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Internship Report On PTCL


The Director of (IMS) PRO; AMAN ULLA A!AN

TARI# ULLA ROLL NO $%& BBAIT ('((&)'(*() Institute of Management Sciences, UNI ERSIT! O" SCIENCE AND TECHNOLO#!,$ANNU SESSION

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Internship Report On PTCL


The Director Of (IMS) PRO; AMAN ULLA A!AN



Internship Report S-./itte0 To The Director 1 Instit-te Of M+n+,e/ent Sciences1 In p+rti+2 f-2fi22/ent Of the re3-ire/ent for the 0e,ree of B+che2or in B-siness A0/inistr+tion4
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Internship Report On PTCL

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Internship Report On PTCL


STUDENT: Si,n+t-re 74444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 N+/e 777777777777774

SUPER8ISOR: Si,n+t-re 777777777777774 N+/e 7777777777777744

Desi,n+tion 77777777777744

Director1 Instit-te of M+n+,e/ent sciences1 Uni9ersit: of Science +n0 Techno2o,: B+nnN+/e 777777777777777777744 Si,n+t-re 777777777777777777

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Internship Report On PTCL

This report is 0e0ic+te0 to /: Sons 1 P+rents +n0 te+chers <ho too= initi+ti9e +n0 Di0 ,ri/ str-,,2e for /: e0-c+tion +n0 A2<+:s stress on /e to -ti2i>e /: ti/e 4

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Internship Report On PTCL


First of all, I want to express all my humble thanks to ALLAH who is very sensitive about each and every activity Of all his man and without whose help, I am unable to accomplish any objective in my life !econdly, I am "reat full to my worthy and devoted teacher #irector HA$I A%A& 'LLAH A(A& !ahib for providin" me the Opportunity of doin" internship in )*+L I am also thankful to all other *eachers as the knowled"e imparted by them ,nable me to study the or"ani-ation in a best way I am also thankful to my friend %r FAHA# &A$,,. who help me in any problem in the preparation of internship report I am also thankful to all staff of )*+L, for their valuable "uidance and !upport throu"hout the internship period Further all other executives and staff %embers of )*+L deserve my thankfulness For their cooperation and "uidance durin" the course of my internship

TARI# ULLA BBA (IT) ( ons) ROLL NO $%&

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Internship Report On PTCL



Pref+ce777777777777777777777777774i Ac=no<2e0,/ents77777777777777777777744ii E@ec-ti9e s-//+r:777777777777777777777iii CHAPTER&' INTRODUCTION

Intro0-ction to PTCL444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444' istoric+2 B+c=,ro-n0 PTCL77777777777777777445 Mission st+te/ent of PTCL 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444; Str+te,ic 9ision of PTCL4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444; O.Aecti9es of PTCL444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444? /+n+,e/ent44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444? .o+r0 of 0irectors 777777777777777777777744& s-.si0i+ries of PTCL ((((((((((((((((((((( ) CHAPTER&* OR#ANI+ATIONAL STRUCTURE O" PTCL Or,+ni>+tion+2 str-ct-re444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444** Or,,+ni>+tion+2 str-ct-re of ITIO4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*' Pro0-cts +n0 ser9ices4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*; CHAPTER&, DEPARTMENTS O" PTCL

-/+n reso-rce /+n+,e/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*$ Bin+nce 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*% Co//erci+2 0ep+rt/ent444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*C Oper+tion+2 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*C Technic+2 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*C IT 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*C Corpor+te 0e9e2op/ent 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'( Speci+2 proAects 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'( Str-ct-re of the fin+nce 0ep+rt/ent4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'( B-nctions of the fin+nce 0ep+rt/ent444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'*
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Internship Report On PTCL

Bin+nce s:ste/ of the or,+ni>+tion44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'* Dener+tion of f-n0s4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'5



'? '$ '% 5(

!in0o< inst+22+tion777777777777777777744 O-t2oo= confi,-r+tion777777777777777777 '& Archi9 settin,7777777777777777777774 C+.2in,777777777777777777777777 User co/p2+int +n02in,77777777777777774



In0e@ +n+2:sis7777777777777777777774441111115? Co//on si>e +n+2:sis444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444;* R+tio +n+2:sis4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444;'



Stren,ths44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444?* !e+=nesses4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444?' Opport-nities4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444?; Thre+ts44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444?? CHAPTER&) CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS

Conc2-sion44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444&( Reco//en0+tions444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444&* $I$LIO#RAPH!444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444&5

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Internship Report On PTCL


The essenti+2 re3-ire/ent for the co/p2etion of BBA 0e,ree is to t+=e Ei,ht <ee=s internship tr+inin, <ith +n or,+ni>+tion of N+tion+2Eintern+tion+2 rep-te +n0 to <rite + report on it4 The p-rpose of this tr+inin, is to +c3-+int the st-0ent <ith pr+ctic+2 =no<2e0,e of <or=in, in the or,+ni>+tion4

The 0ep+rt/ent 0irecte0 /e to /PAKISTAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPAN! LIMITEDF I trie0 /: .est to present +22 of /: fin0in,s in this Report1 <hi2e 9isitin, 9+rio-s 0ep+rt/ents of PTCL +n0 ,+ine0 pr+ctic+22: too /-ch =no<2e0,e of te2eco/ sector4 It <+s re+2i>e0 th+t1 there is ,re+t 0ifference .et<een theor: +n0 pr+ctice4 At the en0 I e@pect th+t this report <i22 he2p the re+0er to -n0erst+n0 the 9+rio-s pro.2e/sEs-,,estions1 /etho0s +n0 proce0-res th+t +re in Pr+ctice in GPAKISTAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPAN! LIMITED01

TARI# ULLA BBA (IT) ( ons) ROLL NO $%&

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Internship Report On PTCL


The report h+s .een 0i9i0e0 into si@ ch+pters1 <hich +re in the fo22o<in, or0er; Birst ch+pter inc2-0es + .rief histor: of PTCL1 its /ission1 str+te,ic 9ision1 core 9+2-es +n0 o.Aecti9es +n0 +t the en0 the s-.si0i+ries /+int+ine0 .: PTCL Secon0 ch+pter or,+ni>+tion str-ct-re +n0 0et+i2 0isc-ssion +.o-t pro0-cts +n0 ser9ices pro9i0e0 .: PTCL4 It +2so /+r=etin, str+te,: of PTCL in + .rief <+:4 Thir0 ch+pter 0ifferent 0ep+rt/ents in PTCL .-t + speci+2 concentr+tion is /+0e on fin+nce 0ep+rt/ent4 Sho<s th+t ho< fin+nce 0ep+rt/ent is f-rther 0i9i0e0 into 9+rio-s 0ep+rt/ents +n0 <h+t +re its f-nctions4 Bo-rth ch+pter 0e+2s <ith the fin+nci+2 +n+2:sis of the co/p+n: i4e4 9ertic+21 hori>ont+2 +n+2:sis1 r+tio +n+2:sis4 Bifth ch+pter cont+ins S!OT +n+2:sis of PTCL4 Si@th ch+pter cont+ins conc2-sion +n0 reco//en0+tions4

TARI# ULLA BBA (IT) ( ons) ROLL NO $%&

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Internship Report On PTCL


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Internship Report On PTCL


PTCL is + 2+r,est te2eco//-nic+tions pro9i0e in P+=ist+n4 PTCL +2so contin-es to .e the 2+r,est CDMA oper+tor in the co-ntr: <ith (4% /i22ion 8)fone c-sto/ers4 The co/p+n: /+int+ins + 2e+0in, position in P+=ist+n +s infr+str-ct-re pro9i0er to other te2eco/ oper+tors +n0 corpor+te c-sto/ers of the co-ntr:4 It h+s the potenti+2 to .e +n instr-/ent+2 +,ent in P+=ist+nHs econo/ic ,ro<th 4PTCL h+s 2+i0 +n optic+2 Access Net <or= in the /+Aor /etropo2it+n centers of P+=ist+n +n0 2oc+2 2oop ser9ices h+9e st+rte0 to .e /o0erni>e0 +n0 -p,r+0e0 fro/ copper to +n optic+2 net<or=4 On the 2on, 0ist+nce +n0 intern+tion+2 infr+str-ct-re si0e1 the c+p+cit: of t<o SEA)ME)!E s-./+rine c+.2e is .ein, e@p+n0e0 to /eet the incre+sin, 0e/+n0 of intern+tion+2 tr+ffic4 !ith the pro/-2,+tion of Te2eco//-nic+tion (Re)Or,+ni>+tion) Act *CC&1 the P+=ist+n Te2eco//-nic+tion A-thorit: <+s est+.2ishe0 +s the Te2eco/ Re,-2+tor: .o0:4 Bo22o<in, the open 2icensin, po2ic: in BU" I P6R ;?4;(+ccor0+nce <ith the instr-ctions of Do9ern/ent of P+=ist+n +n0 in e@ercise of po<ers conferre0 .: P+=ist+n Te2eco//-nic+tion (Re)Or,+ni>+tion) Act *CC&1 the .+sic te2ephon: <+s p-t -n0er e@c2-si9it: +n0 PTCL <+s ,i9en + se9en :e+rs /onopo2: o9er .+sic te2ephon: <hich en0e0 .: Dece/.er 5*1'(('4 The :e+rs '((&)$ in the te2eco/ sector <itnesse0 + pheno/en+2 So f+r PTCL is the so2e 2+n0 2ine ser9ice pro9i0e of P+=ist+n4 PTCL is the ,i+nt of ,ro<th in the /o.i2e phone sector in P+=ist+n <hich 0o-.2e0 its .+se to &( /i22ion4 The Te2e0ensit: incre+se0 fro/ '&J to ;(he2pin, to spre+0 to .enefits of co//-nic+tion techno2o,: +cross the co-ntr:4 PTCLHs /o.i2e phone s-.si0i+r: UfoneH .+se ,re< .: /ore then %$J fro/ $4;C /i22ion to *; /i22ion4

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Internship Report On PTCL

The :e+r +2so <itnesse0 the entr: of /+Aor te2eco/ co/p+nies1 /ost not+.2e Chin+ Te2eco/ +n0 Sin,te21 into the /+r=et4 Restr-ct-rin, +n0 re)en,ineerin, +re in their fin+2 st+,es +2on, <ith the i/p2e/ent+tion of ERP s:ste/4 Bro/ the en0 c-sto/erHs Perspecti9e1 + /+Aor initi+ti9e <+s p-t in p2+ce in the sh+pe of Bro+0.+n0 P+=ist+n ser9ice 2+-nch +s + first step to<+r0s pro9i0in, its c-sto/er <ith /ore 9+2-e +00e0 ser9ice +n0 con9enience4 !ith this offerin,4 The PTCL not on2: .rin,in, the .enefit of hi,h spee0 internet +ccess to s-.scri.ers in /+Aor cities .-t <i22 +2so ,ener+te ne< re9en-e stre+/s for f-t-re ,ro<th4 The co/p+n: +2so contin-e0 to in9est in * Infr+str-ct-re 0e9e2op/ent +n0 +00ition of net<or= c+p+cit: <ith + 9ie< to enh+nce ser9ices +n0 to e@p+n0 its re+ch +cross the co-ntr:4 Histo4ica5 $ac6g4oun7 '89) '8.* '88:&8' Posts K Te2e,r+ph Dept4 est+.2ishe0 P+=ist+n Te2e,r+ph K Te2ephone Deptt4 P+=ist+n Te2eco/ Corpor+tion ALIS: %?(1((( !+itin, 2ist: C((1((( Ep+nsion Pro,r+/ of C((1((( 2ines initi+te0 (?((1((( 2ines .: Pri9+te Sector P+rticip+tion '88'88. '88; *::: *::, *::;((1((( 2ines PTCEDOP o<n reso-rces)4 A.o-t ? J of PTSL +ssets tr+nsferre0 to PTA1 BAB K NTC PTCL Bor/e0 2iste0 on +22 Stoc= E@ch+n,es of P+=ist+n Mo.i2e K Internet s-.si0i+ries est+.2ishe0 Te2eco/ Po2ic: Bin+2i>e0 Te2eco/ Dere,-2+tion Po2ic: Anno-nce0 '& K Sh+res .: Etis+2+t UAE thro-,h open .i00in,

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Internship Report On PTCL

ision GTo .e the 2e+0in, infor/+tion +n0 co//-nic+tion techno2o,: ser9ice pro9i0e in the re,ion .: +chie9in, c-sto/er s+tisf+ction +n0 /+@i/i>in, sh+reho20er 9+2-eF Mission To +chie9e o-r /ission .: h+9in,: An or,+ni>+tion en9iron/ent th+t posters profession+2is/; /oti9+tion +n0 3-+2it:4 #-+2it: +n0 ti/e conscio-s c-sto/er ser9ice4 S-st+ine0 ,ro<th in e+rnin,s +n0 profit+.i2it:4

Co4e <a5ue
Profession+2 Inte,rit:4 C-sto/er s+tisf+ction4 Te+/ <or=4 Co/p+n: 2e,+2it:4 Corpor+te infor/+tion4 '

