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Successful Breastfeeding ...And Successful Alternatives By Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD Breastfeeding is best.

Breast milk is nature's perfect food for babies. Breast m ilk contains special substances that give the growing baby immunity to infection and disease. Breastfeeding bonds a mother to her baby, stimulates important hor monal activities in her body, helps her lose weight after pregnancy and protects her against future breast cancer and osteoporosis. Breastfeeding is best. . . in a perfect world. But the world is not perfect and self-evident statements are not always true. Breastfeeding advocates argue that breast-fed children have lower mortality rates and better levels of health than formulafed children. In third world countries, where the cleanliness needed for safe bottle-feeding is lacking, this is undoubtedly true. But a perusal of recen t studies comparing breastfed and formula-fed infants presents a real dilemma fo r breastfeeding advocates because the research does not provide a clear case of benefit. DISTURBING STUDIES A study published in July, 2001, for example, found that breastfed children in J apan had more asthma than bottle-fed infants.1 A European study found that breas tfeeding was not related to iron status in one-year-old children. Those with the best iron status were those who received iron-fortified formula.2 A Swedish stu dy found that breast fed infants were just as likely to develop childhood cancer compared to formula-fed babies.3 In fact, babies breastfed for one month or mor e had a higher risk of non-Hodgkins' lymphoma, although this finding was based o n low numbers of cases. A study from Norway found that breastfeeding did not pro vide protection against frequent ear infections.4 A report in Pediatric Clinics of North America noted that many breastfed babies suffer from failure-to-thrive and dehydration.5 The author warned: "Those who enthusiastically promoted breast feeding for its many health benefits must confront the reality of breastfeeding failure and implement necessary changes in medical education and support service s to foster successful outcomes in breastfed infants." Only one study carried out during the past two years found a clear-cut benefit f or breastfeeding. Researchers at the Harvard Medical School found that children who were breastfed we much less likely to be overweight as adults.6 Studies on the relationship between breastfeeding and cognitive skills are mixed .7 Some studies have shown that breastfed infants are more intelligent while oth ers show no difference. Critics contend that better cognitive scores in breastfe d infants are due to the fact that mothers with higher levels of educational att ainment are more likely to breastfeed. Formula manufacturers are quick to use the lackluster performance of breastfed c hildren as proof that formula is "just as good" as breast milk. Breastfeeding ad vocates retort that the studies were designed to give results that benefit the f ormula makers. Our interpretation is the following: the diet of modern American women is so appalling, and their preparation for successful breastfeeding so lac king, that their breast milk provides no better nourishment for their infants th an factory-made formula. DOES DIET MATTER? "Breastfeeding mothers do not need to worry about their diets. As long as they a re getting enough calories, their milk will be fine." This is the dogma of most of the groups promoting breastfeeding throughout the world. "The message that di et has an influence on milk quality will discourage mothers from breastfeeding," they say.

Typical advice to pregnant women is as follows: "Include fruits, vegetables, gra ins, meat or meat alternative and lowfat milk products in your diet every day. A void caffeinated beverages and alcohol." Lactating women are advised to eat "vit amin-A rich foods" such as "carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe." Ab ove all, say the "experts," don't worry too much about what you eat. "Your diet does not have to be 'perfect' to nourish your baby well."8 Lactation consultants cite one study that found no difference in levels of sever al factors between "well-nourished" and "undernourished" mothers. These factors were the immune-protecting compounds sIgA, lysozyme and lactoferrin.9 We are tem pted to ask how researchers with such an abysmal knowledge of nutrition--promoti ng lowfat milk as nutritious, meat alternatives as the equivalent of meat, and v egetables as a source of vitamin A (which they are not)--how such researchers co uld be trusted to know the difference between "well-nourished" and "undernourish ed" mothers? But even if there is little variation in certain immune factors as claimed, ther e can be huge variations in other nutrients depending on what the mother eats. LONG-CHAIN FATTY ACIDS Mother's milk contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) that the bab y needs for the development of its nervous system. These special fats accumulate in the brain and retina. If they are absent in the infant diet, the child is li kely to suffer from learning disabilities and reduced visual acuity.10 The most important LCP's are arachidonic acid (AA) of the omega-6 family, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) of the omega-3 family and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), also