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company presentation

B.I.C.-Carpets (Belgian International Carpets) was established in 1956. In the early years, the company mainly manufactured fitted carpet for the highly competitive American market, where B.I.C.Carpets soon gained a sizeable market share. In these early years a pioneering spirit was at the heart of the companys philosophy. That self same desire to renew and improve has earned B.I.C Carpets not only the respect of the industry but also a host of awards and nominations. One of the companys designs, B.I.C. Stone, is so revered that it has become part of the permanent Design collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Today, B.I.C. - Carpets constantly searches for new weaving techniques, different textures and innovative colours. As a result of this quest for new ideas and original combinations, B.I.C.-Carpets experiments with a variety of fancy yarns. Some of these yarns are developed by in house designer Bart Goderis. In order to keep on meeting the customers demands, B.I.C.-Carpets has its own professional in-house designer. Hes able to work closely together with the production. This results in products with a unique aspect based on a solid weaving construction. With a mixture of skill, knowledge and art, B.I.C.-Carpets manufactures residential carpets and contract carpets for various companies, hotels, restaurants. B.I.C.-Carpets has a separate division that makes aircraft carpet. It is obvious that in all these fields, the innovative basic values of the company are essential. B.I.C.-Carpets has its showroom in the original factory in Kortrijk. The weaving plant in Wevelgem is a modern, innovative and integrated company with a worldwide reputation, specializing in high-quality woven mainly woollen carpet. The recognition for these important basic values was ensured when the company obtained the ISO9001:2000 certificate, a quality label that gives the companys employees just recognition for their design, development, production and sales skills. For the people working at B.I.C.-Carpets this is a daily challenge.

B.I.C.-Carpets (Belgian International Carpets) werd opgericht in juni 1956. In die eerste jaren produceerde het bedrijf voornamelijk kamerbreed tapijt voor de Amerikaanse markt. Na het instorten van die Amerikaanse markt werd de beslissing genomen om zich toe te spitsen op het produceren van design producten. Al van bij het begin zat ook de pioniersmentaliteit in het bedrijf. Het is precies die drang naar voortdurende vernieuwing die tal van prijzen en nominaties opleverde. De kwaliteit Stone is daarvan een levend bewijs. Een structuur die na meer dan 30 jaar nog altijd succesvol is. De B.I.C. Stone is zelfs opgenomen in de Design-collectie van het Museum of Modern Art, in New York. Vandaag is B.I.C.-Carpets voortdurend op zoek naar nieuwe weeftechnieken, aparte structuren in verrassende kleuren. In functie van nieuwe ideen en originele combinaties wordt de laatste jaren dan ook geregeld gexperimenteerd met fantasiegarens. Die geven het eindresultaat soms verrassende special effects. Om aan de verwachtingen van onze klanten te blijven voldoen heeft B.I.C.-Carpets een eigen in-house Designer Bart Goderis. Door een ideale mix van vakmanschap, kennis en kunst produceert B.I.C.-Carpets naast tapijt en karpetten voor de residentile markt, ook contracttapijten in opdracht van diverse bedrijven, hotels, restaurants... Er is zelfs een aparte divisie voor vliegtuigtapijt. Het spreekt voor zich dat hier ook de innovatieve basiswaarden van het bedrijf van essentieel belang zijn. B.I.C.-Carpets, heeft een showroom in de oude fabrieksgebouwen in Kortrijk. De hoofdzetel in Wevelgem is een modern, innoverend en polyvalent bedrijf met wereldfaam, gespecialiseerd in hoogwaardig geweven hoofdzakelijk wollen vloerbekleding. De erkenning voor deze belangrijke basiswaarden kwam er met het verkrijgen van het ISO 9001:2000 certificaat. Een kwaliteitslabel dat de medewerkers van het bedrijf een mooie erkenning geeft op het vlak van ontwerp, ontwikkeling, productie en verkoop. Voor de vaste medewerkers van B.I.C.-Carpets is dit een dagelijkse uitdaging.