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Internship Report On PTCL

'19 O$=ECTI ES O" PTCL O.Aecti9es +re the en0s to<+r0s <hich +cti9it: is +i/e04 These +re the res-2ts to .e +chie9e04 P+=ist+n Te2eco//-nic+tion Co/p+n: 2i/ite0 st+tes its o.Aecti9es +s -n0er *4 To pro9i0e 3-+2it: ser9ices to its c-sto/ers in P+=ist+n4 '4 To pro9i0e /+@i/-/ s+tisf+ction to its c-sto/ers .: -sin, the 2+test techno2o,:4 54 To incre+se the <orth of o<ners4 ;4 To 2e+0 the te2eco//-nic+tion in0-str: in P+=ist+n4 '1- Management %a5i7 I4s>ai7 Presi0ent K Chief E@ec-ti9e Officer A5i A>me7 !a4ouf A5 Na?@i Dep-t: CEO PTCL Mu>amma7 Ne>matu55a> Too4 S4E484P (Bin+nce) E Chief Bin+nci+2 Officer (C4B4O) !asi4 Ansa4i Chief Infor/+tion Officer (C4I4O) Mo>amma7 Nas4u55a> Chief Technic+2 Officer (C4T4O) SAe7 MaB>a4 Hussain S4E484P ( R E A0/in K Proc-re/ent) Si6an7a4 Na?i S4E484P (Corpor+te De9e2op/ent) Na<ee7 Saee7 S4E484P (Co//erci+2) M4 Ta4i? Sa5man S4E484P (B-siness Lone North) M4 A@7u55a> !ousef S4E484P B-siness Lone So-th "a4a> Cama4 Co/p+n: Secret+r: Lega5 Affai4s Dr4 S:e0 Moh+//+0 An<+r Sh+h

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Internship Report On PTCL

'1. $oa47 Of Di4ecto4s M41 Nagui@u55a> Ma5i6 C>ai4man PTCL $oa47 Secret+r: IT K Te2eco/ Di9ision1 Ministr: of Infor/+tion Techno2o,: Do9ern/ent of P+=ist+n1 Is2+/+.+0

M41 A@7u54a>im A@7u55a A@7u54a>im A5 Noo4Aani Ch+ir/+n K Chief E@ec-ti9e Officer1 Etis+2+t Intern+tion+2 P+=ist+n L4L4C E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent Contr+cts K A0/inistr+tion Etis+2+t 1 UAE4

M41 Sa5man Si77i?ue Secret+r: (Bin+nce)1 Ministr: of Bin+nce Do9ern/ent of P+=ist+n1 Is2+/+.+0

M41 A@7u5aBiB A>me7 Sa5e> A>me7 A5 SaDa5e> Chief -/+n Reso-rces Officer Etis+2+t1 UAE

M41 Mus>ta? A>ma7 $>atti Me/.er Te2eco/ Do9ern/ent of P+=ist+n1 Is2+/+.+0

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Internship Report On PTCL

M41 "a7>i5 Mo>ame7 E4>ama A5 Ansa4i E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent En,ineerin, Etis+2+t1 UAE

M41 K>u4s>ee7 A>me7 =uneEo A/.+ss+0or1 E/.+ss: of P+=ist+n A.- Dh+.i1 UAE

M41 A@7u5aBiB Hama7 Om4an Ta4Aam Dener+2 M+n+,er1 Northern E/ir+tes Etis+2+t1 UAE

D41 A>me7 A5 =a4Da Dener+2 M+n+,er Re+2 Est+te Etis+2+t1 UAE

Ms1 "a4a> Cama4 ComFanA Sec4eta4A PTCL PTCL e+03-+rters1 Is2+/+.+0 T+.2e *4* '1- SU$SIDIARIES O" PTCL
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Internship Report On PTCL


P+=net is + f-22: o<ne0 s-.si0i+r: of PTCL4 Technic+2 +ssets +n0 st+ff <ere c+r9e0 o-t of PTCL to P+=net1 to he2p ne< co/p+n: to /eet the co/petiti9e /+r=et4 The st+ff1 th-s tr+nsferre0 h+0 re3-isite e@perience +n0 e@pertise in internet +n0 0+t+ co//-nic+tion fie204 o<e9er /ost of the e/p2o:ees h+9e .een hire0 fro/ pri9+te sector4 The recent2: .o+r0 of 0irectors of P+=net co/prises senior +n0 e@perience0 reconstit-te0

profession+2s no/in+te0 .: PTCL .o+r04 Pa6 Te5ecom Mo@i5e Limite7 GPTMLH

In to0+:Hs ch+n,in, tren0s in the te2eco/ sector1 +22 ,2o.+2 te2eco/ h+9e stron, ce22-2+r net<or=s either 0irect2: or thro-,h s-.si0i+ries4 !hi2e =eepin, this in /in0 there <+s + nee0 for PTCL to h+9e its o<n ce22-2+r ser9ice4 P+= Te2eco/ Mo.i2e Li/ite0 (PTML)1 + <ho22: o<ne0 s-.si0i+r: of PTCL1 <+s cre+te04 The co/p+n: co//ence0 its oper+tions -n0er the .r+n0 n+/e of Ufone fro/ Is2+/+.+0 in M+n-+r: '((* +n0 s-.se3-ent2: e@ten0e0 its co9er+,e to other cities4 Present2: UfoneHs net<or= co9ers /ore th+n $?( cities1 to<ns +n0 /+Aor hi,h<+:s of the co-ntr:4 D-rin, this 2+st :e+r Ufone s-ccessf-22: co/p2ete0 its US N*$( /i22ion ph+se I8 net<or= e@p+nsion conse3-ent2: the +sset .+se of the co/p+n: h+s incre+se0 fro/ '( .i22ion to Rs4'$ .i22ion4 As for the co/p+n:Hs +ppro9e0 .-siness p2+n1 Ufone <+s e@pecte0 to c2ose its first fin+nci+2 :e+r (en0in, M-ne 5(1 '((*) <ith +.o-t 5(1((( c-sto/ers .-t Ufone +chie9e0 o9er *((1((( c-sto/ers .: M-ne '((*4No< 0-rin, this fin+nci+2 :e+r (en0in, M-ne 5(1 '((&) Ufone h+s incre+se0 its c-sto/ers fro/ '4?% to &45; /i22ion4 Te5eF>one In7ust4A of Pa6istan GTiFH +rip-r <+s incorpor+te0 +s + pri9+te 2i/ite0

Te2ephone in0-stries of P+=ist+n (P9t) Lt0

co/p+n: in *C?5 .: Dop <ith the co22+.or+tion of Sie/ens AD4,er/+n:4the co/p+n: is /+n+,e0 .: Bo+r0 of Directors h+9in, % 0irectors on the .o+r01 si@ fro/ PTCL +n0 t<o fro/ Si/ens A4D4Der/+n:4 The co/p+n: st+rte0 pro0-ction of Te2ephone sets4 !ith the p+ss+,e of ti/e +n0 <ith the ch+n,e in techno2o,:1 its c+p+cit: h+s incre+se0 in +00ition it <+s +2so pro0-cin, Cont+ins1 E@ch+n,es1 0istri.-tion .o@es1 Di9ision+2 C+.inets +n0 Drop <ire4
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Internship Report On PTCL

The co/p+n: <+s h+9in, /+r=etin, 2i/it+tions +n0 2+=e2-ster +ppro+ch pre0o/in+nt2: for re+sons of 2e,+c: +n0 0-e to its re/ote 2oc+tion4 P+i0 -p c+pit+2 of the co/p+n: is Rs4$?C$?5 /i22ion +n0 t-rn o9er <+s 0epen0in, -pon or0ers fro/ PTCL1 NTC1 SCO +n0 !APDA4 Ca44ie4 Te5eF>one In7ust4ies GCTIH

C+rrier Te2ephone In0-stries (CTI) <+s incorpor+te0 +s + pri9+te 2i/ite0 co/p+n: in the p-.2ic sector in *C&C in co22+.or+tion <ith P+=ist+n te2eco//-nic+tion Co/p+n: Li/ite0 +n0 Sie/ens AD1 Der/+n:4 CTI <+s est+.2ishe0 to +c3-ire1 0e9e2op +n0 pro0-ce 2+test st+te)of)the)+rt e3-ip/ent in the fie20 of tr+ns/ission techno2o,ies1 e2ectronics +n0 other te2eco//-nic+tion +re+s4 It pro9i0es + sophistic+te0 techno2o,: .+se for the co-ntr:4 To0+: CTI is /+n-f+ct-rin, SD tr+ns/ission e3-ip/ent1 M-2tip2e@in, pro0-cts1 Optic+2 +n0 Di,it+2 R+0io S:ste/s4 In +00ition it h+s +2so 9ent-re0 in the /+n-f+ct-rin, of Micro<+9e Di0 P+r+.o2ic Antenn+e1 PABO +n0 P+i D+in S:ste/4 It h+s recent2: st+rte0 +sse/.2: of person+2 Co/p-ters1 .esi0es se22in, other E2ectro)/ech+nic+2 +ccessories1 /e+s-rin, instr-/ents +n0 other pro0-cts4 The co/p+n: e/p2o:s 2+test /+n-f+ct-rin, techni3-es i4e4 S-rf+ce Mo-ntin, Techno2o,: (SMT) for /o-ntin, co/ponents +n0 its ro.otics +r/sE/+chines pro9i0es e@ce22ent s-pport for +fter s+2es ser9ices4 It is e3-ippe0 to tr+in +n0 f-22: s-pport its c-sto/ers4 CTI <+s pri9+ti>e0 in No9e/.er '((? +s p+rt of the PTCL pri9+ti>+tion co//it/ent4 PTCLHs e3-it: in9est/ent of Rs4% /i22ion <+s so20 for Rs4?(( /i22ion to Sie/ens AD4the pri9+ti>+tion co//ission h+s not :et re2e+se0 the procee0s of this s+2e to PTCL4 The co/p+n: h+0 e+rne0 + c-rrent :e+r profit of Rs4' /i22ion .efore pri9+ti>+tion in No9e/.er '((?

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Internship Report On PTCL


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Internship Report On PTCL

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Internship Report On PTCL

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Internship Report On PTCL


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Internship Report On PTCL

*1- P4o7ucts an7 Se4<ices of PTCL The pro0-ct +n0 ser9ices th+t PTL is pro9i0in, to its c-sto/ers +re +s fo22o<s4 P4eFai7 ca55ing ca47s

PTCL prep+i0 c+22in, c+r0s ,i9es n+tion <i0e +ccess <ith intern+tion+2 f+ci2it:4 It co/es in e+si2: +ffor0+.2e 0eno/in+tions of Rs4*((1 '?(1 ?((1 *((( K '(((4 These c+r0s +re e+si2: +9+i2+.2e thro-,ho-t the co-ntr: +n0 it is e+s: to -se it fro/ +n: PTCL 0i,it+2 phone4 C-sto/er h+s to p+: neither 2ine rent nor .i224 In No9e/.er '((5 PTCL 2+-nche0 *(( 0eno/in+tion prep+i0 c+22in, c+r0 <ith +09+nce0 fe+t-res?4 Aasan F4eFai7 te5eF>onA

A+s+n phone is + 2+n02ine prep+i0 te2ephon: ser9ice1 2+-nche0 in M+: '((;4 This ser9ice <or=s A-st 2i=e the other prep+i0 ser9ices <here +cco-nts +re rech+r,e0 <ith + prep+i0 phone c+r04 The pri/e o.Aecti9e of this ser9ice is to f+ci2it+te the c-sto/er in ,ettin, + ne< connection <ith /ini/+2 0oc-/ent+tion4 A+s+n c+r0s +re +9+i2+.2e in Rs4?((1 *((( +n0 Rs4'((( 0eno/in+tions4 To55 "4ee Se4<ice G:;::H

This ser9ice is +9+i2+.2e to corpor+te c-sto/ers for their c-sto/erHs con9enience4 It pro9i0es corpor+te c-sto/ers <ith effecti9e +n0 0:n+/ic te2e/+r=etin, too24 Te2e/+r=etin, is .eco/in, the /ost pop-2+r <+: of /+r=etin, +ro-n0 the <or20 +s se22in, pro0-cts +n0 ser9ices on the phone is the /ost econo/ic+2 i4e4 :o- re+ch /ore c-sto/ers in /ini/-/ ti/e4 To22 free n-/.ers st+rt <ith (%((4 C-sto/ers c+n c+22 the co/p+n: on to22 free n-/.er <ith o-t +n: cost4 Uni<e4sa5 Inte4net Num@e4 GUINH

D-e to the .oo/ in te2eco/ sector ISPs contin-e to /-shroo/ +t +ro-n0 the co-ntr:4 UIN is + n-/.er st+rtin, <ith *5* -se0 for +ccessin, internet e4,4 *5*CC*CC4 UIN n-/.er is +ssi,ne0 to e+ch ISP .: PTA4 The c+22 0i+2e0 is ch+r,e0 +s one 2oc+2 c+22 irrespecti9e of its 0-r+tion4 Internet ser9ice in P+=ist+n h+s const+nt2: i/pro9e0 0-e to the techno2o,ic+2 +09+nce/ents4

