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Prova Oral

PB DE INGLS (tarde)

Mdia da PB


UNIDADE:_________________ PROFESSOR: ________________________ 3 BIMESTRE/2011 ALUNO(A): _______________________________________________________ N __________ TURMA: _____________ 6 Ano Ensino Fundamental DATA: ____/_____/_____
I - Orientaes: Preencha o cabealho de todas as pginas de sua prova. Verifique se o nmero de questes e a paginao esto corretos. II - Ateno: O aluno no poder estar portando, durante a prova, aparelho celular, bip ou outros objetos eletrnicos. Esses devero estar guardados, desligados, dentro das mochilas ou bolsas. Se o espao fsico permitir, todo o material escolar dever ser colocado perto do quadro-negro. Caso isso no seja possvel, ser colocado embaixo da carteira. A prova deve ser feita com caneta esferogrfica azul ou preta. No ser aceito rasura nas questes objetivas. A quadrcula do canto inferior direito para uso do professor e, no interior dela, sero colocados os pontos relativos aos acertos da pgina. No utilize qualquer corretivo e mquina de calcular. No pea material emprestado durante a prova. Ao escrever, observe se sua letra est legvel. Faa a prova com calma, pensando bem antes de responder s questes. Boa Prova!

2. Complete the chart with the words from the box: (2 each.Total 10)

Handsome Funny

Tall Crazy

Sister Father


_____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

3. Write sentences about Sarahs family. Use HAS or HAVE. Follow the example. (5 each.Total 20) EX: Sarah /three children. Sarah has three children. a) Carlos/four sisters.

1. Read the text below and answer the questions: (2,5 each. Total 10) b) Sarah, Carlos, and Jane / one cousin. My name is Claudia and Im eleven. Im a student at Kent School. My favorite subjects are Arts and History. Im a very friendly girl, and Im funny, too. I have many friends there, but my best friend is Samuel. Hes twelve and he is handsome and tall. Samuel is very smart, too. a) Is Claudia funny?

c) Laura/ one brother.

d) They/ Spanish classes.

b) Who is Claudias best friend?

4. Write the numbers. a) 40:____________________. b) 60:____________________. c) 25:____________________. d) 31:____________________. e) 28:____________________.

(2 each.Total 10)

c) How old is Samuel?

d) What are Claudias favorite subjects?



6 Ano - Tarde - Ensino Fundamental -

3 BIMESTRE / 2011

ALUNO(A):____________________________________________ TURMA:_____________
5. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences: (2 each.Total 10) a) (Theyre / Their ) school is very nice. b) We miss John, but ( our / were) happy for him. c) ( Theyre / Our) soccer team is great this year. d) (Their / Were ) last name is Robbins. e) (Theyre / Their) from Brazil. _________________ 6. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with: Theres/ There are / There are no: (2,5 each. Total 10) 9. What time is it: Write:

(2,5 each. Total 10)


a) ____________a dog under the table. b) ___________cats in the box. c) ____________a clock on the wall. d) ___________books on the table.


7. Complete the paragraph with AT or ON. (2 each.Total 10) My school Schedule is crazy! I have English ____8:00____Mondays and Fridays. I have History ____9:30 every day. History is easy. I have science and physical education _____ Tuesdays, but science is _____ 10:00 and physical education is later. 8. Check (X) the word that is different. (2.5each.Total 10) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Tall ) Short ) ball ) Pretty ) Crazy ) Uncle )Friendly ) Shy ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Aunt ) Sister ) wastebasket ) Cousin ) Ball ) Printer ) Screen ) Board ___________________


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