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Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.

25& 2'13

Strategies for Enhancing Healthy Sexual Behaviour among Secondary School Adolescents in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State Nigeria
)ssociate. Prof. Joac*i+ ,. #+e-e. & /illicient N. E0wue+e& 1estus ). 2gwu 3epart+ent of Educational 1oundations& 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a .E+ail6 -oac*i+o+e-e75a* Abstract 8*e stud5 in4estigated strategies for en*ancing *ealt* se9ual :e*a4iour a+ong secondar5 sc*ool adolescents in Nsu00a Education ;one of Enugu State. 8wo researc* <uestions and a *5pot*esis guided t*e stud5. 8*e su:-ects of t*e stud5 was 1=' secondar5 sc*ool adolescent students. 8*e instru+ent for data collection was <uestionnaire. /ean score and t-test statistics were used for data anal5sis. >esults s*ow t*at adolescents *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours would :e en*anced t*roug* e+ulating *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours of parents& not watc*ing pornograp*ic fil+s a+ong ot*ers. 8*e result of t*e stud5 also i+plicated factors suc* as increase in t*e rate of a:ortions a+ong adolescent girls& increase in t*e spread of se9ual trans+itted diseases a+ong ot*ers as conse<uences of adolescents? un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours. 8*e i+plications of t*e findings were *ig*lig*ted and reco++endations e<uall5 +ade. Keywords Strategies& *ealt*5& se9ual :e*a4ior& adolescents !" #ntroduction In t*e da5s of our forefat*ers? +oral standard is a 4irtue w*ic* e4er5:od5 <uest for. 8oda5& t*e +oral legac5 of our forefat*ers *as :een eroded :5 western culture. Ja+es (2''% & regretted t*at w*at we used to 0now a:out 4irtue& +oralit5 and respect is fast fading awa5 a+ong 5out* (adolescents in t*e societ5. )dolescents are 5oung people w*5 are de4eloping fro+ c*ild*ood into adult*ood& usuall5 :etween t*e ages of 13 and 1!. )dolescent as noted :5 3ale (2'1' is a 5oungster& 5oung person& a teenager. )dolescence on its own is a period and a ti+e in one?s life ti+e w*en *e or s*e de4elops fro+ a c*ild into an adult. )dolescence periods is usuall5 :etween t*e ages of 1( and 1!& *owe4er t*e age range +a5 4ar5 fro+ place to place. @ole+an (2''5 is of t*e 4iew t*at countries& cultures and tradition want w*at is :est for t*eir 5oung generation and adolescence +a5 :e 4iewed differentl5 fro+ one co++unit5 or culture to t*e ne9t. 8*e period of adolescent is e9citing and :ewilding. It :rings lots of de4elop+ental c*anges and pro:le+s. /an5 parents see+ to :e unaware of t*eir adolescents? e+otional& p*5sical and social needs as to appreciate t*e c*allenge and ad-ust+ents t*e5 undergo. It is a period of stress and stor+. 