Sei sulla pagina 1di 383




All the E P r s T


v E.L AT 1 o N ofJohn the Divine.

Wherein the Text isexplained,fome Co~troverfies are difcuffcd, divers Common-places arc handled, and nuny remark\
mJm:rs h111ccJ,,tluc hld by lorimr l11ccrprcu:rs o:eu prcctrmittcd,

Bdidcs,divers other Texts of Scripture,which occafionall~1 ocrnr,arc folly opcncd,and the whok fo intermixed with pertinent Hillom:s, ;tS vvall ycdd both plcalllr.: and Frolic tu the jl1>11ci .m H..c:.1dtr.

With a Decad of Common-placF.s upon thcfe ten Heads,

v1 bf/ ine
AdmonitioH, !Apojlafie

.Alms. ~'\ v!rrog"ncie. V'fmbition. /,Art!

.Angels. ( Athe1f me,

tilyJohn 'fr"pp M. A. Pafi our of W<;i ,; ;.po~ Avo-;;i n G'lofhr foirt.

Puu'tlllHJllOlit'{iuni le,t;o, na11 u!ib.i audirc vUcJr, fcJ roiilrUJ. Hitr<.>lll,
"~ /(


Printed by A. M. for John Be!l.111~1 at the Sione of the three golden Lions incornhill, M.D C.X I I.



----------,. ,,



R.E V E REN D And his much_ hontilured Father, 1vtr f 0 H :J{_J L E i'",
J(H!l\' LF\'FP.,


.111d 1'1i11t1t;!n, at Li11/e

Pafl:our and Preacher of Gods \)V ord

at great Budworth in Cbejbire, and one of the
venerable As
-> 1: Mn LY,

..1.l:ulJ,Ofc, 11c;n ,jj


Rel er end Sir,


. I

Ow, by a fweet

provi~ .

dence, is that happin dfe put into my hands, that



I have long Vfifhed and ~ w aired for, 11iz. a fit op . . pormnity of telling the world, how l'ighly I honour You, and how deeply l ft~nd .ingaged unto You~ ./). moH a. . ble and ab.iohne Divine On another '.A i fenle.:


. ~~.1

-----------'Ihe Epiflle Dedicatory.

ptct,-itu 1:iru.



r~1diri~11,.'. G~. mnc) I ever tooK Yon for, fince l firll: he fhall hardly ever get fo near Y ou,as d . I Y d J L . 0 d "d l G J Yal M~\' sicfiriifr came acquamte w tt l ou. An t 1e. aune rator 1 t,1e ree r:../De... . ;,::~~;~:~~.~6 how liide miHaJc'n I am therein, let mojlheneJCiceroni prd?ripuit)neprimm cjfit 1r:it,mrcm, Your n1any elaborate 1ucu l. . rations fay r Orator,Cicero Vemoffheni, neJoltu. But Cant.6'. r 2. flltemJ ab om~ " V ' 3 ;; ;;,';.~;'.~:~ for me ; thofe accurate Am~otations w~1itl:er(or ere li'Piff) hath the jull ad~ urrae Jvk- upon the Tcnmtcuch efjJec1ally .: of .'. rntration ofY our fingular worth cranf..Jam.'lhonc. w lle Ii prec1ous piece, 1J porte d me. ,; M y defi1gn was not to praue .r an d t l1e t l1nceM wonhy Authour, I am eftfoons ready .1 You (for that were, as an Ancient to fay> as one did once of Erafmru and .~ofAthanaftus,to prai/e11ertue itfalj)butto JJuchol. his vfdagics- qut~f 11~/fat Erafmum, '] profeffe n:1y deep indebtednefle unto Chiliiu cetcrmmz f latuijfet opru? 11 You,for Your many fatherly favours 0 r as another did of Cat1Jinr I nfl:itu... and re all courtefies done me fince mine (chartas ' adoptionf2.!!:ib1u ejfecifti,uni11ere & mo~ . , . . tions, 1 1 ... (<)~~~~~;, ;_~' 'Prtcr ~;fpojl:o!tcas, pojl lhrijli tempora, rerer ingratus, as he faid to .Auguflus, this Sn. dt&mf. 11 ,t,:' "'s~#'. Huir pcpcrcre Ii bro /ecula nulla parem. , being the only wrong that ever You l.i.c.ii. Dn(t.'lrdinw S f bl e, t hat d"d fl. J" ;,,<~~~iofiffi- ~ ure I am,an J not a ]" ltt J e ienfi I me, t 1 iat I muu. tve and d' .te un. ~:;;~inven- he th at here corne's afterY ou, !hall but thackfull. Thefe,brief Noteg paffeable ~~~~{ .~~~~ ~Clum a,:::ar,.he 01'.lll butfacem Soli(Sol!, (~fay not praifable) only for their bre~ , . ~d~~;~~/~1~= inquam,tn Ston )accenderc,he fhall but m \ vtty,d~ humbly be~Your perufall,and Dn-co11c.dg~. nobilif~imo theatro{c1pfam traducere. "VVell ~ C(ttantt fiut) Your Patronage:and fure. C. Jofcph.Scalt. J .. T . . 1 CT'\ '~ I' } h but obtam . Y our muc Ii ... . epifl.adEfom 1e may pick up - ra:tcrtta wtt i .vrt4.111u, :1 y may t ey 1

:_- f~nfe then fa1jim~;~~~;m~d fo~e i-~hi;

Cif/p_icil~gium-poft -;;,ef/e;~-With-~C-ap_e_P_r_u-,---.-

Tht E/iil/eDedic11tor1.



J i





f\ ~


-- --



them Ad Libellumcha.rta~eQm, ve~e1ando Autodn,an~e i~.amqtJllJ ' huic Annocatiqn 4 m p~ru admotam , ono mi_; urn, ~ will, I am lure, ts not wantmg, oflay.. .4ffati1, ~~vice PrAfati1nii de Autore Opercque, mg forth my finall calent to che honour~- ~d'epoffit. . of my Maftcr, and the good ofmy fef... ~' o,,,in11m, L;bel/1, gM1Nl1~ri!Ji,,,,zmm. ~ : Mihi ne~Atam t~ fort1'11 (ilrx ha/Jes; low . . forvants; thofe of mme own partr . . :Yirfi,r"rumimirJi,,giH~WM,,. . . 1~ } {i }f . f " fl. -~ Ji!.!!,i jlorih111,q1101 fimdit, fell Br1tn11m'~, CU at C large e pecta y, tO W 10111 lllOH f,~Siu Lati"m: fm.Palefli~a,.f!mt1/Gm'ld, of thefe tbmo-s have beendel1've1:11d o'\11d )Tefh1~~ranriffim~orm1&:1, ,-,,flrHfl.} b t: Vt olm Ache/01 corttH m~pldrHltt Na;aatJ, of whom I can truly fay as Reverend '.f/.!!,~propriiven.11flosfm1111i111.mi,. Mr Yttn~~ ., " ' , ~ ~bm venuf111rtJ nuUNm pArtHr11_, Abr,,J,.11111 M .Stoel\,dr(l of his people m '13readflrcet :A .M11gisvulmfo1, cred~tftrvAndomhi. dea'1fr. L rmaon, J Tl I J d. I . ..~quicquiJ14udiee.fldivin1111lor~, 1ac le 1a rat ier Wlll one oi :: Ling11!ijACunaa, mo~i/,mfuAviJfimu .. Co111ra quam Sacr111a profiteHttJ p/Hmm, I N ow t I1at I " t Ile m, t Iien twenty oc.1ers. ' Docererefl~cal/idi, flO#fJivm. ~ . tnay be fit and ~ble .tQJf-'tt/h'/I the ~ini- --,,!lf}mvel/emfc~t'!Hf{t1'H1f'!Lf/,t/lfd114 ! C:ol'.3 7 ,'. '!"' }'ormJNt tHtt (Hmtatu pATt1cep1, 16 l Tim. '1'- .flery that l ha11c recen1cd m the Lord {o as. 8jH4 ~ean,m, geftAnd1u, manu, [i1111. f /r {.' d ' ,Tene fidelu quiequi~ m11nd,1.rit tihi. to {aw my/CI an them that hcttr me, let . fHrAcilnu cavefad11/11111bungui6H1. d. . J .1T16i ne macula4 f mdM la/111 contrllh1 : ' . , l t l Y . onrr\lt ier y )t:ne 1ct1on,anu lnuant .'' SNbirtvulruwt'lueM lib1nsmm. i nterceffi on to the rather ofall thcfather- i .Abijam, &'Domi,,11mam~falHmmiUie1. hood in heaven and earth, be never want . . . 1 T110 ~As Du G 4 Rn, .PC!r<'.'J;e/.i. rng to Your l11'0il affe.cti'Ollatdy 'l Art, M~g. R1f;iqr ~arford;4. JrclfordL11is o'bfequious fon ;;\tld fetvatu).~

-----d~fi-;~e--d-to-Untenatlce ~~d c~mprob~ti~ 01~,I fay wtch the Oratonr, . 1 ~~!!J~jt~!;!lifJ~_!li!~1'~'f. '-"""""''" ;.!' ,.,,,,.,,,., I fear not a1u manr cerP ri"".,.L --"-- - . .
fttYe. vVhatever eJfe is \Vanting in
. .

'The EpiftlrtJMffMt~,.J.



__ ___

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(-:or No'l'

Jo h11 'Trapp..



A Table offuch Texts ofthe old Tefiament as a:e here

occaltonalJy ~xplicated. ' .. .

Gen.I 3.9. Gcn.13.2.

Gen.25-J4 .Gcn.27. B
Gen.33.9,1 J, Exod.23.28. Exod.3 3.2,3.

p.3f.8. I Pf.d.39.1, 33<" ! Plal.41.i. 83 .. Pfal.119.9. 'JOI \ J>fal.139, I(. 401. F1ov.3.1 7 . 256. J Prov.10.2,3.& l )2l

639 .. 329.

Exod. 33. 1 6. 1 7.
Lcvit.2.5. Lcvit,14.J9,
Lcvit.19, 16.

402. I Prov.28.20. 688. / Ecckf.5.6. io3. Cant.1.5. 459., Jfa.,.1>2,3

517. I Prov.20.29.

635. 6H,65.





1.cvir. 19. l 7. Numb.13.16.

1 Sam.25 .6. Job 38.~. Pfal.7.12.

Pfal.22. 1. Vfa.l.26.12. Jlfal.36.10.

... -----~---

671. I tam.3'36 320. I Ezck.38.3. 356. I D.rn.4.19. 254. I Dan 9.21, 640. j Hof.9'4 .. 58.1. J Zach+9.

314. Ifa.14.23. 1 618.(Ifa.23.18, 362. lfa.2_8 9 191. I Ifa.45 .7,, 6p. I Ifa.51.18. 671,, I 1fa.58.10.

E X P 0 S l:T I 0 N
V pon the Epiftle of S. P au! to the R 0 MANE s.
Vcrfe 1.
I. A fer--Pant of Iefiu CbrifL


1 59.f .






581 .

c HA p,






S' l p u l.14 r aq. p id 11 r t_.ngoftl p. 80. I, 17, r. m~rricJ 'ouptrs, p 8 s. l.1 o.r.1 bat's. p. V4 I. p bimr. p 114 I. II r fir. p. ,i 1 :.f. l J6.ddctbat. p c.z.H.l 7.r.111, p 1 ~6.l .u.r Secre1aiet. P'H 1.u.r '"gt.(. p. 17 J l. JO r:i:onqucrour. p, :r.00. l 2 3 r brcdlefie p 2 ob I J a r.41na,,uell . jr p. :i 14 I. ao.r ~ilia. p,i.u,l 4.r blu~u p. u&J,q addi: ive. p.l6o,l 6,r. relare.p,163.l,i1,r.111cat1cr p,35 Ii 5. r in'Uolunta1y p._191 1. 1,r thrre.p !>51 o .

P Ag



r /mva1Jnes.p.404 l.14.r fr paucu.p P 8.l.9.r.the1 p.406. l.waiirmed p ..p.4.I, ~ p.p6.r 1 r (4'1drni~.&d-J,on~.p.4 5 9.l. J9 r. iri bl4 9'Cr ab.m:a.r p11p1llam.?,461 ,' l:Jo.r Sertqriw' P47J 1.ali,r.1'~eulif,i'a p. ~ ~a.lJr one writCJ.p. 5 HL~ rAmos. P 5 j 7.l,58,Jekfir.p,~46,1.1.i,4,.1/,brifl.p. 5-+91. i 5.r earth p. 5~7.l.118. <ldc ii re. p.171.1.ap itliitate. p.s9 3,I, u.r by tic Sun be.11111 !'eol:I l.q.r,that 1ba
it11il, p.618.l. 9.r~c~fl. p. 641!l.a3.r, S'artptall~ p. 6i6,l.14.r,~Q"F{,e101,

'World, as Nu.,,,11, h:cond Kang of Rome ct.v ~ct.01~\vm could fay. ivo'1(0. Ptut Verfe i. Promifaa J Forc-fi1cwcd and forrfhadowed. . Yede 3. Concerning hid Son] Hereu lofcy and lively dekription of Chrifis facred perfon. The whole Epill:lc being the Con- scultet~ .dnn41. fcffion of our Churches, as Mtl11~iffho11 calleth it, who therefore went over it ten levera\l times in his ordinary Lc8ures i The Epime being Cuch, as never can any man poffibly think, {peak or wtice fofficicndy ofits worth and excellency. ... . Verfe4. Dul1tmltobe, &c.] Gr, Defined; fol'definitions ex- oe1~1(J. plain obfcuritics.
With powtr J For, SMp1r,u

~'~llll!~:::s.z..::,"ti' His is an higher title _thtn .M?.narch of tf)e ~ ~,;; Vt;~r 11 ~.

Ad ll#rM

Hie h16b.-)

lll...~~~_:.._~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~_;_~..:_...:.:~.~-"-.1"~_;_,,__~----~~~-~__..~--...~~--~--~~~~~--+"~--n--..-~ilfi1llll!m .A Comment11ry "!'"the Epijlle Cl~p~t~ Chap. i~ of St Paut to the, R o M. A N s_. . 3: . hoc opm tft--~ wo-;k b~fi~~j~;g-~G~d: Sec Ephef. ~~ with., otker6.The mcan~i\i>r C-h~-in~-~emba.~may contribute fomewhat - .
the Note there. to the edifying even of 1m ApoC\le. .. Verfe 13. BHt WM !ethither11 J ~itherby _Satar'I, l Theff.2.18, The Spirit of ho/ineff'e] The divine effence of Chrill i Cor. I 3 4. which fanClifieth the humane nature atfumed by hiQJ,' or by the holy Spirit, ~ch.erwifo ~i!pofing o~ him.1 as. A ff.19.6, Vcrk S Forobedjence to the faith J That is. to the Gofpel 1 . or by fome i.l'fferv.enienc, but -1mporcant occafion; as Chap. sj.1.0,U. ' (chat dodrinc of faith) or to Clirill:, who is oft put for faith (whereof he is thcpropcrobjt:Ct) in chis Epifilc, Kiffe the Son Verle 14. I a~debier] Becau{~ cnttufi:cd with talents for that &c. He11r him, ' purpok, l Cor.9.16. Sec the Note there. Vcrlc6. 1~ea>ethec.1/lul] Withanhighandbeavenlycalling: Verfe1s. SPMm11~h] ,f0icq11idi11mefitumeft, promptu11U Hth. 3.1. See the Note there. " ~ 1ft. A n~cable cx,prdho11. Vcrk 7 C allfd to be Srlinu J Thofc th~n chat arc c~lkd :lr~ Verfe 16. For I am not afoamed J .As men are apt to be; Saines, whildt :Jlive, and not only chole that ar1: canonized b; the whence that.fatherly charge, 2 Tim. 1. 8. " Due yo thinke ( fahi J)cml> hi Ujl. l>opeafccrthcy :ire: dead, Jn n11memm Dtoo1m 11b Ecc!e(i.e Bo. ~,,,. "/ohnFrith,M:utyr, tochcArchbil11opsmenthatwouldhavelct 1'c11c1. m.:nfl rrl.ui, a~ JJcmbm profanely fpeakl!th of rhdr SaiQt j:Ylmci ''him go) that I an~ afraid t? declare min~ opinion unco the Bi AC1. anJ Mo,,; 4, a furry man, of whom (:1s once ot Beck._er 48 yc:a~ afttr'his Cfe:ith) cc {hops of' EngtaHd ma mantfell truth? H you fuould both leav~ ' , 'Da1 hifl of 91 ir 1113.Y wdl ~L'. Ji!pncni, Whc~hvr ~e ~ew d.m1n~d Ol' faved. Pdpe "me here; ~nd go tell the Bit110ps.that you ha~ loft Frith. I would En~l.fol. ~? C1zlldh!~ 3. famred fomc iuch m his CJmc, as of whom Cardin:lU '' forely follow as fall: afctr, :is I m1ghc, and bring them news that I Jac,R:vim, B <ff rion, knowing thun for naughc, fa id, Theft.: new Sajnts make cc had found and brought Frjt hagain. bi//.1'01111;~ me dout>r much of the old. i For it iithe polvtr, &c.J Etc:rn:1ll life is potentially in the Word be to you, 1md peace J Ste: the Not\! on 1 Cor. 1 .2. preached, as the harven is potrntially ~n the feed. . Y.crlc8. Yoorf1ith1dfok!ncfJ Scc~hap.16.and [wvcna/> . Verfe17. Th~j11fffh.illli.veb~fm.h] H:ib.i.4. that1s, they T.1_cittU' and otht'l' prubnc wntus, who. bmcrly c-xagicue the do.. rflnll elljoy themfdves by chm fa 1th, m greatdl: d1ta{krs, or danCl:rm~s and pratbccs of thole H. oman Chnll:ians. gars, when others are a~ their w~cs c~ds, chats .che. !>ror~hcts k~~c; . Ve1.fe 9. Whom I ferve in r>i) f pirit J That is, with all the faculand the Apo(l:ll! not t.milcly appl1ech ~t ~o provc_Jufl:11tcmon by fa 1th tic~ ot my loul concc:nmd and wunictd. g,lone: tor if a mm hvc by faith, he is Juflby faith. Ve~k 10 I might h11vc a proJfJ1!om jrmrne1 J 'f.his he praied, Verfo 18. who hold the truth J Hold the light of their confci:mJ chis he had by luch a way as he lmlc drl'amt ot: little thought enccs (which is as a Prophet from God) prifoner. The nacurall P .1t1!, that whrn he was bound at lcrufalem, and pofh:d from one m 1 n that he may fin the more fecurely, imprifons the truth, which priion to another, that God was now kndi11g him co Rome: yet he he a~knowkdgech, and laic:s ~1old on ~11 the prin~ipks in his ~1cad, frnt him., and very fafr, with a great Convoy. C,od goes oft thatmight:mywayd1llurbh1scourfe1r_ifi~, lockm!? th~mupmrcanorher way co work, tor our good, then we could imagine. ftraint. Hence ic appears that no m~n 1s righteous an h1mf clf, or l>y .Vt:rfe 11. '!hat I """1 imp~r!] ~here is nB envy in fpirituall hi~ own ri11htcoulncs, which was chc 711 xccvclf{rYQY thmgs, bccaufe thty may b~ dmdc? 1n .(olid11m; one m~ have as Verfe B miuf~ tlMt whirh ma1] Heathens might know 'rhi41 Natur.r, muc~ PS another, and all alike. ScmmarHm (fie & gratiArtltlLJ) God the Creatour, per fpecieJ cret1tur11r1mr (as they {peak) cie/4 vu d1 & nwra, ut quo p/UJ doce~, & alteri de 1uo J11 rgi11 r1 ; thcr in way ofncgation, or caufality, or eminence: not to God the ' ' ditior. A~ d0Eli1r jiM, faith B odin11. Such is thenature and pro Redeemer. . . peny.oflc1rncesandgrtces,tbatthemoreyoucommunicatcchcm, i, Ycrfe 20. ~.,.e cle"rl1feen] As 1~'\'.1. mirronr, or as on a 'l'cr'VidBRttll'~ the more you tllCre~fc_t.~em. i theme. Vt (qlcm Jn aquu, fie Deur in operib11J ronttm Vcrfo 12. That I "'"1 ht c1mforted J Or exhort1J, ~J co111~' plamur.





m111ttm tJ.hor1111iM~m prrripiml11~, !~~t~ B t~if out of Buctr, and

- -


Verfe u. N tither Wtrtthankeft1/I J How then lball we an .. B ~ fw~~


.. _




~favours. 61>.o;m,<o i ~ B 14 t became vain in theirimAKi11Ati8nl

,.,(wcr co G~d o~h~t~lull u~than~fulndfe, which is ( fa~h~~e) "a monfi:er m nature, a folecafme m manners, a paradox m d1v1~ cc nity, a parching winde to damme up the founcain of divine

----A-c;;;;;,;;;;;;y;;,;~flle . . Ch:p.:;:T ~hap.1.

1 ;i

: I





'i !>

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J Gr. In th1ir reA{olfin[,1. difPutationJ, tl;fcourfn upoHftriolU dtlibtrdtitm. Tll~y ftood not to their own principles (as, That there js one God only, That this< ;od. is to be w~rfi1ipped,&c.) b1.1t wc:re Atheills by nigh( that worfiupped .ch~ .sun, .an.d Athe1Lts by day that wor ihipped che Moon, :is C7nl faach wrmly. Vcrfo ii. Pr~fiffi-'g themfe/vu to be Wife] .Alriflotle, Na.. tu res ch id Secretary, wricech many things molt abfurdly concernNeraply f.. l.1 : ing God : As, chat he is a living crc~cun:, That he worketh not fret:ly but by a kindeoffi:rvile nccel.1ty ; and that thert!fore he Jq. lib . 1.Sod m.Tht41. dder;cth no pra1fe or thanks from mm for his many benefits, fich he doth but what he mull needs do. Thefe are v1riffotlu ablurd Nat p 19. aliertions. And yet llt Smck..,11rd m Germany, was found a DoB:our of Divinity chat pre acned co the people, That the Church might be {ufliciemly well taught and governed by Ari/lot/es Ech1ci<s, cbough we had no Bible: And the Cohen Divmcs fee forth a book,conccr~ aing Ariflotles falvation. Vcrfc 2~ Madeiik.! to corr11p1ible m.111] God made 111an in his own image : And man (to be even with twm, as it were) will needs mak1.: God, :1fccr his ima~e. And fo11rfootea beaf/s J CJod therefore julHy gave them up to Sodom7, wlmh did abale them bdow the bcalls: that there mghc L>~ an analogy between chc fin and the punii11mcnc. This is c~lkd a.nmt rer:ompence, ver.17. They d1{houourcd God, they d1fhonuurcJ chtrt:forc chcmfelvcs. They would nor know nor honour him, they ibal\ not therefore know, nor iparc one another, &c. fo fcvm:ly w1U God puni'11 the contempt ot rebellion againfi the light. t.Anacruping thi,,v.J In L'41'/~ndthe peoplcworfbip that all .A~l>ots hja d1y for a god, whalfot:Vt:r thef fee firft in the morning, be it a bird Geog. gr wormc. Verfc 14. Ga'fJI thtm up to NncltAn1'tf{t J Ariftotlt confe~ Arift.Ltb.I 7, feth the dalability ot morall knowledse to rdl1fie chc imemi.J1i
perancc of nature; and made ic good in ltis practice: for he u!ed a common Rrumpct to fatisfie his lull. So&r4w is f~~ to have had

and turned Atheall:s. Vcrfe i6. Into thAt which iJ agAinfl nat11rt So againf\: nature, that children ( natures end) and poilcrity as utterly loll:

~fe is.

of S' Pa11l to t~e RC)_~_ A_N_s_._______ ~_s__ wh? ch"ng~d J-Th~y ~~re out their namrall principles

by it.

tf, [ll




. V\.tfe a7. Lr,,11i11g tht 1'.ttHralJ] As M thisdaymtheLe 1114 nt, Sodomy is hdd no fina~\ The ~urkifl1 Ba~us ~ave B an tr v'?>'ag. many wives, but more Caum1tcs , which arc their teuous,.: loves. BHrHta in their luff] Gr. Were {cAlded. Some men put &~~,,!J~~n.,. off all manhood, become dogs, wor!c then dogs. Hence Dettt. 2 .18. The price of a dog, that is of a buggc.:rcr, 3i I uni1u and D to a113tUI expound it. Vcrfe 28. Tu rcprolwe minde] Or, ,.,, inj11dicio1u mindt: Or a rnindtt rejeC\:ed, difallowc:d, abhorred of God : Or a mindc tha't none hath caufe to glory in, lmt rather to be much a1h1 med of. Vcrle 2 9. with AO unrightto11fnef{e J The mother of all the en"'. fuing mif rule. . . . wicktJ,uffe J The Syrian faith, BrtttrHeff'e. See ltr.'1. 19. Envy, mHrther J TJme fuch Agnominacion~ arc found in this black bedroll. The Apo(Ue fee ms delightt:d with them, as was tn~Y&l<t, likewifc che Prophet I (aiah. Of which noble two, l may well fay, m1 11e'.ct. 3i one doth of D emoflheHu and Cicero , D tmoflhmu Cice"' rp9ovl(, roni pritcipuh ne ej{et primtu Orator; Cicero D emofJheni, ne q~'V1:$ e1;av1~~11(. (o/m, ctav~Oknf. M1tlignit1 J Or, MorofttJ, crof[enepe. l(g.Y.o{,9'11(.1 Verk ;o. H"tersof God] Andfo Godmurtherer1,1 Job.3.15. Ste the Note there. Vcrfe 31. Implacable J That will not hear of a truce, much leffe ot a peace. Verfq2, H.tvt ple11{Ure J Or, they patronize, applaud and ovYll)Cf~Ul. approve i This is fet lafi', as worll: ~tall : ic comp.rehends all l'he~pb. kindes of ccnfent. To hold the baggc is as bad as to fill at.

~!~ 9t~~!~c, ~11u~ ~m"tim 1 &c!



A 11.



Ch~. 2


A~d-~h~~gh_t.h~w~rd dorii eat-up_a_ll_t-hc_y_c_'il_n_ _ __

I I.

V<.:rfc 1. Therefore thou ardnexc11(4ble.

T Mou$h thou fopemhoul1y


haven~ _pkafur~ in them that do evil, as Ch11,.1.

J Sl'l' the Note on /vf,1t. I 6.27. V~rfo7. ~b by p-Hi~:"tt"}:tiHdJO~P J 01', By {uffeting perfrc~mon to~ nghrtoulndk f~l<c~ G~i'dm~ rhc Marcyr taid, Jc is w reriar. my l.oJk, it you bate me any thmg .m I?Y lntfr,rings. A111jtJra ctr Ep.aJI'uljcJ't tll:mn11, m~;cru ft1111w1m pr.trm.t, o'lJ11 q;;j,uru1 ~,.G- 7lt?>.J iu~J})~, i:mh lgnariw. Much pains hath much gains. Yuk 8. 1/ ut ~1:;tn tbcm that rlre conun.tiom] That wrangle and thwarck at;:imH: clc:mfl t rmhs, fearchmg rhc devils slrnU tor '
V<.:r!~ 6. JFI. o

to the quick. ycrlc 4 .. rhe pndncffe of God J Gr .. Hsi Hative gDoaneffe,, rc::uy co bt: 11npl01cd to tht: bthouf a11d brndtt of rhe ncamre, Tit. J 1 Now as the bc~m ol ch1: Sunnc lhining on firl', Joch dilcou l'ag\.! the burnmg o~ that ; {o the lh1t1ing o~ God5 mcrci~8 on us flwuld d1!11e:tm:n and extingt.1ifh lu(~ in us. This is fo equall, and neeJtull a dmy, ~hat Parr picks this Hower our of J',w/s garden, as one of rht: d101tcft, :rnd m~cth it upon thole to whom he write8 ~ Pt1,3.15. ' V~rk 5 Trrafi'o-:ef1 t:p r~nto t/i} (d/J ,~icut mittrnte1 prc 11 n;,.. rar~I sn g . 1z..ophy/a:1t~m, qr1od, u~' J'm '1!1pletwr, ~011{YiH.~itu~, ~:uth Sttll.t upL~n. L:1.i:ze. Jn m:ilu1mg,chcrc1s, 1. Lay mg in. 2. Ly!t~g hid. 3. bnnf;mg om 3p,:im, as rhere is occai1011. Wicked })tr1c.11s, w~ilts by _following t~Lcir lulls, thin kc thry do fomc.. what w their happ111lll;.:, 1l1:.ill 111 the end hn1.k, Pro thefwro c11 r. ~o;u1, rhok bnrnm~ coals, P (al. 140. 1 o.

3 i. but dofi ct:niure them, being thy fdf other.. ~ wife ~s lJld.' C 11to is fai~ co_ ha ~e cxt:r~ikd utllry 1 to h:ive prollic~ tcd lus wife, to luvc fhm lmnklf. uoJ otr kcs a N over int ui. voji upon the worlds wiiirds, tor th.: fouUt tools. .: . V~rk 2 . which commit faicfi J i\s C1tt1, vlr. 1. whom yet 1 f e/leiru atlirmcth to been, homincm virturi fimi/Jim1'm. JJut . l 1od j11dgcth not a!> man. Vate 3 'TJJinkeft tho11] Thi! is preaching to the confcience11 1

fay as .Mo(e1 his rod did, yet hardeR they nieir hearts as Plt1tr111h, and refolvc to curfe, as B ala11m, what ever coul!! of it. Thcfi: are thofe contentious ones. V crfc 9. Of the I eiv ft ,.ft] .9.!!} ideo deterifJreJ ~'1t ,qHi" meliores ef[e dehcrenf. Who arc worfc, becautc they il1puld


bcccer. Vcrfc 10. PcAce] S:1fety here, and falvation hc-rcafccr. Yak 11. For J Seethe Note on Vcrfr 1 i. l'(ri/h WithoM lrnv] Or,Th111glJ theJ IMllm Written /aw, as chat o~ Mofei. Vcrk 1 3. Bin t'1c doers of thelaw J The ScripturC'S arc vrr!nt A",~ 'fJivend., nrm lgend,i, as Egidiru Abbot of Norimbcrg faid ofchc t19 pfa\m. B,,11i c,uholrci font f#'!i & _(iJ1m inte,t7.t1n fe1"""tHr,(IT bon11s mrwcs. Lttbns o~ mu!tck mull bt prac.'l:tkd, and a co py not read only, but acl:t:d. Divinity mult be dune as well as

known. Vl.!de 14. Doe b1 nAWrt, &c.] Velfrim faith that CAto was8 u . ~I n. . h H~mo virt11ti jiminim1n , cm l't 1 o Hm v1:r.. 1 1~m e1~ rAoonem ~ber(, qtJod Ht4'beret j:1ftiti1Cn, omnibre1 h111tMt11I 1,rite"i~ imm1t


c;annllarg~mcnts, as thofe AEhcnians, A[!. as I'hlfrMrJ~ wh9 woul~ not ht down und(;~

17. being rtfrachry the mirack, but tent . . .. ... . .~o~

His, &e. ~ [1'1ii t~ ,. t~cm{elvc s J '_f hc Thrttci,ms glori ' Vf;c lt thl'y were C1,vnvo~1, ltvmg fa ws, walk mg {ta tut ts. V \!rfe 15, Thci>- thouf~ht J n1et1-n while J Or, 71 et>l'i.\ \\ hile .r ~ t~tm;v". Or in t:.Vcry inurim of this hh:. Oth~r faculties ma.y ~t:~;an o~ktnc dream by night fh11\l not fctpe conk1ences rccord,ttlS index,Jfldr.\", vinde x. Gods fpy, and mans over-feer ; and it is better to ha v~ ii: fore, then feared. Vcrfc 16, Accmling to my Gofpel] Which promifcth heaven to beleevers. This is comfort to chofc: ch:tt are bichfull in Wl'akndfe, thonh bllt weak in faith. Thdcntence ot the bl~ day lh1ll b~ but a m~c m:miklt declaration of that jndg~me~. that che Lord in this life, moft an end, hath paffcd upon men. H~thens 111111 be judged by the hw ot N:lturc : Profligate Prohfi"uurs by chc.: law written, and che Word prc1c:ht:d : Btkcvers by the~ofpd, which faith, If there he a "1/lin,{ minde, God uc,;,,pteo.,,&c. Vcrfc17. ReffrftiH the law] Sofpmdingchy time in a \:ill dream, but thou ilnit hav~ fick waking, then when God {hall icnd out fommons for luch flcepers. Men drrnu tht:ir _Hidw1iti.P' Judt:~7 dreams,and the~ tell th~m for law or Gofpd to their ~eighbours, ll 4 Y,cd~ 18.

__ L_~..


V~rfei 8. B~in~ inflrnrtul out of the /,n_v J Gr. Bein.~ \\e/lc4 tuh1~ed and prmc1plc:d, thou art able co d1fct:rn of dochincs and choo{e the bdt. ' Vcr(e 19. f!f the ulindc] T~e Chitto1j fay, That all ocher Nations lee but With one eye, th<:y with two, Vc~fe o, Which b,.fl the ftr,H of lnow.l~dge J A platform of ,,i~~c.i:r1,. ~holfome words, a_ fylteme, a mt:chod ~rnhcially moulded, {uch as I ucour~ and Prof_dlours ~f Art~ and Sc1coccs h1v~, and do read 0 vcr :igam and agam to their Audaours. Vcrk 11. Tea_cheff thou no~ thy (tlf ! J He chat knows well :md dO(.'S Worfc, IS OlH a~ a Whtffia Which c:mieth a totch in hi; hand r.o ~11c~ others his own ddo~micies, I have read of a woman, wh? 11vmg m prof died d(~ubt of tne Godhead, after bt:etcr illumiM w.,r,/i-) 1.1p nat1011 :rnd n.:pcmance, did ?hen protdt, That the vit1cu) life ot a of l'L~lt. great fcholar m r_h~t cown did conjure up thofl:damnal>k doubts in hl:r !oul, Jif ~Yo~u 11/Hd ( 7111rn!m artifi.'1.:_pereo?) quAdrubit ;,, 16

,.11 .,.,.i.~I"

~------------- - -----~-~OtJl"'!~.t~~!.!!l!n the Bpi/Ile




of St-Paul to -,/;-e_ll_o__ M_A_N_s_.-.....,..----.-9--- - .. '!'!'o

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'.'lJti,l.i ,. 5 1 ,


oftuch mrns lm:s, and chc bakndfc of ~heir u:nccs 1 many of the Heathens (hunned che company of Chn!li:ms, and would not be drawn to hear their Sermons. Origm before them bod1crits our N11,nc t11a~e "~diHHt caft~gA11t'!rtJ...v11/$~ ~kriflia11i, qH(uJ

pcntmn &' pcntHrum. fh:it i the beH St:rmon that.s din'J out Qf a mans own l>rd\, Orige?fs teaching and livjng wi:n: t~id c.u b!! both Gilt'. Vcrk 22. Daft th~u commit[11crilcdgr J !he, Chronicler n~tcch of ~ flf,;yy, that fhe rdlortd :iga111all Ecclcfi:il1icall livins affumed co the Crown, faying, thlt ll1l~ kt mon: by the falvatign other own foul, thc~1 he did Of lcn Kingdoms. Sh~ll not lht: that au~;o~rl'd noc 1dols1nk up and condemn thvfr ch1t do, and yet commit iacnlt:dgd V:dc 2 3. Thorow bre~k.Jnt, J lly !h~o~ing fl1ort, or beyond or wide of tht: mark, by omdhou, comm1lhon , or failing in th~ manner. _Y<:dc 14._ For the N 14mof GoJ, &c. Hc:r12tikcs and hypo. crm:s doc _Hill w1tl~ J11dtU ?chver up ch~ Lord Chrii~ co die kotfos and b_ufh.:tmgs o~ his enemies. Au,~uft~nt complains of chc ancient heret1kes, that m thtm many ev1l.mmdcd men found macter of blafphc:1_ni_ng the_ ~amc of ~hri~, bccaufc chcy alfo pretended co thc.Chn{han r~l1g1on. Ep1phamm add<.:th, That for the looiendlc

Cht-i"Kian converfation, e:,,::...c. Ammi11nm Afarcel/imu a Heathen Hiitorian deeply uxcth the pride", luxury, contentions, covecouC11dfr of chc B1l11ops in his time, and chc deadly hacrtds of common Chrillians. N11/lct. in.ftf/A hominib114 beHi~, Ill /imt fi/,j fo- i\n,l\t.uc l.14 rahs plt:ri<}1 Chr~fliani, faith he. A f_ad chac a Hca~he!l 'JP 1i lnould lee and detdl: fuch hdllfh mttcamagts among Chn fii:ins. Verfe 1 ~. If thou keep the l.1w] Which ,th~u arc thereby bound codo,citherb thy klt, or by chy Sl~rcc~ Chnft J.:fus. V1.:dc: :.6. if rhe 11ncirrnmc~fion J Which H cm never do, But admit it could, &c. V<.:t l~ 2 7. I Hdge t hu_] . Mens _gui\t is enc_rcafed by their oblig:itions, as was Solomons m dtp:mmg from God, who had :ippe:m:d unco him twice, 1 Kiug.11 9. . Vede28. NcitherinlMtciYcumcifion] Scc{olof.2.11. With the Note there. Inward circumcifion is (as Origr1; ddcril>eth it) P1Jrg11tioAnimtt &abj.crJiovitiorrnn, or_(as~~ J>.u1/in the place above nam~d} tht: putttn~ oil old Ad.m1 v...ich his actions, by the circumcifion ot Chr alt, L>y hi~ mcric and ~pim. Ver(c 29. which is 01U' inW1Jrdly J An lfr.trlitt indeed, loh.1 .. that hath puc a way thl.! fonskm ot his hl:art, /er. 44
Cu AP Ill. what 11dvantage J
thing~ prcrogltivt:?Sec

v~rfr l.

f11psmt1b1u, fl.Vant, C7 ~'~" (ub obtenrn 11Jominil rrlmt, &c:. J"her,~ JS :u~ 1U report goes of Chrifiians for their un - .. ~hrift~11


my Trne Trett . . . . i. Chit bmcflfe that, &c.] This was their prime prrviledge, th:u they were Gods l1braryl\cepcrs, that this heavenly trcafurc was concrlditcd unto them. O,hcr Nations are faid co ~ hav.;: been without God, bccau{c without thoic lively oracles. 2. Chron.15 + Ephef. i. 12. l>rize we this privikdge, and improve ic. You mull: m.:Vtr cxpeCl: anochcr edition ot the f liith onCI recd wd.Judc 3 once: for ;sll. Vtde 3. The (11ith of God]. Th11cis, his fa.ithfull prornifcs, o~ pofcd co mans pc1 fidy. V~rfc4. Ever11>w1 a lier] v;z, By nature. But ![11.6~.8. &Jds pwple :are children that will not lie, they will die rather. ' .NQn idro nrgare volo, ne pere11m 1fed iaro rnrmi.ri "olo ne peccem> Iij fauh.
R. odds,,fingular fim, Chap.7.Sett.2. G Vafe fly,



A. CD111T11en1Ary ponthe ,piflte


Af1 Q:J ,\f011 /of.~(Jo.




rc~1. f '




faith fh~ upon the ra~k, of whot~ St Hiero.,,_ wriceth. ih~-~ffi~ be;rt the devils fi:ore-houfe, throne, ncfi:. His eyes great thorow... c~rs oi A1erindol ~n{wcrcd the B1fhop that moved them to abjure, ~ fares of lul\, pride, va~1it~, ctrc. ~lis life a long chain o~ finne1 hat they 1mrvdkd much that he would pcrlwade chem co lie to .~ full actions, a web oi wicktdnrfk tpunnc out and madt: up by f.l.WharL''Y God and rhc world. Am\ albcicchac al~ men by namre are liers. r1 the hands of the d~vil :md thck01, an evil fpinner) 9.nd a worfc ht~ nm bath. yet they haJ learned by t~e ~Votd. ot God, thlt: th~y 011 .,hr dili- ' Weaver. ftmly to cake heed ot lymg m any maccer, be ic ~lever fo Vedt: 1o. tAsit iJ \\'rittm] What the l'rophets hid faid of tnull, 0"'r. . . tome plrticu\ar people or petfon, is here ap~lit:d to the wholl! race 1h~1nnttijlbqu{l1fird~11th7/11yings] David fpeal<cthot uf mJ11kindc, uccauk by nactua there is never a bmer of us, t!~e ti uth _ot i.'V 1U~f1Nf reptchmhon .i I' ~11/ al~plits it to thl' cruch of !,~:' (J,!'.m.~ Y..::xol J\ r..cci i~~ . . F..1.1(. ,ftl.1g. lJod m ~JS prom1ks :.iHo. Let us give 111111 a cdlimonilll, 1,,h, . ) y e~k 11 .. I"t o;ic 1Jw {erk._eth J 1 h:tt fcckcch anJ fcccheth 111111 33 ~uchas1s.tbat.Drnt.p.'} A Godofrrnth, l4>;a\\'ithoHt iniqim,, (JUtothisn.:m1n~-roum,{h~d1d, . . 111 ff ,md nght u hr. ,. \\rk n. B .:com~ rmpu.,_(im/1/e] Or rottL~l) ll ifly, flmlw1g, . And ?}';tj!,'1t~ff ovcr~omc J Mai.rt be pure, faich D11vitl, Zilcllh ', :is tlit' Hlb~i.:w hath it ! I' {.tl1n 14. 3. The UlJ \ymld \\'JS 1dn th~ SynacK ~5 ~~'t.:d f o)r OVl::ftrcommg, Vinci1 'Uerii.u, & dare non g\'G\Vn lo foul, that lJod was turcl'.J to W:!lh Jt wah a 1:~nJ..1 res ma:;:.c MX"if 1 (() c _1 ddug<:. . , 1. . Vnfr.5, ls Ciod rmri.~JJtcom J. Su~h hc:1rc-boilings there were) Vale 13. 7/;e pl)i~n nf AfpcJ] Of dm {ortol ACp.-.~ that ~1 1C m th~ n.1c:tl:ed Jews. Aid Job ta1d lttcle ktlc till ( 1 oJ over-h, their vt:nome bm: from lhi.'Lll upun ch: by lbnJcr~. I h:n: Jn a r.y.z.!rr. in~ him,. Heps, as ir wnc, fro:n bd1ind.e rhe 'hangings, :md c~~~; dlJl ~i luch vmnim: :rnd VL'llDlll_t: in r~:n 11cw~ou1h\ w~rl~ of l11111upfor1C,Jab 38.2. Who1&th1s, la1thhe, that talktth thus? Wilkt.:dndk, thc:cont,t1'', /,rm.3. It ISL'Jhi.:tool>!crvr)thatS.f 111t! Huw now? brn: m:iking, chL anJtomy ot a namra\l mrn, ibnds more on the Vnll 6. I fpea~ ru .i m.w J 1 Ii. Is there noc fuch lang[11gb org:rns of {pi:aking t~tn ;ill other lllt:mbcrs_, anJ ll~~,wech how h~'> he:ud m lomr rntllS htans? tongue is rir1pcd hauJ> his lipR ca1ntt:d _wnh venome, h~s Ver fr 7. Fu~ if r IJ,: r mt h of God J Herc the fonm r objection is momh t u~L ot gall, l11s cl_iro1c a gap mg grJ vc, his ~onglll: as a rap1rcpc3 tcd, 1.:xpl1catcd, a.nd more fully an(wm:d, that C:Vl ry nwmh er' to nm men chorow WJCh, and l~1s throat as. a iqmlch1.:r co lm1y might be ilopp.:J. I 1 rtmf r.a~tt1 /:,mp 11 dc p,.1>r l.irnm, in tht.:iu in. As ior the Mp, thl'y_ writ~ of her, 1 har. whne1s her po19r10>"_, .1ppe111,_1 , 11/im f1i~~orc rtp~rcuj];u eonti fon is {o deadly, ~hat L~.: pare 1.nh:"-9:nl ~m~10 be ctm,:d, !>llt: by.ct~r~ cejccrc. So grn1faycrs an: hknc:cd' when che trncil J:, chorowly ting off, (ucc1_writ re:1cl~r.zrttrbm boHg>~IO>' 11-41/JO'~, t':I. ~O.\t<'('f- lo ll't:t.:cr. cL'areJ. ) Jimo tinim.ih c.1/Jgrno{~I ob1'!'1w ~;dzt. Ajji1Ji. ( h1th ~Ii- 1 1. 11 .: ;;.~,)J Vcrk 8. As \\1e br fl mdcroffJlJ r'portrd J So arc the reformed 111 ) hebeteJ ocuii d11u, cof:t nm in fromc, fed w rcmponb111


Chap:): Chap. 3

of S Paul


1!1t Ro>< A"


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~7""""1 /

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Chim; hes by the black mouchcd Pap11ls. S; er hv alntt1nt:nt of Pol~~th brags b~ A.l,.\,.Coo~. tl~tPrdacc: Eud,emon Joannes againfl: l, 11(,mloH ,Cl' C.t(vir1J-'1 tffrtfrmm1 ,&c. W~"fr d '"'!;''1"t10'JU}t1ft J 111 chc y~t'f 11f gr:icer p~. 11 Monk of Eer/mc 1_11 (1erm.o;y, who m chc Pu.pit ch:1rgui sr P1tt1/ with 1 Ill', was luJdcnly lm1:l.~n w1~h an apoplt x , whiles rne word w~s tiul:ct"Annal. yet in his mouth, and tdl down dead m chi: phcc on '::J.Stevens day as they call 1r. J Verk 9. Tll,~t the! .1re all H14d:r fin] Whole evil is in man, and ~hole m:m m evil. Hamo rft 1~vetfm du.ilogm. Man by na...


Vn(e 1 4, Fitli J As a fhip that hath it. s f uU fraught and r:. "' lading. . . , . . Vcrfel 5. Swifnofh:d 6lv11d J As Ptt1d, till ( ,od llopt hun m hiscurkd . . . . Vcrk 1 6. They mwde nod 1 1~n~~ but mif.h1otf. ]
Vtde 17. Thty ar.e re.fflefle "ndtrot~bl~(o~>u . .1 . v~rk 18. Thac u '10 fi.w of Go<i I his IS kc lafi, as the foma:



ture JS no better then a filchy dunghill ot all aborninabk vices. His heart ,

<>fall thdormt:r evil~. . Vtrfc 19, . GniitJ J Culp:ibk :md iuch as cannot plead tlmr ~wn cauk w1thuut an ~dvocate. '





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Vt:r. lc l 1. B 11t now J Since Chritt came. \'.:1 p.affe in moftof his d1lpu1cs, that there was no great reckonmg to specufum za,. . V1.rk 22. Vpon all J ~u chat nont: tluH hinder their h:in- 1 :, be made: oihis Afiercions. Yca,he was dangerous co read, as fa- rop~. rmdk. : \ \lvlUingofhcreftein {omc pla,rs, and better perhaps he ~ild never Vcrfe23. All h11vejinnr~] The firn man defiled the nature ::written. Fomyearsbefor~tbc:C?ull:cdo~ lrcnt, ~arJmal an~ ~vt:r irnce the narn~e defilc:ch che m:m. Adam was a puenr ~ : ~ tJ&renHI, a{krtt:d the doB:rme. ot JUlt1ficauon b~ fatth al~e, ~n a pt~Jlil<c: pt:rlon, a Parlaamcnc man, as it were~. the who'c cou ' : . jult traCl:ace, and was therefore loon after po1foncd. CarJmal ot m:ml<mdc was in h1m, and ftU wich him. ' ' ntry /Pool is thcuoht to have been found in this point. B~l/inmine reSh~r1 o( tl:e glory of God J i.e. Of his irmgenowobliterated .~} provesPighi111forconft:ntingcol.11tbe!'hw:.i11,, wh~m ht! undcror ot his kmgdomc, upon the golden pavement where0 t ':, tooktocontuce: andyetBe/Jo>1rmMehunklfwuhh1stNt1.ffim11111-..1 J dog muu. ever cramp lc. It 1s an inheritance undc:filed no ,fl. I h uir,ry tfl, doth as muc h upon t he nuttc.r. M "gnA tp tJtrllM rs v" t Jt,. 1 I et. I '"l ' Grtat is the cruth, and (hall prevail. , ,~~ rk .2.4 Being f"J1ified ~nl1 J Il.:caufc che ApofHes word ' Verfe 29, Is h1 the q~d of ~he ?ews onl1].That is,po~~ he juflifi<: . _ _,.:: 1 ~_-'~"", as txpoundcd by Vimn11~ w be. ;<-'mo~~:1Ja)'n, therefore ,. the]r.:wsonly? f~rh~1sthe1rG.odonly,w~01nhc1ulhhcch. Now ... ' '.1.h.,,mmcr111w:llner..:dscon~ludcfromch1s texr, chat God by u.. , .~cnarc{Aidcobe JUft.1fitd dk&vdy by <?od, apprchcnfively by,dothlm~ pay us fo~~m pai~s, give us what we have e':ir. faith, dcclarativ~ly by g~od works~ T~e School-men arc v.ery un .. 11cd. L o:lr1m gnuu non acc1p111m, fa1th Vega, Opera bo,,11 fi found in this cap1tall Amclc of Julbficacaon, and are therdorc che C ,,,/i mercatJtr,i, faith another. Heaven is chc purchafc of g~nd ldk co be regardt:d. Nam qu~ de grati~ D.ei 111ftific1in.u fcolaftiwor}<s. . . . O , cifcribNnt,comm1ntitiAHnj.11er(a exiflimo, faith C.ardmal I'ighiJJ J t lie rtdentpt111n ] Th~c. 1s, By faith a~plying this redem114 , who. is chcretorc much condemned by B t/J'4rmme, but with,.. pt101~, wrappmi,; ht:r kif m the gold~n Fkccc ot chac Lamf> , vut <:au(c, . of God. Vcrle 30. Aml uncircumcifion] All by one way,Jdlhe (hould VcrL 2 5. To be a propitiatioAZ J Or a covering, in allufion t feem not co be one, bnt ,,,.um & alilu. the Law.; where ~flt: Ark covering the two Tables within it th~ Verfc 31. we ef14b/ifo the /11,v J Which yet t~e. Antinomian1 Mercy-kat cov.:rm~~ the Ark, and the Cherubims coverin' h cry down, calling repentance a legall grace, hum1liac1011 a bac~Mcrcy-tea~ and one ~nochcr, t11ew'? Chrifl covering che curt~s t of , Jore co heaven; grieving that they have grieved fo much tor tb1:1t the Law, 111 whom 1s c~e ground. of all mercy ; which chin s the ; fins, &c. Angels ddire to pry mco, as mco the paccrne of Godg d wifdome. s eep --- __ . ------------For the remiffion offin1 J Gr. for the rtl11xation or re/~"fmcnt CH A 1 IV. cffins .. as of ~onds or h:ttcn;. Verfc 1, Ai ptrtatning to th1 Jlefo.] Verfe 26. To declare J Gr. For ad~ardemonfirationor ing om w1th the finger. pomt-: at is As couching his works, '11. 2. called alfo the /1tt1r,cha. b. ,Vcric 27. whereid6DAfUng the11 1 "c.] A certain fophiller i " 27.~~dtll~~~w~~~!n.~~~~~~mand~ent, ,bq.16.". r. ,

d111. c.w li~crattone ~mmce, i>1 tlcnnofynam ,mimit,, p>o {alllte & re. Jbimftlh pure LNtber11n~and 1s theretore llurply and blafphcmuuf.. ~.use 1V1t11Jilr11m patrHm & 111.itrHm, fYtCtrtlm & (ororHm, &c. q lycenh.uedby fomc Jdmtestora. hot-ht::ided p~r(on, who WJS lo l hde :ivrn: the ends t~ac chey :.ii med ac, as appears in Horics. I~ tranf ported with the pangs of zeal and tagernefic beyond. all. com..

_ A Commentary 11pon tfle Epiflle Chap+ Chap.4. of St Paul to th_:_~-~-~--~ ~-~ y~~lt -;~>~T?-~r~fn~~ ~] ~h;de~d~-;f tht -L11w J This is direc.'l'i- ~t;;ce prove t~1e 14:'th~wity of the c~~rch ~,the ~o~ds. agam(l Popa.lbJu!l~ficmo~by works, merits, cJ-<:. Thofe mifit:~ thus,by 1 miil:akeot thm {hort-hand-wrmng, Vb1 eft gl1ma.tio,f and nmz~c:d louts dad ~orfc chen lofe rh7ir hbour that built rdigi ., BrelefiA eft, fur exf.ln(a ~P . t O~I!>, I'~o re~iffionr. & rrdemp11one recc11tor11m, pro rrme- ..., Vt:rfe i8. A man 14 1r1flrfi.d bJ f111tlJ J Heres P1111/ fl1ews ___







:; would q

..cs:,e ,... __ ,.. .:. _,,.


A Commentary upon_~~e ~~iflt~- --~hap.4.

But ttot befwre GoJ] Who when he begins to-le~rcb our tac\\s, as the fl:t:ward did B~nj.1min1, can f.inde om thofe ~ur thl.'.cwries we choudht noto~; bring co mind~ and light thofo fins that we hJd torgor, or nor oofcrvcd. When he comes to-tum the botcome ofche bag upwards, ic will bebircer with us. 1 A&;,,,(.. lrch' 1 ex cute was accept~-d , and ycc his finnc was -chaltitod,

Vy.rkq. A ... ecoiemed] Sic v4/A~tH>' ut_ i11-j11Jici~ HM reve lmtur: So covered as thH he 11ever fee them ~gain, but as the Jfr.ielires faW' tlte E gypti11r;1 dead on: the ll1ore, ' 1 Verfc 8. Impmeth not J (.;hargcth it not, fmcch fr l1oc upon his fcore, 1. C or. S. 1 ~ Vt:rk 9, Cometh th1:s blef[ednrffe J This is the third time that the Apoitk avoucheth the univcrlalHy ot the tubju~l of jufliticapon. for this ht: had done once bdore, Ch11p. 3,2 3. and again,c/;4. 3.29 30,31. ... Ver1c10. JncirCf-lmciji 11] AstheJewwouldhaveic:Nofoch

;Aa.7:5~.--ihcturd-opc~ t~~ircyes, tl\tth~y;.~~6nv;rc 'and-----.; be! laved.

Ylrlt 3. A.4>.th.Hff bt!eevrd Gn.J] Ltttomru of Lovan was notal1umed co wrirl', That chl'rc was no ocher faich in Abr 11 h,un .. _ then what wa6 in And }'Ct our, Saviour faith, Abrah,.~ J1 1i,\1 rn 1!J 1oc. , J d . d f f :I c . A 'Vilc,p,.l '.J(' - (.1n> my .1y,. fl>Jc~f} nJCf' 1'd 0 l hid ICldr OcVc:r.. 11CHhtr WW[C an:ipologv tor 1ccro, an wou net: sprovel111n co have been a pious and pi.:rncmt perlon , bccaufc in one place he hath thefc word~, Rrprehcndo peccam me1', q11od Pompeio confift,u, ejuftj. fiJYff'JjCCIUl!I (i1rrim. A poor proof: Hoc 11rgum1n1111n mm cile di111itm,qrdm vulpncomf'ft PJ>'IH. . , . -. Vtrk 4. Now to h:m th.1t 1\ork!th J Yet it is an ad of mercy in Go~t to rrndtr co a man according co his works:. Pf.62. I 2, E."'" 20 6 .. (iods kingdom is nor p11rtum, but pariit11m,Mat.2; .34.noc llCl)'lllL'd, but erqxm~d: . 1. . 1: Ht of d~bt] Noc to mdccd, Rom, 11-. 31. but accordl11Wto 1 1k opinion of che 111nic-rnongc!r, whofaich as Vcg.i, C M11m gr'1tt41nfN



:, :-.,.,,

Vnlc 5. Hrf f11i th J Yc~ not as a work, nor in. a proper knk, as Armi11im :md B erttm held, bm as an act ofrcccivmg
Clmll. Verte 6. VntQ \\'hom f!od imprun/, J Ten times the Apofilc rnrntioneth chi~ gra~c of 1mpu_ted rig~trnufndle in chis Chapccr : Yt:t thl Pap1fts J< 1t, call!ng It pr. t1iuvr >ighteo11{nrf{('; fotpeaking <.:vil of the things chey know not. Swrits cdl us of a popilh H11ho_p th:it ligl_uin:; by chancct~!)(_'li chis Chapt<:r, threw away the Looi< m grear d1{plcalurc, and fa1d, 0 P,w/e, ''" 111 111/)i} L11the1ww f.ill111 e1? 1\rcrhouaHoaL11thrr:m, 'P.m/l llLttitthdaith of another may be prolical>k t~l infants at their b:iprilme, as Bel l11rminc loldeth, why ihould 1t k~m {o :ibfurd a th;ng, that Chrills righccou!ndL imputlli,thould prohc thofo thac bckevc on him? }:ws indeed at this d~y oemg; a5k~d, Wkcher they l1':lu.:vc co bt: taved oy Chrifts riphtt:ou!ndk _? They an{ wer, Tlm t:vcry Fox mu_ll p~y ~is.own sl<in to the H:uer. ~hu.s they rtjeCl the rightc1

Ml:, 1 ij lo~. 1om fV~

VLrfl'. l 1, A _(cal of the ri.ehteo11fne([r J Circumcifion is cal_. l::d a 11gn, and a lcal by. a Dn:1um or chc )- wsj more :.r.cit'nt _thlll thcirT1-ilm1ul. ZohA>', Lc:n.17. . . - Thtit righteo11{mffc migJ11 be imprurd] How foolifh is . rh~t ;>-.o;1a:::rcu, ~nfcrcncc ot Thamme~m, chat becau!~ ch~ word hae ukd co hgm- ,__;)'{), tie imputed, cu1m:s d a word thac hgrnhlS reafun, therefore chc rightl( _ulnts ot taith.mull: be fuch as a man may uude1 fl:and and compn:hc:nd by redon? Vt:rk 12.,in tht ftcpr] Th:ic herein pc:rfonatc and ex... prdlC hun to the lifr, as Conjf antiner ch1llircn (faith EH/c6im) \lid th~ir fathtr. { Verk 1 3, H(ir of tl:e \\'or/d J That is, Of he.1vcn,_ fay fomc ; -;--" J: ~ .of can:M11, fay ochers. the pka1am Land, more db:: med of (}od, then all the world bd1dcs, becauteic was the ot the Church. As man is called evrry creature:, .M~rk 16. J 5. the Church is called all thi11gs, Col.1. So Canaan is called the \\ orld, and Tabor and Hermon, put for the fall and Wdt of the whole world,

l'fal.89 . 12. Veth: 141 FAitlo

u #WU

void] See the Note on Gr1!. 3.u.




~ufndk of God 1 Rom.

10.3. As their h\thm did, lo doc chey,



No tr11HfgrrjJion] fc. Is imputed by men where 1 there is no ~aw written, Sec Chap. 5. 1 3. Yerfe 16. lt 1'-5 off~i1h J Fid( m1ndid m.t1111. , Vcric 17. who q11ick....;jeih:the deAd J. As he doth,. when he 1t1a.. keth a m:m a bdecvcr, E phef. 1. I 9. hcfctcheth heart of Oak out of a hollow tree, and a fpiricuall man ciuc ot a wildc-affc-colt. Sec




yi~fci s~


A CommenttJYy upon the Epiflle

Verfe.18. Wh11g~injl ~ope,.acc.~ Eleg41111111tanAC'/llji1 pro. pter ipccum contrad1El1onu, fa1ch Pift.itor. SpeJ i11 terr111u i# . ~erti 1'ome11 boni : f}es in divinu, nomen e.ft &ertij/imi, taith .ano:her. Verk 1;. Hcc1nfiderrJnot] Gr, Hecarednocforhisownba.

Chap.5 ------=--. Chap.s

-verfe -~.

dy, arc.

he mver thought of chat. Verfti ~o. qivi~'!,,<:;l~rr t() G~J] ~onfdling and rxahing God, 51S L.ul~ I 7.18 g vmg him a tellunomall, as ic were, I.h.3. 33. witb


V~rk 21. Bein.~ -fidly !tr(w11ded] Gr. Being carried on wit~ full fail, and going g:illancly cowards hca ven. Vcrte 2 2, Sc:e chc Nuce on //tr/. 5,6. Vcrk13. Fo.,. h1'.Jfaktal1me] Bucforour in(huClion and en~ couragemcnt, Rom 15 .4. Sec the Noce there, Verk 24. Tlw rtiifid up Ir/ru J And with him all bckcms Col.p. Rom.6,4. \'erk, 5. Who Wm ticlivred, &c. J Noc that his death had no hand in our jul1ifying : bu.t: be~aule ~ur juflification begun in his deach, was perft.:d:ed by his rdurrectmn. R.edemp:ion we have by , Clmlts a~:ikmcnt ' applicacio~1 of JC by his adv:mcemcnt. This . ont: Vl'de JS an almdgcmenc of chc whole Gofpd, chc tumme of~ a~ the good news in the world, The grand mquefl of all the an~ c1ent Proph<.:ts, I Pet. 1.11. Adore we tbe tulnelfe of the holy'

1.fop~-,,,ak.!th 11dt ttfoamtd] As 1m c~f~many liclanguil11ing at Hopi:s hoipiull, as ht did at the Pool of Bethe[.. ,J11 Joh.5. and return as they did from the brooks of Tem.1, Jol> 7. Or, as men goe col Loccery with heads full of hopes, but: rec urn with hearts tull of blanks. The Ducch have a Proverb m chis purpofe, Sptr"re & o.:pcll.ttre,nmltoJ reJdit P-11/tof. And we fay, He chu hopes for d~ad mens thorn mily hilp go barcfoor. B1d mens hopes may hop headldl~, they may peri{h in the height of their cxpeelanc1c:s. Noc fo chofo chat hope in God : they (hall yet ptaite him who is che help ot their countenance, and their God, Pf. ~3 ulc. N11Hqu.~m c0Hfi1fi, Deo co11fifi. v'crk 6, Ch riff died for J A fitthi;1ent evidence of Gods dear.. e[l u1d deepdl: lovl.! lhed au road in our hearcs, as a moll f wec:t oinccncnr.


Verk 7. Yet peradventHre for 4 good man J for a p11blik.f per.. (on. Li/Joe fl:tpt bccwecn the murderer and King Edwin his nuiler to intercept the deadly thrufl:. A common tuuldicr lCl!t his lite ac MHJ[eiborough fidd [0 lave cne hlarl of H~mrlies lift :_ {o did. Nicollf4 Ribifchc to rdcue llrmce Jlf1411rzce at the hege of .Vcr{c 8. God commendeth, &c. J Herein God lairs naked to us, the ccnderdl bowels of his hLncrly comp:dlions, as in :m

f~ic.{r Chron..
P;1g ~ 1.
7~ 0
. l w/~ hift Joi.

:. 1 r~: 1 :~G~: 6

anatomy. .i: Vcrh: 9. Much more then J It i~ a greater work of God co ,.,~ bring men co grace, tht:n being m the fhce of grace, co bring chem :1 ro ~lory; bt,auk fin is far mon: dilhm horn grace:, clu.:n grace i:i C.: H A P V. , i from glory. Vl'rft: 10. We jh.1/l he (avrd J Herc che Apo!Uc rcafoneth from Verfe 1. R eiHg jufl 1fied ~)faith.] 1 rcge11erac10n co t:ttrnall lite, a!> che kfkr. S he had faid, Ch11p+2} t: Vcrk 11. N 01 on!] (o J Nor in mbulacion only do we 13lory (as . We have peace With God J A l>ldkd calm lodged in our v. 3.) bm 111 che whole cuurk ot our lives. confc1cnces. =.Like as when I Ofitl4 was can OVt:tuoard,chcrc follow. Verk 12. As by one man J Yee J\nabJptills deny originall fin, cd a cranqmllJC y. as did alto che Pelag1.1ns ofohi, con: uced by ,,.Jug11(line, EJ!..,.t1nJU Vert~ 2 .We h~ve ~ccefe] .Chrifl:le1dingus by the hand, and a German Preacher faid (as !Vlr/anUho11 rcpom.:ch) Chlt uriginal Joh. Mani lo,. prcfrncmg us to tnc h~her, with~ R ehcld, here am J, Ana the &hi/ lin 1s a mcer fiction of Aug11fline, und othu U1vmt's ; and chuc, ,0,11. pJg.486. drcn 'Whom thou ht4fJ gwcn mr, Ephef.2.18.. btcauk thtrc was no f uch word found m the Scnpcurcs. Papiits . Vcrfq: We glor1. in tri/11tl.11ionJ J As an old fouldier doth fo fa}' chat uriginall fin is chi.: imalldl uf all tins, not ddcrvmg iny h1sfcarsothonuur. Sec Gal.6,17. i Cor,?4 mon: of Gods wrach, then only a wane of his bcac1fa:11l-prdencc ; \lerf.e 4. A_.vd expericncr,hnpe J vyichouc ~ope p:nience is cold and that coo, without any pain ur forrow of mmdc from c11c apal moll: m the fourth dtgreef and that JS but a lmk from poifon. prchcnfionof Lo great a loff~. There have bt:m amonglt us, chat C hrn: . Verfe 5.
r .

------------------------------A commentAry upon the Epiple 18


Moulins Arra 11
"'Armin c H'ottoii on Jvh.

p ,.. 6

h~vef:Jd0hato;fgi~aUftn isnodorbiddenby the Law. Direa:. ly indeed, and immediately it is not ; but forbidden it is, bccau(c curft:d and condemned by the law. In originall fin is a tacire con. .a. ll ~ " fem ( cminc:ndy) to all il\.\Ua lln. .t\nd 1omc underfiand this text of all foi, both originall and aauall. v{11a (o death paf{ed r1pon all men J As a fentence of death on a condemned maldactour a or, as rho:c dife:iks chac are called by Phyl1ci:ms, Corr11ptio totim (Ubftanti~; or as the roe overrunnech thcwholcffock. Vnk 13. Sinne is not imp11ted J In mens dl:eem, as Ch11p.
5 d _ h f V1.:rk 14. De:1tlJ raigne J horn t e raign o death, he con eludes the raign of fin. Infants ar~ no innoc~r:ic_s; th~ fir{t lheet ot bl:rnket wherciu rhl'Y arc covered ts wovt:n of hn,Omrn:, bloud and filch, E~el', l 6.4.6. /1 /. dea d J A1'11n1 1s I1crc put f or au, " c Vl'.dcI": s. Many vt as ab 1or m,,ny, I Tim.2.3. yertt: I 6'. Of nM~J, .ffmm] i.e. Of all, whetner imputed to us, rnhm:m rn us, or 11umg from us. V1:rfe 17. Abund~nce] fhat is, abundant gr:ic.c. Vcrft: 18, BJ ~he offn.ce of one J Wt. were all m Adam, as the whok counmy ma P.ulmncnc-man. And although we chofc not, God ch.oft forus. . . . Yt:rk 19. A1aHy J Th:u JS, All, except Chnfr,ji11nerJ, tamtcd with fins, guilt and filth. V1.:rk 20. Bm \\'here jil'I abounded J llut then it is where finne that abound.ed in chc WI.-, abounds in tbc cu11f~1cncc in grid and de.. tclbtion ot it, as the gn:at.c:lt ev.11 . B onmr obJctl:c:d to Mr Philpot, Mmyr, thathcfoundwrimn111h1sbook, InmeJo,mnt Philp11t.10 uhi "bu11d11vit peccAtum, fop1rabu>.d111.1it & gratia. This he faidwas:marrogantfpnch, Nov11mcrimen, C. Ctt(ar. Vcrk 21. Tlu1t 111 Jin h"tb r.iigntd J That is, the wrath of God Ly iin. Thr""!.J., ritJmoH(i1~s J Imputed and imparted. . Br {t{111 ~h; ift J Sec how tweedy the end an{wers the ~e 6 in.. rnng ot the Chapter> and how Chnlt JS both amhour and, &c ~ 4


o/ScPaul to.the Ro~~------.-~!~-.

H A p.


Verfe 1 , SIMI/ We continue ] QV itfi die a, Th:it were molt unrcafonabk, and t~ an i~geni: ous nacure impoffible. To argut.: from mercy to hbcrty ~s the devils Logicl<. 'should we not after ddiverance yeeld obcd1en~e, faidholyE.t.ra? Chap. 913 , 14 , Amanm1ya~truly fay, the ~ea burns, or fire cools, as that certainty of falvauon breeds kcumy and loofneffe. . ll . . and Vcrfe 2.. Live 1tny lot11,,er thertn] Fa mto 1t we may Chall ~ but it is not the felling itltO the wuer that drownss bu.t ~ying in ic : Co it is flOt falling into finnc that damns, but hvmg . . m it. .a b~pt1~ar.' pro m;l'j Verfe . B .ipti~ed into his Jeath ] H oc er 3 t11is faich Be:t.a to be buried with Chrift m bapulmc' o . 2 , 1' 2 in putti;g off the body of the fames of the fldl1


11 :i 'Zft'V~rfe ~. we Are ksiried J Bmiall is a continuing under death; L fo is mortification a continuate dying to finne, .Afor.s



perpettMm ; Sin is by degrec!s ab~ted 1 and at length abohlhed, when once ourearchly cabernacks are d1fiolvc~. . . r~ WAlk..}11 newnefe of lift J Be(Urrellme Dom1m co~figHrAtlJ>' ~~ vim quii hie gerirnr. Walk as Chrm walked afcer hts refun:e !:j Clio~ . . !,t V~rfe S. For if we hllve bun planted] Burying is a kmde 0 ~ i(1 planting. . . .


.d[/.a>1.l 1\for., fct it p.

Vcrk' ThebodJoffin] Forwholecv1l1smman, and whole tJ m:minevil. . ,. , v Verfe Irfi'eedftomfin] eAnacreonfaitht~clt~e, 0 Octv41 ~ " ~-'mauti'; 'neath is the accompLilhmcnt of morciticauon. le doth at once what death doth by degrees. Herbs and fl~wers breed worms, which yet atlal1: kill the herbs and flowers: ~ofi~ne bted death: 'but at l:dt death will kill fin .. A mud-~ali. wb1les it !land: eth harbourech much vermine. which when it falleth, flee a~ay. So doth corruption, when one~ thefe cottages. of clay tall to r~~ne. Verfc 8.we foi'40 ~l(o _live J Then_ we are fa1d pr~p:rly to. ive, ~HAP.. when ourregcnerauonis pert&cted mhcaven. To live here.isbut

~~lie a dying.

C ~

yerfe 9~

Vcr!e 9. Death hath 110 more, &c.] Chrifi, being life ellenciall, fwallow<:d up death in victory, as the fire lwallowech up the fodl, and as Mofes his fcrpenc fwallowed up the Sorccras frrpcnts. Vnle IO. He died 11nto Jinne J Th1t is, To aboli(h fome, as Chap.8.2. Vcrk 11. RtckJn ye t1l(o J By faith, reafon and reckon your frlv1:s wholly dead in and through Chrin, who once eied pert~B-ly to fin, as a common perfon. Vcrk 12. Let not fin therefore J As if che Apofilc lhould fay, we preach purity and not liberty, as tht: advcrfary tuggdkth, v.1. ct rhis Cha peer with Ch~p. 3.8. Vtrlc 13. V;i10 jinne] J\s Sat:ms Generali, who lllth-his trenches, 2 Cor .10.4. His Comm1ndtrs, as hc:rc, :mu his fighting


of S' Paul to ~~e Ro u



-1~-H-,,c-l-~,,-,,-n-t Jf~-:,,-;;i~~/~iq~i;Jj -M~rk the oppofttion:: theie are three To' s in the expre~on of the fervice co fin : ~ut i~ the fervice of God only two. Wicked men cake great pams for hdl' would they but uke the fame for heaven, they could not, likdy,

fou\dicrs, 1 l'et.'1..I I. His WL'apons, as ht:r~. Vnk 14. Sinne _ffntN not '1.tve dominion J Rebell it may, but nign.ic {hall ~ot in .any SJim. J l famh WHll tin in the regcnc.:ratc, as W&th thok lmuls, D ,w. 7. 1 i.. chc:y had rheir dominion cakL'n away, yet thdr lives were prolungt:d for a kafon and a time. Yt are not fmder the L.m J i. e, UndC'r the rigour, irrittttion, curlc of the L1w, J2.!Jattn1'0 tft vir1 HJ prccati, Vnfe 15. Shalt We finnt, lnc1t11fe, &c, J Some AntinomiA11

~tc M.Ca/a.

111ics Smn. to
'i1c hou(c uf

(){/ob. u a/I. '.Vt111.16H

Libertines would pcrfwade men, Thar Cod j5 never dilj)lc:akd with his people, though they foll into adulccry, or che like fin, no not with a fatherly difplcafi1rc: Tim God 11tvi..'r cliaftikch his people for any fin, no not with afacherJy ch:ill:iiement. : , Vcrfo16: HufervMJt1ye11re] Sinners, rhuughnocdrunk,ytt are not their own men, buc at Sac ans bn:k and chtck, whom they ktm to dcfic, buc indeed de.Hie. Vcrfr 17. 7"1111t form ofdoffrine J Gr. ThAt t1pe o,. mould; The Dothine ;, the mould,.; the metcall, which cakes imprefiion from it in one rarr, as well as another. And as chc mettull hath been fotfic1emly in the fornace, when it as not only purg.. c:d from the drolle, buc willingly reccivech ch~ form and figure of tll~t which it is ,all ~nd poured inco: fo here. Verfe 18. Ver/HJ eft pl~nH-S, faith 'Pamu. , Vc~k J 9.-.. Afur the m~Hne~ ofmm] That_ is vulgarly, Crlff.fi1u f!7" r"d111s loquor, by a fim1l1tudc drawn from humaautfairs ~~ ~afic ~~~ ~rdinary ob~~r~~~ion~ - - -- - - -

Vcrfe 2 o. Free fromri.ghuo11[11tf[t] Th:it1s, Utterly void of grace, and did cherefort! fin luil:ily and t~orribly, tarndHy ~PP?i1ng with crcft and brcCl:, whatfoevcr ilood m the way of their hnm:s and luf\:s. . . y crfo I. Whtt'tofye .crufoAmtd] Where .fin 1s m the faddle. fhame is on the crupper. Men would have the {weet, but not the flume of finne, and the credit of religion , but not goe to the cofi of it. Vcde 2.2. 1J ecome (ervants to God] Phrujis vulg11ti.ffimi4 tft, ])eHmcolere. No1Jfcc1)1 auj, ifgri firtilts i11primu & optimi, fie Dei cu/t1u,ft11llus fort 11t vhnm tttern11m ubtrrimos. Y1 hAvt 7011r ftui1 unto ~ofom J Every good workcncre:ifeth our holincs, imd io hability for ob~_d1c1.1~c, . - Ver(e 2 3, For the \\lages offin J l.hcbdl largdle ~r. cong1~ry ~-t~~tm thlt fin gives to his fouldicrs,is deach of all forts. This JS the J.ull hire of the lea(\: ftn. The Jeluitt:S would per Iwade us, that fame hns againll: which the Law chundcreth and lightneth, arc fo light in . their own nature, Vt f'1Elorn nee firdido1, nee m.1/~1, nee im CllCJnn!t:a'e pio 5 , nee Dto e."t:o(os redde~t pojfint. But as there JS the fan~e theol,Ic,rmar. roundndfc in a little ball, as ma great one : 1o th.e fam.c ~1fobed1. ence in a fmall fin, as in a grtaccr. Indeed there 1s no hn little, bi~ , caufe no little God co fin againlt.

Jl' iff~ ofo.

c HA p. v II.
Ver{c 1. Know ye not Bre1hre11 J
EOarmint R.om4~s ( m~rc true perhaps of thefe-) jicut no!' A~Hm1n11, ~nee 1mpoft.ur1U habtnt. As they, :ire {o not cmmmg to dccclv~. Verfc '1. She iJ loofed, &c. J And 1o ac hbmy to marry ~ gain chough Hi,rorn compan: fuch to the um:kan bcafb m

faith of his Bnot Rom11ni very knowing,

the Arke and to vd1t:1s of diil1onour in an houre, yea to dogs that retu;n to their vomit, 'Wh~ch was his crrour. legendi 111m vt,,i~, faith one. :V~rfe 3.~


r -
then The Sethrics then arc ~uc, that f~y M. i:Jw,nds hi~ now-adaies, thac it dll y have husbands and wives rhat will G.wtirP" 1P r.or rum Saints,, that is Sccl:uits, they may leave them, and mar. 141. tty ot hers. Verfc 4. That \\'e P1/)uicl hri11g (Orth fruit] .The Minifi~ry ~f the Word, laith one, is the bnd:iH'.bed; wherem God by his Spirit doth communicarc with our lou\s his fweetdl: favol1r6, and 'makcth chem be conceived with huics of righceoufneffe to ever. hll:ing lik. Vcrk5. Jn1herP1] lnourpurcnmna\s. Kttv:t 7t4, The motio111 ofji'n J lhole malad1ls ut chc foul. By tht lttiv J liy the irricauon ot che la:w. bti~)'"7~. Did \\or/z"J Gr. D.d inw:udly work. Vcrlt6. Not ;n thco!dnf'jJ"ofthelctter] Th:itis, Nctin'rhat old l<imk of lite that we 11vc.:d undt:r lubjt:cbon to tht:law, co thc'ir ritation, coatlion,and curlt' ofit. . Vcrk 7. f h11"' not ~nown luff J Involunt~ry evil moeions. The Anoil:kcallcchconcupitcencciin, faich J!<ffevine the )duice ~_bul Poffivin. 1 f tl: dangt:rous op1rn~1!s o f p.o Arp.u'ar ftJ:. we may not l:I}' to. 1v1oit o the mo 'IJcrbo. l'wr ..An pc:ry t priug trom .h~nce, that chcy ~ave !light concc1.ts of conc~ptf ri1 ctncc as a condmon of nature. hut mward bkedmg will kill a man 't0 will concupifc<:nce, if not bew:.111ed. The Councd of Tre;t faith, Th:u it is not truly and properly a fin_, a\btit it be fo ca\kd l>eta\\(c it proceeds trom fiu 1 and cnd1m:s a man to finnc. Ndthtr want there :unongl1: us chac fay, That orrgmall fim1e IS not forbidden by the law : Di1edly inde~d", and immediately it is not : Lut tuibiddtn it is, bccauk cm {ed anJ condt:mm:d l>y the law. \'trk 8, By rhe commandment] Not Commandments. J>a pi{\s abul11hing, or at lea a deHroytu~ the k11k ot ~he frcond Com. mandimnt b; makmg 1t a llltmber ot th<.! fit ft, chat thty may r~. tai 11 tht' uumbt'r ofttn words (lo loth arc hamkt5 co havt.: their J\fi(1> tar& k< n) they di.v1de chi!i l:lH; which }'t't P.1ul here: cals che <.,ommandmcnt; and iurc he krn:w ut:tttr the they, the Aualyfis uf chc law. v crfc 9. For I WM 11/ive J. As being without ft:n{e of fin, and .conkicncc of duty. Sin revivu~ J fc. In frnft and app~ar~ncc .And J Jj,J J (~ . In pr id~ and ldt JUlltct. V erk 10. Ord.mud to liji] By lite an~ d~ath,undcdhnd peaet

-----.,,..,~-~---------------::._~ ~~-- -


~- ~

-..----.---Vc~-Ee i~--So



nude me fin the more, per accidens, as Phar4oh was the worfo fo~ a aH.ililge of dif mifiion. . . . Verlc 12. The Commandcmmt] Vi1 legu Jn ~.c11tl~.n-. e1nM. do r;~. pr.1.cipirnd~. J:hc word propt:r~Y. fi~nifo:th. an atl;irmattyc, precept. . . . . Verle 1 3. E ....cmlintfin(idl J Sm 1s f? evil t~llt It cannot h.~vc :i worfe Epic hire given ic. I' 11ut can call it no worfc then by u.'s own name, ftnjidl fin. . Vt:dc 14. Sold under Jin J But yet ill apaid of my ilm:ry, and hilling aher liberty. ~ . , V erk 1). I Allow not J Gr. I not, as be mg prrncnip:md, v/ ll'd1K4'1 GAl.6. 1. whctricd and whirled away by iin before I am aware, oa: h3ve time to confider. Vcrk 16. I confent unt(I the l.4w J I vore With ir, ~nd for it, ~s the rule ot right, I wifh alfo wdl to chc obkrvanee of tt, as David did, PftU.119 4.5. . . Vtrle 17. it 11110 mo,e I J Mr Bradford Martyr, m a ccrtam Letter thus comforccth his tritnd; At this prdem, my dtaL' hc~rt in the Lord, you are in~ bldfrd dhtc; alchou~h 1c kem othcrw1fe Afl. tmJ Non. coyou, orrachertoyourold .Ad,,,n; the which~ dare now~c fol.1497. bold to dikcrn from you, bccau(e you wdo(ul{d. hhavc it nlot only d1f.d- M. H,.rri4.Sam~ ccrn(;d, buc alfo mterly ddl:royed. Go . ~IC anor 1cr ~lVLl'CI~ hm~ man) puts a diftaencc between us, and hn mus, as betwixt po1 ion, and the box that holds it. . . s;n 1hat dwtlletb in me J An ill inmate tha~ will no~ ot.1t, till the hcu!c falkth on the head of it. As the frcmng kprohc m the walls of an houfo would noc ouc, till the houk it klf were de1.noli01cd. Sin, as Hag1tr will dwell with grace, as SArah, till delth b(!at it one of doors. . v crfo la. Dwe!ltth HO gf)od thing] Horreo quicq11id. a.: mto tjf, 11t /im mem, faith Bern.ird. It was no ill w1~l1 ~f ham that dd1n:d God co free him from an ill man, himldL for, though 'Domii:t, lihma rnf1rafkd into Chrifl:, yet we carry about us a rclil11 of the old fiock med mato bo HiU. Corruption i5 though dej~ckd from iL_'s regency~ ~et rn.)t 1:-. mit:c,mcipJ. jdl:cd from it's inhen:ncy : 1c intcrmmgkch with our bdt wurkes. . How td perform J Gr. To do it thorowl1; though I am doing at l'

1/St\la.ul to the.Ro.MAN s. i3 ------- ----:--,.. ... V~rft:~~ ZJm:ive4 te J Irric:nc_d. my corrupt nature, a~ri,


it, as I can.

Y cdc 1 J,

.Vcr!c J?. Forthe good, &c. J Nature, \ikc .E_veand lob.s wi~t!


is :ilw3ics drawing us from God. As the ferry-man plies the oar,
and eyes the Chore homeward, where he would be,ycc there comes a gull of windc that carries him back again; {o it is wich a ~hrirti !n. Corruption cdg'd wich a n:mptacion, gees as it were the hill , and the winde, and, upon fuch advuncagcs, coo oft pre-: vailcth. Verfe~o. Itunomorel] Evcrynewm:mistwomen.Secthc Nore above on Vt rf.17. :ror11 virr1 f1a11i Vnlc 11. JV hen I would dor good] Somerhing lly at rhe foun. t. bri/I w1 i J.:-i ta in hcad,as it wtrc, and Rope him Whtn he woull1 do his duiy. But lfum Jcfi.lcrii; God va\unh a man by his dd1t'l:S. t/f. AUG 8:, it u prrfent J We crn fby no more from fir~ning, then the heart can from p:mcing, and the pulle from beacrng. Our 11vt'S arc folkr ot {ins then the firmaml m of fiarrt's, or chc fumacv of fparl<s. Er,1/mus wasum:1ly Ollt, chat faid WHh Or(f!.en, P,m. /um hoc fermonr b,t/bmire, qrl11m ipfe pnti1'11 inep1i11t, faith kar m:d 'Be~.1. So 7ormne1 SJlviru eA:-_{rtintu, a.learned, but a pro .. phanc pl'rlon, rqnl'hrndni P11ul tor w;rnc of karmng, and faid,
Olil,i6s, 4 s 6


~f St Paul to the Ro



.P~rfi~lhould move want: agamlt che Roman.1. line lei: us du Whu t we can co tiibdue fin, it will be a Jt~~,'~cc, a f .1lfc ~ordrrcr, ycit, a rank traicour rtbelling againfi chc ~pmt. Only chis we may take for a comfortabk fi~n ot focurc viclory, whc:n we are difconcent with our pref enc ill dhce. Grace will get che upper hand, as n:iture doth when the humours are difl:qrbed, and ahtr many fies. And as ciil then there is no rclt co the btdy: {o ncirhcr is cherc co
the foul. . who fha/I deliver me] Nothing cleaves more pertimcioufiy, or is mori.: inn~pugnablc th1.:n n llron~~ luH. . . From thi& body of death J Or, thit drad bod1, by an _H bra1fmc, this carcak of fin co which 1 am cicd and hmgold : as no1omi: every whit to my foul, :.lS a dead body to lllY knfr:s; and a~ bu~dcnlouw, as a withered arm, ot monifo:Q lam, which hangs on a man, as a


lump oi lead.

Vcde 2-S. I thank_ God, &c. J The Greci.1111 bl'i1-1g delivered but from bodily frrvicudc by F!.uninfo1 ch1t-R om11n . ,enaall,caHed him their Saviour: and {o rang out, S i1.vfom-, J'.niortr, chat the 1-'owl!> in th<: a.r fdl down dead with the cry. How much gr~at~r have we w nugnitit rht grace ot Ch11H, &c.. . Sothen, Withtheminde,&c.J rhc1brsby chm proper motion are earned fiom the Wdt to tht: Eail; And yet by chc mo~ion ofobtdit:nce to the fidt movtr, they paHe along trom ch,: bH LlllM to rhc Wdt The waters by tht:ir namrall courk follow chc cmttr of the carch, yet yedding ro the Moon, they are iut>jn'l to her


GJ,,i,dulu~fitdccl,m1to1i;sverbu, non con~/"ntitm } J Joi.Mw.J~t. ~ 'J'. l (o h;r. 1d 'h


iV<1m1n,111U of 1 1 mn, q11oa 1ceronm

Jf".' om111rsno11 poJJc,1m~

'1d rc11u,

plere leg em, &c. . . . \I erk 2 2. J delight J f;erm:micm reigned m the Romaxs hearts, Tiberius but in the Provincts. So here:. V erfe 21. A t.nv in my member 1 J ( alkd rhe deeds of rhe bo. J;-;i0:.1,u.; 1 ,.. dy, Rom.8.13. bi:caukcorruptionatb.:ch?nd utcen.:th it telf by i'l.;10 ,;~1.:;Y.~ the m mbers of the body. The 1IU1'0-m1r-< 1cl ( vo.\' Empedoclea) ~c.tAov appd/Jt. is within, but eafily and ohm lmdgcth and break1.:th om. l hm!ro, Warrin.~ 1tgainp the law J The regenerat,e P l.1to i~ <;ra .. t)/O pu!chre ~it: Vt mtNtem ane!JumHJ y,,~,, ltn legeNI d1c1m111 .. ~.WJv, qu,1ji t'l'onn 1iw, ~Jioq11i m1 m homin11m vag4tl!>'. And brin.~ilfz mdnto c11piivi~1 J ~h.d1ns of rhe Saints (tlmfc t>f daily incurfion ) are eith~r ot pn:c1p1tancy, as G~1t.6.1. orof in fir micy, when a man wrdUes, and hath fume time co figh~ it our, but for wane of breath and llrengch,fals, and is in fomc captivity tu the law of fin. This is the worfo. Vcrfc 24. O \\'retched man] We mufldifcontentedly be con. tenttd co be cxcrcifcd with fin, whik we are hm:. J t is fo bred in the bone, that till ourbom:s, as ?ofephs, Ut! carried out of the Egypt of this world, it will not ouc. The Romttns fo conquered ChQ[rors 'he Ptrft,,n, that he made ab.w, that never any Kmg of

motions: So are Saines to Gods holy will, though corrupt nature repine and rdilt.

Cy AP VI II Verle 1. 'I hire iJ I ht rt for1 Hew J

Ow, after fuch bloudy wounds and gafl1cs, chronicled Ch11p. 7. Though carried captive, and fold under fin,_ yet rot conN demm:d as might wdl have been t:xpcC\cd. This the Apofl:le
doth her:worch1ly admire. . . . . Verfc i. Fir the LAw of the Spirit] That as, Chn{hcv1ved and. rift:n hathjuO:ified me. See the Nuce on Chap.4. is. Vcrfe 3. It WM W111k._thro11kh the flefh] Which was irritated by he law, and took occaijon thereby. .. r


... -- --


- - --

---- - -- -



vcrie 4.

~: c~ft 4 lWght b1-fi1lfti!d] h1 Us applicative, in ChrHl:- ;,,..
\'~rk 5: Dae '!'inde th, thinv For wane of a beccer princi ple.' fhe \trl'.'.ltn nferh not ~blWt~ tht: tpring, ' uf t' 6. 7 ob~. c,1r>ull1] The qu1ncclll:'nce of the Uefhes wici.

of St Pa-ul to the Ro M AN s. ~~-htt felt conc~~i~g;he ~<:~~-f-s~~;;.~ r11/t'1tti11i.m. 'clie

Emperour dying, gloritd of one victory al>ove the rdl, and that


'/)f Vt'f i11"?

'CIJl,iliJ') (J,

ndk, or nrhcr w1ckL1.iotl11., \'crft.7. Btra:t/erhrc.mzaNm~nde] Thebel1of:ibadm:m is no: ~11ly :ivctlt, burum:rly adw1k r~> :ill gl1od11dk. Homo -vcr(u1 dcc11~ogu.r, Jub 11.12. :m alks I ull tor rndcn~s, a wilde a{io f.H ll!ll'll:lllt~. \'nk g. C.omut ple.i(e Godj Their bdl: works arc but dead worl<s, i:lirh Aurhour co the Ht'brcws liw (ilkrn fo1s , ta 1 ch n~ rt 1 L rhc t , . . ,

was his vittory over the Adll. lnimicorum nrquijfitHum dr:vici., In vita Vi1re 11 carn(m met4m, (aid he . Be alwaies :m tnuny co chc devil, and 1111, th~ wudd, b"~ ip.:~i"\ly to your ownfld11~ faid R(Jb.Smith 1 Marcyr in a letter w his wik. > Aa. anJ J.1011. Vcrft.: 14. Fr,r,u m.WJll4 11re led] As great men foftl:r their /ol.15..s.


.~ff.' / rnc..

11.jr d !tum p~cc~r 11m cjl : nilii! /;, n11m Ji;e (i:mmo bono. The \~hole lift ~t m.i~J' l. Lvc:s is Im ; m.icl~c.:~ is there .~rny thing good v.1chuuc the ch1ddl gocd .. Ambro.ft Jpser~ a Pop11l1 Poibller>ccnfurech chis tor a l>luudy knrc:nce, Cmde/t..s tft jfl,i fantenti.1 Lrnh ht, ' Vc:rl~ 9. He 1/ none of his J As the Merchant fees his feal up1>n ,his goods : So doth God his Spirit upon all his pwple,
. io. Theh()d115,Lid] DeachrotheS1incsis ndther'to .. tall, but ut ~hdx>dy only, nor pcrpcrnall-, L>uc for a kalon only,

;m.,ira cm:ch ch JC brher, iJ} iil~ chus, Omni.!


I: pl.1r11.13.

ver/. ll.

HorJt tp.a;

Vtt k l I. J'.J11r morm// bodieJ] As he hath already quickncd your fouls. _Ycrk1z . N~t to the flr/h] \Ve owe che Odh nochingbuc finpts, norhmg bur _the bln~ L>'t: th'lt Sr P.wl g:w~ ic, It mull l>~ ~mfk1td 3lU mmuhcd. Drive rh1s IL1.~ ..w OllC ot doors when once It grows h:umty. ' , Vnk13 . I(7eli-vcafierthrflcfo] Wemufl:notchinktopa(fo e.cre_t10 ,uJc o:l11m, co danc<: w1ch. che devil all d. 1y, and fup wich Lhrill at rnght, to tly co hc:m:n w1rh pll'alanc wings. BLctllai love dungl-11ls bcccer rh~n. omtmencs : and f w1ndove mud better then a g~rden, io do 1wm1lh pi~opk their lulls, bcct'l'r rhlll the liws of thtJr fouls. At P ~rt5 m .viv_~lt regnni,. be.11111, Cogi po!{~ negat. !hat c~m.all Card mall fa1d, f hat he would not p~rt with his part

.fons co go along wich chem, buc fee cucoLirs co overlook and order them 1 So dcakch God by his ; the Spirit kadeth tht:m inco all goodntfie, righreuufodk and truch, E phtf. ~. 9. and kcchcth chem again in th~ir L tdtnm:s. Vtrk 15. The Jpirit of bo11d~v] D.'d~d"-1, :is 2 Tim. t. 7~ ~H~~ c.c~ Th~ law will convmc~ the judt:,i:mc:nt: bm "tis che l1oi1 l l that convlllCl rh cl e lull :ind tht afhd:ion,and {o kndtth us to crc1t withtiod as a F.thcr,by krver.r praier. Vcrk16. Bearct/J't\1i01rj{t J What :in honour is.this to che Saines, that chc holy Gholl thouldbear wicncs at the bar of their con!cicnccs. . Vtrlt 17. A11dif (onne.r ,thrn hefrJ J All Cio~is fons arc heirs; not to cht.: lons ot e_archly P.rinces. 'fe;,ofo,1pbat gave his yl1U11gcr funs great git cs ot ltlvc:r, of gold, and ot precious things, w1ch kn eccl \.:im:s m '/ ua.1~; but the Kingdom gave he to Jehoram, bt:~ caule he was the: firll-born, 2 Chron. 21. 3. <. ~ods clulJn:n :m.: all h1ght.:r chm the Kings of lhe tarth, Pf 89 27. V erk l 8. Are noi Worthy It> be, &c. J He:m:n will pay for all : hold om thcri:fore faith and paticm:c. Whm Said had chc
Kiogd?m, fomc ddp1kd him, Gue he 'hdd his peace, thuu~h;a ~an aft<.:rwards. tr~ward enough. What is a drop of vmtg;tr puc anto an ocean o~ Wtn<!? Wh:it 1s it tot' on~ to have a tamy d1y, Wllo is gomg to takt: pofidfion ot a .kingdom. P ericH/,, >mJ re.;p-c1t. fi'ltlrtyr, t:oron.u rerftidt, faith B.1Jil. A lJucch Marty.r tu ing thL fhm1.: tu comt: to his l>card, Ah, fa id he, wha.t a {mall pam 1s tll~ to be compartd co tht ~\ory co come? :7.a11J Mun, Vcrk 19. For the earnefl expdf"tia'ld J Gr. The irlteHt e.\'pe- ~' ~ [f,.1ion of the crelltHre t'Xpdfeth ; an -n~brcw pkonahnl', and .w1tlull, a mcc:1phor either trom birds chat rhrult a long nt.:cl< ut1c of a Cai:;c:, as labouring tor liberty; or dlc from thok thac eat: ... ndHy look ~nd long for tome ti'ecrnll hit.!11df. cou1ms, as Sif1y" t

r tlYIJ tor Parad11l'.

C4111Jenr Liif. or

mull kill here uc killed, Aurfir,'"'' firi, as ~Elh11be1h o~ccn fighed and fa id

.But_ ifye mortific the dmiJ,&r:.] Either~ mao

mothcr,who looked out at a wmdow)and cried thorow the lacrelk,


is his 'h"m {~ /()ng in &oming? J~dg. j .i~

V.cdc 20.

II" --- zll - - - .

A Commm111!_"Po 1he ~pijlt~--- ____ Chap~~

------~rfc 20~-:s;;b1rll tDVA,,ity J Thecreacure is defiled by nilns

fin an~ mul1 thcrdore be purgt.:d by che fire of che lail: da>'. ; as the vdlds that hdd tht: fin. otfc:ring were purged by che fire ot the San~

.Chap.8. -

ef S' Paul '' 1he Ro MAN s.


l);{comf c upon theft: words, pr.inr~d .cogcthcr wich his Expofition ot th<: I'(alms, l'roverbs, &:c. m folio. Vcrk 2 2. The \\lhole crtat11re f.roneth] Even the very hea. vens arc not without their fccblcndfo, :ind chc m:mifdl: effeds of foiming old-age. lei~ obfcrvl'd thac pnce the d~its of Ptolom1 the ~un nms ncar<.:r tht: earth by 9n6. Germane m1ks; and chcrefore
tht: ht:avcns have not k~pt chur fir{~ pt:rfetlion. Vnle 2 3. The firft fruit 1 Which the creatures hilVC not1 and

Vi:rk21, BecAu{e tht creaturt1tfelf] Sec Mrw1/cox has

yec chcy grone, how much more \W.? . The rcJ,mptio>1 J Om full and hnall dcl1ver~ncr. Vcr!C 14 For \\c .ire ~vui 6y hope J Hope is the daughter of

faich bllt luch as is a lb ff co her agt:d mother. V~rk 2s. Then dr; \\le \\ith patience J Rdigious mrn finde it more cafie co bc.:ar evil, then to waic till the promifrd good be en~ joyed, Htb.10 36. Th~{poiling ofthdrgoodsrcquirc:d patience; but this, more thtn ordmary. . Verk ~6. Hrlprtho11rirfirmities] Ltfu\\ithru, a11dbef0re ~:'c'J,11/1,'1.,u.{lJ.. tu in ( ur praicrs : Or hclpech us, as tnc Nude htlpeth her Jicde i7Cl.Jo R~ta ch11Jc, upholding it by the.: flecvc. . . l'i<rcU4. For we k{z,,w n1t \\'httt, &c.] The fle(h wich .her murmun.n~s makl'th {uch a din, that we can hardly hearthcvo1ce of the fpmt, 'D.t.1Jil;c. mixing with the tU11cs roarings and repinings, his praying, figh<s md Lobbings. . . . .. B 11t tbc Spirit it falj J Pra1t:r is the breath of the Spmc, who ,;;.,fevr.,}';,i. doth fupenxpuHulare for us, enditing our praitrs. We C!mnot (o w, mm:has {lif,~ir11rc, ~mlcil~hedofidtiniJiiri;irt, prcacheout a figh for fin, it ht: brc.:ath~ ic nae mco us. with .e.ro1111in,~ 1 th.a c11n11ot be flt tered J .He. chat would. have unfp1:akablcjoy, 1 Pn.1.8. muflby thc:Spmc Him:upunuccerablc groanings. Verk 27, Knonicth th1 mi11de, &c. J ~omod1 enim Hon t.'\: .dug. . . 11-11ditur ff1irit11J 1t p.ltrt1, qui exaudit cum pat re? Verft 2 8. /JI/ rhinv \\ork.., togeth1r J Not atH1tl1on only (35 'De bmf. lib z. fame would here rdb am it) buc fin, ~Han, d all.J VmtnHm 11/i.. c.rH. 1jHllt1dopror1mtdiofiiit 1 faith Stmca. Me scipt u\;/-'1141




thA;idu-;;;;;;,j,t ipfr, mortifor~, pmleff~ dicnnt. -The drinking of Plut. 'that wine wherdn a viper hath.lx-en drowned, curech chc Jcprofit. Tht Scorpion healeth his own W<>unds: and the viper (the head and cail being cm off) beacrn arid sppli(:d, curech hn own biting. God changeth our griily wounds into fp;mgles of beauty : and makcth the.: horrible Hing of Sa can co like a pearl. pin, to pin up~ on us the long whice robe of Cluitl, and co drtJfe us wich the gu.. ment of gladncs. Vcrk29, Conf,.rmtdtotheimdge] Jn holines, fayfome; in glory, fay ochers, in affi1L'lion is the Apofl:lts mt:aning. Arc not !'Ill'; in Apopb .. thou ~lad to hre as Phocion? faid he to was co die with tbeg. liim. lvfay 11oc Chrifl: better fay fo to bis coiuffcrers? Yak ;o. Them a//J hetd!lul, &c. J H ye'f~el not foith ( faid rhac holy r-.lanyr) chrn lrnow that p1 t:ddU1mion is too high a . mam;r tor you co be di{i1uccrs of, mmll you ha vc been bccrer tcho- D~r1.~'1.r.I. hrs in the .'lchuol hcu!c o~ repentance a11d juflification, which is Ac' and .\foll. the G1ammer-khool whc.:nin we mufi bi.: converfanc and learned, 1 ot.i 5u 5 bdcm: we goc to che uni vu lily of Gods mutt holy pr<:ddbnacion and providcn<:c. Thm he al(o jrlf1ified] Vocation prcccderh Jufl:ificuion, De1M c.mzcrofl, j11ft~fic,f ji de jam donat111, jicStt dumnat priuJ tndf'r,ifOJ. ~ 7 ~ttn IJr. al(o .~lorifi"d] Thac:is, He kt:tpeth chem glurious by his glo1ious Spim, tvt:n in chis 11fr, fro:n impLniccm fo1, and makt>th rht:m fholt: and conihnc in godlines. ~ ' . Yllk 31. wJw fba/l \Ve f4r then? J 'l d. Predenination, Vo~arion, Jufbficarion, Glorification? Wtm chings be chde ? We cannoc ttll whac t6 fay to.cbefr. thi.n~, fo (nllcil we are amazej ac lhe grl'atnes of Godb lov~ in them. A. brave eoncluGon of the whole ddpmado11 conccn11ng juH:ification by bi th alone. if Gei'4 br for 114 &c. J M11:1:imifom the Empcrom fo ~dmired . this knee nee, that h1: caukd it to be frc in Chtcl\e1-work upon a ( h.>rr.r114 112 1 :ibk, at which he ukd co dim: and fup i that having icfo ohen in ium, 1ih tyeJ he might alway have ic in mindc allo. Vu!c 3 2, He thAt JP11red not J J:!.!!.i mifit 1mi,tt,enitum. immijit If irit11m, promifit 'lJN/tNm, 9md mndem tibi negatHrm eft ! i:uch 7J ern11rd. N i/,i/Nnq11am ei negsf{e creJendum cft, q11em 11ef Bern"' temp~ 'll;tsdi hortatur t{um, faith Hie,. om. , Vcr!c 33. Wf.o jha!J liey 11ny thi11g J This is thatconfidenc inter- tmfc;mt-<" rogatory ot a good conkicncc, 1 l'e1+:21. Ji id God 1ha1 JNflifi1th J ~oine m.dc it quefiion~ife 'hus, Shall God



A Commentary 11pon the Epijlk






.-----God thiet j11ftifteth ! N:o fuch maccer. And if che Judge acquic 1 prifoncr ,he cares not though the J 1ilcr or fdlow-priloners condemn him : So here.
dca:h he oppoh:ch Chnfi his dearh.

Verfe 34 who iJ he condl1n1wh? J To the fentencc of

~fct:r a fore conflict.

u;:for he i;veth his o-wn:co t~e tmd, au~ in th~--c:nd, Yoh. 13 . 1 See the .Not eh .there. Ihed wde of C "':.'er11r1"' heard S arceriNJ in- J 0h, M.wlij, ccrprecmg c 1s c~xr, an verf.3'S. t&1US, and was much comtortcd ,J,, ,0 m.


hand of his Fachen fois the Church at the right hand of Clmfi,
l'j. H .1 o a pl ice of dignity and fafecy. Vede 3 ~. whofo.t!J ftparate m J Who llull fcparace me? faith

ueven at the ri.~ht httt1d J

And as Chrift is at the righ1t

c HA



Vcrfc 1, I {iy thetruth, &c.]

the any one is more alfured of his own falvation, the more ho Ve& ~6. We are VUed a!l thed"J] In Dioclrft.msdaies 170 ~ 0 ddi_rcth thdalvacionot ochers. Charity is no churl; as we ChriHi:ms are faid co have been Oain in che fpace of a moceth : In fee ht rem P,m/. the I'arifim Maflacrc 3000Q in as link fp:1ce, 3nd within the Yuk z. Conrinnal/ (Orrow] Such as a woman in trav3il hat'1. oJ'Jm, )ear 'oooco. So G11/.4 19. As /Imp to the fl.wghter J That lamentable fiery of the Chri Yc1 ft: 3 Were accN~(td, J Devoted to dt fhufrion, as thofc: flians of ('!labri11 t~at f~fkred perfecucion , 11nno 1 S6o. comes m3ldat\ours among che Hear hens were, that jn time o~ common home to chis text. lor lmng all chrull up in one houft: cogether, as dc 1/ 1 Werth: lacrhifice d co chc~r infcmaH gods, for pacit};ing chm: d:J.1,t..<.:i. 1 ure, c act c p1ague might ccak. Ouc of grcacdt ro in a fh"cp-.fold, _chc tX_t:cuci?ner comes in, and among chem takes Pea ' "'1C1. 8 aii.l Mon. one and blmdc-folds hun With a muffler about his eyes, and fo lead God, and love to.his counrrcy-m;:n, chc Apolllc himlelf Jot 5 ~. cth him forth to. a 1ar$cr place, where he comm:mdeth him c~ _Anath~ma, that is, not co be kparaced from the Sp1r1L and grace kaed down. Which bcmg done, he cuccech his chroar, and fo lea. of C_hrift ( for f~ he ~1ould have finntd ) but from the c0mf. ms of vcth him half dead : and taking his butchers knife, and muffler all Chnfr, che happmdle that corocs in by ChrHt, as om: wdl imer.. of gore bloud, ht: comcc.h again co the refl: ; and fo leading them prnerh it. afo:r anothc~, he d~Cpatcheth chem to ~he number ot eighty . Vc1 k 4 The a~option J For /frll: I was Gods fidl-born, and {U c1ghr, no other wile then doth a butcher kill h1sca\ves and fhcep. h1gherthen the Krngs of 1iu eanh, Pi.8 9 27. Vcrfc37. We 11re more the11 Conquerours] What JS that~ eAn~theglary] lbc Ark of thcCov.mnc,1 Wi~!'t:u,;<>v. Tri11mphers,2Cor.2.14. We doe over-overcome: becaufc through fHd,,,, JS calkd the .fl()riom lmd, D.m. 11.41. faith in Chri{l we overcome before we fight, and are lccureof The CovnJAnt.r J The morall law m two ca!Jles. victory. The giving o(thd.uv] fhejndic1aJl bw. Vcrfq8. For/amperfw4ded] Or, /amjUrebywhatlhave Thefarvi~e] l~hcctrcm~nialllaw. Ji:vl, fri I. heJrd out of Gods Word. He thac hlth this full alfurance of faith The promi/c.; J Of the (Jot pd made co Abr"'h un, and his feed EX 'Ucr/Ji pr.c Ji,4t io11e e[}iia- goes gallancly to. heaven~ What (faith the world) {hould a rich for cvi:r. Thd<.: promites are a prc.:ciuus book, t V.:ry k.4r wncn:of 1 ps myrrh imcl mercy. ~i. ut i 11J . a1 '"' man ail? The I rifh asl< luch, What thty mean co dit: ~ .Bue I won: dtd "'" 1mbo, dcr more ac fuch as have che riches of full atlurance, yea, that have Y erlt: S Of "'hom 1& Chrifl} This is 3S r.rcac 3n hone ur co all Be".( but the affurance of a_dherence, th.ough n~t of evidence, what they m:.nkrnd<.: (how muc~ m?rt to l_hc Jc\\'"? 1:.:ias. 1 ~ thi.. K\/,g 1h uh.i mean LO w:ilk heavily. Mr Latimer fa1cs, That the affur:mcc ol marry mtolumepuorfam1ly oth1s :)ulJJ els. h~avm is the lwcct: mcacs. of th~ fca~ o~' a good conkience 1 ycr~t.: 6, N 01 41 tho11gh the l\ord J That word ut promik, 11 4 1 here arc other dJmty d1lhes m this fcafr, fmt this is the which 1s Lm-holu, Ye ...-md Amen. banquet. . . Fonhey ,,re.not ull !(r~.e~]. lV!11/ti fut'YdoteJ ~"- pawi (Jee> d{} .vc~fc 39 From th~ love of God] 'tll.t.. 'herewith he loved rs,laah Chry{offom,mHlt1 In rl<;ff.Wlc,& pti:Jci 1>1-?f-'.r(, ~u h,'i c.:.



\ ~rfr 7.

A Comme11ra~'l_!_~~!'_-~!1e ~&!!_e__ _______ ~hap.g. 3 --~--V~cfe 1~-Nehhe-; bmrHfe thty are J This profitech them no inon: chcn it did Divn, chat ~braham cs.lied him Son. Vnlt: 8. The chilcln.- ().f the promife J Abrah11m by beleei

vim' Gods promik, bcgac, after a {ore, all bcleevC'rs, yea ChriO: hin\telf, the hLad of his fred, his Son accordi11g co th..:! fll!lh, but more according ro rhc faith. V~rlt9, Atthi.nimc] SccchcNoceonGtH.18.10. Vcdc 10. B11t \\'hm R.e6ecr.A] ~he, and not Ifutc is 11l med , bcc:mle ibe received tht Oracle ; whcchcr tto.n the mouth of ulfelchift:dcch, or fom~ orht.:r way, I have not to dl'rl't'mine. Yt'rk 1 I. Fr r thechildrcn, &c. J 1-krc the Apo!Hc wadcth in co ch:H profii11dt1m fi11e fiordo, Prcddtinarion, Rri11.~ nor JU born] S.1pnrn fon of A-II(d:ttn, King of p~,,Jid, brr.rn l~i, raign bdurt: hn; lift:. for his bchn dyi11g ldt his mother wi-~h dildc, and th1: Perfi.m Nobilicy tee thl! Crown on bii mo.. thcrs belly, ackno~ledgm~ thereby her 1ftuc for cheir Prince, be fore l11t: as yet lud h:lc her ldt quick. God dcets noc at fore-teen faith or works, bm ot hcc-ura(c. Yedc 12. Sthtfl ferve ]"servimde Cltne in with a curfe, and fi. gurcth rcprol>ation, Gen,9 ~ 5. 9oh.8 34 35, Gal+ 30. Yt:rlr. 13. E(au h~vc I h:ltrd J i. e, 1 have noc luvld him, but p3tl~d hm1 by ; and this p1x.:lntion is properly oppoftd to c lttlwn. Vt:tfe 1+ /1 thm] Carnall rcafon dues reprthend what it docs not compn:hi.:nd. Vcrfr 1 5. I \\'ill have merr7 ,&c. J D ei volunta.1 rfl r;1tio rati 1~.rin:.vtnt. ;,, lib. 1.(cnr.,l1j/. on um, n({ tnnr s'tm ull,1,fed re~u/,1. 1'1" Yt:rh.:16. Suthenitunor,&c.J Necvolemu, ntevol.:1nt13(as a NoukmJn g1ve it tor his Ivlurcu) though a man could run as tall as a Lmd can f11e~ ..\. Y..:rlt 17. Raifed thee 11p J For a vdkl of wrath, and an infl:anc$ ot m ; juli 1Cl!. Vt:rl~ 1 8. There fore ] (;od being a free agcnr,cannoc be unjufh hi? is Lwund to nont:. Ycrle 19 Why dotJJ he yet .fin de f.udt ? J ~eritur, faith the Vu\gar ~ wluch mterprctacioncozcntd V'lquinM, as if it had betn written f!?.:.!_,trit11r, So Luk.15. 8. Gregory cht great and or hers, for Evcrrit , n:adc E vertit : which miilakc produced many grcundklk glulks. Vcrfo 20.

----------------------------------------. ---------Verfe 20. ThAt rep/Ml 11gAini1 God] Gr. Th11t chatteft "'"' -,:ordefl it wich him? .. 1 , M@-~>eci>-0.. Verfc 21. Of the (ame !11mp J The Apofllc alludeth to mans p.EY creation, and therchcnce akcndtth co Gods etcrnall decree ot pre ddlirrntion. Vcrfi::22. Fittedtodrftr11flio11] No11dicit Dmm ~01 ttpttJ[{~ Molin:rin; ttd 1>1terit11m, ne viderct11r diet re De11m e14 indidiff e peccattmu, .Anist..Armi,.. q110 ad e.\:itiHm prtt,pArentm. V~rfc 23. And that he mi,ght J He rc_jdtcd fame, chat his mercy might che more appear in the ekction ot others. Vt.:rfo 24. Even"'] Not me 'PllNI only hath he :iflurcd of



1/ St Paul to the R 0

---~ ------..J.~ q
M.A. N


vocac.on, and !o conkquemly o~ elcelion to ecernall life.

Vcrfe 25. And brr beloveJ] Ji:r.i2.7. God cals the Church,the /Jrlo v~d of hi1 (o1J/, or (as the ~epm:rgioc and Vulgu readc it) /,i.J ,, ~~ -J_u~~v .,,/~ brlrnml (o:-1/, 1i/"'-"m1,u.t111t.

Vcdc 26. The children, &c. J This is fuch a royalty, '/oh11 as che Apofl:le worthily wondcrc:th at, and kcs an Ecre

upon ir. Vcrlc 27. A rem111111t] Rcferved for royall nfe. Diaconos,pa11 ciw hot19rabile1 focit, fauh Hierom: Sic & (at3Elos, fay J. Vcde 2 8. A j11ort \\'ork J When once he: kts to work to cut off hypocrites. V1.:rfe 29. Except the Lord of SabAoth J That is, Of Hojlr. God is Commander in chief of all creatures. The Rabbins well obf1.:rve that he h!!th M"gnleb Chtloth, afld Matuh Ch~loth, two l{i111,6/, gem.nil troops, as his horfe and foot, th~ upper and lower troop$ ready prtft VcrfC ~o. which u offaith J Faith wraps it fdf in the righce~ uufnts of Chrin, and (o jullifieth us. Vcrfr: 31. The /.fw of righreoH[nes] That is, The rightcQufnes vf thclaw. Vcrft: 3i. Forthqffombled] So they doe to this day., So do }rl.f.o'JC cbrijl. J>apiltsand camall Protdhms. Non tyu,pr,i LNthtrUJ i.n libru to-._ Triump/)(,,11 tic1 Vttticin1CtUJ videeu.-, fefe vereri. dillitanJ, ne fe extinllo vc~ lpi/I. rid i/l,1 jHjlificationi.1 difaiplin" prorjm apud Chrifti~1101 '"olefaat. Ycrk 3 J See the Note on 1 Pu.2.6. D

r-F-------~------------------- 34 A CNt11"tnl4rj 11p1n the Epijllt




of St Paul to the 'Ro u Chap.10. - - - - - - - - - - -----





toward Chrill,


the faca of the Cherubims were toward the

, Verfe 1 .MJ h1art1 d:Prt J

lhould be oars. See my Setl. SO

True Trea(ur6, Ch:ipter ,


Vtde ~. The7 h11ve" :u11/ of God] So had thofetwo Rabbins, D.iviJ l~ubenira, and Shelom9J, A101t:hu that lccupon the Empe rour Ch11rles the fitr, co pcdwade him to Jud'.lilme, and wno thtrtfore put to a cruel\ death, anno 15 ~o. So had Latimer bdore

bis converlion : I was as r)bfbnace a Pap1ll, faith he, as any was in EnglllnJ.: lnfonrnch that wkcn l fhould be inadt Bachdour in D.vinicy, my whok Oration wc:nc againft Philip Md.l11Efhon,snd his opinions, &c. Being a Prielt, and uftng to fay Malle, he thought he had nncr (urticiencly mingled his nufiinti wrne wich .All. anJ ,,1011. wacer: :md moreover that he ll\ouJJ never l>t: damned, if he were Jal 1571. once a proh.!kd Frier ; with divers iuch fopcrfbcious phamafics. Zea1 wichouc ~nowkdgc: is as w1lde-tire in a fools hand ; it is like the dcv11 in the ckmoni:ick,ch:ic calls hun fomecimes into tht tire, and fomt:times into the waccr, Vcrk ~. For tluy bein~ ignorant] The foul that ;., WithoNI ln_mlc~ge i4 not good, lind he thllt ( wahouc knowledge) h"fleth 'fmh his ftet, jinmth, Prov.19. 2. che blttr he goech, the farther be

J q. d, By, and for Chrilb fake,is the righteoufm:sofGod. llmtht.: Jews iubmit l.'lot co Chrilt, . thneforl' noc cu the righceoulm:s ot God. Vt:rk 5. Shall li~dJ them] This doe and live ; that is, faich LNth1r, morere, d1c out of hand ~ for there is no man liVts :rnd fas mn. W c can as lit ck ccak co fin, as the pulfo to beat, heart co pant, &c. Vc:tlt 6. S "'Hot i thine he11rt J The law prcachcch faith in Chnfi, as wdlas the l~ofpd. Vc:rlc7. l11tothnlup] Thole deeps.of the earch,P(.71.20, ~erlt 2. '!he Word"' nigh thte] )Jfo[n meant it ut the: law1 but Jl more tuly <:1grrtch cu the ffirnpel. Thi! Babe of' lletblehep ~~ t wachd up in the ban~~ of both nltamems : h~ is aurhour ,,ob. ~Cl, macc~r and mark ot boch, Th~rcforc Jf we Will profic in httar

i5 our. Vedt. 4, .f'()r Chrm H tbund, ~<w.

Yerfe 9. That if thou foiilt confof{e] That is, If thou Llult call \\pon the name of the Lord, lls it js xpoun<.fod, v. r 3, Vcrtc 10. ForWith ththtArt,IYc.] Plttm,-chcd~ us, rhar of 311 plants in vgypt, t~at they caU PerftcA isconfrcrated .~o. their plur. de.1fiJ1 godddfc !fls, :md that forthisreafon, bt.:cau(e the hmt oht 1s bkc (J' Ofirtde. an heart, che leai like a congue. Vcrfe 11. Shall not be .r/1arned] Makech not hanc, faith the Prophec. Shame and confofionfollow hafte and pripicancy; Sed Deo confift nunqumn conji1ft, . Verfe 12. Is ricb uHto 4{/, &c. J He cannot therefore be poor tha.t can pray: for be t11all hitVC uur his praicr, either in money or moneys-worth. . . Vc:dc 13. Shtili be fo -.mJ] Though h1~ m1!le of that parm:u\ar mercy he askcth, he is certainly kalcd up w falvacion. Vcrfe14. Ho~foa/JthqhcNr,&c.] The wordrcad,isofdivine ufr and ctiicacy : but of preaching we may fay as D .ivid did of GoJi11I/ s {word, Thert' s none to rh.11. . Vede 15. Hor" bf:itutifi4,'{ 4re the ;iet J How much more thm faets? Sllrd1 I h4VC pc11 th7 f11ce lf&rhe face of God, {aid r~co6 to E(a11, Gcn.33. 10. that is, honourable and comfonabk. We know how Corneli1u rcccivtd Peter; and the Gali:tti:rns, Pa11l, till they wc.:re bewitched from him, G<il.1-. 14. Bm it 1-111u{\: be rtcrn:mbrcd that we: glorifie th~ Word, not chc Preacher,

13. 4&.

Verk 16. who hAth beluwd our report r] Cr. ONr he11ring. AKDHll; PallivJy taken. So Cie(ar and Cice,.ou(e anditio, for report aod

VJg, tcar,;hmg, tc:idmg, we mult ~~Y.1.: ~h~ eye of our mindcs turned


rumour. Some fit bdore a prc:acher as fenfietfo as the kats they fie on, pillars they k:m co, dead bodies they m:ad on. rage, Tange monies & fomigabHnt, &c. Verk 17. By the 'Word of God J That is,By the Word of Gods command knding.ouc preachers gitced tor the purpok, and iaying to them 1 Goe. preaclJ,&C. Vt:rlc 18. Te.r veri/1; their (oHnd, &c. J Sonru, tonru. Da- oqi1.f1)'9- YJid faith only. Their line~ Pfal.19. z.. Thu accuratl'. and amfic1all frame of ~h\: h,avm pn;i\~h~th, ~~ i't wtrt, lh~ infinitt wih1om\:i and power of the Creacour. All Uod works ate his Reg~ pnJfof (ora, his Cacholikc Preachers, or rcall Poll:illcs ( as om: ~Jllcch them) of his Divinity. The world (faith Clem .111,x.) is IJei. D 2 Script11ra,

----- ---------3;------------;;C'o;;;;~"!J!!!_~Epi le Chap.1 t.

Sc-ript;:A~-GodSgr-e~t-Bible with three great leam, heavm, tat th and hell. Vcrfc 19. Did not ~(reee/ ~ow] fc. That the Gentiles were to be called ? They were oft cold it. Verfe 20. Is ver1 ~old] So chat for his boldnes he was fawn a. funder, faith Hierom. Vcrfc 21. Stretched] A metaphor from a mother.
CH A J:l, XI. Yerfe 1. I (a} then, Hath God, .~c.J


Minifters muft doe their his Sermons he had cerrifit'd chc wid\ed, was wom co llmc up With Bone vi,, hoc nihi.t .-id u, Thou good man, I mean r.or cht:t". V<:rk 2. ,s,,;, h of E Ii& J A man of luch trankmdenc zeal, that to heighcm the t:xprdlion chc:n:of, tome h:m: legtndtd ot him, that whl.'n he drew his rnmhcrs brdls , ht: w.1s krn to fuck

I may fecm co han: faid, Ch11p. AS urrnofi co prtv.:nr mafl:akt's. Z

rJiiJgfiru, Wht:n in

in firt.
Vcrfr3. v1ndlamleftalone] Towichlh.ndnnd rcfor'? rhc common corruptions.Some havl: commended it to our wnhdcralion, chac from che firO: fervice in the Tecnpk, when ic WJS built, ind che cime of Eli11Jl s lldormacinn,was about an hundred years a .t\nd from thl: Rdonnacion i11 J\, Edw11rd tht fixcbs daits umill uow, is about the fame proporti<:in lif cami:. Vcrfr 4. The imat,~ of B.ial] r;; lkiat.., co chat Lady, as our snodernldobt::1sallo call the virgin M~r,, whom they ddpicc ~;ih.1r.1t/iii1a with itt:ming honours. Thty ~uuld perlwade L~t: world, that in Prov. R. 19. Chrifl oy dyiug obeyed not I as f~~hn Olll), b\~t his mother too, HiJ adwr.i1. chatfhe1s thccompkmcmot the lrnucy, that Inc mm~aceth uot, ll>iJ.advcr . .l9. our commandah her Sonne:, is che mo(\: 1mpuiuus Mother ut our Judge, Wllh uiany like horrid blalpilcm1ts, which l trtmble to

/hndech upon one only : So he that trufiet~ to CluHl and works coo, is in the fafdl condition. But, 1. 'f.hey are fallen from Chrifl: that cruf\: to works, Gil/;)+ :a. He chat hath one foot on a firm branch, and anoc_her on a rotten one, H:ands not fo furc as if he ll:ood wholly on chat which.isfmmd. But kt them be Mofd1 Difcipks, kr us be Chrifrs : ~ec noc up a candle to this Sun ot righrrnulneflc: mix not thy puddle with his purple blond, chy rags with his raimenc, thy Pigeons pluims with his faglesfrathlrs. He can and wi1l fa ve his co the ucmofi, Heb. 7. 2 s. D\!tdt all mockllaies. Vt:rfc 7; /{r11r!J i.e. Thecarnall lfradite. Hefuf?..eth for J vi;:., llighteoufn~s and ialvation by works. H.irdrned J By a judiciary hardrn.:s. Verfe 8. Th~ Spirit ofjlum~o J So chat wich thofo Beus in M1d1iol ;,, f'lii;J they cannot uc a wakcne d wich the {1urpe!t pnc kl cs : an d 'Dio/coriJ, wich chofe Affes in Httruri:t, that feeding upon hrn-bane, they lie for dead, and awake not till halt-hiledcd. ~uch a dead Lethargy is now befallen Papifis. Verk 9. Be made afiMrr J As the bait is co the birds. Vt:rle 1 o, Row down J i, c. llring them into bondage and mifery. Compare Lev. 26.1 3. , Vcrfe 11. H,we 1he7 j/1tmbled] He th:it fl:uml>lcth and comes nor down, gees ground.
and hut~ V\'.tle I 3. I magnifie mine office J I make the utmofl of jt by gainmg foul& co Chrilt. Vafc 14. And might{rwe (Ome J Minill:crs mull cum themfdvlS as it were into all llupcs and falhions both of fp~rit and fpecch to win people to God. Vede 1 5. Be tlu reconci/in~'S J Not as a caufe, but :ss an 01~ caflon. Lifi ftom the de11d] That is, Res fUmmCbo1111, faith Phocius, a fpcciall good thing. VL"rk 16. lf thrfirfl ftHit /Je ho/1 J Not with a naturall, but fc. d\:r111l holincs, as 1 Cor.7. I 4. Vt:rlt: 17. H'~t gr'4jfedin J Gr. Pricked into the middle, tht ~'KVl~> center ofthe Olive. :Verfe 18. B111fl ,,01 J Gr. Throw not up th] ""~; in
Vcrfc I 2. How much m~re their fi1l11ef[e J 0 diecu!am ii/am ~ do.ttr mihi pr /&tiri4 f.Jlit oc11/m. Huw long, 1.ord1 holy


"f St Paul to the Ro MAN s.


VL'rfe 5. Accordivg to the eleilion of gr Ace J St p,,,.,, wa~ Confl'4ntijfimm grfl_tiie pr~dic.nors a& A11fti11 ulkth aim, a mu{~ . eon{bnt preacl1c1 of CoJ!> hee graq;, Verfe 6, Then iJ it no wort of Wor~1 J 1Nhatfoevt:r confcrrum1111 tion of grace and worH~ Pa pith drtam of. Tnc.:y chmk, that as he

th:u ita11d1:th on two firm bram:h1:s of a m.:c, is lun:r thi:n he chac ftandcth




as 1 Cor.11 19.

efSt Paul to the Ro MAN


t<idor-folil, Greg Mtral.

kcrnfull infulting way , but rather pity and pray for chem. Ve.Ce 19. Thou Wilt faJ] Carnall reafon will have ever fome.. what co fay, and is not cafily foe down. Vctfc.10. !Jt not high.mj11J1~.] A/terim pmlitio tN4 ftt ca11t10, faith one. Ru111a m111orHm fit CAHtelti minor11m, faith gn0ther, See!l thou thf brother lhipwrackt ? look well to thy mkling. Vcrk l I, Take heed !~(1 J C11vebu am fl p.1w~u. Vtrfc 22. Severity] Gr. Rr(ellion or cm ting off, as a Chyrur. gian cutteth off proud and d1.::id l1d11. Vede l~. Godu 11b/e] He can fetch heart of oal< out of an hollow tm:, and of carnall makc a people created again, l' f~l.102, i8. Eph.2.10. Vcrle 24. Co~:trary J Therdorc n.uurc contributes nochino 0 toward chc work ofconvt:rlion.

P1mgit jud~ol & humili11t Gmtu, faith one. Vcrfe 31. Th11t they 11/(o] lt note th not the cauf~, but the event,
Verfe-, 2. For god 1'ath concluded] Or lockt them all up in the

------- -----


laws dark dungeon, G,;f+ii, Unbdtd' breaks aU the law ac an i11{hm by rt:j-:aing (hrill:,as che firll: act of foirh obeys all che law a~
au infbnt rn Chrilt. Th11t he might have mercy 11pon all J L11ther in a very great conl11Cl: was relieved and comforted by the often repeating ot thi~ fweet frncmce. Vcrfe 3 3. 0 the depth of the richei J The Rom''"' d1.:dicaced a cettain lake, the dt:pth whc:n:of rht:y knl'.W noc,co vu5tory, fo thould we the untearch:ibk counkls of\,od, being tubdm:d to chu1which we: cannot titbduc to our underll::rndings. Verfe 34. Who hath bun hid Co1111fdlo11r J Alphon(o the wife {the fool rather) was heard l>hfphemouOy to tay, That it he 111odcric, 6'11'1/ij hid been of Gods counfdl at the Creacion, he cou\d have advifcd Ht/I. lli{fa11.. n and ordered many things much b~ttcr then they now arc. + ' S Verfe 3 ~ Wha hath firft given to him J Doc .we not o~e hi~1 all chat we t1avc and arc ? And can a man nLrit by p.iymg his


If tc. Eur op.

pcru:ill. Lyra was a famous Engllt11 Jt:w. Trrmellim was allo a Jew born; tht.:y :m: but A1rthe mUfiur, a very tew that arc yet <.:onvemd. Tilly pretend ( l>ut maliciollfiy) that thofo few that tum Chrillians in lm./7, arcoonc ocher then poor ChriHians hired from ocher cicits to pt:rlon:nc chtir part. But wh..-n God lb all hav<: u~1iet:d cho!e c_wo l\icks, Euk. 3'7 .19. and made WJY tor thofe Kmgs ohhc fall, /Hv.16.1 2. rhc.:111c 11uU be iiid of Jacob and lfracl, what h.uh Gnd U1 ro11L~h1 1Numb.23.23. Vcrle 2~. Sh11/i wrn Away u~L~odlinrf[e J That is, He 01arl parj

\'~de 15. Tbat blindemJl~ ~'1

p.wt J

It is neither totall nor per-

, ,/,,'..

don their hn. l he ProphLt Jj.iz,ih hath H, Vr1to thtm that turn. from mmfgrrffeon in f:1c(Jb, &:c. Tht:y whok prr(on:, are ju(tifiLd navt: chdr \u{\s monifr.:d. Verlc 27. when I /hall tn~ J By the fpiric of ju3gement and of burning, lf~4-4 wich 27-9 Vcrk 2~. T~q are encmio J i.e. Hmd of God, 39 appears by the op~of1t1on ; and bamlhtJ , :IS it Were, by a common co11frnt ot Nacion<;, out ut humane focicty. s~c I The-j[. i. 15, 16. v~rfr 29. Are Withoutrepmm11ce] WhenGoJ is faid to repent, it is Mut1ttio.-ei non Dei. ef{dlm HOH A/feltm, Jffa, non conft!ij. a chsnge not ot his will, bur ot his work. llept:nt:mce


Vtrft: 36. For of him J As the efficient caufe, an~ (throHf.h him ) as the adminill:ring caufe, and ( to hm) a~ Lht fmall caufo are all chings. A wife Phi\ofuphi;r could fay, That nw iJ the end of ali ;,, afamidrcle; that is, All things in the world :ire made tor him, :md he is made for God. To Whom be glor1 for tvtr J God (faith one) (;oum:t. t~c works and fruits chat come from us to be oms : bcc:iufc tht Juogcm~n~ and refolution ofwiH,whereby wt: do chem is ours i Thi~ he doth co encourage us. Bue bccaufc the grace whclcby we judge and. will arighc,comcs from God, afcribe WC to him : So llull ho loofc no pra1fo, we no encouragement. ------------- -- -----------------



c HA p, XII.
Verfo 1. That Jt prtftnt]

wirh man,is the change of his WJll ~ Repentance with liod is tbe

~illmg of a change.

Yttfc 30. Through their] By

~cc~on of thc:it unbelief.




beli~ver to Chrift.

A fering, fignificd the facrificing of the fkfi1, was joy ncd the fin.offering, chat is,Chrift.Faith applies Chrifl: to the believer,& .tlle

S cheyof old did their facrifices at the altar. With che burnt of


D 4

T 0~1r.

.A C1#1mtnl1UJ "P''!_!he Epi/!_~ ____Chap.1 i.



ef StPaul

to the,Ro



i o1t r boa ies J Thatis,yourwholc:pcrfon, Clfinif/ct(unt, faith L1'thtr, offermtnnonptr(onAm,(edopru per{u'lfct, They are CAin jJ7f tlm oficI ~o GoJ th~ wmk Junt, bui: Jo noi: otkr Lhcmfrhci to God .

Charle; th~fo~ of Charla Duke of e4nio11, who w~s King of Si(,/! ~nd ?eru~lem, "Yas. call.ed,, Ctlfro'1u c'!n&tl}r, not an chc


knfe as F4bi1u, becaule he fl:a1d till opponunicy came, but brcaufe

..A living [acriftr:r] In the old b w. ~hey


mmy kindes of

killed and olten:d, Now ( faich Ongm) m !tead of a llamme we kill cur in:fu\l pan.ions : in Head of a Goat our unclean ath.ctions i in {kJd ef Hying fowls our idk thoughts,


2. Totli16"orld

ofwick~d vvorldlin~s. tS,1;1 1 20, J,. and t1m11chrm,

Tothccorruptcuil:omesand courfes ~cc them kt tonh, Rim 13 .13. Ephef. 4.

he {laid till u\)portttni~y was loll._ . . Fervent in Jpirit J ()r. Scechmg hoe. God, who IS h1mfd~ a Zfom,. run:~Cl, lovech attivcnes m men: the very rdl: of heavenly bodies is in motion in their proper places. Verfe 1 2. Re11J1cing ;,. hope J Hope makes abfent joyes prcfent, wanes pknitudc.:s, and bq;uiks calanmy ~s gosd company doch the ciml'.
Dearing up under prdlures, as amoPg 1nany G>ther M:irtyrs NicoM4 Brerton, who by the way to the tbkl'1 ,w. Q~J No";. and in the !Lune was {o paciem and cheadull, ch:it che tormenc~urs 1 1>6<>, [Jid, the devil h!ld his foul bd ore he C:\UlC.: co chc fire, a11d therefore his knft:s ot feding were: p:.dt. . Comin11ing in praier J Confhnt and mHam. A mcta phor from hunting dogs, chat give not ovt:r cht: game ri~l t hey ha~c '7."e_c!ft4Ffe'ifv rn goc it, N,i:;;,,ian:;;,,e>i faith of his fiHer Gorgo.,i.i, that tl1c was (o g. N ,z. ;,, Epita., n co praier,thu her krn:c.:s lel'med co grow co th~ wry ground. Of
p,41irnf in trilm/(t.tion

t~l''l I' C1' S 7 Q .-r.Jf'Ul'CfV. Xcnoph.Jc di tt u C9' fall iJ


Rm be ye t1mforrned J Lr.ti.ktlmorphokd, the old tramc be.. ing d1tlolv1.:d, anJ a new lonn a<:<.]timd. ThAt ye""'] prove J (c. lly your practice.

Vcrk 3. But to ~h1nk_ (o6crly J Gr . To be wi{~ t~ fobrie~y. S aerates made no d1Hmct1on bet wc.:en W1{dome and tobriccy, ~~w1 x.:U arv~e,ycunl~ non diftin'1uebat. Vcdt 4. For .u w~ l~vt, &c.J Se~ 1 Cor. 11. u. which is a. Commemary on chis'ctxc. Vnlc s. One bod7 in Ctmjl J s~e the Note on I Cor. I z. 12, 13. . Vt:rft: 6. v/ccordi11f1' t~ tlu proportion J That form of found


Trafill.i iris rtporcrd, rhac bring dt.:td Ilic was found m have her Grcg.'Dialog. eloow5 as hard a!> horn, by leaning to a dt:~k ac which ihc utcd rn

r;m. I. I 3.

Heb,6. 1. wich which all intcrprttations of ~cnptun: muft bear due

choie principlts of


dot\:rine of Chrilt,

propurcion. 'Vedc 7. O"" M;ni.flt.,.y] Take it either largely for the whole minificry,as 1 Cor.12.5. nU. 1.17. Ormmdh1d:ly for the office ot a D.:acon, as A[f.6, Ver!C 8. Or he that t.-.:horteth J The Paftcnr properly focalled, See the Nott on E ph+ t 1 Vcrfe 9. Abhorre 1h,1t V9hich u 1vil] Hate irns hell it {elf: fo. :he word !ignifo:s, .Afihi Ct'rte Auxenti:u r.unq11am 11/i1!d q1111m_, a: 4 /Jo/Ju trit, 111i.i Arritlmu, faith Hi~"r], l fhall loo~ upon A~~"' tmim nv ocht:rw1k chm :is upon a dtvil, to king as he 1s an Arr1a11. YcrfC lo. Be kjndtlf 11ffetionui J As namran brethren and more, eArllior rft copuf,uordu q11"m corporu. We art: br~thren in Aa.t,. according to the f1c01, in and by Chr1(t according to tbe

pray. sc [.. mrs is laid ro have had kncts as hard as Camels l<1wes,by Eu/eb. his concinulll knedmg in pr:rn:r. And P.111/ che crtmm~ was .to1wd dl'ad knrdmg upon his kmes,holding up his hiids,lthlllg np his ~p ~ llicron in vit<i fo chac chc Vtry dtad corps lcemed yet co live, and to Gud. . , Vcrlc13. Tothcnecfffit1] Gr. TotheHft1of1lnS.wus, not ;(ff1<Uf, {hying till they be in n~cdlit). Vertt:14. Dltfetl)lm] ~eecheNoteonAf.-it.)44 , Vc:rk 15. Wup \\ ith thrm 1ha1 "wp J St CJpri""' companion is remarkabk, C11m fi"'gt~li.! pdlH4 me um copulo, mttroru_ & fi-ntri~ pondera ,luUuo(a p14rticipo: .cum pl.mgemilnu p/4ngn, C14rl'IJ d JlenribU4 dr.fleo, &c'. l partal<e.111 tvery .uuns gnet, and am as




.Ytrfe 11.

N11 }othp11J]

Oi, Not dr.ivjng off till it be too late. <.;hlfrltl

much :itfrtled and :1Jll1Cled 1 as it It were mme own cafc. Vcrk 16. 'B~ ihe ft me J T11is Vtrfc liad ucrn CJ lie, had not lnt~rprctt:rs obfcun:d irJ as Or~~'" u~ftrvtth. . . , Vt:rfc i7. Recompcnfe mlin ]Jn rtafon, .rcvt:nge1s bUt_JU . thee' ArifloJ le commrndsJt i tht:, world cals it .Atf.{;ihooJ, c1s Ar,fl 'Rbmr.. doghoodrather: The manlier any inan is; th1: milder and mor~ mtr- l1&.9 ,,1p. a. c1tulla as DAvid, 2 S-'m.1.12. and ttttitu C4ar, whowrpt o~Lr )'ompe1s headJ?r~kntcd to ~w, and fiUd, Non mihj pl"w ~n


--------------------- (trace ' as Arttine deftrved to doe, Who by longer c:ufiomc of li bdlous and comumdious fpea~in~ ~g:tinll P~inccs, h11d go~ foch, a ~al>ir, that atlaft he: came to J1mm1lli :md d1fd1cem God h1mklf. Vc:de 3, For Ru/(rJ 11re nor, &c.J They fuould notbt... Bue /t'robottm fee a net on 111i~peh, and lprjad a fnare upon Tabor to Verk 1 9. Avenge ttot your felw.r J Some: take the Sword in. watch who would go from him to J11a11h to worll1ip,Hof 5.1. to ti.t:ir own hands: and, kll rhry 01uuld !eem Anabapcifis in U eAterrourtogoodWorkJ., 6~ttDth~evil] rhe Sword of ju .. hmg cwo blow~ for onL, will give two blows for one. , fiice ( faith one) mufl be turbJfhed With tht 011 o_f mercy : yet yive p/,u:e to '' r1ah J (c, To the wruh and vengeance of God, t h~P' arc cafts whc:rein fc:verity our.rhc to cafl: che kale. D 11rrf"ct, which he feem t:th to prL vent th:u frcks revenge. ... r Perr.N1MI. Dt1refce, oinfalix lt1ntgr~ivir, efaid cht: poor Smich co che L1mtGcl/lroup. Yt:rf(: 20. Tho11 fo.c!I heap J Thou ilult mdc him, and make grave oi Thurin g, mor~ m1l~ic then v. a) !or his peoples gucd. Boh>.111. tijl. him thy h1end forever. 1111 nolt't, qui m,1/u parcit. l:d1Mrd the Conh:llour was hdd a bad Verk 21. B t' not overc~me J In ri.-.:11 uinftrior eft, qui villor \lrmce, not by doing, buc cndmin~ ill. ~ft, faith B .1jit. In revenge of injuries, he 1s the lo{cr rh1c gets the ., '1 111;111,:(f, \'erk+ For he u the mini11tr J le was wrictcn upon the fword hemr. Hence the Apoltk d;igracerh ir, by a word chat tignifiech ll Cuc6,7. of Cha>hs tht gfrat Dectm pr.eceptor11m rnflos C11rolm, (harles di/ or loffe of vicl:ory. j5 Lurd Kr:rpcr of che J).:calogue. 11 ut owrcm1e evil J This is enc moil nobk vi&Jry. Thus DttFc-r he br~r th not thr. S wor'd in 'l' "in J Like St I' 1JUI in l glaff~ Fut1c. cbronol. vid overcame S.111/, a11d He'!rl the 7th, Emperour of Germ11117, window, or ~c George (as they call him J in a fignpo!1. overcame! the Prid1 that poiloned him at the Sacrammt : tor he A re'vrngcr to e.,crnte.\\'r1uh J l:Juc now w.e le.:~ how l'.Vcry m111 pudoned him, and bad him be pacl<ing. So did not llKHP the almoll will bt a Pope in his uwu 'auk, dtpolc th~ l\lag1llr:m:, at I'trji.m K111g, who ptrceivm~ himldf poifoned ~y his adulcerou> lea[t appeal from hun tohi111tdt, wife, entorccd her co drink ot che fame cup: ana becaufe he would Vcrfr 5. B m ,,/fo for confcience f.1l:...e J Good Rl1krs we nm(l; "'a' 7~1' 0Eo'11, be furc t11c 010uld not dc:ipe, with his own hand he ll:ruck off her 1 obey as God; bad, tor l,od.. . B,fi!. b1.:au. fa1c chis ( w la}' m1th) was noc revenge, buc julhcc, Verk 6. AtteNdin,~ canm1H11ll1 J As born for the bt!nd1t of iuany. ln.: l'.ul1ilmt:m in thl: 15. ot' Edwiird 1 is l<rmwn ro poCh.rity by the namt of RrncdillNm I' 1Jr/).JmeH1um . ~o 11ull this Thi~w;.~ writ Cu A p, XII I. i prdent }/Jrliamenc for chtir concinuall am:ndancc upon the Lords tcn,Q111:016_,6, Vcrk I, La every {o14l ~e (ubjeEl] work, bcndm11 chemklvt:s co the buftndk (as th~ word '1gruti~s) <F,ua-r_y-f7;~11 tl 'Ti~. and ho!dmg c Llt therein WHh unparalld'd patience. N things lawfull only: for clfe we mull: anf wer as thofe Apofiles ] Vcde7. Rendtrthertfi>eto1Jlithrird11ei] Hefaich m'lt their did, A a. 3. 29. and as Potycarp, who being commandc:d co blalphrn1e. Ch nit, and co fwear by the fonune uf C /.1r, pacm- , unjutl tX:ictions. Ul!cl.01 U!Jon makes 1m:miui1 ot a crut!t -Prince.:, ptunly rdukd, :ind faid, We arteaught ro give honuur to Princes thac co gee money ot his ~uGj_ch, would knock ouc chc:ir teeth; !'ri..,10 rmttm firil one tooth, and chcn anocllcr, unldk chi y would bring him iii di:n 1 r 1~ ~Hiie- ~ and Potematts, l>uc !uch 1.ioncur as is not concruy- co Gods re d btJt fuch tums o f' mc.mey as h1: rLqmrt &.:. 1111ni1a111 JJ. ligion, 'J'J,,,.,,;o,'l'o, Frar IO Whom, c:icc. J i.e. Ktvcn.:miall otJrrrvanct, farrc beyond Odt1bud of Cf),/ J In rcgud of it's infl:itution, th'1ugh for che 11r,10, tha& which Q;_ Fabim M 11.'l:im11J ytd..itd to t.js ion, whr.:n ht: b.:.. 1. i.Dmd. J. manner of it's conlt1curion it is ot m:m. came Conful. lib Vl!rfc 2. Rcjifleth the power J His authorative commands, not 1 Vcrle 8. 01ve no man, &.c. J The PerjiAnJ reckoned thefe cwo. his pt:riOll;(ll, for very grc:ac fins; 1. To bdndcbc. 2, To tdl a lie ; the later Receive to them(clvcs d>4mnAtion] Pre,1:1m jihi a11firent, faith f'~;'.l. Co1Jcr, xe,,opban.. aLorVJ 2 ii P ifc .mr, ~hey 11nll n:ccive punilb~cnc, to wic from the Magi- being oft the fruit ot, we former. By the tWt~V.C :rabl~s o~ flrate:

A Comme11tar7 11pon the Epiflle .


of St Pault"!heRo MAN s.

--- --diu;:j~d-~iif-;;;;,,,,

J kck noc rcvepge, buc victory. Verfo 1 8. ~A1 m11ch .il/ietl1 ;,,, yoff J it not flick on your p:m. , . ive not olh.:ncc cardd1y, take noc ~tfrnce cautld1y. See the Nore on Af,lf,5.9



Gdl /ib. l u, t. and L'Vcry

.A C01111"tnW'1 apu1Ul1t EpiJ11~ Chat1~ll . - -----------. - - - ' - - - ------h;~ha-~~-~f-d much, and could not pay,. w.1s t? ~e cut in ~ieces 1 44 . '' creditour was co a piece of hun accordmg to

<;hap. ~4

ofSt pauf(;the Ro M.A N s --;;;;;ch~;;;-,;;,.ing] Properly 1 Jyi~1g- -a - bed~- or long-ly-

thev~rlc.. dtbr.. 9 Rrirftytflmpre,'undcJ J Cnp1tu llte d, fuHilt ed ' f: h f,1d:Ztll:J,f.cLI~.att '1"-' h Svriadi. lummed ll~.,, St R11rth1J!rm;n~ Wa\ qllorl'J by /J101tyt c , , . . . Jim tu hav.: laid of U1v1nHy, Et m.1z~am t e C7' m1r.r'!'"'~ K,d 'f.'o Iv Y."'J chat it was large and yet littk, :is conc:unmg mnch mam.r m tcw

n . ..

cde J 4,. But pm 1e on] A ug1tf1i1' confdiech that he was converted by read mg and pondering chis tcxc. A ml NM/.:.! not provifl m J Make not projects, c:iter not for the



rh( {r . .:.~ "ir..~ 11{ the ~ttn J The. filling up of rhe law in this, th:it it clothcch the duties ol th.c ll\V wir.h the glory oi a due mmnL"r, and kaccch chl'm upon rlieir due (ubJetls, With the unwearkd labours ofa contl:mc wdl-dorrg. . \\ rk 1 1. 1 o "'ll't\c ottt ofjlcep J VV~1ks c.he. Crocodile !llc:p cth wnh oprn mouth,chc J nd1:m ra c ~crs 1mo h1~ It onnck 1. !ltld C'1tcduhorow his<:ntra1\s. Wbi\cs ljl1b1f11(th i11pt upo~ h1s brd :JC 110011 , B,,,m, 1 han~i R~ch.tb cook away his head. St:cumy u1hat.1h in ddhutlio11. Codorrh and Oui<e your fdvcs as S.unp(on d1d 1 when tht.: p hiliftim1 were tlpon h11n ~ ldl S:wu~ !ct ve you, at kafi: tor your fouls, as C:ipcam /Jrdk! did cht.: Span~ard at '(a1m1pafa in che Wdt-Jndu.:s tor h1.s crra~ure ; he tound ~11n fleepmg frcurdyi 011 che t110re, and by h11n chmetn bars ot hlvcr co che value ot Cdlalrlens Ui{-' 4 ooooo duckccs, wnich he commanded co ~way, noc fol .... 1.1. to much a~ orn:c: wahllll! che man. Or kll Chntl hrm_fe.t Jc3l by us a~ Ep. 1mino,1d." L1id by the warchmm, whom he fuunJ Jllt.:tp: H~ chrull: him rhorow WHh his iwor1J, and bung bl.1mld to.r 1o k~ vc:rc a fad, he rlplit:d, T11lcm e1mJJeliqr'1., fj!111/tm mve,;1, l ldt him, as l tound hnn. ..

WO~L:.~il' IO.

--------------(;uAttXIV, Vcrfe 1, Him u \\'e~k_, &c.]


f(}r nolV I~ 011r r;i1v1iti'n nearer J Sttr up your ft lves therc:forr, and fhain toward tht~ m:uk. Then: 1s a (.Jre1.k :vord ii~nitymg the ii~cJ?J,, end of a race, which 1s dt:rivcd of a word rh~ t hg111fiteh co f pur or J'V(\lrJ prick torward. ~urtly, us they rhat nm rheir horlt~ tor a wager, ffr/ycb. Pufiux I 3 e 30 fpur hardd\: at chc r:ms wd ; fo, Gch our falvarion is nearer now thrn ever ic, chrnJorc we l11ould nm fafi:cr now chm ever


)"1a11flvir. Pr.ttcrijt.

which ( as ~h1.: rnglu ) 1!) rnn oi rr.rour, rerrnm". &c. N (J,...: pu.d(jre v11c . t. Thi~ rnt;ht wirn the Sam ts 1s tar fpmt 1 ur alre~dy pall, as Crprian :ind Hicrom here rcnd1.:r it. y nk 1 3. Let 1u u:1t~ hon~ /Uy Hrndfomd~ fa'11ionably, manntrly 1 with an ~.~~y fh.lmd11cedms. -, No1

did. Vt:rk 12 . rbr ni,i~ht

Herl'. ir is r~l<en for all unrcgcm:ra~y 1

Recei've Af[( pur him imo yonr bofoms, bear 1-laymo. with his wcakm:tks, cgc, Buco rtj1..:tl:td 11011~, thou ..?.h d1tkrenc in fona:opimons, in whom he fou1h1, A/Jq11id {hri/}i, auy thing of Chnlt 1 whotc wtaldmgs an: co be n:rndlld with all tendemt ffl'. lfot not to do11b1 fii/1 J MJkc him not 0,u// io>t-Jid~... l Tim.6. 4. Wring not mtns rnlllcitnccs, you may hap to urt:ak che wards, if you do. VcrlC 2, Eattth Jnrbs J Rarher then meats forbidden by t~e Dan,1,110 The ancient LitinLs wi:rc as wdl3 paid ut herbs co eac, as 1f they had had all m:innt:rot damtks. Lrccnherbs Wt:rc both food flilu,4b~l\'v., and phyfick to th1:m. Vnfo3. Forq<Jdh.111.>rrcci.IJtdhim] vi<:.. For his houfhold. krvanc, which IJ,.wid counted a grtater dignity rhen to be King ok lfratl. Aud lu/li.,i.m the.: Emptrour llikdhimfdf, Vltimumfer .. vorHm Df;, tht..: meandt of c;(.Js ftrvancs. Vt:rfo 4. 1-vho 11r1 tho11, &c. J The wifdomc horn above i'.l wichoutctnfuring, witkou~ hypuc1iflt', faith ':>.l11me1, Chap.3.17. J11timacing, chat cbegreatd\ crniurl'rs are mlJUly the greacdt .h~ pl1cri(l'S: And as :my om: is more w1k, he.; 1s more ipa1ing uf his ccnluns. V\;rk 5, Lr.t cvrry m1tn b1 '{11117 pnfw.tdt'd] l c is a fafc rnk, rlin,Epift: /J.!!od dttbite1, ne foceru: In do\:1i.nfnH calcs bt: lure to cake thc Lu.. Tl'f fide. Verte 6, For he giveth God thanfz! J A cufl.o:ne ufcd by the very Heathrn~ co thtir gods, as is w be read in Homer and Virgil: Sir,/ s~11Jr; buc grown dean out of uk among chc Catholikcs in Fr~nce and Sfr' Europ.c.

T Clmll:i:m l1bt rcy :.bout tlungs jndiffrrt:nr. J [b cJnnirMu,

l-ht is not chorowJy ptrfwaded of all things pertaining co



A Commemary ~p~~-'~:_EP!fti;~- --~hap.14. ltllly~ B\\~if they.that give thanks at meat. do eat to God,to who-~
do they e::1t that give nunt.:?. . . Vcrle7. Fo> uon~ofm bvtth tohin:fdf] S. P.c~/tlood, ss1t were un ciprncs, 'Plitl. 1.20 to k~ which way he might bdt glo\'fit (jod by hk<n by dcach. ' vcde TJ!r are the Lords J Death divides us not from C:<!rift, but briiw~ ll'.-i hmm: to him, 2 C.'or. 5 .6. his bm winking (as chat Martp t:id ) 11\d thou lh!lt be in hei~1ven pre(~ntly.. _ VHk 9. T>w he mi,~ht he Lnrd J Ht: wonrn: llls crown bdot~ he worL' 1r: hi.: fonght fo1 ir, and havmg vanqmlhl'd all cm:mics,he :u:complilhLd and prnchimcd the v1dory in ius glorious rdurre. cl:ion, mumphed 111 his W<.mdcrfull afct:nfam leadmg captivity ca-

:chap. r~.

ef St Paul


the Ro



honour that he bearech to his

pe~pl~~~nts -a-;:;d-~;ffs_,.

_____ _


doft thou, &c. J l hrec chmgs are not fubjetl: [O our judcment. I. r_hc: couu1ds ot l;od, 2. The holy Scriptures. 3. Inc pcrlo~s of men .. lk not tht:rdorc rafh in rejdl:int_~, or fowrm c<.:nlmrng your tdlow-krvanc ; ~ut kc your modericion hcrc:m be \mown to all llkn ; and chc rarncr, bccaufc the Lord is at hand, I' hif,,M Vcrk 11. /ls I bve, J11ith the Lord J As crne as l live jc; :ail oath, as appc:ns hl'rt:, and Numb. i.+ 21. with Pf 9) l l rorb"ar it rhadorc. Vcrk 12. So then every 011e, e~c. J l t was excellent counfdl Cic+i11Jlar. that the Oracour gwc his hearers, Im vi1111,mu ut rr11;rm:m ~JObiJ reddend:m1 arb1tr-mm>. Let us fo livt.: as thok thlt muil givi: an accounc of all at lalL Vcrk 1 ~ A ftumblin.~ block. or an, &c.] A lighctr or great tr otfrncr, to make him go hi1hi~1g to hrnv11n. Ycrk 1 + Ry the Lord lcfiu J Who hath \1u\lcd down the partition-wall, and purchakd oYt Chi ifl:ian libtny. Vcrk 15, B m if tl'1 hrother b6 ,r,ricved J 1tis his we:ikndfe to begritvt:d chm:ac_, bur graritit ~im bowtoevcr. What one tpea~s ot a phin pl:lcc of Scriptun.:, th ts v.:rk ( ia1th he) had been eahe, had not Commt:ntawurs madt: iL ktiotty : the ltk<:, iairh another of a Chr1[t1ans cond_iuon, it is grac10us, happy, ckar, furc, f weer, did nor l.'rtom:ous jnd~enH:ncs vt:x. and unft'rnt them. Vuk16. Lctno1thcnyo11rgood] lhatfaJ YuurChrifiianli bury pmchakd by ChntL Re e~il )rp( of] Gr. ~c: blafphcmed. Contumely cafi upon the iJt:opk ul God is blaip~my an the frcond Tal>k, vod,

i''tlVt ,l';--c. F,ph+'J Vcrfe 1 o. B11t \\'hy

_ ._

Vcrfe 17. For tke kjn~~J.~me "f God, &c. J That \VlS a fwiuil11 , fa}ing of Epicurru, That ctcrnall lifo fllOuld be nud1i11v dfc buc a 1t~ r. 1 ~r; 1 '~ l(t!1 . 11 cacm~o . f' t he tat, a11 dd. ' ' even unco /J.i 0 nVctlwl'lo,, concmua rm k'mg ot' che Weer, . 3 n uncdl.rnt iurtt.:tting and drunkenndle, The Turks ac this day prom1ie Paradik to {ucb as die in warre for the M.~hometnn faith, Bfou~rrvoiagc1 wht:n.: they 11nU hlVe ddicious tare, plcatanc gardens, ull frnfiull P 17 ~. ddighr~. m:n~11lly to be enjoyed notwichfiumting an/ former fin~. fit kttic~~ for foch lips. Vttk 18. /sacceptablttoGoa] And heisanhappy m:m that can he ac(1tmccd by himklf in privacc, in publike by ochers, in Uolh by God. V t.:rfr J 9, wherewith one m:17 eaifiuinBtlJtr] Difcords among good people,do edificar~ i? gehen.nam, as TertHllian phrafn~1 ic 11 build backwards. One of the mam kandals the Jt:ws cake from Prordbnrs, is their d11l~11tion. Vtrk 20. Tht Work._ of (i"d] Th~t _work of faith, I TheJ[.
1.3. wrought by the mighcy powa of (,od, Ephej. 1, 19, who puts not forth great power, but for gr~ac purpoks. Yerfr 21. lt ~ go,)(,J ntitber to ear. & c. J. 1t will be no grief of heart ( as fh once told D 4vid m anoch::r (ale) co have forl>om in cafc of kandall. A great grid it would be if by fome ralh word we fh<1uld betray a brorhc:r, or fmiccouc the c:icofour deardl ch1lde. Should we thc:n ddhoy the lite ot grace iA anochlr l>y tiur un11.<l vi jed walking? . Verk 12. H"ftth(!Hf4ith ?] J'pjfe, &no/le, nobile efl. rorbc~r for t~ar oi dk11cc J unldk it l>~ in point vf n~~dl.ny duty & For th<:n WI! may liOt doc c\il thac good may <:em\:,



s.,m, 2 s ..

Rom. 3 8. V erk 23. /J d.tmnrd] Both of his doubting confciericc, which foundcch h~avily, as a t11auim, 6-lnd of God, who is gr~atcr dl.t:n his u>nk1t m:c.




Vcd..: I,

011!bt toi1arJ.


S Porters do their burdens, as pill'.lrsdothepoi(eofthe lteufc, Dt1~HJ1 ot rather as pa rm ts l>t\\I theiI babes m thclI arms! Ad

And not

A C9mmentt1ry upon the Epijlle Chap.1j. ----t1> plt~fe OH~ folves J Bu defipit, q11i ft/Ji (apir,

Chap Is-

of'St Paulto.1~4 Ro." A N s.



_Y ~rl~ 1, rl.r"ft ht~ 111i~~hhMJ>- J Though he trotTc himfdf: this ts true Chnfl:1an. lovc, :rnd drivcfl alrnoft out of che world by finfull lt:H-lovl', .which can cth men cod11l1kc thofc chings in ochers~ that they fluter 111 chcmtdvcs. Vt:rlc 3. For e~ 1 m Clmjl J And we lhonld exprdfc him to the w~rld, preach abro:i~ his Vl.'rmcs by 011r prathct!, I Ptt. 2 9 ~~ur ~1vcs fhoul.d b,c ~s fo many Sermons upon thl lifr of Chriit. lh1~1s co wal~mChnt~! Col.2 ~as Chrift, 1 f"h.3.6. , \ cr<c _4 fur ~&ufocvtr thinv, &c. J H\;r~ the Apoftlc mcl'tS :in OnJ;.;d1on, for fome nun mighe fay, elm: chat bym~ of, chi: Pfalmt: ptrtains co D,wJJ, ho\V chcrdore is ic ap. plied to Chnfl? J:Ic anlwers, thin<~,, &c. 1 . d. \V.: mull learn to kc Cl~nlt 111 D tf vid: D11v;d in the hillory, ChriH in the myll:ery ; David as the type, ChrrU the crnch. Th11t We thror~~h pat~mce J Hence the Scrip cures are called, '!_he \\'(}rd of ChriftJ patunce, l>ec1ufc they p:iciem the hc:arc under 1! n'le.J.1~; h. C1ods holy hJ1~d : and ~re better call~J Ph1Jklfar rbe (Jul, th(.'n

~v erfe 9. '.Anti 1h"t 1he Ge..,til-ei ] Thoogh ii\ey' h11d no fucli promifes, might glorifie God~ free gra~e in the day of thcit vHimion. . Vcde 1 o. Rejoyct J That your names alfo are written in heav~n, and that ye ~re enrolled in the records of the new Jerufalcm. Vt:rfc 11. AO 1e 6e11tiles] As being received into the glory of God, verf.7. Verfe 12. Jn h;m /hAll th1 Gtntilu trufl] lfoitth hath it,To l1im foal/ the Gentiles [eek,_; To fe<:k co God then argues eruct in God. He thi\t hopes not, praics nor, orbuc f:Jinrly. Vtrfc 13, FiNJo" \tJith a/ljo7, &c.] Note here th:lt joy and peace are the means, whereby faich worketh hope. Verfc 14. Ft1/l of iood,,tf[e J The excellency of a godly man is to follow God fully, as Caltb, Numb. 14. 14. to. have a heart full of goodndk, as thefc Rom.ins, a lite tull of good works, as T abitha,Att.9.3 'Thcfo fhall rcctive a full reward,,



An.d com{Drt of :'JI! Script11r.e1 J A.s the bl~~d and fi'irits arc convcied by the vcms a_nd arcenes : ,(o .is the Spmt by chc promiks, hdp1~g the foul ro lay it ldf upon <..:hnfi by faith, which is a grace. ot t,lOIOn, and fo of dlablif111nent. Vcrfe S Noiv the God of p11tience J The foul is then only in good plight, whc~ rhcheavrn anfwcrs cheearch,Ho(2.2 1 , When.

cvn was tht Jilnary of .11/r x-1>1d,-id,

Vcrfc I). Ch,.1(oftom~ truly faith of St P.ud that he W3S in~ ti116ifa D ei mltor, one that thought he could never do God or his


<.:hnH the ~un of nghccoulnes fl11ncs into it.

5ynt i~. Confef kh1fme, much Idle hrrefic. jiu rr.cfar Vcrfe7 .. To~heglo~yof GoJ] Thllt is, Of heaven, the joycs whertof 1_c 1s as 1mputhblc co c?mprehcnd, as ic is co compalfe chc heaven wah a ~pa_n, or comam che Ocean in a nuc-fl1ell. Such comfort there JS m the prekncc ot Chritl (though buc in the womb) as it made 'John co fpring : Whac th<:n iliaH it be in

V~i-k 6. With one.mi>Jdt .md one mor~d1 J Jc is recorded to th~ lugh 'ommcndmon of chc Church of Scfltland, chat for chis 90 ytars and upwards, they have kept unity wich purity, wjthouc

heaven? ,V crli 8. J:' ow 1. (al th11t Jeflu] P~HI provech particularly in . th11i ~~d uic f~llowmg verlcs, that Chrift hath taken both Jews and

Church favice enough. Verfe 16~ Miniftring tht Go!pel] Serving about holy things1 or doing iacred offices, as che Pridls under the L3 w, to whom the Aponte all along this vcrk alllldt:s in an elegant allegory : the Miniltery is a divine and heavenly fonCt:ion. All other callings are for the world, and draw to the world : buc this, boch in the preparation and cxerncion, drawech to God, kccpech us with God~ and co be ever mindttull of che ching~ of ( ;od. Vcdc 17. IhAvethert/, &c. J So have all Gods faithfull Mimll:t:r~ at this day ag1inll the concempcs and contumclres calt upon chem by the m,ad world, ever behdes it lclf in point of lalvation. Thnc is a pamphlet lately publilhcd chat I.licks not co make that facred and tremend funelion of rhe Miniil:ery co be as rnec:r an impofiure, as very a myUcry ot iniquicy, as arrant a juggh: as che Patacy it ftlf. Vcrlc 18, Tomak!theGentiln,&c.] Chrill:uyhisGofpdfubduc:d the B rjtans, whom the RomAn.t w11:h all thdc to rec cuuld llQ! ver tubdue, as Ttrtu/JitJH obferv~d. Vcrk 19, So 1h11t fr9m ltr11fa/1m] Chrr(oftome obfcrvctb,

i:~~o~vncl\d '1 'd~)Pv.

The Comn;ilf. s.1marit n.


. ~~~~m~,~~..
l'1r1/lo1vJ t~


;uh.lit" 4 m,

Gencaks to JUs glory.

.Verfc ~.

that PIAto came three lime&to Sui/1 co convert Dio"1fim the -- -- E


-------------------------------__ s_.o..;.._____
4 ~o'!!!!'e"'""!!'~on rantto 1~1Qr:i\1 p~ilofophy, apd tould not. But PAHi fee a great compal1e,, ~nver.ccd ma~1y louts, planted many Churches : And why ? . Clmfl: lat up?n hun as upon cme of his white horfrs, and

'}e Ef_!ftl~


... ---.. .. .... .. - ----------------..W-. o/StPaultotheRoMANs. 51



undc:r fL~L 7 kz& ji-11ir J Thi~ hycct ripe fruir of their faich and love, thtir alms Vcrlc 29. In the fi1/,uJ{c of the h/rjfing] Chrifl: may ufe one o~ kf~c grace co doc: _more good then ~n~ ot more ( for ch ere arc d1verlmes.of operacao!ls, as well as ot gafcs,i Cor. u. 6,) but ufually h~ d1.:hgh~s co h()nO\li cho!e o! ~91\ finmity* witb moll: rue:.. r:1_~c1 ~ CCJr Ij.1 o. Verfe 30.
1t Wtrt
~------------ - ---

have cunmbutni. . . \ ' 1, rk 27 'Thl'ir aelners the111re J And fo <1rt: wt: co picy and pray to~ ~hl'm. Ste my TrueTrrfl(ur1, St:d,2.chap.7. . Vcrfe 2 8. If/hen I Juve {ea/1 d] rim is, ~~f d/ jdivcrcd, as if

rack, the ApoHk prcach1.:d to thulc that had not heard, yt't negle. flt:d not lholc .that had. . V crfr 21. For V.hich c11Hfa J By planting Churchcs,and preach. mg whrn: was more need. Vc.:rle 2 3. The/e m:my re11n J The Rom.1ns were converrc:d to the faith betim1 s. Ytrh:_ l4., For I /~~ft tn[a 7011 J lp/ujJuDm viri /1rni dde (1,u, ~a.1th .Seneca. l here is :i great deal ot 1Wtc:cndk in chcfocil' cy ~t Sames, an~ 1~uch good to be goccen thereby. Sometimes, ( ta1ch a grave D1vmc) chouJh we know ch:n which we ask of oth<..:rs, as wc:ll _a~ they do~, ycc good fpecches will draw us co know 1t ~drt:r, by g1vmg occahon co fpcak mort: of it; wht'n:wich the fpmc wo1fa more tfh.:tlu:.illy, and imprints ic decptr, fo. chu it t111ll be a more roorc.:d 1'.nO\\ kdge _then odort,, lorthar dorh good that 1s gracioull>' 1mown;:rnd chat 1s gra,ioll!ly knowH_.rhar the Spim k'.!l~ upon our louls. v_~rk *5 To miniffcr UNto_rh~ Saint!] Tht: highdt Ang(;'~ m l1l:avl'n may uot. ho~d hunfclfc roo good co krvc che ~a mes. . \ ' l rlc 2 6 1.' ~iatl! pl et1fcd them J I cha ch noc been fquet zed out ot chem, as vcqurc<: rs our ol a crab, buc tr1.dy and ch1.:adully they

Wene forchco11qttlr111g and co conquer, Rewl 6. 2 V cdc 20, Left l foo11/d build J Lt.LU 1hould kc:m to doe an chin~ llillll'lrrming the olticc of rn Aponte. There is ~ Jn;orum c~ b.: kcpr in t:vi.:ry calling. Vcdc 2 1. B 11t .u it 1s \hit ten J In obc:dit:ncc co this divine 0 ..

ports. Spirituall beggery i9 the hsrdefi and richefi of all trad~s, as one laid, I.earn of chis great Apo(tle co beg ptaiera with all ear- AIA. 4 " ' Mo11. ncfindle. Pray for me, I fay , pray for me', 1 fay,. quorh fathct' fi:J.~!;;. Latymer, Pray for me, pray tor me, for Gods fake pray for me, faid l>ldkd Braa{Drd. Vcrfe ~I. Th~t m1 j(rvice \\/,ich, &c.] One would hav~ thoughc chat the Apofik coming with alms co thL'lnJ llwuld eafily have been well acct peed: buc he fa w caulc to frek c:od for filch a mercy, fith ic is he alone that b fhions mens opinions, and ~iv~ favour and kindc: acceptance. Bdidcs wi(dome1 he gave S olorno" honour. Vcrfc ~ i. 'Ile re/rej7ua] See the Nocc on Rom,J, u~ and on

--verfe 30.F~; the i-~rd (1flu ChriffJfk!] This is one of thofo l"Jlfages in S.P aul, thc~1 ~he which thcr~ can noching poffibly be i-: magined more grave,d1 vme,excellent,faath B t~A. 7 h1t1 yr ftrive to_tthtr J Even to an a1.n1, as the word im-



Vcrfc 31. Nolv the God ~f pe11ce J A fit amiburc for the prefent purpolt:. It is a comrrn:ndabk policy in Lhrifi1ans, when tht:y pt ay co propound ( ;od co thc:ir mrndt in fuch notions, and under tuch mles, as whereby they may ice in God the things they defire of God.

~[oh, 12.

Verfn, Serv1111t of the Ch11rch]

DiaconiLte to miniflcr co chefick, as Tim.5 .9. not A camiffc, to preach or have Prt er s keys at her girdle.


D, T?t1/lniic~ a
gai11fi IuJt.. pend,

God, 3 Io~.6.

Ver!e 2.As becm1tth Sainrs]Who are great P1inces,Scates,inall lands, Pf.ti 4;. and co be obtcrvcd !ccordingly, even worchy of

Verie 3. S11/Htc Pri/W/"] She is fo{l mentioned, haply as more fotward then her husband in the bdl thi11gs. So was Ml4t1Mh1 wifr, and N .c~i-cn-t-ens mother. Vcrfe.+. Who hiwe for '"1 Ii# J A rare fxample. Fafl: friends Dan.bip,11 r~ are in this age for the mo!\ part gone on pilgrimage (fa id one once) and their recurn is uncertain. Vcrfc S The Ch11rch that is iu their hoH{t] The houfe of George ~rinc~ of ..dhalt, fot the goodEordcrs tbcrcin ()bfc1vc~,




A C'111tntnWy "PM

the E/ijllt



is faid to have been, Ecc /, fia, Academia, Curi11. Thtjirft 6uit1 of Achai~ J The firfi: chat received the Go.. fpcl thm:. A Cingular commendation, a lwcet happineife. <Jods ioul hi\th dtfir~d luch firll. ripe f rum: 1 Mi~.7. 1, fo,h prim

--------- . Chap.16. of St Paul to the Ro MAN s. ~ Vcrk-~ 5 .-A~d Oly;~p.u.J Vi~i-~omen no~ 1m1ii~ri;~ The name

M.!U1v-rdr hi /\nc.ipc)}, l 6,


Verfe 6. Grett Ma,,, &c.] It is profital>le chn men of great parts and plac~ {hould prdctve their mm1ory wich others, thvugh it be but in a falutation: for it may be a mean& to fire up afh.8100 to godlindle in !uch whom they fo re1mmber. V crfe 7. Who tere ofnote J Noble, notable Chrifiians, old ex pedenccd grayheadcd DJ(CJ~)les. ChrHtianity findes or makes us honourable, V crfc 8. Greet .Ampli1u J Piety is no em my to Ct um fie : It doth not mnovc, but rtC\:1fic ic. Vuk 9. OHr ht/per in Chri.f1 J A fww llgn to him 1 char his ai~mew:1s wrim:n in chi: book of llfr, Phi/A.;. Vuk 10, Approved in Chrift J An high lbk, far beyond that Qt thcgre"c Turk, wich all his big-twolntitks. l' cr(c J 1. M] kjnfm11n J ln che ldh, but more in the faich 1
that furdl cic. V trfo 11.. who /,4f>our in tlu Lord J Though not fo much as P~rfl1 did, }'t:C doch he noc dt:fomd thun of tht:ir due commrnda .. tion, Prima jeq11rntem ho11effom tjf iH facunJi.s 1q1iij<J., confi Jltt-t. Every man mull: not luok co cxcdl: let him be: doing, ar>. hcis abk. Vede 13. f/iJmotherAndmine J His by nature, mine by afk8ion. The Apo!Hes parted with parents and friends ac home, tound them abroad. Verfc J 4, S.t/Htt AfJncrituJ, &c.] Nothing is faid of thefe i for hafie prrhap$, or clle bccaufe they were (as one faith of lt/t: thefothl'rofDffPiJ) Yid, prabi & ho>JL'fh, mj,,,~, tttmm ""' .. ri, Ciood lwnd1 men, but not llillCh 1-10tcd. Or lafl:ly, fC,r chat the ApoHlc had no very good opinion of them, as ht: kems not to have had of D<ma1, Lolot:4.14. whoyec would nctds be one in the Apofilcs rc:giikr there : a place he will have, though it be th~ lail place. Her;tlfl here mentioned, was repmcd by tou1c ot the Ancicms co be tAC Authour of that Apocryph.tll book called PAftor ; wherdn he dealt not lo fairly and taithf ully in rdam1g what he had rcceivt:d from the Apofiks, bc:iug fob/tjf 4 fidei
llHlh~r a

not of a woman, but ()ta man, faich Be~~. . Vcrk i6. Wit!J an hot1 kifl~ J The InJependenrs ~~ Arnhemt_, in Holl~nd. prop~Lm.ded rhis. kiik ?f lo ye c? ~e prn8:1id 11mMg(~ them. So for anomcmg thchck WJth oil, hnf;rng ot hymna by one n11n, all the rcfl: being filent,t;,"c. . . Verle 1 l5'1f,1rlz_rhcm \Vhic/J] Sc~a warchfulland a Jl'!llous 7 fyc upon thcrn, ~s u~on 1~d~s an~ l'ncm1cs. 1\n~l h~re, 1~~ n~~ our Epi/copi ( whok olhcc ac 1s ch1el1y) be Apnfcopt, uvc:1-fnrs be by-kers, look wdl to the ilucl<, lt:{l chdc wo1ves \~orry



Mt,10,1 9 ,

them. J' \ ld ci<.x.?o.f!'lt"n. .And 11 voidrhem] Gr. Dldin~thcmfluuaoul y, as ye wou do a {erpcnt in your w~y, or pu1~on m Y?ur meat~ , . . , Verfr 18 B !ft tlmr own bdlteJ J l hey prrn:nd .tl}C ferv1ce ot chri[t to thrir worl,Hy and Wicked refpeds, by a tl1n~,~bl\:d i:\~~ llicy, which is d~ublc ~niqnicy. TIH.' .D.1kc <J~ B '~~~~" is even eaten up with thole Pop1th tklh-l11cs, h u:rs and J~1mcts .. And hy good \\'oYds, &c. J l'lwlc lvet~fls mt_hl. tt,.- vdJt.10_11 have bees like women, infinu;mvc and tl.iHtlrlllg. I her ,4(e>I W'.ln he- Tmu.7i1Jth rctikes had an arc to put wade odorc tltry raughc. whtrlas the crnch pcrfwadech by reaching, it doth nor Cl';,ch by pc_tlwad111g: They deceive J 1\s chi.:acer::.dv, l~~ che co~g1nt~ ot a dye, J:rb. 4, I 4, f 11 Ua.t: t'lrtifici11m, vt:l po1111~ ,1Yt1fc.-.: f.'ll.ic1.1, faith E- J417~w1M~ riifm~ on that n:xr, a cunning ldndt ot c~z:nage. Vcrfc 19 For your obedi~nce,,&c. J Wlincas the Ro.ma11.r miohtobjcct Arc we aHo of thok hmpk ones ? Your obcd1t11cl', fai~h he, is t;mous all the world. over, Howudt l woul.d ~1a~c yu.ll wife co that which i~ good,bm hmplc c?11crn~mg cvil. 1.lus filllphcity is no diip:uagurn:m, to l>c unsl<1lkd m the dcv1ls depths,
Reve/.2.24. . . . . V\;rl~ i<;>, Sh.11' ~m;/c Samr~] Smccmy ot a l!nlc grnce~ flull be rewardtd wich aliundaucc of grc:mr graces. Chnlt um Ch:impion hath aln:ady wonnc the tidd_,and \~ill l1101tly kt our fc~c ~tpon the 1~ecks of our fpjntu:.ill e11t1lll~S I he broken h,orns of S.atan

. .

111a\l bt: rhc Trnmpccs of our ummph, and the Cornets of our joy. . Vcrk 21.TimotlmtHHJ \\ork..ftllo1v J ot r,,nothy,readc All. i6.1,2. Of L1tci1t1, Ad.x 3.1. Of lt4/011 1 Ad..17.5. Ot er, ,he\. ?0 4. Vern; u. ITmim Wh" Wrote a ~c.] Eithc~ from the Apo. . E3 ~*~

----------------------------S4 A CommentMy upon the Epiftk,&c. Chap.i6.

his foul papers. 1 Cor. ' r 4 . Verfc 23. G'!im milfe h~ft] Baprized by PAul, for whom Nul1u bo,,i1i;; therefore, and for othtr good nm he thought he could never doo pr4:buir. Sttpll. ~nough. Such another was Phebe, TJerfe 2. who had been a (uccoui:cr, or an ho!l:dl~ to many, and to my fdf, faich P~ul. ycrte 24. The grace vf our Lord] This is the feal of all S.Pt1Nll Ep1fHes_. 2 Thr ff 3. J 7. Vcrle ~ s. Which "'.e1 ~e~t facrn J Even from the very An gels, 1 Pet.' .12. who do daily profit in che knowledge ot this fe.. cret, Eph.3.10. Verfc 2.6. According to the Comm11ndmeHt J The writin s ef the Prophets concerning the my fiery of Chn\ were not ~ade kno~n co the world by hap-hazard, but by a lpeci:dl command
ot C1od.

----ftles-;nooths-;-m.--mhcr out of

. C~ap.1.







Vcrf~ 17. To Goa oHl1 ~ifr, &c.] So fay I for thefe few Notes

Vpon the fir fr Epifrle of S. Taul co che





c HAP. I.
Vcrfc 1, Softhenes _our hrother ]


Nd companion in the kingdome and patience of Chrifrt .1W.18.17, Theieh~ w.. ~defpitd"Uy en- 1\m1 11,g:
treated, he~ highly honoured. Chriet i !l liberall

paymalkr: Never any d\d or fuffcred ought for his fake chat complained of an h~~d barga~n. It is to my lo{fo ( faid that Martyr) if you buc me any thing in my fuffcrings. 1Vf1-4jarA certmnina,mAjora jeqrm11t11r pr mill, faith TertuDitt11. Vcrfe2. CalfrdtobeS!jilfts] i.e. Eitberfuchasare fanCl:ifi ed by habitual\ infufion, or luch as are ~antl1fied by b.ap~i!maH pro .. fcffion only, that are in Covenant with God b~ {.acnhcc, Pf"' 5o 6. and are in ~ hri{~, though they bear no h mt, I oll. IS. 2. Thefe two forts of Saints make up a uu viflble Church. With aa th11t ;,, ewr7 pl11ce J The Apoll:lcs then wrote not 'heir Epil\l\.'$ ~o~ 'he particular Eui es of tbofe timL'S ~m.lys 4
1 .:

.A Cemmmtary 11pon the firfl Epijlle

; 0 y of

only, as the Jefuices wm have it. Vrrle 3. ~rMe be tp yo1111nJ] All peace that flows not from thclenl.e of Gods love and favonr, is as th:tc of the Rommas PJ':t injilca,p"" wich the S.:imnito, unfound and uncertain, inm1,i Livius. -YerfC 4 .. Fo1 the ;rrace o( God J I mending to chide them, he fir.fl ~omnH:nds ~hem ch:u he 1my prd.. rvc in tlwir hearcs an opmion t"Jf his love, whildt he rcbuk\;d th\;rn 111:.irp!y, thu chLy might be
found in chi: bich.

m ts , ;n !!ui. 1 f01 11 4 tium , fot a !ony co1nfort to thole th;u btoadi,onten , 111

of s Paul. t~ the ~~~-~~'.___l_i_~_ AN s. ch~-ncie.nt.hercfi~s. fpraug from private gmd,ges and dit


ed them.

vcr1e s. re ltrC o:ric /Jed J ScL' here Whlt is the Chrifl:i:ins ri.. chl's, Ancl f~ D .iv id n:ckom ot J1i.~ wealth, Pfd. r x9. p. H\; nn. flO[ b.r roo1 l!l Whom dw word or Liod d Wds richly, C./o(. 3 .16 dptmlly J~ he befrt:c of d1lcourk, abk :ind \vjlli1P co commu1111

v~rfc I 1. And I of Chrifl J q. d..1 Clre nrn 1er ~r 1 ti~ ~or A ollo, &.c. As fome fay now-a-d~u:~, they a!e m:1thc1 I !l?llls n!r Procdt:mts, but thlt 1s JUfl: flu Heriic /itU the Emperom bung 11nprndmrly can1t.~d away by fon~e Tl'l totho1,i11ionof the JlloHothe/1trJ, when Chlt h~rehe u1l10psm "' , l "H' !'/ I was afcnwa1ds condcmm:d by the Counce 01. 1tr11 1r1 cm, t 1e bnpnour l.J1.:inb \\111al\1td rn t\:cam 1 bi:~u1nc a m1:n Ntiuml1l\:., eand





11miHcr. Vt:rfr 6. The tc flim1Jny nf ChriJl J The Gofpd, Clllcd alfo theTdbmony, /{i.8.10. foth1.!L1w, .rnd Coch<: rdti111ony. Vcrfe 7. So thi1f ye cotu be/,i;uf,., &c.J Y L'C W.:n: b:tbes and carnall,Cb,1p. 3. 2,3.:rnd fdl lhort in m:my gr:.m:s. We mull diftinguilb l>ecwe~n gifcs and ~races &covec t/Jck rachcr then chofc>1Ca.1 .1. 3 V~ri1.: 8, In the d.q rf cmr /,ord J Jit-1] Ekvcn tiui.s in t11dt:
ten lufivnks (as Ch>"Jfoj}omc\vdlobkLVt.:th) rhe ..~pul~km~n


A dumb Clm!li:m is to bi: Lla1rn.:J, as ~dl as




twncch thr.: Lord Jdus ClmH, who WJS to him,. and lhvulJ bt: ro m, CJifd ;,, ore, mc/~IJ in ti/Ire, ;11/Ji!:Jm in Corde, Honc.:y in the momh, rnulick in che ear, joy in the heart. YLlJt 9. Vnto the folloH'fo.) J U1iion being the ground of communion: fo thu a11 chn is in him is for Hs. 1 g1vr.: rny goods co the S.tints, f:Jich D11vid, in the pcrf,m of Chriit. Ver ft: Io. tlure he 1JfJ diz.iji,ms J To hreak.., Hnity in the Cb11rch, 1s to cm :dund~r the vay v..-in5 and fincws vf the myH:1cal Lody ot Chrilt. . l!J the N 11mc of om. Lord J Which is like to fofi~r by )'llr dif. kntwns, and whcn;of you cuglic cu be ;is n:rh.icr, :4S uf crt:tding upon your p:ircncs th:u uegJ[ you. PcrfoUI; j?ynrd J Schilm:.~ dif. j0y11t men. Vtrfn1. Of1heho11fcofChloeJ AgodlyMatronJ11cwJS no doubt, and a good ot!icc fhi: did htr llL'ighbo~rs : thou~,h 1ikdy, Ilic had licrk thank tor her labour; as likcwi(c Jofeph had 'tt'~ britJging his lmchn.:ns evil report to their fat~1cr,Gm, 37. 2. . Th,zt there ar.e contentioH.r J Thdc ofc breed Schifines ; as sltd the cont<.nuon fx-cwccn LHther and Caro/bflt1di1H ; Aud

J Gr. Into the Name, lo as toh<.! c:ill:d b}' my name. Thole cht.:n thu w1.ll 1Kcds be ~alkd J'r, 1>:ciJc1ms, L11thcr14ns &c. du, af~cr a iorc dllclaun rht:ir bJpt1fme, and bLcome nm awaiLs hom Chnlt . . Vcrk 1 4. /thank_ God] He notcth an.d n~t1ceth hcrcm a tweet providence, beyond ;.dl ch:u. he: c~1rn 11mg1m:d ' wh<:n he .]_ God is co bl.! ken rn every lp~c1all occurwas at_ -1rrnm. rcnce. f Vcrfc' 15. Leff ,my fooulrl (d1 J q. d. God h:ith fo difpo{~d o ir, that 11 one can wich any colour ut cmlL', or ihcw of knk by fuch a thing. . . b 1 1 V\:rll.: i6, 1Phcth.r I [,,,pti-?;,('d .my J .Has C"llcar,ms, t:u ~l, did ir ( whilLs he was orherwi~e lmticd)Wllh a pnc1cular c:xnrn11ation and inHrnclion m tlwlt: prmc1pks, H.cb. 6 .1.. ~ ~" J1 r. .u; 7 Vtrfc 17, Not to b.iptiu J As my ch1d wurf<, *but to preach l\h:I. h,/\ :ind plant dmrches, whm:in &1c had a vi..:ry h~PP.Y hand : as ;.,lvit 115. likewilc F.irclf tu among om late H..donm:rs, .-<!.!.!..'! Jl,fo1~'pe~r,ardc n~

hdd m:ithct c..111~ way nor otht.:l. Vafc I", B rlfti.{.ed in thu.V,imc

(h~if.o /11ori (hit,

Aquiltienf(J, Laufl1me~Jis, .G.';1ev~n/ts,. Nov~com.cnfes he g1im.:d tm.: C1t1es w1th their tcn~tow:s to

Chrifi:. Not \\ith \\'1fdome cf>\ords

done JS wdl as :rnorh, r; witnLik his amt1cnll 1mlhrch11~i ot ct1e Orarours{pt:t:(h, vlcl-. 2 6. Dmht:Llcdnucwpm ~m: Sword ot thl' Spirit into a vdv~t kabbmi, thlt it _Ct',l\ld 11ot Jta:r~c, .to ip~ak Florid~ pfJtiru q1w;J (OJiJe, as chu(c frlf.{el'.kcrs at l ormth d1~, that fought more to tickk che <:~r ch(.:ll to afk. t che ht.:art. le re; pelHcd A1111ufline, (and wdl it m1ghc) dut when h~ W:ts young
he had pn:a~ht:d more, Vt p/,,uret, 1:t d.oc:cut, co plcak~ then t0 pr-0fic. And Lf4tlur wum lO ( 1y~ i-Jc 1s th1.: bdt prcac~~

J W, h'1ch. ~e.t .s

P .1:-1 I conH Itave. l



fierics, I Tim.1.4.

A C1mmeNttJry upon the Jirft Ehill-/e C ~ h .r~ hap. 1 err at pre11cheth, . . 1 ' -ettnr N i. vulg"rit),. ' t ri1114 tter max. ' , _J 11111 r "'" . or uuc thac there is a fawfult uri' '11. ~ pop,,r; mons, {o u be frc:e from ofimcation S . ; of Rheconki: in Ser.. lovr to/zens, t:c t e Prdace to my GoJi Vale I 8, To them th,1t pmjb (0 l:.JT; .rr. . atth1sday, who railagainf.l:Ch '.no' '.J("pe] As1t1scorheJw1 ed God, the woot and the war l nLs p~r on, calling him the ha~1g.. make Che figure of the Crott 1}. ;~'~ 131 1 hc\:aufc: che{e two k~vec~ bl: laved by Chrilt~ ri l~teo t:{g ~ske~ Whether they be. ~ve.ry fox mufi pay his own s7<in c~ ~~~\t fhey anfwcr, That l~ pm:d at C.hnft, and his people as d'd ~er,. The Pag,1111 al1 pop1, &c. ' 1H 111 n, Luci1111, p 0 ,._ \'tt It 1 9 For it iJ \'Vritten J Th h filled ~n rht: New, whiles the \\orlds us. c ~old Tdbment is foIand d1l:u111ullcd. Wizar s are dazeUcd, dulled Vcrk 20. where 15 the ~i(e? J Th . . .. J:ws had'. Proverb"; uv~oi iipr"dv A.mrr:J'~ reacher of tradmons: the Whtrt .rxr . u the ScYibe ~ J 0 rt Jir .1 h according .ro che lirerall i11terp1ccacion, t ofe that procce<i where u the Dlif11ter ~ J Th h



rdurrcd~on, ls at~ ~ouplc ot firaugq~ods, All. 17.18. Cato pro.. fanely faarh, S.tulrmA eJl ~orte alrerim fper~rc .(alm~m. It is a folly co exped: laft:cy by che dc:ith of another. Vi:rfo 24. Chrift tlie power of God J Oppoftcc to the power of miracles required by the Jews. .AHd 1k, wi[JatM11'f God J Oppolite to tht! c~ui,cu1 worldly

ft1ong, fwc:tt. V"to th1 Greek.!] Th& jea~edac Jdus, and the



of St Paul tithe Co R r NT u 1 AN s.



'l'/a10 rdatcth it, He

Verfe 2 S Bmcufe th1 floli!mefe] The wi{dl: man compared.

to God , SimiA videbitur , Non (apienr, faid Hera':lit111 , as will appear to be an Ape rather then a

c reac ers of allegories and my.


Vule 21. The \\'arid r,., \\11jd(mu] N DoClours, norrhc Gentiles hy their w oc
q11a111 nolH.a

1t:Clmg che Golpd is, they :ire pre' otkfJ. i Th~ reafon of their re thar, that it atfcmkch not. A pre \die n ag.''.u~lbt, they look for dt:rllanJmg. l1111t1 t.,i'lms p J !6 1~~ opm1cn1'k bars up the un ' '1' ' ro ..,, "t 11oe1t111 tcr Ill a VcfJdJ J that caufoth the. fl m .: I ~ muddy WI ovrr. mo precious ltqttour to run Vt!!fo 23.Dr1t \Ve prr.nch Chrifl] W We;> preach him, we give wlm we Jrca c not o1.1ly pre~ch of him,bur: the mirnfiery co by Chrdl opu1 ~ h ch. l t ts thdpcciall office of chc hidd~n i~1ylkries LJf Chritt Th~ 11~/dGue the ~apdhy, co unfold cha~ which is Chri!ts, und JJ1 cwt:. h co men y /10([ 'J.oh m 6 rhem, caketh of V 1110 t he Jew 1 "jlHmv/' hi k..] ' r .1 If. conct.iv~ how ouc of che ca:;r~ Jho:tld Thefc Phili!Hms carmac 'ome mear1 and '1Ut of ihe

.zd (o/, m ca/irr11611nt) Wizards ( 6Jui fall . "' cou ugropeo r d<.......::.; RJ t he fio/i.flmeffe of ~Yeatl)I,.,, uc ~o th_~ mad .world dlmnerh ic, who'ilull ~~ concdiion, cJ ot n, c~ymg out Nos fofen{titi, &c. r cn:r chc conccmpc ~l rle 22. For the 1e)',Jt"f6]Uire &c J


:tcJcws by their deep

. . Vede 26, Not ''"'"1 m;ghty] The Eagle and Lion wae nae offered in facrifice, as the I~mb and the Dove were. I ci~ hard tor great vnes to deny thtm{dves. Hence ic grew ro a Proverb in timt:s of Popery, That hell was paved with Pridls ihavcncwwns, and gr~a_c m~ns head .. pieces. Jndcc~ jfmen mighc paff\! d,. ddiciiJ .td tl.t!1t14I., e uno ad aP/Hm. as flurom huh ic : H rhey could da.nce with rhe d~v1.l aB day,. and fup with Chrifi: at night : It they might hvc a\l their lives long m D ali/4/J' s l:ip, and thrn go to ~ brAhAmJ bofomc: when they die, thty would have a fine ci111e of it. But that cannot be : and hence Lo many mighcics mifcarry. Not "'""1 ntJMe] Blelled be God that any : as GAlu1ci1u Ca r11rd1IU6 an Italian Marqudk, and Nt:pbcw co-Pope p,.,,, 5. W~5 converted by Pet(r M"r1yr rtading upon this fir(\ EpilHe co the Cori'!thi~nt. George Pl'ince ot' Anh1ilt, a pious prcachmg Pcince1 converted by Melanllhon: VIJJfes M"r1in111gm Enl of Bacth111ootht:r Italian convert, and lome few more chat might be in ftaaced. B~t good Nobles are ~ack-fwans (faith one ) and ch inly kattered rn the firmament of a 1\:ace, even like fiar of the firft
CJo/utt ,.1:g;H1ttn in c~IHm vehtre.
V~rfe 27

~oru; vcrlict ,';,11 gc1;'u~l,llff


Rafii f.urift~u

magnicutie. W c may fay ot li.~ch,asLu.1her doth of. Eli~abeth~een ot DenmArf(, a pious Princdk, Scilicn Chriflm eri.1m aliqu""'" Luth~r in epifl.,..

BHt God h11th chofan J. In our Church affemblia the meaner ulually, like licde filhe!, l>ice more then the greater. :fhc puor are G&fpeUi-"d, Mat.11.s. Vcrfe i8; Thinv Which -cre ,,,, ] i.e. Thatare neught fee by. I Sam.'-) .6. Th111 fo-c/J Jt fay to him that liveth, thac is, to. him
~ba~ ~~ ti<:h ; !~r ~~ IPtn ~~~ ~ep1.m:4 ~s dca~ ~en.. The~





A Cott1/ne_mary tJpon_~hc /irfl Epifllt


that's all. _ ' Vatc 29. Th.t.t no jli/?.i] .1~roud 11~n1 will Coon fwdl, ific h~ve bm any th mg w t.1Ht:11 on. I he d<.:vil will alfo {'alily blow up !uch

have but prifo11crs pitt:l nces, which ~ill k-~ep~he m aiive - ~~J

" C nap. 2.


ofStPaul to the Coa

1 NT






yom. own,J yet m Cllti!1 you all: for in him is "tl '-ttlnes bor"h lt;., 1 .huvl' I. r p1 lCIVL' an1.1 u1thih\'L')1.'u: 1 ot auundJncc,and of n.:dundancc too both of plenty rn:I ol Loumy. , . _f.r m.1d~ unto M -~1jd:ime J This notesouc Chrifls Propheci alt
i. , , '

v~1fr3o, Ji_r1t.'.fhimtlrfJC] q.d. A{beityeh:ivenorhinrr of


-Verfo 4 entifi>1'? ~ords] Rdigioo is not a mmer of pans, words or wit. The devil cares not t~r the fons ot Sce'""1 adjuracions. .AhanAh and imy fcour, buc Jura m only tan cure. Gods holy things mu[\ be handled, Sanlli: m4?J5 qrtAWf..J frit~, with foar and rev<.:rence 1 ra_ther then with wit and dal



C .

Jndemonflrati.011 of the jfirit J With demon(hations fctchc out ot the very marrow of the Scnpturcs. J t mult bt: an daboratc fpeech that fhall work up_on chc conlcience. . Vedc 5. Th11t your f41th>&c.] A hum.ane tdl1mony cm breed

J~i,-:l;:cr.::(:rj{1 ,,,,,; ,f.1:,~1i(i,itin~ J By his Pridl:ly office. ' J,~,t~!'l;JfU:>n J J:y bi~ hi1ldY, Ot~(t~, h~Ving hilly d1livcrcd fliS from im, dtai h :111d hdl ; <l [l which 1s not fully done. cill afccr d L' A nd l liat ' s cI1c: re:t ('JlJ W.i} , I' J . . . catu. '-L ~mpuon as here: kc Iafl: St:c R g 23. L11k__21.28. ' ""' . VtTk 31 r;/oryintlie Lm1] l\cquiefceandexultinhim whi(h 1 JS tht:l.'.nd why (1od hath do111.: al1 Lhis fur us in Chrifi. . .

C Vcrfc





Luc a humane faith .Aaron1 bds wc:re of pure gold; our whok pn~aching mul\: be Scripture. proot, or it will burn, and non~ b~ ,h\i l.Jtrrtr tor it. Jn the power of God] In theGofpel that lodgcth a cmaimy in the foul. Verle 6. wi(Jome 11mong the !'erfill J Or chofe chac are grown to mammy. Som: think the A;10Hle burrowcch chis ccann from the Pagans lupedlition, who admimd none to their molt fn:rtt Ct:remonics, buc only rcrlon!i wdl prt pm:d and 11ur1fo:d fur many

Not \\irhe:.:ccflency]

Aint P1111!1 finLch W1s .wi,JB- t, nrrf '11'11/, a~ n""tt. . - l 1 l' l 1:tun ' ld . 1 ,\ - , '1 11er curmus r~111.ca1 c d.~. cou lay, tHJC ic is a11 orn:imcnt to a1 f.p . tiL r~ b~ w1rhouc ormmencs. A~d yet '1~ 11:td lo licrle 1raca a; top1du Pind<trs Odes l>dore Davtd1 Pf'dm1 H,r. glr h. (, i I I . '" a11plyi 'JI e ' 1' ma , c ought 1Jriv1ds 1' /ctfmnrnkarncd , u h a io st 11 6 r :ir, en. b d lt d- rf , ' rm1u ' ' ,, . ' fJL "J. p,,cm ,flt}lm. Oui11r11111 ! fhc hvly S . Pllm 8 h,1 Vl a grnc eluc1uu1c'-", bu;; w.;m rhofr pcmiious. id ~rt. &d w d , t . 11 ' . . a1 paint-' " II( s, [ l:tC CJI ll!l t\/ll"COr!Clans hllllt !!her. .Yule 2. Tf) kH."W t/'1] thing J ro_ prof. rre or teach an 0tht:r skill. All tht.: w1tdom ot a m:in 1s rn ctiis one ch f : y h I ll t v c 'l mg, au kJ", ,/Y, //if,,J ' fl~ c'IJrt.: uml cozno(i:,.;t & col.a l hat he 11uw anl wo1u11p hniL. J- oc noflrum J,gm 1 r. l1chn. /iu 3 ,;.,, 'ff' &c. . .1 ' ucec J enren... 'a/Jo. Vtrft.: 3. In \\'ea~nrfft>] In mifcrv, and in a m an c d.,c,~c. Atl.i8, t on mon, 1 And in fo.1>-] Of advtrfarit's, or through care of Jifcharging my d~cy amongO: you~

c )

Tet not the Wifdome, &c. J Which is lake rhe bl>our of Molts, that dig dcxteroully unuer ground, out arc olmde abovt! ground. That come to no11gh1] That are tumbkd i_nco hell wich all Nor~um ,fo~ their learning, which ooth but light them mto um:r d:uk- llrinu 11 nf}r11,

ndfe. &c. Au~. Verfe 7. wifdome of G_o~ in 11 myfler1 J Y''hiks God did not dividt: himfdf mcoa m1.:rc1full btht.r, aml a )UH judg~ (as VideriH4 fpcaketh of z,deucm ) b~t '.kclm:d ~imk~t to l>c both a

tettly merciful\ Father, and wtthalla p.. rUtly JuHJudgc_;



was fuch an aCl: ot wi\dom a:s the wodd m:v1:r ht:m.t ot. fhb is chat


Vcrk 8. Which none of r/,e Princes] Ht: calleth the Ph:i.rifrcs and Ph1lo1ophers Princes, for their kar1~i11g; as being h1;111dt a fcholar. Only he might Wt:ll.havc laid of chtm, as T11/iy ut uthu-s ia another cafc, Mihi quidtm nuUj (aru eruditi videnrnr, q."11b114 Cic Je Poet~ noPr,i (u11t ignotn. l cannot t:\ke them for icholars,thac l?art;;kc not L<1tinu!

cfour learning.

!ng hu"~I) ~h~i~ light~ ~~it ~~~c~ ~i~~ Vifi11n ~~~ ~~,~~ >..ttWG)~r,

None of the Prin~es of thi4 World k._new J. Becaufc their learn-

.Verfc "h



----.G,./en the chiefi>hyfttian: -Porph1r1-;l~e- chicfe(\:

and Plo1in1u che chid I' IAionift ,

A Commemary ''Pon the.~r(l Epijlle


Chap-:;-.------~/S~-1~~~~!~~he-~ -~~~ _r_~ T


I~ ~s~


Wl10 w~:re profdt enemies t~ Chrifl: and his cruch. So was Libanius and Luci11,, che chief fcholars of chcir time, None mikarry ohner then men of grcuctl p:ur~. None are l~ deep in hdl il:> ch~tc Chae are molt knowing, They ire no more rnro the myHery of<... lmCl, then illirer:m men do imo the profound points of AHronomy. As a man tnay look oo a crade and m:v-:r fre the myH:ery ot ic ' or hl may look on the letter, and never und~rfla11d rhe knte ; fo hnt'. Vcrk 9. Eye h,ulJ not (i:en, &c. J It is reported of oric Adri11. mu, that feeing chc Marcy rs fu1h.r tuch gritvous chings, he asked the c:mlc, one;:vf chem anfwcred, E7e h4th Not {rt11, nor e11r heard,

ih~orld will nae lee their heirs know whu they will do fur chem,
tilf chi:y die, But God a({ures his.of hc:rvr.n afore-hand. Thus we liavc nor received che fpiric of chis world : w~ ~:rnnoc fl11h and ploc as chty can; Luc we have received :.i bccccr clung, and have nor\:.ilon cur~ pim:, , h h
Vt!l'k' 13. JJJd \\l1icld tlu Ju,/y Chofl.1e,4cbd'1) ~<> t at not t e

marrcr only, Luc words alfo ot holy Scri,~cun.:. arc: d1~actd. by the ~pirir, and are thtrdore co bt: had m higher <.:ll11n:mon,
2 I' et. l, 21. . . . ll d (. ll 1v"lY.:(rci T~f. Comparing J Or coapting,. firn~g.lpmtua Wor s to pmtua " . ..J,u):tY.k macters, th:it :ill may favouruf che Spmt~ Vc:rle14. Rut the n1uur1t.i man] fhc meer tA~1~mnl, chat-,~~ harh 110 more chen a rc:ifonablc ioul, :rnd naturall ab11lms, ludr: 19. Suchwaschac fapldk frllow, Pfal. 14.1. th~t may have a di!ciplmary knowlc.:dge, thac is, by htar fay J as~ blmde nun hath of colours, but not an incuicivi.: p:r f}ccicm propri''fl! The wat~r nit Ch no l1ighcr, 1hu1 cl e lpring when~~ u cime :_So m~.n c~n akcnd 11v hi hc-r thrn rnmm:. 1t chc LinrL':tlun:ibk cr<'.'JCUltS coutd draw a pi urc of God, fa id X ~~1op~~>us, ~h~y WJuld cc~: tainly l)Jint him lake themklv1.:s, fl.1H1t (ciltcct n~hit an (#prrim cogitare poteff, bc>cauk thty can clunk oi uothmg a1'.>ovc chemldvts. d d Ntither he kfrnrv them J They that arc blcart ye .an "J'ivu fo A11g. wcak-iighttd, if ac :rny c~cy ltt chcmklvcs to. i~c lm tcr. me~. ::~ c.i~ 'Dei,/,u. a thing~ they kc che work ~ So hc11.:. N.ty more, m our natur~ P there 1s :m anciarhy co divine truch. Wc love tht: 1:.1.w bcttcr then the C,of!,d, wd Juy mah bi..tct~ then the law. I. .

h.~th prepaY'cd for them that


neither h.tve entred into the he,irt of m(fn, the thingi thttt God love him_,. The n3ming of which Text fo wrought upon him, thac afterward be became a

Thi: rhlnrs \\'hich God hittli preptt>-l'd] As he prepared PJra dife fot t!..Ad.,m ; {o hrilYtn for all his. Yl'.'t he rckrvcs not all for rhd1fo co come, buc gives a frw grapt:s of c.maan in chis wildt:rnelie. Vtr(c 10. B11t G~d hath revea!!'d] The Chinrfrs ufo to fay of D:frrip, of tic themfdves, That all other Nations ot che world kc but wich one worl<l, Chap. tyt, they only with cwo. This is moll true ot'the naturall man comrif C:linQ a11J pared co the tpiricualt. Ctath4i4, V~:rlc 11. S,zve the Spirit, &c. J Man knows liis inward though rs, purpoks and ddires; Luc rhc fr:unc and dilpohcion of his own heart he knows nor, Jer. l 7. 9. K nonwh no mm J How can ht: mat cann0c tell rhe form and quilltefknce, th~t car me cnrer inro the depth of ch, flower: ot che grnfll! he tr~!ldt on, h"v~ 'he wic co cnrer imo the d<:~p chings of Uod, hid from Angds till the dilcovcry,, and fince char cht:y are



fiudmcs in ic?

Rttt the Spirit of QoJJ Wfrh this heifer of his therefore we mu{t plow, if we wilJ ever u:1derlbnd his riddks. Verlc 12, Notthe J1'irit ofthe \\'or/J J Tne World licth down in char unclean one, and is under the power and vaffallage of that fpiric that workcch in the children of d1!ol>i.:dience, as a Smith in his forge, 1 {oh.5.19, Epht[.2.2. le is wholly /et upon \'Jfrk_td,.,J[e, as Aat<o11 fa1ch of che people, Exod.3 i.22. 'Th1t1 "'' mitht k._norp J A iweet mercy The

Cormorants of

Jwlgeth .1.1/. 1/Jinv J By his. fpmt of d1fccrnmg, 1 Cor.14. l11s fpimuaU l1.:nks cxrn.:1k~ to d~lclt'n good and evil, Heb. 5 14, his undoubted pnl wahon ul t~1:.1.c cruch he proh tfrch, Coluf. 2. 3. anJ whcr<.:of ht: h:ith fdc th<.; iwcetnt:tk,. Co'toj. 1.9, d Is judged of no man J Oi no natmall man, who can JU ~c !10 more of divine nuchs tllrn 3. ul111Je man can do of ~uluurs, or .:.1. hck man ot mt:acs. And herein chi! poordt Idiot ( f:uch une) bt:m~ a. found Chriiti:rn goethbeyond che prot~unddl: Cl~rks, th'4t 1m.: no.c ~anchticd, th~t he hath hca~t Ul nc~d ~1- ~ CoUHlltPtar~I.; Vt:d1.:
1 5.

Bec,mfetl1eyarc011ritt1,dly J ~Ambro.fe reads, Bcc~u(~ 'JC~ f/nrJt11fllLJ judged, IJLing dd1vrn:d up w 1 n:prob1te ienle. But the vchn rt11dmb 1:i t r. . .. . _ ..



A Commentary upon the fir JI Epifiie

to help to undt:rfhnd even the mo!l: need full points of th~-S~ri~ pture.
Vcrfei ~. But We haverhe ~1inde of.Chrifl J This is a privi.. ledge confined co the communion of ~amts, to have communic~ tion of C:hn!h {ecrft~, to b~ :is it w~re oi hi:; Come and Counce! On1: faid1vfJ)r Sibbs. Th:H J.l.e lVJ~ i man tpiritul\lly ndonaU, rationally lpirituall, one that fl'emtd to fte the infides of nature



Gh:ip:;.---~75-;paul to the Co Rx N 'r nxA ____________ N s. ... 6 f___ _

- - - - - - - - - -. ---1.-.. _.... .._.. _


:rnd grace, and chc wotld and I.leaven, by thofc perfect anatomies he h:id mad<.: of chem all.

c HA p, I I I.
Verfc I, C 011/d 1101 fPeAk.11nto you ] my fweec words, '1 J. VNk{fe I would be~t the air, an~ ~ofeceacher,whcn your
. You qu:urdl me for a 11ullow tnv1all tdves

whm:otht:rmcrnshcadsarc, I'rov.1 ).24. When \V<.! do t!vil, w~ work dl' naUro d- {ecm-1dum l.,omlnem.J we do Vllr kindc, :i~ chi! d,v1l when he fpeakcs lies J fpcakes, D~ (Uo, of his owne, f)Jf;. 8. 44 Verk 4. For \\he" rme f.-iith, &c. J S.o thofc tlllt will needs l>c c:.1.lbi Ltttheran1, f r1rtintcj1 i~i verb.1 m:tgi/lri, Did noc Ltr th,- play the ma.11 1 when he and other Dutch Divines advikd Phi /i?,iue of Hef[e, a piom Prince to mury a frcond wife rr;1tisa11';dulcrelfr, whikshislawfull wife was yet alive? And z.rnrlJ. l\liLc\. 1;;ight he not deceive, and be deceived in otht:r things as wdl as Epi/i,dc.licra.

pltb:d from thlm 1 Ulfatth.

then the peopk by head and l110ulders. Something ftngular is ~x<;, 47. they l110uld have their fecc

--:A~iw~-!~-;;;~;J Ch;ifli3~~iliouldbe as.~~~/ was, higher


in chat?

Mofet his




delp1k. l1a r.

H~r, as he in Smeea, chat having a thorn in hi~ fooc, complaim:d. of c.he rouglmdk of the way, as the c1ufc of his limping. Or as Jhe m the tame Auchour, tlm being ilruck with a foddrn blindenes bad open the windows, when as ic wa~ noc wam oflighr buc wane vflight chat troubkd her. ' As Hiiia c11rn"U, even~ Nnto 611bes] Or, V'ft lettft "' f.IHto /J11bu, not yet pa{l the fpoon .. and thac mull have their meac mafi1cac<.:d for chem by cheir nudes. " V1.:~fe 2. I h.ive fid 1.011 With mill] Miniflcrs mull condefcend to chm hcarcrs.capacmes, r~ough thty Le fl:ghced for fo doing, as P_ (lid was; or, as I fa111h,r chap. 28.9,1 o, for his line upon l~nl.', pkctpc upon precept, J..:.,111 ltk{ltt-, and Z4H /e:<.au; The found ot t~c we.mis carr_lls. a caunc, as fcornfull people by the tone of chm voice and rnnrng words, fcorn ac foch as they

sr~ m faulc, as nor ycc c:ipable of more wy{krious ma[[er. Ou~ ~avmur prc":hcd (not as ~e could h:ive prc:3ched, but) as the pt~pl~ lltre lfbte to hear, Mark 4.33. So the Auchour to che He brew1, chap. f. I 1. ~omc impute thdr not proticing co the Mini-

~re ye not c.crna/l ? J Nay, Will not the world thinkc ye arc mad ? As the Apu{Uc fpu1ks in a like c:i{e, 1 Co, J4. !! l Vnfo ) . BHt ./J1inifter.r J Not Mafh:rs, as M11gif1ri noflri I'i.ej.1 r,i/J r, J>.mfienfcJ, fo the Sorbon~/I 1 will necJs be c:illed, contrary to scnrcnt.

Vdfq. For 1e 1tre Jet carnal/ J le is :i flume for Chri!l:ians to bc l1k1: othc:r men, as S amp(Dn was after he had loft his

f plew, ~am~ t!u~ "fuh~s ~! humours,

,.,,J flri_fi, &c.]

Th~f~ ovetflowing$ of cbc gall and


ed, thonghc it impofliblc_for his hc:m:r~ to withlbnd the evidence of the (10Jpel. iluc loon a teer he complarned chat old Ad.m1 was COL> k1rd fur young 1Hcl:mUho11, Vcrfo 7. So then neithrr 1~ he, &c.] This nude (rril to con .. clud<.: hi,i, Preface co his C:Hcc'-iime, wah AL m1J 1j! d"1.crc) vcflrnm a1'/otltnre,Dei perficere. I imy crach, and yen, but I ~od muH do the deed, wh::n all's do1Jl. Elle, we may ~m:ach and pray to the wearing ot our coogms cu the flnrn1is ( :g Br.irljJrd L1id) all~! co 110 mun.: plll'j:Ok rhrn Bede did, wlk'll h: pr.:tchcd tu :i heap of 1l011Ls. . Vt:rfr 8. Aml he th.a \\','lfertth fire 011e J Why then :trc not'} m.1 at one ? 51H.a1ld ye nut follow your leaders, prcfk thl.'ir foot~ Htps ? Sb.1/l NNiv1 h1! ~"'" re1V.1rd] Thoft; ambitious Dotlours dut draw dikipks att'-'r th(.;mJ hummg ath:r popular appbufo (that l' empty,3.1. B.1con cht: Canne/ite W\IS calkd Doctorrc(0/111ijfimm. uccaul<.: he would endure no May Bee~. Verfo6. But qod g,1vc the rncreafc J The Harp ycdds n.o found, till it be touched by the hand ot che Mulicim. The heart 1s never made.good, till the hcavm1s :ml\wr the e:mh, H.Jj. 2. 21 .. till Clod lhil<c the (hoke. Holy Jlfe/,inUhon being newly co11vlrt-

_6 _'-----~ ~':'~~!'--~-~-'!1l~~fi-,-fl Epijl-re~---ch~

(Wpty blaC\: uf fi:mkmg breath ) {hall have that for h . let. them make them mmy with ic. When faichfull :.i~~ct'Wlfhrd ;, fiune adhrs, D,itn. 12 , 3, ma ers all Vcrfo 9. For \l>e are labourer.1 &c J L Mi 01'{t learn their, 1. Dignity. ,,, Dury. j:,.11 i.m ho:c .ers hence h . Who ld os onens /Tull IN onori.s q"'". wou 110[ work hard with fo h t , pany ? c Wet:t com_Y crfc Io. A1 .c "'ife mieffer-bHilder J Arrificers alfc h ,. as eAriftotle yecldt'th For h11 G J d h .o ave then~ Arill.Erl:ic.lih. wddom, '(, . dd TOa. ot 11111-rHEl /tJ' to dt1 cretion, An oth teAch him lia 2 g 6 A5 h d' 'J' tm . ,.p.7. and Ah1li"b. ' .l e id Be~a/u/, Vcd_e u. which u lefm Chri/1 J The DoCtrine of . tnd onm~s IS the foundation of Chnhfan religion d his perfon ~or~ bt kcpr pure and entire by all means poilibl ~n mutt. thtn:. o.u.01"0?1(#, would noc be ycddcd: nor Neflori1u h~ ~~rim his HiJn'i<.&So .religious Wtre chc old l>ifho s chat is ,,, .A:,0, tor alt~~ or cxchang~ a km:r or a '> llabk in the I~ t undaa chey .woul~ not pamcl~of truth is prt>cious, and noc to bt: parted ~enc:Als. Evc:ry ycdc 12~ Wt1od, h,q,ftubhle J Rhccoricall~l~ai . phacall fanms, that tend not co td1ticacion, Th, n~, phalofo. cher WHh che gold, filver and ivory of fou d ~r~ arc char rogchaw, as S rlomom lhips had, fl:ore of a es :i~d an avoury truths, and crotchets. Now if he thu imbalt~h th J~11cocks, conceits pun1fhmenr, what do they that in of ch~ cr;~j~to~n ddtrvc 1 truchs,fhm p che name and charaCl:t:r of c.;od va of d1v1~e own bafc brazen fluff? upon N eh11fomn 1 tht:ar Ver{e I 3. For the d,,, foal/ dee I.ire it J Iha . . . thC' crut h, or time the tachtr of cruch or che d t 0 ist, ld he light of many rc.:c obmze . , an d rt cane cht1r . t:rruurs ' ay 11 each , when fl 11 . linne. l:l uli: w chem their Vcrfe 14. If any mans 'Work_,,c/Jide J E but bric ck and cannot t:ndurt .the: hunn r.rour al~ ghffe is bright, Which , choug b rub'd or mdced, renuins firm ltr or lrl' as gold a d ' ~m; '(crfe _1~. He foaH (ujfn loffe] Of his W~rkorn:~r. . lolle of rnne) and offomc pan 01 h s w (his bborwus T et ,o l' ages. "! b1 fl re N ot ot ~urgatory (a Popifi1 fitlm ~he holy GhoH. (as one mcl:rprcts ic) l'k n) but of hvc t~mftlves naked out of che fire wichuuc I e unco them who rhelr goods : fohis perfon lliall be lived but hc~fi!'lig away any of ~cward of. a well qualiiicd ~nillcr. ,. e a noc have the

Verfe 16. T1 ttnrhett,,,pltofGoJ] NotGodsbuildingonly, 1S'fl1rf9. but his Tem1le. A mudwall maybemadeupohnr thing, not fo the wals ot a Temple or Pillace : chat muC\: have other maccria\s. cvf,,J th11tth1 Spit"it ofGotl, &c.] Neittothe love of ChriC1: ind welling in our nature, we may wonder ac the love of the holy Ghofl:, that will dwell in our defiled fouls. L~ our care be to wa(h tht: pavement of chis temple with our tears, to {weep it by repentance, tobcamifie it with holincs, co perfume it with pray ers, co dt:ck it with humility, to hang it with finccricy. Dtlicttta re1 tft fpit-itm Dei. The holy Gholl: willdw.dl in a poor, k> it be 1 pure houte. l\.cligioJJ loves to lie dcan1 a:J wa1 a gnm; fpcc'b vf'an ancient Saint. Vcrfe 17. which ttmple 1e are J Man is Gods cemple : God, mms altar. Demofthene1 could fay, That mans heart was Gods bcC\:1snd moll: !lately temple, JuftitiJ, vermmJiJ, & obfervAH tia legum commu11it11m. Vtrfe 18. Let no man deceive himft!f] Bu a1flpit, qui ftbi /A pit. Co1fjil~[Ati4 tft ;.,, me mihi, faid !he in the Poec. Nothing {o

of St Pau\11 the Col\ I IC 't H 1 ------- --------------------... -

-- ..


D.SiH1 HphtJo

Cotflfa Ariflol
Aracb11e "l'Ovid.Metc.111.

leccers. fol. s0 1 Vcrfe 19. He tnketh th' \\'i/1] Tho{c natnrall brNit beafts oJl&-m~u,G-. maJc to be m~en AN1Ueflroiea, J Pet. 2, 12. God takes them, and - makes fools of them. Vedc 20. of the ~ife] Such as excell in naturall gifts , that are the cboifd~ and moft picked men. The Pfalmill:. faith only of Vcde a 1. Lit no ,,w, glor7 ;,, mtH] That is, that they arc fuch an ones fchollars or followe1s; feeing che Church is not made tt>r them, buc they for the Church, Vcrfe 1 i .AIJ "r' 70Hr1] Though not in polfeffion, yet in ufe , or by way of redutbon, as we fay, the wodt things are Gods childr~ns, and in revedions thofc bcfi things above. :Vcrfe23 .Antl7111r1 Chrijls] Wchol~hllwe hnc ;n CApi11 F :i tenure

eafie as to over-ween. Let him become a fool] Let him come to the well with an empty pitcher. I Ht UJ t.'\'me111 prohilut .clitHIJ#I.. v<!/'t' ( if 3 man may believe him} is morrbrutHh chen any man, l'ro. 30.2,3. Sec there how he vilifies, yea nullifies himfelf before God. So did bleRed Br11dford1 as appears by the {ubfcriptions of many of his Aa """ H-.



Ver1C 16.


of St Paul t1 the Co R 1 N 'I' u

1 AN






-Verfe-~ t-,;;-i;;.I;o;;;e-]"Tot ar.~11m~11-ta -quot ver!J.c. faith 'PArttru. Every word here hach it#s weighc. There fiull be 1 rcfurretlion on11 day of names, as wdl as of bodies: L~t thar thy us, when l>ehed or mifreporced. Verle6. I ha vein" fi:;ure, &c. J i. t. I have reprcfrntcd and reprehended your pamalicies under our own names, when I brought you in fa> mg, '""'of !'au/, i1nd I of A polios, &c. 1 C()r, I. 12. for chc heads of your~ Jtbons wtre your own aml>itious D0Clo1s, whole names yec 1fpired, and cook che bu!incs upon my tclt and A po/101, tor your fak~s. Vnk 1 qr \\'h<1 mn~ih thee] He dircttcrh his fpcech w thofc Thto/ogJ '1/~ri.t, as Luther ufi.ully called fm:h, thofl: vain-glorious, frH-afmbing P.dlours ac C(Jrinth, thac fought to bear away the bdl from P11Hl; and would nor Hick to ant we1 this demand of his, Grwiiiub~nit11. !!..:Jute dificrnit? J\s th:tt iniolenc Armi11i1t>1 did, Er.o meip{um d1jcerno, I make my klf to d~ttcr. A11d \\'hat hafl thou, &c.] There are that would himmcr ouc their own happim.:lfc, like the Spider, climbing by che thrcd ot ha own weavjng, wjch Mouo accordingly, cYslihi {i/j del-ro w '1,J(/fl thou glor7] As great a folly, as for the groom co be proud ot his maftus ho1 tr, rhc ftagc.. pl:m:r ot !us orrowc:d robes, or cht! mud wall of che Sun. Chine, Of dll the- govd chat's in us, we may well fay as the you11g did of his hac'h~c, .dl.u, m.ifler, it
WM h11t b,rrowed, Vcrfe 8. Noiv 1e tite rich Cre(cit Qr11tio, faith Pifcator here. The A poiHc rikth in his txprdliuns; and chat all along by


AC(:OUn~ tQV,

an ironicaU rqm:htnfiun. Thc:lc Corinthians had riches, and gihs a1;d learning: and earned aloft by thefc waxen wings, thty domineered and ddi)ift:d others. _ Vcrk 9, As ir \\ erc mm appoint~d to dMth J As when he fought with b,a!ls u Ephrjiu. The He:uhens m cheir publikc calamiti<.s would commonly call om, Ch>ifli.1Ho1 ad lerme1, co the Tcrtul.Apt1I. lions w1ch chde Chriftians, as if chty had l>t:m the cau{c. Ign11tim cip. 4o. fofkred in chis torr. A JPeElaclc to 1/Je World] As thofe thlt were firfl led in triumph, and then h1d ba(;k again co the prilon, there to be Pi/cat, firanglcd. Ver!C 1 o, Wt Arc fools, &c.] Notco the world, but in your

ror thtf~ Cr;rfo1hirtnr. undnv~lm:d and dcprdkid I 3 'l1.1:1t


-.. . . .

P 11u1 under their filly lballow-h - - -

. P~~ thy t.o carry his books !liter himead;d Y.erbahfls., ~ot wor. lt:arnmg. , cir gund and {ubllamiall

oo'fe7't~ry;pont}tftrft Epi]lte


foiimce, !lnd mayPr~~~~-by Gods bleffi~g:~~~~~--~h;p~~~;nce,




_Yerte I I. Even to thu p1efent] Tl . of i.mpa.ticncc (for he was ad:ivi.: i I ~us co_mpl:imeth, not out their pride, that permitted it fo t 011 HSh U~ermgs) lmc CO fhrn to have rclitvcd him. o c, w enic was m cheir power _'Verfe 12. And labom \\'o,.k.Jn & J ohJetl, .Arc you hungry, ~hirfl:y, ,];k1.:d ~ , Wl here:is they might No' faith he, We lflbo11r \\> t.. .1 ts >ecaufe you arc idle. 111 for a: . }OU co 1llut:r it) and ' , or..:... 6" \ht h 01ir b11 r. ds ( a IL rname living. >et can hardly iweat ouc: a poor
ot God.


Vetfc 15. Ten thoH[~nd i11{fr14lJers] Gr. PedAgogtm, who oft prove OrbiliHJfu, {harp and fovere above meafure, Vr.rberi~'" plH""'' col4phr4 granai1'a1't. So did thde Cori.nthia1' khocnmafiers, 1. Cor .11. 20. They were alfo coo well skilled in the Dorick di:iktl, crying, Gi.vt, Gfoe: and i:aughc htdc more th1:n tlegam tlocmion. Vetfe16. Beycfollowersofme] Asdearchildrm. Above

1 Th1ff.~1+


r d callVer!e m d13. 1 Bein~ 1 .d. dc1amr ' tte emrt11t J Thou h L '. ' c CV1 ' :11 Ci1/vfa, yet I will ho . g Htmr
nour hun, as a krvant

11111jori difdt arare rniNor. ConftaN,ine1 children rdl:mbkd cl)eir fadlt!-r ~xt\eHy, they put him wlt:llly on~ faith E 11/'bi1t1, anJ wm:, is ir were, 1;,. oAw ~v~J'iJ11tt11~ Vt:rlC 17. For this'""!' J That ye may be followers of mc:sand ir~v l(o~~lll''rito11


, q ..d. The jilt~ of filth; o1. as a c:1mon m thd111nc of ir. Th, c:, ~ fi fou~ fiovcn m a .flow, mci~tt9r1.f,wJ.7?1, of the \\'()rid, or the dire krapttd 0 ff cf ~or t~rnties, The fweepinv .And the offiourinfT 0 r t. . c lt: p:ivem.:nc thereof. 6 'J ' 111 1 :JW~J] D tter(o,. (o d ..,, Thnorrr. 1,11rm-n"!.' rr1rifamrnrtt. Tian;f,on ,._ f, o z!1m, or '.1. pur r.c1u. l he ~ord figniti1.s, chc dun _,.~.:; " omttt(iles, faith ~Pa chorow the City, inco wluch cvet g . c (latch one) chat goes Every one h!d fomc tilth co ca ft y o:1e bnngo; and cafis his filch. fl1mt iHe a Cmzen of Rho "H \V. uh,)Uhll P11ul and the ApofHes. Con. h G '' " H t n.'c oth us, l>~mg tor dtftncc of All.and 'fon. t e oipel condemned co be burned w fat .~ 1.v, who chu tac rri0 ycing, fa id rhac rhc' , ~r~ pur mco a duug care; '1}\ntS ot rhc wo.1ld~.1.Jm ~rcr th!lt d~t'i~c~npmcd here ch<.: t.xcrcGod .. 1111d-tru is oi vplllmn thlt ti 1 . A. ;tS" LwtT[ odour uncu txp1:ic10ns in u(c amonl' th. H,, ~ poftlc her~ alludcth to tho{i: Ct..narn conJunned l'c.1~1011~ wc\.a\1tn, performed m chis manner. on tht:ir htads in manrn r of t ~/tcusht fo1 ch wirh (Jatl:inds up. ~uJ Panlcc. iom fomL fiecp plact:s mco c1:~: ice:sa: ~hcfc they would mmbie . t c La, oucrm11 chem u W . I Ch ChI~ tor.en o word, mc'.'4.u.ud ii;,l'~,: 1, 6 ::- e P co J.Y_ ?'"'u: for 1u. So for the removall of cl ' B tho" .- propitiation suiJa1 in ?Tlf..1- mm co thdr god~ : rhete thL'Y call1~<t~Jenc1: rhey tacriticc:d cc1tain ..J.>iJ. with rcvilmgs and curfings. c ".,;} ft-<~w, filch, loadmg them Vcrk 14. Tofhamr 1ou J An inno . ()n the folndle of an afp"rhon cem p~rlon fumetimes, up-

f~r the wh~k ~orld lies jn wickcdm:ff

. We are 1m1de ,u the filth of the \~orld]

know what I do. Of my ~aiu which be in Chrifl] It is of excelknt ufe to know what good men, efpecia\ly Miniil:crs, do, as well as what chey fay. Miniil:m lives fhould be a cran{criptof chdr St:rmons, or as fo ma ny Sermons on the life of ChrHt Verfe 18. Now (omt 11re puff1d up J Swelling in the body is an ilLfymplomt: i So i' iG in the foul, A fwdling w:ill wlll il10nly fall. Verfe 19. The Kingdom of Goa] i.e. TheadminiQ:mionofhis Ordinances and Government of chc Church. Vcr_fe20. Witharod, od.11/ove?] Both: but (aschildren) we chmk n~t io. Sed finite virJ!am corripientem, ne fantiatu


malleum co11terentem, faith one Father. Non er11dit pater nifi Hteron, 1mm, me corripit nifi qutm diligit, faith another,
-------------- --------------~ -- ----------

C 11 A Verfe




t.As u not (o mucl1 M Hamed]

fh:p-mochcr St>atonice, thd>hyfaian

d1p, P/11/,44.15. yet utu;lly

'1~a~~>'isc~hc<.1ffv~J!:1atnc:, as P"vid

of an evil confcicncc1

told,his Father. Of this inc~fl:uous marriJgc cJmc Anriochm Theo1 ,or A11tioch1u the god, fo called of chc .Milejians, bccauk he did put down their tyrant Timark.: This god was poifontd by his wife LAoaice. t.Amot1g the gmtilu J In Mo:ico and thofc parts, whore. ~ 4 do~ne,

O wit, Wirhout deteChtion. The Apoll\c feems to allude to married his T bdn~ fir{\ liktto didorlove o~ her, as E>ajiflrtttru
AntiochU4 Soter, who


Sir 1ra Vrakc


Cm1mmt11r!_"P~"_t_!:~frft :~i.f'!~-------~-~ap. r~


dome, SodwJ7, and incdl: ( thofe Spani{h venues, as one cdkth rht.:m) are common wichouc reproof: the Popes pardons bc:ing his WI} Lf en. mon.: rite in chofe pares, then in any pare of EHrop~ for chdc.: abo'0"' I''!. I min' ble Iii thindlcs , whcrcout ho lucketh no luiall ad vamage. Not wirhlbnding th~ Indians a!Jhor chis mofl: lochfomc livini:;; 01ewing rhtmldves in rt.:fpcCl of the Spaniards~ a~ rhe Sc1th;""' dad in rdpnl ufcht grui1m1. Whom th'-Y fo farrc: rxctJied h1 11fo and l>t.:haviour, as thry were tllote of chtm in learning and knowkdge. Whohach nochcard of the abhorred incdl ot the huulc of A11ftria? King Philip 2. could call Arch-duke Albert, boch bro8P" Europ, thcr, couGn, nephew and Ion. forall this was he to him dchcrby bloud or atlinicy : being uncle to him(elf, coultn germane co his father , husband to !us filh:r, and father co his wife ; and all chis by papall difpenfacion. The PapiHs th<:mtdvc:s write With . detdbt10n, that in Rr1mc a Jcwilh maid might not be ~d .. ~flmu rle lONll- l>aptiz~J. mimd into the Sccws of whorcdomc, unkJk J11c would bc firlt nen.l.3.cap.1i.
Valltll hi ft of .Ergt 1 z..

he cried uuc, as well he might, You bt:.. 1W. a~J Mtn. lainft a ccrcam MutyrA, d rh"r o~ them together WHh his Jot i b6z.. n . g name A ano .. , \lcrfcgin wro11 d'd formally cxcom1uu111cacc chcar tlv~ ma fdloW-(uffrrcrs, 1
ClHOUrs. h Satun J That he may learn Ytrte S. To deliver (uc. an one t~ ctulc oche1s to blalphemc not to bla!ph<:m<:, that is, not t t 'r'od for lu~ lhgiriou~ 'l 0 t th'-' W:l'j 0 u , O\' (p(!ak CVI " <JOOd D courks. . . od] Tr is che height of w1ckcdVerlt 6 To11r glorying u not go h G 4 and Alex,.ndcr nc:fl ,. to gl~1y in wick,dndf-, as Lamlec whe;.'r,.w' ith he had Hain " 1 kcraced che Jne 111, .. .. PlJt4; f /Jerit.1u, w io con b ll d lut he had {pent tourcy years m Polyphron. 'J>rotR~or& oa ~ L vomited out a book concerncon upting of yom h. ;,;:;,~ d;j~ ;~': , h. 7 "'" "" a c,, (J '. Dean ;1~;~ J ''on. ing Ins own ab1l<1y '.o ro~c a Poem in cummrnd.,ion ot .h" ~" of cht P?pes ch:11nbn, w d Sto'fl B1lho~1 ot L(/ndm lll l/JiJ 'OLf bt:aflly hn ot Sod()m7. An t d' '1 r 1'uyct:d boalbng that m 8 l in11 at pomt u t:Jt ls t , . ~ .J Ch HcnrJ wnc, y bi. d ft 1 c1kc:~ that J~, goou nh1s lite emu: he had uurnc: t cy 1 It L , .

of sc Paul to the Co ~--~-:_ 11_-:1 -~~- s~--~--~- 71



S1txon1, with great

ThAt one fomld have h13 f11tlJt'YJ 'c\ifi J E tlu/6,1/d Kn~ of ll'ef! . ._. his f.nhcrs Widdow Judith, infamy marryin!.! c:njoy' d his kingdom buc cwo Yt.irs a1.d a halt,


Ytrfr 2. Ar.dye rire p11ff{d 11p J And yu )'tare puffed up ( fo T1fc,uor reads it) vh. wirh your ii1iriCLull gifcs, and }'CJur brave cc.:ach~rs a when:as you ha vc n1CJre cauf c c.o be calt down for your ocher mens Lins now made yours, uc:cauk unlamcmtd by you.
.And J1ave n<Jf

thl Ct'nlurc oh xcummunicacion: ac whrch time. they dlli arn:iuit

rathrr mnurmd J That any of you fhould incur

doch karm:d Er,1ff1u conru1d WHh Calvin and Brz..t al.wuc bxcornmunicacion, dwying thl' Chmc:h any luch pow, r ? Vtrk4. With thcpr,rvcrofo11r Lo>d] Promikd, M11tth ..18, iS_ 19,rn. This makl'S it co be: a heavy calc cu be rightly txrnmmulll<:m:d. 1ndcc:d ic nuy fall out that f"""' J11al1 be: c;11t ouc of. che Chip, whrn Cham lhall be: rdcrved in the Ark. Your brethren that hared} ou, chac c:ift you ou_c for my namts fakt laid (for a prt:ccn,c ) lee cht: Lord be glut'ih1.:d ; bm fo: /hall app~ar t,o your
joy, and thty ih"ll L, allrnmtd, 1fi. f!6.). When

ly fJH and bmcm, Vcrfc 3. Have ;udgtd nlrt11d7 1 &c. call auchorny do txcommunicatc: him.

q. d. I by mine Apofioli-

ac deal of iWl'Ct mi I \ ) n iooncarcag.l .. I uu11fullofvintgar. . d E not fo loon iwn:ccn one P d J In part fancbfo.: Vt:rk 7. A_'. ye are m:lea~:1~ a un~,c~at is merry in 'omp~c.1y, Very new man is two imn.h . ,Y b l\ th~1r inw;&rJ ti oubl1..s. l h~ h<h flmw "'homo; '". 1~:~~"~u; invoiunmy mlirmllllS, ~n~ comforc tS1 th!!C Lud ~vtr . . th n: is much ltill LU bl: pmgl accounts us u:ikavcmu, wl~u1 Y.t:r Ut' :an but to heal, was p1011~u11l)ut. The kpt:r, ~hen his lt prohc lg ll to ht al aud h1~ kproltc lO ced ckan ; b.:c:iu'.c: then he went on ti ' .
. 'f

c One fpoonfull of vincgll" A little leaven lettv_n1nh . & 1',, . l ur a 11rr.:at dt:al ot milk w1U


i\11d ylt how fitrcdy

tlulc uff. Ji .n.] The brndics we rccc1ve by Vcrle 8. LN tu k:ep t e fr..1p v "Wtll cuutmuaH ka h . K kndar ol om sl l~ . . Chrill(hould crown t c 1 ll Iv mrn y at uur co nu "'""' 1"!.' . t' n1vals : Ye:.ii nuke us CVt.:I_ :.1 111g I ld l y That a goud. 11\:!.ll 1 U ~ (. Dwgtnl'J C:llll a > .J of a gocd con C1rnce. d h, J wi:, wuc: buuuu tu rt: kteps tvcry day ~.oly-d:.1.y . Anh l ~ t.:th.J mc14' \\'uh)"]' mid . h . f .. lts E a i ere fort ', 1oyct allWine C c:lr .~a 'd Ji J. Gt1d mtw 11 c"eptcttJ 1JJ1 Wor"\!, drink.!at th] \\'ith gla nt'Dc, II 'J
Vrrll'9. Not ID co'!'pAHJ h. 1\lUX.\lrH.>~amil~1;1y1ous J>rd.n:11. J1mu iailh1 1h:it ~as' c ui~ .. ~ny

txcom!11uuttafam tN'gan

~ith, ;,, ilami11c D"minA, to bt: rtad

t~u frncenc~



w th farnictJCOJlTJ) D ioM

c~p (o ~i\IY 'lfUr:JeJl


- -- --Cilj ;~~--~.;;i.i~-S1rA6 faith, chu had a moll: llsr<ty ;h8, T cm plo there, rh:i t was kept by above rhoufaod beaucifull cure;. fans. Another faich, chat it was the hrothel-houfe of Gree&e, and Molin. A'lar, a moll: filthy Marc-cown of abominable lulls. Ar111imanij. h Verfc 10. Yet not alto~et tr, &c. J I-kre he lees them know rhar in that former Epillle ( norextant now) he meant nor that they Oiould wholly kvt'r che1nltJves from triofe wickt.:d ch:tt arc yet withuur ch(. Church (for th:Jt they c:urnoc do) bur from proflig:ne proft:t!Uurs, difcinL'i Chrifb:ms chat chry may lie: a. flumed. 1
1 -


-----------...... A C1mtrttnt11r!~fD'!_thtj_rf~ Efiflle ____~_S




- N,. - -1d -~~-~--s~ ------------~--- ..-;J.'~s-tp-lif(;f[,~c oRI





"'J _ _a __ -





c HA,. v I.
r 1. Goe to l11w be(OJ'e tbtt1HJ"f1 J Ver1e

;. They opprdk t 1e. a

unbdievcrs, ~ dl~ as bdng klf fo. kcrs m all. A ll l Oi crue c1v1U nghccoudnd , chc1n bdore the judgemenc l S1 11ts an raw

V 01'd 0 f Chrifls righceoufudk m1~uted.

, .

Vc.:rk 11, NcttokcepcomprmJ] Gr, .V1Jtto'1e mi11gled With them, Thor i vc1 s of P "u, aft ere hey hove nm inrn rhe ma in fra, "'"'' yea fom e wri tc 20. or 3o, mil rs, th ''Y k"' p rhemfd ves unmixed the faJr water' to that a v<ry grcar Wy wichin the fra, mm my Abbots Geog. take up as frel11 W:icer, as if rhey W~r~ nrar rhc J:md. ~o JJ ( {. '1 ,_ grad in Hung.,,, when: the D4nu67 and Sva (rwogreac rivers) Btc"'rvoy P meet, their waccrs m mglc no more then Woter and 011, &r. W" '" mufl !oconvcrk With t/1c wicked, as that we com111inglc not, by holding any needle/le fociccy wich fuch, no not wich him chat is called a brother, bur belies his profrfiion. Yee flill mull: we perform to luch, thoagh cxcom111unicared, olliets of ch,,ity, narn llll 11d civil! ducis, as tholC ofparcnrs toward their children, of childrm coward rht.:1r parencs,and cheJikl', V erk 1 2. Tl1em ,i/(o th,u are Without J Thefe come not under the verge of Church-ccnfurcs, Revel. 2 2.15. itr11. Vcrfc 13, ThenfarepHtana1 J Gr. Te '4>il/ pNt aw'!)', q.J. I hope you will, though hicherco ye have not, Sof c words and hud arguments do loonll: pc"vail : Elpecfally when we reprove or admonifh not in our own, buc in Gods words, as hert the JI pofllc doth out of D '"1.1 l. Some warm th mull be in 3 reproof; but it mull nor be fclding hoc. ufg>.,, '1""' fa>ti.I Ho e11t-avit, ,:iJ /4l11tnn priflin(lm 11qHa tepo11 revocavit, faith Gregor]. They that could nor be cured wich fl:rong pocions have been

1 ''

Chriftians firft brough.t che1r caufes And not bf'{o>'e the Stt~nt..r ~J And hence grew rhl:ir power (as btforc ch~ lli(hups ro.bhcJ~:g~h~i!ban Emperours fi'.ll_ wont~ n?t p ti'Yi.(ttJ noteth) wluc t , from chem. I his r:ukd lad afrcrwards could not cal<e.awly . would be Princ1.:s as wdl :rn d I>. lacy to iuch :m height ; t Iu;y 1 p cy an It: . , as ll11hup5. Id J Th:it is The w1ckl:d, called Vcrk 2. Simi/ jr1dv '."~\\lord ot rt.e lea R~vd. I 2.12. 'in oppotlie inhabitams ut chec:uc , an 7 pte'm Phil. 3 20, And kt fttion to the Burgelks o~ thc,nc~(c ~:~{,~res ~f worldly men, mad this com tort us under~ e p:rve f falvacion. The Lord keth th!t and bdldes chemldvcs m pomc o t heir day is coming, P ft/. 37 1 3: J. j &c J That fervc to,

kacs/j,1m.2. 6.

3. nee ver,i, nee veflra, andVtrle tatistle the ing1.t body only , b.-1 t.:ll g , .ll (; 6 I I I I , .. h e 11d rement J J As the L' . /'0Ymtlu.m1 Vcrte4. If then 1e iw ~ h;; im:myhlwtucc::s. Bm1f mens being thl'.m mt:rf~am:'.-r :i~im:s > there would not be half ht:ansmrny were of not luggn t it.:n t lt.:1

T h.

bat pertain to t ~r ,

L k


J Rather chm go ro law ldorc Hcath~n rfteem~d . 1 .... , t an: hi1b1h el\cllg!\ fo~ fl: f 0 ~ :my J1.l<l8Cluc 11 1 . - I Judtjt:S, The lowe 1 1 n Id rhole (ardd.t poft:imoHHJ'M 1111 'IUCh a puqwlt!. ~hy ieu C I me/I~ harh it, thofe Cm1 011
who rl'YC lcafl
.. . 1t\1rcrnt,as troc1111.t mtr(l m1t:n ' .{ . 'l I awyers makr a ipOJ1 ot us, and .

recover~d wich warm water.

. of them did, - ? Of P11u ''"' I io then whn1.t - r.:yl ;c, > my dhtc, and to fools I w1ll lcavc ltd 'd of ""'"'"rm. faying Ot too s g< t 11 fa as CharolldtU once ' t Jl ofc char go co Law' w c may. w' - y! r: I mare ;.,_gr e ff"' Jit 5,. pl. monJo,.. S e 1'on m1r11ri 1"' tmc , pofl pent. thok that go co lea, 11.d ot 1 at thole that went onc1:, _d . m that he marvt i n je 'JH" 1te1 u , n
memmu .(<'h . d . build Hnl pi ta ls for foo s' as one

thi: uncon cmn:iv


but at thoiC that would g/,~~fo;ll he able J Our late Judge v,~; .Vtrfc 5 No, no' ono '~

Th, rr ft. ,1f Q.:!cc.1tlli.1 p.l 1 o.

Vnfc: 7. Tl.ererlutterlylf[.lfdt] Cr d.,.., 'l /'.1 11_(r11ce rre 0f 71rrry. 1 d. l> 1yrour 11r1g1<n1shw h' A /n.11' 111 gonc g~ear deal of Wtakn, {l;: and im1ou:n~v cf. afln~lt. er~ Y<!~ bee ray. a 1 0' , 7Jt>:Ccre ' , ;i,fl.<..\. ,IOn. Ihde be llOJ lt' qt:Hrl' lS, V /tr in 1/ori . . Jn h ,,_,,, rJ'' f:l' Uteri (ord,dum. ~er rht: Nore on R?m. 12 2 1 ' 6 . Rr'c.m[er.~010!.rnJ Lighcly,forcverylm:11l(;ff ( . 1f 1Tf,_,1,,,~11c.rn111 ~?,, chty :i1~ publ1kdy purnfhed Jc~ which hill vmdtd:\V\; lpmts: whm.1s ;11 goin"co 1 w ) ] With lpJCc: 1 crrnlporced w1ch lmi: or hl'.'at; buc as Tilrer~ br~~~ ! 1.ou~d noc be each othtrs brdh, yc:c wirliouc wrath or . t . iurf pears on ~ 11 it: I'1enc Il :m.: Ia1 d co be very litigious m c::ncion o hurr lo (}.,r, d ft 11 f. ' ' hate;, ' an u o\' tr ft 8. N fly 1''" '.lo \\rn11g J fn perfon and mme. AnJ drfi-.wd J Of goods :rnd d1arc. And tlult } 1111' hrt'thYt'H J Wl11ch very 11llll) n Id L 11 11 i ., l l c lou c11arm :ind 111 r.rHe. a/ lY a ldl t' c~Hll s,~sb>ccw.1xt Aln,1h.1m and Lor,Gen. I 3 8.~/lr1'fl-o. t c con :J}, us uru co !ufl-er wrong rhrn c d 1~ T:y" ;/.,;2~i'-1 know how tll l>~ar i11jm1ts, fa id Chilo ru his hror~lLT 0 '~ And ,C IJ-OCl cdi1,t-1c}v.f ill that he: W:IS not chol -'.11 CO be one uf r/J(. judg<:s. ' W o took IC Vak 9. Shall 1,or nhrrit J It is au lllld fil i . f . J l' er. I 4 no dircy dog cwr cramnled on rhac ltr ICdt . m ~c:nrancr, 'I r o tt1 p:tvernc-nc R evr,22.I'. I rl'3Vtnlpcwcdoucche/\noe)s (fJl t k ' I J l' ' la It 1c up rh~ urmg irc:ous ? 11 ll' cou Io let uc himtdf mco pu:idiit.' w1dH:J ,vuld t:vrr gn mrn hr:ivm. 1 0 no V<.:rlc \0, J.Vor thrcvrs, nor CO?Jl'fo:u J Thcfo tW b togl'thtr, as akin, {o arc drnnk:nds :md r,1 s 0 e fitly f<:t '11.1 J \"7h . r. . .. (.f "'or e."(torttonrri v_ 0!711n 1s properly immodcrarc et . thar of the covi:w~~ rnnliHs m pinching and faving.So fimrmg,as 1 Vtrfnr. S11c11\\crc(omeof7011] Ohcht:intinitc 'ood ~.3 C;oJ chac would once luok upon fuch walkino dun ..1 hils g i hnelf<: of firous 1 o , . uc mon-


t,1.c,1. ,, .,

if chere came any controverfies of poor men to b- -~d- fj ., thJCe1rhc.rcheplrciesarew1lfi11~n~r a ~re ~1m, bours u11charnabk, bccauk their lutts W"'re ' ~he ir neigh. at ho111l. . . noc qmct y tndtd .Verfl'6. lJ11tl-.-otl)rr.'!,'Jrthtof.iw] Onccic w . . mmous w rn1111rcncr ad'1ons, and follow futcs ()fas rnmm d Orl'trt.:rs, we may l:Jy che Hdlori:i.n do ch 0 - f 'k (. I com_mon b.u. ,_ mar 1emac1c1ans ,11Hnomrn11mq~'od11111oftr ., G e. 4 rrpu~ CJ'v b'

_A.Comm~maryuponwe firfl Epi~-- Ch~ ----- - ------ ---~. p


of.St Paul t~ the Co R- 1 NT a r AN



"~,B~t-7~-~;;~~Jir/] lh gcnarall ::_A.~: in parcicml:i~;- 1.

fdn [f ified J And chat by the Spirit of our God.


et,i ltur Jcmper,



jied J And char in the Name, or by r_hc rig!Heou(nrff~_ of cm~ Lord jclus Ch.rilt. ~iis l>Ioud cll:mkch ll~ trom 1111~ ~~ch gudcmd1c and ri~thim:lk. his l1Kt: cu thok fovcra1g11 mu11d1tymg warers, which fo wa!'h off th~ corruptiou of th~ ulcer, that thty c:ul>l the heat and (by the fprcad of the inkchun, and by degrees heal the fame. ,
Vufe I 2. All rhi11g1 are /.rn'fidl J 71iz.,, All indifL-rcnt things a1ru>ngft which the Corintl1i,ms rcckon~d not uuly mtats anJ drinks, but al!o fomic:uion (their Nacionall fill,) 1 he devil per.. M11s had pt:rlW;tdt:d them, as he lnt!i doae che Turi\~ at this oay,
that Cpd did not giv~ mt:n luch appt:tilcs

re ,uejofti-




null rat~, !.:u1itS l lave cIH.:m ,


1211 1

bur rnjuynl, as maddor rhe gu[l of I!J311, 11ut for his rmment, wh\:r..-in his (.1\>1.t<.im ddigbrn nor, Now the i\pollk g~anrs that Jur u1d:H!:i~~ll thjngs arc l:\wh1ll'(ytc in c~k o{ otkm'c or intr.:mpcr .. ancL', they (nay bc,ome 1ot~flc:drt..m, and io, u.ol;Lwfolt) .Bue fot tornicariun, it w:.i~ u:te1 ly ui1lawfol!, :t:> ht.: pwv~s by nw1y powtr-
:'Ii u't I \\'n,dd not be bYn1tght J As; thofc {winil11 furfotters, that wc:i.ring rhcir brains in tbi.:tr bdlics Gwich the Afu: fitl1 ) .thcit gurs in cbeir !wads, du <lit~ tlicjr ~.r:.ives with their ow11tenh~1>~111~ ltl<'- rhc Muk whi1.:hc:11111oc cravdl, they fay, WJthutic a botckof hay h.rnhing at his nuk, . Vuk 13. (1'ud/.~lt d.jlroy1 J The bdLy (\uJl. b~ ddlroied in the other world, noc fur th~ fnb!la11~c of ir, bnt for tbt: uk ot it. And th~L1nJ#tllJ:.!y1.>~ faid tor the d11ter~nco of frx~s :"chc: p:ms fldll rt;. num, the uk c~ak ~ C111'0 l:iiJ wdl, chat hi: was an ill cumrnonWt:alchs mw, }~~~1i inter j.,fftttff G~ ingue-n,rnt1ltd filb 'llcmos ditfonc pufiiiffi1, chatwasatl.tvc cohiskn1u:d1nppecitl\ . : Vt:rk 14, ~nd l~'i/J. ttl{O rai/e _m up J He \'\'ill m~k~ our v;\1.: (;,,dj,;, ~~) lit: Lk1.: ~unv Iii:.. ;;luriuu:.; body rhc ita1idard. t ~hall wt tht:n ddilt: tht:m with th..: kitd1iu Hufk of llllc.:fc.:.111ndk? Yl:rk 15. S~(t.(lJ then m~]. Stipip, .when a harlot was of,. ftn:d him, faid > rtffem, Ji r1on ejf Ulirt1per4tor,, } WOUid, if





l \\.ere nuc a (.itn1.:ra:l, .~:.1y thuu, .,1f l not a Chri.

ari'-<r, but vicious and infa,. mous bond (faith an 1utwpn:tcr) which is !'Lltlitkm t9 imty. or

Ver fr 16. !.tone bod7 J By a moil

A C1mme11t1 upon the.firft Ep'ijlle Chap~ ~ . 7 ~~k any other bond though lawfull tnd holy, either corporall: 1pmcuall. ....
Cor, u, u. and rhe fulnti~of Chrai\, Eph.1,a1. Wchavn che honourot" making Chrift DPrfect as the ~embers do the body. . i- . . Vt~le J 8. F_ le.e for.niclftion J With pofl:.hafieflceic. Let tit..,,,,_ n1re 1 e~I# ,1rift>! 11h~re (o/,t. Be not of chofo furn chat are called .1Jor~ir1ttt of their m11y filc.hinclfc, whom EpiphA11i114 and o &

Chnfi l:ues hold o~ us by his Spi~it, We lay hold on "him by fair:li,


ltou if'irit] That is, One fpiricusll body: whiles

~k fuch.libmy bcr~re, that afcer m;~-ci;~-~~y rue it all the daics of their lives. ltt ever7 m4n h1wt hu 011t wift] Noc many wives.. Turks
may have as m:my as they can keep. And. fome ftnfual1fis plead now for Pel}' gamy. Sec Jl/11/.a,1 S Scotor11m N aiio xo111 pro priM nan ""~'r, faith H i"am of cht uld Stots. Vt:rfe 3. Let th1 hmhand,&c. J Lee chem be chafie l>ecwcen thcmfelvcs, and beware uochof cxcdk and dch:Cl. ChaHity is a mans honour, 1 Tluff."tS. And moddly is the bdl: prck1vc~ _of nuptidl chafiity. Marriage as wdl as meacs mull: be fanclahcd by chc Word and praytr. God mull be font for, to bkUe thy phy{i~k tQ the foul, l\at;in& lul\ i:t la srtllt cm;my lO (;UfljU gall lovt-.


1/Sc.Pau~C 01. IM TH




Hen~e chc Ctmrch 1scalled Chrip,

Verfc 19. Th11t 1011r h~d1 u tb~ 'I'm,fl~ J Shilll we make the Temple of God, the Hews of smn ? See Ch 6 vt; 0 h111 dp "P 3 1 "'! an ompey never profpc: red afcer thac tbl!y ddikli ' h t c 1 emple. . Verlc ~o. Tearebo11ght J Shall I drink chcbloud ofthefe men f11d D Av~d i' So, Chall I :ibute my body the price of Chritls bloul abandon it to Venery, &c? ' Glorifie G'ad in 1011r hod} J The very Af4 nichee 1 chat denied G~ to be th~ auchour of che body. faficd on S~bbach d ic:~ and in afimg e"ercded~n humiliation of che body. '

menuu fpeak of,





V crfe
Afl. a11J Mo11.

I, Whereof]e \\rote !Into me


as. h:1V1~1g had expe~1cncc,, and .been much beaten and exercifod With lpmtuall con~tds, Confc1cnce is a diamond, and Will be wroug~t on by nochmg but dult of diamondafuch as concricion hath ground 1c to. !t ii g~od for" "w' ] Now lince the fall it is good Yement for che many troubles of che married efiat"' It'' e. co~to m b ood b . ... is noc cv1 . any, .ut g to c wary, elk conj11giMm may prove co . g1N111, marriage a mar-a gr. . "JNr-

E~tain cafes of ~nfcknce they had propounded, which here C hc.:~n{wers. doc:;im:lkmly.and focould LNth~r

V~1tc ~. To 11void ftrnicAtioH J Gr. For11icAtio111 to h_c~dmg all lullf~l~ burning~, felf-pollucions, and all ocher i:!'r~ n~1es ot a fingle ~1fe. How many are the~e that enter into '1ods ~r:


( ournage )


the drnls port11l { fornication )


Veriei. 7he'Wifthathno,ower,&c.] The husbands body is fervanc to the wife, and chc wives to che husband : they have palkd thtmfrlves OAe co another by mutuall covtnanc, and God keeps thebonds,Prov. 2.17.Ma/. 2 14. Verlc S. To faffo1J!. and praier] Prern nohi4 je;unii& ll /en JHm & 111aji {llgin11ndHm. hfiingdaks are foul-tatting daies:. praicr is t:dged and wirigeJ therc:l>y, 'Th# s~ta1, tempt 10N not J The temptation is {hong to fornicacion, {honger co adulcery. Wacch cb~retorc. Our n~turc cau:hmg chis way : and once jn, cis noc Lo ealie co come oft. Thas. isafraringfin, Ho[.4.11. Eph.419. , Verk 6. A11J not of co1111mA11dine.nt] Among the J-=ws marriage was not hdd a chi~g indift~renc, or at their own libt:rcy c0r chufe or rdule, but a bi: 1ding command. Hereto PaNL teems in ~n arn. chi5 vnli: cu al~u-Jc. 1o18. Vt:dc 7. F w I "A'ot1ld thi11t aU, &c. J He had a pcc11liar gih,. that he WJ.S {o eminently challc : Luch as might be in r~pro~accs~ So Mofes his meekndl.: was partly from his naturall temper ' And LHthe>-J not being tt:mpred co covccou!ndfo was mud~. hclptd by che frccncs ar:1ct grni.:rouincs ot his fpirir. Verfr 8. I (a1 therefore to the unmarriu:I] Yet doth not the Apofilc Limply prder virginity or viduity bcturc marriage .as btt ccr. The S1tt11rnilian herccikc.s laid, chat marriage was of che d~ val, And che bkmiili will never be wiped off Lome of the accicnt f.ltht:rs, who co cO:abli111 their own Idol of I know not What virginity, which they themftlves had not, have written molt wickedly and baf.ely of marriage, lf the fasue God. had m>' b~cn the.


- - - -


--~~-=--~ommenrar111por1 r/Je {l;~fEpifli;--- -ch;p;7,

aurhdnr of vi1gioiry-and 1nanhg(~ he h~d-f}~.~e; t~~~~~~~nced vir: Gi11ity by 11ur11Jgc, ~\'.; h-.: d 1d in chl! bldLd \' ir;.i;in, V n!c 9, Lrt them marry J ThlrC is no llllt fo hot and violent I u: Gd:-; m~d1.ci1~cs rightly :ippl!l'd, will ecol :wJ hli.ll. Only re: '.!'ll'~nb<~t thn it 1s nor rht luvmg, che loving of:t w1tc that l\(:cp:~ .. ,t ::1m ':h.1tt and ckan; And d1ar God doch ut~ co correct cxcdL Jn.l cl:lilnnc~ ktwixc muricd coupLs, with !hong ccmpt..t~ ciun<; ai lLT fl1 '.li:';l Jldh. JJ,uC'i" tfJ ,,;,zn"I r,'.~rn to /,:tril] 1\s an Oven he:tr(d hy the

m~rau. h d . '' Verfe16. whethtrthouf'] Andtohneany an m

I~cafe you lliould ~ot fave your yoke-fellow, yc.r keep your ihuo~, be conrenc wa_b your condition, and adorn at 1 Ptt.3:1,2 ..Ic1.sthedutyof a<h~t (lim ( faid Lflthcr ) to believe thmgs mvaltbk_, ro hop;: for things d1.krred, and co love God when he IRcws hrmMf contrary to us. ] J f'

Chap.7. of St Paul to the C ;;i ~ ;-n T~- ~- s-:~_=---s1 rifi~Tin Phor;,,,,;;th~"L~w~giv~r , and SJHA the Roman Ge- Drufon.t. ~.

f!Ving a foul 1 it th~ higheft honour. Yc:de 1 7. BH1 Godh.-1thaif1ribmed]

BJktr, Hof,';.+ i\~ thole 1 1 .i.~.m.r \Vere fcaldcd, Rom. 1. , alld chdt: 'P"'-( ".!~1wJ !lilt are, th;1c ar\: fo1b1ddrn co many, and 27 }CC
0!111Dt COllt'.1111.

Verfe 18. Ltt /,im not /u,amt HNcircHmcifed





Bru ~he Lord] No[ l(l \iJ i;.:1!.y word.~>Luc by jutl confcqtH.'ncc drawn lrom ,1!... r. 19 6. . Velie 11, Or/ct hcrlf'rec.:,.;:~i/rrl] Vt q111t, mvdo pt1gH,irant ;1111.~.wt (ii.t rs/Ira cn!tn:1/"t'. \\ 11y 1Jii;ult1 marriage couples bt as gla1k,thJ~bl'tn:.;onct:lJr 11 kl <.:.lllll\.VLrhep1ccedag:rn1? The Lord
h:ms puamg a way,, 1f,d.2.1 yuk 1 2. L(~ / .m. :. or. /'.flt her av.,zy J



1"rr nor I] n;' prn,~enti3Jl :id vice only,

for co clic pure nil things 3lt! pure. U .\c,r11Vil1;:m a11t to//cnd11m. illlt tel, ,.-,1 ,,,/,mu cft, taich ~~.t/r'i'O in Grh',-w, M;:Lld :J. L:id wife, if thou crnn: hl'at' WHh her 1 1f chcn c:rn!l noc, V nit I 3. If 1:JC he pie 11( d, & c. J If he.: bl:ilphemc not Clu jft force hu 11uc co <.kny thc.f..otl.1, c>c. as chat King of Denm:('Y'k ch:.i; wuuld h:tve compdkd lw. wife ~o go to .l\lafk, who was rhacforc forced to fl1c for hc:r life tu her brollu.r chc Ekc'.luur of B_Y.mdcnburg (JS L:ttl, o lci.Hl(h) when; iliL' ditd ChritbJ1Jly. Vcrln4. Rrst11owrluy.'ll'e holy J Wirh a fLdl'rall holineffr :rnd :m: ch~:n.:fon'. [Uh~ lnpw._d1 ng b<.i1w p;\1 rilhrn; ot llle Co .1 runt o{ Gl', The 1-i,,(,,,Jji11cJ (a kind~ of mon"r l' "'h p .Ve. 'I:. ) I .J J . ~. ~, l 1 ~ 11.Ll,llJS m ~AJr"''~ Lt\'\'. _an Ouut: cunct1r, I h.n the louls ot Infants de~ pare mg af on~ bapu(,nc,1n: favl!d. by vcr we 0f che Eucharitt r- ctiBremvoo./r wd by cht Jllothn al tLl concq)[1UIJ, which fanllilics the d1ildc in Lr1.p1i1.~57. the womb. . Vcdc 15. But God hath called JU to peace J To d1Jmejlic. /t 1 .'\ril!uc,i1i l(/.c r:rce, wh1c~ cht.:y clue "'.a.m, Pim (/t1t1m dimidi.1 6e titfldim/ 1 11 1Jr (11.e ft111~ pni'.tf' {Unt, {~uh cvfrijlo1/t, Tlicy h:ivt.: lu{[ the

fearof A1ttiocb111 made thc!m{elvcs uncircumca!ed, 1 <..:A-IMc"b. 1.16, Ochers tor ibamc afcer they were gain~.d co the knowkdge of Chrill:, as here. This was done by dra.wm~ up ~he to~e-skin with a Chirurgions infi:rumcnt : And of c.hs w1ck~d mvenuon Eis fa id to be the firfi authour and pr~ct1kt'. . . 2;f,~Antli, Vcrft: 19. B 11t the k.upi11i of the Comm;'"_d111ent] Th ts IS that B1nu111 h11minid, Mic.6.8. that tot#m hominu, licclt{.12.23. that on(: thiPg ntcdlary, that is bmer then {~crifice, I S11m. JS. 2 2. A'1aUem obeaire,q1111m mirAc11/tt f11ctre, faith LHther, I had rather


to men. Verfc 11. V ft it r,.ther J Liberty is that we loll: l~y fin, ~nd. af. fetl by namrc. Serv111 eft non1en offic&. A ferv~nt is not e1.vTof":" .. .,e-, one that moveth abfolucdy oi himfelf, he 1s the l11a0:crs mfirument, and g~,.,~ ciuJv.1, wholly his, faith Ariflotlt. 9 chat we could be Gods fervancs in elm torr l . Verfc 22. For he that u calJea] See a parallel p1:tce to this i.rtiflm"'i" 7,1m.1.9,10. Ourprdcrmentin Chrifi: iliou~d make us hol~ up 'Dom11tO.;!"'~~ our heads but not coo high, and be cheadull, bm not W1th:dl 'Vcamiu a rm.. kornfoll. , d1110. n~m. VerLe 23. Te Are bought 'r\ ith" price J The redee~ed amon_g the R~man.t were co addict chemfelves co the frrv1c~ of .che~r R~deemers, and to obferve them as their parents all dares of cheir

Qbey,thrn be ~ble to Jo mirad~B. . . . V..r!c 2tJ. A hide tn the .'4me ct10rn.rr] And chcrc:m learn t.o ... I"' ~ t 11 Tit ~ ll, I 4, mAilltziin good Work.!, or ~o be t~dr. crates-ma{ ers, co ~xce m Ai~v.J.e~c;i;Jc.-v their proteffion, Ho11rffu f 1 nllw11b1N pruffe, as fomc render ~ti) \.-a-tiei~v the ApoCUe there. Thefe things are good and profitable un- 'f-fJ.<P<U oa-i. 41 v.

grmc1 h~lf of the h~ppmcfk of thL"ir livc:s, ll1is was vc ..


81 Hot 1e the farv"ntl of men] When they command you




.A C~mmentary upo~

the firfl Bpi.file


things for~idden by Chri!l:, or. when the)'-~~~~i;~- over your confc1enccs , as the Jefuares that rtquirc blindc obedience. 4 4 C [.Co- (&. t. 4 Cardinall To/et faith, The people may meric ac Gods h:md in be.. "'P3 licving an hcrt:fo:, if their teacher propound it i for their obedience is 1~t:ritol'ious . If a i:ricft teach it C,faich Stapleton) be it cme, be Jt falfe, ~akc tt as.Gods oracle. It the Church fhould approve Epi(l ..sil fir and aucho~1zc .4rr11tnifme or J>e/4gianifme, faith Erafmm, I ~w,,cr. would do lo coo. Bue to would no wife man. Vt:rfe 24. Let 1ttmy man ~\'1ur~in, &c, J This is the filll1tl wi_tl, :.m-(. 2 o, The :hpotlk inculcm~th it 1 as w..: not only a. nomtol\l' !Jcnummcd lunbs wich omtmcnts, buc alto rub and chafo them in. ,,,..s:v. Vcrle 2 5. I.t.ive 1111 jH~rt;ement J The Rhemifls ( afccr Ertt/ mm ) n:ndcr Jt Gounfe/I, and chcrwpon ground a d1ibnCliun be.. tween divine commands and couolc:ls. Uuc the word bt:rokens Id Arifl.Etbie, Viri ~oni ~cElmn & VtrHm j11dici11m, faich AfagirUJ, the righ~ la6,,,1o. and found JUdgcmenc ot Come good man. And fordy it the Apo. file had no exprdk command from Chrifl,rn:ithcr had he any counfell from him concerning ~his bufines. Ver{~ 2 6, I ftppo[e therefore This is his judgement, his vote or verdict, th<.: tun part thereof Wt: have hrn:: the kcond v.28.the

of ~t Paul 1o_Jhe ~~-~I N_.T -~- ~-~- N 8 .----83_ 2 w~y how you may {cape, or at kal\: mitigate tho(c ttoublcs in the .

Chap. 7

irttbrm] The be!l: counfell I cah is chat yoil hang lo0fc to all thefe outward comforts; 9S g1v~1 you, urfcl ves but a while to be here : You have a long task, :~~ ~~tyaolittle cime. God huh hanged the heavicll: weighcs lli?<>h .11.. rs . for u1mn this momenc dcl'cnds chc WCl klll. \VIC: , h etertmy. f' d r1 11 .. ..,, 0 .. n n1.. morJU nonr,u : Up c ere ore an (,'.,Jisg~muJ '~' 1r r,. , cr 'J

tk~~rfe 29 Thu then I (Jy


be dohing.. . fo t J Gr C'Jntralled iind roted uh, as failSl\fc to T e ume H or . r h b 0 b. b the mariners when chdhip draws mgh to the ar our. ~ ~fa ic is a m:uphor from a piece of clorh rolled up, only a ~ e[ at the end : So hath God rolled up all his works : only he ~~~~left a little at che end, and then all his glory t1!all ~ppear. Tht.: . . s (hon faith the Apofi:le, and you have bufineffc enough anotuneway 1 ' ( u w1vmg ther therefore let other thmgs a11d buyin n &c) : aHe, and minde the main. There is water little cn_ough to run m



@lvid Epi/i.


third, v. 35. . Verlc 17. Art 1hott 60;,.,J to a \\ 1 i.~ ? J A manifd1 metaphor from Oxen~ Hence we call chem yokc.fdlows, J2!!.im male '}'Uales ve11114nt ad t~ra(ra jtJvenci,tam premitur magno &c. Dne not ao yokt chy klf WHh any untamed hc1frr chat bears not Chnfis

f9J 1,0.


. v~r(c 28. Tk~lt hRJt notfi""d] lf :lny nliln ull lawfull mJr.. r1.age a. i~1foll ddu~mrnr, he harli ll1t> :tpo!Cat~ Urngon d wdlmg in pi/I.a.I p,J .a l!1m, farch ~{n1H11u. And yet the Papilts teach chat it 1s a h. /fl,. lora Pridl to have a \.V1fr, then ro ki:ep man\1 n~ 1,411 JO/l, farregrc:(tl'fl11mc, L,. l .T
. . , ,

i14r ors.

Such fo,i// hiive tro1,b/~ in thr fl:jh J Mark chat he faith J.n th6 .flrfb,. the dc:ligh~s of wedlQck will be allaied with troublt~, to av~> id l~n_kc. lic'.or~ m:miag~ pt'oplc prom1fr th<mfdvcs much happmdk m that c:Ilare, and_ lhmk they cvuld Jive rogether with all ~d1gfu : bur afcer, tht.'Y fc~ they an: dc:cdvl.'d, and therefore need to go co fchool co learn 11ow co Lehav~ tue1n!dves one: toward

.8 Mt l fjare 1011 J

q. d. ~more of that ~and yet rll lhcw ym1 a

lain a dying would have given a wo~ld for wne : ~s I hwe ~ar (faith a reverend man) one Cr) mg d~y and mght, C~\ld mnf Jigain. And I alfo have known the. like .ot a great a y o this Land. {i I I I w The thAt have Wives, &c. J Not be uxorious, it l ctey m? not ho~foon God may take from them, as he did trom E~ek!e~, the delighcofcheir eyes, cheir dcareCl: Spouf~s. The Jews ac ti~~ da have 3 cufl:ome, when a couple are married to break the g 1 a~ l', y"re1 n rhe bridc17 room and bride drank; thereby to admomlll. Wh '"' .J h n bea ~IJ.t t 10 b -r a .<1pi;,,~. them of their dying ~ondition, an~ t "t t h ~i:i,; m~h\ - p n. PLil"f. 4 gainmlong. h 1 fl f 'f Verfqo. eAnd thr1 th11t Weep J ~;~. In t c o e o . W~ c or h"ldren. Lt:c them moderate their gnet. as Abru/Jam did m the ~o~eof S.urah, Gen. 2 3.2. Hecame to. \\'cep for her : where the Hebrew hath one lictle lecccr extraord~nary : To norc th~ t Abra h 1 we t buc a little for her ; and this, not becaufc fhc was old a~d ovei worne ( as r~e t\abbins give che reafon) buc bc~au.~e h~ had ho eofi1 happy relurrctl:ion, 1 Th1ff. 4. 14. and bcc:mlc l11c wash!flill,though dead: therefore he fo oft in that Chapter calkch hcrm7deaJ,v.4,11,13,1s. . . b' h f .And tht] thAt rtjo1ce J In.the marrying of VftVeS, ~r .m o children. The mmiagcday 1s c~lled t~c day o~ lh6 re;o1~111g of"

fhe right channel, therefore let none ru!l b~fide.

Some that hhavd



~~ ~gi~ uu~t.


,,M;;beart~-A~d when (hould men be merry rather then ac the recovering of che loft rib? Bue he was too bbme chat laid, He had married a wife, and cherdorc he could not come. And he was a wifer man rh:u faid, V>.ori nubere nolo me4, As if they poffejfed Hot] Mindi.: earthly things we muft, as if we minded chem not: As a man may hear a cale, and have his minde dfcwhm: : or as :i nPn chac baics ac an lnne, his mindc is fomewhcrc dfe. A right bdit:ver ( faith one) goes thorow the world, as a man whok minde is in :1 deep iludy : or as one that huh tpcciall h:lik uffom~ W~ighcy bufindfr. R1,b1u non me trado, fed comnHdo, faith Srneca. lk noc wholly dulled or drowm:d in ch~ world : look ac it our of che <:yes <:nd only, lc:lt as che Serpent Scycale, it bewitch us wich ic's beaucifull colours, and Hing us co death. Verfo 3 I, As not ab11fin!. it] Not !hooting our affdlions over-far inco ir, lhwid WJS as a weaned childe, PaH/ as a crucified man. If ?obs hearc had not bten Weaned from the world, when as yer he wallowed in worldly wealth, he could not have borne lo l>ravdy the ruinc of fo rich a Hate wichouc repining. The devil ha ch no way to cnc:mgle us, lJUt to fay, as he did co Chrifl, .Mitu te deor(itm, C2fl: chy fdt down, pitch upon tht: l>.1it, C:31 and devour hook and all. For tbe of thid \\or!d] The: word fignifics a machemsticall fignn.. which i~ a meer n0cio11, and nothing in fu!Jfla11c:r. 5o 1' f'il, 39,6, lfonlJ every m1m WJZ/kl'fh iH d 'V.iin fl,.cdow, h\! kadc:ch an 1111aginary l1fr, rather cllena lifi:ic tdt. Tht: pomp of chis world is bm a famatit-, A fl. 25. 13. (Sec the Nore thc:n:.) fhc glory of ic,:rn opinion. The word ukd iminutech, that there ~nothing ot any firmndf:orfl)l1J c:onfilkncy in the cn.alUrr. It i:i bur a furface, ouc.fidt', cu1pcy promik ~ all the bc.:aucy ot it is Luc .'>kin-di:ep. P ajfeth ttW.fJ J Temporals are as tr:rnficory~ as a hally head... long torrent. The pofiing Sun of all worldly plc:ltmc, after a fuorc gkam of vain gl1{k1 mg, kts ocean uf tndletk torrow. ln the Popes inthrn11a.Hion, bdmc tie is frr in his ch:iir, a.nd puti on his tripkcrown, a piece of tow, or W=-ld ot ihaw is tee on fire bdort him, :rnd one appointed to fay, Sic trAnfir glori11 mundi, The glory of this world is but ablaze. le is indt:edan lgnuf"1u111, a wilking fire that lc.1dcth men into brakes and ditches. And '1 fome render chis tc:xc. The f ~i1n or hue of this ~Mid Jtetiwt/,, mi{:.

A C~1111'1_~1Ar! ~pon th~_frp ~pifl~

------ ------------ - -
..... ..


--- - - ---------Chap~~ ~of S'~Paui ;;-ii;(; oi I-;~--~ I A_~~SJ

i;~dcth, carricth men ;~~th~~-~~~~-~~t.~f their way.--- for of the Aol#~ f'~'TC:

themarriage-ccta~e,Gen.30.30. I Ton.~.8, . '..(!:n:1rtt.. Verk ~ ) Gareth how he m~y pleafe J He taketh e_xtra?rd1- t I nary care to plcafe, and fo d~Hh (he, 't'. H Th~ war~ unpllcs :i dividing of the mindc into divers c~oughts, ca{bng this way and chatw1y, and~vcry w:1yho~tog1vcl>dlconc~nc. Thus an happy ftudy. Verfe H C lircth fir tl1e thingJ] Expedi1iu1 ':~Heat . Holy both ;n body ~nd If1irit J tor contcmplacm: w1ckedncs, and moua\l un~ktinm:lfo dlo grcacly, diiplcaic[IJ God. J11uft:i 1J1:, IN ,futrm. cJfin~ ftupro, rp,ceffopmm~upfr. fairh ~'enec11, And, ~,t qui11. no 11 lie Nit non f,ui t, illa f Actr, faith Ovid, I he very dd1rt: to .do

world \W. may fay a~ Plu~rch frnh of Herod,"''"' Boc.h the wor~s '-'F"'i!L,JbJ..ie_,; and tltews ot it are full of fraud. Nee tantum fa/114c1a (Unt qmA Ir:. 7 J, p;,f1.tJ.rct., J11 bi11 (faich L"Ef,wim) fed fP- injidio(a, quia du~ci~. Vt:rk jJ. WitiJoHt c1irefidnrf[e J .That unavoidably attendcth

t. \'il, is co do c:vil. The Rom11ns punilhed ont: of their vdl:all virgms turutcering chis vcrfc only, Fo.:liceJ nupt.c ! m~rim ni 1111ver~ du!ce ej}. Oh 1'cis a brave chmg to be mamcd. Hoiv ftJt "'''! pleefe htr luub4~1d J As S,ir.ih di.d. Abr~h,mut calling him Lord, as Rebecc11 did l(.iac, by prova~m~ hu~ tl~1ir meat that he loved, as Livi" did '1f{guftm '. by o~Jervmg. his d1fpofidon, and drawing evenly with hun, .uemg a p1<.:c1.: fo JU!t for him, iis anfwmd him righrly in every JD~.?L Verfe 35. T'hat yo11may11tiend, &c. J Lfr. 7'h4t 7ott 11MJ Ji.t <:.'u'Tld~Je;v. c/Dfa t1 him, as c..71-'lary did, Lul_ I0.40. wh1ldl: A:f11>_"tiM was ~1Rratlcd abouc much fcrvice. Lee <.:Very man bc.;nd ham!df co bamfh and bcac away difh:dions, N 4m ne91 chord,1 (onum r~ddit, .11~em vult manm & 11m11 H.or,Jc rr. 4 Po[cent1ef.,,gravem perf.cpc rem11t1t ~cl!tum. . pm. Verfc 36. if fb1 pit.lfe the flower] Childehood 1~ counted the flower ot age : fo long the ApolUc would have m~rmgc forb~rne. while the Hower of the plant fprouccch, the f<:ed is green, untie to


Vcrle 37. And hath (o dm-n~ J Rc1e~vmg fia~l a libe~ty cf doing ochcrwifc , if need rcqt11rc : wluch Pop1f11 votaries do not. Vcrfc j 8. Doth bm er J I.' for the better ~aiti11~ upon G.ods work without dHhacUon, i. l'or the better bearmg of pcrfecucaon. G 3 .Ycrfc 39.

be fowcn.

! -~ .~

------- --- - .___ _._,. .


A--- 8'1

------..:..-....~~c-......~ ~-===~===i#r;umme ...:.-...__._. --~--------,Verfe 39 ~he ".1111' ls6trtJ J The Monttf/lt ;n.

~~1 ~P!!1_1!!_e_j!l_!!_pijllt


. . 1---------.. .--.. . . .
a lkecle.

NT~ t Aw s. --------~--------.~-


"' pro for11ica- With dtctn 7ertuNan in his old. a c) . 1s therefore ( C&nd rioni~ b.a!mir. demned kcond marriage and f ~ . were man errour, that c-on-

e/St Piul~o. t/J1Ctn.1



tion. Howbeit that of a~ it was b10 ~etter then fortiicaof de~th; and that wilLb:~~1~~!r~s ~~er l>'d d1llikbed. Thi?k d4ily 1C ancs of frcond marriage. !) QE 1 t 1 Ycrfe 40. BHt fJ;e u hAPfier J . Sh cafe, and have lt:Cfo to care t '; d e lhaH live more at 11 cur c_ares into as n:mow a com~~fi-. .we lh?uld contract tlpecully. t: a$ We can, m hard timl's,


diicevered tmth. and y<;t in many things he wasmQre

the Hars 1 and written of them all. Hoc



the AU:rolager vaunted, that he had COLUltcd Aug. Jeci11, e~o prim111 vidi., faid 'D4i, ~. ;r,_./,4reO. And LAurtnriltV Ya!/" boafkd, shat ~here was no. Log1ck wonhy co be read but his, which thttef<>re be called, LaAicA111 l)k~hn~ '4e-,

c HA
Vcrfc 1. Now

. ---. ---------........_...___ ,


VI ll.


rouchi"Hf thjHV


t.ecaufe knowledge puffoh wpb t t le means ?f knowledge, they mighc br 1iumuJe :tnd ~a ' o would be ignorant, that wane pride ( This wa: cobclike'~ Know~tdge thac they might tycs,to.avoid the d:mg<:r ofunde.ann;,mocrnm who pluckcout hi:.
Vede 1. ifany "'"" tbinkJ Thi . .know nothing, faid Socr11tes, N<.:i s one thing I ~now, that I .know n~rhmg, fairb imother. Thou E,ier know I this yec, rim I. many tl11ngs ( iaich a third) y t 1 dg 1 my kl,f 1gn_onm of gett, lgnor11,J11'.am me,,. .. tgnoro c; are With Ori ..... ,, no ,. I a 1 ly profdlc tgnoranc. The grcaceft pare f k, a 1 no~ ignorant thac I am

We / J So all pretend. Sed n11mmos. h . d ntmur11nd11m & fc:ientillm fld r. . d iibuerm1t Athenunfu Th llt \l II h ;C1~>1 ""' vi-'e a" Ave k.J1ow/edue J llu I . we have love coo Th. b '~ ~ t llt H.1 not fufficienr unlclfe . trt e miluy chm1s con h > t> f a good work, a la wf ull aClion. b cur Lo c e making up K no1vled,ge p11jfeeh ,1, J Sw ll" humjlicy laid c n as a wcighc ~ c mgd us above meafur~, unldfo ~ur knowkdgc for the goud~t ~p ~1s o",\'n, and charity regulate ~a~ nin in the middle tc:gion Jl f Knawledge without love 0 -1uflin mak<ich mention that ~e f ~ 1 1 Wm: chey of whom

cafe that they had pro A Nocher Ch1ip.7.1. P

ou d d

n c to hun m thdr Letter,


VcHm pllmiliter decli1111r'e, Ye flull be as goJ~, Ge11.J. faith


Vcrfe 3. But if ""Y man love God] And his ndghbour for Gock. fake; his friends in God, his foe' for God. Tho flme 1~ lnown 9f him J That is, Knows him favingly, G,,1.4 9. is taugh~ at God, 1 The.0~4 9. who only givt:s trne wit:. dom, 711m.1.5. Verti: 4. Is natbing \\ortd] A mcei: fid:iun it is, that the Jdol reprefomerh, a brat of mans brain. Non~ orhtr Gud bm rme J 'fhis t~e wifer Heathen alCo acknoW !edged, and for oppofing th~ mulcimde Df godti S"muo foffcrcd, Cicero in his books ot the N '1t11re ,f th~ go41, takus pains co lhcwthevanityofHeAthenDeitie1. And after all wi(hcththat he were as well able to finde out th~ trne God, ~s to dikovu the falfe. Verfe 5'. Th(lt Are ""Ued.1,ods J Hefiod reckons up thirty tJwufand Tcif/drtlelof them that were in his time. What an army may we think theta 01 drJ,, C,rm' were of them in 11her. ages ~ )':9.vl 'Ti'"l$1'.U{JoAs th1re be tod1 m11wy J The Sl!rpcnts Grammar firO: taught, Tft~~ !


And I.,ords man1 J Dem)!-gcds, Rcrou whofu j1mge1 wcnr worlhipped. NinUJ was the fidt that made an }U}aga t~r his father B e/114, and all that came co lee it were pardoned tor all their offences i .whence i~ tim~ that Im~ge c:imc to bt: worfhippcd. Eut they did a w.ry 111 office thac hrl\ brought in Images, faith Varro (3s C11lvin citcth his wprds ) for they im:rcafod crrnur,and took away tear. And Pl14~rch faith~ lt is tacriledgc c~. wodhip


-ufour ignorance. And yet h~:~r nowlcdgc is ~ut chc: k-all: part thats knowable . as in Al ., . J phc _arc: we to chmk we know all i>on 1 nr>1A~eJ is Army all w ld b 1 . e ear11~rs. .JJpitHrlU faid th h ou c eaders, ' at ~ ~as ~e fuft man ChAt ever


Verfe 6. BM to ~bt:rt ubHt OHt God] Be chc gods of the H1a. then good-fellows (faith one) che true God is a jealous God, and will not hare his glory with another. Of whom 1tr1 Ali thinv, and We for him J So that God is the fir{\ ctl(q.and the lafi end ot all : which two m: the propt:rtit:s ot the chief good. Y~d\;7. Vnt1 thu ~es-J t:hough chey have been bmer '~ughc .Gt ~mi

by images.

and clearly ccmvrnced yec the ff fl . --------. of tht::ir old odJe fup;rCticious ~on~~c~cca;;, at leaft fame tinthne- Ne i:iaupini. he be learne.d or unlearn,,d ( {a1'ch c" o mans ipec:ch, whetht:r t>ne,&c.Ve ntJr. L ... 1cero ) n 11 tleor,1. l. me arom chat opinion which I have cak . ta ~vcr pert wade conccr~1ing ch~ worfhip of dit: irnmorc~~ ub1~om mmc ancdl:mux Thes>'con(c:nncebcin'l;\\'cakJ Tl -~ . . che true nature of things' 111diHi..1cnc. ia~ is, ll{Jt rightly mformcd of h drjild J By domg what they deubt <>f .Verk 8. But meat commendeth iu n t J ll10l'l: Meat is indiffermr Th. A n. JS JS another obJe1 anfwers V, f r . c pane n t 9 rnr Jt JS rnditkrrnr 1 ' to che unrefolvcd: For in {uch a ~af~ IC prove noc a flumbling block and foruear co excrci{i: ir. t thou mull: fulpmd thy llbeny, Vcrfe IO. Rum/, 0 /cJ(n~J J Th . . c11re in gche11n11m, as Ten11/b,w h JS J~1 Profi~t~e in p~jttJ' 4fdifi .. party-c~loun:d objl'tts, chcy uriiv~~~::h 'Wi11 :dcst.m.m louk upun 0 fhecp did, pom: nucs, as La6an 1 Vt:rlc JI Thy \\?ea~ brother eri n. J R . cv?lc to p 11gAnif me, or at kart: pollute his confcicncc P. J'I be foe LltJ011 thy icore. And fr n ~Ith mo~caH linnc, i.y!uch thaU to anl wer for ? :4 c ou nut hns enough of chine own ~'i!nVm. . Vnk12. AHd\\ omultbe1'rWc 11 k_c ,r, ft to make it found heavily as a {haul ons~Sf~ICU J Gr. Beat Hpo11 hc:ar~, 2 S11m. 24. 1 o. m. ~ m JS !l~ a ilrokc upon the

_!!_==~=~i_~;;;;~;#ii"P'~ th~firfl]ipiflta


-*'---- -- __ ..__. ________


ef St Paul

to the

Co R 1 N 'l' r AN



---~-~- .-- ------------------~---


c HA.'(>.

Verfo 1. Am !not an AprJftle. &c. J

thing more, then I kit du in partmg with proper rights ? AH things ma Minilh:r 1hould cx-:mpbry, and for imitation, Tit. ,,;r;.<e. 2.7. In all thing.r flww thy /elf 11 pf.4tern of good \\od~;. Th\! word there ufed iigniheth a thing chat m:ikcs cite Hamp on chc coyn, ot the mould whcreinco the veHd is can and ll1apcd. H.ive I not feen the Lord. f J vi.;::,, In val ions and t'Xtalt('S. The foHe ApofHei: repom~d him no Apolllc. brc:rnle he had noc convcr1cd wich Ch rill: in chc fidh. l t is ordinary with kducm co dmall: hom the truths Champions, th1t thly may be the better dke1ncd ut~ Thus B cflttrminerdt!tl:eth the bthtrs and ochers chac make nodor him, as herct1kts, lo /rcniem, Tertr1/li,1n, E1?/cbim and Luther ( laich he) I aniwt:r, OmncJ maniftffi Ju.ntici ftnt,chey 'f,'c cl,i;//o lib. 1 1 art: all mamtdl hc.:rttikts. So vfrminlm his courk W:tS to dttrad ''' P 9 from che authority and fameot Ca/Vin, Zauchi, Bo:,a; M1trtyr, ,\;;-no/. 'Dor.lee~ &c. thJt he rnighc bmld h1mklf upon bmn mens ruinl's. Thct J.e " 1 -f,'4' tuices ipeak moil baidy of ~c P 1ml, as making much againfl: many of their tenets: and Hick nut co ccach in their l'ulpits, That he was not kcure of his prtachmg, bm by cunkrum: WICh St Peter : Nor tbat he durft puuli!h his Bpillks , till St Peier had ~llow- spec Europ~ ed, chem. .. : Vetk2.. ThefealofmineApofl/tjl;ip] Secchelikc,?er,23,n~ And M.u.u.!>.itwhereour S1viour provcth John liaptilts Muullry lo be from hc:avc:n, by che fucceff. . ; Verie 3. Mine 1mfwertothcm, &c. J Or, fhis is mine Apo. .logy to thute that cavil and qumd my l:alling, vi;c.. Thac I have converted you and others : a rt:all proof, an od1.1lar ueffion{b:atiou~
~o 1

Th' .


is to fay, Do I require you to do any T Hat my daily, my uc

ThorJ k._noU1e/} (faith he to s I m"(cij David appropriares it! a~raignmem of mean maltfaL<i~L:r~on .wh,,ht z~a_6 mr, Thu Kmgs Crown and dignity So h . rnns m c c hik ot wrong to the V fc tre. tr C 13. While the Uorldfla 11d4 t1; J W " ably relolvtd, neither to give: off ~ - {]c mufi iland uncban?,e ~u)ldly., ence ~arc1 <: Y, norto take oifcl1ca

. 1 c /inne aglli1ifl Chrifl J Wh h ld h. . m the mitufagrn of his fcrvams I~ .o s ~~1{el. highly concerned tht: ienfc of an iniury done ro a~y f ish an J e~n1fpnfion, to fever {Mb had Hain e/lfmer and !.Ao c e mem ~rs, from chi: head.;

"!" '"

Vtrfc 4. To eat "ml to drink.,] At the Churches charge : fo that we do 1t moderately without~xcdk, as /ofi.ih dad, and it went
Vcrk 5. To lrnd"bo11t 11fifi~r J ht 'the Ch\n,hts ,huge 1ikt wile. The Papifis that deny th~ lawlulndk of Miniltcrs mar riagc, are condemned and cmfed by their own Camm-law. Di.. jlinll. '9 and 31. See tAlls tfna .Mqnumenu, folio .11'08~ r~1Jmmi1~
wdlwichhim~ 1~r.11.1s.



prt:vailcd. '"'"e ouncd, and 14 V trft: 6. T" fo.-lu~r l)l(lr~:11rr J Ac our d ilrnnll~ ~afily 'oc of if1t:lanllhc~s mindt! wh m. e ? Y{:s, .or ~lfe I the Mmilkry, rhac it was the Artof'A:cs a~:'hfnon.c l1:td laid of )uh.\tanl./oc. cnccs; if he had added ( 1aid Me/11 Uh. ' ) he le. f~ience ot lci"in 111. ,ofmiknes, he had hie chc nail on h~d t ac It JS che mifcry ,, crfe 7 Who ioeth ,, \Var fare &c J M' '(l be VJliam as lot1ld1ers,diligc. nr as h,usua.ndm mi .ersl as chcy fl1ould en, VJ"1 anc as fl1"ph d (l>" 1-i. ,~r,,muor,,rques,&c.) lo lhould the Hv, ,:,f . .. er s v~ry rinker and tJpitc:r doch. It's a ti n 1a{ ~J cheir la?our,s cmen art! fo dofo-handed to rbcir Minificrs g 0 fig devormn, when got'5 not uor(!wardcd. ' w c very cold Water Ycrle 8. O~ q.ith not th~ l1nv J Not of Nacion fJrr[.7. but of l!od exprcildy Ver6u nf) 11 (ot J s ~nly' a~ '~erru? ' oNmaifertu,fod& Vcr(r 9. lJ oth God tu~ care for 0 ~en ;> J H d 'lon.4.11. i:c prcfervcch man and bcaft. H h e hot~ doubckfie, vc:ns chat cry to him only by impLicatio1; ca~~ c e young ra .. more talse carr for men, fur Mini!lers? ' oc e noc then much Verfr Io. Should plo,, iH hope J Of ma . . . labour, which is cheref~re c:dled the /.fl 0 mcau~ng }1s lift by hi& 0 1 is uplie:d by the laueur of our hands L~di ~flr a~. ' b~~aufc it rropert. d:u hu,110. ' t,qus erila fam#n1t 11Na11 . V crfe I I. Is it 11 gr(at thin~ &c J D . for br:iffo? Cart we noc pearls befor~ you ~ u~~ we ~vc you gold gave AriJ1ot/tt for his book de N.1tJJ A. . lt':\'rm tr the great Which .is 800000 Crown~ at lean "::,_h "d'"'~ """' Boo. calcnts, h b H. Ho ~ (0 '.!YIU Gv._4 tr {1 d 1Htm1ga1Jit a t ,~td o~ mro latme, and dedicated it co Pope Sht T~n ate fi:11u ra9a qu.iJt- asl\C bun' how l~llch the rich oucfide of the book ft:~ e P?pe ' ' ornatia con G11~a anfwercd, founy crowns Tl10 ( t' d him m : flarcr t &c manded tobc: repaid him and f~ fenc h~ ourcy crowns he coin. dc " . , ] o I1 ~J111110 ,, war ror 10 prec10t1sa pitcc of work H Jm away .wicbouc any re'om. f 1 ' Greci:m !it and fmg, ow we 11 ought the poor old

Hifl rrip.t.i,,, P11phn11tiu1 oppofcd chis propolicion in the N' __

upon the.firJI Epijlle ____ ,--- -- ---- __A ~~~_"!_!~t~ry ------------------

C _____ _


c};p:9-.--- t>fSt Paul to the c QR [

N 'l' H I A




J h

b~ing--~~-fJaiu ~p~~he Apottl'c-;~f-hi--ili~u-ld-~~td~-.~-h; - - like. v~~re 13. Li'1u ~f th1 thiHgi bf, &c. ] Yt':i rhey lived plen ti fully 3nd rkhly 1 as appears by the li~nll gift of tho!C Levites for Pafkovcr.ofr'-rings, a Chron, 3~ .9. Vtrk 14 Even fo hath the L()rd] Nocethlt [ (o J Caich one: "chac is, As they of old li\'\:J at the Alm l>y cich~s' fo Minilh-rs "now. How dtc will mm fatisfie chdr conlcicncesin the pamcu "lar qmncicy chry mull: bdl:ow upon the Minillt:rs ~ The ~cnpcure '' fikaks only of the c:c:nch pare. . Yc1fc: 15. Jlcrurformuu~i~J Tob" hungcr-fhrvcd then to ~o any thing to the prejL\Jice of che Go!pd. Affiitl1an is to l>~ chokn rather chw tin, 90'1 36.1 r, f.?..rta.1 non oportu morte.r p;.ec- Epi/1.J. li,~ere, faich ZHinglilu. What death thouid noc a man chufe, nay what htH rather then co ftn againil: his confcicncc ? D a11it I chole rather co he can into the Lions den, thm to bear about ch1t Hon in his own bofome. The Primitivet-hrilti:ms claought ic forrebem:r A.J lro:rm 111~ to be thrown to lions w1thour, thtn co be lc:t'c co lulls wichin. Po l" :1w11 le11or.e.
ti Jn ,_.,.Jent em rogum infil11t't"o, quam ullum pecc,itum fo D-111m J. u uil, commi.frro, laid :i good man once. l will rad1crlc:ap into a bone fire, then wilfully commit any wicked none. The Moult: of Ar- I'inrns in vaa. ~e;1M will rather die then be ddikd with any filth. If her hole I be: be!mem:d wirh dire, the will rather choo(c to penfh wfoh hunger then l>e polluted. Such was P11Hl licre, and tucn' we oJght .all co be. Verie 1c>. I have nothing to glor1 of] My glotying js, that I preach It r,r.(!.ti& > and chm:by flop an open mouth, a.Cor. u.16~11118. give th1:m the li~ tll:u taUly accuk me, that I make a
TeWoei.fu~tome] ltWJsdeathfonhe high".Pridt to emcr the Tabernacle without his bds. Preach &mn, preach ; thou wile be damm:d eUe, laid one cu his friend. Be inllanr, or lland over the work, in {eafon,our ot icaton. See ACobJ d1ligencc,Gm. 3i. ~:mnJ91. 40. And f,rn/J, V..:de 17. I have arnva1d] Yet not earned, but offreo.gncc, God crowning his own work~ mus. He was a proud Papitl that ~ fod, Ca:lHm gnm~ nun 11cc;.piaT1LJ, l will noi have: hCH'(Jll i!J..'l. for nou0 ht. And he 'mother, that faid, Open ~on11 mrrc11tHr" r(g- IJ~ll"rrri. 11icodrflu, Good w.orks arc cht: price ot' ~od wilt cafl: all


prizt: of you,


.f4LJl'. 1 .

