"% "ha" "he P.CC indefini"el% main"ain i"s order of se8ues"ra"ion and "o compel i" "o $ring "hem in"o "he realm of 4udicial oversigh" "o "he end "ha" excesses of "he officials and agen"s enforcing and implemen"ing said order migh" $e preven"ed and avoided and priva"e righ"s dul% pro"ec"ed and vindica"ed, #hile "he main $usiness of de"ermining "he charac"er of "he proper"% as ill5go""en #eal"h or no" #as $eing a""ended "o The 4udicial ac"ion or proceeding con"empla"ed "o $e filed is one for "he final su$s"an"ia"ion or proof of "he prima facie sho#ing on "he $asis of #hich a par"icular order of se8ues"ra"ion, free2ing or "aFeover #as issued3 0$4ec"ive 5 demons"ra"ion $% "he compe"en" evidence "ha" "he proper"% is indeed ill5go""en #eal"h over #hich "he governmen" has as legi"ima"e claim for recover% and o"her relief The fac" "ha" "he se8ues"ered corpora"ion had no" $een impleaded as defendan"s does no" con"radic" or adversel% affec" "he ac"uali"% "ha" 4udicial ac"ions or proceedings had $een $rough" #i"hin "he "ime limi"s laid do#n $% "he .ons"i"u"ion (" is no" necessar% "o implead "he follo#ing3 a) .orpora"ion #hose shares or s"ocFs #ere allegedl% purchased #i"h misappropria"ed funds $) .orpora"ion organi2ed #i"h ill5 go""en #eal"h, $u" are no" "hemselves guil"% of misappropria"ion, fraud or o"her illici" conduc" (no cause of ac"ion) c) DanFs #here illegall% o$"ained funds #ere deposi"ed The failure "o implead "he se8ues"ered corpora"ion as indispensa$le or necessar% par"ies did no" render "heir se8ues"ra"ion func"us officio since 4udicial ac"ions or proceedings have $een filed concerning or regarding said se8ues"ra"ion The remed% is "o allo# amendmen" of "he complain" "o effec" "he impleading &r"icle '>((( )ec"ion *6 of "he 1+,.ons"i"u"ion does no" re8uire corpora"ion or $usiness en"erprises alleged "o $e reposi"ories of ill5go""en #eal"h $e ac"uall% and formall% impleaded in "he ac"ions for recover% "hereof in order "o main"ain in effec" exis"ing se8ues"ra"ion "hereof SOCIAL JUSTICE AND RIGHTS !ARTICLE 'III& HUMAN

SSS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION VS. COURT OF APPEALS The 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion, in "he &r"icle on )ocial 6us"ice and Guman 9igh"s, provides "ha" "he )"a"e shall guaran"ee "he righ"s of all #orFers "o self5organi2a"ion, collec"ive $argaining and nego"ia"ion and peaceful concer"ed ac"ivi"ies, including "he righ" "o s"riFe in accordance #i"h la# (n "he a$sence of an% legisla"ion allo#ing governmen" emplo%ees "o s"riFe, recogni2ing "heir righ" "o do so, or regula"ing "he

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exercise of "he righ", "he% are P90G(D(T/D from s"riFing $% express provision of ;emorandum .ircular No 6 and implied in /xecu"ive 0rder No 1,? ))), as a governmen"5o#ned and con"rolled corpora"ion #i"h an original char"er, is par" of "he .ivil )ervice and i"s emplo%ees are covered $% .ivil )ervice .ommission:s ;emorandum Prohi$i"ing s"riFes The "erms and condi"ions of emplo%men" in governmen" are governmen" $% la# Covernmen" emplo%ees ma% pe"i"ion .ongress from $e""ermen" of "erms and condi"ion of emplo%men" or nego"ia"e #i"h appropria"e agencies for improvemen" of "hose no" fixed $% la# (f unresolved grievances, despi"e referred "o Pu$lic )ec"or <a$or ;anagemen" .ouncil a) exercise po#er on o#n ini"ia"ive or complain" of an% person $) ci"e for con"emp" viola"ions of rules of procedure c) gran" immuni"% from prosecu"ion "o #i"nesses d) re8ues" assis"ance from an% depar"men", $ureau, office or agenc% e) canno" "r% and decide cases The .G9 canno" and should no" "r% and resolve on "he meri"s "he ma""ers involved in s"riFing "eachers even if "here $e claim "ha" in "he adminis"ra"ive disciplinar% proceedings made $% "he D/.), "heir human righ"s, or civil or poli"ical righ"s had $een "ransgressed LU FARMS VS. SECRETARY )ec"ion 11 of 9& No 667- #hich includes priva"e agricul"ural lands, devo"ed "o commercial lives"ocF, poul"r%, and s#ine raising in "he defini"ion of commercial farms is invalid, "o "he ex"en" "ha" "he aforeci"ed agro5indus"rial ac"ivi"ies are made "o $e covered $% agrarian reform program of "he )"a"e There is simpl% no reason "o include lives"ocF and poul"r% lands in "he coverage of agrarian reform )ec"ion 13 and 3* of 9& 667- direc"ing corpora"e farms #hich include lives"ocF and poul"r% raisers "o execu"e and implemen" produc"ion sharing plans are declared null and void ASSOCIATION OF SMALL LANDOWNERS VS. SECRETARY OF AGRARIAN REFORM )ec"ion 6 of "he .omprehensive &grarian 9eform Program of 1+,, (9& No 667-) provides for re"en"ion limi"s a) )i2e ma% var% according "o fac"ors governing a via$le famil% si2ed farm i e , commodi"% produced, "errain, infras"ruc"ure, soil fer"ili"%, no" "o exceed 7 hec"ares



The .ons"i"u"ional provision direc"ing "he .ommission on Guman 9igh"s "o provide for preven"ive measures and legal aid services "o "he underprivileged #hose human righ"s have $een viola"ed or need pro"ec"ion refer "o ex"ra4udicial and 4udicial remedies #hich "he .G9 ma% seeF from proper cour"s on $ehalf of "he vic"ims No" $eing a cour" of 4us"ice, "he .G9 i"self has no 4urisdic"ion "o issue "he #ri" of preliminar% in4unc"ion CARINO VS. COMMISSIONER ON HUMAN RIGHTS The .G9 has no 4urisdic"ion or ad4udica"or% po#ers over cer"ain specific "%pe of cases liFe alleged human righ"s viola"ions involving civil or poli"ical righ"s, i" ma% onl% inves"iga"e i e , receive evidence and maFe findings of fac"

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$) 3 hec"ares a#arded "o child of lando#ner if a" leas" 17 %ears old and ac"uall% "illing "he land or direc"l% managing farm 6us" compensa"ion I full and fair e8uivalen" of proper"% "aFen from i"s o#ner $% expropria"ion PHILIPPINE NATIONAL CONTRUCTION CORP. VS. NLRC )epara"ion pa% shall $e allo#ed as a measure of social 4us"ice onl% in "hose ins"ances #here "he emplo%ee is validl% dismissed for causes o"her "han serious misconduc" or "hose reflec"ing on his moral charac"er =here "he reason for "he valid dismissal is, for example, ha$i"ual in"oxica"ion or an offense involving moral "urpi"ude, liFe "hef" or illici" sexual rela"ions #i"h a fello# #orFer, "he emplo%er ma% no" $e re8uired "o give "he dismissed emplo%ee separa"ion pa% or financial assis"ance, or #ha"ever o"her name i" is called, on "he ground of social 4us"ice (n "his case ;anre2a #as found guil"% of dishones"% for having s"olen compan% proper"% and #as dismissed for cause, he is no" en"i"led "o separa"ion pa% BINAY VS. DOMINGO Burial assistance Program Police po#er is "he po#er "o prescri$e regula"ions "o promo"e heal"h, morals, peace, educa"ion, good order or safe"% and general #elfare of people (" is no", ho#ever, capa$le of exac" defini"ion $u" has $een purposel% veiled in general "erms "o underscore i"s all5comprehensiveness Pu$lic purpose is no" uncons"i"u"ional merel% $ecause i" inciden"all% $enefi"s a limi"ed num$er of persons The drif" is "o#ards social #elfare legisla"ion geared "o#ards s"a"e policies "o provide ade8ua"e social services "he promo"ion of general #elfare, social 4us"ice, as #ell as human digni"% and respec" for human righ"s The suppor" of "he poor has long $een an accep"ed exercise of police po#er in "he promo"ion of "he common good SALONGA VS. FARRALES )ocial 4us"ice canno" $e invoFed "o "rample on "he righ"s of proper"% o#ners #ho under our .ons"i"u"ion and la#s are also en"i"led "o pro"ec"ion (" does no" in"end "o "aFe a#a% righ"s from a person and give "hem "o ano"her #ho is no" en"i"led "here"o The plea for social 4us"ice canno" nullif% "he la# on o$liga"ion and con"rac"s EDUCATION ( ARTICLE 'IV TABLARIN VS. GUTIERRE Facts3 Pe"i"ioners sough" admission in"o college or schools of medicine $u" ei"her did no" "aFe or did no" successfull% "aFe "he Na"ional ;edical &dmission Tes" (N;&T) re8uired $% "he Doard of ;edical /duca"ion and adminis"ered $% "he .en"er for /duca"ional ;easuremen" (./;) Pe"i"ioner assailed ;/.) 0rder No 7* insofar as i" re8uired "he N;&T as a $asis for "he issuance of "he prescri$ed cer"ifica"e of eligi$ili"% for admission in"o "he medical colleges Held3 Pe"i"ion dismissed Prescri$ing "he N;&T and re8uiring cer"ain cu"5off (minimum) scores "herein as a condi"ion for admission "o medical schools do no" cons"i"u"e an uncons"i"u"ional imposi"ion 1 The s"a"e is no" reall% en4oined "o "aFe appropria"e s"eps "o maFe 8uali"% educa"ion accessi$le "o all #ho migh" for an% num$er of reasons #ish "o enroll in a professional school $u" ra"her merel% "o maFe such educa"ion accessi$le "o all #ho 8ualif% under fair, reasona$le and e8ui"a$le

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admission and academic re8uiremen"s The ra"ionale of "he regula"ion of access "o medical schools is "he improvemen" of "he professional and "echnical 8uali"% of "he gradua"e of medical schools, $% upgrading "he 8uali"% of "hose admi""ed "o "he s"uden" $od% of "he medical schools Tha" upgrading is sough" $% selec"ivi"% in "he process of admission, selec"ivi"% consis"ing among o"her "hings, of limi"ing admission "o "hose #ho exhi$i" is re8uired degree of ap"i"ude for medical s"udies and even"uall% for medical prac"ice (" is for "he pro"ec"ion of "he pu$lic from "he po"en"iall% deadl% effec"s of incompe"ence and ignorance in "hose #ho #ould under"aFe "o "rea" our $odies and minds for disease or "rauma con"inue opera"ing un"il "he former shall have finished "heir courses Held3 Pe"i"ion for revie# is gran"ed The "rial cour" ac"ed #i"h grave a$use of discre"ion in ordering "he school "o reopen and readmi" "he s"riFing s"uden"s and "eachers inspi"e of "heir refusal "o desis" from con"inuing "heir disrup"ive mass ac"ions agains" "he school 1) The con"rac" $e"#een "he college and a s"uden" #ho is enrolled and pa%s "he fees for a semes"er, is for "he en"ire semes"er onl%, no" for "he en"ire course The la# does no" re8uire a school "o see a s"uden" "hrough "o "he comple"ion of his course (f "he school closes or is closed $% proper au"hori"% a" "he end of "he semes"er, "he s"uden" has no cause of ac"ion for $reach of con"rac" agains" "he school *) The .our" canno" approve of a si"ua"ion #hich #ould place a school a" "he merc% of i"s s"uden"s 3) /ven assuming "ha" "here is an implied $inding con"rac", since a con"rac" crea"es reciprocal righ"s and o$liga"ion, "he o$liga"ion of eh school "o educa"e a s"uden" #ould impl% a corresponding o$liga"ion on "he par" of "he s"uden" "o s"ud% and o$e% "he rules and regula"ions of "he school =hen s"uden"s $reach "ha" supposed con"rac" $% refusing "o a""end "heir classes, preferring "o "aFe "o "he s"ree"s "o moun" a nois% demons"ra"ion agains" "heir school, "he la""er ma% cancel "he con"rac" and close i"s doors ("s ac"ion #ould nei"her $e ar$i"rar% nor fair ABRA VALLEY A+UINO COLLEGE VS.

