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Introductory practice: distillation, compiled by Kovcs, Andrs Note: in this practical guidance students are asked questions (Q),

by answering they contribute to understanding the basis and the technique. This cannot be considered a course material, but rather a note. Literature references have been omitted. Objective of the test to familiarize with the operation of distillation, to learn how to construct distillation curves and to assess the characteristics of fractions Engler distillation, Significance and Use, !he basic test method of determinin" the boilin" ran"e of a petroleum product b# per formin" a simple batch distillation has been in use as lon" as the petroleum industr# has e$isted %t is one of the oldest test methods under the jurisdiction of A&!' (ommittee )*+, datin" from the time when it was still referred to as the ,n"ler distillation &ince the test method has been in use for such an e$tended period, a tremendous number of historical data bases e$ist for estimatin" end-use sensitivit# on products and processes !he distillation (volatilit#) characteristics of h#drocarbons have an important effect on their safet# and performance, especiall# in the case of fuels and solvents !he boilin" ran"e "ives information on the composition, the properties, and the behavior of the fuel durin" stora"e and use .olatilit# is the major determinant of the tendenc# of a h#drocarbon mi$ture to produce potentiall# e$plosive vapors !he distillation characteristics are criticall# important for both automotive and aviation "asolines, affectin" startin", warm-up, and tendenc# to vapor loc/ at hi"h operatin" temperature or at hi"h altitude, or both !he presence of hi"h boilin" point components in these and other fuels can si"nificantl# affect the de"ree of formation of solid combustion deposits .olatilit#, as it affects rate of evaporation, is an important factor in the application of man# solvents, particularl# those used in paints )istillation limits are often included in petroleum product specifications, in commercial contract a"reements, process refiner#0control applications, and for compliance to re"ulator# rules Scope !his test method covers the atmospheric distillation of petroleum products usin" a laborator# batch distillation unit to determine 1uantitativel# the boilin" ran"e characteristics of such products . !he test method is desi"ned for the anal#sis of distillate fuels2 it is not applicable to products containin" appreciable 1uantities of residual material etroleum products consists of mi!ture components, do not have a dedicated boiling point, but a range and a distribution of boiling ranges. " distillation curve is a description of the evaporation characteristic. #efore having sophisticated instruments for composition of petroleum products medium boil points and other derived characteristics have been used to characteri$e the crude oil and in planning and controlling crude oil distillation units. This is why we perform distillation of a gasoline and a gasoil sample. %very volatile petroleum product specification prescribes this test for quality control.

%nitial boilin" point: !he temperature, corrected to the standard pressure (3*3 4/5a), of the vapor stream in the standard distillation "ear read in the moment of droppin" the first condensate into the "raduated c#linder 6inal boilin" point: !he temperature, corrected to the standard pressure (3*3 4/5a), of the vapor stream in the standard distillation "ear read in the moment of droppin" the last condensate into the "raduated c#linder, or the temperature at which crac/in" in the flas/ ta/es place reflected b# drop in temperature of the vapor stream 7hen crac/in" ta/es place appreciable amount of li1uid is residin" in the flas/ 8ield: the amount of distillate collected between the initial and final distillation points !his is wh# it is important to measure the feed at condensation temperature 'ean (volumetric) boilin" point: avera"e of temperatures read at evaporation levels of 3*, 4*, 9*, :* and ;*<:

t t3 t5 t7 t9 1 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ 0 o tm ,[C ] V= 5
"ear and apparatus

a) flas/ b) a representative apparatus Operation: select the proper flas/ and thermometer meter the oil to be tested b# the use of a "raduated c#linder at temperature of the condenser Attantion: a few boilin" stones must be added whenever a new boilin" c#cle commences (are must be attributed to avoid enterin" sample into the side tube Assemble the apparatus, open the coolin" watr flow &tart heatin" with care !he first drop must appear within 9-3* min if "asoline, 3*-39 min if diesel fuel constitutes the test material !he rate of evaporation must be about =-9 ml0min Ade1uate heatin" intensities must be set>

%t is to control that the difference between t;* and final boilin" point to be about 4-9, respective 3* min ?pon coolin" to room temperature the apparatus is disassembled, the amount of residual li1uid is measured b# the use of a "raduated c#linder of 3* ml capacit# !he difference between the residue@distilled to 3** ml constitute the loss in distillation (onstruct the distillation curve

&. Taking fractions &'( ml falsk is used in the %ngler distillation apparatus. )(( ml gasoil is distillad to )( ml fractions. *easure and record specific gravities and refractive indices of fractions +onstruct comple! distillation curves with specific gravity and refractive inde! values. #y the use of ,atson diagram estimate the average molecular weight of fractions. Derived data: Cetane index
!he (alculated (etane %nde$ formula represents a means for directl# estimating the A&!' cetane number of distillate fuels from A5% "ravit# and mid-boilin" point !he inde$ value, as computed from the formula, is termed the (alculated (etane %nde$ ((% A -=+* 4= @ * *3B C+@ * 3;+ C lo" ' @ B9 *3 (lo" ')+ - * ***3D*; '+ %n which C A A5% )e"rees E B* o6 ' A )DB !emperature E 9*< volume, in o6 %n ,F standards more than a sin"le distillation mean value is used to calculate the (%
CI=45,2+0,0892T10N+(0,131+0,901B)T50N+(0,0523 - 0,42B) T90N+0,00049(T210N-T210N)+107B+60B2 where T10N = T10 - 215; T10: 10 % (WV) !"#!$$%#!&' re(&)er* #e+,er%#-re, .C T50N = T50 - 260; T50: 50 % (WV) !"#!$$%#!&' re(&)er* #e+,er%#-re, .C T90N = T90 - 310; T90: 90 % (WV) !"#!$$%#!&' re(&)er* #e+,er%#-re, .C

B = e0.0035DN 1

/N = / - 850; / !" #he e'"!#* %# 15.C, 012+3

,rite a report and a conculsions of the test.

*-r-si .egy$/k0nyv ). des$till1ci23 *-r-s megneve$-se, 4egy$/k0nyvet k-s$5tette



4ellem$/ *inta .ele 6es$till1ci2 8e$d/ forr1spont, 9+ T)(, 9+ T&(, 9+ T:(, 9+ T;(, 9+ T'(, 9+ T<(, 9+ T=(, 9+ T>(, 9+ T?(, 9+ T&' 9+ vfp 9+ @o$am, ml *arad-k, ml Aes$tes-g, ml

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CDrDs-g, gEcm:

20 nD

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:. g0rb-k ;. ki-rt-kel-s

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