Sp11 nuUa ult~Ytt;y. 1 &~.

Heu ma/~ mmc ~rtts mifertU h~c {.tcttf.J trall Ant,

Veife I~. 1/ otlurJ J,4 p1trfltk...ers J If . &c.for tl1c talfc ApofUes preached . (yo~r ordmary Palfours i CDr. II, I~. ) panly to draw Ji~atuD~s. olmc gacher ouc of . . . . . re l cip '51 and partly to

Luch mcric.merchams out of his :rcmpk~


-----~-;-~-------:;ic;;,;m;;;;i 11pon i7c-fi;JiEpiflie~ Ch-~B_Ht if a~ai11fl m1 'Will J 'flirtm

A. 1~fou_ 1ersYonncwrs. Thcyfkefothtircolours"' hD ;-,: to cht:1r windows,/fi.6o.8. ' st <.: ovl~ V <.:rle 18. wh,a '" tn7 rmarJ then?] My mercn 11 d' JI h I h:iv<.: ht:rc.'. "'" i, a t ar: l\l.\,h A llm. TIJHt I ahr{e not J i. e.Thlt I make no indifcm:c ufcofir. No1' pa;,._H9, opu,11011 glo~M1n_, non voluprate1 q11ttjivi (faid holy .AfclrmElhr;n ff ,me 'Oil/CtellfMl/11 clt1ffro' a11oc1mr1 ditccdo I I ) Ih l 1 ~,. 'J. never ioughc Wla t ' mn0Llr1 nor plealurc. This my confcicnce teJ ' , ever becomes of mr. s me, what .. ,,_:d '.:'- 111iJ V crfe i9. Th,u f ma1 train the more J The c. l ,._,,r.; uJ'1-1. .~r1i11, fignificth withall th~ joy and ddighc of the h 11ee ~ wo~d _for J r 1 11" t earc m gam111g t igni Il:~a o era tor guile, foch as is char of the fox ~ . h w~ich when he is vrry lmngry atccr prey and can fi d, down and kigncth J1unfelf co be a l.fead c:uca(J .. nacdn~_nc;h ef,licch 1 0 c e owJs t~ 11 up~n hm~> ' an;.i J l na M c 1en Ile c:ncherh them. So '' n:uit u, d Jumklf co gam his hearers. mi er eny ' Vcrfe 20 . .And~1ntothcJcn1 &c J Noti'ric c . . on1ormmg to cl1 .m 1mp1mes: liut 1. In the uk of chin"s mditkrenr 2 compailion toward chem, b ' : 1n merc1fult To them that ttre 1111d~> the /arv J Though n t J, b profdytts, as che Ethiopiiln Eunuch Cornelim o& :ws orne, yet Yerk 21. ThM I might (ain thr; J A in.'. ~ fj cb:rnrs, /J..:!.i x.1~Jafl'or 7H w~...'J7-"1~,1) Who ar. c.:c~~ or romf mer\. t '} lh c 1leV1;1 Wtary o r:ikinll' m~mcy . .) l "'' l\rp~ lllllch upon rhis ltrino out f' H 0

nolenti~im,~11 /l~d ~~ill lham upon no nun. All h1s krvmrs :ire a fn e ,,,.01,1. p r. 1 . r" c, 1,t 1, 11 o '.> 11 h ld

- .-- -- - --- -- . ------- ------- - -


ofS' Paul to the c. 0 RI NTH I AN s. dircyh~1d; the ~~~11 yecli~xcdlc:~~-~a~er, thoughi~ l~~~-e-~~1uch



mud. Noah s builders were drowned : and the lign that tdlech the paffengcr is whoHome .dic:c, or warm ~odging wit~i~, may it klt remamm tbdlorms wuhouc. Sec 1 Tim. 4.16" N1h1l
tNrpiNJ 'ft Plrfptltetico cla11d~. Verh: 14. K How 1e Hot 1 he Apoll: le argue th from t~ar pro-

fane fports, yec approvt:th chem ~o~ : As ncicher doch the Lor~ pacroniz' U1ury,k/at,25.27. In1ulbce,Lu~16.1. Thtfc, 1 Thefi. s,2. Dancang, AfM.11.17, Sorumuthatyn-n11yobtain] Herc is the race, lmtabovethe Crown, faid Ig1111ti1U to Polycarp. Run co gee the race, faid Mr Br. 1dford co his fdlow-foffercrs : you arc almofi: at your j::iurueys end. I dl1 ll~t nm but our hthn will with us lend co yot~ al lo, as he did co Elilu, a fiery lhar<.:t to cornt:y us inco his King.. dom. Let us cherdore not be ditina1cd to ka ye om clukc l>c:bindc us, thac is, our l>udies to afhcs. Vcde 25, /1 ttmperau i.n AIJ thingi J Thefe luxurious Cori11. thia11s wm: much addid:td co thdr bdly : he calls them therefore co mnperance. J11 doth it bt:comc a krvant ot the highdl, to be a fbve co his palate, co have a~imum i.n patiniJ & ca/icibuJ, as_ the Sybarites. A man may eat chac on earth., that he mull d1gefl: in hdl. Verfe 26. Not 1U uncertliinly]. For, 1. I forget chafe things thac arc bchinde, all \rnrldly chmgs, I {et thofe by. i, I have
OCJJ!unt ad mmun (Which W!l~ Lutidvitm f/ivu hi!l Mo~to) an


t;ri..J1ove1t.i: A

oi .,-{~"- 1 ' 0 '

Afl ot1J MtM Joi, 1 '1 f. ' 9


.A6f.411il No"1 1..u~.

chec, yet give chc poor people barly bread or WL tt. nel manLord hllL "h J h ' 'Ii' ocvrr ~ fe thtJ com mitt(;'-' u~1to c c:m. as .B NU>- bad Br,idflrd. Vcrfe 23. That l 1mght 6e parmiz;r J ; " That . vcd together with you. for the bdl may cail ~ec co1 mrgh~t be (a. though it frJf nevu rncer. Tkc field may be wc.11 CchcdCO~rch' owe wnh a

0 l could wah a good contcicncc. , as ar as Th1Ct I might .frve {ome J This is che hinhclt h . wor1'd c h l .J ~ onour m che . , _o av~ any. la nu rn tlie fa ving ot fol1ls. L~c all of an . lny puc torch chcmlclves hemmro: and if they have noc fi Y abi-

UoJ, .Miniiterso~nulto tu~ ro~1g drf1re mto all lhapts and ta1l1io11s both otlp1ric and focecl111c c ''!1fte lvrls co God. ' o gam ou s Vert~ 22. To tl.e \\cakJ Not prcfiing upon chem the :rnfl:er . of rd1g10~, buc candefcendmg and complyino with them t mes


Wjnning foulcs ~o

eye u~on the mark. ~ .. I ltrain and it retch toward it. See all thefe Phil.p3,14. That bear1 the air] As young Fencers ufc to d0,, but I beat mine advnfary. Vert~ i7. r.../1[7 boa1J My body of finne in chewholeman, not mine outward manouly. lf wc finde the dcvilpra1.'tifo1g upon che lldh , the way is, not to r1::vJ!c the devil, but to bt:at the
A c.1fl.1w111 J Cail. out of heaven, as they were out of the fen .. t:m~-fchools 1 thu were richer crollc or COWlrdl,Y.






. ______ _


A C0111mew111ry upon ilJe fir ff Epijlle

(;HA p,


of St Paul to the-Co R 1 NT u 1" N s. Chap.10. ~ h"il~ gf-yQuth,. puts upon fornication a bl~~JY- tl~k~; buhcd .. i~;-. --. --
tne hloJ of twenty three thouraud.
Three and twmt7 tho11(am1


Mo/es mentions 24000. where ..

Vcrlc 1, I \\1011/d not th.1t 7efoo11!d]

There is very good t Hiftoria ha ch it's name~ fmh Plato,~f {\(in)ln.g che flux of errcurs and evil mannns. for ' ,., 'fr'lf1'1T~ 1'.'11:1.1 rn11mto t1l 11w:e. rlc.rc I . brd,i ~lrr11t~1r. Wh3t ln:cccr t:fktts finnc 1J1 1 p~v in i.,rat, h~rh prod~1ced .m !0~111.: man, it may many man. Lege ig~111r hifto

fid,t faith one. H . . be madl ~f och:r mens cxan~plcs.

lflori.c monitrices,


of one choufand went the <:hiet Princes, the others iqft:riours,provokcd to fin by their example. Bm why doth the ApofHe infill in the fpcciall punil111ncm ofthc: pcopk? To fi1cw (faith lcarnc~ Juni.. Jun Nual lib.a 111 ) how higid and inli1tlicient their excn{c is, chat pretend for p.p their ftns,chc cx:impks of cht'ir fup~riouu,. Vcdc 9. Nlither let m tempt J By provoking him ro jealoulll:', a!I verf. 22. efpecially by 1Jolmy, that Lrnd-ddol:uing


nf j11lJ


Vcr,fc J, cYlnd '~'ere 11fl baptiud] And yet were roared out and te11.Cled. Bapu{mc faveth ; not the putting ~way of chc filch otchdh.l11,bur,dc.1Pcc.l.21, .. . V~rle ~ And did aU eat~ They fed u~on Sacraments, and yet d11:d 11.1 (Jo~s d1lpkafurc. fhe carcafe ot che Sacrament cannot give life, but the foul of it, which is the thing reprcknt('d, V~rfr 4. The {time fJiritual/ drink.] Here was no dry commurnon. Sec pf,1,1<J5J1 Tl1,u !J1irirn.-dt ra~k._ rh~' follawrd rhem] The w:irers of rhe Dcut <; ir. ro~k, cht: vi.:r tnc and brnd1t wc~t along with chrm : io 010uld the _ ttlicacy ot chc Lurds Supper W1(h us. We lhould walk in ti1 ~ Hrcngch of ir, as Eli11h did ot his cake. t: Vtrlt:). T.he1 \\'~re ovrrthrown J They died with the Sacramemall meat m ch~1~ mouths: our pnviledges txcu{e us not, but aggra vlte our cnormmcs, Vcde 6._ Were our extm1ples J \'Vorchily :ire they made cxampks tha~ w1H ~10t take them. Aturitt.s pcrditio wajit c1wtii. The ddltutl~on of <.lthcrs 11~ould ~e a tcrrour to us, thac we may wafh our feet m th.e b.loud of che wicked, <p (di. 5.i.6. It is a juft prda e and defert of rumC', noc to be warned. g As 1he1 a!(o luffed J As at K ibruth II.ittnavah, where by a ha. fiy ~dbmcnt they lKqucathcd a new name to the pnacc of th bunall. e1r

Vctfc 10. As (omc of dem 11/(o J i h. Numl>.14. And God faid Amen to it, vtf'f 2 8. M:iy lie nor jullly l:iy chc fame ro our dc:cdbbk Lod-dam11-1m's? ./lJ m:!y .u I live, (iii th the Lord, tlJ 1e h,,ve fpo~>t in mine eares, (o will J do to yott V crl~ 1 1 Por 011r admonition J God hangs up lotm as it w~re ingibuets, for publike cxrmpk. ~cc vct.6. Vpon Whom the endt, &c.] :rhde tht:n are the lalt and \~orrl: daics, the very le<:s and dregs ot mm. Now the work the tnncs arc, tbc becccr we '11ould be : and the rathtr, occaui~ an end of all 'hir1;~ is at hmd. Vc:rk 12. Th_lf thil4kJ he ft1md1 J Jf he do hue rliinlc fo, if he bl:' no more tht'n a kuncr, ~e will fall at kngth into htll mouch, A man may l1v..: by a form, but he cam:oc die by a fonne. Thm:fore iacher keke co be good, then fce.11 to be {o, Verfe But (UclJ .-u 13 commo11 J SHch Mis humane, i, f. ~''':Tl'HJbl'a' Eicher {uch as is inc1dc:nt to men, as mrn, Job 5 6. Or (uch ns men J'Ei ;_;\w,;v may wdl bl'ar without buck\ing undtr it ~ Or inch as cuml'S from o'nrr. Xc1,t:plmi mlll 1 nor from dtvils: Ye Wrt[I le Ag:1inft ~e/b an.~ /;{oud, &c. Or ) ou are ytr only ailured w idulatry, nor forced by p..:dtCLlCion. Yl'H graufic your idulatn.JUS acqu1imance with yol\r prd~:ncc at d1dr Idol ft:uHs ; yuu an~ ctmp(<:d and foonc




Cods Totbk? muc~ o .Vcdc 8~ And.ft// in one du] J The ApoiHe inftcad of the doke

Vcrfc ? A;~d rofe 11p to pltq J .Now if they were fo chearcd and fhcn~chrncd l>y thde rn~nlJamg morfds, flwuld noc we be made atbvc and abundant m c. ~ods Word by th~ d11 f


But <iod 14 fllithfitl! J When Mr L.rtimer flood at the !l:akc, ,Jtl. ,11;/ MQ.1 , and checorml'ntour~a:muc co let fire to han and Ridle7, he iittcd fl,;51;;. U? his cyts tu Ward h~OAVrn \ ./ich an :uniJl>k and co.nforcal.Jlc coun.. rem.nee, faying rhde wurdst fldd1~ rft Dem, &c. Ridlq uUo at th\: fbkt>,WHh ~ wond,rous chca\ h\':l louk ran tu Litimt~, t~mbra. c~d~ndki!kd.> aud as, they thit lto~d uc:ir tl'po~t~d~ comfomd lbi.ltl6or.. . him,.




96 _____ -~--~-~~~menta:J_"-pon jirjl Ep}flle ______ ~-~~~~~ ~~ him, faying, Be of good heart, brother. (;od will eicher af. {wage the fury of the flame , or eltc will fir~ngchcn us to a.


Chap.10. of sc Paul to t~e Co a IN 't HI AN s.


Lide ir.

vidrncc of Cod wward me. .~t Vt:rfe 14. Flee fi'om lao/1'tr7 J He calkch their ficcincr at che , Idt h-fraHs, though withou,c ot honouring cht Idol: by the: ~J..c mime of JJohtry ! becaulc, I. Htt<.:by th<.:y y(;~1J~J ~ m;iLu ~~~: con!t'nt to that finnc. 2. Pcccy matters pave a caufey tor the greater. i' Vtrf e 13. I JPeak_ iU to \\ ife men ] i. t. Well skilled in the do ~ thine Jf cht; Sacraments : from one of which I am almuc ro argue. ~ 'Piftator afcer_hc h1d read fome of chc bthers. gave: over for this ~ reafon, bccaufc karce any of them did righcly undc:rfbnd the ulc ,, and dficacy of baptifme. Ynlc 1'1. TheC11pof{Jleffin!.] NonheChalicer, burrhecom. ' 7Jir/1 cle rat/o- mon cup. Cdui,n 'hofo rathtr tu h:avc Geneva, then to ut"! UO ne jlud1j Tbcol. kavcned bread or wafrr-cakes at the LordsSupp1:r. We may not ; Jlllg.,is. Jymboliz, wich ldolacers. ls it not the comm1mjo11 J D.Jth ic not ficrnifie anJ fee forth yea as an in{humcm,cffcCl: and cxb1bitc this co;munion? , ' Verk 17. And one bod} J Ry the force of faith and love, Can. 6.9. Afy dove i! but ~ne: the d.4Hghtt:rJ (aw her, And b/effed lur. No fuch_o~endle, rncirrndfo any where as :imong the Saines. Q. ther foc1r;t1es arc b~1c as the day in chc cocs of N tb11chadne~~~r 1 image, they may dciln: tot;cthc:r, but noc im;orporau: one inm a nor her. Vedc ~8: Are not they Which r~t, &c. J See Levit. 7.1~. Hence he mkrs ch1t thde Corinthian1 allo eatana ot the Jdulsfa crifices,werc dd1kd with idolatry: A pari. ::> Vcrlc ~9 what f.a1 I then f] He prevents a mi(bke. See cha. 8-4. Mm1f lers mufl m cbcir dikourlt:s meet with all objed:ions as 111uch as may be. Verfe l~. They f.acrifiLt to devils J A good intention thm cxcufeth not . The Gentiles thought they h:1d facriticed to God. So do the Pap1fls, w~ yet worl111p devils, whiles the)' worfhip idols

11 tlf rrif1 Wiih the rcmptntlon] tIc proporcionrch che burden to the back, and the {hoke ro the lln:ngth of him that bt:ircth ir. 1 thank God, fa1d Mr Br~d{Ord, my common d1k1le (which was a rhc:um WJCh a ktbkndlc ot ftomach ) doch ldk cwuMe me chen when I w~s om of prifon , which do ch e<:ach me the nH:rcif ull pro~ . ,

:id~fs-ofgold,and fil;cr; am:ib~;-i{~-md ftone, R~;,;i. 9~.-2-0-._T_h_e_ _ __ l1'tpijl. devil is'Jl.>1-c.~n~, faith S7nefim an Idol-lover. Verfe 21. Parm~~, of the Lords mb/1 J Name and thing. 1hc; }>Qpifh Qpinion of Mdi\: was 1 th:it it minht not be celeb1:attd 1 At'f, r1n1l f'to,,. but upon an alcar, or ac lcall: upon :t (uperdltttrf, \tthich mutt havt! (ol,1u r. il's prims :rnd c:m:d:s, or ellc che thing was not thought co be '1P4.i.1j46,
lawtully done. Our Communion Table they calkd an oyllcruoard. And tht tnhb of devils J Redwctld King of EaftS4xo11s had in the {Jmc: Church one altar fur Chrillian lldigion,-md :mochcr for iacriticc co dt.. vils. Vcrie 11. Do \\'l' provok_l' the Lord J A~ Caligula that d:ired his 7 ove rn :i d\ll'll : /\s the raging Turk a[ rhc l1lt ail mlt of Seo Tor:;. bijf.Jar. iir.J, mufl l)orribly blalpheming <.)oj. But who lmuweth the 41 i pown of h~s angt.1? le is focbas nont: can avert or avoid, avoid 1'1.1\. 9t .t 1. or abide. Vcrk23. A!! 1hingstlrenottxpcdient] A,,/ice,u, an dei:eat, Rem, 11n e:o.:pedi<lt, arc three mofl necdtull qudl:ions. Things l;iwtull in themklVlS m:.y bcunfccmly tor our fi:Hc and calling; unbehov~foll alio to thl: b~mfa of others. ThiAk unla wfuH fur dice; wh;atfo(.Vtr implies t.:itht:r mr:xptdiency or imllcmcy. Verlt 24. Ln no m1111 (celz..bu own J Self cu ifcarries us all, and makes us ecctmri<:k Ill our mocmnsJ nochjng more. Verk25. H'h,11(ow>u(o!d &c.J Aportionof theconfecrated flel11 wa~ ufu.d!y lold :J1 u l Pmtls, who made thrn mukct~ of ir, as A11g }fine upon che Ron-;.tns tdtifi~ch. Vu-ft 26. For the rJ the Lords J God, of his bounty, lpreads a Td.ble for all : M.tkc no h.:rupit.: chi..:rdure, cit hcely.


V~1:fo'-7. Andyet~.,Jif}o(edtogo OurS:lviourwbe11hc bw th:lt 1ulms ;m(h:my w-.s C\;nlurcd, took his libcrcy in the uk of (;[Cil tun:s,and convrn1cnt comp.rnykc~pi.1g, L11~ 7.3 3,H. I do not fin Jc whtre cv ~ r he was lJlddcn to any cable and rdut:d. Not for the pl~a lure of the d1l11<.:s, but for the bmc:tit of (o winning a co11-

vcrfat1on. Vcrfc 28. Thee11rth Hhe Lotd1 J Thcrdore in cafc of fc:mdall :ibflain. Why fhouldlt thou ufc this creature, as it there: wcrt! no rnorebuc this? ~ufprnd thy 11b..-:ny : H.llt noc thou all the world
afore thee ?

Ycrlc 29. Wh1i1 my liberty jr1dged] As a profane licc~ce. We



c,,,,,,unt11ry 11pcn the fir/f EpifUt



Chap. 11

--------fuou\d befuic ofthe w~tly &;ws and fuadows of fin, Jl#'it'f #ttl . fi,erit mt1l'e col~ratum,. ai 'Bm.ara hath it itt a-thing lool< but ill ~
favoured, ablhm from 1c. Verfe ~o. Fo.,. if I by p_rtece ] Or, 'BJ i/,anklfivinf. The fa_me Grcd\ word fignificfi UU\ h to teach us 1 that a gra.tdull mtn '~ l gr:icious man. The untlwi~fidl and the ~vii are kt together u the tame, L11k.~ 6. 3). God is k,!nde to the H11thankfidJ ~nd to th: evil. V crfc 31. whether tht'rt' fore yeeat, &c.J Of a reverend Scotch Divine it 1s laid, That He did even t11t And drink._ And Jleep eternAIJ. lifr. Thdc common atl1ons alfoarelkps in our Cluiltian walk ing, ddi)ik them ~10t thcn..forn, but refer them to that fupreme fcope. Socrate1 even in his recreations, ptoficed his companions "i"<1i-:..:~J~1 Ji:~~ ().ucni t\o ldft! then 1f he h:id been rCJding Lcdun::; co them. Nrw1 "nd lie~ 70 l~ITTJvJ1 .Xenophon thought it fit and proiltablc that mens ii1t:cches at meals fi10uid bt: Wiittt:n . ~icq1,id agiU propter De um aga4, Laith one. XenoJih. p,,.opter tc Domine, propter te, faid another. Druf.Afopb1l'~ V crfo 32. Give no11e offence J This is anothr.r end we lliould aimar, thecd1fic:uionofothers. Finibm,nonofficiJ1 a vit~1,difcernunwr virtutes. Two things make a good Chnltian, good a"'. Cl: ions, and good aims. ; VldC n J.'Vot JtJJne 01vn prBfit J This, faith Ch,.1(o flomb1 is the nmll: ll~rtetl Canon of Clmltumity, the to~'-gall~n' ot nm: rdigion.


~ \}

Verfc ~. And k!tp the>im} ~h;;;;~ii;io111-;;;-;J~~ llriuu by word of mouth. Thcfe are 1. J? ~gmttticte/I, C?nccri: in faith and pra'A:icc, 2 Theff. 2.1 S ~. R1wa1J . ~nd. thclc agam Sdatl't, in toe. g Pern"""all as that of the mannet of adm1mfhmg i\re t. " , . . f' the two . s1cramrms. 'I. 1\mporary, ~s rhu of rom ccrum meats, Al1. 15 ,1 s,22. And chofe .ocher pcrtam~ng t<;> the obfor-. ving of exccrmll order ~nd decency m Chmch aikmbhes. And of thtk the ApolUe here {peaketh. . . , Vcdq. Thelu1td uf the \\loma111 u matt J Were 1t not an 1\l ft 1ht to fee the l11ou\ders above the head, the woman ufurp autho- .11 . 1 !:;ty over the man? A.prudent wife commands her bu!il>:mcl by o... " 1. . (l 1 91~~rc 1111, 1,11.
bcying, as did

of St l>aul to the Co a I


1 AN






Di/h8no11rtth Im head] ~.s they a~counted IC then B'u>tts voi;ige. a1nd there. Jn uchtr pla(C:J i~ il> o~h~rw1{e. 1' he French preach ~o. f'rn,

vctfl.' 4


r.'. [j.'


'J .j ~.'.1.~t


c HA p. XI.
Vcrfei. Be 7e fo//onim of rm]


i,. f.i. ,}I:

. ed The Ttnl~ neither kncd nor uncover rhe head at pubhke . ' Sevcra ll ~ountrcys . , praicrs, as holding thole: pofiure~ unman1y. have their fevcrallcuil:oms. Bajibade1 Duke of Mufc~vi,, 01ewed himfdf a cyram in nailing :m Emb:i{fadoms hat to bis head, for not uncovering it before him. . . . . Vcrfe 5. Praying or proph~cyi"g J is, Jllynmg w1~h t~e man that praicth or prophec1eth, and go~ng ~long with,_ hm~. m her heart. Thus the: King and a\\ lfrAel w1ch hun otfored Sacrifice befoe the Lord.1 Kin.8.62. find thus the unlearned icy, Amen, . . . 1 Cor,l"l'l6. See the Nuce on Rom.16.1. Vcrk 6. For~ woman to be /born J Our H1c-m11/un hold tt me. If Henr1 the had fccn fuch creatures, be f:. h L k d b fts 7Ja'llielt hift. now no fha would have cri::d out, as once ht: did at t hc i1g t 01 na c re , p. ,"1s.

Hinguifhing of the books of Scripture inro Chapters not veT ry ancil:m. But that of ver!es was dcvikd and done by Robert

Hisverfc prop~rly belongs


the fonm:r Chlpter. The di-

Stephem, f io qr1idem ar 1u11111lr1'eiria ftndiu (as one faith wdl) J with:& goou inttnc, but with no greats kill, as appears here and in divcrsorhcr pla<:{S, TheApol\lechdp.10.33. h:idthewedhisown pratlicc ~ here he cals upon them to do accordingly. As the Oxe follows the htrd, fo will I follow good men, Etiamft r11ant,faith 6icur bot ar 111rn1a, fie ef:,O Cictro, although they do Amife. This was more then St 'PAul iono1 viror, ddircs; Be1efoOowersofme. faithhe: b~onlyfofaras/ am ef

It r:. ~

Fie,fie,Lttdies,in(ooth7011are1ooblaN1e,&c. ~ . verfq. Heu the image A>Jd glory of God,]. Ryen as an ama~e in the glaffc doth look toward us, from whom it JS rclk~cd :. So (faith one) doth Gods image in us make the eyes of our mmds v1~w B1tynr letters;. him the authour of it in us. And as the eye. bec~meth one with tha[ which it fccth, Qnd is !lfter 1. for.tin that l!ght It be~ol~cth :. {o arc we ~y tht! vifion ot God1 whach lS begun m us, one with ham


C'hrifl~ no~

an ~c~further~

- --

and in him. h The 'Woman u tht glor1 of th1 man J ~ithcr becauk c may glory in her, if fue be good ; or bccaulc lhc 1s rp honour. him, and give glory to him. Vcrfe 8, B'" the ~o 11w1 of the man] Of {he wa~ made and but one bone, N~ f.f[tt oJfea, lait~ a A bone ' -H; of


.A C6mmentary 11pon the ftrfl Epiflle



1/ St Paul to t/Je Co a 1 N -r H I AN s.


"1 1tl4

ot'thdidc it was, not ofche htad ('he is not to be his mi{heltc) Pulat i,1. norohhc foot ( lhcis nuttobe his handmaid) b.ut of the fide, to lncw chat 01e is a compmion to her husb:md. A bone.: from un J~r the srn1 1 to msrh~..: th:.: man oF prot~~ion and dtf~U~\; th\i wom:m. A bone nor t:ure from hi~ he1rt 1 w mmd~ him ot dilettion and love to rhc wo1mn. A bon~ from the hJc fiJc, co put rhl! woman in mind>!, that by realon ot ha ha1lty and infirmHy, (he {l:mds it~ n~cJ ot ouch the om: and thi.: Other from h~r .

--vcrfe1 i.


hmband. Vi:tk 9. For the- \\1Jm.m J fr. Tofervc her: unlelfdt bdome .At Artc;nifiJ, womtn, fpLciJlly {Jlkd cu, and qml1fied for gover111rn:nc. A ZerH1111a 1 i;1"1Z mongll whom O~tcn Fli:t..1beth chac km:ik-glory is famous : Of whom a grc'lt hrnch Durchdfe faid, Thlt tl1e was, GloriojiJ!i """' ,,4:i11a Atf/l111a. Gu:/10111111 toJ' m.s, <::.,~ rmmium fjlfie rrnq11.1m fatp1r1Jm geJTer1111t fa:licijftm.-i f.cNrmu1ou(.p11- min.i, lklidc.:s h1:r ~tx, there was nochmg in her wonuu-like
HllS. Tl'U~'I.

ltjl I. I L4. i--<11mli,~ 1 11l.

m weak.

That is, 0\ veil, '11lkd in Hebrew And in-.kcd whac w;is ch;s 1ubjetl:ion to ch<.: husband, but a kin de of pown and pruct(l ion d.:rivcd to the wife, in rdpdl: of her for m.r dbttc ? B ec1111fe of the Angels J Prdrnt in the Atll:mhlies of the Saines. This was t~t hmh ot old l!>y tt:c h:rngings of clic Tabernacle w1ought with Cherubims within and w1thol1t. Ochers nnd<:rfbnd ... chis Text of M11111l:ns, frtqut:ntly callLd J\n~;ds, Hag. 1. 12 1 13. Rev;/,'- !Ind 3 Judg. 1, l. ( d1;t l\nd i~ thoubht co l>t. JJhjntdJ) Ealtf. S 6. Ne11Ji,r fay tlJOle ucfiJrc the vfn. gel ( ;., r. l>L fore chc l.0rd5 P1 idl:) it \\'.u ,m crro""' ~ VLrfc I I. Ntverthclefle ntithn- MJ This is iddld for the wom:rns comtorc. ThLTe mutt bt all murnall rtlpcch :rnd melting heart~dnetlt bnw1x~ m:irrn:d cou1)lcs, which bem:, prdtrvt:d frda and trnich1ll,w1ll 11.ti 11ctly iwcecen and ucauutie the marriagt-l{bce. Luve is a quom that mull be t'xchangu:i beLw1xt chem, anJ R arNd, (t
Te k"w power l~,d,id co lmu rnh.:.

rt:turrn:d in kinde. HH-1h11nds love your \'fivr.r, (,uloC ~ 16. He faith nor, Rule ova your wives, as he had fa id, Wives (ubmir 1011r fdves '" yowr hu!-b'1itds, but L~"Jc your \\'t:.1c1; yt:a, kt aU your things be don!! n love~ !or n~i;.h~r i:l 'h" m~n wllhout Lhc wmmm

B"t ~i7hin-~;:;/(;oJ]-God-con-~ulted not man to make him happy ( fatth one.) As he. was .g11orant while himfdl was made, fo did he noc know wh1l~ a fccond Mf nwas madeouc oi him; Boch, ch:1c the comfort might be the gr1.a~er then W!I~ expetted ! as alfo,thac he mighc ~oc upbr~i~ hi:> wih; wnh any great depc:m:liln~e or ob1it;~tion, h(; n~thcr wall,ng th~ wod{~ nor tuffrring any pam co have ic do~e. . . Vtrk 1 J fHdge in rur/elvu J All Ch~1fi:s fi1~ep are ratm .. nall, able to d1kern of ching~ that dtff.:r, havmg their tcnfts thcrcilllto ext:rcited, Htb.5.14. ~~t <o.mdins arc condemned by common frnle, as here : and rd1gmn 1s to~ndtd upon (o good real01?, that though Goci had not commanded tr, ~et 1t had been our WI itll way to have chofen it. But lu!~ doth oft fo blccr the undcrlhnding,that a ma~ '11aH. thinkc he ha ch rcafon to be mad,and that there is gn.:at fenk m finning. . . Vc;ric 14. ThAt if" man h~71e lfmg hair] Bufhes .of vamcy, whi~h ,hey will nev~r part with (fa id u .... JJN ..~ ) unwl rhe d~v1l })\\ta candle into the b~fh. ~urn.ur G1llams obJttls fh~t the hpofi k here intcndcth luch ha1r :is JS as long as women~ hair. Whc.rcunco we anfwcr, That Homer calleth the Gr~cks hau-nuunfliung 1(1~1tll.?!-tDr:V'Td,I men who yet did not wear their hair long as women. How A'xoci.'d' Home~ . Cro:,,wt/J handled the: fi1ag-haircd rutfon;, See ~Us""~ MMN .mrJlts of the ChHrch, folio 1083. How God hath p~mfi1cd t~ts uinaturall fin by that loathfome and horrible difc~fe m the haar,. called Plica PolonictJ; See Hircules de Sa.i:onui: Andou~.of him Mr B D/J on in his four lafi: chings.p~J! 40, It begun ~rl\ ( huth he) not many years ago in Poland' le is now cncm:d. m~o many parts of Gtrman1, And methinks our mon(lrous .tal111oml.ts botn male and female, the one fornourifhing their homd bufh~s of v~ nicy ; the ocher tor their moll unnaturall and curf~d cumng the~r hair, {hould every hour fear and tremble, ~cfi c~cy l!1ould brmg 1t 11pon their own heads, and .amonpfi us m. this lu~gdom. 0~r D.111icls Hift 1 0 it 67. Hmr1 1. n:prelfcd the wearmg of long hm : which .thou~~ were a gaiety of no charge, yet tor the undcccncy thereof, h.c rdor1m:d ic,and all other dinolucendfo. See Mr Print Vnloveluuf[e of htr] Now 1t1s a v~\c thmg tog~ 3gainf1: nature. Cypri1m and AuffoJ fay, That gan(h apparel~ is wodC then whoredom: becaufe whoredom only corrupts chall:1ty, ~ut this co~rnpts nature. Verfc 16. H3
/ove-/oc~. VerlC 1 ). Ht>' htfit- i4 giveH

, .

he ri> not compleat Without her,hc wants 11 piece ofhim(dt: neithe~ is the woman wichom the man, lhe cannot lubfilt without him, as the Vine cannot without a tupporcer.The rib can challenge no more ofhtr~then the: ~nh canot him, r)r:.

:Verfe 12.



CommentAry upon the firfoEpiftle

.... --------------"_, ......

Chap.1 r.

---------~Verfe.16~--s{;~to b6 to~;~tttio1u] A d1l1ore glorj1(0, rfr"/',9:. flare contentio(9, & inutilibiu q1ujfionibHJ, liberet Ecc_lefia~ (iuim DominUJ, taid Luther. From a v:aingloriuus Dott:our, from a comentious P3ltom, and from rndkfic and nccdkffe con troverfics, tl e good Lord deliver his Church. We have no (urh rnffamc J vh. To {hive abouc trifl:.!1, buc to Biftld ()I\ fubmittoour teachers, Heb.13.17. le is a vile thing, t:iith one, '}>~tojo to vex our Minilkrs by our obitmacy; yea, tho.tJh they wae not able to make fo full dcmon(hation, yec when tht:y rq1rovc htch things, out of a ipiritu1ll j :a\oulie and ka.r chac they conupc chi.! pwpks h~arcs, they arc co be heard and obtytd, V erk 17. I pr.ii(e 101rnot J q. d. I d1Ccom:nend :ind difpraite you, The (orinthia11s wc:rc in m:iry things hulcy anJ l>l.1mt:-worthy. ~t J>,11d deals phinly and fo:dy wich chem, and would not cherdore cake Llmr offrred kindendfo, '2 Cir, 12. ldl he Lhould bt.! in!:V3d to them> :ind l>y r~~1:iving a <O~lm.fii.:, frU hi:i lihL1tC\'. Vc'tiei 8, There bediv~(iom J Gr. Schifrm.r, rtntJ, yea, and that abonc tht: ~::icr:unent of the Lords Supper (chat bond of love) thorow S.ctans malin. Now there can be no grcactr linnc c-orn .. 'flo11t. 11,0,l mitc<.:d, faith Chr1(Jftnme, chm co l>re:ik chc pc.:act oi cheChtlrch. Ephf. CypriA~ faith, lt is :in incxpilbk blcmith, (nch as c i11110c be w:11hc 1.ib, de t11Jit JtC oft wich the bloud oi M:myrdum.:. The cmmr ot 1c may be parEcclcfi.c o~col. ad /r.u. doned ( faith Oeco/amp.uiisu in his EpiHle to the LNtJuranr of Sut'vi,1) to thl!re faith in Chratt Jetus ; buc the dakord in Sucvii.J

Chap. 11 of St P~ul to the~~- a. i __ N_ T_ 11 -~~-~-~~----- --~-~.- che i~~;(l;-~ci;f~ ~h~ecit'b~~~itt~d. As in th~{e Sacrifo s, Ho(. 1


~ "\:1. t~;~ is chc bread for chcir namrall lu!l.cnance.. He fpeal~s ot~~a~ meac-oftering, Lev;1,2. 5. appointed tor a fpGcui1l\rlc, ye~

Th bread for their (iiul p,~ll not come into the hot4(e of the

ca1ll.'.d che bretid for ;heir life or livelihnod; lk~auk oc t e;:m~.. icno ochenhL'IHOllllllOn me:u. So 7er.7.21. m lcorn he cals then:

tac~~~f~ t~e;1,1, ff~:~, m m~e~1]

Eatcth :md communicat~th wich choko: hisownfoel:andfatl:;on?nly, not lhymg t~; others. Such among Ihe p hilippi~m were thole u~ the cnn~1fio~,. C 1ap{ 3. ~: that made div1fions, and cm, che C~mcb into lmh. p11.:ccs and u' ingCongngarions, makmg kparauon. J H. h boliil1eth

Vtrk "'2t what ? He1ve 7e nut ho11ft1 ere e ~ , tht:ir love:ftalls, for the di{order Chlt fell OUI: therein, ,1 he ~~C~~ Church nevcrthddfc recaincd che~n: but the Roman Churc :u them down, a~ ?uftiH M,,,.,, .. Wl!ndfcch. . 'obVcrk 2 ~. For J have t'eceive_d J Rcf1um rfl rc.~ul.i fo_J 0

liq11i. The ApofHe fccms to rectifii;: th1:m, by rducrng them to che firll ini\inmon. h h' Ch h The (ame njght, &c. J It was his 1111 bequ.m t? is . urc , tor a 11~aOc1.fT:!ei~vct).e~l>'.!J.Y-"1" as Jgn;11im hath it, a iovcra1gn both purgative and prcfcrvacive. . B

ca11nor txpiut., rhouJh we tboulc.1 by down . our


l1v~s: to

eor ir. . V crfe 19. Thtre m11ft /Jt herefi 'J] Therdore much more kh1tlm:s, which a.Ho, for molt p:m.,do de:;cm:r.m: imo hnclics: as an old ~<:rpc.m incua 1Jrngo1,'n cht: rimcc~t Popc.: (lemenr the fifth, Fred.rick King of Sicily lo offrndt~ at the evil g<Jvernmenr. ot the Church, that he bcgm toqudtm1Hhc truth of rht Clw1ttian rdig1on. Bur Arnotdm de vi/111 nov.1 coniirmcd irnd fttkd htm .by chis and fuch lakt: placts of ~criptur", Ofjencrr vmjf come, there 'l##/1 be hertjif!) &c. God h:wing iodccrtt.d and tott:ntold it. /11ay be made ma,1iftff J As cbt:y an: nuw, if evn, ID th<.:fe fhedding and dlfcruninacing timc5. Su in chc 'Palt1tinare they fell to J>opery, as taft as leaves in Autumn. . Vt:rle 20. Thi! ii not t~ eat, &c. J When che lords Suaper therdore is nut rightlr admini{l:rcd, it as no hmg~t h1~ ; ,fpc,11lly

fhis u mJ body J En prttcl.r11m i/lam confecr.mone'!', ~ hold chat goQdly coofccration (faith Bna) tor the ~h~ch c c Shavclings t1 y th:lt they are more holy, then the very Vlfgm ~!(t'J for rhH 11r1 only conccivL'd Chrii\? but they ~teatc im. Whm:unto the Virgin might we\l reply, 1 hat t11c car~fully no~rifl,. d Chrift whom they cruelly devour. Dolt thou bckcyc. ( faid



;14 toNf:


the DoCl:our co che Marcyr ) that Chri~s body _and bloud IS m ~he El\clmil.1 rea\ly and foblbntiaHy? I believe, h1th he,. that tha~ is a Act. ond Mo11. reall li~ and a hlbH:mciall lie. When Cr14nmer was brought f.orth fl , o .c, d DrweflonP1.'olocucourchusbcganthed1lpu- ACf,411dMo"' to. I put(,e'm -"<;~ had1e' ftatrtJ proflitrat11ri. deteftandam-1 fal.1100. tat1on, onvtmnK> ' . ' . r .'> & j/Jam httrtfiti de veritnte corparil Chrifh m S11cra'!'cnto' c. At which mill:ake, divas h!arned men budl out mto 11 great langhcer. N h Verfe 2s. He took._ the C"p] See the oce on lftt e~


16. 2.7.

Vcrfo l cS.

j , Jo fom]

'ft to mm . d us We need no other im1cn\ e

H 4




.A Commentuy upon the ftrfl Bpijlle



___________________________ ___

TiR he come J There fhall be a Church then, and the pure w0r-




u r AN s. up;~ him i~ hisordinances, and hi~felf, or ~e


1f St Paul to the Coa.1


iliip ot God, till the worlds end, maugre che mJlice of tyrams and

J'U!~rtd>I fo. tl'lrew ic over the Colledge-Wall. Not long !lftet this, ht! threw t\i,,of th\; S11a: himldfheaJlong over che tJarckmcms ot. 'he Chappd, and fo end1~C. J. t:dhishft:. Ver(c 18. Let" m1rn e.\.:1-Hni~e J A Met:iphor from Metalluit:s

V~de 1 7. S h~n ~e g~ilt 1] Becaufe they profane the holy fym .. bols and pledges ot Chrafis b1dfed body and bloud. Ihde an: in fome il:nk, as guilcy as thoie. ch:ic {pit upon Chriil:s face, or chat tpilt his blouJ : As the Do1miib chat caft the holy elements to d~gs; or. as thac w~ctchcd Booth. a B~ch~lour of Ans in S. 7ohns l:olkdgc m C ambrtdge; who be mg Pop1fhly affected, at the time of the Communion cook ~he confecuced bread, and fotbearing to eat it, convcy'd and li.tpt it. c:lokly fo[ a timt' 1 zmd 1fccnvards

(hall hear from him. , Ve& 31. w~ P,o,.fJ not bir juJ~eJ J Gcxl thould be prevented, and chc devil put outofoffice, as having nothing co fay againft us, hue what we have faid bdore. Verfe 3i, That \\'e foouldnot, &c.J Ferre minorAvolo, 11e v11 ..
viora firam. Vcrfe 33. wherefore "'J hrethren J He that reproveth and advifeth not, doth as it were fnuff the lamp, and not pour in oyl.


----- - - - - - - - cMA

x I I.

or lapidilh, as ~hly cry their mecca ls or precious O:ones, and do it tx1C\:ly, d ac they be not co1.~ncdJ io here, m<:n mu('\: mal<t: an ex act kruciny. cAnd (o let him eat J Afccr imparation, pmicipation. The HLa.thLm had thdr c~n" pura, the night before their S:icrifices. 'l~h<t Rujji.m.r rccl'ivcchildren atcer kwn years old to chc Communion, {.iying 1 chat at that age they begin co fin ag"irf\ Gvd. Bue 11 ~ 'J"u,a l f can they fay, that at that ag~ tht:y can examine cht:m{dves, and receive prep.m:dly ? Chr1/?J'/lome calkth th1: Lord~ TJlik,that dre11d~e1r..(M11~. .,J, ~.::ix.rd fN fi,/l tnblc, and tht: Ancirnts call tht: Sacramrnrs dread/Mi myfleries.





To wir, of the only authour, and true end of th<m, L<fl ye h co:." 19,~ Vfinl1puffed11p b7 miwde, Ignorance bm:ds pride,
7~11r ~ foiy R t'V. ' . I 7. Vcrk 2, Eve" tU y1 Were led.J It i~ the mi(ery of a namrall man chat hath not his heart Habhthed with grace, to bi: earned a,1

Verfc 1. I 'Would not h111u ](}fl ignorant ]

way as he isled, to be whtnied about wich c very winde of d.o-

ftrine, to have no moulcl, bt1t what che next itducer cafl:eth hun
, ; ; 1 inro : being blown like a glisffe into this or that fbape, at the pkafure of his breach. . Veric 3. Cafleth !efiu acrnrfad] A_s the wicked Jews do ac this day in their daily praiers and aubrcv1amn:s : And ai; the Gcnt1lc:s did ofold, and chdc Corinthi,uis among the rdt. B~t now ,,_ ., . . h J c Pl' . T 1-. :~uorunJ nrrJ/ 1 they would rather d1c t en uo io.: as my wmcs to, .rA;an t.111.! , igi pojfeJicu'' Empcrour, chat he could never force any that. ~ere Chrict1ans_ m- tu1 qui fu>it deed, richer to invocace the gods, or to do facrihce bdorc the .Em. rt1'.era t brif!f.. 4111 Hin.rrift, perours image, or to cmft: Chrill. Andthio no m'1n c.iH fq, &c. J That is, No man can with the fiJu,i,.U aH~nt of his heart 1 ackuowl~dge Chrill: w be the only Lord, whom he is to wodhip by che fame impuHlons, by which :mochcr curies and blalphemes him, but by iuch peculiar motives as are fugad'\:ed and revealed unto him by the holy Ghufi. ~Vcrk 4. Rm the fame rpsr'it J hsche divers fmcls of flowers come from chc fame influet1ce, and the divers founds in clle organ from cht fame breath. 5, Differences of 111lminijlrl4tio111] i, t, Ecc;;kf"llilicall


_Yerlc 29. E11ttth 11nd drinkph dmmlltion J He thJt came in w1thouc a ~eddmg-garmrnt on hi~ back, went not away without femn 011 lus feet: Ht: was takt:n from chc cabk ro the tormentours. (.jods table becomes a {nare to unwonhy rcct"ivtrs ~ the)l eat their bane,, tht:y drin.k cheir po1fon. Henry the fevmch Empcrour ot Germar11, was poilom:d in the S:tcramem:ill l>rcad l>y a Monke.

l)ope ViElu}' ~- O)J his lu~-D<!Cl~o" in the Ch:ilic~ - and one of cur }:jjfhups of York by poifrm pm imo che wine u Sacrami:nr. God

wiH dc:al with ill commurncanrs, as lob 2 o. 2 3. They win fp1.C'd no lidccr chm Amnon did at Ah(oloms fca{L ~cde 30. A111n1 '4rt \~eA~] The mortality at Corint1' began at Gods. huuft:, and that tor unworthy communicating, God will be fa1~tlified o.f all that draw-nc~r to hi~. He loves to be acquaint~d W&Lb men m the walks ot then: obcd1c:ac1, and yet he takts ftar.e upg"'


___ __ _
... 106

.... _~--------~---.:,..------------

A C1mme11tar1 upon the_firfl


.Chap. n ..

--------...-... .... Chap.-1-2-.--of_S_t_p __a-_ u-:-!-_~0----;~-'~~9~-~i- ~.-.'t-1-1 x. ~- ~ .s_. -. -~-~~-~?~~~


011e of ki\C grace, to do n:orl' good thrn rn~e ot mort ! chou~h he dcl1gillS co lwnour rhole ot moll lincl'rity wnh molt l\na:<:ilt; as l Cor-, 15,10, Yi_rk7. TorY'lfi.t\\'ith1a.7] Wearcnr.ichtrborn nor born! gain forour lc'lvls. If Wd>t.~ not fie to krv~ the hotly, m.:icher are wdic cobcohhebody: Hl'isnota Saim chac fc1:k1:ch noc com P.rnl1i1.11,rcf 11!1,c mrnion of Saines. Pu.feat 1/los, cpi im in ft11d111(e4bdiderHnt, ut J;f/at iricrti.c tfd "!itam commt1new r1t1/lttm fr11al!m firre pojjinr, faich Cicero, L clata 'VirtU(e They may wJl G'-= a11nmcd thac imploy nuc thl'1r cakms for a pti 1. r HJr, like good. \'all_ 8. 7 /i~ ~ord of ,vijdoN-J J 7 he ton~m of the le.1rHtd, to tim~" \\'ord, I {a.\ 04. Co kt ic upon it's cnc~u1i1fr.:n:n~1:s,Pnn;,2 5, 11. to dL'Cl11re unto 11un his righctoufnes, when nut one ot a thout:md can do ic like him, Jab 33.13, The \\lord of ~zowlc~~e J flus, fa)' {nmr, is the Dofl'ours of. ficc, :is rhe former word of W1lJomc is the Pafl:ours. Um f\1. r.: fomJs ~ the dfrmi:ill d1ff.:rcnce betwixt Pafl:ours and Dotlours in his 1\ncJ11ulug, c1ch Congrcglcion is 1-nuch denied by many karned :md good

tu-;&~,;;~--~li-~f~hertnhe "'"'" h~,,or-triA ef the: LoI'd C-h~ift Ephc/~4. 8- q. . . , ' Verk 6. Divtrfltie.r of Of't"r.ttioHf J The: holy Gho!l: mly ufo

Rr,Jlot: dcvo

Dmms. Vale 9. To a11othn f-'ith J The faith of mir;tcks, which a tn3n may h;ivr, and)'CC milcurys I Co;_ q. 2. So doth not any one chac hath the faith cf qod1.cldf:; chat b1ls 11or,L11k.a. Some fay the Apofl:le h1.,;n: mrn11:ch h1Honcall faich : And chis kcms che more problbk, bcc.:m!c he fpeaketh of the working of miracles,
Vtrf 10.

Sacralml bents, ':'lloedty and lhould thcrdorc a~ Bu:s bring all uur hu. nre a uc ont , . . . cu che common luve. . . l myAre \\'e Ali bapu~r d] Th\; /\polks r1.:~c,ved ;ill lmto t l ! . Ch h h"t ldil!vc~i :rnd were tJapmed, WHhom p1mcu lf. pro lm: tt "dais or r lom... .. . , w,tks ' monahs or years, and rnmn~ 1mu a bauon rivate lokmn Cuvrnanr. . . r:. f: . hp r: P And h11ve bem ,dJ made to drink_] Po.tionau 11t_mru' :lll ir , d [I )rove our {dves co bl! ut che corpurac1U11 :u~d cumpa7 cr1tot,l a~1 ~ \ ilUt what .\Vi\S the m1.:aning ut chat pallagt: m Lh~ nyJoll)e I~ .:~~a t.e.chi{1n~ 1hee ,ire bHt n~a Sr1cratmms only, ,u I it olu mrc 1-~ "' c rr. &c Are then: any murc t 1 Kil two, c lOUb i no nrno.tlly nect 11 .z>7, ll iL . d :" 1 i and en~r;il\y ni:cdtny to all men ma tatllcs, ~:w.:s a_n at>loduc_c y lgtlo v r ? fh1 PauHls tht.;mldvcs iay' tha.t hvt! CUll ltlOOS W ll . " \. ., r rt . ot chm Sacran.ll:nts at kart, are nmgencrafly nt"CtJJ'l1 J l> d . , Vcrle 14 Not one 11'ember, bsu m"'1J J A~ m:ms o y ~u~1ht :ind as it wrn:, VJ the buu4, l !al. 139. 16. H:iJ (1 ou Ykfc wrou~ , t:yc or hand Ill }us - l:OllllnOllP laC~ b00 l\ (Luth one) God out an thDu had(\:. wanted it. . . ri. ". 1 i~ ,,.the foot fo?ula fay &c. ] Infrnours mu L not en v1;i t 'll .. ' f G d ch:itcuttcch v cl~ok~ouv~ them, buc-bcc:omt:m, Hh ic IS1 o . us . o~t our ievi:raH cm1dit1ons; an~ a Scavenger m"y tluqu~uuud Ill his . l>lce as w~ u :is a Mmiiler in his. . .p v~rlc 1 6. ff che ear] i\ 1!1m had b.mcr l>~ l>~1ndc;, lame, dumb, chtn dt'af ; bec~u!C by che rar hk tntcrs m~o ~hti (uul,

-v~;i~-.-F~-;1,-,-;ne l]lirit, &c.} ~Y the t_dtimon. of. the two 3 h cot wu all pawil<~, tht! ApoHlt: prov~ch that we

Difcerning nf spiriu J They difcerned not mens hearcs ot thi:mldves (fur lo God ouly) buc by a (peciall work of Gods Spidr di~cuvcring ch~m co cl1cir~ycs, as Peter dikerned A "ani.u, and afmwJrd;) Simrm Aiagru, whom Philip mi Hook and bapcized. Yerfc.1_1. On~ And the falf (ame [pirit J Who yet is called,, the fcvcn fpmts ot C1od, Revt /, 1.4. for his manifold and foodry ope



all-eye i Sic !fclltet 11mverfos tjHHft Jing11las, fie fin~uloJ '}Ha(i (olos, ' rc cl h ll . Vcrlci8, Gc,dhathfrt,&c.J Andhc,as onlyw~c, ot a. m numl>~.-r w~ighc :md mtalmt:. Sball W.<:: uot rdt Ill Wf hat ic ll:uh Jone~s bti\? Whfit can the '"'" 6'11. th~t cumc&h 11 &er ' c
' : \ fi Acifl,1uiii.. body polttl c cm;.1 ficth riot ot a Phylician and a Phyhc1an ( huch Ariftat/c) but o a iihyfician and an husbandman, &c. . not , Ytrfo ll. The r1 e .cannot _{t4J, &c. J Supt:nonr,s ~ay flight their inferiours, hth they c:mnot bt: wathcnt them , as ~ne L:unc or other they will be forced to ~cknowledgc. It was~ fayn~~- Vi.:L:k 19, Wher.e\\'erethehody_?J So the

Jf".4JJr~L 7 !fth;~h~lebod1.&c.] Itispr~r~r to God to be

mi.:r,~O"~!-<H ,

r i1g? i::.cdd.~.12.


utmns. Vcrfo I J, So lll{o 15 Chrift J Myll:icall Chril1 the Church. ~~h~ifi the S.iavi~ur of h~! bod1 ( Ephd.5 .a3.) acco~ncs not himklf complcac without hlS Chu~ch, Eph.1. ult. So God is c1lled /ti 'ob, Pfal. 24.6, . .

Yerfe J 3,

----.,..---------- -- ----- - -

~~---- ___ --~ Com'!'_~~tAry upo11. 11Je ftr ff Efiftle-~Chap.~;.

of Generali Pm to the Ki~g- ofD-~;;;,~;~ ~- Th;t Kin~d-;,; to~ fo~ldiers, untill Cuch time as their Crowns hung on the one fide
of chm heads.


of St Paul to the

-----------------------------, c HA p, x l I I
t tu~

Co R

1 N T H 1 AN



rt'l,xl~o~. I >


~,,_~ ivw Ve de 2 3. AHd t4~f~ m~m[,~r$ J As the orgt\n!i of cx,n::tion mnd generation. 011r Hncome/1 p.1rt1, &c. J It w:is ac the abomination of B~ til-peor or Pri1tpiu, his ~orll1ippcrs fa id, N 01 , pudore pl[o. ftamru (ub (ove,ct l~H 11pe~tr'1, &c. ( ;?d taught our firll parents to make coverings to hadc thc:ir nakcdndle; and chc contrary is oft threatncd as a curle. 2.4: For our. cfJmd1 p1trts A flir face needs no drdk, is H ~ own cdbmoni:ill, ll baic Without an hook 1 faiJ Verfe 2). Should havttl1e (amecare J As it chc heel do buc akc, the whole condolech and cureth. Verfe 17. Now.Ye are, &c. J S. Cypri11111 fympathy is remark:ible, Cum ft~f.~ltJ peflm merim copH!a,m.eroru & faneru ponderA lurfuo(a partmpo : Cum fl"Hgentibtu pl~ngo, cum .tlrflenttb1u de.fie" Hereby ~e l11e~cd h1mkJf a living member. . ~crfc 181 Dmt.rjiu~1oftonvmJ Thig come~ in b~; either to bad check co their pride, who gloried fo much in their many langu1gcs: or bt:caufc he ~cant to fay more to it in the words fol-

. Vcde :u. which [um to he, &c.] As the organs of no1r.ifh_mcnt, not fo noble, but more ncceflary chcn thok of the

Vede 1. T'1011gh I fju11k._ \\;th the tongues J

.:1 )_

He gloried much in [his gift: of wngucs thig T a mm may hsve, snd yet perifh, who nh fa1d to have two and twenty And Cleopatr.1
C ot-i11thi4HJ

r.J1fithrid.un, langu:if;tS.



,;cr~1r ;,f)''l'Gll


was a gn~ac l111gu1il:, flu: could bive an(w~rs to Ethiopiu,,, Hehrew, 7! r.ct.~'~.:~~J: Ar .. bick__, Sri"", MediaH and P"rthian EmbaflJdours faich ~ \Jmm~ 7 fi'Tll 0 ,_;: Plutarch: }'tJ the could mrn and m.1e ha tongue as an inn:umcnc o11., ' i'tut. ofuuny firing'>, to what dialctl: Oit pleakd. ~ ~\ And of ./lnge/J J Noc [hac angds have tongues ; as neither ~~-:}j hm: (hty winb~, thou;h du:y m: fa1d co flit, and LYrn umo Wea .. 11'm fie <if ~j;ln, D.m ') 11, A certain Fric:r und~rtuuk tu tlu:w co "-' ~:J \, thl pl'o~ 1 l~ a feather ot the Angd <J alritls wing, and fo vcrilild the '. : ()Id prov ab, A Frier ,z Jiu. Hue the t\ pollk here ulcrh an hrgh cmlt1Jllr diJnlc, i~ Linde of txprdlion, luch a5 is ukd, A ll.6.15. J> (al 78. 2 5 Un- l\.~inrni.p.i,..


lowing. Verfc l9, Are all teachers? J Yes, fome would have it fo. as in Alci.biAdeJ his army all were leaders, no learners. , Vcrfe 3 1. Covet e11rneflly, &c, J This is the bdt ambition Chri!.l:ians lhould H~i~e co cxcell,and be che befi ac whac they under~ rake .A1e/4n[lho11 fa1th,that Fr1dorick the Ekftourot Sa.t'Q1f]Jhad cropc off the cop~ ot !Ill VMtu(l~. A mfJrel'.\-ce//ent Way J Wh:Jt WJS chat? Charity to God and tncnj Ch1tp.13. I. Gra<:es arc bmer then gifts.



ltikp<.:rhaps, l:uch Cbryfoflome h~:re, rhc ar.g1 ls luvl', {i10 m1J"(1' The Schoohmn have grlat di1pucls abum it, and ~ tdl us, chat whcn1an angel h:lth a cow:dt m h1's \ulnde of any thing, with a Jdin: th~t anvth1.:r lhvuld unJ~rlt.rnd it; it is \.'m1u1:h, ic 1~ immt:diarely. Bm art not thdc they thit intrude imo thok 'f things th:ic ch~y h:m: 11oc ken, C1Jloj. 2 .1 8. u11derlbnd111c 1 neither ; what thty lay,nor Whll'i:of they altirm, 1 Tim.1.7. Like u~~co theft.! j( arc: 1..1ur n~w Millt:nlrn:~, that u; on a 1111(bkt: of fomc high cxpn:niuns m ~cripcurc, which ddcnbe the juJ~cmencs poured out upon (~u1i~ ent:miu, in makin~ a way to thl}ws converllon oy lhe p~cern . of rhc lall judgt:m .. n,,ch._ink char Ji~ius Lhrilt 111:111 co111c trom heaven ~~cc 1 H c;ormu 1 3.t~:iin, ana r:i1b11 hl:l'L' upu11cart11 a clloul:md years. hxl vi" ,p acS Vuh: z . . flodhffll~ ~r1c/J.m'r1J J.t ll~l'll:W an~ dld all for O Al1. 411 JJ.IM. 1 lh:m1uu11, not to\- ~Jmca11on; A';j ~t(p/,rn c".,.J,ncr, who bkw }vl.IO&o. up his g1tcs to the.: v11.:w ot ochers> as llmchers blow up thl'ir lkih, Vafc 4. Though J beftow 11!1 m7 goQdJ J Unltffel drawouc my fon1l as wdl as my theaftu chc hungry, 1(4.58.10. M:my lhrink up chariC}' co an handbn.:th co giving ot alms. And though I give tn) /iodJ. &c.] As.Servetw the herec1ke C3 1 0 11 d!d at fjmev11, .fnno 1 H 5. So <../l1.utzim the Aml>:ipt1ll ~a vc v. P f' his bo(Sy to be drown~d at Tigt1rf, 11nno 1 ~ 27, Pijha ll1fhop ot Scul1cr. Amuzlj


110 A!o'tl. 1 100 1 5

A Commcnt~ry repon the.firft Bpijll~


of~-~~~~~-~~ tht

<?__o_~~---~T u ~~-~ s.


--io7heHer to uc: bc:hcaded, fer holdiflg che Popes fupremacy. l!ri er Forrejl: co u:: hanged, tor che lame caufc. And how many of our Popil11 lv1arcyrs ( maldaClours or craicours, I fhould fay) h1v~ worn~ che Tib11H-titpct, as h'~~r Laaim'r phrakrh H ~ J\nd more or chem mun; tor chey he fome of them knaves all, as the L. Audti1 Ch~ncdh;ur ot Enilana oncd:1id to the 13, c~r.. Aff. an f M:m. lice prifonns for rdigion, whom he di!Charged: and likcbds they 1 1 fol-' ' ' will never l:e wdl tumd, till wdl h:mgt:d. Vcr:C 4. c.Ai:d i1 kJnde J Or, is cafic: w be made ufe of: %ra>t:.incu. , ready to any good otiice. Char icy is no churl. 'Faunteth not it [elf] W1ch rhe fcorn cf ochers. A>ri11nu1 111 Epi;f ct.lib, faith, that he is 7i~p,~8-, tb:n blamech others, and is rdHtile in J himidt. Such an one was Timon of old, and L1turmtim Yt4l

-V~tfe S.Propheciu,theJ/hAllfail] The Ar~h~prophetflullte~ch us immcdiatdy, as he.had d_one Mofo11m1 El1i~, whfo appl'a~mg ro Chrif\: in the transhgurat1on, knew, an. cou l. 'ti.Y har 1~o~c t 0 our saviour for his comtort and <;onfinnat1on ngau~u t c 1ttcrnr.:s L' I dti\tOJ L thn OJ )IS ... ,..,er thcv I could.. wlules here lt vtng upon earth, L11l9.31. . .b fl d ~ . wherhtr thtr'e bt knaw!rdge] Got y u y am_ comnmm,c~tcd co others. For Lilmodlel11111med, lay the l{abl>rns, we there.. fore learn that we may teach. . f.:. Vcrfc 9 , we prsphecy i;c p.m J We th~rcfore know hut 11npcr.. td\ly, bccaule we are caught but impcrfuttly. My grcatdl lmow- Mclch,, kdge, ta id ch,tr4.m ,is co l<now ch:it I kn~w notl~mg. And ll?C only in molt uthtrchings am I ignorant, f:ud /1!1ftm, buc ~ven m Aug epijf .119. c { tny chief' fiudu , Il\: .:>(npt"r~lj / and m1de . of . lite) .A!f11lto plm,s 5 "'Pl.I,. '' alacc:. JMrcio 1uA#J fcio. Tht! ll1bbins in chtlf Comincms upon er~ ls 1Ht p11fFd "f] Hrncc charicy ii pourmi~d as a naked childc p(ure when tht:y rileet With hil'd knots that they can.not cxph wich a merry conmen:rnce, covcrt:d in a cloud, with a bloudy heart cacc ,' they folve all with this, Eliru 'cHm vdnmt, (olv~t in the right ha11J 1 giving honey co a Bee without wings. . "' OmtJia, dn L Verk 5 Behave it fllf unfacmly J Or, doth not difgracc 11~1 ~0:11 Ytrfe 1 o. Then t'hiit \\l~icb u in part J As the ol JUg11 any one, fals oft~ whm the new skinnc comes on. As a 1~an rcmn~s m:_/;(:mu. /J not elljily pro111k:_d J Fals not into any fhirp .fit (as they no more to che free tchool) thac .bath ptoceeded m the Um-: did, ~rt, 15.3 9.) to as chat her m:ch are fct on cdg<J, or chat l11e Vlrlicy. ' .,J . '. b~ h b !hould thew her anger by the trembling of the body. Yak 11 , when l\\'M achi!de]. Adr..an6. c1.orc e: ccame 'Th(nk.f th no evil J Is BOC fo(picious, or doth r.ot meditate re- ~.-: vcngc. p0 )e taxed the Church ot Rome tor many ~rrours : b1:1c afccrw}rd~, being dcfired co r<:form them, he wickedly abu~cd chde Vcrfc 6. RJjo7ctth \\ ith thur11th ] N11/laeff igitFtr inter ma wordsforan:mfwcr, when l'WMachi/d~, IJPak..M a ch1/de,&c. lo.rch,iritM, fed conj11rati1J poti1't1, L.uch a grave Expoficour. It b11t now 11 m"n,&c. is not c,haricy,but confpira'y that is found in wicked men. Yt:rfr u. /lfaglafc 1 &,.J SccNr1T11b.1a.S, Vt:rlc 7. B tdt-~th ,dL t/Ji;1v J J Covcrcth b.ults with her huge ' Ev~n .tJ I A111i hjiowu J We (hall kn?w chi! cr<!amres .by mamk, djffcmblcch injuries: fw1llowech down whole many pils, knowing God ; as God now knows all has Works, by. knowmg that would prove Vtl)' bitter iu the chewing. himldf. l. 11 11 G'f Belcewth 11/t tUn,'l.1] Jsc.mdid and ingcnuom, yet notblindc Vcrfn3. Theg"e~teff.of thrfo J.Bccaufe ongeu lal~mg . l cs and blockill1. No man may ra vi th me.: om of my wics, faith one; to coac)ude:is lF11lur MaprsdiJ of his Church of Rome, after he { that 1u1'P )k imperft:d:ion, JS taith and hope, or m1lcry m Q chers,as pity, c)c. lball be put away. had rdared the gro.!k fimony of cht: Pope ; Sit tam en Domin" '1Jll.


teri., n~f/r.t Rom~ b.1culm in aqna fi"11llm, & abjit cr~dere qutt vidl11n11. l ta Papiil fre one of their Pridls kiCJing a woman, he is by their Canon. law bid to btlwvc, that the Pridl: is giving her counfol only. Their rule to their novict:s is, 'Ttt & A jinm HntimLJ 'flote. EnJHretb t1/J tkings] Love, as it isa ~mon, fo it is tried rather by p~Ii!?ns ~he~ ~ctions. y cr~e 8.

--~ ~ -1!'~-~=-~:- ~ ~~~Co;,,;;;;111ary upon 1~{1rfl "!!i~ i~ ___ -~~~p:J4,


Chap.14. of St Paul to the Co Rt N,. u 1 AN s.




. ()\\ow it hot-foot, as they ra'y : purfue 2nd pratlicc ir. Jc is then ddire or co be ot a as 1c follows in Fmore next words, be 1.ealmts ot ipirim1U gifts. Follow cha my clok,




p1,;1,,ll1,i11ui: .ApJ!/)llrj fii1 3

cap.: i

s the Hunter d0th his prey, or as the perfecucour doch che M~rc~r, that will hide or ckape if he can. Char icy may be fitly compmJ to the precious llonc Pantnrbe fpokcnof L>y 'Philoftr"rm. A Hone of ~rcaC beauty an~ of ~range property. ~O bright it IS and. rad1. am that it g1vt~ lrght m the dukdl: m1d111ghc. And that light 1s of :hat adm1rabk vcnu\:, th:ic ir brings rogctbcr the Uones that it rcacheth inco heaps, as if they were io many h1Vt'S .ot Bees. But rnuun:, ld~ (9 pr~~ion~ a 5\f, lhQ\ll" be nmkrn1h1~d. huh. no~ on ly hid thiG llon<! in the f..:~rec.~wwel!l of @h~. ~u~p, but h~th i4lo put inco ic a propcny of fl1pp111g out of the hands ot thole chac hold ir, Niji provida ration( 1me11111r, unldlc: chcy hold (t tan indeed. . v crfe 2. /1111n 11Hlz,no-rYff tqpgue] So they that prea'h in a kinde of Roman Engliil1, and not in a low langUJgc co the ptoplc..s. ca-

-vcrfe 7. E~:c11t th11 give " Jiflinai~H} Vni(Dno ni.hil 1111. ribUJ 1110/eflime DjfcordS in mWCk make CRe be(l harmony, !31Ulltt ~V01agc, Thmow !tll Turky rhere run~ one mne,nor c11n every mm ~lrt 'I that :. f"l) ' yec fcarce any but hath a fiddle wir~ t~o firjngs. . . Vcrfc 8. For if th1 Tr#tpet] Smuhcs are excellent for 1Hufiration, and mull be ftcchc from things familiar. Vcrk9. Yefht1ll !peak into the air] Youfl1alllufeyour labour, and may as wdl keep your breath W cool your broch. Vcrfe 10. So many J:jlfaeJ cf voi~es] Sevl!nt}' two maternall languagts, they fay. , \'erk 1 1. A B l'lrb,4ri1.m J So the G~eci.m: called all Nations that !poke not their l:mguag~. le js reported that nu whtrc: ac chis day is fiJoken more barbarous l:mgu1ge then at Athens, once chc NcanJ. cbroR. , Greece ofG rcece. Ver!e 12. To the edi!Jing of the Clmr,IJ J Clouds 'Yhen foll. pour down, nnd rhe pt'tlles ovet'-How~ ~nd the Arotnatac:rll trees 1wear om rhcir precious and fuveraign oils, :md every lemied

Scribe mu!t bring mu his mafure for the Churches behoof


benefit. Verfe 13 . i/'ra1 th11, he ma1 int1rprtt] Pope bmocent the third never ~rait:d thus: for he fa id that the Church decreed che krvicc in an unknown tongue , Ne (acro(d.nEfa verb a vile/cerent, ldl: the holy words 01ould be under-priz~d. But pub like praiers in plClry. , . . . . B 11 t rmto God] Camt Jibi & Jl1u/is, 35 the proverb is: an unknown tongue, faith one, mufl: be attribmcd to chc change And as good he may hold his toPguc, for God needs him ' of time it (elf in ltnl], .Frane1 and Sp~in, for there a long time Era(ia. n~ . the Lltine was undcrll:ood of all. Bue when afcerw:uds their Yerfc ~ To tdifit71ltio1, to r.\'bo>tntion J Thefe rhree ends e r. fpeeches degenerated into thofc vulgar tongues now there ufcd.11 rben the langu2ge not ot the fervtce ~ but of" the people was vny prta,hcr ('U~h~ to propon!)d 'o hi.rnl~lf ; 1. Edifh'1rion m knowkdgea1 d huhndk'. 2. I~.:hort<ttron, that 1~,. Reprt:htnfion altered. and Admonition. 3. Cor.(ol11tton, ld1 chac which 1s lame be mrnVcde I'4. ]J "''fi-11i1fi,/J J In regard of others edification. le t:d our of the way, Hth.12.1 ). were a great grace, faid Lambert the Martyr, it we mi~ht have Verie 4. Edificth :the ch;ml.i J Therefore prophecy is the the Word of God diligently and ohm tpoken and fung unto us in All aiJ Moll more worthy 1 bccauk proficauk. Prodcf{e mtli'Hs qu~m prit foch wjfe, thac cbe people might undt:rfbnd it : then f11ould it [Qt.; 011 contc to paac chat mfdincn {hould fing fpirituall Plalms ficcing at rf[r. Verft: 6. If I come rmto 'f811, &c, J This you would nor like in their work, and chc husbandman at his pl~w, as wifi1::th s. Hicme. And is chac VrnUJ in C, chH is, J'V a:.vu1 in Titio ? a bk rom" P1ni~r Tuwn-dnk ol LonJ~n in H,nr1 chc dghrhs rimr, mi!h in one:, chac is a bcaury in anothtr. was a man that in no cafe could abide to hear chat chc Go!pel fuould BJ revelation or by ~nonle~~e, ~r &c, J Pifc,Jtor tr~ds it by be in Englil11 : Infomuch that he once f ware a great oach, that if revc::acion, or by kno,wkdge, C~at JS~ mh~r by [ rophccyrng or by he thought that the Kings higlmdft! would lee forth the Scdpture in Ibid 9 6 1 dothinc. The ApoCUc cxpoundmg hnnklt. tngliil1, and let it be read ot the people by bis authority, racher - . ~ - ~~en Vcrfc 7,


J~ _________ -----~ -~o~~~~!_~P;-,Wep;fte-.--Chap.14.

tht.:> h~ .wo~d fo long live, ha would cue-. his o.wn ihroar. Bu~
bruk~ }1n~1111(e; tor fhonly 11fm he hanged.himfrlf. . Vt:ifr 15. 1 wi/J pr41 ~ith ~nd1rft~nainJ] lo an t:ffcCluall prai.. er. there mu(l con<ur nttHto eJ- tiffdtHd. ,, the intention ot the


mm~c 1_ aup ~ht; a~ft:Cliono~ chc he1m., it is ooc .pr"ying .Lut ~patomog. I h:i ve n::id ot ~ ~>~rot in .R9m1 1 th:n~ould ddtinctly by


qvn the wholt Cn.:cd. . Va~e 16. Say J This the Ai?ofUe reckons for a great l.olfc:. fht.: poor m1ll:d :md muzled Pa pills are c:njoirn:d noc co joy fo far with_ a Prou:~bnt in any holy a<'.lion 1 3S ~o1ay Amen. ,Bu, i~~

j~:<v~j 1-h~r ~th they ~9uld' ~ot heerkrn c-o cheir ow~ Pr<J~hersr ,,,, , 1,.,,_1,i ,, ir forram enenms, 1p.2 8. 11. [tr. S .1 S So chofo . 1 rh:/t v.ill n1 'L ol1ey the {wcet comm:md ,jf Chr1f\:, Come' lif Pttn me, Odl hav-- '-';':,:day no command co ouey but that dtcadtull Jiftddi- tr, D qart f;-,,.,.,.~ ~~,, &c. . Yrrlt' :- 2. 'h!.'1 (hr t'1tm \l()hich helieve J To confinrt and-com ..



tlm, there JS no fo great loffe. ' . . . . Va fr_ I 7 JJ !tt .the other i4 not tdificd] This we J110uld all la~ bour, vi.;:,. to ed1fic others. Srrfim ipcaks oHume, who ha vino a m:afon.: of ton~ues, and otht:r abilities in them, would affoon pa;; With tht:ir ht:artS as cht:ir meditations . the cank'r ot whok great ~kill l11all be a wimd1;! againlt chem. V~'.rk 1.8. I thank__ my God, &c.] Skill in tongues is, .as now, a.

Vtrk 1>1~ J" 1w un~nolvn ton,QHC J A Parifian Doctour eds us ~,,,eJ/fl.r,~or- chat chough chc .t\poflk woidd hrn.: 0ods ti:mct: to l>t: ct:kbractd tan.Ina Lo1.r 4 in a lmu:""n congut, yt.:t the: ~~hm~h for divc1s wribhty rcaklnS hath otherw1(t.: ordered and apponm:d 1~. The: ).fahomcta115 rladc thtir Alchoran (which they iuppoicd W1;Tc p1ofJm:d, it H. Wt:re tnnl~ hct~ m~o vul~ar ~ongulS) and pi.dorm thtir publtqul.! de. Bieerw En.. vouons m the 1\rab1qu.: tongue, whi'b is their karntd hu
'JUll.18 S

ftr-f huet frum.

gn::H l>lc:~rng. lndtcd at fii (\:when men l.i~gan 'jiot~'.Xl:'v, cp (i~hc Jgam(tGod, thcywnc:cornpdkdMpw'/:.' 1 r, cobrJ!Jblc in dl'V.ttrs langua::;ls, kven 1cy cwp,, lls ~pipb,.ni.114_ affirumJi. S~ .Ciod.ltath turn~d this curk ll.Ho a lJldlmg Unto his people, -A [f, 2, amtiu. ib thi: t~rn phmacion ~f the Golpd, fo in cht lm: Kctonh~lou, LoJ. k:nt lC bdorc, a~ his mu01t1on to l>1mr thti hms of Amichrift who 1i_a.d lxmif11ed a~cs and, lan~u:igt:.s,, uv.:-rlprtading all L:u~:mime and Achc.:1hrn:. Cr.cre nc.De (11fpt Clum era1 Hebrafre

fort believers~ J!1itl is th~ chief end ofprelching. Lee this c6inforr rhofr tliat c !1~11ot fo; ~hey hav~ convc.;rtcd any by their Mi.. nilh:ty. Yc:dc 23. -,ri/lrhcr 11rt /;'q, re..tYcnMd '] And may thc>ynot fay as mu<:h it we jangle tuai diHenc in op.inion, one holding chi3 1 and another that. v1mmi,mm cYrlarnUinw taxed the anci- Lib.i.cap.i. enc Bi010ps of his time for their hmfoll mifcarriagcs in this kindt'. Vcr<e 24. He j.5 c9nvinced nf ~11] God fmiteth the earth with the rod ot his mmtth, and with the breath of his )ips doth he fhy chc wicked, I (<i. 11.4. By his Word he cellecl" a man (as:he did the ~:11n:t\'1tdfo 1 7 ,,lJ.4.) .t!i ~ver he did. Vcrfr 2). Tht fccrttJ of h-u heart J (h)ds Wotd is a curious

Critick, Heb.1.12. a difccrner of the d1oughts,erc. It findcs and ferrets out fccret fins. Vcrfe 16. L(t ~Ii thing J ,&c.J There is edifying even in appointing offit Plalms. Vcdc 27. Or 11t the moft b1 three J Left the hearers be tired out. Our mfirmity will not fuffrr any long intention, either ot body or minde. Long ferviccs CJn hardly inaimain their vigour, as in call bodies che f!1irics are d1ftufed. Er~Jmm hath oufervcd tbat Origen never preached above an hour, oh but haH an hour; CoM/iilti1l1 judicabat crebro doctre,quttm diu, faith he. He held it bee.. rr:ifpr<f{o~J Orig.orcra. ccr co preach oft, then long. Verfc 28. Let him k_tep Jilence J Such as Cluff their Sermons with Greek and La tine arc here filtnced, further chen chcy interpret chc fame. lfthon canll: help my hearets to Greek and Latinc cus (faith a reverend Preacher) they fhaU have Gra:k and La tine enough. Ved~ 29, L~t tb, otJ,~.- j1ulg~ J But i~ riot this t, difl)l.. tJgemenc co the Propht!CS l may fome fays No,i but an honour,


guage. V c:rfo 20. Be not ehudr1H J MentibU4 fai/i,m, fad r>J<JTWW hfat.1 S, J, St, ,he Nvu; ,h~li~ '
\mdallaa~ding at.cigh,y,

tht:n at eight years of age? Ycrfc n. with lllfn <;f_ptber tt1,g1't1] (;od thtcatned the

In m.,liu bt J~childnn IQ !nnocency andignofcency. In ttnderflandSng be nun J lsi' not a l11am1: to have no



1'Tht Jf.po,21. Afcer De!pife not 1'phec1;ng, he fubjoyneth,

. Try 11/J thingi.


Vcr{e JO. Th11t fittfth 61] And ii extraordinarily infpired and I 2. qual1fitd:



A C'dmmmtMy "pon the firft Epij#e

- ----------------

Chap.15. of sr Paul to the Co u


N Tu 1 A N


qualified ~a lice le ocherwif<t then our EnthufiaL\i 1 that brag of thetr


Vede 3 t ThM aO maJ le4rn J The mofi learned may learn fomeching by che difcourfes ofothers kffi! learned chen chemfdves. .Apo/101 alearncd tcacher 1 mayyetbe taughcby l4 Tent- maker. The JewiO\ Rab_bins acknow~edgc that they ca~e to undedhnd,/(4. 1 4. N~N~ 23. by hearmg a~ Arabw1 mcntmn a bedomc.: in her lanR n .J . gu:igt: to her maid. R~dt~:' .rn Ve~iqi. A_re {ubje[[ to the Prophets] To be {canned and exammed; wluch ency 01ould not be, unldle cney took cheir cums in couric co prophecy. Eloq11ere, iaid one 1 llt quid fit viar{jm, Speak chac I may lee Whrlt's m thee. Vcrfo 33, Not the tiMffJOHr of confi1fion J Nee 11H1htJr, nee f.cutor. Unq,1_ict fpiri_ts arc of tl~edevil, who keeps adoe, and fil~ the Church WICh cont ufion by his mrbulenc agents and emiHarks !owing fedition and lpreading fchHrncs. ' Verfo 34 La 7011r \\'omen, &c. J See the Note on Rom, 16. J. Vcrfc 35. Ask their hmbands J Who chertfore mull: dwell with them according to knuwltdge, 1 Pet. 3. 7. and b~ manly p1idcs unto chem in the way to htilVcn. iht mdtcrs Lmn mult be the houl110lds mafury. For it iJ 11 Puzm_~ far Women, &c J She was a ftngular example, that taught the Gretik and Latmc congut:s at Heiddberg, ano 1~54 ~~r name.: was Olympi,, FHlvia Moram an /tnliffn, of the <..ny of 1'errara. Verfc 36. 1_11h.i~? c4rm the \\ml, &c.] As if he fhuuld fay (and he la1th Jt wuh fomc di{pleafurc.:) Atl: ye the firlt, or ll1e only Chi-iHians? Are ye too good to be admonathed ? Tak<.: hu:d hH: God tor ycur anoc:mcy and high fpiriri:dncs lay you iow euough1 even in thu flimy vally, fob 2 r.31 1 31. Verfe 37. _The Ctm1mtC11dmeMJ] And chckfere co be obeyed by the btl~ of you. A11t fa1ciendMn, 1l#t ffltiendum; A"t pamitend11m, 11111 pawndHm. Eith~r do ic or die for ic. Ver!e 38, But if axy """'he i,gnorAnt, &c.] If Clubbornly igrmrant and uncounfcllabk, lee Rtm take lus own courfc. l have ,ckartd the: truth in things now controvtrccd, and there I rdl me. ~hofoblrnde, as he that will not fee? Verfo ~9,. Whtrefer_e~ br.ethrtn] This headds as a corolury, to prmnt miitakes, as 1~ th~th~ ~~!~ ~n c~cmy cithe~ to prophfcy 1

or tongu-ci;f~f~bc~fy and ord~rly\iieC-ArMtro~ nat111NU01 in qu,bt1Jdam loci/ lilrrorum nuarrm,,~pin,truroim~ fenfilfe q1'od non Aup,.li.J.ds fenfi, ti~t no11/,njif{e q1wlfenfi, fa1Ch Aur1,14li11e. I fordce that Tri11oc 3 {o;nc w. ill conllrne many paffag<t~ of mv writinPS far ocherwjfe Annll tont 6. I n
d d h then tl'fi, Ihmten e t cm : and it tell out accordingly, as B aroNiN4 teIll t:t . . Vcr!e 40. Let all tlnrrgi ,&c.J A gcncra\l m\e ofgre1t moment.
a ~lfllUJ,4)0
tJ 17.


In things boch real\ and rirnall 1.1ccenCJ and order mull bl! obkrvcd in Church-meetings. ror chis che Coliffian.r are much commended, Chap,2.;. Our S1viour cau(ed the people whom he fed w i<ecp ~~ order in thfar lirti:1$ on t~.: grafic : th~y fat down r:ml< by rank, as '71r('('U:cU '"t:T(f/.~ ~ii_ ru(p)i.;a~ns,a1'11r ~oxrpdoe{~scoot beds anb1goud&~n; ~o the C~c~k imporn;, Whrn;- UJ(I]. Hct1ra1[. t1 1.; 1 ur norec , r rnatim re1 m Eccleft.t fflciend~. ut Ernd.8.' 4. CJmvrtgbr. Order mu!\ bt: obfrrvrd in the Church.




V~1re l. _And Wherein 1e jlAna J

as ll llfrt1r nrnech. Sltan overthroweth the nnd L~y this very en~i"e whc:n:WJth he:dlault~d thdc (cmnth11w.r,1h. So chat the Apollk WilS fain


to nuke Apology,v.19. to make a bmicsdo. :' crfe 2, BJ Which 13/(0 ye ttre (avcd J Emnall lifc is potential. ly ~n the word, as the h:nvd\ is potentia1ly in th1: fccd,or JS the tree l ism the kc:rntll or ficnce, ?Am. I. 21. 7e kup in memor1 J Helimitcth the promifc ot falvacion to ~ the~f condition of keeping m memory what they had heard. Timturn
h f,J

A . huh ot

~tlicary_ term,
IOint.' 7

1Ti1.~.1 ~

didi7im'!", q11ant11m memi11im.1~1, faid Socr,au.r. have mcmori~s like nm th1 t let go rhc tm water, retain the filth only : or l~ke fives thu ~ecp th~ chaff, let go th~ corn. It God come to

~h1ngso~cha.c_mcun:, thty arcl1l\.CSl4banUJ in Seneca, ch:u never m all his 11h! could remember tho((! chm.: names of Homc;'CJliJ{es, and Achilles. But the foul lhould be as an holy Arke, che mc0-1ory like chc pot of M:mnah, prcft:ning hol'l truths. 1 V~rfc J Firft QI f11J J _.Chrift isco be prc:.chcd with the firft, as bcmgche 1rora & puppu 1Jt mans happmdk, Joh. 16. 1 1 It is

fem:h the1~ with a candle~ What fhJU he find_c bm .old fongs, old wrongs? C;rc. not a prom1fe or any fword of God hid there z for


l 3


--~~------ ____ ~~~"!'!!'!'~~~on thefirft Epifllc

Chap. I~.

the office of the holy Gho{\ to ta"e of Chrifis excellencies and hold thu_n out to ~he world. What then thould Minirter~, the mouth oi chc holy Gho!l do rather? Verk 4 Accordin.~.t~ the Scriptures J Which both fore lhcw .. cd ,:u~d fore-fhadowcd at m Adam~ w:iking. I (aac' .J reviving, as it wen fro~ rhe dead, ]ofcplu ab~h.mcnt and advancement, s1im p~u lm.:~~rn)g the b:as, un~ b:::1.rins away the gates of Ga-1:.a, D .1 tna's_bcmg drawn out Qf the dc1.p, Da~ie/1 ouc of che den, ltrtmioou_cof the dungeon, 1011.u out oi the belly of hell, .~H,u, 12. 391 (:J'C. V_trlc 5. Swi o( Ccpha&] Adam died, and we hear no more o~ him.em Clui!~ iht:\~'d hunka ahcrdeath infix fovt:rall appari uons for om con1Hmat1on. Vnit: 6. Above fi ue ht!ndred J The number of bclecvers then were gn:ater then lomc \V~lll_J gachcr ouc ot A a. I. I 5. Thok l 20 may fc:c:m co hlYc been Chadc~ans, hu;h as th~t wy one d. thtn\ m1gh~ have Ut:m thOLl~h[ [O (UCCCt'.d flllllU in his .t\pO Hlc.:lhtp. _Y elk 7 Se.en of l 1'1met J This is not mentioned in the Gofpcl, 3s

u I A N s. che affe~ions andendeav~uts of~ preacher, as here, and at E.

N '1
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of St Pa.ul '<' eh~ Co 1l l

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phrftu , . Act.

20. 31---~37. When pco1)le. deliver chemfdvcs up co che forme ot doL'im1c , and are catt mto the mould of the

V~rk 12. N1J rt(ltne_n;~,. J More then th:tt of regeneration, ;H.1tl,.19.'-'il. thacell:uet1t rhr (jotpel, c:ilkd a new heaveq, and ~ newranh, i re-1.3.13. the VV\')dd to come, Heb.1.). th'.lt re .. forrection already k1atl, i Tim. 't, 18. that fir(\: rdurrettion, Revd.20,5. Yerie 13 Tims u 11ot Chrift rifm J Bttt of Chri{ls teforrdlion, there were many l>oth living md dead Witndks, as the c:arth qnakc, e.mpty grav~, {.\one rolled away, doathc~ wrapt up, <Yc. V~de 14. TheH 16 our pr,.~chin.e vain] Never w:is there my f1'c~ impotturt put upon th~ world, as Chriltianity, if Chrill be

;ull: b1gm:lk , as one born out oi due cimc, and not without !:'.j of our Sa_v~ours reafon, loh.16. I 0, The Spirit flull convince ~he \'lOICllCC, I ~I world of rightconlncfft! (char I am Jc:hovah chcir rishtrnu{ncl le } Xot meet to be ca.U1d] Trnc humility, as true b1h11, ev<r t;i bmmfe I go 10 the FAther, which t could not have done unklk hnkcs to th~ bottom of the water, when pride, like oil cvc:r fwims ii yon were acquitted of all yom fins. , Verfe 18. A jl.eep in l hrift J The Gcrmancs call the Church011 the cop. ' Verk 10. I taboHrtd morJ ab1md~n1!1 J Sec 2 Cor. 12. 23, yard Godfaker, bee mfe the boct1cs arc fowed tht:mn, to. be raikd agam. The Grcel<s call ihcm x.o1(t11.j;j;1r1., fleeping-hou(eJ. The Hc.All.aid ,Hon. Rom. IS ._19 .. George .Ea.~les, Martyr m Q;..~11 11 ries daits, tot" hi~ ~rcws call chegravc B othcha~m, the hor1fc uf the frvirzg. Job cals fu/,.;Hl~. grtat pams m travcllmgfro01 place 10 place to (:onrirm the brc thren, was firnamed, 'I ru~ge owr the 1\orld .Might not St p 11 uJ 1tthe Cong,reg~tiorz-~011[c of"" livint,, Job 30. 2 3. /\S the Apofi:lc cal heaven wa Congtlf,i1ti9n-houf~ of rhq .firft-i"rn, bave been fitly 10 Hrn~mcd i' Not I, but the gr11re of God J So thofe good fcrvanrs, Hc.b.12.23. L11kr 19. 16. No_t w..:, bu~ tby takncs have gain~d ot~t:r five, Verle 19. M-off miftrAMt! J lkcau(e none out ot hell ever fut~ and other two,&'. Lee God have the entire praifc oi all om ft:rcd more then the Saints hav\! dene. Verfoo, Thefirftfr11its,&c.] Asinthefid\:.fruits offered to good God, the Jews were(lurcd ot 6odsblelling on the whole harvell: . Verfo JI. So We preach, And (o J' !Jelte11td J A happy com J>ltancc, \fhen the ~tarers afkt\ions and cndeavoms doe anfwet lo by the HJurreCtion gf ChriCl:1 out1cfuueC\:ion is enilm:d. the l 4 Vcrfc 21;

ycr mrhe grave. Vtrfc 15, F11/fa \\itneffes of (jo,l J For chey might fafrly fay with Im my, Lord, iF we bedec(lived, thou halt deceived us. ".crfc 16. Then u not Chrift r11i/(d] And fo Gods decree is neither thatof I'eter,v.5. calhccd, .All.13. 3 J with '7' (al.2.7 . V erk 8: 0 ne bar >Z otet of dNe ti me] ~ -ifi ma!o aftro 11 /JqrtJ~, ~; Y~rfc 17: Teare7ttin1ourjim] Rom.4.z5. If he had not G"' tf~verfmte ntiturii coaU1u: Ont: tl\Jt di.;krvt.:d to bi.; n:je2lel:\,as been let out of pri{on,our debt had remained upon us. Bllt God frnt that forlorn Infant, E::..ck_;16.~,) , his Angel to roul away tbdtone, as the Judge fends an otficer to . Ve~k 9. I .~m the letlfl of the t!Apoftle1] Not come to my ;~ terch one out ot prifon, and to releafe him. And this is the {l:rennth

........ _ 1io

--------~~~~~~4!'~"P'~theftrft Epijlle Chap.15. . V~rlc 11~ 81 matf c~me ~l(o,&c. J Gods juiiice w~ulib~-fatif~

Chap. 1 5.

~t sr

Paul to the Co R r





hfd 111 rhc fame nature that had finned. Vnfe 22. SliaD.411 be '!'"de~l.ive] The Saints lh:ill be raifrd, by v1.nm: of ~he ~1110n wrch Chnfl:to glory : the wicked t113 11 be dngged co his rr~lnmlll, by his Almigtuy powtr, as a Ju.ige 1 co be tumbkd th1:nct: rnro htll-tor mcnr. ~cdc 13 (:./'ft /1t"uomi11g J As in the mc~n time, cheir very du ft IS prcc.1om : th~ dead bod1cg confumed :m; not fo U\:tl roted bm cha[ [h:reis a tublbrrc prdervt!d by a frcret inOuenct procecdm trom Clmfl ~s a ht~d. Hence they arc faid w b~ de,,d in Chril who by rnttmg rc:hm:ch them. . ' . Vnfc 24. l~e/ivercd ~p the Kingdmu J Not his dlenciall krrgdomc, as ~Jod, but his oeconomicall, a~ !v1cdi:icour. Yt~ft: 2 5. Till he hath put J :\nd :ihcr coo, but 1. Without adve1fams: i. \VHhom wy ou~ward means and ordinancls.
. Vnf<'.' 26. r_h.1t/httllbedrjlroied] le is already co cht: S:iincs

r;;ff[hofc mikr1es that ! have tufkrcd amongtt you for a ccfiimony. Verle 32. If After them inn~r, &c. J ~.rn/ fo~1ght with beans. at EphrfHJ after the manner of me11, chat ff, ~ay io111c, the men of Epluflu fought with him aher the mannl'r of bt:Jlb. (~chers more probabcy underfiand ic licerally : If ~fcer the manner o~ mc:nt chac ~~;1~~r. is , as incn ute to do co 01ew tlwr valour ( he mt:am rh chafe n,Ffi~ ~ ~unong the Ro,nAnJ) l ha_ve been c1{l m che_ be:iHs, and chn~oftom. hav(!cttht!l't>Vl'.'rcomerhem, as Lyjim,irbUJ dni chr 11011, or have Ainh.6f. brlll tp:m:d by thun, as corpo~A (av.Uorum .A1">t)Y'nm ~n.~tre multoties rt fi,gitbitnt beftitt., faith Lhe H;fl:onau, what ad vancagt:ch it ml', ().c. And this lrn:r frnle is a ftrongc.:r argmm:nc ot the rdum.Ction. Lrt us e11t. and arin~] An ill inftrencc of men of corrupt mindl's,and dd\:itutc of tht. ti urh. Chryfoftome faith, TtH:rc Wert:

twallowc.:d up 111 \111'.:lory, . fo that thcv may fav to ic as 'f 1. d .J ' I J ( I ' flC(l(I' h , !! co 1~t"'~; .Sure 1J11weje01 rhyf.4CeM thef11ceof God. This Efm, death, meets a mcinlH:r o~ Chrifl: wich kiflcs inlkad ot frowns, and guards hun home, as he did racob to hi~ lathers hou{e. . Ver{~ 2 7. All thi.11grnr.der hi.s fie_t J This P(<ii. 8, 7,8. lpoken of man 111.g~m:rall, 1s properly _:ipph~:d co thc mm Chnll Jdus; in ~hom alto 1c cxtcndcth to the Sames, who arc chtrdori; more glunous then hca vcn, cart h,ol any crt.:aturl', and i11all havt.: powa ova all, Rev. z. 26. yedc 2 8. That God m.-., be 11/I i>14// J Till fin and death be a bol1tl1ed, we_ h!lve no !ICCt !le to God, i>tit O}' Chnft. Bur afrei 1h Hal~ cmn~1cs ~e tl'od under foot, then fliall we have an 11nmed1ace m110~ with ~od : ye~ {o} as chat chis lhall be thl.! prop1.:r and cv~rlaltmg pra1te of Chnlt, that he is the procurer of that z,,lef. unmn. Verfe 29. w_hic/, l!u 6~pti:ud, &c. J The frverall knfes that are fee upon this Ttxt. Sec in Be:{.11, l'i(c14ar~ but dpccially our .. . , new Annorauqns upon the Bible. U'TI' )'.f-ICl 71)~ ver Ie 30. !."Jtopar . d ' .J.v/.!.~ i1."v 1 every ho1'r J Carry mg our lives in out .di 1;cn.f.~ hands. as boch the Hebrews and Greeks phra!t> ic. Verfc 31 ~. By our re~1r;ng J i. e. By our infirmities, affiifli ()ns, ~hcrem he fo much gloncth, 2 Cor. u. and u. as an old fould1er doth cfhis f<:ars. .As it the Apofik iliould fay, 1 appeal

a lol"C ot luch in his cime, as fa id .t:i.o~f{oi 71);crn0~t~v "J 1 Afl/l~ 7 ~v c~venr. ;.:,, J.ue1ov ,.;, Give ml'. cu day and take thou to morrow. And have noc w~ 01 cf'~ A 11""''m

thok chat f..iy, Ltc us be merry wh1k Wl'. nuy w1: tlull nl va t..>1.: )'l>Unger, Ede, bibe, !ude, poff morte1JJ 1111/.1 vtl1~p~ttf. Jc was w1kly done ot the Rm11m1 to barnil1 and P~1/ifrm, a c~u .. }1e of iwinilh Epicures, ldl thty '11ould by thur l vil cuuunumca- Sllilia,,.l, 1 9 tion :ind convcrtac1on corrupt uth.:rs. Vl.:'rfe 33. Evil commsmirlltion J Evil words :ire not windc,as molt im:igme, but tht: dl vils drivtll, chat leaves a toul Hain upun the tpeak1..r, and oft kts the like t~pon the hearer. Shun (Jba:wc: burburology (faith one) and unh voury f pt:t ch es : thou lold\:to much of th1nt: hondly and pit:cy, as chuu admitcdl: evil into thy
ttJ righteo11fnc J[e J Gu forch and fluke ycm idvl.:'~ (as s.un(on did) out ut th<ll Jead whereinto tin hath caft you: yc,ur emmits arc upon you, alld }OU blt all~cp the while I fpe.1k._this to yourfh~mt J lgr.or:mcc is a b~ufhfull fin. Ara ye: alto ignorant? {a1d c....hnft .co nis ~~1ofil1.s a q.d. th:u's an arram flume indeed. The Smt>ture kcs tuch bdow the Ox.c and

tongue. Yt."1fe 34. A,ll.Jk.,!

Vcrk 35. But imt m~n ~iU fq] ~om~ Epicure: wil.l oujdt, and fuy, How can thefe thmgs be? A priva11one ad h14b1111m mn
JatHr regrrffHI. 5ee che Note on Ail.17.18. ..Vtrlq6! Tho# fool] A: ha~d knot u1u1t have a hard.-~1cdge.



A Comment dry 11pon the Ji~ff Epiflle

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Chap. cS
______ - -----

Cha? .15 __![~ ~~ a~1_I _t~-~~d ~ -~-R ~- N

~ ~~-~ h~-;rt,

a roufing reproof. He confutes AtheiHs from the

courfe of Ill CU re which clicy :tkribe to much unco. \'erk 37 . ./Jnd that \\j1ich tl;o11 (orreff This is an anfwer to rhc Epicmes frcond d~m:rnd, vcrf. 3 5. with whac body do chcy

Job JB. JI.

ihion. Vcrfe 3 8. R :tt God (~ivetl1 it '1 hod! J Dem nt1tflrte viru f:~ vices ir.; m1Jd~rut11r, &:c, foi[h one. God fo order~ !ll, that nocl1in~ is Jone Without him. Tht.: t~m~ H\:brcw word rh:1r lrgnificch an car ot com, doch alfo fi~nitit: !l word ; becauie t:very fidd of corn, is a bco'.-\ of Gods pradt., every land a le:it, 1-:very le1f a vcr fr, <.:very ear a word, cwry corn of wheat a ktter co exprtll':.: lh~ power and goodnl's of Cod. . . . Vrdc 39. All ~efh irnot the (cime J This a~ another :mfwer to th<.: Epirnre, who 111ight haply reply, and fay, If mans flt:1l1, when rotted, 01all revive, why 11uc liktw1fc the Hdl1 ofocher creatures? The Apolllc anfwcrcch, All jlf'P, is not t.,he (ame, &c. Mans fldh only is informed by a reafo1ubk and immortall foul, not fo che Hh of ocher creatures: And hence the difference. Verfr40. Thereareal(oca'leffi,1/l] ~cars:rndlpirits (che inhabitancs of that ocher heaven) I fin de ( faich a Divine) like one another. Mectors and fowls ir.1 as many Vlri~c1cs as tht:re arc fl vaall crcatun.s. Why ? Is ic becaufi. man, tor whole f:ike rrcy Wll'C madt', ddights in varit:ty, GoJ lll "Qnfbncy ? Or i~ ir: b, ~1uk that in chtk Lod m~y l11<:w lu~ own skill, and their impcrrLClion? TJ.e glory of the terreflri11fl J The glory of our terrdhiall bod it~, !hall ar the rdumction be' eLfb:dl ; they ihall be more l 1kc {pities then uodics: tockar and Cl'JDlpartnc, fa1th AquinM, chat all the veins , humours, ntrvfs 3nd bowels .01all be fern, as in a glafk: they !hall be conformed to the glorifi:.:d body of<..:hrifi, :is tu the Lhndard. Ycrk41. Ont ftar differeth, &c. J The morning.fiar i faid to(:~{.\ "iludow wich i(s 111in~. C AHIJ 1k"" /?ind~ ik~ (wm tnJl111ncu qf the fo-ucri jlarrtJ ! whofework is to bring the Spring, and which like kvcn titters or lovers (as the word fignifies ) are

comt:? with ::i dead, dikalcd,tocren bo iy, &c? No,no, hirh the Apo!lk. Sin only is roe red with it's eoncomicancirs, infirmities; buc the rom11g ot tht bJdy is buc as rhc rotting ot corn under the clod, char it may arik incorrnpciblc. Or as the melcmg of an old piecr.:. ot platt! in chi.: tire, co bring ic our, of a becccr fa.

'l' _u J A _s -- ---. fair conCkllac1on. Or lofe the bands. of joyn~d to_ijcthcr an h~~cbrings wincer, and bindts the ca~ch with OrioH ? l he fiar t fl- 1 b .rl {iinh Af.iu, H"oth, the Son chem froO: and cold. t ~011 / ' g 'd Ar[f.m1u '''ith htJ fonnu, ? Can Or ca11u iwot1 g"' e d ll con{lt: auons . ltars thole tlorc-lioult's oi Gods goo treathat is, thr.:. Northern 'ur rofit? Deut.28.12. 0 iurc , which heSopmct.h ~o P rt. J Whet ha there arc de/!.' therr.(urre,,oon . 0 0 15 Vedc 42. a 1. . b bl. {o we Onll cenamly 1 i<now, grtcs of glory, as~ fu?ms t~~e: gl~1~pfts of the bodies glory were \vhen wr.:. come ~ot c~v~nChrilts ctansliguration, and in Stephens frcn,in Jlfofu his ac(:, in


. :r. d. J The reforretlion will cure all Vc:r!c 4~ It u rai1 ,. m pbowtr . b m;d in Ou(.;co ~f~riu - .. A[ Stratfird. ow wi.:n; ur ~ I n i111trm1ms. man and a blindc man. nw amc m:1 d:rn:s, at one Hal~~'. a l.lm{ l , away his crucchi b:td the blmdc man Af1. a,1.I Mon. ateer he w:is cha.1m:d,. cat '.' ~ , ld hc al Lhcm both. And {o they [01.11 J l beef good com tore; for ikat l Wt,;U

p:mcntly iutkrl'li. . . . h d J I tu her foth the body f.11111 V1.:rlc 44. A fpiritu;.i/t ~o(i,llt. A11 11ffin faith' thly ih1ll .move up and d~wn l1k~~llt afl~on as ch~~ will. As bi~ds ( i:mh n1ovc co any pl~ce theyh ,d fl1c lightly up into the ~lw.:s, which z,11tchif1J) bung hacc t.: , d llun mam:r ' So man Lmng hacchlieiog eggs, were a ~u:a v.~ an d . ~ . nd nimble and able to mount cd uy the tclu\rcc\1011, lS ma <.: puu; a >


'De opcrill. '!Jci.

up i11co chc heavens.. . fl .. J Chrill is called a fpirit from Verlc 45. cVI qmck.!_zing icknitig fpiric, lm:aufr he is the his.Deity asJ-lcb.9.14. am a qu n1inciph:'ot hfr co all believer~. h . Jf,;r;t,..i/l J N:>.ture, ArrP ' 1 ,;; "1ml 11/fff)Yffr~, t <ft ~ r L "d Vn c "\v. ... . :J, l l , f ll w mor.e pi!rtl!tl. er us ... Grac:r, procn:d hom -~! ~nf'~ ~ce, chac we may l>.: accountcl! vmcc torw:.ird '. and n~c ld pand the rdum:tl:ion from the dead> worchy co obtam that wor ,


Gr . Dull:y, fiimy, e.\' urra of the eart h, e,trt JJJ J _ 1 . .. h. ull down proud ikl l. f h' bod fnab,b. Lett is p ven J Not for the matter o is . Y, The Lord from IJCA but for the originall and ~1g~11ty. 11 for h~ was ml'ldt of ahw~mt k~ a livdy and lohy ddmp~aon,. of b~ p~rfon ; W creo
LH/{;20.3 5 Vcrk 47

H~b *ti h Vnk '\B. They t "t


111 is but au ca~then ~Qt.,

ttr~ eAr

thy],r," 6 8 oiiv:JecuwGU", 'Jt11/g>1

JJ " -t~



----;-;4~-----;;Cc;;;;;;n~ary upon the fir ff ~f!Jlle_ -~hap. ------ Vcrfe 49. The im.~;.e or t~e bf'.:tV~nlJ J ~ee 'Phi!. J 21. OL;~-



ofStPaultothe Co~~~--~-~--~-~~~----~S_--.,

------ -------------- -:-------------..

badii.:s l11~ll b~ fofh1onc? like .co Clm!.l~ glonou) bo~y in beauty. briohtndk, mcorrnpt1on, rn1morcallry, grace, favour, agiilrenph, and ot~l' un!p,akal>le qu1!ities and excellen~ cils. Whcch-:r they flull have that power as co ro(f~ the grea. tdl mminrams like a b:ill, ye1 co Ouk~ che whole carch at the r pkalurc, a:> ufn/rlmc and Luther chinlw, I lrnve not to fay. VlrL 50. F/,fo .cndb!a11d] Tht.: body as it is corruptible, can. not enta ht:avm, but mull: l>e changed : we fhall appear with him m glory. The vile body of A1ofrs, chn was hid in chc vJili.:y of .1'lf1J,ib, was brought forth glorious in the ~ull of T 4 bor,



Vcrk51. IjJ1rni 7ouAm7/J-c.r7] Not known rill now ro any mm livi11g. This, likdy, was oneof thofo wordlcflc words thac p,'r:t.-nt apf.1rn, p,11tf ht:ard in his raptt:rc, 2 Cor.12.4 V crlc.: ') z. Th' trnmpa Pu11l (ormd] As at the giving of' the hw it did, .,:orl 19 16. If thehw w1.:n: thu:; given ( laich a Di. vine) how ihJll 1c b:: n.quirld? If luch wm: the pmcl:mmion ot LoJs fbmtt's, \vhac ilull the lellions be ? I ke and crtmbk at thl' rdc:mbllllcc.:: Tne crumpet of the Angd c:ilkd co the one ; chc c1 umpL't of the Ard-:ingd 111111 f umnwn us co the other. In the one.:, the Mount only WlS on a flame, all the wurlJ 11dl be f0 in tht: otht:r. To che one Jl.,fojes faics, God came with Ctn chuufands of his Saines : In the other thoutlnd choufands 111:\ll minifh:r co him, and ten thoufand choufands J11.lll fi~nd bdore him. \'nfr 5 ~ For rhi< cnrr11ptible] Poiming ro hi~ body, he rhat fpclkl'th, as P[111. 34 6. Thi) poor m.1n ,,ried, the Lord heard him.J. So the old believers, when they rchearfed che Creed ard came co chat Arrick, I bdicvc the Rdum:tlton of che tl Jh ,chry wne wont co adl.k, IJHJ u C'4rnJJ,evcn of chis frlf-fam~ flelh.

'"th- i's--h--e-r-; out-braved, calkd craven co his face, and bid- ,,. Dc.. 1 0111turmor1, fi h' f l H'/ d n Do his wod\:. So Simeon mgs ouc is ou ~ '1tr1<m Pio1111e fit feJ. chides it out. eAmbrof~ is Lold to fay, l am neither ailia- ne objit. Aug. J to live nor afraid to diC'. fAnne e.AJk.!' the Mmyr, mhcs fub!crib~th her own confdfam : Written by me Anne 'f a. anJM111. tAub chat ncith~r w1u1et 11 hf or de:u h , nor tearc cl1 ha" 11 11 3 ., 1n1'ghc , 1 d ewmp.-, as one that i!: bound toward~ heaven. Mr B rAdfottti n;J, 111 as ... 1 L" h' "' bdng told he fi1ould ~ ~ur~ed the ~ext day, put ch 1s cap, anw litcing up his eyes, pra1kd bod t~r ir. _ . . . Vcrfr 56. The fling.of death. u Jinne J Chrall: havmg un{h~gcd d, h and as it were dafarmcd ar, we may fately now put it u~co 0 ~~b~ioms, as we may a fnak~, .whok (ting is pull'd. um. lf ic tnooc forth now a fbngat us, 1c 1s bu~ an enchanted {b'.1g~ as w~ that of the Sorcerers krpmcs~ Buzz~ It ~bouc: o~r tars, as' a drone :Bee ; but fiing us 1t cam~oc. f ~hr1Cl: as he hdathh~ak clnt away not finne it klt, but the gmlt o iumc, 1o not cat 1t e bm che f\int; of death. . Vetle 57. But!J ~t t~ God, &.c. J lilrc S. I'a~J, ~hnfb chitfHc:rauld, proclaims his v1tlory With~\ world of fokmrncy 3nd triumph. . u ft rcngt hcu Vcrk 58'. A[r.,aies abo1m~ing, &c. J This .w1 faith: as the oft knocking upon a lhk1.: falkns at. Whm buth bem fruit Upward> it Will take rnot uownwa1J.



A p,


Vcrfe 1.

Colleni.011 fi..tb~ S,li11t1 J

'Jer."fllem, 15. 26.

'Jd 19.27. Vcdt 5 De.1th 1~i f1l'a!lowed 11p] As the fuell is fwallowcd up by the fire= as chc Surcercrs fcrpcnc~ wcrdwallowed up by Mofai


his Cerpem. Vt:rk 'i6. Death, whm's thy fli11Y,?] This is the fhupdl: and the fiuilldl: 1~Ne, tht boldd~ and ch;; bravdl: challeng1: chat

tvt:r man rang m the tars of death. Sttrcafmo conff"t & huf/i/i dtrijion~, '1"4 m1Jrs ridmd11 propindtHr, faith one'.

the Lords-day? The an.Lw~r w,as !e~u~ued1- ChriftMn1u fU111.; ,,,...

- --- - --

10 Heb. r,J ' ch1.:rdore rdicvcd by thl.' Churc , hLS u. t l G '/ 1' I uv111, ;f . wrn:: cl~- ""~' es ac "" J ci.i101au" 0 ..... mociou. The word here ufrd for ~aims, hgn1hcth Inch as a~c ca- y1/. ken off from the eanh. The Saims1 though their (Ommorauon be upon Ciutb th~ir convcrfation s in ht:aveu. vc:rfc i. 'vpon the j.rfld111] Th{! Chrilli~n Sabb~ch, the Lor?s day, as the Greek ~cholia(t well renders 1c _; .w~ach co fanC\1fie was in the Primitive times 3 badge of Chnlbamty. When tht.l qutfHon was propo~ndcd, Scrvafti. ~ail: thou l:pt

Hc poor believers at Rom. who had fertd hard things ot their own (,ounm:ymcn, ff, z. 14 1 T pd t<Ak1.:nJ'oyfully rhc flJOiling oi chcir t:,oods, 10. 34. and GN:,,~



1 26 d cowi_m~~!_!ry!'pon ~~-tjrfl ~fifJl11 Chap. 16. -------------------- --ttrmittere no11 pof{11m, I am ~ ChrHl:iari, I can d'o no ktT~ then ktep the ~ord5d.\y, But ch~ world 1snow grown perfctlly prop l(ln1. on fane (faith one) and can phy on tht: wirhom hook )on1s, Lc.::r.7. bb h f h L d ~ cl f' ' The ~a ac o. c e or , tht: fanCl:1h1: day o his rdl: is fhrnwU1y troubled and d1fi.1niw~d. . L.iy by him;,. {lore J Gr, A 1 ~ trl"tt{itre, I Tim.6.18. M 4 .,m p11uperHm g11.u/hylacM11 (hrifti. The poor mans box is Chrilts


thcbegiiminguf the late H.t;fonpacion, Eckfm, Roffmjis, Ca11il.forc "F,,brr G'flrh/.;1H, C11thflrinm , Pi.glmu, ';lll th~f" fll1J, l .. ' . d lid . wrote a"linH LHtl>er, S 11mmo conaw, acerr1mo. ';' er1cJ, 11011 nri/11" , as one trnh With ucmolt ddirc and endca~" tgan!' do~'

o/Sr Paul to the Co R_l __N__ ,._u__ I_~--~ ~-_ _ _i_i_.7_ _ -;;,J,;;.~ 1 *'4ver(ari;_;J Truth never wa~cs an oppoftcc. ~n

vo~~rfc 10 Fo.- he WorkJtlJ,

n 'r


Eu;Jt.}' 1 cu,

tht S;.iims. V\;& '). TT) Inn I j11.i.? come, &c. J He WJS not then yet .c0mc into Ulfriccd1r.i.i , rn:ichcr was this EpilUc wrim:n at rphilirpi ( ~s chc lit'. fcr;ption faith) a chide Cicy of Macedoni,,,,

As God h,tt/J pro!p:red him] Gr. Given him a trood ,1rriv.i!l at the end of hr1 voiaf.r. a11J en,1btd him: for wi:. not nrecch yol\d the thplr, :md to fpoil :ill. . Vnk ~. To1~r !i6mdit7 J Gr. To11r gra:e : Thlt which ha. vmg rec~1v\.'d ut Gods he~ gr:.\Cr, you do as fn:dy p.:m wich co his poor P'-'opk. Vttk 4. Tl1tft I gl)e al(o J And goc he did, Rom. 1 ~. 2 5 .A a. 24 17. The Vl'.ry t\ngds n~lJ noc Cht'mfllvts coo oood tu f~rV\! 0



&c.] So do~h every faithfoll Mi .. The V me.: 1s th<: wc:ikcll: ut crn:s,. ntnt: ' oH1uit. . . r A l m l' b , b dull A lmk hand m'.ly r hre d a ntc dl l.. <.: oat n~ay do bdl in a lo\~ rive:r. Phi/,,del!IJ~.i h:i~ b,ut a lmk t\n:ngth, ){,vd-3- 8. imd yer It frrvcd ~urn~ anJ d1~ che.dted.. . 1m::1x1i;,c~Y. Vnlcll. Lrrnom 1mdtJPifel11m] lorh1s~othh. fo1 hc_h:ith Niupb. lived much in a lit tie time ( as it is fa1d ot <..'U.r Edw.6.) and is .m old rotrng man, as was A,!Marim che Eg,p~un. , y l rte 1 2. J greatly defirrd him J P,,~,J did not compe1l o~ ~o~
though ufme:rner n:ms.

m:rnd 1 11 m, as che Pope takl'S uun him to do, cv~11 ~o l.rmClS and Potc:ntatts. Oh that :.ill Kings. would antw.a h11n rn chis oil.', as J'f1i/1p the b1r uf frnr;cc did Pui_11: ldanijrm, da1m111n ,, r lol> llow lliebmds and ill'.neim.:s .Su~u w.i m.,.\ta poWLl t 11l t .. m11f1rni1M. &c. . .
Vctk 1 1.
Wlftch yr,


a Cir. r l, 1 f

V l r!c 6. Y "~. aml \\ itster \\'ith JI)" J They had ill defcrved fiid1 a favour of h11n: for chc more he loved chem, the letfe he w:is

ty :ind N o.,h1 foioriccy felt chr fma1 t o~ the i_rrpt'.ntS itmg. l ne i}ilt wa~ kduwi, tht fi;cond flumbkd, th~ third tdl, wlulcs the Vcr!C 1 4. Let all your rhwv, &c. J Love 1s chc ~amts livery, 1 h H... athws ,1,\\nowlcd 0 ~J that 00 people ll\ tht! wm lJ t, I I) . . . . " 1" q. 3 1, did iovl~onc another, fo as Chriftians did. Inc it. n~nmvt tim,ts, Animo animatj, inttr fe m~(celwttHr, as Tcrt111l11w Jpl'akcr.h. l!Ju~ now, alas, it i~ tar othcrw1k ; Love began to grow cold among thde Co>inthian1. Hence d11s tweet and fa~m1ry Cl'tmkl. .. Vcdtl5 To1leminiftcryoftheS,in~1] fokrvechcmmcolktbng :rnd d1flnbucing alms ro.~hc n~cdhtuus. . , Yerk 16. That ye {uf mir] G1vm~ Lhcm due honoiu)doHlg th~m all u,ood utticts. L'


Sclomon1w1fdome, Lo11


bt lnveJ of chem : liut he fought not theirs,buc chem. D1fcourrclils mnll not dif~om~g\: us ~rum Uods work. C'J/viM, though buc C<tttll1 uf{d ac his firlt commg to Gcnevd, brake thorow all. Vcrlt 7. I/ the Lo>-d {Jermh J The Lord ordereth a good mans t~.J11_1gs,Pftl.37 .. ~cc A[} 16. wich{am.4.13. Itwasrathcrral1111,1k thm valour m,our R d1:1rd 1, who being told (as he fat at ~lipper ) that the French King had bdieged his town ot Vernoil in .i.\' ormi1ndy, protdled chat ht would nor mm his back um ill he h~d confrumed chc hrnch. And chen:upon he caufcd wall ot ha:; pab,c th~t w"s before hi:n m be broken down toward ch:.: ~ouch, and potted to th\! St:a-co;a{l; immediacdy inco Nor-

tyc of watchtuim:s was fallc.:t_l :dhTp.





Vnfc8. llutllh"lit.irry 11t Ephefru] From thence then he ~rote this EpilUc, and no[ at (Philippi, as the fubkripcion hath it. Sceverf.5. ' y rrk ? -;,tna.t!ffeE1~1all J ~r, Bufie,that rJuires ~reat painsta~mg.' 1 h1. Jvimlltcry 1s noc an idle mans occupacion, as tome tools thmk IC, .And

\'(rk 17 , Theyhd'tN (Upplied] viz. Yourabfcnce: wrm chem l t:,kc a fhurc view of you Jll. . . . Vc:rk 18. The7 h~vert{rtfoul J lp(t 1tf}eU11& vm bom dclt Se11, Ltt. It's lo1nc comfott to fre a good man!> tace. . vuk i9. Aqrtilfl and Pri(cilla.] ~a11/s taft foends and con .. fiant comp:mions>worth thm weight m gold.

ycr!c io~.


-----------Verfe 20.


A com111e111Ar1 "Po~ the fir II Bpiftle,&.c. Chap.16~

---- - ------------------------ With an hol1 ~Jfe] Noc hollow, as 1A'1and1MdM;



nor carn:ill as that harlot, Prov,7.11. See Rom.16. 16. Ver{c u. wich mfn( CIW,, h'411~ J WdL known to the C'1r;,,,ki-ans, to prevent impoilure. .

E:"iia.i Tbl.,bit,

Vt!tfc 11. if "n1 "'""love not J That 1s, d~fperuely h:ite. A fin fo execrable, that the Apofile wculd not once n~me it. So_ rhei Jews would not name kvcn of the P~{feover ,nor a fow at any time, but caUed it d1tbar achar, another thmg .Anathnm MAr11natb11 J Accud.t upon accurfr, put over to God
to punifh. V crfe 2. 3 M7 love, &c,] Though I h:ive l1urply rebuked ycu,

&c. Tit.1.13,

0 ll

Vpon the fecond Epifl:le of S. 'I'auJ to the C 0 R I N T H I A N s.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - ------.......--~----- --

c HAP. I.
Vcrfc 1. Our hrother J


N the faith, not in the fldh. Sitnllior tfl cop11l.cordu,'JH4m corporu, Prov.18.24. Verk 2. From qod the F11tlur J The Father is the Fountain, the Son che condwit, whereby all good things are derived to us. . Verte3. TheFath1rofmercie1] Onlyicmuft bcremembred, chat as he: is Paur miferationum. lo he is Dm' ult ion um, Pfal 94.1. As he hath Hbera, 1 he hath 11erbtr,-1. Chrifl: is girt about the paps with a golden girdle, to t11ew his love; but yet he hath eyes like Haming fire, and fret like burning braH~, Rev. I. co look thorow and keep under his enemies. The Goel of a/J comfort] It is he thaE fhines thorow the creature, which elfc is but as the air without light. J tis he thac com. forteth by the means, It is not the Word alone; for that is buc as the veins !lUd ~rceries that convey the bloud and fpiiiti is~ the Spi-. . . . ... tit


---~ ~o~,e~t~ry 11pon the (em1d Epiflle Chap. 1 rit bein~ convef d l>y tht:: pr~~i~es,helpeth the foul c~ lay it kif up~


of St Paul to the C o R





on Chnlt by ta1cb 1 and io u; Jit t;:omlontd. Somtt1m~;, ~omfon comes not by the u(e of the means till afterwards, ch!H he m11 y ~ave the. whok glory, Cant. 3. The Church found not him, whom her foul loved, rill fhc was a lit t\e pafl: the w:itchmen. The foul 1s
:ipt co hang hl'l' com fores on hcdgt", to fhifc and t1urk in eve. ry by. corner for cumto~c, Um_ as air l!ghcs not without the.: Sun, and as fudl hears not WJthout hre, iu m:1thcr can any thing foundly comfort us without God. V "" eff intrepid"- mihi re_ m~d:'citfa Jehop,e

word~? dp1.:cially wlKn mccred more from rhc bowds then ~he

Verk 4. By the

Cor patrium, oJ verttx, omnipotenf9_, 11un1u, C1Jm(Ort whernvith J How forcible are riPht

brai11, and trom our ow.1 1:xperitnc1.: : which m:de t vu1 ( hrilt himh.lf a more comptllion:.itc high-pridt, anJ Lrtther fuch an prai'.r~~i:9in~ pn:acli(~, vrc~utc _f~o!n ims u:ndcr ynrn he waij inuch'bt:ai'th and txuc1frd With {pmrna.ll ~onlhll:s, as t..)J[tf,mHho11 tdl1{\cth. ~:le Wa!"> alto wo1:c rn iay chlt chrct: cbin~s make a

~-v~~fq. s;p,~it y ~ bt: Ill(ci J "'-~.. o~~ 'c1m~;1~~crctor~ arc compan:d tQ dw dwows of 9. travelling thJL tend to Q birth,. and end in com tore 7dJ, I 6. z r. Vt rk 8. For \\'e \\'ol'IJ. not, &c.J It is nf gn~1t ttfc to know the lufh.rn1gs that others hive tu1b111t:d bei otc us. The Prnnicive Chriltian~ ktpt CacalogUt.S of thrn Mmyts. Dr T.iilor the M1...tyr at his death gave his fon TIJfJmM a 1mm: book, r.omaming the t:iyings and futh:nngs of rhc old Mmyrs, colldlt:d l>y himfdf. In the Englifh Semmarics l>tyond kas, th! y have at 1~inner rime their Martyrology . read , that is , the lc:gcnd of om EnglHh Iraitours. w~ dtJPai>ed evtn of lifr J God is oft better to LiS then Out : he rcfcrves u(ually l11s holy hand for a dtad lite. He comes in che nick of time; and our extremity is his opportunity. Sc<.: the

Note on LN~ 18.8. . Vcrlr9. JJmw,h,ulthe{e,.tenceJ Cl'. Theanfwt!rordenun .. l\:mM''W"-

l'rcacher, Kcadmg, Pra1c:r, :md Tc:mpt:Hion. H.c:ldmg makc:th :A tull mm , l)ra11;r an huly man, lt:mptariun an cxperic:ncc.:d
Jflhcrnrith \'.'t o!IY/rlvt.J arc cr,J(urtcd J Coodndle is com .. 1mrnicativt:. Mr K nu.\, a lmk afore his oc:Jth, role uut oi his bed ; and l>t:ill~ asked wht.n:forc, o:ing lo fick, ht: would offer to rift? He :.rniwcred, th1t he had had fwc:ct mtditations ot the rcforrdtiun ot Jdu~ ( luiift that -nighc, 1anu now ht: wuuld g~ in~o .Mrld1.Adum. rhe Pulpi[, a11d 1mpun rn mh\.n tht 'ivmi'ort~ dH~' 11 ... ~it ul

ciation ot death. Herc we mull: difim,uit11 between anfwcrs of tri'lll, and d1red: anfwers. This was of: chc former Ion: tor P.wt died not at that time, When Leyden was lo long, and {o firid:ly befieged by the Duke of A/v4, that thc:y were forced for chdr. fo.. lhnancc ro karch a1~d krapc dung-hils, c7c. and th..: Dukt, in tHc language of blafphemy, th reamed the dcfrndants with crudl death, that very night che windes turned, the ciddwdkd, and the waters came in, and forced him to raifo the firgc. ThAt \\le foould not truft J Hop~ is never higherdevated then wht"n out H:arc in all mens eyts is at lowdl:. .

Verle 5. A1 t~e (uf(~r;,.V nf Chriff J So c~lkd either becaufe the.: S:.linr~ futf~r for Ch11tll:, or btcrnll: they have h.m tulfrrmg with them, AU. '.9. 4. God is mo;e provoked then Nehr.miiih, .N e.'11'm-4 ~)5 . So our c0,n(o/i1tifJn J As the luwcr chc chbe, the hir~hcr the tide. uv\j -x1-~i,11v x~~[j}-,-aQt..tJ Y.;.'~'- faith l.~n,1t1r:.J. l'h~ mo're pain, the more gam. It is to my 101e, 1t you bate me any thing in my luf' h:riugs. V. :di. 6. And \\hether \'l'e bo .1!Jlifled J Let the winde fir in what corner fmver it will, it blows good to the Saints, C 11nt. ~ 16. Th0ngh Nunh and South h:: ot concnry qualities, ~ct they make. the ~hurchcs ipiccs to flow aod giv~ torth cheir knc.
)/~rfe 7.

bis foul.

Thou haft, thou fluilt, is an ordinary medi1mJ matic uie ot l>y the Vcrfe 11. Tou al(o helping to.~ether] The bdl: may have b~nefit by the praiers of the meandt. .kle/11nflh911 was much chcarcd and cunfinncd by the prakrs oi certain women and chil dr.en, whom he ~ou~d tugging with God in a corner for the ktling SI d . of the Rdonnat10n m G~rm,mJ. '"c~hcc~;f~ '~ r. F h. . . . ] H d g 11g rzp ~n. c was merry un er pag. '~' V trit! 12. or t u Jj our re10JCJng, &c. his load, becaufe his heart was. upright. {he <inccre will wdl ihnd under great prdli1res, becauk thty are found. Whcr~as af u bone be broke, or bm the skintul>'d up :md row, the lightdl: l&ad will be grievous, And godly finceritJ A fine word he here ufeth: and it is a chJwv11'a. K i :Mctapho~

Verfc 10. In \Vbom WnrtJ.j} J bcperiNH~e bt;eeds confidencr.

13 z
Ari/l 6t~

.A ~~"!"''~~1

"P'" the focontl Epi!_~_!?:_hap-!.:

crap.;:---~fS' Paul to the.Co~ 1 N 'l' a I A~ s. goe the lo[e, ifh7iliould-~bc-gi;;t"h~ inhcric~~ce, as Ch;y(o.


-----Metitphor either from rhe E1gle tlm crierh her young by holding 1hrm forth again{\: the tuU light of the ~un ; ((o 11-iould we lhc mo.. 1>/ii' tions of Gur mindcs to thl! Word of God) or dk trom a wile and wary chapman, that holds u1 1 the cloch hclm;c;s, bet w1xc his rye and che Sun. Verlc 13. Thttt WhrH ye rtllrl, &c.J Or, then what you can both recognize and approve of for you have known me thorow and thorow. Vt:r{et-t. Youh~veack__nnwlcdgedinpart] Yououghtto have done ic more fully: Luc you have been carrn:d away, as ye were kd L>y rhc talk Apollles. Ycdc 15 Afecona bcncfir] Gr. GraHnot converting only, but confirming alfo. All is but enough. Vcrfe 16. eAnd tlJ p4f{e /,7 yoH J So indlfat~gable and un!a ti&fi:ibk was he in doing ( ;od krvicc. C a/vin iaid, Ne aecmu '}Hidem m..iria, .~c. thac it. would not gritve him to fail over ten

noreth. vcdo3. 1 call God to rewd] He purgethhimfelf by 01ch.So thole I ofo:u :u. Rom.sVede 14. D omiHion over your faith ] As Maf\:ers of your 'Pcnrifcx 1111,, confcienccs: fuch as the Bridge- maktr of Rome will needs be.


c HA p.


Verfc 1. Th At l\\'oula not come 14g14fo J

kas, about a umiorm dr:rnght tor rtl1gion. . Vcrfc I 7. Did I 11fe iig htm j[e] So the falfc Apoflks '!lgainft him. Mini(h:rs mult carefully clear chcmtdvcs ot 1u1p1.. tions and alperlions can: upon them, eithtr by a v~rb:iU or u:all

. Veck 18. Our Word tolvard you, &c. J. Gods children are all fuch a11 w1ll nutlie, fay and unfay, uluw hot anJ cold w1du blall, Jfa. 63..s. Verk 19. F~r the SfHne of GtJd J WhatiHhatto the purpo<c? Thus: 1fLhcCiolpd chat 'P1m/prcacht:d br..: not )1 r..:a and ff1y, tht:~ ntJChtT an: Pauls promifrs yea llld w~y, This i~ his i11ccm1UH:nt: dtc his inference is norhing. And by thu which tolluws, it n:acll Mo cotton on cth aU Chrilti:ms, 1 d. Loo.k what a Chrift13n doth prnm1tc 1 h~ is the fcm1 n~ls bouod by the ~arndt-pcny of Goos Spmt co pcrtorm. Hr..: dares 110 :is more alct:r his words to Lhe ~ilcrcd1t ot his prutc:aio11,th"n the Spt rit of God can lie. Y.edc 20. In him Are 1e.i 11ncl amen J Thn is, truth and a<fu ranee. They will cat their way over all alpt:s of oppofiL1011, as one tpcaketh. Yule 2 I. Hath ano;nud "'J ' t. Conkcrnted and quali ficd us. Verfc 22. St11/td H4 As the Merchant fets his fcal upon


, .

LI~ daltt. quotieuo~i~ur effe Pri;'I:, It go~s a~. mu~h again(\; th~ heart of a good l\llmfi:cr ~ as a.gamfl t~e hair with his p~ople, ifhc fay or do any thins to ~heir gnd. le ts noplca{ure c.Q h1111~ to fling daggers, to {peak miH\om:s , to prca~h d~mnrnon, er~ lluc there is a crue\l knicy, as Wai that of: Eb to hs {~ns, and. ~vtl men rnult be O:mply rebuked, that they may be found m the ~:uth, Tit.1.13. Vcrfc 2 , B11t the fame Which r~ madt, &c. J Nothu~g. can cu~e afaithlull Minilterot his c1rdolium, of his ht:arcs gnd, h1Li peoples amendment. Now We live if 7e jlmu1.f.d1 in the LoyJ. 1 Thcff+8 dk we are all amort, and you kill the very hearts


of us. ,.., h' fl:' k Ycrfe 3 Of\vhom I o1'ght to rejo7ce J L-.cot mg ~c s a man more then the unk.nJcndlt of a friend, then cxptclauon of love da(hcd and difappointcd: AU evils, as e\c~cn~s arc_ molt troublefome, when out of thd1 proper place, as un~iety m prokfiuurs, injull:ice in Judgl:s, unkindencs or umowardncs 111 a people toward their PiiCl:our1 c._,..,c. Vcrk 4, wi1h man1 tc111rs] Non ti1m 11t>-Am~Hto 'J"."n la~~.,1miJ ch11rt1u iUevit, faith Lori.nm. S. PaHls cp1ltks were Written rather with tears then wich ink. Verfe 5. Have c11uf<d grief] Wickc_d livers are .to the godly, and draw many hghes and tears f~om t~em. .Lots righteous foul was kt upon the rack by the filthy Sodomites . Jeyem7 weeps in kcret for J11dah' s fins.. P 11ul cannot fpeak of thole bcllygods with dry eyes, Phi/. 3. 18. .
Vcde 16. S11Jficient to (uch a man J The


llis goods. 'Ih~ t11nufl 1f 1he spiris J Wbtrcof God lliould under ..... goc

were eut that tci1.1kd to receive in thofe that repented of: tht1r forlUcr f:ults 1md follies. The PaI,liltS burnt tome chat ~u:~ntcd ai: - ~ 3 the

__ 13_4 _____ .A_C_6"!rt1J~M__1 pon the ftcond 8pJjll1

fel.i J91
J1Cf, anif M 011

D Sibbs

they were ma 'Ood mmde. :. n Vcrle 7 S}JoHld be fw11/JtJiveJ "P] It was a faying of Mr Phi/. po~ , Mmy~ : Saran goes abouc to mi" the detell:ablc darnell ot dcf pcrauon wich the godly forrow of a pure penitent hearc. / With. overn111ch g~ie.(J. Some holy mm (as Mr Ledvtr) on Pf. have dd1rcd co fee chm ~mm the mofl: ugly colours, and God huh heard them. Bl'lt yet hts hand was {o heavy upon them therein that chey wen~ alw:ics mo.urning to their graves; and thought i~ fimr w knc it co Gods w1fdomc co mingle chc porion ot forrow th~n to ~e t~ci~ own choo{c~s. It is a faying of A ufiin, Let a ma~ ~nevc for his {m, and then Joy for his gl'icf. Sorrow for fin, it it to far exce~d as. t~at thm:by w~ are difabled for the dikhargc of our dum.s, it is a finf ull iorrow, yea though it be tor fomc. . Vcrfe s,. Confi.rn1 yoH~ love, &c.] Gr. R~tifie it, and declare

1;he l\ake, {~ym5 thl\t '~Y wgu\d fend 'hem QUt

Chap21~ ', ---uf die Wodd,whil~:;;'


of St Paul to 1he C o 1l 1 N T H 1 A N s f~rc~ ~re either mionall, fm-:hdrom i:;rgu~ds whi,h1-~ith mini-------

fireth, or rcall from the prdcnc~ of comfortable pcr!ons or things. Verfc 14. Now thif11k_Jbe to Goa] Dto gr.41;,u W.lS ever in par1/1 mouth, ever in v!ujliM. And a ch:rnkfull man is ever ready with his prdenc , as Jofeph' 1 brethren were, Genejii
C 14~feth U4 to triu'!'ph J ~almh us more then conquerours, even mumphcrs ; wlules he rides upon us as upon his white hortes

41 i6.

authccml<e, as it were 1~ op.en court, and by publike (cntence (as

i\11 the world over, Conquerjng 11J1Jd tD conqu~,., R.~v.6.1. . Verfe I). A fwett {tiv_our] The. Church is chc morrcr, preach mg the pc1\cll, the prom1frs arc the fwect fpiccs, which being beat- Bif,on 1 Pct.1. en, yecld an heavenly and fupmmurall fmell in the fouls of cbc godly hearers. Verk 16. The (avour of de,ct/; J Ariflotle writcrh, that vul- '!Jcmir.abil. 414. tures are killed with oil ot roks. Swin~ (faith Pliny) cannot fwltar. live in Come parts of Artebia, by reafon of the fwcct km ot aro.
in ~very w~od._ . Tigers are enraged perfomeS. r 'fC .. ,_ Mterf~#11r f"'Jmw 1 f:uth p,,,,0,,;M, ,,Jfo{fI killed che uEg,ptian, favcd rhc lfraclitr. Obed Edom wu bklfed forchc Ark, the I' hiliflimt were curfed. The Sun of chc Glofpcl l11ining upon one that is ordained to ctem:ill lifr reviveth


G 11/. 3. ~ 'i.)

and that at mrne mlh11cc, as:in advocate. Vcrle 9. Whttlm yt lu oludient J l'irlt to the Lotd !nd then to us hy the will of God, 2 Cor. 8. )", Confer H;b. 13. 17.

m~cicall trees thc:r~ gro~ing

Vnk Io. To -Whom ye forf.ive J Or,.Gratifie. Mercy is that we mull mucually lend and borrow one of another. Lee the rigid read G"I 6. 1. See tht: Nore tht:re. .,,,\tav 6K711 9,;y; . Vcrfo 11. Left SdtaH] T~at wily mer~hant,that greedy bloud.. fucker, that dcvomtth nuc w1ddows houf cs, but molt mens fouls.
St:c vcr,7.

For \\'e '3re not jgnortcnt] He is. but a titular Chrin:ian that h!Ith r~r perio~!lll ~~perience of Sm.n~ ltrrn1gc1m, his tee ind

compokd machmat1ons1his arcifi~ially-moulJed mcthuJs,his plots, dam, dcpchs, whtreby he: outwitted ouc iirf\ parcms1 and fits us i pcny-worch fiill, as he frcs rc:itOn. Vcd~ 12. eA door \\'~ opened] . An opportunity offered. Where me. Mall:cr fees up ~light, there 1s fomc work to be done whe~e he end11 forth his labourers, there is tome harv~n to be got~

ten m.

Verfe13, lb~Jnoref1,&c.] Gr, No rtltf~.,.,;,,,, viz, from my former cares and anxieties aoout you, becaufe he was not yet a:etumed to tdl me h.~w. ic was with you, 2 C1r. 7.6. Gods com-

and quickncth him ; but lighting upon a cbilde of dtath caufocb him tofl:ink more abominably. , And Who i1 {itfjidtnt J And yet now who is ic alrnofl: that chinks not hirnfdt lutficicnc tor thac facrcd and tremend functiun ofche Minil1ery? Who am I? faith .1Ho(e1: Who am I not? taich our upil:a~c. BradjDrd was h1~dly pcrfwaded co become a Pre.Jch- At1.and M~n. er, Lfftmur leapt when he l:ud down his Bifhopri~l~1 b~in1; di(- Jl,t s7 M. charg~d, 3S he faid, oftuch an heavy burchcn. LHther was wane to fay, 'f~at it he were again to chul.e hi.4i calli~g, he would dig, or do any tbmg rather then take upon hnn the ofuce ot a Minilh:r. So faid rtvorend Mr wha.tely of Bittnbury once in my hearing. ~ 7 wl~ich corr11pt the Word J Gr. Which huckfi:cr it, by 11g:mMJov7e~. handlu~g it crafol~ and covctoufly~not lerving the Lord Jc:fos Chrilt buc their own bellies, as thole Pop1l11 trencher-Hies, and our Court parnfitcs. lntbe/igbtofqad] [tis impoffil>tctofpcakasinGods prcknce, ~d (i~~ ~n~~rely.
A Pe



cormnentAry upon the fuoml piftle




ChaP.3. ofSt Paul to the c 0 RI N 'I' HI AN s. 137 I will no_t_d-et-e-rm-i-ne (faith a rev~rend -W-rice0- bu~-h-~-ch;-ll-c_c_rc_a-in___r:_:i_.r-.-ut-01_ir_o_11
ly by his praiers reap mcnc comfort to himftlf. When: co I addc, that un\cllc he pray for his hearers as wdl as preach co tht:m, he may preach to !lS little purpofe as Bede did, when he pn:achc:d co an heal?
ot (l:oncs.

1 hdr P.i

Y crfe 1. D Dt we begin 11gAin, &c.]

plin.t,1.cpifl .8

. T_o rtJmm_rnd 011r fclves] f0od A fi11f{a, 1p(o qHi rccenfente vanefcit,

s we had dore bdorr,r.iip.1.1 :a.

mag~iflrnm refircnte aUo

Lee another man praifr t.h~c, and not thine own mouth, Pro'!'. 27.2. L.111J proprio (ordrfett rn ore, But the Apoflle was necdlttated to it. A1 ~me others, lttttr1 of commendMio11 J hs the folfe Apo~ mes, who carried it by tdl:imonials: in giving whereof many good p:.:ople arc much too blame. Beaucy needs no letters ot commmdmon, iaich AriJ1orlc; nrn~h ldk doth vm~1\.' 1 whrn; it is known, lfrnoraH vcrtut: could be fccn with U\Ot'tall eyes, faith Plttto it would foon draw all hearts to it tdf. , Vcrfr 2. You 1u:e 011~ Epiflle J The !r.uitful~efk of the people is the Preachers tdhmumal\ : as the protitmg of the ichoHar is the teachers commendatiotl. W,.itten in 011r hearts J Or rather in your hc:irts, as ubles
tht S~irit writing cherton, by hi_s Minifters as prns, chat form of dlrm~, Rom.6.17. th!lt law ofrheir minde~, Rom. 7.~ ~. Heb.8.
10. to be

Vtrk 6. Not of the letter J To wir, of the ltiw, which re quin:tb pctkll: ob::dil'ncc, prtluppofing holirn (fo in us, and cur rrx ju'ct gra .. ling tht: difobl'di~m: But the Gofpd ( calkd hen: tht ~r 1 i11t) pre- 11.ijuv"u~u 0 fuppukth unholintffc, andi> as an inHrumcnt, makclh us holy, Jvh.17.17. AU.~0.32. forweprc::ich Chrift, I Cur.1. 13. We give whn we preach. The Spirit is rl'ccivld l>y tht.: pn.::ichmg cf taich, Giff 3. 2. l'hi5 Mlnn:ih is rained down in chc iwl'et dews of
tht:Mimll:c:ryof thcCofpd, I l'et.1.u. For thi /ma- kill,cth] ~1any Popin~ ~ridl:s, that hardly ever had in:11, nrn~h ldlc read St Ptt11/J Wrltlll.jS, ha.vmg gotten thig frrmnc~ by che end, The letter kJ//cth; took CHC of bi:ing Hilled, by not tm:dling with good literature. Hrncc that of ~r Thom.-u

Vt:rle 3 .Mini fired by m J Who arc devoted to the ftrvice of your faith, and are the Lord Chrifl:s Seelaries. 'B11t in jlcfh/y rr.blts J In the foftt:ned heart God writes his law, puts an inward aptndk :mf wcring the Law of God wichour,
;is kad an{ wers the mould, as tally ani wers tally, as indenturt: an-

known :md re:id ofnll men.

tr11ft hdvt We] i.e. 5uch boldnrffc of holy l>oafl:ing. lfTnn1 could fay, "fwo things I have to bear me bold Cir.rpJ1rr~l 7, upon, the kno:vlcdge of good ms, and th~ glory of gn:at atl:s; how much more rn1gbt P,w/ ! Vcrk S. Not that \\'c Are fr' (ficient] Ldl: they 01ould think him arrogant. Cyr111 Qad chis wmtrn upon 111s Tambe, I could , '" doe au things, as ArriA~msrcports. So cuuld p aHI coo. but it was 11UV'nt nclt-1Y t.futd.:A-\11', tborow Chrif\: \vhich fhcngthned him. Ph1/.4.1 ; . > Ali our (ufficiencJ ~of God J HaJ IM M;nilkrs then need. to pray ? Bo;~ rmiJI'c cfl bent ftml11if{cJaith LHtb~r. And whtthcr a 14ini~~r (hall do more g~d to otiLt:rs by his praiers or preaching,

f wcrs indenmre. Verfe 4 SNch

}.1oore co om: of them, 71! bene cavifti, nett 11/l.1 occidt>re pcj/it Litter a: n.1m n11/l.i rft littera nom ribi. Vtrlc 7. The min;jlr.1tion of death J That is, the Law. David was tht voice of tlie L1w awarding death cu fin, He fl11fl (iire11 die, _N,,tJ,~;J W!.l~ the vu1ct.' of ell~ lilfpd, iwarding lifr ro re .. puHancc for hn, Thou p;.1/t not dit. For the gJor7 of hr5 co11ntena1m J Which yet rdleCl:cd not upon his own cy(s, Hdhondnight and kn1.:W noc of it : l-k faw Gods fact.: glorious, he did nut chink others had lo ft:cn his. How many hav~ n~cdknt grac1.:s, and pcrcc1v1.: thl.'lll not? Vcrlc 8. 7> e rather glorio114 J Lee chi~ com tort chc Minifters. ol th1.: (;of pd undt!r che cumcm1:tli calt upon chem by the m:id world 1.:n:r bd1dl:s it idf in pvint of falv.\tion. See

l(a 49-5

Vu k 9. E.wudin glory] A throne was ftt in heaven, Rev~ 4.1. Nut Ill thl: Mmmc, a~ E>.:od.15 9. The p:i.ccrn of our Church i~ thc\\Ld in thl.' ht: v.:11~ chemldvcs, bccaulc of thac mon.: almndant glory vr tht:Go!pt.1 abPV~ the L1w. And thcrdon: aHo John ddcnbtth tht.: City br grc::attr and larger thtn li~<kJel, Revel. 2 i. Lttau!c E z,ekjel wa~ a lvliniUcr ~f the Ll w, John ot the Bl'ightm::rn in (iofpd. loc,

ycric 10. Had no glory J To . . fpcal< of.and . .. in - compari!on. .. - . The


. i....._ _ _ _ _ ___.._.._.____.....__..

a? "'tfftAtfiu UM+no1,;.>r,1ti ~,

-~!________ _ .A _~0~!~~11r~ upo~~~~f~~~~~-$pijlli~J~1:p""i_

light of the Law was obfcured and overcafi by the light of th-- ~ 0 f _ The fea about the aim was brazen, 1 K ;,,~ 23 a d e h 7 . t ,.h nth w ~t eyes could pierce thorow. ic ? Now our <ea :1b~u . c rone IS \aerie, I'\ ev.4.6. l'k H 1 e to cryflall dearly conveyiAg the ligfit d l1ghc ot God m Chnll w our v~e~. an V~rft 11. MNcl,,nortth1lt, &c.] As the Sun outl1iinc h L fir his herald. t ucs. Vcrfo 1 2. Plai'lnr.[fe of rf uch J Or much e 'd loh.10.24. and 11.14. and ~6. 29. with ~nuch l)tr(v1. c~ce, as we dciivcr our {l'lves; we Cpeak with oprn tac. p1cuHy t and aut horny ing colours. c:, not car. ~lrlc 13. Co.Nia not ftdfaf/11, &c, J Could not cle j f ChnH cht: end of the La:V, J~onuo.+ G,q/, J. 24 , ar Y ee Verfc 14 Bm thm mindt.r] Unklfo Cod give fi1 h wdl. a: lighr, ~nJ cnli~hrcn borh organ and objctt we nothmg. ' an ~~ . W~i~h ~~ii r:< do1u Aiva1 J Sec 1p., ,_ S. 7 hi th frecch fron1 blmd<.:ndle we no fooncr cafl of chat (bcely f '11. b f: h b h 1 f" h' t ... l Y an , ut t <..: va1 o 1gno1:mce, w ten nuurally covercch all fkfi 1 and rent. ' is corne Vcrie I 5, The vAil iJ Npon their /geartJ J By a m I' vo. luntary hardning; they cur(c Chrift and his worfhi la tct~us hat~d d 1y d d 11 E f pers m t e1r JI evocmns~ an ~a. .VJJngeliHm Atmur iUaion, th'" Go" l 'II/ab iTh~/.. :4 volmnc; of vanaty or m1qmry 1 ,., '" ipe,

hip.:4. 'If St Paul tot.he Co a 1 K 'I' n u







Vcrlc 1.

AJ Wt h11v1 rueivedm1n1]


Velrle di~ '!"s(~ it "II mm J Of the Jews converfion and Wh ac..11~ nsn. eec1e.NorconRom.u ,8,is. , 7 . Ve1k I 7. Thi Lord Id that fPirit J Chrift only c . h ff an give t e J"WS hUno ble trn1t, trechc als JJ_avid callcch him, Pf"' 50. 12. that t a. man rom t lC mvillblc chains of the k. ,d t darknelk. mg ome o V_nfo 18, Are changed J As the pearl, by the ofcen b . l the Sunbc~ms upon it, becomes rad ianc eatmg o f From.glory to glory J Thac is, Fro~ grace to grace Fulneff o grace is th~ ~cit in glory, Ocher thin s as )Ca ' e are buc the ilimmgs forth of this folneifo of gra~c'in J1or~~ and Joy,

lo freely been calli!d to rhD Minillery ofmt!er mercy,, forth therein all (edulity and 1ince.ricy. When I was born, faid chat French King, thouland ochers were born b~fides my k\t. Now what ha vc l done to God more then they, chat I {hould bea King,nnd not they ~ T1tmerltme havingovercom.: R11 .. ;A:{.tt, a1Jked him whether ever he had given God thanks for ma~ king him fo great an Emperour: who confdfl.:d ingecmoufiy he never choughc ofic. To whom T11merla,,e replied, that it was no wonder io ungracefull a man &bould be made a fpccbclc of mifc:ry. for you, faith he> being blinde of one eye, aod I lame ot a lrg, I.(lu.~~hu ..JH 1 was rhere any wonh in us, why God '11ould frr us ovn rwo Cuch "' ' 111 ~' grt:at EmriircsofTmksand Tart:ns? So may Mini!krs fay, What arc we that God fhould call us co fo high an ollicet &c ? We fa int not J W c droop-: nor, we thg Rot, we hang not the vY.. bt<.<!)iYtp.~. win~, though hardly handled, For, Pr.tdic"re niJJi/ afoul tfl, tpsam derivare in fe ft~rortm toti1u mm1di, as LHther faid. Ycrfe z. The hidden thingr Df difhonefly J All legerdemain, !lnd under-hand dealing. They thlt do evil hue the li~hc, love to lurk. Bur 11n hat~ woadcd an impudrncy in fume lTI\;l1:\ fa~t:>, that they d:m do any thing, To every m1411s confair.nee] A pmc confcicncc huh a Wimes in every mans bolomc. Sec 1 l''1r, 14.24. VcrCe 3. To them th11t are loft] lei-; a fign of a reprobate-goat, 7~1J.8 43A7 Sen(u11//, hAvint. not the fpfri.t, Jude 19. The devil hide~ has black hand before chdr eyes. Yt:rlt: 4. The god of 1hi~ \\'orld J 'l'he devil ufurps fuch a power, and wid~,c;d men will hrn.: it fo. 1 ht.:y kt him up tor l.iod : If ht! au out hold up his finger, give chc kalt him,. chey arc at his obedience, as God at firll did but fpeak the word, and it was done. All ~heir buildings, plowings, plantings, fai'\ings :tre for the devil. And it we could rip up their hem1: 1 we fimuld finde wricccn chcrcin, Tiu god of thu prtftnt World. Vtrle s. Wt pre11ch not our [elves] We are Chrifis paranymphes, oi: ipokehnen, and i\Uet. woo; tor him. Now it we lhoulcl

we have we fhcw Sith



- - --- - - -.. fpeak


A Commentttry '"P" the fecond Epiftle


- - - --,-p~-;k one ~~~d-t~~l~i1;,;~d-~wo t6;~-ur fdve~,!lS nll {1:lf..fet!kcrs q~


of St Paul tot/Je Co Rt





~11ctU S_ylv.


lmw ~ao we an{ wcr ir ~ J VL~fr 6. nHh /hilled J The firft work of the fpirit in mans h~uc rs,to be:it oucncw .w1?dows chere)and co let in light, A a. 2 6, I 8. And rht.n, Semper w (ole Ji t:t efr Rhodos, qui & c11.lorem & co. form; uohis imprrtit, Vlrfc7. Incar;l~~~J,'Z!(fft.11] Gr. lno1Jltr.fod1 : astheill-fJ. vourcd uylkr hadl"Tn ic.:i'Tmght pearl. Vifo fifpe c.idm no/Jilt Ht [f.1r hdbet. In a le:ithern pudt may be a precious pearl. v crfr 8. _we are. t~oubltd o~ every fide J This is chc worlds V:'Jgc:s to ( JU~S l\111~1ltcrs. ~/o-it(ff odi11m parit. Oppoticion is}Jgel'lL~NJJIU, fotd C.tlvm. Tru.h go<;;S ~V\;[

v;,- but ye-t ~t

iUC nuc kjn"J wirh 1hul,, "~ thu(c wen:, lkvel.a, ZJ As a god1y man faid, l'hat ~e did cexrotare viml1ter, fo the ~aims do mori vi m.li1er, die co live tor ev<.'r. But Ii~ in 70N J ? d. You have the happineffe to be exrmpted 1


~ i~nm;ht

jot 15,, ~, ,\fon,

we arc perple:t'cd J Pray for me, I fay, Pray for me faid L.1rim1 r. t:or I am fm~1t.:timc,s {o fi.:artul~, th:it I could cm:~ in-

Co11cuti, no11

'lJtir'id ut ilcx 1011/a b1pcm1i-


forr, cc. \'edt 9. 71 c~f c11trd /,11t nl)t for(alz~n The Church may be fh3krn., 11ut 011vc.1td, pc,rl~nm:d, noc cui:quercd. Romi: cladi bm ammojior, fo1d ont:. l 1s more true of the Church : She gets by 1.1cr lofhs, and che OJI< {he cakt:th hcarc to grace from the m:ums and wounds given her, Nit~riJ inc,1J{t1m Chri.fti {itbmergere navem, l /ii ft:1Nt, at nr111q1han mer.~irm ii/fl rtltu.

t~ a Moufr-hok, fom<:wms God doth v1fit me again with com.

Ar. tht! Popi.! \Ul'Otl:! Ollet! to the gt-c:i.t Turk, C11f! ~(l)P'1, ~Jlt not deHroied] Impel/ere pof{rmt

(faid Lu thrr of l11s rm:mu:s) fedtotllm projlernere 11on poJ{unt : crt1deli' tcr me trt1[!.1re poj{1wt, fed Hon t>.:tirpare: denteJ nHdare, (ea non devoi,lre : occ1dcr1 me poj{unt, fed in totflm me peraere n0>1 poff11m. They nuy thrull me, buc noc throw me, fhew their teeth, om not d1,;vour me, ki}l mt:, lmt noc hn1 t er. e,&c. Yuk 10. Thedl'n.r,ofthc lord] A condition obnoxious to daily dtaths and dangers. U}figf;t be m~de ~,rnififiJ. As it was in P au!, when beingfio. ncd, he lhtted up wah ajic,j1c oporttt imrare. Thus, chus mufl: lleavt:n bt: had, and no ocherwife. v~:ik 11, f'~r w" whfrk tiv{, &c.] Good m~n only are heirg ?f th<.: grace ot life, I Pct ,3 .7. Oth1:rs arc livmg ghoits and W:llk mg l11iulchrcs of chem(elves. , _v t.:rk .1 2, Drath Workuh itrns] 1t hath already ~cized upon

wl11ks we arc tnn111m non interempri., httk ldk thrn done to dt:Jth. Verk 13, The (amt fpirit J Th:it you have and 01.ll be htirs together uf h<:av1.:n wuh you, though hen: we meet Wtth more m1krics. J belcevcd 1Htd the"'efore, &i.:. J The Spirit of faich is no indw1:1lt:r1 where the door of the lip~ open nor in holy contcnion and communicariun. Vcrk v\. Shtli pre{ent m With 1011] Sh:iU bring us from the jaws ot death, to the joy es ot etcrnall lifr. Verk 15. That the ab111ed.,mt grace J This. is one end ~here forc God fuffcrs his Minillers co ui.: iubj'"d to iu m~ny 1111(, nc>, thu chc pc.ople might be put upon prai'"r and pc aifc for chdr d~livcrance. Vcrk 16. Tet the inward man] Pew M11rt1r d;ing, faid My bod] id Wc.ik, my mindc iJ W:ll. Wril for the prefenr, ANd It \\'ill be bttter her.'Afttr, fhis is the: godly m1ns Motto. Verft: 17. For our light "Jfliflicm J Here we hav~ an ekgant Amithdis)and a double hypnl)l)h: b1.~011d i;;ngl11lung. lor afH1ft1on, b1.n/s gloty i fot' lighr. amu::Uon, a wc1glu ut glury: tur momm.ary :111l1tlion, <:ecrnall glory.

which H but for u rnomtnt For a Chon braid only, as that Mmyr !.iid. M0urning blh.c.h bm ci;l munii11~. le is bur: winkmg, a11d thou thalc be 111 heav..:n pn:kmly, llllo~h anotht:r }o.\:myr.

J As a c,a1(J fine qrui no,1, as thd.i W wo1 keen U11m.4,1 5 ~I f1trrr m(Jre e.\'Cecdi11<~ J vln excudin.~ .r.wrjfi :JC rtr~n4.IJ \\'ei,~ht. Or, a tar mu{l txc\1knr, ecernaU wc1~hc . 1yec Ghr1flm, nee cll:lllm p~iiwr h]pervolen, Laich one. 1-Lre It IS hard co
Jl'ud'.."th rm tom


fuch a wcighc, as if ch<! uody were noc u11hdd l>y tne powl'rof i1:~ God, it were impofiible it fhould bear ic. Joy fo great, as ~hat we mult enter into it : 1t is t{,)'.> l>i1 1 to enter into ~. E ntcr 1nt11
. 0 .

JYeighi of glor7 J 'l'~c ('_polUc a\h1 lcth to the l-1.cbrew o.nd , . .J.J Chald1.:c wo1ds, which h~rnhe both \'\'eight and ~:lurJ Glory 1s. _ "



A Commentary upon t~r [!_c_:_~~!.!}f!!e __C~~~- - - -- --,;;; M after~J~1, M~~;5,--Ht re we tinde chat whrn thcr~ is grrat juy, the body is noc al>L LO bear i r ; our Ipiri ts :m.: rLaJY. to t xpirc; What !lull it tlien be in hcavL11? Vt:rlc' 18. whiles l\e look__ not J Gr, Wbiks we m:ike them n~)t our fcop.: our mark co aim ac. Hea vc.:n we may makl! our mark,

14 2


ofs~ Paul to the


c 0RIK1' HI AN s.


~. PAul aTem.maker,ekgantly compar~s~-;ns b~dy-~o a Tenr-.--f/iiro alio in his d1alogl1e of dt'ath, calkth the body a Taber- n~qxi1iG-.
we hAve a f.uUding of God] The Ark tran{porc:nive till then,
was frdtd in Solomons ctmph: : So (h:ill chc foul be in hcavc11.

our aim, rnuugh IJO[ om hi~llllt a:m.

As when one skin ta\~ ott!

At tl.1e tkin_g.r thar qrc fern J Whiks we cy\'. things prefrm on .. ly, it will b~ wich us as w1ch an hou!e wichuuc pillm, tomrmg

tali1:rn:ldt:! t11allued1flu[\1 t?dorrak~n

wich every blafi-, or as a thip w1chouc anchor, coLLd wich c:very wave. Bt!t ,a the things \\hich 1we tJ11t fcen J Perfr14/a non reJPicir .1lf,.r1yr, coron,u rr/J"'cit: 'P/.1.<'.'u non horret, prttmium n11merrtt: non videt //Eloru i1,/l:rne Jl:1gell11nter, fed An;!elor (uprrn'e . Mrf,im.mtc.r, faith B .~fit : Who al!O eds us how the Martyrs that wen: c~tll ouc mked in a winccrs nighr, being co be burned che ncx:t day, comforttd thcmklvcs and one anotht:r with thefe words; A~w.'.~; ~ t;- Sh,1rp u the &old, lmt f,vcu Af P"r~di.f~ .- TroH'71~(om~'5 ih~ '#i'''Tt r~, ;.,,~~ :..'.rit, hut pletifint foaH he the end of OU't jo11r>tt!Y : ltt tU end1,rt cold " E'; To; {~tl.''f I. p tttr11trc J.u I orume r. \\',11,,; m : l t t o"r foot > little, ll'H d tu P1.dl (cJon
burn A While, th,zt \\e m111 d"w:e for evtr \\ ith <!.Angels : Ltt 011r luand f~dl iuto the fire, tfJ/Jt it M] '''} hold upon ttern11/J life, &c. B 1'1t the thinv Which, &c. J The la tines call profpcrous things Re1(ec11nd,u, bccauk they are to bt: h'-ld hcrcahcr, they arc not the tirll things! rhe(e are p:ilt, Rev.1 r.

fo whw om cmhly down, We l111ll lbV\.! :l h1.aVt'nly hcu:t'. Tht lrnl wears the body as a garmcnr, .w/11(h whrn it i~ wurn om, \\'t: lha\l bt: clothed with a l>cttt'l' hllt ; we l11:1'1 chm"t' our ragdor robes, c,1...c. Im ii ~10i1 pl.wgi,mt-5, fed pla11dimru vitnm c/,111dmuu: qNii4 dies ifle Hon tam f.1ralu qrJC1m

anmti~r come~ 011 1


elf. Vcrfr: 2. For in thi.t] That is, in this c1brrmcle of the body. Wt .~roan ttt'Y'ne/Jl1 J As that A~i1. P,1rtJdiji, which b~ing



once caU' 1 ht and <:nraPt:d, nt:vcr kaves 11~h1ng, thc.:y fay, nll ic.:t 0 liblrty. ~The Grec:ks call the uody J'wc the ioub bond, and ori-,i.<:(> qu.i(i ~11.IJJ the fouls lcpulchrr. . .

To he clothed 1tpon lly a luddcn change, and notto die at :.ill, as1 rh .. f[.4.17 1 C(lr,15.51 5'L fl_::i~tnimv11it11101if pror'm nemn. D.-ach when ic comts will have a L>ouc wich chc btit, a~ it h:i.d wicb H<-t,rkj,1h, D.fvttJ, (on<U, others. ror nlturc abhors ir, and tvay nt:W man is two mrn. lfot when :i Cbri!iim confiders, chat 11(;n nifi per ;ing11/l11ad1w.zu/l1i perveni.1111r, thH [hen:'s no pafiing into Paudih.:, but undtr rhe fhming {word ol chis /\n.
8tldt:ach1 th:ltilandt.!thattht:l~orch_; that then/~: no co111in 0 .lo thcCicy ol l,od, Lut rhorow chis llrarghr !Jlld he::V} Lmv~no w1pq~

Ci!AP.V. Vcrk 1. For \\'e k._now J

fweer-rne:irs of the kafl: of :i good conkience. Th~re art! mher dainty difhes in this fe:.G, buc this is the banquet. The <:o'k on the dllng-hill knows not the worchof this jl!wd. Our earthly hou/e of thi& Tubern.1c/e J Our clayie cott:ige. Man is but terr.i jhcbilu, a piece of e:mh neatly made up, 1 he firll: man is of chc t:arth earthy: nnd his earthly l10ule is ever moul dering over him, ready co fall upon his head. Hence it is calkd, Thdifi of hw h11ndI bccaufe h:udly held up with the hbour of his

we chink, er hope only : This is the cop gallant of N Ot faith, the triumph of crnll:, chis is as L1Jtimrr ci's ic, the

a\I t<::.m trom h.scyts, bm with his Wlillim~ ihet:t, ht yedds, a:ai is nDt only content, um foil glad of his Jcp1mm;. As Ill die m..::111 while he ace' pts oflifo raLhcr then afh:Cts it, he tnJme~ it rachtr thtn d.lir<:5, Phi/.1.2 ~ \\dq. if (o berlw, &::.. J q. d. 1-fowbcir, I know not wh'.! rh~r we 11nli l>c fo cloacht:li Upvn, chat 1~,WlH.:tbt:r we CLac ~r~ now 11l1v. 1111ll be found aliv.c at Ltmth commp, to judgemenr, whecher Wl 1h.tll thtn bt tound doLhcd with our budic~, \?r li:lked, that is,


fiript of our bodt\:S, Vcrk4. Do,<T,roan,bcingb11rdo;rd] th. Withfinandmiftry, wh~reot we hJvc here our liach-burdc11~. And (urdy t;rt:at lh:um: r.i Jf rl 8 it Wt.:rc (as that Manyr1a1d) th1t all the wholt! en.: aLU res ot uud AJ. ~~id ~1~.,. 01ould ddire, yea grnan in thdr ku?de fon.>ur l1bc1ty, and we our /ol.1 4 ~ :. .kl vu.


A Comm~niary t1pon tht e~~~-~piftle___

_ C~1_ap~~


---------- ------ --

o/StPaulto the CoR 1N-r11 I

-- _ 1
AN 5.


--- ---fel~~~ to loath it: as doubtleffe we do, if for the cro{fe, yea for death it fdf we with joy fwallow noc up all {orrow that might lee
us from following the Lords clll, and obeying the Lords pro'li dencr. &c. M1.~l,t /,,(iv /14.,..,.,J up of /;ft] t'foc ss a gulf or. fire f waU.ows up tlm is call: into it, bnt :'IS pcrk<.'tron f wallows up 11npertett1on; As chq>1?rfrcb11g of a p1Clure {WJ~lowr. up the rude draught, as perfect skill .wallows ap ~nnglmg, or. m:inhood, ch1ldehood J D.Pre/lrni. not cxti1wuitl11ng, but drowning 1c char 1t 1s nor feen. Verk 5'. He tfMt IJ,alJ \\1ro11<(ht "' J Curict~lly wrought us in the lower molt pares oi the earth, that is in cbe womb, as. curious p(.,l , ~ 9 ,, r. workmen p:rkct chci r choice piccxs in privacc, and then kc chem w'illl L111i, y. forth to rublil!e vjew. Ochers expound jc by ll.o~ ~"J The edrn~p of rhe fftirit J He fa.irh nor rhc p(1w11, .buc the tAr. ntf/. A plWll is to be rcmrnrd ag:un, an earntft JS part of the whok bargain. Verk 6. Tlurefire \\re are confident J Not ha:fic3nt, or halt ing, as H adri1m the Empcrour was,and as he that cried ouc on his d<:ath-bc:d, Anxiru vixi, dohim morior, 11efi:io quo vado, I have lived can.folly, I die doubtfully, I go I know not whither. s~. crlflCI 1i1Ho th1t wildl: ol PhilolO~\hers tould not With all hi& ~kill llato. rdol ve his friends, Whl'thcr it were better tor a mm co die or co livdongcr. Cicl'ro comforting himlt:lf as wdl as he could by the Nr/i:io quomo hLlp of philofophy againfl the h:ar ot death, cries om and com Jo,im/J'.'.-r/1 ior plams at lrngch, that che medicine was coo weak for the difeak. 1/I med (i 1a It is the trne Chrifl:ian only that can be confident that his end flu\l tfUri1R morb"' be happy, chon~h his bcgmning :rnd middle h3ply may be trouble. fome 1 P(.d.37.37. while!/ we ('lru11 b(l,,,r.] Orfhy for a nighr, as in a;i lnne. A man chat comes into an Im1c, it he can get a btttcr room, he will i if nor, he can be content with it; for, faith he, it is but for a night. So ic 01ould be wich us. Verk 7. For'' e \\a/k__ hy f"ith J Which puts our heads into heaven, foes us on the top of 'Pifvih with llfo/es, and thcrehtncc ddcries and dcfcribts umo us the promifed Land, gives us to tee one: foot afore-hand ro the porch of Paradi{c' to frc as SrerheH

~Verft 8. Ad Willing r.tther J Deith is not co be ddired as a puni!hment of fin, but as a period of fin : not as a poltcrn gacc cu
our tcmporall , but as :a fiw:c door to kt in cternall

T<> be pre/rnt "it/, the lord J This Bmwd callcth R.eptttriafJe . '~lo~iHJH the Philo:ophtr, cou~d fay ,when ~edicd, That ~~i<:h is d1vme an me l carry back, C'i71 n 'l<"~(<)7D)P~o1' &cw, to the Origtnall divine, that is, to God, Uut whether this man belccved himfdf or noc, I greatly doubt. Vcrfl!9. Where{DreWe/.1.bo1'r] Onrhope of heaven makc:ch us active and abundant in Gods fcrvice. The doR:rine ot aflltr:mce is noca dottrim: oflibrny, buc the contrary, 1 7oh.3.~. Wt: make it om \\mbicion, faith th<: ApoHl~ h~re, co g<;i; ;\'c<;pt~nce in hc.:avcn, waiting till our fach~r Oiall call us home, and palling che time of our fojourning here in tear , J Pu, 1. 17. The ~aims bm: their commoramm upon earth, thc:ir convcrfarion in



Vctf1. 10. For We mHft .tfl, &c.] This great affize will not be {Heh an All\.'mbly as chat ot Ah~fo11erofo, ot his Nubks, Princes
:md C:ipcains on~y i n?r iuch as the l>iddin~s ot r~ch, mt!l co !:htir tca{\:s, of rheir rich neighbours only, but l1kt the mv1tat1on of that Luk,14.11. hou{holdl:r that font his iecvants to compdl all co come in. Ou th:tt d~y Adam flull fee all his nl'phcws Cl :_;ccher. .Appear before, &c. J Be btd op.:n,. and hay~ all ripe up. 0Jr fins that arc now written as it Wtrc, wnh the Jaice ut Lemmons, {hall then by the fire ot the lafi day be made lcgibk. And as in !!April both whoUomc roots and po1fonablc, dik~ver themi~lves, which in ch: wiim.:r wm: not k,n, iv "t 'h~ ~fay oi Judg~mtm sooli and c:v1L :.iCt:ions. The things d(lne in his body J Th:it is, the jL1ft reward of chafe things. In die judicij plus v1tlebit ~onfcimtia p11ra, quam '111trfa- BcrnarJ, pi.1 plentt. Then fi1all a good conk1Lnce be more worth then all the worlds good. And this was that that made Pau! io fincerc a Preacher, and foinfatiablc.a it:rvcr ot God, as Chry(oflome cal"'. lt:th him. whether it be _r,ood or bad J Wicked men fl.1all give an account, 1. De bon1~ comm;ffis: Of goo.Ji L'ommitted '" tl,em: '- J);o J,o_ disdimij/is, of good ncgkch:dby chem. i Dem.1/u cnmtmf/h, of tvilscommitted. 4. De m.qliJ permiffi1, oi evils done by othm, fuftm:d by them. Jm9, vivomiu, faith the 01atour. Let L us

did Chriftholding out " Crown, with this infcription, VinmJti


Not hy fight] Senfe comtls imagination, reafon fenfcJ but faich corretls both, thrufiing H"gar out ot doors, when haughty and haunty gro~n., VerfC 8.

.A CommentAry upon Jhe focond Epijlle

us fo live as thole that mu{\ render an accoum of all.


. Vcrf.e 11 .. Kn.~wing th~rcfore the. terro1w, &c. J Whit a ter,.! r1blC! ttml! it will be with the wicked, who iluU in vain cire che deaf mountains with thcii: hideou5 out-cri~s to bU upon tht:m, f)c. w ~ per(w"'Jc men] To fl~e from the wrath to come, co re. pent .and be co~wcr~ed, chat their fins may be blotted out, whm th~ t1m~s ofrdr~thmg ~,~ll c,omc, 11El. 3.19. Wd'pcak pcrluafive ly co th.ts purpoie, but tt 1s God only that perlwadcs. v cdt I 2. which .i+i~r1in11ppear11nce J Gr. Jn th8 fact. Hy. pocrmsas th.ty n:pent m thd.ac_e, ~,/at. 6.16. {o they rc:joyce i11 che face 1 _nm m r.he he~m. Their JOY is l>uc !ikin-deept ir is bur chc hypocnlte ot nm th, they do not laugh bm grin, their heuts akc 1~1any times, when their bets couurcrfrit a lmik ! Thdr mirth is frothy and fla(hy, {uch as {mouths the brow, but fils not the lmlt, foch as wees the mouth, but warms not the hc:irc. Vcrkq. ltisto God] i. t. When co the world we fecm m1d uf pride and vain.g10ry, yet chm Wt:. rdpca only Gt>ds glory. It i6 for yo~r (uks!] i. c. for. your learning, that we are more modd~ at~d ip.armg m com.mendmg our ApoHldhip. lt is a good riuklc, J2.f!.!cqt11d ag1u, propttr Dwm Af,iU. Doe all for uods

of st Paul to t~t 0 RI N 't HI AN s. 147 ~brtyr,fp~kc-~h~~;tiis de~~h ~~hi~ ~ifc and child~cn Wife;i~~--

r--- - - - - - --------------~

---------------.. ..

.v nfc 14. T_he love of Chift, &c. J As reward hach an attra tl:ive, a1~1.~ l?uml111nrn~ an impulfive, tu love hath a compulfivt:. fa. c~1lty. I his love ot Chn{thad fo clokd m S. Pau/ {o hemmed bun m, and begirt him round, t~at his adverf:.trics re~orccd him a mad man, asver[.13. he erred mlovccow.ud his iwi.:t:t Saviour and even cxha led his bldlcd foul in continuall fallies as ac wtre tx~rdlions ot his dear afti:d:ion to the ~or_d ]dus, , , . l Jim ~er-e all dea~ J All the ood~ fuffrrcd in and with Chrill: lhe l~ead, and fo arc freed @y his dcach, Heb.1.9. as if ch~mtdvcs m pcrfon had Jicd. . Vcrk l ~ Sho11ld not henceforth J Servati fomH4 ut fer ~iamm. fhc redeemt.:d among the were to ob and honour thofc that ranJomcd chem as parmcs all tht.:1c dates. , Verfe 16. No mAn llfter the ~efo J i, ~. We dkcm no man fi~1ply che bette~ or worfe for his we1lrh, poverry,, honour,, 1gnuWlllY i \:>I 11ny thmg outward. ~ct [ttm.1.:;.110J11. Thgm 146 W11t )rfanyr,

a e.


good children, J mull: now dt p:m from you, cheref~rc hcnctforth Afl.a11a MoTJ. l<now I you n':' more; but \\S the Lvrd hMh given you to tnc'1fo I giv~ fol '15 ' you agam to hun,whom I charge you fee ch:.IC ye obey, cjc. Though \\1e have known C/Jrif1 J As t1ofiibly P.tu! might have kn.own ~:hri\: in the lldh : f~>r Jefus of N az.11>e th was a~ Prophet nughty m.dee~ and word befo~t: ,_Jod and aH the pcopk, L11~. i4. 19. -(1Hftm wi!hed that h~ might ~1ave fcen three things, Rome f1uunlhmg, Pa11/ pr~achmg, Chnll conver!lng with men upon earth. Bede come~. afc~r, ?nd corretl-ing th~s lait wilh, faith, yea but let me fee the Kmg m 1us beamy, Chriil m his heavenly I' Alil was fo tpirim-.i~iz\:d th"t he took knowledge of nuthmg here bdow : he paHed chorow the world as a man in a deep mufo, or that fo looks for a lull jt:wdl, that he overlooks bdides it. Ver(c 17. ls .-i mwcreietHre] Either a new m:m,or no man in Chrill. All things ar-t become nelv] The fub(b.ncc of the foul is th11 fame, the qu:Alitic5 a id opermons :.ilcrrcd. In regeneration our na rnr\:s ~m; trnnO:ttd 1 noe dell:roied, no nQt our coni-lirmion !llld complexion. As che mdancholy mi:\n doth not Celli: to l>\: {o after convtrfion, only the .humo.ur is fan,a1fied to a firndfc for godly {l)rrow, holy mcdnatmn, ere. Lo, of udH.:r humours. 110~ V1.:rfe 18, /lnd ,,/L thingi 1lre of G1d J He is both aurhonr and fi. niOKr ot our faith, the God of a\l grace, tl'e bthcr of all lights dl'C. And h1i1/J ghen tom tlu ll,/inifl 1 ry J H\.'. hath c.ll<cil rhis ~tlice from the Angels> tho!C f~rll pr~achcr~ ot ptacc, Ltk. J. 10, 14. The Angel told Cornel11u, his pra1crs were heard in hea vcn : liut fol' the dochm<.: of rc:conciliation ht: rcfors him to Peur~



Vc:rk 19. That God \\>If.I in C'1rifl, &c,] As the falt-W:i.ters wht:n tht:~ ardhaincd thorew the 1.~rth, tht.y are fwe<.:t m the rivers; fo (faith one) the waters ot MaJdty and Jutl:icc in c;od, though Ctrnbk, Y(;;C being ihaincd and dmvt:ci thorow Clum they are f WttC and ddighd u\l. ' . V.:rk 20. Emb '.f[u."1urs for Chrift] And therefore: facrcd per ions, not to be violarcd on pain ot God:, heavy diipleafim.:. Vo m1

?f the i~a,

Prophets no htirM. eds iho11g'1 G~J did irfc~&b yo'' J Cods gt'.1Ce cvc11 kneels to Ulit E.n jle~.mmM"' Suad~ med111/11m : W no can cum his



- -- ---. ---- ---------------

- ---- -- ---

A Comment11ry upo_n th_eJu.o_n_d_E_p_ifl_le __C_"'_ha_p_.6.

-- --- -- b:ick upon .fwcb bldfed and bleeding embracemems? Vcrlc 21. To be fin for ru] Tim is, a finofftring, or an ex. ceeding fintKr, as E.vod. 2:}.14. So Chrifi: was, 1. By im?11tn ..


of sr Paul to the c. o R 1 N-r H



1 A .N


~ver~biZ-some-;r~-Se;;,;~~--.;;.a;.;~ as Se~tca 'faith,. they' ftand trifling out their rime, and fo fool away their falvarion. God will not alwaies terve men for a finning-llock. Patiwti>f /~(a fit foror.,
Doe wa therefore as Millers and Mariners, who cake the gale when ic comcch, and make ulc oUrl bccaufe chcy have not che wind~ in
a bottle. .




tirm, lorour fins wc:re m11de to meet uprm him, as that Evangdi call Prophet hath it, /(ci, )3 6. And fetondly 1 By reputntion~ for he was rcclwned arncmg maltfaClonn:, i./,iJ. And yet one vfnt.H ftinm Jr: Roma J\rchbirhop of N,izartth w:..s cenfurcd in the Councd of B afil, for a~rming that Chrifi was p(u~tor11m mtixi

wm1. the grcatdl ot<inncrs. Chri{Ho loved us, faich one, thac he endured chat which he moll hated, co become {in for us (he was m:idc fin paflivc in himfdf to fatisfic for tin active in us) and the wane of thac which was more worth then a world co him, the frnk o~ Gods favour for a time, Amti 11morcm il/iw, &c, faith .B ern,1rd. Who k._nerv no Ji11ne] Tlnt is, With a praClicall knowledge, with an imdkJuaU he d1d, clG: he cm1ld noc havi: reproved it. We know no more thl'n we practi!e. Clnifl: is faid to kuo" no Jin. b~ caufc he did none. rk,.,t \h: t~ m11J~i ~~. J /\'J ChrH1 became fin, nm 'by fin inllerent in him, but by our fin imrutcd to him; fo are we made the righceou!nelfc of~1od,by Chri(ts riglm.:cutnti!e imputed and given unto us. This tht PJpifts jeuingly call prmmve rghu~

Now iuhc da1 of (al11ati1n] And God will not firt~er nH!n twice: co mgkd it. If once palt, ic wdl never dawn again, Carch chcrcf ore at opportunities, .as che Eccho carchcth the voice, P (41. i7. cake: the nick ot cime. God is lllOrc peremptory now then eva, Heb.2. 2,~. . . Ycric 3. Giving no offence J A Minifl:er il10uld be as Ab(o/om was, without bkmilh trom h~ad co foot. His fruit fi1ould be, as chat ofl):mdik, fair to the eye, and f wcct co the ral\:e. A fmall tau\ is foun feen in him, .~nd ealily either imimcd or upbraided. Lod appoinccd both the wdghcs and mea{urcs of the Sanctuary co be cwice as large as thole of the Common~

\' t:rfr 4, In much p~t imr;e] Or tokrance1 iufkrin~ hardi11ip,as good fouldicrs of }Jus Chri~. .. . .

<>11/n eJfe,

Cu Vcrfc
1. AJ

A p,


Work!rs toL~ether J

The grac, of God i'Jf. v.ti~ J That. Embaffage of grace, Chap.). 20. Or that unfpea.kableg_1ftof Chnft, v. 21. which many ufc as 1.ifcofK.EJ, homely as Rachel did her tachcrs god~; t11c hid chem in che litter Si Jo.Ha]. and fat on chem : or as thac lewd boy in K ets con{ piracy, who P7+ when chc Kings pardon was olkred the Rebels by an herald, he turned toward him his naked po!l:eriours, and ulcd words fucabk to that gdlurc. One lhnding by dikharged an lmqnebuz u~on thel.Jody, eJc. Vert~ i.. No'g i1 th~ ACUftt~ tinu J He purp?~ely beats upon .~c 7d v~111 bccaufe opponumty JS headlong, and, ,f once pact, irre..

ns colldjutours, but as inRruments, fuch as God is pleafrd N Ot co make ule c:..e Nore on Cor. 3.9.
of~ ~ce

Jn nectJJitie1 J 'vVant ot necc:ffaries. In diftreJTc 1 ] ~uch Hraits, as chac we are at a fi:and,and have not whether co curn us: we are in a lmle eafc, as it were. Verk 5. In impYi(onments J Chry(offome faich, .he had rather be Pal!/ cafl: imo prifon , then Paul wrapc up into Parad1fe. Verfr 6. Ey pwmufft J By l!lmb-like rtmplicity ol' ftncetity. ltdigion loves tu lie dean, faid one. C.Jodlineflc mull: n.m chorow i;n x~1.i%~ ~re tlllu' J .. I See J(a. 33 14.' our whole lives as the woo f doth thorow the we). >elrmi &.umr No gold or pn~cious Hone is fo pure as t~e mindc of a pious dyt..91i~ C:.iJ~c,,., man, laid divine I' v:&- o'..lf'~eiJ' Vlrk 7. On the right hand, &c. J Againfi: the worlds both ir- p.~v. rimma:ta and to-ricul.imenta , both allurcmems and affrightmrnrs. Contcmpt1u eft,. me Romanm fir' favor 0"' fi4ror, {aid L111her, when thr Pope one wh1k cncikd him, and anorher while lhrt!m1ed him. \ Vhen ht! W!l~ of fared to be Catdit1all1 a he; would Ut' quint he rcplirdt No1 nor it l mighc be Pope. When h~ was tuld that he 0.1ouid tindc no favour. Jb!id veri farert pottr11Ht?

An 4/]l~tli,0111] Ouc of which there is little or 1io ufe of patience: at leaff"111e cannot have hc:r perh:Cl: work, 'lam. I+




- - -~


A cowmem"ry t1pon the

.... ------ .. --------~--.

(tcMd Epiflle



-- ----(failrh(;}-;~cidentr NuHq11id ;;fi1fci~/;~~"t, ~;t r'tt1>'11;; rec id,~;;, What will they do? will they kiU mt?' Bue can they raifo me to
life again, that they may ki!l me again~ Can they kill me the {e. cond cimc? .Vcrlc 81 DJ. hrmrmr 11nd difor;MHr 1 &\;, J It is wrincn on hti\
.AEP. tJttd Uo11.

IJI ----oitentimd; in ,Luci11n 'anti &Ariff,phatJu. Bue in.anochar foofa

------- -------- -----



/ol. "l9

pore is cheordilllry reward ofv<:ry~well-doing: which m:tdt: L11. Tom. i. orer. th~r wa" proud even ot his n:pro:lch. Suprrbw fi1, faid he quad Lt1t.p Jr.a video nomc~J prjfimum mihi crc(cert1. Hic'Y'ome alto writcth to A1Jg11JHm, J2_r,od figuum milj!JYU t,16ri.t ~ft, omncs htf.retici me d~teff..mtur, This is my glory, clue none of tht: hw:tikt:s cm uivc mca goc:Jd word orlook, It was 1a divine faying of Senec1t,~No ~ui bo11i viri /,z..,,,1,,~ rcr,/Uit man lees a better r:itc upon vertue, then he thac lolcch a good rname riecunfcrrnti.Hfl to keep a good conlcic:nce. J'LT1Jerct, S~Jl, A1 deceivm] A(perted forfoch~ as CliriO: was, .111at.11.6t And blatphumm1ly tnm,d1 him ~~y,.q~,om71Arw g-v-y,~11r, the
crndfitd cci.cner. Va[c 9. ~J 11n~non'n J To th:.! world,
1 7oh,3.1>i. A Prince in a fl:r:rnge L:md is lacde k~ uy, a~ poc known. Vnkent 101kifl, as the Northern Proverb hath 1c. .we/J k._no1V11] '_fo them thu h_avl! fpirirul\l ~1dgc:1n::\1r~'.:t1id-can

vcn-doots ( l:ud th:it M.ireyr) Do \\1 ~11 '4,.,J Jud>" ill.

A b1d re-

pm.t: a pcdon to !us wonh: which the.: worlds W:'l.trds c:umot do,


chen the ApoO:le here u(ech it. A large hearc makcth a man foll in the mouth, as if it !ought that way w get out to the thing :lHeaed. . Vcrto I z. re are ntJt J1riainmJ ;,, HI J Ni,, h~bimtil ""!"ft~ iJl n11/ii.1: to Pi(r11trtr n:nders ic.. , Rut yr are ftraitntd J Ye are binkrupcs in tovc, ye com.. ply nut ,ye do not reciprocate. Plain things will fClyn in every poinr, oue with another : not fo, round and rngg~d things. Ycrfe 13. I IJ1etik.,M unto '"Y children J Herc arc fott words, hard :irgumcnt5.~ This is the way to win : and that was a iad complamr, 2 Cor. U,\5. Love lo{l is a bitter afflithon. M. Ward. Vcrle14. Renot1meqt1'1llJJO~d] Darenot (faichaDivinc) co yoke chy klf with any unta1m:d hcifrr1 that bears not Chrills Ovid,tpi_ff_. yol~e. fl..!1-'.m nMf~ iu~11111/u Vi'"im'1 At/. dJ'J1tJ'A jMVtnCi. !' .t\n Oxeand an Alk mighrnoc be coupled cogtchcr in the Law. And htrtunto the Apofilc fcems to allude. The Doel:ours of D ow11y up .. OR Levir.19.19. Htrcall participation, fay chey, with herecikes and fchi{maciques is forbidden. P hdip Kang ot Spain ta id, He had rather have no ~ubjects, then Suhj.cts ot divers religion&,. /\nd 1 out of a bloudy zeal, {uffcrcd his dddl: fon Charle1 co be murdered Hitron. U}' the bluudy lnquificion, becauk hc iecmcd to favour our pro- Cati1tt1.



And nfJt kj!ied] God will h:rv.: a enc of chat: h~ corrects in mcatl11r, hr I milt~ hi:Jt noc u chr ruoc, lmc in rhc bunches, J(a, 17. 8. J\s it is a. rnlc m phyfick foll tu ma1main n:Hure, &c. lo .J doth ( ;ud Hall keep up the: tpims ut his pc.opk b>' cordials, ~ /(J..57.16. Ver.le 10. As {qrroirfo_!J, yet, &c J Gods worl<s 3\'e u!u~\ly done rn l'rPofitu contr.,r lj 1, as LmlJtr' ta id. Oi1c of cbc em:r btt brings tnt'ac, &c. Th16 riddle the world u11dedlrnds 11ot. Ye~ pof[.ji,,g ,zl/ tliiHgs J bodlintffo h:nh an a11mrk.!r, a frlf futhcrc:ncy, I Tim,6.6. Cui cum p.wper-tare ben'c e-01iucnit, p.w.. fer ,,,,, efl, faith So1ua, A conccnced man ca11i1oc be a poor man. Ylrfe l I. 0.11-nm11rh u open#nt1J you J Wcfpeak thus unto you, au~ ot our deep :iflettion cowards you : Wt'. tv~n c.uvc y~u a piece oi our heart 7 Wt: peur forth onr folvts in this 11:..>ud d 'p1:cch, &hJ.t thm:by ~t: may cake a k:mtlingofour ovlt'-abund:tnt , WVC to )IOUdOLlls. Y..l/!11 'let, Opm-tnouthed ffiell are put for f-oc1!5 otcrntillltS

Vcrlc 1 '}. UJIMt contot'd h.tth Chyiff J Thofc Moder3COLm rhat

fh::w, ifrhere were no Bible. Butif.thde, reconcikrs ;(as .f'r4t1cifnu dr (an[fn clrira, and his fautors) were Ch6 w1tdl l)lcn under heaven, and thould live co the worlds end, they would be brought to their wics end, bdorc they could accomplifh this works end, co mal<c a reconciliation be: twixt Chrift and Amichrilt, betwixt Rom1
and us.

p\,!lJ for a correfpondency wirh Pop::ry, would make a prCLcy

Verie16. l~illdwe/li,,them] Gr. /\\'illindwe/J in thtnu: This notlS Gods neardl com1mm10n wich chem. Hc idtcth them before his face cominually, P fl/. 41. t 2. as loving to look upon
Wath his Samts. ' ;


, ....


rhern. The Philofophcr told his frimos, when they came into hi& bnvOH81c.<f.. lic~le l~w C?ttage,Thegod1 art1 htre-.\\'ith me; God,and A11gcls are rrWil fltil1

As they. did in Solomon1 por,h, and other walks and galleries about the. Temple. And ht:reunco the l>ropheulludes, Z11ch.3~7. Thcrurks wondertofeea man walk L 4 io

~ml Walk_ ;,, them]

Chap.7. to and ho, a.;J~f~~lly askfoch-wh~th-;~ C:h~y b~~~-~-~ th~i~--~,y~


.. A C1#1mentary upon the facond Epijllc .

or out of their wits. ' Vcdc 17. Aml be ye fep4r.IU]. For grolle Idolatry, and for fundame!1tall crrnurs only ntna we. kpuacc. Corrupcio~s grew fo ~rcat m the Church o~ Rome, that it ju[Hy occafioned firlt the kparation ()f the Greek Churches from th(! La cine, and then of the Di}''' rep.l. i; Reformed Churches from the Rom.m. Ulf 1chi.-ivel oblervcd ' 0 P' :. that aher th~ thoulandth year of Cbrill:, th~re WJS no where ldl; lih.i.Jc Pap~ piccy chcn in choit chu dwdc nciUdt co fiome. hnd IJclJarmine J(o1.c;ap.u. bewails it, That tVet fioce we crid up th-: Pope for Anticluat, his kingdom hath not only not cncrc:akd, uuc hath gn:acly de. creafed. , , . And/\\'i/Jreceiv~101!] Soyou1!1allbenolofcrs, 1ic pttt you into my bo!ome~ God unpam:th his iwc~tcll comforts to bis iu the wildcrnes, H"f.2.14. . . V1n[e 18. J\\'i/Jbe14_Fa~J(~ J Thdundamentall, mericorious, unpulhve :md finall cauks ot this pn:c1ous prmkdgc, fa: frt torch,

Verie 2. Ktceive 111] C1r. A1ak.! room fer ru in JOllr htartJ and houfes. ~et wide open the cvnlaHing doors, that the King of / 61 ~l: 11 ?f 11 1 glory may come in, triumphamly riding upon us his whm: horfr~, Lo~uin ~ '
J;kvel.6 2.

Wt: h11ve \\'ronged no m.m J Minificrs muf\: fo live,that chey may, aneed bet ~lory of their mnoct:ncy and integrity, as did Afojc.r,

{tr. 3I

Saith the Lord Almi.~htJ] This is added by our J\poftle co



Vctfc 1, Ha11ing th1refore, &c. J

in the promifcs purifo:ththc hc::m, 15.9. and argucth notably from co dmy. FAith J .Siu dcfileth a m_:m worfc then any jakcs

from tell fil~i,,eJJe

or leprnfic. Jc 1s the devils t:xcrcmcnc, 1t 1s tht: corrnpuon ot a dead foul. Seldome orncver is tht:re a birth ot fa ving grace, but there follows it a ilux of morcification. Ofjlrforma fjirif] ;, re Uo~h Qf 'hcQLHWml "nd inwud nnrn. Or of ftefb, tbu is, wmldiJ iuHs, and gro1k nils, as undean nc{fC', eanhly.m~ndcdndle- &~. And of lpi.rit, that is, mort t1mi tLtllllulls, as pride, prcfumpcion, fdf.fiam:ry,&'" Thek lie more up in the bea rt ot 1ht Countrcy, as it W(rC: thok other iu the.: fro~ and skirts of it. . PerjUfing h~lines J Propounding to om: fdves, the highdt
pitch, and the bcft pat<.:rns. Jn tht {ilfr of Gud] Whi~h i:a ~be i~~tain,
~owe,St~'l~r".S.13. , .

whence holim:fi(:


Samuel, Pa11!, Md.1nUl1on, We have con11pted na man] 11i~. As rhe faUt: Apofllcs had do111: with their lc::ivcn offaH~ 1Jot'hine, which eateth :1.~ !l canker, i 'Tinu.. 17. ora g!mgrrnr, which pn:frmly over.runs chc p:ms, and takes the l>rain. 'PYota,gor.u in 'Pl-1to boa~tcd that of thofe fixcy )'Cars that h~ had lived, he had {l)ent fourcy in corruptiAg of youth. W: IJave d~fi".111dul no man J We have cn:mingly made falc C'f no man, as thole old impoflours, th1t made prize ot their prilvn~ crs, 1 /'er.2.3. And as chok i~opiih Ulfo_(Cip11l.-1tores or Af1cecatchcrs, as the ftmy callech them, chat raked cogethcr their l'tur-pcnce, and other mon.:ys hue Ill E>1,C!,l.1vd by molt d~cdbble orts. l'o!ydore Vwgil was um: of thde 1\l ollict:rs, that kfc nor fo ff.uch monry in tile whok Kir.igdomc: 1umcrimr51 as cht:y rnbl"r cmied wich them, or kot co R omr- bt:fon: chem. Ve& 3. I fpea~not this, &c. J Thm1gh crnfe enough he h:td co condeurn them tor their ccnac1cy coward h1m 1 whoui thl'y baldy tuff-:n:d tu lJbour tor his l1v1113, :md to prcachgr.111$ ; ay1infl: all righc and rcalon. To die 1md to live \\'ith 7011 J Sn::h foithfoll frit'nds are in this age all fur the mo{'\: p:\rt gone in pil~tinuge, and thl'ir n:turn is uncertain, as once the Duke.: ot B 11ckJn.~IMm laid co ~1thop .ll4ort0t1 in Rieb. the thirds time. { and D.4'Ziid, Pyl11de>s and Ort'-' f/e1, l'oltjlratus and 1-lippoclid.:s arc bmous for thl'ir lov~ one co :mothyr. Thck two lafi. bcmg Ph1lolopheri. of Epic .11-ou his tl:d, a1d~1dtohavebembornthd:tmttily, mllave ltvrt1 wgerhrr all y .. 1" !'.lx,1.,. 16 IhtJr dau:s, and co have d1t:d in chc 1amt: momrm ot cimr, bring ' wdl ihickeq in years. Bm tht: love oflrnl1 folkr.lJwlhcrs, is faiJ c mu/. Elitali. far lO (urpJik all the loVlS of all men. jot.4R < Vee Cc;: 4./ ''m e~;ceediHg 101/idl Jl1r./ do ovcr-ahour.d e::ceeainglJ ,: ~e~>nsmriuo .. ivith jo1 Otht:rs may rcvcll, the godly only rcjoyce: they have an p.a,4, t:xul>crancy ot joy, fuch as no good can match, no evil over-march: ~1~n<.:s ch~ Martyrs ancient aod modern.Oh how my heart leapeth tor Joy ( fa1d one ot tht:m) that la~ io m.:ar the apprchenlion of (u;m~a


154 A Commentar111pon the feco#d Epijile Chap.7, ---- - -cc~rnall bi1!l't l -God-t;gi~ <! m~;~~nkfulnei and unw~ cnindk ot fo grcac glory. In all the d;iies of my life I was never ht
merry, as now I am in chis dark dungeon. Beleeve me chc:re is nu

Afl. aii I MM.

fol 16Ms ,166') foch joy in chc: world, as che people of Chri!t have under che croffe. it-7o. Thus and much mor~ Mr Philpot Marc}'r. V1.:rk S. O ,~.,._~cfo IJ11d no re ff Oudpirit had no unrdt. The

omw;nd mw tufters much fomcrnncs, when the inwud remams

unmoldlcd. Philip L.1nt,~r.ive of HcJT~, being asked how he:

could to well l>rar his kvrn years imprifonmenr, :.mfwered,

divin,u .tJ,fart7rnm con(ol11tiot1e1'/]~, that he hlt the dmne confolations of the l\fartyrs, which as oladckrs bore him aloft all


warers. Vcrfr 6. God that comfortrth J This is a mofl: fweet attribute ol God, (uch as we may profitably plead and produce in praicr. He lovc;s to comfort thole that arc for fa ken ot their
BJ the coming of Titm J Who came very opporcundy, even whilts <J1.;11/ wa~ writing c111s Epill:le. Gods comtorcs are cbereforc tweer, brcault: it atunable, He never comes coo foon , nor (hit:s too long. He w:.iics to be gracious, as being a ( ;od o~ .iudge mem. Wert: wcbuc ripe, ht: is ready, and will lift us up j19due timr., 1 Pcr.5.6. . v l:I k 7 r OIH" e.m1rfl dejie J Of feeing me, or rather of facif. f ying me.


mother. Pl1u.1rcl;, . Rtprnrarc~ l'l~vrr.t" be repented @f] That is, faith on~, Never ei.wm11-~>-... to f"li back.-''J!.''i11: for a man i1.1 bllmg l>1c~, fcemcch ro n:pe11t MJ1bi11y uf him of his repencancc, Ochers 1nccrpn:t IC, (uch a reptmanccr, :is Rq,cm. a man llull nt:vc:r have cau!e co repent of. Job curled the day ot his birch but no m:m was ever heard ro curk the day of his new 1 birrh. for ic is repentance w falv11cion, it hath heaven: it is that r:1in-bow, which it God ke l11ining iH our ht::ms, hl! will never
drown our fouls. . But the (aryow of the World J That whi_ch carnall men conceive either for the want or lofk ot good, or tor chc k11lc or fear of

. f'or ,-m, as 1t . s . Off~(n. r: J) c1, . 11,11crJi vm " D to. II 1(,1.Ttl <8iQ, aforrowmg A,1 111Hm This beth comes from God, and drives a man to God, as it did "m. the Church in che C aJ:Jticlrs, and ci1e Prodig.ll. Vede 10, GoJ/1 (orrow \Vork.eth J Siu bred Corrow, and for row, being righc, ddhoieth fin : as chc worn~ th:u breeds in tho llHJ(o{I. wood, ea cs into ic, and devours it, So that ot chi!) iorrow accordin1r co (jod we may iay as the Romm1s did ot 'Pompey chc gn:ac, Fl'.Orlf 11r.t.1e~~ li~ac ic is chc h1r aud liappy dau~hct:r of an ugly and odious 'fii\~r-'roi TI"l'W

ch;r~-:-:-~/si-P;rr; ;he co 1t 1 r 'l' H i AN s. 1s1 -:--:s:~~,, 1 .j~;..-~~~"di;;.-.i,.;;,~-JGr~--AcrD-~djHg 10-- c,,~C-This is , , ,




JtJ.Jo 18

Your fervent min de J Gr. Y 011r ~~al, both againfl: the incefiuuus pt:don, and th1: hlk l\poitks, Saine 'Pa.u/J advtr.
Vcrfc 8, Thot1t,h it Wt>-e bfft {at' ~fra(o11 Gr. For an hour. Jn fin, the pkaf urc p~fTt.:eh, the forrow n:.mameth ; but in reptnt ancr, the lorrow pltkth, the plr.:alun: ab1dech for ever. God foon

' ' ' fJ.! ct,

,1 01

pourcth the oil ot gladndle into brokm hcans. Verk 9. Thtlt ye (orronJed tn rcpenuince J .Gr. To 4 tr,1nfmen cJ' ta_tion,, co a.c~oruw cl~ange. buch oftbe ~imtc ~nd manners. Op wna (:}' ap1ifl1m.~ pa:nuentia eff novte vita, fmh Lutlm. Which laying (though cond~mncd by Pop~ L(o 10,) is cucainly an t'.X cdknc faying. R<:pt.:ntanct for fin is nothmg wonh without re pimancc from lin. lf chou repent with a contradid:1on (faith Trr tullian) God will pardon chcc wich a concraditi:tion. Thou rtpent dt, and yet concinudt in thy fin. Ciod will pardon thee,and yet frnd thee to hell. Thm,s a pardon with a contrad1thon. _ Sorr1

work!t h de~th J As ir did in Q!een Mar7, who died (as fome .llCT rm.I Mon. foppokd by htr much (ighing bctorc her deach) of chou~ht at'd Jof,i yo,. lorrow either tor che dlpmure of K.Philip, or chdoal! ot C'41/ice, 'Dli.e 'Jf 1hc orbuch. There art rhac incerprl!C death in this place, of f[,iric1:nll he ct. death, btcauk it is oppofcd here to life and (alvation. Vu-le 11. Wh:itc..crefalmf{e] Gr. WhatjfudJ. which (faith '11.~,[)l, lt d . l d i l f h ci einm a,/ a,. THNJ) 1s an et4rm: ~1 1 kriuu:iJ Jt:ln tu~~ l~llll app ymg od t de liqu.'j.'n rrm mml1c co tome tbmg Wit 1 ::t great m:a o ut 1g It. lt IS rtn en: rrn 114 <U'n -vahm~ c.ire fidne[Je, 11oc char of dittil''c ice, but chat ot d1ligc:ncr.: put l1rf 11c appticing ~ m:m upon chok whoUomL' dwuglm, Whac hav~ l done? catio.



orfrndcd. Ml che devil 1s c:ilkd the dcw[er, to rhe ~pirit ~s cal P- kli, Th~ Comforter or p/t'1Jder for 1u : b.:caule a~ he mal<eth inmcdlion in our hearts to Cod ~ lo upon ttue repcmanc~ h~ hdpttn us to make :ipologics tor our klv~s; not by dmying our (ins or de: kn ding tht:m, lmc by confd1ing and di1cLlimi11g th,m,ls a childc co his ~a~!1~r., 1e1&

0Jclh11lldo, &c? Ye.1 what clf11rinJ!. J Gr. Apology or dflticr. The old interpreter rendtrs it (au.lf~.aion. le uuy bt: (faith Mr Br1tdjind) \1 Bra/for,/. L 1. d l I I ('.ongteguwn - Sr,otl~C[HllC~ ht' meH1t 1 new LllL' 1 to m:.h<.~ anH n ~ t \t::rt: )Y tot \c


A Commcn,ary t'pon the fecond ~pi~~~ - ~---C~ap~

The publican who tmocc h1mfelf upon the brd\ ; he would have \mockt hisconuptions, it he cou\d have come at chem : as thole

~-----------T ;;, wh~tindignation J 0~ ftom~~h, ~s EphrAim, Jer.31.19,


repent' d o tt. ~um po:mret pcccAJJ e, pccne eft innor:em R. ranee is almo(\: fquivalcnc co innocence. Im~ plm .a. t:pen- Scncc.i11 Agttm. Jfd. 3o. ~. 2, th:ic polluted the I d.ols tha~ thty had ptt fumed, and , . . r: rr, tp prope' mo d1Jm a Vllt)S 1 e revocdJJe, quam viti11 ipf4 nefciviffc faith laid u11ro thnn, Cjet you luncr, be packmf, Wlut havt: I co do any ;Jmbro(c, JJ' > J\ml>,in P(al. mol'e with Idolds ~ Ho[.14.8. Out of doors wich cllis T11mar~ V~de 12. N dt fat' Jui Clfofc] That is, Nor {o much for his hrn:'s no room tor her. So foolifh WJS I, and fo v1:ry a beilH, faith caulc:. ])11vid, Pfal. /3 How ang1y and hot was he againil hirnidt~ Tlw {i1tfeml the Wron1, J vi:G. The father of the incdtuOl\S 2 Sam.24.10. perfon. Lompare Gen.49-4. Ye11, \\'/JM fr.1r J OF Gods heavy di!pleafure, and of doing Bru t.hat 01Jr care far 1ou J Thlt the Cfrnrch mighr not fuffc..r, any more fo; the bllrnt childe dn:ads the hre. He that hath been as allow mg Cuch foul ta<..'ls'. ~o~ the Prim1c1vc Chtiltians were Hung, h:ms a fmkc. . lhndcrect .by the Heachrns m thw_ kmde, who knows not? Cenali4 Yea, \\'/J,u vehcmo:t de fire J A~ that of Rachel afcer cluldrcn, B 11 f 1 h n. Alf, 4ntl Motif .110pod~";..~"hc e1hw~oce ag!lmn::theChur,h "~ Pr1ri1, dd'cnd. 1$~j !l!: th:ir of David afrcr lht wm:r of 'h~ wdl vf: D~tblelmn, as th:lt t?g unpu em Y. c lt c eir ut cmblies were co maincain whorcdorn. ot rhc hunted Hinde after tht water-brooks. D1nml panted and Such reports aU~ they caft abroad a litcle bdorc che maffacre Thei bint~d after God. That M:myr cried ouc, None b11t Chri.fl, nDn~ tdl chc people m_Jmt1, thac Genevlf is a proftilcd S:rntlt;ary df b11t C/Jrisl. Ye.1, \\' :::.ral] Whichisanexm:mchcatof all the affeB:i all roguery, .chat m If ngl-'nd the people is grown barbarou~ and m young child rc:n,CP"c. t 01~s for and cowarn God, D1widJ zoal arc him up. PAul was . Vtrlc J 3. Hu fpirit \bu reftef'm/] After '1is long and cedi.. jlhig'd as mad tor Chrirt, as tvcr ht had bctn again(\; him, 2 Cor.5. C1IS toil and travel~ co. ~ome, co ~ou, he m:vcr thoughe much of 13, with A[l.26.11. Yea, \\'h,,t rtVt>1l,l' J 0.1r of derpJl: frH-Jbhorrcm:y, butler .his l:;ibour, C,1/11w {~1~ J 1 hat IC Would not grkv~ him to fail Ne Jacm qc~/. in~ t hdld11, and givm~ it thc blew eye, as S. P a11l ( that crucifix ova ctn fr as abm1c an umtonn draught for rdigion. Vtrfe 14. I~~ not ~fo,~med] As I thould have been, had it dem man4, &c,. o(monilicuion) once did. Thus th~ wo:nm ~arced ,w1~h t~tic luoking-glafks, Fxod, 35. UJfary M11Y,d,dm wiped Clmlts tcec pro~td ?thtrW1~c-. Ly mg 1s a blulllfull fin : and therefore the lier wich htr hair, wherewith l11c h:i.d formerly made necs co catch dcmcs h.1s own ht:, bccaule he is al1umed to taken with it . d an fools in. Cr,wmcr burnt his right hand fol1, whc;rcwich he had our rurtirns revenge it with a ft ab, AC1. a11.L'fo11. 1 foi, 17 , +; fubknbcd, and ohcnti1ms rt'ptaccu in the t1a1m:s, Thu mnvort h 1 . Vcrle l S. Whiles he remembreth J Deep ajfellions m 11 1.e d ~ eep right land, fo long as his voice w~uld tuft~r him. T~e crue peni mprrffions, t:!mi:uy '.llllt.'l'Ct'rh him kit,, and a!Jm~glt~ l~1s tk(}_1 of tC?mt= lawtull --- - .......__ ___ _.... . comforcs 1 as having fortrncd all. l hdc iLvrn hgrn; ot godly h>r CHAP. VIII. n>W uc to lH: frcn in Lh~ repcncing Church, Can1.5. as m a worchy Lxamplc or l'mblcm. I jlcfp, tlic:rt's indi~~nacion, bHt mJ Verfe 1. Of the grace of God] hcd.r-t Wa/zfth, there's Apolo~y. l aro/c to oprn,&c. there's Hudy Tis. a ~avo~r, yea an honour to us, chat we may relieve oor or cm.: anl diligcncl' .My {Ou! faif.c:d, thtrc's hn ual. I (011ght Chuct Wh en t hpcrchim, J c,1/lul 011 him, there's ha vd1cmcnc ddirc. The \\latchme11 , r. m his neceffic(,)us llll'mbers ' 'P(al 1 6 .. . fo:md me, rhey [mote me, &c. Theres her revenge, whiks l11e ori: hc ices us up an Altar' lie we ready with this S c 1 cb.1 , 1 6, . a n 1ce~ 3 {hrank not for any d:mger, but followed Chrifl: thorow thick and

------------------'Tofke cle~: in thi.1 ~atter J ~ccaufe ~hey had he~rcily

o/St Paul to the Co R 1

N 't H 1 A N


1 57



thin in the nighc among the wm:h. And :dl this llK ws her tear of being again ovemkcn with droullndll-.


Ver.le 2. In a gmu triaN of r~JlliElion J For afHiction tries what rettlc we are ~ade of Al~h1m1 gold will not endurt: the tevencb e, as true go ~111. Affi1cb9J:J (the triall ~~ ~mr t~itb). js moro


-----;~ g --------;;c~mmeniary "P~-,;-;J;~]~~~-;i~Ef i~~Chap.8--;

--------preci~usthengold, Revrl.3 18.

b~ck-~g_a_i~-itcelf and all, 3nd thinks all coo liule, as M14rJ M11gd4~
It did her prc:cions ointment. . . And unto 1u by the \\"ill J The good foul ddavers up at folf to

Pe1.1.7. Whatchenisfaithitfdf fotricd~

The ,ibrmd,i11ce of theiY joy J \Vh1\d1 the fpmt of glory, and of Lo!1 rerl:l'd npon t.hem 1 t Pa. 4.14. \Nl'll may grnce he c~lleJ rl1c d1vmc mrure: for, JS Liod brint;~ lig!H rn: of darlmtfkt rich.cs om ot'povt:ny, r:_.'J-c. fo d0th gr:trt:: it mm~ dm imo gu\d, r!rc.


Chrifis taithfull Minifl:ers, and faith in eifrd co chem, as


bdun; h~ W"l1 bcn\:t in~orm1:d, wrote t~ Pope Leo X, "''li1'' i 'j 1 S, Proftrfittm> pullbtu ~'11 tibi ''ff:Yb, ~um Mn,iibNJ 11.u fom & )),,_
bco --~ r()cfm t11i1m voNm Chrij}i in te prttfi'll'>JtiJ c;,... l()1!1ff11f/f ~v10fc11m, 1 hnm\Jly prolhatc my idf with a~I that 1 ha ve,:rnd am,

..1ft. !Jr f.\!Jll. l'1i.1nh.

The worid \\'ondt:rs ( taid that Mmyr) how we can be iorner. ry, in fuch umemc mi{ery. llut our ~od is omnipotenr, . which mrn1.:th mikry into f l Iicicy, c~-c. s ~c chc N otc on

ti ;"TJ




'Ihcirdap povf!rty J (~r. ThtiY povrrty bring w11v M tl1c very and having \i[ck kfr bd\de hop~ : they were even tx~ hauih:d, and yet g:wc l.bcraHy. Gil rs of Rruf[ds, Martyr, gav~


ro rhe poor whaclocv, r he had, rhac necdliry could Ipare, and on. ly hvLd by hi5 lciencc, which was of a Cmlcr. Some he rrfrdhr At1.11 1d 'fvv. -Wi\h l1i$ 111 1..a.t > {o;nt; .,...,;ti, lili; doth . .~, !on'\~ with his ho\\lhv1,~1 /d.H Hutl. <..);1(; pour woman there \\las l.m1ught to bt.:d, and had no bed

Vcrfe 6. So he Would finifo J Fi111! op:u corn~ut, rhc end is bectLr Lhcn the bc:ginning, fa1ch S?Lomun. _Ci111Y/,1 rh~ 5. his i:ml1km was Vlicrirls. Tinn was here dd1rcd co cak.: up the whPlc alms, and not to faint til'l ht had finil1ui, G.1/ 6 9. V,rle 7. As ye abo:md in f.1ith J He purpo!cly rn111mc:1deth chem, chat he may the b~tcer infinuace imo them. Mrnilkrs may pro!itubly prnilt! their peopll.! in {oml! C'.l{e~. thu they 1my thl' foon-

thy kcr,


iirft,T' UY.l!:i;t'r~

ft-::'.~ ;i'~.

co lit in; w whom he brought his own bed, himfdfconccnc co lie inchclhaN. Vn:o the ,-ich. s of their tiber,dity J Gr. Of their fimpficit7 ': in opl'o1wo11 to thlt era fey and wiccy wilinetk of the cu~etons ro dd .. 1.d rhcm!dve~ from the drnger 0Hibrral1ty. Wncrein alfo they a.curclrly m?ibkcn; for OJt glccing, but giving is chc way cu thrm:. ~et rht.: Nuce on .llfa1.6.+ Vlrfr 3. Ycamulhcyond rh,fr pow"r] One luch poor A1tt c. rL,;i,rn might wtll ihun..: a hundred rich curmuJ0im.

er wm chem w dmy : ror chrrr h no fo fwrn htilring ( lli[h X cno i. 11<.1.1~Q .. pi1(,>)) as a mans uwn comm~nd~tion, ~ . Vl rk 8. 'Io prove thefincer1ty J (,r. Tht' germamty, th(! n:t- 7 ; "iJo;w, mralm tfr, kgicim:icendI:, oppokd co balb rd Ime flt., This 3gc a' bma1dLth with mouth mercy, which is good che:ip, and thl'reture, li\\e rdulc huir, is tound growing in l.'.Vtry hcd,e. But a little handtull were worth a great many tuch mouchfuls, lf".4. 5 1.18, Co111plaim is maJe, tlut thc:rc: is not a11y 011e thM tnkf th Si on hy il;e h.. 11d, S. 'I #4mes tels of iornt in his time! chat would frc:d their poor lm:thrcn with guod word:_,, and good wi!hcs, {11m, 1. l S,16.
as ifcht:y had bi:t:n ofche C:I1ntlt:o11. kinde, co live.: w1rh Ephr11im..J

h1~:U~ ~u1

T2ty \\'ere \\'iUing] Ur, Thfy \\'l re vol1mtil'r1,fi1ll ofcheartull di;1ricy, Vcrk 4. Rrccivethegift] Gr. Theg1,1ce, i.e. the alms :it bci;1[!, of Gods ltT<: .~race thac we h.i vr, I. Wh1c co give. 2. Hl'arcs co ~:1vc ir. hir natur:d\y Wt.' :.trl' all lil<c children. which chough they h:1vc t~1Lir bohms, n1ou1.hs, and both hands full, yet arl' loch co pare WHh any. V L de 5, Not a-1 \\'c hoped J Gud is ufttally better to us then our hop,s. Fi fl gr1vc their om1 fdv~.r ~o the Lorr~ J Ay, this is the right w.iy ot grving alms; and chis 1s done by fo1ch, chc work whcrc:ot is to be au empty hand, Jt4cnd1t,l m,1;,m (as Lt1ther cdlech ic) Q b~gger!. h:rnd w rLceive it! bur when it h2th r~cl!ived 1 jr give~

Lipon wmdc, Ho[.1i,1, But what fa id the poor man to the Car din1l1 1 who dcn.ied him a peny which h~ Otg~ed, :ind oR:ered hi1u his lJkOlng, which he bemf d nu[? H chy l.Jlrlling h:id bttn_ worch a plny, l (hould not havt: had it ; ketp it thtrdorc to thy klt~,
CM fr,

Vnk 9. He hec~me poor J Nothning where co lay his head~ nor wh(n:wich co pay tribuu:, ciil ht: had frnr co foa tor ic, (~C: Lo h~ elm was heir ot all things, H, b.1 2. ~as ic:uce owner of any thing~ um Ji(inrichc:d and dilroued himkH ot all, elm through lus povmy, he might crown us With the intlbmatJlc ri~hcs of ht:.ivcnly glory: This is foch a motive to mt:rcifo~ndk as may mdt the moll l11my hC'al't that is. Ycdno, Butal{Otfb(forwiird] Gt1 TtJ b~ \Vi/lint This the-





J'irtfl!Ctll CX1f' ..
l1i>ll COll/11/1</

"''"'Ii n/i(IJ.


15the_ A p~fl:le m.1_kts co be more then co do, tbac is, chen to do wich an.111 \~111. ~r f?rby~rcfpetk Vir11u nolmt:",.,., """"~fl. Chrilt 11 ~ishbeut'1 th~t evory m~n might h!tve h~ Omer. Now the equiry of chis 121w bcmg l:ommon an~ ptrpccuaU the hwill mJQY h1_:> Spo~1f rn love by a willing conrratt, noc by t\ ravi!h. ment ~the tttk of all convens is,a willing people. pof\lc draweth his argument from it, Riches, faith one, are but as Manna' thofc that gathered more of it, had buc enQugh to ferve Vcrle 11. Now.therefOreper.form] Unlt:lle our willingot their tum (or if they gathered more, cwas but a rrouble and ang~od bdcconded wah endeavour, it is nothing worch i B"IAam.J noyance to them ) and chey chat gathered ldle had no wane, Let 1 w~!hcd wdl co heaven, fo did he ch:ic came kneeling co our Saviour chi.: rich account themlelves the poor mans fiewards. Withhotd w~ch ,it.ood 11~.ifler,&~. lmc they Huck ac chc: hardthip of holindfe, not good fiom the onmerJ thereof (the poor) \\Ihm it u in the powWl~~out which there JS no heaven co be had : chey would not come tr of thJ hand ta do it. oft hne, and rhnefore gar nothing by their Chore. winded wifhes, Verte 16. 'lJut thanks be to God] Deo r.~.ui.u was ever in S_olomon comp:u~s luch i1uggards co chc door, that cums 011 the ' P.111/J mouch, and in Aufti.ns, and l110uld be in ours. lunges, but yLt hangs ibll upon chem_, it comes rwc otl for all chc turnmgs. Vc.rla17.] Agoodht.:artisreadr to _ Ytr1l: I 2 It ~J ll~C..f pttri] Sic minima capiwr tlmr 1~ honor~ , every good work, waiting the occalions chcrcot, Tit. ~. r. as chc Bee, fo ioon as ever the Sun brcails fonh, flies abroad to gather hG 1J ms. N o.~h.r Sac~1hcc could no~ be grrac, yec was gr~acly :m:c nc:y and wax. . ptc.:d. J.uob bad his fons take a lmle ef evc:ry goed ching, and carVerfe 18. who[e pralfe # in the Gofpel] S. Luk!, likely, ry fo~ a prdcnc_co tht Lord of v typt. S11ttl and his frrvanc pre. who wrote fir(\; CSof pel, as lome gather ouc of LHkf 1. l and lent ~S .wmel with the fourth pare of a 01ckd, co chc value of about whom .Amhr~fe highly commendeth for cbc moH clear and diftintl: our t,1vc-pcncc. Thankfulndk ( chcy had learned) wasnoc meafored lioipd-wriccr. by (1od ~nd gooL~ mm by c~e weighr,but by che will of che recribu. Vcrfc 19. Chofen of the Ch11rches] This compared with All. tom. cal~ for chat which a mms hcarc inclines him to do be it 13 .1,2. it may frem the: Apo(Uc meancch 1101 Luk! ,but B arnabtU: Va'1.c in 1 Tim. mur_e, ~c Jt kif<.:: ~o low doth his highndlt~ Hoop co our meanr:eoc. though others chink Timothf 'u. prdl'rrmg chc w1ll111g11dk of the mmdL,uc:for~ the wonhim:llc of tht work. verfe 20. vivoiding 1hi4] .t\s l11ipmcn avoid a ro~k or t11df i ~r>.tr.~w. for it is a feafaring tcrme, and 'hews laow il1ic we fuould be doing . Vcdc 13. Andyoii b11rdrned] Gr. Pi.nchtd4r prej[ed vi::.. WJCh poverty. ' ought, that may render our hondly fufptd:ed. Ego ft bonAm f11.m11m ferva.Jlo, [J.t dive.r ero, faid he in the Comedy, Vl' 11. Y_our abrmd1mce] That your cup may overflow inVcrle 21. Providing J, procNring. A good name 'Trl9'0'1J.m1 to the~r Lil:r difhes_, ch:uyourtup~rtluicies borh in rdpcCl: of the is a great bleffing, and therefore the fame word in Hubrcw fignifieth mcdhty ot Darnrc and tx1grncy of cllacc (as the School men tp ak) may lupply the wams of Gods poor afl11tled. t: both, Prov.28.20. Vcrfc u. whom w" hlf7JC'. oft] Some are of opinion that Luk~ A (Upply ftr Jom \\''1nt] Thok chat knd mercy 1my hllve need is h~re dccipht!rcd rather then verf. 19. Whoever it was, it is much to l.mnow. fh~ Shuna,)';1~e thac rdukd on~l to bt tpokcn tor co for his honour, chat ApeUulikc he was approved in <;hr:ifr, and Rom,16, rhc: Kmg by ch~ P~ophct~ l1cck chought nit: lhould afo:rwards have atlivc for the Church. craved that cumfo.:ot }115 nu1! Gchc:;:.i. Thule thlt ihnd faHdt Virfe 23. Mej[engers J Gr. Apoftlu, Ef1Mndati, Ambaffaupon <:arch, h:t_vc but l11ppe1y tooting; No nun can fay, that he dours of ipcciall and high cmploimmc. 11ull no_c need ~rier~ds. Pphi.u was lo w.:..ilchy a man, thac he was ab}t: cu rntcn:un -\ cr.\'tJ his whuk Army confllb1w of a million The glor1 of Chri.ft J So the Church is callf.d the glor1, Ifa.4. 5. Godsglory,/fd.46.13. a crown of glory, and a roiall diadem of- m:n : yet atccrw.mis lie b~camc fo poor ti~:u he waimd lm:ad. in the hand of ?ehovah, Ifa.62,3. The throne of God, ExoJ, 17. 16. The throne of glory, 71r+ 21. The ornament of God, yea :Vt:dc I j. He that h(1dgtith~red m11ch J Ht: that w~sfo nimble


--------- -gather -roorc then his ncigb~our, was to fuppJy ltis


of it Paulto tlH Co u,. r 11 1 AN s.



not ~o much of ~he glory of. God ( faith one'} in all his works of crea~aon and prov1dence, as m one gracious action that a ChrHlfan performs. Yc:rft 24, Wlureflrt /ht111 1'J As by :in ocular d\:monUmion 1 or as by pointing the finger. fi'~~e_;~.i;rtv. 'Before t~c .clmrclus J In the bee of chc: Churches, whofe cye.s =-re now full _lee upc:m you, co kc whlc emercainmcnc ye will give to their mdlengers. A Chrilban is like a cryllall glafft: with a lunp in the midil:. '

----....... c~~'~1_~!~ the (tcond Epiflle Chap.f, - ------ ----iheb~auty- of his .ornamenr, ~et in Maj~'fiy, E:t.~~7.20. There~




____ _

Chap.9 of St Paul to. the CoR _1Nt_H1 ~~--~~------ -----~-~3r.~me the fruic~h;;e~f we- ~re fure to reap in our greatd\ JO > .
need. G d 11. , h Verfe 7. According tU he purpofeth J o ura~n\:~ upon "t ~ r 12. imd I A tO 11 3Q Ltberaltry ampherh 0 S none i c.:e L ~'ti, / 1 1 . , . 1 ' liberty. , . ' G9d /tJvet-h" cheArfidl givt>"] !(At,d?t mtJftum, qui d~t mm munrrr vulttun, One may give with his hand, and pull 1t bick with his looks. Verk 8. !!And God~ able J Fear not rh.cref~rc ldl: your felvcs fhould want hereafter, if you fhou\d give l1lmally now. ls not mercy as fure a grain as vani.ty ? ls God like to break~? Hai1ing all fitf!iciency J He faith nor,. (u_prrjlrlit7. Enough~~ Oullbefureof~ and:mhondbfHu~ncr, af hdor ir, and can m:tk~ us friends with it. 1Jon1u Dnu ConflantinHm mf4gn11m ta11.m tnrtntd implevit mmuribm, q111mflt optn.><e nuUm auderet, faith Auftin. God gave .conftant~ne more wea~t~ then heart could wil11 and he was no niggard at 1t to poor Chnficans. 1n'au things J The ApolHe ufeth many <!Ali's on. purpolc co croflc and confoteourcovetoufnetle, who arc ape to thmk we have never enough. . l'k Verle9. H1h11thdiffttrftd11hroad] C3cneral1Nomc~illi 1 e char J)it1mp ot Linr;oln~, that never tho~ght ~c had thac.t~mg that he did not give. of Mr Wifehrart c~1c Scomfi1 Mmyr at is n:p~rtcd, that his ch:irity had ntver end, .mght, day, nor noon, He fo.~hue one meal in three, one d:iy m tour for cbe moil put co b"ftow ic on the poor. He never changed his l11c;:t:cs, but he gave

---- - - - - - - - - - p.

c HA


Vcrfc I. Th~ minrflring to the SAints J R t~~ fer vice that ye owe the Slims in miniflring to their ne O ce1Imcs. ~m'.1deru Duke ot S.ivo1,Sreph,mm King of H

'f)ccivit De! /.:; c. ~ 5

gary. Hooper B1'11op of Cjl-;crf!a, a~d _Dr T.1ilu.-ir M.myr , arc tamous for chcir labour of love m mrn1fhmg to Lhi.: Saines. Verle 2. w.u reAdJ] To wic, m their rdolucions: for [he col~ lectmn was uoc yec made, ~ml 1011r :Geal] i.t. Your liuenll con~ributio:1 ouc of deep ;:af f~Cl1on, and an holy emulation t<:> tXCt!cd ochers in bouncy. Vcrk 4. In iln::: (.'ime t~nfi.Jrnr P<Mf1i,1l J Gr. /11 thu confi dmce of glorying : A M~caphor from hui~tt:rs, who confidemly expetl: the beaH, and vala:rndy frc upon him. Sic /ntini dirnnr

Al1. a1td!f. fl'l, i r


(zibjiftrrc Aprnm, Vc:rlc S Not of covtto1:/neffe J Non

Ht extortllm 11/iq11icl, faith 'Pifa:ator, vc/ U.' fUi~er,de .f.liqr1id, Nuc as wrung ouc ot you, .out, :is YlrJUICt 1s ou.: ut :t er~] .. Covt!rous p;!rtons P"" w1ch their peny, as wuh oloud out u~ their hturc:i, Gilins aqflam o.: p11mice)clav.Jm o.: m_a1111 f-i..Jrrn/;., t.narq11e.u. (Jud will fee off

all hcans tj:om fuch milers jn chcir mik-ry, that are fo unrcaioriably mcrcildl\:. Vtrlc 6. which ~wcth '1u11n1ifi1!11 J Cr. That (owtth in btrf jiNgs; alluding co !i~r~34.~6, Ecclt/;11. I. C11ff th] 6read11p on the \\.1arer, chat is,_ upon tac and fcrnh: places, /oca irrigua, A Metaphor from kcdtmcn, who eac not all, Cell not all, but fow fomc : fo lhould we low thl!t we have upon the backs aml bdli~s of the puor fow more of chis ktd in Gods bldfod bo.

them away 1 e-c. d'd h bl Hi& >"ighteoufneffe end11rt~J JD~ evt~ ] Never 1 a c mca e act go away without the retnbutaon ot a bleffins. See the Note on M.1r.1~ ...:t2. ] h . r. h Verfe 1 o. h:d mtiltipt1 1our feed fawn He c at i.owct.. fecmcth to call: away his kcd, but he l<~1ows he fl~all receive his own with a{ury. Jfoac had :i hundred.fold cn~rc:i{c. ~n. v'Egypt fo far as the river N ilm wacerech, the gr?tmd .s fo frmctul~, c~a~ nt1mH voi:igc1 they do but throw in the {eccl, and ha~~ fOL'.r .nch harveft:s m lefft; then four mom:chs. Tt"lnpo1a/id. Det- farv~ Jtnpm(a non pcreH.n~, 77 Jrdpr1rt1lriH11t. Sidcdijfcs tres au>co1, 11cccpiffcs trcccnt~J, iaad that Bifhop of tJl{jU,ii~ to his fct vane' that had not given fo lob Manlij,loc. much co the poor as he had app- imed him. If. v:c never fow, ca'" pag.H9 Wt,,; fball ncvtr wipe , fa,.J th". . ,_, 11 poor M1mll:er that lud




----------------(ubfcribed a warrant to put on~ co drath. his wife give three-pence (his whole fiock ) to a poor bro, with that c1nfidence J It ~as but confiffence :. ?ut they R.1tm ot love, thfr. made the worfl: ofic, and called It boldneile, .ffl.!!11m vm" vert~Verfe II. which caufeth throu.{h m] Whiles we notonly re. rNnt. Evil will m:vcdpeaks well. . . . . . lieve chem, but infl:rutt: them, as Bifhop H~oper did his bond ol' Vt:rfo .l w~do Hd!. ~11,....-e_~e.] The_ ~ma(\;ery s.a Km~eof Mt beggars, t1:> Dr Ttti/Qur chc Mmyr did Che Almf-people of Hiid liti<1, r nm, 1.1 8. Chrifi ndech on M1mtters, as hrs white horfes, An. 4 nJ ,\fq!J, /ff, and other poorof his Pariih. As Gi/n of BrHJfd1 did, mini. conquering and co conqutr, Riv 6. 2. . ~i;;~~~~- firing wholfome txhomtion ot found dochinc: to them he Vcrfc4. ArenfJt carna/J] ;,e, Weak,oppofed here to mighty. relieved, and fo eliciting from them miny thankfgivings unto The ilc;l11 is weak as water, therd~re ca~ed the old man, ~ld. lea God. l'en, (;-c. Thcfc weak weapos of thefalfeApofl:les (here muma.. Verfe 13. For yoHr pr~fof[ed (ubje[tion J Whilelt you telUie tcd and taxed) are bum:mc doqucnce, _ar~ificia~l c_ompofu~est &~ yourfaith by your works, as they produced che coacs chat D orc111 of rholc Vcrb:1liHs, Ji!..!!.i o:ceptu verbu t1nH1,/u & mm1di.catu,n1.. made, to prove her a devout woman; and as Numb.13. 13. it ap JJi/ Ju11Juutur, !J.~ Hi1,,.om harh it. peared by the fruits it WiHi ii sood hnd. Hcarhens acknowledg. lJlltmighq through God] Note here. the hpofUes moddty, cd 1 That no people in the world did loYc one another fo as ChrifH Not we, {ai[h he, bm our weapons are mighty, and not_ thorow ans did. us chat wield them )but th~row God that works by and With them. Verie 14. And by their praier for 70H J A poor Chriflians ' ~ct: the Note on 1 Cor.1 5.10. . . praiers c:mnot be b11mght too dear. I \~ill reflore comfort to hitn..1, To the pH/ling down .of #rmg-~o!ds J Forts, Munmons, "nd to hid mourners, Ifa.57.18. Sud;i can do much with God, Et Trenches, Cages of foul fpm~s mh~bm_ng mens he1rcs, rnm ~liJ faeru memento mti , faith Bernard co his poor, but Vcr(e 5, Clljli.nt dow1' _1m11vn11t1ons J As che fpet~le chat pure friend. How hcarcily praicth P,rn/ for Onefphonu, comes out of maDS moch ilw:ch krpmts ; to doth that which pro.Meaitat.dcvc 2 Tim.i.18? ceedech out of the mouchs of Gods. faithfull_ Minitlm qu~~l and tiff cap.~. V trfe 15. F IH' hiJ 11uff M~.1Me tift J Th~t is, for Ch rift (faith kill evil imaginations, carnall rcafonmgs, which arc that kgivn of Th1oph1lafl, whom 'Pifc11tor followcch) who is called the gift, domeiticall ..dcvils, that hold near io.rc~llge1~ce with the ~ld Serby an excellency, [oh.4.10. and the lumjit, 1 Tilu,6.2. pent. Nemofibide (uo pttlpn :. qr"f9.1 _fibi Sa~n cft. Corrupt rl'alon, like Eve and Jobs wife, 1s alwa1cs drawmg us from God . -- .. -- .... ------- -- - - - ------- -----------Out of doors wich tbis H11gar. Cw A p, X. And bringin{ i'4to captivit1 J. See here the procdlc of St ~~11/1 Miniftery. He overchrows, capuvatcs, lubdul's to th~ obedience Vei:fc I, Ry the #mlzyeffe 1tndgem/enej[e J of'thc Lord Chri(t. See the like ?tr.1.10. Chofroes Kmg. of PArHom ilil thofc iwcet vcrtuei I defire to imitate. The pni(e thi,i, was fo tubdm:d by chc Romans, chat he ~adc a law t~ac ofChri'ls mcrkncffo recorded by rhe Prophet, and ex none of his fuccctfours n10uld ever wage wa.r w1th them agam. plained by Philip, convened che Eunuch, All.8, So here. . who in prefcnce am ba(e] i. e, Dcfpicable, bccaufe I taki not V crfc 6. ~nd hAving in 11 re11tfoujfe] Vengeance ~ every upon me, and bear a pore, as the falfe Apoftlcs doe. Meeknifle whic as ready. in Gods hand, as in the Mmilh:rs mouth. See M11t. offpiriccommonly draws on injuries. A Crow will ftand upon a 16.19. & 18 ~8. EliJ?ahacbb~fwordas~ell as (eh11 and H_1a~ <keeps back pulling off wool from h~r fidcs. z1d, 1 ~ing.19.1 7 Lod hews men by his Prop~ecs, an~ lfa1es .Am hold to1vard}"] So mine adverCaries report me, as it I them by che words of his mouth,Ho/.~-~ ..By pre~chmg,Chnfi: mawere over-bold and bufic by my lmcrs. ny ~imc~ linitt5 thccmh,l(J.11.'t his word laacs hold on chem, Verfe 2. That I ma1 not bt b8/d] That you ncceffitate ZAch. t. 6. and that whic,h they have counted windc., hath bcsm not. N <m nifi roaflru hoc fttcio , taid that ~mperour that ~1 3 co~c



A Co111tnentary "P'" the foco11tl Epijlk



of St ~aul t~ 1~4 C ~a I

N 1' HI AN Se





---~66.______________ A Commmt~ry_ ~~o!!_the_(e~~~d Epiflk

--------. Chapao.

ctmp.;;:-~jst I?a~fto th(C9,R-i--~~-;l.I

~mpty-~:isks d-~-:- Av~fkl ca[t



s. ------

~! __ _

come fire to dt::vour them, Jeremy 5. 13, 14-: Vedc 7 DPe jcJook on things J q. d. Are fo weak as to be C01A'lll:dLy:mout-hdc, tobr.:carried away with fhews and J1"1.11 d,ows o~ true Wt'rch ? D .'l' 110~ many things glilh:r bdides gold? Every bird chlt hath a l<.:cmly kuhi.:1, hach noc che !wet:cdl fldh ; 11~r dot~ every m:t: ch;n bi.::m:ch a goodly kaf~ bring good fruit,


into t-hc fca, the mor~-it fils, . the deepc-r ic (\nki : the 101dcn {~~le g~cs:~ownward : the moll: pr~ cious balm finks to the bottom. 1 he good carol corn, the fuikr lt 1s, the lower it h:rngs the head. . . : Vt:rfr 14. For Wc"flrwli not, &c. J \/'le tenter notourklvt:s {-w<~i'.rdro1.4~/J giveth l dc1rer {ound. then filver 1 &e. J:urn fo 11rc we Chrift s "] The .Ro~11tiJJ11 hcrcrikcs wmdd have m1d~ th(: world btlieve, tl\ar ch:y w~rc theon\y Cathohkes. The .Anw1.r called the trne Chn(\:ians, Ambrofians, Ath~mafiam,

&c, The Don~tifi1 made thcmklv1.:s chc only crue Chmch,(!J'c, Yt.:rk 8. And not [Ji" J Jf it provt! fo, it is by accadcnc, and not as we m tend JC. See the Nace on 2 Cor. 2. 16. ycrfc 9, Terrifte_yo1' bJ lettt>'J J As thefolfe Apofl:les ol>jctl agam!t m~ . Al~\;t{hms nn~ll l>1: 'anJu\ly ckared, whc:n the fruit ot !I. mans_Mm1lhy s_s thel't:by smp<:ached and impeded . . yak 10. Weighty tend pqwfr/~IJ J As ok~n as I read Partis Epii\ks, Non'cd tonitTIJ.11111d;re mil.'i videor, bich Hie )~me, M~ thi~ks I htar ~ot words bu~ thluda-claps. But that has bodily prdcncc was not Wt:ak, nor his fpeeck co1mmptiblc. See AU. I 3. 10. cogechcr wich the Nntc tht:reon. Ve~fc 11. S11ch Wili \\'e be, &c. J That we have not hitherto b:cn f~, was be~_au!e we_ ip:m:d you. Poffe c:...:.. n()/le nobile, faich C h>1 (oft om~.!.!nC!lle as go0Jline<fe 1 J(1. 40. 6.
Vcr!t: 12. I' or
ii t

,beyond our kantling. . \. ' . . . Verk is. Not bo,1ffo~1.. of tbrnv AmmMlltU Jif,1rccUintu rcb ofom; Lflmp11J;m a great pet Con in R.tJtP, who. chrm~gh, all pms d the City, where other men h:id l>cll:~wcd co{l m lm1ld111g, he would ll t up his own name, no~ as a rcp~1rcr ot the work, u~c as chechid'bmldq. Of~hc fame fault Tr~jrm the Empcronr 1s

hid tu ha vc been guilty ; \ Vhence he was commonly callcd,Herb11

. . . Vc.:rfc I 6. In the regions beyond70N J flus was a pace~ of the Bragadochio falCc-Apoilks vain boaltin~ :- \l$ i.!i now Qi the Jc.fuit~s th<?k CirCHlatores ~nd. Agy~t&:, ~bac_c~i.npa~<.: fc,:a and la~1d, Am. u,mtl. crack of whatconve1fions they have wrougb~tn /~dMand Aft'~ !lnd Lampttdim. like rake it ill al any m_~ntJ h~nd ~~"t ~01~mct\d them nor every rime rhcy fpn upon the grouttd. Cmu the Emperour was ready co ddlroy the whole Scnace, bc~aufc they d1d not qci(ic:: him .for marching_ with bis whole An:qy to rhc Ocean, and Din hJ vit fctcl1i11g thence a lt:W oy(tcrfhJs, .Q_uibm n10/ij.t acceptt'.s magni C4/i1.ul.c. ficc gloriabuwr, quafi Oct1mo {itbalto. Vcrfe17. Gloryit1theLora] ScccheNoteonI C_or.~.31. Verfe 18. Whom the Lord commendeth J As he did his krvlnt Job>chap.1.8. And as ht did hi~ h~ndnlaid S~rah 1 for calling her hmband LrmlJ '"g"gh ~hei:e wa.s nev~~ !l good word befide~ in chc whokfrntcncc, 1Pcr.36. with Gen,18.21. Neitherw:is Job fo p:i.tient, out that he ha~ his out.Lmr~s. AU which notWith~hnd ing, ye have heard ot the p:uiencc ol Job, &c. I'"". 5. I I~ He 1s. not challenged at all for his impatience, but trowncd and chronaclc:d Jor his patience. Sec here the wondcrfoll goodndfo of.God towmt. his :. and ca kc comfort iri bis white ltom again[\ the blac" coals of_ ill-affcCl:ed perfons.

of he is f.uH in this Ep1\Ue ~ and m:iy thcrdort l>~ called, a; socr.1te s was~ fl~r111 .. . llut they me~(Uring themfe/ves, &c. J Turning the other end of the pc:rtp~Cl:m:, .tlicy kt,; chemklves big~er, and others ktfor rhc~ ~hey arc. So blad~i:r-hk_ds rhe foul, chat filleli with emhly vamrn:s, thuu~h but ~mdt:, _ir grows gn:at a11d lwds in prnk. o 11ray t? be prekrv~d fro:n t~1~ perilous pinnacle of fdt-txaltacio11, Look mto rhe perte~ law of ltberry. nnd dn w nigh to GoJ. The nearer we come muod, che more rnrrennelle wo tind~ jn ot1r uom.:s. The more any man looks into the body ~f the Sun,the ltlk h~ frcth when he looks down ag11n, , Vcrfc 1 3 f!ut We Will nat 6u11.ft, &c, J As any nun is more worcbfull, he is uwrc moddt ~ full veilds yeeld nu fuch found as



Thi:; ht i1irul<~ hy im irony where~




.A Clll"11tntary "!'"'the ftco11d Epifl le




Chap.11. ef St Paul to the Co 1l 1 N,. u 1 AN s. ______169______ - By hu (u6ti!t]J--He n~llcred all his forces, or rarhcr all his
frauds cogecher co cheat her.
f hat old Serpent .when he was
11> old, and we warch no~~ B :'-

Vcrfc 11

In m1 fo/11]

/Armine faich ot his RtJm1111ift1, Rom4ni .ftc11t non t1c11m11111, 1t;t loh.7.49, and afcer them ch~ nee imp11j111nu btelHnt, rhac they ~re n~ithl'~ llurp nor fnbrle. The che IllumrnateJ, nnd now chc Jditices th:u boal~ devil is both and lo :m they : w1mdk their cr:itcy crudl both pothemfdvcs tobc cheonly knowing men? Pillemon the Grl4mma firions :md dilpolirions. This old ~crpcnc havi11g km th::m uod1 Sueton. . h b d h JJ 1 . b . . r~ien c at raggc c ac a e:irnmg was om wuh him :ind wou~d his tl:ven heads to plor, and his w1 hums ro pulh. . , n 'bift dtc:whtnhcdi~d? Epic11r111, tbathetidlfonndoucchecruh ,.,:,..c So yom minaCJ.Jhauld ~e c_orr11ptu1 ~ S:u:m hath his POll/~e..m, 1arc1. ' "cl R. b J d J' T.'' n h ' >v .". 1ra111 e .r le-rare, t ac gavt out that he knew more: in Dihis frt and compoltd machmatmns, 2 G or. 2. l 1. WhLrt:by he avmuy, then any Prophr.c or i\poHlcot them all~ Th~le were tools dulrN~lteth om roii.WJ.1u., our judgcmcnrs. t~ purp_ok. Tl~c ~pofile_ was p_uc upo_n a necc11icy of commending From the ftn1pliciry, &c.] Ot all gra~cs S~c:m_ would och~mfdt, Co to v1~1d1c~ce his Mnutkry from the contt.:mpc cart upon guik us of chis fimplic1cy : the world cals It @mdk, ilic-:p1'hhJm by the Cor1111hiaNJ; m:Or. Ver(~ 2. ~or jt~!om J q.J. My d~ar love co ycu puts me Verfe 4. But ;f he th,zt cometh ] (; idd y hearers, wherried aupon this pra1fing my klf. . hem~ with cvfry novelty, have no _111uuld, but what rhc ntxt Ct'achWith A g,odl) }ti41tmfie J Gr, With a :ual of God, called the er cafts thtm imo: being bl0Wn l1kc gblks mco this or that i1upc flame ~f ~od, C,mt. S. 6~ iuch as was chat ot /ob ovtr his chilat the pk afore of his breath. Set' 1oh.~.~ 3. ~. dr_en, fur fe~r they thould lmne againl~ God c not tuch as was th:ic Verk 5. The very chiefP{/ Ar.Jl~es J Either he mcancch thofe ot the Pharifcts over th1: G.d11ti1tH1, the hypocrifieof je:16afit, pillars, Peen, /amu, Joh,,, &.c. Gal.2.6. Or ch<: tallt: Apoltles, Gal.'f.17 .. whom he fblr:th chiJiff by an irony, btcauft cht:y fought LO ot:ar ,;~oorlm' F ~r I h,1ve efj1oufad yrm] Gr. l h"'1ft fir ttd 1ou, !~ thing$ th~~ 1w:ty che bdl. and be counted prune preachers. l'clut eca 7u~ Vn11:6. Butthost.~h J berudcfofprc.hJ Gr. An_ia'for,apliiill gtutinoaw Jr.,. are pwcoo rogNher, ar~ gk wed ur lodclncd. ru111i11e UJmmitTo one hmb<i11d J Herc: che Ct:dar caketh tht! thifilC' to wif rlown-righc, homl-tpun, homdy~lp_oken plr~uu. I he A11c1ems tu11tur. Er.1(1~1. ( tn~t~J tRnti'/loJ) ~and tfoch-all che othces of an hml> to he:. 'bufl~d thtmklvc~ ( f:11ch Cyril) Iii!. c, ~ Vf~O-A0/ 1 ~', not aoout coync Cml. 1i{illb.J45lo Ht lufi: lo'Veth his Lhurch, _and ~hen puri[lub her, Ephef. S. 2 ,,,6. land m:w coyn'd bnguagt, but '-diJ11JJ'E';'~H7r;;,.911M/er1'{f;v,.about 11inofulo,,., 5 ( AhHjhHerofh hil~ tht virgms full purint:d and pcrtumc:d, bdorc: foLd dunonUrations drawn uut ot Lhc holy ~cnpm1 ts. Hierome h~ took thtm to h_1s bed ) He pHts 11pon her hu onn comeiinrff,., :is rrporcs of J) 1ay mH-1 thac ~c wi~ an_ t\ i!ultot1l\c ~~niter,, as ~uu .Ele11::.11r put ~ht Jewtls upon RdJtcc A ( h~nce {he is callt'd <.:aHah might ealily garhtr uy his ible, T11m Jn1(11~1m 1f0T~me, qu,im Jim ()frheperkdJ()nothcract1re, _ornamencs and be:uny, Jer. 2 .p.) plicitnte verbornm. His muter was as lohy, as his language low 3 He mak~ch love t'> her by his J>-arlil"'J"'phu. his M1rnltcr~ who al!d ordinary. Hierom himldt is much commt:11dt d oy learrn:d ,,,. \ , \L . l h . l 1 v tVC'I / 7d'1' wooe-~or ha~, ~nd pr~lmi her to ~rift_ ~s a ~ha!le virgin. ~. He m~n, ~od 14 bifh non ji 1 .eque ,,~w11u, c iac e IS not a wa1es o de tr.1d .lf~ip. cohabas.wJCh hlr, Cant.7. 5. lhc Kmg 1s tied in the rdrcrs. Cllr1vus chi.:>acl'ot l11s words. But what rtalo11 he had l kc noc, 5. He reJoyc<:th over ht'r, l/a.62.4,5. 6. He duch the marriage to CL'l)IU1 e si P aHl iu lhupiy as hr; doth, ob fer} Jt4 im1oll#IOI. rloduty to her, and makcrh_h~rth~ mochn of us all, Gtll 4.26. Rom. qr,iurn impiiclltUfJJ, & ar&l4 (fyt1,mm11ricc impc1 irj,un, for htS Ill } Ji~ron ctifl,(Jil 7.1 4, 7. Hc_nounthe_tl1 and di<.:t1lh~th h~r, Ephcj.J. 29 tu~~~~ !tnk, JarK dQ\:ution, and uo!.k1Uuh\t{k ll\ Lrnmu1a~-l~atn- .Agf/ltJJll. &. Hi lo~uth ~1mmg 11'f1, Mal.2.16. and p10vidcth tor her ctt:t tt1~. Tmc.: sc if) ne wa~ a. plain preacher, as heh~~c acl<nowkdgcth: nall wdfan:,Eph.1.17. Go/,1.:u,22. aud why he afteth::d plamru.ffr, he tdkth us, 1 Cor. 1. 17. as _Ycrk 3 But lfiiir] ]t:alollf~c is madu up of love~fear and anger. fiwpiug to vulgar c~pacitie~. But that he could plly the OratoaJ.

] Ow fo.oliCh were the ~harifees, f 1 GnoJ11d~1,

yom'g: J;pt,,[4.14. Whu ~ill he nor d~.

youoo outwittediour firfl: puents. Now th:ic he




A Commentary 11p_on t/~~~0~~~~~~ijl_~~----Chap.11,. it ht pkakd, appt.:ars, ACl 17.i 1.r7c. and A[f, 26.2. Infomu~h
~all~d him A-fcr~wry, bcc;rnf~ h\i WIS ;i Jtn. JltY of Jlm~!J, Ml. 1 4.1 2. Aud ~s tL>r his q,ifHes, there is as good t ht: tori He fctmd Ill th~m, :is in an}' He3then Or:nour whuto. cvn ;Dm;nJ~f,c,'.u is but dull tu him::rnd Alfjlin1 w.111 was tu have iltl1, 'P"tdum 111 ou, P,rnt pre.chin<~, which he wou\d have e-

Chap. I 1.

----------- - - - - - - - - - -----'-------ofSt P~ul to the C

O"R 1 NT

u l AN s.





ikl'mn.i an high hal)pmdTc. . V Lrl.l.?. / h11~ 1 c prr,ichcd to y~11 fi"ee!y J Bec:mfe he gac his liv~ng Willi Ills bands, th~t h:.: 1:11gh~ pn:ach graw, they dclpifrd lum a5 a mc~n mcch:m1ck, 1 lus 1s mer<:u mundi, the worlds W!lgu;, Nii IJ,dut i>ij>li.'- p.u1f'e>-t.-u, &c. Mmill:.:rs mull: hav1: -.n l1C'rnm: :iblc mairmn:.111ce ( ~wd nu~ he forced w weave tm a L1v1ng, as .l111Jjc11/m w::is, or to krve the Mal on, as :rnuthcr gn:at icholbr)

i1,Jed i:h~y loirered, or work; faking tu kt up chem id v~s iu tl11; l1cms ot Uod:; pcopb Tr.(mmrmir.~ rhcmfduu, &c,J Th~ Manniclie('s derived dt<.:ir mmeofM.tnnJ;, becauft they hdu, That wltat!o~vcr they rau6hc w 1 ~ co be.: rcctiVl~d a~ food from hi.: awn. 11!onmn,-1s faid, Ht: was tht Cornforccr, c,. . c. Nov.1ttu calkd himklf JI! J(cs, anJ a brothtr rhac he had A,,yon. The family o~ i.ov.: fee om chcll' geltum regni. The Sll'enckftldi..mJ .( Sri.r1~k(lUi.in1 l ..uther C!lkd them.' hom the: 111 favour oi ,th<?ir ~pm1ons) ulClcuh:d them- Sdl"if~1tbur 'I 1 fdvrs \\Hh rhac glornms nmw, rlu C.011fi.Jfo11rs of tlu g/or1 of g
Ciri/J-. Vertc14. S.an11himfalf1i,&c.j Sat~n (foichonc) dothnot

~\rcrfo l ~ Deceit(i,11 \-\ork.!.,.1


They f~emed ro hbour, buc


~ J ._,'I'


or dle thly will be 1h:11ndully ll1ghtcd . \' e~ ';. 8. I robbed other .Cf..mche s] Grtti~dt's 11'1ctaphortt, faith 1 i(c.ttor. I cook 1m1~ucna~1ce trom ch..-su (as che Ap~lHc prekncly e;xpuunds hunfdL ) I nude: a prey and piize ot chem. Vcrk 9, Aml\\w1rcd] Gr. And \\'M behinde hand. _I \\'1tJ chargeable to 110 '?''w J I was none of choft: dro:ms that
chill the cha my ot wdl-d1{pokd pcopk 1 as the cr,,mp. ftPJ lmmm~

: './\ :.i1.

I'.J>f( l~.

nmll Lhok ctm couch or cumt: near ic. rk 10. r!!As the trntli cf Chriff

, He confirms it witn an oath, tlm he will ~iut cake a peny of thl m, whiks he prca chl'th m rhulc p:ms. 1\ l\lmllkr i1wuid be carcfull ot whom he receives a l<indu1dll:, V.:rk 11. /Jec_.rn{e I lJJve }"' not? J lt fhould be a Minin.-:rs care lO prckrvt: in the hearts of hts people an opinion ot Ju~ love. w r1.1cm. 1-or 1t they once concc1ve an incurable prcju.


u fo me]

dice :.1gam{l hun that h~ h:.ltts them,or the like, there's no good wdl

lie dune. \' Cl'I~. 11. _'TtJdl I m.y cut off "ccaflon Thetc were tho!e t.l1:1t wam:d for It, as (.':tmdUy as a dog doth for a bone as we 1~y. H.ibHrrnnt (rios rnc'!loJ omnes doUi & heroid quolibet t~mpGrc, faith~1el.tilrlhon, Every Zonrs" hathhisZoibu. ~.'here~n they glo7 J They, likdy, had feathered their nd~s, and {o m1~ht well attord to preach~rattJ. Paul, though not io wdl under-laid, would notcomebehindc them in that neither l~e wou~d not be lcfle bu,ie (though he laboured hard for ic) in buil~

:ii wai(S appear in one and the lame Lilhion, liut hath as m :my frve .. rail changes as Proteru among the Poets. At Ly{lr.4 he apptars like a ComxJian, as it a krne ot Pi.111t m were to be pn.:kmcd on the Ha~e. At Amioch like a Jduice with trad1cions in his mo.1ch. Ar. ,Achws hdallies omli\<t.: a Plulofopher. At Ephrfm lil<t: an Arcilicll, and here at Corinth he is tr:rnsformed into an Angd of light. hry Serpents ful\ofdcadl} poifon :m! called S(r.1p!1im1, Numb. 2 I . 6. 1(a.Jo.6. Ycrk J 5 vis the J,J;m:/tYJ ~friglJnMfM1 J C.-rnn~ If .A1~/.1mpy,~o. Try before you cruft:: Sc:Ctarks and frducc.:rs :m.: very Ju0" ck and mfinu:nive; tht: locu!1s have faces like women; know them anJ 1void th~m. When one commended th~ Popc.:s Legate at the Cuu11cd of B.ifil, Sigi{mrmd th.: Empc.:rour aniwc.:red,T,w1en Rom.1r.m r(r, ytt he is a, So, lc.:t Sat1n or his 1\gents come ntV\'.r {o much commended to us in his il1c;rcd allmc.:mcm~, kt us antwcr, Yet he is 11 devil, Ytrfo 16, Let no m11~ thin~ me J There was never 1~1an, nor action, but was iul>jcct to varitty of cenfores and mikonllrn(tions, tool1f11 mrn dininb to rtpn:llcnd ch1i~ whii;;h th\;y do m>t c0mvrLhrnd. I l.kt !>. u1u.~11fli11es rdolmion in tlus C--'fo N 'm rnro i/loscrn (ores, q11i vcl nun intcllij,wd.1 rcprcheruJ11m, vcJ re Aus.co11t F.m..
prcho1d ndu iiOn int<llivmr. l. u.q t Vt:rlt 17 I j}JC1t/zit net ll{ter the lml] Nt:itht:r by his command nor example, lJut per minion only. Vc:rfo 1 8. Gl"r} llfm the fltfh 1 <)r in lht.: 11d11, Gr1/, 6. 13. or ba vi: confidence ii.ii the flt111, l' hit.). t Ycrfe 19, For ye /ii.ff.a ftols J Inter indoftos eti11m Coryd111. (orwril

drng fiaar-~a(~s to hc:avco,thco they wc:re in digging dckems down

t~ hell,_

,vcrfo J J,


A Com111en1ary Hpone/Jt fecond Epijllt


(onAt. Wik men hold them f(>r fools, whom fools admir~ f~rJ.uinti/iatJ, h o f Art_urru.:~s, ~uo .r.1 'd w'. (e m.t'n. . As -~ne {!l~r . i_nt~,. D?Ui~Hn f, jtaRrxPl:Jto!lhUf, U1te>Jf (t1nrpn uos, ttJur 'f11ruper1101 nc op1bo11um qHidem ~fti m11tiom: h"be,tnt 1w,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

__________ ... ____________ _



aot to fJC.ceed ch~. fee number of ll:ripes, limited by the L11w1

Dm1.i7.3. Vede 25. Thrice WM I heAten, &c.] By the Roman Magi- .ACI. and Moll ftrats, as aUo the Martyrs were by the llomi01 Bilhops. fol.1i s1 ThomtU Hinftuuv was beaten with rods by Bo11ner, and a bode his fury fo long as the fat .. paunched Bii110p could endure with breath, and till for wearindle he was fain to ccak. So alfo ~cdcal~byiohnWiUr~, andbyM.BartletGrem, whogumly.rc~ Jbid16s 4 Joyced m the fame. l h11ve beet1 in the dup J Si11e tJlfVe in mari {Ui So the Syriack ~enders it. ror 24, hours cogcthc:r I h~vc been flodng in the ka. Verfe 16, By mine own countreymen J A Gentilibtu meit, & A Gwtibm. yerfe 27, In ~earine f[c and painftdnef{e J Heres dainty rh'ctonck. TuN] calleth Ariftot/es J>91itikes, Attrcum jhmen oratio11iJ1 a golden Aoud of eloquence in rdpcCt of the purity of the

---------------------------ef St Paul to the Co u 1N-rH1 AN s. Verfe ~F0Hrt1 flrip~s (ave one~ That they Might be furc


As the Popifh penitentiaries, thokm1!LrJl,ly m1!L:d :md muzz~ed crl'acurcs. Thty write of ouc Kmg Hrn!'J .thl' !econJ, char gomg co Canterb11r7 ro viftc the ((-..

\'. nf~

For yr {i1 ff< r, if &c.

Martyr. 7 hom.u Bec~et, coming wichin che ol cht: ( hurch, he alighted, and went three miles on his ban: fet:r, \_vhich \~ich the hard lloncs were forced co ycdd blouJ11 1 1 7JJ>1ir'r hill. to k tns o t Ius uevor~on o~ ch<.:_ w1y . C I onenJ t I 1e fif ch, Pop~, cau101 jul fuj J),tlm the I cnrttJn Emu11l1dour w come bdore him cied ,,id p l1 J in ~l~:.41rrn 1 >mJ \V;\l1ow l\oJ~r hi$ table with dugs, whildl hi~ G~/J. l'H~d/ of Holmdk !at .ac. <upper. Th\! Poi1c lafhed f:!e"r} 4. _of France (in 'i ulc:rat, the pcrl.011 ~~_ lus Emb:ilhdour ac Rome) deer che hnging ot ev~ 1 y vnk. ot M_i;errre,_ um ill the whole Pfalm was tung ouc. Sed e~ ..

i~ulchre_of his ,own


or to J1l11J l: v~r:gellj ~u~1ire,ftg~ciores ( ut.JJuro ) prin~ipu ,.d HH tum_ Orbilr; no11 (olvent (Ubligucul", faith a grelt
I( 4 m1111 mk! o( you J ny way ot gratuity, but not of wages: or by tht'ir iol~o\'.'l'IS, and noc: by ti'.nnldvcs. No 01ppucinc a num~ thl! P:ip1lls m:iy rnkt! or couch filva. This mettall 1s as very n. Ha//; cpifl, Anitth1~11t co thcfr, as the Wt:dge of gold to Achan: Ac che offor whm:ot.hdt~rcsback, asA1ofe.rfr?m ~he Serpent. Yet he camus 1.D,i:.1d,1.


a.l)Oy with him chat tak<.'s and carries



and never complains of

ycrlc 21. //.r t/~014,~/nve had be_rn weal] i.e. Wonhldfe and fp111tldk, ll1~c m1fhl<e not ycur fdvcs; lam another manner of

mttc:..11 or mcafme.


rn;m chcn you 1milg111c me. It is fa id of A tlumajim, that he was ALtgnn G~' .A1lrmuu; a l~ad{~one in his fweet,gcmlc 1 drawing nat~n., and yet :rn adamant m his refolute, ftouc carriage againfihc.:re
rikcs and evil doers. Verlc 27. Are thty Jfr~e~iteJ J Cods fdcCl:, peculiar. I-lapp 1 art thru, o ![rad: \~ho H lik.! unto thee, opeople l Dtur. 3 ~ 2 Th~ Ji:ws fay chat cfiofe kvrnry_ fouls chat went wich /aco'1 i:Co ~gypr.,wae as much ~s all che kvcncy Nations of rhc W<>rld, Tabor a11d Ifo~n()n, the ball: ~nd Wdt o1 b~d~a, arc put for [De fall:. and Wtfi of the world, l'J.'69.11. V~rle.2 3.In la.bour.r more abundant] C hry(oftom~ <;allcth P1tul. In{at1"4b1/um Dc1 rnltore111, an unwcanable tervaut ofGod. Vcrfe 24,

fiik, and the c:xcdlcncy of che matter, May it not be more truly faid of chis great ApolHcs writings? Verfe 28. That which cometh, &c. J /!l._1saji "JI.mine fallo, & reperitu vicilnu. His care came upon him, asan armed man, and gave him no reft or refpite, Tiu c11re of all the Churches J Calvin was no otherwife affo. lled toward the C.hurches though far rem{l)te, then if he had bcnn them upon his {boulders, faith B ez:,11, He often fighed om, V fq1uquo Domine; over the peor 11.ffiit\:ed Churches ofChrilt with the mHcrics whereof he was much more aftdtcd chen ~ith any of his own printc miic:rie~. 1 tould not but love the man ( Caid Tlmdoji1u of ~mbrafa) tor that, whilcfi he li ved, and when he died, he took more care for the Church then tor himfclf. Verfc 29. who i& \~eak J By paffion. And I am ttot "7MI(] By compailion. And I burHt Hot] i.e. Am exceedingly grieved. Compare Pf.



Nagu de mte. fwri aara, quii

de /UIJ pmculu


m h1~.

J his as an ol<i fouldter ot his tears. The Apoftle glori.. ~ch ~n chofe things tha~ ~is adverfaries condemned , as infirme
fpo1ls, or.

10,3, &

7.14. He hot!] pHr{ueth the poor. ycrk io I -will glor10f ~Ii~ thinv A~ a tooqucring of

Verfe 3-1 .


__ _

~ c;ommef!!ary tepon the fecond Bpi/Ji~


~ -~-----------------------------------~----~~~~....---~--~---~~~..;._~~~~~~~~~-


1/S' Paul to the Co :R 1

KT H'l A 'N


: v~dq1.~ 1~h!~h ~-ite_i;~fi;;~~-]t;;d~h~retor~to b;t;1~=

!e9, ps he rim is enc: facher of our Lord Jefos Chritt This is a praife tha_r hi.: much {bnds ~p~n, R nm. 1s.6, And furtly j~ all generaci. o~s _f11Jll c:ul the vngm f.lrffed, tor that (he was the mother of
Chr~ll-, L".k~'ts. how mpch more, c-,:...c.

. -~yl~_J'.!. hJ/~11HJ._Jfuu] Tlwch1d City of' Sr;a, built (fay fom~.}, m r!f pl~ci.:_whncwcl>1oudut ,./bdwJsip1lr, andchenc~ ca~kd. numr[ek .'. ' r. a bJg of blou,t Thicher P1111l marched

With a_bloudy mmd1:, but was miracu\oully convened and (o powerfutly c0nfounded _his cmm~rcymc n chm:, that chcy incrn{cd rpc.~_~r.~nwur ag1tn~l.h1m, ~o lm grtacpe~il. Thac is rh~ guiff of ~~Jl<~ pLrkcuwy1_~, co :im:mpt chat 3gam(t che truth by arms,

--Ve~fe 3., Whether in i~e ~od.1. &c. )-~-f~;dtd h~_ for~t:t and negleet his ?wnbody;wh1ch_1s to dt:ar aud near a clung m .;'l.>:nparifonof tfm mcomparauk Jd1~ht he chrn cuoi< in th.: Lord, oh th:Jt joy l omy God when/.~,.// I be t\'idJ thee 1 Thdt: wm: the dyin" words oi the la!l: Lord Hurrington, that was in hea.vc11 afore-h:mdt> O,th~ j(/](J, the joyo,_ the trnfp~ak_,..l~/e joyes th . H 1 ft I w nl] {oHti fa1J anotht.!r thic w1s cvr.:n cmrmg tnto heaven, u1d had a fol't.!talk oh:ctrna\llif~. 'J.'eur in chc transfid,Uratioo was fo cranl:. porct:d chac he n.:vu thuu3h~ of :i tabernacle ~or himidf, iW.a.1 7 he cared not to lu: without doors, fo h~ might longer 1.:pjoy cn 14t glimpk of he.1Vl:11S glory. .. : . V.:rfe 4 Holv that he ~~tU car1g!Jt up] Noc locally (ltkely) but
infpirit, as dot 7.)6. E"'e~8.3, into P~.,.adifa J Hc:i.vt.!n, wncrt.!of" chat earthly P~radif~ :WO\S but a dark lh:id~w. Hierome comforting a young Hi.:rmiw, bad
him look up to heaven, Et paradi(um mt med~amvul.ue, co take a kw rums in Para~i_te by _his meditations, alluring him chat fo long as he had PJraJ1k m his mmde, and hl;avcn in his thotPhc T.1mdi1'-' in erem!J non rm, Ht: thould noc be kutiulc:: of his toli:
Vnfpe,1~ible \\ords Wordli._ffo word9, fuch :is words an: COG Wl.'Jk ru umr. Nee C~Jriftm, nee Cw/um parirm hyperbtJ/i,,. A nun cannor hypcrbob.t: in ipeakingof Chriil and ht"lVt:n. Lmi:

Ap;m 1wi; 10 ' n/11'.t Ji&,


lc.~eJ (oHpr_r ~d .r-pitn.rem.fic[!-end.r fii>it, faith Citro. ot.tht: bw 1s d11: bw, and not alwlies chtt letter. A1~d efi::t<pc.d Im lw1dS' J Of che lawfulnes ofHight in Come cafos, SLe tht: ;'\ocean /J1a1.10.23,& AD.9.24.
-- -------- ------,

thou~h ag3mfl the Rom:in L:iw ot le:iping over che walls r~Ni'

th~t cht:)-1 C!lnnot dl . .d by ~1 0 um~nts, Sc.:c Al7-. 9 . i 3, 7,.t, Vcrlc H_. ~And tlnrow 11 t\'indo1~. &c. An honeft l11itc


Ctthr, XII. Vcrfc 1, It iJ not expedient for me J

at leal} of pride and folly: and Chri!bans iuult be 01y ot the very l11ews :ind l11adows of fin ; Mini. Hc~s elp~c1ally!w~1olc_pra~1cc tafily paffrch into an t.x1mple.How be1dor tht: l~rmthsans 1c was cxpedienr, becauk they thought
mote me:rnly of P ar:L chcn was mcc.:t. To vifion111nd revcl.ui mI J Th~ falfe Apofl:lest l11ply, bodl. e~ ol foch; as fame ft:duccts do now-ad.lies, who dr,"m Midiani-

E~aufc it carries !l 01cw

c1t11 dreams, and ch1:11 cell chc fame co their neighbours fot Gofpcl, But take ht:c_d, the old_ Prophet may bring men inro chc lions mouth ~y tcllmg them of an Angd that fpakc co him. Vcrk 2, I l\Helt1 a ma'' in CIJrifl J i, e. A Chriilian and ap proved, 2 Cor.13.5. 4bo'!'e fo1:1rteen 7ears f'l.~O J Sec the: Note on All. 9 ,9, Alldiis wh1k .tll f!.o~, _he had held ~~s tongu~. Taciturnity (ill fomc CJ. ,j cn}~v,1ill..eti TOP1',01)-'nS h~w frs) 1s a Chnfban vercue. Either ba hlcnt ,or fay fomcwhat ch:ic is

mu[l Liittcac his hearers, as Tully doch his Readers cone .. mm~ the worc,h oi .L; Craff1u, Vt m 1j1-U q11iJd,un de ij1, qN1'im qme JCripta (;.mt {11jpu;.4rent11r-, chat chcy would conc1.:1ve 1m1<;h more cn1.: 11 he_ w:i~ able to txprdk. J t is as c:dit! to compafil.! che h~av.;:n WHh a ipln, or comaiu the ka in a nut ilidl, ots to rduc hl!a vcns happindli:. V:rlt S, T et of m1 {elf I "Will not .~lor7 J N 01' niji co,ill114, llf (ilpr ii. l' uut W;l.S a mJddl of mJdtfty, a Vt:ry crucifix. of.momticamm, as om: C'-llkth ham.

>,'/Jl' Ora101e,

in mindnftrmirirs

J ;. e,

My troubles


c.tlled either


better then filence, was an old morall precept.

btcaufe Lmdt:r cht:m w;;: kun inti. m and concc:m1;cibk: or for th:ic aflli~1011$ ufc lhcw our inlirmjcics, our impacicncl;.', c9'--c. >they makt: us '1ck of the frtt, &", 1 \'erlc 6. Left ~"1 m11"" ftJould think._oj me J lt:t' noman faith Grega~7, ddirc cokcm more chm ht.: is, that fo ht: may b/ more then he kems. It pkaft:th me uoc, ia1th A11g11ffine, t~'lt bv m:i uy I a~ thought to be thac which! am not. for truly' d1t:~ 1 hwc






llD# .fo,,, not me, v~ .. 1 J'/' 1 if they love nor ch:it I am, bur char I am nor. e And 141- I j11ould be e:..,t/~ed] So le.ct E J:..ek.jel {hou\d l l'ftcd up with his many rare v1fions, he as trequent~y cal. l~d ~"nne of m11n, to put him in minde of his momll, nufcral>le condition. d J h u4 thorn in the jlrf71 J A corrupt tone g. wit a tempt:u_1on, Satan fcnt fome D,4/;Jah to lu\\ P au/ alli:ei? m her bp,_ and _bmde him with witht:s of green delights' out has watc~full foul d1fplea. fed deeply wich chat.fldhpkding for~,, '9mpl"1m:d ~h~rco, Lha kcd hhnh:H, and fo found ca[I! . To buffet me J Perhaps in a proper fenfc P1ml .might feel the d vils fingers 1 Take it metaphorically ior temptatmns~ and then t~Y arc fitly called buffetings, bccau{e they come fo thick upon a Hlans fpiric, that he can hardly take breat~~ He dogs good hearcs w"th foulcll luCli {omctimcs, as of Athe1lme 1 Ido~atry, blafphe1 murcher &c. In all or any of which, it the foal be meerly ~~ifi1 vc ( as t'he word buffeting here implies) they are Sa tans fins, and our croffes only d h Left / foMld be exalted J If P .. Hl had n~I been Lmffctte , \~ o might have been earned lmo Ws W hether he would have iwdled.He . h' r. hi hc.:r in conceit, then bdore he was m is cc ll: a11e. gVer(c S. J be(011ght the Lord thrice J . i. e,. Frcquc~tly and krvt:mly. God ref pt:C\~th not the Arithsneuk.e of our priuers,ho~ m:my theJ are nor che rhcrorike of our pra1crsJ how nc::ac chcy are or the G~o1m:cry of om praiers, how long they are~ nor ~he mu'lick ot our praicrs, how mdodious they are : n~r .t~e Log1ck ofour praiers, how methudic:ill they arc: b.uc the D1vm1cy ot ou_r praicrs, how hcart-1prung tht.:y arc. Not gifts, buc gnces pn:va1l inpraier. d fl v crfc 9 Afy grace u (u fficitnt fo.,. ~ hu J G . _o omet1mes gives pardoning grace, where yet he denies pn:va1lmg grace, He roots not out all our Canaanites at once, but leaves f001e to try and cxercifc us. f F0 .,. J) jlrcngth id made perjUl J It ts an aa: o as great powe.r in God to keep our {park of grace alive amidl.l: fo many corrupt1 ons, as'to keep a fire alive upon cht!face ohhdea. The angels are kept with m_uch lefic care,charge and power tken W~; becaufe they have no biaffe, no weight ot fin hung upon them. . Vcrfe 10. There(Dre l t-.k! 1Je11f#r1] I am well apa1d of the11I
-- -- l.

A C1~~''"'1_"f'on'!'_~f~co~~~pJjlle
t .. nother form!


s; HaH 1uoJ (u161, fatl 1"1t"

'Zf:rr 7,

Chlp.u. /St Pault1t~eCo1.1NTH1 AN -~: _________~77 _ JcG,kQ;c;h,m amPn G1Jd~ lQY,:~ok1;n~ 1 pledges ef his. love~ imd badges of tny fonfhip. Fir I am We4'-., then, &c.] This iS! fecming concradiction. God, fa id Luther, doth moll ufhis wor"s ;,, 1'wl~1 contr.iriJr, by ~ 1 d. .roiv~cwn contraries. He hath a way l>y hi&n{eH~ taith N.f-{.ia11 ~e", that he <.#I' CJic.!J-"4 i1YA may be the more admired, voiiw1. Verfe 11. For in "'thing 4m I behind( J And y~t there were
a fort ot filly fouls (that thought chemld-res jolly tdlows)
ch~s ~t

in the daies ot Z11ingliJ11, anno 1519. th:lt talked


rfl, {ttJ fi!burb111ou tllntU"1J 1 Znin~l.rona.1. Chrijlo 1p csnv1rf4t11;1 , 11rticu/11m fielei non co1npo{Hit. What 1. operu111. was P""' ? but a man : an Apot\1c he was, but of an infe. riour rank. He was not of the twelve ; he converkd not With ChrHl 1 he compokd not any of chc awdvc Arciclc:s ot th\'.: Creed, We would as foon believe Thom111 or Scot#4, 3S
P11Hl)&c. Vt!de 12. I# aU pAtimct J A grace to be gloried in: ?ob is crowned and chronicled for it. . Verfe 13. Forgive m~ thu 'ftlront A pleafant irony,

tandt Pa/JN !

12aHt1~ ldomo 11fl ? .Apoft1,/~ 11011 tX J 2, viru, HOii CN'1t...1

fuch as whereof this Epif\lc is foll.


& v.in44 J W:l er ; 1 11 (omnior#"' imagi11u dipo [#pplkiQ puniat, ftfl-ivo fcUi- ,,;~,,,.,,;, ttt COHttlll1tu & oblivie111 , .i~l fl tii,,,t; ~fl 1 mifi:r;corJ;,.

man, ~d objtlfil pro_hr11 "' vifH4 "ofl-Nrnos,

is faid of a wife


Verfe. ht For I Jul{."'' Jh#rt] Not the fleece but the flock. He had not thofc infi:ruments of a foolilh fhepherd, forcipes cl- mNlllram, the ilinrs and milke-palc, &c. The whole Senate can wicmffe, faith Bt~11, that whereas Cal':Jin had a very fmall fiipend, yet was he Co farrc from being difcootent therewith, that a more ample allowance being freely offered him, he ob!l:inau:ly rdufc:d it. All the goods that he ldt behinde him when he died, his library alfo being fold very dc:ar, came fcarce co three hundred French.crowns. Metcb Adam.
Nrm opu , "'n glori1tr'IJ, no,. vol#pttttn q11.tftvi 1 bid Me- J ~ 9 . /4nElho11, I m.:fer fought riches, pleafures or preferments:

This confcience I clrry .with me, whetherfoever I goe. I Nclch . .AJ.J11f, doe ingenuoufiy profdfo ,: -faith Mr Rolloc, that ot all my lH- ;,, 11itJ.187. pends I have not laid up two pence , for I never cared for the: tbings of this world. LNther never found himfclf once tem-


A Commen~~ry !'_P~n__!~e_feco!'d-Epijlle . ClK\p.u. ---------~ted-t~--c~vetoufnd{e. And herein I could wHh we were alL LH~ Alf and .\fM, thtr"n1, fol 7 s J Verfe 1 s. Spena and he .~ent] 1f like clouds we doe fwcat our telves to death, fo fouls may be brought home to God, it is a blelfed way of dying. The lef{e I be loved] This is many a good mans grkf~ but his reward is nev1mheldie with God. Th~ mule looks not for hc:r wa0<:11 from the ~hildc, but horn ~h~ r~r~m. Vcrlc 16. Bein<~ ct-ttftJ I c,111.~ht J A bleffod crafc 1 a high poinc of heavenly wildomt.>, Dt1n, I 2+ It is wriccen ot che tox:, that when he is very bungty after prey, and can findG none, he licch down and faincth himfdf to be a dead carcafo, and fo the fowls fall upon him, and then he cacchc:th them. S:lint P11ul hungering after tbc of his Corinthians, denies himfelf co ~ain them. Verfc t 7. Whom I fm! 1'nto yo11] It is faid of the Pop~, that he can never lack money {o long as ht can hold a pen in his hand ; he can command it and have it. llut S'lint P .c11l could not skill of thofo art5. Verfo 18. 111 tht ( Jf it'it J . Who worketh with his own tools only, and is ever like himfeU in all tht: Saines : throuan whofe whole cour(e godline{fo mos, as the woot doth drot.ow the web, as the fpirit doth thorow the body. In the~me fteps] Wich an upright foot, Q,,f. 2, 14' in Chrilt, Col. 2.6. as Chril\:, I '/oh,2, 6. . . Vtr!e 19, 'Th'1& We e~:pufe.Qm {tlves]. And .to, .yeeld a

------~----- .... --- ..



Cltap.13-:--~/ S~ Paul t~_thd_ C 01l_ I

NT 11 I AN

s '_


~ Ltfl 1here be d~~11tes, en11yin1,1:)&c.] K.Edi~,.,.J the four"th,thc night before his dmh,, faid te k~nfmt:n and friends: I reme~ber it to my grief, that there hath bm d1kor~ am~ngfl: Y.ou a great tll~c, not al waic:s tor great caufes, but poor m1flakmgs, (:J'c. Some' li.kc Salam:mders,live alway in the fire? ~ikc .trouts tht.;:y ~ove to t_wnn agaiuf\: fiream, like Phocion, they thmk 1t a goodly thmg to d1llcm from others. .

'/Ja1id1 hi fl, of E11t,l 1 .o.

Vtrfc 21. Tk11r h~w no& rrp~nud] lmpcmtcncc mak;.:th (innc monall, faith S. 'John, t epift. $. i6. or racher immormll, as faith SJ'""!, Rom. i. 5. le is not the fol\ing into the waterth~t drowns but lying in ic. Gods people may fink once and agam co the botcomc, but the third r.ime thL'Y rik and recover by re.. pentancc,




Of tivo or three \\'itneffes J

fault. . ,, i : ; .. ii; . 1 f}u-'k}c fore c oclJ the witm:ff~ or miqc inn'c~y;~ .. b.1~.19.


which, like ~uddywaccr in a vcllel, ,nigh~. <:aufe chemoft'precious liquour of our dotl:riuc ,to run ova~ . '' ' ~. . . ; ' .: ' Verfc '20, And th~t I /hall 6e foH,,d J: Crude/cm medic1m1~ inmnpcn1ns ~ger f.icfr. We delight not to; fling daggers ac mens faces : but if mea be not c9ld their ownc, aad chac wjh fomc llmpnefii:, they wjU op 'n finne to their utter ru
r '

Gc,,,20.6. ~ . .' r For yoHr edi/Ji11g J Whilell:yc co11c;civa no i~~ opimiob C>f us,

ine. Sharp w:m:n clear the eye-fight : and bicrer pottong bring on fwm hcilch. A weak dofo doth but fiirre b1d hu mours,,and anger them, not purge them out ; fo it fareth with



O he C!l\\eth hi!i chrcetold admonition. Gods Wgrd neglc'1:~d . will one day be a lwift wimdlc againlt the coDtemncrs~ Mofas '1haU accufo men, roh.5 .46. Gods Word lay hold on them,Zeck.1. 6, and {\:ick in their hearts ami fle(h, as fire, thorowout all etermcy, ler.5 .14. . Verfc 2. J told you betore J Sed (Hrdo f11bula111, no ~el~mg would fervc turn. Many are fo wedded and wedJ5ed to their ~ma, that nothing will funder them, but an cxtraordmary touch from th~ hand of" hea.ven. , , Verfo ~A proof of Chrift JPcakf:11g in me'] The Chur~h 1s Clm-~ {Ii doce~nis auditorium, fai_th Bernard, the place wherem he ~rd.t narily teacheth, who hath his khool on earth,. though his ch:ur m heaven. ,111 n Vcrfo 4. Crucified through Weaknej{e J i: t. E.\ .an~tr,r;o t)ltl ft,1w, as Gfll,4.14. as having voluntarily iubJetl:ed htmlclt to all ions offuff.;rings tor our fakes. . Yerfe 5. E :..:amine10111 felveJ J The ~nall mall <?four ecernall cflace doth immediacely and foldy appmam to the Court ot ~~a vcn, Indeed the difquificivl! pal't belongs to us, the dcctiive toGod. . h' (\: Prove 1our own fe/v11] Reiioublc you~ di\ige~ce !n t lS mo nccdfull but much neglected ditty of : an erJ N i rour


Sebo/am bahet i11 terri~. cat be

Jra'll ;,, creli4, Aug-

l . ----~ic;~~t;;,_-,-~p;~tht fe~11"Bpi}ih'.p:i;. ---------------180




------- -- . - -

rour here is eafie and dangerous ; hence the precept is doubled : Soz~11t a, 1. ~'11iit~ v111, i1tr11m 1~c11ti11, as Trt11U/li111 renders it. . Verfc 6. BNt l mdl that ye P,110 ~now] Whereas thty were rc:ady to rccorc, chat they Wl.!re no reprobates , he thould well know , let him fee that himfelf were not oni.: : I trul: ye lhall know, faith he, that we are no ri.:pro.. bucs, counterfeits , or unapprovablc:, oppofcd to approved, v'rfa 7 Verte 7. Though \lie be ""' .-~p.-o'7~to J vi~, In your e. fie.: cm. 1 he good hrarc iscomcnt co vilifie, yea nuUifie ic fdf, fo God may be glorified, and his people edified : lee him be a footliri//. a.-/ rrJ/Jt fiool, or wh:it ye will, to hdp c hrill: into his throne, ProrfiM S.1mn tfl l11therm, fad ChriflUf vivit, & rtgn11t, Ame11, faith LH ther. Lt't me be calkd a dtvil, or any thing, fo Chrin may be

SeetheNoteonR1m.1,.16. and on I Cor.16.1~ . r. 1 ., AIJ tlle Saint1(4,lute1ou] Sand:1cy as no enemy to Ver1e ~ . curcefie: it doth not remove but m.\l e it. . . . Verle 14. The grace of rmr Lord] A friendly nled1cbon, or f.acherly bcnedid:'ion.

he G~a of' /~~;-j-The au chour and faucour. . 'I'. r. u. 'JW 1 th'"' holJ "1...:11' Lirre] A cuflomc proper to thofe tames. Vme

of StPault~ ~~e

e_oa '._NY~_

1 AN ------

txalctd. Vcrfe 8. For \\ ' r11n do~ nothing] A temporary may fo fall away as to perkcurc chc cruth chat he llOC~ profdlcd, and rhe Miui{h:ry th~t he ontc 1dmircd. Never fals a Saint {o Lu. ~nui :ifoi c tarre m his grcacelt relapfes. B1Chop L111im(r eds of one, K EJrur.J. who fdl away from the known cruch, to mocking and Jcom. ing le ; yet was afcerw:nds coucbcd in conkic:ncc for ir. Br.. W4rt: of chis tinm:, faith he, for I have known 110 more thrn this thlt rt"pemed. Ic is a Vt't.Y dangerous preci.


~ ~'.



Vtrfr9 Even 70Nr perfitlion] Or, ToNr reft1tur1ttion, or jopning Ag11in. His meaning is, taich Rn1, That whereas ch members of chis Church, wac all, as it were, d101cated and ou' 0f io}'n~, they 0\01.1ld now ,.gain be joyncd cogechcr in love, and 'hty hould endeavour w 2mend wh.lC WilS am1lfo amongfi chem, d'her in faith or manners. Verfc Io. And 110110 deftrNElion] Wnlcll~ by accident; or, 1f to the dlll:rud:ion of the fkth, it is th:u the fpiric may be faved in thedayoftheLordjdws, 1 Cor.j.5. Sectht:Nocc there, and on
i Cur.10.8.


and then an end.

Verfe 11. Fi11aU1) Gr. Th11, "'';ch Jtt rtmflmJ '' f41 morr,
Be pnJiEI J Or~ Puce11g11in.
Beof one minde nv~ U. 1~1it1

J For mamrofopinion. J For m-uet of ~'fo!\ioo.


-------- -----------------------~-------~~------

Verfe 7. ;r~

ef~~.P.~ll~J~'G_t\:i,4,l; l /. N Se ~~' -------- - -------4---- - - - - - - - - - - ~hom b1.,1/or1] l'h~ bcn~fk of ,ourre~mpdon


0 lt

Vpon the Epifrle of S. Paul









t. Who raifed bim from the dtad J



;_-_-,-.-:t . .1_:-r.-1,~I Nd by th.c fame_ almighty power c:mfeth dead fouls r }Ii\., 1 to hc~r the voice ot chc Son ot (jod in his Minillers v ~ ; ) ( z;I\ ~--~ and ltve, /oh.~.25. Eph. 1.19. J!Jf)J:....i .-.;~ 1 Yi.:.dt;~2. The CIJ1Jrche.r of G<fl.itia J They are ~
c..:::J.~-::~ n~t d1tcfiurchcd, though much corrupced.


be a kp~r ; the dtkafc ot his forehead did not remove hig Crown. ycrfe ) Grace &c. J Sec the Note on Rom. 1. 7. This Ep1Hlc_to the Galatians is an epitome of that co the Vcrk4. From thu prefant evil \\1orld] Bewitched wherewith ~h~ G:ll~tian.r wm: rdapfcd from Chrill. A fubtill and ily enemy H 1s furdy, and h~ch ca!l: down many wounded : yi:i, m:my thong men havc bc.:<.:n flam by a, as by Solomons harlot, J>rov,7.26.

ceait:d not ~o ?c a l<ing, whm he h1.;g:in



Jbould f1!akc Qs,lift up JnlttlY in humble, joy full and tbaoijfull heart to God, Vcrfe 6. That yt are (0 {bbn] Giddy headed bearers have nligioHtm ephfmtram, are whcmed afom wirb i:v~ry .wjndc of do" chin~, being c~nibnt only, ~11 tht:i11 inconfhm:y, 1\6. -Ecebo/tu B afdNintu, and our modern Sctlarics. The J3il110ps and DoCl:ollrs of Eng/,md ( faid chat Mmyr) in their book againll the Popes fupremacy, {poke as much as Lmher, or any Lrethcra11 ever did or could. 1f they difkmblcd, who could ever fo deeply, {peaking fo pithily ? Jf not, who could ever turn head to tail fo tudd~nly and Co U\Ortly as thele did ? /J.emoved from him, &c. J From ChrHl and mt hi~ Apof\k. L11tlur Qfom in his books te(hfieth1 that he was much afraid 1 Mt1 when he was dead, that found doCl:rine of julliticiltlon by faith alone, would die alfo. It proved fo in fundry places of Germany. Men fell co Papery as falt as leaves fall in Autumn. Verle 7 There be (ome J That would fain have blended Pharifaifmc and Chriftianity, A U.1 S 5. That tro11ble JO" J As C~unds with their feet troub~e the they fhould drink of. ~na \\lould pervert the Golpe/ J They pretended onJy to bring in a Jcwifh rite ortwo1 and yet are faid to pervert the Go.~cl ! Ea qu~ po ff tergum (unt. m .f.iciem convert en, as Hierome hath ic, co cum chat before chat tlwuld be bL"hinde : co ipLak difiom:d things, fuch as produce convuHions of confcit:ncc, AU. 20.l o. A little thing untowardly mingled, mars all. The mon{huus hm:fie of Nc{forim lay but in one km:r, and of Arrim, but in one iyllable. Vcric 8. Or ,m Angel] Not an evil Angd (as-~mbrofe undcrfiands ic) buc a good Angel, per imrflibi/1, :is John

Aa. a11tl Uow4


.f};i;-il4fJp.~''i . ' '

t '~~

ww.r ,


~=~f?~<{ 0 '-'~''jrJt{j).


