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Attend the 2014 Congress of Future Medical Leaders to Get a National Academy of Future Physicians College Credit

Attending a career conference can provide many interesting details for young people, and the 2014 Congress of Future Medical Leaders is no different. However, for certain students there is an additional enefit! they can earn a "ational #cade$y of Future %hysicians college credit after attending the 2014 Congress. What is the 2014 Congress of Future Medical Leaders Both becoming a physician and entering the field of medical research can be fulfilling career choices; however, accomplishing either can e challenging. &he young people who are interested in these areas often need so$e guidance, access to resources, or direction to successfully navigate their path. &he "ational #cade$y of Future %hysicians can assist y offering $entorship and recognition for outstanding students. On February 14-1 , !"14, the #cade$y will hold their 2014 Congress where right high school students interested in science and $edicine can $eet and interact with so$e of the est $edical $inds of the day. &he Congress is an honors'only progra$ (for students with a ).* +%# or higher, which will also connect these students to $entors that $ay help the$ achieve their scientific goals. !o" to Earn a College Credit #hile attending the $ongress has always een of enor$ous enefit to the high school students that attend, there is a newly added value. %he &ational Academy of Future 'hysicians and (edical )cientists had partnered with #ashington Adventist *niversity +#A*, so that attendees are eligible for a transferrable college credit- %o earn this credit, the student has to complete the $ongress, receive the Award of ./cellence from the Academy, complete an application to #A*, and complete an essay on 0(y 1ision for the Future of (edicine2%here is also a 3!4" fee for the college credit which is due before the beginning of the $ongress- %he transferability of the credit will depend on the student5s college of choice&onetheless, getting a college credit, learning about the field of medicine and meeting potential mentors is a great opportunity#he !ealthcare Landsca$e %he *nited )tates is facing a healthcare crisis- %here will be a shortage of primary care physicians for the population in the coming years- %here is also concern about the current changes in the way that the country provides health care for its citi6ens- %he

new health care law has been controversial and the original rollout has not been without glitches#ith these well-publici6ed concerns, it is important that high school and college students continue to be inspired to enter the medical profession- 7istening to the news could convince some students that medicine is a perilous field to enter- Fortunately, many young people are optimistic about the future of health care and those people need to be encouraged- (eetings li8e the !"14 $ongress serve to do 9ust that%o learn more about the !"14 $ongress, the &ational Academy of Future 'hysicians, and the college credit, visit www-futuredocs-com-

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