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October-December 2013

On The Road To Kondoa

We have been simply amazed by Gods providential plans for Kondoa . It seems that at every turn, he has arranged divine encounters with just the right individuals to advance his work in our region. People, events and circumstances are coming together to prove that when we place our trust and faith in God, he will accomplish his kingdom purposes in his perfect kairos time. During our recent trip to the US we were able to visit several churches in partnership with the ministry in Kondoa. Among them was Christ Community Church. What a joy to finally meet our North Carolina brothers and sisters in the Lord and to hear firsthand how the Holy Spirit is inspiring them to join in prayer on behalf of the Kondoans. We are hopeful that future short-term mission trips to Tanzania will build even stronger relationships between the Christians of our two nations. Already a number of exciting initiatives have been launched to empower our work:

Fundraising efforts to purchase new treadle sewing machines that will make it possible for women to provide an income for their families and churches. Hands-on instruction is currently being offered in conjunction with literacy classes. Each woman who takes a machine home will repay its cost from the sales of handmade items. This money will then be used to purchase additional machines for the next class.

Donations to buy bags of maize for those suffering during the current famine. A partnership proposal to team with Samaritans Purse in building a much needed outpatient clinic in one of the most remote areas.

Please join us in praying that this will be approved so that ground can be broken in 2014.

News and Notes

Lilian and I had the privilege of addressing the counc il of Continuing Indaba while in the UK recently. Indaba is a Zulu word used to refer to the meeting of indigenous people of Africa for the purpose of discussing issues of great importance. The focus of this years gathering was finding ways to develop a nd intensify deeper relationships in mission by drawing on cultural models of consensus building for mutual creative action. The following is taken from the councils November 5 report:

Tanzanian bishop tells UK politicians that love is the only way by CI admin
Love is the only way was the repeated message of Bishop Given Gaula, Bishop of Kondoa in Tanzania,to a meeting at the UK House of Commons of the Tanzania All Party Parliamentary GroupBishop Gaula and his wife Revd Lilian Gaula were addressing the concern of the group for community cohesion in Tanzania in the context of increased tensions between Muslims and Christians. Bishop Gaula stressed the history of religious tolerance in the secular society of Tanzania. The nation has flourished because of its diversity with all being able to be open about their religion and to speak with their neighbours without fear. The diocese of Kondoa is situated in a predominantly Muslim area in the centre of Tanzania where Christians are in a tiny minority. The area was passed over by missionaries and does not benefit from the school system or health facilities that accompanied Christian mission. Tensions have been heightened by the bombing of a Catholic Church in Arusha in April and by isolated incidents in Zanzibar attributed to fundamentalists. Bishop Given cautioned the politicians against labeling such atrocities as being religiously motivated, but called for the British government to treat them for what they wereacts of murder of one human being by another.

Lilian, one of only 25 female Anglican priests in all of Tanzania, shared the work she is doing with the Mothers Union to counter the practices of Female Genital Mutilation. Although such abuse is illegal under Tanzanian law, it continues to take place since many believe that uncircumcised girls will not be able to conceive and will turn to prostitution. The Mothers Union plays a vital role in countering this debilitating ritual in the rural areas of Africa. The need for targeted education is crucial. We concluded our discussions with the priority of building relationships, valuing diversity and enabling honest conversation as a way to grow a healthy community. We also were able to participate in the Partnership for World Mission Conference in the UK as keynote speakers. Lilian shared how the women of the diocese are engaged in peace-building and social justice work among Muslim women. We feel strongly that womens initiatives are one of the best mission approaches because they make multi-faith, cross-cultural friendships possible to create a community of cooperation and peace.

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