8*e ina:ilit5 of :ot* t*e adolescents and significant adults to *andle t*ese stor+s lead t*e+ to eit*er *ealt*5 or un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours. I:e (2''' opined t*at sudden c*anges adolescents e9perience could lead to ris05 se9ual :e*a4iours if not well guided :5 t*e adults. Se9ual :e*a4iours refers to all se9ual actions and responses related to pleasure see0ing. ):a* and Ec*odu (2''% refers to it as one?s a:ilit5 to e9perience or e9press se9ual feelings. )ccording to E5o (2''% se9ual :e*a4iour refers to t*e total action of indi4iduals in *andling t*eir se9ual i+pulses& t*at is t*e notion of e9pressing it as a +ale or fe+ale and *ow to li4e wit* it. Se9ual :e*a4iour could :e *ealt*5 or un*ealt*5. 2n*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4ior is an5 se9ual acti4it5 t*at increases t*e ris0 of unwanted pregnanc5& contracting Au+an I++une-3eficienc5 4irus (AI$ or ot*er se9uall5 trans+itted infections (S8Is . Aig*lig*tening on t*e pre4alence of teenage pregnanc5 as ris05 se9ual :e*a4iour& )0in5e+i& (2''7 sa5s t*at Bt*e pre4alence of teenage pregnanc5 in an5 gi4en societ5 leads to *ig* le4el illiterac5C. 2n*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour also includes earl5 se9ual de:ut& unprotected se9ual acti4it5& inconsistent use of condo+s& *ig* ris0 partners or in-ection& drug users& se9 wit* a person w*o *as +ultiple se9 partners& sur4i4al se9& ot*erwise regarded as se9 in e9c*ange for +one5& drugs& food or s*elter. 8*e conse<uence of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour is t*at it increases t*e li0eli*ood of contracting se9uall5 trans+itted infections. 8*e ris0 of unplanned pregnanc5 also increases wit* fre<uenc5 of non protected se9ual intercourse and in so+e cases e4en deat*. )n5 se9ual :e*a4iour t*at is planned& done wit* caution and respect li0e one acted out :etween life partners for instance could :e regarded as a *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour. Disdo+ (2''= presented t*at *ig* sc*ool adolescents aged :etween 12 and 1= are alread5 in se9ual relations*ip in t*eir effort to e9press se9ual feelings. 8*is is an un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour *owe4er Essien presented also t*at t*ere was e9tensi4e se9ual awareness a+ong adolescent and t*at t*ere was no difference :etween ur:an and rural adolescents. Stressing furt*er& Disdo+ suggested so+e +easures of en*ancing *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour a+ong secondar5 sc*ool adolescents suc* as passing rele4ant infor+ation on se9ual issues during +orning asse+:l5& (1

Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.25& 2'13

discouraging t*e+ fro+ watc*ing pornograp*ic and :ad fil+s and pasting pictures on :ulletin :oard to s*ow t*e da+aging effect of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour. D*et*er t*ese will e<uall5 fit-in wit*in t*e area of t*e present stud5 need to :e e+piricall5 docu+ented 8oda5 in our societ5& +o4ies and tele4ision progra++es usuall5 lead t*e 5oung +inds of adolescents into e+otional state t*at e4entuall5 c*anges t*eir :e*a4iours into e9peri+enting w*at t*e5 *a4e watc*ed wit* little or no 0nowledge of t*e ris0 in4ol4ed. 2n*ealt*5 as it +a5& not +uc* researc* wor0s :as :een carried out to en*ance adolescents 0nowledge of *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour and t*eir concentration in pursuance of wort*w*ile goal is seriousl5 at ris0. 8*us t*e <uestions& w*at are t*e conse<uences of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours and w*at are wa5s of en*ancing *ealt* se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescentsE Pre+ised on t*is& t*e present stud5 is faced wit* t*e pro:le+ of ascertaining t*e strategies for en*ancing *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong secondar5 sc*ool adolescents in Nsu00a Education ;one of Enugu State. $" %esearch &uestions 8*is stud5 is guided :5 two researc* <uestions6 1. D*at are t*e conse<uences of adolescents? un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4ioursE 2. D*at are t*e strategies for en*ancing *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescentsE '" Hy(otheses ) *5pot*esis guided t*is stud5. 8*ere is no significant difference :etween t*e +ean responses of ur:an and rural adolescents on conse<uences of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour. )" *ethod 3escripti4e sur4e5 design was e+plo5ed for t*e stud5. 8*e stud5 was conducted in Nsu00a education Fone of Enugu State. 8*e population of t*e stud5 co+prised of 5&2'' students& +ade up of all t*e senior secondar5 sc*ool students in SS II and III (PPS/G& Nsu00a education Fone& 2'13 . Stratified rando+ sa+pling was used to select two sc*ools fro+ t*e t*ree local go4ern+ent areas t*at +ade up t*e education Fone. 1ro+ t*ese two sc*ools& 1=' students e+erged as respondents t*roug* t*e use of si+ple rando+ sa+pling tec*ni<ue. Instru+ent used for data collection was a <uestionnaire called 2n*ealt*5 Se9ual Ge*a4iour Huestionnaire. It *as two sections wit* section ) w*ic* soug*t for personal data infor+ation of t*e participants& w*ile section G w*ic* contained 12 ite+s and :uilt on a Ii0ert t5pe scale +easure of fi4e point rating responses. 8*is section soug*t for infor+ation on t*e conse<uences of adolescents un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours and strategies for en*ancing *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents in Nsu00a education Fone. It *as two clusters and t*e face 4alidit5 was deter+ined :5 gi4ing draft copies to t*ree e9perts in facult5 of education& 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a. #ne e9pert eac* fro+ +easure+ent and e4aluation guidance and counseling and educational ps5c*olog5 respecti4el5. 8*e relia:ilit5 of t*e instru+ent was deter+ined in a preli+inar5 trial-testing a+ong 3' SS II and SS III students in #:ollo-)for Education ;one using Juder->ic*ardson 21 relia:ilit5 co-efficient. 8*e Juder->ic*ardson 21 was co+puted :ased on cluster ) and G. 8*e a4erage relia:ilit5 co-efficient of t*e internal consistenc5 was '.7(. ,opies of t*e instru+ent were self-ad+inistered using t*ree researc* assistants. /ean score was used to anal5Fe t*e researc* <uestions w*ile t*e onl5 *5pot*esis t*at guided t*e stud5 was anal5Fed using t-test statistics. +" %esults *ean %es(onses on the ,onse-uences of Adolescents. /nhealthy Sexual Behaviours" 1ro+ ta:le 1& t*e +a-or conse<uence of adolescents? un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours is unwanted pregnancies a+ong adolescents. 8*is is :ecause it *as t*e *ig*est +ean (" score of 3.7!. )lso ot*er ite+s as s*own on t*e ta:le suc* as increase in spread of se9uall5 trans+itted disease& increase in deat* rates& and increase in rate of a:ortion a+ong fe+ale adolescents are all conse<uences of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour. *ean %es(onses on the Strategies for Enhancing Healthy Sexual Behaviours among Adolescents. Infor+ation fro+ ta:le 2 s*ows t*at all t*e ite+s *a4e a grand +ean (" score of 3.17& w*ic* is a:o4e t*e acceptance cut-off point of 2.5'. ,onclusion drawn is t*at adolescents? *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours would :e en*anced t*roug* passing rele4ant infor+ation on se9ual issues during +orning asse+:l5& e+ulating *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours of parents& not watc*ing pornograp*ic and :ad fil+s& a+ong ot*ers. 0he t1test Statistical Analysis for the Significant 2ifferences between the *ean %atings of /rban and %ural Adolescents on conse-uences of /nhealthy Sexual Behaviours" 3ata on ta:le 3 s*ows t*e +ean for ur:an as 2.!2 and t*at of rural as 2.=!. 8*e data were furt*er su:-ected to ttest anal5sis in order to ascertain w*et*er t*ere was an5 significant difference :etween t*e ratings of t*e two groups. 8*e result s*ows t*at significant difference was not found :etween t*eir rating as it concerns t*e


