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How to get it, how to share it


It’s all about love

This is one party you don’t want
to miss!

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For a wide range of books and audio
and video productions to feed your soul,
lift your spirit, strengthen your family,
and provide fun learning times for your
children, please contact one of our
distributors below, or visit our Web site

Activated Ministries
P.O. Box 462805
Escondido, CA 92046–2805
USA Personally speaking
(877) 862–3228 Mahatma Gandhi once said to James McEldowney, a Chris-
Activated Europe
tian who was visiting Gandhi at his home in Sevagram, “’I have
Bramingham Pk. Business Ctr. a great respect for Christianity. I often read the Sermon on the
Enterprise Way Mount and have gained much from it. I know of no one who
Luton, Beds. LU3 4BU has done more for humanity than Jesus. In fact, there is nothing
England wrong with Christianity, but the trouble is with you Christians. You do not begin to live up to your own teachings.” What he meant,
(07801) 442–317 of course, was that he couldn’t see many Christians living the
Activated Africa way Jesus said His followers should. Much of the world would
P.O. Box 2150 say amen to that.
Westville 3630 So where does that leave Christians who take their Christian-
South Africa ity seriously? In the face of such humbling criticism, do we quit even trying?—Or do we rise to the challenge?
083 55 68 213 Let’s give the world something to talk about! Let’s get down
Activated India to business—the business of living the way Jesus said we should.
P.O. Box 5215 Let’s show that it can be done.
G.P.O. It’s not as complicated as you may think. It all comes down
Bangalore – 560 001 to one simple rule, the “Law of Love,” which Jesus expressed
India a little differently on a couple of different occasions: Love God
foremost, and love others as much as we love ourselves (Mat-
EDITOR thew 22:37–40), and treat others the way we want to be
Keith Phillips treated (Matthew 7:12). If we each truly tried to live that way, it
DESIGN wouldn’t change the whole world overnight, but before long it
Doug Calder would change our worlds—our own lives and the lives we touch.
ILLUSTRATIONS When we think in terms of righting all the world’s wrongs, it’s
Doug Calder, Etienne Morel, overwhelming, impossible. But when we put Jesus’ teaching into
Hugo Westphal simple everyday terms and take it one decision, one action, one
conversation, one loving gesture at a time, it’s not so hard. In
fact, it’s the most thrilling and fulfilling life there is, because shar-
Francisco Lopez
ing real love has rewards all its own. Let’s live by God’s Law of
VOL 5, ISSUE 2 Love!
February 2004
© 2004 Aurora Production AG
All Rights Reserved. Printed in Thailand. Keith Phillips
Unless otherwise indicated, all
Scripture quotations in Activated are
from the New King James Version of the For the Activated family
Bible © 1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc.
When other versions are quoted, some
typographical changes have been made
for the sake of clarity and uniformity.

2 activated VOL 5, ISSUE 2

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I knew you’d
There is a story about two
brothers who enlisted in the
Army during World War I and
asked to be assigned to the
same unit. They were soon
sent to the frontline, to the
trenches. In the trench warfare
of that period, each side dug a
network of trenches along the
frontline of their territory, then
laid siege to the other side’s
trenches. From time to time,
one side or the other would
launch an offensive to try to
break through the enemy’s
lines. During one such attack,
the younger brother was
mortally wounded in no man’s But the older brother tore point of tears. “I told you you’d
land—that exposed, deadly himself loose from the officer’s get yourself killed!”
area between the opposing grip, scrambled out of the “I had to do it!” the older
forces. trench, and plunged into no brother replied with a final
The older brother, still safe man’s land to find his brother, smile. “He expected it of me.”
in the trench, saw it happen amid heavy fire from the
and knew instinctively what he enemy. —AUTHOR UNKNOWN, RETOLD BY
must do. He worked his way When he did, the younger DAVID BRANDT BERG (D.B.B.)
through the trench, around brother could only manage a
other soldiers, until he came whisper. “I knew you’d come!”
to his lieutenant. “I’ve got to By this time, the older
“Hereby perceive we
go get him!” the older brother brother had also been seri-
the love of God: Because
called out over the din of ously wounded. He barely
He [Jesus] laid down His
battle. managed to drag his brother
life for us, and we ought
“That’s impossible!” his back to their lines, where they
to lay down our lives for
lieutenant fired back. “You’ll both fell into the trench, dying.
the brethren” (1 John 3:16
be killed the minute you stick “Why did you do it?” asked
your head out of this trench!” the lieutenant, himself at the

