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see positions below

Subduction zones play a fundamental role in our daily life: half of the world's population lives on
top or nearby one of them, in coastal areas repeatedly devastated by large earthquakes,
tsunamis or volcanic eruptions. These dramatic phenomena are fundamentally controlled by
processes at and across subduction zone inter-plate boundaries, where stresses and energy release
via earthquakes together with fluid-mediated mass transfer interact on a wide range of spatial and
temporal scales (from 10
to 10
yr). Unfortunately, the nature, structure and properties of this
plate interface are still largely unknown, calling for a thorough Zoom In between the Plates
Zooming into the subduction plate interface represents a real challenge for a new generation of
geoscientists. The unique ZIP network will provide them with unprecedented, very broad, high-
end scientific expertise, with up-to-date laboratory facilities, unique field laboratories, and a solid
cross-disciplinary theoretical basis and state-of-the-art knowledge. Private sector involvement,
through secondments, intersectoral visits and training, will provide the fellows with the
opportunity to see&touch&test the organization and the work of large industries, and will increase
the employability of the 14 fellows (12 ESR, 2 ER).

ZIP research work packages WP1-2-3 are based on process understanding to reach the following
overarching goals:
(1) determine the plate interface dimensions, geometry and physical properties,
(2) model time-integrated material fluxes,
(3) constrain how rock rheologies control seismicity, mega-earthquake nucleation and rupture


Recruiting and retaining high-quality young scientists is critical to the success of ZIP. A
transparent, open, equal and internationally accepted recruitment process of the
research fellows is based on the principle of the Charter of Researchers and the Code of
Conduct for their recruitment.
ZIP will be especially attentive to gender issues by encouraging female applications:
gender balance will be a major focus during the recruitment of ESR/ERs. We aim to
have at least 50% of woman researchers.
We aim to recruit most researchers of the network within the first few months (and have them
start before april 2014) to maximize the number of ESR-ERs participating to the ZIP Starters
and match the pace of ZIP workflow:

Candidates will submit their CV, a letter of application, two letters of reference (describing
the candidates' learning, research and communication skills, independence and motivation),
and academic credentials (mark sheets and degree statements) through the application
facility hosted at the ZIP website:
Deadline for applications is October, 1st.

At the end of the deadline, all eligible applications will be sent to the two main
supervisors of each project. They will generate long and short lists (particularly thorough
for ERs) based on overall scientific potential, mobility experience and public awareness.
Short-listed candidates will be invited for a personal interview while the others will be
informed about the failure of their application. Scores and supervisors comments will be
collected by ZIP SC highlighting the most appreciated applications. The Supervisory board of
ZIP will verify the accuracy of the recruitment process. Once a consensus is reached, the
ranking and comments will be recorded. After the selection, all short-listed applicants will be
informed about the strengths and weaknesses of their application. If no satisfactory
candidates are found for a given project after the first call for positions, the empty position will
be re-advertised following the same rules and procedures.