prsentation de lentreprise
La socit B.I.C.-Carpets (Belgian International Carpets) a t fonde en juin 1956. A lorigine, lentreprise fabriquait principalement de la moquette pour le march amricain. Lentreprise a vite conquis une importante part de march grce la qualit B.I.C. Succes. La mentalit de pionnier tait prsente dans la socit ds le dbut. Cest prcisment cette aspiration dinnovation constante qui a valu lentreprise de nombreux prix et nominations.` La qualit Stone en est la preuve vivante. Une structure qui connat toujours un beau succs aprs plus de 30 ans. Le B.I.C. Stone fait mme partie de la collection Design du Musum of Modern Art New York. B.I.C.-Carpets est aujourdhui continuellement la recherche de nouvelles techniques de tissage, de structures indites dans des couleurs surprenantes. Aussi, les dernires annes, on exprimente rgulirement avec des fils fantaisie en fonction de nouvelles ides et de combinaisons originales. Ces fils apportent parfois des effets spciaux tonnants au rsultat final. Pour continuer satisfaire les attentes de ses clients, B.I.C.-Carpets sa propre designer Bart Goderis. Un mlange idal de mtier, de connaissances et dart permet B.I.C.-Carpets de produire des tapis et des carpettes pour le march rsidentiel, ainsi que des tapis de contrat la demande de diffrents htels, restaurants, entreprises... La maison a mme une division spare pour les tapis pour avions. Il va de soi que les valeurs de base novatrices de lentreprise sont ici essentielles. B.I.C.-Carpets, dont le sige social est situ Wevelgem et le Showroom Courtrai, est une entreprise moderne, novatrice et polyvalente de renomme mondiale, spcialise dans les revtements de sol tisss essentiellement en laine de haute qualit. Lobtention du certificat ISO 9001:2000 est la reconnaissance de ces valeurs de base. Un label de qualit qui donne aux collaborateurs de la socit une belle reconnaissance sur le plan de la cration, du dveloppement, de la production et de la vente. Un dfi quotidien pour les collaborateurs rguliers.

Im Juni 1956 - wurde B.I.C.-Carpets (Belgian International Carpets) gegrndet. Der Betrieb produzierte zu Anfang hauptschlich Teppichbden fr den amerikanischen Markt. Schon bald eroberte der Betrieb einen wichtigen Marktanteil. Schon immer hat das Unternehmen bewiesen, dass es Pioniergeist besitzt. Es ist genau dieser Drang zur Innovation, welcher dem Unternehmen schon viele Preise und Anerkennungen eingebracht hat. Die B.I.C. Stone-Qualitt ist davon der berzeugendste Beweis. Eine Struktur, die nach mehr als 30 Jahren immer noch erfolgreich ist. Der B.I.C.-Stone ist sogar in der Designkollektion des Museums of Modern Art, in New York, aufgenommen worden. Heute ist B.I.C.-Carpets stndig auf der Suche nach neuen Webtechniken, anderen Strukturen und berraschenden Farben. B.I.C arbeitet stets mit neuen Ideen und originellen Kombinationen. Darber hinaus wurde in den letzten Jahren auch regelmig mit gemusterten Garnen experimentiert. Durch sie erhlt man berraschende special Effects. Um die Erwartungen unserer Kunden zu erfllen, hat B.I.C.-Carpets ein eigenes in-House Designer Bart Goderis Durch eine ideale Mischung von fachmnnischem Knnen, Kenntnis und Kunst macht B.I.C.-Carpets neben Teppichen und Brcken auch Objektteppiche fr Betriebe, Hotels, Restaurants... Das Haus produziert auch Teppiche fr Flugzeuginnenausstattungen. Natrlich ist Innovation fr den Betrieb von uerster Wichtigkeit. B.I.C.-Carpets,mit Hauptsitz in Wevelgem und Showroom in Kortrijk, ist ein moderner und innovationsfreudiger Betrieb mit groem Ruhm, spezialisiert in hochwertig gewobenem hauptschlich wollenem Teppichboden. Teppiche von B.I.C.-Carpets besitzen das ISO 9001:2000 Zertifikat. Das Zertifikat steht fr eine Qualittsmarke und ist eine schne Anerkennung fr die Mitarbeiter, welche sich stets mit dem Entwurf, der Entwicklung, der Produktion und dem Verkauf von hochwertigen gewobenen Teppichen beschftigen.



