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3e are the -ontinuation of our #ncestors Dharma Talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh on July I1, 199K in Plum

Village, France. Thich Nhat Hanh

oo! morning my !ear "rien!#. To!ay i# the t&enty4"ir#t o" July 199K. $e are in the '%%er Hamlet. * have a %icture o" me a# a baby monk * &ant to #hare, to #ho& you, e#%ecially the young %eo%le. * &a# #eventeen. -n! then * have a %icture o" mine &hen * &a# #i,teen. (ou #ee the !i""erence a"ter one year o" %ractice. * have to tell you that * &a# a novice %racticing &ith other novice# an! * ha! a great time. * &a# a very ha%%y novice. * think it i# very im%ortant to be ha%%y &hen you are a novice becau#e i" you are ha%%y a# a novice, you &ill be ha%%y a# a monk. 2o you might like to %a## it aroun! an! look clo#ely at the baby monk. 3aybe &eCll have to %rint #everal co%ie# "or the chil!ren. - "e& year# ago there &a# a re%orter. He i# o" -merican origin, but he live# in Denmark. He i# a "ilm maker, al#o. He came to my hut an! intervie&e! me &ith hi# big, huge camera. 9ne o" the /ue#tion# he a#ke! i# thi#, 6Thay, i" to!ay the 0u!!ha an! Je#u# met on the #treet, &hat !o you think they &oul! tell each other:7 -n! thi# i# my an#&er. 6There i# no i", becau#e they are meeting each other every !ay. They are telling each other many thing#. 0ecau#e you !onCt look !ee%ly, you !onCt li#ten !ee%ly, that i# &hy you have not #een them meeting every !ay an! e,changing every !ay.7 * #ai! that becau#e in my min! it i# clear that the 0u!!ha i# here an! Je#u# i# al#o here. $e are the continuation o" the 0u!!ha an! o" Je#u#. The #on i# al&ay# the continuation o" the "ather. 1veryone ha# to agree u%on thi# "act. 2cienti#t or non#cienti#t, theologian or nontheologian, they have to acce%t the "act that the #on, the !aughter, i# the continuation o" the "ather. an! al#o the mother. *n "act, they are the "ather an! the mother. 2o it i# ab#ur! to #ay, 7* !onCt &ant to have anything to !o &ith my "ather.7 There are %eo%le &ho get angry &ith their "ather an! make the !eclaration, 6* !onCt &hat to have anything to !o &ith him.7 That &oul! be im%o##ible, becau#e he, &hether he &ant# or not, he i# the continuation o" hi# "ather. He i# hi# "ather. That i# &hy the only thing "or him to !o i# to %ractice reconciliation &ithin. 0ecau#e hi# "ather i# &ithin him, there i# no &ay o" getting ri! o" hi# "ather. There are %eo%le &ho are angry &ith their mother, an! they "eel the #ame. They &ant to "orget her. They !onCt &ant to have anything to !o &ith her. *# that %o##ible: No. They are the continuation o" their mother#. They are their mother#. They cannot e#ca%e. That i# &hy the %ractice i# to go back an! to reconcile &ith the mother &ithin an! &ith the "ather &ithin. $e have bloo! %arent#, &e have bloo! ance#tor#? but &e have al#o our #%iritual %arent#, our #%iritual ance#tor#. The 0u!!ha i# my #%iritual ance#tor. * &a# born "rom him. * am hi# continuation. * am him. +ater on in li"e * have a!o%te! Je#u# a# another #%iritual ance#tor. *n me they are alive. * !o not have any con"lict &ith them a# * !o not have any con"lict &ith my bloo! %arent# an! ance#tor#. Thi# i# a very im%ortant %ractice. * am the 0u!!ha an! you are the <hri#t, becau#e * am the continuation o" the 0u!!ha an! you are the continuation o" Je#u# <hri#t. -n! &e are #eeing each other every !ay an! &e are talking &ith each other every !ay. -n!, itC# #illy to #ay, 6*" to!ay the 0u!!ha an! the <hri#t met each other, &hat &oul! they #ay to each other:7 They have to meet each other. They have to #ay thing# to each other every !ay, becau#e that i# al#o "or the #ake o" %eace. *" %eo%le o"

!i""erent religiou# a""iliation# !o not #ee each other, !o not meet each other, !o not talk to each other, then %eace &ill not be %o##ible. 2o, * tol! the re%orter that they are meeting every !ay an! * &i#h them #ucce##. No&, chil!ren, letC# li#ten to thi#. (ou might &on!er &hether the 0u!!ha i# a %er#on or &here he i#, becau#e in the !ra&ing# you make an! give to me you like to !ra& the 0u!!ha. $here i# the 0u!!ha no&: Ho& can &e touch him, #ee him an! talk to him: *# he a he or maybe a #he: *# there one 0u!!ha only, or are there many 0u!!ha#: The#e are very intere#ting /ue#tion# an! you have to a#k your#el" an! to a#k your "rien!#. There i# a 0u!!ha &ho#e name i# 2hakyamuni, an! * have a!o%te! him a# a teacher, but * kno& that be#i!e# him there are many other 0u!!ha#. -n! there are %art time 0u!!ha#, there are "ull time 0u!!ha#. $e have to get ri! o" the i!ea that the 0u!!ha i# a go!. No, the 0u!!ha i# not a go!. The 0u!!ha may be a human being like you an! *. 0ut the 0u!!ha may be a !eer or a #/uirrel. 0ecau#e anyone, anything that i# animate! by 0u!!ha nature can be !e#cribe! a# 0u!!ha. 0u!!ha nature, &hat i# it: 0u!!ha nature in 2an#krit i# 3uddhata. 0u!!ha nature i# inherent in every one o" u#, not only human#, but nonhuman# a# &ell. *C! like to tell you about the 0u!!ha nature that i# in u#. *t i# like electricity. * believe that electricity i#. There i# #uch a thing a# electricity becau#e * have #een electricity mani"e#te! in many "orm#. *n the !ark, you turn on the light an! you have light. That i# a mani"e#tation o" electricity, right: *t i# very hot, an! you turn on the "an, an! you have the &in!. $ell, that &in! i# ma!e by electricity, #o electricity i# #een in the "orm o" the &in!. -n! &hen you o%en your re"rigerator to take #ome ice cream, you #ee that the col! in there, the ca%acity to retain the col!, to kee% your ice cream not melting, that i# al#o electricity. $hen you !rive your car, i" the car can run like that it mean# electricity i# there. There i# #omething that can hel% generate electricity an! that electricity can %ro%el your car or your air%lane. * kno& that electricity e,i#t# becau#e * have #een light, * have #een the &in!, * have #een the col!, * have #een the "orce !riving the car. (ou cannot #ay that electricity i# 5u#t the light, or electricity i# 5u#t the &in!. No. 2o, 0u!!hahoo!, 0u!!ha nature, can be #een in a %er#on like 2hakyamuni but 0u!!ha nature can be #een in other "orm#. (ou your#el", you have the 0u!!ha nature in you. *" you kno& ho& to touch it, i" you kno& ho& to nurture it, then the 0u!!ha nature &ill mani"e#t in you an! you have more %eace, more 5oy, more #tability, more "re#hne##. That i# &hy to %ractice me!itation i# to touch the 0u!!ha nature in you an! to hel% it mani"e#t #o that you "eel much better. That i# &hy * have o""ere! you the %ractice o" %ebble me!itation. (e#ter!ay * talke! about &hat you can give. Fir#t o" all, * #ai! the mo#t %reciou# thing you can give to the %eo%le you love i# your true %re#ence. *n or!er to be truly %re#ent, you have only to breathe in an! breathe out an! become "re#h like a "lo&er. -n! you go to her, go to him, the %er#on you love, an! #ay, 6Darling, *Cm really here "or you.7 Thi# i# a gi"t. * al#o #ai! that you have to o""er your "re#hne##. *n or!er to be "re#h, you kno& &hat to !o. 8ela,, breathe in, breathe out, #mile. Put !o&n your &orry, your anger, an! you become "re#h. That i# #omething you can o""er to %eo%le you love. There i# a young %ractitioner among u# an! hi# name i# 0ao4tich an! he i# "our year# ol!, or "our year# young. He 5u#t celebrate! hi# "ourth birth!ay a "e& !ay# ago an! he ha# a very nice %ractice. 1very time he get# agitate!, hi# mother invite# him to #it like a 0u!!ha. 3y !ear little boy, it !oe# not #eem that the 0u!!ha nature in you i# #o evi!ent. 2o, &oul! you like to #it !o&n in the lotu# %o#ition an! %ractice breathing an! #miling #o that the 0u!!ha &ill come back into your heart: -n! 0ao4tich al&ay# li#ten# to hi# mother, an! %ractice# #itting !o&n. He #it# very beauti"ully an! a"ter a "e& minute#, he #ay#, 63ommy, touch me to #ee &hether