of the o mega-3 family. (For more information on long-chain fatty acids, see "Tripping Li ghtly down the Prostaglandin Pathways.") The LCP composition in the tissues of growing infants is largely determined by t he LCP content of the milk that the baby consumes. The recognition that these LC Ps are vital for the optimal development of the infant has led to efforts to man date their inclusion in commercial formula-as is done in other countries, notabl y Japan. Formula manufacturers have resisted because the fatty acids add conside rably to the cost of making the formula and also require special handling to pre vent oxidation. However, so compelling is the research that on July 16, 2001, th e US Food and Drug Administration approved the addition of two fatty acids deriv ed from blue-green algae to infant formulas. What is less well known is that the levels of LCPs in human breast milk greatly depend on the mother's diet. An important 1997 study compared the fatty acid com position of breast milk of mothers in two Chinese provinces with that of Canadia n mothers.11 Mothers in the traditional province of Chongqing had higher levels of milk fat than those from westernized Hong Kong, and higher levels of AA, due to a special period of feeding for the first four weeks after the birth of the b aby during which Chongqing mothers consume up to ten eggs per day and large amou nts of chicken and pork. The diet of Hong Kong mothers was much lower in fat and calories, but because of high fish consumption, their levels of DHA were as hig h as those of Chongqing mothers. But breast milk levels of AA and DHA in both pr ovinces were much higher than those of Canadian mothers. The Chinese breast milk study proves that the levels of important fatty acids in mother's milk are strongly influenced by the mother's diet. For example, the co ntent of erucic acid (a long-chain monounsaturated fatty acid) increased in the milk of Chongqing mothers during the later weeks of lactation, reflecting a diet ary switch from animal fats to rape seed oil. Levels of omega-6 linoleic acid we re high in the milk of Hong Kong mothers, reflecting their use of high-omega-6 v egetable oils derived from corn and soy.

Ideal breast milk contains high levels of both saturated fats and LCPs. This can be accomplished by consuming high levels of animal fats plus eggs, cod liver oi l and oily fish throughout the lactation period. Saturated fats in mother's milk stimulate the immune system and work synergistically with LCPs to maintain them in the tissues where they belong.12 Levels of fat in a mother's milk will decre ase with each baby unless she takes special care to consume high levels of nutri ent-dense fats between pregnancies and during each lactation.13 VITAMINS AND MINERALS A recent study found that breast milk did not meet the minimum requirements for many nutrients.14 Vitamin D was especially low. A study in Nigeria found that ca lcium and potassium levels in human milk varied by a factor of 2, magnesium and copper by a factor of 3, chloride levels by a factor of 4, iron and selenium by almost 5, iodine and sodium by almost 7, and zinc, which is vital to the nervous system, by over 7.15 In other words, some mothers had seven times more zinc in their milk than others. Another survey found large variations in the levels of B vitamins.16 Vitamin B6 concentrates in breast milk and B6 requirements are increased in lactating women .17 More B6 is required if the woman is exercising--an important reason for adeq uate rest during the nursing period. The same study found that vitamin C ranged from 0 to 11.2 mg per 100 grams and vitamin A from 15 to 226 IU. Vitamin A is vital for the development of the infant. Vitamin A is found only in animal fats. Mothers can convert some of the precursors in fruits and vegetable s into true vitamin A and these will then show up in her milk, but adequate supp lies can only be met with consumption of animal foods rich in the true form of t his nutrient.18 A 1992 study carried out in Indonesia found that mothers who rec eived vitamin-A supplementation had higher levels in their blood and milk than t hose who received a placebo and the infants of the supplemented group were less likely to be vitamin-A deficient.19 Deficiency was measured by the presence of c onjunctivitis in the eyes. Incidence of conjunctivitis fell in infants nursing f rom mothers taking a vitamin-A supplement. The authors noted that vitamin-A stat us was lowest in women who were thin and who had had many babies-a warning not t o lose weight too quickly after birth of a baby and to put sufficient space betw een children so that vitamin-A stores can be rebuilt. Adequate B12 is essential for the development of the infant. One study found a B 12 deficiency in a breastfed infant of a strict vegetarian.20 Another found lowe r levels of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the blood of babies born t o vegetarian women.21 While protein levels in human milk remain constant at about 11 percent under var ious conditions, levels of fat and lactose-both essential for the development of the nervous system-vary widely.22 Even the various anti-inflammatory and antiba cterial compounds in a mother's milk vary markedly according to her diet.23 TRANS FATS. . . AND OTHER BAD THINGS Trans fats from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are present in margarine, shortening and many processed foods. The accumulated evidence is that trans fats are bad news indeed. They interfere with many enzymatic processes, cause reduce d learning ability, disrupt the endocrine system, and contribute to allergies, a sthma and many other diseases.24 (However, small amounts of one form of trans fa ts naturally occurring in butterfat are not harmful.) If exposure to trans fats is bad for adults, it is even worse for babies and chi ldren during their growing years. Formula makers know better than to put trans f ats into baby formula-yet human milk will contain high levels of trans fats if t he mother consumes margarine, fried foods and commercial baked goods. The Chines e study found that Canadians had 33 times more trans fats in their milk than the

