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Today is Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Twelfth Congress Second Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-second day of July, two thousand two. Republic Act No. 9173 ctober !1" !##!

AN ACT PR $%&%N' ( R A ) R* R*SP NS%$* N+RS%N' PR (*SS% N" R*P*A,%N' ( R T-* P+RP S* R*P+.,%C ACT N . 71/0" T-*R1%S* 2N 1N AS 3T-* P-%,%PP%N* N+RS%N' ACT ( 19913 AN& ( R T-*R P+RP S*S Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: ART%C,* % Title Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Philippine Nursing Act of !##!." ART%C,* %% &eclaration of Polic4 Section !. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared the olicy of the !tate to assu"e res onsibility for the rotection and i" ro#e"ent of the nursing rofession by instituting "easures that will result in rele#ant nursing education, hu"ane working conditions, better career ros ects and a dignified e$istence for our nurses. The !tate hereby guarantees the deli#ery of %uality basic health ser#ices through an ade%uate nursing ersonnel syste" throughout the country.

ART%C,* %%% rgani5ation of the .oard of Nursing Section 3. Creation and Composition of the Board. - There shall be created a &rofessional 'egulatory Board of (ursing, hereinafter referred to as the Board, to be co" osed of a )hair erson and si$ *+, "e"bers. They shall be a ointed by the resident of the 'e ublic of the &hili ines fro" a"ong two *-, reco""endees, er #acancy, of the &rofessional 'egulation )o""ission, hereinafter referred to as the )o""ission, chosen and ranked fro" a list of three *., no"inees, er #acancy, of the accredited rofessional organi/ation of nurses in the &hili ines who ossess the %ualifications rescribed in !ection 0 of this Act. Section 0. ualifications of the Chairperson and !embers of the Board. - The )hair erson and Me"bers of the Board shall, at the ti"e of their a oint"ent, ossess the following %ualifications1 *a, Be a natural born citi/en and resident of the &hili ines2 *b, Be a "e"ber of good standing of the accredited rofessional organi/ation of nurses2 *c, Be a registered nurse and holder of a "aster3s degree in nursing, education or other allied "edical rofession conferred by a college or uni#ersity duly recogni/ed by the 4o#ern"ent1 Provided" That the "a5ority of the "e"bers of the Board shall be holders of a "aster3s degree in nursing1 Provided" further, That the )hair erson shall be a holder of a "aster3s degree in nursing2 *d, 6a#e at least ten *78, years of continuous ractice of the rofession rior to a oint"ent1 Provided" ho#ever" That the last fi#e *9, years of which shall be in the &hili ines2 and *e, (ot ha#e been con#icted of any offense in#ol#ing "oral tur itude2 Provided" That the "e"bershi to the Board shall re resent the three *., areas of nursing, na"ely1 nursing education, nursing ser#ice and co""unity health nursing. Section 6. Re$uirements %pon ualification as !ember of the Board of &ursing. - Any erson a ointed as )hair erson or Me"ber of the Board shall i""ediately resign fro" any teaching osition in any school, college, uni#ersity or institution offering Bachelor of !cience in (ursing and:or re#iew rogra" for the local nursing board e$a"inations or in any office or e" loy"ent in the go#ern"ent or any subdi#ision, agency or instru"entality thereof, including go#ern"ent-owned or controlled cor orations or their subsidiaries as well as these e" loyed in the ri#ate sector. 6e:she shall not ha#e any ecuniary interest in or ad"inistrati#e su er#ision o#er any institution offering Bachelor of !cience in (ursing including re#iew classes. Section /. Term of 'ffice.. - The )hair erson and Me"bers of the Board shall hold office for a ter" of three *., years and until their successors shall ha#e been a ointed and %ualified1 Provided" That the )hair erson and "e"bers of the Board "ay be re-a ointed for another ter". Any #acancy in the Board occurring within the ter" of a Me"ber shall be filled for the une$ ired ortion of the ter" only. ;ach Me"ber of the Board shall take the ro er oath of office rior to the erfor"ance of his:her duties.

