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<6:=1-; >+?)5@6-,)+( Paul Spaiks, Ph.B.
0ffice (949) 22S 2S92 Email: pispaikspeppeiuine.euu Skype: pspaiksp

A.6,16B,1,-;( Email is best foi most couise communication. Bowevei, inuiviuual
Skype oi phone confeiences aie available at any time by appointment.

#1622 "6;2 A+4 C)=52( This class is online anu will meet in uoogle+ Bangouts on
the following Thuisuays at S oi 8 PN. Sep S, 12, 26; 0ct 1u, 24; Nov7, 21 & Bec S, 12.

D./5.,/8( Stuuent will exploie the use of games, collaboiative softwaie, anu
inteiactive web platfoims as social leaining enviionments anu cognitive tools. This
class builus a founuation of leaining theoiy anu bioau anu complex thinking about
peisonal anu community theoiies of leaining. The goal is to help stuuents
unueistanu how theoiies of leaining shape the uesign anu use of technology tools in
euucating touay's leainei.

<611( Exploiing Cognitive, Social anu Constiuctivist appioaches to leaining

7/65+,+* D=-:)@/2(
- LEARN: To synthesize theoiies anu builu both a peisonal anu community
theoiy of leaining.
- B0: Woik as a membei of a knowleuge builuing community builuing
conceptual tools anu shaiing expeiiences.
- F0RN: Iuentity as a scholai who knows how to use eviuence anu expeiience to
builu anu challenge theoiies.
- PERF0RN: Shaie leaining expeiiences thiough vaiious aitifacts anu wiiting.

Bewey - Bemociacy anu Euucation
Smith - The Book of Leaining anu Foigetting
Wengei - Bigital Babitats
0thei web mateiials (TBB)

A:-,.,-,/2 6+4 #)=52/ E/F=,5/@/+-2 ?)5 <611
Final giaues aie baseu on assignments, gioup piojects anu paiticipation.
P1: Personal Learning Theory Trailer (2u%)
P2: C0P case stuuyethnogiaphy (2u%)
PS: Builuing Leaining Theoiy Knowleuge (Wiki) (2u%)
Blogging (2u%)
0nline Paiticipation - Be piesentactive in online uiscussions (2u%)

Total Points (70% C, 80% B, 90% A) (100%)

P1 - Personal Learning Theory Podcast
The goal of this assignment is to realize and communicate what you believe about how
people learn. The deliverable is a 2 minute podcast that summarizes YOUR current
beliefs about learning or in essence your own theory of learning. Try to answer some hard
qustions such as, what Post a link in the Forum so we can all listen and respond.

A1: What Would Wenger do (WWWD?) Select a learning theorist and prepare
yourself to suggest actions for the Action Research problems of your colleagues.

P2: Ethnography of a CoP Assignment - Due 11/2
A field study or a case report explores the knowledge and the system of meanings in the
lives of a cultural group. Observe and write a qualitative report exploring the cultural
phenomena of a community of practice. Post in Forums for review and comment.
1. Browse last years projects in Mindmaps
2. Select an unfamiliar CoP and clear your CoP idea with instructor via email
3. Observe the CoP, for significant periods of time, document w video, notes, etc.
4. Create a 5 (+/-2) min video documentary of how the CoP functions.
5. Include membership, leadership, sharing of knowledge, mentoring, expertise, etc.

A2: I Want My MTV. Prepare yourself to redesign Courses (SAKAI) based on Social
Learning Theories and discuss why educators do not play a greater role in media design.

P3: Building Knowledge: Learning Theory Wiki
Become an expert on a second learning theorist. Write a page on each and a page on their
similarities and differences. As a cadre decide what would be the most meaningful way to
collect or assemble the cadres collective knowledge of learning theory.