Vcrfc S

Th~n th1tt \\hich Wf, &c.] Ot befidcs that which we have preached, He faith noc, concrary co that, bu6 bdid~s cim : for rndccd that which is diredly bdidcs, is indircdly . againlt tbe Got pd. _Ycric 9 Then that ye have J Of the Camell it is faid, that be ~1ll 111;vcr carry any mQre weight then what at ftdt is ~aid upon liim ; nor go omi foot beyond his ordinary journey. Lonfcicnce Will not b"~e, u.or ye1tid '411 l)a1r fpr an Angels nuthority. Stand .. N 4 talt

8, 55

--- - -


--------- ----------------------A C!11""'111ary up1n the Bpiftle Chap. 1,



ef sr Paul to the G A L A 1

1A N



uam mir~ cHp1t, qu1m qrmlAm per j1c11111 Placen11tm voc4 r. Men. pleafers, that curry favour with all, and covet to be counted N 0 med/n-1. ThefeloofeafriendofGod. _ For if I yet plea/ea men J As once J did whiles I was a Plia nke. I f'o,,U ~10! b~, &,, ] Th~t rnk ho~d5 f;Ood in rhccorikt:, but '"r:it. noc m lJt~llHC~, Nr,H ~d VtYttztttm (olum,fJ. etiffm (ld c>pinloncm

fa{\ in the good ~ld~.;ay~- and tt~da~c~, Imm1 6.16. Verfe_ 10. Fot- do I now ptrfwAde me11] Thatis,mtns dotlrines at1d devafes. . Or. ~9Ifee~to1leaf1 m.en J Vt Kb1vof'1l\1),, <J"j ab <1mnib 111 g>"t4


eor11m qH1 ~Hdrnnt, eft or,11 io. Verit: 11. h not 4ter man J This he. otccn inculcaccch, becau(e tht: fal~e ApofHcs had buzzed tm:h a thing inco tht:ir eus, co diipl r:igc his Mm1!lery. . Verle 12. Received it of m.f11 J i, t. Of mct:r man. Jefus Chri{l 1s more chm a man. Vcrfc 13. And1~',~flt:dit] As an cnemks councrey with fir, ~nd {Word ./ILi>-s I~ tblcd ""'n"-Lnfg~. Vcrf~ 14. Above m.a1, tJf mi11~ 4111,ils J rporp!'J'"1 fa id it wa: g~c:u pry .1uch a man as P'""'was tvm call away uvon the chri {ban rd1g1on. The .Monarch ot Morocco cold cht: Engl1lh Em


;here God~~m~d~~h, there! to ask a reafonispr~(umpcioll":t~-oppok rcafon is fiat rebellion. Verfc 17. B11t I \\'ent inti Arabia J Of chis journey Lu~e make th no me1mon in the A.Cls. hlLo thdc cents ut K td.1r came S. p ~11/, anrl made Lhem, hy his pn:aching, co mt ly as che rnrcains ot Solomon, Lam. 1.~, Rude chcy Welt', lJUt rich ; black, but comdy, when chcy had this precious man amo11gft them dpLcially, who bt:c:unc a l>ldling co all places whitht:rlucv1:1 ht: came : cumr:uy to that which is faid ot the gn.:at fork, that whcrtcvcr he 11.:\s his foot, h~ lea vu. dduhdlim bchinde hun. Ar.1bia w~s Ft /i_.._. imkcd, when~. 7'mtl was chnr. Vcrlc 18. Tofte'f'rttr J Nut by way of idle vifa, but tho rowly to obfrivc the 1--iiflory ut his Chrilb:m pr ad ice for godly im- j,;~~1~ 1tu;uiJcn. 1ta1ion, Hiflori<t. /itnt fid.t mtmitricu. 1lu.;,bjrl't111e. Vc1 k J 9 But othu of the Apofllo J They wen: b:.1lily attending upon thtir parnculu charge~ and uthcls, accurding to Rom.
hVt.'!lrcth tor


Behold, be(Dre God, I lie not J This he fokmnly chttr 1:.tmtacbon. An mrh ma) OL' lawfully nl~rn w htlp ihc umh i1! im:d1i1y,_ lHht1w1k H"n\;t th<.: l-l-d.>rtw word i~ a palhvc, and 11gmhcth ro 6e f1~orri , rnthcr thrn tu

1 l.






bafiadour. in King lohtts ti mt, that he had latdy read l> 11.t1ls Epi ilks, wt11ch lw liked to wdl, that .were he now co chult: has rdigi "'i un, ~e. wo~ld, lldore ~n_y oc.her, 1mb~a~t' ChnHi:.muy; but tVer} 1\
~1~e, fa1d ht ,ought to diem his own religmn

faath wherun Ac wa~ born, was the only thing that he diffaked il
thiH .Apottk.

:md che ka ving of thi


Ynlt 15 who fr p.mlttd mt ftom. &c. J How knew we this 1 -.1 but by the event ? Wt.o(ocvtr 1s bwtully calltd co the Miniftc:ry .1
5.1 Wml l'r.r/: and lJ10uld thcrl fore ao his utmo1l m 4J \'LI \t.prull. hoc 11ge, was Mr 'Pl"rkinJ his Motto.

may conn:_ivt: tha~ ht: a.lto '.'Vas fanC\1tit:d chereunco from lhe womb: the wuik Ver6j mintjler es
J '

. _Vcrk 16._Torcrznalhi4So11neiHme] Nllconly as in anob. ]<:ct ( whcrt:m the P?Wt:r and grace of Ctmlt might 1l1ine aud appe::ar) but as by an mHrumc:nc of revealing and pn:u:bmg Chnfi re many. I crm~rreJ ,,0 .,, -With fl.cfo] i, ~. Wich carnall rtafon an efil counfollour for the {o~l, R<>m. 8, 7. Indeed in lmmam. .' govt:rn .mtms, w.hcrc rcaLon 1s ihucouc, there tyranny is thrnf\ in : but

Verk 21. Afttrrr>,1ya1 I came] He kepc, bdike, a Djary of his cravds, and was ~uk co give a good :tccuum or hi~ dJdy courfrs. 1-i is nut to be du1btn.i, out that c.;ur ~a vi1..urs D1lc1plc~ k. pt :t rq~i lkr of his ho1y oradt ~ and mirach:s, out of wh1(h the i11Hor,- uf theGofptl was :iJccrward~ compilcn1 and compolld. Ynlc l i, nnd \\'Wt ,,,,k.:_111wn J ~o hn w":, P . 11! from \carnin3 \Jught of thtm. Vtrlc 23. Now pretJChtth the J.1irh J A 1lllr~1.Liius conv1. rliOil, l was a11 obll:macc Pa?1lt ( LMh L.1r1m~r ut h1lnfdf} as my w~s in EngJ.ina: lnluwuch due whrn 1 lh_uld be m;\dl: B 1c~duur ot D1virnt>' > my whole Urauou Wt.Ill a!:;amlt I' hilip _;Vf, 1'1nUkon, and ni~ opinions, 0:. c. Vnk 24, A,.d thq glorified 9 ;a J wh1(o ojfenth pr<fiife, he glorifinh me, Plat 50. z3, L.od JCCuU.HS h1nn~lt J~ it Wl'fC tu rt:CtiVt:.l new bdng,l>) thole inwm1 cum;cpcion~ uf ius glory,and by thuit: outward honours, that we do tu h1rn.

,A;f. an_/ Mo'I



A Commentary 1'pon the Epift/e



up J

Vcrfo 1, I


With B,1r11,1b.u cunlhnt l>ickcrin1:~, A I 5. 39. Sec che No rt cherc. Verk 2, By revd,1ticm J i. e, By Gods fpcciall diretl:ion: for he ordrn:ch a good mans gomgs, 'P (al. 37. 2 3. I co111m11nic,ued unto them J I laid upm chc m:mer freely and familiarly, as unco bo!Oma-fric:nds.

Councdl, All. 15. T O that firll Chrifli:.m J H.s companion, till that bitt


truth, and il:ickle hatd for it, accounting each parccll thereof precious, and not co be parted with for any good. How religi(IUS were the Apofiles and Ancient& this way? They would not yceld for an hour, or cx~h:mge one lectcr or tyllaulc of chac holy foith, wherewith Chrifl: had bmufkd chem. Vcrfo 6. wh.ufoever they Wert J A11v1fli;1e being opprcffLd with the authority of the Fathers, faith, he r(.gardL"th not .~i.J, [rd q11id, the worch of the man, bm the weight of .his rea{ons. Vede 7. Anhe Gof!ul of, &c. 1-kcql1ll1zeth hunlc::_lt co Prter inolfice and dignity: chough pfeudoapoll:ks, and pfeudoClthuliki:s drny him thlt honour. Saine ~, etrr jch.1icl's commend tor a Sm 'tcy .,f \\'cit. worchy fpiric, when they ccnfurc Same Pmsl tor a hoc-h1.:adcd per- rditi
fon, &c.
c1.t1~ofhis Pct~YJ Mini{l~\y, to th..: bwfulrn:\feofthdr ~\\Hing tothcworl<. Sohedorh, I Cor.!).t,2,3. andi Cor.13.4_5. Sel!

'/St Paul to the

------ ---




But rrivffte!y J for all good men are not fie co be trnftcd wi d1 f~ctd~ 1 lmt vnly 1ud1 .. ~ un both l<c.:rp counldl, !lnd give

Vcri~ 8,

For he ih1u Wrought, &c.] He argues from rhe foe.

Or hnd nm;,, V.f~>J J Ldl, i~ it lho~ld be thought that I had not hdd good currdpondrncy WJth thole ocher ApoHks I might lofo th~ fruit of my Miniikry. ' Vafo3. /\\',ucompelledto6ecirrnmcifedJ ;, e, I would not ytdd ht' lhould ht: Ide 11h0uld {~em co countenance them chat hdd c~rcumcilil!n 11tcdlary co l~lvaci011. In ch~ year ot grace 1549 thl' .M1111ftcr~ ot M,1gdeb11rg J1d fl:omly oppotc chem of Wit1c>1 berg andld, A!/fol:.:trn. I .J fll:.tlld kc dforch I m.mydbooks a10 ainfl: th.:m. ~ b~cautc 1 pag. 5 :z.o, t icy uca c ccuc u y, an ny c 1dr A iaphor,i, or things indiftcrcnr, as they called luL"m, they paved a way to i>l)pcry. And chis w~s(,mr~~t~ till chisJJ'.tlJll'flcd llcfotm1tt<.rn, noi; whh o~tt_c,rnk tha~ P,tc: ,ff,myr coin~nended ic co th(! care of ~cen .E/1-..,,,beth, ! hat ~.hmd~-gov1;:mours endt'avour noc co carry che Arh of rhc liofpd mco L n.<!J.rnd upon ch1.: cut of nmlleile Ceremomc:s. _i>1 . Vc_rk 4 v. n_.iware.r ,w~finx.rc1. ldbro:1,r1ht '> l J Or ('1ivily ilipt in, preccndmg p1ery co cn<.:!r war Jy or w1c kd rdpccts. With iuch ill inlhu1rumcs ch<.: ~hurch hach bem ever pdkrcd, 2 Pu,2.1. Thcfo lull-(i:o11tJ arl' kulking m <.:wry corner. . To fp~e out our libo-ty J viz, Of circu111c1fing or not circum .. c1(mg T1t1u, that they might pick a quarrdl w1th us, Th . u they might bring m imo 6onda'l.e] (c. I.o chi: cercmoniall J:rJcboltcr, Cbro11ol, law. C~rolofladi11i a~t~mpt~d 1omc tuch clung in Luthers dail.'s and by hun was oppoied. ' j. To Whom \Ve g4VI pldN J We mufl: !lick dofe to the

the Notes thert'. Vcrfe 9. who (mned to be piUarJ] Of che Church, or of the Coll~dge of Apo!Hes. The Apon:lc kc ms co iminntc, chat even Jracv~'Ti:u~~. chm m1::n bl'gan co attribute more ~h<.:n was 1_met co cho{e ho- ilrdu"1 <:arncr~, ly Apoll:ks. This degenerated afrl'rWards mco grollc fup:.:r Hicion. And they m1to the cim~mcifiJn J Y1.:c were they '}Ot fo c_ied up by this agreement, bm that they m1ghc preach upon ht occahi)n, tu . che<.Jcncrlcs coo, as might P1wl and R :irn'16M to the }:ws; bm the ( ;emile~ wen~ their chief ch~rge, and nmons them, th~~ had
~mm!t fotcl'.fir. ChrifHani~y


RFmcmher the poo,- J . Thoie Jews th~t embraced in Pal ffinri Wm: cherdore tum\i Ullt ot au by ~hm unkindc councrey .. m~ti, H eb.10. 34. Hence chis c.m: ot chc.: t\poHlcs, and chis forwardrn.:flt: in S. P.111/. Abuur thl' b~5inning ot iht: H.tfonrnttion in Fr"nce, che lJnkt: ut Lorr.iin hld prolco/J<.:d lome rhoufands of his Luthtr.m Subjttls, who Wl.'re torc<.:d to h:ed upon haw~ and acorns, &c. The D1vim:s ot Str~Jboro11gh i~ <lermtfn], moved with pjcy cowards ch de poOl' brethren, ceakd not ulll>y U1~i~difcourlcs chc:y ~ad prcvaikd wich thl.' Scnatl.' chere, ro cake thole n1i<eraule ex.iks into their Cicy, and co provi\lc: Sculta. AnnfJl, for [hem, till they might be co11veniencly conveyed tu othl!r plact:s. verre u. Em Wlwt Pn~", &c.] l would gll\dly k"m {faid
1 o.




/1'.7.111/ ,\ff}rJ,

A Commentary upon the



- ..




fo!,1 \ .;b.

that Mmyr) why the frat of the prioucy ( tognnt that) lho~ld.' b~ rather at R ~me then ellewhere ~ They !ln(wer, bcctiU'e P~t~r 1 chair WJS at R MU. This is even like ro chis, bec:mfe .Aofn rhe greard1 Pr'.)pher ' and A,i;nn rhe fir{l Pridt cxc:rc_ilt:d thtir office untiH r~1eir dcJth m the de1crt, therefore the prmc1palldt place of
thL }:w~

If St Paul 111/Je GAL A.T 1 AN s. Cbap.i. ,UiHon. The cO&tl~ny we kttp rompell us to do~, as rhey

---------- ------------


-------- -----------------------

Vcrfe1s. W1\\'hoar111ws] The Apo{\le proccedeth in his

Church !lull be in the wil.jerndl~. Rut grant them their n:ahn1 rlnt it 1s goud, whac fhould An11och cl:um ? tor Peten ch~i ir WE ti1crL' :illo, when P,111/ gave him a check, which was un. ku;1lr and unmJm~erly done of Pttul, that wou\d not give place to his Prdidrnt ::ind better. Thus for Mr Bradford. Cardinall 'B,..
ronim with;iands Pardas muchasev~rhcdid Pet~r, and bl:lfphe.

moufly atlirmcth, rim 'Pmr

~jt< dc1\


Brll:irm;He faith,

not to be ulamtd, buc I'aul a It was not Ptter, but Ceph.u

fpcccb to the Jews at A"tioch. e.Aru:l NOi jinntrJ of the Gentila] Bccmfc tinder chc Co. venant of Grace: ; Their jil'l11tJ 11nel in1qt~tirs Will I remtmbtr 10 murt. Vcrfc 16. K nowi~g J Hen.:s more then an implicite faith, or a coujcd:urall confidence. Vtrk 17. B * if whiles \\efee~J- This is the fame in 1Cnfe wich

Rom.;.31. It we iliouldargu~ ffum mm;y to libmy,:from free

Vllfr J 2. For beforr certnin J This hHl:ory pertains to A ff. 1). 30, 35. but is not there rn:orded, that we might karch the ~cripwn:s, and compm: place wich pllce. So God hath kam:r. ni rhe durtLS of lrnsb111ds and wives up :ind d0wn the Scriptures, T hlt men learning tJ be good husbands, they may learn alto to be
good men. Fc(J.rinY, t!Jcm o/tlu cirrnmcijion

ullt.' of the


ju(hfication to lewd and loo{e converfation, would not all the world cry llume on us f I readc of a monfter, who chat ni~hc chat

J I c was noc danger chat he teared but offl nee : wherein he had not done am iile, but thac in ::ivoidi;.1g a ldk fc:rndall, he fdl inro a far greater. Vc:rk r 3 And tlu other fews dijfembled] The fins of teachers
companit:d, as their pt dons. JL1rn .. b.u nl(o] Adhering to Peterratherthent0Pa1dhis old compwiuu, 1wt w1thouc a cintlure pt:rhaps of che old bitter bickering. T11 ,Ji thingi ; Good men may feduce us, as here l'ttn- did BaYnah,u, and as thole would have done PaHI,

his Princt p:udoncd and rdeafed him, got ouc and flew him. This was Michael Bu.llnu, whoficw the Empe!roUr Leo vlrmenius. Is ic potliblc that any fhould offer to do to co Chriit ~ Vtrfe 18. For if J611ild a~nin J As I fhould, it I tl1ould licenlc any man to fin, becau{e JUftific.:d by faith. Cluill: came by wa.. tcr, as wdl as by bloud : he.: jullifo:s none, but whom hc alto fant\1fits. \ede 19. Am dead to ,he Lar11 i.e. Am fm:d from the: curfe, rigotir, and irritation of che_Llw. Or, :im from fin,

11s Rom.~.7.

arc the ttachns of fins: and grcac mens fauhs go as trldom unac.


Vcde 14. TIJM thry \\alk!d not] Minifi:crs muCl both .r;.,::1!;, and c~9o.4t~1, Divide the wora rightly, and foot it up tightly. . 1 r~~idto Peter befornhem All] The faul~ waspublike, the re proof n~ult be according, 1 Tim. 5. 20, In the year 11 S9 lived Pr.1.'.0H pr.r, 21. foam~r.r S..iYifbuYienfi1, wholmth rcprovc:d th~ Pope to his face, tei .'olfijiwn and alfo wrore his PofJc.,.aticon, wherein he freely kourgith the rr.l-1rpu;t. l\c.. Poptfh Ckri:;y. 11i115 .,,,,hi/I. why compelleft thou, &c, J Peter1 example was a com l'Ollt,

Vtrlt lO. Ch,.;p liveth i.n mt] L11thcrs Mocco was Yivit Iol1.l\l.t111./ 0 ,. Clirijl HJ, Chrijf liveth :. and it he wm: not alive, I would noc 'om pat..,,, p, wilh to live om: hour longt:r. Let ihe Lor:cl frve, faith DAvid: PC 1.,8. Yea let him llvciu met,. faith Paul. Lee him ad: me, kt him thinlit in me, detirc, pray, do all in me. Lord, faith N.ld.m~e11, lam m in(hument for thee co touch. Chrift dwels in chat heart moft largdy, that ha ch emptied it fdf ofit folf, lhc Jfr.11/ites fdt noc the fwc:ctndfc of Manna,. till.they had tpt:nt the fld11-pots, and o.. thcr provifions of,


am not ungratefull to gucc of God :I do not repudiate~ ca[ate, nul l&it. . . DMJ

bychc: Law .Ambr<'fe tenders it1 Non (um iHgrat111 grti~ DN, I

and appropriateth him co a mans frlt. This is che pich and power of pmicubrhith: M1fl:ris Lewl6 the Mmyr,. bdng kt upon by Satan,alitdcaforciliefoffen:d,,. was muck comtorn:d and helped All.nJM~,-. by this text. fol.Ua6. Verle i r. I J1e 1101 /ruflr11te]. 11i-t.. By feckiog to be jullificd

AHJ g"v~ him/df for nu ]. True faith indi.viduateth Chrict1



was nor to kavc u~ ~ p.:icc~n. of p:ltlence, as Anabaptills hold 5 but to mcm fsr us rcm1i11on ot hns 1 and imputation of his ri h oufm:s fo1 our julbficJCion. , g ct..

A Com'!1e~t11r111p~n (he Epijfle \;. Chap..1, Dead in vain] Becaufe he a~c-~f~~~~~ his endi-~1dyln~,--~hkb

Chr3.~ __ ---~,{~-t--~au_l-to-lh~cf~~--~-~--:-;.-A N

s--:-- -i9~ --

Vtrfr I. 0 (Oo/ifh Gaf4ti11n 1 J

Hofe th:it arc 0ck of a Lethargy mult have double chc qu:rnti T cr_ofphylickg.IVlnthem, difca. fcs. hck were m a fpnirn1ll kchargy, - and are

.thatorh~rmmhavcin o~hcr


thcref?rc thus iharply rebuked, that they mighc bt: found in chc faith. Who ~1UIJ bmitcJud you J ~r, Btmifted7011,.ttndd.tvded] 0 ".,. I ~it: word prop:rly llgmties to overlook._, ag they call it, or i~dv-r.-1ft wc_c; tyr s ~ 7= ?d;:;1 >'-'~'. to kill with t~c eyt.:s, by ~aibng out vcncmous beams, as chc llaliV~tv ';r;i /!b, 7, l1sk, and as wHchcs :m: {:ud co do. G;JjJ,!1 Hath bew .evidc:nrl1 fer forth J As a remedy, by lookin whereon ye m1~ht have been cured or kept ham thJC bewirchin~ by the eye:_ l:k<.: as the Hung lfrMlitc.r were healed by looking on the brazm krpulC. c:rucif ~- ,11non,~ft. yot1 J In .the evidence of the doftrinc of Oml~ crucll_u!~, aod .n the admmiRution of th~ Lords Supper, thu llvdy pitl:urc ot Chnlt on the crotk. Vcrfe 2. Or by the hear~ng off,,; th ] The M:mna of the fpiric Nt1n'.1.11.? comes down from heaven m the dews of the MiRilkry of che Go 11'.c it.?, lpcl. If our eyes foe not our tc'lchcrs, we cannot cxped co hear the voice.: bchindc us, I (a.30. 20 1 21. Verk 3 Arr. _foolifh? J Thofe then chac have the fpirit may play the fools m fomt= p:maculars. Thofe that arl! recovered ot a phrrn!ic, h:ivr ycc lomc mad fi(S fomecimes.
"J l t l . I

tyrdome, All. 19.34. SeetheNoceon 1 Cor,13-J. - ---~-------- Vedc S Or bJ the hel'lriHg off14ith J Faith (and fo life) is let into thefoul by the fenfe of hearing, J(a. SS. 3. co croile chc: devil 1 who by the lame door broughc death into chc world. . Vci(~ 6. ~t l".u atwmtul t" hitH ]_This. th~ Papills jearii'lgly call a p11trtt1ve n,~htto11fnn. The Jews alto dmde 1r,and fay,Thurvery tox null yetld his own skin to the flat.r. ~Cl' Rom,4. 9, 11 lu. Vcrk 7. The ftme arechilc~ren,&c.J And h(i1s to::_~cther with him ot the world, Rom.4. which is theus in rightJ though detained a while from them by the Amol'ites,cill their fins be full. V~tlc 8. An4the Scrifwre forefecing.J Th<.! ,cripmre there- Gr1:; i11 Rig.~. fore is not a bruit dead thmg, as the Jduict:s blalilhtme. -Excdkntly lpake he, who called the Scripture, C< & animam Dci the heart and foul ot God. ' Pr~MluJ the G"!Jul] There is Goflkl th~rdorc in the old T._{tameuc. , . . lntJ>ujhAll All NAti1m1] SeemyNoteon Gm.u. 3. A.~ NatioJ11 PMll be blef[cd, i, r. jullified by faith. Vcrk 9. rV/rc ble(Jed, &c. J For they only ate l>ldlcd whofe fins are remitted, Pp.t.3 2.1. U che bldfodndtes of chat man faith chc Pfalmill:. ' . _ '
Ver[~ 10.Arc tmdc~ t~1c ct~r/c J Ant faciendJJm,a1u patienduM.Hc thac will noc h:ive cha d1~ll0n of the law,muft have the corrcCtion. t:J'~: Tluu ~cmrinN(f'1 nQt ,71 ffll] Dg'f1r,i7.z(J, H~b~Sh~UflMulfirm,

MaJc pcr{Ul 6y ihcfl~Jh] As Nc611clu1dne:{.~.1n im:ige,whofc golden hc~hndcd in dirty t~cr. Vcrl~ 4. If it lu i~ ~,iin J q. a. It is not in vain. God keep ec~ the free oi the Sames, that chcy cannot alcogctMr loofe the thmgs they have wrought, ch~y cannot tall below his fopporcing gra~c: chc:Lord pucs.undt:rh1s hand, P(al.37. Y<!t it cannot be dc:m.ed that an hypocrm: may fulfcr, and all m vain, 1 Cor. 1 3 J as did tAlfxtindtr the Coppcr-fmith,. who was near unto Mar

ss a fol\r-f<}mue{\;one. ,. '1 . 'l{t_i-;M<Q-. Vcrlc 11. Shall /iv~ by f~ith] As being jufiifled by ,!hich. See theNorconRom.1.17. - , ' -1 : . Verfo 1 ~ And ~hht!" ~not offair hJ Becimfe it 1jromifoth noa life to tho(c chat ~111.l>,c: Ju{bficd by t_aith,but require ch works. : yer~e~ 13. 'hrif! hath r~dmn.ld U4] A'S 'man <.he bought Ruiwlimi1,r. us, as God he reliee~ed us,, Ouch H~eromr~ Fot t_o red\!em is pro- m11 11101 fuu11J -pttly to bu~ foitie ~h1hgs bu~l< th4t wtre 1itorgascd. : Juit & (uu> Curfedu IVtry tmahat hngtth] THc' crce Whrrl'.tm a man ej[c.'lcfitt. 111 was hanged, the fione wherew~th he was fioned, the fWord tr..11l, wherewith he Wa9bt!headcd, :s,n,d th~ napkin wherewith he was l~rangle~, they w~re all b'uri~.' tl\Wt ther~ might (>c nocvil metno [1 1 rt~ll oHttth arH>rte, io ray ,-Tihis WaS'the tree, word; ffdne, nap- Ca 11110 . u~ .46 ex km, wherewith tuch'anontwas c>tetuted. 'r'Conft1ntlnt abolifh~ M" "' " edthiskindeofdeathcmt6f the'Empire~ But'wh:st an dddclcjfiomc was that of the TibArents 'o hao~ their beft frrct1tfs in - c91mefie,

A Comme11tMy t1po" the

S'phi11'C Pbilof


couneCle, Long11f11
bAnt f


~1 littr.-u f.tcere




Chap.J~ --chAr~s h,.b,:



of S11 Paul11 t~G A ~A ... 1 AN s.

P l7''

Ve1{:1~. 7htpromifeofthtJPirit] Thatis, thefpiricuallpro. mifr made to, and his tpiriculll polterity. Verfe15. lfPeAk,_aftertbtmA1t1ner] I tee themuccrfortbto you by a farnili:ir compuilon. ThoHgh fr b' but A m1m1 ttftament] Tr11c1 ot G/m. fltrfhirt E<quire, made in his Will, that he would have no fonerall pomp at his burying, neither pa{kd he upon a Maffc:. And he fur. thcr {aid, That he truCl:cd m God only, and hoped oy him to be fa. ved, and not by any Saine. This Gentlc'm:.m died, and his fon as EKecuwur, brought the: Will co the B1l110p of C4nterbHrJ to be proved, which he 01cwed ro che Convocation : and there mo~ cruelly they ;udged th:i t he {hauld be taken out of the ground and be burnc as an hcretick, "'rn' 1532. Dr P-1r/c!r Chancello~r of .A,, 4 nJ Mon. Worcerler t l'.ecmc:d the knrence, and v; <S afo:rwards knc tor by 1 9~ K\ng H~nr7 8. who laid high ofknce (0 his charge, &c. le con him three hundred pounds to have his pardon. Ver(c 16. which i4 Ch~ijt J MyHic:J1l Chrifi, that is, whole Chnfl : for he accoums not turnf d~ compkat without his mt mbc1s, who arc thcrdore .called his follndf~, Ephrfi1t1ts I. 13. . Vc:rfc 17. Four hundrrd And thirt7, &c.] This fp1ce of time Ugbtfootr Ehr. betwixt the promife and the law, the divint: providence cal~ imo Prolcgorn. two cquall purt:or.s of i 1 5. before the peoples going down to E g1pt, and 1 l S. of their bt:ing there. Ver(e 18. Ga-z:e it to Abraham J Gr: F.r1el1 g4vt it. Wba,t more free then g1fc ? And what better free-hold, Jhrn the divine promifc? Verfe J 9. B ec1111fe of trlf(t,re.ffions] Which are difcovered by th~ iv.w. Sisht Qf. ~ikrr. mul\ .t?o l>Ghm; knfc. of mtrcy.. Ltx, tux. cbc law 1s a hghc ( timh Ssloon) which llil'S all oprn : as 1 C or. 14. 2 5.; and threamech defiruttion t 9 tran~ grcfiours. And it ~M ordAi1mJ,&c. J Therefore it is not to be di'refpctled though we cannot attain etcr,n~ll life by ic, ' Jn the hA#d oftH.?4eaiAtol'(.J '(~at ist Qf M,ofu, Who WIS 1 '-'ediatour of that com~unication of the Law t.o the peofle,E.~od. :12.19. Chrifl: is the only Mediatourof expiation. Ando Chrifl a. !One tome cake this ccxc.

-Verfe 20, ls not 11 MeeliatoNr of~:,] 'I d.-God and men were at odds : elfe what ufe of a:Media<our ~ ~in is the makebate as being a tranfgreffionoftbe Law. ' But u011e] One and the fatnQ now as of old in taking
vcn~eance o~ the laws cranfgretiours. gre~mg or ddpleafed.

. , 93


Or, God is one pucy difa.

Vtde .u. HAvt gi.voH lifl J Thatis, h11ve jufi:ificd a tinner. But he rem lay che laws weakneHe thorow the Ad'h, Ro~. i. ~. Verf~ 22. But th1 Scripture] Thclaw and Prophets. Hath conc/Naed aN] Gr. Hath clapc chem up clofe pri. , foners. t1tml<).e1nv. ThAt the promifa, &c.] That he might have mercy upon all:, Rom,11.p. See the Note there, ye~fc 2;. But befo~e fAit.h~1C,,,t,&c.J. ;.,. Before ChrHhamc; Fauh is pat for the ob1eL't of fanh. . . We \\'t~e kept under the IA'] As in a prifon or garifon : being ffllf'f<~~ c1rcl~d with a compaffing R~ength, The finner, having rr:mfgrelfe~, 1s kept by the law, ~s with a gu1rd or garifon, that he cannot cfcapc, unlelfc he be delivered by Chrilt, Ver~c 24. The law "'al tJUr fo~oolmafter J Such an one as that
that LJvy and F_lorus fpcak .of m Itnl1, who brought forth his kholars to H11mbal : And tf he had not bren more mercifull th~n otherwife, they had all perilhed. Vc:rle 2 5. But afttr th~t faith] That is the ~ofpel, or ChriR: theaut~ourandmatterofche Got_pel, Seever. 2 3, Vtde 26. The 'hild~t11 of God J Gr. T.ho (Ons of God,. grown up ac mans efiate, fl..u,, mamnn for11l4! fo'bd11 ximm, who are no lo~gc:r under a khoolmafter. How we are the children of God by fa1ch, Secrrhc Note on ?oh.1.11, _Yc:rte 27. B11pti:c.edint~.Chrifl] And fo have had your ado. ptmn. {ea.led up umo >'out like as in' the ~ivil Rduption chc:rc were cerram mes and "remQnjc;~ uf wdly performed. mve PHt on ChriJl-J. ~0 _juftifimion and fantlification. See the Ncte.on Rom.13.14. 1 h1sa~ to be~lothed with che Sun,Rev.1 2.2. ~ c: r~e ii. T_e are aU one"' Cllrift J Souls have no foxes and ' Chnll: is no rd petter of pcrfons. Verfe 29. f!nr1 ~~cording] Heirs are kept Chore in their nonage, and fomecames forced co borrow of fervants: buc whc:n once aht years, they have all. So fuall the Saints in heaven tbouoh here ard puc to~ c. ' b




A comrne11tAry upon the

c HA l
I I I 1.


Verle 1. Differeth nothingftom 11farvant]

'Danielr chro. fol 1og.

N allulion wheriunto there is written upon the Princes arms Jchdicn, thatis, I {ervl!. I-lenr7 thefecond, King of I croWnl!d his eldd\: fon Henry, whilelt he was yec alive : which

made his ambition quite turn off his obedience. Ambition ever rides
without reins.

l! .11J~ 'T~V

Vtrle 2. But i& 11nder


Thofc under the Llw were

A'l- but Alphabetaries in comparilon oi thole undt:r the Golpel. The

~ea about the Alcar was brazen, 1King.7. 2~. and what eyes could pierce chorow it? Now our tea about the throne is ghllie, Revel.4.6. like to cryihll clearly co1m:ying the light and fight of God to lJUr t!}'CS,. V cr(e 3. when \\le \\ere children J Gr. /14fa1m, babies, that mull be pleafed with rattks : fo the old Church with ca mall Cerc:m on its. Verfe 4. B r./t Wlm1 the fidnef{e of the time] This anfwers to that time appointed ot the father, verf. 2., P l11to bid, that tJod doth alwaies jMu"~Tfc~.-, he doth all things in numb~r. 'Weight And mea(ure: He never C9mes coo foon, neither fiaits he coo long. ()gJf~"' finh l1H Srm J O"~ of hi~ owo bulomt, M"y not we f!ly, s~ ch~y did, !oh. 11.~6- Loe how he loved m:. Thi!: Wa!: an h7 rerbo/e of love. M14dr of" 'Wom.m] Of the fantlified fubfbnce of the h&ly virgin. Note this agamlt Marcionitcsand Anab~ptifts. M11de under the Laiv J Circumcitcd the eighth day ,and fo made adebtoar co do che wholdaw: which he pt:rfo8ly fulfiUed, and y<.:t (for us) fuffcrcd cbe curfc. V erk 5. r o red-em them, &c.] To buy them otf, who were in work caic chen the Turks Gally-ill Yes chained co an oar.

Olllm;V 'mlfJl.1il .llr1~qpban.

ourcbildren fay, I pray you, father, give me chis, we do iE not 1 but when we mean to give them that which we teach them tu ask. Vnfe7. vf11Jif A(on,&c.] SeetheNoteonRom.8.17. Verfc S. Teaidfarvie1] Here all religious forvicc done co any1 but God, is m:miid.Uy condemned as impio~, whether in P aga,,1 or PApAg,.ns. Verfe 9. Or r11th1r ar1 k..,,1-wn of God] Whofe gracious forelmowing and fore- appointing of us to ctcmall life, is the ground ancl foundation of our illumination and conwrfion ! our love to bim" rtA\.x of hi~ love to us. Verfe 10. Te obfarvealfies J TheChriC\:ian Church knows no boly-daies, bdides that honourable Lords-day, If:..s 7-li Revel. 1.10. and fuch holy fealts, as upon fpeciall occafions the Church tball fee fit to cclebrace,as N ovemb.y ~&c. Vede 11. Lrjl I ilAvt bejfBA'~a labour] Gr. Even to l1t.ffetude, as a Other work-folks finde thc:ir work as they ltft it & but a Minill:er hath all marr'd many times, becwec:n Sabbath and Sabbath : or if but a while abfenc, as Mofes was in

Th<4t t\e receive the adoption

d' our adoption, the full t'njoymenc of our inheritance. Vtrfe6. Crying A'1b11, P111hcr] God bath no fiill,born chil.. drcn. P""' was no fooncr convcm:d, but behold he praied, .A ff. 9.u. Thcfpiritofgraceisa fpirit of fupplication, Zech. IJ.18. And when Gc:>d fonds this fpirit of praier in co our heam, it is a Lure tign, taat he means to anfwe~ 9ur defi!C:S : like as when we bid

That 1s,. the poffdTion

Verfe 12. 'Be"' I'""] No longer a legalill:, as once, Philip. 3 s, 8. Tc h1111~ nor injHrcd m~ "' 111 J He Willi b@vc their buffoneries ind indignitie~. When !ln inconftdeme follow had ftrickcn c,.,~ in the bath, and afcerwardscried him mercy, he replied, I remem bc:r not that thou filidll: (\:rike me; 'l'u lingHct., ego 1t#rinm Domi nu.s, faid one to another that railed ~n him. I cannot be mafier of thy tongue, but I will be mall:er of mine own ears. One having made a long and idle difcourfc before Ariftotle, concluded it thus, I doubt I have been coo tedious to you Sir Philofophcr, with my many words: In goud footh, laid .Ariftotle, rou have noc betn tedious co me; for I gave no heed to any thing you Jaid. M omlil in Luci.m tels ?upiter, le is in thy power whether :my one (hall vexorw1ongtbee. St P1111/hereflukesoffthc affronts and iujurics ufkred unco him with as much cafe, as once he did the Viper. Some would have f welled, aod almoll died at the fight of iuch a thing: he only iliuok it off, and there was no hurc done. Vcde 13. Through i1'ftrmit] of the Jlifo] That is, though much broktn with many milerie1, yet I {pared not to cake pains ~ongfi you. Z "eh11r1, though he ccafed to fpcak, yec ht ccakd 0 i not

~trt.Jeh-4 I"





iJJi, ,m~" ,,~. r.Or, ~v~; '1iTIJ

Ad.i ...

of St. Paulto the GA

.iiot minifter : he took not his dumbndfe fQi- a dihnimt," buclhid <lUt thecightdait&of biscourfe, L'#~l. ' Vcrfe 14. And "'J tempmtioH J That is, mine affiittiosis, whereby the Lord tempts his, feels which way their p-.Ufa beat and how they ftand affected coward hi111. ' which 'W~ in my.fle'1] My fpirit be~ng haply untoucht. For oh che body is weak, che foul well. Affi1Cl1ons may reach but t6 che oucward mm. ?ob n~Ter complained till he was wet thorow

LA 'r. I AN


lous wooe~ they would hiive yott whole. to cfiemfelves without a corriv;ill, tf:"' t5 tetf, cognata (unt. . . .. : . The1 \-Vould e.\clude m J As fi:anding in their way. This is the guik of all fetlarks and lcducers, they denigrate the true tc11chcrs, chat thq may be the Qnly men. Verf~ 18. To bo:.ealo11flJ alfelleJ in~ good thing'} ~ n a good

till the WQters

Went over


Bca1i1u,11n;, pr.td1catio.

Hifl l.1,1.1.

N 6r rejdled J Gr. Te /Jut not o,,,.as they did, that fpet in Chrifis face. ~.ven iU C/,rifl 1efm J Who hat~ faid, He thtttrecelveth yo#, rtteweth ,,,,., le WlS a con.11non fay mg ac Confta11tinop/e, Bet tcr the Sunne fhould not ilime, then that ChrJ(oflome fhould tlOt preach, Verfe J 5. Whert u then the h!t:Jfrtlnefe J q. d, "fiMe was when ye hdd your felves happy in me, and bldfl!d the time that ever ye (:sw and heard me. Is che change now in me, or in your felves ~ Thus the Jews rdoyced in J1h11 tor a feafon. but he foon grew ll:\le tQ th~an, 9g~~35, Sec: lht Noct: chert. NmtrMJ"JiJodo 111111 moJo V#I,~"' . Verle 16. ~..,,,.lm l tlurtfore become, &c. J Truth breeds hatred as the fair Nympbes did the ugly Fawns and Satyrs. The ht:ati~ '!t truth galls,. as they wrice C>t tome creacures, chat tht!y have .fit n "#re, ga&l m their cars. It was not for nothing therdote chat the Ora tour called upon his Coumreymen co get cheit: cars healed ~efore they came any m~re co bear him. fa preach, faith Luthet ~ noth1ns t:lf~ Lm to derav~ uron " mu1~ felt chc rage: of all the Counrrey. And chertfore when one defined the mini!lerlall fun. ttion to be. Art1"'. tf~ti11m & fci1111i11m flie11tiaru,,,, the art of ans, and k1cnce oi !c1ences. Mrl.mllhtm faid 1 H he had ddined it co be mifarilfm mifariarNm, the mifery ot milerie~ ht: had hit it. ) lletAN{t I t101~11the t>-11th?] He that priieth tmth (faith S_ir 1!a/ur R4leigh ) fhall never prof per by the poffeffion or pro.. fdl1?n thereof. Anexpdl&a 1u f2.yintili11r1111 AmetNr ? When we {eek co fetch men ouc of then hos, they are apt co fret and inarl 1 as when men are wakened ouc of fleep, th~r Mti \1t1ciuiet1 ~~~Y brawl w1lh 1;hdr heft frjrnds. :Vccfe17. The.J ;t.A11/011flJ 11/frU7ou] DtptnNhHm a as /ca lous
.I '

his foul,


caufe, for a good end, and in a good m:mm;r. There is a counccrfeic zeal, as is thlt of the PopHh Mucyrs or traicours rather, of whom Campian in his Epif:Ue co the honourable Counldlours of ~~~n E li1-1ttbnh, J2.!ymaiN 11'l 11111u q11ispi11m .C no bu (Upcrcrit quiT~burno veftro'fi1w1w, &c. As long a1 there fhall be left any one of us co wear a Tibutn tipper, we will not'ceafe our fuic. An" not onl.J "1hen I a"' pre{e#t J Sith even abfent I teach and tell you the cruch of God by letters. Y erfe 19. TiU Chrifl be formed J That you may fcek for fal .. vat10n by him alone. Together with the word there ,goes fotch .a regenerating power, ?-011.1.18 .It is not a dead letc~r; :in: empty fo~n~, as fome havcblafphemed. Only let us not, as Hofaa~s unwi(c fon, {by in che place of breaking forch of childrcn,procecd no further then to convidion ; much kffe ftifle thofe inwnd workinss for Lin~ Hi hu!oc~ d~firoy their ron~epdons that they. may nm be:n the pam of ch1ldc. birch. ,.. . . .. Verfe 20. vfnd to ch1inge my voice J To !peak to your necef- (;;irof'i1t;,ru 1 fity : for now being abfcnt I fhoot at rovers, and am at iome uncertainty how to frame my difcourfe to you. . . Vcdc 21. Te 1hat dejire, &c,] That are ambitious of fiavery, ofbeggery,v.9.How many have we at thisday,chatr<:joyce in their bondage, and dance to hell in their boles? V~rfe n. l'orir id Wriitcn J It wncoough ofold to fay, It iJ W1itu11 4 there was no need to quote Chapter and vctfe, as now. Men were fo rrady in the Scriptures, chey co.ild cell where to cum to any thing at firft hearjng. Vcrfe 23, WM bor,, "fur t/,e flefo] Ia :an mdinai'y way, as all others are c for HAgAr was young, and Abrah11m not old .WM b1 pra.mifo.] .;,,.,,By a Cupcmaturall power, by a divine miracle. .: . : . . " .. . . ,: . -'. \" , , !. . yerie a4. whi&.h t/Jings tfrr"" aUtgor7] That. is;, they fignlfie or 1m1;1orc an allegory a or they, being the chings that they were, AiJH-~~1~,.f!.
th; bmc~ fcrpcm, the delugt", che red fe1,
repretcmed and typ~d out the thing~ thttt they Wel'e not. so did


0 3


As tor thofe aue. ) ' gories

.A C1mm1n111r1 upon the Bpiflle

goricS of Ori1,tn and other wanton wics, luxuriant this. way;what are they clfe but Scripwrarttm fjJHma, as one ca\leth them, Scri4
pture-froth? . . Vcrfc 2.S For thi4 Agaru mount] The ArabMnJ call_Mo~nt Sin" Avr TwiceH11gtlrflcdthitbcr,.Gen.16,and 21. tcbcmg in he; way home to vE~Jpt. From her the eAra6i11,,1 :m: called
H11gamu, and fincc (for more honour like) S11rffff"1I



of S'.Pauli1 1h1 G~t "''-" i'.iA,N


-verf;f~w1ar1,,~-;-;t;ii~~-;;,-:&c.] q. l~. We are in a farre

betecr condition the1.1 Legalifts. I h1we blef{ed I/m1ul, faith God, twelve 'Princes fofl/I be lief.ti, but t#) Covenant \\I.ill I eflablifh wth l/Aac, Gm. 17.20,21. And fl.lch h.o.n9ur h~vc all his 1 S1inrs.



Hagar.r miihcfie . .Anfwereth to Jm(alem J .That is, to the }:wifh Synagogue, born to bondage, Iii 'T il1eri1u faid ot the Romans, that they wer1: homines"J[ervitutem parati. Verfe 26. B1# 'f'ru(alem ~hich uabove] That is, the Chri ll:ian Church, the heavenly /dru(a!em, the P11neg~ri& and congregation ot the fail-born, who{e names are enrolled m heaven, H~b. 12 .2 ~. The Hebrew word tor /eruf{jtem i5 oflhc Duall number; r to fit0w, fay thc'Cnbat,{b, that tber~ is an hea.vm\y as wdl as an .Am4tn4 m"gro. , t h hl e1irthly Jer,11~/1m, and that the :cakmg aw_ay o . t e em y ~as 18 ;Je. intimaced by the taking away ot the letter JodQUt of ltrHfha/111111, ~.Sam.s.1;. . . Verfe l7 For it u \\'rittt" J. When thefe tdl:tmomes of the .old 'Ieft~mem arc thlls. cite~ in the new, it is not only b~ way of ~ccommodlftion, but becaufc they are the proper mcamng of the places~ Vcrkai, Nvw \\6, iretl1re11, M J(J"c] This the Jews to th16 day will not ~c~r <>f, but call us Mt411HAr qq;. _balhrdly Gen

Verfc 1. Be not Again en(ltngl"a J

S oxen tied to the yoke. Thofe thatfollowcd IuJ111 G11li/1HJ, Cli~~ A All.s.31. any death, r_hen to bt: in fubjetlion co any mortall. If c1v1l be grn:vous, what
chofcmher~o .u~derg~



ought fpiritu:all to be~ fhole poor m1(kd and muz\cd fouls that are held ciptiv~ in the l>opes dirk dun.geon, have an ill til'nl! of it. Evedinte, being reconciled to the R.ormm Church, I fobjt:Cled my felfand my Kingdoms ( faid King John of Eilg/and) co the NuHiJ mibipr~ Popes allChority, never :my thing Wtmt well with mt', b~c all a Pera,(e.J orHi 4 . n . . . "11Jer {a e"tHI gamu. me. . . .. . . runt, Verfe i. Behold l 'PAul] q. ~ As true:isl am, and do writethefe things. Chri.ff fh11// profit 7011 nolhi1ig J For he profits none, but thofe
that uc found in hitn, not h1ving their own righteoufneCfe1 which



Vcrfc 29, Pt'l'fmmJ him] By crudl mockingt.and reall in)u

rics, challenging the birth.ri~bc, and de.riding the ~~m_Janc, &r. The Papifis made way tor.their gr~t pro1c:a~t perdmoam 88. b_y Geo~ge Ablictr dividing the people here w1der lhc ltarms of Pto.teUanc and Pun a. 11: w 1'. Htis, wd pJQ~o.liing chem t~a,c;uy _...J. t.. h ml. to .rca Jl an d n~uLua l' 1, 00 tn ate 3 and comempc. . : Ev1H [ti it titn1w] ~lld to alfo it is now, may .wt! lay at this da). hr .wht.t do VapH.\s pei~cutc us for eU~T but ~ecau(e We"."

~~heir jfiimcat~by wor.ks lr Thc~poif&>n_~~ die"'.~wn. Car~1

natl ContarenlU, for that'he declared himfeU (ound m thiS pomt. by a book that he fft forth fo,me four years. afore dat Councdl o~ 'fr-em. . Vc:rfe JO. Sh6R no1 bt htiP'J] No juftitiary can be fin<!d. A Papin Grum." t:go btypnd i rcprilbait. f 1'r111 ]Ml'" P~pHltt fH1' Jn """; R.~v, 1~. a i. \. Verie 31.


is of the law ,but thac whic~ .is ,chrough che faith at CJJrH\, the rjgh teoufnes which is eJt tiod through"faith, Phi/~3.9; As PIJAraoh laid of tbc Ifrlftliw, they are int angled in the Land, the wil~ernes hath fhut them in,E.~0.14.~.So may it be faidof Pharifaicall and Popith JulHdaries, _they are entangled in the, f~nd conceits .of their own rightcoufncffc,they cannot come to ChnCl:. A man will never ttuly dcfire Chrifr, till foondly thaken; H~g 2. 7, ~. . , Verfe 3. That he MA atbto11r] vi:t.,; if he be cfr~mcited with an opinion of meriting thereby. Lhrill: wi'll be "ur'fole Saviour, or noncihe will rtot 1ningle his precious bloltd with ou~ p:.tddle-C\ufl~ . Verfe 4. Chrift i4 btcome ofnoKt, tJf'ta] Wpc th~n co }.Jopifh /'"'' ~'1 pra merit-mongers. Willi11m Wicft"m, tounder oF .NeW-.c9ll.c.dg~1 ~'~p,:, on though he did many good works, yet he p~of~[ed. he trullcd Eph. ~ J ro Jcfus Chrift alone foll falvatioll. 'Sodid Ch4r/es th~fift6mpe.rour of GermaHy. So did m~ny ofour fore-fathers in times Qf Popery. re ref118111 jom grAGI] It cannot hence. be' cohcludcd, tliac

0 4




hearer. Verfe9. A lit1~~~fv111 J vh, OHalCedod:r~nc, Mat. 16. 6. Sec the Note there. . Vetle 10. 'Bui/,,. th11t ~r1Hhleth 1DN] . That hcrdiarch, or rmg-lcader of th~ fa~1on. 1 he Beall and chc faHe-prop~ec, arc taken and ca.JI 11!111e mco a lake, G:..c. when the common lore tdu. ccd by chem had an eaficr judgement, Rtflel. 19. 2 o, 21. Yt:r!C: I I. ,.~~,do .'.J~~ (Ujfer perjew tion J Fro1n the Jews zca .. lous ~f Che.La~. Ir is wdl obr~t~ed, th:lt tht: n~arer any arc unto D. 'D.1yupon a ~on1untl1Pn,a.n .~11~ttns of rd1gmn, and yec fomc dittcrellce re .. 1 <.;or,16,pi tamed, che dc<:pcr is tht hatred. A Jtw hares a Chrifl:ia11,worfc chm he doch a T,urk. _or ~agan. A Papi{t hate. s a P.rotefl:anc wort.le then he Non 'ircurnci- d h 3 J.1 ..; ,;.>..; da1tturmodo, ot cw,. ".:rf~ - , . . faJ&a/J(dt1Vcrte u, /'W1J11/dth1J~V11'1rven~11t] N<Jt circu,,,cifeel 0111 111

Vc1fq. For ~e1hru11gh the iplrit] We Apofiles hope for you Will{>. tQ heaven any other way, '"' /lt:ntliio you mull creel a ladder, and go up alone, as ConflantiJiie fa id to Acejim the Novatian haretikc. y~rlC 6. Neither circumcifion J Unregenerate Jfr,tr/ is as E tlnopia, Amos 9.7. . , _But f~itl1 that w,o~/zfth] Iuf/-ifi~a"!ur/rib~ midi.I. Ejfelliv'e a Deo, appreh1njive a fide, declarative ab operib111. Faich ju(Hfies che man, and works jufl:ifie foith. Y.crfc 7. Ye did run \\'e/J J, 1'rll11er S11 mb. T t Why dove ' now llop or fiep ba'k? 1'' '-" m11M ,.-uurrer~, ?HMN "111 c currer1, w_as che Emperour fhilipt fymb6ll, ~ktt.c:r ru~~ bJck, ~hen run amine : for in this cafr, He that hafleth \\'1th.h.f4ftet,fi11nfth, Prov.19.a. But co run wdl ~ill a man tw~ats, and then to fie down, and. cake cold, may caufca confumptton. Vcrte 8. 'Thu perfr111jion J Sectaries and feducers have a m6~tel\01rct... firange arc in perfwading, C~lof. 2. 4. A Md although. we thjnkc our f.d ~cs able enoug~ .to .an( we.~ and, witbihnd chm argn.1oocs, yc.:c. IC is dangero~1s dealmg with them. The Y'ale'!tinian,. ht.'r~akes had a mck .to pcrf wadc bctorc they taught .. c,ArTcrtullia,J. '>'iUJ could cosgc ~ die > ~ad. cozen Chi.: fimplc and needlelfe

the ApoUc:. fpeaks concii~onally, anti ic may be undorftQOd of the true DoCl:rmc of Gods free~grace.

_ . -~:_::_~.___t'f._'!!"'tlltArf>UP'a" tht'Bpiftle





1/St Paul t~ thl GA

L A 'I'




~ ! 0 - ribhu:oulndfc by faich.



Jantur. Chryf.

INt ro11ndJ

- That ,,.,,;,M~pu] That c_ ur;n you upfidc down, or tbac tum you gut o(hoij(c and_ !wiato . . - r .-- - . -,
Jf' . , _;, )

6u1 CHI elf.

~ ' '




Vcrfe 13. Only Nfe 11ot 1QHr libert7 J Jn mA~:ima libertate ,minima licenti4. Therefore are men chi: worfe, brcaufe they fhould bebmer. ChriH: came co call finners, nor co licemioufndfo, hut ureptntnnce, Mar.2,17. to cake his yoke upon chem, t..Mar.11. 29. co hire our their mcii:bers krva1~cs to rightc:ouli1dfe_, Rom, 6. i6. Hence ic is, that as S.Pa11/J 'ffip1lUes largely prove hcc: de.. Clionand ju{tificationby Chri{\; : So the Epifiks of lames, Peter, :md John, prdk to love and new obedience, lcll: any t110uld argue from mercy to libc:r cy. Vtrfe 14, For a/J the 1'1w J i. e. All the fccond table h che Law co che 1c:con r d T abl e, The Scripture of.t appropraacec n. ., h fi n. as Rom. 13. ~. Ep hej.. 6 . 2 .&c . A. man 1m1u. cxi.:rclle t. c ru. cable in the kcond, the duties of his generali c1ll1ng m his pmicular calling. ln the fid1: Commmdimcnc, faith L11ther, tile kt:cping of aU the law is cnjoym:d. Ncichcr can any one love his ndghl>our as himfclt, buc he that loves God a. bovc all, Vcrle 1 S. B11t if1e bite, &c. J Si collidimttr, fr14ngimur. If we cla01 , we break. Diifolution is the daughter of diHcnion, faid N ttd 14 n~en. The Turks pray to God to keep the Chri,. {Hans. at variance. JfnuJitu in u'.Eg1pt Vtxed one ano'.ther : And Chrill:ians , as if they wanted er~cmies, f1ic in one :mothers faces. This is a fad tori- tol<en ot a deadly confumpcion. Vcrfe 16~ Thu I [111 then] For an antidote ag:iinfl: abufe of ChriO:ian liberty. Set tht: Spirit, as Ph11raoh did lofaph, upon the chief Charec of your hearcs, and kt all be at his bed~ and chetk. Verfo 17. Fot- the Jlefb IHjl-tth]. Every new man is two men. Whac can a man fee in the Shu/amhe, but .as the appearance of two Armies i C11nt. 6. i 3 ? Thek maintain civil broils withi\1 h~rt as the two babes did in RcbcGC1l s womb. Ail was jolly quiet at EphefUI, till Pi:t:tl came thichcn ~m then.there :irofcqofmallfiir about chat w~y, AEl.I!W3 So is there m the good foul, &c. _. . St1 .that Je C(fnnot do1 the th;ngs, &c. J. As ye cannot doe the good that ye would, bccaufe of the l.1dh (llom.7. u. {omething lay at the fountain-head, and fiopt it) fo neither can ye do chc evil chat ye would, becaufc ot the Spirit, lll which relpeet, fettkig the ingmitude afid~, the fins of godly men are le[e then ot
~t~CtS ~

rcl1quorum nium b' om. o , crva11 tlap 1 .~L'ititul'.


Cancr.Medir. hi/I crnr. -:.,




A comme11tar-y "1'" llJt Epi_!le Chap.s. ---o~h~~~--~ be~~~fe-~h~-fl~fu cann~-t ~;ny- i~ ~itho~;f~~~~~;;.
buffs. Ve_rfe_,g, Te
not11~deY r~e ~a~] For wherethefpiritis, there 1s li~i.:rcy, hom the rigour, 1rrnu1on, 3nd l!laleJidion oi the

------------ ------. --- -----------------Chap.5'. of 5' Paul to th~ G AL ,. -r JAN s. ______ -' ___ ___.__________

.-Verre 1:3 Mukntjfe, temp1r11nce] ~ec~--EU(,-~b;t-hw;;---------~ tamous for thefc cwo ~mu.:s. King Ea"'11,.,J 6, calkd her by C~mJ Elifall. no other name, theR htJ fivut jifler Tunpmmcr. She did fd. ~omc cat but one fort of meac, rofc ever with an apri~tice, and
hVt'? about 70, yca_rs. Nuce co. the holy Scripcun:, tl1c pret~_rr d (as the o~ft piece) Sc nm' l){)ok of ck1m:ncy. When Che s. W.l'au&bar:! fa1d,that book ~ad done her much good, yea> {aid 011t, buc ir huh done your fubJetls much hurc. ri1. HrJrirlt Agai11fl (uclJ ther1 i& no law J 1 Tittn.1.9. As, for the works of ~ Sit nc.n~. the H:ll~, there is no Gof pd. Vttle 24. And they that art Cbri.fls J When Chri!l: came in t~e l1d11, we crucifi~d him : whi!n he comc;:s into mu hearts, he cn,1. c1fits m. H~llt crHcified the flefh J To crncifie is not abfolucdy and Q"~-raght t~ kill ; Crncin1uon is !l lin~rin" death, no mem. b~r bl:ing f m: ~r~m 1~--i~. Jf then ~e fo repent of tin ( a.s that which crucified Chnll) we fo pierce the plJ man chac w~ ~re fure. ~e Vfill die of ir, though he be noc prclemly dead, t~1s 1s mornficauon. Thofc bcafis, D11n. 7.12. had their domi .. mon taken away, and yet thcit hvcs prnlonged fot a


Ve1(e19. Nor1 tlu \\'ork_r of the flr/'1] Sinners ttre forebbollt' crs; wicked men great workmen. Would they cake but half that ra!ns tor _heaven that they do for, hdl, thty could not, liktly, m1<fc ot 1t. The Hclrcw and Greek words tor ft11nt import

J The~ lie above ground, and arc condemned by the light ot nacure. Wicked men al Co h:ing out their fins to the
fight Qf the Sun, /f.q 9,

labom. ~.,.~ ,,w1ifHl


Verfo rn. Jdolm1] T~is is ficly fee afcerthofe fldhly fins, is commonly accomp:rn1td Wlth them, 1 (or. 1o.7, 8. Sir w 11 / 11,. ~ nl~i,~h knew wh:ir he ~a.id_, c~:tt were he co chu 1e a religion for lic~n~1ous liberty and hklVlouf ndfe, he would chu{c the Popi!h rtl1g1on. Verfe 21. MurtherJ, drm1k!nne.lft J This is ofc the mother of munher. Domirim the father ot Nero, Ocw Liberim 2n ho' n~fl: man, bccaufc he rdufed to d ~i~k fo mu~h as he command~d

him. A/,.'l:.inde>- killed mmy of his deu tmnds in his dninkeh-


~q:in 1 2 1

mfie, whom he would have revived again {but could not) with his o~n hearc- oloud. <:nee he invited a company co <upper, and provided a crown at- 1 ~o. pounds to be given to tho{e that drank mofl:. One and fourcy killed chemklves with drinking to get that crown. Vt:tfc :u. The f uit1 of the fpirit J The fpirit of grace uc thofe two golden pipn, Zach. 4. thorow which the two olive. branch~s empty om of t~cmfdvt~ tho golden oil:i of all pn,ic\i$ graces mco the CanJ_k~t1ck,_ the c.h~n;h : Hence grace is here and tllwhere called che frulCS ot the fpmr, pleafant fruics,, Ca1rr.4.16. and 6.2. !oh.1 s.16. Long(uffering] It hath b~en qudl:ioned by fome whether a man can be long-f~ffering , ~in~ .A":\:ilio vt_itt: wirh ou.t. the help of grac~. But chat which 1s nghr, 1s a fruit of the

fcafon. With tb1 ajft Uions J Sinfu\l, fudden paffions. And /J1.fl-s J More deeply roou:d in Ol-U: nat"res 1 Al'\d. fo 1 not (o eafily overcome. . Verk _25, If \\'e live in th6 Spirit] SpirituJll men on. ly arc heirs of life 1 Peter 3. 7. alt others are deid jn m; .. fpalfrs. . L6t "' ~alk.] Walk or~edy ~J /i111, 11na bJ r11le, mar~h . lif rAn~. &c. L1f~ confill:s m acbon. Lite, {aich the . Philofo- <;Dl~,u~. phc_r, 1s iuch a faculty ~ whereby crcatres Jn6lve th~roftlves in t_hm own places. The godly dteem ot lift by that ftining they tin3c in their (ou1~ ~ as tl{e Chl'.y lament, as ov~r a dead i~ul, Ir~. 38. 15, i6. Vl:rfc ~6 . Le~ .'" no~ be def ro'!' of VAin y,_Jor7]. Inf.Ml

dulcedo .~lort.t (~alth ~./.bu.u ~Jlimu:) faciliu1 co~u.mnen

Gtntltnelf'e] Gr. Vft_fM,,eJ{(,JwmneJ(e, _F"itb] Thatis, FAithfob11ft, as MAt.13.13. t

T;,,,, f u.
Vcrfc 23.

i~ much tro~ble i~ GcrtlfA~J l>etwix.t LuilJCr, and Caro/tJf1ted11u, and t~at br_cd the Sacramcntary war, that is not yec endc:J, lt Wa$ a flying ot LmluY, F1om 4vainpJ01io1u J)o[lour, ,.. fi'om ....

a.4 aicirnr ~- qt1~m,. ~OHtemnfrur, Jt


[~~ ViCt: thit ra4tt?d

T1t.1. to.

d Comment11ry upon the Epiflle

-------ft-~;;;;;;,teH-tl~--;;;pAaour, ')'

""d ftom

the good Lord Jdiver hu ChHrch.

Chap.~. 11n1rG-b/e <> ... a VJPI.. c-<..!fp 10#/,,

ef St Paul to the GAL>. ti~ N s.

_ 20s

fuOred t\p-by-populiricy, or 'Other -bale r~cch-:--~ . '





If,, man be 011ertnk.m ]




and paihons la~ noc long. T_h~re is no WAJ of~ick.!dnef[e ;,, them; Thc_y fiand norm the way of ftnners, the~ fit not downc in the fm

R. Be taken. he is afore he hath time to con. G fidcr,or l>cthmk hunfrlf of l>mcr. cis of incogicancy chat the Saines fi~: put them in mindc, and they mend all. c is of paflion


Verfe 1 iv~t-7 "1MH Jbd8 b,li.,] ll~ '!hoirow tht:'rdht~ in chc work of fclf~cxaminacion. , Sparmg a link p:uns ac tirtt, do1bles it in the end : As he who will i1ot t!tl up bi~ books, his books Will ca(\: up him llt lengtb. Th~ ltlHery ot moft men is, that their mindes are 11s ill fd as their eyes, ncithe'r


of them look inwards~ how few are ti.ere tb:ic turn iliort .again up1tn thtmfol ves, fo as co lay, What hitvel d~ne ? Woe to all filch when God th:tll (end ouc (ummonJ fir flupers, When he comes toft:arch '/ern(a/e'm with cmdlcs, and puttifh the men ch1t arc fc:t

1,d ()n their le~s, o-~. Z-er" i, 1 ~.

paw.:nts tenderly. Lefl thou 11/(o be tempted] I have known man, ~aich Bernard, w~o wher~ he had heard of c~mmmed fome notorious ofknce, was wonc h1mleU, Ille hodic, cf ~go crt, He fdl co day,

Rcftore foch 101 one] Gr. Set him i11 joynt agai". A Mc.. tap~or from Chyrurgcons and bone-fetters, who handle their

butco1ntminicace as a right l fee l'M/t'm.17. a~ wage$ for his work, .M'4rkJS. as pay for his pains, 1 Cdr. 9. I 4. Sd: che Note

Vt!rk 6.. Com'lll11nicA.te ttnttJ him J NtJr comriMte a~ tn alm!:,


a good old any chat had to fay with fo may I to

Vcrfe7. Be not deceived] Thinke not all wdl faved that is


ThclT. S 4

Vcric 2. Rttw !e one 11no1berJ /,mdms J When itftcr-rc prehcnfion, fi~ne ~s become a burden , foe to your lhouldcr, and help to lift JC off. SHpport the \\ eak._e, 6e patient to w.ird all. Verlo 3. Think; him(elf t<J he (onmhing J The felf-dccei ver cake~ his counrer, a!1d kts it up fo~ a chuufand pound, as the Phanfees and Laod1cean1. Offuch JC may be faid as fl!!in tilian fomewhcrc of lomc over-weencrs of tht:mfelves, that they might have proved cxcclkuc fcholars, if they had not been' fo perCwaded already. Ver~tt 4. B 1tt le~ ever7 mAn prove J This is an excellent remedy aga1~{l felf.dece1t 1 nnd !l n.kanis tQ m"kc one fit to rcpruvc o~

from the Mimlh:r. It is a faying in the civill-l:iw. C/cric15 Laics fairt 1ppid'o infinft : Many thmk it neither fin, nor pity to beguile the Preacht:r. But God is not motkcd, neirktr will he be robbed. by !lny ~ but they ih1ll hefr1 n ilrt flrrfad "1ith " CHrfe, Mal. 3 s, 9. t:Vt:n wi_th Sh11lllfmS cur re (!er, si. I 1, 1 2,13.) that u(ed his nei~hb{)Urs krvic<: With~

vuc wages, and would lacr1kgioufiy tAkt: ill a pkcc of Gods Win dows imo his wide hbufo, ver, 14. . Verfe 8. 1"or he elui.t (oweth in 1he Jlefo J He that ncgk fling his poor foul, cares only to feather hts rilfi~. and co heap up riches. Si ventri bent , ft /Attri, as Epicnrm 1n Hork~: lf
thcbtlly may be filled, the b'1ck fitted, kt the loul fink or f Wim, he takts no choughr. v trfe 9, And let 114 not b~ l\1t'ary J Let us oat givl! in, as tited ~Y_d.wi~ ~des: hoc at hand Mdome hblds our. . 1-'~r in Jwg {rli(on Yt~ fhnll rt1ip J We mn~ not look 1oibw and r~ap in a day ! !ls h~ faith ot che H]ptYho~uw peole, tar North, rhat thty fow fbordy afi:et the Su11. rifir~ 1v1th the1h 1 and Hcrcsb~ch~ reap betorttht: Sun frt: th:it is, bec:lufe the whok half year is one Jm ruflic 4 cominuall day with them. If Wt fttint Hot] 6J11uend~ aefllilg"tlo wrpi4 eft, cum id Cbdefinib, 1#od '}1t1rit11r, fit pukherimum. It is a fh.ant: tb faint. in the fcarch ot that, which b\:ing fou11d will more then pay tor the pains o~ fearching, C11/e6 wa~ not diftt>utagcd by the Gi..
. ?DtSI.

Tacic,lib, 1, 0 ,

. And tbm .foa~ he ha7:'e rtjo1ci11L~ J Vt tt11imoniHm perh1be11t co,,fcmltlit proprn, non ling Ha 11lie11a faith ...lugH ftin1, that chine own confcience, and not 'another mans congue may tefl:ifie for thee. Om,,M SarmatrirNm vlrtm e....: trtt ip(os, faith T11rit"' All t~e f~lf:dcccivers goodnetfo is

the~ wah

mcr'y and mcekncs.


- ----~.....--------



:. tJ/St Paul to the


L A 'I' 1 A N



A CommeNtar1 upon the Epijlle




~e co be Lucking a.t th ofe botches ; .He

ants : therefor~ he ha~ He,ron the place of the Giants 1 fo thofc that fame flOt m the way to heaven, fhall inherit heaven. Vert~ to. eAs \\te have t'1ereli>re op port"nit1 J Catch acit as .the Eccho cacchc~h che ?ice. f ofeph rook cbe nick of time c~ gain Eg]pt to the Kmg by teeding che hungry, fo may we, to get
who ttre of the hoHfholJ J Of the family of faith, Gods houll1old-frrvams. That was a de{pcrate relolve ot .Aigo/A11J Xi_ng of Arra.g~11, who coming co the French Court to be ba: pt1zed, and askmg who thok Laurs and poor people were tblt waited for. alms fr~m che Emperour Charltmai,,1 Table~ When one. an{wered. him that they were the Mdfc:ngtrs and lervan~s _of God ; I will ncvc.r krvc that God, faid he,, th:ic can keep his krvants no bttcer. Verfc 11. Ho,.., l.trg~ If letter J Gr. With "'h11t good grtlft ttxtletttrs. I have written unto you wich mine own hind (no fair hand l che greu~fl: Clerks ue not alwaieo thi: bdl Sujbcs) a~dnot byanyTerr.iJU, 01orherAm.1HtHji1 1 Rom, colliew his love, and prevent impofiure, 1 Thrff.2.2. . Vcrfc 12. To m~ke ~fair fhew J Gr. To {et "~ood pice o" 1t 1 afore the Jcwsefpec1ally, and co n1gratiate with them. F ~r t~e cr~ffe of Chrifl J Th:ic is,for the doCl:rine of the crotfe, or of JUfl:ific:itton by the death of Chrdl crucified. Vedc 13. Keep the./.iw] Rom. 2. 23. Hitrome doubteth not co pronounce chat man accurfcd, that faith it is impofii. bk to keep the Law,. Std quid vif!un /i~ Hi.eron1mo, nihil moram11r ~ nos q111d verlfm flt 11u1Nmm111, faith Calvi11. B~c lee Hurome hold as he will, Wt: know chc:re is no fucb th mg. . Th11t thty HM! glo>'l ;n 10Nr fleP,] That they pride rhemfelv~ m rhe.1~ulmudeot then: followers, and curry favour with the Jews by gammg many profelytes. Vcrfo 14. .BHt God forbid, &c.] The Saints keep a confi:ant counccr-mouon, a~d are AmipodrJ to the wicked, They thus anJ thus, buc I otherw1fe. Where/,' the W1rld u crucified] I look upon the world 3S a ~ead ~hmg, as a great dung-hill, &" That harlot was de ce1vcd m :-,, P11ul, in thinking to allure him by laying out tnof~ het ~W.~. f-i~ b~,a~ g( prufi1 and plcafure : He had no



a v~~y ~rucifix of mortification ;And in his face (as one iaid of Dr Rayno/di) a man might have ken, Vtrnm mortiftcati horninu id~am, the Lruc porcra1ture of a mortified man. And I to the \\?orld] q.d. The wotld and I are well agreC'd. The world cares not a pin tor mtt, and I {to cry quittance wi'h it) ,;m; ss lictlc tor the world. Vcrfo 1 S }'orin Chriff 1tfiu J That is, in the Kingdomt: of ChrilL BM ti new creature] Either a n~w man, or no m!n. Vcrfe 1 6. e,According lo thi.1 r11le J vi:;:,. Of the new cream re. Pe~ce be on thtm J Not only in them, or With chem but 011 them, maugrc th~ malice of earch and hell. a Vcrfc J 7. From hmceforth let no man J H. r~ he takes upon him ::.~,":~ r."1 as an Apoltk, and fpcaks wich amhority. J'wA;,,
I br.u in


my bod} the mark./ J As fears of honour,

P 1111[



hid bct:n whipped 11 Hocked, iloned. o}r. The lll!lrks of theft! he could htttcr boa{l of 1 then 'hot\: hilt: J\poHks of rhcir circumcifion. And hereby it appeared that he rdukd noc as they did, to fotfrr perfocucion tor the crnffo of Clmll. In' the ym i 166. the Synod held at o.,ford in the raign of Henry
the kcond, banil11cd out of Eng/,md thiny Dutch Duduurs (which taught the right u{e of Marriage, and of the ~acra.. Alf/Ct/, ChroJJ~ ments) afcc:r they had firfl fiigm:mzrd or brandtd them with p. 3 51. hot iron~. John Clerk., of Jl.f ddcn in France, being for Chrifis fake whipped_ three tewrall daits, :i~~ afterwards having a mar~ kt_ m his fore-head, as a note ot mtamy, his mother l>choldmg Jt (thou:;~ his hthcr _was an advcrlary) encouraged Afl. andM<m.
her Ion, cry mg with a loud voice, Bl<!fed br. Clmil, and \\'el- f~~-~oi, . fW~ be theft print1 and tn!lrh.J of Ch>'tft. The n~x.t '-'eat af.- I C:hri(lfl4 .6 t: ., H L I. . h . I . t'JUfiJ 1 l1Jr,1111ta.. 0 .d , / ci": f4nnu 15 i 4, c urilne t i: un:igcs w1cl10uc Cht.! C1cy1 ' " W:11ch his fupttlht1uus Cuumrcy-mc.i Wtrc to wor11fr> the nexc day. for ch~ which he was appn:hcndcd, and ha:d his

right-hand cue oft,_ his note puHcd off with Rinfrrs , lmch his anus, and boch his brdts corm: wirh the fame inlhumt:nt; and after all, he was burne~ at a Hake. 1n his grcw:lt tormrnts he pronounctd that (;)t rhc P fa/mi.ft, Their idols art:
Jil.vtr and gold, 1/,e Work.} of mens ha~ds, &r. I conclude

Sm. te1. An11Jl,

UUs d1kuu~k w\ch that fa~1 ing of Perie/or IF i1 rm xvMJ




- -


20 g

.A Co11t111(#~ary t1po1Uht &.pijlh,&c. C.1-p,f.

thAt, ~or:"1 If {iff!Ji~r,, b11t11. tAr"t buck/er, a crA~/t! ~tfJntt, ~- b/,mt fword, A fell!'' fare, &c. Ot thcfe B iro.n ch.t French Marfhall boaficd ac his dcach. And Suva i!: renowned for this, chat !H the ftege Qf ~
- ---



----- -prtci~,;; flo;;;s-~--fl11-t11;;, t;<.c.




________________________ ____







. 'Dcn(a w},fc in his 1hidd,, and loll one of hi~ eyes.. and_1et gave not ovcrtill Ce rc;r "' r..'!uic (ar came to his rekue, .. .

folong alone rdifkd I'ompel.1army, thac h_ child 220.damlticking

Vt.:de 1 s. Be with 1oM ffiirit J Spmcualsardpec1ally co be de. f:rc:d tor ourfelvc~ and our~. CitterA aut atlerunt, 11ut 110111ber~nt, Ocher things we {hall citht.;r have, or not wam,buc beai well with.



om them.


Vpon the Epiil:le E pH Es

or Sl Paul to the
I AN s.

c HAP. I.


To the Sainls---to 1he{aithfi1n]

1dy : for it is by faith, that we become Saints,

41-.15.9. Verfe 2, Grace be to 7ot1, .md pe.itr.e] Thefe go fitly together: becaufo W~muf\: kel< 0ur pt:lC6
in the frci-grace and favour of God. Hu: Ark and

therefore from ert'rnicy, vh.. by vt:nu~ of th:i~ ll1,1m1uu: muure1 Which he.!hould afiume. ' ., ?. TIMt

Verfo 3 Bh({-d b~ a~J] Qratitt ct.Jft dtc11'>'(11J. Nhi grati11rHm recurfm. .f\ th.rnkfUll mm !lull alM:rnd with bldling~. .. : wi~h al~f;i>-i.tu~fl blef!inv J W_ifdome, prudenct:, \7a. vn !~I a Br.,1amm1 pomon, a goodly hemage. Verlc 4. He hi4th chofen "' in him] Chrifl was Mt:diatour

Mtrcykat were never fundrt'd.

-----------A C1'"1#entary upon tht BpJjlk 210


-o.ap--.,.-:-.~~--":"::: .

' '

~. ' '1 .

_:-'.":,$ .....

t-:-p-,.u1-,-,-tl--11e-.E-P-.H-B.-S-l_A_N_l~.--------2-1_11_ ..

That \'tlejhou/d he ho/1 J Goe! elected us 11 Wtll to the means, as to the cAd. Note this againlt Libertine$. For as they All. i7. 3 1. could not come fafc to land ch1c lefc the Chip : lo neither can

men tome tu hca vcn but by holincilh Cyr m was moved co rcftorc the captiTity, by finding him(df fore.appointed to this glorious frrvice 170. years before he was born, I (a. 44.18. Should not we likewife be cxciced to good works by this that we wm: ekd:cd
to them. Without hiamt J Or blot, Ephcf. S. 27 .A~{que q1mel.i, Luk. 1.6. Beflrehim J i.e. lnp14rit7 of h1art, 2 lCing.20.3. bzlovt] ln(anfJiryof lift. Verfc ~. H~ving pmJeflin,.tea "'J Interpreters have obfer ved that this word that fignifics to pr;ddlmate is but ii" tirnts found in the new Tef.tament (never in the old) being rctcrrcd but twice to things, .All.4.28. & I (ar. a.7. tour times ta per. fons. R"DJ.8 29,~o. Ephef.1.5,11. and never applied to reprobates, but to elect pedons only. Howbdc Djyi11es under prede. ftinacion do ufually confider the decree both of ckctiun and rcpro. bation. Thcdoarinc hercot men fhould not advl:murc to cc.:ich till ency have well lmnei. and digeltcd it. In the year 1s86, It1 Jobm AnarelU the Luthertt,,, and The"lo" 'Bt~ll conitrrcd and diCpuet:d for eight daies {pace at Mompeli1r : the Hlue of which Alp ed. Chron. c<mferencc: was unhappy ; for frQm that time forward the p.561. Doctrine of Prcdell1nacioo wu much mifu(ed and cx1gi Vcrfe 6. To the pr~ifa of the glory] This is the end whm unto ic is ddl:irn:d: and hence it is called Predeflinatio11. Note here that aU che cautes of prcddlinarion are meerly wichom us. The efficient, God : the materiall, Chri!\ : the formall, the good pleafure ot his will ; the fiinall , the praifc of Gods gtorrtms grace. a~y.~ wherein he hath made Ul acctpttd] Gr. He hath ingratiated Guitifi,tavit. ns, he laathjuflified us, made m gracious in his beloved fonne our f11iiat4. Media tour. And although tkere be an inequality of expreilions in duty, ~011d no1, in us, yet there is a conftancy of wortb and in~ cercdfwn by Chrift, profter 1'01 ,. for us. Ver!~? Ju"''-'"'"'' MAt.11 .,,J,,,,ptitJH J As esptivH nnfom c:dau pncc. What dmpricewas fee 1 .Ptt.1.19.Sboui!d not CbrH\
thcr~~~~ reap t~ tr~!~~~ ~is foul, I fa.SJ ~.

--iheforg_iv111.tfe;of ~"' fi~s J .This D Avid counted his crown, nd prizeci at abave has amperaall diadem, P@/.103. 3, 4. . . Verfe 8. ltna.wi[dom; an1 prHdtnce T Thac properly refpedcth 'onmnpkuon, th1:1 aaaon, S<1m1ru 1111dc no diltinction betwixt them. For, fa id he, who to knowcth good to prad:ifc ir, Kcnopltoo rle and eYil to avoid ic, he is a man truly wife and prudent. tlifl usQcwJ 1 Vcrfe SJ The m1fler1 of hi4 'Will J That is, che Gofpel, a my.. fterybothtomen, 1 C111r.2.8. andAngels,Ephef.3.10. Vc:rf.: 1 o. TJuJt ;,, the difPmfotion J liod is the ben oeconomick: his houthit: is cxa~ty ~rdc:red] foG~ mat ctr o_f good h~dbandry, otX4~l4't:t..
G111 er toge,,,er


r. Refilff1Hl11u, re

UGI all

to 1 head,


i.v 11iu~ttM..,.: .. Boih.wbi&h 1m ;,. heaven J The.crowned Sai~t~, and perhaps ~:ht,. th\: glorious Angels, who ( accordmg to fo~e D1vmes) being in themCelvcs changeable creatures(and therefore called Shinan, chat is,mutable,P (41. 68. I 7. )receive confirmation by Cbrii,fo that they tannot leave their firlt iation,as did the apoftate Angels. Others think that the Angels fi:and not by means of ChrHl:s mediation buc ofliods eternall ckClion,an~are.chere.fore called the elell Angels. Vel'fe 1 J. W1 h11ve ?bm1111J 111hmmnc1] Or we arc taken in .. to the Church~ as ~bg1~raccs were by lot mto their office. Oil. we are made ()ods m~cratance, as DrNt, 3a.9. le impom our free ~A1t~6lf"1J, and unexpcCl:ed vocautm. Afttr 1he coHnfaR of hi.I own 'WiUJ God doth all by counfell, and ever hath a reafon of his wdl ' which thouglt we fee not for prcfenc, we filall at laC\: day. Mcan-wgilefubmit. . Verfe 12. who ftrff trufl.eJ] It is a fingular honour to be firll: m fo good a matter. Hope JS here put for faith, whcreofit is bath the daughcer, and che nurfe.. Verfo13. ~ftcrth.1t7e /,1/ee1mJ] They 1, Hcud. :1. Be leeved. ;. Were fealed, i, e. full aifured. Affurancc is Gods fcaJ, faith is our {cal. God honours oar Ceialing to his truth by his fealing by his fpirit. We fl'eld firl.l: the confent and a[ent of faith and then Clod puts his feal to the contraa. Tbere muft be the bar~ gain before the eamen. Yerfe 14. Which i4 tht e4rnt ff J Not the pawn, but the earnefr, ~i11 pignm redditHr, '9rrh11 rttinttNr, faith Hierome. A pawn i~ to be returned ag!lin, btit n e1rneit is pan o~ chc whglo ium,andaffumir. W~bcrcbavr:ctermlllit~, 1.b1pr.etio. 2 /t1 promifo. J. l# priitiJ1. . ' P :a Verfc s~


. --~------

;,;;;,,tM1"-;;,.11'e Rpiflll


-----v~ieis-:Y~~{~jtJ, ;,, th1Lo-;a i'f"' J Love ~ the truit of

Vcl:'lt! I 6~ 0lf.4kJ~~ rHe~t;Q,, of 1"ff J Whcthcr I 'M1.mi\cr fli lll do murt goo~ co ochers by his pntifn; or preaching, I Will n~ dt:mmine (fa: tho grave D1v111e) but he 11ull ccrtamly by his pra1. crs rt:ap more comfo1c t_o hunlclt. . Vcrk 17. The Spfru Rf \\J!fdome ttHd revtlmo11] S~ called, 0 1 S. ints P' :'.:-. bccaufo ht rtve:ileth unto us Gods depchs, an~ reads us h1s.riddks, by D.Tailour. 1 Cor. i. He illigbtcns both the organ :tud ob Jett : he anomts the eyes w1th eycfalve, and gives both iiighc and lighc. Verfe 18. Tht glor1 ofhi.J _inbnfotnce J The glory of heaven ffi unconceivable, Re'llel,21. karch 1s madt: thorow all the bowds 11 f che e:mh for fomething co lhadow it by. No u~rnrall know. kdgt: can be had of the third heaven, 11or u1y hc:lp by humane ires, a& Ariflotle acknowl-cdgt:th. The ~lory thcn:of 1s fict~r to be believed then poffibk tQ.Oc.di(c.umied. Ve:fe 19. And what 14 the txceulin.~ J Her~ is a moft empha ne ~!o tcxt.')9 cicaU heap of moft 41vinc und tigaifi~anc words to exprtfhl' that which can m:ver iuffic1ently be conceived or Uttered. A fix fold grada1ion the ApolU~ 12f~ch ta lhew what a power Lod 'PUC6 tonh 111 w~rk1ng the: grace of faich. J nd~ed this power~ frcr~t,an~ hKc chat ot tht: heavens upo~ our bodies, which (faith one) is as firung 1) d1~~ of phyli~k,_&f, )\t lo iwcec, and to fecrerly mfinUll ting ic Wtth ~be prmc1ples qf rnmuc, thu as for th~ c1.J.nveyancc Qt ic, ic: is infcnhblc, and hardly d1tiercnced fr9m th~t oft.he principles of nature m us, Therdore [he ApoCUe pmeth for thlfc Eph(fi~ns here, that their tyt.s may be cnlighmed co tee che power tbac wruught in the1n, rj-c,. Vedc 20. which he "'ros~~ht ;,, ChriH] God pms forth the fame ahniE;hty power in quickning the heart by faith, that ht dB in

faith i thcf~hm: cbe Apofiks 'pray for OCreafe ot huh. that theJ mighr b~ able foven timt:s a day to forgave an ofttndmg brother, L 11 l 11 .-;. See theNoce there. . .

coconfijer thac evm evay vem ot th~c lildl\:d bo~iy l>kd tu l>rmg thee co heaven : and chac ic bi:ing with il:lch cxcdk of glory hypo.. {lJtically uniced co the: kcond per~o:1111 T~inuy ,hJCh h01.uured 1J.1d adv:inccd thy n~rnrc a.bove th-: brightdt ~hnul>. Vdfc:U. To!NtheJuadcJtNr,4/tti 6ngsJ Thu is, All per(on1, all cht: deCl, as G.1/. 3. 2 a. Chrift is h~ad ov<:r Angds coo, bm in another k11k then ova ch~ Church, vn. 1. As C..Jod he gt wh chem whatfoevcr chty are or have. 2 As Mcdi~cour ~lio, he maki,:th uk of their ft:rv1ce tor che fafccy and talvmon of chc Church. The holy Angels ar1.-: great focnd!> c.o tlie Cl1urch, Lu: not nunbers of ic. or Chrill: couk noc on hun the nacui ~ ot Angds, buc che iced of !V"fbr.,h.,,n, _H.:b. 2. ~ 6. IU1Jc~, he frnctified his \. huu;h 1 and wal11t:d JC wirh his blol!ld, Epr,,. [. 5.16. But this he did not for the Angels, &c. s,1: ch~ Nv'" on ver(. lo, Vt:rfr 21 The fid11ef{e of him J That is of Chrill:, who having vo!umarily fubjeCl:td himfdf to o:: our head, accounts noc himklt compleat Without his lllt'mlus. In which rclped: we luvc the honour of nuking Cbnlt puktt, as the memucrs doc the body.

body of J::Cus Chrift, lhmmg _w1c~ mcomp~ehenftble bcamy : and

----- ---.---of St Paulfo l~e E PH n s I AN a. 213 i~~plicabi~ h~ppin~{f~ ~-t ~il b~.c~ ~~ok for ever up~n chc glorious



- - - - - - - - - - - - . ------

CutL:r. JJ,

Vcrfc i, w;10 \\'ere dead J

d In mofl is, once in Exod.12.~o. No houk when:in there is not om:, nay niany dl'ad corpfes. Vtrfe z. wherein ye W1tlk{d J Hence -(! U 14.16. Sinnc is cal. ILd" \\1,,y, buc ic kads co che ch11mbers of deach. Accordin~ ~o the courfe of 1h14 \\'~rid] The m~ndanti~y ~r Rov!Jliu~ffe of the Wodd (as th~ Syrm;k. ~t'fldrccl~ Jt) wh1~h IS wholly kt upoijlWickedndk (as v!ttYon fa1ch of his wor1dlmgs, Exod. 3 2. 2 2.) and cakes no care for ch<: world to come. According tot he Prince, &c. J The devil by whum wicked men are acted and agitated. Griuian was ouc in faying, That ~a tan is called Prince of the wodd, as a King of <..ndlt:, or as the _P 3 Cardmall

men are living carcafcs, w~lking fcpulchrcs of. chemNfAmrall vcs. famdit'S it :is ic was vgypt,

wonahen a Jllorall iwa{jon that he ufrch.

raifing up his ~on Chnil hom cht: dead. le wull ntedb taco be ~hrifi: wrought rht

Centurions fo1th, as God ; he womltrcd at it, as man. l.Jod

wrought, and man mirvtlled: he did both, to teach ~ where to befiow our wonder. V i:rt'e u. F11r h<>vt 1alJ pri11cipAlit1] !J..111111t11m inter ftellM "'"" minort s.. Oh ,doe but think with thy itlt (faith om1) [hough it far pa{fo tbe reach uf any morcall thoUQht, what an mhnire m txt>l1uble

-------------- " i 14

A commentAry 11po111he Bpiflk Chap.2. ----cardioauetliaven,;,.-:--;,tly-by-~~rifio1~ .. Evil meo fee him up for their Sovcraign, and ore wholly at his bc:ck and obe

--- ----- --------------------.

The ffeiri1 that now Work!th J As a Smith wotkcth in his forgc 1 an Artilicer in his iliop. Vcrlc 3. A1t1ong Whom al(o We all, &c. J Lee the be!Hook back t>h on what tht:y were bt.forc calling, chat they m:iy chankfolly cry out with Iphirr.m.r, ~~ 014/ni (61x, frum wlm milny co whac dignity arc wr. adva1m:d 1 Futft!li>f'l the de fares J Gr, The \tliles of the Jl~fo. Now thcr~. fore we muil as diligently foltill not the. will, buc the wils ut God, as Da71id did, AE!.13.2 z. The childrm Qf Wr"th J Deirn. Gregory the great fa id of the Englil11 boyes tbac were prcfentcd to him, ,-tnyJi qtMji Ang<li, And d1.:manding further what Province they were of m chis Hhnd, it was remrned, th:it th<:y were called D1ire1: which caukd him again to repeat the word, and to fay, that it were great pity but A~>hrm Gc0g. tag. gc.J. chat by bdng taughtthc ljo1ipelJ they fi lOU ld bc favcd de ira Dei, trom che wrath of God, Ytrlc tt IJ 11; <lri~ wh(J rivh in mff~J] Su~h ~ mr;;r,y ii~ rrj1Jr:ulr againft j11dgrn1e-Nt, as a min againlt his idverla.ry which he kath {ubdued, 'j.Jm. 2. 1 3. Vcrle ~ H"th qt1icknea, &c.] The very firlt fi:irrings in the womb of grace are precious co God : he bldkth om verf bnds, I(a. 44.3. according to the Geneva tranfhtion, Vc:rle 6. v!nd m,1de m fit together J We have t:ike.n up om rooms afore-hand in heaven, WhercLmto Wt! hav\! jurt ri~ht upon c:archby vcrcucofchc union,theground otcommunion,1 yoh.s.u. tk elm harh rht ton hl[h lite i ht ha[h pofltlfion of irt Al h1 rnrf


rtt, laid the Emperour Antot1i111 .'Phil,,(oph111. We h~ve nos fe. ;,, .4'1Ad.Co_Qi,,. lived and dcfervcd of God, that the enemy {hou\d vanqu1{hus. Verfe 1 o, For Wt ar~ hu workm"n/hip J His arcificiall fadurr, m.IKfJ.<1, or creature, that wherein he hathfhawed ungular skill, by. urecfting the glorious f abrike of.the new man. CrMi~d-to good work!] In the year 155-9 there was pab. lilhed a pmdmc, that ~ood works are pernic!ous co. lal vari~ll ?f mens fouls. David Georg1 che broa(;bt:r oi th111 hcrd1e-w:1 dagg J up, and burnt at B-'fi/e, God,ha1hbeforeord'4imd] J,t, By his eternall decr~e. Oar Vivification then is not a work of ydkrd:iy : but fuch as .God ~atl:a with fingul:tr complacency con cemplaced from all ctermcy, reJoy ciog in chat habitlble part of his earth, Pr~11.8. 31. Vcrfe 11. Wh1 are c~lletfoncircumcijiott ] In great korn and reproach,as J Sam.17.16 .How~eit unregcnerace I/rael was. co God as Ethi~pilf, Amo~ 9 7'. .And Iethe~~y nature an JfmMl~tt, 1 Chron.7.17. was for his ta1ch and rcl1g1on caUc.:d an l{r11elite,

Chap.;:- --of St Paul t~ the E--;- ~-~--~~--I -~-~-~-~---- ----~~a race, N 011 fie D ;~~ col~l;~-. .Allt fir. tJitti""'' ,Ht i/J1 ''' viHC-6 Pdlcat. Ga/lie.

. ----

---- -- .. --

llnd mig.

Vctfe 7. bi hu f<lndene{[e towa.-d m

works~ And even this way of knowing him W naturally ab~le to idol:4try. Vtrk 8. For bJ gr11c1 ]t "r' (lived] Sover.f .and every where almoft S. Pa11/ is a moll: conftant preacher of the: grace of God> as (hr7(oflomt fiileth him. Su~ laNdib111 n11turi1. laftlnt inimici .~rA.

knowledge of God, bucby his

We come not to the

1itt, taich Aug11jljne. The patrons of mans free-will arc enemies


to Gods tree-grace. "crfc 9, .i1ajl ANJ "'"" foould '1oAff] As that fool did, that fail!, C t:elM111 grllti4n~n11&cipi1tm, l will not have l&caven but ac

Wit/J""' c.,.fo11h1wD1'!d J nec:mfe wirhomHcaching Prid\1 and without law, a C hrOH. J 5. 3. As it is faid of the poor B r11fll~11111 ac this d3y, that they are fin1 fide, fin1 rtge,. fine ''l' ThlS was the ca{c of our P"g an Prcdecdfours. Vcrft: 1 3 Art maduigh b7 the b~oNcl] Chrill: ha~h paved us anew and living way co chc throne ot Gods grace by his own moit precious bloud. O bappy 1~pitli-p1&11iHtn ! ... O Golgoth11 become Joh.19.1~-11 our Gabbitth~ 1 Verfe 14. For he i4 oNr pt1tce] That is, our peace maker and ,,~riv11mte}.1; peace.matter. When he wu born, them was among all Nations, ,;,i11.icHr a gcnerall, 11u1 pax, aut pttllio, ~s 1:lorm o~{erveth, When he

Ytrfe 11. Jmwgtn from th' Gov1muti]. The S1in'r; ~m\y 1u~ htirs co che promi{cs: but che devil {weeps al~ the wi.ckeJ, as. b~.. ing out of the Covenant. They fiuff chemklves wach prom1fes, cill they have made them a pillow for fin, DeHt. 29. 19. SeJ pr4(umendo AierAnt, & flur11nJo pert1111.r. Having ~oho pt J Bue fuch as will one day hop headleffe: fuch as will krve them as Ab(oloms mule fcrved her Mafier, whc:n ilie left him hanging by the head betwixt heaven and eanh, as rejed:ed of both,



took his name, he weuld not have It either encm:ly Hebrew, as Je. P. 1 ll;'J,

,._1_6__________ ~_CQTmtntary up1n the Epiftle ___ C_h_a~~~-



. '

fus, or t!~~irely Gri!el!, as


mtoone, &c~ . . Verfo IS. H11iling abolifoed in hiJ flP,] That is~ (,y his death m chc fldh, Colo[. I. u. At w11ich time the veil tent and tht! . Ceremonies died : ouly they were co b~ hono~rably burn:d. For to m.ik_: in him.fell] Gr. To create; (c, by regeneration~ GA/.6.15. So by COJJJoynmg he new created them, and by new cn:acing he conjoym:d chem. V~rl\i '~ In am: oorl.J] v:,i igi111,- fa/'-'>-.1e-:pitJ t faich

~hrill:, b~~ b<th Jdus and Chrict, to _ (fate a one) cbac: he ts our pclcc dur. hith reconciled t W<t

c H A p.


Verfe 1-. For thu c1tHfa]

. Owit, T

Th:it you m:iy be an habita_tion of God, through the


Having fli1in the enmity J Not the Ceremonies only,as ver, 1). but fin chat great ~kebact', chat fees God at odds with his owu creature. Vcrfn 7 To them thitt w6re ni~IJ J That is, The childr;n of l(ratl, apeopleuear1.mtohi'11, Plal. 148.14, . Verfe 18. We both havt an Accef[tf J Wich good affur:mce of fuccctlt: T.hc Ptr~~n Kings he~d ic a pim: of their filly glory ro hold off their Lell: friends, who might nor come near them buc upon f pecialUiccnce, Efth_ 1. Noc 10 our King. 04 com~, ft~ sh~ Mdll~r l'AU1dh thee l . Ver!e 19. Fellow t:itit.tHS with the s~intJ J Paul, 3S a Citizen ot R 1mr, de aped whipping : we, as Cicizen-s with the s~incs, e tcapc hell tomm.s and corments. Verfe 10. Vpon the fom1d,1tion J Foundation is taken either for Ch1:ill,1 Cor.3.1 ~.Mat.1~.16.orche~od:rineof chc ~cripturcs; which c~ach faty.:mon only by J;!!us Chrin, a~ here,and Rev, 21.14 . Vedc 21 . Fu ly ft.ameJ to,~et~e.r J Or, perftClly joyned coget~cr_ by rhc c1mi:nc ot the holy Spmt working in the Sainrs taich in ChnC1, and luvc on1: coward anorher, which rhc- Apottle calkth th<.: l.iund ot pcrh:tlion, ~erle 22. For :w h . liitn'i"n of God, &c.] The Father makes ~ho:cc.:~ot chi~ houk, _ tht: ~un purchaferh ir, the holy ( ihtilt tal<ech pqfldhon ot u. 1 lus happrndfo he b~fl: unJ1:rChnclt,h, that moil red~th, 'fn\i c~n;k on th~ dung.1ull knows ic not. :

/ p,.,,,/ the pri(oner ]-, I h0ld not S, p,,u/fo happy for his rap.cure inro PJndife (faith Chr1(oflom~ upon this Tt:xc) as for his imprito11m(nt tor \;nritt. V~d;,; ~. 9f ''" J1rp.nrari'on j Gr. Orconomy. Th~ Churcti is Gods houk,1 T1m.3. i 5. P.rnl was hichtu!L therein as aftew"rd~

Vertq. AJ/1v~ote,ifo>'ei11~w] Sc, Chap 1.9. & 2.q,,~.. c_ . Fulndl~ot mmer an kwndfeof words. Thiliis the S'cnpcurcs pr~.: celkncy above all hum:me writings. , Yl?rk 4. 111y k.._no"rJ/ ~'{e in the'm1ffer1 J The highdl: point of hcm:nly learning : and hereby ht! prove th his c:tllmg to the .Minilkry. . Vc:rk, Si.w,u not m.tde k._nown J fl' So clearly a)d plrtit~\:.lrly. ~J-letq,himL~a 'ould hm-uy u~ pt:dwadhi' LO JC, Aft.


concorpa.. me, and conforcs.: three tweit 1oc11.'tit:s, tht: tonm:r found1:d upon che cwo lattt:r. ,_ V1:rfc 7. By the rff f1u11/I workj-:g, &c. J En~bling me to accept and. impruv~ chat g1h ot Gods pace : Wht:rwnt0 ~ lhould ocherw1fc.! mm not tn.: palme , i..>ut ch:: L>ack-lide of chc hand. . Vc1fc 8. Ltlfe then the leaff ]- Crrat I'~11/ is leafl: of SainrS", nru!~mif!i,na n f' l fr.. l' r 1. .1tl.J,rw,rum Ia1lO Apohlcs, grcacd\ o 1111u., iii~ T::'-' bd - t>Jliomt~ !mN.: co th:: me 111 ,, , 0 l~rmt hoctorne; the goodlidt bmldings h'lV JtJW:.l-1: trnhi:Ji:tuc.s : Lhe c...... Srn,r.p. hi:avitfi ears ot corn hmb dQWnward, fo ~o the lLllgh1:s or m ~s :1.
Vtrk 6. GtntileJ /l1111ld /,e fall<nvh(iu
1 .;

Jo. 14


J Co-heirs,




Th, nn/cflTr:h"lrlc richer J Gr. ]\itJt to ht 1--;.11e1d 011t. Should 11.v~~')'..}'lasav. not Mmillns b~ made w~kumc that lllme to JnLn ou iuch gohku mtfIJgcs ? . Vbtlt 9, m,ike all men fee J Gr. To it.'ightcn them_,, farinorc: chcn chc pi 1.:aching ot cht Prophecs could~ i J'ct.1.1:;. I'o

thac m: L>dl LJdln.

us now is a gr~itt hg~t 1p1u11g up .M,,t,41L>~


A Commentar1 upn tlle Epijlk -- -- ---- ----- ----------



_ _ _ _ ....;t,_



o1r.oror.1.f :t,

Tiu .ftllowfbip J Or, as Come copies hue it) the difpen facion. who create all thingi J i, e. Rdlored, repaired : hence G1t(pel-daies are c.alkd the world to come, Heb..,2.,5. Vert<: lO, Might (u lt_nown b] th& Church] As by a glatfe or


theatre. . : The 11uHi_~!d \\ 1ifdnme, &c.] Gr. That hath ,,buna.tHce of c~ .. rio111 v11rict7 in it, fuch as is lctn in the .l\t'ft pictures or ccxcures.

This the very Angds look intently into (as the Chuubims in the Tabernacle did into the Mercy-frat) an<l arc much amukd and a1uaied, They kc that mans falr.icioo by ChriO: is a plot of Gods own deviling. Vcrfc I I. vtccording to the etm1a/I pHrpo(e] Of calling and tavi11g che Gcnciks by ChriU: ' a tecrec chac che Angels

thcmfelv~s came.

'ould not underfhnd , till the cimt' fon:.appomced


Vcrfo u. Boldneffe d"d Ae&tf{e] True peace draws men to God, falli: drives thtm from God. Uprighmelft: hach boldncs, fl:. renicy hach kwmy. Yerfe I l wherefire l dejir6 J Or, I beg of God. as om: would dl~C an alms, All. 3.2. humbly, hearcil}~ . And hc:teitMe ApolHc 1eturns co his form~r dikou~{e,dter a long di~rtl1ion, vm
2. to

h dimenfions. Thy mercy, o God, rrMheth tfl the huwens: ~l~ere is che height of it, Gre111 r:J th7 merc1 ton.~rd me, and thoH h ff ddivtrcd mJ (Q11/ from theloivd1 hell: There is chc d, pch of hrs mercy. The earth is fi,/J of 1h7 good11eff" : There is c~c bre.adch 86 1 otic. All th~ end1 of the earth hlfve fun thy (atv.mon i 1her~1s the Pf. l. ' J Jeng th ufit. . . . Yuk J 9. With ~11 the fidttejft of God J That .s, ot C~nll:s d1f. fufive folndk, in whom the GYdhcad dwdc bodily, and m whom we arccomp\cce, Co~.'J.9,1o. wt ~1'maw.~, Vale io. Excndt"~ abuHdantlJ J Gr . UU"re then 1 ...ceed~ ingly or e~:ceffive/1. God hath noc 011ly a tulnc~c ot. abundanc~ but ot redundancy, of plt:my, but ot bounty. Ht: 1s oh ln:mr to, us chen our praiers. . . . . AccordiHg to the power J The Aponte begms his pra1er wuh mmcion of tiods fatherly lllcrcy ; h~ ihms it up wich a dcfcriptionofhis powtr. 'I'hd~ two, Gods n~igbt and Gods ~ncrc~ are the f llchi,. and ~9a"1, .th(! two main pillars ot a Chraltlans ta1ch, whereon it rc:Hs 111 prater. . Vrrfc i 1 Glory in the Church hy Chrift] Who ts the: rdulgency of his Fathers glory, Heb.1. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----CH
A p.

~Vc;~Ub, hmulth a11ille11vh, &c.J Godsmercf. hath all 1,,~ 1 36

"[~-~~~~ to the E p ~ -~~ 1 .~ _~---'-~

,, 19 f

liced and moldkd by che Jews; by whofe means aUo I am now ii piifom;r. Vede 14 F(lrthiutef~ J fa, Thit ye faint not, but gather

ver.13. At m1 trib11/ation1 ~r you J lor for your fakes am I ma




Worth1of1'11 vocatio11


A mofl: fcemly and fmable gefiure, ofuall a mong all Nacions, but Tm ks, who kneel noc, 1101 uncover the head at praier, as holding thole poHures unma ly. ""/,. 1J. r 4 mt Vede 15 Of whom the l-Pho/e family J Or, P11terni11: God tcia. is the only l~acher, cofpcakpropcrly, M11t.23 ? The bther of :ill chc fachcr-hood in heaven and t:arth. Verfc16. Accordingtothtricbesofhuglsr7] Thatis, ofhis grace : to 1 cnr ~ .18. :lee chc Nace chm~. Vcrfr 17. Th>li Chrift mydwtli] As the Sun dwels i1-1 the houfe by hi5 beams. hith f~tchctn ChriH: into the hc:art, as imo his habic:ition ~ And if he dwell there, he is bound to a:l

1 borv my k!iee1

to here. Wt! mun: wa1k nobly and comforcably, as beco1m:ch T the heirs of God, and co.heirs of Chri{l. when a hulod

l-lere is a To, a teemlineffc app.:mining ro c:ich calling t

reparations. Vcrfe 18.

wasotfl!rcd him, anfwc:red, f'e/Jem, Ji no11 e{fem lmpmitor; 1 wou\d, it I were not Gencrall ot the Army. Antigon111 being inviced to a place where a notable harlot was to be pre~enc, asked counldl of MenedemUI, what hr iliou\d do? He bad him only,re member that he was a Kings fonne i S? let men rcmc~nber their . high and heavenly calling, and d<0> noc.hmg un~orchy ~t ar. ~uther Luth,,,. Gen. counfcls men to anfwcr all temptiuons ot Satan With this only1 (,'hr~/ll1w11 fHm, I am 4 ChriRitn. . Verfc i. wj1h AIJ lowli11cffe ~'"' me-ek,.tttf{e J Thcfe are vm11tu ~ollall111u~, as BernMdcallc'h th~m a pair of twin-fillers, nevct afunder.


.t1 co~;ntttry upo111h: _ ~pij!__le

keeps all to~ecl1er, which d!e w.ill 11utcer and. fall :dunder. The daut!hlcr ot diffenfion is d1ilolucaon, fa1Ch N ei~an-t~n. yl rte 4 In one hope of 1our c,:fli>:g J That is, un_to ooe in. h,'ricance, which we all hope for. bll not out cherdorc by the
wav, as lofeph d11rged his brechren. V.rle ) . o ,u b.trti/me J The A uthourto the Hebrews {peak. erh ot Baptifmes, Clup.6. 2: Dm c:irlier he puts r.he t~luralUor_ the tin~111lar;, <.1r l lk he uH.:arn.:th tt ot the out ward and mward wall1rng, wt\~\:h th(.'. Schorh c:tll V;(ptifmum flmnim6 & jl.J.minu. See the

3. . The unity of tfu fpirit]

at.P. 4 Th1t is, U11a~imicy: chi;


bl~ heavens, iatb the third hen en, not into the V t"pi4 of the ~bi. hnies. ' t! qu That be mig~t fil/ 116 th~nv] vi~. ~Vith thegif[s of h'is hol_y Sp rit : for thi.: furch~r h~ 1S from us m his fMh, th~ ncart'r by his ~pine ~ he is mor~ t:tticacaous al>km, then prdcnt. Vtrlt: 11. Some Paflours aJtd Teifchrrs] ,Difiincloffices, Rvm, 1 '2-.7, g. yet one nun ma.y be bo~h, 1 Cr1r, 1 J. 2 8, 29, The.idkmnll d1ffcrtncc b~cwecn PaLtours :md Te~ch~rs m mh Congregation is much denied by mmy learned and sodly


1/St Paul t1 the E P u

1 A N--=------




Ver!<. 6. One God 1md F.uher of all J Have we not all one b her, huh A-f,d.icli1? Why chen aiikm and jJr we? How is it tLa rhck many ones here inlbnced, lllllt1,; us noc ? MJ dove, mine 1md1 file.111 lrnt one, Cam.6 9, _
V~rfc 7. Accnrdin.~ to the mrilfurc J An~ ~nay r:ioc Clnifl: do wich l11s own as he liltt:th ? Thok of greater gifts ~re put upon hor.
[Cf ILTVICt'. ~~e;~ m1e<inu

. Vtrk u. For th.~ perftll,i.,,g ~f the S11ints J For the Joyming >JJ:rnfr.~~~~1 of chem whom the devil hach d1fiocared. . yCr{~ 13. vnto the tne4(ure .of the flittm]' Or age: t~ac igc whcrtm nlqn ~11, as Ch.ip. 3. r 9\ f he Sa111ts (Lay fome) (hall rite agam m ch.:it vag~ur oi a~e, ch;u :i perfoct man 1s :a ibuuq ~ ytla~s old~each m chc~r prop~r frx : .wh-:rt:u11to thcJ chiri~c-thc Ap~iUt: btre ~ll'1dt'~h ... , ,


Vnfr 8. He lcrJ c11privi11 c11p1ive, &c. J As in the Roman triumphs, the V.Cl:or ;1fcendt:'d up co the Cap1coll in a Chuiuc ut fl:.t1~e, chi: pri1011rn, following on foot with chcir hands bound b.: .. h1nde, and ch\:y chrew crrtam pitces of coyn abro:id, to be: picl<c up l>y rh.: rn;nmon pc:<.)l)lc. ~~ Chrifl: m c~1e day of h1~ lolt:_mn mau w1r:uion into his heavenly K~ngdom, tnumpned UV\.[ hn, dt:ath

Vetl~ 14. Bu~111mtebJl4m1.] Dutyouhgmcn, 1 Joh,1.1i

As a fe:uher or froth upon the wavls, whm1cd about wuh cvtry winde of doClrme, unHal>lc fouls, as S. Peter cals chem, fimple, that believe every rhmg, as Solomon hath ic ~ giddy hearc:rs thac have 110 mould, but what the m:xc
fu.1pe at the pltafure of his b!e1uh, . . a,,,~ JLL{lH'tt. B1 th~ JI.1tgh1 of nttn] _Cir.By H11H1 cotg'.,_I. tJf"' dJ,, the .~fi.'1all trade ot .c6t:u~rB1 and falle gamdkrs. , . , ; . . . . . in to _d~llJi(e J Cr .&,,,o Ai ,,,et)Jod 1f d1reivirtg. lhc: dtvllaud his d11c1pks arc nouble mec114?d-inougers, ioJs co decciv~, if tt wcrepaffil>lc che vny .dt~ a bm.1hat thl'~ cannot do tunoamtmally, finally, M<lt.24 i4. bet.the Nutt!
teachtr caH:cth chem imo, being blow Hl\c glafks mco '111s or thuc

(\ro11g lnl'll Tofiea to ,,,,J fi'o


and hdl, Cul. 2.15. and gavl'. g1h~ lO llll'llo <!.A,.d '~.lVe gif tI unto mm The H~Grew it 1 P~l.7~ 19 1 Thor1 rc~eivcdtl ,gif'r1 filr mtr1. Chrilt received them, -th:it he might give them, and ~aid, lt 1".s a more b!eJTcd thi>tg to give then to rte i zir, Th~ P!Jl11111l :tdds, Even for the r!!hclliom. To chem

alto Chrifl giv\.S common g1tcs, tor the behoot of his pc:ople. AH 'l~flw mh1s{~_)L"m11 iealts ga'c gifts; to {ome, gold, to ochers, Lmllcs. ~o <.3uJ Ill his orduunccs, co fome faving grace, to ochers r.oi11.w111 '.!,raci:, anJ wid1 chis tht.y rell content. V "rii.. j Jnf() ~be /rnvcr J Thu js 1 inro hi~ mothtrJ \\J,,,,) '>; :l(.:~oi-cli11~ to P f'I. 139.15. I wa:,cuduully wroughc in the luwdt p:m~ ot tl11.: l::tnh, i. e, m the womb, where God formed and fc:trn1 t.'d llll~; like as curious workmen, whm they have: tome: cnuict p11.;ct m h:md, thty perh:tl: ic in pnvm:, :md chm bri115 it brch to iighdor lUL'll to gaz.: at. V 1.:r1c ao, .1bQve ""heavens J Th:tt is, above all vifi. ble

u A>.1181~wm. Vulg \f ha1h le. Tr11rhif 1ing, r>r iollowmg chc: crurh,. as one rmdrn:ddt. ~. lobn b1asl Love m mun, 1 701>, ~. ii. S. PllHI, Sii.ak ot do the truth in love. And agam, le' all your thiugs b\! do.1c in l\>Vt', 16. Comp-ffedlJ1 that:&c. J The Saint~ are knit unco Chrill t>y his ~pine, a~ tan as thi: tfacws ut his blcHcd body co th~ bQn'-15> tht k1h to en~ fim:ws, dit ~km te 1.~ 1ldh,
tk1 lt'utb 1

Uk: re.

Vufc 1s. B~tfPtahg t-h~ttAut/, J Or1 DDi.Hg

1w1.._,_ _ ___

-- --

------------------:------------AC01t1111e#ld1J' "P" the Epijlle


---- ---------Z/Jlto the edif!i11g "!it fa/( ;;/o~~-f arc

1dified, as love is continued and encreafed, Nothing more furthereth growth in gr3ce and power of g~dlinetfe in any place ot pcrfon : obtervc it where and when you will. Verfe 17. Thi.s I fay therefore J Maccers of great importance mnCl be urged and preffed With greatel\ vehemence. A.1 "th1~ Gnuiln Wdll~.] Singular thing-9 ue t~peBed Erolll Saints : who are therefort: worit: ch.en ochers, becauk they lhculd be bcccer. . Verfc 18. Hiiving the tdfl~erjlandin{ diirk.[ted] By the de v1ls black hand held betorc thm ryes, 1 C ~r, '1" 4. See the Note there. 11ienatul fto'!' the lift of G"d J That is, from a godly life, mf~rmr, c.:~1'" which none c:mhve, but thole that P.artake ot the: divine nature, oiiJunum z Pe-t.1.4. . 11 B mmfi of tht b/inde11tf{t] Gr. H.trdntf1, J,,.,nttHiHtft a hoot.i upon their hearts, cornttU fibr;u, brawny brdh, ho;ny heart.fhings. The Greek wo~d imporcs a Metaphor from the hard hand of hardefi labourers. Verfc 19. Who being p11ft.fotling J Undera dead and dedoknt di(poficion, being dc:<peracely finfull. Some there arc of cauceri z~d confciences, that like devils, wil~ have ~oc~ing co do with God, becaufe loch to be tormc:nted bdorc their tune. They feelinG fuch horrible hard hearts sand privy to fuch nomrious fins, they c1ll away fouls and all for lu!l:, and fo perHh WPfully 1 bctaulc they laved wickedly: haying thr~~gh1 :<,~{Wtdi!n (:Vil comnd:t:d fuch an h:udnelfe, as neither m1.n1lt~'.ldr-1mtcry, nor miracle, nor mercy could poffibly moll1fie..- ' l\s Ducklings dive ac any little thing thrown by a man at chem, yet ilirinknot at the heavens great thunder: fo is it with chefe. Vede 2.0, B#t 7e have not ~Arned Chrift] CArAcal~ ~ever minded any good : ~11ia id iW# didictrAI (faHh D io) ,M~J Pfe f4teb11tHr, becaufe he had nevlt. learned it, as .him(elf con fe[cd. 1; Vc:rfe 21. T ~ IMve ~eard him,&~.]. When Chrifi fpcaks onct, we mufi hear ~1m cw1ce, ~s f? Avid did, P(aim 6 2. 11. ro wir, by an after deliberate med1tu1on : for otberwifc we karo no
ihinb' =

Chap.~.. -- 1/ . St Pa~l t '" E H




--------- - ..

h~s burden, as the husba~d purs.olfhis lewd wift~, a~ the Serp~t---~ts tbugh, or as tht: capuv~ 11.1a1d whan 01e was to mu ricd, pnr


onche garments of he1 capt1v1ty, DeHr.2.1.1 ~. Thi ~ld.mAn. ~bich ucorrupt] Sin is (aid co be the old man, becaule JC hvcs m ma,n (o,. as fin leer~ co be alive, :rnd che man dl'ad ~ and L>ecaure God WJll cake notice of nothing in the finner



bm his fin.

Vt!rfe u. ThAt 1'

P"' 1ff, &c.] As the beggar p\1t& off Lis as the inaiu puts otf his bad fcrvanc, as ~e. Po[Cet puts off bis

~pm~ a man, yet m the end (With C~inJ dog lying at the door ) 1t.w1ll pluck out the very th~oat of ~is foul, if not repented 0 (, Like the Scrpcnr, toget~cr with rhe u:nbrace, it fiings morcally. Hence the l~ukrs meat 1s called d1ccivable, Pro,2.3-3 Vcrki3. lnthelf>iritofyo11r mindc] That 1s in the mofl: inward and Cubtlc parts of the foul, the bofomc and boccome chc vu vivifica and very quimdfenc! ot ir. This he calscllwh<:r~ 'Th~ VrifJn11Hf 1h~ ffefo, l\.Qm,8. 7. chu carnal! rcafon, chu like an old bddame is the mother and curfe ot thofc flt01ly iulb that fight againfl: the foul. V crfe 24. which after Goa uere At ea] The new man is nothino 0 dk but tht:1happy clufier of heavenly graces. And true ho/intj{t J Or, H1,/i11ef[e of trt4th. Oppofice co that Jeceitfo/nef[e of lrtfts, vtr. 22. Verlc 25. Wher~fire p11tti'!g awAJ l1ing] A b3fc cinkerly fin, as ~l"m~ch call~th Jt, frumcfull aml hacetull : therdore tht! lier denies his own lle> as ailmned to be taken with it, for uie ""' mrml1tr1 J Of chc fame holy fociety. Shall we noi: ~true one to another? Shall we not abhor lkigh~ aod flippc:rincs mcontraCls and Covenants ~ Vcr{e 16. f!e ttngr1 and Jin 11tJt] 1:"hc eafidl chargct under the hardcl\..condmon that can be. Anger 1s a tender venue, and mu{\: be wanly rna~agcd, He chat will be angry and not fin, lee him be angry at nothmg but fin. ~et not the SHnnt t" down] . If ye have ovcrlhot in paffion-, let it not ~cfi or rooft m you, ldt It become malice, PIHtn,rch wri.. J>lur.11~.meA tech dm u was the cufl:~m~ of P1th.agmu his fdmlars, however ~111aJ'v.~. rhey had been at odds, Jamng and Jangling in their difpucations yet before the Sun-kt to kife and fluke hands as they departed out vf the fchD?l. ~ow numy are there thu prgf~tlins ,h,wfchca th' lcbolari Qf Cbnft1 d~ rec ncterrheldfc noc c:ioly lee che Sun go

e.According to .ihe dee tit fill/ /~ft 1] Sin, rh~ugh at firfi it fawn


iown, but go round his wbol~ courfe, an~ can finde no ti-ic from


2 i4

.t4 <;ofltmentttry ilpn the'

Epljlle .


__ __ _____ ____________





--- - ----~~e end ot. the yc:ar ~~ -~h~ ci~b~-th~ompok-~~d lay afidc the-i~~~ cnrd&? How 'hou\d this fire: be raked np, when the curfew bell

Vcrfe 27. Neither give pl,tce, &c.] Vinditlive fpirits let the deil inco lheir hearcs : and chough chty defie hiln~ and' fpct ac him, yet thty iptt not low .enough ; for he is {hH at rnne with
chem, as Mr flr,ulfotd fpt:,.kcch. As the Maller ot chc pit oft fers two cocks co fight cogedit:r, co the dcachof borh, and then, afccr muculll ccmqudt, iuppcth wi~h both cheir bod1ts & So, faith Gre gory dcale!h the d~v1l with angry and n:vengdull men. ' ; V..'t'l~ iB Ln b;rn /,.}?"",,. "'"rkJn~, 8lC. This is th; btn rt.m~d~ !lg9.111lt povt!rcy, which ott promprn 11 nun t~ th~ft;

condauened : as .cr~nmtr, whofe gentlenelfo m pardoning '):J wrongs WH fuch as. at grew co a common proverb, D.:> my Lord Act, miJ Mn. of Canttrbur1 a d1fplea(ure, and then you may he Cure to have fot,1ti 99 him your friendJ whale he liveth. He never raged fo far with any ot his houfhold fervants, as once to call the mcandt of them Varlet or K n4v1 in anger, much ldfe to reprove a firangcr with any rcpro:1chtwll word, &c.

Chap.S' of scfi>aulto th4 E. H B s I AN s. -- ~e-~fe J t .AH4 b;r~ftJHJ~ j-~Weet-natured, f~cile and fair



It A p.


Verfe r. De 1~ tlurefir~ fiNowrr1]

N forgiving one another. I tAs Jear childrm J God hath but a few foch children. theNoteson M.ct.f.45,18.

frov.jO 9.
.A[f 111.l "' v11.

{fll.' 1' r




Th11t "'" nMJ h1tve to L~ive] Day-hl>ourers then muft do Come wlm for the poor. And indeed alms l110uld not be given um1ll it f111e,1t in a"'"'' h11na, Laid he, in .ch~:r book ot Martyrs. Giles of Brnf[c/1 g~vc away to the poor whatfotvcr be had rhat necei fi[y could 1p:ire, and only livld by his kieqcc:, which was of a Curkr. Vedc 2 9. Let no corrupt to1mn1micAtitm] Cr. R:otttn, p~~ tid fpe c!1. A Metaphor from rotten m~cs, or fiinkmg fldh, qr Hinl<ing bn:ath. ~bunnc obk('lc borborulogy, and tilchy Cptcch1..s.

Vcrk 30. AnJ gr-inn not, &c.

As men in hcavindfc cannot

di!i11rch rhrn worl<, as rhty were wom z fo nticher dmh che ~pi rh, Jt wq~rirn; the holy Gholt, how lhould we <:xprd rhu he fuould cotufon us~ le 1s a foul fauk co gntvc a fathtr, what th\'.n the Spirit ? . V erk 31. Let "" bittm1ef{e, &c. ] If the godly man fud dcoly fall inlO b1m:r words, it m:aketh the holy Lhofi: tlii
withm him, ~nd clamour iend evil f pe4k_ing J Thefe are as fmckc to the C}C6, and ma kt the ~ pirit n:ady to loath and kave hi$

i I

1J e put tfW6J fro1# 70" J When any lull: arifeth, pray it down prdcmly ( t:mh one;) tor o~htrwi(e W\! cue endangered by ycdding [0 grh:VC 1 UY grn:Vmg [0 rdi(t t by rdil\ing to QUC11Cll I by q~1:nJ;hing, nuli"'vu!ly oppo(e 'he ~pirit, Sin hiim no bounds, but cnolc Whl\:h tl\i;: ~pirit 11.ics,, Whom therefore Wt hould Mt




Vcrle 2. HMh /11mJ 111, arul h11th given J When Chrill: wept for LA<ar111, Loehowhelovedhim, faid the Jt:ws, Joh. 11. 35 36. When he poured forth his foul for a drink-offering for us wa; uot this a {urer {cal of his endeared love? ' An D{fering And"' (acr;fic~ J By chis to expiate our fins uy thac to mediate and make n:qudt for us anJ fo to (hew himfelfa pcrtctl high-Prieft. ' Vcrte 3 1!"' fon1ic.ctio11 '"'" afl Hnclean11rj[' J A.s lhnding in full oppofimm. to that, fweec findl~ng favour. v~,.f. ~. bdng M bctt~.t then tb, CQrrup,1on of 1 dcild (out, t lC devils excrement. L:t 1t Not '1e ~n~e n4me~~ Much ldfe acted,, as in Stage-plaies. LMd1 ~rtt.bent [emi11a ntqNmtt, How A/ipim was corrupted by the~n S. Aufl1n eds us. How the youth of Athen1, p/4 to com Ovid.rri/1./.1~ plamcth. One of our countrey men profdft:ch in print' chat he tound theaters to be the very hacchers of all wickedncffe: the brothe~s of bawdt:ry, the black blafphtmy ot the Gofpd, the devils cha~r, the pbguc ~f pacey, the: ca~~k~r efch7 Common-wcalch,,d-c. H~ mlbnccth on his kHowledge Crn~cns ~1ves confdling on their dt:ath-bcds, cbac they we.rt to 1mpo1Cone~ at Stagcplaies, spedt!li fiml. thu .chey brought much d1Chono~r to God, wrong to th<:ir m:im~ge.bcds, W~t\kn~ifc to th~tr wreccocd bedk~ > ~nd woe ffl the~ undon~ fo~ls. k was therefore grc11t wifdom in Ehe L11ct~mo11111111 co torbid che actm,g of c;om,dies (j[ Tragedies in their Common. wealth, and chat for this reafon, lei.\ either in jct\: or

. Q


-~u~dl a~y thing fhould be faid or ~one amongfi chi:m comra1 y to the bws i11 force among chem. Ynfr 4. Ncitlh; fil1hi11cfi't J P,oroorology,ribaldry, the bn

--. - -----;;<:;;;,;,~;~r1 ~~~-''i_ !!i~iftk------cii~;.6.

-ci\"ap.6~---~fst P~f~-;he- E--;-~ n -~ x-~ -;-~~~~~~~~ -----~~7 _~bq;1ch~red out of 2


gmgt.: of hdl. Some mi:n :is dllcks h:i~l: th~ir nofcs al wa1cs gtizl~ng m the gutta of obfcmc,t:a\k. Of Eck1m his l:ltt book concl:mmg Prid1;, marriilPC, Afd,01 alJOn taich, Non fitit G)~nea e.11Hti11, ftd 1d1im1u t:rrfi~JU: Et.fer~: filis /is_~ir_ns pcdit! (1r:i0t moritnJ h11nt crcpi:ron ClCiliit. Ll,~1 ltbrum, {rtbrnd~ i-Hc1 p1cns pin t<m Ai c/J,,. c,11;1, ,tfio1r:i non /,-gia~m. . . . . . . Nor j!Jfifi,~ J S.tft j1jL, fmrn/1~1 , }"C11j..1uy, dic"lCltJ~ to the jull ;~rid or u~ ~mother : . 1 his conhtls not WHh p1c.:cy and Clmtfon gt:av1ry. AriH01/t: ukrh_ the. w~rd .hm: frund 111 a goud knk, for \.lrb:rn1ty, bc1licy and facct1oufndk of lpl'tt:h, Ill :i hmnlctk WJ}'. l1L1C (.1foil in Pwd.0-1-u f:llth, ch:n he lt~t:d tWCn
t}' }'l':trs with his Tuct.,u~ ~(.1i,.-0~1,_ ~n~ I~L \'er mall th:tt wne hcJrd hi111 ipLal\ing or :.1(l:111tj -;,r ~; 0 1 ~ r U'.!,- tuic_;-;.-:r,,:,' dl)ij' thm~ tnir. ulo11'.i or alm!ive to ano(ltn. On tht comr:iry our Str 'l liom,u ~l/,~r: 1'11. v1:r chol1bhc any lhill~ co L1.: wdl ipokcn, cxcqn he JJ:HJ


mini1h<.:d ivnH.: muck in chc communication, tanh d11.: Chroniclt:r, w:w thcrtfon: k::lllccl1 w doubc whether ro ca!l him :i tuol1lh wile man, or a wilt: fooli11l man, J:!..;, l1ohi1 cum f1b111is, rnm rifrj? ti:t:I m pro_,f;i(o.r, /rd el i im omneJ J;crn.dc cr.lii. 1;n.'1 r d joc. uJ I 1ffilitror1 d 4ecti.nando1, 11 ? T ".lit, faith E onard, \'\lluc hav~ WL' to OC: WI~ l C:I es an J.. lS t'r tfflli.,n faith, he w:is N111/i rei 11111 m Niji pl-eni:oui.t, born
Eh-. fh'/r

for nurhin" df 1:, but for repentance. Crrde mihi, rt .r .feve. ra rfl grw~lirmz vcrtmI.J, failll Srncca, Trnc uiirrh is u itvcru
;re {Hi:t:(;:'.::m.

rv/Jich ,1ye not convrniem J As not conducing to the main c:nd cif c'llr lives. B 11t r.uher ~iving of th,mk.J J A !pcciall prcfrrvacive againfr the tormcr evils, chc: tilth and power of chofc bale vices. And c~c


word R ifther imporcs an cxcraordin:uy t:arndlnts to be ukd 111 g1 ... \'ing thanks to God. . . Verk 5. IV ho ti''" I do/Mer J Dancing about lus golden calf, and faying co his wedge of t1lva, Thou art "') ,.o,,fidence_: whi'h y1:t flull prov\: but ii~ ~/i~lu1n1 wcclge co ck~vc ~ts fol\l in f~mder, and as that Babylomtll garmrnt to be h.1s Wm ding flm:c. . Vcrk6. Let no nMn deceive you J So as co makt! you thmk there is no fuch danger in fornication' C.OV(toufndie, &r. There



of his ue!l.ltly Sodomy : y -~1. Hl 1!l He' ~~=.n1ncndc-! th..1,t odious iin 111 lIJ fm!w1 Pti"m, ltL L1rr11 111 prmr. J .lbn ot Vum111, :ipothafilchy P.1pHt 1 pu.;lHh.JJ Cuch a ltll1Krng book that Er.1/mi'll thus wrote tu him, Afenu care.r,Ji ro 1tgiwr tibi(ri'~.: "".,.Jiii Prot;teC(ire,r,Ji JH. !uclu, mmct f.,1bcr. _ ._~')__ 2 which

their hn 1 ye come undl!r mfl1A:1on ol- thc:1.r pun1fh1~cnr, Y'!~ ;;n,, !lccmmr'.ll>k as well for lin~ of communion, !ls of comm11Tt0n ! A11d ht kutW Wh:it heiaid,that praid, From mim other-mcn1-ji111, Coed Lord dt.livtr me. Vcrfc 8. Far ye \\'ere (ometimes d,irk._ncjfc J Which hath in ,' l,'Dug11-./in it (as one well note ch.) r. Errou~.. 2. ferro.ur, . 3.!n- ta,, conliftency with 11ghc. 4. Impoffib1l1cy oi n:ducmg it ttlf co light. '.h But 11ow arr ye !(~ht J Semper in (olr_fir,-i tft Rhodo1, f:ut Sy/ .. iim. The S:iims :ire al w:iies in the Sunlbme. . w.i/l:.._.u children of light J A godl~ man lhou\d be like :i crylhll gla{fc with a ligh~ in c~e midfi, wh,ch appe:m:th thorow ev~ry p.1rr clurcoL I le is rn rhe 11ghr 1 !lnd t1ull be more. . . Vet fr 9. Fon he fi-11i1 o( the JPirit J Why grace 1s calkd hu1t, Sci: die Nore on f:,d 5. 2 2. , Vcrlc 1 o. 'Prov in_{ \\hat 11 acceptable J By tl~c pracbce of whu you know. Lee your kn~wledge ~nd obed1rnc~ nm p~ ralkll, mucually tranl>fuftng lif c and vigour one mto anotl1er. \' crfc 11. Work/ ofd,irknrf{e] Work done i~ the dnk mull; be undone :tgain1 or dfe we arc 1ur~ to be c_hrnll mco cmtn liark .. ndfr, WhL re we lhlll never ke light agatci, till we {ec all the world on a light fire. R nt r1zther rqrr,ve thrm J At k:ifl b~ }'Our contrary co~nfrs, as N o,zh condcmLd the old world, by be111g ri~hteou5 m ~~s gcm:mio11, Rcv.14. Tho!e that ll:ood with the lan~b,had his fathl'ls mmc on their fon. -he:tch, led convincing lives: io did .Lmh,r,BHcer, R1(zdj0rd, &c. Vtdc 12. F ,r itt5 (1. fl.1<1nu 1 Sit hono.r twrihm. [o,mnes A Alf, a1J Mo11. Ci1(a to far for~ar both :1011t f1 i' :;,iJ ,, ,rim, tint he btn(kd op::nly fol,~+' 7

;anted not futhPr~ct~tn~ f~r hell in the Primitive times! as m1y Pet.a. and the Epill:lcof Jude. AgamH: thc!e he i1ue cmcionctil. . . Vt'!il: 7 o~ nPt: ytth~re~r~ partak_~r~ J L~~ by mfctbo'.1 o~


.A Commentuy 11p1n the Sfiflle

(~c:<;U\ tim<: for-holy uks.:, ~nd piou: purpoks. Yc~fe 17. B'!t fl1ldtrj1.'l11dinJ tt1IJ.1t] Drawing your knowk?ge mto pratt1ce, as vt r_( 1 o. For tht.! fear of chc: Lord that is w!tdomc , .and to dcp11 t from <.vjl is undcrlbnding, ?oh 28. 28. \\hen:, w1ldome. ( pr~per ro [Re underlbnding) is afcribed w rhc will, btcm~I.! practice lhoulJ be joyncd co knowkdgc. Hence allo Et~lcf. JO, 2. A W1.k Inll1S hc:nt is at his ri~ht hind UCC3Ufr his heart tcachcch his hand ro pm things in practice. ' Vl'rft 18. A_nd b, not dr1w~ \tith \\1,:ne J Nothing fo oppofite co an a~rnrat~ life a~ drun~ermt!llt.! ~ which thel'etorc 1~ not (p~'il proh1b1mi urn; of rhc cm Commandmrms (Laich .a Divmc ) bc~aufc 1t 1s not the linglt: breach of any one, but in effect the v1ol:1t1on of all and cvtry one : lt is no one, bm all {ins, chi.! inkt and fiuct: co all other fins. 1ffherein i4 txuffe J Exceffive driNkina then is drunkenndfe whc~ as fwine do their bLlltes, fo men breal~ their ht'ads wich filthy quatfing. But be filled Witb the JPirit J Call for flagons of this holy wine CtJnt.2.5. that gocchdo\vnfweecly, caufingchclips of chute cha; arcaflecp ~~fpcak, C1mt.7.9. This is calkd by Luther, (r 11pulA f.uM. !l f pmrm1ll furqut:dry or fmfec. Verfe 19. SptAkjttg to Jo"~ felv_u, &c. J As drunkards fing ~nd hollow oyc:r th~1r cups m their good-tdl0w~mcecings ~ fo, m :t fober knfc, doc you expreffo your tpiritulll jollity in Pfalms, &c. Mtlod1 in JOU~ .he1Trtr Nnto tbt Lord J This is the bdl: tune toa.ny ~Calm. Sp1r~''!IJ fOgs they are caU.e~, both becaufo they ar~ md1tcd by the fpmc, and bc:caulc they fpmtual1zc us in chc utc of chem. Vtrfe 20. Givi'!f. 11/w~.i.e1 J 111 our dccpdl mifcrics. let US ling Cht!!lrtully s 2g P""'!Ind J ''"' m the dungcon 1 as P /.,;Jp,,t ind his fdlo_w~ m the cokho~l'.'t> 1 as many Mm yrs in the Cb.mes, a~ LHther did ma great confhC\ with the dt.:v1l. Veniu, faid he co Jo!1 Mrnl,for. hrs comp~ny, in contemptum dia6of;, Pfa/mum de propoadi4 q114.. C0"11J.p11g 43, IHor voc1h'!' cantemut. Let us fing the 130," Halm in delpitc: of the devil. Happy was that tongue in the PrimiEivc times rh~t could iound out 1tliq11id DaviJicHm. any thing of DAvids ~~ . . yerfe i i .Submitting jour ftlvts] this is a gcnerall admontt1on co all inferiour~, whole duties arc af ccrwards dcfcribcd.

- --------------------~

Which 11r11lo11e of 1hnn in ftcrtr] Sinne fecrecly commimd {hall be {l:rangcly dikovercd, either by the finner himkH, as 7,,,. Ja1, or by his companions in evil. When the fodder is once melt ed, this gla!fo will tall in piet(s, and all will out. Vcrfo 13. B11t 11/l 1hi11gi thdt 11rt, &c. J Or, Bue :111 thcfe things, vi.<;,, Thde unfruic foll works of darknr,fl;:, wh1ldl rhey are reproved OL' d1kov~rcd l>y chc light ( 'fJh. of th1.: word, as 1 Cor. 14.24. Hcb-4I1) arc made nunitdt; lo chat thereby chcy grow aualht:d and abakd bdorc lJud and men. ira. .~.~ 1. 6. Y~r{~ 11. Whff"for~ /." f.11~'1 J Or, Th~ s~rjprnr~ fai1h, ,,, & 60 1, Sec the like ].mJ.4.6. llut ht! glvcth (or the Scripmrc giveth) more gr:m:. It convinccch not only, l>uc convercech, it d1fcovn. ech not only, but curcth corrupt hearcs. Thelc w:m.rsot che ~an. tluary arc healing. ~omc there arc that incerprct this ht of ourtia. "Yiour Chrill:, and take this faying for a iencencc of his i fuch as was that, via-. 20.35. Ochers reade, Th1refore the li~h1 faith, &c. . /1'1111ke 1ho11 that jluptfl J Le:r jubtt,gratiA jwt1At ~ Pruipii


Dem, q11od ipfe pr,effat, GoJ givt:th us to do what he biddeth u,s co doe. Ynti.: IS. Ste 1hc11 1Juu 7c WAik._ circ11mjpt{ffy] rrtciftlJ, heiRr~'f t.'\:Afll7, .tccurMel], by line and by m\e, and as it Welt: in a frame. l-l'fii.xvvf3t!l t' ' uiv. ~riving to gd up to the top o godli11elfr, as the word imporcctb i

co keep Gods Commandments co the mmoll, to go co tl1( eimemity of ir. Hereunto if we fi:and Hraitly, one may fay fati,ly, Lord,if I be dc:cdvcd, thou and thy word have deceived me. Not M jio/1 J Chnll:ians mull t:xceli others, {\anding as fhnd ard.bearns. ~o'l>i~ab mb, BHt 1U Wlfc J Grcatneed we hne to fly to Chrift, who dwels T f opblh fPNu. with pnuknc~. J'rov. S. [O fiand upon our wacch. l1110r. Vu<t J~, Re~m,;"1 the ,;,,,e] As wHe Mer,hams, nadin,e f~r the mo{l pr<!ClOUS comm~dtt.Y, and taking their bdl opportuNo~pQr,l:n h~ mcy. The commoncomplamc Js, We want ci111e: but che truth i5, bed"'"' 11,e~nporu, do not fo much \\>ant it, as 'W11ft1 it. The men ot 1 rf11ch11r were in t mu Nm per. . h .J b c h U' Ji m great account wit D """"' , ccau e t ey bad underftanding of 111111 si: 11 , [he times, to know what Ifr11el ought to doe, J C'ron, J 2.3 i. SG arc: they in great account with God, that tegard and ufe the kafon "f wtll-doinc. B mt1'fe 1/oe J11ies ttre evil] Corrupted by the deYil, who hath inglo'1ed gut Wile, Uld out of whole llanda we mutt -. - - . - - - -- -- - -- redeell



- -------~-----------------

A C~m'!'!_~tary

"f_'" the_~tifllt'

Ch'p:J~-- ---;is~-P~J t~ Iha

E pH

a I-~~~:--

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Thu~ in the flcond Table of che L1w, the fifth Comm~nd m-. 11t tor order end obedience is fit\y pn:mifc:d co the fo\lowiog ir~. (eprs. fo ihe ft Ar of God J This framech the heart co a re1dy and re gular fubmitlion. Hence th1c faying of L111h1r: PrimfJ pr.tcepto ttNq11ormH omni11m oh{e'lvtiritia prttcipitur. Thcfirl1 Co.nmand.
. Vcdc u. Wive1 fis6mit, &c. J Thisinc!udesrc:verence, ~. d1ence, e,i-e. God hach icamn:d chc ducics of husbands and wives up and down th~ Script mes, they m1y {earch, and by learning tobc g<1od husb:J.nds nnd wives,diey may leam aUo to be good tncn and Women. . A1 H~t" the Lord] Who taketh himfdf difhonoured by wives d1Cob1.:d1cnce. And though husbands may remit che off~nce done to them, yet they cannot remit Gods off. . nce, but there muf\: be fpc ciall rt:pcnrance. Vcrfc 13. Fo.-theh1Mha1ulinhe hMd] And would it not be ill tavom'd [O fre the n1ouldm above the htad? v~rec 14. Thm:foYt"' tht Church J Denying her fdt to pl~are C:htiC\:, making his will hcr law. In every thin.~ J In a\l her hmb:md~ lawful\ commands and relhaints. A w1tt: 111ould have no will of her own but tubmit to her hmbands: albtic thc:re are that merrily fay, ~hat when man lofl tree-will, woman cook it up. Verfr 25. HmbandJ,love yoHr Wive1 J He faith nor.,. Rrtle O vtr them (in anwcr to fubmir, >vr:rf.2l.) fo~ this they tau rca dily do without bidding i buc love your wives, and fo make their yoke as ca!ie us may be. Colu1111h~ trahNnt CUt'tllttll Ye11eru. Verle 26. ThM ht mightf4n[fifle J The maids, wete fir{\: pu. rific?d and perfumed betorc AhAfonero/h <:hofc one. But here itis otherwift:. SanClification is afruit of juCl:ifitation. The tord will not have a Huttifh Church, and therdore he came not by Moud only, but by water aHo, that ch:an water of his fp1ric, when:by he watlmh away the lwinifh nature of his Saints, fo that th~y defirc no more to wallow in the mire. , C(JtlCil.Arailfi Ve& 27. ThAfhe ,,,;ght prtftnt J As lfmic did his Rthma, u11.fe1ui:d. adorned-with his jcwds. Sc:c E~ek, 16, 14. T .tin 1101 amlft De Hf ~no11.1l. q~alt1 fat#r; formu ipft1u <kno, .n~n tJ.#1des (um111. ;,oj1ro mtrito,
mcnr includes cbc or her nine.

~: VertT1-H:-vt;-~b;i~~,,~ /,~J;;;-j No man m~y -hid~-hTmrc\f'_______ __ from his own flefh at l!lrge, Jfd. s!!. 7~ that is, from his neig).,., bour uf the fame flock ' much ldle from a wife which is {uch another as himftlf, GMl'flJ 2, 18. nay his ~cry klte. as here. crf~ 29. For no man ever hated] No man butn Monk~ who wh1psh1mt~lf, o~amadman, UUar.5.5. who curs himklt. It was chc fay mg of che Emperour e.A11relim, A wifo is co be ofc admonil11ed, iomcti~c~ rt'provtd, bnt never beaten. And yet of the R11ffia" women 1us reported, thatthey love thn huslllnd bell: that bears chem mofl, and chat rhey chink chcmfdvcs dfe not regardLd, unldl~ two ~r three times a day wdl-favour~dly fwadlcd. 1\1. Jun inorat, Cbr7(of1~m, It 1s the greatell: reproach in thl.! world for a man Htyl. Geog to beat his wife. BHt nouriP,eth "nd.chcrifoeth it J As the heu doth her chick .. e,b,tr;cf ens, or as the. cock-pigeon doth the eggs. Contrariwik the Pie ~olumbarut ~unts away his ma~c about Autumn, leU: he {hould be forced to mafculU4 ipfa

keep her all the Wmter; and fo becomech chc h1..:ro<>lyphick of an ovu incul1at. U1lkinde hm.bmd. ~ ('hycrx. ill E11r1' if.J th{ lJmJ, the ChHrch] Loe thi6 js the patcrn of all true ~~;~:;;i~,,.

love, whether to our fclvcs or others. . . Verfc 30. of h~ fleP1, ~~a of hi& bo,.e1] Whildl he thn is
Joyncd to the Lord is one {pmc, I Cor,6.17. This union is neich r naturall, .~o.r corporall, no~ ~oliticall, nor perfonall, but myllic~ll and {~mtuall: And yet it 1s no leile true and reall, then that of Godthef~the~, a~dGod th~Son, (t1h.17.u,u. Fora~ cheholy Ghofidad umcc m the Virgins womb the divine and humane n~t~l'e~ of Chri0:1 !lnd them one pe~(on; by re1fon whereoF Chnll: 1s of ou.r fle~1 and of cur So the Spirit unices thac pcdon of Chn(\,lus whol~ perfon, God man, wick ouq>erfons,by rcafon whereof we are of. his Adh,. Jnd of his oones. Vcde 31 For thisc,,11fe,&c. J See the Note on and on Gen.2.24. Sk11/I be one fltfo J By vertue of that Covenant of God betwixt marrn:d(ouples, Prov.2.17. for he kecpetl\.thc bonds of wed.:


iaath an ancient Coun,el.

- V~rfe 3~ Thu. P5 a great mJfte~1 J To wk, chi~ myfiicall Qurn~g_e watbChfift~ le ~.affech the capacicy ut man to under~hnd Jt i ~he perfeft1on otic. Preachers c:m m1ke it known buc ~part J and b.carets can but in part conccivt' it. Let us therefor~

Vcrfe is.



1~- ---------------------------------~..-----------

2 3i


Commentary 11po11 tbt np;pt,e. Chap.,: ---wahl-;_;-r-pcrfett und~~(t~-;;d i-1;g-~i~,-~i11 all~bings be pcrh: dtd in


----- - - --- 4)7 s"t ratii ----to tht E , " s 1 A

__ .._ --


-- - --

N ,


Vt.Tf~ H Net1_trtheleffc [ 9 J. Bu[ that I may.mum to my formcrd1lcourfr, from che.wtuch I have tomewhac digrdkd tor
your faci~fatbon. Sen?.u foe revera:cr J

~ J:;;;~~,; -,,;-,,/mJj~~t J The c~;~~ri~);)-~~g h~l~PY-i~------- hiskrvancs, and nomuvdl, for he was a loving Malter. ~C.:\: che


and th~ 1s crowm:d alld cl~rornckd fur ir, 1 i"L't- 3. 6. 2. ln h1;, fptt'Chts both whim, and oi hun, as the Spouk in rht (',m1ic/e1. 3, Jn all ha gdrun:s Jnd dturcmc.:ncs : tor th~ may tcold wich htr looks,~c. Vultu f.ep'c l.tdiwr pimu, (jod hath a b:mcn womb for mocking Michul.


In ht:arc, as S 4r171h did Ahrah4 m,

Noct:on Mtd 8 6. VtTll li. Not "'ith q~fervi6r] And ~et ic W<:rc wdl if we would dn tiod, t;Ur grl'ac M:intr, but t:}'C!etvice. ~ur his cy1: isc.:vtrupon us; and pieicc:th into. tht: in~ard pares So rhac chi.:y
mu~h J~,\:in ch<.:mh:lv.:s, who thmK a\l 1:i wdll ~~ianh.: no m 11 (iill

fay rn chem, E t"ck._il thinr err. Vnk 7. A1 ro th1 Lord J In obedience to his will, anJ wi-:11 ri:frn:ncc: to his giory. V1.rk 8. Wlmlm he he b1 1d <fee J The Centurion did l:lut

- - - - - - - - - - -Cu A p, VI.



1. Children obty 7our P urent s]


fpec1all prom1te ot lung hit'. )ec more in tbf. Nocc on A1at. 15. 4. Vtrfe 3- "".Jnd thotJ ma~fl live Ion~ J GooJ children hd [O lengthen dmr parmrs d:ms, all f~ftph did Ja.cobs. Cod r~trC i:Jrt! lt'ngrhtns .ttkus in udbo.fli11;enrnm, as ic were. Or if he cake trom [hem chis long leak, he: gives them :t h~e- hold of bettn value. Ve~e _4. 'Provoke ""I, &c. ] God forbids bitterneffe and auth:mydmhusbands,_ Coloj:3.19. M~lters, c.1,1: 4. 1. Palems here, an Col 3. 21. Supenours mul~ 10 carry tht'mfel ws,as robe at once loved and frared. B Ht bring tlmn Hf;,, th.e n#rt11re, &c. J Or not1rifo them and Hn~~1 rhh~m.h'-'Td he bt~r $a:; n~dtuU il:i chc tRrml!r. They th"t nouwn c tlf c n ren only, ~whac do 'hq more, then the unrea. ~nablc crcacu~es t The bldlmg u~on potterity is entailed co piecy m the Cccon~ Commandment. It l may tee grace in my wife and ch~ldr~~, ~lid ~evcrc:nd ClatJ_igtr,Sati.s h4b.eo, f'ti(i.; mihi,mu. N.\

S lf4:ic _did ~brliham in fubmitting to bi: facrificrd: Chrall became obc:dH:n~ tvt"n co rht de:irh of the LroJfe. ~or tbiJ ~right J Good and am:prable before Cod and men, I T1m.5.4. Se~ the Nore on Aliu.15 .4. . Vcrfc 1, F~rft Comma~Jme11t With rromife J Towir, with

A _ As

complain ot th<.: fidrndkot his f<.:1 VJilt, and Umll utmk~d, fai<:s, ; \'rill ctJmt 1111d huzt him. 1-le ch:tc c.ime in the t1upi.: ot :i ic:rvant, \VlJUld go down to. the lick kt VJntS palkc, wouhi uot gu tu cht be~ of che rich Rultrs ion. Vak 9. Do rhc (cimethiugr J Thac is, Do your p:ms :md dutil!s by tht:Ln; tmd ule them as mcn 1 not ai; O~ill\~, . Forbearin<{ threatninx] Thote blufi~rs and cemble chundc:rm~ltrs, i~necr

mclis ot fierce and tilrious langu:tge tound m the mouchs u~ many fo licckcrofkd. StvrrittU nee fit tetr.1, me tf- Sidon. t>pifl. rric~: ~trv:mcs lhould be chiddt:n with good wurds, wah Gods words, and noc TLVikd. Vcrfe 10. Be ftrong in the Lord] For by his own firengch

t1ull no man prevail,

S .cm.~.9. Gtt \Jods Arm., wherewith tu

w1dJ his Armour, and chm you may do any citing. Vlde 11. Put cm itu Who/~ .it'mo1oJ ~)r dk rn.:~r think to_ do die forc.:-mencioned duties & we have a bufii;: adv{'.rlary co deal with. Tht:Tu1k~bcarno weapons, bc in travc:~l : ch~n tome: of chem teem like :i w; armory; fo mdl a (brillian be. Coriol~mu Lad io ulcd his wcapo~1s ot. a ch1tde-littl~, [hu chty frc1i1cd as 1f ~,.;~i~ 11,~ e,u cht:y had been born with ham, or grown mco his hands. Sheca re- ~mL , pons of C.t{dr, that he quickly lheached h.s tword, l>lltntvcr laid l'lu1.;~,b.

n .fillu (p fil1"'7m prof}r.\'l,l flull account thtm iutficiendy cared ere 5 ~

J Gr. The methods <:>r way-layings of thU old luurile SMp~nr, Who like D 4111 !lddel' 114 th~ l11ttb, h1teth tl11: htds of pa!f~ngers, and thereby tr:rn~tllkth his W!nome co Gcn. 4M7 cht: head and heart. ?uliA'IJ. by his crafc drew more trom the taich, then all bis perfecutiog predc,e{fours could do by their cruelcy. So 9oth Sat~n more hurt in his 11u:epskin then by..roaringi likt a lion. .~ ,, .
Vcrf~ u~

1t off.

No more mutt Wl'. The "'iler of the:tievil


m~ani.:th tlot (o 1nuck



of St Paul~t1the Et


n s r AN s.

Vmfc n~-1Vot a.g11i'ffl .fl<fo "1114 bioHa] Hereby the Apofii~ the corruption, ~ tht! We!llme{fo of our m... rnru~. q. d. We have nor only rn conflict wich weak, frail mm, out with puilfrnt devils. Look to it cherdorr, and lie open at no pl:m : but ge~ on t:vcry piece of this {pirinull :iqnour, whttber thofe tifdcfrnce (:is the girdle ot truth, brdt. phrc ot righceouf.. rn.:tfo, the t1rnes ot peace and patience, the hdmec of hope) or thofe of oftenc~, as chc f word o~ the Spirit, and the dares ot prai. er. l~~tch ~n thde om of the holy Scripmres, which are like So

tower, where h:ing a choufand fhields,and all the weapons

of thong mtm. The Apofi:lc here foundech che alarm, crying,

.Arm, arm, &;c.

H~i; a l~fe man that wanes. this girdle of. liri~~fit.y. Tiu brea/f plMc of rithtrt111{tm] Inherent ri.Yhctoufncs~t !oh. 3.7. thin ~nhm:th d~\io.n, 2. Pet, I, 10, "' V~tk t S And yo11r fou food] As une that is wdl booted ot L>uskmd can walk unhurc am1Jlt brit:rs and brambks : fo m;1y ht: a1niM\: Sacans fnares ~ Wht:r~ot a\l phces ate foll that is fottitil-d With Goipel-comforts, Whw:by God cre:m; pt'ace. Ver{e 16. ~hove 1t!i] Or, Ovtt- attd 11pt>H all. For the , . ,.. w~1d here rendred a iliield com~th from another word thlt fig- cm :mr.v. mhcch a d0<1r : co l}Ote tbu as a door or gare do ch the body, fo 0 J
,hefhidd ot foi~h covererh rhe wholu foul, Ll't u~ lw th~t(!tot'e OJ~~~ ( as Ep11mino11~1t1 ) N 011 tl1 vim, /td de fcNto fhlliciti. Scrvti a[ the fiegt: of D7rr11chium .fo .lon$ alone .re!ined 7'omp6p anuy, that he had i20 darts Hickmg m his flmld, and lofl: one ot his cyts, and ycc gave not ova till C tt(ar came to his


, ,..,







U. Hi/{&,


So wicked men make the de.. vils, by bdng a~ their beck and oucdirnce. Obferve here, (faith an Interpreter) in the holy Ghofi a wonderfu\l patern of c~ndour : he praikth what. is praife-worthy in his very cneip;cs. How then fillll not che Saints be accepted and ac. knowkdgcd, lith they fin not of malicious w1ckedneile, as de. '.j vil do. ,~ A11lliuf1. f~irit1111/J Wic~dnelfe J Gr. The )/' "'irit111tl1 ()t ~ic .. ,.., j f Jl' 'J ksdnef[e. thole hdlilh plots and fatanicall luggeU:ions, black and blaf phemous temptations, horrid ~nd hideous injechons, ~ &v. J,, hitih pldtn]. Or,, Abou~ our imcrc~ in chole heaven. ly priv~cdges, which the i)evJl would wung from us, and rob us of, Hi: fhovc with the Angel about the body ot Mo fas : but with us about our rrecious loules. And herein he hath the adv:mtage.. th!lt he is above us, and doth oLK : of chc aire alfaulc us, bdng upon the upper ground , as it were. . ., V(:rfe q, Thiit 7c m,11 be ab/etfJ Withfl"""-J Not fc:eking to re fill: S:mos cute with cratt,fraud with fraud,Sed per apert#m Mr1em, but by open defiance. He ilioots (iaich Gremham) with s1~ tan in his oWA bow, who thinks hy difpucing and reafoning to put him off. Vcrfe 14. Smnd thtrefijre J h military cxprcffion. A mau may wd1 iay co the ChriCliim (Quldier, as Sim~'"' io the e<:clcfi11{h call hi{\ory did to the pillars, which h~ whipped ucfure the eart!J. ' quake &Stand fall: tor ye Chall be lhaken. T'1Hr /oin1 girt ,.bout J Herc it ever, V11gir1, 1111Mefl.

But 1tg.1i.))ft priHcip1ilitiet,

rdcue. To quenr;h ~IJ the fier1 d4rt1 J Pointed and poifoncd with the venome of frrpcnts, which frt the hc:arc on fire from one luf.t to anuthe_r. Or_ftcry for the dolour and d1fkmpcr that tht:y work ; J~ alluhon to the ScJthi11n dms, dipt in th;: glll
ot ,.fps and vipers; the venemous heat of which, like a fire in

thdr flelh, kilkd che woundtd wich tormrncs rhe ltkclt hLll of
ilny oth~r.

Vc.:de 17. The helmet off.ilvation J Hope which holds head above water, and makech the lout with firetcht-out heck ~:ic::1cCt 1 ddivcrance Rom.8.19. crying out not only, Dul# JPiro, jp rrq, Luc dum txpiro !Juro. And the f word of the [pirit] Wherewith our Savionr beat the dLv1l on his own dunghill iha wilderndle , fc.:tching all out uf thu one book gt Deuteronom1, .M1mh. 4. ~o chc Notes



Vcrfe 18. Praying a/,.,aiei] Praitr is not only a r>art of the armour, buc rnabks to ~fe all the rdt. It is not only a chatm tor that crmal~ed fcrpcnt Livi"'"'""' J fa. 26.16 .. to inchant him, b\~t i\ Wh1p .. tQ 'onn~tlt lmn t and fll' h&m IOtQ anoth~r. bdl, ~Hh ch ..y(oft1m~~. It tecch1th Chritl: into' che bmle, ubQ to is fure ot ~itl"ry. It obuincth freni fUpplieS ot the ~pidr, 1'hil. l. I.9. and 1o maket.lrns more the1~ co1:qucrours, tvcn triumphers. lt UtlV.lrtb the: devil ~Ut of t.hc field, and makCth bim 6ie ttom

FlagelJum 'Di


us, T anqHa1# fl leuu vum t'X,14MtU tfftmtu faith Chr1ro~ ftmu. Eff)eci1lly if we go not ro the b:mle, J1J\m~e;,. ,m, wuh our break fall:, a~ Neflor in H,;mer, bu~ fafling and pra7. ing. for fome kinJc of devils :ue nor c:ifl cur 1 but b>' hlling and praicr, And \\acding tl1rrrnnto J That we be nor forprizcd ar una. wares. Tht bird Onom1t11/"'1 is (o well praL'la[J ro cxpeLC} the H:iwk to grapph: with her, chncvcn whc:n (he lhuctuh her tyts, fhc iLcpcth w1ch her beak txaltc:d, as if the woulJ concend with h!'.'r adYerfary: L:c us likewife fi:and concinUJlly upun our, The devil wucheth and wa kcch the round, 1I1 a.5. ~. Watch thcrtforc. Vcrfe 19 :v{nd for me J Minifl:crs rnufl be efprcially pray'J for, that they m:iy have a door not only of u:c~r:rn'c, but of t'ntrance to ml'ns hC2tCS, and (o be able to fave chemfdves, and rhofc that hear thtm. ln praying for fu.h, we prJy for our frlvts. Ver(c 10. I am .en Emb~ff4dour J Vrnc:ral>k for mine age and amhomy, as the ~vord fignificch. The ancit.:nt and the honourabk are ufually imploitd as Embatfadours. Co.~n"m /unt }II ?.iJ' & ;':~_-1>, old age and h000U( UC akin in thC UteCk tmwuc:. /~ bonds J Cir. In '1 c /Jain ; infkad ofa chain of gold ( wome


-- ----- --

--- ------ --

------ ------------- -- - ..


- . . J I / . . . _ _ - --- --- - -------


t.he creatur~s~ as by conduit-pipes. The air yeelds light a~ an inlhumem, the water may heat, but noc of it lclf. Whm a potion is given in beer, the beer of it fdt doth not work, but the potion l>y . the beer. So at'\ this c:afe. verfe 23. Putt bn" tht J,,.,tlJ,.tH] Thell! only bia the thit.. dren of pe:tce, Lr'~ 1 o. Jo. The wicked arc like che troubled fra, J(a.57. 20. which m1y fecm fomecimes fl:ill, but is never {o: no more are they, The peace of profpcrity they may have, but not of tmitquillity. Sincerit"4 ferenitatu mAter. Hence it tollowech, . , Verfe 24. In Jinc1ritJ J Or, ltHmmnlity, oppofite to that ~d!f0dft!.it, A1111themie Martinatba, 1 Cor.16.23.

l\~. ~ ~

rtr,i ;~' 17 :'<u bone my bonds ( (a1~~ lgn.HIPU in hii Epi_lUdik1:wik to ch~ epJuf'."n"-'"

,..) .fp;u.! ..,..., '(- com1nonly by Emlnffadours) and far more glorious.

I bear a-


___ ... _. -----



S~vcr. tflifl.J

j1-an1) as fo many fpmClllll Jewds or Enftgns ot honour. Oh, laid Alice Driver, hm: is a goodly m:cknchid1 bldkd be God for it, when the ch1in was put abuu ha neck. That therein I w.iy [peak.Joidly J He faich. noc, T~ac I may .be fn.:ed from my cham, but thar I rn:iy do my otnct wdl m my cRam. Let God krve hio1felf upon us, and then no matter what becomes of as. Al11rti111# dernmben1, Domine, dixit, Ji 11dlJ11c ptJpRlo t#o
fam mcej[Ari1M ,non recu(o /4borem. Vcr(e 2.1. RHt that ye ma7 J:..1101v

church co know chc lives and 1ffairs


le is of good ufe to the men cmim:nc in good

Olm\ et cxempluy holindft ; thilt othe1s may c"'prdfo 1$ P oi1carp did /oh~ tht.: Evangdift, as lrend!.H& did Polycitrp, as C7pri1m did TertNlii"n, 'P1me111 did Vrfin, &c. Vcrfc u. Comfort 10Nr h1iert1] It is God that comforts by



A Commentary:11pon the Epifl/e



ci;p. r.-D(~~:~~u~IJlhi -p ~-1- p p--~- ~--~ s . - -- --- ; 39 -faiLh'uu MmiHcrs, and qi1cnch the fpiric ii; ci1~m,d~ i c..[c,; chei~~w-.1---------- - fingular difa~va~pge. ' . : Vcrk5. for7ow.fellorvfb1p J A good man cannot tell h~w co
go lO l1c:lvtn ~lont. N_o fooncr had the Philippi,ms rcctived thl! Got pd, L>uc c_1u:y were m f~llo~_1111p co a dJy. The co1J1munion ot S:i.ims w1s wnh chem a pomc of pradicc, as wdl as an arcicle df hdkf. The Apollles Creed was :rnciently briefer chcn now. The 1 llll!llttOI\ of rlit: l !Hht:r ~ l.ieiti~~ "'"k,~ .. of lua'7.ll H ,u:cl ,.,,rf/1, I h\; }Ion~ dc:Hll :.llJJ 1klctmirng imu h~ll, ~lld Chl' ~ommwiio11 ol ~a inc~ bung wholly l>lll1rn:d: l.aply as amplJl'd iuih,irnrly in uchc:r t\nic1ts. Hm lmdy i( the.: Cr\.'.;;'.d Wl re.: called Sy m(,,,/:.~m, as a l1i1n or b:idt!e w J1th:r<:11~e ~hritl:i:ms trom lntidds and wicki.d p~ipk, [l\l-;t! w.i~ lmk n:aion to leave out _the{~ummun1011 ot' .';Jims rhts bt:in1,. a 111.lill dlllintliVL' Chara~h:r: tiH.:rt.; lJ.:in::; llO lllCh tdlo:\'lhip l!i a~
mon~ th~ ~:.1ints,

Vpon the Epii1le of S. Taul to the

p H I L I P P I AN s.
I. H'itb tbe Bi/bops and Deacons J

Vcrfc 1.

'f',c c1':1 -.;.'~. 11/J. ~ .i..11'. l

He word Pridt is mvcr uf1;;d at all for a Miniftcr d the lJofpd by.cht.: Apo!tks, no nor by chc 1noH: an -, ~ , <1u1c Lnhns, :is 11 c /l.u-mine himfdf confclll:rh. N;~ . \; ,?;. t111d yet b1\ J tJgtr were our 1acc btl:~ms for \~,,::::::',,_{ Rome to havt.: pmlh:d us all, but chat: <Jodbccrc'r p10v1Licd f-or 11. Yt:til: 1. rir11le beto yr,11] :'ice chc Nore on 1 Cor. 1.2. and onFpl11/.i.2. . VL'd~ 3. V?o'z cvciy rNn'mbr<1 1ce J And no wond.:r: for thlle W,!e rhoit: bmom ,11, rn:n fide gwe ch~mtdvcs to ct1~ Lord, an:i t.11.:n co rhcir faiL11'i1:: Mirn1lus by ch~ will ot (1\>J, 2 Co, 8. 5. Se.: cht: N-J~;.: chm:~, and cumpHl! If' 50. 10. Vt.:rlr.: 4. 1t1.,1~11z 1rr1eft \\'ith j.,,] Thofc th:it grieve th:ir f,\itbhill :"

u,. ...

Cant.6.9. Will perform it] Or pnh:tl ir. God dothnot ufc. co doi: his workl>y lhe halvc.:s, ~Ot.:1> chotoWibtch with ir 1 I Th/~ 5:24', I'fdt.I ~ti D. ~11ly Wr rillllt pr1y :..IS Lt41/;l'>' W.tG Wont to do, (,01._!11 m, 0 L1Jrd, rn m \\'~llt thou h.1JI \\ 1 011::'.1.1, ,znrl prrjil.Z- the A/!. a1i{ Non, \\'fJriz.r'-1.1t rho11 haft brgun i>J JtJ to thy ~/11ry. So 1;,. it, Atid as /ol 771. Qg~w Ui~abeth p1a1d, Look_ upon the \,01~i1d.r tJf rhy h111d1, ,1nJ 4, ~J1i/e.11or the \\lorlz..of thy h.inds, Tho rt h.1/f \\'rirti!11 we d111vn i11 tiJ)' i:ool:_,o/ pre(trv,11ion \\'ith tl,,inc 01vn h,.md : 0 rer1d thine 01 vn h.1nd1rnting, and five me, &c. Ve1k 7. Parmt!en of WJ ~nut] ThH is Ye Nrn1nunicHe with me in my {urt~rings, -which he: ht:rc ca\l~cb h.s r1rr1ce, anJ t_d~ rht:m, vtY[. 29. To ~'OU it ts ~i Vtn, as an hnnom~\:;. t1> iutkr tor ll1rtlb lJke. Cnul littU veftr.l ~frria nojl,.a, hid ch(Jlc P11mi .. 'I'CTtu!J, llVt M:.myrs. I had r:uiit:r be a M:u tyr tht:o a Mo11;.trch t..111i J~11.ui1u. l c is to my lolfe, it you bate m~ any thll1.' .n my ii1ff~1 m.','~. laid G(/rdif"! t~ his cormt:ntollls. G.u.dd>v1t c riff in 1 cum tend~'~

v:1k 6.


rur, rum f111d1eb . uur, cum d11mn11b,u1.r, cum d11c. b,uttr laich '" :1f.d. a)l .dn,gr:fli11,, ('dfpin11 rcjuycc:d when lht: WJ!i a1Jpr~hL'ndr.:l1: conVdHcd, condl.'.ffilltd, <:Xt.CUttd. Yn!e 8. I long afier 70_11 " " ] Hl're che Apo4He prachfod his own p1c~\.ptuf ~ilthl'l1}1 aftdl1on, R~m .. 12. 1 o. PrJy for me, mine ~'"'~~ 101 , own !le arc. rout.m the Lor~, fl!l.em ~n im imt<i vifcerilnu hf.lbeo ad All, "''''Mon~ t:o11vivoid11t1> t::/ commoncndH'm, fa1d Bradford in a L<:cccr co his /Q/ 1 1lh.. fdlow M.myc 1.a,,rm('e S.iunderJ. Yt:nt: 9 Ana in 111/ judgtmmt J Or, Senf~ . The foul aUo;


- ------.-------~-----A CorntnenlAl'J #pot1 ll11 Bpijlle

'240 -


------- --- ------------ ha~h h~r fenf;6 a;-wtll as the body. And 1b.efe mufl b~ exercifed

to dilccm ~ood and l;Nil, Hcb.5 .14. thofe two lwtrncd {enfeselpc ciall)' (as eAriflotle caHcch chem) the eye andThc car, fgb H 3, Jcr.2.31, verk 1e .Appro1u the things] Or cry t he t h-mgs t_hac d.rifer, th:it ye be not ch~t.ed, audio .sndone, as many a man as by puc~ chafing a countedc1t commud1cy lt :m unre:ifo~able nee. A~" fe 4 iv-U:onclooks lik~ a diamond, and many chmgs ghll:er bd1dcs

241 ...___ --- __ ----- ... _______ _ flttwdrom i~: to is ~e ~hurch byic's fulfcrings. T.Ois caufcd /11""" to Cp.uc Chrafl:mis, whom he could th v~ walhed out of the world. l chankour Lord God ( fiid ll. Ridtq in a Jeerer of bis to Braa(Ord) tbltGncc' heard ofour dear brother Ro~crs d.:.


Df S~~Paul tQ\the P,u .1.t 1 ____________

.P. r .I.'4 N


I I , ,





Ycrk 1 1 1 Rong f.'led Y\11h 11.J~ fmt1] Thi! e:nellency of 1 Chnlh:m i~ co folluw GCJd folly, '1S C11frb, Numb, 't i1. To hav<::l hmtfoHuf goodadlt:, asthok Rom. J ~.14. A life tullot good works, as TAbitha, Al'l:. 9. H See the Note.: on G.. fo. 5 22. V crfe 1 z. Rather unto the fi1rther.n,c1] So wc:rc Luthm troubles~ ~o 111agu iUj fort111t, faitll he, eo Jimpfou prccedo, Thl! more they ra11c, the more th~ Gofpel fprc:adcth. It was a plealant fight ( fa~ch one) co have l>chdtl Chrict and Act~chnl\ lhivini; for malleries. for ~h!ldoever ~he Popr . and the Empc rour atternprcd ag1infl rhe Gofptl, ChnU turn~d It all Eo the furtht:ranc~ of the Goipel. The Popes lm\l, the Empt:tours thundtr b(llt amazed noc m<:n, but animated chem to i111brace the tmlh, wt.:a~mcd tRtm not, but wake;:ned chc:m rather. V crfe 13. In a/J the P'~li11ce J So in the d.iet held at .A11Jbo ~o"~h in (iermtrny, tin no 1 BO, Ctt(ar rc:admg ~he Pr?tdtams ' <.:oi1tdlion, and fending it abroad co other Chnlhan Prmces, as
ddiring their advice about ic, di{perfeci and fpread it more m all

good a~aons and good aim3, Thou6h ii goud :iim doth not nuke a b:&d achon good t as we {~e in 'U U:.. !lh yet a bad aim nu.kei: a g~oJ al~on bad, . q:> in thcfo pr~:u:he1~. . fbey preached Chnfl:; fu d1~ the Jc;v1l., who. yet was bknced by Chriit, MArk

r.y, ere. . . . Verfc IS .. S omt intlml preach Ch rip] Such fdf-feekcrs there arc now~ da1ts not a few. Two ching~ make a good Chritban,

that u~c hne I felt ~ny lumpifh h::avindle, as1 grant I hne tdt fomcnmes bdorc. So Bradford in a letter co C,.anmer. Latimer and Ri4lq~ prifo~ers at 0.'l:ft~d, ()ur dear brother R"gers hath brol((~~ che 1c~ vali:mly. Asrh1~ d11)1 l tbinl!e he.1~ry g,,bf'.!., 1 ttUlly Ttt,/Pffr, :and tm,s:rc s,mndrr1 ead thdrcourkand n:cdvc chdr crown. The tll'Xt am l which hourly look for the Portu rn open me the gaci:s afccr them to enter into chc dc:fircd rca. Goj tor.. giYc ~c mine umhankfulndfo for chis exceeding grc:ic mer..

pming ,_ a.nd Hout coofdtling of duitl at.'lcf his truth even unto A{f. 4" t >.fo11. de.uh~ my hurt, bldfed be God, rl.'Joyccd of ic, 11citha c.ver fince fo!. s~ r.

UiJ, ,.a~.

24, 25 Yerle J 6. Prt11ch Chriff of contention J Striving to bear a\Y3 Y .c~e ~11 from me, as the better pruchers. And with tuclt ~glblClomfis the Church pf Cbrilt h:ub:cver. been pdtcrc:ci. This l\lildt J;.uther pray, Ad~ll.Qrt glorio(O. & J. P.ajl'4rt c1mt~Ji.Jio(i, /i ..
b.eret Ecclefi.i1m foam. D ornimu. From vain .. glG>rious and. conten-

pans chcn all the /,,uther11-n i>rcachers could have done. For which
11 ,,


Scr11m. Anni\\ iH


A-.1.anJ 'fon. foJ. iJ J) 8

Lutbe.,. laughs ~good at the foolil1~ Wifdome 6t clle Papms Ill a c~rtain EpilUe ot his w che }f,kC\:ourof Sxon7. W~m '1111m11r altowc;d wjJJi11m H11nur, Martyr1no more then an haltp!ny a diy in prifon he confdfl.'.d that he lacked nothing, but had meat and cloathm~ t:nough, yea 1:vcn cue of che Courc both money, meat, cloathcs wood and coals, and all things nece[ary. What friends John wi~li!f~ tound, l>och in the Court of .Ji,.,~/.'lnd, and i~1 the Co11rt ot B ()htmi.11s hunuuL1y known : And yet the Provetb 1s, E:ve11t .:ml,i qui- velit effe pitU-P . . . . Vt:rk 14, Ar( mMch mor~ bolJ] This 1s the fruit of thi Samrs fuffcrings, Ecclrfi~ totHm "'!"n1u.m (at1J,Uh1t ~ ,orMiDll~ ~o,,1m tit, f~ith LMhtr. As chc Lilly 1s mcn:akd by at 1 own J\HCC th1t


'he !uddcn. ' Vtrfe 18, Chrifl ~~ pr111,hrd, &c. J p~qrflN s~~~- ~n .L~. .,; R therm,

trous pn:achcrs~ The good Lord ddiver his Church. S11 ppofirJgtD Adde ~J]t~6tiM Jo '"J. band1] An imman~ cruelty, Cuch ;is J~band 1>11w" ofotomplam of~. Job ti. 4' P {JI. 69. :i6. c ~ . 1 1 Queen .E.ii~ah,th h~~ed 1 n~ lc(fo . then did: M.ithri"4te 1 , fuch . r:~ m F. t . as malic1oully perkcuted venue forfaken of fortufte, ,faith . C11mden. Vcrfc 17. Knowi11g th.ct 1 am ftt J Or, L11ia b1 th~ heel! K,,'p.Cl..l. they of love he~p Ol.l~.a~.a dead ~.ifc, an~ do my "nice abroad : . ~ M11r~Ua a maid ot _i,_,.,,~, f~emg b~r fat.berfia'in in the\gate,. took up has Weapons, and not only revenged his death~- but helped rurli..Hip,,pa co keep cut ,-tile Turk~, who hoped to have furprizcd the City on

A C~~1'til~~~J~~. ti!!__Epiflk' ~~!:. rher111, f,J Chr'iftl# 11ivit. & r.egnt., JtmetS,' taidl L111htr in an


Epiflle oi hist~ Sf.-1.Jti>uu: LutJu,, is &!all.:~ a J,v1i; C>"t b.,; '' to1 to long u Chnlt J~ uugrnhtid, I am wdl 11p~uJ: All \111 te;!tp1.tlsfhould bL: druwm:d in .tht g1ory ot (.~od. ;13'1t he: is .a bak lp1tt

of St Paul to the P u.1 .. "'I AN s. >-~l'trfe !-4: ,_.,; ,;;,,,,t' ~~~'/Hf 1~~ l Mc lt~i;,;djihg~ ~id~~ -- - 1






.firing cofJc ditfohcd. ,being ro1d d11u 11: WHindccd bmrr for him
. tobl! withC 1-ivi<l:, but the Chttrch of God could not mi(f~ him, nm:
c~ ~nefit of his Minictery, he thus re piled rs.1~,26. If Jjh4/lfi11~efafJt1Hri11thu1u

tt:d man thU.isti>t~ in[,, like Lhc.lna~fi.ill.witbi11 Joor~, alld ac iiumc:. 1 , .ll. Vak 19. Thu p,"ll t NrN t~ "'J.f;.Jv,.tio J God make ch all co co op.:ratc and turm:ch ~ll a~uc co cht: bdt : as tht: skallull Apo chi:cary nukt:th ot a po1ionfuli viper a whoUome trl.lcll!. Sec the Nuce on Rom.8.28. 3nd on Gen.~0.20, Vc:rk lo. AcctJrding t(I mJ e.irn~ft J St P4Hl flood as ic were tin ,ip-,u,.;:; ,Q L~~ wbi~h way~;:; h~ uusM bd\ glurlfi, \jod bJ l1k or dm.h. Vc:rfc:z1. Anacoaic'6g;Un] B.caufedcathcoa.good manis tht: day .lmak ot w.:ruall u~ighrndL, ju~U.l vit~ 1 po rm cre/t 1 ar Ber1tArd hath it, a VJLlc:y ot .d,hor, a ctoor ot hope cogtVC't:ntrahcc into Parad1k, to oring tht:m T'4Lor 11m omnium 14iJemptio#em, bono ..
rHm omninm 11de1tionem.

wicb D .cviJ, i S .cm. of the Lot-J, he *-'ifl

brir.g ,,,e 4g,1i.t, """ ftmit me bntlo .it .-.11J hil htebltztti.""

B ~t i( Dtherwi(e, lot here I Am; let hsm Joe \"VhAt (umeth l"otl. .,,

which is rhac highdl: dl'.grc~ or faich, whereby :i believer having ~omn viCl:ory over his duubting<1, criumphech with a brsc mc:a!urc uf joy. .. . / Vede '-6. 'Thatpu,.,jnytit1~ Cr. To11,,. gfo,,.yi1ft, Cl)rexulting in chis, thu 'God ha ch given In\! in, as an a~l wer C<> your pr.tiers. le is furely a rwecc thing co hl'ar trom heaven. D Avid often boalls ot it, PJ:6~ & 66. ' Yerle i7. Olil1 /et:7tJNt-t:,,Hveor{tttin-..] tf d. If you would th~c

hie< tffl . . Vcrfe 2 5. And j"1 nff~ith J Th:iti~, for your full alforancc


i\V1f(( f ~~ ~'1'

x.c vr.i,.w.11 J'1- laws hath a like: fp.:rch,7 h, romm1mio11 of the (iul ftii1b 1he bodJ if

Verk 22. what I ftJa/J ch11fe.,. l Wot not] As a loving wife (int tor by her husband far: hom hum", aud }'l t loch tu h(r. children, is in a .umk. anJ dotabt Wb.4t to dot: Su was t~ ApolUe, . o.l.v;r}: Vtrf(: 23. For I""' i11 a ftr11i~ J PIM9 in the eighah- of his


nut ht:t.W~ then.thL.' .iJlolutJo~ l~l WvhlJ. (~)' 1l lw~r(; (~lf>\:ak in camdt~ liut wht-1ln'i; f l11ro bclren:d hnnfclt 10 lctj(.Hl~ l bl.lYt: rtil: {~n co ma'"'Gudtwu, w.1en 1cou(ickr5hat hi~ malkr ~uct1itts, when he came co du:, doubtcd.whtchcr i~ Wt:rebcm.:li With tlK!.dead vr wi1h rihc l.vw~, '15 bo1h l'l-ttQa11J Cicen, cdt1fi'c:.. Ht&TJiut11 JeJrt to d J>-4>:~ Ji Tolooh~hMi dlt! tl\oret>f hi'l.~; 'nd lawich our ic:co 1hc tllam ot rnunoi~J,cy; ;0f"'K1111ay tx: rcnth.:1't:J,w rttwn homr.,"H.~4t'ao11u~ : . : . . "" :'! .1 .. eAnd to b~ 'Wi1h Chrifl This was :il~ his .iong cvt:r finer he

.\,Qd lhould ht.11r you; and deliver me, be ready prepared for rhc m:eiptofluchamercy. Thefoumainofdivinc~nce will not be la~enac with foul bands, Pf.66.17. The lep~rs hp!a fh0u~d be covered according co che law. .. . dAtjow e-onfl~J"""tio# J To#,, dfJil co11vt1"{Jtio11, your com~ 'tl'o~mv~ moocommerce, ond interdealings with men alfo. H1pp~crAtu A1:;i1~1t.~~;~ took an otth of h~ follow1:rs to keep their profdlion un{bincd,tnd ~;~;;~ ;,),. <> lhtir lives unbh1,rnc1bk. 'Tl')'..VHV ,i4r.
Stti11l11g tognht,. for tht faith J A! th~ Jbrmi~ of 1'tJ!1mite proferl~d co do,- by their fhrrir\g up ac the reading of the Golpel, Anrro ' 6 s .and drawing oat their {words halt way, in telhmony that they . would Click and hnd co the defence of chat truth co the.very death. 1o. ~u""'114

In his ,, ..c by M.JJ.Wb..t.

..~tJ.M'Nt.Y ~,i~ .

h:1d bten in the 'thi1d QC:Utn. So M B o/1s11 lymg on his 'dt:ad1-btJ laid, J AJ11b1 thr WonJn-jilli "'"ciesgf-G,11J M(iilJofcoP'hfort d4 "'1 lmwr ~tinboMj ,.,.cJi(HJn,fbfflr. ;,,,,,, (011/-b#rCkrifl, Wiilrwh1m' dlji.-d lo />1. f whi&h id, f "rr'" /Jdtrtr ] Fare fam: . die better. A' tun-

icendent cxprdlion, 1ath as is that1, :l Cor.4. J 7~ See ehe Noce thic~. J: ~ .: .; . J. ~- Vc.rfc 2-1.

Hdp the cm th in necdlity, firive wich it, and for it . . Ve~fe 2i. Antl ;,, n1thi"t r1rrift1J] A Mecaphorfronthorfes, !J17ue]p.vtt.. when they tremble and arc tore. atrig~ced. He i:hat fearcth God, need fear noneelft, P/,c/.3."BUt with thehorfe in lob., he mock- Job j9.u. c:th ac fear, and is not afoghtel : neitber rurnech he back from the tword. .. YcrCc 19 Fl1'" llf/to 10 it iJlfirm1] .As :m high' honour, Hot ~H/_J ffJ io/wve ( 1ht>\lghl~a(U grnt mmc:r : For he that belie-.. v~rh hach fot co his (cal.that God is true,. hath gi~en Cod 1 t'cllitn~ mall, fuch as. is that :Dtut-32.4.) buc 1Jl{J { asa turthet favou~ ) '' !Nff,rfir hilf,,k!: 'fhit is the foweft. f~bfeaion that can be fo . . R. 2 God,


V'-- ___..,___. _ _ _ _

--------- -- ----------------


---- ---G~d~-bucthe.highcR: hoootfr both co hi~ and us. Thi! made' LaM Act.and .'ion. timer afrer the fcntence pronourred on hui:i, cry c-ur; I 1h11nft God htarti/7 of th~ lumou... SttrmderJ fa1d, I a~ th~ m1muttff lbil q f1. m.ltt for th'6 high o.ffice,th.ct evfr \\1 .u. 11pp11rnud '" tt. S11~h trH ho J/1111 I 7H Hbllr it iJ. faid c,zreleffe l\larryr, m th~ J'.YCattP lfn~'!,tl,,, he,t1Jm i6 11or pcrmiruJ io hin,.,. <lod.jor,_(;11~ m~ min&' 1111thAn/:!ftil ->Jtf{e, &c. . . . ' Vcrk 30. whfrhyefiwinme] ,l[f, 16. 19,11, 24,c;.c. Sec the Notes thac.

ACom'!'!"!~~! ~1f1J!!_~"!_!_pi{lk


Chap.~ of St Paui ~Olhd .I>,~ 1 ~ .1:.t>. u A N .~kolly fhut ~iJ.Wichi~hi~~~ifT~1~anodi~perfoa~i-~d.the .place



prdf~ Ghrifl: to che wor~d> not as a p1~ure doc~~ man .n outward lin~:une,n.cs on~y hue as .a child~ doth hts fathmn affe~ta~;an.~ a C\il)o:;, Out lives <hould be as {o many Sermons up.<m (;Ju.:t~i l1h,

be lives in, longs for a vomtt to fpur rhfth obt. ,. : , ::, .... . L: . ver(e s, Let'thinnind~ h'e in '.you'] We fh'Jtl\d O:~iye tQi ex

Vcrfe I, If thtre be therefore J

were, by llll che bonds ot l<?vtJ b~twtxt hrm lnd chem. .Msr~ ttrs ofimpomnce mufl: be preHedwnh urrnolt vehemenc.e,. Col6(. .3, 14, Love is charged upon us ib~vc all thofc excdkn.t thmgs- there reckoned up. . .,, l 1,. if .tn} ccmfurt of love J l,.6 .there ~s v1.:ry...much,; ~a king the Saines cornjoy one anotht:rs.foc1ery w1eh fl)ttaru1H dt.'1.,,ht, Pfal. 1 6. 3. and to comm~nicate with gladm l1c and linglmclte ofhcarr, .A l1.1 46 The lord doth ufually and graciouny wam the holy fCl. lowfhip of his people with ch~ dew6 ot many fwm. and glo~fo~~s rcfrdhmgs : to that thcy have a vny heaven ~root!~nh~ for kinde1 the fame with th!lt ~bove, md d11hring onely in Je..
2s ir

Moft pamorutc obrdl:nion, importing, his moa vehement A dd1re of cheir good :igrt'emcnt ' he conjareuhem,

Plt.2..9, .~ :1 . . : . . . . . ' , ., .i . : , '/ Vcrfc 6. Ta beeq1111!1 'With God] Gr. EqHA!J, thu is every w2y tquall, not a focondary inforiour (;od, as the Arrians would have him. See the Notes} on ?oh.1. J ,iAJ14 . Verfe 7. Bm made h.imfelf, ~c. J ~r. Emptied hjm/1lf, fu , ~ (pended and l1id ~fide h.tsgl,ory and maJc~y.1 a.nd became a fumcr . wt11m. bockuy impuc:mon (for God made the m.1qmcy ot us all to meet upon him, Jfa. S~ 6.) and by repucatton for he was reckoned not only among men,,, but among maldaClours, verfe 9, Hence he is laid co be fenc fn th~ lik~ndffo of "'nncfoU fleili,,
RmJ.8 j.
. . .

Vcrfe 8. He h11mhled himfolf] This Sun of righceoufndfo went ten degre~s b1u:k in the diall of his Facher, tkat he .might come tC:l us with health in his wings, that is, in his

. beams .. , Rec11me obedient MHto d~"th J Th1t is, to his dying day, faith


Ephtf~ "i 1, 5, Sec th~ Notes th('re. .' .1 r ~Vcrfe 3. Lrt.Hothi.,,g ht a1JHt thr411,~/JftrA#J Th<:~c are. rhofo hdl hags that fee the Church on 6r~ ~111.omul ~ ;md e1l\d~~~ H thde

y ones lhould move us meptiom.:d by Ol\l' Apoltle)

R ting of o>ie 4ccord f one m1nde J Herru:1t<>chofe nu

lfiJ. Ptl11f l 4



(Ir 70 9H"c, l!<n~ t>(q.oQ~Q.:(.if 1JJ.! cif~o.A>~r.1r "f" f-t.<lf'-';.,._as ! hath. ir, that'all men would foon confeot iJ.1 ~~.~the (alJJt truth; and b~ ~[ peaCC: among themfflYCS. . , : , 'I , ] : : ' ' .

could be c3H ouc of mens hearcs, gre:ic hopes there were,


great ll1ckler, b.u mun bt ~xdgJcd whm lgn fililll b; mailnaincd.. li_c that i& whoUj

Vrrl~ 4. Look_ not tvtr1 m1tn. &c.


Self'~ !I

Be~:i. He wencthorow many a little death all his lifo long, and at ltngch underwent that curft:d and painfull death of the Croffe, his foul alfo bdn~ heavy to the death, Mat.i~. . . ' . V.erfc 9. wh'errftm qqd 11/(o., &c.] Whtr~fore denoteth not the cau(e; bile the order ot Chrjfts exalcacion. :as a confoqll.:nt of his fufterings, as tome conceive. Vnlc 10. Thar aicht na1nc J Gr. In the n11mr. The Papifts fiifiy defend the.ceremony ofb.owi~f:? at the n~me ot Jdus,to cou~ccnancc tht: adoration d the&~ derned .Jmag~s, altars and their hofl: ; teaching in their .Pulpics, That Chrilt himldf on the GJro~e, bowed his head Qll the rit;ht fide, co rtverence his own name, which was written over it. , , ' , ' Verfe 11. And thAt ever1 tongue] The ljcathens were wont to fay, Mutw fit op1rrttt q*' non [11Ndllri.t Htrcu/em. tee that tongue bt: tied up tor eyer, chat crit:s not out with D "via, Yiv1it D1Jmimu, and with Luther, VivAt & regnet Chriffm. Amt" Verfc 12. Work. out;our f11lvatioH] The rea(on that men fiill tn:mbk1 ind u' ftiJ1 uu~bl~d. wi'h '~'Ii doub[1 tinQ that frar i~, R 3 bmu{e

Sir r:Jwlt . sa11ri~ in Spec;. Uur 1p.


'._*6 ______ A ~1111'1 pblt r/H Epiflll

Chap. 1.

twcaufe .thtit fa~vation jsnoa wrought ouc, '>umething is left oodont and their confc1ence tels them fo.. . , ,


of s~ P~ul tptht;P~r,t~ .i.P1l' J AN a.


With (tAr ANa t~~mbU11g J o.ppoled co carnall fetLUity. Thofe venturous bold fpmcs that dare live in any evil, fo h ~ate not ib ah~r f~~t;J, ~hd hm; "~' a ht; n fonfull ut tht kafi nH, trpire not
tb unrnortallty.

Verfe 3: For it i.J God.tvhich \'t/1r/r.!th J Thcn:forc workout, ~c. As lfll 11gt11us, 111011 moventes, asthe inferiour otbs move as aCl:cd by the fu~riour. When God hach tunetl, and doth [OUCh us, we mul1: n~ovc: an~ whakfi the tpiric imbrcaths us we muA turn about like the mill. ,
ri.t, faith
To \'fill lfnd to doe J S 11b lt1Hdib111 tMtHr~ IJ1t111t ini,,,iei
v fuguftint;


who Uood {o much for gr1ce, chu \he S,ho~lmcnfay htycdd~d too litdc to hoc.will. :fhac Wf live it tht: gift of thc.g~ds (faith Seneca) th:it we live well, is ot our f~lvcs. A b11k lpcecl~ l So Cicero, 1ud~ciNm hDc Dt11HiNm mrfrl. rft, forfl!na'!' a peo petendam, ,'i feip(o famend,,#1 {Apit1't1am. for wh1.'h un.pious ten~cncc .A1't11fti11e fltich bf h'im, ENt11J 'n1 civ.7J1U.r #t f 11certt hom1n~J /ibrros,'ficlf[e r~crilego1. V~de 14. W1t?o#t murmHrings J Gr. Wrt4th 11na iran&oll1', ~fl';,. tw difco?tent, which n:iak(); 1nen~ lips like rult:y hinge~ kldomc co move without ~urmurmg and complaining. And d~fpHI "'V] Or wranglmgs about_ trifleh nicitits or novdms, dungs when:o Wt 'an have ndthrr proof JJor i1mfit. . . Va!ns. B~.1m1leffe11na~h11'rml~J{t:] Gr. Horn/rfe, or.fin c:ere wachouc m1xtur~ CJf deem or gm le, lfr4tlites indet:J. The (ons ?f God] J?ignity eoforcech duty. Remember chat mhou art a ~mgs fon, faid he to Ant;gon111, and thou can& not do amifle. - wilho11t rtbHk,; J. Such11s envy it kifcannot ju{tly ClX, or r~ lten her tangs oh. ~'. L11thero f1w~rem Nt viro bo"" quoti f 14 m1 t~r ~ b", &c, f;oth !3nfrn11.t, who )'Ct WTCd him nor. 11 thtr ~a good nrv.m 1 irn h1~ very enemies (annot but atknowlcdg<:. So B11cer, Br.11Jf1rd, Mel11nffh1,,, &c. ChrilUans thould um:ll others, ilandmg as fiandard-br:arers, higher then ochers, as Saul was by the head and ihoulders, bdng without blemifh from head to foot, as Ahfa/om, fair co the eye a aod good t~ the ta ft~, as &.he me of knowledge. ln.tht midft of -s rmfc!d l As .No,t/o was righteous.ill hisgcae ration:


his law i as Eli1tlt ama<tl\ the ~ .,4/ite1., &;ries, Z r/4ndv, ~e:l1&1ii; (h< wqtfe th~y wer~., rhe b1mer .\q~~ he.. 'BA>'UC kind~<.!d .~imfelf from Other 1Ilfl1$ CQ}dntfk, a,nd qtU~Jlt:d him felt frp.m O~hcir JDel1$ .A 'l tJJJit fiip .. dulocs1 Nth.i ~Q. , . . . ,\ . . , - : ;urn, Ttcm .As light1 ;,, til11 'Wor/J J Luminaries, great' light~, Cuch as are . the Sim a.n4 Moqn, tha_c give: lighc to orhers.. SocJ1c wicked have ~:;i~H'~e,. greater common gifts then che godly; as many meccals ar.e l>ri~h ccr an~ more orfonc t~CA tht heavem ,i - yet i ~bo(6 mt!.tuls, not fie ~o c;onvey the light Qf ch Sun, fl')l ~nd~ed . ch,t'f woilld fiAi' .it. to neither are the wi,kcd. fit co Olir~ ih~ trnt: light intOl\Sjb.LJt Chrid and Chrill:ians, thofo light$ of the wo.rl<.i. Mit. 51 V~rle 1~. Ho.M;nMori1.~.1b1 .w.~rJ]i,AJ '4tf, ~#AftJ, Qr mbe.r F.m;.,?171, .~ th~.~'Pd.d9~~ ~~e.~<ncrh., '?~ tM lit~h:.tRW~: the: Ji~ht,. and .tb the haven, to weather-beaten Mariners.

facion: as 1ofh11Ah would fer~e J6~0VJhJ rlmu11h alon~ ;, . Dt-... :.\ .'.'..:.JJ~;;~; ~~;,:;~ 'fJitl therefore l<,>ved G~ds tq(\mwmcs, be~te mto:~~pb nou / 1 ? .,_


. .i47

drmkotfermg upon the

.And 1n c1>11pr11w,q, thtteoffe~J 1h, fj'lr'.r WiJ/-J '/,bl~u4. .. _ Vfrfc J 8. Fo.rthc (Jlnec~11fa11lfo,&.<!..) The hc;ir~r~ ~ffetli.. ons and endeavour~ lhould e~atly anfWt:r to the atfrCl:ions and endeavours of the preacher, as tht: Elders of Ephr(m did 1 All. 20.. 31,37. And as thofe rdigious Rom"tis did, thlip. 6, 17 . and thcfc Phi/lppiA111, 2 Cor.B S . . . . .. yc~fc19. Thatf 11lfnnayvtofg904~o'1J.,fort] Thul 111ay be e11 .Jux.3,

R1d/q ma letter to B1(bpp 8r11ok.! 9f. (/,/q_~1Pn,~. w.rifeth. thus:. Ar f9r the dollri111 W~ich J ttlf'lei tJl.11.f,ht~ '111 f.qrifc.i,c1!f~ 11lf1imh Aft J r mr rh1u i1 WM (o,,114,.;,J t1VHrdh1g 1v GtJf/1 Word, t(J hh glor1 be fol ;2~ 4 /+Au, ' it ffeok_tn: tht Which do_Elritit tlu Lord hting my help,, J WiU m~tf- tfltn~ {J lo"t M 11f,f 10lff.~' /h~Q Wag, 4mi br~i!f!1 11 ~i(~.i.i:t m1 ~od1,

I b.e.ttffm4]. Or, Be poun~d ouns a &c. t<;> k1Jl un my Do~rinc, w~ereby .1 hav.e,.~rQ\tgb~ y cp the Qb,ediwwe ,~f. hi~h. _ li~ap




_Ycr:fc .io. Likt'mi.n.dedj An"'''' t.(~ to-me. rruc fdendCh1p transtorme~h l\S into the ~oodit,QP of th9fe we lov~, as Eu,. Sn-J,i>;t~' fckiw into his friend Pamphi/m the Martyr, whence he was cal.. . kd EN[cbfol P ttmphi!i. eAmi~it i11ji1 trunum inter /Jinn q11i {unt Htert11J'm. ~td,~ bouos qHi (un.t p11Hci. , Vcrfe 21. F~r All ,k._ their own] If it w,erc fo then, what l\ 4 wonder

mtpmted. Por when Si/.u and TimtJtluw \.Vc1'e com.e from thefo MttceduNitrn1, 'l'a11J was pn:tfrd in fpirir, and Ice viguroufly U[> AU.18.f. on the Lords work.



-- -.-.;48------A::-.c-=--~--:-. -;-.-:-h- - - - - - _______ :. _ #n"'!!'_~'~P!~~--~Epijlk Chap. 2 wonder if iiow, 1$ Wd fo tong_iirtcc foi-~~old;-:i Tim.~.~.- ~lt


tnuft b~ fhouldred ouc, and Ctmtts fhnc O:udied more ch own. ll . . . n l f 1 m o11r a pra~a~e anterenCi et al , and all folf. refpccts drown'J ~the ~lory ~f God, and cht! publike good, or dfe w~ wane chu p~ous mg~nwcy:chu b~comech~S~ints. Ids f:lid of Cflto,: rluc he d~d-tots gemrn.'!' fe Cre.dere mund1J,. T~at the care of thecom1nuinay lay upon hun. '!1m.01by was of a choice and txctlknc fpirit thac .naturally cared for che Churchl's welfare: Few foch a-da1~s. now ..Ycrreu. ?1uh1 foNNt With 1h1 F111her] Happy fon in fuch !

Ch:1p.J. cf Sc Paul tithe Pu 1 L 1 .. r AN s. ~49 r_anfo~~-~f thy fac, AS they did 1 11Jr!bJ.3 1. Eleffe Jehovah thy Phy(itian, lo he is (;alkd, ExqJ.1 s.26, Thus did Da11id, Pfal.iol~ Thus Ile1;;,ekJ.,h, Ha. 36.9, Thm the very Htatbtns, whofl! cu.- , ftome was, after a fit of fickndlc, to. confecratc fomcthing to 'thtir gods. . Bt on muil(o J forit is a very fore affiidioo to loofe a deu friend, \vhich is as a mans own foul, D(ut.13 6. and is there kt afo:r brother, fon, daughter,. wifo of a mans botome. as dcari.:t thl.'n :ill ot Lhun.
Left I fbo ula haw forrow

father'., 1 _rr''!9 I~ 1. . It: (~olf the Thefi,./i"" hdd himfrlf f~ ~ap~y m his 1.utour Chiron, tAle~'iinder in his.@Ari.ffotl~, p 11 H/ Tin1la~ lib, 4. m h.s Gamfll~el, how much more Was Timo1h1 in p au/ chc: aged-, J'tib, Ph1tem_. vn.9. whofc. not only dot\rine buc mannel' of lit. h k~ew ful1Y, and: f~lwwed faichh:il.lf> i r;m. ~ to~ as a dtltg~~ Difc1ple ? . . . ;, V~rfo 23, So [~'on '" I f!Jall fee] For his life was now inf~. fpcn{e by reafon ~f that roarmg lion Nero, .whom TntuUi.m wirt1ly calle1h, Dtillic11tonmdtonn11_tk1IMl'CHr. iii. iA~<lii'#m h ;,.,,p-

fure, Jft1.27.8. AndaccordrngaswHao,

God~ ~m: b th~t we fuffcr 1n mea. 1 Cor.11&1,1 ! ~ce the

arc ohm frulhated, Verk 25. Necelf~r7 to f:~J to JOR J It is-not mect"'that a Pa. ~our .be long nbfont from h.1speoplt:. CM'ofn wasiaway hue tourty d:\1e~, and l>etore he ca-me agam, lfrt1tl had made rhun :3 golde~1 Calf. A. god~y- Miniller whw ht' is abro:.d, is like a filh in the air; whm:mto 1t Jt leap tor recrtauon or 11ecdliry, yet it loon re.

' Verfe 14. ShaB corm .fhorilf]' \fVhethc:r ev~r he did come or no WCk~ow nor. F alli.t11r AHguria Jjm bon" 'f~pe (Uo. Good hop~

fi (if'hlf1Ym111 ftom1t.t.r11en'mf)JN'1


,; :

> 1 '-'r

qllt -~

there. Vcrfc 2 8. Tlw ''hen 7e fte hjm] And receive him as ri{en from tht: God knows how co commc:nd his mercies co us, by elm: atning us with the lofie of chem : ior 'Bon~ a teri.o formojijfi111:l. We know bdt the worth ofancrde~ by the want ~ them. Vcrk i 9 .. Hold (uch in 1'tputN.tion] Or feta juft price, a due ~ cl1imJte upon chem. Horrib.le is che conrempt that is now cal\ up'1n d11: Mini{kr)'. by o"r N.vvdl~r~, as if th~y hi.d h:arm:d ol C .imfi1m co fay, Minijlr1..< e.or11m mhil vitim.. Vt rlc 30.. Not.rtgarding hu /(NJ. \.)r, lll providingfoflhis life, mt~_t1f!1SMuuri.. ca~ing away all inordmat~ care of it,a~ if he had put on that .R0111w1 f(U0-. r~folution, N ectfle ejf ut eam, non vt. viuAm. N1.:coily I mull go, IM ne~dfiy live ...._ . .

. ____________ _________ ____ --------.,. .,

- .


p. I

l I.

callmg WJs, Aqfd U'm fi16 of he"vinefie J Gr. He \bu out of the 'i\'orld as it Wt:r<.', and could no~ cake com~ort in ally company. , Vfr~~ _27. JlfJr ndud he \\'M fi"l] Which fuoulu nut h.n"' been~ tf S.P du! could have tUr~d hiaa, ill5 he J1d,Qchem This thew; Wiat tht hpoHks. cured rhc lkk, and did miracles noc uy their vw1\ power,, or nrhen own pleafQre,&c. . Bm God had 111erc1 on him J A great mercy ic is to recover ~~aJch, and .bishly t~bc pri1~d,, Afcer fi.tkncffe1 offer to-God the

tutus ~o h1~,0WA demrnt. crf~ 26. For h~ l~n.v4 ~ftcrJOH Word fignifierh fuch a nh~mcm ddirc,.as is 1mpac1ent ot dd.ues. H1~ heart wa~ whuc hi~

J nc


J, /lejo7~c

~u l Cor. 5. 9 '/oh

IS i, o~ l. wnh L:tk.t 6. lO, that our ~aviour prc:ichei ~hl! farQc Sermon twice over, Mrn arc du~l to '011cciVt. hard co bdieve, ape co torgcc, and H-iW co prattik heavenly cruch~, and had cherefore gre::u m:cd m h:i ve chem much prti~ t~d, and ohm inculcm;J, Ncnhu kt any c1y om, Ore Wt miflros ~r~mb~ rrpetim m.!lgiftros_._ Sudtt not ot Gods Manna, fay .Au~, no~~tls alight mcat,.bcc?.U(cl1ghcly ~ome by, or the tame agam. c:h
AHJfjn pcrl wad~s.-thc

R the Lord. O 5. Some guher out M.u. s..

Safotnn in Sofpiwo,.e.

To .\ riu the famethin~'l.,l to yo11

P.rcae1her io long t~ purfo~ a~d lland upoR t r.~i'.'.~.;)/!




....-------------------"':':'.,. . . .
a So


. . . . --...--.. . . . . .-""""':'". . . .

A CDm!l'tntM"y upon the Epifllt





1/St Paul to the Pu

1 L 1 P 1 AN


-- ---- -~~ bescl~g-a~;d r~p~;ting of one a~d th~ fa~ poi~;:- till by-~~ fiure and cou~ce~ance ot che hearers he pcrceivt:s chat they undct~ fiand and rell1fh ac. ){LIV~~ op.ud.T' Verfe 2. Beware of That is, Seducers and Sethries l~v li~m.11. who chough dead dogs, yec will be barking at godly MimtleJ. And theugh rhedo~sot vEgJpt would noc move their congues ._.,


can lmrh. b:uk md bi[e better men then th~mklvcs , being frt on by the dt:vd Hominu perfriilie frontu, impudeoc as dogs. B~wart{)ftrvil ~"~ktrs] Deceitfoll workers, 2 Car. 11. I J. thu kem co build fi:ur-caks for hca~cn, when indeed tbc:y dig dckcms down to hell, cakmg great pams co very evil purpole,
L 4 u1.

g1inll: God~ J(,,.,uJ, E."od. 11.7. yet thefe gr<:cdy Jo5~, /fff, 5(),

D BJXrv.

led Zeno's J1a.n<~-ilv ~:1.1wrr:.<.e11v and Euclidu ~11.1lv ~"'"" The holy .Sctiprnrts nuny foch clegam, and pleatam paffJgcs, a& p,,, 2r;.z7 Ho[.4.15. G~l"r.5.11. 1[4.s.7 1 &c. Tht:re is one that knkth it thus. Beware of che concifion, that is, ot thofo thac ~ake d1vifions, and ~ut the Ch1~rch inco lic~l~ pit:ces, and fockin. Congrcgauons makmg frparat1on. So Pifc11tor 1 f<!!.i conantHr vns ab Ecclrji.J Dei r.efdn~ere, who feek co funder yuu from the

Bnvare of the concijiOH

For Circumcifion; as Diogr.nes cal

Church. The D on11t1p s affirm~d, Thac there were no true Church cs, but tl. :,.s, and were alfo divid~d i.mong thcmfdvc~ 1 Jn min11 11114 #N//JJI~, as A#fliH faith. . Vale 3. For \\e ,,.,.e the cireumcijion J Such as have otn luxu. riancies lvppcd tiff1 our unruly paflions momfo:d, Col, :i. 11. ca. ling them a w~y as a Wrt:tchtd foreskin. Ver(~ 4 Confi,!ew:e in th~ flnfh] Th~t is in cxternall privilcdg. es, which yn prohr not chilli.: chat rc(l: m chem. An empcy title yedd!> out an l'mpr~ comtorc at lall. God cart.:s for no retainer&, that 01~ly we:u-h1~ lm.ry, but f~rv~ thcmfclvts. A man may go to hdl "':'l[.h bap[lfmall wacn on hts L.1cc :. )'e:i th~ fooner for his abutd prsv1lcd 0cs. Verie 5. An Htbmvof tht Htbr1w1 J That is, by both fathers and mothtrs fide. ' Vcrie 6. Concerning :a"l J A blindc mifguided zcsl. See the N?te on Rom.: 1o.2. Jt zt:al b~ nut gullilied wich knowledge, ail w~\l ~e. on -~re, ~s the Prim1ms. mobile chey fay would be

Verfe7. ,,(,for Chrifl. J Chrif\ iuo bu fought and bought at any band, at any rate. This is to play tbc wile mt:rch;mt 1 M11t. 13 .+M' Sec dlC: Notes there. Eftecm we Cbrill:, as the people didDvid, aSam.1S.J. moreworththentcr'l theufand, as 1'1110,,,; did RNtb, better then ftvcn fons, Ruth 4. ls. As Ph11r11oh did J;fa,h. Th1re u noHe fa 'tlife '""' wor1h7 M th111 1 faid he, Gm. ~ 1 9 .Letb~rnin~ h:mgin~, all che t.orment8 of hell befall ll_le1 3 TAnrHmm~do 1'f J'(n"'"""~';f,.r 1 So tbat I ~iy 0 et my Jefos 1 All. anJUan, uid f (n~iiH<1. Non~ but Chr11:, none but Chr1fi, f:ud L:tmbfrt, liftig up tuch hands he had, and his fingerJ ends flaming. We cannot buy chis gold too dear. . Verft 8. Al9d do co1111t the,,, but J,_,,g J Dogstll'ng (a! fome qy.J~c1M.,qriafi iott:rprct the word) or elogsmeA~,courtc an~ co~~te.mptiule.P"N'' r.1.1if3ct.'-'4. foblima ipirit counts all dung, yet 1s content for Chnlt to be counted the off.lcouring ot all things. . Vcrfo p. And bt fo1111d in hi1n J Oat of whom all are lofr m the Wildcrnclle of worldly lui\s, and wofuUy wander ; )TC not fo W idc, as co mitle of htll. Yuk io. And ma1 ~now IJim]. Not notionally only (for fo 1 man may do out ot evrry Catechifme) buc. prafrically, not ap,prche11fiv~ly only, but aft~$\i~dy, not ~ith that kno~k~ge t~at is &ognofcitivA only C\:mdmg m ipcculauon, but that is direlliv4 ,,;,~, as the Aponte htre ex.peunds him!elt. A namrall man may llnc a difcrplinary }mowh:dgc ol- Chrm, thatir;, by bcufay 1 a11 ll> blindc man hath of coloms, not an intuitiv~, i. ' per J;ecicm p,ro-_



mver aims at a pitch, but afpimh to pertCd:ion. le is a_ low a~d, unwonhy {\:rain in fo~1c, to labo~r a~ter no more grace then will k~tp lik and ioid toguhcr, that 18~ foul and hdl alundcr ( as one ipe!lktth.) But rh:&t m11n tor_ht!aven,, and h~av~n for him, thatkr~. up tor hi:> muk, th rd~un.a1on of th1.: dt~. ' Verk u. BHe I ~/low after] Gr. I perfatHtt, I f'Uow hot- ~1JH.tJ, foot with utmojr t11gcrnej{e, B)' this chm lit fignifieth how gm:.., dily and uncdJandy he purfucd ahtr th<: ptth:Cl: knowkdgc of D. .4ir,h Chrilt, having it as it were in chafe, and rdolvcd not to i:clt u.ll he had attaim:d umo it. Well might Chr1foftome call ~.P IC#lan mtlr'.

1riAm,&c. , Vedc i 1. I ,night att11in to th1 rt{Urr1Elion] That is (by a. mcconymy ot the lu~jcd: for the adjunft:) that pc~fcction wt bolinefk that acc01Rpamcth the ot the rcfumtl1on. True gm:c

lower fphears.


sf w1tc curnrng about, but for tht: counce:rmotion of the

liable grccd,t deVl>uting wodbapp&:r ut Go~



~erfo 13. Uo,,nt tiot mJ fllf];_ S1- J,~;ft

.Satt~~ lsia dangerom: d1fe!llt~

JICorntnenrar1"Por1theEpijlle 1 . -.- ~-~.-. -.----- ..!.


thcEaglcstmbk~e is (ubJimi'H1,. the ~un? ''Je-r~1'1,.P1al;r 9 .~

,ml! 1 "
.. O.ep r:o

M';;. eft>J

Ch~_.P.~'.Chap.4. ---J:-+---~------------------OJ St Paulto the PH s. n

1 L 1 ' P I AN 2


11 dv~lenfio


cannot skill of. A Fly cannot make chat st a flow~r-chac a Jkq

cu do. There is a gc:m:m~oo whole names ar~ ~rincn in che Jcr. 11 1J thcle make catth tht"arthrQne, heaven tht1r foothool, arid


't~cwh:ats rer.ft~1~s, Mu ..p8. E-z:,ek.!elsprojim~i;,s; (;hap.4 7 4. ChriHs_f pe~~u.r., Luk.14 10. and Pauls ulur1'.111. . , .i


F'o'~_o ~ quafl pr.wriu corpore 1rrr111d



a 1 9


7.Jt ,,1:11;ciper


Sit re./.

Ju I'i,.,it(Jr,

ReAchin;g;fo,.tl> }- '5criri111'ogand tlrecching 01n head and handg -ar,d whc,le body to lay hold oo the mark or price propofed~ Am~ nifd\; m~taphor.from runnus'in 1 race, Vcrle 14. lprtlf~ t{)niard, &c. J The Ark of the C , b b' d L lf L. . ovenant was utacu 1t-an <a11a uigh i . fo we~e lakewifo the whtds of the caldron. Now w_c ~now chat a ~ub1c and a half is but an un. per~cct mt=afure: which {hews '(faith om:) chat no man in chis i1tr l:l pnh:C\\y p~rka. L;nisl1nv1; to r~rf~1ion, 115 THI" did. and thtn, SHmmum c1tlmn1 ajfe[ftuJtn, {41'4 hon'11i 'flt:/ in fl~HN: do flffifjo conrfticirmur, . , Verie J ) AinMHJ '"be pe,yW J Compmtively orconcdc. edly fo. . . Ggdfh.i!I reveal J S~verall meafures of knowledge and ho1f. ndft! are glven co the Sames at fr v~rall cimes, We are narrowmomhed vdfcls, ~nd cannot receive all at once. wheth1r f go thou cAn(r nc;t foll~w mt now: bHt thnH jh.1hfoOow me Afterwards, Jott, tl;6. S.:t the Notes.there. , , Vcrfc 16. Let '" \~~lk by the (am~ rH!e] To wic of the Wor_d: and chen you may fay, Lord, afl bt: deceived, chou hall: dccc:m:d me, . Vcr.k17 .. BefoOo?ver.r togethrrof~e] Lone.~miterperprit upr.. hrrnIJM 'JJcr exr:mpla. Every rhmg in a Miniftd fltouli:i be cx-.:mp11t~. We mu(t pr~pound to out fdv~s thli! hisbd\ pil'h ilna ch~ heft pm..'rnrnf perkttmn. , . ~' , Vcrfo 18. vlnd1101Yuli7ouWreping] Non tntn atl'ame t I.tcl'Jrymr& 1. .r. . 1. no chartM P 1icuoAt 7'1lrslu4. 'PAtilwas a man of many cears. . Vcrfc 19 . .whoft qod/<1 their ktllJ J A fcavenger whofe livin 1~ to cmpcy,1s co be prdemd bd~r him cha. t liveth, but to fill prr~ , vie,~;. a~ c~ey do that make tht:1r guc thm God, .that dung-hill Dwy'. Su .. h ~none was that P11mpbagus ,Nabal,Divu,and ochers that d1gcfl:ed m hdl, what they ace on t:ar th. Verfe20. Forourconver(Jtion] OtJrcivilconverfation or ONr B!lrgrjfdhip, whi~cs we life by h~avcns hws, and go about our earthly uufindlcs wnh heavenly mmdl's: fhis a carnall man loth to die, becrnle they have rrea(un s in chc ftdd, .Hue che Jcr, 4 t, s. . ~'.lints,. chruv,h th<'.'ir commor:uion be on earth, yec [hdr conver,fuion is in h~aven ; as lhc pearl grows' in the fra, but lh1nes as . chcsky. . . Vtrfe 21. Lil:...~ unta hi1 gloriom bod7 ] Which is the Scandard, .see the Nuces on 1,Cor.15,
A p,


Verfe 1. Dt11r1.J Btlovtd. 1111d /otigetl for J'

Hat heart. . hartlfor VV f hou,g>h

~olc,: ~might be m_uch bolJ m Ctmfl ro enJoyn thee, yet for loves fake, l rather bekech thee, Philr'? 8.9, How oft are men bin co fue for that Which is their own ; and how heart-glad .if by hir entreaties they can gather Hp their dtbrs. Ver'e 2. I b1'(r.1ch E ,,odim J .A couple of difagrreing fillers, .y;hi,,m th2ApolHe frtketh to reconcile, and it was :i wrnder if .t~ey cru\d rdi{thi.s rheror~ke~ O that ~ ct1u/d but ,,net _fi 11 de JOH Hei mihi 'lui togtthrr nnce ( fa1d AHftm ot tht. d1flermces berwetn Hitrome 'IMal,ubrre11 0 and R11ffintu) I \\10_1Jlaf.11/I do1vn at voNr l!et \\"ith much love 4 "~ .. .J {il"'l&fe f''rirnu ' P / f fC 1t1i1n7 Mari: I \'ca"l/Jbeftech 1ou for 1f1Hr .(efon, aHd (J>Jt a11f1~ 1htr. ,mdfor l\1111{ Ohr~fli11111 fa~ who arr. fif{tnded rhereAt, '101-1 .'Wvf1/J not fojfe .. tlufa d1{[~Jfji,,HJ to fj>t1eA{&c. Vcrfq. Anal lntreat 1hu4/(o] All men fhould contribute

C~hnlr, and fpeak fo!r, i.f t~ey will !f>eak to pur..

language is here l Minifiers mull: wone

~utkcts, as ic "'.ere,. to quench this unnan~rall fire, wh;n 0.1< c


thdr hdp


the compofing of oifft>rences, and brinn rhC"ir

. yrdc 4 ~rj1J1(e '"rife lfJrd~ Th:it is the cnw !nd only joy ( fa1d M~ P!''lpnt the Man yr) ~h1ch is coriceived not ot thccrea- AfP.-J11.1 ,,1~ .lllrl', but ofth~ Cnarour: co chis :i l\ ocher joyes1teirg compared /at u 6lt.
:arc h~t mourning~, all ddighrs forrows, all beauty filch, rf:-r. 0ibcqoy bdides ch1smay.wNthe motieh, but noc w:mn the hearr Jmooth the brow, buc not hU. the brt .. A11d:ttg4i11 1 [111 rejvJ7~e ~o duty almo(l: more prdfed fo


both Tdhments ..







r.t,07cing in the Lord-. It




-r-- .


A. Commt11t7 t1p111 tl1t

E'Pipte . ,

+-- -- - -- --iufl~


Vtrk 7.

not t~ ~-~j~y~~ thm n~~--;o-revt--.n-t.----,.::..._:_,,

--- --114 ;n14

Verk_S' Lnyn11r 1111aJm~tio>1 J ~eqn:dtty,fochas WIS flitt o~ D~v1d, ~tal. 26.12. The kalurn! his mm~c hungequill, givi~ '11111 hbeny m ell occurrencei co en1oy hunklf. All imm0\:krac1 Hirtocratu. ons are cnem1ts ro h<.\.lth: fo chey are al~o co che quicmtlfo of the mmd~. Ag:1111fi _chde (as ag:iinll poitons) rhm: oe cwo kindk ot anc1doct s. i-muhrr and pui~nct~ th~ on~ hor, tht! ocher ~Qld, tilt one qL1enc 1 ung, t c: P~ht'r quu;knmg. the word her~ uted hy che A. ~ofH~ properly figmfie~h moderation m. law-~>u<ini:llts; or in laying 7 a (_rirmr.~Ar1tt.~lh c.trb. d:rnn to a mans uwn righc, rh~ prdc:rrmg ot tqlllcy bdore tXCrt. ~ up. 1 o. nmy, as h.uld mg urmofr right co be ucmolt wrong. A uffi,. ~1"'1o11u . .,, j tt eds us, \ hlt ic was gtown [O a Proverb amon11 his Coun/umo'" '"Juria., :; t h"l 1M qr1ietHm ump114, perile ~liquid. hr a qu11:t lite; pare WHh fume p:uc oi rhy right, as Abrah1tm did,


f,>1Yl~lf. Solumoni bed Wa1' uvt (o wdi u .. rdcd w1ctt vJl1auc mt:a, all hulJmg fwords, Cam. 3. 7; 8.

S~ull k.~~P7o#r '1e,,ru] -K~~f

-w-;rl, ~ g11~r;(~;~~{,,m.

as each goud Chr1H1:rn IS l>y the: power ot God wnhouc lum, aiJd {he peace. or' Ood wuhin hun : Tl1is pc::ice, lake Davids harp, driv~i. ;away tht: lVal lpmc ot cam; aud kars : le Loon'
huiht:eh :dL Gud can fouA r:.iifc up 111 his, !In ~mny ot pJWtr.tU11 rno"~ht~ a~ 1 d m1.:datatmn:;, iu ai 'htir vny mward mm .. qualllty ariling ho1~1 the tdlunony ot a goud conkicncc ( calkJ. !K:re Th~ir ~n~ cJlc l Wt:ec SJbb:rth ot piric the compokdndk ot tnc:Jr afkchons ( CJlkd ht:re,, Thelo;o hearu) can makl! and keep tht'm kcurc and tound,, }'Cil bring aid wht:n they ar~ dolt: bl licgc:J by iin and Satan, V'crk 8. wh111/itver things are true] This is that little Bib/1, as the tkvmch. co the Hebrewes is by one filly c:ill~d, v1 Jiu/~ Book._tf_c...;t.l.1r11rs . Jn this one vcrte is compnkd, That Totum hommu, bcdd. 1 a. 13. That Ronum ho1ni11i.s Micah 6 8. for if ye do chc~c chings here cnjuync:d, ye I lull ne~ va tJll, l>uc go gallamly mco hta vcn, a ~aim P eur huh ic,

Ge11.1 ~.9.

The Lord i4 "'hand J To righc yc;m, and rerompenfc you, 'ro pay you tor all your pams and pattence, IHJe.rpro fari~m Utith s.?.c,.,r.r, ch1p.s 9 ' . . Vcrk 6, Jn nothing be c11rr(i1U] Or care for nothing, vi:;,. with cue of d1tfidence !ind d1lhuti. !>~; ,h~ Nott on Mt1I
(),25 ,26

&,, \ .' .R "' i)I twr7 thittg '11 pr"ier ] This is the bdl: cureiofcare: Ct1J tlJJ hurdrn (?r t~y rcqudl) Hpun the Lmi, taich D'.,.-ziid~l>t.s ~.hi. ""a hr foal/ (ujl"i,. thu. Remove chy trouble from chy felt co God by vc.:rcueof c~ac Writ or W~rram,and then all 1hall be well. Th~y looked uncoGod,and wcrd1ghtncd, Pfd/.34 LNthn- macer

Vt:rk 9.

tain cp1lUc of his to Aft/a,,,/~Qn,. complamcch thus: Ego cme oro pro te, (fr doleo u p~rt1114r;rj/im1un curarNm bfrNdintm.,, ,,u.u prt~n fl~ ini1,u f .it:h-~. l pray for chct t but to no purpok fu long as rhuu given fo much way to carking



brethren fiood With their pref enc, Gm. 1-3. is. In che old Law, what tpcciall rcquclt f<>ever chey had co make, or what btr1fice foevcr lO offt:r, ency wcrecooomanded fiill co come with cheir peace;<;>lferings. Praier goes up w1chout:incen{e, When wich-

'J ofaplu

pr~y With our thanks in our hands; (landing ready wick ic1

J'11frlication "1ith thAnk_tfgivng J

We lhou\d come ro


~ur th~nkfulndk. 1 he Chu~cn alcends daily to h<fr bdov~d Chrift ~Hhels:p~\l"'r~<>Hmok~,C.1nr.j,c;. torfuc knows rh1c unthlnk ti.tlndlt! hmdreeh nutch ttM: rdU"ll {u,ctU~ Qfpuier.

'" mA"~~o 11iro Vt/ mceme pr&fi,iM. l he v~ry fighr, nay tbougnt of :& good man ,.. ~t dom goud~ Whcrtas the conguc or h~'rc uf a wicked a1an '6 lit ti~ {tlorth. If their chourrhts and lM- Prov, 10. 10, coufi~s wc:rcd1lHlwd,. thl!y a1e f<:> trochy tht:y wbuld hatlily yt!dd 0i1<:.dwp ot. cmc: comton. . An~ 1h~ God.oj)e.a,ce J: N,ot ""'' tbt peace of Goa, ~ 1Jer(.7. Auftrn iuuu:whnc: fithccll a my!kry out ot che word P nX.wruch ~unlilttiho~ tbrt.!~ ltttt:r~, hlatl\ h~, co noc~th~ I rmi'y huni.Whom ~ .ilU Lmc peace-" . , _ _ , , ,. . , . . . . v~rh: lo. Huth re flouriP,. a] l [ had dd1ouril11ed 'tbcn fhr Ar&9dMn. ,.fealon,. and wkbctcd, as ah Uak in wimtr, l(a. 6: tj, and 1s a T~}l-mc whok: tap is in che rooc. The odt nb: may biv~ a tu ot bauenndlC i ~<> _nuy chc bd~ men lufft.;r to1hc Jrnir:s.tor a fodoP' ,,, the. lpinmaU; Hh: '.nray 1unne' a.ll to: chc.i 1 hc.uc.. 015 a pwpk ~unqum:d 1il roo fidd t.Uus' to th~ <.ai\lt:. : nowbcic, as EUIJCl'6u hts Lfo was iii him fia11; and ht rcvivt:d,. tb~gh ht: itemed co lxakad,anJ a.s 'm-s ui tbt tprin$!)tOW green s~aan; ~g du ~h~ 1d~picd ~iim~. ~ " .' ~'tdcJJ.
1 "

vt11il be'ara, ttlfd (em in mr J Eff aliquid q11otl


A CQmmentar1 upon the Epiflle


-- - -----Vtrfc~-1-~l~ rtffaeEE of \\11mt J The wicked in fhl~~f llis tutlicieucy is .in tlraits, lgb'J.o. 22. Contrariwife, the godly man in the midll of his Hraics is in a iutficicncy. He bath 111/J thi1av. as having the haver of ~n thin~s. ' For I havt ltarHed J l n Cfuifls {cbool i for N;\tute tCilCb eth 110 fuch ktfon. . Opmt ephippiA bor pigtr, optat Arare.c"b"IJ"' The labounns wtrc noc cunccnt wich their pcny, ~WAt. 20.13, They have enough to. fiukt: tht:m, yet have noc cnout!.b t.o tamh<.: them : as_ a fiup may be over.laden With gold and. hlver, e\l\.n unto finkmg, and yet have compaae and tides e nough co hold ten times more. le is God only chat fils the heart 1 and suakcth ~ m~n fay truly whh 1Hc.b, and nae taincdly , as Efou I h14'ZJ4 ent1Hgh my brother, E(J 11 R4bb-li. had a dcale, but J4cob had eAa, bt:cau(e he bad the Goo t:ut l1.
c~11 ~ J. 9 G1:1~)J.U.


cha~ojs_t_Paul tolh~-p-;;;_- L ~. '_ 1._~~~--s~---- . --,..,-,--~rrc t4 J;"J,a;;;W~IJ d~-,,t] -. For hereby as yoti havcfealcd up your love to me, and ingaged me rn. pray for you (as forOnejiphorm, 2 Tim 1.18.) So yon have goccen a good cefii1nony m ym1r fdvcs ~har ye am memhets of Chri(ls my{ti.. call body. Tht: congu~ as f.nn: tnou~.h from the toe, th~ hcd trom the head, yttc when the toe or hed 1s hun,the rdl uf.chc members {ymp.lthiz: and kck help for ic. So hl'rl!. Vdlc 15. But 1e DftJly J One poor P hilppl.m l11:1mcd a.hundred rich do(e.fifted Corinthian1. e/fr.m>1tlh g:tVt! like a Kin" ~ S;1nmet 24. 2;. and i~ therefore crowned and chl'0mcl;d, Zechary 9 7. Ekron fo.1/l be M the tt!Jt1jit~, th'lt is, as chis bmous J .:uu!icc Ar.,rmah, chat r,ntcd w1ch his free-hold for


p1om ufts.

of all.

Vcrfc 11 I k.._n9w hoth how, &c. J Sound bodies can bear fud~en alcc:racioas of hcac and cold : So caanot dilh.:mp~rcd

bodies . Both. how to be 116 ..(ed] So Chilo (one of che kvcn WifcE:)(.i ~~CmiqJ. men of Greece) faid to hi~ brother who took it dl thac he :1,4,;, Jrr.~ r:w.11 wa~ .no~ chokn co ~c om~ of che Judge~ , I know how to L<Jt!ll. be mJunouHy dciilc With : buc J hardly believe him. S 1cr"1t1 aHo could cell Archel.uu, thac offered him large rcvmu's My :::~:~~~uJ minde and mine cfia~ arc matches. But fldh and bloud could ne1 v~r carry him fo far.wr all his faying lo. lt is God alone that fa. iliioncch a mans heart to his cfiacc, P(al. 33.1 s. as a fuit of clothes is fitted to the body. . I Am 1fllflr11Eled J I am initiaud, I am a }'Oung kbol. ~ar , newly cnccrcd in chis bign point of heavenly learn~ mb' . . . ..

Vtrk i 6. (mt on~c '1Ud Ag~in J Chnities fountain runs frdh, Alore per~nni-s lf']lt, and IS nc.:vcr dried up. _The /iberall man devifeth libmil/ things, and holdcth chat only his own, that he bath g1vrn to ochers. Verle17. Notbec1rnfeldeftre11.~ift] Ast_hofc Cormorants that with 1hamcdi; ltJ1:1t, Gi. 1N ye, Hul+ 18. as 1f chc.:y coulJ !peak no ocher bm c.hc D orick_Dialdt ,the: horle-keches language. S. P ~ul


was none of thcfe.

'TJJ,1t may Abound to
)Oii>' AUOUHt

cyr114 MJ)or.

T~ foffa.- "'"nt] Either patiently co wait for whar.l ddirt; or concenccdly co want what God denicth. Vcrfe IJ. l can drJ, ali things] A Chrifiian walks about the world like a conquerour, havmg powcc given him over all_, Revel. z. 2~, ~7 le ~as a vain brag at thJt Heathen P~mc~, ~h~t ca~lc~ 1c co be engravcn upon his Tomb-Hone, ?1UY111'illmnJ'uvct.Mv, I could do alhhings. None can fay fo, but the man in Chrilt. ' Verfe l-i

aa a.ccounc of t. very pc:ny laid om upon hnn and his, chat he may reqmce it : And his retribution are more then bountifull. Yt:rfe 18. I h..sve 11// J vh. That yon fcnt, and I give you a~ ~:;l/.'.'" :icquiccance, whic.:h the lirctks, from cht: w~rd here ukd>call 1\m~1 (omparc: l'1ov.3. 27. I aboJJnd, I am fidl J As a uird with a liule c.yc, an~ the ad. vanca~c of a wing to foar with, m:iy kc far w1dc:r _chrn an O_x.e With agre:ner ! So the righrcous Wieh a liUlc cftacc, Joym:d WI Ch fanh a1;d devocion, may h:d more comtun, and kc more of Go~s bou11ty' thw one of poffdllons, who{c ht::m cannot hf t lt kltauuve the earth. V1.rlc 19 . s1i,.n (upplJ] Gr. Sh-!n fill Np as hC"did the widd~ws -u"''f::rw. vdfds, {hut the doors upon thee, faith the Prophet. It was. mne , Kin:,; ..-. 4 to Cmu the doors, when une little vdfd muft overflow and hll U? many greater. Vc.:rtc 20. Noil'untoGod] 'Pa11lcannotmentionGodsboun.. ty without a doxology.


~od keep~






.A C1111me11tuy

"P'" the Bliftlt,&c.



Verfe 11. J1'VIY' SAiHt J A grillt encouragement to thenmM er, to be fo refpefted. Veife u . .Ali tht S1d1mf'1il1tt 1'"] ChrHHanity is no enemy to counefie. Gods khollars are taught bcttc:r manners tbeo to neg. led: fo much as falutations.

"re of C 4~r s houfho/a J When Cii(11r himfeU lived

and died an unconverted caitiff, and a cafiaway. Vcrli 2~, The gr Mt of *r LorJ] With this wi{h of v11ct gr"'' to them, be b~th b"t;ins and ends. Wifdowc is the principa~ 'hinb.


E X P 0 S I T I 0 N,
Vpon the Epifile of S. Paul to the . C 0 L 0 S S I A N s.
CH Ar. I.
'~tf~t~. His golden BpHHe is an epitome, as ic were, of th:it


Vcrfe i. Pau' an Apo/Jle, &c.J

otherto the EphJis : like as that he writcth to the Gal.ui~ns is an :ibftrad of thac other to thu
Rom1t#.f 0

Vcrfo 2.. Which are al Colojfe J A Cicy in PhrygiA, fw~llowed up by an earth-quake not long afcer this Epi(Hc was written. Gods iudgemems are fomctim~s teem, but Vcrfc 3. We g;11, rb1111klpra1i11g, &c. J J>raicr and thanks ( laichone) arc like che double motion of the lungs; the air chat ~s fucked in by praier is breached out again by thanks. Vtrfe 4- 4.nd of thtlovt, &c. 1 Faith in Ch rift Jefus makith .love to all the Saines. Therefore they go commonly coupled in Pa11/s Epi(Ues.. ~4 t~e~~f~~~ ~h~n ~ht Difciples heard how oft:~- ; ------ - ~~

'~ fi


ever jurt.

A Commmttiry 11pon the Hpiflle

. Vede12.'0ftheS~in1si~li.t;ht.] so thac though caf\: into a ditk dun~eon the Saints nuy chp ch:ir hands upon chdr bofom:::s, as OecoL.11np.1.diU4 upon his dcJth-oed did, and faj, Use t faCts, here within is pknry (lf divine.: lighc. . \lt."rk J ;. Fram the poi~:r of d:1rlz,nc{fe J Every mtnrall mtn isu:idcrtb~puwcrofd.uknelk, nay0fthc devil, AEf. 26.18. as tht m.1kfaJ:.1U: thu goes b;,;u,1d and pinniond ur1 the llider, is
u:-1Jr tlw po~vJr of rhec~c~u~io:)\!t', J 1\u;;inc ( t;,j~h ~n1~) a mm drm n om l 1f cllc li.zhr lir Jcvih, v. l1crc hr lhouU tu<.! 11mhi11g l)m

fay chey, L11k,; 17. 5. Sec the Note cherc. Verfe S For the hope] ltishope (faichan Interpreter here) thac plucks up the heart ot a ma~ to a conlbn_t ddire of union by faith with l:lod,11nd of commumon by lme With mm. But by hopc1 i~ here me111t the objdf of hope. /IQ.,:~,~ ~ic1. 11 ~ Vnk 6, As it 11 in ,1/I the World] EH(dJiu1 faith, That the ,~,.:-.. p.r..~. Co!pd f\ne!!d !lt firfl: thorow thQ \l..lorld like !l Sun-bem1. The llcJ~11fl:li.fn//./,;,, turrnaciun brpm by Lmhcr in (ierm.m7, Wtli[ on abroad Chri Hcndom, as 1t ii: had bern c:irrkd upon Angds wings. That of the Church of Engl,rnd is tuc:h as tanner ag<:s ddpa1red of~ the prdent adm.irech, and ch~ furnre (h~ll lhnd ~m:.izcd at. le is that mit aclc ( fauh one) which we are m thefe c1mcs co look tor, Vcrk 7. who is for yon a f.1ithf1f/ Miniflcr J Ep.tphrtU was tl~cir City-preacher : whom therefore the Apoltle hue fo highly commcnddh. Luther is much blamed by his hdl friends for oppoling and di{p::iraging C "roloft adttu among his own charge at Scultct. Annal. Or/.lmu11d, Anno 15 24, A faithfull Minifter lhuuld haV\! all good pag.i 3o. rdpeCl: afore his own p~ople dpecially, Vnfr 8. who al/o declared rmro iu] His hem was over.joyed with his pi.:opit:s forwardnc!le 1 and he cou\d n0t but impart it to th~ Apollk. l c was a l'l'id~ in .Al~nta11tu to o~~rW\!w his Pcpu:{..a and Tymium two pdcrng P:mfhes not far bom Colof[e, and Eufc&,/ ~-.c '7' w call chem Jerufilem, as if chey had been the only Churches in chc world. liut this WJS a commendable praC\:ice of Ep.1phr.u co late co~. Pmil chc goud he found in his pcopk,that he by an lpilUe might fort her t:m:ouragc and quicken them. . Vu(c 9. Jn All \\'ifdom~ and JPiritur,/I] Sec the Nott! on Ephef: 1.3. V<.:rfe 10, Tlh# r m;~(ht \\Al~ \\ortlq J By w~lkin i~.for~ G"J, \\ith G11d, ""fttl' GtJd, Att11J1diflg '" c,)(J, as ic 1~ \'hrafod iu k vnall Scriprnrts,illl to one purpofr.~ce the Note on Ephef+ r. Vt:rk II. And /0111.-fuffi:ring 1\ith joy/itfneffe] Thcjoy of che Lord is th~ llrcngth of tht: loul, N eliem. 8.1 o. as tru~ gold comfons and llrcngthcns the hcan that Alchymy doth not. At the dearh ot Fr.1;1cu Gamba a Lombard, chac fotfi:red Mmytdome, chc.: hiers brought m cheir hmds a crolle tor him to behold, co l<eep him from de p::racion at the lcding of che firt>. But his minde .Alt.a11 1Mo'I. he iaid was fo rc:pkniil1ed with joy and comfort in Chnll, chat he
fol.S j6 needed neither their crolfc nor them.

-they ~u!lt~rgive-an offending brother, Lmi increll[e our f~ith,


grm~ with iron tted1 i't:ady to !hike UtJ and glinde him rn piecc.'6, and CbH he had g-Lll poured down to his odly > and an infhumcnt. 1ll<ing in his b~iwtl~, :in.J the pains of a cravdling woman UtJOll

liis turmrntours, and that he Wl'rc nude: co fiand upon . s :u,:l

him, and a hiJcom noifrof horroL1r in his tars, .and a great C.iirnt \\'ith a fpLar rnnning upon his neck, anJ a {lune burning upon him IULl.ld aUOtlt. 1\ll.;, alas, this is the cft.HI.! oi l'V\:i y on;.: thlt is l'll: uf Chrilt, a~ thde plm~s 111ew, wh:nce thd~ c9mpariions m: U~-11,7ob l 8.7 1 8. & 20.24 15 & I ),20,21,26,30 0 \'t:rLc 14. Evrn the forgivmef[r, &c. J S:.:c che Nore on

The ji.rf1-born of rvery creature J As being begottrn of the fu):brn:c of the htht:r afo:r a wondt:rfoll manner bdorc all be-.
ginnings. ;,

fon, Hc6, be her.

V~d~ 15, who h thi; image-] The cxprdlc im1grnt his p~r 1,2, .Milk is not iu l1kt: milk, as chi~ ~on is like the

Vyrk 16. For by him Were al/ things J This is an high praifc to Umll, Rev.4. 11. Sec che Noti: on t oh.1. 3. V~Tk 17. BJ him all thin_u conjift J Thty would foc;m fall af1n1dn lmi nm Chrii undcmlcrn co unold rbr llum!rvd conJirt011 thl.'t~of, Gy th\: word of his power. Veil<: IS, cYfndhe r's the hMa] Sl!c the Note on Fpr1c_fi;ms
J, 2?.

\'nfc 1.9. /tJ him /hmld all fid;ef[c J In a v~ffc: or m:1(ury an rmpti!lt(k m 1y follow a fulneff~ : not'Lo here. ~H:C chc Now on

Verfc 11.

\7crfr 20. ro reconcile all things J Th:it is, illl the: Saints, who arc war ch all, bctccr then all, more wonh then a world of wicLtd mrn, Heb.11,38. ThcJcwshaveafaying, Thatthok feven .. rr lo11ls th;n Wt:nt with J'"q" im<.> Efi.Jpt, were as much as all the !> l irn:my



A conmunMrJ"P'" th Epijlle Chap.t, kfcnty N~~ions-i~h;~~~ld~-Wh~-;~~~nt-G~d maktth ohh~;

in c0mparifon of ot others. Sec ![111.4 3. },4 V1;rfc u. En1mie1fo1~"" miHde J Hims of God, Rom. r. 3o. and fo, Godihiers, 1 Job. 3. I). Onme pccc,wnn eft Dei


of St Pauli11/N Co i. o ., , 1 AN

--Ve;re 29, J'al(o labour,jrfoi.11g ]--i~bOur to .liifitude, flrive

rven to an agony. Good Minifters arc great p:iinstakcts : :md God that helped the Levites to bear che Ark, 1 Chron. 1 s. 26', will help his fervants by his fpirit , working in them with


Vcrfe il. Ta ,refem you holy and 11nbl:emeab/e J By his righcconhwHc imputed and imparted~ thoug~ l~~llt ~ncer('~eter~ t xpound chis ccx.t of fanelificacion, and uoc ot JUl\1hca cmn or tu me petfccfam. . . . Vcrle i3. GroMnaul andfetlea] When faith bears fruit up ward it will take root downward, and make a man as a tree by the ri~crsfidc, and not as thcchatfl! in the tanne, Pfl1l, 1. 3,4. or as ~he boat without balhfr. . Pre11ched to evny crtieturt J That as, to every reafoaable crcacure,M,ir.16.1 ,. Though co many we preach co no more purpofo chm B~til' did, whtn he pri.;~~hed t& an h~apoH\oncs: thde are mm:afonable creatures,~ 'Th~ff. 3!. ~<;t~ilt.>.'ftt> no11 V 1,; 1 {~ 24. And fill 11p tb.u \\ihich iJ behitJd! J Chrilt fu~er~d ,._.onfl11-w. m . much tor p aul : it is buc meet therefore thlt P A11l lhou\d tuftet .A~mv.ct.'11' 1 1 ~:1 {omcwhat for Chrilt. All our troubles arc but che {livers and chips ~ ' 11U' 0 'ur, am as it were, of his crotfr. When the Jcws olkred our Saviour gal\ impteo. and lmeger, he talh:d ir, but woulct n~t drink. He ~de rhc rcft for his Church, and they mufl: pkdgc hun, not to cxpme fin, but tor their criall and e:itercilc. For luJ bodies f11k!] for the confirmacion of mens mindes in the truth of the t~ofpd. . Vcrfo *5, dcconJ;,,K to th~ Jif}enf1tjo,,] Whu !\ homd bh. fphemy r.her<!fore iQ chac at che Jctu ces, whu llick r:or. r.o cdl chc people in their pulpits, T~ar 5. t' 1mJ was noc frcure ot his ~rcacl~ ing, but by conference with S.'"Peter, nor chat he durlt pubblb hLS ~re,,r11r9p. l::p1fi.ks, till S. P etcr h~d allowed chem. Vcrk 26. Bt1tuow i4 made "1!fnifill J God hath now open cd his whole heart to his Saints, Ste tht Note on Rom.16.25. and on Mat.4.16. Vcrfc 27. The hope ofglor7] All the Saints ar~ ~a_i~ to, iyor. l';.rn:l J 11 {hip in chc attar, bccauic chey place all their hope: ot bk to Chnfis death alone. Verfc 28. whom \\11 prea~h] MiniRers do not only preach of Chrill:, but preach Chrifi,thar is,they give what they fpeak of. As 1hc Mmna came down ill 1hc dew; te dvth 1hc tpirit in the Minii\c1y ot'thcl GDfptl. :Vet~e ii


CHAP.II. Vcrfc I. For I Would that 1e k.,.new J

ittle do moll: men know, what unceffant care and pains' their L faithfollMinilh:rs cake for their fouls health. But we would they fhould know ic, and know thofe that labour among them, and are

over them in the Lord, and to d~eem them very highly in love, far their works fake, 1 TheJ[.5.u,13. v~aJe ;, 'Tlutul1(ir lmfrtl mil] b~ ~omformJ J Miniftcrs. lrC (a11nu cf ccn(Jl"tic,,, whiles by them God n1akc::th the heart co ht:ar ofjoyandgladnelfe, andcreatechthe fruit of their lips p111c1,/ tJce,&c:. !fa. 57.19. Being k!tit together J No fuch comfort upon the earth, as in the communion of Saines : it diffcreth from the happindle of hcann, but in degrees only. Ofthe foll 11Jfurance of underftanding J Such ~s was that of S, Luk.!, chap. 1. 3.see the Note there. Verfq. In ~hom.Arehid] Whatfogreat a maker is it then if we be obfcured, and our good pares not fo noticed ~ V f #.; adeo- Ptr(o tU fc:re tHHm nibil ~ft, &c ? Chri(\; w"s 'om~nt hi~ tT~ilfurcs flmuld be bid. 111 Axima (Ui mo/1 /1! miHi111lu" bfl~HauHt

AH the trta[ures ofWifdome] Out ofCbrift then there is no true wifdome or folid comfort to be found. The depth fAith, Jt u Not in me, and the fe11fllith, It unot 'With mt, Job 18. J '4 The ~orld~ ~izards can~~t help us to ic, ler. ~ 9. 1:Jefdo qs,omodo mb1c1/11or t/I medmn'9 quam morlnu, faath Cicero concerning all Philolophicall comforts : The medicine too weak for the d1fcafe. Verfo4. With entifing word1] With probable and perfuafiblc mOcm~o}r~. fpecches. It is not fate for fimple men to hear herecikes, for though they may think themlelves able enough to aniwer them, yet &hey h1Yc a no ca bk faculty of pcrfwading c~e credulous and lcfle S 'i ~autclous .


...... ,... --


c:mtd0ust Jl~e V.1lentini'111her~ri~(s h1d an arc co perf wade ucfore Lhcy uughc. The locul1s have tacts like wcmrn. Jn cht: yc:ar 497. l\1pe ArMff,ifi,.u (~cond, keking to r~dm;c tht: ht.:n.til~c rv'"f ci1ci1~1, was llducui by him. , . Vdft 5. rn1r ( rcL, MJ.l the ftuJ(jlnr ffc J faith :Jlld otdLr, is drUrinc and difci[li11e, bith one. lhdt: two nul\t the

Ch;p:~---~fsc Paul to the Co 1. o s s

1 A


'l'crtu 1 J.

;~111 !up~rtlflturals: buc ;-lfo_f~1;1~-of~h-;s~h~i-:-o~a~~~~gr-;v-e-- . 111~11 ( tmh tlcoftt4) do prom1tc 111l'll t:ilvmon wic:10ut the k1:uwkh: of Chri(\:. Vd'k 9. Al~ the fitlne(fe of the God-head (1odi!y J Tint is, E/, i:oc m clouds :ind CN:unonit:s, as 01;c-: bi:cwern chc Ch1.:rno1ms, which chc }. ws calkJ SIJechin.1!J; wbul..lllllO tht: A poll:k berc aUudi:tl1. ~' trf_t: l 0, e.AnJ)C o'l>'C CO~JJflNrt] C /J:IVe tfi..1t tr!IC h.7ppi'1f He ot J mm, which Ph1loiL)pht:rs tnum:d afcer i11 thi: thicket of Lml1ly vanicitS 1 and loll: thl'mldvt:s in rhl' dufr. J ~nn 1rnkcs tl pore of i So. 1cvcrnll opinions thJc thty had abouc chis ti1bju::l, anll wcreouc m al1Pwh1ldt chcy CJllJhr :tr rhc 1111liuw ui' 11 u;~s m !l L:.J~t: d thorns, buc could not com1.: Jt the tn;1: of- hh:J Uuill J1:tu~

Lhurch b1r as the t-.1oon, ckar as thl.! Su11, and tL rribk as an army' wich lnmiL rs, c,mt 6 1o. The jled/~1f/11tf of yr-t~f' fllitli J Cr. The jimumn;t of y~nr f.iith. As i1.1 cht: hdl crl:1t10~1, {L) 1.11 tbc_i~-.:w c_~c.lturc there. ts .lull: th1..: lrght llf lmowl<.:Jt;~ ; Sl:con~ly, l l~e tmn:.tllH:nt d tauh: Thirdly, llqicm:rnt cc.:m and woi chy fi uics, as lea's and crcts.
v~rfc: 6. So \\la/~ F in him] Continue wdl athtled, ~s ye were at ycur lirl1: 'convl 1fl on; t JU 11ot. hom yom own lkdfallmtfr, 2 Pct. 3. 17. l-bp[>iy is ht.: thlt cm fa~ IL~ J '1)imu 1i.l t.rntc ( asy w:i.s faid ot 11lofes) that :.lttr long protdliun of rd1g1011 hiS llghl is not waxed dim, nor his n:Hur;dl lln:ngth abm:J. Vcrfr 7. Abo!Jnding thcrei~J \\'itl1 tlMnkJ~iving J Thrnkfulfolndk tor I m:tllcr 11H.:1tures of grace, gets 11Hirt:, EJfic,1ciffimm11.J gen tu cft rog.liu/j, gr.a i.u .ig~rr. . . Vcrk S. Leff .lily m.w /ptJi/ 1011 J A Metaphor mher from fhccpilt:altrs or plunden:is. Std_ucns plunder mt:n of their precious fouls. ThLy rnlw them \1rt1unl!r!., 1 Tim. 3. 6. fhey m1lte mnclwndizc of ch1.:m, i I' rt."/., 3. ~>r bring th1.:u1 imo lwnJ.ig~, hnitmg thtm on the faci:, l Coi" I 1. 20. 1 /Jrou.~t1 />/.:ilo(o pl1y] le~. the year of Ch rift Ho. the Artemo .. r.ite.r, a certain l<inJt: of hrn:cil{t.:S 1 corrupteJ ~critnure out of .A,iffot!e and TherplF11flw, mrning all incu Ql.h:itiu11s, as afar .. wnJs the ~choolmcn alto J1d, that c:vil gener;A.tion of dt~a~- lull Divines, ::1::1 om: cJlkth thLin. Terw/li,m. nor untidy faith, That th1..: Ph1loluphers wen: the PJtriarchs ot che .hal'til~es. Nit lmc tint tht:n: is an cxcdknt rnd u{c ot Ph1lolophy t1 u\y io called ; l>nt th~ t\p~ltk mt::rn~th it of th~ir idle ipc~ulacion~ and v i:n J1.:ccits, thok ai~ry nothings, as tht.: Apultk t.:xp~unds him~

ot tmh, R11m.4. l
2, l.

in whom we are compk:u. Vi:d~ 11, M ridtJ \\'itho:1t h,m.11 J . Oh how honoura~Jk (faith :111 I1m:rprm.:r) 1s the work ot mornticac1on, c:v'n as w mike thol<.: lmgt: hclWllS, t":..-~c. <fly the ri csmcif on o( C!;ris1] Which circumcif\;th om heir ts ,. l. d f' ' p11\lm 0 clr dlJt wrcccuc ore-skm. Ycrk u. R11ri(d n'i!h hi~n in lhtpt~(,.e J Which lucrcl'deth in th~ pL1c~ ot cimuncifion, and is alfo co ll5 A LJl ur th\! ng.lm.:oulnlS

In the w.irk of faith CloJ pllt teth ford1 thl! famt! ~lmigh1y pow ~r th!H ht! Jd in taifi~g Cluill:
Of ihc opcr.aim of God]

dt'ld, Ep.!)f[.1,19,io, ~i.'cthtNL)[t::onrhH fexr. \\tic 13. V'/nd J"U 6rif1g dcitd J ~tc the Nutt: on Ephef.



H.11/J hr 1"h~1ed J The fir!l: fpringing in the womb of grace is. prtciom bdixc liod. . Vlr!c 14. Blotti~1~ oru tl~e>"itin 1r J Cro!1inir out the blJLK lims of om !ins, with the red lim:s ot 111-~ Suns bl1J. Ynfi.: I). He mad1,4 P1erv of them J f\ pbm :illu!1011 cu chc
R "w.01 u imnphs.
~cc tht: Nu[C tn

Eph'f"t 8, Clmll: mad~ th~

klf. Stt:thrNurconRom.1.11,22. Ami not t.a(ter Chri/f The Gt:ntiks thrn could not be favcd Liy thdr philufophy without Chritl:. And yet not only th\! D1vints


ot c,.t/en, frt forth a book concerning the lalvation of Ariffot/e, whom they c~lkd Chrifb fore.rnnncr in naturals, as {ohn l)apcilt was

n.IJrl\..,C/ che gteat Turi<,, whoun 111.'. llJUC ll~l in an iron ctgc m,dc l1!1c a gratt':i m fuch tore. as thJc ht: rniglu on cvtry iid.: tJe ktn: :i11J lu carried him up and down, as ~c palled thorow Aji.1, co be. ut his own people lwrrn.:d and duidtd, & c. _ Vuf~ 16, Let no m.m thae/3re j:edr.c 7011 J That is, Set not up :my lm:h for a Judg!.: ovtr. your c:uulc:i1:nc1:::; ; Or, if any ufoq>

dtv1ba publikl.! !pe;cla,\cot l'<.lr~ :.11:"1 \~c11li'J'.I, ~s T11rmrl.m' JiJ ,,,.,. 1 ,;p. 1



------------ -----------~ ----,. --h----a--l~th~;i~y ___ llight him, according co that G11l. f. t. P~riuc an ' . . d .. r.. t h c.Jpr111n, , h 'cH/o(um efl i" divinijrtlim tit quu ct '" 1ur~ 11'0, alt ~/~; :e ,or. In things ot God we ilrnuld be tenderotour ltbercy. . p t llt.:rk 17 , which are 11 j1wio1v .J A.nd fo a fign of Chnfi, obfcurcly and imperktHy rcprd~ncmg htm to the old C~mrch, and noW ~bolilhed by his com mg Ill the lkt~. In che t~elfth rear <>f ~ ' ( rhc {"l'&QC year WhdCltl h~ t!l.Ught Ill th~ 1 empl~, c;iur ... avmurn il f'"' \.' b 0 " Lu~ 1 .) the Smtlu:uy was pollmcd by che calling a out che bones of dead men thoro\~ t:Vl'ry ~:m a.nd po~,~~. t~e~;ofh, at,.t.heh , I> (l: of che Paf\covcr m the nrght tlm1:. 111s 1 tp alt vcrydta e by the samarirans out of ~ham:d co the .:Wilh tervicls. was on d. . i1 But God had fnrely a fpeciall han m 1r, to 1:.vr tnac peop1 e, cltat chofe fhadows were co vanill1,now that C.hraft: the body Wali come and thcwed himfdf. . Vi;dc i 8. Let no m1t11 beg11ile yo11 J. G~. Br.:ve t over 1ou, n~i;C11.1''"" Confer Exid. 8.9 G/07. over m!', GlorM"' 11ffr1.m~ (uprA ~,, iiemcl. as thou h11 {l: done over rhy frn ccrers; I gave chce chis liberty. Sec alfo?udg.7.2. J(a:10.15. _ ,. Ju voltmtnr] l.1umilit7 J A prm~d hmmln~. T~ey wo~~d no~ .tare to worfhip (jod, but .t\ngds, Cl~. y~t WC\e vamly puik~ up by their fldhly mindcs. And {~mcchmg 11k,e chis. was chat ot the Baptil\ in rcfofing co wafh Chnll, and ot 1 tter m refufing to be wa(hed by him Joh.13 .8. . . ~HJ. worfoipping of 0ngds J Semng them up as Pap1fis do for Mldliltt u1 sot imercdlio11. Let 11orns acknowledge any ocher 266

.A c0111me111ar1

;po,, lhl Epipe



ef sr Paul tnht



Mailer of nqudl:s in he~v~n, ~m Cl~rilt alone, l /oh. 1. t. But what a piece ot knav~ry 1s thac 1.n Srm_ru and C arrm.{.tt, :'ho_n~n: dering that patfagc of t~e i:a_odicc14n CommJ, Ch11p. 35, ii d1E1 Xec 1 they 9 a.v~' J\'}/'~'-1.~ ~io,i..(a(cw, Chri{b:ms may n?c. pray co Angels, mak~ the words to be, Non oportet Chrifl i.-inoJ ad angtslos (tm re .-itione1i-1cere. Chrifba1~s may not be corner creepns : And fhe ~ick chty make, De 11s 1'",11!01 ~olunt, Ot chute thac wo~

lhip (nor Ange ls, buc ), corm:r~; iigam{t :;11 ~rnft:. What? w1U

they put cut the eyls of liuds people? As he fa1d, Numb. J 6. 14: Or do\! they not rather' FeJ1urAm q11~rtrt tmde OCH~"' jib enucnt, as BcnMra hath 1c, Sc:d< Hraws tu put out their own eyes with:ill. . . . . lntrudillg into thofe thmg.r J Or mvadmg thofe thing~, rj-~. blinde and bold, bufic abom i~cb matcer_s, as whereof thc:re JS n.e1 ther proof nor profit. Of this fort ot it:ducers was th:i~ darnJg D1tm1fi111,

D;~;,j.;;~hac~ri~c-~h-i~;-~~-nfidcnrly of ch~-,~~~~tn-ly hierarc-hy-~----------ne Schoolmi:n alfo With cheir curious lpecuhtions aud new niceties, as ScotelltU, and others. Vainly p11ffeJ 11p h7 IJi1 fl:/bly miude J Corruption is the mothtr of pride, as chc devil chc fachi.:r. Ht} u t11e ]( ing of all the children of pride, Joh 4134 Vcde 19. ,,Jnd not holdin.e-. the h~11d] This is wor~c then all rhc former 1 rhac che~r dd(loilcd Chrirl: d his dignity : as if hl! alon; were not iutlicirnc co cherill1 and encrl'afc his Church. With the incre,ife of God] That proceeds trom God, that is, from che Spirit ot Chrm the head ~ To which growih is oppofed that vain puffing up, verf.18. whereby m.:n dcrnoc incrcalc, but lwdl. V crfc 20. Are ye (uhjc-U to ordi11.wru J WhJ dJe y: dogm.1ti:t.e: or bi.: burdened wich tites or tradicions, as tht:y now arc in tht: PJplcy? Iolm Aunt a H.ori1an C:ichol1ke, in his humble appea! to King l:imn, in the fath Chapcer of chn P:unphlcc chns l>liliphtmt:th God. The Cjod ot che Prordbms ( whom he krtows o. ~tctdcnr to UC th~ Father, Son, an d ncly Uhofl:) h chi.: molt uncivil :1:1d c- /\J11k d the vil. manrn:r'd God Qf all thoie whu borne the names of God b~.:il rp de.ii&. upon earth: Yea, worJi.: chm Pan, God of the Clowns, which can endure no Ceremonies nor good m:mncrs ac all. Vedt: 21 . Tlmch not, tafte not, &c. J The words of chof~ impoilours, which are here mimetically, or by WlY ot unitmon rdaccd. Sec chc like Eccl. I 0.14. where the Wikmm graphicJlly ddcrib~rh the fools ramolog11.:'s, A m~n c"n1u1t HIJ wluu jh~IJ be, lfNa ~h1it P11ill he, WhD crm ~rll ( \'erk a 2 .which aft aY"e to perifh J The very daily peri(hing of foJd and raimt'nc, arc typt:s of thy prnfhing alto, fa1ch a Divine. Vcde2j. AndnegleUingof the bod1] Gr. Not ffet4rin~ of l\~ciJd~. it, as cheold and new B aaliteJ, chofo Ft11gell11ntu : And thole alfo amongfi us ( good ochtrwife) ch:n pmch their bodies coo nmch wah pmury or txceffivc fothn~~' are blame-worthy. Th .! bud~ i~ the louls lt:rv;\nr, and chi\t it mJy Dr, r ar ugorio, ncicnt r {i<pr1rnor infi',inr.gorium, ic mna have dl\t;; henum- "nJ nourifh1

0 L 0






CuA.11. III,

1/St Paul to the Co 1. o s s r AN s:

Vtrfc 1. lfyc then bt 6f<n \\it/; Chrifi

r<J A s yr p'dc tiH(t'
~. t>~" ch-:,.,:! .1 2.

ll 1 rn 1 ~ 1, & e. A!: Cht ill. tifd\ <id<1 :rnd did on ly rk thin;'., l' 1rai1;i11;~ ro d1r l'~ingdom ot Gotl, /Jn-. 1. ~. anj w 1i:ni ;1l\\;1y tor hi~ LXJlta rion imu hL'3VLl1. There (hm1ld IJ~ cgn. tinmll in <im h~~rcs ~ thl Church is comp:.nLd to p1lbrs Sn:~

ot l1w,:,c, L'!:air:;;i/;w (i1mi, Cam.3.6. as having her atfdtions, thi ~ll~lm, ddircs upward, hc:tVl'll\VJrd.

2. Su) r,1:r

,1ff~ [/ion on tl.i1:g.r




the d li:."s of' hl'JVtT, and nm pHJ!ltl wirh chi: lifr ofl;od, and lt11t.: of ctcrnit)'. Thin~s on (arch rn; mucal>k and mc.>uwntaty, fubfrct

co nnicy and viuknce ! n:hm \Ve ~rafll thrm mofl grl'cdily, WI! C'lnbrm.: 11u:hir,:~ lmukL', which wrings rears trom om {')'\.:S,and
V.l;;;l1):th tnto not!iirlL'.
{Ji .i


.-ind 1101 rm rUu/J ;~, cm'lh Si:t not thin~ heart llj)Cll1 the aOi:s S.mmrl to Sat1t, (ich thl! l1dire of :ill !(r.ut is tli rhn:: So, k~

noc your ath:dions on otHwud chin._~s, f1th bcteer thmgs abidt:} ou, 1tis r;ot fot you to IK' tilll ;ng for gudgrnns, but for cowns, fons 3nd call ks, iJid Cler p,11111 w ,:Jf, Anrr.ily. So neirhcr is it for fuch a~ hoi1c f o.r hcav.:11. tu 1..>~ caken u? ab~1m trill~s ~ as D omir i.udprnt his rnm: rn ~iltd1111~; llic:J, and //nn.rrr:rrs m nnl<ing h:itci; tor lrni~eg. Tlwtc if. (l_ g .111.1:itio11 of Tff,.~(o;.r f;-.urcs, whole ll1111L3 are writcm in ih~: tJ1 ch, lrr.1 7.13. c.dl:.:d chc iniubicancs of th~ urth, Hc7.. r/.1i.12. inorpulitiontothc:S:lints and hdrs of htl v: n. Thdc uny With thi.! A thrn i:liJJ give for their badnc:: ch:: < 1r.!11wppu, wl1ic.h i) [m:J, livuh r.nd dinh in rhe fame ~f.ound: end t!1wgh ~IH. l.:nh wi.11:~~, rec 11i:ch not : !nn~etimes fhe hopp.:ch upwJrd!> a lmlc, Lillclh ro rhe !~rotmd :t! 1 a111. So here. V ~ 1 k j. For ye ,ired 11 :/ J Crn,~iliL'l.i to cl~c world as p 1111!,Ga.I. fi.1+ v:can~d a> a (:11ldc from ch1:bri:1ls, or rachcrborchesof tht: \\'lllL!) :is David, Pt. 131.1, D.:ad alto i;1 rtgud of daily mifrri~s,

i.'.i:i(i, J 9, 1 {or.15,) I. Ad F''r /'.'/'~ 11 ln~l J /\-;, thl: p..:arl i5 liid, rill rile f11cll be !Jrukt'n. \':Tic+ Thl'n fh.1/. 1 )Pl' (1'f(t'~r J What th(n do wr.:. lolding (1\1( fdv.:~ \Vitli th1ch d.lj'? er moilmg our !lives hcrc,as muckworn1~?

Verie 5. t/lt[ortifie therefore J 'Sin hath a firoog heart and will not be done cod.each, buc Wach m.uch ado. Peccarn {.tp~ r..i. d11nt11r, fed non eradlcant1tr. Somechmg is done about fins little ag:1inll: chem i :lS arrificiall juglers frem to wound themf:lvts but do not ; or as plaiers leem to thrulc thcmlelvts chorow chci; bodies, buc che fword paifcth only chorow their cloches. C"w'"~'ft1~f[~ wb;cJ, u ;J"1'1trr1] for ic rul>s God of (hi~ flower) his rruH:, and draws a m:m away from all the Commandmcms,,'P(.119.36 SeccheNoreon Eph. 5 S Vtt rk 6. On the children of di(obeaience J Unprrf wadal>le, un. collnkllable palons, chat regard not good coutfrs or d1fcourfrs. Vcrfc 7. when 1' lived in them J Mans Jifr is a W<i1ll< and eachatlion a Uep either co heavrn or hell. ' Yerfe 8. Filth] communiG11tion] The devils drivcll, Sec the Noteon Eph,5.4. Verre 9. Lit 11ot ont to another J No not in jdt,ld\ ye go co hell in carndt. Sec the Nore on Eph,4,25. Verfe Io, After the im11ge J lf mcmli v~rme could be beheld with morca.l.l eye~, ~aith the fJh1iofophtr, it would lhrup wonderful! loves of Jt kif. How much more would the inuge of God i 11 the hems ot his people? See the Note: on Eph,4. 24. Vcrlex ~, Chr!ff ua!/,. an.~ i~ "" J Not only in the hearts of men, but mall thmgs ~He 7TU~ nth~ neuur grnder. This frcond Adt1m hath filled all thmgs ag:un ~ m:tthcr is chm; any thing dft: r\quin:d to Jul\ifi~uion and 111lv:uion. Verfe u. tV111b~ ~tra ~f God, holJ and htlovl'd] Therefore holy, ~ccauk elect, and cherdore beloved, bec:mfc holy; as Gods n~mc 1s holy, and therefore reverend, P/:111.9. God cholc his for l11s love, and now loves them for his choice. . Bo1ve/1 of mmie.s J Draw ouc chy foul as well as thy lheaf co th~ hungry, Jfa.5 8.10. St~tp t.hY thoughts in che mercies of God (fatCh 0~1c) and they will die chine, as che die.fat doth the cloch. Vcr1c 13. if a man have a qu~r~e/J J Occafions will be given, and offences w1l.l fall o_ut. Now at 1s the glory of a m~m co pa~t: Prov.1 g.11. over~ t~anfgn:01on. Sec 1. Sa,,,. 10. i7. And co forgive where thn~c 1s. Jtlfl cauk ot complamc : If no quarrdl, no thank.


ch cCit~ , 'I h . I. h r b ' t' > ) as c e~umun~ or c e " ~miidc were Joyncd by loops : fo arc 111 true Chr1ft1a'1s by lov(',

\,r101, Tb~bond"fptrjianef[e] OrthCC()Uhle theJ unRurc


(JUl't/P.( 'J.f.F/




Verfc l,~. AnJlet tht peacetJf God rNle] Sitcmaminu Moderator1

----------------------------~--~~- ------~

-~------------------~-------------~-- -

.A Co11'1'1tnltWJ "I'" the Epifllt Chap.}; -----------

Chap.J. f S Pau1-;;th;-c~~-;;~ 1 u,. .

m~t wn;kcd ) 'h~ wm:B will is nor fir..ighr .j
pliable to his. Sed lilmHm A,-bitriu

hedl6". lee ic rule afccr cho mnnTier ol a MO<le.. ot1r, o_ tcr ii over-fee and Q'Vcr-tl\\e m all your ptrfnnall d1lcordN. Ol'

n umpi;.~

~ht Lord]

1:hough the huobnd Will bt crook


(as others <en(c it ) \et it carry away thi priz~, or dilhibute th~

guAnclbeyetlM111\!fidl] hnds. fc. Tothofethatarecourteous and be~ nrlici.i\\ to you. lnf.r,irrm1 di.wri1 om11ia dixeru. L7cHrg,iu ,Arbor 1ozorctur iuj't1$ no1 um/Jra ructur.

would make no \aw acilinfl unthankfo\ne!lc, bccauft: he could noc think thtn: cou'.d he any tilch cvi\ com mi recd. H there be any (ii1 in tht world again~ che holy Gho11: {hid QE_ccn E/iz,,zbet/, in a krrcrto Henry 4 o\ Frnnce) iti~ ingraritude. This (<aichonc) is 1 monfter in namrc, a iok~Hm<= in sQoJ in:umers, :\ p~r:.dox in divinny,a pltchini:; wind!.! w d1mme up che foumain ot divine and

ditur, viri 11m}eruttt Hxoru arr.,,"'' pr~ '1~ ~ mntopcr"t contttt .. Vcrfe 19 H1ub,.nd' I 'r:Nerunt,Jaithan Auchour. " s ove your ~ives J H ' h vcr them, Sultdue them it they will not f -e ,an not, l\ule O fct win them to your will : make cheir ~k~m1t, um love them, and they fiand on eyen ground with you a[yok as may l>e, for drawonthcldcfide. YetufotthJ:om n'e e o~s, cho~~h chcy coven~Ht,Mal.2.14. He thnefore ch 'J!4 ion, ana__th~ \\' of th] 15 co minde : but he ch!lt h11th chofo~c f~~ct may fr~me his choice choice. ' m ''""mt: ht~ heart to llis

G d cd ( f~ it be ~ fight, if Dli>t

------ - --- ~ . - :a 71

.~: ~l~fte

nnt:id uccr;i

0...., cxi.1,a11r.
(c,I '

t.unum: favours. Vcr!'e 16. ])wclli11y~11richly] Inci11c!li17011, as an ingraf fed worJ, rncorpor1tcd mto y~u~ touls ; to concoeled and digc. . ", ,"I ficd by yl.iu, as that you turn 1t Ill (r1ccum 0- (a 111guinem. into a part ot) our ld vt:s. This is your riches; and thus Davia reckons o~ his Wl':tlth, 'Pf. 119' 3), Tc11ching and admonifhin~ one another J It is rig,htly obfervcd by a \:ltt'. rev~rcnd Wrirer, That alchou~h we know chat which we D. sibh; l'" ask of or hers, as wdl as they do~ yet good fpccches wi l d\-aw us. CintS to \mow it becccr, by giv1n~ cccafion to {pt:ak more ol it; wherewith.the Spirit worl~s more dh:-1u1Uy, and imprincs it deeper, [o that 1c {\11\\ be a more roocl'd knowledge rhrn bdore. for thJt amh good, chat i~ ~ra,ivufly ~no\\'1'j and th:it is graciou01 \{nown ihat the &pttit re,\< upon our fouls. ' In P{tl/m11Md l1fft.H1f J PJpil\s forbid people to fino pfalms ond permit only Quirilhrs to fing, left the mufick l11oulJ'b, mar'. n:d. Dut tht: Apul\:k biddech evc;.ry S:lint to (ing. And N icrphorm ~riteth, chu tht: ChnC\:iaos.ot his cime, <.:Vt:n :is they mvdlcd Hi(J.folrp.;. :ind )ourrn:ycd, Wt:reWOllt ro hng Via\ ms. T atianm aUo taith 1 SJ/'37 ThH every age and ordlr :1mong the Chri\Hans wen: Chn(hn Phi \o{ophers: yta that the very virgins and maids, as they {at at cheit work in wool> were wont co fpcak oi Gods Word. with gr~ce in yo11r he1trt J This is the bdt cune to any Pfatm. vcrfc 17. D 0 ~u fo ,,,, N Mm J By the w~nant of his word,

" enotbJtter1tv1i11ffthem] N~thi k' thofc Ca/Jeans' a bitter and furious N . ng a m to N 1tbt1l, to I I. called wormweod, chat imbiccercdt:~~ ~.r ~o chat fiar,Rev.8. ms. The Heathen when the fac 'fi d t ir. part of che wa to call the gall o! the beatif c'd at their marriage-foafts, Vcrfe 2 I It h. acri cc out of doors. coJ11g. Note on Eph.:.: t mgi J V11ltN fiepl l.tditur pietiU. Sec the

eA d~ONJflgt4 '"" {i4i cor' cap Ht i/le fact.

v~:are'!' 'V_;~ 11mato, rnariro pareat ll~:or




Epke[.~.:.1 Provok!


7our chilaren] Sec the Note on

Leff the1 be difaouraged] D i.J11' . d cy gVrow ddperate in their reiolu;io~:te , and chorow ddpondcn- Mui,tJoiv. u, JI"' With. ,,,...r. . ] Sec the Note ort E .. phef. erfe 6. S,6' J erv1ct

Fearing God] That h th Fear him more then you do~o!roweft to ca~ body and foul to hell : fldh only. ma crs, t at have powc:r over- the

and with an aim to his glory. Verfe 18. Wives (ubmit yoHr ftlvn J Interiours are ordered before fuperiours, co teach them to do duty before they cxpeC\ ic.

;Love de~ccnlic:th, duty a!cendeth~

Vcrfe 23. Do it heArtilt, "' to the Lo d] . . . nertuc ot nc:cdlity wailes . ' . r 1 his as to make Chrill, going about ~ur eanhr crvmg_ men~ we iervc the Lord wichnoconly an babituall but y bu~1cUe~ wu~ heavenly mindes, be, of glorifying God in ali. an a uall mcem1~n,as much as may Vcrfc 24 ThtYtW4,..d Df iHh 4ri J And lo be made ot fer~ vanes Cons, whofc it is to inherit. f"111~~ For 1efar111 tlle LmJ ChrilJ.] Wh'l . your whole lives, as the woof d'r L. h ' cs god Imes runncth chorow otH t orow th b d , .a. ewe ,an yo~ kek to 1pprovc: ygur felvcs to - Chrift in all 'vou r a"1.1ons and cmplouncncs.


2s .

A CommentAYJ t1pon the Epiftle



o.( St Paul to the c 0

L 0 9


Vcdc 1s. But hethAt dot!J ~ron~] Ue it but by not doing fi~ht co poor tcrvancs, which in thole daies were bond fl wes.Notc here (Laich an lncerpn.:cer)thl! Apofiks candour: he was not ot che l.umuur oi Lawyers that ic\dome fpeak much, liut for great mcnJ or when th~y may hJvc: grcac gifcsJ &c. ! - ---- - -------- ------- ... ----- ----------CH A).\. IV.



Th.u which i6 }ti.ft and rtp.i/l J


Ee they mufi,boch to rl:ie wdl cbufing, and the well ulolng of ~ . Te .d(o h.we a m11ffrr J Eccl.5 8, There be hic~her tlien they: and whrn:m tht'y dl!al proudly, <..~od is abov~ chem, E .\od. 18. 11. Vcrfe 2. Continue in pncier J Co~!bnt and infiam in ir w~it upon it, lay all ~fide for it (:is the word lignifiech, A U.6. whik praia fbrnds ll:ill, the trade ot gudlindfe fl:ands flill. And \\wch in tJu (amr J AgainCl: dulndTe of filiric,drowfindfe of body, {:mnica\l fuggeltions, kcular difl:rafrions, &c. WiHJ tha11~g/ving] Have your thanks n:ady 1tor you ar~ fure to


Vcrfe 6. Sea{Dnta With (alt J Of mor fi---; ,. t6 J ' even our common communication mull b ~ ~ac~on and dafcloetion, der moll: thofe meats that be m"f} a t t e o .ea oned I as we pouuncomely parts, we put the more c!me~~c~!~fiei a1'd as npon uL1r Vcrfe7. Allm7/JatefoalJTychJcm]S h N Verfe 8. And comfort 7our heArt1 J S, ee ~ ~ otc on E;d1.6. 'JI Verle 9. With Oneji1111u, "fitithfol/ e]c t ~ ate on Ejh.6, 2 2. now profic:tble. faichtull and belov~d. Pl o nc~ unprohcable, but n;1rir.6 14 to convert D 1'on)p1H ilnd loft his I b lfl W~m th~rcc co Sici!J ,, 1' no,. by h f x J a our. p o/emt> of a d k d a (ctn"lf l!lfftl . u mg :nocra~u, became a Philofo her. run ar -' fed ah(mM1t. faith wdl of ham, S 1 rejipuit ii fi. fl P But Ambrojf: 'IJ.: Elta (9' (acrilegio, Jf he repented of his d; im~:r tnm 1 11 tem11lent 1u jfjun&11p.u. drunk with fuperfiition. Pa11/1con~11 enne cJ yec he continued preacher, and a beloved brether. ere proved bcccer, a faichfull Ver(e 10 lif'4rcm,jiiftrJ (on to B II J frood lo Cliff for him againll p au/his f ~~fi"u'f Hence B,m1.1/J114 1f:37 Sec the Note there. Nacuralla~~ u . dlow ..cravdkr, AEI. wuh fame good mel'l,:is it did with El' e~ao~1 fwa1es. over- much 1S.11m.8.1,3. i,:m pcrhapswtthSamurt,




By the word a d~mr is optned into ht:avm.

Vcrft: 3. withall,pni7int al(o for 1u J Set: the Nvte on Ep/J.6. 1.9

Al1.anJ Mo11.
fJ.tj60, lbiJ lf7.J.

Jf,jJl 1457.

Vcrfc 4. vis I 011ght to rfie"k_ J As evc:ry found is r.oc mufick: fo neither is every pulpic-dilcourfe a Sermon, Vcrk 5. w.1/k__i11 Wifdom J Neither g,iving offence carc:ldl)',not taking ofknce caufU1y. Redeeming the timr J Oppormnicies are hcadlong 1 and mull he t~oui1y laid hold on, or all's loH. St:c the Note on Eph.5 .16. lt is f:ud ot ff ooptr r~c Mmyr,chac he was tpan: oflliicr,f parer of w~nds, ;md fpud~ of rnne. L'4tim& rofo u<ually u two of rh<.! clock in ~ morning co his Hudy, fir,id_(ord l1:pc not commonly abvve four hours in the night; and in his bed, rill fktp came:, his book went uot ouc o~ his hand. Hc:cou1m:d th:it hour not wdl {p:::m, wherein he did not fume good, cichc.:r with his \><:n, tongue or Hudy. Thefe w~mhies well weighed what a modern Writer hath weU obfcmd 1 Thu they thac lok time arc the greatdt lofers and waUfulh:ll Pro digals. for of all o~hcr pofldlions two m:iy be h:id together, but twomomcms of cune ( much ldk two upt?orcunitics ot time) ~ onnot be polfdt together. Verfo 6.

of fickle and folfo frit!nds 1 th~t forf~uk h:~~ . ~ "'"complains mM, a fim.4 .. 0 char like '/ob1 friend am m hrs. d1firt:'fle, !s Deers, and ~thebrooks of Tem h' ~ ~rov,d m~frrablecomforc- a Tim. 4 drougllc fail: Or as the river;/ w tc . m_ a mo1fiure {well, in 3 Mid.fl.11nmer So/ffice f\WUC!ch s"'vt"" m Lh amb,irdy, chac ac tvcry mid-winter is clean dry !To, ... tn. rMunnet over the l>anks, but in n "" >ttt 11rcm 1 u h Ji"'"'' On1jiphorHJ, and fomcfcw othersn' ./.rs ru, Oncmercy: Optim1'm{olt1ti11m , 1oua f.!J 1. uckco ham. A great y r. 1tHm. crae I a. E paphr,u Who i4 o11 0.t 11 ] N1iHe there. ' e J 1 See Ch1tp.1. 7. and the


I.. 1



h Tk11t ]_I! ''MJ /f1111dptr/W J In hi~ abtl!nce ( . 11 edcv1l 1s moll bufic as he was wch h e pec111 Y for chm but a while in the Mdunt E . l J t c people, when Mofes was V { , ~oa.3 2. . ere I? Andthtm thttt~rein L d' J . like the Sun, that 01incch noc only w~:h- i~e;' _A Mmifrc:r mufi be nc~h :ill round abouc it and within th m Jths own o1b, buc iilightVcrl 1 1 d ' e rcac ofir. . e 4 ./." DrmtU J He will need b out any title ofhonoL1P as chc rdl: H b s t:onc,and is,buc with .. he afcerwards proved ;n utcer 3 ~ll:a~e egan co be {ufprcled : Jnd an Idol Pridlac Thrff"''~"ic" P > anJ (as Dorothrm f:uth ) T

Ycrfc 15.

" ......-- --- --




-- -

----~-------~-.----~----"' cw;m_~!_~~y u~~~ !he Epiftlc,&c. Chap.4~


-- - --

- Va~f~ 1 s~-S AlHte the brethren J. C!uiG:ianicy is no enemy to courtdie. 1t removes not, ?ur rcet1.ties 1c. . The brcthrtH \\lhich 11re in Liieid1~~" J There God h~d his rem~ th~rl' t:hrill was Amen, the h1thtuU and trnc w1mclk> and nath, <> te. d b tlllrt th(rL wen. luch, as by a l1<:W ct~acwn ~o , w~rc egocccn
Olivin, LVc1\ !lmong to cuddL a mu.lum~t'1 Urvr!.~. ~~ Tn~n:rc: mainin Cor.ft,im~nvpfratd11sday aDov':~o.Chmcl.1..s ot Cln1ll1-



.. ----~





-----...--- ----------

ans : and in [/Jt (f,donic(i al.Jo~~ 30. bd11.ks vc.:ry many Church;s aGroAd in the pruvince,c~c. 1 he whok counm:y o~ A Ji' the ldk, Brrcrw .Encp1 i r whcn:in i\ood Colojfr, Laodice.a and H1er.-tpofo, JS noy-7 under th.1.: C~ytu de /la power and fopu(lilion of che 1 mk ~ yet i1u doubt God h:uh his iu c"cfiar. remnant thcr1:. . Vcrk 16.Rc"idc the Epiftle from. Lt1od1cea] Ot~cr good books then ll-:u(l be r~!ld,!l!;; wdl :is the Srnprnres; }'Ct no.t idle p11mphlt:ts and lovc-wics. Thck fhouhi b~ b\.lrnt,;\S thok C\.mou~ books w~re 1

() It

h. p n. f Vuk 17 . Arc rppm. was.a JlLOUro the Lttodice 1m Church ; So that bdun: S. 'f ohns muc m P uthmos they began to cool. . . f Thut thou jiiffi,Y it J By preaching the Word i~l fe~{o~, _out ~ frafon, c:)c. and 1odomgthc workof an Ev:.rngd1lt, h~s "1 n... y .. T'm thm J~ miner , "" 4 2,5 This co do, the people were . co cxc1cc . . l)allour: yet with all due rdpctl: and. rcven:n~e to his othcc,1 T_im. . An Elder mull not be b(hcd ou~rked W&th the 1couq;~ oi the 11 ton~m:, as a puny, bm intrcaccd as~ l~tMr. . . .\ . , , Vcrfe 1 S. fl, tmmber my bond1]t Tv pray for me,and mm1f\cr 10 me, &c. This he here inkrt~th. as hi_s bit c~arge, that they may the better remember andpratbfe 1t. Somcthmg we {houl~ leave with chofc we lvvc that m:iy lbck b~ them, and Lhnd them m \cad

J And fiy to ilrchippm

Vpon the firft EpifHe of S. Paul to
the T

ssA L o

r A N s.

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Vcr(c 1. Paul and Sil'lMntu J

)~ ~lli Therwife called Si/1U, Act. 15, 40. as lthoJ~,w '.e ~ q flmah che high-l~riefl: is ca.lied Jefo11tf, Ezra I{ ,i~ , 3. 2. and 5. 2. I c1s nae thmforc unlawfoll to ab.~ ~ i Jc I brev1atc nam.:s. . ' ~ .Jrrj~ V>:to the Chm:ch of the Theffa/oni1ms J The~ ., ~~ ft/on1ca, the chief (.1cy of Mdced'1ni11, is no~ known by the name of S.doni~s, and is under the Turk. ror che p\~ntation of a Church here, fee ~fl. 17. i, 2, 3, G'C, togecher Breer. 1!11quir. WICh rhc Notes there. There arc 30 Churchc:s of Chriaians in it at p ()8, this d:iy, and um three of Af11homttnn.r. Vcl'le 2: i!"~ ,cr,ive ~hank.J to ~;~J] Thus he bcginncth mo{~ of_ his EpiHks WJ(_h thankfg1vrng ; This fJeing held to bi.: the .hr1t tha~ ever he wrote co any o! the Churches, The t<',~tti11111g of Im flrengtf.i (as Rmben '/acobs fidl:-l.wrnc) and T 2 the


wh.:n we arc gone, tJr have dom: with them.

---~---:-~==::UID:bll~l~ht~e,~rfl1.E~pljl/~Chap.i~ JI commtnMr1 r 1' ~66 ------------- - - ------------>f d' 't1 Gencfis 49 3 . tht "'itl,.ut etfig J A good 1s Vedq. Rtme.mb~ g . . . J.i\.ll the faculties arc . d to affidmty m praict. . exerc1fcd., an~ rcqum h d wrought t]..a. tht whole ar. wr.' believe not without much conul\.h 1man 0 y " . , \\ ork offaith J l l10ld Chrifl the devil rars ht."'r on L to ay on Whrn faht1 go<;s aL0ut ,_, htr oft. Hence1tlw bdit. vcr liat h l.uc h
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __





1"Crlecuc1ons, as blowne bladders b.:are a man up alotc all

Luthe~) iS-~~tbi~g --~ife ~-bu-C~to get the.. ill wiilbf thc world. _ . wuhjo, of the h1l1 Ghofl J Which bore them up above all

Ghap. r.

Ifs Paul,,,,,, r ... 8 SA L 0 N u

8~ ----'-~


the fingcts, and would ucat

ado J Every mans love is as his labour is, Htb_. .A11d /,1bo11r of love d 1abour are ot one root in latm,becaule (, 10.ThercforcaUolovc_an


Vl:rk 7, 80 rh"t y~ Wert t111fd.rHp/~1 J Gr. 'T1rn, m1m/Jr, ,.i:,fi,, ptttmu ot piety to tho{c thac were in ChnLl long bdor<: them . A or.Ave commendation, and net e\'ery m:rns h:ippmeO'e. AIH1ct1on
co fume is like a growing ague, or as a warm ram co gardeaht:lOs, that m:ikech them ll10oc up fenftbly in GOl' nighc Verfe 8. For from ]011 {ou11dea Ollt J /l vobiJ diJf.m1ttus eft fermo, Rcmigi1u commenting ~pon tl1is place, tdl_ech us ~hat che ApofHe here fpe:ikcch fon~ewhac improperly, b~ fay mg D;ffamallU for D i.vulgatm. This man knew not ( bcl1ke) that '-1,P.'frtl wn:>cc in Greek, and not in Latine: So great was chc ignorance of that nin~h age, The Greek word imporcech thac from the Th~(fd/onians the word of the Lor~ founded out as a crumpet, and rdounded as an Eccho. A vobu e6u,;cin!lt111 eft (er1111 Domi"i: So V11tn.h!m rcndereth it.
So that \\le netd not to fPekJ A good pe"f'lc may cafc their Fattourofa great deal of p:iins .. . Vcr{q1. Wh11t manner ofen1ri11g in. &c. J The Pafiour ha th his part and ilure in thepcopks comm~ndataon, lftht:y grow fa-

l;vc is and W3it the accomplHliment AndpatJerice of ope, hrn~ian n vcrcuehach iLs proper d1l11uClnc Tl1us every< f proau{cs. fi om that which is counter etc. ~hiArO\c!:h-r1 to d1A-erl.'nce It ~rue 'race wiU l\:and to Gods triaU, Jn rhr fight (If god] .d ,8 :is Alchymy gold c:innoc paOe which fa\fe g~;,"e catmo~ a~l ;omfort the heart, as true golli the lc~cnch iuc ~ nor ot . .



~f. G~ds



doch. . b hren brloved of God] Know mg IC Verfc 4 ]( nowmt, ~tt noc'ofinfallibilicy. He that bdic:vtch by the judg~mcm ?f c~ariW, 1 ~oh.s. io. Bueche whir~ fion.:, che hath ct.c w1cm:{fr m ha.mft: , fl he heart are nut certainly. known new name, and chc hid man t Howbeit holy men in iome de. to any but cofuch as h:ive them. ke th; communion ofS!l.inw ' ~not tr, to ma . 1l 11rcc arc known om: to fid on#' ID"Y have of aoochers a Va t> S ' con ence . . . . l thdwet:tcr. cro~ig ur ,. h. Henk or of ftit'ncc, much cne of tion' but no cert:uncy ~r o

mous, he cannot lie obfrured.

faich or immedi:m.: nvchmm. 1 Hence he colletlsl their F Go (~el ctime Not V erk ~. . ~r o11r r 8 The Minificry km to a p ace is c:kt\ion accord mg to A a.13 .4h . A husband man would not f fame cktl: t ere. l l an argum("nt o . h his fickle to reap thi(Hes and nett~~ ony. knd his lerv:int wn imner] 1-ht: Church is enducd wuh ~~c. Asot ffditcermng k!~ow ~1/.>td. m M'1 ~ 1'll m Ihould approve thcmfdvc:s (pm,. fi irit : and in word and convcrfauon, d f the Lord] The ApofHes Verk 6. Followers of m,Canh r1u, .~I 7"'h 2 6 their lives were a. 2 6 as wall.;cd in Chr1'{t , C oI.' .. 1 Pet.2.9. Commencary upon ha~ life, h 'fflWion J Oppo!ition is (as Cal Rectivrdthe "Wor1 tn mHc .~ 1 ) ..fOJJIM, the bli4d' "';n wrote to tlw lrrn~h K~ ~t the h~cls, To preach t faith Angd chat dogs the Golp~ L11thtr)




re tttrned to Gotl from idols] They gave noc the half turn on. ly from Ea ft to South, but thw whole turn from the fa ft to Weft, l1om idols to God. Ephraim lh,11 fay, f?hat ha"e J t d1 1 lloC.6,4, mm With idol1. Hu{. 14 8 ! .Thole Balriam blocks, thofe and monuments ot idolatry,. thofe images of jtalouflc ? Bpb1im id now no lonf!,t >' IU "ca~ h.i/f bak!d. tU a {peck.fed hird, kr.u.,. &c. Ectccr be a Papill then an Athcift,a grotfo idolater thc:n 1 pro. lill!arc profdfour, !l c.un!lll Colpdlcr. V<:de 1 o, And to lt11li1 far h1J So,. J This is pinned as a hsdge to the !b.:vl: of l:Vcry lT~t: bdiever, thac he looktth and longech tor Chrifl /1is c0:ni11g co Judgemcm. The old chxraCler of Gods i'~opk Wa&, thty waittd for the: confol:Hion ot lfr.-.e/, Chrilts firft co111i11g : So as it now, tbc earm:tt cxpccbcion ot his fecund coming.
, ihtno mion of bis name

Whicli dclivcrNl m #om the \l;rath to fomc J Thi~ i~ the Eq~ dus,o So iour. Sal v. 1ion proper.





. ______ lybetokcneti1-thepriv~iiv;p~~-c-~t.mans happinclk, bat includeth

the pofitivc too, Kii~g 41phonfm, whcr:i he faw a poor m_:n pu\. ling of hisbcaftout ofad1tch, he put to his hand to help him. ls it not more that Chriil: Owuld fioop fo low as to htlp us (who were in worfe condition then the bcaHs that pcrifh) out of tho ditchofdc:lhucbon? Thedcvilista1dtobeMc.i11C.:~llcf.<~v~, a roar. in~ Lion : buc our comfort is, Tl.1at che Lion of the rnbe oi 7ud11h is opv)11.1.11&, hu that ddm.:rech us trom che wrath
to come.

commentry upo" the .rrfl Rpiflk



a;p:;:-;j S~~~l-~the.T 11 a-s -~-14_~_ 0 N_I_~~ ~~ _ _ 2~~-uut fhould be above all ,rietor fale. Hehatb too impocem a fpirir, whofe ftrvices, like cht cliall, mu{\ be fc:t only by the Sun of folf:.
rdpeds. True grace is of a mofi: mafculinc, difingaged, RObl<: n:uurc,.md remits nothing of its diligcmcc either for fear ot a hown, or hope of a reward. Vcric 4. RM'" w~ 'Wtr6 allowed] Enibkd and counted b.ithfull, 1 T$m.1. u.

The wrath to come J There is a prefent wrath that men fuffer J and \\ihe knoweth tht power of thiJ WrAth ! Evtll ACrording to .c """1fi.1tr, (iu God1 Wr111li, Pfai90.11e L~caman fou n1.vtr fo

much he l11:.1l l>e fore to tcel more, when Gods wrath tals upon him. , A timorous man can hncy vaft and terrible ft:ars ; fire, fword, racks, fcaldiug lead, .boiling picch, running b.Ummle. Yet all chis is but as a painted tire t<? the wrath to come, that cter nity of extremity, which gracddle pcrfons Chall n~vt.r be abh: to avoid~ or co abide.
C1-rAp. IJ.


Vcdc 1. Our entt-1t11et in 11nto 1ou J

He word preached in any place doth ufually work bell: at firlt. Aftttr a while men bt.come like unco birds in a T dm can wdl enuut;h btar the. noik of the bds , and nae be
bellfrc~, &~h~d.

But t'lltn tJfw..that. &c.] From chis to che 13.r111rfe. Minift11s m11y ii5 jn a mirrour 1~~ how 'bey ough' to b1:h;m: 'hem~



tdvcs m tht: houk of God.

