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Box 66, Catano Station


San Juan, Puerto Rico 00532

Iiartes, 6 de marzo de 1973
Bear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Puerto Rico.

and the whole ICU family (professors, missionaries,

These last few vreeics have been special ones for the Powler family

as much as in the lives of the people to whom we re minlsteri g. it often happens that way, doesn't it!
ie've had a weelc of "Deeper Life Crusade"

:!e are witnessing spiritual growth in our own lives almost

as the Spirit led us. Many changes have resulted:^_a ^ene-^ed

pro;3ects here (in prisons and classes especially), and som p realizations of areas of our own lives that must be cleansing and healing in order to be fit vessels of His P
seeim ^ ^ +v.o ami.

praying, fasting, and concentrated time together feasting

to the Spirit's guidance, a specific awareness of

opnQitivit.* ijp'rp

our witnessing.

I'll have to admit that even though we were very eager when we first came do-:^ here a few months ago, tn Tip aslcin^

and painfully aware of our inadequacy to do what He see

for my power is made perfect in weakness

Of us. .rell, in response to your prayers/or us. feel adequate, God has instead told us: S^aoe is
(II Cor#


makine us

Tn little thiF^TTH^a "inl;h^a^-^raWp-tanniTi^i^-^os^^ tieoDle

we are not needing to plead or offer impassioned persu

" raiting upon the Lord" and finding much more success in it^^especi ixy^

to come to Christ?


selves; people see His love and respond to it.

Praise to Jesus!

re'are in His will and lift -P.

of our-

Some of our best contacts have come to OUR door,

wp to

his life.

named Jamie stood up and announced that he wanted

The other night as the ICU family was gathered, a

He appologized for not waiting for an



but he wanted to be baptized that night.

out on the beach as he came up out of the waterj

for you who^are helping us show it to them.

Jamie's here who are hungry for God's love, and we aie


,^ ^ q ^

thouLnds of

somewhere???) in order to teach the missionary-recruitq,uately. Pray and let us know what you think, O.K.,

I feel a desperate need to dig deeper academically (e

I'fill you pray for us about what God would

. , ^ ade+

1 a^PhD^uroeram A-"i

Many at ICU have been having trouble with and thought we had bettor at least mention the possibility oi
Pirat Christian Church

i^on-Pi-ofit Org.

1801 Onllojvo "Rl.vd.


U.S. pL-sta;To Paid

perm.1.1 /J^29

p.'ise, Idaho








having happened. Je send receipts within a week or so for all checks we receive and try to answer letters promptly. Has there been mail
that you think might not have reached us?

I*ve been enjoying teaching a class this quarter on Group Psychol ogy (relating both to the missionary's mental health and to methods
useable on the mission field) Adaptations of some of the small-group ideas seem to be excellent means of both communicating and demonstrating

the Gospel in an unevangelized area. (Jesus used some of these methodsj The government here has asked me to begin some therapy-counseling groups within the prisons, ('fe are praising the Lord for opening doors! iTot ^

the first time God opened doors at prison, is it? See lets 5:19j et al./ But so far some political red tape has kept us from actually beginning,
fe'll keep you posted.

The prisons seem to be a wide-open (bad analogy) field, white unto hafvest. vie are praying about how the Lord would have us minister to
another field He seems to be leading us to also:

Puerto Rloo campus,

from prostitutes to politicians, "^fe are asking God for the same boldnes He gave the apostles (lets 4:29-31) as we preach the words He gives us,
sometimes in that same hour we are to speak.

The Gospel is for iLL classes of people:

ifill you pray specifically for us in this, too?

The University of

from prisoners to professors,

had been unable to minister in the big Commonwealth Penitentiary (Satan used the political influence of one Catholic priest who was threatened by our encroachment on "his turf".) but this last Sunday I was allowed

here. This last week God answered one special

Many of you have been praying with us concerning the prison ministi

For weeks, w^^

to come in to preach to a group of about 200 prisoners. Perhaps I will be allowed to come in regularly. Hallelujah I \Je found a big wooden packing crate and a plastic liner which is almost big enough to use a portable baptistry for the twenty some prisoners who have committed their lives to Jesus. But permission to bring it inside the walls has still been denied. Since the change in government last^election time,

political pressure from the "independistas (a party with ^^^ong affil

by certain "americanos" whom the Party has decided might be dangerous
us and leave the politics to the government and the results to the
Lord i

iations with the official Communist Party in Puerto

to their cause.

vJe've decided to just lift up Jesus

inother answer to prayer: The Herri-:?"eds Sunday School class of .First Christian Church, Boise, Idaho, offered to print and mail our

there classes in your church that might help them this project? Their address is: I8OI College Blvd., Boise, Id. o^^TOo.
Judy and I would love to have you vrrite and share

mil you join us in prayer support for that class and their church.