The incu"bent )hair erson and Me"bers of the Board shall continue to ser#e for the re"ainder of their ter" under 'e ublic Act (o. <7+0 until their re lace"ents ha#e been a ointed by the &resident and shall ha#e been duly %ualified. Section 7. Compensation of the Board !embers. - The )hair erson and Me"bers of the Board shall recei#e co" ensation and allowances co" arable to the co" ensation and allowances recei#ed by the )hair erson and "e"bers of other rofessional regulatory boards. Section 7. (dministrative Supervision of the Board" Custodian of its Records" Secretariat and Support Services. - The Board shall be under the ad"inistrati#e su er#ision of the )o""ission. All records of the Board, including a lications for e$a"inations, ad"inistrati#e and other in#estigati#e cases conducted by the Board shall be under the custody of the )o""ission. The )o""ission shall designate the !ecretary of the Board and shall ro#ide the secretariat and other su ort ser#ices to i" le"ent the ro#isions of this Act. Section 9. Po#ers and Duties of the Board. - The Board shall su er#ise and regulate the ractice of the nursing rofession and shall ha#e the following owers, duties and functions1 *a, )onduct the licensure e$a"ination for nurses2 *b, Issue, sus end or re#oke certificates of registration for the ractice of nursing2 *c, Monitor and enforce %uality standards of nursing ractice in the &hili ines and e$ercise the owers necessary to ensure the "aintenance of efficient, ethical and technical, "oral and rofessional standards in the ractice of nursing taking into account the health needs of the nation2 *d, ;nsure %uality nursing education by e$a"ining the rescribed facilities of uni#ersities or colleges of nursing or de art"ents of nursing education and those seeking er"ission to o en nursing courses to ensure that standards of nursing education are ro erly co" lied with and "aintained at all ti"es. The authority to o en and close colleges of nursing and:or nursing education rogra"s shall be #ested on the )o""ission on 6igher ;ducation u on the written reco""endation of the Board2 *e, )onduct hearings and in#estigations to resol#e co" laints against nurse ractitioners for unethical and un rofessional conduct and #iolations of this Act, or its rules and regulations and in connection therewith, issue subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum to secure the a earance of res ondents and witnesses and the roduction of docu"ents and unish with conte" t ersons obstructing, i" eding and:or otherwise interfe"ing with the conduct of such roceedings, u on a lication with the court2 *f, &ro"ulgate a )ode of ;thics in coordination and consultation with the accredited rofessional organi/ation of nurses within one *7, year fro" the effecti#ity of this Act2 *g, 'ecogni/e nursing s ecialty organi/ations in coordination with the accredited rofessional organi/ation2 and *h, &rescribe, ado t issue and ro"ulgate guidelines, regulations, "easures and decisions as "ay be necessary for the i" ro#e"ents of the nursing ractice, ad#ance"ent of the rofession and for the ro er and