ESR1 Tracing trajectories and geochemical evolution of subducted oceanic lithosphere [WP1]
Supervisors: Scambelluri (UG) / Mezger (GFZ)
Objectives: Characterization of rock diversity on the subduction interface at all scales / Methods: field mapping;
petrological/geochemical characterization of rocks/minerals by SEM, microprobe, ICP-MS laser ablation and TIMS;
geochemical modelling of fluid/rock exchange, element partitioning and fractionation
ESR2 Imaging and characterizing deformation patterns on plate interfaces [WP1]
Supervisors: Oncken (GFZ) / Agard (UPMC)
Objectives: Petrophysical properties, fluid circulations, permeability estimates / Methods: seismic tomography, field
mapping, models of fault slip, pore elastic deformation, viscous response and thermo-mechanical processes
ESR3 Monitoring of the subduction interface by GPS and InSAR [WP1]
Supervisors: Vigny (CNRS) / Moreno(GFZ)
Objectives: Correlation of geodetic/geophysical and petrological/petrophysical data / Methods: integration from high-
end, dense monitoring networks (LIA and IPOC observatories, Chile) across a fully continental upper plate with
continuous GPS stations, seismological stations, tilt meters, geodetic benchmarks.
ESR4 High resolution imaging of the subduction interface using microseismicity [WP1]
Supervisors: Meier (CAU) / REPSOL
Objectives: Transients and microseismicity (v. space/time and the seismic cycle) / Methods: seismology, data
processing of clusters of highly similar microseismic events
ESR5 Structure and physical properties of the subduction plate boundary [WP1]
Supervisors: Ranero (CSIC) / REPSOL
Objectives: Seismological and physical nature of the interplate boundary / Methods: processing and numerical
modelling of marine seismic data, combined seismic and gravity modeling
ESR6 Non-lithostatic fluid (thermo)dynamics of subduction interface dehydration reactions [WP2]
Supervisors: Garrido (CSIC) / Connolly (ETH)
Objectives: Numerical modeling of dehydration reactions within thermo-mechanical models / Methods: field mapping,
petrology, geochemistry, thermodynamic modelling
ESR7 Fluid liberation from the down-going slab: chemistry and fluid pathways [WP2]
Supervisors: Pettke (UB) / THERMOFISHER
Objectives: Fluid/mass transfer and source contributions through space and time / Methods: link careful petrography
with bulk rock and in-situ geochemistry (XRF, ICP-MS, TIMS, LA-ICP-MS, SIMS) of trace elements and isotopes,
fluid characterization
ESR8 Time scales of deformation and fluid-mediated interactions along the plate interface [WP2]
Supervisors: John (FUB) / Agard (UPMC)
Objectives: Links between fluid flow patterns and rock chemical-petrophysical changes / Methods: tectonics, field
mapping, metamorphic petrology, fluids, chemical gradients, diffusion modelling, geochronology
ESR9 Experimental-numerical constraints on the rheological impact of metamorphic reactions [WP3]
Supervisors: Schubnel (CNRS) / John (FUB)
Objectives: Testing the rheological impact of metamorphic reactions / Methods: experimental rheology, fluid-rock
experiments, modelling. Linked to ESRs 2, 3 and 10 and to ER2
ESR10 Paleoseismicity (pseudotachylites, eclogite breccia): from the field to experiments
Supervisors: Verlaguet (UPMC) / Federico (UG)
Objectives: Rock deformation experiments at HP-HT and ongoing fluid release / Methods: field mapping, tectonics,
petrology, rheology
ESR11 Big or small quakes along the subduction interface: impact on natural hazard [WP3]
Supervisors: Papadopoulos (NOA) / Weidle (CAU)
Objectives: Post-seismic deformation and hazard after large earthquakes / Methods: modelling of seismic instabilities
ESR12 Rheological timescales, from geodynamics to the seismic cycle [WP3]
Supervisors: Gerya (ETH) / LePourhiet (UPMC)
Objectives: Upscaling the rheological behavior of the plate interface versus depth and time through numercial models /
Methods: numerical modelling, rheology, seismology
ER1 Physics of multiscale fluid-melt migration across the deforming subduction interface [WP3]
Supervisors: May (ETH) / AF CONSULT
Objectives: Testable numerical models for fluid/melt transport / Methods: numerical modelling, rheology,
thermodynamics and kinetics of fluid/melt-rock interactions
ER2 Impact of composite rheologies for mixing processes at the plate interface [WP2]
Supervisors: Burov (UPMC) / Sallares (CSIC)
Objectives: Rheological/geodynamical/geochemical/seismological/2D-3D numerical thermomechanical / Methods:
modelling, mechanical mixing

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
!"# %&'()(&* (* %+),&-&./ 0*1 .+&2"+3('),/ &4 "(."5
6-),0"(." %,+''6,+ ,&27' 0*1 4-6(1'
80(* "&') (*')()6)(&*9 Bipaitimento ui Scienze uella Teiia, Ambiente e vita, 0niveisit ui
uenova, Italy
:+2&*13+*) ;*')()6)(&*'9 0niveisity of Bein; Beutsches ueoFoischungs Zentium, Potsuam
The Bepaitment of Eaith, Enviionmental anu Life Sciences at the 0niveisity of uenoa seeks to
appoint a PhB stuuent foi a ieseaich pioject in petiology anu geochemistiy of high-piessuie
iocks anu fluius. The successful applicant will woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment in
close collaboiation with Piofs. Naico Scambelluii, Klaus Nezgei anu Sonia Tonaiini.
The ESRs will woik on plate inteiface examples exposeu in high- anu ultiahigh-piessuie
mountain belts anu ueteimine the petiologicalgeochemical featuies of iocks anu of fluiu-
ielateu stiuctuies. Nain objects aie oceanic ciust, seipentinizeu uppei plate mantle anu
continental mateiials of the Alps evolveu along a fossil plate inteiface. These will be compaieu
with occuiiences fiom othei settings.

8+)"&1': Fielu mapping; petiologygeochemistiy of iocksmineials; stable (0, B, Li, B) anu
iauiogenic (Si, Pb) isotope analyses coupleu with new geochemical tiaceis (As, Sb); mouelling
of fluiuiock exchange.

<&0-': Befining petiological anu geochemical iuentity of plate inteiface settings, assessing
iock uiveisity anu paths, fluiu-iock inteiactions anu mass tiansfei fiom micio- to mega-scales
along the plate inteiface.

Canuiuates must holu an NSc in Eaith Sciences oi a closely ielateu uiscipline. Expeiience in
petiology, geochemistiy, stiuctuial geology is highly auvantageous

uenoa is a livable city on the NW coast of Italy. Buiing the PhB, the canuiuate will collaboiate
with N. Scambelluii (uenova) foi the petiology anu stiuctuie of high-P iocks, with S. Tonaiini
(isotope laboiatoiies in Pisa), anu with K. Nezgei, T. Pettke, S. Angiboust, A. uaicia Casco in
the seconument Institutions.

Foi fuithei infoimation contact Piofs. N. Scambelluii ( anu
K. Nezgei (

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.

Expecteu staiting uate: between }anuaiy anu }une 2u14.

