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Vibration/Mass Properties Test Plan

United States Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland

Signat re Page


Prepared by! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Midn 1/# Patric$ Mc%nerney &ate MidSTA' Str ct res Team

'evie(ed by! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Midn 1/# #asey T)ompson &ate MidSTA' Mission Manager

'evie(ed by! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &r* Andre( +ones &ate ,S-# Str ct ral Advisor

Approved by! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &r* .illy Smit) &ate MidSTA' Program &irector

-/ &0#UM1NT #2AN,1 '1#0'&





-3Table o4 #ontents

Section Page 1*5 16ec tive S mmary /*5 %ntrod /*1 /*/ /*9 /*3 ction P rpose Proced ral #)anges Vibration Tests Mass Properties

7 8 8 8 8 8 : < < < < 15 15 15 15 15 15 11 11 1/ 1/ 19 19 19 19 19

9*5 Tests 9*1 Test ;ocation 9*/ Sine S(eep < 9*9 'andom Vibration 9*3 Mass 9*= #enter o4 ,ravity 3*5 Test S ccess #riteria 3*5*1 'andom Vibration 3*5*/ Mass 3*5*9 Moments o4 %nertia 3*5*3 #enter o4 ,ravity 3*5*= Test Anomalies =*5 Test Articles =*1 %ntrod ction =*/ Mec)anical %nter4ace to Vibration Table =*9 Mec)anical %nter4ace to Mass Properties Table 7*5 Accelerometers 7*1 Accelerometer Placement 8*5 Str ct ral Test &etails 8*1 &ata Ac> isition 8*/ 'andom Vibration

-=;ist o4 -ig res

N mber 1 / 9

&escription 2ori?ontal Vibration Table Vertical Vibration Table TU-1 ;ist o4 Tables

Page : : 11

N mber 1

&escription Vibration Testing Plan 4or TU-1

Page 13



1@1#UT%V1 SUMMA'A MidSTA'-1 is t)e 4irst in a ne( line o4 spacecra4t designed and b ilt by Mids)ipmen (or$ing (it)in t)e U*S* Naval AcademyBs Small Satellite Program* %t (ill serve as a general p rpose satellite b s capable o4 s pporting a variety o4 space missions by easily accommodating a (ide range o4 space e6periments and instr ments* T)e integration o4 t)e e6periments (it) t)e satellite b s m st be accomplis)ed (it) minimal c)anges to t)e satellite b s design* MidSTA' is intended to be a relatively lo(-cost, > ic$ response plat4orm accommodating small payloads approved by t)e &o& Space 16periments 'evie( .oard CS1'.D and a(aiting la nc) t)ro g) STP* MidSTA' mod 1 is designed 4or se on t)e 16pendable Secondary Payload Adaptor C1SPAD 'ing* %t is sc)ed led 4or la nc) aboard t)e Atlas V la nc) ve)icle in 0ctober /557* Prior to la nc), t)e MidSTA' &esign Team (ill per4orm vibration tests at N'; in Eas)ington, &# to veri4y t)e spacecra4tBs str ct ral integrity in t)e la nc) environment* MidSTA'-1 (ill be tested in t(o con4ig rations* T)e 4irst series o4 vibration tests (ill be sed to analy?e t)e s rvivability o4 t)e load-bearing str ct re, Test Unit 1 CTU-1D* T)is str ct re (ill be pop lated (it) mass models to sim late t)e presence o4 t)e payloads and vital systems* Upon satis4actory veri4ication o4 TU1, 4lig)t )ard(are components and e6periments (ill be integrated, and t)e proto4lig)t spacecra4t (ill be tested* 1ac) series o4 tests (ill incorporate a random vibration test across t)e spectr m at *=g to identi4y resonances* T)is (ill be 4ollo(ed by > asi-sin soidal random vibration tests to con4irm strengt) and str ct ral integrity* T)e p rpose o4 t)is doc ment is to disc ss t)ese tests and to de4ine t)e > ali4ication levels to ()ic) MidSTA' (ill be tested*


/*5 /*1

%NT'0&U#T%0N P rpose T)is test plan details t)e proto-4lig)t vibration tests 4or MidSTA'-1* T)e USNA SSP program intends to se t)is set o4 tests and meas rements to veri4y t)e design o4 t)e primary load bearing str ct re and its components* TU-1 tests (ill be tested to a F9 d. M1-;* T)e 4ollo( on proto4lig)t spacecra4t s)all be tested to > ali4ication levels*


