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50 Short Questions for Merchandisers:

Test Yourself where do You Stand In last few days I have received mails from some of the OCS readers, who asked me for questions for merchandising interview preparation. This post is ust to guide them what kind of questions pro!a!ly they would !e asked !y interviewers. "nd to provide them an overview what all things they need to know as a merchandiser. I have spent many hours to prepare this question set in past. #ost of these questions are related to merchandising o! profile and are set !ased on my personal work e$perience. Some of the questions are taken from question paper sets !y fashion institutes. %ollowing questions are not only for o! seekers !ut !eing an e$perienced merchandiser, you can also test your knowledge !y answering following questions. I will pu!lish answers of these question in ne$t week. So keep visiting or su!scri!e our post to get notification for the answer set. &. The si'e ratio of an order of ()) pieces is *S+S+#+,+*,++&+-+.+-+&. "ccording to this ratio average fa!ric consumption for the style was &.- meters. /very si'e increase, increases the consumption !y &) cm. 0ue some reason !uyer dropped the Si'e *S and keeps the order quantity same. 1ew si'e ratio is S+#+,+*,++-+.+.+&. 2hat will !e the new average fa!ric consumption3 a. &.-4 meters !. &.-) meters c. &.-. meters d. &..) meters -. Suppose an order of 5))) pieces have four different si'e ratios as following. "rrange them in descending order average consumption3 a. S+#+,+*,++ &+-+-+& !. *S+S+#+,++ &+&+-+c. *S+S+#+,++ &+-+-+& d. S+#+,+*,++ -+-+&+& .. " shipment is passed with -.4 "6, !y a !uyer 6". Suppose after receiving the shipment !uyer do re7inspection of the same shipment at their warehouse. 2hat will !e the 8defective in this inspection3 a. ,ess than -.48 !. #ore than -.48 c. /$actly -.48 d. Could !e more or less than -.48 9. Suppose the average ratio of %O: factors are %a!ric+;rint</m!+C#T+Overhead+#argin ++&-+&+.+&+.. %O: of order is =s. 9)).)). Suddenly, fa!ric price is hiked !y 48 and all other costs remain same. Once %O: is free'ed you cannot change it. In this situation what will !e the reduction in margin for this order3 a. &)8 !. -)8 c. .)8 d. 4)8 4. #atch the following left column to right column

a> i> !> ii> c> iii> d> iv> e> v>

Cutting Si'e grading Sampling TO; sample %inishing ;re production meeting Sewing :undling #erchandising Spotting

5. The finishing manager can?t a!le to decide whether he will pack the altered pieces or not and he had shorted the garment according to the pro!lems. @e asks for decision on following issues from the merchant !efore handing over the shipment for inspection. 2hich garment you will permit to add into shipment3 a. Aarments with shade variation at sleeve and !ody !. Aarments with visi!le mending work c. Aarments with e$tra length d. 1one of the a!ove B. a. !. c. d. C. a. !. (. a. !. c. Color fastness to washing is rated on a scale of 77777 to 7777777 ) to &) & to &) 74 to 4 & to 4 ,ower the Dcolor fastness to wash? rating, !etter is the performance. True %alse 2hat is the full form of "6,, "ccepta!le 6ualification ,evel "ccepta!le 6uality level "ccepta!le 6uantity level

&). 2hat does C;# stand for3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a. Critical ;ath #ethod !. Crucial ;ath #ethod c. Common ;roposed #ethod &&. 2hich one of the following paths determines the overall duration of a pro ect in C;#+ a. ,ongest ;ath !. Shortest ;ath c. :oth together &-. If we have two follow7ups at hand, which of the path?s tasks should !e completed on priority+ a. Task on the Shortest ;ath !. Task on the ,ongest ;ath c. Task which is having ma or pro!lem &.. Sewing thread of 4) TFT is thicker than &-) TFT. a. True !. %alse

&9. %a!ric Gknits> consumption increases when the AS# of the fa!ric increases. a. True !. %alse &4. If the fa!ric Gwoven> width increases from the planned width Gwhile ordering>, we could EEEEEEEEE actual fa!ric consumption a. Increase !. 0ecrease c. 1ot !e affected &5. Color fastness to washing test is !eing done during EEEEEEEEEEEEEE a. A;T !. %;T c. In !oth stage d. 1one of the a!ove stages &B. "n Industrial /ngineering 0epartment cannot help in garment C# costing more accurately. a. True !. %alse &C. " !etter time and action calendar GT1"> can result a !etter control of processes a. True !. %alse &(. 2hat is the full form of S#H3 a. Sewing #inute Halue !. Standard #inute Halue c. Sewing #inute Herified -). If you !ook orders more than the factory capacity, then the manufacturing costs are likely to+ a. Increase !. 0ecrease c. =emain unaffected -&. %a!ric shrinkage testing gives equivalent results as that of garment shrinkage testing. a. True !. %alse --. In which sample, does the :uyer confirms the workmanship details+ a. ;roto Sample !. %it Sample c. ;; Sample d. TO; Sample -.. The grain line on the garment pattern denotes weft of the fa!ric a. True !. %alse -9. The average consumption of fa!ric in washed garment should !e EEEEEEEEEEEEE as compared to non7washed same garment3 a. @igher !. ,ower -4. 9 point system of inspection is used to inspect woven garments3

a. !.

