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Humanity Constitution reform not achievable by establishment due process pyramid power wealth soulless structure risen and

founded on the theft of souls with sole purpose to steal the power of God and all that is to be discovered as in Tesla free power of the pyramids, harnessing all to nourish a false primacy premise, NEWS Never Ending War Story of wannabe top doG !a "atin de facto unwritten law# God of the material world when incomprehensibly believed guardian of the spirit in continuance of build and destroy in a never ending e$ploration running the gamut of human emotions so as to be proficient in identifying ones personal wea%nesses or a group as a whole hence the advantage to hold to %nee begging favors in the court of the doG dominance of Greed &'()S &roficient innocuous orations usury schematics *r *a+ority rules when the segregated vast amass in solidarity surrounding the courts of ,E'() ,nti-uity E-uity 'ne-uity (pulent )nanimous ,t the head of every segregated humanity !C', Common inherent aspiration# an asp of infinite

Sna%e pits, places of horror, torture and even death in European legends and fairy tales. The /i%ing warlord 0agnar "odbro% is said to have been thrown into a sna%e pit and died there, after his army had been defeated in battle by 1ing ,elle '' of Northumbria. ,n older legend recorded in ,tla%vi2a and (ddr3nargr4tr tells that ,ttila the Hun murdered Gunnarr, the 1ing of 5urgundy, in a sna%e pit. 'n a medieval German poem, 6ietrich von 5ern is thrown into a sna%e pit by the giant Sigenot 7 he is protected by a magical +ewel that had been given to him earlier by a dwarf. Nothing however supports the assumption that sna%e pits were ever actually maintained or used for torture or e$ecution.8citation needed9 The necessary effort and the ris%s would have been far too big for something the effect of which could hardly been foreseen or controlled with sufficient precision.8citation needed9 'n common metaphorical usage, a sna%e pit can mean any institution !such as a school, prison, hospital, or nursing home# or organi:ation led in an inept or inhumane way, or an institution containing many people who may be hostile, untrustworthy, or otherwise treacherous !;sna%es;#. <or e$ample, the film The Sna%e &it !=>?@# tells the story of a woman who finds herself in an insane asylum and

cannot remember how she got there.

' dunno A How can we %nowB

<or uncanny reason believe remain to be seen

Search to the heavens rats in the %itchen lea%s to the Sewers of hell

www.( (bstruct Custice truth and source %ill httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=?GG@@HD?F5ar7to75ar7Custice7Causes7Eccentric7to7Saddle7)p7to7the75ar &rivileged &rivy assuredly &rivy to &rivy &urpose ehB

House of Commons House of "ords inadvertently babble on invariable House of Cards

Humanity ubi-uitous bought and paid for <'G 7 <iduciary intent Guarantee 7 a mere leaf attempting to cover up the minuteness of the whole &0'C1 mi <'5'5 &olitical 0eligious 'nsidious Charlatan 1leptocracy media inciting <ic%le 'nherent 5ias 'gnorant 5liss httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=>DH==J=@F&elican7Smarts &roclaiming humanity God de +ure rise to power to materiali:e the S(S Sanctity of Spirit Then in due process materiali:e self in material surround 5s s5 5ull shit sword 5ac% all at humanity e$pense When the courts of freedom financed by humans to materiali:e and maintain costs an arm and a leg in refrain G(TH'C God of tran-uil humanity immaculate conception ",66E0 "ife after death domino effective recourse Custice in their courts will not be served by alms of a mere arm or leg for they %now there is much more to be fully human (ne must spend whole body to paint the picture of S'N Sane 'nsanity Normalcy httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=>IG=D>=IF,7&icture7With7Sum7Words7Worth7Humanity7in7a7Nut7Shell They can stump the world forests putting to paper an appearance of law under God that cannot deceive and in fact when truth be %nown their de facto evidences self the antithesis God de +ure as absolutely everything of history and reality attests truth trumps beliefs A as one can believe they can fly A and surely die in try A in absence of thought due process TECE &NT0 0C0 Trial Error Cause Effect &rogressive Nature Thought 0eason 0etrospect Constant 0ecalibration 6emocracy is a form of government in which all citi:ens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. 'deally, this includes e-ual !and more or less direct# participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law. 't can also encompass social, economic and cultural conditions that enable

the free and equal practice of

political self7determination. The term comes from the Gree%E KLMNOPQRSQ !dTmo%ratUa# ;rule of the people;,8=9 which was coined from KMNV !dWmos# ;people; and OPXRNV !1ratos# ;power;, in the middle of the Gth7?th century 5C to denote the political systems then e$isting in some Gree% city7states, notably ,thens following a popular uprising in GJ@ 5C.8I9 The courts the catalyst of e-ual say <(G 7 fiduciary obligatory guarantee D6 7 demonstrate due diligence to the certainty humanity will be heard by an establishment of peers to the certainty of Common Wealth <airly shared in Humanity de +ure due process whereas the Humanity Constitution une-uivocally in place

