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1966 - 1971
Compiled by:
Bn(M) 5
Infantry Society of Vietnam Combat Veterans, Inc.
Copyriht !""" by #a$rence %. &ad'ima
(ll rihts reser)ed, incl*din the reprod*ction in part or in $hole in any form.
( history is not an*re story $here the a*thor stim*lates the senses of the
reader $ith the s/illf*l *se of descripti)e ad0ecti)es. It is s*pposed to be a recordin of fact*al
material. 1e ha)e attempted to locate the material that is a)ailable concernin the acti)ities of the
men of the 1
Battalion(Mechani'ed) 5
Infantry, !5
Infantry 2i)ision, d*rin the Viet 3am
1ar, )erify it, e4tract from it acc*rate data, s*ch as date, time, e)ent, and location, and then p*t
that material into a some$hat readable format. 5here are aps in the research material fo*nd and
th*s aps in the finished $or/. 1e had re6*ested inp*t from people $ho $ere members of the
battalion d*rin the Viet 3am era for se)eral years before $ritin this $or/. Some responded,
some did not. If some $ho $ere there disaree $ith this rendition of e)ents, then $e stronly
*re them to sit do$n $ith pencil and paper and $rite it the $ay they thin/ it sho*ld be recorded.
( fe$ members of the battalion ha)e $ritten $or/s abo*t their indi)id*al to*rs. 1e stronly *re
and $elcome others to do so also.
5his $or/ is not $ritten to meet the appro)al of a *ni)ersity professor. It is $ritten $ith
the )eteran and those interested in the )eteran as the primary a*dience. (ny concl*sions to be
dra$n from the material are left to the reader. 5he reader is reminded that this is an acco*ntin of
the acti)ities of an Infantry Battalion, and not of any one indi)id*al in partic*lar. 5he decision $as
made early on, that the only names mentioned $o*ld be the names of those $ho $ere /illed. 5he
only a$ards mentioned are the three Medal of &onor a$ards. 5o do other$ise $o*ld be, in o*r
opinion, a disser)ice to all the men $ho ser)ed $ith the battalion, be they leader or follo$er,
rifleman or coo/. 5he actions of a battalion in combat are a team effort. 5o achie)e s*ccess in its
assined mission, a battalion needs the applied s/ills of all its members.
1ar is not nice. 1ar is /illin and destroyin. 3o one hates $ar more than an e4perienced
$arrior. 7nfort*nately, $ar is a fact of h*man e4istence. It has al$ays been a part of the h*man
e4perience and in all probability al$ays $ill be.
1e ha)e made no attempt to 0*stify or discredit the participation of the 7nited States in
this partic*lar cold $ar conflict. 3or has there been any conscio*s effort to pass 0*dement on
any military stratey or tactics *sed. 5hat s*b0ect material is for other $or/s abo*t the era.
(ns$erin the 8$ho, $hat, $here, $hen, $hy, and ho$8 of a battalion si'e orani'ation,
spannin a fi)e and a third year period, is an a$esome *nderta/in. In the end it pro)ed to be a
)ery h*mblin e4perience.
#arry &ad'ima
3eills)ille, 1isconsin
9an*ary "5, !"""
2*rin the latter part of 1:;5, the !5
Infantry 2i)ision $as alerted to deploy to Viet
3am. On December 24, 1965, the ad)ance party for the !5th 2i)ision arri)ed in the ,ep*blic of
So*th Viet 3am. It $as decided that the !5
2i)ision<s =
Briade $o*ld be deployed to +lei/* in
the central part of So*th Viet 3am. 5he !
Briade and the remainder of the di)ision $ere to be
deployed to C* Chi 2istrict of &a* 3hia +ro)ince, located bet$een the City of Saion and the
Cambodian Border.
5he main body of the !
Briade 5as/ %orce, !5
Infantry 2i)ision, arri)ed at V*n 5a*,
So*th Viet 3am on 1anuary 18, 1966. 5he !
Briade Command +ost $as initially located in the
area of Saion 7ni)ersity. Company B, 1
Bn 5"= Bde, 1>=
(bn 2i) $as *nder the operational
control of the !
Briade 5as/ %orce and s*pplied the perimeter sec*rity for the 5as/ %orce. 5he
Bn !>
Infantry s*pplied : rifle s6*ads to Co B, 1?5"=rd Inf to reinforce the perimeter sec*rity
of the stain area. 5he 1
Bn !>
Infantry and the 1
Bn (M) 5
Infantry $ere on standby to
f*rnish = rifle s6*ads each to Co B, 1?5"=

rd Infantry, sho*ld they be needed. Controlled iss*e of
amm*nition for the !nd Briade 5as/ %orce $as to be maintained. @nly those personnel
occ*pyin perimeter defensi)e positions and amb*sh sites $ere s*pposed to be iss*ed
@n 1anuary 22, 1966 an @perations @rder $as iss*ed to alert *nits to prepare to mo)e to
the area of C* Chi. Mo)ement $as to be in A sements. 5he first sement on 9an*ary !5B the
second on 9an*ary !>B the third on 9an*ary !: and the fo*rth at a date to be determined.
5he 1
Infantry 2i)ision (,einf) $as i)en the assinment of recei)in, stain and
deployin the !
Briade !5
Infantry 2i)ision to the base area near C* Chi. 5he 1
2i)ision $as
to coordinate sec*rity d*rin mo)ement to, initial occ*pation of, and de)elopment of the C* Chi
base camp area.
5he =
Briade, 1
Infantry 2i)ision $as assined to clear and sec*re the initial base area
near C* Chi not later than 1!"" hrs on 9an*ary !5, 1:;;. 5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision of the (rmy
of the ,ep*blic of So*th Viet 3am ((,V3) $as assined to sec*re &ih$ay 1 from the area of
the Ca* Bon Bride to the road 0*nction of &ih$ay C( near C* Chi d*rin the mo)ement of
the !
Briade 5as/ %orce con)oys.
@n 1anuary 25, 1966 at ":=" ho*rs, 5as/ %orce 9ac/, consistin of one company from
the 1
Bn(M) 5
Infantry , one battery from the 1
Bn C
(rtillery, Companies B and C of the ;5
-nineer Battalion and the ad)ance parties from !
Briade *nits departed the stain area near
Saion 7ni)ersity and proceeded to an assined assembly area at C* Chi. (fter the arri)al of 5%
9ac/ at C* Chi, elements of the 1
Infantry 2i)ision contin*ed to recei)e small arms (S(),
a*tomatic $eapons ((1) and mortar fire. 5he Viet Con (VC) in the area $ere operatin in
small teams and attempted to maintain contin*al harassin acti)ities aainst friendly forces.
5% 9ac/ *nits $ere mo)ed into assembly areas in the )icinity of their assined sectors. 5he
Briade of the 1
Infantry 2i)ision $as responsible for the sec*rity and defense of the area and
orders $ere iss*ed that strict fire discipline $as to be obser)ed by all *nits. 5he firin of $eapons
by 5% 9ac/ *nits $as not permitted d*rin the period that the =
Briade, 1
Infantry 2i)ision had
responsibility for sec*rity of the area.
@n 1anuary 27, 1966, at "C=" ho*rs, 5as/ %orce D*een, consistin of the 1
Bn !>

Infantry, the !
Bn !>
Infantry, the 1
Bn C
(rtillery(.), the !
Briade &ead6*arters and
&ead6*arters Company (.), and elements of the !
S*pport Bn, proceeded from the stain area
near Saion 7ni)ersity to C* Chi.
@n 1anuary 29, 1966, at "C=", ho*rs 5as/ %orce Ein, consistin of the 1
Bn(M) 5

Infantry(.), 5he !
Briade &&C ,ear element, and elements of the !
S*pport Bn bean
mo)ement to their assined assembly area at C* Chi from the stain area near Saion 7ni)ersity.
Mean$hile at ">"" ho*rs, the 1
Bn !>
Infantry bean relie)in the 1
Bn !C
Infantry 2i)ision and ass*med their perimeter defensi)e positions. 5hey also pro)ided
e4traction 'one sec*rity for the 1
Bn !C
(t 1!"" ho*rs, the !
Bn !>
Infantry bean relie)in Company B, !
Bn !
Infantry, 1

Infantry 2i)ision and ass*med their perimeter defensi)e sector. ( sec*re e4traction 'one $as also
pro)ided for Company B, !
Bn !
5here $ere 5 t*nnel systems that had been located in the area by the =
Briade, 1

Infantry 2i)ision soldiers. Some of the information passed on from the 1
2i)ision soldiers to
soldiers of the !
Briade !5
Infantry 2i)ision $as to be$are of hand renade booby traps
mar/ed $ith a red dot some$here on the handle as this indicated the renade had been short
f*sed by the VC and sho*ld be destroyed in place. (lso rice bas in the area ha)e been fo*nd to
be booby trapped, and snipers ha)e been firin at them from trees and spider holes.
@n 1anuary 30, 1966, an operation bean $ith the p*rpose to e4pand and clear the base
camp perimeter. (t "C15 ho*rs, t$o companies from the 1
Bn(M) 5
Infantry passed thro*h
the lines of the !
Bn !>
Infantry and attac/ed o*t$ard. 5he !
Bn !>
Infantry $ith Company
B, ;5
-nineers follo$ed, s$eepin and clearin the area and destroyin t*nnel comple4es that
$ere located. 2*rin the fi)e day operation !" t*nnel comple4es, some as lon as a half mile $ere
located and destroyed. Booby traps of all sorts $ere *sed by the Viet Con to inflict cas*alties.
@n 1anuary 31, 1966, a booby trap $as detonated /illin t$o men from Company B, 1

Bn(M), 5
Infantry. 5he e)ent emotionally 0olted some the men of the company and impressed
*pon them that this $as the real thin. 3ot trainin, not practice. Soldiers et horribly $o*nded
and disfi*red in $artime. Soldiers die in $artimeF 5hese $ere people yo* /ne$, if only by siht.
@ne moment they are la*hin, tal/in, breathin, li)in and the ne4t moment they are )ery
horribly dead. &o$ thin and delicate the thread bet$een life and death is, $as a lesson soon to be
indelibly implanted in the conscio*sness of the soldiers of the battalion. Some $ondered $ho
$o*ld be ne4t.
2*rin 1anuary 1966, t$o Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Armando Tesillo and
Dan R Shearin. 5hey $ere the second and third Bobcats to die in Vietnam. 5he first $as 1erry
W. Osborn $ho $as /illed on (pril 1, 1:;5 $hile 52G from the 1
Bn(M) 5
Infantry as a
helicopter door *nner.

5he 1
Bn(M) 5
Infantry soldiers contin*ed to impro)e *pon the defensi)e positions in
their area of the base camp perimeter. 5his incl*ded clearin the thic/ )eetation ro$th o*t to
the ban/s of the Ben M*on, a stream that ran across the front of the portion of the perimeter
that the 1
Bn(M) 5
Infantry $as assined to occ*py and defend. 5he men of the line companies
li)ed in the b*n/ers and fihtin positions, $ashin $ith $ater ta/en from local $ells. 5hey ot as
*sed to the mos6*itoes, b*s and other )ario*s local critters that they had so far enco*ntered as
$ell as one can et *sed to s*ch thins.
@n February 3, 1966 the last element of the !
Briade 5as/ %orce closed into the C*
Chi base camp area from the stain area near Saion 7ni)ersity. 5here $ere no ma0or con)oy
incidents d*rin the mo)ement of the entire tas/ force.
+atrols, amb*shes, = to A man Claymore teams, o*t posts (@+s), listenin posts (#+s),
sniper./iller teams, all became a part of normal life for the soldiers of the battalion. Mista/es $ere
made and lessons $ere often harshly learned. -4tremely rare, if none4istent, $as the combat
soldier $ho did not, at one time or another, ma/e a mista/e, of one sort or another.
7nfort*nately, $hen a mista/e $as made in a combat sit*ation, someone *s*ally ended *p ettin
$o*nded or /illed. 3ot al$ays, b*t often eno*h.
@n February 11, 1966 a man from Company B $as shot and /illed $hile e4aminin the
/ill 'one after a nihttime amb*sh $as tripped. 3o one *sed a flashliht after that.
February 14, 1966 $as a b*sy day for the medics and the 2*st.offs. (t "5=" ho*rs,
Company ( prepared to depart the base camp area and to mo)e across the Ben M*on on a
dismo*nted ,econnaissance in %orce (,I%) of the area beyond the stream. (n element of
Company B sec*red the stream.crossin site to be *sed on the operation. 5hey $ere in place at
"5=" ho*rs. Company ( crossed their line of depart*re at ";=" ho*rs. ( platoon from Company
C $as positioned beyond the Ben M*on to act as a sec*rity force for Company (Hs ro*te of
$ithdra$al, sho*ld it become necessary and also as a left flan/ sec*rity. (t ">A5 ho*rs, the
Company C sec*rity platoon recei)ed se)eral ro*nds of small arms fire b*t s*stained no in0*ries.
(t ":=5 ho*rs, the Company C platoon aain recei)ed small arms fire. In the e4chane fo*r men
$ere $o*nded. @ne $as hit in the head and another in the hip. By 1"1: ho*rs all fo*r had been
Company ( $as ma/in slo$ b*t steady proress on their s$eep, destroyin ho*ses and
t*nnels and findin rice caches. By 11"" hrs they had s*stained 1" $o*nded. 5hen t$o Chicom
Claymores $ere command detonated by the Viet Con, /illin C and $o*ndin = in the )icinity of
I5 ;A=1>;. %o*r of those /illed $ere from Company (. 5$o $ere for$ard obser)ers from
Battery C, 1
Bn C
(rtillery, and t$o $ere non.combatant photoraphers. (t 1A=" ho*rs,
Company ( bean their ret*rn bac/ to the base camp. By 1;=" ho*rs the Company C sec*rity
element had recrossed the stream on the frine of the base camp perimeter.
(lso on %ebr*ary 1A
, a platoon from Company C $as attached to the !
Bn !>
for a clearin operation. (t "C=> ho*rs, a man from Company C $as in0*red $hen he fell on a
p*n0i sta/e. (t 1"=" ho*rs, the Company C JanelK trac/ (Medical (rmored +ersonnel Carrier)
hit an (nti.5an/ ((5) mine at I5 ;=!15C. 5he )ehicle $as disabled and a n*mber of VC
attac/ed from the so*th in an attempt to capt*re the )ehicle. 5hey $ere dri)en off by the trac/
commander and dri)er firin the .5" caliber machine *n and an M.>: renade la*ncher. Se)eral
men $ere later $o*nded by sniper fire $hile e4tractin the do$ned )ehicle.
5here had been some mention concernin $hat $as considered a slo$ reaction time of the
2*st.offs (medical e)ac*ation helicopters) d*rin the day, b*t in sit*ations li/e that min*tes can
appear to be ho*rs. 5he medics and doctors $ere not miracle $or/ers. 5hey did the best they
co*ld $ith $hat they had. In many instances they performed their d*ties abo)e and beyond the
normal re6*irements of their responsibilities.
(mon the Bobcat cas*alties for the day $ere A /illed from Company ( and 1 /illed from
Company C. 1o*nded $ere 5 from &D Company, 15 from Company (, and = from Company C.
5he cas*alties of members of s*pportin *nits $ere reported and carried on the parent *nit
@n February 18, 1966 the %irst +latoon of Company C bean a raidin mission at "1""
ho*rs. (ll 1C members of the raidin party $ere )ol*nteers. 5hey crossed their line of depart*re
(#2) at abo*t "115 ho*rs and the Ben M*on at "1=" ho*rs. (fter crossin the stream they
mo)ed thro*h dry rice paddies for abo*t :"" meters, stoppin some !5 meters short of the $ood
line, $here they set *p sec*rity. Sp?A %ernande' and the s6*ad leader $ent into the $ood line on
a brief reconnaissance of the area. (t abo*t "!=5 ho*rs Sp?A %ernande' and the s6*ad leader
ret*rned and the party mo)ed for$ard into the r*bber plantation for abo*t ="" meters. 5he
raidin party set *p a perimeter and S+?A %ernande' and the s6*ad leader $ent o*t on another
reconnaissance of the area. 1hen they ret*rned to the raidin party they stated that there $as
nothin to raid. 5he party then mo)ed bac/ abo*t 1"" meters and set *p in a line perimeter near a
ra)eyard (I5 1>C;5A), $here they $ere oin to $ait *ntil mo)in bac/ to the base camp at
":"" ho*rs.
(t abo*t ">"" ho*rs, contact $as made $ith some VC on the left front. 5he M.;"
machine *nner on the left flan/ opened fire, /illin = of the Viet Con. Immediately the entire
patrol came *nder intense enemy small arms, a*tomatic $eapons and renade fire. (t this time the
M.;" *nner $as shot and /illed. 5he left flan/ $as p*shed bac/ abo*t !" meters. Sp?A
%ernande' and the medic mo)ed for$ard in an attempt to resc*e the M.;" *nner. 5hree more
men came o*t to help them. 5he *nner $as pic/ed *p and the ro*p started to mo)e bac/ $hen
the man carryin the M.;" *nner $as shot in the left le. -)eryone hit the ro*nd and ret*rned
fire. Lrenades and small arms and a*tomatic $eapons fire from the VC $as intense. Sp?A
%ernande' obser)ed a renade land amonst his small ro*p. &e accidentally /ic/ed the renade
$hen he attempted to mo)e a$ay and it rolled nearer to the $o*nded soldier. Sp?A %ernande'
yelled a $arnin and do)e onto the renade and smothered the blast $ith his body, sa)in the
li)es of those aro*nd him.
(rtillery and mortar fire $as called in on the enemy positions aro*nd the patrol. 5actical
air stri/es $ith napalm $ere also s*mmoned. 5he remainder of the 1
+latoon of Company C
made their $ay o*t to the patrol. (t that time the raidin party mo)ed bac/ to the rice paddy
area at the ede of the $oods. Sp?A %ernande' $as laid on the ro*nd and the $o*nded man he
sa)ed $as laid ne4t to him. 5he $o*nded man held Sp?A %ernande's hand and tal/ed $ith him.
Sp?A %ernande' told him he $as h*rtin. 5he 2* arri)ed and the $o*nded alon $ith the
dead M.;" *nner $ere e)ac*ated. 5he man $ith the le $o*nd $as placed ne4t to Sp?A
%ernande' at the hospital. 5he ne4t time he loo/ed, Sp?A %ernande' $as not there anymore. 5he
$o*nded man as/ed the doctor abo*t S+?A %ernande' b*t the doctor $o*ld not tell him anythin.
5he 1
+latoon of Company C ret*rned to the base camp perimeter by ":=5 ho*rs.
SP/4 Daniel Fernandez was later posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal
of Honor for his actions.
@n February 22, 1966, 5roop (, =
S6*adron, A
Ca)alry arri)ed at the C* Chi Base
Camp (rea.
1hile the priority of the !
Briade $as the contin*ed e4pansion and impro)ement of the
C* Chi Base Camp area, a three day mo*nted search and clear operation $as cond*cted by the 1
Bn(M) 5
Infantry. 5heir mission $as to search and clear a $ooded area located some 15""
meters so*theast of the C* Chi base camp, r*nnin from coordinates I5 ;>A1=5 to ;:C11C. 5hey
$ere then to pro)ide sec*rity for si4 (,V3 b*lldo'ers that $ere to le)el parts of the area. 5he 1
Bn, A:
Infantry ,eiment ((,V3) $as to attac/ and operate in the so*theastern portion of the
ob0ecti)e area (I5 ;:C11=).
5he 1?5th Mech crossed the line of depart*re (#2) at "C=" ho*rs, attac/in $ith
Companies ( and B abreast. ,econ +latoon screened the left ($est) flan/. ( platoon from
Company C $as to search and clear the $ooded area centered at I5 ;>>11C. Company C(.) $as
held in reser)e. (ll *nits e4perienced contin*al sniper fire d*rin the initial ad)ance. (t one point
the ,econ +latoon recei)ed intense small arms(S() and hea)y machine *n (ML) fire $hich $as
ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, mortar and artillery fire. -4tensi)e t*nnel systems $ere located in
the )icinity of I5 ;CC1!". 5he battalion formed a niht defensi)e perimeter at I5 ;CC11: and
spent the niht at that location. 3ine amb*shes $ere deployed, t$o of $hich made contact $ith
the enemy.
@n February 23, 1966, si4 tan/s from the =?A Ca)alry 0oined the battalion. 5he day
consisted of search and clearin operations $ith only liht sniper fire bein recei)ed. ( lone
sniper firin incident $as the only enemy contact made on %ebr*ary !A
. (fter cond*ctin a final
s$eep, the battalion closed bac/ to C* Chi base camp at the end of the day.
5he area that had been searched d*rin the operation $as fo*nd to be hea)ily fortified
$ith trenches, small b*n/ers, t*nnels, mines and booby traps. (n estimated platoon of VC $ere in
the operation area. 5he battalion s*ffered cas*alties of 5 Bobcats /illed and 1C $o*nded. 5he
battalion also reported one of its first incidents of a friendly fire cas*alty $hen a man recei)ed a
*nshot $o*nd to his left b*ttoc/s.
It $as noted in the battalion operations s*mmary that "5roops are *nnecessarily
e4posin themsel)es in the (+Cs by stic/in their heads and bodies too far o*t of the trac/s."
2*rin February 1966, thirteen Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Safford S. Pye; Robert O. Cantrell; William A Hoos 1r.; Gene C. Milligan;
1oseph T. Benton; Daniel Fernandez; Richard H. Cassube; 1ames L. Fain; Billy B. Day;
Gary W. Garis; William B. Parnell; and TWO whose names are unknown to us who are
writing this work.
"&e /ne$ no one and no one /ne$ him. &e had no friends here, no confidants. &e $as
not in on the as, he did not share in the trifles and the traditions. &e $as ne$ in the o*tfit. (
"5hey tal/ed after$ards of ho$ the blood $as sp*rtin from the ne$ *y in all directions,
ho$ he ne)er *ttered a cry of pain, and ho$, $hen he finally a)e in, he did it 6*ietly. 5hey
$ondered then $ho he $as and $here he $as from. 1hat he $as li/e and $hy he $as here. B*t
no one had the ans$ers. 5hey didn<t /no$ his first name. 5hey $ere not s*re $here he $as from.
Most only /ne$ his last name ca*se it $as stenciled on his shirt." MFrom a news article by Tom
Gears later the men $o*ld rac/ their brains tryin to recall the names. 5hey co*ld see the
faces, they remembered $ell the details of the death. Some co*ld recall the time of day, e)en the
date, and $hat the $eather $as li/e. B*t no one co*ld remember the namesF
March 1:;; $as also a month of $or/in on, e4pandin *pon and impro)in the
defensi)e perimeter of the C* Chi base camp. (n C foot lon Monitor #i'ard $as finally shot and
/illed in the Ben M*on. 5he creat*re had been spotted on occasion and soldiers $ere e4tremely
$atchf*l $hen $adin across the stream or $hen $or/in near it.
@n March 04, 1966, the 1?5th(M) and the !?!>th Infantry cond*cted a one day search
and destroy operation in the )icinity of Iom Moi , Lion Viec and Ba Ia, all located some 15""
meters 3- of C* Chi and alon a dirt road mar/ed on the map as &ih$ay !=>. 5here $ere no
friendly cas*alties s*ffered by the 1?5th(M) d*rin the operation and all members $ere
commended for the ma4im*m destr*ction of enemy e6*ipment and str*ct*res. 3*mero*s booby
traps and d*d ro*nds of )ario*s types $ere also fo*nd and destroyed.
5he soldiers of the battalion $ere learnin more and more abo*t the booby traps *sed by
the VC. 5here $ere the hand renades $ith trip $ireB the *ne4ploded cl*ster bomb *nits ried
$ith tip $ireB the Chicom Claymore desined to e4plode in a =;" deree circle, the artillery and
bomb d*ds, ried to be tripped or command detonated. 5hey $ere in the ro*nd, on the ro*nd,
h*n in trees or bamboo cl*sters, an/le hih, /nee hih, $aist hih, head hih or hiher. Go*
$o*ld find them on trails or footpaths. 5hey co*ld be enco*ntered in t*nnels or attached to spider
hole co)ers. @ne $as e)en fo*nd attached to a pineapple ro$in in a arden. (nd there $ere the
sharpened bamboo stic/s, referred to as p*n0i sta/es. (ll $ere desined to damae the h*man
body. 5hey $ere not e)ery$here, all the time, b*t they $ere aro*nd.
5here $as a road that ran from the )illae of C* Chi, thro*h the base camp, across the
Ben M*on, and then thro*h the %ilhol N Balancie ,*bber +lantations to the )illae of +h* &oa
2on $here it lin/ed *p $ith &ih$ay 15. 5he portion of the dirt road thro*h the plantations
had not seen motor )ehicle traffic for some time and $as o)erro$n $ith )eetation. 5he bride
at the Ben M*on had been destroyed and in March of 1:;; the enineers of the !5
2i)ision completed constr*ction of a ne$ one. 5his bride $o*ld allo$ direct access to the area
north of the base camp by trac/ed )ehicles. 5he bride $as in the 1?5
(M)Hs sector of the
perimeter and the battalion $as i)en the 0ob of pro)idin sec*rity for it. 5his $as accomplished
by establishin a platoon si'e combat o*t post located 0*st to the north of the bride on the
so*thern ede of the r*bber plantation. 5he area directly north of the o*tpost $as made *p of
three r*bber plantations. 5he %ilhol, the Balancie, and the #iocara. B*t the area $as soon referred
to simply as Jthe %ilholK by the soldiers of the battalion. (nn Marret $as the name initially i)en
to the combat o*tpost by some of the officers and it st*c/ $ith the troops.
%rom March 14 thru 19, 1966 the 1?5th(M) participated in a search and destroy
operation, the first phase of $hich $as located in the eneral area so*th$est of Bao 5rai (I5
5!"A) near the @riental ,i)er. 5he *nits of the battalion crossed the #2 Mline of depart*reO at
1""" ho*rs on March 1A, 1:;; and enco*ntered liht enemy contact. Some (+Cs ot st*c/ in the
soft ro*nd as they approached to $ithin 1""" to 15"" meters of the @riental ,i)er. 5he battalion
then contin*ed the operation dismo*nted. 5he battalion spent the niht of March 1A in the )icinity
of I5 AC="!=. @ne man $as $o*nded $hen he attempted to thro$ a capt*red booby.trapped
hand renade into a canal. &e p*lled the pin and thre$ the renade b*t it had been short.f*sed
and immediately e4ploded. #iht enemy contact $as made on the mornin of March 15
as the
companies mo)ed to and searched )ario*s ob0ecti)e areas. (t 15"> ho*rs Company C recei)ed
S( fire and at the same time a booby trap $as detonated. 5he enco*nter res*lted in A Bobcats
$o*nded and 1 /illed. Sporadic contact contin*ed thro*h the day and by !"A5 ho*rs all *nits
closed in the )icinity of I5 5!"!.
(t ">1" ho*rs, on March 17
the battalion, no$ mo*nted, mo)ed north to an area of
operations $est of the 0*nction of &ih$ays1" and ;(, to$ards the @riental ,i)er. (nti.tan/
mines and booby traps $ere enco*ntered thro*ho*t the day.
@n March 18, 1966, the battalion contin*ed to search the area. 5*nnel net$or/s and
booby traps and mines $ere aain enco*ntered. Se)eral Bobcats $ere $o*nded and 1 $as /illed.
@n March 19, 1966, there $as liht enemy contact. By 1:=" ho*rs all *nits had closed
bac/ to C* Chi Base Camp.
@n March 28, 1966, the !5
Infantry 2i)ision command ro*p arri)ed at C* Chi Base
%rom March 29, 1966 to April 05, 1966 the 1?5th(M) participated in a fo*r battalion
search and destroy operation $hich bean in the %ilhol and contin*ed into the &o Bo 1oods (I5
5he men of the battalion $ere still ad0*stin. Chanes $ere made to the (+Cs. Sandbas
$ere p*t aro*nd the caro hatch openin to offer a little better protection to soldiers fihtin
from the trac/s. 5he M.;" machine *n mo*ntin post $as remo)ed from the trac/ and the *n
$as employed from the side of the caro hatch *sin the sandbas as a *n rest.
In the initial phase of the operation on March 29, the 1?5
(M) mo)ed thro*h the r*bber
plantation and established bloc/in positions to pre)ent mo)ement in or o*t of the )illae of +h*
&oa 2on. 5he >
(,V3 ,eiment then cond*cted search operations thro*ho*t the entire
)illae area. 5here $as liht enemy contact thro*ho*t the day. 3iht amb*shes $ere of co*rse
employed, and they met $ith some s*ccess.
@n the ne4t day the *nits cond*cted a search of the local area. 3*mero*s s*pply caches
and t*nnel systems $ere located.
@n March 31, 1966 the battalion enlared the area of its search and destroy operations.
-nemy contact $as aain sporadic and more t*nnel systems and enemy s*pplies $ere located.
Bloc/in positions aro*nd +h* &oa 2on contin*ed into the 1
of (pril and that afternoon the
battalion made preparations to mo)e into the &o Bo 1oods area.
2*rin March 1966, t$o Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
George E. Snodgrass and Daniel G. Stands 1r.
( ma0or malf*nction of the M.1; ,ifle started to appear amonst soldiers in Viet 3am.
5he rifle $o*ld fire, b*t the e4tractor $o*ld be *nable to remo)e the spent cartride from the
chamber of the rifle. ( rod $o*ld then ha)e to be inserted do$n the barrel and the spent cartride
$o*ld ha)e to be Jp*nchedK o*t of the chamber. Initially, it $as related that the soldiers $ere not
clearnin their $eapons properly and this $as the ca*se of the 0ammin.
5hen it $as stated that the $eapon needed a ne$ b*ffer system to correct the problem.
3e4t the barrel chamber $as crome plated to red*ce fo*lin friction. 5hen the barrel t$ists $ere
chaned and a bolt clos*re de)ice $as installed. (nd the $eapon /ept 0ammin. (nd the
department of the (rmy fell bac/ to sayin that the soldier $as not /eepin the $eapon properly
B*llshit. 1e cleaned the damn thins. 1e o)er.cleaned them, if there is s*ch a thin.
1hen yo*r life and the li)es of those aro*nd yo* depend *pon a $eapon, yo* ta/e care of that
$eapon. B*t nothin seemed to sol)e the problem. 5hey /ept 0ammin all thro*h 1:;; and into
%inally, a Conressional S*b.Committee held hearins on the problem in 1:;> and
concl*ded that the rifle $as initially pro)ided $ith a cartride containin IM, +ropellant and
$or/ed fine. 5hen the (rmy M*nitions Command contracted $ith @lin Mathieson to prod*ce the
po$der for the cartride and they in t*rn s*pplied Ball +ropellant, $hich $as cheaper to
man*fact*re. Ball +ropellant b*rned faster and increased the cyclic rate of fire in the M.1; ,ifle.
(ccordin to the $eapons in)entor, -*ene Stoner, this $as a $orst case senerio for the $eapon
and $as 5&- ca*se of the Jfail*re to e4tractK 0ammin malf*nction.
%*rt*re amm*nition $as made $ith IM, +o$der and the 0ammin problem disappeared as
the Ball +ropellant amm*nition $as replaced.
(t ">=" ho*rs on April 2, 1966, the battalion *nits mo)ed alon assined ro*tes to
predetermined ob0ecti)e areas. 5roop (, P Ca)alry $as attached to the 1?5
(M) and Company C
(M) $as @+C@3 to the 1?;:
(rmor. Company C had ! (+Cs bo do$n and d*rin the
e4trication process one Bobcat $as shot and /illed. 7pon mo)in to a secondary ob0ecti)e,
Company ( had an (+C destroyed by a command detonated 1>5mm (rty ro*nd at 1>=" ho*rs.
( second $as damaed by another mine. 5he 1st (+C $as flipped o)er onto its top and res*lted
in A Bobcats /illed and A $o*nded. 5$o Vietnamese 3ational +olicemen $ere also $o*nded.
5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded on the !
(+C. @ne of the men described it as one hectic e)enin
and niht. J5he command detonated mine ble$ the trac/ *p and o)er onto its bac/, /illin fo*r
and serio*sly $o*ndin others. 1hen I ot there the trac/ commander, $ho $as serio*sly
$o*nded, $as determined to Qcall in my o$n damn d*st off.H 2*e to enemy contact $e had to
strip the trac/, e)ac the $o*nded and p*ll bac/ for the niht. 1e $ere in contact all niht lon
then reco)ered the (5 in the am ... findin o*r coo/, EI(, beneath the trac/.K
3*mero*s t*nnel systems and assorted fortifications $ere disco)ered in the area alon
$ith some caches of )ario*s s*pplies and e6*ipment. J5here $ere so many ho*ses and t*nnels
that they co*ldnHt be effecti)ely co)ered in a $ee/Hs timeBK and J5he area is honeycombedK $ere
some of the reports bein transmitted o)er the radio.
@n April 3, 1966, the battalion tas/ force contin*ed a detailed search of the area. 5*nnel
systems, s*pply caches and n*mero*s booby traps $ere enco*ntered. -nemy contact $as liht.
Co B had an (+C detonate a mine, the e4plosion of $hich inited the as tan/, res*ltin in one
Bobcat bein /illed and A $o*nded in the )icinity of I5 ;55!>". Some of the men started
referrin to the area as the JChristmas 5reeK beca*se it $as QdecoratedH $ith so many booby traps
and mines.
@n April 4, 1966, Company C ret*rned to battalion control and 5roop (, P Ca) $ent
@+C@3 to the 1?;:
(rmor. Company C also reported that on (pril =
$hile @+C@3 to the
, they had = Bobcats /illed and 1= $o*nded. 5he battalion contin*ed its search and destroy
mission in the area. ( )ery lare cache of polished rice $as located alon $ith se)eral smaller
ones in $ell concealed and booby.trapped areas. 5here $ere se)eral s/irmishes d*rin the day
res*ltin in one Bobcat /illed. (mon the $o*nded $ere > men $ho $ere badly b*rned $hen
there $as an internal e4plosion and fire on one of the A.! inch mortar trac/s.
(t ":"" ho*rs on April 5, 1966, Company B and the ,econ +latoon $ere committed to
assist the !?!>
Infantry, $hose ( Company had been attac/ed in their niht defensi)e perimeter
in the &o Bo 1oods by the 1
Battalion, 1;5( VC ,eiment. #ater in the day they $ere assined
to assist the ret*rn mo)ement of the Briade Command Lro*p from 5r*n #ap. (ll *nits closed
into C* Chi Base Camp by 1;=" ho*rs $ith no enemy contact, endin the operation.
5he battalion reported VC /illed by body co*nt d*rin the operation and a lare amo*nt
of enemy s*pplies and e6*ipment $ere located. -stimates $ere also reported on the n*mber of
enemy soldiers probably or possibly /illed. It $as becomin apparent to the men of the battalion
that this $as to be a $ar of n*mbers. &o$ many, ho$ m*ch. It $as not s*fficient to report that
some small arms amm*nition $as located. It $as re6*ired that the n*mber of ro*nds, the caliber,
and ma/e of the ro*nds be reported. It soon ot to a point $here *nits $ere reportin the
Jcapt*reK of a sinle, r*bber sandal, or R po*nd of doc*ments, or a pair of lo)es, amonst the
items fo*nd on the )ario*s operations. -nemy body co*nt $as also bein emphasi'ed, bi timeF
Initially some incenti)es $ere e4perimented $ith, as if the $ar $ere some sort of contest $hich
$as $innable by $hiche)er side scored the hihest n*mber. In the beinnin of (pril 1:;;, one
company had a policy in effect $here if a soldier /illed a Viet Con and his body and $eapon
$ere reco)ered, he $as entitled to a three day pass to Saion. (nother had a liberal policy as to
lettin the men /eep the $eapons of any /illed VC.
5heir $ere also the friendly losses, as the cas*alties of $ar $ere by no means a one sided
@n April 6, 1966, one of the men b*rned in the A.! inch mortar trac/ fire on (pril Ath
died of his in0*ries.
@n April 7, 1966, the 1?5
(M)(.), s*pported by 5roop B, P Ca)alry and Company C of
the 1?;:
(rmor and Company (, 1?!>
Infantry, participated in phase one of a search and
destroy mission of the +h*oc Vinh 3inh area, located so*theast of C* Chi Base Camp at I5
;C1A. 5here $as sporadic enemy contact d*rin the s$eep of the area. 3*mero*s booby traps
and mines $ere enco*ntered. -iht men $ere $o*nded by mines and booby traps.
@n April 8, 1966, a platoon from Company B cond*cted a reconnaissance into the %ilhol.
81hat I seem to recall,8 the platoon leader later recollected, 8$as that it $as less than a platoon
si'e recon. (fter finishin the recon ($e had seen a lot of indication of traffic on one trail) I called
in and as/ed for permission to set an amb*sh for a $hile and see $hat happened. I belie)e I
remember sprinin the amb*sh 6*ite a fe$ times, maybe fo*r or fi)e. -ach enco*nter $as $ith a
small ro*p, !.A indi)id*als. Most $o*ld not s*rrender $hen challened and altho*h armed,
$o*ld r*n and be shot. -ach time $e $o*ld ta/e some branches and clean *p the blood on the
d*sty trail and reset the amb*sh.8
8I do recall there bein capti)es and I do remember one $as a yo*n $oman $ho $as
detained behind the platoon position $here $e had the trac/s. I definitely remember oin bac/
there $hen I heard a commotion and fo*nd se)eral *ys preparin to rape her. I p*t a stop to
Soldiers are a reflection of the society that prod*ces them. 5h*s in the military, as in
society in eneral, there are thie)es, rapists, m*rderers, sadists, alcoholics and dr* ab*sers. (nd
there are men of honor and principle and deep reliio*s beliefs. (s in society, the latter far
o*tn*mber the former. (nd there are r*les and la$s that m*st be follo$ed, e)en d*rin $ar. 5he
officers and 3C@s *s*ally did a ood 0ob in ma/in s*re those r*les and la$s $ere follo$ed. (nd
there $as a system in place to p*nish those $ho )iolated or disobeyed.
@n April 9, 1966, Company B dropped off a dismo*nted platoon si'ed dayliht amb*sh in
the %ilhol. 5he remainder of the company, then cond*cted a reconnaissance of the area to the
north $est and st*mbled onto an entrenched company si'e VC force. 2*rin the A5 min*te fire
fiht $hich follo$ed, one of the (+CHs $as hit t$ice $ith 5>mm recoilless rifle ro*nds. Company
( and C $ere dispatched into the area to assist in a f*rther search of the enemy $ho had fled the
trench line after ha)in eno*h.
#ater in the afternoon an (+C from Company B, dri)in thro*h the thic/ )eetation fell
into a deep *lly and t*rned o)er onto its top and ca*ht fire. Someho$ there $ere no cas*alties
in the incident and no fatalities d*rin the dayHs acti)ities. (ll *nits closed bac/ into C* Chi Base
Camp by 1C"" ho*rs.
@n April 13, 1966, the !5
2i)ision +I commenced operations at the C* Chi base camp.
5he ma0or facility $as established $ith a $areho*se and s*b.e4chanes $ere to be established in
s*bordinate *nits.
@n (pril 1=
, the 1
Bn(M) 5
Inf bean a t$o day search and destroy operation in the
%ilhol. C Company (.) of the 1?;:
(rmor $as attached to the battalion alon $ith 1 platoon of
the ;5
-nineers. 5he battalion tas/ force $as di)ided into three teams and a command ro*p.
(t ";=" ho*rs, all elements departed C* Chi Base Camp thro*h @+ (nn Marret and the teams
sec*red their respecti)e ob0ecti)es $itho*t opposition. 5he battalion command ro*p established
a tas/ force for$ard base in the )icinity of I5 ;A>!">. (s the teams cond*cted searches of their
areas thro*ho*t the day, > (+Cs, = tan/s and 1 V5, str*c/ mines. 1 tan/ $as str*c/ by an
,+L.! ro*nd that penetrated thro*h the tan/ and ca*sed 1 minor in0*ry. 5his $as the first time
that a tan/ of the !5
2i)ision had been hit $ith an ,+L ro*nd. Company B enco*ntered a small
ro*p of VC in spider holes and t*nnels $ho, by the *se of snipers and rifle renades, /illed 5 and
$o*nded > members of the company. 5he other teams s*ffered liht cas*alties in scattered
enco*nters. Companies ( and C and the ,econ +latoon closed into the battalion niht base camp.
B Company established its o$n perimeter as it $as pro)idin sec*rity for three tan/s $hich had
become mired and $ere not e4tracted *ntil !="" ho*rs.
@n April 14, 1966 the companies contin*ed the search of the area bet$een the %ilhol and
the &o Bo 1oods. #iht contact $as made and mines and booby traps $ere aain enco*ntered.
(t ":5" ho*rs, Company B recei)ed small arms fire res*ltin in 1 man /illed. (t 15=5 ho*rs,
Company ( disco)ered a rice cache. In the process of chec/in it, a booby trap $as detonated
and 1 Bobcat $as /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded. By 1:"" ho*rs all elements had closed C* Chi
Base Camp.
2*rin the operation VC had been /illed and ;C short t*nnels, A1 b*n/ers and )ario*s
amo*nts of $eapons, m*nitions, e6*ipment and s*pplies $ere sei'ed or destroyed. C (+Cs, !
tan/s and 1 5V, had been damaed by (5 mines and ! tan/s $ere damaed by (5 $eapons. >
Bobcats died and !> $ere $o*nded.
%rom April 16
thru the 21
the 1?5
(M), alon $ith the 1?!>
Infantry and the !?!>

Infantry, participated in a !
Briade search and destroy operation northeast of 5ran Ban. 5he
operation consisted of daytime s$eeps and niht.time sat*ration amb*shes.
@n April 23, 1966, the =
+latoon of Company C departed C* Chi base camp at ">!"
ho*rs for a mo*nted patrol into the %ilhol. (t 1"A5 ho*rs they reported that 1 man had been /illed
by sniper fire near I5 ;:;1:;. (t 1;"" ho*rs the platoon ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp $ith the
one Bobcat EI(.
2*rin the day a sereant from Company B $as cond*ctin a class on the *se of
the Claymore anti.personnel mine in the battalion motor pool. 5he ro*p $as inside an (+C $ith
the rear ramp in the do$n position. @ne of the B Company mechanics said he had 0*st $al/ed
past the trac/ $hen there $as an e4plosion. Someho$ the claymore had detonated. 5$o men
$ere /illed o*triht and se)eral $ere $o*nded. 5he mechanic related that there $ere p*ttin
people on 0eeps and P ton tr*c/s and r*shin them to the hospital area. JIt $as a bloody mess,K
he related.
@n April 27, 1966 one of the Bobcats $o*nded in the Claymore class incident died of his
@n April 30, 1966, the main body of the !5
Infantry 2i)isionHs 1
Briade arri)ed at C*
Chi Base Camp.
2*rin April 1966, !A Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1esse 1. Coffey;
Curtis E. Dorris; George S. Franklin; Keith L. Shipp; Lester 1. Thornell; 1immy B. Taylor;
Larry 1. Nichols; Hamp 1. Sykes 1r.; 1ohnny B. Boston; Roger D. 1arrell;
Arthur C. Morris 1r.; Steven M. Smith; Donald R. Brown; Green Conley;
Frank A. D`Amico; Clinton B. Fackrell; Phillips LaMarr; 1ames R. Taylor;
Lewis M. Thomas; Howard E. Rothring 1r.; Francisco Correa-Morales; 1ohn P. Isaacs;
Walter 1. Type and ONE whose name is unknown to us who are writing this work.
Cas*alties for the !5
Infantry 2i)ision(.) d*rin the period of 9an*ary 1, 1:;; thr* (pril
=", 1:;; $ere: :1 EI((/illed in action), :1A 1I(($o*nded in action), " MI((missin in action),
1> 2@1(died of $o*nds), and 1! 3B2(non.battle deaths).
5here $as a small o*tbrea/ of Bacillary 2ysentery $ithin the 1?5
Inf(M), $hich $as
classified as from a filth borne so*rce. 1hether from $ater, nonpotable ice or food handler $as
ne)er confirmed.
It $as also noted that the b*rn o*t of h*man $astes collected in the half dr*ms *sin
diesel f*el had not pro)en totally satisfactory as some resid*e al$ays remained and the disposal of
the resid*e had created some problems. 5here $as nothin li/e the smell of b*rnin shit in the
mornin to aro*se the senses.
(ltho*h there $ere some base camp ro$in pains, the enineer battalion manaed to
establish the camp to a class II confi*ration in less than A5 days.
%rom May 1, 1966 thru May 11
, the 1?5
(M) and Company C, 1?;:
participated in pro)idin sec*rity for enineer operations on &$y 1 and &$y !! in the )icinity of
Lo 2a* &a.
@n May 5, 1966, another of the Bobcats $o*nded in the Claymore class incident in (pril
died of $o*nds recei)ed.
@n May 7, 1966, Company B, $ith one platoon of tan/s attached, cond*cted a one day
reconnaissance operation in the so*thern Boi #oi 1oods code named JSittin B*ll.K (t 1!"5
ho*rs, the force enaed some VC in a trench line. (t the end of the enaement 1 Bobcat $as
/illed and !! $ere $o*nded. 1! of the 1I(s $ere e)ac*ated and the others $ere treated and
ret*rned to d*ty.
(lso on May 7, 1966 another Bobcat $ho $as $o*nded in the Claymore class incident
died from the $o*nds he recei)ed.
@n May 10, 1966 a Bobcat from Company (, $hich $as attached to the 1
Briade on an
operation in the %ilhol, $as /illed $hen a booby trapped t*nnel door $as detonated. Members of
the company spent most of the niht diin his body o*t of the collapsed t*nnel system. @n May
12, 1966, all 1?5
(M) *nits $ere bac/ at C* Chi Base Camp.
%rom May 15, 1966 thru May 27, the 1?5
(M) participated in a m*lti.battalion search
and destroy operation in the %ilhol, the &o Bo 1oods(I5 ;!!C) and the Boi #oi 1oods(I5
@n May 18, 1966, Company B $as in)ol)ed in a firefiht. @ne of the soldiers $as firin
from an (+C caro hatch. (nother soldier ot *p to relie)e him and as the first $ent to sit do$n
his rifle accidentally dischared, the ro*nd str*c/ and /illed the second soldier, $ho $as standin
in the caro hatch. 5he man $ho fired the ro*nd, $hen he spo/e of the incident, $as )ery
distressed and despondent abo*t ha)in /illed one of his o$n men. &e $o*ld ha)e i)en anythin
to chane $hat happened, b*t he /ne$ that co*ld ne)er be.
@n May 26, 1966, at "C1" ho*rs, as Company C $as in the process of e4tractin its niht
amb*shes, one man $as /illed $hen a Claymore mine he $as in the process of disarmin,
(lso on May !;, a si4th man $ho $as $o*nded in the Claymore class incident in (pril,
died of his $o*nds.
2*rin the operation ! Bobcats died and A= $ere $o*nded, of $hom !5 ret*rned to d*ty.
@f the 11 (+Cs that $ere damaed by (5 mines, 5 $ere repaired in the field, one $as
*nreco)erable and blo$n in place, and 5 $ere e)ac*ated to base camp for ma0or repairs.
@n May 30, 1966 a Bobcat from Company B died from the $o*nds he recei)ed on May
>, 1:;;
2*rin May 1:;;, nine Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere George L. Stoll;
1ames E. 1ohnson; Hermando S. Moya; Ismael Lebron-Lopez; Robert Smith 1r.;
Bobby 1. Barefield; Frederick C. Bullington; and Marvin H. Davis.
J2*rin 9*ne, all of So*theast (sia is *nder the infl*ence of the so*th$est monsoon. 5he
$eather $ill *s*ally follo$ a daily pattern, hihlihted by th*ndersho$ers in the afternoon and
early e)enin. ,ain can be e4pected abo*t !! days of the month, $ith a total a)erae of 1!.5
inches. &ea)y sho$ers $ill not normally last more than A5 min*tes.
Clo*diness $ill pre)ail most of the day, $ith only abo*t one 6*arter of the day in
s*nshine. B*t temperat*res $ill not be affected m*ch: the mean daily ma4im*m sho*ld be :!
derees $ith an a)erae minim*m of >5 derees. (ltho*h the temperat*res are lo$er for 9*ne
than May, the hih relati)e h*midity $ill ma/e it seem 0*st as $arm. 5he a)erae relati)e
h*midity for the $hole month $ill be bet$een C" and :" per cent.K
@n 1une 1, 1966, a Bobcat, $ho $as $o*nded on (pril 1=
, died of his $o*nds. &e $as
a medic $ho responded to the call for help from others and too/ a sniper<s b*llet in the head.
%rom 1une 3 thru 1une 8, the 1?5
(M) participated in a A battalion search and destroy
operation in the Bao 5rai area. (s soon as the 1?5
(M) entered their (@ the ,econ +latoon
obser)ed some VC attemptin to flee. 5he ,econ +latoon opened fire and /illed t$o. 5hey then
ran o)er t$o more $ith their (+Cs as they a)e chase. ( search $as made of the area (I5
A;;155) and the VC $ere fo*nd to be hidin *nder the $ater. &and renades $ere *sed to help
fl*sh them o*t. 1! VC $ere /illed and 1: $ere capt*red by the members of the ,econ +latoon in
this initial enco*nter of the operation.
@n 1une 7, 1966, Company C disco)ered a )ery lare amm*nition and $eapons cache )ic
I5 51C11". 5he cache $as located on a camo*flaed b*ilt 0*st abo)e the $ater le)el.
By 1;A5 ho*rs on 1une 8, 1966, the battalion had closed C* Chi Base Camp. 2*rin the
operation there $ere no Bobcats /illed. !A $ere $o*nded, of $hom 1A $ere treated and ret*rned
to d*ty. ; (+Cs $ere damaed by (5 mines, = of $hich had to be sent bac/ to base camp for
@n 1une 18, 1966, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted a one day search and destroy operation in the
%ilhol. (t 1"=" ho*rs one ,econ trac/ hit an (5 mine and had to be to$ed. Company ( started
recei)in sniper fire and then mortar fire at 11A5 ho*rs on the so*thern ede of the +lantation. !
(+Cs $ere hit by ,+L.! ro*nds. Company ( located a b*n/er and t*nnel system )ic I5 ;C!1;;
at 1!15 ho*rs. 5hey spent the rest of the afternoon ne*trali'in the area and searchin and
destroyin the b*n/er and t*nnel system. Company C cond*cted a search and destroy operation in
the center and $est end of the %ilhol. 5hey deposited a stay behind amb*sh at I5 ;>5!"".
Company ( left an amb*sh at I5 ;>:1;>. 3*mero*s mines and booby traps $ere located and
destroyed d*rin the day. (ll elements e4cept the t$o amb*shes closed base camp by 1C=5 ho*rs.
2*rin the operation Company ( s*ffered = EI(s and 1A 1I(s, ! of $hom $ere treated and
ret*rned to d*ty.
@n 1une 19, 1966, at "51" ho*rs, the Company C stay.behind amb*sh reported that one
of their men had mo)ed o*t of position $itho*t his helmet and $hen challened did not halt, and
$as shot and /illed.
Bet$een 1une 19 and 1une 24, 1966 different elements of the 1?5
(M) $ere attached to
and @+C@3 the !?!>
@n 1une 21 and 1une 22, elements of the 1?5
(M) cond*cted con)oy escort to Bao 5rai.
@n 1une 24, 1966 one Bobcat from Company B died of $o*nds he had s*stained earlier.
%rom 1une 25 to 1uly 1, 1966 the 1?5
(M) cond*cted operations in the Boi #oi 1oods
and the &o Bo 1oods. 5heir primary ob0ecti)e $as to locate and destroy VC *nits and base
camps. 5his $as the fo*rth e4c*rsion of the battalion into the area. Some troops $ondered $hy
they $ere oin bac/ into Jthat damnK area. JI didnHt loose anythin the last time $e $ent in
there,K $as one comment e4pressed. @thers $ondered $hy the battalion 0*st didnHt set *p a base
in the area and stay there, instead of oin in, J/ic/in ass and ettin o*r ass /ic/edK and then
lea)in and lettin Charlie reb*ild his defenses and booby traps and then oin bac/ in and
startin the $hole process all o)er aain. 9*st didnHt seem to ma/e m*ch sense. B*t then nothin
m*ch did. 5he ma0ority of the troops did not e)en /no$ $here the &o Bo and Boi #oi $ere on a
map. 5hey had no idea of the o)erall JBi +ict*reK of $hat $as happenin in Viet 3am other than
the Comm*nists $ere tryin to ta/e o)er the place. B*t then at times one $ondered if anyone had
any idea of the o)erall JBi +ict*reK or if there e)en $as a JBi +ict*re,K other than the statistics
of $ho /illed ho$ many and $ho capt*red $hat. Get the men of the battalion carried on, doin
$hat $as as/ed of them.
5he battalion bean its operations on 9*ne !5 at ";=" ho*rs, $hen the battalion left C*
Chi Base Camp and cond*cted operations alon the so*thern ede of the Boi #oi 1oods
comple4. It $as hoped that these mane*)ers $o*ld decei)e the VC as to the main operation
$hich commenced on the !;
and consisted of SS2 operations in the &o Bo 1oods.
@n 1une 26, 1966, the battalion mo)ed to the &o Bo 1oods area. Company ( made
contact at a b*n/er t*nnel comple4. In the ens*in firefiht one Bobcat $as /illed and 1= $ere
$o*nded, of $hom > $ere d*sted off. ! Company ( (+Cs had hit (5 mines. (t 1A=! ho*rs
Company C enco*ntered a lare command b*n/er $ith an e4tensi)e t*nnel comple4. 2*rin the
fiht $hich follo$ed, ! Bobcats $ere /illed and ; $ere $o*nded. ! of the 1I( $ere ret*rned to
@n 1une 28, 1966, at 1"A" ho*rs Company B had a man /illed in a t*nnel. 5he man $ho
$as behind him said, J1e ot to a corner in the t*nnel. It t*rned :" derees to the riht. &e
mo)ed part $ay aro*nd the corner and said Q@h 3o,H and then some shots $ere fired and he $as
dead.K 5he men $ho $ent into the t*nnel to retrie)e his body $ere fired at by the VC and had to
*se his body as a shield as they draed it o*t.
@n 1une 29, 1966, a Bobcat from Company ( died from a *nshot $o*nd to the head he
had recei)ed earlier.
@n 1une 30, 1966, a Bobcat from Company B died from framentation $o*nds he had
recei)ed earlier.
@n 1uly 1, the battalion terminated the operation at ">"" ho*rs. Si4 Bobcats died d*rin
the operation and C1 $ere $o*nded $ith =: bein treated and ret*rned to d*ty.
1A (+Cs $ere damaed by mines. ; $ere repaired in the field and the other C had to be
e)ac*ated. ; of the e)ac*ated (+Cs $ere declared combat losses. ( mechanical problem $ith the
idler arm separatin from the carrier h*ll still e4isted. 5his re6*ired the )ehicle to be short trac/ed
if it $as to mo)e *nder its o$n po$er. 5here $ere > s*ch mechanical fail*res d*rin the
operation, all of $hich re6*ired the e)ac*ation of the trac/s.
3*mero*s b*n/ers and t*nnel systems $ere destroyed by a Jspecial t*nnel teamK from the
-nineer Battalion. ( special techni6*e of *sin acetylene as and detonator pro)ed
inade6*ate. 5he method $or/ed $ell in t*nnels of less that ; feet in depth, b*t the ma0ority of the
t*nnel comple4es enco*ntered $ere of m*ch reater depth. Craterin chares placed thro*ho*t
the t*nnels at /ey locations and lin/ed $ith detonatin cord pro)ed effecti)e. It $as noted
ho$e)er that this method $o*ld re6*ire a lare amo*nt of e4plosi)es for the e4tensi)e t*nnel
systems in the area. 1hile >C t*nnels $ere fo*nd and destroyed, it $as belie)ed that this $as only
a small portion of the t*nnels that e4ist in the area.
2*rin the month of 9*ne, aent reports, Chie* &oi reports, and S+(, acti)ity indicated
that the VC had ret*rned to the &o Bo 1oods area. @perations cond*cted by the 1?5
(M) d*rin
the period 9*ne !5 to 9*ly 1 confirmed these reports. 3*mero*s reports contin*ed to be recei)ed
d*rin the month concernin lare VC *nits mo)in into the Boi #oi 1oods area from the
)icinity of the Michelin +lantation.
2*rin 1une 1966, 1! Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1immy L. Scott;
Elton O. Harris; William 1ones 1r.; Garry L. Burgess; 1oseph S. Vesely 1r.;
Luis S. Santiago; Ivor E. Bunch; Hachiro Imae; 1ames L. Northrop; Gerald R. Rolf;
Rickey D. Castleman; and Arnoldo 1. Cardenas.
@n 1uly 4, 1966, Company C, 1?5
(M) $as attached to the !?!>
Infantry. 5hey
pro)ided road sec*rity alon &ih$ay >( so*th of &eip &oa (I5 A>":) and also pro)ided
sec*rity for a JCo*nty %air.K
5he beinnin of 9*ly $as a period of maintenance of )ehicles and a $elcome Jbrea/K in
the action.
2*rin the period of 1une 26 to 1uly 5, 1966, the !5
2i)ision Chemical Section
pro)ided technical s*per)ision to di)ision troop *nits for the dispersal of !,A.2 2efoliant on the
perimeter of C* Chi Base camp. 5he mi4t*re *sed $as t$o parts 2iesel and one part !,A.2.
Method of dispersion $as the *se of the M1"; +ortable ,iot Control (ent
2ispenser (Mihty Mite) loaded on a )ehicle. In areas that co*ld not be tra)ersed by )ehicles, the
M1"; $as bac/ pac/ed. ( total of !! barrels $ere dispersed. #ater e)al*ation indicated that not
eno*h defoliant $as dispersed by this method and rec*rrin applications $o*ld be re6*ired to
defoliate ne$ ro$th.
2*rin the day on 1uly 15, 1966, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted maintenance and ci)il affairs
acti)ities so*theast of C* Chi in 5an +h* 5r*n (I5 ;C":).
@n 1uly 16, 1966, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted a platoon si'e s$eep of the area aro*nd I5
;C5";:, searchin for a s*spected VC base camp $ith no contact bein made. 5he remainder of
the battalion cond*cted escort and maintenance thro*ho*t the day.
@n 1uly 17, 1966, the 1?5
(M) aain cond*cted maintenance and ci)il affairs acti)ities
d*rin the day at 5an +h* 5r*n.
@n 1uly 18, 1966, the battalion contin*ed maintenance and ci)il affairs. 5$o dayliht
amb*shes $ere deployed, one of $hich $as tripped.
@n 1uly 19, 1966, Company ( and the ,econ +latoon cond*cted a SS2 operation in the
area of (p +h* #oi (I5 >">11").
-lse$here on the 1:
, the 1?!>
Infantry $as cond*ctin -ale %lihts. 5he 1
Company (, 1?!>
Infantry $ent into a landin 'one at I5 5>>!;5. (t 1!=5 ho*rs the platoon
recei)ed sniper fire. (t 1!=: ho*rs the =
+latoon of Company ( 1?!>
Infantry $as inserted into
I5 5;!!;5. Small arms fire $as recei)ed as the helicopters approached the #T and *pon
dismo*ntin the platoon mo)ed across the #T *nder intense small arms fire. Both *nits became
hea)ily enaed and the !
+latoon $as committed at 1A=" ho*rs into I5 5>>!;5. ( platoon
from Company B, 1?!>
Infantry $as inserted into I5 5;!!;5 at 155" ho*rs.
(t 15"A ho*rs Company B, 1?5
(M) $as alerted to stand by as a reaction force for the
*nits of the 1?!>
Infantry. 5he men mo*nted their )ehicles in the C* Chi base camp motor pool
and $aited. 5hey co*ld see the helicopter *nships firin and the so*nd of artillery firin $as
constant. Some of the men $ondered $hy they $ere not mo)in. +eople $ere in tro*ble. (nd
they $aited. (nd they $aited.
(t 1;=" ho*rs the e4traction of the 1
platoon of Company ( 1?!>
Infantry $as
completed *nder intense fire.
2*rin the action !5 J1olfho*ndsK $ere /illed and !A $o*nded.
Company B, 1?5
(M) $as i)en the $ord to stand do$n b*t $as informed that at least 15
1olfho*nds $ere left on the field of battle and $ere pres*med dead. 5he company $as to mo)e
o*t in the mornin. 5hat information did not sit too $ell $ith some of the men. Go* donHt lea)e
people on the battlefield, dead or ali)e. Besides, ho$ do yo* /no$ for s*re they $ere deadU
Bobcats $ere not afraid of the dar/. J5hey sho*ld send *s no$K $as a eneral feelin amon the
It $as a restless niht.5here $as an attac/ on the +h*oc &iep o*tpost located on &ih$ay
1, nine /ilometers north$est of C* Chi. 5he VC also fired A" N 5" ro*nds of C!mm mortar into
the 5r*n #ap (,V3 ,aner 5rainin Center. 5his clearly demonstrated the capability of VC
main force *nits to s*ccessf*lly cond*ct sim*ltaneo*s attac/s on separate tarets.
@n 1uly 20, 1966, at ";=" ho*rs, Companies ( and B and the ,econ +latoon of the
(M) left base camp enro*te to search the area of the pre)io*s dayHs contact by the 1?!>