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Consistently thinking of others because that’s what He wants for us

and trying to help meet their needs, too.
especially when that involves personal It’s human nature to be self-pre-
sacrifice, is a tall order! It’s so easy serving, self-seeking, self-satisfying.
to be lazy, selfish, and self-centered. It’s human nature to put our own
Most of us are that way naturally. Our needs and survival above others. But
first reactions are usually about our- here’s where those who have received
selves—what we want and what will God’s love in Jesus have a great
make us happy. But if we ask Jesus to advantage, because the Bible prom-
help us and put forth a genuine effort, ises, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a
we can develop new habits and reac- new creation; old things have passed
tions, which, with time, will help us away; behold, all things have become
become more loving, caring, sacrificial new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus helps
The world is
individuals. us break those natural circuits. He
dying for the Jesus understands that we don’t rewires our minds and hearts to do
naturally have enough love to live in His bidding, which is to love others.
kind of love the loving manner He has said we What a marvelous thing that is!
should, but that’s really no excuse. Just Jesus told His original disciples, “By
Jesus talked
because we can’t do it doesn’t mean this all will know that you are My dis-
about and lived He doesn’t expect it of us, because ciples”—followers of His teachings—
He will do it for us and through us if “if you have love for one another”
we want it badly enough and ask for (John 13:35). In that day, the love
His help. He is happy to give us all Jesus’ disciples had for each other,
the outgoing, sacrificial love we need, their friends, and even strangers drew
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much attention and was a powerful you will find that you think more of
example to others of the Lord’s love, others, feel their needs more readily,
and it spread. and have more genuine concern for
How much more is this kind of their happiness and well-being. More
love a miracle in this day and age, wonderful still, you will find yourself
when most people are so caught up in gladly giving up some of your own
meeting their own needs and fulfill- plans or things you once held dear for
ing their own desires that the thought the sake of others.

of sacrificially loving someone else When you give of yourself, when
hardly enters their minds. Today there you go out of your way to be a friend,
is an even greater need to see love in when you take time to talk to some-
action, because people are no longer
sensitive to the reflection of the Lord’s
love in the many blessings He gives
them, even when they don’t deserve
those blessings (Matthew 5:45).
The need is greater, but the tes-
timony is also much greater. When
people see love manifested in truly
extraordinary ways—love that they G
know they aren’t capable of them-
selves—they take notice. They cannot
deny that such love is out of this
world. “Where do you get such love?”
When you give they ask. “And where can I get it?”
The world is dying for the kind of
of yourself, love Jesus talked about and lived and
now offers us. This is why He chal-
you will find it lenges us to manifest deep, sacrificial,
brings you a impartial love for others, even though
He knows such love is far beyond our
special kind of human capabilities. It’s impossible for
us to show such love on our own, and
satisfaction if we try to do this ourselves, we’ll be
disappointed, frustrated, and wear
ourselves out trying. But if we will
simply ask Jesus for that love and then
be willing to put it into action, He will
give it to us. In fact, He will give us His
love in such tremendous volume and
power that we and everyone else will
know it’s a miracle! one who’s lonely or comfort someone
To become the new creation He who’s sick, when you sympathize and
wants to make you, all it takes is a help someone with their problems,
willing mind and heart, a believing when you make someone feel needed,
spirit, prayer, and following through and when you point someone to the
with many small deeds of unselfish source of this extraordinary love you
love. As you begin to do your part, share—Jesus—you will find that it
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brings you a special kind of satisfac- So let’s let Jesus’ love for others
tion and reward of spirit. Through shine through us. Let’s love one
performing these little acts of love another more. Let’s do unto others
and unselfishness you will be blessed as we would have them do unto us.
personally with happiness that can’t Let’s let the Lord’s love be manifested
be gotten any other away—the happi- in more forgiveness, understand-
ness of knowing that you have been a ing, communication, sharing, sup-
blessing to someone in need. port, sympathy, and practical, loving,
caring action. Let’s give of our time,
be a listening ear, and open our hearts
and lives to others. Let’s be swift to
forgive and forget. Let’s do our best
to be our brother’s keeper. Let’s not
hold back the simple affection that so
wonderfully communicates the Lord’s
love. Let’s be a strong shoulder to lean
on or cry on. Let’s not jump to conclu-
sions or judge unfairly, but instead
give others the benefit of the doubt.
Let’s try with all our hearts to set a
good example of the Lord’s uncondi-
tional love. Let’s bear one another’s
burdens, and so fulfill God’s supreme
law: love.