6ue process remains to be seen

,ccording to some theories of democracy, popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system.8D9 However, the democratic principle has also been e$pressed as ;the freedom to call something into being which did not e$ist before, which was not givenA and which therefore, strictly spea%ing, could not be %nown.;8?9 This type of freedom, which is connected to human ;natality,; or the capacity to begin anew, sees democracy as ;not only a political systemA 8but9 an ideal, an aspiration, really, intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to be humanYof what it is a human should be to be fully human.;8G9

The concept of humanity the Spirit


Epitome Simplistic Sanity

5y G %now well what it is to be fully human by Satanic School Graduation 6ropout down the bloody river of no return without a paddle. 0eality the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth that which God would observe whether or not He e$ists or whether or not one believes He e$ists '6E," Simply 0eality Sanely 6ealt With 'T 'nvincible Triad Humanity !Spirit <orce "aw# 0ule of "aw

SPIRIT: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, fortitude, FORCE
Home7grown (riginal "ocal 'ndigenous ,boriginal Native Solidarity H(*E Humanity (ne *other Earth <act not a theory of relativity Egalitarian God (rdinance EG( Everyone Got (ne 'mpoverishing Sacrilege yet the service of *,<S', mother and father spirit imposter affiliates (ur protection money diligently applied irrefutably documented to serve and protect the Z'E"6 Zahoos 'n Empathetic "i-uidity 6omination The &,G,N &uppet ,ttorney General ,dministers Neutering

,dministering the (mbudsman ,ct said to be our last line of defense independent agency admits provided no authority to act in our defense as they are there only to -uell intent to %eep the spell and so the power of their pyramid documented all the way down having shelved ours and hence the freedoms rightfully belonged in Humanity www.C)ST' in perpetual tease of the deliberate due process of the [Struggle of Human%ind\ for the Criminal "awyer substantial growth dependent on the substantial growth of the impoverished and substantial growth of charities never to the root for to pluc% the weedy of the seedy greedy is to &S &luc% Self we of humanity needing only to ta%e C)ST'CE =D off the shelf, but first our minds shelved in anti-uity <ree +ustice mandatory presently a parado$ of insides out ta$payers 7 (ut 7 "aw Society e$ploiters and ta$7evaders The peoples courts the only realistic test of the &H6 7 &recedence Humanity 6ominates where &'ETZ &athetic 'nterest E$tortion Transpires Zield as them owning less than nothing enter the peoples courts once of witches thumb in mouth other in lower orifice of twitches reluctant to enforce switches, nuff said to demand sons of bitches, richer for 'T a mere

by7product, however simultaneously en+oyed by all of H'

Humanity 'nclination. H' there A here A. everywhere

New (rder World

5en+amin <ran%lin e$pressed the concept when he wrote, ;'n free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns.;8I9 httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=]]GD=GJ]F6one7What7'7Can7to7Save7World75all7Now7in7Zour7Court Half7wits of de facto half admit Spirit de +ure fills in the rest for inevitable arrests Warrants on the &6^ &ope 6ominos ^ueen to croo% roo%s in pawn surround ta%e castle <EE <ree Egalitarian Epiphany Now &laying Cesus of peace de +ure played out by Christian 6iablo of War de facto ,ct = &(E T0'ES &erpetual (ratory E$ploitive Tran-uility 0ighteously E$posing Sanctimoniously Sword of Truth <or%ed tongue double edge sword

<acts must have root I ta%e root God coherency ;Catch II; must have semblance I catch doG chase tail <(G <(& <ear of God <ear of &ope ;'t is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change; <or%ed tongue double edge sword N(W played out <or years the Silent *a+ority had been amassing a mind with a semi7automind to use ['T\ outwitting the solidarity scatterbrain segregated on _ wit &sychoti7cry warloc% Twas a tangled web they weaved by IJ=? found self Tongue Tied

<orthright <orthwith <orthcoming <<<

'n the name of God of, for and with the &eople WT<`)b,CCGf]-7c

<<< <ic%le <ate <inger <ounded on principled principals came a desire to use 'T finding self interest richer for it httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=>I>II]>@FSolilo-uy The self7purporting righteous obvious sanctimonious refusing to mention 'T were in fact self mentioning &(E &ublic (utcry Echoed ]< WT<B A say you as the <ic%le <ate <inger <orthright <orthwith <orthcoming even them of no interest found 'T most interesting the "ord assuredly wor%ing in mysterious way whether He e$ists or not