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Internship Report On PTCL

Inst+22+tion ch+r,es for UIN is Rs4'(1 ((( <hi2e rec-rrin, ch+r,es +re recei9e0 in +09+nce on 3-+rter .+sis +t Rs45((( p2-s *?J DST per 3-+rter per n-/.er4 NTR)* h+s sho<n .i22in, of Rs4'??1 ((( <hi2e recei9e0 Rs4C&1 (((4 P4emium 4ate se4<ice G:8::H

(C(( n-/.ers +re -se0 thro-,ho-t the <or20 to pro9i0e infor/+tion 9i+ te2ephone +t + pre/i-/ r+te hi,her the re,-2+r c+22 ch+r,es4 In c+se of these c+22s &(J of the tot+2 re9en-e ,oes to the co/p+n: c+22e0 <hi2e ;(J is tr+nsferre0 to PTCL4 Digita5 Su@sc4i@e4 Line GDSLH

DSL st+n0s for 0i,it+2 2ine4 !ith the he2p of DSL + c-sto/er c+n enAo: B+@ +n0 Internet f+ci2it: <itho-t =eepin, their nor/+2 te2ephone n-/.er .-s:4 C-sto/er c+n enAo: 9oice ch+t fro/ te2ephone <ith hi,h spee04 It is of 0ifferent .+n0 <i0th &;=.ps1 *'%1 '?& +n0 of*(';=.ps4 PTCL 0oes not se22s this 0irect2: to the -2ti/+te c-sto/ers .-t se22 it to the ISPs 2i=e P+=net1 Co/s+t1 Micronet1 C:.ernet1 D+nco/ etc4 PTCL ch+r,es ISPs on the .+sis of their c-sto/ers4 PTCL ch+r,es either Rs4'*$ per connection per /onth fro/ ISPs <hen the: ,i9e connection or ? J of the tot+2 .i22 for <hich ISPs ch+r,e their c-sto/er 0epen0in, -pon the contr+ct si,ne0 .et<een PTCL +n0 ISP4 In the secon0 c+se the ISP is re3-ire0 to sen0 + cop: of +22 the c-sto/ersH .i22s to the PTCL re9en-e 0ep+rt/ent4

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Internship Report On PTCL


E9er: or,+ni>+tion is 0i9i0e0 into 0efinite 0ep+rt/ents4 E+ch 0ep+rt/ent perfor/s 0ifferent =in0 of Ao.s +n0 re3-ires st+ff <ith speci+2i>e0 s=i22s to h+n02e p+rtic-2+r Ao.4 This incre+ses the efficienc: of <or=ers +n0 /+=es Q The PTCL e+0 #-+rters is co/prise0 of se9er+2 0ep+rt/ents4 The 0i9ision is /+0e on the .+sis of f-nction the: perfor/4 ence it c+n .e conc2-0e0 th+t PTCL h+s +0opte0 the po2ic: of f-nction+2 0ep+rt/ent+2i>+tion4 The /+in 0ep+rt/ents of PTCL +re /entione0 .e2o<4 *4 -/+n Reso-rce M+n+,e/ent Dept4 '4 Bin+nce Dept4 54 Co//erci+2 Dept4 ;4 Oper+tion+2 Dept4 ?4 Technic+2 Dept4 &4 IT Dept4 $4 Corpor+te Aff+irs Dept4 %4 Speci+2 ProAects Dept4 ,1' Human 4esou4ce management

It is + h-,e or,+ni>+tion +n0 .ein, consi0ere0 +s one of the .i,,est co/p+n: in P+=ist+n4 It h+s /ore th+n ?&1((( e/p2o:ees +n0 + h-,e net<or= of or,+ni>+tion+2 /+n+,e/ent h+s .een spre+0 thro-,ho-t the co-ntr:4

PTCL is en,+,in, + n-/.er of e@perts +n0 speci+2ists of st+n0in, in 0ifferent spheres of profession4 Mo. +n+2:sis +n0 re9ision of Ao.s 0escription <+s -n0ert+=en for i/pro9in, the perfor/+nce st+n0+r0s4

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Internship Report On PTCL

To /eet the f-t-re ch+22en,in, sit-+tions in the f+ce of pri9+ti>+tion +n0 post /onopo2: ch+22en,es1 + corpor+te c-2t-re +n0 co/petiti9e en9iron/ent h+s to .e 0e9e2ope01 for <hich +22 the +9+i2+.2e reso-rces h+9e .een t+pe04

Speci+2 tr+inin, co-rses +n0 <or=shops h+9e .een con0-cte0 for the top +n0 /i002e /+n+,e/ent thro-,h rep-te0 or,+ni>+tions 2i=e LUMS4 Efforts +re .ein, /+0e to i/pro9e pro0-cti9it: +n0 efficienc: of the Co/p+n: <hi2e e/ph+sis is +2so .ein, p2+ce0 on effecti9e /+n+,e/ent e/p2o:ees re2+tionship +n0 .etter 2ine of co//-nic+tions to +chie9e corpor+te ,o+2s ,1* "inance 7eFa4tment This 0ep+rt/ent is 0i9i0e0 into fo22o<in, three s-.)sections: Bin+nce Acco-nts Re9en-e The Bin+nce !in, 0e+2s <ith the re9en-e /+tters of the co/p+n: K the Acco-nts !in, is responsi.2e for proper .oo=R=eepin, of the fin+nci+2 tr+ns+ctions1 co//erci+2 +-0it K prep+r+tion of perio0ic +cco-nts of the co/p+n:4 The Acco-nts Office of PTCL is in L+hore4 Bin+nce is the of e9er: or,+ni>+tion .ec+-se <itho-t fin+nce +n: or,+ni>+tion c+nHt r-n its .-siness4 It p2+:s +n i/port+nt ro2e in 0eter/inin, the 2on,) ter/ o.Aecti9es +n0 e9+2-+tin, the fe+si.i2it: of the .-siness4 The fin+nci+2 +cti9ities of PTCL h+9e .een sp2it -p into three /+Aor .r+nches: Bin+nce1 Acco-nts K Re9en-e4 The 0et+i2s re,+r0in, this section <i22 .e co9ere0 in fin+nce section <ith reference to /: proAect

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Internship Report On PTCL

,1, Comme4cia5 DeFa4tment Co//erci+2 section <ith 3-+2ifie0Ee@perience0 st+ff is .ein, est+.2ishe04 Co/p+n: section is t+=in, .oth short)ter/ +n0 2on,)ter/ 9ie< of e/er,in, tren0s of hi,h2: co/petiti9e /+r=ets +s its /onopo2: is co/in, to +n en04 It +n+2:>es +22 the possi.2e Co/p+n: options1 i4e4 intro0-cin, ne< ser9ices1 +0optin, ne< techno2o,ies to /+int+in the 2e+0in, ro2e in the sector +n0 preser9e its 0o/in+nt position in the in0-str:4 The Co/p+n: 2i=es to reiter+te th+t it <i22 contin-e to p2+: + pro/inent ro2e in Te2eco/ sector of P+=ist+n4 It consi0ers th+t one of the /ost i/port+nt +spects of the forthco/in, co/petiti9e en9iron/ent is pricin, of pro0-cts +n0 ser9ices4 The ne< p+r+0i,/ <o-20 re3-ire cost).+se0 ser9ices <ith thin)profit /+r,ins .-t hi,her 9o2-/es4 Inherent2:1 PTCL ser9ices <ere not cost).+se04 There <ere in).-i2t s-.si0ies +n0 2on, 0ist+nce c+22s1 .oth 0o/estic +n0 intern+tion+21 <ere hi,h2: price04 The Co/p+n:1 therefore1 e9o29e0 str+te,ies of ,r+0-+2 price r+tion+2i>+tion

Co//erci+2 0ep+rt/ent sho-20 tr: to /+=e PTCL the /ost profit+.2e or,+ni>+tion1
<hich sho-20 ,ener+te + ,re+t 0e+2 of re9en-e in 2oc+2 K forei,n c-rrenc:4 ,19 OFe4ationa5 DeFa4tment M+n+,es oper+tions of PTCL #1 <ith re,ion+2 offices1 .r+nches1 +n01 s-.si0i+ries +s <e22 +s <ith other corpor+tions4 ,1- Tec>nica5 DeFa4tment This 0ep+rt/ent is en,+,e0 in the /+n+,e/ent +n0 contro2 of technic+2 +spects of the co/p+n:1 e4,4 technic+2 /+npo<er1 technic+2 tr+inin,1 technic+2 e3-ip/ent1 etc4 ,1. IT DeFa4tment This 0ep+rt/ent is est+.2ishe0 to intro0-ce ne< +n0 +09+nce techno2o,: in PTCL4 D-e to IT 0ep+rt/ent <or=in, s:ste/ is to con9erte0 in + co/p-teri>e0 s:ste/4

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Internship Report On PTCL

,1) Co4Fo4ate De<e5oFment DeFa4tment This 0ep+rt/ent 0e+2 corpor+te 2e9e2 iss-es s-ch +s PTA1 Intern+tion+2 Te2eco/ Union1 Le,+2 +n0 Re,-2+tor: +ff+irs etc4 ,1; SFecia5 P4oEects DeFa4tment This 0ep+rt/ent is 0oin, their +cti9ities on .eh+2f of presi0ent4 ,18 STRUCTURE O" THE "INANCE DEPARTMENT Initi+22:1 Bin+nce Dep+rt/ent <+s s-per9ise0 .: DM .-t +fter the recent ch+n,e in /+n+,e/ent str-ct-re1 Bin+nce Dep+rt/ent of PTCL is he+0e0 .: Senior E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent (Bin+nce)1 <ho is responsi.2e for +cco-ntin, +n0 fin+nce f-nctions of the or,+ni>+tion4 The Senior E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent is the he+0 of Acco-nts Dep+rt/ent +n0 the 8ice E@ec-ti9e Presi0ent Bin+nce is the he+0 of Bin+nce Dep+rt/ent4 Diag4am ,1'
H ie r a r c h a l S t r u c t u r e o f F in a n c e D e p a r t m e n t

S E N ! R V " E E # E " $ % V E PR E S D E N % E V P (A c c o u n ts ) G M (S to re s ) G M (A c c o u n s ) E V P (F in a n c e ) G M (F in a n c e ) E V P (R e v e n u e ) G M (R e v e n u e )

Senior 8ice E@ec-ti9e Presi0ent (Bin+nce) E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent (Acco-nts) E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent (Bin+nce) E@ec-ti9e 8ice Presi0ent (Re9en-e) Dener+2 M+n+,er (Store) Dener+2 M+n+,er (Acco-nts) Dener+2 M+n+,er (Bin+nce)

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Internship Report On PTCL

Dener+2 M+n+,er (Re9en-e)


Bin+nce s:ste/ of the or,+ni>+tion Acco-ntin, s:ste/ of the or,+ni>+tion Mo.i2i>+tion of f-n0s Dener+tion of f-n0s A22oc+tion of f-n0s
,1'' "inance SAstem of t>e O4ganiBation Bin+nce is the of e9er: or,+ni>+tion .ec+-se <itho-t fin+nce +n: or,+ni>+tion c+nHt r-n its .-siness4 It p2+:s +n i/port+nt ro2e in 0eter/inin, the 2on,) ter/ o.Aecti9es +n0 e9+2-+tin, the fe+si.i2it: of the .-siness4 "inance %ing Sp2it -p into three /+Aor .r+nches; Bin+nce1 Acco-nts K Re9en-e4 D4M Bin+nce he+0s this 0ep+rt/ent4 The responsi.i2ities of the Dener+2 M+n+,er (Bin+nce) -s-+22: f+22 in the +re+ of fin+nci+2 /+n+,e/ent1 prep+r+tion of +nn-+2 .-0,ets1 0eter/inin, the re9en-e t+r,ets for the :e+r1 in9estor1 +n0 .+n=er re2+tions +n0 contro22in, the Directors re9en-e in +22 the re,ions4 $u7get %ing B-0,etin, is the /ost effecti9e instr-/ent to e@ercise 3-+2it: contro2 o9er the fin+nci+2 reso-rces of +n or,+ni>+tion +n0 their .etter -ti2i>+tion4 A .-0,et is + co/prehensi9e fin+nci+2 p2+n settin, forth the e@pecte0 ro-te for +chie9in, the fin+nci+2 K oper+tion+2 ,o+2s of +n or,+ni>+tion4 The co/p+nies en,+,e0 in 2+r,e) sc+2e .-siness essenti+22: h+9e + .-0,et 0ep+rt/ent to c+rr: o-t .-0,etin, for the co/in, fin+nci+2 :e+r4 8+rio-s f-nctions perfor/e0 .: B-0,et Dept4 of PTCL +re: A22oc+tion of f-n0s to 0ifferent he+0 of +cco-nts4

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Internship Report On PTCL

Dis.-rse/ent of f-n0s or ph:sic+2 tr+nsfer of f-n0s to 0ifferent he+0s of +cco-nts4 Recei9e +n0 +n+2:>e .-0,et reports4 Reco//en0e0 +ctions 0esi,ne0 to i/pro9e efficienc: <here


C5assification of $u7get Bor si/p2icit: +n0 +pp2ic+tion1 + /+ster .-0,et is c2+ssifie0 into fo22o<in, c+te,ories:) *4 '4 54 Re9en-e B-0,et4 !or=in, E@pen0it-re B-0,et4 C+pit+2 E@pen0it-re B-0,et4