Do you want such love for others?
It’s yours for the asking. God made
In loving and giving unselfishly, you
that possible when He sent Jesus to
not only allow God to use you to help
give His life for you. “For God so loved
others, but you allow Him to pour His
the world [you and me], that He gave
blessings upon you, for He blesses
His only begotten Son [Jesus], that
the unselfish and the sacrificial. He
whoever believes in Him should not
blesses those who are giving, and He
perish but have everlasting life” (John
withdraws some of His blessings from
3:16). God will forgive all your sins
those who selfishly always think of
and give you eternal life if you will
themselves first and insist on having
receive Jesus by sincerely praying a
their own way (Proverbs 11:24–25;
prayer like the following:
Human love can only go so far. To
Dear Jesus, I want to know You.
be all you can be and accomplish all
Thank You for giving Your life for
you can, you need to be filled with the
me. Please forgive me for all the
love of God, which you find in Jesus.
things I have done wrong. I now
He has more love to give you than
open the door of my heart, and ask
you’ve ever dreamed possible! He is
You to come in. Please give me Your
waiting with a flood of love to pour
gift of eternal life and fill me with
upon you, if you will only believe that
Your love so I can love others as You
such love is possible, ask, receive, and
do. Amen.
then be willing to put it into action.

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I was just a girl of 14 when I met in my head—Gabriel’s voice—say,

Gabriel. He wasn’t much older and I always considered you a friend! I
was struggling with growing up, like knew all was forgiven. My heart was at
me. We became friends and had lots peace.
of fun together. I vowed then and there to never
What came between us, I can’t again end a day without making
remember. There were harsh words things right with those I may have
and tears. I wanted to make things hurt or offended, because I may never
right, but didn’t know how. The situa- have another chance. Today may
tion seemed too complex to sort out. be my last opportunity in this life to
Gabriel and I grew further apart. show someone I care, to say “I love
Years passed, and we lost touch. you” and make things right.
Then in April 1998, mutual friends let
me know that Gabriel was in a coma. ANDREA CLAY IS A FULL-TIME VOLUNTEER WITH
He had fallen 30 meters (about 100 THE FAMILY. was feet) while mountain climbing. My —
everything heart stopped. I knew in that instant “I [Jesus] say to you that whoever is
that I would never see him again in angry with his brother without a cause
I needed this life. The doctors did what they shall be in danger of the judgment.
could, but Gabriel died a few weeks Therefore if you bring your gift to the
to wash altar, and there remember that your
away the For some time afterwards I would brother has something against you,
lie awake at night, wishing I had leave your gift there before the altar,
regret I felt resolved our differences. I was sure and go your way. First be reconciled to
that any chance for that was now past. your brother, and then come and offer
I wondered if he had forgiven me for your gift.” (Matthew 5:22–24).
the hurt I had caused him. I won-
dered if, when he looked down from The difference between holding on
Heaven, he could see and understand to a hurt
the pain in my heart. Or releasing it with forgiveness
Then one night I got the answer Is like the difference between laying
to my question. It wasn’t a long or your head down at night
elaborate answer, but it was every- On a pillow filled with thorns
thing I needed to wash away the Or a pillow filled with rose petals.
regret I felt. I distinctly heard a voice —LOREN FISCHER
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and how
to keep it

