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Dr. H. Zulkarnain: English for Students in Agriculture (PNU 122 : A !

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Specific instructional aims

Students understand and able to construct noun compounds by combining simple words, and employ the noun compounds in sentences.

Sub topics
noun + noun combination adjective + noun combination verb + noun combination

Noun compound (also called noun adjunct) are group of words, usually two but sometimes more, joined together into one vocabulary that function as a single part of speech. A noun compound may consists of noun+noun, adjective+noun or verb+noun.

Noun compoun s consist of noun!noun

. Palm oil plantations are found along the road from !ambi to "alembang. #. "e#etable oil is one of $ndonesia%s e&port commodities to Australia. '. (ne of the ways to increase rice production has been the creation of new rice $arieties through a series of research. ). *he bab% corns and lettuce can be grown in a multiple cropping system. +. ,arious farm pro ucts from -erinci such as fruits and vegetables are e&ported to Asean countries.

Noun compoun s consist of a &ecti$e!noun

. .loriculture is a branch of horticultural science studying the cultivation of ornamental plants. #. *he /ogor 'otanical (ar en is the largest garden in South 0ast Asia, in terms of its flora and fauna. )1

Dr. H. Zulkarnain: English for Students in Agriculture (PNU 122 : A !esource "ook

'. *he ol farmer is still strong enough to wor2 everyday in his farm. ). *o stimulate root growth on a )ar *oo cutting, you must apply an au&in at 333 ppm. +. *he 4uality of a flower is determined by its floral features such as diameter, peduncle length, colour and fragrance.

Noun compoun s consist of $erb!noun

. *he tra$el a#ent plays an important role in promoting agro5tourism in $ndonesia. #. *he control mechanism of temperature, light intensity and photoperiod in a growth chamber are by a control panel outside the chamber. '. $n plant tissue culture system, the inoculation of the e&plant is carried out in a transfer cabinet to avoid microbial contamination. ). Any plants and animals brought from overseas should be chec2ed by a +uarantine officer for their healthy and safety to human being. +. 6on%t forget to complete the c)ec, list before submitting your application form.

Stu ents- acti$it%

Assi#nment 1
7a2e your own sentences employing the following noun compounds. 8ou may add other noun compound(s) in the same sentence to support your idea. .ood crops :rowing season :erm plasm Artificial drying "est control 9and tractor 9ot pepper Agricultural development (rnamental plants 9arvest time ;ain forest 9ybrid crop :rowth habit 7odern technology *uber crops ;ice field ;ural area *echnical irrigation system


Dr. H. Zulkarnain: English for Students in Agriculture (PNU 122 : A !esource "ook

Assi#nment .
*he following is an article published in a scientific journal. discussed. ;ead the passage carefully, and identify the noun compounds in the combination already

C)romosome number in Swainsona formosa /0abaceae1 Sturt%s desert pea, S#ainsona for$osa (:.6on) !.*hompson (syn. %lianthus for$osus (:.6on) .ord < ,ic2.), is one of Australia=s most spectacular wild flowers (>illiams < *aji), and is the floral emblem of South Australia. $t has large flag5shaped flowers, which are generally colored bright red but may be pure white to deep purple in some wild specimens. *he economic importance of this plant is in its potential use in a hanging bas2et or container plant, or as a cut flower plant. $t is in demand in the domestic cut flower mar2et and is e&ported particularly to !apan. (ne of the impediments to the commerciali?ation of Sturt%s desert pea as a cut flower include the production of large amounts of pollen grains. *his causes reduction in flower 4uality because of petal staining by pollen grains which are shed during transport. $n addition, pollination may occur during transport resulting in rapid degeneration of the flowers, thus, reduction in the vase life of flowers. (ur wor2 focuses on the production of male5sterile plants or plants with no pollen grains, by manipulating the ploidy level and obtaining triploids. *o our 2nowledge this is the first report of the chromosome number of Sturt%s desert pea. it is part of our comprehensive study on breeding systems of this species. 6etermining the diploid chromosome number of untreated material allows us to assess the success of treatment to induce poliploidy. "lants used in this study were collected as seeds in South Australia, then germinated and propagated in glasshouse. ,oucher specimen N0 @3 '3 is lodged in the NA> /eadle 9erbarium, Bniversity of New 0ngland. 7aterials for root tip s4uash were sampled from seeds and materials for anther s4uash were ta2en from young flower buds. /oth seeds and flower buds were from #3 plants. Si&ty seeds from #3 different plants were germinated in "etri dishes in a CDE h lightDdar2 cycle and roots from '5day5old seedlings were collected h after lights were switched on. *hese roots were immediately soa2ed in 3. F colchicine solution for ) h at room temperature to prevent spindle elongation. ;oots were then rinsed with sterile distilled water and stored in @3F alcohol at )oA until re4uired. *he roots were hydrolysed with stain5acid mi&ture (1 parts of F aceto5orcein + part of N 9Al) and gently heated over an alcohol flame for minute to help the upta2e of the stain. *he roots remained in the stain5acid mi&ture for about 3 minutes. *he meristematic tip was then e&cised ( 3.+ mm) on a slide and macerated in a small drop of F aceto5orcein (without 9Al), s4uashed, and gently warmed over an alcohol flame for '3 sec. .or anther s4uash, #3 plants were selected as the sample of plant materials. Anthers from young floral buds ( '.@ G '.1 mm long) were s4uashed in a few drops of F aceto5orcein (without 9Al) and gently warmed over an alcohol flame for '3 sec. Slides were e&amined under a microscope, and ) G C cells from each sample were counted to ensure that a consistent count was achieved. Ahromosomes were photographed with -oda2 ASA )33 film and scanned with a 9ewlet "ac2ard Scan!et )#33A scanner. >hole images were then manipulated with Adobe "hoto6elu&e 9ome 0dition '.3 for clearer viewing. 7itotic chromosomes at metaphase were e&amined, but they were too small for 2aryotype analysis. Although photographs were not clear enough for counting the chromosomes, counting