CAPITAL MEDICAL CENTER INC. VS. COURT OF APPEALS Facts3 Due "o a rif" $e"#een "he adminis"ra"ion and facul"% on economic ma""ers, more par"icularl% "he demand of "he facul"% for similar vaca"ion and sicF leave privileges as hospi"al personnel, and such rif" having aggrava"ed and resul"ed "o demons"ra"ion #hich dis"ur$ed "he peace and 8uie" of "he hospi"al and migh" fur"her endanger "he safe"% and lives of "he pa"ien"s, pe"i"ioner resolved "o close "he school effec"ive a" "he end of "he firs" semes"er Thereaf"er, "he ver% s"uden"s #ho demons"ra"ed agains" "he school in suppor" of "heir "eachers, filed a class sui" seeFing "he reopening of said school (" #as gran"ed $% "he lo#er cour" and la"er affirmed $% responden" .our" of &ppeals on "he ground "ha" pe"i"ioners had no righ" "o suddenl% close "he school for "he enrolmen" of "he s"uden"s crea"ed a $inding con"rac" $e"#een "hem and "he school for "he la""er "o

Facts3 Pe"i"ioner is an educa"ional corpora"ion regis"ered #i"h "he )/. ("s college lo" and $uilding ho#ever, #ere sei2ed and sold $% "he ;unicipal Treasurer for "he sa"isfac"ion of unpaid real proper"%

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"axes &s "o #he"her or no" "he lo" and $uilding in 8ues"ion are used exclusivel% for educa"ional purposes, "he "rial cour" ruled in "he nega"ive for "he reason "ha" "he second floor is used $% "he Direc"or of pe"i"ioner school for residen"ial purposes Held3 =hile "he .our" allo#s a more li$eral and non5res"ric"ive in"erpre"a"ion of "he phrase exclusivel% used for educa"ional purposes as provided for in &r"icle >( )ec"ion **(3) of "he 1+37 .ons"i"u"ion, reasona$le emphasis has al#a%s $een made "ha" exemp"ions ex"end "o facili"ies #hich are inciden"al "o and reasona$l% necessar% for "he accomplishmen" of "he main purposes The use of "he school $uilding or lo" for commercial purposes, "herefore, is nei"her con"empla"ed $% la#, nor $% 4urisprudence Thus, #hile "he use of "he second floor of "he main $uilding in "he case a" $ar for residen"ial purposes of "he Direc"or and "he famil%, ma% find 4us"ifica"ion under "he concep" of inciden"al use, #hich is complimen"ar% "o "he main or primar% purpose I educa"ional, "he lease of "he firs" floor "hereof canno" $% an% s"re"ch of "he imagina"ion $e considered inciden"al "o "he purpose of educa"ion UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. AYSON Facts3 The 1P Doard of 9egen"s es"a$lished "he 1P.DG) "o serve as a la$ora"or% and demons"ra"ion school for prospec"ive "eachers provided "ha" i" $e self5 suppor"ing and should no" en"ail an% su$sid% from "he $udge" of "he 1P Go#ever, since said condi"ions #ere no" me", "he Doard decided "o phase ou" "he 1P.DG) as an exercise of academic freedom guaran"eed $% "he .ons"i"u"ion (&r"icle '(>, )ec"ion 7(*) 9esponden"s opposed "he same asser"ing "he righ" "o 8uali"% educa"ion (&r"icle '(>, )ec"ion 1) and free pu$lic secondar% educa"ion (&r"icle '(>, )ec"ion *(*)), manda"ed $% "he .ons"i"u"ion Iss-e3 =he"her or no" secondar% pu$lic educa"ion is demanda$le in an ins"i"u"ion of higher learning such as 1P Held3 &s an ins"i"u"ion of higher learning en4o%ing academic freedom, 1P canno" $e compelled "o provide for secondar% educa"ion (i" decides for i"self i"s aims and o$4ec"ives and ho# $es" "o a""ain "hem (" is free form ou"side coercion or in"erference save possi$l% #hen "he overriding pu$lic #elfare calls form some res"rain" (" has a #ide sphere of au"onom% cer"ainl% ex"ending "o "he choice of s"uden"s (" has an a"mosphere in #hich "hose prevail "he essen"ial freedom of a universi"% I "he de"ermina"ion of #ho ma% "each, #ha" ma% $e "augh", ho# i" shall $e "augh" and #ho ma% $e admi""ed "o s"ud% &.&D/;(. B9//D0;) Bur"hermore, advanced "er"iar% educa"ion and no" secondar% educa"ion is manda"ed $% "he char"er of 1P, so "ha" i" can validl% a$olish "he 1P.DG) UNIVERSITY OF SAN CARLOS VS. COURT OF APPEALS Facts3 Priva"e responden" enrolled in "he .ollege of &rchi"ec"ure #here she o$"ained a grade of incomple"e and "#o failures The follo#ing school %ear, she shif"ed "o "he .ollege of .ommerce #here she o$"ained good grades Priva"e responden" "hen re8ues"ed "he .ouncil of Dean of 1). and "he ;/.) as #ell, for her grades of failure "o $e disregarded in "he compu"a"ion of her grade average The Presiden" of 1). informed ;/.) "ha" "he universi"% polic% #as "ha" an% failing grade o$"ained $% a s"uden" in an% course #ould dis8ualif% "he s"uden" for honors and "ha" "he $ad grades given "o her #ere 4us"ified and could no" $e dele"ed or removed $ecause her su$4ec"s #ere no"

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dropped as re8uired Never"heless, priva"e responden" had her (ncomple"e grade changed "o 1 + and her grades of 7 "o #i"hdra#n $u" #i"hou" "he suppor"ing class record re8uired =hen 1). held i"s gradua"ion exercises, ho#ever, she #as no" conferred #i"h honors )he "hen filed an ac"ion for mandamus "o compel pe"i"ioner "o confer upon her "he degree of Dachelor of )cience in .ommerce, ;a4or in &ccoun"ing, cum laude plus damages, #hich #as gran"ed $% "he "rial cour" and affirmed $% responden" .our" of &ppeals Held3 Pe"i"ion gran"ed (" is an accep"ed principle "ha" schools of learning are given ample discre"ion "o formula"e rules and guidelines in "he gran"ing of honors for purposes of gradua"ion This is par" of academic freedom =i"hin "he parame"ers of "hese rules, i" is #i"hin "he compe"ence of universi"ies and colleges "o de"ermine #ho are en"i"led "o gran" of honors among "he gradua"ing s"uden"s ("s discre"ion on "his academic ma""er ma% no" $e dis"ur$ed much less con"rolled $% "he cour"s unless "here is grave a$use of discre"ion in i"s exercise /ven if priva"e responden" succeeded in removing her failing grade, such #as claimed $% pe"i"ioner as a""ended #i"h fraud Pe"i"ioner canno" $e faul"ed "herefore for refusing "o give "he honors demanded of "hem UNIVERSITY OF SAN AGUSTIN VS. COURT OF APPEALS Facts3 Priva"e responden"s #ere "hird %ear nursing s"uden"s #ho failed "o mee" "he re"en"ion polic% of "he school, "ha" is, minimum grade of ,?E in an% ;a4or Nursing su$4ec" and in "#o minor su$4ec"s The% con"ended "ha" "he refusal of pe"i"ioner school "o re5admi" "hem is pre4udicial "o freel% choose "heir field of s"ud% and finish a college degree Pe"i"ioner argued, on "he o"her hand, "ha" "he righ" of s"uden"s "o freel% choose "heir field of s"ud% and con"inue "heir course up "o gradua"ion is su$4ec" "o "he excep"ion of academic deficienc% 9esponden" .our" of &ppeals, ho#ever, ruled in favor of "he s"uden"s on "he ground "ha" grades ranging from --E5-,E are #ell a$ove "he passing marF of -7E and "ha" academic deficienc% should $e cons"rued "o refer "o failing or flunFing grades lo#er "han -7E Held3 Pe"i"ion gran"ed There is no sho#ing "ha" priva"e responden" possess a clear legal righ" "o $e enrolled in pe"i"ioner school /ven assuming "ha" pe"i"ioner has an impera"ive du"% "o enroll "hem, i" does no" appear "o $e merel% minis"erial, i" a du"% involving "he exercise of discre"ion /ver% school has a righ" "o de"ermine #ho are "he s"uden"s i" should accep" for enrolmen" (" has "he righ" "o 4udge "he fi"ness of s"uden"s &nd since "his case involves nursing s"uden"s #ho perform essen"ial heal"h services, i" is "he responsi$ili"% of "he school "o produce gradua"es highl% 8ualified "o perform "heir "asFs (n "he discharge of "his responsi$ili"%, i" should $e given "he grea"es" la"i"ude in formula"ing "heir admission policies 0nl% #hen "here is marFed ar$i"rariness #ill "he cour"s in"erfere #i"h "he academic 4udgmen" of "he school facul"% and "he proper au"hori"ies as "o "he compe"ence and fi"ness of an applican" for enrolmen" The cour"s simpl% do no" have "he compe"ence nor inclina"ion "o cons"i"u"e "hemselves as admission commi""ees of "he universi"ies and ins"i"u"ion of higher learning ARTICLE VI DEPARTMENT . LEGISLATIVE

CASIBANG VS. A+UINO & 4us"icia$le 8ues"ion implies a given righ", legall% demanda$le and enforcea$le, an ac" or omission viola"ive of said righ", and a

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remed%, gran"ed or sanc"ioned $% la#, for said $reach of righ" Facts3 Pe"i"ioner pro"es"ed agains" "he elec"ion of "he priva"e responden" on "he grounds of fraud, "hrea"s, in"imida"ion, vo"e $u%ing, and o"her irregulari"ies 9esponden" 4udge, ho#ever, dismissed said pro"es" on "he ground "ha" "he "rial cour" had los" 4urisdic"ion over i" in vie# of "he effec"ivi"% of "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion #hich gran"s "he privilege "o con"inue in office a" "he pleasure of "he appoin"ing po#er for "he $enefi" of "he persons #ho #ere incum$en" officials or emplo%ees of "he governmen" #hen said cons"i"u"ion "ooF effec" Pe"i"ioner con"ended "ha" "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion did no" dives" "he "rial cour" of 4urisdic"ion "o hear and decide elec"ion pro"es"s pending $efore i" a" "he "ime of i"s ra"ifica"ion and effec"ivi"%, nor did i" render "he issue as "o #ho is la#full% elec"ed candida"e "o "he office and posi"ion of municipal ma%or moo" and academic Iss-e3 =he"her or no" "he de"ermina"ion as "o "he la#full% elec"ed candida"e $e dismissed as a poli"ical issue Held3 9esponden" cour" is direc"ed "o immedia"el% proceed #i"h "he "rial and "he de"ermina"ion of "he elec"ion pro"es" The elec"ive officials referred "o in )ec"ion + &r"icle '>(( of "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion are limi"ed "o "hose dul% elec"ed Therefore, i" is "he du"% of "he cour" "o de"ermine #ho has "he righ" "o hold "he ma%oral office and hold and en4o% "he po#ers and responsi$ili"ies of said office )aid office is a 4us"icia$le issue #hich canno" $e dismissed on "he ground of poli"ical 8ues"ion DA A VS. SINGSON The legality of the act of the House of Representatives in removing petitioner from the Commission on Appointments is a justiciable issue. Judicial power includes the duty to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lac or e!cess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the government." Facts3 Pe"i"ioner has $een appor"ioned a sea" in "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s $% "he Gouse of 9epresen"a"ives Due "o a poli"ical realignmen", "he Gouse revised i"s represen"a"ion in "he .& and #i"hdre# "he sea" occupied $% "he pe"i"ioner in favor of "he responden" Pe"i"ioner challenged his removal $% claiming "ha" "he reorgani2a"ion is no" $ased on a permanen" poli"ical realignmen" $ecause "he ne#l%5formed <DP "o #hich responden" $elongs is no" a dul% regis"ered poli"ical par"% and has no" %e" a""ained poli"ical s"a$ili"% 9esponden" argued "ha" "he 8ues"ion raised $% pe"i"ioner is poli"ical in na"ure and so $e%ond "he 4urisdic"ion of "he .our" Iss-e3 =he"her or no" removal of "he pe"i"ioner is a poli"ical issue Held3 The issue on "he manner of filling "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s involves "he legali"% and no" "he #isdom of "he ac" and "herefore 61)T(.(&D</ /ven if "he 8ues"ion #ere poli"ical in na"ure, i" #ould s"ill come #i"hin "he po#er of revie# under "he expanded 4urisdic"ion conferred $% &r"icle >((( )ec"ion 1 of "he .ons"i"u"ion "o "he )upreme .our", #hich includes "he au"hori"% "o de"ermine #he"her grave a$use of discre"ion amoun"ing "o excess or lacF of 4urisdic"ion has $een commi""ed $% an% $ranch or ins"rumen"ali"% of "he governmen" GARCIA VS. COMELEC Facts3 Pe"i"ioners sough" "o annul a resolu"ion of "he )angguniang Da%an "o include "he ;unicipali"% of ;orong as par" of "he )u$ic )pecial /conomic Jone )ince ac"ion #as no" "aFen on said pe"i"ion, pe"i"ioners resor"ed "o "heir po#er of ini"ia"ive under "he <ocal Covernmen" .ode of 1++1 The )angguniang Da%an, on "he o"her hand, re8ues"ed for "he denial of "he