An expert in the Mosaic Law, God’s NIV), and, “A new command I give
law for His people in Old Testa- you: Love one another” (John 13:34
ment times, tested Jesus by asking, NIV).
“Teacher, which is the greatest com- Saint Paul echoed Jesus when he
mandment in the Law?”—to which said, “All the Law is fulfilled in one
Jesus answered, “You shall love the word, even in this: You shall love your
Lord your God with all your heart, neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:14).
If we love and with all your soul, and with all These biblical passages are the
your mind. This is the first and great- essence of all of God’s laws and
someone est commandment. And the second should govern everything we think or
is like it: ‘You shall love your neigh- say or do.
we’re not bor as yourself.’ On these two com- If a person’s actions are motivated
going to do mandments hang all the Law and the by unselfish, sacrificial love—the love
prophets” (Matthew 22:35–40). of God for our fellow man—and are
things that Jesus summarized God’s Law of not intentionally hurtful to others,
Love in general terms in the above such actions are in accordance with
would hurt
passage. He expressed it again in His Scripture and are thus lawful in the
them now famous Golden Rule: “In every- eyes of God. “The fruit of the Spirit is
thing, do to others what you would love … against such there is no law”
have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12 (Galatians 5:22–23).

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Through the Lord’s salvation While some continue to this day
and His Law of Love, Christians are to promote the Old Testament style
released from the hundreds of rules of Christianity, a prayerful study of
under the Mosaic Law in the Old Tes- the Scriptures illuminates the true
tament. “The Law was given through intent of God’s Law of Love: “You are
Moses, but grace and truth came not under the Law, but under grace”
through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). (Romans 6:14).
Of course, it’s common sense and In some ways, God’s Law of Love is
part of love to practice some aspects a stricter code of ethics than the old
A prayerful of the Mosaic Law. For example, we Mosaic Laws. The Ten Command-
study of the shouldn’t kill, steal, covet our neigh- ments told people how to act in order
bor’s things, etc. If we love someone to avoid God’s judgments. Under the
Scriptures we’re not going to do things that Law of Love, much more is required—
would hurt them. We may also refrain love and mercy.
illuminates from eating unclean foods or engag- You do not attain salvation by being
the true ing in other unhealthy habits that the good, but rather by asking Jesus Christ
Mosaic Law warns against. to forgive you for your sins. When you
intent of Not surprisingly, this radical do, He comes into your life and loves
doctrine of the Law of Love caused a others through you. “Not by works of
God’s Law raging controversy between Jesus and righteousness which we have done,
of Love: His followers and the religious leaders but according to His mercy He saved
of the day, who lived under the Law. us” (Titus 3:5). “For by grace you have
“You are This controversy spilled over into the been saved through faith, and that not
new Christian movement itself. From of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not
not under its very inception, a struggle took of works, lest anyone should boast”
the Law, place between those who believed (Ephesians 2:8–9).
that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was This godly love is actually a much
but under the fulfillment of the Law and released higher ideal to aspire to. In the Mosaic
believers from the Old Testament Law, there was little forgiveness or
grace.” laws, and the legalists, who believed mercy. It was “an eye for an eye and
that all the Old Testament laws and a tooth for a tooth” (Exodus 21:24;
customs must still be observed. Leviticus 24:20). But Jesus went so
As recorded in the book of Acts, far as to say that we should love our
the apostle Paul reached out to the enemies, pray for them, and forgive
Gentiles with the message of salvation them! (Matthew 5:38–44.)
in Jesus. Paul was of the firm opinion In fact, the Law of Love is so
that the old Mosaic Law had been ful- much more difficult to keep that it’s
filled by Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. humanly impossible. This kind of love
He wrote: “Christ is the end of the Law is only possible through the super-
so that there may be righteousness for natural love of God, which we find in
everyone who believes” (Romans 10:4 Jesus.
NIV), “We have been released from Love should be the main motivation
the Law so that we serve in the new for every Christian’s every action, with
way of the Spirit and not in the old God’s love being manifested in loving
way of the written code” (Romans 7:6 deeds to help meet others’ physical
NIV), and, “Christ has redeemed us and spiritual needs. “For the love of
from the curse of the Law” (Galatians Christ compels us” (2 Corinthians
3:13). 5:14).
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This is one party you don’t want to miss! BY JOSEPH CANDEL