'lJuri. ut ilcx 1011(ab1pc1mi~,...

we Were hold in 011r G&d] The Church as the palm-tree, fpreadcth and fpringech up the more ic is oppreflcd ; as the bottle pr bladder that may be dipt 1 not drowned : as the Oi<e ch:1t tprou1s out tbc thicker hom the matms a11d wounds it receivcth. This daunted D iocletjan and made him lay down the: .I.Empire iu di{con tent. This c:mled Julian the ApoUate to leave off torcc, and ulc: fr.aud to draw men from the truth. Vcrk,. WMrnt 'f J~wit,n~r,&,,] N,itb~rforprofa,plea- iure, nor prckrmenc ( chc worldlings frinicy.) A Miniiter, ~ ~i.: (hol.lld have nothing to lok, !o ~e lbould .have: nothing 10 get:

Bfft God J Who lookech upon difpleafiog krvicc, as a double difhonour. Which tri!lh o1'r luArtJ J And fa kaowech our aim'i 9 !(:Jic. Dl'uf. Apopbtb. q11id igit11r 11gM, propter /Jtum llt,AJ. 'Propt1't' u Domine, J'7D pm tt, as he cried. It ftands me upon, llich one, to fee that though my work be but mean, yet it may be clean ; t,haugh not fine, ycc not foul, foiled and fiubbercd wich th~ ilur ot a rotten hem : fith it is God l have co deal with. Verk s. For neith(r ~t "nJ time J Sinifierity of ends is here oppokd to tincerity in Gods work i And lhctery, covctoa1ne(k1 1mbicion, dcdu~d 'v Ix ~be foum"\n~ 9f i'1linGtrii;y, Nor a 'lo~e of <i(J'Ucto11fncj[e] This fill goes ultully cloked. with the name and pretence of gof>d hmbaudry. The ordinary language of the world is, Heu a man (omcwfiat With th6 h11rdefl', a little With the Hear~{t, "/tttle too much for th6 World, btn yet 4 mJrveUous hontft, A Wo>;r;frro1u g1JoJ. m111. C.ovccou~.ndl:~ is fddome without fained words, 2 Pct. 2. 3. co hide ic from ochers withour, or fubtlc thoughcs and cvalions to blinde-folJ the conicience within. God u'Witntf{1] Thac he flmercd nor, he report~ himfclf to them, that he covtced nor, he appt:als to God, who ts 110~ moc~cd with masks or f pecious pretences. Vcrfc6. Nor.of men (oHght We glory J Theoloj.HJ :l,lori.e dicit m11/Nm bonum & bomtm m11lmn (faith Luther) 'Fl1eo/1J.'{HI crurH. dicit id quo~ rts efl. A preacher <;alkth ~uud evil, and t:vil good, &c. Vcric7. But \\'e Were g111tli: J Tl~is is the way to win, for man is a cud~, crabbed crea.tutc, and ~may be led, but not t4fily drag'd w duty. ~of, and t1ard argumtut:i pr"v"il With him~ r11oe1e}~o1. VerlC 8. So bDing ttjfefJion"ttl] dejiroHJ J Homit1g 11ml h~nk!r- c,14pr~inc rap11 ing after JOU. . ,T 1 'lJ Ht

Not as ple11Jiwg m!"n] Sec. the Note on '!_,il.1.1 o, Meo, be they plealcd or difi,lcafed, God muft not be dafplea(ed.


__ ,..


~~~~~----~~~-~~~~-------~"' CHll#ltlltAry tip111 the firfl.




~~~~~:~~-~[_~t-~~~~~-~~-!~~~~-~ AL 0



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BHt al{O oHr own (i11/J ] Gretite,-/ove then thi-4 h:irh no m11it: And fuch a love ought thw~cobe in every Paftour toward his people. Love is libetall, charicy no churl.

not himfdf. HappyiHhat man that can be acquitted by himklt in privarl'a m publrke by od1crs m borh by (;oJ: {\:anders by may ke more. > How holi/1 and j11ftl7, and unb!.lme.~b!J] Here he praB:ifed his own precept, Tit.2.1 2. And htzrein lits chedifkrcnce between

V crtc 9. Ou,. /Ab'.u.Even to hllhu,~~. .And travtll J Su w tp.m.' rhcm, he tpared Ver{c 10. Ye"reWitntfle1,an" Godal(o]

Divinity and other kicnces, th:H it is not t:nou h co prdcribe ir but you mu ft pradik ic, as lelions of mulick, a~d as a col1Y muct

NI AN s. ?.13 Vt:rfe q. wh~ both kj~1d the Lord] A~cf~~~: rh~~-~f~reba~-i~ lhed ouc of thL world, as it were, by a commcm confrnr ot Nui~os, for their Ulll'Xpi:tble guilr. Evcn m ?et-,,ft/.m chn~ be hud~ ly to bt! fou11d a hunJr\;J houfholds of them. l n C.rir;M it is nr~.1 ~rhf W t tr lll Th~11a~ I H1 ..~.11~00J, t.'llCuC orany J t! co tlC hIS l oocuron chat H1:mj. 1 . d C' i:-1 l h I 1: I ll)llil. 01J11Cif 311. cnmtnttnof. tr ere arc ~ivers thoufonds ot tbcmJ tmt J at every fafte~ they arc ~n danger of dca1 h, ifthey but Hir om of r110. c.-.1r, doors, bccau\c ac chat tune they crucified our Savmur, Thl' Turl<s b1,/,i11IJ-h. the~klves fo ~ate t_he J~ws for crucifying Chri!t, that thLy utc to lay mdccdhuo1.1 of a ctimg, I"'""~~ I might die " {e1v. Nl'ithtr w1.U chcy permit a Jew to turn lurk , unlefic he be tirtt ba-

not be r~1d 01ily 1 but !\<~h:d .-lfo, Vrrk 11. .111 afdthtr] Be~Ol'e,!t~ !l n1ethet,-uerf.7. a nurfc
g~nce. Hnc ~ ttmpcr~ his mothe1~like meeknclle with che gra~1cy and auchomy ut a father. M.ntllcrs nmf\: mm themfrlvt:s as

not mt:rccnary, but namrall, wuh greatell cendc:rnc:s and indul

puzed. A.nJ ~/,~;,.. Cl,W7 l'rr1phm J Who~l' nmghtcr (Chough long linct dor~t ) ~ m rt!Ct!OC r~m~ml.Hat1cc wnh Uod, and is n:ckoned !Ind n:gifln:d cogecher with thcduach . o~ Chrifl: himfolt, 011~ IMve perfcct1ted uJ J They HJll cude the Chriilians in
their daily prw.:rs, which rhty dole up wich a .l'vlaledic /) omine J\'a:t.,ar"M Lopnac pb~m.atfirmed, Thar he had lovld Q.;,_/1' .t. ~btth as ht lo,cd Je!us Chrdl. Which hon~ a J~wwas heard 110 ~ Without laughter. !!An~ they plellfe not God] YC!t they challenged the title of Gods Church; as the I>ap1fts will mcds be the only C;1 .. tkol1kcs. Aml are cnHtr11r1 to ~11 mm J Bein herein rach~r J'jimllt f't the n Jfini~ /' ': 6 .11. T ht! T roac :::i ' e1, 1te1,'-'rn.1 delights tQ fw 1m agai!Ht ~rcac~1 . The hnb.:Al"x~Hda>- wiH ' wuh no orhtr herb, ouc. st {d.f, Sud1 Anr1podt! are our Jdu1tts, {o unfoftrrably amuicie>NS and _mpudent, that ~1etther che.11 doarine, nor thdr convcrlauon plca{.cch thof cot thm own religion. \:rte 16. To fill up the fr ji11 afo11y J Bounds arc kc co fin by thcd1v111cd~cree,_Zech.5.7. \Vickcdnt'fl~is comparl'd w a wo~1~11 prdkd man Ephah :. whc:n the: mtalurc is foll, tht: buiinclk is hnHhtd. ~tc t~c: Note on Mat. 2 3.p. c \ c1fc 17. For 11 ftJort time J Or, In 11 foort time fuddcnly

ic wer~, in co all lhapcs and f.at11ions, both ut tpcech and fpiti/ co win peoph: to l.iod. ' Vcr.12,Wulk_.W.,rthJ of (lod]Who(divery we wear,whofe imattc "e bcar,whok kingdom we arc called anco, &c. Thole rhat tl:~d with thl! Laml>, Rev.14. hadhiiitachersmmeontheirfore-heads Our omllrlies rdket upon lJod,who will n quire and nqt1icc. Vl:dC 13 . .Not .u ihc \\Jod of men J. Whom yec he m:ikech ufe <1f to calt down Satans firong-holds, as he nude ufo of lictle D.wid agamU: lS-0/i.h. and of' th~ frogs and flic~ againft J>htSr"()h, .Ast~e\~1 ora l)f Go~ With reverence and diligence, with ail good afled1on and atcmt1on. When Slfmtul knew it was God that calkdhim ( a11d nae Eli) he had no more minde to Ht:ep. We are all hc:rc. p~cknt ud~>re God, ia.irh Cnrnelim , At\:, Io. 33 And God 1s m you ot a truth, l:uch the Corinthi~n cpnvcrc, J Cor,4.25. Vcrfc 14. Of J<JNr own CfJtmtrey-men] Malice againft the truth breaks all bonds of mcure or amicy. A1Mb WM irk!el, be cAufe ~f J[>t.fel; or ve.wdM them, Numb 22. j,4. thou"h they were allied ~o Ifr11el, who P.afied by them peaceably, an; by the fhugh~~r <.1h,he dmr1dicI) ,freed chrm from evil neighbours,which ukt:n away_partof che~r C?~ncrey,&c. The Englifi1 l>apifis in

Cam.lc1:1 lit


four'.s !ac~1titcd 800 ot chm u~no,cnt Coumreymcn in C=t__)l.fA r-}odalCS. Vcrtc 15.

A[l. 17 9,10. ' ' d. Heiny,. tak!t1 alvaJ] Or fepar~ccd, as orphans are from their Am~r;ct-:1.:>f;7,,, ta.r par~nc_s, or parents trom chm dc:c1:aftd chilJn n. The frpararwn of fu~ndic; i~ fo grk'vou~,. rlHH death it frU is H1kd no otht:r then a dcparcure. Vcrlc: l.8. B11t Satan hi11Jml tu ] He fi.ill doth his utmofl'i.o hindet,


A Co11Jment11r1 upon the firfl Epijlle


Ch ap.-3-.-,,-;;;s::-c~P-au-;l-to---:th;-e-:T~a-.-,-u-.1-.ON_I_A_N_s.----~-?:_> whit the looner, b~c far che eafier : whereas coming unexpected, they find~ wrak mmdca fccurr, m11kc chem mikrabk, kavc cbrw

hinder tht! ctunmunion of S!lints, and to keep them afunder. He lrn?ws_mo 11re betterrhen ont : and thm:fore he fiirrtd up rh~ pwnmve perfec:ut?urs t(l baoiH1 the Chrill1ans, and to confim: Cyprim rpifl. them to 1lcs aoJ m1ms, wht:rc tht.:y could not have acce{lc one to


anor her. Vrrl_l' 19. For 'What u our hope, &c ] . A very lively and \ofcy cxpre1110n ; fuch as the Apo1lk ordm:mly ukch in (peaking of heavenly glory. Ne'> ClinfftM, Hee ere/um P"'titNr hypcrbolen A man can hardly hypc:rbolizc in fpeaking of heaven. ' V cdc 20. For Je t1re om glo~1 a,.d jfJ1 J L-:t no man therefore envy us thclc cemp.ornry ~ood thmgs, a competent mamtenance; cht:n: iHt: bcm;r 't11H5ij 11b1J\; u:1 i\b~v1;,

dclperatc. Verfe s 7:0 -~now 1our- fAi~h] That is, Your perfevcrance, and encrcafe m ta1th. That which the devil mainly c:ndcavoumh is,co hindtr and unft:rtlt: our ~aith, as he dt:iJlc by Evt, and Prtn, LH~22.p,32. tolmccrth1sbuckkr. Ep~,f.o. 1.6. for chen he \\rows he may do whit he will with us. Omni11 perdidit, qui fi dem ,1mifit. Lt.ft :.y (omnnfu1i1 the ttmpm] Who feels our puH~s and


C 11

A p,

I J I.

fits his afhL1lt~ accordingly. Se;:e the Note on MAt.4.3- ' @And .o"r /1lbo11r be jn 114i11 ] S!J it proves many times by Sa~ uns malice. Other labourers can hnde their work as they kit it not lo Miniltcrs z che devil cometh and marrcth aH. s Vcrfe 6. A,,dbrought w .~ood tidings Here the devil was

No longer ftrheitr

R, s.t~~d u.n~cr om: burden of vehement ~elire after you: See O a 11kt: cxprdlton, _Ifi 42, 14 As a crave\lmg woman bites in her p'.lm as long as H1c as abk, and at length crits out aloudfo God
is patirnt till ht: can hold no longLr, &c. , We tho11ght it good] Public A privAtM 1111t1flrmJ4 btmu A pn\J\ikc it)irit is a prl'ctous f pirit. ' Vlrk 2. To e11t1blifo 70H J Who haply are fomewhat ua!Ctll'd ~>' che croublcs ch:i t bdrll me :unungn you. Bue H young . m:ts thakc.n 1 root the b1:ttcr~ fo lhou\d you. (,.p;,,.~ in an epil\k to tht: brctoretl ~t Biljit,. wrt~cth thus, l'.1u~ior11 vobifcum p~ri m11-;i1.ur, qt111d im Domu~o v_1(Um efl ut ftitbiliant11r feu /enib111 pfo 'lltj .r, ac f em:ntt!J m J/liorib1u ,p/,mtulie in Ar'1ores mlf:tr:imM pro
J(A,'l'liJ U"CUl'{l;J.

difappointed. He had been muling, but <:ould not fal~cn ~ th&:S mmcr was not malltable. God fimts him, and Haves him oft when he would worry his poor lambs, turning au to their ccermli

\\l~r~ comfort~d] Nothing fo cheareth up the hem of a godly Mm1fl:er, as his pwpks craC\abkal tk. If this be wanting, his Vtry hum is broke, though tht y bt: otht:cwile nt:vcr fo kindc and courteous to him. Vcrlc 8. For Ho>v We live J AjoyletTc lifo is a lifddlc life. An unfuccc:[duU Pa"our hath little or nu joy of his 11fo. Thm pua

good. Vufo 7. We


Vcrfr 3. TJ1at HO man_ /ho~/J ~e moved] Gr. Flttttertd, !S .a dug lfat~crcch, .l>y muvrng his t:ul, q. d. The devil, by flmcring you, wacu prom1(_e ot more t:aie by a contrary courLe, will but do a~ :i duty dog, dl'tile yoll wirhfawnm~ That We_ ~re appojmcJ rhtrrnnio J vfo. By Gods dec:m, whemmto it damned gho{ls muft (u)tcnbe, Rom. 9. 19,10. how much m~re fhould Gods ek'-'l, l Pet .1 6? 1t is buc a ddicacy co -dream of heaven co bt: had, wichouc much hardt11ip. V~~ft: 4: We told yrm befo_r~J Dms tore-fecn are dintldfe; pre-o n1omuon is the bdt pre11mnmon. Troubles fore-told tome nm[ a whit


71 [tly to him that Jivci~, 1Sam.1.5 6. thJC is, thlt ~ivct.h O\t heartscafe . .A/l!hed.1it1ofth~ ~JJl1tled Ar~ tvil, Prov.15.1,5. hr, good be out ot the: world (fa they_) :i.s h~wc no joy ot th~ world. N.ow, l havc~e grearn Joy, taath .">. 7o;m, then to ht:ar that my children walk m the tru~h, ~ 'f oh.4 r '"~ rl!viv~-d his good old htart, and made it dam:e LevtilttJ' .r in hi~ b..>lome. .~cr{q) . For \\' tha~k_s, &c q. d. No luthcicnt than\;s SpmtuaU JOY vents 1t fdf by an mt1mce Jdire CJf pr:.ufins l.iud,, whereby It frcks ro fill ~lp the di!t:mce betwixt ( ~uJ and t\1c goo.! 10U}1 )O ~U[ lhilnhiglVll1~~ kt thm: b\: rllrl"Hf Jina 11m4fl 1 ~ JJi r-



lmh u. L:t \.\:> il1ll dd1L>ttate what mvn: to Gio, as D"vid,

tla7 prayi11g :xcmlir.gly J Prait:1 muft be coni\ant and m[\anc, wuh utmo{t ai11duity and inmni~n ot. afte.. C\itm1 Lu~18. 1. See the Not~ there . Vcdcl:c.

P(al.116.u. Vt:rfc IE>. _Night


;;-~ -- -----Jl-C--o-;,,,;;,~,J ~po;-,h;j; ff~ipijlle__ -cii~-p:;,?

v;r(~-~-~.-N~w GqJ himfe!f, &c.] . Ac the vi:_ry m~ntioninC ofpraier,hc tals a praying. C,ood :df1..dmns foon kmdlc ma grac1~
ous hearc.

,. Chap.4. Of s Paul to the T

;0~c h~;~y


s sA

L 0 N I A N



JeJ by the heaven~. Vair 1 z., To eNcm1fr. and abound] Ily doubling his word,

Direl1 our \\lay t1nto yo11 J A mAns heart dev__ifeth hu \\1 411 biu 1 /,t' Lorddireilnb J.ii1ftep1, I_>rov.16.9. Lcc(.)od be our P1loc if we mean to nu kc a good vo1agc ot ac. Let our hand be on the, fl:ern, our tye on the fhr; kt our courk, as th'1 marmers,bc gui.

)our rcd<o;1"'i~g-~-Jfa~ 11, u. brought fuch roarings and troubk on chtm, and chat when falvacion waschem. looked for ? Our iniquities cefiific to our faces, and we know Verfq. Forthu "the Will of God] This is his prefcrihing



tcftgnihctha doublcporcionotGodsgrace, wh1ch~wiihechun. to chem : We arefurc to recdvc as much go?d from liod by pray. er as we can bring faith co b~ar away. H1rh.:rro ye have a~ked nothing ; Ask, faith Chri!l:, Ask enough, Open JHr moHrb "'idr, &c. . v erk 13, To the end lu m"J /f i11blifo ] 1-:ove IS of a ferrumj. nating ftal>lilhir_g propmy. Thar ~race wJll noc hang togt:cher,


.-.-Qr hold o~H that is il;!vered hotn chamy,

will, which we mull: obey : as we mutt fobmit to his dif poling will, the will o~ his providrnc\', and ~1uw acqUJinccd wich his approv in~ will, the \IJJll ot his grncious acc~prnm:\: ttliit, 18. 14. 1oh:1.i . 3 VcrlC 4. To pcffrffe /,iJ vrffel] That is, l1u bod7, wherein the foul 1s, Tota iJJ 1010 1 & tom in q1111iibrt p.irte. H any a~k, why fo glori(lUS a foul lhould be in this corrnptil>le body? lidides Gods will, nd for the order ol the univrrfr, Lomb4rd gives this Lib. rcalon, That by the conjunction of the foul with the body ( 1o tar ics infrriour) man might lear,n a poilibilicy of the llilion of man With God in gloryt norwicbllandmg the vafi dilbmcc uf mtur~ a.nd cxcellrncc, the inllnitrn1;ik Qf buch m God, Chl' timwmtle of


..... -

... ----~------

bochin m:in,
Jn (an[li.fica1io>1 and hono11r] Chaflity is a mans honour: incontinency fr rs on an inddcl>lc lJJoc, Prov. 6, 33. Cif/U4 quafi "'d.o~ d~ ip~ Ol>l<l/'14, Verk 5. . Not in the lufl Df concupifcence J Or, /111ht difea(e ,, ,b 11 1 ~Jl11ff, lh:ttd1,honumablc d1ftatt>, Rom. 1. 26. that wafkth 11oc ii'} >'-ww.a. only the fob!hncc of the body, l>t1t the: hondty amt tht: honom t11J ..:.1 of JC. Verfe 6, ThAt no.mA>J go_bryond or drftttrtd J Or~ Oppy~ff~ M' 1hw. Thelt by un1ull: g<:ttmg is tither c.m,.~,>-~ vr V1iJfJ,i,1I, hy viu .. knee or (lmniIJg concrivance. . The Lora is the "venger J Though haply they lie out of the walk .of humane juct1cc, as noc comi11g under araus cogI,


HA p.


1. How 7e

011g'1t to \\'al~]


Vcry good man is a great Pcri_p:itetick, walks much. Chrifi E alfo wall<s : {o doch the devil, apolhces, herec1kl"s, world !mt with chis diffrrcnce. Chtill: walkcch in tht: middle,


Jl ev.1.13. the dl.'vil to and fro, up and down, ?ob I. 7. his mo cion isc1rcu1Jr, and chcrcforc traudukm, I Pet. 5. 8. Apolhtcs nm retrogr:ide,rhty lh1_mbk at che croffe:and foll backward. He. recikcs nm llllt un the right hand, worldlmgs on the ldc, ?t1m. 1. 1 4 Hypocrice~ mmafideumo t~eir ~rooked waics, Pfal.125.~. lt1ty tullow Chntl:, as;s dtd his Parents, till he came by cht: carcak: or as :i dog doth his mall:er,. ull he rnecrcth wirh _a c:mil)n, The Crtll' Unifti:m only walks fo :i~ co pleale God: his eyes look right ont his eye .. lids look flnir btfort! him 1 P,.ov. +~ ~ He got:s not ha-c\ w .ch lf, .z.~~;,,t/ .s Sun, norfbnds ar a Hay, as Jr, flm>lh' 1, b:it rd 'C1.'th as l {lto11g man co run his race, as Dttvid1 hun, I';. 19 5. Y~:a ht th im:th mor~ and mun: llnco th1.: pcrftCl: d3y, as .'i<>lomon1, Prov 4.18. v~rk 2, F~r 1e k~1J)V )\ h.n, &c. J It is cxpc:Ckd therefore th.H), du ch;:m: dk th.: more hainuu:s will l>e y(.1m fill, and the



Yerk 7. For G&dh.ith not CAll~d uJ J See the Note on Eph.4. lt is a Jure rule giVtn by che Ancients, Confofionts lil11dinm1'{unt jigna c11j11jlibet foEl1C. Simon .ffefa.t;m had hi l/r/4nat Car. f''Tfi"I his Marct/lina, Apt/Ju ni~ Philumenta, Montn.HHI his. frifciUa and M"ximiUa, &c. V,rfc 8. He ther1for.e that defpi[eth J That tbinl<s it a trick of youch co tornicace, and a trick of wa co orer-rcach or <i>ppn:ifc: that hol~s it a matter of nothing co frt light by che tormcr ldlons, ko lhall tu\dc Lhat he ha ch to deal wicil liod, and not 1:1a11 in this bufindle; and that it is l>y tbe Spirit~~ "o~ dm w~ have



kc11 'unto him~ who will runil11 their contempt of his co~~ ids. Yak 9. Te nttd not that I Write] Sirh tbc divine namre whncot ye arc p::trt:ik~.s, promptcth you co it, as common n:i~ turl.'. Jmh l.HLCl1r.:11 tl) love urn: :rnod1cr. The very name ot a brother
1:, porcnt c1JLiuA1 co JrJW ::itfrcbons .tl r. ttz :',~ /,, -~f (; o. I J .1 hnd ort: h:i ve no foch need co be c:iughc ~y llllll, a~ rhok chlt a1 t: yt:t ltrmgers to the lilt: of (1ud, ,.c.?0itn<~' CrJnf' r~s m.<.~ Jfcr, qrr,!m ciro difcitrtr, quad dJccrnr? trnn !1../frt~;:.r:I 111c. Ne; cit ttird,i molimina, gntti1l Spiriuu (anlh,lairh <Yi 11;/i> oj c. 1\ll Ch111ls ichoilars an.: nimble and notabk proti.

Comme~wy "E~~!!!l!fl Efifl!e---~~~P4



1fSt ~au~~ t"!_ _TH

n s s A 1.



of chc dead co be la1uencc:d ac thei~ fu~~~~l-s, BuGCh~i-fli~,-1 ~ -~-~1-{t know a mc'lfor~, ~nd Lo water chdr planes, as cllac chcy drown Nrfi1~lfm'tl them nuc, luff" 11c;c11.tfo. 1 Even ,u other1, "'hie? _h11ve no hop~ J Lugei1tin mMtum, " fad 1/Jc 111cm gelu;ma /Hfcepu, qt1fm T.11rarm dcvlJrttt, &c. Lt:t char lkad ma11 b~ llmtn:cd wh1Jm hdl l1l1 botm.:ch, whom dil'.: J~1 "'

___ - --

vil dL Vl 1 LL1.:ch, r~ c. HtH kc us ( whok d1:DJt(td louts

ltl1.H>lomLrh, :ith. all tllr.:


Cuurc ot hLav~ 11 coait1> tu1 Ul ru wdi:om<.:) Jccoum u;~i :Il1ry a lllL 1(;ll ~ 11111 li. !-',l L.:Vl ll J tlm Wt: are iu lun.:) d1.:t:.t111i.:J h1.:r~ tro111 th~ ~'mip~llj ul our 'c. . hrn t faurh flurom. , Vnk 14. Slt>ep in ltfm J D,ad in Chrifl:. The nninn tht:n i.s
l1>11ip:111y, i...llr.
} I L

1\ 1p,



._ ac

\'nil: 10. Tow.1rdJ flit the] This univerfality of their luv .. lhcw'd the linc ... ri:}' of ic, anJ th:ic it for cht: truchs fak,, 2 / u/J. 2, 0,J:~ or more ~ood men uuy be fa vourcd of thole chac,:;', ~U.J.

luvc 110 good 111.111 1 as Jerony was of Neb11.\:..tr11d1m, bt:cautc he tote-told tht.: v1chny. Vt:d( I I. Srntl.y to /,c rirr J Gr, Be amUtioru of pe11ce: as cJmdt anJ cJger afo.:r ic, as the Aml>itiun1lt is ahcr ho
11Ullr, .

~Jv.rnta 1:.
I ';

nocd1llolvcdby_d~arh. BmaslJyiL:cpchcb.>dy is l'efrclhcd : fo ~y l~t:arh lt 1s rdmcd. Ltt our cue b~ co clcav..: L:loa.: tu,~ mil: mtht: mlbnt ot dt:ach : fo th all ht: b~ co us both in lifr and death
litlt J 5 B' tliJe

Ad to do yo!tr on,1 /!11.fin~ ({e J Not oaring in ocher mens bom,

nor m.:dlmg rn uLht:r llH.:us bilhupricks, ftjhm 111: 1,._J.,'.J~'C/'}}W;urnv

'Pet,4. I 5. Tu fijge,


Wit,'. Y'"'r ow11 h riu/J] Or dk wich your own brains, as flu. dents, which is by hr the lnrd..:r bbour. Vcrlc t 2. L.dv.f no!hi11~ J He bccomcch poor chat dcakch W1C:1 :.t ll~c.:k ha1JJ, but chi.: h:wd of the <liligcm 11111'.cth rich, 'Pro. 10 l J.:i.!1.d thac dwdt in lt:ms anJ ccnd..:d hcards, had Jub,1! co lm L r<Jci. . . r, tlJt.. btl1.:r LJ mufa:k. J.d"'' and f Hba!, indull:ry and ph .~ty ijoc wit!wu<: l welt contem dwdl Wt;cthtr. \'ufr 15. lJrJt J\\"011ld11oth:ivc,&c. J lgnor111ceis the mo thu ohnittakl', and ol cautk!k trouble, ut i;r~our and of cc.:1rour: as chc l\.o:m.n loulJir.:rs wen.: onct nllt.:11 altnghrcd ac the fi~ht of chl J)lOOtJ:> ldipk, nil cl)c ~ 11:11\;r~ll hh{ ".id\:~1.:ivd l>y >\ di{,oudl! ot th~ n:itur~ll cauk th:_l'luL )'t' (arrow 11ot J .Non dt l-t,r!,OJ(}.;~ qr1i 11'JfJ1itr1r, feJ Jff rltT.rn1..w1, taich Trrrnlil,u;. ~1/Jr.-111'11111111 .. urncd modt:rat~ly tor l.1.;dcc1kdwife, Gc;1,13,2. asisim;ioanibyatmall uph in the ';,;_l;d 1:~co.-h1~!1, to wc~p. Su did JJ.ivd for thl! child;.: burn in 3 dul~ery, thou.;hforAb{Jlomh~ex.m;ded. ltisom: ot the Ju~1

ci -talJle wo:l s rhlC rhe J.ord ul~it to 01 .., and htard wordlrfle word,. J Thq 11nll rik m: we llull rape and as tl.wy_ have uten udore us in dcach, o Hull tht:y Le in "lory: Now prwrny Js a t>nv1ltdgc, n Vnl~ 16, Wfth ,ijbo11r J Jnir.nti Anf.tl1Jrum 1 11 i;10 , e:J 1zcc/1m t i h - ,., \"' I ~' ;:,?~t .T,t 1 .a71. .1.m1e, .m vi;ttnu. v H 1a hugt: :.1pplaulc111J acd~ma11 uon bnb1.:l.s, _iu~h as is ch.Jt of Mrnnns, Wilen lll'ar Che h 1vc.r 1 ( ltnlum_ fotltam !~to clamorc (,il11mnr) lll' that of louldic.u Vo;:,- .$'h.'111iJ, lVhcn ru J~yn battle w1ch the c11emy. , _And 1\'i~h th tmmp of Uoa J fo m1uire the law in m:rnncr as IC Was given, l>.fount Sinai only Wa~, then on a flrn:l' our IJUW ~hcwholt: world, &c. Tht.:11 G~d Carne wtrh ren chuuLt~1ds of his Jmcs: but now thoufan~ chonlamis ihill m111akr w lum, and tt.:11 thoufar~d thoufands lha111t:md Odore.: h1111. '~er~e_ 1~. r:m~ lVC '.\hich ~re 11"7-r l H..: fpr::ikl'Ch thus of him. fdtas aim at Chrtlts commg, becaull! we (huuld d.uly l)/.t1t:8: it attd CVt:ll haf\:,~n to it, ' ;a Jh~ll be c,w,~ht Hp togaher J Thi:i 1s that m~ilery mentioned, 1 Cor, I 5'.51. and not c1ll now m1de known tu the world. ~cc. th eNote mt: re. bcl11 the !to11ds] As C~ri!l: alfo afcc~ded, ~as 1 Thefo. t~c ~a0 go1Js and chamocs that Chn!l will fend tor us, as.

n1ord off he Lo~d J Or, In

&c. in prub;i11ly, when [

the \\in)'(J,

WlS rapt up, 2 Cor.12,2,4, SIJ,lfi not prevent thrw





---~-8-o_ _ _ _ _ A __C_o_m_m_en-tar-y-u-~-~,,-t-he-fl-=--~?~_~-~p-_y--i~te===C:h;-a-p-.s.
And (o fl;.~lt \\'e eve.,- !", &c.] 0.1 hlclf~d hour l 0 thr!ce hapP}' unio 11 l N )thing tvcr c:ime fo ne:J!' 1c, 11s the m~ctmg ot Jacob a11 t.', fojtph. or of rhuft! cwo coutm~ c..M""' and El~ ~.ibeth, Luk, I. . ~ Vnlc 1 ~ wfrefore cnm.fort, &c.] Scripture-com. ores como home to c:~f' hl::li \ , {o do noc philotophic~ll. N_e(cio qHomodo (faith Ctcerr; 0 ud.) medicitM morbo efl 1mbee1//lor. J\n~ alM lch A,!trn. beit it i~ , Hvdlou::i {.,\\:cc to meditate (as l'v\r K no~ found at o~ 11 t>1'1Jtl,lH hii.; de'.lth b1.:1.I ,,, chlt he would hav~ ~ikn lnd gone mt_o chc pulpit w cdl others ~iin :ic h1d fdc in his iou\) yet c_hcr~ is a lpcc1a\l tom:'. ~t ;trnn 1~ contolJtion in Chrillian coi:n~numcac.wn, Which tit~ Lrn J t1ilui.i/ watlrcth with the dews of davmc bldhng. ----------------1 1


~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~--------TH n s s AL NI AN s. 281

of St Pault1tbe

loftpl' fct his fathers family down to ugypt.



A p,




VV ld The times and

Hen Chrift Oull c?me t? ju~gement, this is co be reckon. inur 1irca11t1 1mper9. Sec chl'. Nore on M.u.24 36. the kafons God huh in hi~ own power,AU.1.7. Thi~ i!l 1 key rh~r he keeperh under hrn 0W1\ g1rdl1:. . . Vrrft: 2 , The d.1y of 1hi Lo rel] That day. by a rpec1allty,.Lu~ ll.J4. thngrracd1y, Revel,6.17. chacd1~oft~edt'darailonot Gods juft juJ~cmrnt,Rom.2:5,1r;. c~ac day ot. Chnct, 2 Thtfi.2.2, ot God, 2 1'11+1 ' he w1U lhew h1mldf to be God oi Gods, and 1.ord ul Lords. . . A 1 a rhi1'f ,'.,11'1l11ight J Who g1veth no warnmg,MM.24.43.


the Note thac. . . . Vcrk 3. For\\ hen thq jlMll fa!] Smmcy JS the cert:un u01er of ddhua1on 1 as in RrnhfiJ,H,lf ~rmy, ilm.l --rqmpq1, b~turc chc Plwf.c/i.m ftdJ. Some of them con~~ndcd for t~c Pndlhood,


- Verfe4. Should ovmak! 1gu MA thi1/]: Though ic come upon yott as a thief ia a time uncenaio, Free you are from th~ defiruction of that day, though not altogether free from the dd\n1.. ~ion of ir 1 ti\1 {omewhu m:olletled you rl!member that now your redemption drawech nigh: H~nce the Saints love Chrill:s appearing, 2 Tim.4 8. Look for It w1ch ftretcht-out necks, and long afccr ic, Rev.2 i.10. Vcrfe s. We are not of th' night, &c. J AJeJ.a71Jer willed chat !l.!J.Curtilll. che Grc:cians and Bar'1terians Chould no longer be d1l\ inguifhed by their garments, buc by their mam!_ers: fo fi1ould the children ot lighc, and of darkndk. V\ak 6. As r,1,, om,rs] Whu wonder tlm the Greci:tns live loofly, faith ChrJ{oftome, out chu Chrilb~rns do fo, this j$ worfe, yea hmi>lcrable. But ltt"' 'Watch and be (oher] Wc muA: not be like Agrip pa's dormoufe chaa would not a wak~ rill c:.1ft inco boiling lead, c~~me1u. fa or utlattl1iol1U his affes ted with hemlock , that lie for dead, 'D1ejm~ and are half hiledcd, ere th~y c:m be arrou(ed. But rather we fuou\d re{emble Ari.flotle and others, who were wont to flee[> with brazen balls in their hands, which falling on vdfds, purpofely fee on their beds fides, the noifC did diffwade irnmo dmtt n1:cp. Vtrfe7. Arnl>'u"1tl,, tbe night J But now, alas, drunken. adfo is become a n0Qt1-dtf1 drvi/, Once PtttrJ argnml'nt (faith a Drnnk.rur by reverend Divine) more then probable, TheJC men are nat M. H1mi1. drunk, .for it u but the third hour of tkc dAJ. Now mrn ara grown fuch husbands as that, by that time, they will return their t\ocks, and have cheir brains crowing bdore day. Verfe 8. Be fober] Drunkcnneffo misbeleemeth any man, but cfpecially a Saine for ic robs him ot himfcH~ and laies a beafl

in his room. P11tti"t

whith was Citf1r10Hice, ochers d1fpok~ of chc Con(ullllips 1111d ulliccs in Rome, as it all wrn: alrcldy thtH own: l'omee1 111m.ldf L>::ing (o wretchedly wrc1ch~dl'c, that he rJ:. vcr conltdcrcd mto whac pl:ii:c ht were bdl co rltm:, 1t he !o(l the day. Then fha/J foddm deftr11Elio11] As. Philofoph~rs fay, ~hat ~e
wu1 ul: i4n canhqu~kc~

fore a luuw chc weather will be warma(h i when the wmde bt'~t rile pi:cH rain hls >.and the air is mo(\; quiet, whm luddenly there

011 the bnft pl.rm tJf f'4ith 4r1J lov" J Faith is the fore part of chis brdt. place, whad1y we imlmce Chrift, and lov<: the hinder put tht:n::of, whrn:by VJe imbotorne the Saints. Verfe 9. God h,.th not ,1ppdnwl m J As he hath ~n drunk~n beans, I c,,r,6.10. Yeaa\l cho{e dry drunkards, lj;i. 28.1. thlt Will not a wake (though ncv~r to much warned) ouc of tht! foare of the dcvil,&c. 2 Tim.a,25. Verfe 1 o, 1P'1nkrr \h ~"k' '" flrep J That is, live ordie11 our


------- -----------------------------------------------------.... ~ ~----------~------~---------...... ~ Chap.5 .'Chap.s. --;ji;:f1a~i!~~-i~ ~-~!-~.~

-' Co1N111ent#J upoN the ftrjl 11pijll1

o 111 AN

fouls cannot mifcarry : becsufe ChrHl:. will h:ave ouc the foll price of his fotls deach. See Rom. ti 8. wub Ehe Noce there. Verfe 11. Com~rt ]OHr felves t~gether] This ~e fubjoyns as 1 fingular hdp to the praC\i(e of the former po~nts of duty . ~ociall charity whets on to love and. good works, as iron whet~ iron, as cne billet kindle th another,C!J'c Vt:rfe i 2. Ana \\'e befeech 1ou, bre1l1re11] Doe r:iot fo .e~hort and edifi: one another, as t~ think that now the publike Mm11lery is no further ufduU or need full . Lee your Paltours have all due r11!pell, be your gifcs never fo emmcnt. . ' .. Vcrfe 11 Ver7 higlJ/y J Gr. Mort then extttdrngl7 i Tmk! ~~~p:'::~" and Papi(b fha\l elk cond~mn us, who honcur every hc:~ge ~ridt JJJajort '" l~n .. ot theirs, and have them Ill wngular ~llec.1, above their men~. ,, bab1bJn1ur The Grecians gave great refpcct to their Phtlofophcrs above then: Phi.lo/of bi Ora tours becau!e thefc caught chem how to fpcak,. buc thofe how 'lllflf/J QTIJllTtr, , ' Jllit11i'111H1(fr to live weU. . . . bl d' . 'lJiunJi, &c. F": 1Juir Wsrk.!f~k..e] Which 1s. high and honoura e, . mne LacLntiur. and heavenly, a worthy wor~, 1 T,m. 3. 1. Such as b~th m the preparntion coir. and cxccuuon of n ~nwt'h 'h'~ rn Ciud1kccp eih them with God, and to be ever rn1~ddcll of God, ao~ no ldle aC\ive for God, Ephrf 4 12. bygathrnngcogecherche )amcs, and ~uilding up the body ot Chri(t. . ., .Ana be at pe:ice among 1?"r felveJ J So Chall your PJftour have &he better life,and follow his work With mott: content & ~omforr.

B11t tflt~ JOHow ~hich ugood]. Not to doe ~ood, is to dG tvil, not tofave a man, when we can, as to ddl:roy hiln,' See the Note there. Verfe 16. Rejoyct evmno>-t J A duty much preffed in both tefiamcms, but little prad:ifcd by many ot Gods ~hi11nel1, who arc ever puling and putting finger in the eye, through one difconccnc or another. The wicked may noc rcjoyce, Hof. 9. I the Saints mull:, P(di.~ t .1 I. u1d ; 1.1. and chu concinu1lly. Cl:rivin~ co '1n h3bituall ~htufolndfo, whi'h is when faith heals the conh;ie1m1 and gracl! huH1eth the affoCl:ions, and compofetb all within ; whu aiould ail {uch :s man,not to be perpNu 1Uy merry ? Verfe 17. Pr111 WithoHt CtA,li11g J While praier nandech \:ill, the trade of godlineffe ftandeth \ill. All go"d comes ioco the foul by this dllor, all true treafi.uc by this m~rchants hip. P,.,,, btginnctb, continue~b and .concludcth his EpHlka ~ith praier. Nehemiah lends up eJaculauons ever and anon. Of C 4,-0/114 M11g.,,, it was fpoken, C11ro!H4 p/U4 C#tn Deo 'JUAm CHm homi11ib11i1

&hem in their cmfed carier, tell them that htll gai?es fur t~em, and is but a littl~ afore thelJl: !natch them out of the fire, favmg them

Verfe 14. warn th11n that Art Hnru/1 J Cry Cave mifar,fiop
. Camtorr 1bt ftr61rmwdnJJ Th~ . , . ,


faam-htamd, fKk and finking umkr the L<:nk oi fin and .~ar of wrach. A Ctm(tiao (hould have feeding lipsi and a tn:aling coobue, The conm iy whcreunto is deeply dt:tdhd, EuJ?..: M 41 s11 pporl the \\euk._] Sec to you~ llwulJtr and lbore them up. Th:al not as the htrd ot Deer do with the wounded D.:tr, toda~ and pu!h it away from th<:m. _ . . v erk 1 j. Ste th"t no He rendlr] ~otrun~ 1s fo naturall to u.s ; ~ iflotle commmds revenge a.s a p1t:'e ot mAnhooa, when m an d nr . l 1 L L.. N ,fl. deed it is do~hood rathl r. EX:ctl em y ~''"""'", on t1 m1n111 mali rtfirrt i11;uri,1m,q~~m 1nftrre. It ts as bad to rccompc:ncc to do wro,1g.:)ee ~ht ~ot1.:~onM1u.j.41.&



hmtG Cho"\d be even.nor~ in a pr"ying 'empcr i aml our timt1 of praier fi1ould noc be negletl:c:d, though we be not al waies alike prepared or difpofed thereunto. Di(ufc breeds lothnefie to doe it another time Verfe 18. /,, 1vtr7 thit1t givt tha11kf J If God give profperity, praile him, and it Clull be encreafod, taith Augufllne. If ad~ vcrfity, praifc himJ and it Oull removed, or at kall: fant\:,ficd. lob bldf~d God as well for taking as giving, I ob 1. He knew that God affiictl!d him, No" ,.,J txitiHm, fed ael exercitiNm, to rdine him, not to ruinc him. But this is Chrifli11norHm propri vir1111. ftith Hiet'dt11e a praaice proper to Chrlf\ians, to ~- bet.nily thankfull for crolfcs. B "]ii f pends all his Ser men upon this TcKt1 in this theme. Every bird can fing in :a Summers-day, and it is eafie to fwim in a warm bath : but in deep affiittion to cover Gods al car not with our tears, as JWAl, i. 13. but with the calves of our lips, Hof.Joi. 2 . this none can doc but the truly r&ligious. Vtrfc 19. f2.!!e11ch ,,ot the Ifiirit] In his motions ()r graces. Sec be Canon tor the fire on the altar, and obfervc it, Ltv.6.1 2,13. Confe[e here as!Ah did, i Chron.29,6,7. And take the Apofiles counfcl, i Tim.1,6. Stir up this fire on the hearth of out hems : let the Pricfts lips blow it up into a Aamc, defpife not pro-

that he fp:1ke more with God then with men. Our



pb~cying, &~! ! ~ ~Y ~~ q"~~~he~ei~her by ~~~ ~~~-~~~winfu~~

-------------------- -- --f~;ii( negleftof ordinanres) or by ailing on water (falli~gi-nto foul courfes. ) Vcrfe ;.o. Deffiife nit e. Hig~ly ho.nour, and precioufiy tC\:ecm, as an honourary given by Cbra'1 to his Church at his wonderfo\l akenfion,Pf.S 1.17. Eph. 4.8,11. rropha;1ing] Thi\t i:; prc;i,hing,' C 0 r.14.).fo~all~d, bc~aufv they tool< their ttxcs om ot fomeot the Prophccs ... ,11.. Vtdc 21. Prove 11/I thh1gi] Ta\tu nothing rhat you hear upon '~ ~./(ltl (;iP. l. "" trufi, bmbringal l tot hcTth, if" 8 .20. To thel.iw,i.e. che old zphbarm. Tefia1mnt, and to the teflimon1, i.e. the new,whkh ii by S.Joh" often called thcTejlimon7. Holdf".ft th.1t which u good] Orthodox, cun-ant, agreeable to, and approvable by the Scriptures: eCpec1:dly rhat which God hath made good and iweet to your own fouls. Hold fafi that thou hafit &~. Hil{\ tho\\ found hon~y ~ (IU it, Pr9V' aJ 1 16, Go on tQ; hc:aveneating otit', ss Samfm didot his honey-comb. Verle 22. eAbjfllin from a~, &t. J Whufocvcr is heterodox, unfound and unfavoury Omo It as you would do a ferpent in )1our way, or poifon in your ~neats. ThtodofiUJ tare the ArriaH1 argu. mencs prc{cnced to him in wricing, becau(e he found them repug. nant to the Scripturt:s. And A11gHftine recraeterh even ironies on. ly, bccau<c they had the appearance of lying. God .commanded the Jews to abH~in tr~m fwines fldh ; they would noc fo much as name ic, Luc m thm common calk would call a Low. dJ1hhAr. A Efitt4 Thisbit. char.. u1othe_r tQing. verfc 2 ~ JOfff -,-,liok Jpirtr, fonl, ~or.J1.J The Temple confil.led of three parts, fo doth m:m ; the body is as t~ C>Lltei: courc, the foul as chc h_oly place, ch<: Spirit as che_ mcll: holy. ~o rh~ world is chrce Homs h1g.h, the (.'anh, chc v1hl.>le heaven, and the third heavto . . Verfe 2'\.. ,FAithfW r~ hr, _&c. J Praitr muH: be founded upon the faithfulnes of Lod in fulhlling his promiks. H<.:rtl>} faith will ht Chcngthtned, and afkttion txcited. Prai"r is a putting the promilts in foit. Verfe 25. Brethre11, prity form] The bdl: may need thepraiers


----AC-ntAry#ptmlhtftrjl EpJjllt


J ;.

I ..




nftkmr!andt. God will have us beholden h..:re:in one co anmbera J. C(Jr.1i.,z1 >u, How .~arneit is that great ApoCUe in begging praim, Rom.15 .go. Pray tor me, 1 h1y, Pray tor me,l fay (quoth father Lfltimer) tor I am fomctimes to feadull that hould creep into a mouft:-hole, fomctiwes God doth ville me again with bis c~mtcrt 1 &,. . Verfe ,,6.'

.------ ------- ------ -- - -- z8G

, . : :. A



........- - - - - - - - - - - - -.........-..1111m11_ _ _ ___

-------------aommeTJtAry 11pon the foco11JRpiple Chap. 1 ,





c1~r.-;1 st Paui'e~-,he




-- -


........ 0. T\_':,
1 1

-E,-' XrPo"S I;T:1 o..N

V pan che fecond EpifHe of S Paul to the T HE s s A L o N 1 AN s.
V cr(e 1.

ufe. This, faith LHtlur, is ~~t!a crap1ila: And 'itc:an be' no hurt co h1vc our hearcs chus oyl'rcbargLd.. , . , Vcrfe tl Fo~ )'lllr patiuoe an4 f11it/J ,] f!litlr pU:ie-Oteth.(the heart, hy puttm~_the head 11\t~ h~~ven af~ur.c-h:u1\f,1 ;imd giving:" man a g_limpfeof tucuregl?tY. : F.uch drink~J<Hliufkring Sairit in acu~ ot N epmthe1, and la1ch, Be of good ~011rag~, "nd of gond tarriitge 11ndir.the Croffe . Flebi!r ptjnci.pi11m me/ior fort#H" faq~ttu"'. Thersght.handohheLo\'Jc3nml'nda.U;., .. : ..... : v~rfe 5! W~iclJ ~A ma'?ififl,t,o_*-.e~t J. The ~aims fuff.:rinos hero erJ'c-1} ~a.~' src .an oculart.frmorHl~iri<Jn of!il 1focllre fodgl'tn~ni', .wher~itl all l11dtg1ratit1. t~eir wr~ngs i11all he riglucd, all their Jabour of Jove recompcnkd. This hdd JobJ ht.'.1d above water, when die hi! had been omwht;lmed wich che floudsof alllitlion,. robJ.9.1~. So D.1.11. 1,1. Though th~1,gshe other\'Jil~ U~rk\y .ddavm:dr )'\ili!Wht:n rhct

fomewhat lying on his flotnack cann<:>t be at c:1fe rill 00-Jaa'd) got it up~ fo ntirh~~ muft w~, till disbnrdcncdiin ;(on~d"'-rfqlith 'Pods pratfes fot tt\~ good he ~atb l.>eftoWcd o"1Us),(1tJOrJ oth<lliS for 1bur

. ;:-----a87 -----

Jews were co lolc land'nd l\fe;1theri ptainly.thu. g~ncrall jud'tm0nt


I. Jn God our F ather)and the lord &c.]


~~ !
0-.: .;.

><'.,-011~ God (g inhi~pcopleofo tr,ut~, t_ Co.-.1 4

~ ~.C


11. S<l are chcy m ( 1od : and as Ch rill is :1c Cuds righchand, lo is rhe Church at righc-hand,. T.falme 4~. 9. Yt:a thc;r arc m h1m 1 and part of

1smcncioncd. SoHeb.11.jS. . " VcrfL 6. To recompenfe tribulati m) To trouble thcfo crou- ' biers of lfrae~, and thaphor'oWout -'IR~rerhicy;: becaufe cbty Would bt: al ~a1es troublintf~d~'peopl~li'ftlk,Y' ~~h.t ~. Cls it( is Said of che.Scorp1on, that th~re is ~ot oqc mmuce-,1 wht:tcmac ~oth not Pli11. puc forth the fling. ' ' 1 .1; : Verfe 7. Re ff \\lith '" ] As N daJ,~ A rk1, afar much roffing, re~cd upon chc rnoumains of V 1fr 1wttd u rhe Atk ot. rhe Coven1mc


h1'111 , <~c < .

Vcrk ~.. GrRcc bet you, &c.] Sec the Note


formerly mnfiJomciw, was at h:ngth (erkd in Solo'mtmJ :reinple/ ~Ile word here ukd prop~rly figmfieth tttmiffion and; rdaxacion ~rom hard labour, Apoc.14.13. they rdt ft om their labours. And as cht llc:cp of a labouring man is fwcct : {o here. With ht! mighty anf.elJ] 0 what a s\_orious day mult that
need!> be, whm io . many gloriom Sons' {h:iU. (hiriL' at once: T~c Lord Chriit uutfhinin~ thtm all, Vti11t inter Jlel(f!4 lun 1, mmorrs l - i. ' -

Aii ,..


And thr Lm~ lt[lu Ch>-iff] Who is both the fountain, Toh. 1,

16. and the conduit, loh. t.17. forol his fulntfit! we have all re ccived grace tor grace. Grllce, rhac is, God' faveiur and r<:Conci

listion: For gr,u, that 1s, tor the tavour and lon, that God the Father tmc unto his 1011, Eph.1.6. Vcrfc i we 11re thank..~od] D~ty is a debt, and a good heart is not well tall n have d1fcharged it. As he that hath


Vc1.ft: ~ lnfl.cmingfir'] .t-foural~firc~ 1 ~et. 3 6/7. Where~ l>y .ch: ekmcnc~ tbaH md.t hk~ .fc\ldmg kad upon the wicked, wh~lts thc-yg1v<: accou11~w1challthe worid un a !liming Hre abotlt thm cars. o~ chis la!l dr~a~full fi.r~ .rh~ very l-kathcn ha~ fonlc. b~mde nor~ons. Ejfe 1""/.~ m faw meminit, &c. L11cretim and 011..l Metam.' 7 11 111 lay fom\'.What to ic, t:ut little to che pnrpok. ~ib. 1 .. y 1 Dcnat deer. 4 A nu



AP..i;Jii;_ ~h;-o l}e.'3 n;~,;I> .~he: gr,J'ld 6.Q19f chis age, yoh.3 .1,. No:fin willgnpe:~O in lw'1 ~6 tbj~. l~~ will be. bodkin attbe bcttone d~y, l might l)11v~ ~en dclw~red, but I have wilfully <:tit the thtQat of my poor fQl by r~fufmg t~ofe ricb gfkrs of mercy made me in the Golptl. Vcde ? Wfo fhd b~ fH,.i./(mi] H~r~$ the p~io of ff;!~fe, ccer11it}' ot extreumy. from the pr4f11c1

,,4.C~(llfAYJ l'pPtl..fhl facc1'r/.p;jik-~. ---------- ------


If se Paul to 1he T H 1 s s A L o ~-1-A_N_s.----2-8_9_ ....



-- ------


;d ~fore'.ha~d.

It mull!;~~ ~iabP;~t~ ip~ech thatlh~ll work upon the heart. . .. .Andh1a"'f', gatht,.ing_ to.{1th6r 1mto hiM] Jn that laU an~ ~l1t 24 28, great day, when all the ~agles iliall be gathered to that once dead, Ephcr. 1, 1 u. but now ~11-quickning c~r~de s when che fign ot the fon of man {hall be life rd up as an Enhgn, and all the SJints {hall rtpair to ir

,b~ fo'-lldic:t$ do to

thc:ir colot.n~.

~res th~ pain of loffc, wh_ich is,. of the

two, the grea~tr. eAnJ from the glor1 Gf hu power J ~od will f~t himfelft<>

inflict upon the damned iuch a me.~<u~c Qt Jmkry, as his power can extend unto. , 1 .. . . 'Ver!e 1o. To b, glorifid J, T'is is r.he ~h~ti fen~ of h~~ comingl ltkc as he repn~b;iteth (ome,that his n1ercy m deelmg others may
'To b1 Adtn.ire4.] Wh~nthcy i"h~Ub,~J~rn.~o O\m~ u the: ht 9lainent, nayo-~ tht:~ar~;P~l'Hj. nay asthe Sun, Mjr.13.43 Jlay as Chri(\ b~fdt, ~at'~~') o~. ~jg~~eqllfnes, ~o. c~c gre~t atimira. tion ot all men. . Verfe u. 7h1 ~ot1l f fAith '*ith power} Without which powet neith(r tbe g994lic~ .ot"~~q,. npr the good plcafur.c Qf hisgoodnefk . t~t is bjJ14c~~ot:glQr1f~1JUHts, eot th~ work Qf
laittHi9~d Pe ejf.c~d.

Vcrfc 2. That 1e be mu (oon jh..i~n] As ere cofted zi11eu91lvrr1, a by a ccmpdl, and tvcn bruu,jbt to their wics end~, p (di. 10 7. 27 i:<M1nc "il.l,()-, ~luc ye Ut: not 11uktn (lUt ot your w~cs, and put udiJe y(Jur kl Vts; fa um. to the words may b~ rendcrtd. And md~cd i::nours and hcn.:fics {llttlfm

to/Junt de cAraint mentrm. ' Or b1 troubfoi Or, terrified, as with a fudden huobub, alarm, 0e;fi.~1.


the ik'\01'~ 1ppe1r.

Verle u Th At rJ}uam~ of 011r Lord J 1t i:i mu'h fore he honour ot the. Saints that Chtill {hill acccunt himtdt glorifo;d in t:heir glory. fpr c~~i.r hoo9qr ouly, but for tht:ir ad
~ancag~ ; fouhjs gl~ry qt C.hrm ()iall r~9o~od unto tht:l : lhere~

. . ~: .. . . , ~ :


h>rc it is.added by che i\i[>Pfik,. A,,d J' tt lnm.




c NA p,
VerCe J . N1w

\h lufurh 70N, /,r,thre-n ];

chcy may win upon mens hmll ; leading by. hand cbofe C that are willing, and drawing after a thofe that are lefic

HriCh fpokefmen mull be fair fpoken, fi_owooing tor him. rhat

t~em a~ a chafte


willing, that they may prefi:nt


virgin to Chrilt,

from the matter under hand, \\'.hc,ewitb tbch: hearts wcte now heat . . . d

Cor.11.i. B] the coming 4 our Lord] He draweth an argument

Nd1her by rpirit] Pretended rcvdarions. fuch as was that whmby the old unpol~our couf~ned th~t yoLmg PrQpht' jmg" li-QllS mouth. Nor by \\>ord J Traditions, unwrim~n verities ~c. Nor by /mer J <..:ouott:rfLiced, fltppoiicicio~s fpurious fuch IS were thok Go1pds mac Wt:nt lllldt.:r the name~ of s. ThomM f), ~mholomm, &('. Or by wrdling and writhing that pailag~ ~t bis forrnc~ letter, ~ Thcf{.4L17. t~ another meaning thtn c.m6r the Apofik mtt ndcd IC. So S. ..Auflm was krved, and he .fore.. A 'b a faw it i J bdi .. ve, faith h~ 1 th;u fom<: of my n:iidns will im'lginc Tr~~ ~'. ~ ~ meft>1ftff1 q11od Hon fa11ji, _,1ut noH fanJi.l[e quod/c:nfi, that I was iu ~any chmgs ot :mocht.:r uunde, tht:n cvt:r J was ind1.:ed. And 1c fc~l out accordingly .. for as Buroniw wicntllt:tl1, after S .A# ffo11 death chne arole up divers, .Q:.1i r.\' tjm fcriptis mAll perre ll 1 rnn.ANn4'. 6 ptiJco~pftsyeJ inve>:e~tml trrorts,_ \_'VhO by m1lb1<.ing ot: what he Tt>l. bad wrmcn, brought m many pumc1ous errours and vouched him. for chdr authour. As tht1t the d1tJ of Chrifl] Peter1 fcoffcrs asked Where i4 1ht pro~nife of hu coming ? As 1f Chrifi. would never cor:ie. Thde Wtrc afraid he woul~ ~umc roo loon, and cake chem wich cheir ra~k ~n~ouc. The devil ufudly temptt-til ~y cittc1ms 1 as he did. ourSav10ur,,M.11.4 .. and _ashcd1d.Mr /~noxupon his dcachbed, fi.rft to ddpa~r ,b.Y (ec~mg h1~ ~ns ~do re l11n, and then to prdumpuon, by remrnd111g hun ot his refonnadons. Vqi~ 3. Except there.come 11fa/Jing] Gr. An apofl.ljie, yjz, of. hcstt.n., peoplt;hpm,~e truth, wncn chc whol~ world went a won~1.:ring, amt

A Commentarrupon the jecond Epiflle Chap.a, . . - - ---~-~dY~~-rni~iing ;f~~~ rhe 0~1rt, ll~ve-l. r~ -~--To th~f~th<:ra-~~fa

Ci;p.-;-.-;75~ Paulto the T n-;;--;;~I-;-;;-;.



riddks. The prophecy is fcaled to the tnd, JJ,11,11. cillunfeah:d by evenc. A11m11 faith ingenuou!~ ly he undtr!lood not this text. And herein he di.i bccter then chole ocha of the L~uinc.Fathers thlt interpreted it of the falling away ot fundry Nations from che ltoman ~.mpirc. Lipf.Allt,/e'7. And rl1at man of Ji11 J fhat breaching Jc:vil, fo porcentoufiy,fo pccildly viciom, Vt <JW n~men non hominu, fed virij ef[ev1a~.-r r11r (~:i Li1fl'1u taici) ot one Tub11fus a lloman P1r:cor) that fin ic lclf c:rn hardlJ L~ 111un: fiufoll. The (01111e of padrtion J 0-:fl:incd co ddhuelion, even to he Ctfl: alive into chc lak.; of fire bur11ing With brimftJlft, Revd. 19, vita 20. Wdl mighL.Pupi: '.Ysl.1r:cliru chc kcond !hike his hand 11pon tht' cable, and fay, Non video CJ" 7m.uJo q11i locum h,,nc A/ujfi11'J111n te1un1, 1~ '41v.fri p1Jff1111r. l kc nut how any PoJc can be tavcd, C1ritl1Li H' r f>i It 1,1 N.1111 Witm I WJS fir!l ia orders ( faid Pllpe l'i114 f:!.::.i,,ru1) J had Come , , , 1 1 g<.>oJ hop.:s of l:llv uion ; When I was made: a Cardinal, I doubted: buc now chat Jain Pope, Ldo alnn{l defplir. . A~""" /i;f-. v~rf.; "h 11/h~ qpf<f&h himf~lf J Wtw Lhndcch in full oppofi rion w Chritl, :I~ :1. counwr-Chrjll. Th<.! enemy and advcrfary is chis wicked J-I. un.m, 7.6. fo thi~ nw1 qf jinne, that Anti chrifl of R om6, When the: Pope ft:ts forth any buls; commonly he cl.u> concludes, Non ob{f"t1tibJ1& conftituti1JNibm Apoftolim, C:teri/tj, C(.)ntrarij 1cpibt4frn1rj1 The con!tirncions and ordm.rn. ces of the Apoltlt:s, and all things elfo co che concrary notw 1th. T J111cn c.'l ; .,fir fl: 111J mg. 1 h;; Popes incerpn:cacion ot Scripture, though it never 1 Ji11u.n lhi 1.1c1- 1o much cro(fr the ccxr, )'t't it is co dkcmcd chc very Word ot bum. Lod, faich H11jim. And rxalttth himfclf] Ptr{i-ic.t frontem ( foid (alvm CO

prophcci~s ot Antichrin Wac

oniifi;11; "mn;p~t~~,,tt; ~,mfir11~;;;.-,,~~;~Jmn. To P-;,~-l-Ch~filt-- .--vice-god , molt mvmc1blc.: Monarch ot Chri!kndome, moft fiout Udcnder of che pa pall omni potency. The Pope can do all thu Cnnlhmdo, and is more: then GGd, faich Hof1ienji1 che Cano. '"N nill:, and aher him~ abarr/J : ~f "'.rong he can nuki,: right, of vitc vt:rcue, of nothrng fomcchmg, faith B e/14rmi11e, He is lifted Vb 'de P~ above the angels, fo that ht can excommunicacc chem ; hr can di ii) Kam. lpcnfc againll not only the law ot nature, but againlt all rhe Evan gt.lilh, l'tophcr~, and Apofilt:S, lauh Pope ltJb,. i3 jn ,,'imw 1 ont: uf his pnatitt:s ell wed him rhu!, Or11ctu voct~ mm1di motier11riJ h..,bma1:
Et meriro ;,. terru d1eeri4 tfJ'e Dem. Or tht4t i4 \\'orfoif ped Or, Thttt Auguft, above Princes ui~d.~~. and poccmacts. Ht' 1~ cni.:d up for Lora of LfJrd1 and King of

Ki11gi, one chat ha ch boch the f words throughl'uc tbc world, and a1111l11nitcd Empirt' OVi. r all rcafonablt creatures, D Hlia adfJranJ:u, &c, How ht: trod upon the E1nper1.1ur ot Ger~11:1ny, and how he bthed Henry 2. of England, and Hcnr7 4. ot Fr11t1cr fill che ulo~dfolluwcd, JS tJrm:r known, then that 1 net.J hLre co relate.

~;.( ,"l.'JrtO JJ.vfln.{f'/~ jH/,~~~ [iif,ff~foUS ( 1lf ffttro) prinri.. pes 11d nut111n Romffn1 Orb1l11 non (olvent fubtig11tl(/.1, faith


Q..!i11uf,/ jct.

f",uini1u) 6 digniurem te die q:1i Pruor fieres q."atn Catonem. Popl' B o,;1f.1ce 3. frc a good flee upon ic, and at rog:ucd tht: tith: of' U nivetfoll B1thop. fhl.! ancient Rom~n~ p>li1m:d pmk with chrn~ crowns on hrr hrad. On rhr firfl w2~ in'cr i l!!J T r<in(ceNJ.,, rn1 tht: frcond, Non cb dio, on che third, Per111rbo. The modt:m

one, Vnfe 5. Remember ye not J Satan ufually hidt:s from us th~t which l110uld hdp us. Bue as chc foul Hrnuld lx a5 it were an holy Ark: to lh~,uld chi.: memory ut: as toe pot of Manna, prd'crving ho.. ly truths for conlbm uk. Vl'rlc 6. wh.u \\ich holdeth, &c. J vi~. The Roman Empire, which had its rife, rJign and rumc, whtrt:upor~ the Pope~utnt': ~ii&_ founded, ~n.d grew co th!lt cxcdlivc gr<.'amdl~, chac It lal>ourtd w1ch nothing more chc:n with th<! wc1ghcindfo of


V\:rk 7 Dor6 alrrndJ \Vork] Inchofe1111cienc Apofim.1 ~ and Amicht1Us ~. lobn <:otuplain~th vf. 1~~rrH(lfon. condrmncrh rhe

H.onnns kc ;ill this dJ1ly ~ch:d by their Bil110p. Abi)ve .111 r'11l! u CtlUtd xod J Jn the ytar I MO Pope PA11/ the third luft"-:rcd hllnlt:lf col>:: cnus bla(phcmouOy fl mered, P.1Hla ff'Y'liHprim1 m1.,i111.1 i11!.ar1-.J D~o. ln ell~ )i!ar 1610. books wen: p: imed :it B ()nnni an I ac N "Pl~s, wirh this 1nfcrapc1011, f',411. /.) /'. vfrcdeo, Chrijli i>J.c rrip11tlica:. /Jfqn:4rdlf. lr.vdl1Jlim"
J1 a1t1ftci~

chde words, I hel!.r chat there is a T\ . 1 . tt~, pmmptury cd1d fee fcmh alatc."'licet mtfximm, E 0 ~ '~~ '~" ~l' pl(copm 1:pifaoporum dicit, &c. Thus taith the ch.d- Pridl:, the eY t1'1lxi jl, Il1l11opofB11lwps, dc, Od4f4J11m i/Jius Eccl"fiie., laich Baftl, Vi:Ai&al~ i'lrfi. Ihm the pride of that Wclkrn Church. Ammi,11m Maree/Ii. r/e-iaflttrm~~mu h 11. n. /Pe e'L't ', tti t111J. ( ~ ul'.:lt en uiarp~y taxeth the 1.(oman B1ilio~ e,iu!fl' l~ran;fS ofh1s tune for their pndt: and prod1galay. How fi1fly did Gregory pr1Jfu,u1,&c.

P,11hop~ fp~ouciug iunlJ1Cion in


the great oppofe I olm of C 011/f Antinoplt for affecting the ti cl;~ Univerfall Bifhop? And yet how bafdy did the fame Gregor' collogue with PhocaJ the Emperour, that himfelf might be {o fii. led. 'l'his PhocM, a wilde, drunk~n, blW, adulterous tyranr, Zo11art1J. advanc~d the Bill1op of Rome ( Gregorin fucceffour-) to the pri macy, and was therefore {bughcered by He>'11cli111, who cut off his w1ckc:d hands and te~c, and thin his genitals by piece-meal. Vntill he be ttik!n out of the war J That is, The Roman Empcrour have rrmoved his feat to Con.flAntinqp/e, that Rom1 111 mt1ri,hiflor, may b~come the ndt of AntichriiL lotr'nnes d~ Column" writeth, Th:n OtbfJ :Empcrourot German] [hough[ co have tuared himi~tf at R omc (as forn11.:r Empcroms had done} and began to build him thtre 1 {htdy palace. Bue at the camdt importunity ot the "' Romans he over that defign. The like had been attempted T/Jcn:!JJcr. 300. years bdorc by Conftam nephew to Heraclius, buc CQUld Za11.""s. m:ver be dfi:ckd, This was by a fingubr providenc~ of Goi '(; 1 'c~"4 ' .b (faith Genebrard, a Pupi01 Chronologer) that the kingdome of i:nc r. <, ron. the Church prephcckd of by DAniel might have iL"s frat at .Rotm. If he had faid, that the kingdom of Amichrifl:, prophccied of by S. Pa11! and S. I ohn might have it's feat in that City feated upon fevcn hi\s, he h_ad faid the very truth, he had hit the nail on the head. livwfr- Vede 8. And then p,,,11 that \\'ick!d] Gr. That lawltf[t, 1a~lej[e, mafltrlej{e monfter, co whom in che Councclof L~te ran 1 5 16. (one year only before LHtk~r Uood up to ttlorm) there was granted plenary power over the wkole Church ; which was never f~clcd upon him in any former Councd. Pope Nico . 'Dip. 9 6, /a1 the firft faid, That he was above law, becaufe Conjf Antin1 had fl:ilcd the Pope God. llnc the very glotfe derides him for this inference. With the fPirit of hid mo 11th] i. t. With the cYidence of bis word in the mouths of his faichfoll Miniflers. Vidt cAtalog111'tLJ 1.ib 3 Je Papa TtftiNm veritati!. Be/l11rmineconfeflcth to his great: griet, that K~IJI cap.11. ever fince the LutlmdMJ h!lve decl!Ired the Pope to b@ Antichrilt, his kingdom ha ch not only nocincrtafcd, buc every day more :md more dccreafed and decaied. With1h1 hrightneffe of hucoming J Atthe laft day. The holy City 01all they tread under foot fourty and two moneths, Rev.n. 2. that is ( as fome compute it} till the year of grace, 1866. But th:tt"s but a conjecture.

----:!____~-- ~ C~mtnt1try ~f~"!_~~-0.~~lld !Piflle

-- ..... - , --- ----



Chap. 2,


Chap.a. ef St Paulto 1he T n 1 s 1 A. 1. o N 1 AN s. 293 --verfe 9. ;,1;~-;1'~--~;kjng--;j J Who(aiGods ape) worksdh:dually in his, and by his agemr.upon others. By coriupt teachers Satan catcbeth men, as a cunning fillicr by om: fi01 catcheth another, that he may feed upon both. .And l1ing wonders J The devil is afhamcd (faith the Jcfuite Gretfer) co confirm L#thers doctrine by miracles. Eut he thn now requircth miracles to make him to believe, is himklf a great miracle, faith A11jlin. Vuk 10. Ana \\ ith all aec,!vab/eneffe J Popery is nothing dfc but a gn:atlie, :a grand impofiure, af~rr~gooffalfities and hertfi~~ h ii) nv' widwm ''rnk, thu the ccnrnrilt~ iily, Th~' cm. ro.t~JJI 1


all the old ht:rwkcs llcd 1 and hid them{clves in the Popifh

Becanft thtJ recdvea not the love] This is the great Glit

fpdfin, puniilied by God with (hong ddufions, vile afiedions, juft damnation. . Vtrlc: II. Strong dclujion J Gr. The effic~CJ of orroHr. As Wolph,m~111. m tho{~ at Gen04 tha~ fh~w the Atks tail, whereupon cnn Saviour let!.
1ode, for an holy rd1que, and perform divine worl11ip co it. And in.thok chat wear out the: marble croiks graven in the pavements pf their Churdu:s, with their often kifli11g them. The crucifix Spc,. Europ. which is in the Cicy ot B urgus, the Pridl:s lhew to great pcdona.. ges, as it it were Chrifl: himidt : telling them that his hair and aails do grow miraculoufly, which thty cut and pare moncthly, Ind give to Noble- mtn, as holy reliqut:s. The Jefoitcs conf'eCle 1 chat chc legend of mi racks vf cheir Sames is. tor molt pare falfo; but it was made for.good inccncion: and hm:in, that it is lawiull and meritorious to lit-, and writ~ iuch chings, co chc end the com Spaniili pilgv mon people might with greattr zeal it:rvt: God and his Saints~ and clp~cially to draw the women to good ordc:r, b~ by nature fac!lc and credulous .1 addiel~d cu novdti~s and m"'". racles. ~t~fc 12. Tht4t t~1y ~/J might be dAmued] Herefie is thclc Lcvir.1p~~ prohe m lhc he11d, which 1s uccnly unrnratJlr> and deltroit!~ che fouL

Had ple11fi'tre Jn tmrithteoslfnrfe J Thc:fe are ddivered l1P to, that dead and dcdolcnt d1fpoficion, Ephef.4 19. looting at lcngd1 all pafiivc power alfo of awakening cue ot the {nare ot che devulil, who uke~~ thtm ~~~~ ~t ~is pl~afaire 1 2 Th11oth 1

~~e Rev.19.21.




. ~ C1mme11t1tr1 upon tht fe"1uJ E/ijle


Chlp.3. 1/S' Paul'' the T"

1 UL OM 1



Vcrfc t 3. B Ht \\11 a"e b~ und, ~c. ] Ld\: they lliould be dif. couragcg with the forme~ ditcotnk, .the Ap~fHe tels them that be.. ing ektl: they cannot be fi~ally. dloenycd. So the Auchou.r ~o the Hd>rews ch.ip.6.,. ZHlngllHl, atccr that he had cemficd the wicked 'wa~ wont co come:: io with Bone vir, hoc ,,;hil11au. This is ~otbing to chee, thuu taichfull ChriUi:m. We c3n11oc beat the dogs, but the children will cry, and mull: cbtrcfore be it1lkd and chcarcd up. . . . . A nJ be/;ef of tbttrHtli] iharn, of Chnfi: the ObJ~'-ct, m the glafk of the Goii'd. Vale 14 'To the 0Gtttini11i of the glor1 J This is the end of faith, as faith is of ttfcetuall calling. Vcrfc 1s. Stn>td [Aft J Though ncYcr lo many fall from the faich. Falling \:in; wen~ never but :Meccors. , Hold the mditio11s] Hold faet by thefe~ chat ye may fi~nd the faficr Ver le A1Ja gwJ h"fe J The fruit of evcrlafiing confofaci on, Rom.1 s.4. And wc:ll caltt:d good,. it hath for h>~ ob. jet\: the grcacd\ good, and chat which 1s of greateft certamty, Heb. I I. I. Vcrfo 17. Stnhli;1J 1011 J Taking you by the h.and, and laying hold on you, like as ye lay hold upon his Word,

.And be ilorifi~a] A~ it was .A~.13 .48, The word uevcr workcth, ull it be received wuh admiration. . Verfe l. From unrtAfQnlfblt] Men co~pad: of meer mcon. >.1lm,,. gruicies iola:cifing in opinion, fpteches, a~bofls, all. For ;N men h11_ve n.ot f11ith J ~nd .a~e chm.fore un~'afon~ble:

nothing is more irrat1onal1 then nrcl1g10n. An unbdwvc~ JS n<> bem~r (but in !owe rt!pcd:s wo1fc) then a bcafl h brHli/h pe1.. p11 ikiljidl to d!flroJ, .Ezek. 2 I.~ I. : Vcr!c 3. B 11r God. J.s fairhfo/J Though men be fa1ch~ctfe: a~d thou"h chcy be evil, as vtrf. i, yet he {hall l<Lcp you from evd,


ver[e 15.

C ii


r, l J J,

FinaU7, Brtthw, &c.J


(uperefl: That which yet remains, brethren. MinHlcra QVoa have never done-, buc have fomewhac more co fay ( Redit in orbem) when chey hue faid thefr ucmolt.
bor AEltl4

Pr"J for 111 J As he ho&d done for them, ChAp. 2. 16, 17. See the like, 1 The/{. p3,z 5 with the Notes. 0 pray ( faid a .dying Dutch Divine) that God would pr<;fcrve the: llofpel; Pontlftx.t Him Rom: & Conci/iuna Tride11ti~m mirA "'"liNHt11,,. For cbe Pop~ ~ml bi~ Ti'n~ '~mnmi,lw iUG pl'1uing ftraoge bu.

out of order1 unleffc God coop~rat~. Vcrfc6. Norv We c1JmmAnd }" J To U1ew how hardly we arcdividtd from cvJl company. as locn co depart a~ lots w1tc out of'Sodornr, Vtl '" f~11i4J11.melirn411b wnllocorio. .. That 1e "'ithdraw 7011r falvei J Thu ye il1un th~m as fiud10uC. 1 man dut h a roe k er fil t. 1f yas the lea . Vcrfe 7. For 1aurfdues k.,.now You idle addlc-~cads,. ve.rf.

trombwhacfoevcr advcrfe power cithcrof men or devils. Thus the God under whatloevcr. dilaficrs. They go al~aies under a double s~ard, ~he peace ot ~fY.~.~~H God within them, P h1l,4. 7.and the power of God without chem, ~~ 1 ~~/.!S(oi. 1 Pu. 1 .s. How then can they poilibly mikarry P . Vcrfc i That ytlJOth do, am/Will du J ~i monel Ht facttU 1uod;.on f.uiJ, ;ue1>mund~ /.mJt1t, &c. H;Ec: the ApuHk, Oratour-like, e1mreth their bofoms : and by pra1hng chm pr.e~em obedience, artificially wrdl:ech fr~m them a rc:douLkd d1l1gcn~c. Virtm laHd11tn crtfcit. Thus bemg crafty hccacchcth chem wuh guile, as he did thoft: Corinthi4ns, 2 ep.13.16. le muft be an elaborate difcourfe that fhall work upon chcr hearc. Verfe S A11d tlte Lord direUJ Or rttl:ifi.: your Crooke~ heart6, ~mO~va.1~ and difl:orted aftd'tiuns, that fia11d a-cro{fo to all good, c1ll God kt them to righcs. Mens per!wafions arc buc :is a key co a lock,thacs

s1incs may findc and frcch comf ore from

Wik], 4J UHJ'11l) {i11/di.n1.

For co chdi.: he here dirccb his f pccch, tbac by do mg nothmg mats agm Jf(had learned at length co do naughcil}' _. ~i1n:", We behAvednot 01'r [el1us d1(ord~rly J Gr. Wt hrttk! Hot tm., "'111 J7 1=r<t'
J 1,

n;J.tint1. Nau1a1umpr,.. ,ium. 11 Nihil"ienJo.


Hifl./.1.1, l

MttJ h11vt frtt '011rfo J Gr. M"J ""' it1 1'ACt, as the Sun doth, Pfol.19. E11fabi111 iaub ~h~ ~~tpd fpre~ ~t '4ft cbrougb ~~c ~'?~ld, like a Sun-bea~. -'"~

Ycrk 8. A>11 m11n1 br1.Jd fo7 no11g:;t J Butcund it before we e~t it. llrcad fhould noc bt eacrn, till JC in a.mans h:md,or head.
Vcr{e 9, Not bccaufe WeJJ.n,e not power] PQJ[( (j nu/le 1106ile ChJfa/f>

tfl, See tht Notes on l Cor.9.4,617,11 1 (7c.


A CommtNIAfJ

"P'n tilt (ec1ntl Bpijllt


wrought upon by a Sto1tall fowrndfe, or an imperious boifterouf. nelfe: but mull: l>e gemly handled, and fairly admonHhed. Gentl~ lhowrs comfort the earth, Wht!ll d!ll'hin& Gorms drown t~ frcd. Verfei 6. N oJr the Lml . &c.] He begins, continues and concludes with ferVl!nt prater. All out Sacrifices lbould be falced wich this talt, perf &1mcd with this incenfe of praier.:
'The Lora ~e 'kith 7111 14/I] he p<>ureth out his 1f. fcaion, by prayer apon prayer: for them. A wccc do ~ng up l Vcrfe 17, 18, Stll Ytrit,, The f.r"rc, &c. J this iuhac Saine P.tul would htve every ot his Ep lhm~J with his own hand


Bu,,omak!ourfe/veJAnexample J fhof~therefore thuh;;; enough co live on, mun yet be doing fomeching whereby the world may be the better : and not think to come hither mcerly as racs and mice, only to devour viduals, and co run fqueaking up and down, Thcf~ ~re:; Cyphets, or rather c.xcrements i11 humane foci~ ty. By the lawot MJhomer, cht: greac Turk himfrlf is bound co excrcife fon~e manuill ~r:tde or occupuion (tor none mu{\ be idl~) as S ''J"H" the Magnificent, that{\) threatm:d ViemM, his trade was making ot arrow. heads, vfchmAt the lalt horn-rings fo Archers. Vcrte 10. That if Atl] \\'rJUldnot \\'ork..] In the frvtAt of th1 nofe j1urlt thou eat 1h7 bre,id, was the old f:.mtlion : Y ca Paradile, that was mans H:orehou{e, was alfo his work-houfc. They bur~ themklvesalive, that, asbody-licc, liveon ocher mens labours& and ii: is a fin co fo,,our them. s,ne~;f proFdfed,Thathe ha.I rather be fick in his bed Lhen out ot'imploimcnc. Verk 11. H'8rkJnt 11ot itt Aft J Bue making religion a mask for idknelfe: whole whole life is co elt, and drmk, and flt:ep, and {pore, and fit,and t:dk,::md l:mgh themfdv~s fac.Thefe are an '-ldious fort oi Chnfi1ans ; a kinde ofvagrant people, that havin~ little to do, are frt a work by the devil: tor idlcnclle is the kour ot ccmpta tion. Standing pools are tull of vermine. Behemoth lieth in the fens, '/u/, 40.2 I . Vcde 11. ThAt ~ith 1uietneffe J Being no medler in other mens maners, but minding his own. Rr:1 ruiu ag' The pngm1 ticall pcrfon is an odious per!on, and the place where he lives longs for a vomit to fpue him our. Sec the Note on I The Jf+ 11, Verle I 3. Bt not \~et1rJ in \\'ell-doiu~ J N_o, not co chofe dif. orderly (and therefore leffe worchy) Wllkers, it in extreme mccffi ty, or if thereby ye may win them trom the err our ot thdr way.As if any prove rcf rachry and imformabk. Note that man] Or, Notice him, a~ infamous: brand him, beware of him ; let him fre a firangencs in you toward him. h" J.,ra-w::, 'Tb4t b~ tnJ1 b~ AjJJ~mul] Gr. That h1 m.J1 tUY'" into himfelf. vr qu1ar u/1i or mrn f110rr 3gain upon himfeU i recognize his difordcrs1 ind rc/c poffir pr 4 p!i. turn to a better courfo. The repenting Prod1gall is fa id to came to ~~re IWlllta;,.. himklf,Lu/z.15.17.and chofe rdentmg lfrMlitn to bethink..,th",. '-''uncron. . bAC'\_tot l. her . he1irts,1 8 47. . /elvts,orto brtng . Verfei 5. Tel count him not, &c.J H there be l>utAl1qN1d Chn

B 11t Admonijh hi;;,-;~h~tlu;j-co~-c~i~nc~ is .-~i~e-~nd f-ul: - -- ------ --lm dsmc, man a cro~e , c_rabbcd creatut'C~, and will hardly be

Co/of.~ .17;

praier for all his people,



--------------------- -- --------

fii, any thing of Cb rift to be diiccrned in him.

A~;;,,,e#IAry "f'O" tht ftrfl Epljlle

- ---- -------------=--


-,;;~;;:;;;;r&J "'"' peAtt J Not only Grace 1111d peace. as co ca. thers. When we pray for Mmiflcrs,we mufi: be more chen ordina'!"
ry earneC\ for thetn
Vcrfr ~ Tht 1hq Uch ntJ o.ther dolrint J Eicher for mu reror manner, forfubf\anceordrcu:nf\:ance. What hidl.'ous hcrefics arc nowadaies broached and preached amongft us in City and Councrcy. Sec Mr Edward1 his Gangrena, the ficil and kcond
with God.


tt,tt1ttt1tetet' t~~*~,~~t~~*~~~tt


V pon the fidl: Epifl:le of S. Paul to


Or how 010uld he have preached except he had~en lent ? !his ht! mcmioneth, R om.1o.1 s. as a thing ~ impo1l1blc. . Alt.4.;11rme. ofGtulour SaviQ11r] So the Father aHo.1s ~ here calkd. Hoc aHtem q111t11tum eff? ( falCh 7'11il1 ) b ,.,;,,,;.,-,,,,, S r;fcr ~JI, 1"; f,,/,ncm J,Jit, The Gm:k word here uled is focmphacicall>chu ocher congucscan hardly exprcffe it. . . our hope J So Chrif\: is called, b~caufe the pc~fetlmn o! our hfc is hid with Chtift in God. Somethmg we have m pofidl10n, but more in rev~rfion. , Vctfe i Mine olvn (o11ne] This the Apoille fpeaketh tJJ7fO 'IM ~,;> ~1A.~S"Df;ic1;, 01't of -leep .ijfeaion, as ClirJ(oftome obfec~

. II
I ~~

c HAP. I.

Vcrf~ 4. Endlef[e Gene11!1Jgin J le is hut laborious lolfc of time to frat ch imo thofe things,wocreot we can neither have proof nor profit : the gains will not pay tor the pains,the task is no~ wor thy the toil. Vcrfr f, Now the nul of the commAHdmmt J Or,ot thech:ngr; to wit1 o that ch:uge to tellCh no oth~r dolrim:,o'--. v, 3'1 A~ if the Apoftlr h'.ld laid, Thi~ i~ chu char a reacher llwuld aim 1ir 1 to beget fuch a love in his hearers hems, as miy fpcak th<.:m true be lievcrs, :md good livers. Boi C11tholici {Hnt ( (aich A11gt1f1int) qui & fU~m in1tgr11m faquuntur, <:!; bon11 mores. Thole arc gooJ Cathol1kcs that l>dicve wdl, live wdl. Vcrk 6. Some ha,vin,( flwrved] Having miffed tht m11rk.., as d~~w.iiri unskilfull fi1ooters, l>~ing h111venlrnide, as 5r Phi/1p Sidne1 cu~hOHth that Provt1b, Tot~ err1mt calo. Vcr!e 7. v,,J,rfl14naing mithtr \\h4t J N,,,, c11ro i,fo1, f"icp


Ver(e 1. By the commandment of God]

.iJN!/'/f int, 9ui vtl mn inuUige,,Jo npyeh1'4dunt, vd t-rft-~luH- Au,, 'M"fl dn1do no11 inre/Jigunt. J p;ifL.' nor for the cenfures ot fuchaas dare co l~uit. rtprchend what they do not ~ompr.ehcnd. Verk 8. If A mAH 11fa it.l11wfal/1 J for dikovery of finnr, for

manududion co Chrifi, and for a.rule of hfe. Le.\',IH.\ ,Prov. 6. 2 3. Xttuphon tdkth us, That this was the dn1c of the f\rfiln CyropJ.U.1. hws, ro keep men from atling, yea from covuing.any thin3 <:v1l or idle. Ycrfi 9. 11 not mAd~ fir ' ri1h1mu]. for he freed by Chrif\ from tilt <:oa8ion , mah:J18ion and irritation o~ the


k~ D11t fir the IAr1lrfe, &.r.]. Thofe mafierk{fo monfirrs,_ that fend mdhgcs afctr Chnfi, faying, We \\i/l..not have th14 man to raign over 1u, BHt /IM/J thq thlU tfc11pe hy i11iqt1it7? In ~hine ang(r thou Wilt ciip down theft p~oplt, l'fal.~6. 7, A~1.f1~ ~itnd11m, 11111 p.ttiend11m. They that Will not bend ll1all ur~:.}f' fhey that will no~,bc Cbril\s fubji:C\:s, ChaH be his fo.oc~naol: ~tis




.A C"""1t11tMy 11po~!!'!_f1}__!piftt:

---~--- -~----------


--- ..

------;rrows-;re!l~ar-p i-nthe hearts of the Kings tnemies, whereby the

people ( th3t fall not down before him , ) fall under him

V<:rk10.For men-ffea/ers] fhat

fieal away other mens children:


fo cho{e chat ocher mcm; books and writings, and kc them out in thtir own name;as one dealt by DiAgcmu,who chertupon,our of dikontt:nt ( ~caufc he th:it h3d done it was not prdently Rrickcn with !l thun,ier-bolt)bec!lm~ !In, Aiht:ill.SoF ..ab,.;C;UI Clolt;; TrvW1d/i11J his S}'riack rranOacio11J'iH.Avi11uHtim Llole H11~ri111 h1$Tre 1 t1k, De rAtione /1udij Throl 1gici, and 'Pof{e11inH1 latdy cranllaced Dr J1"1m his <:1p~i;inUJ re~ilJi-vm_ into his AfPA!"'""' Thtolot) 'uJ, and made 1c his own do:ng. Sic 'flos noN t10/114, Vcrfr t 1. Of 1hr/1/1fd 9,a] Blc:ffed in himfelf, and co be

Verfe 1 f. Thu i111 fAithfaU fdJi"g] Worchy co be credited and embraced, as ic was by Bil11t1 the Martyr, who by this pro.mifc was much comfcmed in a great conflict. So was Vrfine by 'foh.10.i9. Another by I(aiah 57. 15. And ~other by l(a,4h 26. 3. faying, That God had gracioutly made it fully good co his
foll I.

____ _

Of"'hotn l 11m fihitf] PrimUI, quo 11HU111 prior. as Ger(otJ ~ispo"nd~ it1 lm~ 'JHo """'" p~J"r, 1.5 rv/11.r.11/linr, Wl)r!~t ,h~n the worll. rhe crut: Pa:nitenciary doth not clevacc but aggravate his finnes ag:iinll himfdf, is tvcr tull m che mouth chi5 way, as
D"n 9 5. Vcrle 16. Might flm11 firth J By foll dcrnonrtration and fuf. ficicnc evidence, fo that all might fee and fay, There is mercy With Chrifl; that he may be frared, yea mercy rdoycing again{t judgement, that he may be c:verhllmgly admired_ and adored. F~ .. " p-4t1PH 111 th11H, 8!.t. J Thet'efot'e the Apoltle W!l !lffurcd of remHlion in Jn ordinary Way, and not by any ipcciall n:-. velation, Vcrfo 17. NDw unu the KiH~ imm,,rtnll J Pl'ful c:mnot men tion the great work of our redempcion without a chsnktull ac(:lamation. The Greci1tn1 being re~ored to liberty by the RomA11 Gcnmll ,EL_Fl1tmini111, he was entertained by them with fuch J:>lut.l11Fhmin; applaufcs and acclamations~ whiles they roared out SAviour, S14. vio11r, chat the very birds that flew over them, afi:onil11~d with the noifc, foll co the grounJ. When HNnntades had overthrown A11Jitr.s,the Turks Gmeral; at hi~. return from the Camp.<omc called him the FA th tr, (ome the D eftndtr of his ~ountrey; the touldiu crs, their Jwvincible 6enerall; the Captivc:s, Thtir Delivcr(r; the women, 'Tlui.- Pt'tJttflou ... &c. The 011/J -Wift (iod J The crmplc of SophiA in Conftiintinople

everlal\ingly bklkd of :ill crc:i. mrcs. H:nce he is called, The bltf.frd, M-uk 14. 6 1. And frtquently m the Commernaries of
chc: Hebrew-1Jl1tl:ours ht i~ t<:c tor th l>y this ride B ArHth hN, Hr
. 1Jut /l bfPJTld.

vcrk 1 i. J.-Fho h11tlJ tntJbied ,,,, ] Chrifl: fends none,but whom he gifts. /lf~os tltL~it Chrijlm r7 idiotM 1 ful1e11/;n1idn prdt1fe trs,jmNlif,, dona d1tiit 0.:... minifhria. Vc;rfe I J who 'WM b6fore a bl11fPlimur] Chr7(o!l-om obfervesit of Pa11l, 3S hii grcatelt honour, that alrhough he had obtained par doH of GoJ for his fins, yet ht is noc alh:uned co reckon tht!m u~ co the world. So D.1'lliddocspenance in a whicefheet,asit were, 'Pfi!.~ 1. titl. So vf11t.ufline wdteth books of Confi:ffions. And I was as obHinacc a Papilt, faith LAti'11tr, asany was in E111.l"ni, :and {o knile an obferver of the Popilh decrees, chat I the>Ughc I _,;i:f.a~:J .\!Oil. had nc1tr futficiemly mingled 111y mailing-wine with wuer, and 'ii' that J 1hun\d never be damned, if I were once a protCfkd Frier. AHo wh~n l fhould be made Rachelour ot Divinity, my whole o. ruion wcm 1gainft f hilip M,/,,.,,Ulm1 and his opinions. And lbiJ J 14 . fianding in tht.: khools when Mr Stnffor" (a godly Orthodox Divine ) read, Lat itr1~r bag che fcholbrs net to hc;u him, cxborced the p~opli: not co oe 11eve him. And yet the faid L11timrr contd:. fed him felt~ that he gave thank' to God tbat he asked him forgivene& b<:fore he: dep:med. t , , . Verle 14. W-i1t.\'(ttJi11z11bN11M.:1111] Httth A~ottnd(J t~ flgrri111 \Ari>) Nl\tOH ut r. d h b I . . I:. ~. tJtr : as the 1r::i oc a ovc mo e-hlls. I 'Will ft11tt1r}"" ft,,s M" ifl ,(a;61J GoJ, 1tnd th11 P,ttl/ /,e ~"fl;,,,~ th1 ,,,;Jn f th1 fa Note

is now the Turks chief M,j(:lue, and by thc:m fiill callc:J Sophi~ bmufo they hold, even as we do, chat the wifdome of God is in

cJaolc two Metaphors, and dcf~air, if thou cann. . - - . -- ... -. . .. - - .. - .




comprehenfibk. Vcrfe 18, Sonni Timothy J This is Timothies tiUk,., whom the Apol\le fitly calleth Sont1e, according co the cull:ome both of Chofc and thefe times. 'PatreJ tOS afr1mJfJ qNi nos CAtteheji inlli tummt, faith Clement. We call them fathers that inl\:rut\ and cm:chize us. V<:rfe 19. Holdingf11ith a'1a a good con[cicncc J A good conX 3 fciencc


eA IJNitt "'"' pe_,,,et1ble ./;' J ~i1t, from inbred tum~lt~ ind ~mm~.tiems: a~d pettetA~le, from fonaign inv~fiqns.andj..
curfions of the enemy. See ?er.29,7. I H "'n g"JJ;mj{.t AH ahon1py J And not l!nme to eat the bre~d of our tbuls w~rh the pr!ill of our lives, us rhey doe in diycr~ placcsoftbislandatdusday, Detm1#orA Dem, He wiU doi it. . Vcrfq. For thM i4 good, &c.] vh. This praying for all t:ncn. And lbou\d we not frame Ct> that, that God accq)[S, without quc .. {tioning or quarrelling ? Let us not difputc:, but ~1fpatch our mafkr~ will, . . Vtr{e '4 who 'Will havf al mtfl,, &c.] God wiH_t:th, to wit with a will whereby '1e invitcth. and pum:c.h no lm, noc with~ will whucby he e:ftettech it, taking away all impediments.


---- - -----fd~~~~~ faith one,. is as it were a chell:; wherein the dvthine cl faith is to be kept fafe, which will quickly be lo!\:, it this chdl be once broken : For God will givu over co er roars and hc:rdics lucb as ni\ ~w~y ~on(~..:n~~ of W'1lkin3 ahet- Gods Word. Wh~~'
blindc blizzard chen W!l$ chu Popilh lnquiHrom, wbo faid ot the w.1/dcnf(J, You may know the herttikes by their words and m:tn ners. S Hntenim in moribJU co111pofi1i. & mad1ffj : fHp<r~i,mli11 vrftibm non h~hent, &c. They m: ndther immoddt in their c1mi4 age, nor proud in their apparrd, &c? Verk lO. TJMt they ma1 IMrn J Vt cafli.~t1ti Ji[cant: that b, inu buffcmd and bodily tormi:ntcd by Suan, as v-1 ll.13 .2. (fo, :is ye~ there were no Chrillian Magilhaces) thty may learn, Not to b/,.Jj1heme J Thar is nano hold erroneouOy; and co li\'4
fcand!llouOy , to the rtproach of the Go!pd. 30 9.

DV/1m. de Cbrttl Eitfe(. jur<r(! ~'.c.


Conit;m.:> Prov~

- - -------------


~bpce 111 one vedc~


A p,

I I.

C(}/ 1.1g. . . . . Should bt p.ved] vh. It they do whs~ he comt~qr:i,dcth :G9d doth not tie himfdt to csufe them co do wh~t 11~ culllmand~th,

'(h~t ~11 mm]

Not dillribucivdy taken, liut colkd:1vcly_. as




that they may be favcd.


:"'11~~~ I(.

':nsr...-.i: ,%.

oR, D precltions endiccd by .cb1t Spirit of fupplicacion, or er dqm:cacion, ~s tome render u, 2! ~ch. 11. 10. fY'airrs J ~mdly rnken for pemaons or requdh of good at Gods hands, which gu commonly accompanied with vows ot bcmrobcdience, as Gm. 2 S.21,ia. 1' /a/.51.14. Hence they have their name. Jntret({if!rt.r J lHterp~dinv With God, either for our fdvcs
( whildl ~V..! thnd upon lnrerruftl,!lt:ories wirh him 1 I P~t.j.!. 1. Ii~ I'1wl dorh, Rom. 8.B,N H and c-xpvfiulacc ai DJJvid ofrrn, but cH)eci.:iHy whrn ~nan, 1111, and conkience accuft: us) or for othcrsJ wh1h:H: we complain to l1od ag.iinft tucb as wrnng them,


Luth. in ep ad

the: truth ot 1bc c.Jgfpd.Llod hath bis,cvcn among grca~ '10C6 too.
. '

icet Chriffm etiam AliqHando R~gi111fm in C(l]/urn 111here, laicb Lmhrr ot Eli"'r.bcth ~ccn of D~,,m11rk_, who lived and died in

and wi'tha\l kc our kl v<:s for ic.mtly to implore: his aid for their. rclitt and refcm:. For 11 fl 1mn J i. t. for all forts of men, as the word (A/J) isufrd, Lu~.n.42. , Verfe 2. For K i~g.r, &c. J Though perfrcuc0urs. if they have not yet tinned againlt che holy GhoH, as 1r1liAn had. Vo/11it fci/.


. Vedc S. F_or thm is one God J fc. lh>th Qf Kings .and Sub,. JeCls, both of Heathens and ChrHbans. Go boldly co hjm tl\crcfQ, for.y"ur fclves and others. Ha11e \\?e HOI all o1fe F11tk.1.r? Mal. .uo. Artn1tthouourF1tther ?lfs.63.16. One Medi~tour J Not of rl!demption orily (as the Papi(\~ ~rant) buc of mcerccLJion too. We nccd1)0 o~h~r m*'Lter of re9ud\s in he.wen, but the man ChrHl: ]dus_. who ociHg to near uia m t~e rnattcr 0'hi$ in,C:\marion, will uever be flrapgc to aj in. th~ bulmdfo at intctccmon. But what horrible bla(phemy is thu Qf .the Pa pills, nhcir..dt:vaticms fay ,thus, .8.1.ih1 bloud of Tho- t4Cl.and Mon~ ,miU B1;ck.!t, .~h1chhea1dfPcna, Mt1k.eU1, C/Q,,.j/~tu/im~Whert fol.tB Thom.u did afcemJ l Vedc 6. A r11n(ome] Gr. v{ co1'.nurpzice : (u~h "s we Anfll.uTtJ~ could never ~ave paid, .but mu(\;. ha.v11 runained an el even i~ttcd in pr_ifon 1 but h1r.. oui: ..AM..iu.tficioot forc:ty and Savwur. : .. ;, . , _ .. . , ,. : Vcr{e :7: .4 t:e1t1h.o: of .1h.e Gentilu J His. Epilllts therefore .fl1ould ~e higMy pnz~d by .~1s Gnt1les, :ind diligemly Rudied, S, P1t1r admires thelll, 2 7Jer.3 1 ~. and commends thun to the

And to come to the k..,11ow/edge] The 0nly way t~ falvatiou. Pr~y ~hcrcf9xc t~at their cy.c~ may bc~ncd, -11ll. 26, 18. .



commtntATJ upon the fir.fl Bpiflll




1/St Paul to T 1 Mo T n



-b~~ufc -there are fome things in them hmi m bt 111ndcd\ood r 11nd eafic to be wrdled trorn thtit ribht meaning, -rm/. 16. it was 'therefore grave ad. vice that one t;ivcs young Chrifiians, that they 'tbould begin at the later end ot Saint Pa11/J Epifiks, which freat(th of p0ints of rrattice 1 Sith a corrupt lit~ can never have :a found judgemenr. . - Ytrfe 8. PraJ tt.itry \\ihert'] Any place now (bdt buc a chimney) maymakeagooalyOncury,?oh.4 21. Lifting "P h1/y hAnds J. Hect~r ~aOu~d-then Pi/,1tn were,rin fed iu chat bldkd tounmn of Cbrill:s bloud , Zech. 13. 1. Elfe1
God um:rly abhors chem, I.fd.1. 1 j,16. The Pridls had their lavcr to wafh in, befor~ they f.acrificd. The Turks a~ this day before praia walh both face and han~s, fometimes their head, 1and other pans ofchc body. .But whu faiths. arnu, chalJ. _.. 8. aHd the Prophet I emny, chap 4 14. The foum:iin ot goodues will noc bd



Verfe I i . Nor tuf#rp 11u1hori17 J t\5 they will eafily do, if ~llOimfv, fultered to pr~ach. Pr~ilcher~ are Kul~rQ 1 Gui.des, Capc~in~, l 0 tuvc wlua Heb.13. 7, 17. Jf chc hen be fuffered w crow once, &c. A ~~ 1 '"~ 111 1. . pru1i1cnt J c com man ds her hus bu1 d 0y obt:ymg . b"1m1 as S11r1111, 1. "'*''"''"J E q;. w11e Livi11. . B 111 tt> be in filntce J Yiato, t11ctoa I fee and fay nothing, w;is QQcen Eli"'~beths Mocto. Where lhould the conguc bt: Gue m clw head ? Ni.~ , \'edetJ. For .Ad11m\\11Ufi,.Jlftirmed] Aschevdldis form~~' ' edby tlie Potter cut of chc clay. ~te Gm.2.7. TJm1 Eve J I;or Ad1tms ufc and help: therefore {he mu(\:, not
ukeupon htr. . Verfe 14, ~nd AJ"m nit deceived J i. 1. He wu1 not deceived {o much by his judgement ( rhouHh :Mo by thitt too ) .as by tiis atfdtion co hts wife; which at kngch blinded his


ladcri ac, wich foul hems and h:mds. . witho111 'Wrl4th J Or, R"11coH,,, M:ic. s. 24. God will not fervcd, rill men be rc:concikd. When Abritm and Lot were agreed, then God appeared. . Or dc11b1i"g} Heb. JJ .6. 1.6. without di(ceptation 0r rcaf oning with carnall rcafon. 1 Verk 9, In lik5 mAnner 11/fi] Men h'.i ve had their ldfons.Now for womrn they are taught moddly in thdr ilturc ((uch a1J may mi~ ther argue wantonncs nor waCU ulnes) ft knee in the (.huu;h1 fubjc.



Being dectivul~M in tb1 lrAnfgr,ffem J V:~(Jr mea tota in firmento 1fl1 faid he in Pl""'"' ~ee my N.Jtes on Gen. 3.6. 1 Vt'rft'l S Saved i11 childe-be~1ing J Not by it, as by a ca life: bat nocwich(bnding_ che croffc laid upon all childe-bearing womc:n, :~m 1l-~ 6,_ they fhal.l have frte entrance ~1toheaven, it they contir. 11uem fa>th wd chamy,&c. .


6.1:t' pro ~. at Rum,~ 1.18.


A p;

I l J.

ftion in che family. o,. cofl IJ arlfJ.] Which yet great ones may wear; but rhey may oot buy ic WHh u:cortion, and line it With pride : fich clothes are the eufigos of our Ou me, o&r finendfe is our fihhindfe, and our nearnefie our naflindk Ste I foiah 3 where the Prophet
inveighes,as it ~had viewed che Ladils wardrobet in ?erH{alttn~. Verfo 1 o.!lli.:h beco111mh Our common convc:rfation

Verfe l lfu1aHdefir1J.
S no woman, fo neither may every man ddite the office of a A Mininc:r , but tuch only as arc gaftt:d and fitted for fuch fervice.

-"m-" l'U1l1l117

lliouldbeasbecomeththeCofpdotChrill: And ic is a fore fign ofa bale minde, co think chac one can m~ke himf< If' great we ch any thing that is kffe then himftlf; or that he can win more credit by llis garmems, then L>y his graces. The wo1U apparrtl, faithJone 1is namrts garmtm~ the bcfi, but follies garnilh. . Ver(~ 1 1. Let the 'Womttn leArN] Not Eeach,co wir,in the pub

like afTLmblics~bc Che never folmnci or godly. See the Note on

. H, drfimh ~ good~"r/c.] Bue a h:ud work. The l\'1inifl:ery is not an idle man~ occupttion, bur a fore hl>our, OnH1 ;f_fh ~,,;.,11U A11gdil tremtruJHm, fa_ith Chr1{Dftome. :1.uurden coo heav.y for an. Angels fhouldcrs,a nochmg lhorr of thar of a-travelling woman, taich Mtl"n61hon, af<t:r P.111/, Gal 4.19. Thl!rc wcrethac ,md this text rhus, f2..11iCHt:tJ_1 dtjidtrfft Epi.fcopAtum '1om1m, opt.I dtjidm1nt_. But. chis was a foul mifhkl! at bell~ Vc:rle a. A Bifb1p then m11ft bt bl.< mdrJfe]. Thacis, Every faith!ull Pallour mutt be (uch as aglinlt wham nu jufl: oc.ccpcion can be b1d1no grofle hulc obJed:ed, In, ~.~luuy t'.41ii 110 -; ~llJ una.vu1uili~



ggod men. The hH1band of one \'1:iff J fc. At once. The vg11t.i11,,'Priefls were forbidden alfo pol)g:imy. 1:igil"7t J P"lc.; ;rnd :'"ll wi_ch W\lt~hing. ~ x.~~ ~YYU;!~Y etlm ~~.,..,,~~(J1'11..1J'~'l.. A puohkt! pcdon G10nld not {l-;:ep t. whole mghc

___ AC1mmtntar' upo thtjiril Epijlle Ch~ able infirmitie~l;ve ;p~d-~~f courfe, 'bod;-~ith God, ;~d-~l

is given, beca~(e children arc arg11mmtNm Am6,,/,ms (up6r ttr-. C41/Henfis4 A walkmg argument ot their fathers incontiacncy. OJ hnml .

.Bifhop to have eith~~wife or children: whereof this wi(~-;eafon 7JiflM.61.

Vt:de S.

together. Sr1btr] Thu c:m contain his paffions, and keep a mean. x<>:;.:1:,.u. Ofgoodbehavio11r J Compofitw, modt/'111. Neat :ind hand. Rnic morQt1M. form; in his outward habic, vencnbh: in all his behaviour. 1111 r;;n arl D.1qiv.e~ to h~JJ,itnlity J .Q~1irq11id h~bcnt Clitici,1,uperRm tfl: 111 f,,m. The Mrn10:ers chd[ 1s che poor mans box. Apt ttJ te,1l'h J Not able only, as Dr T ,.;/,1Hr Martyr, who AEI. an./ ,".f911 prcacht:d not only every Lords day and holy. d:iy, buc whenfoever Joi. 1 J 8 1 cl~e he c.ould. get rhe peo1~le togetht:r. P_1.ttlic~1;oni! officiHm fiifci Grtg Paflor. pit, q11ifq1m 11d f .-rcerdot1111 accedit, faith GrrgorJ H~s no Mini fier chat's no preacher. :. Vcrk 3. Not given to \\'inc] No Afo-fiake, tavern-haucer that fits clo!e at ir, cill the wine infhme him. ' No flrikfr J Either with congue or hand. Such ~s wcre'T/mo. thrn-1 Ht:rnlm; """o .it:17. Pope ?r1lil11 3 who tatl"lwo1, bi1 ~eyes, and girc on his fword. B11hop Bonnt>', wa.o ufU:illy ~u1. fcttcd the poor Martyrs brought b.:fore him 1 pulling off thcU

~ntJw Not bow J A vr:ry cogent ugumcnG grc:m:r: uk:d al{o bf cur S:iviour1 Luk_,.16. 11,12. Eb was JL!llly caxed, and A11g11ft111 heavily uplnaid\:d with their domelbcaH difordcrs, as chcrt'i0re i..n!ic tor govi:rnA Hid,,

from chc k~e to


! .,,. if


Verk 6. Not Ii novice J Rude and proud, a young fchollar or N!o'~ur@-. oewly-convcm:d: but well uxperimemcd, and tutliciently com.,j A Y'-'uni; mended by mm ot wonh. lie chat ~tkred co run a race, was kd. 1bout by. the: Crier, ro fr~ what my on! pr~fem could object Chryl..fl 1-lom. 1gainlt bun, en: he w~s fo!kn:d to run, ai Chr1(oftom~ n:p~m:th, 1.' h'lpap. At1~o ic thould here. . : ''"' Vtrk7. A.eood report of them, &c.] For a workman that needt:th not to be alhamc~ : fuch a one as may muzzle! the black 01outhotany Campi"n, thatl1ullfay, as he doth of our Chmch 1 MiniJ1ris eorum nihil vilius ~ This is moll trnc: ot Popith gn:afo.: hedge PrieHs. Sec: the Note ou v .6..


v~tt~ g, N9t Jqn/,/e-tong11uJ.

beards, &c. Not t,rtedJ of fil th7 !#ere J So 3S to get by unjull: arts 1and fin. full practicts, as chePope by allowing the Stews in Romt, 3ndelf I, 19, VlrfC 10. found b/,1mr!1JTc] The world will look wh1:1c. See Fifcm Papalu by Crlljh.nv. B r1t pMirnt J Ea!ily parting with his own right for peac:c-iakr1 round ;.bout thtm, and exp& { thou3h unjultly) an AngdicaU puf1.Clmn. . ms Ahrah~nJ did> 11s no covetous man will do. ' Ver!<: 11. Mufi tlieir \\ ivr1 /,,. grav" J As themfdves mu!~ No bnnvlcr J Or, Wr:HlHler, quarrd/ome1 l.ike a cock of d:e game, that IS {ltll bloudy With ttie bfou~ ot others, and of 'fltrf.~ li.ravicy is luch an Elix.w, ashy comachon (it chcre be -hrmtdf. ' ~ny ~1!pulmon of goodnuilo. m rhe fame mm all) ic will rc:ndc:r J.fiAJ.nvoy. Not_ cot1tto11.r J Not a lover. offil ver; arid th1t ( E 11clio-Jik~) It of the property. ~o [hat. Deacons wives cannot b11 oLh<.:r .. firs a~rood upon t1iS heaps of evil gotten geods, a~d will part witb Wife then grave and gracious, h:.avmg tuch hu&lnn~ as is almvt: de .. lcribcd. . nothm~. . Vcrte u. Huflnm.ds 6f one "'ifi, &c. J See tht.! Notes on Ver[~ . Yt'l'lc 4. f! r1de1h \~'eh] "W's-ttP~~' .t\:good; p~~cfiih . his own family, which he daily perfume' With E'Y:t~gdicall (acrl 2. and 4. yerfe 13. A i1oaae.~r11J Or a-fair fl:ep t9 a higher ordcr.i.r. co ficrs, till his houk, ns chc hou(e ot DaTJid, be as Guu, as cheangcl 11}11bopriKc or Prcsbym1l11p. {)f che Lord betore them, z,uh.u.8. Andgrw.6~/Jn~fl' in 1b~ flli1b] The peace li>f a good con Having hil chj/dm1 in {ilbje~ioH J Yee Pol'e Pel"tiHs:forbids I kiwcc,
1 the!r fiddles ro the bale of chc ucnes, faying as che comp:my . 1~r10{1, lii, {11es, bung as the pl:inet ./Vfercury, good in conjunction with good, Jint.uer. Vil'~ and bad with bad. Vcrfc 9. Hq/ding the m7fferJ J S.:c tbe N0cc on 1 Tim~

That can tUl'.ll their t"le~, anJ JIJ..i'jiK(.


A Co1mnent1 upon the firft Epiflle

dcil gives grut thanks to tbe P~pilli-Clcrgy fo~--th~- g~c::ic mulci 1\IAt. r>adi" Hr/1 111des sf fouls that by their fcdutlians came thronging tu hdl 1nore "" 'lJoJM. 1v7 .a tien ever in any age bdorc. Verfe 2, Spt1tkj11g lio ;,, ~Jpicrifie J It was grown co Hom ..
mon Proverb, A Frier, 11 li~r. One of chc:m undertook w lbcw

--fcl~nd che plerophory of faith. This thofe that are faithfuU in the Minifl:cry null be lure of; the former preferment they may pofli'.ily fail of. VcriC 14. H,,pi,,gto come HnttJ thu J And to be an eye-wit.. nefl.: ofthy diligence, wh~rtof l doubt noc, joying in the mean while: and 1'el;o/ding 1Jf'r ord:r, 11ml the jluifitjlncs 1{ 70Hr fflith in Ghrift, Col.2 5. Vcl'.h! t S. In 1J,e lmfc of God J See here the dignity of the Church, and the ducy ot tv1ini(t...:rs, which is to be f.lichfull as (h:wards in all Gods hou{e, Bue what. mean the Papifis {o to cry up the Church even above the Scriptures ( as the CA>uncd of Bafil did by chcir Cardinal C11(a11m in anf w,r co the Hnjfitts) nay ,. bovc ChriU: himf~\f, as Hofisu and ochm. Can they mran honel\ A'1,-J..,,J ,\.f.,.,, ly (quoth thu Mmyr) chat make fo much ~f the. wife, and fo Jvl. 1 "7 8 lmk of chc husb:rnd r B~fhrd cluldnm arc all for chm m\>ther, and !lre c1llt!d hy her na,1\c, ere;. vcrk 16. And 1tid10Ht contrO'lJtrftt J ~arned Cd#Jlron beginncth this vcrf~ at thofi.: wotds before, The piH.o and vo1111J of c 111,~r,Je ml, truth, a1ed confi {fedly ~r-eAt i4 that mJfler7 ofgodfouj[e, God mtf I' , 7 d, nifi(reJ in the ft-fo, It being a uii.ull form of !peech among the J .:ws (as ha proveth out of Maimonides) co preface thefo very words, 1~he pillar 111u.l groNnd of truth, to any fpeciall do~ chine couching religion. Godm.miftffol] Outofthebofomeofhis father, ouc of tho womb ufhi.s mothcr,out "i the types of the law, &c.

afmher ot the: wing of tbe Angel'>';,1. The Pop~ to






Vcrfc 1. Spukph U!>'~Jftly J

Erbid 11011 JifmiJ (o/#111, [ca e~;r1u. Abroad :and aloud, it may bt: h:ard all chc Church ovt:r. V chac fo,.i/ d the f-'ith J As did chc ancient heretikes.

'}J~~t f(,1m

tht: Pa~111s (in wt.l:i1 all thl! old t1t:rctikcs fcem to have fled and hid ch1:mkl vc~) and tile prdcnc prudigious Sectaries wich thei\' 11pinionu m ?ortmftf, our modern AHtitrinirari.,111, Arri11n1,An:
tijr.riprnrijl1, .dn.1baptifls, &c.

wdencouragc:T)ro,.e the Rebel, ft'nt him ( l>ut wn'J will believe it? ) a plume of Phrenix fea tiers. The poor pl<.>pl~ art: pc:riWJ dtd co bdieve chu the thunder of the Popts Excommunication b:tth foblafl:cd chc Engli(h hc:retik~s, ch:u lh~ir hccs arc groWl1 all black and ugly as devils; their eyes alld looks gaH:ly, their breaths noilome and pefiiknt, ('fc. that thty m: grown blrbarous, and eat children, blafpheme God and all his SJintb, c~c. Havi,,g their c01tfcieNus fa11rd J Thtrcs more hope of a fore, then of a feared coHfcience, ~ d(;~d and dtJokm d1lpoficion~ Ephtf.4 a heart that hath comratkd i1 killlle of hoof. Vctk 3 ForbiJJing 10 m11rry J PJpitts torbid funtc to mu~y at any tim~, as the Clergy ~ all, :u 101m: ca mes, :md chat not as a precept ot coovenienq, but need fay and holindk. In Anftlms time, curh:d Sodc>mitry wd idulcay p;1ll~d fo~e without puniiliment: where godly nmrimony cculd finde no mercy. The Car- Atf. and 'fo11. dinalof Cremon;i after his lour r~plying in che Councdof LomJo,, ~:~j 6 ~ :igaiufi the married dhte of Pndb, was LbamctuUy cakcn ch~ ' 79 nighc following with a nouule harloc. They hold that it is far bee .. tcr for a Prien to keep many whores, thrn to have a wite. This,fq they, is the hcrefic ot the Nfr1l11i1t1111. . To ,,hft"-i" ft om meatJ] As the PapiCls fueedHtiouily do upon e~mi11 d~i\..'S ; whtn 'u ~~' 1n q;~c .i~ puni1lm111Wirb im prif?JJm~nr, tplft. o:e. !J<.!!,1 """'"'lo uim """' D 0~10'" tJACAt t111111/t11t1", /tor- adepif'.Ba<il. tld & "''~' 111tdit be/1111 lmo, i11ch Erfff#uu.. Bt he that fpeRds the whole Lords-day in drinking, dicing and dubbin;, is let go fo1 agood-fellow. "hich GoJ lwh trt11t1tl] He made rhe grafle before be made the be ails, and the bc:alla behnc man, that all mighrhne food conMient for them.

J>g6lr#11; of d~uilI] YmcGd by Sacans emirfsrie~ And inll:rumcms. A!>out thr. cim.! of Popt! Hild.:br"na, kttc:rs wae difp~rfr

uLJ :ind JowH, elm w~rc faid to bi! font from hell whereio the . devil

tal\ the f wccmcfk of che Creuour in t~ i;t,llmc, 1od iUt iHr... r~d up thereby to praife bis name. Do,es 11t every grain they p1Ck look upwards , as giving thanks. The Elephant is {aid ~~ ~~~n up ~~K!!~~ ~~~!~ ~~ ~!~ fprig or; btaoc:h chat he

Verfe 4

lf it b1


'With 1h1111,~fiJ11ing :J WhileCl: we

-- --------



ACommtnt4TJ up111thefo'R Bpijlle

promifc, a new right purchJkd by Chrift>&c.


fc:edeth en, &c. Birds chirp and ting to their maker. - - Ver(e s. 'B1 the ~ord] Ofpermiffion, ~El'. 10. 1 s. and of
&c. 'fh1s 1s to e!lt to the Lord, Rom, 11. 6, to imicacc Chria Patti, Act.17 3S S11muI, r s.11n.9.1j. ' crf<. 6: No11rijluJ "Pin the \\'orJ1] Such are fittdl to be

Chap.4. hurled confuCion ov-er cie~wo~ld;- b~ugh-t a vanity-onthe creatura.


And~r~frr] for his kave :rnd bltffing. thu p..ff.. of tmiJ.

J\iKi: culc,

"~.i1r rx-

made Mm1ll:ers, as hav:: been wdl bred, and inured co the rcadin ot the Scrip.t tl''LS;as have: !uckl'd in holy karning together with thtfr mothers milk. Yerfc: 7. But refii(e] Gr. Shift them off, ft"t th1m. l;, fa thou an not ac kalurc to 2ttend to them, haft no time to lofe upo~ them. PoterM h.u hor,u non ptrdiailfe, faid Pli111 co his nephc:w

And had not Chrilt undertaken the ihaccered condition of cha world co uphold ic, it had iallen :ibouc Ad1i111s earB, faith uother Divine. SftciAllJ of tbe~ tlMt ~,Ji,va J Who therefore are io a fpc,ial n12nner bound co obfcrve and obey him. Among tht: Rvmlf,,s thcy . that were iaved were wont co crown him that tined them,. and ~;!J~ It n toitcmour him as a father all chc:ir diies. We mul~ alto kt the m e.i~ in.::r,. crown upon Chtil\s bead, C ""' ~ 11. and obey this cvcrl.d\ing &' u yb.t.o . father, 1(4.9 6. .


You might have found yO'.t lomewhu elfe to do. ' E.wrcife thf /elf] . Lay afide thine upper garments. 11 n1d excrce. runner~ and wnJtlcrs ure co doc, and bdUrre th~c tu[hlf. St:e . J./""~1 a, T


Verk ~ For hoail] r.-.:trcift p.,,r:firn/, littlr J Somewhat it doth ( 1t rrghcly ufed) coward the Hrength~ ning ot the body prder. -ving oithe heal ch, fubduing of chcfldh, c:'l-c, ' BHt godlin1Jf~ ,~ prQfttnblr. to a/J rhingi ]' The B byloni'1'11J are faid tomakc 360. fovurall com modi tie~ ot c'he p.. 1m tree : bnt ~ there is a 1i.url0,1.<..Y..d.e 1 ~m., a th~ufand brndics ro l>c got by godlints. Godly p~rtt~ns are fo1d .m. ~mne, De11m co/ere, bLcaule they are fore by fuw1a~ to the Sp1~1t, t~ reap of the Spirit lift:t. vc.:rlaC\ing C . J.t.,g, Bd1J\;s tl1~t, m \ht:J world they OlJll. ol>eain joy an~ gl!dnt?lfr ( omwar.d a~d inwatd e<>mfons )' 6ut (orrow Ami jigh '"tPMll jbt tf~llJ, lta.35. IO. Vcrk 9 Thu uttfaithftdl (rqing J And yet who hath bcli'e. -.ed our report?~ The promifrs arc: go~d .frle-~old, and yec little looked aher. Godltm s hilth but col'd enrcrtamment becaufe fhe lives much upon rcverlion~. ' Vcife 10; For thenfore J Brc:n;fc goJHndfc: hath fo mnch happintfft laid up in the prom1fes, verf. B. and there is lo much ccrcaincy ot lhc performance of choft' promifes,ther~fore we both
do oodtuff~r 1 1 Cor, 1 j j S, l-'i111~ rdfllc,u medilf.. W.hD. iJ ,,~ J'4vi0Ht" ~r ~H men J Nbt of ercrnall pn.:i~~vation, bnt ot ~emp0rall rderm0n. For every man fi1ould die the fame day hc1~born, th~ wagesot d~ach ~ould be paid him prcfentlr.:

uacial>le, command the Obftiqate, lay .God11.tharge upon all. Verfc u. Lit"""'"' Jeff,ife, &.c.] liut how lhould I help ic~ Mighthefay & TheApoftle~niwer~tb, B~ tho11 ,,,, e:i111mpl6 " th1 be/11111r1, " p1tter11 f f"'1 : for holmdlc hath honour, wifdomc makcth th' face to fbinc ; nacurall confcknce c1nnoc bud\oop totheim1ge of Gpd, wbc:rc ever, and in whomfoevcr icdifccrnechic, 1f Ta 11hdu~.,.~d 1 nm, gm, <iJec/ ,i,!-'-'VJov ;,, l6nu1pi{1.aJ faitb_ltnAtiU1. Youth feafoncd with thcfearof God is not cafily /tl~ne/. defpa!ed. . . B11thethoH1111 tXA,,,,o!t]'.Gr . S'!ch "thiHg M m11k.!1h.1h; nJ..,,1J-, J~"'.P "~on thee'!". E ~tt11p/14 {cul~ h11c i.., tatt mag# itdificA11"
1'1lmflr1 '/ lliCm cone10111b,,,., . : . . , !
'. , .

Thefa thing1 ccmm411J And uach J T~b ,,tile

,~"' Chnllbegs WJtk~d rcens.hvcs fur a fc:alon 1 laithone. Slnhac'b huikd

Vcrfc I 3. Gi~t Atte"~"'!c' ti redJi#g J .Fidl:to reading, and then co ~xhortat1en : br mgmg as a ~ood Scril>e~ out of a good !~e~fure, "~~ ~Jld 91~.,. Fti_d1" L1m_mrr1 nocWuhltandi~g born b~.1. yt.m and conthnt p1ms fl\. pr~acbn1g, wn ac his book moil: dd1gcnrly abouc .two ~t the clock c:very mcnning. A me exam?le. . Vcrle 14.: N eglell not th1 gif1 ] Gods gifcs grone under our d1fufc or m1.fufc ; and PQd bearing gives them the wings ot an Eigle; fo that fuch may fay as once did w.h 6 ,, 1 King. u.1,.. Wm th~ Spirit qf the L1r~ po,,, ""'.to thee f Go4 up tbe arm , and darkclli the cy o 'of ~die and Idol thepherds Ztrh. u.17. ! .. . .. , . ' Witb tb~ /41i"l ~,, t1f 1k1 h11nd1] A cuft~ma thac cam! from the ~hu~ch of l~e ol~ Idlamcoc, Gm;, 8c11-. Ltvit~ 1. 4. ~d 3 i. is laudablf ,ufed tQ this .day in the Orlihr.:iacion of.Mi- ~fi~rs' but !~~Hhly and finfolly abufc:d by the up1lm-Se-



y~~~ Ij,

A C1mme11tAr11'}01' 1/11 jrft Epijlle



A p. \

~ ~

Verfe 1. R,b11k.! ""' ""' E /.:/er J.

1-4~:,. '"":.~~'.
NtpltJlrMl llh

Afb hi111 no1 wicb the rcourge ot the tongue, pun7-boy. L Jc;rkhim oot as thc-I~op1: did f!r,,,., ... of' 'Fr~"u in ch.e perf~n at his Emba{{adO\lr,.er at the B1fhop1 ind th(1r fi>:tYebaga did.

Htto1 the1. of Ent''"'"' ti~lthc bloudtoUowcd. This isnotci ill ulagwi for an Eldt:r. . . . Vede a. With All '""''1] Not wult fo~o only,. bu~ 1,.r;11, for~arohbeWtlrit:. andloaR:anytmpmunocron there: wh~ cretl) mt0iahc heatrun1W&tts. . . . .

"'' ,;

Verfe 3. Ho.1..011t" \\li.Jo~s-J;,J~iiJ], Tlal'ts(uchutte .wrdows not by divorce, but by the dmh ~t thtir llusb"nds, and ~oRc of tbair children i fuih H WU 1:ilfOmla Hont1~r ,~,,,,, rllat ~, rake: thtm into the,Collcdg11 ot wi4oa.w,fn.bematnttan~ at the Chtn-cb

~:r::.. IAmhn. l~roftrll t# /&.,.,.,] soci. *"t oiit is .in


truth, as ae is at home, 'Pf, lio:t, ;.. Tk bypocm~ vertucs (IS that of the S ar11111ti11ns) run all. out ward. Somethmg llt fee~ abroad btst follow him hqau, aod yBu hall fooatee ~&at ~e It f4>ll~w' Qage.phirs into tbM til'ing-haufc wh~e; .~1frobe tht'm.lrl1cs, aud wHl,ap~tlt~y ar~.vur,Hl~tr. ~~kr un

and ~hildrcn 1 nuf\cd gyc,:r.. mnca in them. The Hemorroj{f..: fousht noc coourSaviour, till all her mone}I was gone, Ztph.J .. 1 z. They are an affiicfod poor people : thmfore they cru!t in "he name of the Lord. Verk6, JsdtAJWhileP,divtth] Cum CIC>"tlft pHra mt11t1. tad.mer a~it. P awphi/t.u in Terence faith the like of a lighc iiufwifr. SaHe hntle hotno vol11ptati 0'1/eq"en1 {Uit dum vi,iit. Saint P,111/1 Greek cannot wdl be rendered but by Temu:c.s latiue, and Terencu Ltcine cannot be well put into other Greek. Verfo 7 &AnJ 1heft 1hing1 givt in ch11rl' J Ofcen incukat~, and fet on with a great deal of vehemency , that religion tuffer not. Yufc 8. B"t if '"'1 provide not] Thatthey may hav~ G4i1tf.. ftsprolperiry, Mrnttrn (anam i11 corport ('no: fhough the Apofiks m~aning here is chiefly, as toachmg bodily nourilhmenc and outward accommodations. ... , , , I .r.. { ,,,,, I I ,/. ] Soff11u1, an J nfid e, l 'ftl.>eolx,lt.Jl'C!W. Spu1.. U1 fo~ 1~0,e" "w" 11v,, >,,, '? l(!/A r;y 1~ took care ofchc welfare of his family and allies, as Li6"niU1 tdH- 'ci'., ,,'ll ,; 1,~7 ificth, Bilh'ip RUlle1 was very kinde and namrall to his kinrJolk. <r>d n11i And the Lord Cromw1// before the rim of his apprc:henfi(:)n, took i~tl. 4/i f jf,.. fuch order for his fervants, that many of them, cfpeci-tlly rh~ :~'.J f 5 ~6 younger brelhren which had little elfc: co trn!l unto, had hondl1y / ' 1'" Mt for them in their friends han~s, to rclilve them wh:ulom:r tl10uld lxfall him. Verfe 9, The 'Wifi of one man J As @Ann.f, Luke To 36. Such are held to be more modell: , to whom th<: lhv11ghrb nf death hach bem enough ta forbid the banes oi f~c<>uJ l11'lr.. riage. Verfc IV. Well reportuJ of, &c.] .A gooJ rwnt iJ l ettcr thm pr,. cio11& ointmrnt, Ecclef.7.1. And rather to lJc choft:n then grea riches, Prov.u.1. Provident we _mu{t be 10 prcfovt' ir., 1arning of the urjull: Heward by hwfull ( lhougb he ~id ir. by unhwfuU mtans: ) for our Saviour nutcJ chis dr: fed, Whtn he faid, The children of this '''orld 11re- 1~;,, {tr iJt. thtir generation thtn the ih11dren of lighr, Luk.:: {q'l'Ur-r;>ri.: .... ,;>

If St .Paul to T 1 M o ,. H Y. -~~d to rrq11it1 thej,. p.tr111IJ:-] See cae Note- og MAtth1 15. 4. Vcrte f. Trwflttb in Gail J WhefMgi while {he b~d ao hu1md



toth~s Apoital";al~pr~eps waHbM '!f Clnh, ooecf rhe-WJfc:mcn 1>f ('.. rr. , 7Jlf ;':-,' :_~; r.i: :i.'1\;\ 7(),;7.',i tr t<J govern hondlly :t min~ :1 ~-,,4:d .. ..:--~.i" ~~4

16. 8.

Vcrfc I~ To ~aA' WAn~01' J T@ runne away ( ~s pamp,rrfl !(r1._'~'.I. x .lhl1,(1 j


. I.



ComtnentArJ 11pon the fir.fl Epiftle



- - - - -- -- -----


~ .. ---~-


- - - ------ Palfreys)- with the bit betwixt their teeth , and to play the jldcs. . Vcrfe 16. HAtt.1~ _\\1itldow1] That '.Ire widdows indeed, that Verfc u. H.afJit1.~ ;{4m1111tion J Or publike reproach, as have neither childrrn nor m:ph1>Ws to relieve them, vn'f. 3. of verfe 14. for their dcfulcory lighmdfo and inconfidcrate whom by the law of 11ature they nuy tcquirc o~~:n1!1~, aliment raChndle. :ind fut'cour. Caft off their firft faith J Not that of their b:iptifmc (as ' And la Clmrch be charged] How th-:n will Churchdivas ot che InJi:ms dot! that have been bapt1z :d by che robbers an{ wcr ic, if Church- chargers tJc in a fault~ Lee tht.:m give Spaniards) bat their vidu1\l promikd ch~{licy and krvice to the us J ju!l t'ommrnc:iry upon Prov_, 20. 2.5. and n:mcmbi.:r Cardiml Saints. wd(ey, and his facrilcg1ous inihumcnts: fivt.: ot whom C.llllC to Yak 11. Tht7 learn to be idle J le is an art Coon learned, klrfoll mJs,as Swltttm rccordech and conclude th with this with, by doitW norhiot; co doc mughuly. NiJ)il "."cndo it 7.) hu & jimiltb1u Srnltct .Allnal, ti '> d' excmpliudoEli 4ifcant homiues rcJ {mul J~, I f> j j " f.ere dijrnnt. IJkndk is t~c hour of ccmpc~cion : ~nti an lJ(H<m{m'.ltos 1imi. c attr,a_~e. 1 \'(ou\d that men would be idle perfon JS tht: dL Yl\S ttnms.ball, to(l.,d by ham, at has pk;i. W:trned by theft! examples, and UCttt.:r advifr:d how they im:ddlc fore. With Church mainc,cn:mcc, thereby to enrich chemfdv.:s. w.mdering abom {i-om houfe to ho11fe] As vagrants, or as ped. ' \'erk 17. Worthy of do11ble _honour] vii. Co11ntenance ad krs opening their pack!, and dropping here a tale, and there a talc. . m.1i;um1mcc;th~t they may give themklvcs concinmlly and chc:uA praC\icc ll.atly furbiddc.:n by Lad, Levit.i9.16. Th1Ju PJult nu fully co pm1ching and praier, 'Al.6A, Lst them h~v~ reverence


for a foot.


ro tip and d1JYl1 Na tnlc-/1e,4rer. The Ht:brew word fignificth 4 ptdln. And ~mother Hebrew word ufr~ for ddami~g o~ {hndtr in~, crfal.15 ,3. prop1.;rly note th a foot mg or trottmg it up an~ down, prying and fpyin~, and carrying taks and rumours,2 S,1m. .J9.17. The (.jrc.:ck WOl'd aHo 1\~j~<", and tht.: la cine word Arg110,
thlt 111 velietk to do at homc~wiH be ovt:rbufit: abroad, in ccnfuring de Q rigin ling lwt.

firH ilgnifics co be idle, and nc:xt to reprehrnd others. Becau{e they

and f\rndcring others. Ad'3ot only idle J The fir(l:-bornof idlendfe, is to d0 nothin~: rhcncxtitfoethatl11c: hath is, to d~evil. 01i11m nrgotiHm, Idle ncs is a kindc ot buftncs. B 11t mr /1 rs al(o J Gr. Tri~ n; Jl"gnHon;1w m.1gnm nut/" 11f.11nt. The Rab!)lllS have a Proverb, Tl'tat ten Kaus ot fpLec:ch dC kcndcd into the world, and che wumrn rook aw1y nine of them. And bujie bodie1] r?rtvc:ry tool w1H bt: mcdlmg,Pro.'20 3. Spea~mg thin[.J, &c.] lt 1s a very hard thing wdl to manage mmy words, c~ ,-;:r.vM~ict m).v~<M'..:Cl,fn m11/1i/,;q11io ffot1iloq11iwm. Vt:rfo 14. Give noneoccajim to theadirrf.iry] The dt:vil or bis in(hmncms, whofc mouths ht: oft boxrows to b1~fphcmc and rail with. Vafc 1 ). Tm-;Jed Ajide a(ttr S atnn J llcvvltcd from Chri~ian religion, going ant of Gods bldling imu cht: worlds warm ~unne. 'Ibdecould not c;huft.: unto thcmfdvt:s a work condition.


Even to lafficude, a~ he doth that ch::iveth c1 r.c:n/!:1h. wood~ or rh:u roilech m h:nvc:1t 1 or chat gocch on w;!rfarc, i. Tim. 1.3,-t. Pa:ilching is a pain'u\l work, and cnfo.:l>lt:!th a m1n cxct:c,{. !n;;ly, whence tht; Prophet cries out, M1 li-1innrj{c. my lc.wr.r.j[e. A1idom Sa~i?ur at little p,llt c!1ircy, was r~clwne.d'Ly thi: }:ws CC! be cow:lrd hfcy, Joh. 8.S7 le is fuppofcd by Divin~s, thac l~e had fo lpem himklt m prc:iching>that ht: fccmL"d to thl'jcws to b~ much elder then he was. . Ycrk 18. Worthyofhuhirel Of his, /tht,io. 10, of his wagts, as hen.:. Harvdl-labourcrs lil'vc meat and drrnl<, :ind douJk.w1gcs. . y~rlc 19. Receive not (l}I ;orJ 1 H to he aCCl\fd were folhc1cnt to make a man guilty, no good Minillcr fhoulli be inno. w1t. l'rtCdic"re nihil aliud cft qu_am derivare in fe /rirorcm totitts m11ndi, f~ich Luther. Truth bath alwaks a f cr:Hchc flee. Mm hate him elm rcprqvteh in tht.: ~pt1:_. Every fuol h:uh a bolt to fhoot at a faitbfuH Prl'.achn. Verk 20 Them th.a ji11 J i, e. Thofc Presbyters th1t fin puJ. likely, fCand~douOy 1 as did J'fur, (J;i\~z.11 and choft: wl10 wen: co1mchd, by cwo or dm.:-: wimdks, as -ver. i 9. Rt!buke before all: yet not as if thc.:y we.: re whit'ping boy ls. See the Nute on vcr. I. ot chis Cha peer. Bnt if the tau\t be not l<nown abroad, th:it rnkofrnrSavicurtak~splace, Jlf~t.18.15 1 16. Co;1ft,mti'rle the Y 2 Gren

11nd rrcompcncr.

Thc1 \tho l~bour



AC"'1111t111Ary "po1Hhejrfl Bpij1l1


Gmt wn he~rd te fay, Thlf, if h, ftoHIJ hf~

Prrjb Jttr in tit ttEl ttf adulttr7, ht 'Would cover th1 nutttr With hu imptriaU ,. 0 ~, rather thtn it fhoulJ come ~ro11d ta 1htfaa11Ja!J ttf the \\re'.,J And /corn of the Wick!d. Yule z 1, 1fitho1't pr~forrirt~ ,,.,e] Or, Wi~oHt pruipitatio>t or prrj,,Jice.Omne judiciHm a fe Aufort,q1'i ~dcaH[Am prttjudi.



1/StPau\11T1 Mo "t H Ye
Cu A'' VI.
Verle 1.


c,.,,,. their""" Tiers J


citlm affert,




AJudge mull: not fit co hear pedons,buc caufrs:tht:rc.. fore jultice is drawn blinde-fold. D oir.g nothing '11 piertiA/i11] By tilting the babnce 0 th one fid4' 1 as tl~c word fignifies. J\n even hand muil be: carried betwixt p!irt}' !md p'l'.rty. rht:! conmuy whert!unto i~ cnlled by the Lreekt ~7'0{/tif-.'r.t., ft ding. Vrrk 11. Liq ha11af (uJdrn/7 on no man J Th~ bell: that can come of ra~lltH:ffc is repentance. Scipo would not yccld that a wife man fhould ever come in with, Hitd I wm. Jn ordination of Minifi~rs all poffiblecarc and caution is to be ulCd. (hr1(ojom1 ~hinks that tha.t Cilrndlnes ufcd by the ApofUc; in the former verfl', bdongs chidl~ to chis. Some ~uo make the two lafl verfes a rcafon ot this. Verfe ~3 Drinl_no longer ~'atcr] Timort71iving among the luxurious Ephrftan1, was (o al>ftemious, t~at the Apo!tle is tain to prdcrihe him pbyftck. Hypocrites will be chan Qnty in che mo~m~ rains wbtr1rc arc no wcmen, and fober in Scythia where are nQ vim-s: but Lot WJS chafi in the mid ft of S1Jo,,,.e; and Ant:tcbar Ji' temperate amcng the dtbauch(d Athtri iiins, The faithfull in the world arc like a pearl in puddle: ; they lofe nothing of their vcrcuc.
1 1

Nd not under a prettnce ofChriR:ian liberty, and becaufc in Ch rift J efus there is neither nor free, feek to of A the yoke ot obedience that God hath hung upon their necks. See

Th11t tht nAme of God"'"' hu do1rine, &c. J Be traduced aa a dottrineof11bercy. Heachens ly at the oacch, 1 Ptt. 2. u. fpy 'mTrivl'o1u. ing ind prying (as che word thue fignifi~s) and iml'ucing all pub like judg~ment5 to Cbri(\ians mifcarriages. N 1t116';"nt c~fligantHr1, VHlgl Ch.-ifli'4Hi {faith LaCla11ti.111) qtml "lit'r L1thn. /topif. qutil# f1Spientib111 ~orwenit viv1tnt, & viti4 (u'1 obt1t1t# nomi- 'Dei "" 8com~ niudent. Chriftians :ire very hardly fpoken of at this very day, becaufe their converfation is noc as bccomech the Gofpd of Chrill, buc they think to cover cbdr faults wrth the fig-lc:ave9 of pro


,,,,c ,,,,.,,

ca\\\:d th~ betldit, a& 1,,h,4. Io. the saft ol God. Verfe i lf 11n7 m11H t1ttch t1thtrwife] Vifcover himklf He. Ery_e;!Jcllt.~~ terodox, out of aftctbtion of fingularity, &c. as divers doe /\, i this licentious age; bro1cbing things different hom the received doarine, as holding it with Ploocion, a goodly thing to di(. {enc froll\ others. .
(onfl~t not to whol(Jmt _words ] Word~

Verfe 2. PArlllkeruf 1h1b1nefir] i,e. Of Chrift, who is btire

that hne a healing

j 71j( 1

Vcrfo 14. Sowu maJJ fi: s J The Judge of the emh kecperh his pmyfrtiions now, letting enc law pafk upon fome fewa rt<ferv1ng the rdt rill the great aflius. Some wicked God pu;1ifhcth here)dt his prnvidcnct', but not all, It ft his puirn~e and promit't ot judgc:mrnt fuould be calh:d inte qn~fiion,as A11v1fNne hath obkrved, Yerk 2 S Cannot be hid J As putid hypocrifie lllall be dmCled (fir tht name of the \\'ick!d 1Nufl rot) to wrong~d inno,cncy

though amidft the vicious.

prop:ny m chem . The Scnpture ( as chat library ~f A le x1t,;dri11) may bt.? properly faad to be cha (i1Jf1 phyjic~ By the reading of
Li11J, CNr1i111 , vlv1n1inH1 , and othtr Hill:~rians, many are

.Ju ,let


fhall be ck:m:d, as the ccclipkd moon wades out; ot the fiudow,

and recovers htr fpkndour.

faid to have bc:en recovered of divers dcfperate di(e~frs. Of~ Joh.Bt>di11,Je ci/e & h1atN"' '"r"tionu g1,,144, faith mine authour. Bue the rea- utilit hif1'1'i~. ding of the: holy Scriptures doth a far ireatcr cure then this upon the foul. Vcrfe 4. He iJ proud] Gr. Ht u blow,, -u,, big-fwolne. nwf~7*. Swellin~ is a dangero~ lymptomc in the body ; but much more in thq fou~. Pride and klfconcit is a bactard (faith ~me) be-

got berw1xt a learned bead, and an unfanetified heart : which being once ~onceived in tht foul, cau(eth it to fwell ciU it bud\ 21 !undct ~iw u~tl~~m~~~lm:~~ ~~ ~~~ ~or t~e bectowin1b wi'b envy, 'J 3 f~o~~


A Commtnt4ry the jrfl Epijlle Chap.~. fcorn :md difd;i;;~-f ~;;i~-ch~inpmins offo~h gifcs, ;-may i;"


~--- -~--

to them brncfida\l, '.' K ,,01tiug 11tJthitt1, J fe. Aright, and tis they ought to know, 1 Cnr, 8. 2. See the Nore chere. The GnoU:icks boa{h:d, that they knew an things knowablt:. !renit !>(J faith, chat they ~ere fo betotted wich an opinion ot themfrlves, that they accounted their own writings to be Gofpel. Such felf-admireri alfo were the ]\luminaccs (as they called th~mfclves) the c.JU411;. chetJ, the NovAtir1111: And foch arc now the Jetuices, the Se. Clarics .:Sc. . Dorirw ii~o11t p~ftions J Gr. ~eflion ftck.J J\s the Schoo}.

he world (faith one) as it was in th~ }:will~ lidds and orch.;ards 1 pluck anti eat they might, while ch ...r<.>, not poc~tc, or i'Ut up. or as boycs, that robbmg an orchy;mi mc:.~c; with tht: owua at the dcor. '
Nudum tlP tArea portarit navitit cymh,i. Vcrlc 8. And having food and raiment J Houks arc not uamcd ~ tor chat thrn they wen; to {bnd ready rn rnn tram place .ro place and to leave htm{e and all bLhinde them. Food .md r.iimcn t, ?ef~H: ii TfU~li11 , ~intiottmw Y..Dapl1a w> as Ijidore <!kgamly liel'c ob-

Chap.6. of_Stl~aulto T 1 MOTH~- ___________ 3l~ where~fhewilt~ fifm to eat and make no fpare. le is With U5 iQ

-------- - ---


--- ...--------- ------,



modo qucm for tuna fovendo Con1,ejlu ~pib1'4 d<mifi1 reftrjit opimu,

'De Amiiba!t


men, !Ind our new Qudl:ionrfl:s. And ftri{rs of ,,..c1rd1 J hivoloas qudlions and quarrels. The wit ofhrretikcs and fchi(matikes wi\I bi:crer lcrve them codevife a thoufand fhifrs to elude the truth, then their pride will foffer them or1ce co yet ld,and acknowledge ir. . Vcrfe 5. Pervtrfe difp111ings J Endlelle and needleffe dikourtc:s and txnc1frs, oppofirc co thofe above, Chap. 4,
Of mt>: ofcorrupt minde1 j Thu want not time, l>uc wafl:c ic,


Fr";,, (nr;/J \\"irhdraw r/11 f; if] Gr.Snmd off,kc~pat :t d1fhr.c~. as you would ft om one chac hath a plague. fore. Verle 6. B11r <1,od!itu([e with contmtmmt J Trtte piety hat~ t uc plt'my, and' 1s n..-:vcr without a wdl-conrmting futticic11cy, a


full klf-lu1licit:ncy. The wicked in the fulndfr ot his futticiency is in ilraits, 'fob lO 2 2. Concrariw1fe the godly in thef ulnl's of thtir fir3irs are in an all-fufticiency. Vetle 7 We can c.irry Hotl.i11g Ollf J nuc a winding. ~eet, ~s s~L.1di11r J ll1irr, which he commandtli to be bung up at his bun Carion cl1ron. all, a bare Pr i.:lt going blforc the bil'r, an<l proclaiming, Sa /"dine the mi<ghty Afo-:arch rf the Etl_// u go11e, 1tnd hath tab.!11

M Ro-,rrrTro, 1u> more 1vi1h him then wk at yo11 fer. Indeed J ft'3deot one chat bekg ready co die, clapt a tWtnty lh1lli11gs l"'im: ot gold mco his

fernth, Food not junkets, raiment noc ornament, garmencs quiiftg:udmencs, to ~ud us.from cha cold air. N.uurc is con5cnc withalitde, gracew1chlc1le: As, N9tto jtarve, not to th1rff, . ,.. faith G,1/e111. Cibus & pot Ill {uNt diviriai Chriflit1norum, faith (J.11 ~1;e1.vu1: Jl, Himme. Bread and wacer With che Golpd arc l10d chcar, faith ~al. another. Epirnr111 (ould fay, That he would chink himldf as ~~i:malll. happy as _mighc be, Si 11qu~m h11bertt e?- ojf1tm, if .hi! could get but a morfell of m~at, and a mouchfull ot water. Th1s was il:rangc Cic.,/c jinib,t, 1 hQlll BpirnrM, Epirnrri mihi 11idm1Hr mclil'u ftnicrc 9H11mJi"r~, faith Tull,. EpicHrns and his followers pradi{ed beccer then they held. A licclc of the creuure will tervc turn to carry a man thorow his pilgrimage. lnf1mite igi11tr d.mmandi. {unt (faith Vives,) qHi mm multa mm congerm1t, 1"!'m fir mm paucu 01us. He is little better then mad, that heaps up foch a deal, when tar ldfe will do the deed. . Vt:rle 9. BNt tlJCJ that wi/J be rich] That arc: rcfolved .to have Vlrm qa: ficri it howfoevc:r, ...-rem, rem, qt1ocHnf1 modi rem. He that haUech to TJ.Jlt, ~.cito _ vult j1m 1 ) u\(:. b~ nch,1111 11 not 1. uc mnocenc. l'iov :i.S .i.o And 11 fnare J As the Pamher, which fo love th mans dung, that ' iHcbehano'daheightfromic, icwillleap:md nevtr kavc till it b:ivc burn: ic felf in pieces to gee ir.




11r ~ liift.

mumht and laid, StJmt wife.,. thn1 (on~~~ if 1 mt1jl /n,v~ ,.,n 1ht rrj/ 1 JrT thh J'lr mk! niirJ. mr. l.Jm chis was nonr of chc wifdt men you'l fay~ As that great C/Jafjph ot .B.1b7/on wasnoneof the k:ippidl, chat was ihrved to death by chc great Cham of C1tt~i~1 amidfi the infinice crcaf1ms of gold, filver 30d prccicu~ Hones that he and hi~ prcdecdlour~ had moil covetoufly ht>aped togrther, . whereof

DYbWH IH~H iH J.~fEyufli"u .u~d /'~Ydition I-ta d:mergHnt Flt n O'l ./' rum ~bHn11111r, IJ' f'u as [ hc:y nc~c:r L }1cw !fo~ll lJ 1>11!11. ;,, fUfHtt {itmmitlfll rnr1111 ,, Jrovv 11 themidves above wactt 1my more. We ru1d of tbc mhalmams of ing 11s isddrcOenoe, a dry Hhnd bdides Athens, that they bdlowcd mucb la- race,

bour ao draw into it a river co water it, and makt: it nrnn: truiduU. But when all the pafi'agcs were 0pened, and the rcct:pt:icl..:s prcpa.. !Cd, t~~ ~~~~ ~~lJ!e i~ fo plc:ntifuijy, thatyit over-flowed all : and


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- --,





~p-.6~.~--~-f'_S_t_P_a_u_l_t_o_T. J_M~O---T-.--Y-.--~-~~--3-2-.,--


high time now we lhould think ofhcann. Catch at the opporcu-

ha~~xigN"vit11 ca1.it11,.,, could the Heathen Oratour {~y. "fls ~~i!- 4 JAm,, 0


r;.... 4.7.s. T.~,,,,~~-ji"""' -;u" ,~..~'"" ;;,;-::~.--.--~-

Aul,Gcl, lii. J


nicy, as the cccho catchrth the voiCC', Vt:de 13 w;ho before _PontiUI Pil.ctt J Not di{fcmbling the truth, choughJt:ared by P1l11u, wl10 fcorntully ask<.:d him 1 WhAt"s Joh 18.ia. trHth ? 'l d D-> you lhnd upon your lite, and yec talk o t cruch? T"li"n and his Heathen infhumencs had kt out certain foolieh and t~U~ relacio~s under Pi/,1m name, purpokly co caft dirt upon Chnlt i which ~rt! refurcd by AugNfl~11t and CJril. . Verft:14 wuhomflJOt] 9ttou1Jrns 1 Dt'ut.32.s . . V ,,~,lm\e""bl' J. ~o as no 1ufl: t:xception ~~11 b~ lii1.J 11s"inl\ dm; tor allowance ot ktkr c1111i. V>itill the appeAring J Illufirem i!IHM 11d!JeHl!lm, as 01'~,f 6?n~i.w:1J1. renders it; the brighc, ck~r or radiant appearing. Sr p a 14 / w~uld have Timoth1 to carry himtdt, a~ if Ch rill !hould chrn come : and w remic nothing of his zeal, though he O)ould live rill due cimt'. \'er(c I). Wl;ich in h1-1 times he flu/I fheiv J L-:t no man therefore a~~, ~here i& 1.he pro~i(e of h/4 coming ? Though he be lluw, yet he 1s Lure : and his umc 1s the bdt c1me, wair,[ <im, 5.7 . 1:he blcffld ar.d (Inly pottntnte J A Lvdy and lof;y dJcripcion 0H10J'. whom ye~ none can ~lo1~1l>ly ddcr1be-._ Orn: being a~l<i.:d, Wlut CJod was, aniwcrtd, Si/cirem, Dem efiem, Ytrlc 16 Dlvtll~ng in the light] So lhat the ~er:iphims in thctr addrdks w lum, c~ap chdr wmgs on their facws, / (.i.6. i. '~ 1~1('11 ;\Tl.; wont tQ do ,h1.:1r h,rnJ:;, wh~n th~ l1f:ihrning flii11H:th in thtrr cyt~. Nor c,in ft't] We c:m kc lmc l ;ods lnck-p:1rts :ind live we need kc no more: chat we may livl.'. for t:Vtr. , Vnlc 17_ thq be 11ot hig~- mhir/edJ The dt'vil will cafily blow up this hbl>1 1f we wacch nor, Shwla chc: t\nt chmk her fdf {omc great ou(ines, becauk gom:n upon htr h11loc:k~ Jn rirh.s] l\1ches wen: lh:Vt:r trll to any that trllll: Mimw. rdto,thC~l, Virrea tjf (ortun.a; tum jJJ/ouJ1r, fi~nJ',irH1.
W1'o grwth 1u a/J th1-~gs r1chly ~o er,; y J Thus i 1ches i.::mnot do for us. The cove mus enJuyes nochmg 1 nor the lick, nor ch~ J 1 t\:vll~ temed, nor any elk unit tk wich riches God givl.'. us h1mldt, Vtrle 1 S. That thq do gooa] Not the richer the h:lrdcr as the Sun move th fiowefi, when it is at tht highdl in chi; Z<Jdiack: or :is the~oon, whc:nit is ~ulldlof Jight,g(ts forthdl offf1om the: Sun .



A comme11111ry "P" the firft Epijlk,&c.


-- -------- --i;~J, ; 11 -g-~oaWo~-k!J This is co be rich'" God,Luk,12.21.when





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______________ ------iiJ _________ ....




'f11sovTt$~1Jf ttrntJvfoi,~eravita. Aug.

... "

1 ~

our works are good, GJ 'load {Dnttm & quoad ftner11. Re14 a 1 to diJ1rib11t;J A venue much commended in the Kings ofEg,pt; .Pr.a~ifed b c.he P1tha~ore11ns, EJ{enu; but cfpeciaHy by chafe prnnmvc (. hn(hans, A ll.4. . Verie 19. L111ing up in fl ore J As wife merchants, ha pp}' uf~ rcrs, parciag with chat which they cannot keep, that they may gam that which they cannoc lofe. . , ,




011tttrna/Jlift] Orasfo1uecop1e:ihi\Vc1t,O//~md,,J.u.

Vcrfe 20. ThM Which u, &c.] vi~. The treafur<t of Ir.ti'.! do. thine, dleeming every particle: ot it precieus,as th; filings of go~d. Vcrk 21. 11 hich (ome proftffing] Gr, Prom1fing, as the lino1

() }\_

~icks, and other herctikes.

Vpon the fecond Epiftle of S. Paul to


Verfc 1.

l. Paul an Apo/lie, &c ]


He Preface ofthis l!piGle Cmns to be an al>bridgcmtnc of that of the Epiltle to the .Romans. Sec the Notes there. . Which tl in Chrift 'fefm J All out l)f Chriil arc living carcaks, walking fcpukhn:s.of chem .. fdves. Verfc ~. Gr.ace, mere], and peace J Sec the Note on


Verle 3. whom I (erve (rom m1 fort-f:,tl1ers-J Thofe twelve Tribes, thu lerv@d God inltancly day and night, .Ail.26.7. Thu was a ddpcraie refolmionol the Heathen Oruour, Me t:i ra opi Tu!, Je nat. Pliant, q11am amajorilm acctpi de c1dtu Deormn immortnlrnnz_ _, dcQ./d nuUit~l ur.'1111tm oratio, a11t .d~lli, aut indofJi '!1ovebit. I will never !hr an inch from the rc11g10n of my fore tachers, for any mans


A CB1'1111tllt"'J "''"the (econll Epijlk perfwafion. Pul forlook his Pharifaifme ro forvc 6odJ u Ai". hMn, I (fuG and 1ltliob hid dune with a pure 'onf,ience,
Alf 11"'' Mon., 4fr1

many tears, fo was DAvia, Pa11l, LHtlt1r, Bratlfortl, of whom it is faid, that he did lddome eat, but hcbcdcwed his trencher with tears, and thac tcw daies palkd him without plenty of tears ilii:d1 bdore he went to bed: A)Gt9olJ\' d.e1~:x~v~' ;,J'f''

Vcrfe 4. Bei.,.g mi.,.de(ufi ofth] te~rs J TinHthJ was a msnof

for th& have greu opportunity et dropping good things imo their l1cclc Lemruls, as b~ing much abouc them. The mochm of the Kings of? 11d.1h are conihmly mcnciom:d : and as they were for 1111' foul, (e~ to the {alvacion ot it. gc od oavil, fowcre their children. PArt1u frqHitNr ventre~. Th._1t Wkich I f:,wecommitted J A childe th:it hath any preciThe birch foll<1ws the belly. iUS th.m~ g1v1.n him, Cjnnot be~ter _(mire ic,, then by putting it Verfc 6. Stirre "P the t.ift] Blow up thy fmaUer fpark into a Imo his t .H~crs h3nds to keep: {o nt:ttha can we better pr1;1vidt: tor flame. Grace in us is like a dull (ca-cole fire ( faith one) which if our !o~ls. l.ifc:ty, then by commitcinL; them co God. T11tior11 rm Au~ Jcbot<o not now and then blown and ilirrcd up, tboilgh there be no want um.111111mm, fl tut:1.111 pe11 JamJH, non llUttm no1 i!lif-X pdrlt & rcrfcu tfJap ~. of fuell, yet will ot it frlf at lengch dk and go um. The word here r.obu t:\'f1trte (On;mtttimw. Wdhall be fore to be fafdl, if we u{cd by the Apo!llc is Plrirr/ sword. The hpol\lc feems to have bin co1t11mco~1r kl~~s w~olly co.God: and leek not to pm Rakes whh well read in P ltito' s writings. h1u1 therem. 1 Ill l~1p t.oac 1~ part in tie water, and p~n 40 the Vcrfe 7. The JP 1rit of fiar J ~(-f"'~~, called c\Cwhc:re the fpiric oi bondage, b.!Jl\ria~, Rom. 8. is. The law will convince . mud, 1~ flioo beJCen m p1ti:es. Ycrft! I 3 f!old f 1ft the (i rm J The cat~'chiflic~ll princ;ipks, the judgiment: but cis the Gofpel that convince ch tht: luft and the :sfkction. , thaco:1echud,l}~km,_tl1\itt!umm~ ot Diviaicy th~t S' Pt11ul had comp1it.'d ~or Tumthsrt u:c; c;illt:J h~re noc only a (rrm, as Rom, Of power, and Df ~ {ound minde J Thefe two fitly ll:and together. 6,~7 but afbo.rt ~rm, ur t>rid method; filch as lmh both ptrlpi Sin unrcpenced ot~lics rotcing at the ht:arc,and by rotting weakaetb (U1tyii.nd lw<:v 1cy. ic i il5 a roucn rag hath no fircngch. Vcrlc: 14. Tb,u vrid thinJ. th4t WM &c.] Thy crown of re. V ~rk 8. Af]li aionJ of the G"fJul J Affiid:ion is E1J41fgtlij J.t comprnce, Reve I. 3.11. Onhy Co:iverc~,thy crown ot rcjoycing, ni,u, faith Calvin. Hence it is called cbe \\lord of Chrifls p.1tienu, Revd.2. 1 TheU.1.19. Or the purny of 1hy dotlrmr, 1 Vcrft J 5. A(/ tf:ty \\'!.trh llrt in Aji4 J All chc Miu1!krs lhere. Accordin.( to tht power of Giel J For unldfc he fupport us by Revel 6, his power, we fhall never bear up in affiiCl: ion, . T~dc fbrs hill trnm hc.:;1v.n, a!t bit ~ ti1C fi3-m:c lll.4kc11 aborr, dud 16,f, .6, Verk 9. With an ho/1 CAiling] All chat follows (to thof~ wnh any nev~r to libht and glmk l Wllldc. PhygeUfU fl>:a Htm.:rgr'UeJ] rauHrurnnly forthcir recidivation words in chc end of verf. to. ThroHgb tht Gcif}el) comes in by a and apul~afte. Htrmogrn.' 1 to~l\ ~tt~r H, rmovne1 the rccrograd\! P arenthefis, and is fo t'l be read. Vnk 10. Ry rhc ~ppcaring] By his ~oming in the fldh i e~ llherorinrn;who ~cu Y~"t~ o! 1;;.; W>lS ;;m ~x~dhm Unnuur, bui;: by24.,Mcntt .'Ap;ur !'j: ,tor~ar all 411s ~k1l, 1nJ Lh:C~tnc a v..:ry J~"c~, ~. R.ho1lii;in I. which alto the pfalm1H fpea~~th, Pf.96, ti Bror1ght lift 1tnd immortalitJ to light J As he drew light out N11tta cvsdtnte ""''JJa, f:uth min,~ ambour. r 1.c.40. Vcrftt6. He of1 rt[rcfo. dmc J Gr, Puwd cold W:Jttr qpon /\v~.J.c.i;~. f)f darkndfo ac che creation. And as he then made light on the firil day of the Wt:ck, fo on the fame day he abolHbed death,, eh. by h~ me, as ch~t Angd did upcn l 11 e w1 :1ckd limbs of Thtoamu cl\1t Martyr, 111c.miontd by jo,r-'hJ and Rr1ffir,114 in th~ ~l~~ ot 7ul,.m refurre~ion the dead. ycde1~. the Ap0lb tc. Vt:dc: 17,,

hai)Pim:fte co any childe tD hnc a good mother and grand6)1ocher.

Verfe 5, In thy Gr1mdmother Lou, find mother J A fweet

"'.m1~ .ulopt1iv1t mr~ qNta v~r~.\.'. in.prlJmiffiQ1U, & potMJ ;,, e.~ l11b'.:ic-r1<", tx:c~~!e (,od who_of ~as free gnu;e hath adopcld me, is burn :iuk and tmhfull co fulhll his prom1ks. That Wls a oorable {plt<'h,<;.{, ~.11thr;~ Ip{c vi.d,rit ubi 11nimA 11m1 m.rn(ur11jit, qui pro Luth. apuJ Jo. r.1_(ic (11 ./1 c1u-u I' t, flt v 1t am pro e11 JJ<Jflurit. Lee him that died l\lJ11li.i111.

Ver. I 1. ll ~tacht'I ~fth1 Genti/~1 ]~is writings therefore (ho~ld t>e the mo~~ highly pnud and fi~d1ed by m Gemilcs, as being pro pnly as Pf. 1 i7. was a Song made(fpecially)for s~lom.011, Vtrk 1 i,. I. l"nw \Vhom l ha'VI md1td J Here was Hot a faint bo~I.', or a c011Jc.Clurall confidenc,, but a pkr6>phory of taicb, The ~c.a1l~n whcrtot.1i thus n~dered by a Father, ~;" ;,. ch.-ritat



------- 3;6______
- -

/1 Com;;entary upon the (ccond Epif/te


-- --vcr-{c 17. He {Jr1gbt mr: o:~;-~;;_; jii;~::~/;J---\V~h teh~ <J-:c~!'J1.~n:_;i, dc{.ire an d mtt'IH\Oll u t atf C:uion n \ : nae as a co war d' it:t ks af ccr his rncmy, whom he hopes he llull 1ll.Vlr fin,lc ; buc as S.w/ founhc
lJ ,iv id, or as chc wile- mrn chdnbc o~ B edlt-ktm, &c,

QUt, th1t chink ro h:ive th~ plc1(urc of ibrh,, md the ~ll.:!rdon of


1/St Paul to T x M o

T 11 y.

Vuk i 8. The L1rd J That is, God tht bthtr hr ma] (i,dc mrrcy of the Lr, rd, due is, of God the Son, as Jehov,1h fi'om 7rho -.1.d1, (_;1'.n.19. 24. 'lh.11 h.. m.~l (i-df! J r or his cm: in finding cue me, v.i 7

c II A.
\' u lt:


I I.

Bf fl r o:g

Notalcntis given us

wich T Ogctl1cr 5 17.

Lt. k._

tlH: word, there goes forth a pow~r, 35

~~ ~: '.:;: . <'.'(~ :;1 for privm.: :md proptr u!c, but that we bt trading and tr:mlmit

V~r!u2. Ccmmittlmntof.,irh(rtflmrn]

,..> / ;. <1 ~ J ,' tin~ iraHt) CC? at.hers. S)nt /ilu fpeaks of lumc, wh0 hlvil.l!g l trea {u:~~ o~ :ili1l1t1ls 111 chc1111, >t't would alloun pJrc with their h::ms as \Vllil 11;tJimiu11s, G'C, the cai~ktrot whofr grc1t skill lhlll

b, J wimtlk abain!t cl11:m.

v~1{~ 3. l~nd:._rc lwdfhip] Nt:ver dream of a ddic'.lcy: think nN to f~ndt Cod 111. che gndrns of u1-;.opt, whom .111?[,_.s fcunJ 111c bm m ti:<: burnmg-bulh. M:my love Cana(!n, but lo.nh the wi~derm 1~l'.', commend ~be. conn my, uu_r look upon che conqudl

as 1mp0Jltul<.:; wuuld he m the ft:H of honour wich Ztbcdu'1 childrrn, um noc drink the cup 0L1nl1ct.0:1. Thefcdeceivc chem.
fL!L'fl'r.rnc,, Pl'inr~ hi~ f:Ithet fent to hi1u, lighting as it w..:rc in bioud 11, 1;1~ l<ncL'S, and in J great J1llrl'lk) F.ithcr va11qui/h or die.

~.t'~' '' L\(' 17 :J ((,rrU/cr, &c,

Chrill faith


us (JS Che bl3ck w chc

\-'..& }. Wit;J 1hrr1ff;1in J Or, Cj:1in/1ffl Y,tr(lfiationJ: with m H"ri.1::cm.urcn, '3y ch~ PJp !ls htrL', bm wiri'iom all l11i.:w of 1c11fc. iii;- C:o'.mcd d Ch.d" ,;d1;: itndly forbidJtth r-.tlllillrn to
m. \~dk in worl\~ly muw:rs. V_..:rk ": F.wrpt f,e fl_riue !:tll'(i1lly ~irc,tciborttm qt:.1111 f1,,:{H1rur,1tronem, bEh Caj/1.wt!s,
1 '


{,r5, ~ .1 l.1i('1f(ifit 17r ( f Jl[fl, j ,1!!1/t ) (j '!! d! vojl//lin.u rcJ ~.-.:;e c!.i 1t, ',_; 111v11c 1nl-tptr1tt'W ,_-~'- pr1!mi.J virt11111. fht'y ~re utw;y

Vt:r!t: ~,;. Th IJ11jb .tndm in ~.iboming fi.''f~ J Sp,,s alit 11.~rico

gooJndk. Verlc7. Confta~r wh:tt I (ay] Appty to thy frlf thck forem~ntioncd fonil1t:s, an& fo bucklt: dofo to thy bulindk. And the Lord give thee J Uoldfo God opi.:r1 Hugar.s eyes {ha cannot kc th.: touncain thu 1s h:ud by. Rebecc14 cooks the: Vcnifon, but !(a.1c only b\dfoh. Vi:rk 8. Remember thtet 'f e(1u J Remember it for thint cncouragc1m:nt; chat Cl~rifl:, for a r\!Wnd ofhis iuffcrings, was botb mini and <.:xalccdt Plut.i 9 Vl!di: 9. B 11t tlJe\'(/o>"d uf Cod ;J not botrnd] It nms ~nd is glorifi<:d, l rhe [f. 3. 1. being tree and nor fcm:rtd. I preach 1 though 3 pnfoncr, Luth P.111/: lo did and ocher M:myrs. Wich- j~ad Mon, 0 57 ' ina frw dait:s of~. Al.4rie1 raign, almo!l all the pri{ons in E14g 1" /.ind wt:rc l>.:com<.: right Chrilti:in khools and Churchi.:s ( faich .W Fo.\.': ) fo chat there was uo grcmr corJ!torc tor Chrill:i:rn htarcs,thcn co come co the prifons to behold their vcrtuom convcr lbi.l.1ia'; lmon, and to hear their praii.:rs, preachingsJ0~c. Vtde 1 o. That they m .. , ,,/(o obt.1in J vh. By my pains in prmhing, though l>ound 1 and l>y ex.:11npk of my P-'tknct: in (uf. kringoondst e:.ic. . Ynk ll. Jr is a fd1h/W flqing J A found md a fun: a1Imion, Rom. 8 17. Aillid:ions are the prllldi{11ri11mphi, Jft\'e be dw' J As Chn{t, ver. S. Vt:de 12. if \\1r foff.:r J No wearing the crown, out by be:i.ring the croffe fidl. .Ne {efum q11idem,u tJorio(U IJ'J, ~;Ji vd( r..pi(l a.I ~.le rit priu1 crucifixum, Luth Luther. Chrilt h11n!dt WJS not glori- 1111 <'.Ll 1 fied,t11l firll crucified. QE/;~:ibethis faid cu h:wc lwJm tu her crown thorow a fra of forrows : fo mull: wi:. . /frrc drnJ him] :.ll:c the N1JCC on \l ~ ~. God u'.iully rehlims, paics mt,;n hum1; in th,ir own ~um 1 prop~rdons joloulle to jealoufl<:, provocation co prnvocation, De11t.3i.21. Ifa.66.M. Vt:tfr 13. If i\Je bf liet1e not J S.:e th<.: Note on Ii. om. 3. ) Some frn!c it thus: Though we prove pertiJiom, yet h~ is nu lo!t:i uy us, as having :ill within himfdf~ Howui:it hereby ww iht:w that w~ hue no incmlt in Chriit; for he cannot deny himklt~ though w~ cm dvny hiia1. Verk 14. Striw not about Words J Either out of novdty 1 or nicenlffe. As Longolim who would uot ul~ the wurd Ealtji.i.


h \llnl,f~c.

A c~mmenrary 11pon 1~e {tcfl#tl ~~ij_l_e____ ~~~p:i:

chap~2-.---;75tp-;~tl;-T 1-~~~



- ----but.;, {\c 3 d chereof R1fimb/iM Chrifti,m11_. Another lt11li-in lli4 fhop for Epifcopm cook tip th<; Hcathrn1fh w~rd F/a'!'e11 : So co1. Cafla/io for An.~rlm hach qemm_, &c. And -i:'ompon11u L.wu LuM"i:m. was f uU ot fuch like foolmes, amy conccRauons, and empty lhifes. Ve.rfc 1 ~. Srudy to foew thy [elf] There are crept into Gods srn:1u:ny f uch ~vice~ co divide che word, that are not worchy ~h.e
t'lw~ of

~-V~-rfe 1-9:Ne;e;~h~lrf{e th; ftuna:1tion J vi~.-()fG;;ds-~-j~ (l-ion, which is here compared to a kaled book : on che one fide ot thdcal is writtrn, The- Lord km))wth I hem tbat tire his. On the other fide, And/rt tveyy MU that 1u1wth,&c. This the. !tpufHe fctcech forth, for the :t~rter feeling of fuch as were 01'.lkcn L>y ~he Lill of Hym6n~M1 and Phifrtru, two (uch forward profd:.


like th?fe ~nle11t~\~d l('g1~1'll ns ;11 p /.sttJ, L11::er11nt doft,.tnM, fie Ht Ctln1c11/t p11nnu11/~1, facth h!! ~ \he'.' tor up a text, and torment ic,they wren the Scripnms ~nd wrong chtm , kt them upon the wrack, 2nd make c~em freak whH they ntvc:r meant. Thcfe lhould be driven trom the work , as chok ballard kvites were by the Tir/h11ta,

c i bt'tHl!IU w l'IL '1VU \~OM !

Thr Lord k_nonwh rhtm, &c.

far:i 2.63 Rh1'1tly dividing the Word of God J The Syriack renders ir, ... J 'fr: h r h A <) Ri~h!lf pre.cch111t the Wora. cA. c mes alC , n racours ora. 1 r'':'"I. ~",; Tir tivr, anJ the law ( (o a Preacher~ Sermon ~nd the W?~d) mufl 1~~v" M:(',h. bl: unifolls. Andi~ Galen could fay, That m anatom1zmg mans ur.iin p;.yfici:u1s mull carry rhcmklvcs as men cloe in the Temr,,f,d, ufu par, i1lc; much more mufl Divines do fo, in dividing Gods h~ lib 7. lyWodCl Vnft' 1 6. Rut PJJm l Gr. Go ro101d aboHt than, vh,. co tlwm urit:very fide. St Pner cals them bubbles of words, full of windt:, 2 Pu.2.18. Vutc 1 7. Eat aJ doth a gan.~rtne Which prefemly over

. ' 7 , 7' :;;~' ' ~.(; 1 ~i,: 1 }<-vi 7 i:

hist ld\:ion, and i1nmobiliry of his lffdl"ion. Ho~bcit this knu\V h d 1 1 ~ chat God hath of his,ic; ca tried frcret,as a river under groumv, till ,lie ca ls and fc.:p:mtes us from che rdl:. . Thatnt1mrththenameofChriffJ Ht:m:ly J13vcan infallible f.caloffalvation thatbnt namNh Clfnlls name in praier, that c:in fay no more chcn, Ah F,uher, dc.:firing and rclolving to depart irom iniquir~. . Vcrk 20. Tlure "re not onl1, &c. J \l\Tondc\' not therefore', nmrmnre noc thlt there arc a mix rurc of good and bad in Gods houf-:. l-k knows how to krvc h1m{df ofooth, Rom.9. 20,~ 1,2 2.
Nt'ithcrbeoll'cndt:d, ch:nfomcof greatnotcfaHaWilYs as did

Jn rcfpctt of the fw. 1w{fe <1f



!l!ld Pki/,,1-m: God h:\th his vdhb of i\H ivn11, Vcrfi.! 21. P11>'g1 him~lf fi-.,,,1thf[e-] ho.n thdc [educ\!rs,o~


Sozom.l 7.C, 7 J.1 c R< v~m Jc '&lit, Punt,

runs the p:ms, awd rokts che brai~, pierc~th inco. the vc:ry ~nes, and if n~r foddcnly rn1ed by cu cc mg oft the par-c mfetled, k1ls the p1cirnr. J.oe fu.:- 11 is hcrdle and errour : which m:ide Pl"c~/111 the t.:ilrnc:Rly udeccl\ her ll~sband Thtodojim Scmor not co confor with E1momim the hercuke 1 lefi: he fhould be pcrvem:d by his fpt:cchcs. e/lnrlft11fim fecond Hithop of Rome, '""'" 497 while he kught t" win vfc'''i"' the hcrcukt: 1 was frduccd

kim. V tTfc 18. H.we erred J Gr. Htive "1i[ful th~ mark, as

unsk;!h11l Archers : or as inc.onfokracc Muiners, by mifrec konio~ of'.! point, they have mified the havenJ anJ run upon the rocks. EpifhJn,h.m(. Tlw the re(urrellion u p.ifl] Thefe were (likely) the proge " nitours of A111rciow, who t:m~ht that there was no rdurrc~ion of the body to be bdie~ed, but of the foul only.

archhmcikcs, thofe vcffelsof difhonour, whole dochinc ddikth wurfe then any kitchin .{l:utf, or leprofie. Hefh.1llbeaveJTel, &c.J You know (faid 'Jolm Ca>def{e, Atl.M/Mq. the Mmyr in a lettcrto Mr Philpot) that the vdld bcfon.; it be /ol.i7 'll made brighr, is foiled with oil, and many ocher things, that ic may kour thebeccer. 0 ha1)py b~ you that you bi: now m chi~ kouring houfe: for i110rcly y0u !lull b.: kt u,JOn the cddl:iall i11df,as bright as Angels, e:,.:.c. Vcrfe 22. Fly til(o yomhfidl lt1/ls J Fly them he mufl: with ~iL;;r;. po~ hafl:e, though foch a chafl:e and chatlcncd piece, as he was. Yourh is !l Oip1'ery as~1 n;ppi;ry "i1 gl"1kt t"fi\y ~UllUilCl:in; du(\ illld tilrh, :i~ Che word ufed oy Dttvid itnf'Ol'teth, p pl.1 [ 99 and . ' ' ., fhould therefore cleanfo its waics, by cleaving to c.he \ Vord. Youch 111 D& ~1 of cu.G,,, 0 is a hot arrc, as the Grctk word fignifics, a blad< dnk age, as the ('~~ "''<:.i~ ot LJ l .... . ., ~<" cnoo. rt >rcw word notech, Eerie/. II. 10. Therefore put away ev11 - ' tr om thy lct11, faith the wife man there out of his own experience. ~t Pau/ npeacs and inculcatt:s chis pn:cepc upon his fon Ti moth]. as mm do not only anoint their lkt11, buc rub in the oinrmcnr. He km:W t~at all was L>uc enough. S1:mmoptrc rnvrrrd11m ail ino Z pr.cconi



11,'cr,lt.ct. 1 7.

) :>h,M ml. lo'



p~~-~or.i ~e Ji{fa f"ll:J J, ficientibm erub1[;11,,f, Nih1/ 111rpi111 prri. tAJnit" tl.w.b, faith on~. Vcrfc :i 3. B11~ .fO.oli/h and 11nfoirnrd, &c. J Vitilig.m,. 11 ~ '1.titU devim. sh,tt them uff, frt them by as keds of fedicion Shake oil v1in q1dl:ionifh, as great triflers : Such Wt r~ thu School: mer, in dw.fbcion of whoh: v1in j111gHng, and Jorinl7 :ihout qut: Ht~ns Lu~IJ(I' Llit~, cpnp'e 1ft, Ill jlll'c'm. 11;1flH~ eff: brbeobgum Swo/,1flirnm qr1t to111m c.;p-,t E u,"nge.'11 intell{<f. I co.1ld Jl moll lwcH lhlC chm.: is not a Schcul111111 th:JC unJerfl:ands one Chapter of the new Tdbm, nr. 0.1..: ot cht'ir D.:>elours faiJ, That ht: luJ pu Jltkdy txpounJni the book ot f?b. But by thlc time he c1mc rn me tcmh lnd Chlpms. Ile did vrrl'y tUieve ch:a


of 5eraul t" T 1 M o T


v~r(c I.

p. I l I. I'eriUom timn]
Ca~Hbon ot

ffiilY Wt~~)'

Hard hl'ans make hard times. Eju/1K-odi drfcripjir ( and GR. HArd Qt



cht: lune

~t p,,,,/) qHif.m Hf1/lff rmq,,Mn MH 11;rt1trHm-'


Job was torn~ ~nJ tunur~J by his mc"rprrnuions 1 thrn c:vcr he h:id bcrn by his botch~s and ukds, V~rlc: 24. 1H11jlnct f/ri?Jt] Scr/1, "'r4ngle, Nui.\-.ind 1 a. mittawrvtrit.u, 11t fire fir, k1tby lh1ving atwuc che truth we

fttrili11rd, 411/ virt11tibus inimicior.1 : He ddcribeth thefe J,.[J and loofd1 times ot the world, lnm:n of vertucs, but abounding

A :ii;,:_~

,,_'-r.." "9)


uccetly lo 1c ic.,i eff ft Ls Ev.m.~1/ior11m, fiJfl umporunu: G' CU':'Jf fl Jes 11n1i_rffe d: beM, f Brce' 'e vent11m tj/ llt nu/14 fir. A faj complaint of Hi/.ir1 Er.f'1'J1-!4 obk1 Vci'th,, That in the: prt mir1v.: c11ncs thLrc wen: fo m1:.y kds and htr, li(s, anJ {o much pr<.:cu1din3 ~o th.: truth by diem a;l, thJt it WJS a. witty tliing co be a ri~ht Odil Vl r, p Hie'rit J Or, T(J/er.-i:t ?ftvilboch pcrfons and occurrc1 ccs: he lh11l h'.lve his ll1ck-lmrdi:n d borh 1 und mult bo.h b.:~r an..iforbt:Jr.

with vices. 1 here was never any but N o.iJJ, that with two faces, faw both before and behindc. But that Ancient of daic:s, to whom all chings art: pr~frm, hach here told us, chat chc la{l: (hall be
tht:worf\:, Wrk 1. Lovers of their own {rives J This finfull fdflovc is the root ot all the rcn, that follow in th1~ bhck b~droll, Boif!ers J Or, PArrovmt, as thu Prgopol1nicn, Ha. 10,8, 9,to, I 1. 1hr11(inic .. 11 LMmch, (jen, 4 23. Whtrc he brags and go;:s on co out-dare God himklf. Spaniards are fa id co be impu.:icm bu~gers. and cxm:mdy proud in che lowLfl: dJbe ot fortune, . Vetfe 3. wimout nawraO "Jf' flion, &c. J True Chrifii:ms live fobl'rly, a6 touching thcmklvcs, righccoully coward m~n, and Tit 111, godly towards their God. But thde Antipodes are as touching themf..:lws, ft lflover s,fil vcr-lovt rs,pleafure. mongers,incontincnr, boaHcrs, proud> hl'ady, high-minded. As for their carrilge roW.\rds others, they arc l>la{phemers, difobedimt to pncncs, wich rnc nuurall affection, truce-break..:rs, or irreconcilcabk, folk acCLllc1s, or d~vils, fierce or favJge, ddpifrrs of thofr that arl' gcod, traiwurs, 0~c. And as co ( ioJ, thty arc not lovers ot God, Lu: ~nth~nhfull, unholy. AnJ fu~h Jnll ht:ilp:> il:i lh&,& mm mJy find~ m<'Very corm:r of the Cl:ll ch. Yak 4. Head} J Head. long and head.Chong, u(h and inconfiJuace, ~;non vidmt '/i'e~c..-rrv1_(J,Em\'r 1 , chat look r1oc wdl auouc thtm, bm make delpcr:ue ajventmes. Lovers of plt11(Ure J Not confiderin3 thlt the pkafure paflcch, ~1A.Mbvo1, but the pain that attends it is pnpcmall. UJ! omwtnnwm cfl lhr;jvf' Z 2 ']Had

su)i1e,ahjl i11e.
Jirirl To/1ir, r.

Ji..\\)';,t .....f/;e.

0~,... u1rifto1lefotb:dst0Jdl'U:\! wich ~nch. But lhrill com nund:i not only by fore~ of :.trbu~~1em co c:.rnv11~c<: them, l rde 22. Ar,;;11irr di'f u. l>~c a\lo co hrnJ.~ them gmdy, anJ in mcdm~ tl~ co mllnil'.l

Vt:de 1s. Th~fe thitt oprfe r!umft/".JtJ J Though they l110uld dtal as ;ib~urdly with u1:, as chok dtn(ci1c fnow co be wh1tr1


Lori r.i.uwri:t.


co~cct~, that hvc words, Lord IJ.zve merc7 Hf~"' me, arc as l rncmc 1l!S co _kmi. [hl'm cu heaven, as the PJpilts rim their tiv~

lf.G_o~ :rill give them, &c. Rep,nt:mcc: is G;:i~i; gift: nei thrr 1~ 1t 111 the p~~l'r ot any to n:pt.:nc at plcalurL. Some: vainly

words of confrcrnt1on arc to tnnluolbmiate the bread. .lfot as m1ny arc undone (faith a Div1rn:) by buying a cuumeikit ;~wd: lo maoy are in htll by m1fhke ot chm rqw1tance. V~rle 26, Rec()vtr .them(dvu] Puc aw.1y th::ir fpiritu all dn~1kcnndlc, 1 SAmml J, 14 and go torch and tluke thfmklm,

-- ----

A .C~;;;;;,-;,~;Y;fo~~l=~f ~~!J



q;;o.~ d. Ir/fat, tttm1um q111Jd cruci.u. not m<.'n take plei fure: in plclfure. It VJ.lsnot f1mply 1 lin in E(aN co goa hunting c Bue yet th-: more he ult:d ~he rn.orc prof inc he w~xed, and ~~m c ac l~ngth to contemn hts lmch-nghc, Who :ire vo1..i <:>f che fpmc , but frnltull orn:s, ? 11dc 18, 19? Who Cay co God, D ep~rt ft om m ,but thofe that dJllCt'.? Joh 21. I 0, I J. Il\!W:r b~ pr"{crv1,;J in lJ rinc1 thm rot in hon<y. lhek ph:afon.:-mong,rsm; kc llfi> as chewor!~




of st Paul /I) TI .M

0 1' H Te


alfo make th .menti~~-~f- thcfe two by name, aschicfof the Sorccras of f./f!,1 pt. Vcrfe 9. As 1he;r1Aljo\\'M] Exod. 8.1;). When they were fer, and could not wich all their ~kill mab.: a loufc : but by further
rdi!hnce manifdlcd cheir foJiy unto all men.


3B -------

So did char jugkr

of 11 nmr rp, all whoic cnch:mtmrnts were made void by Mr Tind.ilf the Muryr prt:ft:m at that {upper, w~1cre an~ wh1:n he 111ould, Aa. 1111;t Mo,.
out could nor pl:ly his ft'ars, and mew l11s cunnmg. Verlc 1 o. Buttbouh-'fffisll'}/zno1v11] Or, Thouhafl: cx1Clly d 'Polr crod in my trackJ follow1:d my foo~fkps: as ! di. c.trp1, as p,,reUJ d1d V 1ji>11 : whrncc that Puce, . (.icrti d?co11e P 1irco 1''n1id111 Vrjit1i fpiritHI ora mover. \7l:rfe I J. WIMt prr/ecmions l endured J Gr. Whlft manner cf pafrrn tions. A Chriffon may wichouc tin be i~n!ible of injuries and iudig nitit:s. Only it mufl be cbe mourning of Doves, and not rhc ro:nin g of lk:m. J\ Cheep may ue a~ knlil>k of the biting of a dog) !l!: a twin I! i!l, though h~ r"'ii~ nQ' fo~h i\ d"lt, m~kc not iuch

Vafc 5. H .l'lltn,~ a firm of godlinr /[e J Hol.low ~rok (fours arc ::is hull.ow m:es in an old wood; t~ll, ouc p1thlt {{.~, fop k!I~,. tnfuund. Thtir foramlicy is fitly compm:d to a bulrulh, whc:rc of'cht: colour is frc1h, th~ skin {mooth, he is very exact th1 C CJn tindc a knot in a bulrulh ~ But pill it, and what Hull you fi!~dl! wichin bur a ldndc oHpongcous untul>!b.nci:ill lubllance, c'.---c. Thtfc as it rdi3ion were a Comedy, do in voice :ind gdlurc act di vi m:duti<:s, in heart rrnonncc their. y .:r!~ 6. Crap into l-011fe1 J Gr. SlJoot tlvon/durs in to ti,,; ,\: 1' ,; ;1 11 Ir_ inncrrvmu ofhr.m[cs, .-?.iti[rji: ilf1mrr,rt,!Jnf. by che1r pith 1llolo{ti'..! f'' )!;I cs and <:ount<:rhit hum1l1Ly, il:> the Jdu1tts and mrny uf uu r mof.J'') / l(}I}} /[,. ~km Scdarics. {f foL111. . /' t, o ,\;,1,j. /.,t.d r..-1ptive Jilly \\'omen J Cr. T~l:c them pi~mrJ :ind ' (,,: :, ' then make priz.:ot chem, 2 'Pct.2.3. v1ro lt'111de m,& ...,, ;,t. lp(Jli.i 11mp~1f re fort if, &c. ~m OfJ'HJf'J h<t rft s. r x Gyn.:rijJ. It is uw gu1k of heret1\\cs to al>uk the hdf> ot women, co fprla d chciL poilonfull opinions. They get an Eudoxi.1, J11flin.'l, C~r.j( anti4 on tht'ir fide i anJ fo work upon v1d.1m by Eve. Ot women they h:n c ever m1dt chcir 11rolir, ch1t ha.vt! am:mptd any i1 lllVVll non in rdii;ion. Vtr{( 7. Fvrr fr11rNii1t, ancl mvtr able J Bl'C:Hlf\! n;>folved nut tu l\)tc their lulls. lntrl.1 ex( Hens prohibebtit ,i/;n;um: rhrn! chat within thJt kept out holy learning. le WJS rherd ore :in sdw. l\o ;"!\ om:lknc praicr (lf holy Z11i;Jgfou bdorc his puLlkr Le Clu1cs, l arher oflighcs, illi6htcn rnr mindts, ~nd oprn <JUr he~rrs , Jo as chat we 1my uuth undc:rlhnJ chine oracl~s, :ind b.! tr:mf>fori n~din. ,.~> thl"m, r1~ '" Yt:de 8. Now .u lannes 11nd lam6res] NumtiJU the 'P'tb.t.<1.nreun call<. th him Al,unbres. ~net~ were cho~c v:EJ,1pt i,o'1(,rce n.:rs: their na1m:s S. f>,ttd lud either by cradtt1on, or cue of iome Tri<'l .Mcn~. Jew11h rcwrds. ApllleiNJ in his focond Apology, men tionech 'h":b,.;.1 P 9 . une /oAmrs among th-: chilf M:i 01cians. Tht: B ,1b1Loni.w 1'h almui allo

ot all.


a dinnc.

Vcrfc 12. Y e11, and ..,/J th.u Will live Carry they the matte I'. n~v~rfo d1lm:i.:tly, thty mult h.ltfi:r. M:.ny drc:arn of a ddicacy, thly cone~it 1 godly life withouc pc&cution. Thde would pull a

wit \\d1 out pricks. Armttt fjina rofu, me/111 tegunt *4peJ. '/Im- cti 1 cy.J.deJ compl~ins of his counm:y-men, that none of thc.n woulJ J "' 7;(,: /jfQ~!~vJl:i. ri\~v,JP.jf(r c11ght .for goudnes fak!.. foo few there

arc, th JC nowadJies will do {o. V;rk 13. Sh(d/w,, .... \\>~rfuuu/\~~rf{] /11d,teriu1proficitnt~ ufurry k1 ndc of prLficing1 f.!.!!..~t-1d~ AncLbttt&P"Hm. more .res pr~ cul1t. lllus ch<.: //111m:n.ues (as chcy calkd thunklvl:S) a pdh !tile rct1 i11 Arraorm, profdli11g and ath:dmg in rhcmklvc:s a " , . 16 . f~ ll {'udd "'n 1y co cIH! vay c~umnpomt . .,pee. Europ, l;inde of rngu1ca l purny, i~ll' l>dli:ilHy. And chou;h thdc men and their light arc lji~11Cl1.:1 J 1~111e wliik !incc, yet unJcr pr~:ccncc ofoew lights h;.lVC 110: (llr Ct.urr.h-forfak<:rs whccka, and whcdcd .about 1o long to th; ri~~ r. hl:id. th:1: rhty :m: pcrfcdly com<.! ruu.d to the kft? \' 1.1 I \'. 11 fi:u co:>Iimu rJJou, &c. J Gr. ~lbid~, Kc.:p 1'11 l\lc'~ ,R ...1o;i ~ 'l lMl ~lnt~ [mdy bi: put tu'r, as ~hJc prophtcicall man i:1 tlit: ed. ti.~foc~,n hi{h1ry w,;nc to the plUns a litclc afore 3n 1.:ml :qu.tkc, aud b11d them Hand fafi, .for th1.1y i110uld !hortly Ld1ul\ t:n.


~ CommmttJry upon tht (tco11tl BpiJI le

Verfe 1. I charge thee thereJOre]


V erfe ts. Ana th"t from a chi/de J Gr. From 11 {iukJi11g. As ttm~ftfKr. a\\ chi\drcn, fo chofc dpecially that are dedacued to tht: work of the Minifl:cry, iliould l)l: betimes inured (o Scripcure-learning. ' , To mak._ethre Wife J Gr. To 'Wife thee, chat thou mailt wife n <m~&a"CU. others, as D,m.J 2.3. fhe lame Hebrew word fignifi~s, 1, To '?.:tt> undcrlland. 2. ToinltruCtothcrs. 3. Toprofper. T" fdvAtiM~ J He is the wife mm th:ir provides for eternity. And when all cht worlds wifards fliall very wifdy cry ouc in hell, Sap;c1trs (<ipi Nos infeN(ati, We fools counted their lives madndk, &c. They tnrcr_ilc/ . fh 1 Hfhine as the brighmcs of che fiim:imenr, DttH. I 2.3. Jui~ '''. 111fr:!:_ 1" y t.tfc 1 6, All Scriptffre u giwn J Gr. Breathed h] God,l>oth EG?4"HVS-\,,~ ' 11.T fl h 'k h for mattlr :ind wmds. \v hat f ront lcm: Lreti cs t en are our up M rJ 1rar./r fl:art Anti-fcript11rif11, ~hat da_rc affirm, That rhe Scripcur(S are his G.rnt,r.:nc, not divine, but hununc mvcntmn: and that rhc pen-men wr"te p.111,t~ ii~ th.mldv\:Li com;\:ivcd 7 dwy Wcr~ the aaion:> li>f th\:ir QWn Cpiric, &c ? Alto chac che Scripcures are unfutticient and uncertain, &c. vlnd u profitable for inflrullm1 J See my True Tre11(im, p:in40 And ~ereumo addc forConfol:ltion atcording to Rom.15, 0 4. though this a\{o is here comprehended in Dol\rim:. and ln{\ru. -mu('{CJM';,J. Cl:ion for righrcouindle. The faim: Greek word ligmfieth to e.i:

hort and co comfort.

Vnk 17. ThAttbc man of God] The: Minifier_. and fo conb quemly the pt!oplc too, ~or who{~ u~c the MiniU:cr hath all. AfnG-onni .lt4,1 y bt perfrll J With a putu:tmn ot l'arts, able and apt to hu ,,,wtem <Jb- rml<e uk ot the holy Scrip~un:s to all the formt:r pmpolts, for the folutUf, bdmof or bcntfa of his hr:irers. The auchority o~ the hrhcrs l'lt.nol:on 1 is \ faith a grave and k~rncd I. 1~cvcr urge for rn:ccHity of foJr l d\ tlii11.,s proot ( the Scnpcur<.: 1s thtn:to all: l~tfic1olt and tupnabundant) 1''~47 Luc only ci[hcr in fomc fingubr pom.s to t11t\V co11fu1t 1 Or, i. In cm roncrovc.:1 lics againfi Amichnfl:i:rns, AntinomiHs, Ncopclagi ans,&c. Or, j. When fomc hom.:H paffagc of fa11Cl.fication orka. fonablt: oppothion co ~he con upciou ot cht ci~tli, is talfly charged with novelt~, fingulamy~ and too much i1rtc1lcnes.


A p,

Atcers of greace(\: importance mufi bl! prcffed with greateA: vehemence. .t\s {}od pum:th not fonh great pown, buc for great pu~pole,. Eph~(. t. 1S,19 lo neithcr m.ult we u(e g.reat e:irndtm.:lle, but m afb1rs o~ great moment. It as a weakndfo to bt: hoc in a cold 1mm:r, but work co be cold in a hoc matter. F~ .. rellru perlwadmg C11lvi.>J (chm a young fiudmt, and bound fot Judy) co (by and help in the Lords work at Geneva, pr~nounccd Gods cur fr u1 1on his iludics ( which {td uin preccndi.:d) m ca fr he f.\aid not. Whcreup<>n, Non ut1(as foit c,dvintu ad F'4relli toni- M:lch.A1!:1mi tru,,ptmq:11lm l'tricltA (fairh mine mchour) j11v1m;(J .. i11'fJitaC.1'v. niJ, qHod ;'bj J Do~ino imponi. vi_de~11t, detrr{/nre . C1~/vin dudl pa~.t 1.1. not lbr :itccr iuch a char~e, but {hid 1c out there to has dymgd:iy. Vcrfe 1. Be inftant J Ur. Sm,,d over it. Stand clofc to it. em;.,1!? 1, ChrJ(oflome at Antioch having prcathed many Sermons againfl fweuing, was at length asked, when he would preach upon another {ubjdt ? He ant wcred, When you leave wearing, l'le leave preaching againll f wearing. 111 f~afon 1 ""t "ff~df"" J On the Lo1ds-da..y 1 on the week_- day, YolcnribH4 110/mtibm di~imp'1r11111111, T11vucrrare, tHvuper ire, ego nolo , faith A11JNflint. Let men know whcchcr chcyi will orno, that forlack of preaching th~y fiuli not pcrifh. The lhew-brcad Hood all the week bdore the Lord ; to fht:w, that preaching is not ou: LJi fralon on any day. The l~riers qf B .~Ji! held h 11 1 . was L NtJJ~Y,H''''"~ ate bm pro.11mu " . priecdc~re, J Hactaca . 11 to life i "' a.111t, chat at Aa.anJ Moii preach on wo1 kmg-da1ts. Bue A11thon7 Perfon, .Manyr, told fot,11, 1, his pcrfccucours, 1 hat: they were bite fbeep1 and not B iflnps for Jbid.86,, mglcCling to prc~ch; It l>dng as {!~c11c 11.wonder at Rom~ lco h~~r . , aBilhoppre:ich, ascoL:.~ean t\!ldl1t", fatd Dr Ba.fi1ut. lluc B~- lb,1:l H9. lhop Ridh7 preached ufuillr cvtry Saulmh d:iy and holy-day: lo '"''' 1Jtso. di~ B./ewe/, Dr T.i~lor Mu~yr, Mr Br-cdford, even d~rmg his i~~- JbiJ,i ,. pnfonmem : Prcadung,rcadmg and pr:iymg was all lus whole life. 1s 7 He raid fh:uply reprove iin, pithily improvl.! er mu rs, fwectly preach Chri{\: crucifo:d, Larntltly perl wade co a godly life,&c. With all/ongfoffcring,&c. J Si dccimm quiftb, Ji rmru per {U11(usfarrit, ad 'onfo/,'lfion~m fftHmic (ufficit, faith Chr1foftom~. . . ~ 4 I~

.A Commcmary 11pon the feco11a Bpijlle Chap.4 ------lf you g;i~~-but chc ticl1c ot your h;;~-e~s~~fl~ ic i!> wdL___ _ Alex: AphroJ, Yule} Sound doflrine J \Vhich as honey, Vidnera p#lrg,1t, problem. 11 /rer.1 morder, purge ch gn:u1 wounds, bm caukch pain co t:xul ccracc pans. Childn:n, chou~h they love and lid< m honey, )'ct will noc endure co have ic come near cht:ir liLH, whu1 they luvc



"/St Paul to TIM o T H .Y. J37 dtank mofr, One ;~d-fo~1~~y killed th~1~~(~f~~~;-;i:-n j1:;llkin~---~;~------gec chat cro,wp. Shall chcle do mon: for a crif11.,tht:n we will du' tor
ht'lVt'O (



7Jc miralii(.

ting every part ot ic, as to make it _thy whole bu!iues. Vdbi mini/ftr fJ, hoc 11ge, was Mr Perk.ins his Mocco, Thou art a Mini(lt:r, look co ir. unl.1 Jocu Vcrk6. Re;itl11obe~ffered] Tobcpcu::edoucasa drink-of~ He fpcah of it fcring upon Gods altar. Thus Cllc: Apo!\lc txprdfah himldf unas Jone alrC;\ phallcally, pathc:tic1lly , dega1uly, frtting forth by what death dy. he ff1oulJ glonfit! (jod, vi"'. by bcing bchi..:adcd. Waechc.:r my death be a burnt-offering, a drink-ofter mg (by fi1 c or !word) or a peac~- ofkring ( chac J die in my bld) I ddirc it 1my Ol! a free

J-l.n1irrg icl11ng (11rs J Whid1 muft h01n: dJwii1g ptcJc!ms; foch ~\S w1 ll ncvcr ,wrirnl,u wotd6'd r.1d, r~ voo, ck al pLunly and faithtully with Lhc:ir lculs, Verk ~t Turn ti;eir e.1r1 from tbe trntl:] Arifl: tie writcrh, That Vulturts arc killed wich oil of roks. ~wct:t f md5 L"nra~<.: Tigers. ~wine cannot live in fame pares of Ar.ib;,,, 1..!ith Pii11y, by reakm of the pkalant knt ot aromaticaU trel.'s, th1.;rc 6ruwing in 1.'Vt'ry wood. Vt!dc ~ E>JdtJY~ .d.fJli1iM1,d" tfu 'l!bY~] J..l,nur miniJ1&-r& ;jlin or.ere, di;,nitM in dil(f!;Wtia, coro1111 in co1'ttmpw. .AfAk! {ill/ proof J Or, Accomplith thy Mil.l1l\ery: So exccu.

Acrorr11ofri;;hteo11(;;es] Sofllv.ui011iscalkd ; not fur th:it ic is of ri;~ht ?LH~ [~:us, b11t b~cmk ic 1s pu;d1.dt.:d. for us by cbe righ .. 1 [([Jll:mflc Oi Chm~, iUJ'J 111Jll be: f1cd} !:;IVl. 'll w ntull.! rll:it :.ll'e ju!hJil'.d by foith. \'erk 9. Doe tt'J dit:ge.-ice, &c. J We W:tnt much of om con~tort Ill chc wrnt o~ a tri<:nd, Eccle; .4.9. Opt im11m fol.itiumJ (i1d.diti10. How doth D avjd bemoan tht lctk of lonath.m? How did D.7:.,,ilor~r prizt: chc C?mprny of his ldlowprifoncr, that An .. ~dut (Jod, a~ ht callcd.hun, John !)ru~/ord? Wnat a mt:rcy d 1d ~.I' :ml count tt, that ficK E p1iphrod1t 11.J rl!coven.:d, J' hit. z. 2 7? Verk 1 o. DemtU hath for(dkfn me J Ill JZin COillLl~ as long Mthc~ k~.:p ~loh, l1\it1t! br1i;ht ~ l>tH Wl11;n ~h\."y lJl:bll") (O> dt:clim: twm lhur p1cchJ .rhcy tJU co cne e:mh. lon111/,.,,, follow~d thi; ch.& wdl, and wirh grcudy purluir, cill he m-:c wich th.: honey ~ 1o doth many a Dem111. And 15 d p11rud tmto Thcf[.ilonic.1 J Where he bt:c~mc an Idol Piidt,as faith D(JrrJthem. Vt:rfe 11, FJr he iJ pr<fi ta.'i/,] . One\! unprofical>k (AU .15. 38. Scl' tilt: Nate chm:) but now proll:abk, Phi/on. 11. Vuk 12. T7chfrw h'1ve 1/ent J for what<:11d,frt: Eph.6.22. with chc Nm there. v~rk I~ Theclo1ktl11# I left] 0 {Upcl!~Elilem Apo{roli~AIJ'J 1 f.r,f it'll()~. ~what a '1mll deal of hou~rnld!tutt had this great ApolHc, failh


n (w..:~t hctilicc to the Lord. The rime ofmJ drp11rrnr1] He makes norhing of d~uh. It um no more bccwixt uod and Mo(es, but go 11p 1111d die, So bt:cwixt Chri{t and P,11t/1 buc launch ouc, ami land immcdiatdy at the fair

wHLoth~1 i11g 7

i_>'"f~}J.d! doak tokcepoti ,h1: rO\ilJJiHld it frw uuol<sand wricings . 1 ota m m filp:'ff, x mea 1ft chA'4fttl't-4/.tith he in a1Nth~r plilt\:1hll Er_~r. in f.maz. my Holk i~ m books. ~nd ?t judicious Calvin ic i.> reporccd, chat qpr/I ~I.

ha vtn ot hc:t vm. V tric 7. I have foHglu .t .~ood jig ht J The nearer any thing is ro the ccnccr, the mon: Hrongly :md {w1tcly it mov~ch. The wine ofchc lpirit is ltrongcf\ in the '.)aincs, whrn cht'y arc: drawin,.,. co an cad. His motions arc guickdl, \-1,:b1,;n :1;.i.uuaH lllOttons ar..: n~wdt, moll Ccnlibk when chc !Jody b1:gi115 to be knl1dk,moil livdy whcR the Saints arc a dying. Vcrfr 8. There i& /Aid up acrown] Ik) ond a crown,thc wifh .. c~ ~f m~m~H mm c1.crnd m_n;., /l/~:1;,macr mviring m:rny m fup p~r, pti<mdcd a ttuwn o! 1 ~o p(luod co b1: gm:a co chofr rhac

all th<1 good_s chat he Ide behmdo him, his library being told very dc:ir,cimc !cam: co 300 flon:ns1that 's about 90 pounds of our money. ~~ckdl Chou r,tnt thing~ for thy kli ? / er,45. 5. ~t:rk 1:4 Alc.-....~MLr rt;e copper~(mith J Wliu WlS once Mar'JYo p>"rprnq11111, la1ch;i,1 1 11c::ir llllro M:uryrdonHt in P,rn/s cmk,AU.19. 33 A glor~ous prddlour may btcomc a furious pcrlcrnruur. L:L 111111 lh..1c {1and1>, take ldt he fall.
1;1c L1Jrd ;-cnArd him J This is neither a curk nor a railinrY wctrh (f:1ith ;l:) /\nccnt) lJU~ :t pn:didion wc:ll bdc~min~ an Apo~ k, d1.1t avrngn.1 nor nund~, bm ulli:.r gtve pl~c~ to 1

''1'11.~ Jun~ l\~ 11:

A:11l-or u



:Vcrfc 15.

.A Co1111#t#IAr1 upo11 lht feco,,J Bpijllt,&c.

----:y~rfe 15 .- He hath f.reatlJ rrftfted our Word1] Or, our pr c.



ching:>, not our ptrfon~ only, Thi:. wao a foul fou\c, See 1 T' 8. E.l'4a.16.8. Verfi: 16. ND ,,,,,n flood ~ith ,,,e] So that PAN! might have faidasSocratesdid,~r~ol ~J"ci~~~:f, MJftiends, I hti1.1e NC7.ltrA ~~;m/~>.ni:r, friend. 1\ nd as P/iito, A friend i_s a v.ery mucabk cre:i turc:._ .,.~.1.f'ta1Q. lfl. d] c d r r V erfc 17. T I1e LfJra ,. oo 'o 1s never fo f wret :in d(o 1ea1on. able to his ~aims, as in the day of their dcepdl dillrdfc. Ht: loves to l1c:lp chofc that are forfal<cnot their hopes. The preMhing might be fi,/ly k..."o'"'H J Or,S1undl1 p>-ovcd to be a divine ordinance, by my conUancy and contempt ot dearh, Out of the mom/J of the lion J _Nero, who fir(t oritntt'IJJ fidem.J Romie cmentavit,as Tertullian fpeakecb, put Chrifli:ms tod~ath, and nude a bloudy decree, Tim whofot:ver contdkd himfelf a ChrHtim 1fl1ould 1whhgm; ..ny mor~ 1do,b~ pm 'o dt1nh a~ -.10onvi 'Dc.iicarordam lkd tncmy of tn~nkindc. TIYl/Jl!i-'H callech him1Th1 DdiealMr natiu11U. clni1U. ( h ;!). ianorum.Tcir, of thecowdtmnatioHo C rl1JlllH!. Verfe 18. Ana the Lortl. jlia/t aebvrr J Expencncc breeds co11f1dence. v nto hu heavenly k.f n.~dom J So D .iv id argues from temporals to eternals, P (al. 2~.5 >6. Verle 19. s,~t1ue PrijCa,&c.J Sec che Note on Rom.16.3. Verfc 20. At A1ilet11mjickJ Sec thcNoteon Phil.2,27. Ver fr 2 I. Dot hy 4ili~mce, &c.] The A po1llc quickneth Ti mo t/;y :is Tlfll1 did his f~ic:nd, ~''"'.abrem llmM, &c. Ji. do,m1$ r.-.:pergi[Cere, Ji ft.u mgredere,Ji. mgred~ru curre, /i ct1rru 4Jval.t. CrtddJil~ HtJH 1ff qu.nttum rgo m amore dr JU~ tu.i p6)111m. M1ke :lll po!lible hafl:c hirhcr, for I rdy much upon rhy love and loialty. Vcrfe 22. Grace be With you J Gods bkilin~ be With you al Atf. tnJ,\fon. waies Amr:ri. Even now toward the offering ofo burnt facrific~, 6 ~ r der;. ,,;.c, ~a 1'd chat Martyr in a kctcr co certain triends, l.aur,Sarm v ii

() Jt

V pon the Epifile ofS. Paulco

1 I 1' U S.

c HAP. L
Vcrfe i. 1 he faith ofGods e/e[t ]

\Oc che cktl:ion of Gods faithfull ones, as the Ar. 111ini:m~ m!lkc it.
And t)Je tJckporvledgig of the
tr~th] I



ufmll with S P ii11l in the beginning ot his Epi .. e ilks, to utter much in few, and to kt down tht: L-.~:::;.._..__:.v~ fummeof the whok GofpLl, as here he doth Ju fiification, Sancbficacion, and the hope: oflalv:icion, and all by che acknowledging of the truth. Vcde i. God that c1w1ot lie J The word- of promifc bindcs
therefore it fee ms Cfaich ouc) that it is [hanger chen God:

for he can affoon deny himklf as his promik. V~i-r~ 3 u,.,,;fmcd b~ wml] As wh\;n
that be/iewtb in the J'on h,cth eterr111/I lifi.

faid pl"inly,


Verfe"\. C~T11mon fai1h J Common to the communion of


A Commenttiry HfDn the Epijlle


n, rr,r9C:'.ill,
CQ1jid(1', .



Slims, wr/: 1. a11d co chem prot1cr and peculiar; for all men hrn.: not faith,2 ThrfT. 3 .2. Vc:rf e 5. Set i11 8rd,r J r__;r. Set ftr.1ight, or make up the things th:H l ldr unti111t11ui. Vc1 I~ 6. 1'1Je of one \\Jft] 1-I~rc th~ Apoftk canoni 1.<;th (bi th an Incerp!<.:tl.'.1') them m iabc ot M1111(h:rs, Vcrfc 7. 0 R ifoop mt!l1 be l:/"mdr fje J As w:is lftfo/es, S:w11el, l 1 r1Hl, Br.1d/ord, Euetr,&c. whokJ convincing ltws: fo that their foes cou\d norm any thing lbin thcm,nor their frirnds follicirncly commud.rl1t m. f .:or (oon 1m.r.ry J JW1ofas & btOico(ia, cdly and tcchy, ea. fily blown up mw iu~e, tluc will not be hid duwn wichouc re



Verfc 8. Temprriite] No fl1vc to his flr01l>' !!ppetite : but. th:lt can 1na{kr. him1df, itnd givi: laws lO his lulls. See my

Commonpl:icc of Ahffinence. V erle 9. Holding faff, &c. J As with tooth end nail, again{\ thok g1in-fains chat would frrntch ic from us. Vcrlt: 10. For tlHre 11re 11n,.11l1 J L1wldf-:, yokeldTc m dlcrldL mrn, umrlthb!c, untameable, th:it rdutc co L>e rt~ tonned, bate to b..: h:akd. God Will h.u1111.:r thde Bdialil1s, z Sum. 23.6. . Vcrit: 11. whofa mouths mrifl be flopped] Gr .11111ul1d, as 1Uui1W L'.lndow, Gt't>. i:.-oti>Cj tht'y t'Jy \'-''1ll l<.'avc c1oak1u5 1 if ~m" lishc b~ h:m'.!l'd ovn [ht: bl\c wherein chcy are. L~c uuc chc uuch comt! L:l~r1i,~. Jfi,Jcr l'!l 11;c.l clt:ad)' in ptacl', and hi.:_rccikts w1l1 b~ foon fiL need. lluc if chq Vfl"~;:i wi\I not, anorher comk 1rn!l be tak..:n with tht"m, Crer /t; i: f!rr VL'rk I z, E-vrn 'Prop Int rf rh:ir 01rn J Epimenidu the Poer, m:nJ1x> .1:al.1 b:l!u1,c; ldl.u who by his conrmry-mw tht.: Crrti.1111 w:i~ councc:d a Pruphct)and had divint.: honour'> don:: whim atrer his dearh. 1/;'(CI, t,;<Jm frd '1 c The CretithS Mt!it.r li~s J So wne the c (frthit(Tinians, fol 1 0.~ TJ1iJJ1 /,i/i>1,<[,'feJ. The hl1icl1 h~J tuotcendece1v~d che E11gl11h, Crt:ri{1'Cf!41I Cr.tv1,ih ..,,., J~ ch:H luch ~s dwy lll<:an ro dtc :1vc, chty call by a cum111011 by word, f.<1 A;Jw, \'11.: l>1~~L1h, Yhc Crcii.mJ wur 111u,1 liars, F11o11 .i\ It, even to 1 Provuh. O! fh/J:z }{ .. ,.my t;.i.1rh, h~ ha.J a.n ;Attlll I:r:;: ,~:0fv.' 'It" .h: .. lt : lyi11g. Due /;':d.rn1 .1. f J.i<l'llf ( lllJC. CrL'ti.i;1 DJ: nuni l<.:k) wins 1 . r'..J tOl iv .: rni: ,,., hcltl un- t ro:n :11\ ni~ cuu1im.y-mcn, wh1ks he blulhcch not r;,:i:'. II 'J ro tell ~11c \VD! ld in prnn, m.1r chck :.m: the dudrim:s and praltif.,d-. '.'1'! .lr11lJ CL'~ of the P1 otdbn~s, to worlJ.~ip no ()od, to fr:Amc our rdigion PIC! 1;~/t'J '.,, J to chi..: t11n~s 1 to prrn:nd tht: publik~cmi~ lo our private lu!h, to (a:1/J,



---------~-~~----- _________ --~--~om"!cntAr1 "P" the Epiflle


.. -~~-------, Chap.1. 1/Sc Pa.ul to T 1., us. 341 ap.i doth Sitr~h wn f~~1Jiri~-hc ~en~-fu-\v~~-f;ich.:w~f~-~ri/!:------ber. The vfJP""" wom~n ware no l11ocs, thlt they might the bccrer keep home. Vcrfe 6. Tormg mm lik..rwif4 1 ..:bor1 J Sec the Note OR iT1m.2.u. Vcrlc 7 d f""rn ofg70(l] ~r~ /I ft.imp. Di~gin~ thy ~t'r m~l!l'i om of thm~ ~wn brdl, ind 11~1ng them, chr u :nn Jn 11 e, Ytrli.: S. M:q 11e a/l11md, '1 . nm1{,&~. J O,us '.l bnvt! chin~ co fiop m open mmuh, co lhrltlk rnvy, cu cue utI: .lll ()cc.ilill11 of l,V tlplaking. Vcrk 9 N,. t ttnfnrriitg at.1in J Not ch.mirP or chwJnirP Vcrlc 10. Not p1aUning J lnrtrwninz, ~mblt.lin~ tl;tir


the rnrgn ofinnocrncy.


go wich:>Ut the bargain, a~ he did thar came kneeling to our Snr our, and laying, What P1.ill J duo i11h1rit eternalt /;fo ? Thefodo virtHtf~ flr\~l:/;Jm pud~fncere, rue hondty [()an op~n flume, 3i J>iogmnfaid to Antip.aer, vicious,worca whittcloJk1
B tii,g .16{)minablc J Cr, S11ch a1 fl ;,,~tibove gnmnd, and mof an oftc111ivdavour. To every good 1\'ork re] Or inj .idicious: Cuch as can noc make a n~hr judgemrnc of any good wor~s, fo as co :ipprovc and rd11h thl'm, to lee a beamy in chem, as gooJi C)c,
- ----- - ----------------CH A p, 11.


t.J,,~ (1:1>.



Biii flwik_tholl, ~"'']

a conf\anc rounrtrmotion co the corrupt comfes that Q t\<:cping the world lua. A pearl in a ruddk its pre
~m: 111 t~orow rL~1i11s

V ,,fl di cat, The worfe others are, the b.crcr thou muft


nullcrsdhces, orJmary :11n<.nt! the Rom.ins, which 1md ihcin ,_, .. c~ll lcrv:mcs and thct vcs_by om: n1m~; ordin~ry amon~ rht fie6rnvq when~e thu faymg _R. Gam.1/i, !, gn 6adim_,, m.irbe.~f;:1 l, He thtlt m11lt1plu th ft rva11u, multipluth 1hte'l/tJi Ordinary ~ifo 1mor1bl1: us, wht~ncc th:H Proverb, /h th.u ~ill bo

.-1'1/'!ilf ru ..., t li.i 'u1cr.




ciou!nes ~ and filh in tht: ilk waters retain th<:ir frd1md1e. \'t:rfr 1. the old men 6t (ibtr; &:.:. J t'l~c as it is faid of tht: Heming~, that q110 ma.~11 fenc/c1111t to m.Jgis fl11/rrfc1m1, the d,ia th~: fouliih~r. s,,/omon and Aft wac fo. And che H~alhen Sages wifrly warn us, That old a~e is to be teared, as thH which cum~~ nur alone, l1uc bring~ 'tYith it nuny dii~1.1f1;s both ol body and mindt.:. S,!pejitflt s . tan, qu:mjuVtn(mcapercnon potHir, 1WJ"ftim f,11/at 0~ capiat' f11ch nttcholcerw. Mmy that have hdd out wdl in youth, ha\'C bikd and bcrn OmnefuUy foiled m

ricl1m1.H1 Mk,_ hi& ftrvl'fnt.r VuCe 11. For the gr11ce <f G<'d, &c. J This is rendered 3S :i w1!on why fl rv:mcs lno11ld be f Jichfoll, bee au le co thfm alfo be.

Pi1l~c-abo1h, ch 1P I.


longeth the pro111i'e oHa:v Hion, yea the r1.wud o~ inhtricancr 3s wm: tons; :u~J to them tht Gt>lp. l is prta~hcJ as wcll 1s

hill. V1:rfc Ii. D(x7ing ll>i,rt;oJ/ine(fr.] Evlry Golpdct mh lhik\S at fornc fin, and t hntl1y Ill Ay be J1fc1; nH. J. SobfTly, rightro1~.fl1, a~ d '(orJ/y J This is the ChriC\ian 1~1:\n~ motto, his ty.m,ml, :rn~ _che !.u;nmc ut his whck ducy,. . trM pnpt1'0 vud1tare adverbi,1 Pauli: Hu tri.i ji nt vit.t rr,~t1l.1 /Jn(/,i t "" The EgJPti,m1 wbm they l)raikd lhl'1r dt:ceafcd ~ricnds, were wane co commend chnn for thdt: thrct.: thingsJ their godlirn:s, righ ttoulm sand ccmpu :.1:1cl, V.. rf1: l } L_o<>kJ:gfor] ~-IJ Wirh nuk!J/r~tchf OHt, or llcad put torch ~ ~s S 11' '" 1 mocn1. r lookl!J out of her hmi~t for hci fons hippy rernrn. Vtr~e Thathtmig~trdumf#]' God will have the price

to or hers. . Hath appe.zred] As the Sun in ht:aVtn 1 or as a oearn.1 on an lm~~;, 1 ,

/!.liJn l.1 ;,c 1.

V trk 3. /11 bduwio11r J Or, bl h.ibir, app.trreU,gau ._~eflHrt, T<'1u'1ers <fgoocl. thi11g1] f\s was Bathfhe/J11, Pcuv. 31.1,i, Lur.:f, 2 li1u.1 5. Aio11ir,1,&c. ; V~ r!i 1 To bc_(ober J Or wife: teaching them 3S Schoolmt fh:ts do ~:i::;r d1.c1p!cs: () ch<.: word fign:fi;s. H~ was a foolilh mrn th 1 ~11d, ~'.1cr~ :~''1)1 :;1.::ti .:1, I love nm co have a womm wik, A prt:<"!e t ,~ifo i tf 1hr Lr,rd. ~uch an om; w.:s Abigail, and Affe. _fi.t, J-Iil J;'.Jthi.!\ ,ifcofCynu, who was faid to l.H.: K".~1h:uoo;~, }',,fr ,,:.d 1\'i(e \\ d1all. v~rk 5. To b, <lifer('( t, ch.tfl, &c.] Co11jugi1w1 human~Jivi 1u .11c.doni.{ 7,1ir.e. lvbch goud m1y uc karnt:d by wedlock. K ccpu 1 ,u bun: J Carrying her hou~~ on h~r b:lck, as the fniil


Ju l,:;.5.iS.



(j '


of lhnlb l>louJ out : ht: will chorowly purge us. vi P,U 11/i.-.r people ] Gr. A ptople 1h111 tomprehend All that mcu!?'lg., God.




44 -


----A-c-o-~-jm-n--1t11_r_y_-"f-_~-~--t1-:-!!_!_!_-:ifl~=le=~~~~-=c:_-:_h-a~p~. ~. .. -- (/odr;.,;a,;y f"or~ /,y:~hac contain an his getc~ngs : c~lltd dlwher~

lhl' prnp/e nf,1r1Hijition. rt1f, 11.:.s n( (rnnd \hrl:j

Cll&P.3:-- ---:~'-pf.$~ PaulJ~ T

1., .f

.~ .t1

___________ MS
Bcrn:r~~--Augu(lin. D.itt{3~{3(f,I~~'.


;,e 1 ~t_~:,.;,.,,,

Ne"''' fi'H4 a11ji:,

a,~1i:.1ns :;re thii born. and i1:1vc no lifr jn them. \\de 15 . L1tnn m.i>:,l:lfifetb~e] OrhlvcoccaGontothink liimldf w1frr thi.:n tlh'e, '

, . (IV~ God thine aff~Cl-1ons ~ dfo thane


I I f. Verfe I. To be re.1dy to every J

c 11 A p.

1!ious duu~s. 1

A gachi.:r honl'y and

~ the



{oon as c. vcr che Sun bre1ks forth, flies abroJd to


A re:idy hc:irc mak<:s riddance ot n:li

- Vrdc 2..1 0,,fnom'4~] Unldf~itbcin:inorJinamr1

C'1P ti '.'.1ru n

u1pt j.

'Ui 1!11;

Riu ui,'frix
rc1;!i't 11, c.pri' 'U','.)';imtI

() r :1. ,;f,r hi.'

'J) ,.,; : 1 ' c r;:
11011 ,~ '' . i Jl

for the rdormacion of che unruly ; pl~afin,:; all in that" which i~ good ro ed1tle. . ' \'cde ~ Fer We 011r(tlvtJa!(o J I Patl, and thou Titru were a~ b:id as others: kc us therefore 1111.:w :.ill mercy and meekm:s too the rs. A ut (rtmiu, tlltt jitimru, mJt pof{rtm ru ef[r qt,od hie eff. Scrvfr~ divet's !N1 '11 J As tht! Per-fi,m Kings W<:re Lords of the world lnl: O.ives to their (~011cubines. The AJ!jri,in led awa.y the E,.'.Jptian.r r.a!,rd rmd bare(oot, Ifa. '9.1. So dL1th S:wm> fi1111m. Hence, chongh never fi1 grc:ir, they :irec:illed v;/e prr(o1u, as A11 ti1clJ1f.!, D.rn.11. 2 I. ()lCX.lre they h:ivc as m:iny Lords, :is lulls. Fe /i., at chn vc-ry timt chat he tmn'.Jlcd before P,iu/, could not but
cvvc.t and l'XlJ1:C:l: a bribe from him. H 11r(idl] Gr. H 1rrU le,as hdl i_t fclf,?r ju!l:ly odious to.others. Vcrk 4. ;.: i~tdrnr.r and love J His mt1ve goodn~s,ar.d his colll municmd gooJm:~ co us~ noc ye~ cxi~ing, my rcliCting. . V~rle ~. TJ!.)ic/J We h.ive dme J :YY~ thlt are b1nkrui'ts m ~, would yet fain be Joing,:irn1 rhink w be fave~ for a .comp:rny of pllor huggarly duties: l~ uanl<ru1ns w1ll l>.: cradmg ag1m,though Ltll fur pins, C)'c, . , . . . . JI 1;t 1<vC0Ydincr to hH merry J GoJ is no m:?rchmt:h1s kingdom is noc pt,tum,!m/p-'ratum.H:: clue faid,C1i"l11.m gr.u_'~ noi1 accipiam, I will not luvc h~avm 011 tm..:co:r, wem wuhom 1t. Y..:r(c.6.wl,icl1 he flrdJ C~r. p,,",,.ed oHt(as ic were by p~il fuls}
1 1

con(a;;.1 (er vi. rll<f, \..1: C/'JJ l.i'

~)' IT~l

fl~;;;;qNicquia J~-,,,,~-ejl, ut fl"' l#ew. CZ' lfHl'WtJS :a moO: con nant preacher of grace. . . Verfe 8. That tho11 Ajfirlff coHfl~ntlJ] Be wdlfetled in it thy fdf, iJnJ avoltch and averre it confidently i;9 QCher~ ; being rc:ady mgke ic good, if queftioned. B,. tdrrfi1ll J Bend their Wil_"'S,and beauheir brains. . . To m1tintain .~nod t orkf J 1 o excee~ and cx~ell orhers m tllm hondt luntlions and faculties: to be their cr:.ifd-rnalh:rs, ro bear aWJY che bdl from all that arc of thc.fanc crade or profr1lion. Thi'> was T 111/l s Hudy c_o be bell at any thing ht: ever und<.rcpok i lhould it m11t chcll b:.: a bd1l vers? Ve& 9. But foolifb qwftion.r J Such :is ~s dut of the Pap1lls 1 whether an t\lk drinl<ing at che fonr, do dnnk the w,rer ot b:iptihnl.:', nnd fo nu}' be laid ~o bt! bapti:z.ed? EfJ.1ud;J1;" J;l,"'" 4,.,~, f1ich Mel11111hon. Such que(l:ionilts an~ ( aG S.tttpl~tM (:Aith ot BoJi,,) mcJgni 11Ng;11oru, gr(: at triAers. Verfe 1 o. A maN thlft i1 '"' btrnikf J AH hcre:les are found to flow (faith Chrmnitim) either from the foperc~ious pri~c of S#m1J(ate111u, or from the fop hi Chy of Arri HI, or trom the .gnorance of (',,.rim. Ihde mens wit will better fcrvc them to dcvde a thollfand fi1ifcs co eluJc chc cruch, then their pride will futter chem once to ~e~ld ~nd nclrnowledge it. And here this rul~ of Sr J1 Ill t!llm~ place. N eftorim was :m unlearned and proud m:i~, but very ~old and wcll-fpoken : lnfomuch as thereby he ot.c earned ir, and _fo ft:. duced the Emperour ThtodofiuJ ,as that Cyrsl, a very good l311b~p was thrown out 0fh1s pl:ice. Howbeit he was afterwards ren~red again with honour, when the Emperour had better bethcught him(df, and the heretike Ne fforitt1 was condemned and ca{t out.


I\ l~Y ,jCl-;t rJc1~ i '.;z-rle_o)tv ~'lfA~;C1Ad..vwv.

rrc.wm V '<r}:Ji)'JV



"~ ,.,, ~

.e-.rnch ~tifc.


,[ ~i,P,.

his :pirn(th:! belt chingJuron all flel11(thc~:i.fdl th~ngnocl u.8. V.:de 7, B: mid: heirs J Not purchilkrs: all is ot hcc grm,

Vcrle 11. Cqntl~mned of himfdf] Sith, as a head-Chong hork, he gets the bit between his t~th, and runs away. Thus did chc Ph:iri{efs, Totic1 pun EH. &rlps:-nEti, minime ~men Ad rtjipif~en ti11,,, comp11nffi., a!; one faith, 1 hey Ornt the wmdows ldl: the light fhou\d come in. Verfc 1 l. Come unto mrtfJ Nicopc!:J J The inhabitants of this City are faid fo co have hated the braying ot anA(f~,thac they would noc endure to hear the found of a crumpet. So fr>me pretend Cuch an hmed of hypo~ri'1c,that they will noi; .ibidc the profcffion of ricty. Vcrfe 13. That norl;i11g be \\'ttHtitt,~] Tho{e that labour m the
lords work, mull: have all neccthry accommodations and encouragements. They muft be fet forth and brought forward ~n their A a Journey,


'7J ________
Chap.3. - - - - - - - - - - - ; - : - - - - - --- journey, anti in their negotiations worchy of Goa, J ?,,h. 6. Dt dHllioneho11orifie~,AC'c.15 3.& io.38.&: 21.s. A will noc;dH\ hudly with his .t\llc, it once tie che Lord to be in him, and cofpc1kby hitn; Shall we deal unworchily With Gods Minill:ers, in whom Cod is of a trmh, 1 Cor.14.2 f and huh given tmto them the mininery ofreconciltacion ? ::i Cor.5.18. Vt:rfo 14. To m.lint1tin good 'Work.! J See cht: Note on Yer[e 8. of this Chapter. That th'1 be not Hnfr11irfi,/I J As drone. Bees or body-lice, Ii Ying upon ochers labours, :ind fo opening che mouchs ot Heathens, who will be ready tofay,as he oncc:did 1 Odi huminrs ignva opt. r/I, 1kilu(gpht. /Mrrnrid. Ver re 'Tluu lo11t 1t1 ; . the fAith] Thu belt ligamtnt of Ion. The C:hmch iuhe only daughter of her mother, and iscalled Eccltji,,, of calling all hers cogcthcr. lldigion hath its name of binding, lx:cau{e it binds men all in a bundle, and makes tht:m be<if one heart, and of one foul, A a.4. 3 i. to frrve the Lord with one lhoulder, Zepb.3 9, to glorifieGod with one mindr, Ana 'With 01tt mouth, Rom.1 ~' tbereltc:ing nofudaonendle in the worid, 1s among true bdievers.
A CH1111Nnt1y tJp111 the B/iplt,&.c.



Sttetlttttittl** t~*t~i~~i~~t~~~++



V pan the EpifHe of S~ P auJto

-- .. ----------------

Vcrfc 1. Paul a prifoner,&c,]



might 111ake 111111:b to the fur!~~~ ot ~P

His is a notable Epi(Ue, and fulJ of worth; each word having its wcishc, each fyllable its fubfl:ance. From an abject fubJed, the receiving of a run away tem~c,sc P11~lfo:u~ like an hea\'.enly Eagle, and flies an high pJCch of heavenly difcourfe. Eloc11tint tot A gr~vi1 & hrtvu, tlenfuJ fentelft~ 1, jdnHI j Ndiciu, &c. as Lipfi111 faith of ThNt7JiJ,1, may we fay of onr Apofile. 0Nt' kA ..l1 lnl~"~"] Or, Our lovely ~me' IQ HitrD1'11 rtnd'r6 it. vf11JfiOowl11~1"rer] This llaews, fay fame, that Philtmor.t was a Minifter of the Goipel. Verfe 2. eA11J to oHr bel01ml vlpph1'A ] For tAp1i11 : but this was tlac manner of pronunciation ar.TAr(u1,S.PANl1co~ntrey. This Apphh. was (faith Thmlom) Philemo111wife:1 whofc goed-will

& lamtoruot

l'Jen4 rooru

tP 1014epiPotfl!
'''~' ,,,,,.
Li fnot atl p,.






H8 ------'Aco-;;11~entA~Y~Po~_the Epiflle <?~~ll ------ - ---;,;.r~iA;~hivpiu our fii1on1.(ouldier J Who ke1m to havcfu.
i~umcd with J'hitcm?i1,

. . .


/St Paul to


1 L



See chd'1L>t~ on C<l.4.17:

u1nd to the Chu rt h in thy ho11fe] Every \. h11fb:m fnrnly I\ 1 ( hurch. But Phil. monr hou!e was ( bdike) a pu 11l1ke 11ii.:ccin~ ho1t4e, and fo cominucd for m:my years after, as Theodoret w~c.:.

tlicre is liHle cau'c chat men Chould boafl they :ue Hf} clw;f:~ligJ, ---- - - - fith whofocveris in Chrill is a crcarurc. :-ir Antbnnj ]( i..,g (ron cnw to Mr Hoop:; chc: Mmyr a lmh: bdort his d1.:ath, and
fa1d, I chmk God chn l v.:r 1 lmew you: for (jud did appoint you
w call m<', bung a lolt childe. For brousht tn~ to forbk"'> and J~tdt ~hi;; (a,n~, 0 ' SH.11117, tur lht: Ur:uc p:ill.1g~s intc:O:t'd With chie\ es, was 001.: called c...JH,ilvoy, or ill WJY i till a worrhy advenrtm:r cleared che WJit~, and ch1.:n it was calkd Savoy or s,4/vo7, the (afo-JVay. Such a ch:111gc thi:rc is io t:very good foul. Vtrlt: 12. Th11t u, mine own bfJwe/1] Pray for me, mine own heart root in the Lord ( faid Mr Bradford in a l-:m:r co Mr Sa11nhr1) fl..:!em i~ intimM vifccribHJ habeo ,1d l'011i/ivmd 1m (r cammoriendum . , Verfc I~ Jn the bond1 of the Gofpel J Which is bound lfi:Lr 1 iorr, wbrn rhe preachers thrrtof are unpr1foned. V\;1-f\; 11 wor1(<4 I~(} norhing J r oJ[~ IJ nfJUe 110/Jib t.ft. tic th~t go~s to the utmo(t of his ch"''' m;iy pmfo,ly lm:ak a lin\H:. Conced,umu de j11re tit c11rea111UJ lite, P.uc with {omcwhat for .Au21/t.


V d'fo ~

G>-,ttelo JfJJI. 2 Ci:ir. J. 2.

&c. J See the Note on I

C"!. 1.3.

whnrns I was bdorc boch an adulmtr and tornicm1ur, GoJ

uy your

~ood 111ltrud1ons 1 f Mrm, hHtt jol. q 6'!1.

y,rfe4. I tlM"ft"'1 G1>d] Thus the ApoiHe begins mo} of his EpirH1:s.As any man is mor1.:_or. ~e.ilegracious,fo is ht: ch~nkf~ll. T~c fame Gm:k word.. ror Grace h~c11i.;th thankfolndf~.N.:1t~er 1s d~e any chirw ch:u kab llt' mon: com'(m to chdoul, then tor a man co be al1l~hom the bot tome of his hc:art co praife C :od. Sdf.lov~ lllJY mal<c an hyp'rm: p1ay trom che b.ottome ot ~is ~1earc,&~. Vnk 5, Ht,1ri11g of 1hy ~o.71e ~wd f.HthJ. LuVt' IS hdt 1rn.:nc1on cd :is more noriced : But buh _1s c'he mu[h\!1" grace, the.: womb wherein love, and all ch1.: i;dt ~f jha~ heavrnJy or-fpring ;arc con
~1,;1v 1 :J,

Vi:rte 6. Thdt the 1;01111m1ic4tiail, &c.

This ;, rhJr which

S p, 11dpraid tor Philemon, vcr+ ror tic tifch vi:riccomesinby

a p:m:nthdis. . ~ \'c.:r!t 7 The bo1vc!s of th~ S~1n~J tJre rr(rcfhed~'J (sr. Rcfte~, as ic were, at'ctr ittuch t{)il ':tnd travtll; wlrn.:h made their

peace fake. \'nfe IS. For perhap1 he there~re J God hath a h:md in ordering our di{orders co his own gkiry and cur good. He teJchech us by om rempcacions. This made Mr f',w fay, fha~ his gncts did him mofl: hurr, and his fins moil: good. He drp1irted for" (ea(on J Hae the Apo!llc mlkts the bdc of &n ill m:mer. Cmm:rcs arc co be gently handled, and chdr form.:r oil practices not to be aggravltt'li. . Verfr 16. Both in the Jlcfo J Pt'rhaps Onr/im11~ was l'hi/( kinfman. A.n~ in tht Lord J SA"~io~ tfl ~~puf,, c1Jd1'J 1 u,,m corporw. He that 1s pyntd w cht Lord, 1s one lp1m, 1 Cor.6.17. Verf.e i 7. A partner] One in commons with Lhee. Amicornm l\?11' 4,,~v. 1mnia commt111ia, Rrccivr him] Take him to thcl', pnt him in thy bofome, make "'eJU'A.:.r./6~. much of him. Huw ctfc.:ctu;1lly doch rhis great ApolHc plead the cmk ot this poor fut;itivc, now happily brou5ht home co Chrdl ? He deals as one that had himklf rectivtd mucy, 1 Cor.7.1s .Smp ihr thoughts (faith one) in che mercies of God, and they wall die. thmc, H tht: d1t:fat doth the cloih, Col ~. 12.

hcarcs :il<c, \\rl<. S. Th"t 'Which iJ convtnitHt ] Or, Th:tt which is thy duty. Of]iiomaut~11Hjt jiu AWoifid lld qt1tmC1J~fi1 ft.itNm perti

V~tfc $). r et (rir ,;7UI fakf, &c. J lkr~s braVt! dmory, fuch 35 migh[ wdl mull1fo: the harddt h~ . rr. l'etrndo .movet, & m



, . ' ..


ccrzwlt J (uir .y

'P1wl.theugtd] And thncfore vrnc~aulr. .o~d ag~ and ~oY 1~our arl'. in rht: () 1i.:d.; wm~m: yny m:ar akin ; his. a crown {till~ So/pm~,111) ofg\6ry, when tounffo.the ~vay ofr~ghc~ ouii1t..:1L, f'rov.16.31. Thdtbt..:ararckm~1lanceofchc A,nrn:ntl{ d.uu, Dan.7. Vcrk lo. My (cnne Onrftm1u J lgnaliHJ jn his EpifUeto tht ~pbEji,.n1 1 i11ake'h nkntion of On.iftmtu, 11s Pafioue ot ~p~tfia, L1CXt afM Tinmb, .. The Roman Martyrologut f:61th, that 1\1! w~'


' death at Rrimt; under ' the Empervur., '.... 1 Yuk 11. Jim mor yrrfiriibJr] ~o ~ -~v10ry cm;: i:O\l'lest1


Aa 3

Verfe 18.



---~!~------------.!'~01~~~~~!'!~'f~~th~!_fi!~e_ _________~hap. 1 V<:rfc 18. If /J( h~th WWTJr"' thee] His fhilmefull cfcape ch!! Ardlle lwttcly micig:irerh Ly rhc name of wrong; hi!> th1.:h, of
ddH, See vtr. 15. :rnd compare hrn.:wirh, Gm.4). 5, P11r tf.-..u on mine11ccom1t J To thcliketff.:ctlpeJks the Lord Ch,tt on eur behalf to hi!> h:.:avrnly father, in his daily inrer.
~-td~ 19. T'1011oweft1m_t~ me &c.J If Cletmt/mgavcbim fdt to his Mafl:er SoO"atcJ: if Alx.tnd1r could lay rh1t he owt:d mon.: to Ariftntle chu caught him,chcn ro l'hilip that begat h11n: It ar,other could fay, that he could ntver difchargc his dLbt co God tl.l hi!i partnts, and to his khoolmafier: how d<.:tply thrn do m~~ lbnd o~ligcd co chrir fpirimall t:nhm. and cr~chu~ in Chri!l ~ Verfe 20. Ye11, brothtr, lu me httve jt11 J Or be1:t:11c O}' thee. J\n ~lt:gam alluliun it is i~ the originaH ro tht: name of 011rjimu1 : and 1t 1s as 1t the Apoll:lc 1mbracmg Phrl. mo11, and hangim~ ubouc his neck tl1culd foy, I prnhee 11ow let me lu (o f1rrc bchol<fos to thee, & ;, Vtrk 2 I. Knowing thM tho" Wilt~&c.J Who could ever bvc sua./..f mrdulla. the heart to rdil~ fuch rhctorik~ ? Is noc htrt: the very marrow of moll: powcrfull pniwafion? !I golden floud of t.:lcqtJence, as T 11 H 1






--Vcrfc- 2i,-Th;!~ace of oHt' Lord] Say the world what ic will, 1 grain of guce is worth a world ot wealth. The bldlings that
come om of Sion,are becccr then any thatcomeout of heaven and earth, P(al 134 3. For they out-lalt the daies of hesvcn, and m11 paralkl with the life of God, and line of cttrnity; Pray for thc-m in the behalf ot our fdves and others, :is Pau/ conll:antly doth for gr lee, not with gractldk N tro, bm with the Lord J. tus Chri[t: one good cart ofw~ofe pkaicd countenance was bmcr to
DAvid then his crown and kepccr, P(4/.4.7,8.

J Thus he difpacchech his own private lmlincs in om: word, as it wrn~: his m:iin care was, that Owjimm might do wdl: a fait rnirrour for Mmiilcrs. v~~f~ 2 ,. Ep11tphrM my fi/~Ol'l'prifontr J Uapc up, bd1ke, for v1l1ung and count~ 1u11c111g S. P1111/, co whom he was knt by the Co/Qjfi ws with rdid~ wh1ks he was pnfoncr ar R1 "" The l'ccldi:ittic:ill hiltc.>ry tdkch us ofone Phifra.s a Mmyr, whonomg co cxecu:ion,fee~1ed as one <lea.fat the perlwafions, and blin~ic at fl!jo 11tt ib potc(l ch~ CL':.1rs ot his fm:nds. moving him to ip:irc himttlf. And whrn tl'ITC114 I JG"1y- one Phil r1mJ11J ddending him lard. Ho\\,' c~m ht: b\! mov<.:d with 11Ji4 fld1t, '!lf!~ emhly tl'ars, who hath his eyt:s foll frd with helvtn!y 0 olory? H~ o:u!rcri:l:j/t'm g or141J COllW aifo was rnk1.n in, and both prdi.:ncly blht:ad~d.

faith of /lrif/01/t J Polit!qULs r Verk 2 2. B 11t \\'i th.ill, ;rtpm, &c,

, ...




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c .rur

Vttkll Al~rcm, Ariff.rchm,Dan.u] H.reDem.uWJSin

good cn:dic with chc ApoHk, but foon afar hll away : like as gh'1c1 ~md fotnc b~tcr m~t'lls lhine brightdt in the fire, whm m:ardl: of all co mdcin(.! ; or as cht: candle g1v~th a great blaze, wh~n going out WICh a lh.:nch. HypocritLS have their 11un11/tr-', \\htn the godly mans Mocco as ( as was ChAr/J the fitchs) Vluri111 1 forthcr yet, on,. ou.


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the H n BR n w s.

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I'Hrgrd om fins] By his merit and .fpirir. . . . Vtrk 4. Better then the A.ngc/1 J I hcreforc 1s his dodrme, the Gofpd, wich more heed c~ be ht:ard, ~hen the la~v orda1rn.:d by in thi hand ofa ~cdmour 11 A-lc(:s, (,al. J .. 19. , V1o:rk S, Tlus J,y J Hither t.h~ d")' of (;tnmcy, a_nd fo H IS me:rnc ot Chrins cccrcall grnrnmon; or dk th~ tuh,dk of rnne, wherein God brought his tirlt begom:n inco chc world, and mi~h ttly dee bred him to be the on ot God by the rdurrt.:Ch.m from thl! dcad, AEl.13 33. Rom.I+ Yak 6. vlr1d let 111/ the Angr/1 of Cl~d J The manhood of it {dtcou\d not be :idored { b(.'Clllfe it is a creature) but as it is Plul,i.1. rt?ceivld into unicy of perfon with the D.:ity, and hath a pncn1:r-

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Vpon the EpifHe of S~ Paul to tl1e I-I EB R E w s.


agc11cy thrrew!th~ according to irs mcalurc:1 in chc wo. k of redemption and medm1on. Ver(c 7. A fl"me of fire J Hence they arc. called ~Serapf;im1, Lccaulc: they flame, like heavenly Sal3ma11dns m the hre of pure and ptrftCl: love to God and his people ~ And Chm.1bims

from their winged fwifcndf~, (wife thly are as che wmde ; which m:iy feem to be the icnfc of thi:>ecxt, 'omp.m:d with


Pfo/.104.4,s. Verk 8. Th] throne, oGod, i.l {Dr eve>- J Chrifl:. is God. then 1 as is htrt {et forth by many argumems. God hath laad hdp in one
th11t i$ might) land the Father am OHt, Vcrle 9. Hath anointed thu] This imports two things. 1. Ordination to his office, and {o the Godhead aHo of Clui!l: was anointed. 2. ~~lific,ftion fot ic, and fo che manhf.>od only, And as the holy oil was compounded-of divers lpices, fo WJS Chnfl: filledwithallgihund graces, ~lf.10.3i. but cq')ecia~ly with wifdome, as a Prophet, holindk as a Pricll:, and powtlr as a King. Vnfc 1 o. The Wprk.J of 1h1 b,mdt] Nal. 8. 3. they arc called the wo1 ks of Gods ilr.gcrs, artificially daboraccd ; that heaven of htnenscfpccially, whole artificer and wo1km10 is()od, Heb. 7-v;:.)tn:,. I 1.10, The Apo!lk there intimate~, that it is c11riou{1y and cun~ ningly concriYed. Vcrfc lJ. Thq fhall prrifh] The vifible heavens ~re defiled

Vcrfc 1, Godwhoat fundrytimes,&c.]

Ee my True Trea(ure, Page 1, l, 3. V~rfe i. H~ir of"" things J He married to rhishcir, ahd have all, Vbittt CaiU1, ego C12i,., may the Sh11/amitt fay to her husband, as the Ro man Ladies fa id co tht:irs. Yuk 3. Vpholding aU tbingi J Both in refpetl' of being, cxcdkncics and operations. S enrca rer.1dering che rcafon why '/11pittr was by rhc Ancient Romans tirnamed Stator, faith ic was, i2.f!.i(~ ej11-1 lumficio omnia 1bec:m(e all things are nphdd by him, How much bmer may this be foid of Chrill ~ Sin had hurled confufionovc.:r che world, which would have fallen about c:m (faith one) had not Chrifl undertaken the lhattnc9 condition thereof, to upt1old ic. He keeps the world together, iss the hoops do the barrdl.


wich ll'lans fin, and fhall cherttore be purged by the lall tire, as the vdltls that hlld the fin cifaing were to pa(fo the fire. They jl14/I AO Wax old J Sec theNoce on Rom.8.u. Yerle 11, B Ht thou art tht (am1] As in df1:nce,fo in will and

--~--~------~--~~~~---~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ 3~4 A C01111t1t11t11ry "P_~!~~--~pi~!! Chap.1~ --~;;~f~l~-R~p~~~~~~e with man is thechangingof his wiU-~--R~ pemance with God is the willing of a change: Mu ratio rei, "" Dti, tff:ltlu 11011 lfffi aru, fa{fj 11an co11fil~. Vcric 13, s;ttm my righth.ind] As min~ cqLull in honour ;nd power. V cr[c 14. Ser1t fort/, to mi,,ifler, &c.] The Saints are the Spoufe, the bride, yc:a the mcmb~rs of Chnlt; and {o in nt'arer u. rnon chen Angds, or any creature. This the devil envied, and fdl from his flation.

. .___ ______





--V~d~- 4. And With Ji'Uers miradu J Wh~~~by~-;;-by-th~~--~~~wings ot the winde, the doctrine of the Liofptl w:is divulged :a

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A p,


Verfe 1. we jbou/d fetthem flip] as water runs thorow riven vei'fd. The word O ft., mingled hi ch the hem, 2s A Ef. 16. 14. mufi be care.
RH11 011t,


folly k(pt, and lt will iafdy keep us, Prov.6.20,22. Somerendtt ir, Ntq1111n1a prtt_t~rflu11m111, ltft Wt. paffe by the things we hnc heard, as a nvcr i w1hly pillech by the fide of a City, as the hfhion cf chis world pllft:ch away as a picture drawn tt~on the ice foon n. uHhcch, &c. ,
Racified wuh this fanchon, Aut f1idendmn,J ""' p.cti.n1d.mJ, cHher do ic,or dk. A,,d wery traN[greffion and dj(obteUence] Thlt is, every com. miffion and omillion. Verfe l If ~ueglell J Hcfaith not, Jf we rdt~ renounce perfrrnte s but if w~ negl(!ct, let flap, fllifi: off, as ~he wordi; H~b.n.25. 1mdil:>tho{er,~n!1mq;udh didJ L)J'far. 22, ~ay w~ rather With S.1mud> Speak_. Lord, fa.- thy f erfnmt h~ 11 r, 1Ji, .And with that Ducch Divine, r,niier, vmittrverbHm l>omini (j- {us mitttmNl ihi, fe.wmm Ji l'Jebi1 tff'rnt coU11. Let che r.c;rd ucccc his minde, and he fhall have ready obedience, wh:icevcr come
So ~reat (alv11tion The dochine of the CJofpd, that grace of Go~ ~th:it bringctb f~lntion, Tit. i. 11. I am fully pcrfwadcd ( f:uth ~ l"te lea~ued ltght of our ~hurch) th~t in ,hd'= daks cf

w.u ft(~(Afl]



For if the ~\1erd, &c.

.-'WofeJ~bw, Gtll.3 19.

of it,

. r:iclc which we arc in thdc times co louk tor. J ti~ that which the tor mer age had delpaircd of, the prtknt admircch, and the fomre ~ 1hJ1l Hand amazed ar. : Vcrk ) . For mtt~ the Ang tis, &c.] The Jrws, ~s they had _: cmbr:iccd the T11hagorean tranfarnmacion, A"-41,16. 14. fo tht! m.~~ 1,' t'. ~v~.~ Nitonikt opinion of Angds, moving chc h-:avcns, and ordering 7cl TI1'!' ()!rr,!I 1hc wor\d; whom thm.forc thq worl11ippn:l, imruding into "'<::$ <'f.vOs.'.,;,.,c.i : thole chings, whereof chcn: was no !otmd richer proof or prnfir. c;r;, CGl~f.'J..J 8. The Angels (lay Prm1/1u the Platonift :rnd Pfo: tnrch) arc mdfcngc1s chat cnry God.s mind<.: co men, and men~ : rlqudts to God. Hut who cold them all chi~. E ~re~ie diciJ, fed q11omodo probiU ! faid Ariftor/e of Afoj~s, m1y w~ better fay of tndc bold atfirmers. ~ VafL 6. But one in a certain J The full Cenfe is, Bnt he Art;ommorltitio : hath l~bjdl:~d it co Ch rill:, as 1? avid cdl:ifi~d, P(al. 8 4,s. where r// 1 ,"u" ad whacloc:vcr J5 fpukrn co man, 15 here ;1ppl1n1 co ~he mJn Chnll: plr,011am C/J1i .. Jefos ~ and {o is prop~r to the Saints by vmu of' their union with {Ii, Ji 1111crprc.. Chrilt. In which rdpeet, they are more glorioui then heaven, An .. trr >; 0.11 'l.!cli.c 11 t <ffc !11 mf, "~e gds , or any crcarurc. . . majz J\1ncl,11t Vt:1k7. A/11tle/ower] Or,Fo,.alittle~hi/e,v1z. Abutero P{cl.8~. ,d 1mrnm, from the womb co the tomb, from his birth to his buri Puulijpcr. all, from his abafcmcm to his advancement. vlr.d aidf1 f!t him over the \\'or~1 J Lions h:ice apes, but fear men ~ wht:r~ot no ocher probable realon can bl: givm,buc chis ht: re in th..: tcx.t; it\fon:uch :ts the mol\ 'imos:ous mtn dim: ki~K ;md beat che ~ugtlt tlcphlllcs. Vttll.:8. VntlerhiJfoet] Itisnotfaid, V1ul:rhiJh.md1, but: ur.dn his h:cc. J. That he may trampk upon chem with his frcr, anJ not dote upon thon with his hearc. l. That by them, as by all<'p or U:irrop) he 1my raife his heart to things-above. A fanchli~d fancy can make every creature a bcldcr to hcavi.:n. Ht /,ft H9thing J No, not Angels.
Not 1~t AU thiugi put muL>- /,im

firll. liuc he chat now rcqulrcch a mirack, is himfclf a miracle. 1hctfbblil11ing of the prelrnc rdormarion is and will be that mi-

grace, the Lord 1s mu'h more quack and peremptory in rejecting men: the time ii; Charter, he w1ll not wait fo long is he was woat to do. The ground is, Hm //J.tfl "nf,11pe if'fllene1,lfll, &c?

gair,l\ man1 bt.,auk. hu rrbdkth agarnlt God. If the Mafkr be eft, 1u! 4 >)011'.o 11 let upon,d1t: fervants will draw, and fight for h~m. um~n~ 'reatu1~ Vtrk 9 Bu1 'Wefa1 Jefos J The S1ints hold all in capite te- hminr. J\ug.
. t1Nrt1

The creaturn rt.!belleth !l- Rchl'Uhfaffa

A Commentary upon the Epifl le



thing more bd1.:~ming hi1n{df; wh~t tv1:r th\: worlds wiz:11ds con. ceicco,chcconcrary, 1 Cor,1.23. For \\'hom are all rhi~f,J] ~ee che N.Jteon Rom, I 1.36, Tom,rk.!1hec11pmin,&c. J He that is Captain ot che Lords ho~lls, {ofh, 5.14, is allo Cieprai11 of oHr (alvdtion. This is .. com fore. To ma~e perftrf J Or, Con(tcr.1tr. The Prie!ts Were firfl con frcr:ncd with 011, then with bloud; tu was C.:hnft fir fl: by the Sp:rir1 and then by his own bloud. Vt:rk 1 '. ~rr ~It of one J viz;,. ot Ad.1Tn : Only wich this ditfacncc ;' chat we are ot AdAm and by Ad~m, but Chri(t W3Sof Ad-'m, not by 1dilm: for hew.ts not b~:guccen, buc mid<. and to originall fin was :ivoidtd. H .,,, not afo,1medJ Chrift was not :illumt:d ofus,when we had Hcver a rag to our uad<5: Sheuld we be atlu1ncd of him anJ his tervicc? Vnk12. lwitld.ct,1re,&c. J P(a./.22.22. A PfalmofChrifts Lff~rings 1 c:ntitukd 1 upon Aj.1/.-,J, sb,,,(.'b,.r, th~t is, Th~ mon1 ing-jl.lgg", 1uch an one 2s che hunclin'.l_n finglech _out co hunc to~ that dJy. C..hriH chus hunccd and ,pray mg tor delJverance, prorm fcch to praik Gods name am1dll hi~ b1cchrtn, chJC is, hu fai1h(H/J
{tfV1tnl S,

nure, in Chrifl. N3W in him all things are already fubjecb:d unto us,and m:ide tervicc-abk co our falvacion. Fort !u (,!ff ring of dcat h J Or that he might be in 1 cond 1rion to {ufkr dc:ath, d11~ Sun of righccoufndfe Wene cen degrees back. ward, noc only l>dow his L.Hhcr, Joh. I 4. 2 8. but bdow the All gels~ for min (as nun) is infttioui" co the Angds. Vale 1 o. For it bec11me /Jim J Tint is, ( .od, whofc pe:rf,Cl wiftlume, jultice, &c. fhinuh muft deuly 111 chac great work of our rcdrmp:ion ; thrn chc wi1i'h C.;od could noc hlVc..' done any



Verlc 13. I \\ill p11t my t>-11fl ;,, him] Which he needed not1 had he noc been a man tuujetl co mtkry. And the children, &c. J Chrilt is ch~ evcrlafl:inJ l~acher, I (!I. and the Saines arc the cnvd ot his foul, thac prolong his days uponcarrh, /[11.5~.10.11. Fi/i4bfr11r nomint.'rjru~ Phl.72.17, There lhall be a 1ucceif-ion of Ch rills name, till ht: prefcnc all his co bi~ heavenly l;!Hher !H l!lH: d!ly, wjth, ll~kold / 1 ~,,J t'1, fh;/"r~,,


Whcrm thou haft ~ivnz me. V.eri~ 14. Childrt11 Art p.9rtnk!r1 J Lit1!t rbildrt>1 : Cirift



pHi> 1.>c,ame a_~h.t\c~h1l~c, th~. babe_ ot B~tJ)lclum, lfa.9 6~-~ac~h---- him np,, as ulJ. J~mto11 d1~.; K lk i1~m, ldt h~ be: ang.ry, P(al. i.

~rs~ P~ul t~

the H n BR Jl w




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S:umblc noc ac his wulrndl , b;:ic gJlh~T :llhiran~~ ot h1.s iOVc",and grow u;1 unto thl' ml:a!ur~ ot thi.: H.HUrl: of lhc tuln. fk ol Chritl:, EplJt'( +13 f1im ih.if /,,.J rlJ(' pow('r af d..~:h J As th1.: h:rn; nun h;Hh ,h~ poWl'.\ of the g:.tllowi:;, to k.j/I men l"-'tth d:-.uh, Jt~v. i. 2), VLrk 1) A;id ddivrr rl1cm, So tluc co cholt: dut 1rc in (knit, dcarh is but tht: d:.tybre1k uh:ccrn;lll brightnLlrt': N JC the puriil1un~nt ot fin, buc th_t' period oi iin. It is b~n :t llu1:dy P.>rccr, opcnin~ rh<.: door of <:cenmy : a H.>nghcr pJ!l 1gc co t:tern1ll pk1{urc. \Vh1c n~cd they tear co p~fk ch~ w1ccrs ut J co CJk\! poHdTio11 of tht.: lind, thlt have the 1\rk of Gojs ~:ov.:nuu in th-:ir tit? Tolliturmors, 110Hncjit,f(('J1~ ovfir, As Cln1lt cool\ a-: W"-Y> not Lio, liuc the guilt of it 1 {o n1.ith~r Liut th.: Hing

of IC, ' . . : ,,y:;o 1hro11~h ( of d:>tilh J Th:it l\in~ of ccrrou:s, as ?o!J c1\kthdcath: rhattnubkot i11lttn1bk~, a~vlriftvrle, N.HLHC will havt a liom: with th~ bdt wh::n dH:y come to dir. Bn~ l won~t'r (faich a gravt: Divin.:) l;vW d11.! iouls ot wic\:cJ m~n go not out ot their bodit.s, as thl' d~vib did out of tht: da:moni:1d<.~) r-:nd .. ing, raging, tc:at1ng,,_fo1!1in;~ l Wondl!1 how any cu1 die m their "'H~>chat dH.: not 1ll the h1.ith J:ln~ Chn(t. /l ppiw Ct. tt ;/iu4 loy:d noc tht: Gn::ck Z' m, Ol'<::iUit: when it is pronounced, it n.:prc. fo1c~rh t~eg11~tq1i11g teeth of a dying man. Sigifm;11id chc E:n pt.:tour b~ing ready_ to di~, couuuandcd his tnants not tu nan1 .! ~e,~tli in hi~ hCll'ing)G"C. . . . . . .
~hmch rt"co1d.

:1.V~rk l ~~ for _v~rj!J he taak,.n~t] ()r 1 . Fur no w.hcr~ took he, ~ ri~ J/uris. 9 a. \Vi: tudt: not any WlH:rc, tHh1..r rn c'lll: ~criptlHl':;, or an :my

to~~] l-k aOLniwd, npprehl'n.dcd, ~:iu6ht, Lid hold c:n"e1:~.2:/:~m. Qn 1 as the t\qgt:1 d.1d on Lot, G<.:n. I 9 i 6_, ,as Chi ill:. did un P 11u r, /ILt .14. 3 t .. ~~ m-:n ult: to do Ui'01 a ch mt~ cht:y an: ~Lld (hey hit vu

Ritt. be

goc, :ma Jl~loth t<> kt go a~aiu. hi) a mam iJ'll11r ot our c<,>mfort, that Ch.ft took uu. i1 ..:lh ~foe it h~ took no( our Hd11, wr.: arc nut
~Vt:d by

G .,. ods wratLt.

~as li~e 1 lht: fic~y kr,pq1c, 0~1c To 111ak._eI.rtconci/i14~i~n , .

17. In AU tl.ii1,1g,~ J Except in fin, as the brazen forpcqt


ha,d no ilmg. J Tu cxp1:ltC qqr fins, and ~o apr1cafc , , l 1A:t:r1.,<J.11

V ak 18.

~A:; J,~ d 9.:fj. "lu, vv


commentary 11po11 lht Epljllt


--------V~f~-18~-H~-~--~b/;~~ (um1oJ-A~d-~o lcffe apt the~-~blc: :is he that hath been poor or troubled with tooth- ach, will pity thok tha[ att fo.



1f 5' Paul t"t~e H B n 1t 1 w s.


---------- -------------- -------------


~h~~-heu:-And if.God ~rol<e Davids bones. for hi~ -ad_u_l_tc-r)-,,-and the Angds b1cks for the 1r pride, the Lord, Jf l va he fa v.: wy, will break his hean wu. v~rfc 9. Tempted m~] God mull be ttuflcd, bur not crmpc(d, a~ hl' is, when ma1, L Qut!llion :ind ~ w;ikc hi~ p\'>Wcr;
a, Limit the l1<>l}' one o~ lfr .. cl, and prelum<.: co prdcri~Ji.'.' co him, ft:t him a time, 6c. 3. N\!gkd tht: u'.t of means, and krvc noc

---------- -- ----~ 3S9



HtJI] hrtthrm]

Oly, l.lecmfe p~rtakers of a c:illing t~at is ~eavenly. 1. R.t 1ione fontl6, Ph11.3 I ~t-i1 S 2. R.iuone finu, to the fruition of hc.m:nly privil~dgcs in Chrill. Vedc 2. As ai(o Mo(u Y'vtU faithP,11] And yet how unwor thily t~c: aut~ou~ 0 the Marrow .ot Modem ~ivinity, thac flic Anrmonmn, m dJvers palfagesofhis book, as m1ghc eafily b~ infbnccd. Vcrfc; j worth] of mare f./OrJ then Mojis] In whom thcfe ~tu. f::citiJf Hel>rcws trncted 1 9ob.5 45 And the Jew:> at ihJ!i day hold, Thac the law at nature bring to heaven cho{e that obfcrve ir, bur the Hebrc:ws ( unt? whom the law of 00~1 was pr.culiuly given) by keeping Jt Hull have a prerogative of glory, Poor fedu cLd fouls l Vc:rk 4. He th'1t h"ilt AIL thingt J Mofn and all. /s god J That is Chrijl, whom he had proved to be God by m:my argumems, Ch11p.1. Meffia1 thmfore i5 to be preferred bdorc .Mo(n. , Ver(e ) As a ftrvant J F ifm11/m ingtnNUI, a fervant of the f:>ff~'i7?"JI ex b r f 'l . h dt h . VtTbJ 6i, mu ~Htr1urr, ii llUnQ WOii 11p, IS t c. WO[ aCCIDtt, CO UTipOrt: m. -t.;J. though ic oe honour enough to be Chr1fis fcrvant 1 of tht: meaneft in his family. Verfc 6. /[Wt hold f"f1 J See here a ju(\; dc:fcription of the in vilibk Church of Ch rift. Vlrlc 7. wherefore"' the holJ Ghoff J le is well obfcrvc:d by llil'r, E:pi(/ 4J C .ilvill, thlC die words after Vrher~fore, co verf. I 2. 01ould be Al,:;di: endokd with a parentheft1, and then the fenfc is clear. If Hi1ro1111 J~~'/J'r~~ 1 1 ;ind Egr~nr1-1 h1d obft:rvcd fo much in chis and other places, thty ~:~ 0 ,/ rn would not fo Omply have cenfured St P,.11/for his obfcuricics and incongruities, :rnd lame fen( cs and fcntences. . Vtrk 8. Harden HtJt 7ourhe1trt1] Some hearts arc: fo hud, thac neicher Minittery, nor mitery, nqr miracle, nor mercy can pollit>ly mollific them. Such an heart is in fome refpe~s worfe

his providence. Vlrlc 1 o. I \\1.tU gritvuJ J The H.:brew cex.c hath ic, I \\.i11 naufeared, and ready to rid my 1\omack at them, to tpcw chclll


llurot my mouth. They do alnay errt] They mull needs em, that know not Gods waits. Yt:t cannot they wander. fo wide, as to miile ()f hdl. Vtrlc J l ~ The1 fo~ll n1t enm J This the Apoflle propounds to ~he unbelievers of his timt. 1that th\y ffi:J)' bc.:wareJ Alu rim prr. ditio 11111ji11au1io, SeelC thou anothtr tufter G11pwrack ? look wdl to thy tackljng. Verfe 1 2. Jn dep14rting fi-om J A'lflii~ p11rit '/.tmc<;"J.i:dP, Infide lity is the motll'er.of apo{h1cy; a~ m Cranmer: bm worte in ?ohn Dudley Dl1ke of Northumber/,u1d in ~ecn A1.1rin d:tit:~, who Ldngbrou~hc co the fcaftulJ on Tower-hall, :ind hJvm~ promi{e of life, if ht: would recant his pVitd1ion, dJflard l k.: fJrloul< his m3ftcr, and exhorted.the ptoplc to the Rumilh rdigion, Which s;.ccJs Chton,
hisdeach-Smnon afterwards came forch 111 print U}' authority. Vcrfe 13. BHt txhor1 onr11>1q1hcr J h lpl'Ciall prtkrv1tivc tram 1p0Racy. ~ee my Common-place ot Adrmnitlon, and my Ire"


tifeon Mal.~.17. Left any of1ou bt h11rdened J Continu:mce in fin hardeneth che hmt, and gradually ind1fpofi:t111t co che work of n:pentance. ~f1i '''"ft hodic,&c. There is a dcccitluludk in tin, a lie in vamcy, 1on. 2,8. Verk 14. For \\ e are m,,Je p11rta~crs J Chriih confons, CO heyrs wirh him, Rm>.B. 17. Ih1s wt arc 111 Drt1'tnc.1f we. pc:rlt:verf.! IO thrend. Tke btginni11g ofour tonfdenet J Gr. Of our {i1bjiflcnce, or fobffance, chJt is, of oNr faith, Hd>. If. J. whereby we fob@; and bt:come ions of lJ<:Jd, as Ambr,,fe expounds it. Vcrfe 15. whi/tJ it i4 (aid] fc. Io you now, as it was faid to them of old,:verf. 7. We mull lee: our a>Wn names Written 01.1




A Comrnentar7 upon the Epiple

every precept, promife, example, &c. Hot


ink<> V.'irh ns.

1) rmlru-,

4. There Go4

Ro:n 1 1.,, R,

Tn day ~{ye aill hrar. &c. J The negligent fpirit cries, CrM To morrow Lord. Jn crasHn11m ftria. Uut Who can tdl whar a grm-bdliedday m1y bring tor~.h ? Eith1:r lpm or gr:tce trl~lY be denied. God may kave tncn under his Ordi nanc-.s, as rncks ill che m1dfl o~, as blindc at noon. dly. V1.rre 16. Howb(it n1t all J Yct aB fdl in the wildernrlfe fave JnPm~ and Calrb. liood mrn are ore \HJpt up in a com~ wonc~,l~mity. Therighreous p::ri~hl'rh, !ft. >7 I. fo ~he world think~(h i BM wh(d1cr rhq fr:Jc, rhcy livr 1mto the Loid, ar Whe1/,cr they die, thty die unto the lord, &c, The.: good corn IS cut down wgether w1ch th<.: taresJ but to another, a11d to a ~t:tter

fu1Uenccr. A-Bee~:i~-fu~k-f;;~e~ honey out of bitte-;-thy;;.-f~ -----1 crnnoc a Flie do. Toco111t' fogrt1f it] To come hg and hte, when the gate is ti'~r11)(,~'ct-' flrnc, che dnw.. bridg11 taken up, as choic foolil11 Virgins, or as

lny race.rnnners,or as thole that come a d~y after the fair, an hour
afo:r tht! fcalt, and fo arc f ru(l:r:ited. . Vc:rle 2. Tb~ )\ord pre.1r.hetl J Gr. Tiu \\'ora o(lua.rint, i.e. The promite that fdl from the Prc:ichers lips into their cars. Ne- o>.o:yel- 71f.., faio flid divinmn in lf1'(C11tuu;onc efl. faith urn.:; I know noc al6Qil~. wh1cdivi11~ butindfe there is in ht:aring: bnt !Ure I am, thlt whlc Wt: hclr doth more deeply atf.:'.d: us, and more firmly abide with us,:md itick by us, chcn whac we reJdl!. /u them thAt l:u:ttrri it] In th\:ir hems, as info many veffds. faith and the promi!e m~<.:cing nul<ti a hap,)y mix.cure, a precious confetlion. . Vcrle 3. For \\'e ~1 hich have belie1ml J Bdicvers {and chcy only) have heaven afore.hand in pretio, in 1romijfo, in primitiu, in che price: that w1s p1id tor ic, in chc promik ot it ( which is fore-hold) and in the l1rlUrnits, the gutC:i of tb~ !pirit1 whi~h arc as thole grap~s ofchc hnd of C an,1.w. Yt:rk 4. .And God aid refl J Hoe the /\ poll:le fhewech what ~lm rcll of believers is. N()t that ievemh-daies rdt, verf. 5. nor thacochcr rd~, Pfr,/.95. meant of the L:ind of C411a~n, but :mother and better typified in boch cho\r, vi.<:. A friritu:dl rdbng from our own works or fins, fo as GoJ rdlech in his love co us, Zepb. 3. 17. and We !wl!ctly acquidcc in our interell in him,

limbs. Cad.cvcr11 acadend1J.

purpofe. Verfo


w/J.fecrrc.1fc1 ft//

Gr. Whofe members joinrs

0 chat we could ma"e

their difafkr, thlC w.1ld1u the French Merchant (father and foundcrofche Wald~Mfn) did of ch1t fad fight th:it l>cfcll him, for walking in the {hccts, and feeing one fall fuddenly dead, he W1. nt hom..: and l'l pc:ntc:d of his Popifh crrours and profm courks. Veric I 8. To them that believe not J Or, ~ill not he perfn.11dca, uncounfellabJc pcrfons, thac acquidce not in whol

tl11~ ul~ 0 t

fomc advice.

Vcrfc 19. Becau(e of u11Jbr/ief] Abloudy fin, Joh. 3. I:). No w.111 gnrc {o in hell as this. The devil will keep holyday thm1 m rdp1.d of unbdicvcrs.

, Ycrk 5. If rh17 (h.JU. tHr1,.] q. d. Then never m~ mote. \ ec AmbrtJj'e here taketh thl! words for a forcible athrmac1on q.d.

Vcrfc: I. Let m ft1ir J

I th a fear not of diffidencc,buc of diligence. Sec che Note on Phi!.i.1 2. and on 1 Cor.i 0.11, d Some render it rhus 1 L:ft we lhould fccm W fall ihorc of che promife, chat is left ns, <:f,~c, But where is 'tlut promifo 1dr. us . may fome fay ? It is dotdy couched in the for m.:r comra10at1on, Ch11p. 3, J 8. God h\are that unbtlicvci'.S th.:>uld not cotet' ; and therefore intimates a promik, thac t>dicvers

V \ . L"fl r. '";(e]

SiintroibutJt, ben'e hllfl~bu,,t, . Vcrfc 6. Seeing therefore it rem:jineth J This is a deduC\:ion from the former cexc of the Pfalmifi. Sllch as is that of our Saviour, j i,from B:.;.3 .6. And tuch i11h:rc.:nc68 ri3htly drawn, arethev.:cy word of God, 1 Cor 7.10. . Ynfc 7 .After (o 11111.{ a timt ] four hundred years almoR paf(ed b;;~wccn 'Joflnd i u1J D 1t11idnljjh::J, D ~i~1 to aflJ I W~:i not {ofo.14.i'Jto d.iy. .. .


T,uJ>f,, ifra Wi~ he~r] Thi~. d~y ,Qf falvation, wherein the 1.ord doth otfau8 mqrh} ih the Mini~lery of hiS: Word,ihcwing us our mifcry, and exciting us to uk the.: remedy. Bb verfe 8.

- ---~6i ____ ---------~------::! Cammemary r1pQn t/Je Epijtte___ ---~-~ap. 4

Vcrfc 8. For if7!(U1, &c. J That is, r1fhuah, who had his n:imrd changtd Wh<:n he W3S luH as a lpy imo C,1J1i1an, Numb, 13. 16. hom OftJtA to lofl111al1, from, kt God fave to liod

-----------------------....--of St Paul to the HR n Rn w s. - S1Jul tt11d .rp[;.{, l S1:c the Note on I T/uf[.5.2j .. ----------And i1 A difcerner J Gr. A c11riou1 Cricick judgino exaCHy,
:and telling tales of the he-.m:rs ; difclofing the werdsti that tht:y
fpt:ak in tht:ir very bt::d-ch:irnb(;rs, as 2 Ki,,g.6. 1 J, \'t:rlc 1 ~ Neither i11brrr rtny oerttHre J No not the creature of ch~ h1.:irt, the mofl fecrer thouHhts rnd inmmuns, Tint u Mt m.:ni/Pfl in 1,:< ji~:n J Or in rhc fight ofo, th:ic is, ofch;: WorJ preached: bm every ch~ l:..11t fihru, t~ fnulldl: llrin,,. in cht.: hc:ur, th:it would clc1p~ tlc fi:;ht of tht: moft: lXld A1mo~ mill:is hcrtby cm up, Src 1 C11r. I 4. 14 B :1t all thi~1g.r ,,.,.e ndzed .ind oprn J .N ,d:._ai, for the out-fide, r.rp'''d>..-1 and opmcd, difl:ch:J, q'-l1rtL''.~d~ cktc in thL' b:.icl<-bonc (as ch.: e';;,.\,.1:. ' word here fi;;rnht:th) tor tlr: 111 lid\', .1;r(1(mw n:ndt,nch ic rcffipin4ta, making it a l~tcaphur frum rhck chat la.: with tlKir hct:s upwards,that all p..dl1.n~ers m:.iy k\! w~o ch(;y are, Thcodr.ra rc:idtth it, HAtN the tliro.a mt. Vnto the e1rs of him J Or rather, fjf ir, of clit: w0rd, whe1ewith \\'e hitvrto do. Th-: word, a iJcrifi :i.1g l\wrd, Oits oprn :ind: :is it were, uori\igtth tilt: conlcicnce. ' Vlrlc 14, We h~-ve '' 1,reat h;g~-Prid1] Wno by a new :ind living way will bring lb m::o che rdt 3!Jove mcmioncd. J\ nrelt high Prid~ ChriH: is, bi:cauk 1. Reali, not ryp1clll. 2. Ect!rmll, and nccdt:d not luccdii011, as, 3, Entrmg (not imo che holy plicc:s 1mdc: wich hmds, bm ) imo hca vc:n 1[ ftlf, Chrifl: M1irn:rh Hill ,lf.mtcor.p:tf hi:ed from pnfonall p.rlf.ion : And thouTh }1H11.s1H cu1n freed from ~ed11'g, hath it:ll Yl't a tdlow.tedmg, ,,J d 9 5. /lf,~t. ;n1pa.J1bil11ate, ~). 35. T1aj trt i:ht: Empervur bttillg blJmt:d by hi~ tncnds for bci;ig wo gcntk toward all, :mlwered, that being an Emp.:rour he v.olild now b-: luch towud private mt::i, a1; ht one~, whm he w.1s :i private m:m, wirhed .th~c the lhould be cow:uds him. Chrill:"harh loll nuthi11g ot his wuut<.:d picy by~ his cxalmion in heavrn. Tr:mrt~,.JJ Ot 1 ~i~Yu.J 1l1M,,1\I. L1~1/,,y Wt\~ !l pierdns rr.vru.Jc._'JJ.1.~'.-~pM1cher~ and mer w1rh every mans rempnmon~: anJ bt'in~ once demand:d how ht: could do 10 ~ Mine own ma111fold ttm~)c.:nions .r161. <ml /rl'Jil( fJid he) and lXi-Jtnencc-s iij"<! the cau1c chcrl:ot : for tw1;-i his t1:11dt:r yt!;us h:.: W>\S m\1cb b,at<:n and cxcrcikd with {piritu1ll

l11~ll favc'. Urnk! cht Law ( whic.h l>rings us as it w:r~, imo a

1r.1. ~ 7
I\ i'l'l,11

i ..


bn1:1 y "'.'!1l~c111dll!} we m;,iy ~d1re, wifh ;md pr3y, tlut there wnL a ~:mom; bucundcr chcGotpd, weardureoftalvacion.Out )dm h. I tl.io7:11h nttr ri,~htr(,11.'nrOt \'ull' 9, .A rc)t to tlicpe"f fr of G~ti] Gr. tA f11~b.11ifme, an t:tLrnall rdl:, a ~1bbath that hath n, tthtr t v..:ning, GeH, 1. 2. nor hbom, Rn,< l.1+13 .. ~~ut they {hall <:nter i;1to p~ace, rdl in their b_ll~S, be rav1lln Ill tpmr, n::<:uvc chc tu'.l 11nporc and purport of t11:.: wn kl~ ~:.tb~mh, rdt fr~m rravtl and cruub!r. z. Ot the fc\!(tHh >'l!l~-fobb!!.th ~ fM the Cl'l!!lll\t'C: 1 th(.: gwut~d (hall tdl hQm 11.'~ vanity and f1~vuy, /Lm.8. ~o,i1, 3 Of the fcvmthft:vcn. } car~ S:il>b:uh, tht: Jnbi/c,w S:.tulnch ; for thdr debts 01all be all l~1lch:ugi:d,thc.:ir m<irg1bc~ rdi:afuiJtheir pldous kt at lil>my horn lms and Satam {l .vu-y. \'erk 10. Fron !,;15 own \\'(Jrk.!] 1=rnm the fcrvile work of


TIH kart' Ol:r own \~orl.:s, as a lie is the: devils own, Joh.

14 Whm bufie,;k'. th a/,,., he fPeak!th of hu own :

do C~1 il,

whrn we


\\'c.:.wu1 k de nojtro d;'f'erm1d1tm homintm, 1 Cor:3+ It as ~n~pl il1l>:1.. for l\S naturally to do good, as for a toad to fptt





Ult /"Pt,

. \' u ic 1 1. Lo w /.,t"m l-lere he refumes and re.enforces ~ls fu111;n ~ xhcm:nions ; th:i.t his ';'ords may l>t: as nails and f,t1t1d1 ) .1jl ;iiJ "l ;ae m.1Hen of the A ({l'm11lin. _F.,// a/~o 1he {tme.c.\unple] God hangs up fomc makfaCl:oms, 3S IC wen: m g1bbccs, for 3 w:mung to oth~rs. 'feth>o grew wile h~ ~lw pbgu~~ dllt bd~ ll hs nc:1ghbour-prmce Phar.1oh, :is R11b /'.' .::, olomo'; l bltrvt:th, i\11d !J tlfh.1~:;;.,lfr is ddhoied for not pre hcmg by hs ht hers olam1ms, D .m. s. 12, Thrn h11ft not h11m

Hcb.9, 24,

Vl'rf~ 15, H'hichc_,mnrt_be touc~dJ



1/uJ thy ht.1rt, thuHgh thoH k:,1e1veft 11/I tin!.


Vtrl.c J 2. 1'2.!!_ick._rmd powtrfi1!1 J (_,~, Livel] 11xd energeti-_ c.t_ll: Jc. !~ hc:irn th1t can trtmblt at ~ods judgements, as Da v1ddn1, I f,tl.110.120. As forh~1 pocme~, the word will r~nfacl< llltm, and gi-ve chem a very glimpfr ot rhc judg'emint co come ud1d Fa ii.>:, Herod, &c. God {mireth the farth with this Qf J11s mourh, Jf~. 1 1,4. he dafimh them m chc teeth and maketh th~m Jpc:c bloud, a~ ic were; hewing them by his P.rophcts, and flay mg them by cht: words ot his mouth, H~(.6.5.Rtv. u. 5.



Vi.:rk 16.

364---------;Cc;li-;;_(!1~~; "f~'!_l~J~-~f!f!.l_;_-_~-~~~
---Ve~fc 16.-L~t w thm(iJrecome bol~IJ] Jn the knfc of fin



--- -- -- -

1( St Paul,, the H B

n w s.


wrnpour {elves in ~hri~~ rightcoulndk, a11~ fo go Loldly co tke throne of grace, this (Luth a reverend man) 1s an honour to Cbril\ our high Pridt.


Priefr, j/,:b~.f.i~~ f p~;pe-I-li/Jeb~~~d efpecially :. whom w~~ no m:mwou\dadvmccco Peter1chur, hcgu up ~1:nfclf. !2..!!u e nim meli111 de mr juiic.tre poteft, qt1am ega? fa1d he, Who can bmer judge of me then my felt? . . . . Pridt


B Mt he 1/,,.t (aid unto him ] H~ ghmfi~d hun, or made hnn lugh





Both L~ift s

things without lifr. And (drrificrJ J Of living crratu~es. . Tor /inJ J Ch nit, as God, was tht: Pneft and Altar tu ofkr up and co lanclifie Lhc facrit1cc : And, as tJodm:m, he was the facri ficc : for the Church Wa!i purchafed by tht: blond ol God, A ll.20, 2 8. A bloudy ~pou{e Ille was unto him, as in a fenfe it may Le faid. Varfcz. whocanh11vecompPffion] Or, Bt11ran7thint\\'ith re11(on, and not Le cafily a~1gry, but ll~ew as much mercy as is meet for his, whethtr they have gnoramly offended, oc .1pon ddiucr:Hion. They cannot commit more ) rhm he c1in
ri.:mir. If c i.1 amp11Jfed \\'ith i>t_firmity


J Chri!l was compaffe~ w~th chu which we call mikrabk, nGt that we call finfuU m firmicy. Vcrlq. He 011<~/;t Mforthepeoplt] APriell: is a perfon by Gods appoinuntnt .t:ikrn ho~ amo~gll: ~en, ~nd ~or men to offu gifo and facnficcs tor hnnc m their, and his own be ha lie. \'i.:rk 4. ~nd 110 " " ' " tnkcth, &c. J Or if he doc, hdhall f mok~ rnd hn!lrt for ir, 1~ did N ad..1b and .Abib11, v~~Ak 11nd v:u.i,ih, &c. Jn ph7Jicu Atr n0Hf11tit /tip(il111 ignem, Jed fit.ff# periori; as Aq11in1U co_teth upon this t~t. No man might come uncalled co tht King of PerjiA, upon pam of death. Whu then 01all become of<uch aHomc without a call to the King of hea ven? CbriU: would not lee lhe devil preach him, t.Marl 1. f2..rn'11 extra vocationem {as one well noteth) becaufc: he had DO 'ailing to fuch an office. Vcrfc ~ Glorified11othimfalf] .Asthe Pope doth, who will
needs be fiiled, Ponti.ft.'-


greatcfi highPrid\

( whcrm Chri~ is calkd ~nly the grut. ind ~~t fl'tAt1ft hiph..

To d.q lu1vt I brf."'w' rhee] J\dJc- the words following, /Isl(_ to a!>~< ol_- Cod tho{~ things chlt perc:iio co th;: p.~opks t:&tery atd f.dvmon 1s the proper othcc oF an high Pridt Clmt\ as l.1~ expiated his pc:opk~ fins l~y his. own ulond, fo he m1de intt:rce1T1on f.,r them, J. A lmle afore h1~ a~ cachmenc, roh,J ]I ,1.&C, '2, Jn t/Jr 7NY'J time, Whtll the faCrt ficcwashmged up, L11k..:23.3'}-. ;. Jn the htavcnly Sacx'luary, f/eb.9 24. Vc:rfr 6. T ho11 oirt" I' rirfl, &c. J The f. mner proof was not foevident: l>u: chis puts the m:mn l m of all qudbt'n, A Minificr l11ou\d ufe found tpccch that cannot hl' cumrad1Cl:cd: that he chat is of chc concr.iry pan may l>e al1mrn:d, havmg nothing reafonably cooppofe, Tit.2.8. The Jew would objdl, That l.hri(t was not ot che Tnbe of Levi, thtrdore no Pridl. The .ApolUe antwrn; Yo, a Prid1, l;u: afccr anochtr order, and prove~ ir. This is <r11:1~11i~m, cn/l..inHrjl lmon:'i,5 d-:mc,n(r rArt, as J' llUI did, A. fl 9 i confirm rnd aff.:rc. Vtrle 7. Pr.iitrs and (Upplic.uions Gr. Depru . iti6Ht, and'"' moll ardent rcqud'ts, um:rc:d with detp lighcs) hand~ Meed Ui>,:md m:mitold moans. 'V'1to /Jim f~dt \\,u able to (ave him, &:. J Ndcher kt any hm obj.:d, That nnny Mmy1s fufErcd with h.lf\! 3~o, n:i~ wi=h great joy and mu mph. h>r, 1. Whac wac all chc:ir tutf-:rmgs co his~ !l. l-l~ t hert!fore {uff~red rhe wotll, rhu thl'y mi ht tli.:: bcc0 ccr lutfrr. ~ Tory wen: l1fn:d up wah chr knl<.:.ot Lio~s l~vc, winch ht: for prdcnddt nor. 4 Thm bodily pains were m1ra. culoully mitigated: ali Roft Allen _bcmg asked by africnd,how fue ~tf.a11/ Msn. could abid( the paiofu'.l burning of h1.:r hand hdd ~ver a c::md~e, {o fol, 1 ~ 1 ' lon6 till thi: v.-ry fim:ws cncl~t afunder? ~h~ fa1d! :ic chc hrll ic WlS tome grid to ht:r; but ahrrward, t~e l.ongcr ln~ burned, chc ktk 1he fdc, or wdl n::ar none ~call. .\ 11hma a H..om111 M.myr, crying OU[ in her cr~vdl, and betng asked oy her l<ct:p~r how fl.H! would endure thdire mx~ day ; On well c:iou6h, fatd the: for now I lu!kr in ch1ld..:bm~1 tur my fins, Genrftt 3. but then

of m~, & ~- nt1d the l~nfe i!: fu\_l. fol'

B b3


---------;(;;;1;~~t~~y~pim the Epijllc----ci~~-;.

;-,~ 1;)(.


of st Paul ti th6 H n B Rn w
. .

- - - - - - - ----------'--- -~---


lie met his rncmi's in the bee, :wd a~l:.t:d them, 111hom feeh1~? 1 am '1~. y1:1fo 8. /rt lumitti J1r rbc~itsJCI' Hecrnw ro know by ex. ~:;_;~:;:~ :<''. rtmncc what 3 h:lld rn:itt<.l' IC was, rhus ro obey God, Scho/,4 crwi.1, (l ho/,1 /Ni'. (;idco>1 l:y th rt i11ing the mtn of' Succorh, N .rn 11c1:t; ,fo. r:rn~~.111: them, T"".~'..1~.716. Cods cha!tilemrntsarc ouradvcr(jlllh' ii!.1, tikmrnts. ~cc my Tnatiko11Rc-i.3.19. p.145. . ycr(c 9, A.nd hrin.~ 1;1:tde po:fiE~ J Or,. Being offrred up in fa. 7~ /,c: :, ~ .~ f

Chrifl fhaH. lt1ffcr in me, Qn~l fl1pptirt m0~-, ~v?.:1, A;ul \\'1H heitrd in tlJttt l:e .ff 1md J Or, Ile '''M hemd (chat i~, ]) rliwrcrl) fiom /Ji, fi:o. I or no fooncr h:id he praild but

---.-- - '

;f h~-~;ing ob~~ i~~c~~~f (mcUii;g, hope ;- of ta{ling~;;ity- ; -~f. ------

To difcern good.a~d evt't J Doth nor. chc car try words, and the mouth talte his meat i' Job 12. 11. Eye h.Hh not feen, &c. I Cor. 2. 9. Whue the. care"[' r!, the E1tg!cs \\"i/t be. ~aims h:iv~ !l tpmtu:ill f1g1rny ~ :ind they by holJ on ctcrn:ill lite.

touchmg, hum1l.1cy.

c 11
V~l'f\: 1, Let w
. 11

A I>.

v I.
2. 2.

gn on 1wt.1pnjrlio;1 J
a1:nin~ 11 th~

\;-~:~:i;:;:.~, ':,

rnfJCc , ~ir brn~g c0mpkatLd by elm; t.:r.pernnc:ncall knowledge of p~lli \'C obedience .:l!o. ']'f;c ,;111_lJ01:>- J .A11J jl1iifl~e1 t~o, cap.11.1. Gr.The c1rnfa,vil!.,, by l11s merrc and cl11c!lcy. Vcrk Io. Crdhd] Lr. Spr krn nnto, c:i!kd by mm~ or enrirnlcd an high-I1r idl 1 r)c, th~rclore he fa tmly fo. f'or Jpcr!ons irnd tbincs HL' :is God calkth t h~m. \'Lrk 'i 1. Of"; /m;i \\c h,ive, _&c. J The digreflion here begun ho!Js on tot he. rnd ot chc next Chapu:r, J-1.trd to bt 111ttrrd J Cr. Hud to be t.\'pomulcrl. But ditfi. miry dN~1 not dilhc:u~u;, lim nthLr \'>'hct on hcrl'ick fpirics to a.

'-'mg chorow all nnp.:(.{1111rncs, at h1"hdl lJicch, a11d G eying the bdl patcrns. 1c is low anJ LI .1worcllyDitrain in lomc

R. Let ru he c irridoi1, as with a force, AU.



1Lt11l:!u11i\1~ fl.ird1; 1t 1.h>tl-1 not weak<nJ but waken their earnd.t. LldL, not amate, I 1uc anin1:nc thun.


f1 ~:, " " '

J\I "~.. .

cl cy:; -~ d111J] (;r, S/:>wp.tcerl 11ml hc11-:.y.h1tnded. Ollr mrndt s a1 :: lil;c n::i1rnw n~ombt:d vdltls. Om ~aviour therefore f}'1thr fl-1 thr pcorlc cot: Id het1r, lik~ as Jacob dravc as thclittlc ones
lOU\J \~O. , \'ate I 2. re l.111vc nud that 0>u] Hut pc:op!e plead thdr rottco chat tu~ ot :ige and matt iagu :igainl\. C:m.:chiiine. ycrtc q. b!t/;c~\:0>clnfri,r,httot1/ncffe J Thatis in the more {()lid dnfcnm: ot the l)ulpd com:cmin~ Ch rill~ who is our rightc
. \; ~:1 k J 4. To t lu m th<tt 1'11e rf fidl a,~e J Or that are perfdl, comparauvdy, not only pa{t the fpoon, but full grown. 1vhii by rca(on of 11[e J Gr~ Brn~(in of habit, got by conti~ nua\l cullom~, and long pratl1c~, as man expert Anift. . If tive tlmr (en/cs c.wrcifed J Their inward fanfes; for the

to Lluotir..,afca no more grace rhrn will kLt p lit:: and wgccherJ tlJJt is 1 hdLrnd kul ;\fond..:r. . . r, R.Tnt-.l}-nc~ ft'ortJ do.d \\o~/z_r J Th.:(c arc th~ Ji,\' I';/;U:ip!eJ of Um,hrn td1g16n, clue mu1t b.: l:.Hd JS i h:.iwhi:wun. Vttfr 2. DoElri>tc of b11ptt/1lus] lmv..1rd i.llld OUtWJrd, n.,. min::s e:.,"' flr1minfs, of wacur, and ot che fpiric, chat wa11ii1111 of n:~cmncion, and renuing of rhe holy Gholl, Tit.3. 'j. t> .ib1dvj l."lyin.~ on nf hinds J H'!rd1)' is 111.:'.ant thl.'. whole Mir1ifitr~', and. ord:.:r of U1urch. govcrnml'nt, as prdt'lilnd [J}' the 11'il(im d1col; Word. The Sc; 1pnm.: is w lit: ral\rn in cht: Ltrgdt irnkl if nrJd1i11" li'..u.(s, hindn, ndrher m~nter, phrak, nor kopL'. b \'td~3, l{Gdpc~-m~t J H<..Jo,ig1.v~md1fl.! a11d al1ilit>', and youcJplctcy anl [borl1cy: tur uuny tall aWJ.V, w:1o!e d.llllillti011lkept:th noc, . Vcrk 4. lf'/10 were r.ncc enl1:~1n i1cd J Kllowing p.:irfons, and ~r.r.:J[V7H, :is tbofe they Clll ~he \\'its.of de 1:or!:l, tr\: 111 grc~t..:11: drng.r of the 11 \':!ii' of 11 11;ivk {m; which beg ms rn :.tpJlbcy> hol~ls un ill ~)u :>' ! :_; rru) L11ds in liblnhcmr. 1lnd 11,;yc titft :1 J \s Cooks Jo tl1 .ir L:uccS Wilh t~1L' tip o{ tll'il'. lt<\~.ronly, Ol'i a;, d1e lfr.u!Hn c.tlcd .11, t.u1es ut the l:m,l, and )'LC [1l'rfth::.J in rht: Wii,lcrnl'.lfr, f',1 m0rs <f :.'u> /.:J!y C/.. ,;ff J Of hi11 cum:1w11 and i11fl'ri. 1~nr '.~~! .s 3.d or::rur.:::.1:;, Thd~; a m.rn m 1y ioic'> .\lid lnv~ his c:i,,n1t1 ! .1~ co 1i.rn..: kvu1 tim1.s mon: mll:il'.u.i LllLll bdorc,

~uul aHo. l~ath ~er knfcs, ~s the body hat~. Jnfi~ad. ~! fe~ing 1 faith;

_.~ f,~;. l "'. : : ..

