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Asian Medical Students Association - Indonesia

Head office: Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia !uan" AMSA# Jln. Pluit Raya 2, Jakarta 14440, Indonesia email : we site :

Motivation Letter AMSC Malaysia 2013

There are some questions that you have to answer, our consideration will be based upon this question and also your curriculum vitae.
1 . What do you know about the 34th !"e #4t" $sian %edical &tudent's Asian Medical Students Conference (on)erence *$%&(+ 201# will e "eld in (EAMSC !"13 # %alaysia in #rd to 10t" July 201# wit" t"e

to,ic $AMSC Malaysia %&'(: )he Incomin" )ide of Community Medicine-. !"is con)erence will encom,ass .arious acti.ities t"at re)lects $%&$ /ision *0nowledge, $ction, and 1riends"i,+ w"ic" are suc" as academic discussions and lectures, ,a,er and ,oster com,etitions, and social and cultural acti.ities.
! . $ell us about yourself %

%y name is 2uralisa sa)itri and I'm currently a #rd year student in 1k 3nsri. I am "ard-working, ,assionate, moti.ated and relia le ,erson. !raits t"at I will continue to kee, on. I am an easy going, )riendly, and )un ,erson. I "ad so many e4,eriences not 5ust in $%&$ 3nsri ut also in $%&$ Indonesia since it's een almost # years i'm 5oining $%&$.
in %y

3 .

What are your &oti'ation attendin( AMSC !"13#

iggest moti.ation to 5oin t"is con)erence is to widen my knowledge and "ori6ons on an interesting to,ic, community medicine. $s we know t"at nowadays community medicine plays a vital role in a nations health. 7o,e)ully )rom t"e knowledge I gain in t"is con)erence I can ring out ,ro)ound c"ange in t"e communities in w"ic" I li.e at least. %y second moti.ation is to meet new ,eo,le and listen to t"eir ideas, to e a ,artici,ant o) glo ali6ation and s"ower mysel) in .ariety. I'm a .ery socia le ,erson and I )ind mysel) eing a le to make )riends wit" 5ust a out anyone and

Asian Medical Students Association - Indonesia

Head office: Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia !uan" AMSA# Jln. Pluit Raya 2, Jakarta 14440, Indonesia email : we site : "o,e)ully i) I am selected I will do as suc". %y t"ird moti.ation o) course is to s"are my e4,erience and knowlegde to $%&$ 3nsri, in "o,es t"at I may ins,ire t"em and we toget"er can make a real action to our society y doing P(P. %y )ourt" moti.ation is to attend 84ecuti.e (ommittee election. I'm a,,lying as a &ec o) 1inance $%&$ Intl. 7o,e)ully I) I c"osen, I will ear t"e name o) $%&$ Indonesia Internationally so t"at I can ins,ire all o) $%&$ Indonesia mem ers. 9ut it won't "a,,en i) I could not get t"e c"ance to attend t"e inter.iew t"at will e "eld during $%&(.
4 . E)*lain about your contribution for $%&$ 3nsri : AMSA (local+ national and international that you ha'e done % I 5oined $%&$ 3nsri since I was on t"e 1st

year, I always ,artici,ate acti.ely in all o) t"e e.ents "eld y $%&$ 3nsri. 7ere are some o) t"e e.ents I am in.ol.ed in : I ecame a mem er o) Program :i.ision in 9uka 9ersama $%&$ 3nsri I ecame a mem er o) Program :i.ision in Palliati.e and 7olistic $,,roac" *;orld 7ealt" :ay+, t"ere was two su e.ents< 1+ Penyuluhan Palliative and Holistic Approach to &enior 7ig" &c"ools in Palem ang, I was c"osen as t"e ,resentator, 2+ Bakti Sosial at Panti Jom,o %yria 7os,ital I ecame a mem er o) Program :i.ision in $I:& :ay &eminar, and I was c"osen to e %aster o) (eremony I ecame a Pu lic Relation in %=9( and de ate 8nglis" e.ent *,ro.incial sco,e+. I ecame a mem er o) 1inance team

