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Architectural Case Study

August 2012

by Sunanda Subramanian Student of Architecture BMSCE, Bangalore

Confederation of Indian Industry

About CII Godrej GBC

The First LEED Platinum Rated Building in India CII Godrej GBC It offers advisory servi es to the Industry in the areas of ! Green "uildings Energy Effi ien y #ater $anagement Environmental management Rene%a"le energy Green "usiness in u"ation Climate hange a tivities

Confederation of Indian Industry

Pancha Bhutas an ient "elief states that life e,ists "e ause of the -resen e and "alan e of the five lassi al elements They are asso iated %ith the five senses They a t as the gross medium for the e,-erien e of sensations Bhumi The Concept !#hat derives itself from nature returns to it. &earth' This is a--lied in the -ra ti e of )r hite ture! a "uilding gives "a + to nature even as it ta+es from it )a+ash thus redu ing the e ologi al foot-rint &void' )n attem-t to ma+e a -ositive hange in design "y Redu ing the negative im-a t on the environment in terms of! /se of materials #ater $anagement Energy Effi ien y 0ustaina"ility 1atural *entilation Reuse and Re y le Rene%a"le Energy Effe tive Land /se E ologi al foot-rint Car"on Foot-rint 0o io Cultural Res-onse et *aayu

(ala &%ater'

&air '
Confederation of Indian Industry

)gni &fire'

5. 6. 8. 9. :.

/sing -ro esses that are environmentally res-onsi"le and resour e2effi ient throughout a "uilding3s life2 y le! from radle to grave E,-anding and om-lementing the lassi al "uilding design in matters of e onomy4 utility4 dura"ility4 and omfort Designing to redu e the overall im-a t of the "uilt2uenvironment on human health and the natural environment "y! Effi iently using energy4 %ater4 and other resour es Prote ting o u-ants7 health and im-roving -rodu tivity Redu ing %aste4 -ollution and environmental degradation Ensuring sustaina"ility 1atural "uilding 2 use of natural materials availa"le lo ally.
Confederation of Indian Industry

#ind dire tion

Annual Mean Temp Monthly Mean Temp

Max Temp Ever ecorded

Min Temp Ever ecorded

Com"ination of tropical !et and dry climate 2 "orders on a hot semi"arid climate

6; <C

65286 <C



Confederation of Indian Industry


Commer ial

Confederation of Indian Industry

Confederation of Indian Industry


Lo ated at the lo%est region of the site for ma,imum a umulation using existing site drainage -attern

$)I1 C)$P/0

Lo ated on the #lattest $one on site" least inter#erence to site features during onstru tion Easy a ess from $ain Road Centrally lo ated on site 0 o-e to reate %u##ers surrounding the "uilding for effe tive design a ording to site limate Less -rone to -ollution
Confederation of Indian Industry




$a,imum e,-osure to -ollution2 1orth and #est "oundaries of the site4 along the main roads



1>I0E P>LL/TI>1

Confederation of Indian Industry

R>/G? E0TI$)TE21>T PL>TTED T> )CC/R)C@

1atural Drainage -attern utiliAed to harvest rain %ater at -oint of ma,imum a umulation


Confederation of Indian Industry

#arm "reeAe that -i +s u- heat from the vast e,-anse of "arren land in the surroundings

Cooled "y the -resen e of Greenery and further "y the %ater "ody to the 1orth

?arsh %est heat fi ltered and -artially "lo +e d "y the lands a-e and the -lantations in the % est

>rientation of the "uildings a-italiAe on all favora"le onditions on site and measures have "een ta+en to fi, the -ro"lems on site

Confederation of Indian Industry

C*'MATE ESP+(S',E -ES'.(

Cooled air is retained and ir ulated %ithin the site and -revented from es a-ing "y lands a-e on all sides There is ir ulation of %ind %ithin the site along the ir ular e,teriors of the "uilding2 easy flo%

#arm "reeAe from the 0outh #est gets filtered and ooled "y the -resen e of lush greenery


Confederation of Indian Industry

T> $)I1 G)TE

$ain entran e lo ated at the main road 0urrounded "y $edium Rise ommer ial "uildings &under onstru tion'
Confederation of Indian Industry

The main gate o-ens to a long drive!ay %ith lush greenery on "oth sides reating E$P?)0I0 to the entran e

0e urity Ca"in


The main "uilding has direct access from the main road4 But the entran e to it is from the inside to ensure -riva y and se urity
Confederation of Indian Industry

B/0 0T>P

Charging 0tation

Building lo ated near a pu%lic transport station.