How would you like to new bodies and rise up out Revelation 19:6–9:
attend the grandest, most glori- of their graves. All those who And I [the apostle John,
ous and thrilling wedding party have accepted Him and are still describing his vision] heard,
that’s ever been held? Believe it alive will likewise be suddenly as it were, the voice of a great
or not, you’re already invited— changed. Then, in the same multitude, as the sound of
everybody is invited—but you instant, all of them will fly up many waters and as the sound
have to accept the invitation. to meet the Lord (1 Corinthi- of mighty thunderings, saying,
Before explaining how to do ans 15:51–52; 1 Thessalonians “Alleluia! For the Lord God
that, here’s when and where 4:16–17). Omnipotent reigns! Let us be
this great party will be held and Then Jesus is going to take glad and rejoice and give Him
what you can expect: them all to a great big party— glory, for the marriage of the
Jesus said that immediately the biggest, happiest, most Lamb has come, and His wife
after the second half of the exciting party they’ve ever been has made herself ready.” And to
Antichrist’s seven-year reign— to or even imagined! They’ll her it was granted to be arrayed
the terrible three-and-a-half- see Jesus face to face and get to in fine linen, clean and bright,
year period known as the meet all of the great saints and for the fine linen is the righteous
Great Tribulation—He, Jesus, apostles of the Bible, as well as acts of the saints. Then he
will return “on the clouds of all of the other wonderful folks [the angel that showed John
Heaven with power and great who loved and received the this vision] said to me, “Write:
glory” to rescue and resurrect Lord during their lifetime. ‘Blessed are those who are called
all of those who have received This wonderful party, the to the marriage supper of the
Him as their Savior (Matthew marriage supper of the Lamb, Lamb!’” And he said to me,
24:29–31). will be held in God’s heavenly “These are the true sayings of
When He does, all those who city—the greatest, most beauti- God.”
accepted Jesus as their Savior ful and wonderful place ever
before they died will receive created—and is described in
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There will be plenty of laugh- celebration with Him, while the year period known as the Mil-
ter and singing and music and wicked, Christ-rejecting forces lennium (Revelation 20:6; 2:26;
dancing and love for everyone! and followers of the Antichrist Daniel 7:18).
And if that’s not enough, the partake of the wrath of God. Jesus said, “Behold, I am
saved will really appreciate At this time the saved will not coming quickly, and My reward
how blessed they are to be with only meet the Lord and enjoy is with Me, to give to every one
the Lord in this great marriage the wonderful marriage supper according to his work” (Rev-
supper when they consider of the Lamb, but they will also elation 22:12). Every saved
what’s happening on earth at face the “judgment seat of Christian will be rewarded at
this time! Christ,” in which they will be the throne of Christ accord-
Right after the Lord res- judged and rewarded or chas- ing to his works. Don’t get this
cues His own out of the Great tised individually according to judgment and rewarding of
Tribulation, the horrific vials their deeds and faithfulness, the saved mixed up with the
of the great “wrath of God” are and will enter into the particu- final judgment of the unsaved,
going to be poured out upon lar places that Jesus has seen which is an entirely different
the Antichrist and his people fit for them to occupy in His event and will take place 1,000
in the form of horrible plagues, kingdom on earth (2 Corinthi- years later, after the Millen-
such as the world has never ans 5:10; Romans 14:10,12). nium, when the unsaved are all
known (Revelation chapter raised from the dead to meet
16). While the saved are having God at the “great white throne
a wild party and lots of fun judgment,” as described in
upstairs—a heaven of a time in Revelation chapter 20.
Heaven—it’s going to be hell on Do you want to accept that
earth downstairs! invitation to the marriage
Like an invitation from supper of the Lamb?—Then
above, Jesus calls, “Come, My simply ask Jesus into your
people, enter your chambers, heart, if you haven’t already.
Do you want to also
... the biggest, happiest, receive commendations and
rewards?—Then “love the Lord
most exciting party you’ve your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all
ever been to or even
your mind … [and] love your
imagined! neighbor as yourself” (Mat-
thew 22:37–39). It says in the
Bible that God will not forget
and shut your doors behind anything you do out of love
you; hide yourself, as it were, (Hebrews 6:10). He has a big
for a little moment, until the book and is writing it all down
indignation is past. For behold, Their first order of business (Malachi 3:16–17). Even when
the Lord comes out of His place will be to help Jesus to destroy nobody else seems to see or
to punish the inhabitants of the Antichrist and his forces at appreciate the good you do,
the earth for their iniquity” the great battle of Armageddon God sees and will remember.
(Isaiah 26:20–21). The Bride- (Revelation 19:11–21; 17:14; See you at the grandest, most
groom comes for His Bride, 16:12–21). Then they will assist glorious and thrilling wedding
takes her safely away into the Him in His rule over the human party that’s ever been or ever
bridal chamber, shuts the door, survivors of Armageddon, who will be!
and we have the marriage will remain here for the 1,000-
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My five-year-old son Chris and I went As we drove up the dirt road lined with
on a trip to the village of Sintet, Gambia, cashew trees that led to Sintet, we could
where a group of us volunteers from The see a large crowd gathered at the school
My Family are helping to build a school. site straight ahead. Two of our volunteers,
Until this trip, I had enjoyed the Joe and Richard, had arrived ahead of us
Parenting thrilling tales told by coworkers who and were already at work directing the
had returned from there. But now that construction. Village children crowded
Safari my twin babies were old enough to eat around our jeep and flashed gorgeous,
solids and drink bottles, I could leave white-toothed smiles. As soon as Chris
them in the care of others for a couple of got down from his seat, the village kids
days. When I heard that a team needed to surrounded him and helped him get
make a one-and-a-half-day trip to the acquainted with everything.
village, I jumped The other kids had been pushing
at the chance to around toy cars made of cut-up plas-
go. tic bottles, the rubber soles of broken
The next day we flip-flops, and sticks. With the children’s
were on the road, help, Chris soon had his very own car and
ready for adventure. was pushing it over anthills and through
Chris sat in a cozy puddles. A crowd of boys ran after him.
spot in the jeep that With no electricity in the village, most
his grandpa, who is people go to bed when darkness falls,
also a member of our and so did we, in our small tent under the
team, had prepared star-filled sky.
for the occasion. For Day two at Sintet was just as much fun.
most of the trip, all I prepared my materials for the morn-
I could hear was his ing class I would be teaching the village
excited voice saying children, and Dad helped me find a nice
things like, “What’s this? quiet spot in front of a baobab tree to
Oh, Mommy—look! Can give the class. We sang some action
you take a photo of me songs, and then I told the story of Cre-
on the termite hill?” ation, using movable flannel figures on a
The rainy season was flannel-covered board. This was high-tech
just begin- ning to transform the to these children. Finally I reviewed some
dry West African bush into gorgeous basic scholastic themes: colors, common
green. The country around us was full of animals, following directions, flashcards
enchanting beauty—a mix of low rolling of a few simple words, counting to ten,
hills, rice paddies, coconut trees, and etc. Chris did a great job as my assistant
ponds. Farmers peacefully tilled the land. teacher.
Along the way, we enjoyed delicious Then the children led us to fields
local food, explored a thick swamp full of where they showed us several large mon-
towering termite hills and giant baobab keys at play and a huge snake that hung
trees with trunks often thicker than our from a tree branch high above us.
car. They also treated us to a yellow and