full enforce"ent of this Act sub5ect to the re#iew and a ro#al by the )o""ission. Section 1#. (nnual Report. - The Board shall at the close of its calendar year sub"it an annual re ort to the &resident of the &hili ines through the )o""ission gi#ing a detailed account of its roceedings and the acco" lish"ents during the year and "aking reco""endations for the ado tion of "easures that will u grade and i" ro#e the conditions affecting the ractice of the nursing rofession. Section 11. Removal or Suspension of Board !embers. - The resident "ay re"o#e or sus end any "e"ber of the Board after ha#ing been gi#en the o ortunity to defend hi"self:herself in a ro er ad"inistrati#e in#estigation, on the following grounds2 *a, )ontinued neglect of duty or inco" etence2 *b, )o""ission or toleration of irregularities in the licensure e$a"ination2 and *c, =n rofessional i""oral or dishonorable conduct. ART%C,* %$ *8a9ination and Registration Section 1!. )icensure *+amination. - All a licants for license to ractice nursing shall be re%uired to ass a written e$a"ination, which shall be gi#en by the Board in such laces and dates as "ay be designated by the )o""ission1 Provided, That it shall be in accordance with 'e ublic Act (o. >?>7, otherwise known as the "&') Moderni/ation Act of -888." Section 13. ualifications for (dmission to the )icensure *+amination. - In order to be ad"itted to the e$a"ination for nurses, an a licant "ust, at the ti"e of filing his:her a lication, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that1 *a, 6e:she is a citi/en of the &hili ines, or a citi/en or sub5ect of a country which er"its @ili ino nurses to ractice within its territorial li"its on the sa"e basis as the sub5ect or citi/en of such country1 Provided, That the re%uire"ents for the registration or licensing of nurses in said country are substantially the sa"e as those rescribed in this Act2 *b, 6e:she is of good "oral character2 and *c, 6e:she is a holder of a Bachelor3s Aegree in (ursing fro" a college or uni#ersity that co" lies with the standards of nursing education duly recogni/ed by the ro er go#ern"ent agency. Section 10. Scope of *+amination. - The sco e of the e$a"ination for the ractice of nursing in the &hili ines shall be deter"ined by the Board. The Board shall take into consideration the ob5ecti#es of the nursing curriculu", the broad areas of nursing, and other related disci lines and co" etencies in deter"ining the sub5ects of e$a"inations. Section 16. Ratings. - In order to ass the e$a"ination, an e$a"inee "ust obtain a general a#erage of at least se#enty-fi#e ercent *<>9B, with a rating of not below si$ty ercent *+8B, in any sub5ect. An e$a"inee who obtains an a#erage rating of

se#enty-fi#e ercent *<9B, or higher but gets a rating below si$ty ercent *+8B, in any sub5ect "ust take the e$a"ination again but only in the sub5ect or sub5ects where he:she is rated below si$ty ercent *+8B,. In order to ass the succeeding e$a"ination, an e$a"inee "ust obtain a rating of at least se#enty-fi#e ercent *<9B, in the sub5ect or sub5ects re eated. Section 1/. 'ath. - All successful candidates in the e$a"ination shall be re%uired to take an oath of rofession before the Board or any go#ern"ent official authori/ed to ad"inister oaths rior to entering u on the nursing ractice. Section 17. ,ssuance of Certificate of Registration-Professional )icense and Professional ,dentification Card. - A certificate of registration: rofessional license as a nurse shall be issued to an a licant who asses the e$a"ination u on ay"ent of the rescribed fees. ;#ery certificate of registration: rofessional license shall show the full na"e of the registrant, the serial nu"ber, the signature of the )hair erson of the )o""ission and of the Me"bers of the Board, and the official seal of the )o""ission. A rofessional identification card, duly signed by the )hair erson of the )o""ission, bearing the date of registration, license nu"ber, and the date of issuance and e$ iration thereof shall likewise be issued to e#ery registrant u on ay"ent of the re%uired fees. Section 17. .ees for *+amination and Registration. - A licants for licensure and for registration shall ay the rescribed fees set by )o""ission. Section 19. (utomatic Registration of &urses. - All nurses whose na"es a ear at the roster of nurses shall be auto"atically or ipso facto registered as nurses under this Act u on its effecti#ity. Section !#. Registration by Reciprocity. - A certificate of registration: rofessional license "ay be issued without e$a"ination to nurses registered under the laws of a foreign state or country1 Provided, That the re%uire"ents for registration or licensing of nurses in said country are substantially the sa"e as those rescribed under this Act1 Provided" further, That the laws of such state or country grant the sa"e ri#ileges to registered nurses of the &hili ines on the sa"e basis as the sub5ects or citi/ens of such foreign state or country. Section !1. Practice Through Special-Temporary Permit. - A s ecial:te" orary er"it "ay be issued by the Board to the following ersons sub5ect to the a ro#al of the )o""ission and u on ay"ent of the rescribed fees1 *a, Cicensed nurses fro" foreign countries:states whose ser#ice are either for a fee or free if they are internationally well-known s ecialists or outstanding e$ erts in any branch or s ecialty of nursing2 *b, Cicensed nurses fro" foreign countries:states on "edical "ission whose ser#ices shall be free in a articular hos ital, center or clinic2 and *c, Cicensed nurses fro" foreign countries:states e" loyed by schools:colleges of nursing as e$change rofessors in a branch or s ecialty of nursing2 Provided" ho#ever" That the s ecial:te" orary er"it shall be effecti#e only for the duration of the ro5ect, "edical "ission or e" loy"ent contract. Section !!. &on/registration and &on/issuance of Certificates of Registration-Professional )icense or Special-Temporary

