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Year 10 Yearly Examination Revision Guideline

Year 9 THE PERIODIC TABLE 9/1 4. Use atomic number to identify elements. 5. Describe the way in which electrons are arranged in atoms. 7. Distinguish between element and compound, atom and molecule, atom and ion, compounds and mixtures. 11. Outline the features (location and main characteristics) of the periodic table: groups, periods, metals, nonmetals, transition metals, inert gases, alkali metals, semi metals, halogens. 12. Explain why members of a family of elements are similar. Year 9 CHEMICAL REACTIONS 9/2 2. Compare physical and chemical changes. 6. Identify different types of reactions such as precipitation, combustion, decomposition, exothermic/endothermic, neutralisation, combination (synthesis), and displacement reactions. 11. Explain how a positive and negative ion forms. 13. Explain how ionic compounds form. 14. Explain how covalent compounds form. 20. Write formulae of acids, bases and salts (e.g. NaCl, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 , NaOH, CaCO3, CaO, NaNO3, MgO). Year 10 CHEMICAL REACTIONS 10/1 1. Construct word equations for simple chemical reactions. 2. Clarify what the Law of Conservation of Mass means with regard to reactants and products. 5. Construct balanced formula equations (including states) for chemical reactions. 6. Identify compounds that have covalent bonding. 7. Identify compounds that have ionic bonding. 9. Identify the factors which affect the rate of a chemical reaction. 14. Use systematic nomenclature for naming alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and alkanols. 17. Identify the functional group that alkanols contain. 18. Distinguish between complete and incomplete combustion. Year 10 MATERIALS 10/2 1. Describe the structure of metals and relate it to the properties of metals. 2. Define the term alloy investigate the composition of different alloys. 3. Relate the uses of alloys to their properties. 6. Explain how metals are extracted by electrolysis. 7. Explain how metals are extracted by heat. 9. Define corrosion. 10. Relate corrosion to metal reactivity. 13. Investigate factors affecting the corrosion of iron. 16. Distinguish between monomers and polymers.

Year 9 ORIGINS OF THE UNIVERSE 9/3 1 Identify the current theory of the formation of the universe. 3 Explain how the Doppler effect gives us information about the movement of stars and galaxies. 6 Explain the Big Bang theory. 12 Identify and describe the main features in the life of stars. 13 Identify the main fuel in stars. 15 Outline some of the problems associated with space travel.

Year 9 LIGHT 9/4 2 List examples of where refraction occurs. 4 Define total internal reflection (TIR). 5 State the uses and applications of TIR in optical fibres. 9 Construct ray diagrams to predict size, location and type of images. 10 Identify optical instruments that use lenses. 13 Deduce the type of mirror that can be used to produce different types of images. 14 Identify the colours of the visible spectrum. Year 9 SIMPLE MACHINES 9/9 1. Describe qualitatively the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. 2. Understand the concept of work as force x distance in direction force acts, W = Fd . 4. Describe a machine as a device which changes the size and/or direction of a force, thus making work easier to perform. 5. Identify some advantages of levers, pulleys, gears and inclined planes. 8. Explain the principles of operation of levers (class 1, class 2, class 3), inclined planes (screws, nuts and bolts, ramps, wedges) and pulleys (single, double, block and tackle). 10. Explain the concept of MA. Year 10 ELECTRICITY & COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY 10/3 1. Describe a simple circuit including the four basic parts. 2. Use an analogy to describe voltage, current and resistance. 3. State the units for voltage, current and resistance. 4. Draw circuit diagrams to show resistors in series and parallel circuits. 5. Measure voltage and current in circuits. 6. Compare the brightness of globes wired in series and in parallel. 7. State Ohms law in both words and symbols and apply it to problem solving. 9. Sketch a graph to demonstrate the relationship between V, I and R. 10. Contrast AC and DC. 11. Identify the type of electricity used in the home and in battery-operated appliances. 12. Propose reasons why lights in a home are wired in a parallel circuit. 13. Describe the magnetic field around\d a current-carrying conductor. 14. Use the right-hand grip rule to construct a diagram to demonstrate a magnetic field around a straight conductor. 15. Define an electromagnet and list devices that use electromagnets. 16. Describe the correlation between current and electricity using a solenoid, bar magnet and a galvanometer. 17. State what a transformer is and list the two main types of transformers and their uses. 18. Compare voltages of transmission lines with that used at home. 19. Explain how waves transmit energy. 20. Outline the differences between transverse and longitudinal waves. 21. List and describe the different types of electromagnetic radiation. 22. State the speed of light. 24. Outline the use of optical fibres in communication. Year 10 MOTION 10/5 2. State the symbol and SI units for distance, time, speed, velocity, displacement. 4. Draw and analyse graphs involving speed, distance, velocity, displacement, time. 7. State Newtons Laws of Motion. 8. Define inertia. 11. Define the terms mass and weight. 12. State the symbol and SI units for mass and weight. 13. Solve problems using the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. 20. Solve problems involving work, KE and GPE.