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red moon-shaped fruit we had never All too soon, it seemed, we were home
seen before, which they called tao. To again. My visit to Sintet with Chris had
“pick” the fruit, the children climbed the been an extraordinary cultural experi-
large tao tree and swung from its highest ence, like no other I’ve had (and I’ve
branches. As they were about to begin, traveled all but four of the countries of
I felt a tug on my sleeve and turned to South America and extensively in North
see who it was. One of the boys who had America). What made this
stayed earthbound said, “We must go!
The fruit will hit us!”
And he was so right!
Fruit began raining
down all around us.
Soon there were piles
Some even of fruit everywhere. How
would we carry it all
began to call back to the village? The
me “Mom,” children knew how to do
that too, of course. They
which said pulled up their shirts to
make pouches, which
in their own
they filled with fruit, and
special way headed back to the school
site to store what we
how much they hadn’t already eaten.
appreciated A few of the kids stuck trip so special is that I shared the
with Chris and me until the very end of experience with my son. We learned a lot
the love and our visit. Many of these dear children had together and lived what many people
at first seemed quite tough because of only read about in schoolbooks or see on
attention we
the hardships they face every day. (They TV.
were giving sometimes bear incredible pain without But actually, you don’t have to visit a
shedding a tear, or if they do cry, it’s only village in the African bush to have a bona
them. for an instant.) As we got to know them, fide cultural experience or to reach out to
we saw that inside their tough exteriors those in need. Today they’re everywhere!
were tender hearts, like sponges just Most modern cities are melting pots
waiting to soak up love. Chris and I gave of various races, each with something
them as much attention as we could. special to offer. All it takes to make new
Some even began to call me “Mom,” friends is a little initiative. Add a little love
which said in their own special way how and concern, and you truly bring your
much they appreciated the love and worlds together.
attention we were giving them. To me,
this was just as fulfilling as seeing the LAILA ENARSON IS A FULL-TIME VOLUNTEER
progress that was being made on the WITH THE FAMILY IN GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA.
school construction.