Permit. - (o erson con#icted by final 5udg"ent of any cri"inal offense in#ol#ing "oral tur itude or any erson guilty of i""oral or dishonorable conduct or any erson declared by the court to be of unsound "ind shall be registered and be issued a certificate of registration: rofessional license or a s ecial:te" orary er"it. The Board shall furnish the a licant a written state"ent setting forth the reasons for its actions, which shall be incor orated in the records of the Board. Section !3. Revocation and suspension of Certificate of Registration-Professional )icense and Cancellation of Special-Temporary Permit. - The Board shall ha#e the ower to re#oke or sus end the certificate of registration: rofessional license or cancel the s ecial:te" orary er"it of a nurse u on any of the following grounds1 *a, @or any of the causes "entioned in the receding section2 *b, @or un rofessional and unethical conduct2 *c, @or gross inco" etence or serious ignorance2 *d, @or "al ractice or negligence in the ractice of nursing2 *e, @or the use of fraud, deceit, or false state"ents in obtaining a certificate of registration: rofessional license or a te" orary:s ecial er"it2 *f, @or #iolation of this Act, the rules and regulations, )ode of ;thics for nurses and technical standards for nursing ractice, olicies of the Board and the )o""ission, or the conditions and li"itations for the issuance of the te" orarily:s ecial er"it2 or *g, @or racticing his:her rofession during his:her sus ension fro" such ractice2 Provided" ho#ever, That the sus ension of the certificate of registration: rofessional license shall be for a eriod not to e$ceed four *0, years. Section !0. Re/issuance of Revo0ed Certificates and Replacement of )ost Certificates. - The Board "ay, after the e$ iration of a "a$i"u" of four *0, years fro" the date of re#ocation of a certificate, for reasons of e%uity and 5ustice and when the cause for re#ocation has disa eared or has been cured and corrected, u on ro er a lication therefor and the ay"ent of the re%uired fees, issue another co y of the certificate of registration: rofessional license. A new certificate of registration: rofessional license to re lace the certificate that has been lost, destroyed or "utilated "ay be issued, sub5ect to the rules of the Board. ART%C,* $ Nursing *ducation Section !6. &ursing *ducation Program. - The nursing education rogra" shall ro#ide sound general and rofessional