Beauline foi application: 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

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The "laboiatoiie ue uologie" at ENS Paiis seeks to appoint a PhB stuuent in monitoiing of the subuuction
inteiface by satellite geouesy (uPS anu INSAR). The successful applicant will join the "uouynamique, Sismologie
et uouesie" gioup anu woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment in close collaboiation with Bi. C. vigny, Bi. A.
Schubnel, anu Pi. R. Nauaiiaga at ENS, Bi. N. Noieno, T. Bahm, F. Rolanuone anu C. Raneio at seconument
institutions uFZ-Potsuam, 0PNC anu CSIC.
Buiing the last uecaue, the Aceh (2uu4, Nw>9.1), Naule (2u1u, Nw 8.8) anu Tohoku-0ki (2u11, Nw 9)
eaithquakes uiamatically sheu light on the seismogenic anu tsunamigenic hazaiu uue to subuuction
megathiusts. The Chilean subuuction is one of the most active in the woilu, with 4 mega eaithquakes in the last
12u yeais (19u6, 1922, 196u & 2u1u). Bowevei, no majoi eaithquake occuiieu in Noith Chile since the 1877Pw
8.6 subuuction eaithquake that piouuceu a huge tsunami. Neveitheless, geouetic measuiements conuucteu ovei
the last two uecaues in this aiea show that the uppei plate is actually uefoiming, which ieveals some uegiee of
locking (oi coupling) on the subuuction inteiface. This accumulation of elastic uefoimation is likely to be
ieleaseu in a futuie eaithquake. Because of the long elapseu time since 1877 anu the iapiu accumulation of
uefoimation (thought to be 6-7 cm yi-1), many consiuei this aiea is a matuie seismic gap wheie a majoi
eaithquake is uue anu seismic hazaiu is high.
0sing uense uPS measuiements, we iecently founu that the Noith Chile seismic gap is not homogeneous, but
iathei segmenteu in at least two highly lockeu segments bounueu by naiiow aieas of weak coupling. Locateu in
the miuule of Noith Chile, the iegion of Iquique (locateu at ~2uS) is the locus of an impoitant ueciease of the
amount of coupling on the subuuction inteiface. This finuing iaises numbei of impoitant questions: Is this
featuie peimanent oi tiansient . Is it iepiesentative of fiiction laws vaiiations on the plate inteiface. If so, can
we chaiacteiize them with space geouesy . Can we coiielate the uppei plate uefoimation anomalies with
seismicity on the slab inteiface . anu upmost impoitant: what iole will this abnoimal aiea play in the expecteu
next mega-thiust eaithquake in the iegion . Will the iuptuie nucleate theie . will it stop theie . Will it impeue
the 1877 mega eaithquake (anu Tsunami) scenaiio anu favoui sepaiateu inuiviuual (anu theiefoie smallei)
iuptuie of each segment .
The objective of this PhB is to obseive, quantify anu analyze the inteiplate kinematics gatheiing as much
infoimation as possible on this peculiai aiea of Iquique. We will integiate space geouesy (piecise ieanalyses of
the long cuPS time seiies of the existing netwoik, times seiies of INSAR inteifeiogiamms, incieaseu uense uPS
suiveys aiounu the aieaj, seismology (cieation anu usage of a seismicity catalogue baseu on seveial yeais of
opeiation of local seismological netwoiks) anu numeiical simulations to stuuy with an unpieceuenteu piecision
the physical mechanisms of gieat eaithquakes in this iegion. Extensive available maiine seismic uata will be
integiateu in the stuuy. It will pioviue new oppoitunities to impiove the assessment of eaithquake anu tsunamic

Canuiuates must holu an NSc in Eaith Sciences, Applieu Nathematics, Physics oi a ielateu uiscipline. Expeiience
in geouynamics, geouesy, seismology, numeiical moueling anu piogiamming languages is highly auvantageous.
ENS is situateu in the heait of uown town Paiis is an extiemely liveable city anu has one of the highest qualities
of life in the woilu. Buiing his PhB, the canuiuate will collaboiate with people at seconuement institutions uFZ-
Potsuam, 0PNC, anu CSIC as well as with otheis PhB stuuents of ZIP.
Foi fuithei infoimation, please contact Bi. Chiistophe vigny (
Staiting uate is expecteu between }anuaiy anu }une 2u14.
Beauline foi application is 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

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The PhD will take place within the umbrella of a large international, interdisciplinary effort to study
the Hellenic subduction system (Greece). The PhD will combine new multichannel seismic (MCS)
reflection and wide-angle seismic (WAS) marine data collected across areas where large historical
earthquakes have occurred and the region is actively deforming. The main purpose of the work will
be to provide information on the geometry and the physical-seismological nature of the inter-plate
boundary of the seismogenic zone, which jointly influence the degree of plate coupling across these
regions, the occurrence of mega-thrust earthquakes and the deformation pattern of the overriding
plate. The PhD candidate will be trained on analysis and processing of MCS data and on the
tomographic modelling of WAS data in combination with gravity modeling. The candidate will be
integrated in a ~30 people group collaborating with PhD and postdocs working with similar
methodologies and on related science topics. The Barcelona-CSI hosts commercial and in-house
software, and a High Performance Computing facility needed to carry out this project.
I06=.=0-$/ C:/- #*1= 06 SA, .6 90)-# A,.$6,$/; '#>/.,/ *) 0 )$10-$= =./,.(1.6$@ 9B($).$6,$ .6
()*D)0CC.6D 106D:0D$/ /:,# 0/ T*)-)06 *) IUU 06= V.6:B WA ./ 0=306-0D$*:/@
"#$ P0),$1*60 IA& ./ /.-:0-$= 0- -#$ S0).6$ A,.$6,$ &6/-.-:-$ G!!!"#$%$&"#'%#"('H .6 -#$ C0).60
0)$0 *4 P0),$1*60; C.6:-$/ 050> 4)*C -#$ ,$6-$) *4 -*56@
T*) 4:)-#$) .64*)C0-.*6; (1$0/$ ,*6-0,- ')*4@ I$/0) R@ R06$)* G,)06$)*X.,C@,/.,@$/H *) ?)@
J01$6-Y A0110)$/ G3/0110)$/X.,C@,/.,@$/H
A-0)-.6D =0-$ ./ $B($,-$= 2$-5$$6 Z06:0)> 06= Z:6$ <87[@
?$0=1.6$ 4*) 0((1.,0-.*6 ./ 7)/- W,-*2$) <87L@