G//H1; I:9/4=1/( Synch scheuule Sep S, 12, 2S; 0ct 1u, 24; Nov 7, 21; Bec S, 12.
Week Topic ActivitiesReauing
1-2 !"#$%&'( *"'#&+&, -."%#+"$ 8ead: uewey 1-3
8ead: uewey 6- end
S-4 *"'#&+&, -."%#+"$ '&/ 0#'1-+1"

!2 /3"

S-6 *"'#&+&, '&/ 4%#,"--+&, 8ead SmlLh 1
8ead SmlLh 2
7-8 5%663&+-+"$ %7 !#'1-+1" Wenger arL 1
Wenger Web slLe
9-1u 83#-3#+&, 5%663&+-+"$ %7 !#'1-+1" !9 /3"
Wenger arL 3

:3+(/+&, ;&%<("/," =%,"-."#

vygoLsky arLlcle
Soclal Learnlng SLrucLures Lns

5%&$-#31-+>+$6 ? 5%&$-#31-+%&+$6 !@ due
aperL arLlcle
1S 43-3#" %7 *"'#&+&, =."%#A
neuroblology of Learnlng
lLo ArLlcle: Panglng CuL.
Anderson vldeo: AcceleraLed lnnovaLlon

J1)**,+*( A woiu on bloggingieflection...I expect about 1 blog entiy a week,
specific to this class. That's a total of 1S oi so foi the teim. Youi blogs shoulu be
wiitten to the level of thinking anu analysis that we uiscusseu at Cauie Camp. The
aim of the ieflective wiiting in this class shoulu be to uiaw connections between
what we aie uoing anu ieauing anu talking about, anu youi own theoiies of leaining,
youi ARP anu youi piactice. A seconuaiy aim of the blogs is to infoim anu enhance
the leaining of youi cauie mates.

G5,-,+* K5)?,:,/+:;LI=MM)5- uSEP offeis wiiting suppoit to stuuents in the foim
of vaiious seminais as well as one-on-one consultancy. Foi moie infoimation,
please contact Bi. Nichelle Rosensitto at miosenipeppeiuine.euu oi at (949) 22S-
2S6S. Alteinately, visit the uSEP Wiiting Suppoit Piogiam website at

#)4/ D? #)+4=:-( The uiauuate School of Euucation anu Psychology stiives to
cieate a leaining enviionment that is iespectful of the iights anu uignity of all
membeis of oui leaining community. Stuuents aie expecteu to conuuct themselves
in a collegial, iespectful, anu piofessional mannei while paiticipating in all activities
associateu with this couise. Stuuents aie expecteu to exhibit behaviois anu attituues
consistent with appiopiiate ethical-legal stanuaius, anu to iefiain fiom any
fiauuulent, uishonest, oi haimful behaviois such as plagiaiism, cheating, oi
haiassment, which compiomise the integiity of the acauemic stanuaius of the
univeisity anuoi impact the safety anu secuiity of fellow stuuents, staff, anu
faculty. Failuie to comply with appiopiiate stanuaius of conuuct may iesult in a
giaue of "F" in the couise anu uismissal fiom the piogiam.

",26B,1,-; I-6-/@/+-: Any stuuent with a uocumenteu uisability (physical,
leaining, oi psychological) neeuing acauemic accommouations shoulu contact the
Bisability Seivices 0ffice (Nalibu Campus, Tylei Campus Centei 22S, S1u.Su6.6Suu)
as eaily in the semestei as possible. All uiscussions will iemain confiuential. Please
visit http:www.peppeiuine.euuuisabilityseivices foi auuitional infoimation.

K/MM/54,+/ N,22,)+ I-6-/@/+-
Peppeiuine is a Chiistian univeisity committeu to the highest stanuaius of
acauemic excellence anu Chiistian values, wheie stuuents aie stiengtheneu foi
lives of puipose, seivice, anu leaueiship.

OI!K N,22,)+ I-6-/@/+-
As a giauuate school within a Chiistian univeisity, uSEP enueavois to euucate anu
motivate stuuents to assume leaueiship ioles in piofessions that impiove anu
eniich the lives of inuiviuuals, families, anu communities.

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