Infantry. (t ":1" ho*rs the bodies of 15 1olfho*nds $ere located near I5 5>;!;C. 5hey $ere
layin in a neat ro$, ne4t to each other, all on their bac/s. 5hey $ere clothed, b*t stripped of all
$eapons and e6*ipment. It $as a sad siht indeed. B*t at the same time, the professional co*rtesy
of the enemy also left an impression.
( helicopter had been shot do$n and b*rned d*rin the action of the day before. 1hen it
$as t*rned o)er the body of a door *nner and his M.;" machine*n $ere located. 5he *nits of
the battalion closed bac/ into base camp at 1;A" ho*rs.
@n 1uly 21, 1966, Companies ( and B and the ,econ +latoon departed base camp for a
search and destroy operation in the $estern end of the %ilhol. Se)eral preselected ob0ecti)e areas
$ere searched. (t 1;"" ho*rs Company B became enaed in a fire fiht in the )icinity of I5
;A!!1>. 2*rin the co*rse of the fiht one of the (+Cs mo)ed to attac/ from the riht flan/ and
a command.detonated mine $as e4ploded. 5here $ere se)eral cases of 535 and CA e4plosi)es
inside the carrier. 1hen the mine detonated, it set off the e4plosi)es. 5he only thin left of the
(+C $as the floorboard and the dri)erHs steerin stic/s. 5here $ere se)en Bobcats in the (+C at
the time of the e4plosion. Most of their body parts $ere located and reco)ered from aro*nd the
area. Some $ere not fo*nd. By 1>"" ho*rs Company ( had closed $ith Company B and the *nits
mo)ed o*t of the area at 1C"" ho*rs headin for C* Chi Base Camp. It $as noted in a medical
e)al*ation report that J5here $as diffic*lty identifyin the remains of se)en men, $ho $ere
m*tilated $hen their trac/ e4ploded. ( caref*l search for remains sho*ld be made if tactically
possible $hene)er a body has been m*tilated. 5his co*ld assist in the positi)e identification of the
@n 1uly 22, 1966, the battalion performed maintenance and prepared for f*t*re
(lso on the !!
, condolence bo4es containin canned food, clothin, rice and health items
$ere donated to the s*r)i)in family members of 3ational +olice @fficers Mai Van 2*n and
2an Van 5ron $ho $ere /illed in action $hile $or/in $ith the !5
Infantry 2i)ision.
@n 1uly 23, 1966, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted reconnaissance in force (,I%) operations in the
)icinity of I5 5A!=, 55!5, 5>!A, 5>!=, 5;!1 and 5;1:. 55 VC s*spects $ere apprehended of
$hich 1: $ere confirmed to be VC. 5he battalion ret*rned to base camp at 1>15 ho*rs.
@n 1uly 24, 1966, the battalion (min*s Company C $hich $as attached to the A?:

Infantry) bean a 1: day period of operations in the northern %ilhol, the &o Bo 1oods, and the
area aro*nd 5r*n #ap.
(t "C15 ho*rs Company ( and the ,econ +latoon commenced operations. 1ith the
assistance of a +% soldier and a Chie* &oi, a VC base camp $as located at I5 >!"1"A. 5he camp
consisted of A b*ildins and a b*n/er t*nnel comple4. @ne Bobcat $as /illed $hen a booby trap
$as detonated. 5he camp $as destroyed and the *nits closed C* Chi Base Camp at 1AA" ho*rs.
@n 1uly 25, 1966, the battalion cond*cted maintenance thro*ho*t the day.
@n 1uly 26, 1966, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted maintenance and an element pro)ided a con)oy
escort to Bao 5rai. Company B, 1?5
(M) $as attached to the !?!>
Infantry and reinforced
Company C, !?!>
Infantry at a fire s*pport base at Bao 5rai *pon an intellience report that the
Bao 5rai o*tpost $as to be attac/ed.
5hat niht C* Chi Base Camp recei)ed a total of !"; ro*nds of >5mm recoilless rifle and
C!mm mortar fire.
@n 1uly 27, 1966, the battalion(.) departed base camp to establish a battalion for$ard
base at I5 51=". Company B 0oined the battalion en ro*te. Companies ( and B and the ,econ
+latoon cond*cted operations in the area and established daytime amb*shes. 5he *nits closed the
battalion base by1;=" ho*rs and at 1:1" ho*rs deployed niht amb*shes.
Company C ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp at 1C=" ho*rs, terminatin its attachment to
the A?:
@n 1uly 28, 1966, Companies ( and B and the ,econ +latoon departed for the )illae of
#oc &*n (I5 5!!;) at ";55 ho*rs. @peratin $ith a local ,eional %orces +latoon, they
commenced a seal and search of the )illae. 1: VC s*spects $ere apprehended, 5 of $hom
pro)ed to be VC. 5he *nits ret*rned to the battalion for$ard base camp by 1;=" ho*rs.
@n 1uly 29, 1966, the battalion ended operations and ret*rned to the di)ision base camp
by 1C=" ho*rs.
@n 1uly 30, 1966, *nits of the battalion cond*cted maintenance, ci)il affairs operations at
5an +h* 5r*n and pro)ided an escort for an artillery con)oy from 2*c &*e (I5 AA"5) to C*
It $as noted in a report that the %ilhol +lantation and the &o Bo 1oods in spite of their
pro4imity to the di)ision base camp, constant harassment by artillery, and fre6*ent SS2
operations, contin*ed to be the scene of occasional intense fihtin.
2*rin the D*arterly ,eportin +eriod of May 1 thru 1uly 31, 1966 cas*alties for the
Infantry 2i)ision(.) $ere:
EI(. 1=!B 1I(. 1,!=:B MI(. "B 2@1. !AB 3BI. =AB 3B2. 11.
2*rin 1uly 1966, eiht Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: David L. Berry;
1ames X. Gilch; Richard D. Gill 1r.; Samuel G. Harris; Leo E. Hinterlong;
Wilberto C. Sanchez; Larry Van Clief; and Charlie Gray.
@n August 1, 1966, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted SS2 operations and also chec/ed the
effecti)eness of a B.5! stri/e in the area of I5 ;A"!!5 N I5 ;;5!A". %o*r e4tensi)e b*n/er.
t*nnel comple4es $ere located and destroyed. (rtillery d*d ro*nds ried for command
detonation and some $eapons and amm*nition $ere located in the comple4es. 5he battalion set
*p t$o niht bases $ith Company ( at I5 ;A5!!> and the battalion(.) at I5 ;"C!=A. 3iht
amb*shes $ere employed.
@n August 2 and 3, 1966, the battalion contin*ed searchin the area. More t*nnel and
b*n/er comple4es $ere located and destroyed. -nemy contact $as liht. Some areas $ere
e4tensi)ely booby.trapped $ith cl*ster bomb *nit bomblets and command detonated mines. @n
(**st "=, one Bobcat $as /illed $hen a boobytrap $as detonated.
@n August 4, 1966, the battalion contin*ed its search and destroy operations in the area.
(t 11"1 ho*rs )ic I5 ;5C!5: a booby trap $as detonated /illin one Bobcat from Company C
and serio*sly in0*rin another. (t 11=! ho*rs 1 Bobcat from Company C $as /illed and = $ere
in0*red $hile they $ere in)estiatin a b*n/er that t*rned o*t to be booby.trapped. 5hat e)enin
amb*shes $ere aain employed from the battalion<s niht encampment.
@n August 5, 1966, the battalion cond*cted ,I% operations of t$o areas. -nemy contact
$as aain liht and scattered. Se)eral steel and lo reinforced b*n/ers $ere located and
destroyed, alon $ith m*nitions and s*pplies. 5he battalion relocated its niht encampment to I5
5;:!A1. 3o niht amb*shes $ere deployed. (lso on (**st "5, a Bobcat died of $o*nds he had
recei)ed earlier.
@n August 6, 1966, the battalion participated in a !
Briade seal and search operation of
the )illae of 5r*n #ap. (t "5A5 ho*rs the battalion command (+C hit a mine ca*sin = 1I(.
5he trac/ $as damaed beyond repair and $as destroyed in place. (t 1!"5 ho*rs a A.! inch
mortar trac/ hit a mine res*ltin in A 1I(. (t 1A1" ho*rs the battalion CSC helicopter $as
/noc/ed to the ro*nd and se)erely damaed as it detonated a mine $hile liftin off o)er a
bamboo hedero$. 5here $ere = 1I( as a res*lt of the crash. 5he operation $as completed at
15A" ho*rs and all *nits closed C* Chi Base Camp by 1C"" ho*rs.
%rom August 8 thru 14, 1966, the !
+latoon of Company C $as attached to the 1?!>

@n August 10, 1966, Company B, 1?5
(M) $as attached to the A?:
Infantry effecti)e at
"C"" ho*rs. 5hey pro)ided sec*rity and cond*cted SS2 operations east of the 0*nction of
hih$ays !; and 1:, in the area of I5 =55A5".
@n August 13, 1966, Company B, 1?5
(M) cond*cted reconnaissance of possible stream
crossin sites north of Lo 2a* &a in the area of I5 =!CA">.
@n August 14, 1966, the 1?5
(M) became attached to the 1
Briade. Company ( $as
assined to pro)ide sec*rity for Battery (, >?11
(rtillery at Lo 2a* &a. Company B pro)ided
sec*rity for the e4traction of the A?:
Infantry at I5 =55A=!. Company C cond*cted SS2
operations northeast of Lo 2a* &a, in the area of I5 ==>A=>. 5he battalion established a
for$ard base near 5r*n Mit at I5 A"=:. %rom (**st 1A thr* the !"
, the =
+latoon of
Company ( $as attached to the 1?!>
@n August 15, 1966, Company ( remained at Lo 2a* &a pro)idin sec*rity. Companies
B and C and the ,econ +latoon cond*cted reconnaissance of )ario*s areas. (t 115" ho*rs, one
(+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated a mine at I5 =>1A!!. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded and
e)ac*ated. @ne died of his in0*ries later in the day. (ll *nits closed the battalion for$ard base by
1:"" ho*rs.
@n August 16, 1966, Company ( contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity at Lo 2a* &a for
artillery *nits. Companies B and C cond*cted separate SS2 operations in the area. Both *nits had
liht contact and closed bac/ to the battalion for$ard base by 1>=" ho*rs. ( ,econ +latoon (+C
detonated a mine at I5 =5CA=C $hile on an escort mission from Lo 2a* &a. 5hree Bobcats
$ere $o*nded. @ne $o*nded Bobcat died of his $o*nds before a d* co*ld et there. (
chec/ of the road re)ealed = more mines in the area. 5he platoon stayed at 5r*n Mit o)erniht.
%rom August 17 thru August 30, 1966, the battalion contin*ed operations in the area.
-nemy contact $as liht. %rom (**st !"
thr* the !C
, the 1
+latoon of Company B $as
attached to the 1?!>
Infantry. @n the !1
, Company B replaced Company ( at Lo 2a* &a.
-nemy m*nitions and fortifications $ere located and destroyed. @n the !C
, t$o men $ere
in0*red $hen an (+C detonated a mine. 5he !
+latoon of Company B $as attached to the 1?!>

Infantry from (**st !C thr* September 1, 1:;;. @n the !:
, si4 Bobcats $ere $o*nded by a
;"mm mortar ro*nd.
@n August 30, 1966, the battalion(.) ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp.
@n August 31, 1966, Companies (, B(.), and C cond*cted road clearin, sec*rity and
con)oy escort d*ties. Company C $as the last to close C* Chi at !==> ho*rs.
In the battalion commanderHs analysis of the operation it $as noted that J%ramentin a
mechani'ed battalion red*ces its firepo$er and shoc/ action and serio*sly hampers its fle4ibility.
-mployin a mechani'ed *nit in a static sec*rity role, ie., sec*rin an artillery battery, protectin
enineer $or/ cre$s, ect., fails to ma/e *se of the mobility and shoc/ action $hich characteri'e
mechani'ed infantry.K
2*rin August 1966 , si4 Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Robbin A. Goodwin;
Rodney W. Casselman; 1oe L. Hill; Richard 1. Willett; Steve W. Harris; and
Richard A. Schmid.
@n September 1, 1966, elements of Company B $ere still attached to the 1?!>
@n September 2, 1966, the 1?5
(M) $as attached to and *nder @+C@3 of the 1

Briade. Company ( established a base at the northern end of the %ilhol ( I5 ;:1!1=) $here they
cond*cted dayliht patrols and niht amb*shes of traffic on the Saion ,i)er.
@n September 3, 1966, the Battalion &ead6*arters and the ,econ +latoon 0oined
Company ( and established a for$ard base in the area of I5 ;>:!11. (fter cond*ctin local
SS2 operations the battalion command ro*p, and the ,econ +latoon departed the %ilhol and
ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp. Company B cond*cted operations in the %ilhol *nder @+C@3 of
the A?!=
Infantry and ret*ned to C* Chi Base at !""" ho*rs. Company ( remained in the %ilhol
deployin niht amb*shes and Company C remained *nder @+C@3 of the !
Briade and had 1
platoon attached to the 1?!>
@n September 4, 1966, the battalion command ro*p, Company B and the ,econ
+latoon 0oined Company ( in the %ilhol and established a for$ard base. Company C remained
@+C@3 to the !
@n September 5 and 6, 1966, battalion *nits cond*cted local SS2 operations. Contact
$as liht and scattered. @ne (+C detonated a mine $itho*t cas*alties. Miscellaneo*s enemy
s*pplies and fortifications $ere located and destroyed.
@n September 7, 1966, Company B and one platoon from Company ( cond*cted
operations in con0*nction $ith the A?:
Infantry. ,econ +latoon s*ffered one 1I( from small
arms fire. (t 1A55 ho*rs Company C (.) 0oined the battalion at the for$ard base.
@n September 8, 1966, the battalion cond*cted = separate company si'e operations in
con0*nction $ith the (,V3 1?>
@n September 9, 1966, 5he battalion mo)ed to a ne$ base area at I5 ;C"!11 on the
northern frine of the %ilhol. SS2 operations contin*ed. Company C became @+C@3 to the !

Briade and established a for$ard combat base at I5 A=:=A:.
@n September 10, 1966, the battalion cond*cted t$o one company operations $ith liht
contact. Company C cond*cted ,I% operations north of Bao 2on (I5 AA!=;5) and recei)ed :
ro*nds of mortar fire at their niht location.
@n September 11, 1966, the battalion command ro*p mo)ed to I5 ;=>!11. Company
( cond*cted an SS2 operation, destroyin b*n/er and t*nnel comple4es. (t 1!"5 ho*rs t$o
1I(s $ere s*stained from small arms fire. (t 1!!" hrs a 1"5mm artillery ro*nd $as command
detonated aainst an (+C $o*ndin = Bobcats. Company B cond*cted an SS2 operation,
destroyin b*n/ers and t*nnel comple4es and m*nitions. = (+Cs detonated mines $ith no
cas*alties. (t 1:"" ho*rs the battalion for$ard base recei)ed A ro*nds of ;"mm mortar fire
res*ltin in 1 Bobcat from Company ( bein /illed.
(t !""5 ho*rs Company B recei)ed 15 ro*nds of friendly 1"5mm artillery fire. 1 Bobcat
from Company B $as /illed and = $ere serio*sly $o*nded. S*pposedly someone $as firin a
co*nter.mortar barrae.
@n September 12, 1966, the battalion(.) $as detached from the 1
Briade and ret*rned
to C* Chi Base Camp, closin by 1!15 ho*rs. Company C established a bloc/in position at I5
5A"!"5 and $as attached to the 1?!>
Infantry. (lso on the (**st 1!, one Bobcat from
Company C died from $o*nds he had recei)ed earlier.
%rom September 13 thru 19, 1966, the battalion cond*cted maintenance and prepared
for f*t*re operations. 2*rin the period the ,econ +latoon cond*cted a three day search and
destr*ction of a t$o le)el t*nnel comple4 that $as reported by a Chie* &oi at I5 ;:511>. (
total of 1!>" meters of t*nnel $ere destroyed. 5here $ere also Medcaps and road r*nner
operations cond*cted.
@n September 20, 1966, a series of operations in preselected ob0ecti)e areas in the %ilhol
and Boi #oi 1oods and )icinity bean. 5he mission of the battalion $as to cond*ct SS2 and ,I%
operations and on order to assist in the destr*ction of VC forces fi4ed by 1?!>
Infantry -ale
%lihts. (n (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine at I5 ;1A!A= res*ltin in ! 1I( $ho
$ere e)ac*ated. 5he Battalion command ro*p, $hile enro*te to establish a for$ard base, had
one (+C hit a mine at I5 ;!5!1C at 1!=" ho*rs res*ltin in e4tensi)e damae to the )ehicle and
! minor in0*ries. 5he damaed (+C $as ta/en bac/ to C* Chi by the ,econ +latoon $ho then
ret*rned to the battalion for$ard base at I5 ;":!A". 2*rin the day n*mero*s d*d artillery
ro*nds and booby traps $ere located and destroyed. 3iht amb*shes $ere employed from the
for$ard command base.
@n September 21, 1966, Co ( displaced to the ne$ battalion base location. Companies B
and C cond*cted SS2 operations. @ne platoon from Company ( escorted a damaed ,econ
+latoon (+C to 5r*n #ap. -nro*te they had 1 (+C detonate a mine. Companies B and C both
located enemy base camps $ith )ario*s amo*nts of e6*ipment and s*pplies. (mon the items
fo*nd and destroyed $ere !1 . 55allon dr*ms of ="1 oil.
@n September 22, 1966, at "A15 ho*rs the for$ard base recei)ed 15 ro*nds of ;"mm
mortar ro*nds res*ltin in 5 1I(. Company ( dispatched one platoon to recon a direct ro*te
from the for$ard base camp to 5r*n #ap. (t 11"5 ho*rs an (+C from Company ( detonated an
(5 mine res*ltin in 1 1I(. 5he )ehicle $as e4tensi)ely damaed and the company dispatched
additional (+Cs to assist in its remo)al. 5he $et ro*nd ca*sed the damaed (+C and the
to$in )ehicles to contin*ally bo do$n. 5he party did not close the battalion base *ntil "!""
ho*rs. Company B (.) performed maintenance $hile one of its platoons e4tracted st*c/ )ehicles
and ret*rned to base camp at 15A5 ho*rs. Company C cond*cted SS2 operations in an attempt
to locate the area from $here the mortar attac/ had ta/en place. 5he area $as located and $hile
e4tendin the area of their SS2 operation the company enaed an estimated C VC at 1!1;
ho*rs. (t 1==! ho*rs an (+C detonated a mine and one Bobcat $as $o*nded. 3iht amb*shes
$ere deployed from the battalion for$ard base $ith neati)e contact. (lso on September !!, one
Bobcat from Company B died from in0*ries he had recei)ed earlier.
@n September 23, 1966, the battalion mo)ed to a ne$ base location at I5 5"5=">.
1hile enro*te SS2 operations $ere cond*cted. Some )ehicles became st*c/ in the soft ro*nd
and all *nits, e4cept one platoon from Company B, finally closed the ne$ base. 5he Company B
platoon remained at I5 51=="A $ith a st*c/ A.! inch mortar trac/.
@n September 24, 1966, elements cond*cted local SS2 operations and repaired and
e4tracted do$ned )ehicles. 5he ,econ +latoon escorted t$o briade command carriers to the
briade for$ard C+ at I5 A>5!;5. 5he =rd platoon from Company B spent the niht at Lo 2a*
@n September 25, 1966, at "11" ho*rs it $as reported that one of the men $ith the
platoon at Lo 2a* &a $as in)ol)ed in a shootin incident. (pparently he $anted the ser)ices of a
female companion of one of the (merican ad)isors at Lo 2a* &a, and $hen they $ere ref*sed he
shot the (merican ad)isor in the foot $ith his .A5 cal pistol.
Company ( departed the base at ">A5 ho*rs and at "CA! ho*rs one (+C hit an (5 mine
at I5 A:==1;. 5he e4plosion inited the as tan/ and eiht Bobcats b*rned to death. 5hree
others $ere serio*sly in0*red. (t ":55 ho*rs it $as re6*ested that Lra)es ,eistration dispatch a
team to remo)e the remains of those deceased Bobcats that $ere still inside the trac/.
(t ":A" ho*rs Company B had one (+C hit a mine ca*sin ! minor in0*ries b*t e4tensi)e
damae to the trac/. (t ":A> ho*rs one ,econ +latoon (+C hit a mine. 5here $ere = $o*nded
and the (+C $as a total loss. (t 11"" ho*rs a Company B (+C hit a mine res*ltin in !
@n September 27, 1966, the companies cond*cted local SS2 operations. (t 115" ho*rs
an (+C from Company ( had a booby trap that $as s*spended in a tree command detonated as
the trac/ mo)ed past. @ne Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed and ! $ere $o*nded.
(t !"A> ho*rs an @+?#+ from Company C $as fired *pon $ith an M.>: by a Company C
soldier on the Company C portion of the perimeter. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and t$o $ere
$o*nded in the incident.
@n September 28, 1966, at "C5: ho*rs, one (+C from Company ( hit an (5 mine
res*ltin in A minor $o*nded and e4tensi)e damae to the trac/. 1hile in the same area at 1"""
ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed ! rifle renades $ith neati)e cas*alties. (t 11=5 ho*rs Company (
recei)ed ! ro*nds of fire from an (5 $eapon. Company C had 0*st 0oined Company ( in the area.
(t 1!"> ho*rs one (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine res*ltin in A minor 1I(. (t
1!1" ho*rs Company ( recei)ed sniper fire at I5 A:C=== res*ltin in one Bobcat from Company
( bein /illed.
(t 11A> ho*rs, elements of Company B enaed in a fire.fiht res*ltin in t$o Bobcats
from Company B /illed and t$o others $o*nded.
5he battalion established a ne$ C+ location at I5 5===A>.
@n September 30, 1966, 5 (+Cs from Company ( contin*ed their march to$ard Lo 2a*
&a at first liht. (t ">"" ho*rs the )ehicles became boed do$n at I5 AC:!:: and the element
a$aited assistance. Company ((.) departed the perimeter at 111" ho*rs actin as rear *ard for
the battalion d*rin mo)ement to the !nd Briade C+. (t 1!"C ho*rs one (+C from Company C
$hich $as tra)elin $ith the ro*p str*c/ an (5 mine at I5 51"AA> res*ltin in 1 Bobcat from
Company C bein /illed and = others $o*nded. 5he (+C $as later stripped and destroyed in
Company ((.) $as *nable to et to the !nd Bde C+ beca*se of st*c/ )ehicles and
established a niht base at I5 A>C=5!. Company B $as also forced to establish its o$n niht
perimeter at I5 51"=A;. Company C manaed to close the !nd Briade for$ard C+ at 1:="
2*rin September 1966, eihteen Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Timothy L. Honsinger; Earl E. Irving 1r.; Rolando L. Soliz; Billy 1. Dailey;
1ames E. Miller; Gary A. Barnard; Gary R. Dopp; Roy D. Hutting; Ernest R. Martie;
Terry L. Pundsack; Robert M. Waters; Walter Williams 1r.; Charles M. Centeno;
Thomas A. Lowden; Thomas 1. Ontiveros; Ralph G. Till; Terry L. Snyder and ONE whose
name is unknown to us writing this report.
J&iher temperat*res and less th*nderstorm acti)ity can be e4pected in @ctober as the
a*t*mn season sets in in the C* Chi and 5ay 3inh area. @ctober mar/s the transition bet$een the
$et and the dry season. 5emperat*res d*rin this period at 5ay 3inh $ill increase to an a)erae
hih of :" derees and a lo$ of >5 derees. C* Chi temperat*res $ill be slihtly cooler. 1arm
moist air from the so*th$est $ill be replaced by the relati)ely cooler, drier air of the northeast
@n October 1, 1966, the battalion finished closin to the !nd Briade for$ard C+.
@n October 2, 1966, the battalion defended the briade for$ard base and cond*cted
maintenance. @ne platoon from Company ( cond*cted road r*nner operations from 5ran Ban
to C* Chi.
@n October 4, 1966, one Bobcat from Company ( died from $o*nds he had pre)io*sly
recei)ed. 5hro*ho*t the day the battalion performed maintenance and sec*red the briade
perimeter *ntil all briade elements $ere remo)ed. (t 1>"" ho*rs the battalion departed the
for$ard base and ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp, closin by !1"" ho*rs.
October 5, 1966 $as a day of maintenence. @n the 6th, Company C operated in the area
of 5an +h* 5r*n. @n the 7th, a con)oy $as escorted to 5ran Ban and Companies ( and B
patroled in the area of 5an +h* 5r*n. Medcap acti)ities $ere also cond*cted in the area.
@n October 8, 1966, the battalion cond*cted local operations $ith no sinificant contact.
2*rin the day elements of the battalion cond*cted con)oy escort to Bao 5rai and 2*c #ap.
@n @ctober C, 1:;; a ten man patrol from Company C, 1?!>th Infantry departed the Bao
5rai airstrip at 1:=" ho*rs to set *p at I5 5AA"=C. (t "1A; ho*rs the patrol $as attac/ed and
comm*nication $as lost. (n 1C man reaction force $as committed at "!1! ho*rs. Company C
1?!>th Infantry bean to search at first liht. (t ">!" ho*rs the bodies of : of the patrol members
$ere located at I5 5;="=!. (t "C=1 ho*rs a )illaer alon the trail bein follo$ed disclosed that
=" VC and a 3ero 7S Soldier prisoner passed thro*h the )illae mo)in so*th$est.
%rom October 9 thru 11, 1966, the battalion contin*ed local operations in the area of 5an
+h* 5r*n, so*teast of C* Chi.
5he battalion participated in the mid.(*t*mn children<s festi)al at 5an +h* 5r*n. Candy
and toys $ere distrib*ted to some 15"" children. 5he 1?5th(M) also deli)ered a bric/.ma/in
machine, cement and steel fence posts to the )illae.
In the commander<s analysis it $as noted that the mines enco*ntered $ere becomin
larer, res*ltin in reater physical damae to the (+Cs. &o$e)er, barrin ara)atin factors
s*ch as fires or secondary e4plosions, cas*alties from mine detonations remained relati)ely liht.
@n October 12, 1966, the 1?5th(M) contin*ed pacification and sec*rity operations at 5an
+h* 5r*n.
@n October 16, 1966, at "155 ho*rs, an @+?#+ (I5 ;:!":5) from Company C recei)ed
= incomin hand renades res*ltin in one Bobcat from Company C bein /illed and one in0*red
$ho later died of $o*nds he recei)ed. (n immediate search of the area $as cond*cted $ith no
enemy contact.
@n October 17, 1966, operations in the area of 5an +h* 5r*n contin*ed. (t ">"" ho*rs
one platoon from Company C made an airmobile combat assa*lt into the area of I5 >151!". @ne
platoon from Company ( sec*red the &oc Mon Bride (I5 >1=">!).
@n October 18, 1966, t$o platoons from Company B closed base camp at "11" ho*rs
after cond*ctin a niht road r*nner operation to and from 5r*n #ap to escort one battery of the
=?1= (rtillery bac/ to C* Chi. (t 1"15 ho*rs, Company C cond*cted an airmobile combat assa*lt
into I5 ;:;1=5. @ne minor 1I( $as recei)ed $hen a VC s6*ad $as enaed. (t 1=A5 ho*rs
Company B cond*cted an SS2 operation at I5 ;!>!1C in response to a #,,+ contact $ith !5
VC. @ne minor 1I( $as s*ffered at 1;1! ho*rs from a booby trap. (t 1;A1 ho*rs, another
minor 1I( $as recei)ed from a booby trap.
@n October 19, 1966, Company C cond*cted an airmobile combat assa*lt into m*ltiple
landin 'ones startin at ":!" ho*rs. @ne platoon from Company ( sec*red the &oc Mon Bride
d*rin ho*rs of dar/ness.
@n October 22, 1966, Company ( contin*ed operations from a for$ard base (I5
;C>1"A) in 5an +h* 5r*n. 5he remainder of the battalion commenced an SS2 operation into the
&o Bo 1oods. 5here $as liht contact $ith se)eral 1I(s s*stained.
@n October 23, 1966, Company B s*stained t$o Bobcats EI( and t$o $o*nded at 1AA"
ho*rs $hen an (+C $as hit by an (5 ro*nd. Company B and Company C destroyed n*mero*s
b*n/ers and t*nnels in the area. 5he battalion for$ard base $as located at I5 5CC!C1. Company
( contin*ed operations in 5an +h* 5r*n.
@n October 24, 1966, Company C s*stained 1 1I( from a sniper at ":A" ho*rs.
Company B located an enemy base camp at 1==" ho*rs and destroyed the str*ct*res. (t 1;5"
ho*rs, $ith the assistance of a Chie* &oi, Company C located a booby trap factory and destroyed
;"" po*nds of 535 and miscellaneo*s items *sed in the man*fact*re of booby traps. (ll *nits
closed C* Chi Base Camp by 1C"" ho*rs. Company ( contin*ed operations in 5an +h* 5r*n.
@n October 27, 1966, 5he 1?5th(M) Battalion(.) cond*cted ,I%?SS2 operations
so*theast of 5ran Ban in the area of I5 5!1A. 5he battalion(.) established a for$ard base at
I5 5":1A1. 5he battalion(.) contin*ed operations in the area and closed bac/ to C* Chi base
camp at 1CA" ho*rs on October 29, 1966. Company ( remained at a for$ard base at I5 5!51A1
and Company B contin*ed operations in the 5an +h* 5r*n area.
@n October 31, 1966 Company ( completed 8b*shmaster8 and SS2 operations in 5hai
My (I5 5!1A) and ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp at 1!55 ho*rs. (t 15"" ho*rs Company C
disco)ered an e4tensi)e t*nnel comple4 0*st to the northeast of 5an +h* 5r*n at I5 >"!1"!.
-4ploration $as halted d*e to dar/ness and $as sched*led to res*me the ne4t mornin.
%or the D*arterly ,eportin +eriod of (**st "1, 1:;; thr* @ctober =1, 1:;;, the !5th
Infantry 2i)ision(.) reported the follo$in personnel statistics:
>: . EI(B CA5 . 1I(B > . MI(B 1: . 2@1B = . 3B2B and ;5 . 3BI.
It $as also noted that there $as a shortae of Infantry 3C@s in the rades -.5 and -.;.
5he cas*alty rate of 3C@s has created a shortae in reater proportion than the rate of fill.
5he infl*4 of appro4imately 1!"" daily hire laborers into the 2i)ision base has re6*ired
intensi)e and contin*o*s co*nter.intellience meas*res to ne*trali'e VC espionae.
Medical: Veneral 2isease is bein contracted at a steady rate. 5he rates for (**st,
September, and @ctober $ere !>C.", !"5.5, and !1!.! cases ? 1""" men?year respecti)ely.
In the 2i)ision command analysis it $as noted that:
1). -4plosi)es and demolitions are carried in the caro compartment of (+Cs $ith troops. @n
occasion )ehicles carryin troops and e4plosi)es hit anti.tan/ mines $hich ca*se the e4plosi)es to
detonate. It $as recommended that only a minim*m amo*nt of demolitions sho*ld be carried and
additional demolitions be bro*ht o*t by res*pply means. 5he carrier $hich is *sed to carry the
demolitions sho*ld only ha)e a minim*m n*mber of personnel aboard to red*ce the n*mber of
personnel e4posed to a sinle e4plosion.
!). VC forces ma/e e4tensi)e *se of mines and booby traps, often placin them in )ehicle trac/s.
Command detonated mines are often ried in trees to be employed aainst )ehicle cre$men from
abo)e. 2*rin the last =" days there has been a mar/ed increase in VC deployment of ,+L.!<s.
5he ,+L.!<s ha)e been employed sinly or in ro*ps (*p to fi)e) and ha)e been habit*ally fired
from close in.
2*rin the month of October 1966, fi)e Bobcats died in Viet nam. 5hey $ere:
George W. Alexander 1r.; Gerald 1. Collier; 1ohn C. Ardis and TWO whose names are
unknown to us who are writing this work.