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Q: Why did God give the Ten Com- Q: Does that mean Christians are free
mandments and the rest of the Law of to do whatever they want, whenever they


Moses in the first place? want?
God’s Law of Love
A: God gave us the Law to show A: No, God’s Law of Love does not
us that we’re sinners, for “by the allow selfish, reckless freedom to the
Law is the knowledge of sin” detriment of others. To the contrary,
(Romans 3:20). The Bible says the we are now obligated to love others. If
strict Mosaic Law was our “tutor” to we truly do that, all of our actions will
teach us right and wrong, and show be ruled by love. “Love does no harm
us that we need to come to God for to a neighbor” (Romans 13:10). We’re
mercy and forgiveness (Galatians not going to do anything to them that
3:24). we wouldn’t want them to do to us.
The Law is also God’s means of In the Mosaic Law it was simply
regulating the ungodly and those “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” (Exodus
who do not choose to live by His 21:24; Leviticus 24:20). But Jesus went
Law of Love. “The law is not made much further when He said, “Whatever
for a righteous person, but for the you want
lawless and insubordinate, for the men to do
ungodly and for sinners” (1 Timothy to you, do
1:9). also to them”
But once we are “born again” by (Matthew
the Spirit of God’s love (John 3:3) 7:12). This is
and have become “new creatures
God’s Law of
in Christ Jesus” (2 Corinthians
5:17 KJV), we are free from the old
Mosaic Law. “After faith has come,
Q: If “God’s only law is love,” does this
we are no longer under a tutor”
mean that we are free to disregard all the
(Galatians 3:25). “If the Son makes
laws of man?
you free, you shall be free indeed”
(John 8:36).
A: Of course not! God’s Law of
Love does not free us from respect-
Q: Does this mean there are no
ing society’s laws. Again to the con-
more laws of God that Christians have
trary, the Bible instructs us to obey
to keep? the governments under which we live
(Romans chapter 13; Titus 3:1) and to
A: Christians are no longer under
“live peaceably with all men” (Romans
the Law of Moses, but now, having
received Jesus and become His
born-again chil-
dren, we are under Once we are “born again” by the Spirit of
a new and actu-
ally much stricter God’s love and have become “new creatures
law—God’s Law of
Love as described in Christ Jesus,” we are free from the old
by Jesus in Mat- Mosaic Law.
thew 22:37–40.