Bicycle riders are treated -referentially 2 onvenient -ar+ing4 lo +ers4 sho%er leaning 8B C of em-loyee trans-ortation! ar-ools4 "i y les4 and LPG ars /se of "attery o-erated vehi les en ouraged 2 Charging stations availa"le The do umented redu tion of harmful emissions a hieved is 22 3 En ourage "uilding o u-ants to minimiAe their relian e on fossil fuel2"ased trans-ortation.
Confederation of Indian Industry

Em-hasis of the Entran e "y a large -roje ted overhangD -orti o

0e-aration of Pedestrian and *ehi ular movement for easy ir ulation

Confederation of Indian Industry

B)'*T ,S )(B)'*T A EA 0ite )rea ! : a res Built /- )rea ! 6BBBB sE ft Building #ootprint! >nly F.6C of site $inimum distur"an e to the e,isting site features Large area for lands a-e to enhan e mi ro limate and for visual delight
Confederation of Indian Industry

Confederation of Indian Industry

Goning done "y ?IER)RC?@ in terms of PRI*)C@ P/BLIC2 Re e-tion4 Li"rary 0E$I P/BLIC )dministration4 >ffi e for em-loyees 0E$I PRI*)TE 0eminar hall PRI*)TE 2 Conferen e rooms4 Ca"ins for 0enior E,e utives C>$$>1 )RE)0 for ir ulation and gathering


Linear ) ess

Convergen e

Confederation of Indian Industry

Central >rganiAation

Cir ulation 0 heme en ourages intera tion

)rro%s indi ate Cir ulation %ithin the "uilding4 surrounding the Central Courtyard along olonnaded orridors

Re essed 0tair ase to first floor

Confederation of Indian Industry

Everything a Euires rounded edges4 soft forms4 and thus forms a loser asso iation Arrangement o# spaces according to si$e to create %alance

Convergence o# individual spaces to the Central Court5 %inding them together

Courtyard as central 4ocal Point )se o# green spaces to #ill in voids %et!een solids

Confederation of Indian Industry

$inimal damage during onstru tion and o u-an y4 to the natural elements of %ater flo%4 air Euality4 vegetation4 and to-ogra-hy The "uilt form res-onds to the ro +y site. 0mall foot-rint4 design retains site ontours and e,isting "oulders. HContour tren hingH ado-ted to avoid erosion and sedimentation. During onstru tion4 "arri ades %ere installed to -revent ontaminants from s-reading to surrounding areas. Care has "een ta+en not to distur" the a tivities of a tem-le near"y

Confederation of Indian Industry

The s-atial and formal elements around a ourtyard reate

introverted %lueprint6
Courtyard s-a e %as not rigidly fi,ed "ut ould "e adapta%le de-ending on the time of day4 season Its mood hanged %ith varying degrees of light and shade4 and %ith them the am"ien e Centrally lo ated4 serves as visual anchor.. It %as the s-atial4 so ial4 and environment ontrol enter of the home. By "uilding them around a entral o-en s-a e ensured close relationships "et%een se-arate units Brought in an additional usa"le s-a e %ithin the living s-a e.

Traditional gathering -la e for intelle tual en ounters and ultural fun tions.

In history ! ?aveli4 #ada4 Deori 4 1alu+ettu4 Totti mane. et

Confederation of Indian Industry

Court yard a ts as the energy centre4 also the communication centre

Centre reates a centri#ugal e##ect5 Parts of the design s-ring a-art4 try to es a-e from the entre4 "ut are aught and held together again "y a "ra +et4 a round ano-y over the onne ting route.

Introverted ourtyard The a,is mundi 2 the a,is of reation

Inside @et outside 0tay onne ted to nature

E,-loded geometry

Confederation of Indian Industry

MEC7A('CS +4 A C+) T8A -

The ourtyards a t as Hlight %ells4H illuminating adja ent %or+ areas



Courtyard fun tions as a convective thermostat and gives -rote tion from e,tremes of %eather. The total num"er of ourtyards in one residen e ould sometimes "e five to si,. ) P)TTER1 >F 0>LID0 )1D *>ID0 )s the ourts -rogress in and out from the e,terior stru ture4 they form a -attern of negative and -ositive s-a es


Confederation of Indian Industry

Colonnaded corridors surrounding the courtyard convey a sense o# hythm and Movement

Confederation of Indian Industry



Confederation of Indian Industry

Li+e most olden systems of onstru tion4 stru tures are +e-t ground hugging ensuring natural modulation of mi ro limate and reating more intera tion %ith nature Gives a sense of "eing lose to nature