Proced ral #)anges &eviations to t)is test plan s)all be noted in t)e &oc ment #)ange 'ecord* T)e deviation s)all be recorded at t)e a44ected line* Upon approval o4 t)e deviation, t)e c)anges s)all be red lined* All permanent deviation s)all be incorporated in t)e ne6t revision prior to s bse> ent se*


Vibration Tests T)e 4ollo(ing tests (ill be per4ormed separately in t)e 6, y, and ?-a6es! o Sine S(eep o G asi-sin soidal 'andom Vibration


Mass Properties T)e 4ollo(ing mass properties (ill be meas red 4or vario s spacecra4t con4ig rations! o Mass o #enter o4 ,ravity in 6, y, and ? o Moments o4 %nertia in 6, y, and ?


9*5 9*1

T1STS Test ;ocation Vibration testing 4or MidSTA'-1 (ill be )eld at N'; in t)e spring o4 /55=* 16act dates and times remain T.&* T)e )ori?ontal and vertical vibration tables o4 -ig res 1 and / (ill be sed to test along t)ree a6es*

Figure 1: Horizontal Vibration Table

Figure 2: Vertical Vibration Table -<-


Sine S(eep T)e primary obHective o4 t)e sine s(eep is to 4 nction as a static loads test 4or t)e load bearing str ct re* T)is test also serves a secondary 4 nction o4 determining t)e 4 ndamental and 4 rt)er nat ral 4re> encies, modal s)apes and modal gain o4 t)e str ct re in t)e t)ree main a6is, and, by repeating t)is test a4ter t)e )ig)-level sine b rst and random vibration, to determine ()et)er anyt)ing in t)e satellite )as c)anged or bro$en as a res lt o4 t)e tests by comparing t)e responses pre and post test* T)e 4 ndamental 4re> ency m st meet la nc) ve)icle re> irements* T)is in4ormation is also sed to validate and 4 rt)er develop t)e comp ter based str ct ral -1M o4 t)e spacecra4t, and it (ill aid in analysis o4 any design c)anges t)at may be made*


'andom Vibration T)e obHective o4 t)is test is to veri4y t)e capability o4 t)e satellite str ct re and components to (it)stand t)e random loads introd ced d ring s stained la nc) vibrations*


Mass Spacecra4t mass is meas red to determine la nc) (eig)t and demonstrate con4ormity to la nc) ve)icle re> irements* T)e meas red mass is re> ired to calc late t)e #enter o4 ,ravity and Moments o4 %nertia 4rom t)e o tp t val es o4 t)e mass properties table*


#enter o4 ,ravity #enter o4 ,ravity is meas red in t)ree a6es* T)is val e m st meet la nc) ve)icle re> irements* T)is meas red #, (ill be sed to pdate t)e comp ter based -1M*

- 15 -


T1ST SU##1SS #'%T1'%A T)e str ct re 4or bot) series o4 tests s)all be vis ally inspected bet(een tests* .eca se t)e obHective o4 t)ese tests is to ens re t)e str ct ral resilience and s rvivability o4 4lig)t )ard(are in t)e la nc) environment, 4asteners t)at loosen s)all not be re-tor> ed and all str ct ral de4ormities s)all be doc mented* Upon completion o4 eac) set o4 testing, t)e spacecra4t interior s)all be inspected 4or damage*


'andom Vibration T)e spacecra4t s)all not s 44er any 4le6ing beyond t)e yield o4 t)e materials* -asteners s)all not lose more t)an /5I o4 original tor> e*


Mass T)e meas red mass o4 t)e spacecra4t m st be greater t)an 115$g and less t)an 195$g*


Moments o4 %nertia T)e moments o4 inertia o4 t)e spacecra4t m st be meas red as %? J / / %y J %6* 9 9


#enter o4 ,ravity T)e #enter o4 ,ravity is less t)an /5 inc)es 4rom t)e origin on t)e F6 a6is*