foundation for the ractice of nursing. The learning e$ eriences shall adhere strictly to s ecific re%uire"ents e"bodied in the rescribed curriculu" as ro"ulgated by the )o""ission on 6igher ;ducation3s olicies and standards of nursing education. Section !/. Re$uirement for ,nactive &urses Returning to Practice. - (urses who ha#e not acti#ely racticed the rofession for fi#e *9, consecuti#e years are re%uired to undergo one *7, "onth of didactic training and three *., "onths of racticu". The Board shall accredit hos itals to conduct the said training rogra". Section !7. ualifications of the .aculty. - A "e"ber of the faculty in a college of nursing teaching rofessional courses "ust1 *a, Be a registered nurse in the &hili ines2 *b, 6a#e at least one *7, year of clinical ractice in a field of s eciali/ation2 *c, Be a "e"ber of good standing in the accredited rofessional organi/ation of nurses2 and *d, Be a holder of a "aster3s degree in nursing, education, or other allied "edical and health sciences conferred by a college or uni#ersity duly recogni/ed by the 4o#ern"ent of the 'e ublic of the &hili ines. In addition to the afore"entioned %ualifications, the dean of a college "ust ha#e a "aster3s degree in nursing. 6e:she "ust ha#e at least fi#e *9, years of e$ erience in nursing. ART%C,* $% Nursing Practice Section !7. Scope of &ursing. - A erson shall be dee"ed to be racticing nursing within the "eaning of this Act when he:she singly or in collaboration with another, initiates and erfor"s nursing ser#ices to indi#iduals, fa"ilies and co""unities in any health care setting. It includes, but not li"ited to, nursing care during conce tion, labor, deli#ery, infancy, childhood, toddler, reschool, school age, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. As inde endent ractitioners, nurses are ri"arily res onsible for the ro"otion of health and re#ention of illness. A "e"bers of the health tea", nurses shall collaborate with other health care ro#iders for the curati#e, re#enti#e, and rehabilitati#e as ects of care, restoration of health, alle#iation of suffering, and when reco#ery is not ossible, towards a eaceful death. It shall be the duty of the nurse to1 *a, &ro#ide nursing care through the utili/ation of the nursing rocess. (ursing care includes, but not li"ited to, traditional and inno#ati#e a roaches, thera eutic use of self, e$ecuting health care techni%ues and rocedures, essential ri"ary health care, co"fort "easures, health teachings, and ad"inistration of written rescri tion for treat"ent, thera ies, oral to ical and arenteral "edications, internal e$a"ination during labor in the absence of antenatal bleeding and deli#ery. In case of suturing of erineal laceration, s ecial training shall be ro#ided according to rotocol established2

*b, establish linkages with co""unity resources and coordination with the health tea"2 *c, &ro#ide health education to indi#iduals, fa"ilies and co""unities2 *d, Teach, guide and su er#ise students in nursing education rogra"s including the ad"inistration of nursing ser#ices in #aried settings such as hos itals and clinics2 undertake consultation ser#ices2 engage in such acti#ities that re%uire the utili/ation of knowledge and decision-"aking skills of a registered nurse2 and *e, =ndertake nursing and health hu"an resource de#elo "ent training and research, which shall include, but not li"ited to, the de#elo "ent of ad#ance nursing ractice2 Provided, That this section shall not a ly to nursing students who erfor" nursing functions under the direct su er#ision of a %ualified faculty1 Provided" further, That in the ractice of nursing in all settings, the nurse is duty-bound to obser#e the )ode of ;thics for nurses and u hold the standards of safe nursing ractice. The nurse is re%uired to "aintain co" etence by continual learning through continuing rofessional education to be ro#ided by the accredited rofessional organi/ation or any recogni/ed rofessional nursing organi/ation1 Provided" finally, That the rogra" and acti#ity for the continuing rofessional education shall be sub"itted to and a ro#ed by the Board. Section !9. ualification of &ursing Service (dministrators. - A erson occu ying su er#isory or "anagerial ositions re%uiring knowledge of nursing "ust1 *a, Be a registered nurse in the &hili ines2 *b, 6a#e at least two *-, years e$ erience in general nursing ser#ice ad"inistration2 *c, &ossess a degree of Bachelors of !cience in (ursing, with at least nine *?, units in "anage"ent and ad"inistration courses at the graduate le#el2 and *d, Be a "e"ber of good standing of the accredited rofessional organi/ation of nurses2 Provided" That a erson occu ying the osition of chief nurse or director of nursing ser#ice shall, in addition to the foregoing %ualifications, ossess1 *7, At least fi#e *9, years of e$ erience in a su er#isory or "anagerial osition in nursing2 and *-, A "aster3s degree "a5or in nursing2 Provided" further, That for ri"ary hos itals, the "a$i"u" acade"ic %ualifications and e$ eriences for a chief nurse shall be as s ecified in subsections *a,, *b,, and *c, of this section1 Provided" furthermore, That for chief nurses in the ublic health nursing shall be gi#en riority. Provided" even further, That for chief nurses in "ilitary hos itals, riority shall be gi#en to those who ha#e finished a "aster3s degree in nursing and the co" letion of the 4eneral !taff )ourse *4!),1 Provided" finally, That those occu ying such ositions before the effecti#ity of this Act shall be gi#en a eriod of fi#e *9, years within which to %ualify.