traditional Chongqing mothers who did not consume processed foods! Hong Kong mo thers had four times more trans fats in their milk than the Chongqing mothers, r eflecting the inroads that processed foods have made in westernized Hong Kong. Many other bad things can end up in mother's milk, including pesticides, mercury (from amalgam fillings), and high levels of phytoestrogens, if the mother eats a lot of soy. (However, phytoestrogens in the milk of mothers who eat a lot of s oy is still about 3000 times less than levels in soy-based formula.25) One study discovered peanut proteins in mother's milk and warned that lactating women who eat peanuts may cause peanut allergies in their infants!26 Even mother 's milk can cause allergies. MILK SUPPLY According to La Leche League literature, insufficient milk supply is rare. The p roblem, they say, is not a deficiency in the mammary gland, but a "shared belief " among women or health workers "that insufficient milk is a common phenomenon." Baby's frequent crying, they say, should not be interpreted as a sign of insuff icient or poor quality milk-even though this is what a mother's instincts tell h er. According to the La Leche League handbook, "The word 'insufficient' is like the word 'inadequate'-once it has been directed at a mother it can never be retr acted, and her confidence in her body's ability to nurture and nourish at the br east often plummets." Yet ancient medical literature abounds in treatments for lactation failure.27 Mo dern studies show that a mother's milk supply can vary and that it is influenced by her diet. In 1981, investigators in Gambia found that milk output diminished during the five-month rainy season when food supplies were less, although there was a greater fall-off among mothers nursing babies older than three months.28 Milk was more plentiful during the non-rainy season, and the growth of the infan ts was much more satisfactory. First-time mothers were better able to maintain m ilk output than mothers with multiple children. The researchers found no correla tion between milk supply and frequency of feeding. The main factor was the amoun t of food available to the mother. Concern about milk supply is not a modern phenomenon, inculcated by evil formula manufacturers in order to sell more formula-although the formula makers are ind eed quick to exploit this concern. Most traditional cultures use special foods o r "galactogogues" in the belief that they increase milk flow, ranging from powde red earthworms in India, to fish soup in China and Japan, to a variety of specia l teas.29 Soup made from roosters is a galactogogue used in several areas of the world. Weston Price recorded the practice of special feeding for pregnant and l actating women. The foods given were animal foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins a nd, in a few cases, soaked cereal gruels.30 Modern literature on breastfeeding d ismisses the notion of galactogogues as mere superstition, but future generation s would be better served if researchers devoted their efforts to determining whi ch of them actually worked. Mothers from all societies and in all ages have naturally been concerned about h aving enough milk for their infants. An 1885 votive painting from Japan depicts a mother praying for an abundant milk supply for her newborn infant.31 The adjoi ning painting shows her prayer being answered, as milk flows from her breast to a bowl. If adequate milk were automatic for all women, there would be no need to offer prayers. The percentage of mothers who begin by breastfeeding has not changed over the pa st 20 years. A federal survey in 1995 found that 58 percent of all women began b reastfeeding, the same percentage as in the early 1980s. But almost 20 percent f ewer mothers were still nursing after three months than in the mid-1980s, and th is in spite of the fact that breastfeeding is now universally promoted as best f