Thin ,ir 'nsatiable "iars Truths Holistic 'nteractive 0etrospect Transcendental Electromagnetism Enslavers Nemesis Get the cold shoulder hot air balloon invariably falls as egg drops, chic%en before ending the poser having laid 5E6 5reathe Eat 6rin% acid reign lied in it *ary *ary -uite contrary had a little lamb bloodied stole finding -uite delicious &rior there was *oses the people do:es on the bait and switch for Cesus Christ God damn 'T Cesus spirit of law de +ure in famous =J little 'ndians 0omans =D de facto *oses 6iablo and then there were nun A sworn to secrecy 'nteractive due process of gibberish consistency &0'C1 mi <'5'5 &olitical 0eligious 'nsidious Charlatan 1leptocracy media inciting <ic%le 'nherent 5ias 'gnorant 5liss Never let up lest there be sanity The popular rise of brainwashed scatterbrain sense in common in search of peace e$plosively ,TE 7 armaments technology evolving 7 pin ball ricochet perpetual collision course in the %aleidoscopic smorgasbord of beliefs Giver of laws A for laws not for the lawless A but their captive audience ,nd the people became bloody sheep`6pnDDEunGS* *oses stole the ,r% putting the lights out on Egypt and humans were never to see the light NEWS Never Ending War Story Christianity Capitalist humanity ruse insatiable subversive tran-uility inspired anti-uity Neanderthals ignoranti:ed traditional yahoos

httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iF*ary,a*ary,a^uiteaContrary *ary has also been identified with *ary ' of England with ;How does your garden growB; said to refer to her lac% of heirs, or to the common idea that England had become a Catholic vassal or ;branch; of Spain and the Habsburgs. 't is also said to be a punning reference to her chief minister, Stephen Gardiner. ;^uite contrary; is said to be a reference to her unsuccessful attempt to reverse ecclesiastical changes effected by her father Henry /''' and her brother Edward /'. The ;pretty maids all in a row; is speculated to be a reference to miscarriages or her e$ecution of "ady Cane Grey. ;0ows and rows; is said to refer to her e$ecutions of &rotestants.8I9

)nited Nations ,lien bionist 'nsidious &uppets The Star of 6avid in the "eningrad Code$, =JJ@ CE )pon independence in =>?@, the new Cewish state was formally named Medinat Yisrael, or the State of 'srael, after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel !;the "and of 'srael;#, bion, and Cudea, were considered and re+ected.8IG9 'n the early wee%s of independence, the government chose the term ;'sraeli; to denote a citi:en of 'srael, with the formal announcement made by *inister of <oreign ,ffairs *oshe Sharett.8I]9 The name 'srael has historically been used, in common and religious usage, to refer to the biblical 1ingdom of 'srael or the entire Cewish nation.8IH9 ,ccording to the Hebrew 5ible the name ;'srael; was given to the patriarch Cacob !Standard Yisrael, Isrlc Septuagint Gree%E dPQefIsralc

;struggle with God;



after he successfully !restled !ith the an"el of the Lord#

Cacobgs twelve sons became the ancestors of the 'sraelites, also %nown as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. Cacob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were forced by famine to go into Egypt for four generations until *oses, a great7great grandson of Cacob,8DJ9 led the 'sraelites bac% into Canaan during the ;E$odus;. The earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word ;'srael; is the *erneptah Stele of ancient Egypt !dated to the late =Dth century 5CE#.8D=9

The area is also $no!n as the

Holy Land%
&ein" holy for all A&raha'ic

reli"ions includin"

(udais'% Christianity% Isla'

and the )ah*+, Faith#
www., @

httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iF*oses The biblical te$t e$plains the name *oheh ijk as a derivation of the root mhh ijk ;to draw;, in E$odus IE=JE ;8...9 she called his name *oses !ijk#E and she said, 5ecause ' drew him !limnjk# out of the water.; !1C/#.8@9 The name is thus suggested to relate to drawing out in a passive sense, ;the one who was drawn out;. Those who depart from this tradition derive the name from the same root but in an active sense, ;he who draws out;, in the sense of ;saviour, deliverer;.8>9 The form of the name as recorded in the *asoretic te$t is indeed the e$pected form of the 5iblical Hebrew active participle.8=J9 Cosephus argued for an Egyptianetymology, and some scholarly suggestions have followed this in deriving the name from Coptic terms mo ;water; and ouses ;save, deliver;, suggesting a meaning ;saved from the water;.8==9 ,nother suggestion has connected the name with the Egyptian ms, as found in Tuth7mose and 0a7messes, meaning ;born; or ;child;.8@98=I9