Asian Medical Students Association - Indonesia

Head office: Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia !uan" AMSA# Jln. Pluit Raya 2, Jakarta 14440, Indonesia email : we site : $%&$ 3nsri I ecame a "ead o) Program di.ision ;:: I ecame a c"ie) o) P(P J(7ongkong I ecame a "ead o) )undraising in :ia etes :ay I ecame a "ead o) Program :i.ision in $I:& :ay I ecame a mem er o) Program :i.ision in P(P 8$%&( I ecame a "ead o) Pu lic Relation in !32I($ I ecame a mem er o) Program :i.ision in I%&!( "osted y $%&$ 3nsri

$nd so on $%&$ 2ational : !reasurer o) $%&$ Indonesia 2012201# Partici,ant o) I%&!(, &riwi5aya 3ni.ersityPartici,ant o) Reload, $irlangga 3ni.ersity Partici,ant o) ;ork Plan %eeting *Rakernas+ 3P7 &ecretary o) 1inance $%&$ Indonesia 2011-2012 Partici,ant o) 2ational %eeting *%unas+, ;est Ja.a Partici,ant o) ;ork Plan %eeting *Rakernas+, &ura aya (om,etitor o) 2ational Pa,er and Poster !raining, Jakarta Partici,ant o) :e ate (om,etition, %alang

$%&$ International : :elegate )or Indonesia in $%&(

Asian Medical Students Association - Indonesia

Head office: Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia !uan" AMSA# Jln. Pluit Raya 2, Jakarta 14440, Indonesia email : we site : P"ili,,ines :elegate )or Indonesia in Joint (on)erence 7ongkong ("ie) o) :elegates in 8$%&( &inga,ore $%&8P %alaysia

, . What would you do if you are choosen as the dele(ates for AMSC !"13# (before+ durin( and after conference

I) I were to e c"osen as one o) t"e delegates t"at can go to $%&( %alaysia 201#, I'll gi.e my est to "el, t"e ,re,aration e)ore con)erence suc" as cultural nig"t, cultural e4"i ition, etc. I'.e "ad e4,eriences as ("ie) o) :elegates 8$%&( &inga,ore, =eneral delegate in $%&( P"ili,,ines and also in 8$%&( 7ongkong, wit" all o) t"at e4,eriences, I'm ,retty sure t"at I can gi.e a lot o) contri ution e)ore t"e con)erence itsel). :uring t"e con)erence, I will try to learn as muc" as I can y kee,ing )ocus to t"e con)erence and acti.ely engaged wit" current discussion. I would also try to meet and introduce mysel) to many ,eo,le t"ere and "a.e a good time wit" t"em. I will e a good delegate, I won't ski, any lectures or ot"ers sc"edule, I won't ski, t"e country meeting as well and also you can count on me w" you need "el, $)ter t"e con)erence, uni. w"o send t"e delegates "as a task, w"ic" is to do a Post(on)erence Pro5ect *P(P+. %e, as one o) t"e delegates i) I were c"osen will "el, $%&$ 3nsri or e.en $%&$ :istrict 1 in organi6ing t"is e.ent so t"at we can ,romote Indonesia to a etter li)e.

What are the benefit that you think I elie.e my attendance in $%&( 201# will you will (ain fro& AMSC !"13 # ring muc" ene)its. I will e a le to

e4,and my "ori6on my gaining u, to date knowledge. 2ot to mention, c"ances o) networking wit" ,eo,le t"at not only come )rom my country ut also around t"e glo e. Why we should choose you as one >ou s"ould c"oose me ecause I am

Asian Medical Students Association - Indonesia

Head office: Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia !uan" AMSA# Jln. Pluit Raya 2, Jakarta 14440, Indonesia email : we site :
. of the dele(ates for AMSC !"13 #

relia le ,erson w"o "olds my res,onsi ility well. %ore, I "a.e strong moti.ation to come to t"is e.ent. 9eside o) I'm a,,lying to e &ec o) 1inance $%&$ Intl, i) I am c"osen as a delegate I will truly gi.e it my all to contri ute e)ore, during, and e.en a)ter t"e con)erence, to "el, w"ere "el, is needed, to a sor as muc" knowledge as I can so t"at i can im,lement it in my country, in "o,es to etter t"e o) t"e ,eo,le in my society.

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