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pe"i"ion for local ini"ia"ive $ecause "he exercise #ill 4us" promo"e divisiveness, coun"er produc"ive, and fu"ili"% )uch re8ues" #as gran"ed $% "he .0;/</. #i"hou" affording pe"i"ioners fair oppor"uni"% "o oppose said gran" on "he ground "ha" "he su$4ec" of "he pe"i"ion for local ini"ia"ive is merel% a resolu"ion and no" an ordinance Iss-e3 =he"her or no" "he effec"iveness of people:s ini"ia"ive can $e "riviali2ed $% issues on su$4ec" limi"a"ions Held3 The original po#er "o legisla"e "hrough "he process of ini"ia"ive is derived from "he sanc"i"% of "he sovereign"% of "he people so "ha" i" is "he du"% of "he .our" "o lis"en and "he o$liga"ion of "he same "o o$e% "he voice of "he people 9esponden" erred gravel% in den%ing pe"i"ioners due process and in li"erall% in"erpre"ing "he provision defining local ini"ia"ive as "he legal process #here$% "he regis"ered vo"ers of a local governmen" uni" ma% direc"l% propose, enac" or amend an% ordinance The .ons"i"u"ion clearl% includes no" onl% ordinances $u" also resolu"ions as appropria"e su$4ec"s of a local ini"ia"ive as "he% are expressions of #ill or purpose Pe"i"ion is "herefore gran"ed WEBB VS. DE LEON The need "o find pro$a$le cause is dic"a"ed $% "he Dill of 9igh"s &n arres" #i"hou" a pro$a$le cause is an unreasona$le sei2ure of a person, and viola"e "he privac% of person #hich ough" no" "o $e in"ruded $% "he )"a"e )ec"ion * &r"icle ((( of "he .ons"i"u"ion deals #i"h "he re8uiremen"s of pro$a$le cause $o"h #i"h respec" "o issuance of #arran" of arres" and search #arran" To #arran" of finding of pre4udicial pu$lici"% "here mus" $e an allega"ion and proof "ha" "he 4udge have $een undul% influenced, no" simpl% "ha" migh" $e, $% "he $arrage of pu$lici"% MARCOS VS. MANGLAPUS The righ" "o re"urn "o one:s coun"r% is no" among "he righ"s specificall% guaran"eed under "he Dill of 9igh"s, "hough i" ma% #ell $e considered as a generall% accep"ed principle of in"erna"ional la# #hich is par" of "he la# of "he land The Presiden" can exercise "he po#ers of a .ommander5in5.hief in order "o Feep "he peace and main"ain pu$lic order and securi"% even in "he a$sence of an emergenc% The Presiden", "herefore, has "he po#er "o $an "he ;arcoses from re"urning "o our coun"r% The presen" .ons"i"u"ion limi"s resor" "o poli"ical 8ues"ion doc"rine and $roadens "he scope of 4udicial in8uir% "o include de"ermining #he"her or no" "here has $een a grave a$use of discre"ion amoun"ing "o lacF or excess of 4urisdic"ion on "he par" of an% $ranch or ins"rumen"ali"% of "he Covernmen" Go#ever, "he func"ion of "he .our" is merel% "o checF, no" "o supplan" "he /xecu"ive The Presiden" did no" ac" ar$i"raril%, capriciousl% and #himsicall% in de"ermining "ha" "he re"urn of "he ;arcoses poses a serious "hrea" "o na"ional in"eres" and #elfare and in prohi$i"ing "heir re"urn PHILIPPINE JUDGES ASSOCIATION VS. PRADO 1nder "he doc"rine of separa"ion of po#ers, "he .our" ma% no" in8uire $e%ond "he cer"ifica"ion of "he approval of a $ill from "he presiding officers of .ongress The enrolled $ill is conclusive upon "he cour"s (excep" in ma""ers "ha" have "o $e en"ered in "he 4ournals) The 4ournals "hemselves are $inding on "he )upreme .our" BENG ON) JR. VS. SENATE BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE The .our" has 4urisdic"ion "o de"ermine "he scope and ex"en" of "he po#er of "he )ena"e

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Dlue 9i$$on .ommi""ee "o conduc" in8uiries in"o priva"e affairs is purpor"ed and of legisla"ion The po#er of congress "o conduc" in8uiries in aid of legisla"ion in accordance #i"h dul% pu$lished rules of procedure, and "he righ" of persons appearing is or affec"ed $% such in8uiries shall $e respec"ed PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES AGUSTIN VS. EDU Article ## $ection % of the Constitution. The &hilippines !!! adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land !!!." Facts3 The validi"% of <e""er of (ns"ruc"ion (<0() No **+ providing for an earl% #arning device for mo"or vehicle is assailed on "he ground "ha" "he specific me"hod of regula"ion prescri$ed is unreasona$le and hence deprives "he plain"iff of "he cons"i"u"ional guaran"ee of due process 9esponden"s claim "ha" such measure is done as a valid exercise of police po#er clearl% in"ended "o promo"e pu$lic safe"%, as "here have $een gro#ing s"a"is"ics of mo"or vehicle acciden"s Bur"hermore, "he 1+6, >ienna .onven"ion on 9oad )igns and )ignals #hich #as ra"ified $% "he Philippine Covernmen" recommended "he enac"men" of local legisla"ion for "he ins"alla"ion of road safe"% signs and devices Iss-e3 =he"her or no" "here is $asis in declaring such ins"ruc"ion (<0() invalid Held3 The incorpora"ion clause em$odied in &r"icle ((, )ec"ion * of "he 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion provides for "he adop"ion of generall% accep"ed principles of in"erna"ional la# Gaving ra"ified "he >ienna .onven"ion, "he Philippine Covernmen" has "he au"hori"% "o enac" local legisla"ion "ha" #ould especiall% promo"e pu$lic safe"% There is "hen no $asis for 8ues"ioning "he validi"% of <0( No **+ MARINE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHIL. VS. REYES Facts3 The pe"i"ioners are involved in "he $usiness of marine radio communica"ions =hen "he governmen" "hrough "he D0T., came up #i"h a pro4ec" "o provide in"er alia a ship5"o5shore and shore5"o5ship pu$lic correspondence, free of charge, pe"i"ioners appealed invoFing )ec"ion *? of &r"icle (( #hich s"a"es "ha" "he )"a"e recogni2ed "he indispensa$le role of "he priva"e sec"or, encourages priva"e en"erprise and provides incen"ives "o needed inves"men"s The en"r%, "herefore, of "he governmen" in"o "heir line of $usiness #ould spell financial ruin for "hem The governmen", on "he o"her hand, su$mi"s "ha" i" canno" a$andon i"s minis"erial func"ions of rendering pu$lic services "o "he ci"i2enr% #hich priva"e capi"al #ould no" ordinaril% under"aFe, or #hich $% i"s ver% na"ure is $e""er e8uipped "o adminis"er for "he pu$lic #elfare (" also referred "o "he sinFing of ;> Dona Pa2 #herein onl% one ou" of 1??? priva"e opera"or responded "o "he dis"ress signals send $% "he NT. and ;&9(N& Held3 The pe"i"ion #as denied in "his case )ec"ion ! and + of &r"icle (( of "he .ons"i"u"ion s"a"es "ha" "he du"% of "he )"a"e is "o serve "he people and promo"e a 4us" and d%namic social order "hrough policies "ha" provide ade8ua"e social services and an improved 8uali"% of life for all )o "ha" "he .ons"i"u"ion does no" $ar "he governmen" from under"aFing i"s o#n ini"ia"ives in i"s service "o "he people ANGELES VS. SISON Article ## $ection '%. !!! the natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and

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the development of moral character shall receive the aid and support of the (overnment." Facts3 Priva"e responden"s assaul"ed a "eacher for giving "hem failing grades )aid "eacher filed criminal complain"s #hich #ere su$se8uen"l% dismissed upon desis"ance The Dean of "he school "o #hich "he priva"e responden"s and "he "eacher $elong, conduc"ed an adminis"ra"ive inves"iga"ion considering "ha" "he ac" done direc"l% affec"s "he good order and #elfare of "he school Priva"e responden"s alleged "ha" said Dean is no" au"hori2ed "o inves"iga"e ac"s done ou"side of school premises Iss-e3 =he"her a school has 4urisdic"ion "o inves"iga"e misconduc" of s"uden"s commi""ed ou"side of school premises and $e%ond school hours Held3 The adminis"ra"ive inves"iga"ion can prosper )ince "he school is "he ex"ension of "he famil% or "he home, i" should $e a$le "o help "he s"uden"s gro# and develop in"o ma"ure, responsi$le, effec"ive and #or"h% ci"i2ens, aside from providing "hem #i"h oppor"uni"ies for learning The "rue "es" "hen of a school:s righ" "o inves"iga"e misconduc" commi""ed ou"side "he school premises and $e%ond school hours is no" "he "ime or place of "he offense, $u" i"s effec" upon "he morals and efficienc% of "he school GARCIA VS. INVESTMENTS BOARD OF developmen" of "he na"ional econom% $% encouraging inves"men"s and "he holding of consul"a"ion #i"h affec"ed communi"ies #henever necessar% Pe"i"ioner also re8ues"ed for cer"ain documen"s per"inen" "o "he applica"ion as i" is cons"i"u"ional righ" of a ci"i2en "o have access "o informa"ion on ma""ers of pu$lic concern Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he affec"ed communi"% in Da"aan ac8uired an ac"ual, real and vi"al in"eres" in "he es"a$lishmen" of "he plan" $ecause i" #ill affec" no" onl% "heir economic life $u" even "he air "he% #ill $rea"he Gence, "he% have a righ" "o $e heard or consul"ed on "he proposal "o "ransfer said si"e The .our" re8uires "hen, "he compliance #i"h "he la# Bur"hermore, pe"i"ioner is gran"ed access "o informa"ion $u" su$4ec" "o limi"a"ion )ec"ion *, &r"icle (( )u$4ec" "o reasona$le condi"ions prescri$ed $% la#, "he )"a"e adop"s and implemen"s a polic% of full pu$lic disclosure of all i"s "ransac"ions involving pu$lic in"eres" A+UINO.SARMIENTO VS. MORATO $ection ) Article ### * The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recogni+ed. Access to official records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions !!! used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citi+en, subject to such limitation provided by law." Facts3 Pe"i"ioner, a mem$er of "he ;T.9D, re8ues"ed "ha" she $e allo#ed "o examine "he records of "he Doard per"aining "o vo"ing slips accomplished $% "he individual mem$er af"er a revie# of "he movies and "elevision produc"ion )uch re8ues" #as denied $% "he responden" on "he ground "ha" "he vo"ing slips are conscience vo"es and as such, are purel% and comple"el% priva"e and personal The% are "hen "he exclusive proper"% of "he mem$er so "ha" access

Facts3 Pe"i"ioner assailed "he approval of "he "ransfer of "he si"e of "he pe"rochemical complex from Da"aan "o Da"angas $% "he Doard of (nves"men"s (D0() and "he Depar"men" of Trade and (ndus"r% (DT() Pe"i"ioner alleged grave a$use of discre"ion on "he par" of D0( and DT( in no" o$serving due process in approving #i"hou" hearing "he plan" si"e The 0mni$us (nves"men" .ode of 1+,- expressl% declares "ha" "he )"a"e should accelera"e "he sound

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"here"o #ould re8uire "he consen" of each mem$er Held3 The .our" held "ha" "here can $e no invasion of privac% since #ha" is sough" "o $e divulged is a produc" of ac"ion under"aFen in "he course of performing official func"ion The vo"ing slips "herefore, are pu$lic in charac"er and as such, access "o "hem ma% $e afforded "o "he ci"i2enr%, as is guaran"eed $% "he .ons"i"u"ion GUINGONA VS. CARAGUE .ons"i"u"ionali"% of "he au"oma"ic appropria"ion of de$" service in 1++? $udge" The purpose is "o ena$le "he governmen" "o maFe promp" pa%men" andHor advances for all loans "o pro"ec" and main"ain "he credi" s"anding of "he coun"r% &l"hough i" does no" s"a"e specific amoun" "o $e paid, "he manda"e is "o pa% onl% "he principal, in"eres", "axes and o"her normal $anFing charges on "he loans, credi"s or inde$"edness, or on "he $onds, de$en"ures or securi"% or o"her evidences of inde$"edness sold in in"erna"ional marFe" incurred $% vir"ue of "he la#, as and #hen "he% shall $ecome due The /xecu"ive is no" of unlimi"ed discre"ion as "o "he amoun" "o $e dis$ursed, "he limi" #ill $e "he exac" amoun"s as sho#n $% "he $ooFs of "he "reasur% MANILA PRINCE HOTEL VS. GSIS The .ons"i"u"ion manda"es "ha" in "he gran" of righ"s, privileges and concessions covering na"ional econom% and pa"rimon%, "he )"a"e shall give preference "o 8ualified Bilipinos Na"ional pa"rimon% refers also "o cul"ural heri"age ;anila Go"el has $ecome a landmarF I a living "es"imonial of Philippine heri"age TOLENTINO VS. SECRETARY OF FINANCE Dills "ha" mus" origina"e exclusivel% in "he Gouse of 9epresen"a"ives "o #hich "he )ena"e ma% propose or concur #i"h amendmen"s3 a) &ppropria"ion $ills $) 9evenue or "ariff $ills c) Dills au"hori2ing increase of pu$lic de$" d) Dills of local applica"ion e) Priva"e $ills &r"icle >(, )ec"ion *6(*) excep" #hen "he Presiden" cer"ifies "o "he necessi"% of i"s immedia"e enac"men", e"c , 8ualifies "he re8uiremen" "ha" prin"ed copies of a $ill in i"s final form mus" $e dis"ri$u"ed "o "he mem$ers "hree da%s $efore i"s passage and "ha" $efore a $ill can $ecome a la# i" mus" have "hree readings on separa"e da%s (pu$lic calami"% and emergenc%) The press is no" exemp" from "he "axing po#er of "he )"a"e =ha" "he cons"i"u"ional guaran"ee of free press prohi$i"s are la#s #hich single ou" "he press or "arge" a group $elonging "o "he press for special "rea"men" or #hich in an% #a% discrimina"e "he press on "he $asis of "he con"en" of "he pu$lica"ion .ongress shall evolve a progressive s%s"em of "axa"ion has $een in"erpre"ed "o mean "ha" direc" "axes are "o $e preferred and as much as possi$le indirec" "axes should $e minimi2ed .hari"a$le ins"i"u"ions, churches and parsonages (&r"icle >( )ec"ion *,(3), and non5s"ocF, non5profi" educa"ional ins"i"u"ion (&r"icle '(> )ec"ion !(3) are "he onl% exemp" from "axa"ion under "he .ons"i"u"ion (" is inheren" in "he po#er "o "ax "ha" "he )"a"e $e free "o selec" "he su$4ec"s of "axa"ion, and i" has $een repea"edl% held "ha" ine8uali"ies #hich resul" from a singling ou"

