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Stop being scared

God spoke this word to me May 15, 2008 before a preaching engagement at the Virginia Baptist
Convention. It wasn’t a top being sscared about this event but much a more a stop being scared
in general. Stop second guessing what I am doing in and through you. Stop trying to figure out
how you will be received. Stop it! Stop playing hypothetical situations in your mind. Could it be
that many of us have failed to walk in the fullness of that God has for us because we are plain
scared. Some of us put it on age, I’m too young or too old. Some of us put it on health issues,
family circumstances or on a myriad of other things, but if the truth be told are we just afraid?
Are we afraid to walk in what the Lord has for us because when He does it we have tro trust him
to keep us there because we know that it was nobody but Him that got us there. Are we are afraid
of being wrong> I know that when it comes to certain things, particulary ministry there is too
much at stake! Too much. Too many lives, to many dreams, too much at stake to be edoing trial
and error. I don’t want my doctor to rest in trial and error during a surgical procedure just like I
don’t want my spiritual leader to rest in “well I can’t always get it right.” Are we afraid that we
won’t know wthat to do? That’s a vlaid a fear. In and of yourself no you wont know what to do
but we shouldn’t be leaning on on our understanding anyway. We need to be trusting th Lord and
relying on His wisdom and direction. Stop being scared and trust God. Stop being scared and
allow God to fultill his plan for your life. Stop being scared and be like Mary “Be it unto me
according to thy word.” He’s not going to put you out to fail, trust Him. He is not going to leave
you hanging, He has promised that He will never leave or forsake you. Trust Him to open doors.
Trust Him to blow your mind, Trust Him to order your steps. Trust Him to make crooked places
straight. Even if he does take you to places you’ve never seen before you still don’t have to be
afraid because He is with you. Stop being scared of the what ifs. If is a conditional word. The
Great I Am, says I don’t operate in conditions he operates in proclamations and He declares us
blessed. He proclaims us covered, He proclaims us more than a conquereor. I’m not worried
about the conditionals or hypotheiticals, I’d much rather spend my time focusing on what it real,
true, and consistent. Sounds like Christ to me! Stop being scared. Not just fot his moment, but
for all that is to come!

I’m not afraid. My home is covered. My family is covered. My ministry is covered. My marriage
is covered. I’m not afrad of being dislike by people, I gotta please God. The Lord says Jennell
you are in the place to birth what I’ve placed in you. Stop being scared. I told you to go into
ministry. You went and Im going to bless your ministry. I told you who you would marry, and
you married him, I’m going to bless your marriage. I told you to stay at First Baptist for now and
I’m going to bless your obedience. You are in the place to birth what I’ve placed in you so stop
being scared.The Lord is beginning to open some doors walk through them and don’t be scared.
As long as you remain in the will of God you will be fine.

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