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Advertising is paid communication through a non-personal medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. (

Affiliate Program
An online marketing strategy that involves revenue sharing between online advertisers/merchants and online publishers/salespeople. Compensation is typically awarded based on performance measures such as sales, clicks, registrations or a combination of factors. ( A marketing strategy that directs a new product to an entire market, or to the largest segment in it, solely because of its si e. !oday, this "shotgun# approach is felt to be almost always inferior to the alternative strategy of targeting to smaller segments. (

Strategic Relationships
An agreement between two or more enterprises to conduct specified business processes in a $oint manner. %sually related to technology development and/or marketing and distribution efforts.

A part of the written component of print advertising that is designed to guide the reader&s attention to specific details about the advertised item or to help organi e issues presented in the body copy.

Survey Monkey
An online survey service which compiles responses. 'ee

Target Market
A specific group of customers at which a company aims its products and services.

The 4 Ps

Product: !he (roduct management and (roduct marketing aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual good or service, and how it relates to the enduser&s needs and wants. Pricing: !his refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. !he

price need not be monetary ) it can simply be what is e*changed for the product or service, e.g. time, or attention. Promotion: !his includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. Placement: +efers to how the product gets to the customer, for e*ample, point of sale placement or retailing. !his fourth ( has also sometimes been called (lace, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc

ni!ue "isitors
A uni-ue visitor is a statistic describing a unit of traffic to a .eb site, counting each visitor only once in the time frame of the report. !his statistic is relevant to site publishers and advertisers as a measure of a site&s true audience si e, e-uivalent to the term "+each# used in other media. !he number of !otal /isitors to a site divided by %ni-ue /isitors results in the derived statistic "Average 'essions (er %ni-ue /isitor,# which tells a publisher how many times each %ni-ue /isitor came to their site on average in the time frame of the report. Average 'essions (er %ni-ue /isitor is e-uivalent to "0re-uency# used in other media. !he %ni-ue /isitors statistic can only be measured accurately in two ways with current technology1

2y re-uiring all /isitors to log-in to the site, thereby capturing the identity of each /isitor on each visit, or 2y placing a cookie on each /isitor&s computer, writing the cookie 34 to a database, and checking for the cookie on each /isitor&s computer each time they visit. (wikipedia)

SP # ni!ue Selling Proposition

An approach to developing the advertising message that concentrates on the uni-uely differentiating characteristic of the product that is both important to the customer and a uni-ue strength of the advertised products when compared to competing products. (

"alue Added
/alue added refers to the additional value created at a particular stage of production or through image and marketing. (wikipedia)

"ertical Market
A situation in which an industrial product is used by only one or a very few industry or trade groups. !he market is narrow but deep in the sense that most prospective customers in the industry may need the product or service. (

"iral Marketing
/iral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techni-ues that use pre-e*isting social networks to produce increases in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses. 3t can often be word-of-mouth delivered and enhanced online, it can harness the network effect of the 3nternet and can be very useful in reaching a large number of people rapidly. )

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