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Arabic Characters do not Display Correctly in PDF Format using Arabic Transparent Font or Simplified Arabic


Oracle Reports Developer - Version:

Add the following two lines in the uifont.ali file

"Arabic Transparent"="arial.ttf"
"Arabic Transparent"...Bold.. ="arialbd.ttf"

The Arabic Transparent font does not have all Glyphs, so you need to replace artro.ttf and artrbdo.ttf
with the Arial font.


Forms on Win XP

Testcase with step-by-step instructions

I will upload a zip with three files:
- SQL_Script.txt = script to create & populate the table raed_emp;
(Database used with NLS_LANG AR8ISO8859P6 or AR8MSWIN1256)
- raed_emp.rdf = the source of the report
- raed_emp.pdf = the PDF output of the report
1. Run the script "SQL_Script.txt" on the Database
2. Make sure to set the environment variables for the Report Server
- Set REPORTS_PATH to the system font directoy such as D:\WINNT\Fonts
3. Open uifont.ali under ORACLE_HOME\tools\common\, set the font alias
entries at [PDF:Subset] section.
[ PDF:Subset ]
"Arabic Transparent"...Bold.. = "artrbdo.ttf"
"Arabic Transparent"..... = "artro.ttf"
Arial..Italic.Bold.. = "ARIALBI.TTF"
Arial...Bold.. = "ARIALBD.TTF"
Arial..Italic... = "ARIALI.TTF"
Arial..... = "ARIAL.TTF"
"Simplified Arabic"...Bold.. = "simpbdo.ttf"
"Simplified Arabic"..... = "simpo.ttf"
"Times New Roman"..Italic.Bold.. = "TIMESBI.TTF"
"Times New Roman"...Bold.. = "TIMESBD.TTF"
"Times New Roman"..Italic... = "TIMESI.TTF"
"Times New Roman"..... = "TIMES.TTF"
"Traditional Arabic"...Bold.. = "tradbdo.ttf"
"Traditional Arabic"..... = "trado.ttf"
4. Run the report with an URL like:
sformat=PDF&userid=< scott/tiger@orcl>&report=raed_emp.rdf
Report With Arabic Characters Shows As Junk in PDF

• You will face this issue if your database Character Set does not support Arabic language. Your
database Character Set might be WE8ISO8859P1 or WE8MSWIN1256, and in such cases, you
will get this problem.
• You should use a database Character Set that supports Arabic language.

This note does not cover migration of existing database to the new database with the new
Character Set.

• Create a database with a Character Set that supports Arabic language (for example:
• Re-create the necessary objects in the schema in the new database and insert data.
• Follow the suggestions in Note 212560.1.
• Run the report on the web to PDF format and the Arabic characters will be displayed correctly.

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