Confederation of Indian Industry




Re e-tion des+ and li"rary

0eating at the re e-tion


Great olle tion of "oo+s for referen e during non offi e hoursI


Li"rary4 e li"rary and admin

E,tremely #ell Lit

Easy a ess from main entran e

Confederation of Indian Industry

Easy ir ulation in "lo + organiAation

C>/RT @)RD LEI0/RE #I1D T>#ER C>/RT @)RD
EJ ?IB IT I >1


) ? /



.rid li9e arrangement o# des9 spaces

Su##icient -i##used -aylight #or all areas through recessed courtyards and (orth light .la$ing Confederation of Indian Industry


T> R>>F G)RDE1 )ll %or+stations organiAed around a entral ourt

1aturally lit throughout the day

Confederation of Indian Industry



Gathering s-a e outside for intera tive dis ussions "efore and after seminars $ay also "e used as dining s-a e

Can "e divided using -artition %alls to reate smaller meeting rooms fle,i"ility of s-a es
Confederation of Indian Industry

0-a es lo ated in the overla- "et%een inside and outside reate informal s-a es for intera tion


Confederation of Indian Industry

Easy navigation 2 use of ram-s for ir ulation #heel hair friendly %ashrooms

Confederation of Indian Industry

Building layout ensures that FB C of s-a es have daylight a ess and vie%s to the outside. 1orth fa ades are glaAed for effi ient diffused light Lo% heat transmitting glass used Dou"le glass to further redu e heat gain 1atural lighting 2 no lights are used until late in the evening $inimum lu, levels for all %or+ stations have "een ensured Light a-tured from as many sides -ossi"le 2 the use of ourtyards

Confederation of Indian Industry

1atural light ensured in dar+ orners "y the use of full length slits for ma,imum light

)ll %or+ stations have am-le natural light

1orth light roof used to naturally light the entire green te hnology entre

Confederation of Indian Industry

Light may "een filtered in meeting rooms and offi es "y the use of shutter urtain -anels

Fully glaAed %indo%s hel- to light the entire te hnology entre

Confederation of Indian Industry

)llo% ontrolled -assage of air and light into the interior s-a e. thro% -atterns of light and shado% on the floor enhan ing aestheti s Ensure onstant flo% of "reeAe into the interior 2 o u-ant omfort ools the interiors )n alternative to ostly %indo% onstru tion Diffuse the glare of dire t sunlight.

E,terior %all of %ashrooms

(ali %alls at GBC

Passage to %ashrooms

Traditional 'slamic :ali Confederation of Indian Industry !or9

$)J& K 8BBL/J' $I1 & K 6:B L/J'
)L$>0T 1IL &:B 2 5BB L/J'


Ea h individual s-a e %ithin the "uilding su--lied %ith minimum standard reEuirements of illumination for various a tivities

$EETI1G R>>$0

Confederation of Indian Industry

The offi e "lo + on the first floor re eives suffi ient natural light %ithin even on dull days "y the -resen e of internal ourtyard and glass %indo%s along all e,terior %alls
$)J& K 8BBL/J' $I1 & K 6:B L/J'
)L$>0T 1IL &:B 2 5BB L/J'

0in e the seminar hall is generally air onditioned and lit me hani ally4 only o-timum level of natural light has "een ensured


0E$I1)R ?)LL #here natural light un availa"le2 %ashrooms2 sensor lights have "een used to save -o%er

Confederation of Indian Industry

The outside "rought in 2C>/RT@)RD0 Influen es mi ro limate and hen e human omfort Contri"utes olour and is a visual delight Defines and arti ulates s-a e

Greenery and Lands a-e is -roven to "e thera-euti and a stress "uster

Confederation of Indian Industry

Green over a ts as modifier of mi ro limate

Confederation of Indian Industry

Lands a-ing "y seEuential arrangement of different siAes of -lants for various effe ts

CA(+P8 T EES Create mass from the outside4 for a ano-ied s-a e from the inside Trun+s im-ly "ut do not en lose s-a e 0-a es formed have eiling4 no %alls4 only olumns Fairly o-en at eye level Tree trun+s a t as landscape columns and give ar hite tural hara ter to the site $odify the natural light Euality Penetrating sunlight adds to the dynamism of the s-a e E,tend lines or rhythm of ar hite ture into e,terior s-a e
Confederation of Indian Industry

*arge Trees Provide Bul9 To Plant Mass

Confederation of Indian Industry

)(-E ST+ E8 T EES

0uita"le for small4 intimate ourtyards Provide olour4 shade %ithout over-o%ering the s-a e /sed as a ent -lants or fo al -lants )re effe tive in s reening mid or lo% angle sun