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.25& 2'13

adolescents in ur:an and rural areas as regards conse<uences of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours. 8*is conclusion was drawn :ased on t*e result w*ere t*e t- calculated (1.52 did not e9ceed t-critical (1.=5 & t*ere:5 leading to t*e acceptance of t*e null *5pot*esis. 3" 2iscussion 8*e stud5 was guided :5 two researc* <uestions and a *5pot*esis& w*ic* focused on t*e conse<uences of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents& strategies for en*ancing *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents and differences in ur:an and rural adolescents on w*at constitutes un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents. 1indings fro+ t*e stud5 s*owed t*at so+e conse<uences t*at could result fro+ t*e adolescents un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours include unwanted pregnancies& increase in t*e rate of a:ortion a+ong fe+ale adolescents& increase in t*e spread of se9ual trans+itted diseases (S83s a+ong. 8*is infers t*at rec0less se9ual acts or :e*a4iours a+ong secondar5 sc*ool adolescents in Nsu00a Education ;one of Enugu State is dangerous. 8*e finding is in line wit* I:e (2''' w*o noted t*at %'-75K of adolescents w*o engage in un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour are +ore li0el5 to get unwanted pregnancies. 8*e result of t*e stud5 also indicated t*at t*e strategies for en*ancing *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents include passing rele4ant infor+ation on se9ual issues during +orning asse+:l5& e+ulating *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours of t*eir parents& including se9 education in t*e sc*ool curriculu+ a+ong ot*ers. 8*ese strategies were accepted :5 t*e respondents in effort to address un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents. #0e0e (2''= state t*at counselors *a4e t*e c*allenge of passing 4alid infor+ation to t*e adolescents concerning se9ual +atters as t*ese rele4ant infor+ation are capa:le of replacing adolescents +isconceptions a:out se9. 1inall5 t*e result s*owed t*at significant difference was not found :etween t*eir +ean ratings as concerns rural and ur:an adolescent secondar5 sc*ool students in Nsu00a Education ;one on conse<uences of un*ealt*5 :e*a4ior. 4" ,onclusion and %ecommendations" It is i+portant to note t*at *ow adolescents ad-ust to se9ual :e*a4iours is i+portant for t*eir future. It is e<uall5 i+portant t*at parents& counsellors& teac*ers and care-gi4ers adopt open discussions and education on se9ual and reproducti4e issues +ostl5 for our adolescents. 8*e i+plication of t*e findings of t*is stud5 is t*at parents and all t*ose in4ol4ed in education enterprise s*ould e+:race t*e findings and i+part appropriate se9 infor+ation to t*e adolescents in order to discourage t*eir wrong conceptions a:out se9ual +atters w*ic* t*e5 got fro+ t*eir constant interaction wit* peers. 8*is i+plies t*at parents& teac*ers& care-gi4ers and counselors e4en social wor0ers *a4e lots of roles to pla5 so as to en*ance desira:le se9ual :e*a4iours a+ong adolescents especiall5 in Nsu00a education ;one. E<uall5& t*ere was no significant difference in +ean rating of rural and ur:an adolescent students wit* regards to conse<uences of un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iour. 8*is was indicated :5 t*e result of t*e *5pot*esis t*at guided t*e stud5. 8*e present stud5 was li+ited :5 ina:ilit5 of t*e participants to coorperate at t*e initial state. It was onl5 wit* +uc* pressure and con4iction t*at t*e5 responded to t*e <uestionnaire. 1urt*er+ore t*e result could *a4e :een :etter different if +uc* awareness on se9ual issues were created a+ong t*e adolescents :efore t*e stud5 was carried out. 8*e researc*ers t*en suggest suc* area for furt*er researc*. 1inall5& in accordance wit* t*e result of t*e stud5 it is reco++ended t*at +edia *ouse progra++e :e reorganiFed in a +anner t*at e+:races educati4e and +oral progra++e for adolescents to learn *ealt*5 wa5s of li4ing. It is also reco++ended t*at a well-articulated curriculu+ for secondar5 sc*ool education :e +ade to focus on se9ual feelings& se9ual ter+s& se9ual de4iations& se9uall5 trans+itted infections and t*eir da+aging effects. %E5E%EN,ES ):a*& J.#. and Ec*odo& ,.#. (2''% Patterns of se9ual :e*a4iour and use of condo+ a+ong students of college of education #su& GenueStateUnpublished B.Ed Thesis, 1acult5 of Education& 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a. )0in5e+i& >. (2''7 . >esearc* +et*odolog5 on :ased 4iolence and discri+ination pre4alence in )-ero+iIfelodune council area. 8*e nation on Sunda5 (Septe+:er& 2 P 3!. 3ale& ,. (2'1' . Sexual behaviour Das*ington State 3epart+ent of Aealt*. E5o& /. (2''% . Virginity6 8*e pride of Do+an*ood. Jano$idan3a:ino Pu:lis*ers. Ja+es (2''% . Echoes of the Youth. ) /aiden Pu:lication of ;one Si9-Lout* /agaFine St. )nt*on5?s ,at*olic ,*urc* 2ro+i Edo State. #0e0e& /.N. (2''= . ) stud5 of se9ual problems of in school adolescents in !"erri urban of #mo state unpublished $.EdThesis2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a. Disdo+& ,./. (2''= . 8*e effect of c*ildren on parents. 2nd ed. Ging*a+ton N. L6 Aawort* Press.


