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BOX 3 Vermilion, Illinois 61955

Dear Brothet's and Sisters in Christ,

J. Merbabu 7^ Boyolali, Jateng Indonesia April I9SO

We've started the nevj year vdth a much brighter outlook. The visa problem seems to be over, at least for nowo Several of our group have received letters saying that the "non~renev;able" status of their visas was a mistake and should be disregarded. Their visas have been extended vri.thout any problems or time limitations PoT.Ll We anticipate the same happening for us next June when our visa is up for renewal". Please continue to pray for us, especially beginning llarch 1 when we- -

begin the renewal process (it takes 3 months to complete).

The Christmas celebrations were the best ever. In the past, we've had

problems with several people wanting to do pagan performances as their way of celebrating the Christian holy days. But this year, even though there was pressiire in that direction, the elders held fast and insisted that all the celebrations be Christian in nature, Midaftemoon, Dec. 22, we had a joint worship service

(although legally one church, we normally meet as smaller village groups). At the end of that 3 hour service, we were all served a typical Javanese meal. 5y 6 HI,
it was all over but we were to reassemble for the evening's entertainment, a play which began at 9:30 HI and lasted until 2 M. It's at this point that trouble has arisen in the past. This time, it was a traditional Javanese shadow puppet play but the figures and the story v;ere Biblical instead of the usual Hindu stories with their hideous gods and goddesses. I was expected to take the puppeteer home after ward so I got to enjoy the v/hole thing, Wiile the puppets were being packed av;ay, the performers and I vjere served our third meal for the night - after all, you can't send anyone away hungry, Hal The niglit ended for me at 4:30 Ml, just as the call to prayer was beginning at the mosque.

There were several missionary get-togethers for caroling and fellowship.

in our ovjn language.


usual, when we started singing in English with a large group, a lump came in our throats and tears in our eyes. It feels 50 good vto be able to sing praises to God

Someday, with brothers and sisters from every nation on earth,

we'll sing together in language, to His glory (Rev. 22;20) and it will be totally natural for all'"of us.
We closed the Christmas season Dec. 30 with another worship service, fellow ship meal and a farewell service for the MacLean family. They left for furlough the iid-ddle of January, When they return, thoy will not be working in this area so it was a final farewell for them. It made us realize how close we have grown with the villagers and glad that we aren't yet sajojig goodbye.

Again, that evening, there v/as special entertainment.

speeches were followed by tvro dramas.

Singing, sermons and

The first drama covered only the angel's

visits to liary and Joseph telling of the coming child. They sure read a lot into it. Romace - I'm sure they did love each other and probably said so. Heartbreak ~

hey friend, your fiancee is going to have a baby and y;ou thought she was a nice

girl I SuspencG - can it really be true? Unfathomable "joy ~ the angel came and
ever^'thing is all right. Romance - his love probably did increase for her. The crowd 3.oved it and the performers were convinced that Bible stories will be well reccivod by the community. Javanese drama patterns and music were used and the

perforiTierG (most of vhom are Christians) are sort of semi-professional actors so it

woix't be h-ird for them to come up vdth more plays. con-/ince tiiem that poople really would like it . It just took this one time to

The second drama for the night was not Christian but it was not pagan either,

I'm c'.>:r'^.nceji that it was done just in case the first play was a flop. That's faith. Hac It lasted the rest of the night aiid most of the people went directly from there to their work. By Monday evening, they vjere walking zombies as our futile al -r -'npto at a leadership training meeting proved. But the community had received a positive Christian witness in large doses and that's what counts. For that, we
CG]}tii-iiie to praise the Lord.

Because I've been so long in finishing this, Christmas is as least 3 months

in the past. iJy apologies. We've had a hectic family life since Christmas, Our family gift to Louise was a trip home for one month to attend her sister Nancy's

wedding and to visit with and friends.

with all of you.