@n November 1, 1966, Company C contin*ed e4plorin the t*nnel comple4 at I5
>"!1"!. ( lare amm*nition cache $as located in the t*nnel at 1"1" ho*rs. (t 1>A5 ho*rs the
t*nnel $as destroyed.
@n November 2, 1966, Company C closed C* Chi at ":"" ho*rs. 5he battalion contin*ed
maintenance and preparation for f*t*re operations.
@n November 3, 1966, at ";15 ho*rs, the 1st Battalion(M) 5th Infantry $ith 5roop B,
=?A ca)elry attached, commenced an attac/ into the northern %ilhol in the area of I5 ;=!!.
Company (, $ith the help of a Chie* &oi, disco)ered a m*nitions cache. (t 1C"" ho*rs Company
( established a base at I5 ;55!=1. Company B s*stained 1 Bobcat $o*nded in a fire fiht $hen
an (+C detonated an (5 mine. Company B established a base at I5 ;A>!A1. Company C
became enaed in a firefiht at I5 ;=C!=:. 5he fiht $ent from 1!5= ho*rs *ntil the VC bro/e
contact at 1>"" ho*rs. 2*rin the fiht, t$o Bobcats $ere /illed and three $ere $o*nded. 5he
Battalion C+ and Company C established a base at I5 ;=5!=5. 5roop B had = (+Cs hit mines
res*ltin in = troopers bein $o*nded. 5roop B established a base at I5 ;A!!!C.
@n November 4, 1966, a Chie* &oi led Company B to a m*nitions and $eapons cache.
(t 1!5" ho*rs a Company C (+C hit an (5 mine res*ltin in t$o Bobcats $o*nded. 5he
battalion(.) closed into C* Chi Base Camp by !=5" ho*rs. Company ( contin*ed to mo)e
thro*ho*t the niht.
@n November 5, 1966, Company ( closed C* Chi Base Camp at ";=" ho*rs. Company
B mo)ed to Lo 2a* &a, closin at 1>=" ho*rs. 5he remainder of the battalion mo)ed to an
assembly area (I5 A1;!=C) closin at "155 ho*rs on 3o)ember ;.
@n November 6, 1966, at ">"" ho*rs, the 1?5th(M) $as attached to the =rd Briade, 1st
Infantry 2i)ision. 5he battalion departed Lo 2a* &a and established a base at I5 =A"5C= and
pro)ided a perimeter defense for the =rd Briade, 1st Infantry 2i)ision &ead6*arters, a for$ard
s*pply airhead, t$o artillery batteries, a Special %orces compo*nd and a +op*lar %orces
compo*nd. Company ( $as sent to I5 =:A;!! to reinforce an infantry battalion $hich $as
sec*rin a fire s*pport base consistin of t$o artillery batteries. 5he 1?5th(M) contin*ed to
pro)ide sec*rity to fire s*pport bases and cond*cted local patrollin and amb*shes *ntil
3o)ember 1".
@n November 10, 1966, the 1?5th(M) re)erted to @+C@3 of the !nd Briade, !5th
Infantry 2i)ision and mo)ed its base to I5 !>A;C; to sec*re the !nd Briade &ead6*arters at
the 8@ld %rench %ort8 located north of 3*i Ba 2inh mo*ntain on &ih$ay A.
@n November 11, 1966, the battalion cond*cted ,I% operations in the area, north to the
0*nction of &ih$ays !A> and A. Many sins of recent acti)ity $ere fo*nd alon the trails in the
area. Some enemy s*pplies $ere located and destroyed. Company ( established a perimeter at
I5 !;:>55. @ne platoon of Company C, $ith a damaed (+C, spent the niht in the Company (
base. Company C(.) and Company B ret*rned to the battalion for$ard base. 3iht amb*shes
$ere deployed $ith neati)e contact.
@n November 12, 1966, 5he battalion sec*red and established an area for a fire s*pport
base at I5 !>=>C5, on &ih$ay A, 0*st to the north of the &ih$ay !A> 0*nction. %or the ne4t 1=
days the battalion *nits cond*cted sec*rity, reconnaissance, and search and destroy operations in
the area bet$een 3*i Ba 2inh and Eat*m. -nemy contact $as scattered $ith some brief intense
enco*nters. (+Cs hit mines $o*ndin some and booby traps $ere enco*ntered. -nemy bases and
s*pply caches $ere disco)ered and destroyed thro*ho*t the area. @ne Bobcat died on the
operation. 5hat $as on November 22, 1966. 81e $ere 0*st standin there tal/in to each other,8
said a member of Company C, 8$hen there $as a sinle shot and do$n he $ent. &e $as dead
before he hit the ro*nd.8
@n November 25, 1966, @peration (ttleboro ended. 5he ma0ority of the *nits in)ol)ed
mo)ed bac/ to C* Chi Base Camp on 3o)ember !A. 5he 1?5th(M) cond*cted deep
reconnaissance and had a 8trainin e4ercise8 on e4traction techni6*es east of 5rai Bi.
JIt $as noted that t$o basic thins res*lted from this operation ((ttleboro): (1) 1e ha)e
learned that the controlled road is one of the basic loistical ro*tes *tili'ed by the :th VC
2i)ision, and (!) one thin that s*rprised *s $as the ade6*acy of the intellience net$or/ $hich
the VC had. 5hey /ne$ 0*st abo*t e)ery mo)e $e made.K
@n November 28, 1966, the =rd Briade of the Ath Infantry 2i)ision established a base at
2a* 5ien. 5he =rd Briade bean contin*o*s operations in the area s*rro*ndin 2a* 5ien $ith
ma4im*m *se of small *nit patrols and 8B*shmasters.8
Company C, 1?5th(M), $as attached to the =rd Battalion, !1st Infantry and cond*cted
operations in the 5hanh 2ien %orest, so*th of the 5ay 3inh Base Camp.
2*rin November 1966, three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Riccardo B. Dickerson; Milburn H. Starnes; and Dock 1. Pinion.
@n December 1, 1966, the !nd Briade of the !5th Infantry 2i)ision bean operations in
&a* 3hia +ro)ince to interdict the VC har)est, mo)ement and storae of rice and to locate and
destroy VC forces, base camps and s*pplies.
@n December 7, 1966, the !nd Briade established a Briade %or$ard Command +ost
and ass*med the additional mission of screenin the rice prod*cin areas ad0acent to the &o Bo .
Boi #oi 1oods comple4. 5he 1?5th(M) effected a ro*nd lin/ *p $ith the 1?!>th Infantry at the
for$ard combat base north of 5ran Ban. (I5 ACA!>1). 1hile enro*te the ,econ +latoon had !
(+C<s hit (5 mines near I5 5":!A" res*ltin in fo*r Bobcats bein $o*nded.
@n December 8, 1966, the battalion cond*cted reconnaissance in the area and recei)ed
sniper fire $hich res*lted in fo*r Bobcats bein $o*nded.
@n December 9, 1966, *nits from the 1?5th(M) cond*cted a ,I% from I5 ;"1="> to
5="=1A, and sec*red #Ts for the 1?!>th Infantry. ( firefiht too/ place at I5 5!;=1A and shortly
thereafter an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine res*ltin in one Bobcat from
Company ( bein /illed and three others $o*nded.
@n December 10, 1966, Company ( sec*red an #T for the 1?!>th Infantry and then
0oined the rest of the battalion in cond*ctin SS2 operations. 2*rin the day = (+Cs detonated
(5 mines res*ltin in se)en Bobcats bein $o*nded.
@n December 11, 1966, = *nderro*nd fortifications, containin n*mero*s electrical
items and medicines, $ere located by Company (.
@n December 12, 1966, all three companies cond*cted SS2 operations and the ,econ
+latoon sec*red a ri)er crossin at I5 5!5=A5. 5here $as no enemy contact d*rin the day.
@n December 13, 1966, Company ( located > *nderro*nd fortifications containin
s*pplies and ammo. (lso on 2ecember 1=, a Bobcat from Company B died in hospital from
$o*nds he had recei)ed on an earlier date.
%rom December 14, 1966, thr* December 18, the 1?5th(M) cond*cted SS2 operations
in the Boi #oi 1oods and alon the Saion ,i)er. Miscellaneo*s enemy s*pplies and e6*ipment,
alon $ith enemy fortifications and t*nnels $ere located and destroyed.
@n December 18, 1966, the 1?5th(M) cond*cted a con)oy mo)e to C* Chi Base Camp,
closin at ":"" ho*rs.
@n December 19, 1966, Company B pro)ided sec*rity for )illaes north of Bao 5rai in
the area of I5 5;C";:. 5his $as in response to recent VC threats aainst the )illaers.
@n December 20, 1966, Company ( established a company base at I5 ;!:1:C near Ba*
5ron, north$est of the C* Chi base. Company B sec*red Battery ( of the 1?Cth (rtillery at 2*c
&anh and Company C prepared for niht amb*shes.
@n December 21, 1966, the 1?5th(M) cond*cted company amb*shes and patrols. (t !=!"
ho*rs Company ( recei)ed mortar and ,+L.! fire $hich res*lted in ten Bobcats bein $o*nded.
5he fire $as ret*rned $ith (rtillery $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n December 22, 1966, Company ( cond*cted an SS2 operation from I5 ;="1:>
so*theast to C* Chi Base Camp. Company B established a company base north$est of C* Chi at
I5 ;="!";. Company C contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity northeast of Bao 5rai at 2*c &anh (I5
@n December 23, 1966, Company B cond*cted SS2 operations aro*nd their for$ard
base. Company C contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for the 1?Cth (rtillery.
@n December 24, 1966, Company ( and the ,econ +latoon prepared for f*t*re
operations at C* Chi Base Camp.
@n December 26, 1966, Companies ( and C cond*cted an SS2 operation north$est of
the C* Chi Base Camp near I5 ;=1: $hile Company B and the ,econ +latoon set *p bloc/in
positions near I5 ;!!". 5here $as no enemy contact b*t enemy material losses $ere e4tensi)e.
@n December 28, 1966, the battalion contin*ed SS2 operations in the same area. (t
">A" ho*rs an *n/no$n n*mber of VC $ere enaed at I5 ;!>1C=. @ne Bobcat from Company
( $as /illed and one $as $o*nded. (lso on 2ecember !C
, a Bobcat from Company B died in
hospital from $o*nds he had recei)ed on a pre)io*s date.
@n December 29, 1966, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations. Company ( established
a for$ard base at I5 ;="1>A and all other elements of the battalion closed C* Chi Base Camp by
1;A" ho*rs.
@n December 30, 1966, Company B established a for$ard base at I5 ;="1;=. 5he
remainder of the battalion cond*cted maintenance.
@n December 31, 1966, the 1?5th(M) cond*cted dayliht amb*sh patrols. ( patrol from
Company C $as fired *pon at 1;"" ho*rs by = VC. 5here $ere no friendly cas*alties. (nd that is
the best $ay to ha)e closed o*t the year.
2*rin December 1966, fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey 1ere: Melvin L. Sherrell;
Dennis F. Delasandro; William L. McLaughlin; and one whose name is unknown to us who
are writing this report.
%rom 1anuary 1 thru 1anuary 4, 1967, the battalion contin*ed SS2 and amb*sh
operations in the area bet$een the %ilhol and the &o Bo 1oods $itho*t enemy contact. -nemy
fortifications, t*nnels, and s*pplies $ere disco)ered and destroyed.
@n 1anuary 5, 1967, the battalion cond*cted maintenance at C* Chi and prepared for
f*t*re operations. %or other than trac/ dri)ers and maintenance personnel, that *s*ally meant
cleanin yo*r $eapons and catchin *p on sleep. 1hen o*t on operations, and $ith amb*shes,
one $as l*c/y to et 5 ho*rs of sleep in any !A ho*r period. (fter a fe$ days it beins to catch *p
to a person.
@n 1anuary 6, 1967, the 1?5th(M) became attached to the 1:;th #iht Infantry Briade.
5roop B of the =?A Ca)elry became @+C@3 to the 1?5th(M). 5he battalion mo)ed to the area
north of 5r*n #ap in preparation for @peration Cedar %alls.
@n 1anuary 7, 1967, the battalion bean to $or/ its $ay north to$ards the Saion ,i)er
and the &o Bo 1oods. 5hree Bobcats from Company ( $ere /illed on 9an*ary >. ( 1"5mm
artillery d*d, h*n in a tree, $as command detonated as they $ere chec/in o*t some s*spicio*s
5he 1st Infantry 2i)ision alon $ith the 1>=rd (irborne, 11th (rmored Ca)alry, and
se)eral (,V3 *nits $ere beinnin a detailed search of the Ben S*c, 5hanh.2ien %orestry
preser)e and the so called 8Iron 5rianle8 areas.
@n 1anuary 8, 1967, the 1:;th #IB established bloc/in positions on the ban/s of the
Saion ,i)er. 5he 1?5th(M) $as the riht (east) flan/ element in the area north of the ,ach Son
Cree/ in the &o Bo 1oods (I5 ;;:!AC). %o*r Bobcats died on 9an*ary Cth. 5hree of them on a
Company B amb*sh patrol that somethin $ent $ron on. 5he fo*rth $as from Company C.
5he battalion contin*ed their bloc/in operation $ith some local patrolin and amb*shes.
@n 1anuary 17, 1967, fo*r Bobcats $ere /illed $hen the helicopter they $ere passeners
in crashed. (ll fo*r helicopter cre$ members $ere also /illed. 5he helicopter $as on the ret*rn
trip to C* Chi Base Camp from a res*pply mission to the battalion for$ard base $hen it
de)eloped mechanical problems.
@n 1anuary 18, 1967, t$o Bobcats $ere /illed in separate incidents. @ne from Company
( and one from Company C.
@n 1anuary 19, 1967 one of the companies came across the bodies of : VC $ho had
been /illed.
@n 1anuary 20, 1967, Company B, $ith the *idence of a Chie* &oi located an arms and
amm*nition cache at I5 ;;1!C1. 5$o Bobcats from Company ( died $hen a booby trap $as
@n 1anuary 21, 1967, one Bobcat from Company C died from small arms fire and a
medic died from shrapnel. (lso on 9an*ary !1, Company ( located a t*nnel comple4 $ith a main
t*nnel ;"" meters lon and also 1" branch t*nnels. 5his $as in the area of I5 ;5"!=5, some
15"" meters so*th $est of the Saion ,i)er and 0*st to the north of the ,ach Son Cree/. 5he
t*nnel comple4 $as searched for fo*r days and o)er ;" po*nds of doc*ments $ere e)ac*ated
from the area.
@n 1anuary 26, 1967, @peration Cedar %alls ended.
%rom 1anuary 27 thru 1anuary 30, 1967, the battalion cond*cted maintenance, trainin
and prepared for f*t*re operations at C* Chi Base Camp.
@ne Bobcat from Company B $as accidentally /illed north of the Ben M*on Stream, on
9an*ary ="th.
2*rin 1anuary 1967, eihteen Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Danny C. Barnes; Willy V. Quast; David Young; Lynn A. Harris;
Arnez F. Miller 1r.; Carlos M. Rodriguez; David L. Sheehy; Herbert H. Crowder;
Herschel L. Epps 1r.; Larry G. Gray; Frank 1. Krebs; Donald L. Helton; Leo V. Silbert;
Morgan E. Savage; 1ames B. Simmons; 1ohn L. Wilhelm; William A. 1ones 1r.; and
Richard L. Parham.
%or the D*arterly ,eportin +eriod of 3o)ember 1, 1:;; to 9an*ary =1, 1:;>, the !5th
Infantry 2i)ision(.) reported the follo$in statistics:
EI(. 1!=B 1I(. 1"!:B MI(. "B 3B2. "B 3BI. ==.
(dministration: 5here still remained a shortae in Infantry 3C@s. 5he cas*alty rate and
rotation losses amon these 3C@s has created a shortae reater than the rate of fill. @ther M@S
that the 2i)ision &ead6*arters placed in the critical short cateory $ere: "5B!"B 112!"B 112A"B
11%!"B 11%A"B !;C!"B A5%!"B ;=-!"B ;>M!"B ;>D!"B >!B1"B >A2!"B C!C1"B C!C!"B :1C!"B
@n February 1, 1967, the battalion mo)ed from C* Chi to 5ay 3inh. 5he battalion $as
attached and @+C@3 to the 1:;th #iht Infantry Briade. 2*rin the day one Bobcat from
Company B died from small arms fire.
@n February 2, 1967, Company (, A?=1st Infantry cond*cted an airmobile assa*lt into
the area of I5 "55;CA, some > /ilometers $est of &$y !! and the )illae of 5rai Bi.
(t ";=! ho*rs the 1?5th(M) left 5ay 3inh and assa*lted to the area $here Company (,
A?=1st Infantry $as located. #ead elements of the 1?5th(M) lin/ed *p $ith the A?=1st at 1"5"
ho*rs. ( bride $as then airlifed to the site and installed by the 1>5th -nineer Company. 5he
1?5th(M) crossed the bride and contin*ed to I5 "=A>1>. 5he battalion sec*red an #T for the
helilift of the A?=1st Infantry(.) into the area at 1;A" ho*rs.
@n February 03, 1967, the 1?5th(M) commenced an attac/ at "C1C ho*rs to the area of
15 :C;:, $hich $as near the Cambodian Border so*th of the 82o<s &ead.8 (t ":"" ho*rs the
,econ +latoon $as dispatched to s$eep the flan/ of the battalion. (t ":"; ho*rs a ,econ (+C
detonated an (5 mine $ith neati)e cas*alties. (t 1"A: ho*rs Company ( located a 5(?=1!
telephone in the area of 15 ::5;::. (t 1!"1 ho*rs Company (, 1?5th(M), sec*red an #T for the
!?1st Infantry.
(t 1==" ho*rs elements from Company B recei)ed fire from a 5> mm ,ecoilless ,ifle
$hile repairin a trac/ that had bro/en do$n in the area of 15 :::;:C. 5$o Bobcats $ere
$o*nded. 5he ,econ +latoon $as dispatched to assist the Company B elements and $hile
enro*te recei)ed ,, fire res*ltin in ! Bobcats bein $o*nded. %ire $as ret*rned and the ,econ
+latoon proceeded to lin/ *p $ith the elements from Company B.
(t 1A5: ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine in the area of 15
:::>"1 res*ltin in 1= Bobcats bein $o*nded. (t 151" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon, still pro)idin
sec*rity for the Company B elements, started to recei)e hea)y small arms fire from an estimated
15 to !" VC in the area of 15 """;:>. (t this time the ,econ +latoon had elements of Company
B and Company ( $ith them. 5he (+C of the Company ( I@ $as hit by a ,, ro*nd, /illin him
and t$o others on the (+C instantly. 5he VC manaed to o)erta/e and occ*py the (+C, firin
its .5" caliber machine *n. ( man from Company B $as $o*nded $hile attemptin to ta/e the
(+C *nder fire.
8&e $as layin in a small depression ne4t to me $ith real bad stomach $o*nds. 1e tried
to comfort him and /ept tellin him he $o*ld be o/, b*t then all the color left his face and he
died. I felt )ery helpless abo*t not bein able to do somethin for him,8 recalled a Bobcat that $as
$ith him.
5he (+C $as reco)ered at 1555 ho*rs after air and artillery fire $as placed into the area
and the VC bro/e contact. 2*rin the day 5 Bobcats $ere /illed and !A $ere $o*nded. 5he VC
$ore a mi4t*re of camofla*ed *niforms and blac/ 8pa0ama8 type clothin. It $as noted that they
fo*ht $ith considerable determination and e4hibited ood discipline and fire control.
-lements of the battalion closed into a ne$ battalion C+ at 1>5" ho*rs in the area of 15
@n February 04, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area s*rro*ndin
their niht base. (t ":1" ho*rs Company B disco)ered an *ncompleted base camp at 15
:>;>";. (t 15!" ho*rs, Company C enaed ! VC at 15 ::;;:=, /illin both. (mon the items
fo*nd $ith the bodies $ere > ro*nds of 5>mm &-(5 amm*nition and a tripod.
@n February 05, 1967, at "C1! ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company ( located at 15
:;:;:; recei)ed fire from across the 5onle ,oti ,i)er, $hich mar/ed the border bet$een
Cambodia and So*th Viet 3am. 5he amb*sh ret*rned fire into Cambodia, res*ltin in ! VC bein
/illed. @ne body fell into the ri)er and the other $as danlin in a tree. 5he amb*sh contin*ed
recei)in fire from inside Cambodia *ntil "C=" ho*rs $hen they $ere retrie)ed by Company (.
(t 1""; ho*rs, Company ( departed the battalion base camp follo$in Company B. (t
1"!5 ho*rs Company C departed the base camp enro*te to lin/ *p $ith the A?=1st Infantry. (t
1"== ho*rs Company ( recei)ed small arms fire from their left flan/. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith
*n/no$n res*lts. (t 1!AA ho*rs, Company ( passed thro*h Company B and ass*med the lead.
(t 1==5 ho*rs in the area of 15 :C=;;;, Company ( became in)ol)ed in a fire.fiht $ith a force
of *n/no$n si'e. 5hey bean recei)in ,+L.! fire, rifle renades and small arms fire. ! (+Cs
$ere hit by ,+L.! fire and one detonated a mine. Contact $as bro/en at 1>=5 ho*rs. 5$o
Bobcats $ere /illed and 1C $ere $o*nded in the fire.fiht. (s elements of Company ( $ere
searchin the trench line area of the fiht, a sniper shot and /illed one Bobcat.
5he battalion established a ne$ base camp at 15 ::;;;5. (ll elements closed the base by
1:=> ho*rs.
@n February 06, 1967, $hile cond*ctin SS2 operations in the area, elements of the
battalion disco)ered a VC base camp and hospital at 15 :CC;C!. 2oc*ments fo*nd identified
*nits of the Staff 2irectorate of C@SV3. Se)eral dead VC $ere located d*rin the operations
alon $ith some radio e6*ipment, $eapons and amm*nition.
@n February 07, 1967, Company B departed the battalion for$ard base to e4amine the
area of 15 ::5;C5 after a B.5! stri/e. Company ( and Company C(.) cond*cted SS2
operations in the area of 15 :C;C. (t 1A"5 ho*rs Company ( recei)ed fire from an estimated
VC platoon res*ltin in one Bobcat $o*nded. (t 1A!5 ho*rs, Company ( aain made contact
$ith the VC, $ho $ere $earin /a/hi *niforms. (t 1A5" ho*rs contact $as bro/en b*t aain
reestablished at 15"1 ho*rs in the area of 15 :;A;>". (ir stri/es $ere placed into the area $here
the VC $ere firin from. (fter the air stri/es, Company ( mo)ed into the area and disco)ered
VC bodies and a cache of 1C tons of rice. (ll elements closed the battalion for$ard base at 15
::5;;A by 1:"; ho*rs.
@n February 08, 1967, the battalion commenced operations 8in accordance $ith the r*les
o)ernin the 5-5 tr*ce period.8 (t 1"=5 ho*rs Company ( disco)ered VC bodies at 15
:C!;;;. 5 had been /illed by small arms fire, A $ere in a bomb crater and 1 $as in a co)ered
b*n/er. (t 1==5 ho*rs, Company B recei)ed = ro*nds of small arms fire. (t 15A" ho*rs, in the
area of 15 "1";CC, Company B recei)ed a*tomatic $eapons fire from an *n/no$n n*mber of
VC. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons. @ne Bobcat from Company B $as /illed in the
initial e4chane of fire. (ll elements closed the battalion for$ard base for the niht.
@n February 10, 1967, an #+ o*tside the battalion perimeter recei)ed 1 hand renade at
"!"> ho*rs $ith neati)e cas*alties. (t 1=15 ho*rs the ,econ +latoon recei)ed 1" rifle renades
in the area of 15 :C:;5". 5here $ere neati)e cas*alties and fire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n
res*lts. In the area of 15 ::5;>", elements of the battalion located a )ery sophisticated trainin
area consistin of AA str*ct*res and fortifications, ! class rooms, ! mess halls, and a >5 I ="
meter rifle rane complete $ith silo*ette tarets.
@n February 12, 1967, Companies B and C departed the battalion base at ">=" ho*rs and
sec*red an #T at %SB 2elta in the area of 15 "=;A. 5he !?1st Infantry $as airlifted into the #T.
(t ":A: ho*rs the battalion head6*arters and Company ( departed the for$ard base and
established a ne$ battalion for$ard base at 15 :CA;1;. (t 11A" ho*rs, Companies B and C
departed %SB 2elta and closed the ne$ battalion for$ard base at 1;!" ho*rs. 2*rin the e)enin
> rifle renades $ere recei)ed into the base.
@n February 13, 1967, at "C15 ho*rs, the battalion commenced SS2 operations in the
area of 15 ::;!.-lements disco)ered se)eral VC base camps and an ordnance factory at 15
:C;;A!. It contained bombs, artillery ro*nds, hand renades and tools and molds for
man*fact*rin e4plosi)e de)ices. 5hat niht the battalion for$ard base recei)ed 5 ro*nds of
mortar fire.
@n February 14 and 15, 1967, the battalion contin*ed SS2 operations in the area of 15
"!5; and "=5C. @n %ebr*ary 15th, se)enteen ro*nds of ;"mm mortar fire $as recei)ed.
@n February 16, 1967, the battalion bro/e camp at ">=" ho*rs and mo)ed to the bride
site at I5 "55:. #ead elements crossed the bride at "C"" ho*rs and the battalion contin*ed
mo)ement so*theast to 5ay 3inh, $here they closed at 1==" ho*rs.
1ar Tone C $as located north of 5ay 3inh City bo*nded on the north and the $est by the
Cambodian border. 5his area $as a confirmed VC stronhold. 5he entire area $as characteri'ed
by dense forest, $ith n*mero*s enemy b*n/ers, t*nnels and base camps. @n February 22, 1967,
the !nd Briade of the !5th Infantry 2i)ision, bean @peration 9*nction City (lternate. 5he !nd
Briade area of operatons $as a portion of 1ar Tone C $hich $as hea)ily $ooded and in $hich
no 7S *nits had operated in for o)er a year. It $as /no$n that the area contained a lot of b*n/ers
and base camp areas.
@n February 22, 1967, the 1?5th(M) bean @peration 9*nction City (lternate by mo)in
from the area of 5rai Bi at I5 11>" to sec*re %SB +ershin at I5 1=>5, $hich $as some ="""
meters so*theast of the 0*nction of &ih$ays !! and !A>.
@n February 23, 1967, the battalion established a for$ard base at I5 151>;5, 0*st to the
north of &ih$ay !A> and 5""" meters east of &ih$ay !!. -lements of the battalion located a
base camp of 5 b*n/ers and 15 str*ct*res north of the battalion for$ard base. ! (+Cs detonated
(5 mines res*ltin in 5 Bobcats bein $o*nded. @ne Bobcat from Company ( died of his
@n February 24, 1967, elements of the battalion located t$o base camps containin arms,
amm*nition and s*pplies. 2*rin the day, 1! Bobcats $ere $o*nded and 1 (+C $as damaed
$hen VC $ere enaed at I5 1;;C"A. 5he VC employed command detonated mines. = of the
VC /illed in the e4chane $ere identified as members of the !>!nd VC ,eiment.
@n February 25, 1967, $hile f*rther searchin a VC base camp located on the !Ath at
I5 15AC=A, an *n/no$n n*mber of VC $ere enaed. (mon the items fo*nd in the base camp
area after the fire.fiht $ere ="" ro*nds of 1"5mm artillery amm*nition.
@n February 27, 1967, the 1?5th(M) mo)ed to sec*re %SB %oche for the emplacement of
the 1?Cth (rtillery and the !nd Briade for$ard command post.
@n February 28, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations aro*nd and also
pro)ided sec*rity for the fire s*pport base.
2*rin February 1967, ele)en Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey 1ere: Ervin L. Laird;
1ackson Thomas; Paul T. Short 1r.; Marco 1. Baruzzi; Raymond F. Demory;
1erry L. Spicer; 1ames E. Bostock; 1oseph M. Brady; Henry R. Lopez; 1ack M. Secrest 1r.;
and Landon C. Ray.
@n March 01, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations to the north and east of
%SB %oche, $hich $as located appro4imately 1C /ilometers so*th$est of Eat*m. (t ":5! ho*rs,
an (+C detonated an (5 mine res*ltin in nine Bobcats bein $o*nded and moderate damae to
the (+C. 5o the east, elements enaed an *n/no$n n*mber of VC, /illin ! and capt*rin 1.
%i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the e4chane of fire.
@n March 02, 1967, Companies ( and B cond*cted SS2 operations to the northeast of
%SB %oche. (n enemy base camp $as located and destroyed at I5 1;5CC". Company C pro)ided
sec*rity for the fire s*pport base.
@n March 03, 1967, Company ( pro)ided sec*rity for the base $hile Companies B and C
cond*cted SS2 operations in the area.
@n March 04, 1967, the battalion pro)ided sec*rity for the air e4traction of the !nd
Briade &ead6*arter<s for$ard elements from the fire s*pport base. (t 1="" ho*rs the 1st
Battalion(M) 5th Infantry $as attached and @+C@3 to the 11th (rmored Ca)alry ,eiment.
@n March 05, 1967, a Bobcat from Company B $as /illed by shrapnel $hen the battalion
for$ard base recei)ed a 1!" ro*nd ;"mm and C!mm mortar barrae.
@n March 13, 1967, a Bobcat from Company C $as shot and /illed.
@n March 14, 1967, the 1?5th(M)(.) became @+C@3 to the 1:;th #iht Infantry
Briade. (t 1C=" ho*rs the battalion(.) closed the 8%rench %ort8, located > /ilometers north of
3*i Ba 2en at I5 !C;C.
@n March 15, 1967, the battalion *nits cond*cted local SS2 operations and escorted
con)oys in the area of the %rench %ort. (t 1="" ho*rs the battalion established a command post
abo*t = /ilometers north$est of the %rench %ort at I5 !;>>=A. (t 1;=5 ho*rs, the ,econ
+latoon $as escortin a con)oy north on &ih$ay A $hen the lead (+C $as str*c/ by an ,+L.!
ro*nd near I5 !>=>!!. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. (t 1;A" ho*rs an (+C from Company B
$as hit by an ,+L.! ro*nd in the same area. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded and one died of his
$o*nds later in the day. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith S( and (1 fire $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
(t !""" ho*rs the C* Chi Base Camp recei)ed 5" ro*nds of C!mm mortar fire and !5
ro*nds of >5mm recoilless rifle fire.
@n March 16, 1967, bet$een "1=5 and "!"" ho*rs, 15" ro*nds of ;"mm, C!mm mortar
and >5mm ,, ro*nds $ere recei)ed on the 1:;th #IB command post located at the %rench %ort.
A men $ere /illed and !! $ere $o*nded. @ne of those /illed $as a Bobcat at the battalion<s rear
s*pply area, $hich $as also located at the fort. ! Bobcats from the *nit $ere also amon the
7nits of the battalion cleared and sec*red roads and then cond*cted con)oy escort from
the 0*nction of &ih$ays A and !A>, so*th to the %rench %ort. (t 1=!" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon
located an (5 mine in the road at I5 !>">;; and ble$ it in place.
@n March 17, 1967, the 1?5th(M) cond*cted SS2 operations east of &ih$ay A. (t
1;"" ho*rs, Company C, 1?5th(M) became @+C@3 to the !?=Ath (rmor. Company C, !?=Ath
(rmor became @+C@3 to the 1?5th(M).
@n March 18, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted SS2 operations $est to I5 1:=>!; and
at 15=" ho*rs the battalion established a for$ard base at that location. (t 1A15 ho*rs, a con)oy
bein escorted by elements of Company B. ( command detonated mine $as set off aainst one of
the )ehcles in the con)oy. (t 1;"" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon $as escortin a con)oy on &ih$ay
A, so*th from +re/ Elo/, $hen a )ehicle $as str*c/ by a b*rst of a*tomatic $eapons fire. %ire
$as ret*rned and *nships $ere employed $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n March 19, 1967, *nits of the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area. Cross
attachment $ith the !?=Ath (rmor $as terminated at 1==" ho*rs. @ne Bobcat from Company C
$as accidentally /illed. (ll *nits closed the ne$ battalion for$ard base located at I5 !=C>!; by
1>"" ho*rs.
@n March 20, 1967, the ,econ +latoon and Company C(.) cond*cted con)oy escort
from So*i 2a to +re/ Elo/ after clearin and sec*rin the hih$ay. Companies (, B and C(.)
cond*cted SS2 operations in the area. Company ( had one (+C hit a lare mine at 1"A5 ho*rs
at I5 !A1C"5. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded and d*sted off. (ll *nits closed the battalion
command post by 1;5" ho*rs.
@n March 21, 1967, the battalion cond*cted road sec*rity and SS2 operations in the
@n March 22, 1967, the ,econ +latoon $ith personnel from the 1;:th -nineers cleared
and sec*red the road from the 8%rench %ort8 to the So*i 2a t*rnoff. Company ( cond*cted SS2
operations north to the C! rid line. Companies B and C cond*cted SS2 operations east of
&ih$ay A. (t "C!5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( hit an (5 mine res*ltin in one Bobcat
bein $o*nded. (t "C5" ho*rs, Company C had an (+C detonate a mine at I5 !>=>AA res*ltin
in eiht Bobcats bein $o*nded. (t 11=" ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( hit a mine at I5
!A5C15. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded. (ll elements closed the battalion for$ard base, no$
located at I5 !55>55, by 1>"" ho*rs. @ne of the $o*nded Bobcats from Company ( died of his
@n March 23, 1967, Company ( pro)ided sec*rity for the battalion base. Company B
and part of Company C cond*cted SS2 operations in the area. 5he ,econ +latoon and part of
Company C cond*cted road sec*rity and con)oy escort operations.
@n March 24, 1967, the ,econ +latoon cond*cted road sec*rity and escort on &ih$ay A
from the 8%rench %ort8 to the So*i 2a t*rnoff. Company B remained at the battalion base for
sec*rity. Company C sec*red a drop 'one for a res*pply airdrop. Company ( screened and
bloc/ed from I5 =">A to =">;.
@n March 25, 1967, ,econ +latoon and one platoon from Company C cleared and
sec*red the road$ay and escorted con)oys. (t 1="5 ho*rs, one platoon from Company C sec*red
a drop 'one at I5 !;>>C;. 5he drop $as :"V effecti)e. 1"V $as damaed and reco)ered. @ne
platoon from Company C sec*red a crossin site $hile the 1>5th -nineers implaced an (V#B.
Companies ( and B crossed the bride and cond*cted SS2 operations from I5 =1C" to =1>C.
5here $as neati)e contact and *nits closed the ne$ battalion base at +re/ Elo/ by 1:"" ho*rs.
@n March 26, 1967, the ,econ +latoon and one platoon from Company ( $ere assined
ro*te clearin and con)oy escort d*ty from +re/ Elo/ to So*i 2a. 5he battalion(.) established
bloc/in positions in coordination $ith s$eeps made by the =rd Briade, Ath Infantry 2i)ision. (t
11!" ho*rs, an (+C from Company B str*c/ a mine at I5 !:5>=>. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded.
(t 1="" ho*rs, one platoon from Company ( sec*red a drop 'one for a res*pply drop at I5
@n March 27, 1967, the ,econ +latoon $ent to the 8%rench %ort8 and escorted the
=?1=th (rtillery to +re/ Elo/, closin at ":!5 ho*rs. Companies ( and C departed the base at
">=" ho*rs. (t 1155 ho*rs an (V#B $as placed across the stream at I5 =1"C"A. -lements then
cond*cted SS2 operations east to I5 =55:==. -lements of Company B sec*red a drop 'one for
t$o res*pply drops. @ne $as at 1!=" ho*rs and the other at 1;"" ho*rs.
@n March 28, 1967, the battalion bean operations to sec*re areas for t$o ne$ fire
s*pport bases. Companies ( and C sec*red the first, *ntill they $ere relie)ed by the A?=1st
Infantry at 1115 ho*rs. Company B and the ,econ +latoon sec*red the !nd area at Eat*m. 1hile
enro*te Company B had an (+C detonate a mine res*ltin in e4tensi)e damae to the trac/ and
one Bobcat $o*nded. (t 1;11 ho*rs the battalion C+, Companies (, C and the ,econ +latoon(.)
closed the fire s*pport base at Eat*m. Company B sec*red a res*pply drop 'one and remained
there for the niht. ,econ +latoon(.) sec*red an (V#B at I5 !C:C;5.
@n March 29, 1967, the battalion sec*red an #T for the airlift of the !?1st Infantry
Battalion from the 8%rench %ort.8 5he 1?5th(M) then cond*cted local SS2 operations and closed
the ne$ Battalion base at I5 !>;:=5, some 5""" meters north$est of Eat*m and ;""" meters
so*th of the Cambodian border.
@n March 30, 1967, Companies ( and B cond*cted SS2 operations in the area, and the
,econ +latoon cond*cted a reconnaissance of the area. Company C departed the battalion base
to escort a con)oy from +re/ Elo/. (t 11=A ho*rs, one (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated
an (5 mine at I5 !>C:1A. (t 1=A" ho*rs Company C enaed an *n/no$n si'e enemy force at
I5 !A:>>:. 5$o (+Cs $ere hit by 5>mm recoilless rifle ro*nds. @ne of them $as str*c/ in the
rear ramp $ith t$o ro*nds. Si4 Bobcats $ere $o*nded. L*nships o)erhead a)e co)erin fire
and contact $as bro/en. 5he battalion established a ne$ base at I5 !C1:;:, only 15"" meters
so*th of the Cambodian Border.
@n March 31, 1967, Companies (, B, and C cond*cted SS2 operations to the $est of
the battalion base. 5he ,econ +latoon remained in reser)e $ith the battalion command ro*p.
Company ( made a brief contact at "C=" ho*rs, e4chanin small arms fire $ith neati)e res*lts.
(t 1"=A ho*rs, Company B had one (+C str*c/ by an ,+L.! ro*nd at I5 !!::>=. 5he
fire $as recei)ed from a trench line less than 1,""" meters so*th of the Cambodian Border. (t
1"5! ho*rs $hile searchin the area, Company B recei)ed more ,+L.! fire $ith neati)e hits.
5he area $as ta/en *nder fire $ith C1mm mortars and oranic $eapons fire. (t 1"5: ho*rs, !
Company B (+Cs $ere hit by ,+L.! ro*nds. (t 11!5 ho*rs, another (+C $as hit by ,+L fire.
Contact $as bro/en at 11A" ho*rs. (t 1=A5 ho*rs, Company B made contact in the same eneral
area. @ne (+C $as hit by ,+L fire, and contact $as immediately bro/en. In all, fo*r Bobcats
from Company B $ere /illed and 1; $ere $o*nded.
(t 1;A5 ho*rs an (+C from Company C hit an (5 mine, res*ltin in A Bobcats bein
$o*nded. (ll *nits closed the battalion base by 1C15 ho*rs.
2*rin March 1967, ten Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Gerald 1. Breen;
1erry L. Borgens; 1ames P. Vadbunker; Robert S. Liszcz; Viril L. Austin;
Charles M. Douglas; Kenneth L. Breshears; Charles C. Dickey 1r.; Gary F. Schuler;
and 1ohn A. Todi.
@n April 01, 1967, Companies ( and B cond*cted SS2 operations in the area $itho*t
enemy contact. Company C sec*red the battalion for$ard base $hile the ,econ +latoon sec*red a
drop 'one for a res*pply drop.
@n April 03, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area. (t 1==> ho*rs,
Company ( enaed some VC at I5 !1":A5. ( chec/ of the area res*lted in locatin != ;"mm
mortar ro*nds and != C!mm mortar ro*nds, alon $ith doc*ments and miscellaneo*s e6*ipment.
@n April 04, 1967, at 1A"" ho*rs, an (+C from Company C hit a mine. (fter stri/in the
mine the (+C $as hit by a #(1 fired from a b*n/er. Si4 Bobcats $ere $o*nded. (t 155" ho*rs,
$hile searchin an area some C,""" meters d*e $est of Eat*m, an (+C from Company (
detonated an (5 mine at res*ltin in fi)e Bobcats bein $o*nded. (t 155C ho*rs, Company (
located a comm*nications $ire line at I5 !A":";. 1hile chec/in the line, an *n/no$n n*mber
of VC opened fire $ith small arms and a*tomatic $eapons fire. %ire $as ret*rned and the VC
bro/e contact at 1;15 ho*rs. @ne Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed and one $as $o*nded in
the e4chane of fire.
@n April 05, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area of I5 15C!,
15CC, !1C!, !1CC, $ith neati)e contact. 5he ,econ +latoon cond*cted con)oy escort for
Battery B, !?=5th (rtillery.
@n both April 06 and 07, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations $itho*t contact.
@n April 08, 1967, the 1?5th(M) sec*red an #T for the e4traction of the !?1st Infantry.
5he battalion then mo)ed o)erland to 5ay 3inh.
%rom April 09, 1967 to April 21, 1967, the !nd Briade participated in in an operation in
Lia 2inh +ro)ince $ith the mission of interdictin VC s*pply ro*tes to and from the Saion area.
@n April 22, 1967, the 1?5th(M) bean another operation in one of their fa)orite Jhomes
a$ay from home.K
@peration Manhattan had the ob0ecti)e of destroyin VC elements, s*pplies and bases in
the &o Bo 1oods, the Boi #oi 1oods and alon the Saion ,i)er. 5he !nd Briade area of
operations $as the lo$er Boi #oi and &o Bo 1oods area.
(n after action report stated 8It apperared from the start that the VC had been for$arned
of the operation. 5here $as plain e)idence that the VC, shortly before the operation bean, had
deliberately and *nh*rriedly e)ac*ated the area. 5hey employed (5 and (+ mines and booby
traps alon $ith ! and = man sniper teams to delay friendly forces.8
@ne Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon $as /illed $hen an (+C detonated a mine.
@n April 23, 1967, the 1?5th(M) sec*red an #T in the area of I5 5==1 for the 1?!>th
Infantry. 5he battalion also sec*red ro*tes of comm*nication. 5hree (+Cs detonated (5 mines
res*ltin in t$o Bobcats from Company C bein /illed and three $o*nded.
@n April 24, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area of I5 51=1
$itho*t enemy contact.
@n April 25, 1967, the battalion contin*ed SS2 operations in the area. (n (+C from
Company ( detonated an (5 mine res*ltin in one Bobcat bein /illed and eiht others bein
$o*nded. @nly a fe$ b*n/ers $ere located and destroyed d*rin the day.
@n April 26, 1967, *nits of the battalion contin*ed SS2 operations. (t 1A1" ho*rs
Company B came *pon a VC $ho $as in the process of settin *p a Chicom Claymore mine at
I5 5!"=!A. &e $as /illed in the e4chane of fire. 5he area of the Boi #oi $as once aain hea)ily
booby.trapped. -iht Bobcats $ere $o*nded d*rin the day.
@n April 27, 1967, *nits of the battalion located an *nderro*nd VC hospital comple4.
(ain mines and booby traps $ere enco*ntered in the area of operations. @ne Bobcat $as /illed
and fifteen $ere $o*nded d*rin the day.
@n April 28 and 29, 1967, the battalion contin*ed operations in the same area $ith no
enemy contact. Some b*n/ers and t*nnels $ere located and destroyed. @n (pril !:, the battalion
ass*med responsibility for the sec*rity of enineer acti)ities in the area.
@n April 30, 1967, the battalion min*s Company C cond*cted SS2 operations from I5
5=C==C to the Saion ,i)er and bac/ $itho*t contact.
Company C $as attached to the 1?!>th Infantry. (t 1""5 ho*rs the *nit made contact at
I5 5>C!C5, $hile cond*ctin a s$eep. 5he *nits remained in a fire.fiht *ntil 1115 ho*rs, at
$hich time the VC bro/e contact after friendly artillery $as employed. @ne Bobcat from
Company C $as /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded d*rin the enco*nter.
2*rin April 1967, se)en Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1ames K. Lindsey;
1ames P. English; Stephen L. Colopy; 1ames L. Russell; Gary L. Doose; Rom Worley;
and Gene D. Smith.
%or the D*arterly ,eportin +eriod of %ebr*ary "1, 1:;> thr* (pril =", 1:;> the !5

Infantry 2i)ision(.) reported the follo$in:
EI(. 11;B 1I(. 1,!=:B MI(. "B 3B2. CB 3BI. A;.
7se of hih$ays by con)oys contin*ed to be the primary mode of res*pply to C* Chi, 5ay
3inh and 2a* 5ien base camps. 2*rin the last three months there $ere AAC con)oys bet$een
Saion and C* Chi. Bet$een C* Chi, 5ay 3inh and 2a* 5ien there $ere 1>! con)oys.
Since 9*ly 1:;; there ha)e been !> VC aents ta/en into c*stody from amon the di)ision
base campHs indieno*s $or/ force.
5here contin*ed to be a critical shortae of Infantry and (rtillery 3C@s in rades -.5 and
@n May 01, 1967, the1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted local SS2 operations $itho*t contact.
Company C remained attached to the 1?!>
@n May 02, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area of I5 5=== and
also pro)ided res*pply con)oy escort.
@n May 03, 1967, the 1?5
(M) commenced a t$o day s$eep of the &o Bo 1oods. (t
":!5 ho*rs, Company ( made contact $ith an *n/no$n n*mber of VC at I5 ;"A!;>. %o*r
Bobcats from Company B $ere /illed $hen an (+C hit a mine. 5here $as intermittent contact
thro*ho*t the day.
@n May 04, 1967, the battalion contin*ed the s$eep thro*h the &o Bo. Si4 Bobcats
$ere /illed d*rin the day by mines and booby trapsB fo*r from &ead6*arters Company, one from
Company ( and one from Company B.
@n May 05, 1967, elements of the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area and
also cond*cted a road s$eep to 5ran Ban. 5here $as no enemy contact d*rin the day.
@n May 06, 1967, the battalion cond*cted operations in the middle of the Boi #oi 1oods
in the area of I5 55==. 5hey also sec*red enineer operations in the area. 5here $as no enemy
@n May 07, 1967, the battalion contin*ed SS2 operations and the sec*rin of enineer
acti)ities. (t "CA" ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon hit an (5 mine. @ne Bobcat $as /illed
and three $ere $o*nded by the e4plosion.
@n May 08, 1967, the battalion contin*ed operations $itho*t enemy contact.
@n May 09, 1967, the battalion contin*ed sec*rity for enineer acti)ities *ntil 15"" ho*rs.
(t that time they mo)ed from I5 55A==> to the C* Chi Base Camp, endin their participation in
@peration Manhattan.
%rom May 10 thru May 12, 1967, the battalion remained at C* Chi Base Camp
cond*ctin maintenance and preparin for f*t*re operations.
@n May 13, 1967, Company ( pro)ided the C* Chi Base Camp reaction force. @ther
*nits of the battalion cond*cted Jroadr*nnerK operations on &ih$ay C(, from C* Chi to Bao
5rai and %ire S*pport Base 3ic/el, located = W /ilometers east of Bao 5rai at I5 5;5"A5. 5his
bean the battalionHs participation in @peration Eole/ole $hich $as concentrated in the areas of
2*c &oa, Bao 5ri, &iep &oa and #oc Lian as $ell as alon the @riental ,i)er. 5he operation
$o*ld JofficiallyK bein on May 1A, 1:;>.
@n May 14, 1967, elements of the battalion contin*ed roadr*nner operations to Bao 5rai
and also pro)ided sec*rity so*th$est of Bao 5rai at I5 5!>"A=. (t 1!!5 ho*rs an (+C from
Company B detonated an (5 mine res*ltin in fo*r Bobcats bein $o*nded. Company (
remained the C* Chi Base Camp reaction force.
@n May 15 and 16, 1967, the battalion contin*ed roadr*nner and sec*rity operations in
the area of Bao 5rai. Company ( contin*ed its mission of base camp reaction force.
@n May 17, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted SS2 operations in the area of (p 2on
&oa(=), > /ilometers $est of Bao 5rai near the @riental ,i)er. 5here $as no enemy contact.
@n May 18, 1967, the 1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted SS2 operations so*th, north and north$est
of Bao 5rai. (t 1A5" ho*rs the Battalion CommanderHs (+C detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay
1", one /ilometer north of the 0*nction of &ih$ay >(. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and fo*r $ere
@n May 19 and 20, 1967, the battalion(.) contin*ed SS2 operations to the east of Bao
5rai in the area of I5 5;"A. @n the !"
, Company C ass*med the role of C* Chi Base reaction
force. @ne Bobcat from Company C $as /illed by small arms fire.
@n S*nday, May 21, 1967, the 1?5
(M)(.) alon $ith the 1?!>
Infantry(.), cond*cted a
cordon and search of (p 2*c 3ai (1), located north of Bao 5rai, $ith no enemy contact. @ne
Bobcat from Company C $as /illed by an e4plosi)e de)ice d*rin the day.
@n May 22, 1967, the battalion cond*cted cordon and search operations $ith the 1?A:

Infantry((,V3) east of Bao 5rai in the area of I5 5:"=. 5hey then cond*cted SS2 operations
from that area to %SB?+B 3ic/el $ith neati)e enemy contact.
@n May 23, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted roadr*nner operations d*rin the ho*rs of
dar/ness. 2*rin dayliht they remained at %SB?+B 3ic/el.
%rom May 24 to 31, 1967, the battalion cond*cted roadr*nner, search and destroy,
cordon and search and sec*rity operations in the Bao 5rai area $ith liht, intermittent enemy

2*rin May 1967, fo*rteen Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1ames H.
Chester H. 1ordan; Glendell Morgan; Lee H. Russ; Thomas A. Brynelsen;
1ohn S. Cartwright; Ralph W. Crytzer 1r.; 1ack R. Lenner; 1ames N. Law;
William E. McGinnis II; Daniel M. Kasten; Ronny L. Palmer; Mack E. Gregory; and
David A. Haraldson.
%rom 1une 01, 1967 to 1une 06, 1967, the battalion contin*ed a )ariety of operations in
the Bao 5rai, 2*c &oa and C* Chi areas.
@n 1une 02, 1967, Company C had an amb*sh patrol o*t. (n (+C from Company C $as
on road patrol near the amb*sh site and hit an (5 mine. 5he trac/ $as flipped o)er onto its top.
(fter the e4plosion, the amb*sh patrol $ent to the (+C to help the $o*nded and sec*re the area.
5he platoon sereant $as lyin ne4t to the trac/ $ith both his les pinned *nderneath it. 5he
dri)er $as dead in the dri)erHs hatch.
@n 1une 07, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted roadr*nner operations bet$een Bao 5rai
and C* Chi on &ih$ay C(. (n (+C from Company B hit a mine and b*rned. Si4 Bobcats $ere
/illed. 5$o of the bodies b*rned inside the trac/ and co*ld not be reco)ered *ntil later in the day.
-lements of the battalion also cond*cted a seal and search of 5ho Mo on &ih$ay 1", bet$een
Bao 5rai and 2*c &oa. -lements also contin*ed sec*rity missions in the area.
%rom 1une 08, 1967 to 1une 13, 1967, the battalion contin*ed )ario*s types of
operations in the same eneral area. @n 9*ne1=, a JCo*nty %airK @peration $as cond*cted at
5hoi Moi (1), so*theast of Bao 5rai.
@n 1une 14, 1967, the battalion cond*cted roadr*nner operations in the )icinity of Bao
5rai. Company C cond*cted combined sec*rity operations $ith one platoon of the !?A:
((,V3) on the road r*nnin bet$een 2*c #ap and 2*c &oa. (n (+C from Company C
detonated a mine. 5$o Bobcats $ere /illed by the blast.
@n 1une 15, 1967, the battalion cond*cted local sec*rity operations in the )icinity of Bao
5rai. Company C $or/ed the road bet$een 2*c #ap and 2*c &oa $ith the A:
@n 1une 16, 1967, Company ( cond*cted road sec*rity operations $ith the A:
Infantry. 5he battalion(.) cond*cted a cordon and search in the area of 5ho Mo, located on
&ih$ay1" abo*t half$ay bet$een Bao 5rai and 2*c &oa.
@n 1une 17, 1967, Company C cond*cted a combined s$eep operation of the %SB 3ic/el
perimeter alon $ith an (,V3 MI s6*ad. 5he remainder of the battalion cond*cted sec*rity
@n 1une 18, 1967, the 1?5
(M) alon $ith the 1
and !
Battalions of the !>
cond*cted a cordon and search operation of Lion #on, located so*theast of Bao 5rai at I5
@n 1une 19, 1967, Company B cond*cted road sec*rity operations $ith elements of the
(,V3 Infantry. 5he remainder of the battalion cond*cted local sec*rity operations.
@n 1une 20, 1967, the ,econ +latoon cond*cted road clearin operations on &ih$ay C(
so*th of C* Chi, alon $ith one platoon of (,V3 Soldiers from the !?A:
Infantry. 5he
battalion(.) cond*cted a s$eep bet$een &ih$ays C( and :(, mo)in from the so*th$est to the
%rom 1une 21, 1967 to 1une 30, 1967, the battalion contin*ed operations in the area of
Bao 5rai and %SB 3ic/el. 5he *nits of the battalion cond*cted combined operations $ith )ario*s
elements of the (rmy of the ,ep*blic of Viet 3am. @n 9*ne !A, there $as a ceremony celebratin
the reopenin of &ih$ay1" bet$een 2*c &oa and Bao 5rai. @n the 29
of 1une *nits of the
battalion cond*cted J-ale %lihtsK to fo*r landin 'ones east of Bao 5rai $ith neati)e enemy
2*rin 1une 1967, nine Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Dennis E. Hoffman;
Everdene Baker 1r.; Harris V. Davis; William L. Evans; Rex A. LaDuke;
Luis E. Milan-Anavitarte; Kenneth P. Newton; Robert L. Holland; and
1oseph H. Urmann.
%rom 1uly 01, 1967 to 1uly 09, 1967, the battalion concentrated its operations to the
so*theast of Bao 5rai. 3*mero*s combined operations $ere cond*cted $ith elements of the
(,V3 A:
Infantry. (irmobile combat assa*lts $ere made $ith no enemy contact, ho$e)er,
enemy fortifications $ere located and destroyed.
@n 1uly 10, 1967, the battalion shifted its operations to the north$est of Bao 5rai, alon
the @riental ,i)er.
@n 1uly 12, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area bo*nded by
&ih$ays ;(, 1", >( and the @riental ,i)er. Company ( located and destroyed 55 b*n/ers.
Company B located and destroyed : b*n/ers, one t*nnel and se)eral booby traps.
@n 1uly 13, 1967, the battalion enco*ntered liht and sporadic enemy contact in the area
of #oc Lian, located so*theast of the road 0*nction of &ih$ays 1" and ;(. 5$o Bobcats $ere
$o*nded by small arms fire and d*sted off.
(t !1=5 ho*rs C* Chi Base Camp came *nder mortar attac/. 1; ro*nds of C!mm Mortar
fire impacted in less than one min*te. 15 soldiers $ere $o*nded.
@n 1uly 14, 1967, at ">!" ho*rs one Bobcat from Company B $as $o*nded $hen an
anti.personnel mine $as detonated north of &ih$ay ;( bet$een #oc &*a and the @riental
,i)er. (t ">!1 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine $ith neati)e cas*alties.
(t ">A5 ho*rs, one Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded $hen a man
stepped on a mine near #oc 5h*an. (t ":"" ho*rs, Company C s*ffered fo*r $o*nded $hen t$o
booby traps $ere detonated. -lements of the battalion located and destroyed n*mero*s booby
traps d*rin the day.
@n 1uly 15, 1967, $hile $or/in the same area, Company B located a m*nitions cache.
(mon the items fo*nd $ere ;" C1mm mortar ro*nds, A= ;"mm mortar ro*nds and =!. !.>5inch
%rom 1uly 16 thru 19, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area of #oc
Lian. @n 9*ly1;, a search operation $as cond*cted $ith the 5ran Ban ,eional %orces
Company. -lements of the battalion pro)ided sec*rity for enineer acti)ities in the area.
@n 1uly 24, 1967, the battalion contin*ed local sec*rity and SS2 operations in the #oc
Lian area. Companies ( and B had liht enemy contact. (t !""" ho*rs Company B s*ffered
fo*r $o*nded $hen an (5 mine $as detonated.
(t !=!C ho*rs, 2a* 5ien Base Camp recei)ed >" C!mm Mortar ro*nds impactin inside
the base perimeter and =" ro*nds impactin o*tside the perimeter. @ne aircraft $as destroyed and
!A recei)ed s*bstantial damae. 5" personnel $ere $o*nded.
%rom 1uly 25 to 1uly 31, 1967, the battalion contin*ed $or/in the #oc Lian area.
Sec*rity $as pro)ided to enineer and artillery acti)ities in the area. SS2 operations $ere
cond*cted alon the @riental ,i)er. @n 9*ly 26
, Company ( s*ffered t$o $o*nded $hen a
booby trap $as detonated at 1115 ho*rs in the area of I5 A=51>5, north of &ih$ay ;(.
(t 1=!" ho*rs, another man from Company ( $as $o*nded from a booby trap in the same
eneral area. @n 9*ly 27
, airmobile combat assa*lts $ere made on the east and $est sides of the
@riental ,i)er. @n 9*ly 28
, Company C had one man $o*nded from a booby trap e4plosion. @n
9*ly 29
, fo*r airmobile combat assa*lts $ere cond*cted by *nits of the battalion alon $ith one
Company of CI2L personnel from &iep &oa. -nemy contact $as liht and scattered. @n 9*ly
, elements of the battalion contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for enineer and artillery acti)ities in
the area. 5hree Bobcats from Company C $ere $o*nded $hen a booby trap $as detonated. @n
9*ly 31
, SS2 operations contin*ed in the area.
2*rin 1uly 1967, one Bobcat died in Viet 3am. &e $as: Guillermo Munoz.
%or the D*arterly +eriod of May "1, 1:;> to 9*ly =1, 1:;> the !5
Infantry 2i)ision
reported the follo$in:
EI(: 1!=B 1I(: 1==1B MI(: "B 2@1: 15B 3B2: CB 3BI: :=.
5here contin*ed to be a shortae of appro4imately 5"V of the a*thori'ed Infantry 3C@s
in rades -.5 and -.; for the 2i)ision.
Con)oys: C* Chi to Saion N !"!.
Saion to C* Chi N 1>;.
C* Chi to 5ay 3inh ? 2a* 5ien N 1>;.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision D*artermaster Bath 7nit reported that Je4tensi)e s*pportK $as
i)en to the 1
Bn(M), 5
Infantry and to the A
Bn, :
Infantry d*rin field operations this
reportin 6*arter.
( s*mmary of enemy acti)ities noted that VC acti)ities for the D*arter consisted mainly
of harassin attac/s and tactics (Mines, booby traps, ect). 5hese $ere directed to$ard delayin
operations that $ere in s*pport of r*ral de)elopment. 5here $ere also many acts of assassination
and /idnappin aainst the ci)ilian pop*lace.
@n August 01, 1967, sec*rity for enineer and artillery acti)ities contin*ed to be pro)ided
by *nits of the battalion. SS2 operations $ere cond*cted in the #oc Lian area and an airmobile
combat assa*lt $as made into an #T A /ilometers so*th of 5ran Ban.
@n August 02, 1967, airmobile combat assa*lts $ere made into three different landin
'ones so*theast of #oc Lian alon ro*te 1". -nemy contact $as liht and ! VC $ere /illed.
Sec*rity for the acti)ities of enineer and artillery *nits in the area $as pro)ided by *nits of the
@n August 04, 1966, at 1"!5 ho*rs, a renade factory $as located 1 /ilometer north of
hih$ay ;(, alon the @riental ,i)er at I5 A";1;:. (t 1A!" ho*rs, a second renade factory
$as located se)eral h*ndred meters to the northeast of the first location.
@n August 05, 1967, the 1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted a cordon and search operation in the area
of #oc Binh $hich is located 1 /ilometer so*theast of the 0*nction of &ih$ays 1"( and ;(. 5hat
e)enin at !1A5 ho*rs three Bobcats $ere $o*nded by enemy mortar fire.
@n August 06, 1967, at 1A=" ho*rs, a m*nitions factory $as located in the area of I5
A1:1C". 5his $as only a co*ple of h*ndred meters north of the renade factories located on
(**st A.
@n August 07, 1967, at 15=" ho*rs, a lare ammo cache $as located in the area of I5
A"A1;:, near the ban/s of the @riental ,i)er.
5he battalion contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for enineer and artillery *nits in the area. @n
(**st 9
, Company C had one man $o*nded from a booby trap. @n (**st 10
, combat
airmobile assa*lts $ere made into 5 different #Ts. Contact $as liht. (t 11A5 ho*rs, Company (
had A men in0*red by a charin $ater b*ffalo in the area of I5 A>1=. @n (**st 11
, SS2
operations contin*ed in the area. (t 1!15 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon had an (+C detonate an (5
mine ca*sin t$o Bobcats to be $o*nded. @n (**st 12
, a m*nitions cache containin !;C
Chicom renades, 1! renade la*nchers and assorted small arms amm*nition $as located at I5
A1A1>!. (ain, this $as in the same eneral area as the m*nitions factories that had been located
earlier in the month. @n (**st 13
, at ";=" ho*rs, a Bobcat from Company C $as $o*nded by
a booby trap and d*sted off. @n (**st 16
, a small $eapons cache $as located alon the
@riental ,i)er at I5 =:>1CA. Company C enaed fo*r VC on (**st 17
and /illed all fo*r. (t
1!A1 ho*rs on (**st 18
, Company ( located a $eaponHs cache at I5 A=!1A;. (t 15A5 ho*rs
Company C located a $eapon and amm*nition cache at I5 A="1!>.
@n August 19, 1967, elements of the battalion contin*ed to sec*re enineer $or/ areas
and to pro)ide sec*rity for artillery *nits. (t "515 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from the ,econ
+latoon that $as set *p on the @riental ,i)er had one man e)ac*ated $ith a *nshot $o*nd.
@n August 20, 1967, elements of the battalion cond*cted airmobile combat assa*lts into
eiht different landin 'ones. Contact $as liht and sporadic.
@n August 22, 1967, at 11"" ho*rs a Chie* &oi directed the ,econ +latoon to a location
$ere se)eral $eapons $ere disco)ered. (t 1A!5 ho*rs another Chie* &oi led Company C to a
1,A"" po*nd rice cache at I5 A5=1A>.
@n August 24, 1967, an amb*sh patrol from Company C enaed a motori'ed sampan on
the @riental ,i)er at "!55 ho*rs, sin/in the boat. -lements of the battalion cond*cted airmobile
combat assa*lts. (t 1"A" ho*rs, Company ( s*ffered t$o Bobcats $o*nded from a booby trap at
I5 A5:"=:. 1ithin the ne4t ho*r the company located = small caches in the same area,
containin small arms and mortar amm*nition.
@n August 25, 1967, the battalion contin*ed -ale %lihts in the #oc Lian area. 5hat
afternoon, 11 detainees and 1 VC +@1 $ere apprehended and t*rned o)er to Vietnamese
@n August 26, 1967, the ,econ +latoon $as led to a t*nnel at I5 A1!1;5 by the VC
+@1 of the pre)io*s day. @ne Chicom carbine and !"" ro*nds of amm*nition $ere fo*nd inside
the t*nnel located se)eral h*ndred meters north of &ih$ay ;(. -ale %lihts $ere cond*cted to
an area $here a Chie* &oi stated that a $eapons cache $as located. 3o cache co*ld be fo*nd.
@n August 28, 1967, at 15=5 ho*rs, Company C $ith the assistance of a &oi Chanh
located and destroyed ! t*nnels and A hidden spider holes. (t 1:"" ho*rs, a Company C amb*sh
patrol enaed ! sampans and 5 VC on the @riental ,i)er at I5 A";1A=. 5he sampans, loaded
$ith caro $ere s*n/ and the VC $ere /illed in the enaement.
@n August 29, 1967, the battalion contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for enineer elements
$or/in on &ih$ay 1" and also cond*cted SS2 operations in the area.
@n August 30, 1967, the ,econ +latoon enaed and s*n/ a sampan on the ri)er.
-lements also assisted S.! personnel in apprehendin a female $ho $as identified by &oi Chanhs
as a VC n*rse.
2*rin August 1967, no Bobcats died in Viet 3am.
@n September 01, 1967, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted SS2 operations in the #oc Lian area
and pro)ided sec*rity for enineer $or/ areas and artillery *nits. 5hree Bobcats from Company C
$ere $o*nded $hen a booby trap $as detonated at ":!5 ho*rs near #oc &oa at I5 A1:1C".
Company ( $as led to a t*nnel by a &oi Chanh near Iom Mia at I5 A5=1;=. Se)eral $eapons
and a 7S Claymore mine $ere located in the t*nnel. (t 1>"" ho*rs, Company C $ent @+C@3 to
5as/ %orce &odson.
@n September 02, 1967, elements of Company B cond*cted an airmobile combat assa*lt
to an #T at I5 A1A1A:. Company ( apprehended some detainees near I5 AA1>. @ne platoon
from Company B sec*red a bride abo*t 5 /ilometers $est of 5ran Ban at I5 A5=1:1 d*rin
the niht. Company C, $hile @+C@3 to 5% &odson, cond*cted sec*rity operations in the s*ar
cane fields near I5 A=C">C.
@n September 03, 1967, at ""!= ho*rs, the platoon from Company B sec*rin the bride
site recei)ed one ro*nd of mortar fire. 5he 1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted SS2 operations in the #oc
Lian area as part of the election sec*rity for the ,ep*blic of Viet 3am. Company C cond*cted
sec*rity and SS2 operations as part of 5% &odson.
@n September 04, 1967, elements of the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the #oc
Lian area. @ne platoon from Company B remained at the bride site as sec*rity. Company C
remained @+C@3 to 5% &odson and cond*cted SS2 and sec*rity operations in the (p 2on
&oa area.
@n September 05, 1967, Company C ret*rned to battalion control at "C"" ho*rs.
@perations contin*ed in the #oc Lian area.
@n September 07, 1967, the battalion cond*cted SS2, sat*ration patrollin and sec*rity
operations. (t 1!=> ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon apprehended a female detainee $ho $as later
identified as a VC intellience aent. (t 1A15 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5
mine. %o*r of the nine Bobcats $ho $ere $o*nded $ere d*
@n September 08, 1967, Company ( and the ,econ +latoon cond*cted JB*shmasterK
operations. Sec*rity for enineer and artillery acti)ities $as contin*ed. (irmobile combat assa*lts
$ere also cond*cted. (t 1=1" ho*rs, a Bobcat from Company C $as in0*red $hen a helicopter
crashed d*e to a lost rotor blade.
@n September 09, 1967, the battalion contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for artillery and
enineer operations. 2ay and niht amb*sh patrols $ere also cond*cted thro*ho*t the area. (t
1;!" ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine $ith neati)e cas*alties. @n
September 10
, airmobile combat assa*lts $ere cond*cted $ith neati)e contact. @n September
, the battalion cond*cted mo*nted s$eep operations as $ell as dismo*nted search and destroy
@n September 12, 1967, elements of the battalion cond*cted an airmobile combat assa*lt
and established a bloc/in position $est of Lo 2a* &a at I5 !5=!. Company ( remained in the
area of %SB 2iane, pro)idin sec*rity for enineer and artillery operations. (t 1AA5 ho*rs, one
Bobcat from Company C $as /illed by a JfriendlyK artillery lon ro*nd. (t 1515 ho*rs, a &oi
Chanh led Company C to a small amm*nition cache at I5 !5!=!A. By 1C"" ho*rs, the battalion.
completed airmobile mo)ement bac/ to %SB 2iane. 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity for
%SB Carol located north$est of Lo 2a* &a at I5 ==A=5>.
@n September 13, 1967, J-ale %lihtsK $ere cond*cted by *nits of the battalion to three
#Ts. @ne detainee $as ta/en into c*stody by Company ( at 15A5 ho*rs.
@n September 14, 1966, the battalion contin*ed sec*rity operations and also cond*cted
sat*ration amb*sh patrollin in the area of #oc Lian. (t "515 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from
Company ( enaed ! VC $ith neati)e res*lts. (t !!!" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company
(, located 5"" meters so*th of the 0*nction of &ih$ays1" and ;(, recei)ed small arms and
a*tomatic $eapons fire at I5 A=515>. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded.
@n September 16, 1967, Company B ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp and ass*med the
role of base reaction force. Company ( contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for enineer operations at
the laterite pit and $est of the 0*nction of &ih$ays 1 and >(. ( &oi Chanh led the ,econ
+latoon to 5 (5 mines and they $ere destroyed in place. Company C, !?!>
Infantry became
@+C@3 to the 1?5
(M) for sec*rity of enineer acti)ities in the #oc Lian area. (t 1:=" ho*rs,
an amb*sh patrol from Company C, 1?5
(M), enaed and /illed = VC in a sampan on the
@riental ,i)er. Company B, 1?5
(M) $ent @+C@3 to the 1
Briade at !"15 ho*rs.
@n September 17, 1967, the battalion(.) contin*ed operations in the #oc ian area.
Company B $as released from @+C@3 to the 1
Briade at 1>15 ho*rs and contin*ed as C* Chi
Base Camp reaction force.
@n September 18, 1967, at ";!1 ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine.
%o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C $as a combat loss. Company B remained at C* Chi
and the battalion $ith Company C, !?!>
Infantry contin*ed operations in the #oc Lian area.
@n September 19, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted sec*rity operations and prepared for
niht sat*ration amb*sh patrollin. Company B remained at C* Chi and pro)ided one platoon to
sec*re enineer operations ; /ilometers north$est of C* Chi.
@n September 21, 1967, Co C, !?!>
Infantry pro)ided sec*rity for enineer operations
in the #oc Lian area. 5he 1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted SS2 operations and sat*ration niht amb*sh
acti)ities in the area. Company B $as still the C* Chi Base reaction force, b*t pro)ided one
platoon for sec*rity of enineer operations. (t ">=" ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated
an (5 mine near Iom 5hap at I5 5A=1;:. 5$o Bobcats $ere /illed and fo*r $ere $o*nded.
@n September 22, 1967, the battalion(.) contin*ed SS2 operations and amb*sh
patrollin. Company B pro)ided one platoon for enineer sec*rity and remained the C* Chi Base
reaction force.
@n September 25, 1967, Company B $ent @+C@3 to the 1?!>
Infantry. 5he remainder
of the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations and niht amb*sh patrols in the #oc Lian area.
@n September 28, 1967, at ">"" ho*rs, Company B $as released @+C@3 from the
Infantry and sec*red ,ome +lo$ operations bet$een &ih$ays 1 and >( at I5 5A1;. 5he
(M)(.) occ*pied bloc/in positions alon the @riental ,i)er at I5 A11; and I5 A11A.
@n September 29, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted SS2 operations and niht amb*sh
acti)ities in the #oc Lian area. Company B contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity for ,ome +lo$
@n September 30, 1967, the 1?5
(M)(.) occ*pied niht positions at %ire S*pport?+atrol
Base 2iane at I5 A!A1;;. 2*rin the day they bean mo)ement to C* Chi Base Camp, arri)in
at 1=55 hrs. Company B remained at I5 5A5155 pro)idin sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ operations.
5he battalion had been in the field for 1A! days. It $as a lon time to be mo)in thro*h
the m*c/ and m*d. B*t it paid off in locatin hidded enemy caches. 2*rin that time period, the
battalion had a policy of *sin e)erythin and anythin that $as a)ailable to thro$ at the enemy,
before *sin troops.
(mb*shes alon the @riental ,i)er $ere )ery s*ccessf*l. Besides mo*ntin 1";mm
,ecoilless ,ifles on one (+C in each platoon, :"mm ,ecoilless ,ifles, $ere *sed on the
amb*shes. 5he men *sed Jshort ro*nds, ma/in for one bi shot*n. 5hey $o*ld blo$ a sampan
pl*m o*t of the $ater.K
2*rin September 1967, fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Evaristo Sandoval;
Harold 1. Canan; Michael A. Roberts; and William E. Swensgard.
%rom October 01, 1967 to October 07, 1967, the 1
Battalion(M) 5
Infantry remained
at C* Chi Base Camp cond*ctin maintenance on )ehicles and e6*ipment.
@n October 08, 1967, the battalion departed C* Chi Base Camp and mo)ed to an area A
/ilometers so*theast of 5ran Ban at I5 5=>1;C. 5heir mission $as to establish a fire s*pport ?
patrol base at that location. +latoon si'ed SS2 operations $ere cond*cted in the area d*rin the
@n October 09, 1967, the battalion(.) remained at the fire s*pport ? patrol base. Company
B and Company C set *p separate niht base perimeters to the so*th, one north of &ih$ay >(
and one So*th of &ih$ay >(. Company ( pro)ided one platoon for a C* Chi Base Camp
reaction force. +latoon si'e SS2 operations $ere cond*cted in the area. (t !!1; ho*rs, an
amb*sh patrol from Company B enaed and /illed = VC, 1""" meters $est of the Company
niht base.
@n October 11, 1967, platoon si'ed SS2 operations $ere contin*ed in the area.
Company ( aain pro)ided one platoon for C* Chi Base Camp reaction force. (t 1:=" ho*rs, an
amb*sh patrol from Company B, located !"" meters so*th of the one that $as JtrippedK on
(**st :
, enaed A VC, /illin t$o of them.
@n October 12, 1967, Company ( pro)ided one platoon for C* Chi Base Camp reaction
force and one platoon to sec*re %ire S*pport Base Martha, located ; /ilometers north$est of
5ran Ban at I5 A5!!;;. 5he battalion(.) contin*ed small *nit SS2 operations.
@n October 13, 1967, the battalion(.) mo)ed to a bloc/in position on the @riental ,i)er
in con0*nction $ith a combined SS2 operation of the 1?!>
Infantry and the A:
(,V3 Infantry.
5he battalion(.) ret*rned to their for$ard base area at I5 5A;155 by 1C"" ho*rs. Company (
contin*ed to pro)ide one platoon for C* Chi Base Camp reaction force and one platoon to sec*re
%SB Martha.
@n October 15, 1967, platoon si'e SS2 operations $ere cond*cted. (t 1!!" ho*rs, in
the area of I5 55=1A=, an (+C from Company B e4ploded an C1mm ro*nd that $as ried $ith
a press*re type detonatin de)ice. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and three $ere $o*nded.
@n October 16, 1967, Companies B and C cond*cted JB*shmasterK operations at (p
Binh 2on and 5hai My alon &ih$ay >(. Company ( contin*ed to pro)ide one platoon to
sec*re %SB Martha and one platoon for C* Chi Base Camp. @ne Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon
$as /illed by a booby trap e4plosion.
@n October 17, 1967, *nits of the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations and a combined
operation $ith the 5ran Ban +op*lar %orces. Company B located 1 t*nnel and had liht
contact, capt*rin 1 VC +@1. Company C established a niht base near 5hai My and the
battalion(.) established a base near Iom 5hap.
@n October 18, 1967, one dayliht amb*sh $as deployed. SS2 operations $ere
cond*cted $ith liht contact.
@n October 19, 1967, Company C pro)ided sec*rity for %ire S*pport ? +atrol Base
Lertr*de located so*th$est of 5hai My at I5 5!A1AA. Company ( pro)ided one platoon to
sec*re %SB Martha. @ne Bobcat from Company C $as /illed by a boobytrap e4plosion. (t !15"
ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company B enaed three VC, /illin one.
@n October 20, 1967, Company B established a ne$ base area so*th of (p 2on &oa (!)
on &ih$ay >(. Company C pro)ided sec*rity for %SB Lertr*de and Company ( pro)ided
sec*rity for %SB 9oyce, north of Lo 2a* &a (I5 =C=!;!), *ntil relie)ed by the ,econ +latoon.
(t !=!" ho*rs, a So*th Vietnamese CI2L patrol $al/ed into the /ill 'one of a Company
B amb*sh patrol that $as set *p on the ede of the s*ar cane at I5 A5C">:. 5hree So*th
Vietnamese soldiers $ere /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded.
@n October 21, 1967, the battalion(.) cond*cted platoon si'e SS2 operations. Company
( pro)ided one platoon to sec*re %SB 9oyce and the ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity for %SB
Lertr*de. Company B remained in the area so*th of &iep &oa and deployed e4tensi)e niht
amb*sh patrols.
@n October 22 and 23, 1967, Company B deployed combined amb*sh patrols $ith
elements of the &iep &oa +op*lar %orces.
@n October 24, 1967, Company C mo)ed to a ne$ base camp in the area of %SB?+B
Sandra located 0*st $est of 5ran Ban. 5here they cond*cted sec*rity operations $ith the =A