Test Anomalies All test activities (ill be controlled by t)is approved test plan* All test anomaly reporting (ill incl de test proced re 4lag s)eets* -lag s)eets are sed to doc ment )ard(are problems t)at occ r d ring testing* T)e 4lag s)eet, a4ter initiation, becomes a pat o4 t)e o44icial test copy o4 t)e test proced re* -lag s)eets are sed to doc ment only problems t)at do not a44ect t)e test article con4ig ration, i*e* test set p c)anges, 4i6t re modi4ications, etc* %4 t)e problem re> ires tro ble s)ooting involving a con4ig ration c)ange Ci*e* connector demate, component removal, etc*D, t)en an Anomaly 'eport CA'D m st be initiated* T)e A' (ill be sed to doc ment tro bles)ooting and component removal/replacement* T)e A' (ill be t)e doc ment t)at (ill be sed to initiate 4ail re analysis and corrective action* A copy o4 t)e A' becomes a part o4 t)e o44icial test copy 4or t)e Kas-r nL test proced re*

- 111 -

=*5 =*1

T1ST A'T%#;1S %ntrod ction TU-1 testing (ill 4oc s on t)e ability o4 t)e MidSTA' load-bearing 4rame Cdec$ plates, s)elves, and stringersD to (it)stand t)e loads o4 t)e la nc) environment* T)e internal s)elves and dec$ plates in t)is model (ill be pop lated (it) al min m mass models ()ere eac) model incorporates t)e same bo6 and 4astener design as its 4lig)t )ard(are co nterpart* -ig re 9 ill strates t)is concept*

Figure 3: TU-1 0nce TU-1 )as satis4actorily demonstrated t)e viability o4 t)e load bearing str ct re, t)e model s)all be ret rned to t)e clean room 4or payload/vital systems and solar panel integration* All internal components to incl de t)e (iring )arness are to be integrated into t)e proto4lig)t spacecra4t* T)is design (ill comprise t)e complete assembly as o tlined in t)e Primary Str ct re Assembly Proced re and serve as t)e la nc) model in 0ctober /557*

- 1/ -


Mec)anical %nter4ace to Vibration Table N'; (ill provide t)e al min m plate t)at (ill serve as t)e inter4ace bet(een t)e test nit lig)tband and t)e vibration table* T)is inter4ace (ill )ave a bolt )ole pattern on one side t)e matc)es t)at o4 t)e vibration table* T)e opposite side (ill )ave a 1=-inc) diameter bolt )ole pattern t)at aligns (it) t)e lig)tband*


Mec)anical %nter4ace to Mass Properties Table T)ere is c rrently no inter4ace designed to 4acilitate mass properties tests 4or t)e test nits*

- 19 -

7*5 A##1;1'0M1T1'S 7*1 Accelerometer Placement T)e act al location, n mber, and type o4 accelerometers is to be 4inali?ed in disc ssion (it) N'; and t)e payload providers* T)e 4ollo(ing are t)e proposed accelerometer positions 4or eac) test nit! o o o o o o o o o 6 4ace o4 .aseplate F6 4ace o4 .attery .o6 A 6 4ace o4 .attery .o6 . F6 4ace o4 .ottom S)el4 6 4ace o4 M%&N payload F6 4ace o4 # M &2 system 6 4ace o4 top s)el4 F6 4ace o4 o ter dec$ 1ac) side panel

8*5 ST'U#TU'A; T1ST &1TA%;S 8*1 &ata Ac> isition T)e tests (ill prod ce o tp t grap)s 4rom t)e vario s accelerometers* -rom t)ese grap)s t)e response o4 t)e str ct re can be determined* 1ns re t)at t)e vario s pea$ val es li$e 4irst mode 4re> ency and acceleration level are recorded acc rately* 8*/ 'andom Vibration 'andom vibration at 4lig)t acceptance levels CM1-;F9 d. 4or one min te 4or eac) o4 9 ort)ogonal a6esD s)all be sed as a (or$mans)ip test 4or t)e spacecra4t* Spacecra4t str ct ral integrity and 4 nctionality a4ter s c) e6pos re are re> ired 4or acceptance* A4ter completion o4 t)e sine s(eep test, t)e 4ollo(ing random vibration tests (ill be cond cted*

- 13 -

Vibration testing o4 t)e TU-1 s)all ta$e place in 4o r stages!

Stage Procedure 'andom vibration across t)e spectr m at 5*= g to identi4y resonances 1 'andom vibration at -< to -1/ d. M1-;, (it) possible notc)ing based on previo s res lts 2 'andom vibration at M1-;F9 d., (it) possible notc)ing based on previo s res lts* 3 'andom vibration across t)e spectr m at 5*= g to identi4y c)anges in resonance pro4ile indicating possible str ct ral damage* 4

Table 1: Vibration Testing Plan for TU-1 MidSTA'-1 (ill e6perience t)e random vibration test o4 Stage 9 at F*<7< d. M1-;*

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