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, PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA DURING HIS VISIT AND INSPECTION OF GALANA-KULALU FOOD PROJECT SITE ON THURSDAY 9th JANUARY 2014. My Fellow Kenyans Happy New Year I am el!"hte to #e here !n $alana to ay %or another m!lestone !n o&r path to "row o&r 'o&ntry an %ree !t %rom the sha'(les o% po)erty. In th!s o&r *0th ann!)ersary o% !n epen en'e+ we are "athere a"a!n to appre'!ate an 'ele#rate the ,o&rney we ha)e so %ar 'o)ere e)en as we lay the %o&n at!ons %or the ne-t *0 years. As I sa! !n my New Year messa"e to Kenyans an o&r %r!en s+ 2014 !s the year that the J&#!lee man!%esto 'omes al!)e. It !s the year that many o% the pro,e'ts we la&n'he last year w!ll ta(e o%% !n earnest. .ro,e'ts l!(e /A..012+ the 0tan ar $a&"e Ra!lway /!ne+ the $reen F!el A!rport 2erm!nal+ an o&r ener"y pro,e'ts that tar"et *+000 me"awatts o% ele'tr!'!ty !n the ne-t 34 months+ mean that we ha)e 'hosen a path o% trans%ormat!on+ wh!'h we !nten to stay. /a !es an $entlemen 5ne o% my $o)ernment6s o#l!"at!ons !s to ens&re %oo se'&r!ty %or all Kenyans an we are here to ay to !n!t!ate !mplementat!on o% one o% the pro,e'ts that w!ll help &s a'h!e)e o&r a"r!'&lt&ral pro &'t!on o#,e't!)es thro&"h the p&#l!' pr!)ate partnersh!ps mo el. 7e (now that 'o&ntr!es that ha)e ma e ma,or str! es !n e'onom!' e)elopment are those that are a#le to %ee the!r '!t!8ens. For &s to mean!n"%&lly e)elop+ we m&st !mplement pro"rams that w!ll ens&re %oo se'&r!ty %or all o&r people !n l!ne w!th o&r 9onst!t&t!on. 7hen o&r people ha)e %oo an are #&sy pro &'!n" !t+ then there w!ll #e no ! leness an se'&r!ty an so'!al pro#lems w!ll #e rast!'ally !mpro)e . /a !es an $entlemen 7!th th!s pro"ram+ we a!m to pro &'e eno&"h %oo 'rops+ l!)esto'( an %!sh to %ee o&r people wh!le "enerat!n" re)en&e an employment. 7e are here to a ress 'hallen"es o% %oo se'&r!ty w!th asso'!ate h!"h 'ost o% l!)!n"+ r!s!n" %oo r!)en !n%lat!on+ po)erty an "row!n" so'!al an pol!t!'al !nsta#!l!ty. 2he $alana:K&lal& Foo .ro,e't w!ll ha)e s&#stant!al area &n er !rr!"at!on as an !mportant strate"y an entry po!nt %or !nte"rate %arm!n" %or 'rop+ l!)esto'( an

%!sh pro &'t!on %or lo'al 'ons&mpt!on an w!ll not only ens&re o&r nat!onal %oo employment opport&n!t!es. /a !es an "entlemen

