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Dont Get Bogged Down by Seasonal Allergies by Timothy A. Queen, M.D.

Stuffy, runny nose, sore, throat, sneezing, coughing, wheezingSound familiar? elcome to the long lasting allergy season of !am"ton #oads. $t begins e%ery year as early as &ebruary, other times as late as A"ril. 'ut one thing is certain( As the trees "roduce their "ollen, nearly half of all !am"ton #oads residents will suffer from seasonal allergies. Allergy season is not limited to s"ringtime) grasses "ollinate in the summer, weeds in the fall. Molds, dust mites and "et allergens bother us year round. !owe%er, nothing is as aggra%ating as the annual yellow*green dusting that co%ers our cars and "orches, often im"eding our ability to bas+ in the warm sunshine of s"ring. Many factors, such as a southern coastal climate ,and, therefore, a long humid growing season-, low altitude and abundant wetlands ma+e our region one of the most allergic metro areas in the nation. OTC Treatments A "lethora of allergy medications are a%ailable both o%er*the*counter and by "rescri"tion. Antihistamines, whether .sedating/ or .non*sedating,/ are designed to treat sym"toms such as runny nose, sneezing, "ost*nasal dri" and sore throat. Decongestants are designed for stuffy nose, sinus and ear "ressure, but should be a%oided by "atients with heart conditions or high blood "ressure. To"ical decongestant s"rays can hel" o"en the nasal airway, but use of these should be limited to a few days to "re%ent rebound congestion, a worsening of the condition, from occurring. 01"ectorants hel" to brea+ u" thic+ mucous and "ost*nasal dri", while nasal saline s"rays or gels are e1cellent for clearing a stuffy nose and ha%e no side effects. By Prescription hen o%er*the*counter medications fail, your "hysician can offer more choices by "rescri"tion. 2asal steroids ,a%ailable in s"ray form- are the most effecti%e medication for daily sym"toms and do not ha%e the rebound congestion seen with o%er*the*counter nasal s"rays. Also, there is no significant absor"tion of the drug into the bloodstream, so there are few side effects. Antihistamines and decongestants are also a%ailable by "rescri"tion, as well as a relati%ely new class of &DA*a""ro%ed drugs +nown as leu+otriene inhibitors. Antibiotics may be needed to treat sinus, ear, tonsil or bronchial infections, and in some cases, inhalers may be "rescribed. &or se%ere sym"toms, a short course of oral steroids may be recommended. Allergy Testing hen medications fail, your doctor may recommend allergy testing %ia dilutional s+in testing, which in%ol%es in3ecting %arious strengths of allergens under the s+in. This not only identifies which allergens are causing sym"toms, it can determine your degree of sensiti%ity to each. Some medical conditions ,and, in some cases, your insurance com"any- may re4uire a s+in "ric+ test or may call for a blood test +nown as #AST

,radioallergosorbent test-, which introduces allergens to the "atient5s e1tracted blood to determine what he or she is allergic to. Long-term Solutions !ow can you reduce your e1"osure to allergens? Ma+ing changes to your en%ironment, such as in and around the home, are a good start ,although this is more difficult for "ollen allergens-. $mmunothera"y ,allergy shots- is the most effecti%e treatment for allergic rhinitis ,an inflammation of the nasal "assages- and can be administered in the doctor5s office. The ty"ical "atient recei%es shots for se%eral years, less fre4uently as time "asses, and results can be life long. Sublingual dro"s are a%ailable for those who "refer under* the*tongue medications to shots, but shots are statistically more effecti%e at controlling allergy sym"toms. &re4uently, allergies can lead to surgical "roblems in the ears, nose and throat. These include nasal "oly"s and chronic sinus, tonsil, adenoid and middle ear infections. Anatomic "roblems inside the nose in%ol%ing the se"tum ,which se"arates the two sides of the nose- and the turbinates ,that di%ide the nasal airway into three groo%e*li+e air "assages- can further com"licate allergic nasal congestion. 6ut"atient surgical "rocedures for these "roblems, combined with immunothera"y, "roduce the best results. hen a blan+et of "ollen co%ers !am"ton #oads this year, +now your o"tions and +now that there are solutions. Do more than 3ust sur%i%e this allergy season7get outside and en3oy it. Timothy A. Queen, M.D., is a board*certified otolaryngologist ,ear, nose and throat- with !am"ton #oads 02T 8 Allergy, located in 6yster 9oint of 2ew"ort 2ews. !e treats surgical and allergic disorders of the ears, nose and throat in children and adults.

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