The Re9en-e B-0,et consists of esti/+te0 co22ections -n0er 0ifferent receipts he+0s <hi2e !or=in, E@pen0it-re B-0,et inc2-0es the esti/+te0 +/o-nts to .e inc-rre0 0-rin, the .-0,et+r: perio0 for oper+tion+2 nee0s4 The c+pit+2 e@pen0it-re .-0,et is /+in2: 0e9e2ope0 <ith the consent of De9e2op/ent <in, +n0 the 0et+i2s +re ,i9en in the Ann-+2 De9e2op/ent Pro,r+/4 Ta4iff %ing T+riff !in, is f-rther 0i9i0e0 into intern+tion+2 t+riff +n0 0o/estic t+riff4 Intern+tion+2 t+riff /e+ns intern+tion+2 .-siness <ith the <ho2e <or20 i4e4 intern+tion+2 co//-nic+tion <ith 0ifferent co-ntries4 o<e9er1 there is no 0irect connecti9it: <ith +22 the co-ntries4 There +re on2: ;( co-ntries <ith <hich PTCL is 0irect2: connecte0 thro-,h s+te22ite <hi2e the re/+inin, intern+tion+2 connection of tr+ffic to other co-ntries thro-,h 0ifferent c+rriers4 There +re ?' c+rriers for this p-rpose4 There +re ''( 0estin+tions in the <ho2e <or20 to <hich there is intern+tion+2 co//-nic+tion .-t the +cti9e re2+tionship of PTCL <ith ?' c+rriers4 The t+riff 0ep+rt/ent 0eci0es +.o-t TAR K ro-tin, p2+n for intern+tion+2 tr+ffic4 It +2so iss-es Tr+nsit Ch+r,es A,ree/ent for those co-ntries to <hich there in no 0irect connecti9it:4 D-e to I4T .oo/1 t+riff is ,oin, to .e ch+n,e0 fre3-ent2: e4,4 for intern+tion+2 2e+se0 circ-its1 0o/estic 2e+se0 circ-its r+tes +re fre3-ent2: ch+n,in, +n0 for this t+riff 0ep+rt/ent h+s to <or= o-t

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Internship Report On PTCL

,1'* #ene4ation Of "un7s An or,+ni>+tion c+n .e c+22e0 se2f s-fficient if it is pro0-cin, its /+@i/-/ c+sh f2o< fro/ oper+tin, +cti9ities4 The t+.2e +n0 ,i9en .e2o< ch+rt for 2+st fi9e :e+rs 0+t+ in0ic+te th+t PTCL is pro0-cin, /+@i/-/ of its c+sh f2o<s fro/ oper+tin, +cti9ities4

!ea4 '((* '((' '((5 '((; '((? '((& '(($

Tot+2 Re9en-e (in tho-s+n0s) &'1(;(1$(% &&1;'&1&'; &$1'('1;C5 $;1*';1((( $?1C$'1((( &C1(%?1;5& &?1'$$1('?

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& +n0 '(($4

The /+in so-rces of f-n0s in PTCL +re its co22ection of .i22s4 B-n0s ,ener+te0 thro-,h oper+tions for the 2+st fi9e :e+rs +re Rs45*?1&&(1C?; (in tho-s+n0s)4

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C>aFte4 3 9 MA Acti<ities In PTCL ITIO DeFa4tment

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Internship Report On PTCL

C>aFte4 3 9 MA Acti<ities In PTCL ITIO DeFa4tment

I h+9e 0one the fo22o<in, Ao.s s-ccessf-22: <ith in the or,+ni>+tion -n0er the =in0 s-per9ision +n0 /onitorin, of o-r /+n+,er #-r.+n A2i (Assist+nt M+n+,er) !in0o<s Inst+22+tion O-t Loo= Confi,-r+tion Archi9e Settin, C+.2in, User co/p2+int +n02in, %in7oDs Insta55ation: !e h+9e inst+22e0 !in0o< OP on 0ifferent s:ste/s -sin, the fo22o<in, steps Ch+n,in, .oot or0er to fro/ CD roo/4 S+9e +n0 e@it +n0 press +n: =e: to .oot fro/ CD roo/ +fter rest+rt s:ste/4 The set-p fi2e or -p2o+0in, After -p2o+0in, set-p fi2e <e +ccept the 2icense +,ree/ent .: pressin, B% =e: (B-nction =e: )

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Internship Report On PTCL

Bor/+ttin, the C:SS 0ri9e .: -sin, either BAT or NTBS fi2e s:ste/4 After co/p2etion of for/+t <e ,i9e the infor/+tion re,+r0in, the s:ste/ inc2-0in, CD =e:4

The set-p co/p2ete 0-rin, '? to 5( /in-tes +n0 then +ppropri+te +r0 !+re 0ri9ers %>at is Mic4osoft Out5oo6I Microsoft o-r 2oo= is +n +pp2ic+tion soft <+re +n0 is + p+rt of Microsoft office s-it <hich is .+sic+22: -se0 for E/+i2 +n0 ne<s c2ients +n0 .-n02e0 <ith cert+in 9ersion % of Microsoft !in0o< +2tho-,h often -se0 +s +n E/+i2 +pp2ic+tion4 It +2so
pro9i0es c+2en0+rs1 t+s=1 +n0 cont+ct /+n+,e/ent1 note t+=in,1 + Ao-rn+2 +n0 <e. .ro<sin,4

Out5oo6 configu4ation
!e confi,-re the o-t2oo= -sin, the fo22o<in, steps; C2ic= +n0 st+rt .-tton4 Do to contro2 p+ne24 C2ic= on /+i24 !in0o< <i22 open then c2ic= +n0 +004
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Internship Report On PTCL

Then p-t in -ser n+/e in te@t .o@ then c2ic= on o=4 C2ic= on /+n-+22: confi,-r+tion4 C2ic= on ne@t .-tton4 After th+t c2ic= on Microsoft e@ch+n,e ser9er4 C2ic= on ne@t4 After th+t + <in0o< <i22 open in th+t <in0o< (in Microsoft E@ch+n,e ser9er .o@ p-t)

In -ser n+/e Bo@ Enter User ID4 Th+n c2ic= chec= n+/e4 After chec= n+/e + <in0o< <i22 open <hich :o- h+9e to p-t -ser ID +n0 -ser ID p+ss<or04 C2ic= on /ore settin,4 A <in0o< <i22 open then c2ic= on connection4 C2ic= on E@ch+n,e pro@: settin,4 C2ic= on ne@t4 P-t in TTP P Bo@ Se2ect .+sic +-thentic+tion4 C2ic= on o=4 C2ic= on ne@t4 C2ic= finish4 The o-t 2oo= confi,-r+tion is co/p2ete04

A4c>i<es setting:
!e 0i0 +rchi9e settin, -sin, the fo22o<in, steps: Do to pro,r+/s1 open Microsoft office +n0 open o-t2oo= pro,r+/4 Enter o-t2oo= ID +n0 P+ss<or04 O-t2oo= <i22 open4
P+,e 5$

Internship Report On PTCL

C2ic= on option4 C2ic= on others4 C2ic= on A-to +rchi9es Bro<se /: co/p-ter <here :o-r pre9io-s +rchi9e fo20er is 2oc+te0 +n0 ,i9e ne< p+th to the +rchi9e fo20er to the 0ri9e <ith /+@i/-/ sp+ce4 App2:in, the settin, to +22 fo20ers4 C2ic= o= Then 9erif: the +rchi9e fo20er :o- p2+ce0 in ne< p2+ce4 Archi9e Settin, is co/p2ete04

Bor LAN connecti9it: in PTCL t<iste0 p+ir c+.2e (; P+ir) +re -se0 in the fo22o<in, ter/s +n0 co/.in+tion 0epen0in, on the connectin, on the connection /+0e in 0ifferent =in0 of 0e9ice +s 0isc-sse0 fo22o<: Str+i,ht C+.2e Metho0 Cross C+.2e Metho0

St4aig>t Ca@5e Met>o7:

It is -se0 for connectin, 0ifferent 0e9ice e4,4 S<itch to -.1 S<itch to Ro-ter

C4oss ca@5e Met>o7:

P+,e 5%

Internship Report On PTCL

It is -se0 for connection .et<een s+/e =in0 of 0e9ices s-ch +s co/p-ter to co/p-ter1 -. to -.4 S<itch to S<itch4

Ca@5e Ma6ing:
Too2s -se0 for /+=in, c+.2es *4 C+.2e C-tter '4 Shie20 C-tter 54 P-nch /+chine ;4 tester T<iste0 P+ir c+.2e +re connecte0 thro-,h connector RM;? +n0 -s-+22: fo-n0 in the fo22o<in, ei,ht co2ors: *4 <hite Or+n,e '4 Or+n,e 54 !hite Dreen ;4 Dreen ?4 <hite B2-e &4 B2-e $4 !hite Bro<n %4 Bro<n

Ca@5ing Met>o7s:
St4aig>t Ca@5e Met>o7 !hite Or+n,e !hite Or+n,e Or+n,e Or+n,e !hite Dreen !hite Dreen B2-e B2-e <hite B2-e <hite B2-e !hite Bro<n !hite Bro<n Bro<n Bro<n C4oss Ca@5e Met>o7 !hite Or+n,e Or+n,e !hite Dreen B2-e <hite B2-e !hite Bro<n Bro<n !hite Dreen Dreen !hite Or+n,e B2-e <hite B2-e !hite Bro<n Bro<n

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Internship Report On PTCL

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Internship Report On PTCL

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Internship Report On PTCL

Process flo& '(' %he user complains for % e)uipment (*es+top,

laptop, Printer, scanner, &ireless a*opter) to % service *es+( %he Assistant Man-er (AM) chec+s the e)uipment that it is in &arrant. or not ( '(/ f the e)uipment is &arrant. then it is sent to the ven*or( %he ven*or chec+ pro0lem an* fi1e* it (%he user -ets his e)uipment from the ven*or an* sen*s information report (that receive the e)uipment) to % service *es+( '(2 '(4 f the e)uipment is not in &arrant. then it is sent to the General 3ranch( %he team of -eneral 0ranch &or+e* on the e)uipment an* fi1e* the pro0lem( '(5 %he user services the e)uipment from -eneral 3ranch an* sent the information report (that e)uipment) to % service Des+( receive the


General 3ranch team


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Internship Report On PTCL

% service Des+

75'8//9272; 75'8//92''7 (5;'C$*5'&;

P+,e ;5

Internship Report On PTCL


P+,e ;;

Internship Report On PTCL


91' INDE2 ANAL!SIS An +n+2:sis of percent+,e of fin+nci+2 st+te/ents <here +22 .+2+nce sheet or inco/e st+te/ent fi,-res for + .+se :e+r e3-+2 *(( (percent) +n0 s-.se3-ent fin+nci+2 st+te/ent ite/s +re e@presse0 +s percent+,e of their 9+2-es in the .+se :e+r is c+22e0 In0e@ An+2:sis*4

%a0le 4(' H!RE<AN%A= ANA=>S S !F N"!ME S%A%EMEN%

Pa6istan Te5ecommunication ComFanA Limite7 GPTCLH ComFa4ati<e Income Statement fo4 t>e financia5 Aea4s *::-,*::.J *::) Rs1 In t>ousan7 *::*::. *::) Re9en-e Oper+tin, Costs Oper+tin, Profit Other Inco/e EBIT Bin+nci+2 Ch+r,es Profit .efore T+@+tion Pro9ision for T+@+tion Profit +fter T+@+tion Di9i0en0 per sh+re E+rnin, Per Sh+re )-,8)*,,., G,8,.:;,.,8H ,.,,.,,)*9 ,,,;),98. ,8,)-',**: G9--,:88H ,8,*8.,'*' G'*,.8:,9.9H *.,.:-,.-) * ?4'' .8,:;-,9,. G9',.;),8';H *),,8),-'; ,,8'*,8,' ,',,':,998 G,,.,9:'H ,:,8)9,:9; G':,'8.,.';H *:,))),9,: ;4($ .-,*)),:-* G9.,-.9,,,;H ';,)'*,.;) -,-9',*:, *9,*-,,;8: G-':,')-H *,,)9,,)'G;,':9,8.*H '-,.,;,)-, * 54($ K of @ase Aea4 fig *::. *::) 8:18, ':-1*)-1,9 ''-1-' );1;9 ),18* );1;* ;:1,);1:8 *-: $$4C$ %?4C' **$4?& ?*4;? *&54?$ &*4(* **'4*( &(4;' &54%$ -;1); *(( %?4?*

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

COMPARATI E ANAL!SIS O" INCOME STATEMENT The tot+2 re9en-e fi,-re for the fin+nci+2 :e+r '(($ is Rs4&?1 '$$1('? tho-s+n0 <hi2e the tot+2 re9en-e for the fin+nci+2 :e+r '((& +n0 '((? <ere Rs4&C1(%?1;5& +n0 Rs4$?1C$'15&5 tho-s+n0 respecti9e2:4 There is + 0ecre+se of Rs4?1 (5%1$C5 in the tot+2

P+,e ;?