Praise God for the faithfulness of His P


prayer requests, what God's showing you, and answers He s giving you ana your church to specific prayers, problems, victories, or whatever. Thanks again for being such a vital part of God s ministry here in Puert
Rico through us.

Jesus' love to you,

Bruce, Judy, Curtis, & Christy Powler

BiriUCii) K.

PO fLEiil


Box 66, Catano Station

San Juan, Puerto ?dco 00652

June, 1973

Christ's peace to you I

last few weeks. I've been eager to take a moment to share some of it with you so that you can see how your praying and giving have lifted
and strengthened us in Jesus,


That's the best way to describe the ministry here the

ceremony" they piled expensive books of magic, astrology, witchcraft, satanism in a heap; poured the last of their gin and vodka over them and set them ablaze. -Je prayed and praised the name of Jesus around the bonfire much like they must have done in Ephesus (icts 19)* Since then, both our families have experienced Satanic attacks which we have taken as compliments and which have given us reason to praise
the Lord all the more.

need to make a clean break from their past life.

Several days ago, jir, cc I'Lrs. Octavio Gonzales (just been bap tized) were telling me about the changes that Jesus was making in their lives. As we talked, the Holy Spirit impressed them with the
As a

new direction

Every night this week, I have been leading a group of adults in a series of Bible studies on basic Christianity.^ Many of tne new con
verts (and several who haven't yet made the commitment) have^^been
the Christ.

really digging into the -Jord to "See if these things so {Acts 17:11) and talking to their neighbors about tlieir new Master, J^bub-

job. They started with 36 children last week and had 75 this weex in the house they've been using for classes. .Jhile Judy and the ^ were at Bible School, I spent the day at the prison counse-ing. Play ing,-^udying, and rapping with the men. Yesterday was a day P

a vacation Bible 3chool--an exhausting but rewarding and

Every day for the last couple of weeks, Judy has been directing

released (after 5 years inside) on a re-sentence technicality. Since his family is deeply involved in underworld business and crime in iew York, he has moved in with us as a member of our family, lor now, anyway. Please pray for Gerald as he lives here, for he is not a Christian and desperately needs a healing, saving relationship
with Jesus.

for us.

Gerald, one of the prisoners in our group was une p

for openings for ministry in the penitentiary?

Jlemember when I wrote a few months ago requesting prayer

:/ell, this week

the men.

offered me an office inside where I could better meet and pray with

Yahoo I God does everything so xfonderfully and completely.

this summer. 'Je are expecting an addition to our family late October. vie praise the Lord constantly for His support through you. Thank you
for being used of Him that all this might be possible.

Ai^iJOmTCEHEi^TS: I'll b.e teaching IJ hours of PsychoJ.ogy and missions course's next fall at ICU; and an intensified evangelism course

Hay God bless your ministries as He has ours,

Rriioe Judy Fowler, and Curtis & Christy





Box 66, Catano Station

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00632

Progress In the"Prlson Parish"


At 13 years old, a guy named Salvadore Ramos joined a street gang in the Puerto Rlcan district of New York, started "mainlining" heroin,

and literally sold his soul to Satan (who spoke to him directly during a gunflght with a rival gang) in exchange for some of Satan*s

Now he*s 28, serving 15 yrs. in San Juan penitentiary, angry, lonely, and scared. Sal has been the most violently vocal against "religion

supernatural "gifts", excitement, easy money, and some wild trips.

and the Jesus stuff" of any of the men I have worked with here in the

HIS LIFE! Praise God! I wish I had room here to tell you the whole have played part it with prayers and gilts.' because Sal has you never met you, a but the in peace he's your experiencing now
conveys thank you" far better than my words here can.
What we^ve been doing!

^st Wednesday, Sal renounced Satan and INVITED JESUS TO BE MASTER OF

prison so far.

But he kept coming back to talk about it anyway,

Curtis and Christy:

-Getting anxious to start a new year at P,R. Christian School (ICU)

-uoing dishes more often than they'd like
-i^raying for our friends in the States Peter, our new puppy of questionable heritage

Judy: -Thinking about names for our new baby

raising that we finally got a washing machine for Bruce_jto cl ean_hls_. study_ students who are coming to ICU -Balancing the family budget
this fall

teach several newclassroom classes this term at ICU cement for additions to ICU building studying to teach a high school Bible class on Sun.p.m, ing fundamentals of auto mechanics the hard way
would have us spend more (or less) time in

l^l^u^^ray with us




recruits that are now arriving for ICU classes

carries the baby

deciding about coming to mission fields


rxaise for answering each of these you've prayed about o -Praise^for^anqi^TP^^?" ^^ithful to our highest goal, and to Jesus only
Crlsto te ama!