Moses rescued from the Nile, 1638, by Nicolas Poussin

'n the Hebrew 5ible, the narratives of *oses are in E$odus, "eviticus, Numbers and6euteronomy. ,ccording to the 5oo% of E$odus, *oses was a son of ,mram, a member of the "evite tribe of 'srael descended from Cacob, and his wife, Cochebed.8=D9 Cochebed !also Zocheved# was %in to ,mramgs father 1ehath !E$odus ]EIJ#. *oses had one older !by seven years# sister, *iriam, and one older !by three years# brother, ,aron. 8=D9 ,ccording to Genesis ?]E==, ,mramgs father 1ehath immigrated to Egypt with HJ of Cacobgs household, ma%ing *oses part of the second generation of 'sraelites born during their time in Egypt.8=?9 'n the E$odus account, the birth of *oses occurred at a time when an unnamed Egyptian&haraoh had commanded that all male Hebrew children born be %illed by drowning in the riverNile. Cochebed, the wife of the "evite ,mram, bore a son and %ept him concealed for three months.8=D98=G98=]9 When she could %eep him hidden no longer, rather than deliver him to be %illed, she set him adrift on the Nile 0iver in a small craft of bulrushes coated in pitch.8=G9*osesg sister *iriam observed the progress of the tiny boat until it reached a place where &haraohgs daughter !5ithiah,8=D9 Thermuthis 8=H9# was bathing with her handmaidens. 't is said that she spotted the baby in the bas%et and had her handmaiden fetch it for her. *iriam came forward and as%ed &haraohgs daughter if she would li%e a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby.8=D9 Thereafter, Cochebed was employed as the childgs nurse. He grew up and was brought to &haraohgs daughter and became her son and a younger brother to the future &haraoh of Egypt. *oses would not be able to become &haraoh because he was not the gbloodg son of 5ithiah, and he was the youngest.8=@98better source needed9 Shepherd in *idian ,fter *oses had reached adulthood, he went to see how his brethren were faring.8=G9 Seeing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he %illed the Egyptian and buried the body in the sand, supposing that no one who %new about the incident would be disposed to tal% about it.8=G9 The ne$t day, seeing two Hebrews -uarreling, he endeavored to separate them, whereupon the Hebrew who was wronging the other taunted *oses for slaying the Egyptian.8=>9 *oses soon discovered from a higher source that the affair was %nown, and that &haraoh was li%ely to put him to death for itc he therefore made his escape over the Sinai &eninsula.8=G9 'n *idian he stopped at a well, where he protected seven shepherdesses from a band of rude shepherds. The shepherdessesg >

father Hobab adopted him as his son, gave his daughter bipporah to him in marriage, and made him the superintendent of his herds.8=G98IJ98I=9 There he so+ourned forty years, following the occupation of a shepherd, during which time his son Gershom was born.8=G98II9 (ne day, *oses led his floc% to *ount Horeb !E$odus D#, usually identified with *ount Sinai Y a mountain that was thought in the *iddle ,ges to be located on the Sinai &eninsula. While tending the floc%s of Cethro at *ount Horeb, he saw a burning bush. The bush was not consumed and when *oses turned aside to loo% more closely at the marvel, God spo%e to him from the bush, revealing his name to *oses.8=G9 EgyptE the &lagues and the E$odus

*ount Sinai and the Ten Commandments *ain articleE Ten Commandments
,ccording to the 5ible, after crossing the 0ed Sea and leading the 'sraelites towards the desert, *oses was summoned by God to *ount Sinai, also referred to as *ount Horeb, the same place where *oses had first tal%ed to the 5urning 5ush, tended the floc%s of Cethro his father7in7law, and later produced water by stri%ing the roc% with his staff and directed the battle with the ,male%ites. *oses stayed on the mountain for ?J days and nights, a period in which he received the Ten Commandments directly from God. *oses then descended from the mountain with intent to deliver the commandments to the people, but upon his arrival he saw that the people were involved in the sin of the Golden Calf. 'n terrible anger, *oses bro%e the commandment tablets8DJ9 and ordered his own tribe !the "evites# to go through the camp and

$ill e-eryone% includin" fa'ily and friends,8D=9

upon which the "evites %illed about D,JJJ people.8DI9 God later commanded *oses to inscribe two other tablets, to replace the ones *oses smashed,8DD9 so *oses went to the mountain again, for another period of ?J days and nights, and when he returned, the commandments were finally given. 'n Cewish tradition, *oses is referred to as ;The "awgiver; for this singular achievement of delivering the Ten Commandments. www.> www.( (bstruct Custice truth and source %ill Satan mercenaries have a humanity sense about them reluctant to %ill mom and dad have an understanding with the foes they are pitted against doing each others where can use the e$cuse they were the enemy

httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=?JJJ@]I]Ftwo7faced7god7for%ed7tongue7religious7political7not7an7eden7ma%e ;Thy %ingdom come; *c &ig *usical Chairs &uppets in glomming =J

&uppets in Governance *edia Elusives

&'G *E
The re-uest for Godgs %ingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a *essiah figure would bring about a 1ingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of Godgs 1ingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for,

not a hu'an achie-e'ent#

This idea is fre-uently challenged by groups who believe that the 1ingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to wor% for a better world. 't is believed by these individuals that Cesusg commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the 1ingdom to which he was referring.

