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Piccole Ali

Aeromodellismo dinamico online





Apertura alare / Wing span: 2100 mm


2-Tempi / 2-Stroke: 0.46 – 0.61 ci (2X)

4-Tempi / 4-Stroke: 0.70 ci (2X)


KV 610-720 (2X)

Produttore / Manufacturer: Distribuito in Italia da:

2009 Piccole Ali – Stra’ (Venezia) - Italia …passione pronta al volo !

Il P-38 “Lightning”, progettato dall’ingegnere della Lockheed Clarence “Kelly” Johnson ed il suo team di
tecnici, rappresentò uno dei cambiamenti più radicali dallo sviluppo tradizionale dei caccia Nord Americani.

Il P-38 “Lightning” fu una rivoluzione rispetto alla progettazione aeronautica convenzionale, incluso, la
potenza e l’armamento a bordo velivolo. Non solo aveva potenza e dimensioni doppie rispetto ai
predecessori, ma con non meno di quattro mitragliatrici calibro 0.50 più un cannone da 20mm, il P-38 aveva
abbastanza potenza di fuoco da affondare una nave –ed a volte l’ha fatto. Le mitragliatrici, concentrate nella
parte centrale del velivolo, sparavano parallelamente eliminando la necessità di utilizzare dei sincronizzatori
con le eliche.

Il modello
La miglior riproduzione ARF del P-38 “Lighting” presente nel mercato. Il modello è indirizzato agli
appassionati delle riproduzioni in scala attenti ai dettagli. Si tratta dell’unico modello ARF sul mercato ad
avere “flower flaps” funzionali. C’è ne sono ben quattro! Il rivestimento in speciale film polivinilico rispecchia
l’effetto “logorio”. La cura dei particolari è “maniacale” come, ad esempio, nella sagomatura delle prese
d’aria, nei dettagli delle naca motore, nelle ogive in scala…Un modello per intenditori, non perdete
l’occasione di pilotare questo eccezionale velivolo!
Potete arricchire ulteriormente la riproduzione installando carrelli retrattili con gambe ammortizzate e
rendendo funzionali gli sportelli dei carrelli.
Il P-38 è indirizzato all’aeromodellista esperto nel pilotaggio dei bimotori. Non è adatto come primo bimotore.

Caratteristiche generali
Costruzione tradizionale in balsa e compensato interamente a mano
Prese d’aria in ABS (simulacro)
Naca motore in fibra di vetro con prese d’aria in scala
Sovralimentatori motori in fibra di vetro (simulacro)
Sportelli carrelli in fibra di vetro
Sezione centrale dell’ala modellata in fibra con linee di pannellatura
Collegamento delle semiali mediante tubi in alluminio per maggiore facilità di montaggio
Omologato IMAA Legal 83”
Superficie dei direzionali maggiorate del 10% per migliore capacità di controllo e stabilità
Dettagliato rivestimento con film polivinilico prestampato –di grande effetto realistico.
Predisposizione per carrelli retrattili (opzionali)
Manuale d’assemblaggio passo-passo

Caratteristiche tecniche – VQ Model P-38 Lighting ARF 60 RC

Apertura alare 2100 mm
Lunghezza fusoliera 1460 mm
Superficie alare
Peso 6500 – 7500 g
Motore a combustione interna 2-Tempi / 2x .61 ci 4-stroke / 2x .70 ci
Motorizzazione elettrica KV 610 -720 Regolatore brushless 60A-80A
LiPo 4500 mAh (6S)
Radio 7 canali 7-9 servi

Accessori inclusi
Set carrelli fissi e ruote
Cappottine abitacolo
Castelli motore
Pacchetto hardware

Non incluso
Motori, carrelli retrattili, servi, colla, tubo per la miscela

2009 Piccole Ali – Stra’ (Venezia) - Italia …passione pronta al volo !

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Aeromodello radiocomandato / Radio Control Model

2009 Piccole Ali – Stra’ (Venezia) - Italia


All text and pictures by Twinman (George Lumpkin) (from:

While I will admit that I own a VQ P-38, I decided to compare the only two ARF. P-38 kits
on the market. This was made easier, when a buddy of mine, called me to tell me that he
had taken delivery of the new KMP P-38 ARF. Due to job duties, I have been unable to
fully complete my P-38, but loaded it up and off to the buddy's location for a look see for
both of us. Below is the comparison of the two vastly differing kits.

What I found, or believe in my opinion, is that the two kits are aimed at different

The VQ kit is directed toward the scale modeler crowd. In that it includes the only
working fowler flaps, which I am aware of, on any ARF kits on the market, and there are a
scale four of them. It also has actual weathering of the finish. (Though some do not like
this touch) Much attention is paid to scale details on the model and extra features are
included as detailed below. The main structures are completely hand built of balsa and

The KMP is, in my opinion, aimed at the flier crowd, who are less concerned about scale
appearance and details. From the ground, it also appears to be the unmistakable P-38 in
the air. It is also less expensive and of mostly composite construction.

