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by Emmanuel Manolakakis ! Pa"#$ay% Inhale through nose; exhale through mouth. &! Lea'in(% Let breath slightly lead physical action in time. )! Su**i+ien+y% Take as much breath as you need at the moment, for the action, not more not less. ,! Con"inui"y% Keep breathing, without interruption or holding, no matter what you are doing unless doing a special breath-hold training -! Pen'ulum% Let e!ery breath cycle complete itself and re!erse naturally, as a pendulum swings and re!erses naturally without interference. "llow, and experience, the re!ersal pause at the end of each cycle. .! In'e/en'en+e%

#o specific type of action is in!ariantly tied to any particular phase of breath cycle $i.e. you should be able to punch or roll as well on inhale as exhale . 0! No "ension% Keep your muscles and your body o!erall relaxed. %I% &'( K#')... The muscles that mo!e your eyeball are connected to those at the back of your neck. *ow your head down and then look up so that you are seeing what is in front of you. +eel that stretch, That is the feeling that comes when you strain the muscles connecting your eyes to your neck. -trange feeling, huh, .ach piece of your body is intricately connected to other pieces in subtle, often unexpected ways. In order to be an effecti!e martial artist, one capable of easily manipulating the bodies of others, it is necessary to understand those internal connections. In order to do this you must first understand such connections in your own body. )hat muscles are acti!ated when you do a simple s/uat, )hat wider effect does this tension ha!e on your body, 'n your mind, "sk yourself /uestion like these when you train. Then, if you0re up to it, ask yourself about the tension that result from getting up from your desk or out of your !ehicle. )hat muscles are you using regularly, %o you need all of them, 1ow can you find relaxation in daily life,

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