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5 able ible so very That way

Its very comfortable Its very comfortable, here. It is not very comfortable here. It isnt so confortable here. It isnt so terrible. It is so remarkable. It isnt acceptable for me, that way (like that).

Its not so urgent. ence ance Difference The difference A difference What difference What preference What importance Presence Absence Influence

1.6 Sure glad Im sorry where

I am sure. Im not sure. Its sure. No, Im not sure. Im glad. (content(e)) Im sorry, but Im not sure. I know. (je sais) Where = o I know where it is = je sais o cest.

Do you have? What preference? What preference do you have? What restaurant? For what restaurant do you have a preference, tonight? Now=maintenatnt Know=savoir No=non

1.7 ..ant ent

It is (its) very important for me. It is not (it isnt) so important. Diffrent = different Evident= evident Its not so different. Its very different. Its evident.

It isnt necessary, now. On the contrary. Perhaps=peut-tre Not now, perhaps tonight.

1.9 (Too, very,so) late.. Its late (tard) Its too late. Trop = too Trs = very Si = so It is very late. It isnt too late. It isnt so late. Late = tard Later = plus tard Fast = rapide Faster = plus rapide It is too fast Not so fast Please = svp Because = parce que I Want = je veux 1.10 Infinitif des verbes, Questions In English Infinitive = to + stem (verb) Savoir = to know Je sais = I know Parler = to speak Il parle = he speaks ***les plus importants***

*** the most important *** tre = to be Avoir = to have Do you have? = avez vous Questions Do you? Do you have ? To speak Do you speak French? Arabic?...? O cest = Where it is O est? = wher is? I want to know where it is To speak To have To understand = comprendre Do you understand? To see = voir 1.11 Negation do not = dont Negation Dont + verb I dont understand I understand Do you understand? Do you know? (savoir) Je ne sais pas Avez-vous ? I (dont) have

To see = voir Voyez-vous? = do you see ? Est-ce que vous comprenez ? = do you understand ? Vous comprenez ? = you understand ? Je comprends a= I understand it ? Do you understand it ? = le comprenez vous? Do you see it ? yes,I see it. I (dont) have it = je nai pas a. Je suis dsol ! = Im sorry ! Je suis dsol mais je ne lai pas = Im sorry but I dont have it . Do you undestand it ? Me comprenez-vous ? = understand me? do you

Manger = Eat Attention! Ne confendez pas (it) /it/ avec (eat) /i :t/

1.12 Live ; leave ; when ; tomorrow ; today

I (dont) live here Do you live here ? = Est-ce que vous habitez ici? Live = vivre Leave = partir When = quand Where = o Today =aujourdhui Tomorrow = demain

Je (ne) vous comprend (pas) = I (dont) understand you. Trouver = to find

Tonight = ce soir Je veux = I want Je le veux = I want it Le voulez-vous ? = do you want it ? Savoir = to know Je veux le savoir = I want to know it Je (ne) veux (pas) le savoir = I dont want to know it Why do you want to know it I want to understand it When do you leave = quand partezvous ? I leave tomorrow = je pars demain. Je veux laisser un message = I want to leave a message Do you want to leave a message ? Do you have a message for me?

1.13 tion sion /shen/ ..ation /eishen/ Opinion ; A condition The condition What Condition What impression Do you have ? = avez-vous? What impression do you have? Nation (a , the) Reservation Do you have a reservation for me for tonight? Confirmation The confirmation of the reservation Do you have the confirmation of the reservation for me for tonight? = avezvous la confirmation de la rservation pour moi pour ce soir? What kind of reservation do you have for me ? Kind = sorte (type) What kind of reservation do you want? = quelle sorte de rservation voulez-vous?

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