caviar 2003

caviar - beige 1386

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 4400 g/m total weight ca. 4900 g/m pile height ca. 30 mm total height ca. 32 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 2475/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



chelha 2004

chelha - white 1404

chelha - sand 1405

chelha - grey 1406

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 2500 g/m total weight ca. 3200 g/m - (94 Oz/Yd) pile height ca. 15 mm total height ca. 17 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 16200/m2 width 4m use class 22+ domestic general - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


dunes 2007

dunes - virgin white 4070

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile/looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 1500 g/m total weight ca. 2200 g/m pile height ca. 12 mm total height ca. 15 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 89600/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



dusk 2008

dusk - beige 3260

dusk - brown 3270

dusk - grey 3280

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 32 % pure wool - 68 % viscose pile weight ca. 3200 g/m total weight ca. 3900 g/m pile height ca. 12 mm total height ca. 14 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 102400/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



eclipse 2005

eclipse - graphite 1464

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 60 % pure wool & hairy yarn - 40 % fantasy yarns pile weight ca. 3000 g/m total weight ca. 3600 g/m pile height ca. 11 mm total height ca. 13 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 44000/m2 width 4m use residential heavy use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



eos 2005

eos - snow 1481

eos - sand 1460

eos - negro 1469

eos - raven 1482

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile/looppile pile composition 60 % pure wool 40 % cotton pile weight ca. 2500 g/m total weight ca. 3100 g/m pile height ca. 18 mm total height ca. 20 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 32400/m2 width 4m use residential heavy use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



energy 2005

energy - biscuit 1462

energy - vulcan 1470

energy - slate 1471

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 3950 g/m total weight ca. 4500 g/m pile height ca. 20 mm total height ca. 22 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 14400/m2 width 4m use residential heavy use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



glamour 2008

glamour - silver linen 3102

glamour - smoked grey 3104

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile/looppile pile composition 100 % PES/viscose pile weight ca. 2100 g/m total weight ca. 2800 g/m pile height ca. 7,6 mm total height ca. 9 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 51200/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


les frites de BIC

les frites de BIC 2004

les frites de BIC - nature 1413

les frites de BIC

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 2750 g/m total weight ca. 3500 g/m pile height ca. 20 mm total height ca. 23 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 6230/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



luxor 2004

luxor - white 70

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 4100 g/m total weight ca. 4750 g/m pile height ca. 30 mm total height ca. 33 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 14400/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



mecca 1970

mecca - white 281

mecca - crme naturel 280

mecca - pearl 1285

mecca - taupe 1256

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 2800 g/m total weight ca. 3550 g/m pile height ca. 33 mm total height ca. 36 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 24300/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



medina 2001

medina - ivoire 1223

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 70 % pure wool - 30 % viscose pile weight ca.2850 g/m total weight ca. 3450 g/m pile height ca. 33 mm total height ca. 36 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 32400/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



oasis 2006

oasis - nougat 1485

oasis - deep maroon 1486

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 34 % pure wool - 33 % tencel - 33 % PES/cotton pile weight ca. 2350 g/m total weight ca. 3100 g/m pile height ca. 13 mm total height ca. 14 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 28800/m2 width 4m use residential heavy use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



pebbles 2001

pebbles - cream 1233

pebbles - deep grey 1245

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 4000 g/m total weight ca. 4750 g/m pile height ca. 18 mm total height ca. 21 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 7200/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



rocks 2003

rocks - sand 1367

rocks - taupe 1368

rocks - venetian red 1369

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile/looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 4500 g/m total weight ca. 4950 g/m pile height ca. 25 mm total height ca. 27 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 2520/m2 width 4m use residential heavy use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



sahara 1998

sahara - white 1160

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 3725 g/m total weight ca. 4330 g/m pile height ca. 30 mm total height ca. 33 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 7425/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