(,V3 ,aner Battalion, pro)idin protection for enineer acti)ity in the area. 5he ,econ
+latoon sec*red %SB Lertr*de.
@n October 25, 1967, Company C remained at %SB?+B Sandra pro)idin local sec*rity
$ith the =A
,aners. Company B pro)ided one platoon for C* Chi Base Camp reaction force.
Company ( pro)ided one platoon for the protection of %SB?+B Marilyn and one platoon to
sec*re c*l)ert constr*ction $or/ by enineers on &ih$ay >(. 5he ,econ +latoon contin*ed to
pro)ide protection for %SB Lertr*de.
%rom October 26 to October 30, 1967, *nits of the battalion contin*ed to pro)ide
protection for fire s*pport bases and enineer $or/ acti)ities. (mb*sh patrols and small *nit
SS2 operations $ere also cond*cted.
@n October 31, 1967, Company B pro)ided one platoon for a reaction force at C* Chi
Base Camp. Company C(.) contin*ed $or/in $ith the =A
(,V3 ,aners in pro)idin
protection for enineer constr*ction $or/. (t 1:5" ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated
an (5 mine on &ih$ay 1 near the intersection of &ih$ay >(, half $ay bet$een C* Chi and
5ran Ban. %o*r Bobcats $ere /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded.
2*rin October 1967, se)en Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Frank A. Price III;
1unior R. Burns; Gary P. Polley; Ralph 1. DiPace; Gregory G. Hubbard; 1ohn C. Steer;
and Robert W. Larison.
@n November 01, 1967, elements of the battalion contin*ed to protect enineers $or/in
at a c*l)ert site near Iom 5hap. Company C $or/ed $ith the =A
(,V3 ,aners sec*rin the
road$ays in the area of Bao 5rai. (mb*shes $ere deployed. ((l$ays).
@n November 02, 1967, the battalion contin*ed to pro)ide protection for enineer
acti)ities. (t 155" ho*rs, one Bobcat from Company B $as $o*nded $hen he detonated a booby
trapped hand renade. (t 1:5" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon recei)ed harassin sniper fire $ith
neati)e cas*alties.
@n November 03, 1967, at "!=5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon recei)ed =" ro*nds of enemy
mortar fire. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. Company C contin*ed to $or/ $ith the !A
,aners sec*rin &ih$ay 1" bet$een Bao 5rai and 2*c &oa. +rotection also contin*ed for the
enineers $or/in near Iom 5hap. (t !1=" ho*rs, a listenin post from Company ( enaed one
VC $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n November 06, 1967, the 1?5
(M) $ent @+C@3 to the 1
Briade, !5
@n November 11, 1967, a Bobcat from Company C $as /illed by an e4plosion. 5his
indi)id*al carried a Chicom renade aro*nd $ith him that he had fo*nd. 5his day a d*d artillery
ro*nd $as located and he $as oin to attempt to detonate the d*d *sin the Chicom renade.
&e acti)ated the f*se and the renade e4ploded, /illin him. It had been ried $ith an
instantaneo*s f*se.
@n November 15, 1967, t$o Bobcats from &ead6*arters Company $ere /illed in a
mortar attac/ on the battalion niht for$ard base camp. ( third Bobcat from Company C died
from m*ltiple framentation $o*nds.
@n November 17, 1967, the battalion $as released from @+C@3 to the 1
Briade at
";"" ho*rs. @ne platoon from Company B $as assined to protect %S+B 9anet, located in the
northeastern ede of the %ilhol at I5 >"=!">. 5he battalion(.) pro)ided sec*rity for ,ome +lo$
operations in the area of 5hai My at I5 5A15.
@n November 19, 1967, the 1?5
(M)(.) contin*ed to protect ,ome +lo$ operations.
7nits also pro)ided protection, alon $ith elements of the =A
(,V3 ,aners, for enineer
acti)ities alon &ih$ay 1" bet$een 2on &oa(!) and #oc 5hanh. (t !1"! ho*rs, an amb*sh
patrol from Company C e4chaned small arms fire $ith an estimated 5 VC $ith neati)e
cas*alties. (t !!"5 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company C, located alon &ih$ay 1", fired
on a small ro*p of VC $ith a 1";mm ,ecoilless ,ifle, /illin one. Company B(.) pro)ided
sec*rity for an enineer ferry crossin site on the Saion ,i)er at I5 >1!!":.
@n November 20, 1967, the battalion for$ard base remained in the area of 5hai My at
I5 5A5155. Company C(.) pro)ided sec*rity alon &ih$ay 1". 5$o s6*ads from Company C
$ere assined to protect %SB Sandra. (t !"15 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company B
enaed ! VC in a sampan on the Saion ,i)er. 7sin a 1";mm ,,, they /illed the VC and san/
the boat. (t !1A5 ho*rs, the same amb*sh, located at I5 >1!!11, /illed another VC.
@n November 21, 1967, Company B pro)ided one platoon for C* Chi Base Camp
sec*rity patrol. @ne platoon $as assined to protect %SB 9anet. 5he remainder of the company
pro)ided sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ operations in the area of 5hai My. Company ( pro)ided one
platoon to sec*re an enineer c*l)ert constr*ction site on &ih$ay >(, at I5 55>15>. Company
C contin*ed operations alon &ih$ay 1" *ntil "C"" ho*rs. (t that time they commenced
mo)ement to C* Chi Base Camp, closin at 1"15 ho*rs.
@n November 22, 1967, Company C remained at C* Chi Base Camp as base reaction
force. @ne platoon from Company ( contin*ed to protect the enineer c*l)ert site on &ih$ay
>(. 5he remainder of Company ( sec*red ,ome +lo$ operations. @ne platoon from Company B
sec*red %SB 9anet and the remainder of the company pro)ided protection to the enineer ferry
crossin site on the Saion ,i)er at I5 >"!!1".
@n November 24, 1967, Company ( contin*ed to pro)ide protection for enineer and
,ome +lo$ acti)ities. Company B sent one platoon to C* Chi for base camp reaction forceB one
platoon to sec*re %SB 9anet and the remainder of the company sec*red the ferry crossin site on
the Saion ,i)er. Company C pro)ided ! s6*ads to sec*re %SB Sandra. 5he remainder of
Company C sec*red motor mo)ement alon &ih$ay 1" from #oc 5hanh to 2on &oa.
@n November 26, 1967, ,ome +lo$ clearin operations $ere completed and the 1?5
(.) mo)ed to C* Chi Base Camp, arri)in at 1;"" ho*rs. Company B(.) contin*ed protectin the
ferry crossin site and ! s6*ads from Company C sec*red %SB Sandra.
@n November 27, 1967, at 1!"" ho*rs, Company C $ent @+C@3 to the 1
Briade, !5
Infantry 2i)ision. 5he battalion(.) remained at C* Chi Base.
@n November 30, 1967, the battalion(.) remained at C* Chi. Company C remained
@+C@3 to the 1
Briade. Company B assined one platoon to sec*re an enineer ferry crossin
2*rin November 1967, fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Anderson Turner;
Lorinzer P. Clark 1r.; 1immie L. McMorris; and Otis T. Smith.
@n December 01, 1967, the 1?5
(M) $ent @+C@3 to the 1
Briade, !5
2i)ision and ended their participation in @peration Eole/ole.
Statistical data for *nits $hen they $ere in)ol)ed in @peration Eole/ole $hich JofficiallyK
terminated on 2ecember ">, 1:;>, $as:
7nit EI( 1I( 2@1 3BI
(M): !> !"; 1 !>
Inf: ;: A1C 1" !=
Inf: A> !=> ! 1C
(M): 1 1= 1 1
%rom December 01, 1967 to December 07, 1967, the battalion participated in the close
of @peration Bar/in Sands $ith the 1
Briade. @peration Bar/in Sands in)ol)ed pacification
and ,ome +lo$ clearin in C* Chi and 5ran Ban 2istricts of &a* 3hia +ro)ince.
%rom December 08, 1967 to December 19, 1967, the 1
Battalion(M) 5
Infantry $as
@+C@3 to the !5
Infantry 2i)ision. 5he battalion operated in the northern part of 5ay 3inh
+ro)ince, pro)idin road sec*rity and protection for enineer $or/ pro0ects.
@n December 13, 1967, one Bobcat from Company C $as /illed $hen the (+C he $as in
$as hit by an ,+L ro*nd. &e $as an ,5@, $ho spent time the niht before ta/in care of
personal matters as if he sensed somethin $as oin to happen.
@n December 16, 1967, the battalion for$ard base camp $as located near &ih$ay !! at
I5 ">:C=:, abo*t C /ilometers north of &ih$ay !A>. (t 11"" ho*rs, an estimated platoon
si'ed VC force str*c/ from the $est and so*th$est and so*theast. (ppro4imately !" to ="
ro*nds of ,+L.! $ere fired alon $ith (E.A> fire. (t 11!" ho*rs, the VC bro/e contact. 5$o
Bobcats from Company C $ere /illed and 1; $ere $o*nded. 5$o other Bobcats from Company
C b*rned to death inside an (+C that $as hit by an ,+L.!. 5heir remains had to be remo)ed by
Lra)es ,eistration personnel. ! (+Cs $ere destroyed in the attac/. 5he VC had = men /illed by
body co*nt.
(t 1A15 ho*rs, a tan/ that had hit a mine $as stripped and destroyed in place.
%rom December 20, 1967 to December 23, 1967, the battalion $as @+C@3 to the 1

Briade, !5
Infantry 2i)ision.
2*rin December 1967, fi)e Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Gene F. Lee;
Michael T. Collins; Edward A. Finlay; 1ames Y. Hildago; and Kenneth D. Kralick.
@n 1anuary 01, 1968, 5% 1?5
(M) $as released from @+C@3 to the 1
Briade. 5he
battalion held a defensi)e post*re and cond*cted sec*rity patrollin in the north$est portion of
the Michelin ,*bber +lantation in the area of I5 5!"5!!.
@n 1anuary 02, 1968, at 1!"" ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) became @+C@3 to the !
Infantry 2i)ision. Company C of the =?!! Infantry and Company B of the A?!=
(M) became
attached to the 1?5
(M). 5he tas/ force cond*cted a road march to a ne$ niht location,
so*th$est of &ih$ay !! and !A>.
@n 1anuary 03, 1968, Company ( pro)ided sec*rity for a %ire S*pport Base located at
IS >!C:!;. (n (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine /illin three Bobcats and
$o*ndin se)eral others. 5he remainder of the tas/ force cond*cted ,I% operations in the area.
@n 1anuary 04, 1968, 5% 1?5
(M) cond*cted cordon and search operations in the area of
Binh &anh at IS >1:> and >!:;. 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity for the battalion for$ard
@n 1anuary 05, 1968, the tas/ force cond*cted cordon and search operations in the area
of IS >="=. @ne Bobcat from company ( died in hospital from the $o*nds he recei)ed on
9an*ary "=.
@n 1anuary 06, 1968, 5% 1?5
(M) cond*cted ,I% operations in the area of I5 >!"".
@ne +op*lar %orces Company bloc/ed alon the road on the north side of the )illae. (+Cs from
the 1?5
(M) bloc/ed on the so*th and the $est.
@n 1anuary 07, 1968, combined ,I% operations $ere cond*cted $ith t$o +op*lar
%orces platoons from 5am Binh 2istrict in the area of IS >!C:5= and >!=:15.
@n 1anuary 08, 1968, at 11"" ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) became @+C@3 to the =
Infantry 2i)ision. 5he battalion then cond*cted a road march to 2a* 5ien.
@n 1anuary 09, 1968, Companies C and 2 of the =?!!
Infantry became @+C@3 to the
(M). 5he battalion remained at 2a* 5ien.
@n 1anuary 10, 1968, the battalion cond*cted cordon and search operations in the
Michelin +lantation in the area of I5 5!"A:>. (t 11A5 ho*rs, three Bobcats from Company C
$ere $o*nded $hen a booby trapped hand renade $as detonated.
@n 1anuary 11, 1968, the 1?5
(M) 5as/ %orce contin*ed dayliht patrollin in the
Michelin +lantation. (t 1"A= ho*rs Company 2, =?!!
Infantry enaed one VC at I5 5=AA>5.
2*rin a s$eep of the contact area one short $a)e radio, a map $ith positions plotted, one
bicycle and miscellaneo*s doc*ments $ere located. 5$o Bobcats from Company B $ere /illed by
shrapnel from an e4plosion.
@n 1anuary 12, 1968, elements of the 5as/ %orce contin*ed company si'e operations in
the Michelin +lantation, primarily in the area of I5 5!5!. (t ">55 ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed 5
,+L ro*nds alon $ith small arms and a*tomatic $eapon fire in the area of I5 A=;AAC in the
Ben C*i ,*bber +lantation. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts. @ne tan/ and t$o (+Cs
recei)ed minor damae. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded. (t 1=!" ho*rs, Company C 1?5
(M) and
Company 2 =?!!
Infantry cond*cted a cordon and search of (p Chanh(!) located at I5 51C51C
$ith neati)e res*lts. (t 15!C ho*rs, Company C recei)ed 5 or ; ro*nds of ;"mm mortar fire in
the area of I5 5!!51C. @ne Bobcat $as /illed. 5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith mortars and a
helicopter #%5 $ith *n/no$n res*lts. (t 1>5: ho*rs, Company C located and destroyed a tilt rod
@n 1anuary 13, 1968, *nits of the tas/ force cond*cted SS2 operations in the
JMichelinK $ith no enemy contact.
@n 1anuary 14, 1968, the battalion and its attachments contin*ed SS2 operations in the
Michelin ,*bber +lantation. (t 1A"; ho*rs Company C recei)ed sporadic a*tomatic $eapons fire
in the area of I5 5A5AC>. 5he (1 fire $as ret*rned $ith artillery shellin $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n 1anuary 15, 1968, company si'e operations contin*ed in the Michelin. (t "CA" ho*rs
Company C recei)ed fo*r ;"mm mortar ro*nds and a*tomatic $eapons fire in the area of I5
55A5=>. (rtillery $as fired at the s*spected enemy positions $ith *n/no$n res*lts. 5$o Bobcats
from Company C $ere /illed in the action.
@n 1anuary 16, 1968, the battalion contin*ed s$eep operations in the plantation. @n
9an*ary 17
, Company C, 1?5
(M), established a bloc/in position $hile Companies C and 2 of
the =?!!
Infantry cond*cted an airmobile combat assa*lt. (t 1"!" ho*rs, Company C, 1?5
made contact $ith an *n/no$n si'ed VC force. 5hey /illed three VC by body co*nt and s*ffered
one Bobcat $o*nded.
@n 1anuary 18, 1968, Company 2, =?!!
Infantry $as released @+C@3 from 1?5
and $as airlifted to %SB B*rt. Company B, =?!!
Infantry $as air lifted to 2a* 5ien and became
@+C@3 to the 1?5
(M). Company C, =?!!
Infantry remained @+C@3 to the 1?5
@n 1anuary 19, 1968, elements of the tas/ force cond*cted SS2 operations in the
Michelin +lantation and the area so*th of 2a* 5ien. (t 1>!= ho*rs, an (+C from Company B,
$hich $as escortin a con)oy on &ih$ay !=: thro*h the Ben C*i ,*bber +lantation, $as hit
by an ,+L ro*nd. 5$o Bobcats $ere /illed instantly. 1hile attemptin to et the dri)er o*t of
the damaed (+C, another Bobcat from Company B $as shot and /illed. &e had r*n o)er to the
trac/ that ot hit, 0*mped on top and rabbed a hold of the dri)er, $ho had been $o*nded and
$as attemptin to p*ll him o*t. ( shot ran o*t and he fell off the trac/, into the ditch and died
before anyone ot to him. 5he b*llet had hit him in the side.
%rom 1anuary 20, 1968 to 1anuary 22, 1968, the tas/ force contin*ed operations in the
2a* 5ien area.
@n 1anuary 23, 1968, at ";"" ho*rs the 1?5
(M) $as relie)ed from @+C@3 to the =

Briade. (t 1"15 ho*rs, the battalion became @+C@3 to the 1
Briade and departed the =

Briade area of operations.
@n 1anuary 27, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) $as released from @+C@3 to the 1
Briade, !5

Infantry 2i)ision.
@n 1anuary 29, 1968, at "5"" ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) became @+C@3 to the =
5he battalion sec*red a fire s*pport base northeast of the intersection of &ih$ays 1: and 1= in
the area of I5 =CA;!;. 5hey then prepared to lin/ *p $ith the !?!!
@n 1anuary 30, 1968, the battalion for$ard base $as located near the intersection of
&ih$ays 1: and 1= at I5 =>1;=". 7nits of the battalion pro)ided con)oy sec*rity bet$een 5ay
3inh and #oc 3inh. -lements also cond*cted defensi)e patrollin in the area.
@n 1anuary 31, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) $as released from @+C@3 to the =
Briade and
became @+C@3 to the 1
Briade. Company B, 1?5
(M) remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(t !1AA ho*rs, an intellience report indicated that there $ere C"" VC headin for 5ay 3inh
2*rin 1anuary 1968, 1! Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Harry B. Bartholomew; 1ames L. Scherer; Paul R. Striepe; Bruce 1. Moran;
Larry F. Kujawa; Leonard H. Snead 1r.; Bernard C. Mattson; Harry 1. Boston;
Brian T. Cady; Charles E. Davis; Michael P. Halpin; and 1ack 1. Kupferer.
%or the D*arterly +eriod endin 9an*ary =1, 1:;C the !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the
%riendly cas*alties .
EI(: =AAB 1I(: 1,!5:B MI(: "B 3B2: 1>B 3BI: 1;C.
5here $as a shortae of Infantry Captains d*rin the D*arter and the shortae of Infantry
3C@s contin*ed to be a problem.
VC (cti)ity: In 3o)ember and 2ecember 1:;> VC acti)ities $ere primarily directed to
delayin and harassment operations. 2*rin 9an*ary 1:;C, VC offensi)e acti)ity increased. 5he
lare n*mber of attac/s by fire are belie)ed to ha)e been cond*cted to co)er the mo)ement of VC
forces to the Saion area. By creatin a threat to the base camps, the VC had hoped to restrict
allied reinforcin capabilities to the pop*lation centers, $here their main ro*nd efforts $ere
5he main infiltration ro*tes ran, enerally, north to so*th, east to $est. 5he north to so*th
ro*te started in the J%ish &oo/K area $ell north of the !
Briade area of operations and ran
so*th thro*h 1ar Tone C, the Michelin ,*bber +lantation, the 5rape'oid and do$n to the Boi
#oi and &o Bo 1oods.
5he east to $est started in the J(nelHs 1inK area and for/ed both northeast and into the
Citadel and then so*th$est to$ard Saion on m*ltiple approaches. 5hese infiltration ro*tes $ere
the standard ones *sed by the enemy prior to the 5-5 @ffensi)e of 1:;C.
,oad con)oys contin*ed to be the primary method of res*pply for the C* Chi, 5ay 3inh,
and 2a* 5ien base camps. 2*rin the D*arter there $ere:
C* Chi to Saion N 1C! con)oys.
Saion to C* Chi ? 5ay 3inh N 1>: con)oys.
5ay 3inh to 2a* 5ien N 1>C con)oys.
5ay 3inh to Eat*m N AC con)oys.
5ay 3inh to S*oi 2a* N ;1 con)oys.
5ay 3inh to &oc Mon N A; con)oys.
@n February 01, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) base $as located at 5ay 3inh 1est. @ne platoon
from Company C departed at 11=5 ho*rs to pro)ide sec*rity for enineers $ho $o*ld be
repairin a c*l)ert on &ih$ay !=:, $est of the Ben C*i. 5he platoon closed bac/ at the for$ard
base at 15=" ho*rs $ith neati)e contact. (t !!"" ho*rs, an intellience report $as recei)ed from
briade indicatin that t$o VC battalions $ere located !A /ilometers so*th of 5ay 3inh , =
/ilometers inside So*th Viet 3am from the Cambodian border.
@n February 02, 1968, Company B 1?5
(M) $as ret*rned to operational control of the
battalion. (t ";55 ho*rs, a mortar attac/ $as la*nched on C* Chi base camp. 5he A?!=
ammo d*mp $as hit and the res*ltin e4plosions destroyed the Bobcat &ead6*arters and B
Company areas. B Company and &ead6*arters Company mess halls $ere totaled. Company (
and C mess halls $ere damaed. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
5he battalion mo)ed from 1est 5ay 3inh to a ne$ base location ! /ilometers northeast of
5ay 3inh at I5 !C15!C. (t 1"=" ho*rs, one platoon from Company C left the for$ard base area
to sec*re an enineer $or/ party $ho $ere to repair t$o bride sites and install (V#Bs on
&ih$ay !;, east of 5ay 3inh in rid s6*are =1AC. -lements from the battalion cond*cted SS2
operations in that area also.
@n February 03, 1968, at ">1" ho*rs, Company B sent A (+Cs to escort enineer d*mp
tr*c/s to the roc/ 6*arry and then to the bride site. (t "C15 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon escorted a
con)oy to 5ay 3inh.
@n February 04, 1968, Company ( departed the for$ard base at ";=" ho*rs for
operations in the area of rid I5 =!5;. Company C departed at ">"5 ho*rs to pro)ide sec*rity
for enineer acti)ities and sec*re con)oys. Company B departed at ">A> ho*rs for operations in
the area of rid I5 =!A:. 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided con)oy escort.
(t 1"5" ho*rs an (+C from Company C hit a mine on &ih$ay A, on the north side of
3*i Ba 2en at I5 !CA;1C. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded and d*sted off. 5he (+C $as a combat
@n February 05, 1968, elements of the battalion cond*cted SS2 operations in the area
5""" meters east of $here &ih$ays 1= and !; split, east of 5ay 3inh. @ther *nits cond*cted
con)oy sec*rity and pro)ided protection for enineer road repair cre$s. 5hat niht amb*shes and
listenin posts $ere deployed, as al$ays.
@n February 06, 1968, the battalion mo)ed to a ne$ for$ard base area at I5 !C=5":,
$hich $as east of 5ay 3inh, 0*st north of (p +h*oc &oa on &ih$ay !;. -lements of the
battalion pro)ided sec*rity for a con)oy from 5ay 3inh to Lo 2a* &a and also sec*red enineer
acti)ities in the area.
@n February 07, 1968, t$o platoons from Company B departed the for$ard base at ";A5
to bein road clearin operations. Company C pro)ided protection for a con)oy tra)elin from
Eat*m to 5ay 3inh. (t 1"AC ho*rs, Company C re6*ested that the con)oy leader be contacted
and ad)ised to ha)e people in the con)oy cease firin their M.1;s into the $ood line alon the
ro*te, as this $as endanerin the sec*rity elements posted alon the ro*te.
-lements also pro)ided partial escort for a con)oy from 5ay 3inh to C* Chi. @ne platoon
from Company B spent the niht pro)idin sec*rity for part of the con)oy d*e to mechanical
problems $ith some of the con)oy )ehicles.
@n February 08, 1968, elements aain pro)ided sec*rity for enineer acti)ities and
con)oy escort and ro*te protection. (t 1"1! ho*rs, a messae from 5ropic ; ad)ised that it may
be necessary for the 1?5
(M) to mo)e their for$ard base so*th on notice. (t 1CA= ho*rs, the
,econ platoon reported one man $o*nded by sniper fire, no d*st off needed. (t !"1; ho*rs, the
5ay 3inh ammo d*mp $as hit by a friendly Jshort ro*ndK. (t !1=1 ho*rs, Company B had t$o
Bobcats $o*nded from an incomin ;"mm mortar ro*nd.
@n February 09, 1968, Company B cond*cted a ,I% of the area, chec/in for any enemy
b*ild*p. Company C cond*cted con)oy and ro*te sec*rity. (t 1A5" ho*rs, Company B $as
ordered @+C@3 to the A?!= and proceeded to 0oin them so*th of Lo 2a* &a. (t 1>"C ho*rs,
Company B reported that one Bobcat recei)ed !
deree b*rns o)er >"V of his body $hen the
radiator on his )ehicle ble$. (t 1>!" ho*rs Company B met *p $ith the A?!=.
@n February 10, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) $as released from @+C@3 to the 1
Briade and
$ent @+C@3 to the !
Briade. (t 1C!" ho*rs the battalion(.) closed C* Chi base camp. (t
!=!; ho*rs the battalion left C* Chi base camp and became @+C@3 to the =
@n February 11, 1968, at ""5C ho*rs, the battalion arri)ed at a for$ard base located
some =""" meters north$est of 5an Son 3h*t at IS >>=::=. 2*rin the day the battalion $as
deployed in a bloc/in position northeast of 5an Son 3h*t airfield at I5 C==::=.
@n February 12, 1968, the battalion remained in a bloc/in post*re. (t 1A"" ho*rs, the
(M) $as instr*cted to set *p a ne$ niht position at 5an &iep, located !""" meters north of
&oc Mon at I5 >A";. (ll *nits closed the ne$ for$ard base by 1:"" ho*rs. 3iht amb*shes and
#+s $ere deployed.
@n February 13, 1968, Companies B and C departed the perimeter for SS2 operations
in the area. (t "C=" ho*rs, Company B had one mortar (+C catch fire and b*rn o*t of control.
5here $ere no in0*ries. 7nits from the ,econ platoon sec*red the )ehicle till it finally ble$ *p at
":=" ho*rs. 2*rin the search of their respecti)e ob0ecti)e areas Companies B and C located VC
bodies, ammo, $eapons, e6*ipment and doc*ments. (ll elements closed the battalion perimeter
by 1:"" ho*rs.
(lso on the 1=
, a misdirected B.5! stri/e ca*sed considerable damae to (p Binh 2on
&amlet at I5 CA";. 51 ci)ilians $ere /illed and := $ere in0*red.
@n February 14, 1968, 5he battalion cond*cted ,I% operations. Company B and
Company C $or/ed the area east of &oc Mon. Company ( $or/ed the area ; /ilometers so*th
of &oc Mon. Companies B and C bean blo$in b*n/ers they enco*ntered in their respecti)e
areas and disco)ered VC bodies, $eapons, e6*ipment, and a n*mber of 7S $eapons and
(t 1!1" ho*rs, Company C reported liht contact $ith an *n/no$n si'ed enemy force !
/ilometers northeast of &oc Mon. 5he fiht escalated and an (+C from Company C $as hit by an
,+L and ca*ht fire. Company C re6*ested a d* for = $o*nded Bobcats at 1=AA ho*rs. (t
1A=; ho*rs they reported one Bobcat /illed. Company B and the ,econ platoon reinforced the
Company C elements. (t 1;=1 ho*rs, a d* $as re6*ested for three more $o*nded Bobcats.
(t 1C"" ho*rs, tan/ cannons and artillery $ere fired to co)er an attempt to e4tract $o*nded from
the contact area. (t 1C!= ho*rs ,Company C re6*ested a d* 5$o $o*nded and one dead
Bobcat $ere placed on this d* (t 1C55 ho*rs, Companies B and C set *p a perimeter. (ll
the $o*nded $ere d* (t !""; ho*rs, it $as reported that ; Bobcats from Company C
and one Bobcat from Company B $ere /no$n to be dead, b*t that the bodies of si4 of them had
not yet been reco)ered.
@n February 15, 1968, an assa*lt $as planned into the area of Company CHs pre)io*s
contact. 5he area $as prepped $ith (rtillery and air stri/es d*rin the niht. Company B,
Company C and 5roop B, P Ca)alry bean the s$eep (I5 >>>"A5) at ">!" ho*rs. (t ":A5
ho*rs, the *nits in)ol)ed in the s$eep reported neati)e contact. (t 11=> ho*rs, fi)e of the MI(s
$ere located at I5 >>="A;. 5hey had been stripped of all $eapons and e6*ipment. (t 1155
ho*rs, the body of the ;
MI( $as located in the b*rned (+C at I5 >>""A5. 5he )ehicle also
had been stripped of all $eapons. By 1=A1 ho*rs, all the EI(s $ere d* In a search of the
area the bodies of se)eral VC soldiers alon $ith e6*ipment and s*pplies $ere located. B*n/ers
fo*nd in the area $ere destroyed. (t 15=5 ho*rs, = Bobcats from Company B $ere d*
$ith $o*nds, alon $ith one man from 5roop B, P Ca)alry. 5he battalion command ro*p and
the ,econ +latoon established a ne$ base area, ; /ilometers so*th of &oc Mon at I5 >AA:CC,
near 5an 5hoi 3h*t on &ih$ay !=;.
Company B and Company C alon $ith 5roop B, P Ca)alry set *p a niht perimeter in
the area of I5 >>"A, $here the dayHs s$eep had ta/en place.
@n February 16, 1968, elements of the battalion tas/ force cond*cted ,I%s in the area
$est of &oc Mon. -nineer demolition teams $ere assined to each company. (t ":"" ho*rs, the
,econ +latoon and &ead6*arters Company(.) departed to establish a ne$ base area. Company B
reported destroyin appro4imately !"" b*n/ers so*theast of &oc Mon at I5 >;A"=;. Company
C had destroyed appro4imately 1=" b*n/ers. By 1:"" ho*rs, Companies B, C and head6*arters
had closed the ne$ niht position, located !5"" meters so*theast of &oc Mon at I5 >C1"==. 5he
,econ +latoon $ent @+C@3 to the =
Briade for the niht.
@n February 17, 1968, 5he ,econ +latoon escorted a con)oy from &oc Mon to the
battalion for$ard base area at ";55 ho*rs. (t ":55 ho*rs, Company C recei)ed small arms fire
and one (+C $as damaed by a command detonated mine. 5here $ere t$o minor in0*ries. (t
11=> ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon $as assined to escort a tan/ to ate 51 at 5an Son 3h*t.
(t 1!=" ho*rs, Company B bean recei)in hea)y sniper fire. (t 1!A5 ho*rs, Company C
recei)ed small arms and a*tomatic $eapons fire. Company B re6*ested a d* for one Bobcat
shot in the head. (t 1=A" ho*rs, Company B re6*ested another d* for t$o $o*nded
Bobcats. 5he t$o companies contin*ed to attac/ the hedero$. (t 1AA5 ho*rs, Company B
d*sted off = more $o*nded Bobcats. ( CS as drop $as deli)ered into the area at 155C ho*rs
and both companies contin*ed the attac/. (t 1;=" ho*rs, Company C had another (+C hit by a
command detonated mine. 5he )ehicle $as a total loss b*t there $ere no cas*alties. (t 1;AA
ho*rs, another d* $as re6*ested by Company B. (t 1;5= ho*rs an (+C from Company B
$as hit by an ,+L ro*nd. (t 1;5A ho*rs, t$o (+Cs from Company C $ere hit by ,+L ro*nds.
(t 1>1= ho*rs, the t$o companies p*lled bac/ to allo$ artillery and mortars to fire into the
enemy area. (t 1C!: ho*rs, Company B recei)ed hea)y ,+L, small arms and a*tomatic $eapons
fire from I5 >5;"A;.
Both Companies aain p*lled bac/ to the ne$ battalion for$ard base at I5 C"="A; and
airstri/es $ith 1""" and >5" po*nd bombs and napalm $ere called in.
In the dayHs action there $ere nine Bobcats $o*nded and fo*r (+CHs ta/en o*t of action.
5$o of the (+CHs $ere total combat losses.
@n February 18, 1968, se)eral Bobcats $ere slihtly $o*nded by enemy mortar fire
d*rin the niht. 5he morninHs operation $as postponed d*e to lac/ of f*el for the (+Cs. (t
"C!" ho*rs, t$o platoons from Company C $ere assined the mission of pro)idin sec*rity for
the 1?!>
(rtillery at their %ire S*pport Base located at I5 C"!"A:. (t 15=5 ho*rs, CS as $as
deployed and Company B, elements of the ,econ +latoon and Company (, !?=A
(rmor mo)ed
to$ards the ob0ecti)e area. (t 1>"! ho*rs, the *nits mo)ed thro*h the area of the pre)io*s dayHs
enco*nter $ith neati)e contact. Some enemy $eapons and e6*ipment $ere located and
destroyed. 5he *nits closed bac/ to the niht base at 1CA5 ho*rs. 3iht amb*shes $ere deployed.
Company ( remained @+C@3 to the =
@n February 19, 1968, at ">AC ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon departed the niht base to
cond*ct a ,I% of the area alon the Ca* San ,i)er, north $est of &oc Mon. (t "C"" ho*rs
Company B and Company (, !?=A
(rmor departed to cond*ct a ,I% of rid C""5. Company C
remained at the base as battalion reaction force.
(t ":"" ho*rs the ,econ +latoon had one Bobcat shot in the le by sniper fire. 5hree
tan/s from Company (, !?=A
(rmor left Company B and started to$ards the ,econ +latoon
area $ith Company C. (t 1"5! ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon recei)ed machine *n fire at I5
>;C"5=. (t 11=A ho*rs, one (+C from ,econ $as hit by an ,+L ro*nd and they started
recei)in small arms fire from their front and rear. @ne Bobcat had to be d*sted off as liht fire
teams s*ppressed the fire. (t 1A!1 ho*rs, ,econ re6*ested a d* for a Bobcat $ho lost his
hand $hile loadin a mortar t*be.
Company B started closin the area of contact also. (t 15=: ho*rs, Company C re6*ested
a d* for > $o*nded Bobcats. (t 1;=> ho*rs, Company C re6*ested another d* for A
$o*nded Bobcats.
By 1>"C ho*rs one platoon from Company C had been pinned do$n and $as e4tracted
after three attempts to attac/ and o)erta/e the enemy position at I5 >;C"5". 5he VC $ere $ell
d* in $ith a*tomatic $eapons and ,+Ls co)erin a 1"" meter front. %o*r Bobcats $ere
confirmed dead and had to be left $hen the platoon $as e4tracted. 5$o $ere from Company C
and t$o $ere medics. Company B then attac/ed on line in an attempt to reco)er the dead
Bobcats. @ne body $as reco)ered and t$o more Bobcats from Company C $ere $o*nded and
d* (ll *nits p*lled bac/ to the niht base by 1:15 ho*rs. (ir stri/es $ere called in on the
area of contact.
@n February 20, 1968, Companies B and C and Company ( of the !?=A
departed the base area at ">"" ho*rs and started to the area of $here the dead Bobcats $ere
located. (t ">5" ho*rs, Company C capt*red a $o*nded 3V( soldier. &e stated that there $ere
= companies in the area of yesterdayHs contact and they $ere $ell d* in. (t "C"" ho*rs the
companies $ere told to halt their ad)ance.
(t "C15 ho*rs the ,econ +latoon left to escort an enineer element to C* Chi. (t "C=!
ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon had one man $o*nded in the an/le by a sniper. (fter n*mero*s
airstri/es, the *nits contin*ed their mo)ement into the area of the pre)io*s contact. (t 1>""
ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon located one of the dead Bobcats. (t 1>A5 ho*rs, Company B located
and reco)ered the other t$o.
@n February 21, 1968, the ,econ +latoon and Company B cond*cted searches of the
area aro*nd the rids I5 >;"= and >;"A, east of &oc Mon. Some b*n/ers $ere located and
destroyed. (ll elements closed the battalion for$ard base by 1;=" ho*rs.
@n February 22, 1968, Companies B and C, $ith tan/s attached, cond*cted SS2
operations in the area east of &oc Mon. (t 1A!" ho*rs, one platoon from Company B $as pinned
do$n by machine*n fire. (t 1A!; ho*rs, the company started recei)in a*tomatic $eapons and
,+L fire. (t 15"" ho*rs a d* $as re6*ested for n*mero*s $o*nded. (t 15=5 ho*rs,
another d* $as re6*ested. Company B also had one Bobcat /illed. (t 1;A" ho*rs, Company
B s*ffered t$o minor $o*nded from an artillery short ro*nd.
Companies B and C $ith attached tan/s 0oined toether at 1C15 ho*rs and attac/ed from
so*th to north at I5 >;"A. (t 1:A5 ho*rs a Jsna/eK $as deployed and detonated by enineers
$ith the *nits. (t !"!> ho*rs, all *nits had closed the niht base perimeter.
@n February 23, 1968, the ,econ +latoon escorted an -nineer element to &oc Mon at
";5" ho*rs and then ret*rned to the for$ard base. Companies B and C departed for operations in
the area of Lrid I5 C"";. (t 1>1" ho*rs, the point man from Company C $as /illed by a b*rst of
enemy fire from I5 C15"5>. 5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith S?(, mortar and artillery fire. 5he
dead Bobcat $as left in place and all *nits closed the battalion for$ard base. #+s and (+s $ere
@n February 24, 1968, (t "C"1 ho*rs, Companies B and C departed the for$ard base.
(t 1=!" ho*rs, after artillery prep $as fired, the companies mo)ed into the area of the pre)io*s
dayHs contact. (t 1A"" ho*rs the body of the dead Bobcat from Company C $as located and
e4tracted. (ll *nits closed the battalion for$ard base.
@n February 25, 1968, the battalion cond*cted s$eeps in the area of rid I5 >:"5
d*rin the mornin. (t 1=15 ho*rs, Company C departed for C* Chi to prepare for an operation
$ith the !?=A
(rmor. Company B and the ,econ +latoon remained at the battalion for$ard base.
@n February 26, 1968, Company B and the ,econ +latoon deployed daytime amb*shes
startin at "AA! ho*rs. (t 1==" ho*rs Company (, 1?5
(M) ret*rned to battalion control after
bein @+C@3 to the !?!>
Infantry. Company ( closed the battalionHs for$ard base.
@n February 27, 1968, Companies ( and B, $ith tan/s attached, departed to cond*ct
s$eeps in the area of Lrid I5 >;"A, east of &oc Mon. (t 1=1" ho*rs, a lare b*n/er comple4
$as located at I5 >;5"5A.
@n February 28, 1968, at """> ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from ,econ /illed one VC. (t
"1"> ho*rs the same amb*sh patrol s*ffered one $o*nded $hen it recei)ed fire form an *n/no$n
si'e VC force. S$eeps of the area $ere cond*cted d*rin the day.
@n February 29, 1968, Company B, one platoon from Company ( and the ,econ
+latoon, $ith tan/s attached, departed the for$ard base at ">=A ho*rs for a s$eep in the I5
>:"; rid area, 0*st so*th of the Ca* San ,i)er. (t 11"5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon established
enemy contact. Company B and the Company ( +latoon mo)ed to flan/ the contact. #%5s $ere
called in to $or/ o)er the area. (t 1=5" ho*rs, a d* $as re6*ested for ! $o*nded Bobcats.
(t 151> ho*rs, the *nits $ere reported in hea)y contact. (t 15=" ho*rs, a d* $as re6*ested
for 5 $o*nded from the tan/ s*pport element. (t 1;A5 ho*rs, t$o Bobcats $ere /illed. @ne $as
from Company ( and the other $as from the ,econ +latoon. (n airstri/e and mortar fires $ere
called in before the bodies co*ld be e4tracted from the contact area at 1>A5 ho*rs.
(t 1"!; ho*rs, an (+C from Company C, 1?5
(M), $hile attached to the !?=A
$as hit by t$o ,+L ro*nds. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. @ne of the Bobcats died from his
in0*ries shortly therafter.
2*rin February 1968, 1> Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1ose 1. Santiago;
David G. Isbell; David E. Keister; Earl Mack; Benjamin S. Underhill; Richard P. Vellence;
Ralph L. Williams; Roger G. Wilson; Thomas 1. Loback; 1oseph P. Zale;
1oseph T. Gallagher; Sam W. Stewart; Kenneth W. Roche; Bruce 1. Dent;
Patricio Maldonado; Frederick L. Martin; and Edgar C. Spence.
5he $eaponary of enemy forces, both local and main force, consisted of liht and medi*m
e6*ipment. (E.A> ,ifles, liht machine *ns, ,+L.! and ,+L.> la*nchers and mortars $ere his
primary $eapons. S*pport *nits $ere e6*ipped $ith .51 caliber machine *ns and a limited
amo*nt of 1"> and 1!! mm roc/ets. Mines and booby traps $ere also deployed and acco*nted
for the ma0ority of cas*alties.
@n March 01, 1968, Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor. Companies (
and B searched the area northeast of &oc Mon at I5>:";. 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity
for the battalion for$ard base, $hich $as still located 5 /ilometers east of &oc Mon at I5
@n March 02, 1968, Companies ( and B searched the area attemptin to locate sites
from $hich roc/ets $ere bein fired into the Saion Military 2istrict. 5his J,oc/et BeltK $as
referred to by the soldiers as JCape Cana)eral.K
(t """; ho*rs, Company C, still @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor, recei)ed appro4imately ="
ro*nds of mortar fire, $o*ndin t$o Bobcats. (t ":"C ho*rs, at I5 >AC15;, Company C
recei)ed sniper fire. @ne Bobcat $as hit and later died from his $o*nds. 5his indi)id*al $as in
the field $hen he first came to Viet 3am. &e $as then made company cler/. &e had )ol*nteered
to o bac/ into the field and $as shot by a VC firin from a spider hole. &e $as d*e to end his
to*r on (pril 1C.
@n March 03, 1968, the battalion(.) contin*ed SS2 operations in the area east of &oc
Mon. Company C remained @+C@3 to the A?!=
(rmor and pro)ided protection for ,ome +lo$
c*ttin operations at I5 >;1A.
@n March 04, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted s$eeps northeast of &oc Mon. 5he bodies
of se)eral VC soldiers $ere located alon $ith ,+L and mortar amm*nition. Company C
contin*ed pro)idin protection for ,ome +lo$ operations.
@n March 05, 1968, the battalion(.) contin*ed s$eeps in the area $ith scattered liht
enemy contact.
@n March 06, 1968, Companies ( and B alon $ith the ,econ +latoon(.) and Company
(, !?=A
(rmor cond*cted a s$eep in the area of I5 >;"5, northeast of &oc Mon. (t 1;"A
ho*rs, *nits made hea)y contact at I5 >;:"A5. (t 1;15 ho*rs Company ( !?=A
(rmor reported
one /illed and one $o*nded.
( Bobcat from Company B $as mo)in alon a tree line $hen he ot shot in the head.
5$o men from Company B $ent to chec/ him o*t to see if they co*ld help him. @ne of them ot
shot in the chest and /illed, the other $as shot and $o*nded in the le and hip. 5he Bobcat shot
in the chest only had a fe$ $ee/s to o before he $as to et o*t of the (rmy. &e had plans to et
married as soon as he ot o*t. (t 1;!: ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a d* for C Bobcats.
Company ( $as mo)in $ith men $al/in in front of the (+Cs. 5hey recei)ed some
sniper fire and t*rned on line to ad)ance to$ard the sniper fire. 5he =
+latoon $as in the middle
and ot hit first. (n M.;" *nner ot shot in the stomach and called o*t for help. 5he man ne4t
to him t*rned and ot shot in the head. +eople called for a medic and as the medic ad)anced he
$as shot and /illed. 5he soldiers $ere ordered to p*ll bac/, Jb*t the M.;" *nner $as still ali)e.K
(ir stri/es $ith napalm $ere called in d*rin the niht.
(t ">55 ho*rs, on March 07, 1968, the body of the dead medic $as reco)ered. (t "C!1
ho*rs, the bodies of the other t$o $ere located. 5he M.;" *nner $as fo*nd J$ith a rosary
$rapped aro*nd his hands, he probably $as prayin *p to the time he died.K
2*rin the contact on March ;
, Company ( s*ffered C $o*nded and = /illed. Company
B s*ffered 5 $o*nded and ! /illed. @ne of the Bobcats /illed had only been in Viet 3am for !"
days. @ne (+C had been destroyed and one tan/ and one (+C $ere damaed. (t 1>!" ho*rs, all
personnel $ere acco*nted for and the *nits closed bac/ to the battalion for$ard base.
Company C contin*ed pro)idin sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ operations.
@n March 08, 1968, the battalion(.) cond*cted ,I%s in the area $ith neati)e contact.
@ne Bobcat from Company B died from $o*nds he had pre)io*sly recei)ed.
@n March 09, 1968, one platoon from Company ( pro)ided sec*rity at the &oc Mon
Bride on &ih$ay 1. 5he remainder of the tas/ force cond*cted )ehicle maintenance at the
battalion for$ard base.
@n March 11, 1968, at ";"1 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from the ,econ +latoon /illed one
VC. 5hat mornin the 1?5
(M) mo)ed their for$ard base to an area = /ilometers east of the C*
Chi base camp at I5 ;:51A5.
@n March 12, 1968, the battalion cond*cted ,I% operations north$est of the 0*nction of
&ih$ays C( and 15 in the area of I5 >!1A and >115. Company B located and destroyed :C
ro*nds of ;"mm mortar amm*nition. @ne platoon from Company ( contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity
at the &oc Mon Bride. Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and pro)ided road
and con)oy sec*rity on &ih$ay 1.
@n March 13, 1968, the battalion(.) mo)ed to C* Chi Base Camp and the proceeded to a
ne$ for$ard base in the north$est corner of the %ilhol at I5 ;A"!1>. (t 1155 ho*rs an (+C
from the ,econ +latoon detonated a mine res*ltin in one Bobcat bein $o*nded.
@n March 14, 1968, the battalion(.) cond*cted ,I% operations in the area of I5 ;=!1
and ;A!1. (t 1!!: ho*rs, in the north$est area of the %ilhol at I5 ;A!!1:, Company (, mo)in
$ith men on the ro*nd in front of the trac/s, recei)ed sniper fire. @ne Bobcat $as shot in the
chest and died before a d* co*ld et him o*t. 5he men $ere ordered to ta/e co)er as
artillery $as called in. 5he artillery ro*nds mista/enly landed on top of the men of Company (,
/illin t$o Bobcats and $o*ndin t$enty.three.
(lso on the 1A
, a Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon died from the $o*nds he had recei)ed
the day before.
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and cond*cted operations in the lo$er
Boi #oi 1oods in the area of I5 5>!;.
@n March 15, 1968, Companies ( and B cond*cted operations in the north$est area of
the %ilhol near Bao 5ran at I5 ;=>!1>. (t 1A1" ho*rs, at that location Company B fo*nd an
amm*nition cache of o)er 1!,""" small arms ro*nds.
@ne man from Company B passed o*t $hile in a $ell. ( second man $as lo$ed into the
$ell $ith belt lin/s fastened to his o$n belt. &e passed o*t and the belt bro/e droppin him into
the $ell. ( third man attempted resc*e, $earin a as mas/, b*t he too passed o*t. &e $as p*lled
o*t and a forth man $as lo$ed in $ith a as mas/, b*t he also passed o*t. ( man $as lo$ered
do$n and holdin his breath, retrie)ed the men in the $ell one at a time.
5$o of the Bobcats co*ld not be re)i)ed and died. ( third man died $hile enro*te to
hospital on a d*
@n March 16, 1968, the battalion(.) contin*ed operations in the north$est area of the
%ilhol. (t 1:=> ho*rs, in the area of I5 ;A"1!;, fo*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded $hen > ro*nds of
;"mm mortar fire $ere recei)ed.
Company C cond*cted operations in the &o Bo 1oods, still attached to the !?=A
@n March 17, 1968, the battalion contin*ed s$eepin operations north$est of the %ilhol.
(t "C=5 ho*rs, one tan/ from Company ( !?=A
(rmor $as hit by an ,+L ro*nd $o*ndin one
man. (t ":A5 ho*rs, another tan/ $as hit by an ,+L ro*nd d*rin an enaement in the area of
I5 ;=!1::. (t 1""" ho*rs, a small amm*nition cache $as located and the items destroyed. (t
1C1" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon disco)ered and retained an C1mm mortar t*be.
@n March 19, 1968, 5he battalion(.), $ith Company (, !?=A
(rmor attached, mo)ed to
a ne$ for$ard base at I5 ;;C!=5 on the north frine of the %ilhol, alon the Saion ,i)er.
@n March 20, 1968, Companies ( and B cond*cted ,I% operations to the area of the
0*nction of the ,ach Son Cree/ and the Saion ,i)er. 2*rin the day, miscellaneo*s items of
e6*ipment and amm*nition $ere fo*nd and destroyed. (t 1A5" ho*rs, at I5 ;>5!=", *nits
disco)ered a cache containin !: ro*nds of C!mm mortar CS Las ro*nds, 1= tons of rice, alon
$ith peas, pean*ts and beans. 5he food st*ffs $ere stac/ed and co)ered $ith plastic sheets.
Veetation from the area $as placed on top of the plastic in an effort to camo*flae the material.
@ne platoon from Company B and the ,econ +latoon remained at the cache site o)er niht. 5he
remainder of Company B and Company ( $ithdre$ to the battalion niht location.
(t 1A!" ho*rs, fo*r Bobcats from Company C $ere $o*nded in a fire fiht at I5 ;!:!:=
in the &o Bo 1oods, $hile still attached to the !?=A
@n March 21, 1968, an e4tensi)e search of the cache site $as cond*cted. #ocated $ere
!A mines, !" mortar ro*nds, o)er !"" ,+L ro*nds, o)er !5"" ro*nds of small arms amm*nition
and miscellaneo*s e6*ipment and $eapons. (n additional 15 tons of rice, ! tons of salt and 1"""
po*nds of canned food $ere also located.
5he o)erall cache site consisted of fo*r different comple4es. (lmost 1"" *nderro*nd
b*n/ers and t*nnels $ere disco)ered. @ne t*nnel $as !"" meters in lenth and ran *nder
&ih$ay 5#15. 5en po*nd sac/s of CS $ere placed inside the t*nnel comple4, spaced abo*t !"
meters apart. (ll demolition chares and sac/s of CS $ere connected and detonated
sim*ltaneo*sly. 5his method sealed the t*nnel, trappin the CS as inside.
By nihtfall all the b*n/ers and t*nnels $ere destroyed and the located material had been
transferred to the battalion for$ard base site.
@n March 22, 1968, the 1?5
(M) alon $ith Company ( !?=A
(rmor prepared to mo)e
bac/ to C* Chi Base camp. ( con)oy of 1" fi)e ton tr*c/s arri)ed at the battalion for$ard base
and $ere loaded $ith the capt*red material from the cache site. 5he battalion and the con)oy then
departed for C* Chi, closin by 1>"" ho*rs.
@n March 23, 1968, the battalion(.) remained at C* Chi, preparin for f*t*re operations.
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
@n March 25, 1968, the battalion(.) remained at C* Chi. @ne platoon $as dispatched to
sec*re enineer operations on &ih$ay C(.
Company C remained @+C@3 !?=A
(rmor. (t 1!"" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon of the
A?!=(M) made hea)y contact near 5ran Ban at I5 5!=1C>. 5he platoon s*ffered 11 /illed and
1; $o*nded. Company C, 1?5
(M) and Company C, A?!=(M) $ere committed to assist the
@n March 26, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) departed C* Chi Base Camp and established a
for$ard base appro4imately half $ay bet$een 5an Son 3h*t and 2*c &oa at I5 ;:C:==.
Company C remained attached to the !?=A
(rmor and cond*cted ,I% operations in the
area of 5ran Ban.
@n March 27, 1968, the battalion(.) cond*cted a reconnaissance in force operation alon
the Ca* (n &a Canal from I5 ;C="!" to ;;=:A". (t !1=5 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol /illed ! VC.
@n March 28, 1968, at "!"= ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company ( /illed one VC.
2*rin the day, elements of the battalion cond*cted a reconnaissance in the area of I5 >A"::5.
(t 1A=" ho*rs A"" po*nds of rice $as located.
@n March 29, 1968, one company cond*cted a cordon and search in the area of I5
>=5:C!. @ther elements cond*cted a ,I% operation in the area of I5 >="A and >A"1. 5hat niht
at !=15 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon enaed > VC, /illin ; of them.
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and pro)ided sec*rity for ,ome +lo$
c*ttin operations
@n March 30, 1968, the ,econ +latoon capt*red one VC in the area of the pre)io*s
nihtHs contact. 5he battalion cond*cted a ,I% operation in the area of I5 >A:>. (t ">55 ho*rs,
an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine.
5he 1?5
(M)(.) $as released from @+C@3 to the =
Briade at the end of the day.
Company C contin*ed pro)idin sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ c*ttin operations.
@n March 31, 1968, at ">"" ho*rs the 1?5
(M)(.) ret*rned to !
Briade control. 5he
battalion(.), $ith one company of +op*lar %orces Soldiers from Sa 5an Binh, cond*cted a
combined cordon and search of Vin #oc in the area of I5 >1:>.
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
2*rin March 1968, fo*rteen Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Charles G. Rehberger; 1ohn L. Haines; Anthony Patrizi; 1oseph D. Seibert;
Stephen W. Downey; Larry Munoz;Guy T. 1ones; Roger W. Letto; William E. Price;
Raul Robledo; Sammie R. Sneed 1r.; Edward A. Lionetta; David R. Young 1r.;
and Paul A. Young.
@n April 01, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) $ith one company of ,eional %orce Soldiers
cond*cted reconnaissance in force operations in the area of IS >"1:C".
@n April 02, 1968, Company B cond*cted air mobile combat assa*lts. (t 1A=5 ho*rs, the
company enaed an *n/no$n n*mber of VC $ith oranic $eapons. = VC $ere /illed by body
co*nt and t$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. 5hat e)enin, elements of the battalion cond*cted a niht
amb*sh $ith +op*lar %orce Soldiers from Sa 5an Binh 2istrict.
@n April 03, 1968, the ,econ +latoon $as @+C@3 to the !?!>
Infantry. Company C,
Infantry $as @+C@3 to the 1?5
Company B, 1?5
(M) and Company C, !?1A
Infantry cond*cted combined ,I%
operations $ith one +op*lar %orce +latoon in the area of I5 ;::A.
(t 11=5 ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5 mine at I5 55::. 5$o
Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C $as a combat loss.
@n April 04, 1968, Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor. 5he ,econ
+latoon remained @+C@3 to the !?!>
Infantry. Companies ( and B, $ith one company of
3ational +olice, cond*cted combined cordon and search operations, of (p 5ay, (p Lo and Vin
@n April 05, 1968, Companies ( and B and one company of 3ational +olice cond*cted a
combined cordon and search of C* #ao.
5he ,econ +latoon remained @+C@3 to the !?!>
Infantry and cond*cted road clearin
operations alon &ih$ay 1 from C* Chi to &oc Mon.
@n April 08, 1968, at ">"" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon $ent @+C@3 to the !?1A
5he platoon cond*cted road clearin and con)oy sec*rity for the 2*c &oa con)oy.
Company C, 1?5
(M) remains @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor. (t 1!"" ho*rs, Company 2,
Infantry became @+C@3 to the 1?5
@n April 09, 1968, the battalion for$ard base $as located 1" /ilometers $est of the City
of Saion, in the area of IS ;::=. Company ( cond*cted a ,I% operation $ith A platoons of
+op*lar %orce Soldiers. Company B, 1?5
(M) and Company 2, !?!>
Infantry pro)ided sec*rity
for the battalion for$ard base and $ere on as the battalion reaction force.
@n April 10, 1968, at ">"" ho*rs, Company 2, !?!>
Infantry $as released from
@+C@3 to the 1?5
(M). Company (, !?=A
(rmor remained @+C@3 to the 1?5
(t "C"" ho*rs, the battalion cond*cted a motor march to the area of Vinh #oc to establish
a ne$ battalion for$ard base at IS >!>:C;.
Company C, remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and cond*cted road sec*rity on
&ih$ay 1 from 5ran Ban to Lo 2a* &a.
5he ,econ +latoon cleared &ih$ay 1 from &oc Mon to the 0*nction of &ih$ay >(.
%rom April 11, 1968 to April 15, 1968, *nits cond*cted s$eeps of the area $ith So*th
Vietnamese %orces. Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and contin*ed hih$ay
sec*rity operations. 5he ,econ +latoon remained @+C@3 to the !?1A
@n April 16, 1968, Company B(.) pro)ided sec*rity for the mo)e of t$o batteries of
artillery from the &oc Mon area to the battalion for$ard base. (t ":!5 ho*rs, one Bobcat from
Company B $as /illed $hen a canister ro*nd accidentally detonated.
@n April 17, 1968, Companies ( and B cond*cted airmobile combat assa*lts.
@n April 18, 1968, Company B(.) cond*cted a Medcap at Vinh #oc Villae. 5he ,econ
+latoon contin*ed ro*te sec*rity of &ih$ay 1. Company C remained @+C@3 !?=A
(rmor. (t
1CA" ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine $o*ndin three Bobcats.
@n April 19, 1968, the battalion(.) mo)ed to a ne$ for$ard base location at IS >==:A5,
located fo*r /ilometers so*th of Vinh #oc.
@n April 20, 1968, the 1?5
(M) participated in a m*lti.battalion cordon and search of 5an
5hoi 5r*n Villae, located 0*st so*th of &oc Mon. 5he !?1A
Infantry, 1?!>
Infantry and one
platoon of M+s from the !5
Infantry 2i)ision $ere the other *nits in)ol)ed.
C* Chi Base Camp recei)ed > ro*nds of 1!!mm ,oc/et fire res*ltin in !A soldiers bein
@n April 22, 1968, the ,econ +latoon and Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?1A