14 activated VOL 5, ISSUE 2

02_February2004_Act_AE046.indd 14 10/10/2003, 6:30:31 PM

Wouldn’t it be
wonderful… The Law of Christ

...if people would Salvation is purely by Jesus’ Spirit and

simply do what Jesus grace, not works. truth gives us
said to do? Jesus said, Romans 3:28 freedom.
“Love your neighbor as Ephesians 2:8–9 John 8:36
Titus 3:5a Galatians 5:1
yourself” (Matthew 22:39),
but when people don’t
The Mosaic Law was a Now the
treat others with much commandment is
love, they’re going to have strict code of justice and
retribution. to love God and our
problems.—And they neighbor.
Exodus 20:2–17
have. Matthew 7:12
Exodus 21:23–25
It has been said that all Deuteronomy 27:26 Matthew 22:36–40
of the evils in the world Hebrews 10:28 Romans 13:8
today have their root James 2:10 Romans 13:10
cause in people’s lack of Galatians 5:14
love for God and each The Mosaic Law served James 2:8
other. Nevertheless, the a purpose.
simple love of God and Romans 3:20b Deeds done in pure,
each other is still God’s Galatians 3:24 unselfish love are
solution, even in such a lawful.
The Mosaic Law was Galatians 5:22–23
complex, confused, and
only for a time. 1 Corinthians 6:12
highly complicated soci- Galatians 3:19,25 Titus 1:15a
ety as that of the world Hebrews 7:18
today. If we love God, we Hebrews 9:10 Only Jesus can give
can love each other and Hebrews 10:1 you the power to
even respect each other 1 John 2:8 live God’s Law of
as creations of God. We Love.
can then follow His rules The law was impossible John 15:5b
of life, liberty, and the pos- to keep. Philippians 4:13
John 7:19 2 Corinthians 5:14a
session of happiness, and
Acts 15:10 2 Corinthians 12:9
all will be well and happy
in Him. The Law of Love, also
So ask God to help you known as the Law
love your neighbors with of Christ, replaces
His love. And remember, the Mosaic Law for
“neighbor” doesn’t only Christians.
mean the one who lives Jeremiah 31:31–33
next door. It is anyone we Romans 8:1–2
meet who needs our help, Romans 10:4
Colossians 2:14
regardless of their race,
creed, color, or nationality.
activated VOL 5, ISSUE 2 15

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My love
My love is patient and under-
standing in a world of intolerance. My
love is tender and kind when people are
callous or indifferent. My love comforts in
times of sorrow. My love consoles the lonely.
My love brings clarity of mind to those who are
confused, rest to the weary, help to the helpless,
and renewed strength to those who feel they can’t
go on. My love brings peace in the midst of life’s
My love can heal broken bodies. It can even soothe
and mend broken hearts. My love melts away tension,
worry, and strain. My love gives faith and courage in place
of fear, hope in place of despair. My love is light and drives
away the darkness. My love will descend to any depth to save,
go to any length to rescue. My love knows no stopping place.
There is no problem that My love can’t overcome.
My love is My special gift to you. It has always been there for you,
and always will be. Won’t you take it now?

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