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'+62+/)(&* 7&*-'
80(* "&') (*')()+)(&*9 :;<=:=>=? @;#@A>B #C D:C;D:@< #C A@ =:CEE@F G.0*020F <%0(*
80(* '-/&*2-,-*) :*')()+)(&*9 C=H BI.(/"F BI.(/"F <J()7-.10*2K
The Instituto Anualuz ue Ciencias ue la Tieiia (IACT) at uianaua (CSIC anu 0niveisity of
uianaua) seeks to appoint a PhB stuuent (* ;&*L1()"&')0)(/ 41+(2 M)"-.,&N25*0,(/' &4
'+62+/)(&* (*)-.40/- 2-"52.0)(&* .-0/)(&*'. The successful applicant will join the IACT's
Petiology anu ueochemistiy Reseaich uioup anu woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment
unuei the supeivision of #.K D0.1&' OK G0..(2& anu #.K P(/-*)- AQ%-7 <R*/"-7LP(7/0S*&.
E-'-0./": Investigation of the piessuie, stiess, anu tempeiatuie evolution in natuial systems
unueigoing metamoiphic uevolatilization ieactions is essential foi the ieconstiuction anu
unueistanuing of the uynamic of fluiu expulsion anu volatile cycling in subuuction zones anu
the influence of fluius ielease on seismic activity in these settings. The main objective of the
PhB will be the investigation of the iole of fluiu uynamics in the theimouynamics anu kinetics
of metamoiphic uehyuiation ieactions by combining theimo-mechanical mouelling with
petiological anu geochemical stuuies of natuial analogs with a special emphasis on
seipentinite uehyuiation ieactions.
=0'T': 1) Quantify the iole of non-lithostatic fluiu piessuie in contiolling uehyuiation
ieactions at uepth anu implement mouifications in cuiient theimouynamic numeiical coues
foi simple uehyuiation ieactions, with a focus on seipentinite uehyuiation; 2) Petiological
anu geochemical stuuy of natuial analogs. Implement them in simple 1B theimo-mechanical
mouels to investigate theii effects on metamoiphic equilibiium anu kinetics.
E-'-0./" 8-)"&2&1&359 Stiuctuial anu petiological mapping, metamoiphic petiology,
geochemistiy, theimouynamic anu theimo-mechanical mouelling.
D0*2(20)- !.&4(1-: Canuiuates must holu an NSc in Eaith Sciences, ueophysics oi a ielateu
uiscipline. Expeiience in theimouynamics, geouynamics, metamoiphic petiology, numeiical
mouelling anu piogiamming languages is highly auvantageous. See below foi fuithei
eligibility ciiteiia iequiiement foi paiticipation in E0-ITN piojects.
The successful canuiuate will be hiieu by the CSIC to woik at the IACT, anu will be eniolleu in
the Eaith Science PhB Piogiam of the 0niveisity of uianaua. The canuiuate will benefit fiom
fiist-class ieseaich facilities anu the unique cultuial anu inteinational enviionment of the
0niveisity of uianaua. The canuiuate will also spenu at least 6 months at the C=H BI.(/"U
)"- '-/&*2 ,-*)&. (*')()+)(&*Uwoiking unuei ue supeivision of !.&4K O0,(- D&**&115
(theimouynamic mouelling) anu !.&4K =0.0' G-.50 (theimo-mechanical mouelling). The
canuiuate will also collaboiate with #.K V-*&() #+60/W (0PNC, 0niv. Paiis vI), as well as with
otheis ZIP's PhB stuuents woiking on ielateu ieseaich topics.
Foi fuithei infoimation, please contact Bi. Cailos }. uaiiiuo (, Piof.
}ames Connolly ( oi Piof. Taias ueiya

CX%-/)-2 ')0.)(*3 20)-: }anuaiy-}une 2u14.
#-021(*- 4&. 0%%1(/0)(&*: 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

!"# %&&'()* +) ,#-.##) /01-#2 +)(-(10 !31()()* 4#-.&35 6%+/7+!48

"#$ %&' &"( )* + ,-..+/-0+1)2$ 0$*$+0,# $33-01 /$14$$5 67 890-:$+5 95)2$0*)1)$*; 6< )5=9*10>
:+015$0* +5= $51+).* + 1-1+. -3 6< '#? :-*)1)-5* +5= < :-*1=-,1-0+. 3$..-4*@