&'G *E(W
&uppets in Governance *edia Elusives (pposition Web httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iF1ingdomaofaGod The Catechism of the Catholic Church !CCC# teaches that the coming 0eign of God will be a %ingdom of love, peace, and +ustice.8ID9 Custice is defined as a virtue whereby one respects the rights of all persons, living in harmony and e-uity with all.8I?9 The 1ingdom of God began with Christgs death and 0esurrection and must be further e$tended by Christians until it has been brought into perfection by Christ at the end of time. 8IG9 The Christian does this by living the way Christ lived, by thin%ing the way Christ thought,8ID9 and by promoting peace and +ustice.8I]9 This can be accomplished by discerning how the Holy Spirit !God# is calling one to act in the concrete circumstances of onegs life.8I]9 Christians must also pray, as%ing God for what is necessary to cooperate with the coming of Godgs 1ingdom. 8IH9 Cesus gathered disciples to be the seed and the beginning of Godgs 0eign on earth, and Cesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide them.8I@9 Cesus continues to call all people to come together around him8I>9 and to spread the 1ingdom of God across the entire world.8DJ9 However, the ultimate triumph of Christgs 1ingdom will not come about until Christgs return to earth at the end of time.8D=9 6uring Christgs second coming, he will +udge the living and the dead. (nly those who are +udged to be righteous and +ust will reign with Christ forever.8DI9 Christgs second coming will also mar% the absolute defeat of all evil powers, including Satan.8DD9 )ntil then, the coming of the 1ingdom will continue to be attac%ed by evil powers as Christians wait with hope for the second coming of their Savior.8D?9 This is why Christians pray to hasten Christgs return by saying to him ;*aranathap; which means ;Come, "ord Cesusp;.8DG9 httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iFEndatime While some who believe in the literal interpretation of the 5ible insist that the prediction of dates or times is futile, some other writers believe that Cesus foretold of signs which would indicate that the ;end of days; was near. Some of these signs include earth-ua%es, natural disasters, civil problems, ;wars and rumors of wars,; and other catastrophes. (f the precise time, however, it will come li%e a ;thief in the night; != Thess. GEI#. httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iF0esurrectionqE$ternalalin%s bombies became a popular device in modern horror fiction, largely because of the success of George ,. 0omerogs =>]@ film Night of the "iving 6ead8=H9 and they have appeared as plot devices in various boo%s, films and in television shows. bombie fiction is now a si:eable sub7genre of horror, usually describing a brea%down of civili:ation occurring when most of the population become flesh7eating :ombies a :ombie apocalypse. The monsters are usually hungry for human flesh, often specifically brains. Sometimes they are victims of a fictional pandemic illness causing the dead to reanimate or the living to behave this way, but often no cause is given in the story. ==

httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocFGD=@HJG=FTo7)nited7Nations Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.8=9 While a precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the =>?@ )nited Nations Convention on the &revention and &unishment of the Crime of Genocide !C&&CG#. ,rticle I of this convention defines genocide as ;any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as suchE %illing members of the groupc causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the groupc deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in partc imposing measures intended to prevent births within the groupc 8and9 forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.;8I9 5ecause of the influence of Coseph Stalin,

this definition of "enocide under international la!

does not include political "roups#



,nother criticism of the C&&CG is that when its provisions have been invo%ed by the )nited Nations Security Council, they have only been invo%ed to punish those who have already committed genocide and

&een foolish enou"h to lea-e a paper trail#

't was this criticism that led to the adoption of )N Security Council 0esolution =]H? by the )nited Nations Security Council on I@ ,pril IJJ] commits the Council to action to protect civilians in armed conflict and to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. Genocide scholars such as Gregory Stanton have postulated that conditions and acts that often occur before, during, and after genocideY such as dehumani:ation of victim groups, strong organi:ation of genocidal groups, and denial of genocide by its perpetratorsY can be identified and

actions ta$en to stop "enocides &efore they happen#
Critics of this approach such as 6ir%

/oses assert that this is unrealistic and that, for e$ample, ]]]