Infantry and the !?=A
(rmor respecti)ely. 5he ,econ +latoon cond*cted road s$eeps alon
&ih$ay C(.
5he battalion(.) cond*cted combined search and screen operations of personnel and
)ehicles $ith +op*lar %orce Soldiers in the area of IS ;:A:1".
@n April 23, 1968, intellience information indicated that there $o*ld be an attac/ on
Saion on May "1. (ll b*t t$o of the !5
Infantry 2i)isionHs mane*)er battalions $ere
positioned to bloc/ the main approaches to Saion from the $est. 5he !?!!
(M) and the !?1!

Infantry ass*med responsibility for 5ay 3inh and 2a* 5ien.
Company C 1?5
(M) remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor, 1
Briade. 5he ,econ
+latoon $as ret*rned to the control of the battalion. @ne platoon from Company (, !?=A
remained @+C@3 to the 1?5
(t ";=" ho*rs, the battalion(.) $ith +op*lar %orce Soldiers cond*cted a cordon and
search of Vin #oc Villae. 5hey then established and maintained three chec/points in the area. (t
15"= ho*rs, a mine $as detonated $o*ndin one Bobcat from Company (.
@n April 24, 1968, the battalion cond*cted a cordon and search ? Medcap of (p Binh
&oa at IS >!::=5.
(t !"A5 ho*rs, C* Chi Base Camp recei)ed = ro*nds of ;"mm mortar fire. 5he ro*nds
landed in the 1?5
(M) area, $o*ndin si4 soldiers.
@n April 25, 1968, the battalion(.) cond*cted a ,I% operation in the area of IS >1:A,
so*th of Vin #oc. 5hree screen and search sites $ere established $ith 3ational +olice @fficers
from 2*c &oa 2istrict. (t 15=; ho*rs, Company B had t$o Bobcats $o*nded by a booby trap
detonation. Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
@n April 26, 1968, the 1?5
(M) pro)ided sec*rity for %ire S*pport Base +i/e II at IS
>"!:1", located ; /ilometers so*th of Vinh #oc. -lements of the battalion cond*cted s$eeps in
the area and also participated in a cordon and search of Vin #oc Villae $ith ,eional %orce
Soldiers from 5an Binh 2istrict. +ersonnel ? )ehicle chec/points $ere also established and
maintained in the area.
@n April 27, 1968, one platoon from Company ( pro)ided sec*rity for %SB +i/e II. 5he
remainder of Company ( and the ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity for the battalion for$ard base.
( cordon and search of (p 5an &oa $as cond*cted $ith 3ational +olice and !5
2i)ision M+s. Chec/points $ere also established thro*ho*t the area. (t 1:5" ho*rs, the ,econ
+latoon recei)ed small arms fire from an *n/no$n n*mber of VC. %ire $as ret*rned $ith
*n/no$n res*lts. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
@n April 29, 1968, Company C, still @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor, participated in
cond*ctin road sec*rity on &ih$ay 1 from Lo 2a* &a to the &oc Mon Bride.
5he 1?5
(M)(.), $ith one platoon from the !?=A
(rmor and one company of ,% soldiers,
cond*cted a cordon and search of (p Binh &oa, located A /ilometers so*th of Vinh #oc. Chec/
points $ere also established in the area.
@n April 30, 1968, t$o platoons from Company ( and one platoon from Company (,
(rmor, cond*cted a ,I% operation in the area of I5 >5:>, the rid 0*st so*th of 5an 5hoi
3h*t. 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity for a res*pply con)oy. @ther elements of the
battalion established chec/ points in the area in *nion $ith +op*lar %orce *nits.
2*rin April 1968, one Bobcat died in Viet 3am. &e $as: 1ames E. Young.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in losses for the D*arterly +eriod of
%ebr*ary "1, 1:;C to (pril =", 1:;C:
EI(: 5!"B 1I(: 1,;A1B MI(: "B 3B2: 1CB 3BI: =A.
( !5
Infantry 2i)ision Intellience S*mmary for the D*arterly +eriod stated: JVC?3V(
acti)ity d*rin %ebr*ary and March consisted of tryin to maintain their foothold in the Saion
area. 5hey made a determined attempt to control the areas ad0acent to Saion. (fter reat
manpo$er and e6*ipment loss the enemy $ithdre$ to base areas.
5he time period of March 15 to (pril 15 $as characteri'ed by little action. 5his period
$as *sed by the enemy to refit and recei)e replacements.
2*rin the last 15 days of (pril enemy acti)ity reached a pea/. #are ro*ps of
replacements $ere identified in the 5(@I. S*pply caches $ith lare amo*nts of food,
amm*nition, and arms $ere located.K
@n May 01, 1968, Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor. @ne Bobcat from
Company C died from $o*nds he recei)ed d*rin an enemy mortar attac/.
5$o platoons from Company (, one platoon from Company (, !?=A
(rmor and one
company of ,eional %orce Soldiers cond*cted a s$eep operation. @ne platoon from Company (
sec*red the battalionHs for$ard base area located at IS >==:A5. Company B established
chec/points in the area of Binh &*n &oa and Iom Lo May. 3iht amb*shes $ere deployed
thro*ho*t the area.
@n May 02, 1968, elements of the battalion tas/ force cond*cted chec/point operations
and a s$eep of Lrid IS >!:!.
Company C, still @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor, started the day cond*ctin road clearin
and sec*rity operations on &ih$ay 1 bet$een 5ran Ban and +h*oc My. #ater that day, at
15"" ho*rs, $hile $or/in the area of &ih$ay !=>, 0*st north$est of 5r*n #ap, a booby
trapped hand renade $as detonated and $o*nded t$o Bobcats from Company C. Both men died
from the $o*nds they recei)ed.
@n May 03, 1968, elements of the battalion cond*cted s$eeps in the area of (p C* #ao,
5 /ilometers $est of 5an Son 3h*t, $ith neati)e contact. Company (, 1?5
(M) $ent @+C@3
directly to !
Briade &ead6*arters.
Company C cond*cted road sec*rity operations in the 5ran Ban area.
@n May 04, 1968, elements of the battalion cond*cted s$eeps of the area and pro)ided
sec*rity for chec/points. (t 1!!" ho*rs, Company ( $as released bac/ to battalion control.
@ne Bobcat from Company C died from m*ltiple framentation $o*nds.
@n May 05, 1968, Company B pro)ided sec*rity for the battalion for$ard base area.
@ther *nits cond*cted ,I% operations and also established and maintained sec*rity chec/points.
(t 1="" ho*rs, Company B, 1?!>
Infantry became @+C@3 to the 1?5
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and cond*cted operations east of Bao
5rai, $here there had been hea)y enemy contact.
@n May 06, 1968, the A?!=(M) and the !?=A
(rmor $ere sent to reinforce the Bao 5rai
(,V3 arrison, $hich had been attac/ed that mornin by a three battalion si'ed enemy force.
Company C, 1?5
(M), $ith the A?:
Infantry cond*cted a s$eep of the contact area east of Bao
5rai and disco)ered many enemy bodies alon $ith $eapons, amm*nition and s*pplies.
5he ,econ +latoon, 1?5
(M) pro)ided sec*rity for the res*pply con)oy. Company C,
Infantry sec*red the 1?5
(M) for$ard base area. @ther elements of the battalion cond*cted
,I% operations thro*ho*t the area $ith neati)e contact.
@n May 07, 1968, at !"=" ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) 5as/ %orce $as released from the
operational control of the !
Briade, b*t remained in the area of the Capital Military 2istrict.
@n May 08, 1968, at "C"5 ho*rs, Company C, still @+C@3 !?=A
(rmor, /illed one VC
and capt*red fo*r others so*th of &oc Mon.
@n May 09, 1968, three Bobcats from Company ( $ere /illed $hen an (+C ble$ *p
from an accidental internal e4plosion. Spec*lation $as that someho$ a hand renade accidentally
ble$ *p inside the trac/, ca*sin a lare secondary e4plosion.
( Bobcat from Company B $as shot and /illed later in the day.
@n May 12, 1968, at "C!" ho*rs, the 1?5
(M)(.) became @+C@3 to the 1
Briade and
mo)ed from the Capital Military 2istrict to the north$est corner of the %ilhol (I5 ;;5!=;) near
the ,ach Son 5rib*tary of the Saion ,i)er. 5he battalion(.) deployed sec*rity patrols and
prepared the niht defensi)e perimeter.
Company C, still @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor, $as cond*ctin a s$eep so*th$est of Vinh
#oc near IS >":>, $hen they enco*ntered an estimated VC platoon hidin in b*n/ers. S*pported
by artillery and air stri/es, the company o)er ran the enemy positions.
@n May 13, 1968, the 1?5
(M)(.) cond*cted a ,I% operation in the %ilhol. (t 1!"" ho*rs,
the battalion(.) $ent @+C@3 to the =
Briade and bean to mo)e to a ne$ location for the
niht. (t 1C"= ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed ,+L and small arms fire on its riht flan/, east of the
0*nction of &ih$ay >( and &ih$ay 1. -nemy fire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons. (t 1CA1
ho*rs, Company B recei)ed ;"mm mortar fire. 5he enemy bro/e contact and the battalion(.)
established a niht position off &ih$ay 1 in the area of +h*oc My. @ne Bobcat from Company
( $as /illed and t$enty other Bobcats from the battalion $ere $o*nded, fo*rteen of them $ere
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and operated in the Vinh #oc area.
@n May 14, 1968, at ">!" ho*rs, the battalion(.) started mo)in north. (t 1155 ho*rs,
the lead (+C for Company ( hit an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(, 0*st so*th$est of 5r*n #ap. @ne
Bobcat $as /illed and si4 $ere $o*nded and d* 5he (+C $as a combat loss.
(t 15=" ho*rs, Company B started recei)in small arms, a*tomatic $eapons and ,+L
fire. (fter an airstri/e, Company B started assa*ltin the contact area. (t 1>5" ho*rs, the
company recei)ed t$o ;"mm mortar ro*nds. By 1C"" ho*rs, they o)erran the contact area,
capt*rin some enemy $eapons and findin one VC body.
(t 1C=" ho*rs, the Medic (+C from Company ( hit a !" po*nd mine b*t only the f*se
detonated. (t 1C55 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine = /ilometers
north$est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5;>!=C. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and three $ere $o*nded and
d* 5he battalion(.) established a niht position at I5 5;5!A>.
@n May 15, 1968, the battalion(.), $ith one platoon from Company (, !?=A
attached, cond*cted s$eeps in the area $ith liht scattered contact. (ll *nits closed the battalion
for$ard base. (t !"!" ho*rs, the niht base area recei)ed nine C!mm mortar ro*nds. Si4 Bobcats
$ere $o*nded and d* Si4 amb*sh patrols $ere established, all $ithin A"" meters of the
base perimeter. (t !!5" ho*rs, all three of Company BHs (+s reported seein a liht mo)in to
the northeast.
@n May 16, 1968, at ""=C ho*rs, the niht base started recei)in small arms and ,+L
fire. (t ""A" ho*rs, one of Company BHs patrols reported that they $ere ret*rnin to the
perimeter $ith = cas*alties. (t ""A! ho*rs, one of Company (Hs patrols $as in direct contact.
@ne of Company BHs (+Cs on the niht perimeter $as hit by an ,+L ro*nd and started b*rnin.
-lements ret*rned fire $ith oranic $eapons, air stri/es and mortars.
5$o soldiers from the !?=A
$ere $o*nded, as $ere si4 Bobcats from Company ( and
eiht Bobcats from Company B. Si4 Bobcats from Company B $ere /illed at their amb*sh site
location. 5heir bodies co*ld not be retrie)ed beca*se of the contact.
(t "=!5 ho*rs, patrols $ere sent o*t to search the area. (t "5"" ho*rs, Company B
p*lled all their patrols in beca*se of enemy mo)ement in the area.
( search of the area in the dayliht re)ealed the bodies of VC soldiers, $eapons,
amm*nition and e6*ipment. 3*mero*s blood trails $ere also fo*nd in the area. 5he bodies of the
si4 Bobcats from the Company B amb*sh $ere retrie)ed. J1ordK circ*lated amonst the soldiers
that the men had apparently fallen asleep and had their throats c*t.
( trac/er do team $as bro*ht o*t to the battalion base area and a detailed search of the
area $as cond*cted d*rin the day.
Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor and contin*ed operations in the Vinh
#oc area.
@n May 17, 1968, t$o Bobcats died from b*rns they had recei)ed pre)io*sly. @ne $as
from Company B and the other $as a medic. 5he battalion(.) cond*cted ,I% operations and
mo)ed north to the so*thern ede of the Boi #oi 1oods and established a ne$ for$ard base.
@n May 18, 1968, the battalion(.) mo)ed to a ne$ base area at I5 5==!:", located 0*st
off &ih$ay ;( and A /ilometers so*th of &ih$ay !=C. (mb*sh patrols departed the perimeter
shortly after 1:"" ho*rs. (t !"15 ho*rs the amb*sh patrol from the ,econ +latoon reported that
they had one man accidentally shot in the foot. &e $as bro*ht bac/ to the base and d*
(n 1C man amb*sh patrol from Company ( ret*rned to the perimeter after e4pendin a
ood part of their amm*nition on an *n/no$n si'e enemy force they enco*ntered on their $ay
o*t to their amb*sh site. 5hey $ere ordered bac/ o*t and set *p abo*t ="" meters from the
perimeter $hen they aain detected enemy mo)ement to their front.
@n May 19, 1968, at appro4imately "5"" ho*rs, the battalion base area started recei)in
mortar and ,+L fire. 5he Company ( amb*sh set off its Claymores on a lare enemy force. In
the ens*in firefiht, fo*r Bobcats $ere /illed and se)eral others $ere $o*nded. 5hose still ali)e
fo*ht their $ay bac/ to the perimeter $ith the $o*nded members of the patrol. 5he enemy
attac/ $as rep*lsed $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and air stri/es. Many VC bodies $ere fo*nd
in front of the Company ( amb*sh location.
2*rin the day Company ((.) and Company B(.) cond*cted a ,I% operation $est and
north of the base area.
@n May 20, 1968, @ne bobcat from Company C died from $o*nds he had pre)io*sly
recei)ed. Company C remained @+C@3 to the !?=A
(rmor, operatin in the Vinh #oc area.
5he battalion(.) mo)ed to a ne$ niht location at I5 5="!CC
@n May 21, 1968, the battalion(.) mo)ed into an area north of 5ran Ban and
established a for$ard base at I5 5==!:".
@n May 22, 1968, at """5 ho*rs, an attac/ $as la*nched aainst the battalion niht
perimeter. @ranic $eapons, artillery and helicopter liht fire teams $ere *sed to s*ppress the
enemy assa*lt. Contact $as bro/en by the enemy at "=A5 ho*rs. %i)e Bobcats $ere /illed in the
action. 5$o $ere from the ,econ +latoon and three $ere from Company (.
(t dayliht, enemy bodies and miscellaneo*s e6*ipment $ere policed *p from aro*nd the
battalion perimeter.
@n May 23, 1968, the !?=A
(rmor $as released from @+C@3 to the !
Briade at 15="
@n May 24, 1968, the 1?5
(M) ret*rned to C* Chi Base Camp.
@n May 26, 1968, the 1?5
(M) contin*ed$n at C* Chi and acted as di)ision
ready reaction force.
@n May 29, 1968, the 1?5
(M) relie)ed the !?!!(M) of road sec*rity. Company (
sec*red the battalion for$ard base at I5 AC=1:;. Company C mo)ed to 5ay 3inh Base Camp
and the ,econ +latoon mo)ed to 2a* 5ien Base Camp to pro)ide con)oy sec*rity bet$een 5ay
3inh, Ba* Co and 2a* 5ien.
@n May 30, 1968, elements of the battalion cleared &ih$ay 1 from 5ay 3inh to the &oc
Mon Bride. (t 1=1" ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5 mine at I5
=:1A=!. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded. Company C cleared roads and sec*red con)oys bet$een 5ay
3inh and 2a* 5ien and also sec*red the roc/ cr*sher site at I5 !C5;.
@n May 31, 1968, elements of the 1?5
(M) cleared the main s*pply ro*te (&ih$ay 1)
from 5ay 3inh to the &oc Mon Bride. (fter clearin the road Company ( reconnoitered the
area of I5 ;511. Company B reconnoitered the area of I5 A>!!. Company C and the ,econ
+latoon cleared roads and pro)ided sec*rity for con)oys bet$een 5ay 3inh and 2a* 5ien and
also sec*red the roc/ cr*sher site at I5 !C5;.
2*rin May 1968, t$enty.nine Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
David A. Stremler; 1ohn D. Molpus; Charles H. Turner 1r.; Kellum W. Grant;
Samuel S. Linville; Claude D. Protz; 1oseph Greene; Robert G. Hoop; Steve R. Powell;
Kenneth D. Rynning; Clifton Cubbage; Otis E. Isbell; Henry 1. Kirchner 1r.;
Louie 1. Sandoval; Daniel L. Underwood; Paul E. Watson; Dennis L. Everts;
Timothy M. Hamilton; Guy L. 1ewett; William C. Baldwin; Overtis Hinton 1r.;
Kenneth R. Wilson; Gary W. Dunn; 1oe R. Courtney; Gale W. Dixon;
William M. Clarke 1r.; Paul A. Froehl; 1oe R. Hines; and 1ames V. Antolini.
3o data co*ld be located for the month of 1une 1968.
2ata for the month of 1uly 1968 $as )irt*ally non.e4istant.
@n 1uly 22, 1968, at 11"" ho*rs, the !
Battalion, 5";
(B Infantry enco*ntered an
*n/no$n si'ed enemy force = /ilometers east.northeast of 5ran Ban. 5he contact contin*ed
thro*ho*t the day and into the niht.
(t the same time to the $est, Company B, A?!=
(M) enaed an *n/no$n si'ed enemy
force A /ilometers north of Lo 2a* &a* at I5 =:!="1. Companies ( and B of the 1?5
(M) $ere
sent to reinforce Company B, A?!=
(M). 5he contact lasted thro*ho*t the day and into the niht.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in statistical data for the D*arterly +eriod
of May "1, 1:;C to 9*ly =1, 1:;C:
EI(: =A5B 1I(: 1,A!AB 3B2: !AB 3BI: !C.
+ersonnel shortaes contin*ed to e4ist in Infantry Captains and Infantry 3C@s in rades
-.; and -.>.
2*rin the 6*arterly period defoliation missions $ere flo$n in areas of operation to clear
)eetation borderin roads, paths, trails and $ater$ays (@riental and Saion ,i)ers)B clearin
)eetation from fields of fire and a)en*es of approach and clearin )eetation s*rro*ndin C* Chi
Base Camp and other critical installations.
5hro*ho*t the 6*arterly period se)eral *nits $ere reorani'ed *nder ne$ 5@-. 5hese
*nits $ere: 1
Bn, 5
Inf(Mech)B !
Bn, !!
Inf(Mech)B A
Bn, !=
Inf(Mech). 5he ne$ 5@-
$as 5@- >.A5L per 7S(,+(C L@ !!; dated > May 1:;C.
@n August 03, 1968, Company B $as cond*ctin a s$eep in the eastern portion of the
Michelin ,*bber +lantation. Contact $as made and the VC too/ shelter in a )illae. Company (
$as dispatched to reinforce Company B. (t ":15 ho*rs, the )illae $as e)ac*ated $ith the help
of a lo*d spea/er helicopter. @ne of the )illaers stated that there $ere still 1"" VC in the )illae.
CS $as dropped on the )illae and a #%5 $as called in. (t ":5C ho*rs, a d* $as re6*ested.
@ne of the #%5 helicopters had fired a roc/et that e4ploded on Company B soldiers. @ne Bobcat
$as /illed and fi)e $ere $o*nded. (lso $o*nded by the roc/et blast $ere one enineer and one
Vietnamese ci)ilian. ( search of the )illae res*lted in neati)e contact.
5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity for a con)oy from 2a* 5ien to 5ay 3inh. (t !15"
ho*rs, elements of Company C pro)idin sec*rity at the 2a* 5ien Bride o)er the Saion ,i)er
enaed and destroyed one sampan.
@n August 07, 1968, at 1C!5 ho*rs, 2a* 5ien Base Camp recei)ed small arms fire. %ire
$as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons. 5he enemy fire contin*ed for almost =" min*tes before the
VC bro/e contact. @ne Bobcat from Company C $as /illed and another $o*nded in the
@n August 09, 1968, Companies ( and C cond*cted s$eeps in the area of (+ 1!, located
in the center of the Michelin at I5 55>5"5. (t 1=A5 ho*rs, Company C recei)ed sniper fire $hile
mo)in bac/ to 2a* 5ien. 5here $ere neati)e cas*alties. (t 1AA5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon
departed 5ay 3inh $ith a AC )ehicle con)oy. (t 15"> ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed small arms fire
from = or A VC. 5he VC bro/e contact $hen fire $as ret*rned. ( d* $as re6*ested for one
Bobcat from Company ( $ho $as shot in the chest. &e died of his $o*nds later in the day.
@n August 14, 1968, at !=!= ho*rs, Company C reported that one VC $al/ed to$ard the
niht perimeter and $as shot.
@n August 15, 1968, at "5A5 ho*rs it $as reported that the person /illed on (**st 1A,
$as a 7S Soldier from Company C, 1?5
(M). &e had no $eapons or $eb ear $hen fo*nd.
Spec*lation on ho$ he ot o*tside the perimeter and then $al/ed bac/ to$ards it )aried.
@n August 16, 1968, Companies (, B, and C cond*cted a cordon and search of 2a*
5ien City $ith So*th Vietnamese 2istrict officials. 1"! people $ere detained for 6*estionin.
@n August 17, 1968, at "A"" ho*rs, 2a* 5ien Base Camp $as hit by a mortar and
roc/et barrae. %i)e people $ere $o*nded. 5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith artillery fire $ith
*n/no$n res*lts.
@n August 18, 1968, the battalion departed 2a* 5ien to cond*ct a seacrh of the area
north$est of the Ben C*i (irstrip. (t ">5" ho*rs, Company B enaed a lare enemy force at
I5 A=CA;>. Company C and the ,econ +latoon soon reinforced the action and $ere s*pported
by artillery, air stri/es and helicopter *n ships. Company ( remained in a bloc/in position to the
north$est. Se)en Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the enaement.
@n August 19, 1968, Company (, 1?5
(M) $as dispatched $ith Company B, A?!=(M)
to assist 5roop (, P Ca)alry $ho $ere amb*shed $hile mo)in from C* Chi to 5ay 3inh on
&ih$ay !;.
Companies B and C $ith the ,econ +latoon $ere s$eepin the area on the $estern ede
of the pre)io*s dayHs enaement. (t 1!!5 ho*rs, Company B made contact $ith an *n/no$n
si'e enemy force. Company C and the ,econ +latoon 0oined Company B in the fiht. (rtillery, air
stri/es and helicopter *n ships $ere called in for s*pport. 5he *nits made t$o assa*lts on the
enemy position before they $ere able to mo)e thro*h it and the enemy bro/e contact. 5he *nits
headed bac/ to 2a* 5ien Base Camp after s$eepin the area of contact.
Company B $as then dispatched to head to$ards 5ay 3inh on &ih$ay !=: and meet a
+latoon from the P Ca)alry $ho $ere enro*te to 2a* 5ien and then to escort them to 2a*
5ien. Company B recei)ed some enemy fire as it mo)ed $est on hih$ay !=:.
(fter lin/in *p $ith the P Ca)alry element, they started their ret*rn trip to 2a* 5ien.
(t 1C!C ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon recei)ed fire from the so*th side of &ih$ay !=: at I5
AA=AA5. (t 1C== ho*rs, Company B recei)ed ,+L fire in the area of &ih$ay !=: at I5
A1;AAA. (t 1CA= ho*rs, one (+C $as reported hit by ,+L fire shortly after the *nits had entered
the r*bber trees at I5 A5;AA:. (nother (+C and a tan/ $ere also hit in the same area. 5he *nits
fo*ht their $ay east and $here &ih$ay !=: t*rns north, another tan/ $as hit by ,+L fire. (
little f*rther north at I5 A;!A5C t$o more (+Cs $ere hit. 5he *nits had to lea)e one tan/ and
one (+C on the hih$ay. 5hey $ere too badly damaed to to$. 1ith the help of helicopter
*nships and artillery the *nits made their $ay aro*nd the c*r)e to $here &ih$ay !=: heads in
an easterly direction. 5hey too/ some fire at the c*r)e, b*t once past it, enemy contact ceased.
5he *nits closed 2a* 5ien Base Camp at !"5" ho*rs.
2*rin the day, : Bobcats from Company B $ere /illed. Company ( had ! $o*nded.
Company B had A= $o*nded and Company C had !" $o*nded. 5he ,econ +latoon had =
$o*nded. 5he platoon from P Ca)alry had 1= $o*nded and 1 /illed. %o*r (+Cs from Company
B $ere hea)ily damaed and t$o tan/s from the P Ca)alry $ere o*t of action.
@n August 20, 1968, at ";!5 ho*rs, Company C and the ,econ +latoon and the =

Briade C,I+ *nit departed 2a* 5ien to chec/ o*t the pre)io*s dayHs contact area on &ih$ay
!=:, so*th of the abandoned Ben C*i airstrip at I5 A5A5. 5he )illae at I5 A;=A5" $as
searched. Villaers reported that a lare VC force $as in the area. (t 1=1" ho*rs, the *nits closed
on the contact area $here the tan/ and (+C had been left the e)enin before. @ne damaed tan/
and one damaed (+C $ere ta/en into to$ to be ret*rned to 2a* 5ien. 5he body of one tan/er
from the P Ca)alry $as fo*nd inside the tan/.
In a search of the immediate area aro*nd I5 A5A5, blood trails, $eb ear and
miscellaneo*s amm*nition $ere located. 5he *nits closed bac/ at 2a* 5ien Base Camp by 1;""
(t 1>=1 ho*rs the 2a* 5ien Base Camp recei)ed a A> ro*nd mortar barrae.
Company (, still @+C@3 to the A?!=(M), had one Bobcat shot and /illed by a sniper,
lea)in only one commissioned officer in Company (.
@n August 21, 1968, at ";A" ho*rs, Company C departed 2a* 5ien for a ,I% operation
thro*h the Ben C*i ,*bber +lantation. 5he company $as to be appro4imately 1 /ilometer so*th
of the MS,M&ih$ay !=:O. 5he company had a Sco*t 2o team $ith them. (t ";5C ho*rs, the
,econ +latoon $ith one J2*sterK attached and the =
Briade C,I+ +latoon, left 2a* 5ien to
s$eep &ih$ay !=:. (s Company C mo)ed thro*h the r*bber plantation, the ,econ +latoon
paralleled their mo)ement alon the hih$ay.
(t 111" ho*rs, Company C, mo)in $ith troops on the ro*nd in front of the (+Cs,
recei)ed sniper fire. @ne Bobcat $as /illed. 5he Company then started to recei)e a*tomatic
$eapons fire and hea)y ,+L fire.
JI called the S.=, $ho $as flyin abo)e me in the air, and told him that at first I $as 0*st
recei)in hea)y sniper fire and it constantly started to increase. (t this time I p*lled my !

+latoon *p on the riht flan/ of my 1
+latoon, so I co*ld p*t more fire po$er *p on my front
beca*se this is $here all the fire $as comin from. 5he enemy fire contin*ed to increase and for a
$hile there it seemed li/e there m*st ha)e been h*ndreds of (Es firin at *s. (t this time I a)e
the order for e)eryone to p*ll bac/ aro*nd $here I had my A
+latoon pro)idin rear sec*rity for
*s, and set *p in a perimeter. 9*st as $e started to mo)e bac/ ,+Ls started rainin in li/e
someone shootin M.>:s. I ne)er seen so many ,+Ls and a*tomatic $eapons fire in my life. It
$as so s*ppressin that people co*ldnHt hardly mo)e.K
(t 11A: ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon, located on &ih$ay !=:, reported that h*ndreds of
enemy soldiers $ere mo)in so*th from the )illae at I5 A5A5 to reinforce the enemy contact
$ith Company C. 5he ,econ +latoon fired on these soldiers $ith their .5" caliber machine*ns
and the t$in A"mm J2*sterK b*t the fire po$er $as not eno*h to stop the enemy mo)ement.
J@nce I a)e the order for *s to mo)e bac/ and form a perimeter aro*nd my A
+latoon, I
first mo)ed my !
+latoon $hich $as on the riht flan/ bac/ to the A
+latoon area. 9*st as the
+latoon and the 1
+latoon started mo)in bac/, $e started ta/in )ery hea)y fire from the
front and both o*r flan/s and ,+Ls $ere flyin all o)er the place. 1e ot *p and slo$ly started
mo)in bac/. 1e ot bac/ to appro4imately 5" to >5 yards from $here the !
and A
$ere. (n ,+L hit the trac/ close to me or the trac/ that I $as by or the ro*nd, IHm not s*re
$hat it hit, and /noc/ed me, I $as $o*nded, it hit both my ,5@s and = or A other people aro*nd
there. (nd I /no$ the trac/ I $as standin by $as /noc/ed o*t and I finally manaed to et *p
and the t$o other trac/s abo*t 5 or 1" meters from me too/ )ery hea)y ,+L fire and they $ere
both /noc/ed o*t. (t this time I $as pretty da'ed and I lost so m*ch blood that I $as 0*st ettin
$ea/ and they finally rabbed me and thro$ed me inside one of the trac/s and the =
leader too/ chare of the company. @ne thin of importance that I miht mention too is the fact
that $e had tro*ble ettin artillery fire in there at first beca*se it $as )ery thic/ and the choppers
in the air had a hard time identifyin o*r smo/e pl*s my artillery %@ $as $o*nded. My fo*r.d*ce
%@ $as $o*nded, in fact I *ess practically e)eryone in my head6*arters ro*p $as $o*nded.K
(t 1!"" ho*rs, Company C reported that their sit*ation $as critical and that they $ere
p*llin bac/. In the 5" min*te firefiht, Company C had ; (+CHs destroyed, 1> men /illed and !1
$o*nded. (t 1!"1 ho*rs the first helicopter liht fire team arri)ed in the area. (t 1!"! ho*rs,
Company B 1?5
(M) $as alerted to to assist Company C, b*t ne)er left the 2a* 5ien
Base Camp.
J(nd $e fell bac/ abo*t 1"" yards to try and et the artillery into that area and tryin to
i)e *s a little $or/in room so that $e co*ld contin*e /eepin them a$ay from *s. 1e dre$
bac/ abo*t 1"" yards and three more of o*r trac/s ot hit. By the time $e started p*llin bac/
the oo/s $ere already s$armin all o)er the first three trac/s that $ere hit. 1e p*lled bac/
abo*t 1"" yards and the command ro*p $as do$n behind one of the trac/s and that trac/ too/ a
hit from an ,+L >. 1hen it hit, it $o*nded the company commander and the %@. It /illed one of
the ,5@s and serio*sly $o*nded one of the other ,5@s.
(t this point the company $as totally disorani'ed. 5hey $ere in a ro*h perimeter, the
trac/s $ere still firin to$ard the front and the fire $as still comin at *s from the riht flan/, a
little bit from the left flan/ b*t not too m*ch, b*t mostly from the front and riht flan/. 5he 1

+latoon #eader had been /illed in the initial contact, and so they $ere $itho*t leadership there.
5he =
+latoon, I $as still aro*nd b*t I had se)eral men /illed and a lot of em $o*nded. 1e
p*lled bac/. I had lost all three of my trac/s. 5he !
+latoon and Mortar +latoon $ere in the rear
and they $ere 6*ite a $ays bac/ and they $ere only recei)in liht contact. 5hey hadnHt had
anybody h*rt, b*t I had no /no$lede of them $hatsoe)er.
1hat I had aro*nd me $as so disorani'ed and there $ere so many /illed and $o*nded at
that point, that I 0*st started ettin e)erybody in the trac/s. I started yellin at e)erybody, Qet in
the trac/s and et the trac/s mo)in.H (nd it too/ me abo*t 1" min*tes before I co*ld et
e)erybody I co*ld et, the dead I 0*st had to lea)e there. 5he $o*nded people, e)erybody I co*ld
et my hands on and e)erybody that anybody else co*ld et their hands on $e started thro$in in
the trac/s. I ot e)erybody thro$n into the trac/s and the trac/s started mo)in o*t. 5hose that
$ere still o*tside the trac/s, $e yelled at em to et on the trac/s and to my /no$lede e)erybody
that $as still ali)e and mo)in at that time ot on the trac/s. 5hey co*ld see the trac/s $ere
mo)in o*t and if they didnHt et on them they $ere oin to be left there. So they all manaed to
et on the trac/s and $e p*lled bac/ o*t.K
1hat $as left of Company C mo)ed bac/ thro*h the r*bber plantation to a clearin they
had passed thro*h at the beinnin of their s$eep. 1; Bobcats and one (,V3 soldier $ere left
on the battlefield. (t the clearin, Company C $as 0oined by the ,econ +latoon(X) and C,I+
element and established a perimeter for d*st.offs. 5he d*st.offs of the $o*nded $ere completed
at 1!5A ho*rs. 5he *nits closed bac/ into 2a* 5ien base camp at 1=15 ho*rs to rero*p.
(t 1==" ho*rs, Company C made a preliminary report that they had ! Bobcats /illed and
!1 $o*nded and the ,econ element had ! $o*nded. 5he =
Briade C,I+ had one man /illed. (t
1=A= ho*rs, 2a* 5ien base camp started recei)in sporadic mortar fire.
(t 1A=" ho*rs, one platoon from the battalion $as dispatched to pro)ide sec*rity for the
Saion ,i)er Bride at 2a* 5ien. (t 1AA5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon and the =
Briade C,I+
*nit departed the base camp and established a position at the ede of the $oodline of the r*bber
plantation. (t 1;"" ho*rs, all elements $ere ordered to p*ll bac/ to 2a* 5ien Base Camp. Some
Company C soldiers $anted to o bac/ into the Ben C*i immediately and retrie)e their fello$
soldiers. B*t that $as not allo$ed.
(t 1CA= ho*rs, a battalion preliminary report stated that Company C had !1 $o*nded, 1
/illed and 1= missin in action and = MI( $ho $ere /no$n to be dead. (lso missin $as a
Vietnamese Soldier $ho $as an interpreter for Company C.
Sergeant Marvin R. Young:
J@n (**st !1, 1:;C Charlie Company of the 1
Battalion (Mechani'ed), 5

Infantry $as cond*ctin a s$eep in the Ben C*i ,*bber +lantation. (t 11"" ho*rs the company
came *nder hea)y small arms, a*tomatic $eapons, ,+L and mortar attac/ from an estimated
3orth Vietnamese ,eiment. @n Initial contact the actin platoon leader $as shot and /illed.
Sereant Go*n then too/ chare and started directin o*r fire and deployin *s into better
positions. (t this time the rest of the company started p*llin bac/ b*t o*r comm*nications had
been /noc/ed o*t and $e had no $ay to /no$ they $ere p*llin bac/ to rero*p. Sereant
Go*n finally fo*nd o*t the company had p*lled bac/ and so he ordered *s to do the same. &e
stayed to pro)ide fire $hile $e $ithdre$ *ntil he tho*ht $e $ere all bac/. 5hen he noticed si4
men still fihtin on the riht front flan/. 1ith complete disreard for his o$n safety he ran to
their location. @n the $ay he $as shot thro*h the side of his face completely losin one eye. &e
/ept on to their position and he laid do$n a base of fire as they all $ithdre$. 1hen they ot bac/
a $ays, Sereant Go*n $as *nable to mo)e too ood $ith the one eye one. &e dropped behind
and one man of his s6*ad helped him. (s they started bac/ aain, a ro*p of 3orth Vietnamese
came *p from behind and shot Sereant Go*n aain in the *pper arm and he $ent do$n. 5he
man helpin him stayed to hold off the enemy. (nother 3orth Vietnamese sprayed the area aain
and hit Sereant Go*n in the le. 5he fire also $o*nded the other man in the foot. Sereant
Go*n si'ed *p the sit*ation and /no$in he co*ldnHt et o*t, ordered the man $ith him to lea)e
and try to sa)e himself. 5he man protested and stayed a fe$ min*tes more. Sereant Go*n co*ld
tell the enemy $o*ld o)er r*n them in a matter of min*tes and he once aain ordered his helper to
lea)e. &e told him he had done a ood 0ob, b*t it $as time to o and that he /ne$ he co*ldnHt
ma/e it. Sereant Go*n a)e his life in the ca*se of freedom, and helped the men he had $or/ed
Sergeant Marvin R. Young was later, posthumously, awarded the Congressional
Medal of Honor for his actions.
5he Intellience @fficer of the 1?5
(M) s*mmed *p the action of (**st !1
this $ay:
J5his contact on the !1
of (**st correlates $ith all the contact that $eH)e had
since the 1C
of (**st. 3o$ the mission that $as assined Charlie Company today $as to
s$eep thro*h the so*thern portion of the Ben C*i to try to find any locations, bodies, $eb ear,
doc*ments, also to try to find if any VC $ere still in the area. 5he intellience reports had been
b*ildin *p since o*r contact on the 1C
. 1e recei)ed reports that to the east in the Michelin
,*bber, that the A
Battalion of the +h* #oi ,eiment $as located in the center of (p So 1=.
3o$ from this report and another report that I recei)ed that to the so*th a lare si'e force $as
mo)in north to$ard the Ben C*i, $e tho*ht that the possibility e4isted that on the !"
$o*ld et hit. &o$e)er, that niht thins $ere enerally 6*iet. 5he follo$in mornin Charlie
Company had the mission to s$eep in the Ben C*i, primarily to the so*thern portion of the area
of contact on the 1:
. (ain their mission $as to see if there $ere any oo/s left in there, find
any bodies, anythin, any doc*ments, 0*st to see $hat $as o*t there in that area.
@*r friendly losses $ere, $e had ! EI(, 1 of em from the C,I+ +latoon and the actin
platoon leader of the 1
+latoon, Charlie Company $as /illed in the initial contact, a sniper shot
him in the head. 1e had 1A MI(, ! of these are confirmed EI(. 1e had != $o*nded. Most of
them $ere able to ret*rn to d*ty. (ppro4imately C or 1" of them $ere serio*s $o*nds.
1e estimate that thereHs at least a reiment in there. 5oniht the possibility does e4ist that
$e may et hit, ho$e)er, $eHre callin in as m*ch artillery and air stri/es and so forth that $e can
$ithin that area. 3o$ the ref*ees in the )illae, in those t$o )illaes, did e)ac*ate themsel)es.
5hereHs appro4imately !"" ref*ees that came o*t of the )illae. 5hey informed myself and MI
personnel that the 3V( and VC forces $ere occ*pyin both )illaes, so $eHre oin to try and
brin as m*ch fire po$er as $e can aainst those t$o )illaes toniht. In tomorro$Hs operation
$eHll probably be able to et some more information, o o*t there and see if they ha)e $ithdra$n
completely or if theyHre still there.K
@n August 22, 1968, at "!=5 ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) $as placed *nder @+C@3 to the 1?!>

Infantry for the dayHs operations. (t "="" ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) S.= and the S.= from the 1?!>