or babies.32 A common reason for discontinuing breastfeeding in the US is, "I don't have enou gh milk." Proof is given by baby's frequent crying or failure to gain weight. We do a woman a great disservice by telling her that it is "all in her head." In a ddition to adequate rest and help, she needs special milk-inducing foods or, fai ling that, readily available nutritious alternatives for her infant. Consumption of trans fats lowers the overall fat content of mother's milk.33 The poor quality of the American diet, including very high levels of trans fatty ac ids in commercial foods, is another reason why so many mothers abandon breastfee ding after the first few weeks-they know better than any lactation consultant th at they do not have enough milk, or that their baby is not happy with the qualit y of milk that it is getting from her breast. WEB OF DECEPTION "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." Behind the simple mantra "breastfeeding is best," gliding easily off the tongues of lactati on consultants, sales reps, government officials and pediatricians, lurk several gross deceptions that usher millions of women into the arms of the formula indu stry. First is the deception that insufficient milk is rare. Yes, it is rare in a society of truly healthy people but the western nations are not inhabited by t ruly healthy people. The production and release of milk is governed by a complex interaction of hormones, involving the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and thyroi d gland. There are plenty of places where it can go wrong and given the high lev els of thyroid and endocrine problems in western women, it's a wonder that so ma ny nurse successfully at all. Insufficient milk supply is a problem more common than the medical profession wants to admit, as many a valiant breastfeeding moth er, starting off with the best of intentions, has learned to her sorrow. Second is the deception that "Almost all mothers can produce good milk, even if their diet is not perfect." With this statement we turn our backs on the accumul ated wisdom of traditional people throughout the globe, most of whom recognized that nursing mothers need special diets to meet the special needs of the growing infant. As early as the 1940s, Weston Price observed a decline in the quality o f human breast milk, as evidenced by the extensive dental problems he found in h is breastfed patients.34 The recent poor showing of breastfed infants in compari son trials indicates that modern human milk is not better-and possibly worse-tha n it was in Price's day. The final deception is that babies should not be given homemade formula made wit h cow or goat milk. Early books on infant feeding recognized that milk from a co w (or goat, water buffalo, camel, sheep, reindeer or llama) was the logical subs titute. How wise these early writers seem in comparison to our modern "experts": Nature does not always confer upon a woman the important capacity for nursin g her baby, but the women who are able should do so. Every pregnant woman should not only be impressed with the importance of this duty on her part, but with th e essential preparation for accomplishing it. However, there are women who for s ome reason cannot perform this natural function-for these, it is necessary to le arn to take advantage of the way now available to them to feed the infant artifi cially. The logical substitute for human milk is cow's milk (or goat's milk).35 A mere fifty years ago, part of the preparation for women during pregnancy, asid e from a diet enriched by special animal foods, was the scouting out of a cow th at would be given the best of pasture and whose milk would be available to the i nfant throughout its infancy. Today we know that we should dilute the milk and a dd other whole foods, but even before we knew these things, thousands of babies thrived on rich whole milk from a variety of animals. Yet some of the strongest words in the medical literature today are aimed at commercial formula's only com

petition-homemade formula based on cow or goat milk. Today the new mother who finds herself struggling with nursing, and frantic at t he frequent cries of her baby, is first told that she should have more confidenc e. When she gives in to the inevitable and switches to bottle feeding, she is to ld that formula made in factories is better than milk produced by living animals . Another formula customer is born. REALISTIC GOALS Instead of engaging in wishful thinking, let's establish some realistic goals. T op of the list would be to have virtually 100 percent of all women nursing durin g the first month. The anti-immune factors in the first few weeks of mother's mi lk are indeed unique to human milk, and cannot be duplicated or provided in any formula. Ninety-eight percent first-month nursing has been accomplished in Swede n by banning the distribution of free formula samples in the maternity wards. Fr ee samples should be strictly forbidden-not just in the maternity wards, but thr ough the mail and in government programs like Women Infants and Children (WIC), which distributes free formula to low income mothers. Second, let's provide accurate nutrition advice to our young people through sex education classes, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support groups. Future p arents need to know that the "average America diet" is not likely to produce hea lthy children and not likely to give a mother healthy milk. Third, let's tell mothers who are struggling with poor milk supply about the won derful little device called the Lact-Aid, a little plastic bag with a tube that lets a mother give her baby a supplement through a tube laid over her breast whi le she continues to nurse. Sometimes just a few weeks with the Lact-Aid is enoug h to get mother and baby "over the hump" and increase milk supply for the newly relaxed and rested mother. This device has been around since the early 1970s but breastfeeding support groups have only recently endorsed it. Finally, let's accept the inevitable. Breastfeeding for several months should al ways be encouraged, but in today's society it is not a luxury available to many. The