ART%C,* $%% -ealth -u9an Resources Production" +tili5ation and &e:elop9ent Section 3#. Studies for &ursing !anpo#er &eeds" Production" %tili1ation and Development. - The Board, in coordination with the accredited rofessional organi/ation and a ro riate go#ern"ent or ri#ate agencies shall initiate undertake and conduct studies on health hu"an resources roduction, utili/ation and de#elo "ent. Section 31. Comprehensive &ursing Specialty Program. - Dithin ninety *?8, days fro" the effecti#ity of this Act, the Board in coordination with the accredited rofessional organi/ation recogni/ed s ecialty organi/ations and the Ae art"ent of 6ealth is hereby "andated to for"ulate and de#elo a co" rehensi#e nursing s ecialty rogra" that would u grade the le#el of skill and co" etence of s ecialty nurse clinicians in the country, such as but not li"ited to the areas of critical care, oncology, renal and such other areas as "ay be deter"ined by the Board. The beneficiaries of this rogra" are obliged to ser#e in any &hili ine hos ital for a eriod of at least two *-, years and continuous ser#ice. Section 3!. Salary. - In order to enhance the general welfare, co""it"ent to ser#ice and rofessionalis" of nurses the "ini"u" base ay of nurses working in the ublic health institutions shall not be lower than salary grade 79 rescribes under 'e ublic Act (o. +<9>, otherwise known as the ")o" ensation and )lassification Act of 7?>?"1 Provided, That for nurses working in local go#ern"ent units, ad5ust"ents to their salaries shall be in accordance with !ection 78 of the said law. Section 33. .unding for the Comprehensive &ursing Specialty Program. / The annual financial re%uire"ent needed to train at least ten ercent *78B, of the nursing staff of the artici ating go#ern"ent hos ital shall be chargeable against the inco"e of the &hili ine )harity !wee stakes Effice and the &hili ine A"use"ent and 4a"ing )or oration, which shall e%ually share in the costs and shall be released to the Ae art"ent of 6ealth sub5ect to accounting and auditing rocedures1 Provided" That the de art"ent of 6ealth shall set the criteria for the a#ail"ent of this rogra". Section 30. ,ncentives and Benefits. - The Board of (ursing, in coordination with the Ae art"ent of 6ealth and other concerned go#ern"ent agencies, association of hos itals and the accredited rofessional organi/ation shall establish an incenti#e and benefit syste" in the for" of free hos ital care for nurses and their de endents, scholarshi grants and other non-cash benefits. The go#ern"ent and ri#ate hos itals are hereby "andated to "aintain the standard nurse- atient ratio set by the Ae art"ent of 6ealth. ART%C,* $%%% Penal and )iscellaneous Pro:isions Section 36. Prohibitions in the Practice of &ursing. / A fine of not less than @ifty thousand esos *&98,888.88, nor "ore than Ene hundred thousand esos *&788,888.88, or i" rison"ent of not less than one *7, year nor "ore than si$ *+, years, or both, u on the discretion of the court, shall be i" osed u on1 *a, any erson racticing nursing in the &hili ines within the "eaning of this Act1