Many of you vdll have seen her but

not all since time was short for her. There is only so much that can be done in one month. Lord willing, wc will be here for two more years and then we mil visit Just some last minute nevjs. One more nevj family has been added to the work force here in the Boyolali area. Pliil and Maggie Edwards have just arrived and are settling in. They have about one year of language study to complete but it*s nice to have them with us and to know that in a short time, more villages and souls will be added to the kingdom thru their efforts. They are living in the house

vacated by the Macleans (who are home on furlough).

the village work. P.T.LI

The Smiths have just recently

completed the bulk of their language study and have begun active participation in Next month, 1*11 spend a good part of our newsletter bragging about some of our leaders and students. VJe are great things for them and want you to
get to knov; them so you can pray too.
Yours in Christ,

Ed and Louise Fumas

and girls

... j

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Indonesian Church of Christ Mlsnion Box 3


Vermilion, Illinois


./i^ /7 7
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Vermilion, niiriois

Boyolali, Jateng



August I9S0
Dear co-laborers for Christ,

God says if we ask anything, accoi'ding to His will, He will do it, (I John 5^14)
Several of you had joined in prayer with us that we could do something to help the young people in the church here. Since February, God has been answering that prayer. We've had a Bible study for them with attendance always above 20 ~ usually about


Dennis Free, co~v7orker in Salatiga, helped get those^etings started by teach

ing a 3 night series on Christian marriage and premarital relations.

These young people face the same problems as young people in America - sex, money, marriage, smoking, parents, jobs, etc. - it just has different cultural twists to it. Parents tend to ignore their children rather than disciplining them. They

(the parents) still arrange their IcLds"* marriages but the kids no longer v/ant that.
So, what do you do? You can run away, or submit and hate it or you can rebel and become a social outcast. Does Christ speak to their needs? Does He have a "v/ay

out" for them?


That's what we are studying God's word to find out.

I'd lilce your responses.

What do ^u

Wiat advice would you give them?


Louise has been teaching a programmed teacher training course weekly since late March, and will finish about the end of August. She started with three women, but half-way through, Bu (Mrs) Rebi and Sugiatmi quit because of personal problems.

Bu Rebi began a class for 8 prima^ students in her village, and it was exciting
for Louise to assist her in teaching them hoxf to read, as well as giving Bible lessons. But maidtal problems vdth her non-Christian husband caused her to disband -the class and quit-attending teacher trainings Please pray that Jher husband will
become a Christian.

That left Bu Sumirah, who's been a Christian 2j- years.

Her quiet testimony

and faithful prayers helped xdji her-husband to Jesus this past Easter Sunday. She's conscientious about teaching her own three children, and wants to begin a Bible class for several 10-12 year olds in her neighborhood soon. Learning to v/rite out a simple lesson plan including purpose, student and teacher activities, and questions to evaluate both Bible knowledge and life application has scared her off a bit. But we're going slow, praying, and emphasizing the need for careful preparation for and evaluation of such an important task.
Women spend as much as 1-2 hours each morning v/alking to and from the river or nearest well to get their v/ater for cooking and drinking. Then they spend another 2 hours hunting grass and leaves for their goats and covjs. Back home, they prepare moals and take care of the ld.ds. Come early evening, they repeat the morning routine, Since their lives are extremely difficult, we're thankful that some are able and vailing to study,

iU.1 the women are concerned that their children get Christian teaching on their levels. The public school has mandatory religion classes but they teach the Islamic religion. The kids need strong Christian input to counter tliis but up until now, there has been no one available or willing to teach them. Pray that God will con

tinue to work in and through Rebi, Sumirah, and Srisulasni (a neuer student).

Again this year, visa renewal has been and continues to be very uncertain. Even though our permits ran out June 4 we still have no word as to renewal. Last

year a large nximber of missionaries (ourselves included) received "final" extensions.

The government changed their minds about that and we were all told v/e could renew. Novj there are new requirements but no one seems to Imow just what they are. According to the "grapevine" more nev; rules are in store. We have done all we can to comply. The rest is up to the Lord, Thank you for the many prayers vtoch are
keeping missionaries here.


Ilay 30, Louise v?as driving home from a vjomen's retreat. She had Joyce Smith and IJaggio Sdv/ards vdth her^ .As she v/as passing a truck; she lost control of the
W. due to the rain and oil slide road and hit head-on with another van Ho one

was hurt and damage vjasn't'too bads

It almost doesn^t bear mentioning excp^tj

vdthin a few days v;e got word from several groups that they had been liaving prayers for safety for different ones of the 3 families on that day, God heard those prayers and protected not only the 3 ^dves but also the people in the other van. Prayer IS powerful. We reaffirm our belief that there is no' such thing as luck or coincidence. "Ue IGJOH that all things work together for good to them that love God" and we v/ant you to Icnovj it too.

lie*re really excited vdth the results of recent meetings between the national church leaders and the missionaries,. The pur^xisc has been to jointly work out some
long range plans for church grovrt-h, evangelism and nei^ church plantings Some very

basic decisions vjore made not at all the complex plan v;e missionaries worked out on our ovm. There has been a realization of vihat one person c'^ cb. As a result a

program of evangelism is beginning on the "each one idn one" concept, on Sundays,
minister to one another more effectively.