Infantry coordinated plans for the dayHs acti)ities. (t ";A" ho*rs, Company B, 1?5
(M) $ith an
element of the P Ca)alry attached departed 2a* 5ien. Company C, 1?5
(M), stood by o*tside
the $est ate of 2a* 5ien Base Camp.
(t ">"" ho*rs, the Commandin @fficer of the 1?!>
Infantry arri)ed to ta/e command of
the dayHs operation. (t ">15 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon, 1?5
(M) departed 2a* 5ien and
proceeded $est on &ih$ay !=: and then t*rned so*th, parallelin &ih$ay 1:. 5he platoon
t*rned $est into the Ben C*i, 0*st so*th of the A; Lrid line.
Company B(X) contin*ed $est into the Ben C*i alon &ih$ay !=:. Company C mo)ed
so*th abo*t 5"" meters and then t*rned $est into the Ben C*i. -lements of the !?!>
$ere located immediately to the rear of Company C. (t ":"" ho*rs, all *nits reported neati)e
(t ":1C ho*rs, Company B(X) mo)ed $est from $here &ih$ay !=: t*rns so*th and
&ih$ay 1: oes $est. 5he plan $as for them to proceed and chec/ o*t the area north of the
abandoned Ben C*i (irstrip. 5hey reported findin 3V( $eb ear and some hand renades. (t
":1: ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon t*rned in a northerly direction to$ards Company B.
(t ":!C ho*rs, Company B(X) reported that they $ere in hea)y contact 0*st $est of the
hih$ay !=: and 1: split. 5he soldiers $ere mo)in on the ro*nd in front of the (+Cs. (t 1"A"
ho*rs, Company B(X) reported that they $ere still recei)in ,+L fire and a*tomatic $eapons
fire. 5$o (+Cs from the P Ca)alry element had been hit by ,+L ro*nds. By 11A5 ho*rs,
Company B had fi)e $o*nded. 5he fihtin $as intense $ith an occasional l*ll. (rtillery fire $as
called in on the enemy positions. 5he troops $o*ld ad)ance and then fall bac/. Company B(X)
$as ordered to p*ll bac/ and rero*p on line. 5he line $as staered and in the conf*sion of
battle t$o men $ere left in front of the line.
5he ,econ +latoon and Company C had mo)ed north and lin/ed *p $ith Company B(X)
at 1!"" ho*rs. (ir stri/es, artillery and helicopter liht fire teams $ere employed in and aro*nd
the oriinal contact area. (t 1="= ho*rs, a d* $as re6*ested for one badly b*rned indi)id*al.
(t 1="; ho*rs, a Jd*sterK and a D*ad 5" $ere mo)ed to the north of the contact area. By
1A"" ho*rs, more air stri/es $ere completed. (t 1A55 ho*rs, it $as reported that *nits $ere
attemptin to locate and e4tract the ! Company B personnel. Searchin elements fo*nd one of the
Bobcats and his M.;" machine*n. &e $as dead. 5hey also located the M.;" machine*n of the
second Bobcat b*t there $as no sin of him.
(fter searchin the area aain $ith neati)e res*lts, all elements departed the contact area
and mo)ed to the area of the abandoned Ben C*i airstrip to establish a niht perimeter at I5
AAAA5>. (ll elements closed by 1:=" ho*rs. %o*r amb*sh patrols $ere deployed. (t 1:=5 ho*rs,
the 1?5
(M) became @+C@3 to the !
(lso on the !!
one Bobcat from Company ( died from $o*nds he had recei)ed earlier.
@n August 23, 1968, Company B departed the niht base perimeter and bean search
operations at "C"" ho*rs. Company C follo$ed at "C5! ho*rs. 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided
sec*rity for the niht perimeter location. (t ":5" ho*rs, 5roop (, P Ca)alry $as released from
@+C@3 to the 1?5
(M) and departed the niht perimeter. (t 1"A" ho*rs, Company (, 1?5
$as released from @+C@3 to the A?!=
(t 1"51 ho*rs, Company C mo)ed closer to the contact area of (**st !1. (t
I5 A;"AAA they located appro4imately 1"" b*n/ers that had been *sed in the last fe$ days. (t
11!" ho*rs, the company located the first body of the 1> soldiers $ho $ere MI( from the fiht
on the (**st !1
. (t 11!5 ho*rs, Company C $as instr*cted to sec*re the area of the MI(s and
not dist*rb or to*ch anythin. 5he Battalion Commander, the !nd Briade Commander and
personnel from the !5
2i)ision &ead6*arters $ere oin to )isit and inspect the battlefield
(t 11=" ho*rs, Company B $as instr*cted to sec*re &ih$ay !=: for a con)oy from 2a*
5ien to 5ay 3inh and then for one oin in the opposite direction. (t 1!55 ho*rs, Company (,
(M) closed the battalion for$ard base location at the Ben C*i (irstrip.
(t 1==" ho*rs, Company C reported that they had located 1A bodies of the Company C
MI(s. (t 1A=" ho*rs, it $as reported that all 1> bodies that $ere left on the battlefield some AC
ho*rs earlier had been located and sec*red.
By 1:"" ho*rs, all *nits had closed into the battalion niht perimeter at the Ben C*i
@n August 24, 1968, at ""=" ho*rs, %SB Schofield, (I5 A">AA"), located = /ilometers
so*th$est of the 1?5
(M) niht location, $as attac/ed by a lare enemy force. (t "5=" ho*rs,
Companies (, B, and C, 1?5
(M) departed the niht location to establish a bloc/in position
north and east of %SB Schofield. (t "C"" ho*rs, the *nits bean search operations to the $est.
(t 1;"A ho*rs, Company ( $as sent to reinforce the arrison at 2a* 5ien Base Camp.
5he ,econ +latoon $as dispatched to sec*re a bride site and the other battalion *nits closed the
niht perimeter at the Ben C*i Jairstrip.K
@n August 25, 1968, the 1?5
(M) mo)ed its area of operations into the Michelin ,*bber
+lantation. (t 1"=" ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5 mine. @ne Bobcat
$as $o*nded.
@n August 26, 1968, at 1""5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine at
I5 55"A:5, in the middle of the Michelin. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C $as a
combat loss. Shortly after$ards, Company C had an (+C detonate a mine abo*t 1""" meters to
the east of the Company ( mine incident. 5here $ere no in0*ries.
@n August 27, 1968, %SB ,a$lins, located = /ilometers east of 5ay 3inh at I5 !:>AC:,
came *nder hea)y mortar, roc/et and ro*nd attac/ by an estimated ! enemy battalions.
@n August 28, 1968, at ":1" ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine in
the Michelin at I5 5A>AC=. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
@n August 29, 1968, the !
Briade departed 2a* 5ien and ret*rned to C* Chi. 5he
operational responsibility for the 2a* 5ien area $as ret*rned to the 1
2*rin August 1968, thirty.three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Charles R. Crim; Marshall D. Wolford; Paul L. Sullivan; Bruce W. Collins;
Terrence E. Butler; Willie S. Fields; Aubrey R. Henley; 1oe E. Lofton; 1ack P. Pashano;
Richard Ramirez 1r.; Frederick V. Seaborne; Rene Serrano; Arthur Watson;
1ohn A. Connell; Bruce E. Bartlett; 1ames L. Bowden; Edward V. Coffey;
1ose R. Colon-Rivera; 1erry W. Combest; Richard A. Damschen 1r.; Gary L. Dobbins;
Edward 1. Dull; 1ames L. Harbottle; Manior D. Lang 1r.; David W. Ledbetter;
Michael R. Mangan; Hubert W. Martin; 1esus Rivera; 1ames E. Rush;
Delbert R. Stogsdill; Marvin R. Young; Arcadio Torres 1r.; Phillip T. Delorenzo. There
was one Bobcat missing in action: Humberto Acosta-Rosario.
@n September 02, 1968, at 1>55 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine
$hile cond*ctin a s$eep in the Michelin. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C $as $ritten
off as a combat loss.
(t !==" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company B set *p in the Michelin at I5 51>5";
opened fire on appro4imately 15 VC. In the firefiht that follo$ed, three Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
5here $as one confirmed VC /illed.
@n September 03, 1968, at 1>15 ho*rs, Company C $as enaed by enemy troops alon
&ih$ay !=: bet$een I5 A5A5 and A;A5. 2*rin the co*rse of the enaement the company
recei)ed ,+L, mortar and small arms fire. In the initial o*tbrea/, one (+C $as hit and destroyed.
(t 1C!" ho*rs, another (+C $as hit by ,+L fire and also one to$in a do$ned (+C $as hit.
&elicopter #iht %ire 5eams, artillery fire and S*per Spoo/y L*nships $ere *tili'ed in
s*ppressin the enemy fire alon $ith the oranic $eapons of Company C.
(t !""; ho*rs, Company B mo)ed o*t of 2a* 5ien to the ede of the Ben C*i on
&ih$ay !=:. (t !155 ho*rs, Company ( mo)ed from the $est ate to the ede of the r*bber.
Company ( passed thro*h Company B and proceeded thro*h the area of contact and bac/
aain. 2*rin the e)eninHs enaement == Bobcats $ere $o*nded and one Bobcat from
Company C died from the $o*nds he recei)ed. 5here $ere also t$o men $o*nded from the ;5

-nineer Battalion.
@n September 04, 1968, at 1>15 ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an
(5 mine $hile mo)in thro*h Ben C*i Villae. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the trac/ $as
a combat loss.
(t !"1" ho*rs, a small VC force made a ro*nd probe of the perimeter of the 2a* 5ien
Base Camp.
@n September 05, 1968, at ">=" ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an
(5 mine at I5 AA>A5=, so*th of the abandoned Ben C*i (ir Strip. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded
and the trac/ recei)ed minor damae.
@n September 11, 1968, at "1A5 ho*rs, 2a* 5ien Base Camp started to recei)e a
barrae of 11 mortar ro*nds. Company ( $as in a niht perimeter at I5 A=>A51, located abo*t
="" meters $est of the Ben C*i (ir Strip. 5he Company C niht perimeter $as located at I5
A;=AAC, abo*t 1""" meters so*theast of Company (.
(t "A!5 ho*rs, Company ( started recei)in mortar, ,+L and small arms fire. 5hey did
s*stain an *n/no$n n*mber of $o*nded in the initial contact. (n enemy ro*nd assa*lt $as also
la*nched aainst the company perimeter. ( helicopter #%5 $as on station at "A=5 ho*rs. (t "AAA
ho*rs, Company C fired mortar ill*mination o)er Company (. (t "5": ho*rs, Company C $as
alerted to be ready to mo)e dismo*nted to Company (Hs location. (t "5== ho*rs Company (
reported that they $ere recei)in mortar and small arms fire from the so*th.
(t "5A! ho*rs, Company C $as ordered to mane*)er to pre)ent enemy mo)ement to the
northeast. 5he ,econ +latoon $as dispatched to relie)e Company B pro)idin sec*rity at the
bride site on the Saion ,i)er. (t "5A5 ho*rs, Company B $as ordered to prepare for air
deployment. (t ";"" ho*rs, Company ( reported that they $ere recei)in more fire from the
north$est. (t ";11 ho*rs, Company C reported that their lead element $as pinned do$n by
hea)y sniper fire and that they had some $o*nded. (t ";=" ho*rs, Company C reported that they
$ere fihtin off an assa*lt on their position from the $est. (irstri/es $ith napalm $ere *tili'ed
as $ell as helicopter *nships.
(t ">A5 ho*rs, Company B $as air inserted at I5 A5AA=A and then proceeded north
to$ard the Ben C*i (irstrip. Company (, =?!! Infantry $as flo$n in from 5ay 3inh to an #T to
the north at I5 AA"A;=.
(t ">11 ho*rs, the 2*st.offs for Company (, 1?5
(M) $ere complete.
(t "C== ho*rs, Company C $as instr*cted to mo)e from their niht perimeter d*e $est.
(t ":"5 ho*rs, Company C established a bloc/in position and Company B s$ept to$ards them.
(t 11"" ho*rs, Company (, =?!!
Infantry $as e4tracted from the area. Company B
s$ept thro*h the Ben C*i Villae and then 0oined Company (, 1?5
(M) and helped in policin
the area of VC bodies and e6*ipment. It $as estimated that the attac/in enemy force had been
near battalion si'e.
(t 1;=5 ho*rs, Company ( closed 2a* 5ien Base Camp. Company B established their
niht perimeter at I5 A=CA51, $here Company ( had been the niht before.
5hree Bobcats $ere /illed and !" $ere $o*nded d*rin the enco*nter.
@n September 12, 1968, Companies ( and B $ere assined to escort a three serial
con)oy from 2a* 5ien. 5he first serial of )ehicles $as able to proceed to 5ay 3inh. -nemy
amb*shes forced the second serial to spend the niht at %SB ,a$lins and the third serial $as
forced to ret*rn to 2a* 5ien. Company ( s*ffered t$o Bobcats /illed and fi)e $o*nded.
Company B s*ffered fo*r $o*nded. Se)eral (+Cs $ere hit by ,+L fire in the contact.
@n September 14, 1968, at 1!5" ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine
on &ih$ay !=:, t$o /ilometers east of &ih$ay !;. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. ( short time
later a second (+C from Company B detonated another (5 mine in the same area, $o*ndin si4
@n September 16, 1968, Company ( $as set *p in a niht defensi)e perimeter at the Ben
C*i (ir Strip near I5 AA=A51. (t ""!" ho*rs, a flare ship $as operatin o)er the area of the
perimeter. -nemy mo)ement had been obser)ed to the so*th of the perimeter since late e)enin.
(fter "1"" ho*rs Company ( recei)ed hea)y ,+L, small arms and a*tomatic $eapons fire as
$ell as a ro*nd assa*lt aainst the perimeter. (t "1!! ho*rs, contact $as reported as still hea)y
and that t$o Bobcats had been /illed and three $o*nded, so far. (t "15" ho*rs, Company (
reported a rene$ed ro*nd assa*lt comin from the $est. (t "!": ho*rs, Company ( reported
that the enemy contact had ceased. (n occasional ,+L ro*nd $as fired at the perimeter d*rin
the remainder of the mornin. 2*st.offs $ere completed at "A"! ho*rs. It $as an estimated
reinforced enemy company that attac/ed the Company ( position. Company ( s*ffered t$o
Bobcats /illed and ten $o*nded.
#ater in the day at 11=; ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine on
&ih$ay !=:, abo*t !"" meters east of the 0*nction of &ih$ays !=: and !;. %o*r Bobcats $ere
Company B, 1?5
(M) relie)ed Company ( and occ*pied the niht defensi)e position at
the Ben C*i (ir Strip.
@n September 17, 1968, at "!"! ho*rs, Company B reported that they $ere recei)in
mortar, ,+L and small arms fire from the north and east. (t "!!" ho*rs, Company B reported
that it $as recei)in a hea)y ro*nd attac/. (t "=!5 ho*rs, ,+L and a*tomatic $eapons fire $as
still bein recei)ed. (t "A!! ho*rs, Company B reported that enemy contact had ceased. (ir
stri/es $ere bein employed in the area. (t "A=5 ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a d*
(t "A5! ho*rs, another enemy ro*nd assa*lt $as la*nched aainst the perimeter. -nemy
mortar fire $as also recei)ed. 5he assa*lt $as short li)ed. (t "51; ho*rs, d*st.offs $ere aain
re6*ested. By ";A" ho*rs, the d*st.offs $ere completed. 5$o Bobcats from Company B $ere
/illed in the contact and fo*rteen $ere $o*nded.
@n September 20, 1968, Company ( $as aain occ*pyin the niht defensi)e perimeter
at the Ben C*i (irstrip. (t """5 ho*rs, the niht base started recei)in a hea)y )ol*me of ,+L
and mortar fire. 5he Comm*nists then la*nched a ro*nd assa*lt $ith an estimated battalion si'ed
force. (rtillery, helicopter *n ships, air stri/es and a JSpoo/yK *n ship $ere all *sed in
rep*lsin the assa*lt. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the attac/. 5hree more Bobcats from
Company ( $ere $o*nded $hen a booby trap $as detonated as elements policed *p enemy
bodies and e6*ipment from aro*nd the perimeter.
@n September 21, 1968, *nits of the battalion s$ept the area of the Ben C*i ,*bber
@n September 23, 1968, 2a* 5ien Base Camp $as hit by > ro*nds of C!mm mortar fire.
@n September 29, 1968, 5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided con)oy escort bet$een 2a* 5ien
and 5ay 3inh.
2*rin September 1968, ten Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Richard A. Akin 1r.; Albert L. Lazzarotto; Akos D. Szekely; Thomas W. Roberts;
Donald R. Butler; Dave C. Dahlin; Lowell E. Lunzmann; Colombo P. Del Terzo;
Ronald W. Zydel; and Arnold B. Wimberly.
@n October 01, 1968, 5he battalion *nits cond*cted ,I%s in the area of 2a* 5ien. @ne
Bobcat from Company B died in hospital from an illness he had contracted.
5hr* October 15, 1968, the 1?5
(M) cond*cted operations aro*nd 2a* 5ien Base
Camp, incl*din road and con)oy sec*rity missions.
@n October 17, 1968, at 1AA5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine on
&ih$ay 1: abo*t three /ilometers so*th of 2a* 5ien. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the
(+C $as a combat loss.
@n October 19, 1968, at 1115 ho*rs, $hile s$eepin thro*h an area so*th of the Ben
C*i ,*bber +lantation at I5 A5;A1:, one Bobcat from Company B $as /illed and another $as
$o*nded $hen a booby trapped ,+L ro*nd $as detonated. (bo*t 5"" meters to the $est, the
,econ +latoon located a small food and amm*nition cache.
(t 1;5; ho*rs, Company C, $or/in the area 0*st to the so*theast of the &ih$ay 1: and
!=C split, disco)ered a cache containin > $eapons.
@n October 20, 1968, at 1!15 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon had one Bobcat $o*nded $hen
an (5 mine $as detonated abo*t 5 /ilometers so*th$est of 2a* 5ien.
@n October 21, 1968, Company B located an abandoned enemy base camp in the
so*thern part of the Ben C*i. 5he body of a dead VC soldier $as located alon $ith a fe$
h*ndred po*nds of rice and some mortar amm*nition.
@n October 22, 1968, *nits from the battalion $ere pro)idin sec*rity for ,ome +lo$
operations ! /ilometers northeast of 5r*n Mit. (t 1"A5 ho*rs, an (+C detonated an (5 mine
$o*ndin one Bobcat.
@n October 24, 1968, Company ( cleared and sec*red &ih$ay 1A bet$een 2a* 5ien
and 5hanh (n for the mo)ement of con)oys. 5he 1?!>
Infantry $as to deploy aro*nd 5hanh (n
and %SB Mahone $as to be constr*cted at I5 5=C=>5. (t ":=" ho*rs, sniper fire $as recei)ed in
the area of a bride crossin on ,o*te 1A at I5 5!AA"C.
@n October 26, 1968, one Bobcat from Company ( $as $o*nded $hen the (+C he $as
in hit an (5 mine on &ih$ay 1A, fo*r /ilometers north of 5hanh (n. 5he (+C $as a combat
@n October 27, 1968, Company ( and Company B of the 1?5
(M) $ere assined the
mission to clear and sec*re &ih$ay 1A, bet$een 2a* 5ien and 5hanh (n. (t I5 51"A=" a
mine $as located and destroyed. (t 1""" ho*rs, abo*t 5"" meters so*th of that location, an (+C
from Company B detonated an (5 mine. @ne medic $as /illed and fi)e other Bobcats from
Company B $ere in0*red. 5he (+C $as damaed beyond repair.
(t 11!5 ho*rs, Company ( located and destroyed = anti.tan/ mines. (t 11=5 ho*rs, at
the bride site at I5 5!AA"C, three Bobcats from Company B $ere $o*nded $hen ! boobytraps
$ere detonated. (t 1!"C ho*rs, Company B s*ffered = more $o*nded $hen an (+C detonated
an (5 mine alon the road$ay. (t 1;1! ho*rs, Company B came *nder small arms fire 1 W
/ilometers north of 5hanh (n. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and helicopter
*n ships. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n October 28, 1968, Company ( cleared and sec*red &ih$ay 1A bet$een 2a* 5ien
and 5hanh (n. 5 (5 mines $ere located and destroyed. Companies B and C cond*cted a s$eep
do$n the $est side of the Saion ,i)er from 2a* 5ien. (t 1=A5 ho*rs, a food and amm*nition
cache $as located.
@n October 29, 1968, at 1>"5 ho*rs, a con)oy bein escorted by elements of the 1?5
recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire north of 5hanh (n. 5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n
res*lts. 5$o soldiers $ere $o*nded in the contact.
5hat e)enin, an amb*sh patrol from Company B 1?5
(M) set *p in 2a* 5ien, near the
Catholic Ch*rch o)er loo/in the ra)eyard. (t !="" ho*rs, after se)eral ho*rs $ith no acti)ity,
the patrol leader too/ half the amb*sh patrol and commenced a ro)in patrol in the eneral area.
5he patrol mo)ed so*th and then t*rned do$n an alley. (bo*t >5 meters do$n the alley
the patrol came *pon a fence bloc/in the alley, $ith a ate in the middle. 5he point man p*shed
on the ate to open it and there $as an e4plosion. 5he pointman $as /illed and the patrol leader
and t$o other Bobcats $ere $o*nded. 5he remainder of the patrol $as sent for and the *nit then
mo)ed to the bride, $here a d* $as called in.
@n October 30, 1968, Company C cond*cted a s$eep of the northern portion of the Ben
C*i. 5he *nit then ret*rned to 2a* 5ien Base Camp to pro)ide niht sec*rity. (t 1:A! ho*rs, an
*n/no$n si'e force probed the base perimeter. 5hey $ere repelled, lea)in fo*r dead. @ne
Bobcat from Company C $as $o*nded in the e4chane.
@n October 31, 1968, at 1A"" ho*rs, Company ( became enaed in a fire fiht 1
/ilometer north of 5hanh (n. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded d*rin the contact.
2*rin October 1968 fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Allen P. Broekhuizen;
Paul E. McGinnis; Raymond M. Tanner; and Clarence R. Chaffin.
2*rin the D*arterly +eriod of (**st "1 thr* @ctober =1, 1:;C, the !5
2i)ision reported the follo$in personnel statistics:
EI(: =":B 1I(: 1,C=> of $hom 1,"5" $ere e)ac*atedB 3B2: 1AB 3BI: ==B MI(: >.
5he beinnin of 3o)ember 1:;C fo*nd the 1?5
(M) still $or/in o*t of 2a* 5ien and
cond*ctin e4tensi)e s$eeps in the Ben C*i and Michelin ,*bber +lantations.
@n November 01, 1968, Company C, $or/in $ith members of the ;5
located and destroyed = (5 mines on ,o*te 1A, 5 /ilometers so*th of 2a* 5ien.
Company B cond*cted a s$eep alon &ih$ay !=: in the Ben C*i.
(t 1;"" ho*rs, a b*lldo'er from the ;5
-nineers and attached to the 1?5
(M) detonated
an (5 mine on &ih$ay 1A abo*t ! /ilometers north of 5hanh (n. -iht personnel in the eneral
area $ere $o*nded and the )ehicle $as damaed beyond repair.
@n November 02, 1968, Company C too/ part in the daily s$eep of &ih$ay 1A bet$een
2a* 5ien and 5hanh (n. 5he ,econ +latoon cond*cted a s$eep alon &ih$ay !=: in the Ben
@n November 03, 1968, Company ( helped s$eep &ih$ay 1A so*th of 2a* 5ien. (t
1"=" ho*rs, a )ehicle *sin the road detonated an (5 mine $o*ndin si4 personnel.
@n November 04, 1968, Company B cond*cted the s$eep of ,o*te 1A. (t 1"!" ho*rs,
t$o Bobcats from Company B $ere $o*nded $hen a booby trapped hand renade $as detonated
abo*t C /ilometers so*th of 2a* 5ien.
@n November 07, 1968, Company B $as cond*ctin a clear and sec*re operation on
&ih$ay 1A. (n (5 mine $as disco)ered and destroyed at I5 51>A1:. 9*st north of the bride
at I5 5!AA"C, an (+C from the company detonated an (5 mine at 1"A! ho*rs. 5$o Bobcats
from Company B $ere /illed and three others $ere $o*nded. @ne of the Bobcats $as trapped
*nder the (+C, $hich $as destroyed.
Companies ( and C cond*cted a s$eep of the Ben C*i. ( small amm*nition cache $as
located and destroyed.
(t 15A" ho*rs, Company B ot into a brief firefiht at the bride on &ih$ay 1A at I5
5!AA"C. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded by shrapnel from
an ,+L ro*nd.
@n November 08, 1968, elements of the battalion participated in a clear and sec*re
operation of ,o*te 1A so*th of 2a* 5ien.
Company ( cond*cted a s$eep of &ih$ay !=: $est of 2a* 5ien.
@n November 13, 1968, Company ( cond*cted a s$eep of ,o*te 1A so*th of 2a* 5ien.
= (5 mines $ere located and destroyed.
Company C participated in a search operation so*th of the Ben C*i. (t 1A=" ho*rs, a
small amm*nition cache $as located at I5 A;1A15.
@n November 14, 1968, Company ( $as s$eepin &ih$ay 1A so*th from 2a* 5ien.
(t 1""" ho*rs, a command detonated claymore type mine $as e4ploded on the point element at
I5 5!"A15. 5hree Bobcats $ere /illed. 5$o members of a sco*t do team $ere also /illed alon
$ith one sco*t do. @ne (,V3 Soldier $as $o*nded and t$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
5he ,econ +latoon cond*cted a s$eep of &ih$ay !=: from 2a* 5ien to &ih$ay !;
$itho*t incident.
@n November 15, 1968, the 1?5
(M) mo)ed their operations to the Boi #oi 1oods area.
@n November 16, 1968, Company ( s$ept the area so*th of Bao 2on. (t I5 AA5=A",
the company located a small food and $eapons cache.
@n November 20, 1968, Company C contin*ed sec*rin ,ome +lo$ operations in the
area of 5hai My, located alon &ih$ay >( aro*nd I5 5A15. 2*rin the mornin the company
located and destroyed some booby traps and ! anti.tan/ mines.
5he ,econ +latoon s$ept &ih$ay >( from ,o*te 1 to the Company C niht base
Company B $as $or/in an area 0*st north$est of 5r*n #ap. (t 1""" ho*rs, a booby
trapped hand renade located at I5 5>C!!C detonated. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded. (t 11A5
ho*rs, one Bobcat from Company B $as /illed by a booby trap e4plosion. ( So*th Vietnamese
Soldier $as also /illed in the e4plosion. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded by the blast and d*
(fter completin its s$eep of the area, Company B ret*rned to %SB +atton.
@n November 21, 1968, 5he ,econ +latoon came *nder small arms and mortar fire on
&ih$ay >(, north of 5r*n #ap at I5 ;"1!!!. 5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith fire from the
platoonHs $eapons, $ith *n/no$n res*lts. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the incident.
Company ( s$ept &ih$ay >( north of the 0*nction of &ih$ay 1. Se)eral (5 mines and
booby traps $ere disco)ered and destroyed $ith the assistance of elements of Company C, ;5

@n November 23, 1968, at ":!C ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated a
1"5mm 1+ ro*nd abo*t one /ilometer north$est of 5r*n #ap. 5here $ere no in0*ries nor
(t 1"15 ho*rs, elements of Company C cond*ctin a s$eep on &ih$ay >( in the 5hai
My area detonated an (5 mine. @ne Bobcat from Company C $as /illed and one man from the
-nineers $as $o*nded by the e4plosion.
(t 1!!5 ho*rs, Company ( $as searchin one /ilometer northeast of the 0*nction of
&ih$ays 1 and >(. ( booby trap $as detonated and si4 Bobcats from the company $ere
#ater in the day, t$o Bobcats from Company C $ere $o*nded $hen they recei)ed small
arms fire in the area of 5hai My.
@n November 28, 1968, at 1!"" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon s$ept alon &ih$ay >(. (s
they passed thro*h the area of 5hai My Villae, the platoon apprehended C! s*spected VC for
5he =
+latoon of Company C closed %SB St*art at 1C55 ho*rs to pro)ide niht sec*rity.
@n November 29, 1968, at ">5" ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5
mine on &ih$ay >(, ! /ilometers north of the &ih$ay 1 0*nction. 5he )ehicle o)ert*rned
trappin one Bobcat *nderneath. 5his Bobcat $as /illed and another one $as $o*nded. 5$o
So*th Vietnamese Soldiers $ere also in0*red in the blast. 5he (+C $as $ritten off as a combat
(t ":!" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon started mo)in so*th. (t ":A" ho*rs, a command
detonated Claymore Mine $as e4ploded aainst an (+C. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded by the
blast. 5he platoon then started to recei)e sniper fire, $hich $as ret*rned $ith 5" caliber fire. 5he
t$o $o*nded Bobcats $ere d* 5he helicopter came *nder small arms fire as it lifted off
o*t of the area.
(t ":5: ho*rs a command detonated mortar ro*nd $as set off aainst members of the
platoon. Initially one Bobcat $as /illed and three $ere $o*nded. (t 1""5 ho*rs, Companies B
and C started mo)in to$ard the contact area.
( 2*st.@ff helicopter set do$n for the three $o*nded. (s it to*ched do$n, $hat $as
belie)ed to be a mine, e4ploded, /illin one Bobcat and $o*ndin fo*r others.
(t 1A1" ho*rs, a d* $as re6*ested by Company ( for one $o*nded Bobcat. ( VC
thre$ a hand renade from a spider hole, ca*sin the in0*ry. Company ( $or/ed the area and
/illed three VC.
@ne of the Bobcats from the ,econ +latoon $ho $as $o*nded earlier, died from his
@ne platoon from Company B $as assined to pro)ide sec*rity for %SB St*art. @ne
+latoon from Company C $as assined to C* Chi Base Camp for the niht.
@n November 30, 1968, a tr*c/ from the 1?5
(M) detonated a mine on &ih$ay 1, east
of 5ran Ban at ":"" ho*rs. 5he )ehicle $as destroyed. (t 1AA" ho*rs, Company C recei)ed
small arms fire so*th of 5ran Ban. In the e4chane, three Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
2*rin November 1968 ele)en Bobcats died in Vietnam. 5hey $ere: David W. Brooks;
1ames R. Springer; David A. Bradshaw; Wayne M. Horne; Robert T. 1ones 1r.;
Horace V. Robinson 1r.; Grady R. Nelson; Harold L. Basham; 1ohnny R. Goodwin 1r.;
Richard A. Weaver; and Hurston E. Worrell.
@n December 01, 1968, Company C $as cond*ctin a s$eep t$o /ilometers so*theast of
5ran Ban, $hen a booby trapped hand renade $as detonated at 1=A5 ho*rs. %o*r Bobcats
$ere $o*nded in the e4plosion. @ne of the men died a short time later from his $o*nds.
@n December 03, 1968, Company C $as cond*ctin a ,I% so*theast of 5ran Ban. (t
1"1! ho*rs, one Bobcat from the company $as $o*nded $hen an anti.tan/ mine $as detonated
at I5 5"!1;A. (t 11=" ho*rs, another Bobcat $as $o*nded $hen a booby trapped hand renade
$as tripped and e4ploded in the same eneral area. (t 1AA: ho*rs, another booby trapped hand
renade $as detonated $o*ndin one Bobcat. (t 15A5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company C
detonated an (5 mine. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded and the trac/ $as a combat loss.
@n December 05, 1968, a Bobcat from Company C $as /illed $hen the )ehicle he $as in
accidentally crashed.
@n December 06, 1968, Company B $as searchin an area ! /ilometers so*th$est of
5r*n #ap $hen they disco)ered a lare amm*nition cache at ":A5 ho*rs. @)er 1=" ,+L ro*nds
and 1!> mortar ro*nds $ere amon the items fo*nd.
Company C $as cond*ctin a s$eep at 1"5C ho*rs, so*theast of 5ran Ban, $hen an
(+C detonated an (5 mine $o*ndin t$o Bobcats.
@n December 07, 1968, Company C $as cond*ctin a s$eep northeast of 5r*n #ap at
1;"" ho*rs $hen the company recei)ed small arms fire. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n
res*lts. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the e4chane.
Company ( 0oined Company C and they established a niht defensi)e perimeter in the area
of I5 ;"!=. (t 1C55 ho*rs, the niht defensi)e base recei)ed a mortar barrae. 5en Bobcats
$ere $o*nded. %ire $as ret*rned $ith artillery and mortars $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n December 08, 1968, at "AA5 ho*rs, the niht perimeter of Companies ( and C came
*nder small arms and ,+L attac/. 5he attac/ $as rep*lsed $ith artillery and mortar s*pport. %i)e
Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the e4chane of fire. In a search of the perimeter area at first liht,
se)eral VC bodies and $eapons $ere located.
(t "C5> ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine northeast of 5ran Ban
at I5 5"5!!5. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. (t 1=!5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated
an (5 mine east of 5r*n #ap. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the e4plosion. @ne Medic later
died from his $o*nds.
@n December 09, 1968, Company ( $as cond*ctin a ,I% operation > /ilometers
northeast of 5r*n #ap in the &o Bo 1oods. (t 115A ho*rs, the company enco*ntered a d* in
enemy force of *n/no$n si'e at I5 ;=5!;". ( helicopter #%5 and 2*st.@ff $ere re6*ested. (t
1!1> ho*rs, Company C bean mo)in to the area of Company (Hs contact. (t 1!=> ho*rs,
Company ( reported that they had three Bobcats /illed and t$o $o*nded. &elicopter #iht %ire
5eams, air stri/es and artillery po*nded the enemy position. 5he d* $as completed at 1=15
Companies ( and C then assa*lted the position. 5he bodies of enemy soldiers $ere
located alon $ith miscellaneo*s $eapons and e6*ipment.
(t 1=A= ho*rs, 5he ,econ +latoon had an (+C detonate an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(,
one /ilometer north of the &ih$ay 1 0*nction. 5here $ere no in0*ries b*t the trac/ $as a combat
@n December 10, 1968, the battalion cond*cted its operations aro*nd the 5r*n #ap
area. (t 1:A5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(, north of
5r*n #ap at I5 ;":!!1. Si4 Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the e4plosion.
@n December 11, 1968, at "C55 ho*rs, as Company C cond*cted a ,I% north of 5r*n
#ap, they made contact $ith a small force of VC. (ssa*ltin the position, the company located
some enemy dead, one machine*n and one ,+L.> la*ncher.
(t ":A5 ho*rs, one Bobcat from Company B $as $o*nded $hen he tripped a booby
trapped hand renade one /ilometer northeast of 5r*n #ap.
In the early afternoon, Companies ( and C cond*cted an SS2 operation in the northern
&o Bo 1oods. (t 1>15 ho*rs the companies recei)ed hea)y enemy fire. 5he fire $as ret*rned
$ith oranic $eapons and artillery fire. (fter the VC bro/e contact, the bodies of VC soldiers and
one +@1 $ere located in the area. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n December 12, 1968, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(
on the northern frine of the )illae of 5r*n #ap. %o*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
@n December 13, 1968, at ";!C ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon left the battalion for$ard base
to s$eep &ih$ay >( to the 0*nction of &ih$ay 1.
(t 1!"; ho*rs, Company ( bean to recei)e ,+L and a*tomatic $eapons fire =
/ilometers $est of 5r*n #ap at I5 55C!"". @ne (+C $as hit by ,+L fire and the company
bean callin in artillery fire on the enemy position. (t 1!!5 ho*rs, the company reported three
Bobcats $o*nded and re6*ested a 2*st.@ff.
(t 1!A5 ho*rs, Company B, !?1!
Infantry $as airlifted into the area. (t 1="1 ho*rs,
Company ( d* three $o*nded and one dead Bobcat. (ir stri/es and helicopter *n ships
bombed and strafed the enemy position. (t 1=!C ho*rs, Company B, 1?5
(M) $as sent to the area
of Mit 3ai on the report of a lare VC force in that area. (t 1AA" ho*rs, Company (, !?1!

Infantry $as airlifted to an #T at I5 5=;!"1, $est of the enemy position that Company (,
(M) had enaed.
(t 151> ho*rs, Company B had an (+C detonate a booby trap of *n/no$n type at I5
5;51C;. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded and d*sted off. (t 1;"C ho*rs, Company ( reported that
they $ere recei)in fire.
(t 1;15 ho*rs, Company B reported that they $ere recei)in mortar, ,+L, small arms
and a*tomatic $eapons fire. (t 1;!; ho*rs, Company B bac/ed *p their (+Cs to et better
s*ppressi)e fire on the enemy position. (t 1;=1 ho*rs, Company B reported that they had
cas*alties and also had a *nit pinned do$n by enemy fire.
(t 1;AA ho*rs, Companies ( and B, !?1!
Infantry lin/ed *p to form a bloc/in force. (t
1>"= ho*rs, Company B, 1?5
(M) reported that they had t$o Bobcats /illed and se)eral $o*nded
from a ;"mm mortar barrae. (t 1>"C ho*rs, Company (, 1?5
(M) re6*ested a 2* for at
least t$o $o*nded. (t 1>!= ho*rs, the Company B $o*nded $ere d* (t 1>=" ho*rs,
Company ( reported that one of their $o*nded died and they still had three $o*nded to be ta/en
o*t. (t 1>5" ho*rs, the 2* $as completed. 5he VC force bro/e contact and a s$eep of the
contact area re)ealed the bodies of enemy soldiers alon $ith $eapons and e6*ipment.
2*rin the dayHs contact fi)e Bobcats $ere /illed and fo*rteen $ere $o*nded.
@n December 16, 1968, at 11"" ho*rs, Company B $as operatin one /ilometer north of
the 0*nction of &ih$ays 1 and >(, $hen they recei)ed small arms fire. @ne Bobcat $as
$o*nded. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
(t 1;5" ho*rs, the battalion C,I+ *nit re6*ested a d* for t$o Bobcats $o*nded and
t$o Bobcats /illed. ( 0eep $ith the *nit had detonated a mine on &ih$ay >(, 0*st north of the
0*nction of &ih$ay 1.
@n December 17, 1968, at 1:1A ho*rs, Company ( reported that its amb*sh patrol
located so*th of 5r*n #ap at I5 5CC1:; $as recei)in small arms, a*tomatic $eapons and
mortar fire. (t 1:15 ho*rs, Company B reported that it $as recei)in hea)y small arms fire at I5
5C"1:5. 5he enemy bro/e contact $ith both elements by 1:=" ho*rs. Company B d* t$o
$o*nded Bobcats from the enco*nter.
@n December 18, 1968, at ";"= ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon departed the niht
encampment to bein a s$eep of &ih$ay >(. (t ">1: ho*rs, the platoon re6*ested a 2*
for one $o*nded at the 0*nction of &ih$ay >( and !=>.
(t 1"1= ho*rs, Company ( reported that they $ere recei)in small arms, a*tomatic
$eapons and ,+L fire ! /ilometers north of +h*oc My at I5 5:51>=. (t 1"15 ho*rs, they
re6*ested a 2* as one (+C $as hit by ,+L fire. (t 1"1C ho*rs, Company B started mo)in
to$ards the Company ( contact. (t 1"A= ho*rs, Company B started recei)in fire from their left
flan/. Company ( p*t a hold on the 2* *ntil a landin 'one co*ld be sec*red. (t 11"1
ho*rs, three $o*nded Bobcats $ere d* @ne EI( remained at the Company ( location.
(t 1!AA ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for t$o Bobcats $ho had been shot.
Company B also d* t$o $o*nded. 5$o (+Cs had been hit by ,+L fire so far in the
contact. 5here $as a l*ll till 15!1 ho*rs, $hen both Companies ( and B reported recei)in sniper
fire. Soon Company ( started recei)in small arms and ,+L fire in the same eneral area of the
earlier contact. ( 2* $as re6*ested at 15A> ho*rs for si4 $o*nded Bobcats from Company
(. (ir stri/es and helicopter *n ship fire $ere placed on the enemy position.
(t 1;"! ho*rs, Companies ( and B recei)ed ;"mm mortar fire. (ir stri/es and liht fire
team ordinance $as aain applied to the enemy positions. (t 1>15 ho*rs, another barrae of
;"mm mortar fire $as recei)ed. (t 1>!" ho*rs, Company ( had an (+C hit by ,+L fire.
(irstri/es and helicopter liht fire teams $ere aain re6*ested. (t 1>!C ho*rs, Company ( had
t$o more (+Cs hit by ,+L fire. Company B re6*ested a 2* at 1>A! ho*rs for t$o
$o*nded Bobcats. Company ( recei)ed a fe$ more ;"mm mortar ro*nds.
5he VC bro/e contact and the t$o companies made a 6*ic/ s$eep of the area. 5hey then
closed into the niht perimeter at 1:15 ho*rs. (ir stri/es and artillery $ere applied to s*spected
locations of enemy forces in the area. 2*rin the contact t$enty Bobcats $ere $o*nded. @ne
Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed and one Bobcat from Company B $as /illed.
@n December 19, 1968, an amb*sh patrol from Company C $as established 1.5
/ilometers so*th$est of the 0*nction of &ih$ays >( and 1. (t !""5 ho*rs, the patrol /illed si4
of ten VC $ho $al/ed into the /ill 'one.
@n December 20, 1968, Company B $as cond*ctin a ,I% one /ilometer north of the
0*nction of &ih$ays 1 and >(, $hen at 1=55 ho*rs, they made contact $ith an estimated
reinforced enemy company at I5 5;"1C". Company C, 1?5
(M) alon $ith Companies B and 2
of the !?1!
Infantry and 5roop (, P Ca)alry $ere mo)ed into the area of contact. (ir stri/es,
#%5s and artillery $ere called in to s*pport the forces. (fter the contact ended, a s$eep of the
battlefield $as cond*cted. -nemy dead alon $ith miscellaneo*s $eapons and e6*ipment $ere
cleared from the battlefield.
%riendly *nits s*ffered fo*rteen $o*nded and one /illed.
@n December 21, 1968, Company C $as assined to pro)ide sec*rity for ,ome +lo$s
c*ttin in the Ba* 2ie* area at I5 5>51>=. (t ":=5 ho*rs, an (+C from the company detonated
a booby trap. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded and one $as /illed.
(t 1"A= ho*rs, Company B $as s$eepin the area of the pre)io*s dayHs contact $hen an
(+C detonated a booby trap. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded.
@n December 22, 1968, elements of the battalion contin*ed to s$eep the area of the
(**st !" contact, policin *p )ario*s enemy ordinance and e6*ipment.
@n December 28, 1968, at 1A!5 ho*rs, an (+C assined to sec*re ,ome +lo$ operations
at I5 5>>1>> detonated an (5 mine. ( second (+C detonated another (5 mine abo*t a half
ho*r later.
@n December 29, 1968, at ":"" ho*rs, a member of the ,econ +latoon $as $o*nded by
a booby trapped hand renade. Company B $as operatin ! /ilometers north$est of 5r*n #ap.
(t 1"1A ho*rs, at I5 5>1!==, a booby trapped 155mm artillery ro*nd $as detonated by an (+C.
%i)e Bobcats from Company B $ere /illed and ele)en $o*nded by the e4plosion, $hich also
destroyed the (+C.
(t 1"5" ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated a booby trap in0*rin three Bobcats.

2*rin December 1968, t$ Bobcats died in Vietnam. 5hey $ere:
Curtis R. Crum; 1oseph R. Thornton; Robert P. English; Durward G. Morse;
Donald A. Pettitt; Alan C. Lockard; Ronald L. Niewahner; 1erry M. White;
Michael R. Bishop; Gary W. Gross; Roger C. McCord; 1ames E. Sparks;
1ames F. Rummage; Leonard E. Bradford; 1ames I. Cutler; William S. DeBoer;
Dan M. 1ames; 1oseph E. Strawbridge; and THREE whose names are unknown to us
writing this report.
@n 1anuary 03, 1969, (t ":!5 ho*rs, Company B recei)ed enemy small arms fire on
&ih$ay >( abo*t one /ilometer north of the 0*nction of &ih$ay 1. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith
*n/no$n res*lts. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the e4chane.
(t 11!5 ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5 mine 0*st north of the
area of Company BHs earlier contact. 5he (+C $as a combat loss.
Company C $as assined to pro)ide sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ operations northeast of
5ran Ban. (t 1555 ho*rs a ,ome +lo$ detonated an (5 mine at I5 5"A!1;.
@n 1anuary 06, 1969, Company ( cond*cted an SS2 operation northeast of 5ran
Ban. (t 1;"" ho*rs, a small amm*nition cache $as located. (t 1;15 ho*rs, an (+C from
Company ( detonated an (5 mine in the same area. (t 1C=" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from
Company ( enaed an *n/no$n n*mber of VC, north$est of the cache site at I5 51>!">. @ne
body of an enemy soldier $as located in a later search of the area.
@n 1anuary 07, 1969, Company B $as cond*ctin a ,I% on the north side of &ih$ay 1,
abo*t 1 /ilometer north$est of the 0*nction of hih$ay >(. (t 1"!5 ho*rs, one Bobcat from the
company $as $o*nded $hen a booby trapped hand renade $as tripped and detonated at I5
(t !1=" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company ( enaed an *n/no$n n*mber of VC
abo*t = /ilometers northeast of 5ran Ban at I5 51"!1". 5he body of one enemy soldier $ith
his $eapon $as fo*nd after the contact.
@n 1anuary 09, 1969, Company B $as sec*rin ,ome +lo$ operations one /ilometer
so*th$est of 5r*n #ap. (t 1""" ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine. @ne
Bobcat $as $o*nded and the (+C $as a combat loss. (t 1"=" ho*rs, another (+C from
Company B detonated an (5 mine in the same eneral area. (t 1==" ho*rs, the company
recei)ed a barrae of eiht ;"mm mortar ro*nds. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded. %ire $as ret*rned
$ith *n/no$n res*lts. (t 1A"" ho*rs, a ,ome +lo$ $as damaed $hen it detonated an (5 mine.
(t 1A=" ho*rs, members of the company enaed and /illed one VC.
@n 1anuary 10, 1969, Company ( $as cond*ctin an SS2 operation north$est of the
0*nction of &ih$ays 1 and >(. (t 1A"" ho*rs, one Bobcat from the company $as $o*nded
$hen a booby trapped hand renade e4ploded at I5 55:1CA. (t 15=C ho*rs, as the company $as
s$eepin $est, it came *nder small arms fire. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts. 5$o
Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n 1anuary 11, 1969, an amb*sh patrol from Company C enaed an *n/no$n n*mber
of VC shortly after midniht, alon &ih$ay >(, 1 /ilometer north of &ih$ay 1. In a search of
the area after the contact the bodies of fo*r enemy soldiers $ere fo*nd alon $ith $eapons and
e6*ipment. @ne $o*nded VC soldier $as capt*red.
(t 11!" ho*rs, the Sco*t +latoon re6*ested a 2* for t$o in0*red Bobcats. 5he pair
$as $o*nded as they bean to search a t*nnel and a booby trap e4ploded 0*st inside the t*nnel.
Both men died of their in0*ries later in the day.
@n 1anuary 12, 1969, Company (Hs niht perimeter located 0*st north of the 0*nction of
&ih$ays >( and 1 at I5 5;>1>=, recei)ed 1; ro*nds of ;"mm mortar fire. 5he fire $as
ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the incident.
@n 1anuary 14, 1969, at 1>55 ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine on
&ih$ay >(, one /ilometer north of the &ih$ay 1 0*nction. 5he (+C $as t*rned o)er by the
force of the blast. @ne Bobcat from Company B $as /illed and fo*r $ere $o*nded.
@n 1anuary 17, 1969, at 111= ho*rs, a Bobcat from Company B detonated a hand
renade that $as ried $ith a trip $ire and instantaneo*s f*se at I5 5AC1:!. &e died $ithin a
fe$ min*tes of the blast. 5his incident occ*rred as the company $as s$eepin the area so*th$est
of 5r*n #ap.
@n 1anuary 18, 1969, at "CA5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine !
/ilometers north$est of 5hai My at I5 51=1;5. 5he )ehicle $as a combat loss.
(t 11A" ho*rs, another (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine alon &ih$ay >(,
! /ilometers north of the &ih$ay 1 0*nction.
@n 1anuary 21, 1969, Company B $as assined to s$eep and clear &ih$ay >( from
north of 5r*n #ap to the 0*nction of &ih$ay 1. (t ">A5 ho*rs, the s$eep $as delayed *ntil the
fo lifted. 5he s$eep $as res*med and at "C"; ho*rs, a =" po*nd (5 mine $as located and
destroyed. (t "C=> ho*rs, Company B reported that $hile mo)in thro*h 5r*n #ap one
)ehicle hit and /illed a pi. (t ":=: ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine on
&ih$ay >(, one /ilometer north of &ih$ay 1 at I5 5>!1>C. 5he blast flipped the trac/ o)er
pinnin one Bobcat *nderneath, /illin him. (nother Bobcat $as $o*nded.
@n 1anuary 26, 1969, at "C5! ho*rs, a Bobcat from a flame trac/ assined to Company
C stepped on and detonated a =" po*nd (5 mine. &e $as /illed instantly and another Bobcat
s*ffered b*sted eardr*ms from the blast. 5he incident occ*rred W /ilometer north$est of 5r*n
#ap at I5 5C5!!=. 5$o booby trapped hand renades $ere located $ithin =" meters of the mine
and $ere destroyed in place.
2*rin 1anuary 1969, si4 Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Anthony L. Lema;
David M. Williams; Richard Adiutori; Roger L. Langford; 1ames L. Miller; and
William D. Murrary 1r.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in personnel losses for the 6*arterly period
of 3o)ember "1, 1:;C to 9an*ary =1, 1:;::
EI(: !=;B 1I(: =,:55 (;;: e)ac*ated)B MI(: ".
J7nder the direction of the commandin eneral all a)ailable chain lin/ fence $as iss*ed
to mecahni'ed *nits of the di)ision. 5he *se of chain lin/ fencin has lon been reconi'ed as a
means of red*cin the effecti)eness of ,+L ro*nds in the protection of friendly b*n/ers, ho$e)er
little attention has been i)en to trac/ed )ehicles. It has been fo*nd that this material can also be
carried in trac/ed )ehicles, easily installed, and pro)ides similar effecti)eness in red*cin damae.
@ne 5" foot roll of fence, di)ided into t$o e6*al lenths, se)en eiht foot pic/ets and
comm*nications $ire is all that is re6*ired to constr*ct a Jcar port.K 5he t$o sections of fence
and pic/ets can be carried $itho*t diffic*lty and can be installed $ithin ten min*tes. S*fficient
chain lin/ fence to ins*re one roll per trac/ed )ehicle and artillery piece $ith a 1"V stoc/ae for
replacement $as made a)ailable immediately.K
@n February 01, 1969, Company ( $as cond*ctin a ,I% operation abo*t A /ilometers
northeast of 5ran Ban. (t 1A5" ho*rs, a small food cache $as located and fo*r s*spected VC
$ere detained. (t 1>15 ho*rs, one Bobcat from the company $as $o*nded $hen he detonated a
booby trap. (t !!A" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company ( located at I5 51!!!" enaed !
VC, /illin one.
@n February 02, 1969, Company B $as operatin northeast of 5ran Ban in the area of
I5 5=!!. In the mornin the company located t$o si4 ton rice caches.
(t 1;5= ho*rs, a trac/ed reco)ery )ehicle attached to Company C detonated an (5 mine
= /ilometers northeast of 5ran Ban. 5he )ehicle $as a combat loss.
(t !""" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company ( located ! /ilometers so*th of 5r*n
#ap, recei)ed ,+L fire $hich $o*nded = Bobcats. %ire $as ret*rned $ith small arms and artillery
$ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n February 03, 1969, at 1"!5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine
1 W /ilometers north of the 0*nction of &ih$ays 1 and >(, at I5 5;=1C5. @ne Bobcat $as
$o*nded and the trac/ $as a combat loss.
@n February 04, 1969, at 1A"" ho*rs, a >5 ro*nd artillery barrae of $hite phosphoro*s
$as fired alon a = /ilometer a4is of I5 5:!> to ;1=" in the &o Bo 1oods in the hopes of
startin a fire.
(t 1A=! ho*rs, to the so*th of the abo)e location at I5 5>C!5=, Company ( re6*ested a
2* for three $o*nded Bobcats and t$o Bobcats $ho had been /illed. 5he cas*alties $ere
the res*lt of t$o 155mm booby trapped ro*nds bein detonated. 5hey $ere ried $ith trip $ires
and set !5 meters apart. @ne $as set in a tree to create a lo$ air b*rst. @ne of the Bobcats $ho
$as $o*nded, died shortly after bein d*
(t 15"; ho*rs, Company ( had an (+C detonate an (5 mine that $as set in a rice paddy
di/e in the same eneral area. 5he )ehicle $as a combat loss.
@n February 05, 1969, Companies ( and B $ere cond*ctin a ,I% operation !
/ilometers northeast of 5r*n #ap in the area of I5 ;"!=. (t 1;=> ho*rs, Company B re6*ested
a 2* for t$o $o*nded Bobcats. ( renade ried $ith a trip $ire $as detonated at I5
;""!!C, ca*sin the in0*ries. @ne of the in0*red Bobcats died later in the day in hospital from his
@n February 08, 1969, the ,econ +latoon cond*cted a ,I% so*th$est of 5r*n #ap in
the area of I5 5;1:. Companies ( and B $ere cond*ctin a ,I% ! /ilometers east of 5r*n #ap
in the area of I5 ;!!!. Scattered contact started at aro*nd 1!"" ho*rs.
(t 1==C ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for three $o*nded Bobcats at I5
;!5!!". 5he company had enaed an *n/no$n n*mber of VC. (fter the firefiht they fo*nd
fo*r enemy bodies, a machine*n and an ,+L la*ncher. 5he company also had fo*r $o*nded
$ho did not re6*ire 2* (t 1A11 ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested another 2* for a
Bobcat $ith a *nshot $o*nd. 5hey also had one Bobcat $ith shrapnel $o*nds. (t 1AA! ho*rs,
Company ( re6*ested another 2* for one $o*nded Bobcat. 5hese $ere in the same
location as the first 2* (t 1;A" ho*rs an air stri/e $as directed on enemy positions in the
area. (t 1;AC ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for a Bobcat $ith a se)ered artery.
(t 1C11 ho*rs, Company B had t$o (+Cs hit by ,+L ro*nds at I5 ;!>!!". 5he
company 2* si4 $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. (t 1CA; ho*rs, an airstri/e $as
deli)ered on s*spected enemy positions.
(t !"=> ho*rs, Company ( lin/ed *p $ith elements of the !?1A
Infantry and established
a niht perimeter. (t !1"> ho*rs, Company B established a niht perimeter at I5 ;1C!1> and
d* three additional dead Bobcats on res*pply helicopters.
@n February 10, 1969, Company ( made contact $ith an estimated VC s6*ad, one
/ilometer north of 5r*n #ap at I5 5:"!!5. (t 1!5" ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for
one man $ith a *nshot $o*nd. (t 1="A ho*rs, the 2* $as canceled as the Bobcat had died
from his $o*nds. (t 1=1" ho*rs, Company ( reported that they had an estimated 15 VC on line
at I5 5C;!=!. Company B $as committed to respond to the Company ( contact. (ir stri/es and
artillery $ere called in on the enemy position. (t 1A11 ho*rs, Company B arri)ed on scene. (
s$eep of the enemy position located one enemy body.
@n February 11, 1969, Companies ( and B cond*cted a ,I% operation east of 5r*n
#ap in the area of I5 ;1!1. 5he bodies of se)eral enemy soldiers that had been /illed by earlier
air stri/es $ere located in the area.
(t 1=A5 ho*rs, Company C, operatin on the northern frine of the %ilhol, had an (+C
detonate an (5 mine at I5 ;5;!!>. 5he )ehicle $as a combat loss.
@n February 12, 1969, Company B $as operatin ; /ilometers north of 5r*n #ap $ith
elements of the !?1!
Infantry. (t 1""" ho*rs, the company fo*nd and destroyed !" meters of
t*nnel containin candles at I5 5>5!;;. (t 11"" ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for
t$o $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. ( Bobcat $as probin for possible mines on a dirt
road $hen there $as an e4plosion /illin him and $o*ndin t$o others.
@n February 13, 1969, Company C $as cond*ctin a ,I% operation abo*t = /ilometers
so*th of the 0*nction of ,o*tes !=C and ;( in the Boi #oi 1oods. (t 1A"" ho*rs, they
disco)ered a lare rice cache at I5 55=!:>.
@n February 14, 1969, Company B $as cond*ctin operations east of 5r*n #ap. (t
1;AC ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for se)en $o*nded Bobcats at I5 ;"5!1=. (n
(+C from the company had detonated an (5 mine and then ca*ht fire and b*rned o*t of
control. (t 1>"5 ho*rs, the 2* $as complete, ho$e)er, the body of one dead Bobcat $as
still ne4t to the b*rnin (+C and co*ld not be remo)ed *ntil the fire $as o*t.
Company C cond*cted operations d*rin the day $ith one company from the !?1!