Internship Report On PTCL

re9en-e +/o-nt1 <hich represents the %?4C'J of the .+se :e+r '((? <ith + 0ecre+se of *;4(%J4 The re9en-e co/prise on t<o t:pes th+t +re: Do/estic re9en-e K Intern+tion+2 re9en-e4 Do/estic re9en-e in '((?1 '((&K '(($ +re Rs4&*1 (551'''1 &51*&;1;*; K ?C1&(*1(?% respecti9e2:4 Intern+tion+2 re9en-e in '((?1 '((& +n0 '(($ is st+te0 +s Rs4*?1 ?5?1('$1 Rs4C1?'(1(*$ K C1C%C1?(% respecti9e2:4 Inc2-0e0 in 0o/estic re9en-e is re9en-e fro/ for c+22s /+0e to o9erse+s 0estin+tions fro/ P+=ist+n4 Re9en-e is e@c2-si9e of e@cise 0-t: +/o-ntin, Rs4%1?*C1*?( tho-s+n04 Intern+tion+2 re9en-e represents re9en-e fro/ forei,n net<or= oper+tors for c+22s th+t ori,in+te o-tsi0e P+=ist+n4 Intern+tion+2 re9en-e h+s .een incre+se0 .: Rs4;&C1;C* in the 2+st :e+r ref2ectin, +n incre+se of ;4C5J in 2+st :e+r <hi2e 0o/estic re9en-e h+s .een 0ecre+se0 .: Rs451?&515?& tho-s+n0s (?4&;J 0ecre+se +s th+t of '((&) .ec+-se of incre+se in 2ines p+rti+22: offset .: 2oc+2 c+22 re9en-e N!D re9en-e4 The +/o-nt of oper+tin, cost +2so incre+se0 to Rs4;&?&;55% tho-s+n01 the +/o-nt of incre+se in the oper+tin, cost is Rs4;1%$;;'( tho-s+n01 <hich is **4&CJ of the :e+r '(($ cost4 Oper+tin, cost consist on s+2+ries1 +22o<+nces +n0 other .enefits1 forei,n oper+tors cost1 f-e2 +n0 po<er1 co//-nic+tion1 stores +n0 sp+res cons-/e01 rent1 r+tes t+@es1 tr+9e2in, +n0 con9e:+nce1 +09ertise/ent +n0 p-.2icit:1 2e,+2 +n0 profession+2 ser9ices .+0 0e.t +nn-+2 2icense fee1 +n0 0epreci+tion etc4 oper+tin, cost of P+=ist+n Te2eco//-nic+tion Co/p+n: Li/ite0 is incre+se0 <ith +n incre+se in +22 the he+0s of oper+tin, cost (+ppro@i/+te2:)4 The +/o-nt of incre+se in the oper+tin, cost is Rs4;1%$;1;'( tho-s+n01 e3-+2 to *?4*;J incre+se of the oper+tin, cost of fin+nci+2 :e+r '((;4 The i/p+ct of these ch+n,es on ,ross profit /+r,in i4e4 0ecre+se fro/ 5C4&&J to '%4&$ in the :e+rs '((& K '(($ 1 <hich is +n in0ic+tion of the i/pro9e/ent in oper+tion+2 efficienc: of the fir/4

P+,e ;&

Internship Report On PTCL

Oper+tin, inco/e of the fir/ in '((& <+s '$5C$?*% tho-s+n0s1 <hich h+s .een con9erte0 to +n oper+tin, inco/e of Rs4*%$*'&%$ tho-s+n0 in '(($ 0ecre+se0 .: *%4?&J4 E+rnin, .efore interest +n0 t+@es sho<e0 + positi9e .+2+nce of Rs4';1'?51%C( tho-s+n04 D-e to .etter perfor/+nce +n0 efficient contro2 on oper+tin, cost +n0 0ecre+se in fin+nci+2 ch+r,es PTCL h+s 0ec2+re0 0i9i0en0 Rs4' per sh+re in '(($4

%a0le 4(/A "!MPERA% VE 3A=AN"E SHEE% (Rs( n thousan*)

Assets Cu44ent Assets C+shK B+n= .+2+nce A09+nces K Recei9+.2es C 4Portion of 2o+n s-.si0i+r: Tr+0e 0e.t Stores +n0 Sp+res Non Cu44ent Assets Lon, Ter/ Lo+ns Lon, Ter/ In9est Int+n,i.2e Assets C+pit+2 !IP Propert:1 P2+ntK e3Tota5 Assets *::'*,*;:,).' ),.9-,;9-::,::: '-,-'-,8-; ,,,*.,.** ,8,*.8,';. *,*,),9:; .,8:8,;)9 9,*)*,);* ':,.,8,8.9 )*,---,,89 8.,.'-,9** ',-,;;9,.: ;
So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

*::. **,-8;,);),-),,),: -::,::: '.,:-8,8;, ,,9,-,.)8 -:,'.;,')) ',;.*,;.) ),'';,::* 9,:9;,;). ',,':9,,*: )-,8,),);: ':*,:)',;9'-*,*9:,:**

*::) ,,,*;,,..: -,**;,-.: 9::,::: '',9'',9'* ,,;)8,*:. -9,*:*,;,; ',')9,'9: ),9'',)). ,,*,:,)9* ':,.:8,9;, ).,'8',;;' 8;,.';,:** '-*,;*:,;.:

K of @ase Aea4 figu4e *::. *::) ';91:' 881:. ':: ':,1-' ':,1*; '*)1);,1*. ':,1:' 891). '*,1'. ':91.. ':-1.''*1:9 '$*4*( &%45% %( $54?? **&4&* *5%4(5 ?'4;% *($4'& $?4&* CC4$* *(?4(* *('4($ ''*19.


P+,e ;$

Internship Report On PTCL

%a0le 4(/A "!MPERA% VE 3A=AN"E SHEE% (Rs( n thousan*)

E?uitA J Lia@i5itA GRs1 In t>ousan7H Cu44ent Lia@i5itA T+@+tion C portion of s-pp cre0it C4 portion of co/pens+te0 +.sence Short ter/ .orro<in, InterestK /+r=-p Tr+0eK other p+:+.2e Di9i0en0 p+:+.2e Long te4m Lia@i5itA L4ter/ Sec-rit: Deposits E/p2o:ee Retire/ent f-n0 Deferre0 T+@+tion P+:+.2e to PTA +,+inst !LL License fee S-pp2ierHs Cre0it S>a4e CaFita5 An7 Rese4<es Aut>o4iBe7 S>a4e CaFita5 A c2+ss Or0in+r: Sh+res B c2+ss Or0in+r: Sh+res *::',':9,:,' 9-:,,,: ',*.*,.8: *,8-.,).: 9,,9.: '9,)8-,*8, : *:,.'*,-.9 *,,-*,898 ':,8;;,)-* ',,*:,*;; : -8.,:*9 '-,*-;,:', ''',:::,:: : ,8,:::,::: '-:,:::,:: : -',:::,::: ',-:;,9'' ,:,-::,::: '),::-,.*: ',-,;;9,.: ;
So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($


*::. *,)*-,8;9 9*8,;,: : ,,).,,,:, '*,,*, '),--),:8* -,);),::: ,:,*)-,-,* *,)--,;8. '',.*9,8,',8,),,** : '):,;), '.,9;8,:*. ''',:::,::: ,8,:::,::: '-:,:::,::: -',:::,::: ',98*,9'9 ,:,-::,::: **,9;,,:-: '-*,*9:,:**

*::) *,;):,*-9 ')',-;' : *,'9-,89; ',,;: '8,*-;,-); : *9,99),)9' ','8-,);9 '*,*;8,.*. *,,),,**, ',.:',*** : '),9-8,;-''',:::,::: ,8,:::,::: '-:,:::,::: -',:::,::: ',)98,:9) ,:,-::,::: *),..9,*') '-*,;*:,;.:

K of @ase Aea4 figu4e *::. *::) *9.18' '?C4C% 8-195%4*( : ( '*)1*; *;1,'';1.) '9.1;; '')1', ':-1)8 '9.1), $'4?% 54*% *5(4*$ ( **%4&* ?(4%' ***4%; *$C4$?

,:1:, ':;1:) ':: ':: ':: ':: 8;189 ':: ',*1*' ''*1:9

( **;4;5 *(( *(( *(( *(( **?4C? *(( *&'4&% ''*19.

Iss-e01 s-.scri.e0 K p+i0 -p C+pit+2 Ins-r+nce Reser9es Dener+2 Reser9es In+ppropri+te Profit Tota5 E?uitA J Lia@i5itA

P+,e ;%

Internship Report On PTCL

T4en7 Ana5Asis Of $a5ance S>eet The PTCLHs tot+2 +ssets <ere of Rs4*5& .i22ion +t the en0 of fin+nci+2 :e+r '((? +n0 of Rs4*?' .i22ion +t the en0 of '((& +n0 on 5(th M-ne '(($ it h+s its tot+2 +ssets e3-+2 to Rs4*?5 .i22ion4 PTCLHs +ssets incre+se0 .: *'4(;J in '((& <hi2e in '(($1 tot+2 +ssets <ere incre+se0 .: *'4;&J +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((?4 C-rrent +ssets <ere of Rs45C .i22ion +t the en0 of fin+nci+2 :e+r '((? +n0 incre+se0 to Rs4?( .i22ion +t the en0 of '((& ('$4$?J incre+se0) +n0 +t the en0 of fin+nci+2 :e+r '((&) ($1 it is of Rs4?; .i22ion <ith +n incre+se of 5%4(5J +s to th+t of '((?4 In the 2+st t<o :e+rs in9entor: h+s incre+se0 .: *&4&*J to 54%% .i22ion4 Tr+0e 0e.t h+s 0ecre+se0 .: $&4;?J to Rs4** .i22ion in the 2+st t<o fin+nci+2 :e+rs4 Recei9+.2es +t the en0 of the fin+nci+2 :e+r '((&)($ is +/o-ntin, +s Rs4?4'5 .i22ion1 5*4&'J 2ess th+n th+t of '((?4 Co/p+n: h+s i/pro9e0 its c+sh /+n+,e/ent +n0 h+s incre+se0 its c+sh to 554'% .i22ion1 *$*4*(J hi,her th+n <h+t <+s +t the en0 of '((?4 Non)c-rrent +ssets of PTCL h+9e incre+se0 in '((& <hi2e re0-ce in '(($ to Rs4C%4&' .i22ion4 !or= in process1 p2+nt1 propert: K e3-ip/ents constit-tes /+Aor portion of non) c-rrent +ssets4 D-rin, these t<o :e+rs <or= in process h+s incre+se0 .: '54*&J in '((& to Rs4*54*( .i22ion <hi2e re0-ce0 (4'CJ to Rs4*(4&( .i22ion +s co/p+re0 to '((? <hi2e p2+nt1 properties +n0 e3-ip/ents h+9e notice0 +n incre+se of ?4(*J to Rs4$&4C* .i22ion4 PTCL tot+2 2i+.i2it: h+s incre+se0 .: *'4;&J in the 2+st t<o :e+rs to Rs4*?'4%' .i22ion4 PTCL c-rrent 2i+.i2it: h+s A-/pe0 to Rs45(45 .i22ion <ith ;&4%%J incre+se in '((& <hi2e incre+se0 *%4&*J in '(($ +s co/p+re0 to '((?4 This incre+se in c-rrent 2i+.i2it: <+s .ec+-se of 5$4;'J 0ecre+se in short ter/ .orro<in, +n0 <ith the 5(4*$J incre+se p+:+.2es +n0 *?C4C%J incre+se in t+@+tion +n0 C&4%'J 0ecre+se in interest +n0 /+r=-p4 Lon, ter/ 2i+.i2it: incre+se0 .: *;4;5J to Rs4*$4;& .i22ion 0-rin, the 2+st t<o :e+rs4 C+-ses of this incre+se in non c-rrent 2i+.i2it: +re ?*4*%J 0ecre+se in 2on, ter/ sec-rit: 0eposits +n0 +n incre+se of **4%;J in e/p2o:eeHs retire/ent f-n0 fo22o<e0 .: $C4$?J incre+se in 0eferre0 t+@+tion4

P+,e ;C

Internship Report On PTCL

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Internship Report On PTCL

91* Common&SiBe Ana5Asis An +n+2:sis of percent+,e fin+nci+2 st+te/ents <here +22 inco/e st+te/ent ite/s +re 0i9i0e0 .: net s+2es or re9en-e +n0 +22 .+2+nce sheet ite/s +re 0i9i0e0 .: tot+2 +ssets'4 Ta@5e 91, e4tica5 Ana5Asis Of P4ofitJ Loss Acc
Pa6istan Te5ecommunication comFanA 5imite7 GPTCLH ComFa4ati<e Income Statement "o4 t>e !ea4s *::9,*::- J *::. *::Re9en-e Oper+tin, Costs Oper+tin, Profit Other Inco/e EBIT Bin+nci+2 Ch+r,es Profit .efore T+@+tion Pro9ision for T+@+tion Profit +fter T+@+tion Un+pp profit . f Di9i0en0 per sh+re E+rnin, Per Sh+re
So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

*::. .8,:;-,9,. G9',.;),8';H *),,8),-'; ,,8'*,8,' ,',,':,998 G,,.,9:'H ,:,8)9,:9; G':,'8.,.';H *:,))),9,: ;4($

*::) .-,*)),:-* G9.,-.9,,,;H ';,)'*,.;) -,-9',*:, *9,*-,,;8: G-':,')-H *,,)9,,)'G;,':9,8.*H '-,.,;,)-, 54($

Pe4centage C>ange *::*::. *::) ':: -*1'9 9)1;. 919. -*1,* :1.: -'1)* '.1): ,-1:* ':: .:1,9 ,81.. -1.. 9-1,* :198 991;, '91). ,:1:) *(( $*455 '%4&$ %4;C 5$4*& (4$% 5&45$ *'4;' *,18.