the 0u!!ha i# alrea!y clear.7 -n! hi# mother &ill touch him an! #ay, 6*t begin# to be clear, #o continue #itting "or another minute.7 2o a"ter 0ao4tich ha# become #till an! #erene an! %eace"ul, hi# mother &ill touch him again an! #ay, 6No& the 0u!!ha in you i# very clear, #o go an! %lay, my !arling.7 2o 0ao4tich i# very gla! an! run# an! %lay# again. He i# there. He %romi#e! that ne,t year he &ill #%eak 1ngli#h. * &oul! like you to %ractice the #ame. (ou may recu%erate the 0u!!ha nature in you very /uickly. $e have ma!e a #ong "or you to %ractice. 6Flo&er 4 Fre#h. 3ountain 4 2oli!. $ater 4 8e"lecting. 2%ace 4 Free.7 (ou nee! only to u#e "our o" your %ebble#Bone %ebble "or Flo&er? one %ebble "or 3ountain? one %ebble "or $ater? an! one %ebble "or 2%ace. Thi# can be %ractice! &ith mu#ic. 2u%%o#e thi# i# the %ebble "or Flo&er. (ou %ut it on the %alm o" your han! an! you %ractice breathing in, breathing out three time# &ith the "lo&er in min!. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a "lo&er.7 (ou !o it in #uch a &ay that you become a real "lo&er. *t i# not !i""icult) i" you &ant to be a "lo&er, you &ill be a "lo&er. 8ela,. 2mile. 2mile &ith your eye#. 2mile &ith your mouth. 2mile &ith your ear#. 2mile &ith your bo!y. (ou can !o it. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a "lo&er.7 *n "act, &e are all "lo&er#. Human being# are a kin! o" "lo&er. *" you !onCt look e,actly like a "lo&er it i# becau#e you have not taken goo! care o" your#el", you have crie! too much, you have !rie! your#el" u%. (ou have allo&e! #orro& an! &orry to enter you an! !e#troy you. 2o, recu%erate. 8e#tore your "lo&erne##. Thi# i# one o" the &ay# to !o it. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a "lo&er.7 Thi# i# not imagination. (ou are a "lo&er. (ou have the right to recu%erate your "lo&erne##. There are many o" u# &hen &e gro& ol!B#i,ty, #eventy, eightyB&e are able to retain our "lo&erne##. <ongratulation# to you &ho are able to !o #o. * have #een %eo%le eighty, ninety, #till very "re#h. $e have to a!mire the#e %eo%le. $e have to "ollo& their e,am%le. $e have to learn "rom them ho& to retain our "lo&erne##. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a "lo&er. 0reathing out, * "eel "re#h. (ou kno&, a "lo&er !oe# not #eem to !o anything, but &ithout "lo&er#, li"e &oul! #eem very #a!. 2o you !onCt have to !o anything. *" you can be a "lo&er, you #erve the &orl!. 60reathing out * "eel "re#h.7 (ou !o that three time#, you %ick u% the %ebble an! you %ut it on your right. No& you %ick u% another %ebble. Thi# %ebbleC# name i# 3ountain. (ou kno& that #tability i# very im%ortant. - #table chil!, a #table a!ult, can in#%ire %eo%le an! make them ha%%y. 2tability i# very im%ortant. The image o" the mountain can hel% you to %ractice. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a mountain.7 Nothing can a##ault me. *" you have a #table %o#ition "or your bo!y, i" you kno& ho& to #it erect? i" you kno& ho& to en5oy your in4breath an! out4breath, an! become the ma#ter o" your#el", then any %rovocation, any #orro&, anything you imagine cannot #hake you. 2o you #tay #oli! like a mountain. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a mountain. 0reathing out, * "eel #oli!.7 2oli! a# a mountain, that i# our %ractice. (ou learn to be #oli! in your #itting %o#ition an! then you &ill learn to be #oli! in your &ay o" &alking. (ou &ill be #oli! in your &ay o" !riving. (ou &ill be a #oli! !river. $hen you cook your !inner, you can %ractice your #oli!ity, al#o. Three time#. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# a mountain. 0reathing out, * "eel #oli!.7 -n! you %ut a#i!e the #econ! %ebble. No& you %ick u% the thir! %ebble. The name o" the thir! %ebble in thi# %ractice i# 2till $ater. Not 5u#t &ater, #till &ater. There are time# &hen you look at the &ater you #ee it very #till. 2o #till you can #ee the blue #ky an! the &hite clou!# in it. (ou can #ee the tree# re"lecte! in it, e,actly like u% there. *" you have a camera, you 5u#t aim at the #ur"ace o" the lake an! take the %icture. $hen you !evelo% it %eo%le might think that you took it "rom u% there becau#e the