A9,,$**39. +::.),+51* )5 1#$ %&' :0-B$,1 +0$ $C:$,1$= 1- :+01),):+1$ )5 *:$,)3), :0-B$,1
0$.+1$= D$$1)5E* +5= /$5$3)1* -3 *:$,)+.)F$= *#-01 ,-90*$* -33$0$= +* :+01 -3 1#$ &"( G%&'
10+)5)5E*H@ "- +::.> I+5=)=+1$* 5$$= 1- *9/D)1 1#$)0 IJ; + .$11$0 -3 +::.),+1)-5; 14- .$11$0* -3
0$3$0$5,$; +5= +,+=$D), ,0$=$51)+.* GD+0K *#$$1* +5= =$E0$$ *1+1$D$51*H 1#0-9E# +5 -5.)5$
+::.),+1)-5 3+,).)1> #-*1$= +1 1#$ %&' 4$/*)1$@ "#$ +::-)51D$51 )* 3-0 + 3)C$= 1$0D :$0)-= -3 LM
D-51#*@ A+.+0> +5= D-51#.> D-/).)1> +..-4+5,$* 3-..-4 +110+,1)2$N,-D:$1)1)2$ 8@O@ *1+5=+0=@
"#$0$ +0$ 5- 0$*10),1)-5* -5 1#$ 5+1)-5+.)1> -3 1#$ ,+5=)=+1$*; #-4$2$0 *-D$ $.)E)/).)1>
0$*10),1)-5* +::.> ,-5,$05)5E D-/).)1> +5= :-*1 E0+=9+1$ $C:$0)$5,$@

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
!"# %&'()(&* (* %+),&-&./ 0*1 .+&2"+3('),/ &* 4-5(1
-(6+,0)(&* 4,&3 )"+ 1&7*.&(*. '-06

80(* "&') (*')()5)(&*9 Institute of ueological Sciences, 0niveisity Bein, Switzeilanu
:+2&*13+*) ;*')()5)(&*9 TheimoFishei

The Bepaitment of Eaith, Enviionmental anu Life Sciences at the 0niveisity of uenoa seeks to
appoint a PhB stuuent foi a ieseaich pioject in petiology anu geochemistiy of high-piessuie
iocks anu fluius. The successful applicant will woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment in
close collaboiation with Piofs

Applications aie inviteu foi a PhB position (main host institution: 0niveisity of Bein) that
focuses on the composition anu scales of fluiu-meuiateu chemical cycling along anu acioss the
subuuction inteiface anu has an impoitant component of analytical techniques uevelopment
(seconument with TBERN0FISBER).

The pioject, funueu foi S yeais accoiuing to E0 salaiy iegulations, involves caiefully linking
petiogiaphy with bulk iock anu in-situ geochemistiy (XRF, ICP-NS, TINS, LA-ICP-NS, SINS) of
tiace elements anu isotopes, anu fluiu chaiacteiization. Analytical methous uevelopment anu
applicability to solve geoscientific pioblems is the coie of this pioject; hence, natuial sample
mateiial will be chosen baseu on suitability foi investigating a given task. Close collaboiation
with mass spectiometiy inuustiy.

Specific Tasks incluue:

- Quantification of the chemical anu isotopic signatuie of fluiu components lost fiom the slab
uuiing subuuction at piogiessively ueepei levels of uehyuiation, using natuial iock samples
fiom fossil subuuction zones
- Constiaining migiation pathways in anu along the slab anu acioss to the ueep mantle, as well
as uehyuiationfluiu piouuction iates
- Linking these uata to constiaints on magnituue of non-lithostatic stiesses anu ielateu

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.

We seek an inuiviuual with a stiong inteiest in element- anu isotope-geochemistiy anu
analytical methous. An NSc in Eaith Sciences anu goou communication skills in English aie
pieiequisites. Expeiience in hanus-on instiumental analysis, geochemistiy, petiology anu
thin-section micioscopy is uesiiable. The position is fully funueu foi thiee yeais thiough a
Naiie-Cuiie Inteinational Tiaining Netwoik. Foi eligibility ciiteiia consult
Applications shoulu incluue a Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience (uesciibing
the canuiuate`s leaining, ieseaich anu communication skills, inuepenuence anu motivation),
anu acauemic cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application
facility hosteu at the ZIP website

Foi fuithei infoimation contact Bi. Thomas Pettke (

Expecteu staiting uate: between }anuaiy anu }une 2u14.