Dr. H. Zulkarnain: English for Students in Agriculture (PNU 122 : A !esource "ook under the microscope indicated that the #n H C. A clearer photograph was obtained from an anther s4uash showing that n H E in the pollen grains. *he genus S#ainsona is placed in the tribe :alegeae sub5tribe Aoluteinea. Ahromosome counts have been obtained from a number of S#ainsona species. 9air ( 1C') first reported chromosome numbers in S. no&ae'(elandiae ()ontigena no&ae'(elandiae in 9eenan ( 11Ea)) as #n H '#. *he same chromosome count of #n H '# was also found in S. canescens* S. occidentalis* S. c+clocar,a* S. sti,ularis (Sands, 1@+) and S. galegifolia (0rmayanti et al., 11'). $n her revision of the genus, *hompson ( 11') stated that S#ainsona has a uniform chromosome number of #n - #. H '#. 9eenan ( 11Eb) also suggested that the chromosome number of S#ainsona species with standard modified with a boss is #n - '#, but differs from a group of species lac2ing in modifications that have a chromosome number of # n H C or #). $t seems that the chromosome number of # n H '# is common in S#ainsona. 9owever, the Australian genera in sub5tribe Aoluteineae such as Sutherlandia, /essertia, %olutea, S,haero,h+sa and S$irno#ia all have species with #n H C ("olhill and ;aven, 1E ). >e suggest that the count of #n H C in S. for$osa favors the basic number of . - E in S#ainsona and confirms the base chromosome number of . - E in the :elegeae as previously proposed by :oldblatt ( 11 ). (Source (#ith $odifications : Iul2arnain I., A. *aji and N. "ra2ash. #33#. Ahromosome number in S#ainsona for$osa (.abaceae). New Iealand !ournal of /otany, )3D'' 5''').

"ocabular% list
Agro5tourism /aby corns /oss /otanical :arden /reeding systems Autting .arm products .lag5shaped .loral emblem .loral features .loriculture .ragrance :rowth chamber 9ard wood 9orticultural science 9ydrolised $mpediment +# H agro wisata H jagung semi H salah satu mah2ota bunga yang mengalami modifi2asi H 2ebun raya H sistem pembia2an (se2sual) H penyete2an H produ2 pertanian H berbentu2 bendera H bunga simbol H fitur bunga H ilmu yang mempelajari tanaman hias H aroma H ruang tumbuh H ber2ayu 2eras H ilmu horti2ultura H hidrolisis H hambatan

Dr. H. Zulkarnain: English for Students in Agriculture (PNU 122 : A !esource "ook

-aryotype analysis 7ale5sterile 7eristematic 7icrobial contamination 7itotic chromosome "alm oil plantation "eduncle "loidy "ollen grain "olyploidy ppm (part per million) Juarantine officer Spectacular Spindle *ransfer cabinet *riploid ,ase life ,egetable oil >ild flower >ild specimen

H analisis 2aryotipe H mandul jantan H meristemati2 H 2ontaminasi mi2roba H 2romosom mitosis H per2ebunan 2elapa sawit H tang2ai bunga H ploidi H serbu2 sari H poliploidi H per sejuta (2onsentrasi) H petugas 2arantina H spe2ta2uler H benang 2romosom) H 2ota2 pindah (pada te2ni2 2ultur jaringan) H triploid H lama masa hidup bunga di dalam jambangan H minya2 sayur H bunga liar H jenis (tanaman) liar


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