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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code ECE317 Course Category Course Title ANALOG AND LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LABORATORY Practical Course Course Planner 15692::Manie Kansal Lectures 0.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 2.0 1.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Op-Amps & Linear ICs Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-5 OR-6 OR-7 OR-8 OR-9 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) , , , , , , , , , Title Op-Amps & Linear ICs Linear Integrated Circuits Microelectronics Author Ramakanth A. Gayakwad D.Roy Chowdary J. Millman and A. Grabel Edition 1st 2nd 2nd 1988 Year 2008 Publisher Name PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi New Age international Ltd. Tata McGraw Hill Author Ramakanth A. Gayakwad Edition 2nd Year 2009 Publisher Name PHI (Pretice Hall India)

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features Google book id=lc1d_aghlFYC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepag e&q&f=false

RW-2 Google Book q=google&oq=google&aqs=chrome.0.0l2j61j0l2j60.1446j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UT F-8#sclient=psy-ab&q=google+books+for+analog+electronics&oq=google+books+for +analog +el&gs_l=serp.1.0.33i29i30l4.163052.171110.1.172864. 0j1.20.0...0.0.0..1c.1.17.psy-ab.LVwKdwg_Vk&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.bmk&fp=454708d46e718598& biw=1366&bih=643 &q&f=false simluation link


Software/Equipments/Databases Sr No SW-1 (S/E/D) (only if relevant to the course) Pspice Salient Features Simulation tool

*Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:
Component Performance Evaluation % of Marks 100

Detailed Plan For Practicals

Practical No Practical 1 Broad topic (Subtopic) Practical Description Learning Outcomes In practical-01 students will be knowing in brief about all the five practicals before MTE and in practical 2 Student will be learning the Transistor parameters: alpha (and beta and analyse the their dc characterstics In practical-01 students will be knowing in brief about all the five practicals before MTE and in practical 2 Student will be learning the Transistor parameters: alpha (and beta and analyse the their dc characterstics Students will learn to design common emitter amplifiers and will analyse the voltage and current gain Equipment Used Resistors, Capacitors, BJT, Multimeter, Power supply Analog Electronics(D.C. characterization In Practical 1 description of all the five and finding parameters of transistors) practicals will be given before MTE and in practical 2students are asked to find the Transistor parameters: alpha and beta and analyse the their dc characterstics Analog Electronics(D.C. characterization In Practical 1 description of all the five and finding parameters of transistors) practicals will be given before MTE and in practical 2students are asked to find the Transistor parameters: alpha and beta and analyse the their dc characterstics Analog Electronics(Design of simple To design simple common emitter amplifiers (common emitter and common amplifier source))

Practical 2

Resistors, Capacitors, BJT, Multimeter, Power supply

Practical 3

BJT, Resistors, Multimeter,Power supply, Capacitor Resistors, Capacitors, IC 741, Multimeter, Power supply, CRO

Practical 4

Analog Electronics(Design of differential To design and analyse the voltage gain of Students will learn to design and amplifier) differential amplifier analyse the voltage gain of differential amplifier

Practical 5

Analog Electronics(Design of an oscillator (phase shift/Colpitts/Hartley/Wien bridge)) Analog Electronics(Design of tuned amplifier)

To implement Hartley, colpitt and Phase shift oscillator and measure their frequencies and do the error analysis with theoratical frequency

Students will learn To design Hartley, colpitt and Phase shift oscillator and measure their frequencies both theoratical and practical

Resistors, Capacitors, BJT, Multimeter, Power supply, CRO

Practical 6

In practical-06 To design and analyse the In practical -06 Students will able to Resistors, Capacitors, BJT, Multimeter, voltage gain of tuned amplifier and in learn the basics and operations of tuned Power supply, CRO practical 07 a test will be conducted for amplifier along with its characterstics all the experiments before MTE In practical-06 To design and analyse the In practical -06 Students will able to Resistors, Capacitors, BJT, Multimeter, voltage gain of tuned amplifier and in learn the basics and operations of tuned Power supply, CRO practical 07 a test will be conducted for amplifier along with its characterstics all the experiments before MTE In practical-08 description will be given to students for all the experiments to be conducted after MTE and in practical-09 students are asked toTo study the detailed opertation IC 555 timer In practical-08 description will be given to students for all the experiments to be conducted after MTE and in practical-09 students are asked toTo study the detailed opertation IC 555 timer To study the Characteristics and ApplicatioCharacteristics, operatio and Application of operational amplifier In practical-08 students will be IC 741, IC555, Resistors, capicators, knowing about all the experiments after power supply, CRO MTE and in practical -09 Students will learn various modes of operation of IC555 timer In practical-08 students will be IC 741, IC555, Resistors, capicators, knowing about all the experiments after power supply, CRO MTE and in practical -09 Students will learn various modes of operation of IC555 timer Students will learn about characteristics, working modes as well as the applications of operational amplifier IC 741, Resistors, capicators, power supply, CRO

Practical 7

Analog Electronics(Design of tuned amplifier)

Practical 8

Linear Integrated Circuits(Astable and Monostable Multivibrator and Schmitt Trigger using Op-Amp)

Practical 9

Linear Integrated Circuits(Astable and Monostable Multivibrator and Schmitt Trigger using Op-Amp)

Practical 10

Linear Integrated Circuits(Operational Amplifiers (IC741)-Characteristics and Application) Linear Integrated Circuits(Waveform Generation using Op-Amp (IC741))

Practical 11

To generate squarewave, triangular wave Students will learn that how to generate IC 741, Resistors, capicators, power and saw tooth wave using IC 741 squarewave, triangular wave and saw supply, CRO tooth wave using IC 741 without using function generator To design and analyse the Phase Shift Oscillator and Wein Bridge Oscillator using Op-Amp Students will learn to design and IC 741, Resistors, capicators, power analyse the Phase Shift Oscillator and supply, CRO Wein Bridge Oscillator using Op-Amp IC 741, Resistors, capicators, power supply, CRO

Practical 12

Linear Integrated Circuits(Phase Shift Oscillator and Wein Bridge Oscillator using Op-Amp.) Linear Integrated Circuits(Study and Application of PLL IC)

Practical 13

In practical-13 students are asked to To In practical-13 Students will learn the study the basic principle of PLL and basic principle of PLL and implement implement its application and in its application Practical-14 a test will be conduced for all the experiments conducted after MTE In practical-13 students are asked to To In practical-13 Students will learn the study the basic principle of PLL and basic principle of PLL and implement implement its application and in its application Practical-14 a test will be conduced for all the experiments conducted after MTE

Practical 14

Linear Integrated Circuits(Study and Application of PLL IC)

IC 741, Resistors, capicators, power supply, CRO

Practical 15 Spill Over

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