image i# #o "aith"ul. 2o &hen your min! i# calm, #till like that &ater, you &ill re"lect everything a# it i#. (ou !onCt !i#tort thing#. (ou !onCt have &rong %erce%tion#, becau#e &rong %erce%tion# make you angry, make you #u""er. The 0u!!ha #ai! &rong %erce%tion# are the groun! o" all our #u""ering. The other %er#on !oe# not &ant to !e#troy u# but &e #till think that #he i# trying to !e#troy u#. The other %er#on i# not trying to make u# #u""er, but &e believe that hi# intention i# to %uni#h u#. $hen &e #ee a %iece o" ro%e in the t&ilight, &e might think that it i# a #nake, but it i# not a #nake. *n the t&ilight, you are &alking an! #u!!enly you #ee a #nake. (ou #cream an! you run a&ay. $hen your "rien! bring# in a torch, you realiFe that it i# not a #nake at all. *t i# only a %iece o" ro%e. That i# &hat &e call a &rong %erce%tion. - &rong %erce%tion al&ay# make# u# #u""er an! that i# &hy &e have to learn to #ee thing# a# they are an! not !i#tort them. *t i# very im%ortant to %ractice being calm like #till &ater becau#e #till &ater can re"lect thing# a# they are. 0reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# #till &ater. 0reathing out, * re"lect thing# a# they truly are. +a#tly, "ree!om, #%ace. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# #%ace. 0reathing out, * "eel "ree.7 Peo%le &ho have #%ace &ithin !onCt #u""er. Peo%le &ho have #%ace aroun! them, they !onCt #u""er. *tC# like the moon. +ook at the moon traveling in the em%ty #ky. *t ha# a lot o" #%ace aroun! it. The moon i# #erene, ha%%y. 0ut &e, #ometime#, &e !onCt have #%ace in#i!e. $e are "ull o" &orrie#, o" anger, o" "ear, o" %ro5ect#, o" !e#ire. $e !onCt allo& our#elve# to have #%ace in#i!e, an! there i# no #%ace out#i!e at all. $e !onCt "eel that &e have the time. $e !onCt "eel that &e have #%ace to move aroun!. $hat kin! o" li"e are &e having: $hen &e love #omeone, &e love in #uch a &ay that &e no longer have any time, any #%ace an! &e !e%rive the %er#on &e love o" #%ace an! time, an! love become# a %ri#on "or u# an! "or the other %er#on. That i# not true love. *" you love #omeone an! i" that #omeone i#nCt ca%able o" moving any more, thatC# not love. 2o #%ace i# a very big gi"t. (ou have to o""er him #%ace i" you &ant him to be truly ha%%y. 9""ering him #%ace in#i!e. 9""ering him #%ace out#i!e aroun! him. Thi# i# a very im%ortant %ractice. $e &ill learn ho& to %ut more #%ace in#i!e an! to arrange #o that &e have %lenty o" #%ace aroun! u#. That i# very crucial "or our ha%%ine##. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# #%ace. 0reathing out, * "eel "ree.7 3any %eo%le in their live# buy a lot o" ro%e# an! tie them#elve# u% an! "inally, they cannot move. Fir#t they think that the#e ro%e# are very much nee!e! "or their ha%%ine##. * &oul! not be ha%%y i" * !onCt have that ro%e. The ro%e o" "ame. The ro%e o" &ealth. There are many kin!# o" ro%e#. * &oul! not be ha%%y i" * coul! not buy that ro%e. 2o &e buy all kin!# o" tie#. Not only one to %ut aroun! our neck# but #everal kin!# o" tie# to %ut aroun! our bo!ie#, our "eeling#, our %erce%tion# an! "inally &e can no longer move. $e have no #%ace. Ha%%ine## i# im%o##ible. That i# &hy &e have to %ractice to "ree our#elve# an! to %ut into our#elve# a lot o" #%ace an! aroun! u# al#o. Thi# i# a techni/ue o" liberation. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el" a# #%ace. 0reathing out, * "eel "ree.7 During the %ractice &e !evelo% our "lo&erne##. $e !evelo% our #oli!ity. $e !evelo% our calm, #tillne## an! &e !evelo% our "ree!om. The#e /ualitie# combine! together &e call 0u!!ha nature. *" 0ao4tich #it# #till, that mean# he &ant# to recu%erate, to re#tore #ome o" hi# 0u!!ha nature #o that he become# more calm, more 5oy"ul, more loving. -ll o" you can !o like him an! al#o, even better, you can become like a 0u!!ha. 2o the 0u!!ha i# not #omething out#i!e. The 0u!!ha may be a %er#on like 2hakyamuni. 0ut the 0u!!ha nature #houl! be in you an! i" you %ractice &ell you can touch that 0u!!ha nature in you an! you &ill !evelo% your "lo&erne##, your #oli!ity, your "ree!om an! your #tillne##. +et u# a#k #omeone to #ing 60reathing in, 0reathing out7 "or u#. +et u# #it beauti"ully an! %ractice. $e !onCt #ing &ith her. $e 5u#t %ractice the #ong. -n!, * am !oing the movement#. *" you like you can !o the movement#, but the movement# are not enough. $e have to breathe

an! become a real "lo&er an! to become a real mountain. $hen * breathe in, * #ee my#el" a# a mountain, * really "eel * am a mountain. 0reathing in, breathing out, 0reathing in, breathing out, * am blooming a# a "lo&er, * am "re#h a# the !e&. * am #oli! a# a mountain, * am "irm a# the earth, * am "ree. 0reathing in, breathing out, 0reathing in, breathing out, * am &ater, re"lecting, $hat i# real, &hat i# true. -n! * "eel there i# #%ace Dee% in#i!e o" me, * am "ree, * am "ree, * am "ree. (ou #ee, me!itation can be "un. There are many &ay# o" %racticing me!itation, an! you can me!itate in mu#ic a# &ell. No& * &oul! like to o""er 0ao4tich, the young %eo%le, an! the le## young the %ractice o" vi#iting the 0u!!ha &ithin. DonCt think that thi# #tatue i# the 0u!!ha. *tC# ma!e o" clay only. $e &ant the real 0u!!ha. The real 0u!!ha i# ma!e o" the#e "our element#) "re#hne##, #oli!ity, #tillne## an! "ree!om. -n! you kno& that the#e element# are &ithin. * like to touch the real 0u!!ha an! not the clay 0u!!ha. - clay 0u!!ha i# #ometime# hel%"ul becau#e it hel%# u# to go home to touch the real 0u!!ha. (ou may #it !o&n beauti"ully an! you breathe in, breathe out a "e& time# an! you %ut your right han! on your heart an! you #ay, 6Hello, +ittle 0u!!ha, are you there:7 (ou a#k "ir#t the /ue#tion, 6Hello, my little 0u!!ha, are you there:7 -n! you li#ten. (ou li#ten &ith all your heart. *" you are too agitate!, too trouble!, you might not hear the little 0u!!ha an#&ering you very clearly. 2o you a#k him "or the #econ! time, 6Hello, little 0u!!ha, are you there:7 *" you %ay attention, you &ill hear hi# voice or her voice, 6(e#, * am here.7 0ut it may not be very clear. The voice o" the 0u!!ha become# clearer an! clearer a# you become calmer an! more #oli!. (ou may a#k "or the thir! time, 6Hello, little 0u!!ha are you there:7 -n! you li#ten. Thi# time the 0u!!haC# voice i# very clear, 6(e#, #urely, * am al&ay# there "or you.7 8emember the "ir#t mantra. The 0u!!ha i# %racticing the "ir#t mantra. 6* am al&ay# there "or you, my !arling.7 -n! then &hen you hear the voice o" the 0u!!ha in you, you #ay, 6* am very gla!. (ou are my "re#hne##. (ou are my "lo&erne##.7 -n! the 0u!!ha #ay#, 6(e#, * am your "re#hne##, your "lo&erne##.7 Do try to cultivate your "lo&erne##. -n! then you #ay, 6Dear 0u!!ha, you are al#o my #tability. (ou are a mountain in me.7 -n! you li#ten, an! the 0u!!ha #ay#, 6(e#, * am your #tability. * am you #oli!ity. * am the mountain in you.7 (ou hear it. (ou hear the 0u!!ha an#&ering you very clearly. 2ometime i" you #%eak 1ngli#h, the voice &ill be in 1ngli#h. *" you #%eak erman, the voice &ill be in erman. * am #ure, becau#e that i# your 0u!!ha. 6Dear 0u!!ha, you are my #tillne##, my calm, i# that right:7 -n! the 0u!!ha #ay#, 6(e#, * am your #tillne##. * am your calm.7 (ou become gla! an! you #ay, 6Dear 0u!!ha, you are my "ree!om. (ou are #%ace &ithin me an! aroun! me.7 -n! the 0u!!ha in you &ill #ay, 6(e#. * am your "ree!om. * am #%ace in you an! #urroun!ing you. -n! you #ay, 6Dear little 0u!!ha, * am very gla! that you are there "or me.7 -n! the 0u!!ha #ay#, 6(e#. * am al&ay# there "or