)-,8)*,,., G,8,.:;,.,8H ,.,,.,,)*9 ,,,;),98. ,8,)-',**: G9--,:88H ,8,*8.,'*' G'*,.8:,9.9H *.,.:-,.-) -88,8., ?4''

e4tica5 Ana5Asis Of Income Statement

PTCL re9en-e in '((&)($ is Rs4&? .i22ion <hi2e it <+s Rs4$& .i22ion K Rs4$C .i22ion in '((? +n0 in '(( respecti9e2:4 Co/p+n:Hs oper+tin, cost r+tio is $*455J of tot+2 re9en-e in '(($4 Oper+tin, cost r+tio <+s ?'4*;J +n0 &(45;JJ in '((? +n0 '((&4 This incre+se in oper+tin, cost is .ec+-se of 0ec2ine in t+riff +n0 pre9+i2in, hi,h inf2+tion r+te in co-ntr:4 This incre+sin, oper+tin, cost r+tio is +ffectin, the Dross Profit M+r,in +n0 is recor0e0 to .e ;$4%&J1 5C4&&J K '%4&$ in '((?1 '((& +n0 in '(($ respecti9e2:54

PTCL inco/e fro/ other so-rces h+s sho<n i/pro9e/ent in the 2+st t<o :e+rs +n0 constit-tes ;4;&J1 ?4&&J K %4;CJ of tot+2 re9en-e in '((?1 '((& +n0 in '(($ respecti9e2: <hich is p+rti+22: offsettin, the 0ec2inin, r+te of EBIT4 EBIT constit-tes

P+,e ?*

Internship Report On PTCL

?'45'J1 ;?45'J K 5$4*&J in '((?1 '((& +n0 in '(($ respecti9e2:4 Co/p+n:Hs fin+nci+2 ch+r,es r+te h+s 0ecre+se0 0-rin, '((& +n0 incre+se in '(($1 offsettin, the 0ec2ine in profit .efore t+@+tion r+te <hich <+s recor0e0 ?*4$'J1 ;;4%5J for '((? +n0 '((& respecti9e2: +n0 no< in '(($ it is 5&4%5J4 Pro9ision for t+@+tion <+s *&4$(J K *;4$( for '((? +n0 '((& respecti9e2: +n0 no< for '(($ it is *'4;'J of tot+2 re9en-e4 Despite of +22 the +.o9e constr+ints :et PTCL <+s +.2e to /+int+in E+rnin, per Sh+re +t the r+te of Rs454($4 E+rnin, per Sh+re <+s Rs4?4'' +n0 Rs4;4($ in '((? +n0 '((& respecti9e2:4 91, Ratio Ana5Asis Li?ui7itA Ana5Asis Li3-i0it: r+tios /e+s-re the +.i2it: to /eet c-rrent 2i+.i2it: <ith c-rrent +sset i4e4 p+:/ent of short)ter/ o.2i,+tions4 The r+tio ho20s 0ifferent /e+nin, for cre0itor +n0 o<ners of the fir/4 Bor o<ner hi,h 2i3-i0it: /e+ns inefficienc: of the fir/4 Bor o<ner hi,h 2i3-i0it: /e+ns inefficienc: of the /+n+,e/ent1 <hi2e hi,h 2i3-i0it: of the fir/ is consi0ere0 f+9or+.2e .: the cre0itors +s the: see th+t the fir/ c+n p+: their o.2i,+tions4 Bo22o<in, +re the /ost co//on t:pes of 2i3-i0it: r+tios -se0 .: +n+2:sts to 0eter/ine the 2i3-i0it: of the fir/4 Cu44ent 4atio

C-rrent r+tio is c-rrent +sset 0i9i0e0 .: c-rrent 2i+.i2ities ;4 It sho<s + fir/Hs +.i2it: to co9er its c-rrent 2i+.i2ities <ith its c-rrent +ssets4 The fo22o<in, t+.2e s-//+ri>es the c-rrent r+tio of the fir/ for the 2+st three :e+rs4

Ta@5e 91-1' Cu44ent 4atios o<e4 time GRs1 In t>ousan7H C-rrent +ssets *::,8,*.8,'; *::. -:,'.;,') *::) ?;1'('1%5%

P+,e ?'

Internship Report On PTCL

C-rrent 2i+.i2ities Cu44ent 4atio

. *:,.'*,-. 9 '18'

) ,:,*)-,-, * '1..

';1;;$1$;* *1**

Inte4F4etations Dener+22: + c-rrent r+tio of ' is consi0ere0 +ccept+.2e1 co/p+nies 2iste0 on st+n0+r0 K Poor ?(( In0e@ h+s +n +9er+,e c-rrent r+tio of *4?4 In '((?1 the c-rrent r+tio <+s *4C*4 In '(($ the c-rrent r+tio is '4'' i4e4 PTCL h+s Rs4'4'' to p+: Rs4*of short ter/ 2i+.i2it:4 The c-rrent r+tio is hi,h .ec+-se PTCL h+s =ept 2ess on in9estin, in c+pit+2 e@pen0it-re co/p+re to '((&4 In '((& the: h+9e in9este0 Rs4*$4?* .i22ions in c+pit+2 e@pen0it-re <hi2e in '(($ it is *(4** .i22ion4 Cuic6 Ratio

#-ic= r+tio sho<s the +.i2it: of the fir/ th+t ho< 3-ic=2: it c+n p+: its 2i+.i2ities <itho-t t+=in, into +cco-nt the in9entor: +n0 prep+i0 e@pense of the fir/1 <hich +re 2e+st 2i3-i0 portion of the c-rrent +ssets4 Li3-i0it: /e+ns the +.i2it: of +n +sset to .e con9erte0 into c+sh <itho-t si,nific+nt 2oss in 9+2-e4 It is c+2c-2+te0 +s c-rrent +ssets /in-s in9entor: 0i9i0e0 .: c-rrent 2i+.i2ities4 Ta@5e 91-1* Cuic6 Ratio O<e4 Time GRs1 in t>ousan7H #-ic= Assets C-rrent Li+.i2ities Cuic6 Ratio *::,-,89*,-. 9 *:,.'*,-. 9 '1)9 *::. 9.,),*,98 ; ,:,*)-,-, * '1-9 *::) ?(15'51&5' ';1;;$1$;* *1:.

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($


P+,e ?5

Internship Report On PTCL

The 3-ic= r+tio of the fir/ is +2/ost to c-rrent r+tio of the fir/ +s it h+s 0ecre+se0 fro/ '((? on<+r0 .-t sti22 it is enco-r+,in,1 sho<s th+t the fir/ is 2i3-i0 eno-,h to p+: its 2i+.i2ities +t short notice .-t this tren0 of incre+sin, is f+9or+.2e for short ter/ cre0itors of the fir/4 This r+tio h+s .een +ffecte0 .: the h-,e +/o-nt of 0i9i0en0 0ec2+re0 .: the co/p+n:4 The co/p+n: c+n e+si2: i/pro9e the r+tio .: re0-cin, the 0i9i0en0 in the f-t-re .-t the: h+9e to consi0er o9er+22 sit-+tion i4e4 in9estorHs interest1 cre0itorHs interest etc4 ACTI IT! ANAL!SIS Acti9it: r+tios /e+s-re the oper+tion+2 efficienc: of the fir/ .: 2oo=in, into the /o/ents of tot+2 +ssets4 These r+tios te22 -s <ith ho< /-ch efficienc: the fir/ h+s in e/p2o:in, its tot+2 +ssets to ,ener+te s+2es +n0 <ith <h+t fre3-enc: c-rrent +ssets of the fir/ +re t-rne0 into c+sh$4 These r+tios hi,h2i,ht the +cti9ities of the fir/ thro-,ho-t the :e+r4 Bo22o<in, +re so/e co//on2: -se0 r+tios to 0eter/ine the +cti9ities of PTCL4 Recei<a@5e Tu4no<e4 Ratio

This r+tio pro9i0es insi,ht of the 3-+2it: of the fir/Hs recei9+.2es +n0 ho< s-ccessf-2 the fir/ is in its co22ection4 In short it te22s the n-/.er of ti/es recei9+.2es into +nn-+2 net cre0it s+2es4 Ta@5e 91;1' Recei<a@5e Tu4no<e4 Ratio GRs1 in t>ousan7H Tot+2 Re9en-e Recei9+.2es Ratio Inte4F4etation The hi,her the r+tio1 the shorter <i22 .e the ti/e .et<een the t:pic+2 s+2es +n0 c+sh co22ection4 The tren0 +n+2:sis sho<s th+t t-rn o9er r+tio is 0ecre+se0 in '((& <hi2e incre+se0 in '(($4 In the :e+r '(($ recei9+.2e t-rno9er r+tio +re *'4;% sho<s th+t PTCL is t-rnin, its recei9+.2es into c+sh /ore th+n t<e29e ti/es in + fin+nci+2 :e+r4 This tren0 *::)-,8)*,,. , ),.9-,;98189 *::. .8,:;-,9, . ),-),,),: 81'* *::) &?1'$$1('? ?1''%1?&( '*19;

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

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Internship Report On PTCL

of 0ecre+sin, in this r+tio is .ec+-se of 0ecre+se in recei9+.2es is 2ess th+n the 0ecre+se in the tot+2 re9en-e4 C+-ses of 0ecre+se h+9e .een 0isc-sse0 in the .e,innin, of this ch+pter4 Bor + .etter 9ie< +,in, +cco-nts recei9+.2es /-st .e +n+2:>e0 to see ho< /+n: +re 0-e K p+st 0-e4 PaAa@5e Tu4no<e4 Ratio

This r+tio is c+2c-2+te0 +s oper+tin, cost p2-s (/in-s) +n: incre+se (0ecre+se) in in9entor: 0i9i0e0 .: +cco-nts p+:+.2e4 This r+tio is -se0 to =no< +.o-t the n-/.er of ti/es +cco-nt p+:+.2e is /+0e 0-rin, the :e+r4 Ta@5e 91;1* PaAa@5e Tu4no<e4 Ratio GRs1 In t>ousan7H Oper+tin, Cost Op4Cost T inc in in9 Acco-nts P+:+.2e Ratio Inte4F4etation The r+tio is 9er: hi,h in '(($ .ec+-se the +cco-nts p+:+.2es +re 9er: 2o< in '(($ +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((? K '((& <hich h+s sho<n +n incre+se in the r+tio4 R+tio sho<s +n incre+se of '%'J in '(($ +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((& +n0 +n incre+se of &4&J in '((& +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((?4 Acco-nts p+:+.2e is 0eno/in+tor in the for/-2+ +n0 res-2ts + 9er: h-,e effect4 In<ento4A Tu4no<e4 Ratio *::,8,.:;,., 8 9',:;','' : 9-:,,,: 8'1** *::. 9',.;),8' ; 9',)8.,8) 9*8,;,: 8)1*9 *::) ;&1?&;155% ;$1(($1%&? *$*1?%* *),18)

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

This r+tio 0eter/ines ho< effecti9e2: the fir/ is /+n+,in, its in9entor:4 It is c+2c-2+te0 +s cost of ,oo0s so20 0i9i0e0 .: in9entor:4 In the c+se of PTCL <e <i22 p-t oper+tin, cost4

Ta@5e 91;1, In<ento4A Tu4no<e4 Ratio GRs1 In t>ousan7H

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Internship Report On PTCL

Oper+tin, Cost In9entor: Ratio Inte4F4etation

*::,8,.:;,., 8 ,,,*.,.** ''18'

*::. 9',.;),8' ; ,,9,-,.)8 '*1',

*::) ;&1?&;155% 51%$C1'(& '*1::

In9entor: t-rno9er r+tio <+s **4C* in '((? .-t incre+se0 to *'4*5 in '((& +n0 in '(($ it +,+in 0ecre+se0 to *'4((4 o<e9er PTCL h+s sho<n ,oo0 perfor/+nce in '((& .: contro22in, in9entor: t-rno9er4

P4ofita@i5itA Ratios R+tios th+t re2+te profits to s+2es +n0 in9est/ent +re c+22e0 profit+.i2it: r+tios %4 It is of t<o t:pe i4e4 profit+.i2it: in re2+tion to s+2e K profit+.i2it: in re2+tion to in9est/ent4 P4ofita@i5itA In Re5ation To Sa5e

#4oss P4ofit Ma4gin It is c+2c-2+te0 ,ross profit 0i9i0e0 .: net s+2es4 This r+tio te22s +.o-t the profit of the fir/ +n0 is +2so + /e+s-re of the +.i2it: of the fir/Hs oper+tion4 Ta@5e 9181' #4oss P4ofit Ma4gin GRs1 In t>ousan7H Re9en-e Oper+tin, Cost Re9 ) op costUD4P Ratio *::)-,8)*,,., ,8,.:;,.,8 ,.,,.,,)*9 9)1;.K *::. .8,:;-,9,. 9',.;),8'; *),,8),-'; ,81..K *::) &?1'$$1('? ;&1?&;155% *%1$*'1&%$ *;1.)K