Beauline foi application: 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
!"# %&'()(&* &* )(+, '-./,' &0 1,0&2+.)(&* .*1 0/3(14
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The Institute of ueological Sciences at Fieie 0niveisitt Beilin seeks a PhB stuuent to stuuy
links between fluiu flow patteins anu chemical-petiophysical chaiacteiistics in subuuction
zones. The successful applicant will join the Petiology gioup anu woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy
enviionment in close collaboiation with Timm }ohn in Beilin anu Philippe Agaiu in Paiis.
Tasks anu Nethouology:
A) Constiaining the evolution of uefoimation patteins associateu with fluiu pathways along
exhumeu poitions of the subuuction inteiface in selecteu fielu laboiatoiies (Alps anu
B) Constiaining the absolute timing of uefoimation via ieciystallizeu accessoiy mineials anu
moueling the uuiation of fluiu ciiculation(s) thiough Li-chionometiy (i.e. Li-uiffusion).
Befoimation within uiy slabs is often highly localizeu along the subuuction inteiface, wheie
naiiow sheai zones pieseive a iecoiu of enhanceu fluiu flow with iespect to suiiounuing
iocks. Fluius potentially change mineial assemblages anu speeu up ieaction iates, leauing to
stiain-uepenuent feeubacks between fluiu flow anu iock iheology. The uetaileu stuuy of such
sheai zones will foim the basis foi ieconstiucting the sequence of tectonometamoiphic
events in selecteu fielu aieas at oi neai exhumeu subuuction inteifaces in mountain belts. A
key to unueistanuing the localization piocess will be to impiove the spatial anu tempoial
iesolution of tiansient, giain-scale piocesses that contiol the uynamics of sheai zone
evolution. uiowth zones in uatable accessoiy mineials will be useu to obtain infoimation on
the age of miciostiuctuies as well as on the timing of sheai zone foimation. The analysis of
chemical giauients acioss stiain giauients in sheai zones will enable Li-chionometiic
uiffusion moueling to estimate the uuiation of fluiu-iock-uefoimation piocesses. 0veiall, this
pioject will geneiate a bettei unueistanuing of how localizeu uefoimation anu fluiu flow
along the subuuction inteiface aie linkeu in space anu time.
Nethous: Tectonics, fielu mapping, petiology, uiffusion mouelling, geochionology.

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
Canuiuates foi the job must holu an NSc in Eaith Sciences oi a ielateu uiscipline. Expeiience
in mineialogy, petiology, geochemistiy, stiuctuial geology anu geouynamics is highly
Beilin is one of the most uynamic anu liveable cities in Euiope with veiy active scientific anu
cultuial scenes. The ueoscience Bept. of the F0-Beilin is a membei of ueo-X, a consoitium of
closely knit Eaith Science institutions in the Beilin-Potsuam aiea that pool theii iesouices to
offei a woilu-class laboiatoiy infiastiuctuie. The PhB canuiuate will also spenu ~6 months in
Paiis at the seconu mentoi institution with Philippe Agaiu (0PNC), anu will also collaboiate
with Naik Banuy (F0 Beilin), Sonia Tonaiini (Iuu Pisa) anu Naitin Engi (0B, Bein).
Foi fuithei infoimation, please contact Timm }ohn (timm.johnfu-beilin.ue) oi Philippe
Agaiu (

Staiting uate is expecteu between Becembei 2u1S anu Febiuaiy 2u14.
Beauline foi application is 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
!"# %&'()(&* (* +,%+-(.+*)/0 1&*')-/(*)' &* -"+&0&23
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The Laboiatoiie ue uologie of ENS PARIS seeks to appoint a PhB stuuent in expeiimental
iheology. The successful applicant will join the Rock Nechanics team in Paiis anu will woik in
a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment in close collaboiation with Bi. Alexanuie Schubnel in Paiis,
Bi. Stphane uuillot in uienoble anu Bi. Timm }ohn in Beilin.
In the last twenty yeais, tiansfoimation-inuuceu faulting has been eviuenceu in seveial
iocks unueigoing phase tiansfoimations both in the laboiatoiy anu in the fielu. 0bseivations
have leu to believe that phase tiansfoimations must play a majoi iole in the tiiggeiing anu the
piopagation of eaithquakes in subuuction enviionments. Neveitheless, the way mineial
ieactions can mouify the uefoimation iegime of ueep iocks, fiom uuctile to biittle
(embiittlement) iemains pooily unueistoou, mainly because of the technological challenge it
iepiesents. Inueeu, being able to uefoim iocks in a contiolleu mannei at BP-BT conuitions,
while contempoianeously monitoiing the ieaction piogiess, pioves to be a challenging
inteiuisciplinaiy task that lies at the fiontiei between the Bigh Piessuie anu the Rock
Nechanics communities.

0n a piactical point of view, systematic set of expeiiments will be peifoimeu in oiuei to
chaiacteiize the mechanics of a numbei of phase tiansitions (Seipentine uehyuiation anu
Eclogitization ieactions) typical of subuuction zones. Expeiiments will be peifoimeu in a
newly uesigneu soliu meuium uefoimation (uiiggs type) appaiatus equippeu with acoustics,
which will be installeu at ENS Paiis eaily 2u14. Auuitional expeiiments will be peifoimeu in
the multi-anvil uefoimation appaiatus (B-BIA) now fully opeiational on the uSECARS beam
line of the Auvanceu Photon Souice synchiotion in Aigonne Illinois, 0SA.

It is ciucial foi expeiimentalists to be foiceu into thinking at a laigei scale. In consequence,
this pioject also involves two fielu stuuies (voltii, Italy; Westein uneiss Region, Noiway) in
oiuei to iemembei what kinu of miciostiuctuies we aie to iepiouuce in the laboiatoiy.

Nethous: Bigh piessuie expeiiments, some unuei synchiotion iauiation; Bigh fiequency
acoustics; Petiology; Nicioscopy (SEN, EBSB, TEN); Fielu woik; mechanical moueling.

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.