you. * am gla! that you vi#it. <ome an! vi#it o"ten.7 (ou #ay, 6Dear 0u!!ha, * nee! you very much. $ithout you, * &oul! #u""er.7 -n! the 0u!!ha #ay#, 6(e#, * &ill try my be#t to be &ith you all the time, an! * al#o nee! you. *" you vi#it me o"ten, * &ill be clearer. * &ill be more a%%arent an! * can hel% you better.7 Vi#iting the 0u!!ha at lea#t once a !ay i# im%ortant. *" you get agitate! #everal time# a !ay, it i# very im%ortant to vi#it your 0u!!ha #everal time# a !ay. Thi# i# the en! o" your Dharma talk. $hen you hear the bell, #tan! u%, bo& to the #angha an! go out to continue your learning an! %ractice. =0ell, the chil!ren leave> 3y !ear "rien!#, it i# very im%ortant to make a connection &ith our ance#tor# an! the "uture generation#. -lienation i# a kin! o" #ickne##. There are %eo%le &ho !onCt "eel they are connecte! &ith anything at all an! they #u""er "rom being cut o"", "rom loneline##. There i# no un!er#tan!ing. There i# no love that can nouri#h them. There"ore, to %ractice re#toring the connection i# very im%ortant. * al&ay# "eel that * am the continuation o" my ance#tor#. 1very !ay * %ractice touching my ance#tor#. *n my country every home ha# an altar "or ance#tor#, bloo! ance#tor# an! #%iritual ance#tor#. -n altar i# 5u#t a table, but it i# very im%ortant. (ou %lace that table in the central %art o" your hou#e an! you "ocu# your attention on the table a# the %oint o" contact bet&een you an! your ance#tor#. '#ually every morning &e come an! o""er #ome incen#e to our ance#tor#. 9ur ance#tor# !o not nee! to #mell incen#e, but &e &ant to light a #tick o" incen#e to our ance#tor# becau#e the %ractice o" lighting incen#e "ocu#e# our attention on the %re#ence o" our ance#tor#. During the time you #trike the match, you light the #tick o" incen#e, you o""er the incen#e on the table, you have an o%%ortunity to touch your ance#tor# &ithin your#el". (ou realiFe that your ance#tor# are al&ay# alive in you becau#e you are the continuation o" your ance#tor#. *n your #itting me!itation you can %ractice like thi#, 6Da!!y, * am your #on. * am your !aughter.7 That i# a "act. (ou kno& it #o &ell, but you !onCt "eel it #ometime#. (ou "eel that your "ather i# one %er#on an! you are another %er#on. 0ut in "act that i# not #o. (ou are a very real continuation o" your "ather. *t i# like the %lant o" corn i# the continuation o" the #ee! o" corn. -lthough the #tatement i# very #im%le, you have to %erceive it, to "eel it, to live the reality o" it. 6Da!!y, * am your !aughter, * am your #on.7 No matter ho& har! it i# "or you to make the #tatement, you have to make it becau#e that i# the truth. 1ven i" bet&een you an! your "ather there i# a lot o" !i""iculty, you #till are hi# continuation. (ou are #till him. -ll the #u""ering# that he en!ure! may be #till in you, an! it i# u% to you to &ork "or the tran#"ormation. *" you are able to tran#"orm the #u""ering in you, you have your "ather in you, you %ractice "or both o" you. 3aybe &hen you &ere young, you #u""ere! #o much alrea!y you are !etermine! to be very !i""erent "rom your "ather. (ou &ill never !o &hat he ha# !one to you. (ou &ere #o !etermine!, an! yet becau#e you !onCt kno& ho& to tran#"orm the energie# that ha# been tran#mitte! by him to you, &hen you gro& u%, you have the ten!ency to behave e,actly like he !i!. That i# calle! the &heel o" samsara, the viciou# circle. $e kno& &e hate that. $e !onCt &ant to !o it, but &e #till continue to !o e,actly that. $e make our chil!ren, our %artner#, #u""er al#o. The habit energy i# tran#mitte! "rom generation to generation. The only &ay i# to recogniFe that you are 5u#t the continuation o" your "ather, your mother? you are him, you are her, an! you are !etermine! to %ractice to liberate you, to liberate him at the #ame time. That i# your

bloo! ance#tor. (our ance#tor# have tran#mitte! to you many %o#itive #ee!#, but al#o many negative #ee!#. *t i# u% to you to %ractice to !evelo% the %o#itive #ee!# an! to !imini#h an! to tran#"orm the negative #ee!#. The e##ential i# to learn ho& to !o it, learning "rom the Dharma, learning "rom the 2angha. $e kno& that the %ractice here i# to cultivate min!"ulne## to be able to recogniFe the ten!ency, the habit energy, every time it begin# to #ho& it#el". Not "ighting, not #u%%re##ing, but 5u#t recogniFing an! embracing it &ith the energy o" min!"ulne## #o that it &ill not continue it# cour#e o" !e#truction. *" you allo& it to go on it# &ay, there &ill be !amage !one to you an! to the %eo%le you love. (ou !i! not &ant to #ay that, you !i! not &ant to !o that, but you #ai! that, you !i! that any&ay becau#e you !onCt kno& ho& to take care o" that habit energy. That i# &hy there mu#t be continue! %ractice in or!er to generate the energy o" min!"ulne## "or the recognition an! tran#"ormation o" thi# habit energy. -n! then there are your chil!ren an! your gran!chil!ren, your bloo! chil!ren. (ou kno& that they have inherite! #ome o" your habit energie#. The habit energie# you have receive! "rom your ance#tor# an! al#o have tran#mitte! to them. *n each cell in your bo!y you can "in! everything. 1ach cell o" our bo!y contain# all the habit energie# o" all generation# o" ance#tor#. (ou have hear! o" the techni/ue# o" cloning, an! no& &e are in a %o#ition to be able to clone human#. They 5u#t take one cell an! arrange to have that cell be in a %o#ition to re%ro!uce another you. -n! that once again %rove# the teaching o" the 0u!!ha to be very clo#e to the #cienti"ic "in!ing# o" our time#, that one contain# the all. That i# the teaching o" the Avatamsaka, that one contain# the all. 2o one cell in our bo!y can contain the &hole univer#e, can contain all our "ormer generation#, our ance#tor#. 2o you have tran#mitte! all o" that to your chil!ren an! gran!chil!ren. (ou !onCt kno&. *tC# very /uick. 0ut you have tran#mitte! million# an! million# o" thing# to them in 5u#t one #econ! or le##. The %o#itive an! the negative at the #ame time you have tran#mitte!. (ou are a link bet&een your ance#tor# an! your chil!ren. (ou have receive! an! your have tran#mitte!. (ou kno& that your chil!ren, i" they are lucky, they &ill meet #omeone to hel% them to nouri#h the %o#itive thing# an! to tran#"orm the negative thing#. 9ther&i#e, theyCll carry you very "ar into the "uture &ithout any chance o" tran#"ormation an! healing. *" you have the chance to %ractice, to !o the &ork o" tran#"ormation an! healing, you may be able to hel% your chil!, your chil!ren, your gran!chil!ren to !o #o. 0ecau#e, i" you are the continuation o" your ance#tor#, your chil!ren are a continuation o" you an! you hel% link your chil!ren &ith your ance#tor#. (ou hel% your ance#tor# to link &ith your chil!ren. The #ame thing i# true &ith our #%iritual ance#tor#. $hen * teach a young monk or a young nun or a young lay %er#on, * al&ay# have the image that that young %er#on i# going to continue me an! to continue my #%iritual ance#tor#. 2o that the main thing "or me to !o i# to tran#mit the be#t thing# * have receive! "rom my #%iritual ance#tor#, only. * #urvive &ith my !i#ci%le#. They &ill be my continuation. That i# &hy * "ocu# #o much attention an! energy an! time an! love to&ar! the teaching, becau#e that i# the only &ay to be kin! to my ance#tor#C tran#mi##ion, tran#mitting the be#t. There are t&o &ay#. 3y !i#ci%le#, my #tu!ent#, are my continuation. 3y #tu!ent, my !i#ci%le nee!# me to get connecte! &ith hi# or her #%iritual ance#tor#. *n me * carry the 0u!!ha, the %atriarch, my teacher# an! it i# that #en#e o" the 0u!!ha, the %atriarch, the teacher# that * tran#mit to my !i#ci%le#. 2o, my !i#ci%le nee!# me to get linke! &ith all the ance#tor#. * #erve a# the link. -n! * nee! my !i#ci%le to get linke! &ith the "uture generation#, becau#e &ithout him, &ithout her, the be#t thing# * receive! "rom my ance#tor# &ill not be tran#mitte!. * rely