B ~> 4



; 68 --

A-Commt11tA~y upo111he - -------------- -.


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-- l

Vttfr 9. BHt btlovul, Wt ~re pt.rfw~Jea] He wo~ld rmt be mifiahn. Zuir.gli111 when he had mn1ghd agamfi vice, wculd
ufually c'.oft- up his dike u11e with Pr~lit vir l:11c xihii 11d t~. AU

Vcrf<: 5. Ana h.we tiifl(d the gfJoJ \\ord] Carching at the pro. miks, as children do ac fwtct-lllt'acs, rLJuycing therein, as the Hon}'grcund-hc:uers did, conccmng a rowling opinion, as H11m.:m diet, chat chty art: cht mm Whllll cht Kmg of h(;i4Vrn will

Ch11r. f______if_S_t_P_a_ul_1__ ,_,1i_e_H_m_1~1.-=---=--'-~._s_.--:-----~-~-~- _._

Ver!l 6. If thr'y fJ111/l f.ili '1>~.ty J Tocally and finally, a5 !11d,u :md Juli1m did, :rnd :i.s J\-ir blm Gloitr thl:u~hc he had done, and did dJLrdurnac his mtac againfi :ippt:rice, only to defer the time of his d;imnacic-111, which, by m1lbkt: CJf this cexr, he daought he cc uld not pcflibly :noid. I:m Lod, wl:u comfortcth thole that arc CJ!l dow11, did nut 011ly :u hfi rid him c.uc of all his fears, bit .-rar.1:,l.\:0r:. alfo fomld him co fuch momficacion of lite, aschelikdighcly / tJi ' 5 ~ l, h:irh noc Lrrn kw, Leich _Mr Fox, who knew ic. A >:d pm Um t~ ,,n Ofnt fo,une] As 1( chey had not found him cht: (~me: that they cool<. him tor. 1n thuf~ that biw, wilfully rtfi lied Jivinr crudi5 mad~ known to da:m 1 and afcer [2fte defpifed rht m, :i pcrl w~fion chat God luch fodaken them (kc on firongly by S:.icrn) Hirs up :rn hdld11 hacrc.:d againlt God ; carrying chtm w a r1. nnt;c:f ull ddir~ of oppofing whacfocvcr is Gods, though not al waics oprnly ( for tht 11 chr y fi10uld lofe chc ad vantage of doing liur c) yn fr.<;rttly and fobt11ly, and under pretence of the com my, as enc htll obkrvcch. Vt:rft 7. /J'nd hri11t.ttlJ firthh1rhs J So the fruidull Chrinian ( tlm wacm:d with rht: Word and ~pirit~ bring~th torch a .hamlt of hulint fk) ihall rm: iv<. chc bk !lrng of cncrealc', /1h. 1 J 2. Such lTtc!i a~ lnuu;;ht forch huit fit fot meat1 \vm; &le&; to be dcftroit:d, D mt. 20. 19. But tH 1;:> thitt Were noc for fruir, Were for the fire,

cquicy. To forget Jr Hr \\'01 k. J nc Du~kr may forget 7.faph, !.nd /o[eph forget hi~ fathm huufe : but forgcdulndk bdals. not ~od, to whom all chings are prdenr, nnd before whom there JS Written a ucok vf remcmbranct for thl.'m that frar thi Lord1 !Ind think upon hisname, MAl.J. 17. .. Verfc II. Do fonv tlu fl:me d;/11.mce J A man may as truly fay the ka burns, or tire cvols, as thac ccmil1c}' of 1alvacion bm.d& frcuriry :rnd lcofnes. To 1h1 fid/ "f[ur1mce.J All d~ties tend to alfur:mce or fpring from it. Snive we mult co chc: nchts of full affursnce, Colo[. 2. 2. Bue in cafcour af1urancc he flOt fo tair, ycdd nae ro temptations and carnall reafonings. Coyns that havt: linle of cht !lamp 1cfc.,yct

thi~ is nothii:ig to thee, thou ~omfi m~n. We can hardly btat the swtw . .At:v.tJl, cluf,~ na of dwra, but 'h' 'h1ldrrn will cry. ' TLingi that acc""'P'"'1 (a~vatio,, J. Cr. ThAt bliv6 q1vAti111, l?.,-~.4.C(, i.e. that (omprdlend ir, are conugtious to ar,and touch upon a. Grace 't'l7l/~11~" and glory difft:r nor, but in degret'. 10. For God i4 not 11nri1.httom] That is, unfaithfoll, 1 John 1. 9, Th<:rc is a jul1i<;c of fiddicy, as well as of


dance of Gmls work. Sha kt off floth.

Bllt 1:.Uow~rl of tlmn


That 1~ /;6 not jlothfah J A ready heart mak(S rid

Verk 8. ]J rrje ll{d,and i& 1figh to CNrfiNg] The fin againn the holy Clioft j5 chm fore unpardonablt, becautc God (not fulfering himtdf to be de1idcd, or his Spiric of t1ucb to be found a Har) (mi ccch thdc againft their own fouls, with blindendfe and r~ prubacy of minde. Whtncc follow~, 1. An jmpeJ/Jibilicy of re pmcance, ihh jc is the work of t.~at Spirit ~hom rh.ey ha~c defpj ced, and will not {uffer any fumg opcraucn of his co fdl:en on ih~ir foulii. a, 5uch a dttpcmc fury inHde!th them, that they relit'\ ar.d re pudiatc th~ matter of remiffion, the bloud ofCh whereby jt they might Lave: mucy, yet they would nYt; but continue ra ving and ragjng :igainft both the phyfick an~ ~lac _?hy~~iao, co tbcir e:ndlt fie rnth and rujnr.

J" men fiu:ul J propoun d co l hl'lll1(. I lves t he bt lt r:ucrns, ,(!~; r I(., \..'(i:'OfJ.fll' made, that flru m.r, and ever bea1 i minde lomceminrnc man. ,.~ r/fh?. l:f~ V.rfe I 3 For Wlm1 God m11de jromife J Of tho(c many that t-J/fdr. " by faith :md patience had inhcr itt d c_hc prn1~ilt~, th,c ApoHle ~fianceth in Alf'ah~m, f3mou~ boch for b1~ h1th m l.1ods prom1f~, t1tr. I 3. and for his patience, v. IS. -

lt Wl4~ ii good law char rhe E1htji,1n1


Vcr(e 14, Blf./fir.g 1 \\iU bleffe thee] Now he wlwm God bklkch> Chall bt bldkd, as If""' faid of l.1cob 1 Gcn,l7, H, V\:rh; 11, rvl/rcr he hnd pAticnt/7 nulurcd] Wam:d many )'ears for an l/teac, and }tt lonscr for em11:1ll lite. J h~1,~ 'R'AittJ for thJ (ttlv11tiot1, 0 Lord, faith dying /11(0/J, Gm. i9 Ii.





h7 the ~rr11ttr J So do not tLcy that fwear by

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--- ------------- ------- ------- ------------------[cr.~7


A Comment.,,, upon the Epiflle


by fun,fry .crc:m~rcs aml qullitics, God can hardly fparn fuch,




l\'Lhc.n. s 10,

bm yet mo~I..' crc-11bk. N 1-.v cwo chill6'> m.tki: a thing rnor~ cred1Jlc. 1. lht quiliry of ch~ pert on f p;:Jl\in~. 2. Tht: m:urner of the fpccch. If GuJ do not {imply lpeak, l>m !olcmnly iWclr unJ k:il co Lis rcmdlion of lins, a:1d ado 1 )c1on of tons by ci~e bro:td kil ohht: S;1r.ramcms, and by chc privy of his ~pirir, Should we nut rdl: allim:d ~ Vl:de 1 ~ /Ye m~~:'n hav_e jh-011g J .Such ~s fwdlo~~th up all worldly.gndJ, :is /ti>ft- 1 his {~~pen~ did th\.! Sor~~n:r:> krprnrs,or :is the hr~ doth tht: h:wdl. 1 hi: ~Jcra:nrncs are Gud~ vili~lc o:iths unto us! ht: tak1:th, as it were, chc body anJ bloud of his Son inro his hand, and fokmnly {wcm:th to l>cltow upon us all the pnrcluk of Chrirts pall ion. Should noc therefore thl!joy uf che Lord b::: om iln:ngch ? The com funs ot Ph1loiophy are ":t'' r.:u' ?J.:l- a (as 'PIMo luch it, as Socr,ue1 found ir, whrn he WJs to die.:) clue is, t1JJCJ ,1,:d nif!e1. .N ejl"io q11om<1tlo imbrcil.'ior ,.ff med.i~in:i q1:dm m:ir/iw, l:mh Cicero, the difrale is too hard for the ll1Ccii~11l,. But tlk con(ol~tions of Gud arc 1trung in rhcmfolve~, and lho<;J d nuc t>~ lm:dl wid1 us, {ob 15. l l. Verk I 9. E :,t/,i /rlrc trnl /fl d(<ljf J Spes in terrmu, incmi nomen !,1mi: S('t'S in di1 1 inu, nomen dl cenij]i mi, ~'ncl 1\,f;it:h enttNt/J in:o J This anchor is cafi up. ward, and bttt'ntd nor in the dt'pch of chc fra, but in chi! h.eight of h;.;i.( v..:11, whereof lt gees ti rm hold , anJ fore pulld~

0n nd ofall.flrift] Thccndofanoarh is to hdp the cnt:h in necdlicy, and co cle;ir mens innoc1.:ncy, E:1:od. 2 2.1 1. . \' nk I 7 G!l!J \'l'l"Jii.11~ J}.)/>t-~ abunJwrlJ His word is firf. li.cicm, }'ct tl'n.J1:ring oLir illhrmiry he h:uh bound it with :in oath, '.l.ud kt cu his kal. His Word cannoc b~ m1dc tthm.: cm:

Vcric 1, Fqr this c.JUclcbi[cdrcb]

O:nc make him chc fame wich Slum : Ochers fay it was the Gho{l, orhers foy Chrift himfdfundt r the h:lbic ofa King S :ind Pt I c is moll probable rhat he was a rnorrall man, and a
ho\y idt. Crt11aa11ite, buc yet a moil righteous man, and a Pridt of the mofl: high God by lpcciall di!iientarion : And chat [( c~,irl~omcr and th~ oth~r Kings chat over. ran the commey, and fpo1lcd ir, forbart',

om of reverence to the m:rn and his olliccp co mccdk with Afdchi~

fuhlJJ t<.:rd caries.

Vcdc i. Gave a tenth p.m of all J Sot<:> fct forth his th:mkfol11dk to God for the victory. The Lord is the m.m cf \\'arrc-, faod.15 3 The Lord 11nd Villo11r of \\,1rrc1 1 :is th~ Chaldl:c there uxprdkch it. Conqucrours ll1oul.i fcnq to him, as [oab to D 11 vid, co cake the honour of the day, 2 S.un, 12,28. The vny Hcachrns, after a viCl:ot} , would conkc1atc fomcthing tu their goes. Vcrfe 3. Wir/Jo11t f11ther J vi:t.., That We findl.! mcntion.:d

held, That he was the holy Ghofl:, or ar leuH fom~ ct'<.atcd


in chc holy Scripture.

HC'ncc the v11dchifcdechi,w heretikcs

Lik_srmtotheSonofGod] Aslnvingneithcr fellow nor fucccflour. Vlifc 4, How grettt thu m.111 \''114] Jc is goodnc:fle that renders a man great, and the grace of Cod that cnnobkch, I (a. 43 +
l\.~blJins, as D t1niel ca ls them, Chap 9. 2 7,_ St'c Job ~ z. 9, Great men indeed; not With a l>t.:lluinl', l.rnt with 1 genuine grcam~s. The tenth of thr. 01oi/J J Gr. Thetnp ~(tin he,1p., V(;\'fe 5. To tn~e tittm <f the people] ff tithes be Jcwil~1, ur.."'~~;,.,e,~. ' faith on, and yet J\linifl:ers mufl: have a uuinten:rncl', how will ;,1 mm iarisfic their conkienccs in the particular quantity they mufl: heUow npon thtm ? The Scripture<s .only of the tr:mh par~. Can any lht::w us where the old appumu.n 1s rcv~rkd, and wluch is that q11ota parJ now chat confciencc mull: rdl: in? Ycrf~ 6. Received tithe1 of Ahrt1h11m J C~r. Tit/Jed or tent~J- eo:J'Y.!iwx<: "d vtbrahllm1 by the fame Divine l~ight 1 whereby he l>ldll'.d .. him~
Hrb.11.2. KeepclofecoGoLi, :ind chenrcl11:dlhefome of Ciods


V cllc ~o, wJ1i1h~r rhr; forcrrm nrr] Like !1$ the highrridl on::c ;t y;.;<tr ~nt1.:r(d llltO the lfolt or HCilll''.l co pray for tht: pi.opk.

~-I A


.......... ---3"1~--~----A-C_O_l11/11_(1f_l_4r_'J_#p-011_t_h_e_Ep-:ijl:-=~7"e_ _ _ c=--h-ap~.7.

"""" ---------:-----------------Chap.7. tt/Sc Paul t1 the HJ! B ll JZW 1.

-;;;;:;;,~,. tht 1ow1!J lierh of 60.d
the F~th;~~who m~~c him a Pridt, ar.d ot Gcd the Son who 1s the Father of ttcrnny., Jfa.9.6. and a Pridl: for cnr: which Wct.d [fir t'flfr J the Apofile t xpoundeth and impromh in tht laft clauk of rljs verfe, The powtr of 1m ena/eft /ifi, Vrde 17. For he t,ffifietb] TJms the Aurhour fiill argueth Hicro~, cut ot Scripture; 11s knowing char, !!2.Jiicq11id100H hA!m Autlm~ifill''" ('.0,: J'criptmu "~dun fmlitRte cc-ntmmitHr, q11" 11ppro'1a tNr, Whatfoever js nor grm111dcd upon ~cripture a\lthoricy as :isca1 fily rddhd as rt'ccived. Vn{e 18. }'or thtrt IJ 1Jtri'.J a di~nnH/ling] Gr, .A11 OH ting, A9tr~ 11 ~.

him.- Mtlchifaae-;,, did n~t tak~~hly-chat-~A~-;~~~ waa plea fed co giv.: him,. but h~ tithed kim,. faith the tc:xc,. he took tbc tenths, as his du~. Verfe 7. The lcff"e.u hlef{e~, &~.] .The PJ!lour the.reforc Llef fing his pt:opk accord mg to b1s office, IS grc::iter tben h1s pcoplci,tn that rdpcel. Verfe s. Tlw he liveth] Tiches then are due to the MiniRm of chrij 1h.H livr1b, bcc.aufr due ~o Jl1tlchiftdteh, to whom A. /m,h.~m p:Aid them as a Pra~Cl, and mh-tJ.~u, and eye~ ot Chrm. Who therefore lhould rccem: them tor him, but thoft: that are in his fl:ead, 2 Cor.5 .10? Ver le 9, Levi Al(o pAitd tit bes] If any flnll objl!ct, So did Chrifi alfo, fith he WJS in the loines of Abr.-h~m [OO; Jc may be anfwered, Thac though Chrift was of Abraham, yc:t he was not by AbrAhttm. But Levi was both. Vedc 1Q, In the loins ti[ hu father J So w~ Wire all in the Joins of when befell (as all chc Cuuncy is in a Parliam~ntnun) and fdl with hia1, Vcde 11. If 1herrfire perfiaio,,] i. e: Jnllificacion, fantlifi. cation, falvacion. Verfe 12. A 'hA'llg-eal{i of the L4n1 J For \\'t art nf.Jt unJ1r the law, bNt Hnder gr Ace. The Gofpel 1s pop n11uft11tiN., tabu/1, a plank after il1ipwm:k, and hach ics remunem1on, Heb, 11. 6, vh. of grace and m.:rcy. By L'>v here fomcundc:rLlood only tbc hwof Pridthood. Vcrfo I 3 Pertainuh to a11oth1r trillt' J That of J11a4h, v.14, which therefore is firfi rcckon~d, Rn1r/.7, among cho{e chat \Wm fealcd; As ot thGfe that came by Rachel. N ephthA/i huh the firn pla<:e lmm1fc in that tribe GhrHl: d wclc~ vh. ac Ct1pet<NaNfflj, Vt utrobi~ (Uperemin111t Chrifti pr.irogativa. Verfe 14. N othi1g co11cm1in1. Pridlhood J For when ReH [1en by defiling JJilh.ih, loll: his birch-right, the birch. righc wu given to Jofaph, the kingdomc t~ !Htia~, and ~he Priefihood co Levi, Bllt C)od cranllm:d the Praefl:hood, and fettled ic upon his Son Ch rill, who fprang out ot I 1ttir1h, jn a time, when it Was com monly bought and fold co the vilt:ft ut m~n, and all was out of <>rder. Vc:rfe is. Afur tht Jimilit:td~ of A1dcbifedecb J ;. e. After an ord~r d1tlintl an.i ditforenc from thac of A;1ron. V~rfi: 16, Of a c.cnuU comm.end.] i.t'.Et.t<!rml ~11d c:,r,aio11iil.


Rom. to 4. . . we drAw n(~h to God] Having boldnelTc and accdle with con rpl:cr. .u. 3 fidence by chc faith ofC;hriH our high. Pridl: who leads us by the ~and, and preknts us to his heavenly father, as ~o/eph did his two fens to ?M1b, that he rnightbldlc them. Verk 10, Not \\ itl10Ht 11n o"tli J A fingular confirmation: what a monfirousfin then is unlxlid? Vcrfe 21. eAnd\\'i/J not repent J Will not change his minde upon pretence thiat fecond thought~ llrc bmer. Thole chac ciu play with oachs1 and can Hip them as tafily as munl<it's do their collus:t, have nothing of GQd in them. Verfc u. 91fos W.u m~deA {Uretr J As he was our lurcty to God forthe difcharge ot oL-tr debt ( thdurccy and dclnonr in law arc reputed as one pufon) fo he is Gods fumy co us,lor the pl:lform:mcc of his promiies. Verfe 23. BJ rui(on of death J Nt'icher their holindfo, nor learning c~uld privdtdgc them from deaths impmi:ill llroke. ...No11 te t1111 plNrimA Penthm, /"btntnn tcxit picttl4. All our karningalfo is foon refuted with one black 'Theta, which underrl:anding us not, lnappeth us unrelpcchvtly wi[houc diCHnfiion, and pumth ac ~me~ a period to cur rriding, and to <mr being.

<"1fating, t ,\'pNnging. of rhe eommandm111t J Sec the Note Gin Vir.12. & 1,. For the WtAltn1ffe11nd 11nprrfim~lentffe J fc. To julbfir, fan. l\ifir, fave, Rcm.8. 2, though as a fchcolmaficr to Chrin, and a rule oHife, it is offingularufe lhll. verfr 19. B Htthe brin1,i11 Jn J 'The 12w is !I fuperintrodul\ion to Chri~ o~lr bop~, who as tb"' rnd ~f the L1 w ro every belie..



Verfo 2.4_

. . ---rn----~---A.c",;;,enmy r1pon tfleEJ_?_te

. ----


Verf~;4:-:m c~~;i~~~i, e~er What need chen is chcr~ ~T~ Vicar, as ch~ Pope will needs be Haled? . ~n rmcha11gea. 'J/e J Gr . !mp.11{4/,[e. He necdl!th no foe



"!St Paul tithe Hu .n

1\ !l

w s.


Vc-rft: 2 5. To,/;: Httrrmorl J P.:rpctu11ly ~nd perfcrdly, fo as non.: (lull need co co,nc aher hi1n co finit11 what he ha~b begun. He i:it a chorow~Saviour, a ~aviour i11 {OliJ11m, and doch noc lus work to chc halvt's.. .. . Vcrk 16, w.i014 holy] As the high-Pridl: ofold, Lev.21 .18. E.1.:od. 28. H.mnft J[e ~ W1chout any birch-Glor~ . . . vndcfi!ed] hce from dulll pollm1nn, without ongmaJl ble mifhoratluallblor, 1 J'n.1.19. [i 1 f,hcr tlm1 1h~ '1rf111011 J l'hat is, th1.:n the Anr.rtr, thofc
hcav~nlyCoutticrs, D-"11.10.13.

~~ ii,lti_:p.

Vale 27. Who ;uedeth not a.1Uy Or, On " ctrtli;,, a~} of the rear, fc. atthefoltloftht!tXp1:uions, Levit.16.29. Sc.:e /-l(b,10 1. Firft pr /J4 o:t'>i jit11 E~fc how co~ld he land ~dore God

tor others: The l'ridh c.1adore had ch..:&r lavcr whc:rcm co walh, ldorc cht:y offacd any llllllS facrifi~c . The Lmzcn r\lcar no.od wichouc, th~ incenfe-alcar of goldJ .'Ychm the Santluary: co hg. nilie ch;ic our own lul\s nrnll: be lacrificed, ere we cake upon us ct puy tor our fdvcs or och:rs, J> avid ol.>krvc:ch this mc.:thrJd, I' fa/, ~ S.& p (di. 5 r. H~ tirlt gers pardon tor himfelf, and chen makes re. qudl for Sian. . Vcdc, 8. Far th~ la.w m.ik_:tl1 J As if chc ApofHe lhould fay, Shall I fummc up and Chuc up all in :i word ? The law ma kcth men hinh- Pridl:s which have mficmicy, &c. Dull kho. hrs mufl hav~ it ova and oY:.:r. N unquffm fuid dicitHr,quoJ nun q11am (atu di[ciwr.

- -------;---- -

- -- -- -

------- - -


Verft: 1. who 1~fet on the right-hAnd]

which. ~h1 Lord pi~h-dJ ChriHs bo~y wa-;~~oc~-iv~d-i~th~--- --- - --Virgini womb; not by humanegem:racion, but by divine operation, Sec ch,1,.9.11. lah.1.14. He was thcftonecut out ot the mountains wcthouehands1D.iu,2, Th~ rof~ gf Slutnm thiu; !;IOWB' C.L.[ 1. lo wichom mans care. Verfe j Somewhat Alfi to ojf.rJ To wit, His own body, An ttfrring 1tnd a (acriflce to got1 far aJirnt (me/Jing (4vour, Ephef. 5.2. By Muum Olivet lloud the garden ot Gt thfmw2c, where Chrift was taken and kd inco tl:ic: Cac~ chr1Jugh che Shr~p-gatc to be cfkred up, like an innocent 1l1erpJ on the altar of bis cro(fr, fgr thC! fins ot his people. . Verfe '1- He fl.10;1/d not be a Priefl] Becaufe not of the tribe of L6vi, whof\; Pridlhood lalh:d fo long as Chrilt lived on carthJ and was done awJy b}' his dearh. . Verfr 5. Of he'4wnlJ thi,.g1 J So he c:illerh the m~O:ery:ot Chrifi, fi1cwed hmby to Mo/eJ rn the Mount, and iludowcdout to the peoplt by the f1.:rv ices of th<: Tabmuck. Vt:rfe 6. Of a lmter Co'!] Or rather Tdhmcnt ( ~tt.9 and not ~v9::K11 ) hc1 ven bi:ing conveicd co che ddl by ie .. gacy. le is p:m of Gods r~ltammt to wrire-his laws in o~r ht:atts, &c, All chat ht n qum:s of HS is w cake hold of this Covenant, .co receive hisgifcohightl:ouli1ll)i_., co cak~: all (. :ht.1ll1 c,!..r, and chis r1:1.~6. alfo he hath promikd co caule us co do1 vcr.1 o. Roni '" Vet fl! 7. 6ee11 f .w/(/, ffe J Such a!; h;td not bt:rn weak and unpro~cabk, G'h1:1p 7.1 S. ~m; Lhc Nocc t_hcre. It the p;:oplc could have performed ic, and luve been ptrht4'.q by it. Vcrlt 8. For.finding f.ut!t irh dn m J Or, Fit<idin.~ f.rnlt \\'ith i1, ch:it is, wich th1.: Cov. nant, ht f:iich cu lhem, Bthold 1he d.1ies, &c. So 7uniru re:.idern) and frnltrh ic, Vc:rk 9. 7 he Covenul41th,uIm1de J lk ml!anc.:th .not hm~ the Covenant of grace m:idc with Abr.Jl. 1im, bur, ci1cumc.lion, the ltgall cc..rtmonit.:s and l~rviet:s, ,thJt lmrdrn which.m:ithu 1ht:)l t'j~l" tlitir fochl'rs could bt:ar. . . Wlun l uok_.them by 1l1e had J Te.u-hir..~ them t? _{0 1 ta4fn_{!


Pridl:, as was M1lchi . J Or, A pub/~~ ojfim, :u :\~:.:, 1 ;:. ru: ~:1 ..: SJ1il:s, abonc holy thm~s. h' h


is ch~n:for:.: a King, as wdl as a [ed~ch. . Vc:rfr 2, ;J M~nijler of the (atJEl::-1a7

,,,. "

them bJ thtA,.m1,Hof.11.3.keq>111g.chdr teer, 1 S.mJ. i 9. atid k"1cing thi:m thorow che dn.p as a h"ric in tl1r: w;ldrn~1 s, thac. cht y foould ~ot fiumble, Jfa.63.13. . . [ -_-.; \, " ', And 1 r1gtirJuJ 'them not J Heb.Although I was an busb:md-un~ i to them,q.d.Yet ncvcrthdtfk they fodook che guide of chcir youth~ and forgat the: CovenaRt of their God 1 ]rr. 31. 3 2. Pro, 2.17.




______________ __________




4 C1m111e11tgy Mf011 the Bpiflle


------ ----Verfe 10. I WiO pt4t my /"rn, &.:.] Gods Coven~nc is co Write his laws :md promi(es in bi1 peopln mindn, fo tlut they Oull h1V;! the knowledge of them, A11a in their h1art.r, 1o th1t Eht!y f1uH . have the com tore, feeling and fruition ofthet11. Verle J 1. v11d rhq P,all not teach J The full performance of this promile is refc:rv..:J to the life to come ; when w~ 11ull need no ordininccs, bu~ 111 ;il\ l>c all c;iu3ht oi God, Verlt: I 2. I will ht nmci(UI/] I will be propitious tnorow Ch rill: the propitiation for our fins, I 7oh. 2, 2. . . Will.I remember no moN J Nihil oblivi(ci (Diet prttter i"'J.ll 'lJJ>trtl ro~\~lll. f C ~ t:. LJ c . ruu, { 11'd C. ~ero o 1 ar. n: wont to corgec nochinrr but by r rt,tf.,, JJ('' fh rew J cums. An J of' our fj I! h 1c . 1s . horied, l. ., -ic12r1 t he 11x.t that he ~as of that h:ippy memory, chu he n~ver f~rgat any thing buc in. Jury. Lee m but rcmcmb~r our fins w1ch griet, and GoJ will for- ' get them : L~c U> fee them co coofdlion, and we tlull never fee chem to our confulto:J. He is a fP"givi1 g G11tl, N.:h..-in. 9. 31, Nt)rn: like him for due, t.Mici11h 7. 1 ~. He doth it nuurally, Exod.34.6. Abttn~ancly, 1[1t. S5 1 Con{hntly, Pfal. 130. 4. 7oh.1.27. M11l+6. Verfe r ~. He lwh! the fir fl- old J He? hath anciquued and atx>lifhi!d it. This c.he Apofl:le ohcn iriculc:nes, bcclulC'che J~ws about co dhblil'h cheir own rightcoufm:ffi:-, and it is a piece:: ofpo~ery n1turall co us :ill, to think t~ go to heaven byour good
meanmgs,and good doings. If to v4~;p, 11~111 J So

that's their comforc.


is the old man in Gods people r

c. A p. Ix.
Verfe 1. Then verilJ. the fi,..ft
Apoll:I~ provc~h thlt

fae thr wh_ac he h1d propounded, 'Chap.8. H ver(.5 his aff::ruon m1ghc be found, fuch as catmoc b.! 'ondemac:d, Tit.i.8.


Ordi11tinm J Gr,

true and h::avcnly. Vale 2. firft Y,herein ~"'"' &c, he oncer Courc, as not p::mnem to

f Hflift~ations, vi~. Cercmoniall ritulll ' , A 1vor/Jf1 S,inEl11;ar1 J i.e. Terrenc soJ ffi1d0Wy~ op?{jfed co'


He fpeaks nothing of his prefenc purpofe. Bue .

tlaere was botbin the Tabernacle and Temple, theHoly of Holies, the sanauary, and the Courc of the people ; Anfwcrable where. unto are in rnan, Theipirit, (0111a11J6od1, 1TheA:J,2J. And as thecloud, 1 K;ng.8.10,11, -filled firll: the moll: holy place, and theA the holy,and then che outer Court & fodoth the holy Ghofi renue the fpiric t eur mildes,and then our wills and afi1tctions, and lhcn the ou[w:ud man. Verfe 3. .e.Awd tffttr tht feco~J. VtJI] This was not of anJ h:irddcbmmg mrner, lmt cafily pem:mL>ll? then, :ind now alfo rencby Chrifr, co fhewourclfie acc-.ffc: co God with coufidence '11 thtf.ijtb of him, Eph.3.11, Vcr!c 4.- The gold~n Ctnfer J Or the Altar of inctnfC', which though it belonged. to the moft holy phce-, yet was plated without the veil, E.\~d.30.6,&c. that ic might l>t: ot daily uk, the fweet incenfe offered thC"reori,eafily piercing tkorow tht: veil, 3nd filling the: mofi holy with it~s iavour. wher,;,. WIM ihc goiac11 por,&c J Jn, or near to the Ark ofrhe CoYenant was chis golden pot ot Manna, and v111ro11s rod, and tbcrTables of che Tdbmenc, and the propitiatory or covering,ami a crown of ~old round about ic. To inlinuace thus much ( faicn one) chat Wt: mu!l: be like che Ark ot the Loven:rnr, bdng buildl!d and reared up fbll coward tht m1rk :not only When the: Lord foedechus wich the fweet Manna ofki5 mercy~ but alfo when he aflH .. . fieth US With the lliarp rod ot his correcllon: and 3lWaies keep the Tabh:s of the Tdbmt:nc, which are the Command&n~nts ;. lhat by flith in Chrilt, who ~s the propidttion for oar fms, w~ may obtain che golden crown of ~tcmall ltfot . . . Vuh: 1 eAnd o"Jer it th1 Chtr#blm1] The Ark Covering the Law withio it, the M;;tcy-fi::1cupon ir, anct over them two Cherubims covc:ring om: :mocl:ter; All chdc kt forth Chrift covering the curies of the: L1 w, in wboin is tht: ground of all mercy ; which thing~ the Angels ddire co pry into, as mco che.p1cem of Gods untearchable witdome and goodndle. Vt!rtc 6. wm 1h111 ord.finta J Gr. Prep~mJ, {itteJ,fi.,iflml by the hilnd of chc :lrtitic:er1 :md ch1:rc:forc calkd worldly in 11 good ~~-:tTiu~I'~ fon{e, ver .1. P. ' Vcrfe 7. For the erroHrJ] Cr. The not k.,ttowingi of t&c pto A , < pit: Thofo trrours ch:ic cht:y coul~.llOC hdp, and yet mun dfC have )roll/ anfwered fur, lgnor.u fane i1t1pr1~U1 11111114, fJich U'friflotlr. lgnurance is the iuurcc of :tll lin, the very wdlfpring from which
Cc all'

------ ------- -




A c~rNmc::_1~~J_t!fO!!__ the Tlpiflk

- . --- -- ----------------- Char.9.

~hap.9 .

aH.~;i~k~dndk do:\a,iw,,,.ozi: :inJ ifTue. Wh:it will, noc an ignq .. tal)~u111~ 9~~ ~ :Whh; ~nows nJt. bu~. he may doc. -~~Y. ~h.. ng ~ 1:hc 1.Lil, p';ictS}~f ~he. {'atth :1r~full of ch hJbic::1t1on~ of \.Ill <lty, 'if.I 7+ 1 2. lLnH tl~m.fort l'xpimd tht: i0oor:U.ClS cf
bis p1:opk. . . ,\\r1~ 1 ~. 1:L~ \\'..q, i1110.1/ie.~oli ft

of 5t.1,_Pa-Ltll11h1 1H .

B 11 R.1w

--- ---------

- --=------- --


Chri!l, without truei mortification. .. . . Yerfe 14. R11hertern11ll fpirit] Tli~us, ~Y:.lus d~1cy, c:ilkd the Spirit of ho/inrf[l', Rom.r+ and the Spirit, 1l111~~ 16. char gav.c_.PQ~h. valu'.: and Vl!HUe to lus death, boch to ~amhc.:, anJ
[O (J11dll~C1


that cvidt.ncc of faith arid doth me that i~ hdd forth und . . r the {_joipd. The 1t1) Lhry ol Chrift. was mari1ldhd piu:'c: m;. al, a1!d puc.d- wi1 r, Hcb.1 1. . Vrr{1 :),. W,hAchibrufi~~11rr] Gr~ A ParaU.', th:J,~is, !qcha . form .c>ti lti:vic~ as imiroat<.d iome greater matt1.:r thrn tu the

J T.iat i), into hm rn, t~'pi~lcd thu cLy. . JY .u not yei .m1.dr m:piift.fl J l n regard of p.::1 formar~.c~, ad

p "rg~ rmr ~011faienc4 J This i!: that .erulllll rc?dcmpr10n,




: .

I .


knfc apprard ; and called upoq the_

t~1t ryp~

the uu~h




J tl1otow

tl~1: hillory, ti) tb~

w luok thorow

11cr:i~ plllons arc buc drad works: beca~1!c they prnm.:d nyt fro~n ::i princ1pk ot litc,a11d have dtatb te>r thcn wages, Uom:.~ :A will written with a dt:ad m.ans hand can hulJ no law. God WJli Oe fcrVld like himklf. . . Vafe 15. For tht r,d;mption J Here he (h;:weth the rcafons why 1t was needfuU th!lt L.hriH: t110Ltld cmer by his ~Wfl .bluud,, r:mft t2. fci/, CO expiate 0'1r ;~OllC~ t i\OJ tt> po~\dk U~ of

From dettd

J The moft fpecrnus ~tl'furnunces of




:corr< Cl io>t, thlt jc;, li.v:rngdic.;all aJld fpirnu~ll wot 111.p, t'hat lha!l take pl:1ce in the Cburch,till tht: times ut the rdbcujonot aH tbm:~s lhill.comcat tbdJlt dJy, Afl.3.21 . \'n!c 11. Of.~oad,chit!f.S to cotp~ J. ;, e, Ofepiricu,llS cl a~ wne txpC'tkcias th4rigsto~qm.:,, yvhc;n ~:~rifh.amc \\'ith: a G~orY.1No pi>1, ~ ho;_n.ot t:Marion in_l1i~ _h~nd., _)ht Laiint~ c~ll' pro~ptrurs t.hio;!.s, J~o {e,t'Hn.d-4t, tbings.~o come; , . /i moYr, pa foll J ;. 1, His hum:ine. n:i:ure; not' nude with l)~n~.s. r,o,:- of thisbuild1ng, that is., noc by the powtr ot n:m;re, t.y clil' ordinary courfc9f:gcn<;ration. Vt:rfc 12. ~Nrit/w ~)th(, bJp114 of cahm J As the LLvi~k.111 h:gh.P1di: did, 7. tr.7.' . .. H~lVi1ga!tair.ed] Gr. H.:ningfoHi'ld. See Rom.4. I. I.hi: Luim:s. a~fo ul~ int1<nirt tor ac1Mirert,. to( finde, tor to <.Jb~a1u. Stcallo M1tJ.1.t>. is. Clnjft overcame l.Jy 1_ufkri11g, and by. his own b1uu3 puu:h~(cd his Churc~ 1 as an v.tcbcld.m>.1,. or ~.:iJ of

, V<:rft.:10 Ti;~ rhrtimt"ofrefOr,mationJ Cr. Of dirdlio11 n

\'crfo i6. For ~htrttt ttft11rrmwis J Se~ chcNJtC ~n Cl1.1p.8. 6 l-l:rc the tdbtour is Cluill, heirs the Suncs, legac1t:s the gafcs ot the ~pirit, EK.mJtour the ho~y Ghpf\:, \~ju1dl~s J\poiU~s, Mar


. :

, :


ryrs, <'V"1c. . , . . . . i . o1 . . Vcrlc 17. w~ilrs..tkt. Tejl1't.our l~ve~h J. for It as m hlS power to alter it at his pic:lfun;, as reafpn rcqu.irttb. Our Hmr7 Lhe fo. cond fir(\ ,rown~d, a.nd then C!lfi. off his elde!l ion Ho1r1, not fuf frrmg him to be wqat himieH:had imde him. . .. . . , Vcrle 18. WM a~Ji~.igJ.]._,Qr iPit~~tedtO ;holy, nfc,.,L~vu. ~)'l~Yg,Jyl~
16, IS, 16. '

Vc:rh:19. Hetookthebloud] See!?.\'Od.248. . . AnA fprinkfed both the book.]. Wh1~1l as it h:cmeth, was l:u~ on lh<.: Alrar to be fanct1fied thtrcby. fhc very book oi Cod is lprinklt-d wic'h the bloud'of Chrifl, chlt it ma5 UC opened, and ol

uh:t0thcfaithfull . 111 :~.: ... ;. 1,, . :, Vccfe 20. Sayiit_g, 7hw.i&,,(/. &c~J A trQl_?1cah ajld
J ,,; . . . . . .


.~ 0 , 111 ,,. , .,,fl 0'. oi car~ i~_;r ntiir.7 I fCrtl '

b!.ou3. Vt:rfr l l. Thufoesof1mhe;ftr] Gr. A_fl1:sanddnd1rsm:r~ co.1cchcr, :.ts a monum:m of Cnnfis moll bJk and ucinoft affi.d1-

,. I- 1

11 1 '

on~. a.n~ ~four jull:1ficuion.;i"4 fan~1fi~atiou thofOW ~.tith ill his nam',. , . .. . ' Spri.>1k/ilfg. the unclean. J. With :an hyfop-bu~ch : to noce, Tbac non-.: ca;1 hav.: cpmtorc either by th1: m;:rit or lpirit Qi . Cb rift,



(mamentaH ~x~reffi?fl whcr~~n'o qur .Savior frcm~~h _to .aJ~Ui4.~ in thole worq~;ot hi~ 1 'Thi4:Cu.p if,the n~lf tefl,,rn;nl nlfJJ blo11J, ~c. The S;l,~,m~n.~-~ ~f ~.~~pl~,Jt.U:u11~t1~~.l,lap itr~~m}.>lanc~. u~~.o the New ; !Jue cbat was for \YOJ-~.~.qf the '~.W, tll1s 1~ to~ r~4mfl~n otfins. . . -: 1 ,.. ,; ., . . Vcrte 21. He JPrin~I~~ )\'Yh .b/oud J This fprmkh~g h~~ a for'e-fiudowing of the fprn~klmg ot .chi: l>loud _ of. )du~ 9rill:~, 1 ,~mr~. i! J/11ir'_h p. J J . finger., JR~t:l!, ~Cs
i " .: "




Chap.1 o.


Pault1 thf H 1

a w s.

s8 1

his Spirit, LHk.! 11. 20. with M"t1htw u,28. V<.rlt u. P11r_ft.l With b/q1ul] Which yec ()fit fdf imrumh

iheiil,lnli what great need tiey had-of I Saviour co expiate them f laying 'heir hands on the head of the fac:rifice1 in roktn dtat thty bad in like fort defened to be ddlroied.
Vcrfe 4, SltoHIJ tt1i(/ awa1 fin#es] And fo pacific confci cnce ; Far finne is to the con(cience as a mote to. che eye, as a d1ggerto the hem, 2 SAnt.11',IO, as an addersC\.lng to tbe tldh, Prov,i3.p. Vede s. But~ boJ7 hAjl thou pr1111nd] A Metaphor from M;.:cbanicks who do anjficially fit one part of their work to ano. ~"tmi. ther, aud fo fini'11 the whole:. God fitted his Sannes body ro be j07ned with the D..:itJ and co be an cxpi:uory l1crifice for fin. Vedc 6. Thou Ju,fllwl ,,. pl1"for1 J 11i~. As in the principall Cert ice. and latist acbon for fin. Verfe7. Lo6 / ,01111 J As an obedient (ernnc bored thorow the ear, ExoJ, u. With Pfal. "10;6>7 wife and willing to bo obfequious. S ervtu JJ 11omm 1Jli~~, A fcrvant is the matters jnnrument, and o~r.1' C...t1rw, faith Arifl11/1, wholly at his beck anli obedience. It i4 Writt111 of me] Cbrill: is authour, objca, matter and mark of old and oew l efiamem:. Thm:fore it we will profit thtreby,, we mufr hive the l!yei o~ our mindes rurned toward Chnll1 as the fa,cs of 1he (;;hcrub1ms were: 1oward thr: Mer

ar.d fcu1tch. V<:rh: 23. BNt t4'e J,,,,wnlJ thing1 J Thofe lpirituall good things fet forth L>y the 1ypc;s oftht Law: Ortht Churdunderthc Golpel,oltcd ltruf.tltm 1h11t u11bove 1 &c. Vcafc '4 To 11ppr"r in the prefosrt] As a Lawyer ap. rears for his client, orens the cate, pleads the caufe, and it is

Vnk as. Notthath, P,611/d nffr.r] As Popilli Matre.mon. gcrs \\;ill hnvt it. Eamw "'J. catH1'fH11rm ,,.ror~m (<aid Dom;. tim Ca/deri11m to h1~ frirnds 1 when they pufwaded him to goc to Maile, Anno Domini 144a.) kt us go to the commoa

Vcrfc 26. 'l'o p111 t:.WAJ fi"] To abrogate it, Heb. 1. 18. to bir.dt it in a bundle,kal it up ma bag, D11n. 9. 2+ caA: it behindc him as canctlkd obligations, 11-fic.7. blotouc the bla'k handcwri ting, with che red lines of his bloud drawn OVl r it. . Vcrfe 27. BHt '1jttr thu the j11JgemtHt] Every mans deaths

wne noc judged rill : rhc la(\ day_ Which opinion i~ IS c:on. tmy to Purgatory (for w._i~h Br/Jttrmint allcdgctb it) utbc truth. Verle l 8. Tiu fecoHd ,;,,,e Witb.Nt fi11111] Imputed to him, as l/A.B.6. i Cor.5.21. See cbeNoce thm~.

day is his doomfifay. Many oE the Fathers hdd that mms fouls




Verle 8. which 111/fmJ '11 the l1ew] To the great coA: and charge of the off~rers. This we are freed trom, and arc uqui. red no more cht:n co cover Gods altar with the calves of our

Vcrfe 1 .Aflw1owofgooa 1hi11i1.&c.]

Hat is, Chrin faith the sun is bthindr, tht: T lhadow b"forc; when the Sun beforr, tbc G1adow is behinde. So was ic in Chriil to thrm ofold. This was b'hindc,

oot1 Wh~n

and therefore the Law er lhad<:. w was before : To us under grace th~ Sun is bttorr1 and fo new tht Ceremonies of the Lawatbefc nu_. dows,are behi11de, yea Yanifhvd aw1y. , Ver(e 1. No more co11fcie11ce efft11] Chrift, though he toolc not 1way death, yet he did the l\ing ot deada ; fo though be took not away fin, yet he did the gailc.oflln. )'trfe ,M,J, of.J111 ~'"'1 1Hr J A .......... folemn af __ ..... c:onfeflicn ...



Verfe 9. Loe J wn~] True obedience is prompt and prefrnt, ready and tpeedy, without (bucking and bucking, without dclaies and contulcs, Pf.119.60. H, 11/(frh 11wa1 th' firft J Clear 'onfcqurnccs drawnc from Sa-iptiue, arc: foMnd d~ttrine, Mt1uh. u. 3 J. Sec the Note there. Verfc 10. B1 the ~hi'h Wil] That is', By the ex:ecuti on ot which will, by the obedience of Chrift to his he1Venly Father. Verfe 11. T 11kt "1!'"1 fin] Se''~"'"'" ""jrr1, funder it from wtedA~..v' che foul, ftnkc a pamng blow betwixt them. 1JR"f q, 11 P 1r1, Verfc 1 J 1 BHt 1hil mA11 J Oi>pofed to the plurality of Leviti.. ~ ~ i - call


38.i Aeommenty11po111heBpijlll ----------:---------. --------

-Chap.~~ -

call Pmfis. On~fiJ&rifice:1 and 1nce for ever, .not tnany and oft. en, :is ~hey. And he lace down, when as they flood daily ofter. ing often times. Note the ~micht~s, and C.brifts precc:llency. 011 the right .ha1:d of Ced J Which he cc.uld ~ot have done, jf he had r.oc 'xp1ar~d c.ur tins, J, h. 16. lfD. Of t1ghuc'!fwffe, ht cauf' I go 10 mJ Fat ht r. ~c could not hav<: g_one co ht~ F:uh~r, if h~ had not fit fl fulfiiltd :ill tightaufw lfe, and lully a'qu1m:d us vf
:allouriniqui:il's. . . . . . . Vu fc J 3. E~pr [fo:t hl4 1' t11t1n1u] t 118 tL d'- Admire d and unitate his pltirncc. 1 ht (Jod o rlacc ma ~ma ->atan a11 che rdl under our h:u fi1cnly. Vtrfc 14. HeJw/, ftrji auJ] He would not off the cro!fe till all was finilbc:d. Vtrfe 15. 7 ke h~J Gh1ff 11/(i "'_itHtf{eth] vi_~. By infriring tht: Pm-men, l Tim. 3. 16. aClmg and carry mg thc:m into all t!uth, 2 T1mo1hy 1 . 21. as It, were, by an holy vio. _kr.ce. . Verfe 16. I 'Wi(l 1"1 n:1 lw11] See rhe N(\te on Jl,t,e, 1o, V~de J 7, Will 1. ~' mr m,bcr n~ ou J Thm~fore there

fore well centent to wait, or, if <Uod fee good, to want what ic wi(heth, defirous rather chat Gods will be don~ chen our own, an!! thtthe may be glorified, though wel>e ngt glonfied; ac:.k~owledgiag ,be Kiosdop1c, power and glory to be h1$, Th&S _&$ff tr_H~ :
hwt. '.

1 _ __ -__ _ 8 1 5 --~- . _ ________ ___________ - ------- -------~~o"t of a filiall.aff~aion,ddig~ting to do his will,and thert1
t11 ' s111w1.



-, -p-----h --H-


3 3





1.: . .

rt 4

and ben~fit, . . Vtrfc 22. Let NI J,.11.,,, n111r J Come, for the Mafter callerh,

r ~finn1 u . J "'~ , A~ bllp/ft~rJ rt. 1 _Yc:t1e 18. W h~n rom'j]i ion o rn1ffion, as now m che rew Tcfiament, not a pr~mifor1 as under the uld Vnft19. Totnteri~tot~eholiefl] vi.t",. Byourpraiers,which pierce h~ncQ :ind prtva1l W!th God. . 2,0, B] " #tW] Fr_e_A1. and as dfcClu1ll at all times, IS 11 Ch raft were but newly facrd-ied for us. . , T hl'DNJ,.h _rhe vtJ!, tJw ~ hi.I flc-fo] Whc1eby we come to Cod, dwelling bodily t~tr~m. t1keas ~here Hee the body of 1 ~n~n, there I know his foul 1s allo, be~au(e they arc not 1cvercd: fo 1s it here. , .. Vtrfo u. Over the ho11fe of Goa] . As 1ehojAti11h was over the ce~ple~ prdidcd ~nd co~aianded tbcrr, i King. 11. J, All power is gmn te Chnftbotb m heaven and earth, for our behoof

needs not any Tdbmrnt.

tc pmtit>n

of a famfice for finne jn the New :



. with 4 tr~e bttm] That is, Wu~ a heart t~uly. and cncirclj ~iven up to ~gd, uprightly !Piopou~~mg ~~d1 ~~~!l~ in praicr,

. :


but with full aur:mce, fucn a gale of faith a'i his the fails of the foul, and makes ic fee up ics copgallmc as. i~ were. H~vng 011 rhearts frink._!~J, &c. J h1ch cvt:r purgeth up:>11 fin anHvorketh rcp~nc:ince hon deal.1 work~. . Vt:rfe ai. With(}Nt \~neri.,g] Gr, Withouttil1i11g t1r t1J/i11g,:t tiw flelet1r tJthtr. This am'.lu:m co more the~ chat con!etlurall confidence of che Popil11 d;,.;m,,~&, and r!ut cJmmon fat th thac holdsmeainfofpenc;!,andhan~sb;:tw:!~nhc.m:n and cmh, as a Meteor. Ycrfc:1 4 Alld Irr 111 coJJji:l:r J ~hri~i.1m 1mlt ftu Jy one ~n~ th:rscafes, rhc caufcsan.:l cure ufthcar (pmrn1ll d1fl.:mp.:rs, iol11 citous of their welfare. ToprtJvt1Leunto/-1ve] T'1w:1eton, 1sD .. 11r. 6.7. to fl11rp .... ~ ~ ' d r h. d 11 OJ'Vl\lt' o;1ol'ru.S' ensnd e"timuhce,. 35 p r1v. 27.17 . co rou,e an rai1<: up c e1r a J,,>.il"-"'' O;,;u fpirics,as 2 Pet.i. XJ. to fee an e_dgeon on.:! another,as Bores whet m. their msks one againH another, Luth N A~un~m. _ Verfe 25 Not.for(Jfd11g] Schi_fmeischeverycu~ting afundcr of the veins and arccries ot chc mylhcall body Chraft. W~ may not kp~ratc, but in c;afo of intollcrable pl!rf.:cut&Ol h~refi~, &dolarry ~nd AncicllrHb~nifme. . 11JiemWnt of our ft Ives togtther] In Church-aff~mblies, 6mw:!t,tiJ}~ and Chrilti:m meetings; as ever we look tor co1:1fort 1c the comming ofour Lord Je!us Cbri~, a~d ou>" vrhmng together (che fame word, as hen:) unto him, 2 Thdl. 2.1. Chi:! dJy ~hcreotapproJch::th, ::is in chis Chrifl: will llrn,-:\y co f~e wh:it work we m1 kc in this kindc. . . , eAr r/Je mann.: of qm~ td J Jc was chc~, it w:is aiierwlr_ds, and is Llill in chele 1tdm1 anii fcpuJt:ng times. Tkc D onr1r1i11 mide !In horrible rent tor::irhe life of Cuilitu. So did divers o:heo forchcpride:ind profanrncnr of '-Pa11f1(6 ,'itm,,(tittJJUJ, fi!J[ m:vrr was there any fchitme {o c:rn11~fk and knfUit!, as th1t of our l'IlJ dern Sechrics. Vcrk :6. For if ~\o /i1t \\ilfit!IJ J A~1i1fhhcgr.ic..: of tile G~>.-.

Jtifol1t1/f1'>-A'llCetJff"ithJ Not wit~. a quu.cer or h~lf-w!nde, ~~o~d..c.





__A_c_~,,,~_1_p_111_11J_1_~!!f'~__ C_hap.1;:
f pcl, detpifing anti ddpiting it, as thGfc that fall inte the unpa~: donablc finnc, Some good f<>1ls by mil\akes ot this texc hav~ been much afflicted, as Mall:cr ?oh11 Glove><. 0Lher odioua J\pofbcrs have utterly dcfpaired. Och~l's of the A~1,m1 hnc nwo11h1ly '1i'h1crtd this EpJftle ouc of tht Csnon, becauLe of tbis pa ft age. , . Tlurt r~"''''"",,, 11r1 (dcrificr] For fins againll the law, thongh agamft knowledge, there was an atonemrnt, L1tJit 6,1, though it were tor perjury a~t tor this .fin againft th~ Gofpd, that !cpud1ms thertmcd)J theres no facrafice ; abufed mc:acy turns into fury. V~rle "7 F111,.fo8 .10.t>~t ~r] Though judgement be not fpced1ly C:XtCUtc:d, yet It IS cemmly co be expected. Wintu nc'fer rots in tht: air, r dies in chc diUnsbdly, as they fay. Could but men to~e-ke what an evil, and a buttr thing fin is, rhey duri


H 111w1.

A11i"h-;,'i,-J,,,e JrJ;itt, 8cc. ] Spiccing ac him their hdlilh VC nome, perfecuringand blatphfming his immediate cffctt, work and office, ~nd chis ouc ot defperate m:dica, and ddire of retenge~ without any colour of cautC:, or mt1furc of di'1ikc, One 1hi1t had committed thi' fin, wilhed thic his wate and dlildmi, and all 'he world might be damned rogech~r wich him. Verh: JO. J ~;a rtta,,,,e,,c1] And if God will nengehisektt, Lu~18.7. How much more h1~ Son, and his Spirit? Vcrfe 3 1. It# A foArfoO thint] For who knowetll the power of his anger ? even according to thy tear is thy wrath, P(41. 90.11. A melancholy m:m can fancy vafr and terrible fears, fire, tword, racks, firappadoes, fcalding lead 1 boiling pitch, ru1n>ing bell-

lleccle, and chis to all ecerniry ! yer llll the!le are nothin" to that wmh ofGod, whi'h none nn tichcr avoid or a~ide. Vede 32. B11t "''to rttn1hrAJtC1 J 'I J. You cannot utter ly tdlaway, as thofc: above-mentioned : for as .much as you have

. Verfe_28, Ht t~111 Jrl}ifttl] ;, t. He that with a high hand or fell mto any capaall ~rime, and it came to light, di ro.w1thout mercy. As for thofchamousoffc:nces, that not being d~fcovtrcd. and futficiently proYed,came not under che Judges cog. 111zance, the Lora, for the tafing of mens conkiences, and for the hving of rheir livcJ, appointed the yearly teat\ of t:xp1ations,
~10la~ed it,


Verle ~p. wJ,. ,,.~JJ,,. ,,,,~r flor Rdpd\ing him no m~re ~hen the v1kfi and filthidl: dire in che (heet, or the moll: abjett th~ng m tbe wodd, as eA,,,/mfa expounds it : he dildains to reccm: benefit by Chri'1s propitiatory and txpiatory facrifice, h1 would not it he might, he is {o fataniied. Tht "'''"' of th1 CH1111t] That is, The bloud of ChrHt, whereby the Covenant is fealed, the Church purchafed, the: at tonemcnc prvcurtd 1 and heaven opened for our more foppy um anee. ":~1r1~ith h1 '11111 f4"0ifiuJ] By excernall profeffion, and by paruc1pat1on of che Sacraments. ~n H,,ho/11hi11g J Gr. tA &o,,,11111u, pr1fA11t thi,.g, 19 if it Wt 1e the bloud ofa common tbkt ,or un_hallowtd perfo, yea, or ot a dead dog. In the Palleoer tht!)' fprankkd tht dvon11d lincdl with bk>ud, but not the thrdhol", co tt'ach ch~m. that they muft llOl tread upon the btoud of Jtius, as they do in an high dcgrte chat ~ Wi a1pinl\ tbt! holy Ghoft.


given good proot already of the reality of your.graces A fttr Jt Wert illHmi1111tra J Till they had a fight et" heaven, tkey could not fofler 1 but no foonc:r out of the water ot bapcihm: 1. but ch~y were prcfenrly in the fire of perfecution. Vt:rle33. t..Matl,11g~i,.gjlo,/c.] Gr. Stt Hpo11 A thutrt: 01:tu.~:iC'"-01. take ic dther properly, or mecaphori.cally : both b&:fi:ll. Chrallians. Seei Cor 4.9. r~ ~m"'"' ~omp""ian1 of tem J Sympachy hath a finngc force i as we fee in 'he firings of an inltrument : which beina plaid r 'lihlt. 11pon {as they fay) the firmg5 of another inftrumem are. alfo moYtd Wilh it. After love hath once kindled love, then the hem being meltt:d is fit to receive ar:iy imprdfton. TWil fpirits warmtd wich the fame heac9.willcafily folder together. Ver{e ~4 For 1e hAd compAj/iot1] Gr. rt fJpAthiuJ. Seo the Nott on vtr.; J. . .A11tl to.okjo7follJ J Thcjoyof'th~ Lord was their fireogth, as it was tlams, A El. j .41. who took it for a ~race to be ditgraccd. for Cbritl. The f}oilin.( oftheirgooJs J Jfa Hcathen could fay when ho {aw a fuddcn ihipwrack of all his wealth, W di, forcune, I fee
thon would{} huie inc co be a Plulofopht:r, Onm\d not w1r , when called toquitvur moveabks fay, well, I fre thac GQd would have ~e to lay up trcahne in heaven tbac is fubjqtl: 11e1th'1r to vanacy, nor


__ 38_6- . A. C111111m1tA1111po11 the Epijlld Chap.10 KHo win~ ;,, rHJ- ftlws J Not in others, in book$, &~ .b'ut in
YD'.lrown cxpericace and apprchcnfion in the workings of your own hearts. . . ThAt ye h.-vein heAvt.11 J When we lofe ar.y thing for GoJ 1 he foals Ui a bill of elCchmge ofbmcr thin5s, ot a double recurn H: will recomp:m:-: our lofI:!s, a~ the King of Po/11,,J did hii nobl~ lerv,an.t Zrlrfl11u; iuviug loU: his hand-in.his wars, 'he fenc him a




ir.rnt, bc~ame a~ .Am~" Wb1'h "J'.rn 1h' K1r.g imdulkc.dt te changtd his love mco hatred, and cauftd tht btali w bt firuck horn

-----1his Deac?n,th~11~i~g to irgratiare, and get prdcr- EU;eb.


If St P"fi.' ,~,, J-1, ... ~ .~, . w ,~ -



him, affirmiag,that if he kt pt not his faith to Gud,wh:1t duty could any one expta from him. ' . .. . Verfe 38,"w ~"'~'"'''] .Apcftmshave martiilllaw, t~cy run away, but mto ht:Umcuth. A worfe co11diticn they can 1101 lightly d.ufe unto thcmklvcs. -

goldcn lund. . . ,: Vcrfo ~ S. C ".fl- uot "''U,7 1"""' confiJmc1 Si ch it is your {kelJ iind bul:_kkr, Eph.6.16. buc ifbamrcd with ctmpcacions, b~ac ir ouc aguu. D nn~{f ht>llu was brand!d witll cbe n!lme of Pi.-J.1tt:aA,

---------------- ------------- ---------

Verfe 1,

C 11.A1. XI. Nol' fith ii tlu (ubftAKC, J

.ch~ d~lmpuon

: : , ycrlC:i,6. Foryeb.w~11eedofp-'ti:11ce] W11ere1s they wi'.7ht 0:1Jdl: ~ Bue whcr<! is this rccompence you cell us of? Oh, f~tb h~. You have ncc.d of plticnce tow 1it GQd_> rim:! of recompence, GoJd men findt: rtofc m'lreeafi:.: to bear evil, chen co WJic rill che promifod good be cnjrJycd. Tne fpoiling oftht!ir goods required pa-;

Ontth1u hA.JJoff hid b11;f<l1r.,

Aving memiom:d thetife offaith, Ch;rp.10.3 i. and the end H ot faith (or the reward ofit) falv:.ition ot the foul. vcr[. rrr.1.,. 39. he n.ow to the. of chis grnce
dtfc111~s ~loricus


Veri..:37. F"r7et.iJ;Jt/4~k;Je] T.t~tiD~., f#t1t;;J~,,,,~J~,,, pujitlum. A liccle,lmle,lic~k wilik. uods hc:lp le!~ms lo:%becm!e we are lllOrt.

tiencc 1 lmt this more thenordinuy. . 'That Afur ye ane the WiO of Gol. J flh. By {ufforinn ir and longfutfc:ring,.till he reward ir. " '

chap.10.3 ~. P?IJbiHJ lpcr:king of ~?Qts'tur,. Hor.mlM his ketping the fidd agamfi th't emm1es forces l;iich, that the en('mies iore'd his hJpofllljis (the word hcre ukd) his

auchou~ ha~ called. ro1rfide11a,

( 7,im.i.1, ) and fanh, that It 1s the !ubfiance or fuufiHcncc or Bttft1, and foundation flt things toped for. 1tis the fame that cur

N.nvthcjuff fh~!Jlivebj f.1ith] In the wmt of frc:lin-1: he as ctic .:ludieving Jew3 Wl!re co do in the Bal>ylonifh capciYity, H.c'111k. 2.4, quoted here by the Apon:le, though wrch fom:.: v.irilCio1l of words;.

nun rell: uiion God in the tail of outward co:nforts,

B11tif..:HJm.tJM~wb,ick.] Gr. Steal


from his Cape ain, rev(>\\ from Chril4:, turn renegado, rdinq'Jilh. ing his religion~ lS did ?ulim1, L1', an..i ocht:r odious A. MJ (iul f'J-'ll h:ive nfJ ple.1(u>"t J Chrifi: hath n!> dJighr in da. lbrds, curn-co1ts, ru law1ics. lie Will not employ rhem fo hr as to l>nll< a picchtr, or bear a torch, Judi. 7. 7. B ,u~;,, che French L1wyer, tiut lud religionn;, rphm1er"m, as B e-G-1 faith ot him, for every Jay a n~w religion, being cor.J~hnc ro none, be c'..lm.: D !O hominib11fib q '.11J1_ tM i11 file, in uifu r, H lCe~t ot


his coltJ11>"J, run


.v.U ,,Jnz.

Gu.J Jtd 1n~n, w:n.n n~ h LJ {o of: m;>.:tc~.:i. r~eutnicf:._. :m Ar ri"'1 K1~ 1 di.i :xc:;"din 0\y aff.:d a c.n.1i11 D.:1coa, alchngh an Orth ~o

confidtnt binding upon che victory, chm hi~ firer.grh. ThH-w;JtnfHbkingt, &~.] 'fbe /,.,Jr.,, onhc: d~u ,gnvi 'i~'YX.&" Clion by difputation, or by makinr; fyllogifmcs from the word. ln~ccd it is tb~ word ( c~ lpeak properly) ,ch~t is rho convincing evidence ~f thmgs not fem : but bLcautc: che word prgficeth uoc further then it is mingled with faich in the hearr, th1:rc:forc that which is due to the word, is here 2kribed to faith. 'VerCe i. 7 he Eldcrsotminta; &c.J Gr~ Were aitcfl&d 1mto it1.~1._,~:,q11~. and ara here etcrnaliztd in this no~ablt. Chapttr, Thu .Jittle ~~ot o( M"r_t1r1, as. one .ficJy 4=.alli:tll Jt. ~aitb h~1Quret.h God,,ao~ g1vcsh1mateft1momaU,Jo~.3.33. i~ thac,.Deut.3J.4. ~g~ 'hc~cfor~ bgm1umb hmhJi,,Qrdrng to i. Sam.Ji 3o, and i;in~ ac hrs tcflamon_aall, as her~. .Verfc 3. ThroHgh ftai1"1. \\I'" 1'nderf111n4] l c is the nature of t~ bt~1eve God upP!1.hJ$ ba~~ w9rd, anu ch11c agai~f\: frnfc in thmg~ m'1.fihl~, and ag_amU reafon in chinp inc1td1blc. s.1. nk cor~ rech 1magma~1on, rcafon corr~tb tenk; but 'faith com:Cts boch AHftr ~rg11m1nuiubi fiats IJll~riJHr, Vcrta phib(ophnrnm u~ 1/#Jit fimpltx vtritM fifa11torNr11,_ (ait~ dmbrof~. I ~hcve,a~d.
. thALs.

3 SS

AColllnlt11tttr1 IP_!_~ 'IN_!piflll


. - ---L------~hu's ~~~~gh~th~~~h I ~annot pnm principles and fu~ i\6 of: hitb. That tht Wor/d1 '-'n1 fr1111mi J Gr. Wtrt "t4tl] Aif 11p, 'flllll'l~~,)1'11. B]th1"9ml of God] By thaconewordofhisFit, let itbc .''ffw1bre

-------~----~-----------------------.-.---------.....' Chap.n. f StPawl11tlf H 1 a~ aw

dte father ii wfll.plealed, Ioh.14.6. For. he thAt .co"!eib to qoa] {c. F or,,,a pANptril, that comctb abeggmg to him m the fen{e ot his own utrcr indigrnce, as /Aco'11 tons came to loftph, and as the ugyptiAn1 bard bcficad came to him, faying, We \t'iU "'t hide it fium m7 Lora, how that 011r ,,,,.



Gng, being huidull in ncry g11od wo1k, (;g/, 1 .10. .. Verfc c;. B11t Without f11ith J Tbac is,without Cllrift,in whom

ThAt he ple11faJ'Goa] He walked with God in all wtllplca~

lo and lo. By the WJY take notice, that faith here dcfcribcd is ta. ken in a large fcnfe, as it ha ch aoc che pramifes only,- but che whole Word of God for it's object. Look how the lfratliw with the fame eyes and vilive facuhy whcrew~b thty beheld rhe fands and mouncains, did look upgn the brawr ferpenc aUct; but were cured by fallening upon that :ilonc ; fo by the Lame faith whcrtby we are ju{tified, we underll:and that the worlds were frameci by the word of God, and tJelicve all other trutbs revealed ; and yet faitlt as it juHficch looks up~n Chri.{\; alone, .not kr.0wing any thing here, bLtc Chrill:, and ham crucified , as 1s well obfcrved 117 a learned Divine. Were 11ot ,,wJe of thingi, &c. J Of any prz:xiftcnc matter, as 1'/AtD held. 'ce my Notes on Gen.1.1. v~de4, A ml)rl excellent[Acrift(t] Good at\:ions and good aims, make a man good ~n the fight utGod. C1ti11 may offcras wdl as vf/,~J. D ~~g m1y fee his foot u far within rhe SanBu1ry, as D1ivid, the Pharifec as the Publican, but wid1diic rent fuccetfo. G1d uftifJiHg of hi4 gifts J By fire from heaven, or {ome other vifible txprdlion of his gracious a~cepcacion, whertby A'''' faith was confirmctl couchiti1g life and ialvation in Chrift. Being tltlfd, 7tt JPrak.!th] Or, is 7et hk.!n Df; Being rtgi fired. for chc firft Martyr an the Old lcfta';Ucnt, as Sttphtn W!l~ m the New, and H Mr Roger1 WH here m the MriAn p1rfccution. Vcde S By f11ith Enoch \\'M """fl"tea] Or carried frtm one place to another. He chang~d Jais place, but not bis company, for he Ll:ill walked with God, as in ear ch, fo in heavrn. Th11t he fho,,/d 11ot fat deth] The .ArAbid... vedion ad dech, H1 "'"' tr.cnp..,eea into PA.r'4dift, where a plentifoll a mends was made him for that which he wanrcd of cbe daies of the yrars of the lives of his fathers in the daicsof tbcir p1lgti111ag~1
G'"'r71 ,A,,J \\'M '"' ft1ml] And .yeuhe Lord killtd him not, as che ch.Udeehatb,GeM.f.24. but teokhim1p~n1 whirlwindc-,tay rbe H~brcw. ~oB:ours as EliM Y{a&.

_,,,, lpcakcih thu~ in the p1Qcm t~ hi6 Law~,. H.o(j i1101l~"'""' fit, Let tbas be well tetled m mens mmdcs, that there is a Deity, and that this peity will reward the devour. But wbat an odde cenceit was that of tht Crttians to paint their INpittr without either eyes or cars? Ancl what an unccrcaimy was fhc at that 1 :r.. l o,ve I mttrr11, ~ 0(.Jod , 'who-. Mcactl. pr11'd, O D ti# 'l'"J'J'"'u, '" l uure ncr thou art, fot whether thou art,and who thcu an J know not This uncertainty attending Idolatry caufed the Hca:hen1 to dof~ SmiusiiH~t L ' ' h h 11 ~ , Jft,f taearpet1t1ons wu l at gcoora D~~ Du.tJ, onmeJ) Hrar all ye gods and g?d~e[cs. And thofe ma~rmcrs, Jo,,,1.5. every man to call upon has God : and Jefi they might all millake the true God, they awaken ~on"h to ca.11 upon .his God. Cbr ifiian petitioners ~u!Hctde th11, that their God 1s Optinuu, M11ximm, Cuch in himfdf, and fuch toward them, as he fiar.ds dcfcribtd in his holy word. Verfe 7 . Movea~ith fo4r] Oppofed to the fecurity of the old wodd, who would know nothing till the very day .that the fl~ came, M"' ~.f. N1tth t~embl~d at Gods judg(.'mentt, whild.l: they han&cd m the 1breatnmgs; and was no leffc affcfl'ed 1hcn it himfelf had been endangered. Sec the like in H11haJr....l11k., af tcrthat be th reamed chc _chA~a'e1111, Chap. 3.16. and in D 11niel, chap.4.19. N 011h took things fore-cold him by God, by che right iv>.Pt16H'1e. haadle~ as the word properly ftgnifiech. IJ71h1 VPhich he co,,de1mmf the ~,,/J] Of deep and dcfpcratc fecuricy, that dead lechargy , whcreinto fin and Satan had.
1/t D 111,

ii htrt, ~c. Gen.47. M11ft bllit'llt thAt he id]


Llw-giver of the Locri-

aft thew.

Ad becae] Heir apparant ha was hereby nidemly declared to be fuch. Verfe I. Wh1,, he* t~Ut~ J A man may follow God dry~ ~~ow the~~~ ka~ He as '~be; .obeyed without fciCcimion,,
- ..


---------------------wic)l a blindc obedience. Abr11ham winked, as it Were,- and put hi~ hmd mto Gods, co be l::d whichcrloevcr he pleated. M,1gniu S 01cra, tft anim~, qui (e D to tradidi1 : pujid1u & degener qm ob/n{fu.


A Cow1rJ1e1U1tr7 NJON the Epiftlt


j9.i ... Ve;~~S .If1hr}-~-d b;~n.mind. fiJ} Bue co th:i;~-h~y h~d_n_o__ __._____,.
Chap. 1/St Paul to tlie H n nan w s.

--- u:


tm. That'~. a brave man indeed chJt can wholly rdign up himfclf lo (lod-.. . -J:!.!.10 f.-mi t>ah11111, ietrAhunt {t-q11;,lmur. Vnk9. fff[iijo.urHcdintJJeld..nd] lhm:hclladhiscommou. tion, but m heu.vrn his conv.:rtation, com cm cod wdl in ttlHS rill hL Jlrnuld fix. hi~ lbciun abovt. JFirh lfr1.1c 11>:d J,,co'1 Perhaps cogerher, :isnear nci~hhours. \\.'hen A br .1ham parcel~ wah LtJt, he would part With him no for. thr;r then tbe right h111d is from the kft, Gen, J 3 9, There is fingu.


at all, bcC'.\U(e rbdr idolatry COD lllllCh prevaikd, f n/Jmr1 , 4, a. Gen.11.19 yet not {o mu1.:h as among the Cani11miu1 D~uc. 1 2 3 1. . ' Vn!c 16. G"d u not i(fh,~e-1] Bue honou1cch rhcm as ht'I confldttJt~s,. bl!C'.lU(t: tor his cau!c dltY itnoum~J ch~ wodd. Nl) man l vcr did or fufti.:n::~ ~ny thing fo~ (joJ, that c.umpl.ii1m.i ut a hmi b;irgain. VLrfc 17. Abraham, \\Jun he \\'"4 tried J Of ccn crials which

lJr com fore in the fociecy of Saines. Verk 10. which hath .fo"nd1'tion1] Heavenhathafoundacion C'Olrth hath none i but i~ hanged upon noching a~ I ob lptakech~ tknce Ching<> ue laid to be on et4t-th, l>ut in heaven. .l.Jlho(e b!fildcr14nd m,i~er J Gr. Whofaunni11g1trtijietr, 1u1J P-'' ~lik.f \\'orkm.m. God ha ch beftowed a great deal ot 'bkill and

So Gen. 18.12. Sarah /.mglud \\.>ithi.n her Jtlf, (a7ing, After I oldfo.,/J I pl.~(Urc, mJ lord b~int old ala f li\re WJS never a good word but one, 'Vi~.thac th:: called her huf. brnd Ll)rd, and this is n:cordtd to h1.:r tt~rnall commendation l :f rt. 3,6. ,

w . n\..imnl11if~ upon chc third heaven. Vi;rfr I 1. Ec.c:,mfe fb< jsu(~"lhim, &c. J Atfidl: fhl! laughed 1 through unbdic~, at Lhc u11l1kdihood: out ;.fo:rward lhc bethou.;ht her frlt ,and udi1.:ved, This' lacer is recorded, the former,

Abrahum palled, this lafl: was th.e ford. No fon ot Abra'1.. m__, can look to dc:lpe ttmpcations,whcn h.: fl'ed.1 chat bofomL-,inwh:'h ht: ddircth co rdt, fo aflJu\c( d with dulirnl1 it.s. Offacd11phu (o-,,/f~4cJ. Rt:adyhewaslo co hlvc done, and rhmtore ic is rqmnl and Il~koncu a~ dum: rndccd 1 2 Cor. 8. 12. ~tc 1hc N1Jtc th1.:t~. V1:r!c 18. Of\\homit ".uf14iJ J This WJS one of chofemar.y prom1ks chac flbr'4h.-m mig!1t chmk were ::ll lolt in the lolli: ut 01s 1/"iic Nc.:ver was golJ trkd info hot a Im'. . V1:rle r 9,. That God \.\',u ah/c]. He toundt:d his faith upon Ccds tiddaty :u~d omnipott:ncy. fhdc m.! the lac/Jin. a~ll,:thc B~a~. ch~ two main pillars, WhtrlHf'i11 f.rnh rdh.:1h. ,
Vd f~ 2.0.


fi'nul <.9' o- :v.:.i



i:h (},

wm propht:tioll ; tht bl. ilinH of ~o\lly_ 1s (Ul vny 11rnl iU!c fort he good d chcir duldrcn and J~1llafying fJid1 is not bt:. neath nuraculcus in ch1: fplu:rc of HS own adavit)' ,:rnd hath wmmt of liods Word Vt:rle u. As tl1rf1arres,&c. J. The feed of (faith . . Vctk 2 t, whr.n he \\'M ~ d1i11g J. The f pirits motions :u:e then om:) an: of two fores. Some arc vilibk members of a (,tiurch, many cimls l1u1d~dt,- .whe~1 nacurall motions ar.: _Huwdt, n.~o(l: yet have earthly hearcs, dry and bamn as the fand. Oehm knli:>!c, when w.: Lojy begins co be fcnlldl , molt 11vdy wh:.n the as cbe fiarres of heavtn, of fpirituall hearcs, minding things S1inc& l.1! a Jyiug. The Sun thmt'S mu(~. amiably: toward the d..J~cnr. above. . . The rivds, th~ man::r chc:y rna to thL}ka, tht:y arc mc:c by chc cidt. ~u here. Ve!-fe 13 .' Ar.d tml~ac<d thm~,., J Gr. Sa'1itt1 the.m, kif Vcrk :u. (i,wr cormn.1n.Jrrer1t conc(rnjng] H~ dk;d up.m ch~ ling Umlt ii~ th<: prom1fc.:s, and lllt\;rchangcably k1Cled of bim1 C1m:.1.1. b~mg drawn cogcchtr (a~ [he word fi~nifie~) bl' mu. prom1lt!, !rnd htld l1oik11ion by his bone~> co cctbfi~ hi~ fir:n hold


B 1 faith l/.r1uc bit f{ed] PJtriarchall bem:d1Clions

Verlc 14, ThAt thq {ttl{.4 Cou"'t"'J] F111Jendu;,, '11 ~" ~'"" p!o1i1L~t'Au5, r_iffi.mAm p.ftriam 1 .ibi p.iur, i6i om111a . Away, home. toout Jt ci v.'D:i, Councrcy, faith one, th1:rl.s our ht her, there's our All, faith ont. To die, is _an B er1111rd1 bngu1g~ ~o murc then rtp11tri.cfft, co go

dear afrecbcm.

hom1: agam.

:Vnfe JS

uf h1;.1vrn, v~rk 23. Hid thru m91UthJ of hu P11r'.t1t1 ]. Th:lt they hid him uo longa, argui.'.d wca!mdfo ot chtir faich: wtuc\1 ycc is l>oclt commeodc.:dand rewarded. He\\'d4aprop:rchi!d~J 'FairtoGod, Atf.7.-20. h1viogadi A.. ~~:v, vine be:luty and comdindit:~ Spi..:ciall cnd~\'/.ncms art: a fvH! t<J



A Coflllflt#l"'J fl/'01' lht Bpljlfl ------------- -- - ------- ken of fpeciaU e~ploimcnt. !he very Heathen in chuting ~hci;




of Stt1 atd to the H ll :a a. w s.


Kini:s.h1d a fpt:c1Jl1 eye co bodily beauty. See 1S""'10. i3. and

16.19. & 17.42. . N~tAfr11ia of the Kinv com11w1elm111t] Becaufe unju!l and impious. See the Note on .All.4.19. Verfe 24. when ht "'"' tomt to 11'Artl] Gr. Gr,.,,n ~Y'-f )i';l-'YJ9- gm1& oM, ind fo lmcw wlm he did. underltood himlelf {\\(.
, ' I

fidcntly. Re(i1[ed to becaOed the (on111 of PharAoh1] And fo to fuccced iN the kingdoine (for we: read not ot any fon chu: PhAraoh h3d) ye:i in the kingdome of E thiopi11 too : for being font on his fofier fathers qumt:ll ag~inll: the of E thiopiA, H1!lories tell u9, th!t he afterward ma med that Kmgs daughct:r; for the which he was checked of his brochcrand Cifier. Verfe2s. Chufh1grath1rto(uff~r] Thehsppiellchoke thit ever the good m:m 1nad~. It wasa b1:avy charge ch:ac Elih" laid upon lob, th1t he had choit:n iniquity rather then affiid:ion, Jo& 36. i r. The Church is fa1d to com~ from the wilderndfe (of trou.
bles and miferies) leaning on her beloved, C4n1.8.J The good f~u\ will not break thi: hedg\: of any Co111m;mdmrm, ro avoid sny piece of foul way. f.J.!!tU non oportet m!J>'tll pt-tte/igere ? faith
Zuin6"1i1 9 i

Z11ing/iH1. What dt:11ths had we not becccr clm!e, whac punifh. meRt undergoe, yea, what hell noc futfer rather, then goc againU: '1Ur centi:iences rightly informed by the good Word of
<.iod? Thi pleA(um ofJin for A feA{on J lob ficly callcch fparks the fons offire, being ingendred by it upon fut:ll, as pleafilrcs are by our lufis upon tht: objeel. Bue they are not long-lived, they arc buc as

fpuks, they die as foon as begotten, they pc::rifh with the ufe, Col.

great a Kingdomch:ive I loll l M1y noc th~ voluptuous Bpitun:fay fo much bmer ? Verfe 16. Effumi11i tht ,.,p,.o.uh, &c,] Repreach is here reckoned 3S the heaviell: pm ot Chtifl:s croilt:. And if we can bear reproach for him, it is an argumenc we mt:ln to Hick t< him, 11s tbc fcrvant in the law that was content co l>e boared in the car, would (hck co his m:tf\:er. Thin the ma{Hrt1 in UEtJPt J u.Eg)?t for it's power and rride is called R"h"/, Pld. 87. hmous it W1s for it's learning, I Kin.~. 4. 30. Ail. 7. u. and is Hall for it's fruitfulne(fo : fo

~.u. Good God, faid L7fimachH1, for how lhorc pleJfUre ho\

_______ ___ ____ .......... .



,----- --Vei:ti3l.wirh them that !Jt/ecved not]

11 ot credit


.. __ commcnt11ry "P'n the Epiftle

..., ._.___..

------. _1 Chap.u.


----------------------~------------~~ of St Paul'' t/J1 Ha .1 Rn w s. 39,.

To wit, that gave to thole common reporcs of God, and his great works, but defl}ikd them as light n'=ws, and refofed to be at the pains of tunhcr enquiry. whtn pie had received the JJ1ies J Whom to fccure 01e told a He which w:is ill done. The Apoltle commends her faich in God, bu~ not her deccipt toward her mighbour 1 :as H11gQ well obfcrvcth. Vnfr l2 OfGidron,of Barac,&c.] Herc the names only of fundry Wurth1t:s cf old time pn p>Ueritionem conglobantHr, are artilicia\ly wound up together, tor brevity fahc. All thefe werf. not alike eminent, and {omc ot them foch, :is, bwt thu we finde them hcrecnro\kd, wd1l0uld fcarce have taken chem for hondl: men : yet oy fairh, &c. Chrifl: carries all his ol what fizo or fort foever, co the luvcn of hcavc:n, upon bis own bot ttirn: ;;is a fi)il~ doth ~nth pallcngers that are therein to the de fired ll10re. Vnfc H. 1'~ra11ght ri,~httoufnr.D! J Civil 3nd military, fpirirnalized by taith, and be1ghtrn:d to us tull worth. Obtnintd rromijl:1] hith wimis it klf into the promifesJ and makes btndlt chm:ot~ A Bee can fuck honey out of a flow. u : fo cannot a 1 lic doc. Faith will excraCl: abundance of comfort in moH ddpt:ratc d1~lrd~c~ ouc of chc precious prornife~, and guhur one contrary out Df another, honey out ot the rnck, <J:c. })l:Ut.p.36. Vt:rlc 34. Efcaped the rdge of the [word] As DaviJ by the force ofh1s faith elc3pcd SAu/dword, EUAh AhAbJ, E/ifoa the Syriar.s, 2 King.6. cJc. and divers ot Gods bidde11 ones at this d!\y have dcaped by a fh:mgc providence, when fludioufly foug~c aht:r :is ihec.:p co the llrnglrn:r ,St:c the prnfatory epif.He co Mr Sh,iw 1
SLrmon. VLr IC

flie :iwayfor chc ~~j~ym~;~~f--any ;~ft, except it w~;-~j~~h~ winos of a Dove, covered wich filver innocency. As \\!ilJing ivcr~ ma1~ of the Mmyrs co die as co di14e. . That the1 mi~ht obtnfo a better rr(io-reflion J. The rdurrcaion they kncv./ would recruit and rectifie th~m. fhi<> hdu lifo and Coultogether. So Dai1. l1.3. fhefo miferible C1ititls (faith LH'i"" che .Athciil of che Chri(bans of chis time) h:m: v.tinly pcriwadcd chemfelvcs of a glorious rclurrcelion, and hence their fool-: hardy frowardnefie co die. Vcrie 36. Of cr11c/l mockJ.nv J As 'ferwny , Anm, Elifo t, 1 Goe up, bAldp.tte, Go 11p, k To he,wen, M t"Jf'J (a} ( buc who will believe ic?) 71r1r M,a(reY' E/i.u did. So chcy mow.:d at D1tvid mocked at l(aiAl1, Ch1p.28.10 (the found of che words, as chey 'are in the originall, carries a c:iunc) jeared our Saviour, Lu~ t6.14. Set thcfe H,~brews upon ch.; lhge, as mocking-il:ocks, chap.10.H Verfe 37. Were tempted] Or (as ochers read the words) They iere buY.tted. One faith, Thu i~ WJ~ aLnof\: as great .a mi .. rade chat lofeph did not burn, when his tempted .hun! as it was tor the three children not co bum m chi: llabylomlh tire. Luther was oh tempted co be quil:c, with great fums of money, and higheil preferments. Julitm by this means drew many from che faith. Jn ftn1ukJH1 ,ii.,tl g111tJkjn1 J That might have mfl:led in ~lks and vdvt:t&, it they would have ycclded. s~pe (ub at trim l.mtnt
fapicntiA vejle .Afflilled, tormented J None out of hell ~ere ever more aflli ..




H. Women reccivtd] _As ~he SAreptlln, Shunamitr, widdow ot N,1im ,&c. No iuch mid WJtc as faith : It hath deliver td even graves oftheir dead.

a:cd chen che Saims, co r.tit: wonder and al\:oml11meHt of che beholdm. Verfe 38. O{'whom the world] They were fitter co be (et as {brs in heaven. Yc:rfe 39. R.mivednot the promife J vh. _OE ChriCl:s incarnation.

Gr. They~trttJm/JAHi:::..eJ, aifle.J. ed, ftrctched upon che rack, as a lbeeps-pclt is upon a drnm head. Ochers render it, They \\.'ere b"fton11d?ea or be14 u~ With bat 1 or cudgels to death, as if it were with drummC6

Verk 40. Som~ ~ttter .th~ng e. Chr~(l; th:it g~e~t my(l;cry, as 1 Tim.3.16. that chief of ten tbou{and,C!J'c, chat glfc, 1~h.4.1a. that benefit, 1 6. 2.

J ;.



Not tempting aeliwrance] 0(1 ~af~ ~e~rm~ ! !~cy fcorned ro

D di

- ru






with {D gre,u "c/oml]

OR clufkr of ~itm:ffcs~ whofo depo~tions we fhould hearken . co, an~ rdl.m. 1Hfl111 0'fllrt1r confdfcth of himfdf, that

fecmg lhe pious lm:s, and p:ment fulferings of the Saines, he con. eluded thac that was the truth ch:u they profeffed, and fealed with their bluud. Thde, in rhings imitable, arc as the cloud that led Jfrritl; bur in things unwarrancable (tor in many chings we fail all) as the black ut the clond, which who {o followech with the Eg7pti,m~, is like tu be drowned, as lhcy. L~ttu l11J afide everJ wei..~ ht J Or burden, or [wt/th, He that runs 111 a race wrll not have a burden upon his back, or Gun up him. kH in :i ftrair-budicd fuir. Tiu Jinne wlJich doth (o e11Jily IJt(et "'4 J Or that fl:icks fo clofe ~o us, or chat troubks an~ puzzles us, or chat curbs us and girds us m, cha~ wc.cannor run at hb~ny. In_ordi~ace paClions (faith one) come like f~u\ weachcr, bt:fort: we fend for tht.m ; chey ofce.n pre venc all atbon of the will : but good affections are {o overlaid wich tin ( wh1~h comp:ifkth us about ) that it we gacher not winde undLr their wmg ( lo punderons the flefi1 is ) they cannot mount
Lrt rM nm with paticNce J This fcems to be a contradiction ( as one obkrv..:th) for runm_ng is active, patience pailive : but he that_ hc~e runs w1thou~ patience, mm:r gets co che end of the race; ~or rn tht race of Gods comm:mdmcncs, men have foul play: one rails, anocht:r Hops h1m,&c. :Therac~J Gr, Theflrifirace, for we mull: run, and fightH we rnn,lltive aHo to out-fl.npout fdloW-l:lCers. Vcrk 2 .Lookin<~ llHll Jefia J Gr. Looking off chofo things chat may eHhtr dm:rc or dllcourage, and looking unto Jefus with loving and longing looks. . The 1i11tho11r and fini/ur] ~he Alpha and Omega, the be~mncr. and emk~. In all ot_her chmgs and ans, Non eft tjH[deLJ inv~n1re d- prr pcere, th<.: lame man cannot begin and finHh Hut

up to purpofe.

Chrilt thamcd fuamc (faith an Interpreter) a~ unworthy to be taken notice of, in cc.mpuifon of his ddigne. Vcrfo 3 For confider him J Gr. Make the c;omparifon be A111tM,:7lt~ twixt Chrill and your felv.:s, betwixt his fuftedngs and yours, Gowpar.Jttolftm wd then you will fee a diff:rcnce. Our troubles arc but as the Oi 1"'1itllite. ms and chips of his crcJ.:. I am heartily angry ( foth Luther) with thofo that fpeakof my fuffl!rings, which if compared with that whic:h Chrict futfaed tor me, are not once to bo mcnc1oned in the f.iw~ day. Leff JC bt WearieJ 1'nd faint] <Gr. Looflned, "'the nervn Ard i11 &.,,.l\ 11 ~~ 01 , a(woon or pai'faJ: or, let go, as water ipilt upon the ground. Th is to prevent, keep your eye upon your Captain, and that cloud be.. fore tncntioned. There were in qmce certain fields called '1'11 ltft~, where young men cxercifcd thcm(elves in wre(Uing, run.. 11i11g, &c. In thefc were fet up ftatucs of fundry valiant Champions, th~t the .young men that ran ~r wrcfHcd might fix their eye upon them, and be encouraged. When Hitrom had read the life and of Hilarion, he folded up the book, and faid, Well; Hil4rion hall be the Champion that I will foltow. Y:rfe 4, Te h.we not 1e1 reftfled] q, II. You may do. and mull look to do. And if you cannot endure words for ChriU, how will you endure wounds ? It you have runnc with the foot men, and they have tired you, how can ye contend with horks ?
StrivitJg AJ.Ainfl finnt] That is, Again!\ finners that pc:rfecutc you, or the fin that doth fo eafily bcfct you, and follicito you to fpare your fdf, and rather to yeeld a little then to futfa fo much.

1/S' Pault11'11H11 ~ ! w s. D ef/lift111, th~fharne J ~hereof mans nature i$ moll impatic:nr.




ChriH doth both, Phi/, J, 5. E!'dured t~e croj{e J Ran wich :l courage though he ran with the crollc upun his back all ~he way. .

The Tabernacle was cotcrcd ov~r with red (and the Purple-fathers tell us they take that habit for the fame mtent ) to note that we mu{\ defend the trnth even to the effolion of bloud, If we cannot endure Martyrdomc (if called thorcunt2) a11d fwc:at a bloudy f wcat for Chri(\S fake, we cannot be comfortably a{fJr~d th:lt wc:trcofhis body. Chriflo fobmitttmm ( faid that Dutch Martyr) fexcentafi no~i.J tffe11t col/'4, We will fubmit to ChrHl, though we CbouJd futf.:r never fo manv deaths for fake. 1ohn t~.anJ Mo,,; Leap a young man, burnt with M. 'Bradford, hearing -his own -t74 canfeffion, t:lken before the BHhop, read unto him , in O:ead of apen took a pin, ~nd Co prickiog his hand,fprinkled the bloud up


on the faid bill of his Confc:ffion, willing tl1c Mcifcngcr to fucw D di the

;c-o;,;;;;m--;,y;pon the E"iiftk--Chap~.

;1~~ Bifi1~p-rh;-t he had fo1kd rl;~-fame bill with his bloud-;~ See the Clory of Will, Tikp, AEl, ar.d .Mon. 18~ 3, ' l rg,cnda 1ut V-:t fo 1 A~dr lwi1e forgo11be o:~~rtrition J Or, Hti 1,.cl' ftr j11111 CU' in: er ~ot 1J.-econft/,r11on? ccdlll,.a101.~ ?t C..Jo~ fmall umo you, rn~4tio11t, Pr(<. 1, 70~ 15 .. I 1 ? Doc }'C m llciid d tndll1ng w1th C7od, vmmglc \~nh h1_m, r~fufing.t? b_-: ccmf Prtcd ( a8 R"che~) uut of the per. t1(hnclk of) our fpmts, as he, Pfil. 77.2? Will ye not as cnil. drc.n, oat your milk, bccrnfr you ha\'e J~ not in the golden dill1 ? W.111 ye be like. t lie hedge ho~, of. which 'P/in7 reporterh, that be mg bden with nuts and fr mes, tf thdc:afi filbcard fall off will f1i~g down ~11 the rdl in 11 pmilh hmucm, and beat the g~ound wuh h:r br 1flks. . 'Dt!J_ifc mt tholltbt cl1Ajl1 ni,~ J See my love.. tokens, pag, 37, Counr It not a l1gh1 matter, a cummon occurrence, foch as mull be born t-y head :rnd 01 :nldcrs, and when things are at worll' thcy'l rrcnJ ag::in, Tt is is riot patience but p~rtinary, firc:ngth lut llupidi~~,, 'The flrrngth offl ones, 11ndJlefo of lm1ffe, Job 6, u.


o/St Pault11h1 H B 1a1 w s.



________ ___________

. and cock ere th above the refl: of his children, That Son in who~- . ---~- - . heisw~llpll!1fed 1 faithMt1J'te,.on p,.,w.~.l1. whom he makes his white boy, faith Thcoph7/4fl here. See my Love-tokens, pag.StJ.,S). vtndfco11r1,etl1 e1.:er1 SoHne J L1ic:s upon them hard and heavy firokcs. When Ign1ttim c:-ime to the wilde-bcafls, Now, faith he, I regin to be- :1 ChriHian. Omm'.J Chri}]i,imu crr1cian11-1, faith L11rher: And he hath not yet kilrn::d bis AB C in Chrilhmity, faith Bradford, tlut hath not l~.m1('d the ldf.111 of the croff~. When /r!Hnjlrr lay fick, and his fri~11ds Ml<cd him how b1; diJ, 01nd how he felt ldmfdf, he p:lintcd to his fores and ulcers, (whereof he was foll) and f1id, H font gcm'111t & pret io(ci orn11mentz1 "DtiJ &c:. T!1cfc :ire Ciods gems and j::~cls wh.:.rcwirh he decketh his b:A J1)h. Mant, 19, fnrnds, and to me they are more pr~ctous then :tll th~ gold and hl- crmt ,. 1 i 1 , vcr in the: world. Verfe 7. Godde11feth With 1ou, &c. J Corre1:ions are pledges of our Adoption, and badges ofour fon1hip. Oilc Sonno: God ta<l Wl:cn Gfl!tumu the Empcru12r had lofi the Kingdom of vg]pl without but none with0nt forrow. Ali God r.orrctl:s none What? f-1id he 1 Sine lino~:.~ptioeffeno11 poj[um1u? Cannot w~ but his own;fo all chat arc his Clull be fure ro have i::;md they nlall be witlwut the hemp of v.l)pt f But 01ortly after he was lain with the fword. w~~n th~ r~rks hnd taken two Cafilc:s in Cher~ z take it for a favour too, I C or.11. 3 1. Verfo 8. Thm art }t b11fl11rd1 J JJl.!!j t.'itipitur 11 K-llmero jl.1gcd11fonefm, and fo fir{l: got foot mg m E1:rop4, the prcuJ Greeks faid, torum,excipitur anumero fl!iorwm, foit11 one. He: that cfcapes afthat there wa~ but a hog Cly lufl,alludmg ~o the name ofthe Cafrle. flitl1on t~ay well fofpect l~is adoption.. I have no Hrongcr arguBut that foohfh laughter was turned within a while: into moft ment again{~ the Pvpes Kmgdoms, faith Lr1ther, then rhis, !2.!!JcJ bitter tc.ars. When Ca/lice was loll: under Cl._ UJfarJ, thofc of finumce rc,~nat, that he raigns without the croffi, they have no the fathon ll:rove to allay thc~ecns foying, chat it wa5 ch:inges,. forcly they fear not C~od. only a refuge for runagatc- l:erct1kcs, and that no R om11n CathoVerfo9. ~nd\.\1egavethcmreveren1t] P~urtfl. jipAm NOH lite cuglit '? deplN~~ bur rntherrcjoyte at the daRlas~ i tj[a, &c. It is my Father, &c. This cooled the boiling raoc of At Reguul grav1 ;amdHd1'mft1111di4 CHrJ. theyom1g man in Terence. Nicol& of 'Je11t-1ile a youn~ Fr~nch Vidmu ali't vemi--Martyr, whm he was condemned and fot in the C.;trt; his father . Nor fttint 'MJen tho1!1t~tre~11kea] If we faint jn the day of corning with a {bit:: would ha\e b=ate11 him : bnt the offic:rs ~a. an,/ Mon! vcrficy, out hrc:ngth is fmall, faith So/omo11: and it is Non qui not fuff:ring,ir wc.illd have ll:ruck the old mm. Jhc fon crying to 118 37. d11ra, ~d 111ir1 mollCJ p11timur, faith Se11ec~. Not for th;t we the olliccl'~, deGr("d th{"m t(I) l~t his hthcr alone, faying, he had hard thmgs_, b1;1t becaufc we ~re over-foft that folfer them, As is power over him to do wh:ir l~e wu11ld, &c. !he nun fo 1~ his fircngth, f~1d they to g_ideon. Jofephsbow abedc And live J Fer cvrrcelio11'i of inlhu1-:on (and (:~oj never m rtrcngth, even when ~he iron cntrcd mto lus foul yen 49 24 chaflifeth, but wichall he te1ch~th, ~Pfol. 94. 11.) are the :md ?ohs fhoak ~as heavier the.n his groaning, 'J-q~ ~ 2 .' 111~Ali: \vay oflife. 'Prov.6. 23. and 1 5. 31. Set: my Love-t1Jie.!H1, p:iz. d11m om~ot.tt11ra q11erulum, faith Seeca, Itis a weakncffa to be 2s, 26, 27 . ever puling. Sec my Love-tokens, p.44,-H. . -, Vcrfo 1 o, t.After tl1eir ow11 ple~far1] Tocafe their ftomacl<s Vcrfc 6. For Whom the Lordl1'lle1 J Whom he entirely Iovcth





- -

vent their cholkr, d1fcl~argc chctnfclvcs of that difFl!afurc they Dd4 have

--------------------Chap.12. A comment.,.,"!"' 1he Bpi/Ile

have (and perhaps without caufe) conceived againll us. Not fo the Lord; Fii?'] u noti>1me, faith he~ lfl.27.4. Thouih God may do with his own as he p\c:afcth, yet he dotJl never over do. for it goes as much again{\: the hc:art with him, as againl\: the hair with us : It is CTcn a pain to him to te pumfhing, L,,m. M3 Th'''.,,, migk# be p11rt?ilm J Thus bitw pils bring f wcct health, and {harp winter kils worms and wccds,and mcllowi the earth for better bc:aring of fruits and flowc:rs. The Lilly is fowcd in its own tears, and Gods vines bear the better for bleeding. The Walnut tree is mo{\ fruit full when mof\: beaten, and Camomll~ the more you tread it, the more you ipread it. Aloes kils worms, and f\ained clothes are whitened by frofiing. Verfe 11. T/,e pe11ce11/,/e ftit of rigloteo#fneffe] &rown of ,,ighuoufneffe wrought out unto us by ~tAictions , 2 Cor. 4. 1 7. Thefc arc tllc preludes ofour triumph, yea il part of our fal\ation. Look thercforr. thorow the anger ofGods corr~8ions, fanh one to the fwectndCc of his love therein, as by a rain-bow we fee th~ bcautifull image of tho Sunslight in the midtl of a dark and wa. teril11 cloud. And look upon thcfe afflictions as on io many way. ward and touchy gueCb; which while they fiay 0 watch every officer, but when they depart, they pay freely. Vctfo 12. Lift Np the haHds] Pluck up your gcod hearts, and buckle clofc:: to your bufindfe; how clfe will you runnc the race that is fct before you? as fJtrf, 1. Gird up the loins of your minds: a drooping Lpirit n1ak~s no tiddau,~of ih; way, Su "11 '" rights,a~ the word fignificth. Verfe 1 3. Mak! jlr11ight pAtl11 J Sec:k not by-waies ( thofc bigh-waies to hell) leap not over the hedge of any Command-. ment, fotocfcapc any pccccof foul way: but a thofc kine of the PhiliC\:ilnS held Clraight on their way to 'B tthfhmufh, 1 S14 m, 6,12. though they had calvc1 at heme : fo let us to heaven, though we have divers things to divert us. Let thine eyes look right on : and let thine cyc~lids look ftr.&ight before thee,





Pawl N 1/,e H 1

w s.

-W;d,.,#;;hicJ,_i_The Article may be n~~~e~-,-,-D-d_t_b_cn-th_c_- - - fcnlt: is, Without which following peace and holinelle, or an holy p::m11blenellc,n0nc fh1ll fee <3od to thdr comfort. Vttlt: is. Ld1 ""1 m.wfa;/ J Or, F"'IJ ./bort, as Ch"P 4. 1. Sc:c the Noce there. Short lo!cch many a gunc : he that in :1 race licth down <!re h~ corn~ to che go11.l, gets not th! gsrl:i11d. l)trlcveram:t uow~s all .o"r nrtU\.'S ~ut its an nfit thing co tall

anapping with the fooWh virgins {yea the wife aHo Oumbercd) wiiich will prove to our coll, when God {hall !C1td torch fummous fer !lerpcrs. Lt root of '1itttrnefe J Any fcandalobls fin to the corrL1 ptingot others, and che corrodmg ot our own contCicnccs : and outot which we recoYer not withPut much adoe, till we h!lve felc what an evil and a bitter thing fome i5, as D1t'llia did, l'fal.p. Vtrle 16. For11icAtaNr or prof411e] He inft:mcech in fom! rams .->f eitterndlC:, E a1l s prgflm:nellc appeared in thcfc parti culars. t. In that he was no Cooner askt!d for che birchrighc, bul he )'eelded. 2. ThllC he pmed with ic for a trifl~, a little red, red, as he called it in his hafie and hunger. 3. That he did this, l>dng, as he th0ught, at point cf death. 4. That he wept his way when he had done, as if he had done no Cuch thing a he lhr.:wtd no tigna of re mode or re~rt!t. H<!nce he is tour or fi vc frvcrall timts l>raud~ ed wich,, Thu ii Edom. wh" {Or one mnrfei. &c.] M3ny fuch Ed1mites nowadaies tbu prefer earth bdutc hc1m:n, a fwim: .. {ly bdon: a fane\uny,, v~. the G,ul.1re111, their part in Paris before their part in Paridilc, as thsc carnall C~r.dinall. Vi4le. l11men amicHm, fa id Theotim"!; bro[. hrcwtll t yes, at I may nut drink and do work, ye are no cyt1> tor me. a.: would rathtr lofc his fighc then bis fin ; fo will many rather part with heaven then with their lufts. 0 what m'Jd mm are the[c that bereave thcmfdvcs of a room in that City of p~arl, tor a few carnal\ plca!urtts, &c. Pope Si.\1111 the fitc11 folJ hts Loul tu


the devil co <:njoy cht Popedome for kvi:n years. . ,


you. I AM p1At1 (faith D~M) but when I fpeakofit, they ar<: fo' warre, .ANdboli11effe J Or chaftity, 1 Thef+4 foch a holineffe as is oppolcd to formcatiqn and ptofancneflc. 'll.16. . w.i1heI

Verfe 14. Fb/ltJJ r~At1 J Gr. Pu~fo' 11 thouih


(l;~ frQm

hel~w ~ha~ hc;: bad done unwilling julhct! in bldli.iig 1Atab, htJ durtt nut n:V<~d~ the bl~ffing : for he foued an occecding grcJC fm, Gm. l. /. H. Neitht!r naturall affo~lion. nur E (a 1l J 1mpommny cou\d make hun. repent aad repeal what kc had . low,

Yt.:rk17. He\\'Mrejdhd] Or, R(p11/fcd. Ior /(ij11c,when J\nltiY.1f.<~~



40 ~

------- ThoaghJ;;(o~,gl~-i~~~full1 With u11~1]

"c1mment~rJ_~Po11 the E~!le Chapt 1a, Tears cher were of di(contcnr, tor he cries, and :it fa~c t~mi: thr~ate~s h!s brother Some weep for fin, iomefon~1Cery, fume tor Joy, fome for compJOion, fome for revenge and _m hypocnrte, iS Ej"" hm, who rued his deed, but repented not his fin. Veile 18 Fo.,. ye ~re not con1!, /Xe. J q. d. Yoa :&re not un. dcr th~ law,' buc 1.mdcr grac<.:: beware th..rn:torcof_prophuicneffe :rnd lice.itioulndk. For think you chat God h:ich hired you co be wicked? Are you delivered co do all chd_c abomi_nacions ? (er, 7 . 1 o. Ou3hc you not to walk Gofpcl.h1gh, ~hsl. 1. i7? Will not the Angel ( Chrifl) th1t gticth a_long With you , ddl:roy yvu lfrer chu he hi th d~n~ you good, if ye turn noc and repent according co rhcruksot his L:.iw, che Gofpcl ~ E.n"1m n 1 i,1l


tf St Paul t tile H .1 -~




lht Rom~n Emp,roNrs raitcd up ample .Am1h1theAtres ma CtrClllar form, dr"t 'h'1 p'upk fittivg round abour IJighc have r1co111modiou5 fight of fuch pkafanc fptd:icks as were !ct bLfore theft?. That wt.id1 P(Jmpq meted was oi ~uca extent, that it W3S able to. u:cc:ivc .qoooo mw, as Plin1 w1cndltth, But 0 what a glor~ous A,,,pbitl;wrc is tha( ~~ heaven? ~hat a. Llatdy Con?~cg:mon... houk? O prulArmn cum ad ii/Ha 11m111orn"! '011C1/,,,~ c1t- Cic Jc[rmnuit. tumtj,prrficijcur (ft Cf/Im ex hAc IHrha <? c0Un'f11one drfcedmt.J l ~urdy, 1t Cicero or fomc ocher Heathen could fay fo, how mu(h more may we cxulc and fay, 0 chac dc::ir day when we O.all go out oi this wietchl'd world. and wicktd company; to that gencrall Atfou~ly oi holy and h~ppy ~oul~ l .t\nd how flwul~ ~~in the iJ &'" . mean whil~ turn cvety folcmmt} mto a fchool of Dmnny : ~sVerfr 19. e.And the (oHnJ of 4 trumptt J Shcwmg the nature when F11/lrnrim faw ~he No~ili~y of Rom~ fie mount<.d in thm of Gods Law, co mwifdl: Gods Willa mens finsJand to wun chem bravery, it mounted lus mtdlt3t1on co the htavcnly '/emf"'' m. J . of the wrath dderved : l1kewiftt co tummon them to appcu bdorc And another ~hen he: fat an~ heard a twee~ confort uf mulick, M. EJ!.I; the judge. . . feemed upon chis occafion carmd up for the crmc bdore-!ul'ld to Art or Mrclim. The voice of ~1rd1] That IS, The delivery of the Deca. the place of his rd\, faying very p3ffionately, What muh'k may by D.H4P. logue, calkd the words of cbc Covemm, Exod"' 3 3.28, the ten we think there is in hca ven l words. ,,..hich 11re 'Writtc11 in heaven] In Jerttf11/em record5 were kept y Lrfe 2 o. For the1 co11ld nit eHdure J This Gacws the na. ofthenamesofall the Citizens, P/a/.48,3, Coin heaven. And :ii cure and ule of the Law, concrary ~o that o~rh_e Gofpc:l. his the Citizefls of Rome might not accept of freedom in any ocher a killing letter, wrima in bloud, holdmg forth JU(bce only,and no City : 1o neithc:r lhould w~ feek chings on emh, ss thole whofo i:nercy. . ,. . a:imes are written in the eanh, /er. J 7 Vcrk 21. A-f{N fiiJ, I exrredmlJ!] Tim f AH/ mrghc have by tradicion, or rather by rcvchcion, unit iit he gathered it frdm . Vc:rk 24. ThAt lftAk,!tl1 bttter things J Every drop whereof had a tongue to cry lol' Yengc:incc: whu1cc IC is qlkd bloftds in che: E.t"oa.19. 19. compan.:d wich Da11.1 o 8,16~17,19. plurall, Gtn.4,1 o, . . , , YerJc :u. BHt 1e are emu ttJ ~lv1ut J And the bldlings Vcrfl.!25. Se11/,at1ertfofenot,&c,] Gr, That yefi"ufc~1m mfUIT111E,;[) .. th:u come out of Sion (Grace :ind pt'act: chat come: oy }!us not off, by frivolous p~ewnces and excu~s j cs thofo ltecu[ ,. , ChriA:) are becccr then all other the bldlings of ncucn and earcb 1 <JJ(11l. I H 3 gudlsdid, Mat.z'l. Ic1sasmuchasyourtouls a~e worch. Lo~k ;:M7ilrr.<. to 1t therefore. The htavex/1 'feruf4/em J As '/erufalem W:is diftinguifh(d Thl4t ffie" fown h1.1ven J By his b\oud, Word, Sacramems1 into two Cities, the fuperiour and cht: intel'iour, fo is che Church m-.dons ofhisSpirir, mercks, &c. ~f Wt.: t_urn ?ur bacl<s upon into criumphant and militant; yet l;otb mal<i: up but one Cay of fuch bleeding cmbracemencs, and fo kick agamfl: his naked b?wds, the liYing Goel. . what will bt:comc of us? And mark, chat bt: tpc-'kcth of hunkU, To Alf itJnr1mer11'1/e EoplfnJ J Gr. To A-fr1ttd1, or m:my ten as one, thou{~nd:i of Angel:> . So,nc hrn.; t~id cha~ Chey are 99. ro one, in Vt!rfe 26, 111h~f1 v~icuhnJ Pmk._, &c. J vh.., When h:: gave compuifon of che Sam ts; groundmg their conceit upo11 the: Par2blco of the lol\ lqeel>, LNk..: 1 5. the La~~ yvhat flull ~~d~ w~en. h~ comt.s to )lKigcmmt?. l! i;t

Vcrk 13. To th1 gt11eral/ AJfem/,/y J Or publikc meeting of a whole Coumrey, as at a great t\fiize, or fom~ folemn _cele~riry.

--- - --N,;,-i,~ earth

fine us.


A. c1mme11m1 po'lf ihe Epiflle, &c.] Not men only, bt angel!J, who ftand am;m.d at chc my{kry uf Chrii\, A~ for mtn, they will m:vtr cruly deli re Cluifl , ti~l ~hey are fha~en, Hag. s, 7, Gods Ornl<ing ends in fetcling ; it ra not to tum" , but to re

Cbap.1 J ---------------

1/ St Paul 111/Je H .!

w s.

~d had fuch suefis as they hoped not for. The <]11/11ti11n1

s~ J'aHI as an .trngcl ; 1o did Cormli1u ememin Pim. Every thilde ol '3od is an e1mhl1 Ant~/ : and jn en-



Vcrfe 27. ~ml thu V9ord, Trt 011ce mire] Tile Apoftle commentetb upon che Prophet whom he _cimh., and _from chat word ot his, Yet once , concludech the d1ffolut1on ef the ~re. fent frame of the world by the lafi firtt, and the ell::il>Mh ing ot that new heaven and new esrth, whcrei.n d~elleth


'Pet. 3. u. 13.

Thi.! f~rce of S~raprnrc

there-hence right confequmc..:~ : And th~y have done fingu lar good fervice to God an~ hrs Church, chat th~y have em plokd their cime and t~c1r calcms tor t.he findmg out the knfo of the Texr, by fi1l1111g out the full 11nport and figmfi cation of the Originall words. In which kindc: learned Mr Leigh by his Critic{j SMra upon both Tdhmems, hath Dltrited much commendation. Verfe 28. eA kJngJome 'Which cm1not be moved] As the mighty Moa11rchies of th~ wo~ld could : for ~ho{~ had their times and their rnms, their rume as wdl as thc:rr r1fe, fo th:ic

words is chm well co be wc1ght:d by thole chat will draw

tertaining chem, Angels alto ( which are their Guardians) are encercained. The Philofopher told his friends when they Evnv9ivw,, ct came inco his little low cottage, The gods 11re here With me. '7'1'-1,, etol. <..iod :ind his Angds are where: the Saints are. Verle 3. Remember them that, &~. J Learn hence, faith one, That ic is no new thing for the world to puc bonds on them, who fec:k to bring th<:m out of bondage. le is very probable that .lvficafo~J was that difguikd Prophet, who broughr to Ah4b the fesrfull melfoge ot dilpleafure and death for Bwhlfdtul, for which he t:vcr afccr hated him, ~!id held him in prifon. As being 7our [elves ,if~ in_ the body] Not the body of Chriil: orchc Church, as C alvi11 lenkth it, bm m the body cf Hefl1 and fuilty, fubjdl: to like afHiflions : fo Erafm111, Bt;'{,llJ P/jrm1, others. Yerfe 4. cYrlarriage H bo11011r"bfr J And yet fay the Rhrmif11 uptm, I Corintb. 7._ 9 .. Mamagc (Jf Pridls is the worll fort of incontincncy. :ls ,1ot this to play the Ami...
chrin ?

now they live but by tame only. Not fo the Kingdomc of heaven. '{ ou may write upon ir the PenttiAH Motto, Neo Jluflu, '"' flAtH movetur : N~'.icher windes nor waves can Hir it. wim t1vmnce J Gr. With bafhfolnejfe, as in Gods holy pre fence. S1~c fleHt,iJ.13 Vcrfc 29. A c1n(umingfire J vi:<.. To profligate profeflours, ungirt Chrifl:ians, 1~33 14.
CHAP.XIII. Verfc J, Let hrotherlJ love continue]

No fuck h!aven upon earth, next unto communion With God,as 1 the communion of Saints.

1 fhall continue in heaven ; pity therefore but it fbould on earth.

Have enttrmintel .Ange/J J
As and

Lot 1 whtD111rfi,ttl hofjita/;11,as the Apo1tlcfpcaketb1R""'I 2.IJ and

Ami tht btJ 1md1filul] AdmDHtHJllJ i" ip{J cti.1m m'4trimonio q1111nJ11,. cJ[e ftortRtioni1 fpecitm, fiq111~ p11ro ,Dtt dono pure & (anfle non utntHr, .ad tum fi;-iem cr1jtt1 cam eft iHflirnrnm, faith Bez:.a. 1 he Marriage .. b1:d, though lawiull may be dt:filed by excdft:, &c. and a man may be an adulterer ot his own wife. God "'iii judge J. The Anabaptifl:s of Ger11w11, inforrc:d from hence, that th~refore mt:n oughc not co puniih adultcr m: for God reterved them to his own jlldgemmc, Two of them 111ontmrj111 and Iietflr111. were norori~ius whorcmongm being :i pair of fuch Preachers, as Z edel\j"k1 und .Ah11b were, whom th~ King of RtJ6ylon rna{hd in th<; fire, bccauic they committed adultery with thfa neighbours wives, and fpake lies in Gods name, <i'c. rer.29.22,13. nm what a bold man was Latimer BiChop of Worrd1er, who prdcntcd to Henry chceighr, for a New-years-gift, a new Tcfhmcnc with a napkin, having chis pofie about it, Whoremonger.s ~r.J 11dHlterer.1 GoJ 'WiUjud:.e? Verlc S

1 U


Joh.l\hnl. 10 ,. +s 1


Jbi.J J,,, t- 11<> .\ft.. S9i

A CMmm1tary upoJf the Ep~/Ut Ch1pJ13, i____________________ --.--06

Verfes. B~ C'<JnWft With ru~,, thiny] ~ot co be content, is co be concous. If men camtot bring thear means to their minde kt them bring chdr 1nindc to their means. A lictlc

C/c!if ..A.'cx.


k~ve co bear our charges till. we come home to hca ven. B~Hru p!lcu ~miigu. See the Nore! on I Tim'tl'J 6, 6. 8. . . For he h~tb (aid J five times in Scripture .is precious pro. mife renued. chat we m1y pretfo and opprdfc 1c, tall we ex.. prdled che t'weecn::II.; oucofic! /(a.6~.11. /Will not forfik! tlm J Gr. I Will not not not fOr(a~e thre. Leave u~ God nuy tG our chinking, but forfake us ht! will nor. Only we mu!t put chis :ind ocher promiks in fuic, by praying them over. God loves to be bound by his own words, to be lut:d
~y his own bond.

Verfc 6. So tlw \\11,,, lJ hotdt1 (ii1] H1ving fuch a prornifeto bnild and found cur faith upon; we may wdl proceed co chis holy gloriation ag:tin{l all oppoficion. . Vcrfc 7. Them Which the iru/6 J Gr. Tour C.tptnms, y 8 Hr G11ide1, ( fo Minill:er~ :ire called) Tortr Chiefmi111 a1ul ch 11 mpions,. th:u be:ir the bmut of .the t>l.tcle, the heat of the day, :rnd upon whom, as Up<>n lus wlme horfcs, the L~rd ChriC\: rid\:th abouc conqu..:rmg anJ to conqu~r, KevcliltlO'll
?ef1'11 Chriff tlu (Jme] 1;"his was the fui~mc ofc~eir Sermons and is the iu~lhnce ot their and your faith : wh1cb therefor~ you mufl (l:jcl~ to, it anding hl~ in the fi.rect which is cal. led St>aight, and not whmicd about with divers and itra1~ge doCl:rim:s. eio~~t).IJ.,\ai.: Vcrlc 9. 'Be H9t carried11bo11t J Errour is a precipice, a 11or rcx, or whirl-pool, which fidl turns men round, and chen fucks them in. With divers 1md .Prange dollrines] Tfllt agree neicher with themklvcs, nor with tht: truth, . Tluit the hMrt he eftiiblifbed] B allafled '" a /hip, b.ilanceJ as the Bc:c wich a licck H:one t:tkcn up by her, when lht: hlth fimc co Ric in a high winde, Ne ~eve Al~r-um remigiNm pr.t.cipitent ~ 11 bra 'lJe11torum, as Atnbrojc obfervcth, kit the bigger blalt lliou\d dafh .. er co che ground. Noi With mws] As if they wm: holy, or hdpfull co fal v:ition.

' Vt:rfc ~. 8.

~1st Paul'' ~'1t HE :s Jl B w s. Verfe 10 . . We -h11ve an f'lmr J That ir;~- A fa--c-ri-lic_e_,-e--v-e_n________ Chrifi our Pa{frovcr, whofo fldh is meat indeed, 'him 6. bur: to bdicvcrs only, not to thole thu pertinaciou~y plead for Ceremonies and krvices of the Law, G11/. 5. 4- Hie edere, efi &rtdere. vcrl'c 11. Are h11rnt wirilo11t the Camp] i\nd fo chc Pridl:s had no patt of the fin. offering ' to the"': .that they. h:tve no pare in Chril~ tllat adhere to the Levmcall krv1ces. Sec Levit,16.27, Vcrk 12 without the gate] See how puntlually the old Td\ament is fulfilled in the new, Hardly could thole before Chrift divine wlm this meant, till he lwd flifl~rcd ic, and the Afo{HI! had oprned it. Event is the bd~ kry to typ~s and prophecies. . _ . Vt"rfc 1 ~ BeAttint. ht4 reprMch] The l'cproach of Sam ts 1s the reproach of ChriH, and thrir fufft:rings his, Colo[. 1. 24. And Hchem.43,s. God is more provoked chm l\'ehcNtJillh. Hl: chat faith, Vrn1.eance, '4 miNt, I "'iii rep.q, repaics oft-cimcs, wbcn we have forgiven, when we have forguccm; and cals CQ reckon .. ing afcer our difchargcs. \' cric 14. For here "'' h11ve none J Improve this argument for the working our hearts off from the things of this world : the beaucy of all which, is bu~ as a fair pi<..'l:ure drawn upon the icc:,thac

Ch ap. 13.



mdcs away wich ir.

But-Wt[eek.._ one to com1] And here we muf\: all turn Scek.frs. Seek ydirlhhc Kingdmn ot God, &r. MMth, 5. 33. ~-=e the Notethm:. Vale S The fruit of 011r lips J Covering Gods altar with the cllvcs ofour lips, Ho[.14+ This lhall plcaie th~: Lord bem:r thl'n anOxe or Bullock, chat b:uh horns and hoofs, I' (41. 69. 31.
This alfo is the fcekc:rs facrifice,

3 i.

Yerfn6. mt] We very eafily forget wh:ir wrcarcaot

Fsr with (uch (acriftcn J How impwvidi.:nt arc we that will not offer a facrifice ot alms when God frcs up an altar before us? Verfe 17. ThAth1wethe r11le ov1r 101' J Gr. That are your, Le,.ders or CAptains. But now, as once in rv1/ci/1i,1dr1 his .hrmy , mun Y{ill b~ kaders ~~\. learners. ~c~ th~ NuLe Oil Verf17.
to remember, ihc richer the h'lrder, ulually.






-------- -----v-~~fc:

A Comme11tAry t1p~11 tfle Bpijlle


WillinL~ hrmefllJ] T"11tu,,, velu, (- iJ~;;;;;: 6i pr.e1Jcc11rret. D tivid could wHh well to the: keeping of Giods Commandments, P(al. 119. 4, 5 and atf,;d: that which yot be

1 S.


Chap.t 3

"s~ Paull~ Ha 111 w -~~~----------. - Thej of ltalJ falute JOH] _Few Saints there now & The .Jta/iAnl hold integrity for little better than fJUine[~ ; they



could not df:Cl. Vcrfo 19. Thrit l

tJ1dJ ht re rt and], Prayer r~ign~ over all Impediments. See this excellently ice torth by M. HArriJ in his Pe. ter J m/4rgemeHt, Vetfc 10. Now th~ God ofpe'1ce] He that woul Areap praicrs, mull fow them. What cm1ld l h;; Hebrews do klTc then pray for him, that pr:Jid fo heartily for them? Our Lord refm] Here,s 1-ici kingly office, God hath made bim both Lord and Chrill:, AU,q6. That 1,rettt foepfJmJ J Tlut fecderh hi& people daily and d.iintily with divine doctrine-. Herc's his Prophetic11ll of0

blafphemc ofomer then f wear , they murthc:r more then rcvil.: or 01nd~r. And yet even in Ital] there are full four s. IUw.si41111 thoufand prof;!~d Protd'tants, But their paucity and ob-

fcnrity (faith mine. Autho_ur) Chall enclofe them in a

Cipher. Vcrfe 25. <]r11c1 Ii# With

1'"] Sec the Note on


11erft 2 S

'T'hrou,(b th~ Moud] Flo.:rc's his Pri~R:ly office. And ~ere wo mull begin, if vJe will reckon them right. V~rfc 21. /,, ev~ry goid Work_.&c.] Works m"tt1iA_ll1 go:>J,may never prove fo form:Jll/ Jnd eventuall.J: As when they are but ex tcrnall, 1nrtiall, coa1.livc", inconfrant, &c. Verfo 22, S11ffer the \\'orc.i] Sharp though it be, and to. the fldh tircfomi:, yet Gilf~r 1t. Better it is that the Vine thould bleed then die. Bt1t mmy are like the nettle, touch


it nc:v"r fo gc:ntly, it will fbng you. Tm11,.e montes & fomi. 1abHnt. Otfa to w11kc men out of their (hep, and they will braw~, in th1t c\fo with thei~ be(l: friends; yea though it be with them here, a~ once it was with thofc thu had the f weatiug ftck
If thq.fiept the) died. . Ver fr 13, Know J'C 1h11t our brother J Good news fhould be fpred abroad, and are a fit matter tor ChrilHan Epi{Ues, as one w.::11 obf..::rvct'1 from thcfo words, Verfo 24. S~lute ,,// them.J] This Epillle then was firfi read to the p~oplc, who are requi~cd to deliver the Apofiles commends to their MiniUcrs : The Papi(h debarre the peo. pie, not of d1c ScripturcJ only, but of all buoks; of the Re. formd Religion And for a t~rrol1r not to rctai{) fuch books prohihitcd I hav~ foen (_ foth Sir t'dwi~ Sand1) in their prin tcd inllrud:ions for confcffion, the hearrng or r~ading of books forbidden fot in rank among-~ the fin~ ag~inll: the firH Comndf~,


E c

5pc,, rurJp;

-----------------------------------'------~-----~------, __ _


------- -----.....- ...






generalt of St JA" s. . -- ............ ---------felicity. Belic;~;~e- there is no fuch joy in the .world as tl~e


"' Mo~. p:oplo of Chriil: have ltnder the cro{fe; I fp::ak 1t by cxpcn- fol. i6e8.



Vpon the.Epifile generall of Saint
) A M ES,

cnce, &c. l ( /ntrJ divers tempn.tion1 J Croff~s f~ldom~ come .Gng e CAte 11 ara piarum cru.\) as ncit.h~r do tnl'!rc~cs, b~t trooplllg a1d trca.d ... ing on>! up:>n the heelrnt another. After ratn coinath clou::b,8td. u.z, .t\s in April, nofooncr fa one 1110rcunburdcnd,butrmoth~r is bri:wcd. . . V-=rfo 3. The tria(I of ftJUr f1ith] y~~ fuch J w elt k~1t P.at1e~c~, 1 as mal<cth a man futf :r ahi:r h.; hattl fu:Lred, as D11v1d did fro~ Shimei, but firCl: from A6(olom. Tile-ftom:li till baked <m: not uf~ foll : but well burnt and hardend they lbid Xlt al1 fi:orms and 111 weather. Sc.;! my Love-to~'"' p.170. . \' erfo 4. Let p11t;eHce h"ve her perfW Wor.z] P .l ~tr.:nce rnurl not be an inch fi1ortcr then the afl1if.l1011. H ell.: B_ndge reach. but

Ali./ cull" m~frm.1.Tmnt.

- - - .. -

_ _ _ _ _ .,.


Vcrfo 1,

I. To the twel"Pt Tribes J


i\ '\



\1~-, Nee very devout, AEf. '26.7. fiill the molt nimble ~ <, \~'(\, and Mcrcurjall wits in the world, but light, ae ' . f=_~vr, .1' <. riall~1d f~aucall, apt to work thcmfrlvcs into . L~'' ,, J(i the fo9Js raradifo of a fublimc dot:ige.. .:.i u~t 011,ctip.t f. <r ~~0! wloub 11rc faattmd _.tro.1dJ Bamlbcd Iron~ r:c::.::::-~._j R1meby the Empcrour {laudim, Act.18.1. arid called by S.Peur, Str~ngm of the difJe~fion, I Pct.1.1. The Jcws at this day arc a d~s1cckd and defp11cd p~ple, accorrling to lJtHt.28.64. having neither countrcy nor rcllmgplace: cvet'l in 'lerH(illcm rhcrc be not to be found at tbis day an hundred houfholds ofthom. Ver fc 2. C ONHtit "11 joJ J The world wondreth (faith Ma fier Philpot tho Martyr) lmw we can be fo merry in fuch c:xtrcam mifcry. But our God is omnip<.>tcnt, who turn~th mifery into - feilieiey.

as he ou2ht, chearfolly, thankfully, frnufully, fo_ as ,l L( _, /. to ba able to fay, Well for the prejtm, 11nd it Wiit 6e /Jetter Jtrtfljter, which is the patient nuns Motto. . , Let him 1t1k.j1 of God] It ha~h been q 1cfbone1.1 by fomc, Whcchcr a man can have pmenc~, fincauA:ilio grati.i,witho~t the hdp of Gods grace. But Chrifli lflS know the; cmnot. lt is not pltlence but perr inacy in godle(Je rn~n. .. And11pbr11idtth not J Ncithct with prl!f~nt f.i11ings,nol' forrn~r infirmiti~s. f2.!!je.">:pro6rat, repo/cit. So doth not God ; unleff.= m cifoofunthankfolnc:{f.:, For then he will t1kc bis own, and be grme, Hof 2.8,9. V~fc 6. But lei bim f.iit~] S~c the Note on Heb, n.6. 'J{!Jtliin._~ \\'a~'trin. ~J . W::. arc ~<J) r_ca,'.Y' in, ~'.'mptatio!l to ~oubt, yea to hnld it a Juty to doubt. , fh1~ (faith one) 1s to lioht a cmdle b :tore the de\'il, a~ we ul-! to {f>eak. 0 Verfe 7. he fo~!l rccciic J Unkll~ Ii~ lhiv.:: a~r1illll hi~ dcubring, and Wldeout of it,1s the l\~o:m doth :ut l~f a cloud.,~~ timidc rogat n~~tlre docct, ~-Ic chat praicth donbt111gly,llmts bcavrn
.{11 1.o.lm1s
g:ites agaion his own ~ra2=rs_. . Vcrfi: 8. Vnjlt1Me i all hid \\mn

half way orcr the Groolc, we l111ll hav:: but p;if{ 1gc. Ir is tlie devils dc!irc: to f:t us on a hurry: hd<n.>ws his tcm2tario:is will thrn work iJeft. . . Ycrfq. If any of,011 l11c/z.Wi(d11mc J Th:it is, ~ 1-1~ic11cc to ~cJr f:?.ui plJciJe
fmcriifcrref'it i/li: japit.

l\<riin. 2.,i.q. , 36,



As he 1s fl ands on on-: Ec 2 fog

-- ------- ------- - . ..__ _____ A_ ~fJWJWJt11t11ty #!fin the Bpljtlt Chap. 1


-------- ------- ------------ ------------general/ 1[ St



~" .,,~J ~-J.H

I, ()r :is a lt1v l en :-. <moNh .raLk. Contr~tiwife, ab~ lic:vcr ~s ~s a f'1lLr{Oc1:-: frt 11:10 rhe huilding, 1 'Peter 2, 7. Shakrn he 11:.1y L.:, b.r _l:c 1s niott:d as a tm:, waggc lac may up a1nd do .1, n ac a 1111p at arJchour, but yet he re move~ r:ot, '71.:1.k 9. Rrjoycc i11.1L1t l<' ,j r.\'.lftt:~ J . Gr. b1 hiJ feldimitr, in tlut ~tgl h(l11'llr of h1r, '1.d;n LI' 1 h1~ (hould rualH' hun h<Jld np h~ ti~ ; 1, hn 1:.~ i-;1, !w:;h, b\ di.:11 full, but nor v.. J! h;:ll fcl!lrr:fo!l: _[,itti /:"""'Jeri 110J fic1iri,gar.dcmes in Domhu, farl CAVr>UU ,. rtc1divo. Vcrfo 1 o. Jn 1h11t he iJ ma_dc loll' J .Drawn frcm that high cHccm d ou~w~rd HI!. is 1:ow m::dc a g1 eatcr man, bco.~J.: l:c L.:w5 tr.o b1!2g~ for them : Or low, that is

li;!:I m the humours of the body; fo of all fin, in the lllft ofrh! foul. 1 here is in it a '7T~1'm~,.U:1,, a tacite c~nfonr, a focd-plo. of .ill lin. Rmp~.l1cli& va'J he Papill:s fay (but fal\ly) that it is th~ fimlldl _if a~I fiqs, not .rafm 1rn apu.I dd:rving any more of Gnds wrath, th:;:n only aw aw ol-' l11s b:a- A.dbr, t !tlc;;ll p:::J:nce, and that too without any p1i11 u Lurr1gi:.r of

from th;: apprchenlion offJ ~rcat a lcff~. Th.=rc are a\fo of

Gars that fay, That it is not tod~id,kn by th~ Lr..v : '.1ut fill~ W\j
;ul!, it is curfed and con,:e.nn~d ( ar11~ tbcr..:for~ for6dJc1) Gy

the Law.

/,m /y. V~rfr 1 I. ~ h~.'. tht rilh m'1n fulc J Perini eternally, if he trnfi rnunccrt:1111 nrhc.s,_ :ind not m ttn: living God. Sc:c lam. 5. ! _1 l-1:1~ t!; tf11p!"ffe N AbAlf'Jdd 1 wh::n his di~d ~\:utrn J11:-i: , I~f'! wuld his nc_hc~ .:my more rclie\e him then they 1 (lld tlm ~icn :rn1; ~,:n.:tclic? <-ardmall, Hcnr1 Be1111ford Chancel. lour d 1~11.~l.i11d, m the rngn of ller.r7 the fixt, who murmured
morn:y here be:irs r-o maHcry. Vc1 fr l i .. 7J Ir jfcd tJ Ike man~ Provided that God teach him

by C:drn1g to foth~r yom falllts t1,1on God, as Gen. 3.1 z. V..:tie 17. Ev_ery good.~ifr, &c.] A:i Ho..'tHUtcr vcrf-.= ill the Grc::k; as l1ttk lntcn.kci p-;rhips by th! 1\poiU~, <\'.i tile lirit lmc

to w\1om is r:forvt:d th; blad<tl'~ff.= of dnl<:1eli; Lir crn:r,

Vcd;; 16. 'D"""ft'rreJ W1n:b no~, ViWJn~erin;! f'tarres,

{:.Iii~ 13. d1d,



tlfo,). bndpinu.\b aH::1, \h1.1f.; p:r/UI x1'v;nxs. Toe i;r~at1;I\ ~~ cdknc\es in us do as n.1\.\ch di.:p~nd up'>n (;>I, as tb~ etfi 'i;:s ill t} e gl~ff; doth upon th~ bee that c.rnf~rh it ; or as ch~ light

in r,~citru, which y~t nuy be Ccanned a long vcdt:". u1wl per fe[f .~hin.~] N it tcm por JI:> 0:1h1 ( which arc ~a()j .\{rn. /!JtsU

:1t _dcat\ r!1:1~ h<: ri~h<'.S could no! .reprieve him till a fonh~r timt". Fie ( q:.1< tll h:) )\'t/t r.ot d{,1!h be hlrtal Will111oneJ do nothing j No:


~. .Ao

well :is ch2tbf~ ~11m; I'/9~.12.mfimll: him as well as corm~t See my Lfn.1e-to/.:p11, par. 2. . He fo."11 rtceh.:e 11-~ cr6JM] A llltln can be content to Irnvc !\I~ ht~a brd~cn vnth a G:ig d gold, fu hv mav have it wh 1 HS done. en ' V c1 k 1 3. I.If"' ~tmpt~d of God J The inclination of mar.s heart to ~o~d, .is o~ Hfi.:lf a1.1dyropedy of God, as light is of th~ Sun. l-11~ rnc hnat;on to cv1l 1~ by. accident only of God, like ~s ~arlmdfo is of the .,un. fet by accident, being properly not of th, ~un, but of tbc earth. 1.: ~~ct~~!l Vcrfr 14. Dr1n'l'~J1JW1J~ofhr)/11ft] S11t71nh,.t~o 111J aperfwlldin~ i!df, quafi jltight, not an {'1Jftrct".~ m1.~ht. Our own concupilccncc carries tl}~ ~f ,j J'i>-'ff- grcatcfi firoke. .. .eA1td rnt~{td] As the filly fi01 ili by the bait covering the hook bcmg firfl: drawn afidc into the clear water. ' Vcrfc 15. when hlfl hmhconrtivul] As toe pl9t of all difc:afcs

3 him.

d Jth upon the Sunne tlut fath;:r of all th.; light iu th~ low~r wurld. With \\'ham iJ 110 vlfri"Memffe J No p.1rAfltl.\'1 as there is with ~~).ll) ;. th.: Sun, when he dacltms and leaves u" d.mding. This word notes th.: Suns moiion from E 1fl co \V d1, as th~ foll.lwillg word 1r;~,111rning, notes his motion every vc.n from North to' South. that which the Apo{H~ would he:ceaffat.i:;, th,1t Uod t.:u'lpts no mm to c:\'il, bec1uk h~ is unchan~cably goodt and can be no

otber, Ve1fe ~ 8 . .of hu own Wi'.l betat hem J Gr. l1ro11,~/;t he U4 forth, as a fpcwll rnlhnce of hi~ tree gra,;; and fatb.:rly goodndf:, imr..i:1119 }:'phef. I ,4,5, . Vcrfo 19. Srrif1 to he.1>" J R~1ching after that word of truth, t'.1: Gofpel, ver, 18. a11J drrnkin.~ it 111 ,,., th.! dry earth lhth the dl!w d hea\en. L,fodoth now cntr:i: i11 to the foul at th~ ear, :is at
!1'-l"l:k1thdid, qcn.3 .
Slo>1 to

fPuik..J \V:. rc:ide oft, He J~11t h.,1h .1>1 e:1r to h:.1r, liim, bu~ nc~~:, H\! that ll;\tl1 a tOnJll:: to i~)~~i<, kt him fpcal~ ; for tills we ca.p do,; fa\1 cnon!h wi:iwnt bi,{ di:1g, \ > S/o~ Ee 3

.A Comment4ry up~P tht Bpljll1 Chap. , ------------------- ------ ---- ------------ ------ 1
to the <'.}llt~k


_________ ----------------

gtntr11ll of St


. Slo>~ ~o. Wr11th J Slow to fouffe at th0fe rh.1t rcprov~-y~; Sec th:: l~ote on Heb.13.22. Ra 0cnut when touched, tbough
Cl:nll~ anger was, p1:re ;111d fm.'.

E-:;:11-L l ' Ml1k f.,

F f f the Wrath (If man] llnk(fc it be as Iii ofts and hom guile and gall, prompting l')to to p:ty, and pr:iy tor the party, V..::fe 21: Allfiltl~inc.OiJ_ Cit. T_heftinkJn.~filthof,,prfliltntHl cer, .,11J?;c 1s the dc:nl~ vomit, ~h.c fotils cxcr~mcnt, tli~ foperfi* i: 7 o.c,.rf;,~~e of ;;,111.~h111uffe, 2s It 1s here called, by an al1ul1on to th<: ~a:l','g<'. d the facrificcscart ir1to the brook Kidr(jn, that is, in tot he fo',\T ditch. Rrto:tioe).:crcmemornm efl paren11wor6or11m.J Ollt 1'1i1h it tbcrdorc. _Rmi~c\,irhrm:k_ne1] It is ill fowing in a fiorm i {o a fiorrny fpitit v. ill net fttlt.;:r the \Vord to tak~ Thn11lr"1fedWord] Engratfod upon the heart, as the fdcnco urrn_rh. ll-ock.: orfowed in the foul, and mingled with faith, tba~ H n:ay brmg forth fruit to Gocl. Hidor.l.trc.~ . . . Yl!rfr22. And not ht1mr1 onry] 1hc: P1mo1ij in ScphiAarc faict ro have fuch large cars, as that thc.rcwith tbcy cover their whole bcdics. Such arc cur lmmrs 0111.J. ??'t..>.c;, ~;t-'t ct D c.eiving your o}rn (onls J Either as by falfo reckoning, or falfc rcfon111g. Vedc2~. Hu111Jturallfrlcc] Gr. TINf11ceofhN ldAtivi17 that w hcrew }th he was born into the world. ' Yuf\: "'l Strliighnmy firgmerh] Naturalifi! make mention ot a certain creature callcQ Ctrvatim, that though he be feeding ncn:r fo hard and rungcrly, if he cafi but back his head he for. gets immediatcl}' the meat he was eating, and runs to 'look af. terr cw. . Vcrfo ~~ wh()(o look..~th into, &c. J As into a glatfo Wijh1l1 11nd rntm~IJ ~~h the 60:,J /IO)l'ed down. Get thee Gods law as a gla{fo to ~er. of rcpc 1a. loot ~1, fmh ~ 'Braaford: Sv lk1lt thou fee: thy face foul arraicd 1 and fo <ham dull~ fawcy, mangr, pocky af>d fcabbed, that thou canfi not but be forty at the contemplation thelcof. It js fai'1 of the 'BAjiluftt~at if~" Jgok int~ a glr.tfc, he prcfen~ly dieth ! Sin doth. ~hyftti;m~ m fo~e k1~de of u~fecmly nmvulfions wifh th~ yat1cnt to view lucnfdf m a gla!l\:, which will help him to ft me 11.i: more, when he fuall fee his own deformity : So re-

. v_.:rk


fu~~~rturncd up, but running out immediately. Vcrfi: 26. BHt deceive1h J The heart firfi dccdvcth us w'th , 0loul's, iuhi when we are once !I doating !lfter fin, then we: j ,yn and dccdve our hearts by fallacious rcafonings. V~do 27. At1d WiddtJJ] A vine whofe root is uncovered thrives not: a widdow, whofc covering of eyes is taken away, joy<:s not.

c fl

A p. I I. Tl;e Lord ofglor1 ]


flect, ere.

Not ,. fir~etfolt he~m J

Some a1~ ~s h~11r.. gMK:s, no


glorious ~t:'ace ind<!o:d. perfom j i, e. Of thc:ir outward quality or condi:ions, as rich, poor, of this fidt or that, &c. Z1111ch1 rdarcs of a certain Frenchman, a friend of his, and a con{bnt h~arer of C~fvins at qeneva, that being foll!cited by him to hear f'irct an c:xr.ellcnt Preacher, who prcach~d at the fame tim~ chat Culvin did, hcanfwcrcd, If S.7Jafl/ himf:lf ~'ould pri:::ich h~rc at tb<; fame hour with Calvin, &go, rcliElo P14Hlo, 1111Jmm Calvi11um-1, I woultl n t leave C al-ZJi,.,, tu hear P""' This is not p.uciality but aNthropolutry or M,11,.,vor/hip, faith he. qr]nttw a fp.:ech ot Geor.~e Duke of S.1.\'""J ~ Althou6h I 'am not ignorant, faid he, tlnt t\~r-w M~ div;rn ~H~mrn and ilbuf.;s ~r~pt into th\i Church, Nol~ rnmuu~'pldli Hv1nf.di111n qt-16d Lurhmu annrm. rilu, yet I will no:lC c:ft:i::it Gofpcl-rcform~mon that L1J.Jher prcach.:th, (11mper1um cp, It is for certain, faith Ernfmw, that many thin,2s arc condemned as hrreticall in Lr1thers writing'), tlut in d c r Ateflis and BerHl4r 1 baok:J arc approved 1or 1ound and pious pa!f1gcs. V~rfo 2. Forifther"ccomc,&c.] It isprobablcfaith:mlntcrpretc&: here, that the Primitive Chci!l:ians, the'b::ttcr to iu"rati .. a~c with the rich. r P.ipns, ga\C rh~m very great rdpea-, c;ntrary to that Pfel, 15 .'f But f ra:hertbink the A~)ofHc fi>cakctb in this text ofw~altlfr:r Chd~H.111s, unwonh1ly prefcrr~d bdor.: bt!tter, bat poorer per fons. V..:rfo 3 Th"t \\'tamh the .c.a.1 clotb. J As M{IJPinjA11 tels us of the dogs that kr~pt Pu/itMs Temple, a.1d a<J otlm".l fay of th.: Bohemian currcs, that they wiil faw11 upot1 a g~wd fute, but E c4 fli~

is a O With re!pcll of

ll, llfl'V~ not the ~el()riom f11itb cf Mr Lml 1efos Chr;p, &c


Miftd,;,, Hag. p,
4 i.

Er.)fin tpi(I. 4 tl <..:Jrdi11 Mi>gufit

416 ----

;-co;;;,;,~ntMy~pon the Epiftlc_______






JAM n s.


-----------fff~ ~;i~O~l on<;. d1at is in ragged appar~~l;- So is it with ma.-1y~---y,~

ftr1 111n:m. . ~u k 4 /hr !c not thrn pn-ti1~1. J Or, .Are 7e not_fr (o do 111g, condcm;ud rn )'ollr oirn co~Jc11 nru ? Or, N eit/J{r !J, 1 ve Je (t Hftn/J M MIU do11bu1l t>~ 11ufl1tMd tl,e: m11tur 'WitJ1in 1onr fllvrs 1 \\!" tl:tr i,: {o doin.~ J<ll hm.1t i10I done amif{c,, I I.

Vl rk 5. Cl: ( n 1'1r poor J This lhc world wondus and fium. bks :it, ~-! t_lL arl1rn !\oma11s ~c.uld noc receive Chrill: (though tiny ro1c1dh!~1111:.!c.L~. and mighty works) into the number oi tJ;.._ ~i god~> U~ ~~ ll~L' Ji.'..: _pn.:icht.d l'OVtrc~, and madt: Ufc of poor pcn<~m. C!/;t~:.'fwd ~\.11g c_,f Sttrflgo[f,i m Arr11gon, rdukd cobc 1 b3pt.z..e, h~aule Le t.J\\' 1L:11:y L.1.-:.arJ.:md poor pwpkn~pdling ~ln:~ frcm C '."!rll m.;tnJ tal1k : and a!lkmg whac tbty Wert', was ~wiirtrl'd, I 1:Jt rl~t-y WL'lt: chc mdkngrn~ and krvams of God, /\1hl cun hd:n p f;1~. /u \'ancrno l>t m-r, fa id he ( I'k oc none 0 ( hib1t:1;:11.m . ELH wh:it luit~ Chrifl? J !mow chy povmy: buc ( t::;,it ~ riod.rnt_~) t~uu arc rich. And> Tht poor ate '1cfpellhtd. 1 IJOC Olll}' rtc:uv..- IC, buc :m: changed oy ir. lfcinrf;/;~, l\i>;gd:1m J 1-lt.:adsddtinated to the diadun faith Tt rw/.'i.w. ' v:1k ~. O?f:i'<If.e yc11] SuLjug:nc you, a1~d oring your hc.~~h tli cc1 thl'lr g11dl~s : et:itnph: upon you with the fate of pnd~ md ci udty ; yc'l, d\.'vour you, a:. chc greaccr fi(h do the ldltr. DrtHV 7011 the j11rlgcrtdt/t feats J Voe. you with lawfutcs, and by irnghc w!J ) ou ot )out iihc. Ccdii 'lJirihm

ont Lm~m:md1rn:nc habirua!IJ breal<tth all : not {o ~[fu11U7, The godly keep thofr C?~m:rndmrnts, chat adually thl} br~ak : But 11 dilr1.:nforoty conk1t.:nce kr~p~ no[ any Corr.mmsmem. Vl:rk l I For he 1hat (4icJ J GC1d JJu1k,.e 11/l t~ofe ~lords, 11nJ J!xud 10 {:lid: d1ln: is the t~ivmc aL~tho~ity for one .command1.nent_as ~ ' :rnorher. The l'h:mlees had chllr NJHfutu/11 l',/>J : but Chnll cm:s tbun down, AIM.S. The Jews at this day fu.fldly aq~ut', C11rfed i5 hr t/J1H abides not in all thmgi, chudon: he is not c1:1rkd, that abidu; in tome things only. Vcde 12, As ituy 1/JM fo.1!1 be judgrd] Or, As tk<'y tf.:1it pJOlildjudge by the /.rn cf bherry; wh1,ll is io ca\kd, ufom!t: ic doth tn:dy and folly dilcovcr mno every mm, without n:fpt:tl ut perfons, chc crroms and c. vi ls of his lifr. And we fhculd wa1k as pamns oi the rule. Si.!c the Nute on M.1t1/Jeiv
lI. 19.

--Ve~f~~;~--Hc f$~;;/,-;~j~/J]Th~-~holc Law i5 b~~-~~~copt~:---.-.latiVl', E.:\:re/.i6.1S. E~ck.: 18. 10>11,12 113. Ht thaclncal<eth Illyr.Gl~1J"

fuch:imansfins 1 asaga111itJnadvt1fory, wh1d1 h~ hath fnb~1rn:d id~11111:1r.

~d trampled on, . . _ Verfo 14. Thoflt,h ,, nw1 {iq he luth [.11th J

Vnte 13. For he fh-'11 h.we mcrcie J Sec the Note on Mar:hm 5. 7. tAnd mtrcy rcjoycrth 11g.1ir.fl j11dgmrnt.J That is, The imr- 1.:.';, cifuH man Plorn:th, as 011c thlt hath re.cc1vLd mere}', and '11:111 .. b dli/~v lfr1 .. t> , (' 1 I (l. vx, 11c.11lct, not come into condcm~:.!t1on: ~or ,ous mn~r rqnycl!t 1 aga111 ~ 011 ihc: neck of

S1yw3 krves nae

. .

That is> C1111fa to be blA 1,'.\l.11c.lib : fphrnud, 'J~Rom. 2.2'1-. I Ttn:,1.20, 0Jfarcellimu a Heath~n l~i~ori:rn, t:ixuh ~he l hrilt ians of hi.s times for their difirnfions; batmg and drvourm cm: :mod1 .. r, tall they were <:Ven con!umed or1t d amithLr. A fad thing chH a Heuh~n .lhould L~e iu\ih hdllfh mifca11iagcs 1rn1oni.; Chrifb tollowers, Vc~k .8. if J' fi1lfi/I the roJ11/l liw] Acknowledging Gods fovera1~n~r' and lrndmg a bn_iu co the Ruic~ ~f the earth, l{lt, 16.1. h:tkmgthchtlpoh~1at fr~c.or noulc fpmt of his, P(alme 51.13. that royall, rulmg fpmr, as the Greek terfion there hath Jt, V crf~ 9, Y ecommit fin J That'td]at: though ye have thou ht othl:rW1(e. s~~ the Note on Yerfe 4, -g

Vt.:rk 7. Doc not thq 11 JP/mm

t![C ~_0 1

the mm. Lfoy tdkth us or th.: C'/ith( ni1h1, rhar cb'y waged Li,./cc of word-w11 rre agai11U I' l. ilip 1G11 0 ol' il1:1mlcny ~ib11&fc. l:s v.1~r~~nt, and tbAt ~M 141/ they could aoc. M .. u imy W0id It With God, and yit mikarry, lf<i.5 8.2,3. He is too wile to be put .oli wich words : he turns up cur luJ.v~s, and looks wh:it tn.uc : whereof it h1 miile, ht: lai.:~ dowu bi:, l>a~l\cc, am\ t:il<t~ up hi~ :.ix, L 11 ~137 Chrillrn.nity i~ not :i t~lkin~h out a w1ri~ (1od. and 11t chi.: lalt day it i11:.1U be Hq\lm:d ut UH:n,non '1111,J t-,r,01rt-,jul 'uid egerint, non q11id di.wrint ,[ul q rmn1ulo vi.Y.:rint, Not Whac they ha v~ fa id, but kow they h:ivc actc~. . . Can f'1ith /;1ve him...1? J That is, An mdfo'.lua\l faith, that workcth not by love, fuch as is the fonh cl: the Solifidit1ns. . .. , Vcrk15. If 11 brotheror.i[ifltr] As 1t may Ld:i1l the l>eft to be : an"1 they ar~ not ot. the G ~'""'''onlmid~; tu live ( \~ich Epl;rtirn:)


A Co""1le11111r1 tl!D" tht Epi(l/1


---------~Ephritir11);;0~ Wi~dc,-H-of 1-;:~i~--~~-bef;d wich f~;-;.,~~ds~; to be do:iched with a fllteof complements .s;,,, lhould be ta~ 11 '1J ti" hiind, Ifa.5 1.18. A_nd T1nu ~onv1med, leav~s ho~rdmg an~ he1ping up we1lch, and hli ro te~dmg and doathmg Gods poo[ peok1/(a.z3 18. Vctf~ 16. Ar.done rf1ou fl1 J This :igeaboundeth With mouth mercy, which is g~od cheap. Bue a litclt.: hand full wen: better chen a gr~:.ic mmy fuch mouth-fuls, Hc yo rt Warned] But wich what? wich a fire of words. Be filled : Bue with what ? with a mdk oi words. Away with thefc aiLry courtdics. Vctf; I 7, /~ d(~d_, be int "(m J ~hat is, B ein,CJ: ~\'ork1'jfe _. fo~ life di{covcrs It fdf by action ; Lo dorh mie faith by trnH in God , and love co men. A m:c chat is not for fruit, is for



ef St JAM~ 1.


.All.11.ts. S~cthcNor<:s thcr~. Verlt26. A1 the b~d1,&c.J Yetisnotcharitythefouloffaich, tUC the V1tall fpirit only.

the -f~i~~d of G~d ? And yet fuch honour have all the Saines. Vcrfr 24. B1 *orlr.! """"' i4 j11flifitd] Dte/11r11tivel1, 2s by faith anrehenjivt/1, by Cod t JfdfiwlJ. Vc:rk T/gr Mrff.:r1g,r1 J {.Ir, Thu'"f.~ls, fo LH~7.24.

c HA p.

I I I.

Verfe 1. JJ 1 not mAnJ ,,u.JerJ ]


the fire. Vcrfe 18. lliy fAithhJ 111r Works] It appeared by the fruics ic was a good land, NHfb.1 ;.23. It appeared chu DsrcM was a true bdi:.:vcr by the coats the had m1dc: fo here. V i.:dc 19. C ellcve lllfd tronb/1 J Gr. Ro11r 1U th1 fe,1, 1111J Pnik.f h1rr;bt1, Atl. 16. 29. J\far. 6. 49. Their ht:arcs ake and
qtukc within ch1:m : and flull any man mock ac Gods me.

Afters ofopinions, chac boldly olmudc upon ochers their own pladts, and will nee have chem difputcd or dt.i>atcd' P r Such arc the Sorbon~p1, whe> ~doyc~ co be called, ~11gif!ri n1- .s;~~t Jri PrijieH{n, our Ma!l:er6 of l'aru. Raco111 the Carmelace was E/I ip{iffimum called Do for re{Jlm;jfimtu, becaufe he would endure no gud- 'Dri wrbu~


Vcrfc 10. But \\1r'/t tf,011 k.!10,. J lHt1noga1i" J~f!i1ri~lfti1, faith I'iff~tor. A qLdliun 111:11.k /Jy one chat is ddirom co

naces ?

w.u j,tith mi:ide perft El J That is, D.:cbud co be operaciv.: and eficctuall. Vnfca3, .1,,,JitWMimp11rcd] SrcchcNocconGtH,1).6.on li.'omA. ~- and on Gal,3.6. The ftie>td rf God J A very high fiile. If Eufahim hJd jc foch an honour to b.: the {rim~ of P11mphi/;u, and Sir. FNik. ~~reevill Lord Bm>~, CO l>c focn~ co Sr P/,i/ip Sid1tq, c:iu .. h11g it co b~ fo cngraven upo11 his tomJ ; \Yim is it to be

ce:ach. Vt:rfe i 1. 1uflijiuH1 ~ork.J J fc. Dec/~r.1tive cH,, (Oro hHvw10, but not bdor~ C1ud, Rom.3.a, le is faith th;<t jufi:itfoch che man : but rhc:y arc works that jufbfic: faith co be: ri5hc and rca1J,fa. ving and ju[tif)~ing. Verlc 2.2J 1Yrou,gbt With hiJ \\orkJ J Or, WIU " help to /,ii \\'or~, and \' her own midwife co brmg ~hem torch of her fdf. incotheop("!nlight, Hrb.11.17. '

fing .,; may bc's, The Popes para{icc:s perfwade chc people, that what interpretation foever h~ gives of Sc~ipturc, be it ri~t or wrong, it is without f1mher tnall to be rcct:1ved, as the very word of (~od.. vcrk i., For,,, mnJ rlmY, s, &c. J l his_ 1~, Tnflc mortnbta priviltpJum, the Cad priviled.gcot man-kmde, ns one phrnfech ir w have leave co offend fomcmncs. l~vtry Pomgranacc hath at 311. one rotten grain wichin ir, faid Cr1ttc1. And it is the honour l.,' u. I ofGodalonccobcperfrCl, faith Pl.4to. J-.irrm! pron0uncl't h ~ curie upon him that i11all fay, chat che fulfillmg oi ch~ whole law 1s impoflible co any. Bue I'lftrei lr.~endi mm vrnia: Ilierome was out in this, and too blame. A perfill man J That is, A prudent nian, I'f 37 30,3 J. Vcrit: 3. That thty mAy ohr7 u1] Hnrfes, atLs, c:.uncls, dcphanrs God in great wildomc fut chct ufeof mqp> hath mad1: Without galis, that they might wjch th~ more cafc b.: ma~c tame a11d ferviceablc. J Pett1'CJtt ere /llm 11A VericA. wbitlur'3nur tke trO'fJtr.notJr --. !" . '> . tJibmB1l..~.e,jinat11hmpmpoJTet,faic?om, . . Yerle f, Boafleth great thingi J .Gr. It Jotb m ~g1:ifi:i1/ly lift Hp it [elf, as an untamed horfe doth his head. ltcrnlt~ it {df and cxulcs ot grtat things. It walkech thorow the car: hr and foci.: ch t~everv heavens Pfal.73.9. I c can run all the ~odd over, a1:d
I I ' I I I

I iuhus.



~!iK O:; Yllf..~,


~ ii1w n e.he.>vev,

N. ,n' .it.eo11,. .in1, ~ M~J?,(.wxc1,

J >:11Jf1011 J~




-- --

--------------------- ---bite at every body : being as :i ilurl> rafour, th:it el.0th d~ctit tluc infk1d of llining the hair cum:th the throat, Pf"'"'~

A Commcnt11r7 upo11 the Epijlle


--------------------------genmtll f St J A M n s. 4u --V~;k 1~ ,,h ~ ftu11mi11 fe11d fanh i The fountainor ra~h~;:--------,

ptar, faith another.


5 2, 2, Verfc 6. A Uorld of ;,,;q1'ity J A new found wodd. Noc a cj. ty or l com1trcy only, bur a '\'o>"ld 11{ iniq11i1J, a fink, aka ot lin wherein there is not only t h.u Le11i.'lt/Jr1.,,, but frrtpi.ilg thingi in~
ll1'1JJN.c{. !t'.

the hoccb of lent u1ll and finfuil pleafure doth Sin is a bitter-fwt:c:t, '};v, the poi Ion of idpes, which firfi tickkch, and then l<illeth. All crcarure-comforcs ar~dHkiJ actrbirA4, faith one. Amari.ffim11 '110/11 .. Tmul/.
fri,,ci1i1fm t/11/cr. cp, flt fi11u lfmorid mnarru 1
vmire f7n;m, t1if11~ .itite (ala.

f' .J. 10 .pt.

The CMI}'/~' o.f >1.ft!IYe J Gr. The U. Jue/ of 011~ n.ui-&it1 . Their kc uh a<; tm.: d~vourctn, tf.q 3.10. ~l'lnd it 1.": fa on fire of hc/J J That is, of the d:vil ( c:illeJ tllwhc_rc1heg.1ttJofhel/) asthd10lyGhotl: (on the other {iic) kcoalm: r.h:.: A~))~lk~ co;1,~ll:s w1ch z::.d, chu fl.mnof GJd, Cmc 8 6. AU.2+ Evil lpecch is the devils drivdl: a fhndcrer carries thed<:vils pack. Vcrk 7. For ever] kjndc of beaflJ, &c. J St:e the Note on

.:Wetfc 12. Bath 7u!J fdt w,itn 11nd fr1fb J Th:it is l.hangc rhati5 reported of the rivet's of Ptr11, r!m afrer chcy have nm into

Ht6,2.7. . Vc~ld~. J!11t tlu tong:u, &c._J Wh\!re then are oar Jnfl:icia. ms with thl'tr pretcndtd pedcel1on? D a 1;idr bcarc deceived him I'(a/;39.1. lfaid f \\i/Jlook...tomy \\1.fier, livinbridl~mytongru: llut prc!Cmly afo.:r, he 01 ~ws ho~ foo11 he brake his word, Mi Ju,,,~t w-u bot, &c. ;;nd I/}"'~ mth m1 '""("~' P"m!nu in chc cccltfial.bc:zll h1ltory 1 coul~t nevel' c~kc out tlut one l~fion n:'1.d him
out of Pf11!,39.1.

An 11nrnl1 nil J There l>e hut five VcrtUL'S of the tongue rec konc:d by Philofophcrs. But there are 14. fcv~nH finnes of che tongut', as Per.1/d1u r~cou11ceth them. The A,.~bitt,1J have a pro v..:rb, c~ve 11e feri1lt lin.11,11.i flt.I CO:~'Nm tu11m. Take heed thy tongue cut not thy throat. An open mou~h is ofc a pnrguory co the mall:er. Vcrfc9. There~ithMrfeweGoa] Andfomakeour tongues our glory. Tlirrnr;ihfHr/r- Ju mm] Ye:~ the bcO: of men u CDYI And his complices foar not co objl.!c~ toM.,fa.r the m~ck,~ith one brt:tth pride, ~mbicion, and uJUqHcion ot auchoricy. ' Verfe io. 011t of tbe (.um mtJ11tb] As ic did once ouc of the mouth of P0pe 'f u !itu the fr.::cond : wuo in the battle of R.1ven11A on ~1llcr.d~y O..'.t'.""t.:cn him at~J the Fr~n~i1, as he fare by the fire A.i11u1 G i!h, r~a3mg of .h1~ pr:uc~s,:rnd havmg !lews ot chr: defeac,hc Hung awsy his o::>O!<, Ltmg, Sit rrgo g11/im in nomine di~bolornm. Tile devil takt: c:ic rn:n~h. Is noc this chat tnJ'...l:h ch:u fp~akcch grc:ic things, :ind l.>!~lphlm1-:~? Rev,13. 5. Yctk 11,

rht main fra,yea, fomc wricc lo,..Qr j o, miles, d1ey ktep thlmftl \'('S unmixt with chc falc water: io tnac a vl>:fy great w1y within the fra, men may cake up as frelh wactr, as 1t th~y were n~ar the land, But chu is ai.furr as fir:m~e that an rye wicndk rq>_oncd1 of the Diiuu/Jy and S.w" (two great rivtrs in Hunrt;.ir)') that thcii' warm me~ting mingle no more then \V!tl:r and oyl: to thac Ul':U the middle of the river J have gone in a boat (faith mine auchcur) and tailed of the DA#11b1, as dlar and pure as ~ wdl : them pmcing my hsnd n~c an inch fimhcr, I have cakurnf th~ Sa'Vif, us crcublc:d uafirerc-channel, ul:ing eke gravel iu my"tc:cth. Thu~ tbcy run 60.miles together, ('9-'c. . . Vcd~ 1 ~, wh" ~., JVif"q mrfn]. Hgt h\; cbac wurdi it moll : for ;,. ,,rnltiloquio flultil '}t1;11nt.J, t1.nd a$ any ~me is mote wife, he is -more lp:uing of his cwf urcs, ~uc cv1;ry fo<1l wiH uc mcdling, w;1h muknef{e of wifdo1m J As it is foid of vftlM1111fl111, that kc was high iu worth, m16' lmrdle in hc.irt; a Load-Hone d in bis fwc:tc, genclo, rawing. 1murc, and ycc an Adamant in his wile and lt\>UC dtportmcm cowards thofc: 'hat wm.:


Ali bot~ h:,

JJ/ants vwze.


cn,~m J\di.ina.

N1-zi.~n1,; 11


Verfe 14- B ittcr nJVyinJ J Properly fo called ; for it flows from the gall, it fhcws thac chc man is in Lh~ gall of bitkrncftc, and of kianc LO tlic: fiar oiled wonmv_ood. H..cvd. H. 11. le is a1'e an evil, wherein is ikcpt:d the vrnomc of all oLiKt

Vcrit: 1 s. Ettrthl1, {eN(ualiJ Hert's a true characb:r of carnall wiidomc ~ The worlcJ is a pearl in its t:ycs, it cannot Lee God.

GlcrJ';ot J. fli.t.. Of your wifd~me. , .. Lie 111t 11vunft 1he tr#th J As it ye were true Chnfl1ans, when in truth you arc not fo.


,Ycrfe 16

-----------------------------A Comme11tAry 11po11 the Epiftle Ch1p.4,




- ----


.........- - - -..........





........ , ....,,._.,_'Al

VcHe I 6. Eafi1 u be entre..ited J Trachble, docible, nee as horfe and mule that mull: b~ rukd with rigour. not with reafon

41 3 ;ly fay, b~ not~~y coavince 11s th;ta~~vit'";-~d ,;-;~~

tpirit pofidleth us ( fuc:h a fpirit as luftcch to h:ive other mens abi.. Ji1ie5 c:clipfed, that to our candle might fl1ine alone) but dfo it g;. vet# more gt"ACe: it not only conYinceth, but CQnvcrcech the foul, f'[Al,19.7. It caufelh a man to rrjoycc htartily in the good parts ot others ; and this is more then to cxcell others in any cxcclkncy,
Vlrfr 6. 71ut be giveth J Or, lt, that is, Tbe Scri.pt11re gsvtth, &c. tr:msforming us mco clle fame imagt'.", and cocfornlln~ us to the heavcmly patern by the fpirit thatbteatheth in ic. God rtfi!eth the proud] Gr. Sftteth himftlfi'n battlt-1H'r~1 Ag1iinft (ut. h, above all otht:r (ons of finnc rs; as invaders ot his termorics, and forragers or plucdercrs of his chief creatures. Pray therdore tobc prefern:d from the pt:rilcus pinacle ot klf-txalmion : God ddictb (uch as deific: thcmklves; he lmowcth them afar off, Pf.1l8.6, he cannot abide the: fight of chem. Rut liveth grace to tht hum/J/1 J Humilicy i~ both 1 gr~ce>!lnd a vdfd mm;~ivegute, God poun;th 'he oil vi hi5 gn~c: imo bro-

getJtrAll ~1 St

J A M u s.

Verft: 18. /J (own in peiece J On~y we mu([ not think to fow lnd ri.'lp) all in a dJy.
CuA11.IV. From nhen;e c1me warrtJ]

if lhis be wantinr:.

Vt:rfr l.

&-vennfyof'lt>fofts] Gr. Of7mrpleA(ures: for.wicked mlln take plell!nre in umi~hccouf r>ffli:; it is their m~lt and drink, Pro. 4.17. th-:y can;1ot fkcp, my live wichoat it, ver[.16. Look how 7.fftn:l"ians feed uponc:mion With a"grc:it delight, 3S We do up. on wni!on ! !l~ th~ Tueki(h gllly-fhve~ l!U of;*-, ~s it Wc:re ~ncad ; a1_1d as rhc maid in I'lin1 fed on fpiders, and digelt~d chem m~o nounfhml!nt: {o do fentliali!ts feed upnn fins munherin[J mor0 frlr.. and iWJllow them down with delight. . ~ Vafc 2. Te!Hft 1md h.w1110: J viz:.. To the fatisfyin{7ofyour lufls; for thu's an endkff.: piece of work. Luf\: ftill cri~s Give, Give: and is cvcrf1ck of:i {piricu1ll drop!lc ~ the barren womb, the horl1ccches daughter, the grave, is no th in a to this gulf~ to this cullfe of unfacisfilblrndfo. :::> B ec(mfa Jt tU/z,11fJt] He mufl: be of a fedarc fpiric chat praies co purpof('. tlo,w tlul~ we chin I< God will heiu us when we hardly hear our felvt:s r Marm:d couples mufl: agree, that tacir praicrs be not hindered, I Ptt.3.7. Yerfe 3. r ~ tu k and rrcrive not J Ye ask and mi(fo bcc:mfc ye a:,k ami1k It is the m1nner clue makes or mu:~ an

T uons.



necdkl1.: and endldfo fhifes and conten-


rtilHltererJ aud 11d:dtcref{e1 J You that hlVC your ht'arcs full ot harlotry, tha-t go a whoring from G(i)d afcar the cr~:i CLm.', chat mindc only earthly thing'i, 'Phj/,3.19. and ~'oot: this M11ndm imm:mdm, this Prop11di 1m, chis vd.! Hrumpet tht! world, chat laies forth her tWll lm.:all:s ofprofic and plcJfure, and rnf r1m:th mmy : for chc which lhc mutt be burnr, as a whore, by the lin:of th: l; dly. Vc:rk 5. ' the Scriptr1rc fe1'.t!1 i11 v.iili J No ; it doth not onl


v~de 4. r


km vdfels, contrite {pirits. Vtde 7. Rejift the devil] ;, e. Worldly and 1et11ly luO.s Cl:ir red up by the devil, J:.'pluf."f,26. Lu(t rdlfled is fo1 materially, not fermally : forthe guilt is done away, ia that we do not allow ir, but abhor it, as fome arcot opinion, A11dh6 wiOfleefiomyou] Hdsbutacoward therefore: for lik~ the Crocodile, if you follow him he Hcerh, if you flt:c from him hi followech you. In all other fighcs, the lira cncouncer is Oiarp dl:; buc here, cafidl i for chc old frrpcnc having his head Lnuilcd and crullml, cannot now Co eaftly chruft in his moruH Cting, unh (le we dally with him, and fo by our klv<:s open. Vcrlc8. Dr11w11igh to God] vh. In duty, and be,'L dr.nv 11igbto11minmercy. Sanctificbun, Levit.10.,. and he will latisfie you, Pfat~ 91. 1'1. The very Tm ks ~re n:morfd<:fk ro thofe that bear up : buc tht'y n:ceiYc humiliJtion with much fwmnc:fie. Cleanfo your ha11J1] For elf~ theres no coming nc.::ir God,
TedoublemiNatd] Yeth:it haveyourhcam dividLd betwixt two, and as it wcrcdovmahmdcr: Our wirn chc couuptm:1 chat



c4/clt ,)f your hearn: !.and then there will t>~ i

anJ :n\.

evcnndfe in y~u~ IDQUths and mann~' '


A C~mmmt:try "?..!"the EpJftle
-- -
7 ~:1 :~ 1 ~-:--,: ;,~,,_,



-----\-,~~[~-:)~ Jk,JJ?it1~J] O.,-i~-;;;:-;c;~bl--;;-Y~arefo, b~~-ie~

ymr, fek" rob.: lo.

Or, Afl1itl: your frlves, vi~~ with volunt:ir3 (onO\\'S fo1 y0m fins. See th:n >'ch-= a.:livc her~. Ad :;~., . ,:1 J Savouringly and fCnkin~ly, with !I deep /,!'),':, :':1 and ~~__,,.:n t!~.hc forrow, to as :1 m:m would do in t~ death cf:~:~ cl,.1:._!t frkn:i. The (;red~ word imperts a fan~rAI. (T---i. f . .., A.I~ -,,, J rn jlJ.igc:ncnt at kall: ~ and then, dry for row may go :1.'. t~: l'.> .we, wh<.:rc tc.ns will not come. L.. t, .;::; .'.w-r~1t.~r be tm-ni-d J furn all the ll:reams it1to th~ o-.~:. i;:'.:_,;'.:;J, r;1'.~c rn 1y dnve the mi\!, that m:iy grinde the hem. M:111 w;1s t:tLr:d 0Ft1ldJ >l1'd not whole <:oro, ..J:-tdr. !t'j;iy u ht.~_uinrUe] Sue~ as 1111kcsamanhangdown ' 7 h grief Jnd illlffiCo )l!'t1t'.'!'1. hi~; hc:.d 1 '.!lld ~T1 Q hc:JVlly thfOLJ 0 Tn;t11i:c;1>11 1m!1,; .i 11b'i... y,~-r~~ 1 o. H1tm61.: rm [elves] H~ belts oft upon this mo!\ 1;c. Bu.1.L1.>, ncedfn\I, [mt much neglech:d dmy ot hu:niliation : and all's little enough ; rherl? ldng nothing that more goi.:s againft the he:irt and the hair wich m,ch~11 to go downward ; anli yec 1t muft be done,<n


Vcrf~ 1.J Wt ~;11 goe i11to f#c'/o, &c. ] As if they were p~tcy- -~----- gods wuhn~ themfelves, a~J needed not co call GoJ inco counld, or co r11ke his leave along w1ch them. B~t fuch confident exchange Imgu1gc became noc chc mouths ot tcmered uile!:. And
)1 e~ it is the common fin of the di~pcricd Jews in all places co


- - - - ------


!D.i :c!s



5 ,

fa fri fa ~bry foi th~ grc:\ tdt i)fl~nccs, and ofcen received rebels into grace: (o do:h Chtilt much more. The Sun in tbe morning gather. eth chds, lmc then ic foon fcaccert'.'ch chem ag:iin : fo doch the Sun. of 1ightcon!11etll: cal~ men down, that he may raife them up
;;:g 1111. Vedc
11, Spc.1~!1at evil,&c.] As E~ek_lr!t hearers did of hi~ Jlytln\\1.c'lf, tmdinthnJ-J(J;Jofthehou[es, Ch:1p.n.30. and11 mo m:my of ours do;for the which they will be foll dearly accounc

ra~en the bcaH. Who knows whu a great bellied day may brmg forth i Pro11erbs i7. 1. Whiles a woman is yet wich ch1ldc:, none can tell what kinde of birth i1 wiil be , Luk..e u.16, 17. : . . ., It iuv1n ~ vapoHr 1 Thy breath is in thy nollrils, ever ready ro puff out: atthc;m:xc putt of breach thou maill: blow away thy life, Pe1r11rch rel:m:sof a certain holy man, that bdng invited \V'-' :it'l' rndonl'. . A;zd hr j:'M!l lift JOO 11p J The Lion of11'd11h rents not the pro. to a feall: en the morrow, he anfwercd, I have not had a morrow. flrn~e pr~y. B~1: JS William rhe Conq1crourever hdd (ubmiflion day to dilpofc o~~ this many ll year i lfyou would any ching of me

this day. . : .. ,Vcde 14. Te k.Jco.,.,1ot 'WhAt, ~c.]. God delights co croffdue.h va1.n, and to c.onfutc thear confidences, chu {peak and live, 161f chm l&Yes we~e riveted upon eternity, f~ey might eafily obkr~e Chat manr thmgs fall QUt betwixt the CU? and the lip, betWJXt ch~ chmne and tile challice. N 4. glorinur igitur AteiHllNJ 'l"-'ft tlifaiHDm. Sell noe the hide before <Je have

Lib 3 /.Jcmor.

now, I am ready. Verfe ''' If the Lord ~ill, &c.] So Socraw taught Alcibiahs to fay, If Goa ~;a, "c, And another could fay, N NIJi114 e{Jr~u,.. eonAtHI & Ntili4 #fftJHA,,,, C1n~/ium Ji non dtt~juvettf.t D1111. Vcrf~ 16. /111our bo11f11ng.t] Ofloog lifo and fucablefuccefie. God wall Llioot an arrow at fiich fudd1mly , as he dad at the rich
fool, Ne/JNchAtlnt<.Ar, HAma11, Heroel, Smacherib, and other

i'ctr eeh'9t'-~ 1

pf,J.6 1.9 .

Verre 17. To 11;,,, '"'' k....Howeth J Left they Q1ould reply, We in his car. Spc.ikc tb evil of the /,11v] Which fhtly forbiddech detrl know all this, that except we .live aod God li{\1wc can do nothing; Cl ion. Do ye know to do well, faith he,. and do it not ? this ~ncreafttb <!And jrsdgeth th: Lu.iv J As net feverc enough, orasoYet yo11r guilt~ haic. Vcrfe 12. Tlnrc uon~ frr~givn] What doft thou then do picr\\ing into his pllcc, .by cw!uring and defaming another ? Is Ff ' mn rhis ro bt: a Pape m thine own caufe, exalcin(}' thy kif 1 bove God, 1 The If. 1. 4. or st leafr 1ppealin1Y fro~ him co thJ 0 k\f? Verfe Jl


The tak bearer hath the dt:vil in his tongue, the tale hearer


--- _________""""""_...__________________
~ C1menty



"P'" the Bpiflle ---Chap.J.



gt11tr11/l 1f st J A M




Verfe 1. Go to How 1e rich mtn J

T God,andopprdled men.

~ofe rich wrctchc:s mentioned, Ch11p.i.617. that blafphemed

MAgn cointio NI rei fie nominu divitiJ1 & vit&1. ' Weep aHd howl J Better weep here, where there are wi ping-handkt:rchiefs in the hand of Chrift, then to have your eyes whipt out in hell. Better bowl with men, then yell wnh

As;,, ie Jay ffl11ughter J Fir facrifttt; when they ufcd to hnc good chear,l'rov.7.1+ And hereunto the Wileman alludeth,,P,.o. 1 7.1. The Aporlk here fecmeth co intimate, chac chcfr rich fenfu111lb lived upon che cream of finning, and had foch plenty, rhac they pickcouc none but the fweecc:ft bics to nourifi1 their hems

--:i1ul hu;;A;10" j-F1lne(fc--breedsp. tS

forgetfulnelfe, De11t.


That ./hall come upon JO J Gr. TllAt Art 1veH Hon' ft4Ali11g 7011. 2. Tour.richeurecorrupted] Being fubjeCl: to vanity and vielcnce, A1l11t.6.19. Sec: the Note there. Provide your ftlvcs therefore b3gs, that wax not old; treafure that taileth not, (frc, Verfe ~ Ana{hAll et your Jlt'1 J i. e. ~Pit/, he/Jflrt, which !hall confume your flel11, nay your fouls wuh cternall rormems. Some hong poifon js made of the rull: of mectals : none worle cht:D
that of mom 'I For the /dft ditJ] Wrath for the day of wrath! or ll:ore for


wichall. Vcrfe 6. Te h11vecondrmntJ ,,,,d kjUed J Take ic either pro pcrly or metaphorically, of uCurers and exwrcioncrs, thac nor onJy iob, lmc raviili the poor, that are fallen into their uc:cs, Pf"' 10. 9. ch:ac i~, their '1o~d1, 1rbts, mo:g", as Chryfoilome interpreteth H : there 1s neither cqmry nor mtrcy to bt.! hacf at their hands; hence they are called mrn-e11terJ, C111111i. 611/1, &c. .And he doth not refill 1~u] Meeknelfe of fpirit common l!'~ttrrm{trt'll~I ' an d m d1gnmes I rom unreal(.>na c bl t 1)Uriam tnvr. y draws on mJuries c men. 111 u,>inim 1 A Crew will f\and upon a iheep~back,. pulling off wooll ' from her fide , fhe durfi not doc fo to a Wolfo or a M:ifiiffe.

T~VCll f e~~17

eafily , . Vcrfe S.. T ~ h11v1 l~vtd in pl~afHre J Yc hlve lain melting in fenfuall dd1ghts, wluch hnc drawn ouc your fpirirs, atld difiolfcd

~ld:a.~e, it, being t,hc: old mans care, as 'JJIHtar'h obferves, cm"" e.~H Q~.J,wnt~ xcu 8e.J.01,.,, That he fhall not hne wine co kce~ him while aliYe, and what to bury him honefily when dead. Verfe 4. Kept baclbJ ftAuJ crieth] Bloudlhed, Gett. ~IQ, unnaturall lufl:, Gen,18.11. a~d oppretfion (whether by force or fraud) cry to God, llnd he wdl hear,for he id grt-1cio111, Ex 2 2._27. Lora af(.1bb.ith J Who hath all power. in his hand, and can

Vp1n tArth J No placeofpleafure to good men, but of purgatory, banifhmcnt and bondage. A place ot chat nacure that (as it is rt pom:d of the Straits of M Agt'UitH) which way fo;ver a ma~ btn~ his courfc (it hQmeward) he as furc to havt: che wiode agamO: ham. lt Wa3 ;f, b~avy ~hargc laid upon Di'IJtJ, SDHHI N mHnb,r 1har ihoH ;,, IMJ lift time rtrti11tift th7 go1d thi11gi,&c. .Ami

ones1 hold out taich and patience, You tball t11only bnc belp As the mothers brefts akc: co be fuckling, lo doth Gods hem yera to be helping. Vnt11hecominl ofthe Lord] ft. By particular deliverance: and not only by the gcnerall judgement. Let patience have line and rope. . pp.-iteth fir th1 precio111 ftNit J B~ing in "OVN1'1 "Hnum fem pe,. aitJes, IS the proverb is, ever rich againQ: the next year. Spes Alit a:ricolM. Hope holds up the husbandmans heart. .A11tl hath long pAtitnct] He looks not to fow and reap in I day, as the 8!Perb1re"n1 arc faid to dg, that fow lhort ly after the Sunne-rifing with them, and reap, before the Sun Hcre,b1ch.J, let : becaufe the whole half year i5 OHC cominuatc day with re rufli,. them. Vcrfe 8. For tile eoming J See Vtrfe 7 And he when he com~s, Cballtet all co rights: Wdhall fee fo much reafon in his proceedings, which now we comprehend Aet, that we fiull yccld bim the ,,,,1, 'Wif~ Ctn/. verfc 9. GrHdl' not, &c.] Groan not, Grumble not, Mn m~e11~ Ff 2 gro~

Verfe 7. Be p~timt thtrefire] q. J.


poor opprclfed

A Cl""11tntAry tlpt11 the Ep-Jjlle Chap.5 1 --------~w nut f~r, a~d fullc:11 one to anot~er.Ltfl ye he condemned] As S11r1th had bc~n. if tbC! lord had


------ - --------- ----------------

_________________ _____ J


Chap. J"

ge111r11ll of St


z s.

comC', as the dcfired him, to judge betwixt her and her hnf band. Th, moil guilty arc commonly mofi querulou8 and complaint-full. The 'J11dge ft11ndeth ~efl~t the dm J If the Magifiratc be prcfcnt we may not o.tend another, to defend our felves Ecce jHdrx pro f1rilnu : Therefore, Hold a bloi~ 1 as we~ fay. V :rfe 1 o F fir an e:t:umple offilffer;Ng J Examples very much affect us, a~ they did many of the Marryrs, Sec the Note on
A111t, 5.
1 i.

---Let him /fuPfat;;,;;j--so-tl1ii in all efl:at-es we mufi: be doing fomowhat for God. 'l'am 'D~;, TMmini.f{a "Pll6 efl, qu1rm


A lo1.Je m<1jori difait 1Jr11re min1r. Vctfo 1 1. We cD11nt tk~m. PJ J If they fu1.r dS they fhould doe, not elfe : UW,tlmdaw (hcw'd Jong paric:nct fuch as it was, forced and fained, He was in a kindc of fo~


vcr called Epi1t!is, wherein men be cold without, but hor as fire wi,hin, 1 his leaver he quenched with his vitall bloud lhed with hisown hand. , hllve ht.ird of the p4tience of ?o!J J His impatience is not once mentioned againfr him : but he 1s crowned and chro.


the bean isuprighr,

nickd here for his patience, God pa(feth by ir.firrnitfog whero

1 .

Verfi: 14 /J 11HJ ma'ljic,lf] 71ehold lu Whom th,,H lovefl 14 f 1H t:M'.irth" to C)l\r Saviour, A/"t.11. Si am"1Hr, qNomaelo,.,,111t11r, l}ith A11guflil1e? If ChrH:.s tr1::nd,, l1~w C1m1:s he to be fick? Wdl enough: Its no new thing for Chrl(h b.:f.t bclov~d to be much afflicted. LethimflndfortkeE/Jm] ThishdpC1odb:ith prrvi!~ed for foch as an: by fickndf~ dif.1l>lcd to pr~}' for .thcm~;;h cs. Sick A bimdcch wasf-:-nt to Abr11h.1m (;i P:ophet) for pra1~rs, . Anointinp- him Wi1bo;I] As an ~:ttra:Jrdimny fign of an extra. (lrdumy cu~c. ho:n miltak.c of th,itc,x:r, ch;; ~~;anch in !lead ?f P.1!~ours h1d Ointcrs and Painters m rnn;:s of P lc.:ry, who did. not only un,gcre, out em_tm.$ere, anel:~ ,m,:n, but ue~uil<! ,t~cm of th.:ir monie,, anJ of their fouls. N-:1wcr want.there ilt .hrs day, that hohi this anoimiog the flck as a fl:Jn~mg ordmancc for Clmrch-memlms amongfl us: and they cell of fhange cures too ctfrCled ther~by. . v~rfo 1 s. !!A>Jd the praier offt1ith] Th~ Creek word for prater hath frs dcnomin:irio'.J, from well pom111g om the heart, or
from well cle~vi1g to Cod. Af11i~.1ons ( foth. ~nc). ~imf-.: n~ to frck om Gods promifc, the prom1k to fo:k f.rnh, faith to fcck praiei",and prai<!rt~find.=.GoJ. ... ThEJ fo11/l be forgiven him J An J fo he <lull b,,. cured on both

~11d h~ve feen tbe 1nJ 11/ the Lord J That is, how wdl lt was wnh Joh at the lafl, Or. (as others will have it) what a wc~t end the Lord Chnft made, whereunro you were f~me of you cye-witndf.:s, and iliould be h:rc:in bis fol. lowers. V~rfo I 2,_ 71111 ~/Jove aU thingi] Swear not in J~tl, Jeafr yegotohell111earncll. Seethe Note on M~t.5.34,35, and on
Mat 23.16,18.


V.:rfo13. Is~nyam~n~_)oHajfiifitd] Anyon1may: forgrati. i1i 110 rargcr :igamtt ~rn1a10n. L'' bi'm pr14J J ~o.r only bacau_fe p~aic:r i~ Curable roa tad difpo ftt .on_, bu: beca~fc u JS the conduit of comfort, and hath vjrJNUI# p1trNtiv11m, a fctlmg efficacy. 11 rm] m~n m~rry J Gr. /J ~right fi.t, 'WcU ~Nn_~on, as we fJy? All I rue ',nmh JS from the rechtude ~f the rnmctc, from a right f. amt of ,c.;ul, tbt fcts and ll1ews It felf m a ch1:arfuH coun
tc ;;me('.

further thrn th~y ~an have no ~af..: any W'<\Y clfo. lvr hy 1ha~ mca11~ wet :iif~ a j ! 31ou!tl! in t!iem row1rds m, snd o1t Wt~ho_ue C!lnfo: which wcalmcth a1d tJinteth tlm lov;: thJt 01 )ulJ ti.lit~ h~arts
in <'ne.

fidcs. r. h c d Verfe 16. Confof{e 1""r f1111/t1 J T1) :rny iuc g~d 1 ynlcn , as can both keep counfrl, and giv~ counfrl. Often nm'.!s tl~e vi:~y opening of ITICll3 grievantc: carct.h : t~~ very 0.'>Cll!l1g of a VCICI cools ch<: blond. HowLJ::tt, tt is ne1thel" vnf fom~ nor m~rcy (faith a ~ood Divine) to ptH men lliJon th~ ra~k of co~klhm,


J \Ji" Tne , \\'or~n,~pr,mr, .: l f. 1 Thecffetl:-111'! firvmt pr.1r'c~ tut .:ts the wh,l~ m rn aw Mk to do tc, .ts tt. (houl.d he d(ln~, \V:)rks wurnkrs 10 h;:avcn and earth ; bong aflcr a fort ommpoter.~, as Luther fiid. V ,.rr~ 17 S:-1bi~a to lik p.~ffi1ms] For h~ fl.:J at the threats ... l'.. J r f3 of

--- 4 30--------;c;;;;,e-,,~~~ "J!-,,-,!;;ipTjile-;&c~---Cb;;5-.

----- - of Je;:;.r4h;I, Fall111 ftip(o imh1cilliar. faith one a and he would hav died, whcn l'lnder tht: Juniper, difcontcnted. ~ V~rf~ 18. eAnd the e~rth 6r(Jught fmh J When the roots and fruits all drted UiJ , and the Llnd pafr recovery. But pra1c:r nev~r cornea too late, becaufe God never




--- -------




me~t~lc;, t,1H 2 /;p,fl.2 1.

Verfe J 9.

'f 11n1

deadly hcrd1-.:, Df4mnab/e, Peter callcdt it,

df) 'rr~

ft.Qm, &c.] Erre a':lout fonda

. V1.:rl..: 20. Shn!I f4ve A fo11l] A high honour to have any hand m foch a wOl'k. Cover a mul1i111de J ;, e, He iliall be a means that God fiiall cover them.


EXPOSl ...flON
V pon the firfl: Epifilc gcnerall of S, p E T E Re

c HAP. I.
Verfc 1. To the flrangrr l

~-:7\nt: i~ T

.... ' Mr Philpot man Ep1CH1: ofh1s tot he Conr;rc~a~ton) th~t for an cxrrcam refuge m their c'il doth~~r:, nt 1 tu 'jods chlion, fayin~, If I be clcdc~ I ll11ll be fwcd, wn H.:vcr I do. Bm foch be great tempters of God, and abomin11hle bl lf p.iem~rs ofhisholy election: Thdecaftthcmfolvcsdownfrom the: pint- :'ll.41?JMon.' tlrnftho Temple in prcfomption, that God mav pre ~:rvc the:n 11 166 J
by bis angels thorow prcddHnation, G1d1 ele{f;o,. ought to be with a ftmple t!!ye confidt!!red 1 to make us :more W:\rily w:l\~ :\Ccording to hi:1 Word, and not fat 'ock in the hoop, anJ put all Ff 4 on

v,rfo 2, ThrOHJ}fanmficar;alJ HiJIO ol1ulirnce] ~~..~. on as ~ell a_s to falv~tton. ~'me tli:'.rl; be ( Ln~h

'V .., To the means as wcll_astot~cen.<. .ot.iott' 1 :~u

'Ft -

Gi Hat is 1 To the provincial! Jew. Sl!e thc.N1.1te on ~) 1am.1.1.

__ 4_3_s_ _ _ _ _ A c~~f_!!~~rY_"!__8!1_!~~ jirfl ~!fPle_



1.1 (.,(,.}.

Bapits lcrtcn;

chcarmg the fpirir. :V ct fo.4. Vndtfi/({Ji_awl thtitf11dah not J The two Greek words lic1e)u:.~-.o ~r: a:CJ ,L::itu;c : AN'J~111um j5 a precious Uon..: (faith l?: 1 l.1} ft.". out Gt l_fac-rc) v. ht ch tl'ot1gh it be nc\'c.r fo mu-:h fo1kd, }'('t H Cilnnot b1. lkmifhcd. Atld Amt1TantU1 is the , uf a r,, w tI b r.amc . _.u er, w Ht 1 'Clil[! :i 1 ong 11rne bing up in the hciutc yet n. tll JS frdll :mil gr(lm, i1S {'hmmJ WI ircrh. To both thAfc 'il' l l }" A ,. l . . I l . . .. e Pl I i Y t .(.'. l'L" - rmg t 1c:rc dludc And It JS :JS if he fl ould fi th<; ~10w11 Ll 1at ye u l11:ill Tc<.ci,c, (hall be Ctudded wjth ~be fio~~~ /.mw,.tm, wl11c.b cannot bt: defile~ : and it is garnif1 1cd h the f!owcr .Am,:rantm which is frcfh and green C:}"c. ' Wlt '\i ~r fr 5 "!'ho 11re kept J As with a guard, o~ as in a arifon tl1:H 1s well fenced with walls and works, and fo is m~dc ! prcgnal k. . 1111 'E.J. the p~tvlY of qod J Much foen in the Saints perfcvcrancc .llf_y f 11thtr tJ ffronx.(r ~hen ,l{/: none thtYtfoy, ~a" 1-.i~ rm oHi 0r m hatidr,jithllliJtl.1helarhn.m,ot-,Joh,Jv, l :J 1 Vcdc6. lfnccdbe, Je11reinhMvincff'c] Whenour}1,. t I' l c J ,. h . JJ .. ar grow a gJ am too ~~it, uc:ll ~el 1t but nccdfull to ma~e m keav through mamfold temptations. When our water (as 1 't ~ looks but a little too high, our haavenly father a Phyfit' wclr~a l I h ' 1 Jan no cU\l ~unnrng r 1cn ovmg ( latt one) doth dilCern it and 'okl fits m, whom he mofr tcndercth, with that which w'Jl l]U~ Y ail to t.l~e healtnfome t~mpcr of a br~ken fj>irit, J re ucc V <?I fo 7. 'T/;4! !'" m11/l1f7or1r f mth J If llffli8ion ( h h the en all of our fauh) be fo exceeding preci'ous wh t\~ 2 ~ Jhs I d h L f ~ , a is 1a1t tl lcn , an. t ., mteJ wueteon aith laks hold? There are that 1 )Y t 1 l~tn.1 1 io1;mt,,,1m~nHand J;crca \vell-tried faith h' h. calkd,~oldtriedinthefire, Rcv.;.i8. 'W IC JS Vcr1c 8. Wh~m hav;"~ not feen J Tl!ey had not been, beJikC' at the fcafi of the P:.ilkovcr (at which time our Sniour fcrcd) but c_ame up to the fcafi of Pent~cofl: and were d vta. > convert~ , 2,

hardly be matched again, unlcfk it be that ofS.Pa~/to the eplJe~ jimJJ, chap. 1 J V~to a lively hope J Sure and f<,hd,dearing the confcienc<",and

on Godi: b2ck, to do wkk<!dly at lnrge. Thus h~. Vcrfo 3, 1Ueffed 6erhe qod J A llatdy proc:mc and foch as ca

Chap. 1 ~


ge11erAll f St P

1 T 11 :tt.

fitid " dying

;;; --1-~r;;,,rxpr,jfl/.1~ j<>J


I fine/~ ;,, "'J (JHI 1

it. Bafc fpirits arc buried ~bout light ma~tc:rs; ~s v~m~t1a11 fpent _ his time in catching flies, Arta>.:er~w m mi1ktng kmvehafis: Numb. 1 4 14 , Not fo CAieb, who had lfnothtr ipirit, 11nd fo/lowtd god Whot/1 : So did th~ an(icnt Prophets 1 as Jf;,i"b: whil~s th\f m~rry Cr;~h~ l!u~hol_cJJ10.11. were taken up ar rhdr Olympicl< games in the year I 540. from the floud, the Prophet lflti11h feeth that heavenly vifion of Chrict fining en his throne, and hcarcth that thrice happy Trifagio11, Ifa.6.1, 2>3 Vcrfou. Searchin~What,&c.] With grcatc!\: fagacity a~d ,.~:ur(~m~ indufl:ry, as hunters feck for game, and as men fcek for gold m the very min(S of the ~arth. 'Ihe[Hffirin~s ofChrifl, &c. J Wllttc11riru was utterly out, in faying that die Prophets knew that Clnilt 01.ould b_c l?orn for maM redemption, but th~t they lmew tmthmg of ht~ death and fuffcrings. J{ailih writes of t~1cm more like on E\'angd

Vcr(c 9. The ofJONr (Aith] The period and pcrfet!tion, the reward and meed of it, rn all fulncffc. See Pf11/.19.11. Prov,22 .4. V~r1e Jo. The Prophets h14ve enquired] This highly fets forth chc weight and worth of it, ftlh ~uch men took luch pa.i~s about


H\ then a Prophet, and is therefore called the Ev1mgelic11/I

Prophet. Verfc 12. Not HHto them/elves] In rl"gard of the accomplifh-

vf thofe oracles that they uttered : Ar.d y~t tlJ thcmfchc~, in regard of their right and intcrcfl therein. .
The .AN1,.tl1 dtjin to lool{_iNto]

Tluydid mi11ijler J Nenc snuft hold thcmfdvcs too good to


fcrvc the Saints.


ly, as the Cherubims ef old


i5.18, 191 Verfe i 3. wherefore t,ira "P' &c. J We arc fcldomc comforted but we have need to be cxtlou~d. So apt are our hearts to fc curity, and fo apt is Satan to interrupt our joy es, with his bafc
qird "f the loitJs of 10N'I' mind~ J Gird your felvc:s and fcrvc God, L#~t 7.8, A !oo~e dif~i11a and d1f~uent minde ~s unfit for C'Jods fcrvic:e, <Sirdmg 1mpbcs, 1, l\.tadmcff~. 2, N1mblencife,

To look Wiallf and intent- 7Tfl{fd..J,a.1. tapilt, into the Me1cy-feat, Exod, l'rorio ('r prrpe,,/o
to/Jo .it,urati: 1DH6;J1i1.cre. ~


. AJJ.d pl ~f glor7 J Gr. qlr1rifod lrwly; a piece of eods Xmgdomc and heavens happineilc af~rc'.'.'hand. _o !~'joy l t/Je

handmc& , handfom~nc!Jc.


4H -------~ ___ A Comment4r1 upos the firJI Epijlle

,A'. 1.:~1

u.. 7<CJ';., ' For t~c ~r11ce J That is, for th~ glorJ'. . 7 a~ t~ to b)e lmmgh r 11 ~uo JO" J .I t r~url:hbe brottght Ut)to us (filch i:, cu1 ,.um;:~ ~; ,v 1 c~r~c gu ke1 ut, ardly bi:! pc 1fwadcd to In-.: liapp.Jy, rJ1gri cveda(twgty. \' \lfL I 4 . .Nor flfhirmi>Jg fMr feltm J As a plaicr is faJ11ioncd to the 1h frrn'.; fp.:cc h.:~ and c:uria~~s of him, whom he pC'.rfonatcth, In Jflflr 1,~nor,p;cc J Mm. m.1y remain gro{foly ignorant amid{t abtmt!lflCl~ 1 f lll<Hn~, a" tiid..: }ws dici. Who iJ hlinde /mt mJ for vmit. ~r de.if .u ttJJ meJfm.~cr &'? fc1.4?.,19 20, Ve ~k 1 5. ~n 111/ of co nu r[.11 ion J Our vc:ry ci vilitics mu.fl .ti\ our.of 1.1nl.'ltty, an;i um .common cunverfation rdli!11 of rd1gion. S. 'Pm1/scml conv~r fat io" w~f in licaycn fhJI ~o Holinl.!!> mull be\~ rittcn upun r ur bridl\!~ when ~e ~ar,u; 3; oui cups. wbe;1 we drnik Z 14ch.1.4. 20, 21.J r is fa id !lfa certain Scoh:h Dl\'mcithat he dtd ev.-11 eat,~nd dr1nk,md fl<.!ep eternall Jifc. ~crfe 1.6. Bl Jeh~ly] 1.e. Sc:p.1rn ..; from fin and dedicated Cod; rn c'>nfornrny ro whom Llands l'1ur tllppindf.:. See the

H,,pe tP the ,;d J C1r. Hope perfi81J or entirely, ~o & rot l y [i3hn:, k1: there not b' any oddc reckonings b"tw ( - d, i . .. ccn ~o, a11.l yw; but work out yom falvauon, Thil1,12. See the

Chap. 1

11 1

~ 3 . B~H-~g'1i1.J A man fhall never have occafion co curfc che day of his m:w bmh. . , . . Vcrfe 24. .A'-Jl jb u graj{e J To live 1~ but to he 1 dymg. C:m apitlurc continue that is du wn upon che ice? . . Verfe is. The ~1 ord of the Lord, &c.] This fc:ntencc 1s the M inl:1 lee. MJttooltheDukesofSaxon1. SeeP[al.119.i9. c.on.4iv.
CH.Ar. IJ,


g_et~'!!_l"fS~~--T-~K_. __


Verfe 1. P./111 m~lice anllal/ J,t~i/e]

w1ti.: tail, let us not in be found taulcy at all. O not thdpotsot Gods childn:n, Deut .32.5. .


Cor,5,7. Howfoevcrweotl1crThde arc


. Ver(e i. Dtfire the Jincere J As m children, all fpcaks and works at once, ham1:> 1 fret, nw"th, See D rlv;J, ddirt1 P(if P Ahov. . . . . 1, & 119.20,"'\o,131. The finw-e] Gr. G111l1/e.lfe, unm1x:d milk, not fu6rcd or fophilticm:d with (\rains of wit, c:xcdlency ot i~ecch, &c.
J Cor.2.1.

lntol.4tM cot1."


tl: Noie on

ea~t 1 1, ,ur yow C'~.ll'\' rfatmn 111 l1cavcn. F11eiamm ad rl4/em fll

V..:rf~ 17. Of1vu"faj1Ju~nini:J H1vingyo11rcommor"t1"on on ~

.llf11t 5 48,

Io~. t~.c1r p:m:r1ts i:xam~,k, whether of good or evil. M" e.\ e" op1111on~ 111~"! t1m11jori6m11ccepi de c11/tu dtorum, r1!111im HnqwmiJ 11 0 ~ vc/, 1 t <mm", la1tl1 TlllfJ. J Wlll ncvl!r forfake [hat way of divrni.: frrnce, th~r I hw1: ri.:cdvcd from my fore.fathers. Vcrfr 1_9. lYlthoHt '11em_ifo J Of origin all pollution. And W11h1.111t f/m] 0~ actuall !in, Y 1.:rfo 20,. Who veri/7, &c. J So c:ircfull was God to m k 11 fore conci.:r111ng ~ur red~mpttun in Chrift, fmh one heu. a ea V ~1 f~ 21, M~~ht lu m Y"d] And lo in a fofer hand then cur own. He hath laid hdp upon (JClC th:it 1s mighty. V crfe 21. Yt hAv~ f".,'fitd J Ani111alm1 vc~rr4 c11ftific t & A mct:iphor from the kg~ll purifications. 'u, c.

tr111m,&(._ couJd ;11-karhen fay. In fi:,u- J Tbofo tliat fear ofjall others are likely to hold out 'Jcr.3 2,4 ' , Vc1frJ8. Received 6y tradition J Children are very apt to fo[.

Angmrntation. That word ~hich l>re~d~ u~ te1:ds us i l\s chc {alne bloud of which che babe JS bred and t~d m chc womb, Hnkcs up inco che mother& brdl:s,. and t~ere, by a tht:!r conc0Cl:1on,. bebccorneth white, and noun Che th 1t, And as milk fro1n the btdh is more eff~d:ually taken, then when 1t ha,h UoJd "'while, and ch~ fpirits arc gone eut ot it; So the word preacht:d rather th~n read, furthereth the fou\s growth. .

. That ye may irow thereby] After gener:mon (

'Pet. I

2 3,}

Vcrk 23,

f(a,66.n. We are bid co fuck and bl.! fat1sh~d With the brcCls of conlolation, to preUe and opprdfe the prunures, till wchaveixprdled, :rneevcn wrung tht lWcdndk om ot them. Thii wall make us even lick of love, wll~l! pk1fam umo us, and our hc:nts filled with gla.Jndk. fhc ~:1111Cs ca~e how gcod the LOL'd is, and tht:ncc they io lung ~her htm, O pm11.1 demid1r"';0 1 ff it [en fib"", as he chat kth h:t: hoc, and chat caltes bone) tweet, can bdl i~y ~tis fo. . . . . . Vc.:rte 4. A1 mHOA l~v1n~ fi~n~ [ L1vmg an~ all qmck~rng, ~~ AR. .~s. Lively, tharn, llfe.. gavmg erack:s. rk chu hirll ch .. 7 Sonhatblifc, l'/Dh,5e12, , .1 D ifa!lo ;vee-1

tak~ down,

Verfe 3 Jf (o be 7e h"ve hf.ff

ea J

~s babes cafl:e t.h~ '?tll< c~ey

, . 436 _______ --~C~"'_~~"''? apo'!_~~!fr~!)'ijlle ---~hap;:- Ckap.t.

D i(4/low1~ i1fdml of"?e" J For the Ccck on the dung-hillknllw. eth not the price of th ts Jewel. 1r. v1t.i Aw 1 , ~ 1 J c prena1u a:-ar beyon d ~ h:it mo fl: orient and excellent 1 ,.c. 1 _..' AlficJ,cJmmd. fione p,.,.,m, .. be, celebrated by Phalo{lrAtsu; ar thac precioii a 1' ) ol', damam of' Ch.eris Duke of DMrg11nd1, fold for 1000~ duckcc~ aad frt in co chc Popes criplecrown. ~ V crfq. Ye ,i/fo .u livel1 ffo)1u] Gods houfo is ~ilc ofgrow in_; !tones, ofgre~n timber, [ant. I. .. To ".lftr ,,, f piritH.cll facrifict1] Stich as are ~raicrs, pfa/. f'rl. z. Pr~1k~, Heb.13.5. Alms, f!r:b.r3.16, O~~fc_lvc:s, RtJm,u, 1 0.1r Slv1our, _whom we prdcnc as a prop1t1ac1on for our fiiis 1 ?oh, 2.1. lay1_ng ~"~ts head, le<:ing hisn bleed todeach' 1 and cgnfumed m che hr~ of his Fae hers wrach for our fins , Verfe6. WhHreforcitu'o.,min6d] The J~ws were' l'o well 'lici ~ /'./' . .J nrfe1.1 in Scripmre, chit in quoting of ccxts, cherc was need co fay no more to tht:m then, It td Writ1e11, It u r1J~t11.i11ed &c th1 could tell where to mrn to the place prdencly : And ~his WJ;~ ~reac further:rncie co the convernon of many ot them,f>y che preach lllJ of the Apollks, Sh.ill not be C0>1ro1'1ded J The Hebrew CCX[ h:uh ic, Sh.ti/ 1101 m.ii:.__c h.t//e, Ifa. 2816. Hill~ make~ wa{l~ as we fay and of, brings confofton. Childrt!n pull apples afore ;hey ue rapc:and havi: worms bred ot chem. '17?11. Vcrfc 7 He_ u precio111 J ~r .. He i.s " price, or Alf hon1ur, If Y?U h_:id not found all worch 111 hun1 you would never have told all for lum. Verft:~. ~11aar."ck.,ofoffence] Likcchatrock, Judg. 6, ir, out of which comes hrc to confuin~ che repro~:tcc. whicbflmnblc At the Word] An ill fign, and yet :m ordinari finnc. Vcrlc 9. B Ht ye Ar~ a ~h.,(en .~merAtio11] A pickr. people tht 1 dearly beloved~ Gods {oul: {u..:h as he firlt chofc: for his love an then lovc:s for his choice. . . Aroi"//Pri~flho9d] Ol ~as.A.f"o(t'.rhathir, R.\:oa, 2 o6,), l<i~gdom~~~ p, 1ells. Prn:ll:s CJ3ds lJeoplc arl.! in rdp.:Cl: ot God Kmgs m rdp:d ot t11.:.n. Tile:.rl:!1t;:ous are K11Ps A.1, ...'J r J{Tll '-i (u ,_, I:> I '.I. " 1 ~ d o~~ men h.-ive" /ll'C , &c. {mil M.mhm, chap.13. 17. M..1H J!..ngr,. f..t1ch Lu'<1, ciup 10 2 ... lrdeed they arc fomcwhlC 0 bcur~~,n~s hir~. as ~1s ALl~hif~.Jee/J i:1 the LinJ of c.u:Mll: ut mm:1 t (J 4rc "'a/J /.mrM, l'fal. 45 .16. and more eKcdlent tbco

ge11trAll1fSt P 11


then their neighbours, let them dWtJl where they will, Prov .. J:lo 16.


.A pml/iAr ptoplt J Gr. A pto,le of P".rclu1fe : {uch as com-}' H'f '1.v prehl nd, as it were, all Gods ~emngs, his whole fiock thu he mm.RI' makes any great reckoain~ of. , . SheJV fir1h the pr,cifas J Gr. Preiech ~rth the Yertues by our '~"l'fu/11111, fuitible pratl:ice. The picture of a dear f racnd 01ould be hung up ina confpicuous place of the houfe a io fhould Gods holy image and grace in our hearts. . .. . VedetO, which;,,,,,,,, 1AP 'Wer1 lfOt] If P.t11to thou~ht It {uch a mercy to him chac he was a man, and noc a woman, a GretiJlf and nor a Barbri" a fchol1rto Somctes, and notto any "'he~ Philofopher, what txcceding great caufe have we co praife God that we are born Chril\ians, not 'Pagans, Protefhms not Papills, in thefe bldTed dsies of Rcformsrion, &e ? Verfe 11 .111 pilgrims~~~ ftrAngm J. E:itcelkml~ doth ?ufti~ :pi('.n J Di.>g. Martyr defcribe the Chrah11ns ot his ume ; they mhsbac chtir own countries, faith ke, but as I.hangers ; they parcake ot- all as Citizens, and yet h1ffer all, as forraigners ; every Uran~c: land is a coumrey to chem, and every countrey a {\:range land ...4Htljl,.11nger1 abft,,jn] Thoughtsot death will be a death t~ ourlu{b, Lffm.-1. 9, Her hlthinellt!is in her skins, anJ nll b:!cau{e tl1c remembrcth not her lafi: end. As rhe flroaking ot a dead hand on the bdly curcth a tympany, and as the ath1.s ~ta _viper applied to che pan tha.t is flung draws the venomc out ot it~ (o the thought ot death is a death to fin. . Fr1>r11 jlcfo/1 /#fts] Thofc pms in our b01.iies that are th~ chic:fel\ and neardl. both tubjcels and ebjcels ot lull and concupilcence, are likeunco che dung-gate, 1 Chron.26 16. whereby all the fihh \US ca\\ out ot chc Temple. God h:uh phced them in onr bodies like (nikes creeping ouc of the boctome o~ a dung. hill, and abllcJ chem in our eyes, that we might make a l>afo account :mJ tftimarion of the: ddirc1 thm:ot, as one wdl obttrvcth. which WAr'r1 ag.iilfft tht (oul J Only man is in love with. his own bane ( bl'aiis are noc io ) and fights tor chok lulls, thlt hght again(l; che toul. And whereas fume might fay that ocher lul\s c~rft of tcm. fighc again(~ chc foul, as weil as fl fhl1 lufl1, it i~ :m~wercd chat o-, tiler lulls fight a~ainlt the grace~, but chde more agam!\ tne pi!aCI!
~r the


Vcr!c u. HAving

r01111er(111iM hor.c.!1 J Lc.1Jing

OIJ z,i,1d,-,_~


A C,,,,,,,e1111r1 "!'" lbt ftrft Bpi.file

Chap:;:. Chap.2.


ef Se P T 1 a.

________ ____

...._ ..




verlary. They f} ofjt1H] See theNoteoR Mdt,S.IJ. ~:wr.:ruawm~ whfrh the1 fl!aO hehold J Whiles they pry and ipie into

eo,_v;,,,;,,g /irm J the bd\ argumems agai1ft an Athl!i~-d


gut and fafh~n on. e Jn the da1 <f t1ijimtion J When Gad '11311 ctfedally call 111 ~ conyerc th<.01. Ste.: the No cc on Mtt,. 5 16. _ Vtrfde.13. S'!/,,,,Git to nur1 or~i1111 11(t J That is, AlthNgh ~/~~~,!~ to t he. 0 r ma.nee t>r ovcrnment, JO te m:mnrr of its confti. tut~on .be. from man, yet be~au(e ~f the necefficy of its inlti. tutton it 1s from God ; fobm1t co n, cheugh of man, for ch l.ords fake. e ~~rfe 14. o.- NH lb. g.wt""""M.-1 J In the: kingdomc1>f Chrift Mi feel cp Jd th1~ is wondcrfulJ, fauh Zan~h1~ ch;u he Wil~ and commands all Prmces and Pocenmei co be {ubJca: ta his Kingdome and ytt he w1ls and commands likcwi{e elm his Kingdome be fubjctl to tb Kingdoms of the world. ' ,,p'IJ,, Vert&: I~. Te "!"1 pNt to JileHt1 J Gr, c..M11:t..d~, or halter up, button up chm mouths, as we fay. See che Note on M

courfes(as tbe.(,reek word 1mports)to fee what evil chcy can find




TortflJ/it J CUT

S.trn ' '

o.oMot L

7~~ ,.

flfl. ., , . " ~m ..~~, Vcr~c 19. ~h;, i6 tJ,a,,~w1rth1] God accouats.himfcU hereby gracificd, as it were, and even btholding to 1uch Jutfrrers h1 being th~ lowefi: fubjed:ion, and the highcft honour men can t 1 ~ 1mco tae1r maker. yce " ~erte_ lO. Fir ~#11t gl1r1 ~it] In pe~ce-olfcri'lis there mi ht ~e. 011 an1xt, net Com fin-offermgs. Jn QUr fotfcringi for Clsrift c~rc: as Joy ; not fo when we fui'c:r for our faulcs.


Vtde 16, A1 ftee J See the Note on G11/.).13. Velfe 17. Honour 11U men] _As maddn the iuugeof God H cal?aolc ot heaven, and as h:..vmg Come lpeciall ulent co &r;do W1th, Hd q~o11r the Kf in1. ~ i. t. Th~ Romm Emperour, whodiCchi me cue nawe o a K "'t, to avoid the hatred ef the people d yec loughc the full right ot Kin~s, and fo to ddlroy the: libc:;tyan t 0 the people. llut Kings that will be honoured myl be J'uft R 1. 1 intlu r 1':.Aro{God, . Verk 18: T the fo'ierd] Crolfe, crooked, fnmple, foolThe Greek word comes of an H(;brew word rha~ fiu c


Vnfe 11. Ltving "'An 1xAmp/1 J Gr. tA &OPJ 1r 1ter11. '61n11 av Chrifts :itl:ion1 wm; thhc:r wgraU, ur mcdiatory. In botb Wt mun imitate him. rn the former, by doing II be: did. In che later, by fim11icude, tranfiating thac to our tpiricuall lite, which be did u Mcdiaceur; as co die to lin, to rife to rightc:ou(ne{fe, &c. and this not only by example (as P11rm Abef11d111 held ot 0le, and the SacilfiAns at chis day) but by venue of Chri(b death and refurre- Anron.rratf. aion working dftt\ually in all his people ; not as an cxe111plary 1 cap l pti cauk only, or as a meral caufo by way of medication, bwt as ha- r.sgr f. ving force obtained by ic, and iffuing eut of it, even the Sririt that "'Is fin, and quickinS the foul to ~11 holy praa:ice. There is a ilory in 'lJita ejiu .-.. otan Earl called El1az11r, a paflmnate Prince, chat was ~ured of pJ ~ulu,11 chat difordcred affection by fiudying of Chnll: and his patience. CrH~ P"'"'nth, titfllmJrtf J"c~11tw, Chrin upon the crone is _a. Do8:our in his Chair, where hr reads umo LU all a k~lure ot pac1 ence. The Eunuch, eAU 8.3 2, was convened by this pnitC in Chrilt. rt is faid ot Hi1r1mt, that hating re~d the godly ltfe and ('hrallian death of Hilierion, he folded up che book,and I iid, W di, HiliirioH ilia\l be che Champion whom l will follow. Should we not much more fay fo of Cbrif\:? . Vcrfe 12. wh1 diJ. no fimu J S. l' AHlf:mh, H' k.!f ew no Jbmt, i Cor. s. 21, co wic, with ~ pr:sd!ca\l knowledge. { we. kno~ nu more then we praelift ) w1cb an um:lldl:uall ht: did : for tlk he ceuld ngc have reproved it. Ntitlur "'.M v1ile fo#11a ;~ ~u mouth J Which i~pom,. tbac they fought it. The wicked fed< occafion agamlt thlC godly. v~rle 2 J lfut tommittttl himfalf] Or, The "Who/t mAtter. We allo {hall do our tdves no d1Gervice, by makmg God our Chancdlour, wiu~n no law d{c will relicYe ui. And mdeed the ldfc a man f\:rivcs f~r himftlf, the more is God his Ch:imp1on. He that faid,. l kek B6t mine own glory, adds, but there is_ one chat



judgeth. Lad Htke~ hit pm



ti~hcl n~c

for himklf, Verle 24. who hinw{elf] Without :my to help OT uphold him, Jfa.6 3. s. he had not fo m\.\ch as the benefit of tht Sun-light, when in that three hours dark11dfc he was let upon by. al~ chc: pow . . m ot dar kndTi:. B.crt our fins] Gr. Brt thtn1. Aloft, vi.;:., When h~ clim A~(iN') Y..t,. ~d up- his Croffo,~nd nailed them thereunto. SNrtlJ he h"1h bor14'

Verfc 21.



A C1mmtnt1 Npo111he ftrfl Epijlle


Chap 3,


ge11trall 1f S' P s ,. 11..

o#r gt"itfJ, a,,J cttrried our {irrows, Ifs. 53 4 He taketh away th finsofrheworld, 7oh.1.29. C That Wt '1eing dead to fin111 J Or Separatetl ft ; o~ 1111made to it, cue off from it, the ~Id frame bc:i:g"'uc""1'' d1ffolve<A. er 1 BJ Whofeftripes] ~r, Wa/11, This he mentioneth to com. for.t po~r f~av~~c~, whip' ind ibuCcd by chdr froward Milt s .4Hf.llU ,,w/in f M""tm 'ft m,Jidn11 pbreMetid The Ph r _t:r~. bloud became che ftck mans falve: We can h'.. rd'y bC1 .Y tCJaohs d r } ,. l IC:Ye t C .

Ltt it 11ot he thAt 011tw4rJ J YePiN1" CH,.ioftt"', J1j0n11imtil ,,m1tiHm &.mor11m ;,,J;c;#m efl, faith 8 er11ArJ. Bxceffi ve neat

neffe is a fign of inward nal\iacffe. It was a true faying of wife C11to, CNltHI m"t"" c11rA, m11gnA tjl virtHtil ilftHri11. They are never good that ll:rivc to be lo over-fine. Saapcrfluous appaml faith CypriA"' is worCe then whoredome. Vcr{e 1. .BNt lit it h1 th1 lliddtn] Yefliu vas f,r;~~ p;,,,.,id, 1.ii./rnJlt fu

Po~~r ot { wor 1a ve. Bue here is a myftery that only Chrifiiaa religion can afl ure us cf, that the wound in~ of one fhould b h cure ot another. et c Vcrfe 2 S. vis jhup ] Then the which no creature is more ape co fl:ray, ldfcapt and able co retura. The 0~1 1.,,011th h.

~yflit1~ {tlHllimtu, p111,urh. p11dHiiri~, 'r11ll1r p;g,,,entfft D1#t11 habebitid at11a1orem. It is TtrtHfti11"1 counfd to young women, Cloth your (elves, faich he, with thefilk of pity, with the fatcm ot fanB:ity, with rhc purpleofmodtlly; So '11all you have God himfdf to be your ~tor. /fl that -Which u11ot corrNptiblt] Or, [H the Jncor#ption of~ ,,,uk._a,,d 'JHitt Ffoirit, &c. a garment that will never be che worfc




for wearing, buc che better. Of gret prict] God ankes great reckoning of a quiet mindC', lx~;mfc it is like himf!U. Ht! promifeth earth co tbc


c HA p.

I I.I.

Verfe 1. B 1 in (Hbjtfli1n to JOHr hH1'1Antls]


yEt with a limitation: Subjctl the muC\: be to her huf. bands b wfull commands and rd\:ramcs h . h
busband doth.




' e w om er Bt \\onnt i, ti" "~nverf111io11] ;. t. Be prep:ired fore 0 n n; a~ Auftin1 father and himfclt weru by the piety ofh" YcrhG M onm1. ' . Ji Jllot (t ~1Jn11 rmi 71 ,. Vcrfe 2. Whilt1 th17 behoJJ J Carioutly pry into C II men watch the cmiages of profdfours, and fipend m 0 h ~raha about them. 7 t oug ts r 011r chAflt lonverfation J When Livi11 the E ffi asked, how iic had got fuch a power over her husb:~re he 'rii" D!o ;, /\uouR. could doe any ching with him? She anfwered u , ~ t ~tf1'4c b b h d (l . J .W.l.#1'tll ,,,,,., '~ y my ~w.c mo e cy. A prudent wife command b h b d' by obey mg, ~ er LU 1n t V~rfo 3. Whofa 11dorni,.g J M11nd111 mNnebru S 1 18. W~ere the ~ropkec as punctually inveighs 1 ~ n:e\.r.!"3 ble vanity as af he ~ad !icwc:d the Ladies w~d~Lc~ !' "10-.
rN/A/m1.1. .

PIHtnrch hiesau law of wedlock on the ~ife is too muc thu and worfhip the fame gods, and none elfe but' t~o ~cknhowledhgc 0

mt:ck, and heaven to the incorrupt or llncere , and pure in heart. Verfe s. wh1 tr11ftul i God] And therefore would not by unlawtull means feek to get or keep their husbsnds love and tavour; but truftecHiod fort bat. So He.c:.t~i"h tru(\ed in God, and pulled down the brazen fcrpent, i 'JC ;,,g. 18. 4,s. oppofing his prekncc
to all peril. Verle 6. C a/Jig him Lm:l J Sec here, how in a great heap ornn, God ca.n fimfe OU[ his own, ilnd ilttCP' gf it. The\'e was no good word in all the whole k~trncc, but this, .that fi1P ~alled her husband, LmJ. God is plea{e~ co fingle ouc this, and let It as a precious diamond in a gold ring, to SarAh' s eccrna\l commend:imm. .An~ Ar't not aft Aid, J Fear they mull:, verf. i. and yet

they muft nor. Fear lJod , bYt not their husb1nds undelervt:d checks or threats for obeying qod, . Oue tear mult ex pell anotm:r
as one fire drives out another.


. . ""' n ~


the bead? Thilmui\bc lhtwcd, V:<~ru vitium t-.Ut tollend1,aut tole~A11Jo, faid YArr1, clthc:r by 'uriag, or at klllt coYmng his wives weaknetfcs. . ~' Nnto th1'#111/(fr91/el] Glafics arc to be tendtrly hmdkd: G g aii.l1a1l

Yule 7. Lik:,wifeJt] 0 (Jiciu itfcenait, A"-or de{cemlit. . .Aaordint to k._ttowltdft J Where i11ou1d w:. 1domc lx- b"t u\

Et,,, Juritiim a1ii111i,1u /11i1.s 111J, '" ",,Jei;. tatim b un1_0.


, A C1t"111entu1 th-;,efJ-BpljtJ~ {m1ll knack foon braaks them s h ;-----t . o ere .Yi11e " 'ra 01"r"' i111p~1,m1111 tvomit, faith 8"fti Th v1r111f D" 711111. nour o couplmg with his m:ite n: e aper, orthe hothou fOl" the honour of marriag~ ca ~ up his poifon : and wilt not nefie, cruelty ro a conforr~ ' c:1 away chy harlhndfe, rough.



---------------- Ch-- ,_----------~~~J~ ~ Ved~:tl' H!I. '"'"' ,.,.,, "''""'"''' ic.c. l "c;ir-:-ff~-;;;:;; "" to th1;r pr11i1r1, 'f " though thcsir: praitrs are fo faint that they
cannot come up to God (jod will ..ome.down to them. He can feelbreath, whcnnovoicecanbeheard, Lt11n, J,56. FlttN ("-pt
~git Hr"" aJflft#. . ; ~ .'. i'l : . ; : i .Vrdc: 1~ .. vln4.-wlvo ~ 1.~.t~"* Vli./J, ll<?.] .Nt.mrlll confcience cannot but. do~ houuge to the image of uud. i\ampcd upon the

""'' *''f"





g . '" . r '!. ot .hs w1tc. l'his courk of pra in to /""c pr:m:d m the prc:fonce bemg take~ up by married cou:ksg fthtr, apart from ochers, tual12e their atiection one ro anech~rw1 .rncreafe and fpiri. leave praying, or prauing leaveJ . Bue Jarrmg Will 1make them 1 rt t: 8 B t&flHTteOUI Vc J G :mmg. F . good ottice. r. runal]"1i11Jta, ready to :my
'Th J G /

v1 /, .

""g Souls have flO rexes ~t J.~Nr P"1ter s b~ H~I hi,,J6r1'1J 1 )


nuures and works ot c~ 3odly > .M we li:e in the carnage of Neb11ch~dne~~"r and D1CriH1 toward D.aniel. I have known fome

Vtrfc ~ O~ raililig, fir rtr1, 9111d Al1uJ ~n I reqdt-r railing for rl.ling dare. ,

J """' rmnig 1
0 t

7;7 h.tokp1trg1t,., faich one. -1 m e to wafh off dire wich



con11ti" rcrre.

Tlw reJJ-Nld i11h1rit a ~/t.ffill J perly 1 heyrthat will fpeak g00 d Words ~ Bleffintis by words 1 pre~ to m ,,_ ll en, ~:i ht:ar good W or ds t rom.uod : they flull have his places, and m the hearts of th . g&od word for tht::m in all lob had. . ' ., . _ear greateft enemies, as 1acob aad 7, Ycrle Io. LortJ1 uc: J Man J! .. ':l"'"I' ? levts 1 C 'J"' 'I\ ire, iQith vfrijfrfr Who . .T' ~':l'"m, Zl cr~amre cha! faith D ~vid, Pfal.3i 12. An~ h IS cl.e ma.1 that willech Jifd dy c~a.rifwcr, Ego, l dee, as A:re~mo every man will bu tel condmon Hull be added C h .'f!m.obftrvech. But when the tongu e, C!Jc. . chrn, 11ith r. ., ' 11e l111gi111m & '. be, fearcc an\I .11 . , c. , R earaio thJ' mouon, 1 wi appear. or accept th~ A nJ fee g~od Jain J That is p fi ~or ~JI che daies of the affiitled 'arcro ~erous and peaceable daies: ~1_tcb1s ne life. was wraryev~}~ JS is. a joyklk '~ . when b.e fat under dae Juni er I e, ~nd. lo w~~ Evin fib E/lt1 1Nlli/tr1 fltltlft . rr~ MH/11 WA', 11gHi cde. . c as m:my a good. mans




Vcrfcu. Stt~peAu tt11dtHc J . Yer wanes woe a Vt hli~tM . r-t '' A concentious man ne a Proverb ac C ArthAge as }~~'*"'1 ''"'1"': p1rde icli'l"id was Jim:"~ c11reAmH4 Liu., Fora" !" ~e ates ic : Et to>i;td-',,:HI Je fometame5, quiet life lc:c a m~n part wltb &ls right

( !Jich a;gravc \)ivi'1~' the fid\ ~talion of who{d <:onve1fion was M.Bolto1to thl! obic:a:vatio~1 of .their tl,oucndfc undet ,W~ongs. ;and oppn:1tions, whom tht:y have purpGfcly pet1cc11ced with cxtreamdl hate and m1licc. Ve& J4. BHt tJ111Hf1' fHff1r] q. a. S:iy you meet wich fuch z. Thdf. 3, 5 unrcilfonab\~ s:nen ma~( up of meer incongruuics and 1b!unfaic~, t}latwiU h&_tm you to~_weU-doing, ycc you !hall bt no loofo,rs. Vcrfe ~5 S111ftl.Jioh1 Lora G1d] Conlid~r and conceive of him, as ht: {\:ands ddtribed in the Scr,pturcs, and as related co his pcot* i reaing upon his lJOWC:r and love, for fatety here, and ial vaciqR hereafter. . KeAdJ a/wain to give ,.,, A"fwer] Gr. To. "'Ak.! Apolot,.7. a bold and wife protdhonof the muh. with d111e oblervatien ot jul\ ,itcumCbncl!s. To dHkmbl~ i:. ev~r a fault ' but nol to proteff.e iG chcn only 1 fin1\,, when a mu1 as Cilent, J111tp1mvl & loc,, mi11iml id0Heo 1 at an unL1a cime and place. Let me be counted and. calltd proud, or any thing, Modo ;,,,p~ filentiJ 11on argH11r, laid Luthtr, fo I be not guilty ot a fir.full file11ce. A ru(oH of the hop J Not tYtry mHing qudlion, or malici ousc:ivil. Cbrifi. anfwm:Gl the Govern~m: not a word to fomc things,and yet he Wi1mJ[eaAio"Jco11ftffio11 '11~r1 PoH1iu.1 Pil.4te, 1 Tim,6.13. With m(1~eff1 '""' foi4~] Ldt you t\joalJ di'1lonc>ur a good tl\uh: by an ill carriage, Vi.:rfo 16. Hdvi11g If gH" c0Hfci1n11] Which you cannot h1Ve, if you deny or but diffomble the truth. Georgi MArjb the Mmyrbejng ~xamined ~1eforo the Sad o~ DA~bJ, kept himtdf clok:jn the poiotof che Sacramt!nt. But a~ltt his ~epmurc, ~hus he writes. l departed much more uoubkd m my tpmt then be.fore, becaufe l had not with aulre boldneffe contdfcd Chril\ ; but in Aa. a1tJ MOM fuch fort as mine adverfaries thereby daought they Oloul~ prevail /o/, a119. G sa sg11inCl:

Vcrfc 1s


v. warhout open denying of Chrifi: and his Word, thac ,:n: :. :1 '. ~\ .a:, &c, .'j; . ..1,,,f.Joer1] Malcfa~ours not Marcyr~. : :ii . . m11J bufo.i11tl 1~'.i1 f "lflt ..uwfo] This is an excellent , , , " ~t t\op pin~ an open mourh. Oh chefe re1ll 1pologies arc very .wmf ull. Thus did che Primitive Cbrilliant plead for chemfelves, ~'on "liNnde n1Jfti~iles '!"""' J, 111m1dAtion1 vitior11"" priffino .,. rHm, faith TtrtNllia11, known frm all 6lthers by their reformeq ! . lives. Thus did tllofe old Proteftants the Wlfld111fu, In mtJri.6111 (ion compojiti & m~delli, &c. faid that PopiCh Inquifitour their profdkd advcrfary. Their dothine~ !aid ~e, is naugbr, bu,t their lives arc unblamc:ible, The mans life ( !11cb Er1tfm111 concern. ililo Luther) is approved of all men : h1~ veriell ad,erlarics can Ntel 0 ?ct re. n~ accufelum founy thing in pojnt of prallicc. Lmu King of reria It q1111J Franu. having received certain complaints againfi the Proteca~uw1it11:ur. Hams of M erindoll and Ch,f11ri1r1, fent certain to enquire into che bufincflc, and huring what they related to him, he (Wore a grrac 1 .Aimo 'Dni. oath th1t they were better men then either himfdf was or any o
., i ' " ': ....

-----1'J111il~~1e.:Whe~e~~ I was muchgrieYed: forhicliercoJ weoc ,.::If ) 111~1ch as in me lay, to rid my felfout of d1eir hands, it by

. ~4' __.--- ,,,,,,,.u f St p a.. ---------Chap~~~ ---;--------.;, ~~i- Ji(JhiJi,.t.]

--Verftto. Wh~/,flt""' f.,,,.uM~lt, 1111u11t1filA_,li. ,,Tb4y J.fer then che Prior ot St B11r-.. teared and thoug~t N '" b:u~ 3 vain preditlion ot an idle
'Chp1.r 1 'eared whare they Gr. tllould hava


rholorn1ws in Lo on' ~1 him an houfe at Harrow on the hltrnloger, "'alnfdt bu1 ~fuppofcd floud, late.told by that A hill to lccMrc h1m1c r@m


. doth lll{i ,,,,-w f4 11 e J It is of perm!>tnt Verk 1.1. B ~pt1{t11t fl tion whenfoenr a man behevts ure . and cft~Cluall to feal up a :baptized for all. See E phe(. S' i6 and'rcpems. Hence ~care o~cy Thac Conlirmacion is ot more Tit.J. 5 The P~pcs ecdee\;s 'tbe holy Ghoft more plentifully nlue then Baptafme, an ga . . and dfcd:ullly . ] That 110ne bear himfelt bold upo~ ~is Not the P""'"~ "wa1 Ifi lltl is co God as B th1op111, Chril\endome ' Unregener~~e io ~ll with baptHm1ll watcI on .Amal 9 . 1. h man may 3 . . . his face. ] ihe StipNIAt;,,,, or c"'fi"e11t inttrrogttuon, BHt th1a11fw1r n.l R 0 S ~ 34 , ~S and of 1mmJ !uch 15 is that of the Apou; e, "' a~d r~lif>ning the caufc with

s J.

ther o~ his


S/~tJr ChL'on

,,J, ne1therfo Chrinianly luffermg, nor fo quietly dying tor his offence co;nmicted again[! nature. What a fad thing was that related by E u(ebiUJ, that the cruell p~rfecucion under D ioc/'eti,,,,. was occafioned chiefly by che pcculancy1 pride, and contentions of the Pal lours and B1lli'lps: Whic:h gave occafion to the tyranc to think that Chriftian religion was no becccr thm a wrecched devjfe gf wicktd mm. Verii: l K. Tluu l.r 111Jgln 6ring ] To reconcile and bring men again to God, was the mam end of Chriis coming and hiffering. This is che wonderment of Angels, tormenc ot de~ vils, &c. Verfe 19. He 'Wt11t aHa pr111c#1d] R.ig/,tto#fntJ{t, i e, Repenta11et, 2 Pet. 2. ~ and the faith of the Go(peJ ~ 1Pn.4. 6, whereby Come of choir many thac perithed in chc warers arrived at 1 henen. N ""'!"Amfar~ ft fa,-i'#, Chria wcm co them as an Em. bad'adour fen' by hi~ f1tb,r, and fpake to their hcarct. Verie 20

Vcrle 17. 'ThAt 1' (ujfer for .,,,O.Jo1'11g J The cauft', and not t~ paO mak':. the Mucyr. !~ether .with rhe Lord Cromwt/I was beheaded (in H1n"1 the ca.hths time) the Lord

pleading wi~h Godh. C~"[~~:it:~n promiCed himfelf via~ry over him. DA11J f~am ~~l~ft. fo may we trom our baptalme, a that uncircumctfcd P.u1 ' am, s11in{\alUpit'itudl w1ckjdne~e1 ..t. ] Pf41 68.17. The word Verfe u. Angels. afin h-HS r'/'' being fecond co Cbrina or rendered Angels figm ct econ cu, 16 next to him . sceDan.10.13.


-------------CR A

v cde 1.
/ th1 fle/h_]

p. IV. Chrift hAth faffertd J

. I

s ChAp. p 8. auire fo~u{\ wefuff'erin finfu\l A 1~~~~ ~~~afing from tm,bailior; ic and nail naturea fubdumg to

ing it to the crolle of Chrill:. & ] To fpend the fpan oft.his Vctfo .,,, he ,.h lo;~r:~ otoncs own ht:arc, is to perdh tranfitory lne a cer t e . for ever. . . ii The true paC\nre of . Verfe 3. /Ja lA~mmuf~'{~, /~ ~o u;o common among rhole Pagao ~1i1nrfatton, whic JCt G g 3 chat


'' ]

_____ ----~ -~o'!""e_~':l_'!!"-,,;h_eftrn Bpiflk -ch~:;:

thatt:ill themtelvc:s Chrifiians. The :world.i~' no'W gto"1n~ l~d:L~ pr0hne, and csn play on t~c.Lo'rdsday 'wichouc boo~ .f~!: k~ng It as 'JJ_acchm ~rgw, mhe~ then Gods holy day~ wi!h i-

Chap.~- --ie~t;all ij'St Pa '-r_~-~~ 447 hlfo it is to ke-~pGods counfell,. not.~o be proud o~-b~ill~f~~~ ----------
ce1ll:, or {pcmk of the tecret fweetnefle ot Gods love without calling : l ~ is co conceal the familiar icy ol God in fccrec. AnJ 'r\'tttrh unto prAier ] Againtt dulncffc of body, droufi. mllc of fpiric, imnicall (uggd~ons, dilhaC\:ive mot~ons ~ which elk wall muller and f warm m the heart lake the Flies ot
r.Ai.opt. . . . Vcrte 8. Charir1 foal/ cnur J This is meant of mutmll lo~e, wb~reby we forgive offences one ro anorher, and not th1c which 1l10uld jull:ifie us bdore God in a Popiih fenfe, as appears by the



world, ~n~rvdlmg ~hac is come to you alace. It u 1, faid the h;u Ar c..~o i:on ~,,,.. luc, but tu 11011, fa1d the conYert. iHtD tlJ, ~,,u 1.'t!t1.f1 Gr. JJH'7~1f,,! t1r '1oilin11 as che

pmg, d:mcmg, drmkmg, drabbing, &c. We may fay a p A/fled ot his Germani, th!lt. if.the Sabbath-day thould Sb ~nee co cI1t:ir . .obfenm11 of ic Demon/ ic c n:t. me d nccor ., lJ . . J 11... :J ' ' tts pot1111 quam fJmitucHJ a.1ccretur, rt mould be c:ilkd not Gudsda, t, the devils. }, uc E.we.fie of ~int J Or, Red 1111d rich [..teer as th 11 them. ' ey c1 Reve!ling1] Srinkes faith the Syriack: Drunkards ar" 11. kards. . . . . nm . B~n911ctti11g1] Gr. Compotntionr, orgood.fdlowme'c . ' b!'bb ingi, r. mgs; 1ome ren d~~ 1c, NP_rngs, tipliHgJ ,fitting long at it " ,hou 'h not co an alienation ot the mmde. ' b Verfe 4. The] thinl!._itJraHge J Gr. That they chink, it a new

fca, foaming out its own filch. : ~' ugmg Vcrfe?. Who /IHO give ace1u111 J Of.their ungodly deeds and h:ird (pecchcs, f ".d' J ~ Angels did their firll: ext'Cution in tht: world u~on luxurious SoJomaces : they will b:! very active doubcldft: agam~ fuch at the lafi: day. See 2 Pet. 2, 10. and mark cbac. word, Chufly. .
Yt:rfr6. F1Jr, fo>"thu&11Nfa] ScctheNoceon 1 Pet 19 3 T/1.11 they m(eht be jHdttd] Eicher by God chafhGn: th(;'m I Cod I. p. or by th~~dves, verf.31. The <.1ofpd m~lcs rh~

prmdmc words, ami by Prov.10.1~. . . Ycdc 9. without grudgings J Without fi1uckmg and huckmg. Sec -i Cor. 8 u. with tht Note there. Verfo 1 o. Even (o mi11ijer] Clouds when full, pour down. :1nd the fpoms rnn, and the eaves {hed, an~ the P.rdfes ovt:r flow, and the Aromacicall trees iwe~t out. their prcc~ous. and fo vmign oils, and every learned' Scnbe brmgs out has nch trea~ (Ul'c, 0-~ . Vcrfe II, If ,m, man f/eak.J ;. e. Preach, Every .found is not mufick fo neithc:r is every Pulpitdifcourfc preachmg, As the Ora;leJ of God J Thofelivdy and l.ifo-giving ?racks, the holy Scriptures. Thek he mull expound w~ch all gr~vaty and finccricy-,not fceking him{dt~no~ fetti.n~ _fo.rth has own Wit and ,c~rquence, io putting che Cword of che ipmt mto a vdvtt fcal>bcr d,
that it cannot prick and pierce the hearc.

ACl 7 l 8,

hems of Gods de<'.\ ~uh v.oluncary grief for fin it m3 kts ch condemn tht'mltlvcs m the fleCh. ' em Bu.t .live a.ccordinJ! to G1d] The Facherof fpiric~,wich whom F.ufoh.l 1. c.1.r. the .tpmcs '1f departe~ arc o:i:idc pcrfrd-, Heb, I 2, 2 . EuAn~ to?' :, .le febtHI and A11fhn ~aktt mention of cerc.ain Ar.1bian1, w~u laid c_hac ch~ foul dies With the body, and revives noc again cill the re-. iurrctbon of the body. This old hc:rcfic is now . 'd t h , among many oc hcrs, d1gg out o t e grave, and held by Ctrtai ""} amongft: m:. .. n . J\;C ams Vc1k 7. Be 7e fiber_ &c J To ''e r 0 bF> . r h J" ' u 11 Lr m pr111er( m.c om:) _1s co pray WiCh due re(pect to (~ods Mcijdt w1tho trallmg or vam b1bb1lng ' To let gur words be tew yE, t r uc
. , u

which (jodgi'll(th] Liberally rnd magmfically. . ~?11 1 ,;, V crfe 1 i. Tbi,."it not flrange J N t ta~qf.WH l~ofpim per Ct/l.anini, Stand not wondering, and as it n.rud' into. a_ maze. bin would chis lld11 make ll:rangc of that which the {p1rn doth embrace ( faich Mr S"11nder1 Martyr, in a lt:tter ~o his w1.te. ). 0 Men.
le.>: d how loth is chis loittriAg fluggard to pafie forth m l.Jods fol. 136c. p.;th. I cfancafiech, tor_!o~ch, m~ch frarot trn.y-bugs. And wer~ it nut for the tom: of faHh which pu\kth iC" forward by .che rtin d Gods moll: fweet promite, and of hope ~hich pncks on bt:hi1~dl'., grtat advemurt.s there Wt~c ot t:untmg by t.h<! way. But bldkd, and everbfiingly l.>ltilcd brnur heavenly b.tht:r, ftc. . Cor.ctrning th~ fiery triAU J 1oh11 Jlro11n of Ajb~n~, throui;h thl'. c:rnc:U bam:Uinb of At~hbiUu>p W "rtth"m~ !llld f ijlu'I B1l110p


ot Rochefter,

W3S (o piu:oully entreated


( fmh W Fix) that hli bare

__ 44_8 _____ .A C1m111ttAr~ #pl# t~Jrfl Efljl/1 C.h1-:-, h1r~ feet were let upon ~~ h9 , bu . -------- ----- _J_4. /e~ " n;;,1"' hi~ t~ich? which nmwirhChndin ri;:g toibi CO make him deny


j~1'. ;;~:\fo"

ab1dmg the pain, continued io ch!Lo ;ould not do, buc paciemly the like of Rofe A/ien,Aa.and Mon.~ 8s2~uarrelunremoveable. Sec .As though (ome flr11nge thin,] For n . . bemg fore-feen com'' no whit di~ e-c:iu affi1C.laons, which labo~r wcll loH, ifthc:y come n:/0:1~~,fi b1.1t far the eaficr: It is a com mg upon the fodden, tbc:y fi~de e pent .f they do : whereas r_hem milerabk, leave them deft erat weak mmdes ~ccure, make firmtd, that the preachin ot ~h ~ Balhop 4t1m1.r ever at:. co the which he no leffe che~rhdl e ~ofpel w~vld coll bun his life, was pe:rfwadt:d, that Winchefle~ p pared ~1mldf, thencemmly fame purpof('; and the event did c:as k~pt m chc Tower for thl! 0 f~nt Eer to L(mJ<m b 1 f . tro Y prove the Lame. .Bring

fi1ould ~urn ; buc cxctpt youelear , ou look [ think, that I to deceive your expectation a f t ~e hav~ fome fire I am li kc cold. vr am like hm: to Ltarvc for

he merrily taid, the lciucenanc of the Tower h

nft s~;~fi!'J~ad~ commg thorow s,,,itbfo~IJ, td o~ groaned for him. To

Vcr(e 13. But rtjoiu] A h the Nocc: chw:. st c ApofUes did, .d 1. f .4 f Sec

16-~1-c 1


With e.Y"cettiingjo7 J Gr D . v.11/to' 1, lihing up your .hca<k b a11c17g " gAUi-trd, L111ping L~. nigh. Vi11w11i1U laughintt a~ b~cau e your redemption dra wcch (Ind tortures were to Ch . . JS rormcntours, faid, chat dearb ra n&, fo6llirii1 ,,,r,, l d' . {..:/ ~' icrA. matter~ of f ;-orr and pallimf; and walking upon h b ed that ht: walked upon rofes. 0th ot- urm~g coats, he t>oaft. no more pain in the fire then th ~r Martyrs faad, that thty tdc ftan~im embraced PaphnMtiau, a~ (upon~ bed ut down. ConLhml~ deal at hn day by his {uffr . i. iikd his loft eye : Su will Vd H crmg crvancs 4 PP1 11 re 1e J Sec the N re 1 -t' !he word ligmfit:s, Ye ar1 out of harn1.1 ore on UJ.(at. 5.11,u. ""ng<r, niay, o111 t>f the r~11ch of


Hr-angdy wtre 'he holy M o e _1~ht and conrtmr. How .d myr$ dfpmcu 1 d d ~ame o.urnf themfolves and b h a ize an tkvarcd an Ib nee ? ' eyon t em id ns, as were ea fie c~ Verfe J 't .ds A ln1'it ,_o,i.. J G .. 'lJ l/JCt>ue,~ rr: pra 0 macicaJ1 'J' "' "'f Another m.cn1 perlon h r A /Jill.. JQ~p '" 41l>Atlers, with~tcall or comm!dat .meddleth With other men&
~ ~taon,


"P"' 71Ju J With "teat d I'

Vufc 16. S11fe .. Al A cll~i/Ua J Under the Emperour d;,,. ";""'the Philolopher, there kll ouc I nry bim:I ngrm Qf petfecution in Fr1111ce, which fwaltowt:d up fundry Martyrs, as ,/ILa- Bu.,bo1'. 11mu, Pothtnm, Attif.flu and B/AHJina: which good woman in the midfi: of all her futkrings, oft cried ouc, Chrifti""" (um, I am a Chriaian. Uy which word fhr gathered new ftrengtb, and b~ came more then a Conquerefie. So S ,,bi11A, another glorious Roman Martyr, crying out whc:n fhe was in prifon, and being asked Job. Mani, by the J ailour how fue would endure the fire next day that m:ide now fo much ado in her travel? Very wdl bid lhc, I doubt not: for now 1 fu{f~r as a finner , but then I fhall fuff~r as a (.hri A:ian. Ver(c 17. 1Hdgernent muff b1gi11] The mortality at Cori11th bq;an "' ,h; b~li~v~rs, 1 Ct>Y.. 11. ~o. infidds kaped kot .. free. Godsc:upisfirll:fem co 'ferrt(dltm. Them WilS bte~d in u,,~i, when chere w:is ncne in /frat!, Ruth 1. i. rhe fi, rmy lhowr lighteth firft on the high-h1ls: aio1d liavirg wailicd them, ktth:th with all che filth in the valleys. Vale 18. ScArce/7 be (aved J Hard and fcarce i not at all from om ward mikries ( whm:ot hcis furc to have his bJck- bur.. den) and not wichcmt fomcwhat adoc frnm hdl-tormcncs. The wile Virgins had no oil to fparc ' the tWl lvc Trib s forvcd God inftam~y and con(\:amly day and night, and all little tm u~h, All.26.7. ff /1ere fo.ill tb~ uHgotlI1. &c. J Surely DO where ; not b1;forc Saints and Angtls, tor holindk JS \hdr n!'de. Not b4;1fote Cod 11 for he is of mart pre eyes, &c. Not odor~ Chril\: : for .he lhlll come in naming fire rendtring vengeance. Not in htaven, tor ils an undefiled inhcncance1 ('J'C. Vt:rk 19. Commit the keeping] As a precious depofttr1111. So did our Saviour both in hislth: mnc, et. 2H and at his death, L11k_.23 46. .d.r unto" f.t.irhfoll] Who will rather m~makc aU, tl~ll we FflJ.u 4.s. lhdl mitca.rry


Y(rlC 16.


whaam 4/(Q An Elder]

CJ.ia~C'~- gentrAll 1/St P

11 T

n R~- _

~ 51

todt:~ruC\ion, 1ob 4.9. nod us codelhuthon, P~/.80.16. what


7crfe6, V,.eler the might7 b"11elo/God]IfGo.dcanbl~wus:




ill r.o.i(i,11 wm i11dit-"du ... r,;



pru 11 (':U.1v1r. mtv.1i~. fU!{j 0111.1i'I ah ~i~

ov1s &,ud.w,

J ir, ~



'Vil. i'ow 1j.


9,,.,,tltll'j p!J,\ci

fa1d he was. t e third bldphemoully Vcrk 2, F ud the flockJ Bein bo h I , Grtt'_k word tor a J1Hpl-:erd, liguifie~. ~~rncd and loving. The ccr lHS lhel:p. c ac earndlly dcfireth af01 1 i'_' by rn f/r11i11t, bm Willingly J le is wich G(1 "''ml for mo(l pur, faith A/fcl'4ntth . the_ P~fiours of t1u, th.nfoid, };'err; non 'cr"z' 16 , hon, a~w1chhunm P/"1111 , L., J v o z enrcr trm f'HnN b ' t e-11o:tnmcn~sti1Hrmr,H1/ippuocufti. m~non lf1ut Yerk 3 NtttlHr tU b, i111. Lords J Ab CLrgy and Lairy of En.P_/m:d, fee rhemfdv ~ut ~l~e year I 260. the Clwns: and wficn the Legat alkdged cha <:sl~g~1lnft the Popts exaPopt s, M.1gificr Leo11..irdUJ nude anlw. c a ... mrche.5 wvn: the drft1:fi,, non dffip.1t ione. er, T Nttlone non fr11iriot:t, ,Vufr4. Ye.P1AllrueiveAcrown] A . tu1ty, pLmy, digniry, che heighr ot h crown imi,r::n~ r': T p2. ptrennu er it wac-. '- r Th 0'1JM B IJt IIJ I11S . pofit: ununt! amli:. i<J1' ,':> " .J ...._. "' Yc:rfc~. Yeatt!lof7ou6ef11 ~ Cf] ' ddly, nor oi chan_pe and confulf~n ofok~:~gard of lovr: and mo. Be clo.11hed \\'ttb h11mili17 J Th . . . . . humilicy is the rib:md or thing th c_ lJtetk \.'ord impons, that pearls tht: rtfl: of lh-:- gracts : ch~stN~~1t~o~e~h~r all thofr prlcious rm:d. H1m1licy, as c!iuicy is th b ~ r;ak, cher are all fcacword he~ ufed lignifies noJnly l11 ~nfdbon ; yea che co ck kllot~, as ddu::m: and cu .a ig.llre, uc ~1mod1re, foy tom~ adorn chdr heads or bodiLs ; a;1~u~u~~1::~n ulc ro do ot riband~ c~ vcr_mc, and chegrJc~ofevcry 'r"'Ct' Co~ .~~rc_c~cknocot every udt.'tmly _is pridrnn the:: back~fhodour ~c.:mw1lc, h~w ugly and ~cnuy, ~c? Chr1.Gft,mucalkch humiii ead of le:mung, tacc of tound:mun ;md uam1 of all Vt:rCUC'S B rji~y ~c.?ctrooc,mo_cher,nurle, ot al~ good. " ' Cu(; l orc-lluufc, m:afory God rcfij}eth] Sec tht: Noc J A 1 . con .im 4 6 ""f.tVtth grace J i.e Honour d ' : oppoficion,and by Pro+3 .3). an rcfped-: ls appears by.the 4 Vcrfe6.

mount, a Compeer a11d '. GasR. l>op<: lro tht: fir!t, and

,,A fillorv Eld'!r, not a Cornmandc r, 01 a Lord para '-on Iore co the n d T . . Nicol.u h . tac nm

!. .

!, :;..,.


it b

is chc weight of that mighty hand of his. that {p:ins the heavens, and holds the earth in the hc;>llow of chem ~ That l.rem~1e.>.:alt7011 J Thc\ower theebbe, the higher is the tide. A ddugc.= o~ Lorrows 1n3y afhult us, but they ,fi1all exalt us. And chi: lowtr th~ fo1Jnd1tion o! vcrcue is laid, chc: higher (hall chl! rout of e\oty be over- laid. . ., In ,lr~e time] In chc oppom~nity of' rime, in a fie kafor. The very rur\<s, though remod.1dh! to thufo that ueu up, yec n:ct:iVI.! h~mHlialion .with much lw~emes. Verfe 7. Cafting4llyorirca'rt] Yourcarkingcare, yorcare ofdiriid~nce . I will now with you fing away care (faid 1oh Aa.a11i/Mo. 01 1 CitreleUe Mmyrina lmcr to M~.Philpot) tor now my tou\ is f - 7H turned to her '-'ld rdl: agaill, al1ld hath taken a iwt:ec nap in Cht ifis bp. Idtavc ca~ my cm ~pon the Lord w~i~jl,,;.,mb t~~- m~t . ~P.d . ~~11/~)':~/: will be C11relrf[t, accordmg rn my name}i;-~.~-:)j/.;~.{~}i~~-p~)y 's'zt'.-~ 9~ Verie 8.. T nqr 1td11tr(arJ the a~?Jil] Sa can envies our conditi).;;" i.'":' ~;/:-;.. '- "; ./."'r If.,.',.,.,. ,.L$-u~ oo, that we fhould enjoy th:ic Paradifr chat he \cfc, the comto1 ts . -~ -;>;;.:-:.,:;. ':)J"'~ he.once had. Htnc~ he dil1urbs us, and rcfikH.e, ou_t oi his inti-~f'e3~?Z6 ~ n~ci: ham:d of Go~ and goodnQlle : as the Scorl~aon fi11l pus t~rthi':',-;~:!.t-n his {hng, and as toe Leopard bc::arech fuch a natUraU hacred a~aml\ (u.(., .. -Ji.:l.,~~-. mrn, that ifhe {~e but a mms pit\:ure, hel'.Ls ~upon ir, ;md cares ir.~:,:/).'.1i,~~Af&t Armiba/, whether he conquered, or was co11quertd, m:m rdl.;;d.j~~~;&.:/~(V.;i:: ~atan is t1verovercfJme, and yet he w.llks up and dowtdccking cor-~.' 1 . . ~,: ,!;'~;M:::Z devour: he commits the fin againtl: the holy Ghofi.<:Vtl'Y d,1y, fK[Z' lhaH lk in hdl : .t:vay toul that drew rlmhcr l>y his tcm;.ff 1 ptation lhall \le upon hnn, and prdk h11n down as a m1W:one un..:t:~ . . : .-:-,~~.jf~Y dcr the un{upporcalJle.wr_a_ch of God. The word h<.:n: r:ndercd an~~'!{~~...u-!. *" 1d":Jerfcr7, properly hg[il~fies an ~dverf4.r1 dt /.nv. Agamlt whomf~~;.. '.'. -~{:..~.f:{ \\:~ weh1veanAdvocatc)e{us ChnO: cht: JU!t unt', I foh.2.2, whoj1.vtf:.;.:,,,:..:,,3._..__t 2ppears for us, Heb.9,24. to con-{uit all accufam>ns, and to pka~ f'C <t t1,r1~L: h-






:11~~ -t~f'i~~-c. ~ .~1,1~t}ft~].<it'/i1';;

ottr ca\\\t'.

- whom ht m.1y devour J Gr. whom he 11111j drink. up At

<C ,, Li


,tJ,.,..I SPl1"J



)_-;i .


Vcrk 9. Stulfafl ;n the f11ith J Gr, Stiff, folid,imkd. St~iol That the (a me 19Jfiillinns J A re not thou g\Jd to fare as P hor;fon, l'lu1aH1J, bid he to one thit w:is to die with him? lgntitim going to iUlfrr, niumphed in this, tlm his blouJ (hould be h1und among the migh ty Worthies, and chat when the Lord makcth inquili,ion for bloud,


. ~

ha ch therefore provided fer out infirmity. ' ycdc 13. The Clumlo 1h11t i4 At B.:aby/,,.] A~ R,,,,, fay the Paptfis, that t1hey may prove 'Pet1r to hav~be.:n B1fhop of Roi. But chou~h this be far tu, J~i:: her~ they granc us, lhac Ro1111 is thac myH1call B ab1lo mentioned m the Rn1tlAti1n ... It is proba. bk thilC S. P1t1r m~ant .n~other Bttb1/,,, then tho fJJ/itropo/il of Ch11U<1.A, w.bere lie, bemg che Apoftleot che circumciCion,preached to chofc d1fperfoi Jews, and othrr Gentiles tbac he laad con. vc:m:d. Vcrfe lf. with " lt!ffe of eh11rit7] So called, bccaufc thdr love to one another was by this fymf>Ol or ceremony both eviden. ced and cncreafetl.

bloud, he will rccouitc fr~m the bloud olt:i;btcous .Ale/~ not 00:ly ro rh~ bloud of Z .-rltArM fan ot B Ar" slfo ro the blou4 of ma an I 1.1111;;1U. . yij[k .But thdl.od 1[111 gr~ce J Thus .r.he ApD{\lc divjdcs h~s tlmc becw1xc prc:achmg and P.ra1er, accord mg co his own ad. YJCe, All. 6. 4. and the praB:1cc of tbofc ancient MiRifiers De11t,33 .10. ' ~er le 1 ~, To him e J.lory, &c.] Non Ioq'.'1au,,, J1 D ei ji111 /H~n1, f~1d the Heathen, we may DCilt mention God, but with pr11(e to h1i name, fay we. Verfe 1 a, I h14v1 Written '1rieft1] Gr. /11 jiw. The hol Scripmre hath fulndfo o.f mattet in tewne(fo of wotds, tbe wbol~ counkl ot God Omr up m a narrow compalfc. Tile Lord ktUlWs th:ac much reading is a wearine[e of the Ael11, Ecclef. 1 i.t 2 and

A COl#l#e#tAl'J t1po11 lbt ftr/J Bpiflk - -------- --- -- .. _ - --- - -- --- --







Vpan the fecond Epiftle generall of S.PTER.



Verfe 1.

.A fer"pan~ ]

He Pope, who will needs fiil\! himfelf, A farvant !ferfJa,,rs, is herein chc tuccelfour not ot Peter, buc of curkd ChA,,,. He namps in his coyn, ThAt
N atioH Alld co#ntrt11h1 fiill not frrvr 'ill'r, ,11,,IJ be roouJ oHI, and fo bewnics hii putid hypo


crifie. . - Likt pr1cioU4 f Aith J Precious as gold tried.111 the fire, tJ.At nu~th rich, Revel+ S, And like precious ( though of ditle~enl degtecs) In regard of 1. The Auchour, God. i. Tiie obJett, Cbrilt. 3, Tho means of working it, the Spirit and Word. 4.Thc end of it, Calvulon. s. The effenciall property of it, of handfa Ging UA to Chrill:. A childc: may hold a ring in hi& haod, ~ well, rhough not n fal\ as a man, . Verle 1. Throu1h the k!twfoltt]. Thcrcisnoca ncwnorion,.


- - ~;~-f~r~her cnlargemcnc of laving knowlc:dge, but ic bring~ fom; grace ind peace with ic. All the ~race thac a man hatb, it paffcch thorow the underlhnding : and che difference of ftature in Chri. tli:rnicy grows from difKrcnc degrees of knowledge. Grace and

____ A Commentary t1po!!_!~~-~~~~-~~fll~--~ 1 ~



cruchcameby /1fm Chrift, Joh.1.17. Vcrk 3. To gtor1 andvcnt] To glory as rheend, to vertue as the means. The very H~athens made their pafiagc co chc temple o! honour thorow the: temple ol venue. Do wonhily, and be fa. mo us, R Nth 4- 11. Vcrfc 4. ExcudiNg gr111t and prrci1NJ] E Ve(y precicus !lone 1 C rd 3 n.Suhti'. hath an egregious venudn it i io hath.ev(jry pro111ift. The pro1W. 1 7 frs, faich one, ant a prt'cious book, cvt'ry leaf drops mirrhc and mercy. The wea.k <.:hrifiian cannot open, read, apply it; Chrifi can, and will for him. That br thefa J' ,,,;!~t 6t pierti&km] As the Sunne when it a1ipli~s it's beams_ to a tidy difpofod mrncr, and flaics upon Is, be gms co begec lite and motion , and makts a living creature; fo do rht promi<es applied to the heart 1mke a new crc:acure. See,

J That is, of ch~fc divine qualities, cal led tllt:Whtre, The im11ge of God, '/he l~fo of God, &c. whereby we rtfcmbk God, not only as a pitlurc do ch a man in outward 11. nc11wc:ncs, buc as the childc doch his father in c0uncenance and condicmns. le was no abfurd lpl.'cch of him thac faid, That the high p:1rts thltt ate l~~n in htroi~1U pn~on5 do plaiHly fbew, Ch31 chm: is a ( ,od. Ncmlwr can I btte but mferc the faying of anothtr 1 W dl may gucc be c:dled the divine nature : for aia God brings light out of darknefle,comfort ouc of forrow,richcs ouc ot poveny, and gl0ry out of ihame; fo do_th grace tu~n rhc: dirt of difgrace m to gold, f;fc. As U}lofn '11s hand, 1t mrns a krpenc into
cecumg gruu and precious promifos, to mufi you recipH>tat~, by yiving all diligcnc1, or making all ha!k, lh3t ye be not taken wich your b~k undone .ACfi "!1t111111. , e.AdJe '" f'""' f~ilN J Faith is che founduion of tbt:following gr_ao~s: Ind~ed chcy are all in f.icn radie11li7. hvc:ry grac~ i~ bu' ta1Ce cxcrcitt:d.

Co>-.3 6. Ofth, Jivin1 nAt1'rt

a rod, . Vafr 5. A11J luJi.J_o tk1i J q. J. _As God hach given you all tbmgs pmaimng co life and godlmtfit', and ha ch grancc:d you tX



Link.,tbtmhAnd i11h1111tl, "'YirginJ


d.a11ce. Or

o;--,;~;i"J,-7;,_r {elves rfthiJ rich forttit#rt: one grace ilreng;. th;etla an0ther, IS fiones do in ID arch, Vcrfr 6 v!Hd to k._nowfoJ1.e, temperAnce] That ye be Wife t1 (ihri~t7, nm: curiouOy frarching inro chofe things, wh~reof )'e can neicher han proof nor profit. Some are as wife as G1t/il"H4, who u{ed pcdpechve ghlt~s to delcry mountains in c~c Moon. . Vaft7. And to hrotlur/7 kjndt,,rffe, &c:. J Love we mull: Mar.10.11. all mw, but efptcially the familJ c>ff1ith, as our Savwur loved the: J.,h.11,J. young mm, but not fo, as he did L11~arm. V~rtc 8. If th~fe thinv be in yo11 J What God dotb ~or us,h_e doch hy grace in us. And ic is the growing Chri(ban chat 1s che afflm.d Chrifl:ian. Whilell we au )'et addmg to every hcap,Wl l11aH be hoch 11Ef11oji ci?- fruCIHo/i; al~d {o ~et more abundant entrance, :ind furcher in co che kingdom of Chrtlt. Vqrfo 9 DNt h1 tHAt /4c~tb tlu(1 Th?fe thu !ldde nt>t. to rh~~fiock of grace, fl1aU have no comtort mhtr trvm the tune J?T!' for they Chall for.~rt thq \Vert pur.P:td from iheir Jinnes, or from thoug~ts of the time to come, ~ur th~~ l11all . noc. be able to fu thingi fa rre off, to km their mccrdt 111 the kmgdom ot heaven. tJ.tJ(,lml~c'n'. C"nnot fu f11rre "ff] B ting pHr blind~, bli11.~i11g;_ L~(csoft, 'Hi fi'lu,1nd11 oc~lor11m ttciem i'1te11Junt; ut cerwu "'''tfH~a e:rn.1111, minu1 vident q11llm Ante, faith_ Vives . . H \'\'t:Jk.hghte.J men look wHl1ly upon a thing, they fe~ 1tno what thl.! l>Ltttr, l>uc much the wode. . AndlMtb for~mt11] Asif he ha~ b:cendlpt in the lake of Lobe-, 3nd not in chc Iaver ot oaptiime. Davers oft.he Sp:m1lh c.~nver.ts 1n V1m1rica forget not only thfir vow;but th'tlr very nam~s th.It they rt.ccived, when chey wen: baptized. . . , Vtt(e 10. Give dWgeHce J Say not here as Anupiettr Kmg ~f MACeau 1 did, when one preknced hun a bo~k treat1~g of happ1ndfe, w~"~"'' l .u11 nor at lcifore, But do this 1n11h1r1.~ ""' Jf10'1' wnh !lll ucpedition. , Tour CA/Jig 11nd t/r H1n] We .mui\ n' go'( fo~h one) to the univcrCicy of t:kcbon 1 before we have. btcn at the: r. C: <:n Colt(. khoolof Vocation~ firll, we :.r<: tobest_n?clew at our tandtb cation~ l?<;forc we can climbe co the top ot GoJs counfeU~ to know '.our eldtion. . '.. ,_ . S11~1 J Somec~piH bavdt, Sure byg111l Wor-k! 1 ~n~ mdeed thekkttlcthcfoul, 1 C.r,15.iS. au{hke, tbcmorc ltlS i\r.uck

--------------------------------- - . ------- . Chap.1. general/ ef S' P 1 T ____ 4~J----~




Chap 1.
into the ground, the faller it Hicks. Te foAll "efltrf AM ] Stumblt! ye may :but he that flumbl d hls not 1 gets ~round. CS 11n Ver~e 11, Minif1ewJ u"to 1'"' a~undttntly J Ye flull 0 l lantly mco heavc:n, n~t gee chit her as ~~ny dot:1 with har~ ~i~c and m.uch :1do. A fhap may make: a (h1f t to gee into chc: harbour' 1 but with anchors lol~ c:tbles renc, fails tome mall. brok . h 1d 1 ~ en; an. o[h tr comts m w1c lat 1 s an t11g! up. With trump~ts foundin i~d c~mc:~ bra~dy i~co che haven: fo do truithrtl and a~ive Ch~~ fi1ans mco Chrifis Kang dome. tl , Yf.rf.e 1 i. I \Viii Not be ntgligt11t j MiniClers mull: cm:full waclh and cacch at all opttorcunicin ot bendiccing rh 1Y Dr TAilor'r che Mart)'r prt<iched ac HaaleJ his char e one a~eoaa e. as ofc as he could get tht: 11eeple together : and oncega fortmy be~; l~afi went to the almhouk, and there: exercifed his charity b gh ~ rnuall and corporall. oc pi. Vcrle 13. 'To ~ir r" "'f] Gr, Tq r~11r~ JOH and rafi 1.t '1Jlt1r110 mp~ru. t1p11,,u & dli.vidHil. Gm:e in the be~l\;Yl~k~ 11 duH fra-coal-tire; which, it not fiirred up though it w fudl, will YeL eafily go out of it fdf. ant no . V.crC_t 14. I m,,ft pt ~ffJ Sec.the Note on 2 Cor. p. Whac as this lat(, buc a I pot of tnnc betwixt two eternities ? Oa fuaH b, taken down. r ttms Vcrlc IS .Af11r my dtt111fe J Gr. Mi111 owt g1i 11g c p .r /iii' to htJC'1tH. The Apofilt: in this exprdlion ba;h ~di"~ doub.kflt: to that, LH~ :). JI~ As n 11";,J 6 I" f pt Pfol.~. 1 . ~ r<:emsto


gtntrall ~{St P s

't B

A~1 4 .,J i\llJlf.t

j1Jl 1t8'.J

i4 "'1 6elnml S~;;;] -See the Notes on MAtthew 3.17. and 17.s." Verfe 18. wh111'We"'1r1 "IPith hi] WitndTes of his glory, and che fame were fhort1y after witnetles of his agony. BnYy not the gifcs or honours of 0thers : fith they have them upon no othct cearms, then to undergo the farer trials. Jn tlie JJ6/1 Mo11nt J Holy for the while, as are our Churches,, durins the publlke a!femblie~. Ve:fe is>. A more (it.rt ~orel] The authority ()f the Scriptures is greater then ef an angels voice, ef equaU command to uids audible and immediate voice, and of greater pc:rfpicuicy and certainty to us i for befidca infpimion, it is beth wricten anal fealed. .A1 unto a light J As the Governour of a fl1ip hath his hand on the ltern, his eye on che pole.. (\aa: a fo fhould we on CbriG: the day.
{hr, Rev,:z..28. and :u.12. . Ver{e 20.0f1 pri11Att i11ter/rttio,.] That is>of hu,,,ant ;,,. mprHttff""''r;vate it nothereoppofed topNhlikf,but mdivint~ the holy Ghof1. Theold Prophet may brjng a man huo chc

1-/. Thil

Lioi1S mouth,by celling him of a Angel that fpake to hilll. V<:rfo 21 .As thr.7 V#ere m~ved] forcibly moved, atled, carried out of themfdves to fay and doe what God would have them.
-- - - - - - ----- --- --------

Throd~fi114 concerning /Jmbrof'e) j couiu not buc lo'v~c:'c,.hH,,, 1

Afbi no11 mintJ ri 'ur.e t(l,&c,



thrfe thingi al1'AitJ &c ]

D ;1~~

c~~ ~~ y hor t ~s, t fa~ w en he died, he was more follicitcu5 of 'c h ucr~ cs t) en oh his ow~ dangers. A11d I A;,, 110 ldfe care


a3H ICero W :IC the Commgnwealth Will d0 Wh dead, chm whi1ts I am yet a\ive. . en I am Vertc 1 _6. C11nni11r.ty aevi{tJ f11M1 I J. Arcificidl com ofrd and compiled, not Without :i iliew ot wildome and Y h P d f11 ' confdle that the l true C1.:1Vt 1 y peopl~. Th e Je1u1ces d 'fto e cks of their Saines is for mo0ft part falfo but 1 c w 1:gend of: mira fi d as ma e ay they ~\Teo) 1~tehncbe10Rd, chat ch~ common-people ( the tcm:lc:s cfpe: CJ~ y mrg t rawn wacb greater zeal co fervc G d d b' Sames. o an 1s

d' l fi



{ f;, aid

Verk 1. whg 1rivil1 fo1t/J bri11g ;,, J

tt~th, and pretcx-t of piety. Some trutlas they Chall teach, the O better to pcrfwade to-their falG\oods. Together wick the golil,

R FraHi.ulently jWl ;,, flflfe a1llri11e1 under the tide of

Yc:rfc 17,

filver and ivory of orthodox tenets, they have fl:orc;: of apes an" peac~cks, as Solomons (hips had. SN"t m11/ iftA l1114u, (Hnt bo"" mfflA 11u/#, De,, ing tfle L~ra th~ lmug/,t the~] Or, Frml the'!', ~iz. 1 from their tor mer adolames and cncmnmes, Vt '1Jtr'1um!J~f1'1 fYeq#eHtiU4 jignifi,11t, faic~ one. <i>r,, that boug~t them, as they conceited and others ch:mtably amagmed : '1ut at provecl otherwik,n appeared by ckeir apolbfie. Hh Verfu


--~_!_ _____________ -~ ~o1!9me~~'~'-~!o" 1/JefttontiEpiflle


Vc:rfo. 2. The \\a_1 of tr Nth P,all /u~ &c, J fhe ancient Chrfflj. A''-'. tlr riv. ans. wen: generally hared and hooted ac by t.h~ Heathens fr h h 'Dil. rctil<es-fake, who were alfo a kinde 6f Chrillians as .A11fl>r. t e eplaineth. And .Ep;phaniU1 addeth that many p'..g,. '"rccdomh Ch 'il:" . .. "111 re 1u e to h:a~ t ~~s to 10yn ~1ch chem in any good rxercife . -a"'ccphro u '1'c~ 1t orNm r:' ~.,,.umff.,df!u ~011fler,,,,,;, ~ being offended . ~ unc can conver mono 1ters heretikcs the p ;r, .11 n clpec1ally, whofc dod:rine was, ' r'Jc. '"'" 1 . ?11rlf,'ptrjHrt11,facrtt#m proder1111U. Vekrle 3 With ft.ig1fed ~orJs J Covetou(m is never Without a cl01 , and fhcterml! words ( 1 2 J ) for a 1 h fi P b .JJ co our as w at woo l is o courk, ut will take fome or ochc:r colour ? S~du~ cers p~etend the g~ory ef ~ad, and good of fouls to their woddl and wicked praa1cis, Plnl.3.1 l,19. y Verle 4 lf God fP.iruJ 11ot rlu .AnnlrJ Thouah but fi r. only,andthnin thoughtonly. It fp-=raagfrorn h.::.... ,.1n~r~ne,rnf f r "" .. <J, muon o t hetr own g1 cs,1t was connrmcd by pride and ambicio frd-c:d by 0: db b d n,1t was ptr. tnvy, i~re . y t e ecree of exalting mans nature above Angds m :ind by .Chnfi: Somefay it was a tra nfgrdlion of fome Co1t111 andment m particular (not c:xpreffcd) :is Ad V { B h fl . ams was, . tr e 5 m.Jg111pn t t 1Nd] And fo burying rhe 11 unm:rfaU grave of waters. ma 10 one Vcrfc 6 . .A ,,J 11mzig the Citit1] Burying them 11 'fi , the dead fe:i, after that be had rained down hdl trom h '<ew1 e m caven upon th un. s~c my Notc:s upon Gt#efis 19, 1 , 11 . 4 iU . kJn.~ them an en(l,mp/1] Hanging them up in 'bb . war, t_ha t others m i~ht htre and fear. gi ecs, as it u:nr:mJ_..J.\]t Vl'dt! 7. Vt ........ J J Cr. LRJ.vffri"I. 11nrir.r ii, II.I MnJey 1411 ~u_rd!n, and a~ much corrured, as it bw had otrn frc up ,.,,, bck J H 1s vtrfi 8. on a fJC ,1s V <?rfc 8. in faring a1uJ huarinp; J Every finfull Sudo . a H"~atJ c~ lu.s eyls, a Had.Jri'm,.,on to his heart. mue was Vr.wd hu r1gh1mu (o11/ J Guikor grief is all th h foul gt cs by converfing with the wicked. ac t c good Vt:rfl 9. The LorJ lnoweth ho~] He JmJi waies of . and commonly gucch a way by himttlt~ fuch as we thinkhis own, hdpmg chc:m chat arc forlakcn of their kopes P (.f. noc of; 1 any man) en,. . h(Wt 11 f.:1y1 T' m 1g l!le Lar"' l,,ow~1/, ~ow lo d1Jj'IJ1 h11 . . f; bcrn ltrangdy dchvrn:d, llll. u. r "' he had Vulno. DHuhitflJ] St;cthcNerconH /, . ? e .13,4,


Chap.2.---ge;e~ait-;/st-p. ~-~~-;:-


efl n

--------- -----------~--------'-- ---That WAik.. Afrer 1h1 ftefb J That is, The ht4r/ot ; as filthy dogs follow after a (alt-bitch.: Co t~e hi~lot i~ c1Ucd, D eut . 1+ 1 S. The Heluetins had an old cu(fome m thm towns and valb- Al'f.a1d Mo,,_ ges 1 chat when chey recti~c:d any new Piidl: int~ thdr C~urchts, fol 7 ~ t. ihey uftt.d to premonHh hun before, to take his Concubmc, ldt he l110uld am~mpr any mitilfc of chdr wivc3 ind d~ut;hter~. To rftcA~ e11il of dij.nities] H()rc we have a hvdy ~1Cl:urc of the l'opHh Clergy. t.Are1i111, by a longer cullomt: ot l1bdlo~s



and conmmdious !peaking again(\: Pci~1ces, had got !uc_h an hal)I[, thlt ac laft he came to diminilh and di!ell:cedl God him!df. How boldly and l>afdy doth Baronius ~cllo~ ag~infl: the King_~f Sp.tin his Soveraign ~ And he: dt:fi.:ods h1mfdf agam(\ a.nut her Lardmall reprc:hc:nding his ficrceneilc thus, An imperio1'! ( i'!'pm1.(Jus he

iliould have: iaid) zell hath no power toiparc God hunlclt. Vi.rfo 11. whfrluire fretmrin p~w~r 11h. then th.: iuigb-

tidl Monarch, tnd ar~ cheretorc called p1incipali tits and powers, 1 Ptt. ~. i~ . :;.M1glny om.11, J(a. 10. 34. S1:c 2Th~f[.1.7. Exod.12.23,i7. a_S;{m.14.15'. il~ing.19.H. This is aU for our comfort 1 th(;y bcmg our guarJ1ans.S~e my Comwonplac~ of Angtls. . Verk 12. As n~tHrAli brnit beA.fts] Some 111en put. oft all mmhood, fall beneath Lhc: llirrop of: rc.:alon, and arc: b~:1llial1z~d,
yt::i lat:miz~d.


SpeAlevil of the thi11gi] Dare to reprehend what they doe not comprehend, difpraitc ieund dochinc. Vcde 13. To rfrtin the darrime J See the Note on 1 'I'h~ff. "M'L: ~r~"7~ 17 Th\:Wotdh~rerendered,.iot, cume~oh root that i~lllhcS ff.1;.,a to break_: for cht:re is nothing thac doth 1o b1cak 1mJ timku~ate the mind l's of men as rioting and revdliog. Luxury draws out mans ipirjcs, anJ diflolvt:s him_. . . Spots 1bry arc J Blots d goodndfo, bou:hcs ofChnft1:.m (o. ~r.~"-''

___.....___ _____________



cicty. Verfr. 14. H11vin1. lJe' foll of .idu/tery] 'Gr. Of the a1~1- Pl11taub tr( ffe, as if fi1e wm: ken fitting in the t:yc~ of t.hc. adultcr~r. I he Kif" pudlam wanton Greek was laid to h1vc bis e.yes, 11 1.oeq.f 14:u1. m.efcts, Non 0' p.1cill>l11l 11irgines, fa mermi<.:es, not maids l>uc mit~i~ns: Archcji~all4 o "'' /i(,11iflcar the Philolopber told ll young wancm~ ,N1lnt ln&,rrft IJHlblff t-'itijs nobk in m(mbri1 ci,,.cai fitil pofltrioriblU "" pr1or1bU1. The leper was to a1imu111 per o 01avc his eycbrows, to teach '1S to take away the luft Qt the eyes, culor cft 1Jia. Levit, 1~.? Q.mnul, H~ i .Ana

.A CBmmtntAry

"P'" the (tcond Bpiftle

.And th11t e11nnot ceA[e to fl11n1] Though they have madt ma.

ny Covenants with God, promifes co men. So Pro.19.19.They

follow, as the Artificu doch his trade. Ytde 1 S. The \\1,,g~s of unri:hteo11(;us] The M.11nmon uf Lill righrc:oufnts, w:igts ut w1ckednes. LHcrtt injnjla p1ucs juflu ~q1111/i11d1mJ1i.J: D um peri1ur11 pAraJ, ptr mall p_11rtn peru. Vcde 16. The dumb Affe /Pt1t~ing The Angel (fome think) lpake in che Atk, .as the done in chc fer pent, ~ho now D. Half'r cor.. can complain ot has own 11u~1lacy and rudc~tlk to repl.Y ma .good

break all, as cafily :is S(im(011 did the new ropesf B:\."frcifea \\itli covttoUI praflicn J Which chcyconfbmly

ten, pl.




caufo, when the dumb Aifc is enabled by God to convince lus ma. Her? There is no mouth into which God cannot put words: and how otc Jorh he chufc the weak and unwife to confou!11.t thL! lt:.irned and mighty? Vtrfc I?. Thtfe /Jt-t Wt OJ, &c. J Not fitted, nor fill~d with whoHomtdcflrim:, butasrllebrooksofTaw", Job 6. 17. in a mo.fiur c they f well, in a drought: tht!y fail. The rivcr N ovanl# in Lombardy at tvery Mid-Cummer foUlicefwdleth and runm:ch over the banks z but in mid-winter is clean dry. So chef\.:. vrnt,o') 11/J Vu{e 18. Grt11t f we/li.,,g \'fords J Cr, 73 Hbbles ~1 words, fol/ of \''inde, big.fwol~ fancies, fa[qu_ipeJ11/i.1 v_erlPA. Swtnckjfld~ m the heretikc bewitched many with chofe b1g words (ever rn his mouth) ot I lluminuion, Revelation, Vcifintion, chr inward and fpirinull man, &e. Faith, be (aid, was nothing tlft bur God himfdf m.dwclling in us. And have we not tho!c now that tell their d1tCiples thty lliall be Chlified, Godicd, &c ! Through w11ch \\'anto,,ncfe] hs H11fer114 and Monttnrim Joh.M111l he, the An1baptifis, who eorrupted many matrens, whom chey had cem J ' i,& <J~'I> drawn to their fide. Ver(c 19. l'r1mifa them liberty] As MJbomctifme, and Po pcry ,whi~h is an alluring, tempting,bcwttching religion. Sr waiter R .r/eigh knew what he laid, that W@re he to chufe a religion for licentious liberty and laCcivioufneie, he would chute the PQe pith r.digion. No finne pall, but the Pope can pudoo: no finne to come, but he can dilpenfe tor it. No macccr how long men have lived in any tin ( thogb it be the fin againf\: the: holy Ghutt) c.xcrc:un undion at lalt will Calve all. Vt:rll: 20. Ag11i11 entr1nglea] J\u bird in a gin, au beafl in 1 fnarc.

. . 'n another and ne- Au~ J1Joll. ( 0 mu{\ Mini~crs with on:t~:r~h~ ta~:-point, f.1i;h S. AN,("' cbri/1;.-. ~ vcr ccafo beat mg an~ rcp~y t~c gcfl urc and countenance fliHt, till thoy pchc~1vt~cy. anderltand it, and arc aftttlcd

C 11 A p, I II. Verfc I. Thil fi1111Jt1iftle]

of the hcar~rs 1 t a wi'h .it. ] G /roplt 1,,.

lj11rr111p . r. 'J~ ' . . rhe wife v1rg1r.s, ~]AlbJfPrt M thtSNn, (hr 1(oj1omdatthof none.u.l" Tour pHrt '!"""" r. ; fi trelo 1miom, '1Jorc pure "~'" fcme in hi~ umhc tho.1t t~clndth:c /hey were more like angels then the v1fible c:avcns then mortals. . ~ordt] Sec the Nate on I ~or.1S.2~ Vcafe ": Mn1dfoll 0:If he Scriptures for weapons agarnft fcau.. Run to 1his armury t ms and epicurt.::: ' Th fc wore\ kindc of fin,nm, 'P/AI, i. t. Vcrfc3. ScoJJcrlJ o 'ftJ .. is thofcPtI11, as the Sc thofc abjctlsohhc P'opl~ 'P i~{; Athcil\:s that jear when ""f"'" ptuagint render them, rfi .1. t wac th~ cYil day' that make they fr,ould fear, af~ ~ut-/rr:ul~ drcadfull menaces, then 1 no more matter: Q 0 1 ire J'l h 3 Le"i"th""

ho perhaps arc .nodding with



.A c1mment"'1*P' 1Nt (ecl#IJ Mp-Jjlle Chap. ~ --------- - - - - - - ----- 3 11641.29.

btJilitb-A,, doth of a fword ... 'he (aogetb at the Ihaking of a f~~~r:

Chap. 3.

. gentralt ef,S,<. ;P. -,: .J .-.._

4~ a

J The flccping of Tcngcance caufcth the over.. ftow of fin {the firmer thinks himfdf hail.fellow' WtthGod, Pfal so.21.) and the overflow of finnc caufcthtbc awakening of vengeance. Vcrfc S Wili11g1J ig"'""' of] A carnall heart is not willing to know what it 1lieuld do, lclt it fhould do what it would not,
V crfc 4, Wh1r1 ii t/Jl'proifi, &e. AEl.18.27.

Th111 '17 ,,,, \'fwd! God] And chat by thr faIM word ~g4in t~cy may as foon be diffolved, ye~ reduced to their 6r1t origiuall

-- Shait /Je-hurntNp] Thb th.O Ji~athenskoe.w in part,as ap,. pcm by the wr.itang$ ~f LH'""''f'4l;(cw1 ,u,.,~tN,.A~.u,,"81,,.a~~ Q1.1id,tAiet11PH.lrb.1, .. : . :: . '. ~. ' y crfo 1 r, Wh11t mawnw ofi111e11] JittJ1n 11 11dD1N'llt1011,. ~/11 m'N'lrf 0 q1w1ti, as the word fignifics, M_tar 13.1. How accura~, and how clevato above the ordinary:ftmn 1 . .. _ I Vcrfc,1.2. Lo~mgfar] 1:-s.:.&ifw-'4s mothci: look~d o~t~ windo\M, and e..J>if~ing ibc:rctlltn.ot._ hc~i forme,.-iad, Hfb] "'' hiJ c/Jifrriou (o long 11 co111ing f So l11ould ~c lookup an~ lo~g ifor Chrilh> '1\>&Jaiog;in the cloudu,th\.\fc.chartllots ~at.c.mied hunup,


Nothing.. A learn.ed man propoundeth this qucl\ion, How 4id D, Pn:flo.,. of the Lord 1mploy himfelt before thelWorld ? And his anfwer ia Godsarnib. this, Athoufandyearstohimarebutasoncday, andone day as P H a thoufand years. Again, Who knowcrh (faith he:) what the Lord hath done ? Indeed he made but one world to our knowledge: but who knowcth what he did before, and what he will do-afo:r ~ Thu3 he, .AHd t/,e tlft'lhfl~r1d;n.f, &c.] God bath founded the earth up. on the fcas, and dtabliihcd it upon.the flouds,\ 'Pfa/.24. 2. This, . . .AriPotle rc~kons a~og the wonders ~n n.aturc:,and well he may. tib. Je 1111ra&11. 6od hathkt the fohd earth upon the lrqutd waters for our con 1enicncy, Pfa/,104.6 7. V C!tfc 6, 7Jei11g ot11rfl1imJ Ylitk WIUn'] Therefore: ahat is not altogcth,1 true, that all things conunue as they wcra at firfl, u the fcoff~n ~ffirmcd, 'ltT,.q.. Vcrfc 7. R~ferv1a HHto foe] The old world was deRroied with water, Propter 1trdorem/i6uu1tu fur the heat of their ]ufr faith LdolfhNI: the Wc>rld that is now Chall be: dcfiroied with fir<', Propttr ttpore"' chAritatid, for their want oflove.
Vcrfi: 8. On1 d"J uWith 1/,, Lo7'd, &c. J N11llHm ttm/"'I ot INrrzt.regi, Ho~ niuch leffe to the Ancient ot dah:s ? Jn God .there is nu motion or Oux ; tbrefore a thoufand years to him arc but as 011e day. ~crf- ? No1 Wiflingrh11t AN) JlmJJ perifo J See the NotG un
1 T,1~.2.4.

and lhall qring llitn bi~k i\1~\o. _

. Vcrk .'Qt. Tho .he11vt111 /hA8 p4ffe, &c.] The very vifible hra lCnsar~ '1~fifc:d With 1neAS fin~, K111tla 8,S, and mull therefore ~~;urged by lir(".;as the Tccl that hi.;ld the kn-offi:ung,waa in the t1&J1t; of lb\: 1.t w~

The heAv.111,1 *rin~ o1J.ft~1., '*C.:il:,.A..fa.q~rtater fir:c thcn,that Blnn11 Yoi:1ee. Confta111inop.le, whc:r~!Juop~ 1 arc:hitl(tQl1a.~a. b.ccn_ on nr~ at onec, an.Dom.1613, " ,. . ' vf,,c{ th1. elements~'" melt,] And fall like fcaldmg lc:ad, or burning bell-metall o~ the he.ids of the wic~eJ, w.ho 111.~ll give a terrible account wuh the: world all on fira about th-.1r cars. Whether this lhaU fall out in the year 6 ;7 { as Come conje. t\urc becaufc in the year of the world, 16f7. th: old world .Atfle4.Cbrc,ua dro~ncd, and bccaufc: th.c numcrall lettcr1 in M V ~VI Co11f lagrAtlo, makeup the fame nllmber) I have nothmg !o affirm Sure it is the Saints '1-lall take no hurt at all by th1s !ail: fire, but a great deal of benefit. M11hadi11J writcth that _'P1ragn114 (a certain plant fo called) grows gtcen, and flo~n.'hcs m the midO: of the flames of burning Ol1mp114_, as mu~h as 1f 1t br cbc banks of a plcafant river. And of ~h1s ~e,. t~at. ~unfelf was an eyc:-witne{f:. 'l'r~c/11r""' jilt1e novijfimi du1 ~nd1C11Mu & doc#mentum, . d r. h Id Verfo 13 .Amrding t6 llu pr6mifa] Which ts goo 1u~e- o. for he paic:s not his prQmifcs with fair words, as Stxtomu did, but with reall performances. . . y crfc M Thtlt 1'- mAJ 61 fi1,,,d ofhim] Watchmg, workmg, well-doing. Seethe Note on MAt.24 4',44 , Verfe 1 s. Th11t thi /0111.-fofferint. &c.] Rom. 2. 4. w,htch frmcncc Pmr picks out of :P1111/J cp1LUes, as one of the cbo1fcG, and urgcth it here. , . even M our ie/O'Vedbr11htr,&c,] /zem11meft projitm p~r 'f#OS profimu ,faith p 1;,,,.s. Ptter makes h?nourablc mentton ct S. P,aHI: fo E~ekJel of his contemporary Vcrfc 16. Wreft Mthe1Jge,&c.] When wcftnvc togtTc: un


H h4


to the Scripture, ind not to receiwr from it the fenfe t when w ~ fatliouOy conrend to faften ourco1'its on GJd, like the harlotG take our dead and putrificd fa~cics, and lay them in tl.c bofom~ of the 5cripturett, as of a mother, when we compcll them to go two miles, .whicbot th~mfchcs would go but one, when we put words mt'> the mouths of thefc oracles by mif-infcrences or mifapplications, then arc we guilty o'f this fio of wrcfiing the Scriptutcs.Ttrt#lliMt fpcakcth offomc that,,,,,,.,,,,, 1h1 ScriptHrtl Cd1111 S"i l'lrMH ft1d to ferve their own purpofcs. . Vctfc 17. FAii] As leaves fall from the trees in Autumn. Vc~fc l~ Btgrow] In firmno[e, in fincmi: at lcat, as an apple doth m mcllowncfe: as Oa~ grew .IJ?Orc fl owly then wil lows and bulrufucs, yet more folidly t' and m the end to a greater




bulk and bigncs.

Vpon the firfi: Epifl:le generall of



c H-A I.
Verfc t. Th4e Sbieb WM from ihe b8ginoing J


Hril\, the ctcrn11l God. Sec the Note_ on 1ohrt


which '#1 hav1 foe11) And what fo fure as fight? See L11~1.2. This was denied to many KiAgs and Prophet, LN~10.24. To hav~ tecQ Chrift in the A~lh -was one of the three things that .Aufli" wifhc~ : which ye~ ~amt PANlfc~nofuch high price upon, in compmfon of a fpmtuall
fig..t of him, 2i Cor.s .16. Seethe Note there.

Jcfus, the Arch-prophet~

;;hj~b .,,, "A'fl' "'"""' &c. J

'Ihc man Chril\

rivrt-. ,,,.

whkh Wt hlfill /01k!J up~n J Diligently, and with dchght: tlt~t9 4 5 How {w~t thtll be the ftght.ofihim in heaven~ With whai ur:conccivablcattcntion and admiratio.n thall we contemplate hat


body out-lbining the brightca Chc:cub?

Vcrfo 2 -


. 466 ___________ ___A CO~lll"J ~Oii lh~fr/!_ Bplfk--~

,,,,~fw~ll~wcd u~ d.Jath m nfto~t' .: and brought lifo and immor

Chap. 2.

tt11e;11J'ef s J 0



. Vcrfe2. ForthelifiW'""'.""i(lflea] Chrillwhu istifl~


tahtyto hghtbythcGofpel, iT11PJ;.1,10. . " Vede J. Dtcl'!"e ~e ""t~ 7ou] That ( T"6111'1/111.Jike) pc may be at a certatnty, fully pc~fwadcd, Lltlk.,. 1. a. having a pk. ruphu1y or full iitfunmcc of u,nd~rllandinv. to th~ g~know ledg~mcnt cf tho myfiny of C~nff, Colofa.2. Scc:theN<tc there. vf11J 1r11lr (}Nr fi/Jowfoip] .J f any thould objcd: Is that Cuch a preferment to hnc fcllowfbip with you ? What arc you fi. 1 1 He an{ wcrcth, As mea~ as w~ arc, Vic have fiUow/hip Witl1 F"' ~11d1h: S~11Ht: Unwn bcmg the ground of communion all that 1s thears 1s ours. , Vetfo 4. PA111l theft thinv'Write We J Out of the Scriptures thof~ wells of falvation, dra~ we: waters with joy, f(a. 12 . ' fuck thcf~ br1:~s of. con~ol~ti~n, and be fatisficd, 1(4. 66, fl~m. in Gtnr( N uf1HNN m11en r,1H 1e,,, ,,;p ,,, Mrv er fi11H.fln1 faith one CIJI' foPotf!.e brings in a m.m fadcn with inward tro~bks, , th.:: Church : where, when he heard this paffagc read WhJ ~ 1ho11 cafl do~n m1 (oul, &c? hope in Ciod, &c. he prdc~tly re~~ vcrc~d comfort. , Vcrfq. Th14t qod i.1 light] He is'N' Light ctfom' 11 an.d the}~ tha~ walk ~ich fo ma~y chryfiall gI;[:; with a 11gh 111 t.he nudlt; for can two walk _togtther, and the notbcagrc:cd? A,,q.g.. . .:'. Y Vc:rfe 6. lft (aJ 1h'4t, &c. J As they doc that profclf" f

foon fi~de many a foul fta' w fothebdl ofu'.l ( onr rignt~oufodfe being mixt, as light and darkndfa, dimncff~ at in a p~mtcd gJa{f~, died with fomc obfcurc and dim c~l?ur, at 1s tranfparent and giveth good, but not clear and pure 11gl~t ) lo~ here a r<.ady remedy, a f wcet fopport, T/,~ 6/oNd ofJtf111 Chrifl hiJ S ~n cle11n{11h Ill fill# AUJin.