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.25& 2'13

Joac*i+ .,. #+e-e G.E.3& /.E.3 and P*.3. (Nigeria )ssociate Professor of @uidance and ,ounseling 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a. Joac*i+ teac*es undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Educational @uidance and ,ounseling& Super4ises :ot* undergraduate and postgraduate t*eses in t*e 3epart+ent of Education 1oundations& 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a. Joac*i+ organiFes wor0s*op& se+inars and conferences& and articulates researc* proposals t*at *a4e funding pro-ects& functions as a professional in education in planning& producing and or i+ple+enting educational researc* pro-ects& e4aluation and :oo0 de4elop+ent initiati4es. Joac*i+?s researc* interest spans a wide range of Education& social and En4iron+ental issues in t*e areas of Education and 3e4elop+ent& Au+an Se9ualit5& ,ounseling& @enders& ,ultural Issues& 1a+il5 and )dolescence. Joac*i+?s Educational :ac0ground is t*is6 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a-G.E.3 @uidance and ,ounseling 1((2. 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a-/.E.3 @uidance and ,ounseling 1((= 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a-P*3 @uidance and ,ounseling 2''' Petronillaand /illicientare postgraduate students in t*e depart+ent of Educational 1oundations& 1acult5 of Education 2ni4ersit5 of Nigeria& Nsu00a. 8*eir researc* interest is in t*e area of adolescence de4elop+ent. 0ables 0able ! *ean %es(onses on the ,onse-uences of Adolescents. /nhealthy Sexual Behaviours" SMN Ite+s 3escription /ean (" unwanted pregnancies a+ong adolescents ! '"46 Societ5 disassociation wit* indi4iduals t*at engage in un*ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours $ $"') 3e4elop+ent of low self-estee+ in adolescents ' $"64 Increasing t*e spread of se9uall5 trans+itted diseases (S83s ) '"47 increasing deat* rates a+ong adolescents + '"!4 increasing t*e rate of a:ortions a+ong fe+ale adolescents 3 '"3$ 0otal !8")6 @rand /ean '"$+

0able $ SMN ! $ ' ) + 3

*ean %es(onses on the Strategies for Enhancing Healthy Sexual Behaviours among Adolescents. Ite+s 3escription /ean " Passing rele4ant infor+ation on se9ual issues during +orning asse+:l5 '"!8 )dolescents e+ulating *ealt*5 se9ual :e*a4iours of t*eir parents '"76 Stopping adolescents fro+ watc*ing pornograp*ic and :ad fil+s '")$ Pasting p*otograp*s on :ulletin :oard t*at s*ow t*e da+aging effects of un*ealt*5 '"73 se9ual :e*a4iours )4oiding :ad co++ents li0e B5ou prostituteC on adolescents :5 parents and teac*ers $"8) Including se9 education in sc*ool curriculu+ '"'7 8otal !6"88 9rand mean '"!4

0able ' 0he t1test Statistical Analysis for the Significant 2ifferences between the *ean %atings of /rban and %ural Adolescents on conse-uences of /nhealthy Sexual Behaviours" @roup " S3 No df t-cal t-crit Ie4el 3ecision 2r:an 2.!2 1.12(1 1%1 2(! 152 1.=5 '.'5 )ccepted >ural 2.=! 1.1531 15(


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