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EQ Please, Circle the correct answer of the following questions

1. Which of the following are characteristics of the hymen ? a. richly innervated b. contains sebaceous glands c. contains muscular element d. covered by stratified squamous epithelial 2. Your patient brings her 14-year old daugther for e amination with concerns that her daughter is se ually active. !he hymen easily admits an e amining finger and has a tear inferiorly . "ased on your physical findings# you advise your patient which of the following ? a. her daughter has been se ually active b. her daughter has been se ually assaulted c. these same findings may be seen with tampon use d. a virginal hymenal opening should be $#% cm in diameter or less. &. Which of the following is the predominant type of bacteria in the vagina during pregnancy ? a. lactobacillus sp. b. peptostreptococcus sp. c. listeria monocytogenes d. streptococcus agalactiae 4. !he infundibulopelvic ligament is contiguous with which of the following structures? a. broad ligament b. lateral uterine wall c. uterosacral ligament d. supravaginal portion of the cervi %. !he type of pelvis within the 'aldwell-(olloy classification is determined by which of the following ? a. the posterior component of the pelvic inlet b. the anterior component of the pelvic inlet c. the posterior component of the mid pelvis d. the anterior component of the midpelvis ). Which of the following best represents the embryonic period ? a. fertili*ation to ) wee+s b. implantation to ) wee+s c. &rd to , th wee+ after fertili*ation d. first 11 to 12 wee+s of pregnancy -. .n general# spontaneous fetal movement begin at what gestational age / wee+s0 ? a. ) b.12 c. 1)

d. 2$ ,. !he plane of which of the following diameters represents the greatest circumference of the head ? a. occipitofrontal b. suboccipitobregmaticus c. bitemporal d. biparietal 1.What is the mechanism of trnasfer of anasthetic gases across the palcenta ? a. simple diffusion b. facilitated diffusion c. active transport d. pinocytosis 1$. 2ow does .g 3 cross the placenta ? a. active transport b. simple diffusion c. facilitated diffusion d. endocytosis 11 Which of the following factors found in amniotic fluid may a significant role in fetal lung development ? a. vitamin 4 b. cholecalsiferol c. prolactin d.epidermal growth factors 12.5etal erythropoesis is primarly controlled by which hormone ? a. fetal erythropoetin b. maternal erythropoetin c. fetal tyro in d. maternal tyro in 1&. which of the following can lead to intrauterine passage of meconium ? a. cord compression b. hypo ia c. normal bowel peristaltic d. all of the above 14. which of the following is 67! characteristic of female pseudohermaphroditism ? a. mullerian-inhibiting substance is not produced b. the fetus is e posed to e cess androgen c. the +aryotpe is 4)#88 d. a testes is present on one side 1%. 4t what gestation age might the fetus hear sound in utero ? a. 12 wee+s b. 1, wee+s c. 24 wee+s d. &$ wee+s

1). 9urgical removal of the corpus luteum of pregnancy consistently result in spontaneous abortion if performed prior what gestational age ? a. - wee+s b. 1 wee+s c. 11 wee+s d. 1& wee+s 1-. which of the following s+in conditions # common in pregnancy is li+ely related to hyperestrogenemia ? a. angiomas b. melasma gravidarum c. palmar erythema d. all of the above 1,. What are the .ron requirements of normal pregnancy a. &$$ mg b.%$$ mg c. 1 g d. 4 g 11. which of the following coagulation factors is 67! increased during pregnancy ? a. factor :.. b. factor :... c. factor .8 d. factor 8. 2$. .ncreased maternal cardiac output is detectable as early as what gestational age ? a. % wee+s b. 1$ wee+s c. 2$ wee+s d. 1% wee+s 21. which of the following hemodynamic values remains unchanged in pregnancy ? a. sytemic vascular resistance b. pulmonary vascular resistance c. colloid osmotic pressure d. pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 22. 4lteration of the ratio which of the following is thought to be important in the etiology of preeclampsia ? a. atrial natriuretic peptide ; "-type natriuretic peptides b. angiotensin < angiotensinogen c. progesterone < dihydroprogesterone d. prostaclyclin ; trombo ane 2&. which of the following is commonly e cretedin large amount in the urine of normal pregnant woman? a.amino acids b. glucose


c.hemoglobin d.protein 24. 4lthough of uncertain significance# onset of labor coincides with pea+ concentrations of which of the following ? a. cortisol b. placental growth hormone c. prolactin d. thyro ine 2%. !he increased =oint mobility seen in pregnancy correlates with increased levels of which hormone ? a. estradiol b.progesterone c. rela in d.none of the above 2). What are the most common serum factors causing some women to test falsely positive for h'3 ? a. antinuclear antibodies b. heterophilic antibodies c. illicit drugs d. lupus anticoagulant 2-. 4t what gestational age are audible fetal heart sounds heard with a fetal stethoscope in 1$$ > of live pregnancies ? a. 1) wee+s b. 1, wee+s c. 2$ wee+s d. 22 wee+s 2,. 4 woman has had two pregnancies# both ending in spontaneous abortion. Waht is her obstetrical designation ? a. multipara b. nulligravida c. nullipara d. none of the above 21. 4'73 has concluded that pregnant women can safely angage in air travel until what gestational age ? a. &$ wee+s b. &2 wee+s c. &4 wee+s d. &) wee+s &$. !reatment of which of the following vaginal infections improves pregnancy outcome ? a. bacterial vaginosis b. candidiasis c. trichomoniasis

