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The difference of view by Mary Jacobus.

P1 The location of women in a cultural context and an educational one. Women try to reach an intellectual emancipation and try to regain their voices in a culture that is dominated by men. this culture gives men a right to speak for women and their difference denying women from demonstrating their intellectual capacities P2 However, speaking about women is not a mere task since they are not just painting that wait to be described. Woolf suggests that the description of women is complex and it is not to be done from outside only. To her, women such as George Eliot tried to struggle their way through this complexity by gaining knowledge. This knowledge helps women to break free from being mere virgins, wives and mothers. Instead, they become educated individuals who have the ability to speak for themselves and to change the rigid system that was against them so far. They have to discover how they want to use knowledge and not how they are supposed to use it (like not within men convention. Women just want to be contradictory or something ya know) P3 for instance, Eliots heroine refuses to suffer in silence and to follow norms. Silence was their only inheritance, their burden, which contains all kind of unuttered desires. However, breaking free from their burden, chains whatever, created a confusion in their hearts (like how to write what to write how to be objective how they will be understood and all that s**t). P4 So the suffering and burden was not a positive way to gain agency. Instead of complaing and say why oh why this happened to mee!!!!!! Contemporary feminist criticism prefers to find refuge in their sexual and psychological desires. (wth). This language, that consists of liberating pleasures, makes use of psychoanalysis and structuralism as tools to communicate their message. However, these fields (psychoanalysis and structuralism) trap women since they are based on men perspective of things, such as marginalizing women example: freuds castration notion that is not favorable to women. Thus what is needed is to find a language that is specific to women and that helps thems transgress their marginality. P5 hence, a language adapted to women is one that should express what cannot b written by men. it is a language that redifines difference and that destabilizes binaries (women vs men). it is a language that challenges opposites and shows where otherness lies (or how it functions). This steps help to deconstruct patriarchal culture/writings. Themes that used to be oppression of women becomes themes such as women quest to find unwitting truth. (honslty I dont see the difference, they just want to attack men in a way or another lol). P6 back to deconstruction (ugh how I hate that word). Writings about women by women do not see females from outside but from inside. They challenge the writings of men about women. Women wrtings try to deconstruct what men have built, what they have misinterpreted, misunderstood. For instance, D.H Lawrance suggests that women represent the unutterable, the unreachable by men. (so how can he speak of them when he thinks that they are far away from his comprehension, see there? Hes been just fooling us lolol). Another example is Hardy who represents Tess, in Tess of the DUrbreviller, not as a women(human) but as a confusing and fascinating and dangerous creature. He seems her as a snake then as a divine attraction. She awakens desires and she is the incarnation of

felines and Eve (here I mean that her soul is eves and her body is a snakes but an appealing dangerous snake. IMO Hardy loved animals). What is important here is that Hardy Others women and he silences her. P7 the silent women is the representation of the unconscious in the sence that she stays in the shadows confirming mens identity. For women to get out of shadows and come to the light, she must reread readings that represent women in a sexiet, ideioligical way. However, if women base themselves too much in mens writings, there is a chance that they lose themselves in them and get lost. Thats why, even tho women use mens sense and not womens sensibility, (I mean even tho they use mens way of analyzing things, thats why I understood from that essay), they still remember their primary quest. They shouldnt be aspired by mens dominance, they have to create their own way of defending women. P8 Wollstonecraft does not really give an agency to women. instead she shows the way women are represented as having an exaggeration of sensibility and a touch of madness. (men think that women are all sensibility and madness and no sense in them, you see?). so to be able to speak for women sensibility must be kind of eradicated. In her novel Wrongs of Woman, Wollstonecraf shows how Maria is silenced, spoken for, marginalized. It is a sad reality that must be faced before it can be changed. P9-10 Wollstonecraft tries to find a language beyond the dominant one, beyond the sensible one. For instance, she tries to make of madness a positive element, of language an ally. Furthermore, she tries to break free from the boundaries of pallocentic writings. For instance, Woolf suggests that a womans writings must reveal what cannot e said, what cannot e expressed. Anger, frustration etc must be expressed calmly (and female writers still cant control themselves). P11-12 A detachment from the characters should be instilled in order to tell the truth of marginalized women. This detachment is a kind of a lie that is supposed to tell the truth (thats what woolf says, I mean here that women should be be involved emotionally, they must give their characters their own truth). That is supposed to give writing a free will a liberty that is against sensibility and is equal to objectivity. P 13- 14 to woolf, women should come to terms with their margicality in a patriarchal culture. They must also face the split that they suffer from. This split is power vs alienation which must be resolved from within and not from without. So the objective of solving this equation is to read works not as made by women or men but made by an individual regardless of their sex. Thus, women have a different view that consist of rereading writings about women taking into consideration their desires, thoughts etc. why should they be denied that right to express themselves and why keep mens point of view as superior. No no no this is not acceptable women have to construct their own voice to speak and all that. (this is a circle its like they have nothing else to say pff)

Oh P means paragraph. And if you didnt understand something pleaaaaaaaaaase lemme know!

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