Vcrfc 8, l/'lr1/t11 1h111 ~~ k,.r1~ J lf any <ho"ld b~ ~o fliucy .o~ rather filly, as to fay with D~natU4, Non habeo '1Jom111e.q1ml g ttofc.u, I have no ftnne for Chri{t to cle1nfc me from, he is a loud lier, and may very well have the whed\onc, Verfc 9 If We confoffe J Homo 111.noftit, 'De111 i1.nofoit~ And Aug. (011foffiopccAtieftvomitR1 fordi111n11,,imi1. ?udah (his name fignihes contcllion ) got the kingdomc from ReNlun. H,. ~ f11ithfo/J J And yet 'Be/111rmiw faith, That ho cannot 7.>e 1uftlfic.l.1. findc in all tha book ofGgd, any promifo made to c~nfeffion of cap aa,


from ll11nrigh1'1nfnilf, J AU watho~t e"'~pt\<>n i ~hy t'-en l'hould we put in conditions, and as it wcro cntcrlme Gods


Verfc: 10. W1 m~himAliAr] For the Scripture hath concluded all under frn, R1111, 11.3 2, Seethe Note tnerc.


Verfe .1. Th11t 11fin1 not'J . .

Note therr. . , . And WAl(,i11 d~rk._nej{e J Thcr~iu1c:hilde.~{ light ,that ,w~~ Jn darkndfe, lfa.50 . 1q. out th~t''s in anot~er f.:nf~. ']he wic;k~. alfo, that arc here fa1d to walk m d; hav~ th.cir ipark14s .of ltghr,. that they have ktndlQd, lfa, 50. ;11. but it:is.~but as a light fmattcn out of a flint, which :neither warms nor Slli~8 "~hem, but dazelleth their eyes, and goesout,fo,tha.t ~hey Jic do m farrow. wn . Vcrfo 7. we /Ja.vt filloJJJhip om, &c. J '(.hat is, iJnd ~c: mafrnuch, as ~a are made partakers. CJfthe divine natur~, ~nd are pure~s God .1a pure:, 1Joh.3.3 . in quality, thougb.~~ti{l an equality.. . . . . ;. 1 Amlehe 6/o~d of.'/ef~1] Tpae..1wh~r~$'.GPds:pilr ~tyc.~~n fcon

Jmow God, hut m

wor~~ Jo d~ny hi.01, 'l'h, 1, 16'. s~o t~



.PR.du ming upwn 1n GiUG and fpcody pardon. The! w~rfer fort o~_:/. . !;~ ~~'. !~ ::. _(, 1"''" p apit\ S VII ill fay:. whc:n WC have finned WC mu{t confttfe I and , when we have confclfed, we mull ftn again, that we may con ftffe again 'l .fo making account of confdlin~, as drunkards do of \'Omit 111~ . But we have not fo foarned-Chrt~ And if""} .ni1nftn] Being tak~n afore he 1s awaro,Glfl.6~1. Seo tbt'. Note there. w~ h4tJe ,,,, Advot'Atd] Who 11p~ars for us' in heaven, and pka11sout ~:tufc ..:ff.ctuatly. s~c Heb,9.24. p/H4.(kr ifl ,J,HJ.kteoUJ J 01.' elfe h~ could not go to the fl
ther t<:Jr us. ~11<: che Nute 011 7oh:16.10. vCt fo 2. He" the 1r1~iti11tio11] Heb. Copher ; He cdf:rs up, as n wm, and conrs uUI lini,, PJAI. 78. 3~. ~oo th~ Nute on 2 S Vct.fe J.


-------=~------------~--------------'-~~_:_..:.::::::::. ,......-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~--t.




V crfe 3. We l."o"' th1tt We ~orP J,;,,,] By-. reflex all of foul ! ~ence the ad"uunce of faitb tbe fruit ~f fcuicf l ttt.c
1 Co,..1~.~8. '

,,,,,.the prfl Bpijllt

Chap 2i

Chap, i.


of Sc J o u N.

4_~9_ ~~,

wneut', Thtt"! :.1 lHo"1J1hi111] With 1 knowledge not apprchcnfiyconly , but a .:'-'llVC too. Vcde 4, He th1.e (Airh I k...11ow him.J J Hl!re he d'fi h gainfi Vcrbalifis and Sol1fidians Sec !l4.,, a 14 w'ch' phurcNt a. thcrC'. ' ' ' t c otc . Vcrfe j .That":t'Nei'i] In communion with hi d m, an m confarm1ty to hm. v~rfG e. 7", Yv11llcf1!" M ~ '*"'~"] This is the fame with that C?/.1.6. to walklnChnG, andwiththat1 P11.i u t0 f01 lr:>w his Geps. Sc:c the Note there y crfc 7, J Write"~ J The Apo.Ill A d'10 ly dcclincth pitil n of novelty wc lbould ever fce uf. nthe fuf L. h . ct a~ Ji:a1 OU1 ~ye upon ! ao w111c ism. w, and fiand in the old wa 1"' 6

--.y~~~I Write Hnlo 1'" /ilfle children J A. Ch rift ian hn th his dcgrc:c:sc>tgrowth: childe-hood, 1 Cor. 3, 1,3, Youth or w~llgrown age, when he is paft the fpoon , as hc:rc : old age,


c1ent people, /fA.14.7. And Idol 1ter~ are faid f.> r~~rifi gods. th:u c:amc newly up D1111. ~' 17 Tr th ';t~n\j"f h , , ~ ." ' U , H W &nC' 1$ , bettcr wit agr, LN~ s. 39. And ot witne~ ,, :a , ' "6'r,nt7'1ol im r. h h lJ h uCS nnrot11 WCll ,.., , 'J , n 1all , t co uer t ey arc, the more crc::diblc b r 1~ cuo1. " 1a~'J~ ruptc:d , ccau1c euc COC

l~ the ancient path!, ?er.18 If.

GoJs people arc

cJicd the:::

\' ~' f, 1 {. Him t ha1 t'.J fiom the bs.~ inniug J The Ancient of d ja. Ol l r.n~11 lov-= to fpcak :.>f JllCH:r:'; tbmg!>. Thi.:fo arc ancient tl i 1w; l ch,,on.Jr,22 Ber1~1fe JC h;ive over1ome the 'Wic~td one J Tb.: :;tory of young m~n IS their Hre11gtr, Prov. 20. 29. Thi~ H :brew word there re1 demi youn.( men. lh;nifi1t\h ch"i"~ mma fc. for military fo1plo:rr.e11t~: n~.ithcr can thty better fi11~W tLetr valour, then by rdi ll111~ th.: de, ii, that he m1y Aee fom 1l1erP. B(ca1'fe ye h11ve k._nown the Fathtr J We fay, ffe i& 4 Wifo c~i/de Hom, o,/ lib, h th11t k_,noJVs hiJ f'1ther (and the Greeks have a Proverb to the fame purpofe) but God hath no childe fo you~g, that more. or l' ~c l:no.vetl1 him not. The bal\ardly br1Jod ot Rome arc all tor their

Au. 21.16,

V.;rfo I 4. BmJMfe ]~ hAve k_nown him] ihQ fam~ ay,_:in 1 ~~ ierf 13. which to a carnaU hcan may rccm fuptdl1.iul1S Et M'te fthumiinoingenio confcripti e.([ent libri i//;, q1m pro j~cri1 ( im Ht verijfimc font) (1gHofdm11-s & 1m1er.un11r-, bonum Alicubi tl~rmimffe
Hotmrumdictrcm11J, faid one-. But far be it from us to rcprcbcnd what wa cannot comprehend. Wrfc 1 s, Love not the WorJJ] You fohcr~, and )' ou yo:mg and (hong men, kt me cmtion you (before I ip'!~k again to the little children, 'tier[. 1 8.) to beware of worldhndt!. A man may be very mortified, and yet very apt to dote on the "orld. If 11ny man low the 'World'] Hnve it he may,. and ulc it too, as the traveller ufcth his {\;aff" ( which either he keeps or cat\s away, as it furthers or hinders his journey) but love it he mut\ not, un kffc he will renounce tbe love of God. Sec the Note on M111.6,



Verfc 8. tA new Co,,,A11dt11e11t] Sec the Note 1h 13.34. on'" Vcrfr 9 A11d /,aw/, hu 6rothfr J As 7'ANI prdf.:th faitf. 2nd
Peter hope, fo J1h11 love, thofo three cardinall TCrtucs
1 3.

r J.

'c ~r.


cafion offpirituall falling, wh~r~by a ~an 15 d " t ' t. no oc. r db k d ma c any manner of way woric, an ac war er mg'lodndf: fl!!Jdfiwi 1 ~ /Jj llo, 'IJtl[1110, jive extplo ;,, ori/,111 faith icarncd LJfo;,; "'h.1 h m:iy be done by word, deed, orevilcxample. w ~ Verfc 11. Htthlfthl4ttth,&c J Thc:rc is a Ai f (faith hfamous Divine) This a kind< of ....!'fen~! ~d h~~ccl of the cart agai~lt a. man, wt ea one fee~ him. fc0 hri mg cannot away wnh him, n.or fpeak to, nor look' t at he or p~!lce2blv upon hi in . IJ.r 5 A ha b'.. f hiilrGd court~ufly . ' h ~ h 1~ bean 13 fo fculcd in rhis alicn:.uion and etlrangea~ w grows to with and fcek his hurt Th' . cnfit, t it it



No,,, OCC1Jfio.,,, &c ] Gr 'l{_,o ftAJld II


24. Col.3,2. Vcde 16. Theluft of the fiejh, the lufl of, &~] Tl~atis, plea furr., profit, prefcrmrnt ~ the worldlmgs Trinity, as one la1th. Compar~ herewith ChriOs thrc..:-fold tcmptatiun. ,




1 Jo'" J.J.

1s JS man aughtcr,


'Bt1t uof fh1'Wor/J] Bafc and bootlc:ffl!, Nee vmm1, Hee veTo lrnow the v:mity of the world (a~ uf a '11iii) yQu rnuC\: go a little out from it. . Vc:rfe 1 7. ~,,a 1h1 World Eaffet~ awa1J As .the.lh~a~ of.a fwift frm pacth by the fide of a City. A111rAn1u cu;uf'h vmi m


---------------------470 _, A CommentAry upon the firH Epiftle

.-. -- -- --~,.~tt efl, ii(;i-iiii wears out in the wearing,

Chap. 2,


as a garme;:

all t hmgs below are mutablt: and momentary. Wilt thou {tt thilu heart upon that tl1~t u not? faith Solf)mon, /:-'nd the lu(J thtrrof] So that al~heugh thou wcrt fore to hold d1i:fc rhint;s oft he wot J< 4 , yenh:y may b.: fuddcnly ldt to thee, b\'au(c rhrn canlr not m.1kc thine h~m d~Jigh~ in th<: fa1ll; things lhll. Not tli~ wotld {nly, rm th-: lufl rh~re"f patfah away: th..:r~ ic; :t cu: f:: (.fur fohliab!cndf: lies upon the crcarur:, A;-rJ.,. ?TL: 1i r.'111,,.,,,..11,), f1ith the O:atour: Th~rc is a fatiety of all things, The worlds comf.)1cs m:fw.:etcr in thc,qm/,ition .h:n in the ftHi. tion: for after l l1tcll! whil..: W(.l lJath what we latJy lufied after, as Am1ion did T,1mnr. Ml!n fid itch, and then fcratch, and thca fo1art, Dolor efl eti~m ip(a volHptns. V ~rf: 18. Liule children] Children may l:lc: cafily cozened and madt: to tak:: a i11:~p-countcr for an a:1~cl, bccaufo broadc; and brighter; fa young Ci1rifiia:1s arc foiJ:1 f:duc.:d: hence they

Divi~ity and that he was crucified. He acknowl ~dgcth that he was ti1c Word and power of God, and that all that bc:Iicvc m
him llHll bo faved, &c. v~rfr 14. Let that thtrt/Druuid~] ,Pc,rfcvcrc and hold fall d1e fairhof1hcGu(pd without Wil~rmg m it, F.ph4.1f>.14 .or ltllrt ing from it, 1 Pet,i, io. B.: ,as tnc center, or as u1ount Sm, Clcd-

Vcrf.:: 2 3. Tht {Jme h41h Hot the Flfther] Sr.c the Note on ?o~ ~ 2 3 M4homet fpeaks very honourably ot Chrill, bur denies his

getr11/I 1f St J o H N. --------- ------------ ------

..,.----------- ---------------- ----------


fall and unmoveable. verfo5. Eve11ettr#11//Ji{i] Hal.d t~crefore the dochine. of faith found and ~ntirc by the ~1~nd qf fmh~ that ye may rcc,1vi: the end of your faith, the hlvat-ton of your fouls. Vcrfc 26. That ftd11te JOH J That carry you into bywaies, bigh wai1'.'.S tQ hell. Vcrfc 17. 'But thunoiNting J Sec vcrf. 10, It was an aggra.

are her~ cau~iop~J,

V ~tfe J 9. 'lJ f the] ~'m' not ofu-s J No more were our,, AntifcriptHrijls, ever of cur C~urch, other wif.! then as wens or botches; whatev::rour adverf.iries averrc and cavil. So of old, uecauf..: the Wd/dm/es .md <.J7lanichees lmd in the fome pli1c:i, and both hdd ht"rctik~s, the Papifis maliciouOy gave out,thJt the Wa/fenfes(dw(; anc;cnc Protcfianrs) wae defiled l,\)ith the: enours of th.: M11nicbm and Ca1h11rijh, which yc:t they ever abhorri:,t Vcrfc .o, But7ch"vet1nVnf!irm] fhatoilofgJ.1dnes/h~ho Iy bl1oft. Jn \kri!ion berc:of~ Domi! the tyrant ca!t S. ?oh11 into a caldron of boiling 011, but h.: by a miracle cJm: forrh

s""'' 1 Sam11el I. u. as thoNgh he h,,Jno1 "~~inted : fo for the Saint5, to ti1ll from their uwn ficdf.fi111:ffe, , b' .J I.. J J Y . Vafo 28. Lirtle chi/t1t'lll, ~ '"~ m ;1m, 1 "' 01.Jr cncm1~s arc n.any and crafry ; therefore ke~p hom~, kt'cp home: ~1.ns Oiall be n~1 grief unto you, nor ott~nce of h'an, as l11c fatd, 1 Sitm.25.3r. r 1 L' Verfe 29. ls /Jorn Pf hi~ J Ami. exaC\ly rc1eml :~ u1m1 as a child~ doth bis fath~r. See 1 'f1t,1,17. and. the Note on Matth 5.9.
vatioo ol the fall of

------------- ----- '...:---i------.......:__.___

H A:h


U'.1hurt. Te k..._now all tlingi] Not all things lnowabl<:", but all things

Verfc 1. Behold 'l9h111


f~n 111

need full to be buwn. V<.:1fe 21. Beca1ife yizn~1v11ot, &c. J B~cauf.:yeareutterlyig nor ant: for G:,d ha ch rn bEnde chilJren, bur they all know him from th~ kaH to th~ gic:u.:fi. H Jwbeit 1 the Anlii~h know not fo much, but they wvuld know mor.:-, E'phe[. 3. 1 0 , Should

Valtm&qN.tntHm, as Notco11 /o~.1.12. Q If J4cob was at fuch and patience to bl!co ne law to if bc!M fo great a matter to bl: fon law to
Pet.J.11. Seethe

Laban; Da'Uid in the King, What is it then to be for.s and daughters to the

pa:r,~ it




V..:rfr 2 2, TIJ&Jt dem'eth that 9ef ~ J PapHls deny him as a King in fatting up tbr: Pope; as a P ;icfi, i.1 ktting up the Mall:. a Prophet, in pic,ing their hum~nc tradidons to the holy Seri


Almighty? 2 (or.6 .18, The VPQr/d ~nowe1h m not] Prince_, unlmown arc umcfpctted; Unkent unl~i\t as the Nonhern Prover'J huh it. Afti:r tbe fon. tcnce ~as pro~o~mccd upon Mr B 4inh~m the M.artyr, hi! was counfdl;d by M. Nical.u. Wil(On to conform hunfdt to the .A!f. an.IM"' Church : To whom h~ aofwcr~d, I tru~t I am th~ ~cryr fg/ '>J~



------ ------- A commentArJ upo11 the ftrfl :!!!1_~---~hap. 3 ,

Cor 1 3 l

cbl\11c of Gcd, which ye blindc Affc:s ( faid ho) doe~ percdvc-. . Vc1 k i, wh,1t Wefoall be J c-;rcat thing~ we have in hand but greater in hope ; much in poflC. ilion, but more in rcverfion. 'Let tl11s comfort 11:. ag,:>inlt the contm1pts ca(\ up Jn us by th~ world blindc and bcfidc:s it frlfin point ot falva!ion, . , For \\'e for1!1 fae him M he;~ J Now we fc:e as in a gla{fo obfcurely, as an old man through ipcdaclcs, as a weak eye looks upon the Sun: bur. in heaven we 1l1all fee him as he: is, fo far as a crca. tu re is tap:ible cf that' hli{fcfull vifiLn.

-V ~rf, 9.- F()r hiJ fo1d]"

H_t t1tn1101fi1111t]


"Fhe new

cannotcmy itaway, without!om~countcrbu~

n:uure.which caufCtilthat fill

V ~rfc 3. f'urifi~th himjel(] That's true hope that runs out into hc1Hncffe. hid1 and hope purge, and work a futablencRc in the foul to the thir:gs ldicvc:d and hoped for. Even a& /Jer.s J In qllality. though not in an cquali1y, V ,:rfe 4. Sin iJ the trm1ff.reffio" J A.sthero is the fame round nc{fo in l little b1ll, a.sift a bigger, fo the famo difobcdicn~G in a fm1ll fin as :i great. P.ipHh tdl us that concupifc~nc~ i~ not tru ly and prop:rly a iin :. but S. l' tiu~ {~ith oth~rwifc, Rom.7. Thcto arc amongfi u~, that fay, Thatongmall fin ts not forbidden by the Law: ~ut fore Y!c .ara it i~ curfod and cood~mncd by the Law, as
Sh~JI I drink the blou.d ufthtf\i men ~ fa id D.cviJ oft hof<: chat but ventured their lives for him. 0~1 that each ChrilHan would turn Jew to himfdf, and kill the red cow,&c. Vcr{f 6. Sinneth not] Sin may rc..bcll, it cannot raign in a Saint. . V:rfe7. Letnomandcc~ivtJou] As.ifyoumightpaffe ec<tn m crelHm, f11r. to heaven with dragoos wm~s, danc-= with the de yil 311 rl~Y ,and fop with Chri1t at night; liv~ all yQut lm;s long m '])a/ital; s fap, ~md then go to Abrttham1 bofome when you die, Thefc a1 c: the devils dirt da \tv bcrs, that teach fuch dotlrine, his bp holih:rs t.h low foch pillows. Ez:.~~13.18. _ Vafo8. l-Ic1h11ecommim1hji1w] That makes a trade of it and can art it (as the word ptopcrly fignificth ) not ad: i~ only. ls ofthe devil] Bears his image, woars his livery : is as like him :is i{ fpct ont of hi:; momh. Thfllt he mi;,ht dejlrr7 the \\'orl\:~ J The devil then hath his works in the ver~ hearts of the lclt,for whofe caufe Chriil: came intil
th1 world.

thnt which hath an 1t a t:acltC confent to a\1 fin. Ved~ $. To mk! AWaJ o1'rJim J Shall fi11 1\vc I hat killed Chrin?

transformed foto~.;r.~~~~ ftn~ image : cannot doe wickedly with both hands earncfily,, ,.._~ .~~J-"<1.ff.,. M1c,7. Vedc 10. Jn thiuhe childrt11 of qod] As D11vid1 daughters were kn~wn by.their garmc~ts .of divers col~urs, 2 S11,,,, 13. 18. So are (Jods children by their piety and charity. Verfc 11. Th~t We foould love, &r.] TbJS beloved difciple was all for loe. Sec the: Note on Ch"P i 9. Verfe 12. wJ;o ~iU of1h11t Wickd flt] Tert11Hi1111 calleth C,rin the devils 'P11tri11rch. C11in. is dead, fanh another, but I could wilh that he did not nm life in his heirs and cxecutours f!l!!.i clav~m tjlU faH1,ui11t eAbtlu rH6mtem , Ht rem facr11~ Bucbol. 'ircHmfirunt, ~Jorant ej- Vlntt'A'lllHr, who bear about and make ufo of C11in1 club, to knock on the head God:i righteous A6el1. : .Andfl.m hid 6~ot~er J. Gr. <f!'t hu throa~. 1mbiffiJA font 11- .,~~ d111 ( ut 1tn nommem) faith onf. Thefe D1v1111ry h111mi1arc111oft deadly, 'Beca11fahili11wnWor~,&~.] The old enmity, qm. 3.1s. So Numb.22, 3,4. Mo116 ~Mrk!d, 'ec11Hfoof 1/hul, or did fiet tfnd vcx11~1hcm, a5E~gJ,1.1s. yet they were allied, and pg{fc!d by them m pc:ace, and, by theflaogbter ot the .Amo,im, freed chem from evil neighbours, which had taken away part of tL1eir Land and might domorC', as one bath well obfcrvcd. ' Vt!1fc 13 Marvel 1101 my brethren] Sith it was fo from the be ginning, and the very firfl:-man.that .died, died for religi0ri : fo early came martyrdomc into the world.. . . Verfe 14 We k.,now that Wt luwe fAffed J Not i\1 ~ thinf:t, \\le fortuJJ4 '1t 4ope, &c. U we would not bav~ wirh the M~rchant an tdtatc 1u:lentil11U apti han~mg upon ropes, and depending upon uncertain wind es let us make fure work for our. fouls. This 1s a j; well that the Cock ~n the d.unghill meddles not .with: Se~fam tletli~nis ad gloriAm~ 111 hac vta nuUNma..~nofto, faith <jnevmchovim the Arminian, I know no fu~t, thing as a{fura~ce of heaven in this llfe. PapH\s allow us notbmg beyond a conJct\urall confidence1 unldfo by f pad all revelation. Mif<!rable comforters I Vcdc 15. Whofi1t11rldMtlbhi4 brothtr J Notto love.then is to hate, as not to fave a man is to kill him M ar~3 ,4. I i Is

Sin~i11gl7, fo~stobc



Is",,,,,,.,,,,,,,] Bccaufc he wifhcth him ouc of rhc world C did his brother Ge ta, of whom he: fa id fit ~ J


ArAeAll11 DivH4 01 Nonftt1!ifl~, .I woald ~c wer~ in heavdn or any ~here, fo ~hat I


----------------- the wicked hatcfucb a (\orm wm befall them. ti Chall never be blown OYCr, lfrMl is tba hoit of peace, GM,u;,,,, 6. t6.



g111trJl1fSt J o "

47S ---------

were rid of him. By like rcafon we may Cty that fin is God-m111 ther: forafmlich as (inners arc qod.haters, Rom, 1, lo. and could ~1(h there wer~ no God, thst they might n~v(r come to 1udgcm:nt, The godly m.-m onthccontrary crksout with DA 11id, Vivat Deut, Let the Lord live, and blc(fcd b~ the Godot mj falvation, (9-c. Pf. 18 ~6. Vc:rk 16. 73ecaufolu 1~iad1w] See thcNoteon?oh, IPJ.
We ought al(o to IA] dow11 our li'fJ11 J If PylikltJ can olf..:r to die for Orefles, mccrly fo~ a. name, or out of catnall affodion at the heft! Should not CfmftumJ Jay dnwn their own necks one another, M AqHil~ and PriftUI" did for~""'' Rom.i6. 4 ? or Vet1e 17. ThuWorldJgeod] Gr. LwtlJhDllJ, which is all that the world loriks after. A11JfoNtte1hNphu/Jowels, &c.] Not drawing ont unto him

fa. According to his wil~ Fi12t volunrM c11, 'Hit1 tlllf1 fa id LH1hcr, I ~an havo what I will

Jf113i.17. . V1:rfe 2 2, And Wlw(o1ver JN "'l]

R om.J.8.


of God, one ; fur my 'will Aull be conccntrikc witb bis will. BtcaNfa W4 k!tp] The ebcdiencc of faith emboldens us : yet may no man i Y as the prodigall, gl11e me tht portion t/,4t.klont/tfl to w.t, It was a proud fpeccho~~h'at Empctour that faid, NoH fie Dm co/MiMH6, 1111tfic11iT1i111N1,milk 111 vi11ceret, Wi: have not fo fervcd God, that the CDCIJ1Y fhou\d overcome us. . Vcrfc 2J. Amlthid;, h~nm(flMMwHn, J Thi& is the focn and fab{\ancc: of the Gofpd, that we bclUms and love : and the ot"rc



both his fheaf and hi11 foul, l/11.s 8.9. . Vcrfc 1.8. Ltt "'11ot love;,, Wm.I] Words are light-cheap t and t~erc 1s a great deal o_f mouthmercy abroad. ?Nii"" the Apon,~re 1~ not p~~femly ~ ~nend to ll~jil, though he write unto him, 'llio. t>-os ,h, ~ x.a1 c1.J\>-.fu ttcfV..~'!11, Thon art my friend and bdovcd brother. The RomAn l"gions loved Otho the Empcrour faith the H~fiori~n, and gne him all refpc&, wK fJnro nr~ )'l.cJr~,, ciM~' '!} d.m ,.,,s .J.vX''' not from the teeth outward,but from the heart root s the Notes on 1Am.2.14,1J,16. c:c . Vcrf~ 19. t.Af111J P,All11fftweo1Wwrt1] This, fahh father z,. t,~tr, is. . theh fwdc~t-mcad~~of ~he hf~alt of a good confcience. ere ar ... ot er amty llnCS an t 1s fcaft but thi h banquet. , s JS t c Confi;"' -irrrr Vcrfc:20. If1/Je11r1m111#11111114 J Confcicnce is(; d ~ ui rniqi(1J1 cff 1 ~t'lcl min~ ov~f~er, 'D~efJU-,,, ;,,J,;;1 j,,J,~ , c1tr1Jift;, sG~;; tftl r1111e1ptt 111. dcput}' Judge, holdi~g court in the whole foul, bcari~ wit fM ~ell~l'.1 pro ]"ll 0/Pt 1119: m ffeof all a mars dom~s and ddires, .and accordmglyg cxcu. 111~ 1 ur1.'i uo. fing ~r accufing, abfolvmg orcondcmmng, comforting or tor 0111.L .

we believe Gods love to us, the more Joye iliall we bear one to a11vthc:r, for our love is but 1 re fies: ofhis. . Vc:rfe 24. B71h1 Spirit) Chrifi hath fatisficd the wmth of the Father: and now the Father and Chrif\ both, as rcconc1lcd, f:nd the Spirit, as the fruit of both their loves, to inhabit uur hearts. And truly-. nest unto the love of,(;bri{\ in dwelling .m our nature; we; mq w'll ~C)ndct at the lov.c of the holy GhoG-,. that will dwell in our defiled fouls.

C I III. . Verfe 1. 8111 trJ ~tljiri11 J

S Lapidaries do their ftoncs, as goldfmiths do th,.ttals. A 'Brifl<M fronc may look as well as an Indian diamond ; and A many things glir\er bc:fidcs gold. Try therefora before you tru~

men ting

. . fX cerf~t21. ST_hr,, hACJt' ll'e ~~~ff#(' J. Sincerity is the mother y,. '"''1""' r1111'1_,,.,.., ,.,,,,,,,,Wf1dl1tull,{ajth Jfidore,
i-.~ ni

Uprighrncfle hath boldncffc. It ii mot a peace, but

truce, thar tbc

that which is doltrinally delivered unto you = being neither ovr-~rcdulous, the fool believerh every thing:. uor ralhly cenfo. rious, ~s thofc were that faid efg~f S;nioUfiT'hum,.,, '1IJ}'1enk1b. Sec 1heNoteon1 Twff.s.21. 'BtcM4ft WMnJ fJft 'P"o1htu J Both the old Church, Der#. 13. 1 ,and the new, ~ll. io. 30. wcrtcnr pcftercd with them. Verfc 2. Hmh? k..no1111' tlM Jp;,it]. Bringitto this tdl. Gold may be roll d or melted, iuema1ns oucnt ; fo doth truth. Whereas crrour as gla[c (bright, but brittle) ~annot endure the hammer

or fire.

476 .

A C~mmtnty p~1illieftrfl Bpi}lle -- ~taap.;

ThA1 confoffeth] That prcacbcth Chril\ cr~~ificd~---- Vufq. JuoiofyodJ AndycthcisnotcallcdanAth6ij1 or a1! /lmitheifl, but Amichrifl, that is an oppofitc to Cbriit : ;s if his 01 1 po!ing thould not be fo much to Chrill:s nature, or pcrfon as to la~ undton and fonaio~. . , V1-:rk 4.. And have 011ercome] 'IJi~. In your hc:ad ChtiC\: and by th~ be Ip of his holy Spirit, your fwect inhabitant, wh~rcby ye arc: more then conqucrours, bccaufo fore to ctcrcomc and



tru,tnnt~m,,& grati:f, to.nti/101 & tales. God, d10.ugh fo grea;, lo..

u .. 41 . 471 vc:rfo I 0, N ot-;hAt We /011ed, &:c. j--De~-,;~;;;;.l~-,,,AV;;;~~ -8~;;: ----

ge11erJI efSt.J o




triumph. Vctfe s. They are ofthe 'l\'1rld J i. 1. The fadHctrJ : fit lctticc for foch lips-, 'Dignmn pate/IA opercNIHm. 'l:'QJi,,ftrnAteseftu, Ye arc from bcnca1r, I am from above, faith C:.pnlt,?ob,8.i3. Therefire JPtak.._theJ Dflh~ W1rl-l] The Water rifeth not (unkffr forc~d) above the fountain. Ou~ of the .warc-houfc, the ihop ,; furm~,d. Carnall ~cait~ers ~raufi~ .their h~arcrs with pleallng pofiuon~. The Pap1fls m their pctit1onto Kmg JAmes fdr a tole ration, plead this as a.n argu~c_nt, That ~heir religion isegrcci'blc ~omen.s~aturc ~ ~nd mdccd 1t al!urmg, tempting, bewitch mg rchg1on, g1vmg way to all hccnuoufne{fe and lafc1vioutncffr So Maht1m'et i11 his ~lchorA#tC:ls his followers concroing vcn~ ry, That God;did not give men fuch appetites tti ~ave th_em frufiratc, but enJoyed, as made for the gutl of man, not fbr his tot anent; and a great deal more of fuch paltry fiuff. .'! -.rfe ~. H_1dY~th w] Chrifts lheep are rarion!lll ! they tAn d1iccrn his voice from that of a Rrangcr: and will hear it not wuh that g,rifileonly tbat gro~supon thoir h~ds, but with the car of their foul, which tricth dofuincs, as the, mouth doth meat !ob 3 and knowcth tha fpirit of truth, and the ipim of crrour. . Verfe 7. 'B tlotJed, l~t HI love 0111111111her J This bc:loved Dif. c1.plc breaths nothiDg but love: as if he had been born with /ovt ;,, iJu mouth, as they fay. V~rfe 8. KM"Mlh 1101 god] lf morall venue could be ~~n with morrall O)'es, faith 'Pl"to, it would draw all hearts unto jr, lf Uod were well known,, he coul~ not but be bcft beloved and all that arc his, for his fake. . ' . Vc:rfe 9. 1'11hU "'"' mA11ift.jleJ] The very naked bowclaofhis tcn~erc~ compaffions. arc herein laid open unto us, as in an ""4 tomu. G.Jod fo loved his fon, that he gave him the world for his po~. ~on, Pf. i. 7, .but he fo loved tha world, that he gave Son and ~l form red cm twn. Vc:rfc 10.

\::d us tirll: and freely, though fuch and fo worthlcffc, He l~rmJ m J 6eca1'.fc.h1/ovtd1u,.fait.hUJtloft1, D:ut.7.7,8. theground of hi~ love b:111g wholly m htmfelf. He works for his own names fake E~~~ 20. 8,14.44,u. four fcvcraJl times, no:withftanding l1i~ word and oath, I ~,1~;i3. Vcrfe 11. If God(Uovedm J His one example eafily anfwercth all our objetlions, taketh otfall our excufes. As that our bto thcr is cur inforiour, our advcrfary, of whom we have bctt~r de-

fervcd, c:J-c.

Ve~fcn. Nom11#hA1hfom<;od]

fccn him, we mufl undcrlland it, that indeed 1i1cy did fee, Mer-

Ifwereadethat any hath


favah, vela httroche~, the charriot in wbic[;, God rode, but not the rider in it, as that R4bhi fp41akcth. V~rfc.13. Hch111h1.,ivm"' t>fhidfPirit] That is, of the fruits of his Spirit, his hoiy morions aod graces. For thoww the two golden pipes the two Olive-branches empty out of rhl!mfelves the golden oils of all precious graces, into the Candlc-Uick th: Church. -ycrfe 14. A11d\\1ehav1ften] ft, By fpeciallprivilcdge (chat ~hie~ natural! cy~ never faw, v.1 i.) the back~parts of ?ehovali, his wafdome, JUlbcc, mc::rey,cf,., we can fee no more and live, we need fee no more tb11t we m~y live Vcrfe IS. w/Jofan1~r jh11/J conpffe] See the Note on I Cor.12,3. Vcrfc 16. And \\1e htive ~11ow11 Awl ~tke~ed] That is, we know by belie.ving. See the Note on ?oh.6,69. God u love J Pel/ican tels of fome m his tim~, that ufed to r~adc this pi :ce ofScripture to their friends at their feafis,A pious praaic~, ar~ ~~11 bcfccming thofc that ft Aft before the Lord. 1he Pnm1uvc Chnfhans had at fu'h times their kific ol love, t Ptt.1.14. And s. Auflin ha(j thdie two v~rf~~ written on his Table-, ~fquiJ amat difl iJ 11bfa11tM#J rodert f AwA,,,, ffAnt menfom indillam 11pvw;11Jfefi/;i. Vcrfe 17. In the dAJ ofj#dgmmt J 'ifhufc that bear his im~gc lh.allhcar his E"l'' he will.GwnthcPJ <\nd honour them in thcu: faith, that worketh by love, (ball be found unto praife, bonour and glory at the appearing of Jcfu., Chtift, 1 P11.1.7. He that ~ i 3 was

re Ncvo,bir11.1. 3.c 7.

------------ ------ - - - - - - - - -- ------d_~~~~ne!!!~?!!_P_!" the ft~JI Bpijllt Chap.Sa wa~ fo willingly judg'd fJr tllCltl, fiull give no harJ fontc:n~~~ a:




gamll them. y1!.rfo 18 .. 7 here unofi~r in lov1 J But complJcence and ac

\vorld as-aconquerou~--He-faith ~f. thcfe' things ht re bd;-w~~;------- Socrtftt S did when he came into a fair, and faw rhere.fundry commodicies to be fold, J!l..11Am mHlti4 ego non tgeo ? N (t; habto,
c.irro, nee cu10, as another faid, I ndchc:r h_:tve cbcfe things, nor need chem, nor care fHr them, He hath his fec:t, where 0chtr mens

genm1ltof St

Jo H N.

-- ..---- .. - ...--------------


qmdccric..: m the pc:t fo11 !Jdovcd. B c<:fir.tfa #-'r h.~1b lr;rmmt J .~em m~lllNnt 1 ode1 ""' \V;1o,nfuc \ C:r 1rn;11 kar, tbc:y hate, Llutll th~ Prov-.rb, Aud o.Ji11m tirm mn f}, fanh TmHllian. Hatred hath kar,wha:h foes the t~ul on a rack, as 1t were, and renders it rcllldf...-. Vi..rfc 1_9. Btc111ift l.e fir~ lowd111 J Sec the Note on verf.1o. M11r1 an{~ers not Rabbom. till Chntt firll faid unto her Mar1. Our love is but tl1c rcllcx of his. And as th~ rdkded beams of the Sui} arc weaker then the dirctl, fo are our aft~dions wcak-:r then God~. Vcrfc 20. whom l:eh11thfm1] S_ig~t ufo:illy make1h love. vm~I greatly wondercth at one, ~111m"}Ham amo. re pt1dl~. wh<i> loved a party whom he had never teen . '{ cde .11. L~ve hi& 6rothtr alfi J If he be a good r~m, !ov ~ him m God, 1t bad, for God

htaJsare, Prov.15.24. R,v,u..1. . Vlrfr 6 . CAme 61 \\tater ""J blofld] So to fuUill and :infwer the kga\l wal11ings and facrifices, fo to fignifie that he jutl:ificth none by his merit, but whom he fanelih~th uy his Spirit : and fo co fct forth the tWO Sacraments of the new rt lbmcm. Sec the Note on ?oh, 19 34


CH A p. V. Vl'rfe I, Loveth him ffl(o that uhegotttn J

Is k\r, as .A1tron1 ointment, Aoweth down from th,;: head
~o lhe mcaneft

Vcr!e 7. Three 1h~t(1114r r1cord] vi::... Tbat Jdus Chrilt is the Son of God. Thefe thr~e heavenly Wimdfcs have given td\imony hereof in earth. See the Nore on ? 9/,, s. 3i & 8. 1 S, Theft thru are ont J In effencc and will. As ii chrcc lamps were lighted in one chamber, albeit the lamps be divers, yet chl! lights cannot be fevered: fo in the God-head, as tht;re is a diftintlion of pedons, to a fimpiiciry of nature. Vv.rfe 8. The Spirit "nd the "'"''r J. ~he Sp.irit of fanCl::ifica-. tion cdtificd by faying graces 11nd new d1vme g1hs, the water ot repentance, and chCrbloud ot C~rift applied by faith. rhck be the.:. thrc:c Wime{ft:s of a mans happmeffc here. When the Wlt~rs .o.~ fanelific1tion are troubh:d and muddy, let us run to the w1cnclk

member. Gods image wh:refo:vcr it appear

V~t{c: 2., _'T'b~t \~'" lov4thuhi/Jl.4H ofGoJ] ReaUy 1 aright, and not tor felt o~ fim~~r refpects. Godlineffe begins in th~ tight knowkd_ge oi u~r fdv~s, an~ end! in the right knowkdgc of God. A ~hnfi:a.n bcgrns with fovmg God for h1mfrlf, but he ends in loving lumfdf and others, in and for Chrift. Vc~fo 3. Fonhu i1>&c.] Seethe Note on Joh,14.1s. H11comm1111dm1111s 11re_not J Sec the Note on ,l}fat, 11 ,30, V;.;1fr 4 .. Ewn ~urfa11h] Which fi1ews a man a bmer pro. Fa, puts lus head into heaven a.fore-h11nd 1 giveg him to t:\C\e <if 1hc ~1dt!en manna. Now hi mouth wilJ nor warcr afia homely pro~1flo~s that hath lately tatled of delicate fullcpance. Are we afraid of men, faith one? faith lets hell before us Arc W" alluicd by the world? faith fets heaven before us. ' "' Vcrfc S. D"t he th111 kleeveth) A bclkvcr walketh about the world

C\h, is vuy lov.dy.

ofbloud. Vcrk 9, Jfwe receive,&c.] If two or thrle wimclfc~ tftablifh a truth with men, l1nll we deny chat honour to Gods cellunony? Verie 10. H11tl1 the ~;tneJ!ti':' hir:nfelf] Carries in his hmt the counmpane.ofall the promiles. . . Hath mtid~ him aliar] As one may deny God m d~cd, its well a~ in word, 1o he may give hil_ll the He too in like l.nanncr, r,c .by going away ,and not hteding all the grace ~hat he off.:rtth by ~hr~~' tor {uch a one faith in effeet, 'furh, there 1s no iuch thfng as Chnlh or at kaft no fucb benefit to b~ reaped by his pailion, as they would pcrfwade us, dc. . ,., . . Vcrkll. That qoah"1thgiventom,<..-xc,J Howpl:un 1s the holy Scripture in things eee~tu_ll ~Q 1ah~~i~~ ~ T~1;l\O G~,J h~th wntt<:n tor us, as ic were, with. th~ beam ol the. Sun, th:l.C none may plead ditliculty. liut we are, n.1olt ot \IS, o~ thi: ~th~ni.m fiuin, of whom THNJ faies tl\e Pcov~tb wenr, eAthenicnfn faire q11 uttla (Hnt, fedfae1reno/J(, thatthe~ Jmew what was raghc, Cic.dcflwect,
l I '\

---~48;--------;;;,;;,;,,, "';,;iiij,JiBiiii;--ch;~~'i.

.tia~.1~--~--g1er1ll 1f St Jo u N.


----- -. ----"but. i1ad rio-ni.fnde- t~ mak;ufe of it.

Verfe 1 i. Hath t ift ] For he is the prince and principla ot life 1 imd all ou~ of h~m ar~ dead w~ileuhey live. N ""' i/16 J;,, 11 ;~1r, feJ.J," fiest, faith Srn,ca of onc 9 Non m11/1111n nlfvigAvit (eJ. ,,,rdtum ja{mt"4 efl, ofanothc:r at fea, He was long, biit he iive-d link, He was much coiled, but noc much forthtrtd, H: moved much, lim removed not at all, IS I hor1e in a mill, as a dor1 in 0 whnl, &c. Sec the Note on 1oh. J .4. Verk 13. That 1e may belitfle J That ye may be confirmed

Vcde 14. According to his win] One ftid, he tould have wlm.he w~uld et God and F11t 'lJo/untlll #lttt 1 faid LHther in a n1 cain pr:m:r, but then he findy fals off with, cMM volHntM p~mine . qFJiti t11a, Lee my will be done, Lord, but {o far forth a; tt 1s chy will. '
V cr1e 1 S. We k._now thAt \\11 h1f11e J lf1e 11ir pot11it q11od vo/11 ;,, That mm could do what he would Wth God, Laid ontconccrning L111h.r. ~cc th~ Notcon 7oh,1f .r6. Vtrle J 6, A ft ~t;c Which not unto death] When f ohn Ft; 1~ and Andrew flnl'tt Were at the fia~e, Dr Coolopenly admouifhcd all chc pc.opk, that they lhould m no wife pray tor thtm no n.o:-ethen they would do tor a dog. Ac which words Frith f'miling, dJircd the l.ord to forgive him. T~<re is'' fi~n_e.unto_ de11th] That unpardonable fin of doing

continued and cncm~fed in it.

--:-ve;f~-;;, Lit~hin Wit:k.ednefe] As a lubber in a lake, as a earcafe in hs fiime. In jirmento totlJ j111et 1'xor. iaitb h1t inP/,. 11 tNI. Thi~ peopl~ is wholly fat 1ipon Wic~tdn1{1, faid .Att. ro11 , Exod.)J.n, isWldtt the power and nffalla8e of the devil, Nil mund:tm ;,. rn101elo. _ Vcrf\! 20. And "'e ~now J This he brings in here for a corollatY and conclufion ot all. Verfe 21. J(up yo Hr [elves from idols J ~egacivcly at lea{\ (~s thole 7000 in JfrAel, that had no.t bowed chear knees .t~ B ~11/) _af nae pofitivcl~. by Oi?fD declarat1vn of your u'ter difi1ke, as did Ditniel and his affoc11ccs.

All. "I// ,\fo11.

/o/. / -!6.

- ..





d:f p1_cc t_o chc Sp1_m ot grace. Rock.wood, a chief perlecmour at c a~1ce m ~he dalt!S of Ht#'1the8, to bis l4ll brmh flaring and raging, ~tied, he was 1tmly damned : And being wHkd co a~k \1od imrcy ' he braied and cri.ed our, .AO too l11te : foi I have foubht m:il1c1oully the deachs ofa numberof the hondhfl: mtn m the cown, whom 1 knew to be fo: AN too late therefore, e./10

Vtrfc 17: Tht~e id" fin,,,, 11n10 tJ~11th] All fins and bls<pheOl ie~ tlu ll be forgiven unto men : hut the l>lafphtmy againfi chc holy l1hcH, &c. ~ce chr Noceon Mat.12. 31,3 2. Vt: de I 8 S1Hntth not] ft. That fin to death, v.16. nor other fins, as ocher m_en do. See the Note.on Chae_+9 . A1rd thAt .Y,1e/f.!d one to11eh~th h1~ HtJt J viz. Ta Els qHalimPlot m



----~--b-tc_ome thdcrpcnts ft:td._ --~ _ __ _

touch : he thrufts l~1s ftmg lo far as to inf~fe the_venome of chat fin that is prop::rly has fin,1oh.8.44. and With Which he coucheth their fpirits chat

tn;n.' a~ (a;etan ~xpo~th It; With a deadly

V~dO~ii. ,_






A Commumiry "pon tl:e

------- --

--- -- -----




----ef Sr Jo 11 N.


r~;d;-~~d hear the words of this Epifile, R~ve/;1.~.

Verfe 4. I rejo1ced greatly] This cheared U? his good old heart more then any outward rdpeCl:s, or courcefo.:s whado(:. ver. See 1 Thrf{.3.8. Wtt!k.._inf. in th~ m11 h] Not taking!\ fh.p or t'.\.V0 1 not bre1king odelping ova th~ hcJgl! cu avoid J pieceo~ fon\ way, bur p::rftl~ ing in a Chrafli:m cuurfe, &c, not lhrting aii fo to the ri 0llt hrnd or the lcfr. Vt:rle 5. That \\'e love, &c. J Goj 11ks no other comm:mds upon us then whu we m:iy perform by love, that lightneth and {weemeth all. His {u~ljt:Cb and iouldiers are all volumicrs, P(a/.110. 3. V\;tl<; 6. A11~ ~.cvi htard] He fiudiouily declines the fufrition ot nuvdcy. ,,.; zy.ivJ. r.vd. Sec thl! Note on t ?ohn 2. 7. Verfc 7. For n"'"J dcctiven J ~r. Che.-tttr 1, co.t.imtn ,fu~h as cm cog a dk tu dec~ive the umHalfu\1 1 Ephef 4 J 4. c:ill 1 miil to dtlufr cv<:n cht: quick-fighted. Vcrk 8. Thiit \\'e lofe not, &c. J Thr: godly, when they fall into tuul coudt:s, or grow rcmilk :md kavt: chm firfl: lov~, m:iy loft! what thty hJVt: wrought, I, In refpcd: of th~ puife ot mw, 2. lu rdpeel ot their own former frdings of Uods hvour. ~ In rcipc:ct of th\: fulndh: vl thdr tew1d 111 htl vcn. The N"~>1rice that broke his vow, WJS w bc.:gin aH 11ncw, Numb.6, Vr:rk 9. Rith not Goel] And {o confcqu:?ntly, h:nh nothing. H,ibec omni:i qui h~beHtem omd t, Hr: hlth all, thH huh the Haver of all: Butji,.e Deo omrzu copiAefl (gefl.u. ~knty wit:.out God becomes prnury. The wid<ed for w:int of G:Jd, in the tulnd{\: ol his futftciency i~ in fini[s. lob i.o. a i,_ as ~c _that hat_h God tor his portion, in the fu1nd1~ of h&s {h11ts, is Ill 1 lulh cirncy. Verfe 10. And brjng not thid d"Clrine J If he hold not the founduion, but be found heterodox and heret1CJU. Receive him not, &c. J I/Jam domum in qua (uerit in~enuu /;.srttirns dir1und.. m decernimU4: D_own w1ch that houle, .that h;nbours ~n heretike, fa id lhC Coum:d oi Thulo11f~ in their Conftitucion againlt the AlbigmjtJ, whom they miCl.ouk tor heretikts. N tithtr bid J;irn God ffiitd] Shew not !ove, whue yott ow no thing lmt hatred. l h~ie ev'r] f .. 1[1 Wa7, faith D 1ivid. And l . fuill

~~5.~~~~~~rt~~ll~.~~~~(~~ ~~~~11~'Ni~ -- i.i~'"1i~~~ w ... P ID~ ~r.iM~tm~tffi~ ;p~"">Jt-r',tMr',,,,t";'_


() R

V pan the fecond Epifile of SJoHN.


~--- ..

..-------c HAP, I .. Verfe 1. The Elaerto the elect Lady]

Almeron_ theJefuitefaich (but veryabfurdly) chat Smee"' s letcers co S. P11ul, and S. P""''to Smt td, (as [hev are called) are for m:mer not much this of S.1ohn to rhe elcCl: Lady, end ro G.izUJ, and that of S. Paul to 'Philtmon. { 14 dicium fit peHeJ lellorem. Me thinks they are no more like then harp and h,1rrow. . Verk J, For th1 truths (a~] This. is the love that will hvld 11~ain, ~nd is a {ure figne of love unfained, when ic is thus wdl founJed. SinHtcmy is oppoficc co finceriry. Some love the Saints a~ J(a Ac loved E[au,tor the vcnifon th:it he brought h1m,&c. Verlt 3. Gr Ace he 'With you , &c. J This bldling belongs noi. only co the Lady and her children, bm to all that 1ightly rcade

----~~_!_ --A~~0"'_"fl"!41'1 MfD# the JeronJ ~ft1e._&:. - Chap l,

daflunulrnon. i. Nex~, by confirm mg the finner in h. ~ce and 3. Lall:Jy, by offence given to others. ts evil way. Verfc 12. That our joJ,,, '! 01 11:. nJ S { . me furthered and a.l\.U~ . k J .L h'' ee, :uch ope, Qn Apo nc uy t C gratCS 0f I luch Grandees in grace have benefit by communio:it~~? When much ~ore they whofe mealures arc lclle ? am ts, how Ve~fel,3 Th6childrmofthi 11 n/ell] Who . ,ed with S.lohn for education-lake. Th .Lad .Pho~ably foJourn. pofile, as he in rirgi/ did to u'.Ene"', e Yrnig t ay to the A
n1all.look~eon eAuxentiru, IS upon a devil fo I -h-:Arr1Aw, htd Hi/11 rim. ' ong IS e IS u . 'Y'rfe ~ /J p.1rtak!rof huevi/ J I, By his finfu\l m





... fU6 te toltrArt m11giflri Mt/1 flAm-tll.a c~rn1re ft11Em eA/[11eft11nt, pr1m14 & te mire11t11r "~ annu.


V pon the third Epiftle of


0 H N.


----------------------Vc~fc I. Y 11to the >oeO.belo11ed GaiU5 ]

R. ich C orinthi1111, rich in this world,. . / and rich . ll in Rom 16,1J. goo d works: A rare bird, at Corinm elpec1a y: 1 Cur.a.i 4 where Saint PttHl found chem the richer che hard er, and farre behinde the poor Macedonian1 in works of charicy. Verfe i. That tho11 maifl] Gr. Th.o ivcJ1~ 1 .', th1H mam mAk.! a good voiage of it, and come4afe and found to

tby journeys end. . Even ,u tk1 (oul p,.of/mtth J liy the bldfing of him th:l'C dwelt in ~he bulb, Drnq 1.i <S. ~PW the: foul pioipcrt\h> ~s;n h hath' clpfe co1nmunion with God, and cnjoyc:~ chc light of his

loving co\lnteoance,. preferring his favour before the worlds warm Sunne. Verfe 3. Teflifita of the 1ru1h] This was tbeir. ingenuity, th as,

Chip, I ---- .--rhu~~-;-leall, to requite their Holl, by giving teGiatlony eE A.ii u.


A Comme11tAr7 MfDll the


thirll Bpi.flit If St J o

H Me


Vcr(c 4. l luv,. no_r,r~Attr jo7] S~e the Note on i lh.4. J Not walk to t~c ale. houfe, w:dk about wich rales ro lhed bloud, walk :a'tcr the fldh, as too many of cur hcu" <rs do, co our <1ngubr hearc-bre:ik. Vcr 1e). Thou d"ff faithfoU7 J That is, out gf faith and as hdeemeth a foirhfull Chri(Han. They that give alms, &c.' and nut out of faich, tbc:y do worfe then lofe cbeir labour : for they com. mit fin. . A~('""''~Q.;. V~tk6. Aft~raxoJ/7 {Jrr J .Gr. 1r.:.r1h1 of Gotl, JS feeing God m them, and as befeemeth his fervams, who are Princts in all hnds, Pfal.4s. Vl!rfe 7. Thq Went firth] To preach, and gain fouls to God And this they did gr at~, as PllHI, becaufc the falfr.apoAlesdid (~ ac Corinth,feeking occafion a~ainR: the true teachers, 2 C1r.1 1, 12 , Vcrte 8 Tht \\'e be ~8owhtlper1] And fo receive a Prophers reward. Sec the Note on Mat. I0.41. Vcrle 9. Diotrtpht1, -.ho /111ttb,&c. J Ambition is like the Crocodile, which groweth as long as ic liveth. What Llirs made ~roud P1111/N& ~ amrJ{4temu in the Primicivc Church ~ What con. trnudl qmirr~llmg9 were there between 'h~ ii111oprnf Co11jlAHti. no pie and of Komt for the primacy ? and b<!tWt:en die <hops of Cu~ttrbHrJ, andof T Qrlfor precedmcy? What a deal fuffered learned ZA11ch7 at Argmtin11 from his ambitious col leagues, and divers of our Engli111 DJ vines and ochers, from the lordly Prelates ? PArtH4 was wont co fay, That the chiefcaufe of all the Churches troubles was the Chtarch-mens afflation ot do minion. This trouble- town it we could caR: out ot the Church faid ~e, greac ~?pes !here were ~hat we lhould all, .,,Ta "'"'ru! JfiJor, Ptluf. '}a '.uo~e '<"' o~SaJ?i:; 61 ' e1t1: J'~ap.E-1 v' concur and Ce>nfcnt in one and I 4.r~ ff 1bc fame truth. f1''1f;., Verfe 10. Pr4tj,.g ag11infl iu J One would wondet what he could prace againll: S. !oh,,, and yec he did, and that malicioofly Tr~ it is, ~e did but triAc and play the fool ( as the Greek word figmfies) m that be ~rated : .hue he lliewed his malice nnmhelctfe. So ao the Jefuates, as m many ocher their pramces fo in t~is, that in thetr Writings againft us, they Cl'lDfirirt Chat Wi:h ilo. rmas words and arg1i1mencs, which we flick noc at co make ehe ~rld b.dine, that we dtny all that whicli they fo bufiJy, ind fo
w(jlk. in truth

larmly prQYft and fo to make us odious 1 --Wh~~~a-s they leave the miin manes in 'ontroverGe "1tterly "nproveJ, thinking U> "ny i' away with eut facing aad great words. , Vcrfe 11. 6low nit] Make not fuch a man as Diotrtphes your patem for imitation; though he ruffie it amongll: you,and wm needs be the only man. verfe u. of"1J men] Of all good me~ : for God reckons of men according co their goodndfe. M a goud name only is a name, EctJ.7. 1. and a good wite only a wife, Pro11.18.22. And ~f the trHth it [elf] That's enough: Doth the truth rcpot t well of 11 msn ~ then he netds not care, wltat tft.e world
c1n fay.

. . Which we doe not ufe to do WJthout fpa. cfall caution. It is a fault to be tQo forward to teftifie of any. Vede I J I 'IJiB not ~ith ;,,~e] In vain is the word written in books, unldle it be alfo written in our hearts, I er 31. Verfe 14. BNt ltrHfl] Hecouldpromilenothing perempto rily but !ubmits to God. See the Note can I a,,,,4.1 S. F ""to /ace ] As iron whets iron, {o doth the face: of a man rus friend.

r811 , 11ml -,Pe Al(o]




A CommentdrJ upon the Epljlll




gtlltrAIJ ,, St J u D

rupted, i,t will not be given again; ~nother edition of it ii not to -.---;-be expetled. Concend earneR:ly for it therefore conffia one ah~r t "1C'.)Uv1ee~1. anotber, as th~ word 61;nitics. Hold hft che taichfull word, as


V pon the Epifl1e generall of S. J U D g,
Ver(.c 1. Jude the [ervtmt 1

ought co doc, as 1f he wu-r :rnthl:n: d d1t: Sett: of the Nico/14itztn1, which Chrift hated. To th~m thift "re (a~:Bfc-J J Or, Io them that tt>/J. are beloved, :is ochercopks 1'nve it. Prefaavea J Ke[lt by the power ot God thoruw f..tich unto fal vation, I Pet. I. S Vcr{c 2. Mercy unto 76u, &c. J J~L1cy from th1.: Father,peacc from che Son, and love from che bly ( :t1ult. Verfe 3. of the common (al'r1.1tion J That wherein all Saines hllve a fu:ire. Fo1thcf"ith] l'h:itfaith of thcGolpd, PW. 1.i7. the do. arine of faith. Once delivered] Once for11/I, not l(Jnly as but one only rult!, but a~ l>ut once fenc LO a N1tion i So thlt if loft, or any way cor-

t.,.\ . .,";~~~~t~. O diflinguifh him from lud.u tht cnicour, lefl he {:'.~7{m~iJ~ fhould fuffa by Rli~ake, as N ito!M Lhc J?,1~on is

Vt' t. f~, 1\7'~~1-~. (

,/J; T ~ ,.;


Crtpt in Hn11w11res J ~cc:aling their paflAge and making as if mtfHut/urru. thty mmded nothing ldfe. ' Ordained to thid J Gr. Writt111 al)W#, tn>-oOeel, fee dewn in .,,.N,.')IOP. the b!Jck bill. t;~, Tterni11g the g_r.ic~ of '1Hr G?a] Gr, Trantl.tting it from its pro- Mtntn9;~ 11 . per end. perverting 1r, by argumg from mercy to libercy ; which is cbe devils l>gick. Verfe). Aftm.,~rJ ,.Mlroi"l J Their prefervation was but a rererv:rcion, as was Senach1rib1, Pharaohs, and theirs whom God threatned co del.hoy, at~er chat he had done chem good, ?of11. 24. 2.0, V~rk.6. ~ ept not t~1ir fir{J epate J Their originall integrity or prmc1pahty, Ot chis fin ot the Angels, the caufc: was the wrH ?f the .Angds, good in it folf (buc mutable and free) not by work mg n~1th\:r, but by not working, (aich a.Divine-. 1111t left thtir o,vn hffbi~tlvn] Being drivm tbcnct: and hurl td into hell. Vc:r~e 7. Giving themfalves ov~r] 111 faortationem eff'i1ftt 1 i1G;np~{v~(J?l.t \\'carymg and wvaring them!dves out with that beall:ly Lin ; as did ex. m61v Prmdsu Mef{a/iHa and L4'4,. who died in the aet: ol uncleaondfo. h"b~' 9 ~'.j/JP,""' The word here ukd fig1.1ifics, faith .Aruim> Scortatio~i imm~ri, A(J' 1;;i.. contabtfcere iNiiu djiderio, 1-i '1 ..ti en. 1J A 11dgoing "fur flr'1ngr fl~fo J Sec. the Note "n GrH. I!}.5. Art fat forth J Gr. l'ire thrown forth. ~e) For ieH o:,1mpl~] HerodntHI faith the like of the dd\rutl:ion of nJrnw>d,._;, '(rfl7, that the ruincs and rubbifh thcrepf are Let torch for an ex- a'J1't.lfd'Tft;11 a!npk of this rull', chat God greatly puni11mh great"offi:nces. ,ty}.Acu,ti,, ~ Vi:r!c 8. Dtfile the ftefh J By noclurnall pollutiens, which we J 77fr~eicu,.. mull pray againlt Th~ d(!vd can fafirn that filth '1iJOn 1he fol11, ~ lli 0.X1" When we Oap, chat he cannot do 11: another time, Derpifa dominion J Gr. Set it at nou~hr. Scetthc Note on A01<Tlj11.

both hands, Tit.1,,. See the Note. Vcrfc 4 For there Are rertr.i11 men J Not worthy to be named, as ch:ic rich glutton, Luk..1'.



@!nd f}e11levil of digniries J Gr, BIAlfiher11t f.lories: fo the Pap1lls do familiuly thofe Princes they count heretikcs; as Henr1 Kk thu

-----~he f<~rchot Fr.iHce, whom they c:llled HM.(t1t1111t-el1Jt &c. Our EJ,,,,,.d rhe ti"t 011l\ard. Of~. IW~llfmb chcy rep~md in print fom? y~ars af t~r ht:r death, the died without fcnfe or feeling

.A c1mm1n1ArJ.'f'" thd Bpijtk - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

Meteors. sr FrtMICM Dr~t in his travels rcp0rccth, That in a certain I{hnd to the fouthward of CeJ~/111,, among the trees night by Pight did fiiew chemtdes 111 infiAite iwartn 0t fa:ry !ceming worm~ flying in the air, wbofebodic.s no bigg~rthcnan.ordinary


Vctfr: 9, Ah nm tht /Jod7 of Mo(es J As ddirous thereby to frc up ll!lnldf m tht; h~rt'i uf th1.: living, Thm: i:; a (\;r"og~ lhif~ iHL , ll'Jt of ~Hchly > bl\C Bf fp1riau1dl pow::rs, abom CR!;! pot:. tcllion o~ m ms hcuc. If Satan can get thlt, h~ is fafe. And lo ~acans Vicir, 1r was a watch-word in Gregor1 the 1 ~ cimi: in Q_ Elii:. ibe11J1d.des 1 My (on, give me th7 he~rt. l3t: in h~arc a P.tpilt, and go whrn: you will, do what you will. . Verk 10. Of thof1 thh1gJ'#bi'h thq] So doe the PiipHh in r;1ilin~ ag'.li11Cl: imputed righteoufneftl!, aOurance of falvaci. on , the ce(l:im'lny of Goas Spirit wicnelling wich our !pi In th<1(e things they co,rHpt tftemfetves J As in eating, dtink ing, carnall copul:uion, dc. holding neither nH:an nor mtalurc, Li K v.IJ ~s h\! in e.Ariflopti .. n~s. oSJ~ 1u!m.-~1A x.ctl ~.vfiv Jtti101, who WJS g0od for nothing tHebut coepicurize. Verfc I I. In the PPA1 of C aitt J The devils P r1triarch, the fir(t ,A poihce: chis was folfitled literally in Alphonftu D i~~i1u, wh<1 new hi!: brother 'f 1h, becaute he was a Prordbnc ~ :ind my. fhcally, i1' all thlt are guilty of ipiritu:iH parricide. i~~9ll:Jttv AHd '"" grwM1 J Gr. Were poured 0111, as water out of a bot tlc ' they ran h~adlong after the wages of wickcdndle., not ci rinf~ which w:iy chey came by it,fo they l1:1d it. Vcrfc 12. Thefe Art fp1t1] Or, R9cks 1 or ,,rndJ1-ho/eJ1 that o- ;}.dJ't~ 7:TlfJ harpy-like not only devour, bul defile all that they touch. -ro' O'nUV 7rlP tMiv i ,,,.. ~n.~11 IH 1011r ftllfls of ~harit) J See thcfe dcfcribed b7 Tertul/ian,I.

of (,011s merCl(!~.

rirs, &t.

Oie, did make a (hew 1 and give t.iH:h light, as 1t tvery t wag on every tree had b~n lighced candle., or IQ if rhu place bad. been chc tl1e fimy f phcre. Loe fuch were thtfr impofi:ours. Verk 14. AHJ ENoch 1tl{D] Jbodh\d tbc.d:iy of Judgment btfore Noah the deluge. That day islong~r before it cum\:S1 Lut fhall l>e more rerrible waen ic is comf!. The LorJ c1meth J Syr. M11r Mh" Htnce the Jews fa~ 1 thac che great excommunication c.J'ltfMr.c11atlM was inhnuted by &~ ' . ' Vcrfc 1 ~ To&onvinceall] 'f.u(a.thcm dli>wn, co ltii'f~ c:hcm ;'>.;/~"' mukldfe, fpecchldlt, {d{:,Qndt!mni:d. Of "fl their h,mJ rp ecches J Their rude, crude, crooked, crofe fpclchcs, uttered Wlth ~rtverftlip1 ; :fo.Selomon cals tNc.:tn, J',.o. 4.24. as iftheuppt:r lipfl:ood, where che nether lip l11ou\d. Vc.;rfe 16. Th,fe 11re n111m11rers J Vt porci. (aginati, faith A- rtt i us, as boars in a tranl<. Complainers J Jnv1/id11m omne natura qHerHIHm, faith SeH!CA. Weak ones arc ~ever wuhuuc chtir ailmw1:;, Afttr their own llltlsJ So 1-nany luHs, fo many Lords. Gre,11 /we/Jing \\lord1 J Bul>bles ot words. See che Note on 2 'Pet, i.1g, The S7riAc~ renders ic,ftupendio1u jlHjf. H.ivi g mens per(ons J Licking up their fpettk, as it were,-md lo1ding cbc Mauk with chc Elephants praiks. . Vnh: 17. Of the Apo.files] Paul and Peter,from whom Saint {udt bonowethmuchot this b1s EpiCUe. Sec rny Prdace to Gods Varlt i S Mock5rs J Who tleei: wben they ihould f(ar. Sc.c chc Note on 2 Pcr.3.3. Verk 19. W.rn ftp.irate J From Church-a{f~m)lics, upon prctrncc ohi1. wc:r ligh1s, greater holinclfc. The Arnbicl< renders ic, Intnmitters,fc. of Church~worfhips. Scr(iuill J Gr. h:im,tl; luch as hlVC no more then a rcafon1~lc --J,v~!~'' frul, and arc yet in tht::r pun~ naturals, 1 Cor. i, 14. H#lving not the {Pir;t J Unkffc it be the fpirit of dclufiu11, as Muncer the Anabaptifl: hJd, who wrote a book again{t Luthtr, Scufrct.A111at. d~dicaccd ir, To the mojt 1HuftrioJU fri,n~a Chrift ( a:> hit words 1 ~ ~- K k i arc)
Jv1,t-t()k_, tH.


li~v~rf.t,~""'' ~flf 39, 1.Yht11 thtJ fitijt ~ith

1ou] Thrufl:ing thcmfclve:1 inco you' company, whether invited or not: fim havmg oadt.:d an i111pud 1:~ cy in their faces. F mli11g thtm{elvu J As fatted cattle fitted for the ilauibtcr. Without f~4>' J Of being cn{narcd by the creatures, Pro. 2 P Clouds thq art J Light, and coatlant onlJ in their incon fian1. . Tiice dead] Killed wicb dt:ath, Rnu/. i. 13. Such is for whom hell gaptth. .verfe 1 3. w1111Jtri11t jhnm J nu w~re never better then


... ,,,.;i"f(' , .. PTC'CG'"

Al9:& ----~---.

~-~~o~nt;;.y;;r,,-;i,;Epiph,&c: ______Ch~-:;.


- - ----:~o<!lre) uphuid~rh .f.-ullm with want of the Spirit, and ~~lie~-h hkn

a carnal man, a filly foul, <!re. Vcrlc 20. BNi/ding up J By holy conference, a fingular help1 a sno!l 1~c:c~foll, but coo much negleB:ed duty, Pra1mg 111 the holJ Ghop J Whofc creature fervent praier is. V erfe 11, K etP1011r felvn J Remit nothing ot your former fervour; ycrfc 2 2, An~ of (ome] . Or(lccording to. other copies) Rt fol b,ui n alit14 tbm f tt/fe r111(qnmgs, and dafpucc them ouc of their crrours. ii.l'l{yy~m. H"'~ JI {t111fl Vcdc i ~. 0Ht of the fire J ..,;..,. of hell: as the Angel pulled 'l!iolc111i11, opra. Lot out of SoJ1,,,e, as ye would Cave a drownil'lg man, tbOl\''h ye bu;, rapina pulled offfome of his hair to fave him. b H!ron. Even the g ar111ent J'ft1ttta J As N n.-o~ s was, when he rode in Sudon. the fame horlt:.littcr with his own mothtr. Verfe 14, ThAt u able] q. J. I can only counfel you, its God
mufl: keep you.





Ver!e JS Sec: the Note on 1 Tim.1.17.

of S.J<;hn the Divine.



c It A I.
manifd\ation of many divine myll.~ties by t~c

Verre i. The Re1'el111ion]

and chat pi.npoiely ~or the bchoof an~ bene~t l'fal.i 5,14 , of the Fa,,,l1 off11rtl1., whoareallof his C11b1Gal.6.10.
I LUU. 16.

out of hu FAtb(rJ ho M~dil\toUY !l.( whoeame . ' ~ "1 .~ Ck !I! (onu) to 1 ohn. Who had i hc 1flfn, r~'

t~n.e~:s"joh the Evangelia: 1 wha~ever Denni4 oi .dl~1t1tr"Jntt difpute to the conm.ty 1' k J lVerfe 3

mt-cou11cel. . .. . Thin , whi'h wu/l fbortlJ J that ts, {goner or later m their (' ii Clods time fee ms long, becauf~ VIC! are faorc. Nu/... p/roper ea on. ; .. reoi faith the t:awyer. the Ancient of daies 11m tempHI occurr o , is not to be limited. th"I o hn t he D' 1 V t Wb llrf rv~ml of tlu Ul.,,.JJ 1Vlllf



A_ commt_!l!cry 11po the R 1. v B LAT 1 o N.


Chip. 1

Vcrle3. BLef[eduheth.1tread~thJ ft, Withartenrio~ affi l.Ji<rc~i/I al aion, 3pplicauon and pratlice : Asknowing tbac this book hath. P1ulm. /E;-i.I A/1;'1d Tot (acrammta quot verb11, fo t~any words, fo m:imr myfic:ries ~ and that thdc words . arf, Yn1end" non Lrgrnd.:i, noc mor~ Nr,;fmbrg t<;> be read then t0 be 11vt:d, as one faid uncc of che hu. idred :rnJ 1111'tcenth Pralm. r r,.. , , Verfl' 4. FY/JM /Jim n1hirh iJ J An ~lJgufl:d('f~r;ption Qf ,h;; r~ >H' thcr by a mamhtl: ill~fion co ~~od. 3.14. Som.: Cricick, readin" th~ w~ids as .t~ty hem the _Or1gmal~, woul~ ~e apt co rnmpbi~ No1 tlrlc,1t of an .mcongHuty, :mJ to lay,, Nov~ & d"rirerditf:1m. But ljoJ 'Vl'tli.i ,a: Ji;, nr.i u!i (!N/l m:!chmks! lhould have leave ~1ven h11n by thc:fo Lo.~od~dfili, to pro. TC!llli4 'Dlni<il:o noll~cc bs o.wn n1mc undi:clmed, and, by an ouc rul~,; who himitlf 1s un.Ji:clmcd, and com'.!s r.10t under :my rul~. 1nd fi'o.m 1/oe f.ewn JPlrits]. So t~c holy Gholt is here called, for his m:1111told g1fcs and ope.rac10ns, m the hearts of cho{e ICvl'n, and all other ( hurches. In like fore he is called Tbe rrv I1 t horow w h1c h t he two oI' J' en g:i '~tn pip_u 1ve. brancbes ' do empcy om of chtmtdvtsrhe golden mlrnf 111 prectouc gm~.:i~ into rh. ,. lJ CJndk.ltick tht: Church,, 2 1 1. So, f?me inrt.rprec ~h~~e }:~ voi eyes upo~ one ftone, Z:t~h,3.9. co~cermng cht Spirit in his knrall opcrrnons upon Chrifi, accord mg co I 1 1 2 , Verk S. A,,d from Jrflu. Chrift J. Who is hm: Le l:itl of rhe thrc:c ptrlons, uc.cau{e more lS CO be f:mf of him ; both as touchin his three fold ottice, and a three. fold benefic tht:n:-hence redoun~ dmg umo us. That hat/~ l~vcd ~] See :E~ek.: 16.6,l,9. C.hrifl: thic heaven. ly Pdlican, revived his _dead yo~ngonts wich his own h."art blouJ, 1'irrii b:cro, H1: C.-w t.hc wnah o_i (1odhurm~g abouc rhrm, :md c!lft himfdt inRIJpl). to lh~ msdll thereof, t.hat~~ ~1ghc quench it. {ud.zh offrrt'd co be lJurnd, .that B_rn1,m1~ mrght go frt:e. '/on,ithim aillcd his Mc, and quilted lus kmgdo~dor love: of D.wid. Arftnoe im,r po~c.d her own body betwixt. the murch<;rers wrapoi 1s, and her children. But whac was all this co tbi~ inco111puabh: levc of che Lm~ }fos ? When the J~ws law hun weeping for , .ReJ;~t~, !ay cher, how hrlumJ him? When we fot hiO:~;~: mg,.,l,ce~mg, dymg for us, Shall n~t we much more fay {o ~ l v t:jf~ 6. And t.c~ m11de '!4 Kihngt] fo rule in righc,oufodfc. tu. 1 <:>r 1tl o~~r or:ur. u sb, to mump over, and trample on all our (pmcu.t 1 au 1er1anes,, emg more then c0r.quaours th h' l lov~ d m, an dl a1 dd own h'15 1t . us, ch:tt we might orow raign 1.n ,,1lt 1e for



--------- ----- --



ii'1 life by one Jt:Cus ChrHt,- Rom.~-.-, 7. And if (as Peter - - - - - - M.~rqr once wrote to Q.Eliz:.abrth) Kings arc doubly bou.nd_ t.ll kTVI! lJod, both u men, and as Kings: Wh:ic are we, for clus lp1 ri:u.!ll kingdome? . Jn lg ;, LS. ,.,,.--tn . iJ-'Y'ie;111'rt1 GoJ] Tooffcrupcol~imc~~ perfonall fa- ~ ~d1ceofour fo!Vt'~, K~m.12.1. chc vrrball of priltk, 11nd r~_;ill of M ivnu.




Vt rh 7, B cl old hecomctb] He as a~ready upon rhe ~ay, an~ will be w1ch us thorcly, Lee u:; batten hi& commgs ard fay ~s Sil m1' J mother, why .ire hiJ fh1triots ( his clouds) {o /on!. i ~' f o min,~ ? Why tarry the wheels of his. chariots? . ShaH nail J Gr. ~ball {mite th~1r.b.rdts o~ thtgl:H:s ~ the e~dt as repenting, the reprobace !ii ~dp:un~g. Ii{, quibm 'lldemzu, oculu, fie mm : fa here, o.iwnu xo~o117ILI, they fh:.ill look and

al1m. H.-b.q 15,16. SectheNoteo~1 Pct1i '),

Vi.:rk8. w:,;cln~<, anel\\ihichWM] TheFatheriscalled, Ht 1b.11 ti, E1l.oct 3-13 Tht :lontff,, tHan\.'M,]oh,1, 1, lh-holy Gholt 1 He th.ft cometh, Joh.16 S,13. as Are-tM oblcrv~th. ' Vtrk 9. Jn the ~ngdom 1md p~ti~nce J Chnfi. hach a cwo-fohi kingdom, l, 01 powt:r. '2.. Ot pauencc. N ec 111/i per 111guft11 ad 1111 r!lfflA, &c. I hlve no l\rongcr argmnent a~ainll the Popes. king., 1. I do'me, failh Luther, qultmquodfinecr"ce_retn~t, t h~n tulS t.1~t he rai ns w1chout the crCJlfc:. The glory ot ~hn!ls Chu.rch ( fatd GM;e Utf.trfb Marc yr) fiands noc in outward (ht.:w~, 111 ~he .h:uo.f mm ln cn~cus iound ot bds and organs,nor yet in the gl1lterang l ..a. t cs and cop< s,<t;-c. but in continual\ labours and daily a0111.."1ons or his N:un< s fake. . wadntheifl~Parmes] H~ tels usnathowl~ecamethithtr, he boa(kch not of his b:mif.hment, Virtm proprio comenm tluatro. Vu'CUt: is nobraggard. . Yerle rn. J \\'M in tht Spirit] AC1:1:d by him,. ;md carried out oi' himfrlf, aschc dt:mo~iack'isfaid tobc in the uncl-:an fpirir, as being acted and agicmd by han~ . ~. S~o ~.he N~ce w


hr 1 ,

101 ,14 : 3

fl an J /If011. A,


On the Ll)rds d.JJ J The firll day ot rhe W~:ek;_ th~ Chn(h~n Sabo:,uh, Af-11u+10. taUed cht Lords-day from Chri~ ~ht' :mtiwur ot it. as is hkewilt thcLoras Sttpptr,unJ-theL~ . . a1 l h1uch,





Kirk, x.1,,v~x1), the very word here uft~. ro. l~nctili~ chis,Sabblth was in thi PrimitivHimes a b:idge ofa Chnft1an. for when th~ qudlion was a~d, S1r'fl1t/H JJornintCNtll f Keepcl\. thou rhc Kk4 Sabbatb?

.f. Cl"""'lllM':J "/'11 tfll Ra' 1i,AY1 <JN.

- - ---------

Sabbath ~ The eofwer W~ r~u.imed 1 C/,riJia"' fM. i~,~;-;;;;~ t1rno poffNW. 1 Chr1lli1n, I mu(\ keep ihe M> A,,Ht4rd ~1h111dt we] Not,~lfirt "'': implying that the Spirit c~llet~ upon ~s being fccure, p:iffing by, aod not :egardino 0 thofc: thmgs at cals for. ~s of ti mnnptt J To teec~ us,.chat the things here ddivercd ro thi Church mu[t b~ ever fo1u1dmg an OU[ ears and hc11ns i11dwelii1tg richl1inm, Col,3,16. > . Verfe J :t. Se11d it t" th6 feve11 J As all holy Scripture, fo this p1ec~ efperially may wdl b~c'1lledJ Th<1 Epi{Uc of Almighry God ro his creature. Vcrfe 12. eANJ /J1i11i ~MrH1d I {4w J It is well obfervcd here by a k~r~c.d Interpreter, 1 bac every godly endeavour doch rcct!ive Cou1c fr'1tt greatct then a l:S\an can hope for; Joh turned himfelf to behold the man, and behold (over and bcfidcs) fcven CandM\icks whic.h ht had not ~be: lc:a(l fqf~ti~n of, ' . Vcrfe 1 i . vind i~ th, ,,,up J Chri(\ i$ in the holy 1fi't'mbJies, m the b.e~uues o~ holmtfic ~ he walkeeh in llis gari,irn, c""' ,6. 1 be ~~u1cta m to ft:e his guefis, M4t. :aa, 1 J. The: tace ot Gudis tC:c:n in J',<,,,1Pfat84.7. vlgar.VJuJtJq!'~ t~ tb,fi1~] As a Councellour,l(a.9.6. And 1m] It implies red1';1efie, nimbhmeHe, handindfo and h~n~fomtnefle. We alfomull gird our felv,s, and fotve th<: Lord

O.p. 1


-A Com1111t~11 t1/111thtR T

tA'I' JON.


Spoufe cries out, 0 thou thAt dweBeH in tbeg;;J;;u:

thi! compA ,.;,,,, hrar~en 10 tb111oi'H u bt11r fr, Cant. 8 lj. Verfc 16. And he hlfd in hid] Sec heerc the dig


nicy and fafecy ot 11 faichfull Minificr. Whiles a childc lmh bis father by the hand, thcugh ht walk in che dark, hq: tears

A pmp two-edt.t4fword] The word, like a facrificing word, fliis open, and as 1c were, unndgeth che confcience Vcrfc 1 7. J fi/J .it hH fiet ll4 dei8d] The nearer any one comes to Chrifi, ~h" mon; r~mc:nntli cotmb into his bo1m. And ke ltiid his rightha11rJ The fame right hand wherein h1 held che !even narres, verft 16 ChriftHI fi' om11ib1U Atttnttu, #f 1mu; dowmu : fie cur,at univrr(os q11aji ft11gHlos ; fir: Jing# /os, quafi {iln. Every godly Minifier is Chrifts parckular care. Fe11r not] Till rid of foar, we are not fie to hear.

Chuft, L11l17.8. ~bo11t th1 paps J Thi1 implies ais entire luvr, lcarcd in tte

. Verfc. J.i. w/,ite /ik,: \\'ooH] Noting his antiquity, or rather his c:cc:rrucy,and unfpeakable pumy. Tlla/11, one Qf chc Heathen

S11g.e~, called God 11tui8~V1my 7Wr ;;,~,, The 1110.1




e.r1s 4.jlAmr offtr1] Sb:u-p and tenib1~ Cuch as pierce into . Vcrfe JS A~J h#_j,1,] Ht ftQod .tirm c:h~n when he was can ,Jnto the ~re o~ his Fathers wrath. ~c lrod the wine.. prdfo 2 tuatt, MA/tl. hi:> on Che n~tks of.lll bis and OUf enemiu. He loft no gtQutu~, when hfgupplcownb the dc~il on hi' QWn dung.hill c.fl(tffl.1'. R1 w~a ~lfi lr,,ifa J'Atolf 1mur OIU fiet j111rtl/

'ho ~nwatd pucs, H-16.if.t 1 Seethe Note there.


Vet(e 1 S. Th4t livetb ~nJ *"' J~.u:l] SQ 'an c;nry rq; nnn ray, Luft_; 16.pi :&pht[.i.1. Set: the Note thtre. All Saints ueheirsoftht gr11ceofliff, I Pcc+7 eA'ml hav1 the k.!111 J The Pope therefor~ is nor kt.y-keeper .as he falOy boafie&h; telling us, That God hath put under bis tcd thl! bcaf.l:s of the fidu 1 the fQwls ot tlae air, and the filh of the {cw.:. that is (as he interprets ic) all the touls iu emh 1 heaven, a"d purgarory. Vcrfo 11. Write the thing1 'Wbic~ t~o" IJ/ [we] lhlt is, the Gorret, che hi!lory of Chrilt ( H fume chink) which Ile wroce ac Ephtt[m afct:r his retttrn from P11dm1q1, above fourty y~ns atccr our.Saviour$ death. Ver!e io. The m1fle!J J In ~his whole b~k there arc fo many words, to many myl\:cries: whach atade CaJtR.N forbear to com.. menc upon it ~ though many. M~nks (tar ldk ab~c then h.e) rbou~hc it agoodly thmn to be medling m thefe myft.rnes, whu:h chty as liule undc:rflod~ as he that derived Apoc1d-Jpft1 Of l\m r,, t& t/i.p{ir 1'"'' t{l 'fJelo 1 quoth f ttb" the .d11g1tiflinif4n MQOK. . .he th1 Ange/J J Minicttrs are licly c1llt!d {hrs~ which df...d rhele inferiour rlting11 by moriou, lighc and influl'ncc.


:e ,~pm1m /''"
ia/erijumluecrfferit. c~j~t

/(me> 11e nr[ci


}J._o,,.. l~.~~. .

Som. Jcip.

Some C11ta"'1Jl~' arqdtafl\fdby aht

4s tlu fP"nd of WMnJ -.111m J .Audible, .mribJc forcible Qf this Nu111: But t~ S,Poufe



Ar1th~Jeven ChNrchu] Ligbt~d by ChriU: the big~ Pridl morning and evening continually~ and tht:reby as much diffcrcn ccd frQm the rd! of the wodd 1as Gofhm was hom vg111, in that



A C1rnment11r111pD11 the R riv 11 LA r t-o N, Cl ~--~~~-~----~~--~~~~----~~~~~~lap~



.A ComtntnlArJ t#ponthe RBV s LAT I ON -Al!li;;p-;~;]S~-~ th;p~-a-C\~~tchis fe~~d rtpc:~tance, in the:



V1:0 the Ange!]

relapfed Spottfe remrnfog 'to her old husband, Cant.,, See the Noceon i Cor.7.11. Sec an excdl~nt L~tter ot the LaJy 'Jane co thlt apoihtc Hardin1,, fomcdmc t.:cr Chlplai~, Afl. 'and Mrm. ftl.1291. and what lwcct counfr} flr,idfora aht:rwuds gave chc t1me H.1rding, Jb. fol. 1561. bd1d~s Lh~ t2'lmpk of Mr Bml-i
GrcrnMattyr,(o/.1680. .

mt'r h:rvou~: i. Hyd~hl lble h ~rc givt~l him ( /lngt/) he is mo~il1~::rd nor more?' 111s, c 1rn ut his durr. Thar An3:l :1c Bichim Jud~~ 2. I .is thot~_;ht to havdm:n PhinrtU. Ard ~omc incerpr1.:ttha~ of 4\ olomon)Ntttfer {Jv tho11 befi,re the Anrre/ thilt it vA fl J /J ~ ' ...,, " " erro111' f . 1u p r~c .. ~ 1s goolj c?tm!~l co,Minifl:ers th:H one gives, !/IN g1 ornmwduijluNomr:H, 1:11'1uJt~CJ)-H.ll11r~HJ r."fh(,Hd' no110) ,,omen in,me, rrirn(n immanr. , . ixn non Vctb(n. /~Itrboiv t~y 1vo.rl\! ar.d d7 l.16om] Not thy Works on ly, m t11y !' cur 111 l1 omg th.on, and ~hlt ends thou umlt upon chem. Hov. accurJtdy did our S:mour cart up 1 h3W Ion~ _che m~1lcimdc had ~fen with ~im, how liccle the l~::~ ~ <:Jt, how 1ll 1t would fare WHh tht:m 1f km away falr%, : "'ftlt Jf.31. lg, (:Ni 4na how tho11 c.i111ft ~ot be,1~ ~ M~\ed wirh a zeal of God, and havmg a ilomack for him. A,fr/n f4nt A 11 "l:"nti1" J. 1 ' d' 1 I . . 1 n11nqu.1m a iuu q11am ,,. (). 1U eru, q1-1M Arr_i.inUI, fairh Hiury. I flull look u on Au.,:tn;cm, 3~ upcn a d(;v1lJo long ~she iun Arri"n, P Vcrlq ./lnd h.ifl bm1 J lkarthdalk ApoHles thou couldll not; but hdl borne wuch from cheen MorinitiH. I r.. "" Nemre firA rum' enllores 1unt m'rfm. Ik.llls bice hardell w' . b' theirla!t. rce1.:1 to Jte Vcrlt:.4. ThoH h.1jl lrfr tb7fi;ff love] Thofi firn. " 1:. "' ~ n t pe 11 lllfl ( 'h t I l d t h:.u _, 11t!S ou c~rcrh,.A:c7.1. tbnkindenc:fleof , 0 ~ch tha fpoulall-lovc God lo Wt:ll remembrcch !1.e. 2 ! fh? t I. .r. h d 1 f ;{ I b ~ I r, IS, E f u1~1 :\. 1,; ~, ;~~~ o ccamc . .dphtjiJ, rt111.ffe :rnd r~t<:H~tk
1 " :

His was limo :/,y, 1s fomc chink; who noc fiirring up the gift 1 ~ c~f GoJ t~at was in him , Ind remitted fo1mwhac ot hi f

A'4ddoc th firft \\ork_,t] Begin the world again (as the N.i ~,11rite was co do, th:u had broken his vow, N mJ,b.6.) and, to kc chrc up afrel11, make a gatherin~ at praitrs, and kt: lhat thy works be bencr at bl\ then at firfi:. tlnd rono"Je thy CanJlefoick J Sins arc the foufh that dim our Candldlick1 and thrcatm:th the rcmov1llot ic. And lurdy if w..; repent nor, a removall chtrcof may be as certainly fort-ken ami hm:-told, .is if vifions and letters w...:re Cent us fo..>m heav~n, as to ttd1.: kvcn Clmrches.


thc:retore m( mccch, th~t men may be w:uncd. As a Hr:e llin:.;s nK till provoked t {o neitht:r doth God punin1 t11l t'.H:n: b.: nomncdy, l Chron.36.16. Vlrle 6. B1't thid tho11 haft J Th:u they mighc noc fay, wk;1 Jcr. 1, 1 7. & 1 s. calkd upon to repem, N,17, hrH rhere u ~o hope. ( hrif\: picks ou~ u. rhu which is praift:. worthy in them, and commrnds ic. D.;(pa1r mrk5 men to hdl, as the devils did the iwint: into the fea. Ciljl nt ft't'(I((} th~r1 flirt rur conftdotct, &c. The .~~r/{! of tht Nico/,1imn1 J Who raughc l communicy of Jreno~.TbtoJ. wives, and thlt it was but a thing indiff..:rent to commit a.

E.\';ept tho:' repent

Min11tur Dem flt non pHniat. God


7. Let him htar J Not with chat griflkonly that grows

and happy mrn chu c:m fay in a !pirituJll knf<;: (as it y ~ ~~ar~ Moju) that af ctr long prof Ci Hon ot zeal his Light s was :11 od dim, his l1dy htat not auared, thu rnns n~t rccro, d.not d~dJXc I 1 r. . h h gra 1.:, as 1 So~m~H, .l'.i ,,,, orners, wa w om thetrid was worf th. 1 b gmnmg. 1.: m t11e e

poUdt V. Hh 1 tpmt ot tloth md mdt.:votion. J\nd lure.:) ht: 1

From h fj . ft~lcng:;, "nd pn:knc timc:s for U@Js kingdom, LuJv~.6~. Y onmr
From "1hcnce thoH art f.tllm

. y,11e 5

J vh,

Or Let him he Ar 1\'h.At,&c. that is, Lee him h~;u for him!:lf~ h~u 111d know tli11t ( ei\,h m1:mb~r ior his own good.) th:n was ddivl'red to the Wh<.il~ Chmch. Towoftherreeoflife] This tree is ChrilT. The di.Vil alfo (a~ he loves co be Gods apt:) hath prmnpttd .Jl.1,1homu. co pro m~'e co fuch as die in wans for the .111aho11wan tmh, de~ licious fare in P.uadi{c:, plcafant Walkes, and oth.:r knfu1U ddights eternally to be enjoyed, notwithltanding any former

UiJOll his hcad,buc with the en of h!s hem. Lr.:c hi .n dnw up the eu of his hdrc co cht car on his head, chat one found may picrc1.: boch,

b1 1111 , 1 vQi:\f,(::

Verfc g

p 67



-- ------

.A Ctnm1tntat1 the R nVB LA TION. V~~l~ 8. -of~'J,~ Ch#rcb ~n S;,J,~~J-S~c:et0f;diing i,,, r-;~,


___ ~~ Chap.i.


Vcrfr 9. J know thJ \\?ork! a~J tribNlatio,, J. M~~k. (faith one) the conjunc::tio11, Wo1 ~s ttwd mt,,/Ar.!rm. Ath~e flirting Chrilli. ans ~relilH! ro !ufter much. Of J~r'u and L.tnd1ttaonly,wc rcadc ncn of :my trcubks they had. Andpovm7, bmtbouart rich] Po~erc~ di~ctJmmcads not any to Chrift : money bearit no mattery an his k1ngdome, Th1" Art poor, faith he but thaLs neither here nor chc:re a its a rnmer Qf nothing, thar. for thq Are /f'"'s ]_ Th:ic is, righc worlhip~ers, as the Turks ar this day fiilc chemklvcs M~f"l111~n1,. that 1s, the only rrut! b9Jil!vu1 1 i>!lpi!h chf. only Onholtkeg. F.m1ttt1 d- 71 rl}c /A 'l/(}t. & fimiio imitnntHr hqmine/, Verfe 1 o. F e~r none of thofe tbi,,gt] <l!!1t thy htut of that cowudly paffion, and die rather then d~ny the truth. Put on that rdolu:ion, N ecel[e ef[e Nt eam,,,,,, #t 'fl11am. Duey mu~t be done, though I die for ic. B eh?/d the detil J vi~. By his imps and inflruments whom he acts and agitaCls, E phtf 2. 2. But he and his m: over- ruled and lirnimtd; for he lhallc~fl (irnr 11[JU, nae all of ~ou, inti /ri~ 11 , norimo hell, thnt ye ma1 bcrric~. nOI ddl:rokd J and thig, for'"' daie s on/1, not for any long concmn:mce, .A cronm of lift ] A crown withouc cares, corrivaf,, envy,

the poordt bttc purell: of che fnen.


- - - - - -------.A Commentary uptmllfe.~_n__v_n L_AT_~~!-~---~- ;;~. Yee, as ac Pert,"""" alfoGod hsd a Church, to hath he fiill c:ven ac Conftantinoplt; the Patriarch whereof CJril hath l~ttly fee forth a Cqnfdlion of the faith of thok ~aflern Churches, 11 greeable in all poims almofi: ro the Prorefbnt religion, but diam1;crally oppofitc co Popery. Tho11 holdrff fAff] As with tooth 11nJ n.1i.!, or by main Y.(}T''' fin:ngth. who "'4'-.i fl.1i11 ] An honour nor granted co the Angels of ht:avcn, :is lat i1'ur was wont to fay. Vt.rfe 14. I h.. ve 4.ftw thinv J More he might have h1d, but the Lord is noc ex cream co m11_k wh:tt is amifle 111 his Weak, b~1c willing pl'Oplc. Tl.e high pl11ces \\?ot nst removed: 11everthd~-tT~ ( chough ch;u WJS hrs t:mlt) 1b1 h111n ~t Afa WtU p~r /Hl- all ht4 , chi \)fl , i,, 7

And to 'ommit {Vrnict1tfon J Noching hath fo enriched hdl(faich one) as fair faces. Theft were thofG B.i/i4itmsblocks, that Ifr.-ul loflumbled at. Vcrlc 1 S, Tht dollri111 of the Nicoluimn1 J Sec rhe Nuce on 1'trfr6. In theyear 1067. The Popil11 Synod of A11/J4i,,. make bwsagainO: finumy, and the herd1e of the Nico/,1itn.n1: by which


bti:r they meant Pric:lls marriage. 'Brutum fidmen no V!JL

rrlmrn, ,

Verfe 16. 01 tlfe I itil come" >1t1 thee] He was in the mid fl:
ofchc fevengolden Candldlicks btfore. llut when he comts co corretl, he comes ouc of hi5 place, /(a. 26.21. and ic is i morion, ilmhe hath no Cuch minde to, Litm 3.33. it isco do his work, his firangc work, I (a. l 8.11. Wilh the_(wm:I. of m1 mouth J Wnh frarfull rhrqmings, caril>k'"'~'mion:>, 1-limin~'l. -ucngc.mcdn readiYJcf[e for 1ru difabrdi~ m, 1 <.:or.1 o.6. Elij/u had h'.s tword as wdl as f.tht1 anJ H.1~u/ chlirs, I King. 19. 17. 6cc H1fe~ 6, S fe,Aony 1, 101 f{J. I I. 4 Verle 17. Of the hidden M.111-']. Tim is, of C11ri1l-, whom noncut the PrinciSofthis world knc:w : but C1od hath rcwakd himcohishiddrnMe1bycheSpiric, 1 Cor-.2.2,10. with?/ 83.1.
and given chc:m to ca{h:ofthac heavenly gift, I// Whitt 'ffo>:I!' J In token oi ihfotmion. With this white ~one mily the Saines comforc cbrmftlvcs ag:zmll all chc bLlck co:lls 'L ,. L1'b .msm c:oul-l hercw1c11 w the W?rl d fee ks co bcfmca~ chcm. Ii u fay, Let Bllfilpraa(c me, and I Gull hnb away ali cu~, W1lo n:-


onCh1tp.1.16. Verfc 13. Even Where Satn~tJ fr.ft ri] There was the Court of King Attll/111 ( difcedat Ab ,utla 'f "j velit efe pi111; Flee thee away,O chouker, forchisischeKingsCourr, A1111017.13.) and time was afterwards the frat ot chc R11m"n perfecuting Procon. fuls, ~i ab afcenfSre {tt6 S11tztna per11rgeban1Nr, as ha ch ir. Such a tear ot Sa can is both old and new llomr. At c 01

in kc into lif c eccrn:dl. V~rfc u. Aml tuk, A"gdJ See the Noce on Ytrfo 1 , and

Verfc 11. ShaU not be b11rt of the fecrmd dt4tb] Shall not be killed wich death, as ver. 2 3. Dc:ach fhall noc be to him (as it is to the wicked) a trap. door co bell, but j.:uiu.t vit.e 1 po rm c~li, an

n-,mri"'Pk ( which was called new Koml!) .ht-iUJ that ar,h-hc. Ttt1ke, Ser.lcn1 in latrina elf11~it inrenin11. voided his entrails ac tht: fiool, aod left M.ifJometifme there behindc him as his excre.. mcnc, __......_


:~j-~';_:,. :,: ~ ' - ' ,

;1bJ1nJ l'/;'.117/" f~~ : <pip. 11

na-~, /'.-; .,~

ul H- t:l.



rro:i~hct h ~c -May not we much more fay fo of Ch rill? It ;, ht th,4e p1jlifteth :.U: 1\'ho jb.1/l condemn ru ? Rom 8.3 .. A ncn nnme] Betccr the~ th:lt .of fonnes and .daughters, Ifi.
----------- --

A CommeptAry !'nthl R1v~AT1 ON. fan, bedding and lli~aling o-ITT--ilia-own fro~ ucilers, chat chcy mi,, ht not be dil11eartncd, when worie men were menaced. The deptNJ f Sata1t] Thatfaimct f~lflJ (o cllllrJ. I fim.6.2. Thofe profound points, which cbc J mpofiours profrfkd and



mt"HS of rhc tt:aft of a govd co11k1ence, whrch JS unconceivable and f NII o~ glory. Vctk 1 8. who hath his 1111, &c.J See the Nocc on CIJAp, 1. 14, l). . . Verlc19. The /aft u bemort] Th1s1snot every msras h~p. pimffe. ~cc the Nott: on ver_(e 4. le is a difpucable qudlion ,( hich one) whether any ~hriU:ian (except he die. foon after

5 6. S. The atl.urancc wh~ reof 1s ~faith Fat~cr ~11mn,rr) .the fwcct

prettnded co: as tllc Gnoftick.J. who would needs he hdd the: ollly (nlrf'ir.g men ; the l//mninatc1, and otht:r kdw:trs, Vede '-S HoldJ4f J Hold by ltrong hand, tugg tor it with xp_i'Tr(JYJ.-.~.

thofo chat would take it from ym1. Vcrfe 26. Aml k.!el'eth mJ Work/] In oppofoion to h.lJabels works, '1 d. that kt:~peth him{dt un(i1ottcd of the world, that

his conv\:dion ) doc go on from {\:ren~th to ll:rength Without fom.e knflbk decay of the inwud power oi that grace wherewith he 1s

i11ducd. l Verfc 20. Thou [Uff:r!:fl that \\'om an ft.~.-~el] It JS a fault thcn,not only to bt active m evil,. but .co be of evil: Nm flcicndo m11/ll&, fed p.uiend1J fi"t, (~1d the l oct concerning the Empuour Clt>iudim. Tbc Kmgs. of th~ ~arth are rax~d, R1Vtl. 1 s. for not rooting out the Ronulh rel1g1en, and fetcmg up the

fouUu&k that /;uh in that \~ick!doHe, I Joh 5.19 . Vt:rlc27. Andhejb14Uru./6thunJ 'I" J w1llcommunicacemy fdfwholly co him.Sec.: P/.139.6,7,8 19 MAt.I 9. 28.1 Cor.6.~.~ Verli 18. I \\ill givt him the ,,,o,.ning jl11rrt] i. t. l will clear his wronged innocency, l'f11l.37.6. and grant him:. glorious rdum:ction, Dien.12,3. Vcrle 19. He that /Jath aM tar] Se~ [he Note on Vrr[t: 7. Cw AP 111. . Vcrfc 1. I k.uow th] "'"rk]
ApieHJ n11n1m1larim Dem eJ : 11111m1'm ji1Hm non recipitt. Bcni. "' Though meA may be deceived, God is not mocked. He: knows thac many cry, The ccmplc of ihc Lord. char ycr noching cart tor the Lord of the temple. Dtifir:a proft./fio & dWibolfr11 14flio. God Amliro(. hkl& uot Cuch creaking and crackil'lg. And that thou h.cjf 11 H'""'] Manyconcent chemlil~es wich " ""me ot Chrifiians ; :is if ma!Qy a t\1ip hath not been called SafigNml, or Guod-fPeed, which yet hath fallen into the hand of l'iracs. A11d "rt atd J All thy fpecious w0rks therefore are but deaa 'Work! ; thou canlt nor ftrv1 tht livilfg G9J. Verfe 2. Bt ""1AtchfidJ] Roufc up th'y felf, and wrdHe with God, '11ake thee out otiins lethargy , as S ""'P(in Went out and fuook him, when the Philifiims we re upon him. 'l hflt ~re re.-Jy '~ J;,. J necaufo taint~~ with the infeA:ion of hyp1crifte, that pernicious mter g#oJ. . .. Ptrjill befor1 God J Gr. Full, without halting or halv1pg. l'atlt 114 Om,,u SArPNAtzirNm virtiM fXtrA ipf11. J\ll the hypocrites good

Verre 21. .And I g,iw IJCr fjlfce to repe11t J Jn .ffe'ue comu proves n'1t a\waies a true Proverb. Thty th:ic defer the work' mj fay thlt mm may repent hereafter, fay cruly, buc not f:sf4ly: Th(; b;iln~h ,hi\' b~ars not timely ftuit is cue off, JD~. Ip. The ground t~at yedds n<>t ~ ftiaf.on~ble 2nd futable return, JS n~gh unto curfing, Htb.6 8. The chick. that comes not atthecluckmg ot rhe hc.:n,bccome5 a prey to the km,&c. . .. Vedc22. Beholdf\\'i!icitflherintoabed] A b1dofall11cb. on for that bed ofkcnricy, upon which lhe had fir~cchc her frlf, Am:JJ 6 4. God hath his teaion, his harvcft for judgemcm, .iJ.far. 13 ~ o. M'-'n mly expect a time. o~ hc~li11g and cur in~, when they flull tinde norhing die, bm a rnnc of troubk,Ier.14.19. One 1mJ defer a (ore till it be incur:ibk. Sec Bu/z; 24. l } Vcdi. 23. And I \\ill kj/l childrrn. With deflth 1 All men die ( 11ith a Divine, dcfc:mcmg upu_n. this tcx_t) .buc all are n~t killed wnh de1th. As 1 godly man {a,d, that he dtd 11grotnre. i~ tnlirlr, fo godly men doc mod~l~Uttr. ~-k th~t \;\U\ lo di:, is fit to die; and the <onairy. 0 It is a wofuU thmg to be kJllrd


'With de11th. . . 'Vcrfc 24. B Ht 111110 JCN I fa7 ] Herc Chrill: comes with t~1s an


--------------------------------so 4
____ __! CommentA~~~po~ th~ Rn v BL AT I 0


Chap. 3,

.A C()m11JtnlAry upon ihe RB v n LAT 1 o N.

---:--------- -----


neffe runs our ward: ic is lborcd up by popularity, or other ba(c rel peels. Verk 3. Anti. thou ff;.tlt not ftnow] Calsmity the more fudden the more ceniblt: ' for, 1. 1c am:m:s and exanimaces a man, as an unexpetled ftorai doth a Muiner, and as Sa can intended "'b1 me{. frngLrs ilwuld do him. 2. It c:m as little be prt:vcnctej, as Eg/011 could prtVcnt Ehuds deadly thrufi. Vt:rft 4. Th1t1 h.1f/ "fe1v names J Thou~li no thank to the Pa. flour, wno was a merccmary cye-krvmc. Heu tbc pi:opks praifc: is chc: f>3Qour~ lhune. Th~7 foaliwalk..with me in white J That is, th:!y Chall be glo.

this day pretend (but malicieully.) that theft: few Jews char turn . ChriHians,arenocohhem, but poor Chrifii:ms hired from other plact's to pcrfonace their part. Th,111 h11ve Iowa tlue] The Churc~ is theae~rl1-b~!oved af Gads (911/, Jer.12.. 7. or {as the Stptuagmc render IC) hu 6e/ovtd (out. Ytrlt 1e. The lvord of my patience J So calkd, 1. Bccaufc we muft tutfrrtor tbe truth of ic. 2. lkcaufc hid in cbc hl'arc, it worknh patience. 1 will f<.eep thee J From the hurt, it not from the fomt of ic: from che common dillraCl:ion, it nae from the common de

B'untt voi.l7C

p. 1 i. ,

71111 .J.(J~;n.)11 11)(1.';1'1pJt11v


t;fted with pet~ea rishteGufndle, purit)', d.ttit1 1 d;snity ~n~

frdlivicy. for they 1tre worthy ] In Chri11s account and acceptation. Like as thoie wrn~ not wonhy, that cama not, when called to the parti cip~tcion of"isbenefirs, Vi:rfc5. Cl()t!.eiinwhiu] SecthcNoteonVirfl5. The book_ of life J Wherein the jull: that live by faith are

written, B11t I wiN con fo fle hi4 nAmt J His well-trird f,,ith fhall be found to praifc, honour and glory, at the appearing of Jefils Chrilt,1 Pu. 1.7. Sec the N"rc there.
. V trfr 7, That 1i hol1 J And ch~rcforc ro bcfa11llifinl iH Y :gh m11fnrff, lfa.p~. True] And therefore to be trnfied. Thift hath the kn of David J And is therefore to be fought un to for a door both of umuncc :llld of enc ranee, Co/, 4, i"3. a Cor a,J 2. eAll,16.14. Vude 8. An open dtJor J A fair opportunity of doing thy felf good: which thofe that go about to dcpriYc thee of, il1all be Cure to lofc o/e11m cf; opera111, their 'toil and callow. e.A little ftrmgth J A little grace well improved may do great mur~rs, a.nd f~t heaven open to a foul ~ The vine is the weakdl ot crees, buc chc moft trudull. Phi/,1ddphiie wich her little firength is difcommended for nothirig : the made all beft ure of ir. Verfc 9. I ,.,,;11 m.ik.! th<m] The covctfion.of the Jews fhall be the wonder of the Get1tilu, Which fa1thtJ1m lern, and 4truot] The penecfe Jews at this
Vtrfe 6. Ste the Note CJn Ch"p.2.7.

fif/,ir in the umple f God, as ver, 1 a.


whfrh Pu1U tqmc Hp1n all the world] So the Rom au. in chcir pridt, called their Empire. 'Io tr1 rhem that dwell J fc. By chat Charp and fore pcrfccuti Qn under Tr.1j1111 chc Emperour. Vnk I I, That no man tltk! 1h1 crown J Noc that crown of etcinall hfr (for chat is unloolable) but thac honour that (jod hath puc upon (hee, ver ~. A ChnHian may, by falling inco reproachfull cvurfes, loftuiharhehath\\'ro11ght, iJoh.8. 1. Inrcfpl:Clof thepraileotmrn. 2. In refpe'd: of inward comforr. ~ Jn rcifdt ot tht. degrees of glory in heaven : 1-k m:1y mifie ot Lcing a
Vrrfe l 2. which u MIW len1f1bm J Ir W!l~ a pride in .AioH- ~11:\i ,, 'j '"7 to onr-wem hh; f,pH:{,tl and Tymillm (cwopclcing Pari01u in Phrygia) and to call chem Hirrnftdem, as if tht:y 11Jd bl'en theonlyChmd1cs. And hudy, itisnochingdtchut pr!d~ in the 1JnmijlstoaV6>WChatcheir Churches :ire nothing ldlC cl:e11 the ~;,cf1 1 n.y'y lll\V Jer11f1tltm co'ing down frorr:o hravrn : chat tl1e very h d1tlvv .. ii1c, crown, lctptcr and chr<1ne ot Chrifl:s k.ingdomc colll11b in /' 11. thu11, c::)c. My new name J vi~. Th:ic which he received from his Lu her in lHs exaltacion, Ephr/ 1. 20, Phil.2 9, Vnk I 4, 0ml Hnto tbe An(tl J ,,frchipp11t, ic may be i for lti.: was a Pafiour here, and began to cool long bdorl.! chis,
C"/ 4.17. Tbt(t thiHgsfaithth~ Amen J lhe God Df vfmen,


callech him, taithfoll in pertormmg his promifrs to cht: ru1111ant that he rekrved, in this lukewarm Church, amcng fo cart:ldk a multitude. To thefe (hri(t became a begim:ing of the CreaL 1 tion





A C011111Jtntry up119 tb1 R~vu LA 'l' ION. uid:ro the ~~w-birch is Jun callerA:as being of no ldle famc






.A C1mmmtary "/Qn the Rn v LA 't 1 o N.


C-'mpian. r.1t.
JO ll11fhrv, m~t 36 Coner

1.l ulim<l.

and wonder then the making of the world. ycr.fe l S. ~~At th111 art neither cold J ~uch ar~ ~ur civil Ju fi1c1ams, polmkc profdfours, neucer-paf11e Chnfi1ws : a tair day mt11G& chem noc, and a fmd day pairs them not, peremptory never to be more prtcifc ~ n foived to keep on the w ,rm fide of the hcdg,, to {hp in a whok ~kin, fuffrr nothing, do DO thing th:it may interkrc with tbcit hopes or prtjud":e thc:ir prdtrrncnti. J rt1011/J thou tv6rt] Ecteer be a zealous Pa pm, then a luke.. warm Protdlanr. A ualous Papin ( ta1tb one) dare tdl us to our heads, that our religion is errour, our lelVlS hmtikes, our end ddhuClion: that one bcavm cannot hold us htruhc:r, one ( hurch now: tltlt our damnation is fo cleuly fet down in our own b1blts, that there needs no n1ore to affurc: us thcreot, then co opm <.iur tks and Wld it; that if we be not d;imned, he will b~ damm:d for us, &.c. This ii bmer then forlorn wretchltfndfe in right rd1gion, and thar derellablc inditfrrency aboYe-fpecificd. Vcrfe 16. I wi.U JP He thu out] I will pleafe my {elf in thy ju{l: punifhment. Ah (faithGodasoneriddmghis Homack) 1 wilt
t11fa me of minead11erfarie.t, I will 4venge

of m111e eHentitJ,


Ha.1.24. Now the baCdl places arc good ~nough to caft up our gorge in. The hypocrites punilh mcnt mutt needs be htavy. V~rfn7. Be&11ufa1houjaiefl] SiJi~:ifti,f11tu tfo, periiffi, faith AHgunine. H~ th2c thinks he knows any thing, knows no.. 1et as he ought to know. thing } And k.._nowt/f not J Whac ever thou deemel\ and dreamel\: 0f thy frlf~ a& fetting up thy counter for a choufand pound,and work ing thy fdf into the fools paradifc of a {ublime dotage. Verk 18. I cD11nftll t Im J .Having fit(\ convinced thet, ifJtrf. J 7. who before we rt uncounfellable. The G ibeonitn font nae for /oflu1a cill btfiegcd. The GileAdiw fought not atm Jephth11h till d1ihclkd : nor will men bearkcn after Chrifi, till drinn out of themfdvcs. T() buy bfHte J B HJ the trNth "nJ. fall it 11at. M:ike 1 thorow fa le of fin and all ( with che wife Merchant) to purchak Chrilt the pearl of prier, for whom S. 'P a11l ( that grtat trader both bJ fea and land,_ 2(or.11.2J,2s,26) counced all but dung and dogs. IJ)eat, Phil. J 7>8. Diogenes tax-:d the folly of che men of his t1m~s ( ~ay u~; ~~the men ~t ~u~s ~} ~Hlr~s pr~1io/M ,,,;,,;..

emem1t, 'Vt11derent9,, 11ilij/imM pl11rimt1, that they undcna\\l c:d che befi things, bt2t overv:dued the worll:. , G,/Jtriedi11 the fire] Precious faith, 1 Pet.1.7. white r11imtnt J fhe r;ghct:oufi1effes of the Saints, that of j1. fiification, and the ocherot Cantlification. E)''-{"111'"] That unelion, I Joh,M,o. LighC and ftg1't1 the fa.. Ying krioWledge ot heavenly ID)'fkries. Vtrfe 19. AJ ""'H1 M I love] q.4. Think not that I hate you~ bccau{e I thl\S chide you. Ht! that efcapes reprchcn{ion may fufpt:d: his adoption. God had one Son without corruption, bu1 noit: withoutcllrrtllion, Weibull: look chorow the anger ot his correCtion, to the lwcemeffe of his loving counrenaRce : as by a rain-bow we fee the beaut if ull image of che Suns li~hr, in the midi\ of a dark and watt:rit11 cloud. S(:c more in my Tr1Ati(1 upon chili Ytrle, the ftcond Edmon. And npt"t] So rhey did in likdihood : for 1i[thiH4 commend1 this Church, as gre1dy fl<urilhing in his time. Verk ao, Behold I ffa~d J Ct.rill llands, he dath ~ot fit: now whiks a man is fi:anding, h~ 1s going. (;hrifl: is but a while with. men in the opj:Jorcuniries of ~race & he will not alwait:s wait their lc:1lure. The Church fought him ( whe:n once gone) with many i h1:uy hearc, Ca111.~. And k._nock] By the h:immer of my Word, anii hand o~ my Spirit. And he with m6] ChtH\ is no niggardly ot beggarly g\\ell:, His reward is with him, he brillgs bmer comm~ities chen Abri1h11w1 fctvant did, or the ~em of Sheb11; gold, raim1nt1 eye-filve, &c. V~de u. E vtn M l 11l(o ] Th st is, Bccaufe I alfo over came, by verute of my vi~ory , ct!~ for ~n. See the lik~ 1ohfl 17. 2, LH~t 4. 3' It is by Chtift that we do over.fverume, -

------------CwAp. IV.

Vede 1. A door wM ~pe11ed in ht11ve11]

Hat is, Preparation was made far the manifd\:ation of mort T henenly myileries. ,,,, it of" tr111Npet J To !ife up his
WM M w1rt




------------------ ------ ---------- __5~- .1~-~~~!11ry11po~~~e_Rs~-~i~_:_~~-~-~------~l~ar.4 1 tio.t1, For it might foe with him," as with a dro'.1fie perfJn, who
t~wugh awd<.cd 1 and z~ch+1.

V.:rfc f, othert.

- ----------

Thr/1r1mfjitit3] Sec C~.1.'tl~le-+---

fd to work~ is ready to lb:p at it. CompJrC

A,. f 1J.1J[1 J

. ---- ~~~-----.- -- -


Tht wwJ fay buc, th~ ww!J,

Come 11p hither] Not by locall motion, but by mentall illu-


I.And luholil 121hroHI! J ~o J(ai11b was pr:pmd for his prophc cy by fuch a lit~ht, Chllp 6.1. And E.:t.t~el ( b,(\de5 that l~upe1\. dious v1Hon, ch~p. t.) hcmi b.:hinl~ lum a \'0ice of ~re 1t rn.hing; faying, 'Bleffed 6e 1he glory of the Le.rd from hiJ place i Cor.9,27. Chap.2.12. The1. reft not] Gr. TIHJ haw"' reff, and yc::t they have no Ul1 Sat on the throne J As Judge of h~avcn and cart h, gen.18 2 ~. Vetfr 3. Lik! 11 Jafjcr Anda Sllrdi11e J God is here tcf~m'Jl..:d rdl neither : the f wect conrcnt they take in thc:sr continuall emploimcnt, is fitter to bo bc:lioved Chn poffi!Jlc to be dif(faith one) by three precious fioncs, holding forth the thr~c: \n foniry, A dper having (a~ they fay) a whit~ cir coutfed. de round about it, rcpn:fcnting the eternity of the Father, A . HolJ~ ho/7 J ThiE they double, ttcblc :md warble upon, nine Sierdint'ftonc of aHdl1y colour reprcfonting J~rus Chrifl-, who um es ovc:r. Vcrfq), 1A11d\tlhe,, 1h1fok11fl1] When the Pre2chersarc per. took our (ktJ.1 upon him. An Emrald being ob green colo11r, re c . 11 frcfhing the eyes of them that look upon it, reprdcnting the Spi funning their office, as Heralds of liods praHC:s. Verfo 1 c. The for 11nd 1w11u1 Elders] The people: yccld their p.;'.~~1~ ~,~1.1 ' rit, who is (:is. the rain-bow) a token vf fair wcath\:r, and is a affcnt, and fay Amt: the want wherco!'S.P.u/ accou11ts notinall n1 ;gb1r1a comfonable rdrdher, whercfoevcr he cometh. V crfi:: 4. And ro11nd about] 1 he Saints arc round about God, Joffe, I (or.14.16. ~111dcap their cro~111] CAll#llM King Cif engla11d(ct his crowa Pfo'-76 .1 l. a peopl: near unto him, P(al. I 48 .1 ~ P<J11r,wdtwcm1 Elds] A full Sc;nateJ a ltately At~phithe~tre upon the crucifix. 2.11d procl:Umod. tiying, Ltt ttU thl M:whimnt1 W.rtk] iln -,,,.,,,, "f ,, ()f the fitlt-born, whofc! names are written in heaven> cloached as Pfih, W1rld lc..111w, 1!u.11lnr~ ;, rw Ki"} 6!'t he to "Whofo 6eck,_hetaven, '"''" 1t11~ fo" 61 h~ l11ws eternttll Pr idts, cro\\'ncd as Kings and Conqueroms. loh Verfr 5. Li.~htningsar.dth1mdtringi] ls notdtflruflio~ to dt ~16ed1tnt. Whc:n the great Turk C<>m(th into his Temple. hG 31 3 . lol>soJ \\'ic~edf 11ndajlr1mgep1mifoment toptrfuutours ? Who C\'Cl' hard l~r~s by all lus fiate, and hath none to attend.him all the whifo.So cnc::d himfrlfagainll Cods Church and prof percd ? Have thefe lomon1 mother fer the crown upon his head ( fo doth the Church wo1 kcrs lf inqui~y no knowledge:, who mt up Cuds people as upon Chrifts head) in tho day ofhiscfpoufals,(1011,3.11. Verfe 11. Tho# arl Worth]] If we would ha~ our k>uls fct as they car bread, 'P(a/.144? Surly, ifthe-y badbuti~li11ucb w~t for thm1fdves, :is 'PilattJ wik had ma dream they Wollld take a pearl in that fair ring of heavenly courrkrs, that Qompa(fc; the lm:d ot ha\ing any rhing to do with juf\ men. H' my man v. ill lamb~ thron!t, let mi praife God, .su: rhey do. For rho" h11fl rm1ted] _Our frrvicc mu{t not be rafu but rcafon hurt (j,~r,~ \Vitnc(f s, fire proc~cdeth uut <:..f th;ir mouth, and d~ \'Glirc .h their cn~mics, Revel. I 1.s. lt was therd,irc r;o ill co:m abk,Rom.12.1. fuchaswhcrcof we can render a rcafon. God fd cb~t a Mart}'r gave his perfccutour, If thou wilt not fpare us,yet hates a blindc facrincC', a SOMritM fanM:c, wh1n men wodhip fjmc thy felf. l t is a fear full thing to fall into the punil11ing hands they know not what, nor why. And L13 of the living Cod. Thi

l\\'illfoew tl1et] That thou main fh~w the Churci, that they ha vc a molt glorious a:1d almighty deliverer. V crft: i. I WM in the f}irit J 5ec Ch.1p. I .10.

Fo11r !JtAj11] Or living wights t Not Angels1 bat MiniAm thofo earthly Angels ' who are fet forth, 1. FHll of t)tJ theb pet fpicacity and vigilancy. '2 Furnifhcd with fix w;,,l' apiece for ti-cir pc:rnicity and pJIOIUPtitudc to fcourc about for tho eeoples b"1'lefir. ! ~alificd with all necdfoy endowm:nts, t~r the d1fchargc of their duties , being bold as lions, paiRtull as oxen, prudent as IDCCl 1 delighted 1n high 6ying 1 as E:1glcs. Verfe 8. F#IJ of111111#1#11] To look to tbemfclves alfo at w~u as ro the flock, AEl.20,a8, lelt while1 the)' preach to Qthcrs, &c.





.,,,mJJ ,,,,.,,





~~~~~~~~~~..__~-~--~~-~~~~--~---~~ ~

.AC"1mlmt111p111 t/11 Rv BL AT ION.

Jlnd~tre cr1ated]

Chap. 5.



~.Crnt111"1 tipon the R llV B t A 't 1 ON

Gods pow~ put forth in the creation and adminifiration of the world ii twice here mentioned i as tlm which can never be fofficicntly admired and adored.Sec my Not~s on Getuft.11.
-----------------. -------------- - - - CHAP

--ihholej, tw/ion ofth1 T,.i60f111a11h] So Mofnfcrs forth our o_~n 49 .9. Savio\ir, Ill. r 1.1. rheroot of1)AvidJ So rhe Prophets. Thry h11w Moft111n:l 1he ~-r 16 1 , 8 20




Vcrfe 1. In the right /,11nd]

R. or, Attheright There it hy ready, but none Gof could make ought ot it, till the l.ilmb took it not only but the i;:\thers right it,
011, hAHa.
r.t, hand, ~nrt opened v~f'.7. c4 hook._ Writt1n] This book of the ReveLftion, which till the


Prorhcts, faith A6riihAm._ To the L_tt~, 1md co !he Tcft~mo"1. It a~y fpcak not according to th1~ word, 1t is beraufo there IS no hght m them, nor to ~c gotten for them . Hath prevailed J Gr. Rath ovtrto,1,or (urpajfed, fc.all creatures n:f 1u1m. in worth, todll chis great work. Verf< 6. J,, the midfl ofthe Throne] As a fit Mediatour betwixt 1 Ti.n. q,~. God and mc1', even the man Chrilt Jcfos, who gave a ran fame. &c. A Lamb .u lt bad~etH j1Ai.,] This forln of fp!t ch is put ( fait~

Son of man had received of his heavenly f Jther to l11e .v unro his fervants, neither they nor he (as Sonne of man ) knew ( fo much at leaf\) oft bat day anoi hour of his fccond coming. .Ana on the 6Ack:fid1] As wanting room within. Verfo 2. And I {414' aflrong A~~tl] Angels arc very def.ram
to know the myftcryofChrifi, 1 Pet.1.11. and tu profit daily rn

an I ntc:rpretct) to (hew the continuall recent vcrtuc of Chrins death, eternally etfrauall before God, as whcrel-y once for all he hath pnrchaf~d etcmall r~demption. Some think that he fiill retains in bcavcn the prints and fears pf thofo wounds that he on earth in hi~ hands, foct and fide. His glorified body (faith one) is that golden cc11fcr, which through the wounds that arc in ir, as thorow chinks or hol~s, fume th forth al waies a plcafant and fwcct favour in th; nolhils ,,fhi:; f athcr. fl,wi11.~pv1n bo 1111] Plenty of power. AntichriO: hathbuttwo horns\ Chap. I~. t 1, Andfe'zmu7c1 J No want of wifdome-, no need of a l'ifiblc to the c"r1m~h, or any other Vicar gcncrall to Chrifi, then the holy C1ho{L called here, Thtfroen f}irits of qodfent forth into
alt the e11rth.
V~rfi. 7. Andhuame1tndtool(.] As Mediatour be took it 1 as God he gave it. All things are delivered unto him cf the Eu her : and 110 man knowctb the Father bat the Son, and he ~o whom the 5011 rrn:akth him, Mat, JI. 17, See the Note there, Vedc 8. Ft/J down btfore the LAmh J As rhry had done before the throne, Ch11p 4. Sec [oh.5 .. ~ 3. D1 \'ine adoration is an honcur due to the manhood of Cl1rill alfo, as it is tak~n into uri1on with. rhe Cod- head. Full of odours] Therefore fwe:t to God, bccaufc Chrifi pours unto 1h~w gfhili QJgur:;1 R,v.9,3, whithllt'nhtprl4im~f Siti,,11] That is, their own pr~iors and praifi:s recorded, 'fltrj.9, And this is added as an Expofirion, to let us know what is meant by odqurs. See the like; 1oh. 2. i I. and 7.39,

that knowkdgc 1 Ephrf.3.10,

C.mt7 .J

Vcrfo 3. Nor u11d1r t~ tArth] That is, I1 th~ fo:t 1 as E."l:odm 20. 4. Neither to /ook_thtreon J Or, therein, b:caufe fraled Ui' Verfe 4. And I W1p1] Out of a deep dcGre of knowing the Contents ot this book. And as our Saviour going toward his c:r( fie, turned again to the weeping women, and comf1 )rtcd th1!m, fo he foon {atisficd the dcfirc of this his dej~tlcd n.fciplc. Tears arc ctfrttuall Oratour1. Lurher got mnch of hi~ ir .fight i1~ ro Cods matms by this means. So did .Afelan.ffhon, when he wept out thofc words, fl.!!!t fag;11rmu h116ermu ('Po111ificir11) (jHIJI feq11amur noni11t1/Jigim111. le is faid uf Sir Philip Si(h;ry, that when he met with any thing that he well underltuod not, he would break out into tears -fllci/n mo1111 me111 1.mero[A c11pit, The Spoufe, fcekmg him whom her foul loved, had eyes like th(' po"/J of Hejhbon with tears, And D11niel hai greatdl revelations
\ilft~r thr.:e

A.'.l. q a6,

Vetfo s. A11d IJHt bf 1hl 8/dtt"J J A (omm<1n Chriflian, points t1'-ie Dhinc to the Archprophct, whom for prcfrnt he thought nr1t on. An ckqumt Apollos may be better informed by a Tent maker, and a great ApoHlc be comforted by an urdmary Rorn11n. Behold,

wccl<s ol he~vinc,, C~:!J' o, -i,

L 14



- _._~-~~t!!''''_"!__MI IW Ra a 1. A 'I' 1 &t!.



Chlp.6, A C0'11111nllfl'J 11po111/,e Rn u.uxott. ------------------- -


upon the opcnmg Qf 'has book, upon thl: rcceir of chis R.cvdacion ~ Should not eKcite and kindle m QUr hnns a mo1e urnd\: drfitt of underfhndmg chdc myfi"rici? cs Oh l could tinde in ,uy heart ;; co ~.ill a~rd1) upon th~ l\ udy of the Rcvdation 1 ha~ I Llrtugch 1o do ir, fa1d my lhverrnd old Mai\tr umo me, 1 ht ck atorc his d~ath: Mr 1ohn n.-11,,,,.1 mcn1 ~milleroftbe Word for m4 ny ytars at E v~flwn, whtre I heard ham (m my chaldt:hood )pr~ath mg many a tweet Sermon upon the fctood and t~ini Ch~pt~rs ot
lhls Ilouk.

V crfe ~'. A11J 1W, (u,,g] A geouall joy in heaven ll1d earrh. Surdy, ~tis a ~leafsnc thmg to fee the light : how much rnore 10 fee the hg~t ot. t~t knowl~dge of G~d in chef ace of Jeiua CbrUH What a cf~al of. n.ump~ and cxultataon is here all che t;hurch over

in tbis bkfied ClU'c. and oow they are the Sucwu,,.., alfo. They began the Song, and fo tonclude ir, as having far gream benc:fi' by ChrHl: then al\ other creatures, and l.lod expc:cb a propoc4
rionJ that ~ur returns be fomewb:it anfwtrable co our reccits.

c \I


v (.
Ge,,.1.4. Mar, 16. 2. I

Verfr J. Ont of the fea/J]

Hat is, The firfi of the feals, as Undet fal$ pagan ( hath an nmpmcr) as T under tht: fot:n cnm1pcts C..hntban, qnder the. fcvt:n v11ls
th~lt: k\l~n (~al~

R 11m

Rome Amichnfi.1ai\, SQ aU the judg~meors in the Rt11e/4rion are


~t cottfJn,

mongll us. Vt;lk Io. 0"d \~e fo~ll.r1Cigut1 the earth J R.aign over {'Uf lulls, ra1gn with and m Chnlt ~ver al\ our emll\lt:S t>y a lpiricu.tll nut kcular fctprcr; 3nd at lat Judge the world, 1 C1.-.6. a. Verk 11. J{o1md .1/Jout the throne and the '1111/ls J tlac is, rc.~nJ '4l>\1~~ ~h~ V~itfh i~~ 'ht Eldm. /rngds encamp about clu: S!mts> a~ m11uet.rmg fpmts, uid arc glad ot lh.: otntc, that cbcre G~ mJmkUeJ m the fldn may be teen ot chem : and th~ U'.Ulti vu1ous w1(domc: of God in mans redemption be difphicd uutu I Tiin.1. l r.. them. . lphtf 3 . \l(rf1;~.1 i. wi.ih 4 /ouavoiu] Bt:tokcning theit e:\rnt:U ai .. tli. on ; alfo 1s no~ably exprcfftd by che nuny parcicul:m thly afc.nbe to (,hrafi, as if they could nevtr glVt! rnuu~h to him. Now 1f Angels, .who h.. vc nothing {o much t>tndic by him, doc thus tnJgnafit h1cn ; how muth mort: lhwu\d we ? 0.1r hl':irts Ibould uc:, our ~o"tbs opc:n~Q, 11r1q we noi " hnk vutd ac our own vale dulntile m being no more Af.. 8:~d w4th ch~l~ ioJekbk ravilhmcms. V~rf.:. 1 3, And ev~rJ creAtHr~.J The w_holi.! creation ~roaneth w11.d~r 1 Villllt}, ind re)Oy<:c~h, as it weu, m the tortt~hr of: th1 at ltvl rcy ot t~' f~ of (,igd at th~ lilt dl\Jl> wacreof idhaH par.. ta Kc., Rom. 2. u. hfc the No~e ihor@. Vcdc 14. l111d 1h1 four lw1JJ1 J The Saints were the P,-c~autt1,r1 in

A nnv fang] ~or the new work of n:dempdon .. bdidc: that olJ fong, C~Hf1"ft fo~ that of'f(jitiQ0 O11 t of e11ery kjdr~d] Lee this l>c noted agiin{\ ~hi! dod'.dn~ of umverlall Redemption, thats now agim fo viokutl} crkd up a.

fiill upon Rome. Hrncl! Mr Dem cals his Expolition upon th\! R6v,/.it.i.q11-, 'Tk 1'Uitt.f 11/ ~am,, Tb~ nolj.'t:af thu,uler] Tht$ folH~afl; was like i Liu11iCJ.up 4 7
wbok r~ringi$a$ Vtr(e 2. And ~eh~ld4 white h~r(e] The Apo{Ut:s and Apo .. ftd1kc Pc~achm of che pri1nitivt: rilllt:~: white for ~hc:ir purity ()t duchine, da(~ipli~ 04nd CQU1'~rlatioo. HQrks tor their fllll'lblu and(wihfprcadingchcGofpt:l,wh1chranthor~wdwwmlJl1kc: a AQ, ? Sun.b~11m ( olS Et1fa~i1 h~~t\ i~) anlj Wfllf c1rrk'\i abrn:td as on ;c~f!,w ~'~ ~ E~h~, Oli If& 90 ~nge\f wit1BS ~~Off~ hi~b nl!l l\!llne it\ Hdu~w I~';'. b h:~1 ' ~. trenn devout4t1g C-<: g~QUnct PY t w(tcoefll', and wn chttdorc i.Jp J ~y chu 8'a~hem dfdic:acc:d tQ 'he Sun ;. W~lc goin,t foY"th is fto~ she end of th he4ven, (l;nd hi,, ci~GHit f'11to tUtJ oHdJ ef if, ll(~l. 19 6, Cran~,i1u eds us, chat the Sa:i:on Princes, bdorc thl'Y. becamt: C1anz iii Siax. c;hriltians, gave a f;>.l~c;k hQrle. for cheir arms, but. bdng Ol\(U ba.. Pi1zed~ whi(c bodl: 1 w&~h rdtrenct:, b~p\y~ t(l ~tus t~xc. He thlft (a1 qn him J Chnft, (,'lm>. 19 11. P(4l.45 S H"d 4 brnfl J fh1. (ivt\dne f>f th<: Gottl\:I, Whtrtl>y 'he people ~~ll unclttr: h\m, P141. H .4,
71 0

CoHJtleri.>i.f atuJ (o co~UJIW" BritRt1f1 1,rt1111- i>tr1ccr{[ti Ro,,,JI Ailvc ( ruJ '1 rii4 !Dc".Chttijto t.aNUH p.stu1rH1Jt, iaich Tcrcullian. t:hrit\ t~mo Jud c;onquered rbis kiogdome : which th~ /(om ou with all their power could not do, .11 Chr;llo vinri, (itmnM villoda efl, vi". ciri p.,1J,,,a ii~fYf~,, faith all.\\thl'.r, Tbrrci is no ft?'~ cmlqudl: :'IS to b~ ~Q~1qum:<."\ hy (.;h~tlt, n~ lL,~h bucrcy, a.a co be hound

by him,

/ Vcrfq. Com1andfee] 7,,1.msb-:tteractention is calkd for.


,A Commt#tdry "PlW the Rn v J! L AT'iON.



.. ---

vcnly my~cries ! A lea.coll fire, 1f not llirred up. will di~ 0 fdf, fo will our tpuk and !punk o~ light. Chri!l cals upon tho~c

c ~ Chlp,,6. . . A commentM-y 11ponthe RIV IL AT I ON. hap.6, How duU and droulie are the bell: in percel~ing a~d-;~ei;;"-- h-- -vcrie 6; Jn th;.;;iii] -The v~ic~- ~t the Lamb, Chap. s 6, Who appoints and ordt:li all : he. cuts us out our ft:verall conI

f I~


dicions, cautioni11g for the wine and oil, when other food



fu' ..p6,

lhU 18,

d me11(ure o/"'lmtt J A qu:m, fay fome, 2 pottle others, an ~11 1 ~ allowance tor a day. Among the Greeks (faith Sid,u) Cltt J. bloudy w:us"J. :mi tt:mble ptrkcmtons, Tl ofo cen firfi \II gfc C!i ni>. dittim d11batHr. And that the Jfraelitts in the wildcrndfo . . verc o cru. (according tc Rrihanm ) had each ot them, three Cht(nices of c11 , c.hH.S /~~ ,1 rom \~~Hes m 01:r ot his Epifilts, chac for eve d1y m the >ear wm: murdered ~ ooo, except cbe firlt da fJf Manna by the d:iy, that was to ht alcribed to the divine bouncy, as 7.m11ar7, Y o ?uniru note~h. Vcrk 7., ~c:e the Noce on Yerfa 3. To him t~ ..a (4 t thfreon] Chrifi,,Jo 34, Ziech.i,8, He v~rh: 8. A p.1Jc hor(e] l:idor pdlilence, and pale death to Hands ovtr his Church as the Ago11othettJ, So he: did t s s phcns marcpdom, Aet..7. he mo!erates and over.rules t~e ~t ride on. crndty. enemies vtnd hell followed] (c. To them that were killt:d wich death, cAnd !~.:lt rtu7 foc11ld kJU one another J '1h, The perfecurours Re11tl. 2. ~3 ( See the: Note thm:) that died in their fins, which is fl~~uld nlc up :11.1d Litllroy one ~not_h~r, as the Rom11 ,, 1 did ,ht for work thtn ro di' in ii dit~h. Over 1he fiH>-th part of the Mrth] That is, of the Roman EmJ.",vs, and tht Jl ws the ~omans m divers provinc<.s 1 And as chc pire. This fdl out in thedaies oi Dui1u : Orr-Ji111 bearing Witt.mpt:roms.whu gor .n?ch1~g ( m.oll of c~~m) by their adoption or defign:u~on co chc; Em1me, Nifi ut c1wu mterffrtrtntt1r, but m:lft, that the pdlilcncc: \\ hich then raged did ommd no further, to be cue off the fooner. All or mofi of chc pn{ecucing c r- d' fl..!!. am ad projligand.u tccltft.u edidn Du~ cNrnrrerunt, that i~, c.:d unnamrall deaths, t(,ars l thrn the ptocliunacions (Ji lJ rcius c:unc tor the ovtrchrow ct tht: 1 A g e.u firord]. That Clf rhe Gofpd, Ephef.6, 1 7, which tak~& Churda:s, Verk 9. VnJer the altar J ;, e, Under Chrifl:, Hrb, 13. 1 o. away peace, by acc1de~c, M.1t.24.6. Chrifi threarneth the conundt:r his cufiody and tatc-gard, Or, Vnder the almr, thac 1s ly.tempt ot chc Got pd w1cb wars and rumours of wrs o 1 /1 b l f' .. ur ace Ed.~e IHuau e was ought in che vale ot Rcd.horfe. 1 ~ if God ir.g at rhebottom of the: alcar, as b~ans newly ilain todacrificc, ~lC Phi/.2.17. lX J Tim,4.6. _ h!ld Cl1(1!U1t CO fay,. l /Jtt'tJ~ now fa11t 70H ih~ rrJ luJrfr, t/avt h Which they had] Gr.Which they had,and would not be drawn~~., q11arrl'/ of the \\Jute, 'l.n I by any terroursor tortures to part with. Tt:ey may take aw-;.y Vcrfc 5, A blM/.z. horf~] Famine difcolours and deni rates ,on.4.7,8. le accompanits war for mofi put and fig , ' my life ( faid one ) but not my faith, my head but noc my very t.x,re1 . , nc, . as at uamari>1, r . ' was m trg( s 1s crown. where an affrs head wor h fi Vt:rfc lo. Ad thtJ cried] Whm God intends ddivcnnce pound s: ac Ro'!'e, where chis proclamacion was imdt: in ch~ n~~~ to his people, he pourech out upon them the !ftirit <>/gr.tee and kcr, d I onr prttltlm hu11Mn.e carni Ac Scedr,. .., wL m.:re hor ,.rs were (upplicatio11 1 Zach.12,9,10. ~lt~,J_)'t:~ thcyh were glld to eac dogs, cars; rats, e!J'C. Ac How /011g 1 o Lord J C11/fJin had thb fptech "lwaks in his B zdnv!t"' ~,,nr1oc111~ yn;, w r:re many Umlli:ms (in the holy w they ~ailed H) were glad co eat cht: de:id bodies of thei 1 ar{,l ~s mouth; breaching out his holy dd1res in th~ behalf ot the affiiC\'cd ' tm:m1cs. r ilte :un Churchts, with whole foffcritlg! he was more atKCl:cd, chen With any thing chat bddl himfcU~ . H11d "pai"" 'f 6alanca J Gr. The beam of fcales. To fhew That dwtll M 1htt11rth J Jn oppofition to the inhabitants ol that lliould be dd1vc:rcd ouc by meafore, as is threamed, heavtn. As names Writte11 in heavtn ftand oppoft:d to thole that E:t,~k..1 el 4 6. Dmt, 26, and men fi101.1ld be Hinted and pie tanced. arewriuen in the ,arth~ Luk,10.20. Jcr.17, J 3 Verfe 11 Verfe6.

thlt h~d cumd::ir.t~ ht~r h!m, ia)mg, Let h;m that h"th 1111 t~ b ear, 1, ac.1 j. ~ec Zac11.4 I. Vcrfc 4. That w.u red Po~rcnding troubles and tra edi

A Commentarynp.nthel~F.v E I.Al'ION-~------~-17 h gods-iigiil){f-rhe Might}', ag:iinfl: Conff11ntine, _Theod()filu, their pnle(ucoursconvinctid. Cod wouldtpt:1k for them in the ~~'.r chat chn:w ouc their PrieHs, and pulk~ ~own chm Tcmpks. he: arcs of cheir greatdl enemies. . Vnti// their ft!low-(crv.-um al(o J We doubt not (f:sith alcar. Th fi Kings and Grandns were c.Yrl.1.'l:tml.1nw , Jlf,1.t'.mww, M Fl b:I. ncd I ncerpraer ht're) buc chac che crowned Saim:s do in genenll Mt t: tiHI Galeri 114 , Lici.nitu, 'J1tli11nm, &c. and thur com.A.trnwho'werc routed ruinl'd aud driven imo hull's and curnr1 s 1 know the. affi1Cled ~in.Jition e1f the Church milir1m, tnd do wit\ P 1c1.:s, ' d .r 1 d" dv111e . r. them ddiveranc~: hue our fpeciall nccdlitits aod occum:nca of by the ChriiUan Emperours: :md atcerwar s 10 .1mr ue uY . 1 pmicubr ptrtom; ch~y cannot kntiw. Brotkt:r Brtlford (f2id Jullice. rhauhcycamero fh:u~dull ends. J?s~~Jrfi~n p~ifomd n,.(J>.lql.l:t f \ 111.iximian h:rnntd h1mklt. Afa.umHilU hkt:w1k a1~d ( ,,,, 8, f.:J' 11. H1lhopRiJ1,.,, 3 Jiccledorche Wa$offeredup) folong IS I lb2U h11n L IY.' d.1c d 0 f a r_.v 1 wntim became thdr :::> own dlaths-mcn. G' '' l er11u ;, tiiJ s .c 17 undcrltand chou :u tin rhy journey, by GoJs grace I iliall call upoo ,,.l. did l dfrnheavnand it111,ev1a 1 1 1 o l L ' cunll.l 'c:ip .Afl a11 d Mon, our heavenly Fae her ro fer the1 flfely home: aad chen, good bre lo:ithfome difc:ik. '1.11N1:n ha llS t:ac is- wuun . ~r,p.. Joi 1s66. tllcr, fpeak you for che remnant chat arc to futfer for Chrifis fake, died 1:iving and bbfi)heming. V-.dC: 16. Andj.1idtotli~mo1tntain1] Which yet was but a according co that thou chm lhalc know more clearly. Bue chis is tu pcor Ou:ltu ; for mountains mdt, and. rocks rem at l11s be ca km with a grain ot falc. Th111 /lmtld bt kj~rd] Under Lu;,,;..,, 7"1;11,, chc 1pofhcc prtfrnct. d J Th cy cou. td not ll an -i 1 Vnl~ 17. wbo fo,i/J be "tie to ftin and the Arri.m Emperours. Vcrle 1 :a. There w.u ".(r~At earthtt.""k.! J Underftancl her~by ldon; thw own mif-giving hearts, and 1oul.condcmnmg conk~ thole horrible commotions and confuhons that fdl our in the R~ c~ci.:s how much kfil'. bdorc G~d chat was greah'r then c.he1r mAn Empire upon chofe cc:n bloudy pc:rteccions, and the carncl\ h'.art~ ;i God frnt his hornet, which drove out thck C.o"w111~ 1 fot'Plicacions of the Saint"S, which can work wonders in hc:iven E~od, 23. 28, F'4a; font ;,. cord~ fao ftigitivi., as Tcr111ll11H and earrh. The dc:ach and ddhuctioo of the perfecutours, WIS hach JC. ( as it was faiJ ot che dc:nh of ilrri1U ) Pr1cationu 01111 HoH mol'cbe ~ttdl of faithfull prnicrs cllling for full and finall Yen' So,rJt,I 1.,, 1f /Jj, geanct:, . CH AP. VII.

-- - -- . - ---Vec~~A.ird "9..bttt'1'0~tJ] T~ir inn~ey wastle3~ Chap.7..

JI C()mlllt#llfr/ "/" ' R l v

r. T Io N.



with their Chem.irims, or Chim11ey-ch,.p/4in1, the! Priefts. Confer l/"Ht D,.11,8.10. E.nd.12.u. Numb.n.4. Vcrte 14. ~'"'every ttJ01111riiin J Set the Noce on Yerfe 12. {in'4 'ftJi,{"" noxiHJ e Yifo uio em ifUl, Ro,,,am 'Vtllit ( i1tqHil D 10) ita Ill incoltf pumn Cit.pemnt otnni" {Nrs#m aeor(um ftrri,

The Su11 bee,1me black._] le is ordinary in Scripture to fee forth horriblecommotionsof Commm-wcalchs by fuch figurative tX prdlions as thek, rcr.4.23. &c. '/utl 2. 10,&c. l(d.13. 10. Vcrte 13. A11d rlu ft.-zrs J Romes dunghill Deities together

Vcrfc 1

e,Ana after

thefe things]

His whole Chapter is purpofdy interlaced btttwcen t~e open. Tin"' of the fixth and fevcnch fral, tor the iuppor~ of. the
roor llitft.ring Saints, that they finkc not undtr thm m:my

prt~~:~sAng,,/s J Minifl:~rs of indinatien, whcthn good or evil

angels, the UoC\ours are dividtd. ,_ R MunJi /'c/1.e, , Ho/din the~urWindCJ] Thofrbe(omt!oft11,1e.1itr, as. uper R1p:1c, tt11 ca ls th~m1o 3nd Seri ,~tuit-cmblems 1Vt f pmcuall mflu~ncl: ,J olJ.3, 8 Ca"t.4.ult. E~(~37 9 ( I-, s . N fir on an1 tree J [he: Philofopher comp~rcs men t le.: end pture good men oh) to me~, which by btmgm: wmdes ar~ filk I nms., Anotlitr Ar.f.el J Whether Clum n Vc:ttl: or c on fl HI ti11e aCl:2 td by C-bri!t, it mu~b mam:1s not. Ha'l.;;.,,,f, "" Jeiil J Wh~u.vl Cluifl is th~ greu Lord-keepe;;.irh

fll'"mi1 in trrrant1ct1drre,

4C terrAm ;,,

ctzl11m confcent:kre, 1 my

fdffaw, faichBdillrmine. ahugeh1Uremoved !>y an e:mhqn;ke1 and brought down co a Town, which was wholly covered by it, and_ as t W'rc burkd under ir. Pcrh1ps he me~nt P/,,,rs in Rh~1it1 1 Which was ovcrcover'a tuddtnly wich a mountain, fo chat Ijl!O

perLons were buried chert! alive.



And th1 Kings oftWtArth J Who came juo help t1'tir


N ~ R:~!.eCt~I'.,, go and ~all the geed mm of - - -~ commanded by e - wrnt the Cl.urch-yaids, and with /1ud voia J Out of his great cue of his elel\, the City co opp<ar bdor/~n,d d )' gaod """of No/ com Alr"' As {r.,fl'd1is dumb fonneburtl out into loud fpeech to lave ij there coiled atthe gravrs -~ e ,a 0 ,,r "PPtAr"nce; for he .1'11;7)~Ke9I' c,.chr. r. the c~ s 10 h 'd f '"'1 ,or f ood man alive. In every o ""' "' To th3 for "r./J] Who are at Chril\s beck and check. knew net where to call o{ a ~I II Witntffu and more ol luch
S g
,f Comment111-y #f'W the R v HAT Io N.

Chap.7,, .n 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~ ~--

."' -

~co,,,mentar'V """"'~eR1v11.ATION. - J r . -----('

Chap 7, ITThe Holl at


11 n.




Anton. Ji

RomaH Ct#Jor


J 1r



V<rfc , HHrt or] l(eprobues oft fire the better !or chore PoptrJ chert W<[< mdard halt few righteous thlt are ainongll th<m: they are rhcrelorc fingularly (like tho!c uuhnftrc a.t foolilh for fee king to rid them, and root thm our, as the Heathen lam) w.nt on'" t ' imp mty ,
1 Em per ours did.


cut oi krH/altm after A~f<J ~ w~nc .~their hcl4rtl, "'"'~new not ""1

1111 l a&

Jab, fo1 rhu our of her came the Govcrnour of 1/raI, MJt.2.6,

lmvwkds~~nd love , God , Wfile we ifcer th .. !airer copy. vrk 13. And on f t he Ela"' J See the Note vn Chit/ then he: as one well oblervcrh hore. . f at trihu/,d:m J It is but a 1. ~"f' s. Verfe 6. 0f thnri~eof N ,,, ha Ii J w110 is firn reckoned I v<rfe 14 Whit h cArJltoH t .gr. --h .n and his crolfe. Tko m ong thole by R. "hd1-li J e, beco u!e ac Cpt1naH"' in this Tribe, delicacy that men dreani 111 :;' ~Td e ~ ,.f ichar J R Jftild Mar Chnll inhabited. Aoy relation to him tnnobloth. Btth/,hnn_, Bilhopof Lodan, when he ' ~'\e Altar he tiuote him fo 11 thouAh 11 br the lea!\, is yet not cho lea!l among the Princes al 7.. 11 , kneeling upon the h1~hdl: ~cp ii- ~ ~htt he' threw him down
f<nt co w ha cc he Sames had fa id and
tochcirgn:attr mtafun;oi

. . Jn b, ir for.-heaJ1 J Not m their bands on(y, as the Ya lfals of Ant ichri!l (chr. I J. 16. J who h..vd rce libm y to ddiem blc, de. ny retigion, du any chmg, the c1u(c ad vanccd. Mt[""', ,_;,,, '"' "'J hcrt, bid G"!'"J the thir. rcemh co our Engldli Papills, lee who will have thy tongue and oucwardm1n, Verle i- An hH nJ' eJ fi u',, nJ fourr hor1fn 1] A co ;npecem compJny. NJ c fo many as chc <hp ' l auu yct moro then molltbou; hcc hey been. . Ycrfr5. Trnlve t'11111(and] OtJt of <:ach Tribe fo 1~any :~od rnclines row..ds II the ddl: with an eqt11ll good. will ne1thei lhall any onr c0111phi11 ju it Iy ch r ochers hnt been more rogarJcd


1~ Cacho~1kc

0 b~ thi:rc~y (um) th~' H~\a'h~n 011<:t, Crmttm nu mnH(~/au tbofe hnallgods, lo I pro pi tiHm t.tum, care not 1 may have ]eius on my lidhe. ~ ] See the Note on cll~p. ,. Veik 11, A.J O t .ng .

thing, 2 Sam. 1 S.n: y crf i: 1 o. Saint mr Med 1acour o a w

Not to this or that Pepilh ~ 4/v~"f' it*~ ~J] thdf tri Mmphc :s might la7, 'fl., D ,., ,,..J. /awm( ft-



1 trv fe '- t nd Ior & The Angels _f crln Am~ : B IrJ!i[, a g J Jc much morr, accord mg

C, ]


bud on the brdl: With h,. Cro

with Jlfiq.6, Vcrfo 7- Oft b<trib,.f Levi J Lroii<raken in, D cut ou1 of the roll for his flmncfull recidivotion, nd rcolc from the true religion, '111dg. I 8. This, ~cob tore-fa wand bewailed in chat hoI y ejlCula ti on on his dcat h. bed, G'n. 49. 1 S. Thcrcis no rcckonina made, or account given of this TrilJc (as there is of thereft) 1 Chron. 7. The fable of Antich rill to come of D An, is fa thin a 11 r.1. 1.dc P. devifo, that BO.r111i could not hue lte thorow it, and dif '-'"f u. claim ir.8, of f feph J Thu is of Ephrim, who, though lofeph1 Vtrfc

bickw d, h1mldf a_nd aga m, et ankhad ., he he ca me d that he was come 111from tht mllignant Church(of' A.0 .cichu.t,ad hope h:il1 be anun to the true. Church ot Chi 1 t nu ltant, an 1 1 With him in the Church t rium d ft ain; wha< is walh. And m.,J, thtm Whitth] whict:ns and P""': ed in it; this bloud ol t pot ' ' h. rifies. h ] Ne>t for the whicendfe oft ctr Verfr I S. Thtrefort ar <t : 1 - tlic met itor it us bluud of tobes, but b.caute th< y are wajle d m

br~ke ~is hhnd~o ~ Gt:otc~~~ ~aa ddivcr.~d A~'1.and

ded And when 1

r- '


pha~t, ti' ,o' ~ra ~~mb

younger Ion, yet had chc hr!l-birth-righc. V<rli: 9. end A grw ,,,i, J the faith fultwere from lome the A po. files co rhe of chemu/tit world. ln All all ages there th3C

fought righccoufneflc :.

N~ithcr was ic tyc:r fo hard. with the Clturcb

the L.mb, . d man is like a good 'Ji<fr t h1 1lwo1 of Goil_ J A gou Angel,.

A Commentary upon the Rn vi LA -r ION.

Ai~gd; alwaics flai:ding bi:forc the f:ice


,1,,ho// dne!I t1r;10n_~ tlmn J Cr. Sh,111 pitchhu tent, or (hall keep t~c f~"f't d Tdtxrn.:d~s :irnongfi them, or lhall hover and coi:er (.\'~t them , ;is ti cloud did ov~1 lft11rl in the wildt"n:cfk. to th.u t;ndcr l~is f11adon, ti ey lh 0 Jl lately and fwcedy repof:



C1,111,;;,,e;;;,;;J;ji~-;-;_-;~'t 10N.


Vi.:t {~ 16. Th(J jl.t1fl lmngtr ;-.o more J They fhall be as it were in bcnvcn ;1f(1rc- ha:d, having1 Malormn .1dtmptionem, 6onorum_, ,t1tptia~um, fm~dcn;~ fiom cv1), and frmtwn of good, here in
part, licrc:ftcr in :lll f,1lndl. Vafr 17. Shafl_(rtdthemand lu1dthm~J An allufion to Pfal :: 3.2. where Dm,1~ fct1m: to rcf~rnblt: powerfoll and flourifiling

ij.,-~~~ that-Go.I futfacth not his whole wrath to anfe at one~ a.. g.tin!l his creatures, bt1t pkcc-meal and by .!cgrecs : provmg, if p~radn-mur~ they will r;p;~t and ~<:"m;r. gut_ gf th lmm; cl th~ dc\ll, who are taken capttve by hun Jt h s will. Vclfe ~ v/11<J1111or/;cr ANgel] An A.ngd after another man-. m:r not hy nature but by office, Chrtfl the Angel .of the Covcn;r. t. Hor I can~ot be of his mind~, who makes this Angel. to be Confti;ntim, the occurs given him, t'? be the P.owcr of ~all mg M Brigr;t111. the Counce!, the golden Altar, ChriU m the m1dfi of tb1s holy Alfernl'ly ; the thick cloud of od~urs, th.e who~e ~atter brouglt mo(\ hcppily to e~a ! wh1eh y~t is :l pious t1~tet-:

off (he tec:~s.

doctrine ro gn:c.n p:ifturcs, and the frc:ret rnd fwcct comforts of the Socrarnenrs ro tht" !till waters. And Gcd fl.ii! ~ipt m111r J /\ rrct;1pl:or from a r.mfr 1 which n0t only fi.;ckkth h~r ct11lde crrmg foi. liungcr,bm alfo wip\s




1. Th~

fn1C1:1h /ctil]

of the M:irtyrs, l n~p.6. 1 o.J there was in th~ Chwrch (as ufrd to be in the Temple ar fuch tinws, L11~1.10,) a deep fiknce. So among th~ Romttm, tli~pcopL: iP timed worll1ip w.::rccnjoym:d favereli1~~11u, to fjiarc thtir tongu;:~. A:1d in th.! G1ci:-k Church one Hood up and crkd 1 ::>.l;-1.1o.r1.,,s_o:~~;1s 1 r1.:~, peace people, leave off
your difcourfos. Vcrfc 2. Which flood 6cftre q1d J

6. 1 o. Thm \\'M_fiimce in h~aven That is in the Church on earth often called, Tl-c kir.Kdomc oj heavm, This hilf:hours lilencc ti~her for horrour 31;d adn~ir:ition, or for atte-nt cxucdation or (:is fomc will luvc it) for religious :twc :rnd devotion : Cl~ri{l th_e high. Pridl bl:!"~ now 11bcm to cff:r inccnJe ( thof1. 1r11:c s

'"f,A\! bul1ne(fo or ~mts whcrcof:m.! the frven Trumpets, tlut f .und a d1cadfi11l alJr:n a~ai' ,fi the Roman Empire,ready now to b.: rn i cd for the innocc:nt bloud,anJ upon the inflam 1.1it nfthc
Martj'r~, CIHp


prcU to do his plcature

In a waiting pofiurc, ready

pretatioo. . . UJfHcb ;nctnfe J The merit of his own prccieus paffion, He~. 9.24.& M Vpon rhe golden Altar] 'tliir., Himfdf, as C,IMp,6.9: Ver fe 4. Thef mo~t of th1 inC111{e]. The Saint~ praters pcrfum~d with Chri{\sodrnrs, 11ftmded, that as, were highly accepted m licm 11 Afl.1o+ ~oJ, i9 as well appeared by the anfwcr t.hey h;d here in the next vc:rfe, The Church is faid, To tefca1J. 011tofthe-Wildern1J{tdthis ~orld Wit~ pi01<n of[m_okf, Cant,3,6. El"tionihmf1m1i, with ratf~d :iffcaton~. and wtth llrcng fupplications, wherein how ~any fwcct fpiccs arc~urncd togc!hcr by the foe of faith, as hum1ltt}', love, &c. All w.h1ch wculd fbn~e wcrfc in Gods nollrils then tbccmioN and garhck of Eg]pt, did not C.hril\ perfume ~nd prdcnt clicm. . . Vcrfc S AndfiRdit ~ithftre 1/ the Alt1tr] ~ire, m token of fierce indignation, and from the Altar; for Lhnll came te knd fire on the eartb, LH~ 11., 49. Fire and f word., M~t. lo .34 through mer.~ fingular ~orruption and obflinacy, m not_ f\:ooptng to the fcrpr~r of this Kingdomr. H:ncc fire .and brimil:onc. Gorme and tempcll, A fifull /so~ng for of J''~(~ment and fi tr7 i11dig11atio11, 'Which P,11/I Je'l'o#r th~ 1tdve!far1t1 , 27. from the fone Altar CnrHl, praters go up, vengeance comes down, . Ve fc 6. Prtf'lrul thm'.ft/v,, J Ha'ting got '1in, as ~t we're, by th11t which Chrifl did in the forr.-.~r vcrfe, they fct too to order to found d1cir trumpets.

Seven trnmpeu J To be founded at fovcn fcverall times: to l11cw

Vcrft 7 Y,.;/antiftrnH;,,1,/~J>J.thHloHJ] _lnC\caJ cf the hre oflove (faith one ) mixed w1th the fweet ram ofhealthf~me d<? M Frhtt. arine andfpirit ~f Chri(\ian lcnity, the fire <'f contention, and ' Mm frol\y

- -j-~2 .. ---- -- ----;, Co~~t11ry-11p;; the

R;;;-L-A ~ 1 ON ~--Ch;pi

chap.9-.--~ c1m-;,,,;n;,,, #,;~-,h;F.. ~-;;;~~-I-;~--- -- -----~3- ---~;;:;(ht, in c(\mp~rlr~~--~f q~tp~l-light. Grt/JJ~1 rhe grea~ ------...
( rhcughr robe that J\ngd the Etxt vc1 fc) 1lio~gh b:ttcr then any that iuccecdc'd h1m m the r0?cdome, ca\ltog himldf the f.:rvant ct Gods fervants, <tnd carrying himfdf mod~ fl. Jy in ~ht: dai<:s ofM11NriciH4 the Empcrour; yet when M11Hriciru wa~ llilin by the trairour Pho,114, how baCcly did ho claw th~ tratronr,and collogu! with him; commending to hi~ cm: th\: Church of Rome, and often minding him of PettrJ primacy, and of 1hat ft1ceth of our Saviour, Tho11 art Peter,&<:. for no orlcr end, but

-----!.. fh~lty lian~noncs ot ddlr~1ttion rul~-a-1-i:-~;fuf;;,1~-r~~o-~:cr~ th~ hifhop) car.m:d one againft :moth:~r, ai H rr, m~m!?t~ars ~vlw mahcc, fab~\ooct an~ cruelty thry prnflih.i, efi>.:cia!ly Jl1 rhc r1a1cs ,,f lo11Jl"'n1, (onflantuu, a11d F't>kns ch.: Arrian Empc.:rours. And the third part oftrm] Men of nm I<. .And 111/ green .~r"ffe J Meaner men .were 6urnt upl tai~1tcd with crrours and herdics, whereof th!~ age iyas fo fCrt1I~ and full (that as Hicrom fpeakcth) it was a


Witty thrng to bca right believer.

bly 'Pelag11u, a Monk of B4HJ,.tH, M"r_~4N by name:-, that is, in the W ell11 tongue, a f;;aman, This Morgan travellina beyuni fca to fprcad his hm:fic, called himfdf, by'O a Circck Lib 1.Jr gr.11. word of the fame (ignification i bccaufo it founded b~tter in the t;hri(I advcr(. ears. of forraign Nations. Hcmco Augufli11e, .fi.!!jd eo pelt1(1o Pel<Jg. (faith he) v11/t mtrgi PelAgi111, N11ae p~r fttrAm /i~era11u ~fl
PetrU4 ?

V crfo 8: A g,.nit mouHtn.iH

Some notable h~rfin~h,


rhat he might euhirgc his jurifdidion over all Chuch1.:s, by th-' f.wour ohh!lt p:irricide ~ . A~i'.\u.

. Vcrfc 9. And t~e third part J Htrefic as a gangrene fpt cads and k1ls, a~ the kprofi~ in the head, it renders a man \ltt~rly un
Lef.lit.J 344 So cuoniog arc fome frducers, and foclofo convc) ance of their collufion, that if pofiible the very ch:d may he deceived. Verfo 10. There {fll l4g_reat ft4rre J Falling fiars were nCVM' bu~ mctc?rs. Tha.t grand apollatc ot Rom1 may well be meant by this ~lazmg, bnrnm~ co~t. He: was in falling by degrees from


in tht:

Vcrfe q .. ~Hd l/J1hfidAlld h11d #H AH.(ti] Or, "" e11g/t, as fomc copies rcade it, Sl!e the Note on 'f'erfa 12. qref.O'} the great fccmsto be pointed at, who isfaid tobc the wort\ ofall the Popes t h.1t went before him, and the bell of thofo that came after him. Hmcc he is h~rc brough_t in flying betwixt heaven and can h. And that h1 crietl With a lolltl voice & pointing at and p:iint ina out that to ~e Antichdl: that fhould challenge to himfclf the titl~ f)fV,,iverfill'Bifo~p. and had an holl: of Prtefls ready to tol lo..v hi,n, Hie P""Pe 1ft, CjJ iH f'Y.ifJUJ, faid he, !Ind h~ f:iid righr, for his ~nmcd1ate tuccc:tfour, Bo11if1ut the third, fulfilled the fame that he.had fore-told.
Cw A p, l X. Ll Jar f~ll ft om h1aflen J


triarchs, And the tAird p11rt of tht Moon] The inferiour ChurchA11d th~ thi,,J f"~' 1_1kJ>.-m J Th~ ,Q&nmani~y gf Chrifliar.s. All began to be ovcrfi~rc2d with gro{fa ignorance, not only of heavenly truths, but of humane {cicnces, which arc hen: called the
Officcrs. .

the time of Cci,,nA,,tme till Phoca.s, who fot him upon the 'huir rfpeflilence. 'Ibe thirdp11rt ofthe river1 J ;, e. Corrupt~d true: doarine and pcrverrc:d the Scriptures with Ms falfe glo{f.s. , Vcrf~ I J. WM cAl/e~ ~or~wood] Bccaufo himfclf was in the gall of b1 ttcrncs, and did 1mb1ttcr others. Sec 9er. 2 J.1 s. and Dtu. 29 18. with Junim his Note: there. ,Ver fr 11. A11d th1 third part ofthe S11n] The Prelates and Pa-



R. mavtn,v:z. whentrc third Angel foundc-d, (htip.8 Then of Rome began fall, G but hero, in the third ani his foccdfours, Heu


cty. The Jdmtc:s (to blinde the matter ) tell us, that by this HJrrc is meant Luther, whom Satan f<:nt ouf' to ditlurbc tho Churcf,,!md God font them to witMland him. 'BNgmhagiHJ alfo, a Dntch- Divine, when he fir(l: read LutherJ book of the BAhylon ;p, C11p1ivi11, ratnly pronounced hi1n the mon peC\ilent hcrctike thar c:vcr the Church w:is pc:Uerd with. But a fow daic'> after ha'finfi tl10rowly r~aJ an,t w~igh~~ th~ CQntcnts ol th:\t bo0\< 1 he
retmted ~ml~ atfirmed, that all th~nvorld wag

Bonif14c~ frrllen, he i~ fallenfrorn tlis primitive integrity into the d.:cpd~ gnlf of impt-




and Lt1. Stultet. Annil.

1ber only was in the right a And fo not only himfdf bcaamc a M m 2 LH1hlrA1J,

M ir,Par:f, 4H. 1 ~ 7 '

.AC1mm1ntuy#pi# ihe lbf1~1. ~'foi4}


Ll4ther1111J but many others :Mo. perfaradcd by him. ---The ~J of tbe ~flltomleffe pit J W hminto h~ l~s f\>"1$ i.1numerablc: fo that in the: daics ot Hl/defJra"d lctt,ts wcrcCct forth, as fent from hcll,whmin the devil and his Angels give the Popitl1 Clergy many thanks for fending th..:m info mmy fauls as they nc lCr had in any age bcfor~. V. 2. eA_Hd thm Arofe A{1111/t.! J Ofh~rct icall opinions and flagu1ous pra~bccs. All the old hcmikcs f\ed anj hid th=mfelves
In the PopHh Clergy. Thofe dark corners alfo of the c:artharefull of the ha.bit:Jtions ofcru~lry. Toke hee.! ( fiid the Lord Aud~!,

4 C1mtntntJr1 pon tlle R 1 v n t A 1' J o N.. 25 Five mo11eth1] Loculls ule co live no longer. See Pli111 I) i .----------4 tJp.19. There are char imcrpr~c c~cf~ fiyc ~noncths of thotc ~ oo. 'BJ P 1~ Ra'" years, wherein 1hc Pope {\:ood m h1s full pride and lloWcr. For,a6 ~a i ~. temporUJHO ptr vu PapA AntichriJm tJ{e c<pit ( fairh B dl.rmine ) non moJI "on cr1vit (jHI ;mperiu111, Jed famper mtt tiJ ac m~gr4 decrevit. Since you firll: began co call the Pope Amicluiil: , he hath loft a great part of his command and




Vcrfc 6. sh~ll men fuk...d1ath] &ing brougllt, thorow :mft

All.and Man,

Chancrllour of EnfJAHi) how you ded with Popifh Priefls: for

fol 111 7 (you may believe me) of'''"' b1 k._n.tVlt All. Petri# de A/i11 7Jc uform ml. ~~oJi~ finco ~~~tc, AJ /,~ne flaht11mhv1ni1 R1f#WIA lfrclefi11, #t Hon 'J1tt ~("A regan1;1 prr r1prouoJ. T c C urch o Romt hath for a long fcafon been ruled by a rabble ofreprobates. . Vcrfq. Lot11ft11J1onthuarth] So the Manks, Friel'E:, J~fo ljlf.a. Concl ivc


guil11 of contCU:nce, and fear of wrath, co chat pitihill plighr, thu Rog" Biikop of Salifb_u.-1 w~, in King Suphl'm cimr:
throug~ long and Chait imprifonment. He was 1o hardly udh:ad

ucs, &e. arc fitly callad for their nmncrofity and voracity. The l efuites h1ve fo.neti1nes m11intsinei !00000 lchollar~. The

bukcof Ba'!'lfTiA"1 l.10ufo ,is (o pcftcrcd with th~m ( foch 'on:) that notw1thftandmg hts great rcvcnu~s, be is v~ry pebr, as fpending all his cfiate upln thofc ropilli fl:(h-fhc~. Thinkc th~ fame of other Princes and ~laces where they arc\ re ccivcd. e.;1uhefcorpio111of1hrn1r1/J J They are thi! forcfi fo:il-flingcrs (faith an Interpreter) tbatclcrthe world haj. P/1n1 tciifi:rh of the Scorpion, that there is not one minute, wherein it doth
not put forth a mofi venemous fiing to do mifchic:f. It crc~ps on crook~dh' and fo it firik~s the more at unawares. Jts Hrng is llQt much felt at fi,rfl, but foon proves uncurable. . ,'. Vcrfc:4. And it W.u c1m111anud] As DavUchargcd his Cap



,&1 ,,, 1

cains to handle the young man Ahfolom gently: fo and much more follicitous is the Lord of his fcrvants fafc:t}'. Tht ~raJfi of theearth, ,,or ten} .(rm1 thing J l fay that m~dcr the Papacy was true Chri(Hanity, f~ith Luther, yea rhc very. kc:rnell Clf Chrifi ianity. Ycrf~ ~. tAnd ttJ t'1t it \\'M gi11111 J This is oft repeat cd_ in this book: to fhew that though Aotichrm and his aflu. ~mes bandy and .bend QU their forces to dell:r"y foul!, ~'~t they a.rebounded by C1od, and can do no more then is given them frQm abo\~.

________________________ _ Fi111


(faith the Hiftorian ). Vt vivere no/Htrit, mori 11eftierit, that live he would not, cfie he could not. Popilh pardons, pilgrimages, dirges, &c. would not quiet or cure diltcmp.:rcd coufcienct:s, orlb:ikc out the envenomed arrows of the i\lmighry, that law fluck fa(tin them. A broken leg is raot c:afi:d by a filken fiockig. 1r1b.Jli1411111Jo. l\"c/cio quomodo imbeci/Jior eff mtdici~111, 'l"am morb1M, faid ']-,,.~]of his ph1lofophicall confolacions : fo may chd~ well fay of their Popifh palcry :ipplicacions. The medicine is too weak for thi! malady. fhc Papifis fay, That the reformed Rdigion is a dudrim: of ddpcratioa. This we are {ure is uue ot theirs, as were ea fie co inflance in Sttphm GArdintr' or Pendle- .AO. aii,/ MO'fl 1 ton, Francu S1ira, GuArlacU4, Bom1lius, L"tomHJ, Crefcen po.1,i~o7, tius, &c. Vcrie 7. Lik! unto hor(a] Ftd and fierce, to run and ru(h icco che battle, as bein101 driven by the d~vil. Si 'Ziideri4 perfernd BcrH. IOYtm tHNm Hit11U r~vitntem, fi ito '111i/j ab afr:en(ore fao . ~mone plrurgetur. Were'" h 'Were 'row11s J Triple crowns, miens,, lhaven crowns: which lall is a ceremony fo b:cld,that ieme Pridl:s in Fr"nce are now al1iamcli of the mark, and few of them havl!it, spu.surop. that can handfomdy avoid it. . As the faw of men J But beware ot men, Mat. I 0.17. Sec the Note thcra. Vt:rft 8. As the b'*ir {I/Women] Infinuative, and induaive to fin11t:. @AJ tht tnth of lions] 1tl 1.6. Catthing and 'anying to thtir dens all they can come by, asTmfou did out of Germttn7,as Otto lent by gregor19. did out Qt EnglA11d, where he .left noc fo Mm 3 much --


-- - ----

Comment ~ry upon the R 1 v i

_____________ ... ____ -LA 1' 1


o N.

Chap. 9,

V~rlc 9. And tlJ"J IMd lmR-plates] Their pretended domri ons., P.rivilnlgr.s a.nd exemptions from chc fcculu power; tluking thca c1pptts ~t Kings, whom chcy have crampkd on 1 and terced to go bare. font on the hard fioncs, till they blt:d again. Thus dealt they Ly Olli' Hcnr1 chc frcond i yea they lafh:-d him wich rods I l : 11<'\'111~ n'c upon che b:m, :ind laid 1 D amine, noli mi~11ri: nos enim nHi rp.;1,po1rij. /'-'.'. /,u mir.M timmuu, qHi de talirnria (umm q11.t. con(uevit imprr,oe 1-J? 1egih1u & impenuoribiu. Sir,ncvcr chrc:m:n us: for we care not h>r your rhrl'.ats, as bcir.g j)f thac Court that commands Kmg~ and Ll1nperours. Ana th~ {oHnd of rhcir \\inv] They are loud and bold.fpoken: make a grt:at noife, raifc a grcac dutt, :ind thereby think to cmy ir, Herein they arc like the hm.:tike N ejlorim, who is faid w have /: ;nch},J1(,, L been, H~mo ind0Efo1, (uperb111, conttmptor 1' 11trum, fad audtf.~ l'['ijl r.'c,/i,, e-r mag/it<t- loq11w1itt:, a proud Alfe, buc bold above meafure, and of a loud lmgu:ige," whereby he fo far prev:ukd for a time, thac he leduc"d good Theodojim, and_procurc:d a wdc for the banifbmem of C,r1/chac godly Orthodox Divine. Verfc 10, 0nd rhc1 h(ld mils J This may be well 1we2nt ot tncir Surroga~cs, ~)lficials, Cha~cdlours, RegHkrs, App:uitours 1 the fa~ end of their CX('Uablc tram. Sec I (a.9.15. Ytr.fc I 1. A>Jdthqhada Kingovertliem J Being herein wi.. fer then chofcotherlocufis, Proe30 27. . The ~ngel of the 6ottomltf[e pit J Th:it apofratc flar uer. I. the devils Jirnccnant Generali, rhe Wefi:crn Ancicbrifi: che Pope, noc excluding the Turk that Antichrill ot the fact, th:ic comt'9 mxc to be 'l'okm of. And indeed they may wdl go rognht:1: for they both let up law then chat ofChrifi, they .kill che con. trary part, they give liberty to the fldh, they will nut ha vc their re ligions to be difpuced, &c. J.r A'1,uldon J A de~roie~. I koow not {faith learnl'd ]w,,im) whether ch~ holy G~o{\ m th1.s name hath n~t {~e rcfpdt to cht: etymology or notacmn of H1/dtlmoul~ which hgnif1~s, F;J,i ;,,_ cendium, the hre~l>rand of die faith. . . Vtrfo u . !wo Woes more hereafter J In rtfpcct oforder: for u1 rc1pdl: of came, the woes Qf. the fife and fixt trumpet are together, and do run parallel. '1crl~ 13. FrPm the four horns J To lhc;w, faith one, Chrift his fatficicncy


much-~o~~y, ash~ eith;r ~~-1:ried with him, or knt

co-R-;,me b-;:

i~fficiency of po were~ -~:._i_fe up i~-ftrum~ncs-of his jullicc.according a~ by the fin5 of wen he as ptovokcd. verfc I 4. Lonft tht fou,- At1~t/J] Thar is, thofo tour porcoc peoples, ~c Araiit1n1 J the Sar11crn1,. the T "~tzirs, and the Turk!, that they rnayrnarch out ag:un!l Chri{h:ndome, CG murcher and mdhcre the third part. ot men. fhe!c are calle~ Ani;ch, bccau{e frnt of God to revenge the qu:urdl of lus Covcn:mc. Ycrfe 1 f. And the fo11r Angel1 'Wcrtl~ofed] ~s fierce and fell

Chap.g:---icf;nm1ntary#pontheR11 v ! LA't .1_0~-~---------- ---~~Z ~ __


crracurcs ouc of a cave, now fet upon fpo1l and rapmc. Tht:y bav~ :i Proverb in the faf\ern parts, where thr grct'lt Turk once [me!h hi! foot, tfJfre never iroin .~raj{e 11[.ain Ht: blafb and ddo-

1.ttes aU G d. thal'l For"" hour .ind" d.1y J At any time whcnfoevcr o

command them out, and bid them f14/J on : they are at ~n ~~u.~s warning in arms at :m inftanc. Mr Bri_(hunan ~athtrctb from this ttxc, that che Turkifh Empire fhall dctcrmme about the year,
1696, . t: n. h' . h ..,. l '11 The. tl-;rd p.1rt of men] MAhon11t the 1'1~" was m JS tu~e.c e ~ ~',r ~ ll1, deach of 800000 men. Se/Jmffl the fecond, m reveng~ of ~is.loife ~uiJ.~t received at the l>utl~ of L~pAntO 1 would hav.e rut to d~at_h all che ChrifiiaAs in his dominions, who were m uumbcr mh

nire, <ftc. N ,. Verfo 16. Two hunhe" thouf4na tho11fo,,d] ot !o many :at any one cime, but in fevtrall ages aad battles. t-lowb~1t tht: Turk go1:s ufually into the field 100000 {\rong : . many u~ncs ,h~ h:ith more, as in that famous bmlcfough~ b~ 8a7A:(,rt agam~ ~ lfmcr1 ..,1~ 1 whm: he h:ld wdl-nigh ~ thoufand. Of lus ~om mon fouldiHs~ called Af"pi (which fott~e mofi pm arc miicra ruii~.fJi/f.~17 ble Chrillians) he makes no ~rea t redwnmg or ?ther ulc, then to blunt the! words ot his enemies, or co abate their firR tur~ : th~ce by to gin the cafier victory to his Janizaries, and_ucttcr tould1crs, which are all horfe tor moll: pare. Vcrfc 17. Breft,p!t1tn of fire, &c . J Mus~ets, har~ucbuz.el piftols, and other fptt fim> ; bu' ~(p~~a"Uy tho.Ii: gteat: sunsc;t~ </, ilcondylM. murdering pi11c<.s, fo much u{ed by the Turks, thofc mighty r Pmb:J'hl val~ mnce they brought b<.:forc ConfttfrJtinop/c, the RhodcJ and other Ly of v~11ity. plac<:s, nothing infcriour to thofe two, that were caft by Alp~rmf~ Duke of Ferrtmt., the one whereof he called the E.irtl1qu11k.!, the othtr CrAndif4.bolo, or. the great devil. r 14 m ,._ Verie 1 8

-----------;:----_ _..__ 528_______.4C~m'!'en~~y-~1p1n_!_heRsv it'Lt;-'fo'N.

'"''' bfl.i n

Chap. 1~ ~ Vc:rfo 18. Tin third part of 11m1 kjl!ed J N~t only oTC.h n:::u~s, bu~ alfo of their ow~1 :_ mofl: of cheir poor being forced ~it h

,.. .... ---

Chap. to; A Cot!Jmcnt.1,y npon t~e R 'iv BL Al' 1 o N.



--------- ------------- -- . -------- -


-w;otom~~ (qU.c)ctdby-Di~~]ftm) faidotDivinity, ICJ-~~"5I1~-iM. --- ---ii)11Y, that iQ fuudry rdpcB:~ it is both " little iind .c grellt .

,n~ ?the~ nccdlmu to follow r~ril' greu armies in th~i~ 1~tt.uals n~ ~~p~dmonli o_f whnm kan:e one of ccn do ever remrn hom

a~~un, but ll1tn: prn~1 by the way : if n~ by the

pams cakmg. > e BJ t~c hrimflone J By the gun-powder, or by cheir fol hurcd b:.>wilrmgs, whicfo they difcharge as out of their mouchs wfercun
to chey draw or lay chem.

em:mit! fwcmf1 yi:~ oy th~ wane&, mcecnptracendlC at the air or i111 modt:rat

I Co7.'lo.:o.


M-:1 ,, !

, V er_ft: i 9. bu heir moHth find in thtir taih J Like the Ser en A1nphijbain4' that hath a head (to do hurt) at bmh ends p t the Turks perfidy is here poinccd at: they keep lt::iguei. ~o l~([J~s then Handech with their own profit, ~q'" , r: _. y me io. rrh " . ~t ~ he7 foould not ~orfoip devils] As :ill ido}a. tt~s do, . The ~tv1l 1sG-1 Jt,,"'-1'f~f, faith Synejiff-5, glad to be wo lh1pped man idol, 11s he was by 1rr,.,.I n a C"lf'. r J' .. ~ 1 .. . Vcrfc 2~. Neitl?er repented] Being fiupified, as thole Affi s m H!t>'N>'s.1 1 thu foed upon hemlock Th<=y th t k h ~ like unto chem. see / (4. -i-4 17 ' \l ma c ' <;m ii re

ot polldlion. Neither the bcaO: that aritcth out ol chc lea, nor the C:~1 'p.' l ocht:r that arikth out ot the earth nun be abk co do ic. Vcrft 3. As \\ hen a lion ro~reth] -Gr. Lowrth lik.J ~n 0:.:e, (J.vY;.ntJ, m 11gido~rugit .. Se<: here an oxein. a'!i~n,_ m1ldeneffc '1!ixc with
1 1

I-le fat b1~ "'f/tdt~ foot 11pon tht ftll) A~ l.ord of f(;11 i\n~ land, nm1r.n. all hcretiltes :md J\ndchritls, that fou,;ht to thro~ lucn out



lil'rcenclk. Satu tft prnftraffe leom. 1 his \ion preys not upon chc prolhate. Non mihi plactt vindi&fed. villoria, fa id C i.e(ar. So may Chrilt tay, I fc:drnotr~vcngcbut .,.,aory. . Sewn 'hunt1er s utttrtd their voicrs J /\s che cccho of Chtslls loud voice. No fooner had he fpokcn, butgre"t \\'a4 tbt compflH} of prurclurs, ions ot thunder, who G1ou\d fpcak powetfolly, pro- Pfal,6S,11~ phdid and cry down_ fuperi\icious worlh_ips and hcmicall d~tlrines pt fore prnples, Nations, tongues and Km gs, verf.11.ot th 1s Cha ptcr. This was fulfilled in Wic/.Jfe, HuJ[e, Luther, Lam'bert~ ~Lld other heroicall Rdormcrs. Amos 3.7,8. . .


p. X.

Verfc 1. C1me dQwn ft om /u~ven J

C,, .uloud] No~y~~fod~>lrly by his, a.s When he Dull came: an ch~ clouds.

N OChtrins ~~mt~. bottoMlefTe .Pit, as Antichrifi: that oppofice t~ un"'1011 and funtlmn
J 'Y

tob"f,~nii"ndrn'~ i.:d

lfa.8 '

llcua.jorl 1,

.A r11m-b~1!' upon h~ Mtad] ~he effctl: of the Sun lhining :rgaind a cloud, and is, Nu11~1U1 faderu & ferenitati1, chc Anod ofGcds 0 Covenant, and of fair weather 111 pi//Ar1 offire] His meant:Cl: members ftand out the Hf .foet _ hoteu. per1 ecuraons. Verl_e a. A little hoolopen] The Bible cranlhted and ex laio~d. le JS called "great roul, \tlritten \'t'ith the ptn 0 r A ma/ that i~, cle.~r-11, that_ the limpl~a g{ ffi(Oll m11y '~ll\;\.ivd h. Du~ it i~ ll_ccle m.companfonef ch~ volumes at 5chool-1Jo~fours ind Pop>l11-Dccreta1s, wherewith chc world was pdl:ered, when chc.: Bi ble lay locktd up and obfcurcd. We may well fay ~t it as s; Bllr-

Yerk.q. 11/jJ 11tt~red tbcir 11oi~n J Nornudiblc onlv. but ar.. . . ticn\ate; toaschat 'folm heard and W3S much :iffetlcd. Nrjdo Vtcflrui, quid J;~;Hum i~ 1.i11fc11lrationeeP: th<:re is no fmal\ ctlicacy in a livtly voice to worknpon the heart. Jn Demoft/,ene aliquid dcefl V.ilNa>e. Demoflheni4, quando l~itur non 1iudj1ur. . Seal up thtje thingr J vi:t.. Till the time appointed. See Dan. 8. 26. and u. 9. Or, tor th:u the thing5 were the fecrets of Gods kingdom, c.7r!Ath 13. not 6it or poiliblc to be rc~ealed; 'Cor.ti 1, Verte ~ Lifuduphu h.tMdJ /rnd fo fwurc fo\cmnly, Ccn. lA\ 1.1. NNmb. 14.~o. E.tek.10 S Becaufc it fecmcd in1proba- blc (it not impoffible) that ever Babylon fhou\d down, Rome be ruined. But all the Juigemems in the Revelation ( thofc of the fovrn fcals, fevcn numptts and Leven vials) are f\:i\\ up~n Rome Pagan, Chrifii:m,and Antichri{\hn. We may thcrctuxc (ondud with that Emperour of Germany, Frederik,e 2.
0 di" titubA1fJ, vArijs err"oribH4 affa CrrrHet i:1' mundi drfinet tffecapHto P.ome tottering long, lhall once be fharccrcd, And of the world lbaU ceafo to be tb~ head, Verfe 6. 'ThAt there foq11/J. be i ime no longer i.r, The Bcafb ti inc

---- --- . ----- -0

. -. - ---- J. U A'( 10 t- 53 l ---__,... Chap. I I~-- -A c~mmm!AYJ up_~~ ~-~L~~-2.~_2 i --- - ...... - ,-----~---A Comment11r1 HMn the Rav n LAT 1 __ 0 ___ N. ___ h~p_.IO, ,---------~ ---~-----i~ophec,] For all the farrow thou r --Yerfc Jt. Tnou mu l 1 {~to the Lords work for the iim c1i,;11b;n~!,;;;g;;:-i;~,-;;1l~h~- daie~ of the fcventh tru111pci, and thy fuccelfour& mu~ et ~cfo~~ &;, wlm:n /lntichrill hat~
c ___ .

which \l!(tt.: t110nly chl..'n "PProa(;hing. Or chnc lh;ill fJo now M recaining ol thofe lon:~cr dday :rnd pro tr :.1ction of cinw. cn{hvcd. Vcrfe 7. The myftoy of Cjod J The convcrfton of the Jcwi

peo1) es1



calkd :.1 my Clery, Rf}m, 11. 2 5: chi: bringing in of chc_ Gcnnles bl). 31ciI, Efhtf. 3 3,4,6, the king~omc ofch1: Slints of the mo(\; high CH A l1 XI. L' 1m. 7. 18. chm when all chc kmgdomsof che world l11all b~come1 Vcrfe l. eA rud] chc kmgdoms of our Lord Jefos Chrif~, (,;,_.1p. I 1. 1 j. . Vale 8. I 11 tht h:md of the Angel \\JrJtch ff14nde1h J This de. . d , God that little book tha.t he had newly frription of Ch tilt is her~ purp~1fdy ~cpcared, chat w_c m:.y learn co Hlt as, The ~1 ly r~k of taithdand dikaplim:, whereby cacen. fh1s~orh JS t eon crutl in his power, ~md flit: to has w1fl:1om~):is Agur d1d,P,..o.3~.1J~ f"ur the unJerfbnding ofdivinc myfi:crics. !Iii in ~he Ctur~h mufl btomiids' and m'i~~l~e word is that rod ot t. d J it . ceptcr. . Vcrie 9. Give me the little 6ook] Let ~reachcrs ply the throne Li'<...e tinio " ro b he rules in the midlt ot his encm~e~, Prrv '. '~ of grace, it ever rhcy will preach co purpo{c:, Rene or,i.JTe, efHem Chtills fi~engc~, fha~g6csccpter,, 5.6. whichhefwllle&, A M.i!h.,I Jo 4 (lwlwiJTe, faid Lmher. Three things make a Preacher, Read. J'f~l.11 o .2, It1s t lat~ lhe Pro".Jerbs of Solomon ar~ CJllcd mir.a1i, ino, Praii:r and Temptation. He thac will underfl:md Gods and whc:rcpy h_c (ovaa1~sfier knccnccs, And th11 Scripmrc:s bear riddles mull: plou~h with his heifer the Spirir, which is not given, in\--kbn:W MifJle,. or p~ 8 6 and of Lords of co/tellionsJ as . but to them rhat M'zit. . , th~ tide of Chuftnms1 wv. , . _ 11 And eat it up J By r~ading and medication : Mfoifl:crs rnuft Co fomt: render E cc /.1 i .1 ~;God J The Church that had been fo wo. Atfld. CL1< devour and digtft che holy Scriptures, rhac as good Scribes they MM(ure the templed db J\ntichrHl: that it fiood in need oi 4 , .. /'~ 6 may draw out nnv and aid fort he ufe of the Church upon all ecca. fully walled and opprt e. . y :,;,',, ;,_:?:u.,dn ftons. f .cob,,, ./, f"urntlnr Wa, fo Called, $_,NDd I ff' jv,/a1; v.,~. new.mcali.tring and rtpa]mng. 1 I "'S ~intt all fipiLitt11ll /g Jn ,,,, Hmp ~, .. D n. aw.p10trg. gtJ bib!idt'llm, bec>tufe he h:td as re wen~ devoured the Bible. So Thar WorJ!iip r '','"' s lllacing all their confidence in Chnu.s Pric(\s, ~nd H tht a a ' Petrin Comeftor for the fame reafon. Jo11mus G14tiH1 a Sicilfo1, was fo well vcrftd in the Scriptures, and lo great a Divine, [hlt death alone. . J. J The AntichriC\:i:m rout caft he once (aid, Si libri facri perirem, (e per Dei gr4titrm refliti. Verfc l. But t 1e court t r lluffe not worth the1 mcaouc as rtprobace filvcr, as n: u e ' turHm, That 1f the Bible were loil out of the world, he could rdlorc it. Som( chinkt that E~ra did Lo afc<.r the B:d1ylonil11 ca luring. . . ] Antich.nd his adherents. Pa pcivity : buc I Clcmot chink Lo. . . .. Given u11to the GtHtl 1es P !/Ire ye not cbildren of Verfc 1 o. Swut 114 ho11ey J The word is fo to the fpmmall pa. pitganJ ~re. no bt:tter ch~l h -~5i"::of l[l'lul, [aitll th1 Lrml, . fate; whereas co the carndl it relifhech no bmn then rhe white of the Eth1opns Hnto me, c ' r an egg, or a dry chip. Lmlur fa id, He wvuld nee live in Paradife Amos 9.7. . J T. h trne Church. Sec DAnieJ 7. i1. The h?/7 C1t1 e without che Word,; At cum verbo etillm in infirm facile rjl vfot rF",but with chc word he could live even in hdl ic ldf. Sterf.19,1 o, Ep~'f.i,Jj, h J This number is lilne and the fum; 1'r;111ti'Perff1 & 119, 103, '/-cr,15.16. . FoHrty"'nJtwdm~H1t' . D117 is , 15 Power to Ulfy belly "''u hitter J By reafon of rhc trials and crilmlations with the 1 z6o. daits. Th.c allufton u~~o &~ Vcrfe ~, Andi~''" gwe uHto m: all th~whilc it was thu ulu11ly follow upon che faichfoll preaching of che Word, Op t poficion is E VA'1,(tl~ ge11i1u, faith Ca/vi" And, 'PrtedicAre tft purge the Church, am~ to {hod for tH:t~:ft;N,,, t1eritati& 11b JDr nihi/ ~tiuJ 1"""' farorun mHndi, faith LNther. To trodden undcrfooc,, Vi_Je/iJ Cadml~( tba~ L11thtr and he (both at ri,o editum. Z1'mglius rt.Un tl ' .. one pr~ch is to get the ill will of the world.

"'r '


Vctfc II

,.-~----------------------------....----------~------ ~... ; ~ - ~-~--JComme~~.,, the~-n~ o~.:~L~hap:;t Chap: i'ti -A C0rii1'1en'IM'j jp11i)htlHt"1 i~~;;. o..i:-- ---~ 3J - one time, the one not knowing, nor hearing of the othe~-j- bega~ -vcrie-8~ A~Jeh~i~-J~~J -h;d;e~-] This lbews- it-cannot-be to wricc= again{~ the Popes indulgences. And of Luther an~ .1'e 1J1eant of a ntturaH death ; tor how lhould their bodies lie dead (in l.snElhon h~ wrnc:s thus, that fenfe) for three )'ears and an half; or ( fay it Wt:re) for a Div if ht! opr,ftd men1 fi,it unica, pav1't lhorter cimc. -_, of 1Ju greAt City J Ro'llu, of whof~ greatnelle Mpfru an~ Ore Luthrr_w ovc1 1 {fore 1lfelt1nclhon 11pe1. 'J>Jtt? my Ill'.:? JllJ!H' ffu] The whole fuccdllon of foltMull Smp/,tim have Wt'ittcn. See Ch.1p 11.18. & I 8.1.6 Hcncdhc JS P~t:1chcrs, under 1hr.ryra!1ny :md r:ige ot Antichrilt. Th& are ullcd the grtat Whore, !Ind ~rear Ba/17/,,,.. n~t Without ref~rence 1b.i 't 1 {~1dtobt:~;1oi th:it1s, l-cr1:_ orT~o, thatisenow, Dnu.17.6, unco~he uld B,1b1/011: which was fo great a C\ty, thlt w~~ntc was Ar ill fo'.I ~ Or, 'l wo, m rckrt:ncc to tho!e noble Tn 0' s, MofeJ and t.AarDn ukm by c1~m. tome part of it knew not what condmon they Elijah and E!if1Jx,Z erubb.tbel and '/ehofounh, in allufion co whoi~ wcrein, till three daits after. . .' . thdc Wicnefks arc here defcribcd. VtrCe9. Tlmtd.,ieJ andah11lf] ' t. For a iliort t~me, !ll ~'fothtd ~,. /a~k/oth J As calling men t9 repentance: or as be out of thdr :.n1.:s ochers fi1ould arifc to {bcklc for Chnll:. 1 he wa1lmg chm blmdenes : or as waminr; better cloching. Prpe nntr rc:fted, but had oae or oth!r faithfu\l .Wit~effe to op: Vl'rfe4. Thefearethetwo Qlive-trees] SeeZfl1h,43,11,14, pole him ; either to his face {as 1o~nHn Sarifbur~enfi1, f2..'!J In this book of chc R trultttion the holy Ghofl: borrows all the ele- prt.[tns pr.eflntml PoHtifi.crm rtdAYi,lilt: and M.mcmt/JuJ, wha I.t: R \' fl 4 ~ gancics and flowers in che fl:ory of the old Tefhmem thereby to fet reproved Altx11nd!r the hxth ma Sermon at Rome,and had t~ereout tb~ Gor~ ohne new in tucceeding agt~. , fuic hb hand;,~' ofl "nd bis tongl'e cut om, whe1~of he d1t!d.) Vtrfe 5. Fire procudeth om of their mouth1 J So thtt a min Or d(e in fome more ~mote p:m of hi~ dominion, as S avan.iroltf were bemr :inger all tht witches in the world, then Gods faichfoll (whom Guicciarain and Mirand11/., high~y con~mc1~di) P!tr1irch Tl~',:-"''' 1 Witnc!l't': for they have ever vmgeance in a re:idineffe for the dif. who wrirech thus, B.?!l]/On alttra, nempt pr-op;nq11ur at9? r~cen 1" "41 1 obedient, i Cor.10.6. God inflitling what they either denounce tior aahHC, ciro irid~m c~tur~,fi tf{etid vi,-i ; B .4byl11n would or dd1re of him, :i~ainfl: theiradverfarics. loon down, would you but p\1)' the men. Bdidcs a cloud ot other Vcrk 6. ThAt it rain not J That the influence of divine grace Wnndlts, that might here be called in. . be wich-ht:ld from tho~''> ch1t ddpife the Go!pel: {o chat chey . Not{Uff,rtheird1adbodie1 J Sofolfillmgtnat, Pf.79.i.~om.c become as chofe mouncams of Gi!voah, 2 Sam. 1 .11. or that ac they Wf.mld not foffer to be bm ~ed : ochers they d1ggted up again af curfrd rnrch, Heb.6.8. ter buriall 1 ns ( bJid~s many ot our Mmyrs ) ~hey unbum:d .anlil V nk 7. And when rhe1 fo.i/I have jinifhed J like_ as Chria burned the bonesot HermAHHUJ Ftrr,1ricnjisafctr they had faint~ J c.Rcv f. H cd him; bmufe he was faid to have followed the doctrin~ ot du: , / That f"'ith(U:i 11nd trtu Wirneffe (:is he is c11Hed, Revel. 3. 14.) . I n C d' llcn I h d r ur Jf J,ar, Mell, whtn he had prcachtd '1lfth al.lout the fame time as here was W11/dm/rs,thofeanc1em lrottt\.ants. u lll'.th roo.rha abi'd. /olI,O). flain by a Roman Govcrnour, raikd with an earthquak; and pofr, it he had lived, to h1v~ taken up K. He"r] c e e1~ rs . o y, received up inco heaven in a cloud : fo thde. And, Ar/ thou and to have burm:d it. 'rwas gencral~y o!:>lervl'd, that a~ W1n~he.. ov>td.;tt ..;~.t~ I d r. Ph . { 'd h ~~-.. x.;r.iv~ not g " to 1 are .u octo11 ? a1 e to one th:it was co {uffo fltrand Bonner did alwait.s chirC\ afcer thtt blouct ot the 11vmg,


L!" 1


d!n-09:(.v~tJ.ft:e-. with him.

lo was CardmaU


to come, 'us hard co Cay. Bue it to come, fotne chink it fllall be but a civil death, that is, of tlaem as Witneffes only, not a nam M'rho.Goodrf; ral~ death ~s !11en ~ ~nd fo the fame Chall rifo again, and enJoy the hmc of their for Iller labours, and afccnd into a greater

Sh~li ~wrcome tl~~m_] .Br arms, not by arguments. And kill ~hem l his ktllmg whether it ~e already pall:, or

kindled againft the d'ad ~ and he rdervc:d this chugt only to

Po~lo lightcnng (for th& mo{l: pare) lb:d.i439,




Verfe 1 Q, Sh11/l rtjo7ee ovtr them] As tht:y did 3t tht! Coun cetol Conflance when they had burnt '1ohn and Hitrome / n. H11Jfe 1. fV J ot Pr11gut. So, 'upon the news 0 t the l311u_ops utnnt Gt a,., r.' Gitrd11ercameoutrejoycingto the Duke ~t Nor(Blk._, No\~, fa1d he, let us be merry and go to dinner. But" was the la[\ hi: dad car,






Vcrfe 8.


purl 1.fcros di rrrrr.t Jb ..J 19l7

__ _! 3t

--------------...----------- ----- ~
--- _______ _!_~~~"'--~~~r1Npo11t~-~-~~~~-TI~~-~- Chap.n.
and hewen~tohd\ tt) digdl: it too~ So upon rhe-~~ws-~t--hF.rench Mafhcre~ s Ju'nkc was proclaimed ac Rn"'". th Ct e gjv~ a choufand crowns ro the~ e ar. 41 t I o ,,orr,i!,,, meffen d ma1
The Pol'l' c:mkJ the Malhcre co be painred in his 1 , l gcr:

~~A c~~'!!'__f}!!~~y #~Onl~t RuT B LATIOl'l.

___ .-

- - - - - - - - - - ------------------

{\irsandbroi\shavether~beenalloverC:h"rifi~ndomdG~ds--l;~d-------hath ridd~n circuit, E~e~14. 17. and is nor yet l11eachtd, nor can n. 11 , it,J"r \7 6,7. as hc1r.g u1 in commilihon. . And 1hr ro:tb pan, &c. ] R11it 11lto cu/mint Roma. Lewu tht: twdlth, K111g uf France, Lhrcam. :d th:it ht: ~ould ddhoy -....., __
St pcrJilmwn B.11iyn'll!,cflfi

51~ -

rawury. Thr(e tw11 ,Prnplm~ tnr~e.~trd thrm J As E/i,u did Ah.zb, ?.-rcmyand A 11 .-~, churfhgmous conntrt}'mrn; and asthel\1Jr. ryrs ~ere .l~1d crc1r pcriecucours. l)r Fuller cJme co Willi"m Wo/. fey hrs pnlom:r, and fa1d, Thou dull: much croulile my conkiencc

cholt ot frd,md he will furely po'urrray in his Cuppd ~r:i~~:

whcretorc I pra>'. thee.depm and rule thy tongue, {o chat 1 heJ; Atl 11 .,J Noi. no more comt>l:um ot thee, and come co Church when thou wl fu!olq7, &e., Thc<:n.doFC.ltnalljoyisformw (f.iich Mr BradjDrd, M~;! cyr m acmam kcccr.) Now kt che whomnonger joy with th drunkard, lwener, covec?us, maliciou,, blindc buzurd sr ?ohn~ lbiJ,, 47 f. For th~ MltTc will not bite them, nor m:ike them co blu(h, as preachmg will. Now mly they do what they will . ceme devils to thi: Church, and.go devils home ; for no man muh finde f 1 . and they are gbd of chis. Now have they thdr hearts dclirc, 3a;1t~~ So<l9mttu had, whrn lnt was gone, &r, ~crfe 11. A,,J tluy fl.oud r1pqn rhdr firt J That is, the let thc~ldv<."s lh,utly and v1g~rcuOy to fight ag'llnll: Antichrilt.Y As Ttt im gi. 1r1; 0 W1(":'m {)t, k...~m., who bt:mg excommuniclCcd by the Pope tor ~r~eu ../c,1 Pap.e wmmg Come th.mgs :ig1inft him, fled to Lr1do11i1:1u the Empe r111ur11J,& eAo r~ur, who w1s hkl:W1fc LXcommunicacrd, and faid unco him Uc o ~"~" ac ~ fend chrn me with anm : and 1 will ddcnd thee with argum'ems fmptu J<jrn,Ja. The B1l1rnps alto ot thc.>(e times thlt fidcd with the Empe: rour, though they were none o~ che belt, yet they refQl\'ed :md 3 vowt1~ never re~ yeeld to .the Pope, SeJ Ji c-,wommtmi<i,UHrm vcni

Rome, !lnd coinect mom~y with an inlcr prion co cllat purpotr. Geory,f Frat~{Jmg (a C..Jtnl'raH under Lh"rirs B11rbo11,) lacktd chcCity of Rome, ciukdahalter to lit carried near his co. kurs, iaying, that with that he would hang tht: Pope i encoma. ging his louldiers (who were mofl:o~ chem Luther.iH1) wich lhe grmoppcmunity rhcy had co get fpoils. But the fins of th:u City arc nut ycc tull. GavtJ!.forytotheGodofheA'l/Cn] Confrfkdcheidins, as A ch11n, and changed thtir mindes, as the{e A1al. lei S. lt 's Lud of the .Qurvmdrans,thatbeing affii.Jcd and opprdfcd oy the Hunnes, chty applied tilemklvt:s to Chrilt the God ef th<.: Cluiltuns, whom, after a long debate, they concluded to be the Almi~hty (jod. Yerfe 14. The fe1>'ond Woe upift J Vifionally paft, not cvcntullly. Tht third Woe J Woe to che wkktd1 but joy co the S11inn. . At0i1CC thl! Sun ntcs upon Zo~r, and t~c fire fat~ down u~on

~H 111fui. 11 11 1 t m .e d,
11 11

;::. ~;..1oe//.

I ldl. oft he


AtfieJ. Chron. J ~5.

Sodomt. eAbr11h11m ll:u1ds upon the hill, and kt:s the Cmes burning. Verle 15. Great voicts in heaven] i. e, Great joy and triumph in the Church militant.

tAre become the kjngJomes] They have renouttced Popcry, given up their names to the Gofpel 1 and received the Rc-

t.tco111mun~catru .1b1ru,

cum ,,/ittrfe habMt




Honum 1111thor11.u. "' Vn!-c 'i. To he.wen in 11 cll)Hd J As Chrill: did. Sec the Note on Ve1-(t 7. ho Find their enemi~s beheld. J Not: without rage and rl"grtt to lee wt.hey were cr?1.ed, a_nd. the trnth more ard more propagated. T~1te~d.~banwr e:,- ~1tl11pl1c~!~ 11 mm, f:urh om.. The Church as chc Lally IS mcrc;t!e~ by. 1.cs own Jlllcc :Totum mundum (4nguint 0 0 ,.,,t"'~~ convert1t1 fa.1th LHthfr. She: \;onvtrni ill the world by her ufkrmgs and fupplicationg. Verfe 13. A gu111,~rth'l""k! J Since the Rc:tormacion, whlt Oirs

FtJr ever tiJ ever] Not for a tho"r"nd years only, !l.S the Milknari~shold. Verle 16, And the ~Hr ~na twent7 Elders] See the N:>tc on

Ch1tp.4 9. - ' Vtrk 16. BtelfH[e thou haft m~en J Thou haft (hin and fub iucd thofc chine enemies, that fem metkngers atter thee, faying, Wt "'ill nohave thi4 ma11 u rNle over m. Verfe 18. Wrre angrJ J SedvantCjine'ClirihHJ ir.t: the wrath 1f thefe men mrned to chc glory of God. That 1hq foo11/J br jHJ!,J J ht~ordiog to their praicr1 and thy prom He, Ch11p. '.1o,1 t.

S3~----- ---~-~~'!!"'_flll~'!_ #fD~-~~-~~B-~~-~-AT IO~~hap,I i,



1ndfto11tJP.diflro7 thtm],Cod uru:illy rmliatcsaod p~~--;~ P ons Jla\ouf1_1e to J::akulir, provocation to provocsrion Dut 3 f rowar dms to f'row~r d ~cs,P/~/.18.2~. contrariety cocontrariet s 1.a1 Lfv. l.6.1? ,_, 1 .Jellt uClmn ro dc:firuct1on, as here. He paie th y, home 1n their own coyn. S em . y~rfo .19. /}; d thetemplt of Go.J J Abundance of liGht llull be d1flll ed m the Churcb: :md heavenly myllerics more clearly reveal cd, and more commonly unJerfiood. k /"" thhtre \\'(re lightni~ghs] Utter dd.l:ruaion to the wic e , as t tre was co. Ieru o, at the found of the ~ v h Trumpet, . c em

~;r; gr1111itat1 ,,,,.,,_, f1J. 1AeH11m 'Jil~ p-;ii;i ~-;;~;;-;;it~-f,i~;,- - t.~ omHi turbAconftEmtur.

C111""'"'"' "I"' the R ~ v

... - .......

----------- 11 t A 't 1 o M.

...... -.... -



----- ........... -....



Cried, m1veHi11g J Being bard beCet with cruell perfecutours, the longs to be delivered of a ChriC\ian Empero11r, thit might pat htr out ~f her pain a-nd mifcry. \'crfr 3 A great red Drg" J A Dragon tilt devil is ulled ~Vi-P'llrtlj. i.or his {harp.fightednefie ( die Dragon hach a very quick (ye. and ~r~~~J .. is fa id to CTccp with open eyes) a.~ aUo for his milchicvoulndle co ~&..s 1 ~i,~. mao-kindc ; and lalHy, tor his forpeotinc fobtilty, Ge11.3. The comfort is, That as the devil is a Lion, fo is Chri!l, thcrt"s couL. r:ige for courage. And as the .lcvi\ is a ferpent, fo Chrin compares himfelf to the brazen fer pent : thcrcs witdome for wituome. A gre!lt Drogon th' de'lil 1s 1 as bei1g God of tht YtorU; and red all

CW A P XI I. Vcrfe 1, dnJ tlure appeiirtd J

and the next following ChJptcrs an Exp li . f chc former vil1on. mono TAHis great Wonder J As fiudowing out and lhew


wonders. mg great In htavtu] That is, in the Clur~h or (. cl' fi ) h h a iu;cor m~ co ome m t c vm e ~avcn, where Sunne Moon and s



2 Sam.1.i6, ovmg Cfothed with the S11n J With Chrifts own comlines E 61 She is alfo conf picuous, Afut. ~. 1 4 and (corched wichap .t.fce. i . -f C "nt 1 6 All wh h hfl . er ecut1on, : .. ~~ nocwn u.andmg 1 (heistomdy. V.ror fol grr r~drJI marm, farch che Civilian. And r~e Moon imdcr hiJ.foetJ ~he treads upon the worlds tra{h .bears pat1cncly all chlngcs aod dianccs and chourTh th t h' world bark at her, Che H1ints fiill. ' ~ ~curs o t e

vi Wom"" J ,~Ima mater Eccleft" The Church is called a woman, for her 1, Weakndk 2 Fruit'ulnes 3 1 .


po. les and thm.rucci. Uours, in and by whom myfticail Ch rift o cth forth conq11~rmg and to conq11er. g TioJin Tllt.itr. Vcrft: 2. Andfoebeingwith ch'ld J A d {; fl ' e n ~ oon fiuelt out by Nt1t.p11g 3fO the Bears of the world v r,~ 4 pr.cgnimtem t1mllertm nrn (olu"1.J.

En pertJgit rnrf111 ford" D i1mte (uH, A cro\\'n of mtlvt fl.1r1 J A crown in tokrn of 'Clo <>ft~tlv~ n.,.,., Th 0 ft h' h L'. VJ ry. A AHd ft . ft \I w 1tc oracss r:hap 6 1 che tw~lve

over with the bloud of fouls, which he hith (wallowed dcnvn, as S.Peter hath it, 1 ep.s.8. S e'llen heaJs] To plot, and ccn horns to p1i01 men into the pit of hell. S1ve11 cr1wn1 npo hi:s btA".I J Prctenfcd authority for what Hifi.oftlie he d1d'againll the Ch11rch. It palfed in Fr""" in manner ot a pro- Coun.of rrtHl verb, That the modern Counccl ( of Trt11t) had more ~uthori fo', 8Jo, ty then that of the ApoCl:les, bccaufe their own plc:afurc was a fatiicimt ground for the decrees,. Without a'dmicting the holy Ohoft. That PopHh CourJCcl was carried with fuch infinite guile an4 crafc, tbat the Papifts themfclves will even fmilc in the triumphs of their own wics(whcn they hear it but mcntioaed)u at a mal\er-: fir au.gem. Verfe ~ .A11a 'hu rail 4>ew] A ~on(bous tail for length ami llrcngtla. Oneinterprets it of bis dog-like Battering tail, whence Er~r.cbu. the proverb grtw, CauJA '1/A,,Jiri. /11liA" the apofiatc drew ~'..~,.~ uulmv. many from the faith by Aamries and fair promifes. Luthtr was . oiercd a Cardinalthip to be quiet. The Popt offered ~liubeth ~la~~onr co confirm the: Englilh Liturgy by his authority, grantiog 2lfo the ~~ .rein cm ufe of cbe Sacramrnts under both kindcs, fo thatihe would joJCl tc Rcvius Je her {df co the Roman Church.And bow the Pope clawed our King, 'IJit.PoNtif: when he was in Sp1ein, "n.162 3 is better l<nown 1 then that I need here to rdace. 1'"r u J,v,11r ker ,.J,;JJ,] As that Dra1cn Phi4t'ttol1 ~fo he i~ ' called, J(..51.9.) fought to make away fot the new-born babes ofI[r,.11, ExGd.1. Thus the Dragon M11>.ii11111 devoured A /exanJ1,. the fonne of M11mm'A : and thws Dtti111 devoured N n the


A C11N1t1ent1y upo11 tilt.Ra T 1

L A 't

1 Q lit.

---Chap. 12.

Chap.1 i, A C1mmrnt1.y "Im t1"8. R., i: T. lP N

LHthm l\cJorma~ion. -jt-w;$.-pl~~f1n_c_ ~o-Ce;~.ChriQ -;_;;:i.-------- . Ancichrift (hiving for the better. for whatloever .th(! Pope wa~lt his Uu\$ 1 or th<! P.mperour with his. light bolts dad _to hmder 1t1 fiill rhe Gofpd ran and was g\oritled : And ~s then, (o ever ftnce, maugn: th.c 011lice of R,me and of,hcill. Then latt: tmoft. ~n~ca vours, and fome fuccdks for a kafon, were but as the lal\ fp~~t~.


S, 39

ings, or bitc~r-bice~ ol dying bea{\.i. . . . ' . . 1 Verfe9. WM c11.f1011t] Full {orcag:unft hts -wijl, Jf r~ e.t1.,. mies had but a.s much power as malice,_ the Churd~ l11~uld m:vq reft. But thc:J.Ch.a}l be ut~t:rly ~qu.~~ nd f>Ut~d: ~s ~~th~ d.-y.~b~y, are here t our gteat comfort. .,;\ . . , , ' . ; . That old [erp1nt ] ,When he ~s )'Oijng:, ~c o~ttWltted o~ fir(\ parc:mi, ~ Cor, 11 ;3~ then w~en r.~~ir rafo~ Wis not depti ved. Now that he is old.and btJt.~b1Wn:n1P.;.k.f1-!H h11d. WIJ noc need look to hjrn 1 and not~ h1rwr~~t '1f bi~ w>l~~? . .


pofc his fot an~ ~mpofcd ll)~~hiu~~ions,_ r..~or .. ~.~l ~. h's.~" rh0ds artificially moulded, Ephef.6.11. his clepths, Hc1gbtsl cog gings ot a die. &c. ~ ~ . : Vcrfe 1o. 4nd I h14rd" Jq11d ~o,ce.] G1caqoy w'.s thorow out the Chu'rches of Chrill:, as great caufo there was, when Qqn. ftantiHe came.~o,..tlle Eaipin~~'. !pat. W!lS v~ry reu~arkable, ~hat C0Hjl1mtine being now a Co,i:quetcq-~ ~1on\d c:iufe a ~able to ~e h:mgcd up on high bttore the door~,whefem was pain.. ted a Dr~g9l:> [ha~la1 chrult thqrQV{ wid1 ~ Qart under his own and

,,PJJi&h ae(ti'Cl~lh 1h1 Wh1Jll,') ,~qrl~ JI ~~V10i, .tpr. tha~;


E11fcl.,,in vita Confian.

his i~g~~:ct;c~fer. ~fo'u~,br~~~r~"~] , ~qth~:4.cvil i~~illcd. ( f.~~rn one) _in dir~a t1nd fuUoppou~ion~q ~~,.( fpcciall nalJ)r a11d u11hct; ohhc holy GhoJt. .The ro~{Drllr Qr ,.Jp4fkrJpr ~. n~ uffit4nS :nc lo malicious cne towards anot~pr, _ f.hat you {hall hive a rnal) ~ide tvmo of his own goods in the l\oufe of him whom be hattth .; and then uCe. him tor the C\calth;ot them a ult (o df:4s the devil many times by Gods dtard\: krv:m~s. ~. : . , :- . . . Which 11ccufeel them J And upQll fvmd\l~h arci..:\ti;Joo, ns ha is o.ble to prov\! againltthem. Htmctd1~ .'s (a~d ~o fbmu ~l I (ho-



fh11~~1 ri,g~t.hmtd; at 1he ppper ~iU:>d; lXcl\\l)~ h~ .!\~;9.l{a.:t~o._ VftS ?,1\h i 1 as U>,4H~ v!!hemem. But bti:t s tl~ cqm\j)t-t, <..:kuCl ,1ppr~-'. '~ H. . b.,.

heavenf~r h\s (as a Lawyetappms. ~<r bis 1dienc:). co noofutc all the devils accufations. 1 he Sp1m allo (as :in AdvoQJtC ) makes req~ft in our htartS tQ God, 11rni-~dpcth us t'' m:i.k~


N n


'""'II"""------- --


AC"""'"''"'1"P'"11JeR1 ~ B LAT lM. Ctiap.1i .

... --------------- . . ..

-------::-y- - -

-------.p;1~i~~-rorourrci;~~-~ ~7~8~t may not the saints ea1 l.ib.i.,,,:..,. to ~atan ( fidl: drawing them to fin, and then accufing them) ~ he did co Joab, i SAP#.18. U,IJ. . . .. Verle 11. BJ the bloml of th1 IAm~ J By his merit and fp1m, Chrif\s bloud { as J> /in7 faith of Po/ium) is s prcfrrv:uivc a.;ainlt


Aff,4~J N1~

.A11tl 1/,q fovea Hot their Uvn

Martyr, Take heed, tis an hard matter to burn i lndct.d, faid

WheA one hid to a certam

_ .


it is for hi111 dm hath his tou\ linked to his body, t1s a thids foot 1$ in a p1ir of fetters. In the daies of that bloudy per[ecucour D_ i~cle ti~n, Ctrtatim 1.'ori1~ ;,, rtrtd,,,inte ;utbawr {faith SNlpmH4)
q~a~" 11iu111pbo 'IJhimu. qua~.

No11 jori uN

111Hl1oi 11viai111 t11m m~rt]rili' i,loriofi1 mortibHI 'JH.trebAnWr, 'J#~'11 ~unc 1ifcoptttm prA'IU 11w~isio11ib1u apptt#1ftNr~ &c .

4 "''

de1'1cm ~/;' ems, and the {avagcncsof the perfeccours fir1vmg together, tall 011 1 ' " rro11 ,~, "' .J ll '(\.. 'llirui pot both, excccdang nature an d lx:l'aef1 bre d won dtr anQ a ommment
;,;,,.,. S11!illt. iR beholders ~nd

Thofe ancient Chriiians Glc:wcd as glorious power m th.e t:mh ~~ Mntyrdome, as in the fa~ch of miraclc:s : the ~a~our ot the pa~1 ..

chap~12. A~1mmtnt11rJ #/Qt1the Rs"' a LA't 1 o~. s ~1 ;ann~c:be far ~ff,1-ll-;,dby coaj;a~t~,--wh~;~,~-he h~tb _a_ ii~g~~~. -~ fagmcy. . . ;-t'; That he hAth bHt" jbort tem1] He therefore makes all hafie he. c3n co out-work th' children of light, in a quick dilpatch of dl'cds of darkncs. Verfe J 3. He perferuted tht Woman J As the matter ofhis_cal:unity. Th_e dc-vil infinitely hates Chrift, and fins that fin at;a1{lll the holy Gholl: every momenc. His infirnmcnta alfo, carri~d wich hellilb 'm1lice, ce11f~ not to 1m1ligne 1md u:oldl: the Church, to chcir own um:r ruie: for Chnft muft raign whc:n lll's done. . .. Vcdc t4. Two \\ "f A great E~gle J That is, fufficic:1~t meaAs oHafety and protettion from pcrall, Exod. 19. 4. By this great E3gle, fome A'lighty perfonage {~ems to. be ddigned, E~:k: 17.3,7. And this may vcrywellbe Conftti'tJUne, whofe peculiar firn:ime was Great: but yet fo (faith an Iiirerprcter) as thit the M Forbrr.

. -- --- ------~--....,________ _

. ""'


great honaur an~ riches, wherewich, as wich wings,he upo.n g<.?o~.

readers. Vcrk 1 z.. Rejo7ce ye hete11tn1 J Yc chat have your con.. Yerfadon in heaven, and fi11ll lhortly remove your Cl:ntS thither. Wot to tht i11l1A'1ittr1 1/ tht tterth J .Emh-Ylorms that loa.d themfdves with thick clay, and Chive with che toids, who fiull die with moR: care .. in their mouths. .A11J ofthe (ea] Seamen are for more psrc, very prof~n7 and ~odlefle. Sec JNde 13. I,, Mr 1/rit.htma,. by t~{6 nh11 lfoant11f the fed undcrll:andeth the Clc:rgymt:n, as rh~y call the_m,
who fee abroich grolle, troubled, bracki0. 1 and Cowrdh do&me,

incencion endowed che Church, js aa occafion to make her fl~e to the wildernes, all crue and fiactirc R.e~igion by degrees'dt:caying in the vifibk Churth. Verfo is. Cte/I out of hu mfJNth \:\'11ti:r.J Thofe barbarous Nations Goths, HHnnes,_ Vima.ils~ ~ornbards,, Pther~*.Ltirre~ up ~y the de.vil toover-ruo the Empire, apq affii~.the Church. Or dfe, it may mean thofe'pdl:ilent and poifonfull hctelies, Arr~11nifme, and the rdt, whertwith che Chpr~h was infelled, according to that ofSolomon,The mouth oftht. "1ic1<,ca belchtth outtvit thingr,
Vcr{c 16. A11d!heear1hh,11.edt~l~~oi.] .. 'fhatis,~he.mul 7 titude ot Chrill:ians meeting in the generall G.>~n.ct~, dw(e four firn elpecially, h:ld !U Niu eA.-.:;m, ac C~HflAHtiHnpl~ againlt Mactdoni111 and .Bnnomi111. ar Ephtf(11 3gainft Neftorim, and at Chalctdon again{\ Eu11ch1U~ T~efo ~elped ~he Church extc,edingly agai~ft inundatio~~ of hmfres ; ~nd. were cherdore by Gre~ory the g<eat rcc~ived and cmbtacc~ as .~he four Go 1pJs. .. .. . .. . tA'ndthe e.irth opened her mouth] An allu{ion to N11m.16,'J. 2. Look h,qw_ the mtb hyallC?W~d ~P, t.4.~fc ,m~,,~(9n,tel\ts,, fo did God root one pernicious ~erdies with their:~utho.urs. ~El~r~P.c,tto~r~.,. bX: t.he powc:r oft~~ Script~re, and ~~~-ztal of~~e.a'rth,94RXi,.'.Qo_aoqrs, to that they fudd\!nly v:u~Hhc:d ~uc of fighc,~ftcr a maa:vcllcrJi man'!
Prov.14.a8. . , . -~ . '\ .: .1 1 ;

which doth rather bring barrennraot godlint:-i to t~eir hearers, anJ ~o,h gnaw th~rr umals, tb~n qucn,h ,hti-r thirn ,.or ycd~ any othtt
good fruit. Fqr thf J-evi/ ii eo1'Jf J1wn] 1ndeed he was call down: buuhift the devil dHJcmbks, and makes as if he came for his pleaiurc fake; and fo makes the bet\ ot an ill matter. H11vi11g ~rt1tt Wr11tJJ J Indignation 1 com1notien- ot minde, perturbation of fpirit! inttammuion or heaving ot the blo~d,_ apprehcnfion of an in1ury .sat~ns malevol_c~ce w~~ a mot1vc co his diligence. Naturall motion 1s lllore Cw1ft. antl v1olcn~ tvward


the end of ir. IJu11Hfe J,, lc!f 1wtt'1

By the figns of the lae\ judgement,which caaiiot



Vcrfe 17.

---------~---- ----~

- - - - - - ---------- -- -

----With rh1. '\11D,.11n J Who yet had done him no wrong: but he and his are mad with malice (when their


,,II C1111111t11tiilf>'n 1/Je R.nJJt.A't 1 o~.



WM W,.oth.




ddigns mifcany cfpeciaUy ) and are ready to file the Church, as he in T"U] did another, !(uod t1t11m ttlum corpore non rec~pilfi t, bt:caufe he had not ta~cn into his body the whole dagger, whe1cwith he had {tabbed him, To 1t1-'k.! war] Thar war which is menrioned, Chap.13.7. 1Phich k!ep the Comm11nam1nts J A jull: ddcription ot a godly
Chri{\ian. BQ11i ,,.tholici (unt qui & fidfm i11tegram {eq11ntur & hDnDJ mDm. To ue found in faich, and holy in litcJ chis is the

kernel ofChrifii~nity,



------+---,_.,._.----c HAP XII 1.


And I flood]

I. (u be'1ff J The Church, fly iog into the wildernes VV from the Draaon, fals upon this Beaft, which is nothing bcccer

Hcrc I might beft fee the beall thac came out of the fea.

rhen rhr Drattommdcr ii bcm:r ilup~. Sfr "/;,,~ ,,~ If/;~ m11l1111'-' Thisb:a{l is thtt Antichtill: of Rom,. .R ifa !' pJ Not all :it once, but by degrees. om 'o[rhe faa J 0ut of tho botcomldfe pie, Cbap. 11. 7 2 Tluff.2.9. . H'4ving (even htAds] To plot. And ten horns] Tg pufh. Craft and cruelty go alwaies togf\o ther in the Chun;:ht~ enemies., The Afp never. wandS alone; :rnd thof~ birds ot prey go4!iet withoat their mues, I (a. ;4. 16. And upon bu llornr] The: Kin~:i tbiU uc th~ i>op,5 vafhls. See Rev.17.1 t. The{e are thepropsot his pow~r. The name of blafjhem7 ] This is his c1 u: name : his precenkd nlmC is m1fter1. . . . Verfo 2. Likt unto 1t leopard] Which 1s the fem:tle ainong the p:mchers:thepropmy wherofis,as Plin1 tdlcth U5,With her t.weet fmdl to al'.ure the bealls unto her, hiding her ccrrrbk head ull the huh them wichin her reach. and chm ccarcth chtm in pi~~s. Jul\ fo dealcth Ro111e with her unhappy profdytcs. The: Pilpaey is an alluring~ tempting, bewitching R~ligion. .N~ ftn pll\:! b~t the Pope can parden it : none to come, but he can d.afpe~fe wit~ it, E ttAmfi ptr impoffebi/1 aAtret11 D ei 'l"~ 'fJitilfj{lt, f1ud Tm l:UI .Al

--;A,yib~p,, cif118e11r 1 Whieh'lllndsfinn on h~r,--. ___ , 1K1d fights with her fore-feet: Co doth the Papacy wuh m Cmons, Dc:crees, traditions, &c. AJ the mo11th of" /io11] Wide, ravenous, roaring, :md atiabk. . .And 1h1 Dr11gt>n gatJe him hu ,ower] Th!s bargain was otf~ ed to Chrifi, Ma1.4. buc he would nooe ot It. The bramble m ?otlMms parable thought it a goodly ~hing to raign : ~o did not che vine aad fig-tree. V1?tfe 3. 0>1uf 'i1 h1.tJtl11ll i \>Jt,, Ulou.nded.J E1th~r- by the inuCiH of che Oo1he-1 i or by chacfarall fch1(me in the Church of f.ib ~ de Fa;ia Rome, .anno ins. when tkercfatthre~ Popes ac once,fortourty Rorn,,ap.11. years togedcr :.. or by the falling away of Prote:ll:mts from the Popedome, trom the d1ics of Wic/;ffe, 1 ohn H 11 ffe, the 1P~/Jn1ft s, L111her;to this prcfent. B e611rmir.e bttw:iils the bu~nc~e, th~t ever fince we began to coont and tall the Pop t: Annchbl\;. his kingdemehath greatly d~creaftd. And C~tt~n the )efuice confdlu ,' chat the authorny ot the Pope 1s incomparably ldfe theo it was 1 arid that now the Chriftian Church is but a di1 ' . .

11inicive. .. eAnd hu tlwl/1 WoHntl WM ,,,,./,~ BJ thttfalfe Prophet,ve,.. 11. that is by tht Sorhot1ifl1, ]e(uiccts, Trent~fitthets, and. otMer l"opith Chyrurgeons. The Jcfuitu give out1 _Thac the devil. fent out Luthtr,and God raifed up them to refil1: bam : but great 1$ the truth,and will prevail, when aU.faUh~d Olall Ml to the ground. It is but a palliate cure we he(e rtadt'ot. , . .And a(l th1 '1or/J] fc. Ot Roman.. ,Catholtkes. . wonamtl J Or had wondered, till the.bei.R was wounde~. Verft 4, A11dih11 worfoi1Ptd] Adm1t1C~vn~red adorsuon. ~dolatrous Papifis are worfhippers of the dc\'11 ; whom thcu~h m word they d1fte, yet in deed thfy deifte. . , Who uUk.1 ""'" thd 6111ft ! P"P' poteft ""'"'"'. q11~ C~rijlHI Cap.,uarto. pord1, f1itbHoftitJ1ji1. Thel'opetando w'ftadocvtr Chl1Ct can doc: yea and mere [oo, it ~ould fo:m by thcfc wift wondcrers : for who is like unco the be2fi ? fay ther,. P tp p/111 'l!!"m . . D11u 11itbFr4ncM z-11,.teN, The Ji(lpc'is more thtn a ~od . .'f!~P"fll411. And ;.,hy ~ forof wtong~e-c'arfntaktir~htj' df \'ice ~em1e, ot no- lru,4. thing tomething, faith B1/11Armirie> Mofro~i'ltt catmo~ _be con- 2'e mojeflat; tent co derive 'PAP from Pap.e the lnttl'Jeeltonof &dmmng, be.. ititant mle/1


cautc he isl"P'r

,,,,.,,J;, cha worlds wonderment ( that ye may 1.

N n 4'

1. ' '

------5-44- -~----- . A-:'~filenl,~1~!~;ti,~:~~ffi~-ch~;~

Im.ow him. tt> be the bcafl: here 111entio11ed) but 'he mull fiile hii~ Kmg of Kmgs and ~~d of Lords.: huing rulcdome over all ratio. nail creaturts, D ult a adorandUJ, &c. V~rrc 5. v/na thrre \~'"' 1J11en 11rzto him J. As once WllS co /.ntzoch1u ~h~c ~1t~lc Ant1chnll, D11n, 7. 2 s. W nat cr:ickr, the Pope makes of his dl1.m1te:d power and prerog:rnv .. s. who knows not~ '\Jyhatbl:ifphemte&hebdchcthol,ltofthd~bkof (hrifi of c 1 1 his pork, Al ddpito di Dio,. indefpitcofC;oJ; oHutlring icj 1~: frls to be ll1lcd the lan-~b 1f GoJ that. mk.tth "way the Ji111 of tlJe Wo)-_ld, as Pope. M~mn the fourth dHi', ot drinking an health to the qc.:val, as another of chem did,, whq ~ath not heard~ ..M"ronius at the year 964. r~cko_ning t~p cerca~n ~ che Popes, ca Hf th them mon. fie rs, an abo1.nm:itaon of d~folataon m Goqs f cmple, &c. Cardinall Benno !:uch of Pope H1/t/e6r11nJ, That he was a blafphcmcr mur?c:.n:r, a whoremactc:r, a ~ccrom:mccr, ao here.cike, :in/all th~~~ no.aHht. l'hc Churth ot.K.'1mt ( .faich :mother'. of their own Wmers ) lath ddem:d now for a long time no better of God then to be ~uled by reprobates. Marci/Jim the frcond, 11ope' jJc,Reviuf, f R ome, f:u d Th ac he co uld not tee how dny Pope could b. fl '7 ~. ~ T I laved. \; . F0Nr1.Ja11d~womone~hs} .HeteMr Brightmancalculac~and puches the rumc. of Antichrift: upon the year 1686. or ch re aboucs. e Yt:rCe 6. !" /Jl~fPhm11 ag,;iHfl God] As when Pope Lto che fir{l, and (after bun) ,N~ctJ/~ t~e third atfi.rmed, tbat p em their predec~fi'cur was ~aken 111to fellowfhip with chc: bkHi-:d Trinity as une WJCh ~hem. Scev.~rf.'. . . ' . AndhM ~bm111cle J ChriCl:shumanity ( ?oh. 1 .14. and a. 19 .) this heblafphemcn_h, by c_ranfubftantiating a crufl: mto Chrift. Or, the Church of Chraft, which he councech and calletb the Synaoo~ue ot Saran. o :) . A'fd.them !b"t dw_elt ;,.'tJllwen J The glorified Saines, .whom mhei hedefpitech W1thobtrud<!d qonours, foohas they acknowobicun h i11 uc . ledge not: or_ dfe barks and rails ac unce!fantly as Arch.devils, dei1ur 11011;01 tdlab~e heret1kes, common pdls, &c. as L11thi1r, Me/"nllhor1 ~~~Y:~:~;!r. Cal vm, whofe v_cry name he bach commanded co be rued .out of all books, wherefoever any maQ me~ts with jc.: , .. V~rfe 7. Ti mk!, \\1mo~f Wit# 1/,,4 s 4tNt~ J. As he did:wich, the ~lb1g1 11 ft1# pttblifhmg his Cro1(4t/u againrt them, as if they h:id ecn S,irACfHJ,. and.ddln>y,ing ten hundred thoufand of them in

--- -----~---- .. ~

a;p. 1 ~. .A CommfnWy 1-pontbe R ~~.~ L~~~-~-1'__

f~an~-;;iy~-it P;;i~~i~ may be believed. No~ to fpeak. of t~e many thoufands fince flain in. battle by the .Popes Champions m Gen;, 11 11y, France, /rt/and, _and now a~{~ -m E>1gfo11d: b.did~s thofc many more that have d1~d for Rd1g10n by the bloudy mqut-



fition, by the hands of the man, 3600 in chc ~.ow.counm.:_ys by the command of the D~kcot Alva, 800 here m ~ ,Mmus daks, ch The B1;11L\ hath ev..:n indd~ himidf drunk wich the blouJ oi the Saints. And to overco"1e tlHm] So it feemed, b1~t fo it ~as not. See Revel.1 i.11. The Saints never more prevail an~ mumph, then when it {eems ot~erwifc. Of the~ the enemies m:ly .fay, as the p,rfians did ,one~ ot the ~themanJ at the field of rJll~rathoH. , ,

nJ.wr,1.J,J, ~ ,,1~71101, 7iT~rJn.o~J, 11 ~f2io177JA. We foU the111, 71tthey fall not, thrNff them thro11gh; Th'1 fit! no mifchirf, oHt itrc w,l/r11rn1~ . 0' AIJ kjndrd1 .01d ton.~t1~s J Herc the holy {Jbofl points t the P~pilh Cuholicifme. The )etuiccs will O:ill netdly have ~he


Roman Church co be the C'lthohkcChurch, though fo many kmdrcd4.t_m1gues an~ Nations kavt: ut~erly difcl:iimcJ it. ~crcu_1 chey arr.: like that m'ld fdlow Thr<1filausm HorAce, whola1d claun ~o all the Chips thac came into the harbour at A1hen1, though h~ h:!d no rightto thdeal\ boat there. . ,. Vetfe wbofa names a>-e not ll.rm1H J He then thac uves and di1:s a Papitt cannot be fav~d, Slain from tht foH11dA,~on J f~ 1, In Gods purpofe. ~. In his promite. 3. In thdaath ot his people. 4. In the ia~r1fices. 5. In the Mmyr& : the firft that rn.'f died, died tor H.di gion. Verfe 9. If 1m1 m11n h~ve 1111 ur ~ .q. d. ~ct all ch~t h~v~ fouls co fne beware of thr.tbea(\; for 1sn nothing to loole an 1mmortall l0ul' r T"1 p~m;haC~ an ever-living death? Purm PapijJAno11potefl.[1rt1ar;.. Confer Rtt1tl. 19. n. Its conft(~ fed ot all, that a learned Englafh apol\:ace Papi{\ cannot be Caved. Verfe 10. He tb11t lwltth inti taptfoit7 ] 'I d. B~ of good cbear: Antich rift 01all one day l:llCCt wich his match, dra~k ~~. he brew~d, be paid. in hii; awn coin~ filled with his vwn. wa1es, have bloud again co drink 1 fgr he is worthy. See l(a. 31.1. and iThef.1.,. .. Herl





-------------------__ A

- -- - ...


-------- ------

to hol.1 om f!lich and

~ d f h m 11 , exer. ~1 et~ ~~~rc:J e o t e a.mts gr'.lfces. H:ird weather trits what ~a.c. ... e ~:1 1nuht ~re~Js molt ruidull,, when mofrbearen. Or ere as iupport 1or t e :'>:.lint~, and that wluch may well m k h '

flerei".stheparience] d,d Hereism:itt~-ftorchct.

Co1111'1~"!"J "P~ ''!!__~~~-~-~r-toN.

r s _-,


Chap.13. .11c1mment1ry11puuheR 11vuT1 oN.



cc em

Verfe ~ 1. And I bekeld ttllbtht~ bt11fl J Another in fha L the fame m.fublhnce pe, uut b wach the former For here Chrn in. appears not as :m Empercur, mas :.m ImpoU:our, Th~c thefe two are bo h fceRro.17.11.&19.2a, t <W, Co min.~ up out of the earth J Set up by earthly men and h

muil1romcs. , s O mzny And he had n.,,o hor11s J Two horns in his mierc ~w k . . b d f d b be . ' ~ o eys m . h1s an ! two we: s orne . fore him, a two-feld pretended pow~r, lecular and facred, as Kmg and Prie:lt in the Lamb ft d who{e Ape he i&. . ' s ea , Sp"k...e M a dr~.~on J That is, faith one, he Uled an abfoluce com mand over con~c1enas, raifed himfrlfthrough deviJWh pride d execrable boa<hng, Rev, 1 a. 7 , an
f pne.mres, of wagmf? wars, o~ ruling over kindreds ton u~ and Nmons, &c. norw1thlbnding his wounded head w'h' h~ c a (' t c d b h (' d l' . of the Jefuices, II IC JS arter or urc Y c .e t: u icy and lubc1lty and other th~ Popes em1tfrnes. The firfi ()ca~ ( ~aith an Jnterpreter) ;5 the Kmg~om .ot Jlomt under the. Pont1tical1ty : the fecond beaR: is the Pom1fical1cy wonderfully qu1ckning the wounded be ft h ftilCc b h d h a co t 3C C ~ . ot are one an t e fame t!x.cerr in confideruion "S 1 have fa1d. ' .. Vt'rfc 1.3 Andh~dothgn11t'-"oneler1] By hi~:ucofjuglin. for tru_e miracles he can do none, nor his maftcr the D g_. hd~ hun. Hence they called lyinJY wonders 2 Th~lf' .. ra1g0 o~ co ccr1 t R :a ' "'~ .1or s, ev.1 82}. an d.1mpofiureshere, ver.14. So t~at he ~a~th fire J A.s anocht:r EliM. This the Po e deeh d11ly by has ~xcommumcmons, call:ing fire brands as jc P from on high at thofc. thilt flig~t hio~ ; and mor;over h~ cellether:; of fome, thu for WHh.llandmt; h1a cdid:s, were chunderfl:ruck to deach~ . . Verfe 14, Th1111be1 fo"Hltl ,,,a'<! 11n i11111g6 J An E111peroor,

ly meins ~ of bafe beginning. Giir*" au c. eart 11rt;r11 ,~.,;;, E go rnPer11M /:. ,fl.. . , b -, 'Vis '"1~rn111es '1tl4, i:uch our Saviour co the Jews. I ,,,,,pa~ Above, )4 at'e fi'om iene~th t ye are Carth-fprung I r.

u, A,,d. he e.wrci(i-~h J The power offpt:akin bta.


faith AmiU1, an image of him at leafi 11 chofan indeed byth;-;:;::-----ven Eltttmus of Gtrm4HJ, but confirmtd by the Pope; whl't thmfore is laid co giYe life to the image of the beafr, whereby he both fpcaketh and aClech, ver. 1 J For if tha Pope confirm not chc JJ\:W elc.!Cl, he is no Emperour. Vtrfc IS Shou/dbr killrd] Whatil11u;htm Cb1Jrl1 thw llhh made at M"gdt6N"'g and eliwbrre by the Popes appoincment 1 and what blouliy work hath been dofte in Germany, now for this diht and cwcncy years , or thmabo1m by the now-.Em perour and his Fachert againft the ProtcPcanc party, l need not here to relare Verfo i 6. AO both f maO And gre4t] Etllpmntr and cUe. The Pope having hy his nephew perfwaded i:he King of R ohami.i M tfX .' imililfn ( atterwards filniperour) w be a good C:uhulike, wirh many prom ifes of honours and profos, intinlating the fucccfilon ot che Empire, whichielfe Ile iliould hardly cbtain, was :mfwcred by the: King, that he thanked his Holim:ffe.buc that his fouls health Hill of tfic was mor~ dear to him chen all the things in che world. Which an Conn.of rrent 18 fwer chey fa id in RtJ1tu was a LNtbl'rl4n form of fpeech, :>nd figni- " ' fied an alicnadon from that Sea; and they began to difc.urkwhat' would happeo afctr chc old Empmmrlj d~iLh ~ To rrct;ve,. mPk,] Tht! PopHh Cl~rgy fay, that in cheir 0r dination they receive an indc.kbk cbarach r. They m.ty chute whe.;.. ther cheJ will have it in their tore-heads (where 1c canno~ l>.: hid ) (')r in thdr ri~ht h:rnds, where they may eithet hide it, or lllew 1r> as they think good. See the N'JtC op Rtvtl.7.! The rtmk common to all the Popifh rabble is, s. Pu1,-s Keys branching~cut it felt in every AmichrilliandoB:rine anti idolatrous pradice. I can ncvcrfufficiently admire (faith one) the tpecch ot bldkd f_,1#ther, M. flf~ricl\t:, 108 who tbough he was very nrnd\ to hnc; thw Comm\\nio1' a-imini- s~rn:p ftrld in both kindes, centrary to the Doclrine and cufiome of Rom~, yetheprofe[eth, lfthe'Pop1, IU Popt, tommanded hitn..J to rtctive ;,, both ~indes, he would b#treceivt in Me k..indt. Its a generall rnle among the belt, chlC what che Pppt! comm:inds, as Pope1 though ic be good or indifferent, as to pray, reade, lifc ttp an eye, bat'\~, to wear black or white, &c. it is a receiving ot the lnttk ot the B~an, &c. , Vcrfc 17, V'rliy,br b111 erfall J A$ at R 0,,,, 1 oaths, laws, vows Ro H o,7111; 11 arc !olubk, and all things clfc arc lakable. Vendit




--~-~~'::_':'en~11ry i1po'!.!!~ Rn n


,en lert ;11 .. r pate fl, em!'ri1t illt! priu.r. Thl: Pope kh crotks,alms, Chrift, 1nd all: . Wdl he m1y {dl, for he bought chem at the fl:aU. ~Ho rcs_wdl lrnown, chac ctr<.: Pop~ iluly forbids trade and traf. f1quc. with a~l whom he hath excommunicated, as he did with the _Al/1 1,~enfrJ 11~ rhe !---'tmtn Councel: And as he did with one Too/' .1:1 "'" :.1.w, rn ~ J1/,1rm d" 1 ~s; ~vhobt.:i1-1g_hmgcd forfclony, anddefyin~ ch~ I ope, w1s ( afcc:r his deach) tu!pended and excommunicated. ~~t ne ma~ lhould cat or dri11k,bwy or fell with him, bid him good morro\v, (.re. 9r 11itmr of tht ht.ift J To be C!dled 1 ll6tH.4n-'C~thQlikt~ AuW.iH ft.ti~ w_hich is~etterdt~em<.:d Amonb Papills chm thcname of a Chri~ I I fe{f, 4 n~an. le IS notoraouny known ( iaich Dr F11lf(_) that the moft honourable name of Chril.l:ian is in lm/1, and at Rome a name of reproach; and u!uJlly ~bu fed eo !ignific a fool or a dolt~ 0 r 1he n1~mbc r of h1J name J That keep fomewhat more aloof an_d yc:t pr1V1ly comply with PapHl:s, and drive che fame defign: with them ,; tho~gh more fiily and covertly, and co rhemfelves pt.lrhap~ unpe~ce1vcdly. What's the reafon the Pope will not di. tp~n(e m Spam or lta/7, if a Papift marry a Procdlant yet here he will : bm bccauk (u~h Protcll:ants receive the number ~f lais name and will foon be drawn to him? ' Vedc 18. ~ltre uwi[dome] That is, Work for wifdome : as ver.1~. Herc is the paiimce and{aith of Saints. It uth1.n1m16er, of a nu# J Sucb as a nun by fearch may ~ndc ~ut, if h~ have his wits about him, as we f;y. Others' fenfc it thus s the: ~hole_ number of the lkalt, whacfoever is numbrcd to belon~ um~ him, 1s but the_ number of a man; hu1nane inventions ~t,',Qtto,., an~ w1~l-w1(d?~e. Men WJH h:ivc Jt fo, and this is the tUmme of all Pop1Ch Rcl1gton. Si.i hundred th~eefcor1 1ind fi.\ J AmongR: the many conje. Bm1ar./11' 017 - c..CCures, th:ic of Ml'.iv(;r, feeRls to l!lt moft probable, as mon anci 'llmJt ,-Jnrichr ... crnt and aut~cnt1~e. !.hr. year of Romes ruinc is by fomc held co Pu"!futurun be 1~e;6. ~as pl.un, faith one, Sa can fhall be tied up 1000 years; mmJ1a,,am d c ~66 ls the number of che b,a(l Ant" h "fl fl 11 f 1 nmem: <rn.1 ri 'cw h h . ,1 ' re n 1~ o ong r:11gn :c hcfie 1 nuri,/;c crit, & O toget er mai<C t e JUL\ 0UU10Cr,
ibi {tdcbit. ltt ~tint.fir. B

rm~/t ~le~"l:Amltr cruceJ, altnri-1#, Chrifl~;,-:- - - - -

~ N., Chap 13 ,




-------- ----- --. ..


A Clll1'1t1lfArJ #pmtheRav a LAT ION.




------ -----..



c. A



Ycde J A Lam~ ]

N oppoficion to that coontcrh!it lamb, Ch11p. 1;.12. A lion he can fhcw him felt at plcalure. Stood] Rcadyprel\ for aB:ion, as atthcfioningof St1phen,or he l\oud ccntincl tor {111cb as he here rcfcned to himft:lf undc:t the raign :md rage of Antich rift. dnhlfffMld JHrlJ ~nil fiHr tk9H{iin"] The fame that wtrc hkd 1 (hp. 7. :ill the holy MmfrS, confdfcars, believers. Itat1i111g hu F "'hers #AWU' J His fachcr and chcir rachcr. his God and their God atbis was written on their fore-heads, as Ho- Exo~I. iB. 3ft. lines t the Lore/ was upon the high Priel\s. Vcrfe 2. .1ls th1 voi'e f "'""1 Wartrs] The Word oH.iod (called here a voice from heaven hath (laith an Expolicour) three degr<:(S of opcrac1on in the hearts ot men. 1. It wor~s wondering (as che found of m:my waters) and acknowledging of a \:range M. Foibcs .. force, and mort: then humane power, M"" i.12',23 .f..t1~ 4. 3 2. ioh. 7.46. -i. It works not only wonder but ttar-, ~s chuudcr deth : thus it wr-0ught in F eli~ , and m1y do in any rrpru bate. 3' le works in the elect, peace 3nd joy : it makc.'S anufick in the foul, far fweeter then th:it of harpers, 1 Pet .1 8. Vtrfe ~ A new fo"t J Sec the Note on Ch1tp.5 .9. BNt the hHnareJ, &c.]. To whom alone it was given to un .. dl rfl:and the myficrit:s oi Gods i\ing~ome. Others could not

bk11l of it.

J.'rom ~b~ffftlm] ;, 4, From the Antichrillian rout' and ubblt. Thdc dunghiU~cocks meddle not with that jewel, the jpy ot faich 1 buc fre:1k evil of chat they know not. Ytrfe 4. Whieh \\'tr.e nt dtjiltd Yrith l'lo11Je11 l Which have not moiled tbemklvcs with fornication corponll ot fpirituaU, as thofC lfr11elitt1, Numb.24. by 011/aamscounfell; and as Papil\s
at this day, {educed by. thole etfc:mina ce locuns,

HA f,

rheir ihnclings rh:u plead this t~xt to prove marrisge a defilement, let them hear tbe Apofile, Heb. H.4, and another ~lmoft as an cicnt ~ Si'l"iJ coin1ui11.1tiont111 -r1ct1 'ommixtillft'11 legitim111t1.J, lgiu,;"'ha?e1 inhahitntorem dr11ao11tm Apof111t11m. If any cal\ lawfu\l marriage a defilement, that man hath a devil dwcllin~ in him. T.h1f.1

c h11p 9. S.

As for


A Comment11r1 "fD" the Rav n LA r lo N. Cl -- ----- ------- ------------- --------------- lap 14,

Chap. 14, .A Commmt11ry Npon tbe RE v E 1 AT Io N.


Ad tin 1Mtn. {oJ.86.J,

Tlu(e a~e th~1 -WhicJ1 follow the Liitlb J As the {eama;--dk doth the Nt)rth-pcle: or as the hop, 1n ici growin win~i~ about the pole, follows the courfe of the Sun from fa~ co Weng 1 and can by no m,ans be drawn to the contrary : chftfing rathtr t0 b rcak then yccld. Tb~(~ \\~r'" mlmncd] For royall u(c. ~ce Vrr[. ~ RI ::l/"" firft fi-11it1 J s~pilnt\d aod fandificd him from t hc r<"IL 01 rht: world. Vc:.rfe f ~nd ;,, tb.eir 111outh] Children they are that 11 not lie. Iflt. 6 3. 8. 1wthcr is a dcceid~ll tongue found in c~;ir mout.h, ~cph.3.13. They will mherdaechenlie. Thcofficersot MmndoU ~nlwncJ che Bi{hopchu moved them to abjure, that t~ey m~rvt.lkd 111'1Ch chat he would gn about to perfwade them to lie_ to (jod and the world ~ affirming that chey punifhed their clllldren. very l1mply, When they took them .h r e~i:n as 1f tht>y h:td commicccd a robbery tor hewd1tev1a ie,

~waics. See ?ofb 7. 19. 1er. 1J16. --------fiir the hour of hu judgement i4 ''"'e] The judgement chat he will t "crcife upon Idolaters,and their mawmets, as once in Eg]pt.
All.17.~0,31. All.14.15. /1111,tlu :fD11nmins ofW4terJ J J2.!!Ao;tum mirac11Ji ftt ;,. admir;crid.t iO.a jlutHi.HUIM

P"'", ffto. crtdo. phila(ophorMm (at tKplicart AMtltnJU por1'ir, faich one.

Vtrk S. And thert folfowcd another Angtl] c.Martin L1'

thH' with his book Je uptivitnte. B~b1fo11ia, which whrn BHt"ihagiiu fofi read, tie railily cen(urcd for lhe moLt peltilent
book that ever was written ; But upon better deliber:stion, he rcttalled his former ft.nccnce, and became a meanJ to tonven many others of1he Wine of 161 Wrath J Of the intoxicating enraging wine, rh~l[ fees mm a madding afcn her i ,' Nam Vtntu in vinu,il"u in igtt -p, .. ;,, There is a ftory ot Wttlur M11pts, fometimcs Arch-deacon of O.\ ford, who relating the Popesgrofie fimony, coa.icludes his Narration thus,Sit tam111 Domin11 mater97 noftrtt RomA b1lCHl1!4 i11 "1'"-' frAll111 : 6-11bftt cr11lere q11ii vidimU4. Rome had rav1l1mi this man oucofhis wits. Verfc: 9, eA1ullh1 third A Hgt I] Under!\and by th~ third Atigel, all the Reformers and Preachers ot the: Golpel atct:r Luther,tfJ the end of che world. If a"1 mAn ~orfl,ip ] See Mr P1rki111 hts Treatife. A PA pill
&An11ot go ~e1ond" reprobt1tt.




r r. ,V~rfo 6 .__,,,;'ndl(1wttnother.A11gel] Thisis held co be roh1 W1c/iffe, who wrote more then two hundred vol.imc:s ag1'inft the P~p~; an.~ was~ means of much good to many. The Latly An.,,1, wife co. Kang _R_,c:hard the iccond, fifl:cr to Weiimfl 14114 King of Ifohe,m~a. by lmng here "".as llUdt! .!ltqnaintcd with chc Gofpd& whe1.c_c alfo many .Boh11m11n1 commg hither, convey'd wic/ijfn

F o~ they are Witho11t f au/1 ] choauon.


By /mtJutiitim

1s a By l .

uf.ooks ~1to B o?emJA,. whcr<:by a good fouadation was laid for the
olluwmg Rdormat1on.

And reetive hi4 m-crl] He faith

nae thi11 of thofe t_hat have

yours never was.

In the midfl '1f heave.~ J Not iH faftt~'l,io co.di, in thC' h'i~ht of he~ven, as fomc render 1t; but alow rather, and as lt wut -,n the mid heave~, br.caufc ot the imperfection ot his dochim: Wil n it was fidl dm1lg~d. ... . , Havint . th~ 1vtr!afling Goffid] The !lnciem trnrh 7 no flCW DoHi:me._ A Gcntlcm1n b~in~ ~~k\;d by ii Paiftt Win:rc was JIOUr Rd1g1on o<:forc Luther? :inlwm:d ln the ~1l>le when:

'he name or the number ot the Bc:aft. For we doubt not but many. were carried away by him, as thofc 100 were by Ab(olam in t~e fimplicity of their hearts, -~ S A111. 1 s.11. knowing nothing oi his
Verfc: 10. OfthtWineoftht~r11thofGodj Wi..,eforWine.God delightJ to rt!t:iliate and propouion: as he that tlidJ f 11mos ~,,,_
lidit; famo ptrtAt. . Without mi.~t1m] vi~. Of mercy, with which God ufu:illy. moderateth the cup ot ~lit:vers affl itl1ons. Sec 1Am.2.1-~. They only fip of the tOlJ (;lf Gods cup, JI/Ha flilll quod foa1JilU f fl &



Vcrfc7. FeAr God] Let one fear Jriveoucanocb~l' (asone fire doth another) thdc~r at_ {iqd, the. fear of ycur ttllow-crca. limpiai111 : Reprobates drink the dregs. ~res, who dra~ you to idolatry. forth is at is that the fi:cond In the pefence of th1 ho/1 Ange/1 ] Who Chall be not fpetbom~andmcnt JS the firfr with pun;.11mmc. ' tours only, but tX'1rioncn alfo, u onc;.c at s 1d~"". Give glor1 to hi,,,] By confdling ycur fins, ind am1:nd /n1 1 .L--------~--~~~~~~~~~~~.................-.___..._...______________________...,!!;!in~


;;-~-----AC;;,~--~"';~;;~~-~-a_Y_~-~~~-~~~- ~~~~.-1~
-1~-;iu 1~1fmt of tht LA'11i]
Notwichfhnding rheir Ag""' Dd 1, and other fuperftitious numperics. Vedc 11 .4Htl thtfmo~e. 1f their torment] V tiil11111 tlt tt hemM ubii dij{trtretur, faith Chry(ofoome. Would to <riod men would evc~y where chink and talk more of hell, and of that cter. nicy of extremity that they iliall never dfe be able to avoid or to a. bido. Surely one ~ood m~an~ to ckape hdl, is to take a turn or tw in hell, by our daily med1tauons. Vcrfe u. H1tttuthtp.iti,nct] SeeChAp. 13.10. The beaQ bdn~ thus declared and declaimed againlt, wjll rage aboYe mcafure~ hold out d1erefore faith and patience. V czrfe J 3. A ~oice fto he1wen J That voice of ChrHl:, 1oh.s. S-\.& 8. SI. writt, B le(fnl .m the -iead] Though by the Pope accurfod

Chap.14. .A f1"1mlf1!'141'J tljo11th1 R.a "" tn.uuc.

:~/11i1, fti& one ee~ttt\ing LNtl.h-.; _-Th~ 4eat-h af 11,..,;"' wag, Trec1ttioniJ op111, Noll moi-lti, the truit of praicr, ra~her then the
dfc:tt of his difeafo, faith anetber. He was broughc to contufion by the praicrs of .AleA1111Jer, the good Bilhop of Con Jhmtinople. . Verfe 17. 'A11J11nother .A111tl The community of faitbfull Cbriilians that combine againlt Anticbrit\:, to pull him out of his


chrone, and cue his comb. Vcrfe 1 S. And ,,,,,U,,r] A type of cruc P~t\ours, faith M.Porbri, an ~merpreter : by. whofe plain anci powerf~ll prcachmg the othec arc mtormed and Rmed up ceconfccract their hands co the Lol'd,
SuchanAngelwasZNh11g/i111, whodicdinbattle: fuch was B1.t.11 in that battle that was tought ;,, c1cr11pu Drui1fo1jibH1: Such were the .Angrog11iAn Minifters, and fuch were fondry of our late Army preadiers, M. Mt1rP,lfll, M. Afh, my dear b[other M,Th1.
1-cc~{i1rnowof GloGt/ltr, &c.

and pronounc~d damned herctike~. , . . wloich diun the. Lml] Ef pec1ally, 1f fir 1he Lord: which IS

( faid father LAtim~r) rhe greacect promotion in the world, fuch u is not granted co any Angel in hcavt:n. From htncefonh] As well as heretofore in thofe primitive
Rt fl ftom thtitt labours J The fiecp ot thc{C labourers, oh how fwm is it l fl.!!.11/e (ipor ftffis in gr"mine- -thc:y get the 1:oal1thcy enter the hncn,

pie of God.

,,.,, op~ribm. Verfc 14. .A ''"1 fie k.[t] An inll:rument to cut down corn, Deut.16.9. and the bunches and branchrs of the grapes, J(a.18.s. It betokens flmp and fudden vengeance. What more beautifull to behold then thr: field afore harvcfr1 thin the vineyard afore: the vintage, &.t> ! This is fpokcn for the confolacion of the per!ecuted pco

ltaliAm fie~ /"to c/f&mort (al11tant .And their \\'rl<J fa/Jow thetnJ ] They die not with them as Hortenflm his Orations did. v+for1 pmfl opi~HI,


whic1' Jwl power Ullr firtt J Not Ckr;ft14m d- ~'fh4tt1g1li11n1.J fiiun,,,eum prceJi,ans, as a Popifh varlet '1andercd Bei:..- at the forc:rncotioned fighc, but as pacifyin~ the fire o~ contention amongll: brethren, and fcttin~ chem all together agamfi: the common enemy. . . . . Thr11fl in th1 P,arp fi.ckje] Fall on, .quit you l.ake men, be valiant for the Lord of Hofts : CHrftd u he thAt doth the Lordi ~orft..111glig111tl1 1 CHrfoti i4111 th11~ Ylith-/,o/J1th hu fworJ fro,,,_, ~/011J. Thus the taithfull .Minill:ers ftrengthencd the hands an.d hearts of the fouldiers to battle, an~ r,iade theJU dick clofe to their colours and commanders. ' ' . .Are foUJ ript] Ripe for ve_ngeance, as ihe A,,mit~s wcr~, when they had filled che land frnm one: end to anotllcr WJth thtK uncleanndfc, E11:.ra 9, 11, Abou1 the ~ea~ of grace, 1414. Th11~~ric111 VriM an AH1.,11.fliniA11 in GermAnJ, c9~plaioed, That tha
Church ef Rome was then become, Ex AHrea 1Uge11t111111, ' " Ar' g1nt1a firream, ex ftrrea terr111'11, fopere([e Ht, '11 jt1r'1.11 ttbiret; J~RCY.p.u.9

Thr11fl in th7 fickJt] This is not !l comnund, hue a m1ucft of che faithfufl, which is foon tuUilled. le is like that of the Church, Pfo/.101,13. tArife, O LmJ, 1tna hA'lJt Jiit"} #/01' Si11' : fir the time IO f~Ollr her, 1tA the fat timeu co"'' Verfo 16 .AnJh1thAt{dtt111t1'ulo11d] TbatisChrH~. WhQ 'on conddcendeth to the fuics of his fc[nms. Ifie 11ir pot Hit quoJ
fJO!t1it 1


of gold filver9 ot iUvcr irou, ofiron t:an~. which would lhordy uun to muck. . . Vede 19. A11dtb~ tHrHft i~] ~wn ~o tile ~nticbri.. {Hans immtdiately, by the power and prowelfe of th.: C~nll:i1n It mies, thus edged aud encagered by ch,ar Prea~bcrs. Thas w~ bavc feen tuUillcd in our late wats co our gr~atce11tforc,at Etlle-h1/J and
lf14c.eb,.figb1 ~fpccially.



.4 CllllllN#IATJ R BV B LAT l ON. Chap.1 ~. - ----- --l~to the/,'''"' ~i111-pr1Jfe-] L;c111 ift.1 lm11 ~,edu. This win;. prt ffe is called Arm11g1ddon, tbap. uS.16. Vcrfe 20. .AnJ t ht '*ine-prefe \\' M trotlen] TJi~. By Ch rift the




~hap~-~~ Cl11JMt111AfJ

.,,,,,,the It

v BL A T.10 M.

'5 s

King, wich his heavenly horte-men, Chap.! 9 1 J,14. Wi~f!*lllu CiiJ ] i. ~ Wi~hout rht Chutch, hap!y in

Pl.ic Tlljr. A'1. and Aton. 11-filftruu, FeliK of H' ArtellbHrg, sr EOerk._er, ch~r/tl

d4.A, whither the Pope be mg dt!Veri tr om RtJm~. lRall t11c a11d tic, till Chrift tbaU unrooft hiin with the bnghmdft of his coming, 2 Th1Jf.2.S. Even unto the horfa-britiln] To confute the pride and crudty ofthofe bloody Papil\s chat threatncd to ride their hod's up to the faddlc-skircs in the bloud of the L11thmn1 : fo FArmfi111,


Verfe 5. Ar"l th11 fin:] There cannot but be mufick in the temple of the holy Glaoft. The {int of Mofts] As being tlelivmd out of fpirituall
A#d tht {i#J. of th6 L16 J That mentioned, Chttp. i J 3nd the fame in cff~a with that of Saint Pau/, 1 Tit11otl11

H~vi11t tl11 h11r11.of God] 'tl(arts full of heaven.



the ninth of F rAnc1. that cmell Qyecn, who when l11.: fa w fomc of her Protdbot Subjeas lyi~g dead; and ll:ripp~d upon tbe cmh1 cried out, The go1J/j1.fl T 11plftr1 thAt 111er Pu bclie/J. Ihde and the like Chall be one day glutted with bloud, which they ha~e {o barbarouOy tbirll:cd after. S41i1111 /d"f,Nint. jiriifti, '&c:. aa fl>e !aid of l)rUI.



A p.


Vcrfe i

..,,.f#d I

fdw ""other figne J


and ddcribing the utter overthrow and tho followiog Chapters. D mina from the former, J A juR: wonder was indeed, the mt.,
of Antichrilt in this,
GMI A11J ,,,,,.v1/J1U1

rack tha c we in thcfc lal\ times arc to look for, that the Kmgdomc of Antichrift fhould be {o cafily and fuddenly over- turned by the preacbiflg of the Gofpcl, as once the wals of fericl"t were by tlte blowing ot Rams.horns. Se"'" .A,.g1/J J ;. 11 Certain Citiz~ns of the: Rtformed Churches. H1tvi11g lht['"'" 1i1p 1t11g1m J Being the fovc:rall pttrts gf the ftvench Trumper. and f11d to be the laft: th3 t fhall in this life be in flit\\:6 ~ though far worfc follow in bell, wbereot al\ thc:fe are but typicall. Herc the luvcs only (11 invft'c) fall upon repi'obatcs,but hemfcer the whole crccs. Verfe 2. A1i1'*1re11fa ofglaf[e] The wordot God ming led with the vert'1eoftbc hol~ Ghofl, ia7 fome. The world full of affiitlion> fay otllcra.

1,,17. Verfe 4'- who /hAR not fir rim] q. J. How mad arc the ene.. mies, how fottifb is the world that fear not thee, who art the properobjetl offcar? Pfll.76.11. The Greeks call him flr, qN~fi Ae~,, fi..,r : the ChA/Ju D111hilAJ, for the: fame rcafon: and 1aub ailed him, Thi ji11r1f hilfM/,ir Jf1111c. For tbou ot1/7 Art holy J B~fore it had been faid of his Holineffe, Who~ lilt #Htl tht iltAfl 1 Now, who fhlll not fo11r thu' 0 Lord, fir tho# onlJ Art ho/7 l . . . l'or ,.a N Atio111 /11118 eot] Albeing deeply affeaed with thine heavicft plagues upon Antichrill; they Qullbctter bethink thcmitlves, They /h"I rtt#rn and Jift1r11 btt'Wixt tht righuo11111ntl the \tick.rd. Mal. a.ulr .Are ,,,_,.J, nMniftJ!] i. ' Are be_gun fO be, and more and more fhall be, af our fins bmdcr not. Verfe s. Thttemple1fth1 tabmrdcl1] rhefe words are all one with tho!e, ch11p. 11.19. to the confidtratio. whereof we are Iler( recalled, af cer fo long an intenuption. Vcrfe 6. ClothtJ in pHre] Habited as holy Priefis. With galdt11 gfr,l11] Here an Inmprctet gives tbii note, ihat M.B~rn4rJ1 they which are leud ar.d vicious, thou~h n'cYcr fo wik, politike, rich and nlianc, fuall not be Gods inftrumcnts to plague Amichrin and his kingdom. This their prieftly apparel fuc:weth alfo,how that thefe Angels come forth in the Churches caufc, and for her fake. without any other by and finifrcr ref pea. Vcrfc7. Ando11eofth1 foNrlu11fl1] Thdiicbfull P1fi:oursb1, their divine dHcour{~ of tb~ pure wmfuip of God, the intole. ral>lt tyranny of Ancichril\) fire, 1\irre up the fpirils ef Gods fer vams te kc themf~lves agaiflft that man of finn~, and to ex~cutt up<fh hisu the judgement written. -This honol!r h11vt 11/J his S11i11t1, Plal.1 ~9.ult. . Seven 1.ol4t11 viAls] Vdfcls of lar1:e content 11 but nar row mo'lths 1 they pour eut fiowly, but drench deeply, aocl



-----. dillill-effed:~~fiy-thc-wmh of


COi#,,,,,,,.,;""~a~-;-;;-:-~ch"~P 16.

~Ch~p.16.- .A Cf!1111n~nl11ry ~p;:i/1he._R. B v ll.LA ;~~;.- . ~---------SS 7

F /~U /Jf t~t Wt'Ath bf GtJd] Fil~ out of tlae tUp oE hit Wrath memmnt.'d m the former Chapter. ' V~rfc 8. And the Tem_ple \VM {ilJed] This lhews chat God grmoully approves aod miraculoolfy procech tht: rdormed Chur~hes. Sec .fa:od,4o.H,35. I Ki.(8.10. ~o he did the HuJ/iw ~n B ~helim".'!r. ~Jl f}/~m.t#J was l~p m arms againft ch1:m. A a 11 ~ ~iim ~'" llJJltl& vi~euAtur . Vtru111 Gtr'!'_ani, noHtlum 'Vi(o bofl~, Pta'lfco ~err-ore per<:t11ft, ~ifHger1mt1 {;u_th tbc Hiftorian. And w~en thm~s fc:eme? to be m :i defpttate condition, the Gtr 11wrs lmmrn wi~h apamck tcrrour, Aed all away before they had look d the cn~my m th4! fac~. How wonderfully is Ge11evtt prdt:rved ~n

~;;-iJY; wi~h- chd-r -d~~-dlydccr~;,-~aki~g-ch~--~~-~dicion~-:-,-hc - - - - - ., Church the rule of faith, d;-c. D itd in tlu ftA. J As the fiG1es of Jordan do as Coon as they
fall into the Jl-f.trc mortrmm : and as chc filhes in chc ri va Xilm did, when che waccrs tht:reot were turned jmo

the m1d.ll of many mighty enemies? What il1ould I fpeak of Ro .. chel.relieved, and Leiden r~fcued both from heaven ? We of this Nauon havt:latelrCecnasmucbof Gods glory and power in ou Tem~le. as eyer did any. r Tt/J tht ftvtt1 pl11gHn] No Anticriftian could und~raau<! the end of the prefent pla~ucs, till bea~en into :i better minde Ve al4t i11te//ellHm.


C11Ap, XVI. Ycrfe 1. Co 1 .,,r wt1ie1 ]

Ar~~~rJf of the divine calling of the Minifrcrs of the Go

P oHr 011t tht via/1 ] See the Note on Chai. i ~. V1011 the tArth] Upon Antichrilt and. his a~herenrs R1mA fa&'-' 1x ANrt11 f err111 1 ex /trrtt1 t1rriA faid 00 .. 0 t h,


er own Verfe 2 .A11J tbe flrfl \\11111 J They went not all a f G .t c once. N oce th e pauence o o"" wam~g mens return unco him. Yer{; a, Vpvr1 Jbrr11nh] .t\nti,hricts tcor.ftool h1" b d d flaves. > ~ r1n ~
.4 Hi.i{im_t anJgriev1111 /Ort J The French difeafe, fay fume a t~ devils dafca.fe, fay ot~ers, 11i:c.. Spite and envy at the Reforma uon wrought m ~ohe111111, f!1r11111111. E11gl1111J, Bee, u on tb1~if covery of the Pap1fts hypQcrdie and filthines. P Vc:rle 3 Vpon the f'" J The Popilh Councd ( c:dled a Sea froJJJ thec~ncour~e t~~r.cunco from all parts) ofl'T". r. , -- __ . _ ~ P"tnt ~1pe

Vcrfe 4. Vpcn the rivers) &c. J The rcrkcutours an:l impothe Jduit~s efpeci:i!ly, whohat'L' tartly addrd cwdvt new Amcles ( vy the :iuthoriry of Pope Pim 4.) raifod om of the Counc.JofTr4nt, and.addedcocheNicenCrecd, robe received .Se r 1 ~d~ s; Withn~hcrs,astb~crneCatholikefai'h; tobebdicvcd by as many /~ric1111h: 1 as i1rnll be laved. And tho{e that receive chem nor, arc not fut~ 1:11' rr fi:.:.M B /Ol':fi frrtd co live amongC\: chem. This is .worlt.: tht'n the fix Arti- wo;ll~. cks in HmJ-y the eighths dme, ch:&t whip with fix cords, as they cald it. Verfc: 5, The 411gd 4 tb~ \~oilers J The fame tl\at lrnured forth his vial upon the w1tns, verf.4 1 ho11 a>"t >"ighteom J Gods judgements arc fame times {ecrec, alw~ies j~1ll, and {o to be ackn~wledgt.d. We (hall om: day fee the J:.itlin,t. ' r~a!on otall, and fay as 1tl:11 did, i King.9 36. r.,1.M 11 x, \'e1fe6. Forthe7h11vefoed] AsMinerimthac monficr, che Ad,r;nJM01t. crndl Duke oi A/v.1 bloudy Bom1er, the Guifa.r, and ocher of the ~amJtn. Poprs Champions-. ":-,cc 1/;e J.Jtrro111 0 'T/Jou /J11ft ~i't1 t11 thm Maud to a.-inl] A T6m7riJ dealc by go~ alli~ollii c Jfl 1'1)gJ:01 ()ru-!, the P~o-thwJS by Cr'1ff~, the RomanJ by tho{c 'Jmi ~hac s.,: 11 rrancl fi" c:icdcur, HMb/0Hdh(t1po111u, &c. asourlaws doby the Pradts mH, frc f.1nh and Jduices, and chole th:ic r.ective chem. proceeding ag:iinlt futh Ii> 111y m Hb a~ arl! craitours co the St:ice. The putcing out oi the hench Kings '' 111 ~; .iHl lugl,.. r d b f hL { L li- J I; 11.i11mutd C}'cs, wIio promuc l ore Wlt 111s C}'fS to ee one 01 Ol1S true frirn<l i\J. ~a 71 ferv:mcs burned : The death of Charis tht: 9 ot Franu, nuchour Clar' Pallou1 or rhe I' ,irijian 1t1a{facre, by e"cecding bleeding at fundry parts ot and j:rca,hcr hi& body, who ieeth nocto be the ju{~ h:md ot God up1m them ? ol the WcrJ at This Char ht btholding rhe bloud r bod its ot the l.Jucchered Prmc.. Dc1r1cr-1-inli., ft rnu;, rn t Irnr txtcra ble m:i fi'acre, :mu .~ t'cc dmg 111s L Lo11do11not0uly ; umo c:ye upon t llat wt\(l Wo!ulUpethcle, breathed out this l>\olldy ipeech, J211am bottiu t 1 rhauks tft od:ir- hoftu morwi l How {wect is 1hc fmell of a tl 1in mcmy ? fo1 Im ht Ip in and thorcly after l>reatht.:d out his accurti:d foul, Inter horribilium tlm publ1wi6, b/afphemi1ir11m dirtU, iaith the Hifiorian, m11tum (ce11'!11illu 'l.lim ~u,c :ii Clo all hthc .. , o.. t h B h df . d h"un (""b . vam . ) llMll '. Htrc ics, t t pro1.c1et11,'"7f..C, a cert at rz11 a ore warne ut m t;rt good by that verfta, thmby. 0 o 3 Tr1
< '\ -



A Commentary upon the RB v B LAT ION.

TN vcro Hcrodrs (ang11l11,,/,nu i1m~.


- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ i _ ____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A. c1mmtnt"1 "P~n t/Je Rn u '1' 1 o N. di-~crs~ that have been poflell: by that means; and affure us, that <.:ttr (ondi..mnuion i~ fo expr ny fer down in our own Bibk~1 and




So 'J11li.m, AttilM, Fdixof Wartenbtfrg, Het1ry 3 of Fra11ce, Hal>bcd in che fame chamber wherein he, then being Duhe of ~ nio11, h:id contrived the hcm:h Mafiacre, So It t t!JinNnemies prrifh, 0 Lord. Talia qNi[i, !tlat, q1Mlia!JuiftJ.tfacit ! Vcrfc 7 . .And 1 heard another J That in che mouth oC:two wit. ndles this crmh might be dtablifhtd. Let God be jultified, and every mcmchftopped. 011t of the a/ta.,,.] Under which lie thefoulsof thole that Wtre (bin for the tell:imony of, ChAp,6. ycrk 8. Vpon tb~ Sun J The Popes fupremacy, fay fome; the Scrip cures, tay ot_hers; by chc light whtn:ot they arc \aid op~n to
.~ff.and Mon, fo" 16) 7.

is lo dear to all the world, that nothing more n~eds hcteto,, then lhac we know to read, and to have om eyes m our heads, at the o- Alex.Coo~.

}"tning tht:rt:of. Vedc 10. V~n the (cat of the Beasr J This City of Rome,_ which w~s m:Vl'r yet bdieged ( fincc it became the frat ot f\ntichrill ) Lut it w:is takeu, and fiull be a~ain fhonly to purpoiC. . . And hu kJ.ngdome WM /Ml of aarl{_Hef{e] 1t appeared be fo (as motes appear in the Suniliim:) by the clear light ot truth A Scoeijhmi.ffishcrcalreadyfallrnupon a piect! y_'1K0rntJi,'a. of his Kingdome: and what farther fervict= God hath for their and our armies to llio againLl: the Pope in Ireland, orcHwhere, we
t<lpca and prilY God snnt us sood ng~eet-nent am.ot~z our folves

enc world ( dancmg nal<cd inaner, and ycc not thing chcir own



nakcdndfe, as Mr Pliilpo1 Manyr told C:h.-dfcy) :md by the Jiot whereot, God (miw tlie eartlJ, Ha.11 .4. ta1c is, thl! 'onfci~nccs of tkdc Popdint~s, g'.ued to the earth.H~ cvrn hews them by hid pra lLf,6. f, phets ,a Ha jl.4ieJ th rm b7 the \\'oral rf hu mc11th, .~ Verk 9. A 116' men \\'ere fcorched J Or puchtd, (c:ildcd, rol t>{lJIJl<c.r,r..,,.crni. fi:cd ~ This is by accident in regard ot the ~cnpturts : for the Lord !pealmh peace to hi~ people; and his word is good to thofe th:1t are Orig. inNum. good, Mic.2.7. llut as Oriien fahhofdcv1ls, "to nuy we fay ot Pa Ho'$il, q. pills ; there is no greater torment to chem, chcn che Word of God. 1~ hoc tor:m om>JiJ fhmm.i tfl. in hac 111u11tur inGcnJia1 spcc.Emop. Hence rhey umn up Bibles, mnquam d,,arinmn pcrrgrinam, as .iiic,hir , ,,, ihange doctrine : Henc~ thvy cw<ure S. P '"''as fa vourtllg of here 0 '"p. 8 .,ief. 0111 ~e, and c~uld finde in their hearts to purge his Epirtks. Ec~ilu JS not afraid to fay, That'Chrii\ did m:ver coaunan~ his D,lcipLs to write, Luc to preach only. 'B ellarmi"e faich, the Bible is no more then commo1Htorium, a kindc ot ll:ore-houk for advice. Ho t~fiffim11i11 'Dci Jiu~ faith, That the Popt:s incerprecacion, cheugh ic kem nL v~r {o -n~u~. repugnant to ch~ Scripmre, is sievcrthelctfr the v..:ry Word ot l.iud. The Coum:d ot B11_/il anfwmd tht: H11ffim (requiring Scnprnre proofs for tuth dohines as w~rc thrull. upon tht!m ) that the Sert pcures were nocot the being of the Church, buc ot chc wellb~ing only 1 that traditions were the touchfionc ot duchinc, and found a tton of faith. And hf,1fphemea th~ name of God J The trmh of c;od comain .Ai..l. rn./ Mor.. ed in the Scr.iptures. Wh:ic a devil made thee co meddle With che ~criptur~ ? laid Suphen G11rdimr to M11rbec~ They tell us of divers,.

at:d th(n much m:iy be done abroad. A11athry J'.nfi1rtd theirtonvw] Being as mad with malice,, as B ut41ce the 8. was ot difcontcnt ; who being {uddenly ca ken pri iom:rat hisfathershoulcby S11r~h Col11mnN1 his mortall enemy, 'Turl,.~fl. 116. and brought to Rome, laid up in the Ca{He ot S,Ang<lo,Within 3 5. daks after, molt milerably died in his madnes, renting himfdf with his ceetl.,and devouring his own ~ngers. Vult 11. A11d b/11jj1hcmed the God of he11ven J As they did in 88, when the Spaniards gave om, That Chrift "''" turned Lulhfnm; hml Mi F (fff .... th~ Gunpoudl!t'- trniwur did, whrn h~ r:old thole that took him, thut riot God 1 but rhe devil h2d brotight w }1ghc and to naught that defperate dtfign. Th11s tht) fat their i.oni<er.thratr.
mouths againff hta<:m:, tind their tongne Wttlk_cth rhorow the bipor, tArth: as if A14g11flm C<f/'4r Wc[e dcalmg With fame god Neft11ne; Qr the thredons,trying their archery at their fathers hearc,
to ice

who can fhooc 11igheil:. What an execrable bla(phcmiy is thatci}ohn Hunt a Rmum Catholike in _his humble appeal to King 'James in thefixth Chapttc ot that Pamphjet? The goel oft he Src D slielJ. ~ hemor ,fl. 1 J '/ 11ne1v1 ~n"e111 manntred Go d of all th()fe nurk Ucall,of th~ I~ rordirmtJut Who h4ve born the nllnm ofgods Hp on the ear,rh : JCA wor[e rhm Pan g.od of 1h:c/own1 1 which~1111 endure no r:er~monies, nor good
manner1 At.AD. vfna repentea not] This leopard (Chap. 1 3, 2.) can never change his ipots ; becaufe they are not in the skin, hut in che fldh and bones; in thefincws and rneit inward pares. Tigm rage and

0 o 4



C1111111eit;,-,;p~; the-R;;;L A'l'~~-Ch~;;~

------ -te-ar ch~mk~~e~ at th~- i~u~d~a--drum, and at thc--f~cll ct iwcct fp1ct:s ; io doc thdc favage Pa pills, when called to
Verk u. Vpo~ the gn4t rhnr E11phri11u1 J ;, e. Upon whatfol vcr yet hu~dcr~ch the dcfhuttion of ip1rituJll n abr lo_N, :md the commmg m of che J.:ws ; as the Turkiih fan-

Chap~;6--:.-icomm;~iitry "pon the Rn v n t AT 1 o N'-. ~Anj of i'1~;/1e/-;~,~~;i-;f J--~apilt;-lhall ~~ll in. the help-~t- f~~raiga Princes out ot Aji.t, Aft1Ct1,_ ~A.mcnc.i, ro lupprdlt: the hcrt:tikes, as they call ch1.:m. Bue w1clH_v1l ~uccdlc: : tor tl~cy ~ull afiociatc themfdves otlly cob~ broke,, rn pie cu, Ita.2 ~ E:t:or1en,11r, /td tXHrtntur, Rev.' 9._1 8. 1:hc mcun_t~in.ot Che Lord ll~all


56 l ~,

pirc, &c. , Th~u~nray nf tJJ.e Kinv] Chrifli:tn~, fay fqme, who are Kmgs m nghteou~nc!k, and come from the E:1U, or from Chrill:, That d.11-ffiring fi"om on h~~!J, Luk.1.78. Ochers unJerlbrnd chis Text of. th:! J_t:ws, who are molt of tht:m i11 the fail, d1{perfc:d
Tartarr,of, a r..:m 11J11c or rdiduc


thor?W ~url!J1, Ttt'l't"lf?. (the ten lribc:s dpCi:illy) and Chin.i, 'J11mm faith, That wh1cn is called the /.111d of Sinim, Ifa. 49. 1 2, may probably be mc:anc of : which, it it be the me:rni1?g, there may_be ~any of the Jews, whofe convc.;rlion we d:.1ily c:xpcct
and pray for. Sc:e lfa.11, 1 h16, Z;rch.10.10,11. ~~rfe J l T_~>u ': 11 c/~,,11 J}irifi J bpirirn;dl fathers, :is lhe Pap1fls call their Jefum:s, w~o feek to lubfod all co lhe Pope, and

be hfced up abo~c a\l_ 1~mmr~m~. 1 hd~ uux.1l1:ims lh..tH {p;:ed no umcr then thokful>hdaary Jyn.u;.r,. 2 Slm.10.18,19'. \'uk15. Jc,mettJaditf] Whogovt:~now:mung. Scechc Nott' on JI-lit. 2 4 44 .. , . . IJ/rj{(d ir /)(' 1h,1t \\wclmb J l he i:irop,1_cc} 1s here ~t~terruprld (:is GcnA9 18.) t.o fore-watn a.n-1 fort:_-~\rm che S'.lln~s, L11kr u. 37, )8, 43. dwy :m: three tlllll:s {:uJ to be bt.J{td

. V1.rfc16. A11dhe,e11thered] Godhathmu~er_-rulinghand m that which cht: frogs ot Rome do at the Courcs of Kmgs, and ord~r eth r~.t di{0rdm ot the wo1ld cu his own glory. C!:lirdin 1hc H'brcw f1rmnJ.'"d"1:m J Th"t i:>, lh1.:y flul~ 1eceive a famou~ foil, foch as Sif;rn did at the waccrs of A1~g1ddr, \voitrb.

Ardl JenJt,



bccaufe chey delight co feed on carrion, Lik.:: ft-01.s] For cheir filchindfe, impu~i'ency, loqua~ic)' wich iheir '~mtin"aufr,k_cl\sku G(lllX coax. , Come out ofth, mrJNN~ J That is, By the counfdl and com.. mmd, by vmm:ofchac vow.of A1ij]im, wht1tby che }.:fuicts arc ~ound co chc Pope, co go wh1~her he a1:ill fend thlm, abom what foever attempt he null CJJoyn chem. y ~l 9 1f chcir Gover .Rours command chem a voyage to Chin" or Pcm, without di fpucc or dday they prefcntly kt .forward. Hmca: haply thty are called fl'irics. Vcrle 14, Thefpi,rit.rofdsvils J Orbr._achingdcvils. wo~kjHg mi~4cln J Lying wonders, 2 Theff 2.9. V"'" rh~ Kmgs ~f ib~ear~J] The Lopcs Nuncio's, Legats" l~tere ,and o~her cm1'1anes (lar up the ipirits ot Princes co embroil che wo~ld ~1th wars, for che..iphelding of his tottering greatndle: b~[ all_m v:.11n. The wcace~ 1mp.ol1ors have C\'tr b~en [hC grcatdl: Courm~s. The Arrians m tlu:u: age, and of them the Jduitcs lea.rm.:d It.

tht: Pope to them{dves ; bemg ulti.m1u di.1bcli crepitu1, as one f pcaket~ 1 the la{l amm pc ot a daring devil. Ihde are the Popes Jamzam:s, bluuJ"huunds,, vul~urcs, whok ndt (as Ariftotle faith) cannot be founrl.; yt:c they will leave all glme~ co follow au A 1my,

Judg.5 .19.

Vak17, s~7ixg, Itiulune] What fhe myflcry of iniquicy 1s abolilhed,an~ the myfiery ot uo~ 1s fL:l\fillcd. So CJ c1ro when ht: had lhia thole ot C,1tili1ies conlp1racy,hc came lO t~c ptople, and faid, vi.\cr11nt, tht:y Wtrc alive, but now the world IG wdl rid ot them Vt>rle 18. V!J!d tlure Wtre voiu1] A ddc:ripd~.n of the lall judgement, whco heaven and cmh (hall coofp1rc cogcthtr forthe puniihrnentof the wicked. St:c Mae.24. i Ptt.3. and


19) vfnd the

. grea1 C11y

f he whok Antn:hna1an.


State. k d' . .o. d d Divided into tbret p.trls J By the eanh qm e l~Jl.:'-\C an dillipatcd. : . . . eAnd the cities nf the Nruions J That caJ.ile to aid Ami .. chrift. - . d u A1adgYeat JJ11!i1ton J Augufli>te, and other /\nncm:t "~11 Rom~ the Wefkrn B .1ilylon.: :lOll do fo ~ompan: cn~m, as_ that Abraham was born in the Houtifh of.the (ir{l; B aby/oH, Chnft ok the fccond. . The cuf (;f the Wine J That whe~ein God d<.1-ights, as ll man would do w drink a cup ot gcncrom wuw. { Ver c 20.


_,commentary upon the Rn v n t

A 'l'

ION~Chap 7;

--- - V~r-fe-10. Flecl.rlll'rq J Eicher f wallowei;;-,-; con!um~d bv the hre. . Vcrft: l I~ ./1 .~rc.11 l.i.iil] Bigger rhen that which brained the Kingli of (,om w,Jofh. 1 o, ptrhi1p:i ,hi:dlnll be fulfilled il~'ording to the km:r. H<.n\ tocvct,the el(!ments fl13ll rndt like fcalding lead upon Ancichrifiians wd ocher Acheills: and chey flull anlwer for all, wid~ llunes abcur. their cars.

Ch1p.17e A Comment11ry NpmtheR2v n LAT 1 ON.

y,,;~lmn -~-d;d~u11kJ Hence it is fo ditlic~lt to c~~vcn Idolaters; ther~s no dealing with a mall chat is drunk. whoredqme and
\\in .. ~~~ ""'"'11J_,, lu.4Yl 1

And there came]




l-lis and the following Chapters are fet for T el\Jecia\\y.

Onr of1he (even

e~ph.nlltion of th! dirk and diHicLJlt paffages in che tormer in the three lall vi:ils


Probably the feventh. l'amiliuly, :is the Sam.iritt.f{e with her counmy-1m:n, ?oh.4 4 2. or as che Maller wich his fchollar. I \\'it ft1ew 111~to the,-] Thou 11ult not only be an ear,lmt an eye
And mlk!d \\'ith me

fll\(, (


witnes. Srxnius irrimnt anim11m aemif[a per 1mres; Jfl..!!_/im <JIU. fi: nt ocul ~J commiff,i fiddib1U, Tiu judgtnwit] The damnuion of her: the ddcruttion is r~. fervtd co cl1c next Ch:ipcer. Of th.: gre11t whore J The whore of B ,1b1lon, more infa'1lGUS and notorious, then any Thau, L~u~ Pl: ynr, Mc{{Alint4, Ore ftill~ ( c"jm p>'<tter formt1m 11iUl w"quam bomu laudt1vit) or Pope ?Ot111e, of whom Frmccim the Chronologer lpeakcth thus, P.t.o F 1mtcif1J nol'J dubito guin di vinir ur ita fit prrmiffNm 1't fre mi1111fi1ret Pontifox, & eadem 1m:retri.-.:, &c. I doubt not but that God therefore pcrmicced a notorious h:uloc to be adv3nced co the ropc:dome ( and this about the vny timt whrn the Pope~

wctc mdl Lufa: in fubju~l:ing


Kmg6 (Jfthe \:iitth, acd miking

them their valhls) chat he mir.hc po111c <Jue co mm this whore here mencioncd, with whom the Kmgs of chc eat ch comm1tt(d fon1ic: tion. . V crfe 2. Wit/, \lJhow the K i11v] As fobmitting their fct ptcrs to his l<cys; and becoming his frudacaries. And the inh11biur1 ofthe earth J So ch:H fue is not a noble whore onl v, bur acommon ltrnmpet : proltimting her klf co chc mean CH for thci~ Jll011C}'a :IS in the p:udon.otnce,

fled, Ch11p. Ii. ot whic~ they mart be ( laith one: ) that can learn co know the llonu{h Ctmrch to be a Whore, condemned of God. I (aw a Woman J Ser: the Nore on Ver(e 1. Sir 11po1!] Noc going ii k>l>li as Cinilk and chc Apofiks did : bm magmhcrncly mounted, as the Pope is ~vcr, dlhcr upon a fi:itely paltrey ( Empcronrs holding lus ihrrop) or upon mc.:ns flrnuldtrs. England W.lS once called the Popu .1ff', tor uc:mng his inroltrablc exactions. V po>J A (cm It t tolotH"ed be aft J The prop~r c0lour of thu Court of Rome: and it Wt !I fcrvcs co kc forth chtir pump and their hypo:11fic. Innocent the h.nrch gav;: a red hac co lrn Cirdi1Hls, to fhl'W chem (as he fa id) elm chey Ornuld be ready co l11t:d their ~ikud for th\; uuth. Bu~ tlm i\11ntn Wi\::int:i\rcr dn: poim, whob~ rng bl!mt:d by Q. c~1Jinal tor colourin~ the vilag~s "'f ]Jeu .. :mJ Paff/ wo_n::d! carcly rrplic:d,_ th:it he p:1i1m.:d chem lo 1 as blul11i116 ac t~~ {btclmdk and fin!u\ndlc ot his \uccdloms. Full of tMmes o( 6l"fphemy J His head only before was buC. ke~ With the blafphc:my, Ch,1p,.13.1. now his whole body. Thus tv1\ m:n and/cd11urs ~row Worfe ,md \\'orfe, deceiving ~11d being deccivtd, 2 rim.3 I l. Verk 4 In purple andfc..irl 1J Clothing for Kings and Nobles, ovtt' whom this whote dominc . . rs mu~h more then the concnbint~ did over cht Kmgs of I'fi'fi.1. f/1n~deek,ed\\'ithcula] Gr. Gtdd.d\\'ith-gold, to note htr hypom'.tt: and ~utfidtndk, gu~d witlil ur, ,,,pptr within, Tile P_tipr ~liks hia.klt th<: k1 vam ot <.Jods kr vams, l.Jut yet il:Jmps in his com, That Nation and Countre1 that \''ill not (trve thte ftJi4/l heroottd(;ut. Auheab~olucionof Kmg?oJm cffar.~/.md, Bobo marks o: filver were pmtmly ddiv~rtd lO p ando/f ru the Popes Lcgim-, who crampkd it undt:r hi5 free, a:> comcmrnng rhat l>1te lllactei-, lmc yet rec\.m:d it, aud h.nt 11way to Rome. .h:d prtdom fl.Mu A'~d pe,;r/J J Uefid<:s d1c rich fl ones chat

1-lof.4. Of her {Drnicarion J Buth lpiricu1ll and corpor:ill. Si.Wm JJ..uifltm lupan.trutri11/tj_1 VenerJJ Romiecond1di1 (faith Agripp11) & J.ecrffi! mbiJtu voluptntr. Vcrle 3. Into tht Wildmu.f{e J Whether the true Church


Drnida bifl,



arc l~l t~c Pl>pes triVi'llccrow,1, of indlimublc price and va-1~-- carnL~ i_-i plri.tofL: ( whi..:h he hr)lds one to be l m d) ht>, ~ ~~licofthLCtof1 ..; lLt!np.:1r?sandprecouslloncs <~~ t t.e Pl /Jt.Rl' i-t. CIUIUOl!C;m Chrif/i d.vi1/1.',1f1 faith one i>o JS' p enrsfatt 1 w~s wom to g:v~ CG Tire Ji. hrs harfot, ~n.nt!t~s ~~~~rid'ntUI ik:Jtl-_- H~lpu't~w,)hunrlr..:d:mdtlm:ekorechoufand i.: wub ?11 ~ (.ond1w, wl11c~1 h.: b~ilc fur his plea<iire: and \'et ~~olwnsup.h rn ll~cy h1n i 1, d cl c ,,-, d . . / aot1g t Vw ca h: I ' , f . . -- ' ili. n 'rowns mco the new treafitry builc l . IO'lOJ'.'C a111r. ll~ll..::. m Lhc \.,:.i!rl: ol s. A11gl1. Ac chc COiOn:lCionof) )~ r.rnm : .\'i';' /. /, n X, a dwu!:rn,'. r. :etifand crowns are faid c l , l> f I ope ' ' : ( ; ( i one d.l)'.P~'p:.: 'l'i1nl the foco'1d Wa'-' won t 0 fl o lallvcd ecn pent tn lJo I l I J " eep :i ay and !pend . w lO ~ i11g HS 111 \Vl 1:-;hmcr monies and behold. ... I , . ous p1lhm-s. t> ' mg J.. Wc: sand prec1. ~gotdrri mp (idl of t'.bomin,ttiot11 J Gold jfj b . h
fJy, .d11c::m:rs :rnd expels poifon. Pur poifo11 Jintot a ~l~1g o~' they

~-~---7---~ ~(Jh''!!:e~~~-2~po_!!_t~e ~~~BL A: I~N~

Chap.17. .A C1mmtntAry pon the Rn 1u:r1 ON. 5~S Chap 17, ~or but tw;d~~b~tore;he pr~~fed ~~-,\'~ {h~~ld-b~con--- - - - -






t P . gold, ts '.'~nit1.:d (faith 31l authollr ) that G'-~ di t!hrarn. Johw~. d Hereby :i i . l I :> t rcacni:c Jll f7Cmcnc 0 n, nr-.: CO c 10 >'. l11 JC pour poi Con into d d0 Cl do h wich his maJ mixtures. mnc: rme, as che Pope n.J.l?JWfthc \'erk; ./111/lery] Thisw d.11/fl. .. cHr ... , ~h11rr. faith Brncard the V , . odr !;ery IS an the Popes mim, i B:t.1,e. Ji..or:-e :rnd "r if ff o1h. ti.Hi(, an many more who h:tve bl:c1~ at is ..'A' 1' 1.1 l" 1' ~ .r. ({~ ave ~rn ir. fh~ whol! Antichril\i!ln lbt~ fJUYJO W!tjtllfj z lh>[ d l>out mylkiits, ~lc1:u;1ents, "c~~~~~o~lc.: is much,fam. :i. murdcrs.creatons,thdcs,G~c. the cafil, d1i'n p~m~ous rm:s, 01c . tbe1rCcrcnumirs- LtcCod { Yh f~ p~nkw1th,butnoncot I aw. w w1111'. k .J ' ay t L'}', ce co chebrcach ot his own .. oo co oms. The mother of har/1Jtf J The Ch .,.h 0 f , . co bdbfoJ J 1 l 'h u..... Aome ro chas day delights Hb }(} J-mot ~er-G Hrch. Hoiy fht is in che'fenle that th f rcn s C.tll IJ,1rf ot1. And (uch 1 nH~rliel' as l H d h f' h e morher, by who!c mn'c cl . , 1l )~ ~r s ~ve or t rn mencio_ncd oy them. ' KY an; ca e : the hchtr is kldom~

an~ it \~1\l h1ik :ind lend up Cert.'.lin circ, ,8 l"k

demoed that fame day, that we wne dtlivcred : yea, and che mor All 8 a1td Mt1' 1ow at ccr, he fought for fome of us again, yea and that carndHy. fol 1 o\1. He wax~d dry afcer his great d1unkcnncffi.: & wherdore he is like co have bloml to drink in hdl,as he is worchy 1if he repenc nor,fl.i' is wiidom{faid a certain unknown go~d woman in~ lmn coaonner) lt is wildom for me and all othtr hmple foe1:p of the Lord 1 to keep us out of your butcherly fiall,as long as we can~cq1ccially fcdo; y.u h:ivc foch ltore already, that you arc n.ot able co driHk all their bloud, leaft you fhould break your bdly, and thm:forelet them IbiJ.1~71, . lie O:ill, and die for hunger, fj-c. Thus I kcpc the ban dogs a' O:aves md ( taid $hetterdm the Martyr) not as chinking to dcape them, but that I would fee the foxes leap abovt ~round tor my bloud, if Tfiil.i P they can reach it. I WoNdtre~ with grrttt admir~1ion] All things a\'e i>ortcntous Lib.6,Jc 1~b. in the Popcdome ~ What monllers Were Pope 1uhn 11 and Hilde. ~c/I !'' Cw r 111 brand, as LHitprandru dtfcribei tbe one, and Cardinall ]Jnmo the uua HtlJt!J. other, both of their own fide ~ Tertiri c!t-ffi1 ctmtinet PAptU 1.Jel poti111mtU11,, fairh A/ftediHJ. Afcer the thoufandth year of Chriil:, chere was no where kffc piety, then in thok that d wdt nem (\; to

Rome, as MachiAvtlobknLth. Al , Verfc: 7 where.fore Jidjl thou marvel f] Nil 11dmirari prope v(c,,rJ c,.hron, .b J h' L f' h rUf I errro resc Hna,N11mHil e won.:icr !ltt mgs om or tgnm:.mce u t t t 1 ea~.u.
t t

caufes of them. Hi Ht .cd#liratio ptptrit philo(iphiam. Vc:rft: 8. H'M, _.nd i4 not] Was, before the time of this Reve llftian in the Ro,,,An government, which was att1:rward utUrpcd

Vcrlc 6. DrHnk...rn \\'itlJ the "lo d & J B'll 1 f~ t. ' c. _1 nop Bonner deli h .. " cm more rt:quarin 0 f h, I 0 rhe. Church' co be raitl.:d. l> n no ou t ( faith Woodm:m) he was wcmhy mact!rs uufi~i:iT~c:trh~;~~~cbn fo f~ichfull an aid i~ the devil his mOl'ning, I h ('~bl d . urne good Mr Philpot thdarnc he could not ~ell :h~t h~diJJS h~.m W!is fido drunk1 as I foppofe,

g~~d ~~~~~icnA I~embdrs ~f

VCrl'd llich.frd /,p,, 0 ,Jm,.~; wi'ci'i

Cirholil<~ 3 ,~d

L: ~~c;~

by the Pope. A thing that the firll BiCheps of Rome dr~amt noc of, Andyet TtrtHIJian caxeth the rifing ambicionefthe Popes in LiUepulidti4 , his ciim: thus' I hfar, faith he, that there is an t:ditl: ct forth. and thu vc:ry peremptory,in theft: tcarms, Pontifoxfi:ilictt m11~imus n1ro'.1 Amuat. Epi/copu1 Epiftoporum ai~it. Thus fahh the higbPi;id\1 th'= Bi- Tom.t. fuopot lii{hops, &c. Odif14ftum if!iUJ Ecclefi.t, I hate chqiridc ot that Cbutch of Rome, faith BAjil. Go inti perdition] Go, not nm: by degrees, nat :ill at once, He now takes long l.l:ridei toward chc botcomldfe pie; which is but alittle afore him, and even gapes for him. There f:bnds a cold fweat on all his limbs already.,.,
ShiJ/J WGNder J Admiration bred iupcrfHtion; ana illumin:itien drAWS men '1tf ic. ?uUu1 Ptilmtr Mutyr, was a moit ol>ll\ .. nate papift all King .EdwArds daic~ 1 and Y.~' ahetW~rds, it\

as It appeare

~o us

beth before and

Q. M'4ria

~- -----~-



-----... A cormne111ar111por1 lht Ru.,



Chap. 1 7'

. Chap.17. A CommenlA'J 11pcn 1he R RV n LAT 1 o N.

--------------- ..

- --,A(f,QJld Mon.

11H 1 1t6,

Q;M~t-in-~ime,-{;a;r~i~~cl-~;~~ti'd~1th~t tb~-P~piRs-h~~d; N1wb#r'f1 fcu the mon re2dy and z~1lougprofeffion of the truth. His words to one walking in PaN/J after his conYerfion were tht'k I oh that G1J hAJ rtTJt,./nl thtfe '11Atte11 ;,. time piift ! lwo11/cl bAT1' btq11tathul 1hu R1miP, Rtliti111, or rAthtr irrtligi"' to tht aevil of htN, fro"' wlmtt:~ it tr,


67 ____ ---------at the ren that nwmiued ro cbe PoPfS yoke. fo was it the firll thsc



------ .. ------ -

lhook it off 1g1in, ill Hm. 8.time.

#,,,, ,,,,

Btlfrve them ~'"', BHllitt.~hAm; I will rather h11vnl.1fa ~m p1tretJ off, thtn I will kt1tel to 1onder lttcft...an11pt1 ( Aleaning the rood.) .A11d 7tt i4] In regard of tbat impcriall power then t1t1nt,

VerCe 13. Th1fah11veoneinde] Thisisthe11nit7, ormher conJ;ir.tc1 of the Ch~rc~ of Rome. The SpouCe only id hut 011e, Canc.6 9. Other focumes ut but as the day in the toes ot N 1bu'haam ~~ar1 image: tbty may clctavc togcth~r, l>uc nut incorpo .. me one into another. Vcrfr 14 Thi L11m'1 JIJ11ll overcom1 thtm J 1. With a fpirituaU viali>ry, by ii iw''' ("bj,uflion; u kill\ by a tonvil\ion of thdt



With 11n ~xcc:rnall victory, as the imperialllls in

which the rope Oumld afccrwards cake co himfelf. Vetfc 9. Hert id 1/,e minde] 'I el. Here is work for wife men tobufie their brains )c1Jiclb#1,

Germ4ny, che PapiCls here. Verfo 1 S. hi peopln]. Fitly called waters.tor. their in{hbility

abt'1ut.S1tpie11tiA eft 'Vtl''(.coraibNt. Seven mo1111tlli"1 J The Jefuiccs cannot deny but tbat Rime is het'e poinml tr, H ~ing {et upon feven hils. So the 1neient

was, whereof chc preknt R~mr is bat a can;afe 1 n rc:caining ncnhing of the old but her ruim:s, and the cau{c ot th<'m bet fames. Verft: 1 o .And tl;1re ,,,., [even Kings J That is, kindcs of government. Five Art f al/en J Kings , Confuls, Diaatours Decemvirs, Tri\lunes. OH# 11 J i.1. The Hetthen 1Emperour1. A11d 1t1 1Jth1r u 1'Dt 7tt comt J /rU. The Chriftian Empt:
A jhort If tice] fci/, At Rf)"'~: for Co,,n11ntit11 foon tranf lated the feat of the Empire to Bha,,tiun1, calling it C1nft11ti. 2Har~J "ople; and kfc Rome to l>e the Popes ncfi. The Empcrour c,,.. eedrt1t"1 _ ft11,,1, ntphew to HerACliw, and after him, Otho had fomc Jo~ u "'."h":p thoughts to fet up again at Rome, but could not: that fo the king.,'" * 0" ' dome ot the Church fort told by DANitl, might there be feated, G1mb.lir11o faith G.mtbr11rJ, if he had fa id cbe kingdome ofAntichrift fore.told here by 7ohn the IT.vine, he bad hat ic. Ycrk 11. fie i6 ihc eighth] 11i~. ihc romifiuliry. A1ul id of tht fevtn J t,e. Shall exercife that monarchicall pow



lots, when they finde chem falfe. And/lit1U m111t! her dt/Ol11t.t J Shall deny to defend hm AHdn.a~d] By denying her mlinccnaocc, and laying her open to the W?tld by their Rcmonl\:ranccs, . King Henr1 8. and the All anJ Mu. Faench Kmg, fome lnlf a year b1:for~ chcu Jearh, were at a pc.>int to h~vt um:rl~ rooted the Bifi'lopof Rom1outof thwar r~alms,. :mJ to exhorc the Emperour Ul do the fame,. or tUe to break l1ff from him. '~he Realm of Prance was ready (upon tht Popt:s rdufall S/t'. s 1, 0p... torc-bldfc K.Hmr1 4, upon converfion to thl.!m) to with-draw utcerly from chcobcdience of his Sea, cred a nrw Pacriarch QVtt all lhc 1hnfik Cbun;h. Th~ then t.r~bbi'11op of B Hrg 's wn ready to accept it : and but that the Pope, in feauhereof did ha..

and impecuoficy. Vede 16. Tht{e foal hate1 As. b:&lc fellows ufe to hate their har-

fien hisbcntditlion, it.had bcendlcdcd,. co.his utter difgnce:and rlccay. A11Jfo,./J eAt h1r flefo] Be fo bitterly br:ot againR: her. that they could findc in tbdt hearts to tear her; with thdr cmh. See Jib 1,.n . . Ana IHrn h1r Witfa firt J For an old bawd. Jc is rcported:that

tr, that was before in the f~vc11 hea"s. Verfe u .Are tm l!"gr J Of ten feverall Kingdoms, NA pits, Sp11in, PortHgAli, FrAHCe, Polon7, Bohemia, llHng4r1, D1n10Ar1', Sw1dt11, and this ot E,,g/111111, which as it was the firl\

m. Vttlt~ot, the _l?_mfts ot 1Npiter had (o bfwitchcd the people w1ch chcar iuperftmon, that they would fometimes fend to the king oi B1ki~pitt for hi1 head i whi'h Wllf never drnicd thcm 1 tillil; Al ~ ,.1 came to King Erg"'"'; ~~o upon fo inft>lem a Jcl.Iland,Htw them an~;0~ u ... all,and <~k away thdc Pric:fthood. Why, is not. the.fame now done

to che Bridge-maker of Rlmt l _Yerfe 17. }'or G1dhAthp11t] AshefentN1uuch"d11e-<.t.~r agamft TJ." ltl'lltx,,ndrr againn Aft.a, ~nd A11ilM again{\ Rom1,.



----------who firoa;~d himfclf the Wor/J1 fc1url' ~ fo =hc--;iuo;;d~J {c:nd thefc Kings againft Rome. It had bttA burnt when Ch~rl~s the S ~ook i, but that the fonldiers wcrt kept in by a krnde of vaolcnce, Gods time was not yet come for that purpofc, Ycrk IB. ~I ,tb1tt g~ut Cit1] R""'~, that rjfJ;~ vmninm rniilort4m . This JS conMfed by Bt/Jdrmine, Ribtrtf, Alcllf~r and och~r Jdu1ces. The Rhe,,.,i.Jlsare fo firaitid chat they kl'loW not wh~ch W3f to turn chem , er how to deny fo clear a tr111th w~ach ye~ they are not willing co acknowlfdge. The wit of he~ rec1kes will be cc er ferve them co dcvifc a thonfand fhif cs to elude the truth, c~en their pride will fuffcr them once to yecld and acknowledge at.

A C1111mem"1 #)>011 the R'B.v I! LA t to re. Chap. 1s:.

f{ ome

(during the Rom"n felicity ) was nrn:r raken buc by the Gauls: but fince ic became Pentificiall, ic hath been made a pri.'y 7>c rem utr. toallbarbnous Nations, and never bditged by any that took it fort ditat.118, not. There yetfiands, nur at hand, a kcond B ~by/on (faith Petr1irc'1 )ciro it idem ca(ura,fi efetis viri. This would tuon l>e down, if)'<>\.\ would but {bno up :lS men. The habimtion'of devilt J Which,by a f weet providence of
God, for chc good ot man-kinde, arc brnill1ed (as likewife fierce and Wilde bealts are) to defrrts and dHpeoplcd pbccs. See Mat. M q. 12.43. ( It is :m allu!ion to 1(a.13.20. & 14.2 3. Jer. so.39 ) yet not lo, hue thac, by divine permitlion, they haunc and pdh:r che gremfi chrongs of people,, yea the holidl: affcmblies. Some take che words iPI another fenfe thus : le is become an habitation rf de~ils, that is, of idols ; and this hath wrought her mine. In the yt:ar 610. Bonift1ce 4. inC\itmcd the feall: of eA//-Saints, afc~r chat he h1d bc:gg'd of the Empcrour the 'Ptimbeon of AlflcJ, Chroll.

----------------Ver~ 1 1

C 11 A P XV I I J. / (Jw lfngrhrr .IJngt/]


thmgsdo chactl1p down from heaven. H411in~ gre11t power J. Or aNthoritJ: as bning in hand a great bufincs, v1-t-. the denouncmg of Romes utter ruine. .A,,J tht earth \\'.u lighted J He delivered himfelf clearly and txprdly : fo ~s th~t all ~en may well indertl:and rus meaning. Ri ~trA tht Jefu~te g~ves this note upon this text, that the judgement ot R 0 dc:Mauon lhall be (not kepc fecret,but) made manifel\ to all men, Ycrft: a. A11dhe rrieJ mightilJ J So to awaken B.t~yfqn,thac ilept nok#f" kcurdy1 rhcn char old B~b1l~H whofe King W~$ f~altmg and c11roufing in. ~he bowls of the sanB:uary. when H d ~he Cic~ was taken the !ame mght. The people alfo did fo little feac A;[0,;;j~;'; 3 n, tharn was three daies afcer chc City was taken by CJrHI, m fome of them heard, whac was befallon them. /J (41/en, i4 f8tt ] Certo, cir~, pe11it'Hs. Or, Witla a double fall. They have fal.len cHlpa6!7, and f'RaU fall penA61 This was alto Jong fince fare-told lty s;t,1ua in the eighth book of her

Omc excellent and worchy man (faith Mr Brightnwi) fucb an S . one asthoul~come fu~denly before he be lool<ed for, as tbofe


"""'l"'"" RA foift1. _........,_____ B.. ornt, where be thought to have tound all godlindle :md fincere .__________________________ . . ._. . _____ __ __
Tlt111ril in tilmw fJ""fl
~_P__g_ -----~

Kai Blit1.BCi6~ H.Jlptt, ~ .1,0 ,Ji9-J.,,Jnwv,

che go~s Verlq. For 11tl NationJ] All Roman-Cacolicks. . The mrrchanrs of the e1irth] The Popil11 Emil'forics that h11ck.,- ~miMue1,. /hr che Word, and make rncrchandife of mens foul!i', 2 Pet, i. 3. cu'x,i((Al\{l}.,;;i0,. afcer they have takcA chem prifonrrs, and made pnzcs of them, 1u. ') 2 Tim.3 .6. 'Through the abHKdanee of h1r delic~cies J Or, of her info kn.. q{iv11 r. cies, Proh 1t1dor l hitcrrseff toto notijfima ccelo, fang Petrarch two hundred year fincc, fpeaking of the luxury and inlolmcy of the Court of R omr. Verle 4, Ano:lur 'Voice J This was Chrifis voice, whether mediare or immcdiacc. ic appears noc. 5c:c Ier.5 I.45. My people] A people Chril.l: laad, and Hill ha ch, where Antichrift mo{t prcvaileth. 1 here are thought to be 119 kffc then 20000 s Ed~.sanar. Procdlants in Civil it kit, a chiet Cicy of Spain. Even in ftal1 thtre arefull 4Qoo profdfed Protefiancs : but their p;rncity and oblcurity (faith mine Authour) fi1a!! enclofe thtm in a cipher. Partaktruf hir fins J Eft1 procul Roma qui cupis t.Jfc pi114, Rom11 valt, vidi, /Muefl vidijfe, &c. vfd11mD"m/lp Martyr had been a great Papin, and chaplain to
.Fiflm, BiChop of Rt>cluflet' : afte~ whofe d~:nb he travdl~d to

Rom,., which he con{ccn.t~d to the honour of AIJ-Sai11t.1, and Pd4(J. kr up the Virgin 1111117 in rhe place ot C1bt1e rhe mother of


______________ ___..


.. ,,.-------

------ --1-c\~sion~-10-tbcc~dFr~und ~~re, ash~ ra;d, fuch biar?b;~~-j-,~g ot God, conccmpr ot nm; rc11g10n, lookm flc of life a11d abundmce o~ 1\\ abomin:itions, thllt he abhorr1o:J any bnger there to a bide: a\th(mgn he was greatly rc.qudkd by CardinJ.ll 7Jvol there
Alf .QnJ MoJi,

. s70

.4 c1mmcntAr' upon iin R. an 1.. u

i ON.


chap-:is~-~A c1mm~n1ary ,.pmtheRs~-;-~~;~~~-~--


---Ve;i;6.n;,11ble ~~-;~ 1,;-J-;;&i, J This is fp~ken -[~ ch~g~-~-d

Kinos thaE t1u11 fack Ra,,,r, that they do the lot'ds work tho-

------- -

Jo'. 11 1 R.

to continue, and to reade three leelures a week in his hou!e: for the which he offered him great entertainment. The like is n:co1 d. ed of Mr Ro11~~h Martyr, chat being bt.fotc Bonner, he allirmcd, that he had bn:n twice at R1111e, and there had ken p!ainly with his eyes, that the Pope was the very Antichrifi ~ for there he hw md.18 43 him carrit:d on mms il1ould~rs, and chc fallc named SJcrament b0rne before him ; yet was there more revcrcncl! given to him, then to chat which thty counted their God. Mr ~fi;h1011 ((ch,ml m.-l\t:r to Q._Eli~abeth) was wont to thsnk Cod that he WJS lmt f)J, ful/m Ho nine daits in Ital], whtrein he faw in chat one Caty of T'tnice ly fiat. ,tu.1 ~ S more liberty to iinne then in Londo11 he ever heard of in nine years, eAnd that Jt rtetivtnot o[her p!Agtm J Afu(culi mini& irnminentibm prie,,,igrant, & arand cum telu primi c,1dunt, faich P/in7 M1ce will ha{k out of an hou{e that i' ready to drop on chdr heads, and (piders with their Wt!bs will fall before the houf~ f.illeth. CeriHthiu the herecike coming imo the Buh where ~. lohn i~tt>.d.nri'iJ[!,!1 was walhing , the Apofilc !for"g or le11pt ou1 of the bach, faith ~d.Vffli E 11frbi1u : as fearing, l~O: l>dngfound in his company, he (hould Lrb.4.c 14, partake of his plagues. le is dangerou~ converting wich wickeJ mtn, 1. For intctlion <t~ fin. 2. For inH.1Clion ot punifi'1mcnc. Abr6fe doling up the Clory of AhAb and /e:(,Abel1 tearfull end, fitly laith thus: FHge er1.~, d;vn, bujNfmodi e~:itum : fed ji1girs A mb dl N .. b. h11111fm0Ji exitHm, fi fogtru h11jufm1d.; ftAg)ti1tm. Fly thmforc, )czr11cl,c.11. 0 rich man, iuch an tnd as AhA6 had, l>y il1unninG iuch tv1ls as

dhttb did.
Verfe 1. For her fins htCVI rttl&hea] Gr. Have ftOowe-d thick_

or bee,, thwack.ta on1 "P"' ,otothtr, thfrlt_ .end thrufold, as chcy fay : there hath been a co11ettt1ttAtio1t1 or a continued fer in of chem. Ochers reade, Her hos arc glewcd and fouldt:rcd together : or they cleave and are glewed to henen. A-f1mlm~ Pjjrii {peaking "f the Court of R1r11t faith, HMjlU f~tor 11[f, ad Hubes fom11m te terrimum exh4/11'1lft. Her filthinefie hath knt up a molt noifome (knch to the my clouds of heann, as Sodoms did; therefore iliall JJ ..,be/ ( che glory ol kingdoms) be as the dellruA:ion ol God in ,ffld1m and Go1111rrAh, lla.13.19.

rowly ; nodpar~n~ AgAg, !IS S.tul did, co c~elofieot his kin~ dom, nor diftmtlmg Be11h11"aJ, as Ahab did t.o the loffc:ot his own l1fo. Vt'rfe 7. Slit hAtl1 glorified h1r [elf] As mother of Churchts, ~een of Nations. Ste#chJU (one .o~ her. Parafices) taich, That Kings have but the ufo and admamllrauon of thm Kingdoms, the right and property belongs to .h~r. Pope Bo .. r1if.1ce wrote thus to Philip the Fair, Kmg ~t I rAnce, J/o/". "'"' te fcire te ;,. temp1r11/J & fpiritu11/i nobu fu/,jacere, Acc. CotHria fent;eW pro ;n(d11i4 habtl#Ht. We would ye (Qould know, that ye are to be fubjt!B: unto \fS both i~ t~m poral~ and Cpirituals : ~nd t~1c none that .arc in their nght rnindes can be othcrw1fe mmdc:d. The Kmg thus an{wcred AlfleJ Chron. him again; SciAt tHA mlfxi,,,a f4t11ita1, &c. I would your J5Dd 9 s. foigular Foeliimdle fuould kn9W, that I acknowledge no fuch ti.lbjed:ion, &c. It was tartly and trimly replied by one Ltourd to R11flitnd111 the Popes Legat, chiming all the Church~s here in ngl1111d to be the P<i>pcs, Omnes ~tlejiM Pa'tt, elfe, tH- Jae Rcv.tle'Uit, titmt Hon fruiiionr, J~fopfion~ ,,,n J;Jfi111t1on~, Thu &f the Pope Pontifr1 7a. had fuch tight to all Churches, it was to defend them. r.ot [O devour them. Verfc 8. Thmfirt jha/J her plagun] Security ufhcreth in de firatlion.God fuall fhoot at fuch with an arrow fuddenly,ind fetch them off, as he did the rich fool, LN~ 1 i. . (ome in int day ] To cenfute their fond conceit. of an eternall Empire. Sec the like 1(4. 48. 9. When the warm began in Germ11111, "nno 1619. it was reporced, that a 1:reat bra{\~ lmai;e oi the ApofHe P~tlt- (chat had, Tu es PetrHI, &<:, Thou m Pm,. , and upon this l\ock will I build my Church, engraven abouc it ) (\anding in Saint Peters Church at Ro111e, there was a grc:it and maffie ftonc tell down upon ir and fo fhaccercd it to pieces, that not a letter oi that frme~ce was left legible, Cave th;fc words' vEaiftcAh~ Eccleft11m meA,,,, I ~ill build my Church . This was ommous to that tottering mle oi Rp111e , and might have taught the Popcling~, That God is about to build his Cburch. upon the ruines of their worm.eaten title. The Lord thereby fc,mp p , ed



Apommentary up1n the Rn Bu. t

1 ON.



A CommtntAry #pin the RE v n t

A 'I' 1

o N.

---------;d--,~;-fay the fame u~~them, that once he did to lfrad ,.6. by E::..ek_!tl. @A1J tnd u co'IJ1t. tht enti ~ come. it W~tthttb fo>' rhu, behold it u came. Sctl (urdM /ab11lam.i. This h11th been long and loud tung in their cus, but thi.:y will not be warned. Dettth J That is, Wme, that de:1dly evil callLd an ev~I, l(~t7 ,,:nm,,.,. ,~v, Ira. 45. 7 I mak.! peMe t1nd crc11tt evtl ,_ chat 1~, JJ1,1rre, a wofull evil chat bews its way thorow a wood d men, m a minute of time, from the mouth ot a murdcringpkce, and caufoch thoulands to exhale their lm:ath, Withoui: lo much as Lord
h.1ve me>'CY Hpfm NJ. A>ul m.1urning

-- --.y~~(e ti, GA"na the merchants of the eArth J The Popes ln-

dulgencers , and other officers of his Exchequer. What hug& 1oh,Mrnl.lae. {u111s of money did Ttetlim and hi' companions rake cogcthcr om: eom /"'19 ot 1 The Pope had yearly out of E ngl"nd above nine tur s of gold: Po/yJ.or Virgil was his ColleCl:our of the Peter-pmcc here. Otto (enc of the Popes MH{cipul~torn, Mice-catchers, as the ll:ory ca\s him) depmi~g hence, .lefc ~or{~ much momy
in the whole Kingdom, as he either earned With him, or icnt to Rome betore him. Jtwas truly aAd trimly faid by Pope Innocent 4. Peruni.m /,oruu Jeliciarum P14pu ~it tum Anglia, &putcllJ ittexhi111Jlm. England was then a g3ll:mt garden co che Popi, and a

~' i""'
rr. , / J ll Tf,/OltJ.pO' 11 J c,aril co/um.

'fh e loo k we:. 11 about h-~~ ~ f ~r hI! lS . yeu no {uch great cau{.e, 1 ly excommunicated by the Pope, for decammg trom him the Kmgdome of Sicily, as B11r111im wimeflech.. le were co be wifi1c.:d chat he would intimate his Prcdt:ct:l1our Charle.r the fifch ; who upon a difplea(ure conctivcd againf\: Pope Cte ,,UHt the eighth , aboliilied the Popes authomy thorowuut au Sculw. An>!al. Sp~in, E.wmpl1J 11.b Hif}anu ipfis poflerituti re/iff,,, poff e Ee "D;rn:t.1.2 i. cJejaflicAm di_[Ciplinam rilrA 11omini.s I'onrificy tturhorimum "~n fervari, faith mine authour, i. t. The Sp,miards themlelves le' ting forth to the world, That the Church may be govmlld Wltl\ om the Popes authority. . Verfe 1 o. Stundin..( afArrt off] As fearing their own fafeey, f..<Jl~ 7t1'..>V7l'Ll~' they will not venture themtelves tE:r an old wichrn_d harlot, th;it dm9~m f.1Y'd is now ( Lais-like) ready to be extinct in the lalt ad ut ht:r m:i~H
/Ulll:X:-lS l.lj

J For the lolle of dead friends~ ., A ml funine J The u{u:ill concom1tant ot war, m fieges dpec1a. l}'. See the Nuce on Ik~.6.~. . . . For flron(T u the Lord] hll able to efkCl: 1t, kem it to B ,,be/J brats nt.:ver to improbable, or impofiible, . . Verk 9 S.i/J bew.~il her ~na l"ment As Wtth the va1ct, ef DoveJ, tabring 11poH thtir hrtjJ, 2, 7. 1 he ch1tf of chcfe mourners fiull be the Spauird likdy ; ''ho yet hath

well-tpringofwealth, that could not be drawn dry. For no mAH buyeth their merclumaiz:..e] Men fhaU fee further into ch~ir fopperies and knave~ies, then to cndu,~ t<t be any longe-t gulled and cheated. WiKiAm of t.7vf11/mjbHrJ began to
groan long fince under the grievance. Rom.'lri hoai~ (,faith he) aHro trntinant jttjHti11m, pretio venelini11t c11nonum reg1dAm~

. The_ Ror1w11 n9w-adaies fell juiti~, lacr:unems, mar. ft.s, difpenfauons , brncfices, all ; Mantua,. comes afct:r and crit's out, - ..vttn11lia nobi4
Templtt, (aceraotn, almria, f(lcr11, t1ronce, lg11M, thnra, prtetl, c~INm eft, Deuftfs. Ttmples, Priel\s, alcars, rites ( I tell no tale) Crowns, facrifices, heaven and God arc fot to falc. Tht: LeaPuers here for the liberty of the Kingdomc in the daics of D . the Popes pu bl' L. . h L d Kmg 1oh11, drove Jl;f-Nrtt.n 1can out 01 c c 111 ; the King alfo curled him grievou~y at pming, wirh D iaboliu te 11tJ in.faros 411cat & pcraHcAt. But now ml'lch mere then ever chcfe merchants wane Chapmen , as B cUarmine fad1y complains. Th~ir markets arc well fallen, their Euphrates much

/ '"' RC'llllH

LiFJ.~ _ile ~o"!'



' 'lJ 1'"

clcanne!fe For;,. onehoHr J God will make ilimt wmk of it, when once he bt"gin::;, Rum.9. a 8. Th15 ChvulJ U1.: i.ln ':m;q.~nr;c,,;1n1;nt to Chrtfiian Princes imd ScateG,tc:> tecupon thtt krv ,::c. :tt, P1rHs w:ir WiU) . . . lncruJibili celeritau d- temporid brevitRt6 crmfill1nn, lalth Au

flin, Loon difpatcht: fo il1al\ this.

Vtrft: 11.

dried up. " Veric u. The mtrchanJife c'fgold] All this is taken ollt of E ~ekjel i7. AU countreys have catered and purveied for the Pope:, who hath had it citht:r in money, or ocher commodity : but 1#one1 ,mfi1'reA 11/iihi'!p " Thyn1-wood j A wilde kindeofCedar~ very fwecc and found: for it will not eaiily rot. Vcrfe 13. Ana Cinnamon] Galen writes that in his thnecin. namon was very tare, and hard to bt: fioand, excc:pt in the fiorep houks

~ l.ib.1 .AntlJo 1.

--s?4____.__ Ac;;,;;~;;iii~ ~~~~~-~-~-~



houfes-otgriac Princes. And "Pliny reports, That a pound of cinnamon was worth a I ooo de nary, that is 1 so crowns of our money. And ch11rim J Or, as we call chem. Ana the (Pnls of mc11 J T"cU111 the Popes pardonmongcr1 AtJ. anJ Mo!/. foC.77 a. . perfwadcd the prnple in UermanJ, ch:it whofocver would give ten Chillings, fuould ac lus plea{urc dd1ver one foul ouc ot the pairs of purgatory ; and as {oon as the money rang in che bafon, thlt foul was fot at liberty. But if it were one jot 1eRe chm ren Chillings, it would profit them nothing. This gainfull gulltry LNthcr cried down with all his might, and lo marred the Matikcc. This g:ivc occafion to rhac faying of Er11fmm, whom when the Scultet. 1\111ul, Eh8:onrof s""'"l ilSkcd,, Why Lt1ther was fo gem:rally hJCcd? Ha anCwered, for cwo faulcs efpecially; he hath been coo-lml\\:! Jec.1. wich tht Popts crown, and che Monks paunches. Verft 14. AnJ tlu ftuits J Thofe fitn ripe fruits, .Mic. 7. 1. greedily ddired and bought up at any me by the richer and damtic:r fort of pwpk. . /1.17"1.(}. i0 >.cttJ. which Were d.tintJ 1111d good!]] Gr. Fflt and f.iir likjng:pleatr<e}.. fanc to the <:ye as well as co the talte; confrelions, tuckets, tweet meats, {ecund and third Cervices. Vc::rfe 15. which'Weremadericbhyh,r] By thdr fat bcne fices , Commendlms , golden Prcbendaries, tome one yeclding Spec E"rop. ten or twenty thrnfand by the year, The Archbilhoprick ot Toledo is worth an hundred thvufand pounds a year; which is a greatl'r n.:venui.: chcn (oml: Kings have had. What a vafi tChte h:id Wvl fay goccen? So chat rich and wretched C:irdioal I-Ie.nrJ B ert1'}ord B11hop of winchejltr, and Chancellour of EngltJHa in cht: ra1gn of Henry thl! fixth, who asked' wherefore fooHld I di~ being (i rich f. &c. Vtrk 16, wlrb gold and prui1111 jf onn J All chefe avail noc iii the day of wrath. Neither need we tnvy wicked men cheit plemy: ic is cheir portion, all they are like to have. The whole Turk,{h Empire is noching dtc, faith L11ther, Niji pt4nu mic(I, '}11Am dives Ptter fitmilitU projicit caNibm, a emf\ c:ifi: co the dogs, by God the great hou1l1ulder. I have ne Hr<mger argumrnt ((a1d the f:um: Lrnher) agamtt che Popts kingdom, ~flm.J 'I' ~Jf,,~ ffffv~ rrgrrnrJ thrn chi~J chu he futferech noching. sur~ly tht:rt's the mon: o~hind~ thm; will be Wttcrncllc in the end no tloubt,

Chap.18. C9m111<ntttry upontheR~_v ~"L~_TI~~- ___ S7S ~ Vcde 17 So -/;~:~~;-riches-~ c~n11 to Houg~t J Ge. ~s de- rw;9tt.

~/imd, or become a Wilaer11elfe. Petrarch ~rnec~ that m the cre:i(ury of Pope '/ohn u. were found b~ hts he_ir~ two hundred and fi.fcy cuns of gold. And ot Bo11if1tce 8. ~ 1s r~_corde~, That he.was ible to fht;!w more money then all the Kmgs m Chn


-0101, choul)h but titular and 1m:igmary, without JUrtfd1cb ul o l e, v:rntioc _~ h , / '1 on as are the Patriuchs of Conffanunop eru flhm and ~/e.\'tmdri~ ; which the Pope f~cceffivdy .conkcraccs, ever lince the holy Land and the Prevmccs a~outit wer: in the h:inds ot Chrit\ian Princes, an~o ~I oo. f~ luth is the Popt.: spec. Europ. to lofe the remembrance of any fupenomy or titk, th:it he hath once cornpaftd. . A h b'fl vfnd "" the]] The Cudmals and re - ' 1opc; R Pl t0 train and rctin~e, rhofe in office dpecia\ly. \Yhlt a pompous /~. 1J "' f.imil kept wo/{eJ , conu{\ing of one Earl, nme BaronsJ. very r.nn/ Knights and Efquires, and others to the numb::r of four hundred. . And (ailers J Billiops, Abbots, Pnors, &c. l h J And M man1 tU trade hy /e"] All the. C ~gy, t e ! M B;;gbrm 4,,. fuites eipecially, without who!e lufiy help (faith on~~. S, JJe ters fi111-boat had fiuck in the fand, and had rufhed gamfl the rocks long fince. . d WJ Id Vnfe 1 g, what City u lik! unto thu q. . .. 10 wo~ ever have th<:>ughc we l110Hld evu have. ken this difm~U dly ~f R s ddhuchon? It wont co faid, Rom.1 c/14d1br-u i1r.i1~:;:,., Rom: is unc~nquerable. The Pope wrote onct: t~: the Turk that thrl.'.amci h11n, Niteri4 incajf11m Petri (Ubmergcre.nave~ : PJHfJH"r (ff nff'1'Jfll1m m:r'{;;,1r 1/1,1 YdtU. , Vedc IS} thr] caff dr1fl J As men W)lling robe ls ~.~r ~n, d.:r ground,arnow che were :ib?v~grc,und. Jilving lof\ thcu livelihood, they had little JO}' ot chur lm~. . . , A Ii tbtt h11d fhi:u in the fe.1 J All Church-n'len, e, All, , or part: fame of chem h:ive littk. enough. S a~der1 was. f\::lr- D FcJtlji hi; the mo n n U mve_r fi1ty ' karce Trn1t' ~xphd, ved Stapleton was made profdlour of a petty . fo good as on~ of oudn:e-fchools.On H11rding ht~ Hulm:s bd\~'N." eJ ii\ p'r1,;bend of g,.uH! 1 ot {tu fp~!.i\< more pr~pc:rly) aO~nn~ 1 r\;bcnd. AUiN wascomui(,mly nlkd thdhrvdmg OudmalJ er.' Jl p 4 VctkU

~nd evtr] p,ip-m.1rfer] ;, ~ C1~dmaU, l~miarc .1,. re .:

A h





A Commentuy i1p1n the Rn v !


LA 'l' 1 o N.


Chap.19$ A Commentary npontheRn v ELATION.

CM A P 1


-- -


;, e, Thi! Church Oil earth Aroff ln, &c. J i.e. Te P:illoursand Te!lchm ! who!lsyc have been mo!\ ibor ac by her, fonow you:nd(>Lc1ally ca\kd to uiumph over her, P(al.58, 11, Vcr<c 21. And ,1 mif.,ht y Ang.I./ J Forfurchcr affur:wice a fign is added, and an 3llufoJn made: co fffS t .63. And httc ic is ca tie co obfu vc a 110taolc grad.ttion : an Angd, a {hong Ang1.l taketh a Hone, and a great Hone, even a milltont', which he kttcth not lmdy fall, but caficch, and with impuuous torcc thruCl:cth into the bottomc of the !ea, whrnc~ it cannot l,,e boy
.._,ll11t111 h1I1

vcrfc21. Thou hc4ven J

:X. l


Verfe 1. l heard a !,rettt "'ice J

N obtdi-~nce to rh:it txhortatlon, Ch11p.18, 2~. Rrj1JJ Ce ovo IJl'r-,


cd up.

'I hus is foe forch

to che ye allo chc irreparable mine

V-.d~ 2.1, <V'lnd 1bc -voice f 11~,,.per1, &c. J Thine O(. ga.ns and ~acklmcs, thy <:haunting and Church muftck flult cca[c, A11d the (o~na of a milfJ0111 J Anciently they ufed h:md .. mils, which Gl1d mal<c a great noite in the Otics, as DiotLltc here note th. Verfc q, And the light of a cawdle J The candle of the Wic. k<.:d ill:1ll be put out ; they that here love darkncfle bcm:r then ~n~,(~ {~,~7~ lii;ht, flu\l ~emJc~t be thrnlt into CJHUr d1tr~nrff~, wh~rc th<.:y ~>', fh::ll nevu fee the light again, till they kt all the: world on a light fire. For thy mercbtfnts Wert the grtat men J The Pope creates his Cardinals by thefe words, Eflote frAtres ntJ/lri & Princip11 mrm di, lit: ye brethren to us, and Princes of the world. They hold duunfclves Kings comperc:s. V crfe 24. And in her \V.u jDHnd J Rome hath ever been the flaughter-houfc of the Saints, as 'f er11(illem was afore h@r,

of Rome.

S.qixg d/le/:11.ili J ;., r. Praife the lDrd. Was tmt h: 1 wif(: mm that ~avdl11s dtrivacicn of lh._. word Al 11!1 iffimm, It eH, !H luieba>.t v!poftoJi, jtt j.1m r-c(urrr.\'it ? .AcFttflm (.v:I? d~ ccmpojitum. This word is in the o\d Tdhment fir[t n(cd, 11(.if.104. ~~, when; ,onf\.uning o~ Gnners is mentiontd : as in tr-e rn:w Tl.'fian\rnt ht:t~, wlwre the lkUwtti[lll of Antichrill: is ton.> .. cclLL V11t~ the Lord] Gr. 11 the Lord{, as I' (JI. 3. 8. He is the true rroprict:.iry. Vc1k 1, which did c(lrr11pt tl1e erm/J J I r('ad of one, who jNum:ying to Rome, as foon as he came WHhin chc Ci y lhut his t>lS, and fo kcpc them: as refolving co frc nothing in chat City (which he knew co be very corrnpt,. and a corrupccr ot others)

tf.>011 ht'.1Vt'l1,


1.' rJ.. r 1 bmonlytheChurchof:S.l'eter .. SeethcNor~on Chap.18.~. . :. /5~~' i;.o). Vt:rfe 3. Ar.a .ag11in tl111 fud Ailelnj.zh As unfa:islnbk m pttforming fo divincadury. Some thin}\ chat rhc Ht:bn:w wmd is n:camed to import, th't after Rome is rninatcd, the Cnurches uf the Gentiles {hall by their uncdfant praifcs provoke the [ors co joyn with chem, and conctkbracc the mercy like as the ~l'ouk, by praifing her beloved, {fared up thofo dull daught1.;rs of ltrn fal<m, co fetkhim with her, Cant.') .9,10,&c. with c~,:p.6.1.

Ro1mminJ wiH not b~

M11t.i3. And of all tl1at Wm /tttin ] For Che hath a hand in all the wars ef E11rCJp~ ; belides ~u the Chrifil~n bloud fiwd by h~r inl\igati-

on1 in thofe holy wars, as they called them, for the retov1:ry ot the Land of C11na11n.

And her frmk1 ro(e Hp J Like that of Sodom: Yct wn:tcht:d warned; whok judgement thc.n:forc is 111.:rc revealed after that of the firing of Rome. Verfe .it And thefoNr and twentJ .JUdt>rJ J The former Al ltltij;1h W!l!: mor~ priV1te ! tvery good hcarc bting 11fred up wit~ joy and thankfulnts, when firH they hear chc gC'Ud m:ws oi Anc1chriHs overthrow. Now this is the joint AlklujJh of the publick \;ongreg:nion, praifing and magnifying God. This ma~ b~a turther means to move tht> Jews co come in. . Vcrft: 5 .And" voice r,zme om J This is the L1mbs voice, h1 all-qukknin~ voice, which th111l rn"k and raiie the dead aHd de .. eolent /eP.'J; powerfully pulling the vail from their hard hcarcs, which yet were fomcwhat moved and mollified l>y the former J\.t ..

klujl'~ g;

~.:.....--'--------------------~-----A Comme11t11ry upon the Rav BL AT Io N. Chap 19.

fcfll)a;s-;-f~Char ~~w-all ch~i~~~~~c~ of G~d~-fmdl and grea~~

and Gentile liull prJik him wirhoneconccnt. Vedc 6, And I Ju.1rd M it \\'ere the voic~ J See how morigerous the ~aims m:,, and ready hcmcd to obey God. No loaner arc chcy l>iddrn co p1aife GoJ, Luc they an.: :it ic, diUociriw, ~te thcl1ke Pf"' 27 8. SJ)ing ~iltl11j.1 J This was chc I-lof.1n11.1 Rabba, as the fews call it : the zoiEl.1ri.i ni!/duJ~uica , as the old Brittans calkd chc:ir viCtury over th~ S;1.\on1. The fiory is chis. Unda tht:condutl: of Germ mm (here in Brit min) who came over from FrRnce to ful>duc the Pel.1gi.m herefie ( which then J>r<:vailed a mon;ll us) aga11~1t 11 mighcy Army of S.H'1J>11 and Pifl.1, the 'Jl,-icrnins prcva1bi 0n1y by the three times pronouncing the word H '" d11j.ih: which voice ccchoing and rcdoublmg from the acch mac ion ofhis tollow..:rs among the mountains, ni~h to which che c11..:111y h1d cncamped/rightd chc.:m and wonne the conqudl,upon wh1~h ic was calleJ vmori.;1 H.-41/eluj(t!icA, Raigncth J ;, c, He now makcch it appear th1t he raigncch, which Averroes and fomc od1(r of che worlds witards doubted of~ yea dl'nicd : Occaufo chey faw bold m .:n pro{p..:r, good mr.:R tufter. Vafc 7. H,lt/J mAde bc:1 [elf re*'dJ J B~ing firfl: made; ready lJy th1c: grace of Chrifl:. CertNm efl nos f~c;ere cr1od f11ci mru : ftd illc f.lcit ut f.ui,1mm. The bowh:s of chc Can. dka1ck h d nu oil, buc thac which dropped from the Oliv<: branches, Z.1c:h.4. Vcrlt 8. .1J"'dt1hcr \\'1t1gr.mtedJ It is here clrar (faith an fotcrprm:r) ch:ic tlu:rc lhall be as gre:it difh:rcnce betwem the Hate ot GoJs Church now , and thac which is cu come afo:r Romo 1uint.:, as becwcc:n the time of honoural>h: pcrlons only betrothl'.d, and che high, jo)full and glorious day of chc:ir pu1 Jlick m:myio!i ; :md "tr o~rn,m chc: cimr of a Kng com in~ on W ms ~ingdoml', and his atlu4ll and pow~rtull rnibnmg, as KinJ mdn:d, Th"t /he fho11/d be arraird J This allo is givm her, as wdl as her rich raim11nc : which lhc can no mur..: put on by her Ldt, then ~Jhc can pure haft- ic. Cle11n .md 1\hite J Or, F 11re and 6r~r1;!1t. Pure, faith one, ~tcau{e 1mputc:d righ(toutndk is pmt: inJccd, and h:ith no tpet in JC j but not bright, you C31l fc:c no grtat lluttCI' in it : it maktth

Chap. 1 9, A Commtntlfry upon t!~~ n v B 1 AT I $N.

,:O~~e 1 c tb~ w befo~-;nen (as in ht ren c righ crnufo1.: ffc _d nrh,


'/J.Urfi rile
1r,r1 rclc .pi ;OiJ f) i ~.

~ 16 ) bm before God. A man m:iy lJc v~ry much dd1ltd and .1.ub jtd c0 mJny fcandals 1 and yet bt: clothed with the gmnent ot unpuced rightcoufndfe.* . , . The ri_~hteoufxtJ!1 of S41nt~] Gr. R1ghteo11fn.ef{u, that cwofC>ld riohtrnulne~ im111ted and rmp~rted. . . ,. Ycrlc: 9 , Write J To wic this c:nfuing fentence,for che uk or po fic:rity worthy to be written in kccers of gold. JI I ired are t hq that are called J So cht:y h:ive hems to com~ at Chnlls call, and noc 01ew thi:mtt.lvcs unworchy to calle d fus Supper by framing txcufc, as thole recufant gu11fts did, Lu!ze 14. Th' c The/c are the trne (ayinv of God q. d. is 1oreg~mg frntmcc is a faithtull fa} ing, and worthy of all accc:ptat10n, 17'im,I.1f. , h 1 I Ver lei o. ~nd I fill at hi.I fen J So taKcn e w1s Wltl. tle

joyfull ridings ot his ~oumrey-mcn (th~ J1:ws) coimrlton,. th:it he tdl down as vtbr11ham did upon the good n~ws of J(a '.1 uirch qenefis 17. 17. And ic may be.: he took this Angc:l~~o be Cl~ri-ft, the .Angel of chc. C~vcnmt : . Bm t~:it was . . his errour. Trifle mortnlitatiJ pri.v1iegsHm eft, llcere "l.q!1.mdo Euf1bar.


M, Cotto1t.


Anelliptick ~nd concifc kit1dc of fpt{Ch ~c;t~i'i in the Greek, betokening hall:e and ditplea{urc ~t that was, ~~nc. Papifls will needs defpitc the Angels with fecmi~g cou~H:fas :md ref eels : And whereas the Councd of L1ml1cea, faith, It bt.: . . ho~eth Chrifiians J A'Y)'tAIH .~ ovop.d<m, not to pray to t\t~g~ls. (.a;. 3 ~ S11riru and c,,r,mM 1mke che words to bt.:, Non oportet Chrifhi 110111 d angu/01 congregationes faure: an~ the title th~y make, I?e ~ 1 qui '"'J!.Hlos colHnt, in a clc~rn contrary fcntc co the Counctls m., ccnrian. J i. . ~- Ht! f:aw t 1 Vnfc I I, v1nd I (aw he~iw opened ungg done before his eyes, as it w~re :_ ~o do not we, .but u~ .kt~. to conjdlures. Hm: is fi1ewcd , laath one, the foil ~f the B~a!t, bmer up of che whore, and no quel\im1 bnt .now. hsg~l~ chat~d with htr fall. l his is the lall: and nobld\: .aa et ~hnHs ridm~, t~r the Dragon and his Vicars utcer dc~l:ruchon. 1 hus h,c. H~re is iliewed, iaith another Incerprt:ter, m what {hce the ~hm~h lha\l be in, upon the ruint of R~me, even. as a p~oplc ~l:andmg m an~~ und1:1: their General Chnft }:!us for a ume, ult tht: lal' br._




A comme1111try upon tl1e Rn ll L A-r 101'.'

Chap. 19 :

Chap.19. A Commentary npmthe R 11vnLAT1 ON.

~5+ to thew tbac hc wall keep what he hath gained ( Vinctrr: Na1 ixi119rep Jel-! Am:Jib4/1 'lJitfori~ fl/; mfc1~ 1 faid one) Or 011 h~ Fhir,b qii' 'Vfrtiu <jlWll fili"bit11r "om]ne tj11J' Pfal.7 2. I 7 the- name of C hriH 01-all ~ndu~: !1111~~;crc f'u'"


be fought, and th~ enemies d~rlroied. -------------- Behold, a \~1 hitc lior(e] Chrill: riding as ~m Empereur triumph. ing, and 4S 111gl'.tecm JlldgQ, P fd..;. 8 & 96. 1o, t ~. Verft: t~. H~ tyes Were. di "fl{1mc flf ./teJ A quicl<.fighted Judge, a~ mtdligt:nt warnuur, Coufel/ and firength 11re for the Wllr,:. Kmg. I 8. 20. e.....fnd rn h16 htad ncre m.1111 cronns J Let the Tripple crowned Pope look to himfdt : Chrill: out.crowns him by far re. ~nd he hlfa " n11me "''itteH] His holy and reverend name ?eho7.,"4l,, importing his Godhead : for he is ?ehovAb tJHr righte 011(tuJTe. And as thus, No man kt;oWs the Son but the Father t,1MI 11. 26' for as God he is incomprehenGbleJ 911dg. l Jo 1 s'. What is his name,or whac is his fons name,if thou canl.l: cell? Prov. 30 4. Whoil1llldcclarehisgcneracion? /(a.13,8. Verfcq. Diptinb/011d] lnthebloudothisenemies, asavi. B:om returning hom a huge fhughtcr, C.efar IS hid to have taken prifonc:r one million ot men, and ro have {hin as many. Mahomtt the kr!l: { Emperour ot the Turks) to have been the death of 80001Jo men: Scanderbeg co have {hin loo Turks with his dWn hand. Hut our Conquerour fiull ouc-do all thcfe when he l11aU trend them in bis anger, mmple them in his ti.;ry i and cheir

Vcrfe 16. Andon/Jin~~~h fWher~his fword h~~g;;-Pj~/:-----

----- --

- - - -

for evt:r, It lhaH be begotten! :1s one generation is begom:n ot anothcr, there f.hall bl a !uccdhon vf Ch1iHs name : He fo, 1 /l fee hr4 prd, he P,.i!I prolong hu d.iies, and the ple.ifare of the Lord jh.lll profper in ludMnds, I Lt.53 IO. Confer Cr:n.46. 26, L_or~ of lords J This mle che Pope ufurps : buc what faid Jlficon111-1 ma letter to{alvin upon the view ot the.: Chtuches enemies? G11udeo quul Chriftm Dominm eft: 11/ioq11i tntr.u defperaf{tnu 1 am glad chat Chr:ll is Lord of Lords; for d!C 1 l11uuld trn ve b1:c..i~ u;mly out of hop~. Vctfe 17. S111.ndin,~ in the Sun J Where he might bell: be hcarJ, as :m Hc:ral.d. And he wtll types ouc fllc_h, :1s by clear light ot truth, 11iall makt kn~wn the. ccrtam ddhutt1on of the enemies, be:tore the buck he fought. V ;Jto thcfappo of the gieat God J They that would n~t come to lhe fuppc:r ot tht: Laml>, Clnll o..: nude: a fuppt.:r co chc fowls of


lJloud 11nll be fprinhkd upon his garments, ilnd he will ihin aU hi'
l.liot i (lf111f lO 11n11u Pa1tu.

The \\'ml o{ GodJ. loh.1. I. & 57 Hereby it appears1 that th~ was ?ohn the Evmgd1cI chu wroct chis book. Vcric 4. And the armies \\'hich \\'trc in he.itnH J The heaven Hero's'. that fight h;s batdes,arc all in hls livery,horfed
and habited as he, m whom the:y arc more, chm Conquerours, be caufr they are lure co conquer hdorc they ti!'.Jhr. Vdfc 15. A Punpfwm:I] The Word,Eph.6.17.therod wherewith he tmitcch che c:mh, lf.-i. 11. 4. The breach of his mouch whncby Ancichnft (hall be ov~r-thrnwn, as by fo1ce of an11s f~ allo ot argumd1ts. ' The Nations] The PaganifhP11p4gans, Seethe book emitll

raimrnt, lfa.61.'J.

Vcrle i8. Tbat7em11Jt1tt] HcalludtitoE~ek__.39 4.17.Go Behold, I am ag,ii1jt the;~ o. Gags tbe chttf Pr~r;ce of .Aftjhec ttnd, fdith th1 Lord, Euk.~S-3. wh::re, _1t Gogbcthrgm1t Turi<, and Cr1 p.ul~na, where he fuil: frtkd himldt, Why fhould ht be c:1H!d Prince ofT116al all_o, thacis, ot Sp.iin, Fr11nce and Ital], as flierome_a~d ?ofeph"! mcer prt:t It ( aticbcr do .Bellarmine and Gretfar ~1'1tnc _?) Is IC noc '? 01e\~, that atcerthdall ut R ab 1tot1, tht! Anc1chnfi1ans fl~all cal~ in tht! fork and other Pag:rn Princes co in v:ide and d1(li dlt the: C~1urch 1 that thty may all pt>nlh cogi:th<.'r 1 and fmi the fowl~ wnh thm de~d nm1t ;1j ~ , Yak ,19 .Ana 1f'1W tht-Beafl] ThcChur~hescnemks are e-

~lll1 .Mago1i w~re .~ r~pe of Ancichril:.


k_d P14g14nopapi(mu.1:


is prov1.:d chat Papi{me is Aac Paga

mime, and that the Pap1fis do n:kmblc the very Pagans in above fcvenkon: fcvtrAil things. Arid he tre11d't' tht Wineprefe J At Armageddon, CIJtt.p.
16, 16.

ven :unbmousof ddhuction. Jucig1m:ncs ncc:Gi not go to finde them they run to m~et cheh l>anc. Yerie 2~. AHd1he B.eaH \\'44 tak!n J Taken {uddenly, or as , . . he was flymg, and io thmking co dcape. Dio makech rncncion ot ~'iila.o'1>1,1fJr~prti ol h f h d'd .. ..1.i1ur1e1Jr a)noca q ~ t ac . _' ~-u~h m1lch1d i~ lml] ( atrcrwards the q1M Ji~e,ic1J1cr I opes kac) 111 the: da1cs ot .~ tvtrm. This Emperour ull'.d all rhf <irripun111. Dez. mean~ h~ could to catch him, bur could i:Ot do ic 6J11ippe qui vi- 0 . . "' noH id b . b ' '-..:~ 10, rn Sevno. ti C attn, 1'~H ll!JVtnlf '4lUr llJVCntm, aeprthrujm non /



A Comm mt~? upon t~t!_~~ ~ ~ "T to 111 ~ __ ~~P_?-~~ capitb.itur, iaitb the Hillorian. But this Bl!all: meeteth with his much and more : tor he is caught and can into the lak~ &c. ChriH is a conquerour fo (oon as ever he cotes inco the field:
1-'n:i:, i:i-lit, 7.icit. When che enemies are tumulcuuing, he comes

5 ~3 ofehri~ and end _i_~~ s;i-;-~n~-~~-O~h-~~~ ChriRs pam,;,~, a~d--cnd in Bnrtdill 9. Bue thty dol>dlin my opinion, thac begin at Conffantinr. and end in Bonif"ce the S. who is uf his own laid to Chap.2. A Commt11t11ry upon the RE v B LAT I ON.


-- ..



luVt' em1:red iikt: a fux, raigoui as a Liou, and died as a dog. He

upon thc.m as ouc ot an Engine 1 and hurls them hc:1dlong in. to hdl. AnJ t\1ith him the (11/(e prophet] This is the fame wirh tho Bea fl:: only _che Pope is c1lkd the lle~fl: in refpea: of his civil pow. er, and the falfe prophec in rdpetl: of his fpiritu.tll. Sec the Note on Ch"p.13 u. The(e botb ~e~e caft 4/ive J Death fh1ll not end their mifrry,
but lhey llull foffer moll exquiftce corm :nts. Po ten tu p()tem'r rorquebmtur. Ytrfe a I. S /14in \tith the fwe1rd J Not {o deeply damned, and

t~commu11i(:Hi..d the hen'h King, and publilh..:A this decree, That

yet loll 1in is co be made a prey co the infern:dl vulcures ; and chen the tmd\: carcak h11l be the find\: prey ,the greaceft finners the fo. 1dl fu!krt rs.
C lf A Pa XX. And I f"w "" AHf/f J
Ch~p.1 i.

the Bilhop ofl<ome ought co l>e juJged ofnonc,alchough ht: thould carry mnumcral>k fo,ub wich him to hdl. Vcrle 3 .A.1d caft him into the botto,;,fejfe pit] That is, into thcc.:anhi Chap. 11 .9,12.Chap.13.11. the earth is the buccomldfo pie, ouc of which the Uc:all: was raifc~ by the O_rag~n. .. Diwve the Nations] The Genu/es,by deh.:ndmg Genc1lafmc, and hindering the courte of the <..iolpel amongfi thl.'m. .And 4trr thar he m11ff be lo(td HI.! mull, becau{e God hJth fo decrcc.:d ic, for the glory of his own name in the ddencc of his people::; but ddlruction ol his enemies. A~ alfo chat ti1t:dtvil may lhew his malice, which God can rt {\rain at his plca{ure. Rog-er Ho/J""d Matt)"r, faid to Bonxer : This I dare be bold in God co fpcal<, which by his Spirit J am mov~d co by; that Cod will fhuru:n yuur hand of crndcy, ch:u tor a time you 111111 not mold\:



OMflantin: the great, the Churches male-childe, C Having J Noc th:it key, Ch.1p. cher.
the ~t'J

9. 1. buc ano

aAg re11t ] The fuccellion of Chriftian Emperours. Ver!c ~ And he laid hold on the Dragon] Ch11p. I 2. 7, 9. He

took him m 1 fiddfighc, ;md fin": chcn dll now we hnc hcud lit tle of hi~1,mo.rc tllcn that he fubllicuc,d the B~an, (h_.p.13, who{c ddhutl1on bcmg declared, the prophecy returns to lhc:w che judg.
menc of the D:agon. And bo11nd him J From the open 01ughteringof the Saints, as he.h:i~ d~ne by c~e Heathen t.mperours: for from mold\:ing and m1kh1cvmg of Gods people, othtnvife he is n~t bound one hour, 1oh 1. I Pe1.5 .8. And how his vicegermt the Beafi hach bdl:irrcd him, durinG chc chou{1nd yeim1 who know~ not l .A 1htm/11mJ1c11r1] Hn t:qlirart f11111r trtpidc 1111 aigrtdi, foth 7'Artau. He begins the thoufand at the delhuC\ien of the !t:mple, Ano and fo it ends in Pope Hildthra,,d, who fiept mto that chair ot pcltilence, """' 1073 .Ochers begin it at the birch of


his Church: And ahtr chis day in chis plate t11:iH there not any be ~n.a11d M911by him put to th~ fire and faggot. And ic proved {o ~ for none u1., 8 f J,. alter thac foffrn:d in Smithfidd , for the tdlimony of the <.Jofpd. V'-r:c4. eAna 1he1 (at Hpon them] RcU:ing from form~r pl r fecucions, and raignmg in righceou(ndfo l vc.:n hl'.r~ upon t_anh. f1nd jMdgement w.u gi~en 11nto them J That 1s,_ fay_ loam~, the fpirit or d1lcerning between ChriCl:ianiry and Ant1ch~1lba111lme ~ Or the: dtuing of ,hm innoc.. ncy, and doing them r_1ghc, fay '-? <hers. Or, [hey had chtir chairs, feats and confillom:s, whemn they did bC>th rrcacf1 the Word, and execute the Cburches cen{ure, as fome fcnk ic. .Ind I f"w tlu (.Outs] This makes again{\; the Mi\kmrits.~ouls rai~n not but in hcaVt:ll I thl:fl.: are thr {firits onufl Plh'H made per CQtto12 hispou 11 ~if, Htb. 12. True it is (a~ Mr Ctmon wlll otJfrrvcth) that there r111~ nut uf the ~re many dt:_vifcs in the min.dts of (on~c, ro chin~ th::i~ J.;; Chril'l: 7.viois,p.1.6. OuHcoml! ham heaven ag1m, and nugn here v.nh h1~ ~u~us upon cmh 1 1houl~nd years, Bu~ taey are1 faith he, but the. m1llakts of fomt high exprdliuns in Scriptur~, which dcfcribr the Jujgemems poun.d oat upon Gods cmem.c:s in making way to _the Jews con .. vu lion , by the pa tern ~t the la{\ judgt'.mem. 1 hus he. The fouls


r -


-----------'--------11 commmt1try

t#pon the Rn v :a LA noN. Chap. 20.


--- i~~i~-~re mentioned arc the fame I conceive, th1t were fecn
tmdtr th1.: Altar, /tevel. 6. 9 and do:: cry , How long Lord 1

Tht'k ire not ca1ublt: of a bodily rdurrcction, nor ot an earthly

ra1rnt, ~4nd they /i";Jtd ,,>!d rai,~ned '1'ith Chrift J They, tint is, thole that fat on the chrrines (not t.h< y chat wm: beheaded ) Lived ar.d r.ii.( ncd, as f~. . irimall Kings ( atccrthc fame m:mm:r, a~ they arc Pric\\s, 'l.){rj. 6.) tor dk cherc: 01ould be more K.mgs then


pars in t!.rcac world\~ d~l1ghcs, bcgmmg many children, caung and d1'itiking, and i.:nJoymg all lawfull plea{ures, as fome dream now a daics. The ccnceit, I confdlc is as ancient as Cerinthm the hcrctike, and Ptlp;M ( fchol:u co S. '/ohn) a man much rcve rl1m:d tor opinion of his holint Ile, buc yec IJomo in.~enij perten11i11 faith E11frbi1u, not opprdled with wit, Hierom and c.Artg11ffi110 explode ir, as a J~wifh bl>k, :ind di.'. clue it U> be a great t:rrour, it noranhcrdic: todoallchco~'J~1"'~{.tv:Hat chis day. The Patrons /lffer'rchoicr, ot Chrifts perionall r:11gn upon canh, are l\V Archer and Mr Bur. 1'1 ~ T rou(Tht1, who eds us, That it che opillion of fomc: concerning Chri11s coming rn raign l1crc in chc world bc:forc the dily cf jud~~ ment br nm a umh, he cannot 111ake alJy thing of 1mny place~ o! ~criptml', as chis place foronc. Bue it he cannot, yet ochers can, See :m Anl Wr co his and M. Archers chief Argumencs in M.B111IJ hi5 diffwt1five ft om tl~e erro11rs of 1 he times, l.hap.21.p. 2 38. Vcrfo 5. B 11tthc reft of the dt,1d J Dead in B .-a,d-woilhip, 35 Ephraim,Hol~J 3- l. dead in fin~, as Sardf.J,Rt:v+1 Lived not ag.iin J By repentance from dead works ~ or they rccovcn:d not chc It.ft iind immortality th11t ubrought to Ii gin hJ the Gofo,el. . . V r1 rill rb~ rho11[.rnd J~ffr 1 J l111'111,lmng U\1.;h' b~'tet l>y (.;ods faithtull witndlC:l, th~y abjured lJ01.,ery. Thr4 i5 the fir/f reforrellion J hom Romifh fuperlticions. Mo12. M.F o.nds us,chac by che n:ad,ng ut' Chaucer s buo~s, ioml! were: fol i 67. brought co chc knowledgeot che truth. Vtrfe 6. B lef{ed an~ happ] u he] The holy only have part in this rdi.uretlion, and arc then.Jore happy lor om of h1ir1r1s-w117, as the word fignitics. Thi

with Clirift J lt is not faid 'With ChriJ1 upo1f eArth, this is an to the ttxt; or if the words did import a raigning upon c:nth, yet thi!: wouLi noc ~nt<!rt'e !Ill e!J~thly roign for a rhouts.nd

586 .A C1mmenttiry 11pon the R.E v B t A -r 1 ON. Chap.;~ ---------------- .. ----d~~~-;~~heNor~l;(~-~ Dtnm11rk., S1vethla11J, &t.) are out spec Eun p. of his W3)', and no part of his pre font aim. 1~11 is the mark he i110ots at, find when uncc he il1all rife ag3inlt the true Church,
Ver{c 10. Arid tht a'vil J This Mr Brightrmtn interprets of rhc Tmk, ,illl~J httr~ ~h~ devil> becmfe inlligated ind ~t awork by the dtvil. All:idt another learned E9tpoficcur isot opinion, that by the hllofthe lkalt and convcrfion of the Jews, the Turks and other Scms ot the Eafi iliall be brought to imbrace the Gofpel, being firlt taught thereto by fome notable toil. What to think ot this I know not: but cannot but like well of Diodatn note upon the fourch vedc of this Chapcer ; that in dl this prophecy it is l>emr and more fure to expcd: and Cl:ay for the c:xplication by the event, then co give it without any certain ground. Andp,11/tbetormenud] Gr. Rack.fa: thedetilandthedam~ ned have pllnH11tnent wit bout pity, mikry without mercy, Corrow wichour 1uccour9 cryini; whhQU' 'Qmforr, mifchid without me!lfurc, tormmts without tnd, and pafi imagination. For ever ,ind ever] This is as another ht.11 in the mid(l: of hdl, and forccth them to cry, ~cu~~, Woe, \\'oe, as if they lhould fay, ~"' d'c-1, ,,.,"'"' Not 1-wer, not ever, Lord. Whereto confcience anf wereth as an eccho, J.H tJ.,,, ever, ever: Hence that dolefull ~cu, 11'oe and a/M for evcrn~orc. V<:rfe 11. A11d I Jaw a gmu \Yrhite throne] A lively defcripti vn of the lafl Judiemrnt: to 01ew that henceforth, fiaice the lat\ great bllttle, the rww Jm1{Al1M fimuld have no d1fiurbancc dll Chrifi ccrncs to judgrnmn. From \'rhPft face the earth, &c.] To{hew either his terrible~ ncs,or their renovation, i Pet.3.12. Rom.8.u. Vc:rfo 1 i. Sm1tlt iend great J It is the common opinion, that men {hall rife :sgain in that call and goodly '1aturc ot body wherein A d'1m was created : or at lean in that vigour ot age tbat a perfctl m!ln is llt !lWOUt 3a. years old > eacb in their proper fex. A11d hmunto fome think the Apoiitle alludcth , Ephef. 4. 1 3 But M. BriJ.htman holds, that in the refUtreB:ion e1ery one fuall ap
fire {rom heaven OuU devcur him.


A. Comen1Ar1

"I'" the REv

BL A 't 1 ON.


cordi~g to law written fha\l the Jndge pa[e fcntcnu, tbc cenfcicnce either accufing or excufing. The book..of l~fi ] Thu Gods dcB:. may be feen an~ ~nown. God neither necdeth nor ufcth hooks to Judge by : bus this 11 fpekin l'fcet the manner ot men. UH1rdecail nam~ was ~c:gifired in the Chronicl~sof Ptrjia. T111mrlttP1c h"d ~lwaaes by hun 11. C1u.- rurt~ift. u;~ l<>gue ofhis btft frrvam&, and tbtir good ddem, whicb be d:iily

pcrnled. Verfe 13. ,Ana thefeA] Thofc that perHhed in the watcrss and thofe whofe afhes were tcattered upon the wams,as J1hnHn[fes: whom afcer they h:d burnt~ they beat his ~care with their fiaves and cail: lais alhes mto the nvcr. But there 1s a fubll:ance of the saints bodies prefervcd, by a kcret influence: from Cbrilt their
head, and their dull is precious. Vede 14. And Jtath anahe/J] There il1:dlbe an Utter end oi all <:vi ls and enemies, nothing lch to di!quict the Church. She thall k~ than (}for otf7 as Laz.aru,s did the rich man, :ind be able to lay ut th\.m,as {he dtd ofhcr:m:ufcrs, fgh,8. tb~J ""'e "U l"HI. Verfc 15, And who(iever] As thofe Priells were carhic:red that could not prove their pedegn:e, E~;r,1.62)6 3.


----------- -------CH
A p,

ilG ~fore

Vcrfc t, .And I {Aw A new htAVtH] Ew llue, but the fam<i for mmer and as an old garment tranfiated is called new one N and as who fo is in Chtilt is a new creAt"re.
for form 1nd

pear in that ftature, in w1'ich he departed out ot this life, aod

that the contrary opinivn doth manifclUy contradift this Scripture,

.An" the hook.! 'Wm openta] The books of ce11fciencc, faith Orig1111 ~~ ~~~ ~~ript~!~s, !~~~~ ~Ht#fl~n~ :. ~~~b,Uy I; ford~C

cor lnG

Paffea away] ;, 't Were purged trom their vanity and defilements. And there Wano more faa J j, t. Trouble and turnu\c. The fca is ofit felf rd\:lefie, aod oft toifed with Cl:9rms and tempells, Jfo. S7 !lo. As for the element ot water i' ~lull remain, pr~ bably, as canh, air, and fire d\lc. .Anamu thanks there lll1ll be nomorefea. Verfe ,, Tht bo/1 City] The Church in glory, faith DioJ,.~e. The Church wayfaring and warfaring, faith Brightman,~hofe mtcrprc:tation of this text, N ititur conjtllHr~ optiibiU m11gu qHAtnJ opinM!ili, faith Par1H1. . . . .As 11 ~riJ1 '"''"''"' &~,] B1fuGp Raley, the naght before he

_Q.q ~



_.______________ -------------------ahap. 21 . A c~m111111111 p1n.theRavn unoN. . 589

h;it~r~d ~--ii1vi~~d-~!_s _ hofte-tfe~d~-;~~at;-t~ -his

mamagc : fOL, laid he, cu morrow I mull: be married. Some othe~ M:ircyrs went as merrily to die, as ever they did to dme. ycrfc 3 aAnd I beard 1t great voit:t J To confitm the vifion ldl: at lhou\d be: choughc a ddufion. 1 - ' B e?otd.the ~bernatlt J His fpeciall prefence both of grace and glory 1s w1ch his de~. Sec E"ek_.37.27,28. He Will dive/I \~ith them J He w1~l iudwdl in them, 1 Cor. 6, 16. Stie the Note c~cre. The enJoymcnc of God is heaven it felf, cherdorc God 1s called heaven, I h11ve fi~11td air.ii1fI1

.. Verfc 6. It u tJm p~~iih~c~t-~fth~wick-;d~- c;;:.,~ ---------- 16.17. (See the Note there. ) So the reward of the righteous is performed and accomplilhcd. . I "'ill give unto him ] Whereas fon:ie good fo~l might fay : .I would it W{rc once done. Have pac1ence (faith God ) I will 01orcly give umo him thac is athirfr co drink of chat. torrent of pleafure, that runs a-t my right hand, without any either let or loathing. Ciitorio qrJicun <J.1 fiu'm de fDnte levttrit, . Ovid.,\fa.i-,,,t J inu (ugit gaudtt"1 meru abflt mi'!' 1111d11, ' Of the \\'teter oflifo,ftee/1] B~c rnera~mongers will ~at ha~1e it freely: therefore they fhall go Without at. Crelum gr"tu noH ,.,..



Vcrfc4. And qodfoa//Wipt41V'1J] As mothers do their chiL drens t~ars. S ono1" dnd fghi~g foal/ fi~~ iHPflJ B"c" fhall be turned mr~ BerachAh, fighing mto finging, mikry into majdl-y: as ~ E /J~abcth was exalted from a prifoner co a Princefie and as c_>Ur Henry 4 was crowned the vcry fame day that, th~ year before, he had been b:mil11c:d the Realm. . . No more death J For mortality fillll be f wallowed up of 11h:. . Neither (orro>V ] P.ropcrly ~or lollc of friends ; for we '11all mkp~ral>ly and evcrlallmgly enJoy them. We foA// fit down With

cipi"m, faith VirgA. _ . c Vedc 7 He tht1t ovtrcomttb J Gr. He tl:MI u 1>v1~CMll~1(,0r o 11!vi''1u4fl not 7ee/Jing, tho~1gh he hath not yet overcame. H he but domg :it fJ.ti m<.M'
ir, and do not yedd up che bucklers. Shafi inherit aO things J Tan'luam htern e.\' n.J!t. All Gods f1:r vanes art: fons, and every ton an heir. Verfc 8. But theft.,.r6'0] Cowardly recreants, white-livered milk fops, that pull in theit horns for every pile ot gralle thac toucheth them, that are afraid of eviry new fiep, faying as Ctt,(ar ac RNbicon, r et \\It '1'4] go back.,; that follow Chriil: afar oft~ ~s I'ettr : rfm tremble ahcr him, iHi 'ht people dh~ ~her /J,.H/, i Sam.13 7 and the next new~ is, Tht.;y w~r~ {cmered trom him, ver[.n. Thefe lead th~ rmg-dance of this rout of repro b:m.s: and are fo hatfd of Cbrilt, that he will not imploy them fo brre, as to break a pitcher, or to bear. a torch, Judg. 7. . . And unbelieving J Therefore fiarfi1ll, bec:mre unheliev!ng: for faith fears no fray-bugs; but why do ye fear,~ t: fm'1ll f.uths? faith our Saviour. Verk9. Onnf the [even 0ngds J T~e_lam~, likdy, that CIMt 17 1. h1d tliewed him the d!lmnat1ol'l ot che W~ure. 5o Uucdious and officious arc che Angcb to frrvc Lhc Si\1m~1 Htb. 1. 14. .. . The Bride, the lambs Wifo J V .-.:or fi1lg~t r,1d& s m.mt1, faith the Civilian: {o is it ht:rr. Vede 10, To a greAt and high mo1'ntai1'] ~~ M~[o WJSCal' ricd up into mount Nebo, that trom thence he might view the pro mifed land. He that would contemplate heaven, mull; foar aloft, Q.q 3 flie

~n1 .:._,)

K(/~) ll

t:.Alm1h""'' /fo,1c- anJ [a~ov, have communion wirh them not only as godly mell~ but as Cuen and fuch godly men. And H 'witb them, why not Wlth otheiw whom we have kHown and loved in the body? N:r crying] ~~liuft in tragttdijr, laich II& or ~~1y more p1un J. Or, Hard labour for a /ivtlyhood to be go rem\\ Hh che (wcat either of brow or brain, For tlu for me: things ,&c. J The Latins call profperous thi~gs, Res ~ecrm~,u, b~caufc they are co be had htreafttr : lhey are not
g.hc t\dt thmgs. Vcr~t 5. v:'Yill.' fi .. tf'JI(~ \~orJ, tfr~ ff1frh(MI nough few me.:~ will bd1cvc chem for 1f chey did, what would they not doc

?rlorgo C? get hc::iven? Cleombrotus readiPJg P/a101 book ot the unnwrcalicy ~f th<:: .foul, was lo ravifhed with the coRceU: thereof, th~c he cart hrn1felf headlong into the lea. Bue how many reading this better b?oi< of heavens h:ippindlc, are no whit wrought u 0 chereby, or m the kafl meafure moved to afied thofe things atxfv1q that nm 1'mlld with the lite of. q~d and line of ecemity i ' . Ve fc 6.

flie an high pitch, &c. Take a tum with Chrift in mount T t1bor.
and be transfigur~d. Vt:rk 1 I. Havin1,the glor1 of GoJ] Who pumth upon her his own cPmtlinr:s, E~e~ us. as R14chet was decked with I(a1ic' s
jcwds. Even likt a '/-afper J And fo, like God himfdf~ who is fee out by :i J1fvcr, Chttp.4.3. C/Mr 114 Cry fl all J There is no (uch j:ifper in nature as is thus clear ! bm filch an one mull hore be imagined. N ec Chrif1111 J nee ~wlrrm p4titllr byperbt>leu. Vcrfo 1a. Andh.1d11 \\1all] Farbccter then thacot 'Bah1Lon.In deed this cddHall China needs no wall to divide: it from the T-ir tars: this is Ar116ia Fm/ix, the peoplt! whereof live io kcuricy,and

.A commmi~1

"P'" theRnvn LAT ION.


tirCl: laid by the cwelve Apoftlcs : In whofe nm\es alfo elite fummc of ChriC\ian faith is made up in thofe i:welve Articles of the Creed. D ifaeJ{uri ab invicm1 A pofMi TnohrmA~LJ priedcMionu in c~mm"~econftitNHnt, faith. Cyprian. e \~O {Hes being to be fevered mco feverall Counmes co preach the Gofpel agreed upon this as the fumme and tubilance ot thm Sermons. Jt ~as ca\kd S7mbo/Hm, a fign or badge to dillinguifh Chrifi:iar.s
from unbdievers.

C;r. ~ u.

Rad t'lf(IW fo1mdt1fion1] Foundation is taken either for Chrict,

fear no enemy. .And h~d twelve g"tts] Theb11 had an hundred gates, and was therefore called E>(!lonp.7TV1'1@-, but mnhing lo wdl {(:c, and io (ommodious for paffengers, as this City with cwdve gacts. Twtlve v1ngtl1] As porters te> kc in, not as fwordmen to kcrp our, as the .hngc:l that ~ood Ceotinel at the porch of P:m dife, GtH.3. Ver(e 13. On th~ EAfl tldree gates J The Church is colkCled, and heaven filled from all quarters of che earth. Hence it is by on~ compJrcd to the S"marimnJ Inm: ( mi~Jhx.c~ov) becaufo jc n:ct:i vetb and lodgech all ilrangcrs that c@mc. In the Synagogue there was not lodging for all: the Ammo11iu1 and the ut401tbitu were excluded the Congregation of lfrael. But Ch rill: was born in an lnne, to rJgnifie thlt in bis 1'io_gdow all may bi: tmmaincd. He is called the fmma ~d~m: the Greek letters ot which nan'\e (as CJPrian n'1tcth) do {everally fignifie all the qu3 r ters ot the <.'mh. His garments were divided i:mo four pares, bt'caufo cut el what /'. ct}noll~. coal~ or pm foc:vcr we come (faith a D1vi~e) Chri(t hath garA,Na-.r ments to cloath us, and room co receive us. There arc that have A AfX.70 ~\. ~wrnp.f e:<'. obferved that the name of God in all the chief languages <oa!ilkth oHourletten: ( n~ i11i1' SB3c, D11u. Dit11. Gott. &c. ) co imi mace elm ht: lmh his pcopk in an the four q1.mters oi chc tilfthJout cfall countries, nations and laRguagea. Vtrfe z+ vfnd the 'Wa/J J A wa~l the Church hath abOllt it,ar.d 1 wdl wichin ic, t1erf.6. A gar1fo11ncJo(ed u my jifltr,1111 fPoufe, JPriHg fb11t 11p, a fo11ntain foaled, Cant. 4 12. This wall uf the Oiurch hath twclvc foundatiem 11 that is,. (.h{il\ the ooly foundacions

1 Cor.3.11. Mat.16.t6. orforthedoetrineotchc:.t\pol1k5 teaching fa\vacion only by Jefus Cbrifi, as Eph.ef.2.10 .. and here. The Papills have lately add.ctt twelve new Amcks, ra1fcd out of the Councel of Trent, to bebelieved by as many as flull be laved ' as above hath been noted. Verfo If Hadagcldenrml] Nottho{e twelve Trent-Articlcs,or any humane invention, but the word, :is Chap.1 1. ~.' wherewith is mcafurcd not the l'emple only as there, b~t tht: City, gates

and wall, as E~rk+

Vtrfe 16 .AtJd tJu CilJ litth fattrfq1111re] So was .R11b7l n of H~ 0 d I old {as Urrodottu defcribcth it) which yet was taken by Cyt-111, Alr.:t:andfr,and fi.mdry other t:nemies. Ht!aven aHo is cake.n)buc by anocher kindc of violence, then by force ot arms. The 1olad !quare whcrtby it is ,here tet forth,commends ic to us: 1. 'for llable an.dun- Hcb.11. is. fuaken,lmmotn mantr,1s it is f:iid of Ptnice,which yet O:ands m th.c: ka and hath but one fireet that is not d1ily overflowed (the Ycnman 0Mocco is,Nrc fl_11f1H,nec flaw movetHr) 2. foduc~ <1slook~ch Turl,.h.fl.llU cvt:1yway,toth~four'orm:rsofthee!lrth,11s Co,,j/t&npi1ople did: which i!> therctore taid co bea Cicy faca\ly found~d tocomma.nd.
1 :

TwrlvethoN(andf11rlongs J About 300, Dutch tn1l~s.;h was nothmg to this City .for biI?ne~c : no more 1s ~!lca!r, Scanderoon or Cambalu, wh1chyec1sia1d co be 28. m1ks ~n c1rcuir;being che imperiall teat o.f the grea~ Cham. .. JbiJ.?f flt1 in chc: 1:1mc Kingdom, is fa ad to be ot all Clues m the world the greudl: : in circuit a h~mdr~d m1ks about~ as P au/I# Ven mu wrimh, who dwelt thewn 1bou.t tile year 12CJ0 .. Bui: ournew 1err1(alem is tar larger: 1 ~coo turkmgs. ( accordmg to fame) make 1 sQo miks; and yet ht: Lhat {hall unagme heaven no larger then io, thall be more won~y co be blamc::d~ then ~be work-men were that built Weflm1nfler-hall ; which Kmg Willi11 the fccond the founder , found great fault with, Q_q 4 for

S92 .4 Commenttry upon the Rn a LA t10M. Chap.n. ~-----Ior being buift-too- iittle--,--faying I le W.lS ficcer for a- Cham-.: !Z>41 Lhron. bcr, then for a Hall for a King of England : and thcrdorc cook a plot for one farre more fpac:ious to bi! added un. to i~ \ Vcrk 17. eAnlJHnard11vcn11 {Vur C11bi11] A Cu)ic is fix h:mdftils. . Th~t i& of 1he Ai1.~.d J Thac apptm:d, as a man, l>.m bjgger nnd hash,r chcn ord1.1ury : Now b..:~~m~e chis huly Cacy 1s thus meafu cd, and that WJth chc mcalure ot a man. Soi1lc chmk it co
and the following Chapters cannot bl' u~herwilc takcn~accordin' to the ictcL r, then of the !lace of tull pcrt1:lt1on, They do bdt i~ my opinion, that take in boch, . . Vcrfe 18. WM of ffl/Jm J ~ fi~ne of great worth and glory, the beauty whereat, faith one, 1c 1s eafitr co admire then to de cl arc. I c h:uh a variety offwc:emeff.: in it ; fuch as none of chc mofi: cunning wits and l111rpe~ e)'es Qre abli: to dilhnguillh H,;;&vcn (we :m.: fort:') is (uch as eye hath not (een, t<Ar h:ich noc hearJ t-c. Somo non valet exprimere, f,~:perimento op111 cft. Word; are to weak touccerirs happindfc; gee to it onci:, and you will fay fo. Pure gold] A meccall chat lhineth in the fire, WJ!lech not in th7 u~c, r~fteth noc wit~ long lying, rotteth not though. call: into bnm: or vmrgar (as I'bn] nomh) to .fht:w tluc chis Ocy it; incorrupuble, invincible. Lik.; unto gl11Jle] Glill:ering gold, fuch as this worlJ affords noc. A~r~ ,,;,i,. . . Verfo 19. eAnd the fou11J11tion1] The Apoflles :md their Kts,;Jj;i1~ cJ911 falt 1 ~, C-!tx.Mi~~,. l f Wl11 flUCCl ours, Who were pur1ores ca/o, jaich Chr1foftome, clearerthen the sky, the very fiars of the world, and How~rs ofthc Churches, as Bafl/ calleth them. Vtrk ~o. The fi/i S11rdon1K] Search is here m1de thorow all th~ bowels ~f the earth.for ro!11etbing of Worth CO fludoW OU[ tht Sames .happmeffe : which 1f It ~ould be fully known (as ic can~ not) 1c wou.ld be no ll:range chmg or t1tank-worchy for ch~ moLl. homblc B ~''"'to become pref~ncly the holieft Saim, or the worlJs greatefi m1mon the moft momfitd man. He chat ddires to know the nature ~nd venues of thefe prcciow fiones may read Epiph,iniHJ, !hilo, J!rlfncif11U, !lHrUI, andochersDegemm~. ?ofephm alfomthethndbgokofhJS?ewi~ .An1i1"itits. That wasanQdd
be mcmr of th~ Churc\-. m:\natlt.

Chap. 2 l.----i C~mmmt;,y upon the RE v B LAT 1 o N.

------S9 3
La .

co~~d~-;;~d--fc;;,~-,V~~ili--;clacing, h~ld-byAn~,.-~,~~M;Cre
''''" tx /,ipidib1u cnt.ff~re , & .diq11:1nd1 co//..1p(urtun, Thlt heaven was m!fdl' up ot ftones, and would one d:1y fall upon mtns heads. r h:it other laying of his is much more m~m~)u .. ble: when being a5ked, Whcrttforc he was born? He an{ wcred, Vt co:lum comemplcr, that I might l.!ufie my thoughts abonc


heaven. .

But {oinc och1.:r P"lfa"\:S in thi5

Vcrfc 21. And the gatn J i, e. Gate-keepers, Preachers ot chc rlghu:ouliles chac is by faith. . . w~u 11-rel-v~ pudJ J All which doe recetve their ~u\:re ar.d worth tram Chrift dm prarl of price, A1atth, 1l the pearl by beating oft upon the Sun-beamsJ l>ccmm:th radiant as the ~un. , w.- p11re J Which no dirty dog may ever mm pk u~on. Vcr!e u. No temple J No need of cxcernall w.or'111ps and ordinances, for they arc all caughc of God: they fee his face, and hear hi~ voice. Now we {e~ bm in p:irr, bt'.cm~e we prophecy lmc in part, I Cor,13. . . Vnfc 2 3. And the Ci11 haa no ntd J . He faith n~t there 0-.,~l be no ~un or Moon, but there 01all be nu iuch need of them, as ~s now, for the Lamb !hall oudl)ine them; fhine they m vcr {o glon. oufly,as they {hall in that new heaven, /(a.;0.26. Vcrte vt . the N lftions] Sec I(a.60 3. and that he fpeak. tthotthclitecocome, Seevtr.11,18,J,9 u. . Do bring thti.r glory J Defpiic a_nd cact a.way all f~r heaven: Canm 111 kt his crown upon the crucifix : whtch, according to the courfc >f thofe times, was held g~eatefi devotion. K Ed1~.6. all~- fol~ ,a;~l~Moni red the Popilh rebels ot DevoHjlme, That he W{i)Uld rather .lofo his Crown, chtm not maintain the Cau(e of God he had ca~en m hand to defend. N a:danun rdoycrd that ht had fome~hmg of valu<.:, ( vi:t.. his Athe11ian learning) to pare with lor Clu1l~,&c. , Verfe For therejhalt /Je 1H111ighr rhcr~] And io n~need to A. 1~1'm~9fma fudQ~n furpriz.e by the enemy ~ atching ~ts opponmmy. Tbe1r n.iM~ day above is a ttightleJ{t ""', as a ht her cals tc. Verfo6. ~nd the] J i.e. [he Kings 1 as ver. 24_. Verlc 27. Ana there jhAO in no Wife J Though the icrpe~t cm1\~ wiad bimtelf into paradifc,yet no uncltan pc:r!on can co1~t: mto this holy Lity. TertuU.i1Cn called Pompeys theacrc ( wh11.11. was the: greaccfi ornamenr. of old Rome) 11rcem omniHm r11rp1tHa1rmm,the Uie of all 111ncl<:an11es. Heaven is none lucb.







A cormnen111r111pon the Rn i t A 1' toN:---chap~-~

-- -- -----------


C H t.



Chap.n. .A CommentAry npmthe Rw. vu u 1 ON. ------.------------ 'Theft fa1i11gs '"6f'1ithfoU11na true J Thus (among other evi dences of its diviRity ) the Scripture tdlifits of it fdf ~ and we
'hat i~t t~fiisnony is true. The Lm1 Goa of th1 h~lf P~t>fhm J some copies h1ve ir, The Lord God of the Jfoirits of the Prophrtt. He is the G~d 1>{ tht [pirif sof ttN ftrfb, buco~ tbdpirits of Prophets in a ipcciall man. ner : for thole holy men fpake no ocher wife, then as they wetc at\:ed or imbreathed by the holy Gholl:, 2 Pet. 1, 21. Sec the Nocc chne, S1t11 hu .Angtl] As Ch11p. 1. 1, The authority therefore of chis bool~ is ~nqudlionablc, what ever fome have furmikd frolJl Ch.ap. ;io. 4. that it was th~ w~rkot C1rinth111, or tome othlr milkna1y. Vcde 7. 'Blef[1a 14 he that kupcth] In memory and manners, Chap. 1. Thoie were pronounced happy th1t read and hear. bt1t fo as they rttaio in mmde, and prad:ifo the contents ot thif> book.
Vcrlc 8. S1tw thcfe things and heard them J So that there is


Verfe 1. A f1Jt'1 riv1r]

1\.,.',Or muddy as nilm, but dcu as C 1t!iirhor. The aUufion l ~ frcms to be ro that carth:y P:mdife (o well watered, Grn. 2, or die to J!:t:el 47. This r~ver is ChriU, '}oh. 4 14. and fo is th~t- m:c of lift:, vtrfc 2, 1 be {econd eAdam 1s a qHickt,,ini


V l!rfr i. In the midft of t~e flrm of it J In t1mlio firo tjHI, where aU may ~1fily come by tt; nae kept with a (hong guard,- as the apples of Alcinoru, Hrfjuridei, &c. Twelve m:rnmr of fruits J Heavens happin::ffes arc fo many that they c~nnot be numbred, fo great.that chey cannot be meafu red, fo copious that they cannet be defined, lo precious that they cannot be valued. E wry moncth ] Like the Lemmon tree which ever and anon fetldeth for ch new Lemmons, as loon as the former ue fallen down wich ripcn~s. And the leaves] No wane of any thing eitller for food or phy fid<.Ita b11/butit nobifcum Dtm. Verle 3. .An~ there foaU b1 n_" more curfa] N cafiing out by Excommumcauon : no csufeof any fuch thmg. Of God ~nd. of thtlamb J He and the Fatherare one, 1oh, 10. 30. See the Note there. Verk 4. eAna th~y fo.1n fee hi& ft?Ct!] How we fh:ill f~c God, "'.h~th~r with o.ur rn.mdsonly ,or w~th bodily eyes wt Chall behold lus mv1fible MlJdly in the glorious face of Jt:fus Chrin, chere can nothing be: d<:tetmincd. And hiJ name Put/I b~] As fervants ot old had their m:Jll:ers n:imc branded in chfir fore-heads. Verfc f. iv.Ind there foall he nd night J See the Note on

no colour of caufe why any one {hould dGubt or d1{\rnll fud1 a witm:He. .J {iil,dow,n to ~orjhip J This is the fmmd time. Ii is hard to fay, tow oft a Saint llll)' tall into the fame fin : howbeit tht'y fin ot. incogicancy; put thtm in mindc, and chcy mend all. They fin of paffion, and paffipas laft not long. There is no W111 of \\'ick.f d' 3-;. nesin theu:i 1 they make not a tradeot it, Verk9. Srerhoudoitnot] Seetht:Notef>n Ch11p.1910. For I Al# tl>1 fi/lpwfer 1wst] Wicliffe difallowcd en~ invoc:iti CJn of S:sims and Angels, whom he called krvancs, not gods. los: the word Kt11we which he u{ed fignified, in d.ofc daies "farvant, not as ic doth in 0111r daies a wicked varlet, as his enemies malicioufly &nterpret it ! JJ~/'HJJiJ11 for on~1 a man ucmly ignorant ~f 'h; Englilli congu::. . . Vt:rfc 10, St!al no.t] Ketp them not up fonhioc own proper u{c (as he did that wrote upon his \Vncings, 7rJ. c-idp1ll.U7~v, thing' Chap.21.25. for mJ/elf) but freely imparc chem, and in fucb fort as that others For the Lord God] He ch1t is :'ur;~.-.>~, Light effentiaR. 01ay conceive and iillprove tbe111. And thq foal/ rai~n J Raign cogethr with ChriA: a p:trt of F~r the ti,,,e i4 At h1ir.d J And every daies events finll explain whofe jJy it is, that Wl! Gull be where he as, 1oh.17. 20. wall not du prophecy. be long wichouc i..s. Vcrle 11 '. Her hat uunj11p &c.] q. J. Let th:ngsb~ fort!toln Vcrft 6. And he (Jid smto mt J This is the conclufion of the never 1o plainly, aod fall ~ut gcvcr io atcordingly, yet wid<\:d uu.n whole prophecy : and it is very ausult and majdticall, will Thifi



______ _____

A Com111e11tAr1 t1pon the R 11 v E 1. AT 1 o N. Chap 2 t, ------__,_ --------------- - -----will be uncounceUable, uncorrigible, I (a. 26. Io, B 11-t if ""J mAn 61 i:.norant, ltt him be i_~norant, 1 Cor. 14 18. He fals with opeA <:yes, lee hilll foll ~this own peril : who lo blind,e as he that will noc fr.1.:~ Fphraimhjoynedtoidolr,lcthim11/onl'. He hath ll'adea mJtch \\11th mikhid, he llull have his belly.full of it. Ltt him be ,.i{hteom ftill J L':t him prefcYern and Llr0ceed. Yt:rll: 1 i. Erhflld, I cDme quickJy J Thc:rdore quicken your pace, l>dlir your felve~ \ullily: >our cimc is fhorc, your ca~k is long your w:igts unconceival:k. 11J14 and Omrga J And am therefore Vtrfr 13, I am A 1 1 worthy tJ be bdit:ved in my pn:didions ot f urun: events, which I c 1n cafily bring about and dtlet, fich co me all things arc


.. ,___..





Vrrfo 14. Th.11 th~y "'")hiivtt<ight J Th~t they ma.y be af furt:d ot tht'ir inccrdl in Chrifi and his kmgdome, l'bunrch eds of E 11Jo:ou, chat he would be willing co be uurnc up by the ~um1c prdcntly, io he might be adm1rccd to come fo near ic, as to k.un the na~ure of it. What then fhould not we b~ conccnc to doe or lutkr for the enjoyment of Chnft aml he:ivcn ? Vcrfc 15. For\\ ith,utaredog1) Inouterdarknes. Tbefr;p, aiL will fooncr brook a toad or fn:ike to live therin, then hea vcn will

brook a finner.

And ~ho(otver lrrvrth] Though he make ic not. Some will not coyn a faHe tlle, that yi:c 1,vill fprcad it i tilde ar~ ,qually guilty, and 'xclnded Gods kingdom, J>f. 5 i,;. Vcrfc 16. J-I.tvf. fent mine A"gd J Wich wearinesofflight,

bcn up David by my D.:icy: but am born ol him, in regard of my hum:wicy. Vtrfc I 7. A ;-;d t lu f pirit 1tnd the hride J i.e. The bride fanCl:ifi cd and kt a work uy the: ipirit, Rom.B.26, And let him hcare1/, 1:~1. Come J Abrupt fentcnccs fu\l ot holy atktlion, q d. Let him i'>ray daily, Thy k}n,gdam com~. Hiu pit t.u 11bi prifc(f 1p-,.of.mte J ttmpor.i l m14nai. F te.\ 1 v:fpcr 1pr ope 11.J.t 1omora 1Chrif1e veni. And/ct him tlMt is 11thirft come J q. d. If yon chink me long :a coming, come ro me in mint: ordinam:cs; th1.'rc I wiO JI ~11ou rvir h .applc:sJ com/Drt }IJ/4 \\~j1hJl.i,f!,f.l>J.f, C:mc.2.~. . T~e \\',1ur {i-etly J Se;e the Note on Ch.-p,i i,6,

aSDt1n,9.i1. f 11m tl1c root J That

Verfc 18.



ahap:i-2-:----.A"Commtnt11ry upon the RB v BL A'I' IQ N.

Verfe 18. If n1manfb111J11dd1 unto th1/1 1hin.c1] Bither to this or to any of the fore.going books of Scripture, DeHt.4.2. Prov.30.6. G1C/.3,1s. 2 Tim.3.16.17, All which notwithfl:and ing, the Jews have added thcir'DeHterofeil, the Turks their .Alf1rta, tht: Papifts their unwritten Yerities, which they equalize (at leafr ) to the Scripcures. Verfc i 9, And if ar.1 mifnfoi1U tak..! "W"J J Sith every word of God is pure, precious and profitable, Pro11.30.s, 2 Tim. 3. 16. Vcde 20. Even (o: Come Lord Jefiu ] This is the common and ~on(hnt vote ol illl good pcopk ; 1md is therefore pinned as a badge upon their ilt:evc, 1 Thejf,1.10. Sec the Note there. Verte21. ThegrAceofo11r Lora] An epil\olary conclul1on. The Rcvdation is rather to be counted an Epift:lc then a booh,Rcad it as font us from heaven, and tllminate what ye n;ad.



---------------------- - - -

--- --------------

'Deo foli qtoria.


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8vfelliftcium rrheolouicum,
0 R T H E

~t ~

iHMARllOVV~~ ~~ O F itil~ . -~I Many goodAuthours.~~! 9*1 is-(

~~Painfully and

carefully extracted and



di!\illed into a Dccad of divine Difcourfes,

. byway ofExercitation,Efi'ay,or Common. place..
Wherein thefe ten Heads are b.rgely handled :

~f ..
~~ ~~ 1
11 ~~I~

3( ~

i *'

.Ahjlintn(e. .AdmonitiM.

~~.Anger. .A1oft11&y.

Arts. Athtifmu.

