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Guided reading document - Assessment guide for guided reading

NLP The new technology of achievement. Faulkner ( !!"#

Steve Andreas and Charles

a. Cha$ter %. &hat is NLP $g %' ( )* this cha$ter gives a light overview of +what is NLP,- and$les of how $eo$le use it every day often unknowingly. NLP as a science has analysed $eo$le who do things well/ and have attem$ted to ma$ out the thinking and 0ehaviour 0ehind their 1natural2 success. The second $art of the cha$ter looks at the history 0ehind NLP and the great minds that have $layed a significant role in the develo$ment of NLP 3n this reading the author makes two claims. The first is that we are the sum result of our +mental ha0its- the second that 1$eo$le work $erfectly- (as they are#. 3f these facts are truths/ then why are many $eo$le misera0le, &hy do relationshi$s 0reak down, &hy is it so hard to give u$ smoking or lose weight, 4r why do $eo$le need coaches, From your reading and considering our mental ha0its/ what do you think the authors meant 0y the statement...when people learn something new , there is a strong temptation to try to make it into something that they already know pg 37

5y Lessons with 6umi7 8ow 3 learned to $erform with confidence in life and work. 5ichael Colgrass (%999#. a. Cha$ter ). 8ow to give yourself stage fright (and take it away# : a game to $lay with your inner com$uter $g )' ;'% 3n this Cha$ter we consider the conce$t of a $erson2s ha0its and 0ehaviours in certain situations. Nick goes to visit his NLP coach 6umi and wants to find out and challenge his 1stage fright2 so that he can 0e a more dynamic $resenter and have more confidence in $utting forward his own ideas. 6umi uses an NLP techni<ue to e.$lore the stage fright and to change Nick2s 0ehaviours so that he feels more confident a0out $u0lic s$eaking

0. Cha$ter ". =uttons and Counter;0uttons.. learning how to o$erate the switch0oards $g '> ;? 3n this cha$ter 6umi e.$lores with Nick the conce$t of a $erson truly 0eing in charge of their own emotions. They discuss communication and $ersonal relationshi$s where we often miss; communicate the most. 6umi uses many reframes and meta$hors to hel$ Nick discover the $otential he has to communicate more effectively. Every behaviour is a series of events, each depending on the previous event in order to complete itself - like a chain 3n this sentence 6umi is referring to $rogramming and re$rogramming yourself from un;resourceful $atterns of 0ehaviours2 to $atterns that give you more desira0le outcomes. 8ow could this NLP techni<ue that 6umi used with Nick 0e a$$lied in a coaching session, @ou may like to draw on your e.$erience with e.isting clients/ or on some of your own 1$atterns2. Kumi also states the aim is to add choices NOT to take them away. f !eha"iour is un-resourceful for someone# why wouldn$t we use an N%& techni'ue to get rid of it( )iscuss what you think a!out these two statements( (Note the final irony 0etween Nick and 5arion ; of life2s ongoing challenge that even when you 0ecome a more effective communicator/ it doesn2t mean that those around you are ready for your wisdom or travelling on their Aourney at the same $ace as you.#

NLP Solutions7 8ow to model what works in 0usiness to make it work for you Sue 6night ( !!!# c. Cha$ter *. Thinking a0out Thinking $g )9 ( "% 3n this cha$ter 6night looks at the 1filters2 that we wear everyday to influence how we e.$erience the world and then the meaning that we will make of it. &hy is it that some $eo$le see the glass half full/ while others see the glass half em$ty, d. Cha$ter ). The Su0tleties of Thought $g "* ( '9 not ') This cha$ter e.$lores the very su0tle differences and distinctions that will vary 0etween $eo$le in how they $erceive

their worlds. 3t is 0ecause of these $henomena that the $olice will o0tain ) different versions of events at a crime scene from ) different witnesses. 6night goes on to e.$lain the S&3S8 techni<ue in NLP where you can change your distinctions so that you can transform a res$onse you would rather not make into one you would.

Think of someone with whom you get on less well than you would like. *rite down what it is that you +ay attention to , the e-tent to which they do meet your e-+ectations or the e-tent to which they don$t( .ow do they affect you( .ow do you e-+erience this in your !ody/senses 0ust !y thinking a!out this +erson( *hat ha++ens if you change what you +ay attention to(

Think of something that you do well at work - a skill that you use or a result that you know you can achie"e consistently y well. Ask yourself how you do this. 1-+lore your distinctions of how +recisely you do each element until you ha"e the s+ecifics of how you think a!out what you do. 2&re"iously this may ha"e !een com+letely unconscious to you3 4ou will undou!tedly find that there are ways of thinking that you do unconsciously and su!se'uently take for granted that are the key com+onents in your success.

Selling with NLPB revolutionary new sales techni<ue that will dou0le your volume7 CDAEANTFFG 6erry L Hohnson ( !!># e. Cha$ter >. Fffective Listening the 0ottom line of trust. $g ') ( ?! 3n this cha$ter Hohnson ( !!># outlines the im$ortance of listening as the 0asis of influential communication. Active listening is Active Ea$$ort. 3t is very difficult to 0e 0uilding ra$$ort when you are doing all the talking. This cha$ter $rovides some e.cellent 0asics for successful selling and the first 0asic is to 0uild the ra$$ort through listening.

f. Cha$ter ) 5irroring 7 =uilding Trust Non Ier0ally $g

; %9

3n this Cha$ter Hohnson ( !!># reflects on the use of mirroring a $erson2s 0ody language in 0uilding ra$$ort and also the mirroring of a $ersons voice. n sales there is a saying that he who holds the silence holds the gold in light of what you ha"e 0ust read in 5ohnsons 216673 !ook# write down what you think this means and what you think this could also mean in the coaching situation( n listening and mirroring# 8people will not only tell you what they hope to buy, but how you should sell it to them. 5ohnson 1667 +g 191. :eflect on what this means to you. *rite down how this a++lies in the coaching situation. 4ou may also reflect on a situation where you ha"e !ought something you wanted# !ut the sales +rocess was not one you en0oyed. *hat did or didn$t the sales +erson do that made you ha"e that e-+erience.

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