on my !i#ci%le# to continue the lineage an! to tran#mit the be#t thing# "rom the lineage o" ance#tor# !o&n to "urther generation#. $e nee! each other. 3y !i#ci%le nee!# me to get linke! &ith all #%iritual ance#tor# an! * nee! him or her to continue me, an! ance#tor# in the "uture. $e nee! each other. Thi# #houl! be true &ith our bloo! "amily al#o. $hen you %ractice me!itation, &hich mean# to %ractice looking !ee%ly into your#el", you #ee that your ance#tor# are #till there in you. They are #till there in you, alive, 5u#t becau#e you are there. +ook at thi# han!. (ou &ill #ay that thi# i# my han!. 8ight, but not enough. Thi# i# al#o the han! o" my mother. Thi# i# al#o the han! o" my "ather. Thi# i# the han! o" my ance#tor. 8emember &hen you &ere a #mall chil!. (ou ha! a "ever an! your mother came an! #he %ut her han! on your "orehea!, an! "elt #o goo!. (our mother may have %a##e! a&ay, an! you remember that lovely han!, that gentle han!, an! you mi## it. 2till, i" you look !ee%ly into your han!, you #ee thi# i# al#o your motherC# han!. 60reathing in, * kno& thi# i# al#o the han! o" my mother. 0reathing out, the han! o" my mother i# on my "orehea!.7 2o, the han! o" your mother i# #till available at any time. The han! o" your "ather, the han! o" your ance#tor# i# al&ay# available, becau#e your han! i# there. The i!ea o" me an! mine may be an ob#tacle. (e#, there i# me, there i# mine, but thi# i# al#o him an! hi#, her an! her#. That i# the "ruit o" the %ractice o" looking !ee%ly. Thi# han! i# al#o the han! o" the 0u!!ha. The#e "eet are al#o the "eet o" the 0u!!ha, becau#e &ithout the 0u!!ha, * &oul! not be able to make %eace"ul #te%# on thi# %lanet an! to get the nouri#hment * nee! an! all o" u# nee!. $ithout the 0u!!ha, &ithout my teacher#, ho& coul! * have been able to &alk %eace"ully &ith #tability, &ith "ree!om an! #oli!ity, an! &ith 5oy: Thi# "oot i# my "oot. Thi# "oot i# al#o my motherC#, my "atherC# an! o" the 0u!!haC#. $here el#e !o * have to go to "in! my mother, my "ather an! the 0u!!ha: No, * !onCt have to go any&here. * 5u#t touch my#el" !ee%ly an! * touch them all. They are al&ay# alive in me. *" you %ractice like that, alienation &ill no longer be a %roblem. (ou think you are too alone. 1veryone ha# let you !o&n. No, that i# not true. That i# an imagination. That i# an illu#ion. The 0u!!ha i# al&ay# &ith you an! Je#u# i# al&ay# &ith you. (our ance#tor# are al&ay# &ith you, your chil!ren al#o. They are al&ay# &ith you. Touch your#el" an! you can alrea!y touch your chil!ren. $hen you contem%late a lemon tree in #%ring, although you !onCt #ee any lemon# yet, you may #ee #ome lemon blo##om#, but you kno& the lemon# are alrea!y there. 0ecau#e the lemon tree i# there, the lemon blo##om i# there, the lemon# are there a# "ruit. 2o, even i" you are a young %er#on, you are not marrie! yet, but i" you touch your#el" !ee%ly, you can alrea!y #ee your chil!ren an! gran!chil!ren. - young monk, a young nun, &ho ha#nCt become a teacher, i" he or #he %ractice# &ell, an! #he can touch her#el" an! #ee alrea!y the %re#ence o" her !i#ci%le# an! gran! !i#ci%le# an! great gran! !i#ci%le# in her. 2o, touching the %re#ent, you touch all the %a#t an! you touch all o" the "uture, becau#e the %re#ent moment inclu!e# all the %a#t an! all the "uture. *" you touch one cell o" your bo!y, you touch all o" your ance#tor# an! you touch all your chil!ren an! their gran!chil!ren. Thi# i# the teaching o" +or! 0u!!ha, that one contain# the many, touching the one !ee%ly you touch the all. Touching the %re#ent moment, you touch in"inity. =0ell> $hether you have #ome %roblem# &ith your %arent# or not, * &oul! %ro%o#e that tonight in #itting me!itation, you try thi#. 60reathing in, * kno& that * am the #on o" my "ather, or the !aughter o" my "ather.7 -n! &e are not contente! 5u#t &ith %ronouncing the #entence. $e have to #ee it. $e have to #ee u# a# the true !aughter# o" our "ather#. $e have to #ee the relation#hi%, the onene##. (ou have only the time "or an in4breath to vi#ualiFe that, to touch the "act that you are truly hi# !aughter, her !aughter. *" you !onCt #uccee!, try again. 60reathing in, * #ee my#el"? * kno& that * am your !aughter.7 60reathing out, * #mile.7 * #mile

at the "act that * am your !aughter, * am your #on.7 Do it "or a "e& time#. Then, 60reathing in, * kno& * am your continuation. 0reathing out, * kno& * am your continuation.7 (ou !onCt nee! to imagine anything. (ou nee! only to touch reality a# it i#. 3e!itating !oe# not mean !reaming, getting a&ay "rom reality. To me!itate mean# to touch reality a# it really i#, to touch #uchne##. -n! then, 60reathing in, * kno& * am you, my "ather. 0reathing out * kno& * am you, my "ather.7 2ometime# it i# har!, but you have to #uccee!. 0ecau#e that i# true, har! "act. No one can !emon#trate the o%%o#ite. 60reathing in, * kno& your !i""icultie#, my "ather.7 (ou have to #ee hi# !i""icultie#? you have to really #ee them. There &ere thing# he !i! not &ant to #ay, but he #ai! it. There &ere thing# that he !i! not &ant to !o to you, but he !i! it. (ou al#o have !one it to your chil!ren, to your belove! one#, #o &hy !o you have to con!emn, to blame your "ather: $e are &eak. $e are over&helme! &ith our !i""icultie#, our %roblem#? an! &e !o thing# that &e !onCt &ant to !o. 60reathing in, * kno&, "ather, you have your !i""icultie#,7 an! try to #ee the#e !i""icultie#. *" you begin to #ee the #u""ering, the !i""icultie# o" your "ather, or your mother e#%ecially, then naturally, com%a##ion &ill be born in your heart, becau#e you have learne! that un!er#tan!ing create# love, com%a##ion. Try to #ee the !i""icultie#, the #u""ering that that %er#on ha# en!ure! in hi# chil!hoo!, in hi# li"e, an! that i# the %ractice o" looking !ee%ly. *" nee!e!, you continue to %ractice "or "ive, ten minute# or even "i"teen, you have to #uccee!, becau#e thi# i# very im%ortant &ork. 60reathing in, * kno& there are thing# you &ante! to !o but you &ere not able to !o.7 (ou ha! a !ream, "ather, not "ul"ille!, an! you &ant me to "ul"ill that !ream "or you. - "ather al&ay# ha# !ream# "or hi# #on or !aughter. He &a# "ru#trate!? he coul! not "ul"ill that !ream, that !e#ire. 2ilently, uncon#ciou#ly, he &ant# you to be able to !o it. *n the beginning, that !e#ire i# very #trong. +ater on, the #u""ering might coveru% the !e#ire, but the !e#ire i# #till alive. -ll "ather# an! mother# have that kin! o" !e#ire. -n! you al#o. 2o you have to "in! out that kin! o" !ream an! !e#ire, an! you #ay, 6Father, *Cll !o it "or you.7 *" your "ather !i! not have a chance to %ractice min!"ul breathing, min!"ul &alking, to get the calm an! the tran#"ormation, you &ill !o it "or him. *" your mother !i! not have the chance, youCll !o it "or her. (ou %ractice "or both. (ou %ractice "or all o" them, your ance#tor#. <ut through the &heel o" samsara. Do not allo& it to make you go aroun!. DonCt allo& it to be tran#mitte! to your chil!ren, to your !i#ci%le#, "or your chil!ren are #omeho& your !i#ci%le#. Have you %ractice! touching the earth: Touching the earth may look like a ritual, but it i# not nece##arily a ritual. There are time# &hen you lie !o&n "lat on the earth an! you #urren!er everything. The earth i# my mother. * #urren!er my#el" entirely to her. * have come "rom the earth an! * &ill go back to the earth. +ie "lat on the gra## an! be one &ith the earth. That i# touching the earth. *n Plum Village &e %ractice the three earth touching#. The "ir#t one i# to connect our#elve# &ith our ance#tor# an! &ith our chil!ren an! their chil!ren. - vertical line. *n the %o#ition o" earth touching you have to get linke! to your ance#tor# an! to your chil!ren be"ore you #tan! u%. (ou might u#e all kin!# o" metho!#, like the one * 5u#t %ro%o#e! to you, 6Father, * am your !aughter, * am your #on. Father, * am your continuation? * am you. -nce#tor#, * am your continuation. -nce#tor#, "ather, * vo&, * %romi#e that * &ill try to !o &hat you have not been able to !o, to en! all o" the#e a""liction#, "ru#tration# an! to o%en u% "or "ree!om an! tran#"ormation.7 $hen you bo& !o&n like that an! touch your ance#tor#, you #ee that you have lo#t your i!entity a# a #e%arate! e,i#tence. $hy: 0ecau#e you realiFe your %o#ition in the river o" being. (ou are only a continuation. (ou are only a tran#ition. -bove you there are ance#tor# an! belo& you there are chil!ren an! gran!chil!ren. 2o you become one &ith the river, an!