H/*4(4/)+' .5') "&04 /* 6:1 (* 8/-)" :1(+*1+'< I%%0(+4 6/)"+./)(1'< !"3'(1' &- /
-+0/)+4 4('1(%0(*+J 8,%+-(+*1+ /*4 (*)+-+') (* A&)" +,%+-(.+*)/0 '1(+*1+ K (* %/-)(150/-
"(2" %-+''5-+ +,%+-(.+*)' K /*4 L(+04 2+&0&23 (' "(2"03 /4C/*)/2+&5'J #5-(*2 "(' !"#<
)"+ 1/*4(4/)+ (' +,%+1)+4 )& 1&00/A&-/)+ M()" '1(+*)(')' L-&. C/-(&5' "&-(N&*' /*4
'%+*4 )(.+ (* )"+ '+1&*4.+*) (*')()5)(&*' F@-+*&A0+ /*4 E+-0(*G< /*4 0+/-* / *5.A+-
&L ')/)+K&LK)"+K/-) +,%+-(.+*)/0 /*4 /*/03)(1/0 )+1"*(O5+'J

ENS Paiis is situateu in the heait of the Latin quaitei. Paiis is a woilu capital anu yet an
extiemely liveable city, being one of the laigest cultuial centei in Euiope. Foi fuithei
infoimation, please contact Alexanuie Schubnel (, Stphane uuillot
( oi Timm }ohn (timm.johnfu--beilin.ue)

Staiting uate is expecteu between }anuaiy anu }une 2u14.
Beauline foi application is 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

"#$ %&' ()*+$,- ./ 0 ,*1102*)0-.3$ )$/$0),# $44*)- 2$-5$$6 78 9:)*($06 :6.3$)/.-.$/; 7< .6=:/-)> (0)-6$)/ 06=
$6-0.1/ 0 -*-01 *4 7< '#? (*/.-.*6/ 06= < (*/-=*,-*)01 4$11*5/@

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0--)0,-.3$N,*C($-.-.3$ 9@O@ /-06=0)=@

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,*6,$)6.6D C*2.1.-> 06= (*/- D)0=:0-$ $B($).$6,$@
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D$*,#$C./-)> 06= $B($).C$6-01@ "#$ /:,,$//4:1 0((1.,06- 5.11 5*)K .6 0 C:1-.P=./,.(1.60)>
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The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.

"#$ %&'()(&* (* +,(- &. '/011 23045' 01&*- )#5 '36738)(&*
(*)5.9085: (/%08) &* *0)3.01 #0;0.7<
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The Institute of ueouynamics at the National 0bseivatoiy of Athens (N0A), Athens, uieece,
seeks to appoint a PhB stuuent in "Big oi small eaithquakes along the subuuction inteiface:
impact on natuial hazaiu". The successful applicant will join an eaithquake anu tsunami
ieseaich team anu woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment in close collaboiation with
Reseaich Biiectoi Bi ueiassimos A. Papauopoulos anu othei team membeis.
The main focus of the ieseaich is to ueteimine the potential foi the geneiation of laige
tsunamigenic eaithquakes in active subuuction zones taking the Bellenic aic anu tiench
system, east Neuiteiianean basin, as an example. The methouology may (1) combine
seismological obseivations (e.g. extent of the iuptuie aiea; upuip anu uownuip limit of the
seismogenic zone in histoiical, tsunamigenic poitions of the Bellenic subuuction inteiface)
with mouels of the seismic cycle, anu (2) use stick-slip fiictional instabilities aiounu the intei-
plate bounuaiy anu of the intei-plate geometiy to bettei unueistanu the intei-ielationships
between seismic iuptuie, elastic piopeities of the subuucting anu oveiiiuing plates anu
megaeaithquake geneiation, in close cooiuination with PhB's of ESRs 4, S anu 12 of ZIP
Canuiuates must holu an NSc in Eaith Sciences, Applieu Nathematics, Physics oi a ielateu
uiscipline. Expeiience in geouynamics, eaithquake iuptuie uynamics, numeiical mouelling
anu piogiamming languages is highly auvantageous.
N0A, establisheu in 184S, iuns the national seismogiaph system of the countiy anu is situateu
in a quite pleasant gieen spot of the veiy histoiical aiea of Athens. Buiing hishei PhB, the
canuiuate will collaboiate also with Bi C. Weiule at the seconuement institution Chiistian-
Albiechts 0niveisity (CA0), Kiel, ueimany.
Foi fuithei infoimation, please contact Bi u.A. Papauopoulos ( oi Bi C.
Weiule (cweiulegeophysik.uni-kiel.ue).

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (maik sheets anu uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of S6 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.

Staiting uate is expecteu between }anuaiy anu }une 2u14.
Beauline foi application is 0ctobei 1S, 2u1S.