~~~ ti~!

~ l~




-, ____ -- ------- ------------------------- ------- 0~4 By 1ohnTrApp M.A. Preacher Gods ~E I at Wtjlon upon Avon m Glo&eJter-jluru. J~ ~I ------- 1 1 3~ ~' Ifie a.I Ni.oc'1m. .. Is
Xf~ 7tlf u'tt1pJf~1,, Ii ~ilrn /2El-.T.N 1hr.;r, Ir~(.


~f Word~.~~ .
~ ~


'* I :t.~::::::~::~:::~::.::~~~-~llJ4:
Lo ND ON.,

Printed by A.

M .for

~olm BeJl,m~y at the Signe of the M


------------.--------------'--- -----------------------------



The v/uthour to the ~ader.

~~~~~-!l Hen I

i' I

ther, referred thee~ R~ader, for

firil fent up fome otbcr of my .Notestothe Prdfc, I had no intent at all to publ.i01 0 .for prefent, this imperfelt piece. But being fince admonifhed by a Re~erend Divine ( who had the perufall of thofe unpolifhed papers -0f mine) thai I had here and


fol' fatisfatHon, to my Common-phcesnot-yetexta.nt 7 {lndtherefure by him and others ~ncouraged to fend them abroad, for an Effay, as they Wtre, I have done ro as thou feel\: : And mall ei-

ther go on, or give over here, as I finde my fervice accepted of the Saints. Mean-while, might I but obtain St Paulsre- Rom.15 11. qu~f\: ofthee ;CYenfor the Lord {e(I# Chrifts fake, 11nd for R 9 the lov_e of the Spirit, 10 ftrive ~ogtther wit~ thy pr~iers 11 ~~:~1f;~ ,Jo to Gotlf'or me, th11t I may he deltvered from trrattonal a~d 1~re- ligious men,. and that I may come unto thy heart with joy, 6y the will of God, Andinthefi,/ncfa'e ofthe hlcfing of the Gojpet of chrifl; 0 how happy {hould I hold my felf therein, and how readily fhould I repay thee thy praiers in the c:nfuing words, and fay, Now the God ofpeace he with thy [pl-. rit: t._Amm.





To the learned and reverend Authour.
And here tbtTithe Alsm i.s paid. O 'l'8 pay the 7'it he cemmem:/ die



F Dec"ds

ten yoll pmnije ??Mtle,

0 F

Ith L~ity, bM not i11 T<>U. where arc the Nine? Whttt doththiJ mw;? A promife fat, apAiment lean ? Jerre. Tth7ithcthe Ni11e I fae; Nine ltfttjes; 11[11/l Cmwry. 'Ihep~immt thus u vtry right, Tho11~h11et ;,, n11m~er, J'tt in weight. Ytt Jbefeech you ,die the reJt. of th11t t/JAt,5 choice the mo.ft iJ beft.

Many good 'Authours,

Extrall:cd and difHlled into a Decad of
divine Difcomfes.

----------------------- ------------

R 0 V.


when thou (tttefl to eat with a Rreler, c1nftdur diligently what e's


w 0.

D l1 (j A l\ D, .Art .Mag. C1mt'1i.

before thee : And P"' dnift to thy th;o11t, if th111. be A m~n given to teppetitu. Be not defiroUJ of hi-s dainties : for they ttredeceitfull meat.
Tng Solomon, having f.hcwed in the lall: verle of the former Chapter, that diligence fets 1King.a1,\8, a man in the prefenc~ of Kings, as it had done '/eroboam in his prcfc:ncc, becau(e he found him dexterous and diligenr, handy, and mcetf<k the work he here dim~ts fuch, when fo prefer'~, how to behave = thcmfdves, if'fet 11t table efpecially ; 1,To vcrf.1; confider where to feed, verf. J. for a man is tor~cd many titts amid(\; the variety of meats, wherewith great mens tabl~s u{ua.lly fwe6t, to eat doubtfully (as one fp~aketh) not well lmowmg H. r 2 what




------. -


-------------------- ---


604 An s 1' I N Jl N c B ---------wh~-tpieccc~-\litch u~on, what dHh to deal wichaU.

vc1r~. . v:r1.: ':

~. To


til_11ifotothtirthr0tit, (as AhenE:<.r.crcndcts ic) tathir th~n.nflend by inordinate. !i.p::;-:cb~. ~. If yc:c they fiu~e I !rn 1s f)'i!ft,.! chemldv~s ovi:t-ddlrous ot chofe damuos, co bridle chrmldvts m 'JE1c1-,G1 ~ "')-~ by n11in force, to lord it over thdr lufls, no: cov.:ting chc C:ltl'S d 7 rrou. r.c.."- l' a !tin~, hut b~in.; cmm:m Wilh p,rudl r:Hhi;r, JJ'.inid anJ hi~ tlm:l: ftUows, lor the ke,ping ot a good con!cicnce. The often inculcating che duty imporcs: 1. A n:.ccfficy, and th:itic1nu(lbedune, orwcareundone. 2. D1rnmlt) byrcafon Dol1. ofour {hong inclination co intemperance; ag1inll which thmJm:e keep we a {hong guard, curbing and conrroulm~ the cuncnpik1ble foculcy, a1Jouc alimcncary objects, relhaining lXCctl'e both in me:irs (which is Abflinince {hictly takl!l'J ) and i11 dLinks, which propc1ly is Sobri~ty, whereof hereafter in its pl:icc. Abll.inem:e ord~rs a man in the ufe et mears. chac ic be nd ther unle:ifon:iblt: for the time, nor unrc:donabll.! for the mta hlre. 1. As touching the time. It is a faulc not to oltft:rvc due hours Mn.1 4 s. ofe:uing, Eccle.10. 161 17. to fare ddicioufly every day, Luk., ,,.re.:'6mi:, ear- 16.19. 'fo rioc in che d:iy time, 2 'Ptt. i. 1 3. 'f o teaft, wlKn (:iod ing, 111 tlu: pre- cals to fofting, I (ri ii. 12, I 3. which is therefore called a d,iy of frnt c~nfc, ~on reftraJnt, Jod :a. 15, b.:c1ufo we fhou\d then rdlrain our klvcs tlntll.[ ~.1tlll'' t ll T 111,4 f f { a~ l>i ii:c hCJlls. rom ai m1:ac, 11 Pl> luie, or a ca on; th1t nature may be chaHi11" 11 5""~~ a fti!rd, yet not di fabled for ducy: Or atleafi. from bn"'d Df drjirn, priva1iua p.1r as D,miel thu m '"of dtftres,Dan.9.23. He ate no plcafant breld, th11ta v1), t.:J' neither came lldli nor wine in bis moucb, &c. tor ~hre~ whol\! ~~frn weeks cogccher,bccaufe it went ill with the poor people of God.Mr :i.,J. R oger1 M . har d tlme . ma de a mouon . to t'or b~ar one w~ al a .AU. anti MiJ7J, . 1myr,ma uu.11 5 $ day. Mr n'ifrheart ,a Scotch-Martyr ,forbue one meal in thret, Fut:;i114 Ar;~cn one day in four, for the mo(\: part, except fomething co comfort wius ex ,zu. nature. God chrearncch thofo chat do not a~fhin in :m evil time, ii~dritarr:fena- Amos 6,A,7. And the Romans punitbtd it in one that frafl~d and '"' in carcatm ,. dtMt"', qubJ looked mat at a window, With a garland on his he1d, in the kcond
1 ,

h;th11t ucr;;/~-;;;uhl~th hil 011n fi_ifo, P~~~-1-;:-~7. Th;iare~1 claufe Rabbi LetJi e{Jotmdeth (and A1ercer is of the fame minde) Mere in tu. co be meant of thole chat place th~ chief fervice of God in affii Cling and pining their bodies, wheteas bodily rxercife profitetb

2. We may not p1mper the body, cater for the jlrfo: prefcrve Ro.11.lJlt, it we mufr, mak! provjion for it we may nor. Dd>tcrs we art, to fee tQ ir, not to live to it; Rom.8. 1 2. We may noc live to t:u, l>uc cat co live : lclfe we muit eat tien nature ddires, and yet {o much as reh'efi1eth nature, and makes us tit for the fervicc of God and snm. Tak.! heed to yor1r ft/vu, faith our Saviour co his Dlf.ciples (And who would have thought that they, who ordinarily ted upon barly.brcad, and once had no bettn a Sundaits dinner, then a few cars of corn, rub>d betwixt their hands, {hould need any focb Ta~hud?) that 7our he11rts he.not o'V~r"'h11rged 'With. Lu\t, u.i.f. {ttrferi11g, &c, Ana fo rbat daJ com~ upon.10" 11naw(.~n. But the Go{pcl tcachcth to li'te (oberly, or, re,,.per11tcl1, Tit.~. u, and reckons furfeting among the deeds ot darknes, Rom. J 3. I~. the

works of wickednes,Gat.s. 21 .Such as are manitdl co be unworthy

. . . R1Af.1. As men we l))ou\d be abitinent;it being the excdlency of a man above a beafi: ;an act ot reaton fubduing lult, ot the tupt!r~vur faculties, t~prdling tl1e inkriour tenfi:ialities. And, as in the uai cible faculty, it is the glory at a man tc;> paffe by an in.dignity ;,. a1~d he is a braver man th:At can conquer his paiftons, as [11cob did m the rape of Dinh, then thatconquembaCity, as his fonsdtd the City of Slmhn :1 So the conc.upifcibl.c faculty, it is an high pr:ute,. To abfJaitJ fi'om flefh/1 tufts which fight "~ainfl the {fol; to fay m~y tofenfuaU appetite, and perempcoriiy to deny his tar~ nall itlt,~ as David.did io the wau:r of the well ot Btthlehem, a~d Alexatttltr in-hiscr.avds thorow.che~ry ~elertsdi ind;,,. He was
of us:, 1. As men. i. As Chrieliao men.

Y.//!', 1'~n

~~;),~~~~"" '' ~'r7~i d ~ 20 :. IJ

Plat~ appetitii 111 ' cqua


plt1~1v ~e..lJ'X!.' "f!J~'" 0 ~ ir,WJ~


1>d.~u. ci:w~111r:rJ.5r" , 1 ~~i'. 1 ~cmmv 10

1c111pm belti Puoi~k war, fu,,cfli cp{c (o i. Forthe meafure. 1. We may not negle8: the body, dtfraud '"' l.eJari 'lJrfu our Ge11i111, macerate and wnfpiric our fdves overmuch, as thofe

1/I l'lin I c.7 C I among the luxurious Ephefians, .At.and f.fti.'J. o 1. 2J as Timo th1 l ivmg /aJ.&~'i 1 Tim.s,23. AndasNicol-r1Shttterdenswih:theM:myr, waom he c~d<.s i~ a lcuerco her for her <:xceffivc faflins, though of a pi-

ous mt<:ntion. 'Tht mtrclfo/J "'~"doth good to hid


foHI: but h1

wont to fay, That te was the bsfefr chmg mthe world to i>lay the J1 1 uina.~ 'l.i1iIJ '!Epicure; and}bdJ C0 that principle, be had been faft and 'IJOW 1111&xm1~ happy. nut Whtnjj'.U$ 111"11UTllli brHU 6r11jl mad~ to b6 m~n 4114 ex1 robraiile .. abftrJJieJ, iH \\lhdt ht k.,Mlf! Hll~llJl,.,. he btg:Jn to COTTJ1p1 himfr/f 1 1; t:. art~, ( aabotllS&.PL-m and1~l11uar..havei it~ i he Mm~IJ pr,wifbca .j,, hn ~iic ;~,~. o:w11&111rwpiion1~ .Sudidthuold world,~ tbofo montirous men of l. l'ct.i..u . condition. .. They. Were '1~~~vn:) faith S. Mtthew, Eating "' Jude 10 bn1te hetAjl ulo ( fo the: word fignities, for cth~rwife it is no tault ~lt. 2 4 ~ \ h co ~at ) .when the .floud ovcr~~belmed them. Whether it were tl~tHJ:teJ.u tt Rr 3 lawfuU - .

:~.~~f:~, 7


--------------A B s T I N D JC c I. .607 la wfbll for them before the Aoud co eat fldh, the Dotlours arc di. d;~~;(--ch-a~br~~ght a great prcfent ro s oly;:;~ g~e~-~ T~rk.}. vidcd, and I determine not. But after tht! floud God faid co NoGeno j were feaftcd by the B a(f11es, their chct:r w_as only rice s~d n~ur ah, and his fons, B'lcry movin.~ thin{ that liveth /h.1.11 be meat um; and chat lo plainly and fparingly drdkd (l:mh che Hallorian) for yo11. But m:uk c111c ic is added, E vt11 "'tht -~run h(rb /Jave H;'Xaptil. in lac. t.~iw" JM ,,I/ 1bi,,g1 1 tb:it ii;, iob1:rly 1 anJ wi[hout rnrh>licy, co as if chty had thtnby n~tcd our gourmandif~ 1m~ cxc;dle, who mea(urc not our ch\:ar by chat which nature rcqulrcch, bllt that Vcll' bomiii t:ikc IU.::h things as are at hand, as D: W:!let incerpn:rs 1c. N \tut~ which greedy sppetit~ ddirech, as if chm:in confitkd chc greacefr l' k bil ita trngujlu 11 :;lto kt:mc~h co re:ich the fame thing in givin~ mail fo little :i nol.nlity. And chedri_nk for the great B11JTit~1 thlmfdve.~, right fo~',:~.' .11n11:m pr c 1i: mouth, WICh a narrower chrn:ir, a ldkr bdly rh~n other creamrts, eafic to be had, was.fair water ouc of the river DAnHhuu, &c. l1qui1 uni;,;ar,ti SS Chry(o/frnnt o!JfotVCth; and in tying concupi!CtllCC to tbe fioWine isa prohibited wareamo~gfi: t~tm (faith my for~t:r Au Lus .le.Ju,&.:. mack and belly ( the lowdl place) as one wvuld tie an horfe or c,/;ryfo/f. ff I Pl-''~ h:ic h 1c. ~ L thour ) which maketh tome dnnk w1ch kruple 1 ochers wach dan .. Nilnlti ;ii u tJ/i a i: cot ie manger, as A refcmulance and good ger, The bater Cort, when taken drun~, are~ot c~n ballin1doed G~ n1 unt u~i I uprd r.i melcoru tilli enough tor luch bea!Uy belly-gods, as glur chemfdvcts with t.Jods the bare teer. And I have teen fome, :steer a fie ot- drunkennelfe, lie 10 S 111i 1.11111n gooct crt.:amres, which chey devour, a~ af their throat:; were whirla whole night crying. and praying co Mtthomtt for incerceilion, /aruq; dcmi,15 pools, and their p:inches bottomldh:: crying out wich the hurl:. that I could not Oeep near chem. So flrong is confciencc, t.ven (et1a_,, 1e.:."-..h1 lct:ch, Give, .~ivt, fluffing chemklYes like wooll-p1cks, =ind tac. wbcrechdound.uionis buc imaginary. Now if du:fc Germ/es, Roma 14J1~ 1 ting thcmfdvc~ like boars, till they be brawncdj and have (as Ewhich have not the L:iw, Joe ~J nat1wt the thbiv conmintd in '1 tiph:H: tptaketh) co/lop1 '"their flAnk1. And whens thty thou:d the/aw, ad(oflmvthe\\'ork._ofthe l"w Written it1 their heart!, bt! ( lch they wall nc~Js fall bdow the lfornp of reafon) they their confcience Alfo bearing \~itnef{e With or againfl them; Shlfll lhould be, I fay, like Ams and Be~s cholc wilett creacurls, and anot the Which iJ b1 nature , if it fa/fill the /,n"ll, lmund rather in p1:Ff1Jre ubi tft tinim1u, 1"""' i>f venrrt uhi tft j 11 Jge thu, W/;o, by tlu lrtttr and cirrn'!'1ijioH, J,,~ tr11nfgrefe /fm:U4, in brdl then belly ; they rdeml>\c rather the lucuf\s the law? Doth not that perfofl /14,-9 of bbtrry, the Gufpd,_ cc_ach }~ 1 11.1 which have but one gut , and the ipider which is liccle die tht:n men to do lomcthing ftngul:u ~ co walk txae\ly? to txceed Scribes ;r. odly. Of tb(.l Alk-tilh Ariftotl~ attirmeth, ThlC uf all Otha creatfJ';hi/i "u. um:s he his ht"ut in his belly.And of the D;>lphin Solinrf.4 oband Pharife~~, how much more Turk~ and Heathens.? t? eat be- ~'~~~:U;: fore the Lord ? to eat to the glory of God? to feed With Iear of be- M r. 5. io. knicch, fha~ he h.ich his mouth almoll in his ver1 b.!lly,and t!uc he irgenfnared by rhe creature r Which whofo do nor, thrfr are i cor.19. only( ot all ti'1m) movcch hi5 conguc. Such arc our Cor. fpots und6l1mifhes, laith S,Petcr, fPots 1and rocks in your lo11e- a P\;t 2. ' ' nwrancs;thcy Wtar ch~ir guts in their heads,and then brains in thtir folljf1, faith S. Jude. fpeaking of thoft: love-feafis, cc- bellies: chey have a tongut: alfo co calk for,and of their bdlytHnber, aificrh, That grtat care w:.s taken therein chat ncne lli.ould ~at or ~~~~r.en~iw Je"i , c ;ni da um as th:tt R o~An Afici1u, chat wroc~ ce~1 b~ks of direetion1ho~ to 06 drink mor~ then was meet, buc that the poor fhould have t~c1r por- Jio.~ulu acdrit, tiur:ii~ in/tru- fedort.h _a feafl WHh al~ m~nncr ot da_mc1es. T.lus W:iS. l,1hor10114 cion. Somt:, I conf<:lk, exceeded at Corinth, and are fharply qui 1wvig:mm eil1<4 Rex l'/J.r. lof{c 8f t11nr, ss the Phalofopher cal~ IC : or as another, lhis W3S caxed for ic by S. P1111/, 1 Cor.11.21. Bltr'f for t~e general\; t~ty ~cn~o1 111ur~ p ~ .. Ma~~o co1Mtu m~gnM nu.~ltl agere. Nature is con.tent with a lie were moddl and moderate: and are cherefore fa1d co be vlrginr rr adver(. "" J1.~-.t",A.HY cle, as noc co be hungry, thidl:y,cold, &c. faith qalcn, g1 ace: with :irreumns a:.a. L' . ) ucnt.c39. ( fn-:h as wenc not aw I1onng m chear aicer che crtacur~ i/.~'.,c:r,. ldL:. And chat>s the {econd rhiog we wrrc laying. a(Jd Withrm bltmip, brfrt1hcthro11e rf God,.Revcl. 14. 4, 5. as Rea[. 2 , 2. As Chriftian men. Nothing more J.n:comtth ~. tl:itn .hb thole char Jid eat tU i.i God1 pre(mce. Dwr. r1. 18. :ipp1o~ing fiinence. A vc1cue tb:At very Heathens ad0redjR. tMir,'.~ocrAtt.11, chemklves to him even in their rt. p_afrs and common convt:~ i:m01~, ~khcc: forne Jl.yl,G.:a pa 5 A11ach11rfis, C7r111, C1.(4.r; and others. The old G'4#itt: ww~ philo wdl obfcrvnh 1 thac the ancient Jews uf td, :tfct:r thllr f~cr1 .. J rive tM6Jf1, . very f paring in their diet, and uft:d to fine any one that outgrew fices, to make their ttd\s ; and in tht: temples, th'.\C the rlace llnd ot v...;.W 7~ 8~ ,, lu11r voi.1i;c fos girdle. fhc forks ac this day ( fauh one) rcJufo all daimic:s aCl-1011 might minde them of Abfiinence and fobritty. nus ?t- GIY. 1t1to I.< for a piece of tac mmton. And whm King Ferdit1.1nds .Embalf~ thro, tosk..a bNrnt offc ring,and facriffre1 for God;oul Aaron cam&, t:xe;J,a S u. tours. R r4 "''"
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--~AB s T I N i N c


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Cafa11bc11~. /14w~efo.,,.d10~. The Je~~ alfohadafortofofficersat their fra(b Idem q11i Gr-4- called p ~ ~1:.u ciJ dic.itur 1 11. 1~ I MJorum, :>m""'ITfH. co fcec t h1t none ll \Ould eat or drink 11 :TC<iie1r1..f.:-, too .much : caUed d1~y were alfo o~9v...'.t01, rhe eyes ot che fri-t!~, 1'1.wtoD.lfJ and.mtheC10fpdA~;.~1e1K>--1w,.R11lerrofthe#ift, >h.z.IO. And rnr. thdl:, they fay, wert! co be Pmils, tlm with chcu gr ivity and auB ironiro elc t~ncy mtght over-awe the company, and fet: chat there wrrc no

and .iii tht. ~Ider; ~f l(~a-;f:t~

br~tta With Moft; fA-;h~; ;~

. .{~y

tumn-1:.uit their fecond krvices, iuckecs, 1wcec meacs, and de-



d11or r. de~. N~w a goo d ~an, li ke a good Angel, is ever lookinJ on the face o~ God : bema (as Solomon advifech ) in hu .c. --r th.~ hl d h h o ~ ... 'W o e 111 t roug out. (jod,he kRows w~ll, is 11U,,;;1~1111~11.9:, Alltye: whether.ther~fore he cats-. or drinks, or what(oever eHc h(f docs, hcdoes~tasmchcfighe.ofGod. C4vt,jpell.u Catd, coulJ never io keep m that R MMH from. ~urquedry and ind,cenC}', as che fenie ?f GQds. prefrnce doth the fa1thtuU Chrifiian. He comencs ~ot h1mfd~ w1~h a narnrall u{e of hi~ food (as bruit beafl:s, and bruwb f~nlu~lafls) but labours co cart che iweetm:ffe of God, in the (~ectncllc of ~he ere atur~.. Bcfides, he looks upon his me l cs as a piece o.f C~mfis p~~ch:i{e, and lees rhun com'! fwimming cow:ird h~m m the a1fhes, as it were, in Chnlts bloud. Himfelf aHo he con0:iers_, as b.ought wich a pt'icc ; and thm:h.m:


to glorihc

lJod With

his fPirit, ~nd With hu bodv too,


. For Application, I c is che faying of HHg" C 4,,.Jin.i!U ,th:ir the deV.fa I. ~11 huh two da~ghters, Coveltoufoeffe,and li:xury or riotoufnes :the 11ta11J 1ud~f1, bane E1b11i,iJ f?rmer he mame~ of>o~d ro the Jews, che beer co the Gentiles. ol:m eio,affe, ~ut now the P.op1lh l ncfis and Romit11 Clergy hve taken ch~m nnnt t-erotf;ri b~th fr~m cheir husb~nds, and uf8 thena as their own. W c iead 'or (9' (.mrJo of on~Jolly P~pt: {ub~u, th:n called for his Porl<e.fklh ( toruidle~ &c. Cujl/4 av.:iriri.i' dm him by his P~yfi,c1ans) al di f}ito di D ;tJ, in defpite of God 1 UIU6110 I fi1ffi"t and asked why, .'t llod were fo ang~y for an appl~, he might nae QT/Ji1, be as angry f~r his col.d peac~ck which hc miffed ac cabk, having Luxuri~ rnj.11 comma.oded it co be lee up..for him ag1inll tupper. t\ ll'.Hht:r ot 1w11 them ( ~eo the tenth) ~s fa1d to h:ivt: lpent a thoufand thQufmd fuffi(1f 11111115 Aa and M'JTJ, cro~~s m one day, at h~s corcgnacion, Th.: mcrchmrs of the earth Jol 1411. . arda1d to have w.:ixcd nch thorow the abundance of R omeJ ddi jJC,i{cv h/l. c~c1e~, R~~e/.18.3. AndtheKingsoftheearch chachadlived de. pontifp t61. lrc1oully wich her,. ~re brought in bewailing h~r: ver. , The mcr9 cha~1cs allo mourn for that none now buy (as they Were w ~hi.ks Babel fioo~.). their fin~ How~r, and wheac, their b~aas: ctp, and ocher v1:mds. The fruj11 thM thJ (out /uftcd afte'Y',

licacc cvntctiions, whtrcw1ch t~e Roman er~y r~ r<.. l l em- ugc l'aaub.e ldveSt.:Ven in their pretended taC\s) and t1ll thmgs \\'Inch n ere Cfl'flcla~ qui tit11n17 ,wd ~ooalJ are d~p.irtrd from thee ; anJ thotl /halt ftnde <WC d11witof rn: 1,.,? n" m~~e t4t .1d, vtr 1+ Look how, when SoJomc WJS lacktd ,p:11~ran/c polS uy Kcd,,r.taomn and rthis company, it is I. expreffdy mw:d, That II t1Jict -<!/l "'x: I . {. ,, 1 a um1, t.hqtookall their vicnu1/J, 11nu \Vtnt 1r:e1,,. \\'a~, .1cn.14 11. pl1tt1u,111S)b.i So iball it be done to ipirituall Sodome ( fo Rome IS calkd, Revel. r11icum~11criter 11.S. and fitly.) Sodflmcs fins were pride, (1,lnef[e of bre"d, 1tr.d i11fctla1144 cjl. IC"d ab"Hd11.iu of id/me J[e. Not co f peak ot the fn{t and lall, who knows not rhat they ( hke the Cater-pillars of Egypt) do eat up the fat and befl fruits of the l:lnd~ For (faith he chic made the Anatomy of the Englit11 Nunnery at Lifbon) what the pm veyl)Urs of the Viceroy have todakcn in the matket (as coo dl!ar) fl;o.Rohi 0111 . (cN 1115 1 11 \ H I have known t~.e Cator of this houfe to buy at unrcafonablc rates, Y for their ghofUy fathers table, and fuch ot hi~ chickens ( che &'CP n. Nuns) as he molt afft:Cted ; whotc grc:icdl, a~d md~cd only ~are is co prove sk1lfull in the confection and drclltng of fuch da1~cy c:.res, as may btlt pkJfc chdr wanton pa\m:~. And ( :lS N11tY1.t1 vaf.1tultM rfl iffici11a grner~ti<&.c, Gluttony i~ c~e gJlkr_}' chu incontinency walks thorow) the tame Anacou11ll lees forth a great deal of their fldhly ~lchindfe. Elir.s il~llS had a w.mton coach, and chis was an h:irbmger to other luxurnms wan~onnclle. Refle erit, cognate, &c, faith f:eivu the 11. ?t France'. m a kt. ter to our Edw:ml che 4. rlms 1c fhaH be with ytm, Coukn: If you'll but com~ overco P11ru, ~t.'ll pamper our 11~~11 : and you Hull J~ light your Mf in the cho1Cdl b.::mm:s ot chc CHy. t\fy::t all . . .. which l will bring you Cardin3ll B urbon, who ( accorJwg to ""f lhheho 11b1. 1 the po~ver commicced bim. rs . unto him by the . Pope:) . 01.1ll {con . a.ulolvc b. Clfd.B.1J quteqr11111 1ecuz ycu from all your {ms. The Papacy is. an allur111g, tclll?C~ug, c- ri1,pru ra quot Witching \\digion Sr w.dtcr ~.ml_crgh l.mcw what re {.at~, Tint t.1le1. pote.flti~c,' wm: lK to chu!c a Rd g:on for licu1t1ou~ hbtrcy, and lalc1V1oulms, 1~utc ex11ab11. ht would cbufc the h1pi111 H..digion. No fin paH, but chc Pope l..onumml. 6. (;an pardon; No tin to come, but he c1n difpentG.with. No mat.. tt!r how long they havt lived in any fin ( thvugl~ the fin"\: t~c holy Gholl:) .Yet txmam Una:ion at la{t ~v1ll t"'~vc a\l. W~ai: .,. marvdl tlH.:rdorc, though Pap1lh call tor tht1r portion here With the Prodigull, Eat and drin~ \\'ith the dru11ksn, and begin ~o btAt tfuir ftllo1vs, wjch that evil Lt:rv:int, u1'latth. 24. 49? Cry ~ut
, .:.. .. ...;

ch~y,-~r;depa_r_t~d j"o-;;,--;,;~~-(-~h~Ge~d< word rignlfi~~ -;i~,-:P:r-;;~-r1~d~r! efl rc~,,t-rc wo no. )' , . Cl f 0 h t.ulllJa cre!IJ



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with chofe Epicurei in I~i11h, Crim!, I \\'i,2.fercb \~ine, ttnd \"e

Will Jill our f1'1Jfs "With flrong drink._t, nm:l to morrow foaO be tU 1(.1 ~ r. 1.!t_ tin.< d,iy, "'",J ,,mr:I, mo.,.(' ab1111J,111t? let'" ""' and dri11k._ ,for to '~~"r .. \ , mon,w "'~_p,,1.1/ di,,., Chry(o.?1w1Jetds M otlomduch in his time., /!..;~ uo~ 1 :1' !1l' as would ulu:.\ly lay, Gi"-Je mno a.q, and m~ thou 11 morro1'1. ~,)~~~~;~~'~'~' But ot [hde Atheills wdl lpake S. vf11ffin, .M11n1 e11t th,u here, Multi ;n tcm th11t thry muU digefl- in hell. He:.11 w1s long fince taid by one co bt: manJ1u:i.-,qua.i pavt:d wich the illavcn crowns of ~hole hcll-fprung locufts, Th11t G./'Ulinjc;os .Ji~ h11 ve, tU it \\'err, crowns on their htfldr (chat is, vertices ra{o1, 11 ~r,ra faith p 11rrm) and a King over them ( orh~r locul!s have none, ~111,it11111 g~ . h . h A l t h bo ttoin 1tue 11 /ciJ &- rafir cpr,,v.30 27,) wh1c as t e ngc o c e plC, whofe f.w1fi'a'ouin munc: is .-Ab,,ddn1 :rnd 0poU7on; or the Ddlroier, Revel. 9. 7, 1.omiubv~. 1 o. Thac fun ot perdition, to whom, thou3h he draw thouiands oftouls to hdl with him, none mull: due to fay, What deft thou ?

made buc abreak. fafi of ~s_ill. _____________ _ Now /,/ef{ed he the Lord, Who hath not gi ve11m114 ii prey to their tttt-h, Pfal.1 0 that he would once ac length put
rh~feH:i~pk;th~~gh~ ~o b;~e

He luth thoufands and ccn thoutands of the{c loculls ready pn:fi for any rtrvicc: thcrdote they are faid w be !ikf 1mto horfn prtpartd r1nto hattle, Revd 9.7. Pampered chcy arc in their cloifl:c:rs, as war hwf1..s in thdr lhlls or fhbks, Ever1 one neighing afttr bu 11ei_'l.hbo11r1 l).ifo, jt..:r. S 8, The husb1nds of b1nen womtn they Heyl Gcr,e:.~a/; knd in pilgrinugc co~. 7()1ce the Patrnne{fo of fruilfulneik, and J85 lpfi mrerim <ii Iii.! wnh chc:1r wiws in the: llll'311 while; Marry thty may nor, perrgri1ta1iti1 'Thtm,~h the7 hurn iilze an oven, Hof. 7. 7, nor meddle with Aelh P>:orc vcl fi1ia .. on fattingdaies, chcugh they make no bones of Hrangc flc:lh any bu1 (u:IVllCT /)J dJy. Are not chck chofe fcduring ipirits S. Pat1l {peaks of~ that mo/11 ld/J .o forbid to marr7, itnd comma>1d trJ ubflain from mrats, I Tim.4. ~~ lut~ha1;r, C.11 t. falting, as once chc: 'Phari/ee1 did hi1i. Cim/l t h They cwic us wich thl'ir mu,h _ our StViours dilcipks: And lhunt not to tay, chat we counc faA!Jr 13 4 lling buc a mor:.ill rtmperJncc, a fatting from tin, a ma teer ot policy. We cou!J aj~)yn and ctll rhcm, with more truth; that their fa(ts art mu:r mod\J4ff1 md work; whiles, 1. Th('}' 3blhin from cenain mc.:us only, not all; which is a d~Elrint of d~vi/J, 1 T1m.4. 2,1. fhe people cbcy ck co and wacer; chc Priells fill chem!c:lvcs, th~ while with wine, {w . u mc:us and foc:<~rs. 3, ln fee .. ting cncain falling daks unda p:1m of damrmian, whnhcr chc times be bl'tct:r or worfe. 3, In ma!,ing thtm a kn ice co GoJ, at1d ycc confccming chem co che S111m:. 4. ln atCr1l>ing merit thm:to, 5. l 11111,.king llrnnduU hk chm:of. Their talts alfo are ofcen rimes pr~faccs and prw:xts to their abomimbk villanies, as in chc c;unpowdcr.crc:a(on: They proclaimed a Ldt, With wicked

{e:l;,bd, for the luccdk of che great crack and, whae.n

was tocacand drmk, and fleep, an~ fporc, we. :is 1f chcy nderllll z1ji:t: Jitlum came imo rht: world, :is r:ics and m1ct~, only co dtvour v1- ap11,/ la'lat 111 'Deur. chllls, and co run iqut'2k111g up and down, as the Phnik(s fr11,sri w4-u"'m did co widows hou!cs, which chey devoured under a pretence '1'11 ' u~ long praicrs,.Mat.a 3.13. Such as thcfc arc the vcrm nc of tht w~rld, tht: body.lice ot man-kinde, thc. l'xcremcncs ~f hmmnc fockty, c7c. arc thcrefori.: worthy ot ntter cxccr:mcn and ejdbort. Leet v~ry frrvrnt ct God count ic a hml 11ume ro be a V fe ::t 11Jvi.: to his 1)alar. E11ic11rim ( faith Er.nim) wh1hs ht: J)U ,, i.ataro quid fit optt.r;u '' j11J1,.1,, Cl'li looked too much to his paht, lookt not at all ~o tilt: h1.::~vcn lY ,, 1<,riu 11 nui fuipexu. 1 p:ilace. Howbeit, 1f uti.rn mly be crcuH~'-1, EptClfr'f(I. Ephu1,, 1!i11b1t (e was wont co fay, Thac it he mighc have buc a ~ortd\ of rn 11 lrive ttu,11 p.1r4mcac, and a mouth.full of water, he would hold hunldf as illm r_//I! dr Jau,irate 11 ha1Jpy, as che hanpidl:. A Change !pccch from him thn ph- <,,01b ti.Jne, fa aqu<HI l t . . ll l l ll .1 llCI ctd the ch1d h:.i.ppmellc o n man an ft!nlU'.l p ea lll't:S. ~.uc /b!l m, f.Jl' Pjfarn, what cvtr his opmions were, ha~ lih: WJS ct~mpam:, huh T uUy. (.icob (a far better ~'\O) ddircd n~ more uuc fooJ Fpicuui, mihi viden to etil and ctBthn to put on, Uto.18. 20. A lmk of the .. rnr 111et1wr d1we,1u"!'I mrc fcrvts cutn ro c:m y us thorow our pil5ri11uge. if We f,ccic "-- 1.1: .le 1'1111~, ht1v~ (P1Jd.andr11imrnt, /e't HS therovir/J be contfnt, l fim. '- 1 ,,8, Wh; re noce, faich a lim.:k bthtr, chat h1.: luiLh, havmg. , fond, not fi'1r f.i,e, arid rllimrnt noc 0Yn4ment, M111t .ind T:~1)v 7;~t111'1)v~ enc~ J,{_llre the richr s nf a Ctwiflian, falth Hierome, Bread 7;., gp.:1.'P~ y. KCa,1,44 7" . goo d chea,.., (au . h ,,run .,. hrm~ . <;11i;io '" "t'.l (rotu, Jiviti~: 11na chu(e""'ith the Golpe/ u & Jr u lmr A /;11 /r, th4t 111odlJ m4r1 ff..iind.1 -in 11eea of, . u11t l'ht;:i':a11oru11l,_, Clemrns A/,x.mdrin111. if711H'l b;hm-teitt ro plM{~ /)10 OMpJ\11$~ g"TN~J'."-'Q-: nyftlU> 7au nud lfot eat green herbs ( faid. ~he PJrafi_cc co Cum. the; Philofophcr). Andi( you I brco1'Unt ( fa1d the ~>hilola..

inro rhe hearrs otrhe Kings ot che earth t() htttt the fcdrfet )\hort and 10 t.11 Im fi'/b, as iris prophecied, RefJ, 17.16. ' l M\.JDl it C\'lt!S - :m J l'l I1g1cus ._ 10 ddl:.roy thok crows-nd s, the houks ( :is thty call chem) thlt ~hty build n.o more chc:n:, as our Henry the eight did, rnrning ouc thole flow~dlics here (as Zifca allo did in Bohtmi11) the .Abbey-lubbers,. I mean that lived upon the fpoil, having thm fouls mcerly for ' . b d. f' 't .h h l ic hit to kctp thear. o 1cs rom pum ymg. 1 .~ 1 r W ~ ~ lie

S:inicr"' iUuJ rtgit

I-bi rl

11.111tcx1g,11~1.~.or~, tun 111 ,1 ,5 ci\c pcm~ c11 ., J:ltun1~ndo~, nc

rc.:1um .1d cuh.wn.m..

.~p 9ph~htgrn

1 11 ~'Dch.fn 4,''t. '. . 1rmrrl1 ju'1t etwn p .. Ji ctco.i 1rum 1wli, ,,e

il1H: 1c 1 nv olci1r. Sar;,/.


AssTINnNcB, 6U ---------p-her to the Parafite) t"D fi~j;,-p-;~ gm-;htr~;,-,o# nml ~~ . pleti(e D ionyji111. EliJ?a ~ined more comfortably with his N11ri rtriimra Jl!i'll ,, cokworts ( the co!cqumt1da excepted) and ElitU with his finJt 1Jg111c, fc.I H.sffi c1kcon t~c coals, and crnfeof water, then all '/e~.ibt/J pro01'lem &' Jo.11 -:ticu'l1 phers, w1ch ch~ murdering they met wah :ic her full U;p1J11tt f!J'li m f bl () ur,S:tv1our caught his d1lc1ples . . , a c. llbu (ft pi.iwitu, to pray for bread 11 ep. 10 ~ ~1JWn r1ghc brown bread ) not bisket or m:inchet ; and nr.e ,011ftnwi'tlu11. daily bread. or (as che Synack hath it) bread ot neceilitJli a_s S"td.u, fuch tis.wherewith we mav fubfift, as Brmti1u, fuch as m:iy hold lite: and foul together. And the wanton I/r"elito, not concenc wicb their bread from heaven but lu. HiHg atccr qtuils, had cheir wilh, but a curfe withali Nor but chat it is la wtull to teaft, co eat of the tac and dril;k ot th~ lweet, ~nd knd portions to the poor, as they did Nth.8.10. God h:irh aUowrd us not only for necefilry or conveniency but for honel~ affiu~nce and delighr, as P 141. 13. y, Gm 3~ <?ur ~a ~&our h1m<elt wa~ at fe~Hs (as at the mmiage at Gana m G11filce: and iurdy 1f fcaflmg ever be in {ea!on it is ac c~e r(CO~cry of che l~fl: riL:) the pc:ople alto were allowed to fca(t chnc_e a year bdore the.: Lord, and at tvery fuch time to pkafc their appl'tltl', D e11t. J 4. 16. Thou foa/t brftow th1 mo~e1 for What~ever thy htart defircth, &c. Yee~ as the c.-. gypustns camtd about a deaths-head in their frafis to re. firaiR their inordinate :ippccice ; fo it muf1 be remernbred that the belly. was the foll: i'wor~ ~hat the devil drew againft ~s, and doth IL i\1U, and char, 1fthon kt out thint: apptti,e, 1t may cue thy th~oac. Be not thcrcforedrjirous of d,tinti11; for tluy arc Jec~1tfi,IJ meat. E .._t/uch thin. ~s . M Are fer before 7011, as ou.r ~avmur bad his D1lc1ples, LHlt._. 1 o. 8, be it but .,.ct,ntJ-n9i~tt homely, fo>t be whaU~mc, Lml.:er (as he was a fmaU0Ji~q1 op~nfitiu Jue m~at man, and a great faller, fo). for many daLs together, riwbur._ Be~ 1 faith Mdanllhon, I have ol>frr-ved him to con cent himfdf ~otiJ1.: txtguo pa1 e h 1. lcp1tceo. t breadJndahcrrmg.Btmgotccnmv-ued . . . .. . (!]' balm 'ontenwm Wit .am -ijfo. Mclanch t~ feaCls, he cat~e no~, ldt he l11ould lole Co 1nucb timt! .c .as Ne[&io q~u saw id him!"elf compla1~ct~ m ~ ccrt:iin Epifl:le : J /oje a great d~.J "'rat, u11 ncf,are ~on of tmitthro11gh1nv1ttmo11J: Anal k..,11oir 11ot M~ilt'SAtan


llceat,&' t4men feciffl. pro&1'rts it, that J.caNnot fitJ. na7, and 7~t it rep1nrs 11116.&o PIHCdt. Tom 1, cpi/l h J . B 'not .amongft \\11nerlnhbers,amo11gfl1'ioto1U . . P Oi'f Ave uon1 Jt

eaters ofJlt:fh, or jlefhmont,erJ. 31 one rendercth it., Pllr the Jru11k.,1~rd llflld th4 gl11tton foal! com1 to powrt} ,~t. Prot-i~.

An s T 1 ~ a N cu. 6~3 20, 2 1. That~s one motive to temperance.-----_-.------------- - ---1. Spend thrihs entomb their a11ceR:ours in their bowc ls. A101 1 . As .they rnm rems inco , ,H ve<l/41'1/1"4 I. . h ruffs, and S lands { ' jnco h lacts, lung "/115U h1114 lIiur p1trn:10ni:s at t ~:rears, as. mua alt ; wear a pretty ""' 1c1.,,z .irno. ltmt grove, an md1ffc.:rl!nt farm on thear backs i lo do rhq \\'aftc t atriw11 1o. ~ " 1h1ir f1lbft11~1ce "'ith riotoiu living, as that Prod1g:i\I, L11k: 01 ::u11,m -r1~.JJ-r. HJ J 6.13. ln,glnvies & temp1ftM, hAratl,rNm#., m.;relli. The rati:ts rrod1g:i.U is called AcJr.n@- q11,1fi :\CTl'.i!="@-, faich Clem, y{/e,\, . One ch:it is_ 1m(avt4ble,or one that is undone by himfelf,fahh o ,f) et:cJT~v l,mMrJ. Ariflotle: So was Cl.cop,1tr", Heliog~ba/m, rite/Jim, and 11.o.,;g( co omit many ochers) M. Li-ii11.1, who when he had W'llkd a great db.le in lux.urious living, jdkd at his own folly, snd faid, That he !rft nothing for h1& heir, Prxtcr crelum & CX Ph.m'a lex, qtt.i ravt. num, moretht111zirandn1in. Another~ heari~g that thCiC ~.rnr r1q11iJ c:Jnrir o 11 were tut 7oocrownslefc of avail d\ate that he hid ldt J0111 r.11rrr4111umba him, hangt'd himfrlf: Tbc belly is a troubkfome clienc, faith '' ,' 1'" pTubue1it,s,1e.l b 11 {. h h . n. . 'l.o .:J.,1, u eroncm, one, 30 ev1 <!a\\, .i1t anot er; an mgemous Amn 1 la 1th a Ruffi1ra M.icrnb third. What birds foe Yer flie, whac fit11es loever f wim, wbat l'Mttr Yfole/1114 clfent. beafts fo~vcr run abour, art.; buried in om bellies (faith Sene- Kc/Y..1snt 911elov1i )ttS~ ra) whac marvdl then thcugh we our fdves arc foon brought Maf._r/ler arti4 tnltni~ to llcti~cr. qu 1 burial ? t\nd lee that be a frcond Motive: to mod~ratc fcld ~arb:','?r u . B m0Tt11.11r 4 mg, tr1'1f.11r 11ifJi1 ur Sen, 2. Gluttony is the bane of the body. For many c../J;lotivt 2 more ixrith by intemperance then by violence, by for. feting then by fuffering. Epicmc& arc as ddperace as foulJ&.. crs 1 and mc:u k1ls as maoy as the musket. le is holden tor Tlic N,'m . Clrcain, That in cvety two year there is foch fiorc ot ill hu. cuit hy ~ 1;111./lauth. mours and excrements engendued in the bdt boJy, that a P q. ~ vdldofan hundred ounces will {carce contiin them. Wh:it "os-:9~,1'c~m ~,,; lhall we then chink of thofc greedy ti Pully-onts that burdl 1rgc ''.~'' aVi: N iriia "ff(' tr ' A.1hc111:11J 1np up Gods good creatrcs in thcar bellies, and uull.thctnk1Ye$ 110/.lib. 2, like hogs of Epicures-lu:ard ? How do they hlfien their end, and, as it went, dig thtir own graves with the;r cceth. P/14ra p'rrnnr cr11pHIJ qH11m tApHltJ, l.wci~ru quam l.1nceu. &c. The bo11rd kils more chen the f ~ord: tor lifl!.is a lamp; and exceffe of meat doth fi1orten the one,as too much oil doth extinguilh the other. Let this warn our irregulares gu/(ireJ, that make their gut a gult~ and fur their teeth with txcellive eating, hm:full co God, hurcfull co them(elvcs. Let them tske heed th'.lt they hug not themfelves to dmh;and)by pour-




--- ..... ------ --------...--------------~

., ..
m~ri(a (animru m11ter, fai_ch Ch11(oflomr, S1Jcratn is faid by fl'bric:ty to have h~d <llWJl<.'S ti. Chong bo.iy: Go>~i.u :111.i Gahn co lnvelivcd to :m 120 }c31s, by riling cvcrfrom the Ta ule with an appecicc. Her<Jdic115 a fhdt:nt in Arlum, trie tnoll weak and fick\y of aAy th'lt th~n lived, by the tdti.

AB s '1' I N n t-l c E. - ---i~ig o~-t~o ~~~Ch oil, q~c~ p~c-fo~t-h ~h~llght oTli-f~.-i~~~.

---- --------



u,,\cii ..lcfa .it.

' s 'a,

mo;1y:hot h nt PI ~ro :ma Al riflor./ e : yet by ccm pen nee pro ,\rs, his llfi.: to an incredil>.k kngch. A11_~11 fl-UJ m:\'t:r drank Li~tt thrice ac one m,al, anJ ltvcd nears~ years. And Q.E/i. ~tt'rth of F.:t,(!:md did kldom Clt um.on-: fort ofm~lt, rofe N w l.111 I n11r.' ~ ~er wich an app:tire, wd lived abour 70 years. K.Ed11;ir.1d 6, im%::h Or~4-": r/,/,\ c1\kd her by no oth~r lllll11.! then bu fnw t jifter temper.mer: l-.e!' f>,,/~-~i; l I 1Pi' l( Ole lmew, Thir much 1m:at, much 1mhdy. Ca111d E!l\~'' l'rd.1~1:. la'.\:\)', For th\! foul. Many a mans tab/: is a fn.-tre to him: .Motive 3 whiles fii/ne({e bred1 forg-:~(idneffe, :rnj chat both of God and his works, l(a.5. 12. and of men :md their miferies, as in N ab:1/ chac Pamph.1gru, thofo Cnrmor.snts Amos 6.6. and Dives. Icbrcedsalfo wamonndfc, as incho{e Ifrttelim thAt Gula w,!/ i/;u:um lu~-. rat and drank and rofe 11p to pl"J : blockitl1nes and l.h1pidicy, mi#. as in cheold wol'ld, 011/tafo>-, rne/liUJ~thers: l!runkcnn;:is Dio in 'llita,V nJ 1i j . as in N abal : cur~ng and fwea~ing, as "fr'b f ufpettcd by his V1rcll. 11c111.'/~r.' d.111 children, at chei~ ft: alt. It c1mku\ms the fpirit, as we frc in tHe~ulcnt~r. ,\ ,,\;., S1/omon; whole luxury drew ont his fpirics, and difTolvcd 0 tHC'T~t1~11a I cm d'{" h men tot h .Eput..: fi 11 c ~i,..-.TN pctir~ lum. 1po (et. .o(.e ~xerc1es t hat are to b . e per Noa 111/.i numi11a ex pa formed by the mmde, which ts now taken up wuh tbe 'Uif'o .'~!itum,. thought of 'WhatftJalJ \..,eeat, \\'hAtfoall Wearink, &c? A full srd v1tltmtJ6 uni 'Dso belly neither fiudies well, nor praies well. Theo / ferve not the ' " 11 m~~imfl rwri oJJ~ro, JeoJ ; . Lord Jehis Chri ft , that !erve their awn bellies, Rom. 16.10.
Ci'.ff.:r 1\ 1Lr p.iy9,


s. )-14.

Wnne .tkcm that iife 1mr1tly.

formofdofr1mdelwertd11nto 1h1m, Rom.6.17 . . . WAik.not /Jynlf~, but "t 11/l advt11t11r11, L.vit. 16.2 3, Contra gnomontm & C.fnM1m dec.tlogi, lawldle, yokddk m:dlulcs monfiers, (i11nrs of 711/ia/, goats, \\ilde aff~-colts, un:amed hcifru, hodes, mules, P(al.~i.9. t!J!Jlnu vita 1ft incompojita a,.:.. c 1


Here are a fort of m;r11ly ones in the vifiblc Church D ~ifordered and di!lolutt, txorbicant and cnormou~ off. 1 ' ltvns; Cuch as tranfgrt ffc the tr.idition faith the r. I r Ali fil f h T' If' ' , "PlC11f,l'f1 110 eo t ~m, i. 1u.1J,3.6. thac1s, oue1notthe

ptffime m~;ani; they run away wich the bit betwcrn chcir te~th: ' '1Jm, break ~hritls ~onds 3S Sam(in did the green withes, Ou kc Chrifis
yoke from. theu

as the Unicorn, (ob 39.1 o,fond meff:.a.

noro clfwos op Eurlr.

ges afur hun, 3S they m the Gofptl, We \'IJi/l nor h"ve.thr't m,m 10 rRle D111r m, wewillnotliveby hislaw~.Ot thtfc S.I'eur 2 ep. 2 1 cyclopr How can they, when their kitchin is their Chrinc, thtir Cook and S. l11il1 v.S.9. . their Priefi, their Table their Altar, and their belly their God pumits luch~ 1. Fort he glory .of bis patience and juilicc R ea[.1. god, Phi/.3?&c, aowards them; of hi~ mercy towards his own, who will fee and fay, wh11 no11J1 UI to differ? Lord,Jmv is it th4t t~<JU for,weft. thy ftlf.totu, 1111a.notto~h1W,orld? Joh.14.u. 2. forthctri:dlJcx'rc1k, corre6'1on of has Samts~ 3. For a mutt allfcourgc co them felves, as the Eafi by the Turks, the Well by the Pope, for their Apoi\a,y,&o-. T~e dcv~lcfieas it, That gteatand fo{\ Htterctliu, that kept Re'1f. ~: Admonition. no.this ftataon, but brAke the rank1, and is btcome a mafier cf A7tt.x,1f;. ~~!!1!~ a~~n~~ ~~~ !!J~n ~~ t~is WO!ld, Wh~m he acts ans agitates, Ephe[.


------------- - - - - - - - -------------

-- - -





Oal. r.~J


Ephe[.2 2. carries them along (as polfdl: per(ons) throur1h fire and wm r, thick and chin: huh them ac his beck and check:called therefore, Child1'tn of ai(obedience, (on1 of Belia!, tii~en al~11e, ~rd carried about b7 him at hu plt11fore, as B Ajtt~.rt was in an irm cage. M:n arc chm.fore o~>ttinare in evil, fairh the rrophet: Becaurl! J. Tht:irneckrirmi1onfiner1. 2, Theirbro1visbr1'~" Ifa 48.4, This double d1ltemper lies upo:l every camall pcrfon. 1. N.Hurall cro!kncffe to th~ law et God,, Rom.8. 7. Romo eJ1 inverf1u decti log"! : l-fab1cu~ll hudndlc, concrad~d by. long trading in fin; Doing \\'1ck!dl1 With both h~nds e.arneftlJ. Mte. 7.3. {etting thdr fin~c r:pon the. ~liff~ of the roe~, Ezek. 24. 7. adding to ~hear hnew~ of .iron , brews of braiTI!, to naturall impotence, unpudc.:nct: m tv1l , Jet. 3. 3. an uncouncellablc wiltulnetfe i~ wicl<edncfk. Woe to thofc unruly rcbds, God hath a rod of iron for them P(H 2. ~ch~t thok. chat will not bend may break, thofc that wili noc be Chnfis !ubJt:th,, m:iy b~ his tootll:ool : tis fure hen have the better oi th 1.:m, If they W.ilk concnry to him, he will be as crotTc to chem~ Levir. '2.6. 2. l lf they be froward, he will be a!! froward :is .chey tort he hl::ms ot the1:1, /' (al.18. 26. They 111111 have theic w1ls, but chen he will have his, Euk.,; 24. 13. In running from Go~, and the obedience ~t his Word, they doe but run co mt:tt chc1~ownb:rne, as chc Philif1im1didat Mi:{.peh, 1 Sam.7. eAut pamtrrndrm~, nut pereund11rn. A ut f.1Ciendum, a11t p.1tiemlu111.J. Mc:n mull either repenc or pcrHh : doe Go<:is l:i w orlufrer ic. The l~w W:AS added, bec;.rnf~oi tran(i-;rdlion . and is given not for tbc nghteous, buc tor th~ lawlelfo and difobcdicnc, 1Tim.1. 9. to hamper thok uuruly bc:afis, and to tame chem with chofe four tee.hit ~atl~. I. J rritation, Rom.7.7. ~. Iuduiation., /~. 6.10. 3. Obhgmon, Om.4.7. 4. Execration, G11/.j,'10. And whc:n: as chefr men~ hope of hdp is from the Gofpel ( w.hiCh is,. 6Juaji po~ na11fr11gsu"! mhHla! as a plank :&her fhipwn:ck) chat not rcheve them ne~t~er. fora.s11ttinff facJ, the~ i4 no /"w~ Iaidt:tbe Ap?file o~ the fru~s of the fpim : fo,, for fuch ther~ is no Gofpel)%' I of che wilfully wicked. Be 'Wife now there (Dre, be i11ftrufietl, Pfal. 2..-1 o,. Tremble and ft~ not, P(al. 4 4 Send a l11mb to the ruler of thu.11r1b, as an homage-pen.y, I{J. I 6.1. bring prefents to Fe""" .or .to him that -cughnobefcarcd, Pfa/.76.11. Receive theWordwith all readi


ncffc, tAlJ.7.11. GiveyourfclvesfirlhoGod, andthcntousby the wil~ of G~, as thofe c;:<11&1Joni1,,,1, s Cor. 2, S Obey from I the heart the form of dod:rme, whercunto ye have baen delivered, as thole Rom"n1, Chap 6, 17. Captivate your rcafon, a$ Pa11/ did, C"/.1.16. difpute not, but difpatch Gcdscommands, as t,Abr"h"m did. Gee an open ear, a teachable fpirit : fo th11t "little ehitdt may ltlfd 7ou, Ha. I 1.6. A bcavy ear is a fingular judgemenr1 /fa. 6.1 o, a dull heart the devils work 2 Cor.4.4. See chit ye ad de 11ot rtbeUio11 to jiHHe, Job H J7 ldl ye adde Wrath ti \\Jrath, llom.2,f~ And here, 1. Fortime paft, look on all the writs of , ex' <:ution, and fay as 1 c,r, J 0,11. Thefe are as fo many typ 11 1'nro1. moulds, monitours, fummoners , reall Sermens to u~. 2. F~ p1 efent, l~ok up and fee (as D at1ia did) the punilhing Angel, as at were w1th a drawn !word. And though thou maift Jhuffie awhile from fide co fide, as the Anc did, yt chink not long to etcapc. 3. For futwrc, think ferioufly of that dreadfoll doom{day, that lhall burn IU lfn oveH : And, K mi11g the ttrrour of th, Lord 1 16 per{ wade others, perlwadc your felves efpecially, to walk by rul~ Aa, iand ke~p a clear confcience, chat mofr precious jcwd, chat ever the heart ot man was acquainted with.
Warn th1 unru/1


Unrulyperfonsmull:beadmonifhed, rr.buked, advertifed, re DoR.i."

jlored totheir right mindes "{in, as the word here ufc:d import. cc~ bfofirdfin mh akefrh men fotsh, Hpof.od1': 11 mad~meo, Eccle[. 7~S, 1 1 quice. ~ 1 est em eves, as t e r aga 1 1 L11"'J7 Ye which arc lpmt~allrr//ore chem therefore, G11i.IJ.1. 11011(1 chem, :i Pu. J J ~ raJfc them out of the pit (you mull his atTe, much more hisfru\, Exod. ~3S) yea pull them out of the fire, ass. 9,,J, hacluc, making a difference out of deep compaffion. Or, as Lo rinm reads and renders that ccxr, Ar-1111iu din.Ntatos by {hen,., ch 6 f . h f Jr ' :::> o dargumhcntbcon~1nche ~afoem oTht~e. errour of their w~y, a_nd fo re uce t. em y rig c ~c. n. JS as to pull rhtm ouc of the fire of htl~, ,fa1th1Hd~, Th1s1stofave a foul from death, fairh Janm. This ts a ho/7 ,,mJence,, "Jejir11hle t-11pi.11e, faith Hi1rom. And this isa duty that both Law nd Go{pel ~ll for.1, The Law. Lev it 19 J n. J L th t.'J h ht11rt: thoH jha~t "" , 7Th . OHJrJA tnot hAt~t h '}.,ro er,,,. 'mJ Vrife rebuk.! 1h7 ntitloboNr, 11114 1101 foff1r ftnne upon him.J. ~. The Gofpel, M1t.18.1 S Gt tB him hu /Ault "''"'''" thee, sr 11nd
v119m7n, bona
J, 16, dmiffl mentem rtpHI 1e. Beu. atl


m~ntemreOt tu1te.


EhiW11 al tlH.


M')IX,tn. l'ui. KmopJ,:01.



~iatcmi~ 1!' '. uaop11111'u r~





. 6 t. 8

h.1ft ~("intti th] brothtt-. Thou flult .. r.rb1'k.! 1h1 ,,eighbo11r, faich lf b(es : and muk bis reafons. fN dte, 1.Tho~1 w:lc hate him,which is mrn.Omghtfr,171Jh.3 A R1.ifI (,a(onabk rcp10ut draws cm ch~ poHon ofa begmning g1 u t~e 'itid mal1cc.Wmr-::rn not admo11i hmg,br\.eds dwciling fu'pHH>ilS; (u. fpicmns bred J very lubit ot 111ifinte1p~i:tJrionJmtl in e: prerac.ion begets a loclmts co come to the lil~hc to lh.:w the rc1fons ot d1l11ke :Ne ,~.,,rc'' fuM 1 this lothndl'~ begets a very frp.uJtion in le:m, and chac, :t forwud 1 f!IJI vU 1 li I . bl 1ze h"1s Im. 110 <: l. . t<>IJaJ t . n u,,,,1 mdk to Imm: rcn der the lah chulc m this l'txr, 1 l'c'Ai!l="m cm. 'Tho11 p,~/t not lift up hu /i>J over him, or di(phy ic as a bltmer co in f.1.1.7 1. bis dilgracc, as malice wiU make thee doe. Ochers render it thus, 1:Jt 1ccc.WM e 'Tht1t thou 1'it a:'er not for hiJfinne: and th:it needs noc : for thou 1111 1 J"'lllM{.".dt 1. h ot t,h"meownco:m~er ( for, B .,,ipuiAthni bah.c11oug .un hou art bmm d .ls ~o rn;er.cliill rx(i: ob(rrve L:~ds C~mmandmcm~ m thy fdf, fo t~ pre{erve th~m ~n ,rci:1or.a p.11. i; orht:rs. Silence 1s content by Gods Law, s.1. And by ill to>! cra'it "-,.. fiknce to leave men in fin, is as b1d as by ill fpcech co draw them P~m,c iJHo.r. .. to linn~. Noc to doc good, faith our saviour is to doe evil 1 qur CHJlfll v1.1 d (L Keep t hy {~ lt t' r~m t h"me ot mmo~fiT.<ici;r. and noc co l:lVt't .. s to e Lroy.

------- a;Jhi;,;~7ont:

--- -

if he

--------------------fo~ll hea>- tltt,, thou



0 " 1 't 1 0 N.

(: 19




mem JimuJ, J Iun. 5 .n Out Tran{hcours (after Tr8mctluu and others) rendt:r it, Thou fo~lt not {Ujfer finn!J upon him. Sin is lo hatefull a Viper that WC n1ould duo It down, and ttub it up, wh1.:rc tvi:r we mtet with ic. Now a m:m may hind~r much finne by icaionablc admonition; as BrAdford kept B101:Jp Farr11r ( wbiks he w:is pnfoner in the Kings Bench ) from rec<:iv\ng the
~acramenc at Ealkr in one kinde,

Which he had promifed to doe : Aud llilhop Rid/q ( whiks he was prifoner in the Tower ) from going to Maffe ; which once he did. But Mr Bradford bdng tiltn: alCo pri{onl.!r, and hearing thc:rt:ot, reduced him by an dktl:uall lcctcr. And as for chofo unruly on;:s chat rduk to b:: re

chim~d,yet chc fpirit ot profanenc:s in them will be much laid, l:iid

Dy the m:iidty of a rtproof : which will mne and cakt: down

their inlulc.:ncy, cut thtir combs, cool their courage; as Nico d,mm did tht: Councds, 'Joh# 7. 51, 52,'B And as vf"riA t:m B~>.ft:h()jiUJ. Preacher of.vftftw"rp did the Monks 3t New b11rg, that ra1ld ac LH1her out of tht: Pulpit. I (faith Boxfchofi1u) am c14Ucdby tbe noble Erl of Ho7 tn convince thu, ad

sa!I thine of" /i,e. Te/J me therefore, thJu perv1r{1 Monl{J, tin a' h11t openl1 be{Drt aO 1hu pe,,pl~, "'here, whm, a11a ;,, "'hAt
pDits b,ith

LMther 1rr.edlihe Monk infwered not a word, but gi-t him.

11 him privilv out of the Pu1"it,fled lWay as fa{l: as he could,and never Smit An al. 1 "t' tl1ca& prim4. came more into that~oumrcy. . . . R if. 2 Stcondly, Our Savicurluppliesus m that, M11t. 18.15. with '" :mother rea(on. If he hear thee, thou h,ijr gAitttd th] brother. Now to gain a foul is mor.e then to.get a world, as he hach aif.m:d us who bdl knew the worth of fouls: for he,aod he oul~ Wt:nt totheoriccofch~m, Reb1k!them/htJrplJ,tbatt:eyma1he(o11nd Tit,& If ;,. the 14ith, faith S.P '1Ul ef thofc flow-6eUJ Crttilltu. The Ct.urc.1 of L,1odi~e4 was nurply reproved, and thereupon fou;~~uy re pl!nt ed. For E11{ebiH4 com meeds it to~ a Church iamous :md tfounll~ing in his d:iies; which was well nigh 300 years atcer. An admon.1 tion 1my not prefcntly work : but atmwards { whrn mm uc m cool bloud) it may be betcer confidcred of : of grace are not given all at once, ?oh.13. 36. But the d1fpeolac1on ot the grace of Uod is given Lis co ochers ward, Ep~+2. that as every one hath received the gift, even fo {bould we m1ml\er tht: fame one co another, as good llcwards, cut ot the c:irc ot co.mmu~icy. for as. no I Pct.4 M mrn is born, fo neither is lie born anew for lmnfdf. The R11Hmrs Grat. iter 'Dt-. have a fayir.g: Li/mod le lammed, a man mu~ tht:rerorc kun,. th~t 11to/I hrntr he may teach others. Ephr11im thttt b~re fiurt, to. h1mf~lf only, is <9/ r,bM, n called A empt] vine. But the tonguc~t ~.he 1 w,1fc rs as~ tree ~t lite, crnd'Hvt111~ fie i1 1C.H 7 i1 , that feeds many. And how ford61etfrer1ght \~ord1,fa1~h hem ?ob? tYl'01~ lftt7eiA ' ,:1 ~ N ~than wrought more upon David b a pamcular privlte ad mo ( nicion, then au d~e ktl:ures ot the layt tor, t~rcc qumcrs of.'ll year before. Now if a brother may be g~iq.:d;1a fol.ll favtd by a waft: and loving admonition, who would no'i~rivc 'or fuch p:::uls r . V'i I. Reproof of luch unruly ones as will.not le w:i~nLd ;dogs, fwme, J' komc1~, a!Ics that will not bt: brought.home agam,Exod. 23,4. but lllH further om. The more yo~1 rub ch<1ir gal'd ln.~ks,chc mere chcy kick : the mo.r~ >"ou h:mdk .th.:1,;. ~~ads, the mo~t! th.:y ~wdl 1 the more you meddl~-,chc mqn. wil.l ,thelt; lt:rl?en~s guhlr po1ton ro vomi~ ouc at you, Say co wreU, the tlrmgs ot thm tong~~s :n rnn;:,ch~y will fnap and break upon you: C11i water ~pun this lune, it will fry chdaficr. God hath chrL"atncd to lay tuch m tl1t (Lmy Villley, wh~1~ arc many ~lready like thtn~,and more .Chall cou;1c afccr th~m, [ob11.p,32. , .. . ~ . 5uft~r chc words of exhortation, Heb.13. u. Suff~rir, 11:1y pray Vfa i~ fora friendly reprovcr,as David doth,'Pf14~14J.5 AnJ<. full as he was to AbigaU; knowing that ye have caufc to thmk a11d fay ~s bad of youdelm,as that Agur did 1 Pro.10. 2.3. Sf 2 H1..teijah




----- --------------Ht~ekitth normed not at l(diA/,, hilt (Lif>mitted. lob laid his band upon his mouth, when ~cproved. /011ah replies not, but lhucs up



- - - - - - - - ----------------another With theft \\1ord1, faith Pait/, v1ml luive no Ir; l:./lowjhip I Th cu 1r .4.1 8 \\'ith the Hnftuitfi10 \\'or~ of drtrk.!'ef{e, l111t rt prove thtm rAther. ~~ty~n or rduce, refdl, convince them to be naught by chc clear light of Bph~f.f.11 1 11 Gods Word. For all things that arc (rightly) reproved, are made To quicken you hcrrnnto, confider, I. That Uod Chall be zr~arly glorified, 2. Sin either rclh'!lirl(.:d> or jullly aggravated. 3. We:ik Chrillians 111311 be kept from being fcandalized, fhong fi:om being grieved . 4. Your fc\vcs hereby flla\1 l>c both engaged to doe that whereof you have admonH11cd another, and comforted in tke difChlrgc ot your duty; chc om ill ion whueot dc:>th oft grieve the geod hearr, and vex checonfcicncc i As it fell out in that faithfulland famous manofGod Mr S:im.HiroH, whofe words were the{e upen . . his death-bed. I conft JfL' thtat in publik..! I h,1Ve bun (omewhf4t (iii Ahrclmon oft _ L ,( d . , fl. n. . . t c manner 01 1 1nrtproo1 ,111a mo1:mor,tn1-n1.r11~~1on, B11t1npr11h'ltem1vac/f(. l\l Hlront rP~rdncs, my /,,1fofid11cs, my d.1ftard!ints batb been intoler11ble : de~tbJ annexed .And I mt11 trHIJ f.t.y ,that ifany thing lies tU "burdm upon "'l con .t<> the flrD vo~ ftience,thuiJit, Nowforyourdiretl:ion, thacold rule for mat- lnme of his ter of Alms, holds good in this of ad monition : which is a fpecies works,


his prophecy, and lets Gad have the ldl word. The Virgin Af,o1 when publil<dy chccl<c at the wedding, holds her peace, /oh, 2. 4, Pcr.~.rf S.Pcrer~ommends.allS.Pau/Jepi!Hts, who ft!C had tharply proved h1m,and reg1{hcd that reproof. J confdlc irs no caiie mJC tcr to bear an admon~cion ~ell~ though never fo wd1 mnpcn:d.No ilgar cu1 bm:ne a pill of his b1ccernc:Cf~. Ic fares with off~nders as with thofc that. are w~kened .o.ut ot fieep, they are unquiet, and ready ~o brawl ~Jth their be(\; foends I Dogs jn ll chafo wm bark fometunes at their own m.allers: But Man earring ofgo/J, and,,,. l'rov.1y, U ornitmtnt offine go/J, (a 14 II ~ife reprover upon an obeait11t ear. 8 FroY.2 1 ~ Snch nun nnde 1\lore favou(afterwards, then one that Amercth A , .. with his lips. Bees pafle by rofes and Yiolets, upon time fo 9 11 ;~~>;~'~ godly. men rather hc:ed found rebukes then fmooch lupp:uaficacions. Vioi11 Ar1guflo D_av1J dl:eemed be~terof NathAn afcer he had fo plainly rebuked Mercur!ulll a hun, then ever he did ?efore. See el~e I King.1.23,27. N1y Au V~o mijfum, guft1u an Heathen prized plam-dC'almg in MtcttnM :ind others qut rU1 'J ad Bpiflmu called a fai.chtulJ Monitour, a mdfenger from he:i: JaolJNI. . vcn. Wh en L Ht her was one t1mo Tcry much moved at fome. thing, Mdat1llhon interrupted and quieted hun by repeating this verfe, M4 ~~ lee. com. 'f'inct 11nimu, ir~,,,9., tuam, 1~; ciettra vincu. rog a 4 a, Next to the not defervmg a reproof,1s the well-cal<ing of it. The wommof s,,, lov~ ChrHl: the better for finding her out in her Luk.a,. fin. The cwo d1fc1ples gomg to Ema111 conllrain Ch rill to come in and cat with them, though he h:id roundly reproYcd them, being for o~ght tl1ey knew, a meer \:ranger, and one that had nothing to d~ with the~. As you~g Etglecs arc known to be of the right kmde by their llcdfail eymg of the Sun, to arc the true children of the Church by the right bearing of reproof, lam 1 1 19,10. 'CJft 3. Exhortation i Leam,rnd hbour to be able, ad1vc and abund1nt in this Chrifiian duty ~f admanition. The Rom.1t1s were foll of goodncffr, filled with knowledge, able to admonifh one another, Rom 1 ~ .1 +The Hebrews are e~~ortcd to exhort one another dai ly 1 H.tb,3.13. yeg, to p11ap1114f0tlur, to fiir up (or Whet on) to love and good works. And the C1/offi-'"'' mull: teich and 1dmoF tb.' o.' "1 nifh one anothtr 1 and chat in th~ ~ords of C hrift, dwelling richly Col. 3 l<>. in them, that out of the good creafurc of the hem they may draw iorthgOQd ttnis, new andold, astbereisotnfion .Exhort gn1

m:mifefi by this light.


offpirituall Alms.


- -

- -- - -



E{l n1oa111 in dando, !2.!!,u, ~id, Cui, !!..:f.omPdo, ~11ndo. Herc then take notice: 1. Who mull admunHh ' 2 For wk:it. 3, W horn. 4 How. S. When. Firfi, Who muO: w.un the unruly ? All, without exception: the prcccptisgenerall, Levir.19.17.E~ek.:18 30. Turnye,andtHrn others. Befides, we are all a kingdom of Pridb, Rev. 1.6. have all received an ointment, I /oh.1.20. which mull fmell all Gods hou{e over. W.omen rnu!l: not preach, yet the elder muli teach the younger to be fober, Tit. 3 Minillers mu[} admonilh ot authority a all others of fociall charity ' they that are fPirituaO efpecial ly, Gai.6.I. and childrm oflight, Eph.;.13. Next, See whereof we muU warn others, and for what,reprovt chem. Not for foul tins only, and hainous offences, but for diforders, as here, and inordinate walking, 2 Theif. 3.11. be it but idle nefie, calkativeneffe, pragmaticalndfe, cenlorToufneffe, &c. Far, 1. Small motes in the S1ims u1 m1de great beams by the wicked their leaft abermions (as ofil:ars) is toon obfervc:d and noticed, The1 'Watch for m1 haltingJ faith Jer1m7. Mak.!_. maH .sn offend 1r for A WordJ taitb Ifaiah. 2, Leffer evils tolerated make way for greater. C ,,;,. not cakiflg Gods reproof for trowns,fell afterwards St J to

Rules r.o be 0 ~ frrved an ad. moniOiingothcrs,



.............. -




Ao Mo M 1 't

Io N

to murder. Only let it be remembred that fins of infirmity mull be more gently handled, as thofe of pride and prefumption more ftmply and with fcverity, Tit.I.IS. IHde 22, 23. Whc:n our Saviour (Sam~n-like) drove thofe money-merchants ouc ot his Fathers houfe with a fcourgcof fmdl,ords only, ash\; the Plulil\ims om;c, with the jaw-bone of an aff~, he dealt more gemly with chafe that fold doves. He poured not out their money, nor threw down tbdr tables, as he had done the rdl,but gently faicl unto them,Talt thefa Joh,,16. thi1:gs hence,&c. He knew them bel1k~, not to be fo great finner;, he found them mere traCl:ible and eafie to be wrought upon. Hrnce his different dealing. Thirdly, Whom are we to admonHh? 1. Not tho!e without the 'ifiblt. Church1 1 Cor. S.11,12. Reproof is a piece of eccldl:ifiicaU gove111menc 2. Noc degs amHwine,M'at. 7.6. m1d dogs, fr51foall twine, th:ic either grunt again\: goodnefie, or furioufiy flie in the face.offuch as fairly tell them of their faults. Rebuk! a(c9r.. mr, and he -Will h11te thee : Cuch he means as hlVe wearied th.:ml'rov,9. fclves fo long in Handing and walking in wicked waics, th:it now they are fee down at rdt in fcomers chair, refuting to bt: reformed, hating to be healeJ. The(e are not worch the warnin~ . .But for all others, ft:e that ye foffcr not fin upon them, for fear, favour, affc:Cli on, or what other finifterend foever. Only reprove equ1ls with friendly admonition, fupcriouts with fubmiflc exhortation, infedours by t1mp reprchcnfion, or (if need be) tomd:ion. Ob. Rebuke not an elder, I Tim.5. i. 6~.w.{i~~' Sol, Not asa puny.boy (as the word fignifies) bi.c mildly 1&'9, NC plaJ,am irl jlig"6 'l/Cr~tr.i dfe, fee v.19,2.0, llng1u. Hor. Ob. Jlovenotcomeddle. Benocmany maf\:ers,lam.3.1. So/, No medling in this cafe is a kinde of iou\-mur:hering. Ob. It is a thankleAe office. Sol. Not with the wife, Prov.9.8.& 28.23. In the fwearingficknefle, they that were kept awake, dcaped : but the ftckndfo was de2dly w them chat were !uttered to fl"ep. L(!t tis keep one another awake: an unplcafing work on borh fides. Bue fuch ihall have th1nks one day. 06. I fiull lofC my labour. Sol. Venture that, thou haft loft many a wor(e, Sea Toh 6.2f.

abectcr thing. See Mier.H.29.~o. Hethatr~tefot1 a c1#rt1fie,. we fay,fe/1 Ms li6ert1. 'Sut lo did not our Saviour at r..M'arJ~1, at Simus houfe the leper ; nor muct: we, but tru~ God With aU. A nun had better offend all the world, then his CitWn con.. fcience. ' r Fourthly , How mull we admonifu ~ Firfi, Zealoufiy , io a& the reproof may enter, the counfell be confi~er~d ot, Prov . 17.10. There is a cu r(e to thofe that do this work of the Lord negligently' Eli did in dealing with his lewd fo~s: a~d Pop~ Pa1,l the s. who being advercifed ot the detell:able v1llames ot his ~on H~& 'Ultlt1 ,,,, Fanujim thought it {ufficient to fay,He never le.inwl thefe 'flS&ts non,omo.. of hiJf11th~r. How did S.Pa11lfharpupthei<m:crer, All.13.10? flrt1tore diJicit. And our Saviour !bake: up his droufie difciples,Mflr,,Ji.41.though Heyl.Geog. P heavy.hearted? From ht#&efr~h Jle~p And mk.! J.ONr rep, it i4 fN!fi :;,~biffimo [t&r; cient. Th rte words he u{eth to upbraid them thc:1r fieepmg th.~ thnd , 0[.,,,uor pe,_. time, Sleep now ify6:>11 can~ the hou~ i~ come, the fould1ers are pringit. at hand etc. Next mildly and .n the /Jm1t of 111uk...nefr. Some Gal.s.1. warmthlhuf\: be in a repro~t 1 bucit multnot befcalding hot, as by words of reproach, revili~g, threat~ing, M~11111do qHa111 mina,,do. Elifoti did more with a klt~,tben his man with a il:atf. ~o oratory is fo powerfull as that of maldnes. ONght 111101 to W~lk..."' the ft"r


of th~ Lord1b"""f~ <l/ tht rtp>'111ch of tht H111th1n?faid N ehuniAh.

Who could refi0: fuch a fweec and foveraign reprchenfion? LalHy, learn when to admonHh. Not wllen men are in their drink, 1 Sam.25.J6. or in hc~tof paffi~n, Pro.I 8.19. Good Ph~ ficians evacuate not tht bod~ m ex.trem~ty of .h~at and cold. Mart ners hoifo not fail in every wmde. Opporcumcaes mu\: be watched. Sam11e/reproves not Ifrael, till fureofcheir ~ing. Confider wifely whether it may becmbedmeprdently,,:md mhot blou~, or more conveniently and profitably at anotller tame, &ll.3.7.'Pro.itJ. JI



Ob, I fhall lofe my friend. So/. le m:iy be not! But fay ~~?U lhouldefr, thou th:.tlc finde a


f llllllf1111111
1T1r.1. 6.17)18,19. Ch4r$t tho{t t~At he rich itJ thi1 tt1orld., thAt th.'Y be not high-

confid~-~~~;;ift-laey ;;;fimplythe-Cafcr~- ~r better for their I butldance : But contrariwife, 1. For God, to tr11f! in him, for that ht both li~es Andgfoes "' all thiNfl, &c. 2, for men, to exercife bounty towara them. Whercol' we have here. 1, A juft defcription, by the matter, meafurt!, manner, confia11t cctntinu. anccr, ver.18. 2. A powcrfull incitation to the pr~ic of it, drawn "~ HtW, which every. man hcarknetb after, ver,


Cht1rge them 1h11t ar1 rich-that thr7 be richi11 good Work!~

;1J.u~ 10 !'!-!lt 1

(1.,..~"'' {ii/c, ; ~1>..'}l'.fwu.. ?111 1111)r.iC'.a,rJ111


mmded> nmher trujl in 1mctrt4inriclm, h111 in the living God, who giveth us ~u thin,t;s richly to enjoy. That t~ey d1,~oo~,tl11Jt they 6e rich in geodr'1orks, re~ td dijlr1bute,n11l/mg tocomm1mic11te: Lay~ng11p in florefar themfclves A goodfoundation, 11gain.ft the' ttrc to come,thAt tht'j m4y lay ho/don ettrnttlt life.
. \ u nl cs prop~ fi1t1on . ,m ' oppo fi. f' 1t.1on to t h01e men of

0111mudgoJ1intlfeug1tAt t";,,, This cs our Ape-

'l cl7T'1"11,.

vetl. S)6. Bm the lovt 1{ n1one1 i& the root of 11U. evil. And they that wilt be rjch, that are refolved "'J to rake together---rem, r,m, 1uocu11~.. moJo re,,, ; Thde fall t.1n(Z1,17 \1101 ''" .dabl y 1t110 . t1mptat1M, . and ,1fr1are, 7.i r they fiop 11ot che dmu,gu~i ho avol yea ( 1 wiinef,Ut ina fooner, [.l:ep not back the f:if\:er) into man7 foo/ifo ana noi~me qu.e fum111i1a1e l11fts, which defpcrately drown men in perdition Ana deftr11lli111, rur{"' 11011 ct1~l vcr:.!), 1 o. lia/11.\Vomi~. This to prevent, the Apofile taskcth Tim1th7 ; 1. For him{elf w J.q h(l/d on eterna/llifo, asfail:asothersdo on this worlds gcods ; to follow af cer godlindfe as greedily as they aft et gain. 2. Forothtrs ( afcer a flborr digreffion) he chargeth him to charge the rhh i~ 1hu1-Porld {o co handle tb~ir thorns, that they prick not thd1 fin~<:rn, pierce not their fouls, gore not their confcicnces, ci thcr by prid\; (that hate of heaven, and gate to hell) or .by carnall - -- - ~onfid~nce,


1 don~tcd not to dcltnd, That g1tin "''" godlintfft, !

corrupt mmdcs, that even m thofe purer times,

As Ciod.hath enlarged any man in his outward ellate, he mu(\; Doll. be an{werably enlarged in works of mercy. ( For that of this kinde of good works the Apofilc is here to be underfiood, it well appears by the context. ) , The: Scripture ranks all Lorts into, I, Rith. i. Poor. 3.Men of a mean or mid~lecondition, fuch as ~g11r wil11ed for, Prov, 30. 8. Poor men are {uch as cannot comfortably {ub!iCl without re lief. The middler man is he that gets and cats : his gcttings and eatings arc even at weeks end. . The rich man is he, that hath any thing over that fizc of {:uisfymg nature: that hath any over-plus, any thing to lay up. Now the rule here is; Bwry man 11ccording to hu abiliry mul~ rditvc bis poor brother, as they did, ACE. u. 29. Yea, though we may not ll.retch beyond the naple, and fo break oll; yet in (omee;xm. o>..en~:-{!1?v ... ordinary neceffity ,and exigency ,the poor widdow r~mlt pare with /IJ14r, 1 her lictle AIJ; the S11repmn bt no niggard cfber oil, though it be tor a po< r 11311 1 in the /Jottome, thedceppovcny ot the UH.u!rdrmians muff A '1 s ~ ' dyl~f . 1 ll~ ' " . htJ o if t h. ,., ,. ho tor h. d 10011tS t t rte cir wer.1 uv, w ur power~ an fJ 1n h boun d unto . . 11 r .. <t.T ,v;t..'Jr'f Lryond u.too, were w1Hmg thc~tto, i Cor. S. i,1, The day-liibom- ""m~i:1,ft,kim, er muC\: give fornewhat out of his gees, the fcrvant ouc 0f his wages, '1" e aJ i111um Epht[.4.28. ThcRukrmu!lnot exad his righr, Nehcrn. 5, 10. uf11ccs"xin4 nor the lamled man fparc to {tU that he IJttth,to .~ve alms 1hertof, mcrat. luk..u.33. asBarnabi11 (andothers) did, AEl.437. and was thcrdorccalled, A (onne ofcon(olation, becaufe tie thrn:by com All l !tfi811 forted Gods poor ~filitted. Holy Bradford, iu a h~ud time, JbiJ: an. ' thought .,Qt much to {ell his chains, rings, and jewds, for relitf of others. R"_ger1 our Protomartyr in ~een Maries daies, made . rl a motion to forbear one m~al a day. Mr Goorge Wi[eheart a ~~n1:s:~~. Scorch ~artyr ~o~l>a~e~m~ ~~alifl th~ec, ~n~ day in four, for the cardl"' dlcitur.









He laybard upon a poujfeof{h~w, wich coutfe new canvaffe lhcecs, which wt\en Aff.a11,/ .'>fnn. ever he changed, he gave away. Gilu of Brulfels M:myr, gave fo' 1 1 5 h w che po0r all that he had,tht necdllry cou~d fpare : and only liY~d by his foicm;e1 which was ofa Curkr. Some he rcfrefhed with b~ meat, fomt! with clothing : to fomc he gav~ his {hoes, fome he helped wich hou!hold-Rutf: co ochcr-fomc he minifi:red wholfomc 81 JbiJ 1 exhortation ot good dotlrine.One poor woman cherc. was brought to bed, and haq no bed co lie in : to whom he brought his own bed, himfelf contenc to lie in the {haw. Being taken, and put in prilon, he minifirtd to all his fellow-prifoners ac table, being con. tented bimfelf with a few fcraps that chey lef r, &1. Dr TAilD111 Mmyr, made i1 his cuO:ome, once in a fornight at leall: to call up on Sr Henr1 Do1le, and other of the rich Cloth.makers in his Pa rifh to go with him to rhe Almdhoufc, and there to fee how the poor lived, whac they lacked in m~ac, drink, clething, bedding, IbiJ,1388, or any other necdfarks. The lil<c did h1 alfo rootherpoormen thac had many children1 or were fick. Then would he exhort, and comfort them : and, where h~ found caufe, rebuke the unruly ( this was {pirimall alms) and what they lacked, chat gave he a~ ter his power; and what he was not able, he caufed the rich to M H"_arJ ~r rnin.ict..:r unco them. Mr F o.\ (that reports all the former ) never 1&_'ft~' his . dcmed any one that asked him ought for Jefus fake : And being 1 ~fu ' all in once a5ktd, Whee her he knew a certain poor man, that had recei ;,~'Iiiis de fire vcd (uccour frem him in time of trouble, he an( wercd, I rt11Jt11Je by Uob .Abbot. lur him \~di: l tcU 1011, I forget Lo'fdJ a~d Ladi11 to rttwm~er (uch. Tice I \\,u ( faich the fame Mr Fo:t:) in Bifoop Ho11perl hotlje 111 Worcefler : \\here, in hu Common-h~a, I (aw a in.ble f/iud\tith .~oodjlore of metit, and Infer fi1/l of beggars ane4 poor f1J!k. e..(lnd I a~ kJng h,.j far-vant s \\hat t hir meant, th11 told mt, thflt evrry d.1y their Lord and maflers mt1nner \\'..u, to have cuJ1om,,bly 10 dinner" C(rmin n11mber of po1Jr .folk... of the /Jid Cit] 61 co11..-fe, \\'ho llt'tt fervtd 11] fom At 11 m~ff", \\1ith 'Wlul(qm' #IMtt. JliJ.iJtS> And whm they wm~frrved 1 being before examined by him or his depucies, of the Lords-praicr, th~ Articles of the faith, and ten Commandmenrs, then h~ himfrlffat down to dinner, and not be fore: : being, as 1c is elfewhere fiotied of him, Spat'e of diet, !ft liiJ. rer. of Words, fjumft of timt-, oAm1ul1w Duke ot SA'tJOJ ( afccrwards made Pope of Rome, 1w10 1440. ) being asked by cmain Emba!fadours, whether he had any bunting-dogs to thew

---- --m~lparc, ext;,;~fomcthing -c~~o~f~~-c nature.

th~d7hcm they lhould Cec ther:n chc next dar . And ge~cing r a reatfort of poer foll<, hcfec tht:m \\1th hire at lllS own ro:~le ~n t~e morrow, and faid to the Embaffldc urs, The(e be the




t s th J 1..up d14 i11, '""' 'Whtnwi th I uft to ht1nt 11fttr

6 "'

11;. hegreat, 3 nd bY /"'~ King 'I'''" r, \:. Alikecourfowasrakenbych,ir/rst Fu";Cbrorol. ot D'avn and Ycn~dr, as vn~M S7l~i1u reporteth. < a ca- Hi/I hohem rain Uiiliop of Linco/nr i cis fa id, Th~u he neve~ t}Jo11gh1 he had ~p.e,ul. bclii {1' h hin th ft he aid llOt give. The fame IS rtport_cd of our m.P ,if~- , ~~~c~aU ~ orrice ; and bdore them both oi CyrtU tbe .Ktg, and :.:.!;J.J(;.'~ ;.:~ of Anto1oi."4 the Emperour. ~~en A~ne. BuUen came c~cr a 7tt.& Xenoph, bout her a little purfr for the poor; thmkmg ~o day well lpc~c, !JM ;,. 11ita u. wherein tome man had not fared the bcm er by b.:m:fi: at :r .d J1011~ni f hi as were :ibout her, fo unploi- IJMln. ll:ln d Sh t kept her maids ' and Cuch t :cher was A[f "'ul Mt11, c:d in fowing and working garments or chc poor, t b.u.rm f l fol s ss. there fecn any idleneffe then among them,. nor any le1(ure ~ f 0 lowfoolafh paCHmcs. So did DorctU before her, and lo i.: ore t~e~ both B athjbebA, or the good hou{ wife th 1 t ~c com mc~ds co her {on Solomon, She l.1ieth her hands to the ff ~11tlle, and tr b~r.Jsbo/Jtludifl11Jf,, Prov.31 19, Rut why ~his? r.eed Che be to worl<-briule, being a ~crn ? It toUowcth m tnl.! ~exc words; verf. o. She ftrttchtth ollt her hand 10 the paor, 1''' fo he th forth her hantisto the needy. She w:is o~ his mmde, bcl~ke:" that faid (and fuffcred fo la)' ing in ~ing He ~r1 the 8 . daies) Th1tt a/mi foould not be given untjl/ 11 [weift in a ~ans Ibid 16 s. hand. Mr Bra"fora Martyr, counted that hour lo~, wherem he rbid. 14 ST did not Come good with h}s tongue', pen or purlL. ~he young Lord Harrington gave che'cemh of hjs aUow:11m: (which was.~ d h' 't y) to the pc.or at.1,1 thoufand pounds a year, urmg ~s mmon . . his death) bL The tcrl.11101 y: ocher good ufes (as appeared by his accoumutccr d b' b an11t xd cu his fidcs what h~ gave in the way as ~e walked and m.vdlc_ 't ~ IC d funcr.ill fcrmc; he did often and much, (re. M.wh.1tel1 alfo thu late pam u 'n h b1 M Sto'li_ P powerlull Preacher ot Gods Word at B.11,-,/ur7, :is he_ was ik11uc t 9\ n m prc:fiin11 this du tu of hbcral1cy, (o himklf ab<.'U 1dcJ m wor sf~ ~' dst~ hrspre n ltr aparc ' im d exprn dt: d f ur chc.{P~ . c~ of m~ny y~ars or Pro101ype1, xc mercy. He f his by v,ood nfcs, the tenth part of his ytarly co~mgs lilt bo~ 0.u~ ,0 M.Hemy s,,,J, te111pora.Uand Eccltfo1fiicall means ot mamcen:.\ncc. eat er u1ay d.r. I here forget that lac~ reverend man of ~o.d M. J.ohn B .ia.. m Pol: flour of the Church at (my fp1rmuH ht her, an~ bouaf tifull benetaaour} nor yet M. Sjmon 'TrAppe, late M1~1l~~r o Gods Word at SuAtford upon Avo11, m}' dcu and OCi\f kmimbanb,

)t ...


Hi (U'it


'1~'.~'&4 1."



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'.~tfiopun, fir:

w'r1mp11e,io{ /crcmt~:!~&.c, lk1.U11 to-:.

'lJnrt A1i.f~
IC[Ct f:b.:r,1//la

h;1 l (, 1~ 11 11 l 1 Crt(<J; 1.,u11u(


rem mcti c1.ilim

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~'~; l\mbr. eaJ I'

11.j fed lJrgira'"'(' afcttu Jc.

W...'dTri'~ u' sTO v

Luk.11,a r.
1 Cor.1.5,


J.1rn.1 5 Luk.u J3

both in the fMh, and in the foith. Both whi~h~-~~t--~f ~h~~-l~~i~ they had (tor God fa w fit U> hold them here [0 flrai t allowance who ddervcd a larger proporcion: but a rich fl:one is of no ldl~ . w.1c . ker cas kcc, chcn whm fct in a Bi. .. wore h ~ ht:n loc I<ed ma llrnps mmc) they h.1J ~'~'by them wcddy in !lore fomewhlt f"r che poor, ot chn chm hccle: and chey were no lofcrs by ic. The poorm:rnsbnxisChri!hcrc:ifury (faich a Father.) And he fits by, as an Arch-d1:1con, to lee whu cv~ry man ClA:s into this cre::i { d 1 I a: .a. .h l 1 ury, an ~1tnw1at:im:~~1on. ~peopc, Jf,irluz.41. latlin money (brajfe 11_JfJIU11 faith the Origmall :) fomewhac they mun doe, tornone might 3ppear empcy. hsnded before the Lord . but thly would do as licclc as mighc OI!: they caCl: in foich che l\xt n ld b b ff. ' ? ' I nlot 1 ver o~ go ~ . uc ra.11 e-monq mto che cr~afury. And many t 1at were ncb Cal~ ~n much. ~uc the poor waddow call in more t~w1 all the refl,, f:u~h our S~v1our : Idle in Arichmccicall propor mm, but more IQ l 1 c:omemcall, ~ecaufc all lhe had. And womtn arc nocc:d for more h:ird and tenacious Lhen men whence ia is that the joy for finding the lofl: gro:u is propmmder.I in the ., .. rfo 11 of 3 . l J. h. 'dd . r " woman,. ~1"-!15~1.Sut.t 1sw~s~\\'1 owir.deed,tr11Jli11JinGod,a!>S, P'"'' defcribeth fuch;m the 11vmg God,3s this Tc"c hilCh ic who gi 'llttb u1 all thingi richly to enj~J This is one p:irc of God~ charge hcre:and another is, to be rich in good work:f ,r1ad1 to Jijlri6Ntt &c J\nd t~at's eur firfi: reafoo .{fo~ WC ne~d not trnel OUC of the fe~~ to fetch m rcafons for che pomt m proof) Goa hies his charge his folemn charge upon us, co be much in works of mercy.Now it' lhould charge the rocks,they would fend torch w.icer ; if che fiones the~ would become .bre1d: it the ravens~tiey would fec:d6' /i114 : lf th~ qvi:uls,they would v1tl:uall thccamp 1 ifcheclouds,chey would rain down food from heaven upon his poor people, Shall we then be more rocky then rocks? more fioay then i\on1&? more ravenous chm ra Yens? more fentldfe then birds?more empty then clouds ? ~econdly, arc but the rich in thu World, that are here_ required to be r1cb m good \\1or~. Its o&e thing to be rich in this world, a~d another ~hing to be rich 1011Ard1 God, as our Saviour p~rafeth at, to be rich &n knowledge, as S. Pa11J bath it rich in taith, ass. ;Ames. This is tebe rich for another world, t~lay up a trcafurc m heaven , '? make us purfcs that pcriCh nor. Sell that ye have, and gave almes, provide you baggs thereby that .W3x not old, ~hat arc never 1hc worfe tor wearing, trc:afure m heaven that fa11c'h net: but the more yeu take from it, the

. .. -#-. --- -- --------- - -- --- ....



. -------------------------- AL". s

.. .":"'"'






the more you adde to ic: It gro.~;;;i~-y~~r ha~d~-;s-thefoavcs did Nee rxbawl in our Sa vi ours, as th~ oil did in the Widdows cru{e, as [he w acer 1ur,ncc um doth in,~. wdl.{pring. That which a man eats, drinks, wears, arur,jeil Ji1lie( 1 builds, ejc. t~nds buc to a nat~n~l kfe, the world that now is (as ~ :7 ,..r 1 ~ 1 tJitJ. the:: Tt xt ha ch 1c) and ends wtth it too. Thc:fo things arr only for,., this pbce, and tor this fiace coo; rt:rrcnc chty arc and abj1:tl, b:ilt: TilUYJ habi1ur~ and booth lfe, vain and vile, {ubjetl co vanity or violence for the I uir "-'' w11"~ moth may confume tht m, or the thitf fieal them. But if not, yet a:u f"u_,, aut thty fcrve eat to back and belly, to prop up chis life pret~n. Which '."~~r 6. 11 ya, they cannot. for, Meats for the belly, and the belly for mt 1t1. But God 'Will drftro1 hotb it ""d them, Were it not bt:ttcr thcrdore by bc:unty to the poor to make NS friends with the un. ri~hteo~s ma~mo.n, thlt when we.'11111 b2 turned out (as it were vovum ;11 ere~ with a prm.e 1;1ll1o~e) of our clay1e coct:iges, they (that is either /iJ mamu p4111e the Angels, or thy nches, or the poor whom therewith thrn hall: 1u 11 .difir.-'t rditvc~) may receive m into tverlafling h11bitn.tion1 ! chat \\'.hen Ciiryloit, 6 thde thmgs fail us (as they will, for thty are only thu 'Worlds LJ kl \ 9 1 0 1 ' .I 1.ood1, as s. 7ohn c:ilkth them, and will follow thdr right malkrs,:is dogs de, when company puts) our good works miy follow us,and fpcak ~good word fo us 1t Gods dread full cribumll? . Thi~dly, T_o be rich .in good _work.f is a fpeciall prdcrvative, a Rea[+ foYcrargn Anttdorn agamfl tho(e two d:mgerous ditc:afrs ( conn1turall and almolt in(eparable trom rhe rich in this world) 1. Hi" h mindedndle, caufing men to thinl< great things ot themldv1.s, ;nd to fct:k great things forth~m{dvcs. This is a blab rhac the devil w1H cafily blowup in rich miters; to think thc:mklm fimply the bmcr men, becauCe richer then ochers, which is all one, as if the filly Ant,the higher Lhe gets upon her hillock,the greater l11e fhould conceit her fdf. _ 2, Carnall confidence in the wedga of gold, in their heaps and hoards of the wealth ot this world; making their gold their God, and uulHng t? rhcir id~l, which ~the bdly.god doth not, who yet . hach ~amnation for has end. Ev<:ry niggard draws arguments Plur f- 19 from his riches to prop up his hupts, co c~ntirm his exprduion of a longer and mort comfortable ltfr, bcc3ufo of his inuch good bid up in llore for many years. Now chis is to ordinuy a chmo 0 for thofc thar are rich in this wotld, to trnll in um:lrt:llll richts, rhat when the D1kiplt:S were afionill1cd at that fayil1 g of our Savillur. How hArd/1/111tll1h1 rich enur into b~J1ven l and he, for thl!ir fatisfactiou had th~ explained himfdt Chitdre11, How hitrd u it: fon

la .

for them that tntft in riches to enter into the kjugdome o' G 10 I MJrk 10 '-?,1-1 It 111,1Jii~ fay 11 Caml'l, &c. They Wt:re fo farre from bein'Jg t r. 1 S a.6 fi J 1 l_ Qtl ' eu, t hu t h1:y Wr.:rc aho01lt1('d Pllt of mcafurc, fayiiig, amon 1 th~.m~tl.vt s, Wr10 tl.icn ra'1 !:.c (av;d ~ as kno\ymg chu tl\crli wcr~ ka. c,~ :i.1~ ric~, crufh:d m chc1r riches. For prcvt mion whac ot, md ch:.1: rni.: rich lhlh 110: :ig:tinlt either ot thcc cwo dang Cl. h i. 1 i . i, ~ .' m, as t.1.:y ovl! t.1.~1r m.s, and Wollld favc thdr fouls, to beAncdrJ 111 go dod \'\'!lrk. 1, fh1s ~ept D.wid humble, 1 Chron, 29, 14.. n wvu1 1 '~ve 1 <cpc that rich young Pharifee from trufiin to his great p~lkll1.ow1, had he taken our S:iviuurs councdl, il-/(Jr7, ~;,~;:~~;,~~1 11 lo, z 1 ,ii, B~lt has h~art was f.o wedded and wedgd co his health"" dh iti c: r11fi.lcnr that he w~nt l way grieved at tn:tt hard faying, Set/ all and yJu6 r; tHari aniiM. th~ p?or, as on~ wdl bl':iten : and feemed co be of that miters u~z 1, mmdi:, that bcm~ on his dr::ithbtd, clapt a piece of gold in his 1routh, and kt'pc It tht:rc; :ind bcmg asked his reafon 1 he anfwer Ro!> cr1 of lov ,,.d .r er t ha a I mean to Ieep till J .. , S ome \L ytJ omc : t I.'JU 1 fu~ ~ ~ -?l~'~(~: Fcurchly, Riches arc a mccr n;1ceminty, an obfcuricy, a falla. 1 cP 1 !' "'''''"'n:n cy: one .while c~1cy appear, ~rnJ anocher while chcy dilappeu as !llctcom 111 the :ur, :is divc-dlppers in the water: as a flock of blrds 11~ 1 mms fidd: he c:mnot ~ay du:y are, bccault: they fie there, forthcy m~ur;to tl11m \rngt, faith Solomon, l'lndjlecaw 111 ,In. fi:tnc~ {ok; to day on t~e .throne, to morrow on tbl! dung-hill: 1 1'111 , bfl. Pyth~,u pml:'d ~o d7:ich form k otlm:ad, who was able co c:nj<ll .:.&O, t(rcam and ma1m:11n x,r~.:es his whole army: B1tj1tut, ch:it (nil offor.tune, as one C:\ls hun. ot nthcr en Lximlc of wealths uoCt?rt:tmcy, :ts :in~cbtr. Now m dealing wach chings uncemin ( whcrtot thtrc 1s no hold) a wife m:in will be cmfull r, To 1ml5c: them as lure.: as ht: can . 2. To uf e them :is wdl as' he can w.hilc ht: huh dll:m. B~H nt:Hhtr c:m we atTurc riches, nor u{e the~ bt:cta, thLn by bdlowmg thl?m on the poor. H this bt:: not done Jcr.u ir, t 6. all co.nvcy:rnccs t>l ia war..: l ut meer toics, {o are all och::r c:nmll (c~um~tS, sh,1/t thou rai,{n U':Clltt(e 1'3011clo(eJf1h1 ft/( in! p,0V'l9o17, ~atth God cu Con~ab. lJ id not tl;y imd drink! ttnd dot J:~~emrnt, and tncn 11 \\'M \\'(// i\jth him? He jud1.ed the c1111fa of ,,J~p<111r . ndnc~d1, thm h 1\'M \\'e/i-M;th l.i'zJ H et h'''~''tlrsr~ l Id YI ,,

o'l1" I ~ill repaJ it. And c1n we lay up oar we.11th in a fa. fer h:md ? Can Wt have a better dcbcer then Chrilt r a bemc bond tl1(n [he B1bk? hhhly, This flu\\ be :t good argummt and :ipproof unto us, R {. that we tmfi in the l1vil'lg God ( wh1cb is rhe chal':lder of a nm: er1 S Chi iiHm, 3nd is cherdore p111de, as a b:toge 7 upon th~ tlt'l'Vc of tVlf\' godl)' perfon) rhar we rercive his char~~l, l .y hold on his Covtnmr, bdit've his pronuks, that w~ have tult giv.:11 cur /elves to God, wich thokmm:ifull MMtdoni~ns, i Cur. 8 ~. and chco 01.r gnr:d110 the Sa int s, that arc in rhe earch, t f;o(e (.'l.:ceUent onn, in whom was DAvids ddighr, p (ttl.16 ~ 1'11us Ob.1di1if.i, Th] 1 . . f<r11a11t fiareth Goa, fa id he to tAc Propll~r ; bUL how t11ali chu Kmg. aS 'i,, 1 sppear, Obadi.ih ? Why ? when f!Z,t1htl pctk(Urcd tht.: Lurds .s' Prophecs, I hid them, and fed them by fifty in a ,ave, not wichcuc the hnard of my head, it ever it 010u\d have u::t:n 110cicc:d. So J(a.23 18. Th~C1ty ofT1rm tumingto<.Jod, kavt'sheapin~and homiij1g her weal ch, and findt's anochc.:r maAncr ot imp lo lllt.'llt for ir, vi-<.. to feed and cloath Gods poor people. So Z .1chcm con- Luk.' 8,1 1 verccd, gives half he had to the poor: and Corneli1t1 ll\c:Ws his de- A~l IG 1 vocion, the CCtrinthfon1 their prgfl {frd {Hljc [lion to the Golpe/, 2 CfJr.9.13. by giving much alms co many ptople. The wifdom~ from abl;lVt.: fidi of merCJ and good fi'11it 1, laich S, (-'mes. And, Pllre religion and 1mdt fi!ttl before God ad the fa th er u rhu, tJ 'Vi ~lm, r.i1. fi11hef.1therlcj[uindwiddow1 &c. to do all otticcs of macy to ;21J1,t.~7. thofe chat are poor and in mifery. , Sixthly, yY e ll10uld ~hercforc be rich in good orkJ, b.:c:n{e. R 6 af 6, God, i. L1vts, when W\."rcd~ad, rorecompenfe our labour of fl1{111'1'Deuup lovt: in our heirs and executours. He givrs us lite alfo, that wn1l~s ~,J.-;~6 011,,, ve,9f. 10 we have time, we may Jo good co all, to the houihold of hi th c- fpeciJlly, and not ddcr che doing thcrcf till we are dead . M1ny m1!erly muck-worms, au: like the muck-hill, charnevcr dues good till carritd fi>Ut ; lik~ the fat hog chat is good for 11othlng, till he comes to the.: l~nitc: like the po~r mans twx, rhar yu:lds no momy till broken 3p : lik~ crecs ch:H kc t Jn none Ct)~ thdr fnucs, till viu.,. b~dy Onktn. Wi:. arecharged co carry lit~htsin our hands: fune Luk u.31. rall btndicencetarrits them b(hit'deuur b:icks: fo-thar, they light thc:m thit C(.'mt: atcer us; ul\r fclvcs have lirrk. bcmti'c. i,, ik-: t n P~ 0 r. eti ~ t1J t~e ~ord, l.Kco1ntscrcdicounohi~Crcatour,arid <:auk God gives m alJ 1hi11gs richlJ 10 t'lijo7. very W.:.>td Ci\Wt;s~1s. fh1l~rn.18,10. h~ 'Wi/l:ef"1 " Chrdt fp\:aks co fu~h from heaven, as once Paul a rcafon. dJd co 1 h1/cmon: lf my poor have received any thinn from ther 1 .. He giTJu not p.aies_IU, as earucd or m~dted. heely we re'\' ~r oJVcth thee 011ght, I the Lol'd Chrilt havt Written i~ 'Wim ,,,;,,; ctive 1)












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(cive, frnlY_t_h~-~fore we-mullgi;e- ,---efpecially, fince j[ is a,,,,,, Mef{ed thint to ~~ive thtn ~o rtceive : and beftdes, for this we have received chat we may give; foh we are, not owners of what we hne, buc Almoners, Stewards, purfe-bearers to the King of
heaven. i. He ~ivttl1 m, who have little re:ifo~ co look for it, fich we look for heaven, and m1y th-:retor~ wdl hve upo" reverfioos. This n~tt>Lu 1c ~ m!ldc ~brtthtt.n content to d wdl m tents, becau(e he looked fora allfn.e ~anqutt. Ciry whofe m.1ktr and founJ1r i4 God. The wicked are called 0 110 ~,"C"fXU rJ s vei the inhabitants oft he earth, and ld have in chjs world: : 1 1 .JY ti h their portion , , mi11w perlinen- by thdr good wils the godly {}\011 ive notbmg. And truly, if m they lhould here both hunger and thirfi, and be naked and buffeted, Rev.u.u.. and have no cercain dwelling, hue wandtr about in lheepikins 1117 Pfc ' 4 and r:roaMkins, being ddlituce, affiided, tormeated, their betters r or 4, ' ' . . d mca.fure, 1nd were g l~ d o f It , too, becau Ie H b ltd 7 haveo met wah :is b1. ZJifliti'ec'/ ut throu,,h manifold mbuluaons they entered mto heaven. Bue to pr.r(ertib:u hn flep o~t ofonc hc~vcn into another, to h:wc here all thing:srij;hly to 4 n~ tfU~111 fu rur enJoy and 4fcerwards to enjoy thac ~ndlcfie joy, this is hard and 1 t'f' (~'~ J uJt ~e h:ip~y'. Wh" fuch think apuch to pm with a little pelf at 1 ue llll o a C1I. I fhould ".to , ciaa iwl[eat, Go s appo.mcmem r . , &c. Hicron 3. He gavcch us ie!l things- ; Wh:it _Co great matter JS at. tiicn that we give him backfomeching? elpec1ally fince ~cg1vehim but of his own, as David ghdly aclm0wledguh. Is tt not meet that we lhould g:vc him one day in fcven? foh the d"J i4 hu, the 11ight al~ FN.7'4'6, ishu,as chiP(a/miflhathit. So aHohere. 4. He giveth m all thingt rich!], not fparingly, pinchingly: nor tor.bare necdlity only, bm for del~he md fattety t neither for compeu:nce and convenience only, but hondt affluence (as he did Prov. 'l'f tht>m ac CanA in ~alitee, and the five hundredhe fed With a few NJl a M loaves and fil11es) to thac we eat to the {atMf4llion 1/ ot1r (oHls, 111 .-1fapho Prov.13. 25, and our cups tun over wirh D.1'Z- id1. And why run 11 0 Pru '" t~r qi~ f over, but chat they may run into other mens emptier \'efids ? that '"e rt{rtf._t.rta . ~ For ~ . at . fi c t hat fu1lanl:J4 Edi the poor m3y parca kc of our redun danc1cs rur ,u 4 111u111 fume lhoulu be hungry in Gods hou'e, and others drullken, cfurlwts cupi. as once at CtJr-inth ? And not rather thAt our A6NnaAnce u~t 1 Jibit~r. jho 11fd /,e 11 (u pp!I fir othfr.r '\\'ants, that there rlta7 /11 llH 1qM.t'l"""'"111 puJt1u lit7? 2 Cor. 8, 14. ~ utiu,&c. . I1us a11 t h. ' 'IJ, an d t h'JS to en;o1 . : nor ro f cwil ..,Jvcr/. S. H e g1vet mg s rsc,,, &1111t1,1.J~ heard, much ldk co wane: but co bldlc God in chc abundance of aH ihings1 and to bldle 01cn with our iuperfluities at leaLl: ; that their
Hine Jiviri.R i1;, ur.tur rb.' I

~i{cir iucks~b~iii~~, b~-~~Is, whi~h ~eh~~~- ~cfr~fh~d~-~;ybl~~e u11: chai: whiles chey tnjoy our bounty, we may enjoy rhcir pra1ers, as Onefiphor1u did S.p ,111/1: 2 T1m.J. 18., and t 1od !1lay have their prailes, whiles cht:y cry out as S. P.111/ brings them m, i Cor. 9.15, Th11nkJbeto GodfDrlu~u11[pcAtublr f.ift. Tlm hke good Uomacks we m:i}' deal fomethi~g to the remo~ ..H mcml>, that they may the better do chm utfic1. : and clue hwng at chc upper end of che Tabk, and havmg cue wdl w our tdvcs, we may fet down fome to tht'm thH lit bdow, rhat chcy m:iy eat and be facisfied, and praik eke malkr ot the fcafi. And thii is the foc.t Rcafon. L:ifilr, If rich men loobfrer commodity (as who doch not.? All g~pc after gain, and will do much t~r ic ) ch(!y ma~ by th.cir libcralicy, 1. Lii) 11p in ftorr, orhy a(Jde far .fro~ .thieves, hide out af harms .. way, hond and trra{urc up, which rich men love a life to uc doing. 2. For ~hemplvu : and chey are commonly,. all for them(' Ives : l>u: clus ;tl(o 1sfcrche foul, the better part oE themldves, The body is but arag oFchemtdves, ~nd 11!ull:lhortly be tumbled into the du(t 3. ~good fo11nd,mon, fit to ~ear up, when riches will fail chem. Heaven only h~th a foundac10~11 Heb. u 1 o. Earch hath, 1ob. 2 6, 7. 3nd chm gs arc ofctn (~1d tobcin l:e.~ven, buto# r.~rth; on t1.e lurbce only, ready co f11de off, or tlip befide. 4. And, for the time to _comr. This is. fpokcn in oppoficion (likely) to fon:-ment10ned unccrtamcy of nchts. By mercy to chc pour, Y 1: fo ./l liq up m11ch goods for ~a-


Dm. 4, 17. 1111 ~.1rs, obtam a 1~''.~r!m1in .. "f 7(}11r 1r111HJHillir1 1 yea provide for your own wdl-Joing a chouland year ht:ncc. 5. T~cy fiull hereby la1 bold on ~tcrn,d/ lifo; a11d is not that worth havmg ~ 0 Revcl.11,

doe noc mm lmow wh:it :i pbcc hc.iv~n is~ The pavemer~r is of gold, tht.: walls of t'earl, &c. I do. but difgracc it, by fccl<~ng to dclcribe ir. Rich mt:n have :i price m chm hands, wherewith to Purch:ifo it had ciity but hcarcs co 1mkt: u;~c ot it. Ndther arc the ' L' ld poordlexcluded, d&laokd: Heaven m_ay be had cor a_ctltpfob1 cod water, it rightly given, (aich tAu_ffm~ tor a ~odd 0 rca , faith Chry{Dlogu1. Jt is fabled of Midal, that whatfocvcr he couched was turned into gold. Sure it is, That whatever t~t.: hand of chancy roucheth chough it be buc a cup ot cold water) rt mrns mto . . 1. flM l'' 1 be it not into gold, l>uc heaven; where, T J.')e A l m1.~J'Jt) tl)nold, lftid.tho." /hlilt have fil vr>- of flrength. Yea,Tlm1 PJ11/1 lay ttp gold a4 dttjl,4nd the gold of Ophir M the/fones of the brook_1,]~b 22.i4,25. 1 t for


Vrw rronum fuum fr~e.me11UJ pa11u vcndit, q11i4 cxcufare . potciit non emr tc!71/1uem rda~r~ 11'1 ttaJ 'IJCn ""' u aceu'at Chryfot', jen11~
4 1.






Vfe_L ____ ----For Application.

How firly might we ht re rake u1> the old complaint, and fay, There i1110 mercy ;n tht land, Hof.4.r. Mer c;fi,U mrn are mk.fn away, Jfa.57, 1. Tl:& love of many i1 \\'AXtn cold, Mar.24. 1 i. Elial lackech his holh fie ot Sareptn, Elifhtt the ShH11Amire. P au/ car.not findc the purpuriffe, nor Peter the Tanner. lob we have nor, and Obadiah we tinde not. Captain Corndiu4 is a bbckfwan, ar.d good Ontjiphor1U not to be heard of: Moll men have 01Jt up th(fr bowds, yea buried them afore .. har.d: thei.r hems a1 e hardcnl'd, thtir h::inds withered. Mouth mercy there is s!cod Herc. as once in S, 7ame1 his daies, Goe and be \\'armtd, fod, c/1J,lfh<'d: Bue w:ch wluc ? wich a fire, fealt, fuic of words. Burl link handtull were more worth chen a m:my (lf thcfo n1outh-fols, Words nc goJd (heap i but were their blel~ fiog worth a h1H-pcny (as thl: bt.ggJr told the Cmiinall) they would bt: :.dvikJ l;ow th(y pmed with ir. Childrrn though thly Jnvc thtir mcmb full, ::1~d hrnds ~ull, }'('(will racherfpoil all chm gi\~ :my away. So is it now. aJ~ils, 1 he richer th~y ~re, the hu. l~<.r, 3S DiL- f'J, \~ hom Lo upbr:ud, L:r;:. t.rr.u was laid m the bofom ot A/;r.1h,.m. I_cok how chl' L\kon, the folltr t11e is of lighr, the fo tht:r ottrhc Sun llH~ pus~ And :iS t~c ~'u11 mov~ch Oowdt, when he is highll in the Zodi:.l(k ~ Co ate thok llowdt ro give, for moll: pa 1r, th:i~ 3tc highdl in \.!lat~, .:\nJ that thly ma~ net ltl',lll to fin wiclwwc ffnf e, to be lll3u rcafon, femc fony ili1fcs they Ju vc {;Otten cogechn> whatLy to ct fl nd chl mtdvcs from th_e dan. gn of hbcraliq 1\\1 or moll ot which are t xcdkncly ani~t red by Sohmon, Ecdlf.11.1. to 7. J\nd ~. P {i:dkcms pnpokly to ' 71 :M kt forth libn:ilicy hy i word lhac jimplici1y, 2 Cor. 8.2. in oppof:tion co ctac crahy a1~d winy w1lindk <.J theirs, 'That f/0J1/z_ofcvunr11fnc[ft. 1 -i lKlf.2.. 5. whrrewirh rhey thinke tu CO nr thLir ba!t.ndk. E1:t be ,.;01 durivtd ( taich S, f191</ in a like G~lr.. 7 , C;i!t.:) Goclt5r.ttmrck_rd: ;ir\\'k-atfc'e'!"er,iman {offtth thlltjlJ~/l Ee Id 1 r . /..e ,lf (o re11p. He that ~hf(rveth the Wmde, fball Y.ot {ilve; thu 1s, 1 !ror 8.7, he that fi:rndt:eh to put c~frs, and caft pmls,fiiall nc:vC'r fhtW mer. cy to th~ nc(dy. llm he that (owetlJ the \\'inde of vanity, ./brJIJ reap ~; :~,:~'J/m 1 he \\'hirlrrinde of mik1 y. God llull pull off thdr vizard of co Vt C .., '" oufol'tlt., 1111d wat11 off their varnith with rivets of brimfi_om:. Tb~y I '1 h\U115 commonly paJle for good hondt men, but (omewhac ot the: hardHi r.JitJiii.e d~, good l:iu11bbands,L~ear thht.1{1't1fdvbcs. ~uchGod ca~sd and cotuncs luj 4 s n ,Ji. niggards no t:ttcr tucn ~t e1 s, ~ca~1~e [ ey prov.1. c not or a culituratim:, bcmr life, but make their gold their Uod i Hypocrites, becaufo - .thty

they make not conkicnce of obcyin6 every one of Gods charges, as depofit.i: nimiru well as any one, this, as well~& chc rcll: Thieves, for wjth-hold- ~al u,um f 4upcrnm nobu ing good from the owners thereo t , frov, 3. 17. th:n is, f rom owmiJ!.c Luk. the poor that are intcrdl:ed in thdr goods, and for whom they 16.1 2. arc emt uaed ; Murcheret s, lallly : for not to doe good is to ~'(f11pi~ib1u IJOIJ doe 'vii, not to fa Vt', is to ddhoy, as our Saviour intimateth, impc.~ure rapt L L69 ni eft. ff."'!- . . . . . , . !!.!Ji non <um 1 hts IS thm fin : and for th<.11 run101mcnt : Men flu1l cudc f otcfl /ervat them in their prnfi1trny, 31ld 11ot piny tht:lll in their adve1fay, oaid;, ' God lluH frt l'!t all k.:m, from them, as he did from H11- l'w1.1~ .i7. m.w thn merciktk nun, who had r~onc ro incl'retdc for him, in his diflrdk, no11c 1:0 'p:ak a gmJ \\'Ord fQr hirn, or co him. Himklf :A.Ho will rn111 tht: dt3~ to fod1, Prov. 21, 13. Ltc them loo!< for nothing Luc jdf!,fmcnr, rigour :ind h1rdnts,
Next, Chll'gc Wt a\l 0m (evcraH fdn:s with this mofl nl'cdf u\I, Vfc l. but much 11~gleded cu~y 1.en.: d~::i1.;'"J u;wn us in che Ttxt:. where we have fomtthing, for eur D.rdton, :ind fomcthing for om Incitation. Th3t which t~-c Al)l\llle l:trt dirdls tlcS, is, That, 1 for the marn:r, foll, Wt do .'l/'cd \\'ork.r. 1. i;or the mcafurc, \\'c be richi11gr,ot.1\-or-lz:. 3. l'or th~ m.mnl'r, ThM \\'t' br rrady to dif/rib11tt. 4. for the <.:ontinu:11w:, That W<: be yt:t f urth<:r Willing to comm:,.~itflte, rhat we wi1x t1ot Wt'ary 0t wdl-doing; but, ptTennu flfJI!&, us a f1ning runnts afcu ic hath rnnnc, fo 'hould we give af tu Wt have given, and be Hill doing good co or hers, as we have: oppurnmicy and abilir>' firll Lhen for the nuacr ot our bou;uy, ic mua he good th!lt Rulcsofdircwe doc. H~ r.:, 1. l t mull b~ wd\ gotten that we give ; for as ction hn-.\ltm God hates lnibuy for a lmrnt-tilf~ri:1g, J(i 61.8, fo rn!Jbuy for a ikuls, wodrnl mercy, A1111 6.1. whereas om Saviour faith, Ta~c herd tbat 7011 doc not Y"" vi L .Iii ES b1 fire men, the Syriack Tunfhtour h' ic, Tak.! IHrd th,u _ror1 dniot J(lllY 1ufl icr, or rightcou!ildl~ be fare men; to tt.ach thlt :im(.'S lhonld be of ching!i well Go/wins llcb. gotten. And to this purpole, the Jews calkd rhc:ir Aln11.:11box, l\ucrq. _]( 11 ph,1 _fht lrfed11c/J11h. rhe chclt o: jmt1C.! : And they C'"pound th:lt faying of Solomon, Prov.1o.2. Trea(i1rr 1 of \\'ickrdnr-fir pro_(lt nothing : but r(~btt.011fm Jfe d, /.i vrreth {rfJm death. llighccou1ncffe, l\l<:rccr i11 lo&, that is A/mes. fay they. 1\nd lh~rcunto they accommodate and conntll the next vcrlc al!o: The Lord ~1 ill not (ujftr t}Je (o11/ of the

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righte"~--i~{11",;,iji;--no, tho-~ghl1~-ii1-~t;ld give ;-ff hi~g~~ds-~~ the poor, b11t he cafteth 11w111 thr (ubf!.mce of !he wicked, ~here with he chinks to make amends tor lus opprdhons, and co let otf, by his good dt:eds, for hts b1d. Selymm che great Turk could fee this by the dim light of'corrupt nalUt'' for, when he was upon his dcathb1:d moved by '1'yrrh1u (that great /Jiifhaw) co bdtow that abundance of we:ilch ch:u he hid wrongfotly ca ken from che Pnfi,m M.:rch:mts, upon fome notable HQJpjcall, for relidot the poor; he commanded ic rather co be rdl:ored co the right owners; which was forthwith dcnc accordingly. He would not otl~r r.\' J-.1pi;1.1 IJ0/oc11flj/11m, as coo 1111ny doe amongfl us, co the llumc of Chrilli1nicy. When Henr7 thi: third l\ing of E111./,md had fenc a 11anirts hif'l, of JoJd of' fretze co the l~ritr-minors to cloach tht>mJ they return 11

E sl,jol.l~S.

r"g'1rnms lJod? 2. To the m:1king of :ilms a good work, it mull be right both ljflth,dfontem, and q110:1dfi11tm too. r he ri(c and p1incipk ot lllU libcralicy, the founcain whence it ... fiows mu!l: be, 1. r Jic h in God, that he do ch both accept our per fons, 3.S vibe/; auli will receive an ottering at otir hands, as Da vid1, w1chouc chis faith ic is impojfi Ile to plrAfe God, H1:b. 11, 6. 2. Love co our brethren, R onels of merry ytrning over the needy, conjiJoing th~ po:n \\cak_fing ( whofe hc.llch 1s fpenc, and wealth W:\lh:d) and dLtply commiferiting him. fhis i$ to /tJv4 t1urcr, I loh. ~ 17. .Alt'c.~J, 6 8, to dr.rn 0/lt " ' ' (o:d /(J the h11ngr1. Jfa. s8. JQ, chy CJ, 7.1 ii , foul, and not chy lbcaf only, thy bowc:ls, and not only thy bread. <TifA cl,'YX. '( ~ llowds ha v' no m11nber in th1: Hebrew and Greek tongue, /I t1J.l1~1t 1U .a uofwn .!!.... co ce:.1ch us cllJt \\'('mull be much in works of mercy, and do chem 'ili\IUJll a!iq. ', all one of deep u~d d<.ar pitcy and fympachy. 'l hey that have po~1r ita4; ig~ea pm. 1raic..-1 charHy, have: drawn her ouc as a naked childc wich a merry ,gitur, ..<.:c. tl 1cr. \V olf in counctn3ncc, covered in a cloud, with a bloudy hcarc in the righc hand, giving honey co a Bt:e without wings. Charity is figured a T1lun1 t~ll childc, bec:iute cite ch:irit1bleoughc to be humble and cowneeus as p1>ilo( pb. )1111.:l.z. a c11ilde. Chnit}' is pitlured naked, for that lhl! tteketh not her 1 Cor, lf own. Charicy looketh mflrrily, God loveth a chearfull giver. 2 Cor 9.7. Charity is covered with a ck>ud: Alim~s muft be given .privately. Mat.6.7, Chancy huldcth a bloudy heart in the righc-hand, A good man i4 J>Ca~u'~f mtrrifo/J 1111d l111J11h, he fitlt pittietb, and Ulen rc:licvc:lh, Charity

rd chc fame with this mclf:ige, Th,ic he 011ght not to give ,1/11f1 1if 1h.1t lJc /.i,1,{ rent from tllt' poc-r, HeitlJtl" W1Hld they accept of that abomin11ble gift. How much ktk then will the

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off~r~tb honey. ~P1 Jl~~> wj.t.~o~t wi~jjs, ~'~~~t .i1,}1~Jpef.~ ~l~~~ .1'~, ~ w0~ld, but<;lves, _ Th~ ~s c~$_n~y, W.~~~Ciqf;tp~. which, though a 01an lhculd giv1 all hu go,orls to the poor'''"'''"'"' hu 6otfJ to he /J14rntd, he '11t'Y't notfojng ~ All were to no pqrpo,te-. or profit at all. We fee then the rile of our good works. Tpe end followeth 1 and that mull: be chiefly the glory of G,od in our' own and other mens comfort and falvation. Our labouc,9f. love in miniftring to the Saints muCl: be !hewed ton111ra his nam1,~~b'.6.10 that i, for his fakt and (ervicc. Yea whatever we do in word or d~ed (and he that ilieweth mercy muft both bleed inwardly,<peak comfortably, apd aa 'baritably} )11, m11Sl "'" h in th' nftm~,,b~t is, t1J th8/J~r1fJfthdLordJe/1H, g;vit1g thtK.nk.J to.God "na th~ CoJ,3,17, father, that he holds us wortl}y to do him any fuch fc1vicc. lndig . . 1 Ni eerie (Hm1u tfNi flip1m pauperi, &c. faith a lt:arnc:d Divine. :Un ~h l:pvv.H.ijl . werthy we arc deubdefie offuch an honour, as to rdieve hupgry, " thidty, naked Chrifi in his eoor me1ribcrs. The .A-f14ced9nian1 ceunted and called it af~vo11r that they might have their hand in Tnv ~v tf.d fogood a work, 2. Cor.8. 1. And David thanks God' that ef .his e~;, 7ilv <hclO ownhcwilltal<eanoffering, I Chron,i9 9 l1ulJeitfr9m us to /J/., (Ound 11tr11mptt and feek pur fdves, as the Phuitees: who, as they were h1pocrit11, thacjs, jlagepl.cier1 (as the weird proper- ~' TaBeC(.n.~. ly fignifieth ) fo they djd all thtAtricaNJ, hillrionical>-Y hypocri va.1 cically, to b1fae1'J ofmen. This was the B1i1tt they tl1ot at, and Mat!<i 1 they had it : As Stage-plaiers have Come fmlll piece of money given thc:m by the fpcc.<\acours, fo there had the air ofapplaufc, The7 h11t11 their r1w11rJ, laith our Sayiour. M1rcedem fa am non D1i, faith lli1r1w; their reward, not Gods, v1ro l11utle111, d-fi let them 111ake them merry with it ill iill they arc like to have. Fruit that grows by the high-way-fide, feldome ~efiQth till it bt ripe. The cackling hen lofcch her egg : .fo doth the vain- , , glorious giver his reward. wherefore /(J him tkat giveth Joi it t.1<1.1".~111n; with fimplici11, with ingenuity, Rim. i 2.8. not With a fquint refpea to his own commendation : Lee him account it enough, shat he hath God the witnc.ffe of Iris heart, wko will not forget hjs labour of love.but malte amrle and hoHourable mention thereof in . 1 that R:ately Amphith111tr8, in that great P11111g1ri4 at rhe laft day. Bel> 1&. J When the Judge: thall fet them on Ms right hand ( which i& a place both of dignity and fafety) and fay unto them, Comt 1' ~l1fftel,,>tS~ &c. F1r l 'ifM h1111gr11l11nJ 1' g11v1 ,,,, 111t11r, &c, Secret thine alms the ri&ht - chcref~re ___ ....._---- a W'Ay ._.. fuould --- the left hand T tknow what

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hand doth? Steal we b~ndi~s upon out "oor brethren, ae 1fapli did the money into the facks. A trea!ure fiid'is fafell ho~ t'heevm Thy fathtr that futh i11 fccret P,a/J rewArd thrt open/7.I~ rs repor~ . cd 0 (che Jews, that about their Alms-box they wrote this abbrev1 acurc w~~ th~t is, ~1 :;.ift h1 furtt p11cift~t1, \\'>11th, Pro~,2.1 .14. And for thctn:mer of our good worl<s thus tnuch. follows nexc chc me.J(i1re: :md forich men arc nqnired to h~ ricli in t.oodWork1, to. do ~cod :mfw~rnbl~ to .thdr. ab~lit.y, and kmmimcs alfo above ir, as 1s above.fatd, Ldt af t.he.1r tccei~ts be found g~el.t; their byings ~ut (mall, God the c~1.ef !o\rd ( who c1llr..:d his fcrvanc th JC h;rd lm: tl leuts, co 3ccotmc ter tm.: ) fhou\~i cJlt b1ck Cuch kwd bils inco their faces, a1'd tnrn thrn1 ournt then: il:eWJrdlhip wirh cvttlaHing contempr~1rhc1e mrlc/, is gi1in1,nmch is rtq11ired. The: tord looks thH rich m~n Oiould /.J] ~P rreff{ilrts ir1 /mwrn, 1'.lH 6. 20. Now two.pence 1s no Tbdt:t~q

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foould! them i'>:iends nirh th~ riclirs of".11righuo:f11f'J, what!\ is not du1kwich a luff p~ny, <r fome frmll !um i t (iwe -be.Nut 'filly, i Cc r,)l,o.1na to '4lm~11d r:mo tlu ricli(t~f the!r libe~.1/J~/1 n_s

chearfully: Goa Jo.,,tJ "ch1Arp1U J!i'fler, and requires us to love mer'1 not fhew it only. Jt hath pl111fad the of Macedonia muJ .AcfJai11 to COHtribme to the poor S /Qint1, Rom. IS. 26. It pleaftd thtm, it wan fre-will ottering, thcy were noc compeld to it by l1w;' or drawn co it by impt>rmnicy of friends. They did nor ww1M dare c:J- vultu n~ga,.,,, give with the hand, and pull back again with the looks. That which is freely given, is twice given. And here, exercife will facilitate: as a .word often drawn comes forth with eafe. But.God likes not that our alms fhould come from us 3S drops of bloud from cur hearts_=' ot thaC it. lfuould -t:Je fqt1e<zed out ot us, as verjuiceout ot a crab~' 'but that' it' llow trom us, as wateroucofd~ring; aslighdro1fr clio Sur.; ashoney trom the comb,~c. that we be glad ofan oppormi1ity of fl1ewing mercy. and feek it rather then be without i~. Bleffed iJ the man th11t con Jid1reth doe poott ~ndn~u!y, P.fal.4~.1 ~ J!2..11i pr11occ11pAt vor:tm prtltnri). u1 Awifi11 expoundecb it, that: prevents t~e b~gg3r> afid

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//111"' 11o~emiiJ r.ulta efl.

clmu is commended for gjving !J.1/fhe lw:lto the pier: Dorcas. for the fulm's of her good works: Corne/i1.:.1 for h1~ mur:/J 'tllms tomffny 1 fo wen.: Q.!J c 1ntvJ m 'J 11 ' 1 clM3~~ 61 21 mali,iiicl.peo;/e. 1 ab'W:isoldc1tte~cncltrn1~ullly, r~~.1!!lr 11 1 c- aHo many others chat I m13ht here rnlbnc..:: out ot h1!lones. g1b.11 :~E. .l;ti Thirdly 1 For chc nMmlfr (for that's a~l in all. that makes or '"""' 1111 'b. m:lrs thL acl:ion) l~ich rnt:n ibnd ch1rgcd m the Text, to h, ready c.rmi~ 1i:i '.cr.. 11 10 diO.ribte w com~ ott fo~d[ and clmr. fully, to be ready and f1Hori!{j1IJ<' // )~ J . IL k' ;,(1 k' h:iA mi1,;11- and ip~~Jy to wurks ot m~~cy, w1chc~1c 1i\ti; mg or 111uc mg, con1ur O!o.t Sit. fol cs or dd:iics. Our obt d1mcc he: rem mull be prompt and pre Ii~.' , , /'. tcrir, as .1 chu noble }:bufi~~, renowned for his. bounty: "' ..(fC!f ~ ..~~ He bad buc a Subjttts purfc, but a Kmgs heart : Tl1rfe thrngs g"ve 1 dt J'.1<;,;;fr, 7.;("' 1s ,. 1 K '~i Le ~i;ci-ti~ .Ar.wn.ib.uaAir:g.tor.n_e 'UO et h' 1mup an. Att"r .. , a"'d 11 a K111,.;. P, 1 ~ WlS rtaJy with his tamt1ce: lo l11oul.d we. To d1J!r1lmte and~im with Z .: o) 7 . m11 nic:{ju j:rgtt ,,ot, omtc nor, grudge norJ far With foch (dc,iftcu Wdu~.16. God u '\\'ell p/, 11ftd. 0~1ly,h~ lha11ts ~tpon no ~nan: wh~tfoever ~c find~s in his ht arc co bri!'Jg, th!!t kt hun otfc:r, 1s ofcen_re1terated ~ Ab(es law. Mt:n tow ch~arfully in guod groun~,an~accounc their frcd ol'ctt r in ch~ ground, then in the ~Inner. Anti rs not mercy 'Is furc: a grain as vanif ? Can wc !owe upon a better gr~un.d then th~ warm bowcla of du$ Chrift ~ Sow 1hmt~rc plencatully~ fow
1 11

Mt.')H' !'ll10 ~ tvti 7 :'/9 u~

thok poor Afacedani,ms d1.d, co che llumeof che ncher Ccrmtl11 ~1lf, whowerenothipgfofret!:mdforward,2Cor.8.J, ThusZa-

rw~s 1 he any pm1f11thrr in his 1~rovlfion$\ be ~of fir$&~ foll td e,ntetl mm flr1111g,,r1: for th11,bj pt>uhA'V~ 111t1.r#mwl 1111gtl11111awifrei, Heb.13.2, . . ' ... Fourthly, For the Conf1anc1 of their bounty; Rich men mufi'()e yetfiillcommunic'1tivt', and noc weary 'ot. wdl...Qoing. Ye have ,;,iniffmJ;unht''16NJfi/'i.h o ft~he SAint~, a,,J do al(i minijfer ,faith tbe Antbo~u to the H~brews. And S\P 1rnl tommel1deth hi~l.Ma~ c1JonMn1; that tbcy had fant ,,.chtH 11gliiH to his 'l'>cceffitits. And diult afore, 1 r6}"7c1 ;,, the Lord gr~atl1, that now flt the /afl 1ourt11reof me hath flou~iP,eJ1tgain,v~Jo; It had luffcred (it

'>cs hom1noi1lmjas Dr TaJlllUr u~cd co do. Ah~alJAm fac intiis 'fcntdoor, at, wairins forpaflimgers, whom he might r~ ceive and refrelh in their hot and hard tra v'els~ He Haid not to be cmt(eat(d, but befeechech them co rnrn in,' and take iparc; neither
Heb 6 0 Phil. 4::


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fed~) a ~ain, a .wi~m, a decay; as the-, Ephefiii1is a.lfo (and ltll~ benrji(t1~ perhaps T1mothJ, their Angel) had left their hdl: t~ve : So thefc a'4,avarum Phi/i.p.pi1tns lov~ and Clre to tl1e peor prifoner PinJ'-1~guifhed, mate au~il.Jfi:, but now it revived, rdloud'11ed, :A,,J7e h1111e \\rllrlone,. t~ith he, _.A~4.'11111 .'1 .lJ h ; 111 r1 .. 1 Th" . m111e taxar 1 'll 1 t hAt 1' "' co,,,mun1c1tt11 \\tu . min~ "Jr'"'~o,,., v. 14, JSJS'to re Juur bonUf au. f~mbleG~.who:taU(ethA!very day h~:t;~~ te~\~~e~ ipndl\j~raih'.~o 01 11~ rrlfcop~, fitl cvmLtpun r~lund teproear~ ~l(o-.c-t'o ceftb us ~ '.Wh1l~s we L'J.Un tac. have time, It> do go0tho itll, fven chore that are unworthy1 if in excrcam nf4:eility. Among{\: the Maniehus it was a capitall crimt', to giv\! a cruft to one that was not a M1t11ichu. Uut if we will do T t 4 nothing

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------------ il(;tl\i1)g torche-m:u~, i;~t foa~~thing ___ in_t_h~u-c-a-fe-,-w-c_fu_o_uld do for m 58, manhood. Hide not thineeyu ftom thfoe own fl?/J, from one that
is a man as thy fdf art: The good S AmArimn did not, and is com. rnendcd. 1-Iowbcic, the hou{hold offaich mull: c(pecially be looked to, at~d t!\at comimnlly, !ts God_ ~~Hu~th hu m~rry te thun 1101 mprnrngsnay every momcnr.He gives unco all mcn.aad ac all cimcs libtr.1flJ, and hits no in the teeth; unlefle it be with his fcl ~On.:1 k<.king_ to ~i'"!' Hitherto,ye ha'lle 1u!\,ed me nothin~{, faid eur Joh.16.u. S:i v1our co has d1Cc1pks, that ycc had asked him nuny chin gs, and, obtained ~hc:m. Uut to him itfee&ned nothing, who W11itsto jbtw Ed,1 8. them me;c1. The eye~ no,t {J.ti.lfiedWithfeeing, nor the ear With hetiring: ~o more is God with doing good to his people. Bleffe~ 1"fal68.19~ be god, f:mh che Church, that dr,iilJ 14drth m 'With /unrfitJ, that pf1),\0J. croiv~mh 11& Wit~ loving kjndmeffu. ""JcompAf[uh m ahom wjth f>fJl_J 1. ne.w ~ng; of.~~frumm~.t~ 0~onJine1h7 Jovi~g kinde?l.4Jfe, fajth H1l.16.10, Luk.6.6.vvid1 D.avid. It 1s m. the ot1gu~all, Drmtdtout. Go~ mercies to.hi3 arc~ contin.ucd {eries, there is a .co11c4tenation; a~connexion ~ ).1.u.~ a. twi~~ chenc1.. Now che rul~ is, Be merci/Ml, "'! 1011r he1111tnl.J F,4 ter u mercifall, For which another EvangehCl: hath, Be ye per.~,~~;~;,' ~;4 .fi,fl,. If' l?'":F11tl~er in lua11e11 u ptir/eff. ;The perfttlion oh god..

ficous and affii8ed. Sure it is, th t the fouls of foch as do it in ptanr.e:r atcre faid,dccay not, die r.or, wither s,e Pro.11.17.Lt1k_. 1 6.11.u)&c. Thus for grace; an_d foqicaci:, w~alth11en! comforrs the.: htart till it be bellowed, tall d1fi1lkd, ~s at were, m go0d y;or~s. The fpirits of we2lth comfort the conkirncc. Secondly, For their bodies; Jf1ho11drtiw 0Httk7 (vlfltHl1~krm t,ry, then foall th) lmlith ffiring firth fjeedi~, lfa.~ 8. But fay the mercifuH man bt: fick, as he may and mull, l1'od 'Wtll m11ks Im bed ;,. all hid jic~es: God will fiir up feathers under him : his lcul fl1a~l be at cate, and his bedy be f weetly rtfrefi1ed: aicrcy iliall be hlS cordial, his pillow of rtpQfr, :is it wa~ to rcnrrnd Mr WhatclJ af In my Cou1 Ba,,b11ry, of whom I hnefpokcn di when:. mc1mry on
Thirdly, For their name:s: Tht liberall !hall hav~ all love end re(p~Cl wirh men, all good repu-cc and report,bmh alive ~and dead. Andagoodnamcwcknow, uhettrr thrn fmHmcnt.r, E~d~f.7,1, .-riches. Prov,21.1. lifoitfelf. WhereastJwuile,fballnot be ca~/lf<lt. 57

me. P l;i tn~n 1sT~ fo4'1>11 Godfu/11, as f;,4lrb. did; co have~ hn1.rtfull11f ~cl,tornc mercy "oodne/[e., _as d1~fo/loqf111u1. chap. I~~ 14, and -a. lifi ft,O af f.Ha 1~11slirtlc:iccc 0 W~rkJ, as T11b1t/J11, At\.9 B TofoUowontolnmvrhtLord, and ptq~, as Cd~o:n to doc good to men, whil~s he hath a day to live. 1n' the morning p!:iu:r, (owethJfetd,&c., ~ccf.11, , . . : .-. ;._ .. ..

, Wh_ich co-d? _cha-t we fail-no_c, faim-u9c, t~okup,lamy, to the recompcncc of reward, w.hi~h j~ large; a11d hberall.. Such as are.thus ,forward ~o do g0p~.f?r_thc matter, rich in; godd works, for the ~cafur~,_ready to d~ftrabutc~fQr tbc manner,andwilling to com mu... nt~Jte for the confi:mcy of their bounty, they hall not lofe all, faaA tht; .Te~r, -nay Chey fluil:gain .a great 1.daal both hete llAd rro~ ..11. a~. hereafter~ " . : . ' .: , , ' .. :: . \'. ; , . ~!'lmro mu:w . Hm: it lball go wdhvit~ them uhcy'1u1Hau-up a"fure.founda~ t!qconup1101rn f l . I l l d" {L 1 , ' txpm, tpu nc t1on .or t 1~n ou. s, _JO 11;sj n:upcs, l:_ dues, pQCl:erity. , . . mincm mcriJi. . F1rft, Fqqhr:adoulh ,TfJf. '~bera/J (oul f1111ll be mAde f 11t: 11mJ cg~c,c,rarire, i" ,he:~~"~ foAl~bt ,~n_. lflt~4 hi,.[1/f~: Hu {itll fli~ll be Uk.~ 4'
miferta Jame

. led /ibe,rall, nor N11bal called Nadib, tbc chml bouncifull m Chrifis kingdom, l(a.p.~. ~ods peoplcdl1allnot 1parc to call :i f)wl.: a Ifaade, a niggard a niggard. AAd.although he applaud hi.~frlf ~t the fight of his abundance, _not car mg th~ugh tbc .world h1fie P_epu/l(J m~ ~ and hoot ac him; yet ht! (hall pafieamong all for a hog ma trough, b! 14 '/~ for a boar in a fiie> and be ~o _ech~rwifc dkemed ~r account~d ~hc~1 ~fj,:"%,cr.,u~i~ thc great Turk; of whom Jt 11> fa1d,Tha~ whcr~ cvct he ~cts has fo~t, 11101 comemplir nothing grows after him. In a word, God wall cmfe hun.~men will in area. Juvcu. cnrf(: him,and wifh to be rid oi him: the place where he lwc:sJlongs E-rr)u:oid, 9&for a vomit co fpuc hi111 out as an unp(ofitable _ b.urdcn1 fucb ~s the elf~~,~ Hk". vc.ry ground grc:ms undt:r. . .. . , Fourthly, For their efbtcs : The li~er~ll ma11 devifetb, libdr.alt Ifi.3 1 .8. things, And by liberall tlJings he jlutllj~'!d A man woul~ t~iok . he fhould Jl'al/ rather, bv being {o bouncalull: buc he tal<t.s a right .clc~mo(J;Mi arr / . d. 1. ou1n1t1m quttftu.


ter1({4 t/l E;~ ~~~ A "g '"~a it is ftorit:d, That their ~igh.t hand~, th~ugll ~e~d, -never pu-: iU 3 t"/" G. ~rifi~d; ~u~~ cx~~~l~~~ 1~ ~~lpmg 111~ r~~!~!ing the necef-

"'"ttr.etl g~>;de(I, &c. l(#,5 8.$,9~ ..aplain ~nd pleotifull place Of Sttpl1en King of H1mg,.ry ,and ot 0 [wield fomecimes Kicg of E11g

courfe to thrive: for gtmn[. 1s not the .way co abun. am:\:, u~lt .J!~" ving,as we fee in the S.tmarimn.Thr gainfollcfl {iru.s ,l/ms-gt.1mt!, faith Cllry(Oflom. wloat(oeven~efctttt~r to th~ poor, ll'C .~~ather for ourfal'lm, f~ith ano~her. r 1~1hchesh~ad1d OLTlt 1tlus way are 11.:ud ~~, N on pertt#Nt feu p11rtur~Nnt J 1a1t ~ ~ tr 11~ pow mans Mn~ ~.s Chrifls t.reafury, Chr1fls bAn\lc, faith ap l\ncleAt ~ B-J our b6tralit7 h1 accounts himfelf both gratified and eng a!ed, Prov .19.17. And his bare word is better then any mans bond, Heaven and earth muft be 1mpty, era he fail to repay, God will-blefic the


;~~~ 0f~ n':~~d'in~f.

pmlu11fa1gr. ,

Mamu pi1uperiJ ga1,~~J~ylau1mJ

mercifull mans ftock..nd {lore,! 1 S IQ, ~is ri.~ht(o11fn~f[c.

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cf~, i/11. H.11,, 11

flto1 ,


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Ar. 14

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the poor j1u11l not.lac~, Proy.~8.27._ that's :i bargain of c_fods own m~\dng. Accrtam paor Mm1ter berng asked an alms, called co his M. /(JJm Rt1~m wife to know what money was in the hou{e : And undcrllanding
11is T1catifc of

----- ~;d-hl~-;;~,.;;;t~g~thern1a\1 end~1r~ for -e~~~--;-l-l~~h~-;;_i;,,,h ~o

cifulnelf~ooth;poor ; ~-nd fo-;.-;kes hi~ friend~ withtbote richu 1[Hnrightw1fnef[t. So our Saviour cals them, ritherbccaufe;rich
men ar1;; for molt k'art unrighteous thuaf'elves, or the loni: ~f un .. righ~eous perfons: ~r d!t', 11nrigh1~1J111, that is, anccmio, vain, deceid~ll. luch as WJH give us the fi1p 1 for fo the word 112ay be ta k~n 1 acco~dil1g to ~he ulc of th~ Hc?rcw acd Syriack tongues. H1I riches ptrifb hy ef.Jtl travel, faith Jo/omon : 11'1d he 6egetttth a (on 11ml thert iJ no-tl1ing in hiJ hand: Eccl. s.14. l~or either he kaves ;; . . 11 h 'd to a pro d1ga , t :ic n. ~st~ h~H wah gol~en tpurs, and forks ic alm>1J, _as tall as the
Lukti6. "l jJIJ~tAJprti .


that there was no ~ore then one three-pence only; <Jive /Jim tht1r, fai:i he, for \\'c m11ff (owe, or clfe we /ll-111 never rMp. A certain oood Bi\not'> oftJlfill1iill, jol_1me-ying wicb his fcrvam, was met "1ila,,ab apud b h b d h ,, by poor people t :u eggc fomcw at ot him. He commanded 10 10 co,11 p. 60, his {ervant to give th~m all thit little rnrmcy that he had which 3 was thr('e crowns, The fervant. ( chinking wich him felt: chat it were: bd1 l<c:cp fo1ncwh~ for thm_own u{!;!) gave only two of the three to the poor, rdervmg the chud tob~ar cheir own charg~s at night. Soon deer, certain Nobles meetin6 the Uill1op, and know. ing him to be a good m:m, and bo~lntifoll to the poor, comm:md. e~ two lmnd1~cd crowns to be de~1vered t~ the Bi1hops frtv:mt for lus m1ll:ers uk. Thefervant havmg received che mon~y ran wit'h great? joy, anJ told his rnaller. Ah, t_hc Bil11op, what 1ifr-ong ha ff thou done both mt and thy [elf! St cmm ms dedifles treccn. tQS acccpifll:s. S11rtly if th~u b.Jdfl ~ivm th!Jfa' thru crown1 M l appoinwl thQr, thou h11dfl .-1ui-rnd ftw th4m th,.n huHJi-1d. 's 0 , tbo11 h"ft loft me a hnHdnd cronini to da7.God's a liberal paimaller and all his retributions are more then bountifuU. . Lafily, For their pol\erity. The rightmu 1i 71')erti(idl and /e 11 d. et~, andh1jfwli4blrf[ed, Pfal.37.26. 1on.ttban is p:aid for his kindcncRe to 'David in Mrphibofotth, ?ithro for his love to Mofosiq the Kenitu, 1Sam.ts.6. forne hundred of. y~ars afcer1 he (_their Ancefio~r) was ~ead . The v'E~yp1ian1 might noc b~ un kmdely ~ealc Wit.hall, fo~ their harbourm~ th~ Patriarchs, though they affitfl'cd their pofiemy. But MoAbtts and Ammrmi.tu were baRardized an~ ex.duded the Tabernacle to the tenth generation, for a meer omdlion, Becaufe the1 met not God1 lft-111/ "'ith /J,.uJ,

~Jl"@-> bo' cf'

11 1 Jalf " A~J~-. e111111 ex , un 1~"

~1ecrtu6 , ~''''"'

1111d"1A.ter in t?e Wildernelf~ Let th~~' b1 non1 to extend merc1 11nto hun ( lanh the Pfalniift by a fpmt of prophecy) ntitfm let thtJ't be 1m1 to f1111our hi~ fatherlejfe childrt11 : And why ? Bee11Nfa th11t ht rtmm1bred n1tto foew mercy, Pfal, 109. 12,16. This was fulfilled in Ht1ma11, and is fo}filled in daily experience. Hence richerdU gotten or ill kept fuift millers lo ofr. I c is not mu~ chic is commonly fpokcn, Hapn i!J that (on whoje farber goes to the Je. tJil: for fuch goods fddome prof per, except it bt: with forne odde

nevrr lo good aa h~ba~d, yet utuaUy he thrives noc, but mCil<s as ~ra.'IJuo,nctef fnow bclor~ the Sun. So that~ man had better leave his childe a f rmo, finnw,,. wallet co beg from door co door,tht:n a curfed hoard of goods either P.llor,LCXtc, got rec by cvil:irts, or ipucd, when thcy J11ould h:m: been {prnt upon the poor and needy. , Thus for the lift: preknc, ?\krcifull men by up in fiorc a good foundation both for themfdv<.s and cheirs. ~s for the lHc co corn.e, They l:1r hold hm:by upon ttern~I/ lifi: which by good works 1s, 1. Afam:d them here, Prov. 14. 21. Prov.11.17.Al11t.S.7 11m,'l..13. i. EnjQyedofchem hm:at~ ter1 1. Ac the hour ot dt!!lth: tor when riches flull hil riches Wt:ll ulcd 111111 letus into lu:avcn., Lul:. J 6.9. God tm ly c~owmog hi! own gract in U!. 2, At tl:e day of jndgcmenr, whLn tht:rt! ttfccln1ll faith (1lt:wn by )'~Ur work~ H1:1U bt: tcMnd to pr.1ife,l1011011r andglo- 1 1 . r! bd~r~ Ciod, Angels and men : Clmll mentioning anti cdcbra"' Pct 1 ung their good dtcd_s onlr, tuch as they ha~ forgom:n, or thought he had taken no notice o~, and fhall therdorc ask, When fnv we tliet hH11gry, and fid thu, nak_!cl, m1d clothed ttne, &c. But there _i.J A book.._of remembr1i11ce \\ritten before him of 311 ch~ particuhrs, whith ll1all th1;;n be rroduced. When tl.'\Ct<:1ld{~ UH n lh~ll tnt!C.C C\l I~,~ J 7 h h I 4.?_m r;o>J detllt Wlt c eirown mt:i .. , b . ure, :is D. ivu wko d~nied crnms J ~nd could ,,.c,ni, Nono. ~1ot t~er~fore obcam a drop of wa.rcr to cool his rnngne : they l11all tlnuit gurram. m ~am tire out the dc:af mounrau:s to quan1 chcrn co pieces, or grmde them to poudtr: but (will they nill they) mull receive jHdgcrnent Witho11t wmey, bmrnfa they foewed tU merc7. Thm ~~all mt rt'/ rrjo1ce againft J4m11r1tion:. or glorJ o7!er ~t, as ov~r l'.9711.i'~rJLJ~nu. at s advtrfary. A godly rn:in moved with comp:illton lifts up his J 1111 1,. bead, and vvercomcs th~ frarof being 'ondc:mrn:d in judgemrnr.
He can tender to God mercy, and mclting.hcartedndfe1 and there .. by ~ltpcel ih.~ !~1!1~ !~~~ ~?.11 ~ft Dffvi~ did~ P(al 86.i. fre(trve m1

mtfer his father raked1c together.

Or1 if he ba cipitur c1i1n

mo Mraico 4 ,~

one, that by repct1tance breaks off, and heals his ta'hcrs Cio by am.. cifulneffe


ALM. s.

"'' (i11/, fir l 11,,, merclft,IJ. t.Alpho~f111 King of Sp11in, was in great likelihood to have been Made X:mg of RomA1u : bnt loll it to Rich11rdof Engla11d : For being a great M:uhcmatician (faith the ~idtlt hilt. Chronicler) he Wili &rawing of lines:1 when he lhould have been uf E11&fl '1,.. drawing his purfe; 2nd fo fell from hi~ high hopes. So doth many a man from bis poaibilities of heaven, by bulying himfolf about nuny things,and n1>t attending the opporcunitcs of love and geod works. 1ofaph made a giin ot the f :iminc, and bought up tht: land of ~/Egypt: fo might we ot the poor, and buy heaven. Not tor any worth of the work: (for abs, whu proponion ? No more, furdy, then betwixc a kiagdoine and a nuc-U1ell 1 But) becaufc hithfull is he who hath promifed, wno alfo will do ic, not co the half as 'fdtroJ, bit ta the whole of his king dome







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For all thAt iJ in th~ world J the l11Jl of the flefb, the l1eJl of.the ~ye, And 1he pride of' life, is not of the FiJtherJ hilt of the world.
Le1fure1 profir1 preferment ( C!!lled here the lull: of , ,, theflelh, rheluO:of rheeyea and the pride ot life) !>, arc rhe world lings Trinity, to rhe which he perfor . ~~(:?Ji me th inward and out ward wodhip. According to the three things \Vhich the woman by falfe foggdH on law in the tree for meat, for the eyes 9 and for prudtncc. And according to our Saviours three-f:old temptation, c...;.H"t.4, the Iall . 0 wherc:ot by the vain pomp-and glory of the world, he could lcafr 1:' [1. of all endllrc, and therefore bids the Tempter Avaunt, Our A- ~ 01111 " pofile, vtr, 11. ot this Chapter tds us, That 11 m:.m may be very mortified, t Yen a Father, and yet very fubject to dote on the world ! whfrh may be ficly likened to the krptnt ScJtnle. whaeof it is rtponedJ that wh1.n Ilic cannot ovenakt tht flying palf\n gers, lhc doth with hc:r beautif ull colours fo aHonilh and amaze them, rhat they have no power to pafte: away till the have Hung them. B Al11am cculd not but go afcer the wa~cs ej wickedndl~, the prefcrmfflt that was profered him. Nay B orHC ( a far bectcr man) isf,tkjng great thi,,gs for hi inf elj~ Hel<.ekjah fhuwing hit treafury, 1fJ#M t>Vtr ttndtr ot his reputation9 N icodem"' for the fame caufr, CC'mmg haltingly to Chnll, as a night bird; and thtA pofilts firang{ly tnnfporu:d wilh an idle conceit ot an ear tidy Xingd~mc, ~h~1cm ~hey d~e~~:~ t~ere fao~l~ be ( as once 'din


DA'WI I . ' .

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Bl 't I 0 N,


-- --D~viJ1 and soiom~1~s. dli~s) a difir~\)Ution of l~onours and tffi ccrs. H~nce fo nuny fn~olous :ind fr~Hldfe quefhons and rt'q 1.1c~~: a~ tha~. of the tnothcr o~ Z ebed~t>J ch1ldn:n, put on by her a1ub1C1 om funs, who wen: alll:llned to make the motion: Y l!3 m:rny times mofl- un!calonably and unfavcmd}'> WhC'11 Chri!l: h1d bc~:n for~Wlrning t!l~m of his ignominion:> d~ath, _a!ld for~ arm_ing thl'tl1 :wainft lht.: fc1ndal\ o~ Lh;; crolk, tht)' fdl mw thofe ab'.urd tLll'~t:LS, \\';1u l1u~1Li Ll;: the gr.:a~dl :unongll chem, and h:iv;: th-: bi~hdt ph:'L' Of p~d~rm.m, as /II_1r.9 3 c,3i,;31) 4. 1\nJ \~h:n.: a!>~,l~r S;i v; .1L1r Ji1rw.ldc.d thLm tl11s lu:l;/, anJ Lt:.\ ci.1ldc m chl! u 1idlt ot thl'lll to h:arn tiu:m bw..:r thm1~hts, S. J-<'n h>un f;tt~d wi;h foch i~d dilcoude 1 intcnu~HS his uulh:r: :rnti l:iy~:lg ~ol"d on hiim:tliiW' he h1d faid, r:.1. 37. ids J !tL11") ui anoLhcr l1i~llm1L., 7,r, 38, Yu1 to t~...vrt:d wrn: th:y ;m.~ \\\'~)tn wi:h this Ph:nibic;.ill l. ~\'11.:n, thl; chL'.Y wt:r<.: at it ag1i;, tht: t~ird tim- Lft~ 2 :\, 2.4. And chat, l. After that om Sa.v1om h:.d tore-told chem chat his death ll1ould fall 0 .1: within tlm:1.: dai~s . 2. \'Vhcn thi.'y lud nc~ly n:ccivtd th~ L0rds.St1pp~r, thuo'.l,;~ 1 :::;'-(<1 ;.-.; .<.a.~:ir;.-ri::, as a bthtr cals it. ". ,'\fcl'r ch:u C'.lrilt h:id w:ill1cd ckir f.:tt to tc:Jch Lhcm a ldlon l~thuini\ity and he1v~nly L11ind:.:dndL:. Su :.m1l)l[ious arc thl' bdt uy lJJturl', {o licon\11 .dt1.:r cinbly honours. AnJ ch:tt l>ecrnh.: they an: io n~ar us, :md fo n:itmal\ co us, they li. c.~,'. J:izk our w:ak c:ycs: and, as a bwccr hc~d clok to the cyes caukth that w.:: cannot lee a moumain th:it is bdorc ~ fo thelc poor things f:.;:,,,,J -',,v;~,, uvcr- priz~d, makt:s us ftn.d-b/ir.<fr, and ~uch as cai_mot kt far. otf, 2.!'ct.1.. thokctowns, tcepcns, hm~"fom~J glon~11, b~;imh.s 1 l>ra.v~11..;:>"'bow tbl~ nwu~d d1aw

Jilvtr 11ndgiJt. ftt ~ith pl'arls and prtcicm flon~J : N:;-Chrift h:d<r t'flJO croffn ofjil'l.otr, two, ntr fi/111>1 of jilvtr and gilt, &c. Er11(mll4 tt:ls of a Pna.chel' at ~~me, that dtlivued him- Erafm. F.rclffi ~ klt t~us before chc Pope and his Cardinals, M 14 tto (an P<irro afles,fi1ede [an'l'r.ulom11t: thatis, S.P<ttrwasa foo), S.Pirnl :ilfo 3 fool: rati~~e 'oncio .. A~d being convrnced fot thi.s Dcarinr, he thus explained himftlf, nanJi. &tthcr tl~<y \\'tre foo/J that fr~ed (o p1Jorlj, or you (their J11 ccef- D.HrJlir.s Geo. ~urs). are to?bla~u, th,tt lzve (c. pcmpo11jly. Olhcrs m:ikemc:n .. P 1 ~> cmn_ofa Ctrt~m pa1mer, who being blamed Ly a Cardmall tor colcuu~g cEc v1fagts of Peter :md P '"'coo rd, tartly rq.,Jit:d, Th, 1t he ft1tnttd them~, ~ b~tsjh/ng at the r.mbition of their foccef[o 11 r1 , Jc 1:; chr.~ghco~ Card mi,\ / ao/, dm coward Im Jartr end, a liccle bdctc h1scNning ftNt\ R<me to E>rgltend, l1c beganfomewhat to favour thc:.dochme ol Luther, and was no ltlle {u4ptCl:ed at Rome, :ind therdor~ rut by th~ Pop( de me. No_cwichllandilig the pomp Atf. an:! Mm. a~d .gl<Jry .ot ~he world ahcrward camld Lim away co play the Joi ino. l ap1lt, as 1t did DtmM: ul wr.l m cla:1c art th:it wrice, that at-

tcr he forfook ~.P.111/, ht: became a PrnH in an IJol-Tln~plt'. The ru1;,.,,1ts ~orrri' ,,~ uchcur t~ chl' ~f(brrn'J n.dwll5 a1 1J ranl\5 th,: wnpting and allu1T<f.)1 to . i-mgprom1fesd p1th1mcntamongthtLkudy du:ds of d:c l:fra- '"'''rJ11Jtorare 11 1111 t11tn pet kcmcm s, 'Thq \\'o e f.wn ,1fio: dcr, 1 hey \\><re tcmptttl, '1 ' t<-m,C? 1;


f( 1mrnr then to uc. Oinon d 7~o.t i Hut bdii ~han~~-J rn dlc,; b~~~ r, b~CJID{' .D1t1111p, C11cin:i!I, ~nJ fr'.!ll)' I'~'!'I.! Pi~ts th~ f{(Ol~d. r: i'loi Cr urc. our afb5tions. Motht,'r t'!ll'Ch (line<! wL l~ll p:u :\'ii\~) g~ts om he~rcs. C1.r~i11aU B 11rb9n will not lo~c HL' ca1kd to h:s tr.t mory JJ, j{iiihn CJt iVicr, who e;f :1 poor Calcilr ol rrw,h 1 ~. d Tr11po:. rnd h:c:irnc: a gHat 1t:nC\Hl<:1d Car.:iin::dl, :in~i wanted .Aa cnl ,\JijlJ.. hisp~min 1,,iru, torhisputm Parad1!c. Car.Jm:.ill Woljry 10dc r.oc ~~l.1ch.of brn~g l'~ipc. Thi~ hld Lnn kmovhc to :1 man, C:-:i jol,81)9 thorow Londm with twenty gn::u muks for l11s fumptcr-horfcs; lbil 9")?.. ~mb1110~'! fcilft1~~0 ~1~n/,;m 11n'.11um pc JT~t'tr.- t. l.h1: this Cr:u ifi.\' caukd lus Cardinals ( whm it was firll knt him) to fr~ upGo,l:riH C:iri, f rr.cr11pcat10n c11td cue w11h ~.1'1111/, I 1:m cr;!citi:d to rhe .tiliJll'I /~r~ll~i 011 a cup-board at Wd1mit:fle~, and tapers ronn.d about it: fo lh~t ~01-/d, and tl.c Y-t.fldd to me, ( omcmplliS de a E:t: H.~im:irm & tij o!~'quio a.'.c. the grcatdl D~1ke in chc land mult make courcdte cherrn:-uo, and ra1u cr11ncr co ha5 rm\HY kac, h1.: b;:ing awav . H~ had as much )'Carly revenue {av.or ~~.furor,! Cure neither for the f..mn1 t:or powns rf Romr. Of u11us,O:.-:: i'.cx as alt tht..! llilhups and ot this Kmgdonu:_ ~lit t_ugechn had. t~t: fame mould and m1 Citll WJ5 D. l Alfliur,M:inyr) whom co ccl112!00iClll, And tor lu~ houl110ld :mrndancl', he had out bul, rnne .lhtons, a c.uc<.'1 t~t.y pt~mi!fd him ~ot his pa1dcnJuc ;rt n pre n:otim, grc-ac (ore ut Knights and E!quin:s, and 0i others ut intcriour rank, :i.nd a B1lhc::ipn~k:Sed (em.o f(lb11/am;chcy could not pcr(Wldc him, tourhundrcdatkall. Wdlchm:forcmighc B.1yfdd the Mmyr for he loo1'{d for a better rtfurrcction. So did Willi.-.m I-lto11<r, a1 11 concludlofhim, My LordCt1rdina/J i&nogood; fir CIJrift nother zc:rk us Marcyr, with.whcm, :ifhr his ccndur.n:iticr, llj.. ~~~1 ~ ~/~,u' 1flf.a11d l /.Jim to fo" I d promottons, ,f fi1opBonnerpe1'wadcd,taymg: Jf1hrnWiltru1.r.t,l\\'illma~ ' Jo!. HMan. nev<rm11g;t ttOWrtCJU1in to \"' ,e~r fh oesoJ

lkb.1 no \\.'ilY l)rt v:ultd :it:.:m.ll : As neich(r nas th" t ~~cr.rfl.111.wt, h . i.37, llL Luc J .__, Yl "' 1 ... ,12.1.111'1., cro:ca . ut_;cr. h ruriw trl:tcing wi1h him from tl:c I'Clpl' p~c.h1m m_ rr.rndt: ct vEnra-1 J)lviru, \\ 1-o fcl!owing his own o~ rml(;n~ With nn:ch lh Vt1 y ar:d bl;cur, cruld gt t co funh-r pre.



I /,'ff




;;iJ.1-~9-,.- --the~~ fru-man in the City ,1tnd give thee 40 1b in ~ood mon11 to {et
t1p thine occup.1t11JH w1tl1.-tO; or 1 triill mak! thu ftewAra of mine hcJ'fe, t!.idfd thee in office, &c. Bue a good heart will rather lie

AMRI'I'ION ----- ------- ---- --- ---


lbid.1 S78.


dull chtn rile l>y wickcdndlt: : and feoncr part with all,

wich thl! pl!~Cl! of a good confcicnce. Thus Hooper ddlred r1ther to be d1lch:ngrd of his Bin1oprick chrll yeeld co certain Ce.


re monies ; ,11 imcr ar rb~ coming in of the ll:i Arcidcs in King Hc>Jry the 8. time refignt:d up his o!n~e, :ind rt!main~d a great fp:lcc unblll1opp~d. Hnm;ir.11u4 Archoi!11op of Colen reformed his Ctmrcn trom certain Papill:icall iuper([icions, ufing therein the Jl. i,/ :1 I ) , aid :md advice of A1artin B 1tc1r. W11erefore he was d~poled l>y the Empcrour, which he p:iticncly foftcrcd. Bi1lwp Ridlq, when <.L t_}llm-y was procbimcd, {pnd1ly repairing to FrtminghalrU to fa lute her, llld {uch cold welcome tht:n:, thilt being ddpo1lcd ut aH his digniti\:S be was knt l>ack on a hme halting horfo to the Tower. But God no doubt rccompenfed thefc mens loiles as chat King of Po/,wd did his noble fcrvant having loft his Tiicod 1r,'r I. _ h~nd in his \Va~s,. he lent him a golden ha.nd f?r ic. f!~i/enti~i,m 6'uip 0 c;l: i'Ji tribune to 711/uin the Apofbte, was l>y hun d1fcarded and l>lmih. ;:;1ui,:r a~1 (.:- ed ior lhiking a Sextan, who h:id fprinkled him with Heathenilh rat tribuuatu11, holy-water, as he went before che Emperour into a certain Idolt~f''.';11e11te. . tcmpk. But within kffo then two ~1 cars after, Valentinian w~s ~ m1~.v, ""'1" 1 c:illed home and crcaced Emperour. And rhu I mJy utc the woH1:> im[crll/ II, of Orofi1u, He that for C'3rifls names (ak,J ht1d /off ii Tri'bun~foip, Within ~ while after (ucceed.ed. hu pcrfecutour in the Empi1e it fet1 ChriR: is a libc:rall paima(kr: and all his n:cribucions arc more then bouncifull. or r.:r~ & The Pope his pretended Vicar is not fo. He promifeth our Eng. culi1 1/irifo'i lifh fogitiVl'S indeed, as large as the dt:vil did, All thrfe thiHg.r \\'ill iH o.icm1t1 11 t I give thee, &c. Eut whe_n ~hat all comes to all, SAnder1 is fbr/>,..{"11t.Jmtuto. ved; Smpleron made: Profdlour of- a petty Univcrlicy, karce fo n . Ftat'c; 1; 15 good asonc! of our free-fch110ls : William Rtt7nofdt is non:iinued Tnnlulltt. ex- co a Lcnal'l Vicarage under value. On H,,rding his Holindfo beplodw./' 9. fiow'd a Prt.:b;?nd of- Gaunt, or to fpcak more pr0perly, a Gatmt Prd>t.:nd: Roffelijis had a Cardinals hat fcnt him, but his head wa~ cut offbdorc &t came. Allin had a Cudinals hat, but with fr thin lining ( m~ans to lupport his fi:atc) thac he WJS commonly calkd, Ej/ote {t-411 er Tiu ftar".lcling Oardinall. When he create ch Cardinals, his words r.o'lri,& friH arc:, IJ e Ji! brethren to tu, and Princn of the World. And indted
cipcr noj/ri.

tome of th<.m have Princc.s rcveflues, as che CardiAall of Toledo, ,/i1ents1


_ _,._..;.;_______

.. 4 .,.,-i-i()\~


- --.-----.



Me11t1, CoOtn, &c. and Princesfpirit~,.. as Cardinali ColHmmu,,f Mq, who wh~n the J>ope threatoed ro ra~e awayJ1is Cardinals hat, He f1Jls 00 prcffmcly_replicd, Tk"t tbe,,. b~ .,.,t;,,/e/p11t q11 "n helmet to pua him '?~f uf hu t~ront. Era(tnUI ,wrices~ i:hac he knew fome,who when
th~y were like to die would give great lums of mony for~ Cudinals hat, ~that they migh~ be fo fiilclll upon their rombs and monuments. O vigil411tem

~ 11.~r for tha r pare of .the day that remained : wher.ce that fo me- f111m1um, ciulu ~orace~jc,:flofTu//y, O vigil11n,t Confoll; Who never (Jw fl.ettpall no'' 11i,if1 I lu ,,,,fr.ofhis offir:e ! Piccy it were but that there men lliould.hav 1'f~.~ .. had What they to greatly ddin:d, {o dearly purchaled, ThtJ h11vt 1 Tol-rlf5.9. rtwar", J r. ' h our av1our of'( uc h .n. ..t. IC of Ile t be1r 1a1t poor reward, a 11u }e Ir:u 11 ,c; 114 ante breath of pop~lar appl~ufe, fuch as is not able to blow c>ne cold fupp1;cium fer~ blafi upon u~1godly great ones; thoo when they fhall be hurried tur b" diflrcbo" from their fiatdy Palaces~ and hurled into the bLirningJake & thete pro~rmclajfe. to cry, N 11 infanfltti, We f<>ols, fhould have b~en as ambitious ':', 'pJ' e Dleo ~~.h h h H b t 11 10 m4n111110 t o e2Ven$ ono~rs W&t M<Jfas, \; . l l u1 gectmg iUl office JO mwzerlfrm ,_ Gods. ho~fe wirh D a.vid. of k~l'ping good conf(:iencc with P.tHI, E.1Juge er~ ~f bClng qufet, 11nd mrd/ing t~irh1 t111r b11ftnef1 'f,.. as :he w1ls his //c11171lv mku. _ 'Thejfal~11i4111. This 1~111.ancJ Fi1111cci,q the ChrohQloger, an-d 'llt_t>')',WJ~nw.

And fo :unbicious were the Romani of the Confulfhip, that when ~onri;;em qui A1d.t<itn1u died in cbe lafi: d.ay of his office, C anini1u petitioned ft~;~cm;t,~'"'"'

s '


?11fl114 JoitM the Lawyc:r (two karnt:d .Dutchmeh) had done, t:L~-~ A<lam.


they had n~ver die4 .. (.as ,thty did) by che hands of the hang-man. 1-Icr~d~i.a. ~ut. th~~}~. Qhcq Cee.11. tQ 9'1:cbe.((nf1,fJh.t1ambitious, as of Abfo/9m, K !(""" c~e Ham11~~ f!.~~Y:flfh-Qp~rit'I( ?r.u'l<!l1 iP.-) ;W~inHef,odci1111 calleth: ~~ne caufcd


~~<ltdlech u~, Ah:t_~ ~H.! ltluaU~ boafic:dithatfhe c:atcd. not ~~ctalfe Jrl&1

for any either. God or man that JhoulJ (t;ek tQ take away his KingdQ~l1C .Hut at length he was taken in Am_'lljiJ one of his own offlcn.s, ~nd lh:mg\tg by.. the. vEg1p111m1~ his own people. ttHfriiO was:h:n1ged at c ar-1hag4 fin hj6 ~bicion. Rogtr Mor,timer here at Tihurn in Ed~vard the feconds time, and a hundred more, whomlmigh~eafily mention. Wh:icgot mofiofthe Cte ~ b h . ha f' :r. . ' . ft 1 ~rJ. y t e1rover~ a y.prt trinent, N'.J1 utc111us.nne,. cer1nt#r, a} ooc faich,, ~t to be fi.t,in thtfqoner,,,.CJC/tlr BJJrgia Duke of P'll

~ ~~1 ;~c ac: ch pJrt oft~~


"~..,I chcrc1a.. pcrtori~1ang lus 1 Pt mt iCctofad. 11 our 0 a vr. cj ., him

co1Vcr.of 1011

fA~.. '"~! nHI~"''!.


N_ot long ~her, ;~c,Wi:f fiun'mlthc Kingijome of /){ifllClr tuft. P N ~v'ttrrt. 1ih14h11t., fenneof 'f ojiah ( leremJ fcems to :call him ; ~ Shallum). though younger che~ his brother l1hoi11ljm, ambiti. s;;,~,e~e&lo tipuJ oiifly ficpsmto the chrone after his tachers death: .And betore he sene,4m sua[or. was well ~ar?.l in it, he ~~d greH t~ougbts,.-.andiwo.ul~ nbt tt1ke1it ~


C,li/itr, {~~ ~&.s~fayi~grot~his, :A11t

c~- ~f the !Jn~.

atiovc ~ny lord






M.FobHrru" hi1 ..d1;er.r tu

himlclf, and (a~i~kemcchbyoReaffi".in the.Texr, ?er. u.a~. f:iith a learned D1vme) h~ wo1\d ukc: m ~ piece ?f Gods houle nr13\l. too. lluc within a while after he was ca med c:ipc1ve co uf'.gJ_pt a King.iJt34 for hiumbition, and died chereing~orioufly._ so.did v/lexander the great in che mid(\: ot his vicforr~ . H~ reqmred of the J~ws that their dates rhould be taken from has ra1gn, and all the Prae~s

-- - --------. -----A. N -;:-'l' l o ~~~------- ____ s ----~--- - - as-his father did. He woal" build a ftacely Pal1ce, much enlarge



...... -..


Jlin 1.6 ' 16 mih,

fons born that year fhou\d be called e.AlexA'fl~rr1. In~o G~teJ.c he lent co be holden 11 god by chem. ApeUes pu~lurcd him with a thunderbolt. LJ/iPP"' wit~ chis pofie, 1Hpiter, al{erHi ttmmv

tH alfert ca/um J 0 Jupiur take thou henen: for the: earth 1 chllllenge co my felt~ Wich which pid:ures Altxt4ndcr was fo ddighted, that he proclaimed none t'hould uk~ his pidure, bm: L 1jippH1.,and Jfpclles. As f~r. C11liftheHn ch.e Philofophcr that diffwaded him from thefe vamcaes, he was cm1ed abouc m a c~ge. in a moll: approbrious manner. That made him co be cut otf quick ly, and his family to be rooted 1>ut, IS the Angel fon:-tdlcth, Dit,,.11.4 And as he might have been ferc-w.uned by the ex11.nple of Ah11fouerqfb, chat1s, Xerxes, thefonof a former Drmsu ( not the fame, chat be oYer-threw) who though he were the King of uqProvinca { Eftlt, 1.t.) ye\ was re~dy 'to ttghc foe more. He had newly fubd1ed u+:gypr, and foon afee~ ~as addref fing himfdt for rhc conqueft of 6rme 1 But failed of his ddigne. , :ind was glad to efcape for his lif!tn a fma~l ~oat, beinG iliortly af. "lJt ctd.moJi ail m fiaio ill his palace by Arti16".a"* one of his own officers. Then ~iior~~mJ::;;'~ he, that could m>t hope eYer to fee all the land. thac he potfl!Aed, .~[:;~,;uram. and yet co.uld ~ot be whiU\ he hea~d of ~ore, was ~orced to Ve llrius de uke up wuh his length m a place of buraall. Great Pompe~ had ~oc Pompeio. . {o much, and William the CAmqueroure corps lay unburied chr~c Nud 114 pa['" d daits ~ hia intetment being hinder{ by one that claimed che grou~d &'llrt,&l.C 1 :au . " 2>a,,,hifi. f.~o. to be his. . . O therefore chat our afpiring AmbitionH\s wout~ b~t me~fute .4ppltrAton. thcmfdves by their own Dloddle, cake the langch of their own bodies, as he did onae in the du!\ where he by ht~ : confider. w_h.:it poor cbings they ar~, ~they pr~ee'dfrom che fli~e of th~1r ~~.:. rep ts L ~ow helpleUe m tht:ll' bttth, how uncermn o~ their l!fe, how liule a thing will cloatb them and feed rbem,how httle a t~mG will snake an end ofchem. A little viper, a little fpider, .a h~tle oeedle at their hems will kill chem a then, a little lheet will wmd hem, , little gracvt fw.~~ t~~m, ~ li~tle ~~~~e eat out their he~~d

And Lhould loch chink mt thiugs of themfelves, or feek great G b . for 1hc:mfelves ? ~ f Cllt ~&'lWJtthmgs .And yet.evc:ry tnothers ch'ld 1 e o us are too qaa11J bonoie11t much the true fon!: ot our grc1t gund-mochcr E v1, 2nd would he 11r:(dant, bone~ more then we are. T_his Nation (faith oneco11ccrning tht wjlJc 1",; 1omcn1ul riil1 ) as aHo all other barbarous Natitms, though they know not ra moAum af what honour is, yet they affed: above mea(urc to be honoured. f~fl 4;' {.ir.ild. Three of their Kings being derided for their rude habits and talhi- "'""' m ons rebdled in Henr1 the leconds daks. Man bears nothing fo im pacienrly as cencempt, ddires nothing fo m1ch as rclpcct Ho Ji~ me tJ1ut with others. I ha-uejinned ({aid Sa111) 7et honour me be{Drt the l'u111ijheiN 'Ur. people. 1ehu mu(l be fecn, or aus loft. I fi11r lcP the foJ!.if Ives 1cbu aut "'"'~ .~JU 1H1Jc4.., 11u1 faid Z 14ttkj_"h. Thu AAJ 11Ju fhAIJ fu m1 ret1mJ "'?R~7 1 H~rl.:' '..L. h" ,a 'J f'"....I Cc. h' i.,op t-t(ll 'l. hPr1r ~1 "r to is m.o. Muur.irroi 'JJIOill 11or11n ex1 e, aaw ft 1m Conrt elmer ther. Lit himkjll me, (o he "'"1 he Emperour, faad fhe other (on Nero. Nero. Ambition rides without reins, as T ul/iA did over the dead body of her fat~er, to be made a Qacen: And where it hath pof fell it felf chorowly of the foul, it turns the heart into l\cc:l, and makt:s it uncapablc of a confcience, as we fee in .Abimelech, H.sm1m, AthAli.ah, &c. All fins will eafily down with the man that isrefolY~d coJ'i(e. Jn theyear.ofChriil:"167. Timoth1U1 Heru/111, when he could 001 otherwife gee a Bithepritk, wear, bJ night, 11ll about the Monks eels in .A/1xandria, and, calling them each by his name, told them, That he was an Ang~l fcnc from God ~o r~q1ire them to call: out 'Prottt>im their Bifbo~, aad to chu{e m h~s place Timothe1u H1r11/U1. And having hereby gained them to his fide_, and gott~n a g~c:atfort.of the rude ra~ble b~ gifts_ and fair pr~- Fmieij Chro"'' miles to adhere co ham, he anvtdc:d the B1'11.cpntkot Alt.-r:101dm4 by force, Oew the good Bilhop, 1md foe otherg with him on an B11/11rday, at the foot of cbe fooc 1 whither be had fled for ihclter, caft out his dead body, .drew it all a~uc,. and aft<:rwar~s burnt it. So powcrfully:did th~ myftcry of &RtqultY work e~~o m thofebc:tter times. Z1n1 the_Bmperqur laid 11 paper Qn th~ alta~, that God might write therein the name of him who ilioulli be. Ba-fhop of Confl11ntinople. But F/li'VitiM, cor.rupdng t~,:rSl!x.tan of Nu:rph,1,r. the Cburch, caukd him co write m bis rn1mcL Nl.d lQ w11s m11~c Bilbop. Waeo none ocher would lilc.fl;J,JebY:ttMd up in.t~ P1t11'l Perfi'_ic~ /11n11 Chair, he gac up bimfelf; torwhocS>Uldbecter j1.1dge ~~ ,bi(ll tben <9'Jf'L"'j~ himfolt? Hmlrn th7 fDre-h111" (faith C11lv~ to V"ti1'ilN) """ ~~' J:~e~ 1;;; fo1 holdlJ, .th11t1hoN~1ftr'1Jtil tht PrAtor/h1p b1t11r thm C111q. c4 101te111.~n. Ambicioo, Jamfcffe, is oot ordinarily {o broad tpoken, but goes '~~ - ..


. .

--...,---------. - --

Tur,{.,b;,t].';: thole rh:u: d1!\nr~gt: chciilfrlvcs,that they nfoy d1:i.v in:otih:n to ft>f'J1'd.~:-l~~'-'J J ~ , d h h' J l . j h ,. Aip:inu ;o~)u.i c.:o:nrncnq lu~m ~ as mflicr1 ..1>' c e c .iru,Whu p L'lJL' !. L' llt.:Ci.:la~ ;ru..:p..,~..:. rvoflllt:~(arcforhisabhorrcdu:urpacion; 1\udJ~111 S !7m :, u.~
'l 10


dtl~~t1ifed, under~


va11 ot~n1odci\y.; lc,cfihy', a-digion~ &c. as in

Turk, ;nid E-li(m.ut dw \l1.:di:ll1, w!\o dd,,u.,de1 th!.! col:-'llr :inJ Nrr f'crra po- ot thl!ir religion, both pn:ccnd jull: C;U!cs ot. w.11n: ; :iltr.t>UJll 1 1 <1 C.iJa r.;c theircv1L d1!1<:111llkd ambitions ddirlS plaml}' d::d.lil..'d urito tLc 1 p11are '' pucm. "''' J 1mcatoncan d I k l lu; lXC...:L;. d pi::uiw worlu, t h;.ice h1:y l> ot h 1 mar, J~uc.111. ing th~ uuu11ds of their great Empins. ThLrt: were rn;u'.I prcr:.n f).Hr;li1:s Geo. ccs giVlll out tor the civil wane betwixt 'l'ompe7 and C.ef-'>- (laitt\ p. 10_;. the.: Hiltorian) but if you'll h1ve chc cruchof 1r 1 the vcry cau(~ was rhc ddirc- of prcemirn:nce and .fok-govt:rnmtnr. The one could DD[ brar a iuprriour, nor Lhc '7thcr un cq~nll, The f;..n1~ wss th~ ground of all the qu 1ncll of old, betwctn the.: Biilwps ut c~nfr.i'n tinople and Rome : as, of later cime, bc.:cwccn Francis Kng of Fr,a>1cr, and Ch.tries the fife timperour of GtrnM"J And>1s 1lill betwctn rhe Kings ofSpAin,and olherMon:i_rchcs ot Chrltkndum, whildl chey labour fo carndl:ly the frcting up of tht'ir Cacholike Monarchy. \Vhcn Captain D rak.._e cook ~ Domingo in Ame.ric11, I-S Ss. in the Ti>Wn-hall were co bt: {een the King of Spti!nJ arms;. and under them a globe of the world, ouc of which arofc a. hork c11mJ.Elit,i.8 s with his forc~t~et can: (onh with this intcripcion, No J.Y s V F. Fl c I r o R.. B Is, The world is not lnough f~r tuc to conRomar.o;ge: qucr. This was laughed at,. asanargumcncof che Sr11ni.1rds a JJOS llUUm 110,. .. hm doed is . un {'ac1s . fi ao I l 0 ne worn b ,apcret ngllum, vancc an d am l>1t1on, wh1c t:. quos u1;i.iu1u1vi cou\d hold RomKlll4 and RtmH4, not on~ Kmgdom. At/Jet.11 ~perllr ho't' contd nor contain two ~/ciBiad11, nor SpArm 't\-.o Ly["-udtr:1. uum, Cypci~ 11 AlextJndrr would not divide the Pl!rftan li.wpire w:ch Dari1u. Our He11r1 che <ccond crowned his tlddl: {on Henry, whiks he Z>.an.hilt. 1, 1~ 0 Wa'i yet alive, and that fer him a !ceking his fathers death. He . alfo had madt: his fecond fonne Yohn, barl ot Cornw.-10, DrJr.fat, &iJ.11_.. S:c,,,,,,e,..fet.' N ""i"gh.ou D..c"/,1 !ind L.oJC aft~r. \'Vhich migh ty efhrn WH noi a means to 'facidie bur cnl:rC'llic his .cl~fir,~, agd make him more'dangeroiw at-home. An.\bition like the Crocodile, gt'oweth while it li'cth ~ or likt the Ivy which rifing at rhc t~r, wiH ~vcr-pecr c~ehighelt wall. Bafo it is and i11vilb ; it wilthll Rtlat.of.Wcll downtorife, aiouchandcretptomount. Six1111 ,;!(uint1u, faith r~li~~ one, was:the moft-creuching hl.knble Cardinal that evtr: was lodg'd in an oven, and the molt proud, ambitious Po2e that ever \VJr~ cro.wn. And PANI dle third (faith 'Thuan111) covered bis

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deep ambition for long time with as deep diffimul:ltion of fobriety, gravity, fanClimony and bodily infirmity, wbercof when he had oflce got that dignity, he made a full difcovcry. BiChop Bon.. at fidl: feemed to be a good man, a favourer of Luther1 do Clrines, and advanced he was only by the Lord. CromweO, foi: whom OCiVerthelefie (after his cxecucion) Bonner had not a good word, buc the kwdefl, vilefr, and bitccrel.l: be c::ould fpeak ; cal.. ling him the rankell heretike that ever lived, and tha_t it had b~n good he had'been difpatcht long ago. v.EnttU S7lvim dcfend<:d this truth, That the Counce\ was above the Pope, and commend ed the Germans for oppofing the Pepe. But when he Caw that this was not the way to preferlQcnt, he turned tippet, taught theaoa crary Dod:rine, and became Pope. In the inthronizacion of the Pope; before he is fet in his Chair, and puts on his Triple crewn,

--------- ----~l1. ~ndMot.

ful 99 ,.



AlfleJ. Chron. f' 3

:a piece of tow or wad of firaw is fct on fire before him, and one

appoiRted to fay, Sic #r1tnftt t.lorilf mH1uli, The glory of this D.Feat'c1 ac world ig but ll bbie. This, if it wtre well confidered by thol~ :Sir Humpb11.1 . B'O ara b1c1ous 1 1ops, they wou1 d noc buy repentance at fo dear a Lindtt , luncnl. M"' rate. S,LHk cals all AgrippA 1 pomp a phanmfie: S. 1Pl.itth1~ ~'1U~cq "~a. all the worlds glory an opinion: S. P Aul a mathen1,ui~Aa fig11re J z.'. 'I that is tomething in the minde, nothing out of it. Surtl1 jn a .t!.lgcc,M.1t,4.8. 'IJAin foew Wal'<!th ever1 man' faith David, (urely he aifquietl ~~.MJI Cor. himfelf;,, vain, heaping 11priche1, and by riches honours, accor.. ~nr~o ding to thac. of LAb11ns fons, murmuring again{\; J~cob, Gln.J 1 ..1, IfJ 6,,'t." Of that ~h1ch "'""our fathers hAth ht maae all 1hu glory, that JB, Glory is in aU this wealch, as the Chaldee expoundeth it & for riches mak1 Grr~k tranOa. glory,gerrefpeft, Thmjhlll1Jef"1 to him th4t Iiv11JJ. faith DA ',~~1111h; 1 1 vid ot rich N Ahal: for poor men are-lood upon as dead men out 6 '" f of min de. Hence Tu/17 judgeth the Jews religion to be naught, sua tui#Jcivl,, becaufe they were fa-oft overcome and impoverilhed c bt the re- t4tl rettgio i~. ligion of Rome to ~e right,. bccaufe the Romans profpcred and li.cfl ,,oJJ~a no. 1 became Lords of the world. Hence eAigo/AndKingof .Arr1111on, bH~.S "" ''"~ - ' o ltTl(O'.}lll,. 1 cqming to the Court of Charle.t the great, and promifing to be ~' Pro r.' baptized, when he faw many poer people ex peeling alms from the F tac~o. Empt:rours table, and asking what they were > was antwered1 Tha.t thtJ \\11re _the ftrv1mts of _God, he fpcedily returned and de fperately protcficd, That he 'WoulJ not farve tha' God, Which to1'1a no better preftrre and pr1via1 for hu {trvAnts. But ChriC\.s Kingdom is not ot this world, I th1 pove-rt7, faith he to one Hcyl.GViOg P~ of thofe !even Ch'1rches, but tho11 lfrt rich, rich in faith, in good 6S -- ---- ------- - Uu 3 - Yf.~tks,

~;:__--.--wort~~, ,J-c. And thou art honourable, For fince thnN Waft pruiJfl. H


ous in mJ Ji;!!3t, tho1' h,1{1- bun ho11ourable, 1111~ I h.1velovn1 l~te.

ecn,r 7 io,11. twcfo~ 'Princu jlMll h~ begu: b11t

Venue is a thouland Efcucheons. And nothing {o umoG\es as gracc1 and bt:ing within the Covemrnr, I h:l'Vt bliffd Jfl~mae! i

mo.ti on comn neither !Yem E11f1 nor Wtfl, no nor yet ftom the SoHth (where the warm Sunfkine is) /mt ftom the Lord. And Pfal.7 s.6i

my Covtnant \\'ill I es1iiblt/h wit.Ji lf.1r1c. The Nob\es of lfrael made thek ihv::s (the enfigncs

haply l.if chcir honour) infi:rumcms ot the common goo~, Numb. 21 . 18 And, Who(oever ~ii/ be grMt among ]'1!1, let IJtm be yoNr fcrvAnt, Mat. 20.26. Thofe Nobles of '!eJt14h arc much blamed and b\cmilll~d. for th\\t tht:y put not their necks to the Lu~ds yoke,

ic !l ure1rer honour to be a member of the Church, th~n oE tA~ Ellllpire. The riY,h&eoKI fo.11/ ~~ b11J ;,, ~wr/11ft1ng remm1": . brAnce but the n.tme of the Wick!d fo~ll rot ; as Berl(:ts now Novibl/"''"' doth ~ho was fofolemnly Sainted by the Pope. And yet 48. f;~~~~~:1~~' year; after, faith ~he French Hifiory, it was dilputed among the 'VW,dixit Be[ Dotlours ot Paru, whether he were d~m~e.d or iav~d ? And or.c (aria,, Ro er a N orm;in maintained, That this Same had Jl1lHy .d(;fcrvtd 'JJ4u bi0.99. defch, and futfcred not as a Martyr but m~lcfaaour. This was to ,~u 11 rp 11 J~ '* rf_"J~ : !!Ccording to chu of. the Proph~t, forettl ling that in the kinndome ot Chnlt, The vile ptr(on jhrHlano more 0 Ifa.Ji.f. be c.clled iiber11ll, nor the ch11rl f11ia to be botl~ti/MI. Honor eft iH honor1mte. Now in a godly m:ms eyes If v1ifl _perfo14 (though never fo great } i4 contmmed, but he honoureth them thAt ftcir . , . the Lo"l'd, Piaf. 15. 4. And I lwlmuch r1tthtr (faith .a worthy 1u1'./e~ ~.uru Divine) h"ve the ju ff commend1ttion of one godly Wifa man, rhr.,, ~~,~~~~.~,;~:; the .foolifo "d*i""~ioH of ~ ~ho/1 multit11de. To be, P!~ifcd ~t a uniIU alituj"' . pnifeld1e perfon 1s no ptWfc : thtrtfore the: Lord Chr1C\ fu~ctcd pij Ct' hu 11~ -um not the devil to conferfe him, or tell who he was. But happy as .he, '1~ 4111 4 d11Jtra that in aU things ferving Chrin:, uaccepmhle to Go~, an.a "fP~ 0 ,.e~ieu flu~tau' .i f-n Rom 14 18 this is" 'lew inw11rd/j, hu pr11ife 14 ' " ' tct1u. mullltU vta o ,.,n ' > T h h IJb'n u lliJtu. l\.olloc, 1f mm, but of God, Who hath promifed to honow t .em! Al . o r iu Joh.~.i8. him. and uketh order that they that doe Worthily. tn Ephram, 1 i.JQ, Outi'bef11 moHI in Bethlehem. Honour is vften prom1fc:d as a re ~ R.utn 4 11 wal'd ofrdigion and was fo performed to D1111iJ, when what~o~~:~:~1.:: ever he did,ple11{~d the people: To Solomo.n ;, ~or befid:s{h~~lt~ and wifdome, God gave ham hono~r. It as. God .tha~ .'a 1onet Rom 1s.31. mens opinions: therefore Pa11( pmes ~ha~ his fcrv1ce might l>e ac: cepced ot the Saints; yet was at the brmgm~ of alms, and fuch u (ually ~re ~elc~~e. ~t ~ G~~ allo. ~hat gives preferrnenc;:,~;;

N~hcm. 3.1. BucTheoaojius '1ull ever be !enowned, 1 ha..t hdd

yet how many go daily from his ble.ffing imo the warm Sunne (as we fay ) nay k"h 1m errand to hell, as fome of the Popes did, for ilonours and high. places. No Cooner can they hear flattering pro. milts of prcfcrmenc, as it were the melody of N rhuchadne.u.(t>J infirumenrsJ but they prdemly fall down and wor01ip the R..ibyw /onijh idol. How much bctt<.:r thofo three children ? And before them , ?ofaph , who would not yedd to his w-anton miHrdk, though he might have been prd~rred for it ? .Mo(e.r who nJu~l'd
to bt: called tkc Lonnc ot Phar.iohs daughrcr, and hcirot two King doms ( as iome h1y) o .. ig1H who was con cent utht r to conrinuc :i .A1'~;4HU4 M4poor l:atechil\ at dA/t.\'Atodria in daily tear ofde:ith 1tb:n to be rnf. r~rll4 '~m ~~ fling ac Court with '7'/otinm his fellow. pup,11, who rtfukd to be ""~{t:~eo f~ "'

a Chrillian? Some Heathens have rej\'.d:cd honoms that have been ~;;~;,,;9~;! offered them, forthc very cumber and danger .that attend them. ci1c po./fet afHigh eats are never but uneafie, and crowns themfdves ofc fiufc crndcre alrf.Jfl, with thorns. Therefore Frederik.e fir-named the Wife, Elctlour mr,,,, Pim rpi{l. of S11xo11y, when the Empire of qermany wa~ offered umo him, ~J ,"f;;"w G 1 icrioufi)' n:fufod it. Sniouily, I fay, 11nd not for fafi1ion only, il:J 1~ ;~m poJJ1t the Canonills command H1llaops to doe, when the qudlion is senator rjJr1 a~ked, Vi(ne tpiftopare ? Whcrc:unto the Bifhop of UJ1eltini C~rit-aginm craftily awered, No/em volo, & iolen1 no/o : But did men ~;gravit; &ca know the weight ot chat charge ( Onm 1pfi~ e1i11m an.grfa tre 1__ ;~::J1 ~ '" mem/11m1 faith Chry(oflome) they would neither be fo hafly to Nrm1criiinu. get if, nor fo lo th to forgoe it. Fae her L'lti,,ur being to refign up Gram,,,ati'11t his B1ll1opricl<, when h\; foll pllt dl his rochlt in his chamber aw tUTI ~n~s ,,.~ mong his triends, filddenly gave :.i ~kip in the Huor for joy, fi?eling ~m~ ope(~ ~i hia tbc.:ulders fo 11ghr, and bung dilcharged, as he fa~d, of fuch an 1 ~~~:1 ~,:~:tf' heavy bu1dt'n. Frullm hon~J onerf.d, fruilH6 honoru, onUI. The Jb.inSivero. Hebrew word tor Honour fignifath weight or prt aure. In aUufi- Al/fol Ch1Dnol. on whert unto S. PAUi ca ls the glory ot heavenJ " Weight "f glory. P ~ 8 '~ Bue from alpiring co chat heavenly glory, earthly greacndk is ofc PJ'"Jeau. times no {mall 1mpcdimmt. The Bullard or Ofhich can hardly Actt,~nd Mo_,. get upon his wings, whNr:is the Lark mouars wilh eaCe. Nay, as fol,1 17 s. ,....,.. thole chat wa)k un the top ot pinacles are in danger of a 'precipice, ;i:.:> lo are great men of grcatdt ruine. Even he1grh ic kU makes mens brains ro f wim : and he poum a ed rhe ambitious man righ C ly, that pictured him fmnching at a <.:rown, and falling with chis Motto, f~ta fllJNor. The poifonfoll Aconite, fo much U u4 dcijrcd




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defired of the Panther, is purpofely hung up by the hunters in vd.. fds abov~ their reach: whereof they arc fo greedy, that chey rn:. v~r \..:av;! klping alld lh:ii11i1lf; thcr,at, ciH th\:y budl: and kill t!1l':ri!,lvts, :rnJ!o3rt.:ul<~n: ~odo111e11that aim ac ho.icur too high for thdr ruc:i, :u~d coo great for rbc:ir merit : clu:ir heads an: lifted Uj), bm it is as Pli:ir11fJhJ B.ikt:rs WJS 2 And it bthls un flh alirnJ .1p to them, ;i,s co th1t Duke ot, whom whrn tht: T".,.. .. pm 1;1J tnpia mri.1n had c1km in bHtle, he made a cup of his skull with this in ""Ji{ir. lcri1Hio11, All covrt all lofe. Lee not chen:forc che bramble b~ {'.:;:g. ~-~ ~ I\ ng : i~ c noc eanhly 11ings bear rule in chine attettions. lire :.11M11N;c1 will rife out of them chat will con(umc the Ced:irs. ExorientHr w~-.. c u1 po1io1i; fedexmenrwr, as 'fohs flowir, (ontU gourd, David1 bay-tree, or fno1m1~11 Ju if X tr.l'N his Steedman, whom he crowrn:d in che morning, a~1d be frnt msc:;.: 11"" headed in che evening of the fame day, The like befell H.mun, rnmpr.u opu;I . d h S everus che E mpcrour fi nd't~g c. he in C.lrccr~''' rra Se1..1n_1u, an m~AY ~t. ers. /;J.i t 111 a! jc. en~pcmdfc: and_ mfuthc1c~~y of hono~r~ and c:~rthly h:ippmefks flu1n 1_t]' 1~J111f- ( w~ecer farre m cheambmon then frumot\} cr1esouc aclat\1 0m" '~ D 1 ni,i fi;i, &" nihil e).pedit, I have cried all things, and finde no folid ~"/'w1 11 content in any thing. That was Solomon1 verdict of them long r~r11" bdore: And tho!c in the Parable, Mut. 20.13. when che end of the d:iy cam~, when they were to goe into another world, they fJ w chu which l>dore they would not believe, that preferment, Noit mclior 14 1 . richhcs, ~rt:hdirh, were peH1 '.,were but em pcyh thirfAs; (u(c~ asf uir rtr w er~wn t ey w_ert.? tn no wi~e content. 1n ~ c very pur ~lt o 9111111 1 u;11,11c~ dcwiar them 1s much angml11, many gncvancei, fears, Jcaloufils, d1fgra 'Do.n,.io. ct:s, imerrupcions, &c. Say a m:m obcain them, they ncicher c:.11v dro 4 1s ma.kc him bccter in profperity, but the wor{e (as C aligulA, then Vcfpa(ianus ~ whom there never was a better fervanc, nor a worfe Lord. T/tfPa h"' 4cr.u10, rm Ji . {a1u . ~ co bcc he on ly man t hat ever became bettir by bemg rerio 1 R:1ior f.i 1an is t711r. :b Hr. mad~ Emperonr. Pim .Q.uintm acknowledged that he was tarrc ~oniel.ta L~piJ the w?rfc lnan af c~r he came to be Pope) ~or can they bear up the ~Num. i 1. a a, heart m the day of adverfity. How creltbllen wa!il the King. of ~~"}~;~ Sadom when overcome by the four Kings ? How b1ldy beh1m:s ~1 , qzm" ',~m he himfdf before Abrtah11m a itranger, an exile that was before fo ..,.m;ciur '!Jirlc h1ughcy and refratlory 1 So Mant1feh, that laced the heave111s in rei,~ 11 !'::ttJl1 his profperily, in trouble bafely hides his head among the bullies, ''"' arroppi:-J.dV and is therehence drawn, bound and carried captive, 2. Chron. 33. 1 ~ 0 ~~~~,. 12. But after the unfantlified enjoyment of the~ follows the fiing amffe1, &c. of confcienre,th~t will in~xprcffibly vex and ~ormcn~ the fou~ tho'.()ie, ~owout all ct,~mty, ~~~ ~! 9-~~ ~~PP q! !D ... ~!tl, unquiet ~gnic1enccr.

will extremely di(fweeren a full cup of outward comforts in this , -life prelent, as ic will, and make a man weary ot rhe world, as ~"t'g"'!~c" /1 .Ahitopwrl, {11el."1, &c. Whn 111111 we think of hell, where the ~0 !:ur~~ 1 wprl\1 br<:'d in the froth of thck worldly luils dies not, where the 10111'" mare tire of Gods wrath goes not out ~ It the wrath ofa King be as the g4uJioruv. hu roaring of a Lion,and if honours darlings cannot bear their Princes 1''. 4 " 0!" Bucho. bce t 11 Corne/11u GaH111underAN iumauimidolo cor.G4//11r1",.. . l h f rowns, buc dIC>Yt.e111,as1t Jttflm, a~d Sr Chr1floplu,. Hatto!', Lord Ch~ncelleur um:ler, rem concepitut Q.l!ien Elr~"btth (The ~een havmg oncecafi: ham down wich a Jibiipfinmtcm word, could nae raife him up again, though lhi vifitcd and com eon/cfoerit.Ioh~ forced him, fmt that he died ot a flux ot his urine and grief of Mat~.lornm, How ~will they be~r ~he wr~th of God/when 'DAvitl ~;!,Elitab. ( wuh whom God was, but m Jdl, as 1c were ) though mounted f 11 .f.06. on his mountain cguld not bear his difcountcnance, Thou Jidff hide th] face, and J lta1tro11b/1d? ffal, J 0,7,





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Ile rn.iktth hiJ vtngels
.n. th" Angel of the CoveAant is he~c prefetrredd Hnn, "' 1 d worthily as or bdore an created Ange s, a~ h avm 'And u01' and h.cihr ohf a\1 1~0fw~:tg:;~g~;; A~thoriti~s, the riu t ""*' n h ... "atth t> b. .ide (ubj-c-~ 1mto ''"' i; iend p owrr s ewg m a ifis .( not out gf P~t'r, (aith s. Pttc.r. 1hel P pl 0 f he hcavelY Hie ,r: ) dafcourfe arge Y B 1 but out of one D 'mJ;"~ 1< d fuburdmations of Angels. ut r.. rarchy, sod tel~ ~s of nme ran s a~cri ture herein is filent. Now Stiur c, i;,n~- the authour is fn{pected, and the ~" need not have ears, but rarefi11c fa111H where the Scripture hath n.ohtonlgm:, d ,~1norance kit we fall into e quaw cru fi l cs wit a came b > . h{ ta~i,u111 di("i mufi: content our : ~- otfhippcrs~ Col.2.18. i~crudmg mto t ~e ine, the fin oi thofe ~nht: h w had not leen vainly puh up by ~h~n fl~ .thofe things whac ~ ey f h"~\: names given them by che.1r ly sn1ndes. The l'n:m fC? pu l ~~ merics: and as che)' cn~rtilfe m Governours each accor?m~ toh c ed iA their acry tides, trom their prett:nd.ed holindk, ~ c erop~~c~1 Archattgelo, Cherubino, s,ndrhiucb.. PAdrtbeNecMloto.Padreh' ~ge htopof perftCt:ion. The ~1ra tionofWcll and lafUy, C1rephno, w. IC us lo;n the PapiHsplacein tb.e~1ghtlt Rel1~1011,p.10. phi ms ( thofc flames ?f foe )d~:C chem as rulers ovc:r the mftno~r order, as God,l ~ hc:re Gods MiniC\ers. yea they are hts Angels, they allo a~c cal e he Pap {\slay to the contrary) I{a_.6. 7'iftn.5)f"6 melfen~erscoo ( ~\l~atever th Whoftual be htirs of (alv"uon, P"C. ''9' ~ fo.nt forth to ,,,,,,,fler for' ""' Hcb.1.14.


A jlAr1tt

hiJ c./.lit1ijlers



Hcb.1. t 1- And were not therefore created (as fomt: have affirm- Hie, /ult 1'he cd) many ages b~fore this vifible world ; for then there had been logorum Gr.e bc.:rorc c h h ,_ G B l.. d 'f h cu1um{u11e111 14: a begmnmg t at In 1 ~ ~ev~mng.' . t n. I .1. . c 1 ~s, 1 t e. ;,, 'l'"i &' tx Angtls be mdfengtrs ar.d m1111ffr1n.~fPrus,whac ~lie was there <lf 1arini; erat no1i thtm 1before there w~rc fome to whol.l1 thly mighc be knti and for nr11:u.1b1J. " 1 whom they n1ould n1inifler? But,fay they,lf Angels were not created cil the world was, why doth nocAl/oft'J mention their creation? Som~ an{wcr thus: ldl, if' mention lhould have b~cn made t Angds in the beginning, God might bave been thrn5hc to have U kd chtir hdp in the Creation. Others by, Le(l tht J~ws, fo addi c tled . to ldolacry, lhould. (:is lame did) fall ioco the fin of Angel- 01,Z. 11r. wodhip. ChrJ(oflom1s rcafon is not to be rejetll.'d, Thac MofeJ Hom.i. in GJt1. his pmpok was only to let forch a ddcription of the fenlible and v1libie worl<s cf God, applying himklf to the rudendle .o~ chat prnpk 1 and chrrdorc omitting rile doct~ine of heav~nly fpmrs, as tarn~ above their und~rRanding, and h flc belonging to thtm, or us. for if the Theology for Angels were written, we i11ould need anoc.her Bable 1 the creation and governmtnc of Angtls conr:aining asyrl'at variety of matter, as doth the religion of mankinde. Howbtit .it is pr~bable they were created. the firtl day, geY.. 2. ~. WHh, OrthoJo>ei qui anJ m tl.e htghcfi heavens (as Chnlls foul was created w1ch, and dam p~tres fan in his body m die Virgins womb, the Ct-If.fame momt:nt ) and arc ferunt Ar:(Tr/or therc:forc calkd vinr,,C'/1 ofhtAvm. Bdides1 chafe morning fl11rs &reat~rtffe pri. 1it ~Hd (om f God are 1a1d co ftng and lhout when God laid and hllm:d ~ 0 die; the toundacion of che earth, yob 38-4-,6,7.Morning.fim ~hey were F~r;~ux.~~{. au thm,and Angels of lighc,fons alto ot God,as made in hi8 image, >JQ/Ur.e ludd.e~ and refe.mbling him as has cbildrm, both in their fublhnce,,which is nu,hok. incorporeal!, and in their excellent prop1.rcics, which are lite and immortality;bleilednes and glory. But now, How 11rt tho11 /11/Jen from ht"71t11, 0 Luciftr(on oft~ ~fo.,,~ 1 1. mornitig l The dtvd and his Angels kept nor their firft ~{\ace, but r, hcr,. round of b'n~t~on, 1"dt 6. Fo.r t h~tr fiin ~ f~me (ay it ' wu amoifui \ l\ar m IJJdrJivv.u ' t own.ha ~t f' 1 pndc tn afh:dang Dmnity ~Some iay Jt was rnvy fiirrcd by the de nat1H, vvhcnce crae of cx.alciog m3os nature abov" Angtls, in and by Chrift: <lifcu1ucnr. re. Some fay a tranfgrdfion ot fome commandment! in particular, not ~dhon,apofh . tvnreft, 15 AdAms was. Whether in Paradafe or heaven there afc rfie., r h' M ."'t" d'{ h f: h t h ' h ;1 e l ,. that i pute, .I ave nochmg co ay; ncit er yet ort e mne w en. Jcl p 6 they ft:U; fomc think it was the fecond d:iy, bccaufe ic is noc ad- 11 111 ckd, That '1od faw whac he had done that day to be good, Sure ic is, Th11t J. u Angeli hechli~g~d With folly. ~ti'h~~ \Vere: they (as lob i 18~







. ___,,_ ----HcJ1'G 0 p 6 thcSp.wi~rds fay of the P1rt11g11ls) PDc1s 7 locos kw and f0olHh; . l\l 1t a." g J for chere was a Legion of them in 9ne man, which is foe hundred _at

660 ______ _____________

the leafi:. There arc that undedland ot chem thofe ninecy and nine iheep in the Parable, co chat one of loll m:mkinde. The Schoolmen would gather cue of i Kin.6.16. that as m3ny Angels kll as ftood, but the Scripture definech noching ot chac. It is prob:sble that one' tdl fir(\:, and cbe rd\: followed :ifccr, which 3re therefore calkd his Angds, 11h.-S 44. t:vil Angcls,foch as the Saines lbaU jL1dge,1 Cor. 6. 3. Rcprebact', apo(lacc Angds, in oppoficion co thole holy and ded, 25. 3i. I Tim. S. 11. who fiand and continue holy, not by means of Cnrills mediation, but Gods ectrna\l elcttioo,aad his preventing chem with aCtuall grace, which made them 'etfea and t:XCCLHC ac the firlt, whac ever thing it was wherewith it plea
fed God to prove their obedi<:nce. Chrilt, I know well,iscallcd the IJ,aJ vf,ls 1 but thiG is in !lnother m1nner of fenfo tlu:n he is head of the Church, which is uniu;d and iubjct\cd unto him in

mere near and cc-mmunicative way, as his members, without the which he holds not himfdf comp\eat, E phef. 1. 11, 23. Head of Angds Chrift is, fidl: as Ged ; f(Jr he giveth them all they have, both dlence aAd continuance. :a. As Media tour, he ufeth their fervice for the guuding and guiding of his Church andchofen. Not that Cbril\ needs their affil\ancc, as Princes need the counkll and aid of ~heir fubjetts, whom therefore they affociate. The holy An gels receive mor(!'from Chrifi, theA they perform or bring to him. But he maketh ufe of their fervice, 1. To {eal up his love unto us by irnploying luch noble creatures about us. 1. To make and maintain love between us and AAgels, till we come to walk arm in arm A\\uCivdy to With Angels: Far, I 'Will give thee places to 'W"ll11mong thefe that the w~lks and ft and by, faith Chril\: to 'leho/Ju.fh che high PrieC\: ; tha~ is, among galleries abottt the Angels : who aritllwhere f1id co fl:and alway logkmg on the ~:tT~np~e. face of God, to receive commandm.cnts,for the.a~complifhm~nc 1 of allddignes for our good. And this chey do w1llmgly 1 fpeeddy, conl\antly, zealoufiy, reverently, with an awfull ref pea to the di.. vine majdty,btfore whom they covc:r both their feet (as confcious lfa.6, i.

ofa comparative imperfection) and their faces with their wiRgs, a~ a m"n claps his h1nds on his e~es at fome extraordinary rcfplc:o w.1 1 .tene brighcneffe luddenly 01ining upon him. ha whh 'woof theit 1 of i ~earincs wings thty ilie, yea Wear} 1hemfelve1, as it were,With e1&ger flight & t~ to do us any good office, as Gab.ri.el did to the Prophet Daniel, with


~~ ~etfage ~t. ~he Mefi14~

: Tht1dore.t elegantly fets for th. their

emp1 ~1~en~






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s .

Thty tiog praifc t1> (jod, lob. 38. 7. I (ri.6 ~ H eb.1.6. whom /"gdor Pio.tu . . tlJ1.:y pnhcHy .know and love:, and thucforc p<:rtu~lly adore and :~ PA (" 1~ 111lw~ 1tl'ari . ( w1 .d h l 0 ~/IS' . l'In:r h01rnur, i. I hcy mm1 lll lc mJrJ,J ,1 o! t cm) Joth co him 1/fe p1 ,, , 4 11 and us> JJ an.7. Jo. ar.d do his will our good, P(al. 103 20. re- mr91/u~: '."at hycing more m their namts of ctticc then ut h_or.our,of cmpioi1m:nc .-e1. n:J.~ ~-),,r,}v then preth:rrncnt, tobcc .llkd An. ~cls (that is, mef[o1gers) then ~Q'."-"~t1.i"!11f, ' ' /' ' Th t'fJr.u, D omsn.ittons, E >l1 Tel. -n,,p a/I I1 n11npa ttH'J, ~p Ill: (.1.20. 1\ccouncmn f, If. J _1 :' 'J'?',17TC1Jv.ue9' 1 it becrt~pro drteq.u,impr.et_ ~.couoguou, r~entobegn~:ic, tod1- 7 ~f<;>i~i lll_ffl ipcnlc Gods bt::nrlltb co che S:uncs thtu co en Joy chem .chcmlcl vu1. ,Jtut114 /erf111r: H1.ncc thty :nc with :lnd about the SaiJltS as their. c~1Df>lniuos, a.I ~~11.i1;fr, 0 gmdes, proctcl'ours, mor.itours, 1r.d rulers ot chdr adions. As they "'t~m 11 uo1 njoyceat their conva!ion ( l>tcauft: the. room of chc apolbt~ An ~\-, 1 eor, gds, whereby their fociety was much maimed, is fupplkd Ly the tlJ :deCt.) fo when they arc conv~rccd, they btar the.min their a-rms('1s ' .\h~krvancs of the houk dd1ght to do their young matter) ,and art! An,?,c/14 m-ix;. ac. all cimes ac rheir righc h:mds ( co fer torch thdr dt:xti:rity and me,,, ~ublica readir.dfo to hdp them) in holy duth:s dpecblly. Sata11 flood 11t "''"mfilehoP.11e.1J/ 1 ri[.bt b,1nJ, as he wa.s Cacrificing,r o refift Z~th, 3. 1S:t"~~~ 2. tio di'd G..1briel ac ttchariu righc-hand, as he was df<:ring in- iuti "11 '.r,ie~~)~, cenfet to cnform andcomforc him, 1,k.._.1.11 ~ This they do lt1U, '"''.'''" inus ~ though invi!ibly and infenfibly ( th_a.t God mightdn w up our htarrs Jon~ rcJtta .' ~ heaven ward, aod ceach us co have our convcdation abovt',.though our commoracion be here beneath. ) Devils arc not .lo ready to tt mpc and devour us, as tae Angds, co help and ddiv1:r us a as t.vil angds !uggdl: temptations, (o do good 1-\ngtls holy motions. And as our good endeavours arc oft hind~rcd by Suan, fr> arc mu: t vil by the Angels~ di<., Wt'.re not our proccx'tion cquail to our d~nger, 2nd we could nt:ichtr {land nor rife. The devil tnVtd H:d:1.on 10 go (God bad him go if he rho~ghc goud, as S l)/omon bids ch! lkd,1.ilc. >oung man. Follow the waics of his own heart) a good Angd ttfifis him, and fpeaks in che mouth ot his aOi.: to convmcc him. If B.Hall con~ an he"ven/7 fPirit (faith one) fl11nJ in the \Va] of" (orrerers fins, t1:mplJt, hHP m11ch more read111re a.1 thofe fPirit11a/I pow tr s to fl opt he mifc11rriage of G<1J1 de11rtfl chi/are11 ! Hnw otc ha.d we talkn yet more, had.not thefe guardians upheld us, whether by removing oc'afions, or cafiing in good infHnt'h ? ll~ichatl oppofcd Satan abooc the body ot M()fn: fo doe the Angels fiill alwut th1.: l>t>dic:s

~emplo.iment ~bo~tGod ~nd hi;p~~pl~ i1~-t~v~-wo~d;, ~-~;;;;ifJ -11.,,,, 1

ru ,,

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1t,!. '.




and fouls ot the Saints, while they are alive. As when they arc dead 11 they prefcntly tonvey thei! f~uks into e.Abr11h11m; bci1!tle.1ia1---------------------------~---




boiome thorow the dt:vils territories, and in dcfpite ofhitn, for he is the Prince Qf tht air. And for th~ir bodies, chcy OnU gachcr them together at the lal\ day from the Httermofl pArt of the tArth, ,o the uuermQft p.irr of htATJe", Mark I 3.i7. J!J..;!tll. Bue how fhall they know the righteous from the wicked it @A,.[.,,,. Very e:iflly. For, 1. They have miniftred unto them, and been converlaot about them. Afld if a {crvant. know his ma. Jifali ;,J arr" ficrs corn from another mans, and tl.te cares trem the Wht:ac, why "oii(,um. rfl ilieuld not the Angtls as c::dily know the Lords crop? ~:-t:! ~fa~~: The cle~ are mar~ed from the reCt, E.~el 9, and {hall foon Aug. p be difceraed, af by nothmg elfe, yet by the ltghtlomene[e of cheat looks, and lifting up of their heads, for their redempt!111 Jr""'' ,,;1,4. Whereas the wicked Chall look gaCUy and rufully, the _.evil clliming his own1 aqd thdc mens hearts failing them for fear, and for loeking after thofe things which are coming upon them, Lu~. 21. J 6. Then Oull they be cvcrlailiogly flumed, D "" Ii. a. ana (entenced, MAt. 2 s.41, Neichcr helps it, that they are a multitude: Jude , 4 , for Chriicomes with thoufandsot his Angels, tet doc cxeculion, Mat.1 J to bundle up che tares, and cafi: them into the fornace. Now if E





E p H s. 4 26. Bt ye 11gry, Anti fin not: let no1 the Sim gq

W14th, l!i.C.

down 11p1n 1ur 1

~el{}el, DAniel, Io/,,

&c. (men that had goodcaufes aad confci


ences) did fo tremble before one Angel, coming with good tidings in a ldler manifefi:ation of Chri{\s glory i what then fua\l the(e do, when Chrii\ cometh to judgement, and ~hen he vificech what will thcy:m!wer~ &c.

is a tender venue: and fuch as by reafo.R of our un .. ~kilf'uloc~e may be eafily corrupted and made d:mgerous. Ht: that Mar,16,JJ~. in his angqr w9~ld not fini,~, mul~ not be an~ry at any thing, bu MJrk J f. finne. .OQr Saviour was angry wath Ptter, and angry with cb~ Pharifoes for the hardnefie of their hearts. Mofas was tvcn blown up with holy anger at the people, for the golden Calf : and Gods


Onc1Jfit quad natHrce r.fl~ neJ.ttvit quod cnlp~, faith t.Am~rofa ~porn tbef~ wor~s, and after him Ca./fio~ M. Gata~" Jore. It t.s not evil (faath. o~e) to marr1 1 6Ht oad to be "'"Y.J : So neuhcr JS at a fin co be: v 1 ut har d not to 6 mne, when we are angry. Angtr

blc:ffing on every good hrart, that. in fucit a cafe, hath a fiomack ~c~kne(fo~ furtly;r here .would b". po. ~cin:r lhm mo pHlme,((~, -~4n()tfc>gQo4_11iunadnefle, Doenot.l h11(e them th11t Pf.:I 1 . hatnhu ? I h;cte them ~;.th 11 per.fill h"tml, faith David, [ J9 co1mtthem minunt1ni11. This is the anger of Zt!al, found in Phi~ta/? EliM, :Elijh1&, our Saviour & and l'hould hoe been.found in, h . Anger. A~"' toward his wife, in Eli. toward his fons 1 in Lot toward his ~0 . n a.' 'f n have a goo d n '{c, an d.a goed.end, faith B 11-. "' n, 117 {~ crvams, etc I t muli. Ratlice 111 1; 0 ,,0111 , ctr:. elfe ct beco~es a mortall, not a vemall fin,. as the Papill:s. (fJ' Jincm lumu fcm~ly. c;cm~ludehom M.-t. '5 Ut wko(;,wr i4 angr1 With hii. 6roth~r 'Without a cau[t, &c. Thcreic; a juft caufo then of anger;. fiMe1 as an o~~ncc to God (.ll~re. N 1b11chlf~111r..1:.'1r W!l$ quc,. D11n .

fot Cq~,

M irk

J1~111Jua1 c1:n1

~ s , D aif.3 !J ~e:- us npt unfic either to pity the finner (as ~ur ru->v?~. '1lJV ang~r for fthn. re1 ner did the obl\in:uc Ph:uHees) or to pray for hun
t;a olfr:nfw11,
ur ruru11l cti:.i>

--~ ~------:--- 1 --)-Ad~~~~ ~uC\:-be; juC\: mea(nre obferved, dfat our



AN o 1 a.
"------------- - - -- ---------=--- ----:------

(as ./l~ofn for thofe idolaters, he was .o enrage at, xo 3 2 , A r that is not.thus bounded JS but~ motnenmr1 m.idnc s. wi/ec1t111r.& ... ~ ~.h) h 1i~e then it rtillcrh in lhC bofom~o~ foolG, fa1t~ S<ilom()n, 1 11r1;11111r hwv1s fa1t t c. eb , B . , fr irro;di.r aflt ;,;/cnfio (for inco thole chl'l'e r(/. whee ho It (.! } I 1IJ, . ' ' A h dH t d Lil> 1 , Jr fide d rccc- lJ 1 m 1 (cni~ di\\:ingU\thcth It) ""{/r .Wrat ,an " rr , 11 rtho}G.'\:l,c 10, 'Ttl~c o~t' (.fli~h h:) l.:Hh beginning a~d m1Jti1111, b11t pujrml1 ,',,r.-~lr:'1drrphnldi'1thememor7: tbe thiYddeA c e ~ (ict h t he 0 '" ' h h fi n. ' , h '\' 'thrnt r"ve1:rre, Clichtoveta comp1rec t c flL t_o 1 ft_ J ct not ' ' ..., fi h h d t , . {t b'.:>le : th~ fccond to rem iron : t. e t _ar o fire that as

Savmur m

IS :m~


E d


~id '~od never bewraieth it kH~ but with t~e rume



as children are foon angry' and as {oon p ea,t: ~gaan. ' 1e c ' ~1cld 1 , AdJn'. d l"e 1 Cor 14 20, Vrftnm was of fomewhat a hai\y rrn in '"sit ulfo was l'a/~in Vt fit in ejufmodi ingmiu, faich he ill 1111. n:imre' oa 111orc ~n dul\: ra'ous and that writes their lives. For 'as any ~an JS s {o he teaeheth naore teachaly and painfully. Yet had mgemou ~nger, as not co Utte r a w'ord in 1 rhr~' {o learned co moderate c 1e1r . ' heir all1on unhdeeining !l Chrmirn. Bur of B !;-4. his ~ol fkt_COfkgt: ~ca u~s wouldofcrn f:iy, Th.u !ik_t the Dove he \\'.u a.'11,f, .\\l~th f.tpe JtccbJ11t g 4 fl And it 01ould kem fo by thlt which he wmes of htm eum fine {cite vi vcre ~lc!ch, ~:if fn~2 c~rcain Ep1Hk co Mr C11lvin: The Jdu\te ( (ait~he ~ di Ad Jin, fl;uting about the Eucharill, c.1\kd us, f/11/pes & fer~~mls (g' fl mill4 foxes, fcrpents, apes, &o._ My anfwer was this, .Jt!.~.r non ~ d , nriit1n Tr11nlf1bffanti11tio11em, That we believed all 1 magu ere rr., I" . S G'l t B ;ff'./1 thH tuanuch:is we did Tr~i:i~ub{hntliHIO~, o ~ts ,0 .i 11,f ,cmd t>lon, Mnr~ r, when the Fritts ( {C:nt tu _reduce:~\~) d,d t._liY ta 1 t! tn1f~ .J'll!.i' ' call ~m, be ever held his peace; mfo~ucH .th~t t~~fe,blafph,emers won\d fay abroad, chat he ~ad a ~~mb de~1l m 111~. C.~ffi.:'""' reporcs, th t .. when a certain Chrafi1an . washeld . c~puve of b mfidds, d tormented with divers pains and 1gnomm1ous tau~ls, .. em~ ~~ mlnded by way of {corn and reprolch, T tll m Wh~'f mmtclt t,k1. Chri:ft hath done? He anfwered, He hath done What you fee, t1'at I am not moved at '411 the cruelties ,end c~ntur1~tlin 7ou caft. upon

of the m1t~er t hath C!mnhr. Some arc /h"rp. (gm111r,bltur, ff tlm-J W. ~drem . p/.ut1bfc 1 faith Ari.flat le. 1'he lirft are the bd.<, chat k_!,., earetm l rd B h'l


'!lat, 11, 19


Th s was indeed to walk as ChraO: walked, who dad not n~r cr1 nor did t1nJ maH he Ar hil 'Voice in the Jlreet t, who ;h;~ he was ~e\filed, reviled not again, when h~ fuff~red , be

han~. ~-knee ic is faid, He 1hM.h~tttll b_u {jrothr.r 1~ a "'"n~j'lAier. NJ~,t~3 ~ 1 . 19 He ~fom deftre, he would l>do rndc~d, ,f h~ dud.l, w,r, th,r1 " M W)QtC!J il1 [word in 1) hAd, J \\JMJd fH~~IJ fl-'1 thu, Th~rt: uIf P"JJi"" ~f. 1111 L rococypc1, hAtred (faith une) and there is tht IMV1t of ir. Tbe flrme.r A, kjnde of IWtrfneffe Andrifig of the /Je14rt av1injl 1111Mn, W/leH 1114. ftts him, (o that he cannot aw111 With him, nor fjt,,/(.Jo,, 11or looJc.. courteo11Jl1 or pt"ce11bly Hpon him : but on11 co1mtt11Anc1 fal1 Whm he fees him, 11nd he nnn t11n1s ai11a7, ttnJ, h7 hu goodwil, \\101'/d ha11e nothing to doe nith him : Thu is the paffion of h11tred . The habit of it is, when the hem is fo fotkd in chis a~i,nation .and efirangcmenc, chat it grows co wi01 and ddir~, ..2'nd fee~ his hurr, " Yt?!l ro rt jo)1Ce "nd glory when it '"n dke\ it i t1s 1~f,phs brethren,

threatned not, but committed himfelf to him that judgeth righte.. oufly. So did t.Mofos, whin murmured ag:iinlt by tA11ron and Miri"m He was meek and complained noc : therefore without any delation of his, the Lord ll:ruck in for him. The lcffe uy ma11 firives for himfelf~ the more is God his Champion. Bue the wrath of man a~ h workcth not the rightcoufncffc of God, to ic prevems his jufli'e wherefire be fl,,.,, to WrMh, faith S.ramr1, as God is; mn frccfull and froward as the dc:vil is, A11ger 14 a j1Jort devtl, faith Chr1(oflome, the fury of cha unclean fpirir, f2...ui (Ni4 foHibta & jlAtl!nu inw1dir, whoenflJm<.s the heart, {ccs the tongue on fire lrom hell, makes it hotcer then N ehttchadnn.. t:.11rs oven, fo that he cares not what he fpcaks, as 'Jona&; whu he does,as S1111l: who falling into a rage, the devil pofidl him, and kindled fuch a fire, as could nor ue quenched, rill he t~H in to the unquenchable lake. So true is that ot Eliph11?.., H'f'"tb kJ,/Jetb the fo1liflu1111n, delivers him up to the: dcilroier, it it re(\ in his beiome c{pecially, and lodge a night with him, which is chc {econd d~grec al>ove mentioned. . Let not therefore the S 1mne go JowN Hpon 70Hr Wrath : for that JS all one 1U to give place to tbe devil, who hereby cntreth the heart, and take5 peficllion. Many chere arc char f utfrr chc Sonne not only to g1J down upon their anger, but co run his whole race, .. by tttm .. . anger yea many races, ere t hcy can be reco11c1 1 ed : WttCre becomes inveterate, and curns into malice : for anger and malice differ but in age. Now C"Hr(ed be th# ,cnger for it u fierce, 11nd thu "r11th for it ucruf!J, Gen.49 7. le is th~ mur~er of the hearr, MAt.s .21,ei;..,, the founuin of the murdtr l>oth of the congueand

Jam, 1,, 9,iQa

Give place t.a wrach. r, To

the wrath of God, "'hicll by rc,cnge ye pre~ vrm. Drcvu J.cmon

Iolt p,.


aJmaf~1 !1 4 ,tr. te foti' omiu.

quindi P~' iri


Bphcf. 4 a6~


tnm, Jexlri.tAut~o Jaru, . g1attam reJir.~



who fate down co e:u and drink, when ch~r had c~ll: him into, X x the

--------------------------------AM o u ..
the pi;;-;;-.L"mech , who boaf~ed of his manhoad thi9 way ( dogge-hood rather, tor revenge is no better) as eAlexlfH l71t11rd1. aer p htTtlU, who conkc:ratetl the Jivdin, WhtrCW&th hr. 0.:!W p~IJPhrN. . . , This is chat third rmd worfi forr of anger, which, bemg fmoothcrrd will laoguilli: but let om, wiU lhme into further mifchief, as ~e lee in Efi,u. who vowed bis brothers dc:ath, and C 11i11 who wrought it. 8#t that I b~liev1 A'"' k1t1w ( fai~ F~ie~ in Mo& a conkrenco with 'Bft,,t7) thitt God""" 1111 hu J~11111 rll '"~' /'el 914. re".Jt"f,t'11ltnteverl11I1in[. on thee, I f'Pon/J (UrelfWith th6[e 11111/s ~f mi,,, be th] tleAth. We raad alfo ot a like fay!ng ?f an~~her Frier eAugu/H111 of 8A~t'A11rp.teftified by ErA.(1n1u m his Ep1fi:ks ; who . openly in rhc Pu\pac at dn1w,rp, to t~e peopl~, ~afi\e~ Er:tfm.tPlfl.I. that LHther were there, that be might bite out has thro:u With his 16 0 Jal1trcaa .. teeth. So doing he: wouldnothingdoubs torelort to rhe alm with !;~~~!! tor1 wu chc fame bloudy teeth, anti receive ~he ~y o~ Chril\ . l)r S!n1 he thu advifrd (that bloudy pede,utour of .cbc Samts m ~ctn Maries daies ) not to lop otf, when Queen Elit..aluth came to cbe Crown, could noc torbear t0 she rwii;s, but curfe her daily in his grace at boHd, and was worthily hang;"d for to Orahkc aLt thc his credon 1111110 I 571. "Sein" herciA like the toolill1 Ree, who lo root t e t> ld 11 lit,iabetb. feth her life to gee revenge. Y;1/er11u M_11.-.:"!"" cou . ~oc te , .Afl 01td No" whtther S1ll1t or his angtt were firl\ cxtmgmfhed. W1Uwn the f"'-' 91 f . Conquerourto be revenged on the King of FT anc1 (_who bci~g C 4 ~ lt 4 1; younu 1nd Jolly j~afted at his great bclly 1 whereof he faid bt lay an ~a. 1):! ~+ at Rovm) entered FrA11ce in the chietcft time of their frnics, ma...,,3D uln,-t&. . ( .w here: the king fpoil of all in his way, ti'll bacam.e event~ , aru King of FrA"c' then was) to fhtw ham ot his up-fimng. And from thence he marcbesto the <;ity ot L?rltlnts, which he ut.terly lackt and in the ddhutlion thcreef gat his own by the ftratn ot his h~rfe among the brc=aches, fo ending. his wars, and hi~ life toge cher. Hi~ fuccdfour EtlwArd the fir!t dad not fo: for gomg. agam~ JJr11~e Xing o.f Scots, he adjured his foo and Nobles, that if he_ d&lui'l,itidna. cd in-his journey tbeJ thould carry hi~corp~ with rhem ab~ut Stat 1 1 a<>lo '""'"'' and oot fuffer ittobe imenrd, till they h1d vanqua{hc:d cha ufurpcr, and abfolucely fubdued t~c Countrey . Adcfire more marriaU then Chriftian1 {hewing a mmde Co bent t.o t~c world, that he would not make an end, when hfl had done with at : and to fc:t up lib~' 1. en revenge, that hc:dcfignes it beyond his life. SeJ irA mormlirmu Mbtt, fft m<>rt1'1u, faith Ll11Cnti111. Are we mortall-, and Chall C>Uranger be im!ll~rt~~ !.h~ !~~~age of the !~bcls in _Kefpi~~~f,


ANG a a.


fpiracy was fuch, that fome, being difllbkd almoR: to hold up their we~ns, would nrive what they could [0 fl:tikr their enemi~. o. thc:~s being thtui tborow thebotly with fpear, Would tun c~etl\~dvrs furt&rr. ro reach thofe that wounded chtm deadly. So weet 16 f~Y(nge to torrupt DilWTC:; 7'11"r wJU ddik htr kif Wirh in ctft, co be even wic~htrfilttler inl1w INJ1th: tAb~tom will rnn any hazard to bnc: his peny worths on vf,,,non : D 1111iti delp<..._ ratdy fwore the de: ach ot N Ab11!, and his houlhold bf (uch an hour. To~c revc:nged. i~ more ~ono~rable then to be reconc1lcd, faich .A.r1Ho1Jt. Thui JS the: voice of nature, and thus tkt JPirit thAt 14 in
"'IHjlnh to ePJVJ: b#t the SoiptNrr tiv~tll 1nor1 grace, teachcch

_________ _____ __ .

n~ la~
p. 1 i.


:f ~

bcccmbiogs. lpcakcch cous1 as tAbi1.11il did co D1111id, when :::'~:~~''~ff

~t lllfllAI , , hAWt /JriJl/eJ thr p11fli~111, "'"' , , h1111e h1/J1h1 h1111Jftom blo#J. Nay, it ihaJl be a fingular comfort to 'S 3 m,iJ1J1. haveconqucn:d thy paffions (Fir the ttl./hA!t t11ertafe 1heir jo1 lfa.1oB, in 1h1 LorJ) and a (wcet fcal of our tpfrimall foniliip, that we: are ~~lt, f.4S, che chlldrth of our henenly Father, yea that we arc perfo~t as he i.9 am.a,., pcrf~Ct, ind can do that which a naturall man cannot, as S ~n/ ac knowledgech. - Eli/b feltech his enemies, and is tretd of chem. the ban~s uf SJY:il' c;omu no more into the bounds of Ifr Ml. .Ab{i! lo invues .Amno11 , and .Altx1111J1r PhilotM ro a feall, to kill lht'm ~hcrcar. :But JfiJ~c cxpoltulacts the wrong with Ajimtltci Gen.1&. a. ~nd hai comrany., forgm1J 'hem, fcails them, and hath them hi1 fri~~ for ever. l his was a noble mengc, and fit for ChriRian imacat1on. Jo/bMAh marchcth all day, and fights all night for the Gih1onit11, that bad fo deceived him. Cr1111er1 gendenelfe in pardoning Wron~ was fuch, tllat it grew to -a Preverb, D 1t ,,,, Att. t1ntl M,

p~r1u1 'I"~"! it lu teionctltarl,

or ;.


be was marthi11g furioutly, TbeHj/JAN it



,,,r '"P lam.;,,..


LorJ of C11terbHrJ 11P,rewtl tNrn, 11ncl the11 }'* /IJAIJ /,1 (ure to h1we hi111 1011r Ji:i111tl, *hifo he li'TJtth. He never raged Co far with any of bis hEluiliold lervants1 as once to call the meanell: of tile~ varlet or kuan in angt r, much leffe to reprove a banger wich any reproacWull word. Here was aptrfi/1 mAn> 2s s.111,,m di.:n.ntli him tht can ruk ~is tongue1 in his paffions dpecially, 0occ: afiote are very violent, and ( like j\cal)' bodies down Reep ilS) once in motion au~ve ttlemfelvcs, and know no ground but che bottome. Firft,, Ceafe ~berefOJc .fn11 ""Lt,., "'"' refh1i11 Jrifi, fttt 11ot 11!J /ilf.,, 1111.Jwifu ~uvil, Ptal. 37.i. Thau doft ev11in fretting, chOll ftlalc dee worfa in wnt1ng, and fuftcring tbe fire co

fol, us a

bm.J a.

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bmk 6

P~~ft'e rail~ an.

Hclpuo re

-------------- - ----- ---------------668

faeak out-asi>aviddid, P(al.39. When_t_h-er-e~-o-re-th-ou fi~~ft thy .fm.Jo.p,u Mfinccn{cd and chafing ripe, prefcmly la~ a neceRity ot filence .It thou h~.ft upon ihy felf till tlwu be able to fpeak qmetly and compofedly, ~~ '.0 11 llily till the heat b~ fomcwhat cncr: As Abafo11m/h walked a while in m trn!!. ur thy fclf ( ny any his garden, ere he would pa{te " 1t:n~ence upon H am"" A~o th ~r



6 BR.

0 1l 'Re

frovrnd look repeated the Greek /\ lphabec, ere he would fay or do any thmg m. or gcfi,1n) r 1f his anger . He d~th b~tter thst repeateth foine gra~e fentenccs of thuu hotfi iptur~ (uch llS IS th1s,l1 ~ d.'16t'1 : lnlt ft~ ~ Bl fl"w tb "'~"lh~. thou ht ('v1l ' > ' <;> I th b ,to Goa

for, like mad dogs, they bite and make others as mad as themfelvcs. Drink nor, game not, left thou meet with contentions, Prov,23.29,30. Lillcnnottothetalc-bearer, for hef~parAtes t ProvM> 'Vtn wry ftimd1. Er:quire not into other tolks faults. St:ldome is a patient man inquilicive) or an inquificive man patient. Solomon !"ln vu t.ffe would not luv~one lay his car as aot'vddroppcr, to every word is tra~u11dwlntp
. hu . ferv~nt cmfl . E ' ' <urtofu. Se-n. lpoken, ldt li1'! hear mg hem, cc le1.7.11. an d 10 be l11ott\d foll to hw.! him,!md vc::x himtdt to no purpote. Prt!ful11e in chy mindr, char many things are to be !uttered, while we arc



.(by~cdiu1i~ AvmgenotJoHr{tlvn,Httpwp acttoTwh~ad :.l n:vrn~e, Yl c ) reJift 1ht Jevi~ 1111d he \~ill /he ~o~ 1'"' JS C~J o

thy hanJ up::n thy.

U~ rtfill:ed by Scnpture,wall lurtly Hie, h~ cannot bide by ,1t,~At.-1:1B {pccially, if wdet our fdvcs to pray at i,iown,as J.?atml. dad, P/,J~~


a_nger, J t


'f h.

mouth, i:lcncc

'~Y 1 df. ~nrcly reftr,1ineftpraier, elfc it would neTer be chus with thee. 1
t1:c c uirnmg ot milk br111;;
tth forth bu~tcr.; ~nJ th.?

When Job brake out and was walpa111 1S11re/1, faad ElphA~, thoN

h Fo~ c h k Secondly, Get chy h.eart pun'fied by f.alt 1a1~ ~a ~spatience. When the D1fcJplcs heard that they muR forgave till ieven cy times ftll:ll times in ii d~y_, Lmi, fay they, ~n~rMf~ flHr mrn:;,rng ot 'J he wifd1me fi-orn 1tbo1111s tirn pure>, and then pttacttablt, J:im. 3 th e no(c l,ring 17 :Bur ftom WhcNCI are War I aHa co11tt11tion1 mong/f 101i l 1 k1t1 c:t1 , h .~ ' /.a :--1 01111; fo da: .(as ic is in the next verfe) Arethq 11ot entt, e'llt~ DJ 7our Nrl tor~ing of sJMt War in yo11r members_? :rhefc make you unquiet and ouc ~f wr.nh (the ut, order wichin : and hence 1c is that you arc {o trowarGI and d1f teeing t it) contented with ochers. The wkkcd are as the raging fea, trouble.. br1gcth fc.;rth fome and tumultuous'; the covetous perfon troubleth bis whole ~;~ .~;ra rp f u houfc, N .1bal wa~ fu.~h a .fo1' o~ B rU11I. {~ fo:m an~' forioU5 th~t ribunJa foc'21to there was no ~pca~mg to hun i Yea, D a~ia when he had, defiled 1e11n1~ cam di his con!cicnce and not yet n:p~nted of his adultery and murder, '1Ji11.e.s~r.iprur 2 how rigid wa; he, or rather crucll in .his hand~ing of th~ Ammo ~rm~rtblus, nites in recking his teen upon them for the m1fulageofh1s Embaf~hrylo 1. ' .lharrows. of ran,; ' h ~ mAd1 Job 1 S 4, fadours? He put tliem un der/in~s an" A{t, 1 s. 9 . them p.r.ffe thoroni the br.ick:ki/ne, &c. The devdsarc mo(hmpurct 1,uk, 11 ~ and therefore moft m:llicicus a Chrift on the other fidct molt my. 5 pure, and t~m:fore moltgcnde. Ofrhe .'"'r'J! of hi1 1.~virn1 s.lm.& ment '4ndpcAce there P1~ll be no end, faith /{1,ch: teachmg us, 5 2 ,,m,u.30, i. "h' hr. l h 3r. thlt the more Chn(,s government encrea1et mt e 1cu, t c. more If ), 9 7, pe:ice and peaceablcndfo. Bue pervcrfne[e arg'1cs a breach m the f pirit, Prov. IS .4. Thirdly, S111dJ to be quiet, AMddo JO#r 01'"'1Mfin1fe. Meddle 3 1 Thc11 .,.u~ not with the firife chat belongs not to you, lill you tnlc.e " dog 61 thrnm, Prov . 26.17, ~~~~ c~~e~ti~~~ ~~!TIP~ny, ~P_r.011! uF.a4. or