#u!!enly you lo#e your #olitu!e o" being a #e%arate! e,i#tence, becau#e you kno& that you are your ance#tor#? you are your chil!ren. (ou become immortal. Fir#t you might think that #ome o" your ance#tor# are not to your liking. They ma!e mi#take#. They !i! &rong thing#. (e#, they ma!e mi#take#, they !i! &rong thing#? but they are your ance#tor#. (our %arent# are your younge#t ance#tor#. They may have !one &rong to you an! to other %eo%le, but they are your ance#tor#, your %arent#. (ou, your#el", you are not %er"ect. (ou have !one goo! thing#, ye#, but you have !one al#o &rong thing#) to you, to your ance#tor# an! to your chil!ren. $ho are you not to acce%t them a# your ance#tor#, a# your %arent#: The ance#tor#, * kno&, #ome o" you are %er"ect. * can look u% to a# my e,am%le, but #ome o" you &ere &eak an! have ma!e mi#take#, but * recogniFe all o" you a# my ance#tor#. 0ecau#e in my#el", * realiFe that * have #trength an! al#o &eakne##e#. * al#o make mi#take#. * al#o make %eo%le #u""er? #o &ho am * not to acce%t you: 2o you acce%t your %arent#, you acce%t your ance#tor#. 2o you "eel much better. *" you #u""er becau#e o" your chil!ren) "ir#t you think that your chil!ren &ill !o e,actly &hat you tell them to !o, but "inally you "in! out that they have their o&n i!ea#, their o&n !e#ire# an! they !o thing# not to your liking at all. (ou "eel a !i#tance, a #e%aration bet&een you an! them. 2ometime# you #ay, they are not my chil!ren? my chil!ren are not like that. * !o not recogniFe them a# my chil!ren. 3y chil!ren mu#t be like thi#, like thi#, like thi#. Parent# have a ten!ency to think like that. 0ut in "act, i" &e look into our#elve# &e #ay, 62ometime# * !i! thing# that !i! not %lea#e my %arent#. * have #hortcoming# &ithin my#el". * am not %er"ect. $hy !o * have to e,%ect my chil!ren to be %er"ect:7 2o i" you realiFe that you "orgive your chil!ren, you &ill love them again, acce%t them again. The "ir#t earth touching i# very healing. -"ter having touche! your ance#tor# an! acce%ting them entirely a# your ance#tor#, you begin to touch your chil!ren an! your gran!chil!ren an! realiFe that although they make mi#take# an! #ometime# they are not very kin! to you, but they are really an! truly your chil!ren an! your gran!chil!ren. (ou have to allo& them a chanceBbecau#e you your#el", you &ant to have a chance "or healing an! tran#"ormationB#o you get into goo! term# &ith your chil!ren again. * !onCt have bloo! chil!ren, but * have a lot o" #%iritual chil!ren, an! * have to %ractice that &ay, too. * cannot e,%ect my #tu!ent# to be %er"ect. 2ometime# they make terrible mi#take# but * continue to love them, to hel% them, to give them a chance. That i# my %ractice. 9nly in that &ay can you hel% them. 2o i" you have %roblem# &ith your %arent#, i" you have %roblem# &ith your chil!ren, your gran!chil!ren, thi# i# the %ractice. +earn more. Practice !iligently every !ay an! learn more "rom your o&n %ractice. -n! a"ter one &eek, t&o &eek#, youCll "eel much better. Peace &ill be in your heart an! bet&een you an! them. * can tell you that there are %eo%le &ho atten!e! only one #e##ion o" earth touching an! get that tran#"ormation. They cry a lot, a lot, !uring the %ractice an! a"ter they "eel very light an! they connect again &ith their ance#tor#, their "ather#, their mother# an! their chil!ren. (ou may %ractice earth touching in many &ay#. '#e your intelligence an! creative i!ea# to %ractice. 0ut the %rinci%le i# to touch an! to look !ee%ly to #ee that you are only a continuation. (ou #erve a# a link bet&een your ance#tor# an! your chil!ren. No& * &oul! like to o""er you the #econ! earth touching. *t i# #ymboliFe! by a horiFontal line. *t ha# to !o &ith living being# that are no& aroun! you. $hen you touch the earth "or the #econ! time, you %ractice to link &ith everyone &ho i# alive in the %re#ent moment. Peo%le in your "amily, %eo%le in your #ociety, %eo%le &ho are ha%%y an! %eo%le &ho are unha%%y. (ou have to #ee the interconnection bet&een you an! all o" them. *n the %roce## o" the %ractice, you might #u""er a little bit, but that #u""ering i# very hel%"ul.