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of one par"icular class for "axa"ion or exemp"ion infringe no cons"i"u"ional limi"a"ion ARTICLE VII DEPARTMENT ( JUDICIAL ci"i2ens and "axpa%ers, #ere alleged no" "o have locus s"andi Held3 The legal s"anding is upheld $ecause "he issues a" hand are of "ranscenden"al impor"ance "o "he pu$lic and "he ramifica"ions of #hich immeasura$le, affec" "he social, economic and moral #ell5$eing of "he people even in "he remo"es" $aranga%s of "he coun"r% The cour", in "he exercise of discre"ion, se" aside "he procedural "echnicali"% in vie# of "he impor"ance of "he issues raised P.)0 canno" share franchise #i"h ano"her $% #a% of colla$ora"ion, associa"ion or 4oin" ven"ure ,ILOSBAYAN VS. MORATO Facts3 P.)0 en"ered in"o a ne# agreemen" called /8uipmen" <ease &greemen" "ha" #ould $e consis"en" #i"h "he P.)0:s char"er Held3 Pe"i"ioners are no" real par"ies "o "he case and have no personal and su$s"an"ial in"eres" liFel% "o $e in4ured $% enforcemen" of con"rac" )"anding is no" "he issue $u" #he"her pe"i"ioners are real par"ies in in"eres" )"anding is a concep" in cons"i"u"ional la# and here no cons"i"u"ional 8ues"ion is ac"uall% involved The issue raised is "ha" of con"rac" la#, #hich pe"i"ioners, no" $eing privies "o "he agreemen", canno" raise @ilos$a%an:s s"a"usL as a people organi2a"ion, i" canno" give "he re8uisi"e personali"% "o 8ues"ion "he validi"% of con"rac"L no" also as "axpa%ers $ecause "his is no" a$ou" a cons"i"u"ional issue ALLIED BROADCASTING CENTER) INC. VS. REPUBLIC Facts3 Pe"i"ioner had "en (1?) radio $roadcas"ing s"a"ions all over "he coun"r% #i"h "he passage of a decree regula"ing "he o#nership and opera"ion of radio and "elevision s"a"ions, pe"i"ioner is lef" #i"h

OPOSA VS. FACTORAN) JR. Facts3 This is a "axpa%er:s class sui" #hose principal pe"i"ioners are all minors represen"ing "heir genera"ion and "he genera"ions "o come, alleging "heir righ" "o "he full $enefi", use and en4o%men" of "he na"ural resource "reasure "ha" is "he coun"r%:s virgin "ropical rainfores"s ("im$er license) Iss-e3 =he"her or no" pe"i"ioners have cause of ac"ion "o preven" "he misappropria"ion or impairmen" of coun"r%:s rainfores"s and arres" "he una$a"ed hemorrhage of i"s vi"al life5suppor" s%s"ems and con"inued rape of ;o"her /ar"h Held3 The pe"i"ioners: locus s"andi is $ased on "he concep" of in"ergenera"ional responsi$ili"% insofar as "he righ" "o a $alanced and heal"hful ecolog% is concerned The poli"ical 8ues"ion doc"rine is no longer "he insurmoun"a$le o$s"acle "o "he exercise of 4udicial po#er or "he impene"ra$le shield "ha" pro"ec"s execu"ive and legisla"ive ac"ions from 4udicial in8uir% or revie# /nforcemen" of a righ" vis5K5vis policies alread% formula"ed and expressed in legisla"ion The gran"ing of license does no" crea"e irrevoca$le righ"s, nei"her is i" proper"% righ"s &ll licenses ma% $e revoFed or rescinded $% execu"ive ac"ion ,ILOSBAYAN VS. GUINGONA Facts3 P.)0 en"ered in"o a con"rac" of lease #i"h Philippine Caming ;anagemen" .orp (PC;.) #hich is a foreign corpora"ion for "he opera"ion of a na"ion#ide lo""er% Pe"i"ioners, an associa"ion of

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onl% 3 radio s"a"ions and his permi" "ermina"ed or revoFed Pe"i"ioner challenges "he cons"i"u"ionali"% of said decree as i" cons"i"u"es unla#ful "aFing or depriva"ion of proper"% righ"s #i"hou" due process of la# andHor pa%men" of 4us" compensa"ion, viola"ion of freedom of speech, expression andHor of "he press, impairmen" of o$liga"ion of con"rac", and unla#ful res"rain" of "rade Held3 There is no ac"ual case or con"rovers% involving "he la# sough" "o $e annulled 6udicial revie# canno" $e exercised in vacuo (" can onl% $e exercised in connec"ion #i"h a $onafide case or con"rovers% Pe"i"ioner complied #i"h "he condi"ion se" for"h under said decree so "ha" he is es"opped from challenging "he same The one who sleeps on his rights shall not be heard to complain." Pe"i"ioners ma% no" have legal s"anding "o sue as mem$ers of .ongress in "he a$sence of a claim "ha" con"rac" in 8ues"ion viola"ed righ"s of pe"i"ioners Du" "he% ma% sue in "heir capaci"% as "axpa%ers (@ilos$a%an vs Cuingona) TANADA VS. TUVERA & la# #i"hou" an% $earing on "he pu$lic #ould $e invalid as an in"rusion of privac% or as a class legisla"ion or an ul"ra vires ac" of legisla"ure The la# mus" affec" pu$lic in"eres" even if i" migh" $e direc"l% applica$le onl% "o one individual, or some of "he people onl%, and no" "o "he pu$lic as a #hole BAGATSING VS. COP Facts3 Pe"ron, under "he corpora"e name /)))0 Phil , (nc #as ac8uired $% Phil Covernmen" and $ecame #holl%5o#ned $% i" for "he purpose of having a $uffer agains" "he vagaries (caprice, #him, freaF) of oil prices in "he in"erna"ional marFe" Presiden" &8uino issued a proclama"ion launching a program for "he expedi"ious disposi"ion and priva"i2a"ion of cer"ain governmen" corpora"ion )aid proclama"ion crea"ed "he .ommi""ee on Priva"i2a"ion #hich recommended "he priva"i2a"ion of Pe"ron Presiden" 9amos approved "he same There #ere "hree offerors for "he $idding P/T90N&), =/)T;0NT and &9&;.0 P/T90N&) #as dis8ualified for su$mi""ing a $id $elo# floor price #hile =/)T;0NT #as also dis8ualified for "echnical reasons, hence, &9&;.0 #on in "he $idding Iss-e3 (s "he decision of P/T90NHPN0. "o priva"i2e and approval $% .ommi""ee on Priva"i2a"ion a 4us"icia$le 8ues"ionM Held3 The decision of PN0. "o priva"i2e P/T90N and approval of .0P $eing made in accordance #i"h Proclama"ion No 7? in "he exercise of "he Presiden":s legisla"ive po#er under "he Breedom .ons"i"u"ion, canno" $e revie#ed $% "he .our" )uch ac" are exercises of "he execu"ive func"ion as "o #hich "he .our" #ill no" pass 4udgmen" upon or in8uire in"o "heir #isdom RO'AS VS. LOPE Facts3 <ope2 and 9oxas are main con"enders for vice5presiden" .ongress proclaimed <ope2 as "he #inner having ac8uired "he plurali"% of vo"es 9oxas "hen filed an elec"ion pro"es" #i"h "he Presiden"ial /lec"oral Tri$unal <ope2 "hen sough" "o preven" "he "ri$unal from hearing and deciding "he con"es" on "he uncons"i"u"ionali"% of 9& No 1-+3 #hich crea"ed "he "ri$unal Held3 The validi"% of 9& No 1-+3 is upheld on "he ground "ha" i" merel% ves"s addi"ional 4urisdic"ion in "he )upreme .our" (" does no" crea"e a ne# or separa"e "he cour" &s "o "he scope of "he po#er ves"ed in "he 6udicial $ranch, such is no" merel% some specified or limi"ed po#er, $u" "he en"ire"% or all of said po#er excep" onl% so much as "he .ons"i"u"ion confers upon some o"her agenc%

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The Presiden"ial /lec"oral Tri$unal is no" inferior "o "he )upreme .our" since i" is "he same .our" al"hough i"s func"ion are more limi"ed in scope GON ALES VS. MACARAIG Facts3 This involves a cons"i"u"ional con"rovers% $e"#een legisla"ive and execu"ive depar"men"s .ongress passed "he Ceneral &ppropria"ions Dill for 1+,+ #hich elimina"ed or decreased cer"ain i"ems included in "he Presiden":s $udge" )aid $ill #as signed in"o la# $% "he Presiden" Then "he )ena"e issued a resolu"ion declaring "he ve"o $% "he Presiden" of )ec"ion 77 of Ceneral &ppropria"ions Dill as uncons"i"u"ional Held3 The cons"i"u"ionali"% of assailed ve"o is upheld The .our" does no" asser" i"s superiori"% over or exhi$i" lacF of respec" due "he o"her coordina"e depar"men" $u" discharges a solemn and sacred du"% "o de"ermine essen"iall% "he scope of in"ersec"ing po#ers in regard "o #hich "he /xecu"ive and )ena"e are in dispu"e The poli"ical 8ues"ion doc"rine nei"her in"erposes an o$s"acle "o 4udicial de"ermina"ion of rival claims The 4urisdic"ion "o delimi" cons"i"u"ional $oundaries has $een given "o "his .our" IN RE ATTY. MARCIAL EDILLON IN RE "#$# ELECTION OF THE IBP Facts3 &""% /dillon #as recommended removed from "he (DP:s 9oll of &""orne%s for s"u$$orn refusal "o pa% his mem$ership dues Ge averred in his defense "ha" $eing compelled "o $e a mem$er of "he (DP as a condi"ion "o main"aining a s"a"us as a la#%er is a viola"ion of his cons"i"u"ional righ"s The forced pa%men" of (DP dues #as a""acFed for $eing a viola"ion of his righ" "o li$er"% and proper"% The 4urisdic"ion of "he cour" is also a""acFed since "he ma""er is adminis"ra"ive in na"ure, "herefore no" 4us"icia$le Facts3 (n "he elec"ion of na"ional officers of "he (DP, "here #ere repor"s of alleged use of governmen" plane, officious in"erven"ion of cer"ain pu$lic officials "o influence "he vo"ing, all of #hich #ere done in viola"ion of "he (DP $%5la#s The )upreme .our", exercising i"s po#er of supervision over "he (DP, suspended "he oa"h "aFing of (DP officers5elec" "o in8uire in"o "he veraci"% of repor"s The elec"ion process i"self #as ad4udged $% par"icipan"s and o$servers "o $e a$ove $oard There #as ex"ensive and in"ensive campaigning $% candida"es as #ell Held3 Dar in"egra"ion does no" compel a la#%er "o associa"e #i"h an%one The onl% compulsion is "he pa%men" of dues .ompulsion is 4us"ified under "he police po#er of "he )"a"e Prac"ice of la# is no" a proper"% righ" $u" a mere privilege and mus" $o# "o "he regula"or% po#er of "he .our" "o exac" compliance The )upreme .our" is gran"ed $% "he .ons"i"u"ion "he po#er "o promulga"e rules concerning pleading, prac"ice and procedure in all cour"s, and "he admission "o "he prac"ice of la# SALONGA VS. PANO Facts3 Pe"i"ioner #as implica"ed in $om$ings #hich are considered ac"s of su$version mainl% $ecause his house, as poin"ed ou" $% s"a"e #i"ness, served as con"ac" poin" Go#ever, "he cour" found no sufficien" proof of his direc" par"icipa"ion Held3 The .our" also has "he du"% "o formula"e guiding and con"rolling cons"i"u"ional principles, precep"s, doc"rines, or rules (" has "he s%m$olic func"ion of educa"ing $ench and $ar on "he ex"en" of pro"ec"ion given $% cons"i"u"ional guaran"eesHeven if "he case is moo" and academic

