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$%rans&a%e' fro# %(e Ger#an ori)ina&*

Ra+ia& (is%ory. The Mongolid type may have emerged in Central Asia, perhaps as an adaption against the cold climate of Siberia or the Central Asian highlands. From there the Mongolid elements spread out into all geographical directions, especially East- and South East Asia. The Neolithic s ulls from East- and South East Asia do not sho! fully e"pressed Mongolid traits. The fossil of #uanglong from China has more similarities !ith European $esolithic people than !ith the Chinese people of today. Although scientists from the Far East tend to see Mongolid tendencies %&roto$ongolids' in some findings %(pper cave in )hou ouian, *iu+iang, )iyang, $inatog!a'. A more verified indication of Mongolid facial flatness provides a s ull fragment from the late Neolithic, near ,enisse+-Siberia %Afontova .ora'. Additionally, Neolithic !ood carvings from near the *a e /ai al sho! Mongolid facial features. From the same area and Northern China Mongolid s ulls are proven to e"ist since Neolithic times. Contrary to that, 0est Siberia !as still inhabited by Europids during the Neolithic and the /ron1e Age. ,ust starting !ith the 2ron Age the Mongolid e"pansion into 0est Siberia and 0est Tur estan begins. Earlier than that, the e"pansion to!ards South and South East might have happened3 Although in ,apan the carrier of the $esolithic-early Neolithic ,omon civili1ation !ere mainly immigrants from the late &leistocene %at most3 &roto-Mongolids' !ho arrived from the mainland over a Northern and Southern land bridge, under the representatives of the late Neolithic 4 /ron1e Age 5ayoi civili1ation, !hich emerged under Chinese influence, clear $ongolid phenotypes can be found. 2n the 2ndochina &eninsula and 2ndonesia by no later than the Neolithic the first distinct Mongolids appear. 2n addition to that, in the area a continuous line from the late &leistocene findings to today6s remaining Australomelanesid populations may e"ist. - Since the emergence of the %in the beginning still Neolithic 4 7.888/C 4 later 4 988CE 4 /ron1e Age' Chinese culture %!hich !as probably influenced by high civili1ations from the $iddle East, f.e. rice cultivation' the Mongolids have made a strong rise in numbers in China. Ra+es of %o'ay. As the core race of the $ongolids one has to regard the Tungids. Starting from there area of distribution the $ongolid trait comple" decreased !hen going North and especially !hen going South. The Southern gradations contain, as the $ongolid racial belt, the North-Sinids, to the $iddleand South-Sinids, and to the &alaungids and Nesid sub-races of the &aleo-$ongolid race. 0ith the North-Sinids a tall and lean incarnation of the $ongolids e"ists: starting from them - paralleling the $ongolid trait comple" - height decreases and the gracilication, brachycephali1ation and s in pigmentation increases. The &aleo-$ongolids sho! similarities to the 0eddids and may have 4 li e those 4 their roots in an ancient Australomelansid substrate, or respectively be a 0eddid-$ongolid contact race. - 2n Northern Asia there are the Sibirids, a Europid-Mongolid contact race, !hich has been split into t!o parts by a follo!ing ;!edge< of the Tungids: a 0estern and an Eastern !ing. =n

the Chu chi &eninsular the later blend into the Eskimids. Especially problematic is the East Asian variety %a special type' of the Ainuids. They might be relics of the pre-Mongolid native population %or respectively of the carriers of the ,omon civili1ation', !hat might be indicated by their Cromagnoid s ull shape. $orphologically they differ remar ably from their surroundings, less so !hen it comes to &TC and blood groups. A robust manifestation of the physiognomy, strong hairiness and some blood traits %more N than $, lo! on &.$>?9' point to!ards an association !ith the Australomelanesid racial circle. Contrary to that, the patterns of the finger pulps and pigmentation let them appear as an distant off-shot of the Europids. 0et ear !a" and the end panel fre@uencies of the d-line are, in opposition to the Mongolids, shared !ith Europids and AustraloMelanesids. 2n South East Asian there is another variety, the Negritids. They are a small and far-scattered ;!ith dra!l population<, !hich is strongly contrasted to their surroundings by e"treme d!arfism %comparable to &ygmies' and dar s in. 2n many other traits the various groups are also different from each other !hich means that they may be seen as isolated splinters of an ancient substrate, separated a long time ago. Apparently there is no connection !ith the child-li e proportioned &ygmies of Africa (Bambutids), !hich is not only supported by their blood and finger pad traits but also their normal adult-li e %body' proportions. $ost li ely they can be lin ed to the Australomelanesid racial group. &ointing to that is the lo! number of arches %on the finger pulps', lo! occurrence of / and some other traits of several subgroups %high number of !horls on the fingerprints !hen it comes to the Semangids and Aetids: very much A> and Cde and lo! &TC at the Andamanids.' TUNGIDS. $edium stature, stoc y, short limbs: brachycephalic, lo! and receding forehead, round face !ith broad, ahead-pressing chee bones and lo! on facial profile %;flat-faced<': very narro! eyelids-eyeballs area and rising laterally, not receding compared to the orbital margin, very strong epicanthus %ENTEA A//2*B(N. C>a': medium-broad and hardly prominent nose !ith a broad and flat root: moderately full lips: tense head hair, lo! on hair %beard and body': light-yello!-bro!n-ish s in. Dis%rib!%ion: $ongolia %$ongols' and the northerly attached Central Siberia, Central North Siberia, northern Tur estan %Dalmy s'. SINIDS. $edium stature, lean, moderately short limbs: mesocephalic, moderately sloping forehead, long-ish face !ith moderate facial flatness: narro! eyelids-eyeballs area and moderately rising laterally, not receding compared to the orbital margin, epicanthus: medium-broad to narro! nose: thin lips: tense head hair, lo! on hair %beard and body': light-yello!-bro!n-ish s in. S!b,ra+es an' 'is%rib!%ion: North- %Northern China, $anchuria', Middle- %$iddle China, Southern East Tur estan, Tibet' and South-Sinids %South-East-China', decreasing height from the North to the South %North-Sinids medium to tall, South-Sinid medium to short', decreasing length of face, prominence of typical Mongolid traits and increase of nose breadth, thic ness of the lips and s in pigmentation.