The Fowler Family

First Christian Church 1801 College Boulevard

Eolse, Idaho 83706


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Permit No. 29 Boise, Idaho








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Box 66, Station-. :.;

San Juan, Fucxto.iiico 00632
; , -

uliA ex. i.s.

.o'Jo 3t3V.t.i, i.ij'il.:; r-X
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Octubre lIg 1973

Our Special iirothers and liisters: GOD*S CIjEAR direction HAS BEEN GIViSM to us this last i.ionth in ansv/er to

y^ur prayers for His leadinr, in oi,r ministry here.


Let )iic tell you about

IfJe cai-ie to Puerto Rico more than ayear a^jo on faith as you supported us
and lield us up in prayer. jAJ.iin;;:- these iiionths the i-ain joinisory God ^"avo us
v;as to tcach counseling and New Testa-ient at International Christian liniver-

si by, to train iidssionaiy recruits for i'ields all over the v.'orld. All of us, both professors and students -jere involved in other evangelistic

ninistries as rell, as you prayed faithl'ully and speciiically, God opened

proj;!ptii'i^ us to ask j'ou to Join with us a:;ain in prajans aixut vhat to do

up the prison irdnistry vdbh rich opportunities for evanrjelism and counseling*

riiroufihout this last suini/ier the prison ninistry becaine a fulltime endeavor,

yhen li^U Glasses started a;,ain in the fali. I.C... all its

tcachoi's to sign a contract denying the present-day working of the Holy S^drit. e certainly could nob si;,n it occause \;iiat Jle is "'Oiii,'; to us end tJ-irou^h us id dix'ect c^iduence of the /ioly .spirit's r.iiraculous present-day .j0;.'er|
j.'any of bue ICU faculit/, including :i'resident Hamilton hiinself found different

. ^d is blessing our iidnistries as acknov;ledge Hiin and seek Kis direction.
( Prov# 326 ) In addition to the ,jrison hdnistry vj*e are involved in other
ministries tooi

ministries opening up to thera. As for us, God continues to confirm our call to P#R,

^Nei^borhood evangelism vdth home Bible studies and prayer-fellovfshlp lEsetings

throughout the ;;eek ( ijaptised our next-door neij^hbor the other d^yii)

Loading the high school group in our nev;ly-formed Christian church here in

--Teaching a iJible Class of i^ierto iiicaa college students on ""..ednesd^ nightsj CAieraember a fev; months ago uhen vkj asked you to pray for God to ooen a lii^inistry
to college students here? 112 DID ITU )

.orking a community church in the torn of Guyanabo.

I*m anxious to share details aid progress of these vdth you in person^ letters#
ine scripture quoted by our Lord.,#

me to orin^; the Good dei:s to the a.' i'lictcd, and has sent me to ind up biiG .rokcnheai'tcd, to i)roclaijn liberty to the captives, arid the opening o tue prison to those *;:to are joiind, to pi'oclaira the year of the Lord^s favor. . ."(Isaiali 61: 1,2)

ihe tipi^t of tiio Iiord God is upon ''.e, i'x^cause the Lord has annoinbed

First Christian Church 1301 College iioulevard Boise, Idaho 83706

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IND. 4b901

penitentiary here# Last ne^^sletter^ J zucntidh^d Ssil'd x^lease froiii Satan's

grasp* 1-1017 ijecause of his tbstiinony to f : lloTf<^ihi:]atcs> aiid tlie Obvious

8 ems to have special .-^leaning in ;;hab God has called us to do in the

in their lives too. Pray especially for torpe (Sal* s friend) ^^^hom God
is calling t-ds a^eek to take the step of faith* hun^^er for your prayers and for notes from you blessing for you today*
Praise Himl

change in Ids life and attitude, several others are seeking Uod*s change '.;e pray for you daily and God has a special

His and Yours,

Bruce, .Judy, Uurt, o: Christy i''ovjier


The Bruce Fowler Family

Box 66

Catano, Puerto Rico

Diciembre fl? 1973

^^^.Ctoistmas Greetings from the FowlersJ



Craig Michael Fowler was born early

Gloria en las alturas a Dios y en la tierra paz, buena voluntad para con los hombres. Luke 2jlii

Sunday morning, November 25 a pretty big kid already at 8 lb.8 oz. (21 in.). Rerad Luke 2 aigain. Notice that God's, We We been praying that Craig would grow answer to men's fear (v. 10) is that His up. to be God's man in faith and obedience, message is one of "good news of great joy"
and have dedicated ourselves to that end.

