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How to Love the LORD with all your Heart, Soul, and Strength.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:27, Matthew 22:37, Matthew 12:30, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18 all say the same thing. The most important law. To be all that God wants us to be we have to exercise these four areas every day: physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual.

To love the Lord with all your heart is an emotional content. There is a baggage that we carry needlessly; they can be scars, doubts, burdens, and self-dependence. Whatever the baggage is we have to leave it behind and let our hearts run to Jesus. One you drop the bag, dont pick it up. There is healing in Jesus. Psalm 41:4 I said, "O LORD, have mercy on me; heal me, for I have sinned against you." Isaiah 57:18 I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will guide him and restore comfort to him, Isaiah 58:8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. After youve done this love GOD with your heart: Love the LORD with all your heart by recognizing your affections determine our devotion. Our hearts are, wherever our affections are. I want my affections to be with Jesus, I want my heart to be with Jesus, and I want my affections toward Jesus to steer my life. We can love the LORD with all our heart by understanding that our affections follow what we treasure. Matthew 6:21 says For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. Jesus gave us the answer on how to love GOD with all our hearts. Our heart loves what it treasures. When we find our treasure love will follow. Wherever your treasure is love follows. For the heart to love Jesus fully, it has to treasure Him strongly. When we really encounter the LORD in His glory and worth, loving Him with all our hearts will be the results. I want to feel so affectionate for Jesus; I want Him to be my treasure. I want my heart to love the LORD; my Treasure. I want to treasure GOD with my Everything. I want to know the LORD in His glory and worth. 1. Love the LORD with all your heart by aiming to make Jesus your greatest treasure

For Apostle Paul the loss of everything else was nothing compared to gaining Christ. He is an example of a man who found His treasure. The glory of the LORD is so amazing and satisfying that all else is nothing. When we draw our attention away from Christ our love grows cold. Its so simple. Our treasure will be replaced by something or somebody else. I want to love Christ more than anything. As long as Ive got my treasure Im good! Thats all I need. He is my Rock, my Shield, my Shelter, my Faith, my Salvation Hes not even the number 1 in my life Hes MY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never turn my attention away from Christ. Theres nothing else to turn to anyway, didnt I tell you He is my Everything? My treasure is unreplacable so is cant be replaced!!!!!!!!!! 2. Love the LORD with all your heart by spending time with Him and letting His light shine in your heart. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. Jesus is the light that shone into our darkness, and we still have His light in our hearts. Why shouldnt we bring the light (Jesus) into other peoples lives. But, beware, all glory goes to GOD. Here are four steps Im going to take:

1. Decide to pursue Him. Just pray it to the Lord, Jesus I long for You to be my ultimate treasure, help me and give me power to do so! I will pray this often throughout the day. 2. Start with the Bible. Open it and search out what it says about the glory of who Jesus is and what He has done. If I dont know where to start, Ill just go to the Gospels. 3. Make adjustments. What is it I am going to do daily that will allow me to grow into this reality. Study the Bible, go to church, do research, spend more time with GOD, pay attention to my studies, go to youth group, do everything I can for my Everything. 4. Be with Him. He delights in us. He wants to be with us and reveal Himself to us. He enjoys you! And I want to discover more about Him. Ill set time aside to be with Him only. GOD should Everything in your life. It should be more of a privilege than an obligation to spend as much time with GOD as possible.

1. Love the LORD with all your soul by making godly choices.

Our life is the sum of the choices we make. Our choices show what we are committed to, what we are in the core. Our choices defy ourselves to the world. We do what we value. Choices flow from what we treasure most. Our choices should reflect GOD. How we use things that are given to us by GOD (everything), shows if you love GOD with all your soul or not. The phrase think before you act was always hard for me. Sometimes I just want to do things fast and I mess up. But I think I might start taking my time and think fast before I act. I want all my choices to reflect the LORD. I want people to know that I value Him the most and the LORD is my treasure. I want my choices to flow from what I treasure most even if its hard or I dont feel like it. I want my actions and choices to show that I love GOD with all my soul. 2. Love the LORD with all your soul by pursuing obedience to His Word. Love must be demonstrated expressed. When we live by every word that comes from His mouth and obey His commandments; were expressing our love for the LORD. To have a happy relationship with the LORD you have to make your decisions based on love, not on your feelings. You have to be obedient to the covenant and love unconditionally whether you feel like it or not. This part of the commandment is important. Its not always easy to love GOD, but we should do it out of love because in the Kingdom love comes first and then feelings. I want to live by the law of the LORD, and my decisions to be based on love - no matter what I feel. I want to learn how GOD loves us all unconditionally and love Him at all times. I know it might be hard, and theres no way I can do it on my own, but I pray He helps me grow in Him more and more, day by day. 3. Love the LORD with all your soul by pursuing a life of humility in attitudes and speech. When we are humble, we can express our love for the LORD. We have to love Him with such meekness, that were willing to die for Him. Meekness is expressed through our attitude and speech. What we say and how we say it expands or shortens our ability to love the Lord by the power of the Spirit. When our choices become GOD-centered and we live a life of humility and godliness; we are loving the LORD with all our souls. I pray Ill become more humble and meek little by little, day by day. I pray that Ill love Him to the extent of dying for Him. I pray everything I say and do expands my ability to love the LORD by the Spirit. By the grace of GOD, my life will become GOD-centered, and full of humility and godliness. Every day the choices you make say what you are and who your heartbeats for.