need to return to work, problems with milk supply, unsatisfactory progress of the infant-these are compelling reasons for mothers to turn to formula feedin g (although every effort should be made to allow breastfeeding in the workplace) . But mothers need to know that formula made with good quality milk and other wh ole foods is vastly superior to factory-made formula. Above all, let's keep in mind the ultimate goal. The goal is healthy children-no t breastfeeding for the sake of breastfeeding and not convenience feeding with s tore-bought foods-but healthy children. It is a goal that requires wisdom, dedic ation, patience, hard work and mutual support among breastfeeding and non-breast feeding mothers. Above all, it requires knowledge, not deception, and there is n o better place to start than with the teachings of Dr. Weston A. Price. Note: The Lact-Aid system can be ordered from (423) 744-9090. Visit their websit e at REFERENCES 1. Y Takemura and others. Relaton between Breastfeeding and the Prevalence of Asthma: The Tokorozawa Childhood Asthma and Pollinosis Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. July 2001;154(2):11509. 2. C Male and others. Prevalence of iron deficiency in 12-mo-old infants from 11 European areas and influence of dietary factors on iron status (Euro-growth study). Acta Paediatrics. May 2001;90(5):492-8. 3. I Hardell and A C Dreifaldt. Breastfeeding duration and the risk of malign ant diseases in childhood in Sweden. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Mar

ch 2001;55(3):179-85. 4. K W Wefring and others. Nasal congestion and earache - upper respiratory t ract infections in 4-year-old children. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. April 30, 2001;1 21(11):1329-32. 5. M R Neifert. Prevention of breastfeeding tragedies. Pediatric Clinics of N orth America. April 2001;48(2):273-97. 6. M W Gillman and others. Risk of overweight among adolescents who were brea stfed as infants. Journal of the American Medical Association. May 16, 2001;285( 19):2461-7. 7. M C Temboury and others. Influence of breastfeeding on the infant's intell ectual development. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Jan 199 4;18(1):32-36; N K Angelsen and others. Breast feeding and cognitive development at age 1 and 5 years. Archives of Diseases of Children. September 2001;85(3):18 3-188; C Agostini and others. Breastfeeding duration, milk fat composition and d evelopmental indices at 1 year of life among breastfed infants. Prostaglandins, Leukotrines and Essential Fatty Acids. February 2001;64(2):105-109. 8. Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation, Subcommittee for a Clinical Appl ication Guide, Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation, F ood and Nutrition Board, Insititute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, W ashington, DC 1992 9. Letter from Dawn Pomponio, RN Campbell River, BC, Canada. 10. B Koletzko and others. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) an d perinatal development. Acta Paediatrics. April 2001;90(4):460-4. 11. Z Y Chen and others. Breast Milk Fatty Acid Composition: A comparative Stu dy Between Hong Kong and Chongqing Chinese. Lipids.1997;32(10):1061-1067. 12. M L Garg and others. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Bio logy (FASEB) Journal, 1988, 2:4:A852; R M Oliart Ros and others. Meeting Abstrac ts. American Oil Chemists Society Proceedings.May 1998, 7, Chicago, IL. 13. R G Jensen. Lipids in Human Milk. Lipids. December 1999;34(12):1243-1271. 14. F R Greer. Do breastfed infants need supplemental vitamins? Pediatric Clin ics of North America. April 2001;48(2):415-23. 15. F A Balogun and others. A Comparative Study of Elemental Composition of Hu man Breast Milk and Infant Milk Substututes. Biological Trace Element Research, G N Schrauzer, ed. Humana Press, Inc. 1994, pages 471-479. 16. V S Packard. Human Milk and Infant Formula. Academic Press, New York, NY, 1982. 17. C A Lovelady and others. Effect of energy restriction and exercise on vita min B-6 status of women during lactation. Medical Science, Sports and Exercise. April 2001;33(4):512-8. 18. S Fallon and M G Enig, PhD. Vitamin A Vagary. 19. R J Stoltzfus. Vitamin A and Lactation in Indonesian Women. Ann Arbor, MI 1992. 20. Vitamin B12 Deficiency in the Breastfed Infant of a Strict Vegetarian. Nut rition Reviews. May 1979;37(5):142-144. 21. S Reddy and others. The influence of maternal vegetarian diet on essential fatty acid status of the newborn. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. May, 1994;48(5)358-368 22. L J Filer. Relationship of nutrition to lactation and newborn development. Nutritional impacts on women: throughout life with emphasis on reproduction. K S Moghissi and T N Evans, Eds. Harper and Row, Hagerstown, MD, 1977. 23. U Hoppu and others. Breast milk - immunomodulatory signals against allergi c diseases. Allergy. April 2001;56 suppl 67:23-6. 24. M G Enig. Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Cov ering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig Associates, Inc, Silver Spring, MD , 1995. 25. Kenneth D R Setchell and others. Exposure of infants to phyto-oestrogens f rom soy-based infant formula. The Lancet. July 5, 1997;350:23-27. 26. P Vadas and others. Detection of peanut allergens in breast milk of lactat ing women. Journal of the American Medical Association. April 4, 2001;285(13):17 46-8.