PALEO,MONGOLIDS. *o! stature, usually gracile: meso- to brachycephalic, often steep, curved forehead !ith broad but only moderately pronounced chee bones: usually only moderate manifestation of the epicanthus, eyelids-eyeballs area usually obli@ue but often not narro!: medium-broad to broad nose: moderately full or full lips: often receding chin: moderately tense, smooth and !avy head hair, moderate hair %beard and body', light- or medium-bro!n s in !ith slight yello! tone. S!b,ra+es: Palaungids3 moderately gracile to stoc y: moderately lo! face: medium-broad nose: medium-full lips: moderately tense or smooth head hair: light- or medium-bro!n s in !ith a yello! tone. distribution3 South 0est China, 2ndochina &eninsula %!ithout $alacca', ,apan. Nesids %$alaysian sub-race'3 paedomorphic bearing-habitus %roundish-gracile, lo! face, broad nose !ith often concave bac profile, full lips': smooth or !avy head hair: ;velveteen<, medium-bro!n s in !ith a slightly yello! tone. Bistribution3 $alay Archipelago %including &hilippines', $alacca, migrations up to $adagascar %#ova'. SI-IRIDS. *o! stature: stoc y, moderately short limbs: mesocephalic, s@uare face !ith broadly protruding chee bones, but no pronounced facial flatness: often +ust hints of narro!, obli@ue eyelids eyeball area, often no epicanthus: medium-broad, usually prominent %often almost hoo y' nose: lips usually narro!, smooth head hair: moderate beard and body hair: lightbro!n-ish s in !ith reddishyello!ish tone: eye and hair color often some!hat brighter. Dis%rib!%ion: Tundra of 0estern and Eastern Siberia. S!b,ra+es: East-Sibirid !ith stronger similarities to the Eskimids, Northern 2ndianids and Ainuids: in the Eastern cusp of Asia %beyond the >E8th degree of longitude'. West-Sibirids3 !ith more strongly e"pressed Europid traits: living in North 0estern Siberia. AINUIDS. *o! stature, stoc y: meso- to dolichocephal, sloping forehead !ith mar ed upper eye region: broad, narro!, strong-in-facial-profile face: narro!-lying eye region: broad nose !ith strongly dra!n-in root and blunt pea : moderately full lips: strong +a!, often !ith some prognathy: !avy or curly, long head hair of medium- to blac -bro!n color, often getting grey early: beard and body hair very strong: medium-bro!n eyes: light %sometimes even rosy-tinted' s in: in some blood traits a special position in East Asia %as mentioned: additionally3 relatively much cdE, very lo! on #p?>'. =ccasional tendency to!ards facial flatness !ith narro! and obli@ue eye region may come from Mongolid admi"ture. Dis%rib!%ion: the Ainu tribe %Aino' on #o aido-Northern ,apan, Southern Sa halin and the Duril 2slands. NEGRITIDS. Fery lo! stature %$en about >E8cm-G6>>66 on average or slightly lo!er', lean, !omen often !ith steatopygy %compare &ict. ': brachy- or mesocephal, steep forehead, broad-oval face: medium-broad or broad nose: slight prognathy, often !ith receding chin: moderately full or full lips: blac curly hair: dar -bro!n s in %Finger print distribution and blood traits already mentioned'. Dis%rib!%ion: Negrito tribes are scattered throughout the 2ndochina &eninsula and the $alay Archipelago: basically three sub-races3 Andamanide3 on the Andamans %especially the =nge on *ittle Andaman' !ith brachycephalicy and a tendency to!ards Europid traits: Semangide on $alacca %Semang' !ith mesocephalicy: broad noses: thic lips and relatively robust features, Aetids on the

&hilippines %Aeta' !ith brachycephalicy, broad noses: thic lips and a tendency to!ards PaleoMongolid traits. ADDITIONAL PICTURE MATERIAL:





VI. NEGRITO FROM ANDAMAN (after . E!"#$te%t& '()*)




GEOGRAPHICAL DIFFERENTIATION OF HUMANITY: THE FAR EAST AND NORTH ASIA is a translation of an !" r#t fro$ t% &oo' ( r)l i"% n* +iolo)i * s M ns"% n , L %r&-"% * r Ant%ro#olo)i -n* H-$an) n ti' ./0 A-fla) 1 23345 G-sta6 Fis"% r ( rla)7 fro$ Prof ssor Dr0 Rain r 8n-9$ann .Instit-t f:r H-$an&iolo)i ; Uni6 rsit<t Ha$&-r)70 T%is translation tri * to ' # as "los to t% ori)inal as #ossi&l = T%is translation is t% >or' of an in*i6i*-al an* in no >a? asso"iat * >it% Dr0 8n-ss$ann1 t% Uni6 rsit<t Ha$&-r) or t% G-sta6 Fis"% r ( rla)= An? "o$$ r"ial -s for&i** n1 all ri)%ts still & lon) to t% ori)inal o>n rs=

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