Sach church

vdll divide into smaller prayer/share groups during the v;eek and vdll come together
In this way- they will increase their impact on the community and

Sverj'' month.; the 2l3t has been set aside as a day of prayer and fasting, asldng
God for grovrth
Spirit , .

more v7orkcrs= You folk share so much in the ministry hcrC; v/e
are great tilings accomplished.

viant to invite you to share in these petition days cach month. The victory vdll be

vjon on our knees, God said; "Hotby (man's) might nor by (man's) power- but by

Pak Pomo, and Pak Uirono; arc studjdng and malcLng the changes necessary so that they

A present need is a mature; qualified Iqadership, Three men? Pak (llr) Gito,

3:l--7 and Titus 1:5-9; their ir.imodlato reaction was, "we can never do^it-'. To help them see that it isn't imoossible; wo made a chart listing the qualifications (19 of them) and then as a group, v:e discussed just v;hore each man v/as; according to
the Word Each man had 3

can s6t)n become ciders.

In reading through the c[ualifications listed in I Timothy

l+'^roB-s v;hcre he needed improyementp Loolcing^at it that wayj they were convinced that they could do it. It would tal^e some time, study and grovrbh; but it isn't impossible. They vdll be qualified. Praise the Lord! raises them up-, they too vdll need- to ,comc under the scarcliliglit of God's 'Jord ana bring their lives into agreement vdth God's loving plan for them,, Pray for

Others need to be trained to bccome deacons, teachers and evangelists.

As God





lou have been aslcmg for a long time vjhat project you could do for the people hero. Here's a simple but terrifically helpful project that you all can do. Send

AirZTHiriG, hjuji in food value, Ue'll keep you posted on vjhich ones do the best in
this soil anTl climate.
letter of course).
Yours in Christ,

a package of vegetable seeds any varietj'" of carrots; beetsj tomatoes; corn,

clearing, themo Just send us one or tvio packs at a time in tui envelope (vdth a

Please^ do not send a big package. It's too much hassle

Ed and Louise Fumas

and -girls
Indonesian Church of Christ liission

Vermilion, Illinois


r; -






Box 3
Vermilion, Illinois

Jlo i'lerbabu 7^
Boyolali, Jateng

61955 Dear Brpthers and Sisters in Christ,


December 19^0

May God's richest blessings, His peace and His joy be yours this coming year,
that that means


said that His reason for coming,was (and is) "that they might have life, and that they might have it more ABUI^ANTLY." (John 10;10), The politicians want us to think
Christ said, "Take heed, and beware of covetousness:

for a man's life "conHsteth not in the abundance of the things which he possessoth" (Luke 12:15), My your desire for the abund^int life be that of Paul's who could say,
even after the loss of all things, that his desire was "that I may knovi Him and the

power of His resurrection,0,0"(Phil. 3;10),

In our last nevjsletter, v/e mentioned that three men, Pak Gito, Pak Pomo and Pc-.k Uirono were studying and making the needed changes that irauld scripturally qualify them to bo elders. On Sept, 21, tvjo of the men vjerc ordained, Pak Gito VJas tempo
rarily working in Jakarta and so vrac not ordcnined-until Oct. 19. We praise the

Lord for these three men and ack your prayers for them. prayer at this time of "beginning" servico,

They oopecially need

IJithin a few days after the first ordination, one of the Christian men decided to remarry a former i^dfe vjhom ho had divorcod 15 years earlier. That v/ould normally bo acceptablo except that in tliis case, Pak Toyo already had a vjife - he is adding one more! Satcn had present3d our ciders with their first real test of faith and ho chose the biggest problem possible, I'Jhen Pak Gito was ordained, the problem was full blown and the talk of the whole village. They resolved to try to settle it on

Oct. 21i

(Si^ific^t isn't it?