27. N Baumslag and D L Michels. Milk, Money and Madness: The Culture and Polit ics of Breastfeeding. Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CT, 1995. 28. M G Rowland and A A Paul. Factors affecting lactation capacity: implicatio ns for developing countries. Infant and Child Feeding. J T Bond and others, eds. Academic Press, New York, 1981. 29. N Baumslag and D L Michels. Milk, Money and Madness: The Culture and Polit ics of Breastfeeding.Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CT, 1995. 30. W A Price. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, San Deigo, CA, 1945 31. N Baumslag and D L Michels. Milk, Money and Madness: The Culture and Polit ics of Breastfeeding.Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CT, 1995. 32. M Kaufmann. What's In Infant Formula? Washington Post Health. June 1, 1999 , p 14. 33. B B Teter and others. Milk Fat Depression in C57B1/6J Mice Consuming Parti ally Hydrogenated Fat. Journal of Nutrition. 1990;120:818-824. 34. W A Price. Vitamins in Immunity and Growth. Journal of the American Dental Association. May 1930. Click here to read an excerpt. 35. F T Proudfit. Nutrition and Diet Therapy. Eighth Edition. The MacMillan Co mpany, New York, 1942, p 259. SIDEBAR ARTICLES DIET FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND NURSING MOTHERS Cod liver oil to supply 10,000-20,000 IU vitamin A daily 2 8-ounce glasses whole milk daily, preferably raw and from pasture-fed cows 4 tablespoons butter daily, preferably from pasture-fed cows 2 or more eggs daily, preferably from pastured chickens Additional egg yolks daily, added to smoothies, salad dressings, scrambled eggs, etc. 3-4 ounces fresh liver, once or twice per week Fresh seafood, 2-4 times per week, particularly wild salmon, shellfish and fish eggs Fresh beef or lamb daily, always consumed with the fat Oily fish or lard daily, for vitamin D 2 tablespoons coconut oil daily, used in cooking or smoothies, etc. Lacto-fermented condiments and beverages Bone broths used in soups, stews and sauces Soaked whole grains Fresh vegetables and fruits AVOID: Trans fatty acids, junk foods, commercial fried foods, sugar, white flour , soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs (even prescription drugs) . MYTHS AND TRUTHS ABOUT BREASTFEEDING MYTH: Every woman can breastfeed successfully. TRUTH: Even in traditional societies, a portion of the women did not have adequa te milk supply. When a wet nurse was unavailable, babies of mothers with inadequ ate milk supply were given milk of cows, goats, sheep, water buffalo, camels, re indeer or llamas. MYTH: Most diets provide adequate nutrition for nursing mothers. There is no nee d for nursing women to add special foods to their diets. TRUTH: Human milk will be lacking in vitamins A, D, B12 and other fat soluble vi tamin if the mother's diet is poor. Human milk will also lack long-chain fatty a cids if these are not present in adequate amounts in the mother's diet. In addit ion, mothers on calorie-restricted diets will have lower levels of fat and lacto se in their milk. Weston Price found that in traditional societies, women contin ued to consume special foods during the lactation period.