@n February 15, 1969, the battalion cond*cted an SS2 operation in the so*thern &o Bo
1oods in the area of I5 ;"!5. (t 1=A5 ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5
mine. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded. (t 1=55 ho*rs, another (+C from the platoon hit an (5 mine.
5he trac/ $as a combat loss. (t 1A=" ho*rs, Company C located a rice cache at I5 5::!::.
@n February 16, 1969, the ,econ +latoon located and destroyed three booby trapped
hand renades near 5r*n #ap. Companies ( and B cond*cted a ,I% three /ilometers northeast
of 5r*n #ap. (t ":"5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine. 5he )ehicle $as
a combat loss. (t 1=A5 ho*rs, Company ( located and destroyed ; ro*nds of C!mm mortar
(lso at 1=A5 ho*rs, an (+C from &ead6*arters Company detonated an (5 mine 0*st
north of 5r*n #ap at I5 ;";!!;. (t 15=" ho*rs, Company C had a brief e4chane of small
arms fire at I5 5;;!A;.
@n February 17, 1969, the niht perimeter of Companies ( and B recei)ed small arms
and ,+L fire at ""=; ho*rs. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts. @ne Bobcat $as
$o*nded in the e4chane.
Company C and Company C, !?1!
Infantry cond*cted a combined ,I% operation
north$est of 5r*n #ap in the area of I5 5;!>.
@n February 18, 1969, at 11A5 ho*rs, Company B located an amm*nition cache 5
/ilometers north of 5ran Ban at I5 51=!A!. (t 151! ho*rs, the company recei)ed small arms
fire, b*t s*ffered no cas*alties.
(t 1;=" ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire in the &o Bo 1oods at I5
;!=!>:. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and air stri/es. 5he bodies of se)eral
enemy soldiers $ith their $eapons $ere located in a s$eep of the area.
@n February 21, 1969, at 1;!5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine
north$est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5;"!=!. 5he )ehicle $as a combat loss.
@n February 22, 1969, the ,econ +latoon $as assined to $or/ $ith the !?1!
in the Boi #oi 1oods area. (t 111" ho*rs, an (+C from Company B detonated an (5 mine in
the area of Iom Moi north of 5r*n #ap. 5he )ehicle $as a combat loss.
@n February 23, 1969, at ""AC ho*rs, the battalion niht perimeter bean recei)in an
C!mm mortar barrae. (t "11> ho*rs, the battalion aid station re6*ested a 2* for fi)e
$o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. (t "15C ho*rs, the 2* $as completed. Company (
had 1 1I( and 1 EI(, Company B had 1 1I(, Company C had ! 1I( and &ead6*arters
Company had 1 1I(. (t "!!5 ho*rs, another mortar barrae $as recei)ed $itho*t cas*alties.
(t "5=5 ho*rs, it $as reported that %SB Mahone $as *nder ro*nd attac/. (t ">"C
ho*rs, Company ( started a s$eep of &ih$ay 1 to the 0*nction of &ih$ay >( and then north
on >(. (t ":AA ho*rs, &ih$ay >( $as reported open for traffic.
(t ":"5 ho*rs Company B departed the for$ard base for a ,I% operation. (t ":=" ho*rs,
Company C departed for a ,I%. (t 1"1" ho*rs, Company B reported recei)in ,+L and small
arms fire > /ilometers north of 5r*n #ap at I5 ;"!!>;. (rtillery and air stri/es $ere called in
on the s*spected enemy positions. ( s$eep re)ealed a co*ple of dead bodies of 3V( soldiers
$ith $eapons. (t 1=!A ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for one Bobcat $ith a *nshot
(t 1AAC ho*rs, Company C reported recei)in ,+L fire in the area of Iom Moi at I5
;!"!!=. (t 1A5= ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* @ne (+C had been hit t$ice by ,+L
fire. (t 151! ho*rs, the 2* $as complete for three $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat.
(t 15=1 ho*rs, Company C re6*ested another 2* for fo*r $o*nded in the same area. (t
155" ho*rs, the d* $as completed and air stri/es started po*ndin the area. (t 1>"= ho*rs,
Company C reported that they had one (+C hit by ,+L fire and that they $ere p*llin bac/ to
allo$ more air stri/es in the area. (t 1>5> ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* for more
$o*nded Bobcats in the same location as the last 2* (t 1C=" ho*rs, the 2* $as
complete for si4 $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. (t 1C5; ho*rs, as air stri/es and hea)y
artillery $ere bein placed into the area, Company C bean mo)in to %SB +atton.
@n February 25, 1969, at "C5> ho*rs, Company ( $as cond*ctin a ,I% operation !
/ilometers northeast of the 0*nction of &ih$ays 1 and >(, $hen an *n/no$n type booby trap
e4ploded. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded. (t ":15 ho*rs, in the same area the company located
and destroyed a booby trapped 1"5mm and a 155mm artillery ro*nd.
(t 1C!" ho*rs, Company ( and Company (, !?=A
(rmor recei)ed small arms and ,+L
fire. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons and artillery. Se)eral enemy soldiers $ere /illed in
the contact. @ne Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed and fo*r soldiers $ere $o*nded.
@n February 26, 1969, at "AA5 ho*rs, C* Chi Base Camp $as attac/ed. -nemy soldiers
penetrated the perimeter and destroyed : C&.A> &elicopters. 5$o others $ere se)erely damaed.
Company B $as operatin on &ih$ay >(, ! /ilometers north of the 0*nction of &ih$ay
1, $ith elements of the ;5
-nineer Battalion. (t 1""5 ho*rs, three command detonated mines
$ere e4ploded and they also recei)ed small arms fire. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
5hree soldiers $ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n February 27, 1969, Company C $as cond*ctin a ,I% operation $ith elements of the
(rmor, 5 /ilometers north$est of the 0*nction of &ih$ays >( and 1. (t 1C"A ho*rs, the
battalion #@& $as hit and made a s*ccessf*l crash landin in the area of Company C (+Cs. (t
1CA" ho*rs, the *nits recei)ed small arms, a*tomatic $eapons and ,+L fire. 5he fire $as
ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and helicopter *n ships. (t 1CA: ho*rs, Company C
re6*ested a 2* at I5 5A5!1>. 5$o Bobcats from Company C $ere /illed and three $ere
$o*nded in the contact.
(t !"A5 ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine $ith only minor damae
res*ltin from the blast. (t !!=" ho*rs, another (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine
alon &ih$ay >(, one /ilometer so*th of 5r*n #ap. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the
@n February 28, 1969, at 11!5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon, $hile attached to Company C,
Infantry, made contact $ith an *n/no$n si'e enemy force $hile cond*ctin a ,I%
operation east of Lo 2a* &a in the area of I5 A5!5. 5hey recei)ed small arms, a*tomatic
$eapons and ,+L fire. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and air stri/es. @ne
Bobcat $as /illed and three $ere $o*nded in the contact. @ne (+C $as also a combat loss.
(t 1!=" ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(, !
/ilometers so*th$est of 5r*n #ap. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C $as a combat
2*rin February 1969, nineteen Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Lee E. Burnor;
Steven M. Britton; Harold R. Richardson; 1ohn W. Spafford; David P. Haegele;
Arthur L. Klaus; Alexander A.S. Peoples; Christopher S. Smith; Kerry F. Wilson;
Dale R. 1ackson; 1oe 1. Miles; Alvin R. Fritz; Donald H. Sisson; Robert R. Buck;
Paul F. Clark; 1ames E. Wise; Ralph E. Nathan; William S. Potter; and ONE whose name
is unknown to us writing this report.
@n March 01, 1969, one Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from $o*nds he had
recei)ed in an earlier contact.
@n March 04, 1969, at "5=5 ho*rs, the Company C niht perimeter, located alon
&ih$ay !=>, A /ilometers north$est of 5r*n #ap, recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire. %ire $as
ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons and helicopter *nships. 5here $ere no friendly cas*alties.
(t ">A5 ho*rs, Companies C and 2 of the !?1!
Infantry made an airmobile combat
assa*lt into Lrid I5 5A!5, se)eral /ilometers north$est of the Company C, 1?5
(M) niht
perimeter. 5hey immediately established hea)y contact and Companies ( and C, 1?5
(M) $ere
dispatched to reinforce the contact.
(t 1="C ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* at I5 55;!5C for one Bobcat $ith a
*nshot $o*nd. (t 1=15 ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* for three Bobcats $ith *nshot
$o*nds. (t 1=!> ho*rs, Companies ( and C arri)ed in the area of the !?1!
Infantry contact.
(t 1=A" ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* for fi)e $o*nded Bobcats. (t 1=A5
ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for t$o $o*nded Bobcats.
(t 1A=! ho*rs, Company 2, !?1!
Infantry cleared the area of contact and Companies (
and C, 1?5
(M) bean a s$eep of the contact area. (t 1>"= ho*rs, the mech companies reported
that they $ere no loner recei)in enemy fire. 5he dead bodies of enemy soldiers alon $ith
$eapons had been located in a search of the contact area.
(t 1>A: ho*rs, Company C reported that t$o (+Cs had been hit by ,+L fire and one $as
on fire. Company C re6*ested a 2* at 1>5> ho*rs for ele)en $o*nded Bobcats. (t 1C51
ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* for one $o*nded. (t 1:== ho*rs, a 2* $as
re6*ested for si4 Bobcats from Company ( $ith framentation $o*nds.
(t !"1: ho*rs, at I5 5;"!;=, Company C recei)ed = ,+L ro*nds and some small arms
fire. (t !"A5 ho*rs, Company C reported that all its (+Cs $ere no$ on &ih$ay >(, in the area
of 5r*n lap. (t !1"1 ho*rs, they closed their niht perimeter. (t !111 ho*rs, Company B closed
their niht perimeter.
2*rin the dayHs contact t$o Bobcats from Company C $ere /illed and Companies ( and
C s*ffered a total of =C $o*nded.
@n March 05, 1969, Company (, 1?5
(M) alon $ith Companies C and 2, !?1!

Infantry, $ere in a combined niht perimeter at I5 5AC!51, near the area of the pre)io*s dayHs
contact. (t "A51 ho*rs, the perimeter bean to recei)e mortar, ,+L and small arms fire from the
north. ( flare ship and helicopter liht fire team $ere re6*ested. (t "5=; ho*rs, t$o 2*st.offs
$ere re6*ested for at least 1! litter and more amb*latory cas*alties. (t ";5" ho*rs, the 2*st.offs
$ere completed.
(t ">"" ho*rs, Company B bean a road s$eep of &ih$ay 1 and then &ih$ay >(.
(t ">1" ho*rs, Company ( bean a search of the area north of the niht perimeter. (t "CA"
ho*rs, Company C and the recon +latoon bean mo)ement to lin/ *p $ith Company (. 5hey
reached the area at 11"5 ho*rs. 5he day $as spent policin enemy bodies, $eapons and
e6*ipment from the area of contact.
Company ( and Company C, and the ,econ +latoon, 1?5
(M) closed %SB +atton by 1>="
ho*rs. 5here $ere three Bobcats from Company ( /illed in the dayHs action.
@n March 06, 1969, at 1"!" ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine !
/ilometers north$est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5;"!"5. 5hree Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C
$as a combat loss.
@n March 09, 1969, at 1:=" ho*rs, the niht perimeter of Company B, located =
/ilometers north of 5r*n #ap, recei)ed fo*r ;"mm mortar ro*nds. ( 2* $as re6*ested for
eiht $o*nded Bobcats and one $o*nded soldier from the !?=A
(rmor. 5he 2* $as
completed at 1:5" ho*rs. @ne of the $o*nded Bobcats died at the hospital that e)enin.
@n March 10, 1969, the ,econ +latoon $as attached to the !?1!
Infantry and cond*cted
SS2 operations northeast of 5ran Ban.
Companies ( and B $ere assined hih$ay clearin and ro*te sec*rity for portions of
&ih$ays 1, >( and 1:. (t ">!" ho*rs, Company B recei)ed one mortar ro*nd and se)eral ,+L
ro*nds at its niht perimeter, northeast of 5r*n #ap. @ne Bobcat $as /illed.
@n March 11, 1969, the ,econ +latoon $as operatin = /ilometers north$est of 5r*n
#ap $ith elements of the !?1!
Infantry. (t 1"A5 ho*rs, an (+C from the platoon e4ploded an
(5 mine. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded. 5he (+C $as a combat loss.
@n March 12, 1969, the 1?5
(M) contin*ed operations in the 5r*n #ap area. Companies
( and C cond*cted a ,I% operation near 5r*n #ap. Company ( had an (+C detonate a mine,
$o*ndin t$o Bobcats.
Company B $as operatin northeast of 5r*n #ap, $hen at 1""5 ho*rs, an (+C
detonated an (5 mine so*th$est of the 0*nction of ,o*tes >( and 15. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded
and the (+C $as a combat loss. (s the 2* came in to pic/ *p the $o*nded, it detonated
another (5 mine, ca*sin ma0or damae to the helicopter.
@n March 13, 1969, Company ( cond*cted a ,I% operation northeast of 5r*n #ap. (t
1;15 ho*rs, t$o booby traps $ere detonated $o*ndin fi)e Bobcats from the company. 5$o of
them died from $o*nds before they co*ld et to hospital.
( d*ce and a half tr*c/ from the 1?5
(M) detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(, 1
/ilometer so*th of 5r*n #ap at 1""" ho*rs. 5he )ehicle $as destroyed. (t 1=!5 ho*rs,
Company B, $hile s$eepin aro*nd 5r*n #ap, had 1 ro*nd of ,+L fired at one of their trac/s,
b*t it missed. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
@n March 14, 1969, at 1C5: ho*rs, Company C recei)ed a mortar barrae on their niht
perimeter. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded and 2*
(t !=15 ho*rs, Company B departed the niht perimeter for a niht mo)e.
@n March 15,1969, at """> ho*rs, Company C departed their niht perimeter for a lin/
*p site. (t ""=1 ho*rs, Company C $as located at I5 ;"1!A" and mo)in east. (t "11C ho*rs,
Company C $as located at I5 ;">!A". 5hey reported hearin mo)ement to their front and
recei)ed one ro*nd of ,+L fire. (t "1!!, a helicopter liht fire team $as re6*ested and Company
C reported that it had ! (+Cs hit at this time. (t "1=" ho*rs, Company C reported that they $ere
recei)in fire from the front and on both flan/s. 5hey reported that there $ere $o*nded and
/illed on the t$o lead (+Cs and that the col*mn $as bac/in o*t of the contact at that time.
Company B bean closin on the Company C contact area. (t "15; ho*rs, Company C re6*ested
a 2* to *ntil they co*ld sec*re an #T. (t "!!C ho*rs, Company C sent a
dismo*nted patrol to pic/ *p any personnel from the lead (+Cs. Star Cl*sters had been fired from
the (+Cs.
(t "!5! ho*rs, the first 2* $as complete for C $o*nded Bobcats. (t "=!" ho*rs,
the !
2* $as complete for : $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. (t "=!1 ho*rs,
Company C reported that they $ere no loner recei)in enemy fire.
(t "A"! ho*rs, the dismo*nted patrol reached the do$ned (+Cs. 5hey fo*nd no one
ali)e. (t ">"1 ho*rs, Company C mo)ed thro*h the area of contact.
%i)e Bobcats $ere /illed and nineteen $ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n March 16, 1969, Companies ( and B pro)ided sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ operations
north of 5r*n #ap. Company C cond*cted a ,I% alon &ih$ay >(.
@n March 17, 1969, at "A"! ho*rs, the Company ( niht perimeter at I5 555!>1,
recei)ed 1! ro*nds of ;"mm mortar fire. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded. %ire $as ret*rned $ith
*n/no$n res*lts.
Companies B and C cleared and sec*red &ih$ay >( for con)oy *se.
@n March 19, 1969, Company B $as operatin east of +ho*c My at I5 5::15>. (t
1!=" ho*rs, a booby trap $as detonated $o*ndin one Bobcat. Company C $as pro)idin
sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ operations north of 5r*n #ap at I5 5>5!>5. (t 1A"" ho*rs they
recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire, $o*ndin one Bobcat. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n
res*lts. (t 1;"" ho*rs, Company C aain recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire. %ire $as ret*rned
$ith oranic $eapons and artillery. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded in the second
@n March 20, 1969, at 1==; ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* 1hile sec*rin
,ome +lo$ operations at I5 5>5!>", an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine
$o*ndin t$o Bobcats. 5he trac/ $as a combat loss.
(t 1;"C ho*rs, 5he ,econ +latoon recei)ed sniper fire at I5 51:!;=, $hile escortin t$o
flame trac/s and a do$ned (+C. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n res*lts.
(t !=!" ho*rs, the Company C niht perimeter at I5 55!!>=, recei)ed small arms,
a*tomatic $eapons, ,+L and mortar fire. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery,
helicopter *nships, C.11: *nships and air stri/es. Se)en Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact.
( chec/ of the area at first liht re)ealed enemy dead alon $ith miscellaneo*s $eapons and
@n March 24, 1969, Company B $as assined to pro)ide sec*rity for ,ome +lo$
operations north of 5r*n #ap. (t "CA5 ho*rs, Company B recei)ed small arms, a*tomatic
$eapons and ,+L fire. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith the s*pport of artillery and helicopter
*nships. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the contact.
(t 15!A ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* north$est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5;5!A!.
(n (+C had detonated an (5 mine. 5hree dead Bobcats and three $o*nded bobcats from
Company C $ere d* 5he (+C $as a combat loss. (t 1555 ho*rs, another 2* $as
re6*ested for a Bobcat $ith eardr*m damae and for one $ith heat stro/e.
(t 1>A" ho*rs, Company B aain recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire in the same area. %ire
$as ret*rned and the enemy fire $as s*ppressed. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the contact.
@n March 25, 1969, at ";55 ho*rs, Company C departed the niht perimeter for a s$eep
of &ih$ay >( from %SB +atton to &ih$ay 1. 5hey $ere then to pro)ide con)oy escort and
road sec*rity $ith the ,econ +latoon.
(t "C!5 ho*rs, Company B departed their niht perimeter to pro)ide sec*rity for ,ome
+lo$ operations. (t "CA5 ho*rs, Company B ad)ised that a tan/ from the !?=A
(rmor str*c/ a
mine at I5 5;;!;=. 5he mine ble$ off the rear road $heel and the trac/. (t ":=" ho*rs,
Company B recei)ed sniper fire at I5 5;:!;1. (t ":55 ho*rs, Company B reported recei)in
small arms fire and one ,+L ro*nd. (t 1""" ho*rs, Company B $as ad)ised that the battalion
$o*ld not be *sin artillery fire so that they co*ld remain in the contact area and the ,ome +lo$s
co*ld /eep $or/in. (t 1""> ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for ! $o*nded Bobcats.
@ne of the $o*nded still had to be resc*ed from the area of contact. (t 11"5 ho*rs, Company B
reported that as the patrol $as mo)in in to et the $o*nded Bobcat, a VC thre$ a hand renade
and they no$ ha)e one possible EI(. (t 111! ho*rs, a helicopter liht fire team $as re6*ested to
assist Company B. Briade informed the battalion that no helicopter liht fire teams $ere
a)ailable. (t 111C ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for t$o dead Bobcats and one
$o*nded Bobcat. (t 11=C ho*rs, the 2* $as completed.
(t 115A ho*rs, a liht fire team arri)ed at the Company B area of contact. (t 1=!A ho*rs,
Company B recei)ed small arms fire from 15" meters a$ay on their riht flan/. (t 1==1 ho*rs,
Company B re6*ested a 2* for t$o Bobcats $o*nded by ,+L fire. (t 1A=1 ho*rs,
Company B recei)ed another ,+L ro*nd. (t 1515 ho*rs, Company B recei)ed a 1" ro*nd C!mm
mortar barrae. (t 15!5 ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for t$o $o*nded, same location
as Company B. (t 1;1C ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested another 2* at the same location for
t$o $o*nded by ,+L shrapnel. In a s$eep of the contact area at 1>1! ho*rs, the bodies of
enemy soldiers $ith $eapons, amm*nition and miscellaneo*s e6*ipment $ere located and policed
J1hile s$eepin one area at appro4imately ":"" ho*rs in the mornin, the enemy opened
*p $ith (E.A> fire. I $as hit in the abdomen and both les. I fell to the ro*nd and noticed t$o
other men ta/in co)er in a partially destroyed ho*se. 5he platoons p*lled bac/ and attempted to
destroy the positions the enemy $ere in. 5here $ere three positions pinnin *s do$n, t$o on one
side and one on the other. 5he platoons attempted se)eral times to et to *s b*t $ere *nable to
beca*se of the ,+L and (E.A> fire comin from the enemy positions. Soon the enemy started
firin (E.A>s and ,+Ls at the ho*se I $as ne4t to and the other men $ere in. 5hen all o*r
elements started firin on the enemy and I noticed t$o of the lie*tenants lo$ cra$lin to$ards
the t$o b*n/ers $hich $ere abo*t 1" meters apart. #t. 2oane, platoon leader of the second
platoon, reached the first b*n/er and thre$ in se)eral renades and also fired his M.1; into the
b*n/er. I then sa$ a renade thro$n from the ne4t b*n/er and heard the yell Jrenade.K I co*ld
see that #t. 2oane had been $o*nded. 1e yelled at #t. 2oane to o bac/ beca*se he co*ldnHt
ma/e it. B*t he cra$led to the ne4t b*n/er any$ay. 1hen he reached it a b*rst of (E.A> fire
came from the b*n/er and I co*ld see that it had hit #t. 2oane. &e then p*lled the pin of a
renade and thre$ himself into the b*n/er. #t. 2oane had destroyed the t$o b*n/ers on one side
of *s, and the platoon mo)ed in 6*ic/ly and p*lled the three of *s o*t of the area.K
Lt. Stephen H. Doane was later posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of
Honor for his actions.
@n March 28, 1969, at 1!"" ho*rs, Company ( $as operatin north of 5r*n #ap $hen
they recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire. @ne (+C recei)ed a minor ,+L hit. %ire $as ret*rned
and $ith the s*pport of a helicopter liht fire team the enemy fire $as s*ppressed. (t 1C=" ho*rs,
an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded and the (+C $as a
combat loss.
Company C lost a 5V, (trac/ed )ehicle retrie)er) $hen it detonated an (5 mine so*th of
5r*n #ap.
@n March 29, 1968, at 1!=" ho*rs, Company ( had an (+C detonate a booby trapped
1"5mm artillery ro*nd north of 5r*n #ap. 5here $ere no cas*alties b*t the )ehicle s*ffered
considerable damae.
2*rin March 1969, t$enty.t$o Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Mounce E. West; 1oseph A. Goodson; Robert L. Sloan; David P. 1acobs;
Daniel W. Lawson; 1ohn A. Nowakowski; Larry M. Smith; Clarence E. Nunnery 1r.;
Donnie W. Caudill; Daniel W. Lloyd; 1ohn W. Camp; 1ulio Hernandez 1r.;
Carl W. Hughes; Dennis R. Hunsley; Michael Lynch; 1ack L. Rexrode;
1ohn D. Hamilton 1r.; Robert A. Holan 1r.; Dennis M. Silveri; Stephen H. Doane;
Norman C. Smoots; and ONE whose name is unknown to us writing this report.
@n April 02, 1069, Company C alon $ith Company B, !?1A
Infantry cond*cted a ,I%
operation north of 5r*n #ap in the $estern frines of the &o Bo 1oods. Se)eral mines $ere
located and destroyed.
@n April 04, 1969, Company C contin*ed to cond*ct ,I% operations northeast of 5r*n
#ap in the &o Bo 1oods area. By ":"" ho*rs, se)eral booby trapped artillery and mortar ro*nds
had been located and destroyed. (t 1"5" ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine.
5he trac/ $as a combat loss. (t 1=A5 ho*rs, another (+C from Company C detonated an (5
mine. 5hat )ehicle $as also a combat loss.
@n April 05, 1969, Company B $as cond*ctin road sec*rity $hen an (+C from the
company detonated an (5 mine. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the e4plosion.
@n April 07, 1969, at ";55 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon departed for a s$eep of &ih$ay
>( and &ih$ay 1. (t ">15 ho*rs, both Companies ( and C departed for a ,I% operation $ith
Company B, !?1A
Infantry. (t ">=5 ho*rs, Company B, 1?5
(M) departed for a s$eep of
&ih$ay 1:.
(t "CAA ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon re6*ested a 2* for one Bobcat $o*nded $hen a
booby trap $as detonated so*th of 5r*n #ap. (t ":!> ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2*
for one Bobcat $o*nded by a booby trap. (t ":AC ho*rs, Company C recei)ed one incomin
mortar ro*nd = /ilometers north$est of 5r*n #ap. (t ":5A ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a
2* for one Bobcat $o*nded by a booby trap at I5 5>5!AA.
(t 1"!C ho*rs, Company C reported that the area they $ere searchin had fihtin
positions containin ,+L amm*nition and renades. 5hey fo*nd a co*ple of bodies and each
position had a as mas/ in it. (t 1"5" ho*rs, Company C bean recei)in small arms and ,+L
fire. ( helicopter liht fire team $as re6*ested. (t 11"= ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2*
for t$o $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat. (t 115> ho*rs, the 2* $as completed for
t$o dead Bobcats and three $o*nded Bobcats. (t 1!5" ho*rs, another 2* $as re6*ested
for one dead and one $o*nded Bobcat, also from Company C.
(t 15AC ho*rs, Company ( reported that it $as recei)in ,+L fire. (t 155C ho*rs,
Company ( re6*ested a 2* for fo*r $o*nded Bobcats.
2*rin a s$eep of the contact area, enemy bodies, $eapons and e6*ipment $ere policed
*p and disposed of.
@n April 09, 1969, at ""A: ho*rs, the Company ( niht perimeter in the &o Bo 1oods
at I5 5C:!:A recei)ed some ,+L fire. (t ""5! ho*rs, one company mortar trac/ $as hit and
b*rned o*t of control. 5hat mornin after first liht, a ra)es reistration team and an e4plosi)es
ordinance disposal team $as flo$n to the Company ( perimeter to e4tract t$o dead Bobcats
from the inside of the b*rned mortar trac/.
@n April 10, 1969, at "!A" ho*rs, a Spoo/y L*nship $as operatin near the Company B
niht perimeter. (t "A!C ho*rs, Company B reported that they had one Bobcat /illed and t$o
$o*nded from stray ro*nds from the Spoo/y L*nship and needed a 2* 5he 2* $as
completed at "A5A ho*rs.
@n April 11, 1969, at "=!" ho*rs, the Company B niht perimeter, located C /ilometers
north$est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5;"!C", $as attac/ed by an estimated company si'e VC force.
5he enemy attac/ $as s*ppressed by fire from oranic $eapons, artillery, helicopter and (C.A>
L*nships. In a s$eep that mornin, the company policed *p n*mero*s dead enemy bodies,
$eapons and e6*ipment. 3o Bobcats $ere in0*red in the contact.
(t 1=1" ho*rs, the C,I+ element of the 1?5
(M) $as operatin so*theast of 5r*n #ap
$hen they enaed an estimated enemy platoon si'ed force at I5 ;""1C>. (rtillery and
&elicopter *nships $ere called in for s*pport. Se)eral enemy soldiers and t$o Bobcats $ere
/illed in the contact.
@n April 12, 1969, Company C $as clearin a road north of &ih$ay C(, abo*t :
/ilometers $est of C* Chi Base Camp. (t ";A5 ho*rs, an (+C detonated an (5 mine at I5
>A515A. @ne Bobcat from Company C $as /illed and hea)y damae $as done to the trac/.
@n April 13, 1969, Company B had their niht defensi)e perimeter established !
/ilometers northeast of Bao 5rai at I5 5;"">". (n enemy force of *n/no$n si'e attac/ed the
perimeter $ith small arms, a*tomatic $eapons and ,+L fire. 5he fire $as ret*rned and
s*ppressed $ith the assistance of artillery, helicopter *nships and air stri/es. @ne Bobcat $as
$o*nded and one (+C $as destroyed in the contact. 5he bodies of enemy soldiers $ith $eapons
and miscellaneo*s e6*ipment $ere policed from the area of contact and disposed of.
(t "C=" ho*rs, an (+C from the ,econ +latoon detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(,
one /ilometer north of the &ih$ay 1 0*nction. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the e4plosion.
@n April 15, 1969, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine in the &o Bo 1oods
at I5 ;15!C". 5he company $as cond*ctin a ,I% $hile *nder @+C@3 to the !?=A
5he (+C $as a combat loss.
@n April 18, 1969, Company B $as assined to pro)ide ro*te sec*rity for &ih$ay >(.
(t 1;"" ho*rs, $hile Company ( $as cond*ctin a ,I% operation from C* Chi to %SB +ershin.
5hey enaed a small force of VC, /illin se)eral.
(t 1;1C ho*rs, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine in the same eneral area
as the Company B contact. @ne Bobcat from Company ( $as $o*nded and the (+C $as a
combat loss.
@n April 22, 1969, Company C $as pro)idin sec*rity to ,o*te >(. (t 1="" ho*rs,
Company ( $as dispatched to assist a #,,+ team that $as in contact north of C* Chi.
(t 1="5 ho*rs, Company B reported that they had one man /illed $hen a booby trapped
1"5mm artillery ro*nd $as detonated. ( eneral s*pply helicopter $as re6*ested to e4tract the
BobcatHs body from the scene.
@n April 23, 1969, Company C $as operatin $est of 5r*n #ap $hen a booby trapped
hand renade $as tripped and detonated. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded. Companies B and ( $ere
operatin north of 5r*n #ap d*rin the day.
@n April 24, 1968, an M.5AC #5V, (#iht 5rac/ed Vehicle ,etrie)er) $as destroyed
$hen it detonated an (5 mine on &ih$ay >(, so*th of 5r*n #ap at 15=" ho*rs.
@n April 26, 1969, patrol base %rontier City located north$est of Lo 2a* &a at I5
!"!!:1 and defended by Company C, A?:
Infantry $as attac/ed by the !>1
3V( ,eiment at
""=5 ho*rs. 5he company held $ith the s*pport of artillery, *nships and air stri/es.
@n April 27, 1969, at abo*t "==" ho*rs, %ire S*pport Base +atton, located on the north
frine of 5r*n #ap at I5 5:=!1>, bean recei)in C!mm mortar ro*nds. %ire $as ret*rned $ith
*n/no$n res*lts. @ne Bobcat from the A.! mortar section $as /illed and = $ere $o*nded. @ne
Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon $as also $o*nded.
Company C $as sent north of 5r*n #ap to assist the !?1!
Infantry $ho $ere in contact.
5he members of Company C spent the ne4t t$o days s$eepin the area of the !?1!
contact, policin *p enemy bodies, $eapons and e6*ipment.
2*rin April 1969, ele)en Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Charles L. Hathorn 1r.; Stanley E. McCreary; Wayne Y. Stewart; 1ames G. Bunch 1r.;
Rodney T. Fukunaga; Gerald A. Decker; Gonzalo H. Villasenor; Martin Lechuga;
Robert C. King; David Lee; and Richard A. Oman.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in personnel statistics for the D*arterly
+eriod of %ebr*ary "1, 1:;: to (pril =", 1:;::
EI(: ="CB 1I(: !:1"B MI(: "B 3B2: :B 3BI: !=.
J5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision L.! Section rapidly and acc*rately de)eloped their estimate of
the enemyHs intentions for the sprin and s*mmer of 1:;:. 5he enemy campain plans did not
promise or call for total )ictory as in the past. Instead they indicated that )ictory $o*ld be
achie)ed in an indirect and complicated $ay. Military acti)ity $o*ld be cond*cted to ain
political and psycholoical ad)antae o)er the 7nited States and the Lo)ernment of So*th Viet
3am, th*s $ea/enin o*r resol)e, hastenin o*r depart*re, and lea)in the Comm*nist 3ational
#iberation %ront politically dominant in So*th Viet 3am.K
(t the beinnin of May 1:;:, the 1?5
(M) had the mission of locatin and destroyin
base areas and caches and eliminatin Viet Con Cadre in the 5r*n #ap N &o Bo 1oods area as
$ell as pre)entin attac/s by fire aainst C* Chi Base Camp.
2*rin the period, elements of the 1?5
(M) and the !?1A
Infantry, *nder the operational
control of the !?=A
(rmor, pro)ided sec*rity for the +h* C*on (I5 C11A) and the Ba Bep (I5
>C1=) Brides on &ih$ay C(.
@n May 01, 1969, one Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from $o*nds he had
pre)io*sly recei)ed. (nother Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon died from non.hostile ca*ses.
@n May 08, 1969, Companies B and C $ere pro)idin ro*te sec*rity for &ih$ay 1, east
of 5ran Ban. -nemy troops $ere obser)ed abo*t 1 /ilometer north of the hih$ay and $ere
ta/en *nder fire $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and helicopter *nships.
@n May 10, 1969, Company ( and one platoon from Company 2, !?1!
established a niht defensi)e perimeter in the Boi #oi 1oods at I5 55:!>C. (fter establishin
their positions, a test fire of $eapons $as ordered after dar/. 2*rin the test fire, a mortar
ill*mination ro*nd $as fired. 5he liht e4posed a force of abo*t =" enemy soldiers ad)ancin
to$ard the perimeter. 5hey $ere ta/en *nder fire and fled in s*rprise. 5he ne4t mornin, the
bodies of dead enemy soldiers $ith $eapons and e6*ipment $ere policed from the area of
@n May 12, 1969, at "=15 ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) C,I+ element $as positioned at the C*
Chi S*b.Sector $hen an C!mm mortar barrae hit the position. Si4 Bobcats $ere $o*nded and
one $as /illed in the attac/.
@n May 13, 1969, at ":55 ho*rs, Companies B and 2 of the !?1!
Infantry commenced a
combat assa*lt into a s*spected 3V( base area bet$een the &o Bo and Boi #oi 1oods at I5
5;:=11. Meetin intense enemy fire, Company 2 $ithdre$ to allo$ helicopter *nships and
artillery to po*nd the area. Company (, 1?5
(M) set *p a bloc/in position d*rin the air stri/es.
(fter the air stri/es, the companies mo)ed thro*h the area policin dead enemy bodies, $eapons
and e6*ipment from the b*n/er comple4es.
@n May 21, 1969, at "5"" ho*rs, Company B $ith one platoon from Company C and the
,eional %orce Company commenced a cordon and search operation of Lion Viec &amlet
located bet$een +h*oc My and C* Chi at I5 ;"5155. Immediately *pon mo)in into the
ob0ecti)e area, the So*th Vietnamese ,% soldiers capt*red a VC $ith his (E.A> ,ifle. &e said he
$as a s6*ad leader and that there $ere !" other VC in the hamlet. ( +SG@+S broadcast $as
made and one VC s*rrendered.
5he ,% Company and t$o platoons from Company B made a s$eep of the area. 5hey
fo*nd a n*mber of VC dead from the preparatory artillery fire that had been placed on the area.
5hey also too/ ; VC prisoners, alon $ith $eapons, amm*nition and e6*ipment.
(mon the +@1s $as a n*rse $ho had pre)io*sly $or/ed for the 55A
Battalion on C* Chi Base Camp. 5he n*rse $as instr*mental in the capt*re of = females employed
at C* Chi Base Camp $ho $or/ed for the VC and $ere in)ol)ed in the minin of the 55A

-nineer Battalion mess hall on 9an*ary "=, 1:;:.
@n May 26, 1969, based on intellience athered from the May !1 operation, another
combined operation $as commenced in Lion Viec. Eilled in this operation $as the C.!" #ocal
%orce Company Commander and a s6*ad of his soldiers.
@n May 29, 1969, elements of the 1?5
(M) participated in a combined cordon and search
operation = /ilometers north$est of 5r*n #ap. (s forces mo)ed into the area, the fleein VC
$ere s*b0ected to artillery and helicopter *nship fire. 5he bloc/in forces $ere Company B(.) on
the riht, Company ( !?=A
(rmor and Company C, !?1!
Infantry on the left. 5o the east $as
Company C, !?!>
Infantry. Company C,1?5
(M) and (,V3 forces $o*ld cond*ct the search.
(t 11=> ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a 2* for one $o*nded Bobcat. (t 1!=!
ho*rs, Company C re6*ested another 2* for one man $ith a *nshot $o*nd and one $ith
$o*nds from a booby trapped hand renade.
(t 1==" ho*rs, Company C recei)ed ,+L fire from hedero$s to their front. 5$o (+Cs
$ere hit. ( 2* $as re6*ested for one $o*nded Bobcat. 5he t$o damaed (+Cs $ere
e4tracted from the area and air stri/es $ere called in. (t 1AA" ho*rs, Company C had another
(+C hit by ,+L fire. ( 2* $as re6*ested for fi)e $o*nded Bobcats and one dead Bobcat.
(ir s*pport $as aain employed before the *nits s$ept thro*h the area.
@n May 31, 1969, Company B located a rice cache in the &o Bo 1oods $hile
cond*ctin a ,I% operation.
2*rin May 1969, fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1ames D. Blasko;
Ronald A. Hill; Stephen W. DeAro; and Charles M. McMillion.
@n 1une 05, 1969, Companies ( and C bean participation in a fi)e day ,I% in an area
north$est of 5r*n #ap. (lso participatin in the operation on the first day $ere Companies B
and C of the !?1!
Infantry, Company (, !?=A
(rmor, and elements of the (,V3 =?A:

(t 1!AC ho*rs, a lare enemy force in fortified positions $as enaed at I5 5;C!55.
-lements from Companies ( and C, 1?5
(M) recei)ed hea)y small arms, a*tomatic $eapons and
,+L fire. (rtillery and helicopter *nship fires $ere called in called in to help s*ppress the enemy
fire. 2*rin the firefiht, a helicopter *nship $as shot do$n, /illin all fo*r members of the
cre$. 5hree (+Cs $ere also destroyed by enemy fire.
5hree Bobcats from Company (, t$o Bobcats from Company C and one Bobcat medic
$ere /illed in the enco*nter. %o*rteen Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
2*rin a s$eep of the area after the firefiht, bodies of dead enemy soldiers alon $ith
$eapons and e6*ipment $ere policed *p and disposed of.
@n 1une 08, 1969, Company (, 1?5
(M) and Company (, !?1A
Infantry, cond*cted a
,I% operation to assess bomb damae from an air stri/e north of 5r*n #ap at I5 5>=!A>. 5he
*nits located se)eral dead enemy soldiers $ith their $eapons. (t 1>"5 ho*rs, an *n/no$n si'e
enemy force $as enaed in the same eneral area. (rtillery and &elicopter *nship fires $ere
called in for s*pport. 1hile policin *p enemy bodies and $eapons after the contact, doc*ments
$ere fo*nd indicatin that the enemy *nit $as an element of the !;C
VC?3V( ,eiment.
@n 1une 09, 1969, one Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed by a booby trap e4plosion.
@n 1une 13, 1969, Company C, cond*cted a s$eep north of 5r*n #ap to$ards a
bloc/in position established by a ,eional %orce Company. (t 11"5 ho*rs, an *n/no$n si'e
enemy force $as enaed. @ne (+C $as hit by an ,+L ro*nd, ca*sin ma0or damae and
$o*ndin t$o Bobcats. (rtillery and air stri/es $ere called in, eliminatin the enemy force.
(t !1!" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company ( enaed an enemy s6*ad 0*st north of
+h*oc My at I5 5C>1;C. @ne Bobcat $as $o*nded in the e4chane, $hich /illed se)eral enemy
(t !==" ho*rs, a niht combat patrol from Company ( called in artillery on a s*spected
enemy position at I5 5>11;A. 5he enemy responded $ith ,+L fire $hich hit one (+C,
$o*ndin fo*r Bobcats. &elicopter *nships $ere called into the area and one of them $as shot
do$n, $o*ndin the fo*r cre$ members. In a s$eep of the area at first liht, enemy bodies,
$eapons and e6*ipment $ere policed *p.
@n 1une 15, 1969, Company B responded to assist 5roop (, P Ca)alry, north of 5ran
Ban at I5 AC!!A=. (lso respondin $ere the C,I+ element of the !?1!
Infantry and a
,eional %orce Company. 5he Ca)alry *nit had made contact $ith a lare enemy force. (rtillery,
air stri/es and helicopter *nships $ere employed to destroy the enemy, $ho $ere fihtin from
fortified positions. Many enemy bodies $ere located in the area of contact after the firin had
ceased. 1! 7S troops $ere $o*nded and one $as /illed in the battle.
@n 1une 27, 1969, Company B reacted to reinforce Company C, !?1A
Infantry, $ho
$ere in contact $ith an enemy force near the Saion ,i)er, east of C* Chi, at I5 >5C1>".
(rtillery and helicopter *nships $ere *sed to s*ppress the enemy fire. (fter the VC bro/e
contact, many bodies of dead enemy soldiers $ere fo*nd on the field of battle. 1eapons and o)er
1"" ro*nds of ,+L amm*nition $ere also located and disposed of.
@n 1une 28, 1969, at 1A!5 ho*rs, elements of Company C detonated a booby trap
consistin of t$o 1"5mm ro*nds alon &ih$ay !=>, so*theast of 5r*n #ap at I5 5:C1C1.
5$o Bobcats $ere /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded by the blast. 5he Company $as pro)idin
sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ c*ttin operations.
Company ( cond*cted a ,I% a fe$ /ilometers so*theast of 5ran Ban $itho*t incident.
@n 1une 29, 1969, Company C $as pro)idin sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ c*ttin operations
so*th$est of 5r*n #ap. Se)eral booby traps $ere located d*rin the mornin and $ere disposed
of. (t 1A=5 ho*rs, the Company located a booby trapped 155mm artillery ro*nd and ble$ it in
place. (t 1AA5 ho*rs, Company C re6*ested a *nship as they $ere recei)in sporadic mortar
fire. (lso they reported that they had one Bobcat dead at I5 5>;!";, $ho had stepped on a
booby trapped 1"5mm artillery ro*nd, detonatin it.
(t 1;A! ho*rs, Company C reported that they fo*nd an C1mm mortar t*be and a n*mber
of ro*nds of mortar amm*nition in a b*n/er inside a small ho*se at I5 5;:!";.
5he ,econ +latoon pro)ided sec*rity alon ,o*te 1: d*rin the day.
2*rin 1une 1969, ten Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Charles M. Ramsey;
Robert E. Langston; Patrick E. Poppenga; 1ames D. Walker; David P. Callahan;
1ames A. Mardis 1r.; Lionel T. Rachal; William C. Dabbert; Steven L. McGinness; and
Charles M. Kiniyalocts.
2*rin 9*ly 1:;:, the 1?5
(M) contin*ed operatin in the area north of 5r*n #ap and
5ran Ban. ( part of the area had become /no$n by the nic/name J5he Citadel.K -lements of
the battalion also contin*ed to pro)ide sec*rity alon road$ays in the area. 5he battalion for$ard
base contin*ed to be located at %SB 2e)in.
@n 1uly 03, 1969, the ,econ +latoon s$ept and opened &ih$ay 1 and >(. (t ":=!
ho*rs, Company B departed %SB +atton $ith a ,ome +lo$ for c*ttin operations.
5hat mornin at ":=" ho*rs, some men from Company B, !?1A
infantry fired a #(1 into
a hedero$. 1hen it did not detonate, A men $ent to chec/ it o*t. It e4ploded $hile they $ere
e4aminin it, /illin one and in0*rin =.
(t 11=" ho*rs, Company B reported that one of the ,ome +lo$s hit a mine $ith neati)e
cas*alties. (t 115! ho*rs, Company B reported that they $ere recei)in small arms and one
ro*nd of ,+L fire north$est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5;>!15. %ire $as ret*rned $ith *n/no$n
res*lts. (t 1!55 ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for three Bobcats $o*nded by a booby
trap e4plosion at I5 5;1!1;. (t 1A"C ho*rs, Company B re6*ested another 2* for fo*r
Bobcats $o*nded by a booby trap e4plosion in the same eneral area.
Company ( cond*cted a ,I% of the area immediately north$est of the 0*nction of
&ih$ays 1 and >( d*rin the afternoon $ith neati)e contact.
@n 1uly 07, 1969, Company B $as operatin alon &ih$ay >(, north$est of 5r*n
#ap. (t 1!5" ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* for one Bobcat $o*nded by a booby trap
detonation at I5 ;"5!!=. (t 1=!5 ho*rs, Company B re6*ested another 2* at the same
location. @ne Bobcat had been /illed and t$o others $o*nded $hen a booby trap e4ploded.
(t 1=A= ho*rs, Company B re6*ested t$o flame baths in the c*ttin area at I5 ;"!!!".
@n 1uly 08, 1969, at 15"" ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* 5 /ilometers
north$est of C* Chi Base Camp on &ih$ay !=>. 5$o (,V3 soldiers and one Bobcat had been
$o*nded by a booby trap e4plosion. 5he Company ( Bobcat died from his in0*ries before he ot
to hospital.
-arlier in the day, three Bobcats from Company B $ere $o*nded from a booby trap
@n 1uly 15, 1969, Company ( $as @+C@3 to the !?1A
Infantry $hen they capt*red a
$o*nded 3V( soldier. 5he +@1 a)e directions $hich led to a small arms cache in the lo$er
@n 1uly 28, 1969, Company B too/ part in a one day ,I% operation north of 5r*n #ap.
(t 1A55 ho*rs, Company B started to recei)e small arms fire at I5 5>5!=". (t 15A= ho*rs, the
company re6*ested a 2* for t$o $o*nded Bobcats. @ne died of his $o*nds at hospital. By
1>"" ho*rs, Company B had = +@1s, alon $ith se)eral $eapons and miscellaneo*s e6*ipment
$hich $ere policed from amon the dead bodies of the enemy soldiers in the area of contact.
@n 1uly 29, 1969, the ,econ +latoon $as $or/in $ith a s6*ad from the 1;!
Company s$eepin &ih$ay >(. (t 1;!" ho*rs, so*th$est of 5hai My at I5 51>1AA, a VC $as
obser)ed e4itin $hat appeared to be a t*nnel entrance. &e $as fired on and do)e bac/ *nder
co)er. (s the *nits approached the area, they obser)ed that it $as a b*n/er $ith o)erhead co)er.
7pon recei)in no response to calls to s*rrender, se)eral #(1s $ere fired at the b*n/er. 5$o
VC emered from the b*n/er. @ne ran and $as $o*nded and ta/en +@1 $ith the other one. In
tal/in to him, the ,%s learned that there $ere more VC soldiers in the b*n/er.
1hile chec/in aro*nd the b*n/er, a booby trap $as detonated $o*ndin one Bobcat and
one (,V3 soldier. ( s*rrender appeal $as aain anno*nced. 1ith no response, a shape chare
$as detonated on top of the b*n/er. 7pon chec/in, dead enemy soldiers $ere fo*nd inside the
2*rin 1uly 1969, three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Thomas 1. Lyons;
1esse Uptigrove; and Paul E. Fabrisi.
2*rin the D*arterly +eriod of May "1, 1:;: to 9*ly =1, 1:;:, the !5
Infantry 2i)ision
reported the follo$in personnel statistics:
EI(: 1>:B 1I(: !,">" (5>! e)ac*ated)B 3B2: !1B 3BI: =;B MI(: ".
2*rin the reportin period there contin*ed to be a personnel shortae in the di)ision of
Infantry Captains and #ie*tenants and %ield (rtillery #ie*tenants. 5here also contin*ed to be a
shortae of 3C@s in rades -; thro*h -: in the 11B, 11C, 11%, 1!B, 1>B, 1>E, =1L, ;=(,
;=C, >;(, >;+, >;G, >;T and :AB M@S.
(s August 1969 bean, the 1?5
(M) $o*ld be assined offensi)e operations in the &o Bo
1oods, the JCitadelK area and the %ilhol. 5hey $o*ld also be responsible for road sec*rity
operations on sections of the area road$ays.
@n August 04, 1969, 5he C,I+ elements of the 1?5
(M) and the !?1A
Infantry enaed
an enemy s6*ad northeast of C* Chi at I5 ;!C1>:. In close fihtin they eliminated the enemy
@n August 14, 1969, a Bobcat from Company B died as the res*lt of in0*ries he s*stained
in an accidental )ehicle crash.
@n August 15, 1969, the ,econ +latoon cond*cted operations so*theast of C* Chi Base
Camp in the area of I5 ;>!1!!. Company C cond*cted a s$eep so*th of the 0*nction of
&ih$ays 1 and >( in the area of I5 5;11A!. (t 115! ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2*
! /ilometers north$est of 5hai My at I5 51C1;C. 5$o Bobcats from the company had been
$o*nded and one $as /illed $hen a booby trapped hand renade $as tripped and detonated.
@n August 17, 1969, Company B $as pro)idin sec*rity for ,ome +lo$ c*ttin
operations = /ilometers so*theast of 5ran Ban. (t 1=!" ho*rs, the company re6*ested a 2*st.
off for one Bobcat $ith shrapnel $o*nds to his left arm.
(t 1A"" ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* (n (+C from the company had
detonated $hat $as estimated to be a 1"" po*nd mine three /ilometers north$est of C* Chi Base
Camp at I5 ;!A1CA. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded and the (+C $as a combat loss. @ne of the
$o*nded Bobcats from Company ( died of his $o*nds in hospital later that day.
@n August 20, 1969, an *n*s*al sihtin $as made by 7S %orces at 2*c &*e. 5en enemy
$ere enaed $ith artillery and fled into Cambodia in the )icinity of I5 ="1A. (t 1CA5 ho*rs,
t$o helicopters landed in the area to $hich the enemy personnel had escaped. &elicopters $ere
sihted in the J(nelHs 1inK earlier in 1:;: b*t their manner of employment and o$nership
remained *ndetermined.
@n August 21, 1969, at 1!15 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon $ith one flame trac/ attached,
disco)ered fo*r t*nnels alon a hedero$ at I5 5A:1:5 abo*t ! /ilometers north$est of %SB
2e)ins. 5he t*nnels sho$ed sins of recent *se and as they approached the ne4t hedero$, one
VC $as obser)ed r*nnin from the hih rass into the hedero$. 5he flame trac/ do*sed the
hedero$ and the VC ran and $as shot. ( search of the hedero$ re)ealed the body of another
enemy soldier. S*ddenly another VC 0*mped *p from the tall rass and ran into the hedero$.
5he platoon p*lled bac/ and sprayed the hedero$ and area $ith a*tomatic $eapons fire. (n
airstri/e $as re6*ested and Company C, $ith t$o additional flame trac/s responded from %SB
2e)ins. %ollo$in the air stri/e and an artillery barrae, soldiers from Company C dismo*nted
and approached the hedero$. B*rsts of a*tomatic $eapons fire from se)eral positions reeted
them. (s these tarets $ere enaed, an ,+L $as fired hittin an (+C $hich bean to b*rn. (
soldier on the trac/ had risen to thro$ a hand renade into a spider hole and the blast /noc/ed
him from the trac/. &is hand renade rolled and detonated $o*ndin t$o Bobcats. 5he force
$ithdre$ and an #%5 e4pended its load on the hedero$. 5he three flame trac/s then sprayed the
hedero$ and a portion of the tall rass to the riht. 5he soldiers aain ad)anced on the
hedero$ and met no resistance.
@n August 22, 1969, a Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon died from m*ltiple framentation
2*rin August 1969, fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Richard M. Wise;
Richard D. Laxson; Ronald W. Panno; and Thomas M. Ralston.
@n September 13, 1969, an element from Company C had established an amb*sh position
o*tside the C* Chi Base Camp $ith members of the 1;>
+op*lar %orces Company. 5he amb*sh
$as set *p at I5 ;;C1A5, so*theast of the base camp. (t !15= ho*rs, hand renades $ere
thro$n into the amb*sh position. 5$o Bobcats from Company C $ere /illed and one (,V3
soldier $as /illed. @ne (,V3 soldier $as also $o*nded.
@n September 19, 1969, &elicopter *nships recei)ed hea)y ro*nd fire $hile flyin o)er
an area abo*t ! /ilometers east of +h*oc My at rid I5 ;11;.
Companies ( and B and the ,econ +latoon $ere dispatched to the area alon $ith the
,eional %orces Company and elements of the !?1!
Infantry. Company B established a
bloc/in position on the $est and Company ( $ith the 1=!
,% Company set *p on the east. 5he
,econ +latoon and the elements of the !?1!
set *p on the so*th side of the contact area.
(s the air stri/es and artillery fires $ere lifted, Company ( and the 1=!
bean a s$eep of
the area. 5he only resistance came from t$o 3V( soldiers in spider holes. 5$o +@1s and
enemy dead $ith $eapons and e6*ipment $ere located in the area. 5here $ere no allied
@n September 22 and 23, 1969, snipers from the 1?5
(M) $ere positioned alon
&ih$ay 1 and $ere s*ccessf*l in enain se)eral tarets in the e)enin ho*rs.
@n September 24, 1969, Company C and elements of the 1"th (,V3 Ca)alry ,eiment
established a niht defensi)e perimeter in the &o Bo 1oods at I5 ;5;!;!. (t "15" ho*rs, the
perimeter $as attac/ed by an *n/no$n si'e enemy force $ith small arms, a*tomatic $eapons,
mortar and ,+L fire. 5he attac/ $as rep*lsed $ith oranic $eapons and artillery fires. 5$o
Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact. -nemy bodies and $eapons and amm*nition $ere policed
from the area at first liht.
@n September 29, 1969, a Bobcat from Company B died in hospital from b*rns he had
recei)ed on an earlier date.
2*rin September 1969, three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Albert L. Belanger; 1ames D. Darwin; and 1ames 1ennings 1r.
2*rin October 1969, no Bobcats died in Viet 3am.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in personnel statistics for the D*arterly
+eriod of (**st "1, 1:;: thr* @ctober =1, 1:;::
EI(: C>B 1I(: 11">B MI(: "B 3B2: 1CB 3BI: !>.
+ersonnel shortaes in Infantry Captains, Infantry #ie*tenants and (rtillery #ie*tenants
contin*ed. 5here also contin*ed to be a shortae of 3C@s in rades -.; thr* -.: in the 11B,
11C, 1!B, 1>B, 1>E, =1L, ;=(, ;=C, >;T, and :AB M@S.
,allier 5ran Minh 2ao, a former hih ran/in Comm*nist officer of S*b.,eion @ne, in
f*rther debriefin, maintained that the VC?3V( $o*ld ta/e into consideration the demonstrations
planned by 7S ro*ps opposed to the Viet 3am 1ar. &e also estimated that 3orth Vietnamese
political ob0ecti)es centerin on the +aris +eace 5al/s $o*ld be s*pported by military action.
Chemical @perations: J2*rin the D*arterly +eriod n*mero*s defoliation missions ha)e been
flo$n s*pportin tactical operations of the !
Briade. 5he !
Briade e4perienced diffic*lty in
obtainin (ir %orce 5rail 2*st missions in the &o Bo 1oods and the %ilholB th*s an attempt $as
made to spray selected areas $ithin appro)ed 5rail 2*st areas. 7tili'in a slic/ $ith attached
defoliation spray /it, an e4tensi)e proram of selecti)e sprayin $as completed. 5he res*lts of
these missions ha)e sinificantly red*ced the enemyHs mo)ement across traditional infiltration
ro*tes and ha)e red*ced his co)er from aerial obser)ers. 2*rin the period, the infamo*s JSpider
1ebK, an intricate comple4 of streams, marsh and hea)ily booby trapped thic/ )eetation alon
the Saion ,i)er north$est of the +h* C*on Bride $as defoliated. 2efoliation $ith J@raneK
defoliant in selected, pre)io*sly ,ome +lo$ed sites in the JCitadelK area $ere also completed
d*rin the period.K
Beinnin in November 1969, the !
Briade operated $ith = battalions and one ca)alry
s6*adron M!?1!
InfantryB !?1A
InfantryB 1?5
(M)B P Ca)alry(.)O cond*ctin e4tensi)e combat
patrols, ro*nd and mo*nted reconnaissance, and combat assa*lt operations in the central portion
of the !5th 2i)ision area of operations. 5he briade also cond*cted sec*rity alon sections of
&ih$ays ;(, >(, C(, 1:, 15, and 1. 5he !
Briade $as also instr*cted to cond*ct combined
operations $ith the So*th Vietnamese 5
and !5
Infantry 2i)isions.
@n November 03, 1969, Company ( proceeded to a location ! /ilometers $est of +h*oc
My at I5 5;"1A! to relie)e the ,econ +latoon $ho $ere established in a bloc/in position. (t
1AA" ho*rs, Company ( re6*ested a 2* for one dead Bobcat and one $o*nded Bobcat
from a bobby trap that $as detonated. 5he dead Bobcat $as a la$yer in the ,eser)es, 0*st doin
his time, $hen he stepped on a mine.
@n November 16, 1969, a Chie* &oi led the ,econ +latoon to a $eapons cache east of
5ran Ban.
@n November 20, 1969, a Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon died from in0*ries he had
earlier recei)ed.
@n November 22, 1969, a Bobcat from Company ( died from $o*nds he had pre)io*sly
@n November 25, 1969, a patrol from Company ( enaed an enemy force at !"1A
ho*rs, A /ilometers so*theast of 5r*n #ap. Se)eral enemy soldiers $ere /illed in the contact.
@n November 28, 1969, at 1!!" ho*rs, Company ( located an amm*nition cache =
/ilometers so*theast of 5r*n #ap in a $ater hole.
@n November 29, 1969, Company B, $or/in $ith the 1=!
,% Company, capt*red t$o
+@1s > /ilometers northeast of C* Chi.
2*rin November 1969, three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Franklin T. 1ames; David S. Kline; and Keith Colwell.
@n December 01, 1969, the Commandin Leneral of the !5
Infantry 2i)ision sent o*t a
letter to his briade and battalion commanders. &e related: JI ha)e obser)ed o*r mechani'ed
operations for a co*ple of months no$ and I thin/ $e are spendin too m*ch time ridin and
mo)in $itho*t ainin contact. (t the enclo*s*re are some obser)ations of a former commander
of a mechani'ed infantry company. &e has set forth a n*mber of *sef*l hints and obser)ations,
and I as/ that the appropriate commanders st*dy the enclos*re and ma/e *se of its items.K
(dditional copies $ere pro)ided in the e)ent Jyo* $ish to distrib*te this to yo*r company
5he report had nothin positi)e to say abo*t mechani'ed infantry. J5he typical mech
operation in $hich the mechani'ed forces mo)e aro*nd in a mobile role $ith the troops ridin on
top of the (+C is a $aste of men and reso*rces. -)en $hen mech troops dismo*nt they do not
stray far from their ood friend, the (+C, for the a)erae mech troop has disdain for $al/in and
carryin hea)y loads. &e reards the (+C as his home a$ay from home, for it carries his food,
amm*nition and $ater, as $ell as his comm*nications, and one m*st not foret the habit*al
container of cold soda. &e has a ood deal and he /no$s it, and only the most aressi)e and
competent leader can pers*ade him to lea)e his carrier behind.K
It $as also filled $ith hints on ho$ to JproperlyK cond*ct amb*shes that loo/ed ood on
paper, b*t $ere not at all practical in act*al application.
5hat the Commandin Leneral apparently shared the opinions of the $riter of the report
concernin mechani'ed infantry *nits, m*st ha)e been disheartenin to most battalion
commanders. It is do*btf*l if many of the reports $ere passed do$n to the company commander
le)el. @ne also has to $onder $hat Jact*alK e4perience the $riter of the report had commandin
mechani'ed infantry in combat.
@n December 02, 1969, at 1=A5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon, $or/in $ith the 15C
Company, enaed an *n/no$n n*mber of enemy soldiers in a hedero$ $ith a flame trac/.
5hree +@1s $ere capt*red in the action.
@n December 06, 1969, at 1A5" ho*rs, elements of Company C $ere pro)idin sec*rity
for b*lldo'ers of the ;5
-nineer Battalion, A /ilometers north$est of C* Chi. @ne of the
b*lldo'ers *nco)ered a hole in $hich t$o VC $ere hidin. 5hey $ere ta/en +@1 and pro)ided
information leadin to the capt*re of t$o more VC hidin in the same eneral area.
@n December 09, 1969, at 155" ho*rs, the C,I+ element re6*ested a 2* one
/ilometer so*th of %SB 2e)in. ( booby trap $as detonated /illin one Bobcat and $o*ndin
@n December 10, 1969, Company C capt*red si4 VC at 15=; ho*rs, three /ilometers
north of 5r*n #ap at I5 5C;!:A. (t the time of capt*re, the ro*p had been on a food
proc*rin mission.
(t 1:=" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company (, enro*te to their amb*sh site, enaed
an estimated 15 VC one /ilometer so*th of the 0*nction of &ih$ays >( and 15 at I5 ;;"!5".
(rtillery and helicopter *nships $ere called in to assist in the contact.
@n December 15, 1969, a Bobcat from Company C died in hospital as a res*lt of a
pre)io*s illness or in0*ry.
@n December 16, 1969, Company B located some dead enemy bodies $ell cond*ctin a
bomb damae assessment northeast of 5r*n #ap.
@n December 23, 1969, at !1=5 ho*rs, the Company C niht perimeter at I5 5!>!15
recei)ed an C!mm mortar barrae. 5here $ere no friendly cas*alties.
2*rin December 1969, t$o Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
1oe B. Ojeda and Billy B. Leyerle.
@n 1anuary 07, 1970, a Bobcat from Company C died as the res*lt of an accidental
@n 1anuary 11, 1970, t$o Chie* &oiHs pro)ided information leadin to a concealed
t*nnel fo*r /ilometers $est of 5r*n #ap at I5 5A=!";. @ne VC s*rrendered from $ithin the
t*nnel. @thers $ere /illed $hen the t*nnel $as destroyed.
@n 1anuary 22, 1970, Company C, $or/in $ith one company from the 1?A:
Infantry, disco)ered a $eapons, amm*nition and e6*ipment cache in a t*nnel north$est of 5r*n
#ap at I5 5>A!A:.
@n 1anuary 25, 1970, at 1;"" ho*rs, the responsibility of the defense of C* Chi Base
Camp $as passed from the !
Briade to the =
2*rin 1anuary 1970, one Bobcat died in Viet 3am. &e $as: Raymond A. White III.
5he !5
Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in for the D*arterly ,eportin +eriod of
3o)ember "1, 1:;: thr* 9an*ary =1, 1:>":
EI(: >1B 1I(: 1"=>B 3B2: !!B 3BI: 1">B MI(: ".
+ersonnel shortaes contin*ed to e4ist in Infantry Captains and %ield (rtillery #ie*tenants
as $ell as 3C@s in the rade of -.; thr* -.: in 11B, 11C, 1!B, 1>B, 1>E, =1L, ;=(, ;=C, >;+,
>;G, >;T and :AB M@S.
It $as also noted that: J1ith the increased Vietnami'ation of the $ar, !5
2i)ision forces $ere able to maintain a post*re of Jprotecti)e reactionK as the mode of operations
$ithin the di)isionHs tactical area of operations. +rotecti)e reaction refers to the type of combat
operations *sed by allied commanders aainst Comm*nist forces in the ,ep*blic of Viet 3am to
pro)ide for the sec*rity of his *nit, his tactical area of operations and the Vietnamese people. 5his
is accomplished primarily by small *nit reconnassiance patrols to locate the enemy, disr*pt his
mo)ements and find his caches of arms, amm*nition and food.K