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as expendi"ures of considera$le sums of mone% "o $u% vo"es direc"l% or indirec"l% (DP is supposed "o $e non5poli"ical in charac"erL no lo$$%ing nor campaigningL officers #ould $e chosen on "he $asis of professional meri" and #illingness and a$ili"% "o serve Held3 Decause "he composi"ion of 6D. re8uires a represen"a"ion of "he (DP, "he posi"ion of (DP Presiden" has a""rac"ed so much in"eres" among la#%ers Gence, "he corrup"ion of (DP elec"ion The cour" annulled "he (DP elec"ions (" fur"her repealed, amended cer"ain provisions in "he (DP $%5la#s (i e , "he direc" elec"ion $% "he Gouse of Delega"es of .er"ain Na"ional 0fficers) MSI VS. CA Facts3 Pe"i"ioner en"ered in"o an in"erim lease agreemen" #i"h DDP "o opera"e Da%vie# Pla2a Go"el for a minimum of "hree mon"hs or un"il such "ime "ha" said proper"ies are sold "o ;)( or o"her "hird par"ies Proclama"ion No 7? #as raised for "he expedi"ious disposi"ion or priva"i2a"ion of cer"ain governmen" corpora"ion, and crea"ing a .ommi""ee on Priva"i2a"ion and &sse" Priva"i2a"ion Trus" Da%vie# Go"el proper"ies #ere among governmen" asse"s iden"ified for priva"i2a"ion To effec" "he disposi"ion, DDP no"ified ;)( "ha" i" #as "ermina"ing "he in"erim lease agreemen" ;)( con"ends "ha" i" has ac8uired a priori"% righ" "o purchase said proper"ies in 8ues"ion and "ha" "he lease s"a"us has "aFen "he charac"er of a long "erm one 9esponden" .our" of &ppeals held "ha" "he issuance of a #ri" of preliminar% in4unc"ion $% "he lo#er cour" agains" &PT ma% no" $e 4us"ified as a valid exercise of 4udicial po#er $ecause ;)( does no" have a legall% demanda$le and enforcea$le righ" of re"en"ion over "he ho"el Held3 )ec"ion 31 of Proclama"ion no 7? does no" infringe an% provision of .ons"i"u"ion nor impair inheren" po#er of "he cour"s in so far as i" preven"s cour"s from in"erfering in "he discharge of "he expedi"ious disposi"ion and priva"i2a"ion of governmen" corpora"ions and asse"s, "he po#er "o define, prescri$e and appor"ion "he 4urisdic"ion of various cour"s $elongs "o legisla"ure excep" "ha" i" ma% no" deprive "he )upreme .our" of i"s original and appella"e 4urisdic"ion There can $e no 4us"ifica"ion for 4udicial in"erference in "he $usiness of an adminis"ra"ive agenc%, excep" #hen i" viola"es a ci"i2en:s cons"i"u"ional righ"s, or commi"s grave a$use of discre"ion or ac"s in excess of, or unila"eral 4urisdic"ion NATIONAL ECONOMIC PROTECTIONISM ASSO. VS. ONGPIN Facts3 Pe"i"ioner seeFs "he uncons"i"u"ionali"% of 0mni$us (nves"men" .odeL (nves"men" Priori"ies Plan and /0 No 6-6 approving said planL and PD No 1,+* #hich allo#ed an increase in foreign e8ui"% par"icipa"ion in preferred areas of inves"men" )olici"or Ceneral for responden"s con"ends "ha" pe"i"ioners have no personali"% and s"anding "o sue in "he a$sence of ac"ual con"rovers% Held3 No cons"i"u"ional 8ues"ion #ill $e heard and resolved unless follo#ing re8uisi"es of 4udicial in8uir% are presen"3 (1) exis"ence of appropria"e case (*) in"eres" personal and su$s"an"ial $% par"% (3) plea "ha" func"ion $e exercised a" earlies" oppor"uni"% (!) necessi"% "ha" cons"i"u"ional 8ues"ion $e passed upon "o decide case Pe"i"ioners merel% complied #i"h "he "hird re8uisi"e Pe"i"ion is "herefore dismissed



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ON APPOINTING AND REMOVING POWER SARMIENTO III VS. MISON Facts3 9esponden" ;ison has $een appoin"ed .ommissioner of "he Dureau of .us"oms #i"hou" confirma"ion from "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s Pe"i"ioners challenged "he cons"i"u"ionali"% of his appoin"men" on "he a$sence of confirma"ion and seeF "o prohi$i" him from performing "he func"ions of his office Held3 The .our" ruled "ha" "he Presiden" ac"ed #i"hin her cons"i"u"ional au"hori"% and po#er in appoin"ing responden" ;ison #i"hou" su$mi""ing his nomina"ion "o "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s for confirma"ion )aid posi"ion #as held "o $e N0T )1D6/.T T0 .0NB(9;&T(0N, $eing of "he ranF of "he $ureau direc"or, #ho #as purposel% dele"ed form "he lis"ing of "hose #hose appoin"men"s had "o $e approved $% "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s )ec"ion 16 of &r"icle >(( of "he 1+,.ons"i"u"ion onl% provides for "he appoin"men" of heads of "he execu"ive depar"men"s, am$assadors, o"her pu$lic minis"ers and consuls, officers of "he armed forces from "he ranF of colonel or naval cap"ain, and o"her officers #hose appoin"men"s are ves"ed in "he Presiden" in "his .ons"i"u"ion, "o $e dul% confirmed $% "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s BAUTISTA VS. SALONGA Facts3 Pe"i"ioner Dau"is"a #as designa"ed $% "he Presiden" as &c"ing .hairman of "he .G9 $u" she #as ho#ever, ex"ended a permanen" appoin"men" as .hairman of "he .ommission The .ommission on &ppoin"men"s, af"er re8ues"ing pe"i"ioner "o su$mi" cer"ain informa"ion and documen"s and "o presen" herself a" a mee"ing for "he deli$era"ion of her appoin"men", disapproved her ad in"erim appoin"men" in vie# of her refusal "o su$mi" "o "he 4urisdic"ion of "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s Pending "he resolu"ion of pe"i"ioner:s case #hich had $een eleva"ed "o "he )upreme .our", "he Presiden" designa"ed ano"her person as &c"ing .hairman of "he .ommission Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he appoin"men" of pe"i"ioner as .hairman of "he .ommission on Guman 9igh"s, is for "he Presiden" solel% "o maFe, #i"hou" "he par"icipa"ion of "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s Therefore, said appoin"men" does no" fall under ad in"erim appoin"men"s #hich have "o $e approved $% "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s Pe"i"ioner Dau"is"a is declared as "he dul% appoin"ed .hairman of "he .ommission on Guman 9igh"s The appoin"men" of "he .hairman and ;em$ers of "he .ommission on Guman 9igh"s, $eing an independen" office, falls under "he second sen"ence in )ec"ion 16 &r"icle >(( $ecause "he% are among "he officers of governmen" #hom "he Presiden" ma% $e au"hori2ed $% la# "o appoin", #i"hou" approval of "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s +UINTOS.DELES VS. COMMISSION ON CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS Facts3 Pe"i"ioner #as appoin"ed "o represen" "he =omen:s )ec"or $u" said appoin"men" #as opposed on "he ground "ha" sec"oral represen"a"ives mus" firs" $e confirmed $% "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s The names of pe"i"ioner as #ell as "hree o"her sec"oral represen"a"ives #ere su$mi""ed for confirma"ion "o "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s Pe"i"ioner, ho#ever, 8ues"ioned "he 4urisdic"ion of "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s over her appoin"men" especiall% since such has no" $een ac"ed upon a" "he close of "he session of .ongress and "here$% rendered moo" and academic

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Held3 (" #as held "ha" &PP0(NT;/NT &) & )/.T09&< 9/P9/)/NT&T(>/ in "he Gouse of 9epresen"a"ives should $e .0NB(9;/D $% "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s as "his posi"ion #as covered $% "he firs" sen"ence of "he )ec"ion 16 of &r"icle >(( Bur"hermore, pe"i"ioner:s appoin"men" #as made #hile .ongress #as in recess so "ha" i" is effec"ive onl% un"il disapproved $% "he .ommission or un"il "he nex" ad4ournmen" of .ongress delusion that the day is night just because the drapes are drawn and the lights are on." BINAMIRA VS. GARRUCHO) JR. Facts3 Pe"i"ioner Dinamira #as designa"ed C/N/9&< ;&N&C/9 0B TG/ PG(<(PP(N/ T019(); &1TG09(TN $% "he ;inis"er of Tourism The Presiden" also approved a" "he la"er da"e "he composi"ion of "he D0D of "he PT& #hich included pe"i"ioner as vice5chairman in his capaci"% as Ceneral ;anager Go#ever, pe"i"ioner #as asFed "o resign $% responden" Carrucho as "he ne# )ecre"ar% of Tourism ;oreover, "he Presiden" issued a memorandum, invalida"ing "he designa"ion of pe"i"ioner as Ceneral ;anager of "he PT& Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he designa"ion of "he pe"i"ioner is considered onl% as &.T(NC 09 T/;P09&9N &PP0(NT;/NT #hich does no" confer securi"% of "enure ;oreover, "he decree crea"ing PT& clearl% provides for "he appoin"men" of Ceneral ;anager of "he PT& "o $e made $% "he Presiden" and no" $% an% o"her officer )o "ha" i" #as no" possi$le legall% for "he ;inis"er "o assume exercise of discre"ion as an al"er ego of "he Presiden" Bur"hermore, ac"s of "he mem$ers of "he .a$ine" #hen performed and promulga"ed in "he regular course of $usiness, are presump"ivel% ac"s of "he .hief /xecu"ive unless disapproved or repro$a"ed )ince a memorandum #as issued $% "he Presiden" "o invalida"e pe"i"ioners designa"ion, such #as deemed disapproved CALDERON VS. CARALE Facts3 Pursuan" "o 9& 6-17, Presiden" &8uino ex"ended permanen" appoin"men"s "o responden"s .hairman and mem$ers of "he Na"ional <a$or 9ela"ions .ommission (N<9.), #i"hou" ho#ever, su$mi""ing "he same "o "he .ommission on &ppoin"men"s for confirma"ion Pe"i"ioner, insis"s on a manda"or% compliance #i"h 9& 6-17 #hich re8uires confirma"ion $% "he .ommission of such appoin"men"s The )olici"or Ceneral, on "he o"her hand, con"ends "ha" 9& 6-17 "ransgresses )ec"ion 16 &r"icle >(( $% expanding "he confirma"ion po#er of "he .& #i"hou" cons"i"u"ional $asis Iss-e3 =he"her or no" .ongress ma% $% la#, re8uire confirma"ion $% "he .& of appoin"men"s ex"ended $% "he Presiden" "o governmen" officers addi"ional "o "hose expressl% men"ioned in "he firs" sen"ence of )ec"ion 16, &r"icle >(( Held3 (" #as held "ha" 9& 6-17 amending &r"icle *17 of "he <a$or .ode insofar as i" re8uires confirma"ion of "he .& of appoin"men"s of "he .hairman and mem$ers of N<9., is declared uncons"i"u"ional (n enac"ing said legisla"ion, .ongress should have "aFen in"o accoun" "he relevan" cons"i"u"ional prohi$i"ion and es"ima"ed "he scope of i"s cons"i"u"ional po#ers The .hairman and mem$ers of "he N<9. are no" among "he officers men"ioned in "he firs" sen"ence of )ec"ion 16 &r"icle >(( #hose appoin"men"s re8uire confirma"ion $% "he .& A Constitution must be firm and immovable, li e a mountain amidst the strife of storms or a roc in the ocean amidst the raging of waves." -anhorne vs. .orrance FLORES VS. DRILON

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Facts3 9& -**- o"her#ise Fno#n as "he Dases .onversion and Developmen" &c" of 1++* appoin"ed responden" Cordon as .hairman and .hief /xecu"ive 0fficer of "he )u$ic Da% ;e"ropoli"an &u"hori"% ()D;&) in his capaci"% as ;a%or of 0langapo .i"% The cons"i"u"ionali"% of 9& -**- is assailed on "he ground "ha" i" infringes on "he provision of )ec"ion &r"icle ('5D #hich s"a"es "ha" no elec"ive official shall $e eligi$le for appoin"men" or designa"ed in an% capaci"% "o an% pu$lic office or posi"ion during his "enure Bur"hermore, )ec"ion 16 &r"icle >(( provides "ha" "he Presiden" shall appoin" all o"her officer of "he governmen" #hom he ma% $e au"hori2ed $% la# "o appoin" (n "he case a" $ar, i" #as .ongress and no" "he Presiden" #ho appoin"ed "he ;a%or "o "he su$4ec" pos" Binall%, "he appoin"men" of responden" Cordon #as #i"hin "he prohi$i"ed !75da% period prior "o "he ;a% 11, 1++* elec"ions Held3 )ec"ion 13 par (d) of 9& -**- is declared 1N.0N)T(T1T(0N&< )ince "he .i"% ;a%or of 0longapo .i"% is an elec"ive official and "he su$4ec" pos" "ha" of a pu$lic office, "he concen"ra"ion of sad pu$lic posi"ion canno" $e given "o responden" Cordon, o"her#ise i" #ould resul" in hapha2ardness and inefficienc% and neglec" of his cons"i"uen"s Bur"hermore, #hen .ongress clo"hes "he Presiden" #i"h "he po#er "o appoin" an officer, i" canno" limi" "he choice of "he Presiden" "o onl% one candida"e $ecause i" #ould elimina"e "he discre"ion of "he appoin"ing po#er 3) ;em$er of .ongress as ex5officio mem$er of "he 6udicial and Dar .ouncil CONTROL POWER VILLEGAS VS. ENRILE Facts3 Pe"i"ioner >illegas, ;a%or of "he .i"% of ;anila, invoFed his po#er of appoin"men" over emplo%ees of "he .i"% Biscal:s 0ffice, such office $eing paid en"irel% ou" of ci"% funds, pursuan" "o )ec"ion ! of "he Decen"rali2a"ion &c" Pe"i"ioner #as denied his re8ues" on "he ground "ha" under "he .har"er of "he .i"% of ;anila, "he appoin"men" of personnel in "he .i"% Biscal:s 0ffice is ves"ed in "he )ecre"ar% of 6us"ice and "he fac" "ha" "he salaries of "hese personnel are en"irel% paid ou" of ci"% funds does no" al"er such rule Held3 (" #as held "he 0ffice of "he .i"% Biscal should $e under "he con"rol of "he )ecre"ar% of 6us"ice $ased on "he cons"i"u"ional po#er of "he presiden" ves"ing in him "he con"rol of all execu"ive depar"men"s, $ureaus, or offices, as #ell as his du"% "o "aFe care "ha" "he la#s are fai"hfull% execu"ed The )ecre"ar% of 6us"ice, $eing "he al"er ego of "he Presiden", "he #orFing arms of "he )ecre"ar% are "he fiscals and o"her prosecu"ing officers GASCON VS. ARROYO Facts3 This case is a$ou" "#o (*) "elevision s"a"ions o#ned $% "he <ope2 famil% and opera"ed "hrough "he &D)5.DN Droadcas"ing .orpora"ion, #hich #ere closed $% "he mili"ar% a" "he heigh" of mar"ial la# and la"er on, se8ues"ered $% "he P.CC af"er "he /D)& revolu"ion The <ope2 famil% asFed for "he re"urn of "he s"a"ions T> s"a"ion channel * #as re"urned Go#ever, as "o "he re"urn of T> s"a"ion .hannel !, responden" /xecu"ive )ecre"ar%, $% au"hori"% of "he Presiden", en"ered in"o an &greemen" "o &r$i"ra"e #i"h &D)5.DN