MYTH: Breastfeeding can prevent dental problems such as crowded teeth, underdeve loped jaw, etc. TRUTH: The development of the face and jaw depends on the nutrients available to the child from preconception through childhood. Breastfed children can have den tal deformities if their nutrition in the womb and the breast milk they received were lacking in nutrients. TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL BREASTFEEDING Follow the Diet for Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers), ideally from before con ception. Eat plenty of food. When you are breastfeeding, it is no time to diet! Try to arrange to have good help for the first four weeks after the baby is born so that you will have adequate rest. Husband, grandparents, relatives, friends, housekeepers or even a professional baby nurse should be on hand so that the nu rsing mother can concentrate on getting optimal nourishment and plenty of sleep. Fermented foods and beverages, and porridges of soaked grains, are said to incre ase milk supply. If you have any qualms or fears about not having enough milk, assemble the ingre dients for homemade formula, and purchase the Lact-Aid breastfeeding support sys tem so that you have what you need to provide a nourishing supplement, if that i s required. Sometimes just a few days of supplementing using the Lact-Aid can in crease milk flow, and just having the supplies on hand can be enough to give you the peace of mind that allows your milk to keep flowing. While you are pregnant , be sure to scout out the best quality milk available in your area-you will nee d this for yourself, and for the baby after weaning, even if the breastfeeding g oes well. If, in spite of these measures, your milk supply dries up, don't feel guilty. Yo u have done the best you could and your baby can still grow up healthy, strong a nd smart on a homemade, whole foods baby formula. WHEN BREASTFEEDING MAY NOT BE BEST GALACTOSEMIA: This is a rare genetic disorder in which the infant cannot digest galactose. The child will die if it is breastfed. VEGANISM: The milk of vegan mothers will be lacking in vitamin B12 and important long-chain fatty acids. If a vegan mother insists on breastfeeding, her baby's diet should be supplemented with cod liver oil, egg yolks and liver, all animal foods. JUNK FOOD DIET: Junk foods full of trans fatty acids will reduce the fat content of mothers' milk and cause trans fatty acids to be present in mothers' milk. Ho memade whole food baby formula will be more nutritious than the milk of mothers on a junk food diet. INSUFFICIENT MILK SUPPLY: This is uncommon, but not as rare as is indicated in t he medical literature. A supplemental homemade formula should be given using the Lact-Aid breastfeeding aid ( ADOPTED BABIES: It has been reported that breast milk has been stimulated in non -biologic mothers, but this is rare. Adopted babies should be given homemade bab y formula. WHEN BREASTFEEDING IS FINE, IN SPITE OF WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY PHENYLKETONURIA: This is a rare genetic disorder in which the infant must avoid phenylalanine, an amino acid. With careful medical supervision, these children h ave been successfully breastfed in combination with a phenylalanine-free protein

substitute. HIV POSITIVE: Mothers who test HIV positive are told not to breastfeed. But a So uth African study found that the HIV virus is not passed to breastfeeding infant s when the mother's diet contains sufficient vitamin A Other studies have found that a low viral load also prevents transmission from mother to child. DIABETES: Although diabetic mothers are often warned not to breastfeed, breastfe eding actually diminishes complications in the infants of diabetic mothers. Once again, adequate maternal nutrition is vital. LA LECHE LEAGUE Founded in 1956, La Leche League is considered the world's foremost authority on breastfeeding. The organization offers information and support in sixty countri es around the world for mothers who choose to breastfeed their babies. They have lobbied for the rights of mothers to nurse on the job and in public places, and they conduct support groups for nursing mothers of all income levels. No one can dispute the service that La Leche League has performed in raising awa reness of the benefits of breastfeeding. However, the organization is also the m ost influential proponent of the fallacy that "all mothers can nurse successfull y." Furthermore, they have down-played the influence of diet on the quality of m others' milk. In fact, their literature denies the role of human milk fat in the development of the nervous system. The organization has also failed to use their influence to warn mothers about fa ctors that can compromise the quality of their milk. When Dr. Bev Teter discover ed that dietary trans fatty acids can lower the fat content of mothers' milk, sh e immediately contacted La Leche League so that they could warn all nursing moth ers to avoid them. La Leche League did not respond, perhaps because they did not understand the role of fats in the development of the infant. They also ignored the input of another concerned scientist, that mercury from amalgam fillings ca n cause high levels of mercury in human milk.

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2001. Click here to become a member of the Foundation and receive our quarterly journa l, full of informative articles as well as sources of healthy food. Copyright Notice: The material on this site is copyrighted by the Weston A. Pric e Foundation. Please contact the Foundation for permission if you wish to use th e material for any purpose. Disclaimer: The information published herein is not intended to be used as a sub stitute for appropriate care by a qualified health practitioner. The Weston A. Price Foundation PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington DC 20016 Phone: (202) 363-4394 | Fax: (202) 363-4396 | Web: General Information/Membership/Brochures: Local Chapters and Chapter Leaders: Website: This page was posted on 31 DEC 2001.

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