The 21st of every month is our day of fasta^fT

They taclded their first and biggest

The first olders were ordained on the 21st,

problem on the 21st,

He vjin battles in Christ's strength ~ not ours,)

Pak Toyo is a very eloquent speaker ( highly valued and honored thing here) so when the elders met vath him, he was frankly able to talk circles around them, Scorc one for Satan, The elders didn't want to go back again. Score tvjo. Their choice v:as to forgot that open sore and talk about their building' program, I told thorn that if this happened once vdthout thom taking action, it would be sure to happen again. Little did I know hovj prophetic that statement v/as, ThrOO days later (Oct. 30), another of our Christians was found to be committing
adultery. The eldors realized, vdth this second situation, that the very life of the church was in danger. They immediately took r.ction to try to save the marriage
and to discipline the Christian involved.

In our regular Monday night elders meeting (Mov, 3) there v;as a lot of discussion
of these two sin problems plus their om responsibilities. Then vie spent at least an hour in prayer. That meeting ended vdth a firm resolve on their parts to deal with these problems in a scriptural manner - no matter what the results might bring for them. Their trial by fire is not yet over but a lot of the stubble has been burned off, "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that pericheth, though it be tried vdth fire, might be found unto praise.and honour

and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ," (I Pet. 1:7)

At this vnriting, Pak Toyo has vdthdrawn from the church (after having been

delivered into the hands of satcji according to I Cor, 5:).

The elders have "vdth-

di'awn" the Lord's blessings from him and notified the local government that he is no longer a Christian. This doesn't solve the problem though so wo must co>ntinue to work thru his wife, who is still a Christian, in hopes that repentance vdll still
take place,

We had been allowing this mess (plus a fev; other problems) to get us discouraged
and depressed. The thouglit that vio v/ere just wasting our time and that the people vjould never change went thru our heads often. Lies like that ond negative thinlctng in general come from Satan. IJe've been learning to deal with those lies by telling ourselves the truth - God's truth from His Word, Tliis has made for a real victory over depression and discouragement.

Another victors'- and proof of hov; much Go*d takes carc of us has beon our visa situation. Both before and after our papers wer^Jin for renewal,- they have asked for copies of diplomas - preferring an H.A, (which I don't have), Sut praise the Lord,
no such request was made of us. lie vjere granted another renewal that is good until June 4, 1931 ct v/hich time we'll go thru this all again. Wo are planning to return to the U,S.A, in June 19S2. We vjould like to speak to all of our supporting churches before Dec, 1982 if possible. ..So if your church is working on its* 19S2 schedule, please include us sometime in that 6 month i^eriod.

Stopl We've had a terrific response and appreciate your "seedy" gifts. Ha. We have more than enough seed now to supply our folk in several areas with a test run. Next season,- if certain types have done v/ell, we'll make more specific requests We'll bo sending a post card to you folks v;ho sent seeds, letting you Iciovj that we've received them and telling to vjhom they v;erc given. Again, our thanks to all of you.
For several months now, \ro ndssionaries have been getting together once a vjeek to study tj become better disciples and disciplerso I must admtj there wore a lot of concepts that I had never thought about cxid majiy others that I needed to have refreshed in my mind. We also pray for each other asldng that the Lord would give
us men and women to disciple. As a dircct result of that, I have begun to disciple . 9 people - 3 each evening, Monday thru Wednesday, The purpose of discipleship training is to help the Christian develop a strong prayer life, regular Bible study rJid obedience to the Word, a grovjing faith, a

deeper understanding of "Fellovjship" in the church and an effective life (as opposed to methods) of personal evangelism. In 6 months time they vail have received all cf the basics of the life of the
disciple. Hov/ever, they will or should continue doing these things for the rest of their lives. More than that, they vail be expected to pass it all on to each person that they lead to tho Lord.

Nov. 17, cur kids finally began school. Due to some confusion, their books were late in coming, but having looked over the ruaterial, we feel it v;as well vrarth vjaiting for. Ue are using a curriculum called A3ILICA and are considered as a satellite of the-Kingsway Christian School, Kingsvjay Ghristian Cuureh, Indiciiapolis, Indiana. Ue really appreciate their cooperation and ad-vdce. We're also indebted to the folk of Christian 1-Iissionary Fellovjship for handling the finances ajid rna.iling. We're loolcing fon'rard to a reallj^ good school year ~ complete with our owi special school


There vdll be 10 students for most of this year (4 grades). There is lots

of homev/ork but the IcLds obviously like tho mterials and school in generaJL.

God Bless all of youi

Yours in Christ,

Ed and Louise Fumas

and girls

Indonesian Church of Christ Mission

Box 3

Vermilion, Illinois

619 55



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