e-port mar(et. 2he pro &'e %rom here se'&r!ty #&t also 'reate wealth an

My $o)ernment w!ll 'reate %a)o&ra#le 'on !t!ons %or pr!)ate se'tor part!'!pat!on !n th!s pro,e't an w!ll pro)! e re;&!re reso&r'es to ens&re pro)!s!on o% (ey !n%rastr&'t&re. 2h!s .ro"ram w!ll #e strate"!'ally !mplemente to ta(e a )anta"e o% /A.0012 roa an ra!l networ(s+ a!rports an the pro-!m!ty to the sea. All these w!ll ens&re e%%!'!ent mo)ement o% pro &'e to mar(ets. 2he pro"ram w!ll %&rther sp&r "rowth o% asso'!ate !n &str!es 'reat!n" ,o#s an wealth. /a !es an $entlemen 7e w!ll &t!l!8e o&r well:tra!ne manpower !n en"!neer!n"+ a"r!'&lt&re+ l!)esto'(+ %!sher!es an resear'h to e-plo!t the opport&n!t!es 'reate #y th!s .ro,e't !n mo ern !nte"rate !rr!"ate a"r!'&lt&re an a opt!on o% the latest !rr!"at!on te'hnolo"!es. 2h!s pla'e w!ll also ser)e as a pra't!'al tra!n!n" 'entre o% e-'ellen'e %or o&r yo&n" pro%ess!onals. 7e w!ll also ens&re !n'rease e%%!'!en'y !n a"r!'&lt&ral pro &'t!on #y &se o% me'han!8at!on an mo ern te'hnolo"!es !n %arm!n" wh!le enhan'!n" the &se o% r!"ht %arm !np&ts %or !n'rease pro &'t!on o% ma!8e+ s&"ar 'ane an hort!'&lt&ral 'rops amon" other enterpr!ses. 5n see 'rop pro &'t!on+ (ey !nst!t&t!ons w!ll ens&re pro &'t!on o% s&%%!'!ent ;&ant!ty o% see s to #e "rown !n $alana an other areas. In re"ar to l!)esto'(+ we !nten to &n erta(e !ntens!)e an mo ern te'hnolo"!es !n l!)esto'( e)elopment to pro &'e ;&al!ty an!mal #ree s. 2he ;&al!ty l!)esto'( #ree s w!ll #e ma e a)a!la#le to %armers at a%%or a#le pr!'e. 1%%orts w!ll #e ma e to ens&re that "enet!' p&r!ty o% all the l!)esto'( #ree s !s ma!nta!ne . 1m#ryo trans%er te'hnolo"y w!ll #e !ntro &'e %or #ree !n" o% #ee% an!mals !n the pastoral 'omm&n!t!es an to spee &p a)a!la#!l!ty o% ;&al!ty #ree !n" sto'(. An!mal %ee s w!ll #e pro &'e + pro'esse an 'onser)e %or &t!l!8at!on thro&"ho&t the seasons. 7e w!ll esta#l!sh lon" term stora"e %a'!l!t!es as past&re #an(s to 'onser)e %o er har)este %rom !mpro)e h!"h y!el !n" past&res. 2hese w!ll #e a)a!la#le to pastoral!sts thro&"ho&t the year. As an o&trea'h e-tens!on ser)!'e+ %armers w!ll #e ass!ste to 'onser)e the!r own past&re #y a)a!l!n" hay #al!n" e;&!pment at a%%or a#le pr!'e. 2a!lor:ma e 'apa'!ty #&!l !n" w!ll #e 'arr!e o&t !n the lo'al 'omm&n!t!es to ens&re that new te'hnolo"!es are p&t to &se to 'ontrol l!)esto'( !seases s&'h as tsetse an trypanosom!as!s.