4rangipani tree

The Buddha Belly Bam"oo tree

Confederation of Indian Industry

Canon "all tree

S7 )BS
Define and se-arate s-a es %ithout "lo +ing vision 0hru"s an effe tively unify a om-osition

Confederation of Indian Industry

. +)(- C+,E
/nify grou-s of -lants into a om-osition M Creates edges Lead the eye to fo al -oints4 "uilding entries M Can reate lines of visual hara ter overla--ing %ith -aving Bio degrada"le M Benefi ial in sta"iliAing slo-es4 -lasti grass rates -reventing erosion used to hold grass easy removal and maintenan e

Large e,-anse of ground over used to reate fo us on Lo al raft%or+ as lands a-e elements Tree trun+s and olumns lined %ith gravel stone attention to detail 2 aestheti s

Defined -ath%ays in lands a-e to redu e distur"an e to -lant s-e ies

Confederation of Indian Industry

A esponsi%ility To!ards The Environment

Creating A!areness ; )"out green ar hite ture )"out the "uilding )"out onstru tion )nd material4 flora and fauna

Confederation of Indian Industry

&ater 7as Sensual ,alue!

It triggers the mind It augments meaning It reinfor es ommuni ation It alms the mind and relieves stress

#ater is also used to modify site limate "y eva-orative ooling

E,isting ro +s used as s ul-tural features

Confederation of Indian Industry

Asho9a Tree Saraca asoca )sho+a is one of the most legendary and sa red trees of India )sho+ means %ithout grief or that %hi h gives no grief

Coral :asmine Nycthanthes arbortistis Tree of 0orro% The tree flo%ers only at night and sheds them li+e tear dro-s "efore the sun rises Leaf is rough and the a"rasive nature of the leaf is em-loyed to s ru" metalli vessel4 to give them a shine. ?as medi inal -ro-erties and is used in )yurveda

Confederation of Indian Industry

The Sensitive Plant< Touch"me"not Mimosa pudica ) -ri +ly -lant s-reading on the ground or on the her"s the -lant uses its a"ility to shrin+ as a defense from -redators. It is used to redu e to,i ity of venoms and fi,es nitrogen in soil for -lans to utiliAe :oy per#ume tree<Champa Magnolia champaca This tree is regarded to "e the -ersonifi ation of Goddess La+shmi In reases the %ealth of the family Its tim"er is used in ur"an lands a-ing Flo%ers are used to ma+e the %orld3s most e,-ensive -erfume 3(oy3 in )meri a /sed as an ornamental tree
Confederation of Indian Industry

Bottle .ourd or Cala%ash Lagenaria siceraria Dried Cala"ash is used as "ottle4 /tensil or Pi-e. /sed to Prevent hi +en -o, Po-ular vegeta"le in many %orld uisines4 In -arts of India4 the dried4 un-un tured gourd is used as a float for s%imming Indian instruments4 su h as the tan-ura4 sitar and rudra veena4 are onstru ted from dried ala"ash gourds /sed as a utensil for %ater or drin+s in many ountries

Spear mint Mentha spicata

$int is a sym"ol of hos-itality >ften ultivated for its aromati and arminative oil4 referred to as oil of s-earmint. ?as medi inal -ro-erties Ingredient in several mi,ed drin+s and teas )lso used in flavouring
Confederation of Indian Industry

Basil Ocimum basilicum

Culinary her" ) full4 fresh leaf4 in a ash register or %allet4 is said to dra% money *ery hara teristi smell Basil seeds used in )sian drin+s and desserts su h as faluda and sherbet /sed for their medi inal -ro-erties in )yurveda4 0iddha medi ine

Sarpagandha Rauvolfia serpentina

$ahatma Gandhi %as said to have N0na+e root tea7 on a regular "asis /sed to treat high "lood -ressure and mental disorders in luding s hiAo-hrenia4 It has "een used for millennia as an antidote against "ites of venomous re-tiles.
Confederation of Indian Industry






$>1D> GR)00

G>LDE1 D/R)1T)

0CRE# P)L$



$)RIG>LD $arigold Confederation of Indian Industry


Bagasse Board "y -rodu t of ;;C &"y ost' sugar ane industry2a good of the material su"stitute for -ly%ood or Parti le %as sour ed %ithin a radius Board of =BB +m It has %ide usage for ma+ing -artitions4 furniture et . >f this4 F: C of the E o2friendly method 2 does not ra% material %as involve any harm to the tim"ers4 e,tra ted or unli+e -ly%ood. harvested lo ally. /sed for furniture in interiors of the "uilding )n im-ressive OO C of the "uilding materials use
re y led ontent in the form of fly ash4 "ro+en glass4 "ro+en tiles4 re y led -a-er4 re y led aluminum4 inder from industrial furna es4 "agasse4 mineral fi"ers4 ellulose fi"ers4 and Euarry dust. Lo% *>C -aints have also "een a--lied
Confederation of Indian Industry