here i which who(ocannot frame to do, its r.imt! for him to make up his pack, and bt gone ouc of the world ; for htrc's no bl' ing for him. Many chi.ngs aUo are t~ be daffombled and w~nkl'd at, as the lion cakes no n~uceof c~e barkmg ot curs, as Phyfic1ans pa fie No" lndlgn,,,; by the petulancics of 'heir p~trcms. P1ls mull be {Wallowed ~.ow~ tur t1grotu, (etl whole, 1111'>t chewed : {o inJUries. 1 hus, by tht: mctknefle of wal- 1Jo1bllt /anant~ come, prevent eccafions of anger: It doth require much Hudy te H1A111. live quietly. FourtMy, Confider, 1. The deformity of dnger. 2. ~kc 4 difgr:.tcr. J\nd 3. Tht: d:.tnger of it. Fu ~s an ugly dung is anger, di!~10Hdling a man t>fhJs foul ( \\ 1s poffdkd byp~ ~uk,~'if?a tirncc.:) .and dif. figuring his body ~ilh fi~'rim ~eot the tyes, tun ~~J 4,~, 111~/" oufodk of the looks, d1norcion ut the factj rnfhmmauon of tht.! ifofhils. Thl Hl bn ws call anger Aph, bt'c~uk th,rdn the note riiech, the cdt)ur cha11gtth, the tongue ihm1rn:rcth , the teeth gnaOl, the h:inds cl:.ip (as 011/."'~ 1 1, Nrnnb. Z1 10.) the f\ct Uamp, the pulft' bt:acs, the heart pants 1 the whok man twds like a toad glows lil<c: a devil, tormeming himfdf orforc his tune. p1410 , Whence many Hcatllens have adviitd the angry man to look his scmd. face in a glaik, and lo grow afh:uned of his cliltemper. Next, tor .wxti"'. the dif~race: The holy Ghofl: hath il:;gmatazed the angry pc:don tor Prov. r4. o. . a fool in grain, tuch an one as e.'l.:,i/11 (Dlly, fcts it up ou high_ ~o be ~,'1 ~r.1;,~.'~ foen otall, and prodaimshimklfa Fool; yea thr: worn ot fools; 1rov i 1 4 for, Pro11d 1 h.c11gbty 1 porner n hu 1''4111~ thflt dMl~tb in pr'"'" vr.ol\/or, 1 Per 1 ll'>"dth, Thn'b his tirle. Thus God loads fuch a man With dilgrac~. ~ii. ab IJellr~ A11d whereas he thinl\s by his big look~ and high tcarms co carry Jt ?~ among men ( as Lamech did ) when he hath gotten revenge cfpe- ~'"''"' cially. The Apofiks purpofely dHgraccth revcnge of injury by a wr?~t~ W?rd that fignifies ~i{gtare, lo~le of v_i~~rr, or impot<:oc~ ?f ;,:~~;iJu~ 0 _. mmdc. And indeed 1c as umn:mlmdle of lpmc, and ltttlc WJt m nc Natura que the bead, that cauletb a great 4leal of pafiiQO in the heart, as Vfe f~e ru'um. Sift, ;





------------------------------------.... . 670 A l-t G ~ ... . . .-rnTntancs :m-dfick people:. Thunder, hail, tcmpefi, neither. uouII


o a I\.



N.1~1,11011i1rabile ble nor hmt celcfiiall bodies : no more doth anger gre;at minliles. '&/lat ur,r. qUta Th . . are r. .d to be 10 , high . above the middle / Jur11, {edqut.J e tops of ,ome mountains 1a1
moUet p~1;11111r.

When t~f .heart boi1's with wrath ;~d.-ddi~~~i- ~eveng~-

thofeD1k1ple~, LH~-~S4 Wilt thou that ~eca/J for fire (rotn.J

;-fay-;; ---:----

region of chE: air. thilt not {o mu~h il:i the du{\ upgn thtm i~ moved Scncc,J, iri:a '' out of the place from years end to ycais end ; So is it here. Great '''' tpirits, and men of underlbnding are like the upp<!r region, in a perpecudl lercnicy : or at le:iC\:, like the higheC\: pl:.mets, that of 211 the rcll, are thought to be {\oweC\: in courie: or like a diamond that i~ neither bruifed nor cu_t. And laCHy, tor the danger of anger, 1t confumes the body, 1c confounds the foul. Fevers, colicks, PllM ocfl ir~ paUies , plurifies, apopltxies, inflammations, confumptions arc u ir}r.ri ~aufcd by it, whik:s it dries up the raclicall moil\nre { chu b1Home 4 1 11111 of the body ) boils the heart into hr ine, and viper like, makes an end of chcowner; who as he lived undefired, fohe dies un1amentfd, as N erv11, Y"le11tini1m, and other cho1@rikc Kings and perfons of great note, who hereby have wrought their own rnth and PctM rninc . And.for the poor foul, it is indifpokd, by unadvite4 an 1 J;\m 1.iJao,n ger, for praaer or a~y other dt1ty to God or man. Hds lai4 open, 1 p. as an unwalled Cuy, to many finnes , milchiefs and miferit:s (? .. m.3.16'. P.-ov.3.31.1nd7.13. 1nd1s;u1. Pfolmt31.8.J temporall, fpirituell aud eternall, Prov.17. -.o. Mat. S 21. tic that lives and dies in this fury , becomes a prey to the futies
of hdl. F,~ftly, Confider wifely ot Gods provi4ence, prefence,patience~ Full:, That thofe that wrong us (how malicious or mifchievous lrfii pop: u,. foever ) are the inllrm~ents ot his good providence, for our greacncms f.Jpm.1 er ell good ; Why then thould we bt: angry at them ? ls not this to ,oteft. 1 ~<' be angry at God? Now it he could fay, No wife man will b& anN~"'" nu impc h t hc pc_op1 r. ot chm power, how m\u:h e hMDir r~i,h gry wac c of ft. ome, bccau1c the Scou:lh greater folly IS It to ~age at God ~ n he be angry with us, there is &hHHc. hop~ of mercy, but 1t we b~ angfy with him, what help is tht:re, J. Sam 16.10, let ~IS W~11th be k.fndled never ra little! This reyned in ?ob trom T k h d' ' letting fhe at the C"ldeans that robb'd him, and DAvitl at Shinsei bean:t r~: ~c t~at_ rtvdcd ham. And had he as well fec:n God in N abal, as he fighter's dad m Sh!.mei, .~c had never been fooutra~ious. Reverence thcre'lod, Aa. f. fore Guds providence, and be fiill, 'P (dl.39.10.. None could have poWl!r againll: thee, except it were given them from above, ?oh. 19. 11. N~xc. Cunfi,kr Gods pretence, and be carcfull. Sec Go& before thy paffio.ns, and chey will be foon huilit; as umuly fi:llows

htavtn ! A:skkaveot God, ere you dare to doe any' thing chac way, an.d preft.tmc not to be thine own carver. We ufe ro fay, If c:he Mlg1fir4ce be not prdent, we may offend another to dc:fcnd ouritl vts : But if the Magifl:rate be prefenr, thm: is no cxcufe. fl mcl{t11. Behold th~ 1udge ftand1 before the door (faith S. /Ames) grudge J;un.s \), not therefore , groan noc , grunt not one againll: You ca~not {hew t~e lea{l: token ofimpatiency, but ht: is an eye-witnes of1c; No1.,,V91ll1enot tremhJe at "'1 prefence, (aith the Lora? Jcrs.u. I ob' though pa_m:nt at fir ft, yet whc:n once wet to the skin, fals a roarmg and rawmg, and there was no hoc wich him : Till at length ~od ~eps forth, as it. were from behindc the hangings, over- hear .. mg him, and takes him up roundly, Chap.38.i. Wbois this,faies hC', cha~ talks thus? how now? After which, Job laid his hafld upon ~1s ~outh,. and we hear no_ more of him. Confider, lafily, h~m~~fNn~; liods mfimte patience and long.1ufferance in bearing mens man- Act 1.18. ners, as he did .theirs in the wilderndle. How fiow 18 he to anger, l' ao5.S,9, :and. plenteous m mer~y l He wall not al waies chide, though al~11cs prov~~ed i m:uhcr will he keep his anger for ever. G'"' 1udgeth the right mu (but very gently, And in the midJ1 ofj11cl~1ment he remembreth mercy) God aUo angry Witb the Wicl\_ed. {er angered by them) ever1 day. But what will he do in hisan ger? If he t 1~rn not, he WiO Whet hid /word (before it devours Helli. He firf.l: takts hold on judgement, bdore his judgement . . takes hold on men:) He hath bent hi1 bowandmAde ;., read1 &c sr,pattentiant P (al.7. u.13 We readeof Gods bow, faith e.A'mbrore r61 ,; th; Jexercet fi "'"'' 1' ' I / d b h h ' um pam 1 tentiil ' QU , Ht not 1ng of H "rrow. Tht bow ca~11ot hHrt "', b1't expeflat '"'""

~at a~e quJr,t~llmg 1 w.~~- ~~~~~~~ft!~~!~~~~~ ~~ongfi ~~~Q

1he '1ow fir~-wArn1"' of th~ At"row j and tht flrHg of tht bow id to 114-Ward, to foew how HHWiUing Goa IS to puniPJ even the Wfr/{!4. He mull foil: tum the baw, and then he bends his bow and then his arro~ is unprepmd too, .ver[.14. So unready and ~nwilling is b~ to ;ij]hll, to gr1evtthech1ldren of men. He cals it hi4 \\'or~, hujlrange"'ork__e; he goes not about it, till thercbe no rmmlJ, ~ Chrtm.~6.16. WhenGodcametopunifhAd..m,he camd1ow ly, andmt/,ccoolofthed.iy, Hcranaotuponhim, asD,widdid upon Goliah, and cm off bis head t but with a fottly pace and fiill d 11 h voice, an not. t1 t e evet1mg. And chen convmts him, before f~nten~e ~ wha~h he would not do for the devil) and promiieth ~1~1 a Saviour !coll! ~he d~adly O:ing ofthat old ftrpcr.c. Oh look

Aug. Amb; ;.



~en.i. \i 7; f '~f1V tp~ ....... ve.ll'era11

Jel. J\mlir1;;,


Xx 4



0 BR.



upon this paccrn of plticnce, as tbey did once upon the brazen fctrpmc, and it will cure our hearts when fiung with impuicncy. Ad.on was che malkr~pkce ot Gods handy-workJ in wbom he reH-


ed :md rdoyced: :idorn'd him with his own image, advanccJ him co dominion ovtr all othl r {uolunary creaLmes, limwureJ him wich the potldlion o~ Paradik, :ind pol.lib1licy ot hcavt:n, hdd him felt' ~e,., 1. to tam: honoured by him, as that he is not calkd L@rd God, till llt11.'i9 1:. man was created. But mcm being in honour, continued not one night (as ic is thought) buc became like enc bta(\s that ptrilh i my wodt', like chi: dtvils, with whom he fhould have pm111~d, had he not dealt With a !in-pardoning God, none enr like him, m. S1 'I Mic.7.18. He jli/J WJUltipliei p1ird111u, as we mulc1ply provoc:ni ons, and lhctchech out his hand all the day long co a n:bcUimis i Cor f.20. people, J(a.65. 2, his grace even kneels to them, bdecchirg th\:m to be reconcil~d, and bearing with fuch abominable praClices, in the me:111 while, as the meekdt Mo[es that ever brt:athed wou\d mver bear with, ifin hisroom,but even tor an hour. If we con ~dcr dpccially how infinitdy great he is and mighty, armed wich pow1:r "this will. }'or th6 Lo~d ,~UY c~ti iJ God of GodJ, and Lord of Lordi, Ag1tW God, ,.mighq and 11 terrible, Dcm.10. 17. Now the hightr 2ny pcrfon is1 the ldfc pati~nt ot wrnngs. How rigidly dealt 'David with the Ammonm, ~or the abu{e , K' done to his EtubJ(fo!ours ? And when the prn~ll! Honed ~do1 18 le ms' 20 : ram, that was over the tribute, Rehobo . on gathered aU Judah and Ben1.i111in to fight with them. lfGod 111ou\d be as lhort ipiritcd, what would toon bccoau of all? Lee a maA buc put up an injury once or twice from another, and he hath himklt hi~hly in ~dm1ra tion, and in his own conci::it ddervc:; tD be thronicld, n!ly can.onii~d tor a sa;m,, as our Henry the fixth lu.d l\ke to have been for this very venue. One oi his fuccdfours ( Kmg Henry the lc:vcnth) laboured ir, faith the H1l~orian, and had ot.>caincd to hava don~ it. had not the: charg<:s th!:rt:of, that io far txct:cded mcdiocriry, c:mkd him to kavt: it undone. Of this Kmg it is reported, Thar in both efhtes he fo duneaotd himklt~ that h<: moddtly carried the one, and modcutdy under-went the other : P:illion at no time drowning his judgt:ment, nor will at any rime demineer in~ ovet his reafon ; yea tuch was his deportmrnt, that tnc inconftancy of his d\:atc could qot alter the confiaAcy of his min de. He wnm:nr heard teiwc:ar 0ath(whith David did in his hear, 1 SM. 25 1 :u.) his sreatdt ~ffe~tratio~ b~iog for '11.0lt l.)art, For~otb? foth>

(ootb,or veri/1 1 verilJ. l-lisp~-ti~~~~-~~s-fnch:th_a_c__ ~ that firook tiim, when he was taken prifoner, he only {aid,For(ooth 1ou J.,e Wrong JOHr frlf mor1 then mr, to flrik.f the Lords anoit ed. Another th1t hsd drawn bloud ot hi~,. when he was in prifon, . he freely pardont:d ~when rdl~1Td) laymg, A/a,J po:or (ou/, IJe Connn.u11io11 fl more to ll'm f avo11r \\'1th other J ,tfJ.en of .iny ill wi/J he blfre ~! ~.~~,t~i luft, 14 0 me. Of that happy m1.:mory, chat he never forgac any thing but in- T E,fr. /" Y 8 c . pre 1d d har11 .Jl y mucht ag:un . ma . man iu,, ~1,.0.19 , Th'1s was a 1a1r 1 enr,:rn j urns. vf his place, and living in thofi: dark times of groile Popcry, For pf.,l 1 10 th.e d:irk_ p/ace.s of the eart11.11re fo~ of th~ h11b~tatio.fls of cr11elty, Ilea deterioret ftm_h ~he Pfalm1Ct But wh1r is all t~ts co Gods mfinite p>lticnce in /~11n1. qui<t ml!~ futfc:rmg wrong. and long coo ?not from the vdlds of wrath lmly, ltom 0.ffe tlete~ , Rom.9 . 22.buc .hi~ own dt:Cl:, wh~ fho~lJ ~e.bcm:r,fp:11ing them as ';;';i. 3,is. a man ~pm:~ his fon that f~rvt:s fun~, chtm kvrnty times leven tames In a day, palling by w1thouc grievance, a worlJ of infirmities, yea taking advantage of their backl11dings to 01cw them rhe more mercy, as Ho/,2.13, Thederpandduc conftderation ot chi~ p:iticcc~ in ~od,will wea~ly paticnt our fp1rirs) a11d transtorm

,,usmto the fame nnage,,as ac did that Et/ Eunuch,All.B.Ji.

and that Ead c:~lled EhMrm, of whom it &s Hori~J that being ~~ch givtll to immoderate angrr, the means h~ ufod to c~rt: thii d.1{~1dm-:~ u~<:dion, was by Hudying of ChriCl:, and oFhis patience. 1 his mcdaratmn he never futh:red to p;.1fk horn him,bdo1 e he found his heart trans for m'd and conform'd lo the heavenly pm:m. Lafily, It co thdc means and medit:1tions you adde a con(hnt

In 'IJita rj:H 4 , pud Suri11n.


endeavour to btcomc low in your cwn cyt:s, keeping the O:rid: watch. of ch~ Lord ov~r your h~a.rc, taking yo~r_ Ctlf in the manner, when 1mp:menc~ begms r~ b~1l m you 1 And it you heartily puy down your paJ110ns, arra1gnmg and condtmning them in ljods prd1.:nce, and ddirmg him to do exccmion, )'ou lhall loon fee chac tlus yom labour 1$ ;1ot in 'IJ,iin it1 ilu Lrrd,

Apofiafie ~.


A' 0 s TA s I


qudfe, and nephew co Pope Pa11/thefifth, hearing Peter ()lf,.,~ 1rreadeupon the 1 epif1. co the Cori,,thJ, was converted by him,

and kaving all went to Genev11. Where when he was afterwards

montJ ptrijb With them, Wh1 tfl'nm ,ell tht gold in th1 ~or/d 'it'o"tf' onnl11iu (Ociu1 With {4m Chrifl 11nd hu bo/1 Spirit. .A11d c11r(ed be thd Rcli;,ion for ever, t1'At faekJ '11 rnony to cor,.upt nm11 inindes tyom the fimplicit7 "f ChrH1. The Pa pills do at this day propo{e rewards co tuch as Chall relinqui(b the Protdlant rc:ligion, and tum tP theirs: as in ~ufboroHgh, where tbey fay there is a lmown price for it of tt'D florens a yrar ; In Frt1nce, where the f'or t hc milmttrnm~e Clergy hnc m11 de ''mm'buuoni of' rnnagne

tempted by a Jt fuite to revolt for money~ he cried our, Ltt their

His lil"c tr:\nr. l:ttcd by Grafb,


M A T 'l' H. i 4 12, 1.3. vi nd becti11[e iniquity j1'A!l abo11nd, the love ofmtiny {btill W.f.'(.

J,uJo\f. 1lc vit<1 Cbrifl l, &,f,87


cold. he th1tt endurtth to the end, the fame {ht1!1'1e [iwed.

I.; "'"'flctJ,

... ,

Hltt>,'t12. 011fitt.tur /et{-



'"."' n" (m1a.

!"Mckh. Ad,

~:fJ~, Com
mcur. __


is wdl obfc:ncd concerning thofc two dd\rm~\i (1 ons of the world, that as the firli: was by water for the heat of their lu!t, fo the tccond Chall be by fire, for the cG>ldnelfe of their love. The deluge of iniquity lhallquenchthe lov1 of mAHJ. But he that cndmeth, &c. It is but a He in the fingu lar number that holds out co the end. The meC\: are of them that draw b4ck to perdition, and not of them that 6elieve to the {4vit:1! of the c"' Hcb.1.19. Theoppofition there im1~om that incredu. 1Hli11n, Yaleri,u1, Spirff, ~p;1/'4tenfi1, Ju~~e Il11frs, GH11;/14~m_, ;, licy is I" the rooc of apoll:alie; chat ( I mean) whereby a man dC BomeliHIS, LittomlU LovanJenji.r, who to his end had nothmg elCe .A!1.1t1J Mo'IJ parts from the living God. It was laid to LNther1 charge, rhat in his mouch, but that he was damned, and rejt:tl-ed of God, and fat.19~5l "e was an apofhtc. He confeffcth that he was an apoftate, but a chac there was no hope ot falvac1on for him, bec:iufe th3t wittingblefied and holy oac: fucha5 had not kept promifo with the devil, ly againf\ his confci1mce, he: withl\ood the m:inift:ft trulh ot his. but fallen off from him, and his Church malignant. The like im W1<>rd. Yta, thofcthat never went fo farre as_ co pt:rftcute the pucarion the Pap1lls laid upon chofe ta~ous Italian convert~, ZAn truth, but denitd or dilkmbled it only, have fca1:tully plril11~d. In. chim, Peter Mt4rtyr, PaHllU Virger1us cht: Popes N11n~10, who thu l\ory ot Philbert H11mlin Mmyr, a cmam Pnd\, his ho{\. began co wrice a bok, Adverfiu @ApoftatlU GtrmAnttt ( c~ac whom he had inlhuaed in the truch, revolted. fo who1n he pro-. was chc:: ciclc::) againt\ che Lutheran apo{hue:s but by fcar~hmg phecied,. That nevertheleffe he foti11ld dit b1fot-1 him. He had no im:e their ccn~ts, with purpofe co confote them, was converted 1ooncr fpoke the word, but the Prieft going out gf the prifon from. by them, and leaving his Bilhoprick, and that whole Synago"ue Ham/in, was fi.ilm by two Gentlemen, who had a quarrell. to. of Satan, lived and died a painfull and powertull Preacher of Gods b;m. Whcre0f when,HAmlin.hesid, .he afliu~~d, EJ1 k."ew. 1f no. . . - .. uuth in Germ-411] G11/e4,;1U C11r1mio/114 aUo, aoltali:m Mu - - queffe,
~ P,~h

Minilters; futhas were Bolfmu (whom the I\1p1Us dterwards ' hired co wrice Ca Ivins lite, where lo many lin~s, t~. m3ny lits.) Pelirionrm t B11ldwi11 that notable turn-coat, that changed his r~l1g1on three or pie 111 eram ba.. four times at leaft for advancagc, and died at lal\ of envy, that ano .. lme exifii-, ther was preferrfd before him, as Chaplain co Hn1ry the third of batur. e~ z, when he went to take pofiHiion of the Ki11gdome of Po .. 1'1c\c.h Adam.1 'Vlt txtcr, n J /rn11.ff: , P~trlff Cffrv/lff, that od'1ous apouate, "nQ trou bler of t he 'fJ Tttolog p '1'1 true Church : St11.ph7l111, Sptif1r111 1 Briffon1tr1u , and ochers lbiJ,p 9 longagone_: Asotlacc, B11ti111, Ti/eHm, Sp1'1,,~t~jiJ, an_dma. ReJ'tjt~rti(tr"' ny other renegadoes, re-entred by the unclean fp1~1c, who ~adc aJ Pa~''~"or their bf.l ftate wo~fe then the firfi, as the Jaylour l:ucs load ot non lfJe~:{:,~!.eri on him that had dcaped, Lu~11.26. Thefe, as they fin not com s,uuei. Annal. mon fins; fo, for moll: part (as it is fa id ot Kor ah, and his Co':Jlpa. 11 a. ny) they die not common dtaths : they Mdome efc3pe the vafiblc vengeance of God whom they have hnfaken : wimdfo ArriNI

Rd!t 00 ~ Wtn. Rt 1g1on f1:A, 16



- _____ AP o s TA

1 B.

Jbid.BJ4.-- ----/it~h ~-,,;~!,- b,tt only ffe-'k 1 41 Gfld .~uitlidhhu ~ongui.

likewife_ we rLadc of william Wolfer Manp, that~ en e went t~ execution he lefc fix tl1il\ings eight pence ~o be ddlv~red t~ one: R~char~ Den t a Smith dwelling at Welle m Cambrulgeflnrt, with this comTh,.t he mArveUed tht4t he trlrritd (o long /Jehinde him, f;ci1fg he ~:tJ tht m:in tbat firff_ddivere~ him the booi{.of the Sc~;. pttre into ht~ hand, And told him thiJt '' \\'as the truth, dtfir~f. hlm 10 mal;:J h.1fle a{ttr 1t1 fa.ft tU he crmid, Denton at the receipt ofir, an{wered 1 I confi ({dt u true; pu~ a/1t1 I cannot b11'1'n, Ilut h~ chu could not burn in th~ ~au!\; ofCh~iR-, w:is af cerw~n.~s b1;1rn~ cd again!l: his will, when Chrill: h~d gm~ peace to his Church. 8 lhiJ.1 U For ..inno 1 564. on Tudday, 0prtl 14. his houfc_w~s fee ~n fire: And whileH he went in roiave his goods, he lolt his life, w1ch two ocher in chc fame houk. Among the Y'fngrogniaru and their ndghboms in Francr, it is certainly known, that thofe that yed. dcd co the advcdaries were more cruell~ handkd ~hen the ochers Sc:e apo. lilac Continued confl:anc c0 the d.:ath. Ibid.Sn. 1 f how Go~ ( l hacech d 1 ibtts. When C(frttecifJIHS Marqm.f~c o _Virnm, re 0 ve c_o tave Thclir~ of ~u, md go to Go-cva, he opened h1~ rnmde to fomt! ot hi~ mo~t Gtl~.ui1u Cet tamili:n fri~nds, and wrough~ _upvn tht.'m lo h~re, as .chry prom1umiotu1)p.u, ledandvoWt'dco:iccomp:my ham, &c. Hutd1ve1so~ thrn>, who for acime fctmcd to bdcd with a mo{\: earndh.eal ot Gods glory in this atl:icn, when they came to the borders ot ltnly, and confi demi what they fodool<, tidl: bt:gan to look back,_ atc~rwar~s went eack again indeed, W~crc purpofing to fem: _God m chm pkafurc.s, and in che mid fl: oi i\'fH:ry, tht:y w.cre, after, taktn by l..atinter. frr'.n, the spanifo Inq11ifirion. &c.. Ochers ha~e fallen under a worfe 7 bdore Kmg rormcnt, the ttrrc.:.ur ot chm ov.:n confctence~, ~hey ~ere Edward. not able cofiand before: A~ I m1ghc mfiance.~oc only ~ B dne1, who, after he had borne his iagoc, ~as fo temficd, chat his _tmnds wcr~ "h"i'1 to l~t him be <llonl! ~ If they brought hnn c~mtortable r11c<!s ot Scripmre, it was as ch?u;h am~~ rl10uld run ~1m chorow thchtart with a lword, as Latimtr td\1h~t~. ln B 11~nham \\:ho could not rdt till he had publikdy nca1md his rtcanta~lon, pray mg every body rather to ~ie then t<:> doe as he had done:: for he would .t1l1. anJ Mon. net fed tuch a he 11 agam as he did h:d tor all the worlds goo~ : 1.n 1 141 93 Jtimes Abb(s, who ha~ing yec.hkd co the B1il1op ot !"om uh ~~s perfwafions, and remved a p1tcc ut money trum hun was p1~1- ouOy vexed, cill he went again to the Bltbop, and there threw hun his money, and faid 1 II repented him thM he ~vtr con/entedh t.o 18

ihtfr Wic/(td ptrfwafio1JJ: InThomn whjrrfa Marcyr1


---------677 who could never b!i quiet till he had gone to the Bi{hops Office, and tome the tbit!. 16 J ' bill of his recanmion, for the which 71,011ner firll bulleted him loundly, and then burnt him i Jn Th~mM Benbridge, who feeling the intolerable heat of the fire, cried out, 1 rtcam, ar.d fubfcribed to certain Popii11.Articles at the G:ake upon a mans bad<, and fo was led back co prifoo. Butfoonafter, he retrackd wh:u he had

A-r o s 'r As In.

fubfcribed, and the fame-day.fcvrn nighc he was l urnt indeed, or

: lbll,1f

t ""

nthcr broiled b)1 the vile tormentcurs. The like befell Ricba.-d lviJ, 1a , 51 Sha>p a Weaver of Brifton1, who likewife fuftered tor that truth, whichbehadrec:aored, faying, 1 am(orq th~t ever I elenied 1111 1bid.i86r. Lora Goa, &c. But befidts all thefo that recovered of th~ir rdap-. fes; What fhall we chinkc of Pendleton, who refolved that as be came not frylng into the world, fo he wculd not goe out frying? Ibid. rto-1, but roared upon his death.bed, and foll fore rcpemed (if it were uot too late) that ever he h:Ad yeelded to Papillry, and beefl !o ~paring of his fac and flelh, whereof he had vowed to Satmders he would ke che mtermofl drop molcen, ~nd gobbec confumed to 11;;J 1 j& .s a'1mJJ bdon: hs; wgu\d fodakc God and lli:> mah. What flull ' ' thinkc of Steven Gardnr.r, who cried om upon his death bed, Thathchaddenitdhu UJlttfler With Peter, but never repented ~ith Peter, and fo, both ll:inkingly and u:irep.:m:mtly died ? ot Mr Wt.fl Chaplain to Biiliop Ridle7, who rJu!ing to die in Chrifis lbiJ. 1904 , caufe wich his Mafter, faid Mafie againft his conkience, and was to vexed by hisconlcieuce, that foon after he pined away with for- JiiJ.rstB.~ row? What fhift Sha.-.:t"' and H.Ardi11g made to die I know nae. 1s70, A couple of apo!lates I know they were 1 and fair warning they had; but that God had given them. up to the etticacy of errour to Then- 1 bdicve a lie1 bec:mfe they would not recdve th love of the truth, whereof they could noc but be convinced. Harding (a litde be~ for; King BJw1trJdi\;d) wa~ h~ud gp~nly in hi:i SnmoniJ in Lv11doH, to exhort the people With greic V~hemcncy, 'Th"4t if tt'o116/1s f11me, thq P10111,1 ne'f/er Pni11~fi'om tht trt1e d1Urine of tht Gorpel,. th1111he1 had r1ceiveel: which }'et he himfe\f foon after did. The Lady 1Ane (whiles (he was priioner, txcellent letter to him, wifi1ing him to remember the horrible Hifiory of 7,.11;.. "" ofold 1 and the lammtible ca{e of Spir11 of late. RetHrHlto Chrift (faith lhe) Who now flretchttb oHt hi4 11rm1 to receive 1111, reAdJ to f1tO Npon 7our "ecl{.Ana k.ife 7011, '""' c11ft of 11/J to Aff 10# !!tfa '-~~ ~f'i!'!;~~ ~,,~ 4~1~c~~~~ of ~k !~" p~11i~111 ~J~~dh: lb."l!u9a.


67S --------' --- _ -- ... /- ----- ---~-----------" . ---- Whi;J; ~~-J~11bmJ/y, if it mightjl.ina ~ith hu Mtermi11at6 p#rpr>fa,
h \\'

AP o s T A s1 a,



grcat Turk, feeing a company of many-t-~ur;nRhi-IIlians f1l-l- . -~--


TA 11


/J not lit to fbul Agdin,ratlitr thtH ,,,uP,011/J ,,, lop. Thu r~u"h; that Cwcet L1dy to chum and rtchim chis adder: but he tur~ed the deaf car to her, and died ~n obftinatc Papiet, a Prebt!nd of Gaimt. Sh11x11n was femewhit more roughly haodltd, but wit.i no bttcc:r luccdfo ; for tvil."'cn n~Jfrducers ~~x W,or{e antl Worfe, deceiving and 6rini arCtJVetl, l ~IS Shaxton m Kmg_ He~,.1 the eighrs d.tits, bdng B1fl1~p o~ S11/if!mr1, at the C?mmg ~ of the fix Arcicles rdigned up his B1l11op11~k, tog~ther With LAii 8 JbiJ. H mer ratherthen to forgoe the peace of the1rconfcacnces, ~nd fort mai~ed a great (pace unbilhoped, till King E.d~11rJs time, who rdl:ored them. But when Q!!etn Mary c3mc m, and changed ~cligion LAtimtr fuftcred, but Sh;1xton turned not Qnly a Papai, but a pcrfe~utour am!pedwad1.:rto Popery. ~hen_wiOi11m WolfaJ Mutyr, and !omc ochm were brought before him, good hr1thren ( taid he) rune'!'ber 1tJ~r/rlvu. a11J bec~111e !tw mt#. 8 lhiJ.i H For I mJfalf WM in 1hl4 fonaDpm1on that JOU 11re ,uw in 1 b#t I """ nou- buome ~new m11n, Jth, iaid Wolfe1, Art 1011 beco~ " mAn t woe be t11lutthou Wick!d n1w rn11n,ftr GDafoall ju.ft ly judge thee. And fo he did I dou~t n~t ~it being.his ufuall.courfc: to hang up {uch nororious apofiates m gibbets, as It were, for ex. ampktoothers HethatbetraiedtheRhode-swa11wellfcrved. For bis promikd wik and porrion were: pre kneed i But tht Turk cold him that he would not have a ChrHli:m to be: his fon-inlaw, but he be a Mu(ulm11n, that is,_ 1 be_litvin~ Turk ~th wichin an.I without, And chcrctorc hecaukd his ~apc1zedskm (ash~ called s~m1lu'Dt btHi it) to be taken off, and hi~ co be cafi ma bed fira~ed Cale, _(4iri.p. 57 that he might get a newskm, and fo he Chould be his fon-m\aw. But the wicked wretch ended his life with flume and f~rrow. The oJerfrk.,an &rr;an King 11 did exceedingly ~ff~~h c:~~cam ~c:acon, although a.n orthodox. This D~~con cht~kmg co mgran~re ar.d gee prefcrmmc, btcamc an .drriAn, which when the Kmg undcrfiood, he changed his loveimo hatred, and cau~ed t~1e hea~ to beftrnck from him, affirmiug, flue it he kept not has fa~th to God, what ducy cowld one cxpeel from fach a pcrfon? Kmg ?1h11 of E~/1nul, being overlaid in his Barons wars, fenc B~ba~adours to the Monarch of Mroce1 for aid, offering to bold has Kmgdom H1,tae1p.1 of him uJd corecdvetbclaw of MAbomtt. The Moor mar~el loufly ~ffimdcd with thia0Blr1 gn:w in~ofuihdi~ikc of oar Kmg,

down before him, llDd boJd Up the fOrt-fiDgtr (BS their manner ~o~5c 111; 0 ot 'onvt:rfion co T11rcifn1e is) he asked chem, wh11t owtl th1m ~~I ~~ 4 "1 to tHrr. f They replit:d, It "1M t1 ht eaful of 1h1ir h~A'll) 1nx11tio111 He difdaining that bafenefie, njed:cd thdr converfton, and doubled }~ their taxuions. The form they u(e whm they cum Turks is this: I conftfre that thtr1 "but o6 Goa 011/1, 1111a M"homethu farv""' M~lch Ail.iin.



,bat nc~ ~~tc! he ab~or!cd t~e ~cncsoa ~~ ~1m, Sol1m11 the

'""'I 11mrl1 re1101111r1 my (Orm1r f11ith ,to~eth1,. "1ith All tht AJ~erent Articlu. After this, they are c:ircumc:ifed, and doe put on a new mrbanr, as a b:idge ofa M1'falm11n or right bdievc:r. We readc of two Dutch-men (the one a Divine, the ocht:r a B1ker) chat bt:came Maltotpetzins noc many years fince, upon wh:u dil comenr, or other motive, I know no,. Tht Mi11Hk1s name was llliJ ~.Ri6. ~d11m NegfferHI. once a Paftourot Heid1/6trg, whofdl off hr!\ to ~rrianifme, aAd then to T11reifm1. He died mitmbly at Conflantinopl1, O~ob. 12. tAn11s J 576 (much in the tame manner, as tlrminim did at Le1d111, who wasgrievoully torim:n ted with a cough, gour, llgue, and incelfant pain in his belly, with Harl.of L'Ji'V~ a great binding and Lloppingundcr tht' hearc, which caulcd much coullmy. ditiiculty o~ breathing. He i1cpt alfo vt:1y unquicdy, and could noc digdl his me:ir, &c.) But to rernrn from whence I :iin d1gref.. fed; ThisNe"fferwhenhecame to die, was dmscomforcc:d by tlu! H2ker tbove. faid, and other his friend~, JJ, of!/1od (jhr:ar. 6ro ther, 'Wt fo11U mm Ag11i11 In PAr.,dift, 'Wher~ \h ~'iii 4,.;n~ Yvi:h JOH, 11mJ t111c! IArge c.iroufo. As for the Dutch BJker chac turned Turk, his name was loh11 Ferber once of B in the DLlcc:iy of W11rum~erg: and when the Emperour of Gtt'.m""1 his Em. baCladours came to Conifittincip/e with prefencs to S11/ra,. st1 . 1 ''"" as they enccrc:d the Turks pa face, amidfi: many tooalaDd Turks, o!1~ ohh~ multitud<=, cr?c:d out in che Du:ch rongu~, of ~t-~tcl~. Ad1m. \\'bat >-~ltgon 11re J" I Which tli d1e firl\ qudtmn in rhe Durch uLi/u, ' Cuechafme. Ihc Embafiadours wondc:rcd :u chc: words, and found out af cerwards who it was ~ and that by thofe words Ile j. ared and dcridc:d ibt Chrifiian rtligion. So did_not chc King oi Morocco al>ovemc:ntioncd: for calkiug wicb King ?oht11 Embaf. fadours he told tbcm1 that heh:1d lately read Pa11/s t4pilUes, whi::h he liked (o well, That were he now to chufo hi~ rdigion, he would, btforeanochcr, embrace Chriniaoicy. But every one, faith he H9t.<irop,7r ought to die in hi owo rdigion ; ~nl lh\: foavin~: ofchc f'airh;

I confifeAl(o thAt l A1llC01"f fto n

l~f f Alf~

to ,,,,










0 ;8 'I" A I I ll e


-------wherein he W!lS. b~m~,-wa~~h~~nly.;hini;h~ dfflil~~ 1~h11.t Apoflk. This was his Hc:nhcnilh conceit of that clc:~ vcfid,who himfdf counted it a finguhr mercy, and worchy ot :ill chanks, . Tnn. 1 u, that he h3d grace co change his religion, I WaJ a M1Jphmur 1 1 13. faith he, "perfecut0Hnml~nj11rio11f: but I obtained merCJ, b~ c;c11(e J did it ignora~t/1: for elfe it. had been .the u.npardonable fin, as Ferber s fin might well be. Bilhop Larimer m :i Sermon
afore King Ed1vard.. eels oi one who fell away from the known truth and af m fdl to mocking and (corniag it : ytc in the end he was r~uchcd in conkience for ic. Bm1trr ~f il.u jit111, faith hi.'1 for I h~vc lznown no more but thu thAt repmwl. What evil fo .. ever we due, We C.iin doc nolhi11g ag.1inf1 the trHrl1, b11t fir the truth, faith S,Pdu/ for himlelf, and all crueChrifti:rns. .But apol\atesbccome altogether fi!th7, Pfa\.H3 None udng wade

Cor. 1


lh.~k.t1 11

lt:b 6 ~

Hcl>. ~ la,
H~IJ 4 IZ.,

Heb 14t

}tih.10. 101.17.11.

rhen chofothic h1vc been good, and arc naught : and might be goud, O\nd y~t ~ill l>e m1.u3hr . .Itt t~1i,. filthin1ffe .u frn1dnef[e. theit (cum uo1ls mto them : le is wnh chem, as m that 'ate, Lcvit, 13. J 8, 19, 20. Ha_ man had a bile h1.:aled~ :md after brake our~ it proved the pbguc ot leprofie, he was um:rly to be e.x.cluded. Thd~ judgt! themfclvcs unworthy cccrndl life,. Ullht tor Gods Kingdomc, Luk! 9. '3 they call: thcmklv~s mto hellmouth, fJeb. 1 o. 39: where they arc like to hav~ the greater mui'uro of torment, by how much they are fallt:n from great. er hopes and hkelihoods of henm i as AJ11.m, th~ murc ~Qlt nclle :md h1ppincifc: h~ had, the greater wa.s his finnc and nut<:ry upon his fall. But, btlovul, \\1e Are perfwadtd better thingi of JO", a11tJ thi11gt that 11ccompan1 (al11.iti1, though Wt th114 JPea'<!, faith the Auth'JL\r to the Hcbrew9, atccr be had both bidden them beware ot Apoll:afic , and chiddcn them for their non proficiency, and to awaken them out of their kth:irgy, bad fct before them the curfcd condition of fuch as commie che ~npar donablt: tinne, which begins in apoll:afie, go~s on in pnfo:ution. and ends in l>lafphemy. llutthis (pot unot tht fpot of Gods chiJ. dm1, as M<ifas hath it. Fall they may fearfully, but not fina'ly, they cannot pofiibly fall fo low, but Gods holy hand is (till lower under them, to raHe them up again. None c10 tabc them ouc of the Fachcrs hand : the Sonne lofc:th none of thole: thac were given him by the Father, but the fonnc of perdition, who Wl mvcr of hb body, thou~h ht ft,m~d 'o be, by redon ct his

They deny that the truly regenerate are cmainty of the nnmbcr.ofGods eleCl, fith there is not (fay they ) lo valt a gult be- tege D. Pr;Jt.;. .tWntt the regenerate and reprobate, but that they may patfe over aux tea.p &jt. theothe~, fo that reprobates may become regenerate, and ~c.lrcver~ unbc~revers;for-a time at leaft. An uncouth and un.

~~office!: And the holy ChW\ ~be; Cgmfomr 1bidc:. wichhi~ for }oh.1~.14, iver. He ~s called an earnen,, nou pawn. A piwn ii to be rctu~ncd agam, 0~r an earndl: JS pm and pledge ot the whole bargain. The PapJfis teach a totaU and finall falling from grace. The Lutherans are forced to grant a totall ( thou~h they deny a fimll) ldl: they .lhould be bro~ght utterly to auJure that mour tha~ they .hold m common WJththe Papiltsconccrning the~ cacmufoene ot the Sacraments. Bertim. tile tA'rminian fees forth a b'1ok with this horrid title, De '!/fpofl11ji11 SaNUmttn..1 11nd. was rherefore callt!d by King 1-i,,m, bl<mJ 1 Beni 111 :

(On~fortable d~ctnne. B eDtarmint faith, That which is true grace, 't,urtn.t~ tff""!'~ o~ly,may bclofi>not that grace whichis true)vtrimtt.jirM~ {iluJi~tM. Ifby the for mfr he underftand common grace, by.the later,fpecrall ~race, we ar.e of the tame judgemenr. . 1. Common grace may comet<> notbino, whether it be fuch as 0 fitsam~nfori~meparricul;ircallingonly, asin SaHI, 1 Sam. 1 6. . J 4 And tholt ~le lhepherds who _loit their gifts, z ech. 11. 1 7. Or fuch as ~cs him for a common profoffio~ of rtligion only; A f~rm oE kno""'~dge, R"m' a, 2, ttnd a .form of godlintffc :~ :/~ 2 Tim. 3f whhtm a man may goe film- duubddfc as 'jud.u 1 D f'ltU; Jee much for God, as the ft.ony ground fb{fcr much and not lhrn1kc in th.:. Wetting. os the thorny gr~unrf ; h3Ve ; c~umnrut of ~11 f~vmg gracc:s, as the for<'erers cf ~gyp~ h~~ of Moj.s his nmacles ; be a ringleadcr of all good txcr I CJie!>, as 147.J WllS th~ firn that complained ot the ncpligence ot his bdk _oi~ccrs, m noc rtpaiting the Temple, &~. and ynbc i.iochmg m truth, and nothing at kngch, He6.6.,,1 . ~chron, 1 1
2. Pe1,2.10,


.Spt:ciall favi_n~ graces proper to the cJdl : and thr.{c are either, 0~1gmall, fund:1~entall,_ 1ervmg ro the being of a ~~rfban, as~aach, ho.pc, cha my; or fccondar)', flowing hom tht.<, and 1crvmg to his wdl.being only, as joy of faith, con fi?e,1ct: ot hope t .zeal and fervour ot love. Thefe are, as it "~re, t~e lofirr, lhme and ndiancy ot the radicall the beams of che Sunne 1 as cho{e che body gf lhc Sunnc ; chc icavt.~ ot . y y th~

~--------~------------------------~~---'"-~--~---~ A p 0 s 'l' A ~ .J 'B. :

-------------------the me, as thofe the fap ~nd fubftadce , che back of '1:ed: thilt may

A. l' o. ,._ ~ A. s..x''.Jl.

Whtn certainly he had repented .of thu ftnne') he returned to. q.u, and went in to a harloc, that we thould hardly


Levit.6.11,q. beputonQrukcn offtihcbow,.&c The htCt m1y \ole;and I1rov,JI'' pcrhapsimcovcral>ly, P(iil. 51.u. Notfothe former; 'for like


him for a godly man, did we not finpe his name. in the

the fire ot the S:mC\uiry, and the good houle-wites candle, it ne\cr goes um, Bnt thoug~ th1 r-eins be co11(urnuJ., ya the root of the r111ttterrnn11inlin Godrptople, Job 19.i7>28, A par-tiall dc'ay there may be even in fundamc:mall gracts, and chat both in ward (in the judgement, as the G,1/,lti-tH1,'. and a(fdl:ionsJ as the Epluji.m1, Revd. i. 4.) and ::ilfo outward, the acl:s of grace may be remitted, the exercifc ab~ted, as on angry m1n i->.r the Happy is he time cxercife[h not re;ifon, nor a {1__.eping man ffiO[ion. T :ti it is a th:it.c:1111ay in difiuniblc queflion. ( faich one) .Whether any Cbriflfon ( e,'\:cept 13 .f~~ft:'~ ~ f heflaie (oonhafte~hhu co(onver-f0 ~b) /J~e go fte(df.hafl_ly on frd om ftre':phh id' f M , to r-engt , Wu ollt om1J en,1 it "'C"J o I t 1nwAr power oJ t t1 0 ~at~ftcr i~~:g grrr~u wber1)vJ1b kt 1~ tHJ111tl. Some good foul~ h~ve'~o farrc rrofd?i..,n of dtclmed) as SolomfJn, S11m(011, t!A(?s, ochcn, that Jt maghe be religion, his faid o~ chem, as '1111ob faid of 1ofep_h, He i1 drAd, (omt1 e11il fight t~ot be11J1 hath devoured him. D11vid ftll from the upptdoft ~ ~~;hist'~: ~- Eut7chm, and brake his b11>oc:s. 1on"4 ran as farre God, 'as bated. he could by land, and then cook fea, &c, Afcer th as, he tc:ll co Plal SI ju(\:ifie his form~r froWJrdneffe, and yet no can-a-_way. S,,. /om~n WaS prodigall of his fpiritua\l pDrtion, and fpent Well nigh all : Ht: eat up the ie3l of Gods hou!C , that had once cmn him up : .t\nd he thac had built a 'l'kmple co the living God for himklf and /frtfel in Sion , bui' t a Temple to Chemofb, in th~ mount of {candall, for his mifireffi:s of <Moab, in the very face of Gods hou~ 1 For this, Bella~ 111ine ranks and reckons him among reprobates, but very uncharitably. for, what if the wacer ebbe, the babe not fpring in the womb , the Sunne be cclipfed , the tree withmd in wintc:r ? What if ![rad Aie once or twi~e before the enemy ~ Shall chey never return , recover, prc:nil 1 c;onq~et ? Is there not life in the root J A ~lejfing in th1 hrdnche.r, If!. 6 s. 8 ? Is no.t V-t.t.14h a King fiilt, tbou~h a leper.~ 'And m:iy not Neb11chadr1e.l;..'C.tir return to his Kingdom~ ? lf once we be a roy.all generation , our leprofies ouy dtform us, not dethrone us. Still we .fliall have the right, and , at lcmgch, the polldlion of chac glorious Kingdome , wherein we were iovcftcd from ecemity. Samp(in Ml fo farre, and (twenty

lifl: of tbofe Worthies, H1'1, n. ,nut ,dikea tame Hawke, tllQugh he. flew fme, yet he ca, hao4 agaia.. So will all that belont: to God & recover they I.hall of their rdapfes, th9ugh ~ich ~ifficulty, yet f~metimes with adYantage 1 As a well kmc, after breaking, as a paifenger makes more h.fie atm wa.nderi(lg. They p;ia~ be as dear to .~htiG afterwards a~ ever. -~oe tdJ J DifCi.p/11 ..,nd Pmr He. mull. know M3 rk lli.11. wich the firfr, bis Lord waJ. rifen, notwichllanding his fuametull de&Jiall 9f him. Tho.H Art beAH.tit:,a, 0 m1 love, c '11\t,v.4 ""- \'Yith "' Tir:1;.11h, &c. faith ChriR: to ~is. Spou(e, after {he had back Lhap .... ,e',, ..

fli~deQ .~nd reCOV~red

~ery pgmc , :as .the had bceff b~fQt~ h1:r fall ' ~r hair , tmh, . ~~mpl~,. II$ fa,.~ and 1wcll ~1\lturqd as ever,. ,He batu put- MJl,JeJ9, .-ing -i~ay, having married liis HephtfibAh to ilim in faithfolMfo. -He fonds for us by bis ~piric in our out-ll:raies, and C3.11t.f.1_.

: as

l~ia91~ ~lC

,WIS ill his


in C

y.e~ts. af,ci ~~ lov~~ ~h~ l'_~!liftim:Vf.'f?.ffia~, 1Hdgts

s. 2d.

as i& Jwe,edy. ){et for. in tbe I> arable of the ilie~p, the. lo1li fpnn@. .l-\e knows th~t at <>Ur WQr(\_ ~Care not fOrfok.!rs fftb~ C!J'll111ant, D.m. 11. 39r Wick,.1~ ~t11rs,1 verfe 3a. Wi1hdr.-~erJ to Jejlruai1n, Heb, 10. ulc . 1 hey fl"P UHt their ht.Art. Wak!t~ that belong to God, . the~ :fiumber With the wife Virgins, but )lt!t their 11mps are ~urning ,a .T~c fpir!iuall life runn\S, to the hcarc, and leilvcs . the. Ol~twarq ~ ';llll~ 4t:ll:im~e, ~; Y~h .. as. thfre are tome: pulks that d1i~ov~r life m ~be 6ckelt,; .. fo.1s iti here. Thtfe cwo never fail on God.s, his love which iJ; .unchangeable, and ~is grace a fruit ot his lov\!. Ai;id two on om part, .the: s~e D.SiHun. atnpreffion of that love, anli the graciQl.llit .wo.rke ot. the qew C 1 nr.s.z. . . Chrift n_ever dies in his pe9pJeo, no mort: then he .doth, or1~ndpe at t~e -right han~: of. ~i~. f :ither~ H~. h1th both: praui ~nd procured chat QUr faith fail nor, JmpofioMrs jh11ll de M1u41,., otivt, if if \\'er,. pojfi~/1, rthe ver1 lleef . Poilible it is r1fjeUu ,,;~ IJO>I r.fPaJ?:l.,.,_.~ pra.ce in it ielt '~! .lofabk ~ but .we .'[>et.1.1. ~f~ kt~. ~1 t~e) <.Of <<I~~ 'f1r9Ng~c. 'f'41t./~ HrffD .(alvi4UOl.I, falt~ Satnt Ptl'! ,, c1.of his n,wn f;;xp.grJc:o~~-: And his coun. (~ll afterwards iS, ~(ry goOdt JI thertprl be/ovea feeing 1' k..."ow th~[' thmg1 bejir1, bewar-e-- /eff 71, being tal(o ltd AW.aJ W11h 1~1;erro11r sf 1h1 Wiclt/ll, /AU (i'om. 70Nr own


QS Q~Hgain,

1()(\: grpat,, the loll




1: . .'

Y y 2.



-------:----"-------------..-....---~ A I' O ' 't A s 'I B.

a l'cr ,.17,
. 1.


'II t1 E a h . .JC " . 1 ,i.: :npr~, ~ t ~ en Tlu0Joft111 kmor defired. co coofcrre ENn-o1mu, d1Clwaded her hllsb:md very el\mcftSt.zom I. 1.cap Iy I left bemg perverted by hi~ fpee<!hes, he: tniaht fall into ~,,. hcrehc. g . 2. Seconelly, He that will hold out te the end, mufr by a good foundation ~f humili:u, ~ig deep ePiough at firlt, and call: up all the lo~le earth, . that hlS houfe may ftand. His .rtpehtaR<ie mull: be hnccre, umverfall, conllanc, tuch as whereby. the heart may be renewed : for the old heart will not hold out the hard .. 7 ~ ~.U4v~ , fuip of holincffo ; when ic comes to fuffrring efpeci~lly, buc will "Pf'~11u1 ~ leap ouc of the lil'e1 as tt ChefntJt th1t htth not ~et, (:l'ackc A.t the rop ~ A1-1d auhe Ctony grounct, the fe~d lhaightway ltnted up, 6 :;;,~! ill[u ~nd as foon w.ithered. bec~ufe. not w~ll rooted. I ~o good ground: 0 Jr/11111 ut prim 111 1s noted to brmg forth fru111 ~1th p111m1c~, or tarrMt1&e tor the fit imper"' major fcafon. LeapChrilU:rns arc not much to be liked, that all on tha elf tf"-'.m vi Ludden, of notorious profane become extremely precifo and fcru~ roruuJ, '~a fe pulous. Violent motions are not permanent. Aguilh fies breed fUllH 111tnor flu{h comets fc0oneu n. f' lJ . leaft, heady .. qu~rnf.fminarii. .mgs .: bl az~ng a , ha fi y ems bJCe t barltr rhe 0 hort~~ qim;~ly me-, H ~1111 him' holds um. Thilt um ~amc Imo the pets found m the mount was louder and louder; the- winde (where fidd like ch1111 co true grace iscomp:ncd, 11h.3.) rireth higher and higher: Th d~r :rnJb lag ht. p4th ofthe jufl uMthf p,;11i11g lithl, ]bim~rt ttml mor1 ~~;~;kcu: ~~~.'ff: ltnto 1h.e perjUJ dAJ Not likeyo;'hHJh:s t flood fii\l, or Gui&ei~rJ. He"ek_i"hs Sun clue Wdnt backward) but-D if s Sun that rcjoy- B 1od,19 ceth as a Giant to run hisr11ce1 and uuneth not again till he hath l'roq 18. finifhcd it. The G al.ctiat11 did nm well b~t were interrupted ; The 11 ' ~1. 'M Ephtji11ns k~t ~hei! ~~ft ~<?~C ~ !~~ PhilippiAnJ dcc~id in tht:ir good . - ... 1fe!4lutllrologi,,

ftedft11fl#ef1 : Bid gro71 ;,, grlf~t, &c. ...firl\ , Hearken not to I mpoftours and feducers, they wax . Prcfcrv.itivcs worfc and worfe (.and make others to doe fo too} deceiving froTm Apoll.iric and being d\!cdved, By their ieh11n1/~t11 and pretended humia mi J . 1 r. l r v1t,, '- 1h1ir 6 Col.a icy, C oIq (..i1.~ 8 t heic ocu{l. is, 'itlomms f6'CtS, inti 4, R~vet 0 IL nuate and deC(1Ve the he~ms of th~ fimple. Tnus.. s,. .. llom. ,6. al, "olmu (a m1n of fi:rid: life and e:iccelknt h:arnmg) wrote 1 H9 mofl: eloq.1ent 11nd perf wafivc: letters , D efideratiffimi.s foil (as he calkch them) To hu rmft afef:lion11tel1 arfimJ ftie11d1, th SenAtourt 411d Comn9ntr1 of Gtn6V4 t wherein he left nothing unfaid,, w~ereby he might allure them to recurn again into the C~l~.op~.r': bofo1ne ot th:i.c Whore of Rome. The like arc was ufed, whiles Pfllanu.ogr.r there was any hope, to the lace famous Qgeen Eli:t.:il>tth


will to S.P""'' though afterwards th1ircr1 of him jlaNrijlmJ "" ct' .. e9~11'11 gi11, Phil.4.10. The C1ri#thi1m1 mingl,d th1mfolvt1 a~Ain 'With 1 Cor. 5C> ft,.Hicat111rs, after they had been wafh~d from their filthineffe 6111'd.Vcti')lvvMr Bartlet Gree Martyr, was conYerted by Peter .Martyrs Le~ !~~i~~~f; 0p cturcs in Oxford: Afterwards, being frnt to the Innes of Court, aMurio11cm,
fol hes and youthfull vanicies, as well in his apparrel,as alfo in ban- 11114 (c polluc~c, an d t>t her 1uper r. A r quetmg uous excef1t'S : which ht: af rerwards, be.. qarimpoUu/14 coinmf4 rifa. i lg again called by Gods mcrcifull correction, did fore l:tmt:nt and wili.;ri 1/r. f:i1, bewail ; and being founded on a rod<, "' h1 had at fi1jf recci i1~ lac. v1d Chrift 11f 111 the Lflrd, {o he 11t1lk!d in him, and fuflcrcd ./.:a. anrl Mou. for him. {ol,&b8o. . di y, Bcf ore you be~m, . {i J d . . . Col.i,6. Th_1r it l1own an call: what 1c will cofl-, 3 to build th~ tower of godlmes : confider what neccHicy there is to cnceuntc~ and conqll(;r Jo many corruprions, cronrs :md iA ~ombranccs m the way to heaven. Put your klvcs of' to chofo qudlions ~ abnegation, an~ Cay , Can. I deny my {elf in my worldly wafdome, nu~rall wic, c:mull tm:nds,- old companions, pl~afures, pr~fits, pref~rmenc~, eafe, excellency of learnjng, in mme ell:a~c, liberty, life arid all ? Cm I take up my croffe and . tallow Chrill tharow thick and thin, thorow fire and water tho A,a.anJ Ma~ 1 I' l . . h w1U1"m . . ' 0 ,f.f JO, rctw goo d report an d ev11 report, rc10 vmg ( w1t FuwlbiJ,a.u s. 1rMartyr) Thtthehtavenifhtt/J IU (oonfaU. 111f1.,i/Jfo11fikfm1 profi./flon. "r 611r1gc in ibc lea.ft dcgre1 ! And cm I fay as chat o. thet Martyr 1ohn llrelel] did to Bonner, If ev1r1 h1dr of m1 h111d wert." m1111. I o~ldfaff1r th1 opinio11 and f Aith rh,u 111m '!o~ 1n ? Many W!ll doc much for Chri!t, but noc14ing .t as ~hat t.hey. will fuffer for bim : th~y come forth as chof c fould1ersw1tbhghtsand torches co fc~k bjm1 ye:i wjch bils and (\;aves, as 1f they would fight for him. Bm when he faish, as Pctaiofc r. 011 ;~ to them, H111~ 1 1u,,, T "kf .up 1Hf- t:ro ff# .cnJ /oUo~ ,,,, 1 they 111 cortJm_il/iw~ fiumble !lt the croffo, and bll b!!ckwardJ. lhe King ot Ntt- r~~J9""' qua tMru told JJ1~11 1 Ht wo11/J. l11H11ch no forthn- ito th, r,11 ~r. iberct:peJl h h h 1 r... J ' re1 crre po/flt, i "' e mg t "' 1Hre to r11urn (aft to the ha11cn: Though be Jn ch p 4 ''"' ilicwed fome ~oancenance to religion, yet he- would be ture t<> nate fcarcc one fave himklf. Again, Min~ in their. low eiate could pray, in twcnc1floacl profe[e, rcade, (}}r.. who m profpemy refemble the .Moon otar ,but fdl cq which never fuffers eclipfe, but at her full, and that bv earth: Polpcry, ~s1 f.a.a r.. J c. ll _..1 h 1 as cavcc iJ 1 1st 1_ anterpo1t1on. on111~"n 10 oww t e chafe, and S .im(in his pa.. AJtu1nn 1 Y )' 3 rems,


through the contmuaU accomp1nying of fuch worldly young. Gen. t.le~en, he became by linle and little a com partner of [heir fond

Sif'l!/iW 1:01J ta111(ml~i0Hi


1' I

Buchvlc. .





jiii#~f--~--~~------~~~~-------'516 A, 0 't A l
rents , till they met with honey. A dog follows his ma!\er; till he comes by carrion. So many a D em/14, 1 uJ111, D iom phes, follows Chrift clafe till taken off by the world ; the love wherc:of eats out the heart of gr:ice, as adventitious heac
conlumcs che naturall ; as P,uh.1 lean kine devoured the

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been an ApoA~e, and for INli11 never .to hne been a Chrifiian I
becaufe to began well, and not to hold on, is but to clime up higher, that he may fall the farther. Let our laddfr therefore reach to Gcn.J 7 , heaven, as 1ilcoln did' let our garments reach down to our feer, '
as.lofephs did a let usoftcra whole burnt-offering with the very tail aU<', .Bx1J.a9. u. Let the fin: from heaven never go out upon

fatter. Deny theretore all ungodlinefft ind worldly lull:s, thou Tit au. that defirdt to live .Loberly, righceoufiy and godly in this pre~ fcnt world. 4 Founhly, $tlf,ntlcft thou '11 f11i1h 1 And wou\deR: th?u fiand? Be nt high-minded, but Pride goes betore a fall, as it did in the apo!\ace Angels, in that Man ot fiane, Rcl~t.ofWdl. and in thofe JOumin11ti, a peflilent fed: in Arr11go11 ; who at:. Rcl 1i feeling in chcmfelves and their followers a certain angclicill purity, fell fuddenly co the very counterpoint of jufi:ifying be Jli:ilicy. Apo~afie takes root moR: an end in {pidcuall pride; which, like a drone in the hive, or moth in fine cloth, is a great waCl:er. All graces tend to humbling, and humility is conforvAtrix virtHt1'm, faich BernArd, thic which keeps all the graces together : J t is alfo both a grace, and a vdfell to i~>'..O/J-/3~crn~, receite more grace, For God giv~~ irttce to the humble. Be of xfi!J.(d(i)-. 7e therefore c/oathed ,vith humilitJ, faith Saint Peter, I Per. I 1111data1" /; 4 S S The word there ufed comes of a primitive that figni bfte. fies.a Knot, becauCe humility ties the knot of the chtin of grace, rim none of chem be loft : IS pearls or beads arc eafily loft1 where th~ bracelet is broken, Gods gifts in a proud heart (which makes men fecurc, uncharitable, idle) figh under our abufc, and God hearing them groan, gives them the wings of . . an eagle. 5 Fifthly, Propound to your felves the heft pateres, and the tach. u.;b . highell pitch 6lf perfection : not re!ling in any meafure ot grace 1 f:,~"" ar acquired; ~o as to fay as chofc in Z"ch1trJ, Blrlfea b~ God, Nil quirru11ttir fr I am, hue advance forward toward the high pnce, u

;,, _Ori/Ii""" P"HI did, Phil. ; , And Nii_" llHm cmlm1 d11m q11id fuptr wtl4.RJJiHu. t(et ageHdNm, IS C.e/4ro, who thought there was nothing yet Nct~iJe111r ,.. dont , till all was done. Beginnings are noc !ought for ot n!~.fiquidfu Chriftians, faith S. Rier~m1, but ends of things : And it is a 1e,fitf00Jog4 rule in thecivilLaw, Nothing fo11111 to /11 Joni, ifthere1et rt


rur o~t- Jo11ut AO, faith B Afil.

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m11i11 oHght to '11 do111. For thAt whicll u'1ut altmfl Jone, ii 11ot .AHtl not to goe forwArel, u to got bile~ ~"~"' f~~~ B trnA~d! !~ ~!~ ~~~ g~~ f~! {~d~ ~~!~~ to behave - e~

the hc:arth of ourhcarc&~ as that fir~ of che San~uary, LttJit. 6 12. Let us not look b~ck With L111 wife, .nor turn again when we go forward. asthofelivingcreacuresdidnot, Eztli.u. but as the 1 Sam.f.u; P.hiliflim1 kir;ie that drew the Ark in a new Cart ( though milch ~me~ and had calves ac home, yec) they held on their way, low. a~g tall they.came to B 11hfhemeP,: fo let us amidll: fo many noca cums .ncl ~1fcoara11cmcnt~ hold on our way to heaven, going """ ""uf'"K wtrk ,,,rfttffl ilm/,rr,,W11rr.l. T'hc dog to hi4 7Jomit and 1~r.1o ~ th1 (ow'" htr n1ir1,are Ct1nonic"O Proverbs foch as fiu>uld ~ake 1 f'ctaieaPi a Chrillian fpew t~ think on them. God. ~ill fpcw out all that Rev+ 1 4 dpc not fo, a~ he did the L11odiuan1, whe (aid they were rich and wanted not~mg. They had falfe wc:ights of their own, and there fore Wregnevo1:1fly chuted with light gold. Whereas S. Paul, w~o w~s ~ fair deal better then the bcR: of them, was fiill firiving IOf.1 a~~1~1~g after more, -and is therefore called by S.Chr1(oftome, /H{4t111k1fu 'Dei ~11/to~, a gre~dy infatiable worlhipper ot God. unG.~~0 ~ Forgettmg ~hr&t 1s behmde, faith he, and reaching forth ( as run- 1;/~KN. ners doe l unto thofe tbingli lh1t uc; before. I p_rrjf' uw11rd ihc mA~k, I P'!~fi!tor p1rfoc14t~ it (the word fignifics) with cagcrnclfe of aft~tlion: l follow it as one that will noc lC'ave, till I ha vc that ~hich I follow ; but if I fall, I will up again and co it, and not gav_c over : no more then when I was a per(ecucour I did, till I had him, whom I perfecuced. Thus S, Pau/; and he fubjoyn cth, Let uuherefore, M m11'IJ (U be per fill be thUI 111i,,ded As a 11 who Jhould lay, Seem we to our fel ves or others never fo pc~fect, ~~' Ol' be w.e never fo pe~fett in comparifon of t>thers, yet let us be 'rJlf~' J.f:eo1, thus mmded, to firav~ to further perfed:ion. Aad a little after, MJSm1eJ~ IJr,rhrcn, l1t followerJ t~g11htr of mt, And ma,k,_ thtm whith 11.f'\ ~Tl J,.,Mrr Wttlk.f; '"1' IJt1111uu for 1m r.'tiample. For our convtr(41ion M in ~ J()t~~ he~ven.&c. Ever-after Ile had be~n caught up thither, and heard engp, Mrlr9! th~ngs u_nlpeakabk, he became unfatidi3blc:, till he ~:it thither a gam. So was Mofas after he bad bt:en in the Mount, and received the Law. He no tooner was come down thence, buc he was at ir, Ex1d.u,,13. S/,~w_ #Jeth) Wll) thatv Jm111 k.,now thee. liod '.Y' Y 4 grants
I , r ..


srllnts him that rcqudl ; Ia b~ farisfied ~ No ' he mul\ hav~ more yet. t;od mutt go along wicl'I the people, Well, I wiO Jo th~ 1'1i11v1l~ th11ttha11 h11il fPokp1, faith God, '"rf.16,17, Is he content? Noifer hefaid, ver[.17. lbefi1e,,tlmf'11wm1th1 glor1~ God fhcws jc him : ls he well yet ? No i God 111uft: pardon the

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Ein of his people too, ind cake chem and him f_. his inheritance,
fas h1th Elone, for prefent at leafl:. The ~ovet~us is ~ot (g. greedy of gain, as the godly 0t grace. He alwaies cries, G111e,gawt, and never hadunoi1gh. If once thoufaieft, It is enough, cbou art un. Si Jixi{li, fuf fi_cit, ptriifll. done, it thou ce:ife to go forward, thou (>(ginnen to goc back. ward,&c, -Q\ftg,
Cl111p.'J-'r.9. Adde this fruit of his favoar to the reft, and then Mo-





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tiy: grea~n~~e ~! ~~ ~n! ~~t~i~h~l!~iog W~~~h, Go~od!i.t

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le pl"ra a'furd" ']Nam v~rb11. Here are not fo mil ~t uy words as abfurdit-ics, as one well obCCrved of Cmw. hifl~ J Pet1r1 fpcech too11rSaviour in the cransfigurati Chrt/!. on, Mafter, It ugoodfor'" to he her1: Ltt "' . '111ild, &c. LHl::9H Soheri. The Kint, f}11fte anJ (did: He for whom God had done fo much, giving him fo large :m Empire, and adding to him the Kingdomc of~l)pt, as hisp.iy for his f"i"s at Tyre. He, who in the year i>fhil triumph had thi~ vifion ot his downfall. ind h!ld heud trem heaven, H1w J1wn tht tru, 1e1 le11ve ihe ftump. He had )&fc the poor captiv~ Jews aft11mp, a kingly {eed ; nd hath thmforc" Pmp left him. and is rcferved for a kingly ftate again. He that llad heard, that he {bould Ch.only be bound with a band of iron s111 itittr f ra111d braffr, as a mad man, and lurned a grazing among bcaft:s for m~M,to11qua711 fcven )car11 togecber, till be fhoula know that the heavens do rule, ~in"'" ' 111enu and not (aQ the Poet harb it ) L11Jit iH huPHAHi.t J,11;,.,. pot~,,1 ;., yr:i. rel11a. l/1 thac had luch fwccc and favoury cennfell given him by DA11itl1 (who was a fair deal worfe uoubl'td Jor him then H, was for hianfelf, 111r[.19,) .Brt11lt of th] ftHs '11 righttoufntft. &c. Beu MlrNpt in thy rtpcntance as thou haft been urr11pt in thy CQW'fes, If ii "'"1 ~," ltng1h111ir11, of thJ trqillit1. Tbtt [If] imports not lo much a Cfoubt as a diffictdty, in regard of

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D A N I E L 4 30. The King fP4ke "nJ [Aid~ Is not 1hu great Bahylon thA~ I h4ve ~u#t for the houfe ~J tht Kingdome, hy the might ofmy 1ower, "'"'far the '1ono11r cfmy mAjefly r




himfelf;,, '11tl111rrAJ Ag11infl 1h1-;( as the originall hath it) as goodndle,gave hi~ time to repent . ~ow that He (a fulltwelvc he did againft Ph11r11oh, Her1J, and lhis NebehaJt1e~ltN' t whofe'J'T' .,.,,.,,r.i~ inoneth after all this ) fuoold walk m his palace, and thus talk to mit1Je "'"' h1ml1111a in pri~e ( that hate of heaven, and gate to himfclt, who can but ~on~er ? ~snot tbu gr111~ BAh]lon th"t I htll) as the Proph~t te_Js his fo~, DAn, s.20. theretore,betides the httv' /milt r A great Ctty it was mdeed, and built four fquare (as ~n1t1fh c~~nge of his m1!1de; his body was much changed in feed Hc:rod.I. 1. Herodotm defcribeth it) but Nimrod and Ni11tu builcit: Ntbu mg .and l1~ms among w1lde be~l\s It was not only a phrenfie ( as 'd b chadne.(.t.aronly enlarged i[, and built the palace mtirely. Yee ~~ 1 ~:s1:J1~ 6 fuch is this m~ns arroga~c.y, he know~ no other founder. W~min Er1C1u Km~ of Sw~thland, bemg (Xpcld his Kingdom, for gtic:f, willa on '/Jt11h fell mad: or as Ba111~er taken by T 1tmberlane, and Bomfte~e the Tur1,b1p, ,. 11 , hefidl:robsGod i tern1shethatbu1/J1 the houfa, and without 8th b~ Ch11rles of BHrbo11, bit and tare themfdves for grief and whom the7 labour in VAin th11t bNild it, Pfal. 127. I. Next he ~exauon.) but he was banilhed from che fociccy of men by the wrongs his Ancell:ours the firll: founders. Thirdly, he confiders not, how he had wafted and wearied the bodies :md goods ef his Jlil~ judg~ment of God. And f~ lyi~g in the wet and cold among poor fubjefts i This made the people in Rehobo11m1 time cry to beafis,. h~s garments rottc~ . his ,hair grew hard, his nails long, him, e/!Uev11 j11gum, v1ltn11 jHgum) Eafc thou the yoke put up &c. h1~ m2n~. {hape remaan~ng, hi$ hum~ncfoul WilS ,hanged tu on us, by thy tather Solomon, when he built his own houte, and be bruc101 : his body alfo m1t-fi1apcn and deform~d not ttansfor. the houfe of God. Fourthly, he proclaims his pride in oppofing med, as Dr.W,illtl ~ath it in his HtxAph11 upon v_,niet, where you WiUet 01\ 2>.z. his City co Gods city, and making it his heaven, as it were & fay .. may read.of divers .lake ~xa'!lpks. Sur~ly 1h1 Lord of h1(11 hath rJiel.JBl.1 17 ing in effett, what God can call: me out ot it ? Whereu that City /Hr pofad t, to /J1un the pride of All glor11 .end to bri11g i1110 con was afterwards takc:o by C7rm, @Afrxtinder, and others. As tempt11Uthehono11rahle of1hu.Arth> Jfa.~3.8, Forthedayof the 1<:1.i, 11 ,"~ H~l.Ge6g. likewif~ Rom1 ( that myfi:icall B 01lon ) whicht fince it became Lord of hofis fi~al~ be every one that is proud and lofcy and upon Er4f ttpapht Ii. the nd\; of Antichrii\;, was never beCieged by any but it was furpri every o~e that is lifted up, and he (hall be brought low. The lofty Herod3 Jlfc8in~ :r.ed; yet, faith fhe in her heart, I fit" ~ten, t1Cnel jb110 foe no (or. lo~ks of n:ian fiull be humbled, and the Lord alone fi1all be exalt- to be loufie m that day So faith I (4'iah: nay, fo faith E 'Op who be in" god,fwJs earcn ~rc~tsnraiis row, Rcvel.18.7. Lafily, Ashe arrogaces to himfelf the kjng- edk d h G d d'd . h '" , ~ up o worms, ~~~dc~r:~bro aome ( till he had licked of the whip, and learned better language, as e ' ~ at o 1 m t!aven? lie puOtth do-,yn t~e proud, faid Fedie. he, Ana lift.tth up th1 /owl1 : this is his work and bufinefie. He Von Mcn1lott1, ~ J 1 ., ver[.37.) (o now, the power""" the g/4r7 too, by the might of ".Dio in 'l"iberio. mJ power, and for the ho110Hr of mJ majtflJ. God is not in all his bears an akmg tooth, a fpeciall fpleen (as I may fay fo) to this print.:~ a lying, ot Arrogancy. His heart hates it1 'Prov. 6. 1 6 17 His mouth poem ~nFrnncc Earipidcs. . thoughcs. He iacr.ificet~ to himfdf,15 Stj1m1H did;and (PDlyph~ fin .. urlechir par ..i h- b d .1 ' of !l tuumph "Yhmv r God miu-l1ke) fets up hunfclf tor the fole doer. Whereas God, as he is IJ 9,u. an"' s an pl11gued11t, ash( did Herod bcforethc vi g1~e1toany, fill. h d f 111: h' h n. am~ng t">tbe~s. Thepe~ple. had.flrbl~wn him with their flatteries. Bory. his glory he the ru. aut our an owner o a ;to,c~ 1m,as to c c ucmoK end of will not give, all, they ought all to return, J2..!111Ji c1rc11/(J IJHOdttm con fiflo, and T.h1s twds him;. aad, for hi~ pnde, .God turns thofe worms upon ~'"''" 1itd.. 8 117" . When Sacan as the rinrs doe to the fea whence they had their beginning. See h1m.todcvou.rh1m: ashed1d the hce, upon that proud King ot 1 SP.a111, that kt forth the inviwcible ArmAdo (as they vainly cal The Spa!1md~ came once to Rom.11.36. Sith of him, andthro11gh him, 11nd 10 loim Art All 1 a ) ft .i 111 the pude QF 1?0 khahmH- thln111, to him alone be glor1 for tfler. His glory he will noc give t !tt tgam E ngl11nda. ~be Spani11rd1 are genc:rally noted .for their Monar. \'Ille onour, ._,. h h h .h 11... l e; an their ambition hath been~ to fettle their chy art gro"ii ChE'ai\: P"~' to :my ot er, I (a .42. 8 w ~c ever e pare Wit , none mal lhare . an m o_ em peop1 him off vvit\l a with him in that. It is his jewell, his darling, hi& own eye1 Cathohke ~onarchy over all Chrillendomc; buc God hath hither- ;1lfo now'ta to cioffed 1t, ~~~' we trufi, will doe. Thdr language they call f~c11r by t.hc '1tor~ :infwcr, his wife (with reverence co his M:ijelly be it fpokea)And as.Abtw Avoad Saranf might not fee D 1tviJJ face unleffe he broll"ht him his wifeMith11/, Romanct ( as if Jt were pure IAt in~ ) and rhemTd vts the right Hi li~e of cW:ar 0 ~~;::~r fo neither may any (\and before God,that bereave him of his glory. dAlgou, as if they Were the only Gentlemen. So the Turks will ~:Js Rdac, 1a 0 t5 ~ He comes down from heaven ( as it were) and fights hand to needs be thoug~t the only MuP,lm11n1 or uue believers, asp Apift1 Bmrw.Bnqui. hand with a proud perfon in finglc: combate, the whole world be. theonlyCAthoflr(th~ Dona1ii111tfetled the fame tith:)Gnoflicf(,s p so. 0 1 Pcaf ~l~ing. SNrtlJ G1d rtjijltth ~ht pr111d, faith 'Pmr. He fet1 the only kn~wi(lg men, A1'ab11ptif11 the gnly fpirituall perfons, Ht,1Ci1og /'l JCJUi[,~~ lrcn,I. a.c.1+. .. - . - . ~~~~~lt, .




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1~,;;-tTi;:-J cfuices the only fcholars,

Policiti:ms and Oracours of the wurld. mnm t/1 penH They vaunt tluu the Church, is [he foul of [he world, the Clerg1 of' Ic/uiw,c~rau. tho Church and they of the Clergy:that aJefuite cannot poflibly be ~rl)J:g$~; an heretike;but that as the devil Let up lHther( that Arch-hcretik..e) R~l~.o ~ ' fo Ge>d fent forth them to oppofe him. The Chinefts would pero fwade us,That they only fee wich two eyes.& all other N:uions bnc with one. Tide proud Jefuices would have us believe che like of





them. And as it is rcpom:d of the great Chflm ot Tarttir7, that he the Monarch ot rhe whole wodd,:rnd chic rherefore every d:iy, :is foon :is he hHh dined, hec:mfrrh his rrumpers robe
rcpmc~ hi1:-ifdf

Cale of the

Lhur.:h,p 11 1 \\hofe bl11dc is fot.4thrd 11t plea(ure,n the

foundcd;b}' that iign giving leave to otherPrinc~s ot th~ cmh to go co dinner~ So would thde Jduices be held the only Worthies, their main endeavour being to tubj~tlaU co chc Pope, and ch~ Popi! to themldvcs. Their frit1ion ( taich om:) is a mof1 agile fo,1rp fiv1rd,
botve/J of tvrr_y Commoni'l'ealrlJ, bt1t the htend/e rtacheth to Rome find Sp1t;n, So th3C the

very lite, death and fortunes ot all Kings and Comm:mWeJlths h:mg u~,on the horofcopes of the Jefnices pleafor~. If the Jefuites ue as lucky (hrs in the afcendeoc and culmin2nc, they may live, continne and flouril11: i~ malevolent, they llerifh, bm that DeU4 domin.ibit Nr tiflri1. Now may it nae well be {aid to chefo cro:sk. ing frogs and encroaching locucts of Rome, re tn~e too much Hp1n 1" .,, (ons of Lev; ? They teach, Th:tc the {bee eccldiall:icall is fo far more excellent then the civil, as the Sun then the Moon, e-

ven in temporall pomp and power : and that theretore the chief ofcheirClergy is as fu abo'e the mightiell Emperour, as the Sun
above th Moon. And as ahe Sun borrows hct lighc of the Moon, iodoth the Emperour, his Stare and power from the Pope. Is ~ ,,Uv ,n~"-<T not this tllat M11n ofji11n1, th:it ex:dcs himfelfabove all th~t i&c11l tM.. . l1tl AuguflHI, or above all Kings and Emperours? trampling up~ Thell.1.4. on their necks, forcing them to hold bis Uirrop, to dance atcendancc at his gate, (fac. kicking off their crowns, and crowning Atl. anl M01J. them again with hii leet, as P,.,.~Hlf'1"' the Popes Ltgu did Kins 1olo" ot EHgla11J? As fer King Hmr1 the fecond ot this land, he was forced by the P<>pc to kneel and pray ro B uJt.!t1 fhrine, whom he had difgraced in his perfon, and having had him above his will (faith the Chronicler ) whiles he lived, h:uh him now over his tlith, being dead. Going to C1111terl11"1 co vi(it the fepulchre 7JPJ hiClfol. ot his own Martyr, he wc:nt three miles on his bue feec, which ,11,.01. with hard were forced co yeeld bloudy tokens of his devocion


be protdl:ed to th~ v~ry bl\:, That ke neicher conam11\ded oor willed,nor by any Height fought the death of Deck!1, yet by. ihc Legat he was ~ompdlcd to undergo the difoipline of rods upon his bare Aelh) and to receive of every Pridt there preft'r.t (and there were not a few) three or four lai11es up on the bare : one of the Embaffadours faying che while, Domine noli minAri. Sir, you may lpare your threats, for Rcvius Je 1Jitu Ponrlf, we fo1rthcm not : 2s being of fuch !I Courr,, ar: is wonc co ~am~ u'o. bear rnle over Kings and Emperours. In Hke fort the Pope ""'"el l'o-w~a uf ~he . h'sn t he memory of many yet a11ve 1 fh d , uula,,fulndlc of 1 o~ Wit 1 a e Henrr the lcmion P 91 fourth of France (in chc p~rCon of his EmbaRadour at Rom~) ' ' afcerche fiogingof every verfe of Mifarert the s1. Pfol me, uuciU the whole Pfalm was Lung one. Clement the fifth would not abfolve che Venetians of their Bxcommunic:rtion, tillFrancu Danda/IN their Embafiadour had lain, like a dog Rcyiusp. a9 s, at. his fm under his cabkt wich a chain of iron about his neck. Neither Would PopeM.trtin the fourth abfolve thcSiciliAn1, tall they came & profirated.thtmldves bdore him, with thefe words of the Lt:tany, 0 IAmb of God thAt tn~tjl away the fins ThiJ.187, ofthe \\lorU, Gr11nl 111 t'hy pe"c:e. fhe Pope an{werecb, M1 pMc1 I give 101_', m7 ptace /./eave 11nto you. Prodigio1.ts blafphemy l Sia extJrto Eiumgel~ j11b11n, fagaciorn ( ut tpero) principes, ad 1111tt1m veflri OrbiliJ non (Olvent (ubJi, .. gACu/a, ftith a reverend Divine ot our Church. They tell us, o. l'ri lcau~ conrra 'I'h~t ~t their pqpu qn/7, b11t th1ir 'Whol~ClergJ i4 a ftatt Eud.em.Iub.p.1 f (i aijisnfl 1ina ab(olNte, 114not11ny Wa7 fobjetl to 1h1 tempo raO M11.1}1lrale, though their crimei 'be never (o many 1r mon/from, Thefebe the LocMfls that hAve No King, Prov. 30.27. they will hate none, but that Angel of the botcomldle pir, _eAbadJon the Pope, who Giles himfelf tAfc-rvant Revel. 9 , u. "ffirfJAt1t1, yet ftamps on his coyn, That Nat ion .end co1111- Parnu ;,, Apo' M~ trtj tlr11t 'Wi/J 11ot ftr'flv t~'' fo"ll be roored "'' The La .. b~ '".lfcillo l.attt'4t1l1tttrt1n Councel bla(phemoufiy akribed that to the Pcpt: ~fl frntwn() r ' 6 u 1101111 h 6 ..J_ ' no an1qu:int lutlur"' pa.WI,. U g1'11'111" I U Or;n Ill h1a1t1tn ana f.~ tart/J I ~hou llrt tnerfit plellOrftJ pote ~l, t1~aOIJ1~ 110.. And .n~w ~as the Pope m the he1ghch of /1114 i11101arnE.;cl1fio111 b1s.pr1dc, andru~ of bis Jollity, when fuddcnly ( che tante Pap~ ccn,eflo,. efl, or the nexc year afcer) God who reftfieth the proud railed q1J ~ m nu/lo priNt ' 011 b' d ll h' ~ . a/111 fult conjirmaro. . up L ,, ti.ur EO .cut h1s com 1 an to ca 1m tAnt.chrfl. 11~r.bifl.mlef p. th. ~ver fmcc which, t~re hath been a fenfible decay of the Ps

on the way. And which was moll: fiumc:full of all, though


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Ab ro wopoYc ?'.lo per i.m Pa11a A,:hhri/f 11.4 rf!~ n_o,, "?otl,,, mm ocu!t c1 14 ''.11 Pc

.-----pacy-thor~w~~t th~ Chrifh~n Wotld, as Bel/"rmine wit~' grkf ackuowl~dgeth.. It was but time God lhould take him_ down, thauxiltt:d h1mldr not only abovl! Angds, whom (faith (ohn the i 3. in t.~trava~.) he h:ich power to excom municace, but ttl(o "'bovr. all that i5 c11/led God, Our Lord ~;~~i-:~-s'i1/r;~v:~:f''J.~!e G_od .the ~ope, faith one .of his \>uafices . T11 meriro int~ Pap-' c:ip it. rtJ dterrl~ ef(e Dttu, faith anocht:r. N1co/1U the foll: fa1d, "Tl1rff, 1 Thilt h\: w~s not to be e1llcd to nn !lccounc by !lOY one,becau!e 9 l.k.R. v p '.i91 [011ft4'HtiHt had called rhc Pope by chi: name of God, FoE". the which grolldi~ion, the very Glofe there dcrideth him~ And who can bold laughing :it that ridiculolls gloUc of a Po pifh Pofiiller upon that cex.r, Exod.30. 31 l Where, becaufc ic is fa id ot che holy eil, .V pon nwu jlefb it fo~O no' bi pourR ifum wuaru amid? 1 d, Tho11 p11ilt 11nPint ~aron and hu (omses, &c. thereH~rJc, ber.ce He inftrs in an hyperbolicall fenfo, ThAt Priti1s ar6 .Angels, not h11viHg humane ftefh. le is noc for nothing ( l trow) thac they knd, for the moC\: pm, all their Clergy immcdiudy co h~aven without let. Whereas !Ill rbe ty ( cxcq>t Mmyrs) mull pafic by purgatory. Thele tlley: J1/11. r1..rt?l~v .-11m~c111. look aloof on; as tbe proud Pharifee did on the Puhlican, as C.rllr?r bum11crpro ;.,,J,.nt ib:... I. a;ebat Caiapha1 did on the Councd,Te kHow lfotloing At All, faith he,. Hn1111 11111;., 071 4, '/oh~11.49. Y~ are all but babies to me, &c. or as thote Bra Uwi,. ~ :~i..'i .1.1.m~1)1 g1dochio's in I p;ah loeked on their betters, wich Smnd b1 t1ppr/IJH ,u1 '"4 c 1i. thy felf,for Jam 110/ilr then thou. Odi faftum i!lilU ecci~f, Epij/.10($ f]J I I hacc chqniJ~ohhat Church oFRom11 ( i:uch Bttftl) th:lt w,f/ern ~row (as he W3S wont to call ir, und ) wtien:ot he: maketh ~reat complain to his friend Evagrim. The o~he-r tour Pa mac bes (and with them che whole b1il:ern Church l foparatcd thc1ufelves from the B11hop of Romr for his iacolc-.. table inlolency : and, at their parting, ukd thefo like D. FicU nf rhc words, Thy haughtinef{e \\'e k.._now, tk1 covetoufnef{1 \\le. Church,Grr[t11,Car/e cannot (at1,_fie, thy encroaching Weciin no longtr 11blde; /i'Cllf 1011,&c. ,. th] (elf, &c. This proud B1lhop had R:rcrcht hic_nftlf b~- yond his line, prized himfdt above the markt:t, tee up his Amx.vs-0- {ig1tificar councer tor a thou{and pound.; afftd:ing not a ~rimacy o~l~, ~mulm11 fiu vicari as fuccdiourto Peter, butalupremacy, as V1ca~ tQ CbnO:.. & u111Chrifti, .s-1g11ifiw indeed an Antichrill orcountcrChril~, pretending to be. m r~ia111 c,bri/le contra fiead oi Chrill, but fighting againft Chntt, denying and op,.. rtum -, . sJ . . pofing him in all his otlices. Po11e Leothe firfi bla{phcmouOy l IC. 1 "Cr'IU a:. ~,,,,if. p 1 s6 C'IJllU boafl:cd (and N 1Col1U the t I' ur di: aearc:d not to a"arm t he l'amc~.

'Tha.t:Ptttr "'"' mk!-;;;;,~o follorr.foip with the b!rffedTri~r~Y,- ---- ~--- .. - -- ----therefore Pttersfacceffeur m11ft In Vniverfil/ B1jl1cp. This the Patriarch of Conftanlinopit \cmac.kcd, nnd cculJ :is li~-

dc bear a fuperiour, as the Pope :in cqu::ill: AJid thlrcfr1c tkc formerC\riv's to brir.g a\l the Ea fl undtr him, the l:m r, fo{\; and Wtft too. His claw. back CanQnills tdl him ( ai:d he believes it ) that he is Kil~g of Kings. and Lord ot Lords: rbu he hath che power of both {words thorowcut th~ whol1!

world, md rnh: O'Y~r all teafonable crc:i.tuns ~ that he C!ln 0 0 doe whadocvtr Chrifl can doe, &c. Now, as tv~ry liule. r.t r~ n Je n~ 1jcfl, ml 11 111 winde raifeth a bubble J fo .doth che P0p~ value himfcH fo a . lic_clef '' ~ 1 . Hotl\~111 . ..,ap. 41 T r.m. much the morei, as he fees h1mkH higher in the rate ot othcts z,1 ~ 4 ,, . upimons. Philip the Fair (King ot fran'e) dealt plainly with him (which fow others dud\ doc) Anno 1194. For, whtn Pope 'llonifttce wroce him, in an imperious manner, We ~ordd have thtt to, thllt tho11 art (ubjt[f to ttf in temporttls andJPiri111a/J, &c. HI! lloutly dcnkd ic, beginning his lrccer. wirht urn m,,,,imlf f'tttt1;!,u, 11~ it k.!m-,n to 7ot1r Fo"/ijhneJJt ( in {lead of Holindlc ) and appealed to the.See Apofiolikt., then ( as he faid ) v1cant, and to the future C<Junccl. Self love makes men unrcafona- l'o'ume~ te ',Ire &c, blc,and tcacheth them to turr. the glaflc to lee th~m{d vcs bi;- 1' l tln1.c;hr0110log p. , ger, others ldl~rthcn they are. I am, and there u tJone hl'jidu i ~ !i me, faith NiHiveh. l 'i'dl/ afi:end into heaven , and (et rny Z:ph. 1.. 1 s. nt J1 a hove the ftat' J. faith B 11.6ylon, 11.1,1 4 'i, Ulrl]f'Dof receives me not, ~tu air I'"'"/.; .At ever1 fltp I fiel. my advaldett1 he"tl K nock__o1't afltlr in heaven-taich Stj.mus, ~AttiltU King of Hunnes,arrogamly vaunced, That theCbrs Neand.c..lro.1lc . tdlbefore him, the earth trembled at his ftdencc,&c. Who hath not heard of the fwelliog titles of the great Ch11m,of the great T11rk.,, of divers Romm Empcrours ? As Diocleti,m Ewnp. t9' alij. who firlt commanded divine honours to be done unco him, and hddtorchhisteettobekifkd 2 Caligula, who by certain Engines thndered and lightm.d, as another {upittr, 010 invittJ, calling up fioms tor thunder. bolts, and rt. pcJting that hemiflich in Homer-n' (b.!.c p, 1i I~"' :rt Commod1u would meds have the twelve moneths of the year ca\kd or counted by histwdvcnamesortides; e.Ama;;::,,onim, /nviElm, J', Pim, &c. And the. ti~uc of hi~ raigf1 to be held the iit:tCu;y:moJi.




____ ARl.OOAMCY.


llrfi''" p +" )

s~~;;j' ./;l/-- g~lde~-;g~,-;~d 1-o \iled-i~;Ii d~-r~~-n~ wricings. AndA/.. phonfn the Wile (the fool rather) King ot SpAin blafphe.
mcufiy fa id, That If he had been of the COHrlct/at the

ticn, heco11/dJJavemadet41-1d ordend(Omethi,,g'betUI' then tl:,y \\,~.,... _I \\ii/l Aft,ed ~bov1 _th1 hti,~hth of 1/t,~ do111b, lf1rd W1/J be bkt th~ mof1' high, faith thf King ot B 4btl, Ha.

14.14. l t m:iy kcm lh:mgu that fuch proud thoughts fuould enter mto any mans hearc. But by nature thtes never a bee. ccrof us. As;,. Water face anfw~rs to f11ce, (o doth the he11rt of" ma,, to The n:ituraU heart is nothing elfe but a lump of proud flefi1. That old levc:nofcorrupcion huh four. ed and fwelled the whole lump, t Co,.,5.7. The Greek word for priae figni~es fw~lth~ for pl'idc is like a great !welling in the body, which untus 1c tor any good lervice, and is ape co putrifie, break :uid run,withloathfome and foul matter :So doth pride difable the foul from doing duty 1ar.d at laft breaks into odious words and deeds, abommablc co God and men. Now if this be not thy ca le, l>lefle God tor his reHraining and fan8:ifying fpirit; lih "P many an humble, joytull and thankGmvinch?~JiUA. tu\l heart to hiu~ ~ho 1~u.dc the to d1th-r. S:iy not as that S?fa{lri ill tcrru a(e :mogant ~rm1ma~ did m :m{ We.r ~o che _Apoitles quellion,
frt~~,7~!.;> .7"''h~.~1111 h:ive m1Je the d1tfertncc. Or as chat proud heretike laid to .,.,0!01v ni, ~fU 1 U-. 1'c. God, Non habco Domine qm1d ig>1olC1U,I have done nothing nmu+i:i l"l~toJ,li.. c T .~ whcre1orc co crave p:ir don. If we hi'd a 110 more.: r.. ims to an

wh""'"'J~tl1utod1jf.-r-? Egom~1p(utHd1fc-erno 1 I

my kH

seJ ~:1ur' imnnnf)r quda iii/~ e.'tr.i./ait, illui.poflc~ rcJirc 11Q11 to:im.

!wcr for, th~n this one of pride,wecoulJ not efoape chc dam nacion ot hdl. St P,111/ advildh young Students in DJvinity, noc to be high-minded, left tbey fall into thecondemnation of the devil, It was pride that curm:d him om of heaven. P1ide
(faith HHgo) \\1.u born in heaven: but forgettin;r 67 *h~t \\'(4! fo: foll thence, PH c~uld~Jever brr Wr17 thither a

hi ct man would know as liod ; the B 11be/-built.lcrs would

Only { ver fince 1 tt _l.ooks and auns u the highcfr. The

d wdl as GfJd. And as our firfi pa rems in the beginning did learn that proud leCfon of the dtvil, 1'e fha/J be tU rrods, fo we, being in their loins wheo they finned { faith a rtvcrend Di vine) and defcencling from them by on.Ji nary gencracion, dt'a together with our nacure, receive thac corruption from thean, whereby we think thus proudly of our felves, that we ~am: e~c:tll others, and. are a~ linh g"d' ~~ earth, in


It as l~ke unto that table of eAdo11ibt-tek.., at which he face in Rex, ttmpore s11mfonw ~chair ot State, and made others, even Kings to .eat meat, Ve11 lake dogs under his feet with their thumbs cue ~ff. Loe {uch '.5"Q;11tnat1U,Pb~r.11t1 an faying, biu curr:J.! rrgam cervtet. one IS ever y man by nature.a He ic ircct h up hrmfclf, rgit 1 41H t~1 HMH, and eretdeth his brother under foot, as no bo- L. _ P4ul e m 1 11,,. ~y to,l11m. The Emperour Com111odus would needs be fiiled patu~. auru P11{ii t.i~n~~f(c)' or the S11rp.1J{tr, as if there were None (uch. The 'f-'t:lp/J~~ ,JcJic~r.c .(u~ ~mpcrour ~driAn opprdfed fomc and flew others that ex rnpL;'.' "'~avll, mqui.. cdled in f I h . c11r I 1Elct1b11t.111flo1 . . any a~t or a_cu. ty; t at 1 le might be held the only lace ,/cceJm par eJJ'e. sk1lfull. vlrffot~e as ta1~ to h:ive burnt snd abolifhed the. Hm:;,, &-'Emylio. book~ of many ancient Phllofophers whom he excerped, th 3 t Cu/Jet ll1th:r,lf Jgcs. he mJght be the more admired. The worlds eternity, and fame other paradoxes he taught 1 as rather affee\ing Cingul~rity ( {aich one) then for :my foundnetfc: of chc muter' or Urength:of argument, Such an itch there is jn mans cor;upt ~,e- o;iv~ At1,t<o~ n:uurc clle applaufe and admiration ~ "''' brumcfl J'rgi11 h D after .n.h . of oth'"rs " ' Th~ .,., ""Jue I "' emop ~nu, w~s .a fweet be~rmg. Themiffocles Ii wonflra1i,&> J;cicr, fiened to n~thmg to wdlmgly as to h15 own commendation. ~;(j 1/t. llfl~va1.1q11. It ochers will not commend a man., he'll commend himfelf. 17!ll.A11 Xenopho11, Hoc ego primtu vidi,faith Zah.4re0, I was the firfl: that found Jn bunc ita quidam la out th_1struc~. P111rr~Ji.ci11dicant, ego vero fie, faith ano ~~;:iu;~tf'a":.~~;;~ ther Smgulmtan. '!-'his 1s the Fathers opinion of chis poinc, pe1;,,,;, i No1t """'' but I am of another Judgement. LttHrentim raUa contemn- Plut1 verbt1 la1int1 lo cd and carped at T 11/ly, Ariftotle, Virgil, and mofi of the q~i: Jupiter hu1trne bcfi: Authours ~ exctpt fl..uintiliAn only. And whereas he '' J'g11at"4 bonorefui(,. had fou~~ out fome t~ings in Logick, more then the rpafiers ~~ ,;;~n.r;;~c'fo~:"'"" ofchofot~mfs, hefatd.openly., NuHAm elfe logicam prttter I'rithcm. L1111rtnt1na"!, That his was the only Logick. Yea he doub. Joh.Mani. louom.p. ted not to a_ffirm, That he found'fome ffaws in the fonda- 4Bo. m~ntall pomcs of our faith. It will eafily be jadged that ths man wanted neighbour:>. .hnd fo, btforc himJ did' thole proud ~oafi~rs, P'1/itmon,whogaveouc, Th11t le11rning "1M srmH. born With him. ""'' \t'oNla Jie 'With hi : Epicurui, who ~ould need.s teem fir fr to have found out the truth, whereas m ma~y points he was more bliode thm a bee de, eArAt"' . a.n~ Ed 11dox1U .the Afi:rologors, whp boaft that they had de- Atsg de ct-e, 'Dei~t.16. {cne and dcfcribed the whole numberohhef\ars : Archi. 1nedes the M~thcmatidan, who bragged, that he could number t~e fan~ mall th~ world, habitable and inhabitable ' and ~ ~hi'

refpe~ ofothers. Mans h~~C:~-;-p~fa~e ~f fata-~i~alf pride. si~ Sefaflru ell!g1~11

-----:..---------A.R::P.. 0

.0 Ii;~ C Ye'



____ ..



'remove the whok body of the earch. flicbardtu d~ s~nu~ Pmi ~1fl. wlc{.pa_t. 1 [l 0 .,.t (a Monke of P ,,ri-6) prdc&'d himfdf tor skill in di!:td.Ou i.i !:C(w.rc&', vinicy, at)<)ve the Prophets and Apoflks, This hdmi k3rn ,J:of Jii~ \ord LH~'flr, whg u;a,hcch hi~ khdlar:-> 1 chJt which th,~y call arpths ttl divinit,, indeed d~ptiiS of S11mn, whereof cob: ignorant is no t1mll commendation, Revel. 2. '4 Th . .<ln"fJ1ckJ, grtatfiudencsin rhdcdc'pclsof the devil, counted .rnd called them{elvcs, The only knowing mm. The U'ltl1t>tichtu bdotted with ~n."Jpinion ot chc~telvts, de rived their n.tlllCC;)t UW""''"; be!caufe tht'Y held, That what fov1:r they tanghc w:is to ~ 1\.CidYed as tood from heav~n. /\' uvtitttHa.kd himfrlt Vl'!C1fo, aHd a brother chat he hJd Aaron. ..l1onmnsu faid he was the Coc1'forter, and his Pept:-t:f and 'l)miHm ( cwo pe~cing Parilht!s in Pbrygi4) he Ei<dil, ~ (. 'T 'alkd /m)alem, as if th1:yJ1~d btef) the only Chur<::hts in At fi fX S'.ih.;;Jorc tf- th~ wmld. Elim. "'the forccrnr had called hirnftlf.B .4ri.e'lu, Jet auurd.4'~ l\.:z., 1. as if h~ h 1d bcm near of kin to Chriet, AG!. 1 3.6. And 7qtm 0-N (,i/, bthl:rto the Earl of Trrone, inicribcd himkli in all plac1:s, I gre~t '/oht1 0-NMI, CQHfin to Cht'ift, friend to

~--that.if he h-a-dbut? io, osf the earth, he

For who is my mother? ~~d who ate my bre~hren~ :~f. ! Stirety; Mark J; J~ -~ ": he that doth the will of God, ;he is my brother and ~ll:cr :an~ mo

,. Cor.~.16, Lolufi ...

the Qfw11 ofJ!'!gla11d. a~dfoi to all th1 'Wo,,/d. llm '~'"'.~~ l''' h"J k_'1mn Ch rift afur 1hr Jk/b ( fahh p 1t1tl) ]fl hr11ce firth k._-..;ow We /Jim no more. Yta, thuugh We rouchrd

]oh.~ 4~

him in bloud, and been fldh of his llclh, and bone of hii; b~ne, yet wichouc faith, all chit wen: nothing. It was an honour to JI.I.irk_, that he was a 11rnah111 his filters Con ; Bue it is a . bll miil) ro Ch rifts b~~chr~n, tha.t 11.dther did they bdk Vl! 111 1 him, loh.7 .5" tndced how could they, when they fou;ht their.own praift ~mly, a"ordmg to that, How can ye bd1(Vt in m~:, when ye receive honour Ullt! of' anoch . r? Go up, tay they to him, it1tp J11de11, th,it;thy ,d_ifciplo al(o ma7 (u th1 ~ork.11katJhf.1Ji?eif. ; ~or.thc>:t i4_11a m~n, &;;, ?oh,7 3 4 Thus,theym.iulced 0Ye1.~1n:a,_ or fought ac lea(t to glt credit by him. Bue.he wo~ld.notgraci#echem fo hr. For hemighc wdl have faid co thtm 11 as once Eli1ih did ill to his brother D.4i.iJ, I \n~w ]fJllr prid&, 1tna the naT1gbtineJf~ of yorr hMrts,l111t itJba// not ~c (o,.~s for the bdl: pf. his kindred,He prderred Pete-r, chat lively, {puk,and Jam1s and lolna, chofo fons of thundt:r, b1:fore"l1is own b~othcr 'lames, and bdore (.11d,u ,SiqJM,and thc:'11 kinhmm. . .- other' --- -- -- of - -- that - were --- - . his - near - -- -. ror

ther, Chrifi: cals his Church hu jiff er, hu fP011f~, Cant. s,2., The ncarefl affinity is Spoufe, and the nearefl: confanguinicy, Siflm And no ltllc good rearms he gives tier alfo afu~r her hlJ, whe~ ooce truly humbled, he: cals her his f..ove, his Dove, bis undefitoo one, Chtip 5.9 Forto him will I fpeak. ( withfpecialLintinmi~ ons of my lovl! ) even co him that is poor in fpirir, and conctite in heart, and mmbkchac my word, I(a.66.i. Thou~hthe Lwd bo high, yet he ref p~Cleth the lowly : buc the proud he knowech afar oft: their bre1th is offcnfive to his lliarp ltnt, they may not tome Au.:- le 1 in . near him. Whereupon excellt'ntly S.t Au/Nn, Yidetimagilum.J Hu;;,ilttJ tdf-~ mir11culums faith he. See here a great' wonder. God is on high: pruiod}l~ thou liftd\ up thy tdf, and he Aeeth hom thc1; thou humbkl\ thy ~;, ut attofl.ati; felf, anli he ddcendcch to thee. tow things he loeks dofo upon,thllt fuperb~ ~e lorgi] 0 he may cxalc thcm:proud things he lmQWS afar off)that he may de:. ~';;~ t'~tfle prtilt: cht'm,Tltc Broud Pharifee pretfed as naar hecoLtld ftha liumil~ efl Jo poor Publican,not daring r.o do fe)Uood aloof oft. Yee was God far 1/U:J Chrtj/111 from the Pharilee, near co the Publican. Hugo d1 S11nlo Viflort, 'Da~~;iw.r brings in God and the devil thus debating ic. y11ffe1 D omintN {Uni ~ 1 m1rat per a. . , ., o. G od co1nm~nQe .J d h l' b 1;Jn' 1anu'm cu I 1>1 "'iJ'""' '"pA>-Ht11HuHJ,'{X.C. t ~ ines co e b!Jmiliet(eopor. broughr,and divifion co be made. The fat and tweet ofche earth he tetaut(1m capi found in the low v:illeys,thtfe he bade be fee on the one lid~. The d~- tc i111we ,{),.. km :md dry places he found upon Ueep rocks and high monm1in-s; 1i~pr. Au3 ;,. larger in comp.aifo,lefic in worth, Thelc he made be kt on the other It;i;n. fide : and calling for chc dcvil,b:ld him cake his choice. The lkvil, who looks alofc;and cares ~iot for low things, cho!c the hater, and brag'd he had got the better.But whar faid liod? Thou art beneath, and chcrcfon: looxdl: only afccr high chings; I am abovr, :met kc: from thence Lhe iweetnes of low things. The viol~t is the lowdt,bnt fwcecdt of Bowers, fo is humility of graces, A broken heart that lk& low, and hears all that God faith, Oh it is a facrifict: chat God is much ddightcd in l for it fends for God (as Jo.1b did tor D11 vid) ce take the glory ot all its acchicvements. le cries our, 1..Y on fft>ht4 lJ (;mi.iu. A11d, Not On, bm bi-J 11.1m~ 1 Jhrou~h f<lith i11 l1i-s A8.J.H,\6~ name ,h11th made thu man flrong, &c. \\'h1 /1Jok ye (o e.irncfl IJ upon m ? le calltrh down ics crown at Chrifts teer, as che 24 Elders, Revu/,4, and fees the crown on Chrilts head, as B Mhfocba did upon SolfJtmns, Cant.2. Arn>gance on the othtr kt:ks, krves, andkts upitkltonly; {liutsoucGod, and is cl~crdorc worth ly Z z i abhuntu



Octqr.iv. 1 19 10

abhorred by hiro. 'It is in the power.of my-hand to doe you hurt, faith proud L"b"" . Knowefl thoN "ot th"t l h;av, p'-w1r to crH ~h .:. &ifte thre, ~nd oower to /00[1 thll ! faid Pi/"u. cr114 cau(ed ~-:j :r,lh v . this to be graven upon his tepulchre, I could dot 111/ thingi: noc ~1a~:"'v . .Ar confidt:rmg that it was God tha~ hr/J h~ righ; h.wJ, tu (ubdM Hc:roJ,h. N Mions b~ { himJ a,,d gave him the h1dd:n rte lies of facr~t plt1 w, lfa, ~ltl,ZJ3 Afryes King of ~f.JPt. (the fame JS that Ph11rAoh Hophr41 that J~rtm} prophecitd ag~m{l, ~hAp 0 H) was fo pufc up with pride, that he perfwadcd h1mklf, a~d bualled,
That hi4 /Gngdome WM more {ure/1 {etled, then that it Co#la be

AR RO O AN C \" e iiall befmittcn with-the fw~~~f~ Ah~b~-re~e-~g~:-Ot all things


. i- "'!'.

God will not endure a prefumptuous and fdfconfidcnt vaunter. The nones in the wall of Aph1k._fhall fooner turn executioners,theR an arroga.c Ar11mit1 iliall fcape tmrevcngcd.How much leffe then an lfr1ttlite ! Who huh not read that proud fpecch of R1h6ho11,,,1 M1 little fi11g1r /halt 6e thicJt.!r then "'1 fAthm loi111. This, how 1 King, 14,ar. truly he fpake, that one thing fufficiemiy fheweth, that So/1Jmon1 fuields ot gold, were in Rthobo11m1 daies turned to bra fie. Y~a, it is wd\ obferved, Thitt God JtAlt mort fevertl1 ~ith hi4 farv11nt 0 H4lll cont,

Mtfua;;11 eh{'i ta~en fi'om him b] 11n7, ~hethrr God or 11111n. N~t lonb afcer he; /J.~"'""',-n ~ was tak~n in battle by AmA,6sQneof his own {u'>jc~ts, and.han~ed A.~=~~~:,. up. Dionyfi1u tyra~tof .sici/1~ thought and taad, That k" ~(1Hg ;p,1.1. Jo,,,~ "''" bou1ui to him With ch""'' oj Aaam14nt. Bue tame loon confuted him : for he was driven out, and forced c~ ceach fchool

at Cirinth for a poor living.

Xerxrt (the fame


thought to

be rhar



''" ;.o5.

bcdicnce. At He/JrfPont hccaaled to be wahed over two maiu~ns of men for the conquefr of Grttce : where when a fudden tc~ pe lt had threwdly battered bis bridge ot b.oats, .he caul.ed the tea co be bi:aten with 300 llcipes, and call: a pair ot feuers. mto H, to mak!! it know to whom it was fubjed. No~ long .afcer he was fon/J to Hit ba<:k in a poor fil11ers boat, which, b~mg over burdea~d, had funk a~l, had no~ th~. P1t-ji~H1 by away lhe~ {dves, frn:d the ltfe ot their Kmg. And t~e .lake be:ttll S1 g1(m1md the young King of H1111gar1., o~ whom. at ~s l\oric~, tha.t beholding the greatnes of his Army 1m his ~reat Jolhty,hea~mg of the coming of tbe Turks,he {hould proudly fay, what nml we to fi"r
the THrk1,,. 'Who nud not 11t "'1 to the falli?g of tht heavrns ?

E[l:b. l.) w~s fo btced up, that ~e was angry with the mountains, winds, r&Y\!rs, clements , as 1f they had been men under his pay ; and demand~d ot them rtvcrcncc a_n,~ o

~.Hd'rnnt. h~b ~11 bef~~rged. ,~~~~ ~~~ !~~ ~~ 'J!~11h1ui1Sd1 f~ar, Bmh ~;~.

'ffhi<ib if I h,, jl101s/J f a/J, JCI \hr~ \\'C' 11b/, 'A11th <I Hr fj Mr"J. "_ 11 J ha/btru to hold them up fa>' f ding 11pou zu . He, lhor~ly af~tl' this, received a notable overthrow, many ot his Army ~cmg fia~n, ai:my taken, and himfdt had undoubtedly fallen mt~ has m:.1~1t>s hands, hl4d he not in a little boat got over D AnNbuu It is JU(~ with God, that proud encerpri{es fddomc proiper: whereas tho{~ things. that are h:artully and modefily undertaken commonly fuc ceed. Ahab was lewd, but Benhad.ul infolent. If therttore /l

Lortl, Prov.16 S T a'11btrllf11e told the Baj{" of N tttoli11. whom rur~.1'i,'l.u1. he had taken in his fir(l encounter, That he was fcnt from heaven to punHh hili mall:er n .1ja~m rafhtlelfe ; and to teach him, rhac the proud are hated of God, whofe promiie is to pluck down the mighcy, and to rai{e up the lowly. And when he had taken B11111:ut in batde, afcer he had once fpoken wich him, and found him to be, amidU all his mifery, incoJerably proud, he carried him a bout in an iron Cage to be feeo :md derided of all, And, to his fur ther ~ifgrace, upon feCHval daies, ll{ed him for a fooctl:ool, and at ocher times fcornfully fed him 11ke a do~ with crums fallen from hi t2ble. All which Tambe,./4nedid, not fo mu'h for hatred co the man, as to manifdl the jull judgement of God again(l the arrogant lbiJ. ao, folly ot chc proud. J tis rtporced thu Tamb1r/.me being rc:qudted by one of his (that might be bold tofpeak co him) to rtmic fome pm of his feverity againll the pedon pf fo great a Prince, antwercd, That he di" not 11ft that rigoNr ag11infl llim M ,.King, b11t r.ttl1'r did p1mife him "' a proud amhitiom t7,.ant. Whttr wou/fl thou IJAvt atJHt 'With. mt, {aid T flmtr/~ne to B il)4<;,er, if it had bun m7 {Drt1110t' '" havt' fill/en i11t~ thine h.1nds ? I Would, JbiJem, fa id B 11j4~tf, J11we tnclof~d 1h1e in" cage of iron, awl f o in tri .11mph have carried thee Hp an el down m1 X iHgdmu. E vtn fo faid TamlJfr/ane, foalt thoH he ferved. He funher asked him, 1 U hethtr ev'r he h1td,(ive11 God tha...,k.! (Dr makJng him fo great ~"' Emper~ur? whoconkfft:d ingenuot:Hy, He ntvtr thought of it. To whom T 11mbtr/1me replied, ThM it \VM nt1 'Wondtr,fo ungrtt?e z3 fall

is more angry With a fpiricu1l and immediate affront otfcrfd Co his MajeGy,in our pride ind {elf-confidence in mchly chings, thrn with a fldhly crime, though hainoufiy feconded. Yea ~c Aufti" doubc5 not to fay, That the! prideot Virginity is as hat1fuU a fin a~ impuritr. Ever1 ont th11t id pro11d i11 he"rt i4 abomi1111tio11 to the

D11vid,for "Hm1'ring tht peoplt, then for th~ mAtter ofVri11h. He

-------- __ _____ --- ---------------_......



l.iwitlAviru ;n br.ln.~ of onr CJ(, 11wd /lam( of" kg, W1111hcrc '"'] Worrh
.tl1l'1<Jl,ri1H 4

pi a m"nfoo-11/d be m;de ~ffe--;l~c/e ~f mi(tr7.

For yo;;~ fai~h-he,

were predicated of

i>i m) Why Godfoouldfat '"o~cr tivo grt"M Empirr1 nf r11rk.! ana 'rartar1, tocommandm11n1more'Worth7thenou.rf</0"1f It was tl1crcforc an c:xcc:llent tpeech ot the hf\: l~rcnch King, whm I \\'M bont, thet"e \\1 ereruhou(anaotherfo1~/smore born, wbat h1111e I In t~.c hi fiery ddo>1z '.~ 9 odb ~dore then the7 r Ith~ ~Mrj}"!~er g;,1icth'o'1 mr.r?i Which ot his lite :iud ot oJ ten M e_ me more NntQ u ;11 see; c or t c J .w1 ts o; great dc~h p. 9 ~. mtn are never jmaO. . . . ..
.Antilwm ;:. ~Ji11lt arrJ~anr


Cor+ 7



Here then, tor :i cennterp01fon agamlt pride and folf. concctted.:. neffe, firlt, Dwell a whil~, !Ind take tome rime to demur upon that piercing pallage of the Apofile, Who ( m Gods n.ame) made th(c 10 differ? or, Whath1{l thou man, that thou haiHmt received? IE then thou ha!l: received it, why do!l: thou glory, as if thou hadit not received it? If than cxcell others in any gifcor good part, thou muO: needly foy of it, as onet the poor Prophet did of his h:iccher, A la1 m"fltr)t u hHt borrowed. To be proud of it therefore is as great a folly, as for a vain Stage~plaic:r co be proud of his borrowtd robes ; or a filly groom of hi~ Maftc:rs horlt: ic is as it rhe mud. wallthculdbt! proud ofthe Sun-iliine. Th:lt 4:\~C j~ ha"h' wi~h impud~11cr, chat dare arrogttte any good thing to it fdf, that Ca~ri ficcch co bis own nc:c, that taich but in his hearc, My power 1ind the mi.~ht of mine h11nd hAth gottm mt thi.I 'Wealth. This is to pay the tc11t to a wrong landlord, and fo co forfdt all, as they did, Hof. 2, 9. And as that proud King of e/.Eg1pt dtd, e~ek.: i9 3:9 /fa. t9 j, 6. Bi.:cm{e Pharaoh ia1ch,The river( Nifr.u Ju 11Hne own,therefore f11ith God, I \'t'i/l dr7 up the riv1r, And[o, /llfrve vg7pt, S~condly, Get thint: heart well feafonc:d wich the tear of God.
Prov_. S. I l
i:orthefrarofthe Lord is co hate evil, as pride, arrogancy, nfeph tr ~ly feared God, imd therefor~ hated not only grofk t:v1ls (:is chat ot adulcery) buc clllle evils, as this ot a~rogan cy. It~ not in me: Godjb.i/I give Pharaoh 1111 dnfwfr,Gtn 41.16,


What riches John Btp.tift had, I know noc: buc tor h~nour, thas . hand ot his chat he thought not worthy to unloofe ~hnlls l~tchet of his fhoe Chril\ thought worthy to bri laid upon his head m ba. pti!lnc. 1:hn moddUy withftood the motion at fitft : ~' forb4el _ him, ye:i ht: earnefily torbad hi~, as the <Greek word figmfies : fir ~muh. uE t1b~ I have need, {aich he, to be bapt1.t.ed tJf thu, and ~om.efl thos to nix~ p'ub1bu1t. me P flue when he he:ud better realon, he foon lubmmed (an hum ~'~ ''~coin pof. ble ~:m w1\l never be an htretike, neve:r be opinionatc, at k:ill ob- 1; 1 c 11 ~ 1 ~ filni 1 1 tr .i h1m, Mat. 3 ~4,I 5 There . arc that fav fiinm:.) Thrn hr (u1 ftrea / J'~ "' i:"' Thlt for his humility hr.n: on euth, he as d1gn1ficd Wtth th1r pl!tce in h~aven, from which Lucifir fell. Who told th~1!1 tho.c, I know uot: but this I know 1 that he that h1'mbletlJ hJmfc/f fb11/t b1 t.\11/ted. d d h" u 3 Thirdly, Learn and labour to know more of Go a~1 is w1 ~ of thy fdf~ and thy duty. The more any ene feet~ of God, the ldfo he kcth byhimidf. As he that hath _looked awh1~c upon t.he b?~Y buc IS daz.d. Gcnb iS, t. 7 Qt.the S.lll1 ' When he looks dowaagam feeth nothmg, d r.d d l Ep ar ,v1l~ l~d. Abr.4H.HH wh~n he fi.oocl before Gi~d. an ~011~1 ,nt: t IC m- xo~1$,c:1~u finite dJlbnce and difproporcion , tonftfi1ah hun(~~f to .be dujt l 1;\) 4 i " Aa af&n. JoV AhhorrtJ himfalf in duj/ gn" ~foes, WhO tll.l 'lJi(cc lwninu J' b Jf: h t W1Jc 11 ~J~1c111.v, & pt then tho\1ght himfrlf (ome- oay : J a1it c~KS ou , d i1a .tiJm ,11ihi me fir I am 11ndone, Ha. 6. S. Yea dllt proud N cbuch.11 liri1c111 ne~:1:;,,ir (when once tamtd and taken down' and had ken ::11111n. buc fome {mall ponion ot Gods mi~ht and maJtfiy) a~kn<>W 1\il nations ltdgeth Th11t aB the inh.ibitantJ of the earth arc nothing,&c. m: hue .ts a D 14 n.4 See chy {~lf_ ncx.c, what thou art l>Y, n:muc,. wine t('l\~~f~r~uc~ by practice : See this m the _~kar cryfiall ~t Gods l~~v, Gnd. Q!Jaiilfl<:

-------------the ~~h~~)~;~-;ichu, and honoHr, "'"' /ifo



. 703.


As he infinuJtes himfdf by this dutifoll compn:cacion, fo ht: lxte.. nuarcs his gihs, that ht: may give the glory ro C~od, And he loft :.m~hing by it. For he that laid, Witho11t me God foal/ an[wer Pha r11oh, h~ard from Phar.coh, Without thee j1J.t/I no man lift Np hiJ h.c11d in the /11>Jd of vgrpt, ver.44. So Joh Ba pc ill was foll of the
fear of G0d, and _chcrc:by ot humility: for thdc cwo go toupkd, Prov'.!!.1.4 . :mJ (o,lofo1 tha' 'herei::am~ topuhcivc in chc: origmah

nnd fully (hew:>" imn the bl-; 1nil11<;:S of ~1s foul, the urours ; 11~;.:u11.e of his life. The li~hc wh~rc~i (at any thmg )_ will L1y :1 mm pmHul!J t .h. 1. i ld a V1ide fupnbit low in his own tyes, and m.ake im as muci'. av.t 1~l a1 IJ01 iu)144aon ln{htd before God, as .111eph1bo/h~th w~uld h~v~ lJ1.:,el~ bd~re "P'i'J "''P"' David, if he h:id been as ~uHy gu~lcy oi tr~;\fon, as Z tk 1' talf na(ci ~~M, 1 accukd him. But therefore did Laod1ce14 lo ad1nir~ her 1abo11111a~,,e i~a Lccau{1: t11c knnv not that PN Wiu "'retched and mifer~ '~/("e j"o" r 'le' &c Tnis 1t i11c had k1.:n, Ch~ would foon have had l1~~ ve .',~ 1 11.iTIJ Ii d '(. l {IU n01 down ht:r plumes. And fo Wl'Uld that blm c i 11 _.un c..c t lilt 1JUl11c1J, fJ
J .

thlt per ft Cl /,ov of liberty, as 5r !''mes cals. it i l>ec:rnl~ c. ht:dy

l 1 i,1icur

er ru

thus ic rnns, BJ hHm;t;'.J th' fi11r:_ of !h~ L~rd ( tf,1~ one is as it


l.mggd ~S talt of his tightCOUlnt:l~t1 llS om;t: 0"1""11.d~~ l:~l\lt~ tr dad of .Atnllfnta'J p1durc ; wh1'h when be had lu11lh1:d, he z "lwroci;

11/U.?UtJ.tJj/C'l M.



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ARR. 0

l\OG A 1'4


c '{. ___________ 7_0~ ___ ,,


... , wrote under ic, S 11"nt,. m~1 p~i11t1r1 ~nv1,th111 imitate this l\iork., ~!4i~"t: P"'~' yea he lo plea(ed him {elf with the conceit of what he had done that f"P' u he died with laughing at it. , 4. Fourthly, Confidtr fctioufly che many woes God huh dc:noun. ced againfi_proud perfons, all which will be as fiirtly executed upon chte (it thou repent noc) as the coac is on chy back, or the heart in chy body. Ne6uch, for infiance; and,ahc:r him, ~ .u. fha:t..~ar; bccmfe he would noc co be warned : :is bt.:fore him Se.E~rlHi'tnirt naclmib, whofr ll:acue is yec cobefecn (faith Hmulotm) in V"/..

""' c1J!(~1)si~ c, ns Tcmple 1 with this inicription,loak,11pon me, 11na iMn to 0 ~1:,.~ ,J . p. . God. No tinA to diretU.y olE!nds God :ts pride, and his JUdPements LJIJ' 1 f )!J II! i3 4tll mo1mi, &c, arr molt due~, agamft JC above all fi_ns. When a wall fwd~, IC i~ s i'l: ne:m:r bu:iikmg i whtn the bean 1s puft up, ic is nearer ddtrn d:ion. 5. Fifthly, Look upon the bell chat ever breached, and you Chall find~ chem moll: moddUy conceited of chc:m<dves. Jacob is ldfo chm chdt:al\ of Gods loving kindendfc:s : D1tvid a worme and Ju)r ;,~ ~w no man : A f.Hr more brucilh then :my man : Great P a11/ chc: lc:al~ liJs. ot Saints, the gre:mfi of finners: Peter," mA11 a ft11111r a very mixcure of dire and finne. Bradford in his own judgtm~nc, ~ im 1 f6'i 11ed h1po,ri1~. Mr B "rt/re Green M.ucyr, was of fuck a modd\ nacurc:, {o humbly chinking ot himklf, as in few is co be found (faith Mr Fox) ever dtj,cting himfelf und~r chat was in him, and m:r kerning to be ldte chen he was; as well declart:th rmt only ~i~ let_cer c~ Mr Philpo~, w~c:rein .he doch. carndl:ly expofiulate Wlth bun, tor Omdermg ham with praife ofh!~ wic and learning, an~ ot~er cxce~len~ venues : but alfo by his own fpeccb and anlwcrs m his ex1mmac1on, &c. When Ile was bc:uen ;rnd f~ourged wich _roJs by !J "mer ( which lcarce any mllo would b~ ltt~ve, nor I neither, laith the fame Mr F o~, buc that I heard it of him) and ht greatly rejoycc:d in the tame, yt his l111mt!-fac"d mode.Uy was fuch, tl at neither he would exprdle any mention th~re of, ldl helbould ftcm to glory too much in himldt, fa ve that on.Aet iJ'IJ N'JU. ly he opened the fame to one Mr Cotton of the Temple, a frknd vf 1'- 6 ~-.. his, :dicde before his death. A gracious heart is not a blab of his tongue, buc n:Hs and rcjoycech filcntly in the conkience of a Cem:t goudnr_ffc:. Cb~iUi:m moddly teacheth a wik man nor co expofo fumfdf co 1h.: fmdl l11cw, and co live :1t the uunoft pitch ct his ltrc:11gch. ~h~iU .< b~Cidc the nil of h_is huin:mity) fa1<!S 1 Su 1''" sel( n<1 m.m : hid ham~tl~ ~ba~ ~hey aught ~~t ~:O.\t. him a Kmg,

rode upon an Atf~-coh, waQ.u his Difciples (eer1 fought noe his own, but his F:1thcrs glory, humbled himtdfto the death ot the crolfo, emptied himfdt of all his cxcdlencics, futf~red. i1t{11111uv~ i~ur~v. the contraditlion ot linm:rs, who took him tor a dt:moniack t'hil.,,7. and a mad man : whereas in him were hid all cbe creatures of wifsome. In him they were, buc hid they were ' iliall we fret when we are obfcurcd? Is ic not enough thac we fiull one day appear with him in glory r Mo[t:s hides his glonfi. ed face, and tai~h, Who Am I ? when God was kndmg him to Pharaoh. Many a man lai~s, who am I not? and ratht:r fums to bt' good, thrnfukf co be fo. All his care is co be 1ttn whh lthH, ilm:l co dazlt: mrns t'Yl.'5 wich admiracion nuc ~uing for un~nown ri"hti. Afo"I bMIJ no r.lcluln j" ,.~Jcr TytilHrfl 1H wmnn fa c ~ ""''" captet. M1;ri:"r "n Jing, bwc only 1or this, th"t hu heart"'"') di/cn1cr it [elf, Prov.18. 2. chac he may have the name and the n.>cc ot a O~"''ti moJsfli; furn. wile ma!1. Bue fuch an one pallcth commonly for a proud "''Jfi, qui pr.t 11eriliunfool. For, wben pride cometh , 1hen cometh fhame & bm J11 lc(e abdullt, quot with 1hefo11mefuc'd u ~ifdl)me, Prov. 11. 2. The: originall pu110 qui&quam perar 'acae. q wo1d chcrcfignific:s foch as hide chcmfolvc~ through moddty, ~'-""mer EL ' /11 oqui vei in whoblufh ac mc:ns praifcs ( faich ~ben E~r") anJ arc ,,. pub ;. o -'/f"'rf re wre.
fuamcd (o arrogate or own any commcndacion, chough
O\:- CU11.4uHoUI', l\J.n;\.J:.

vedo wdl ddtrvtd. When Cl-Jar ls tht fih was roy .. Hy t:H tcrtained by che French Kmg ac P aru, one of chc Councd.. lours made an elegant {pm:h to him,. rch~arfing all his brave aC\:s, Hebrid\y and moddUy replic.:d, Th,1t h1 14ccep1ed of Idea fibi r.r.srum t/fe the oratiQn, becauft it 1tdmonifoed him not (o much \\>h.4t, quJ~u111 h h db h h h b 'J . . CM11Jooe/ee1J]et 'lUOil' 'f. A,, een, IU ~ atd be .oug ~to 1: Anu when the Cmz...:ns effe deLi:icr'. o . ntwerp prdt:nt~ un w1th a nch Arr.u, wherein was l-.1h.\1uol /Q,.t; 01a. cunoufly.kctorchh1sv1Ctory over the Kmg ot France, to- ~9'i gechcr WHh che n:t.rnes ot chlC Kii.10 , and rh~ other Princes lbr,1. r 1 f "; flUl'JI the . that were overthrown by him m the bat.le, he rcfolcd to re- ,c?111 . . B b h h . d hd It l Jltu "~ vict.,ry (Cl Vt: 1c. ut w en c. ey ~ at prdc:ntc 1c, a taken. out .;c A/,m . uurt, ~<1vc: thofc names, he rCCl:IV~d ac, and cook great content m it. tlrJ1bht orJlr~ lh.1rnoi . llars ar~ ~ot kc:R by day : the: Sun it kif is. not fccn by h.1!l.1J or liJn:; fl1uu1d mghc. As 1c is no fmall arc co hide;;: an {o no finall glory co be 11 .1dc <r r11.1t1, rnore couccalglory. l{ot 1 bm the u>11ce olG,JfJ. th~t u in m~.bith thci~ 01L' 11; 11 klgivrng p / -:i..r / L h ~.., 'J to tnc r~ru (:J't; "'' J., ot , vtlt t 1 tnlen1 hd.flJ g4intd other mlent s, faith rru//i:/J , 0 ,;cuiu'.aion, the good krvJnc. The more dirtct tht: !)un is over us, and in ot J aim:li 111fiory of. us, the kllc is our fiudow of pride and klt:.lovt'. 8uughcs, 1Zr gta1ld Jot. ~o'. the mori;: bdcn with huit, the u1~m: lowly & but in~ fau, che




; I


ch!lffo is !lbove d1e corn! not becm!e ir ii: bener1 but bec!mfa Hcbrn11rn rr~vcrbi it is lightn. Empry rn.l<s found loudelt, foy we t Empry UM l'//' SIJtcr '." t.ige purfts Ping\c mart {Ju the Hebrews TIMt which in the Tia (Ol'//Ult /UlfllU11l &? 'd t I d .~ dcr l\ l:l' mi. fl o .fools t~ (oon m.'' e k,no'll'n, faith Solomon.: they are R. ~d .. m'.1:1. bv11h of chat lnlle w1fdome they have, and will laugh on t'r-1. t J J. purpore ( wich E~n1tt i~ ) to fhew their white ceeth. flJl1d.-i111r J:d11u Th~ y kt the bdl: fi.dt: cucw1d wich Alcibi.ides, and have a q~i 011:11;.Jo,.lwtat. crick, as Srcphe11 G,1'!"dner had, with boldndfo and Houtl :1r11 N( . g1"f rs co appear muc h grcuer; as burchers ,#.Ht ~'"' .'-/rJ" f.t. nd1t: ru ma kr_' t Iie1r , ui..: co Glow llt' tfoh,, rn make it bmcr liked of~ Bur 0 16 wh1c faichcur Slviour, let your lightfbine, not your light. ntfit:; anJ kc your el1d be thac the light 1my be f~cn, not Ka prie(u/t,cl1J-nt 1uol Chae your fdves may be iecn. The wile Hifl:orian obforved, nuni(~b.;nur 'I .:rn, rb1c the tlacues ot Bnmu and Calfius did therefore fl1ine 1 111111.itllA JI u:r 11 i.t lxcauft! chey were not feen, and were the. more glorious and Svc.Ades, illulhious,b~caute they were not brought forth wach ocher i mag es, in a folemn proceilion ac rhc tuncrall of Gern11111icm. The engine char doth all in gre:ic works,is oft inward,hidden, not takt:n noticc of: fo they that btfl: dderve,do ledl: ddire to be notic..:d or applmded. I hey have low conceits of them. kl Vt's, and love not the loud praifcs of others. Mofes fhom! and kntW not of ir. D .wid flits from honour, and ic follows hi111: Sa11/folluws ir,:md ic fli1.shomhim. Thinkcofchis, and it Will prick the bladder of pride : m:ike it fall ihr, and t1Hivdl to nothini;, lt wiU ,un: m of arrog:mcy, which i~ 11oth111g die, faith ~llt' 1 but the neighing of foll}'. 6. 1~3Hly, Praytot,odto pull down thine heart, ashedid J\',b11chadr1r ~~ar s,lmt efptci'..ltly P~111!1, & to hide pride fi om thee. The key ot mans hc:ir t he ke~ ps under his own girdle, and orJus it ac his pka~im, Ply the throne of grace thlrcforc with tmcdfam fuitts, to lubdue thy Hout htarr, co c1 ip pk thine iron fim:ws, co lmke and keq> thee iupph: :md folnl>k, t\:nd<.r and trachbk, pli:mc and 001.:diwc ; tlat to the Ni/111 cf his gra'~ ma)' ovcrlfow the low va\lc:y of thy miade, and fill thee with all orient and fragr:11'1 flow~rs of knowkdgc and vurni:. This WJS rhc ccudc ...,, t.: ok wht.:n rhc dt vii (char I\. in,~ nf all the childrtn ,f pridt~ :\S Lt.:viarh:in is calkd, {ob 41. 34) fought to puff him up wirh the abundance of his ri..:vtlaciuns. Jn dangtr he: was to have bt:cn carried higher in conceitcdncffe, then he was bt:fore in his


his ;;~-Hue h~ -~om plained betimes, ~~-foOl~ ;s -~;~r ;h~ devil ailakd to blQW "P {uch 11 blab in his (cul, he nn co G?~~ and pr 11 id rhricr, and pt'evaild that Godg gnce was futlkt '


e1u tor him. How ea fit is it for the be{\. man to dote u.pon himfelf 1 and to be lifted up io high, as to loic the hght both of thc ground whence he rifes, and of the hand l~at advanc~d him? How hard was ic tor V.t.:dah, th3t had m vented {\:range engines tor the battering ot his enemies, to findc out any means to beat down his own proud thouglm l JJraier would h1ve done ir. Pray therefore. and (jod 11.lall hutnble"thy heart, pray, I fay, to 1he Lord. Ht lmh prorn1(ed :i heatt of flc!11:and to pray ,is to put in iuit the prnrniks,ch.



- ------




------- -----------

D la N I r:. L I 17. As for tl~t{e fonr ch~ldrtn, G~d gave thtm kno~ltdge anti

skill tn 14{l [earnmg and ivifdome, and Dantel h#J nn dcr ff Anding in All vifiom a11tl drtaNJs.
&~~ ~~.He perfeCl:ion even of humane arts both liberall

. :~ For, bu God dnth inflrt1ll him ,to ai.fc,.ttion ~ (faith t_ht: ~~upbtt ~f t.hc v~ry. plow man), !!Ai (9" c4 111pnr.ia"' , :...,. .. ,, 1111d th~ ,,, (o ( th3t 1s bas skall an m:ttt~rs o~ !$' iiiJi,em. ~ Ii.bra- husballldry) cometh forth from the f.:ord of ?ofls, t>fh_ich u 11ltn~ m111a 1~ _G<1ro. \\'onderfall in cotmfd, and t."l:cel/ent ,,,, Working. He It was 11 U o; 4 " ~ 10 .Jlgttt co.'io that filled Be~r'llul and Ah(1/irtb wich the fpirit of wildome ~flt. Sphrnx Pt 0 for the wol k ot rhc Tabern1clc; and that gave co the prophet a. so+ J(a iah, the tonvu of the /e14rned, that ht: iliould know h?W to time a \\'od ro him that is Wt:ary : he wakenech morning by morning, he wakeneth my ear to hear as the learned, ~h.o are ever liftoing afrcr more-, cvrn to the lal\ b~cath. J\s Jt 1s reporccd ofD1tt1Jd Ch]trlf."4, a Du~~h Davin~, that w~en he lay upon his death-be~, and heard tome that f~te by. ~am, difpucing widra low voice ( tell: ch11y H1ould dafiurb him) he lifted up his head, as wdl as he could, an~ defir~d them to fpeakouc, tor hefhould die r?e mor.e che:ufolly, 1f he died rur.a111iorcm {ibl tlcJra iR.o.

7tt~cl~~~ ~(,!~rfi[c~.



~~ and mechanick,is to be found in the Church :

, (

~! and not be called off by any other bufinefie. Some ddight in hor- f'.tJidab equil, 'f(S, fome in birds, others in beaHs (faith 'f'!lilm the Apoftate) n~;;j~,:d~:': (>uc J, from my yourh up, have ever burned With che love: ofbc?o~s. aamur:q,ove: /\ learned and witty m~n h~ was, but /,,,,,.nd Ql)ct lrnJ1 J~m,/1 d, i11dr:r1f~ <) \\~~tf<!J, iHgenic/c ntq11,1m, a~ C Ai tu C11>"~1J. He p..:rlecuc~d, m.ore pue~ma,11or1Jrii by perfwadmg, chcn enlvrcmg mr:n co 1dolauy; and prtva1kd rnfJ,',i''"'c .41 fi~ . . h" more by ent1ce~e1~cs then llY cor.mmts ; . 1s cloquence to f'1' aa ,,,.,,;, the difhonour cf God gave it hiln, and fi~htmg agamll God wich his own gifcs, as 'David did ag:iinfl: Goliah with his own f word,. o. r as '1., h11 againll Jehor,.;m with his own men. H. c tor bad 1 j f b N,zian'Z orat. :ill Chrillians the uk of learned J\mhours i An one o his olomc 1 com., birds/Pa~ph]"1 1 faid,J1 \\141 pittJ th4t 1v1r (o goo~ 1Jjchol.o tU P a11l 1r1U cnft a1uq "P"n 011r rtli.~ion. ~t Pt1111J wa~tirl\ brought up ~t ihc feet of Gumalitl, a grave Dor\our ~ :ind afo:r tlm, at the ~m- "~'ct~rc17lll~c1 .,, vcrfoy ofTarf114. That he had read Aratt-u, 111en.1nder, Epm4 'IJobuw .l'1a10 nidt1,&c.iscl~arby whathecittsoucofchcm :.and Sc~lm~u_ ga .. >;1cum,Paulo thers out of 2Tim,1.6.that he was wdl vcrk<l m P/.lto s wrumgs. n:~~ igi~ora c~ 114 ' h l..n b f:d I l L firtpl<l JU 1 lt[o He was that wife Mere ant, tu.-cb 1.:11 cs t lt: pd~~r l.1 1price,11~ cm~ "' parilon of whom hecou1md all ut dung an uogs .. mcar, ~UJ t al!o ocher goodly pearls, which in their proper place have their ule and txcdl~ncy. How bravdy doth he piay thcuratonr, W~t:n.he_h'" lleth,as 1t AthnH, and bdot:e Al~.,ipfa. u~ l~tting tortnh1s lut!c.r.. ings,2Cor. J 1, 2 3?and fxhomng toumc)',Ep1.1.4 4. f\11 ttie rowlm~s 7JoM/lbri1u ;11 of DemoftheneJ arc dull fiuff co h1sd::~ancks? As oft M I he"r bm (Jr.111...e 1011114, ipiak.., la1th flierom,me think.! J he,,r not words. b,.r th1mder.claps. l!i,'f'h1re,;1, His very toemics could not but acknowledge: t11s worth. I-h~ let taiia e/I tlo tm 1 bid they, are weight] and powerJi: fl: but his b11dilJ prefa nee T,~C~::~~'t;;:~, and hu fjmch contemptible,~ Cor.10. io. And why con. n1 ' ;,;,111J1pJf



tc:mptible, but Olcau(e h1.: cam;;: not w1th cxctlltncy ot fpc;t:~h or d .111. L c:c:r,>.

cr/fll.,,, fo1c fi mnri learning tomewh:it. L1benrer omn~bH4 om>us opes .concef[e 6rHd'4 cti411 aliq11;,J rim 11.t mihi, liceat. vi nulltt nterpellat~, tJ1o mo .. ~Wtiffet. Mdclt!A

wi{dome (which hcccu\d have done bcttcrtht'n the belt. of them) ~ :or,~ but in denionllrution oft he (nirit~snd ot no wet? J114m.111e /e,u~;ing l.@iD:>:!' fr..ri 1 I' . I . fi } jitJIO/J<IJl,4/ 1 0(faith one) id to be Hfed irl uc/11jiaff1c11N e~:ereifa.r,non UC t: c~ t:tHa >iM' '''"~do. fed uc condiment a, not"' meat bHI (<tuce. It wen: a madncile) bt: nu1uw ur fupr<i caufc lace fl.ts 0ut a garment, thrn:forc co1mkc a g~r.mcnt o~ l:i".'! "}ore r1111eiu. only. S11b finem cn, du/cu rff p/Jcentii. St v111Sl1n bewailed 1t I 1 ~ m. , . 11 "'";,g 1 . ofl. I cour i t:s, V_t ?(~ D.t17"~ as a vanity 11s >out h, Th ac he had trame d - d1 '}l.IJilJ.i pl11ceret magis qNam Ht tlor;ertt, more to pkafe tht:n to prohr. 'T~>')::NoY t'in.,

do in lite,.i4 vivere , fairh T1107. I would give all the

1fi,.ff btgtln f() fYtath (faith S, Ch>-)(oflcme) I



good wthe world, that I might but fit quietly at my Rudy,


'hi/de, llnd delighted in Y'1ttli1, in the app/11u[e 1Jf 1he people : bflt 'Whtn J grew" 1aat1, I.btg41' to dtfPJfo 1/Jem. A golden-mouth' a l'na,ht:.t



,;'.?''1J.9ir.:\!Y ~

ART s. AR. T made ul~ of thnnlhe gifted them bcfor~he fc~tthem abroad: InPrcac~er he wss( mo rd in~ to hi;;;~~e );-,;,~fl er t1fflmch, asP d#l he fomuch as t.All.4.13. the Pricfis and Scribes (whom for thdl kar-

was flud to be, doqumt m:m,3nd mighty in the Seri

pmr~~,as 71~0!/?; , f'd. 1.S .14. H1$ eloquence (whc:reby

'"';"~ rJ/c

'De .f/ 1 .Gr.t$ fub j1 :rm Ve J~a cbiifl cJp,u. TJ 11fc H.:.uhc

1 rzon lu~cre. qu;; Vcrb,R etter tl~e S~H P,ould notfh1,ne~ th.:n tf,,,u Ch>-J(oftome P,ould d1;f jloiwm not t.rarJJ) he 1s f~1d ro hive drawn ouc of .ArifttJplw1n his eo.. mm ,:q,.~~e. mt:~us,wch he hid ufu:illy uo~cr his pillow, when he went co fiecp.


mcn m to adm1rac1on o~ ~1m j tha~ it was grown to acommon pro-

he fo drew

This was(as Theod.orct hath 1t)to gather rofrs off the thorns {weec ho ncy ' ouc l?' "r . fl . h l , J L)lCttr ow~rs, w <-' !omc medicines out of vt:nemous bLalls a~1d krpl'n~s. This was co {l1oil the E g7pti:insof che jewds they u~11uHy d~mned from tht: Church, as Au/fin h:uh ir. See we

Authoms tor. not ,l:mh he>ll'tth nhttt ,, deal of go/J,jilver,r,off/J gtirmmtJ Cypriollcntkilt101li an(tlMt (wen Dafla'llr ,uzd b/rffid ./tf.11r1r)1vem'L 1den out of u to II\~ c .\ ~A t ~ ,j I I ~ , . ' I ofthetrc::illlrc gypi.ff 0 WrJflf" u.rnt Lllc!nnms.J, riaonnJ.U, opmtm,HUari111, gocrc11 <Htt of ~efideJ / 1rn~mcrllhle~1ree~ F11thtrs? And ~his Was fir{\ done by that JEgypr. fatcntu l letvanc ot God Mo(es,of whom it is written he wa ~earwd in 111/ tlu wi/d()m ()f the,:md (o be~amc might1 .,~word aHd deelN<'W the learnrng ()J the c..g7pti11ns(faith 7Jere~[ts? 'e'' J ruu ~nM JOre-told ..tl111thrmatick.f ,Ph.,fick.J,Ethicl.1 andDivinit Com. in i.o achffp l .r l"'' '. J .Ji, all 1hefe '\:! /J 1 1rt w ~er()~ _>VM 7.~trog I Jpmckf A1ofanvtU tho


ning S.P~ul callt'd, The l'ril'lcn of this world, 1'Cor. 2, 8.) won- Afi~or cl~e}t dered at their boldneffe and abilitils; as knowing that they were Cbrif/114 ('f i (ctl11ct1 unlearned and iguonm mm; 'h9 m~\\v1.:ll<:d {a~ the N.1~11.-,H1 diotttd, i.t'l:iit iu~1a,/w. 1lfo did at Chrill) how they camt: lJ~ chat new learning. nm be ur:jilf.U I], 1lr111t1 fid~s char, it is well oblerved, l hat our Saviour l'xclud(d not from dt.111, (!J'mrni .. his dikiplinc learned N ath1mecl and N icodem1M a maCl:er in IfrMI, fluia 'I>. ~1d ld.l: if he filculd have called fimplc ont:s only, it mighc have been tiin,~f <.'cn1:.11tl thought ~hey had been dccdvt:d out of their fimpl!cicy. True it is Clcr.Oxo.,,. I han de ftAr (and piety ic is). chc grcatcfl Clarks are not alwaics the witdl: mrn iR tht: things of God ; bccauft: k{'olvlul1.e p11Jfrth Hp; as ~c ~:~~r~ ic did the, where no Church ''as foundt:d, they wm: lo ftlf.conceiced: I' 1111! che babukr wa:> nu budy wich ch\.'m 1 ~h\: I\:;. fumtlion the~ derided as impu({ibk in natun:, and tcok 1t co ha \'i,; b~~n ~ome ihangc godddle, that Paul fought to bring in amc1ngl1 them. So, when tliofc three famous B:l110ps Cr(mmcr, ltttim~r and Ridley wuc prifom:rs at 0.\1m:J ( wht:rc allo they {u:frn:d) one ot them complains, That nor one: fchollar came at cht:m, 01: 1 fi1ew'd them any cumHtn:mce. UVl11w~ J'iir the tree of ~ 1101vlcd,re, J..f1 uftr proP!~' . . , ./ ~ a,1ct:i 1tf1J

ro:w/7 1nftr11llcd,,h11th Ph1lo;<md i11 foort JP11ce c.weUed not only tell Im ~llowJ, but hrs tc,1cl1crJ too. So diJ Daniel a11a hi& three com p1in1or.s, all.the wifr~men of B.iby/011, wh,fe book! theyrMd, 1wd wbofe hirmng t!.t] /o()k.fd into, whic'1 ( b.d they held it 11n/.nv fidl) tluy wo11N .u little h.'lve mccUed irith,a.1 wit Ii the meats th'1t Epifl. 84. . P came prmJ ~ .Sam. t he K 1.ngs fn,f1/e! faith S. Hierome: BM 1hu rra~ (as 11 be cHwhtr~ hath lt) to i~ring tlu [ivord ottt of Go/iahs h1md, and D;ut, 11 1 ,), t() rnt off hu hc.:d tlm~1vith: tbiI ll''U to fh"ve the captive lvomans

mur/y !ofe the tn:e of bfi, faith il b1thcr, The r1r./c.rr11ed"} ,,. 1va1 hr.aven, ,, hen\\'( '(rith ""?/Ir drfl f1WI S(i~l1C(,t 11>-e /!!tJJ!'ltd into hell. ~11d (itff"r 7c the \\i(e of thi.s \rurU, f.1ich :moch\.'r ,1~1~t [c,irch into ;;.1t11res furctJ, and ti{ctnd no hi~htr, to dj~cnd With II h . :r,i I II I (o~fi ' d . t I "" t e1r \\11J aumc 111to. ne11 : '"'fJl re :!an: arc o .e \\'>th t ie. \\'>:it ii "f God, ,141~11r ~oiung men and Pht/1..(vphrJ, 1h.1t dn~u:rd or ~mpri(omd the tr111h ir. m1ri.~htco11/rnJTc, Rom I. 18. :md were

fl.~ ""''''llrzt

1111ua1 r.1p;u11t ''tl!ln ~(c Aug. .~ ti IC (t1p:rmcJ bujcu fit uli al '" 1,a,, 1:111cr,t.:1'

Ptov ~


~Md, ~,,J pa>-c IJ,~ 11~d.1 1 .ind (v to m~~ _l1~r to wi/;, Hum~nity 1rny b.. firlY. ultd ~s ~ l1md- m:ud to DlVlnuy, or 4S Diers colour t.he cloth With fom~ mfer;our co}Qur. firlt, tlut they may make 1c a

lighrtd on S.it11fd'] il! Srncc,1'; 9.6. EFilllc: diilrilmm>n of tJpll's 111 ;,11 ,, 011 m {bbk, wre{t unto their own ddhurtion. Theodoret m~mionech among the p~ople,in 1l11tervbim his SHturn14/s :- Pmgator> in Vi>' 1J:o1111114b ccS.Blljils lh~rp repl> to ~>ne !Jem?ff!m1es, who bi:ing but an offi.;. tJl1.'./1u ..ds, &c. Bimb:u thl!Cardinal cdsu:,oflii~S.Frrp1c15, cl;jial{ 11111c.. c~r ot the Emp.:rours km:hm> uur!l: encounter that Dotl:our of the Thu he wa~ reckoned by the: Rumii11 Church in the r.umbtr of the "1.ius tfi 11 'l'.'.11!!1111itr(J11 whok world wich ~vrdl:ed Scripmrcstfr belo"'V to 1t1 (tin unltt gods. He mrans1 he Wil:>l;ilnonii.1:d for"' ~11im, Dm th-. C.u:dina\ lp1JrV1tn.;t 4 ewu."rJjrvMI lcrcJ pcr(o11 )to /onk ~o the pormgepot.Our SlVmUr (I gram)chofe aff~C\i;d todllivct. bh~~d~ in.H~>Hh~n bnglnge. S~did P"mprmim. ~'eJ''~'""' unkam~d men to~ his D1fciplt:~; but be made them leami b~fore Lif-IH-1 hi!



ot chc Philofophtrs. Tht: PapiHs aHo t~~rus, That Wt:. may lin~k fc 1: Jrr<if, !;,11. peitett: purple. W1fdomc fendcch torch the Arcs asher maids to t~1l'Jr hl->1)1 WJCct, :rnd fi1rid.l10g of kpukLt<.:s,i11 'Ju?mtol'1 fix:l1 S1- ''."" 1 c.l"1 '. 1' 11 ~ cal~ chem inc.o chc City,co.h~lp .hun to the better undcril::mding of cyr:t he1r l'1:;ht~lll . fi1.:pUCJILS l l . \' . ~. ., . ' l IW" 111 ' ,,/ m. tt<t()1.rn!.S 11s Oc!.PHH; am~,s ai .. r.;."'"'l'I.' the holy Scnpm1 LS: . wh:cn el ft:, chc:y that are unlearned and un11 "

rherdor<: dt1iven.:d up to a nprub::tc knfr~or ln i11jud:ciom mindt, w /ujh 11Lr wr,28, fo thlt cht:y o.:canll: tl:e !Jtreti1't1 fl,ari:~n.f.s, as f"ert11l- ~/,1wi.lin 1 i1 11 . nl h h i . . l d 1 l . 11 . o:u .. , irn, I1.w m ct t i.:m ! Jl' HI~ IW 1'.H t 11ng to I 1.::lV, Thar d!VLfS :In .}. 'l. .. lt.1 f.1/itd. cienc haecikcs drew thtir ~rronwu~ op~n10ns lJut ot the wmm'bs ; 11i~1},i.o; c;~


AaT s.
L.ttlll rh:it 3miquuy. Hi5 name was Petm&, buc he changed it fl,r Pomponi11J a Roman name. : he called .him{elf alfo 'DiHator, and Wtlt(hipp~d R'!mufm, {aath Ludo: Viver. Such another a.. late was c.1f1a/i9 the Ciceronian Trar.ihtour of the Bible : And before thmi all, vfrtrrrm the Ara/Ji.m Phyfitian, who fo madly .l'Jl//c./. Ch1oa admhts 1115 ~h{h:r ~riftotle, :is that he doubts not to fay, thlt 11 -!60. them is no errour robe found in his works.. his learning W!l~ rhe chkf cruth, and th:lt his \lnJ~tltanding was the utmo(\ bound of humant: undet{hnding ~ that he v,i:is thi;: rule and pa tern that nature invented, wherein to fet ~arch chc ucmoll: pertedion of a m:m,~~c. And when he died, cried ouc, Sit aHim11 mea cum Phi/o(Ophu. Lee my fou\ be where the Philoiophers fouls are. The (olonienfu in D.PriJcau~ ~x deed ft:t torch a book, De fa.lute Ariflouli4, of the ialvation ot A .Az.r ppa & riftotle, and affirm, Thlt he was Chri!ls fore-runner in naturals; B.1fao. u 7oh11 Baptill was in fitpernatunls. And whether Er11/m111 was J'.x pojfum ma in carnefi: or in jdl, I know noc ; buc in his Preface co T uUin Tu[. 'o'ltiuerc qui11 rnlan Qudlions, he hath this piece ofLetany, I c11n hard!] fir dicam, (4nllc hear (aying, Saint Socr"tes pra1 fir u.1. When he was ready to So&ratcl ou1 die, he often rcpern:d this !pc:cch, Domine, fac fi11em,fac finerru, pro no'1u Make an end, Lord,. make an end : but what he meant by tho(e Joh," lor, words, I wot not. faith .A1elanllhon. Sure it is, his Saine Socra 'om.p,u6. teJ could then doe him no good. !11ftin Mar17r tds us, That he l<:ft his Gentilihnti upon reading a piece ot P/1110: and holds ( buc groundldly ) that thofc that lived ,u~ ~~>" ( that is, according to the rule of rea(o11) before Chrill came in the flcfh, were to be counted sood Chrilti:lns, althou3h chey had no hope, underlbndAIWJl'fil

but names it nine fevcraU times in cen verfcs. All the learning th:it he cared for was to l.itow refm Chrifl, 1ind him crurlfiul. To Mul.3~10. know him 1 l fay, not notiomlly only, and ouc of chc book (for fo every Catt:chif mc teachcth him ) but experimentally: to know the power of his death, and chc vcrrne of his refurreClion : co have
a Biuk Uampt in.his head, and the countcrp:ine of the Covenant

graven in his hem. This. chis, is the only learning, wichour tht! which all othcdcarning dodl bn light mm into u~t.;:r da1Kndh,
Of ~lonitu a certain Poet it is m:ordt"d, that he was for l<'.arning eve1yway fo ab!oluce and accomplil11ed, char he gave place to no man chm aliv~. Eratoflhenu was firpn:imed mvn0.>.0, bec:mfe hecoul~ di!~utecx~cllemlr j_n any. art whatfoLver. IJ_tmocrwu Was sk1lfull 1n all k1ences, '31th SmdM: there was nochmg wherein he could not pL1olikcly profelk,faith Cicero. H1ppiM Elem was wonc to boart, Thu there was nothing in any arc which he ~new noc of, whether libcrall or illiberall ; for with his own hands he made the ring he wore upon his finger, the coat upon his bJck, the n. ,.,(.. as Tull] tl' 1 moes upon hJS f cc:c, i..:;-c, s us. A rtflot/e was a rnagazine of learning, and is therefore ( as afore -hid ) over- aJ mired by Averroes, and was abundantly rewarded by .A/e:~andtr the l>reac, who gave him for his book, D t n11tura anim.di11m, eight 11undrcd talents. G111G11, who tnnfhted thac work of .Ariftotle mto la tine, and dedicated it co Pope Sixtm, met not wich fogood a match, For when he ha d brought and prelented the book very richly bound up in vdvet, and boficd with gold, the Pope ( thac

'1IWJ'dc1., ii 1(r.,(P

;:~j~'lcnir111, mel ;




Nl 1hdil rxcp1e. " r quo non proficbJtur J\c.1d.que/1,,. Cic.3 de orat.


Heu ma.le nur.c h"~,es mi1_crtU ... fa:cu 4 lrd

Slc IJan.Com. .,_,,,ega and r .,r n .,_,en~tor al{'o t he r"rmrn1an A L h, I G J, I' In r u;rorrii. r ragetL\ and {11t

ing, nor cafle of the fucurc rel\aurarion by Chrift. This Paradox w"s l\iny def~ndeJ in th\; Co\.mc~l o{ 'l'rrnt by AnJr,,Jh11J Sm1,

to~~ e a e ' deny thu propojirion ,No man can be faved that unot k..,nit toChrift D Prilrau~ by" tr11e f.1ith. But the Scripture atfometh,That there is no other Lctt.~c {alute name undtr hc1vt:n when:by to be faved, but only by the name of ~~,.~~ Jt:fu~. t\nd S. Auflin (though he ycelde_th that by the readi~g of. Ci 'Lib i'onftJJ. cero s H ortenfi :u, he was t:iken ott: from the hope of vJm thmgF, , 4p i and the ddirc ot t:arthly cares,& p~ rl waded to tht love of wi{dom, and comemplacion of the things above ) yet he cannot but fay, that nothing more cookd his :itkction toward thlt book then this, that he found not in ic cbe name ot Jtfus. This to a true (;hriClian , , IV i~ me! in D'Y't> me/01 iH.111n.juhilum in tD'Y'd6 J honey in his momh 1 Cur, 1 1 1


~ulick in his ear,

jubilee in hi~ hem~

s. P1111/ cannot come ett ~c,


dderv(:d a gn.:ac honourary t?r fo proficaolc a piece of work. But Afln~~~fla'",.,, to return co has AUthour Anflotle, whom all worrh1ly txtull for 1111m~vitjabu1;1. hislearning, nocfofurhi~hom:fiy. In the Town of S1uck_4ra in at iflcm<>vtbar Germtm) ,a certain Doctour of Divinity preached, That the Church aurer. mightl>e 1ukd.and caught concerning God, and the things of God ouc ot Ariftotles Philatophy (his Echicks dpccially) thOuzh the lbiJ.47 8 Bible we~~ loll out ot rhc worl~. Wliere~s he h~mk\t contdlech. i\rillor,Eihlc. the d1falnl1Cy of rnorall knowledge to rett1fi.: enc mrempnancc of /,7 cap.f &4. nature; and mide ir. good in his pnCl:icc ~ tor he ukd a common 1<..~mu11 in tbeo. fi:rumpec tofacisfie his Jult He was :.tlfo acculed ac Ath.-111, :and pr.ejat. bmilhed imo Ch11'cu~ uccaufe he had evil opinions of rhl~ Ddry, fay 2jvm Aue hours. J\s for his Dninity, whkh he cals his Mm

made: an- lifcinina purJit fwer fourty trowns. The Popt! aHowcd him (o much moreyJ and h:11110 Prop I.a . fo d;fm1lI~d that l~at1~ed man without any funhcr r~ward, who ~;,~ Mllll.lllf,



him what theouc-fidc O:ood him in;


Lu.;Jitqut fl~rl


~ ~




kolil11 and impious piece ol fophilhy chat ever was wrim:n. 'THu1 Oflim.i:rim. a.r was a great 1cholhr! no doubt, and he knew ic. Two t11i 11gs,faith 11um[m1.ttci111. he, lh.wnoglor1m, myk.,no'ltJ/eJgeo(goodtirtJ, t1ndmyivflging C9' maxi1naru1J of.vut t1E!-r: tlu firft l\1 htreof fhaU #tvtr b~ taf<!n fi'om me,while re 7 u1' r.lori<Jm, tt!ivr, the ftcond no not when I am d!'ad.There WJS one th'lt wrote &';Lib 7,cp /amil!ar. an Apology torTH/11 (faith 114dmllhon) and commended him ~il:l Pompc:o for a holy man, and a good Chrifii:m: becaufe he foch (omewhere ,onfif-s, cj11J'1i R 'prehmdfJ peeram nu,,. &c. I cond<:mo mine own err ours for plrtes facutur that I cru'.kd to Pompq, and took his pare. And Lotam1u L'ova J]~ri~~Jm\ ,~,. 11frnjir wrirrst TIJtu ihcrc u~M no Rr.ber faii/1 (VHnd in 1Jbrnhimu ,om g 1 d ;16 11~h4t ll'..i& foHn~ ;,, Cic~r~, Where~S ,/J~rfJh,1 ,,, [J 1 v mJ J~,, 4 ,iceront. lin~u;; btth C hr~fi, 11nd rr)'JymJ: he: walked ~1th lio~, and WJS u,.,righc: omnesjcre m1 Not_fo C~c:ro. H1-:1 ton.~u~ we ~IJ '"'"'~re, faith AHguRine, 14ot 'a~1uv,pcfl.u n? (o hu prtUhce: And bow lmle h1s.learnmg could doe for him (tor ital JCqnwi~,;o 4 L<Hf la~ k oft ate h) w hen ht: came to d1e, t bat tpeech of his futficaencly Nc(do
imkci/JM cjl
Jlic,lid1t:i q11.0111

phyl~cks, w_h~r<:.of he writes Ii books i Jc is, faich Rt1rnf'.4 .them~(\;

mcdmmiblc, whol(Om~ Words, fu,h as hilYc a healing propet:ty in u;ramvm ~ ~hem, a~ the ~ord.figmfics. For elfo the war? profitech noc, rmle({t: J , ''be ~1xt ~Ith /'11th : yea the bare let ttr k11Jetb (I fay nor, lcar 1lcb 4,,. nmg lulleth, as that lgnmimw once mil\ook the matter) buc tk6 i,u brne ca'Vifli fPirit 1.ivcth lift. Erll[m111 was as wdl ken in thl! text as another, r.c tc u/1.-i otci and did a great deal of good by his l:itine tranfiuion, g:we much d~~cpojfit: r1ght to lt . b h. A . dp . . Li!CIQ n11. y 1s nnot~uo~s an . a!aphra~cs'. I>cltd~s his other 14 rjl ilmar.ul .. worthy work~,hc took mfimcepams m furb101mg chc hchm.Thu 101ibi.

mov~s. upon

the: face of thcfc waters, (Hrs them, and mal<cs th<:m . ,


one 1h111g (faith he) I d~u ~oldly affirm, Thtit s.Hi.:roms bo!Jk,..S s Tho Moore. ~e11m cof! him ra msich p.iti>fJ ~n m.dting th~m. tU they htt.vt cojf md ,,u;j nr!ft-t . "' r'fformg rlmn, .. .hnd ytt for all this we nnnos 'dl whu to l.Tafiwrn c,putr. ' f-or matter of re l'1g1on. ' ,/". ' ' ' ' 4.J .(l,r1JU1U /4., '!1a keof (1~1~l, Erii1 mm .,, re/Jg.ant: {ilf~ tuiJ!i:top:ul ~~~1,a1&-,ta1th BucholcerHI. He wasas foon wjth Proteftants,and Mtnorii arbi


Wltndktl~, l know n.ot how! b#t (o it u, the muiicine u then the ~ifeafe, It IS nochmg but true faith, that can fortifil! the w.orb"' he: re aglanll the fear ot death, StnecA and foch like have fee forcf\ Null"' mi bi per what a mercy mortality is, what a hal'lpindfo thst we can lole Olll' otium Jics exit 1iv1 s w. hen we l ih, l. ' partc10 nott1u11' how contented a man l11ou\d be with life, how fiul~t 'L'f!nJi'o cour~gmus m.dca~h, &~. A great ~hiloiopher he was, and a clofe rion vaco f l}mw 1 fi~dmr, as htm[e:f Ct!lbfi~c.h. A m1g~cy man he W1S furely, faith tcil 1u,~umh1, Lspfim, and a mighty ipmc works m them that reade him. Bue <J ~ii.~~ 1Hf'I' )'~t .l b; Y?urleave) he c~at ~all read Dio C affim his td\imony .zfe1cet4 batDr ot. him, w11.l ~carcc take. hm:i tor an ~one{\: man. He falutcs his cxoletii, i.lrJs fn~nd Luc1l11u_ chus, ~ Ph1lofo1harM b~,re cff, t,'l,o quidem Phi Neron' 111 J1nerc lo(o fhor- But lus pra~1cc was mo!l: unph1lo{oplucall, t-h1 erivc:ighcd Ja.uer~t : ctft. agamlt Co;.trtparahces, yet was ever himfdfat Court ; He decea11teJ t :1,:,~J~1t fi:ed fhttcrers, when none H1u~red more rhea he H uu,1hc ch1 rlJOUJ 1 /~vi:rL {\ l . d .b c.: '7 .,a ,u ab tO/t~ icy, lU( wa.s coo mwar ~1c V'fgrippina the mother of Nero, 9 11 1 teret,tJe (G of'u ~od ~aught h\m by his praa:1te that abhorred uadc of unn:lturnU 1awur,>ieve hlchmdle. He rcprovt:d rich men, but gat :i val\: efi:ate .. and con e111a(ew'l1.c.e- dt~ned lux~ry, when hunl~ll had five hundred fiools, ot Cedar, nandr '~ 11!1 With kec ot ivory, and every thinCJ elle anfwerable Thus ~ba J1fi;umucret. I and l'h 11 rp h.1r may , t> D; Nero. na' 1ervc to fcour and rinfe, but 1ordt1n only can cure. the lt:per~ . Le:unmg and Ph1lofophy may barb and curb corrupuon: but it ts the Scripture only th11t f!)veth more gr1&ce as '.bm 1,C, ~r ?~m~s h:\th 1t, and ~o~h il pcrh:C\ cmeup~n checonkkncc.And that IS only tOOJ W~~~ lt 1~ !~~~~~~ ~~ f~~ ~0. by t~C fpitit j who

as Coo~ with PapHls, a.nd fo was wdl thought of on neither fide, tror Hicr~~vmo loft his good cfi:cem with all, B e~r1 thinks he was not found in the fr~os ronfi 1tiffe 011 0 doB:rine ofthe Trinity. And it wasa witty truth put upon him libm ' b~" ' bY f h" fi d ( h h' r. lL l . . . quam r.G u re,0~~. o JS nen .s. as e 1~1c r re ates It) concernmg ~us En /lirutor E.1~1011 chmaion of a Chrall:um fould1cr 1 ThAt there WM mor1 ho/1,tJe.JTe to .hi1;01 in Ro . 6~ fo~nd i11 hid boo ft, then in th1 Aulhour of hu book. R11ram fd.. Pfus fa~1~i~n~ 1 cit vtrl'!l CHm fdentia mix1uram, faith one. Learning and grace ~ ~ c~n:pict '".. .meet not but in a few. G1'1eH the u~ief Phyfiti~A deridt:d the Bible. ~;-~bc(lo, :;~ 1 1 ~flr4c,/(~ wisan ~theil\, cind (if .Er~J1"' belie him nor) a Magi- re. c au ' c1an. Vlp1A11 the chief Lawyer was a bloody perfccucour. Batd111 lob.a woovm an Arch.patron of the Popes fupremacy; and yet tht:y were wont in Potyrra1bl1c. to fay of him, Th11t ht1k....11e11111/J th"t WtU k.._11o>vable. Toffatm ( o. ~.1~:deci.lct1 thcrwife called Ahulenfis) was omnium ftientiarum, eMfri1M eu:n ~g~:~=d~ ru.mi ~rca & tmpori11m, A magazine or mare of all fciencc:s ; fo Ncanu. Cbroi. sktlfull m c:ach,thac one would have chouoht he had tludied nothin11 p 9 r. elfe but thac, all his life long. Hefides, ithe had h:id all his work;, lta infi111ul'4

he i~ thought to havl! written is many n1eecs as he lived d:iics and JtJ;t!Jj l!'v~fi!,. ut d down t hefr t the trroNr oft heJflC , '!JTlllll llll"Ci yet came . ream ot t he times wach tantr{rntoti 'UI k,:d, as S.Peter hath tt, 2 Pet.J.17. And as Calderi,ou his con- t1i fuee Jernrfa


temporary was wont co fay, whcuhe went to Ma{fe1 Eam"4 11tl operamdcdijje co~.m~11em e~rore.m1~~ ll:ickk~tifly for. t1ntichrift.Laudo acumen "Uidpret.ur.lso'llm Jim mebora 1ne1d1J{ett.or11 longe maximi1faith Cttfaubon. ~"it" 'l.itA It .was his unhappineJle chat he tell upon Cuch bad cimcs, elfo he c~fa~~.'exm. m1g~r,likdy~ b~vebeenbctcer. I was anob(Haitc Papi(l; (faith in B"""'' Latimer of h1mklt) il:i any w1s in; Infomu~h thilt when / l G1ould be m~dc liach~lour in DMoity, my whole argument wen~ - , .A a~ i againft



;gii~~~ Ph.ilip-Alcl.~~-n.;;,,.t md his o?inions: Bil11e1 heard me ac tnllt cime,and \ltrct:lved that I was zealous ~1thouc kn~wl~dge~and AU.and Mon. came w me ahcrwards in my_{\udy,and ddtrcd me, tor ~ods fake 0 Jel.9' ' co hear his conh:nion. l did (o;. and,to lay che truth, by hl5 con~ef fion I learned more then afore in many years. So from that umc forward I began to hnell the W, ord of G~d, and for~ake the fchool. DoClours, and fuch like foo~cnes. Horrible ba~~an.fme had over{pre ad the eye of whole Chn~t:~dom.c. To bl! a Grect:m.~as grown {ufpicious, bur co be an H,brn:aan, ~1ttl~ le_Hc then heretlcall. Roloh.Minl l~t. dulphHi vigri,olt1, and ?oannu l apmo hved cogecher ac tf f.7del 0 ' P\ 1 '' bn~.Rodulphiu interpreted Greek Authours ~o the young iludc~ts~ Capnfo read them an Hebrew lcd:ure, but puvacdy, ind to a ftw . only, tor tear ot chc Monks, who were imd at. that generall refu~ rcCl:ion of all good learning and language, a lmle bcfor~ the recea .. ving of the Cofpcl. For as m.the fir~ plantacaon there.of m EHrope, God !hipped the ans before mto Greece, c~ac. they might be as h:ir5 ic cam Ii bingas ~mt~ ic, AS rz:ttttllil~an fp~ak~t~ i So m thefe ~~t~r ages, the gwitu!ccri i 4 Lord nm:ndmg a retonn:mon ot rcbg1on,. fee up the lurk to overl{l.iTI. run Grucc, and by that means feat over mto che~c Wefiern parts divers lt:arm:d exiles, as Chr7(olor'!', Trapc::.unmu, G.1::::..'I (~ho Paul Jo'"i;., tr:mllatc:d ru11 1 de fcncEfote mto Gre.ek) ~rgroph1l111, Cl?ttli o~ r.lo;i_ijr vircr11m dJIM, c 1donim (who mn~ated hkew1fe Thom_M A~u'~'!"-h1s lilern i_lluflriu. works) M"mu Mu(urtll (W&th who_m Era["!'" hved tan:i1lmly)
t_llG1ralJ. Hrr1m1im1u Sp11r1i11tii, whom C"PHIO hea!d m Fr~nct, as hq had v1alof. Vo/am. done Aro1rop111/114 in Italy. Thefe were Gods fir{\ m{humcms to 1 0 ~ml 1oralogl 6 / . h l n.l {1. f t w ld At r rd\ore humane learnmg t :1t was a mou. o 1 out o t ic or

. --ltlOtbersflde) and many others. B11cha11An indeed the s~ot com.

A-a. T


pl11ins, th!lt he was born,ntccm!o. MIC (Ola. Nte / er11dit1, in by Sir rob .. ;~ 11eitb-carned_ air1 foil 1nor age. But as theH1C\:or_.'an faith ol !lr 1J/'~ P~~ Cox, . .M.lohH Chee.ft {Tut0urs to \C Edw 6) that th0ugh they m:1,u .E:f~ were men of mean birth,yet were they fo well dteemed tor vtrtuc piJu,quam Eu and learning,that they might well be fa id to be bora of. themfel ves. ripid~1 ex ~, .. So may it be faid of that Prince of Poets B uclwian ,He ws an ht1 "~i:lai f ~rnili nour co his counmy, better kn~wn by him. perhaps abroa~, ~hen ~~~~.eAd.i~:'"'' 111 he by ir, asltttle Hippo was by great S.eAuftin. ":, But to prO(ecd : Alter that humane learning began thus to;re_i Rourith an~ hfc up the hea.d,Divinity alfo.tbat had been lhamt:fAHy:

Lite ef


oblcurcd and nurri!d with needlcffe and cndldlc doubts and dif... putes, was vindicated and illullrated by the knowledge of latine, :, .. .... '" Greek and Hebrew (the dignity and ftudy whereot the holy lihoil: fceius to intimate that ho would have ever k~pt afoot in thc:Cburch by the infcripcion of mu Saviours title on the crolfc: in thole three tongues) and all frivolous and fruitlem: fchool-quirks taken out of the way, young ftudcms were put "pon \he reding of the Scriptures, in ftead whereof; till then, little was heard in the Church 1buc the dotages of Monks, and legendary fables. Then grew up that f ~- 111tpcrium litt lix provtntHI, that golden age of glorious Divines famous and raru'!' e(I pem .matchleffe for depth of learning and height of holinrs, I fpc:ak not )'{'""' ~ 11 4i'f1

heret>fJe(uices, who brag that the Empire of learning is within "

~:~ci Mcclull' which time alfo he vouchfafed to naankinde the ~now ledge of the
lifl eJcl flJI 1.

Art ot llrinting, which is faid to ha VI! been fidl: mventtd at Str~f borow in, by ?ohn Grlltenberg a Monk, where ~1kew1fe [ohn Mrmtrliu1 prinkd tht! ttrfi: book~ ~nd ~h.H was 7:1tUm Ojfi crs: the copy whm:of is kept in the _pul>ltke l1brar~ :i.e. Frtmk~r~ to this day for a monument. After thls,tbe Prt ~e was trantl~ttd fir it to Mcnt~, and thrn to Rome by 1oamus G,1/l1naccm .Ar.d lllOr~ ly after, there were printed at f' Arid, .Antwerp, J/en~ce, and dtvr:rs other pl:ices, the works offun'11Y learned mw, fiamd up ~y Cud to frtch the Arts back out ofminifhmuor. ~uch as were m /tal , Bembus, Sado/e1u1, ]/illorim ; in German!, E-,.afm1:1, 1
.JVttf11 n[Jhon, Camerariur, StHrm~uJ: Jn France, lhsd~tu, Sif 'lJiui. Turneb1n, Lambimu t here m England, L~1dovmu P111ri


~' TkcrntU Moor, Lilly 1 Li#Ak,tr. (my m:~1 ~mfm1m by th,


their dominion, and that we have not a fchollar on oor fide. The Cardinal (fuch is his candour) in his book of ctddiaA:icall writers, Truffeti ~ontin doth not vouchfafe to name any pne of ours : under whofo table ot Daniels hi A:: (nevertheleffe) it is evident that he: f(raped together moll: of rh~ of Englt11'1l,f' crums,that he maketh ufe of.Great kholla~,we grant,they .are ma- i ., ny of them. And yet w~ dou~t not to fay of th~m,as the Chromcler v~'t~ 1 :f:~~ doth of D,ShAw and trier Pml\,et(that were R.~hard ~he ~ .factours flultu eruJiti ro obcrude balhrdy on K.Etlw.4. and fg to ddable his r;haldrc:n for videre ,,eli111 {ucceffion) Tb4t th11 \\11,-1 of g~1At1,- ltifrHin! thtn honeHJ, and ~int:ln llfpi. tt of more rtp"tt thtn /ur11in": btil l/4ch 1 thAt more r3arded Leg~teioru"11Jfttb _ , ..-, I" ces uetelRrdc 1 ~1 thu$11or11n110be11cco~nted ltAr~t , thm b1 the l111rn1 to "' mari.e:qui inttr ' 311d,ged 1gnor11nt, Inter 11ulollos mam (orydHs (o11at. To learned opilio11e1 re i<I . men thole {eem fools, thlt to fools feem lcar!Jtd, bit h !2.!lintilia11. if_it4nt IUr~f}_e Atturneys {Laich anotbtr) amo11gfiv11i111 are tak,!n for /.nl11er1, a- rttu,11e op1t10 ong law7er1 they hArd/7 have the tjlttm offw1tin1. Jduites have i!,m 1r'"e~ a notable faculty oHetting the bell: fide outward(as is. noted bLtor~ ben'::r.~~~ 1~; of S11phe11 Gard11er) ind ot boafiing tbeutfdvc:s for iome great c m1cus p. 1Jf . A II 3 . 1"1j11g,



., .



s Sam. S 6

Aa. T


thiNg, as Simon M~g111. The Jebufites boalled and infulred over David, that he lhould not enter their tower of Sio,,, though there B1ip.Mor. 4 a. werebuc tome few bliodeand lame to defend it. The Jefu! crack as f aA: of thdr power and prQwelft,could they but gN us o our paper ca(Uc of ~cr1pture-celHmomes into tlte open field of achers and Councels (as Briftow phraleth it) whit they would do to us~ whu b:il>ks they would m:ike of us. But bow wdl they have-done it, let all che world fee in thdr concercataons and concroverfies with ourwhim~rs and R"inolds(co go no furcher)m:u1y of whofu works remain ycc u1unfwm;d, ind~ed bccaufe they 1m: unaofw~ra ble. For D.W'him~rs;one that knew him wdl, ind knew as well D Ha/I criil. what he faid ot ham, gives him this teltimony,.rbitt Hefler ma11 ~c:~;~:;.M #im ~i#Jout reverence, #or heArA him 'WithoNt ~onaet-. And tor D. Rtfinolds, He \\'M (faith the fame Autbo11r) A welt foriPn li/J.,.ar1. fi11l of .1/J fM#lties, of alljlHtlies, of all le1m1ing: -hofe rtA





~~ading ~when he gave Solomon Wi{dome to fee in or. der {o many Proverbs, and co dikourle ot (o many particu::m,from .the Cidar tO the fiUUb I When he gave his people ii J{ irintb-fpli~ 1 ~ Cicy of kccm or books (luch as our U11iverfities are) co be um6l thtm,as the library of AlexAndri is fa1d to bc,phyftck tor che foul. .D~v1.:rs ot the Patriarchs arc held to have been &ktltull m ph~fick, and thert:forc fo wdcome to Kings,as Abr11hAm afld 1(aac to Ph,,. r11~h and Ahimelcch.From the month of AJAm,faith one,M ftr:m a fe11nttdH ifuttl.1'/ rhe pyoji,.hlt doffrinr. difcipline, ~:ifdumc .,,Hd k.>1owltd11e lhAt iJ in 1ht World. The longc1.1lry "f ,he F"'rh~r s 1 , b .J 'd ~ h b1fore the Jlouel ~M "'Work.of GoAI pro vs enet, 1or t e perfier1n1. of the fa111fce1, f:uch another. /11phet di[perfea ~brOAa h~ E1mpe the JofJrine of tht pr1mifed [ettl,faith a third,which 'WiU afterwara
co/Je&ltd"ndconfervedbJ the SibjUs, ~hen itvegan1obeforgot te#.Hence tl\e ancient Sages fetcht whatfoever found thing they held coRc:crning God, the immortality of the foul, rhc dur.1tion ut :Bmpires,&c .A/Jr~ham1 ph1lolophy is thus dc:lcribed by rhilo the Jew, who might have H by tradition. He rtduc..:d all the eff ds of thetecond cautes to tht fidt cauttimmediatc. He dad not amibute to the Sun the light of the day, nor co the clouds rain, nor to the eyes fi~hc, nor to tht:ears hearmg, norto the othernt:Xt infiru. mencs oftcn(c che caufe otchdr faculty, bucrefcm:d all to the So vc:raign head, the Creator ot tubibnccs, the giver of torms, the (t1Uk oh;aalcs,c~c. Jofphus and E11ft'1i1u cdl us, That A6r,,h,.m taltght the Matht muiks in E1,1pr. Nt1ct1er wane there cho~c chJt th1.:w a book that was made, as rhty 1ay, by Mofas and his filler Miriam,conctming Alch1m1; wb1\:h 1san .ht \\ itho11t art, faith of (ometbsng r11 1. 1alC Il anoc h on,,A muluplpng n!Jt hing, .t:r. l\.nomne,aliqurd,nihil,thac A1ofes, l bdaevc ntvcr dreamt ot: nor was it any partot the w1lJom ot Eg7pt ,whercm he was lowdl mlhucttd atia txcdlt:d, A El 7 n. And 11/tf!o11gh ht Wtre mi_t,hty in 'Word .i10d dwl,yet ht' hath ld t us nochmg in writ mg of hi~E.g7pt1an karning, n<'thingoi the uu\. ruiondl pht'lufophy.wh1ch he boch leamL'd and taughc long before: Merc11ri111 Trijmevflm Was bom (whom yet lamhlicNJ m:.ikts the firlt authour ot Egyptiiin Arts) S.tAmbrofa g1vts the rt:alon i becaull! ht rlce1vcd Gods S'"pirac, as the fervant of Lod,faithfull in all his houtt:,he preferred the htavcnly trucb bt:fore t hat, vain earth ly phi Iofophy ; an d fec down t uc h t b.mgs on1 y, as he judged fie for the: furtherance of our faith: Arts are a rich blelHng e>~the LordJ and it was then, and j~ ever to be wifhcd>that all Uods '1 aa 4 ~~it~~

Jo fl,. f 'I I 'f 1i 1li .J.IJif ii:l


;J! c/ ~1~.,
",cl{' gtllhtb.

~~, ~

, 1


quaJi mcJcia , p:1LUi:11jive p 1' 1'1i. IS~c~nJn.

Juwo " "' Numd Cbro1I.

loh"fion: le Nat11r.e Con..

/i41Jlf4 66.

'Diog Laert,

~t ~atlil tan

or. '
i z,

Jing, Who(e memor1 \\'M ne11r to 11 mir11cle. He WM (f:Utb another forroign writer) A li'lltnt, lihrr1 .third V niv1rj1;. Gentitu(who yet loved him not) cou\d not but confdfo, That he knew the civa law as wdl as himtdf, who yet was the Kings protdfour for the laws in the Univ~rli(y of Ox,SrJ. Thefecame not co che Divinity fchools itM~'.v,,.-101, halfaippeel, as LNcian phraicch it, buc chorowly dii!d, and Wt:ll pro\f1dtd ot humane learning. Spe,,pppus was wont to fay to fuch as camt: t(i) his pnalofophy-icbuol without mufick u1d G1:omi:cr)',Gct 70" henu: for 7011 "1Aut the hantlles dHA hllnamaid.J to Philo(oph1. PlAto in his Common-~eahh, caUcth thotc bfl11rJ Phi\ofophas, who think th~y can attam to other arts w1thouc the hdp ot Logick. V nskilfotl Logict11ns, faith ht:, cr11ths in pitces a1 curs JI) clouts. Our Lord Chri~ (che Arch prophet and great Doetuur oi his Church) though he be not tied ro ichooh or means, hu~ cin make an Afie confute his mafter,and doth otc chuk tht fim.:. ple to contound the learned ( wht.n it was iwmtully dtmandt.d, It s,u,l al{; among the Prr.phet1! one of eke tame place: 1m{Wen:d, B Ht who i4 th~ir father ! As who ihould fay, Prl?phecy cumc;s not fo much by mans teaching a& ~od~ ; ,hrn:hm; wumicr not th.-c Sa11/ propbefies, though not bn:d a {c:hollar) y~t himtdf honourt!d

1, 1,,' 1.

{~~;'~f "~,., 1

IMt!b.Jcpro1.: 'l Delrius ;,, dif'I.

Nag t, q. q. ~{'ii 1: '/1 arri/::"'~

pm cum pa11e1 11ed1u111 tfl (lrt

uj-"' ,,~;e ~'(ti

n~eflmcntt1'JP' nu r inen11/,4. iuiu ire R tb.

,, um hu 11, ~

~ 11 c y/I er.
6' flmn11a1M rt1itat Libia1ti"'

1 .,.~:! ;y4 .,,

fchouls, wh\:n ~(ate among tht: D<dours, both ht:aring th<.:111( tor ltarning fake,) and askmg tht:m qudl:1ons : When he p1tcht upon P 11HI, khollar to GAmaliel, tor an deet Yt. 1d t0 bur h~ namt to the G1#tilt1, and to bt: able at vtthenJ to d1frure philulop!ucally ~jt~ t~~~~ ~~!l~~P~!~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ !.~''""'1 to g1dvc: at ~~n .. a~~~

'~~~brabti~ni ~"" 011 P a '"' e deripflt


l'b1~0/01bic do:J_tln12~ .,trl


&6.6. Hex~~= c,a!

Maftbil of'I.:a-U,iJ




faithfull m~[engers were endued with fuch excellent pares of h~m.3rekarnmg,as Mafes was. Bue, VPhAtu thech11Jftotht 'Whtat? hovr fa1~h th.c Lo~d, to thole ~hat preached mens devices, and fou~hc out vain chmgs m tkad of Gods word, fer. '1 ;.28.Cl:riving to ple.afe the people, a~d co foe up chemld~cs, oilentation et cheir own gifts Qnd kunmg. rhc 3 J. f film JS mmuled, DAvit/1 ltdt'Hing. tnd was penned co teac.h the unl~arned how co gee true h1ppiaeff;. And Solcmon cal~ch rh1s kn<i>Wledge Wi(doms or K nowietJgn. And Ir;, cillech thlt a /tarnea.1ong11e, ch:ic ftudieth out cafes ofconfcience, lfl. fo.4; and fpeaketh a word m due fcafon; lob cals him an /nurpreter oni l1b 3J.J3, of~ thou(ltnd, th:it dechreth unto man hisrighteoufnetfe,&c. How vam then are tho(~ that count nething worthy co be known buc thefc earchly lear~1ng~,and (pend all their time and fiudies in chem? as the Heath~n d1d, c11l th~y become almofl as heathenifh. Their f pu.e-heurc tndeed, and as t w..:ic Eor ic:~i,:uion fa'kc, many ot chc anc;1em.Fachers fpcm, and nor unproiicably, in Heathen Authours. partly fo~ the bettering .of thei.r ~ile, as Chr1fiflomt:and pardy fo; confutat10? ot heat hem~ op1mons and fu2erllitions, as Clemens A~e x4ndr~nus ,&~. whach lnlde f Hli11n the apo{hte cry out, Prt1.A~.,1. P."':Jf ptn111Jconfig1m#r,.wearc beaten withourt>wn weapons.Thus S',P a HI heat th~ Athe111ans;thus.Arnobi111 in a lohy and lively {lilc bc~ts the Gn1~J/e1, after thtt h1mfdf had written fome things a Vtinat11 w11 n1. gam~ th~ Chntltans,bcforc he was convened from Gtntilifm;.Hu , 11,potuif!.t for hrs fide, was called the Chriflian C~f4r,as L'4[fn..,tius(his icho! '011ftr111a~e qua lar)wa~ call~~ the Chrifti11n Cicer11. S.Hierom pa(feth thiscenfurc ~ac;u a.l!ena upon. his Wn tmgs : La Efunti111 was, as it were, a certain floud of ~!;,;::~~ Fl 2 c. T11Ui.i~ ~loqucncc:: I would he had.been as haptJy at confirming.ef .,Jv ~'" 7 !1" ~ our rel1g1cn, ~>he was at- the confocmg-of tha contrary fuperO:ition. 'lfUn(."f. ~ wuv.. SerJ,non omn14 pof[11mNJ omnes. TuUy wifh::d, Would he could as 3G- '";': ~ '.' cafily '1nd c out th~ m~ Ood,~~ d,f,ry the faHc. J\nd h:id he conhJl. P~ 1'!!J i'Jf!J!J'f ted rht J~w&, whom for tbeir (alamiti(s he fo much {h: 1ghted . he ~non;~~;,;. might haply have.hear~ o~him. Something he had re:id of him;and Plito ,,. rim, thm:by grop.:d1ftcrhm1 m thedark,Afl.1 7 . 27 in Plato. who Ilium qu.ifz pa fpcaketh thus, and is tranihtcd word for-word by THiil T~-findc ren:em hujl~ out the maker and Father of all, isa hard task : co cell ~vhat he is 1urfita' 14 TJ11 d him out,is ampo ffibl ' i1tven:re Jffir.i wlicn thou . haft fi0 u .n 1 e. Hence the A1heniAnJ , e,'1, ($' '"IJI had th~u alcar ~ed1cated 10 tht Nnlt1own god, chat is,to the true and 1 jeM in'Ventril, only God; Ot whom they had learnfd (oucoftheancicnc Philofo ifld cm l.~ut phers and SihJUtJoraclcs.) chac he wis hue one inviftble, ineffabld iw.,nf..u Cle. dfence,}Vho{~ D3~~ ~~~n~t ~e ~m~r~~~ ~he)>\Y~ hdd,fcgm wJJom


tke bell: of the Philofophcrs drew their be:fi: Divinity.H~nce .LutAN' a Heachcn Poet, calleth the Jews God,an uncertain God: bw1n1tl JtJi111 f4rrll jeamh,Thit they worChip nothing but the clouds,and an unknown in"_1li t~J{4 . God within them. And .Arifloph~nes brings in Socra~es worfhip f.t~ lnp arfal. ping the,douds,bec:m(e he ~or.0-llppc:d not the fame ~ods, as t~e Nil priem ,,,,. -vulgar d1d 1 buL foui;h' 1,Q bnns u' new ol\cii, 1s LMJ'WU relate It. 1..~1 M e~li ""For which cau(e aUo,he was condemned co dtarh in cbc iame 1:oun mc1 ""''"nr. ot .Areopt1g#s, whither S.P1111I was hurritd,but by a {peciiil prcvi, ~~ '~>).C(. dtnce of God dtaped : not being fo muc~ ~s called to ~is anlwcr, J',j.~ ' which would have been to the hazard of his life. Athen11s called by x.olvo 11 'ml..1.1\v~ ISuripides, che Greece pf Grerce I by Demoflhenes, the eye, .foul -i:1bo~ .~nr.iv and Sl)n ot Greece :byThucyditles ,the common khool of mankmdc ~v9t"'m.:1~ 1here were the find\ and moll: mcrcuri:ill wits of the world ; and they had the braveft plcacher in,~e world, ~ho took his text ofl one of the~r tx.puumded n out of their ownAuthours.:Buc wich wh1u fuc,tf1~? Somedoubted,fome derided, a very tew only were converted. &no Church planted.For tht t1At1wAI mt1n(though never {o learned) perceivet~ n~t the thingi of licde as Nicoa'em11i (though a DoC\:our) ~id the doarinc of regeneration. What then? fi1all lcarning be chc ldlc valucd,.becau{e by Come abufed, perverted, and made a hinderance from heaven~ Th~ A11" h11ptiff s indeed condemned .the ~res, and other- ornam~ms of gra~ and nature,for the unworthmefie of the perfons or fub1d\.s, wh~rc~n Uicy wt re found. Lm her retorted upon them, Then, bcl1ke,matn mony,author.ity, liberty, &c. ate to be de{pitedand avoided. Are nottheworksofGodgood,bccaufcthc men, who.ufe them ~re:, Gcl.l,1f.c.11~. fomeof them wicl<ed?.Thc Roma1,11,I kno\J not upon what d1fi1kc, . bani"fl1ed QPe time, all llhilofophers out of their Cicy ; but chat was not the wiki\ atl: chat ever tht:y did. LiciNi#s the Emperour ~:ii foch an enen'y to lcuning, th!lt he called ic the 1 plag~e and poafon of che Common. wc:llrh. 1Buc chat wali the bnaymg oi 1m ~[:,mb<:r then the ipeech of a uup. Pope Pau/ tbe kcond pronounced aU Hrimt#1;,411;. fchollars hcretikes and ftrioully tlthorted die Romans not wbrccd f/ut1ib]oiu~~t10;, up their children a~ fchool; it was tn<i>Ugh it they could writ.: and 11Jinr L.mtiiu1. 1 reade. Iciscaudomtcdbyth~Duke of RujiA, That there be no ~n:~:rc 110 fchools, lcfi: there fi1ould be any fchollars but nimkU. The peop~c ,~~ p-~:t). '' fay in a difficult qudtion, Goa And our. great D u~e k.!i~w 11ll The Turks Janizarics upbraided their Empcrour With hls karmng. HC.Jll Geog_i41J for when Rt1J~~ thektond h~.cafr Achmms Baffa intoprilon> thofc martblmen,,'1mon~fr.maJr9thcr opp.robrioL\S w,otdl wbc~t:"



with they t'h~mefully load(d him, as drunkard, bean, r~fcall, fff',. 'I'urr~.biftfol. thty t aHed him ofcent~mcs by che n:une ~f B engi, Bent}, thac is, 4 J4 Scho/inr,(chollar, which amonbfl them 1s aacounted in a Prince co Le no fmall d1!grac~. Bue wtiat fai.J 1 far wikr man r Hapn ii i1.m, 'thAt C11mtHOH-rrealth ~hernitl;er cphilri(ophers hea,. rule or th 4 ~ 11fm ft11dy phil[l(op 11 The Dotl:ours and juJgcs amongll us( to mmnacc fomt! <uc~ thing (mdy ) have one: and che fame habit ( lqmrc caps and fear lee gowns ) prekribed them. N e/JurhAd. ,,n~~r kuns co have been a kholl:1r, Dan, 1.19. for he w 3 s able to 1.,ok the young lludcnts, ar:.d to pronounce after he had com. muncd with chc:m, whith were the bc:H karoed, y ca it 1s fa id 11 20: 7h11t i~ 11/l m11ttcr~ of \\ifdome and unanffandi~g. thtft ~h; K mg enqtt,wrd of D amt~ ~nd hu JWow1 1 h~ foHnd thm1 un times ba~1r then all the lttf_tlJ!.W"u (-to they called their Philofophers om1 lntcrpreccrs?fdavmc and hmar.e laws) t1Hdtri{tt11tn { che crl~ol 9~,.,~(inv.u I d L ll h..1 t \l d { cn~e era L-..a 1onsw~rcca e o, Mitt.i3.H. iill PJth1111ortU ~1~~:~tiuvc fnfi 111 moddly named h1mltH Ph1/o(ophcr, or a wd-w1llcr ct wif clol}1e) tlw were in al{ hi4 realm. ~haj1111erofo alto, w.hen he ~ould not llcep, called tor a book ~ fo did T amber/ane the night before the mortall bacclc between hun and Btija~,.t, he called for a book ( ca~c ~rn\d not lutfcr him cofleep) wherein w11s concaine4 the lives ot his ta1 hers and Atlcdl:ours, a11 d ochc:r vali.anc worchils: rhe wh1~h he ufed o~dinml~ w read~, as ht thm did, not as there. wnh vamly co d.ectavc chc umc,bac co make me cllercof by tht: imi.. tation ot that which was by them worch1ly done, and cteclinmg of luch dang<.rs,:is ch~Y. by th~1r r~lhndli: orovcrltght tdl into. ~/. Tur~.H~(1 uP. phonfa1 Kn"lg ot Sec1/1,al\cd h1sbook!i his bell l.uunctUours tor 1 4 ~! hc rfol u they wuuid tdl :i. htm nuch, \Vhln num: elk durfi /u/1'.,s l:.. ..,a~,. 11em vtrtJm mr h ,. raitifu3d/41fam wrote is o~n acls' and moddl:ly calkd them, nut Hi:lorits, l>ut eon1empfi1, Commemanes. He W1.,uld be carvld llanding upon :1 globe ot the: Lip!!~~ world,a.nd.having an h1i ldt hand a book,m his right hand a 1word, 11 ~a rrel S.imcoi1 Wah dus mleor mocco, E.\' utrod, Cit(tir. Q E/1~abt1h w 110 ,iisympolll. was wont co qual1fie the tcd1oufm:tle ot htr feraous affairs w:th the fwtct rt.:creauunot kcccrs, etrher r<.ad or wrocc lumewhac evLry e4 mJ Jdifa. day, ~1uch. M. Camden : who allo cdbtiech, that fhc: cranf1Jced 411.100. 6<1rt1HS hi bool\st DHonfol11tione. h:rndlum~l~ into rhe hnHltlh tongue_; that lht: ,ovk V\.JY 111 chat /\nagram, YtritlU 111 mam, ~ccurJmg to th~ <-O!~rn of Scots mmt' Maria Stumtn : that bcmg ~erpltxc.:d wht:tktT or no co puc the ~ttn ot Scot .t to duach, fhe !~te !any times 111t1an.cbolly, and ~~ctn fighing muccm:d to ~~r


her- fdf, tAut fir Aut firi, and N ~~riartfiri, ~~. She nfwei...

cd teverall Bmbaffadours in chtir knrall languag~s: being herein like Cleopatra, whog:ive'aniwcrsbyhcr~lt to the Ethiopillns, 7..''''>' 11 eir1!!1 .Ar~vians HebrelN, S1ri11n1, Mrdes an.t 'Parthi"ns, and could "' 9 "-n,t: '-f~"'~~~.,, tunr her c~n~uc like an in{\rn\Tl~ns ~l- ininy fitirig~(fai'h PIHtnr'"I') :~~?;:'e'~;;; to whttfm:ver dialcCl: {he liRcd. Bue bdidts th<! vulgar congu~s 1-:cd 1t1 (3~"~ 111 ( was ready) Qgttn EJ1~aberh und~~(lood the learn !>JM,wv. cd tongues; as did aUo, not long before her> t~ .L~dy 1~11e Gr111, tiu 1a"b and thadamous Ol1mpi~ FuJva Mor11m,, ot Fe.rrara m lf'!$1J; wko pul>likdy and wich great commendauon profclTed the Gmk and Lacine tongue at Hmle/btrg, "''"'" Dom 15 M J conclude: with K. l"mes, whofe ~,/de11 pin (faith a n:vat:nd Divine, in ~s Bo!tt'tGr~, who(e words lrelacc it) h11th gfoe_n fi+ch ti blow_ to that .J,eafo of ~;~l~t( 1 ~J,;;;
P.~me, thttt h1 will n1w.- b1 ablt t~ /f A14d upon hu fo11r le .ig.arn: He hath foot O#lt ~r hi1 rcyal bcw mch k!u AYl'D)YJ tnkJn out of thl


'JHiver of Gods book.,, which wiJ/ h.,,11g ;n the JUes of that fc11riel ', anJm14kfher/11m~MJonf.M {he live1, &c, fhi~ learned. King ah~~ ~e b"J modtr4f.t(Q ~~ D~d:our of the: ~kair ac 0 J:fo~d in pll faculcr~s,. when, in the pubhke hbrary there. he l>c:h~ld the hctk . ch11ins ~hc:re~ith the. fcv1.-rd.l books are faUned to. rhm pl.acts, I :~~~~"~!, iould 1'91/h, fllld he (if e11er It be my Jot to lu cArrm1 "11pt1ve) to f .. p ur ap. /J.e /hut #P in this p'l'i{on, tp be bol'nd with th~fa cb4ins, .-nd to / ~:4 .-1;"~~, l.1oc i{lend my li{r with th~{t fi/~ow c1tptjves t~Mt hert &h<1ined. ':' 1 cr~m w'.cere Fc:w llri11't~ hav1.: the b1ppandf~ th1t ' had, who though he c1 i l11 t1.&_. were no fchollar, Jee ht cruly undtrfl:ood, and accordmgly did ~';/ 1 a;;1 t' thofe things that pcrcam ce a fchollar. Uut he highly dkemt:d ~.,,:a "'' learning in PJin1, and .othtn. whom he pnzt:d and prekmd, no 1Jrmaru11J 4 rti~ kHe then elid Antoni1'UI tht: Philufophc:r; who was Ol)t anumt:d expm ($' ;~11J ~fcer that he was Emptrour, co rdorc daily to his Ooctonr.. And iu:t.w 1m.J .. 11 afc.t'r heclme co Athens, and 11d~ 11ur aJ 1"~, . admml:d .dto bt: of that Urnvcrli. ',P~ 1011UlfJ/,tTIHt1 ty, he granu:d c'1em large pt 1V1kctgt s. d1 thtm g1<:3t l\onoms, tr1idtigcrtac and toundcd man) L:C\:un:s W1lh a hl>erall aUowanct: ut m:.1111tc- facerc 'Uiderctur nance. <./.EHrtU Syl11ius ( atc<.rwards Pc'pt) w10, wout co fay D:,, oflearnin", Th11t popu/,,, me>: fho111tJ ~flam ;, M ft! 1irr, N ,,bJr.- f, ,,,,,,rum noit ~ l l rru1-w1Ji: cum mm"' told, 'Princes M pearlr. His tu-..cdl Ur N.c,/,u r 1. titi 1, c(ffr 1 , p~r410 ,~ whtn it was cold him, Thu thtrc Vvlrt !u~n-:,.nd ~uch 111 Rume that ,,e, pmluiffe tn~dt: good Vtrfrs N a1 JJOt good vrrfu, 1a1il hr, fnr if chr1 c11n u11q1wn atldo du (o, ~ ~nmr 1he7 nor, find rnak! 1hrm/<'7.JrJ ~nown ru mr 1 ;forcm trofi,1(.<l!_ii l:>ottis et tam mal\s p:ttt:O, n/J,, 11n1 a f~voisrer ana rew#&rder of I Diu 1 ~ 'U~!~ 1. .~ 1 d . ~u . ctuusrn. ~~. 11n1 'Pom ,,~ tht) never fo bad f D1Vt(~ lt6\tne"' men fl uuuhlt m








"' - .. ; -- 724.
----- ---- the

1111 hiil:fol.68, into

the lalllion of the book ; li\~1! as a\l the Court of S1c1l1 was kt upon the C\udy ot Philofophy, when Dion7jita looked that way) and had got chc company of ArH1ipp11& and P/11to: theformtr ot whoin, faiJ he, is ever craving money ot me, the later dcJolm'lnn Jena. fir's nothins lmt books. And indc~d how much Plato ~referred tur.e 'orifiaruia, books before money well appeared, when he gave (as he is repor r 69 ted to doo) for three books thirty thouCand Llorens. As of RtHchN.ea.>iJ Chon. tin it is Cl:oried, that he gave the Jew a crown an hour chat ~ead Hl>r;w , 0 him ~t OE S.1-lit.-otH~, That he wem mght and by C\;ealth to the J~w that tau~ht him Hebrew: for it 1c had been known, the Jews would have been che death of them both. This he did, whc:n he was now 3n old m:m ~ as Citto, thougb~ld, fet himfdf to l~:irn Greek, and Sigifmund the Emperour Lacmc. The Emperour much bewailed the matter at the Counc:;el of Confta~ce That neither he, nor any ot his great Courtiers lmd Co~n~ cdlou~s were able co an(wer a forraign limba(fadour in the.' L1tme congu~. He began therefore to learn,though it we~e late firll:.'Ahd tdn;Vo 14p. when fomc of his ~obks chu had no learnm, and therc:-

in his youth Comtl tall.e ol learning, which put many of ht~ f.abJetti

times of oufHenr11.--(ftrnamed /!t"ucl..crk..) bcca~lehc.had

A n s. ---"'--------



14. le


.'The fool hath [aid in h14 hw t, 'There isno God.

He fool l1at/J it :and forely none but~ foo1 wou1J ~ :u fay it. One m whom common reafon 1s faded and .. dried up, as chc fap is in a leaf in Aucumn, lo the ..Jvi,enn4 word fignifics. T~e Philolopher gots tun~er, an~ ' faith, 'He that demrth the one God, ""d Im providence in 11U 1hin"s, id not on/7 void of re.1(on, hut of fenfe. And yet th s witkfi~ fap\dle, (e1 o~ff-: cr~ature, this "'ilde affe-colt, is c:vcry mothers childc of us by nature: : wicnclTc S. _P.111/1 Rom. 3 where going ab~ut co prove all na t urall men to be hnnerJ~he tct~hc:ch proot our of chis f (aim, and the cemh, where the: 1ame chmg,,<H is avowed. 1tis ( I conftffc) an inviobbk principle:, and ind de Oly Chrnpc upon mans nature, there is 14 God. The baru1rnus prnple of Bn1ji!, that ~re faid co ~>e, Sine Fid~, fii1c Reg,., Plin,l, Lege, chat have nmhc:_r .Rd1g1on, Rule nor ~l~1mcnr, yd h1ft. thfy have tome knowkdgc ot God, tumc fp1\:e ot n:l1g1011, fuch as
it -is : l~ath~r chw want :.1 god, they wurihip the VllY dc.:vil; not inwardly only (for fo th\: m<.1l\ ;rn1on1" ~1;; \fo, bdl 1 ~; "~''"~And :i~_it~md by the dtVil, who is chndorL call~ d l !~r Gori r'f cliis I\ orld; by whum he is as readi~y ob~n:J> as l led \'J.ts_u1 ci1;. Cr<:.iri->11,wl1tn he laid, ln there be Jrghr, &c ) bm :illo w1i:n m ct;. .\'aid W~r01ip. The dtvil himftl~, chvugt1 he ln: 110 r\1 l111ll, i:or c in hL (tur
ht feds tlH: v.'r:lth of God, and 10 btlicvf'J 11wl rremiI s) y<:t he doth :ill he ca11 co m:ikt: men i\~lu \th : IJtcanfe wl~rn rhcn.: i:; no

b11,h/,, Clmm for~ h"ted it,

took it in grcac difrtain and dudgjn, th~t he p~eferred

bdore them fomc that were of mean degret, mc.:erly tor chear learning he anfwcred Th"t he had good rt11fon to honOHr fcho/J~r1 A bo;e all, .u thofa'thnt wtrt fl11gt,/arl1 graml and gifted by G_od. h ...111;,,~;, Knig/Jriandlo.rd1, faidhe, /ct111m"~einaddJt!mllnJMll1f1; 7Rl.~J'a._~fct?a bt1tfchollitrJGud onl1 c11n m11k!, [Yom whom comrs. tTJtrJ gooel Oil '!J, mtv J>.ifll gi r, and per,; Ef givint1: which in the ori~inall Greek is an Hu 6 , (.((J 7E1'Hor. 1 r 'tl b 1. E , Pc:t 1. *' meu~ verfe, ss that of S. Peter 1s an 1"m '""-, ~ po6t1c~m qui tr A1Ptt/-'i11 cl< fiirllt. Tht fa"R' that wiU w11jbed to her Wllllowmg m thr 1111rr, &~.


k:ir ot God IJeton: cht:ir tye'i, th.~ wul iinneal\ mmn~r ut lln'., the dtvil woulJ have chem fiune, J> (ui. 14. I)!: 3,'"" And N nn~ 3.18. f\;._ tcr a bl'drok ot hmdry other !ins, cti:~ is fobjo)'n<:d, as rhc rooc 'A all lhe rdl, There~ t/O fi11r of God vrfore their ryes: Th~lt i~, :hey fln Atheills. if not in opinion, ytt in practice. J\iheilts in opinion are, 1. Such as conclude there is no Gcd!
'.1. ~UClL




Such :1s fufpc.Cl as muclf. ~f the former fort was Ph 11 raoh, tall ah.mdcr, but that he /,oop1 them, as it were, and holds- them tvno k11~w no o~her Gnd bm h1mftl!, and thnefore asked, who i4 rogetht'r, This the Athenian1 knew nor, as S. PAul boldly eds af]irrt1t:rr, i1 .'\it rl;r L?rd? He lnould rnthcl' li~w '1$k~d, Who is Pl11t>-ao/,? a mithem, A ll.17. i3,i4. Whbm the,.1fire 71 ~~nflran1l7 \\'orf111'p, h;,,, 71Prora~Ha~. . ftr:ibk morc.tll crt:1mr~:, a wormc :ind no man, a miKture and Jul.we I 11nr~ JOU, Gd th,'t made the VrorU, '""'.:ti! tl1iHV tlm~ ~;: 1~~ : ~~ ~- comp~und ~t dire and fin, <:~ds ac~ri~utc:sfhew both wh:ic he. is., ;,,, /uin.~ thttt l:ie u Lord of hc.nm11tnd earth, d1..,ellctlJ not ,,. 77 -l-;<':1.(;'"'~ and w1.10 he 1s. To the (~c{bonof 1l1o(e1, WhAt he u ?God g:ive trmples m"de \\it '1 hewdr. Tim: {Jitb the Lrml, the hM".Jtn t4 m7 l~'li' a llrnrt :miwcr, I am. To cht.: kcond by Ph.u-.ioh, Who he i4 ; he throne, .tnd t'1ttar: h iom foot fl ool: Where is the houfe that ]6 . madt a lari~l'. n:ply, cill l'h.,raoh WJS forct:J!wer him, The 611i/J onto me? Jfa.66.1. The Turks build their MJkh1ts or Chur r,1ri~ bt//. J4'Lord t5 ri,_~ht('rrss. Eliph.i::::, allo 3CCUfcth (1Jb, that he ihould fa}', cbts withcut any rou', brcauf&i1 thly hold even as we doe, That How doth God k_noro ! Cttn he judge throu.~11 th~ tbicft cloud! God i~ incomprditnfible, a circle, whofe cc mer is cvtty wh1: re, ]) ark._,/oudJ ar~ ''covering t() him, th"4t he fccth Hot, ana he Wa/k_; who!ccircumktt:l)~t' 1!1110 Whrt", :is .Emptdoclts ddtnbtd him, et~ in the circuit of heaven, Jobi i l ~,14. As if he had h~d no.Ariflotle would crnfinr him to hcann, as Hhis pretence Qnd thmg to do, or took no care ac kaCl of his earthly kin~dome. And vidrnce l xtrnded NH to things done cm the canh. Lr1cian al!o, doth noc Job himf.eH, when once wet to the skin with the tempef\: tlm Athc1lt, ttls us ot ccnam crsnnits and.chinks in heaven, tho. ofGoJs wmh fo:iking into his lout, focm to fay fo much, ?ob 37. row the which ftlpitrr, at fome fct times, looks down upon mm. 23,2.+. Bue God Cleps forth (as it wcrefrom behinde the hang.And if then they bi: praying thty may be htard, otl1lrwi.{e not. CLn'flun H1mi 7'/r..l'rm1;ur & ings) uvcr-hcnin~ and comrouling him ouc of chc whirlwindc Wiih the fame impudtnc~ aUo doch he d~tidt: 31l othtr his ~lea- nir dvtm~.o Rror112orm de Ch h' . t th1:rnt11 gods: and ~ec w1th thd:.une bl1!phcmous momh rnlLth 'll1Jpjiu;orpinv. Veo ttp 38. i. \1171. v_uo IS t. 1s, ~a1th he, that talks th~s ? How now? u,im.ia fer: e. Peacc~and l?cLhll. .I-I1llonts tell u~ ot fome l?~otdl: Atheills that upon C.hnl\ as a crucifo:d Cofencr { I abhor to relate ic) and upon at atl", t1:.1ui- utterly dcmcd a .Ddt}', and cl!ac, mher om ot {enfuality as EpicH Chrifiians as mad men, bccau{e {o forward co fl1ffLr Mai cyrdome. rci1.J1w 1;01; ;u ms and Lflcrrtws: or oucul"ltom1ck, as Di.i~ortU, who having Thus he. l:ms about him on cve1y fide,. and makes that good of tut. Cic. wrirtrn a book of ~n~Ls, and made it ready co be fet forth, was by himklf, tlrnt tome have affirmed of Conjlantin111 Coprotiym1u, iktlth Lkpnvtd ot :c. And when he h1d called him that had ftolen Th:it he wa~ ncichl'r Jew, Pagan,nor Chriftian, S"d cofi11virs CJ.ff If. icodon: cllc Senate of llttm11, he 1\v:m Lhat he did it not and fo Jifm imyi,mru, but an arrmt AtheiCl:. So bdorc him ar\'. fa1d to was qnir, and deer wards fee ouc th~ l>ook in his own nam~.Which have been Tluotfrn ot CJrtNt, Evcmerns, Hippu, Niftf11or1 and 111pro1up1i"... When l> i.1,r,;onu fa W, and that he WJS nut prefently firucken With ochns mtmiuned by Clemrm eA/r.~.mdrir11u. ~uch an 0111: was .S',Jcton u, 1 fr:rt a tbu11dcrbolt, he b:c!mt: an Athc:1ft. So did 'Porph1ry and Luthat monHcr c,1Jigula, that braved hii;go.i Iupi~rr,and thn:atncd ~~~1;::~~,1~.~':Ji' ci,m, who Wert' Cnrilbans at fidt, but receiving injury by the him. And yet notWithll:anding at every clap ut thunde1 llr llllh loJi Efs y..i'.U Church, chc.: on~ I> words, ch(: other by blows, in fpicc became ot l1ghcning, h1~ ran under his bd, or tou~;ht lomewhcre to hide ~c:c1~r::'r meuJ himkH, asatrightedwormcwrig~ltsincohisholc. Ment.iuntur 'n, pZj'""- f\ch~1Hs.' I'~rpb1 ry wroct: rht: B1bl,e, and to~1ght to difprove at. So did 9r1/t'1 thwgrcat Phyhc:iuu, lk Jt:ars at Mof1 for fayinr, quidic:1<11tft'flt0'4f~mirtelf'tfJc:1m, faichSrnm1. Ih~yl1c th!U 7!r/;ff'r111:. That G d .-niil(' all thi11r,s of notl;in.~. eg't'egie die it, Domi11t Mt1 lay cllly think there is no Uod, . Ft!r though they fay fr~ co th~~ by ~~1 .@.' /;,~J J f_es, f<.d1r1omud; prob,u? is 1:.tid cuhavt: btt:n thefpccchof e.A"ri day, yctthty doubc tht:rcot w1thm thcmftlvc.:s by rnghc. Ih~n .Hotle, When he read fjmrjis. i:ur, e.,. nibi.lo 11ihi! fit, faith Phiftiu coims upon them a11d trembling, which mnkt:th all their lofoplly. ~nd 1:lflto never cals God 1101111s or Kr01J, a Creatour, bonts to llulH, as it did his, {oh 4 14. And as it is rcpomd of but .~1 1:-moH,_ as if heh~d ma?e chc world of a prre:xilling matter, T11/Jius Hvi1i/ius (the: chird King of Rr.mltPls ).th:it_ turmd the Plut.mhs CO:l!Wrnall With God h11n{elf. Bm: whu faith the Apu{Ue? Credo. ptopks minde~ to tht: lludy of warlike dikiplinr, dcfp1fing Num.," non prolo. Thorow faith we undcr[hnd that the worlds were frahis prtdccdlours facrific~s, and hying tli:.u religion did but cfh:med by the lnrc word of God, Hcb.11.3. And by the fame migh~ minatt: mens miriJes, and m:Ake them unfit for 11oble1 im\1loimcnts. ty word are upheld, Heb~ 1. 3. wbich elle. would foon il1:mcr and Ntvenht1dfo this !\mg .. ... L1i {mntins witnc!kth -- .. 1th:it -.. fained - to him felt . . . .fall

p11 , ,,~,, ar'r1,11

7Je Ji'r





- n8

A 'I' H




- -------felf-~nd worfhipped two new Gods, Pavorem & PAllomn F~~~ r.,a~,uiur. and Pakndfe: Ciods that ht: c1rried about wirh him in hi; own

bofomc~ .and cou'd. nodl~:ikc off. lor as any man is more dc!pe-


1, 15,

racdy w1c\\ed and mcl!g1ous, 10 he is more vextd wich the cer. rou:s of his.own ~onk1i.:m~, which is Gods fpie and ma1~s ovn-' kl'r, and 1linp~ h11n, l>ctw1xc wh1li.:s, \\'ith urqudlion1bk conviCl:1on anJ honour. le was :m Athti(licall <pc:~'h of Srnrius the
Th~t har


'JirimtlJ iu or he Dcos ficit Timor, fir!\: n1ad1: gods. in chc \'l.'<;>tld: and that all opinion of :i Di.:1ty was frivolous, dev1fcd uy wife men to keep the pc.ople in


awe and ordtr. Forif ch.:n: were no ocher argument to prove that there is a God, thdc Vl'ry ft>ars and rerrnurs of confcit:nc/ Hr kkrn into mrns minds afo:r finne, were fufficienc. For thtf~ mu.H: nee.ds come trom a Judge th:u d~rdlcch difhondly, and exerc1kch JUdgumnt upon tht 1oul, R 1chard che third of En11/,ind 'rruj/i:ls comin, felt chis. And fo did Ch,ir/J the ninth of France. The fotmer 01 1 cMirls tiiil. afar the ~urd;.:r ot hi~ cwu mnoccncNcphtws,had fcarfoll dreams': 01 Eiiglanil Joi. Jnfomucn that he did often leap uuc of his bed in the da.rk and ~!~irnmno:Tr.r catching his f wo: d (which alway ml<cd fluck by his fidt)he ~ould "; fJon~vm /1!~- go dilhack.Jly :-ibouc the ~!-1a1nbcr, t:v_cry where frd~ing co find out ru q, intcrrn 11 the caulc ot his own occa!10nni d1fqu1ec. The llccr,ahcr chi.: l>lou. f>.!b~ 11 :::~.rnr- qy nuflJcrc ot /',li'is, could fddome cake any found Oeep being ~s :,'1~!' 11 ~ . ccmule co himldf, as ht fom;nly had bcrn to ochers. a~d could JY".,;.n,tJettOl J b d ,u;abant. Thl. r!tvlr.lnl.f:m: to c awal\rtll out ot 11.:cp without mulick, or lome :in l n like: d1verhon. Nuw could thck men poilibly eicher conclude or fufpcc1 Lhcri.: WJS no Uod ~ I ~onk~c there arc th:.t lay violent hands upon all the prmc1pks m their heads, and due what tht:y can co tear tht'.m our, chat they may finrn: the moa: fn.:dy. They are luch co confdft: a God, for frar ro !land in awe ot him; and y~t (will thty rnll , they ) the fear of the lea{~ things make th tl:cm co conh:ffc'him. 1 ~/:t. Nay, bc.:cau!c tl1cy frar not him that made all chings therefore a uon 33 1 they Hand in awe of all thiugs: As vlha~ thlt cn.:m~'lcd as a '1u-



thorns, and fron~ dH~nc~ w:is pulkd, :ind bound with fC:tt~t' He Tama aJco he hcavcns, anu ' nc1t I1<:r t1::.trt.' d God ' ' ' for 'd ,m1i th at l i:.t d tacl d c nor cm:d rer trcpi -' ,1c. h- . d I 'fJtmllia Ji'l.fim man, IS noW at IS WHS tn S(or t of hu hctert WhurnPith ht: ~aj::itur didfetir, and J!ir the fig~t cfhiuyn \\'hich he did fee, D.:ut.28,67. Sahus l.1. ~hat would iuch At~e1ils then do.did they but fet: hell? BeH11 rmine

ken lcat, and his grandfon td,m.:J{ch, that hid his head amoilg the


not only turn ChriG:ian and fober, but ~nchorite and Monk, to live afcer the fi:riCldl: rul1 that may be. And yet he eds us of a ccrrain /", dvocatc: of the Court of Rom~, thQt being at point of death, ~cll.h,Je "''~ l fiimd up by the Cl anders by co repent, and call upon God ; with a 11101itndi l. a. ' con{hnc councemmce, and withouc figne of fear, he tum'd hiit 'ar 01. flpeech co God, and faid : Lora, I ,htave de:ftrt to JP e11/tH1llo thee, PE;,o e 1''!'. ~ro . l,d F h rt uo a, 11. 1 erori not for m7 frlf, but fiJr m7 Wifo 11na c ~1/ r-en. or I ~m as~en- netJi ell ut 4 u. ing to hell, nei,her u thert any tbing thAt thoH fooNid.ff doe for me. qt1Upro 111e a e,Ana he JPak..e, faich BelJArmine (who was there prdenc and gtU. heard it) M if he h~d fPok.6 of~ jour11e1 to ,f9mc village o.r town, """WAI no more A ff righted, Surely had this man had a nghc ap prchenfion of hell torments endldk, ealeldfo, rcmedildk, fuch as he fi1ould never be able to abide or avoid, he could not have fo light account of them. But a diicourfc of hdl is but as painted fire which burns not 1 or as the painting ot the toad, which menc:m look on and handle without affrightmeot. Of rope Cle- Jae.Rev z,1p. m,,,t che lifth it is reported,Thu when 11. Nephew of his ( whmn he fonrif'.fr 01111 had loved Cenlu:dly and fiofu\ly) died 1he fcnt his Chaplain to a Ne- 1 g9. crom:mcer, to l~arn how it fared with him in the othtr world. The Conjurer {hewed him to the Chaplain lying in a fo:ry bed in hell: which whfn it was cold the Pope, he never joyed more after ic , but within a fi1ort while died alfo. But to molt men it may be jufily faid, as C1tto did once to c~(ar, J belu~e ~r:,J~ qu~tfe . rt h . 1 f h a b ( /f .1 I". m,eru 1l11u1tur 1hat t h011 th1ni{en "" t at u [a1" o e 10 e 1 ~ J e AllA J a falfa ejfe exipi. bt1/0U4 1Jlfl41 . .Iden lir1c ( 11/M) M if t1'q7 foo11/J. H6~t' Ji~: U~u ''l.IU"I baOr"' if ht/J Wtre A mur foppery. . t1"ne1, ta111u4m And this is that ( i) Atheifme in pratl:ice, {o rife in all pla- mmsnuUa[e ces: for of foch dull-heaps ( th:it contdfo God wich their lips. 1;,::~~!uit 1 ,,. but deny him in their lives) ye may finde in every cornt:r. AlL /ernrl.4 f.ohul" ' phces i!t full of them, and fo is hell coo. 'Ilana fortt. 1. Some think bakly of God, os it he were altogether (uch a.n , , . one as chcmfdves, becaufe he keeps filence and bears Wilh tht:ir T~m~of11rtr. evil manners, P(al. 50. u. tAverron the Philofopher hence ActfJ draws an arp,umt:nt againft Gods prefcnce omt providrn'c hm: on earth, thinks he meddleth with nothmg bclovl the Muon, b1;c~ufc of his Uowndle to anger. 2. There are again that grant a God,but made al\ of mercy : and thereupon lay tbereins in the neck,to Joi Wick_raly With both hAttdt lib b tArnrfllf>

i; ~i opinion that one glimpfe of hell were enough to m3ke a man


:e4rnrflly, as prduming ofan'eafte and Cpeedy psrdon~ . NAhHnu N.ihu:n l1#JlD td:> us, Th"i Co~ u j~tJfMU, .tHtl thl Lo1d rtvtngeth ; tht! Lord rn1~111,etl:, l!Hd.u fim~m .&c..And that futh as chcie arc but a:; l:11d mH m Lhe Sun a dry mg, that it may b:.irn the uetcer; on.I like gr:ipc.s l~t to Inn~ m the Sm1-l11in~ till they b~ript! tor the .1111eprdk ot l,i.1d~ wrich, .R~v. IS I 6. ~uJM hbcrr:iy- ,. 3. Odw~s look upon God as a ju\t Judg~, :u.1d l1urp revenger of 111:; { hnl\ w;i hnne :ir:d d1lo~Jcd1cnce, and hereupon con\d with (tot thtir own ~u icc~!wn ot cak) lh:H thtre_ w~re no God. This is Deiridillm, <jod-fl.wgh 1 ~s 'h:: 1 d te,., T11~ good iuul with~ch with D .ivid, Viv"t Dou kc God 1. 1 b h 1 ' d f' mlll,u. 1IVl', '.llhl ..Ill ' r:n,;, 11: tlj'l 'i.I ! Cllt!~l ~ t I! ~ll 0 my 1::1 aa vatton. But the wicked is a wi1 t Iii 1i bttrer of (,o;f, l\.0111. I 30. and lo a mLJrtherer of him according 1111 1.Jycoc~La- C~thlt l f,J.,5,15. f/.;rh.1th4tetha11yu'4m!l~t/,~>'t/ This is !l tv Y 1 .i lit<-, " high a.nd tucdullde3ree ot Arhciflnt'. If J man curie rhc King in

hutteriu :

~~~,i~r~~.:;~~ his hem, wd. with l~im out of th~. wor~J, the firme is io hd --Scl'lii ui t.i ~10~~, c~at che fou1.s ot ne1ve_n f111H d1<clo!c it: How horrible then
tnts falU\! fin :ig11nll thl! Kmg ot Kmgs, and Lord otLords. 101i:wur. 4 Someag1mhavetnldconcc:icsotl~od, :isifhe WW! anold man ficti11g io hl!~Vl.'.n, with a crown on his he1d, a fcrncer in his h~nd, :rn~ had c~e pares and proporci~n~ ot a nun, as ;h1! Pa pills p1c:1tirc l11m . .God m:tde m:m after ~1s image, and men. ( to re~.\1t.; l~11n )_ w1U neuJs mike God afccr their im1ge. call; him anew H~ d~eir l.11k n:m1lj:. and m:ikc .ii~ idoU of him, ln th~ yt~t of' Fune i11 Co111. Chnll 4 03 this too.il1l ~m~ athc1ft1caU qudlion, ~An Dem corpa 'l' . rem fit ! Whether th~ d1v1ac df<!ncc bt: a true oody having hmds ~raa'iima'i 'lt ti iint . as i~cn have, n. d . among > > mat fu fccc, r~~c. n.trre up gre~t ll:nt~ chc Monks rcri.., c;~_itaii: uf 0-~ypt: lor.che ruder and more 1gnor~nt {ore ot thm1, hdd ;oufl, rnac at was {o. .\ ,ncph1111n WU wont to fay, That if bcafls \\'ere
H'J1tt, 1s

iheir dc'!'fJlrJU1fflM \\>~flt ff toor thi.-'11 will ht! ltft for -<1' ad r Thus V1j Rm~r"rij. he . Will" .m~H rob ~u Gb~_! 'fhe blmdtHt:arhrn:> wm1\\i OQtd~:i.l lL;A~~a:.~ 'l fo 111 by chm dung-hill D~mes. Ttt ye tMVC ro66ed me, (aith the iupw i/mo Lora of hojf1. Not in tithes and offmngc.. only~ buc in nffcting up ranu.. yourld.v.ts, yourfou\sandbodit:stobeaholy, livdy :ind acctpca~ i\,m.u,i. bldacrihce unto me, yea in loving the Lord your < .ud with all you_r io~l, mindc and might, and your mighuom as your frlvcs, which is better then all burnt iacrificts, as that Scril>c undt:"rlbnding\y a~lwercd. Not but tlllt there m'.ly be.:, an~c facrificmg r'4; ,~,. S~domm:s, as !(a. 1.10. Arcbachtiils, arrant hy'pocrirts, th:tt bring thoutands ot rams, and rivers ofoil, ch:n offer largdy, :md would giv' any good tor a Jifptni\.tiot1 1 t;Ven the ion~ ot lheir bu dy, fut the fins uf their fouls. lluc chey dor wor1t chcn lok their Mic.6,r.J 7 , labour, thty cCJmmit fione, For, The (acri(ice of tht \\ jc~d M

A 't: H .:}! ; I'-'S: M"'R' ~ 731,., -----.------:------ -.~ Which two 'having rm-'tf, theit Jiviaent, anJ fo.irul t:::l''i11J

11bomi11atitn to tbe Lord: how mJ.Jch more "'hen he



able to p.1i>it, the7 \\ou/d po#rtra1 God lik! to tlumfdues bccaufe

1m:m.7JU\f l\,38

th~y co11Jd not tut11rall1 conc,ive 'm] fiirthcr, So do thd~ naturall ~mit bcafis (as Pet~r c1\~eth. clicm) 1mde to be taken and de ltro1ed,fptak and thmk evil of God whom they know nor and fo utterly peril11 in lhcir own dd\rntlion, 1 Pet. 2 .1 2. , , 5.. Ocher practicall Achci~& there.are.not a few, th:it deny not Gud indeed, but dethrone him, which ts as bad: whiles they are l~ver s of pl-e.cfares "!.ore t~en lovers of God: make thdr bdly their (,od, their gold thrn ~od, y~a the god of this world their god, comm~ to. chcn~ tfpcca:dly with off~rs of honours and promotions, ..till rim W1ll I v.11r 1h,~. Jn ttJ~ rmmr f;1miliu ( foth one) Vemu hRth her afom '" ~h' ~hamb~r1 1 -''"' Bffc~hm hil facrifim in tha


faith Sslomon: a~ thinking to ccz~n God W~th a carcate (as ~romahem wuld h:.tve dllne his 7upiter) WtCh an cutfide, a formc ot godlim:lk, a lhadow ot rdioion. Surdy God may fay to thtfo Athdfts, as once Jf.1ac did to h~ father, Behold the fire find the Wood, but where I~ the l.1mb ! Or :JS f 1ifo'7 did to his fonsth!lt broushr him rofep11 b\oudy coat, H. r,' J th( ~otet, bt1t\\Jh1>-1's 1he ch1!de r C11ini5la: /U1r, faith L11tlu.r 1 Lmh.i11ircal. tf{erentes non pa(onlim, fed op1u per(onie. fhde arc oF C.tin1 ~mdred, that offLr to (jod Lhc wotk done, but chemfrhes chey doc not offt:r' thty draw nigh co God wich their li;s, but their IH.:arcs art: fonc from him. '(fod a\(o will be as fanc from them, when thty h1v' molt need of him, :is he was from S1lfll, th'.lt hy- 1 pocricic:tll AthtiH. (jtd bath for/ak.! me, faith le, 11nd th~ pliJ. S.1rn.iS,1 f~ li!'inu d>'t 11pon me. So, ficknelk, dc11th, hell i~ upon me, and (Jod hath for!aktll me : neither is it my Lard, L,>d, ch1t can bring him back to my help and <ldivcrancl. The Sw:rn in the law \y:is whice in h:athc1 s, yer reputed m dern, and unmcet for facri11cr, l.llcauk tl.c ~Imme unJn them W3S black. Wal11 rhi.:n:forc )'lUt hands, ye {i1rntts : Ullt With~ll, ckank your hearts, ~c dlJulJkmi11Jd, f"'mA 8. liod is not i"nockcd, c~t. 6. nor ~~ hypccri,ic:ill hrvi'c a""pn:d : d1lkmukd fanct:Hy is l'llublc m1qu1cy. To end lhi:i Difcomfc (and 10 this fir(\ D~cad) D uvid gives M rks of an us thtidurdigns o~ :m J\thcilt, 'Pft1l. 1 4. A 11~ift. B bb i fitft,
"'n evil. Jwart,


it lrnvai.a7.

cht\)oor. He not only robs the poor, but raviil1eth him: ht: not for did men bdievc a God chat /a~e :~ bo~h, 1. ham. Ache1fine; only ro!Js the poor, but r:ivi{heth him : he nut only mmdcrs dud~ not but be innocent. A d a an wuuld pL1mlh all, tht'f ca l t li . n 2. to Achetfm Th. b"ll: h him, but eats him up as bread: he makes no more conkitnce lO ' come v mne is repcnuncc: . wh. h t . "' . . t at u11doe 11 poor man, then meat a meals meat when he is hungry. they will be willing to cum Ach~ms ~ ~e11h~e no winde co, /\ poor mans fubll:ance is his life. The poor widdow caCl: into che ., , , to w'pe _out ,Utiotions of ii D .. ' n ic is t e dl of their play treAlury sn chac 01c had, c:vrn "'l her liviH,~, faith che text, M11rk (l,,,,yr,.y ~"' own qu1er, lell they fall int ,.It~ as much as m1y bt\ for cheir u.44. 1t is in tbcorigirn1\\, AIJ her lifi. So fiu: with thcb1oih~Y M. Capell of a~cnted before their time, e~ oic:-groL\11? , i~d b~ tur iiTue i~ faid to have fptnt all her life, that is, her livdyhood upon tempt P i6 5; lives. Hence there is no hoc ~nfi ~w a 1 cx.orbmmc1l'S in mens Phyfirians, Luk:. 8.4 ~ For a poor man in his houfe, is like a fi1?uld,or can keep the wjt and~;~f~fg. ~or whac (faith one) {nail in his fi1ell : crulb thar, and )'C kill him : which the AtheiPc . ceir, there is no tuch thin 5 G m:m m, when once we con cares not to do~, as who fi:ars not God, and fo regards not man, ~J:i'f ~~-h" this fpring ( faith anot he~ ) .,~d~l ~~~~:~~ the weak~dlc ~I Luk 18.1. monfiratioa of hearts, l t may be there is 1111 almighty G d . s. Men fay m [hear Thirdly, The Attc:ill: cals not upon God, faith David there, 1 5 l It. the Ddry. thence they will have fom~ care in th d ~ , ft may. be noc ~ and eirhtr in Churlh oI ,hi\mV~" ;! tur fafhion fake, and have ' bcg 1 cue they h:i ve nor ~ wherea$ if e o r.el1g1~n, bm a full I. h ld If' h 1 ~.\1'1\2< g;us to tlllt 1 t at he m1y nm ue 1.: a rank Athe1ft. 'f hc grou' ypotnte fi1 Aih ilh tlJ would krvc him with a full P d bel1m: at folly, they h ( whom,lhave proved Athdlt) mJy make a goodly prJicr for pr.iy. \ walked before God h ere cart. Thu, ht'. DaviJ matter, and fee a glofk, a gncc upon it in the utterance, but it is fave only in the matcer:J~ .a~ upright heart in all things, but lip labour, and lo loll labour, the cfftel of art and parts, not fpi!ed both God and his Co r1a .d ln thlt one p:micu\:ir he def h mrmn mcnc 2. S 1 d of the heart and ipirit of grace and lupp\icacion, Z ~ch.12.1 o.Some OUt 0 t C Venome of originall l {\ b ' Am: 2 11, an th3t HortWimkd wHhvs he may have, I'f.4 6. not pour out his ioul. cheifmc. Thus m generall Tuh ' t t malkr- vcm wherein is AlL secon . d1 ) en with ~roans y ( f.or particulars The A h n . LaCUy ~ lleproa<:hing religion, and ca(\ing contempt upon cho{e 1 I 1 r. ot ochers, ll very caitiff-Cantliball 11~rcr. er rs~ great opprdfour that profdlc ilod praA:il.c! ir, is !l nore David give:~ of an Athcilt, Mka.3 .1,~. P'', "' ht tAtJ bn12 d. ~tears 1' 1 H~ '"' / HP Gods pgu. vtrf6. You have llumcd the counldl of the poor, bc,auf..: God ids them ( that which he leave t e very Helli off tht: poor, and 5 is hisrt:fuge. S~e it in JftJm11rla.nd. Michnl,Tobi"" and Sanbaliet,in Prophet hath it D .i ot them) for old Orn!s, as the 11 111 'l v m ai;iother Pfalm c ~tr(Jd and Pi/,ire. W Mt J tr11t h ?L1ith h~ to ourS:i viomWoh.1 8 3S. 'icdl men-eaters co a lion cou h d omparcs theie AtheilO a fcornfuU profane manner.Hercd aUo having b~en long detirous "/J ~1uhoughts, faith he, Pfd~1~nt a~~ampanr. Goa M .n()t in to fee.: Chrill, and hoping to fee tome miracle done by him {as by Wait furetlJ ws a lion. he Ji th . 4 . at follows? Hr lmh i11 Come eaft: ju~ltr) when he could obrnm nothing of him, fet liiLll c11tch the po11r nhtn ht.~r-4w:1h h~ w~Jt to ~atch tht puor: he d1th a~ nought,. :u~J. mock~~i. him, L11k_. 2 3 i 1. So did 711tijin and Lu .... bomis,,dtbts, morgages &c A,,,, i11to hu.11er, that is, into his o~n the prammvc Cl:m(hans 1 contl:mprnoully calling them G11li Ni:h s.),to, tbc!r_poorbrechrm,wh~m thertf~ th~~cws m N~hemi~hhad done J,12111; Vlpian. dt:ccivtrb ; Demrtrian, and othtt HcathcnA r~l&gaonp,.gkt ~ n<Jt; h re c taxt:th ot Atheifme and irrbci1\5, pro,un:rn uf ~ll publike c~bmirit~: crying out climJ~m, d111/t thUJ /M,.J/'J ~ithy" ffTI: fi11hrrd voJ,faicb he,and not to ba7JI h . t: 1 OHr uret ren / p 011 I ChrJililnos"dteones, Totbc lmn:s wnh thd~ Chnllums, 'T~H fc:rtul A~:eliti. ' "H_1ur1. So ?ob to his frit:nds ,h .~"' J t~ J1av1 of IHm mali'}.11i.i Chriftia11i, as Pli11y fa1d ot them. ~o uthtrwife -to. 'b hmnh11t u;,, mifarJpill] s. Id ok uncham ... 1le ceA{ur~rs. B.b b 3 Cljf;. r~~H . -'/h_nv1d fto"'- hu ftimd, /J #t

- -~ -------::-:-=--------=-A:::_T H I~ I s Iii E, . . Fidt1 A difordc:red life Np (4)anc -cl"~------ --- . ' ~1 forf-~ththeftarof the AlmightJ, Job 6.14. Or, as DAvid e.xrreRech in tho place abovctited, Ht [Aith in hi4 "11art, God Pfal.10.~~ll is no God, bur lll'~fontly f~\luws C r ocb the fool conceit there h.tth JOrgouen, h1 hiJrrk J,;-1 f ~e1 1 h1,._ill1uver fee fr1 H~miG i~ mi11Jabt1, verf.1. Yei they prev2rie~t;rr~f{c7;.q t~~Jk"'"' rJ~g ttba is that he fittcth in the lurking placts of the viltages, in the fecret as theolJ world did, that w .. y m c ag~m, 11_3, places doth he murthcr the mnoct:nt, his eyc:s arc privily {et again~ towa.hicwith:i fbud Al~swow~ fotoul, chic God W:.tS faut


7U . ':'"




trA :




. I . .

/' ":. ..:,34


.. .

A -r H'1'ul.t ]!.._

A1'H Bl SM B.

,..:........-- ---- --~-vii~chw for th:it they were Chrifti~r.s. So far did

i~norancc and\


--b ~th~f~ Ph;rif~~-s-;ifo0"ha"Co"uc of wer~ not only the ~a1d~1~es, c:uld not buc mock at the precious
the TcnoBle of t~er. par~ts, ons of chc Sonne of God' Luk., and hl'arcp1e~c1_ng crm t more with them a m:itcer ot .t. A. Rc\unon w1s no n. J", 1-,, o off com, a man'1fd\ f ame then . of the worL~ t -O ki~dc of wickld, Pf11/.1.1. a nghc ndceu a ranl-\e Athei!t, !(a. 21. 11. an

m:tlicc \HlVJ1l in chc: world among thole, I mean, tnat were

withllt>t ( iod in che worlJ, rhu 1c was coumed a capitall critne to hun'~H a Chr~lli;ltl, rl {rU rv(ry where fpok.,e Agai>,p of oJd, ~ta.28.u.. 3nJ lo ir; lbll. Every fool, chat faith in his heart, there is no l.J,)d, huh ouc of tin: fame quivtr a bole co fhooc at goodndlo: Bmrn A-fichol hach coo mrny tons, !f!.:!..i fcoptic'e & fi:11bio1e d~ ba:1iJ locpunt11r, as one faith, who lpta1' fcornfully and fcurvily or mi.:n much bt cctr chen chem Id Vts, repro3ching rdigion for hy. 'I., r:. . .:)'11, '>' roc111ie 1 tincericy l1_>r H.ngul:.tricy, !hi~ncfl;... for fillindlc. Jn lta/1 ( fllith onC', and I w11h 1c \.~ere n~c lo m En~/,ind) they hold integri'y for littk bc:ttu thrn l1llmdle, and abji.(:-tndk. And IC is no. D Fu!~ nth~ conodl1 knuw11 (faith anu cl er) that th~ moCt honourable name H1111n rdl11:1, o~Chrillim, is, init-nl1 1 andacRame, anamcofrq>ro:ich, and 11 .l1 1"'' ulliallyalmkd rofi::;niti~aFoo/uraDo/t, Thryboall rh~mfdves ~-;~ ~; 1.p L:m.I. t:llhtr m c:ie name ot Cacholikci, ~odid the Rag.11ia~ and Arria" htrlCIKt:~ utfu1c tht:m; CJll:ng che [Ill~ ChriHi:ins ~mbr~fianr, A1h,i1Mjian1, H(lmo11ji:1nJ, &c. As thde thdr fuccdfours did, Wicl1 viS1 J, w.-ddenfas, J/;,_ffi1e1, and now of late Lu1heran1, ZHinrJitir.1, c,i/vinij/1, Puric:ms, and what not? The Atheifis in N~hcmi~t/ .r time thought co havcj~ared chc good J.:ws ouc ot their hn \Vm:imll~ to re-Lu1ld tl1(: City, /rnd fo d10 rhc Papifis ( hlrlin 1\ rhuHs) ho pr by hl-:e arcs co h-1vc w~ aimed the hands of th~ rc.:nownl'd l\dm mc-rs. Er4mm allo ( chlC mongrdl in rdi 8 11 uion) tliH \VJS, ill en Jr (':,,.,_, do11e pl)tt1, a!! one faith of him, how 1 ~~rc,1 ,11 iJP.l<lii' n. "llL' 1 flJPfrll/P1fo!, i dec l:mng ch..:rtuy 1 'JJ1a111h.e ,J.Lo lmtcr 1!> he J~Jlll rtU.'er 111 1 s fwJu1111arb11 i1i what fpiric hc w:is ot? t\nJ whac a Jry wipe was tl1Jt he gave M Lmh~r. 1Pul1h.m.~m C.1piro, }:2!!.."!~m .I /e c.~pitfJ di:cimum fore ffeer.u? He cculd not drny ( iatth Mr C,dz in) but tluc Cdpita a holy


Pet. 3 3

t'l<p.U-<.Tfifti!,GY, C' ;fp.inare 111/J~


:-... , .:'.ii




F I J\(__ I S.


whmas he hdd ic as l>oud, 11...: a buftnetli:, and impoffitllc for Clm!ts Minillds to kck co com:Cl che worlds wickt:dm !k, ;is co mak~ a rive 1unnc ti:ickwJrd, u11Jer the perf1..m of that om: m:m, he cond1..11111cJ us Jll uf mcopfiJeracc Z1,;ll. Huwbrn lrif'41Jm~ u , j1tjl1{i:d11fhcrchildren, MJC. 11.19. Or (:is fomc: learmd men t'J)i11,.tt.tw011 tu tead ch:it wu) 1vi.dune Ujlld~doflurchildr~n I That is, Thof;: 14 '"'(# '. r wl fr~ that ren 11a r . pr(ti.nJ tu bl! h.:r ch1lJrc11 (as Er,1fmm wich his tdlow-Pha"'"' nkts did) th~y p~m:dly and prcpoHcrodly p:iifo knttnce upon . '"wu:rJri111. tht:ir Mocher, whmu chty oughc, as dutifull children, to htarken

a./ 'J"'""

c.i'v, i.11 pr~. ar. m111, and one Lluc cool< vny ~cod p:tins to pmg~ the Church, Bue


and lubm1t to. llut many lurned m~~ arc arrant Athcifis: as


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