9/;/;D/93 Designa"ion of elec"ive official "o o"her governmen" pos"s as recogni2ed $% .ons"i"u"ion3 1) Presiden" as head of economic and planning agenc% *) >ice5Presiden" as ;em$er of "he .a$ine"

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Droadcas"ing .orp Pe"i"ioners filed a "axpa%ers: sui" "o annul said agreemen" Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he /xecu"ive )ecre"ar% had "he au"hori"% "o en"er in"o "he &greemen" "o &r$i"ra"e #i"h "he &D)5 .DN Droadcas"ing .orp as he #as ac"ing in $ehalf of "he Presiden" #ho had "he po#er "o nego"ia"e such agreemen" since she exercised $o"h "he legisla"ive and execu"ive po#ers of "he governmen" under "he Breedom .ons"i"u"ion )aid agreemen" #as "herefore $inding on "he 9epu$lic of "he Philippines ECHECHE VS. COURT OF APPEALS Facts3 Pe"i"ioner /cheche #as emplo%ed a" "he Dureau of ;ines $u" #as purged from pu$lic service under <0( No 3?+ as an alleged undesira$le and unfi" pu$lic servan" Ge #as ho#ever, reemplo%ed and no" reins"a"ed "o his former posi"ion Pe"i"ioner sough" pa%men" of his $acF salaries, allo#ances and $onuses as he #as dismissed #i"hou" valid cause $ecause "here #as no pending adminis"ra"ive, civil or criminal charges agains" him )uch re8ues" #as denied $% "he Depu"% /xecu"ive )ecre"ar% as pe"i"ioner #as considered under suspension #i"hou" pa% Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he decision of "he Depu"% /xecu"ive )ecre"ar% mus" $e given full fai"h and credi" $% "he .our" as an ac" of "he .hief /xecu"ive considering "ha" "he office of "he /xecu"ive )ecre"ar% is an auxillar% uni" #hich assis"s "he Presiden" (" has "herefore, 4urisdic"ion "o affirm, modif%, or even reverse an% order of "he )ecre"ar% of Na"ural 9esources and o"her .a$ine" )ecre"aries, as an exercise of "he po#er of con"rol ves"ed in "he Presiden" DRILON VS. LIM (dis"inc"ion $e"#een supervision) con"rol and prescri$ed procedure in "he enac"men" of "ax ordinances pursuan" "o )ec"ion 1,- of "he <ocal Covernmen" .ode The 9T. of ;anila, ho#ever, revoFed "he )ecre"ar%:s resolu"ion and sus"ained "he said ordinance holding "ha" "he Procedural re8uiremen"s had $een o$served, and "ha" )ec"ion 1,- of "he <ocal Covernmen" .ode is uncons"i"u"ional $ecause i" ves"ure in "he )ecre"ar% of 6us"ice "he po#er of con"rol over local governmen" uni"s in viola"ion of "he polic% of local au"onom% manda"ed in "he .ons"i"u"ion and "he specific provision "herein conferring on "he Presiden" onl% "he po#er of supervision over local governmen" uni"s Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he ac" of "he )ecre"ar% of 6us"ice #as a ;/9/ )1P/9>()(0N and no" of con"rol $ecause in declaring "he ;anila 9evenue .ode as null and void, he did no" replace i" #i"h his o#n version of #ha" "he .ode should $e Ge simpl% de"ermined if "he pe"i"ioners #ere performing "heir func"ions in accordance #i"h la#, "ha" is, #i"h "he prescri$ed procedure for enac"men" of "ax ordinances This ground affec"ed "he legali"%, no" "he #isdom or reasona$leness of "he "ax measure (n supervision, "he officer does no" la% do#n "he rules $u" merel% sees "o i" "ha" such rules are follo#ed Ge does no" have "he discre"ion "o modif% or replace "hem $u" if "he% are no" o$served, he ma%, order "he #orF done or re5done if onl% "o conform "o "he prescri$ed rules MILITARY POWER A+UINO) JR. VS. COMMISSION NO. / MILITARY

Facts3 Pe"i"ioner )ecre"ar% of 6us"ice declared "he ;anila 9evenue .ode as null and void for non5compliance #i"h "he

Facts3 Pe"i"ioner challenges "he 4urisdic"ion of "he ;ili"ar% .ommission "o "r% him for illegal possession of firearms, ammuni"ion and explosives for viola"ion of "he &n"i5 )u$version &c" and for murder, af"er "he proclama"ion of mar"ial la#

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Held3 The )upreme .our" upheld "he po#er of "he Presiden" "o crea"e mili"ar% "ri$unals au"hori2ed "o "r% no" onl% mili"ar% personnel $u" also civilians even if a" "ha" "ime civil cour"s #ere open and func"ioning The Presiden" had "he au"hori"% under &r"icle '>(( of "he .ons"i"u"ion "o promulga"e proclama"ion, orders and decrees during "he period of mar"ial la# essen"ial "o "he securi"% and preserva"ion of "he 9epu$licO /ven if pe"i"ioner is a civilian and should $e given due 4udicial process guaran"eed $% "he .ons"i"u"ion, "he reali"% of "he re$ellion and exis"ence of mar"ial la# should no" $e ignored (C0 No ,, C0 No 1* and PD No *+) OLAGUER VS. COMMISSION NO. 01 MILITARY The ra"ifica"ion $% "he ac"ing .0& chairman canno" invalida"e an ac" void a$ ini"io since he #as no" "he .ommission and he himself had no po#er "o decide an% case $rough" $efore "he .ommission DANVILLE VS. COA (PN0. sale of "anFer5vessel) The .0& shall have exclusive au"hori"% "o define "he scope of i"s audi" and examina"ion, es"a$lish "he "echni8ues and me"hods re8uired "herefore, and promulga"e accoun"ing and audi"ing rules and regula"ions, including "hose for "he preven"ion and disallo#ances of irregular, unnecessar%, excessive, ex"ravagan", or unconsciona$le expendi"ure or use of governmen" funds and proper"ies PHILIPPINE AIRLINES VS. COA Pursuan" "o "he governmen":s priva"i2a"ion program, P&<:s shares of s"ocF #ere $idded ou" resul"ing in "he ac8uisi"ion $% P9 Goldings, a priva"e corpora"ion, of 6-E of P&<:s ou"s"anding s"ocFs P&<, having ceased "o $e a governmen"5o#ned or con"rolled corpora"ion is no longer under "he audi" 4urisdic"ion of "he .0& COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS COMMISSION ON AUDIT !COA& MISON VS. COA The manager of "he .0& Technical )ervice 0ffice has no po#er "o render and promulga"e a decision of or for "he .ommission /ven "he .hairman, alone, has no" "ha" po#er The po#er is lodged in "he .0& composed of a .hairman and "#o .ommissioners (" is "he .ommission, as a collegial $od%, #hich has "he 4urisdic"ion "o decide an% case $rough" $efore i" #i"hin 6? da%s from "he da"e of i"s su$mission for resolu"ion su$4ec" "o revie# $% "he )upreme .our" on cer"iorari

Facts3 Pe"i"ioners challenge "he 4urisdic"ion of "he mili"ar% commissions "o "r% civilians for offenses alleged "o have $een commi""ed during "he period of mar"ial la# The% also claim "ha" "heir cons"i"u"ional righ" "o due process of la# is viola"ed 9esponden" ;ili"ar% .ommission convic"ed pe"i"ioners and imposed "he penal"% of dea"h $% elec"rocu"ion Held3 (" #as held "ha" "he "rial con"empla"ed $% "he due process clause of "he .ons"i"u"ion, is a "rial $% 4udicial process, no" $% execu"ive or mili"ar% process The po#er and "he du"% of in"erpre"ing "he la#s is primaril% a func"ion of "he 4udiciar% and canno" $e "ha" of "he /xecu"ive Depar"men" "hrough "he mili"ar% au"hori"ies ;ili"ar% "ri$unals do no have 4urisdic"ion over civilians so long as "he civil cour"s are open and func"ioning Bur"hermore, since Proclama"ion No *?!7 #as alread% issued lif"ing mar"ial la# and a$olishing all mili"ar% "ri$unals, na"ional emergenc% no longer exis"s Therefore, mili"ar% "ri$unals should $e considered func"us officio in "heir rela"ionship #i"h civilians (.ivilian supremac% over mili"ar%) CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS

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SANCHE VS. COMELEC ("o annul an en"ire municipal elec"ion on pos"5elec"ion "errorism) The .0;/</. has "he po#er and preroga"ive "o annul an elec"ion #here "he #ill of "he vo"er has $een defea"ed, as #ell as "o call for a special elec"ions #here #idespread "errorism, #he"her $efore or af"er elec"ion, has $een proven resul"ing in a failure "o elec", #i"hou" need of recourse "o "he Presiden" and "he Da"asang Pam$ansa for "he enac"men" of remedial legisla"ion The cas"ing of $allo"s is no" "he onl% ac" cons"i"u"ive of elec"ion &n elec"ion is no" comple"e un"il proclama"ion has $een made DE JESUS VS. PEOPLE The po#er "o inves"iga"e, prosecu"e and "r% elec"ion cases commi""ed $% a pu$lic officer in rela"ion "o his office, exclusivel% ves"ed #i"h "he .0;/</., "o insure "he free, orderl% and hones"l% conduc" of elec"ion, failure of #hich #ould resul" in "he frus"ra"ion of "he "rue #ill of "he people and maFe a mere idle ceremon% of "he sacred righ" and du"% of ever% 8ualified ci"i2en "o vo"e (complain" charging .0;/</. regis"rar #i"h viola"ion of /lec"ion .ode) JAVIER VS. C34st5t-t534& COMELEC !"#20 8ualifica"ions I dislo%al"% or ineligi$ili"%, inade8uac% of cer"ifica"e of candidac% (n conferring "he ini"ial po#er "o decide pre5 proclama"ion 8ues"ions upon "he division, "he .ons"i"u"ion did no" in"end "o preven" "he .ommission en $anc from exercising po#er direc"l%, on "he "heor% "ha" "he grea"er po#er em$races "he lesser FLORES VS. COMELEC (e8ui"% of "he incum$en" ruleL punong $aranga% vs Faga#ad) The provision of "he .ons"i"u"ion "ha" decision, final orders or rulings of "he .ommission on elec"ion con"es" involving elec"ive municipal and $aranga% offices shall $e final, execu"or%, and no" appeala$le applies onl% "o 8ues"ion of fac" and no" of la# (" #as no" in"ended "o dives" "he )upreme .our" of i"s au"hori"% "o resolve 8ues"ions of la# as inheren" in "he 4udicial po#er conferred upon i" $% "he .ons"i"u"ion CORPUS VS. TANODBAYAN The .0;/</. has exclusive 4urisdic"ion "o inves"iga"e and prosecu"e elec"ion offenses commi""ed $% an% person, #he"her priva"e individual or pu$lic officer or emplo%ee, irrespec"ive of #he"her "he offenses is commi""ed in rela"ion "o his official du"ies or no" (" is "he na"ure of "he offense and no" "he personali"% of "he offender "ha" ma""ers &s long as "he offense is an elec"ion offense 4urisdic"ion over "he same res" exclusivel% #i"h "he .0;/</. PEOPLE VS. INTING The 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion manda"es "he .0;/</. no" onl% "o inves"iga"e $u" also "o prosecu"e cases of viola"ion of elec"ion la#s (" is empo#ered "o conduc" preliminar% inves"iga"ion in cases involving elec"ion offenses for "he purpose of helping "he 6udge de"ermine pro$a$le cause and for

The .0;/</. en $anc and no" a mere division mus" hear and resolve a pre5 proclama"ion con"rovers% for Da"asan ;em$ers /lec"ion I conduc" of polls, including lis"ing of vo"es, holding of elec"oral campaign, cas"ing and coun"ing of vo"es re"urns I canvass of re"urns and proclama"ion of #inners (composi"ion of $oard of canvassersL au"hen"ici"% of elec"ion re"urns)