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

Inte4F4etation The r+tio te22s th+t oper+tion of the co/p+n: is sti22 efficient i4e4 it is sti22 'CJ4 It <+s c+2c-2+te0 ;$4%&J in '((?1 5C4&&J in '((& +n0 '%4&$J in '(($ in0ic+tin, th+t PTCL is

P+,e ?&

Internship Report On PTCL

effecti9e in pro0-cin, +n0 se22in, pro0-ct +n0 ser9ices <e22 +.o9e the cost4 This tren0 of 0ecre+se in the DP /+r,in is .ec+-se of 0ecre+se in re9en-e +n0 .ec+-se of incre+se in oper+tin, cost4 Decre+se in re9en-e is .ec+-se of 0ec2ine in t+riff <hi2e incre+se in oper+tin, cost is p+rti+22: .ec+-se of inf2+tion +n0 inefficienc: c+-se0 .: the perio0 of -ncert+int: 0-e to pri9+ti>+tion4 Net P4ofit Ma4gin It is c+2c-2+te0 +s net profit +fter t+@es 0i9i0e0 .: net s+2es4 It is + /e+s-re of the fir/Hs profit+.i2it: of s+2es t+=in, +cco-nt of +22 the e@penses +n0 t+@es4 It sho<s + fir/Hs net inco/e per r-pee of s+2es4

Ta@5e 9181* Net P4ofit Ma4gin GRs, in t>ousan7H Net profit +fter t+@es Re9en-e Ratio Inte4F4etation Bor PTCL in '(($1 '; p+is+ o-t of e9er: s+2es of Rs4* constit-tes +fter t+@ profit <here +s in '((& it <+s 5( p+is+ <hi2e in '(( it <+s 5? p+is+4 PTCL h+s notice0 + 0ecre+se of '(4'5J in its DP /+r,in '(($ +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((& <hi2e this 0ecre+se in '((& <+s *'J +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((?4 DP /+r,in of ';J is sti22 enco-r+,in, for PTCL .-t this tren0 of 0ecre+se in its DP /+r,in is ne9er4 P4ofita@i5itA in 4e5ation to in<estment *::*.,.:-,.) )-,8)*,,. , ,-1:*K *::. *:,))),9, : .8,:;-,9, . ,:1:)K *::) *?1&5%1$?5 &?1'$$1('? *,18.

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

Retu4n on In<estment o4 on Assets

P+,e ?$

Internship Report On PTCL

It is c+2c-2+te0 +s net profit +fter t+@es 0i9i0e0 .: tot+2 +ssets4 This r+tio sho<s the percent+,e inco/e ,ener+te0 on per r-pee in9est/ent4 Ta@5e 9181, Retu4n on In<estment o4 on Assets GRs1in t>ousan7H Net profit +fter t+@es Tot+2 Assets Ratio Inte4F4etation Ret-rn on in9est/ent in '(($ is *(4'5J th+t is + profit o9er the fir/Hs in9est/ent res-2tin, fro/ its oper+tions4 It e@p2+ins th+t the fir/ h+s e+rne0 + *(4'5J o9er e+ch r-pee in9este0 in '(($4 ROI in '((? +n0 '((& is *C4?%J +n0 *54&?J respecti9e2:4 *::*.,.:-,.-) ',-,;;9,.: ; '81-;K *::. *:,))),9,: '-*,*9:,:* * ',1.-K *::) *?1&5%1$?5 *?'1%'(1%&( ':1*,K

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($

Retu4n on E?uitA It is c+2c-2+te0 +s net profit +fter t+@es (/in-s preferre0 stoc= 0i9i0en0) 0i9i0e0 .: sh+reho20erHs e3-it:4 Ret-rn on e3-it: ref2ects the e+rnin, po<er of sh+reho20er .oo= 9+2-e of in9est/ent4 A hi,h ret-rn on e3-it: ref2ects the fir/Hs +ccept+nce of stron, in9est/ent opport-nities +n0 effecti9e e@pense /+n+,e/ent4 Ta@5e 91819 Retu4n on E?uitA GRs1 In t>ousan7H Net profit +fter t+@es Sh+reho20erHs e3-it: Ratio *::*.,.:-,.-) '::,:'9,:, ' *.1.K *::. *:,))),9,: ':-,9)-,9. 9 '81)K *::) *?1&5%1$?5 **(1C*51'&; '91':K

So-rce: PTCL +nn-+2 report '((& K '(($


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Internship Report On PTCL

In '((? +n0 '((& ROE <+s '&4&J +n0 *C4$J respecti9e2: +n0 in '(($ it is *;4*J4 The tren0 is ne,+ti9e +n0 0ecre+sin, contin-o-s2:4 PTCL h+s sho<n '%J 0ecre+se in ROE in '(($ +s co/p+re0 to th+t of '((&4 The 0e.t r+tio is not too hi,h <hich /e+ns th+t there +re stron, in9est/ent opport-nities4 An0 there is effecti9e e@pense /+n+,e/ent .-t PTCL <i22 h+9e to contro2 its 0ecre+sin, tren0 of ROE4

P+,e ?C

Internship Report On PTCL


C>aFte4 3 -

P+,e &(

Internship Report On PTCL

PTCL is + .i, or,+ni>+tion re,+r0in, +22 the 0ep+rt/ents inc2-0in, Bin+nce1 Oper+tions1 -/+n reso-rce etc4 there +re se9er+2 stren,ths1 <e+=ness opport-nities +n0 thr+ts of these 0ep+rt/ents1 <hich <i22 .e 0isc-sse0 +s fo22o<: St4engt>s T>e $iggest "o4eign ELc>ange Ea4ne4 PTCL is the .i,,est so-rce of forei,n e@ch+n,e for P+=ist+n4 It e+rns + 2ot forei,n e@ch+n,e for/ its intern+tion+2 tr+ffic4 A7e?uate "inancia5 Resou4ces PTCL e+rns .i22ions of R-pees +s + /+Aor so-rce of c+pit+24 These +0e3-+te fin+nci+2 reso-rces not on2: en+.2e the co/p+n: to cop: <ith +n: -ne@pecte0 e9ent .-t to 0ep2o: its reso-rces to incre+se pro0-ct 2ine +n0 ser9ices <itho-t fee2in, +n: fin+nci+2 0iffic-2t4 "4ee "4om ComFetiti<e P4essu4e PTCL h+s no co/petitor in the /+r=et +n0 other co/p+nies +re 2e,+22: not +22o<e0 enter in co/petition <ith PTCL .efore '((54So PTCL is perfor/in, its +cti9ities free2: <itho-t +n: press-re4 Lea7e4s>iF In T>e Ma46et PTCL is 2e+0in, Co/p+n: to pro9i0e te2eco/ f+ci2ities in the P+=ist+n4 PTCL +i/s +t -sin, the 2+test techno2o,: in the fie20 of en,ineerin, +n0 IT for its ser9ices4 It is +2so ,ettin, const+nc: fro/ intern+tion+2 Co/p+nies in or0er to re/+in 2e+0er in te2eco/ sector4 A7e?uate "inancia5 Resou4ces PTC 2e+rns .i22ion of r-pees +s profit per :e+r +n0 h+s eno-,h /one: in its ,ener+2 reser9e4 It +2so h+s +s + /+Aor so-rce of c+pit+24 These +0e3-+te fin+nci+2 reso-rces

not on2: en+.2e the Co/p+n: to cope <ith +n: -ne@pecte0 e9ent .-t no 0ep2o: its reso-rces to incre+se its pro0-ct 2ine4

P+,e &*

Internship Report On PTCL

Mo7e4n Tec>no5ogA PTCL is r-nnin, /o0ern techno2o,: to 0e9e2op its pro0-cts +n0 ser9ices +n0 i/pro9e the 3-+2it: of ser9ices4 In this connection it h+s rep2+ce0 the o20 e@ch+n,es <ith ne< 0i,it+2 e@ch+n,es4 It h+s co/p-teri>e0 .i22in, s:ste/4 D-e to this techno2o,: tho-s+n0 of co/p2+ints h+9e .een re0-ce04 PTCL h+s +2so entere0 in the .-siness of Mo.i2e phone +n0 Internet ser9ices4 OFtiona5 Po5ices An7 ComFensation Best +n0 option+2 po2icies +n0 +ttr+cti9e co/pens+tion p+c=+,es for e/p2o:ees1 <hich h+s re+22: i/pro9e0 their co//it/ent1 0e0ic+tion +n0 h+r0 <or= to<+r0s the +chie9e/ent of or,+ni>+tion ,o+2s4 Human Resou4ce De<e5oFment -/+n reso-rce 0e9e2op/ent +n0 e/p2o:/ent of techno2o,: to<+r0s /o0ern 0e9e2op/ent4

%i7e Dist4i@ution C>anne5s

E+s: +ccess to the c-sto/ers +t their resi0enti+2 2oc+2ities thro-,h <i0e 0istri.-tion ch+nne24 %ea6nesses Am@iguitA In St4ategic Di4ection PTCL is 0oin, .-siness 9er: <e22 .-t on2: to th+t e@ten0 to <hich c-sto/ers respon04 A2tho-,h PTCL is ,ener+tin, re9en-e fro/ its 9+2-e +00e0 ser9ices .-t it 0oesnHt h+9e +n: so2i0 fin+nci+2 str+te,ic o-t2ine1 <hich c+n cope the entire co/p2e@ fin+nci+2 sit-+tion1 +n0 +2so +/.i,-it: e@ists in i/p2e/ent+tion str+te,ic fin+nci+2 p2+ns4 E@tern+22:1 PTCL h+s no co/petitors so it h+s no .ench/+r= to ,+-,e fin+nci+2 perfor/+nce of its 0ifferent 0ep+rt/ents <ith those of co/petitors4

Senio4itA $ases P4omotions

P+,e &'

Internship Report On PTCL

PTCL is 2e+0in, infor/+tion techno2o,: .-t it is not =no<2e0,e oriente0 so f+r +s pro/otions of its e/p2o:ees +re concerne04 Pro/otions of PTCL e/p2o:ees +re seniorit: .+se04 Most of e/p2o:ees +re concerne04 Pro/otions of PTCL e/p2o:ees1 <ho ,et pro/ote0 on seniorit: .+sis1 +re 2ess =no<2e0,e+.2e +n0 non)profession+2 +n0 c+nnot cope <ith the ch+22en,es of this e9er),ro<in, fie204 On the other h+n0 /ost of its =no<2e0,e+.2e +n0 <e22)e0-c+te0 e/p2o:ees h+9e no ch+nce of ,ettin, hi,her Positions4 The: h+9e to <or= -n0er their .oss <ho h+s /ore e@perience .-t 2ess =no<2e0,e +.o-t Infor/+tion Techno2o,: +n0 Te2eco//-nic+tion4 Lac6 of Human Resou4ces Management PTCL h+s no h-/+n reso-rces /+n+,e/ent 0ep+rt/ent4 It 0oesnHt h+9e c2e+r po2ic: re,+r0in, hirin, K tr+inin, of <or= force4 In PTCL1 for /ost of the Ao.s there is no Ao. <or= K e9+2-+tion of perfor/+nce of e/p2o:ees4

Lac6 of T4aining P4og4am

There is no proper tr+inin, pro,r+/ to i/pro9e the s=i22 of PTCL e/p2o:ees to cope <ith e9er)ch+n,in, te2eco//-nic+tion sector4 Less s=i22e0 K inefficient <or=ers +re cre+tin, h-r02es in its ,ro<th4 No Effecti<e Ma46eting DeFa4tment There is no effecti9e /+r=etin, 0ep+rt/ent in the Or,+ni>+tion4 There is on2: /+r=etin, officer <or=in, +s + /+n+,er1 f-rther /ore /+r=etin, st+ff in the fie20 re,ion is +2so not +9+i2+.2e4 Ineffecti<e Human Resou4ce Management PTCL h+s +2tho-,h no< set -p + RM 0ep+rt/ent .-t sti22 it is not f-nctionin, +s per the re3-ire/ent of the co/petiti9e en9iron/ent4 Most of the Ao.s h+9e no proper Ao. 0escription +n0 specific+tion4

Custome4 Dissatisfaction An7 De5aAe7 ResFonses

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Internship Report On PTCL

M+n: c-sto/er of PTCL +re not s+tisfie0 <ith its ser9ices .ec+-se of <ron, .i22in,1 2+te 0e2i9er: of .i22s +n0 0e2+:e0 responses for +n: f+-2t in the te2ephone4 So/e c-sto/er co/p2+ins th+t the: recei9e0 their .i22s in f-22 +/o-nt +2tho-,h the: h+9e st+:e0 o-t of the ho/e +n0 h+0 not -se the te2ephone +t +224 A@sence of ComFanA Cu5tu4e There is no inc2-sion or co/p+n: c-2t-re +n0 +ppro+ches +/on, the officers of PTCL +n0 /ost2: their .eh+9ior <ith ,ener+2 p-.2ic is sti22 .-re+-cr+tic +n0 their +ppro+ch is not o.Aecti9e or profit)oriente04 OFFo4tunities Inc4easing ADa4eness Rate PTCL c+n sho< its interest in e0-c+tin, peop2e K incre+sin, 2iter+2it: r+te4 In this <+:1 PTCL <i22 not on2: f-2fi22 its soci+2 responsi.i2it: .-t <i22 +2so .e +.2e to incre+se +<+reness r+te K it <i22 .e he2p f-22 in the e@p+nsion of PTCL .-siness4