Delivered price $649.00 $535.00

Drop Tanks Yes No

Retracts Optional Standard

Tire sizes Two large, one small Three, same size

Engine Air Scoops Std Not Included

Panel Lines Std Not Included

Flaps Four Fowler Two conventional on Inner Wing

Number of wing joints Two Five

Construction of booms Balsa and Ply Composite

Hinges Nylon Piano Style- Installed CA- not installed

Landing gear doors Standard Not Included

Machine Guns Five, not installed Not Included

Pilot Figure Standard Not Included

Scale Prop Spinner Std.- For Three Blades Not Included

Landing Gear 3/16" Wire two coils of wire 3/16" Wire One coil of wire

Gear Finish Bare Wire Plated Wire

Spring Loaded Oleo Struts Two for main, one for nose Not Included.

Elevator Counterbalances Std. Not Included

Colors available White, silver, Army, Bare Silver

Covering material Sticky Plastic Plastic, molded color

Boom Construction Built up wood Composite

Firewall thickness 10mm or 13/32" 3/16" or 4.76 mm


VQ Center Wing section Center.Pilot pod bolts KMP Center Pod and Center Wing section. This
around the center of the wing section.Note the part contains part of the wing structure.
two of four flowler flaps.

KMP Center wing section and conventional flaps.

VQ Fowler Flaps
Note, the CA hinges are not secured


VQ Radiator inlets are recessed and colored. KMP Radiator Inlets are not colored and flat


VQ from landing gear doors and included spring Bottom of KMP Center pod. This is a taped on
loaded oleo strut for smaller front tire. plastic cover. There are no landing gear doors
included, even though retractable landing gear is.
This cover must be cut out for the landing gear
operation and bolted to the pod. Note parting


VQ complete set of reinforced landing gear KMP Landing gear opening on main booms.
doors. Not installed. Note, this is only a taped on plastic covering.
No landing gear doors are included. The
plastic cover is cut out for landing gear and
bolted on to the boom.
VQ main landing gear, doors, and included spring loaded oleo struts.


VQ engine cowls. Scale cutouts for cooling air and KMP Engine cowls. Note that there are no
recessed. No parting lines scale inlets for the air and must be cut out.
Note the parting lines on the cowl.

KMP Pilot canopy comes pre-painted for the frame

Installed canopy decals for frame and included area. Hope the pilot does not want to see out!
pilot figure. Note Fake "weathering" on the
wings. I really do not think the frames on the
real P-38 were that thick for either model.


VQ outer wing section. Note fowler flaps and KMP outer wing section and ailerons with none
installed nylon piano style hinges on the ailerons. installed CA hinges. The plane has no scale
Note, I would always check a manufactures hinge "Panel Lines".
installation via pulling, I found none loose. At
least some attempt was made to ad panels lines.


KMP view down the composite boom structure KMP boom construction. Servo and landing gear
toward the tail area. There appears to be no wood structure is glued to composite boom
internal reinforcement in this area. Maybe not structure.
needed. Due to composite construction.
VQ built up boom construction including the frame for holding the fuel tank.

VQ view down the boom toward the tail of built up construction.


VQ wing attachment area. Uses three
KMP side view of boom assembly. The boom contains
aluminum rods with wood inserts. Rods
part of the seven piece wing assembly. A long single
must be bolted from under wing at each
large diameter aluminum rod is used to hold all this in
installation using wood screws. The extra
alignment. The wing sections are glued to the center
push rod shown is for the wing fowler flaps.
sections using wooden dowels for alignment. The outer
This is a snap on affair inside the wing in a
wing panels are held on via a internal mounted rubber
removable cover that must be connected
and removed at each wing service.

The VQ supercharger area. Not painted, but a KMP Close up of the turbo charger details. This is
SMALL bit more detail, but the fit must be a separate piece on both kits. I personally would
adjusted via a heat gun. The lips are for bolting like more details, but it is a complicated area. This
the cover over the wing to boom connection. is a good close fit to the boom.


VQ Wheels. Not only are they

KMP Wheels. Note that they are all the same
scale with a smaller nose wheel,
size, which is not scale.
but scale in appearance.
KMP Horizontal stabilizer. This is a built up one piece assembly that you cut off a V shaped
opening in the covering, slide into an opening in the rear of the booms and epoxy in place.
Make sure of alignment before epoxy is applied. Note instructions in this area for proper
alignment. Operation of the elevator is via a single servo mounted in the center pod and a
pull pull wire arrangement to the center of the elevator.

VQ horizontal stabilizer is attached to the rear of the booms using aluminum rod with wood
insert, and two dowel. I epoxy'd mine in place. The instructions allow for this area to be
bolt on, for disassembly, but I did not go that route. Operation of the elevator is via two
servos, one in each boom, to control each end of the solid elevator.
VQ "Machine Guns" included

VQ wing fowler flaps

VQ Included three blade spinners. Props and engines are not included.

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