(t the beinnin of %ebr*ary, plannin *idence stressed the promotion of small *nit
combined operations $ith emphasis on *pradin (,V3 ,eional %orces and +op*lar %orces
$hile stressin niht operations.
5he !
Briade operated $ith t$o battalions and one ca)alry s6*adron M1?5
(M)B !?1!

InfantryB P Ca)elry(.)O in the central portion of the di)ision tactical area of interest and also
cond*cted sec*rity alon &ih$ays ;(, >(, 1: and !;.
@n February 05, 1970, at ""55 ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company C, located in the
&o Bo 1oods at I5 5>=!>:, recei)ed hand renades from an *n/no$n si'ed enemy force.
&elicopter *nships $ere called in to po*nd the enemy location. Se)eral enemy soldiers $ere
/illed and one Bobcat $as $o*nded in the contact.
@n February 06, 1970, at ""1> ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from Company C enaed an
enemy force ! /ilometers so*th$est of the pre)io*s nihtHs contact. 5he *n/no$n si'e enemy
force ret*rned the amb*shHs fire $ith small arms and a*tomatic $eapons fire. (rtillery and
helicopter *nship fire $as called in to help s*ppress the enemy fire. 2*rin the contact, t$o
Bobcats from Company C $ere /illed and t$o $ere $o*nded.
@n February 26, 1970, the 1?5
(M) became @+C@3 to the 1
Briade, !5
2i)ision. 5he battalion mo)ed to the Michelin ,*bber +lantation. 5here $as also a ne$ bo*ndary
bet$een the !5
Infantry 2i)ision and the 1
(ir Ca)alry 2i)ision effecti)e on %ebr*ary !;
. 5his
ne$ bo*ndary chane had the !5
Infantry 2i)ision i)e *p its portion of 1ar Tone C to the 1

(ir Ca)alry 2i)ision.
@n February 28, 1970, at 1!1; ho*rs, the lead (+C of a res*pply con)oy headed to 2a*
5ien from the battalion for$ard base detonated an e4plosi)e de)ice on one of the dirt roads
r*nnin thro*h the Michelin at I5 55>51!. 5he (+C $as completely destroyed and se)en
Bobcats $ere /illed. (t 1!5" ho*rs, a 2* $as re6*ested for t$o Bobcats $ho $ere in
Lra)es reistration personnel $ere called to the location to help reco)er body parts. 5he
e4plosi)e de)ice $as later estimated to be in the 5"" po*nd bomb cateory. (n M.5AC 5V, $as
also damaed in the blast. 5he ramp from the (+C $as blo$n bac/$ards into the 5AC, /noc/in
o*t its final dri)e.
2*rin February 1970, nine Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Robert 1. Dupell;
Erick O. Olson; Charles R. Baggett; Eugene Carter; Donnie R. Chastain;
1ames P. DeVaney; Robert E. Guthrie; Billy 1. Roberts; and Douglas M. Woodward.
@n March 02, 1970, the !
Briade of the !5
Infantry 2i)ision became @+C@3 to !

%ield %orce Vietnam MII %%VO. 1ith the redeployment of the 1
Infantry 2i)ision to the 7nited
States, the area of operations of the !5
Infantry 2i)ision became e4tended. 5o facilitate
command and control of this area of operations, II %%V too/ operational control of the !

Briade, !5
Infantry 2i)ision.
@n March 11, 1970, at "C"" ho*rs, Company B re6*ested a 2* at I5 A=:5>: for
nine Bobcats $o*nded in an e4plosion. %o*r of the nine $o*nded Bobcats died as a res*lt of their
(t first it $as tho*ht that the e4plosion $as ca*sed by an incomin enemy roc/et. #ater
in)estiation determined that a Claymore mine $as accidently detonated in the area $here the
soldiers $ere standin.
@n March 19, 1970, Company C cond*cted a ,I% operation northeast of 2a* 5ien. (t
1;5" ho*rs, the bodies of se)eral enemy soldiers /illed by artillery $ere located at I5 5!A5;A.
@n March 28, 1970, Company C, the ,econ +latoon and the 1
Briade Mini.Ca)
enaed a small enemy force in b*n/ers north of 2a* 5ien in the J,a'orbac/sK at I5 A:1A>=.
(rtillery, air stri/es and helicopter *nships $ere called in to s*ppress the enemy position. 2*rin
the contact one soldier $as /illed and = $ere $o*nded. @ne JEit Carson Sco*tK $as also
2*rin March 1970, fo*r Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: 1ohn M. Chappey;
Roger L. Coffman; Rodney G. Helsel; and Olaf T. Olsen.
@n April 02, 1970, the 1?5
(M) $as placed *nder the operational control of the 1
Ca)elry 2i)ision.
@n April 09, 1970, a Bobcat from Company C died from m*ltiple framentation $o*nds.
@n April 10, 1970, t$o Bobcats from Company C $ere /illed.
@n April 11, 1970, t$o Bobcats from Company ( $ere shot and /illed.
@n April 12, 1970, the 1?5
(M) ret*rned to the operational control of the 1
Briade, !5
Infantry 2i)ision.
@n April 19, 1970, a Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from $o*nds he had
recei)ed at an earlier time.
@n April 23, 1970, at 1:"" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon enaed t$o enemy soldiers in the
JStraihtede 1oodsK at I5 1>>==>.
(lso on (pril !=
, a Bobcat from Company C died from $o*nds he had pre)io*sly
@n April 25, 1970, at 1A"5 ho*rs, Company B recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire from an
*n/no$n si'ed enemy force at I5 1C"=>A. (rtillery, air stri/es and helicopter liht fire teams
$ere called in to help s*ppress the enemy fire. 5$o Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n April 28, 1970, elements of the So*th Vietnamese (rmy M(,V3O crossed the border
into Cambodia to search for and destroy bases belonin to Comm*nist %orces.
2*rin April 1970, se)en Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Nick A. Aguilar 1r.;
Charles A. Pursell; Kevin A. Stout; Valentine B. Gomez 1r.; Gary D. 1efferson;
Lee A. Stedman; and Harry C. Greer.
2*rin the D*arterly ,eportin +eriod of %ebr*ary "1, 1:>" thr* (pril =", 1:>", the !5

Infantry 2i)ision reported the follo$in personnel statistics:
EI(: 11=B 1I(: 111!B 3B2: !CB 3BI: 1"=B MI(: ".
+ersonnel shortaes contin*ed to e4ist in Infantry, Sinal Corps and -nineer Captains
and 3C@s in rades -.; thr* -.C in the 11B, 11C, 1!B, 1=-, 1>E, =1L, ;=C and >;+ M@S.
@n May 01, 1970, (merican Military %orces crossed the Cambodian Border to 0oin
(,V3 %orces in the destr*ction of enemy s*pply and personnel bases in the +arrotHs Bea/, the
(nelHs 1in and the %ish &oo/ reions of Cambodia. 5he first (merican %orces into Cambodia
$ere the 1
(ir Ca)alry 2i)ision, incl*din the !?A>
(M) Infantry, the !?=A
(rmor and the 11

(rmor Ca)alry ,eiment.
5he +resident of the 7nited States anno*nced that (merican %orces had entered
Cambodia, ho$e)er, he stated that they $o*ld only remain there *ntil 9*ne =", 1:>".
%*rthermore they $o*ld only be allo$ed to )ent*re =" /ilometers into Cambodia and no f*rther.
1hen $ord of these restrictions finally reached the soldiers, it too/ a ood deal of the $ind o*t of
their sails of enth*siasm of finally ta/in the $ar to JCharlieHsK safe ha)ens.
@n May 03, 1970, an operations order $as iss*ed for elements of the !5
2i)ision to attac/ into Cambodia.
@n May 04 and 05, 1970, elements of the 1
Briade M1?5
(M), !?!!
(M), =?!!

InfantryO mo)ed into north$estern 1ar Tone C to the area of 5hien 3on to relie)e elements of
the 1
Ca)elry 2i)ision and to prepare for the attac/ into Cambodia.
@n May 06, 1970, at "==" ho*rs, a commando )a*lt M15,""" po*nd bombO insertion too/
place on the Cambodian side of a potential bride site at I5 :;>>5!. (nother commando )a*lt
insertion $as made at "A=" ho*rs. (t ">1" ho*rs, the =?!!
Infantry Battalion made an air
combat assa*lt into Cambodia in the area of the )illae of 5as*os. @ne company from the
battalion sec*red the bridehead on the $estern ban/ of the ri)er at 15 :;>>5!. 5he !?!!
attac/ed to sei'e the bridehead on the eastern ban/. Company -, ;5
-nineer Battalion then
commenced constr*ction of a pontoon float bride at that location.
(t ":55 ho*rs, Company C, =?!!
Infantry recei)ed a n*mber of artillery ro*nds /illin !
soldiers and $o*ndin C. 5he fire $as determined to be friendly artillery.
5he float bride $as completed and became operational by !=15 ho*rs. ! platoons from
the 1?5
(M) crossed the bride and assisted in the niht sec*rity on the $estern ban/ of the ri)er.
@n May 07, 1970, beinnin at ">15 ho*rs, the 1?5
(M) and the !?!!
(M) crossed the
ri)er on the pontoon bride. 5he 1?5
(M) assa*lted $est to$ards 5as*os. 5he !?!!
assa*lted so*th alon the ri)er.
(t 1!"" ho*rs, Company B, >?11
(rtillery crossed the bride and follo$ed the 1?5
(t 1="" ho*rs, Company (, 1?5
(M) enaed an enemy force abo*t ; /ilometers north
east of Eampon 5rach at 15 :"5;>". 5he fire fiht lasted ten min*tes. Se)eral enemy soldiers
$ere /illed. (lso in the contact, one Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed and one $as $o*nded.
(t !"5" ho*rs, a patrol from the ,econ +latoon recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire
northeast of Eampon 5rach at 15 :11;;;. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and one $o*nded in the
initial contact. @ne platoon from Company B reacted to the contact and the Comm*nists bro/e
off the fiht.
@n May 08, 1970, *nits of the 1
Briade contin*ed searchin Base (rea =5A.
@n May 09, 1970, at 1"1" ho*rs, Company C enaed a fe$ indi)id*als and $hen
chec/in the area of contact at 15 C:";5C, they located a lare base camp area $ith mess halls
and b*n/ers. 5he base $as appro4imately A"" meters lon and A"" meters $ide.
(t 11=" ho*rs, Company ( enaed an estimated enemy platoon one /ilometer northeast
of 5rapean +i/ar at 15 C==;CA. In the e4chane of fire one Bobcat $as /illed and fo*rteen
$ere $o*nded.
(t 11=" ho*rs, Company B enaed an *n/no$n si'e enemy force at 15 C=5>"5. (
helicopter liht fire team $as employed and the enemy bro/e contact.
(t 1;1" ho*rs, Company C recei)ed a*tomatic $eapons and ,+L fire at 15 CA";>A.
&elicopter liht fire teams, artillery fire and air stri/es $ere called in to s*ppress the enemy fire
$ith *n/no$n res*lts. @ne Bobcat $as /illed and fo*rteen $ere $o*nded in the contact.
(t !"=" ho*rs, an amb*sh patrol from the ,econ +latoon recei)ed small arms fire $hile
enro*te to their amb*sh position. %ire $as ret*rned and the enemy bro/e contact. 5$o Bobcats
$ere $o*nded in the contact.
@n May 10, 1970, elements contin*ed a detailed search of Base (rea =5A. Contacts
d*rin the day $ere limited to hit and r*n enco*nters $ith one to t$o indi)id*als.
@n May 11, 1970, elements contin*ed searchin for cache sites and base camps. In three
separate incidents, (+Cs from the 1?5
(M) detonated (5 mines. -iht Bobcats $ere $o*nded in
the e4plosions.
@n May 12, 1970, at "5A5 ho*rs, the Company C niht perimeter at 15 :!C;C! recei)ed
small arms, a*tomatic $eapons, ,+L and mortar fire from an *n/no$n si'e enemy force.
Company C ret*rned fire $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and helicopter liht fire teams. Si4 (+Cs
$ere destroyed and fi)e Bobcats $ere /illed.*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded. 5hirty of these
$ere minor $o*nds not re6*irin 2* @ne Eit Carson Sco*t $as /illed $hen he $ent to
assist the loadin of a .5" caliber machine *n and an ,+L hit the trac/ and started it on fire.
(t 1C!" ho*rs, an (+C from Company C detonated an (5 mine. 5he (+C $as a combat
loss and fo*r Bobcats $ere $o*nded.
@n May 13, 1970, the search of Base (rea =5A contin*ed $ith scattered contacts and
limited rice and m*nitions caches located.
@n May 14, 1970, the 1
Briade $ithdre$ from Base (rea =5A and mo)ed to Eat*m to
bein operations in Base (rea =5=. 5he last elements of the Briade $ithdre$ from Base (rea
=5A at 1:!5 ho*rs.
Base (rea =5A $as dispersed o)er a lare 0*nle area, $hich made detailed searchin
diffic*lt and time cons*min. (ltho*h a s*bstantial 6*antity of s*pplies $as located and a lare
n*mber of facilities destroyed, the time and forces a)ailable permitted a ne*trali'ation of only a
portion of the base area.
@n May 15, 1970, the 1
Briade completed mo)ement into its assined area of
operations north of Eat*m.
@n May 16, 1970, at 1=A" ho*rs, Company B enaed an *n/no$n si'e enemy force
abo*t = /ilometers inside Cambodia north$est of Eat*m at I5 !5=::>. (rtillery and air stri/es
$ere called in to assist in s*ppressin the enemy fire. 5$o Bobcats from Company B $ere /illed
and si4 $ere $o*nded in the contact.
(t !""" ho*rs, Company C $as on stand do$n at 5ay 3inh Base Camp attendin a floor
sho$. ( soldier from another *nit attempted to ain entry to the sho$ b*t $as t*rned a$ay. 5his
soldier ret*rned $ith an M.1; rifle and opened fire on the soldiers $atchin the sho$. 5$o
Bobcats from Company C $ere m*rdered and ten $ere $o*nded.
( Specialist A
Class named 1ames E. Paul from the 1!5
Sinal Battalion $as later
con)icted in a Co*rts Martial of t$o co*nts of )ol*ntary mansla*hter and ten co*nts of assa*lt
to commit )ol*ntary mansla*hter.
@n May 17, 1970, at 1!=" ho*rs, Company ( located a lare comm*nications cache
abo*t > /ilometers so*th$est of Mem*t. 5he lare amo*nt of radio e6*ipment located $as
e)ac*ated to Eat*m. (t 1A"" ho*rs, a second cache $as located A"" meters so*th$est of the
earlier one.
(lso on May1>
, a Bobcat from Company B died in hospital from $o*nds he had
recei)ed on an earlier date.
@n May 18, 1970, the 1
and !
Briades contin*ed to operate in north central 5ay 3inh
+ro)ince and a portion of Eampon +ro)ince, Cambodia.
(t 1==" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon located a base camp and $eapons cache 0*st north$est
of ,omeas Chol at I7 !A:"1;.
@ne Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed in an accidental e4plosion.
@n May 19, 1970, at ":"" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon located a small rice cache bet$een
the )illaes of Ehley and ,omeas Chol. (t 1"15 ho*rs, Company ( located a hospital comple4 A
/ilometers $est of Sotey at I5 !==:C;. It consisted of appro4imately 1=" b*n/ers, 5" ho*ses
and = /itchens. (t 1==" ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon located a small comm*nications cache at I7
@n May 20, 1970, at ":55 ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire from an
*n/no$n si'e enemy force so*theast of 2ar at I7 !!=""=. %ire $as ret*rned $ith oranic
$eapons and a helicopter liht fire team $ith *n/no$n res*lts. 5he enemy bro/e contact at 1"A5
ho*rs. 5$o Bobcats from Company ( $ere /illed and fi)e $ere $o*nded in the fiht.
(t 1!A5 ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed fire from indi)id*als in a b*n/er. 5he fire $as
ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, air stri/es $ith napalm and helicopter liht fire teams. -nemy fire
ceased at 1A15 ho*rs.
@n May 21, 1970, the 1?5
(M) became @+C@3 to the =
Briade, !5
Infantry 2i)ision.
@n May 22, 1970, t$o Bobcats from the ,econ +latoon died from m*ltiple framentation
$o*nds in Cambodia.
@n May 30, 1970, one Bobcat from Company B $as shot and /illed in Cambodia.
2*rin May 1970, t$ Bobcats died in Cambodia or Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
1ohn E. Dayton; Michael 1. Orwig; Raymond M. Morris; Dan R. Stewart; Oscar A. Solis;
Ronald E. Campbell; Ardie R. Copas; Stephen 1. Keesler; Leopoldo A. Lopez;
Thomas A. Stephens; David W. Hensel; Clyde W. Lawrence 1r.; Gary R. White;
1oe E. Raber; David F. 1ohnson; Mark W. Bacher; Craig Rathbun; Kenneth S. Vore;
Arthur P. Adame; Ronald R. Sagers; and Timothy 1. Brown.
@n 1une 04, 1970, at 1A"" ho*rs, Company ( recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire fo*r
/ilometers east of the 0*nction of &ih$ays 1: and !; at I5 A>==;C. 5he enemy fire $as
ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery, a helicopter liht fire team and finally air stri/es. (t
15"" ho*rs, the company s$ept thro*h the area and located a destroyed b*n/er system and dead
enemy soldiers. %o*r Bobcats $ere /illed and eihteen $ere $o*nded in the fiht.
@n 1une 13, 1970, a Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from $o*nds he had
pre)io*sly recei)ed.
@n 1une 17, 1970, a Bobcat from Company ( died of in0*ries s*stained as the res*lt of an
accidental motor )ehicle crash.
@n 1une 18, 1970, Company B established a niht defensi)e perimeter in the Boi #oi
1oods at I5 5!C=5!. (t !=A" ho*rs, the position recei)ed small arms, ,+L and mortar fire. 5he
enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons, artillery and helicopter liht fire teams. Se)enteen
Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the e4chane. @ne $o*nded +@1 and se)eral enemy dead $ere
located in a s$eep of the area at first liht.
@n 1une 21, 1970, a Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from $o*nds he had earlier
@n 1une 23, 1970, a Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from in0*ries he had
recei)ed as the res*lt of an earlier accidental motor )ehicle crash.
2*rin 1une 1970, eiht Bobcats died in Viet 3am or Cambodia. 5hey $ere:
Alan G. Demorow; Stephen C. Foht; Richard E. Rutherford; Arcadio Torres;
Franklin 1. Krantz 1r.; Preston H. Ellis; Ernest L. Garner; and Larry W. Anderson.
@n 1uly 01, 1970, the !
Briade, !5
Infantry 2i)ision ass*med control of a ne$
operations area in #on Ehanh and +h*oc 5*y +ro)inces M5hese t$o +ro)inces border Bien &oa
+ro)ince on the east and so*theastO. @perations Base #ynch, located 1! /ilometers so*th of I*an
#oc, $o*ld be the for$ard command head6*arters for the !
Briade from 9*ly *ntil early
3o)ember 1:>".
5he 1
Briade contin*ed operations in north central 5ay 3inh +ro)ince. 5he =
contin*ed operations in 5ay 3inh and Binh 2*on +ro)inces.
@n 1uly 06, 1970, the 1
Battalion(M) 5
Infantry became @+C@3 to the !
Briade and
mo)ed to the I*an #oc area.
@n 1uly 28, 1970, Company C $as in a niht defensi)e perimeter $est of I*an #oc at
G5 ==:";C. (t !"1" ho*rs, the position recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire from an *n/no$n si'e
enemy force. 5he fire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons and artillery. %o*r Bobcats from
Company C $ere $o*nded in the action.
2*rin 1uly 1970, no Bobcats died in Viet 3am.
%or the D*arterly +eriod of May "1, 1:>" thr* 9*ly =1, 1:>" the !5
Infantry 2i)ision
reported the follo$in personnel statistics:
EI(: 11AB 1I(: 1,!5:B 3B2: >B 3BI: 11AB MI(: A.
+ersonnel shortaes contin*ed to e4ist in Infantry Captains and 3C@s in rades -.; thr*
-.C in the 11B, 11C, 1!B, 1=-, 1>E, =1L, ;=C and >;+ M@S.
In the beinnin of August 1970, the !
Briade contin*ed operations in #on Ehanh and
+h*oc 5*y +ro)inces $ith three mane*)er battalions.
@n August 23, 1970, a Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from Malaria.
@n August 31, 1970, at ":=" ho*rs, Company B, =?!!
Infantry made contact $ith a
lare enemy force. (t 15A5 ho*rs, Company (, 1?5
(M) $as s$eepin an area 5"" meters north
of the contact area $hen they recei)ed small arms and ,+L fire from an *n/no$n si'e enemy
force at G5 5=A"1A. 5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons and artillery $ith
*n/no$n res*lts. 5$o Bobcats from Company ( $ere /illed and fi)e $ere $o*nded. 5$o (+Cs
recei)ed hea)y damae in the fiht.
2*rin August 1970, three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Everett E. Wells 1r.; 1ames H. Heppler; and Charles P. Hutton.
2*rin the first $ee/ of September 1970, the !
Briade contin*ed their operations.
5here $ere no sinificant shellin incidents or ro*nd contacts reported. 5he enemy *nits in the
Briades area of operations s*ffered from ac*te loistical shortaes.
@n September 12, 1970, an (+C from Company ( detonated an (5 mine. 5he trac/ $as
flipped o)er by the force of the blast, /illin one Bobcat.
@n September 17, 1970, at !"A5 ho*rs, Company C recei)ed small arms and a*tomatic
$eapons fire at their niht defensi)e perimeter so*th of I*an #oc at G5 AC"""5. 5he enemy fire
$as s*ppressed $ith oranic $eapons, artillery fire and helicopter liht fire teams $ith *n/no$n
res*lts. %i)e Bobcats $ere $o*nded in the contact.
2*rin September 1970, one Bobcat died in Viet 3am. &e $as: Dean W. Hardman.
2*rin October 1970 the !
Briade contin*ed operatin in #on Ehanh and +h*oc 5*y
+ro)inces and added a portion of Bien &oa +ro)ince to their (@.
@n October 12, 1970, the Eeystone Messae directin redeployment of the !5
2i)ision $as recei)ed by di)ision head6*arters.
@n October 15, 1970, the !5
Infantry 2i)isionHs @perations @rder 1C=.>" for the
redeployment of the di)ision(.) and the constit*tion of the !
Briade as a separate briade $as
2*rin October 1970, no Bobcats died in Viet 3am.
5he follo$in personnel statistics $ere reported by the !5
Infantry 2i)ision for the D*arterly
+eriod of (**st "1, 1:>" thr* @ctober =1, 1:>":
EI(: =:B 1I(: 5A!B 3B2: 1=B 3BI: 1=1B MI(: ".
+ersonnel shortaes contin*ed to e4ist in Infantry and (rtillery Captains as $ell as 3C@s
in rades -.; thr* -.C in the 11B, 11C, 1!B, 1=-, 1>E, =1L, ;=C and >;+ M@S.
@n November 01, 1970, *nits to redeploy $ere mo)ed to$n locations from the
field conc*rrent $ith the shrin/in of the !5
Infantry 2i)isionHs (rea of @perations from north
to so*th.
5he !
Briade contin*ed to operate as part of the !5
Infantry 2i)ision $ith three
mane*)er battalions M1?5
(M), A?!=
(M), =?!!
InfantryO in Bien &oa, #on Ehanh and +h*oc
5*y +ro)inces.
@n November 06, 1970, at 1C=" ho*rs, Company C recei)ed small arms fire and hand
renades from an *n/no$n si'e enemy force A /ilometers so*th of #on 5hanh at GS 11C:A5.
5he enemy fire $as ret*rned $ith oranic $eapons $ith *n/no$n res*lts. 5$o Bobcats $ere
$o*nded in the contact.
@n November 08, 1970, the$n of *nits $as to ta/e place at t$o locationsB C*
Chi Base Camp and Camp %ren'ell.9ones. 7nits $hich had rear elements at C* Chi stood do$n at
that location $hile all others, $ith the e4ception of the !?=A
(rmor, $ent to Camp %ren'ell.
Str*ct*rin of the !
Briade $as accomplished d*rin the same time period as the
redeployment of the !5
Infantry 2i)ision(.). 5he *nits of the Briade $ere desinated in the
oriinal Eeystone Messae M !?1!
InfantryB =?!!
InfantryB 1?!>
InfantryB 1?5
(M) InfantryB
(rtilleryB B Company, ;5
-nineer BattalionB 2 5roop, P Ca)alryB 1!5
Sinal CompanyB
Combat S*pport battalionB =C
Sco*t 2o +latoonB ;;
Combat 5rac/er 5eamB % Company,
,aner(.)B 1C
Military &istory 2etachmentB !5
Military Intellience CompanyB !5
+olice Company, !"
+*blic Information @ffice 2etachmentB :
Chemical 2etachment.O and a
personnel ceilin of 5,>:; spaces $as imposed.
5he !
Briade, altho*h not f*lly constit*ted, $as acti)ated on 3o)ember "C, 1:>" and
placed @+C@3 to II %ield %orce Vietnam. 5he !
Briade contin*ed operatin in +h*oc 5*y,
#on Ehnah and 3hon 5rach 2istrict of Bien &oa +ro)ince $ith three mane*)er battalions
d*rin the second $ee/ of 3o)ember.
@n November 09, 1970, an amb*sh patrol made *p of members of Company B and So*th
Vietnamese ,eional %orce soldiers $as enaed by enemy soldiers as it $as enro*te to its
amb*sh position. 5$o Bobcats $ere /illed and one $as $o*nded in the contact.
@n November 11, 1970, a Bobcat $ho $as $o*nded in the 3o)ember : amb*sh patrol
contact, died in hospital from his $o*nds.
@n November 12, 1970, a 2* helicopter, $hile attemptin to ta/e o*t $o*nded
from a =?!!
Infantry contact $as hit and forced to crash land at 15=" ho*rs. 5he helicopter $as
sec*red by one platoon from Company (, 1?5
(M) *ntil it $as e4tracted at 1>=" ho*rs.
@n November 18, 1970, all the mane*)er elements of the !5
Infantry 2i)ision had
mo)ed into stand do$n and the 2i)ision(.) occ*pied only C* Chi Base Camp and a small area of
operations aro*nd it for local sec*rity reasons. 5he 1?!>
Infantry(.), $hile assined to the !

Briade, $as *nder the operational control of the !5
2i)ision and $as assined as the sec*rity
element for C* Chi Base Camp d*rin stand do$n and roll *p actions.
@n November 25, 1970, the !5
Infantry 2i)ision held its fare$ell ceremony at C* Chi
Base Camp.
(t 1>"5 ho*rs, the ,econ +latoon alon $ith ,eional %orce soldiers enaed an
*n/no$n si'e enemy force fo*r /ilometers so*th of #on 5hanh at GS 1=1CC". 5$o +@1s $ere
capt*red $ith neati)e friendly cas*alties.
2*rin November 1970, three Bobcats died in Vietnam. 5hey $ere:
Randall L. Ellis; Francis W. Harter; and Ronald 1. DiBartolomeo.
5he !
Briade (+ro)isional)(Separate) contin*ed to operate in Bien &oa, #on Ehanh
and +h*oc 5*y +ro)inces d*rin the first and second $ee/ of 2ecember $ith fo*r mane*)er
@n December 04, 1970, the Commandin @fficer of the !
Briade iss*ed a directi)e to
establish a policy o)ernin the *se of mechanical amb*shes. 5he directi)e stated in part:
J(mb*sh +osition: 5he location of the personnel cond*ctin the amb*sh.
(ttended Mechanical (mb*sh: ( mechanical amb*sh that is located not less than 1""
meters and not more than 5"" meters from the amb*sh position. 5he $ord JattendedK implies that
friendly personnel are able to obser)e and?or mo)e immediately to the mechanical amb*sh.
7nattended Mechanocal (mb*sh: ( mechanical amb*sh that is located more than 5""
meters from the amb*sh position and cannot be obser)ed by friendly personnel.
It is the Briade CommanderHs policy that M(s $ill be f*lly *tili'ed to assist in the
destr*ction of the enemy. Inherent in this policy is the responsibility of s*bordinate comanders to
impress *pon personnel the ha'ards connected $ith the M( and the safety preca*tions re6*ired.
5he Briade Commander retains the a*thority to appro)e employment of 7M(s. 7M(s
$ill not be employed in pop*lated areas. ,e6*est for permission to employ 7M(s in *npop*lated
areas $ill be s*bmitted to this &ead6*arters, attention: (V2CSB.C and incl*de the proposed
location, d*ration, pro)isions for reco)ery and a statement to the effect that the 7M( has been
coordinated $ith and appro)ed by 2istrict and +ro)ince.K
@n December 06, 1970, a Bobcat from the ,econ +latoon died from non.hostile
accidental ca*ses.
@n December 15, 1970, the last area of C* Chi Base Camp $as t*rned o)er to So*th
Vietnamese (rmy +ersonnel and the last 7nited States combat *nits departed the base camp.
@n December 18, 1970, the ,econ +latoon s$ept an area at GS 1C>>C= $here a
mechanical amb*sh $as detonated. 5hey located $eapons and e6*ipment from t$o dead enemy
@n December 20, 1970, the !
Briade $as officially notified of its desination for
redeployment. 5he Briade $as operatin $ith fo*r mane*)er battalions $ith its for$ard location
at I*an #oc and its rear area at Camp %ren'ell.9ones. 5he Briade $as to complete its stand
do$n not later than (pril !C, 1:>1.
@n December 26, 1970, at 1115 ho*rs, Company B made contact $ith a s6*ad si'ed
element of enemy soldiers fi)e /ilometers so*th of &*n #oc at G5 =1;"AA. (rtillery fire and a
helicopter fire team $ere called in to help s*ppress the force. 5hree +@1s $ere capt*red after
the firin ceased.
@n December 30, 1970, at 11A5 ho*rs, a liht obser)ation helicopter crashed after hittin
po$er lines 1C /ilometers north$est of I*an #oc. Company ( sec*red the do$ned aircraft *ntil
the bodies of the cre$ and the aircraft $ere e4tracted.
2*rin December 1970, one Bobcat died in Viet 3am. &e $as: Robert 1. Seufert.
@n 1anuary 06, 1971, Company B located a small amm*nition cache 1A /ilometers north
of I*an #oc.
@n 1anuary 11, 1971, at 1>=5 ho*rs, Company B located a small food cache fi)e
/ilometers north of &*n #oc at G5 =!C1A5. 5hat e)enin at their niht defensi)e perimeter,
located t$o /ilometers north of &*n #oc the company enaed an *n/no$n si'e enemy force.
5he enemy fire $as s*ppressed $ith oranic $eapons. @ne Bobcat $as /illed in the enco*nter.
-)en at this late date the n*mbers ame $as still of importance to someone. @ne coo/in
pot $as listed amonst the items that $ere Jcapt*red.K
@n 1anuary 30, 1971, at ":!= ho*rs, members of a patrol from Company C detonated a
booby trapped hand renade = /ilometers north$est of #on 5hanh. -iht Bobcats $ere
$o*nded in the incident.
@n 1anuary 31, 1971, the !
Briade transferred all of its area of operations $ithin
+h*oc 5*y +ro)ince to the 1
(*stralian 5as/ %orce. (lso a lare portion of the operatin area
east of I*an #oc $as transferred to the 1
Ca)elry 2i)ision ((M).
(lso effecti)e this date, replacements $ere no loner recei)ed by the !
2*rin 1anuary 1971, one Bobcat died in Viet 3am. &e $as: 1ose R. Sandoval.
@n February 01, 1971, a Bobcat from &ead6*arters Company died from $hat $as
termed non.hostile, accidental, self.destr*ction.
@n February 05, 1971, at 111" ho*rs, in the )icinity of the old fire s*pport base
&enderson, elements of the 1?5
(M) located and e)ac*ated a medi*m si'ed amm*nition cache.
@n February 06, 1971, one Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed. &e $as ridin hih in
the c*pola of an (+C $hen a1"5mm artillery ro*nd e4ploded in front of the (+C. ( frament
from the e4plodin shell penetrated his chest, /illin him instantly.
@n February 14, 1971, Company ( located a small $eapons cache 1= /ilometers east of
Blac/ &orse at GS 5;5:A;.
@n February 15, 1971, all !
Briade re6*isitions, e4cept "! and ,edball $ere cancelled.
@n February 25, 1971, one Bobcat from &ead6*arters Company died from $hat $as
termed non.hostile, accidental, self.destr*ction.
2*rin February 1971, three Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere: Keith A. Stoddard;
Frank 1. Gasperich 1r.; and David D. Peoples 1r.
@n March 01, 1971, the =C
Sco*t 2o +latoon, the ;;
Combat trac/er 2etachment,
the :
Chemical 2etachment and the 1arrior 5rainin (cademy commenced$n.
%ire S*pport Base Barbara sh*t do$n.
@n March 02, 1971, a Bobcat from Company ( $as /illed $hen a booby trap $as
@n March 03, 1971, the !
Briade f*rther consolidated its area of operation by
transferrin the 3hon 5rach area to Bien &oa +ro)ince.
%ire S*pport Base ,i)ers sh*t do$n on this date also.
@n March 05, 1971, Company %, >5
Infantry (,L,) commenced stand do$n.
@n March 06, 1971, the !
Briade for$ard command post ret*rned to Camp %ren'ell.
@n March 09, 1971, @le Compo*nd $as transferred to the 1C
(,V3 Infantry
@n March 10, 1971, %ire S*pport Base (sper sh*t do$n operations.
@n March 12, 1971, the !?1!
Infantry disenaed from acti)e operations.
5he &*s/y Compo*nd $as t*rned o)er to the 5!
,eiment, 1C
(,V3 Infantry
%ire S*pport Base &eidi sh*t do$n operations.
@n March 13, 1971, the !
Briade $as no loner responsible for reinforcement of I*an
#oc and Blac/ &orse Base Camp.
5he !?1!
Infantry and Battery C, 1?C
(rtillery commenced stand do$n.
@n March 15, 1971, a Bobcat from Company ( died in hospital from framentation
$o*nds he had recei)ed on an earlier date.
@n March 20, 1971, the 5CA
Military Intellience 2etachment started$n.
@n March 22, 1971, %ire S*pport Base #eopard $as t*rned o)er to the =
Battalion, 1

Briade, ,oyal 5hai (rmy Vol*nteer %orce.
@n March 23, 1971, the 1?!>
Infantry $as disenaed from acti)e operations and $ith
Battery 2, 1?C
(rtillery, commenced$n.
%ire S*pport Base Sch$art' $as t*rned o)er to #on Ehanh +ro)ince.
@n March 25, 1971, the 5A
-nineer Company bean$n.
@n March 26, 1971, %SB Marisa and %SB 9oan sh*t do$n operations.
@n March 27, 1971, the 1
Battalion (M) 5
Infantry disenaed from combat operations
and commenced$n.
@n March 28, 1971, the 1?5
(M) held a battalion a$ards ceremony.
2*rin March 1971, t$o Bobcats died in Viet 3am. 5hey $ere:
Byron A. Bangert and Phillip D. Monson.
@n April 05, 1971, at 1C"" ho*rs, at Camp %ren'ell.9ones, the 1
Battalion (M), 5

Infantry ceased its operational mission re6*irement in Viet 3am.
@n April 12, 1971, the !
Briade fare$ell ceremony $as held.
@n April 30, 1971, the !
Briade Color L*ard departed 5an Son 3h*t for &a$aii.
JMorale remained 6*ite hih thro*ho*t the stand do$n period. 5he ma0or contrib*tin
factors $ere fre6*ent sho$s, coo/ o*ts, sports acti)ities and an increased n*mber of mo)ies. In
addition, early shipment of e4cess personnel eliminated a lare n*mber of people $ho $o*ld ha)e
other$ise had nothin to do.
5he a*mentation of the +I $ith additional items $as a reat benefit to all personnel. It
pro)ided the opport*nity for personnel to p*rchase hih 6*ality items that had pre)io*sly not
been a)ailable.
5he !
Briade operated a V*n 5a* Special ,S, Center, $hich $as e4cellent and
achie)ed e)ery oal it $as created to accomplish.
Increased f*ndin for bands and sho$s $as a definite asset.K
2*rin April 1971, no Bobcats died in Viet 3am.
Ambush Patrol (AP): ( ro*p of soldiers sent o*t to attempt to s*rprise and /ill enemy soldiers.
~Angel Track: (n armored personnel carrier *sed for medical e)ac*ation and treatment.
Angel`s Wing: I5 !51". +ortion of the Cambodian border shaped li/e a $in.
AO: (rea of @perations.
APC: (rmored +ersonnel Carrier.
ARTY: Slan for artillery.
ARVN: (rmy of the ,ep*blic of Viet 3am.
AT: (nti.5an/.
AW: (*tomatic 1eapon.
BC: Body Co*nt.
Bde: Briade.
Bn: Battalion.
Battalion(-): ( battalion not at f*ll strenth.
Bunker: %ortified fihtin position $ith o)er head co)er.
Bushmaster Operation: 1hen a man is sent o*t $ith a E.Bar /nife and a .A5 pistol to locate a
*sed trail. &e hides in a tree and $hen a VC comes alon he drops do$n and either capt*res or
/ills the VC. (3ot really. 9*st seein if e)eryone is payin attention.)
Camp Rainier: XT 495475. Base Camp at 2a* 5ien.
CBU: Cl*ster Bomb 7nit. 7ne4ploded ones $ere often *sed by the Comm*nists as booby.traps.
C&C: Command and Control.
Chieu Hoi: ( Comm*nist $ho has )ol*ntarily rallied to the So*th Viet 3am Lo)ernment.
Chinese Claymore: (nti.personnel mine that e4plodes and sends pro0ectiles in a =;" deree
Citadel: XT 5325. (n area of the so*thern Boi #oi 1oods.
Claymore Mine: (nti.personnel mine of 7S man*fact*re.
CO: Commandin @fficer.
Co: (bbre)iation for company.
Co(-): ( company not at f*ll strenth.
COP: Combat @*tpost. +osition in front of a *nitHs perimeter that is prepared to fiht and hold
its o$n.
County Fair: +arty atmosphere medical treatment day for ci)ilians. (Med.Cap).
Crescent: XT 4352 -3760.
CS Gas: 5ear as.
Duster: 5$in A"mm anti.aircraft *n. 7s*ally on a self.propelled )ehicle and *sed as an anti.
personnel $eapon. Very effecti)e on offense or defense.
Dust-off: Medical e)ac*ation helicopter.
Eagle Flights: 7s*ally a platoon or company si'e air combat assa*lt into an area of s*spicio*s
FAC: %or$ard (ir Controller. +erson $ho directs air stri/es onto their taret.
FSB: %ire s*pport base. 7s*ally containin a battery of artillery.
FSB/PB: %ire S*pport Base ? +atrol Base.
FSB St. Barbara: XT 272683. 17 Km north of Tay Ninh at Bau Co.
FSB Buell: XT 213532. 3 Km NW of Tay Ninh on Route 4.
FSB Buell II: XT 227568.
FSB Carol: XT 334357.
FSB Chamberlain: XT 554984.
FSB Crook: XT 055595.
FSB Dees: XT 554227.
FSB Devins: XT 548180.
FSB/PB Diane: XT 424166.
FSB/PB Dragon: XT 638284.
FSB/PB Gertrude: XT 524144.
FSB 1ackson: XT 425168.
FSB 1anet: XT 703207.
FSB 1oyce: XT 383262.
FSB Mahone: XT 538375. Near Thanh An.
FSB Mahone II: XT 521419.
FSB Martha: XT 452266.
FSB Nickel: XT 565045.
FSB Patton: XT 582155.
FSB Pike II: XS 702910. 6 Km south of Vinh Loc.
FSB Rawlins: XT 301502. 6 Km east of Tay Ninh.
FSB/PB Sandra: 1ust west of Trang Bang.
FSB Schofield: XT 407440.
FSB Stuart: XT 499198.
FSB Washington: XT 146568.
Fish Hook: (rea of the Cambodian border.
Frontier City: XT 202292. +atrol Base north$est of Lo 2a* &a.
HEAT ammunition: &ih -4plosi)e (nti.5an/ amm*nition.
Kill Zone: (rea in front of an amb*sh that the ma4im*m fire po$er is directed at.
Kit Carson Scout: ( Chie* &oi $ho $or/s $ith and *ides friendly forces.
LAW: Light anti-tank weapon. Disposable anti-tank rocket of US manufacture.
LD: #ine of depart*re.
LFT: Armed Helicopter Light Fire Team.
LOC: #ine of Comm*nication.
LP: #istenin +ost. @ne or t$o men sent for$ard of the *nitHs perimeter to $arn of any enemy
MSR: Main s*pply ro*te.
NLT: 3ot later than.
OP: @*t +ost. @bser)ation +ost. Similar to an #+.
OPCON: @perational Control.
Organic Weapons: 1eapons that are normally carried and *sed by a *nit.
Parrot`s Beak: +ortion of the Cambodian Border.
PB: +atrol Base.
PB Bragg: XT 343580.
PB Diamond: XT 337187.
PB Houston: XT 440068.
PB Hunsley: XT 595270.
PB Lorence: XT 551218.
PB Rittgers: XT 354145.
PB Rock Crusher: XT 270564.
Plain of Reeds: XT 355900.
Razorbacks: &illy area north of 2a*5ien.
Renegade Woods: XT 2828 -2832.
RIF Operation: ,econnaissance in force operation.
RP: ,ende')o*s +oint.
RPG-2: ,oc/et anti.tan/ renade la*ncher. ,+L is from the ,*ssian:K,ea/ti)niy
+roti)otan/o)yi Lranatomet.K
RPG-7: (n ad)anced )ersion of the ,+L.!.
RTO: ,adio @perator.
SA Fire: Small armHs fire.
S&D Operation: Search and destroy operation.
Snake: ( coil of e4plosi)e chare se)eral meters lon.
Straight Edge Woods: I5 !"A=C; N I5 1>>==>.
Sugar Mill: XT 4704.
TF: 5as/ %orce.
The ~Thumb: XT 5534. (n area of the Boi #oi 1oods.
Trapezoid: 5he 5rape'oid is that 0*nled area so*th of 2a* 5ien and the Michelin ,*bber
+lantation and north of the Iron 5rianle. It is bordered on the $est by the Saion ,i)er and on
the east by the ,ach 5hi 5inh. ,o*te 1A, an *nimpro)ed road r*nnin so*th from 2a* 5ien
parallel to the Saion ,i)er is the principle artery for ro*nd transportation thro*h the area.
Tripped: Refers to the act of detonating a booby-trap or can also refer to an ambush being
activated against a force entering the kill zone.
TVR or LTVR: 5rac/ed )ehicle retrie)er.
VC: Viet Con. Comm*nist soldier.
VCC: Viet Cong confirmed.
VCS: Viet Con S*spect.
XT, XS: Indicates Map Lrid Coordinates.

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