*7, without a certificate of registration: rofessional license and rofessional identification card or s ecial te" orary er"it or without ha#ing been declared e$e" t fro" e$a"ination in accordance with the ro#ision of this Act2 or *-, who uses as his:her own certificate of registration: rofessional license and rofessional identification card or s ecial te" orary er"it of another2 or *., who uses an in#alid certificate of registration: rofessional license, a sus ended or re#oked certificate of registration: rofessional license, or an e$ ired or cancelled s ecial:te" orary er"its2 or *0, who gi#es any false e#idence to the Board in order to obtain a certificate of registration: rofessional license, a rofessional identification card or s ecial er"it2 or *9, who falsely oses or ad#ertises as a registered and licensed nurse or uses any other "eans that tend to con#ey the i" ression that he:she is a registered and licensed nurse2 or *+, who a ends B.!.(.:'.(. *Bachelor of !cience in (ursing:'egistered (urse, or any si"ilar a endage to his:her na"e without ha#ing been coferred said degree or registration2 or *<, who, as a registered and licensed nurse, abets or assists the illegal ractice of a erson who is not lawfully %ualified to ractice nursing. *b, any erson or the chief e$ecuti#e officer of a 5udicial entity who undertakes in-ser#ice educational rogra"s or who conducts re#iew classes for both local and foreign e$a"ination without er"it:clearance fro" the Board and the )o""ission2 or *c, any erson or e" loyer of nurses who #iolate the "ini"u" base ay of nurses and the incenti#es and benefits that should be accorded the" as s ecified in !ections .- and .02 or *d, any erson or the chief e$ecuti#e officer of a 5uridical entity #iolating any ro#ision of this Act and its rules and regulations. ART%C,* %; (inal Pro:isions Section 3/. *nforcement of this (ct. - It shall be the ri"ary duty of the )o""ission and the Board to effecti#ely i" le"ent this Act. Any duly law enforce"ent agencies and officers of national, ro#incial, city or "unici al go#ern"ents shall, u on the call or re%uest of the )o""ission or the Board, render assistance in enforcing the ro#isions of this Act and to rosecute any ersons #iolating the sa"e. Section 37. (ppropriations. - The )hair erson of the &rofessional 'egulation )o""ission shall i""ediately include in its rogra" and issue such rules and regulations to i" le"ent the ro#isions of this Act, the funding of which shall be included in the Annual 4eneral A ro riations Act.

Section 37. Rules and Regulations. / Dithin ninety *?8, days after the effecti#ity of this Act, the Board and the )o""ission, in coordination with the accredited rofessional organi/ation, the Ae art"ent of 6ealth, the Ae art"ent of Budget and Manage"ent and other concerned go#ern"ent agencies, shall for"ulate such rules and regulations necessary to carry out the ro#isions of this Act. The i" le"enting rules and regulations shall be ublished in the 'fficial 2a1ette or in any news a er of general circulation. Section 39. Reparability Clause. - If any art of this Act is declared unconstitutional, the re"aining arts not affected thereby shall continue to be #alid and o erational. Section 0#. Repealing Clause. - 'e ublic Act (o. <7+0, otherwise known as the "&hili ine (ursing Act of 7??7" is hereby re ealed. All other laws, decrees, orders, circulars, issuances, rules and regulations and arts thereof which are inconsistent with this Act are hereby re ealed, a"ended or "odified accordingly. Section 01. *ffectivity. - This act shall take effect fifteen *79, days u on its ublication in the 'fficial 2a1ette or in any two *-, news a ers of general circulation in the &hili ines.

ro#ed, (RAN2,%N &R%, N &resident of the !enate < S* &* $*N*C%A <R. ! eaker of the 6ouse of 'e resentati#es

This Act, which originated in the 6ouse of 'e resentati#e was finally assed by the 6ouse of 'e resentati#es and the !enate on Ectober 79, -88- and Ectober >, -88. res ecti#ely. SCAR '. =A.*S !ecretary of !enate R .*RT P. NA>AR*N !ecretary 4eneral 6ouse of 'e resenati#es

ro#ed1 Ectober -7, -88', R%A )ACAPA'A,?ARR = President of the Philippines

The Caw hil &ro5ect - Arellano Caw @oundation

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