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a Production of

Precept Ministries International

P.O. Box 182218, Chattanooga, TN 37422-7218 1-888-734-7707/ The following is an actual transcript of the PRECEPTS FOR LIFE Broadcast. For the purpose of filling transcript requests quickly, they have received only light editing. If you have questions concerning the material covered in this broadcast, Kay has published a number of books explaining the Scripture in depth. These books may be ordered by contacting the telephone number or address printed above.

SERIES: Isaiah, Part 2 (Comfort For His People) TITLE: Program 12 Worthy Of Our Worship TUESDAY (6/28/11) OPEN Do you realize that you are what you think? Now Im not talking about the power of positive thinking. But Im saying this: that what you think really shapes who you are. And thats why God tells us to guard our heart, our mind, to keep it with all diligence because out of the mind are the issues of life. (See Proverbs 4:23, KJV) Youve got to know the importance of knowing God. PART ONE We become so much like that which we worship, that which we give value to, that which we bow down to. And this is why what you think about God is so critical. Because what God wants you to do, Beloved, is He wants you to become more and more like Jesus. He wants to restore in you the image of God. But for that to happen youve got to worship God properly. And thats what this program is all about. Its all about teaching you the Word of God, which gives you absolute truth so that you understand who God is. So that


you worship Him as Jesus said, in Spirit and [in] truth. (John 4:23) There are many, many people, because they dont study the Word of God, they have a warped view of Goda misunderstanding of God. And the way that you think, the way that I think, affects the way that we live. I told you, and were looking at Isaiah, but before we go there, I told you about a book that was sent to me, or ended up in my hands. How it got there I really dont know, and its called, Could It Be This Simple? and its by Timothy R. Jennings, M.D., and its a biblical model for the healing of the mind. Now I havent read beyond page 35, but what I have read goes right in line with what I want you to see, with the lesson that God has laid on my heart for us this week. And what were looking at is: What do you believe about God? What do you think about God? Because what you think about God then, in a sense, controls your behavior. Well one of the things that we saw is, that what we think, or what I shared with you from this book, what we think, what we believe, what we admire creates a neural pathway, a neural network in our brain. And what happens is, if we are thinking wrong its going to lead us absolutely into the wrong direction. Now I want you, because Im gonna show you truths about God. These precepts that were going to see about God are so critical for your future. One of the things that he brought outJennings brought out in this book and its something that I have felt for ages, because you look at all the crime in the United States of America. You look at the broken relationships. You look at the violence. You look at the anger. You look at how quick people are to go off the handle. You look at people and theyre doing all sorts of atrocities and you think, Dont they know that theyre going to get punished for this? We hope theyre gonna get punished for that. But this is what they did. He tells in here about a B.S. Centerwell who conducted research that powerfully demonstrates the law of worship or modeling. In other words, what we focus on, what we give weight to, what we bow down to, what we model is what we become. And he published his results in the Journal of the American Medical Association. So I want you to know this is a valid guy. This is not some guy off the wall


thats picked up information from others. And he wanted to see what effect television had on the homicide rate in a country. So he took all the factors and he got them all down and got them very, very clear so that there was no room for error and this is what he found out. After the introduction of TV, homicide rates in the United States increased 93% from 1945 to 1974; after the introduction of TV. During the same period homicide rates increased 92% in Canada. One had gun control; one did not have gun control, but it didnt make any difference. But in South Africa, in which TV did not appear until the 1970s, the homicide rates decreased by 7% from 1945 to 1974. Accordingly, after the introduction of television in 1975 the homicide rate increased 130%. What we focus on, what we admire, what we concentrate on is what we become. Now God knows this. God knows this. God created us. I mean all this science that man has come up with hasnt surprised God at all. Hes laid down the principles. Now were just finding the stats. Its like when you study the Bible from our point, our time in history, we can look back cause we have historical records to say, Oh yes, what God predicted did come to pass. Well now we come to Isaiah chapter 44. In Isaiah chapter 44 he opens that chapter says, But now listen, O Jacob, My servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen. (Isaiah 44:1) Now He wants them to listen. Hes like saying, Hey, listen up. And hes saying, Listen up, because He just told them what Hes gonna do to them. He just told them in Isaiah 43, verse 27, Your first forefather sinned.your spokesmen have transgressed against Me. So I will pollute the princes of the sanctuaryI will consign Jacob to the ban and Israel to revilement. (Isaiah 43:27-28) Now Hes told them, I am going to punish you, but I want you to listen to Me, because I have good news for you. And that good news for them is that He is not going to forsake them. He says, Thus says the LORD, Isaiah 44:2, who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you, Do not fear, O Jacob My servant; andJeshurun whom I have chosen. And then He says, .Im [going to put] water on the dry ground; [and Im going to] pour out My Spirit