2he s&rro&n !n" pastoral!st 'omm&n!t!es w!ll also #ene%!t thro&"h a pro"ram o% p&r'has!n" !mmat&re steers to #e %attene an o%%loa e to the mar(et as %!n!she steers. 2h!s w!ll "enerate rel!a#le re)en&e %or the pastoral!sts as there w!ll #e stan !n" or ers %rom e-port an 9oast re"!on 'ons&mers. Fee lots+ sla&"hter %a'!l!t!es an pro'ess!n" o% ;&al!ty l!)esto'( pro &'ts w!ll #e operate to opt!m!8e on a)a!la#le an emer"!n" mar(ets. 7e w!ll also 'reate !sease %ree 8one whose e%%e't w!ll #r!n" e'onom!' "a!ns to the lo'al 'omm&n!t!es an the Nat!on. /a !es an $entlemen In terms o% %!sher!es+ the opt!ons are many. 5ne opt!on !s p&tt!n" &p a;&a par(s w!th #&s!ness 'omponents r&nn!n" 'on'&rrently+ s&'h as %!sh pro &'t!on %arms %or s&pply o% ta#le s!8e %!sh+ %!sh see hat'her!es+ %!sh pro'ess!n" &n!ts %or the %!nal pro'esse pro &'ts as well as a ;&al!ty %!sh %ee pro'ess!n" %a'tory wh!'h 'an ser)e the %arm an the %!sh %arm!n" 'omm&n!t!es !n the 'oastal re"!on. 2hese %!sh %arm!n" systems are sel%:'onta!ne an 'an #e !nte"rate w!th other a"r!'&lt&ral a't!)!t!es s&'h as hort!'&lt&ral 'rops+ )e"eta#les+ an l!)esto'( w!th!n the %arm. 5ne %!sh pro &'t!on %arm 'an pro &'e 1+200 tonnes o% %!sh wh!'h !s worth 3 #!ll!on sh!ll!n"s ann&ally wh!le a hat'hery 'an pro &'e 10 m!ll!on %!n"erl!n"s wh!'h 'an %et'h 100 m!ll!on sh!ll!n"s ann&ally. 2he %!sh:pro'ess!n" &n!t w!ll !n'rease re)en&e #y an a !t!onal 1.2 #!ll!on sh!ll!n"s &e to the )al&e a !t!on o% the pro &'ts there#y "&arantee!n" prem!&m pr!'es. /a !es an $entlemen 2here !s e)ery reason %or pr!)ate entreprene&rs to ta(e a )anta"e o% the many opport&n!t!es we are 'reat!n". 2he l!st o% poss!#le enterpr!ses !s lon" an I en'o&ra"e !n)estors to set as! e the!r reso&r'es to !n)est !n 'ommer'!al a"r!'&lt&ral 'rop+ l!)esto'( an %!sh pro &'t!on an other relate !n &str!es. 7hether !t !s pro &'t!on o% h!"h )al&e hort!'&lt&ral 'rops< !n &str!al an %oo 'rops< an!mal past&res an %ee s< prem!er l!)esto'(+ 'h!'(en an %!sh the 'ho!'e !s yo&rs. Key s&pport !n%rastr&'t&re w!ll #e pro)! e an w!ll #e an ass&ran'e %or yo&r !n)estment. Fellow Kenyans /et &s all wor( to"ether to ma(e o&r 'o&ntry a pla'e that ea'h one o% &s 'an #e pro& o%. I also &r"e o&r e)elopment partners+ pr!)ate !n)estors+ an all sta(ehol ers to %&lly s&pport th!s pro,e't wh!'h w!ll sp&r o&r e'onom!' "rowth !n the re"!on an 'reate employment+ enhan'e tra e an relate a"ro:!n &str!es amon" other #ene%!ts. 7e as a people are onto a "oo th!n". /et me paraphrase the IMF Mana"!n" =!re'tor 9hr!st!ne /a"ar e who le%t Kenya two ays a"o. Kenya6s a'h!e)ements are Kenya6s. 5&r 'o&ntry has %&ll ownersh!p o% o&r re%orm an "rowth a"en a. 7e

w!ll !mplement !t. It w!ll #e trans%ormat!onal. 5&r %&t&re hol s "reat prom!se. /oo(!n" ahea + we w!ll eepen an #roa en o&r a'h!e)ements so the e'onomy 'an #e ma e e)en more res!l!ent+ an the #ene%!ts o% "rowth 'an #e e)en more w! ely share amon" all the Kenyan people. No one m&st #e le%t #eh!n . /a !es an $entlemen 2o ay+ I ha)e per%orme "ro&n :#rea(!n" %or the e)elopment o% a 10+000 a're mo el %arm !n wh!'h )ar!o&s enterpr!ses w!ll #e emonstrate to re)eal the "reat potent!al !n)estment opport&n!t!es that e-!st !n th!s re"!on. It !s part o% o&r plan to !rr!"ate one m!ll!on a'res o% lan !n the ne-t %!)e years. F!nally+ my %ellow Kenyans+ It !s my pleas&re to o%%!'!ally la&n'h the 9ons&ltan'y 0er)!'es whose o&tp&t w!ll el!)er )ar!o&s !n)estment opport&n!t!es !n th!s !mportant %la"sh!p pro,e't we ha)e em#ar(e &pon. 2han( yo& )ery m&'h an May $o #less yo& all.

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