01arfur !ill end !hen it suits the "reat po!ers that ha-e a sta$e in the re"ion0#
&olitical religious curia puppets purpose to scramble brains once minds stolen the bodies theirs Slaves labor best in free democracies when believed to be free Self7enslavement httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=H=DGD]H]FS'N7*E7ES& httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=>IG=D>=IF,7&icture7With7Sum7Words7Worth7Humanity7in7a7Nut7Shell &olitical 0eligious 'mplicit Complicit E$plicit =I

&0'CE &olitical 0eligious 'nsidious Capitalist Emperors "i%e other financial empires in history, Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth, as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial7centers7of7capital.8=9 5elloc estimated that, during the 5ritish Enclosures, ;perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian;, while roughly the other ;half; owned and controlled the means of production. Now, under modern Capitalism, C.W. Smith claims fewer than GJJ people possess more wealth than half of the earthrs population, as the wealth of =FI of =7percent of the )nited States population roughly e-ual that of the lower >J7percent.

http:22!!!#scri&d#co'2doc2.345678.92A:Corporation:is:Considered:&y:the:La!:to:E;ist: as:a:Le"al:Person

http:22!!!#youtu&e#co'2!atch<-=>6;?s&S&@AE After o-erco'in" the !illin" suspension of dis&elief Hi"h Ran$in" AS /aBor Ceneral E;poses Septe'&er .. httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=>DH==J=@F&elican7Smarts

The ,ttorney General administers many ,cts including them they purport to be 'ndependent such as the (mbudsman none having authority to deal with their conspiracy

"awyer <ile q = (0HT70ic% Hennessey "awyer <ile q I 'E) 7 6ave Grech =D

"awyer <ile q D *inister *unicipal ,ffairs and Housing 7Cohn Gerretsen "awyer <ile q ? (mbudsman7Gerry Carlino "awyer <ile q G *Z *&& Culia *unro "awyer <ile q] &remier 6alton *cguinty "awyer <ile q H ,ttorney General *ichael 5ryant "awyer <ile q @ (&& 7 6et Sgt. 0andy Craig "awyer <ile q > Z0& 7 6eputy Chief 5ruce Herridge "awyer <ile q =J (ntario Civilian Commission on &olice services "awyer <ile q == (ffice (ntario ,ttorney General "awyer <ile q =I Z0& 7 &hil *oreau7Standards "awyer <ile q =D Crown ,ttorney70obert *cCreary7New *ar%et "awyer <ile q =D, Crown ,ttorney 7 &aul Culver7Toronto "awyer <ile q =? 0C*& 7 Sgt. *ichael Thompson httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]=]I]F"awyer7<ile7= httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]=HIJF"awyer7<ile7I httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]=@=JF"awyer7<ile7D httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]=@H=F"awyer7<ile7? httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]=>D=F"awyer7<ile7G httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]=>GGF"awyer7<ile7] httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IJJHF"awyer7<ile7H httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IJH?F"awyer7<ile7@ httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IJ>?F"awyer7<ile7> httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]I=DJF"awyer7<ile7=J httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IIJ@F"awyer7<ile7=I httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IID]F"awyer7<ile7=D httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IDIHF"awyer7<ile7=D, httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=G=D]IDH@F"awyer7<ile7=? "awyer <ile ==]/G,&T:%:WEZ=cC='(/EFedit Scribd would not publish due the frauds re-uest due copy right issues 6ocument contains his prospectus that has been proven fraudulent
)ltimately the ,ttorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the "egislature, for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only occur, of course, once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been made not to prosecute. The sub +udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is li%ely to influence the matter. The sub +udicae rule strictly prohibits the ,ttorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. Given the stature of the ,ttorney Generalgs position, any public comment coming from the office would be seen as an attempt to influence the case. 0eality is the Truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth that which God would observe whether or not He e$ists or whether or not one believes He e$ists '6E," Simply 0eality Sanely 6ealt With <ar greater to determine truths of today and deal with them rather than set out with a preponderance of ignorance to determine the truth of beliefs of "ost Civili:ations that if the truth were %nown soon lost to beliefs =?

of yore We got a sta%e in the region too, with a ma+ority nigh on =J to =J could be the great power if a IJFIJ mind put to it


One >ay Liberation


www.( Humanity Constitution de +ure in place spirit of law interpretation displace antithesis de facto diablo disgrace 5ottom line tis not the Constitution needing reform but de facto individuals reform school a%a poacher recycler www.'yffy'.com 'n your face for your 'nformation The fanatic religious will still praise the &ope as if God the right to traffic children to appropriators delight [(nly the wisest and the stupidest cannot change\ The Spirit of Humanity can and will deal with both until there was none but H' Humanity 'ntellect 'nvisible Hand 'H leaves behind no sign thereof as the purveyors of hell finally got 'T When &(E &ressure (n Elusivity the 5abble on get going S&H'Ns Showing &recisely How 'ntuitive Neanderthals 'ntersect