Fir#t o" all, you try to touch the great being# that are aroun! you, mahasattvas. The great being# are aroun! you, i" you kno& ho& to look min!"ully you &ill #ee that you !onCt nee! to go back into the %a#t to "in! them. They are aroun! you. reat being# are bodhisattvas) min!"ul being# &ho have the ca%acity o" being #oli!, being 5oy"ul, being com%a##ionate. (ou kno& that aroun! you there are #uch %eo%leBan! you nee! to recogniFe them, that i# very im%ortant. There are tho#e &ho are no& among the %oor an! o%%re##e! every&here in the &orl! &ho continue to &ork "or the liberation, "or the im%rovement o" the li"e con!ition# o" living being#. They &ork !uring the !ay? they &ork !uring the night. They encounter a lot o" mi#ery, o%%re##ion, %ain. -n! yet, they can #till retain their energy an! ho%e. They !onCt give u% becau#e they have a large heart. They can en!ure, they can embrace, they can inclu!e. They are great being#. -n! !onCt think that they are in the #ky? they are aroun! u#. There are tho#e &ho#e name# &e hear, but there are countle## o" them that are not kno&n to you, but they are there. Not only 3other There#a i# one. $e kno& a "e& name#, but there are a multitu!e o" them, a little bit every&here in #ociety. *n thi# a##embly there are many o" them * kno& %er#onally, becau#e they are motivate! by a great !e#ire, not a !e#ire to con#ume, to get "amou#, but a !e#ire to #erve, to hel%, an! that energy in them make# them very ha%%y. They are animate! by that !e#ire to hel%, to bring relie", to bring 5oy to %eo%le. They are mahasattvas, great being#. They !onCt give u% &hen they encounter !i""icultie#. They continue. They have #oli!ity in them. They have "re#hne## in them. They have #%ace in them. 1ven i" the %eo%le they try to hel% #hout at them, they can #till #mile. They !onCt get angry at them. * kno& there are many nur#e# on their gra!uation hol!ing a can!le like thi#. They "eel the vo& to hel% %atient# a# a #ource o" tremen!ou# energy in them, but they have not encountere! the "act that the %atient#, the #ick %eo%le, are #ometime# very !i""icult to love. They are very !eman!ing, very !i""icult at time#. 2o the#e nur#e# &ho #tarte! &ith a very re"re#hing, #trong !e#ire to hel% #ometime# have to &ith!ra&. They &ere not traine! in nur#ing #chool about shanti paramita, ho& to embrace, ho& to inclu!e, ho& to "orbear. 2o in me!ical #chool, * think &e have to learn the #i, paramitas, to learn ho& to o%en our heart to make it big in or!er "or u# to be able to embrace an! not #u""er. 2o great being# are tho#e &ho are able to embrace, to inclu!e an! not to #u""er. -n! &e #houl! be able to connect &ith themBvery im%ortant "or our #u%%ort. 1very time &e think o" them &e "eel the energy coming in again an! that i# &hy !uring the #econ! %ro#tration, the #econ! touching o" the earth, you have to be able to touch them. *" you get to kno& #ome o" them, %er#onally, that &oul! be very hel%"ul an! in the %roce## o" %ractice, to get to kno& more o" them an! you &ill get the com"ort that many o" them are out there. (ou get a #trong #ource o" #u%%ort. 2o you "ill your#el" &ith a lot o" energy an! you become a great being your#el". *n the later %art o" the %ractice, you #ee you are one &ith o%%re##e! %eo%le, &ith the %eo%le &ho #u""er. (ou #ee your#el" a# a "rog #inging ha%%ily in a clear %on! an! you #ee your#el" a# a gra## #nake #ilently a!vancing in or!er to "ee! it#el" on the "rog. (ou are the "rog an! you are the gra## #nake. (ou are the %oor chil! in 'gan!a, having nothing to eat. Their leg# are a# thin a# a bamboo #tick. (ou are him but you are al#o the merchant o" arm# #elling !ea!ly &ea%on# to 'gan!a. 9ur countrie#, -merica, France, ermany, %ro!uce every!ay %ro!uct#, gun#, to #ell to the#e countrie#. $e kno& that the little chil! !oe# not nee! gun#. They !o nee! #omething to eat. $e are that chil!, #tarving, an! &e are al#o the arm# merchant &ho i# trying to #ell arm# to 'gan!a. $e have to be one &ith all &ho #u""er. $e are tho#e &ho have to #urvive &ith !rug#. -n! &e are tho#e &ho try to %revent the !rug# "rom being brought into the country.

$e are everyone. The #u""ering i# immen#e. -n! &e have to i!enti"y &ith all o" them. -n! yet, &e !o not get !ro&ne! into the ocean o" #u""ering becau#e &e have all the bodhisattvas, great being#, &ith u#. 1very!ay &e have to touch the earth in or!er to #ee that onene##, the interconnecte!ne## bet&een u# an! all the#e living being#. 9ut o" that com%a##ion &ill "lo&. $e &ill kno& &hat to !o an! &hat not to !o in or!er not to make the #ituation &or#e, to bring relie" to the #ituation. * %ractice touching the earth every !ay. -n! * &i#h that my "rien!# al#o &oul! %ractice touching earth every !ay in or!er to get connecte!. $hen you get connecte!, all o" your mental %roblem#, mental !i#ea#e &ill vani#h. (ou &ill no longer "eel cut o"" an! alienate! "rom the &orl!. =0ell> The thir! %ro#tration, the thir! touching the earth, i# re%re#ente! by a circle an! thi# con#i#t# o" giving u% i!ea#. (ou kno& that i!ea# make u# #u""er a lot, #o &e try to give u% i!ea#. +ike, your i!ea o" ha%%ine##. (ou have one i!ea o" ha%%ine## an! you have to look !ee%ly into that i!ea to #ee &hether that i!ea o" ha%%ine## ha# ma!e you ha%%y or ha# ma!e you unha%%y. That i!ea may be a!o%te! by a nation. 9ne nation may think that thi# the only &ay to get their country ha%%y, the %eo%le ha%%y, an! then that country i# committe! to that i!ea, that i!eology "or "i"ty year#, #eventy year#. -n! there i# no ha%%ine##. -n! "inally, they relea#e the i!ea. *t may be too late, but * !onCt think itC# too late, becau#e &hen you aban!on the i!ea, you have a chance. (ou think in or!er to be truly ha%%y you have to be thi#, to be that, to have thi#, to have that, an! that i# very !angerou#. (ou are committe! to one i!ea o" ho& to be ha%%y an! you get #tuck. Ha%%ine## can come "rom every !irection. (ou have to allo& your#el" to be "ree, becau#e you have many chance# to be ha%%y. Ha%%ine## can come in one or another "orm, #everal kin!# o" "orm#. *" &e are committe! to only one i!ea o" ha%%ine##, &e lo#e a lot o" chance#. Have you thought o" looking !ee%ly into the nature o" your i!ea o" ha%%ine##: 3aybe i" you can aban!on your i!ea o" ha%%ine##, you &ill become ha%%y very #oon. The thir! touching the earth i# the %ractice o" giving u% i!ea#. There are many i!ea# to be given u% an! to!ay &e have a chance to con#i!er only a "e&. Thi# i# very im%ortant in 0u!!hi#t teaching#. Fir#t o" all, thi# bo!y i# me. The i!ea that thi# bo!y i# me, i# mine, i# one that &e have to get ri! o". (ou can #uccee! very ea#ily, becau#e you have alrea!y %ractice! the "ir#t touching an! the #econ! touching. (ou have begun to #ee that thi# bo!y i# not your bo!y. Thi# bo!y i# the bo!y o" your ance#tor# a# &ell an! thi# bo!y i# the bo!y o" your chil!ren an! gran!chil!ren. The young %eo%le in the $e#t, they make !eclaration# that * cannot un!er#tan!. They #ay that thi# i# my bo!y. * can !o &hat ever * &ant &ith my bo!y. * am "ree. * am a!ult. * am more than 1R year# ol!, #o * have the "ree!om to anything &ith my li"e, namely &ith my bo!y. 2o, to u#e !rug# to commit #uici!e, that i# my right. 0ut accor!ing to thi# teaching, you !onCt have that right. * think legi#lator# have to think about thi#. * &oul! %lea! &ith you, tho#e &ho make legi#lation, to recon#i!er, becau#e to my in#ight, thi# bo!y i# not me, i# not mine. Thi# bo!y * have receive! "rom my ance#tor#, my %arent#, an! * have to take goo! care o" it. 9ther&i#e, * betray my ance#tor#, * betray my %arent#. *" * u#e !rug#? i" * u#e alcohol? i" * !e#troy my#el"? i" * commit #uici!e, * betray all my ance#tor# an! my %arent# an! * al#o betray my chil!ren an! my gran!chil!ren. The la&# in many countrie# #u%%ort# the i!ea that * have #overeignty over thi# bo!y. * !onCt think that thi# i# a goo! in#ight. (ou have a !uty to take goo! care o" your bo!y, to kee% it healthy an! to tran#mit it to your chil!ren an! gran!chil!ren. The la& #houl! be on that line o" thinking. The 0u!!ha #ai!, 6Thi# bo!y i# not me. * am not con"ine! to thi# bo!y. * am li"e &ithout boun!ary.7 2o &hen thi# bo!y i# no longer there, * continue becau#e * am not thi# bo!y. * am much larger than thi# bo!y. * am my ance#tor#? * am my