True %alse EEEEEEEEEEEEE Chart.

-5. " !ar graph that organi'es data in descending order is called a. :ar Chart !. ;areto Chart c. Trend Chart d. @istogram -B. The following wash care instruction, denotes EEEEEEEEE a. !. c. 0o not #achine 2ash 0o not 0ry7clean 0o not :leach

-C. The following wash care instruction denotes EEEEEEEEE a. !. c. #achine 2ash Tum!le 0ry :leach

-(. If the /stimated "verage at the time of fa!ric ordering is greater than actual production average, which of the following would !e true+ a. /$tra fa!ric than required, would !e ordered !. =elatively higher price would !e quoted to the :uyer c. :oth of the a!ove are true .). a. !. If a fa!ric lot is having -) penalty points in &)) square yds, the fa!ric would !e EEEEEEEEEEE "ccepted =e ected

.&. 2hat is %a!ric 0ead Stock3 a. %a!ric waste in cutting department !. Stock of fa!ric remaining after style completion c. Stock of defective and hold fa!ric in fa!ric department .-. D,!s? is unit of measurement for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a. ,ength !. 2eight c. Holume ... 2hat do you understand !y 0.@.I3 a. 0efective per @undred Init !. 0efects ;er @undred Init c. 0efective per hundred users .9. @ow can we control the performance of our vendors3 a. #aintain data for quality and timeliness for vendors !. 0e!iting vendors for defective units c. Telling them to improve

d. :y negotiating for the !est price e. #aintain data for quality, timeliness and price for vendors, improving vendor performance, through data analysis .4. :uyers prefer e$tra shipping quantity as per original si'e ratio a. True !. %alse .5. :lister packing can !e made with a. #i$ of color !. #i$ of si'es c. #i$ of colors and si'es d. "ll of the a!ove options .B. ;roductivity of a factory can !e e$pressed in terms of + a. ;iecesJmachine per day !. ;iecesJhour per person c. ;iecesJman7hour d. "ll of the a!ove .C. 2hen a light print is needed on a dark !ase color with smother hand feel. 2hich printing option is mostly used3 a. Fhadi print !. 0ischarge print c. ;igment print .(. In :urnt7out printing, which of the following fi!er is !urnt in the printing process3 a. ;olyester !. Cotton 9). & gross !utton is equal to 77777777777777777777777 !uttons a. &9) !. 9) c. &99 9&. Aenerally shipping department calculates volumetric weight of the packed goods Gcartons> for shipping agents. 2hat is the formula for calculating volumetric weight3 a. Total volume of cartons J Total weight !. Total volume of cartons J 5))) c. Total volume of cartons J &))) 9-. If the fa!ric is having high width variation in the same shade lots, the production average is likely to+ a. Increase !. 0ecrease c. =emain same 9.. The unit of measure for the Dsi'e? of !utton is+ a. Cm !. Inch c. ,igne 99. /fficiency of a sewing line is calculated as follows+ a. "ctual outputJ Target output


Target outputJ "ctual Output

94. The pro!lem of pilling is normally in knit garments7 a. True !. %alse 95. Aive the full form of the following terms+ a> !> c> d> e> f> g> %;TEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A;TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CI% EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,CEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SFIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 0T# stands for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE C;, stands for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

9B. To Sew a Fnits Tee which among the following machine is not required a> %lat lock #achine !> Over lock #achine c> %eed of the arm d> Single needle lock stitch 9C. 2hich is not a summer color a> !> c> d> ;ink 2hite ,emon :lack

9(. #ark the odd one out + a> Satin !> Silk c> Cotton d> 1ylon 4). The preferred color for !a!y girl is + a> ;ink !> :lack c> :lue d> Orange

Answer Post: 50 Short Questions for Merchandisers

5. Matching left and right hand column a) iv); b) i); c) v); d) ii); e) iii) 41. b. is most appropriate. Different agents used different calculation factors. It also depends on importing country. or more reading chec! here. 4". #ns$ers. %&' abric %ac!age &esting (%&' (arment %ac!age &esting )I ' )ost Insurance reight *) ' *etter of )redit +,-' +toc! ,eeping -nit D&M ' Dye to Match )%*' )ut panel *aundry

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

riends. if anyone don/t agree $ith any ans$er given in the above table please $rite in the comment bo0 $ith 1ustification.

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