Would you join us in this prayer?

not a burdensome system of rules of a pat-on-the-shoulder-encouragement to "hang in there, baby." He's got real live victory for you, Nowl f'More than-conquer ors" doesn't mean frustration, or "being
a.little less fearful." If you're God's

person, claim His power boldly. It's yours J


-Carolers with bongos, maracas, and Latin rhythm at 3:00 a.m.

- i^etting a sun tan on the beach.

3 million people on this little island all trying to go on the same road at once. Hearing "Feliz XTavidad" instead of Merry Christmas. yarning to like rice and beans with hot sauce. oeeing Spiritist shrines in many of your neighbors' front yards.

' grateful to have had a little turkey soup with their rice and beans on Thanksgiving. Tinsel on palm trees.
word "Coca-Cola."

Fake C^istmas trees (oh, how we miss Oregon's Douglas Fir forestsl)

that Puerto Ricans think "coke" is the English translation of the Spanish sidewalk vendors shouting into their loudspeakers on the same corner, sweater out of the b^rel when_JL_gets dQwn__tQ_70 jiegrees MQjt XwJL WXlcn JLLgc US QQwTi X.U f U CIcglcCQ* whether English or Spanish will be the official language in Heaven.

!^e -I


^arnmg Christmas carols in Spanish.

presents for "Three-Kings-Day" (Jan. 6) instead of for Christmas. flowing freely, ruining lives and families.

tSs^year^^^'^^^^ wondering if there will be apackage or a visit from the family

"Silent Night" translates into "Night of Love, Night of Peace" in

Forgetting again to mail early enough to compensate for the Atlantic Ocean between


- Health for all the family.

WSm Nm

- For a beautiful baby boy.

PRAYER LIST: Intercession

repairs this month. (He

supply EVEEI of yours ..." Philippians U-19)

- For Bruce's Grandmother Gilstrap, as she convalesces in the hospital. - For the following families whom God is calling into special ministries
in various states:

SiTi? C'pistles,-eapecia].ly,
First Cl-jristian Church IjOI College Boulevard 837'jC Boise, Idaho

spel and the

this month.

- R. Bohanan family - R. Campbell family - V. Ricks family"

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Permit No. 29

Boise, Idaho








Most of iry time is spent now ministering at the Penitentiary here as chaplain and
counselor. What an opportunity opened up among the 2000 inmates when you prayed
with me that the doors would be openedi At first we received heavy political

(spiritual) opposition from the Communist-influenced "In dependista" faction which opposes American missions# But God provided both an office and a hungry "core' group with whom to start| and now I*m spending most of every day teaching, rapping, and counseling (some preaching) among a growing congregation of 75 to 100 prisoners every week. Last week, the warden (a Christian through whom God opened^many doors for this ministry) retired, and this week there has been heavy opposition again from Satan through the non-Christian pox-jer structure within the penal system. Last Saturday, a group of guards literally (bodily) threw me out the gate. But, praise the LprdJ, on Monday, after much prayer, I came back in with renewed official supp!irt from their superior officers5 and on Tuesday I was able to share openly and witness to two of these same guards for whom I had been praying, I have been told that every day as I walk through the big, iron gate, hexes and voodoo curses are put on me by-3- group o Satanists^in^one of the cell bloj:ks, but_(y^is;t's blood covers all that, and His Spirit protects, guides, and empowers. Praise God for that.^ Please pray for our faith to trust God completely, and for wisdom to discern His
Some time ago, a group of non-Christian prisoners (who I'd never met; approachec me with a list of questions about God and the Bible, and asked to be taught. Now we're meeting every Tuesday night and throughout the week individually. Satan is opposing through distractions, opposition of the prison administration, etc. you pray specifically about this situation and that these ten (or so) men would
respond to Jesus ' love? . .

direction against whatever opposition Satan attempts.



How grateful we are to you for your continued support. Your prayers minister to us more than you could ever know. I'm praying now as I write this that God will give you the most fabulous Christ-centered Christmas ever this year, and that His
Spirit would help you to relax in His will to enjoy it.


For our learning and perfecting Spanish. The Tuesday night Bible class at the prison.

For George, Sonny, Carlos, Ricardo who have not yet said "yes" to Jesus. For opportunities to reach hundreds of prisoners with whom I still have Uttle
or no significant contact.

For power in prayer, particularly in connection with the class of college

students from the town of Guayanabo.

For faith to withstand Satan's increasing attacks at the prison.

Christ's love to you, and ours,

Bruce, Judy, Curtis, Christy & Craig Fowler

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