d. none of the above &1. Which of the following is most commonly associated with spontaneous abortion ? a. aneuploidy b. listeriosis c. antiphospholipid syndrome d. anti-?ell antibodies &2. 4t , wee+s@gestation a woman has vaginal bleeding of supracervical origin. Which of the following is most helpful with regard to prognosis ? a. serum "-2'3 level b. plasma estriol level c. serum progesteron level d. A93 e amination of fetus for fetal heart motion &&. 2ow many wee+s after abortion does ovulation usually occur ? a.2 to & b. 4 to % c. % to ) d. ) to &4. Which has caused an increase in the incidence of heterotypic pregnancy ? a. assisted reproduction b. dietary factors c. obesity d. progestin-only contraceptive &%. 4 patient with a positive pregnancy test result and a serum progesterone level of less than % ngBmC strongly suggests which of the following ? a. copus luteum decline /physiologic0 b. inconclusive level c.a nonviable pregnancy d. a viable intrauterine pregnancy &). which of the following would ma+e methotre ate therapy for ectopic pregnancy less li+ely to succeed ? a. pregnancy of % wee+s duration b. tubal mass &#% cm c. fetal heart motion d. a primigravid patient &-. 'linical findings commonly associated with molar pregnancy include all of the following # D8'DE! a. absent fetal heart sounds b. iron-deficiency anemia c. uterine si*e F gestational age d. harsh maternal systolic cardiac murmur &,. !he diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia typically is determined by which of the following ?

a. '! imaging b. serum h'3 level c. tissue pathology d. physical e amination findings &1. What is the most common chromosomal abnormality in early spontaneous abortion ? a. 4%#8 b. 4-#88Y c. 4-#888 d. trisomy 1) 4$. Which of the following traits is usually 67! found in offspring with 4%#8 monosomy ? a. short stature b. webbing of the nec+ c. coarctation of the aorta d. mental retardation 41. With regard to preeclampsia# proteinuria is defined as how much urinary e cretion ? a. F 1$$ mgB 24 hr b. F 2$$ mg B 24 hr c. F &$$ mgB 24 hr d. F %$$mgB 24 hr 42. Which is true of blindness occuring in con=uction with severe preeclampsia ? a. li+ely central origin b. often permanent c. usually unilateral d. identified in tha ma=ority of severe preeclamptics. 4&. !he coagulopathy following placental abruption involves lowering of which of the following maternal serum hematological component ? a. plasmin b. G-dimers c. fibrinogen d. fibrinogen-fibrin degradation product 44. which of the following is the preffered method of delivery for severe abruption with fetal demise ? a. vaginal delivery b. immediate cesarean delivery c. cesarean delivery following blood replacement d. cesarean delivery following cryopresipitate replacement 4%. 'linical strategies for management of preterm rupture of membranes and perterm labor focus on prolongation of pregnancy until what gestational age is achieved ? a. &2 wee+s b. &4 wee+s

c. &) wee+s d. &, wee+s 4). What is the proposed mechanism of action for magnesium sulfate when used for attempted tocolysis ? a. bloc+s cyclic 4(E b. increases intracellular calcium c. calcium antagonist d. stimulates "-receptors 4-. Which of the following ultrasound measurements is the most reliable inde of fetal si*e ? a.biparietal diameter b. abdominal circumference c. femur length d. intrathoracic ratio 4,. 5etuses born of multifetal gestations compared with singleton gestations are at increased ris+ for which of the following? a. death b. low birthweight c. congenital malformation d. all of the above 41. which of the following cardiac signs is 67! a normal finding in pregnancy ? a. pericardial fristion rub b. 2B) mid systolic murmur c. bris+ and diffuse cardiac ape pulsation d. supraventricular continuous venous hum %$. What is the most common etiology of glucosuria in pregnancy ? a. false positive from lactose b. gestational diabetes c. augmented glomerular filtration of glucose d. insulin resistance.

!he ?DY 1 2 & 4 % ) , 1 1$ 11 12 1& 14 1% 1) 11, 11 2$ 21 22 2& 24 2% 2) 22, 21 &$ G ' 4 4 4 ' " 4 4 G G 4 G G ' 4 G ' G 4 G G " " G " G ' G G &1 &2 && &4 &% &) &&, &1 4$ 41 42 4& 44 4% 4) 44, 41 %$ 4 G 4 4 ' ' G " 4 G ' 4 ' 4 " ' " G 4 '

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