Use everything God has given you: your talents and gifts, your school, your church lessons, books, internet, movies for His purpose and His purpose only. Okay, lets see just about what you can do in one day: Student at school:

1. Wake up read the Bible, thank GOD for waking you up, pray over what you learned and for the day. Ask GOD to forgive all your sins. Put on the armor of Christ and say the Lord s Prayer. Ask for strength to resist the devil. Bind it, resist it, and cast it out. Ask the LORD to release the angels of GOD and the 7 spirits of GOD to execute the perfect will of GOD for your day. Glorify GOD and magnify His Name if you want sing if you want call Him by His many names. And HEY! Dont get all cranky/angry in the morning. GOD woke you up to spend another earth day with you and He gets that response from you! Talk about joy comes in the morning or this is the day that the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. That means you were lying; you dont want to be a liar do you? 2. Dress up do your clothes let others know GOD is your treasure. Wearing clothes that arent bad isnt enough. You have to go the extra mile. Wear a WWJD bracelet, a necklace with a cross, or a bold shirt that says PROUD TO BE A CHRISTIAN. Anything as long as it glorifies GOD. 3. Breakfast You better finish that food whether you like it or dont feel like it. GOD gave you that food. You are blessed that you have food kids are in the dessert looking for food and if that thought makes you feel guilty, dont offer to give your food to them. Find online campaigns or help the beggars (poor people). The only excuse for not eating when you have GOD-given food is youre fasting and NO LIES! 4. Head for school pray. Talk to GOD, spend time with Him, tell Him how good it feels to be outside early in the morning. Or at least that you have eyes that can see, ears that can hear, a mouth that can talks, feet that can walk and hands that can work not to mention a digestion system that works and your health and youre practically sever- problem free! 5. School dont daydream, dont zone out, dont pass notes, dont reply to notes, dont let a class go by without raising your hand to answer or ask a school question. Pay attention and understand 50% of understanding comes from the explanation in class 6. Lunch slip into one of the bathroom stalls, kneel down and pray. How often do you remember that GOD is a KING who deserves your respect and devotion and wants to be close to you. No matter how close you feel to GOD, He is your NOT age mate HE . . . IS . . .YOUR . . . . . GOD!!!!! Just pray for a minute or two dont forget to thank Him for your lunch! *wink* 7. Home[work] grab a snack, thank GOD and eat. HOMEWORK!!!! Dont avoid it. Face it. After you Face your Book you can go on FaceBook. Do your best and go the extra mile, trust me, it will take up your time but if school wont bless you for it GOD will so much greater than anything else on earth. 8. FREEDOM [from homework] glorify GOD through your actions. Picture this: you just finished your tiring essay homework and you see the dishes undone. Youre wearing a WWJD bracelet and you pass by thinking thats not my job. That was a sin. Every time you did that you sinned. Sin means missing the target. To most of us we think it means not defying the laws of GOD, but the target is to glorify GOD, and when youre not glorifying GOD when you can youre missing the target. 9. End of a tiring but glad day [SLEEEEEP!] Dont jump on your bed and wake up the next morning. Pray like you did in the morning. If you want you can read the Bible again. Go on your knees next to our bed. We watched kids do it on TV but we never actually do it START. You have no idea how much GOD misses those days when the Israelites did it right and were finding our way back. Thank GOD for you day, ask GOD for protection and blessings and mercy and

grace and favor over your house and all your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Cover everything with the blood of Jesus, bless everything, ask for help for the world, ask Him for forgiveness and for help for you to forgive others, protection from nightmares. Prophesy good things over your life in the name of Jesus. Ask Him to help you grow in faith. Pray your hearts content, until you can go to sleep in peace 10. Have a good night sleep

Dont forget GOD is always watching you. If youre not in His presence, Hes in yours. Dont be spiritual in your prayers only. Your spiritual life is your real life. People should see youre a Christian and know youre different when your mind is not spiritual.

Its your life Making time for GOD

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