shadow 2006

shadow - ivory black 1483

shadow - deep gold 3003

shadow - smoked grey 3004

shadow - silver linen 3002

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile/looppile pile composition 52 % pure wool - 48 % PES/viscose pile weight ca. 3300 g/m total weight ca. 3950 g/m pile height ca. 18 mm total height ca. 19 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 32400/m2 width 4m use residential heavy use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



stone 1976

stone - ivoire 290

stone - grege 292

stone - charcoal 297

stone - lava 1343

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 100 % pure wool pile weight ca. 3920 g/m total weight ca. 4700 g/m pile height ca. 30 mm total height ca. 33 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 2475/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



topaz 2007

topaz - grey taupe 5030

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven looppile pile composition 75 % pure wool - 25 % PES pile weight ca. 3680 g/m total weight ca. 4190 g/m pile height ca. 25 mm total height ca. 26 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 32400/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



tornado 2003

tornado - nutmeg 1351

tornado - chilly 1352

tornado - black pepper 1353

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 70 % pure wool - 30 % cotton pile weight ca. 2950 g/m total weight ca. 3500 g/m pile height ca. 33 mm total height ca. 34 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 41400/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



typhoon 2002

typhoon - nature 1289

typhoon - black 1389

sizes available in all standard sizes, special sizes & broadloom wilton woven cutpile pile composition 75 % pure wool - 25 % hairy yarn pile weight ca. 4200 g/m total weight ca. 4950 g/m pile height ca. 70 mm total height ca. 72 mm backing PES/cotton, jute & latex knots ca. 38400/m2 width 4m use residential light use

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |



new artisan

new artisan 1997

new artisan corn 804

new artisan corn black 812

new artisan grege 816

new artisan striped grege 817

new artisan tan black 813

new artisan cream 1355

new artisan golden beige 1356

new artisan taupe 1359

new artisan straw 1111

new artisan slate/black 1110

new artisan
sizes available in broadloom and rugs flat woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 650 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2150 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 3 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 4 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & action back - ISO 2424 knots ca. 48000/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 22+ domestic general - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


urban 2008

urban - white 1491

urban - light grey 1488

urban - taupe 1489

urban - black 1490

sizes available in broadloom and rugs flat woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition wool - acryl - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 750 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 1600 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 3 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 4 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & action back - ISO 2424 knots ca. 48000/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 22+ domestic general - slip resistance

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


pixel 2008

pixel - linear brown 8001

pixel - sand 8002

pixel - grey lines 8003

pixel - light grege 8004

sizes available in broadloom and rugs flat woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 950 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2100 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 3 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 4 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & action back - ISO 2424 knots ca. 48000/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 33 commercial heavy castor chair continuous use: EN 1307, EN 1470, EN 13297, EN 985, EN 425, pr EN 15114 stairs continuous use: EN 1307, EN 1470, EN 13297, EN 1963, pr EN 15114, EN 14215 reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


ultra 2008

ultra - anthracite 20010

ultra - anthracite/taupe 20050

ultra - taupe 20040

ultra - graphite 20020

sizes available in broadloom and rugs flat woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % polyamide - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 700 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2270 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 3 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 4 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, action back - ISO 2424 knots ca. 54400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 33 commercial heavy castor chair continuous use: EN 1307, EN 1470, EN 13297, EN 985, EN 425, pr EN 15114 stairs continuous use: EN 1307, EN 1470, EN 13297, EN 1963, pr EN 15114, EN 14215

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


siwa 2004

siwa - white 1404

siwa - sand 1405

siwa - grey 1406

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 2200 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2950 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 10 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 11,5 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 32400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 31 commercial general - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |

bamboo - white 160

nature - white 150

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 2000 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2750 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 9 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 11 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 11200/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4m use class 32 commercial general reaction to fire - EN 13501-1 (2002)

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1900 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2630 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 9 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 11 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 9600/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4m use class 32 commercial general reaction to fire - EN 13501-1 (2002)



super style - white 70

super style
sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 2300 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 3000 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 7 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 9 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 18000/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 32 commercial general - reaction to fire - EN 13501-1 (2002)