Neither could %eep *oses from stealing the ,r%, Tesla one with us discovered the power of the pyramids (nly to be stolen once again providing H.,.,.0.& to unanimously harp about lest we put to the ultimate test whether or not a life hereafter

Hell heaven can wait &lenty of time for that once repos begins providing a life worth living as in heaven doing +obs we love never to wor% a day in our lives s-uee:ing the E" Elite "i-uidity to HE"" 7 Humanity E-uilibrium "i-uid "i-uidation



Sane 'nsanity Normalcy S'N Sanity 'nherent Nuances httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=>DIH]IIJF'gnorance7(ur7,lbatross7Truth7(ur7,mmo7Their7,lamo

=@ )nder Construction in perpetuity becomes a most onerous and formidable challenge %eeping up with self in due process of thought for at the onset been in passive state of the bias sna%e sovereign state

[There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words 5enevolence 0ighteousness and *orality A finally ' began to ma%e out what was written between the lines. The whole volume was but a single phrase, Eat &eople\


www.C)ST' Confucius wanted his followers to TH'N1ppp The world as ' as a %id %new well of Confucius say 5ut was not until IJ=D began to put a mind to 'T hence the code of thought Trial Error Thought 0eason &rogressive Nature Thought 0eason 0etrospect Constant 0ecalibration httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=@JJD]I@]F'talian7politicians7agree7to7aid7against7last70at:7&ope 0oman Catholic core of rot prepare to rot no more children in you pot We ta$payers have come to reali:e humanity will never be by financing thee that ransac%s we When Satanic Establishment Sued, the ta$payer pays as if such perpetual punishment will set evil to flight and their bac%room settlements of the &&7 &rivileged &rivy a necessity of 0HS 0ighteous Honorable Sanctimonious a%a 0oyal Hysterical Society httpEFFwww.scribd.comFdocF=?GG@@HD?F5ar7to75ar7Custice7Causes7Eccentric7to7Saddle7)p7to7the75ar [, little learning is a dangerous thingc 6rin% deep and taste not the &ierian springc There shallow draughts into$icate the brainc ,nd drin%ing largely sobers us again.\ ,le$ander &ope =]@@ 7 =H?? ,ll on same page IJ studied well IJFIJ probable of E,CH 7 eccentrics aware coherent humanity 6ependent on courts absolute independence from government elite frea%s 'n humanity due process the whole shall e$perience IJFIJ by IJIJ or get arrested for reality negligence &erhaps certifiably unrecyclableppp Straight Cac%et and Solitaire <) <or Zou

(f their stories of &omp and Circumstance 0ising Coherence 0C 0oman Catholic &ope comes thoughts of Truth and Conse-uences and &omp and Circumstance A Enhanced Hype EHB


The title is ta%en from ,ct ''', Scene D of Sha%espearegs (thelloE <arewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump, The spirit7stirring drum, thgear7piercing fife, The royal banner, and all -uality, &ride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious warp;8=9 5ut also, on the score of the first march, Elgar set as a motto for the whole set of marches a verse from "ord de Tableygs poem The *arch of Glory8I9 which begins "i%e a proud music that draws men on to die *adly upon the spears in martial ecstasy, , measure that sets heaven in all their veins ,nd iron in their hands. ' hear the Nation march 5eneath her ensign as an eaglegs wingc (ger shield and sheeted targe The banners of my faith most gaily swingc *oving to victory with solemn noise, With worship and with con-uest, and the voice of myriads. proclaiming the ;shows of things;E the natve assumption that the splendid show of military pageantry ;&omp; has no connection with the drabness and terror ;Circumstance; of actual warfare. The first four marches were all written before the events of World War ' shattered that belief, and the styles in which wars were written about spurned the false romance of the battle7song. Elgar understood this. 'f Edgar understood as surely as a wood chuc% would chuc% heads of wood we would come to understand The wood chuc% stumped many a tree as did the &rivileged &rivy in superfluous attempt to cover up the Greedy Seedy Weedy creators of the needy thee in systemic vacuum foresee what happening to the pitied due pitiful self once believed immune to be ultimately pittified while invariably supporters of the satanic -uo pinball ricochet %aleidoscopic inevitable collision course with telescopic view perceptions grew distanced from the brewed stew until found self standing there in overhead that attempted a cry for help with naught but
&(E &ublic (utcry Echoed ]< WT<B A say you as the <ic%le <ate <inger <orthright <orthwith <orthcoming even them of no interest found 'T most interesting the "ord assuredly wor%ing in mysterious way whether He e$ists or not 0eali:ing N(W as they did then time to change to the )& and Coming upstarts of Humanity for what they %now N(W will be effectively efficiently applied to the certainty of the catalyst of humanity S(S Sanctity of Spirit unli%e Cac% never to be bo$ed in again as they did then.