on your offspring. (Isaiah 44:2-3) In other words, Im going to have to judge you. Im going to have to deal with you, but although I have to do that, I want you to know I am not going to forsake you. You are My servant. Now Gods word to you today is: Know Me, understand Me. Understand that Im a righteous God. That I have to judge sin. But if you are Mine youre Mine forever. If you are Mine. Did you get it? You are Mine forever. I am not going to forsake you. Now as we look at Isaiah 40 through 66, the second segment of Isaiah theres a whole different tone to the book. And theres a whole different tone to the book because in the first 39 chapters what He has been doing is, He has been explaining to them their sin, explaining to them their rebellion. Showing them how they have despised Him who is the Holy One of Israel because they havent been living holy lives. Oh, theyve been going to the sanctuary. Oh yes, theyve been making their offerings, and at the temple, and theyve been going through all the ritual, but their heart is far from him. So in Isaiah chapter 3; and I want you to see this. I want you to understand it. In Isaiah chapter 3, verse 8 this is what He says, For Jerusalem has stumbledJudah has fallen. In other words, youve gone flat on your face in front of a whole bunch of people, all the other nations. Because their speech and their actions are against the LORD, to rebel against His glorious presence. (Isaiah 3:8) Now what does he mean? Well, over the temple, over Solomons temple, which was up and, and and fully operational during the time of Isaiah, over the holy of holies was the Shekinah glory; was the presence of the Lord in the cloud; in the fire. They lived in the presence of God, and yet what did they do? They turned their back on God. Their speech and their actions were against God. Now stop and think what I told you, because as we think so we are. So the problem with them was their knowledge of God was wrong. They didnt have a true understanding of God. As a matter of fact, He is going to say to them in verse 13 of chapter 5, Therefore My people go into exile [into captivity because of a] lack of knowledge (Isaiah 5:13) Later on, and were going to study it, its in the second portion


of Isaiah, Hes going to say truth has stumbled in the street[s]. (Isaiah 59:14) As a matter of fact, those that walk uprightly make themselves a prey because those that are not walking uprightly hate them because of their righteousness. And were experiencing that right now in the United States of America. I mean the world has a case against Christians and and they really hate us. And they hate us if we say what we believe. They hate us if we say what God says. If we say, Thats a sin. And then they say that were wrong, that were phobic on on whatever, or we are judging people, or we are putting ourselves in a hate crime issue. This is what theyre saying. And so hes saying The expression, going back to Isaiah 3, verse 9, [The expression] on their faces bears witness against them. (Isaiah 3:9) I mean you look at peoples faces today. You look at them carefully. And you can tell a lot about them. They display their sin like Sodom; they do not even conceal it. He says, Woe to them...! ...They have brought evil on themselves. Say to the righteousit will go well with them, for they will eat the fruit of their actions. (Isaiah 3:910) They were not all corrupt. There were some that were righteous. They were righteous because they were doing what God says is right. But there were others, and He says, Woe to them. Well look at it in just a minute after this important announcement. PART TWO When Isaiah begins his second segment of the book he begins with these words, Comfort, O comfort My people. (Isaiah 40:1) He says, [Your sins have been paid for in double]. (PARAPHRASE Isaiah 40:2) And then He tells them what is going to happen to them in the future. Yes, theyre going to go into captivity. Yes, Gods going to take them to the divine woodshed. But God wants them to understand that they have a future, that they have hope. And He tells us that specifically in Jeremiah chapter 29, verse 11 for Israel. [I know the thoughts I have for you. Theyre thoughts for