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filing an informa"ion in cour" )aid po#er is exclusive #i"h .0;/</. The Provincial Biscal, as such, assumes no role in "he prosecu"ion of elec"ion offenses (f "he Biscal or Prosecu"or files an informa"ion or prosecu"es viola"ion of elec"ion la#s, i" is $ecause he has $een depu"i2ed $% "he .0;/</. Ge does no" do so under "he sole au"hori"% of his office BRILLANTES) JR. VS. YORAC The choice of a "emporar% chairman of .0;/</. is #i"hin "he discre"ion of "he .ommission i"self, and such discre"ion canno" $e exercised $% "he Presiden", even #i"h "he .ommission:s consen" The lacF of s"a"u"or% rule is no 4us"ifica"ion for "he Presiden" "o fill "he void $% ex"ending "emporar% designa"ion )ecuri"% of "enure is a safeguard "o "he independence of "he .0;/</. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION NUEGO VS. CSC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. REGINO &s a mere governmen"5o#ned or con"rolled corpora"ion, 1P #as clearl% a par" of "he .ivil )ervice under "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion and no# con"inues "o $e so $ecause i" #as crea"ed $% a special la# and has an original char"er &s a componen" of .ivil )ervice, 1P is "herefore governed $% PD ,?- and adminis"ra"ive cases involving "he discipline of i"s emplo%ees come under "he appella"e 4urisdic"ion of "he .ivil )ervice .ommission ARATUC VS. COMELEC Decisions of "he .0;/</. ma% $e $rough" "o "he )upreme .our" on cer"iorari, "ha" is, on "he ground of grave a$use of discre"ion or lacF of 4urisdic"ion .er"iorari implies an indifferen" disregard of "he la#, ar$i"rariness and caprice, an The .). is no" empo#ered "o de"ermine "he Find or na"ure of "he appoin"men" ex"ended $% "he appoin"ing officer, i"s au"hori"% $eing limi"ed "o approving or revie#ing "he appoin"men" in "he ligh" of "he re8uiremen"s of "he .ivil )ervice <a# =hen "he appoin"ee is 8ualified and all o"her legal re8uiremen"s are sa"isfied, "he .ommission has no choice $u" "o a""es" "o "he appoin"men" in accordance #i"h .ivil )ervice <a#s The .). has no au"hori"% "o revoFe an appoin"men" $ecause of i"s $elief "ha" ano"her person #as $e""er 8ualified, #hich is an encroachmen" of "he discre"ionar% po#er of "he appoin"ing officer ("he appoin"men" #as indica"ed as permanen" $% "he appoin"ing au"hori"% al"hough #i"h approved or "emporar%L i" #as no" for "he .). "o reverse i" and call i" "emporar% omission "o #eigh per"inen" considera"ion, decision arrived a" #i"hou" ra"ional deli$era"ion NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY VS. JUCO !see PNOC.EDC& !a6a4d34ed& /mplo%ees of governmen"5o#ned or con"rolled corpora"ion, liFe "he NG& #hich performs governmen"al func"ions, #he"her crea"ed $% special la# or formed as su$sidiaries, are governed $% "he .ivil )ervice <a#, and no" $% "he <a$or .ode The fac" "ha" priva"e corpora"ions o#ned or con"rolled $% "he governmen" ma% $e crea"ed $% special char"er does no" mean "ha" such corpora"ion no" crea"ed $% special la# are no" covered $% "he civil service Covernmen" corpora"ion discharging proprie"ar% func"ions no# $elong "o "he .ivil )ervice Go#ever, priva"e firms "aFen over $% "he governmen" in foreclosure or similar proceedings are no" covered

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posi"ion is primaril% confiden"ial /xecu"ive pronouncemen"s can $e no more "han ini"ial de"ermina"ion "ha" are no" conclusive in case of conflic" Posi"ion of )enior )ecuri"% and )ecuri"% Cuard in "he office of "he >ice5;a%or are primaril% confiden"ial in na"ure The "enure of personnel holding primaril% confiden"ial posi"ions, end upon loss of confidence, $ecause "heir "erm of office las" onl% as long as confidence in "hem endures, "hus, "heir cessa"ion involves no removal =hen removed or dismissed from office, "heir "erm has merel% expired Primaril% confiden"ial posi"ion are excluded from "he meri" s%s"em, and dismissal a" pleasure of officers or emplo%ees "herein are allo#ed $% "he .ons"i"u"ion CENTRAL BAN, VS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (posi"ion of &ss" DanF Ph%sician of .D) 1nder "he .ivil )ervice &c", "he .ommissioner of .ivil )ervice has "he final au"hori"% on appoin"men"s Du" under PD No ,?-, Fno#n as "he .ivil )ervice Decree, "he .ommission is no" au"hori2ed "o cur"ail "he discre"ion of "he appoin"ing official on "he na"ure or Find of appoin"men" "o $e ex"ended The au"hori"% of "he .ommission is limi"ed "o approving or revie#ing "he appoin"men" in "he ligh" of "he re8uiremen"s of "he la# governing "he .ivil )ervice The .ommission has no au"hori"% "o revoFe an appoin"men" on "he ground "ha" ano"her person is more 8ualified for a par"icular posi"ion (" also has no au"hori"% "o dives" "he appoin"men" of a su$s"i"u"e of i"s choice SANTIAGO) JR. VS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (&ppoin"men" of .us"oms .ollec"or ((() There is no manda"or% nor peremp"or% re8uiremen" in "he .ivil )ervice <a# "ha"

PNOC.EDC VS. LEOGARDO The "es" in de"ermining #he"her a governmen"5o#ned or con"rolled corpora"ion is su$4ec" "o "he .ivil )ervice <a# is "he manner of i"s crea"ion such "ha" governmen" corpora"ions crea"ed $% special char"er are su$4ec" "o i"s provisions #hile "hose incorpora"ed under "he general corpora"ion la# are no" #i"hin i"s coverage The PN0.5/D., having $een incorpora"ed under "he Ceneral .orpora"ion la#, is a governmen" or con"rolled corpora"ion #hose emplo%ees are su$4ec" "o "he provisions of "he <a$or .ode &r"icle (' D )ec"ion *(1) The .ivil )ervice em$races all $ranches, su$division, ins"rumen"ali"ies and agencies of "he Covernmen", including governmen"5o#ned or con"rolled corpora"ion #i"h 09(C(N&< .G&9T/9)

NASECO VS. NLRC (n "he premise "ha" i" is "he 1+,.ons"i"u"ion "ha" governs ins"an" case $ecause i" is "he .ons"i"u"ion in place a" "he "ime of decision "hereof, "he N<9. has 4urisdic"ion "o accord relief "o "he par"ies &s an admi""ed su$sidiar% of "he N(D., in "urn a su$sidiar% of "he PND, #hich in "urn is a governmen" o#ned corpora"ion, "he N&)/.0 is a governmen" o#ned or con"rolled corpora"ion =(TG01T original char"er 0riginal char"ers I crea"ed $% la#, $% an ac" of congress, $% special la# BORRES VS. COURT OF APPEALS The enac"men" of "he .ivil )ervice &c" (99 **6?) provides "ha" i" is "he na"ure of "he posi"ion #hich finall% de"ermine #he"her a

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persons nex"5in5ranF are en"i"led "o preference in appoin"men" 0ne #ho is nex"5in5ranF is en"i"led "o preferen"ial considera"ion for promo"ion "o "he higher vacanc% $u" i" does no" necessaril% follo# "ha" he and no one else can $e appoin"ed The rule nei"her gran"s a ves"ed righ" "o "he holder nor impose a minis"erial du"% on "he appoin"ing au"hori"% "o promo"e such person "o "he nex" higher posi"ion The po#er "o appoin" is discre"ionar% The appoin"ing po#er has a #ide la"i"ude of choice as "o #ho is $es" 8ualified for "he posi"ion SSSEA VS. COURT OF APPEALS The )ocial )ecuri"% )%s"em is a governmen"5con"rolled corpora"ion #i"h an original char"er having $een crea"ed under 9& No 1161 ("s emplo%ees are par" of "he .ivil )ervice and are covered $% "he .ivil )ervice ;emorandum prohi$i"ing s"riFe The s"riFe s"aged $% "he emplo%ees of "he ))) #as "herefore, illegal The Pu$lic )ec"or <a$or ;anagemen" .ouncil, unliFe "he N<9., has no" $een gran"ed $% la# au"hori"% "o issue #ri"s of in4unc"ion in la$or dispu"e Gence, resor" "o "he general cour"s of la# for issuance of "he #ri" is appropria"e POBRE VS. MENDIETA (&ppoin"men" of "he .hairman of "he Professional 9egula"ions .ommission) The succession clause opera"es onl% #hen "here is an unexpired "erm of "he .hairmanH.ommissioners "o $e served 0"her#ise, if "he .hairman:s "erm had expired or $een full% served, "he vacanc% mus" $e filled $% appoin"men" of a ne# chairman $% "he Presiden" The Presiden" #as empo#ered "o appoin" heads of $ureaus and offices, liFe "he P9. .hairman, under )ec"ion 1? &r"icle >(( of "he 1+-3 .ons"i"u"ion (Po$re I )econd &sso .ommissionerL ;endie"a I )enior &sso .ommissioner) CARPIO VS. E'ECUTIVE SECRETARY !ARTICLE 'VI& Facts3 9& No 6+-7 is an ac" es"a$lishing "he Philippine Na"ional Police under a reorgani2ed Depar"men" of (n"erior and <ocal Covernmen" Pe"i"ioner assailed "he cons"i"u"ionali"% of said ac" on "he ground "ha" i" emascula"ed "he N&P0<.0; $% limi"ing i"s po#er of adminis"ra"ive con"rol over "he PNP, "hus, con"rol remained #i"h "he Depar"men" )ecre"ar% under #hom $o"h "he N&P0<.0; and "he PNP #ere placed Bur"hermore, $% ves"ing in "he local execu"ive "he po#er "o choose "he officers "here$% giving "hem full con"rol of "he police, i" #ould give rise "o #arlordism, $ossism and sanc"uaries for vices and a$uses Held3 Pe"i"ion is dismissed for lacF of meri" Presiden" has con"rol of all execu"ive depar"men"s, $ureaus and offices Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency I "he Presiden":s po#er of con"rol is direc"l% exercised $% him over "he mem$ers of "he .a$ine" #ho, in "urn and $% his au"hori"%, con"rol "he Dureau and o"her offices under "heir respec"ive 4urisdic"ion There is no usurpa"ion of "he po#er of con"rol of "he N&P0<.0; $ecause i" is clear "ha" "he local execu"ive are onl% ac"ing as represen"a"ives of "he N&P0<.0; and "he% are "hen ans#era$le for "heir ac"ions in "he exercise of "heir func"ions )ec"ion 1*, 9& No 6+-7 provides for "he "ransi"ion period or process during #hich "he na"ional police #ould graduall% assume "he civilian func"ions of safeguarding "he in"ernal securi"% of "he )"a"e The Presiden" "hen a$dica"es no"hing of his #ar po#ers &s .ommander5in5.hief, he is no" a mem$er of "he &rmed Borces Ge remains a civilian #hose du"ies under "he .ommander5

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in5.hief provision represen" onl% a par" of "he organic du"ies imposed upon him &ll his o"her func"ions are clearl% civil in na"ure Gis posi"ion as a civilian .ommander5in5 .hief is consis"en" #i"h "he .ons"i"u"ional principle "ha" civilian au"hori"% is, a" all "imes, supreme over "he mili"ar% )ec"ion 6 &r"icle '>( merel% manda"es "he s"a"u"or% crea"ion of a na"ional police commission "ha" #ill adminis"er and con"rol "he na"ional police force )aid commission #ould $e under "he Presiden" and hence ma% $e con"rolled $% "he Presiden", "hrough his al"er ego, "he )ecre"ar% of "he (n"erior and <ocal Covernmen" OCCENA VS. COMELEC Facts3 .ons"i"u"ional issues raised are3 1) =he"her or no" "he (n"erim Da"asang Pam$ansa has "he po#er "o au"hori2e "he holding of local elec"ions *) &ssuming is has such po#er, #he"her i" can au"hori2e said elec"ions #i"hou" enac"ing a local governmen" code 3) =he"her i" can schedule such elec"ions less "han +? da%s from "he passage of "he ena$ling la# !) =he"her "he ple$isci"e can $e legall% held "oge"her #i"h "he local elec"ions Held3 Pe"i"ion is dismissed 1) The legisla"ive po#er gran"ed $% )ec"ion 1, &r"icle >((( of "he .ons"i"u"ion "o "he Na"ional &ssem$l% has $een explici"l% ves"ed during "he period of "ransi"ion on "he (n"erim Da"asang Pam$ansa (" is "herefore comple"e, su$4ec" onl% "o "he limi"a"ion "ha" "he (n"erim Da"asang Pam$ansa shall no" exercise "he po#er of "he Na"ional &ssem$l% in "he ra"ifica"ion of "rea"ies The po#er "o regula"e "he manner of conduc"ing elec"ion, "o prescri$e "he form of "he official !) )ec"ion 6 of &r"icle '(( of "he .ons"i"u"ion does no" fix an unal"era$le period of +? da%s from an elec"ion campaign (" onl% fixes "he elec"ion period $% s"a"ing "ha" unless fixed $% "he .ommission, i" shall commence +? da%s $efore "he da% of elec"ion and shall end 3? da%s "hereaf"er ALMARIO VS. ALBA Facts3 The Bilipino elec"ora"e had "o ei"her approve or re4ec" amendmen"s "o "he .ons"i"u"ion proposed $% six resolu"ion of "he Da"asang Pam$ansa )aid proposed amendmen"s are em$odied in four separa"e 8ues"ions, "#o of #hich "he pe"i"ioner sough" "o en4oin "he su$mission "o "he people for ra"ifica"ion on "he ground "ha" "here has $een no fair and proper su$mission and "ha" "here is no" enough "ime for "he people "o s"ud% "he meaning and implica"ion of 8ues"ioned resolu"ion Held3 Pe"i"ion dismissed )ec"ion * &r"icle '>( of "he .ons"i"u"ion allo#s a period of no" more "han "hree mon"hs for "he conduc" of informa"ion campaigns The sufficienc% of "he period during #hich amendmen"s are su$mi""ed "o "he people $efore "he% vo"e depends on "he complici"% and in"ricac% of $allo" and "o provide for "he manner in #hich candida"es shall $e chose is inheren"l% and his"oricall% legisla"ive *) (" is "he in"en" and desire of "he people "o es"a$lish during "he period of "ransi"ion, a governmen" "ha" can effec"ivel% provide for "he na"ion:s peaceful and orderl% "ransi"ion from a crisis "o a full parliamen"ar% s%s"em of governmen" 3) The holding of local elec"ions does no", in an% manner preclude "he enac"men" of a local governmen" code $% "he Da"asang Pam$ansa

