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Group Title Formula

SIGMA 1 68,26
2 95,46
3 99,73
6 99,99985
Communication % Communication !M 9"%
Communication C#annel$
( ) [ ]
1 % %
!ro&ect Selection
(C) *(ene+it Co$t )atio,
*- .e$t an' - 1 #a$ .ene+it,
%!/ *%et !re$ent /alue,
- .e$t
( )
) 1

!a0.ac1 !erio' 2 .e$t

I)) *Internal )ate o+ )eturn, - (e$t
3or1in4 Capital Current A$$et$ 5 Current
!7)T !7)T
8 M 4 ! + +
8 !

Stan'ar' 9e:iation *1 act,
8 !
7$timatin4 9e+initi:e 5 (ottom;up ;5% < =1" %
(u'4et*ar0, > Top 9o?n > Analo4ou$ ;1"% < =25%
)ou4# 8r'er o+ Ma4nitu'e ;25% < =75 %
7arne' /alue
Co$t !er+ormance In'eA*C!I, 7/>AC
Co$t :ariance *C/, 7/;AC
C/% C/>7/ B 1""
7$timate at Completion *7AC, (AC>C!I
7$timate at Completion *7AC, AC=7TC
7AC +or At0pical :ariance$ AC = *(AC 5 7/,
7AC +or T0pical :ariance$
, 7/ (AC *

7$timate to Complete *7TC, 7AC; AC
Sc#e'ule !er+ormance In'eA *S!I, 7/>!/
Sc#e'ule /ariance *S/, 7/;!/
S/% S/>!/B1""
/ariance at Completion */AC, (AC ; 7AC
)i$1 7Apecte' Monetar0 /alue !ro.a.ilit0 A Impact
Time Total Float 6S 5 7S or 6F ; 7F
Free Float Suce$$or *7S, 5 Acti:it0 *7F,
!rocurement 7lement$ o+ calculation
TCCTar4et Co$t TFCTar4et Fee
T!CTar4et !rice C!CCeilin4 !rice
F!CFinal !rice ACCActual Co$t
AFCActual Fee
S#arin4 )atio *D%>E%, 3#ere D%C.u0er
an' E%C$eller *e4F 8"%>2"%,
Total !oint A$$umption *T!A,
i$ F!CT! t#en
% E
T! C!
T!A +


PMP Preparation Simplified

PMP Preparation Simplified
PMP Weightage guide
As discussed in my earlier post, PMI have released PMP examination outline
for PMP aspirants. The following is text and information from the guide as is:
PMI Question proportion Weightage Guide
The following table identifies the proportion of questions from each domain
that will appear on the examination. These percentages are used to
determine the number of questions related to each domain and task that
should appear on the multiple-choice format examination

Putting the pieces together:
6etG$ #a:e a loo1 a4ain at t#e ?ei4#ta4e an' t#e 42 !M(8H proce$$F 3#at I #a:e 'one i$ $impl0 put t#e
no o+ proce$$e$ a4ain$t t#e 1no?le'4e area un'er t#e proce$$ 4roupF 74 Inte4ration #a:e 1 proce$$ calle'
'e:elop pro&ect C#arter un'er Initiatin4 #ence a proce$$ count o+ 1 i$ 4i:en at rele:ant placeF
Process ount!Process group Ta"le
#ould you prepare $ processes under initiating process group or $% process
under Planning process group &'eeping in mind that time is a constraint( ))
*ets do a simple math++
'eeping weightage and Process count under each process group and provide
the weightage across processes , The idea "eing find out the most important
'nowledge Area and Most Important processes.
(Here the Caveat being all processes carring the same weightage since we
have limited guidance from !"# which guides to weightage at !rocess group
onl $ Table $ !rocess %roup weightage&
Take Aways:
-. Integration 'nowledge Area carries most of the weightage , .ery important
$. $ Processes from Initiating and $ processes from closing will help you land
"igger success in PMP examination.
/. 0xecuting Process group , having 1ighest weightage and having only 2
process group is the "est usage of your time.
Please 3eep in mind that this is an interpretation of weightage having
assumptions in place. The assumptions are not validated from PMI and hence
forms only the guide for you to put focus at right place for efficient outcome.
4ou still need to understand and apply A** processes under A** process
group :(

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