good and not thoughts of evil; to give you a future and to give you a hope.] (PARAPHRASE Jeremiah 29:11) He wants them to understand His thoughts. He wants them to understand His ways. So as we look at Isaiah chapter 3 in verses 9 and 10 what I want you to see is, I want you to see that even Isaiah 40 through 66 is talking to these people. Some of them are righteous, but others it says, Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him. For what he deserves will be done to him. (Isaiah 3:11) Why? Because what he has done is, he has turned away from the knowledge of God. So what God is going to do God knows that theyre going to go through trials. God knows youre going through trials. God knows that Im going through trials. They will come sooner or later. If you are a child of God you are going to experience them. So there are things that you need to understand so that in that trial you have the proper knowledge of God and the proper knowledge of God keeps you on the right path. And this is what we want to see. So I want us to go back to Isaiah chapter 44. And as we go to Isaiah 44, I want you to see the words that God uses, because theyre so important in understanding that Hes talking to them in their mind. Hes Hes giving them brain food, brain food that can nourish them, brain food that can strengthen them, brain food that can keep them from disease and keep them from disastrous ways. Thats what Hes doing. So in Isaiah chapter 44, after He tells them theyre going into captivity in the first verse He says, But now listen, O Jacob, My servant. (Isaiah 44:1) He says, I want you to listen and I want you to remember this, You are My servant. You see, this is the thing that holds me as I go through these trials or when Im tempted. Its, Im Gods servant. And I am on display as Gods servant, because I am vocal. People know that I belong to God. So the way I live, the way I handle the difficult circumstances in my life either testifies to the grace and the power and the sufficiency of Jesus Christ or it doesnt. So what does your life testify to? So Hes saying, I want you to listen, listen up Jacob, My servant. You come down and He says in verse 8 of chapter 44, Do not trembledo not be afraid; have I not long since announced it


to you and declared it? (Isaiah 44:8) Whatever you go through, when you walk through the waters, [Im going to go with you. Im going to hold you by My hand. Im going to take care of you.] (PARAPHRASE Isaiah 43:2) Now do you believe that or do you not believe that? If you believe it, its going to change the way you walk through the waters. If you dont, youre going to go through the water screaming and yelling and panicking and popping pills or popping alcohol or popping drugs or doing whatever your brain has been trained to do when youre in crisis and you cant handle it. So Hes reforming, Hes restructuring their thinking about Him because theyre off in their thinking. All right, now lets go on and see what He says in Isaiah chapter 44, verse 8 He says, Have I notsince announced it to you and declared it? And you are My witnesses. Listen carefully. Is there any [other] God besides Me? Just tell me. Is there any other God? Is there, as I talked about in our first day this week, is there a rat God? Is there an elephant God? You know? Is there any other god except the one that is in the Old Testament and the New Testament that comprises the Bible? He says, Is there any God besides Me, or is there any other Rock? Anything that you can build your life on and have as a foundation? And He says, I know of none. (Isaiah 44:8) This is God speaking. So Hes reminding them, Listen to Me. Dont be afraid. Dont tremble. Im God. Im the only One. And then you come down to verse 21 and He says, Remember these things, O Jacob. (Isaiah 44:21) Hes saying, Listen. Hes saying, Remember. Why? Because what you think, this is what we started talking about this week, what you think determines the way you behave. It determines how you handle the circumstances of life. So from there we come to verse 24. And what I want you to see is, I want you to see, as we look at verse 24 of Isaiah 44now I talked about it in our last week, but I talked about it in a hurry but I want you to see what God is doing. How He is rewiring their thinking so that it will consequently affect how they behave and how they respond. So watch what He says in verse 24. Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you


from the womb. He says, I, the LORD, am the maker of all things. (Isaiah 44:24) Im going to give you nine truths this week. Nine truths that I want you to write down; this is number one. Number one is: That He is the Maker of all things. He is the Creator, Maker, Creator; theyre one in the same. All right, so He is the Maker, the Creator of all things. Now watch what He does. He says, I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself. (Isaiah 44:24) Im God. I dont need any help. In other words, if Im your God, youve got a God that can that is the Maker of all things, that can stretch out the heavens by Himself ...and spreading out the earth all alone. (Isaiah 44:24) In other words, If youve got Me, youve got everything that you need, because everything that you see on the face of this earthits Me. Ive done it. I formed it. I made it. I fashioned it. I spoke it into existence and I sustain it all. I am the LORD. Now when you look at thisas the LORD that He is the maker of all thingswatch what He shows you in these verses. Watch what He shows you in verse 25. He says, Causing the omens, and this is Isaiah 44, verse 25. Causing the omens of boasters to fail, making fools out of diviners. These people that read tarot cards and read your palm and stuff like that. He says, Making fools out of diviners, causing wise men to draw back and turning their knowledge into foolishness. (Isaiah 44:25) In other words, Because Im the maker, I control the actions and the threats of mankind. So somebodys threatening to curse you. You know all this teaching about Oh, have you come under a curse? and this and that. I think, You dont know the whole counsel of God. You dont know. Youre taking Deuteronomy, but youre not understanding the whole counsel of God and the fact that you are in Christ, and that nobody is able to curse you and have it have an effect, because God is the One that is able to stop that. Do you understand God? Precious One, thats what this is all about.

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