S6i55fu5 >uman 4esou4ces:

PTCL c+n i/pro9e the s=i22 of its /+npo<er .: pro9i0in, the/ the opport-nities of +09+nce0 co-rses th+t <i22 /+=e the/ to cope <ith the e9er)ch+n,in, con0ition in fie20 of te2eco//-nic+tion4 Ente4ing T>e NeD Ma46et PTCL recent2: is st+rtin, its /o.i2e ser9ices hence; it <i22 enter in the /+r=et4 PTCL c+n e@p+n0 its .-siness .: e@p2orin, +n0 enterin, in ne< /+r=ets in si/i2+r <+:4 Te5ecom "aci5ities In Ru4a5 A4eas A22 the 9+2-e +00e0 ser9ices +n0 0i,it+2 f+ci2ities +re +9+i2+.2e on2: in the /+in cities of P+=ist+n4 PTCL c+n e@p+n0 its .-siness .: pro9i0in, te2eco/ f+ci2ities in r-r+2 +re+s1 <hich is on2: possi.2e <hen +0e3-+te p2+nnin, is 0one4


P+,e &;

Internship Report On PTCL

PTCL c+n +2so i/pro9e the h-/+n reso-rces .: the se2ection of co/petent person for 0ifferent 0ep+rt/ents +n0 this c+n on2: possi.2e .: 0isco-r+,in, the corr-ption +n0 f+9oritis/4 A77ition To T>e P4o7uct Line Top /+n+,e/ent of Or,+ni>+tion c+n /+=e +00itions to its e@istin, pro0-ct 2ine .: pro9i0in, /ore ser9ices4 In this <+: it c+n incre+se its re9en-e +n0 c-sto/er s+tisf+ction4 This re3-ires /+r=et rese+rch4 PTCL h+s +2re+0: c+pt-re0 the in0-str: so +22 =in0 of the opport-nities +re for PTCL ti22 the en0 of /onopo2:4

T>4eats ELc>ange Rate Ris6 E@ch+n,e R+te Ris= <i22 c+-se PTCL net e@ch+n,e 2oss on forei,n 2o+ns4 De9+2-+tion of r-pees <i22 incre+se the cost of pro0-ction1 /+chiner:1 +n0 +2/ost +22 the e3-ip/ent1 i/porte0 fro/ forei,n co-ntries4 So e@ch+n,e r+te ris= <i22 +ffect the Profit+.i2it: of PTCL +n0 +2so incre+se the ris= of ,ettin, forei,n 2o+ns in f-t-re4 #o<e4nment Legis5ation Do9ern/ent po2icies c+n +ffect the perfor/+nce of PTCL4 c+n +ffect the recr-itin, po2icies of PTCL4 ence ,o9ern/ent po2icies <i22 .e + re+2 thre+t for PTCL if the: +re not in f+9or of PTCL .-siness +cti9ities4 This


P+,e &?

Internship Report On PTCL

At the en0 of the /onopo2:1 co/petitors <i22 enter the in0-str: +n0 the co/p2etion <i22 incre+se +s + res-2t of <hich the: <i22 offer hi,h p+:s +n0 f+ci2ities to s=i22)person of the in0-str:4 This c+n incre+se the t-rno9er of PTCL1 <hich c+n cre+te + serio-s thre+t for the or,+ni>+tion4 Dec4ease In Ma46et S>a4e Due To ComFetition After the en0 of /onopo2:1 0iss+tisfie0 c-sto/ers /+: shift to those te2eco/ ser9ices pro9i0ers <ho the: thin= <o-20 offer .etter ser9ices th+n PTCL1 +n0 <i22 incre+se c-sto/er s+tisf+ction4 Decre+se in /+r=et sh+re <o-20 0ecre+se the profit+.i2it: of PTCL1 <hich <i22 .e + re+2 thre+t in ne+r f-t-re4S<ot /+tri@ t+.2e +re on the other p+,e4

P+,e &&

Internship Report On PTCL

STREN#THS&S *4 Bi,,est forei,n e@ch+n,e e+rner '4 A0e3-+te fin+nci+2 reso-rces 54 M+r=et 2e+0er in P+=ist+n ;4 Use of /o0ern techno2o,: ?4 Attr+cti9e co/pens+tion &4 !i0e 0istri.-tion ch+nne2s

%EAKNESSES&% *4 A/.i,-it: in str+te,ic 0irection '4 Seniorit: .+ses pro/otions 54 Poor tr+inin, ;4 C-sto/er 0iss+tisf+ction +n0 0e2+:e0 responses ?4 Ineffecti9e h-/+n reso-rce /+n+,e/ent %O STRATE#IES *4 Better tr+inin, pro,r+/ <i22 re0-ce c-sto/er 0iss+tisf+ction +n0 he2ps e/p2o:ees to =no< the correct str+te,ic 0irection '4 Proper recr-it/ent +n0 +<+reness <i22 i/pro9e h-/+n reso-rce /+n+,e/ent %T STRATE#IES *4 M+=e c2e+r the str+te,ic 0irection .efore e/p2o:ees +n0 pro/otion /-st .e on /erit .+ses '4 Use ne< /etho0s of tr+inin, +n0 re0-ce prices to i/pro9e /+r=et sh+re +n0 c-sto/er s+tisf+ction

OPPORTUNITIES&O *4 Incre+sin, +<+reness r+te '4 I/pro9in, tr+inin, 54 Enterin, the ne< /+r=et ;4 Proper recr-it/ent ?4 A00ition to pro0-ct 2ine

SO SRATE#IES *4 Bin+nci+2 reso-rces c+n .e -se0 to incre+se +<+reness1 i/pro9e tr+inin, +n0 0e9e2op/ent '4 <i0e 0istri.-tion ch+nne2s <i22 incre+se co/p+n: s+2es if ne< pro0-ct 2ines +re +00e0 to e@istin, 2ines

THREATS&T *4 E@ch+n,e r+te ris= '4 Do9ern/ent 2e,is2+tion 54 Incre+se in e/p2o:ees t-rno9er ;4 Decre+se in /+r=et sh+re

ST STRATE#IES *4 Bin+nci+2 reso-rces +n0 +ttr+cti9e co/pens+tion c+n .e -se0 to pre9ent e/p2o:ees t-rno9er '4 Mo0ern techno2o,: +n0 <i0e 0istri.-tion ch+nne2s c+n .e -se0 to incre+se /+r=et sh+re

P+,e &$

Internship Report On PTCL

P+,e &%

Internship Report On PTCL


P+,e &C

Internship Report On PTCL


Concu5usion The o9er +22 perfor/+nce of PTCL h+s .een 0ec2inin, +fter pri9+ti>+tion4 The /+in si,n+2s of perfor/+nce tren0 +re s-//+ri>e0 .e2o<: There is +n incre+sin, tren0 in the re9en-e -nti2 '((? +fter <hich it h+s 0ec2ine0 si,nific+nt2:4 4Oper+tin, profit /+r,in sho<s incre+se in tren0 for :e+rs '((51 '((;1 '((; .-t it 0ecre+se for '((? +n0 f-rther 0ecre+se for :e+r '((&4 Oper+tin, cost for :e+r '((? <+s hi,her .: '5J <hi2e for the :e+r '((& <+s ?4'?J hi,her then 2+st :e+r1 Ret-rn on e3-it: st+rte0 0ecre+sin, +fter pri9+ti>+tion1 <hi2e +/o-nt of 0i9i0en01 +fter 0ecre+sin, in :e+r '((?1 r+ise0 in '((& +n0 +,+in 0ecre+se0 in '(($ Asi0e fro/ the n-/eric+2 perfor/+nce in0ic+tors1 PTCL too= se9er+2 steps to co//ence the Ao-rne: to .rin, + c-2t-re ch+r,e in the or,+ni>+tion4 This ent+i2s p-ttin, ,re+ter foc-s on c-sto/er ser9ice +n0 e/ph+si>in, /erit1 inte,rit: +n0 openness in the Co/p+n:Hs .-siness pr+ctices +n0 process4 So there is + hope th+t n-/eric+2 perfor/+nce positi9e res-2ts in ne+r f-t-re4

P+,e $(

Internship Report On PTCL

Recommen7ations 6eepin, in 9ie< the +fore/entione0 h-r02e E pro.2e/s the fo22o<in, +re so/e re/e0i+2 /e+s-res1 <hich he2p to cre+te + .etter s:ste/4 This st-0: sho<s th+t There +re 9er: fe< pro,r+/s for c+reer 0e9e2op/ent of the e/p2o:ees4 Peop2e <or=in, in one section or 0ep+rt/ent fro/ :e+rs +re sti22 <ith the s+/e =no<2e0,e +n0 st:2e of 0oin, Ao.4 There sho-20 .e proper c+reer p2+nnin, of e/p2o:ee th+t not on2: sh+rpens the s=i22s of the e/p2o:ee K i/pro9e its efficienc: .-t +2so res-2ts in .etter +n0 i/pro9e0 o-tp-t for the or,+ni>+tion4 e@istin, s:ste/ is not -p to the s2+n0ere0 +n0 /-st .e rep2+cin, <ith +n efficient one4 A co/prehensi9e fin+nci+2 infor/+tion s:ste/ is re3-ire0 to .e stre+/2ine01 so th+t +9+i2+.i2it: of +cc-r+te 0+t+ recor0s /+: .e ins-re04 A22 the too2 of enforce/ent of strict fin+nci+2 0iscip2ine /+: .e -n0er t+=en in or0er to /onitor the <ho2e s:ste/4 A22 the recor0s sho-20 .e co/p-teri>e0 +n0 for this p-rpose speci+2 co/p-ter pro,r+/ sho-20 .e -se04 E/p2o:ees sho-20 .e e3-ippe0 <ith -p to 0+te IT s=i22s +n0 for this p-rpose refresher K tr+inin, co-rses sho-20 .e 0esi,ne04 The officer /+: .e tr+ine0 to +0opt co/p+n: c-2t-re soft)spo=en1 ,oo0 re2+tions <ith c-sto/ers +n0 t+r,et oriente04 Bin+nce +n0 /+r=etin, offices +n0 en,ineers /+: .e sen0in, to intern+tion+2 se/in+rsE <or=shops to ,et =no<2e0,e of ne< techni3-e +n0 proce0-res4 There sho-20 .e effecti9e h-/+n reso-rce 0ep+rt/ent in or0er to ,et ri,ht peop2e on the ri,ht Ao.4 Pro/otion sho-20 .e /+0e the .+sis of perfor/+nce r+ther th+n seniorit:4

P+,e $*

Internship Report On PTCL

Most of the PTCL personne2 +re non)profession+2; I s-,,est th+t the co/petent +-thorit: of PTCL sho-20 .e +ppointin, profession+2s4 There sho-20 .e effecti9e h-/+n reso-rce 0ep+rt/ent in or0er to ,et ri,ht peop2e on the ri,ht Ao.4

O9er st+ffin, +n0 -n.+2+nce0 0istri.-tion of e/p2o:ees in 0ep+rt/ents4 Li=e +22 the ,o9ern/ent +n0 se/i ,o9ern/ent instit-tions PTCL h+s +2so e@cessi9e st+ff th+n re3-ire04 In or0er to incre+se the efficienc: of <or=er Ao. is +ssi,ne0 to its c+2iper to 0e9e2op his interest in <or= th+t incre+se the o-t p-t +n0 0ecre+se the o9er+22 cost of or,+ni>+tion4

In the co/p+n: there is +n -nnecess+r: e/ph+sis on 0oc-/ent+tion4 In tr+nsitions + 2en,th: proce0-re of p+per <or= is in9o29e0 th+t 0ecre+se the efficienc: +n0 res-2ts in <+st+,e of ti/e4 It sho-20 .e the 0-t: of /+n+,e/ent to +-to/+te the 0oc-/ent+tion of recor0 on 2ine to +22 offices +t s+/e ti/e

P+,e $'

Internship Report On PTCL


C4M+/es1 ! Acho<ie04 *CCC4 Financial management **th e0ition: printice +224 ien> !eihrich +n0 +ro20 6oont>. Management, *(th e0ition1 Ne< "or=: Mc Dr+<) i22 Inc4*CC;44 PTCL Ann-+2 Report '((?4 PTCL Ann-+2 Report '((&4 PTCL Ann-+2 Report '(($4 PTCL Bin+nce Dep+rt/ent Se=r+n1 U4'((( Research Methods of Business USA4 Mohn !i22e: K Sons1 Inc Tho/pson S4L4 strategic Management concept& cases, Ne< De2hi T+t+ Me,r+) i22 p-.2ishin, Co/p+n: Lt0 <<<4ptc24co/4p=

P+,e $5

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