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"he 8ues"ions presen"ed Pe"i"ioners have failed "o sho# "ha" proposed amendmen"s are of such na"ure "ha" #hen "he people go "o "he polls "he% canno" arrive a" an in"ellec"ual 4udgmen" on "heir accep"a$ili"% or non5 accep"a$ili"% The necessi"%, expedienc%, and #isdom of "he proposed amendmen"s are $e%ond "he po#er of "he cour"s "o ad4udica"e These are ma""ers #hich onl% "he people can decide &ssuming "ha" a mem$er or some mem$er of "he .our" ma% find undesira$le cer"ain amendmen"s, "he remed% is "o vo"e N0 in "he ple$isci"e $u" no" "o su$s"i"u"e his or "heir aversion "o "he proposed amendmen"s $% den%ing "o "he millions of vo"ers an oppor"uni"% "o express "heir o#n liFes or disliFes ARTICLE 'VIII ,APATIRAN NG MGA MAGLILING,OD SA PAMAHALAAN NG PILIPINAS) INC. VS. TAN Facts3 Pe"i"ioners assailed "he cons"i"u"ionali"% of /0 No *-3 #hich amended cer"ain sec"ions of "he N(9. and adop"ed "he value5added "ax (>&T) on "he grounds "ha" such enac"men" is no" #i"hin "he po#ers of "he Presiden" and "ha" "he >&T is oppressive, discrimina"or%, regressive, and viola"es "he due process and e8ual pro"ec"ion clause provided for in "he 1+,- .ons"i"u"ion The )olici"or Ceneral pra%ed for "he dismissal of "he pe"i"ion on "he ground "ha" "here is no exis"ence of an appropria"e case, no in"eres", personal and su$s"an"ial, of "he par"% raising "he cons"i"u"ional 8ues"ion, and "ha" pe"i"ioners have no legal s"anding as "he% are merel% asFing for an advisor% opinion from "he .our" Held3 Pe"i"ion is dismissed 1nder $o"h "he Provisional and 1+,.ons"i"u"ion, "he Presiden" is ves"ed #i"h legisla"ive po#ers un"il a legisla"ure under "he ne# .ons"i"u"ion is convened The enac"men" of /0 No *-3 "#o da%s $efore "he .ongress convened, #as #i"hin "he Presiden":s au"hori"% "o legisla"e The .our", follo#ing "he "ime5honored doc"rine of separa"ion of po#ers, canno" su$s"i"u"e i"s 4udgmen" for "ha" of "he Presiden" as "o "he #isdom, 4us"ice and advisa$ili"% of "he adop"ion of "he >&T ARTICLE III $ection ') . /o person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. VILLAFLOR VS. SUMMERS Facts3 Pe"i"ioner #as charged #i"h adul"er% )he #as "hen ordered $% "he cour" "o su$mi" her $od% "o "he examina"ion of doc"ors "o de"ermine if she #as pregnan" or no" Pe"i"ioner refused "o o$e% said order on "he ground "ha" such examina"ion of her person #as a viola"ion of "he cons"i"u"ional provision rela"ing "o self5incrimina"ion Thereupon she #as found in con"emp" of cour" and #as ordered "o $e commi""ed "o Dili$id prison un"il she should permi" "he medical examina"ion re8uired $% "he .our" Gence, "his pe"i"ion for ha$eas corpus Held3 Pe"i"ion denied 1) Gis"or% of guaran"% agains" self5 incrimina"ion3 (n /ngland, in earl% da%s in a revol" agains" "hum$scre# and "he racF & legal shield #as raised agains" odious in8uisi"orial me"hod of in"erroga"ing an accused person $% #hich "o ex"or" un#illing confession #i"h "he ever presen" "emp"a"ion "o commi" "he crime of per4ur% *) /ven superior "o "he comple"e immuni"% of a person "o $e le" alone is "he in"eres" #hich "he pu$lic has in "he orderl% adminis"ra"ion of 4us"ice De"#een a sacrifice of "he ascer"ainmen" of "ru"h "o personal considera"ion, $e"#een a disregard of "he pu$lic #elfare for refined

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mo"ion of delicac%, la# and 4us"ice canno" hesi"a"e 3) The cons"i"u"ional guaran"%, "ha" no person shall $e compelled in an% criminal case "o $e a #i"ness agains" himself, is limi"ed "o a prohi$i"ion agains" compulsor% "es"imonial self5 incrimina"ion Tor"ure or force shall $e avoided !) 0n a proper sho#ing and under an order of "he "rial cour", an ocular inspec"ion of "he $od% of "he accused is permissi$le BERMUDE VS. CASTILLO Facts3 (nvoFing her righ" no" "o incrimina"e herself, "he complainan" refused "o cop% in her o#n hand#ri"ing, in "he presence of "he inves"iga"or in "his adminis"ra"ive case, "he le""ers #hich "he responden" denied "o prove "o have $een #ri""en $% her and she asser"ed, under oa"h, no" "o have #ri""en Held3 .omplainan" is perfec"l% en"i"led "o "he privilege $% her &r"icle ((( )ec"ion 1s"a"es3 No person shall $e compelled "o $e a #i"ness agains" himself, #hich is unders"ood "o $e applica$le in all cases, $e "he% criminal, civil or adminis"ra"ive, $ecause #ere she compelled "o #ri"e and #ere i" proven $% means of #ha" she migh" #ri"e la"er "ha" said documen"s had reall% $een #ri""en $% her, i" #ould $e impossi$le for her "o evade prosecu"ion for per4ur% 9eason for "he privilege3 "o avoid and prohi$i" posi"ivel% "he repe"i"ion and recurrence of "he cer"ainl% inhuman procedure of compelling a person, in a criminal or an% o"her case, "o furnish "he missing evidence necessar% for his convic"ion (n order "ha" "he cons"i"u"ional provision in 8ues"ion ma% prove "o $e a real pro"ec"ion and no" a dead le""er, i" mus" $e given a li$eral and $road in"erpre"a"ion favora$le "o "he person invoFing i" ALIH VS. CASTRO Facts3 & con"ingen" of more "han "#o hundred Philippine ;arines and elemen"s of "he Gome Defense Borces raided "he compound occupied $% pe"i"ioner, in search of loose firearms, ammuni"ions and o"her explosives The ini"ial reac"ion of "he pe"i"ioner #as "o resis" "he invasion #i"h a $urs" of gunfire "o #hich "he soldiers re"urned fire =hen "he $esieged compound surrendered "he follo#ing morning, "he male occupan"s #ere arres"ed, "aFen "o $e finger5 prin"ed, paraffin5"es"ed and pho"ographed over "heir o$4ec"ions Pe"i"ioners "hen challenge "heir finger prin"ing, pho"ographing and paraffin5"es"ing as viola"ive of "heir righ"s agains" self5 incrimina"ion Held3 The prohi$i"ion agains" self5 incrimina"ion applies "o "es"imonial compulsion onl% The prohi$i"ion of compelling a man in a criminal cour" "o $e a #i"ness agains" himself is a prohi$i"ion of "he use of ph%sical or moral compulsion "o ex"or" communica"ions from him, no" an exclusion of his $od% as evidence #hen i" ma% $e ma"erial (6 Golmes) PEOPLE VS. OLVIS F37ced 7e.e4act8e4t, liFe uncounselled and coerced confession come #i"hin "he $ar agains" self5incrimina"ion This cons"i"u"ional privilege has $een defined as a pro"ec"ion agains" "es"imonial compulsion, $u" "his has since $een ex"ended "o an% evidence communica"ive in na"ure ac8uired under circums"ances of duress /ssen"iall%, "he righ" is mean" "o avoid and prohi$i" posi"ivel% "he repe"i"ion and recurrence of "he cer"ainl% inhuman procedure of compelling a person, in a criminal or an% o"her case, "o furnish "he missing evidence necessar% for his convic"ion Thus, an ac", #he"her "es"imonial or passive, "ha" #ould amoun" "o disclosure of incrimina"ing fac"s is covered $% "he inhi$i"ion of "he .ons"i"u"ion

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Borced re5enac"men" is #here "he accused is no" merel% re8uired "o exhi$i" some ph%sical charac"eris"ics $u" $% and large, he is made "o admi" criminal responsi$ili"% agains" his #ill (" is a police procedure 4us" as condemna$le as uncounselled confession Therefore, evidence $ased on re5enac"men" is incompe"en" evidence Borced re5enac"men" should $e dis"inguished from mechanical ac"s "he accused is made " execu"e no" mean" "o unear"h undisclosed fac"s $u" "o ascer"ain ph%sical a""ri$u"es de"ermina$le $% simple o$serva"ion This includes re8uiring "he accused "o su$mi" "o a "es" "o ex"rac" urine from his $od%, or compelling him "o expec"ora"e morphine from his mou"h, or maFing her su$mi" "o a pregnanc% "es" or a foo"prin"ing "es", or re8uiring him "o "aFe par" in a police lineup BATAAN SHIPYARD 9 ENGINEERING CO.) INC. VS. PCGG Facts3 D&)/.0 con"end "ha" i"s righ" agains" self5incrimina"ion and unreasona$le searches and sei2ure had $een "ransgressed $% "he order #hich re8uired i" "o produce corpora"e records xxx under pain of con"emp" of "he .ommission if i" fails "o do so Ther order #as issued upon P.CC:s po#er "o issue su$poenas re8uiring "he produc"ion of such $ooFs, papers, con"rac"s, records, s"a"emen" of accoun" and o"her documen"s as ma% $e ma"erial "o "he inves"iga"ion conduc"ed $% "he .ommission as #ell as i"s po#er "o re8uire all persons in "he Philippines holding asse"s or proper"ies (allegedl% ill5go""en), #he"her loca"ed in "he Philippines or a$road, in "heir names as nominees, agen"s or "rus"ee, "o maFe full disclosure of "he same xxx Held3 (" is elemen"ar% "ha" "he righ" agains" self5incrimina"ion has no applica"ion "o 4uridical persons =hile an individual ma% la#full% refuse "o ans#er incrimina"ing 8ues"ions unless pro"ec"ed $% an immuni"% s"a"u"e, i" does no" follo# "ha" a corpora"ion, ves"ed #i"h special privileges and franchises, ma% refuse "o sho# i"s hand #hen charged #i"h an a$use of such privileges PEOPLE VS. GAMBOA Facts3 Defendan" appellan" #as charged #i"h "he crime of murder and appealing from "he 4udgmen" of convic"ion he alleged "ha" "he paraffin "es" conduc"ed #i"hou" "he presence of his la#%er is a viola"ion of his righ" agains" self5incrimina"ion Held3 The righ" agains" self5incrimina"ion is afforded "o an% person under inves"iga"ion for "he commission of an offense #hose confession or admission ma% no" $e "aFen unless he is informed of his righ" "o remain silen" The righ" ex"ends onl% "o "es"imonial compulsion and no" #hen "he $od% of "he accused is proposed "o $e examined The righ" is no" viola"ed $% "he "aFing of paraffin "es" of his hands GALMAN VS. PAMARAN Facts3 PD 1,66 #as promulga"ed crea"ing "he &C9&>& fac"5finding $oard "o inves"iga"e "he assassina"ion of Denigno &8uino, 6r The Doard #as charged "he de"ermina"ion of "he person or persons criminall% responsi$le "herefore so "ha" "he% ma% $e $rough" $efore "he $ar of 4us"ice PD 1,66 denied priva"e responden"s "he righ" "o remain silen" and "he% #ere compelled "o "es"if% or $e #i"ness agains" "hemselves since )ec"ion 7 of PD 1,66 provided "ha" "he% shall $e pu" under pain of con"emp" if "he% failed or refused "o "aFe "he #i"ness s"and, "es"if%ing and produce evidence Their cons"i"u"ional righ"s "o remain silen" and no" "o $e compelled "o $e a #i"ness agains" himself #ere righ" a#a% "o"all% foreclosed $% PD 1,66 and "he% #ere no" even immune from prosecu"ion $% reason of "he "es"imon% given $% "hem Held3 =aiver of righ"s ma% $e cons"rued onl% if "he% had $een given "he op"ion "o do so #hich is no" "he case #i"h PD 1,66

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(n vie# of "he sanc"ions imposed, "he #i"nesses summoned canno" $e compelled "o ans#er unless immuni"% from sui" is offered "o "hem To save PD 1,66 from uncons"i"u"ionali"% i" mus" $e $rough" #i"hin "he fundamen"al la# 1nder "he same la#, )ec"ion 7, "he "es"imonies compelled "here$% are deemed immuni2ed $u" such immuni"% canno" $e made "o depend on a claim of "he privilege agains" self5incrimina"ion since "he same la# prac"icall% s"ripped i" a#a% from "he #i"ness

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