"#$ %&' ()*+$,- ./ 0 ,*1102*)0-.3$ )$/$0),# $44*)- 2$-5$$6 78 9:)*($06 :6.3$)/.-.$/; 7< .6=:/-)> (0)-6$)/ 06=
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"* 0((1> ,06=.=0-$/ 6$$= -* /:2C.- -#$.) IJ; 0 1$--$) *4 0((1.,0-.*6; -5* 1$--$)/ *4 )$4$)$6,$; 06= 0,0=$C.,
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The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of 24 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
!"#$%&"'$"()* ,"#-$-". -. ./01(-')* 0"21**-.3 "4
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The Institute of Eaith Sciences anu Enviionment of Paiis (ISTEP) at 0niveisity of Pieiie et
Naiie Cuiie (0PNC) seeks to appoint a Posto-Boctoial fellow in mouelling of theimo-
mechanical piocesses, evolution of the subuuction inteiface anu paiameteiization of the
iheological laws foi melanges iesulting fiom mixing piocesses at the plate inteiface foi
geouynamic scales. The successful applicant will join the Lithospheie Beep Piocesses gioup
anu woik in a multi-uisciplinaiy enviionment in close collaboiation with Piof. E . Buiov anu
Bi. L. Le Pouihiet as well as with the membeis of the auvisoiy panel: Bi. v. Sallaies (CSIC), Bi.
T. Neiei (CA0), Bi. v. Kaiastathis (N0A). The implementation of the numeiical mouels will be
iealizeu in close collaboiation with Piof. T. ueiya anu Bi. B. Nay (ETB Zuiich).
!("J1'$ 21#'(-,$-".: Subuuction is a majoi geouynamic piocess shaping plate tectonic
patteins anu staying behinu of the most impoitant natuial hazaius such as gigantic seisms,
tsunamis anu volcanic activity. The subuuction mechanisms aie laigely contiolleu by the
mechanical piopeities of the subuuction inteiface connecteu, in paiticulai, to mixing of
uiffeient iock facies, laige uuctile anu biittle stiains, methamoiphic ieactios anu fluiu
ciiculation. The natuie, stiuctuie anu piopeities of this inteiface aie still laigely unknown,
calling foi a thoiough Zoom In between the Plates (ZIP). ZIP iepiesents theiefoie a ieal
challenge foi a new geneiation of geoscientists anu iequiies innovative, high-enu, cioss-
uisciplinaiy scientific anu technologic tiaining to pioviue them with the skills anu stiength to
tackle such pioblems, make majoi contiibutions, anu unueitake an acauemic oi inuustiial
caieei on managing geohazaius.
The successful applicant will be iequiieu to caiiy out ieseaich aimeu at moueling of theimo-
mechanical piocesses anu evolution of the subuuction inteiface anu paiameteiization of the
iheological laws foi melanges iesulting fiom mixing piocesses at the plate inteiface foi
geouynamic scales. The iheological, geouynamical, geochemical anu seismological
implications will be testeu against constiaints fiom stiuctuial, petiological, geochemical anu
seismic uata geneiateu in othei ESRER piojects of ITN ZIP. The stuuy will in paiticulai
iequiie uevelopment, paiallelization, optimization anu application of SB numeiical theimo-

The ZIP pioject is a collaboiative ieseaich effoit between 1u Euiopean univeisities, 12 inuustiy paitneis anu
entails a total of 12 PhB positions anu 2 postuoctoial fellows.

Successful applicants in the ZIP pioject aie expecteu to paiticipate in specific pioject ielateu meetings anu
benefits of specializeu shoit couises offeieu as pait of the ITN (ZIP tiainings).

To apply Canuiuates neeu to submit theii Cv, a lettei of application, two letteis of iefeience, anu acauemic
cieuentials (uegiee statements) thiough an online application facility hosteu at the ZIP website.

The appointment is foi a fixeu teim peiiou of 24 months. Salaiy anu monthly mobility allowances follow
attiactivecompetitive E.0. stanuaiu.

Theie aie no iestiictions on the nationality of the canuiuates, howevei some eligibility iestiictions apply
conceining mobility anu post giauuate expeiience.
mechanical coues. Buiing hishei ieseaich, the post-uoctoial fellow is expecteu to piouuce
single- anu co-authoieu publications in these aieas; to piesent hei oi his woik at
inteinational confeiences.
Canuiuates must holu a PhB in Eaith Sciences, Applieu Nathematics, Physics oi a ielateu
uiscipline. Expeiience in geouynamics, iock mechanics, numeiical mouelling anu
piogiamming languages is highly auvantageous. The iheological, geouynamical, geochemical
anu seismological implications will be testeu against constiaints fiom stiuctuial, petiological,
geochemical anu seismic uata geneiateu in othei ESRER piojects of ITN ZIP.
ISTEP (Institute ues Sciences ue la Teiie ue Paiis) belongs to the 0niveisity of Pieiie et Naiie
Cuiie (0PNC), aiguably the leauing anu laigest 0niveisity in Fiance, anu one of the top 1u
Euiopean 0niveisities. ISTEP is situateu in the heait of uown town of Paiis, in the histoiical
0niveisity uistiict (Quaitiei Latin). Buiing his Post-Boctoial pioject, the canuiuate will
collaboiate with the colleagues fiom the seconument institutions: Bi. v. Sallaies (CSIC), Bi. T.
Neiei (CA0), Bi. v. Kaiastathis (N0A), anu with the geouynamic moueling gioup of ETB
Foi fuithei infoimation, please contact Piof. Evgueni Buiov ( oi Bi.
Laetitia Le Pouihiet (

Staiting uate is expecteu between }anuaiy anu }une 2u14.
Beauline foi application is 0ctobei, 1S 2u1S.

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