Year 9 REPRODUCTION 9/6 2. Describe asexual reproduction and give examples of organisms that reproduce this way. 3. Describe sexual reproduction and give examples of organisms that reproduce this way. 5. Outline the advantages of sexual reproduction. 6. Identify gametes and draw diagrams. 8. Relate the organs involved in human reproductive systems to their function. Year 9 SENSE AND CONTROL 9/8 5. Describe the eye conditions of : myopia, and long-sightedness. 14. Define homeostasis and outline why it is necessary. 16. Describe the role of the nervous and endocrine systems in coordination. 18. Draw and label a neurone 19. Describe the stimulus response model. 21. Match an endocrine gland with the hormone it produces. Year 10 GENETICS 10/4 3. Define the term gene, chromosome and DNA. 4. Describe the connection between genes and chromosomes. 5. State how many chromosomes are in a human body cell and sex cells (gametes). 6. Identify how recessive and dominant genetic characteristics are inherited. 7. Explain two different ways in which cells reproduce. 8. Define the terms mitosis and meiosis. 9. Identify the role of cell division in growth, repair and reproduction in multicellular organisms. 10. Differentiate between the terms genotype and phenotype. 11. Differentiate between dominant and recessive alleles. 12. Differentiate between the term homozygous and recessive. 13. Use a Punnett square to predict the results of crossing between different organisms. 14. List some human characteristics controlled by a single gene. 15. Construct a pedigree. 16. Analyse pedigrees to identify whether a characteristic is dominant or recessive. 17. Outline sex determination in humans. 18. Analyse pedigrees for sex-linked inheritance. 19. Clarify who a carrier is, using haemophilia as an example. 20. Draw and label a section of Watson Crick model of DNA. 21. Explain the advantages of DNA replicating exactly. 22. Outline how DNA is replicated (copied). 23. Identify that information is transferred as DNA on chromosomes when cells reproduce themselves. 24. Describe a mutation and list mutagens. 25. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of genes mutating. 26. Describe the role of environmental factors in determining the features of an organism. 27. Describe the term genetic engineering. 28. Outline some uses of gene technology. 29. Debate the case for / against using gene technology. Year 10 HEALTH AND DISEASE 10/6 1. Explain the factors that influence health. 3. Compare and contrast infectious and non-infectious diseases. 4. Describe the agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa) of disease. 5. List the causes of disease. 9. Describe some responses of body systems to infectious and non-infectious diseases. 10. Explain how vaccinations give immunity. 11. Describe how lifestyle and environmental factors can produce disease. 12. Describe the causes of cancer.

Year 10 EVOLUTION 10/7 1. Discuss evidence that present-day organisms have evolved from organisms in the distant past. 2. Explain the theory of natural selection. 3. Describe the contribution that Lamarck, Wallace and Darwin made to our ideas of evolution. 4. Relate natural selection to the theory of evolution. 5. Explain how organisms change when their environment changes. 6. Explain why organisms with different ancestry might look similar. 7. Describe evidence that supports the theory of evolution. 15. Discuss possible reasons for the evolution of Australias unique flora and fauna.


1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 19. 23. 24. 26.


Outline five pieces of evidence that suggest that the continents were once joined. Outline evidence that suggests the crust of the Earth is moving. Draw and label the layers of the Earth. Explain the theory of plate tectonics. Identify the three types of plate boundaries. Describe what happens to the plates at each boundary. Describe what happens at a subduction zone. Use labelled diagrams to illustrate features associated with collisions between oceanic and oceanic, and oceanic and continental plates. Explain why earthquakes occur. Justify why volcanic areas are also areas of earthquake activity. Describe how fossils form. Describe how radioactive dating is used to determine age of fossils. Use fossils and other remains as a method to date rocks.

Year 9 ENERGY IN ECOSYSTEMS 9/7 2. Define energy and identify the SI unit for energy as the Joule. 4. Construct simple food chains, using examples from Australian ecosystems. 6. Construct food webs, using examples from Australian ecosystems. 8. State the Law of Conservation of energy. 9. Distinguish between biotic and abiotic features of the local environment. 13. Distinguish between natural and made resources; and renewable and non-renewable resources. 14. Define fossil fuel and biomass. 15. Using examples, list advantages and limitations of renewable resources. 16. Using examples, list advantages and limitations of non- renewable resources. Year 10 GLOBAL ISSUES 10/8 2. Explain how greenhouse gases cause global warming. 4. Outline the role of the ozone layer. 6. Identify some commonly used fuels including fossil fuels. 7. Describe the effects of different energy sources. 9. Explain what happens when an atom emits nuclear radiation. 10. List some of the properties of nuclear radiation. 11. List some of the uses of nuclear radiation.

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