!i#ci%le#? * am my "rien!#. * have tran#mitte! the be#t o" me to them, #o &hy !o * have to #to% to be: 2o the i!ea that thi# bo!y i# me, thi# li"e #%an i# me, you have to remove. The i!ea that * &a# born on thi# !ate. 9n thi# !ate * began to be. -n! in the "uture, on #uch an! #uch !ate, * &ill !ie, * &ill #to% being. +i"e #%an i# an i!ea that &e have to give u%. 0e"ore thi# birth !ate * !i! not e,i#t. -n! a"ter thi# !eath !ate, * &ill no longer e,i#t. * e,i#t only "rom here to hereB &hat an i!ea; The i!ea about a li"e #%an, the i!ea that thi# bo!y i# me. Thi# li"e #%an i# my li"e. 3o#t o" u# are caught in that. *n "act, you are not boun! to thi# bo!y. (ou are not boun! to birth an! !eath. (our true nature i# no4birth an! no4!eath. -n! that i# the be#t thing you can realiFe &ith 0u!!hi#t me!itation. (ou have to touch your true nature o" birth an! !eath. The &ave ha# to touch &ater. The &ave ha# the right to be a &ave, ye#, but a &ave ha# the right to be the &ater al#o. 0ut i" the &ave kno&# #he i# &ater, #he &ill not be u%#et anymore. 2he &ill not be a"rai! anymore o" the #o4 calle! birth an! !eath. 2o you think that "rom here to here you are an! "rom here on, you are not. Thi# i# to be an! thi# not to be. $ho #ai!, 6To be or not to be, that i# the /ue#tion:7 The 0u!!ha #ai!, 6To be, or not to be, that i# not the /ue#tion;7 The /ue#tion i# &hether you kno& the nature o" interbeing. 2o, the thir! %ro#tration i# very !ee%. *t con#i#t# o" relea#ing the i!ea o" you are thi# bo!y an! thi# li"e #%an i# the only time &hen you are, &hen you can be. 9ur ance#tor# are there alive. 9ur chil!ren are alrea!y there alive. Thi# %ro#tration, thi# touching the earth &ill hel% you touch the ultimate !imen#ion, touch nirvana, touch the king!om o" o!. Plea#e train your#el". Practice more, learn more about the three %ro#tration# an! !o them every !ay. (ou &ill relea#e a lot o" your %ain, #u""ering an! "ear. To!ay everyone i# re/ue#te! to %artici%ate in &alking me!itation. * &ill o""er #ome in#truction# on &alking me!itation. $e &ill gather aroun! the lin!en tree, an! there &ill be a micro%hone &ith &hich * can give #ome in#truction# on ho& to en5oy &alking. Then a"ter that &e &ill %artici%ate in a "ormal meal, becau#e to!ay &e &ant to #ho& you ho& the mona#tic# eat a meal !uring the retreat #ea#on. The mona#tic# have at lea#t one long retreat every year, calle! rain retreat, an! in Plum Village &e make the &inter our three month retreat. 2ome o" you have been on &inter retreat here in Plum Village. *n 0u!!hi#t countrie# &e al&ay# have thi# kin! o" "ormal meal, at noontime, !uring the rain retreat. $e &ill eat together in thi# hall, an! &e eat in #uch a &ay that the energy o" the #angha &ill %enetrate into every one o" u#. $e eat in #ilence. $e "ocu# our attention on the "oo! an! on the #angha. $e eat in #uch a &ay that %eace an! 5oy i# %o##ible an! &e have re!uce! the ritual# to the minimum, but #till you can #ee #omething. *" you have learne!, you kno& &hat to !o &hen you "ill your bo&l &ith "oo!, %racticing breathing in, breathing out. There i# a %oem "or you "or &hen the bo&l i# em%ty. There i# a %oem "or you to breathe in an! out &hen you #erve the "oo!. -n! there i# a %oem "or you to #it !o&n beauti"ully. *n 0u!!hi#t mona#tic li"e, %oetry i# every&here. (ou u#e %oetry a# a mean# o" %racticing min!"ulne##. $hen you %ut your bo&l in "ront o" you, you begin to %ractice like #itting me!itation, en5oying the #itting, the breathing, &hile &aiting "or other brother# an! #i#ter# to come in. DonCt lo#e any minute o" your time &aiting, 5u#t en5oy breathing in, breathing out, en5oying the "act that you are here in Plum Village %racticing &ith the #angha. There &ill be #ome chanting in the beginning. The monk# an! nun# &ill o""er "oo! to all the 0u!!ha# in the co#mo# an! to all living being# in the co#mo#. ThatC# a &ay o" linking to every living being. They &ill hol! their bo&l# like thi#. They u#e their le"t han! an! make thi# mudra an! they &ill %lace the bo&l on the t&o "inger# an! the#e t&o "inger# &ill #erve to make it #table. -n! they hol! the bo&l on the level o" their eye#, like thi#. -n! &ith their right han! they make the mudra o" %eace, an! they %ut it like thi# an! they chant, 6* o""er thi# "oo! to all 0u!!ha# an! mahasattvas in the &hole co#mo#. * o""er thi# "oo! to the living being# in the realm# o" human#, animal#, vegetable#, etc. -n! you &ill notice that they have a #%oon an! the #%oon i#

u#ually ma!e o" &oo!. No&a!ay#, they make it in %la#tic. To avoi! the noi#e, you #ee. *" you are u#ing your "ork or a #%oon, %lea#e !ouble your min!"ulne##. 0ecau#e in mona#tic #itting, the meal i# very /uiet, very #o"t. 2o every movement #houl! be "ollo&e! by min!"ulne## an! it mu#t be beauti"ul. *t mu#t be min!"ul, an! &e che& our "oo! OL time# at lea#t an! &e kno& &hat &e are che&ing. $hen you che&, !onCt che& your %ro5ect#, your #orro&, your "ear. (ou only che& &hat i# in#i!e your mouth, namely carrot#, to"u, rice an! brea! an! be a&are that thi# i# an amba##a!or coming "rom the co#mo# to you, hel%ing to nouri#h you. Ju#t %ut your attention on your "oo! an! "rom time to time #to% an! look at the #angha an! realiFe that you are %rotecte! by the #angha. (ou are among brother# an! #i#ter# &ho %ractice the #ame an! you get the energy you nee!. 1at every mor#el o" "oo! like you eat the %iece o" brea! in the 1uchari#tic celebration. *n each %iece o" brea! there i# the #un#hine, there i# the clou!, there i# the earth, there i# everything. -n! i" you che& like that that i# me!itation, very !ee%. -n! you #houl! ra!iate ha%%ine## an! 5oy an! all o" u# &ill %ro"it "rom your %re#ence. The #%oon, be"ore the o""ering, &ill be "acing out&ar!. 2u%%o#e thi# i# the #%oon an! the monk &ill %lace it in the bo&l "acing out&ar!. -n! a"ter the o""ering, he &ill take it an! %lace it in&ar!. No& the "oo! i# "or him, but be"ore, it i# "or an o""ering. -n! then there &ill be a novice bringing a container o" &ater an! a "e& grain# o" "oo! to the &in!o& an! recite a gata to o""er that "oo! to living being# &ho are hungry. Thi# i# a #ymbol that &hen you eat, you have to think o" the %eo%le, the animal# &ho are #tarving. *n the time o" the 0u!!ha, one !ay a #mall #nake came to take re"uge clo#e to the 0u!!ha becau#e there &a# a big bir! trying to eat her. -n! the 0u!!ha #ai! to the bir!, 6 o a&ay,7 but the bir! !i! not acce%t thi#. 2o the 0u!!ha #ai!, 6* &ill #hare &ith you #ome o" my "oo!, but leave that #nake alive.7 -n! then the bir! acce%te!. 2o, thi# #tory i# kno&n. The 0u!!ha #ai! be"ore you eat, you %ut a#i!e a little bit "or the animal#. *t ha# become a tra!ition that in "ormal meal# &e al&ay# o""er #ome "oo! to the ant#, the bir!# an! #o on. 2o the novice &ill be going to a &in!o& an chanting a gata in "our line# an! you &ill #ee it. -n! then the Five <ontem%lation#. $e have re!uce! the ritual to a minimum becau#e you are not u#e! to it, an! * ho%e that you en5oy the "ormal meal. $e organiFe a one here every &eek !uring the #ummer retreat. 2o everyone i# invite! "or the &alking me!itation an! the "ormal meal, all aroun!. Thi# i# the only !ay o" the retreat that all the hamlet# are here together.. =0ell> .

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