,ye the ,&&S 7 apathetic pitiful pittified sanctimonious 7u became &S &etrified Straight as their every means of 5S became tongue tied in the world of humans advancing to IJFIJ decidedly richer for it being the cause many historians will say, but ' suspect was the laughter gained at the SEE 7 Satanic Elite E$pense. I= 5lac% Cac% ehBpppB


<acts must have root I ta%e root God coherency ;Catch II; must have semblance I catch doG chase tail <(& <(G

<ear of &ope A cohorts A <ear of God *aterial over mind A and minds in a fog frog prince %iss and missB Why in Hell would they fear God if not in Hell =, I buc%led their shoe believing safe in own castle &ope ^ueen Nuances ever e$panding anne$ing when mortgage due the boot leaving shoe behind Whatcha gonna do when in due process live in a shoe and then castle boots ass poverty a shoe inB ,ssuredly if ever a time for Thought A the time was N(W to e$ercise the C(T Code of Thought The Catch II spell was bro%en no longer to bite tail for once out of the bo$ all was Triadocular <or nobody the desire to be Caught in abstention of C(T

Where we e$ercise 5abble on too never to ta%e us serious until we come for them when a lawyer of hell can only swell ones &0 &enal 0ecompense Tis the time when the wisest and the stupidest ac-uiesced thought 6istancing self from the SE"< Solicitor Evilest "ife <orms <or assuredly they %now the SCH((" Sane Coherent Humanity (rdained (btrusive "ogistics being "awyering =J= so as to be legally certain never to cross that line to SH,*E Sane Humanity ,nd *erit E$pulsion

'T is the %nowing of their *( that ,men became Nemo Nature evolves minds ocular C(ST <0EE 7 Captains own ship trials <iduciary responsible eradicate evil II

,ll on same page ID psalm abandoned ID and ID s%idoo with all abandonment httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iF&salmaID
httpEFFen.wi%ipedia.orgFwi%iFIDas%idooa!phrase# ID s%idoo !sometimes ID s%iddoo# is an ,merican slang phrase populari:ed during the early IJth century, first attested before World War ' and becoming popular during the =>IJs. 't generally refers to leaving -uic%ly, being forced to leave -uic%ly by someone else, or ta%ing advantage of a propitious opportunity to leave, that is, ;getting 8out9 while the gettinggs good.; The e$act origin of the phrase is uncertain. ID s%idoo has been described as ;perhaps the first truly national fad e$pression and one of the most popular fad e$pressions to appear in the ).S,; to the e$tent that ;&ennants and arm7bands at shore resorts, par%s, and county fairs bore either 8ID9 or the word gS%iddoog.;8=9 Zep A We donrt pray A not gullible to myths A nor &olitical sway We donrt wal% under ladders for fear of free fall nor do we fear the S,GE Salacious ,ttorney General Eliters

We stand above the ,ttorney General for fear of free fall for he has got the 0)NS 0esponsibly )naccountable Nuance Schematics 0omans =D 6amage Comptroller ,ttorney General, guardian of the public interest .4# !=# The ,ttorney General for (ntario shall serve as the guardian of the public interest in all matters within the scope of this ,ct or having to do in any way with the practice of law in (ntario or the provision of legal services in (ntario, and for this purpose he or she may at any time re-uire the production of any document or thing pertaining to the affairs of the Society. 0.S.(. =>>J, c. ".@, s. =D !=#c =>>@, c. I=, s. H !=#c IJJ], c. I=, Sched. C, s. =D. Ad'issions !I# No admission of any person in any document or thing produced under subsection !=# is admissible in evidence against that person in any proceedings other than proceedings under this ,ct. 0.S.(. =>>J, c. ".@, s. =D !I#c =>>@, c. I=, s. H !I#. Protection of /inister !D# No person who is or has been the ,ttorney General for (ntario is sub+ect to any proceedings of the Society or to any penalty imposed under this ,ct for anything done by him or her while e$ercising the functions of such office. 0.S.(. =>>J, c. ".@, s. =D !D#c =>>@, c. I=, s. H !D#. <iduciary 0esponsibly ,ccountable Nefarious 1in%

<ran% =D Truths Holistic 'nteractive 0etrospect Transcendental Electromagnetism Enslavers Nemesis ,'0 0', ,ccountable is 0esponsible 0esponsible is ,ccountable 5((1 5enefit of ocular %nowledge E6 Em 6aniel ID s%idoo 5eware the <lac% ehB ' SES , *E A pic%ing up a new phonetics in 6r doublethin% retrospect ID

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