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10 Facts about Animals

Here I will write about 10 facts I learned about animals from my studies.

Animal Fact #1
Only captive raccoons dip their food in water or !douse." and even then it is not a very commonplace practice. #his practice mi$ht be caused simply out of ancestral habit rather than for cleanin$. %hen studied raccoons were more li&ely to douse animal foods than plant foods and especially foods similar to si'e to their a(uatic foods.

Animal Facts #)
*accoons can be numerous different colors+ Grey/Brownish: ,ormal raccoon coloration Yellow: %hen the raccoon have a $enetic disorder called -eucism Black: %hen they have a disorder called .elanism Red/Orange: %hen they have a disorder called /rythryism White: %ith the disorder Albinism Cinnamon: %ith partial albinism. #hese raccoon have li$ht brown mas& and tail stripes.

Animal Facts #0

Althou$h opossums can catch and transmit the rabies virus it is also hi$hly immune to rabies. In fact it also seems to be hi$hly immune to many viral diseases such as distemper feline hepatitis and 1arvovirus. It is very rare to find an opossum that is rabid.

Animal Facts #2

#here is no evidence at all in animal psycholo$y or biolo$y in $eneral that su$$ests that animals do not have se3 for pleasure. #here is a ton of evidence as well as lo$ic that su$$ests that indeed they do have se3 for pleasure and procreation is simply a by4product of copulation.

Animal Facts #5

Animals masturbate. Animals such as+ the horse several primates lions wartho$s and sheep are &nown to masturbate in various different ways from $enital stimulation or nipple stimulation.

Animal Facts #6
In the animal &in$dom more than 1 500 species are observed en$a$in$ in homoerotic behaviors from males nu''lin$ other males to full blown intercourse. #hese animals include mammals birds fish and even reptiles. 7ou can find a whole list of these animals via %i&ipedia. Althou$h homoerotic practices does not automatically e(uate to attraction towards the same se3 it does in fact e3ist.

Animal Facts #8

Apparently the opossum needs a hi$h calcium diet and will actually consume the bones of road&ill in order to reach its hi$h calcium re(uirement. Any opossums in the care of humans such as pets etc need a hi$her calcium diet or the opossum will suffer from metabolic bone disease.

Animal Facts #9

.en can lactate. :oth human males as well as males of other mammalian species such as the ;aya& Fruit :at and occasionally $oats and neutered male cats.

Animal Facts #<

Animals have the weirdest $enitalia+ Kangaroos have multiple openin$s to their uterus The Edchidna penis has multiple heads Raccoon penis have a bone in them called a :acculum used to hoo& females and prevent them from escapin$. The Oposs m has a two pron$ed penis !ost "elines have a barbed penis Canines have a bulb on their penis that swells durin$ coitus preventin$ escape. #he females =a$ina helps this by contractin$ durin$ se3.

Animal Facts #10

*accoons are able to climb down a tree head first by rotatin$ their hind feet 190 de$rees. #his helps them both remain steady as well as allow them to &now where they are $oin$ as they climb down.

#han&s for watchin$

For a lot more facts on animals psycholo$y and other sub>ects visit my #umblr Account at

.usic via ;anoson$s

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