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


style 1982

style - white 600

style - mocha 1419

style - chestnut 1420

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1150 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 1850 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 4,4 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 6 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 77000/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 23 domestic heavy - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


tempo 2000

tempo - light beige 180

tempo - beige 181

tempo - graphite 1402

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1480 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2130 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 7 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 8 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 94400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 23 domestic heavy - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


traffic 2000

traffic - light beige 180

traffic - beige 181

traffic - graphite 1402

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1250 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 1950 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 4,5 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 6,5 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 94400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 32 commercial general - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


vision 2005

vision - craie 1478

vision - biscuit 1480

vision - taupe 6062

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven cutpile/looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 100 % pure wool - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1200 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2100 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 7 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 8 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 102400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 23 domestic heavy - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


prestige 2000

londres - beige 735

londres - gold 736

prestige dessin londres

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven cutpile - ISO 2424 pile composition 58 % pure wool, 42% viscose - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1900 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2850 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 7,6 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 9 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 102.400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 22+ domestic general - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |

prague - beige 735

prague - gold 736

prestige dessin prague

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven cutpile/looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 50 % pure wool, 50% viscose - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1830 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2680 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 7,6 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 9 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 102.400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 22+ domestic general - slip resistance - reaction to fire


st. petersbourg - beige 735

st. petersbourg - gold 736

prestige dessin st. petersbourg

sizes available in broadloom and rugs wilton woven cutpile/looppile - ISO 2424 pile composition 63 % pure wool, 37% viscose - directive 96/73 - 96/74 pile weight ca. 1800 g/m - ISO 8543 total weight ca. 2650 g/m - ISO 8543 pile height ca. 7,6 mm - ISO 1766 total height ca. 9 mm - ISO 1765 backing PES/cotton, jute & latex - ISO 2424 knots ca. 102.400/m2 - ISO 1763 width 4 m - ISO 3018 use class 22+ domestic general - slip resistance - reaction to fire

B.I.C.-Carpets Vlamingstraat 12 | B-8560 Wevelgem T +32 56 23 54 10 | F +32 56 23 54 11 | E |


front edge



on 2 sides turned down and glued - small tape on 2 sides caviar - pebbles - sahara - stone

front edge



small tape on 4 sides les frites de BIC - mecca - medina - rocks - tornado - typhoon - eclipse - energy - eos -oasis - shadow dunes - topaz - glamour

front edge fixing together of 2 area rugs



cleaning and maintenance

Regular Maintenance The simplest and most frequent maintenance involves vacuuming and spot removal. Vacuuming Regular and thorough vacuuming once or twice a week (more often in heavy traffic areas) is an economical and effective way to remove soil and dirt particles before they become embedded into the pile of the carpet. For best results, empty your vacuum bag when half full. - An upright vacuum with a beater bar/brush is best fo cut pile carpet. - A suction-only vacuum is recommended for loop pile Berber carpet to prevent excessive fuzzing. Spot & Stain Removal With spot and stain removal, speed is of the essence. Blot up liquids with paper towel or absorbent cloth. Scoop up solids with the end of a knife or spoon Use a light, colourfast cotton towel for the treatment of spots. Immediately wet the cotton towel with water (max 40), wring it out and place over the stain. When the towel is saturated replace it with a fresh one untill the stain doesnt give off anymore dirt. Always work from the outer edge towards the centre to prevent spreading. Do not soak the carpet pile. If necessary, always brush cut pile carpets in the direction of the pile. Do not use household cleaners such as soft soap, neutral soap, ammonia solution, turpentine, benzine or spot removal agents which are only recommended for textiles For persistent stains: Treat the spot with a spot removal agent which - is suitable for wool - is pH neutral - is explicitly recommended for cleaning carpets and rugs - leaves no sticky residue - Always follow the manufacturers directions when using commercial products. Periodic maintenance Thorough cleaning is required periodically to remove the deepest soil. There are many deep cleaning methods you can use to ensure the beauty and life of a wool carpet or rug. When having your wool carpet professionally cleaned, use a reputable company and check references. Preventative measures Place absorbent mats at entrances to your home; change or wash these when they become dirty. Regularly change filters in your heating and air conditioning systems.

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