$EETI1G R>>$

#I1D T>#ER




0E$I1)R ?)LL

#I1D T>#ER
0E$I1)R ?)LL C>/RT@)RD


Confederation of Indian Industry

)ll of the ne% %ood used %as sustaina"ly harvested4 as ertified "y the Forest 0te%ardshi- Coun il. Reuse of a signifi ant amount of material salvaged from other onstru tion sites li+e toilet doors4 interlo +ing -avement "lo +s4 stone sla"s4 s ra- steel4 s ra- glaAed tiles4 shuttering material and4 the furniture in the afeteria. Clay tile -aving in the gardens

0tone grid -avers used on roads for easy drainage of %ater

Reuse of onstru tion %aste stone in -aving the gardens

Furniture in the anteen %ith lo al Tandur stone flooring

/se of "am"oo as lands a-e elements

) %aste management -lan ensured that F; C of onstru tion %aste %as re y led.
Confederation of Indian Industry

4*8 AS7 B 'C=

$anufa turing method saves energy4 redu es mer ury -ollution4 onstru ted %ith this osts 6BC less than traditional lay "ri + manufa turing. material Lo% em"odied energy4 ?igh re y led ontent4 lo% C>6 emission Lighter than lay "ri +s. ?igh strength4 -ra ti ally no "rea+age during trans-ort /niform siAe of "ri +s redu es mortar reEuired for joints and -laster "y :BC. Lo%er %ater -enetration4 onsidera"ly redu ing see-age of %ater through "ri +s Gy-sum -laster &-laster of Paris' an "e dire tly a--lied on these "ri +s %ithout a "a +ing oat of lime -laster.
Confederation of Indian Industry

;:C %alls in GBC are

/se of 0olar -hotovoltai ells on the roofto- grid -rovides a"out 69 +ilo%atts4 or 5; C of the "uilding3s ele tri ity needs. Pla ed a--ro-riately on the roof fa ing 0outh and #est to a-ture ma,imum heat gain

Confederation of Indian Industry

) &indcatcher5 &indscoop or Badgir is a traditional Persian ar hite tural element to reate natural ventilation in "uildings. Energy savings are a hieved "y the GBCs t%o %ind to%ers )ir4 ooled "y u-to = <C4 is su--lied to the )?/s4 su"stantially redu ing the load on the air onditioning system. ) heavily insulated roof further redu es the ooling load.

#ind to%ers in Persia

GBC %ind to%ers

Confederation of Indian Industry

Earth sheltering is a an an ient ar hite tural -ra ti e of using earth against "uilding %allsD roofs for e,ternal thermal mass4 to redu e heat loss4 and to easily maintain a steady indoor air tem-erature. Roof Gardens over :: C of the e,-osed roof area of the "uilding high redu tion of heat gain

Confederation of Indian Industry

oot ?one Treatment

)rtifi ially -re-ared %etlands om-rising of lay or -lasti lined e, avation and emergent vegetation gro%ing on gravelDsand mi,tures

ain &ater 7arvest >

0ome rain%ater goes into the soil "y the use of -ermea"le grid -avers. The remaining rain%ater follo%s e,isting flo% -atterns and is olle ted in a %ater -ond2 another traditional method of rain %ater harvesting4 onstru ted at a lo%er end of the site. In addition4 the "uilding a hieves a 8: C redu tion of muni i-ally su--lied -ota"le %ater4 in -art through the use of lo%2flush toilets and %aterless urinals.

)ll %aste%ater generated 2 re y led "y Hroot Aone treatmentH 2 simultaneously irrigates the vegetation. Lo% o-erating ost 4 less energy reEuirement and ease of maintenan e )ttra tive alternative for %aste%ater management Enhan es the Lands a-e Confederation of Indian Industry

&aste &ater Treatment

Campus Address>
C'' " Sohra%@i .odre@ .reen Business Centre 0urvey P ;94 Lothaguda Post R R Distri t4 ?ydera"ad :BBB=94 India
Tel! AB1 C0"CC1DE111 &B' Fa,! QF5 9B 68556=8O

%%%.ig" .in

Confederation of Indian Industry

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